The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 17, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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    mam m&Mhim
drrmnri flcgrapli
- thi wono or a KPiKrt ninii
Amy '',,, 'l'ln' ! """T "''h H to am!
My hoy .ball heboid, not my fief, lint my pridf ; i
Cun I ''"' I'' JOB"K manhood w:tii woin nun. .
WktD Hi tt'g 01 bif country n scorned an I
doik'ii ?
-- I will irm hlnl.n'i l IiIimh him. nnl nd linn
Though my h.-art lit.', w.tta gri.-f when In: p..
from my Muht;
I will bill him noi fuller nor lilm th in tlio frur,
Dnt fight totlieiliatri ItirtheTrutli.ind tli-j lt!,i. .
I nmufb-nrh my hravo lad wiiat it I M lie true
Totho Ki'd anil Ibo W bit.' and tin St irs iu ei '
lijua. i
Til to love the ml'd rule of the Inn 1 f his tn.ti,,
To surcor tlio weak in tlm thrill nf -.I.) r. irrr.
lo honor all manhood, to pIh-h .Ii ' w.,r Ii,
To Turiiier i'uo ;;. I'd hull!') tlm .v,.iii,r. I
At tbe nations throng on uud loiVAnh Iji :r y k
litiht, !
From tin- plojm of mi-rn',c t ) (: m in h m 'he
ith Ond as thr! lculer, nnd .lusti, i vnl It. ..lit :
rerlVctlnir bis introon" ''n'uriliiif; 'h . ii t;i. !
'Tis a nun iiud a -yniliol ; 1' I i I to . '
loacaiisi' likl) tsk iucd w.llitli. uc I, " i;it.t, '
and 11 U". '
'TisaTcstat .laKi'th, on the Inn-', u. '. ill-- h. i. ,
A Onsprl In TV ice inspir.ilion in V ir;
A nation's Kviumol- a ci", m tn I', ;
The Scripture of l.i'ii n,, Orili r, ind l.i-v. ,
fiball apostates revile our t'other', idoi' d !
And the fte of our ven ;.-aiir-c l'' r'ddtn'j'l in
rw-t f I
Shall ayios'utos of butiJ i :, of hi i rut', and
Trail the prldo of the filthi'i'. d'-hono-'t 1 l'l
V7 H-tillrt ..,lltf'-s .'."l ... i' tr'
ill v
ot li
uriri, i.iii - - - -
To the banner of banners, tlio ltd, White .
II. uc.
Hoi my all! he my imasure: o fa,.n
it. nr land. (
And add Mm, a jewel to Mho- crown
One he.o the more io vo ir sltriot hand 1
The widow's , th8 Rl4ti ..n's r -n ivrtt.
For I'll arm lilm am oi ,lim rtlJ ,,ia llml 0 .
To tako hia pro jd ,Uni, ia thn fr,mt th war,i :
And aou l-.lg owll ui the 8A irdof tint I
Lnsh'thcd for the triuundi of Tinlh and the
las, i
For his brave heart lias learned what it mn tns I
to he trnc i
To tho Stripes and tho Stars- in the Uiiluri of ,
The Toona Observer, of Juno 21, contains an
account of a visit paid cm the preitedinp diyti
tbe Free Church in 'ootnt by Dr.
Livingstone, who was at the time the Knost of his
Excellency, tbe Governor of Bombay, at D iporoc.
We tho following from iu columns : Dr. I
Livirpstono arrived about 11 o'cloek, accom
panied by Captain Leith, and wan received by j
Mr. Gardner, the inimlonnrleii, M ijor Candy,
Mr. lit bh, freshytenun ehupluin, .Mr. .Mili-ntil, j
several I'llieers, and other pentleniuii. In reply i
to a request from Mr. Mitchell that he would I
fi'tvu bin opinion as to tlio piofpi'tttH of S.miHi ,
Alrka In repaid to its future civilization an 1
tiacle, Dr. Livingstone stated that those pr on-
pecta wtrc not nearly so liriivht now us they b id j
Wt-n v. hen he arrived with the expedition at tins i
nouih of the Zambesi river in IHoH. I
They bad procured the a-sirtianco and eoun'jt- j
ai,ce ol the I'ortnpuese (iovcrnment, and an ,
potter to its to pive tin in t very aid
and tuppi rt. The harbor ws a reinurkali y line
, -cne, and cveiytliitip romieed well wtien thtiy
maoe tdeir hint expedition up the river. They
found the neipliliotiup country thickly people I,
and tome caution was required to avoid uny dt
niona'ration, J it -1 they kIiouIJ ho attacked I'mia
the batiks with the arrows of the natives, ivno
Inew noKiirnnvaiisbiittho Por ugitese, and ";cta
not dispoMd, what the; ;ni w Qf- ljuin w
Jlvf i.iraniftrs a very friendly reception.
When they came dow n, however, they found
that these hotilo I celt spa had disappeared utii
that tley worn Well received. I'ne expeditioa
was mm out by the Ktipihth Universities, and
accompaniid by theexeellenttiinldevoti'd Hisliop
Waekt uitie, w ho wus so rcp.irdicis of his own
romiort that there is linle doubt be lo-t Ins l.I't)
tlnrn by. The PnrttiKiiCse h id loop carcfu'ly cc
cludeit nil other l'.urupe.ins from the conn ry ; be
himbcif tnid obuined iiccc-8 to it on a former
ocivion by entirinp it from the South, and
comiDfi down tho river, when they could not for
very th.inje eouipel biin 1 1 go back. Tins was in
lUiti. and on bis return, two years Uter, the expe
dition was allowed without dillictilty to enter tho
country, unjust mated.
On asceninnp the river eat ir iets were
encounteno, which Dr. I.innp-tone had not seoo
when he came down, Ou tins a i ouut they took
the uirei tii-n of ilie Sbiru river, and aneeinlod tbe
btaiittlul vnlny of that nuuie. H eonuiiuu l a
tl I' k popttlaiion. flniirish-.tip vlllapes, and lino
ruitivu ii u. Above us uncle va c l pla eau some
tbouriinil ler' tbe nea, whi h a rmigiy re
lembhd tbe Deeeaii, except that it covered
with bets, mid wbich, like the valley, coulaine 1
a iutpe population Hut about tint ihum tlm
Portuguese eold a qn uiiny of tire arms and a n
niufaition to one of tlio tribes, to be pii l for in
The tribes, thus armed, swept tho whole neiph
KntngC"Uuiry liku a i.eourp.i. killinp toe mm
in tbe villages and carrvinp off women and ehtl
dn n iuto tlavery. This prodm ed a terrible
lamme, tu wlitt b large numoera of tlio survivors
pci Ii-bed ; aud the lino v.illey of the Shire was
translormia iiierany iniu a vauey ui ociucs.
Wlioe villapes were found without p.-ople; it
was itiipo-nlile to walk huif a mile without so -nip
a skeleton lying by the w.iy, and you m plit open
the door ol a hut and nnd skeletons lying inside
Bonn tunes two sine by side, with a little skele
ton beiwien them.
On uuother expedition they ascend, -.1 the in liti
Stream of the am'H-si, passing tbirty-tivu miles
of rapids, and ren-hed I.sko Nvass.i, wul h w is
27U miles long and lid or 70 wide. Above it wm
a lanuu of bills, which proved when tfiey ha 1
ateenned it to be another plateau or '.a'i'e-lurij,
nearly 4000 leet high, eieudmg lor ma ly mi as,
and tilted with villages and cultivation. I'ne
gnvenimi nt was ot tbe putrurciia! form, e icli
village tx lug entir ly Independent untler itsowa
heao man or chief. They hud no reutrai g ivc rn
- meut, mid tach chief Intd to be netr iti.ited w ith
sepuraUtiy. in one respect there wis a great to this cnuntry, lor there were slaves in
every village chained and working for tli-jlr
'l iny were inhabitants of other vill iges, who
bud been kidn iv.p' d and hrotipbt Into c iptivity.
They wire held Ov a eoll ir round thu ucct.ti
which a li t k stick was utuclu-d, an I they were
thus secured for the night, or wbeu iu ide to travel
pusUd uloDg by thu proprietor, wn i hjld tlm
oil er en i of thu stick utnl to'lowed. M uny of tne
slaves were quite little cht dren, wh e parents
Lad .ioi ah v bi n killed, lor Dr. Living on-; d,d
Inn bed. ve ihin their inntliers sold ilii-m. Tin tr
Iioiih'- w-t ie like llioM" ma le t y the p niter mi'ivos
of tins c untrv n the vm.igi s.
In ret I) to vuiit tis qiit.-tniu-, Dr. I.iviugs'jine
stilted II. i t the euuiva i on by the Ali lc.i'i n nivea
a very p. oil, r was itn'tielv . a Tie I in
with l.oe. 'I t ey ivt ii; vcrv im:ii-t; i nis, un,l
wl oh i in 1-i-a in iber ' It n-, tv .i ;i
wee nt i ti vi rt lur :f ; nn n, tvoni'-n, t id lil ir.-u
ii II li'iyc.l i r, Hti inhint in ml li t ia - e n-r s .-ne-tiine..
tii-n i'i j o i i tl tm I- r a lie 1.: . I'-n--.
t'tcvv t .i-ii i ot all l.ifi-N, ,'U-i kin-, tun. , .ni I
lit-f. ti,,l not iv lo ,-t li'.r i:'n. i'i ton tli-
pilW, S ill', cti l wove the lisel.o l -'cv Ik I H i
trude, i vi i p- i i , usion II . iu toii'to, it .r any
hit ail nn n, i , ii t u t nt . v h. i -t to i- 1 1 v it'i t i - in
on the eeil;t on a l.irpe ii'.anitty ot e.i'i. .
lass lu iios, uud lnus wire, for purji.i-,. s of
trade; and hue aUo they Were liable to disap
pointment, for if tho pla-s beads were not of
the kind in fashion iiinou th: la lies of tint
village, you were done they would u it be
tal. 1 11 011 any account.
'liny h"d to ''lea 1 f letter', nor cvr a qiilivl
t,y. In .diiiv a. ; ..itc..l to them a sort of wiioli-
ntir ; ut o tl.cj 11!. en itiniH. d ti.eni' -Ives .v ;t!i L.n;
lnl- by vti;ilo; a wo; d in l.:,;o le t i- en I
tlckirt'j it n;, vl ell one ly one tueiii'i t .-. of the
cxpi dnioi; ' uM v. hi.qn f it, w itbout i::i)' ptc
vious eonsuitntion, into tin' eir- of the eh:, f, who
.' It-It an hi r new nupti-e nt the acctininlidnin nl.
'i in- p. op e 1 11 the c- ; Here of t lie nep. o type,
1 tit Ki'l- 1,11:1 1: vai luvi f he. .d and (e.iiure, .uni
il inns' I v no be tnrit w. d 'hat 1 liev a I
ri-Pentnietl the m u'ro.-s outsiiio !h t'lb leeoins;-'
ips In Viiglniitl. He tliinu'ht that by establi- It
ing a peiiuauciit liiiti li settlement, by'iadu
nliy opening trade Btnon' them, nnd t iie 1111 i
ductloii of nfaniia, their condition miptit be lui
lirovetl ; but u,, , eurreiices he hud describ. ,1
Had lor the present dune much to hinder any
measures of the sort.
SlliIIi..shVllAi i.s.-A, tlie f. As-i.-s ..f
Cork, 011 A , nl 1.1, 1m,i, Mr Hiiry'lUvcs w'.
.aintal'y In.lii'tt'd tut tlm 'of Mls j.ik.
tbe dnulitcr oi a OmikiT lianker at Cork. Tin'
tKijiular ltulinp was wliolly in lavur of Kir IUmii y
llayes, aud a bullud-siiiKvr niuilu a c msitinruliU;
aiii by sillliig a tong, the rclruin nf wliich wan .
"blr llt'iiri ki.s.-tJ sir lleury klHui.
hit JJi-iirv Iti-.ttl tin- 'uiik.T,
Antl nt .1 It lilt tliii-' 1 t.u u lliliui,
J ui .nr. Im iliti liul "'r lit r. '
i'rvm -Vyltfl and yutriu.
'iv.TilKir. f. r ! v.',l pro1 iwt f in,
,ir , l M, iitr'i. hi' h. till-' :lt n.r rem',
Hi' t.rn '"H . tt , -r! ni (it .m
l mi inn--, ir i 1 1 i I i " f h in-
V (nc mi
,4 il w it" 1 1" n I' t l Tin t nr I
ilf. Ir l.
