The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 17, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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jild V JLUl BIN VUr
jl MIL Pa
imo i o h x i o in i : m i : in rr
To Como Oil Everywhere on
NpM-lnl twill. Kvrnlnc T log-r'lt.
Wathinoton,. September 17. Gen. nil Wallace
ban tupptcs ed the Cambridge (.M irylanJ)
flcverul committees waited on Secretary Si mtnn
tbli afternoon to si cure n postponement of t:ie
draft, but they were informed tint under in elr
omatunccs would there lie any postponctiii nt.
It will take place every where on Monday.
etriiorlctl 4'umtinrl l.nnd inl Nnvnl At
tnelt to Iso l title on Wilmington tl
nlral JTitrritKiil lo 'ooicrnt with II In
1 1 -..
From tle Hnl.i.wntX Tjrt.oiue, A'pvm' ' 11.
Thi r wji n rumor yi stetday that Farr.igulhvl
left or wax about to leave Mobile lly, and liriuu
liia lli-i t lo the Atlnntie coast, to aid n to n
luted lurid and nival attack on Wiltning'on. We
have no ollicialcuiiliruiution of this rumor.
, bUIiohkii riiAMir or lust of the liiinr.t. army.
Voto lAg-fli. Aiuwid f'uyioi-T, Srjrm'er 1 1.
1J".') was a repetition of llio Sundiy rum r
about the evacuation of tlio "l.'ockulo," on yes
terday, wlih the addition that I) inviile w is to lie
the new base of our urmy, w hiitier the eutire
aimuiiient ol the furls ai Cuatlin'a, lire wry 's, and
around Richmond, was to tie moved. 1'tiis rum ir
waa complticly confirnied by the appearance of a
large toltinihiad on tlie street, wuieh was, ol
couitc, one of the many, and en route for Din
Tille on a wag ni
Ti e ret wi re to follow last nielit, and will all
reach Dunvlllo in atiout nix years. The train
from Petersburg on yesterday brought ne-vi ol
BO movement of inteiext, mid everybody who
came over wero under llio Impression that they
lelt the army there when they emtio away.
liveliest report in circulation in the trenencs wa-
that Sherman was on hiH way to Hicliiuond to
niniMi-uvre out some of lis leading rumor-stricken
. fooia, and gobble them tip before they can get
over the liues.
THE AlttlV OK lilt: JATIKS.
Prairllrnblltty or i'kliiK Rlrliniond Why
the Havriurul ! not Hailf-Kclte! Itc
llftbcts) an met ipiIhii'k I'.leellou-ll-Ira
Wpsskiiesis ol' tilts Kelt. It.
September 14. There is authuri'y for the state
ment that the Lieutenant-General in convinced
that the forces now hero tho Army of the Poto
mac and the Array of the James is
competent, without the addition of a man, to
the reduction of Richmond, whether liy defeat
of tbe Rebel nrmy and a consequent evacuation
of the city, or by a defeat of that army, which
shall carry tho city with it. Then why Is the
army uiet, why is it not put to work und the
tusk ai i oiii )l if lied ? it is asked. If then; in
force enough here now, why not u-o that force
at once, and gain i he end i-6 ardently denred.
I-or tins reason, n reason, to i, that is cunelu
llve that General (irant is not the cold, c ileu
luting, Uintv-heurtcd commander, the iniin u.tony
rttsiirdless of htiiniin lives and ham in Ballerina,
wiin h Rthels and Copperhead' would havo us
lielieve ; and a rctt-on, moreover, which appeals
to all who have friends in the army, und wh o
have not friends in the army ?
General Grant believes that it would he unjust
to these men who havo gone through so much,
who are Denies of i-o many battles, and the chjsen
ones miraculously preserved while so man vol'
tin it comraUea have fallen. General Grant be
lieves that it would be an unnecessary itnd unjus
titiatde suur.lice to subject these to r lie lo-se.s o
am tin r series of huttli n, when it Is within hi
pow.r to so soon und so largely reinforce lliciiiaiud
thus distribute the lo-f, if tur ber loss there in is
be, among a lai ger nuuibcr,or, perhaps, en.iiile him,
by inouns of a Urger urmy, to achieve the sain i
end with fur Ic.-s am ritice of life. Tbcso men, bv
vi tue of heroism and buptism of tire and tiiooj,
have I eeome n.c Oul (iuird of tne Uepuuli,-, and
ii were a g ievous wastage of tried and preeiou.
things to sac. ilice llic-e in other than the llepun.
lie's extremity and, thank God ! tunt ex reiuuy
is past.
And you remember that Napoleon's Old Ga ird
Wasneveroalled upon exi-cpt in the lust extremity,
unless it wis to tide the crest of a victory and
niake it a triumph. No, these veteruns will be
subjected to no uncalled-for siicritice, and when
they aie again called upon there will he other
thousands to stand by their sidc9.
l)o I seem to he writing Ycry hopefully ? I
hope I am. Otherwise, I should not do true to
my convictions. I tmvo been with the army since
the brat day ot May. 1 have participated la its
feelingn ot depression and of exultation, and 1
but participate iu its present hope and spirit wueu
i write uopeiuny ior i ueueve mat
"1 he kiiIh, who live t'.irever,
Aru on oar Hide to day "
There is warrant forttte belief. General llutler,
who, perhaps, by natural parts and the training
ot a lile-iinie, is best fitted of all the generals of
tbe army to comprehend the situation, as he cer
tainly is, in point of opportunities for pertinent and
relevant und conclusive information. Gen. tlu'ler,
I am warranted in sta lrig, iieilcvesthat the Rebels
have only one ground ot hope ouly one bond of
ei hen nee and that is, that the pending elec ion
may result In their favor; in other words, imy
result in favor ol the C ipperheads ni tl(st Oni.
fnfft nominee. And as all In the army believe
that MeClellan will not be elected, cannot carry
three Siati s, they feel that for the Rebels to lean
on that hope Is to lean on a broken reed; and
accordingly they expect to see the whole Rebel
concern lull apart aud go down soen after Novem
ber, as well from nil loss ol bos'on tho ptrtof
tho Rebels, as trom the potency of tbu I n oil
ainiiea, whose puissant blows will fall a.,'iin and
cuin bi fore that time.
liy reference to the Richmond II VnV. whi 'h 1
mailed to you last night, you will see tlni' on
their own calculation there remains iu the w h ile
South but i:i2,()il() mi ii, lictwecu the uges of six
teen and lif y. These they siyle r.rt-miti. By
enactment of their Cnngrc-s all residents between
those uges aro in the military service. 1'ro.n
tin se exempts only can they recruit th. Ii- armies.
Dm these lll'J.oon ure nil men who have neeu
deluded for duty considered, up to this time, as
virtually impoitatit as seivice in the army, au-J
not all of thi in, nor any lurne proportion oft'iem
can be spared Iroui their present avocuti .n-i as
overseeisot pluniutions, as workmen iu Confed
erate arsenals, as iu uiufacturers of article wuieh
must be obtained. Heu -e thoie Is no Imis of
addition to their iirmlea. They have alreidy
"robiied thvcrmlle and the grave," and to dr.
there is not lelt to them eveu the -o of
tho Imperial cl y, when
'Mmcroiilus Atrtiui
i a. leu in clmr. lit l.i,m
Wn:i l.uymin I wall rav-'miit. J mon.
To keep the Kles ol Home.' .V. J', T, it.llltt
lteniblteiin lilt iuelblen.
To tk Editor uf Tlt Uniting T, lr -n -a It .-
Sin: I would suggest through jour columns
tlmt the niemlieis of this famous political organ
iztitlon of lSHil shall meet together, 'for thejpur-poi-e
of reorganizing mid c-'iiiipi:ig as in t tin
gicut campaign, a rill l.o issued fir the
old members ot the organ!? iti hi, and ull o'he
hy ul men who are desirous ol j lining a g iud und
lo ul dull, to meet at mi early day lor t'lis pur
pose. Hundreds are ready and waiiiug to join
Cat. nut some one set the I. all iu motion ?
I um, sir, with great respect, your oln-ilien.
fccrvilllt, lSMM llll c.
1'hiludclpliia, September 17.
Kpetlal Dcsnatihes to Eteulns Ieli'srapli.
Wasiiisutow, September 17.
A siktrmlMu Mt Outrei lllif, tm
A skirmish took place near Centrcville, on
Thursday, between live Union soldiers and Urn e
guerillas. ,Ve lost two horses and hud one man
severely wounded.
A 4 oiihiiI ItoeoKnlNiMl.
The President hai recognized Lion Io l.i
Cotta, of Miiludelphla, as Consul of Venezuela,
ut that city.
n Leave.
General Gregg, of the cavalry, has gone home
on el.oit leuve of absence.
A Successful llobol Raid.
Tin' ISusMiiy Ovcrliilii'it.
Nirrlnl to llio Fvvnloi; 1VIs;riti.
WA-iiiNfu.ON, Sept. 17. Army advice to-day
stale that there wa8 renewed ae.ivlty In pieke
tiling and artillery duelling yesterday.
A Rebel cavalry raid wilhtu our l.ues ell cetlei
indiiung oil' about two thousand h :ad of cattle.
