if i i i 9. (Evening clcgtitjilt SATl KDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. I! I. eriBiT or rar, new york press. Leidlng K.liiorUlR from tho Sow Torfc-r'npt-in rh In Morning. i ii i: au(s, r- .1 ii-t t. n ,. "J lif Mi-CIrl m.itcn Hte working L s't rtu ly ; lint tin1 into I- uvvr-t tli'in. Tii-y ni iko mi''h tv.lao, t-n-ci. llv mt!i f in r in.wili r; Int th-y JiniKf iio hCHilw.iv. H e,, woie mori-mon will. Irg to M.ii- ti c ir tli V. t the il.,y ndcr it wai n mii untnl limn there m it v ; anil nmrt) mm than tlicre will lif oi. 1j- lny ot e e linn. Their fiti. locution tciiietinB thtvr .Utl.i ,n XwvU them 1'Wl jr. Tlio ie.i.e cli mi iml i p,rtytlmt it rlmll (it lei ht lune luilli In tlielr ou prinelplen ami net he rIihimi-iI to own them. When tho Cor.vpntion pit I'nrili one rreeii ; it omli.l.ito anoil.ir plainly Irn-r-ucilai lf ,tu t ! fjnnT; at.it mil even mi rtr.i t i m nt-i to oil .ici or ex pleln tlieir iliTieimm y. tie mir the Intra nre apalnst tlietn. li scus-iio i mtist ren ler their ion n ort mill tiMnc u Kuunl, less timl U s tet.iitile. Their in tier irnrii ruimn 'inle tho n ugh hiinrtlln' ot an emiiuMt, stirring, vlorouj Citniiu.ii. If the vote of tlie loyal St itcn were ji'ille l to tnoirrm, It w ulil present iict; w-t of jiih 1 ulmut two millions tor Lincoln and .l.ilnnin f tin 'irft tut 1 1 n litioilteii tli.niMin.l for M ciolUn and reniileton. H it re must titnl smll do iierter In Novi niln r An Imoorui t l uioa virtiirr in irj.ii. ip would il .nh'e the l.in : iln ninori yia Pi-voral St.itii nnil i'liuiie it evervxrh.T". O i the? other limul, niiu'ir ring Union defeat would din ItHKh the Lincoln voto iind iimioriiv : limit would titke two or three Muniiln rilowi in qmc't ftirnwinn to retaunl in to tho Kin nrl A i jmriilvHis nf Atijui'. We even doii'H If tlio rout iind dioperHion of Grant' army c mid do it. Ot the contested Urate), our Intrdost work In to lie dope in Indinn nml lilirt'iis, liocitiiic lUo aoU diera absent from iheir linnim in tlnxe.si itei can rot vot. Alter all ha Invn dono that jhii be in the way of furlough, we mint hear up aaimt a net lu-s of at le ist ton thousand in the popular otr of earn nf these Bttitt-n for want of a solders' voting art We can eland thin sioce AtUi.ta ; hut on'y last month llusc to Status would h ive gone for M.CIel'Bii. Wo had aupposed Nw .lersey nionllv stiri to fto agiiltist m ; hut her I'nionitH av No thoy can and will cerry it. 'I heir work h'mior th ir faith. From end to end, the iniisnei eonio Ibith to heur I ninnist rpeukvra atW reiotul to tlieir appta'e. We reekon that one htm Ire I 1,'ncda meetings were held in this Srn'n lat neuk, nod that the Dumher is rapid y ri-iug to fue hua.lred perwiek. It may lie one thousand liefore No Teml r. In spite of a heavy loss hy tho alucnee if soldier-, N"- Jersey wii p ill in ire vatos for Lincoln this year than alio did lit 1 v,0. l!y the wny : I- there not