The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 16, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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TIlK I'AU.Y E V EN 1 KG jM'O K A HI . ITI IL A D ELF 1 1 1 A , FftlcUV, SIOTKMBKlt 10, 1864.
FRHlAY. flRPTEM ni'.R Nl, 1M4.
llol Tl BipM Is hastening fait!
Volonurr I
JIoI The diiwnlng toonn At liwt!
Voluntwr !
Itnrk I Atlsrtt's rsrnpsrt" fall I
Tjrnn qnnlie In HffhniOiKi's wall !
Kicidm. Vi.kin, Victor; cll !
Volunteer I
1.0, Rrrnlliiin'i doom l nigh!
Vo'iiwrrr !
Ood hum hexrd the bondman's cry !
VoltinifiT !
fs'Iioiit ! Vri'f pnwt'r l brnkc !
itls-trd with ihtmdiT s'ruUc
(od him-Hf tbc word hutli spoke t
Yolotitt t r !
Now' fie lionr to df-iil the blow I
V D'Utlt'MT !
Strike, ! tin luv 'lie tnon-fc-r 1 w '.
What though sin vptt, "K-sreo'y tloi:'",,
With the nnuon's litr b oo I rvtl,
lUiirs its fJ,n!'in "t'opix rlH'ftd 1"
Volunteer !
Wliat th( np') tri-inou tbrt .item , ,n :
Vn'u 'it er '.
With the writ (Iks tho child !
olnnti '
81aei mil litre fern's full.
South or Stn i , ( a imp or hall !
Coniincrins: mv c cumiucr nil 1
Vo miioi r !
War'f the roml o rijjht and peace !
Onlj trea-on whimpers "cease!"
Ood, who ""riitte! vet nve the Itiiul,
Clothe with thunder every hand !
:de with lightning every brand !
Volunttet I
1,0, tbe gloom begins to break !
For your own, your children's suite,
Vuluu'r cr !
Fix tit h out tor till mankind 1
I-Ihl it out a Uud diis;nt d,
Spite of Kurili sml Hell combined !
Kobrest work that t'er wan done !
Volunteer '
Kobkt victory evr won!
od, and Freedom, and the Ki,"tit.
Truth ami honor tid yon unite!
Hise! "1 trnst .Vhovali's might'
Volunteer !
ltiie! rnd trust toe future years !
Volunteer !
Down with fi s.r ! Awny with !
1m, the baa for every brow !
IO. the reverrt ascs how !
Upl and strike for victory now !
GKOHor. l.ANHIMf :
Mcw'Kw sin. Onn . Aut-uitti, isoi.
The Calen'ta eorrespondent of tlio London
Timra, on tli. 9tt of Ju'y, gives a long nnd gra
phic description of scetus at the Nuan Jatra iirnl
the Iljth Jutra the two great lustiva's of JutfK'ir-
nant, which are so widely celebrate 1 In 11 mdos
tao. Commeneins on Sunday, tho June, by
tbe-priests bringing forth tho god to bo bathed, it
Terminated on the lth nit.., when the ram wero
drawn back by tlitmsaiids of people and the
.god was replaced in Ms home. The writer
.Attended both these ecremotdes, and the details
into which he enters will speedily dispel any idea
that the Hindoos have abandoned the horrible
practice of throwing themselves no ler the w heels
f tho Juggernaut cur. I'as-ing over the bathing
portion ef the business, which seem') to have pir
taken of the character of a farce, we will come at
-once to the closing part of tho festival, which Is
- iid to have been a mOBt sickening and revolting
tragedy, and one which it was imposiibld to wit
acts without horror und disgust.
The crowd seemed inlinl cly m ro dense than
it had ever been on tho firmer occasions, and all
long the road wero booths tilled with s-cct-bhuis,
hideous iiiu:k", trumpery, tiii mingh un
ware and images of Joeg' ruaut, Krishna, uu i
other of ihe lln.ilno iiiyiliulnyy. It m a
larbarous ropy of u coun'rv lair, riiero w re
whistles at d loia-toiii". shell-iish, sinellm b irri
fcly in the -un, huge "jack" fruit, some d on i;e1
pineapples, nd here ami thcro u rudi ly con
trived "uitrrj.go-n und," with stout buboos en
joying the tpoit which that mucliine i cap ibleof
furn sh'ttg There were nautch girls, hideously
Kgly, chanting their drawlim;, numtono'is btraitu
to the music of an old lidole and a tom-tom. 'J he
contusion was inciescrituible, and when a sb ver
ol'rutn came on, us Lappi y it did once or twi -e,
the throng seemed to get tied up in a knot and to
be incapuble of ilsell, or of doioir
aeything bnt roll heiplesly trom one &ldo of the
: road to the oin r.
The eemres of attraction were the two Juscr-
.i Bant cars. 1 btse are immense ltirabering
of wood, abont sixty feet in height, raioi illt'j
all sorts of angles ami decorated on every square
it ch wi'h lignrcs of the deities. They are eon
stincted in tour stories, ami upon each of lliese a
crowd of brahmins und t:i' ir Mends wero col-
a lected. Large iilols w ere placeil tit etch corner,
and two ropea of fireat lengtk were attached to
the iroot ol the dr. J hey ni ivrd upon six
besvy wheel', and tho enure weixht of the pou
dirous latiric must hae been enormous. Hour
alb r In or Hie inuitiiudu stre.unej past tho cars,
which wire at some ili-taiite from each other, or whic'i were
. placed u nu!iiler of indaevntly painted Idols,
i atlerwards - decorated wi ha liltio drapery und
holrti d u to the cur. It wus not un 11 lour in the
. alterioxm Unit u big goiig wu Oeuteu on the top
Biost dikioti of the hi st cir. anil wiib a great
shout JiiFHvrnuut himself, awailied iu red cloth,
was brought to tho sjiot.
., A rope smt fas'etnd to him, ami with mil'di
, exertion lie was hoteted from stuge to bt.i;e bv
the lirnl.inins, tor by himself the god teemed
- rather helpless. 'I he? draped him up end un
coverird hitn. Ubd the cr.AiU sulaumed to him in
their Usual lu-liu'i). A huje, ogly tiling he wa.
Willi em ruious ryes, punted black wiiii n brot l
whiterimiduui.ilii.i ni. l'Uen anoth- r g .l was
. brciight, and hoiked up iu the same uay, but m
a lower division, ami o ou till ail weie lull. Tb-j
crowd meanwhile kept throwing arlnds and do
nations to the iiruluiiins, Only, eotiiiiioti-louklm.'
liter, with not! ii n wiiu evir to di: liitnish t'lem
frui tho roimnou Inus txcept t!,e vnitc llr.di
mini al thn nd ovi r tin ir slionldei s. vi ii tlm
trcds were ad in thtir u .ices, two laru'e v loden
Loraes were brought out, tiue tiiue und tne other
white, escb w.'tii a ttikk tad sit -King up at an
angle of iiim ty dejrne-. 1 In se gny steed, wi i v
tu-lentd to tile uii, und a lo'iihiniti h.ojd upon
tLe back of euol., IhiI'uiil' by a rope.
At this time the t ne was extratird n tt v.
ClohC by t lie i lc of the car was u laiitc :nv
bouse, lip k u inn' i tun. Ui. ni' like in. id iu'iiu
bouses. TLrMii b irou brs in irmii ot mis I,. i-c
fonte women ee j cerinx, and ou tin' ro d' there
were nmie oi.n n i I the i nana, with an o d
crone kep ing naii h mi I guar 1 over tli"in. tin
the o In r side of tim roud stm n Jiiggcri: nit
temple, crowdul vitb women, 'i'lic rn d itxidf
WSi 4Uil ilnpl'Oliile f.T tl-0 crowds of people,
wliote oily bocic itno dirty ways tlid not hu; r r e
the llavor ol the iiiuUil utmo.-plicie. I'ar a the
eye cc-tild reueb tiiis ihrung extended, and wken
a thousand gongi were ct beutini; und thu liral.
miiis called upon tlie jieople atLiillof w il.lex
ritunent ran th rough this enormous living mats.
The ropes were nw?d, end inultiuides rushed to
then), eager lor the liouor of pulling their deity
along. Ou the car lUjll there could scarcely have
le ii loss than 00 nk.u. 'erlmps tl,ere were one
thouaund l ulling at the ropes, but tin y pulled
for a long l ine iu vuik. The cur had been iu one
place lor a whole year, and had nutde a ducp holts
lor itscll :y its gteut wck'lit.
Aguin and again the Ilruliuiins shouted and
Kesliculutvd. lauitiiing Vitong tlniaBelves. At
last the mob hut'ptiicd to pull U .'ether instead of
one alter the other, ana uie iitie u u. moved
forward a lew yurds, groating us if it been a
living creuturu. It ttoppoJ, aad lor a Ii w inln
'tte the crowd btood in ulu.).-t jierlcet a'lencc.
Then the liruhtiins gave MUt klual, and this
tune It crushed .out a lite wild eveiy letulntioii
t Its hideous wlioelf, covered as they Here with
liumantlthh antlga-c. The vast tJiultiUideseeuied
uddeul iioumMud with a tit of delirium. They
louaht and sirvj-iej with each thei U get ni if
i3 car, which Lad .tepped as if by lu.igLC. I hey
toopei down au.1 d beneath its u hools, and
lightr 40 tcU tUuir ''ltu'1, 01 tlju
IniaJ my way to the bad: of the car, and
there saw upon the groumi a very old wouiau, all
wrinkled and puckered up, with s.-urcely ljiru.
meut ot hi r lace for bluod aud dust
Her right foot wus haugiug by a thread, tho
wheels had ptsed over the centre of her nearly
naked body, and a taint quiver of unguis m',,
through her f ume us she seemed to suuggiti ia
rue. Not one iu the crowd otleied to move her,
or raise her miserable erey head from the
ground, but they sto d looking on with vacua t
while tliC liiuliiuiwi iiom the car gazed
down with as rnnoti nneontvim at emild well lo
wrlttin upon the buniitn ronntrnaieo. Tno
crowd ert d tht there were more nnder the car,
and whinlhiokfd beneayb. It seemed as If th.i
wheels were choked with tlnsky bodies. Twoer
three rbrrkeydars here, made their appearance,
and compel ed the rrowj to moe iiack.
I'poo ieillrg closer to tlm wheels, I s iw that
one t f thrin was half over tlm body of a into,
and that it bad crushed out his Imwels, and la t
enfd lis If, hkr some insatiable mon-t'r. In bis
hlood. lo-o by him there l-.y nn ithf-r man
crosl etl to drntlt be was but a heap of mangled
t'esh. The I. nt!, niins m, I hxke I ilr.n fmui thi
curs npen th"se h .tr wretettes v. tth p rteet im
ernet in, ami were errn si :i 1 1 n f for i h(t cm vil
to lull urnli; but the lev pnVcinin present
tnt'de tbem lIag the Cir hin U, to tl St tin no lies
ci old be pc: r ul fiotn Itetueen the whe. Is. l'tie
nit b rrted out "Aptr, ," thai they tint it of
it t ir urn: at cord ; aittl, i'i'!"r.. there wisiinsn.
prariiio'eol an ncclilrnl. Tieir bodies weic tat
lit dT 11 cur, where liny enuld S'Virceiy b.n e
g t tint they hnd la d tlifmnclvcn down in
Iront. ! saw Iwo ether O'ti IvimMhei'' wVn tbr "-ti ppetl, tint it.ey g.ii up and wilkt I
n.Mtv. Hie ilme Imi' nere pined tnefiir,
iiml ti.e cur wus drc. d on t.v tint peoa e
.. I did ntd stcvt.iM.'t vt'a ther Us 'I t k
lie cuule in IP sh In 1.
A ni sim; i i n i: 1 1 nr..
The Thi aire of Diedt n- a lmiM
1: p standing in an i olided position hi." I cen
Dini l, tely ren"7Mcd. This theatre i-'.nterestlng
s.s one in bi"l. souie of Weber's liaest pperatle
works were lint produced, and a stmtio ci tfr,
gnat couipo'-r, erec t il in lw;j, stunls in the
I ublle sitt;tr' :m ar by. The curr. s;i tide'it ot' fie
London Mi-I .it He gives the ,! "I ids cm the
Iniptovenrftfn iu the theatre :
"The 'Ke'i:iis-:incc' stvlc has be-i ir.-.,-vel in
a!l the dert'iatiims cd- Hie ts-j s.iltjnn. A cecal
or ill is senpliti d. In the upper - ih i.i, the
umtinefn ihe et ilinL fn In et. M-e.ouiril nil tlf
tones Is it kept vi artni-r and iu-iio r. '1 tie valN
are painted in nil. '1 iw old lo tlia."., on
sistittg of idmiil plates, have bei a rcfii tee I by nov
out s. i ti tne :ianil reiri slinient rooin, lew y
iti l e up. lessiie's sia'ue lia In , n 'r. ceil A
ret nd T.dre-hiiieiit ris m has been on. ned on the
tirst tt"r. In hit d the atnplii'ln atrc. '1 tie iirndors
ut the-'aiek ol tin- boxes have t ecu painted in o 1
w ith pel. I bordtr-, and the 'garde robes,' or places
lor cloak -i, bonnets. ete.. ariauced in ui dies in the
walls. The lloor of tho 'eirele' ai:d the pit is
laisej, in order thut the sis-eiutors may have a
bettf ? view of the static. 'I be rotnlor iiiile plush
tovertd ffitttiiiii have numliei's of porcelain
i to tl.em, white the Isom r-es arc uiso num
beted, so thut any one can eus'ly lind his pla -e.