We have sent it strong force in pursuit of the li
bel r.iiders, and 't Is believed that must all of the will be lecuveied.
One hundred Kebel deserters c.uae up io tlay
fiom City l'oint.
I.Hirr lntrre.flii rnrtlciilnro.
Was ii i no ton, Septe nher 17. The mail
Meaiiicr t'mrlrs Ihcrtnt), from City l'o-ut, brings
up another batch of Rebel deserters.
She reports that on Tliursduy night two regi
ments of Rebel cavalry made a rild on our
cattle corral, a short distance below City Point.
I lny enn.e in en our left, unit succeeded iu get
ing to the corral, w hich is along the river, und
drove oil' a large number of cattle, overpowering
the guard, composed of members of the Hih
l'eiinsj lvuniu Cavalry.
The alarm, however, was speedily gifon, and
tho troops at City l'oiut were plaeed under anus,
and a body of our cavulry was suit in pursuit of
the raiue rs, who can hardly succeed in getting
out ol our lines iu safety.
At 10 o'clock yesterday morning, the hour at
w hiih the mail steamer left City l'oiut. tho pursu
ing force had not returned , hut a scout had brought
Inf. rniaiion to Oen. Gram's bead planers, tlntour
cavalry had come up with a body of Rebels that
had been sent nut to protect the raiding party,
und that n severe light was going on between
them. When the steamer reached l-'ortres-) Mon
roe yesterday, it was reported that our troops had
captured a large number of prisoners.
'Ihis information is said to have reached Fort
ress Monroe by telegraph, fnm Cay Point.
Ill ports are connecting an to tbe number of
cattle driven ofT by the Rebels. Some say tha
ihey got thirty-tivo hundred, while others report
the number at less than one thousand, and the
littler liguro Is believed to be the nearest to the
truth, lieyondthc usual cannonading and picket
tiring, there is nothing transpiring of import tnce
ut our immediate front, though our troop, arc
watchful, in view of expected demonstrations by
the enemy.
Ticket nml Artillery I'lrliisr Rebel Had
tnilli ItrliiMnllou by Our I'lckt-ls.
11 1 a 110.1' a ht Hits Aituv or ma 1'otohac,
September 16, evening. During tho past few
days, both sides have beea engaged in a conti
nuous struggle of sharpshootin' and artillery
llrlng, particularly In the centic of the line.
It wus thought several nights ago that this
iintioying practice would ce ise in front of the '.'d
Corps, as an agreement h id been made by tioth
sides to that ellec ; but it is reported th it tho
Mtiijo night, as our men wero changing the
pickets, the Rebels opened and killed and
wounded about a dozen of our mn. Our sol
diers threatened that they would have rcveuga
for this Uusturd y act.
So watching a favorable opportunity when the
Rebels had a large number exposed, they blazed
awuy with terrible cll'ect. Tliose unhurt went no
long in seeking tbe Cover of their works, anlV
tinully begged our men to cease, us the firing of
the night oefore was by a new regiment wuo wore
not uwure of the agreement.
Hut tbe answer sent over, which wai rather
more expressive than elegant, seemed to satisfy
them that the truce was ut an end, and ever since
each has been watching a chaucu to hit his ad
tertary. Over twenty ambiilauces wero this
morning seen to cotuii towards the place where
the struggle had occurred, and to go back loaded,
evidencing that the Rebels paid do trly for their
) sm aith. Tho enemy have beeu busy for several
days constructing a second line of works behind
the first, und ure making it as strong as tho first.
Sfci'iEMiir.u Iti, 6 A. M. All i-tuiet this morn
ing. Ixss tiring was heard during tbe night than
for a long lime past. W. 1). McOhuoor.
KuilUeu Or it ii of (JruHi-nl J. B, Howell,
Of iVtlllN.t IvMlilit.
In the Field, September 1 i. A very great
calamity bolel the 10th AriuyCorpi last night, in
the sudden and lamenta'du deuth of Iirlgidier-
Generul Joshua I!. Howell, commanding a bri-
pule in Major-Geueral A. II. l orry's Division.
Tbe circumstances were u follows : Shortly
after dinner General Howell pr p wed to mount
his horse aud ride to a point a iniewhat distant
Horn his ipiarUrs.
he bud ouly succeeded In ga'nlng his position
on ins toisr, which was exceeoingly nneasy on
the bi, when, the General unfurl mutely grasping
the wrong rein, the horso su-l leuly careered aud
full backwards, lall n wh nly oil thj person of
the deceased, where he remained. His orderly
at once ru-hedto the Generil' reseue, and Willi
much exvrtiou got his uios r. te I'.nu from b ine all
tt e vicious un inal. Kcing nor .o t his ipiarters
tie was louiei to oe in-emmie, nml Uuf u t rally
to the last. II j died in the evening, an I 'iscu
haluitd tiody is no on us way to his i'cuusylva
tlla Imlln?.
Oeiural Howell was up cuds of s xty-lWe
years of uge, und wus one ol th j most couneotl,
und decorous of tint' ieat bidyol'old sclioil
gentlemen who from iliii i y ye .rs ug i onwards
1 1 1 ti -ll at i ii so.'lal mi 1 1 pubbe ale In tins cotiutry,
and aiming whom tie- u uin n of Daniel Webster,
Henry Cluy, l.eivis Cas, the I no Mr. M irey, und
a host of tubers, did time permit, might bo men
tioned. Geuciul lioAell came to tne war, iu i'.s
earlier period, as Colonel of the gillint
and biilile-tricd Koth Pennsylvania Volun
bcis; u tid did time niloi'd mo the oppur
tunily, lbhould delight to recount his lov eloi- an I
aii.-oiuto Ucvo.ion to his noble boys, whom he
invar .ably culled "his sons." He was i pure
piilriot und enlightened htale-iiiiiu iu civil aMairs,
w bile, us a miliiary iniin, ho was of cxhaiiitle
ubility, great bravery, und would, 1 ku c.v, have
t reieried to meet deaili on the. lield of glorio is
battle, ll was olherwUe o.deic l, and the ejti itcv
und the army have lust oolii a brilliant sou an. I a
devoted scivaul. I'e ice to his h mond inecuoiy,
und green l-e tue tuif ou tne grave hold ug ins
f.scaim: or iKisiM:it4.
Caiiio, September 10. Twelve guerillas w'l.,i
were being transported as prisoners iioui Smilh
lund to I.ouisvillo ou the steamer Volutin , when
near Cussvillo, overpowered uu 1 dbui me.; ii. ii
guurds, hilling two or three of them, und t'ici,
compelled the ollieers to laud tho boat, when
they esciipcd, carrying oil' the uruis of the guai d
aud such valuables as they chose ftvu the
4 ollKrcnxloMiil ISoiiilnur lott.
Hunt, Pa., September 17, G. W. Sc.olield hai
been rcnotninuted as the Republican e.tudij ite lo
Congress from the Ninetctf.itu District of Peiin
tyivuiiia. Ieirlure ol NieHinera for Europe.
New Vohk, Sept 17. The steamers Vittj of
Mimchetttr, and (lermanin, lulled at noon to-day,
taking out '1'J ;i,OU0 in specie.
Tie Congratulatory Ordor ia Fall
from tho General Commanding.
Correspondence Between Gcua.
Grant and Sherman.
14 e n e r n I Mierriinn'N f 'otiarrntiitiitory
Oriler lo II Im iritty.
ll l-A I'llf Alt It HS MlMtAKT DiVlsleN- Ol HIK
MlfMSKIll I IN Till: Fll I Ii, A tun ! v, I , S'p.
teitib. r X. 1 he ollieers and soldiers of the armies
of the Ciitnlierlan I, Ohio, an 1 Tennece have
ain ady received the thanks of the nation, thr inch
its Pre-ii'i'tit and Cotniimtnler in-t hief, a i l k
now remains only for him who has been w ith
y-m from the beginning, and who intends to stay
all the time, to thank the otli -ers and nn'n for
tln-ir intelligence, fidelity, and courage di-playcd
in the i anipai 111 of Allan'. i.
tin the 1-t ot May our arttiiis were lyim: in gtr
riMin, siemitigly iptiet, from KnoxviUe to Hums,
vnle, and our (iiemv lav belilnd his rockv la -cd
barrier at Dalton, jiroud, ileti mf, and exulting,
lie pad had time sitn c Cliristmas to recover from
his diseon.titute on the Mission ridge, with his
rimks idled, and a new commander -m chief, se
cond to nt tic in the Conledera'-y m reputation
for skill, dig icity, and extreme popularity. All
ut line our armies ussuimd life ami no
tion, and nppc.ncd be in re Dalton; threateiiitn.'
Rocky Fin e we threw ourselves upon Riuhci,
und tiie Rebel army only escaped by the rapi iky
ot its letrcut, aided ny llio numerous roads wiiti
which he was, mid w hich were strange
lo us. Aeatn be took post In Allat Kina. but wo
gave him no rest, and ny u circuit towards Dal
las, and Mitiseijuint movement to Aekwortli, we
gained the A llatooua Pass. Then followed ru
in utlul buttles about hem saw, and thee-e ipe
of the enemy across Chattahoochee river.