itne Mni. lhmite 10 bardy ns to attempt to answer this nucsiinii If the soloiers arc mainly on your aide (:u ym any) why has no single Legislature of your putv ever parsed an ai t maiding them to vote ft iely g not that p.rty's custom to dnfninehl-j lun who were re uly and eauer to vote for it. lt there he no blind tru,tlhit all will c ime out right. We shall triumph hBcitna we shall deserve to iriutntih. We shall sow the land broadriat with Union iievvsinpjrs and documents, ami shall r-ip tlnvefroin a harvest of lyal votn. And wieii the result (hall bare shown that tlio Unionists sun.l tlrm as a rock, meaning to havo a peace th it will endure, tbat peace will bo clo-o at linnd. TIIR Ml I.I I' VHY ASl'Kt T. From the Timt. Appearatuea In war are proverlii.UIr deceptive. The day may dawn in peaceful quiet, iwd tho evening fall upon a field of I. loo. I. Operutions may seem to have come to a long pause, when suddenly there is the fierce resumption of hostili ties. At this moment tho general public, aro quite incapable of forming any opinion as to tho chances of speedy activity on the part of cithor Of our two main armies, or what will be the char acter and direction of tho movements yhich Grant and Sherman will next attempt. It li common to represent Shor.Tian's campaUn anclo-cd by the capture of Atlanta. That triumph did, in one sense, end the campaign; hut in a largo eiisc, Kbcrman's campaign cannot be siid to to closed mull he destroy the army of ll joj. Tlio geographical objective was Atlanta, and that is ours; the real body at which ho s rack wis Hood's army, and that has anil, in some shape, a vital anouiistaniive existence. It was ii-nire lly fearfully crippled even before the fail of Atl inta, and it sraggeieu back from that place in dismay and panic. Hut it still walls for the do ith.tlor which will send it reeling into the lat ditch, on thevtrgeof which it now stands. That death blow Sherman will, we believe, give it, w ith energy, before tbe snows of Winur full upon the m untninsof Upper liu.ayiu. Ai to Oram, aome people think he Is "stu-k." If sneh wore the case, it would be som uhinr? novel In the military his ory und career of (Jotio ral Giant, lie bus certainly a most ditlicnlt and stupet.dous work before him Hut no ono who lias read intelligently the Kohcl urtielns we have luicly given In profusion wi:l douot that ho is progressing in his work. He Is b.-anng on them with a pleasure all but deadly. Lee's army feels it. Richmond feels it. The entire Southern Confederacy feels It. But it is difltcu't for careless observers at this point to see it; and tbe loud and boasting tonu of the ltebels is calculated to deceive as to the facts. The ltebels tell us that tirait is now receiving heavy reinforcements to his army, and that he is throwing them over to his lef. We take their word on both these points; and wo bass on the fact large hope for a swift approaching