Ail the drupery ui.d ornunictitation, us well us the
u I holMcrv woik of the Isikcs in each tier, an
ncv. 'Ihe s)iacc iu the orchratia lias been :ir
tapged tor the bitter. All the hangings und other
imiieiiuls employid in titling up the boxes and
other parts of ihe house Ufi inadi; by Saxon
manufacturers, with ihe o!o excep ion of the
vtlvit und tapestry of the royal box, which
etime from L una. Tne pictorial decorutiou of
Ihe autiii nee part of tho Inmse has been simpli
fied, and everywhere curried out in white (wish a
yellowish tone) and gold. The beuiitiful ceiling
bus, foriuniuiey, been saved.
Jt lias bei n inblud with Ineinl, and in some
phu es only newly paiuted. It really looks like
lo w, ail Ihe nt ce.i'-ury ojstrations having lieenad
mir. biy curried out by the Trench uni ts. Tho
gilding on the ceibng ihrov.-s up the painting con
sab mbly. The wicntli unove ilie chatidcbei' aas
lormerly tire massive piece, it is now of liiht
atit, f witfhf, und Ihere is no lo'.ger any d inner
ol us tallno.'. All the I'hiingiirrungctiifdits have
been vusily iupioeil. lino bundled burners,
in the lorm ol wax luper-., have been added to
tl e chut. del ier, and the gloom y h ule- a'l listied.
Still the undiluiium is no! too tiriil an'lv il'unnn
nti d. und ihe gteati rc eaTnes.may result from 'he
ti tin tion ot the hue etui brilliant painting ra her
than from the chandelier Use f. I he pnni'Mil
( liunnil of ventilation itnoiiuh tlie speituiv over
the chandelier bus been c .rried direetlv Into 'lie
t pen ait, und new vi niihitors have be-n intro
oiu cd in the third und lulu In tiers. The tirst
peiloi malice, however, di inon-tla ed thut, despite
Hits,- improvements, the minosi intolerable hi at
in the niidieiice pint ol the hmi-e had undent "lie
nnrccly any niu.inutiou. 1 he do oration of the
j.roi is n mil. us well us all tho paint ng mi I gild
iiitr, has tat n inln irablyxeeiiied by I. iniati,who
I a- alto cli urn d the curtain paint d by I 'r .lessor
lliil iit r. I he red curtain, u mastci iece of lecn
r.uive puintmg alier nutiiie, by U;s ile. bin, has
been piiiiit-d uu and regllt. 1' urtist has no',
however, succeeded in n tanring the cx'ra.irdma
rily tlltTtive beiiuly ot the coioiing. Iletiiud the
flout, the entire system of lighting has b ten en
lnri,id anil improved."
A M A TI KMII I l A IH Sb'tr.
We nre fandliur, tlirongli the llible, with in
stances of dry land covert J wi'.h water; but many
oft nr nailers may not have heunl hiioer. 1 1 nut
the de-i rt of thetireat St'iar.ti'i Noith Afiiea
wus otiee a sea. 'The re sons for this the .ry an"
thus given in the opening (July) number of the
mw (tt)!uiii ni Mutjuini in a translation f .mi u
paper by E. l)e-or, o: Netil'.-htitel, Svvit r mi.! ;
If the Sal ura is tlm b, to m of a vanished -ei,
it ii iiiteiertn g lo ni.juiie if this d saopeiira'iej
h.'.s tat ii c.i n si d by a sinltli ii uidieaval or tiy
gradual and suc e-Mve cleva ion-, and at, w i a
ei oeh lbs extra' idin iry pliennu n.m his
t lo'iipr d the a-pi el of 'I e .fi n an eon itu uf, an I
cot sfdiM iitly i rodiieid r' lions iu-m! ll utioiis of
ihe climiito of Kurope. There a teni ral lui
im ssion ihiit the liesert of the was of
mint toimution ; but the opinions ot geologists
were divided as to the pt riod to which U sinuild
be assigned, some eonsuleiing it of Tertiary and
others id Quatemarv aite. Uur oleervaii ins re
folve there doubts, and definitely tlx the anuof the
Sahara, by the help of a li.t c nhill, the Cixi'um
aiule. 1 Ins sin II was known to exist in the
biinhl'tnhcod of ihe Caravnti serai of Urn-I nio'ir,
Mnr ( bolt. Meiiir, und It hud been found nt a
ilt'l th of about twenty-three l et in tho attesi in
wells ol thut place. 1' i urn this it iiiieht have
betp siippo.'ed thut it bt.loiigid to the ijluitt ( ir
Inkt ) Mi'lnt. Hut, on the oilier bund, wo met
iiloi.g with it a spei it's of 7fei onoi, Ir.nn s'.acu to
stage, at a gieut di-tuiu e from the Chntt (eve'i
nt ur tlnen r in Soutl, always in the sauie genlo
gical position, in a bed oi saiiti tlistiuct'y stratified
until n.t nth the superficial py ps'iin. It, thus lie
ceinc evident that ihe sheila did not belong to
tl c ( holt, bin lo a lower stratum, indicating u sea
tin n oie extensive ami older than the suit io rj,
I lit se shells, therelurc, not only attest the e.xis -t
Li o of a sea in those ic,;tiuis, u, ulso ihat ilia
sea I eh net d lo t ur ou t pncli. l-'urthur, tne
( until in i ilnlv I-, in the MeOe rraut un, a spt cies
ii Imbitii g brut kuh wa'er at th luoiiih- '
iim rs ; we mtiv loneliiile th ,i the,
heli ie be ig crud up, was u:i inland seu-u k'lid
ol luail.isli Ham and thin unionist other
ihuigs, in plains I lie slnud uuu Ur ol the e;e es ;
loi it i I no v n tin li.uiu.s ol inland seas lav
tun ill lillltil.t I lil.d del t. id.
'lo sum up: v, her n i coair. iiiiie it on with 'he
oeii'ii l.ud flan d, t.nd the tult became a I .ke,
the silitlu s? of tin. ttnte: " would. I;v t'vap ii'a' on,
II. i le. sc -, li in b : s altm t to destiny u'.l auiilnl
lite; tie ( Mi liir would hieia'ue like the
Died Stu; und, in fact, ll 1-. u:lii no d I.iat ,t i-
on pit ie'y di'stiint,. ,d ti',.t
'I hi- idea t.t a low bur iee0nt i levailon of the
S.'il iiiii 1-1 d idie.tcy la, n moo td a- u theory by
.M. l'.'flier, arid v w a- a source ol llv. ly s ni-tAe.
Hon to Liin Hi hue Ion h pot iK'-i-c uiiu in el on
ilesp t. T I t- prt st ! ' nl tlie sea w as reiened
to M l.siltr to e;,plau en tan pUenoui in m
Sw tit v i i - d eon in et, tl with the I. .ueial pei i nl,
w lilt h i inn d In n tlie s. j di -.iiipe. n d. Is it
I I ssi I, ,'e in loi in un idt j ol the cd;, n.t ii , otnlttlo is
imi o-cil on I. mope i, 1 1 , its va i "i, ut of w,i'.-r
We Hi iy do sn ac eoi.Mdi r liie mil i
ti it iMid.i il ly i he I . ii i-i in:; w it: in vv hi li ,
In lb lie S.ilii'ia. nml vv hn ii mi: so e illed
"si ow emi i s' und " deslu u r s."' While
the SnJuira v.a.s roveicil Willi v. i.ter. the Siviss
ti oiititi'ii.s .tiovirlclt the burning brcalhof the
"lu-hn" ant! Ihe "Mrm eo ;" thu w inters, never
opposed by a lukewarm bret te, could aecuiiiu-
iuic inc.r snows unit iiu if ice. and extend the
hordtia id t-jtir empire, lint wheu the desert
was dry, what an eileet must have been pro.
.1 ,.1 i. .1... ..... . . .. ., .... , . . t ..
umiu uj inn nisi oi me "I'i'iiii io the
enornioiis glaciers of the Alps' What torrents
V liat deliiites of water! what ravages espe-
t uiiiy uu me sf.uiueru s:opc : auu now now esy
to comprehend the erosion ot tl.e inoiiutn.ii. and
ihe levclliiix ef the plum ot Lomhardy, nub. cited
io uuse r n tie assaults a id covered with erratic
Cofh.e was firt imrodticed into Arabia freiu
Abyssinia, where it originally grew , about the
year WM. It was certainly l.nowu in KngluuJ
before either chocohtte or tea. It is said to have
Ikven first brought thore ahiut thu year li.VJ, by
a Tuikcy merchant named wards, wlis
Gieuk servant made the trot dish of codec evu
drunk in England, TLi caued several coil'ite
hounCt to be opened shortly afterwards, both in
the mctropol und various other towns through,
out the ouiuitry. These wcte visited pciiuuicilly
by the eKcine oiJlcers, und a duty of four pence
ler gallon vas imposed until )hbJ. (.' dice does
u.t appeur Ut hjj-vc Leen known iu 1'rance Isffore
lbuH, when it was introduced ut Marseilles by
tunc merchants of thut city, and Thevonot re
gaied io. guests with coif' e urter diuuer, on his
retiuu from Ins travels in the Lust about the
siuiie year. There are at iircseiit, iu London
alone, abovu fjt ivcu bundled colli e houses, pro
pulvsocaluol, jn addiijoutticouluclionei's'sliopj
uud oilu.r places, where thi. tin erase is sold. .
vruv iiiuxntpn rrrj t tt tm.
Notwi'list.tndlng the IihIImii ftatbroak, tho
overland telegraph Han, wh'.vh right through
the "cctio of trouble, romalm uncut. A despatch
from Denver City, dated, the lMtli, alluding t
tt is fact, Inftrs from It th-.t the Indium arc not
led by w hite men. The '.uferenee is correc, and
will be borne out by all the fae s of tho c win, we
doubt not, win n they leonio known. The
first now of tVe K-beU or other white
nun (if sin h til -' wi re ;- I : -;'ie, c in t '.c
atrncittes til' tte Indians or -'O oiieri'iuj
wbh them, would be I i i Kp Ihe ic'egi-ipti
ire. A sinrle In ink in the line eild ihrow
lie Vn:t. d fs' .-.I.- s froo;is oiii.!ir . ' r, prrt n1
iher coin pi icmon aid ttl.ii'.e
give the. ,:; a 1 .i;; r ! i o if go and
?iin i iter
The In I ati knos tli i' the fleer mb ''.ills;"
tli i1 it Pi tl.e uu sterio !' scrvlnroi' tbe white
tt ati ; aid thi v Must be 0, r p i-t
their n.lilibetsm d d c Isof lilon I to niili'arv' pos't
1 in (!i .is o miles a or iy , and that its v nee s e il'.
ilg ft r switt pltlislimi lit Itn ill Ibe-ii. All tl.l
they must know, lor thi- tniiiders -in'.'ii
tb rds ot i be lit e have si v,i s if i fires-i d i. poll t m
lnif.'ris the belief tlmt the lei vr mb t'lb ce.-rv-t
ti f ' if that Is coimr on. 'I b: lndiRtts tbi n it. t-eieh
tb', I me, Iitsausi: I he v Inive a snreis'ilious dre id
ol its in. knew n pow. r. I he or .;iu ot theiriuin
f'etl rt vert nee iiml feur ot the telieratih ie ,.ia e.l
to us a- lol low s, by a gen'ii -mm knous tha
t.ics :
Win n Mr. Creightoti constriK ing the
ovt rlaiid line he met wiib no si rious opnusit ion
in in the lnni.iii.s, th ii was expeced tmit ut
ii'y iiioiiient they would wantonly cut the p iles
or tear down the w ires. He d--ii rniine.l to in is
n ntikit'K appi ul to tin ir supers itious doin. nit,
vvbii h up nine te ii ii ot' the ti'i.r'e mi
t hai aeti r. Win n lb i line was coniplet d tie w 'en
I". it Kenriev and 1 arumi" inmnt ,'iW niiles
uiia: t he contv ied upon tlie h 'liv- dav tt I: l' o
Iheehiil of the Arupiines r resent nt t'ie l-'n'l
li at ni y Station, anil the (.'liiel oi the Sioux
fort Liiaii ii. Th-'-e fi' t's were am mi: ih.'
tno-t pow 1 1 fttl on I he p! ins, mid t'.e , hi d', well
ucii,.iniii l with eacli o'.!.ir, and on the lies' b r.n -oi
Ir t mb I in.