The missing of the Chattahoochee and break
ing of the Augu-ta roud wus most handsomely
extolled by us, and will be studied its an exam
ple in the art of war. At this stage of our game
our enemies tacanie dis-at.slicd with their oid
und skilful commander, and sele 'ted one more
bold and rush. New tactics were adopted. U-aid
first ImiIiIIv and rupidle, on the 'Joth nt' July, fell
on our right ut Peach Tree creek, and lost. Again
on the J'.'d ho struck our extreme left, and
wus severely punished; and finally, ug-tin on
the JMh he repeated tho attempt on our
right, und Hint tunc must have been satis
tied ; for since thai date he has remained
on the We slowly nml gradually
drew our lines uboiit Atlanta, tccling for the mi
nimis which Hipplicd tip Rebel army and ma le
At iinta a plaea i f iotportauee, Wv must concede
to our enemy that he met these ell'oris patiently
and skilfully ; but at last he made the ini-takewe
bad nited lor so long, und sent his c ivaby to
our rear, far beyond tho reach of recall. In-iaiiih-our
cavalry was on his only remaining road, and
we followed iiiiekly w ith our principal army,
and Atlanta fell into our KsscNSion as tho fruit
of wcll-conccrti d measures, bucked by a brave
und confident urn. v. This completed the grind
task which had been assigned us by onr G ovem
nii nt. and your General again repents his per
sniiul und nlllciiil thanks to all the ollhs rs an t
men composing this urmy, for the indomitable
courage and perseverance which alone could give
We have lienten our enemy on every ground be
has chosen, and have wrestled from In in his own
Gate City, where were located th ' fo indries,
arsenals, and workshops, deemed secure on ac
count ol their distance from our base, and tho
seemingly impregnable obstacles intervening. o
Ihing is impossible with an urmy Use this, deter
mined to viudicuto a Government which has
rights w herever our Hag has once tloated, anil is
resolved to maintain them nt any and all costs.
In our cnmi aign, ninny, yes, very many of our
noble nml gailai t comrades have preceded us to
our common destination, the grave ; but they have
lelt the memory of deeds on which a niti n can
build a proud history. .Mel'liers in, Darker.
Mel nok, and others dear to us all, aro n iw the
binding links iu onr minds, that should uttieli
more closely together the living, who have to
complete the tusk which still lays before us in
the dim future,
I uk all to continue ns they have so well be
gun, the cultivation of the Soldierly virtues that
huvc ennobled our own und other countries
Cour.'U'e, patience, obedience to tho laws and
coi stituted authorities of our Government -, fide
lity In our trusts and good lecling uniting e tch
other-, each trying to excel tbe other in the prac
tice of those high dualities, and it will then re
ipilre i.o prophet to foretell that our couu'ry will
in time emerge from this war puriiied by the tiros
of war und worthy its greut founder Washing
ton. W. T. SlIllltMAN,
Major-Goueral Commanding.
"atlantv" to nt: iNs(iitiini) os tub Aimv
AH tho corps, regiments, and ba'teries compos
ing tbe army mav, without further orders, in
scribe Atluuta on their colors. IW order of
Major-General S II KRU AM.
I M. Dvvton, Aid-de-Comp.
liy command of Mu.jor-Geuerul THOMAS. 11. Ramsay, Assistant Adjt.-Weueral.
oi Niu.vL uitAN't's siiorri.n sautc in honor of
tub viciouy.
City Point, Vu., September 10 Y. M.
Miijor-Generul Sherman: I huve just rncelved
your despatch announcing tho capture of Atluuta.
In honor of your great victory I havo just
ordered a Salute to be lired With shotted guns
from every battery bearing upon the enemy. The
sa ute will be tired withiu an hour, ami 1st great
rejoicing, C. S, Grant, Lieuieuaut-Gcneral.
Sri Jii ME Cat kt at Nihi Pints Judge
Thompson. The Philadelphia und Reading Rail
road Company vs. Charles Morrison et ul. On
motion of Gtorgo W. Riddle, Ksq., for defend
ants', and upon bond given, it was ordered that
this cause, and the record therein, be removed to
the I'niied Stntes Circuit Court, as by act of Con
gress in such cases provided.
Sullivan vs. '1 be Philadelphia Webbing Com
pany. This was a bill iu equity to re over silnry
ut the t ate of sjslKIKi per annum, und 10 per cent,
profits of tbe Company us the manager.
Argued this morning on demurrer to bill, by
Judge William A. l'orb r for complainant, aud
by Pierce Archer, Ksi., for defund um.
In consCiiicucc ol the illness ol Judge Ludlow
no business has been done in the Conn of (Ju ir
ter Ses-ions since Thursday. The Judce, we ure
gliul to hear, is rapidly recovering, and will pro
bably be out on Monday, to which day '.he C'ojri
was this morning adjourned.
Iu the Distiict Court, Judges Sliurswoo 1 and
Siroiid, tho usual Saturday's motion lists were
Sah iiua y, September 17. Cotton is dull and
prices ure entirely nominal,
Thero ii rather more activity iu Quercitron
jiurk, consequent upon the decline iu pri e ; 217
hhds. No. 1, part to arrive, sold at ?r I'i " 1 i
The receipts of Clovei'sced are light, with small
sules ut ijrrj 'iiH't 11 (J ' til lbs.; Timothy sells
ri-Mdily ut .S'oVilKi'ti'T'', and Flaxseed ut '.l-i5'w
:i 70 IJ'l.ush.
The diilne-s in the Flour Uarltct s'ill co:i
tinucs, und the ouly sale fur export reported is
lot n bids, extra family at .l 1 -7 -" " 12 2'i -' bbl.;
the Hade sales are on a limbed scale at ff hi 7 ) for to RPiO for fancy lots.
In Rye t'l' ur and Curn Ieal there Is nothing
do lig. "
'1 i.e t!ftnnacii"iis in 'Vhcat ure limited; l i id lei s fair i 'd red sold at J -1 , a. id gold new
no. at .v! .-(..'."; w hite is hcul at .! 7-i -Si ;
b.ii we liei.i .if no suit s.
Ilje sell., in u small way at $1'M.
At the u i iced prccs of yesterd ll , Corn Is dull.
We leal ol'sale:' of y.low ut !?V7-, und luixed
Vesicrn ut l'70.
(!... eoi.t tine st.'auy ut 00 CvUts for new, and
V) (cms loroiu.
In l.inley nothing dtinj. Sales of Ma'.l at
,j'J ' i l( l-.'.o.
Vt have no; to le tic e in; ion
bbls. of Eastern sold ut Sl-KI, and Ohio :it " l-M'J.
BInrl'etai by I li'KrH,h.
Ni;w Yoiik, Septcniliei- 17. Flour is dull;
sale, ul S-aslbioieU ul fe.H!.. tor SU'e; f.lli,U t'ai
iiiil-'i una tll-.'is.' 14-Vi s.onilii.i-11. vviieut aulei, wall
lihiuip.ii-l.oif iuliH. Cuia ilei euuiu. Willi t,ul l.ov .ale.
Itcil ndy, I'urk quiet, al tlj-ir.',1, '' Si'.. I.nrdauiel
lu-k.v nun ai 1 s.'. " i
Ntw Yohk, September 17. Stocks are eisv.
( lili Mini and Rck 1.1. tut, lis! JB' ; Ciunbcrlftitd pri-lsmsl'
- I ll iiiel. I 'villi si, l-'ii;, ; Mi i.iKansii.iih-rii. Hi, -f ,.,f
wrk l tntrid, lji.'3 imnumt. lj-c, ; Hud,,,,, tv,i jit-.V i
Krl., lm , , i.i.ia. iJ.', ; On. lem lYrliu. .ii. ,":i -
'Irt'H.ury 7. His, 111 i 'lell-Ki.rlv '., 1I71,; t ivs Ttvemy
teuuon. lli'.' j Cvun 0 ft ios; lli.suttil I td'.
Fiati or Tiimimomrtsb To ri AY. Six A. M., I
67. Noon. 72. One P. M. M. M ind, W . N. W. !
Ri l liiloi s. Now that our citirenl havo rr. ,
fiirncl from the .litf-ticnt point, of timm r i
resort, the churches nf our city hrgln bi en 'lib t ,i
largely Increased ati- iidati,..'. Ue-ido- tho utr.ic-
uons on. red. me tine weather It ia now u r
good loiuiue to enjoy, will no 1 mlit u'.tr.iet lai- -e
llssen Vac s to the v.o'eus pi tecs of -livme wor--I
ip to-nn rrow. W e append a lm of tho princi
pal ehuich. i whcie fr'acbiti. w:d take pine to
niotiMw ,
T. H. S'lu-l.tnn, l'l. veipli
Mr. Clarl. , morning, l"4 ; I
lioon. H.
1 lei th nnd Given Rev
niornliig, li'A ; eve tilng, 7A.
and W sl-r! -r.
11. Mockeui, aitcr-
Geo. W. Siniicy,
Sixth nr. I Federal Kev. N. II. Raldw-ln, fare
Wed , rinoii. eiening, iinurter to S o'clock.
tm w Ih Io-a Fo-.irth itev. 1-,. W, ll ji. er, Mo'n
ing, h ilf past Id; evening, h.ilf pi-u".