future, if Grant be proptu ly reinforced, w e snail this autumn tee JLee's army staggering urouiid Virginia, as we now behold the wretched army of Hood roeling around Georgia. A DKLIt ATK Il S AG K E KM t: r. fi otn rhf 4tf I nrk World. The Philadelphia Air of Thursday is so good as to advise the M'mlil to Uo what tho U'orli h is always done, avoid oeca-ious of strife in the Democratic party. It is a'so kind enough to inform us that "l'oimsj h ani i makes Presidents." If Pennsylvania will make Gjne.-al M.:t'!ellan President we shall be iuliuilely pleased ; hut as the Ape, which is liberal of its advice to othor nde, will bardly quarrel with us for returning Ivors, we beg leave to suggest ih it if the Ay expects io do its part faithfully towards the good work, it will bu well for its couductora to was'e nothing of their energies upon tho entirely super fluous business of editing the H'iW.. They will do better io strive to equal the ll'o7i' circula tion hi tbe Kej stone Kiate, and then use it to us much purpose. There is no quarrel go!n on in thebisom of the New York Democraiy. There arc no', a dozen honust democrats in the city able to walk to the polls who will not vo'e for Mr. Met'lellan and Pendleton in Noveiti'ier noxt. We shill tu abandanily satislied if I'e iusylv.inii shtllr nue to the front In as solid a ph ilinx as New York already shows; and unless the .4r is particularly anxious to supp'y "Mr. M.itnon anil (i orga Francis Train" with agreeable reading ina't tr, it an hint abundant occupation for I's -It iu helping " Pennsylvania make" the next President. Oil Intellla-enrn. On almost all the streams in Greene county the lands have already been leased with a view to explorations for coal oil ; anion one particularly, m called Dunkard's, the developments have been of the most encouraging character. Tho editor of the Wayneshurg (Pa.) Mruenijer, in referring to the subject, after a careful personal Inspection of tho region and the operations that arc now taking jiluce there, says : "Wo are honestly of opinion that when capital and enterprise shall have developed the lauds along the creek, that locality will be found to comonre, In the extent of its oil production, with the Venango di-tric, while in tho purity, gravity, and value of the oil, it is acknowledged to be infi nitely superior. Our convictions on this subject are based upon actual knowledge und observation of both regions, and of the geological formations and sui ace indications. We are gr.uiiied to learn that wo are not alone in these favorable impres sions and auguries. "Scientific men und experienced and practical oil operators concur iu them, and are investing liberully of their owu means, and directing tho attention of capitalists to the promising character of the Dunkard country. Already several large companies have been organised iu Pittsburg und the Kast, which will soon commence operations on an extensive