An t X-henge of -it'iiiiN lie ive ii the orierutors
at the t-.vo Hai inn-, . bowed ,h 't ea Ii h,i I a chief
at Ins eiUnv. Mr. f 'rcighmn, n ho w is at l'ort
Kt ai nt v, tic u iisl.e l tin Arapahoe chief if he
would like to talk with hi-friend of the Sioux
at Kurt l.nramic. The I.n'.io'i smiled grun'v at
tl e siipeiintci.iletit tuk in ir the iuestion ns a j ike.
fiT.ii I U , the siipci in'einient succi," dml ill convinc
ing the chief thut the propos ilcti was a scrims
one ; mid that his Simtx ally at that m uiu i t
in Mticsly waiting to tic ir from biai. r 1 1 ah e,
nfn r many tloubts unit inisjzi vine's, put a lines' ion.
S'oux ail-wen d. The eiinvcrsa'inii onej bcMin,
lit w liisl elliiiicli b -ickiuid lorth betwe in thee old
companions ill linns. Iloth tho chiefs were awe
struck. J. ike true Indians, t.eitlicrof them asked
for an cp aiinliiiii of tho Wonder, but Hc -cnt d
in good laith Hie. so'einii statement ol' Mr. f'ruigli
ton und the l orl l.aiuinie openttcr, that the telo
giuph the insiriin cut of the, .'.Ianitoii, ' the
Cl eat Spit it," his organ of Kpeech Ids voice upon
the etirtb. To b tl up the demonstration, each
chid was tobl ti nt the other wished lo so.; him
at o point inidwuy l eiwi en the two forts. The
invitation wits obeyed as if It Ii til been iin order
direct liotii the M iiitou. Tlm ehi. Is started oil
on horses furnished by ihe superintend. -nt, und,
alter a journet ol two hundred an I lil't.y mites,
met. ileie they "eompnr d notes." ami f ninl
there wus no uiis'iike about Ihe "pow w-nv" that
they lit Id a w et k In lore, live h limbed uides up irt.
'I his clinched the inipri s-i'inih ,: Mr ( n inhton
had soii-'Iit to make. The m.iTve lions story ot
the ti a h us soon to d aiming all tin' tribes ;
uiiii lroin th t tni.e to this, post- und wires, stt
tii it6, In-trniiit tits, b itti ries nml even thinn per
ining tin n linlo t til oi.'iu!ors -w re sa Ted I'l
thcii rye j, p.ven thcoprvii.ors would be re.spcct d,
it is bibcvti), ii' they Mo, id on their digui y wiili
the poly , it u buttery in em Ii hand. but
bun. an, llu y rati away, tin their rcurn they
iilwny s liau linliaiis' "tr it" in und ubout the st i
lieii, but eveiytlniiL' undisturbed.
It is hoped i hat, in the pioeress of civi'i '. nion,
ti e Iiiciiiiis will not bi d out the secret 'if tile
telecniph. When tin y do, they will nuke sad
havee all n'ong tho ovtrlaiid roiro bclorc they
cm be put don ii. Jnunitil nf 1'utnmwc.
A i.nti 'tti. ;t i rtii:M.
The llritisb flovi rtiiiient bis some in r.'iiiiiceti'
pensions, ispieiuliy fur iitival und mil it try
services. Kiducing the it't'oiiuts to Americ id
eurrf'i'Cy at gold standard we. Iiml that, the Duke
of Wellington receives a pension, of ft jo.OJo ii
j i nr ; Ivtrl Melson, ?f"7,.'ii;0; the Counto-s N.;l
ton. SfT'.HO ; l'.url of Motley (in trust for Hoi
Ainliir-I), Yin onnt St. Vine lit, and Lord
Jl riiinitt'.riteh Sl.r.,(i':0 ; be Km loi C nuperd xn,
Ssi.ri.(,ei) ; Visionnt Conibi niii re, A'l.s.'ini'it Kx
mi uth, lend S"-t on. l ord Keaue, a id lend
lieu an, tueh ?f 10,1 I'll ; Lord It.ul in y, 1 ).)
l.i dv b'otlrn , l.i'io 'ious'li. Lady Kail oi, s r tV.
1'. Wil linns, Sir 11. lliivclock uud L illy H.tve
01 k, etleli . ill'IO.
Tl i- pent ioi.s for civil rv i '.es inclu 1 1 one of
S-d,',( ii ;o (iiuu villi) .Inhii ( ' : 1 1 1 1 , v. m :n, under in
attol I'lirliuun lit, pi-snlii ihe ih r e nili v e r
ol ihe lei.'n ol lie rge Kl, w is gmnteil to the
la-ir ol "A ili um I't i n tor ever. A similar -n-n
s awiiided 1'imnal y lor lu'o to Viscount I'.vcialv,
kite sp' -Kir in tin II-iis;4i;' Co. unions. Vis
it li 0 1 Cat teibury and L ird 'Jul 'le'ster ci'h
iiiii'.e .i' a ytar. Lord i ibmeg and M-.
Lis It i i h ssHVi I 0, Hie b igl,t lion, rs im'icu
I toliiligti ti, ST a'ti; Sir llcrc t,' erk, Si i l nl.
Ni v.i'ini't 'he pen-ions for judi 'al a rvi. es.
i t nr t x-l.i rd Ch ineel or-, 1. ids llr,in;,"i.i u. Sr., (.'laiisvvoitli, an 1 (,'iie iiisl ud ea 'It
nceive js'iO.tnal a oir. Ly nt'liorst receiv.t I
lip to b's diatb niaily .slH('W);) aiinti t ly, ainl
ritiud judues and ch.i.ieclluit. arc most libciuliy
'1 hi re ore a number of hi't'edi' iry pensiohs eti
jt jed by tlm ih siciulj'.its oi nicn ho died even
ttiitiiiits tiL'o; for iiisi.iiicc, the heirs of the great
Duke of Mention. tii'h got nt'JO.uui) per year; the
lo irB i f u lb lie ol S dioiniii rs iti'tH '.ts H), and
those of the Mai.piis of ll.itli s-'H'iSI.
Suhtrii s uie on a scale ol eipi.ii in igniilcenee,
'i lull of Ihe Speaker ot the House of t Viu:nnc,.s
s -.'.iihiiii, while t!n Set;; , nl-if,-Anns nets
fciil.1,0. Lord Monti a,;le, its ("timiiini ler-'li nni'.il
of the KM ht'ijiier, in rt ct ipt i f an unnii il in
coire ol lll mill. 'I lie Ltitiacv Comtuissio'iins,
of whom thtro nro six, get .'7.'ii)ii a year, 'i'lio
lliih ( 'ou. in i s- on. r to the A-s,..ub;v of
the ITiiircli of Sci th.n I receb es p a au
l inc. 'I he salaiy ol' the Lord I. eiib nat". of lie
luiiil is .'i( ,tK ll.
Tin-utility ol the 1. id Chief .fistic.; of l'mf
liiiul is S !i:,i.i n : the ' In ! .1 ii-bee oi the. I .minion
I'le.isi i.d ti c ( litet I, Him ui the l.v.'ac iui r,
t ai L Ss.'i.'i.i t 0; tl.e Li'id l .'baiiceiloi', the l.'trda
Jus tli i s of A pi t al, a in I t ! e M is't r of the lio Is,
inch sn,ii'ii; 1 1 .is licee Va-. -L'" Hum, the
ennnili law .lin'L'es, mill the littbre I isdtuary of
il.e jdvene !i nil, each .Vio.ii io. I he Judge uf
i in1 Aomiruii) t .iiut rect i'.. s-.'n nun.
Cii'ipsriiiti these wi'h 'hi: sii'm n s p;iM our
l l i s i t i.i, etililia I. nr.d tnr."i;u niini-ti .s, we tl i
I ot . s l:t l nil, upj.t ur to be sio h a vt re extrav.i-
l-Ul.t It.itlL"!.
'ilt i:ir i-i i ttcoiioiic tii'tiiiH itnti i'ti.
Ilt'l't'tl I 4III llllllll.
'Hie Inl'oiMlii! curious l'l.i:i: ifill'- ill the
Sl'ilh ni l, mil re:ml I of ti c It.'-ol.'.n'.lj niel al of
St oilui, d ."Ail t liis.-es nr. ajrcctl to the evils
) un tictd I y ll.e nbioe o' sti ula'cd . ah otiu'i.')
t:i inks, iii.ii ol lob fi' i . L:.t .". ci ilaii. clii-- d i-i y
i v eu i In. ii s i i I 1 !.e sc, :: ml pant to liie s'a.i-ties
us a It hi n din! J l'" i . I t be l ain lui d, , o; -nil:
ul ills Hi. ii -eiiiliv, -, ,n si,,'1, eo:, 'e. .on
i :. n be o. sw i from suc'i natis'i ; uu I lliis m ,.v
1 e pit.vcd in tlie iiiiisi s t'tsiui'iu v pi inn r. t'.i.
1 in in Mil st'ii.ii 'lii'g ili'ili'iie loinost t e;i
sively i oiisiinicd by n.a'is, eml b - H ' 'n -i
l one l:n er btliell '.eats u,' u:.v. V tvve.tit
Unit iu evil' linn. l ed thousand inal'snnd r
hitei n i ins of ute. brain disca-n cur oil' au
l.inii y liii. e liiiiii.'ied und ll.iif.v ''even pcr-oii-;
win n ns in an etiuil uiuiil cr of lein des, only
two hundred und scvi nty -sii: tire cut otl by the
nitue discuses. At the very period ol lite, there
ft a e, w lit u neither m x tht se so called obnox
ious urt n it s, the mule tendency to these diseases
is so jniich greater Hum it is iu the female tiiat
three hundred and thirty-seven males die for
every two humlrad and seventy six females.
Al ove liftcen vein s of age, when, for argument';,
itl.e, we may allow that the female does tint
consume these articles, or at least, that the num
ber who doe-so insignificant ns not to ulle t the
general result.:, w hile the lunie both uses uud iu
ninny casts uhusts them, instead ot finding that
the relative propoition ul mule death lrom these
linca.-cs increusis, we find that it rather diibtu
isht s ; so Inn while above liiicen years of aa
two bundled und seventeen males die tiotn tliese
diseases in every hinuirt 1 tboiiMind males, one
hundred und sixiyiuur feinuk-s die out of a like
number of It -mules.
"Hut the sulnect maybe viewed in a more
.sliikiuj light still bytul.I'ig the proporii ui of
each sex who die from theo diseases above unJ
under fifteen yiais uf uge. Hy this it will be
found that the tendency to death from
these brain diseases iu persoiis above lifieeu
yeuiw ot uge wus gicater in the lcuiiile"ian in the
male. The only conclunon, therefore, which
seeiiis dedueible from these facts appears to be
that, In so fur us the smti-ties of tUee deaths go
theie is no evidence to prove that the consump
tion of ulcohulic liquor, (including- every form,
w ine, bier, siiiiits, ie.), or of tobacco injures the
general health of thu populutiou. Ou tlie other
hand, the evidence seems rather to favor tho ittea
thut the moileiate use of these unifies by the
luiisS of Ihe icoplc fo improves their health as to
actus a counterpoise toilic undoubtedly injurious
nd ii.!ul eUti is to b hi' Ii the uhiisc leads in tho
Serenade) and Dinner to Governor
Curtin, and Generals Eocker and
Franklin, in New York Last
Speed' C3 of Governor Curtin
aud Gtr. Franklin.
1 1 -'t gat ion cote t ocl of t it:'dis of reii't'tv !
v ii. i, leiiipoia'.iiy ii -id.-n: in ibis t-u v. sr:-,.,t ,i d
lb v'i t or t un :n ami M eior-t i'-ni ri1, 1 1 ouIot and
I' r o kirn, la-t in; lit. und ul o lenderc I Ipenl .1
eel-pinnciil'ii y tl'inn r .d the .Vs. or lbni e. I'm:
t. Mi s, S it ad " i'.h giHid ciieer by ihe ! is.
S'vtst.i., vvt'iii Tleiirril, ami tin' wine had leci
d i - n ssi 1 1, when I lie I'l esident, .1 d'l re. I l.-rri,
'M l'i lilisy Ivania, rose ami niii-odilC' d Wem-gt: tie
t'ullip, l-.-n., "'I I. tic, wlm in i In a sp. ei-li uu I
i-lb red the billowing lo ist, and sat oovn a.uMsi
ittiinitiise npd:iu-e :
llnv.t .nllll Muv lie stunt! Ill III" future s" in die pist.
11, i' prima tit ' uili i til tin-Ann o in i: tt, in .1 r rr 1. 1 i!n
eliil t.l unit Ui ii-.'iiiry ,1 I i't) i nnl n.e h .'I l"t Ii t .t tin
III I. is .!,, - , nt i,i in in, in ,il,. I .1 . . .i. i,,. , ,. t i f t- rr, Si ,n .