S) ring tiarden ll.tll Imv. ( uarics Cuain'iell,
Ids. A. M. ami 7-1 P. M.
St. Paul's P. I-.. quarter to S in th" i veiling.
llrond, above Spr ng liard u It. D. bir n tt,
14 A. M.
I outlh below Arch K-v. latn- 1-111, l A.
M. ; evei ing, Riv. Jo-eph Castle, 1). I)., ipur:e.
to S o'clo. k.
Vr ml und 8trlp"G ir len, Dis.lnles of Christ
H'.i A. M , ntii! 7A P. M.
Church of the Fpiphanv MontMv Sorm Mi to
V' ni g Men. U P. M.
We-t Philadelphia, Saunders' Tns'.itutc R.-v .
Mr. M.illury, In.V A. M . ; -, P M.
Seveii'e. nth and Ftliieri Rev. Mr. Willis, "piA
A. M.;71 P. M.
Filth Street Methodist Episcopal Hoy. F.
II ode son. lbi A. M ; 74 P. M.
st. Audrew's Manilla 10 A. M. ; 74 P. M.
Rntoioi . At the South Street Presbyterian
Cliunh, South street, between F.leventh and
Twelfth, strviccs of an Inti resting cliaraeti r will
take place. This church has rapidly advanced in
progress snd prosperity within tho I istfew months,
and now numbers a lurgi r nuinU rol' members
than during any previous time of its existence.
The building is much improved and beau 1 u d by
the repairs and nltcrniions recently made, anil
the chin, h Is livst gaining lor itscll a wide-know u
The new Jewish Synagogue, located on Sixth
street, abovo Drown, will be dedicated naxt
Friday evening. The edilne is ono of the
most imposing Htrm turcs in tho ciiy.
I'm n itai.. l.asievcuing an iiumensc and ctn e
wns assembled at Concert Hall to li-ten to an
uddress by Curl Schur,, upon tho political topics
of the day. The orator of the evoniug was intro
duced iu a short speech by Judge Knox, after
which, Mr. Schiii'.; came forward anil made an
address that for clo.pience und truthfulness could
liurdlv be surpassed. The address win quite
lengthy. At the close of the gentleman's speech,
loud calls were mudo for Judge Keiley. In re
sponse, Mr. Kelley announced that ho appeared
on the stage ut the kind invittinoti of the I'nion
League, and that he would address the Onion
people of Philadelphia on the great Issues of the
day in the same Hall, on Thursday evening next.
The vast uudieiicc thou separated.
The largest political meeting ever held in Cam
den, look place lust night, on the occasion of a
ratilication meeting by the friends of Lincoln nnd
Johnson. Hon. A. G. Cuttell, of Cimden, pre
sulid.niul speeches wctc made by Hon. A Q.
Ki asbey, of Newark, und Hon. James M. Stove',
of Camden.
At a meeting' of tho citlen of tho Twentv
foiirth Wuid, held lust evening, at the I'nion
la ague Rooms, corner of Tiiirty-ciglith und
Mid ket streets, addresses wero m ule by several
noted speakers, favorable to the election of Lin
coln and Johnson, and with u view of forming a
National I'nion Club for tho war I.
I'nion Cami aion Cu r,-V( learn that the
First llatialiou, composed ol'o liccrs and soldiers
and seamen who have been honorably dis 'li urged
from tho service, has beon fully orginlcd. Tin!
ctllcers are us follows :
Chief 1 1 r., ll uli p. V.
Hist A.l-aiiiil .Miirsl.H.1. 4'lniiv, A'. A. I iruv, '..M P. V. ;
C. nl Julia 1 .tile l-ui P. V i O.I 1 T ll' 11 in-li. ail,
tin tli f. . : '.'li. tie. 1 1 i.i I-'. It Titiii'r, lit. it.-. ; VI,,.
ur A. .1. f ,. Irrs.lanli P. V : VI nrl l.arle. : Knnilr, II "h
I . Y i Mnji.r Rienura till., 1 lies.; A.t.ulaut J. r. Per.. I,
lls liP. V.
hiiciinil As-lititnt M.iritirtli Haryeml. O T. K -Ve- r, '.' KI
IV V i Cli,.rle. A. Mil ..r, isuli C. V.; II -iniiuilii ',
T'.'d I'. V.; A. A ill!..r.l. I l-tli I'. V.i W. II. Suil.'.u, HI, I
P. V.: K K. W lion, lueth I'. V. ; I'i-iit 1' inu-y,:1 i.l I'. V.i
llinrsv lliiflili.r.'i.l 1M lies.-, VV . M.l.'Na'ileu, 7 I P. V ;
Hiiiuuel ll.. kin.. '2.1 P. lies ;'s Ci. ir-lp, w'lllil'H,
III I'd Arl.iW iiiiiih, tli-tli P. V.i.l.iha II. ark. 1st P.
.1-1 : Puvati-H June . I . I'e.tmi.SM I'. V.i J. W. .ira,
l.'.di I'av . ; l lnrl. i Marsli'i'l, i ilh P. V.
Tins branch ol the Club bat rented the C mi
nion wealth building, Chesnut street, aft ivi s.xth,
us tilt ir ht iiilipnirti rs, where soldiers ami s iilors
wbo cesire to unite with them in promoting the
election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency
ure Invited to call and enrol their names.
The Cluii bus adopted the armv blouse un 1 blue
fatigue cap us a unitorm, and will m ike a parade
with full ranks early next week.
SiiHiors CiiAtiuK. Three men fell across an
Irish lad about seventeen years of age, who hud
only been iu this country about three week-i.
Tl eygot hlin partially intoxicated and induced
him lo c.n.-eiit to enter the army. He was taken
to Chester, where ho wivs sworn In for eighteen
years of ago, as a substitute. The sharpers
robbed him of JWIof his money, and upon re
covering from the cll'ect of the rum he told the
Piovost Marshal that tbe men who enlisted
him had informed him that ho could jump the
bounty, and they were to furnish htm a suit of
clothes for this purpose. They further told him
that ho could make until. dent money iu this uian
n. r to return to the Old Country and purchase a
piece of land. A warrant was taken out for the
arrest of the men, and yesterday one of them,
John Dcvelin. was taken into custody in this
city. He was taken hef re Alderman Shoemaker
und held to unswer the larceny of $2"u aud
defrauding the Government.
The Homicidf. op Irviw Uih oidirty. An
intucst was held yesterday aftcrno m, In the case
of Irvln Donghcrt, who, ni was stated In yester
day's TEi.KoiiAPH.cameto his death from wounds
Indicted by a runn named John W. Stewrt.
After a lengthy examination, tho jury rendered
a verdict thut the deceased came to bis death
from hemorrhage of the brain, in consequence of
being knocked down by John W.Stewart, during
a sctiille in Currant alley, about 4 o'clock, on the
morning of the ltith of September, ltiiil.
The Sixth Union I.kvoi k RiaiiMKNr. This
leplment, under the command of Colonel hickel,
vill not leave for tho sent of war on Mon liy
next, us was expected. Some delay has been ex
perienced on account of the men not receiving
their arms. The regiment will leave sometime
during next week. Tin y 'ake with them a tiua
band of twenty pieces, the members iieing en
listed for tho sumo term as the regiment. I'.iis
bund pertonned lit Concert Hull last night, dur
ing tho delivery of the oration by General Carl
Thursday night two Government contractors
were arrested In this city and sent to the Old
Cupitol ut Washington. Their arrest grew out
of ecitain Investigations now progressing In this
city. A Government wus ulso arrested ut
the sumo time, und sent to Washington.
A not ii s:it Niivv Coi'vn.Hi nrr. Counterfeits of
the dciiouduiition of live dollars, on the Union
Rank of this city, made their at peir.inco yester
day. As attempts will no djitbt be m idn to
"shove" huge numbers of tlieui this i veiling
among -t. re keep, Ts a .d otheiv, our cai.cus w ill
do well lo look out ha liit in. Ti.ii'vis. This morning, about 3
o'clock, Robert Gandcc nml J ihn ll'indo were
t.ikon Into custody by the River and Harbor
Police while ina small skill' oil' Walnut utrect
wharf, Thcv had u lot ol rope und live nets in
their possession, w hich are supposed to have been
stolen. The prisoners were committed by Alder
men Toluud.
Rev 0 i n. A lud named Jumes Cochran was
t in ever by n l'..rnituro car ut Second and S jutU
stints, yesli May a Iternoon, and seriously lujurcd.
Fdwurd Calvin, lo years of age, the driver of tho
ear, w as arrested and hold to answer by Aldermtiu
Cui tor.
V'i; c.M.Lnft .'tition to the advertisement hcidcd
I "i((., ,, .i.tieau Invincibles." All loyal men desi
rous of joining a good nu. I loyal club ure requested
to meet ut tne Commonwealth building, Chosuut
street, abovo Sixth, on Monday cfeiilug uext.
ltixiu triNu. For the week eudlng to-day,
tho mm of $l8S,,inO w in paid out as bounties to
four bundled and eighty-one volunteers. This
morning sixty-three men received tho bounty.