I had bt'iji w.milci' rf mmii tli
intinoiii for
nmrij' inrmthd, ond on in y ''inr,i to my n;ivi;
land I hii'ti'iii d to tint li.nno of my f,it!ntr, in
thf ii iplihoiho. dof Vind.'r ncro I ike ; and whil-t
in iilrirtrr a'firold frl.'n Is, did no fir' t lo
l.ilr Orphnii- who hid dud a . ti tuo !Mi n a f' W
mil- itf u, ami ' ho wx : p'-ii' nil." duynati' 1
"llif lii-iiiit'fi f.. ik ," . ni 'irpr I
fonn I tliiit lint li w .th in tho i't it nf ,?i i-ri i).'0 : and
t! Jt tli.' ilun'iU: r.' i!t t,r. i, ,i.iintt)d lu i
Jilm'tt on lliii i.; ,1 iv. 1 li ; -id at, r'llav
V'iHi n, m ,is en '.o.'.l I... .ii'.iitiiii l'ci'nli:tf, 'h'j
ha I Ijov. in i'i atwy .. s ' u . m -.- ;ly fur fiHli
ion'it i-k" : n Hurt ,-t hum lin' 'f, oxti tm tl)' p iod
lookitiK i tTt '. i 'iy no iii'taii' ( tr.i:'Hr a-i
to Id- mode mid La'nH ol hi.-. I'li" y .nnor
fl-Ur hud . li ---n a Mr. l'i!n.-;'rttn. i t,--: itl.i-in-l
alnio-i iinkii.'A n l hi- iii-r-ii h.-m'i'ioh. ',',,,
f i-i n ni- v.i i vt'i j it y inn t"d, nth jin'U ni)i e ,(
to c-i. I'll 'tid l I Inc i' 'MiirH cd itnl hi- li id
t in 1 1 . h I inks to ir.-oni in -id Uim, u -cii- u
inr x, r-1-- i' .nd
I w is I io ti n il in
nn mi ) ,ty
tod in tint
the istci i to ti- el . i
iire-ei.t at t : r ne.l lit
o,;piirpii ty
It .U t tl"
j cn'ii r'n
Tint :l '-ri-ld p-.iT-r 1 o.i-r In
.ivi-ti. l.lld l tn- l.l- 'U '111 ''
tii: evpi'iit
-i'.'. tvs .!ui.' I to
r.v-il '.'inii i tin r ii
r.unlitie mis ii-n tin
li.iTiilMtm-'-t r ipn.i
ti i in or 11 me day.
I'.io a ir bv in:e '. the
I -
! n i t iter s'.e 11. I'. mlv
f line uit'-i tv.iros,
.nil Mr. Kttlnphi'.in. seetning to
in oiti mi vi lii'ii
I!'.-' I'M. 111a. ton, wuluci buuioly
by lier i
I liu
.0 w mtur.
,ite . rfirtmd, an I Runnr-;!'
d b s lii ide, with a great ileal of eer Tii niv,
an el g'lnt crrinpo-ind-fi-nr, WMic'i stool
aitnip ill the cinir ii poreli. Ilieyilrove ol
anittt'-l tint a i-liiniiilroiis 01 a ernwd of villagers,
to wtiotti tbey p ve in r-turn their blandest,
smiles; 41, 1 ibe ebi;ri-:i hells ntnp a merry peal.
' I have no 1-irr tpe, lvniu ! ' wlin-p red Mi .
V.lliiiptie.tii, mio witeii to hni.d vou!"liul oe
stinli ol bi- lirnle d"' l ired nioi e th in words rould
do lb. it in piissu.-si.ip iiii atlecU'jti lie desired
no inure.
"lioil li'e.i-.s you I'O-li " s nd I.
" I inn ntrcady 1 was KUiiipliAiii's reply ;
"until know no; what 1 have d me to deserve
am Ii a Messing."
The happy pair turn, .1 from the church, itnl I
paw it. tin wttioi ip Hlo vly up tlm hill, nil I lost
t'lim bent :ith the rose m l 1 s bung poreli ol
LIUiigli 'in Villa.
It wis a jo mis slpht to me to see such good
hearts iniul.t happy; out I re'iirned 10 my biinti
tinn sad and nn luiiclnny. Why ia it tli it extr.i-
or'iiiuiry tie.t'.ty ot any kind has a deprttssni
influence upon tbe spirits r Psow that Kuitly was
gone, I fan. led that the world did not dmia'n a
wouniii I l otild love t be was ea -t ly w h it I b id
always 1 . 11 . ieil my own wne should be, if 1 ever
m tl ; vi t 1 had never thought of loving her !
' f-ow il - too late to think ot it. At first I could
not help wondering what I'.uiily could see in
I Hrlltighaui It wa-my own opinion that he w is
' disapieea'ily nirituiii; but I I,, nt not known him
a month when 1 re-pci ted him as a wise and
1 elder bro her; atnl I fntiuil mi greater pleustire
than to spend a quiet evening ' him and his
j One fine evetiinp 1 lliuph 1111 and I sat together
on a hilt, winch threw it -hadow over the placid
hike, w In re ihe qukc stars were cotnitin tbuir
I bright sha don .
Itrsinlliil IVhitleiiii'-rt.! (lit-silt nr -tkie
j 11 ,-r 10 11 n 1 '- " ,11, 11 s II ii-ne . 111 ,r.i,-'.
bran li 11 1 l in ,itii"-i e 1 I. k,- 1. i'y c t c ,
'I t u'-'S tli.'i ' 1 I11I" no iil-i -iil fi.-e.
'l ie 11 tii-sl 111 .1 1'.v li r. ills' l'l ii e,
; i -in a 1 't.i' ll.y 1 a-, a 11,1 ,1 1 t. 11 isnli .Ml Mill-,
l int.- in.n.v --tri i nn .11 rn k ' 1 1 ,iiiii-n,3
'!, tl i-nrvi ,1 sti ,o-, iiii.t tlm Mar air il'.stns
j 111 nil 3 111 i- ki t lai.i! 1, ,11ml' 111 1 t.-as'-lits 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -t .
I Wo were wuiuns! for Kmily, and tho eouversa
1 tlon ttniied upon hi r merits.
I "She is un uiigt'l !" esciinnied Klflugh im. "113
fore I knew her, I discontented and Uissatis
! In d with the world. My spirit hid been broken
by euny in utile-, ini'i I w as niippicst when
Hut my evenings became long, and I grew tired
of reiming; then 1 pictured a hippy wife, silting
and tnlkiDg, by irjv side, A woman w ithout edu
cation nnd tense I wou.J not have; and nm1 JW.i-ies.-inp
llteso reciuisitcs I tcired would not con
sult to live 'qui s'ere.l and alon-J with a solit iry
being like myself. Such were my thoughts when
1 was introduced to Kmily. She would leave her
pay companions uud her duslnug s.ster to seek
with pencil and portf illo tho beiiuillul scenery
around tins neighborhood. In rumbles I
somi times joined her, nnd if 1 m irked a pic
tiitetqui: spo', I found itafeivitays afterwards
traisti trcd to Jiily 's allium. Whenever sue was
tt ktd to sing, she began wtth the air 1 bad said
wa-my favorite. Syiupj'hy, that invisible elond
which, running through Kieiety, binds hj.uc 10
heiiri, united ours. I lancied that I gained
gtoiind iu Iter (sfe. tn, and I often s iv her for
sake gay pat ties for a quiet talk with me. All
stenn d hope, except hope i self, ami lit it ap
pi arcd to me to be presuinpMoii. One day, how
tvt r, it was so evident th 11 stie preferred my eoni-f-any
to any one ninnlst a numerous party
eontiiiiiing many who would gladly have beeu
her s ave for life, that a lipnt br 1:10 on lilt
which for some time dii..led me; and then 1 laid
mj In art at her feet, li vv isu. eepteil. And now
no day is ever too long. 1 am never tired never
dull 1 the reads to me, sings my lavorito tunes
to the 111 u- ie of hi r ham ; we both love music,
wulkinp, reading, and retirement. In a w- ird, wo
love men other! And hero she comes," he 0:1.
linui d, 1 ising 10 tin et her. Never did rising sun
throw more joy over the weary and mittulpit
tniviler than kmlly's smiling luce did wheicvcr
she went.
1 h it the happy pair, and on tho following
evening visited the l'atufretts.
"A sovereign bet!" exclaimed the dishing olll
cer, "for which of us cn drink tho most cliam-
paiitie or ride to tbe sixth milestone nisi 1
1 excused my-elf, and Paiufrett declared I was
a fool. Mis. I'anifrcit presided at thu dinner
tulile that evening with the suite and dignity of
an l-.ustiTii queen. Uaa this, 1 mentally ex
claimed, be si-ter to the penile l'.tnily ?
"llavB you seen Mrs. Klllugtiinu lately f" in
quired Mrs. Pamfrittt.
1 replied that I hud enjoyed the pleasure tho
evening before.
'Pleasure ?" critd the lady, "oh dear! do you
think It so r It is I brio months, I faulty, Mine,' 1
saw her; -he quite offended me by marrying that
poor, melancholy man. she must lie uiiHjrably
lull I could not live witlnm: my p ntiei ; an 1
Paiufrett is the king i f all games. I have quite
my own way, aud 11111 admired by all; wuilst
I Illi ehulii is very eccentric, sullen, proud, un l
b, an Ii. Ihe ladies are all envy, tig me, an
wonUering how 1 succeeded in obtaining the h tnd
of one w I10111 they hud vainly Hied for: but
Limit, poor! they wjii I :r h sh 1 e mid
puMiibl htve married such a dreary creature in
MI'MTi 111:.
1 leliihetwo brides ihuscnj iving their fortunes,
and won u.tam t Hiring on tin- ( 'ontincut.
Iiw.sloiir years li f uel returned to Witider
Ini're. 1 'our 1 e ns ! Wh it ciniiigus occur in til l'
nine. A uav nr two u'ltr uiv re'iirii, I so ipht
the i'i 1 1 :l v'tt ,ll ttie hi I, w lu re I I4'1 letil'oll'lv
and her lii-tiiul in the imj lyuit nt of all tint bu
ll, an biiiiieoii d wish, a b autitul no. .i- si
111 ti on ih'- en, -s Ii I ,r" il,,- il ,or, ;i a-i,ig a
wri aili nf wild l! .ei, ro 1. d the t 1 ly in: 1 I o1 a
iovily lii'le :;ir:. ' llle-s 1I11 s.vcct ert: aur !'
1 exciiiiii.t ij, u- I -t i..ti iv it :b np linnn ; in I t'o.
oiiie Iiliie n:n!cav.,ittl t 1 lnn:c a .llttiiatss '-e, va-Tl
tin 111 in it the happy pah vxinisj c'ltl.treu I at oii
lie eo.d it ilia' llo V ivt-li:,
I- p pj a: I o,n.' ! ' 1 a: l.'llp'll ill lir' I ; wh
t ' e I ' " e I !' v I 'ii'.' ! 1: .1 tr :r. o,- i ,,', .1, I I'
p.i- it, pointiv; to ttn- d "ir ' Yes, -if, 1 t 1 ;"
in 11 1 to .1;,. :, ".'! 1 in . n r i!ie 1 'int in lit ! I
I, 1. rb o. 1 I. .noi at I 10 1 t: i ma .1- U I Ut h us-.
V : I- ttii. li.ilti r --, r e ) ut" a lo i ; a 1- - I
lili,!! i 1, lei' 1 'I t'.'i ii' I': t tor Mr '. I'a ii'i It I V l
,-!M li 'Cl hi if It II -h" Cl-- ll 1 1 1.
'''ic' ..nti'i',' I .:'!. i nn, "I'.i-nl wn
c 1 1' . y - ; y uu l u 1 tl, ami in- w .1 n t 1c IP II 1 1
1: 1 .- in :. au.ti e on a er. a il.', 111 I iv.i rtn tl 1.
(incniidii he embarked lor Aun t iea, leavinp a
1' iter lor t aroln., , wherein I.e. -; to I that she Ii id
i.luays l,ei 01 lu r own inistie.-s, and luiglit iM'i so ; and Hint if it hud no! lie. n for her pride
lo, foriiine iioiild not litn'c t ecu w rccl ed. i'tj ir
( '.ii o!ii:e e. a-, 1 iiw ti,--i t:ne," - ail Mr. K fundi int.
"We loi -' lo r i oniu t t-iM.ii.i-. our. "lies, nut
i-i; i ve - i ..: . in ' r p o'- r t 1 r'l 11 her i. ir
i.'i io.!ht:.t 1 , .' t -.' .-j 1 ., t it i -. J . m :v, at it:.i 'li,
1 ; , 1' i. to ! , 1 .' 1 1 . ! i ' . . ii t '.--.i ', a ,t:. 11 1 in tu
I, I.,
lle 1 .- ,.'-, , nil I p.t 'l Wall'.
vitii t!