Ill tin- i t-iiit iiii je. srii(:i ltj ttiu r..,'.ts .in.l ul,,.r,li , n
AnitTn a.
Governor Cuithi 6pnko as folbixs l"e!low
citi.i ns of rinnsyivumii, lie; honor uud ph UMtra
ol thmcompuny is tntiie y unexpected to me. I
Itm in New York, flout the filet licit the eon ti ion
ol my In ulih compels me lo sep.ira'e myself, for
a lime nt it itst, Horn tny i:ures and duties.
ou ure here Itoni .itul o'h.-r It giti
li :i1 it iiiti-es. I could b.irdly have expe ett il this
giaiitv itur ass- inbiv, ant y-.i, lello'.v-ei' i.ens, this
is i lie highest reward that c in lie paid t i inv
oli t t r for the faillilul ills; hinge oi' his otli-i i;
dutn's. W'c toe not itstiann tl id liep, I'. nnsyl.
anhins; no, we gloiy in it, and I would pity a
inun who would now In o-shaiued of tier. A long
time ago tec population passeJ over otir mod u
tiiins to the eieat prim it sol tin; Ve-t, but novy it
t i mi s to our Sia'e, tor we lone found jewels con
iiiiUd in our mountain reeco-cs.
N e now j-'ive to ttic country coal to h"e,t a'pl to
drive the bitum engines, uud wc give thetn iron
Iters tin tt.e rail curs to iun over, but we also tivo
tin iu more. Some philo opher toucbed the enrtli
ami od llovvrtl out. Ami though wo give great.
iiiaidi ir- ol and lion, our oil exceeds ll.i'in
ti th. J'i palatini) now comes to I'entisvlv.iii.i,
nml we uie increasing rapidly. I''.iiiigr.inis e line,
theie trom the Knnh and the I'lis; and tin: West,
alid ne invite youui, uud wciiltli, iia.l enterprise
to et me nmniit; us.
IViin-j Iviiuia, by her labor and enterprise, has
greatly tentbd to the coiiifitri iiml in null of our
tout try. Our iic'reiiiints have succc -it o I , iinej
our hasbciiitmen havo seen the i'cmhk of their
labor. J'i ntisylv. . ma, in l.iiJJ, wm totitld" I in
peace, uiiil in this war the litmus of I't'iitisy iv.mlii
can be ni.tiii d with prnlu wn r.-ver ihe iu irti il
vii t ut h are known ami ret: iiruled. Tne gcii'le
niiiiiwho I'leic'ltd me said I'.uiisyivatiia had
siippoi ltd 'he ( io. ei niiicnt.
Tl tit Is ah she has done, and wo feel proud of
hi r; ur.d wo have the Miti.-tii turn of
tl at ihe toiiniil of the pioneers of this gee tt
cnuritiy snt in l'eniisylvatua. Wc h ive our evcr
to be n mi mbeied I mb pin-li no 11 ll; and we
1 live the i Icn-iiie end '1111-1111 tion of kuowim;
ui.d ( on e W'lisliintdi.ii was called lo c num. mil
the :. ni. it" of i lie col. mies from I'eiii sv iv.iui.i.
Whabvtr ii.av liai'.eii, peaeeiul obi rcnn-yl-vaiiin
will be the la.-t to leave the f 'oustinitioii.
h lniH iniiy do as they please. I'cnnsv Ivuni 1
rciuils it us the ereatt-si b..ou ever giv en to 111.111.
I't tinsy i. inia knows lie value of that linvci'ii
mcnt, nit d I'ei.iisvhaiiia has said that bv the
grace of (iod mis Government shall not" tall
(irtnt applause. I Vve know no new style of
ItOviri niciil, we lake it liom our bn'tjf.ituci s ; it
Wits gotal cn aigh lor tla tn, :unl It is gootl enoun
fur ns, und we wish to fiive 11 to our children.
Lilt I won d not spi'uk id I't'imsi v I v .itiui n'oue, for
vt n, iil'O, of 1 his meal Meiv Yoik, und others
have lim e well, und 1 look w ;tb itpoo thu
fact that I'cnnsv haulms, iesi,lcnt 1:1 New Y'ork,
torn. vil sncicle-, c.iul took cue:; of tin:
sick nml wounded 1 Vri'i-ylvauia oidicrs in New
Vol k. Yet ou should remember, fellow t-iiicos,
thill it is not l'emisv Ivania ulon vve lire proud of,
loi we haveevci a higher position wo iiro Ame
rican 1 ii;.'cns ; il a' is a title which shall ever nvcj,
wl, ten no tr.i.tor can tc.ko trout us, ami one
winch 1 very nitiu should ! uve to h:.s c'ulilrcii or
cl-c no tlovv 11 und join the tr..i!or,i. have t'o'iml ull i:ln-si s ill lViinsylv 011a, i.-rc p:c iv" of
1 inly or poiitie-, hate nhwy s ivoi .,cd lojetU ti' in
a!1 invers lor the tod 01 ibeetun ry.
Wonbi ihct the whole counny as "oi'o:i. mind
th.!, Ihe: u:i:;llt :. (il 1 I'lltt' Hie 1 1 c-s i ' t ,' tiin'
ti.un'i t uu-: it- ( o'lS'uiri'.rt. I feet s.iii-cu:ly
(la i liil 10 v ou 1 1 r tlie plea-arc of mis eventn .',
the .:!'. ate-r ft::, di : n nt of me life, Ibis sji ,.u
t . i. ons cai In roe.', I wou'd that, every man u'l v
with the ilcti. Is wonl'l sit y 1 hat ha vv mid no
I. n.'t r be oisntii di. nt, a.ul tout ho. w mid lay
liolV II his llttllS, :,IIO tn.'ll I'lvT'T vv ilM le: lt',1 iiu-
iiitid ib: u al an tiouoi nine p- aee. I'lie g-ntile-u
.111 ulso sai.l 1 hail never tin nod usi-l ; fi-tnu ttie
supppoit ot the li'iverniiicnt and our urmtos in
fit' I." d, lilltl I In V"'l' In.l', ( ; n'leiiien 1 wo ill
lot lave you 10 be ino proiid ot Teiius, Iv.niui.
'lids i a givat city, the ure.itcst i-uii.aerel il
Ciiy nl the caintiy. in tr .veiliutt throiiitli 'A'est
ciii New Y.iiU, I iii.e 'otiiitl thic lliey wero
v:y icut h like I'. iim-.v Iv i h ,;is, u-nl wtn ti j
stood among iis guar, uniiut tin-;. 1 lelt .1 gre r,
pritle l!iut I vv is an .V:ueri" in ttuiea. ('a.-o it ap-i'lnu-c.)
Wi cu we s, e oiir'.alue and wc.iltli, nr. I
lttiovv 1 tint it is all 0110 to our ( iuvei mn ut,
then think what we owe to tins tl ivei'ii.ii.'iii.
You must eeiso in: for having, at iliis nle t :,mt
met 'ine, si, id so milch alt nit. our nationality. I
buve .spolt 1 11 "I liavo it 1 it
tin bi.un." (Laughter 1111. 1 itpplau.S".) Iiu'dn
th.'iik ou, eenilt 111 "ii. 1 ion, to-ipglit, prtiml of
beiro; 11 Goy.'ninr, and proud tint I am (.' nuiiior
of tin: Stale I cm.
At the c use of hi- tpeo.h, sis hetiri v t-lieors
weie given 10 Govein 11 Cuiiin. Alier i. 'in'U was
clvni the toast of
"Tho Am-y of the 1 Hit '.1 States."
General Li.tnl.ii.i cing caded to reseoud,
itabtl thut ibts tho first gathering of anv
find ni whl h he had ever b en cullel to sj eak.
He sen i In hail bei u eonnci te I iii'iiiietely witli
ihe in my liom the li.'d ilet'c itut Ibill Kun to tb-j
gn.u net. -ivn'.-MliiiM, Ir. hau done lis dutv
iind vv. ii d in it e iin, but ihe poipto must d.j
it ' re. lb- until i -I. t.. a was io take placo
on Nionday ut t, jn! the people must be ready
it r i'.
lint l owiiu'.tl n.i vspeik as a l'enusv
A en. it dull had b . u said about l'eiiiisylv,ini i
l.jv tv lai n nei'. ei.t in not icsisiing tin: lata in-y.i-inti.
He i.i-li. d ii, drivv a (.aral e! ease. The
'.mV'.vo,-, u i . i biiown, was for some lima
nudum cw Yoil. and the New l-'ngiaud States.
.N'ti.1, ;lt. it- me n.t"v ul Nottli river steam. u's ;
v.iiyi'.:" tl.i v i,..i 'ledupwih sh.irpshoote's,
and n nt out to her r
iim. icoie in, ii ivvro wanted Iu the armv. d
mn ii ihcuiiiiy w. in I say potec; uud they only
.taint l nunc, m, n m ilum on to great und,
"o,i. t.- vit-.i. I'uo limeral eoiitiniieil for
si let- ti ticeni-, m,,: vias benrnly cheered. After
he h nl :i- is'i. I, - m:i wer.t bll'eiotl, speeches
Mad' bv il n, b ,i is F. Andrews and o ilers,
n'tti wliii-n ihe t's-cinblugo senaruted. V. I.
'In, l.. t it lilearil,ll.
i Y " ii, ,' ember 111. Stoelts are better.
' : '" ' .: . : I. lei ' , I'lii'iliei iiiml pii"orri' 1,
' , ; 3t't':l'. ill .-ni ht'i n. d .. Ne.v
1 r.e ' i I .. lis. I m'. ; ibl.lMill Un. r, il. '., ;
J "' " , ' '. t.V. iii.c. .,i' t t riiiifiiii-,. to ' ;
'", II.-' : It'll-l-iirii . f, ', ; I iv a I'll .ml V
' a; i - I!" ,: i.e... olid iliUn. HI- ;; llt-iMfi., (,;,
li'S: t .,ii.i,ii ul I 1s; lv.-ni.-lti SI I, IUI; ti. t,('
1' ''7. 1S.
Ni.w Yoiik, Scitember lii. is heavy;
sa'. - ,,i kss.i l.nrr. I at ln uiu 1 1 u i Sill," III 1,'im
l"f o:.i., : i. it,i li i- " I.i -Ji l.,r N'HUl.crii. Win-tit ilrni.
vvitl. tuiiiii),oil:iM ..lie,. I'.iui itul . c nuuji i: I tii i
Hi t 1 to t. p.k in,, lijiii-i ,1 at b-:-..i fill) l,.r Jl'.i,
l.:i:U ..ttkilj . Wlnsky Memly.
llv I ii no up, September Id. I'loiir tin I1. Wheat
S-', .ule- Ul bnslifU stttl'inetll Wliltf lit I'SU. .
I "III S.lilv, ill ull il I'l.',' tVtn.kv st.t.i.iv :
Cu... i-s',. l'luvi.loii. .i.u.t ; ili'sa i'lii'k, ti unit e. s j.
Uu, 711 &I A It k KT HiKLLT,
lien'W roceis liii: llu ir lu sli from the I) -livrei.
'li.t nii1.rtiy ui, in evrry it ,ct t, h.i,(Atno4
f'T II i rt'iutmju uud uu beotiiJ any otiiui to i aid iti ttio
7'imttintalu It, tliey art dotcimiruil to iiipjily mi uticle
tl tit nia be entlieiy relied mi fur frchnos ati l p imy.
He o u-jiiiiifiiuaU ol I'li-tV-'Hufi ut' M.-du-il CjIU'rfa. anil
X H. A. (.II.OKA.
Invrutor and .MauuIik iwier of O.t
1 li'l I M (' I A Ii AUU,
A(iKveti and adopted
f.r Sdlfld'ii,
lie f f rni-tnently l.icatfd l.i Oitue Hiid fa o tor at No. 311
h K'li.Jii 6iii.t, auk Uuorti bviow tirucfc, fitiUOa.
jt i ;iao
a- riurAij-:i.ijn suuokonv
Cj VVJ UASfA.K JMSVU UTK, ho. U Naitli
s-' MNIIi 8t Wove M..rhft. Krtuna
r 1.HC1.J7 ennd b 1. -Vl.HKiJ's l'naiiit!a t'utn
OiiiiuiiMK VrvBiire Tru. hii!- r'.r Kluinj Iti-tlo,
. Mic Murbtiiyii, hitvyotiw, iSltuulUM hrucwJ, 8uapuL
urii', Cruit-tifk, Ac.
;-aa!t utHuac4 Mr. B.C. EVKJtK'l'T. mm ly
a'l f'-rtu her Ire 'ul thivt sb- I- s rr-mtt, nl frttn, JStt. 407
l ill SM r Btrt-el Ui No. iu S. KtJt'Klil HirteU
' und sUMIunerj, flu. 72 M. lOI'ltlll HuMt.Oxiiv
To li.j.
