THE DAILY KVENlNG TKLKGIIAPH 1'HILADELriIlA. SATURDAY, SKPTKMBKU 17, 1361. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Irfc TnrCaTa fmCori, f f.iwinrt(" !'' t Carrlar.and aiallM to mib.rrlbci t til CltJ UOt lfLLAU ri asmx: 0,1 r """ " m nm rrT ma Two MuXTna.lnrarlaU) In aUvmc. ferth' no inland. A.rni.n.ii: hmiM at Ik ram, A lllwral ftrrangi-niMt aia4a tot utniM innertioiia. To 4errtMtBill. W.' Boatr run r tam f Annii.rinivn Cmmonlr ttlnnl Vmlfifr I. ir.i.ifc-fl or lawrtl in mil. I tw mlth-n i'.toil ly tlir pimt and aUdia. ol tli. wrtti'r im! n.-ii'Arll) lor ftiitilk-ntlnr. bat a anai-aiil.. for hl. axiil,. Ha gaaiiot HBttrtAk t. raiura rvtctad itotnunintcAituiia. T Arivatrtlarr. Ofrmt Ml th. rt tnrrru la tha ClrmUlloti or Tim BvjtHtmi Tm -hi'H. rotniK'llliiK in lo iro to irr-. at an ariv lioar, e Brinly rmunM that aili'TU-irni i.t nmv riandrrl In aa anon M III n'clm l, If pnailliit:, trn aii ura ibaai a a Inaartioa In all of nmr cdtumia SATCRDAY, SKl'TIiMttFR 17, IM1. THE WAH IV i:VH. Llt'Utenant-GeniTiil Uhant in on a vlfit to General Sukiciia, for the purjxwp of direct ing the latter relative to the execution of n future plan of operut'iouc, and for observing IT bat force may be neceary to Iniurn victory in. the Shenandoah valley, and a rapid jmnulf of E ABLET in case of his retreat. Ghast will oon return to City Point and the front before Petersburg. All of thi.i salii fies us that the Lieutenant-General njipre ciitcs the present ittiation, and that he 1 taj-Idly but surely organizing a great victory Beyond this, there Is no war news of impor tance to review to-day. A HAZARD WITII4X I- 01IS. Tbii Is no common Htruggln for office. The coming election will not merely decide, who ball fill the Presidential chair during the nxt four years ; It will not only decide whether the policy of the Democratic party, or that of the Republican, shall govern our national council, but It will, in point of fact, decide whether we re to hvre a policy at all; whether we shall have nation at all; whether there shad ba In the future a great Power called the United State, or whether there shall be a Vnnt of feeble confederacies, wrangling among them elves and despUed by the world, until thair Weakness shall become so general, that some really great Power shall say, " Come, why allow these brawlers to disturb the peace of mankind any longer? Let im give them the blusslngs of civilization and Settled form of government, and estab lish another monarchy, as we did in Mexico, and so make room for another scion of som royal or lmpeiial nice to sit upon a Westera throne I". But you will "never submit, as did : uie MexlcanBl You will fight to the last drop ot blood and expend the last dollar In the de fense of your rights and liberties I" Well then if you are willing to fight to such extremity for your liberty, as a petty power, how much atronrer ought to be your determination to fight now, now, that you have something to fight for now, when everything assures you that six months more of firm adherence to the policy of the Administration will give you not only peace, but a restored unity, and the posi tion among the great nations of the earth to which you are entitled ? The question is plainly put: Will you sup port Mr. Lincoln In bis endeavors to put down the Southern Rebellion completely so effectually that it shall never again lift Its bead, and give us a united laud, free from that source of all our woqs chattel attipery; or will you Bupport General McClki.lan, when you know that the real, if uot the osten sible, object of his election is the recognition of the Confederacy? Though General Mo Clella.n'b letter of acceptance differs widely In phraseology from the platform on which he Was nominated, nevertheless, they both agreo In recognizing the Confederacy ; the one as an accomplished Cvct, the othei us a legal attempt at revolution, to be met, not with the victo rious armies of the Union, but by negotiations, looking to the peaceful restoration of the Union as It was, w'.th all the rights and privi leges, so long arrogated by the slaveocra 'y, restored and legalized. The leaders In the work of framing the Chicago platform are in favor of recognizing the Rebellion; of entering Into negotiations With Its authorities; and either forming a Confederacy with them (of eourse, on their own terms), or else of peacefully, that Is to say, meanly and basely, acknowledging that we have been wrong from the beginning, and that they have the right to dismember our country; to attack and possess our forts, arsenals, and dock-yards; that we were wrong to defend our Capital from attack ; and that the United States of America is a thing Of the past. General McClkllan would, so he says, if necessary, continue the war until the Union Is restored, but with the comforting assurance to the Rebels that In no case are they to be worse Off than they were before the war. That they nay f Ither fight on, or come into the Union gain, as they please, but whenever they come In of their own accord, we will restore all their slaves, and put them exactly on the old footing; and, if they don't like this, the Union must be preserved they must be conquered; but that they may be under no ununsine for the result, he tells them that they shall be restored to their original ntutim. If they ranbot succeed in eMablishiug them selves as an Independent slaveocracy, they el nil always lie sure of getting buck to the old place, uud sutler no lo" of wealth, power, or Inf neiicc by the attempt. In short, that they E ; kill and mulm Union soldiers us long us t! ba e any hope ot complete success ; hut v : . never they tired of that amusement, wl will disband all our ''contemptible lau kee" forces, receive them as our brothers, hunt up their slaves, repair any little damage our "cowardly fleets and aimies" have committed in their "brutal attempts to coerce the chiv alrous South," pay the expenses of the little spree, and return to the good old times when Southern members could bully Northern rep resentatives into