- lo:i nl
i l il -eji
I ;.. I.t I,
: . ;r
t1 i .-e "I r, liu:
U l'l tl
nl tl w i ni
tit: e .Ii. .
n.t;. i, i't.
v. In is 1
1 1 i i nil
let. :i ..I e I
t,t i .', tl
le nor,
. l n h Inish
i,i. i.o- til I. r lin n :' :
1 I : i-f . .:, n - e ... ',,.'
,,'i . '. , it- t .!- . e .1 l, i In ll,,'
ol I n.o . l i t. n tite. 1 line l'.t
i t-- i . i , . ' 1 1 . lit 1 , i v 1 1 .'-,,- y .
till , l-ii'f,' I : 11 i -. ,!!! t i, to
'.i! t.t.fittl'tl! e M't'' -sto'i nf lie,'
lit r (i'i i
1-n ri"
i' it:
ils I u '
ul .-tn.,
urn t',
. l:i
I "
I'i :
I' i
o i. ;- lot ti-
-1. .1.1,1 .-o
i'.t sloll ll .lt 1
til' Dill lvcs It I I
mi-j llllJ W.I-'Cli h,l lligll III lvl-tt
,, uf 'In- "-litii.-l tc;. liC's find
til t'MliN. '1 III) Huston soliO Is
i.I'- 1' 1! .iiily iitti llili'il.
I lie l' l' rnitv l.itcturi s in li i.tuti
s ul open mi tin. llib ol'OiiiobiT, with an adilicsi
l.i ii.t.ii,.. u'.ti,..,, i-niiis a ......1 Dm I..,
li ( W'tloatii Cuitis. Among tlio li'itnrers
ii'Kriti-il are Mer-. lu-ei her, rblllijiS, Il'iltu 'S
mi-nun, aJ m ,, D u k iii'ju.
Unit tl.inp, to pr.iti' inllafd r'l'i'b,
1 p triot r.r. il and mar'i il v o?-;
To Wfirm w 111 f.fin-ft'a rantnro-M h i,
O'rr ttir'lllt g pane id win Mm- f., iy :
A I oh'.r mill lo onn tin- wor(l,
And ilii-h win ti' in. I 'li rn.n hi ! i-AMIr,
And tramplnp nt'i'd it ml ti' roar
Tliiun ur i ti c muni vim- oi'bi'Hu.
fini" thinp, to nit at fi-ntivn hoard,
W lii'ro cl ipii'iirit, imd wlnf , and wmin'ti,
tli'1 n-'tt hn irs w itn r- liff'it,
And iinte ti r mine... -kill ol I f-iu i-t ;
An. tl rr iiinc to h a I 'In' v
W In re f hroMii-T ' !i in HTd-'. s' '. -: :i, n 'mj in '.
W.-il Inn ii ii.a-ct.T'- f In n v or to.J.
'I o t' lloiv tin r-t'Td i"-i
tin.' Il ii.p, 'i..-i'h h Ii urn: i-.i, ..- I
To I. I'd the niul to i'M -.inn.
Whne ham". , 'Villi b.'i c-liisli iriii-i
Move inrilv to unt iiu'lit n'liir.i-t
Aliml.'-r i I I. ni :ht . i,i
r n.l.
i M t'lii'-'iiro kin, n itr r
K mid rinrr,
While pill l.l( MtH
Ml I sully d "v-
..iCi itlt. lii'lilnd lof:-' r.
iifc.i . 1 "I ... i t . it..- I.
'ti Htit i i.itiRii"r, n't e i i rm l
l or ', l. .r.liii-p , U .n I l'. nrs-
nr a-"' h". -.'Vill' r'
.1 e.l-
srnirti-r s-i'l , st , ml t-r. 1 1
In the pri'inl 111 mho el () d 1 1- pivi n,
lo weld ag 1111 tint raping ban Is
lif In ithuhood so widely riven.
T hen, wsonar, h 111011. and women i'ril,
('biMhoiMl mil ou h tine thnti'.rht pin suing,
Do win t tint hands limy litid to do.
Soswittlv well the wor h ol doing;
Tlitnk ol nor craves in stranger --oit
1'liink of our glo ioiis Ian i s dishonor,
Tl in iln nn who may, li"iia'h her skte-,
With tins foul, lejirous stiln upon lnr.
SIT Nl.s IN I Hit MoltOIT:.
A eorr'spondctit nf the London AHf'tirnm
fives these pntii u!u:s iilaiiit the fatuous Morpuo
ut Paris : "One of tim insii'uiloiis of Paris has
In en ilisiiiihrd, deniolislieil i'i fi'.uul recon
stiuiKiloii a s tale worthy of the new theii'rcs
utnl ot lit r places 01 aiiinteiueiit. Ti eo'd Morgue
wiir 11 rtniiily one of tbe Imns of Puns ; it was
not nil agreeable or iv. 11 1111 attiactivc place of
exhibition to a man of ijclie ite sensibility, hut it
had much ot the ehaiiii of a iuc!o dram 1 lor one
ela' 01 nn n, unci i f wonn n, too ; and the scien
tific, tin' 1 uiioits, and the i,l,e iii4de up it long and
very mixed list of vi-itors. The little low build
lug is pone from its old site on the bank of the
fatal river which supplied it with lull four-lilths
nt I s ghastly tenants, nnd a new and much
giander one has risen up iu tbe rear of tho
Church of Nntro Dame, at the cast, rtt point of
the Itr ilr lu l i'c. It is not, however, with tho
new iniiiii'tiieiit, but wtth the old charnel-house
that we have to do at this moment.
ST' UT llltS.
"Purls, of eoursa, Is the capital of the civiPed
world French writer t -lis us so once or tivfcc 11
week, iiinl therefore we are buund to lake nota of
tin- hu t uud in some matters, such as stiici lo for
instance, her pre-eminence is unquestioned and
iiiiquc-tinrnthlu. It is 11 curious fact that tbe
'guy est' and 'most intellectual people on the face
ol the earth' should exhibit the preale-t Ciiperness
to esiapi 'Anywhere! nnywberc! out of the
world ;' hut such is ihe fact as regards Paris, tbe
continental salmi, even during the prosperous aud
happy reign ol the Third Napoleon, i S 'it. I t us
leave liu-question of suicide for a moment, and
look at the general statistics of the old .Morgue,
which are now made public. It appears that
dining the last ten years there were received
within those w ills 110 le-s than 3:111 Indies, or
nearly one for cadi day in the year; of these It 3
wire those of ehil ln n, a tact which gives rise,
especially ill the mitldfc of Mio-? who have stud ed
the ciiiniiiul Hatis'i, s of France, ami pin iciiliitly
nf Paris, din nig the last few ye irs, to a trai 1 of
thoughts nf ihe most terrible description. Tho
mt 1 ousistid ol 2 Ml bodies of tho male sex, ami
til!" k-uiali-s,
tni:N nFicvrinN.
'It tiniiears Hint about seven out Of e'ght
bodies aie recognized by relatives utnl friends,
and ihat, 011 tbe nverape, these are identified
wiihiu one duy and liliy-four minutes, so evict
nn' ihe ret oids ot tins dead-House, tins la'ter
fi ct is not In accordance with the nod ms preva
lent In the public mini on tlio subiccr., wtin-ii,
puluips, is of lit le consi!,ticneo ; but when we
liriil ihtit the fricnus of tho deceased persons tiro
naturally so anxh us to claim, or, nt least, to
recogiii.i the buiiies, that scarcely two days are
allowed to ellipse without this being done, and
thai this iiveiupe mu-t certainly be immensely
inetCitsid by the fact of some few corps i- rent an
il g without iih n iliciitiou for several days, wo
may well ask, what is the object of bringing all
ti tioiiii s togt '.tier to tuiiKc a disgusting exhi
bition 111 Ihe h, art of a great city, to accustom
the young, the vicious, aud flic ignorant to the
hir'ltt of horrors, while the at t of id' ntifi ation
must nt ten be delayed from the fact of the re
mains I cing, in many ciih-8, cxhi'ipcd miles dis
tant from tint spot where ueadi oeeurre I, or
from that of ihe former home of the deceased ami
bis family 01 connections ?
Of the ' bodies of mrn and women received
at ihe old Morgue during the past ten years, 17ti0
aie tet down us the resu.t of suicide; atnl con
cerning these sonic curious ititnrin.itiou is given.
ll appears that beit-th'-tructitiii is at its maximum
between the ages ol 110 and 40, that it commences
bet wet ii 10 and lo,anl dwindles to almost nothing
nfti r 70, w hlch is not surprising, the suicides be
twain 10 11:. 0 '20 Ik ing tlnce times more numerous
t li 11 11 those eominitud alter the age ot 71 years.
As rcgaros the suppose d ea !or, in this cu.e,
ihnc 11. 1st be a m-ruin left for Imperfection of
juilpou nt it appears that
monomania m count for mor than one quarter of the !
whole; drunkenness and di-gtist of lite, each, 1
for about one-tenth ; absolute poverty lor nearly I
the sumo piopoilion ; misturtuno and iiicurub e !
di-t uses, iiieli, for niaily us many; next, and '
eloic upon these coine disappointed love.d mmt-tic
misery nnd mi-conduct ut tbe suicide Ii insult; j
ai-eii-t.'lnti ot theft stands lor u'sjllt 1 iu '1 i ; lever j
and deli'iinu for I iu MS ; ami vexation caused J
I y the remonstrances ot o hers abutit 1 1.1,1,.
This, hotvever, applies only to th- mule sex; iu
Ihe ca e of woinui, insanity stands lir.t. ill -appointed
nflcctiou second, dispu,t of life third,
druiiki iiin -s fourth, st o vation tilth, doneiiie
inisi'iy sixth, and int ui'iblc disc.iie seventh.
"As regards ihe mode udopte l, oat of the 170"
cases recorded at the Morgue, 1111 h id recourse
to mow tut g, 111 to hanging, 'J,S 1 1 lircurms, 'a I to
t'-c luiiies 01 i-liiireo tl, 4 i piee'pitntcd theaisuives
fri.iu tiudiliups or o'licr elevated places, M mule
use of iti i' 1 1 g weap ns or l istriitneats, 1 1 only
bad recourse 10 poison, 7 threv theuisi Ives bc
liiath railway or other t-urriuges, mid 4 killed
Ihcuibcl'fs l y sw .llnwinp ulcibol. An itner
table iiiiurins us that more than one third of the
whole of thec sui, i cs were c inimittcd bettveea
the hnuis ni s::i 111 the mornnig a id midilay ;
while the Ih ,1 ti 0 hours iu the uf er.ioon ex hi nt
by l..r the sina!ie-t niiuioer, 11,11 oncteinh as
ci ni arcd vi iih tint six piece, ling hours of the
"i'liiTi'itnb r of feiuHl s ho coTiiint'e 1 suicide
Is.'itateelv uiori' than a btl'l o'' Itia ot the male
si x. 1' Is a .1 r l.ii"-' p;'o ,f of lb iu'liii mat of
misery 011 siiieab u .le-s, ind-n-d, it be 11.1 cvi
diTice ol' a supers i i ins dr-1,: ih it no y ab iut
one in si x of tlic sai. tale., was i nri.'d ut ine tx
pi h.-c ot his fatuily or friends."
A H im i ,M wn ;i i: v.
"A W'.iin in," in ll letter ti Iti- lii'i r ,
illi refi ii-t.i-e lo an urte'lit vili:.;li l-tn.' .re I i i
Unit j.'.ijii'r, mi; '! . "If ttiiiin n really proti'i"! a
it, tit li as n.i.-ii fiuin tin- in-titii'.i' nf ntir -n-t'iely,
lln ie wonltl iiMiei.l I.e. i-itti-j to liLi ne
tin-in fur Ilie nexl tot nf all (,niili,t tl i -ii-s ; Inr i
it tii.o that lliey do hn : " L. i I e uo.n.tu wlu
my tiiM'S tire i xi linlej from all voi -u in levying j
tlieiii, anil, nn the (.Tinim! of tlieir sex alone, ilc- I
nieil the Irtiiie'tisc wliieh beltings to tlieir felloiv- ,
citit iih v, ho I'tiy tliu hiinto Hum, tliey wntikl he
very ilillt rent In the iii.ijofi'y nf nn-n if th 'y
were I'li'-'t' In fnllti toe- iii-n, Wli n the
time eiiic-H tl'iit the .ei.-'ill tn :l w :n in ;s
ill l iv. t il ni In- ns .- ii'ie'l n. tint nl a ni'i'i, an 1 the
ln;seiei,n' wl.n imt'.i''- a wnnn. l -'-.'s.i,
Uniliy llisl.l s ;t - III- V. ho t-il-otes a mil; ivi.en a
In nil, el li i i nit i 'I s nil le.-n! I i.'h'. l'l 1: :r mill
1. 1 1 -1 1 1 1.;-, ii ii 1 a inarii'-il noiiuri n i o:,.
i-t ty on tin- sanie hit it in " as a niuri ieil iinni t.hea
we ii : e (ie, t to -ee iinni li in uen r-;-1.
l lt II,. ' in- re is .sti. It a thiiit- a-- jiisr re. 1', it as
li, -:-.';- in. men owe nil that iinuti-s; life wintti
I ti lie -siinil tt.rtieiif itn.' t, Wi-ii'-ii
r to I;,
.1: .1 .-!
uti.l 111 t r. sin,;
ll. tl.-'ili-I
ivoitVi j; , I'y
11 III III I!', Ii -
i i-'S 1,1 ml t i .-.
in .mi- t i-i' 1
.-it - 1,1 it Iru
V 1 '-t :
1 ll"
Ii-,. 'J
'til'", ll It
M. lo
Mi' s m
'li-itut; .1
A-tli -ll I'
iv llitl I'K- '1.1 pi
-i: i-f ' it: 1 J ..11I1 -1
.-.'..i-.' Atiii.'-ti ..ii' '
'-.--. i 11 L-x.irt
ill' ."
f t -;i'i ml
I'.fil .s-llii.--".
lo l .M 'til lc
I 1 J o 111 III
tiioiii tr.
ti .1 in1 1,
'I ' t- ., (N. II.) (,',1 -ilie s t; ii ; " Trt'u ur
ttirti! w.'t'ks itgo 11 In thu city was' s i pour i.c was uiiililii to pny tl. ri'iit uf a liuusi'.
