The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 16, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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1 id!
Latest SoulIuTii News
Full Details of tho Death of
John Motrin.
Latest lrom
T.lacon, Georgia.
"EWMnKii" t t:ii: sirrino
Confederacy " ia
i - -
General Sherman Very Severe.
L.08S Jt our Millions ol Dollars.
EUv., lie, Ric,, inc.,
Wo hnvo received the Hi -lun m.l .'.a-ao'a.'i- if
tic lut.h jn-innt, from which wo make tin- foil, liv
ing extracts :
Tin- Wnr ri.
- Yesterday, bring Sunday, ra fruitful oi'rumors
most nb-U'd icla'ivc to iiirtvcniciit-i said to lie
taking place in ami iitcjut I 'ctcrsburg. They an
unworthy of the spine it would re (ti ire to icaeat
tin- ni.
Wt have authentic information that yi s't-rday
was one of liie mint quiet dais ut I Yter-burg
Ihut. bus passed during r 1 1 mi culled siege. N it
fn wan beard to liisinib the stillness of :h.'
.".iiinmin oir. mi l'ruliiyiho enemy cultured ;i
small pur'y of i nr picket- south of t'iu town.
This driving tu ami capturing ol ptcKut- is a thing
of daily in currence when great lio-tiie armies are
In close proximitv. I! ih sides praetiso it, an 1
. all riHortiiig )!. ct, w In nun outpost., r uit-l. r
tlit'ir being ruptured or "diiktu in" anion;; the
must probable ot events.
i It will lie m n from ilio following mil da' dis
patch lrom Gtneral llo id, Sherman pro
' poe to make a desert of the titv of A'luuta, All
t the while inh.'i' hunts arc to ho torn from their
homes mill M iit either to the North orSoii'li. We
are ut a loss to divine ihi' I'.'ibc of this cruel nn.l
haiburotis iniasiirii. This is Gdmral Hood's
1cfpitch on the subject:
'IlKArnil'AlllKK ' Ai.'MV in Tt V ,'. S, ,, niti, T '
lltiik. l.iu'iul llragu ill moil sin renin i..s ,', i r- I i'
. If IllUval III' nil f'Ol'ln IMMH Ailli'li. IojiMiM ' S,,,i,n
' a. lliey nifty necl . lol l iu.,ii,.s,is ii iru, o l-ir ten ,J n a to
iuovlite fur llm o .o.p m i jtmn ,,i hu'"fi ll ui.iv il,'-lr.- I'i
W'liifl .Siimli. Ilioi' i:vl, himI nm in iHiii-: i-rn:i'-iHn'iitn.
J. it. i. in, li.-a, , ,i,
( tt hi i li f Sii..
' From the f.llo.vinn I'r-nt.'h t"ro,n tii'ii.-rai
' IIooii, it will he hti'ii thai V heeler h m rH.h'n hi
Circuit unci id Date. He has jiroix'ily liy tl is ti n '
joiuc-U I-'iirrcst. What ho i.ceotrj;ilUnea duiin.;
hid xiiclitioii lie t. l.s himself:
"IlKADgiAHrttllS KM V ill T I VN I K. S. p'r ni'ilT 111.
KM, , r, nn,v . i,,.,nvin ,, ,;, , i, M ,.
. tM-i-n noplvtil l' .lmor-il r,il Wit.'rlcr. Osi.-.l at a
liiilnt lif-lwrtn I ;mr.-lM-e!iir. I'n,i,ii . an.l,.
liiium, Maiiiitani, uhC'iiiiiJi una u; oa tuo .l. ,
( !i a ra Iruail and ilit'ii tv.irKt'.l U"wn oa tru- .Vloi cil i ui I
.'I ll.l e-M-f I iilrnuil. Wt; ,..sir".',l III v ,M, m tl ; 'n- I'-ii
J.i ia IIO.lll. nn.1 His,, .i..-ml If lliMn,!,.! ium, I,
ll'ill 111 eert lkh Hum lur wi M llm fiii iiiv tvit ti o-
'i'it inr:m- s'til i-Miifii-tii-; I iln,i'itfi,i ,t I ,r.',! 'uniiti r
VIA s ' t o i.i Iniiiitti-.t Khl.'il anil wcu ult-a No
ahlinl! iltv botu, l -irt'ti ir nit us in a.