Appoimuknt or A Chaplain. Rov. Thomas
Kirkputrick, of Pennsylvania, has bcenappointed
Chaplain of the Haddington General Hospital, in
the Twenty-tourth Ward.
F'nCts Anot t Tint Diiait. Some time lic
t e. rn M. r.dav und Fri h.y of next well, tho
dreft uudjiiiiti d y take place In tlui city
a id Siato. I i tho iiivrval, wo t ive no don' t
C at tir i bif n. will still exert themselves to
rendir I hl a lelphl i exempt from tho onerous
n en-ore. Watd meetings arc being held nightly,
and the dctted objut iJ spo uc'ng con uni
rnat.'d. c I'M . ta fori nllntl'il to the fact th it ruin
In r- in nn n f- l.ste l in th ci y have twin
ti ...-icrie l to the hii h rein of u lu'ent S a i s,
w 1 hoii' s i initcti us credit ts lug ie:i for t'l.'m
t. oiirrty. A ca-e in point ciine under o ir
r.ottew a tew en s sinco. One hui.dr d d iv s a.-o
two bundri'd men were enlisie.l m litis cry, an I
iifti r v Ids s n by their enlisting offt.vr to tbe
" a'c ot New ,1-rsey, and w-ri there mu-tc-. d
I' to the liTth New ,leit y R 'glmeu-. Some of
these mt n were veterans, mi l had serve I out
tl i n (due in th" Armv of the I'otom ic.
D. y fa'fi ue je-nrday they tore a Wrested an I
invccil .o re t uli-t. 1 hey consented to enter 'ho
ser. tee lor a 1. 1 iu of one year, an I they will b'
r n .1 ti d to the quota ot Trenton, N J.,..nd wdi b
paid the tnall hoiintl"" of that pla -e. If tics,,
men belonged to New Yo k. Ihitctv w uill get
crtdit for tin ni, but our city cannot. I n.s Is only
one instance ol unfairness, and tlni .ale of mei
like so much real t'snie, but we d cii.t hit In u
nuii.v other instances might becit 'd t.y h i--oih
engHged in recruiting. 1 t our Ward t'om nit
tees see lo it that no fnrther oiver pi un of ill.
knid me varrn d on in Philadelphia.
The following is an exhibit of the'ion of
sevitiil of our lily wards: On Atigo-t I, the
di li.'ii ney In the S. eontl Ward was 117 men.
During the monih of Augu-t i was r luccl, by
eiilisiments, 12 men, and on the 1st of Septa. nv-r
i'''t nu n were required to till the quid. Dar-ng
Hie h.t er part of August Mr. Jolin W. I ran r
made a canvass of the ward, vvuh a view lo sec tr
nig naval credits. I his canvass resulted in secur
ing trom tho commission at Hinris'iurg credit for
111 men, leaving tlm deiicieney, September 1, It
men. Tne ward has since raised u numb r of
nu n, which m kes up this deiicieney and gives' it
u surplus.
A lutein g of the eiti.ens of the Seven'b Ward
linl.le to the dr.iltna- held last evening alO'Ncil's
hull, in the vicinity of llroad und I, .tu cud s r. en.
The quota of tins w. ml on the 31st of July was
live hundred and thirty-six. Sinco then one hun
dred nnd tiliy-niuo i.aval recruits have been
credited to the ward, whhh, with those who
have vo'uiitccrt d sime the 1st of August, reduces
the number yet reqti'rcd materially. A hand
some sum of money was siiiiserloed, uud it Is
believed that, with the combined eilorts of those
inteicstcd, the requisite number of men can be
mi'ed during the coming woi k.
There are s ill wanting more than twenty men
to till the quota of the liighth Ward. Volunteers
arc ollc ring every day ; but the funds of the ward
lire exh ni-t'd. Subscriptions will be received l.y
.1. G. Ri.sengiirten, Treasurer, soittluftlt corner of
Sixth and Walnut streets.
Two hundred men aro yel needed lo fill the
quota of the Tenth Ward. As high Ii unities ure
paid in this wind, wo call the attention of those
ilcsiiing lo enlist to the inducements tillered.
Sold ers nte required to be assessed before they
can exercise the priv ilego of voting. The coiu
inlssiom d ollieers are require 1 to pay the usual
tux, while every tioii-commissinncl otll er und
private must pay an assessment often edits. Tue allows the Ii lends ot the soldiers at b l ue to
have them assessed and lo pav the tax. In this
way the right of the soldiers to vote can to
seeiin d, if the relatives or friends of each will
nttend to each particular case, und thou forward
the receipt to the army.
A Skii.f.ton in tiik HoiNi:. Never can
nr wives, sisters, and swectheirts cease tj
pay homage to the 10 m press J3ugcnie for (he
introduction of crinoline into the feminine
woild. So llrht, so utry, nnd so graceful is tho
structure of proper skirts, in comparison with
that ancient article of feminine apparel, (shall we
print the word ?) petticoat., that wo cannot cs.ise
wondering how they ever endured so heavy and
cumbrous an invention. Now, luwevcr, lifter
the lapse often or twelve yeurs, everybody wears
crinoline ; that Is, those who havo occasion to
to wear it, and mothers und maids are in this
particular placed upon the same looting.
W e art writing for tho information of men,
aud not women, when wo propose to give some
facts upon the subject of hooped skirts. A man's
relation to crinoline, in the a (struct, ceases with
the paying lor It. I he husband discovers it haugi.ig
over tne bed-post on waking from his sluni'iers
iu the morning, or spread out in the middle of
the floor, and, with the exception of the fact th tt
he was told Unit it cost from one d illur and
ninety cents to two dollars nnd a-qit.irter, he is
supposed to possess no further knowledge up in
the subject. So, husbands bona Me und husbands
prosKCiive, listen to tbe skeleton story.
The steel fiom which crinoline or hooped
sains are uianiitactureii is nl the nne-t l-.ngli-li
n. like, the durability of which depends umm its
temper. There ure some fourteen diil'ereut sites
of it, all of which enter into the m iiiufueture of
crinoline Rut two or three houses in the coun
try ure engaged in tho covering of this steel,
which covaring is composed of linen thread,
ingeniously platted around the steel spring.
'Hie process is similar to that observed in the
plaiting of the cord of u whip ; the operation, how
ever, being done by machinery. After the wire
is covered und glazed, it is either attached to t ipe
bands, which completes the "hoop," or else this
work is done by houses engaged in tho sale of
crinoline. "Pocketed" tape, or ' tied" or "side"
cord tape, are the two articles used in the forma
tion of crinoline from the covered wiro.
Roth descriptions of tlds tape arc exclusively
manufactured in this and other in irkets, but for
the right lo insert wire in tape that is "pocketed,"
a license lux is obliged to be paid to a Mr.
Douiihty, of New York, the patentee of the
method of connecting the wires together, la our
own city, Mr. Wm. 1'. Hopkins, shirt ininiif ie
turer, No. Il-'H Arch street, pays to this gentleman
a lax of several hundred dollars yearly.
The revenue of the patentee from this source
Is su Id to be some twenty thousand dollars per
year. These wires, alter being inserted, ure
clinched w ith whu' is called a "spangle." This
also is a part of the patent.
Ladies hoop skirls consist of dilTerent ii.os,
shapes, and weight. Thete are some eighty
varieties, anil nine dlll'erent sizes, ranging from
two nnd a quarter to three and three-quarter
yards in circumference. Thero is the "Hell"
skirt, now but little worn; tbe "Li' In
visible," "quiiker," "Gore truil," "q.ukor trail,"
and so on.
The "skirt" may also consist eithor of twenty
hoops or of any intermediate number of hoops
between that nnd tifty-six. Tue "hup," also
ore i heed from one-half inch to two Inches
uputt, and ilillereut weight of wiro us well as
quality is used ill their cnu-tructlon. The "t wound-three-quarter"
ikirt is that for which there
Is the gi cutest sii'e. This is made of No IS steel,
bus twenty-five' hoops," und ivelghsaboutelcvcn
oumit. Crinoline of this desi'Tptliu re', ills ut
one dollar and ninety cents. Sk months in the
same iirtiele retailed ut one dol'ar and a qu trier.
Crinoline is al-o manufactured from wire ma le
in this country, but the steel, it is represented, is
not so well tempered s the Kngll-di, and hence,
on account of Its lack of durability, i, b it little
'1 here are over one hundred manuf ictureis of
ciinolinc that is, the work of forming the wiro
into hooped skirts in the North. Resides la-lies'
hoop-skills, those for yonng misses and children
are also exclusively made. One m-inuf i tory
uloue, in un ud.i icerit city, has several hundred
thunsuud dollars invested in the business.
l'on thi-: Army. Tho United States Sanitary
Commission steamer llli-.ihcth sailed this morn
ing from this city for City Point. She is fn ighted
with needful articles for our bravo soldiers, com
prising clothing, vegetables, canned meats, fruit,
milk, lurina, tolmeeo, aud innumerable other ar
ticles. The cargo lns occupied four days in load
ing, ami is valued at forty-sin thousind dollars.