J it licitift very waitu wcitlier, he ninl lii-i
I tuinily i;iiiii.i.d out in the uh ii air. I.-itt week
I lu- f lisfi .1 in lliit lit'.ivy uili.lurv, and was itik-
lu- f lisfi J in Hit lie.ivy uili.lery, and was iti k-
itig to ui i In. hi.- a luriu to i u vl st. In. t .'iiv Ihiii
iln J doliurs buuuiy iu "
i',v hooks,
IfiiH 1 UK mRSS OK
.r. u. urriNturr a c-c.
t' I'
I .. M. OI.KLI.AN,
r. " I I . An.ijr.
S. II 1 1,1. A II P.' ..n xt. 'l. Pri.,1 tl-'l,
, i. il and lil-t .,rki ,
Oi:i i
Vii r
y ;.
"" ! . i , .il M i
' vl' s i-i tl.t Mx.--
:,' i -I P.
'A, A
1 "'.HI-
..lis . ii. I.' r.-l i'
.in 'i Ktl.lM -.1
I il.p
I n iLiii'iiii ui
l-'.'i- I'le 111
1 1 K " 1 '
1- n- r,'ini"ii 1 cm,-
',,ilillii'' It lll'i I' tl'l' S ',
'in. I i n tlnul rt movat. ,1 it.-- A,
nciiin y ,,i.t,.i
it r-
I An'c mm
r in i s
- 1 . I't lllhtl f "TlTSl !t s let
I ajtnlis "H i.t I Is c ati.oy--t'L
.1 re hit ,i..iif. I in- , r- it
.,e i- ei 1 - I nr . n-:ity , . inn
n.i- t,r
ie or 11
I,? .fdct
Inn ,1 tilit: 1
11 en, lo- 1
ei' II ,',n
,1 '.,i- 111
ill. hi 1 ' Il
I la'-.- to I:.
V' I'
ll. to
)ll ,
,- II,
nr r ' 'i '
,01 tl
A si.-l. I-
II ,
'ms :
11 tl ,7,
. ttt. II.
ti 11,
v'cv,ot:Kio c ii'bl'. I '; ( Vi:i.
'J-l Ii: WltOXl (Il't-I.AVEUV,
1IIK Kltilir Of I .M tl'AItiiN,
'I'll Y I'MTI'.I) sr.MLS.
k 1 w JioN. it(in:iir i.i.i. oWi.v,
In .ih' .-'1. l.'n .;. i'i
l;i'M ihK 11(1.1 A t..
"M tiidk hut nt w-r vi iiei-i. In b'K-Mv :..
I nit 'inn. iih ii.t't 'J' it-" '' '," ' "" 'x
i i'i h ni llril'it n n-liu 1, i It 1 II ttnnil-il-s III
nt th" lyttt. 11, 1 '1,1' (- 1 l I .0 1 . r 1 1 1 1 if ol a v ill'l-
imlf, --iu! n niiiiidri In tti i."i'iilHilMi, i l n.A,
.,tii k Ml 11 W liltl . "1 I lill'it r" t s, 1 1 1 . I 1 il V 1 K-'l UC'l
l 111' lllit '.I ff'-tl. I'I '!"-.) I. '.'. T -I! 11! t.'l,.
tllK' mil .11 Tl'"- t'l.O''U.'rc- '''' r... rtlnl H ill ; .('. IIU'
OiM Iti- Il tf riM!riM vi h, iilnl il ijdii u iiil-t Iln- iimult. iB
illi'l vi'li'll t' 1' II I-" ..I II ' l'l- 't l j l'l tlUI. K 1
lid'' urn. fi' if ii-.uir. . i" i.-m1" Hive
111 vrr 1 kn' 4' iu is i' 1 1 dt" Hi- fti'i "t , .Drtj .tfeia ti 1 ftuir-vi-Moiii
loi tit' ii" I.
" Kir ftl'v
I- , :i tli -' t''fl' f I I'i
rm ' - In i- iiii'I
ihi' IHllIT 111 till' l'l'
h 1 1 I r ii Hi- nr
Ir. i- t. tn t l.i r in tt.i- 111
til Ik' it 1 1 V- ililli. 1
itiirni. ur! t it.' i-i
kii uC li-; w hr t.i-r. 1 1
II tllM IH t Ot till '!
l,ft- Ji" ltn ji;ili(t i
ll Mill'
t n,i.'f1
r.v.u.1 tllui
lit t
II 'ii; im-.-. I i" ;i 1 .ir, i
i- .1 . w l.x-tl.i r
nii.idi. .r !-
I I It .0.1 I H.H'hll
ii. i or i'v il ;
1 t
h liuth 1. 1 In tH
I itilMl t li -.
hi .-m ti ll r 1 '
tlial a li.isf I'Jt-
I r.11 c vmll
. Ill I M' I'll.!
tin. ii i t mill ill at1
ir. li (l
,1 n tl tn. in clot I i'ith P thuf i-l" Mil
, lli"T(l''fil t-i IIH
am) in pr. r-in in him, Ntml' tn
tli' mi 1 p. i- r 1 1 I . t Ir. i' .1 1 1 1 ol w Iim i 1
i.rJ. 1 1, CM wtTl I,.- 8ii ti .ill .' in i.t m r
Intfitm l 11IU-J i ' iu fr,
.luUhM (is I.IW Willi
n-miiM t!il Wi'iiii. 11
rt.jii Willi lii tUniro
n-t or i 11 -spire h,ti-
MKM-JAl'. .NIi r.L'ilOIJVL
I'M.PAKKI ll Till I Ml l l H I ATKM SAM lAliV
t,(tl MiNMK.N.
h(hl".l Uy
l.l..M IIWViA'Il, M I).,
Niii:tii- .fin ra- i'ni;i''l r:aU'i Anuy.
I 'lie NVO.
A rc',ilv m I n -V s I II HO), (l. I N,
a s ii 11 1 nn; tail. .1,4
n. on 1 ilo.-i.
li a,.
WKMOlll (ll'Viiit. WU.SON.
A Mruirrml .a iliu In i ll,r,l is :l- it. i I II , I.. I.. II., Isn
Ma, 1 1 1 us I'r fe-sar a: is.' sti-nisd'- Jioliot- In the cl -la-r il
'I la-,, I v" s' Si iitu.iii t.l tile I': itttsl.iu tau-i-i.p il 1. tuir, tl.
lit W. Vtliill' l-tO'l-eit, . M. Ivin.i. SI jO.
MISS ltiSIDOK-s voi-:ms.
Matiitl K I -I t
I.K0KM1S CK IIIK nciI'M' I VHi.K, ANIi t'Tll.;!t
I'lll- M
p.v sai. 1. 11. iv 1: 1 ; 11 i.s.
I vi'l-, l.Sllltl,
IN I'blits.
V ltt'Ul.lll' I'Y ill's O'VN UlSIi.
A. 1 Hi- li. ai'iia ".
Il- " OP I II A. "
Au'hor . f - lli-lil In llunJui t-: ur , i o 11 li-s tie kiii-.
IIS l'ltl'HI'lN I' A HI' lie IS,
t fiitiiiiiini a It- ; 'y 1.. ., lau- vs.,.!' t-l' lli'l'KIXS UN SI.VY.inV.
UY ItEV. 1) It- niMll'Wl N, 1). I'.
I N 'OIT A: .
I'flll IsllKlf.
.,n. 71a anil 717 MAltKttl' iStrtcl.
ItI fcirin her Irii tats tlist tie lias r. niavvil from No. I7
I III..SM 1' m . 1 to N i. as ts. H'l Itlll Sirec t.
'HASH t ll'T'l'V'S NI' W It I A N K Ti'lOIvS
ant Stsllonerj, Nt.. W s. nil Kill street, opcnia
To-1 my.
nnd CV J' iTi:
k, din t:t lrni T.nmtf 11 nl
i iias.; .t 111 VTYrt
Ulaiik Ili'-k u ! S.a'.''ii. r Muro,
N-i. r S. KOl'ltl'il Mwi't.
THE IH ,OC K A 1 ) K-It N N KR " IMtlN-
9 ,
ci sn Alter." was orp-liri'il Jit lnv..i. e 01 tin' m.tiuh
Fair Vt'u- Call 1'apvr, ft portion ol Inch In f r ftt
1 CUASK V ill Kl
N'.-w Htank ll nk snu stutl-.niry Sior1,
No. WS, HH Itlll htltft.
Hen nn 1, utnl. oi uiti'te tn enler. ut a in .11 sumiice
on ol.l lirlem, ut I'llASK .i lll.l''l''H
New lll.nk lloi.k usl st.i-.niiu'i v .tniri'.
V.i.V.' W. KH'lltl'll rtlr.-t
iln'.t- ut luttr uittiiinmiiire. c.n t' f.-i nt
Cil LSI. A. Ill KTY'H,
ii D still lluokmitl SNi'i'iimry Btnr.,
tiu. ti KOI Kll Slri!tit.
pre i-ri'im ami rrmiwn "T ihi. veur, r.u u.
1 Sif ut
Sew IlLuik Honk .ml m trv Si..r.i,
No '..' S. KUL'KTII -strmt.
Jmft ili.iiii: onr Slaoi,ni-ry
I'll ASF. k, lirFTVH
It, unk llenk Slltl SUllellerv Htn-,
Mn. n 8. Fllllliril
joirrn t-i.i2A.ic ciiukic
31I4T.(i CO.nrANY,
"lrlHttOl!t f
Hon. Joll.N A. DIX,
Jtisi.l'il KHANCI"!, Ku.,
T. 11. I. I'V I NO, Km..,
A. i'i. IK'M 'S1I, I'.fH., Colorado.
I ll' ii t :
Hon. ,'OHN A. DIX..
' I 'is.'Ufsti i-4?r i
K.'J-1 I'i! FRANCIS, K.
oiint.i'1 i
-ii.ii:i i - l'. ui.AKi:, Eo.
..-r'' company eomti of i.''ii1; feet on
. , . I, ; riory No 2." "r4.iuiu;ni, ' "Oon
i , '-i,,,( ".tf d developed Uuld-oeat intf Lotlct
i - ,- . ,f 4'oloratbi.
. ;,i i :i -i Mill, now riinnlnK, and la excellent
Capital Stock $1,000,000.
:; lumtli-T Eharee 100,000. Far, S10.
A larre
I't P .Hi Ml
-K liHi 'UrcutU beim tak-n by
s nr. imi. oiji n at ti.o i tlice ot
ril C I ! 1 .
I..., iv b t
l.A l'( I
, i.i.ixiu i;rsi'.);;i' I.' .
Kpiioii I-:... i-.
l l M Ni'.K , Ai',
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H.I), tl '
.M'.Vl- It
AMI ,'.l I.
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( l'l:!.:). lit-1 II'.'.-' (.
- 1 .1 I'll AM,
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1 f 1 1 - 11 i.I u
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M .
HL' (.'
it '
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k '-:i:-t A"
Mir St.,;
N li.i. i
,1. 11. 1.1 l'l 1
tu, i i-s . i,,,iiirdl ti:.. K "i I'r h'ii. I
a. 1.1' , II 1 11 HUB,!,!' ... nt. -'.U e. 'it-, a
II M. N.t
IJHi-. M. J. lllttlWN'M
I Oil IlKAl NI- ss, -
JlltCIIAIU.KS MtOM Till', Kl(,
M-.l'H.M .l .
M'UOI t'H,
Nt All I'' I ION",
Til MOAT Diri l'.'I'l.riKS,
'ISO',., 'I I
UK I.:
,it, l.i--. 1,1 liillr, llyi- r,-.ii, Knlft'pmiiee.t ft
'". lll-esr, t.f 'hf K ttllli-y" , I -"Utiviihnn,
'hviI, I'i'.-., Iii'ii'iity, if". 1'in-a't si-,
it, ih . f it 1 a i" i' i- it-mi,
I -, . t .. 1 . fr . ty tit set wtw f. oi'. st' tie 1.1,11., a 111 ey,
l ao'it 1 (Ti-, tns'.'.v liy
M ItM, M. ti. llllVN-M
I III; 'P. d'i.
I I I. t's S. 410 A'P It UIT'-I", l't.,l.i.l. i i
o . 11. IlilMi "-tri'i't, New V .-11 .ml st
e. I" I'K VI HIT, I lK ... ,ht. Pin;, 11
-a ',, rn,.' ttltl. hisr"tai i.tft.