scale. In the meantime, indi vidual energy and local enterprise are doing much to develops that favored locality. New tluirlcks sluing up every lew days, and the pro cess of sinking wells goes on in many instances without iuieiruption, night or day." ItEADY-MAII2 CLOTHING THE A Gloucester bov, thirteen years o'd, recently C t"i.'ht, In a cruise of seven wei k-, eh hb en bar. r..ir otnnrk. n l, being "third hlWi line"un board the vesel. ISr EirUBLICAJT IVIH0IELE3, I'vALLY FOU LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. -VI hi-- Nr l' I! t- sVn.tA irtmodOlih '' tn iinlif, iiirlf-r rwnituf nftpro,: iit in pw nt lint t fer crt vr i u'y In ) r pre- n: eft ,nl !! nt'id-1 y nft (''ei-.i, c-.if IhI't ;on; im-r, It- h r m toU-'t.f t!.-fuller i -t, i (-nMt'y inl I'd in . in ! '. lti' CCMMONVJEALUI BUILDING, (1I1SMT Mltl'LT, Al'.t) K MXVH, Cn KOSDAY EVENING, Srptejilur 10. Aicitrm. OKUil'. l.MMAN JtH UK, ii n riii stiissr. r$f- LAW 1)1.1 AKTMLM, l.M vFl'lMT Y ' IV tiri"' Is. A tftm w 111 (..iiniif n. o lie roRKK i. Tl.e liilri tiir. r 1 .. ,irp will If il.I;fi.tl itse...,k In Hie t vt l-iuir t.( li st tluj, st II. c li. .i.il I . .'.up- K.iiu t.i tl.tl linn. I.FOK' i; HIIAIiSWinn. ;-t QGDEY, and LADY'S TKIENP, ron octii u i: i:, I'l I'CIII'.K H N... till". CH I ; s t. T tr,eu :i i:.;.t J.ii:r .v uitoTiiini, NEW LACE A1ID EMBEOIOEEY STORE, Ni.. I t X. EIUHTII sTIiTFT. M aiinmitu c to unr roimsrimft lYIetuls unit pMi nm Hist e t.av e,ni.Kti. tl." r' mm nl of our well BM.ortnt t ek if I..M I.M. I A K (iOuliN, AND KMIll;illlu,ms;sft,iin our M stand. No. d , t our haw anil (.'-leu it. us Klotp So. tl N. KtiiliTII STItF.l.r. Kr. eliinit ns ws .to, tl.a principal part ot imr st.ies. ilra.'tl) fr. ui tl.c hest insiiuractarrrs hi P-rN, llru-sflt. nt.il asoii)-, one of our Mim ilsittrK ur ips oice a yoir, for ttt Jiurt oip of Hi-letting (looda lorolir eimi l rude. We aro l niib'rd to effrr Inrtiices crt. both In a.soiliotnt und erlrei. such as no Uher te.nas In ting cl y ran -ilTrs-. Our ati'ikof TliRV.Ul f Vl'K Cut.f.AltS AMI HhTTsl. MALI BK COM, tltH M St I IN, IOIVT AITl.lfK I UI.I ltl. AMI m rs, PiHS r I.A' K l III. I A Kt ANH nl. Tl S, H K. A I, TIII'.K.AIl I.A'Ka, l.s AI. ll HM KB .,( t.s. mi ST AMI I0051 tl'Pl.bJt'K t.Ai FA, CA Ull IA AMI M II1H VKII.SJ, ItK.M. 1 II III' I l.M 1, VKII.sl. iniNiroN I'.ttir.n 1 a ri.-s, MUST ( Al"Ki. TIIHKAI) I.Al'K CAl'F.sl. I'lISMKir I'AI KS. I.IMHIet I. AOS', IIAMUKKIH IIIK'S, VALBNCIEM A Nit IVIST I1AMIK" III 1IIKH. A'iiii srl-nd'd s-airtm-n' o' r..MH!'Ili: tttr.S and Willi E (.OUHS-1 c Tint lb the molt coiap o o srer dfferil In 'Ms or nny oilier i-My. an ' wol! wo -'h a ca ' xatnlnr tisforo pinel -s'n ellrwher. tv. ha vc al.o J ikt opened 110 iut. at Mir celebrated KID GLOVES. KSl'K.N & BKOTIIKIt, KtW RT'tltK. No. II N. KIHIITtl Siren, ' U-:U riilladol.l,a. P HCIlTJKlliimSIANN A CO. no. n:i X. i:k;hth htkkk.t, I'IIII.AIiKI.I'HIA, Would Im He tlif utteiitlon ..I buvers to ttu- r tss of PALL AND WIMER LEY GOODS, Which they have now o. en at lei. t'lau mrket prtcm. linruaina In Jiniclie, lllnnKet, and Hte lu Hh ,ww. Drena l.oodi, Furulahlng floods, M -n tuid lioya" (Vear, Ac. Ac WX10LKBA1.E AND RETAIL., AT No. ,'! M. KKillTK BTItl'Xr. M7-t QABPETS ! 