1 he lull capacity of tho ship, estuiiited at
eighteen hundred barrels, is on board. A lady, well kniwn Iu
fusldonuble circles, yesterday entered tho store
of Mr. Fiigene Joiiin, No. Ill S. Tenth stroet,
and while the attention of the attendaut was for
a time diverted, purloined a package of tho
"Fmiiil do Paris." A lady iu the store obscrviug
the theft, the fair "customer," despilo her protes
tations of innocence, was obliged lo return the
article. Tho well-known standing of the lady
saved her from the discomfiture of a prosecuiiou.
Di'iucAioiiY Ckukmonip.s. On Monday even
ing, a muss meeting of the citizens of Philadel
phia favorable to tho election of Abraham Lincoln
und Andiew Johnson, will 1o held at Concert
Hall, at tj o'clock. Ou this occasion the hall will
be inaugurated lor tho coming election caul
puin. Listiiigiilshcd speakers will uddress the
meeting. Members of Union Leagues and all
loyal men are invited to be present.
Goon Bhootino. The well-known sportsman,
Horace Cooper, Esq., who it known to cvory ono
who Is not hlmielf unknown, Iioated one hunt
dred and niue rail birds on one tide last week.
'lhU may be considered excellent shooting.
Tn Stat Fur at Faston. Arrangomen
arc r irg made to ob'aln a collection of live hun
dred rare specimens of plants, with scores of
bireinir I n-kets, rustic vases, and aiua.h ms,
fiom this city, li r the Floral Department of the
e. tiling suite F.t " !o fccl I at lvision dining
the last week of this month.
Th a W ii s;pl pr A Wilson Spvyimi Mr, ,NR
Wo belicTO that tho introduction of sewing
innrtnni s has Ix en the means of prolonging tho
lives of thousands of w omen, and we cannm too
how any sensible man could allow his w ife, sister,
or mother lo stitch, stitch away, while Ibcy can
fur a vi ry small su n procure a Hewing machine,
which would soon pay for It-ell a bun Ire I times
ovtr In the saving ..f health and fiine. We have
tried th- Wheeler A W ilson machine. In o ir
i.w n family, and lie irly I our friends huve theni
in use, and we c in confidently recommend them
a-being the best sewing machine for all family
pnrOscs. '1 hcv are simple in consiructimi, easily
s .n ki d. and not liable to get out of o. der, and we
huve nevi r seen any sewn a nt all equal t tint
ni ne on th-Wheeicr A Wilson. Their elegant
alcsrnoni, No. 7'H Chesnut sticet, is thronged
ii ith purchasers i.n:!y.
Comino IIomb -
ry Tiit sitn v Towr.a mcu
1 tie en.wil 'vim ;.tp torsiHilt,
I- nr rural nr -vi nml ti -on.
1 heir tirie i tiullt ntf h.ial".
At ti iisili tiMv- c a.-..ii to roum
I ill v u'er 1 1 it anil r-els,
Ami now, in thruUhiliu (lucks,
T. tl.iir ow.. re us rel iru.
Wr see te w Hoi Out tium
1 l.eir i In i-Xn in isaiiv hue.
Ami irrt kles ..Ken view,
Slurring somewhat die struct
' 'I h utu'e p it U'.. la -I.
Yi-I Willi much ro-l lliej talk
t'l fair ru-al waiI.
til bach rule so lifartr,
And l.lltli.. -all uk party.
Hut unto ti now
T heir imiitku" thev how, anil away
1 lie iiattcri'il ita.t .o icrev
rrniil llm worn l.luer'a back:
While rroiv.lM r.-.uino ItiPlr Ua;li
To narvhAne i-lothes to S'aU
S'rum busy Tower Hall.
Onr stock oi Pull and Winter nothing conqirlsiM all
ileslmt.le styles ol Men'., Yoatlis' a i.l ll.,.', ol even
pl.e ami ad pr.i'e., from tlio lowed at whle'ii ko. Is th it
are rnill) j.xul iimf . i'.r.uOui ean tw tiro.liie,. I losa
pertliie. I verv ouu cau he .u.u-il Iroui our t ict wltbojt
tleluy ol trnuti.e. 'I'owtiH Hall.
No. 5IS il.-tr.utt .street
llKNssrr A t'o.
1'AHD. To TIIK I'lTlfKNS or I'lllLAntl.l'lll a AMD Vi
cimtt: I'iias. siTOKr.a 4 Co.. tlrst-rlas. CI. .11. lent No.
Kit OifAtitit street, under tlm t'otitinental Hotel, Ptilln
itelplilA now otTer to tlie iiul.lio tho tno.l extoa.lvo an 1
(lrsirutilc .toeii of rea-tv made S'all and Wis rus Clotu
ls.i to tie lonnil in iqiilnilslihla.
tlur lorels-ii as well as domestic purchase, having bean
ma le early . ui oa a low gold I. .sis an I ta-lir, wo are Iu a
.o-itiun to oiler our s'iiimI. at prlcet wlilcti wilt riiatila
ottr ciistometa to secant the benedt uf tho grjat atnl
rapid advance.
Our entire stock, havlnir tho lowest selling prlea
marked upon everv article, visitors can txninlns ttio
goods and prices and tliein.elve. hy a few mo
iiieuts step, Iuk in tho siore wlicilier they wldi to pur
elisse or not.
(lui fr ail aud Winter I'lotldng iwhleli w thus offor at
reituci'd late, for cash) comprise, a complete stock ol all
trade, from thu llui'st aul most t-ziienslve quatltles,
uown to medium and low priced goods, an I tho work-insn-lilp
or nil the garment, la ol Hie very tseat.
We Invlle sfieetuf utleutloa to our exten.lre asaits
men! of Uusl.ies. .- int., Wnlklna t'oata, hacks, starktee.,
Jaiiuettes, c , c. ol Fmneli,, scotch anil
American CANdinercs and beavenw Also, Pantaloons and
Vest, to mutch.
Also, alall or Illack Cloth, Doeskin
gooCs and Hailnet i,oi)ils.
Auunusuidly larno und handsome lino of Ovkkcoatri a
great variety ol Pantai oi.nb, In. lud.iig w.inn of the most
ni.vel and unliue patterns, and a very attractlvo ant
thoroughly assorted stock of Vksts.
I articular attention I. giveu lo cuiiomer itort, and all
orders filled with despatch.
Itememtier. under the t'ontlnenhtl Ifotel.
A visit o our ature la solicited.
Keapret ullv. t'llAS. BtokssACo.,
"One Prlco" Clothlera, No. SU Clio .nut street.
(!r.T tiik "Floiis.m'k." Among the various aewlng
machine, now In tlm market, tlio t'lorenoe" la am
jdiAtlcidly the queen. Kvory one who eaatillnna It Is
delli hted with the manner in which it penotm., anJ the
woudenul rain ell possesses for all kin l. of sewing. No
one should tldnk of having a Hewing Machine without
visiting No. 810 Chesnut afreet, and eia nlab.g the
"Florence." ll la warranted to give aatlsl'acUou, or the
money refunded to the purchaser,
Bi pi.iiioR Lahiku' Dui'.ss Goons. The cremt
ie ia-er,-iii of our remale .ooietj will remember their
favorite depot, the old and well known hiil.o of Met.r..
Kjre A I.aiidi-ll. Southwest corner of Fourth and Arch
.reel... tlh otter, the must Importunate Inducements to
ull who de. Ire to select pttteni. I rota a vast and varied
as.. rltiii-nt ol go.als. The exteit.tve stock ot till, huise
ha- h. en select, d In ('..nuioi aul ilomu.tic market, wftli the
s'ti ate-t cure, w lib an espeeuil mew lo li-autv,,
ai d Mialiuliilily ol wear, wuh predomhiaong fashion.
Fveiy art.ele ran be pun-liased at a reasonable prlet. and
In tin. .iiiiount to .alt 'lie par. baser. Let our lrien.1. give
I yre . I.i.ade-I a trial, aud our wurd tot it, triey will ea
d'.t.e all oi our at'linon.
Dry Goons foh the I.Atifp.s op Piulaiiki,-i-iiia.
TI.e favorite firm ol F.dwin Uall A C i.. No. -ill rt.
Herond street, inionn u. by a main moth adrcrtt.eineiit tn
auothei column, that Ihey havo opened a magnlllcent
sleek of dres. good., Inclii.llug dreas pattern, af all .Iv'le.,
shawls, clonk., lint n., ttannels, ac. Much of tnulrsto ik
is lmiil..A.'liu'il uiuler llie Itniui'itlate nf Hie
mm, and w 111 be sold at the mo.t reasonshie pries, a.
tln-re are no it lildlu men of Joblwrs to come in for eira
protltH. Ill addition to tills, Messrs. Fetwt-i II til A I'o. are
daily In rt'celp' ol '.nods tnun the great auction Ira le .ul.s
ol uonilH, and Oil. enable. the.u to dl-po-as of soma article,
al vtrj km raie.. til.e iheu a call.