N'i sieilti 11. lip 1 1 i' 1
Nn 111 Hi' a. iti,- 1
'I '11 .VI 1; . 1 Pill -I,
1 ttt.w a On 1 1 r., it.
1 I. .11 III HI
ai.t.-. on. in ts,n r, ,
1 1
1 's la .til.ainl inn.f vrevall: i-rriri- inn-r e
sua Ot mti - e u,r pi, n Ij m uai ktitu r 1 r later link
In nil 'tn' lllilvrsl' t rrr Is e. 'I, inn He rninal. trlv sw ll
liiw t it i,. ia e, rur as Out IA'-;f, tar -i's, Hint unit it's ai
1 ei 11. 1 vtlili 1 l.e pliisl -al 111,1 -nr nut i niisii'iiti ,11 i.i tac
Bi1"ia'tif tli!nr' ! fh1 rt"nlf of tHUiTJ.'!'1 flii't
us in tin'' nt lli'i-rt wh i pp. f - .i.,,i.,iini'r
i1iI (Hi' tn tin- .i (ip.f. WH,!!' in UC, I'i" mi I'V
.- .1 t' itn- --ti in lt 1. tirr. Mi r'.yti. . 'i-nl
i- ti i 1 1 10 nn t i 'Ii t, iinj an tn-v'-r tv iiiiit.-r-
1,1 ii,lt,
I, IS.ll
I V I. is, I
tl.t In
iti.' it i, a, t ; i- 1 1 tin siiino.
'1 h ii- in.- tiH-n wliu in.-kc a li,iini'i "f It vitm -i-
1 im ' - '1 In pM I'ttie 1 : it' ni 11 ini 1 , to 1 (j.i I m rum
t.' tlm li ot, w ftl, v li icii in 't' t inn a imi ur iiiu li -liins,
who t a vo vt', n'o lii't pit iliy n 11 niviit-iliy,
to iilid' t; o oinli 'i- ifh iftlirrj i f-t tmvut.
Hi- .tli ' ri.:it il he h 11 ma 11 l cl v lv ;i vj.r.tkq ol it Hi
I i" In tit v. I.'.l.', noi 1 In- mail urn si in a miavi- d f ) who
w .ulil 't. nipt l i il.vitif tlir in li t. 1 urti'.ri', ii'ul
fn ttt nn -ih f-c si'",lrn,rtli , iml pfnilont nf i f ! tn or
m .lih wli"lt to h hli lit)i iK loiu. ll vuii ira. tl I'Oi
it- it i-ai 1 i l 1 1 hut huW n-'thitlk of l hi- r-i; wn il -cvi-r
l'l. li- thf i r 'I it fi" li 111. l"- I linn il Hi' .iMinltftl,
I Ik1 ft 1 a I'l'tii' i' 'ii'iiti"ii of 'hi iib p p I'hyit 1. 1 1 ' ,
oln'lj 1 . Mi'i 11 l, w Im are-iltl w th 5 1 -.t-n s-i- In-ioii' t Ii y oou'fl
to I.ihI kiw Hi.', it p-tlit'r m iih 'ur "inl c p rloiiii! ;n h iving
f.icii I'l Miivtil nl mar irh'tli s, who loco p.rartl lncj
iiut'iiM-i 1 r.ivi liv ii int. 1 i-i iitril on.
I fii-M- r .ii'ii4''.ii.o H, 11 li Ii many il h'm whi :h mitfht Im
no iitl.'i'i il an' nn irn". uti'ui. s'Iimiimh t t'n- pi hi
1I1 not ml "I t'M n 1 tin 11 In - huf tho hi. a 1 nl h-'iith t ilo hi
Fclici ufiM I i.rli Ii v il O h" In I is tiimK.fitn. K i -nri iioi'ty
lioin iio-s't1: I'i v mt' I i'i 11 "i w hl''h i In- iaiittl ih n t nJotvr 1 1 t
k nun the iiaiot mi iiuturr ot. I tnv tnnli-r ili-'Hf fir.' mohi urn vn
thf im, li- l,n vi- a i U-t't t" ii. iiiaoijol i- of km ii h yii'inii
to tm 11KI1 ilii'in I'll a rha't nt his t'l,iirn"f. r, tlui' tin y
may k row tih imiiHi .it Inn, A t:., .Vi'. ; m l nt itvi rv nli.vm
( I in nhtti ll In- ("ti pi'l nl t liavp It I n 1 11 ?' lift (n hti ittt. e
, t nil li'H.f-,, it in "iily tin. ho h (hit ciiaiiiiet tli-it tin
joihiii i fto I uvi an ".tit-iy i r l: ii i ''a i ii'p f ir w h it l most
ifr t. 'i-ule noil halih ; ntlii-f i-i' l;f mav lif1 Iti t lt
h.n .ii t: 2 iii.ui in' at' iiimiiil.-ij l'r 11 ijluuksimn thin u
I-l y i ..n..
In tl i w ay in'Hn nt (tirtlltit iition, '.)il h am- liDliMn'i--:h.v
li a m -ifi.ii'. an1 Mint to ho il'-ltv i .1 u i ' tvti.l.l i.
n v thl- i.ti 'i.ii'y dotio, thoii-Aii.iri w niitl t' lit'i' tir- tm-tp-m
'ii w In. ti ni'vi r ti i liiC'l ttifiu tor. If immrn
-tu i'i-'! in .t tin ro r in In- no i i i ' .ihio i iu Ii th-at io i , rtt, in
rilfcr tn il t. t M.4' ilrst nuisi' ot iliii- i-t-. it Ih ro iiiUin- nn I
itlii)on ahl ii"'i!li'i ut Inhint ' Hah y Mt-t.i .hv
ii. I'l'btt' i in, 'i i.'.uisirii' i't nni'isT uis'i"ho lnh-iti'i
h ii.1 W'.'.M In- nui-'cu-sl'il in tlml'iii: 'i'i an'hliti!
' i. ." i I 'li 't 'Oj I in-. -'i-. u uit'tor. !"? ;,;
'Iiii ii 1 1 V h oh th" i.iii - can uiM-i-iiiiioil w ith ;rtaiii:y
lit. I ;l . I li1 1 4 i.. r
th. ri i if- I in with c..iitidPiirp 1 1 the world, th if If ll
Ih'iiinh loi tri'lnK ti.'-tj fari i nithitiuti n ot t'hrn,'tMr
tli it 1 hivt h 'uit (naMi'il tonrti :t th nrit cuutt-'oi iiiu a-so
I ht- C'iii-c i not, as n a'y n p. '! i' 1 1 ho a 'li-o'ai-' , 1 h
ah llo u.M-'f ln'tii li son1 un l 'Ci. ly. which. thi- A(i-i'. p.
I'nul i I ii", f ulMayn wairliof inaliist acti mhor. T n
I,t w -.t-mls in, tli siMp.-iikct t'H-M' ii'tupa i'i tro Incf di m1
ill (M er-sii'i -.1 t. i nix . ui.O I' ih-t to in t-poTi nrn'v I on or
i.iiu'ir!1 wiwi t tu 'i a tliim r unp -t tin-- nn .' it'll'. n
mil tiiTilt i" n't In i'th-r ti rm ant oPht ! iht's-s if thu
it -u in, thnn dfttroj i.ig me w nolo iiiaclniToI th- hit man
Id iio int t r, thn .Lt'maoh ninJ tho Uvor Live nothing to
n with t' i hiih" ot" Iln-iiisiiio. Th troallnj nf thi'.e
iiii'titisnr iht ( um!, has tent inilUuiii to an imiiiaoly
vnh ronii-h it' o I kay t'i the wofM tha my MoIu)!jvI
rti iiii ,. i t ii tho only m?iih'.I ihit nil. n ! til'- worhl
ii h width' fourhly A'n ihila'r i In1 Titt of ilmtav. 'I no
ih.'. v-i3 "imMs ni thr. i- i'ititin trr-mrti ; one t r
tho M'a... r t ii- tM . at.o out! lor ihofjirs. 'I'hen- wori,
in c niiti'l'M, an' ftlii- :it tt t? ro-it of all ili-.i-1-f.
ht'ii I -.M al', I ni'-at! csery d'seato Unit ever JniVsH'l
(In iutiaull h il .
i'r. 'in ll"i
IS I UK I.A--T Sl'.Vii: l'l" Ci'NSl Al'TIOV
ft uhli.
i' .-ton
Imh.-I, Mv-. Nam y i!o.m. of No. K TVarrv
1 1 1 i'i l . ( h- r t"iMi. d 'ei t l thai I ha f In n aiUieTrd
in' h u 'oirs. My iIkI I side wat no araJ.e.l ilut L
e-aihl not 1 in it. h iring mat i ime I roitiered from e.i
tui'j' i. m re ilnoiit ; would e from mi to tivd hmirH al
atime; v .! erv neivoti ; fi. hiom emiid sleep ut night,
1 I ad a lui'u leier two ears sim-e, whir i rethn ed mo 10 ft
Hki-minii. I ha.l all the minheai adl e and m d rino'H
e rou d pi. fine, nut all to no pnrone. I wit t-it'
hinki' ii it. (he lat Mit.-e of cmtttnnntioll. I w i otiMm-.l
to bed wi i ii Mm. M. li. Itrown't Metanhyiical Dite trv
-tut It wa appiie I fteeordniK t dmctiuii. 1
li it no b. ttei'. but tai lu-r worse tor noine tl uu
Vy ti lends wanted inn lo ylve tip. tayitiK II would kill
me ; ti at I w us ten tar ot.e and too wnk to try anythioff
mo c lint my inotbar aid I would die if I did not rind
teliet In the lntcery ; and at It wan the luht tint I to cure
mo st ft wi it UI e.on'lnue it We ooi ft.und that it wat the
ein illation v, hb h win rn -h intr Into mv nteui whieli w at
tut. iiL' e fleet. Am ihe eiretilatloii kept iueJeaMiinf mv d-n-
nie hi'Lan 10 break uti. It wai nix weeks after I b.van
to Ui ll t'o Uit-diouie before 1 eotild k'aiher nreri((tii to
Into liosi..ii t i nee Mr M i;, Hro-vit, and thru I had to
buM'ht 'p. The eeimd thn I v en mred I went wiilmut
help, ai d tbe third time I tound my way w lihoiit any dif
ficulty. 1 htvan (lie line ot the. Metatli,ntcal Discovery In
Ua , nnd the result Im on this '2,V of .liilv, tnut h"atth aud
btreni'ih In t'uHt returmuu to m vuuciated frame.
My para'yeil nide It renored to vinor; 1 can row rest
w el! uu it. my eatai rh ifc imne. My e-iuirli, mv ni-rvo ia
nfrife.anri tore throHt an ;one. I steep wel1 All my Ir
riuliintn s have .il-app. ar ., audi mint arknuwiel'e
thai. b thr piovnb-nc - ot (tod. I w at dlreeted to the u,e o"
Mrn M il ItrnwiiN Me'aph h'al Dlseory, mid by It
t liken from the mouth of the urave and restored to my
In mil uud liieiiil I know iu diseaset are koimi, and a
general ein iilatin ban taken place hut expect H will take
lime to n min my 1. it ileib and rtrenth.
lfcAKtv SPANDINti.
I.JehnA Ni wtoinh, tif tuin. y, do eertify that ! have
he n i ritin y di-ai in n.y left ear lor twenty eftrn, and for
the past tlx rnr my rijrju eir has bin u si deaf fiat I
Could not I ear r .iiiertatl..ii or puhlic nm u1iIik ot may
kind. 1 c . ulii not iu-ar tin i-uurch Ih-Hh il ln!e I was
nitiim.' In tt e church. I have altoi been troiitiled f r a num
ber ol jeurt v it li a very More throat, mi thai I wai ohKwel
to . h c up Mt i u In c ni el, (or 1 bad lost m von j. 1
bad uretllr.'t h e In my bead, lenlloe n dsen,. uliiiont to
Lfau.i s. Mv head felt numb and uttiii'd, fti:d ai
Minn e ol e-'ii-taiil trouble to me.
I tried i vi o ' mi .lv that em. Id he (h im-hl of. I went lo 1
amis.!.; but as tnevwiiuud to uu- Instruments I w.uil.l I
hfie roll. in. to do Willi tlietn. Alioiit one In uitli Mil. .- I
obtained Mi 8. V . i i n s h tl I im -over .and
iirctl it ae. -oid u to ihe (lrectni.hon ti e h.ittb-a And the
rei lilt is i bat the io uiiiif ol null -a"n is per led I y r.'i-t.iie.l,
mi that I can bear n well ns am man. I tie v-r.-at timib e i
in tiit li ad in el. tii ly (-.-li-. M V head lee Is pcrtertU e sy
i no at ii -t M" ihroai, wlhch was .' dise isfd, N cilneiy ,
iiired.ani I liM.f n-laeinl nit '-oi.e ayain. 1 would not
la'e i'i.e "U-iind iio lam I.T the t eii'-lit I Have re. civt d i
Hi tin- ii'i or Mi l. I'-i i vi n t Mi tiii'hi aU al Di-covvy,
Kl MAI.ii A l'l E rUV CV IMS.illAlti.KS VK'iM THE
I- Ml. DISK WF.D EVI.8, AM) L'..s ( 1 N f HI.