0AEPET3!! CASPET3 1 ! ! doling out Late Importations 20 Per CanU Less than Present Gold Eaten. IKKKCII AND KNOLlsllI WMIVSTKttS. WILTOHS, Or F.HriHE NKW TATTKIIH. VELVET. AND TAPKSTI!IEl, Wide OovkI,, Wltli a larg: anonBisiit of IHtLE-I'LT AND INdBll!) t'A- fl;Ti. NtW VKNtTIANH, riLATlNK, AND DAMAstK JIAKK UKUtKIKTTN. Wr.l.l-BKASONED OIL CLOTHS, ic., A. .J AI.IKH II. OKNH A'. CM., So. 0'4fl CUi:s)NlT .STKKKT. S.77.1H llelour Hon ttlh. liiKOiioui: B. HOHHia. 1 Bi:ni:iU( k w. iioiiitis. AMUIIKW WHItKLRH, MORRIS, WHEELER & CO., IROH AHD STEEL MESCHAHTS, No. WON MARK1.T NTItKKT. JtAlt IKON, OAST-STKKL. SHEET IRON, PLATE 1H0X, ron vksm:i.s, TAN KS, Ac, BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASLTEitS, JUT K D K N ' S BAILROAD AND SHIP SPIKES, UOII.lSlt HIVETS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, A M i: It I C A N BEST CAST STKEL, 110K1JII.0'H -wuiia HOI' IS, FLAT RAIL, Light T Rail, 16 lb., 25 lb.. 28 lb., TO THE YAIIO, CARRIAGE SHAPES, BLOOM IRON, Et., Hit'., Tlic, Etc. and x-TNE tailoring DAILT FVKNTNTr TET EGK JJiWIN 1'A.JL.l ,V CO., unwjr iiAiji, .v ol.. No. 26 P. 3r.C0ND ETEEET, No. 2i3 P. 31 CO' D STm.T, Ha? n.w .ii A Mt'NJFIOlNT MUCK OI SIIK3. ron in; MERINOES, DUI'.HS (lOOUS, OI' THK LATEST STYLUS. A Cl() U .STOCK ( M ' H11AWI.H, Ol.diluS, CI.OTIIH lt K CI .( ) V JCH. A Fl'LI. AHSOltTMENT OK rshlrtlnw. Tolilo I4iieii). Flnniiels), lllankotK, fcu. N. B- Many ot 'inr sii te-. . KII.JiH AND DUKSS (iOODS ARK OF Ol.ll OWN IMPORTATION, An.l wilt tsr miI ACCOtUMNO TO TUB fl.l.T'l UATIOS OF (K)LD. Wa are Jally lu rivHpt ot (IOODS FROM AUCTION, WLlcb are now being s.'li at Lt'sg tbaa iLe Cost of Importatiou. Wt h iv. tlio .1 larjt Slock of Cx.H on L iu l FUOM LAST SEASON, .WU:L w rc !l!g Ij:w tl.e preseu' m.trktt prias. ora stock ron balk wholes Ar.s and retail. fSTADHSUlIEXT, A Plf . PTTTT, A 1) WT.PT , SATURDAY. SKPTlMttKll 17, JVmij .v i ,A.rv iuji .iv, rOUBTH AND ABCH STREETS, ai;k ohnixu l'tut kai.i. of im 0 c asi:.n or .MhiuNni s, i. casks ntKN( a run. ins. 1 CASKS 1 lUNTEIi MI-.RINtH-.S. 1 CASKs, Sll.K CHAIN liKl'S, 2 CA-I S PIM'S IKlsH rorLINS - CASKS rol I.IN KfMil'S, J CASKS KOlll S DK CHAMHIIK, i casks men okhkiiki) sii.ks, CASl'S SHAWLS COM IM-.I) TO I). K , 6 CAsKsi OKI. IN AHY l'AI.I, SlIAW'i.s, W SKLF.CT STYI.K WOOl.HN SIT VWI.s, niCllKST CASIIMKUBCHINTZKS, M'AIT.K I.I.NFNS,i.IIF.l'.rins, TOWKI.S, l'lLLOW CASlNdS, NAl'KINS, QVILTS, TAI1I.K I.INKNS, CHVM1) CLOTHS, noYUl'.R.fcc. H.