VJI still t'el'J llltt Il.ll, tfin-ct fri.m faiileti nt
t'HAMi; . in n Y D
Nrw llUtik atttl H-ml tt-r Kti.rt,
Sn. v.'s Km urn tins-i
ON Till; lll 'X'K Dl',-lt !'N N I'll " ri'vTN
'i il in s, tva f'Aiiiiri il mi Inv..;. , it it. W ..nil s
t "t l'rlt I sji l'iiirr, s ;i'iiiuin m ts l.-t It is f -r s e 'tt
I'llASK tll'S I V
N"W II. .oik lit Ii m l st.fl 'V s:j-...
No. n S. I nflll II sir,'.''.
ltlANK I'.Oii'v'S tlf l'.VI'.l'iY Dl'.SCKII'
I tttei nn t ni,il, nr ni-stip In . .1. -. it a m 01 n l-. .i.i c
a uitl irats, ,it i tovsi; ,v in s i v s
.New ltUnrf ft- -'It n,..t s t'li'M'TV s-.,-,
N V t .' ft ( t III II SI- it
ANV ni' IUI'. till) VAUIK ill's Ol-'
1...1 lit, rj.. m il I'.inr. in. it h t.l
l .tisf III I. ll' f tin HUM. lure, t'rfti Ii.' t n t it!
in t si: ,t tti'i- rv i.
S'tttv ll ftnk P.. nl, Ht"l t mt..ti.TV 8-iirt'.
St.. 2iH I l ' It I il Motel.
'u n ri'Ns and ri Ni"ii,s to st ir
t ..ill'' , sinl tv:ii : ,n,t-.1 'or nun i..rtr, run I'
I H i :tt 1 II -'K .V III I I V
?.'l-w III o.k ll'i'i1' uetl st nt ni rv -tiT".
N'l .'..' S. . II 'It I'll -tie -t
)) 1 1 1! ( I'M rN HI. SAVKI) BY I'l II-
tt i I loin,, ttuir Slu!i.itii'iy r I
I 11 sip ,t 1 1 i f TV S
."t tl II l,l ,(,,,1 st ,.,,.,.ri -.t-.
H i. .1 m. rtiiiurii Mir,., t.
JyOllTll i.ll-VIt '
f!U'iN mrM" ,( oLtMiMJOTrimrroRV.
'I'r i-l !
litis. JOHN A. IUN,
Hon. KDWAKIIS I'l l.ltl' 1 TON'T,
.lliSl l'M KHAM'IS, IN,,.,
T. 1). 1',1'NTINO, Kan.,
A. Ci. HODMSII, In., Colnratlo.
Irswll-u t t
Hon. JOHN A. 1)1 X.
'I'rfivt-iiii'fr t
JOSM'II l'RANCI-s, l s.
Tti lls-o I I
ClI.Mil.I'.S 1'. 1II.AKI',, KsA.
Ttir rroprrty ef tills ronipinty eonnsts t,t; f, t on
the "tfrnuiim Unit," "tinvnry No ?," "Miiuii nis,'' "Coti
corit," unit ollir eeltlirnti tl di'velnpetl llolvl-licsiing 1-m1ob
In the D.tiibi:: dtktrltt nl I'ulnrailfi.
Abo, tlie lleiiiltrstui Ulil, tinw run iiIiik. anil in usee iettt
Cnpital Stock $1,000,000.
Whole Sumler Sharee 100,000. Par, $10.
A fl.rxn t -rt n (rf thf t.irk hut niTprirlv hocn tak-n hy
J'tlvrile IJ(tlltil). Ilixikh 'Hi' li'.W noi ri lit tie I'HIOi iH
llif roni)iir, ill S. wn r iliri't New 1 rc,wnTca
liiiil'til lit mlxT ul bl-Hri'H fun ). ,U cril-P'l fi r nt pir, tv
ai tilMtii: iiiiM- t ri'M m i r ( Ui tonnnny bviwiti ih
tisnirs ni it A M. and I'. M.
t'if oi tin- I'lustctus limy be uDtui'icJ nt ihr oill.'o
t?i-(. onKnniy. aul lm
V UliuUitv Hli.f", fnm Nmv rk Ai"'tio;i mici,
(rl'ff! Uj wn.)-M n-iiiih t.,1 K.UHv. lt, m.l.-, tl '.)
jl ..." t !.'-0 an'. fl7; lii.tlMlii ri lirnmi-H. (panilwl,)
!.t WrJo, 10. Mi and Witcnii ; U 4 mill li 4 at pr.'
t lonatr i.ri t-s ; i al 'iir. t'K f-i Hi io ?!." pr hi it .
Ingrain, ln-m f-0 fttla w M'l.'1.; V'm:iiaii. KHi,.itii1
IU'ini, from t IS nnii per vrt: Maui i.n, li a
liiiycit amtir'nsciit ir mu.r n In i'r.'iatlf iphia. Tiu.n .V'
ti) , cl)t a Mini Hi Mifj Sew fik i: -n,n Ha f.1 Mt
pot. (a.niifrl.- 'nM-w '.) N'o. U7 s 8KOMi au.t.
lnt flour abivt) Wttiniit, upM'kiie Torn Kc'ianK.
() V F AM) KASPB URY. Al.liXi
V J y A.R i'), J... ri'-lors tl-o ui.l
I'l ' K I' A li 1"J t a i in I
I'avr T:fT'tiv'J tj.tir p.nt' f biu - iiftn No '21 N.
S. i-i ml tn el to Ni 711 Aif'tl Mt ,'t, w'l-ri) th-v aro
i-ri-f H'(!i, io till nit ui tlcit. at tin' -lnTt.-si ntiiii'f wi.ii 'j tr
I ui lii iu ,i t tu n tiit-M Mli. Tht Ir '-itifc tn,u( uhaI, ti.fl
LiM in Uif; luajK' t. 1 iu'V hitvf th.- iifsl
si'i;riitiV iter
tbat Is rmiiH'Mrturfil In ilif cl'y.'.x II al luW'OHt prlrrs, cn-
' nil a ll.e ln-Ji pn s nl Huit-'fal
l'i:iir i: jju e ih' m d rill l b. iui ; pun hat in,; olsewluro.
lm ii' t I'uoi Utf JSijntlit-r,
yl-lm No.2i:i Altf'II Rtr.-et.
.J bli--l,(i III 1S'. Imparl' l' tin! lit' il'T in
u i' 1 cli, iiicsi, iml IJijii- rs.
(.'Iinicc illift ' -:ir.
rin"s v Ulii Kivi II h I'i' I'.Ii-H atii 8:iit
l'iii.-'lli aril fcut' li Aif ii'i.i 1'. r t r-.
t '.n nc i M fruits. Sou i, Ac.
N.l V MvMi S (tt (l W I'll l'HI.
At II' . SKCtSIl net.
1 ly .hJSUi A fi. Cl s l V.
j)AiiN'i JXJ i i.irvrtxsa : !
Bo. 47 S. TlllRD fTPET,
I Houst.', Lit, ami On.ainLiitctl P.Liutcra.
flrtintrtL', 111 ..Ink.', ( ;iUlinp.-oii Glat'i. K iKfauinmfifr
Van irlmu, i. -.Dl'i-tf
j;i3IUIV 1 A.. MHTli;HfeCO..
IT'VI M . fcftriiKIt, )
A '' l!l tMf li V. 1 IV,
M I III K f. I'l H. 3
TM ravi'iili- r(.-af i-n w u - r hevt. i j jr lu un hy
ut leant
One Hi.'iulrpfi Tluuraad Faiuilis
I In IVmuyh unin .alviifi.
It It nunl'' iron fiitlrrl r.-vv i.riin'i;)l' j, of i).;rf .1!
pure matt'r .niii ntnai In ltn naiiio way. Ittl ?s
a in ay wiih lut uhv il a stHti-lird. an4 will wanh ivice
ak mti J; cln'lii'B wlih tLit iN li'a lalior than any uihor
Bv- .tp uia)t in thu I Hlil htutt M.
Has tMi'iicr-d bt-vi'ral brainlt si ;ip-n; ik-te to lnlt.t'elt
In ap. anuicf niy, aiol, bf oilfrnik' ur. al in Jure uc:i:- fo
uniirliifii li d tit atf ii, put tli ir imin! lt. on tlie tua
Vet on tlib jnai n-puidtiKii t;i iiir l .' ur I at;Mvi.
'lioe cl- i j 1 1-y: to puicliare our "oap a:uu:d e.viunhie
Ih itnmitil upon LVEHY 1'ul'ND oftlie tjjap Uf.TO tNay
Ukc It.
ftu'-lra riill.ADi'.l-T'iliA.
the ni:sr in uhk.
No. 730 CHKHNIIT Hermit.
Not only rKM'KM.KD tut UF' I.LKI In purity
o' l. iu' uud I'uwij , iii'njied e ) h: i h i t y for I'nurcheh an 1
Mi jnm, Lui i, und iu i-'iuniiy w-H .maptf J i the I'Arior
auu Irau Lwui. 1 ui aj ouly by
K. M. Bltl7CE(
. Its N.RLVfc.Mii 8tiut.
au. acrn plte a.fcorluifcut ( the reflect Mi-loiii-m
tJi.stimii) un liana. auH-iia
If to ln atlmlilnv n ,t ;
ll In l.l.ttr lit. Uh.,ii'Mh. (
11 in Ittf liltti.inini' iLmer,
"dim, ,ijig n, hour IlKAur. -
I' I" li.iv e ho. i ol lrln l;
Il f.trs,, , lo lome n.. il, ;
II mill litiro io vc,t ;
li s mm blr stum wlii-i. ilt 1!
Iftolttit throeiecrt and irn,
WinlllliK ilm u I..1IK ItSltllll
H in liin in,. i ,,c.
ll tn tlm ami n u j reatt IK ui u I
llyon nr, ui flpmnifi..
II .wit valuv tlili. win ill . irnitiuraa;
ll sv.rj tt.uiiuil iun woiilti
Tiu my Iul in,, uua ut; ihrtf.
Jl'Sit. Iiavlnn ll.nlih, Wlth.ntl llt sutjr,
lou 11 be on .ar?il for tmry duly.
H l cst-pftil t.triil ot Ur. WILLIAM Ytil'Kti'S Mow
Jioti., Illli. u lillMt.K III IliK, whli-ti kltonltl be rud
,? cv" t"t hol by lliK,cll. r iifiiei-iilh. ud at li s
"Ms. 'tlw.u
row h i i:.
In Sli.l.l.ot- ami s .1- It ml! ,nri'l)i r , it , i..t n, .rKt i
r.U'i. j
Iw.;M.s n V A I ) V 1 OIL l;I I.IVI.IiY.
I,. IMOli 1 A C O.
I 1 4 H. THTIIf Fl M'.
Oii-ihit ln Km
1 jK'iKHAIs lull 'IIIK IMI'.ltMvNt i)K
J. i"' a"i. so! it. r-.
run i" m ri . S. in' -r I.i. I --.I.
N al' (I pre imunN w II I" if" '' "I ' I 1 ' '' t m mi-
I'lTHll. I. Sn 1 I i ' . I H I' I t . t , ' .'l! i li ' - i I 'Vt I 'I
lii . vrh ii n t. tnr inr- ii t nni'Mi , hii in: C. - n n in
n ... 1 1 - mm. "i 1 1 l' ( il ' I I ' I . I . K I. I'll, ni H -I M
nl ii'i i-'iMi I In- luiuf -U tin 'til V 1 1 1 ' i i t ' ' I I ' .ilt
ll' I I.I III. Ill- It'll II hf I'll K'lT, h'i'1'11 1 1 ' i ' . ''il ' l 1 11 i ' A '1 ,
Siv ..M'. II ,.!.' in I u. n i"i:v.' M-ll. C- it Mi'M 1,1 .mi
iI;imii 'i un, tMiirr Hull, m t f.--. 1 1 v. .1- a t rt tinv
t! i r lli.-.ila! - , H.iri i'k-, ur iliic-, 1 1 ml iim) !' - -1 . . -lif-i
i l v it hi ti tiM t nil.
I mini'iii iin, -i In. tii'l-' i plain iuf ri' it '.f i'lh,
jiruMi. .1 ; ii n-f i i a r.iM' i" . ii i.t ; il . ' !.-i iu-,
Hit i II in. l'i ,i Cilt'll :if'it ft I, '"I I i" t f 1 1 U .
iiio i d I.) tl i i iii i iim i-t ) ,;m i .ill .-lull n i . --.! tn
li .il f 'fit- 'nrin' n.iiiili.'i'
.iihhii. pri. .i :i Tnn 1 ' t rwi.r-l' 1 '..r it.
Hllll UilT', VhlTP tii If tt'O I iu T'l il. lit I' i u
K i'l
KM . .