submission, or cane them mto insensibility for expressing disapprobation of their conduct. Now, U not this the burden of the ong sung by the choir of sweet singers who nominated M Clej.lan, and of the re spoiibe so melodiously poured forth by that nominee? That U iUfit wbttt lt ull amounta to; and If you w,il think calmly, you will a;;ree with u that It U so. 1-ASIIION. Wlwt a saving of Idle barklnj and waste of i.ewspper power there would be, ir mi.n woui j confine thtir writings U subject they under stand I Often have we sighed over tins waste lf moral force exhibited in growling diatribes a the folly, and destructive tendency of fa hlon. Now men, w hose Impudent didactics thus Invade the sole and undisputed realm 4if w m.'n, ought (as women gently rebuke) to be B'haujed of themselves. Hare they not I'nouph to engspe their reformatory Iniplra tlon In such subjects as they belter under stand, and which we all know stand in grester need of caustic stricture? To men belong habits, PxtnTags.nt enough, demoralizing enough, foul-mouthed eno tgh, to give them fair chance nnd wide field for reformation. Hut this would bp notlnj the mote In their own eye, and trending on thn cor..s In their own shoes. Whereas, a il'inr? at the habit of the other sex, like a red flag to abull.MTves to divert attention from their" own vicious propensities. Men are Ignorant of the philosophy of fashion and tint moral thereof. It is the prerogative of woman to rule In that domain, where, as In ovprv de partment properly belonging to them, thVir iiisliiu t Is a better guide than the conceited wisdom of meddling moralists, who wear beards, and dye them after the faihion. Ild you ever know or suspect a lady of wearing a dress or a flounce the les, on account of any against fashion ? That is the nuestion. If scoldlni eflVts tiothiiif!, common sense says cease chiding. There Is a laeaninr; In drp; a d -ep phil osophy and an exalted morality. From thn reation of man to this hour, It has been an institution, ruling the mora! world with a ower second to no other in its ameliorating influences. Not even religion, which his always been jealous of Its rivalry In abjorh hig the thoughts of the world, can show a tower so great; for Instinct leads mankind, all with cheerful accord, to the one, while the other demands continued and severe efforts of loquence and enactment to keep up even a lecent show of devotional submission. "When I go to the theatre," a lady will tell you, '"I am not particular about dress, because the play absorbs people's attention. Hut when I go to church, I put on the ribbons, for people's eyes have leisure to scan my dress." They have more than leisure. The attention which flags under a prosy sermon or u formal prayer, finds delightful relief In scru tinizing and comparing each particular article of dress; so that, while few can remember the text, and yet fewer the points of the sermon, we have yet to find a single lady of the con gregation who cannot tell you exactly what was w orn by each ami all of her acquaintances. " I liko such a church," says a lady from the country ; " thero Is so much to look at and " to admire In the costly dresses, that one's " mind is not filled with horrible thoughts " about the bad placo, and how hard is the " road to heaven, ami all that. It Is more "pleasant to contemplate the fashions; It " gives one so much to talk about, and there " is none of that ugly luug-faceduess as one " goes homo to enjoy the. Sunday dinner. For " my part, I think I come from that church " with the easiest conscience and most satis " factory feelings I ever experience." What money-hunting, polities, cigar smok ing, banqueting, and " taking something," ure to men, fashieu is to women. It is accounted a necessary relief from the cares and dally tolls of domestic drudgery. Against the many demoralizing pastimes of men, women have but one, which the most churl ish cynic will admit is comparatively innoceut and iirmcasurably more decent. Surely men who keep sneeriiig at the fashionable extravagance of women, might forbear, and turn their eloquence to the reformation of their own more vicious hobbies, lint fashion has its uses In the general economy of civili zation. II it be a desideratum that industry shall be active, there must be a quick demand and large consumption for the articles produced. Were It not for fashion, three-fourths of our looms and nine-tenths of the labor that gives bread to womankind of our cities, would bo withdrawn. It Is on this account, and In proof of its providential ordination, that In exact proportion as population becomes dense, means ; rctincd employment multiply ; and ai raw text lc material increases in supply, machinery multiplies to convert it into fabrics, and fashion demands quarterly and monthly changes to use up the great production. Mark how all these work together, and are as links of one chain, and one of which being sundered, the whole would fall. If we wish stimulation to manufacturing industry, und full and profitable employment to those whose daily bread depends upon it, we should work kindly upon fashion, as an institution that keeps up heultlil'ul distribu tion of wealth, which else would make much greuter distinction lietweeu the rich and the poor. Compared with ancient times, tho poor are not so far from the rich in the com forts of life; und in proportion as fashion has been active and supreme at any period of the world's history, the estate of the poor has been elevated, und the morality of the rich has been improved, by the innocent elevation it furnishes to the unemployed mind, which else would seek diversion In puths that might lend to greater evil. A nuB abik r siiiiri'i.iii. The delicious weather off he lust two weeks has Infiihed uniiiual activity Into business. Our fashionable thoroughfare are crowd "d with an army of eager and devoted shoppers. A ci'n,it;los tide of silk uud crinoline pusses through Chesnut, Mild Arch, and Eighth, uud Second streets, and amid Its rustle and whirl, creatures of the luiile pcrsim-don flounder In entangled bewilderment, while their ears hear nothing but "such a love of a 'p,tttern" nnd Mich s bargain." It b flu-Inn -vest of store keepers. Never vn;ih there such a dr..liug d'splny of goods in our 1.;isti uud n"Vcr s money so iibiindmit. Among the lii.