Confix . ,
Inn ilt st MorBixi t i oiiimttixl.
as Iieate3 B lfc'l Duke, formerly of (;,snori
brail"1 Mo' Ban's stall, h n neen asslneil 1 1 the
, a uiii.iiiKi ot ilio ilt e u-eil elili li.iin'ii ti o ip ..
Ci.U in 1 1 like in a vlitsliii.yoiing olli;c-, of ii irm
UOiinigi) ninl line u"i ilies.
j, la this eiitiuei iioii c May sav th it (I menu
Tii.huii'n ollU'iai ii;iiirt of iliu killing of UeumMl
.Moiitun wus. Ji' e ail Yanked army ruinrcs, stu.
,lliously false. M..i-jan's eomanna were oatshlr
iff the town of fire, nville, nuJ wore ii'.-vei- on igj.l
ilh the ineuiy. s
V I llaiMill, ""I"rl:i,
llrf llttsworks are heme tAu l,a "!) nrotiml
Maeou. The citi.t ns of .M.isniillti "
fi Ik ut lie I'vaciiuiioii of At n:n.
daem n appealing io the t'lli.ens i "P"a thf 0 ill
no oriiaiiize una he pr-patetl tj r 'M-t nip.1"' 'jf
imrty that may be .-cut ananist Clio pla', r'-'"ty n'l'i
oui ilnl of Jn. ibucu' have iii.iu a hh i -jit ,.'i .in
Mae n hnspiia s, an. I a lare imnrier ir' re sr,'"t
n in the i.verriia country to her nlic.ulv en,"'1. ."'.'!
tiopmaiiou. " ,r'.,
iuil.vuf ic VtI l (lie Iti-itili ( ic'"
r.l .flitritu.
,The Abingdon Virginian gives the followini;
Jiliieiitiu voision ol the t ireiimst. uiees under
ilileh the gallunt and lamented (iener il Morgan
Die to bin death ;
On Saturday, the .1,1 ins'., accompanied hythe
arigitdea of (,i ner, lloiia, , ami Nniith, and a
iluehiiicni ol Vioilian's, wuii lour picecs of
irtilif i.v.tjeiii rai Moroni and tins'. ul'aiiriwbe I
4ie town of (ireitiev.lle, leune see. (seo.ns had
rounlit the in) niua'i m that the cneiny were not
farer than liuli'n (i ip, mi.,.n miles ,ii,tani
f d, iu iiiiuition, a Ku.ird had hoen sent into tho
illume to reeoiinoiire.
Upon tho reinrt of the i ntiro u1nenvo of the
f.rmy, Cus-el's llattalion, e nnmaiid.-d by 1' ip-
. .ill J. M. Clinke, to'-'echer with the lour Kiiua,
jere jioMed sonic three or lour hundred yards
om the eourt-house w hen General M ny ni ami
,4s BtiiH'i ruert d mid estunh-hed bead pi iru rs a'
e rt sidetii col Mis Dr. Williams, near be centre
I the iowii. ISnoitly alter tile udcnt of the
iintd in town, vnuim Mrs. W illiams, ii iuhter
a-law of tke ladv at whoso liousu (i mernl .Mir
an had his lieaUipi irieis, disaiipearjd ; a mt
pb hi nt lor, but ei.uld not lind her, ami a -Ue
uMirned with theciu iuy next moi ii'm:, ii. aim uis
je bi d ri.idi.ii all itiu way to Dull'.siiip and
1 (liven iiilonnatiim of Morn in s wheiealwuis
i.o the stii iif'tb ol the tiaiii.
I'rieiiutioii hitl lieeu laktn to prevent the
Eressnf piraon. who mi;:iit louvev tniorm.itiuu
the emniy, ana all Hie anil avciiuis
Tie pieKuieu. Atccr M.siiiiiK the cam, is an. I
-eint! tht I'ieliets had lueit iluly po ted, ii, iiurul
'iiriitin iiiiil his -tan, it a late hour of tin- ni.-ht,
(tin U to n st. lii iii, rt utiy faiin'ii( d, thev hlep!