-l .yon I'laoK Vrlvoli. Kl INCH ri OAh VPl.VKTsl, .It IM II CLOAK VKLVFT-", :m IN" II CI.'iAK VKl.tBIH, tl IXC'll l I.O.IK VfLVhtH. :l IN 'It CLOAK VKI.VIT.. Kinijai.l, (.AY AM.. WOOL I'LAIHS. RII'llKBT TI.AID I'CU'l.lNA IS TOWN. BKt III.ACK Sll.K IN THK tITr. T1IHKE CASKS SOI.IK I IOI ItKD SII.KK. III.ACK Bit K8 .-orer Yard. i;v 1112 V l.ANl)i:Hi HAVE IMPORTED Till TM. HIE STfNMNO KTVLES Of A LL.WOO L 1 I. A I I) H. .irsu, IRISH POPLIN PLAID3. Just nuch Good. ax are usoil by tlio CHILDREN OF NOBILITY ABKOAD. KOYAL VICTORIA DKtttj I'l. AIDS. DHUAL 8TLWAKT DUKaS I'l.AIDSl. if Acntrr dxksd i i. viut. UOH BOT-ltlCl) AND fll.iCKt. MA( Ktr.SSlK KICII l'LAIHS, MiOLELLaS RICH I'l.AIUH. (JI.AS PLAIK WOOI.KH LOKtl sHIAW LS. j;VH13 Jk. LANDlLL, No. 400 AKOH STEEET, llari thla aaaton ImpufUil for tlmlr uwn ulM isrtml l.unOrca plate. Ll'rlN'8 caaYlnulrd FEENCH ME B I NO E S; And aa tula lartkular naka stands lilgh.T thau mnj oik r. th Idlai tnaj dpvnd upon euluj a ClOOU AUTICI.10, AND COLORS VERY SKLKCT, AMb llA.VT OF THK If COSE INEII TO IK. Alao,ofourowii Im Hi.turlim; Sll.K CHAW POPLINS, Al l.-WOOL rOI'I.ISJ. HEP WOOL POl'tlN 8 H 1 L K H OF Ot it O'.VN Ilt:t!:TA1I0S. .',i.i:ct coi.ous ui i. iNi;3, ouj; ow.n" iMi'oriT .tion. sIYLE orrN CENTRE &I1.VWLS. CLOYKS, 0LY OF Thli '18ST OUALITV, KOVEL.TIK8 DAILY OPENINCI. N0XEB l'OB 1LVND50ME STYLES, It Y CJ C O I H . JOHN W. THOMAS, rot. -io.-? ami nry N. SECOND STREET, NOW Oi l T.I.S Tin: II E H T A S SORTED ST ( : K IN THK C I T V. 11 O IT i If T ENTIITELV tou : A H l , AM) SUITED TO THK WANTS OK Till-; MNTIIIK C Mt XT IN 1 T "V. COMI'UISIMi) EILIS, MERINOE?, IRISH POPLINP, FRENCH POPLISS, REPPS, EICH PLaIDS, M()1H UK LAINKS, III.ACK A JIB COLOUR!) MOHAIRS AND ALAPAOAS, WITH EVERY VARIETY Of DESIRABLE OlIN W. THOJtAM, N'h. 405 una 407 N. SKIM) Ml STUKKT. IIAS NOW Ol EN HIIAWI.H, CI.OAKH, VKI.VIilH, l.ACEaS, KMIJItOIDIiUIl'.H, 1IOSIKKY, (JI.OVICS. JOHN W. THOMAS, No?. 105 sud 407 N. SECOND HTIIUHT, KF.EPS A FULL STOCK OF THE IEST FURNISHING GOODS. lilaiiKetm. I'lannelti, eUteotlKH. tilrlliu. rJTtall DuuihhUh, IVaik Ins. Doyllus, A -... ALSO, 10U11'1NCJ OOODH. MEN'S A XD BOVS' WEAR. FKOSTEl) llEAVEUS, 1'LAIN JJEAVEUS, WATEtt rnooi's, J'LAIN CLOAKING S, TLAID CL0AKIN0S, BALMORALS, &c. &c. JOHN W. TEOiffAS, Nos. 405 auj 107 X. SF.COND STliEET. REASONABLE rrJCES, 1801. QWEN I.VAIVM V. CO., Ho. 45 H. EI1HTII STREET, Will .1.11 OMLir OI;tINiI. Ii..m liw Mistl.iO. SlofM.sr. II ptrtr t v. i Urn Yuri., rrty m Wf cheap aH.h ; nla . (Jooila Ilo.I not'tl 1 1 ;oll liax I'ullon I I HpisifN Pujol. iio TaOlna., piit.r-1! nsw, fant.. HiiniUt inc. tit .v-r. rraic a Cole rl.li fin I'laMs, In t.fnntlOil nr luili ., jn.f l.nil. t ay lain atraiii.-r, ..nlj-Ti n-nla. A aip. 1.. ,-. t a.f a . l S....I. I, Planl.,e'a'. It.rlt dosijia. a" ntr.M I up n c. I.