--hloii.Tble utl'cet I'loin of the present day, there i-i one tlm! ilc- 'rves tint severest eoiidemniition. We iillnde to the cih toin of rcsldeiitn of riiiladi'lpoia m.iUiiig their piii'ehun'N In New Vorl, und Sjiendiug large amounts in the simps of Broadway, tv!ien ties itlenticul goods can be purchused in our own city at a lower price. We know Instances f families who derive their Incomes from tho storekeepers and tradesmen here, who mukt no socret of their preference for shopping In larg cstabllbh mcnts In New York, and even make frequent visits to that city for tho purpose. Wo havo no patience with such snobbery. Our dry goods und fancy stores contain the choicest goods and most elegant patterns that are Im ported from abroad or manufactured at home. Indeed, It Is safe to say that, us a higher standard of taste prevuils here thau In New York, it is natural that our merchants should manliest more caie iu the selection of goods for their thelves. We have witnessed the ridiculous airs assumed by ludies Just returned from an Eu ropean tour, nhilo exhibiting their I'.u Witu wardrobes for the envious admiration of their less fortunate friends; and we have beheld the luiuiitablu strut of some village coxcomb just arrived at bis prairie home from a trip to New York, a be displayed his g iudy raiment lo the Jealous torture of lib sunburned fellows. Il such vulgar assumption Is laughable, how much more absurd and coutwuiptlUc is thut purae-jirottfi vanity which boasts that there Is nothing gooil enon;;h In I'hila.lelplra, and carries Its possessor to another city notorious for the guile and trickery of It merchant. Why e can name a dozen slore b Hh on and eft f 'hesnul street, from wliieh at rich ami varied stocks can he selected as in any store on l'.roadway, and which m ike up for their I'ompai aliiely less bulk of merchandize, by being constantly replenishes! from the latest iniirtalion.4. llerealer we trust that faihi'inable society, or that true element of It which delights In the elevation and advance nent of oar own city, will frown down the weak-mind" I br 13 gurts who "spread themselves" with drfi and bonnet, or coat anil from '',V Vnwk." A I)W lllll It ll" TIIK l".lM H r. The lre this morning forp.diadows an at tempt of the Democrats In Select Ciri ieil to take advantage of the resignations of M 'HM. WKTiii:rtn.i,, Davis, and Mn.i. Kit from that body, and to begin at onco a raid upon the Itepubliesn minority by ousting M.'-nrs. anil IticniK upon Homr llltniy pre text 01 other. No better evidence is required of the revolutionary tendency of the o,ipoHl tlon party to the Government. While profess ing a loud-mouthed devotion for tho rights of the people they are plotting to doprivo the tax-payers of two wards of the city of their representation In tho Select Chamber. Wo w arn the accidental mijorUy thre, that their machinations are known to the public, who ill resent so dishonorable a trick If it bt 1 esorled to. ItlllK TIIK NTOII.H. The A(e has lately edified its readers with several elaborate essays, proving satisfactorily to their author, If to uobody else, that the re election of Mr. Lincoln will plunge the coun try into a gulf of Indebtedness and eventual financial ruin. Mow these leaders (lending the blind) might have weight, were it not for the I're'iuent pub lic expressions of one of the most sagacious and influential men in the Dcinocrstlc party. He aptly illustrates the result of MuClim. I.An'h election, by asking "whether anybody could suppose the invited assembled guests to a feast to be so insane as to begin by throwing the toothsome viands und sparkling decanters from the windows. Do you imagine," con tinues the bland inquisitor, with ominous sniitck'iig of the lhs, "that when tho Demo cratic party gets into power It will give up the rich spoils 011 which the Kcpublicaus have fattened for four years, while wo have starved in the cold?" There is no mistiiko about this language. It is from the lips of a tried and trusted Democrat, who will lie one of the chief orators at the meeting to-night, and who aspires to a place In's cabinet, if such a piece of furniture shall ever be tinkered together. It Is of a piece with the gentle reply ol Marshal Kyndkhh to a pt-aco disciple at Chicago : " 1) n your peace ; what we want is contracts." Now, if patriotism and loyalty are left out of the calculation, it must appear to every shrewd judge of human nature, that it will be cheaper for the Republican party to finish the job ol the Rebel. Ion, than to make room for a raft of hungry hull-starved cormorants. Commodore Vandkhiiii.t said a good thing when be asked an applicant for the vacancy of purser on one of his ships, "Have you a gold watch?" "No." "Have you a diamond breastpin?" "No." "Have you a fast horse ?" "No." "Then you will not suit me," replied the Commodore. "I And that " every purser must have these articles, und I " prefer to employ soineliody already provided " to having you pay lor thorn out of my " pocket." narrttsd. Ill nSS-Mi Wtl.LlA.MS On tha lilh Inst., by tho Ht-v. r. llu.i kuoil Mr. ':1AM I I 111; K.Vl tu ANMK SIcW 1LL1AMH. Ilotli o. t:iliTtv. HAI HKMAS HltlMON. On FIIMi-ilny, llitli Inst., at tlm hnune ol Hip unilt'" futliiT, by I'rli QiS cfr.iioiiv, taai'ir J. L. IIAI.lir .M A N, el' Mfillii, In lnxare loam, , tu jOSI.I'lllNI'.H IlKINTOS.of llriwlor.l, L'lioiio." county, ho canls. I mod. AIIIKHTSON.