'ty 'til' "'i'i were suiilcd fioiu tV:irslum-
ers Hliuuc six o'eloeU on Sunday mnriiiii bv
le elder JMrs. Williams, who Informed them ilut
Yankees bad suriouiided the buue. The
, Beral and bis Btal! at once sprang from their
(ds, armed themselves and rushed out at the
Vposito door to tbut ut wbith the Yankees were
Ou the side of the hoe where they ese ipej
eic is a very large ard and Harden, w ith a
tiiit deal of and u vineyard. These, to
''.ber with the hasument of the eld hotel ut the
rill h western ixtiuuity of the grounds, enabled
.mi to coueeal ibemselves for a time, hut the
imkees by this tune beuau to appear -o thicK
ad last around them that coiieealiuetit became
opeli'ss, and they rushed out to attempt to tight
(tir wu (lirougb, in the hope of succor and in
stance frani tiie huttalien so near at hand. Tie
jlci ti with General Morgan were Major Gusset
I Captuins Withers, ltogers, and Clav, and a
aiig gent euian by the name of Johusoii, a clerk
Die oilice o( the Adiutaiit-Cieueial. At this
pe they were all, except Withers aud Cluv, in
j! basement ol tuo old hotel, occupied by 'Mrs.
y (wife of the notorious hushwhucker and mur
Kt now in our possession), who was all the
tic culling to the Yankees, informing them of
v biding place of the '-itehuls."
tHjeing escape ulmost hopeless, General Morgan
eeted Major Gassett to examine and see if there
lany chance of escape trom the front of the
eiiicnt Into the street. Mar (iassett looked
jj replied that there was a chance, but it was a
perute one, which General Morgan did not
ir, us tit that instant tho Yankees charged up
Ithe tence sepaiating the hotel from Mrs. Wil
,uis grounds, when the General, with Major
.''il,Tl'l'll!l'str'' a"a M'- Johnson, sprain?
"cr .'.li"0U.01 "lu r'"cyaltl,wheu the ttvo
flL uuJV'''!'' "I,J tl,B "oneral killed.
te s and ( l-s.r'VU,Wl'en 110 ,u- t ptttii.s
iiiui and Clay bad not been able to vet out
ncarT' MJi 'm1, " aomselve. n
' and vliv
1 lie if;il'iu
ir 1
: of
t ir.-.' .ill. 'i
't' only K'""i
itj'.i (lis . r.' I
,r ii is.cfs in-
it'll', aa I Ilio
l as sn,i tes 111
iuifs h
h una'
f . , ..
in i
I irni'1:',
i'lt i t',e
it i'l hi'
an a'l r inns uio ni'tit st.
eiivi 1 1 s. I rv a nai tiiuf i
ii u ii ci I a h'ir-e IiiI 'Im il
' .r he. and
ni el i 'in
'd ',y f.n'
' tv I u i .
r,-:'l! ','S
I .'III lliV.
e-e 1 1 A eu'.it in ny h if-
Vftt I,' i"i. I oi i the o .!y ni- 'ha'
Ih hi w In. h kill d i; 'in M.a tni st, ni . 1 1 ff.i.ii,; fu
U ill ci-, Ii i-i r-, (' av, .n il John
t ni
ii. p '
;h il
" 11 'IV.
pi snnif, in a a. ,ki e p, i-oa, .m.l ! i
is a ', i ii e my vmiii in, ma : I.
'1 M' (,.".i Ml iv. is in frmiiie t i,,-v, r
ii c;.i-
1 1
in en
i'it, at tl MM ll euitli s in n
tail lin y tmisf a a
:ne lip. lie. w is hi ant in
Mey have i! if
' win 11 he iln.'iv hi. pisail and eo.unieiu'ed
nr. l.i
Tlif Mliiiiilon ,i. ;,ni;iil,i tn lrulitlii
- ril in II it mt li'tirst lln- tttsnll
III tlutlilil.
'.' ,. Ii -.;,,. I ..' H).
Ma rm n iii sin s ifsi. ,.,,, hm cm-ented to
a 1 1 in e. At nut i is to he tlep 'piilatt',1 and i tin
v r i tt 1 1 into 'i Ii u i: o military eaihi' ; ai-tmu.i-llie
nt n nnit.ons alltl suipl i a. Nashville, ( 'tni'
taiieoca. ninl At a' ta aie to I.e tiie three ttiMin;.
lin ns in a wail ol iron and, itrcti'liin.-; t'ie (lino i is i r into middle Georgia, and to
I-i- i's- tt mu .l in iluc tni' oirh n S.ivaunali, or
hint HitW'ird to Mo,, He, or pro! mu'ed cas ward
in C't'iiilesti ii. fun' Sbei man o indites ttifl tie.