.1 III
l-t 1.-
Nti ;i:o, nl" 111 lif rrrri"'i mil' i
up'.n t l.uil ' . w '.i' li i .m ti- h nl nt t'tN
a .hi nun A li v t t imris know n al t um otiu
(. - t V f,
I' ll "I
t.. b. r-
Ull'lf ,
1 itr t'niff (1 St.t't r' ' i w h rLM (.. rr i n 1 I.! li
air int il in. mn, ant. I. nh n iui' r--iH.
l(y,.l1.:ifl Ai. . .i r. i M TV r M. .
Ai.l'.m: I' t ,,
' 11 l.'t ,'' un iim I v. ' M.
i) i; ( rosAiiS l-oit WALNir iii;i
1 II .1Ui-.
I'm i aiii ' "in, i.'itf t'l'.i-r l i. l I
H n'. il I'r. -n;il . i'l il r. i .'iv. .1 at Hi" t:i' o' i n'-
il- r. il ii. -I. tin II. .n.lKACH f.-r uim. n -n ... v .N . i
lAV V' tb Init , ..r ''f ii i m a-'f I ml' I 'ti w i...
f taiM. Ilninor .'tv.ft wl.iirt, i or luLir. OtfullCit
1... Ui l -
iHOWiilmt larrcfi, or IT' -ul i:n,ir1i, ith .iv ll tr-o, 1
t-rif h 4 Iff. Ui-', IH ili lii't u alf , 1 hi' l.f m tl.l k. iil i iti.i
on h11 Mt " and "In d. j
A triniptf1 m m t hv 'nt v Itti h prnpoal, aii'l niut I
lie iii.llur In tiiTt.jii.. no at tlii otHn.
I T"H,sUla, in i,e H-iiiM ii (..r tiu vMioK r ..irt or ttii
' prtif-nsiilB w Ul I-1 rffivcd utilfjt prnpnrh Ull tin
m .iii hi;in)H vim h ran jtj liu'l ui hi- ott.. f, iintl m-ct
In mmr u ti id l peri". i.o niowu nt tins . tli' e to lit ro-
ill. MKililf
Tliti t'nltrd S'nlr ri-'.-rvi ". tli n;M to n if 't .ill bid-
ilti mid in. oiiti at i''f will. It-, it t1 rt -t
Hyonlic ut t olmtt'l A.J.lfirv, (.'u.irti'nnn'tcr'M Ii
partu M, t'. f. A.
AI,l'.i:i(T M MMKAI.
"14 lot l';ipin a". I Assi i uii ij!irl.-i""i'Ht'T.
QCAUI l',l!MA ST I'. 1 1. - ( i I; N K 1 1 A I,' S OlTK'K,
i li st I MM inn.
VAonM.rnvOiTY. Aniitt ::t, Ihi",
IHiHsKH! llolS(.s: ! H iKSI.s: !
Unrnn Mittiil;i. nr Anili-rv und ;iv ulrv vln-will
ti inn I. iim d .it f.ll.MlKMtO HKt'ol'. iiio...u nnik"l. till
:! l.l,
lldl- h will Ik-il livrrrd tr (Viptn n I. I.owrv M'ro,
A. t,. M , and In- ni'i t'.-tfil to ilm ( mviTwrii' nt
iiitp! ri'ur oi-hTf hi-iiHf mn ttid
l'i . i .! ( n i, hi i v Mt'i'M't-, tl . "i f .ich .
I nee ni ArtiMi ry iimstn, ii..icli.
II. fill 111 I'l KU.ilC Il'l Sl il tlllll lll'ilf .
t'nlnllfl 1 ir-l I I I ,..,
tf Im : i i.'uurt' ni.a-.tfr i ii i,. rui t ' p. t.
UVAiii i;i(MAS! i u oi- i in;,
I'M 1 1 Mn I l'i: , P.. S. .l.iiif.r II. 1 t
.- .i !( tl I'roi o Hi's will hv Tft flvf.j a i cu-- niinv', in mi .
'I ri.l'Ai , K' o . .'k 1.. S- ; It inli.'i 17. m,1, nr inun...
tl .Hi-U' .! I'l V Ut tin itn i.,.-r '(i't S I .Ii ilm
i ll . i.i lllf t.'ll'.vv Ml ' U-MTili.tll' 111 m ;i: U M, I -i .
I ' ll l'. 1 . Il'l l. IK 'l tiV 'i-l'i IIM h.
'J.' -, in- I. h .'.-It. in. Ii. 7."i ir . ti l.v , In. I,.
l, Mt ,-, i ,,, ,, 1V ,,, uH-a. 1'iilV I , ii'.'h t,v it.t.'a .
4.i t l -I ii.. , 'iy ' . int i. I .( 0" I in. li L ' , i-u .
i.t t o-t ln Ii lv ' l. - I'M) (; . iii. Vl'V '. inc'i.
i" tin li ny inch, tv"" !l-' 1 11 S "i -li.
f I (sa Iim'Ii , 1 n. t h. ,s,i-. 1 , in. tl ti ln Ji.
j,' "o ; it. i h i v run.
II io b ii., 'jmsi .juality and t ta ln-t ni-ikn. and u'i
jf-'t lO lll-p.Tt..l.
ll ttili is t.- i;iti. prlcr tolri tn .vri In .ii d In iljiirp-j,
(tnm it y i f i noh . mc l:il lor, i.od ti; hli jiuaf J i-'l o
tin' rni:iHi fur ilt l tt : prit: lo unin.V it and
d-ln . i
h u li lid numt In- iMuiriiin. i- l nv fu'o iaaiTiuaia' ur-'f-miis.,
u itn-i- MKMiinr. immi li" ap n-ld in ihe miau n
mid .criii'iMl i.i ;i ti. .n.' ti,n. .md miM ifiii i..Mtri: va
tin Uif tint Ir fii. bv th i ( n t d Ht it- th(i; j u,
A'!'. mi s . nr l'i..1. ot , ir mi no r ptioJic uiVcr, iHi..t1-.,i
llo bid v HI not lio roiuiilprcd
l'i- rik'il i-- riMivnl in ri . .'1 a'l li If Ih itaM"d t'
h yt and i ,. i bid 1 1 tn i it tit t.illitnii: (.uiiUM. ttr id Ih- ro
'f. rd.
I nr I'l'tlu r liuuiiiirttion c ill at tli; oilli.', No. 11 1!!
OIK AJtli fn i'l.
IU of i'nk'iii'l A, .1. forty, fju iru iiiUM.-r'B On
pai tin-. iu.
t.KMtiii; it okii:.
n '.'4t i. plain and A. . M.
riiii.Ain i.i ni.. Hfpitmmt r d. i.i -i
ti lid 5'r p.i..i1 bf lv. iM'ti uiu niTii ( .ni:d
M M I - . Jiilli in.ilBlit, ii' lJ otl.Hn Al.. '..t iurni-hin'
AN 'HI" A- 1IK hl'f.vlKli 'iiai, Mr fit? !,. tri
no nt. lr u p'-iina tl mon hi. t'winincii.ini t O -i'ht,
m t. iihti,-) (iui.- :i m -Mil:, ri si,V ( nul to l;r.iM'i lii"-t
il'U'tlV llllir.Ullf, lllf till Utl' Of K' t'lltTI' I'H , t' 1 '1 I) 'JUi
jh in. il-- (.. pii' i. n, and it. t.' a tji't i ti, ins.,. -;-,,.
1 l.f I.'i mI In io b d. llvctfii on b'li-ci vd-ne.- in ih-1 po-ti
ol tin a- ipb ii or Nw nil, t,i siich -tn i niMt- un. ,u
Mich linn ii-ii.H. bv rf'iiiu. i i I'lirniriiii ii il'-i.i:iiidt o,
f f ii Hi" lit ii I Ui itt pt-r ' t I";.
In i':it ol ii iin- lo vi r tlf '.ml In rr-'p.'- nuitititv,
Ollll ftl tlf pinp.'r tl'IK'HIli I'M' ,V .(-litll ii r -
-.- v. ;ljc iUh' n ii akt yn.ul iinv ih"1. i,Mifv itv tmr mn
ui tlie n niTii' vr ii-h u l ''. i i-. i.f pri''' m it
ui fit 'nirtt:i,ly lor ih ' oci Of lin it-t un 't-uir.1 ' vu-.
m 1 nt tin - pi 'i I a nl .it N f iv orK .'ii I'.i1 t'Tiin an i coti
illlt iHuMvt' m.iu'd. iw nij p.-r vn will In vHhIm id
ll' HI l:V rtUlOIIllI o' ul' pMV li .'llU III 1 '. iV'ltcM r's"tv
lii'lt In lait Iti In-pii'il iiit:l lljf foipro't i-flid h if ')i"l
uniy miKpli lt d iMvn,. His ..t ih.r iu ii' e 'ttv p -r
tin I t 'ir liiilufif di f. win bf m-'dr in MitJilv , W Mr li tlie L)U
r rum lit ib in I'liixiB t'r lh4t piirpj-f.
Kuiii oi'i-r iniit Im' at'cni'ip.iii f c in a written tni'-iiitflw, l.v urn or nio'c if.nnii-.bif -, (th. Ir r.-ipoiiHi-biht
to In- r.r ll'cd by it Civtc'i st it--Jmi-:, AUmifV. .;r
t onn loi ). ti .it iliu in''i ..r ill, it hi or tun
Ii d he nrfi'(iid t Into rill.-n ooli.-a'lon, with t-ooil
ai d .i Ilii-oh! Nifii.'M. in it.o mi in ni' huadifd
band tiniiBi, to iii'rtth tli - pr H-f I'fti Sn im- nio
Mi.on w iii bt- ixu-bifrni unU'stj iin- ii iiiiH ni'iiua nd it Uc-
lii i lit uif ft.iapllcil w I; Ii.
'I tit- rii-lit I imt e.l to rci. i t all the bids. f MnM.vd
to lMo i bt- tiiii-i. si ot the mti i. t-1" nn bo, and no bid nom
u di t.i ii . tiiisi .'nfili a inr ii; bn n r. iv I.
I' to be t hrti.ri-i d t'ioi'o-.ilc for Coal fir tin
1 ur li.'pi.-ti' fii!,'' und ad.liTM d to ii,t uu bisik(iifd.
i 1,1 i- o Culuind A J. I'l l r , na-trriii;i ih r i- ll p irt
llli lit, r S. A. 1 11. OKI ,K. It. OltMK,
ti-lit Cupui h nml A.
j)RorosAi.s rou srAnoNi:uv.
Il.n--r tV It r it i'-' -s i , ii v I I'mu n Si ti
Ci i Kk - I ll i n ,, AU-'lisl ', . 14.
FKAl KU I IK'I l I.S ib bo ifi-fiv.'d ui ttini "HI e
umll Hill) W, tbc .;tnii dav ol h pii in'.r. 1;. a' IV
0 N r. M , t'T n.rnlsi Int. ei. 'ii th- toll .win. cl i Hsu-- .a'
slntl.tiv ry ior ibf u-t -t ibt- Hoiim- of liepiff tilutlvi's uf
li e (.'uilt tl Kia'cs. 1 1 r
lioionni Mini' ..uitrto post piper, rtr;i aufrtlir,
b nit litud
i'. mai biif t'oiuiii' r. lal n. .If i-Mii-r, tlia iuptr-
tin', fi n. i hot tl
V-'i rtni:!- w hPt mm"" i.i) no t- n.ipiT, x'ra sui'or-
I, uc, i-.iamp iui. l on ul! iidi
i'.v rt .mo. w bitf ciuiij. i 'tol tioif paper, vxtra snpar-
.u if am- biiti tool t ip p ip. r, crtru biipci ihif , ltdnt
llli. d
-'" rRiii li-!, il run pup. r, t-xir-i Mim'tHue, fid tit lined.
o r i in h II.. i .-un ,im . r. pl.wi.
1."- 1 If.tli S 111 T l Jrli-lill1 l p.ll-'fl'.
Nl'Minu Mi i- a t upi i . I M 1( I. i. i. I1, I'll, ing ll
roa. d. 1 1 r r- i.ui. vi rv n.u-.b and .m vo-ti.
MOrt'iiin. .vaidlu, i t, Ui'ti.'N. wdtrbliiK
i punudk fr rt-ani, vuiy Mii'Miib :i.l
VMJ ruiiii- SlanilU j.ijf, '7 l-y :i7 hoi 'i, HfiK'iUi-'
4t pouiiiis pt-r want, itaf. very Binrxitii and
7 i In il v l;it f adla-nh l" t-in fli.pii. '-, by ;l . Imdioi
Mi i oo ili,i,. iin h al.H s,,vt' . ,,v. 'Inp.i.( U ;i', ni 'b".
vo i'mi whi'i' ibii k aihi -i . i n H iiii ', s b : '4 inch.-.
1. ii n w I'l'f Ir. W .nibf -ir i i iiM l.jpi i, h by ' a liudia.
it H'O 1)11 f I oln fllVt 'npi H.
Iin (4 ii hnii ndlu nlf fin , io, n-n. 7 '., by lie.
1 y l . i ( "ol -H bf lit' t f, M.i,. a.
'.'.'ti L ' iffl i fii-. v riii- i.indv.