-On thr. lAth lint.. Mr. WII.l.tlM ALllKKT'soN , In thr film yi ar ul hln nun. 1 1 Im rcla Ivva anil Irii-ml, anil tho .lauioa pHjrft Llhrn t fniiiptin.v, urn riitn.'tiully Invito 1 tn acenT trie, t in rul, Iron; liln litu roiiltlcncp, No. 40 Kli'hm .nil 4tn el, O'l M hi ilay aitrrnoun, at 'i u'ul'X-k. iu prui'ec-d In llanovr alrirnt Vault. Kl.LSf.KK. K lllil In Irunt ol" Pr-ti'm'inrii, on tin luib iiiiit., wlilUit aJvancliiK llie nli-kut euAnl. Llijtinaht l.l.iiIKi . W. KI.I.I,KI! Ciiiiipany r", N:ni.,-niiit:i llmlniint fvnniiylvAiila Vi'toruu ulniiteura, i3 yi-a lie wan t duvoteil bnillier u anl Iimvi, mlIU-r, ami nunc knew turn Inn o leva him. liuft nutlet! wal bo Ivfii 01 lils Mineral. MF.IIi'MHAI,.-Oii Tlmrmlay, ttculnnilrar IStli, W. L. M Hil IN KIAI., In tlip 37th )iar nl hi- Km. Him irli'i. ls are li.viti'il to alleml hln lmiirnl , Irmn hiii lllte reHiill'lie Nil. tiilW N. H xli'ellth street, 0:1 Sillnlav nit moiiti. mi oVIoi'k. Scrvlnpi ut the llbur.'liul tlm Inli'rci imi r, at 0 b'cliick prei-lMPly. VANDM-IIlt I' -on the IA1I1 lut.. at I oVInck A. M., Mr. Alt II All AM VANIlKtiKllT. Ill tin- 6'Mll ytarul liU Dill". Ti o rulaflvra anil frlen.! uf lhi family arc ni icotf.illf ln Hi U tn atienil hi iiifieiul. iriii i tiL, iiiti- r-'Miil -11 -a, N. r.'Si llarlfii Hlrifl, ahuvi' I'arriKli itr.'it, ensiiu,,iv ait.T nnou, litli iiirt. ai I oYiiH-k. Hiili,ut lurth r notice Tu irt', eil In t.liTiwouil t etni'ti ry. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. ffSSf- WKSTMINSTKR CHURCH, It ROAD XJ anil ITT.WAT KttStnen.- l'lUiclilliKto-morruw. ; by !lelir lliVltiK, lit Itiv A. Mnd 7 M f. M I BOW- l'ATUIOTIC WAR NKRM()NON . "" " 1'i-aio niro Kb Vi.lorv. 111 t' 1 41 Kill II VLl.To. I niorrow 1 i-iiiii. Iy llev. Ilf. JOsl.CIl V '1 IliiAl'SON, of i Jiiwork selHtre. Ji rv UNION M. K. cut iuui, Forurii .MMF.S SK I.l. will pit urh in tl.i-u mini: ( l'il.o-kk ' i ii i. v. .loMEru caw. i.fc,. ti. i., in tiie fveu.ia. itr i i Iu h uVNiOk. it" .a. MII Kf Ii, KKiH I II H'l KKK.T, AH VK NO- nit. iiiTvi.-f niuriiiiiK nihi evi'iimt. ai uunl tlmo. Hti.. 1IIK Kl;V. 4.KO. W. HAIIIsKY fSK4!ONI I ''ii,:r''(.uili.iiiii rltiinli, tmin.T KIlillTH ami t.lthKN.) will iftvnt It Siii.lmlh, Hi- A. M , J S I. M. vi ni firit. i ii i 11 T I r.iil .1 M(i?i'M rf.V r.rt I 1 . 1 . r II attil r 1 1 Itr IC I HlrHt4 K.-v. lr Wll I. is Mill h Nut-iiMth H .M.iul t I'.M. ..Vll IN V. If A I' Hl.SK W j, UK A MAN nit r t.od ow 1 lifttn Iti-v. .IiMIN ciiAMliKtt i n iliUdiiTii in.ii.oinw ui 1 I-. .M. cl nr. , UltOAO UJld A N.' Miri-l-, ft M. I'AIT.'H I. K "citl lt H -To-.MOItlEOW, UCJ. h. iuk ihf third uti. jv in . 1 10 ni-nfh tliU t.'lmrt'h v nl t ojh it ini 1 1 j v 1 ui g rviu-r .n tNe e eninn ut n uiurwr ht-lore ht o'l-lm-k I'A I MIOTIC IiH. -oi ll-SK, AT r'cnTr j 1'-f' M Al l- lo -H.or.-ow hv 11 v..l. H. Tll-IMI'- 1 NoS 11. , .11 Nw York. HiitnV.-t, ' I'euou llirouh ' iflorx ." Si-ai in-'-. f a'J ' m 11,11 "VI.NANT. FILIIKKT Mtrei't, ahove Nev.-nti'entli. IHvine service n momiw (Sunday ), at luH A. M. uod i'i I. M. The lt etor w III (1. V.) prem li ini'fiiinn and evemim. f& h'f. I.K.IKNl'S I'JICKCa. lWtNHKf I and CIIKItltY Mret u i hi-i t him-li will lo r -ojiened lor I'lvhif m-rvice to nmrrow, Simdav, the h lut. Hervice in tlio moiuiiitf at IV i In the aittruoouut i o'cloek, aPkV, W A . N K It Kit 1 : ii iNBriTTTK OF HCIKNt '".T. SLVKNTKI NTH Bireet, alnjve Colmnhhi uv! xi'ie. rnatMin.' ut thl Institution To-morrow (Sulihiuhi Aittnioon. at 4 o'clock, by Jtev. K. U. hi Y DAM. faun free. J 11 v ft nt ton jrcm-ml. yt.t, It I N Ii A Y rtCHOoL.-THK MINION ' i' hrhoul, in SOl'TH Mre.-t. dfhiw iH.-v.Miteintli, will !) fvi.n nt J on Mindiiy, 1h tli hint . ut j li ul.n ii , 1'. -1. A nnuili.-r ot tetu tiiT-t hfinif nei-ded, thow wllliug to a-'i-i are uitiiully im ited to uttt-u l. ff- v 1 KNTHAL CONl.ltKCATIONAL rlU'liril.-kn-f) 1,.V alOKKI'll . THilMI'SllS, II. ), ol Nev York, Hill iuturh at IDM I.HT II A I.!., tit-morrow at iti i v. AI Aiulll I'. M. Huhicet of rveiilnv diM'oursf-. i'ertce tiirouvb Victory. Tli" ure conlliiilv invitfd, GAVAMKJ) TO KKNT, A JIOLriK AND oiiie moini on the line ol Um '(icriii.iiunrt n" or ".North I'. ii 11 sj Ivuma" Wnilro,ttl, Iioiihi- miit huvcino dTii niijirovf im nti. Itcnt not tve eed H -iki. Addre-, -t.iluik' 1 nil purtiuulan.! auiuunt 01 hind, locution, .-.. lox l-'i 0 IrJ . AM 'BST1TLTK CAN UK HAD KOIl TWO Yr:Alts,at No Urok- r need uwer. Ad Ires s " S A V , Hum mic. 1 1 NjSO w5HO WI5,h0 .h, tti(t K ' CABII BOUNTY. TIIE FIFTEENTH WARD W.I' piy V.rl lionnty for thr-e davit only to a ffw DJort! n n n.ti. Cli"i e t,ic tn emii 111 any c iinpMiiy or It in cot Al'P' 1 tin "I iy to IS AI h IU rV, u' 11 11- Mar-ji.n ihc , '.oiU'-r HUOAl und rSi'l(lNl U V It -C. ;i'.vts. v -17 it J IQ. W A Ij It A V 13 tS. J m;'.tKrto to w. h. GAiau., MASONIC IIA1,1 . So. 719 OHESirrjT Street. ' l4.t t W tp,Ml III. ' V A L I. S T ') C ft CHK1A1N MAT ( nfeiia ir a ;uiai..s. KfttcSi Sat'r.s lllr h Itnv.t'llK. ritplini. In c''o, I'lalll Slill ltrdTil Terry, Trillin tml AT Wo, I llrna, Krr-nrh Halin J Mini-, Ki jtri.ti ai.J itcriuan IimiU Frt'tir rt!ntt I sal lt:ia, f ortiiot'fi and Hamlf , A'.ilfTor drrrl(;"..iii f.f ( I H1A;.N 1V1.M V'.ltl it H. W J N II () W H II A I) i : H Oi to n?r?tt ColHl aii'l r'torna I. A O V, V i; UT A I N S Ona-'Mtd I'-na UiAnth prr-tfrit cost ofTnipirtil'.lon. WAl'KAVK.Vfl (mtr t.MtUVLS), No. Tl CKKRNl' r VI I'.Hl.r. BUSINESS ITtMS. Ir. iny lie's l'icrtirii,t - til wlin hmve tlMMl llil atitti-Liiil M-vll .iii'i ' ir AviliNA, llltl'NI I'll !S, Vt IIOOl-IN'l t'l'l'.ll, ( Ol.dHS AND l.OI.Ill, l"'N .UMl'l ION, ri.hllRISi, ( llOHP, IH'AIISK.SKS., or'any l'nliiinnarr (!'tm.Umt, Atteit tl tisi'filnPf . In pri'Of or tills fact v atronlil thai" lor tl Irty ri ars pait tho T.nrrctoront I111 hern hel'TO U. pntillc, anil U1.1t a h aiicftwliiig 7'r aiMed to 111 pupularlty, ami en li tmeitiho ceinaiij, until ::ew It li known anil approi Utr-il In all iiiarliri of tho in ) !d, nod ailraittoil tn tie lh Ureal lti-iueily of the Ann t'ir tlAm ot dirnici for which it l rui'li lally ili'li;n' d. KKOKitT COf'ill 1 AMI rol.DS.l'lui'rtil. I'aim, Ac. air- ijnirliiy find tfli-ituallyi'lired liy It JliphiMClle, aootli iuit, and enietriint power. ASTHMA It alwaya cnrns. It ov'riniiiea the a?a,mwdic fontriii tlun of the air veiie'li, and liy produoirijf fiee ox liiK;ttallun at onca reniovoa all Uiinciiltlei of broalhlitf. UltONIHIITlS readily yloldn ! tlio Kxiie lorant. fl mib dilei tbo InlliintnAtlon which p.xIcmI Uirouh tlio wind tnls'i, produce tree cpectoration, and miipronoa at onco the cvuijh i,ud pain I'ONMMn IUN.