Hanhsoms: Fail Stock. The old established
hou.c of John W. Tasmas, ha. inat received Its usual Ira
ponatlea of Kail isda. Having purehated their entire
stock for cash, they oiler rare Inducement, to thatr cus
tomers. The well known ta.teot Mr John IV. Thofna. I.
snlllcJtiiit guarantee thai ui. palioua will rticeive n it only
the nun 1 1 li. tie, hut the late. t aad clie iju..' goo I. iu tie
market, Hliks, Merlnoea, eoplint, Itepp., and Plaids, and
Iu 1'nct everything thai tlieuii.t fa-ti.lo.i. c mid detire,
can be found ai No. sub a d tur N. Second aireuc
A Falhk Rkpoiit. The report in some of the
papert that (lent ral Irani had - butt" ft a Mrs
tlrant havfnff rccei'red and learned to ate the ele?aat
"f.rover itaker" Bewlng Machine, presented to her
ttirot th the " Ureal Sanitary Fair," whh the compl.menta
ol two hundrtsd and lllty ttihserlbert,ttie fleneral't linen
and under fannenta are now so well and dip ably made
that neither ihey nor tho (leneral can "butt." In ad
dition to this, hit outer clothing oomea from a fir.t-clat.
f'liesnut street house, wuere none but the'Mlrovar It
Haker ' uiaetilnes aru ttted ; .0 ll It ut erly Imp is.lbie ror
ruber the I Jena al or his elothlne to " liusl," though he wl'l
d .iibtleta very ..m.u "bu.t" what hide remaliia of the
lit belt 'ontide.aey.
admired, evincing rare tasie and fine e.eeuUon. (tee .pact,
mens liie-sle Phetognqili. In Oil, Ivorytypvt, and Carte
de Yl.liea. No. Wl Areh street.
Ceiii'isiiKi, at IV Henry Patlen't, No. lass Chuanut
Si t reel.
CuiiAP Fprtii.izkr. The best and cheapest
eincei tmted inuiiurcs I'er the farmers to buy are prepared
tiy the "Aurl iihuritl Cliumieiil i 'jinpanv," tlltlee No. t'a-
Aich .im l. TI illloroi llie M en I 11 diy (N. I ) ll nil.l
MAi ."Tho-e who have teiiisl 'hem are welt satisfied be result. VVu advise Ihije who, have Uol used
Himh ti. give tlera a trial
I.lp lueo t's ttn-at litsc iv.ry. I'. ire for I'll--, for St. Purety
v(.L-.'titl. vcie.ieiulc a-id reluil. lli.ptnvolt AO., ho
lilt 9 Fourth strfel.
Du. Dvoit's In n Oistmsnt is Sipkuior to
any o'her for the cure of liMtt ilstgreeabe and lorlusullna'
rciiiilu'Dt. Prh'e '.'6 cent. For sale by 113 oil A Co., Ho.
ti N rte. unl .Heel.
Mns. M. G. Hhown's " Metaphvslcul Dis
cowiy," kills tha r.sit of every dl.oi.s, I'ri'ut li. No.
410 Aich s'rt-ul. ri.-tf a.lveil..eiiu;nt iu another column.
Hteainslilii Noriu.ii, H.ik'-r., 11. vi'ins..r A Co.
HHi.piu M. I.-Ciiriunii, Itil.heri, l.tveritool, Wurkin.ti Sifo.
Hug A. A.taois, Air.-., Murllul'ine, Jauretela-A bsvergtie.
Hi g K. P. Men an, t 'uin. New Oilesu.. II. A. Ad.iuia.
Hi ,1 I 'at mt, Hluile, 11. ..toil. Tw. lN A Co.
Si hr nnd h 1'utiio, hicli, tiwliicotowu, Vt aanantkeher 4
Ma-, field.
Schr M. W. Fr.'Sluao. Hnwes, Uostoll, do.
11a r..r.-t liing. Iiri.-ii, m oil, aa,Ty1sr (V,.
i,i It Hu'iiov. liobiii.on, N'ewbs''. A CX
sjfl.i.l ly, t liee-uiaii, Natitu. kel, CaBtner, hliikn.-y i
Seta :.! ad, llaeon. West l.-niil. Captain,
su i.r ts. hern.. Applin, Aii-Moulna, '1 j hr Co.
.niMi-ioi-iiij utuiviva
I'.rig Ali.K.n li. 'W. 11. tsuiltl., II days troui Culdeilas.w llll
iu Iusm n. :. M. O l'
Si.lrH l'..iisi'i.d, loneiel,0 dayt ft-oro HaUiinore,
Ir ha'lakl lu i iipiAin.
h. In- Alls-it Mason, Ucrry, .', Jay. from lortri'.s M uiroe,
111 liulliist lo eu.liiin. . ,
Si, nr IV. i,. Aii.lenrled,Ilcwltt,7duyarroiun.ilotl,wiin
Ice to eiq. lain. . . ...
su liriJ F.. Paltn, Frhik,5days from lortrest Muuroe,
':rw;:r:r.tT.yi. day. pvMe.. t
"si';'.;; Eu ..HI... n.,,l.P,d, day. fmm tVa.Wug.ou.
UIX i':.r:,l,"w,::;r.n. rv-ue.. 1 day from 1'r.dorlc.. Ue...
With ruui lujeuie. Uarrall.
T.rlg C. Maithcws, front mac MT
MKMHtlANPA. ... . i. ..a in tins i It v, rlaleil Periiurahticr,, August
It'-.ll'-Ad -..r'.m" ' " re,.o,U'd c.,.
iu'iibvlbf e ate I lend., in Jab la.l. ull the Hra.llla
!ol.q of a .t!. vrliu U.lss) ou board, prove. W ho ulso
KtporitSor Tin inming ttlttraph.
Caiiius As-lliig Aim ui Row.ll, Suiith JOQ hhJ te tcs
in blU molasstt C. M. 0'Callua1"1
Ornci or Tit a r. cntti Tirrnaani, J t
Saiu'07. KepteaixtT;.
In flold there Is very little doing this morning,
and the niarkot Is dull at a decline, opening at
221, advanced and sold at 222 ( at 11 o'clock,
Ml on and sold at 221 J at 12, and 221 at 12J.
The Stock Market, as we h ive noticed f r aerc
ral days past, continues dull ; bnt prlc; are with'
out any material chango. Tnera li rather mo e)
doing in United states bond., with sales of 5 23s at
10:i((rtl0,coaponstiff,an. fis of ISM at KKJt
7'30 are quoted at 100i(.f H0.
In Railroad shares thero is very Httte doing.
Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 73!rf74 Retvilng;
at fin J ; Little Schuylkill 41 i Catawlss i preferred
at ..:'( I1',; common at 2iJs and Lonj Islaid
ut 4S; l is was hid for Cam len aid Arn') iyt 8i
for Renver Meadow; 82 for Minchill; 31 for
North Pennsylvania; and 33 for PlilleduloMii
and F.rie. Pennsylvania 5s are telling t 974 W.
Coul Oil stoc ki contlnuo dull, with sale of
Irving Oil at fj, n advanee of ; DtUell, at 11 ;
Noble anil IMameter, at IS; MeClintoc.k, 6J ;
and Densmore, at 11, which Is a ducllno of .
Canal shares are dull, with sales of 8ciaylkllt
Navigation preferred at. 304; and Susquehanna,
Canal bonds nt Gi; 33 was bid for Schaylk'dt
Navigation, common; and 138 for Mjrrls Canal
City Passenger Tlailrotd iharcs are without
change, Second and Third sold at 70; 60 wis bid
for Fifth and Sixth ; aud 33 for Green ami Coa'-e.
Rank Shares are firm, with Mies of Farmon
and Mechanics' Dank at 'iti(t, !tJJ, which ii a slight
advance ; Ifi'2 was bid for North AtktIji; 1,3 J
for Philadelphia; SO for Clin nereial; 2S for Me
chanics'; 40 for Tenn Township; 271 for Mnu-
facture.-a' and Mechanics' ; It! for Commonwealth ;
and tt'i for Union.
Tho Money Market ontlnnes tigh', and ttiera
is very little doing; loans on call arootVore J at 6(f
7 per cent, per annum; best paper Is soiling at
from S( 12 per ceut.
A despatch from Washington, this morning,
snya : "The receipts from Internal revenue nov
reach extraordinary amount. For several dy
past they have been as high a a million and
quarter a day. Such a itate ot aifiirs sseirt
strong proof that the people can pay for thi war,
and any other which they may choose to
carry on."
pnnjuiKLi'niA stock excrakob saxes, sept. 17.