1 . ui" I nn. l l!;it ii.k mii.N.
1 1 do 1 ii ink l ,indk , v.irimis k iid
Jo do. ii bull!, h bist Uiii'fc ilM, lU- rl", p. lit-, and 'iu!!
I d"i t b it h ih In). . 'jt m's und n'ntit,
'. fi un iui fa r pi'hfiit. I u ii ii iop.
V, tnf ii unlit tinai' tt il iHiiiil-', ari-ms It bid.
U ni'- 'n )'ifH bail pr lfl., i.,i i' 1 ofiMifijii iiud ruitud.
No -i.
1 sh I' abt'r'a cannii'C und blue pirn ill.
r- J Ol - 1'nldt l'i, lit III l'i Ilt kiinin.
! .vi ii riii'luT fii-l.o d r, Minoiis.ili-si.
Tl llnI'll Ul ttlfh llllH'I'at', oUlull kiXt,
litOn. i'ii piii Ki T'itmy cnuU.
T.'i pMibi pink tap i'.
i!-"' pounds hvt-l hcarlct Fc.dinir wax.
t; du.fli diurii', loi' lM..ri, various ki.ldi.
r ib si i it un iiiniaiiUiiiim, vai uu kind.
2 llntll ltJUil"'t.
ll" doi n piiinT-loldfr.
U itoi ii rubi er iuit
2 doin paptr weipbtii.
1' dorii p. li-wl(ifr.
HO df ;.ett pot ivi i, Iwo, tli'tc. four, uui sl
biitdir.: hi ax', p.-url, Lt-ll, aud in) i,..idU'j.
1 di - li !' Iin n fbf al .
it pounds i t isiiiL- rubber
Ti Klfks 1 ulbf r lail's and;i
ai r. mi 'un iiiiiont. It. by lilt Uo.
i doxi-ii upotiKt- fui'.
1 dofll pllln l:f.
In tbf inppi oi tondH.c mlrsK -tor will b rigidly re'iuind
to luiuittb uriii'h k i'uii a-'tul t tainile.
rit poMiU miibi Lf afioinpanied o,v tlio nauMi ol tlit surc-tit-
int. uc t il to bt oili-rt d.
A- rt'iulifd I v law, pietcreiHT wlil In1 Rivtn U tin' prt-diii-tlciiB
oi Ann-lb mi ludi'stry, ii opiallv i-lu ap andoi iu
tl'iod 'iiiullty ; and all pi-1 tD niaU nig pl.H)iiai.s to mtpply
uu rlaoi Mit l(l a vi ill siu't- win- titer tlie ame am Uie
UialiulairtUie ol t lie I lilttd M.ilt'i.
'I hi' arut'lf art-to lie Of livi-iutl, frei of any rbarR for
carriati. at lieoifrt ni ibf ( lt-i k ot the ll' iiM-ui Hi-pre-atntatu
. s i n .-r b. I' rv tbo I " th day ot Vi eniin r, lr..
h Hili piopoaal lo la t'lidol .tt'd "l'lptiaU t r HlH'ioiit i v
iur tl. Hoiim- of lifjTiM'iitatiM'B ol the I tilted huio, '
Ul d addrirtid t" tl i" Ui lUrstjiial .
Miita ii ill upt ciiin n oi ea. b tinsNof artii-'cs propnM
(or niiift a. ininpttny tin ptopf ha), marked with Hie uttuio
01 iin. bii'di-r.
1 be person (fti'Tlnir tn fntninh any clas of artlrlcs at
tlii'b.wi'ht pi ice . iualfty eoi'f i t.'i'fil. shad iiftie a con
tiait oj' tbi- MJii.o mi lAei tilii (t a noitd, w It h two or m na
bin f tlio, i-ulibiwi toi lu tin' i ii ik ot tie lloiijeof Iti-pru-niitailves.
!ur tlie M r(uniianri'o Miu tutue, under a Tort-nun-
ot tin :t tlie mill nn t price, ill ruse ul fmliiii, wblch
bond iiuiki bw Hied lu tbf oltu-t- ot tin- mtid Ctfik w itbiu ten
tlnyt uttfi-ihe piopiiaU ha e Inv u opt-nfd aud tbi reuU
di and. KLWAl;l Mrl'llLltHON.
C'l rk if H.c Uoue oi Kt'pifKciuain fui I uiivd iim tel.
I"l'KK M,IK1TS.-..500GALI.S. rt'KK MI
rim, oiuth DhhiI'. Us iiifcuei viny iiiiriKihi'... lor nuli; by
acU-61 -No. o . i itv 1' 0tivt.
u r i AUK A N i r l-M I N I H OY
ICM "- . kw oi;k i 1 i.h.
TT 1 I 'tn.'li ii ami A ruin y ami Phi Inn inhta and Trwnu.r
B.iiiionii t. iunjint' l,ir i from Hliitaleljiua to Maw Tori
and W :b-
win I- nw a v!. - rata.
At i. A v.. v a I i.inUt n and A mhof , C. and A. Ae-
i.-mtii. iLtticn 2V
. M , v-a raiiitl.n ai A Jri-y 1 uy. Murntng
.M I.' M . 1a Cnii.df n and Mui' , C anJ , Aoowra-
r'. t ni fin
At j p. u ri-iti-i- n iit.'l Aiii'-DV. 1 . and A. Kk-
2 iC
1 71
a ' i r m.
(i " i t i
AIM' M , '
ai''' n an-1 A ini"y . Ac.'
ll Mi.d Am'"
n-fi I't ' .
il-l '1IO Utinn
1 .1 I I'M.
1 V
i .v
.1 1
w ; . r ii,, ,4 1 1 1 " I n
li' i H i. .bt mn! I'a-i. i
7.. I t - .I..
l e M uah 1 1 Vii'," n
r i-t " i nin'.' iv i,',.' .
I r I.H ii iti ,pi ii i
t ' r V t lb. bv. r -
. v i, -i' i. . M. v ,i ,', i
1 All. .' 'tl I-
). I'l ClaM ll. kCl.,..
3 I
r n
r tb'-
. A.- . :n IV M.
i utr Motion-, at P. M.
l'i u.ti. rtnn, and Vinca
I -r I -it I.i at i. . M . "i. V.
r- r HtinMt. :i.ri .n. I rlmiro, .ov
V- , " i'i. ;.. !. nt. n f! . ., m j
a- .1 "I M. 1 la- .i to ar-l i I' M. hn.-l r
r'f, M'irMntftoTi,
i.' m.i.i .;'..-..
i -! ire-'t throurh
t I' - i
I i a' " 1
.-a, IM
fn, 1 , l.ini'O. Ib vi rly, a. id BiirtlnK-
t, ,(..,. ;t 'IrrtMon, f.r H-it... Ilo, M-.:rn, iTvarl?.
or.". an urd 't nmyy n n tt A V. an.! i'MV M.
1.1 N I 4 rip M KK.NMNiilON IM-.i'Or
1 '' -'
A'l . M , (n;i lu K n-lru'tf, atul New York, m
m !,"v "ii iiii'l Ni w WrV Mh'I. W'-'Cv"
M 11 15 A. M. v a h b n-Mi.-Tnti hi d If -r Clt hi F
At I - i I. M iil K f ii'-iniiloil .uui Jfr-fv (lly IU- "
I r. 3'W
A 1. M., !a l.nn.wi'iii n. .h-r-f City, ,C
W ii . ti t' ii and N- w ork i;mh i-h. f ftr
Hri.-;. KM ", it i.v .it t -v. M. .in.l C V. M. T'tarfl wd I
b-' m. ilt f ill I A. M. ( Viibi I on Moi.i:vv
I- nr W Bt'T ( i.i p. !vr mb l"i' v, .t. in ton, tV!KoihftTT M
M.oiir. ' .(. pat ifi. M nuli i I nnk. o-m, pcibi.-
I.. Ui II. .dt I - I- ;a. li, I in. I.- ' l 1 . K!i"ti1 'un. ,',t , l
7 1.' ,M 1 Mr lm. v- Mi. .'1- lib llif t .iin b tt- lit Kab.L ,.4
b r Mam b ' I auk tr .1 ". r m.
1" t r I.miiN n i f nnd lob't i:
I r KnMnl, 1 n uti n. .Vc. a
r. t,ltl .. Ill .1 P. M.
.i ti J ll ! A. M , and S
' 1
r. m
r. r M hnf'biirv, Tn. fnv, VV; lO'tiMu'. Prld kLnri. an
I r, m A. M ,.,.' I--. and l M. I'lii-'i A M. I.i i it) .. tir-t- l
li 1-rNiw Vtk piuI W'ht Mum b u int- K'-nlntoa'
I 'i i 't t .i h f I! (T'.t nn I t'j, -ijo. I, ab'.M- W rti'int, ImH r .f
1 ."ii I ib t rirti Tb.- CiM run la'o tbe l. out, miu "1
on ii r ial t f.ifti tr -'n mil tr. m ibt- i..Vt... m
I iiU 1'in.iUol bi ; uf -niy aian' -d f-n d p.i-!.. J
l'i' - VtiM h an p:nl :i t'f .1 fr. in t tf t inv ttnn. :i- bat.'
I ut tl.i ir v. . a - Int. ai'pn'f t. 4 b i ; m. i- m cr lift t rtoiHids 2
I- I'c n .I ti.r f, :u llif nn. i. urn ii fi tt tl "tr V-poiim i
hibt t..r biivi in tn One 1 r Vo n.t I, and IH uoi i; , 1
li..liif n r aii ariitiunt bi-vmid b"). er.-iit bv apfcial con
lira! um'i rntnur KxpraH w 111 rull Pt and dcU'rr Af
j-nif at lt,c In p.i'n. Or. Iff' tn- I.-:' ut No -1 MrAI.Nl-'j ;
at -tt. II. t.Al.Mt.K, Aent. ,f
Aih-h IKK4.
W 1 1,. ,KU r; v,f
I rom foot of Tonrnan Mre.'t aiWM.nTid 4 I. M. vi .1
,lil -f I Itvatuli atiiiirn;u 7 and It . M . tl 1', M-.anu .1
I'.M Nisjl I) .:i .It i n y Cjtv and m n- lns'"in
I roinb -d" tt;tr. 'n -tit-i t, at ti A. M. and 2 V. M.t Vat A
Ambnv and Cnm ' n t
From I'i' i No. 1 N .rth ltivi-r. at 1J M , 4 and K p. H. i
l rt 'ibt nnd I'liniwiKt'O via Aaibio uud Camdi-n.
a ml ttif htiitioim t.ii tl.n I'u'ndi'ti and Auitwiy and ojn-'A
Iicrliiit; KaiUuik!.
iNCUKArn hKt'ATi ii.
Thr Camdin iintl Ambov ItHiin.Hd md TriumportatkirJ
!oiopaii 'n rri'iubt I ittf lor N.'W ork will it-avo VliiiU J
nn-i i w nan on nn- ain r .January iiut i.niiniia-s ev
i't i it i at i o i-loi k I' .M .
f t tin r.'iiK, tl.e an i I, int w Ilt lca i- X-v York at 1 an i
4 V M. I
Frmlit mum be dt'Mveri'd bef. ru ilt. be for- j
Varot 'I t) r n. ine ilav. i
l-reljl'l tr I tfiiin'i, Primvton, ti, Vt-w ttrnnn ,
f if k . and nil m.ti.lH on Hie i jroiti'ii un.l A'il'i'i U lilnn l. '
Mm. nn Hit !'. l iiit n . tn awwrf , and Ha um.-t in, in.j Sen '
Jt i v , i,t r r timid aid juIih (.bn-l.-. u.l tiif liarlinutor l
and M- ni t ini KaM'-naiU. ri-t ei rd in. I i r v ir.b tl up .
l",orl...k I'.M. Mnatl pttukapn br Mount II .11. rewiveti 1
til. t.. ' o . lot-k V M
Mn- 1'im iL'i ie i flaw.irr Ituilrnad .nn t'i't s at I'blUlpA'
t;:r.' wiib tl.j 1 . In b nlbv Kiliroi' t. I 'i-- Smv d-Tn.-y V
Iflillrnitil f'Mitifi l HI K!-.'"'lll Willi I'"1 N"W dlTHI-vl W
i ftit i a I rilromi, nod at Nfn ,irk m itli tlie M -rn nnvli-4
I. phi K.alrt'iid.
A utt. tin tnnri ii tun. -l e ilvm. tit- in irkh and num.
hf m . fr'.io t f fs ati'i i-nf.-sli. f n mutt -n o - ry Inst am oa J
hfiii ni i, i nt ti ti no 1 1 yn tih, r no I- 1 1' p' u ill b' iri on. -1
I ncrriii -1 nn ill luMom.' b. n uui'' tor !In' irnsjior'a-
tiot, nt i.i k I n( . or.-vi r tv ntviiftl i.. try !n .-uiitt'. (
U let. tl f -'nik l fill I, Iftt fit III 1 1 Hint' f of T AO tJ
I'MlWir nion. it uld bt- .n liveii-ti at tn- f .-d of Kurt if t h
nrrt't-i. to nr tbo Droe nrtl. ' at Tier N' I North
l'i fr, im ibt bbl pt -H ma v . 'i r' r at t !,t- tin.e tif thA 1
ab.Dii.Lbt. AI.tK't I KI't.M N. Kri'i.lit Aiiint. ' i
fo Ji H. In-'an i.rf tn.f, I'l.diitlt'lp'na, . J
(.!;. B KAVM'M. r'n.Mn Havnt. f
ja.i ii i if r o i .or!ii uiver. ew torK.
piin.Ani i a and tut:nton and-1
M A.MIiKN Ahl AVtiOY It A 1 LKOA IM'iJaI !A N 1 Kd,
no i in;
f n .1' d aft'T MN'I A . .iut;ni..v I, is. . th Trnlna fr .
io., -fuMiiK uint (.t-ii i.ip',1, rbiind.rpnia, Ht
.'i'l - A M (Vtfbtl.iit d I -Hi M . rtnii ipt- Urttiu It'avlnj.