I hi 1 .
1 i ii aii I ' i; i . f'eo in t ci 7. W i.--. lit nry M irvhle,
.li I'l l - . n -"let (l ivr .Mi'. I'.!' MVii'mhl; n roil Mil), lie -iiiiihi.'U
n ti . i 'i t ; i'a' toy h..ii j. iiiiia t-o nm-n if u-'
ui tl a! r.; ill ".hi. ' ri-if . i hU"i iclt 1 l u miUi iIimQiih
Imiall.. e-i a'Hi dis'.i-e'i ivn 'Im- cisi-'nv .n v. r
eiii-id it" i rs I., fin. t- hi i e Un.e nod muawial,
c 1 1. o ill Mai, li e i ill'.ws f i.i si to he ni hum i d.inn
l'l h lr' I 1 . ' ' ' t.l'l rated H (I e t he v Willi th" HlM-hm t : It
V Mi'U, I . Mi'Iinn-ihl" tn ile-etlbe the (O idill ill ol li'H eVOS.
M) l..u.i;. pi -h i in -ii til he cm; d K" nd. 11 ii Inn ' J h L
ao l.iati.c li. dT'd. he i.iitl It'.t ( 'e. "i (l ty
Mil: ( 1 ! V i, ii. JJ(- ti.. k Im Until'. .. ,n,.' HI til -nl li in,
S ' : t - l , ni i he p. 1 1 1 1 .( inii t'll what our huder u,a n 'i u U
h i. i n our i I lid iu tins cniulition.
'..-i p; ' lei-i.nal'v, i. hu'it inn yeitr ano, I saw Mrs.
,M I.!v,iii s ''Ye it phy stettl Dh.overv" adveiti-e i in
t-e .-. I Wii.I to the Otllio, llo Arch tttreet, ami
nil i i ft .1 .hi ii.tilulne ,M v vi in- app it d it laiihinlly and
'! 1
mill. Cue wu led -I'in'Iv Ut Ihe
I; v. i per -i' .-i r -d, lino tho r.-s.ip is thai
v cl I. d of hi, i'.l-1'K.i h. Ili4 l-ite'l. C.
a .. i e.S oi l "i I i t. . "p ' tl fh. Ilr , .
. hi I I aid int. I . ' ' I. .'. I ;. iLa-
! 1,1- ,
.' II ,
ni.ij l.i-.-l ll a. t.ll
s- 4 , It 11 o .1
A 1.1. "All I 1 I
( ft 1: ti
! . '- t
II ..l.i'.-1,.
It! iv-,N-r.'!4
M li. II"
I .1 nn r'.'ht ,
; ,l! tl' 1 10;., V.
, i l.:.t II s ,,lt li 1 ' 1 s
, ,1. I . I.t !.,l ,' I
1 I;. Oil 11 tl.- i-.i" ,
'l,t- "i It t I. , 1 1 ,i, 1
l'l" '1 -s. 1,1.1,1 I, Iti lo
lo 11 ,, 11..: .mil .i. . 1.
. . ' 1.1 ' in i, t-i ; iio
I.t, I ,t 1', -y 1,,-v- r ,,-ii int.
1- i,f null., - In ti..!-. t- 1,; It.
... I,, i s i, I ,, rii.lltl I, li' tl' I,..',
,, .nil ... .tl I tli tiii'it 11. y
1.1. il .,. ,- iiil,l r.-iin,' im-.
1.,, ,1 , ,,- ' SU t ip'lt -1. ll lll.s--Ll-
1 "iir- UM, I- ill" Itisl li-,,.t-
I.iii-iiy. t .111 ici lli.tiiklul l..r
I "i.'.l te 1,111..- a
I 1 1'. .11 . t.
I 11 111a. 11 1, nt.. t
,10 'N lll.l.KV.
W.itff, i-l ; uu. ill
.N,.. 110 .W.UI s:if.
S, p li. ii..
F.1U-W. n
X'tv 410 Alt 'll Stria.
iv i r i : n iw T a r
7-30 LOAN.
? i hfij L.r of t(. irtii irj ti i,ot ft in it 'it
gi f it ti wl ft fruiT-ni fr ip n rr-anrj f tii,
ii nl. It I'irr- rf from A-urn: l i" I. nlili tni an
nnai n.i-rr at tin rat ot " ir f ir ln fn pur
t nit. pi r tuiiiiir, run 'nl Hit nr nt to tif i"Ht la
itw'iii i -' c T' r v . r.'iim will It 'O? -. tH ft h .-'lon of
In !(! r. M rrntii'My. n.t - r i 1 1. t-u 1 h...rlnK ( n ti,
liahit in't n thai ri v nor fiinr? l,a,i inn-) !'ir ihur iate, i ihi ( '.rt,Tu nt ma lect. T Ul
h i,mi'U In iot.,ii Ir-.ati ihi ol t-r4h ?'mi. $.V'i 1 1 i, ami
t.nii.mi.' an itih-i pn-io i-w-l h f-r ftny tl-iUrn or
. ti ii.nlliplr of liliy 'l-nliu.
An thf m.ti tlra-v Hit' rft ffMrt A-iK H' 1'', 'i
Irak ii, r itiosu ntmr.j'ii'nt to ilia iat inm' ay tt
Inttr. M a. t - ufl u "in datv nf not to J'. of ilsKi-'t,
I'aitMi d pMltltik- iwi ntj-iht ih inan(t il'.ilar anil
rij-wa(i. t'or it"- r.o' at ay ".r htn i.I tt li " -I ft
mm -lf o i f out' nnar'T r onf rTtiT.
.-HVMI, ADVANT.V i ! !
Iti- .hui"M!.fni,'.'lhi
i f 'i tt r't tf -ii any ( tti.r.aml
ia t ii k tank w ii- ii a. lt
Noi ti iiMilif' ll it ll .-t-.tvlmj
or riu t oan
t, .Mi rhu t : .-Mr ra'
:ir tfo'i.'i. ny
!U-rt ir. Knit il t .ti
n hc t M nr. ilili lit
medium of Ilie c- nn'ry. and It nnnv: pay i iivthn-tf
lint r, for tn own a-i't are ttl.i,r In iinv,rritiM tir s cnrl
Wfp or in. 1 1 nr ex 'ii pnyiitilt in tit vernmen: ; aper.
0--20 0U,T) IIOM).
In fcihlnif.i. t. tin r litieral ln.rriit on r.o'Ch for
t'ir j.ars, thu prhilt'i.: of .iiv'rlon In no1 w n'h
ah mi tire rrrpnt. i r- ai'nowi, f"r thf C"rr"i. rato for
V8 Ilr T. ali 1 not li-h-. than nine i. ,t!. t r '.:(''.. and
hi rot Ihf ar Ih1 premium on "ix pT ciiU Knit"'. tal 't
Mo'-k "a- "i r iv - ntj nrc nl. ll ..ill i.' ti ti a tno
a:tnal profit on Oil I nn, a; th pr.-f it m.'rkr! ra'
not if tl n pi i - nl p. i annr.n .
KICITAIj taxation.
Unt .i'lili: fTnin all th u'nant;ii"i wn Innf '!mmfrat'.t
ft ipi tiiftl Ait oUU'iiLiriun rttt,i$ ii,7 f nU uni i'rtaitiry
untfft j'n lo- nl hi -wcioh, n th avenik'p, (Mi rxifop
tior ii- wtMth ahnnt t'i t crnt. per milium, ae "'j-'Iiiiij to
tin- rate of taxation In various part ot the country.
It It beltevfil that no .puriil ntler n ko it Itnluep
mentii to l( ndert a those 1-suotl hy thi' l.oviTiinr nt. In
all other forum of liiiiihtediiem. the faith or anility of
private partirn, or tto k eotnpanlet. or t'pftr.ite c nnmunl
tkn. only, ! pleilK''l fT pajmuiif, lil.ts the w hol; p'-o-tieriv
of the country it tn-M to tecur the Ulttharti f al
the ohllKBtkni! ol the LblU-d -Hatef.
Hi pi nn iii'r-i mil pb Ri: kivkd by the .Ti-eftnrer r.f
the United Hfaten, at WashlnKtfin, the -tvera! A"ilHtiwH
Trt-ainircri ana dt-slKHMed lieponitartet, and by the
K OMi ATIO.NrM, HANK OF fll 1 1. A I HCLrMI I A, PA..
Uy a I National banki nhkh aro depoiitarles of ptmlic
nmnev ; and rM-U
TliroiiLiMint the eotiniry Hill k further mtorruntion and
I'iiii .ni i em. , I'a.. Seii'piuli.r K,. l,il.
Sen ,1 rr,',os,ilB lli li.t ret't-lveil t tlil4 iittl,-e unlit
Kltll.AV, l.'tt t-'tit-k M ., H.-.t-ml.,-r ? lI lsiil.f.irmiineduto
.It llvt'l. I.t III!' ttll iiislhll ttt-st'-.t.e.l st.iv.-i:
1- Ir.-'ni K s. lies, M,. t h riiii-nl. i-l S.t. So. 10, ;t St..
1'.'. :l Ho. 11), 1'SI N..L4rii ltiik rltov.'s, nlili tlsln-.
emnplt e. (Ji t 7, .'. Nt,. , .'Jl a. a, .'.ll No. Ili. )
ll. lir Wlllli.nis' t'tiok St'nes, extra large, with tutiiie.s
V mp'i le.
Tu i't ufiu'si iiiinlliy. ml the ii.p novo, to b f.irnislit
In Ihe sl.orunt i n-itil'le llnie. ninl mlijeet tn loin
llnlil. r tn furnish niii' nf i son sli' ai i mmilo.
IHililiT. will tt" prif.-, Im'li In wriniiu unit n.'iiros, nl' fiiili fic httl I'nr, flint th" ih'irtitst llnm re
tiiiirt il I'nr iie Ivt ry. 1'rlee tt. Iiii-.uttc boxinii utnl tie
Ki-li li'tl must b (tiinralitoi'il hr two r''.inii"f'ile er
,,ns. is ti.-.i- muniitiiri'- intisi b iiiii'i'iiileil nulif nttf tt.
nml nrtiMlti as l ink' anil iillleier.t . t -inity l -r
tin- Rint.iii.l iii.i-IvmI by lite loilntl Slat,,. Ilisliit'l .In.tKt-,
Atlnrn. v. nr I'l ll.'fltir, t.r i.lher imliht: t.ttlu.r, otin-rwise
the l.ltl will mil b-' . ..II. nil II ll
'the rli h' Is n mtrvi'tl t" rtslltil.t, ilt-nieit tno hMi,
anil nn lilil friii A dt-fiiultliig ruiitrin '.nr will be r,
Cl-or 'fertler (uroriitatinil, e:ill nt the .illli-e, Nn. ll:iJ
I. Ill .III.
lit mder ntrnlonel A. J. Terry, yimrt-nns'ir's llenart
meitt. I'. 8. A. i.K'iin.i; it. iiumi:
i-lii-iit raetitii fttul a. sjM
auu. TWl-.Lf i H una imhahii niein.
iitA, Ke.i'ember !', JH-r.
Mealed l'ropoftlH will be reeelved at hit Odb'fl until
TIEXiAV.ihe 'Ath Imt., for aunplM'is' the scnuyikiU
ArM rai with tne follow int' articles .
Daik- blue thread, No patent.
Dark-bbiP 'I hn ad. No. -10, p Uci.C.
r niK Tnlmhkn (L-ah ao'ed).
I'eiio emu t aper Ui x ti.
ewiK Twine, Ttux .
Tho hid will ttate Ibo number or 'juantltv of ea h kind
t f urilele proponed to tie drllvt re),
Khi.Ii bid o ust he L uaraiiteed by two respin-tlbb porsoni,
w boe rlKiiat tires must be ippended to ihe Knaian'.ee, and
Cti(fii lo a hflllt roodaild silllleie it ae.'tir.ty lof tin!
amount Involved, by noun: puuhr liiuctioiiary oi the i'a Ucd
Hit frotn defnuttlr it contractors!, ami tho-i th it .1 n d
fi iu romviy irtti iu- ifjuirttitt nt of thi adverimetiieut,
u ill m t be eouhldered.
ltlank formt mr ampofiftl, emhrjc'tii; the trtnt of the
Knaniiiiee n tiired on i a-h hid, ran te i ad on appl catl-'ii
at thin oillce and none i therh which do not euinrace dim
ifiuriniti'M will bo considered, n ir will any proposal oe eon
Hli'eied which linen not itrv tit eurtorm to the re iure
DH nt thi rein muted
Ki ii ple of Ihe ftrtlrie proposed to bo delt- ered hy any
of ihe tmtdtri will be kuMnilted with their bidi.
riopoNftii win he en.!or-ed -TropoHUli for Army
Kui pliei, ar d will be aibl esned to
Coouet M.EX. .1. 1'KHHY,
p i-l-3t guarturmastvr b Department, I'. H. Arm v.