- r.irlhli Imliliuiifl and fatal diaoaie no renie'ly on earth hat ncr been found 10 olTectual. It suh duea the Inflammation, relleiea the aouuh and pain, rt-inoviis Uie dinteulty of breathing, and prnducni an eaiy exiiectoratlon, vlierehy all Iriitatlnu and ohitruc-tlrujtniit-ten are reuioveiUTntii U10 Icitikh. WHOOl'INii OilfOll I, promptiy relieved bylhli Kpec tnrant. It ahorti nh the duration of U10 dlaeaieouO'tiair, and greatly militate, the stitTiTiiH,' of U10 patient. In all J-UI.MHN ARY ("O.MI'I.AIN rrtJiiCKOI I", I't.Eir IIIMI , Ai'., II wl'l Imi found to he prompt, u iSeatant, and rellnlile. rrei areil only at No.tflv C'he'iniit street. Trnbl In Ihe INtllilfnl Wlywrnn. Ailutia iu Ui lM)iiiiMTf lc Ciifiii' tlmati-n nu lntiTnitl irm. ft murh lor not hnvlni; a ri-ur itmierttiiMdiUtf oe-twt-cn tho iti?b ciiiiwiTiiHil.ftodiK h tl i itlrn lt run iort hy nriM- In the I onl hunim-m 01 W. S . Ahcr. 7 N. Mnili htrtct. Ilf i n tiii.ic to c'itl. t l'it 4 a.Hi.i1 tJi fiMt ot il, at tit towoit iTicei, uini our;U'jtl kiuw ttial Ut i Oiinu it. lnreM I'ori. 1 Ot: M I I'll IN .', Vl B' filH H, H.u ft; - . n I and. IS tit lIO'HAItlM, A rcla uutl it'iilti. i;rnl 0 iiliitf f t'nll lotlilii(( TIiIh tram1 Opnlnx "I' Full TlolhlnR Thin D.iy. l run I JiminnK ot 1ml tlli'tlnmr I tils lti-, ruil MiihiK of t uUDothlu Thi ly. (rHntlOnpiitni; uf ull t'loMiin 1 hi nay, iMnd p nine of Kmt CiiMliini, Tin hitr. t.ianti ('(icikii ol' YaU ''tDtti nTtiiii lav. iMiiitoocntiiKor I-A'l t'luUiitiK l l'i luy, 'taikI tFif'ttn o Full C'l luu-K Tf(t lur, lrtti il ocniiitrof mi, C o lilou ThU l'ty. I i l;li a co., KMi-titi a I'loUil'iaf Hoitno. PKtiKY A CO , l-AU'nii'e ( I WiIdk Hoi.. n.HliY A CO, KvMiH.vof'lotlilitH Muriio, I I Mi ' .V Co., Kxo-tuive ciutlilofx llnu, 1'KI.UY A Co , KMeimlvc OluitHnir llojtie. I'l.I.KY tV CO.. I'.vtciniviiCloih im M iittie. I'l liliY A CO., Kx.eiifclvc rimiilli H miss. I'l l;HV A CO , KxtrnbiveCloihiiu Hon5, I KKI;V A CO , Kt-1lvf Chi'litin; M.ltKY A CO , Kxtrm.ivn OoiMnu II. use. The larvivt h'i1 b.t U ck uf Clithiot( In the city. Tin Ifcr't'rit an 1 bent mock of Cltiil f In Uif cl 7. The liiriii'Mt 'bl Mora ' f ClotnlliK ill tl Citr. 1 hi- lUKfHt tnd tftt hta k of loth' cm in tlie ciiy. The InrKt'it " b't stock of C-Uuiik in ih city. Thf Uiyvht an J hel nttck ol Clothing in the cltjr. 1 he .Mireat an tt'tt ntoi-k of Clothinic in tna city. The frKft and hmt ut of Cl-ittiiux In the ol r 'I he larucht and bo it tiuvk o' ClutlifuK In (he city, lue Urycut and bctt atock of CMottiliiK ia the oitjr. At pm-ea low for tin nuiea. Atpfitea'o forthotlmfa. At prlct a low for tha tluai. At 9 tue.' low for thi' times. Atprici' low fur tlm time. At pri ltw foi Hihoh. At pitKiow for the time Ai j-rlren low for the tliuei. Atprlcealitw for the timea, Ai prlre low for tha timea. K- w iityto trt;M.di and nt-w atylai ol (larmfiita. New ft Ik ol'tioo'ri) and new ntjf 01 Ganuenta. ISt w ai U'K 01 tioodt mid new si vie of (anneiita New Bt ka oi'Ooods and new btyiea of (tmnts. New Miy.i a oi'Uuoda and n w a U' of OariaeuU. ho ) Ifh of Ooo'ln unl new ai ie of (iiU'ineiii. New at j U 1 f OikmIk and new sty lea ol uaraionta. New at.vlei 01 tloodf and new ntylea of (iarint'iitM. New ht h i of ;of8 and new ty 1 ot Oarmentit. New at vha ot (loodh aid new at vies of (iarnmnU. I KliKY A; CO , Th rd HndCnehniitstrei U. ri- KUY A CO., Third and Cliasnut atreeiM. 1'h.liHY A CO., Third and Cbosnut Htreets. r-l' liliV & Co., Third and Choaimt directs. I'KKkY A CO., Third anc Cheniiut mreeu, I'l UK V A CO., Third ar.d Ciicanot streets. rKltltY A Co., Third and Cliesuut ainwta. I I Kl;Y A 10 , Third and CMi'Hinit atreots. I'KlittY A CO., Third and f liuhiiut atrcieta. I'KKKY A CO. , Tmrd and Clieanut )reeta. N H.ltaiatceot Hummer Clothing 'JI.Dtf otl at very low prices. BMricnlnn In lullilutr. rArkn4na in Ulhli tf. llarKHina In i Moimn..', Jirtrafit in IT tihin. At (ii: vn ti.i.K Sam. VOM Stand. At i;ks 11 1 . SniKKt' Old Htantl. At tiitts'. 11 1 Hn.hM' old Fituud. Nu. 'i'fi Oii Miut altfi No t."N C- slllt -tit f N11 hit t ht -nut ifet 1 No. Ui'.:iiit i!n el lM-lrlrlly. AU Acute and Ctimulc Dlrati en cured l.y tueaai (i diilcxtki lutodiuvauon ot KUciritity, at Uie KLECTE1CAX INbTiri'TE, Ko. 1330 WALNUT eTKEET, FtUl.ulthl.v. ritOK. c. n. BOLL b a Will (Mtiu.mce, 0- TMurR4tlbd4, A C4 urie of LeMurei ani foil lnitruciWn Ut p plying t.iUvHiiuio, klaiittiiB, and otlier modiitoallonfl of Klc irlciiy um a r tli hie thtraeiitlc aunt for tie cure of Acute and Con iik Iiseaaei, AT TIIE INHTIIUTION, Ko. l.iO Walnut 8tret, Philudelpt U Wtdi al mt n and other desli intf to attend the cturse a t rti'i'ektiuti uukc appltca'lon early. 11 iinos! m:'K a cos MASON ,t IIAMI.IM S 0A1HNKT OlltlANS. HAM LIS '8 CAIIINIT OllANS. 1 UtCKKIt 11K0S I riAsos, TIANOS. J. K. (lOIM.Il, Buventb aud Lliaaaul krMita. GHKA1, IXSTA7B ' HKAI. UST ITK t UK. I. I-STATU. RKtL MtiK. HhAl. MUTI IC K I. KsrAlfi. l;Bl. I. STATIC. It Kit, fsTATK. 1 KM. H1ATK, ItKll KJMAfv UF. rvr1K IIL-.I Kst ATK. MH M'lTII! T PA I A I.O II K J ST OUT, m w m no r v 1 1 a .! 11 ik jnir o 1 r , Mif moni ni.v 1: 1 1.0 H K ji;t our, St V VON I HI.V (AT 1 1. Of 11. I; if T .IT, W W MDNTHl.i ( M Al.o .i n J'isr CI' ' , NMV MOVIIIl.t f I M.nill K, JUsr 'II T, I'll! IlKATI ITOI s HIS I Klltt' I I'lN. roil fu; ai triors iu-ti;iiii 11 1 nit (i'ia , t noti 11 -1 1:1 lie 110 n, I'll i.KAH ni.CS HIS 1 111 tu Tli iN, roe (,i Trinii nisiiiii.i Tiny, I I III l.h I 1. 11 Ot'S I '1ST KI 111 1 TUN (' INTA'ITt '..i'llM) W.lltTII. IIIMAl H ..l Willi' II. iM'AISs ..illiitl " OUT II ( on I ain S (.( ii wniiril. lON'AINS L ''.'! w 'Ki ll C N I ilN S ,') llil II ITilt I -l-i - N 't, n ul.n,i, ti ,'iin 'in-i IE''il I ' I i' iiimi lutii f ijp.tir.) ir llifi stlie 11' " '.11NI lillt'l let in, ( ti,ififiiM jti . I i-ut. Alii a n I'm hui.Jnil i.ll 'a "! l-ni'il, I" I I I, III ('Ml' i.l hMplll-". I -urn -il iilr p.... .l,m ail le lin.l. I.K."l:i.K (' Mil I.l H It.