- rati. I all-anol lioUlna., tifw l.adia ci'a an. I l la. L, slnilo and iloubl" wl.IJi, Ml cents In tl hi ,lu vrc nl noli i.rw a-v tel.rvaa (.ood. Chl MIAt 1C HIEKH. COLORED P0I DE SOI. llnav.T c.l .rr.l P .i dv Hl Rilka, rhrapl It 1 t. .' . .. II lark M k.. ah .rt,r.. ailtn a; Inwr.SI'l; to l I'.'cl Wf canitifjou hirvahia In Ullk, olj alvck, ruLicel liric.4. I'.KOCIIK SHAWLS. Ill lANlil'.T SHAWLS. linn illtli tpni Mit, , i Hh.l, t tur .,,,( .''si Slii. i-il Uroi Mr Hl.iiwl., ; t:lipu. llllllllotllln. Plaid blask and wtiltr llnlni .rl. ! H?. chsaa. New atvlf Winter l'.hm.ii, J to ft. New atytca. Hlilrtlnx Linen., M isnta to 'i.. Yerj elioap. I.nill'-.' Olniil.ini Otolith. Men's Kliirtii.u' Cjlol Kia. t.a.llea' Cl..a'..lPt Cli.th.. 2.V. new sl.adea. Iilaaonul Water-jironf t loakniB, intln lr new atyla, t.'lieni. Men ShlrtitiK awf, il.nilile wldtli.f I .'.Otn tl li. New Htles.clii'iipir ami lietler than llannel or minilla. Shirting Mami. l. nil wool, BaJ,-. Ycu know that'a low. at en and lm. Cassunuro. new nui a. Cheap I ICI1 OLOVEH. $17". foi best qnal.tv kid Olove. Inipirled. H tor Kidoiovea. (.very pair warranted to tkr. CI ri a L. ulna, lit r lit. lu III. Very cheap. KUSLIN3, TLAMELS, 1 rt. wirteextrn Iipat.v und ktmmI MuMlm, 0 cm. low. BMrtliiK MtiNltni, ;i9 cntg. Hvt. WHUaimnvHIo, New Yjrk Villi. Hem per IJara, aim nt BioJ wakes tt rfi.ucft ortei'S. HahooIm, M) ?!,: io V ccntA. Oiir auml low pnct. ftnIHntvl ln irli rvtlurfd to tl. rtr Utlfo' aMrtinffl AU klntot footife JfMH tihnn market price, Ju it to rati niorwy. OnES EVAS8 & CO., 1IJ-.AP MAMMOTH HUY GOODS IIOtrK, No. 4"i N. EIOUTU STREET. T. B Sel lnii off Hoop Hklrta clietpl Old aUM-kletl. Also, I'lalil and aliiped and plalnCanibrii a ; Linen tulkla. at banialui, to cole out. CASSKI.HKItltr, V-1T No. 4'. N. Klltll I'll Mtreat. J2 1'lllCXJ .V; WOOD, UORTII NI2ITH STREET, 113 AHOYK AliOir. AMEU1CAN DELAINES, Nuw style, &0 cent, per ynrj. EIGVRED CAS1IMEUES, At oeota per yard. AMFKICAN CHINTZES, fast colorn. BLEACHED AND VNIILEACHED MUSLINS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS. ALL-WOOL AND DOMET FLANNELS. HEAVY ALL-WOOL SHAKER FLANNELS. A LAUOE LOT OF HOSIERY, From Auction, At leaa than Impxtera prlcea. J00 ilo-wtn LINEN IIANDKEKCIIIEF3, At lu, IM, 30, vo, and IM con la. LADIES' nEM-S 1 ITCHED H AN DKE It CHIEFS. A LAltOE LOT OF I.INEN TOWELS AND TABLE CLOTHS. PEICE & WOOD, IV o. n:i N.MNTU Htruet, AOOVB ARCH. N. B. HKHT QUALITY Klt (ILOVIH, Imported. pAKCT OASSIMEBES AHD COATINdS. V a are now In dally receipt ordaatrabla 1'ALL AND WINTKU WOOI.KNS ron MKN'i AND UOYaV WKAlt, CoBprlaliK the bi at atylea V FOREIGN AND AMERICAN FAHIUCS. OTTRWEN STODDABT & BROTHER, Koi. 4 50, 434, an I 44 N. 6IX JND STTIKET, 9 1.:- :t Al-ive WUlow. yOOLEN EHIETING PLAIDS. Jnit i prne.,a loto tinper OERMAN J'LANNKI.S ir LESS THAN EKGL'I.AR. riUCK- CLTUVEX bTODUAItT & EUOTIIER, N a. 4 30, 4-V, and 151 N. 8KCONU Stnat, I-li; tt Aloe Willow. yATi; n-i'iioor ci . o a ic e. ON II IHD A IIKUB STOCK, Which v are telling lor LliSS THAN LSKAL I'JtlCKS. CURWEN STODDART 4 BROTHER, So . 4i0, -), 'Dl 4VIX. SF.COND Streu, S ! Jl Above Wllbw. AND 1'OLITENESS 10 CUSTOMERS. 