ItUM'sit Atlan'a he prelers tiuii t, and Hjo l
glHMs h tn u tt 111'".
Ii is plain that i.elWe op. ra'ious in the hold are
t mh il lor the lime lu nn: in Gem -ni. 1 tic 1'
army is much shattered and niii'M fat'gucil. The
h ni; line ot i Api seil coininuniea ions to the re ir,
hu h is a KtaiuliiiK iMsgraee to tho eoun, ill ai
lin hn.onii, need lo.'kii u utter arid sirenijih "n
lug. And the reihfi.ri'cnieuis whief. would en ihle
f-heiman to push forward in niiilier enterprises
are ieiii!i ed lor another and tnoie important pur-
'I Inn purpose is tho ea;,ture. ot u'limond. On
this one oliji. et ihe whole inilita -.powt r of the
I'leeiai I limn will now lie eonet ntrated. Gran:
w ill no hunter he Ulstiaetetl hy i ,v; great enter-pii-ts.
One ot then, is ,.c ompfslied and well oil'
ins hainls. lie is nt li n ny now to give his whole
Ii ree to then. her. He loiiim mils all the annas
of the I'liited Slates, mid is up. Ihe
tu'k wh eh engaged Ins in, nieili ne personal su-pt-riix.ori
is yet nniieconiilis;i, d ; while that
which was entrusted to a lie 'in'muit hits sue
eei ih d. K very luigude and reecuuent that cm lie
'pa id lrom any oilier ipiatter of ihe eonina s
will i.ow ci rtainly he ordered to IVtersliurg.
The .Voitlieiu iieople and th ir gum lalissimo
coth ur in the coin ietii u thu' tl.ev have the Ki
hi lion at last so eii'iu.n.s anee 1 that one gren'
hum mu-t..eit:,inlj ,le.-ro i' ; ii'td they believe
thai Ii ow i; to I.e -Hi, k"ii in .ni.v.
1'i'ter-lmig is falsi ly t-i, eimnl 'he key to Ri h
inoiitl. 'I h" I ill of one they t rioneou.s'y snpp ,.-,'
HiM.ivi s the other, lint, f i"aiiu t he denied that
it they bring together a l uce I n-ge em.U-;h to
fivt i w he! in l.i i s army, wheiesot v. r the t lieu to
of b.ifl.' in-j i e,th"v do imp. ail Itiehinou.l, and
wi.h ii ihe Got leileiiiie c inse u- If.
In this view of ilio inilit ivy sj nation, what is
the t.'oiit.tleiate p.'liey r Is it t , strciigihcn the
niinv in Gioigia ut the espei .-e of that m Vir
gin in .- 'I he strategy ot (.inva: llr ig..' js noil
kiio',.ii. Ii was idvstr ited at M ' sionare Itidge,
whin iloli ut was insured by duelling the best
turps of the Army ol T. line-- '. , under
Hn i I, on a wild goo-o elms,: to K noxvi.le. It
was 111 us-1 i-'it- d in th - uuai'k in May last upon
llut'i r, when a divinou, which w is assigned to a
most iiiponant part of tin- pr ".'rainnie ny the
lieiaral iii the lie d, was ordered on u Jack o'laii
tt m puisuii to un iiipo-i'e point of the oinuuss.
it was nimbi ii-peu i d ai Ai lama, w hen a power
iiii..aleiii to twenty t'lons-autl men, in Ihe for.ii
nl a t'oiiiiiinnilin,' (i, nerat w lm t ,sse..l the on
Ihiisii.s ie tonliileiiee of the armv, wis tai.'ii
away lrom it, on the eve uf the most deeisive
opt iiitiori-of tho campaimi. It wm reiterated
w la ii heel, i- Was, precisely at Uio wr leg nio
n cut, dr inched wit'i iinnv 'thmi and men on an
e.xpnliliiin two or thit'e liuiiilrotl mil h dast int.
it is vitally important to the safety of thii (.'iin
luh iue that I Inn same Holier of divnlim' .nu:i
iit uin io uu engaged in lie. i iv.
not lie lepeatod How. ihe t n
liichtnt'iiii, exi't iit, tliromtli the
i eouil ci saijuid
in v i: Minor et
samo lihiii.lors
.Voith Geo.-gei,
which Mirienih red '1 enm s'; e,
ami At aula. They are eon. -em
ni.U we ilioultl coueen'raiti on I
it r Ihe present, needed in (leoigi
ine, tiTii i 'il e.ipa'ile of st urin. :
ihe aimy and inople there. I'.