-al l-.iinh' llr l ir Nl. I ! ,S SI I II sir-ill. nTO lit'SI! UII.I. KPAI. V.STATK "in'li -Wnntil In now if H hwr-llhu. Hum I I' to M-l. It, tj, Rtn p lora'ltv. Uiat will hi 'lit At tiur ir h" a 'o iif'ini 1 ii"nli mil 1.11 HULK C MII.I.KU 11. ai f..t il" Itr k T, Mo. I .l N SI X ril STfi-1. GHKST CT.Afifl H U O W N RT()N V liwtHi'g tn Visit IrO'tH 8uare; fifteen rvmui. l !Tt' $ t . Kit i t tn'ir mnrv Ielllr tr n Irm street, we, t of fT rmtoi.ili; traible tip te li rt Morv I'nee $l".C V Very el t u.i tMt.r.htotv hrowa tr-nt Iiwcllir.on Vn e fcir. . t. fttt 01 Kmtifi-r-niii. I'rle- tl 1.11 p at t r r-ijna'tt r lwe:imtc. No ihi" .summer i(reA ; lot .'iiul inn dmi; ;h I -ot inQ nr III liM-i to rh nt; fttreot. Irnetll.Mt) 1 hrec-ctfity all throiik'h. Nen lurft H 'llinry. No 1 Kiice street, flfn-en ronni ; lt Ti I 1' II. I Hce f WKi. Hrs(rile liweiiinir. lotir-fitArv, on Arch street, woit if 1 W nlv-ll'ft ; fit 'phi routni. I'rTe $' 1 '11. n e rii-iididiy Imut tor n-orv ii'Hlni;i on Kiltiert atri t't, enut ol N iPet'-eMh I'nce O'f eeh. M((nlrert fotir--t.r trown ione Iroiil I'wcllln? on Spiuct- street wfl ttt "ovoti'eenth. (V t;fi,0 0, Nrat I -wpJIIiih 11 tho nonh side ''linn i' atri(, eat of HKKenth ; lol W hy l' feet deet I'rtre 1 ii Niilpiiditi doiihie ttont hw.-l no; on VVtut Oiinut t-ircd; i itMi en riKiins. I'r'ce t iu,0o4i. Neat olrte nrd liwelhnif on prnee street, weilof Tenth ; lol ;n Uy K". f.-et di ep. I'nc s.'W. Mi irntfltent f"i?r .-tr hr -w 11 ftono front twelinic on tirib Hummer rtrt t. wi--t ot SiUevnUi ; lot i t uj 1.11 et ?t WmtPT ht-pet. I'll e !. FOH MA I K - Three of thm cry t-le-ant and dealralil fh'e yrd lusidiiniffi on M 'inl Vprnou .trer', mt ot Moiiiieth; Ift vi ltll feet deep IT ire ftTHiD e.isli. In inpdihtf poae on. IOt HALF. - To nent well bti'lt dwclMnti on W iMacp hp,at. ai mr Iwenileih; lots 3i liyH'fcot to a htrv-et Price Porit-enlnti Moon. I lenldt' 1. a en;ai nnii'to r I others. IncsT'd In Wait I'liB d' liHUn, '1 icktt nn il(oertnuii o n, C' i-niit II !l, c. '.MiHf.l, C Mil, I Kit, Pracl o I Ileal E -a'p eentand Ur-.r, I 'l N . HIATfl Htret. g& Full SAf.K Oil KXrHANfiK. M AffNl TJE. Ilcent ( ounir Hi-at and Kitrm if ill acre, er pi. in-icll et- . In ii evt rv !. t po tion ol Itin k-. cuuiv, font and a t-nli mi leu tioin Urtrnj. I'rl. e, tlv,' 1 o hi pt iior llrst ehiM I- a tn ! fri u re. enr-irn imi rive m 'tii.'. eii . only ten iinlf from this e tv,oa I'eiiiivivaum c Rtlrft .d Trtc t .inn. Neat ! uniifeitt and Ih ucre. i.tih four ai a half no'ei, --ni Vnri.Pt street brlni,e, en the ier rad. Prt.e.l-fiinper Ml 1.1, Kit, No. IM N. SI nl .-iir-ot. f F011 BAI.K. A NKAT, LAUM'i Li-I Mm at Iii)' lane tu' 011. Oprmantown : contslns t-eive rfon.t. live, on tlrt fl or; HtnMc. e arT -hottae. ) put t a dr, etc I.ot 14 J ftet front, hy :im ee dpi p to a triet. Prlpe.llO,!'. Mil.l.KB, No. I'4 N. ril XTH HtreeU F0R8AI.K LARf.K FAC TORY, NKAR Xua fUrmin on, on tlie rullniad. Lariro Iot. with h" i(i. to cti B"pt Willi r't'ltf&d Htruum 'f water nm hronch Uie rn-ndses. steam enu ne, j.haftln, und nil e fnple . I.argo thaddlni;, itc. roMiestlon b) en. Price. $lit,fOcHiar. Mil.l.KK, No.lAI M BIX I'll Hueut. C FOR RAI.F, CHKAP, INF F.ED NE AT , ltweiiitiff. No.'iici ' ne sir , tw 've rnm ; lol It feel It.ehea bylJMfcet, toasferl. IM ets oti; fmtae d:nU) pohNeKiiCtl. MtM.KK, No. LVI NjrtJi SIXTH Htruet. f FOR SAT.F.. ACRIFICR T'NPRRCR ji del tr A - H.ent lwe)l rnc No. ir.W N. Kithth s'reet, lt-itioiml'h l.tiilt, twelve rooms: I C In hy U, to a street, l ilfx 0))clOAri oo) $luahhn.Minlre4 Mil.l.KK, Ho. IM N.HIX1J1 Sir.t. f$ FOR SAT.14 NF.AT TWKTVE ROOMKD lilll lwi IMr Kt 0. IM N. Meventh atreet; lot In bv !:( t vino. (ACKIKICKO IKiRlTIVKI.V Neat Iwelve-roomM hwelltPK, n. !w;i Walla e atrwt; lot 20 ty W. I'rlce linnielite pimonnlon. Knjrlbij Htore and dwelling, Ko. IM N.flixth tr-et; lot nearly lHifepi dij to a street. iTIce St.W. lldoh Iniudrvdi of o;oiTrof rtlei. t.TOKOK C Mil.l.KK, No. 1.4 K tMXTII rttreet "10FNT MORI AH CKMKTERY. TWO ill splendid l.ot nt a iaorit)ee j-ohltivolr MTM.KK, N 1"! N.HIMU HlreeU V ST riULADF.LrillA LOTS for salk CllFA.-(Hie Wrhy Inn Iwd, aiH per foot. One inn hy Km het, a 1 1 per hmt. One l?M,y llKi lurl, ut $1 per lout. All corner lot. Hut little money required. Mtl.l.SU, No. l-'-l N. SIXTH A reel. 4 1()R SALF. AND POSSESSION IN TRN iliVK Hpleodidl) hull! hwollh.u', o. Hl.r N. Tenth hh pt ; twnlv e room; kt 17 ' lift, to a ntreet. rrice .ti-'. M1LLKK, No. IM V. 81 XTH Ntreet. FOR SALK. 8TUANGKRS AND CITL lilii en dfiitlroiiB of bi tiiff aecoinmoduted In the pur- of Keul Katatc either lor liiveainiunt or oocunancy, ni l i;ht not full to f a'l on me at once, It thev with to save tin t and I run hie. Niur t...Mjn,0isi worth of Keal Kitate to M'h 1 1 iroin, ull to he tnirid on niy register, and Iu a ntont). 1 alah'ifue jimt out, iu d irrutmtuiiHlv I'MMli.b, n. I'ra' tieal Ileal K-itate Aifptit and Kro'ur. No. 1-4 M.BI.XTI1 Mu-pt. M FOH HALF, Lelas Nnn neur 1 SPLENDID FIRST- f wuiiiKlown; acres; tlrst!L? tiuM linprovemenlM. T ) l d. iTh .-trJ, -Sh'tuili ent Country ho bole iilacu uiui be aeeu to ho pat and Farm of H aeres. half irile fiooi the iiutniw side. An examination eipierint(-. Furnltiuu at Trenton, on the I'emtvlvatim in nei pitiaarv in order to ue'uule tu and UiuiIiik uteuuli, eroii. Ac. Mil, Ko. l.VI N.SlXlh sireul. Ai FOR HAM", iSTORK AND DWKLMXfl, JjL N. 14 N, Htxth stre-'t, ten room-. Ltd ne irly lirtl U " t deep tu a lurtwuy. i'rke $ii-'m. luiiiitciulo jiointM SH'ii, t Jvur, FOK HALF Klftfant id vard lell:n(r on the eust Fide of l iuiikllii, aiiove street. J. jtllO ful dcuu. 1'ri-ell,om. Net ItweUlntf, Vn. 711 Rrowu itrvet. Lot lH b8v, twt he room. I'rup $ ino. h l. ndtd new On . lllnj.', Ko. 1J Ui . Sixth tilreet; ten liire rtKims . Lot Jo by in. Fru c ti-ifO, .epilenl will Imi Ut lare dwellinif. So, l'ilt) Mount Vprnon urept. Lot JO by 100 H tt. Twelve rooma. f rite fM'O. JJon enijdy. Nput ivelliD, r-apiitleerl. No, lOW Mrlltn'e atroct. Twelve rooms. tiao by w ieet. irice '.I0U. Immediate l('HUrtkion. Nut side yard dnelliuK, No. 40 K. Twelfth slrect. hoi Jl n et front. 