No. WAIsMj'I fStruit.
I'llll.AIiKI.I'lltA, fleptointier l 1"61.
Sealed Propo-als. in duphe ite, will be ri-eeived at ndi
oiiueiiiitill'.'ncloikM. uii t i KXDAY, epteinher il, lril
lor mipidj int: for tbe me of tbe I ailed Stat en rnr , he
loliowiia subsuienee itore. debvered in i'btlaieipbtu,
U :
MD(J Itirreln tint quall'V corn-fed 'Mi:S" or
'ThlMK MESS I'oKK I w, icn to he fUtdV
ol ihe paek ut liitutl hu .pt-d iak hair l-i,
with iron Qiimter h-opn ; meat to b free 'rmu
rum or main, foil weutht and thoi-.ui).'hlv
bulled; to have b.en it-pa ked within ihir y
da of daie of dedvery. l o bc4eliicral wtthni
t ei ly Uai I miu aw ard.
lOOlDO loiinda brut iiioly 11 it'OX HiMI I.DKU-,
pa. Ri'U wl IIUMI pifpsurr. iu 'mil' -lei. t-n m ,
uuiinrm hle To be dell vend w it hui twenty
daw fiom ini.i'il. I
'Ol limn Is Kl KA MKSS HKI'.f. In lull ho d'p 1 J Inn iel. i uh iri.u linis'i-r ho .pt, lie l lo .
be new, full weight ( Jon pounds) and thorough
Iv mi ted. '
5lK)t!(l4i 1 oui lUof drat .iiatltv PIL T HltB.MMu be i
made tiom ioi'd toot d ' extra r'ln n-," ileirouh- 1
i hiked, ami prrtei Tly dried bv'O.e benu
pU.-ll'O, IO I't) p CKtll IIlliOS1n VVOII- I'll
ftoiii d wo d , of siteti u kind a iv.ll lint luinart ;
tutu to 'be bead: bov to r nia n ilnv !
pnundt ULl. lu bu delivered withiu tweuLy
Halt i
4 , (KM Diirrels i:TirA f I I' I! !tl I N K ' Mt K I B v
I' Ml 1,1 I l.-.L It fwhl, ti inos uted), ll rt dl-
e io,'i-ii'il and head hin d oaTeli. I'.i ha. .i :
I I'i II vrnllUd W lln.j I'-i.ty nh if ill l' of j
ll. s a.iVi iti i nn ill. Ir -ill ne. Ml "T w i nl. !
Sanii ot li'aoiU ..nd pl.n it man f i:t u iio
he meiili.'tid in the bid. lo he iljlii-iel
i tthiii t n da s
;S,'jOO I'.eii its lit Ht ..iinhlj kd- d.le.l "ui( MK M.,
lb wed conpi r,-il. h.-rtit-lliU' t bap 1 -tl', 'if U tl lo '
be liu nilOlU it. I 'i be ib liM red WiHllll teQ
da i".
Ml, tMIO I'.-iiiidt m ww III I'i; it-AS-t,lu w II r ipi'-'d ,
I. .r ls. T" he i'ele.'d it-llll tt "1 '.ilVH.
,'M.(i(Xl I'.nn.i-ri.'lMK blOK, in w-l. en . r.-.l h" '
l Is. 'I i , in O'' 1 ' er. d H tin I l l y -.
ltui.iMio r i inii i i:iii'. i:: ruriv.K, 1.1 .1 m1, i-
It. 1. ha,'-, hi he ih licie.l uKh-u t inlOv
lO.UiMI I' tlrsi i;;auty UlL.Vi IK. 1.
or'viiiil ha I putt ..I i pe a s,r.ipi t . te
on ... iuial j ttpi-i . 1 .i tied -live cl wit:nu i-n
iim.o.m loond- I'iHP vr.i.i.'H' kkh;k si i-vn.
or ( lit !! K IM li M'l.Mt, Hfiii n i .
be lie Lo-t In ue I a it e 'lulu ilf
i.K i. d s i-lun ten d -s
lO.OUOilinloim l'l KK l'l., WillSKV or CiHIS
N iM'MAlt, in bfrm.:, wil c p retl barrels
5.00U Pmiodt brht uiiaUi AHA.I .MINK l'S
M.l.s, lull w el;.' hi. Us. I O lie dlt e''ed WII Itlll
' . U .lai v
DO (10 0 I't iiU .ood 11 A Kt SO A I'. In p mil' bari, fii I
' v,e ;:.l, p'n K d in si' 1 p uinu b ies. Tn he
t i n eifii u itliiu cnl na i-.
"(l.(H)t) I'liLUh ca rti:. line, I'KV S M-'l
, In str.iiu', w.-il
f.nijii .i d i-iuie! , To in; c .1.
1 W'i' .1111 ll u
S lit I-
a U .11, ;
1 111 .ii,'.' t,
, ll ill .-'.il
. .il. ,t- II
I I'll ' .'
'I, '.
.t' -1 liiiit- 111
, IT lis' I, .
ti 11, till-.
A ,l 11 ml c,l,.'
til il ls It III iti-
I t till! 't I.f
, 1 1',-..;,,' 1
Ilt'.ilf llf 1
f 111 I'' 'III -
, r. i 1,
l.url. I't.' I i". 1. I--l
, 1: il-l Ii-ii-I's
li. nil t I.,.' .1 I
It u K I. 1..1, 1, :
i. e. 1 '.I.) I .- I n-l
'111 it 1 1 lb l-.ii"
I I. Of I! .
.. II, t l,llli'l:.
Hlltl' ' I.! tit 'I
;itAiiii"it, 1I10
. I.
, try
1 r -!'.
.s ,
, 111 ,1 : t
Ill '
..list I, , t i l I.. I .1.
i. l i 1..I :t I 111' tl lo lilltll
1.11 HUT
I t-i. I It l;l I t- itili-itli-lftl.
ii .ii h i-! nut- i,.tt-:.n"i I .It -ir,- V 't any p. .Hit is
t bt ilis'tii.t-iil ; il.i-niii' t i .iii.l ii iv iiiii'i iii'
i't -1 . i f, !.,". if mil In' nn si.i. ii'ti s.iiiu it-lit caiiau
ll I
I If
!'.. in.-i.i tt i.I 1. i'i. u.i- In .tu !, It. ml. . limy Im I'urill.lieJ
lo i... I i 1 Mnti ft,r n.t i i ,t . -
I i. .t. .his lu i.ti i-.i.l , '-I'l.-i'-
.,!, f,r h,i'
Ht. rt,, u .i.t d iiutitl li. ,
14 1 ir 11. H il'UN.
li 1-..4I I m: trtlil iU"i J-S. V-
Pr Or'MSAl S.
aT I U I 11 I INM KM
I e a
i r
i ii . (iti'm'tff l I".i.
Mai- il iir-ino-a'- w II h -iv..: al t 1 t? ( t:.- nil
Mil, nl. No I. t;i. lit MP iiift.iiii'ilnoi.'l oi Arni"
,i . ,-th lnt ii f, hr t it Ii t' t m rn' , dorm,, ttn- te-m ol s
nnii h. t (inim"ii tiu nl'HM.Ktt an u"'i-4-r-i
I l.'.i ithtn t'o' hiinrs ..: tin mhitai y .p-iri. i w r noi
h l ia in. ii.nhu' t;ii.'4;ci. h-tmii Hill, t i-rm inlaw n .
iu.wp II til.'iti-t"H, Mill, F-.rt Mnnn,i.;nr
Wiiii'in IN in, hit" i H'wriy. wn
ll"-Mtai-, liarM. k.'ir ramps, t mil mayor im.ii--
1i-! i il m nhoi t "t t nn
t ii )i',"iii tiMi-t llo Iti'K it plain ton B' nt pmi"-.n i,
a m ! : Ihe ll .-I a M-l-v; a ''ti r I il p r ; f ri'irf,
thiM up nl iH.h hioi'nI a It" a lin.iT I it.. tu.--,4-
. d i i c i ,o t n ti i 11 1 1 ', an.i all ,'::aii,'' lie '.ar..
ma i hr h rn. r.nipie'i' ..... ...
, rtim I-i' f"T-.v i"H "i tor mi' ii i
re linie in ' r.i:riini nf .'f:i leiM
) piO.
. will h ri- f-'
I onl.'
r!v f, 1 .,'
,n.t -n i
. ho I. . nn ti. I
0 at t .1-.
I hy
rt-nii kii-'
n it l!il-
n.i i'l- k w il it
It., r.r-u-I
14 I'.'t
"I h'ol I M
ai iti.ii r s. mi
( 'a; lain uiul t,
J M 'ii 'iv
Pun aio i t un. Mitpipnihr 1:1. 1HU.
H nV.l rr-pnli H i..- n . , m t a' th. .ntie.' o' f nn
iI.t l.iii' l, S - 111 il '.I 4KU s; tt, nnninxin nf M'V.
I ,i I .i'.'h ii 'THU' ft "hi I int'il Ia ( Wi'
In. i c lnn..vnr 'tn-et nlnri, on nr I. wore Ot'irOHKK
I... Ii'-i. -
li'oMalfit r.ih'efq. ..r n. Hl tlnar-N. with nvl to
eai h 4 U t- hMi.'. IH inrhes wnte. I lnoii.' thi. a, mi'i Jlho-J
on -hi n i. nl -ii.-.l.
A mi rr. pie iT'i't I" ent xvith eif-Tl pr-.pnal, ftitt! ni'lt!
hr li..ilur to s.impit- now nt this cliie".
I r -I "Sj v-iii i e i.'. t..r h-.l or part tht?
iih .-i.
ii t r'1 vHl (. r"-'v,1 hi h i prop r1i- Ml!, d (p
ni "i I'hii-rvs Yihi.'i an In had at lni nit..-', ant in-..
hi-siii r.f t-nl h.t pirs'-u-s fiioAii at thu "tine tober
Thf I nited H-at'i r.'-orvri 'he nirhf. to n ici t W bin.,
tli . ni- .1 iiToiiii with t- ii t"n 'tv
H) or.n'r oi ( ol .nl A.,l.l-erry, Vtiartn-inftst,.f lv
narni nt. I . r. A.
Al l-KUT M A .IMKAl),
9lt int'.un "d -nl-t.ini i.'uartf i in ist r.
I Ak'Il'.KMAl iili-Gl.M'ai.M.'S OFI'I.'li
irat l'n n.',nNi;irv. tjim 11,14.
Tlotti'S' liolt-il s' : ln:si.' ! !
I.,re Mittahh- t- r ArMl-" nod a alrv m" vlro v U'.
h" ioir hasi .t i-t i.lli.'il'.OKO li.;'o r, inopi'ii market, ti
hl'i l. K I, IM..4.
Ji.-r-.s i li.. j. 1, sen-. I In ri i'n I. T.O rv M."r ,
A. . M . Ool ho -oh it t. .1 In ll.u MS Ml ' ii 1 .I ' ill III
ilip. ' t-o hi-n ri' tn-Miti ii. '-. i ! d
1 ri i- m t'aiaii v IT rs., Ji7 t'.T 'h.
Iri'PDi AthO'T) H'-.i m ?t-'.'i. h.
fa Mm Tit vi i ) I be in.ide lor ih ) and more.
folnnil First inviHl. n.
r :,. (h ,ifi iuftfti-i iiift'-tor- ifon. rat O'M.f.
l' A 11 T I. 11 M A.S T I', R '
n o v v 1 1; k , MM I I Ml ,
op.oinin r n. ism.
nlnl Prpnal" will ho rii'tne.l mi tint .tfllee un'll
H'Mi . i?-iii In-'ant. ai la o n.n M., f--r turn'-hum
A.V-IIA IIK HI ft. a M K K r'AI. lor tne Warl.;ui-in-
nt tor a p.Tiini ol nil nnm lit. ( ouimti .Ins 1st O 'IuImt.
1hi;4 and ci dim 'I si Mimh ln. oiil to h'or''ie h -t
qua Hy inhrai lie, for the ttto of tti iim-Tli, to wolyh ifJW
n iim.V m tlio Ion, ami in he tU llei't to iiitnt itlon
I h- I', nl ir ,o b ih livi ri'.l f'ti hnard vossim in (h'-Tnrt
of I In ti t iph a or Now nrk , I, j mk-Ii niia-nltl', ami at
tucli i-in as uim br reitntr( di himUhli h', if deitiuntj d,
i ni d tooa per i ek.