5 Hf LIMDOLD'S REMEDIES. JJKJL.M UOLD'H IXUID rXTSACT ETOBU Tor Ka B!Mtk or tnonUnstxst U Vrln frttaii InrUmmttlon or Clo rat o of U Bladdar or Kliroya DUutof Ihi rrottrmt Olandi.tlctuin tht BliiUiS Cahtitut, Orartl, tr Artct-dwrt Dtpartl, and an DiMt otter Bladilor, Kijntra , tal Dropilgol Swoltioti. IH'.LMJlOLD'H FLUID EXTRACT BUCII7 fir Weak nce, a r I. tan from Eteoitlrt IndlierMloa. Tkr onslliniloB onee afTecled with Orotnie Wtatntu naar ti e aid of me.llrine to itrenthen ami ixtora'e IA rydma, whirl. ILKi.allloI.rig EXlRaCT nirCHU UrarMM )., If do tre.umeat In anbaalitod to, ConatiaapUaa m Insanity a, ay ciuue. IIULMIWLD'H FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCU0, In atreetien. pecnllar to 'Tsuii ,' U onaquajed tsaBf alli.r pirriuaili.il. a. la Chloro.la, or Betratloa, lrrag. larltlea; ratnlDlneaa, ar Hnpprra.lon at Caatomory liaa. atlona; Vlo.rau .1, or Dckinoua Beat at tho Vtoruf, Leortorrhi.a, and all ooinpUlnla Inoldaat to tho aac. whilharartjUigrmmlialilUe dlaalpaMaa, amr rtllr atali or Io the daniiae or rVang. of lif. . 1 lllSLMIJOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BTJCUr AMU latl'ROVEO ROSli WAHH Will radically exterminate from tho ayalom. IlMoa or the l iinaiy Orgoua art i log from UakMa at Dia.tpalioo, aO half trytnie, Unit or mo tkangt In ditt, rtitnronmin or aiffuure; complete'y anprraedlot Uwaa unplwm aw4 ilin.i.osi rmrU4. CtyHrim miti Mfrcwy, hi aN tkeoo dlaaaMg. USK HELMHOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In oil DUoaaa of the I'rhtvy Oitiaaw, whathar txlrtta(.ta 'Ma a" or "Femk," ram watr rauu riglnHf, und no oia'fef 0 how long Handing. It la plaaaaat la tatto and odor. "mm.liiW" in arti'oit, and mora atran gt henlntr than any of the praparatioaa of Bark ar Ira N. Tboaa akffailnc from Broknn Hoten ar Dtticate CanttiiH ttont, irocnra th Hnatan at at j The raader nuet bo a war tbat, howovor alight may bo th attack of the aJr daaaaoaa. It la oenala to alTaot Ma JloJilf lmltfi, Mmtal tMnrt, Havpinut, a4 hit Pat- PUT 8ICIANS, PLEASE KOTICC. WE MAKE NO SECRET OF INGREDIENTS. IlILMliOI.D'S FLUID EXTBACT llUCna It compoMd of lliH-,n, Cuhtti, ami Junifir Berrio, ao lacted with grtat rare and prepared In ra.uobyll.T. lltLMI!OLD,lriigglt audchrnalut oT.IMeen yaara'ox peiitncoln.'tliocltyoi' Philadelphia, and now preaerlbod bytha mod eminent of the faculty, and haro bien aul m'tted to oae In the I'niUd Sutaa Army, and are alto in Tory general me In State Uoapltala and publlo Sanitary Uatltutlona tlirougl.out tlia land. Price (l per bottle, or ill Air j. Delivered to any aildreta, ac-uompaniud by ex lilUlt direction! . Direct letter! to ) ELklCOlli H Drug and Chemical Watehouao, io. 304 Broddwa;-, New York, Or UBLMBOLli 8 Medical Depot, lie. 104 8. Tenth ttreet.l'hlladcli hJa. Bewt.ro of oounteifelta. Ak fcr IIKl.M HOLDS. an tako no eliiar. Bold by Diniilatt orerywhart. -jl-uthrai S. E. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET 8T3.