1'ihe tuiWi. Jie-ideH nillliuti uf didiurs worth more of alt script loin ot' iifoncriy. Aln j l'0 dwrllintrf on hand, of which Immediate po stfecion tan be had, or ur son. St ucroii obulduil tu cull on me 1I1 m, 1 ut this out hr lututt refererce. AKo ca'l for calaioue. (.h.itlti.K t. MILLKK, Pra;Uuu4 Kstutv Oi raior, No. 14 S. AlXTli auoot. GREAT CENTRAL CLOTUINa HOUSE, V ill: lTVLTft sr if VJ KOrTINGLUM 3 w 1 a 8 I- A () K N , niii hi ri.tiH HI Hi t;T WINDOW MtMi:s , in.,, t :j !i KELTY, s w 001. inn, OAEEINGTON .r tin & Co. B naaufarlnrprii. III SMIT Nritl l. r. rv-.. -Ti 1 ri.No co VKits, j I. A KO h ST STOCK iOA f'lTV. Hint.t.T. 1 AT LOW TRICES. pETEBSON'S NEW BOOKS run iii'ftr Tiiiiim. u .1 r.iWlf.U'1 Ii, T, B. PETIRSON & BROTUEHS, r I'KTF.KHONt NKWCOOK T.rtOK ; OV, I'SKKT'L ANI PKACTICAL Kl F.inB FOIC IIIK IIOUSKWIKF. ANI iMK t'MNI'l IATKI. O-ntulnin rlht LimJted and 1 f ; elfhi new and orliltml receipts for Ctoklnj, and irfi. purlrtfi all klnrN 01 paury, ptMdlnK. omslets, J llfon, m lata, nnpvplPi AT.,toai"ihrr w:ir vuluuhle Inf rtuatlon to all Imnf k- epers. I rlee $1. TIIK IF.VyTEr 1I(K Rr St. (Ui.h,H T'.- KH. Ore o! the he.t Mtirn al novel et or pruiifd. I'rhe If in i-t ; or $1 11. 1 imt. TIIK hlVAl, ItH.I.Ffl, OU, FK IN WABI N'liTON. Il; tl e antror of "Wild Vi'-tern Krenes." Frlce fl .ti) in paper; or tJ in c.o'b. FLIUTATION IN KAfiHIllNAULK L'FK. Hr in-niM- Hi sof.A 1 it, author ol " It. at. it 1." TrUe $i 'i In pnpor or it lu cloth. tHK PltMiK OF. I.lFi:. I'.yJVNK I.ait tj-jit. l'rhe I M) In pu) ei ; or f.' in t otii. TIIK tOWAitl'. Ity IUa.ur Mi:ti 'iiu. l-:4 in paoer; or in tiotb. TPK HKW HT AIM P HCTir OF I;. IndlHh.nseW lo e ery btipin t mun. Ir cent. THM It It IT) AI. KV1C. It Mu-.. Sv inn oimi. Inauper or In cloth fKLF-MAcit I M F. Ily thn author .f lMurrJaiel Matt land." J 11 pn.e, fl W); or in olo Ii f i. TIIK WOMAN IN 1WACK ftv the authj.r .if '-Man iu tiiey " In api r bl '0; or In olotb $2. FAMILY T'liUiK. H the auth-.r f " $-r,n m p4pr; or $2 in c Hh. cVnl free of(wmtap tn r- rHpt -U rwatl prio-. Ai?-1teftt with irdert, T. B. PLTEESON & BR9THEB3, So. 30 'IDHSKUT BThKBT, rhilaitflpUa. l-a. Bt-iiJ fbrCatiliiiiiii" aad Caiiva.ari Orotiliir. All Mm HEW IiOtMiS nrc fur aali- aU"ETl:tSON H. It TI1AOKK, VAC.KK, MAOKK, MAGli K, No .111) f!HK.N T. No. ."im tMIKSNuT Stru t No.atO ( K.1NMT. Ni 3lli l:lj,rltlT Ntri-l-l nlAtir r . Ildl H. .MA(.K,ln. tliuuaandt ol Kuiui of o'e l.rltc- and Car. AGKE. o. ,'tlG CHKSNUT STRKET, HAS ml I'onaof Kn i-Ioih-h. AGKK.No. .'116 CHKSNUT STRKKT.SUP rLes City and Country (Storekeepers at f-ttr pr'iea. MAOKK, No. 3IG CUESNVT 8TRKKT. HAS t ninienal 1'i tii nl Uo!ortulity. Vaiti e t a Hlim1 t' 11. M-pertur qua Ity. Min-ee I'sb 1 xrn imp pei.s l'c t niiauty. AGKK HAS 1 HK GlsNUINK ARNULD S Ink a.wavi on nun . AGKE, No. .'S10 CHKSNUT Sl'lilSKT, fviis ctnvvn v miu mi) si iair prices. it TMAILI)K PARIS" FOIt 1IIF. SKKV. .1 i 1 h- beautitid Mde VeUvul-, who, durlmr ner per fnrn anrc here, futleied viohnt erui iion. and bunilns of ti e hkui, in ni d h 'em 10. coimtir., tirn-K her ie lin ii', audtrbv," u tueeitUac 01 Itie ttnul de 1'aru. Ko. 113 Wathu.v I'i acr. " w Yokk. Mar M. IsRI Mi 'tn aiules Jattd: Mr: I bu to thank you fr your I ii.d!ifa in scnuhift me a pckKe of jour Kinull de I'arm. I l ave mtlind o much 'n ui the various white lotion h, Ac, which tn tl eatrical pr'fesfion blUc inn to Use. thut I conslrtraa perfect te eiut il m tu rind a pronarulion wbhhfdves the iipctutbur whitenesit to thh skin, and ieitve tlie akin cooer and Mnoothor than when It hts muhinu on It. I intend to uoe It eciiulvly, WUh thanks. 1 nm, respectful. , youri, itiiit ha , ran aii. IKmall de Fari is not a paint, not a powdtr, net o (.inttnent.hut a rnont delh ious preparation, which, by Iti healthful ai-dpurlfjliij- ete t, brings forth fh shoosi, color, and beau'y, pivliiK bth the ouiplexioa and texture of puli bed Ivory lo tl e akin like tha' of aa Infant. K.tOKNE J0"IN, No. IU H. TENTH Htroet, holow Chemut, In the only fluent for tha Email de Paris. lt IJItFSIDENT LINCOLN HIS PORTRAIT, Fiireiiulry,ai d llhwraphv. Aluo, Hon. Mr. Ftsaeti den, and fhe ihree i,e Uishopn, Thompson, Olnrk, and kii.vHhy. Fb.'ivhvtiMiiiy, with irtrattH of the lio i, I. ion, rllla. diieep, Kule. Mtoael An-H"! Our 1 eeth aid Jwi, Ii ur'of Chumcier; Nlvmtuer in, Itii Came and Ctre; lu triaon ; A Jewish Wed tnr; 'Ihe Afriean Comra ed with other K-ices; The tiulf Hrieutn; A N w 1up-rv; I.nnuae; lirpiup; flstit WIU10 t Ptd ; Huliroud Mpii; To Corrpupondenti ; Tho Mtory of Adum Ko; Ktornal Puulaniuent ; CnhcMoi; Koiil and Spirit, Whut lithe Olilereucer Iiuniortalit.v ; Murr Iiir CousIiin, ,Vn , in Oi-toher nutiiher of "ttireno 1 i:ieal .lounial am L'le IIImhi rated." Ktws men have It. Hent by ttrat lo t for to eenta, b, Mcirs. Ft w1 LiSK A WKI.LH, No.Si HhOADW VY, New VorK.or J. I,. C A VJiKn. S&A.TKMIII Hueet. Fh'ladelpula. 14 IT .'I SPECIAL NOTICES. LI BEET Y ! CONCFRT IE ALL. Thomeoof I'ldladplptua turorahle to Uie election of ABB AH AM LINCOLN AS l'Kl'.SIUKNT, ANDREW JOHNSON AS VII K TUKSniEXT, OF THE UNITED STATKS OF AMERICA, WILL MKl'.T On JklOINlXW' 1-2V12JNX1NC;, SEPTEMBER 10, AT 8 O'CLOC K, AT CONCKllT HALL. ChwinU Bt., Eetween Twelfth and TbirtctLtL, To Inaiitura:. Il.c 1U11 iot tl.e i-omlng h. LECTION CAMI'AION. VtmUrscf the Umon I c.i,uii, ami all l y.r. u.en,ar inritea to tr""i. liiitlu.'uhhcd gentltiuca will addrcit Hit turntlug. By ordor oftha U 17 ill C0MM1TTKK OX Pt'BI.KJ MEHINH8. THE LAKGEST AND BEST JJ M A 1'' N B H ! , K01SE3 IN TEE HEAP, c r a nun, THROAT DISEASES, t 4 '1' I I M A. , A I L ill-.A.NkS i: v i : a. it . Tli LATED BY I)H. VON MOH(!HKI8KriU, Autiuwof lhcenlly pibH-h- d work TIIE KaVK; ITS DISEASES AND TOKIR THKATME1VT, OH'ICK, No. 10 J7 WALNUTBtt, AITAUATUS. A MF.ttlCAL THIHMri! -TIIK APIAI UTTH IMflf -ti t.d by Hr. VON Mo.SCti.ISKKU, I ir (he cure