R.ported by t'lark.on k Co., Broken, Na. Ul B. Tklrd St,
ltyish Halell Oil. ts'ti I ty .'al.h Wyo-n.Val.tAo ft"
'.sti .li di s.'.wn 11
inn so Iiensruorooii .. M
. n eh do.. ..tit wn tt
t'.'sii do ,'d 14
. 0 sh Story Farm ... il'i
JeO sh Feeder l'aui... 1
t.'sh Rieel.lorillL.. 1 :il
rsv.n itn iuraea....e
wi RB 111 liner ..,
iUO ta Uibhard .
f .'rt H. R. B. 8l ItHi; 4vi,h Swatara..
i.til do. . . .t.,.t oil ll'.l sj
fltt.l do....ri; sS.loliS
ftcs.l do.. coup orr.luV
t fi t' 4ua tirs;
$u0Penna at !iS,
!W til Panoa KB
11 h do
.M) sn T.tttle sish . h)0
mn.11 do i'rCl.
aisi.B do b.iMi
'.'no th N. Y. A H..UH rj'J
ICO sh Cat.w K ..hkl ',
m.i.iiCatawuiiaol .. i'J
It., u uo US
t IIS 00 till. Can. bdafVi. ts.
eliotl N Pa. Us nil
-.'.. sh Fur A Mac Ilk.. f.'
t:. .h do I
.K.lsh N. I'ri'ek irwinoii ;
l's.i-h Haiteh on .... 11 1
lKlsb. N'. hleA- Hal .Iv) 1.1
.Tti.h Wet 'lint ek ti',,
tsitl th iHiismure It
.s.l.i, Jo. b)0 4
.TtsKi an ft. A H fop.. . Ol
. 1
.XI -b 8cli. Nar ma. 1
301.S. .,.ng is ,
. ah .'d :r. MK. ... To
A iht'ato lui....tS
ItWO.h Ph A Ull Ck... If '
Reported by Clarkaoa Co., Brokers. No. Ul a. Third M. ,
eir.i cu, aaetmm van.
rnltrd State. As, lxsi. lnt otr 10S bid
Hock Island Railroad bid
Rending Railroad W bid
Illinois Central Railroad bid
Northwi'.i.rn bid
New Yark Central Railroad I'M bid
F.rle Hallrnad lel' bid
liucton Railroad... I IS ' oid
(iold tttl-i M
I lilt, d 8Ulet a-20s lluli but
Market Dull.
IOCS tales
taiea '
1iVa taiea ;
61 i taiee
.. tale
aaie .
.. sales '
Jay Cooke A-Co. quote Government Securi
ties, &-c, to noon to-day, as follows :
V. S. fis, 1SH1 1074 ion
U.S. 7 3-10 Notes 1 10 112
Certificates of Indebtedness, now... 94 1 9t
Ouartermaster'a Vouchors 00 fit
Gold 217 222
5-20 Uonils 110 IU
Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal OU
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day :
Jiht AAk.
Fulton Coal H'. 1
Venango Oil 1
Big Mountain Coat, fl
N Y A Mld.'
tlrrenMi. Coal..., t1,
7'.' I'nson Peiroleuna. SIX
SH lleaoun oil
l.'i Hene.a Oil
8 ursa.ilo Oil m
N Carboni'ale .... 3
ti" Creek 1
Feeoer liamCoal. ..
Clinton Coal l.L4
Atiierieun Kauhn.. ..
IVtill Miidhg 7
lllillrr Ci al
Kej.tnne Zinc..,. 1
j . rranauuoii .. is
1 Howe . KdJyO l.. I 1 hi
1', Irving Oil i
m 'resa r arm roll....
IS llen.inore. ........ ,.
r xet'isior ou i-ai
1'. Mellnanny 1st
Ilia l ank 'j a'. Ibaiertt Od.
t'otitinental. t O instead i
Sell, cm Co i )' Hoble A f Mametar. ..
Oil Creek 6 h'i Petroleua Oeutrs. 4
Maple rihade OI1..1;1,'
M.-t hotock Od.... S't
Fotlien S
1 iiove i.iaaa,
Perry Oil S 4V ttlbliard
Mineral On I'i Ktorv FartB.
Keytlone OU 1 J limner 187
l pureliaae for Investment, tt., aro raqnetlod to ea9
atoureftiosand examine our regliter of this day, Iroof, .
whkh the follow in j ta an extract, tU:
Thr. e . tory Hr'rk Dwelling, In rlfh
.neat near Hrown t'ootl .
Three storv Krl. k eouvenlenl liwelllu, wail built,
lu Nlxleelllli tlree , uearCoataa AOXXJ
Thrw-stnrr Hrlek Kwellhig, with Tenant Houte In
Ihe rear, in F.isveuth alreat, uer Race $104
Three-.tnry llrt. k eoivenlent Dwlln, well tin
ned. New Market street, near tialluwlilll tteot)
Tliree-.ti.rv neat and hand.ome He.ldeuc, In tla
laucy el. er, rear I eiilv-llr.t .treat ttMt)
Handsome and cnnvenlen' moderu built HiMlte,oa
llrowu .ireel. liuur Sd-blu $1609
Convenient ttm-e-.toiy Brick Ilwelllng.eil Marvin
sutel.naar Jelter.ull fl'Otl '
Con verb lit Ihrei-s Inry Hrlek Dwelling, roosts. M
Wood ttreet, near Filieeu.ll $l7 Jt)
Three story liriik llwelline, with private ouiriaca.
Curlier h uise, hrdvr.l, n.-ar h'xlli ttreet., ti7')0
Ptr.i at wi.hliig to purchase can be aitiud at ou e.ltca.
VA'e have lor tale a very targe nunitie: of prinertlaa. 1 irgtl
and araaii, and at all prlcua.
I.i.t cf property for tale w-ill he furnished ou applirali 'it
at our oftif-v vvhle). ft oiicn from H o'eiisck a. U. until 10
o dock P. t .
C. F. FO'.WEI.L ON0,
Heal K-t.te Hi ker..
It Ne. iUN. HI TU Sir eU
MA 11 A M E li GER, IE JULES M ll
iis a
t r Course ui
I' 11 Y ts I C A I. KhUC ITIOV,
Approved hy the ("i-igv. airu. otiH. and Physicians of
Pli.luiit ll. a. a. well at by the Piluuipa'a ot lue bu.
sji I Is, whose name, are appi-udi-d by authority
'i'l e,i. exercises l a. u lutcn u,i 'roved ot au.1 aathorledi '
at SI. Mao I!" I Biel ns'ion, New aersey, on
HI ol Aiii-Ult. l-s's., by the l.le Rleht He, ti. W. tsoane,
I'. U., I.. I.. l.,Hlshop ol New Jers.-y, ai.d have been c n
liuuedaiuce that lime with marked tucceaa aud tlia
I. ill. pit st reslll I.
1 lasses win ha attended to at Boarding School., pr.
vldt il that tievh class cuasltia 01' 1101 le-t Uiau i"
ruuiis. -
lit. Itev. Al. nrn tllUhop of Ponn.vlra
lilii), lliv. .lohu A. Vaugliali, Kv. John . e'lentt ui,
II. D, Kev. I h.irie. II . Vt 'heeler, II. II . Kev. .U.U. ,
ti rut.., Itev. Wm. roswell lloanii, I'roli H'ir Mamocl
Ja. l .011 M. 1'., H. Lenox lloike, M. 11., Paul 11 ;oi
ilaid. M 11., .lo.iph Paneoa.t, Al. !., lleo. W. forrla,
i 11 s. ft tiiosa. M. H.. rraukho Oaiiut, M. U.
li Ii. (Ili.liop of Pl.l!.l. l lua . Vs- , n'Hatr F )
t'aii.r.Coi..enlol Hie tsaer. d u"Jn.,JJ
Aeu'ativ of It. Bi-tert of Mereyi A I Ire d Slllle.M. !.,
1 . k.iii m 11 K. La Itooie, tt. 1) . Oa.uer Mocr.a,
X ? West l V. HI. Kev, W. II. Odciihclm.r
l ,"l"'. IH.I en nf New Jersey). Rev. F.lvln K. Hint h if rm
, a is" .") It"". Burlington); Mist C. llayai.
V Mianiea Atsirav A H'-er Miv. Mi.te. Ca.ey, M.asea
Ani X lliirk. Mis. Mary K.Thna.. Mist Bro .kt
ami Mrs Hall, M .dome I'leineut ( I lenuaulowu, r a.),Mliii
l .i-rll inoid Hull. Vu.), Miss Carpenter.
Hesl. ei her own method or Call. theme, Mulltn. Msr.
tin 1. pn paied to teach llie ty.luui oi Hr llio he w ... oC
lti.ttcn. lli.eralarrunuerueiits may be uiadu lur Cwi.oi,
lio. IjSC HrBUCt ttlreel.
a'AHAMK F.'iK.lllE JL'l.Ei MARTIN,
awaretli.l uiai.y parents oli.iecl to llielr ehi dreit attena
lus public dan ting academies, will open Pnvaie t'la.e.1 at
her lir.SillitM h, So.l siPRl IK street, oil Mil.XbAY,
October it, where vtsln.ri are not a.hntlted. rthgwillao
every aiteuilon to duaciiui and diiporunaat.
CI.AStst.8, HAYS), AlSIl liul'llH. VtJbutm ..
Fur Young l adle, and Muttert, on Mondays, weontt
d.v a, and Fridays, Hum il. uuul f.M. ,
lildepeudeiilll 01, Mr, -Wsttlliw til glee
Soiini.rivai.iaulliea.aiida ah the b. Jus at ua
Manln had ll.a u. leech. ,,, , (o ,iirw arry ,
onoimi '""' " ';--MMliM will usa eirw",
new fiance ..-imw .s-v
1. .et.t. for thaui. . . ........ i.e. reaideiics.
I'twt'ireuUia. apply aj t"-"' u MoaidlR.
Hailame tsanui - a u-tutWMt
Scbov.ij ui Ui the couuiry. .