Inra-i oi lal me to d ti vr tiie Tnal In proper ipitntltT,
ml at U'e p."p r tlon! anil lar-. lte i.nv mtaeni rf-
vetihf rU'h' 1 1 n ftke pin.l any uVneii'iiry by puro laifl
at Ihe ( r nirai tor b nK a lepir.. 'he pme mtut ti
n en (M'iirateiy for the i'oal ni'lirrrnt on n.uird nf ri.
ni Is at this pun' ami ut New York, on th termt ftrnl oon
dHl n aln vr Piiiied, Tv nty per rent will he withheld
It ih I he (itnuunt of nH pa menlt imii!fi, which ronorvft
tioli Im not to he piti-l nut I the roinr iet nha'l have been 1 i
tuiiy ei'inph ted Patim nN of tho re nninimr e'crnty per 1
urn t , or ha him e due, wlh be mule in-nthl , h oen thu lift-
prttnetit m iu fniola fur that purii.e.
h:a h ot'i r imiNt lie arcnnipaii'i'O i ft written cnaranfe,
ginned l' two or moM' rt'Hpons.hte paritet fti'-1r responnl
bilnjt to be dT'lt'ed by a I ni'i tl nt te Jml-re, Aitoinev, or
t oih i tor). I' at Ihf iu'diler or hi.hlera ill. Ii hta or thftiri;
bitl he iieceptrd enter intow ritti'ti otillirai(in. wtt'l B't '
ui (I iH'tllrient niueiieN, ttMhe nnm ol one hundred thou
taioJ dollars, to fnrrith h preanneil Mippliim No propo
sitioii ill be coiist'lvfvU uuiftsi, the Urum ot'ttlil dverli.
ni I't ate complied nlih. -
Tiieiitlit 1- reserved to reie. t nil the lml If eoiii.ii"red
to b to ll e Intel fit ol tho er Ire fc do ho, and no bid from
uii tan it inn run tea. mr will be received. f
l'r.'poais to be er.ib.p.itd iroiionl for Coal fr thft 9
Var lieparinient," and iiddretstd to the underiiKned,
It. ori'er it t.Vloiiel A J. Terry, ij'inrferiiiater' Depart 1
nidit.r s.a. lii.-iKhK ii. omii:,
Rib-7t ( aptit u and A. CJ. M.
U A 11 T II M A S T K 11 S O F F 1 C E.
I'liii.inn.i'ni . I'a., September 1, 1M4.
aied Tropotials will be received at tin ofUie until
1 in sda , J o cinck M -, Mptrnitnr 2 th, Inn! for iuimft
uiatr deli very ol lb'1 l.lbwnia dei nhed ttuTi'n .
4" I' -iin li c . hnder was tiurner.
a" H.-il.eti ' thi do
eh r.'-ineli do do
1,'OU-iich do do
'il in l"ih do do
1 n 1 1 u iiilc nl' No. 'JO w li n t'liftL'e.bctt ijiialityof Ame
rican Iron, ti e Mnvefc to ro furnlnlied in ihe ahorie.
hle limi to be m ide bi Iln) bett manner, an 1 aubi:tt
li. s pi c I ii. bidders to turiiioh one ol each sl.e as
l.iiideui w'll fttat- prl e, both In writlmr and tlirtirr;,
number t f e o h si..) hid lor, and me sho' tcat ti ne, re
tUited lor uudvery. i'r ice. lo mcltido boxing and de
llv.rv Kt. h b d m'int bo puuninteed bv twi rep-msibl per
t Iih, w Iiom- nii i nturi must ne iippen 'ed lo the nftran
tee, ond rrrntitd foil bo n.' u- od an-l milH I IU n.-urity
for the aiiKM nl ilivol-eil. by Hit) I il 'e I Ma.fli Dlt'iict
J mitt. Atn n ey, or Collector, or oihr piibiii; otlictir,
oil I'tahe fe t m will nut be eonider.-i
'I he lb. lit i i rt -er eu o i ee. l ft' I blot d-pmed too hh h,
ai d mi bin tmm a detaiHiiu onfrncmr will be ie;jived.
oi ltntlitr lot jruiailoii, call at tlmoitiee,
o I l-i't ii it Kn tr..i t.
Ily order of Colonel A.J. i'KKaV,
yitHrteainiBter'H lit iirtTieu , D. s A.
9 15 4t Captain and A. V-
1)IlOr()SALS FUll bill AW FOR HOSl'I
lain. s.v.
Pirn xt'H.riti a . slept r-mber IX IH'i-l.
Hi u'ed rropocalt wid no rert-iveil tho othee of tin- nn
demm.ed, No. ln:i lilltAKD Street, mull noon of n;K--lt.
. -2th ii'ant. lor I'lndhhuik" to the Dniied, iur
nix m nth, enn.trt I'Cinu Ociohtr 1, ihuI, all tht Kiraw
ie.iiied tor tte at th" various tmiipku' s, barruki, ad
oih. r public bu.ldlrn or camp, wiilmi ihe dnilin of the
Midiiuy uf I'biladelphift. iiiflmltm,' i!better, "he;a
n.t Id I (ieimantown, Sicctwu, lUiditutou. Sp.lUK
Mid. rort v itltiii, w bite Halt, and Itewrly, as well aa a:iy
oihei bt mav lie e-tali. nhed within that Ibne.
I'm pofnls tnut sia'e the prlies aeoara'ely lor ft and
vhi-rti straw. In tn mi let and bae, aud muit include thft
dt it vt i v w heic er ordered.
Jio pr'.'i o-al-i will be rn. rived utile prnirly fll'c l In
uion blnnkH. w bif'h e n be Imd at ihl ofllfn, nj tnmt
be liijHim tied by purHobft inowii at tbi oitk-o to be ro-
i e.
The i nltid taiet reaerees ti e to reject all bids
dee ii id liirouipatible with its Interest-.
li v eider of ( o.onvl A-e. J. Terry, Qaftrterinastt-r'a
Ih uaitim lit 1. S. A.
.l-U Ut t aptalu. A. g. ki.
Hoi hk or Uki'hkmks i-aTivks IInitkh S tatkh,
l Ktl K's OKl'li K , A I lull it '2', lHli4.
FKALKD I'KOI 'U.SAI.H will be reeidved at thit offle
uti'il H.IDAV, thn Mitb day nf Hptftnbr-r. H:i, a If
o i ltn k M , lor tiiriilst ion each i.f the loll iwin clatMfti of
Hath mn for the Ufft of ihe House uf hepieaeututlvea vf
tl.c I'Mied Hta'ta. 1 :
ltOieuiiH whin iurto post pper, extra lUferflne,
teint Ilut d
lo(i rt-auui w him rnmineri'lal note pftper, extra euper
bm , le nt lined
'ih re inis w lilt e c nmierelrtl no'.r paper, cxifA aupef-, conriie ruled on all tidet. r
;10 rinms w hliu commercial note paper, extra n per
il ue, I'hiiii.
in teams blie tool-'Cap pap. r, extrft iuperflne, (Wnt
bind -t--.'i'i
rt ami. leual rap paper, extra uperdne, feint lined.
ID letiins tint eai- pa t-r. plaiii.
l.'.n rt-aii-s ibin MMiiilla paper.
ts- tj reiiii.n Mi ni ft apei, li by l!i Inchei, wehhlng U
t oondp pi r n bm, very touuh end Hinuotli.
UU reams Mat ilia paper, ll by 4 inctivN, welyhln ,
'.'J poimiU per ream, liat, Teiy auiooth ftnd
2'0 nam- Manilla paior, ." by 37 tileries, w'tifhlnff
it l ndk per reftin, flat, very auiootti ftua
7:. P"b wl it 1 hick adJieslve envelnpen, 6T, by :i Inehea.
SO l no Inn thick ailm livo fiiVel.pnt, b 9', I IK-he t. '
.u 11 'ii wln't th'- k U'ltuaii e envelnpen, H bv .1 luehei.
Id.l 1 0 w hi e .bu k adlifiMvo envelope!, H'j by H', lnctiet,
A,illi li-if bole em eli. pen.
Inn Mb mill iitlhckivij envi totaji,, 7i by 3 liiehes.
1 1 1 is o, (.n . tit 1 in i l'.-'it.
b M s uteel pen-, v nous . iudl.
1 . trtt--. 4 nnh c.n d.k-ttnls
!- doi n )iik"liiinU, vari"Ut kiudN.
lo d bn'tU a bust Mack .i.'t, 'i'i arts, pintb, and ualf
I- i t.
!! t'oei bi nt im It'k, ' ri and rdnte.
.'i ! t"t Mil her pi-m.K 1 liquid shurl,
: dna II ui In 11:011 ted De in 1 U, variouw kllulft.
,1 (,i 1 h. i i. Imi pcii 'ila, 1 a-er n octagon acUruiibd,
ir-Ai 1- uh'r'n eiirm'ne ind blue peiielU.
i.'1-i k 1 mi . h.'ldi rs. dull r n klmlH.
II 1 ' i li Mil h-l pt n bo del' a'lOUH liZog.
.'. dt.'. n t" tih f urn. 1 a; 1-, d all izei.
.i 1 t..' 0 ('a.-kii f ttini.r enr.M.
j f oth. I'll fc tape.
p um'A O-'-t rca. !tt ahrif w a
h i-1 11 0 1 i . . I01 W ' , a 1 .ous ki id -,
1 ih xi n to timr iiuinina, vMi i,lU kind..
J ll".' II p-llfO'1'.h.
V: d. .'i- p.n er-l. 'Merit.
1 c.t n robt t. 1 nn is
'J ih-' U pa tn r wt.-i.-hig.
1.' .:,-i n pi nw it us.
V'-i Ot en u... ki t'kiiivel, to, three, four. Olid il
hi.idi - : ;a,-. p. arl, ahell, and ivory handle!.
1 d a n 1' In- ii r-l.ei.r--.'
oiio-fh nH ii .' ruhher
r. . mo. 1 ill I . rl in, ns and rin-t
:iu xsins pan hmt'iit, lb by 'il niches.
V doa u ei oi-i-'e ciipa.
1 pm da ..
In in- mipj.iyoi ,-t' dh.r .nlrae t..rn will be rlyidly reiiuired
. lull.
Ill I,,
Is mi
t t .
. . tiii'i'iiiiK il it.. 11.0 nam,, of tli, .arc
t 1,,
., mint to I. i. . t, t-t'i-rcn, .- si'ltl ho niton fo ttif pro
- ,1 vil... r.. .., i.ttliisll..-, II e ilinlll cfit .i .ml ol tul
. tliii.
ilili . .uni jll I'.'.s.'iis miik. i ir..i-t.sii!s tt. sii,.ly
-s.'.i nn ii.. "i.t si, 'i' .tittiier ilie ..iuu am tne
H i, Uli " "I ti t- I Hilt tl fsl'i i s.
'tin, i.rliil. "if lu ta ilt llvfii-,1, frt-nornny i-linritc for
r'lillt'L'f, tit 1 1 "1 '- "1 Hi'- l'l'-''lt "I I'' lli'iisw ul lt,. ru
in. t.itivi s . n tn Uli If tin' I -tl' 'Im ft Niivt'iiiui'i-, ltttil.
I lit 1. l,l,ti.i.l III l'l.' i'l,t!,,ts, tt '11.,11,,-uls .,r Hl.iliiill.,'V
tt,r tl f lit, lis'- t.l' I.t i-r- ,' nt.itli t,I tl,o L'liltt.l suilu.,''
io it .itliiu -nil I" I',' lli.'ii 'sii i .-l
Mini, i.-m .1'iciiii, io "I m'li f 1 'i s- i.i iirlu'e. iirfritisoil
I".' tit., -I il t'olill'ilil Uu' l'l"l'i .SI, lliitrlsv-tl V. Illi liiu 1I.IU4
"'l!,'-I'l't'-i n' i fT'-illil' tn furnish .nv rlii-s nf art t, 1ih at
11,1-l"Wt si nr-, ' ii.l'lv loll -Kl, if ,1. flu' I rn-fli. A cull
ti un t,,r ll,'- s uu- 'i 'f" i' ' "ii"l' 'titli two or ni'-ra
ll'lltu.. .UIU 11.14 In I In' l It I is "I ti 11 llutl-stiol
m.itivt s it, i- i to- ft i t"i iiiit'i' 1-"' a f h.iint3l iiiutf r ii lor
I Inn. i.l l'.t o it,.- it, iii iii. I ,i.t '" "" "I fulliiri', wli'i h
If no: ii-.iKi b- n litl in ti' I" ''"' ""' 1 l,', "'l-'I'i t ti
.:;?1;,i,, r ...4 , -..I. ;:i:x:-n"i:,?:uli
l 1. 1 1 i.t'if.c I It. t.M- uf Ki-riit.fiuaii' i-avi L L.ud -iimti.
i. lu tl lJU
in "oii'e - im phoviti s i r am and watur.
Y J iil- ATINU Al'I'Ml 4'11'S.
yoc w.rnitug utl ViittiiiiiuK I' lluilJlnaa antl Pr".
V.l. itVAltlUIUMl,
Munit.eturei! tiy tin
OIT J-UlLoVllKI.I 111 A.
Kn. II S lot'UTII Hlrwl.
Bh30-IS B. It. rKl.'lWKI.L. KiH'Oiluttiliicul.
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