mt I-KAKsKHS, IHKtlAT IHSKASKM. C'ATAIIUII. an AHTIlftlA, lnded a r.r-nt mllcal trhimnh, Ntlde can be given in print oflis complications, hut I wonileY fully rartiil powers of applicability, and Its eiHcicy la per fectly eradicating the alove named dlsea-iOi.ut o noes peak to the understanding of avery one w ho witnesses Us ap plication. Ita combinatlona are bmed on true medloai science, attaekios the very icat ot the disease, and accom plltl Iuk a cure when all otlier mean have failed . ft haf been protuunced by hlnh medical authority AndalenUtlo men generally the most powerful, Inoffensive, and an reel Kod'cal a Kent for reach in the dlteaite ever broiujht before the world, and a true triumph and advance In medical tctenee. Dr. VON MOHCh'l iKKIt moat earnestly d aire that meilk-ui men Kliuthd wUnesa Ita opra:lons and teat the medical prluoMei whhh conatitute Ita value. To IMTHona who sutler from the above main die he with perfeot artiurauce states that they have no w the best and anroei ineuni of a eure. Dlt. VON M0SCH7JHKEIt, welt aware how often UiO crcdullt of the public ia Imposed upon bj the dlipla 04 so-called testimonials, which are either altoethsr fact! ir ud or jilvcn by Irrctpons.blc inilvidualji. feels It hU duty to slate that he never publhdicv the cerufloate of cure pet formed by him, the genuineness of which msy net instantly bo verified by a call at bis oihcc, or tlio reliabllllr of which Is not itiiitranticd beyond a shadow of doubt from the well-known character of his authority. The Alitor ofthe ThiM.uu il, In the follow Inf editorial Lotlce In h i yesterday's Issue, maW mention of Doctor Von Moscblskcr'a residence In New Orleans. lr. Tot Mochi'sWcr bega,Uierefnre, to quote at the end of tho ex tract or the Tn.Kii:.vni' notice of htniielf, a part of an elaborate editorial which lasued lo the Hew Orleans 'icflfune previous to his leaving that ctty. A Smu tl I'm an ian. We have re framed from add ig our tribute to the hlt'bprofoaluei and per onel cha racter of lr Vuii MoschaNker, of No. llTJI Walnut street, with the knowledge that a thouhtl4S and absurd preju dice prevails lu the public mind with rogard to newspapor encomiums upon a physician, no matter bow aucoeisful he may be In the treatment of those clsssea ofdtseaso which are called fiprinltif from tb onpeclal study re quired for their cure, by reason of the complication and intricacy of the organi they ainatl. Ir. Yen Monchr.lsker has devoted his entire life to th9 practice of discuses of Uie eye, ear, and nervous si stent. He arrived In tbts country with a first class European reputation, having gruduated and practised tn aevarai o the latest clilen on the coiilmont. He setUd In 'New Orleans, w here be speedily obtained a laive aud I no rat Ire practice auion the ttrat ram'liea, not onlr of the Cresoeal City. bu of the Houthwestera Htaes. We met Doctor Von Moachziskor at the National capital four vtani iru and wtre personally ooKnlant oft numier of remarkable cine that he effected of eases which hai batlletl tiio skill of leal Ing ph VHiclunn of that city and else where, lie enjoyed the confidence and esteem or the lore l n mi ids tern, severul of then befog among his patients. He Drought before the Medical burean of tho (i overtime n t a number of valuable laUggestlouit oa the eete Idishment of our niagnlftcent boapiuil s stum, which havo been adopted over the entire land, to the amelioration and relief ol our gallant aoldivrs su flaring from wounds and dueaao. Kluce his ipfcidpO'-oliere he bat been highly saooeasinl la the ireaimeut of a noober of dltricult cases, tho teati uioniali of w hkh hv ha at his office, as he la unwilling to pubUh them, out of motives of delicate regard for their aulhoia. Do baa written and published a treatise upon 'lhe tar.'' which tws met with a large demand among tho prole "iou, anl we b arn that It will shortly be followed by un elaboiale and exhaustive treatise upon diseases of "tao Ke." I'e h alio the Im etit r of un apparatus for convey! ij remedial ancum Into tho in t prior ducti and passages of tho eye and ear, whirh l pronounced hy scleuUflc aud tupdica uun ah destined lo work a revolution in the manner of curing dist aie In those organ , This apparatus can hardly be described In the limits of a newspaper paragraph, and should be seen to be appreciated. Its novel and iugeniwus elTeet are dally witnxted bp numbers of physicians aud medical students and gentle men iniurubted In scicntitlc subjocti, and It Is universally approved as an luvaluab:o addition to the list of benign mechanical for the decrease of biimau nf ferlug and the rtstorfttlon of the afflicted to health. From ,'Ac.Vtir VrUant rivuyu'U. Jir. Von Mosehlker has now made for hiiuteif u rppu Utliu In NowOrleani which will ahide, with those who have been hi S tttd by its operation, as lon ui memory mala, and widen will ilnd wide recognition lu the commit nity wheuevpr his nnuic shall bu mentioned. The organ to (he spcildl treatment of w hich he has d voted himself, il Die nmt precious man has ; and that must, of itself, make) his profession a came of great interest for the public. ThO merely uudcrtuking to treat ditcaeuf the eyo and ear would uot be suthcient, however, to gain fur a man a posi tion of credit. Ho far from It, the llllmltablu importance) 01' the or.i.m would make it the more duhVult for aiythh(c but theUitestublishedtuleiit.ekperltnco, and success to give a fp nernl conviction of tho ability of the practitioner i aud ai this has been triumphantly effected by It. Von Mosc)ilkr, he Is entitled to tho fullest appreciation ai a d.uh iucoiuplhhed 01 uhst und nirht. Wehsve nt ourselves hd opportunity of witm i'-lii many ff the operations .-f Ir. Von Mo-.-h -I ker; but we have spcb the rtcilts tf some or their., tnvc h' ardaud nail ti e t' siiin" of ott.prs, und we IV..1 pirf'tly jiiall tied in fcp UKiiif ot bliu a- wi hx e -- Wu, aud 111 uiact my ati nt'ou to hli iUliu to puh'.ic 1 ouiijtjucf w herevoi he ma y be' located. B. E. CORJiEIl SIXTH AND MAHK.ET STS.,