Niw ork ci H A l. and 7'of) T. .M.. vi ll ln-roil'mr Ih nm ,
exvln-iviiy fi-r t'nt't il SiHt.i .Wijint and Ni-- Yorl
ui d W ii. lui ton ru oupMis, and vv ill nut lake In nor lot "
Oil I llli pil M IU f Fi l'i t ''!! rd. ci b
'I be In A. M. and 1.' Minnivbi Li-a- f om ViwYorktA(
m in.- 1 1 .in n .ti i i , fi. iaii'i irnai
W abllton tt N.-vt v. rk. will ioiiiltiu at at pru-i'nt, aud
i uri pa-sii kiTb to nnd ( mm ttif r.iediati) and
Hi-1 1 in on1. WibpiL'toii, nr i Ni'v York
jjiin o nf m i.ntint' unii, iioiii no"Mryinii M'pt'"t at
1l'i:.A.M , 1 Mt, nml III.'. P. M.,aiid li '') inidnU'l.t, and
trom Walnut Httfft WMirt ivia t uiinU-u). ut ti and S
M., 1.' y4 arttiil' M , tfirN'-w t.ra.
Anaiafh New loifc, tiom j i ol Court Iwndt Ntroft,
t 7 A . M - I'' A M . 1'J , 4 and tl P. M , mm l 12 nii i
M b', auu lioui loot of Hi'n-lay m-.i't ut (i . M..audJ
r. M. W M. A. OA :.mkh.
ll"-tJ' A:(fUt.
I4 il
r K N N S Y 1. V A N 1 A
'I nr. ci:wAT it.i r.i r ticm k .-.i tmr k(;itk to
iHK WI'.iST, N"l:.llVIM, A.M MII TIIWKT, -K'.ini
uti tit s and in il ntjt :or ii.p .n 'i.t fdv, ami coin- 1
foi i t' c ti ui . ni mn tl imMt'ivi'i i uiihiir.maio'tl tv any ,
ruiitf in :t f i uurilrv.
I r.iii a it iw t iin- Itt-pot at r.I.I.VtM II and MAKKET T
Ht'ct ip us t. li'iW fr :
Ainu Tiain at
f iif I im nt
1 I PHU b iL.lirf'-fr at . .
arfrdn ru T ain, Nn 1, nl
I'ailii "burk' Tra.n. No.?, it
... 7'3a A. M. A
...11 A. A.M. 2
...lo-;.o 1'. M. !.
...In (nl . M .
... 1 nop M.
... S : IV M.
Hurri-i Ui;: Aci'nii inottu'liiU at
LhIk'&iIui Train .it
1'uoli A t mn uilaiion (lea vtn W. at fitlaii-i-
4 iw P. M .
fi Ort P. SS,
pina ) i.t
'I I
I brniivb Patfri iH-rrs hv ti,n Fn-t l.ln rcmdi
a tKBft (or
Rtippt'l. w ht it- w ill nc found t x llt-n; aivoimimdatlonii fT
lli t iu tbf Lovan llou-f. aiul wi t'lf iu irnimr may
taltf f tin r ii i-bi H't.'ii ih or H tit if n -rt- INorfim. fftab of
wlnc-b uiKf Ci'Miffi.iiit nt I'MtU-nry f'..r .ip points. AiJ
d.M'iu vifw ti ill ua aib nb'd of the t.ntiro luie and iU t i.tiiuiTt H'imciy "
I I.t- IbitK.i-li I- xo'-i'ai Train runs daily; all 'iia other
Ira-Hp (id ly fxct-ni Mtiidava.
bv) l'iriHht l;ii A N 1) IIIK WKMP.
Tbf Mu. I I r.i.n. ! tisi i int', aol Turouffb Kxprflii crni-
in i-1 ia i .ii' in k iu. ii mn fi i tranm . n ni oivfrwnif nuui
If Oin tbut point, Nonblt-tbH i.ukcia. Wo-t to tn MihI-
fill pi uiiti M.-ouil ifivcrt. an i h.miiIi un.l minwtMt tn aU
noit.ts u(fltll by ruiirond. Tbronuh Tli'kic to C'ovtt
Ini.d, Ht ti oil. Ct if a o, I'au), CbiinbiiH. Indlauapo'tl,
Ht l,.,un., Lfiiveimnun, Kii.nsm, Wla t- iiiK hnvtoi), Jln
l iMt.itl. I.t uv;lf, Cmro, and ail otlii'f print ipal poluta
and cuf.atf ci i rkiM M roiiitb
IN I'l AN A Im.i NCM It tl.(AI.
Tbf Thrt.iivb I'.xi'ift I. tmnv ai Id'.iii P.M.. connwla
at (Uiiii st iiu-ii i t Ma-linn u nn a train on thli road for
libnr i' if. I iiiiuii'H, ( i'.
1 ) t- 'I hitu., li Kiii'" I rui' . Ifit v mil ut IU ,10 t. Al . roll-
rt i : nt t 1 1 ttji. a' 1' b - M . w m ti m 'rut ii on tbe road
l..j- In ni. b':ijj A Ifillll u mo it-av tn Ciuibtiu tor lUitiiubuXtf
at P M.
ilDLLlIiAYmU'lt'l l'.l:S'MI Ril, .
'! I.p Mali iraiii at "t'2 A. M , nd '1'!, Kxprei at
10 V. AL. coitu-- I ai All'tona Wiui iraiu lor iiuiliU-
bun; ii' ; r m. a.f n m
ninM. AM) CII-AKllKLM itKW.'H KAlLftOAD.
'1 hi- '1 hioiij. I t'NpM'tK 1 ruin, ifuvinu- t Ji. ay p. , o.itl
I'Oi l ui '1 ri'iit- nlU' a i rum ti.- Hanoy ttul-,f und Pluliiin-biirj.-.
and b Itabt Kk1o V al!y lor port At all id
Mm -I in;, at o It. in-1. .iiU-.
Ill Jt I IMII'CN rtli P.RoAlt TiH L'MLH')AD.
'I If I jtioi-nti t- pilots ' rain, b-avi).,? nt lo mi P. M , con
D'tb in 1 ut'Lii kiiai with a iru.ii p-r lloi u ji and UkxxLjr
Iim- ai i' - A M
MiKWiLltS i KMLAI. AV I'll 1 1, A T K I. PHI A AND
KKti. H Util
rir fit rl ury. Wbljinii -n, I tv-k lU-an, K'uura, Ko-
r).it r. Li.l.uf , r all-. oa.f 'iiur lak 114 the
.HilT'iitii u 7' A. M., and iih T- rt.iub Kit pros at
lO'.'i'l' M.. t'aii 0 1 c,i iindityn 1 dire. tl. Mirouvh,
w 1 boot 1 1 unm ol ca;a b ihuu' ITii'adt pnia uud Vid-Init.iSli-
ti.r tiHK. IIANOVKK. and (iK. l'TVSittTlt'l, th. traim
l ts intf ill k ,. M, Mi.d i .i (', .M , ci ct at Coluujd)i
vi lib u u iim on tbf .No t i. ni'inir il K.i'iioid
I'm-Mail I iiii nl 7 J.'t . Mt , ua I ilitt'iii Kir.'mi ft
11 -M IV l ,it at ltr ..iiia uiiti liAin '..r i.'arlUla,
i 'lit labi I 'If 't , und tlNuiiMiiun.
w A s i.siu ci; i.i:am:ii kailkoao.
Tin-tn.iiis imvini-nt ; l' a. M a d i H P.M., ennnart
a: 1 io 11U4 ii-w 11 w nb iiuiiii uu . unJ tu ay nu burg
ai d 1 Hi I'lui'iMiiii' frit 11 1
r 01 fit'tl tr Intbi mat ion ai pl ut ila- Puifiuf r Ktatloa
b. I. tolDfl ol 1.1 J. l l ll u tl M AliK K I' Mrufti.
.1 WI- m 1 1 1 W i 1 , Tii kut Axunt.
CiiviMl T 1 .iK 1 Kl'.IS.
I"ur 1, f.,ftt ,.r P.' in ml a hi vf i j I .w r'm, for the ac
ctiinnita'ttiion ..t pfisniiB ivinvut tf iom u, or looaiad on
ur 1 i n il t lino oi tl.f load.
Cut PoN TICKl Tft,
For J6 trips l-at cen any two poima. at about two ent
pt-r ailic. 'l tn kv tick uti art- ltiteiitiad for the ue oi taunb-a
tru .-iitiK trin.ot nth , und aru of tjrtat advaiiUu U uaraou
iLiUl.lUk ULI'UklUllul tl 'pM.
hCIHiOf, TK'KPTft, i
For ore or tl rec muiitiii. lur tbtt ue oi acholariatleudiu
tiboul In Uiu cuy.
An Euilf-rnrt Aii-oinnifilaiioii train lt-av No. I'M Inrk
It i t i 1 1.1 1 (m.i.d.v a t I'pitid 1 ui 4 o i-lock P. M ,oib rliiij
a it n.fcrtnblu u. nit ol navfl to tainiiift koIiu; W t. a
inn -bull iin- iiDiit I ratfol la 10 Particular utUutiontt
paitl 1.. baj.:ie, bn uliu-li ulituk are ctvi u, aud baxgt
tot waidt'it by tin sain- tiaiu wuu paaauiit rb.
I ur iui! uiiiiiua ion. t j-i-u to
MtAN.'irt il'NK, r.nittfrant Aitfnt,
o. l it liUCK. autMSt.
An aire tit ot tbit raiiabli- Kprc. (oiupanywltl pant
V torjtli t-aih tiaiD bt-loiv reartuu tbf 1. pot, and like up
1 to 1 h and dt-iiVfi ba'Hue to ui pa t ol Ir tit. ii.s-
fd.jf vi. II bt emit .I b.r proinpil) wU-ii ordi-ra ure lull at tb
'attfrfiiit.'r I if pot. Kiev 1 in h and Mark ft ttri-utn. 'I ttawP
lliii pUoiiC lta(lilld thill tt mtne'.y Itionn0i.
I tt L K ill! ih.
Ity thia route Irt-jl.ta of all dMcrlptlooi can be far.
wuiddl I., ai.d irin any poiuiH on tbi- ialirouj or OJdu,
h i'ii(.iii.y. liiditilui. lliilioiH, Wim'oiuiii, Ion it. or Mishonri,
bi ta-lmttd jinrt,or o any ponn on tbe lutUyabU) waters
Oi un- o m f n 1 1 1 1 m irJin riiiHoniK. vj
'I bf r.itfftof Uvu ai tu and Hum any point In the WotC
ny tbc rrii.ivuiiiA central jiaiir-ikii aru ui auuuii's at
faMnat k a- ure charged by otb.-r Lailrnad ( oniianloi.
Aim'iiiitiU und frl.lpporii eniruHtina' tho trutiiportaiton ot
tlu'lr fn iKltt 10 this Company cau ruly w ith court debut) o
U& kpu-dy transil.
l ur tit-ii-iit toiiirftfth or stiippluR dlrecUoiu, apply to ot
adiir' tlf A&M- nt of tlie ('tnupanr :
h. It. KlNtiVJ'ON, Jr., Philadelphia.
). A hi l.WAUT, Pntbbuiti.
( l.AHK A CO., CtiUua.
l l t ll A 0.,u. 1 Aator llotuo.or Xo.l 8. WtUUial
ati'ft. how uk.
I I r ( 11 at CO., Ko. 77 Wusliliivion stri ct, Boston.
V ll 1,1AM ltliOWS, No. o Nixih fcUAiut, iiulilmort,
Auiut sfeof them Cenurai ilaiiway.
lf. If. IKM HTOS,
General Kreiylit An- nt lMdUd Iphta.
1.LVV14 L. HtiUPf,
Oiocral Ticket if nt. iiniadi ipitia,
QeuvraJ Bupululttuaaul, Ailwua, im