'itui'ron (i.'uit,
'.'0. All that is.
ia is a e niim in.J
lie coiilideueo ot'
n n it merely a
-il 1 r inn aoldlv
in Gt't.rgj.i. but
"' to MV.ll.l tl"i,
.' 'lout a ras.i -et-
irn.u who can charge, in;, o ,1-',
til on earthworl.s, met iu'w Hiittal
one who has also eiiougli su a'
tiieken i ut of a vital pn ii.oii w
a' le The -.vant in Geor. :t
i .s a eoiiiiu tth lor
m ; lin. i.i Vir
oj lau nts a in i i.-prnveil repueit
gima ii. e gicat w nt is men, i
w.ih a t oiinnantier.
tue are su .'.de l
.No positive results can now b. expe 'ted iVoni
the Wcsttru ciuipiiigu. l'lie d tei'mi'iniiiu of
the executive pown r to interf. re in that eiinn iign
is so invelera e, anil the ie ul s ot rii, oii. e.
jlereui e have hei a so uc,doriMile, that the e uii ry
I.W.U-VH io r.s.peci unv nun r po.itivo ami du-
j - '' I will hi cnitent here. liter
I t ' K N K -hall haul its vn.
i 'en. ml r.m. sci'iri"-"! v-j "l'ratiotH of
I 1'l.iia.l. l.tlalit on tho Issutis oiL "''' made up
' HALL, tals ll nilu ) i vtll 8 b'tVJ'i l' J e''
' l.iu .M thn til 111., I' Lt.M.'a.. M'O 111 dill
I m l.t'iarat-st'tiariEi
'r. far
i Nlii.S' Ll'Atii'' iii'i'-viuiort
.rt. r. A single
I run."', ii,iv
. Iltlieral l'Altl.l'.'i::ico ill V l','iu
Io li.ur Mr. cut liaitle. I he , u
lederacy in nut lrom Mi rinii
Grant; it is not from Hie -ear, i
it is Iron! that inia"iiuiou, Ir an
of our i nils... th..t pt risi. in ,ln
on tiie 1 1 col import .mt and .1 .is1
mitle In ig tde or
- iimi' cause- the
r of ttin Gon
. it is not from
1 V of troops; hut
bit evil genius
ling our armies
J engagements.
.rHl ftvf In ll'.nt li. sr. r -Ituri.iiiir ol'
l.ur. v . iitixiei-H , i,,,, u( i.H.Mm.-,,
lol.i.txi Wnri-li.iii.i ,,i,. i, ,.,,. i,.,i.,..
linn ol 'Ii.iih'I'..-i.iins . .-r lliroo ,Hi.
Ill.llH l llliHiiiH.
Iletwctn the hour ol 12 and 1 o'clock on S dur
day inoriiit'g. one. of ibe mo,, destructive fires
thai l in nillietm Manehe-t. r, ; n l the e-iual of
which has not visi id tins ui .r yt ms, br.ika
mil in H e tub ice . i fn v n dessrs. Gar, y v
liiilli.i's ( K.ra-iniis, ruri'i, i.i Af'ix Girey)
locatid on ll.rn.y, mar ,,,. ,,,, r ol K.dubrulge'
slit. l. Man. hesi. r I neiu ni i re doing an ex
tensive bu-iiii's, and had a bea. i satck ou baud
inaiHifin Hired and uinii will lined. '
When the alarm was glv, u n.e citlens of the
towu, unused to the m ib.igm alunus, had ail
leimd to r. st. One of ihe s ,rs. liarey, who
rooms ut Suit's ho ,1, on M ,m sire t, u short
Oisinnie froiu the e. ueol thee n.d.igratbii, uro.e
und saw lrom his uladoiv the il 'lies leipingund
nawht.g up the mmhivcst i n I of tho fa Tory
ciniiiig trom the iu-itU-, on t ' first Hour lie
an . u. h n ami i uinii cwo ion u ueu had already
hi. l.i u in the Poor. He em. nn and a-eeudi'ii to
the kt. 'lid stoi, where he k . eir tiro ht.d been
ti.-ul the evtmi.iv ptevi.ui . 'i bero was no ii,.0
tin re, t or cien the sign of it . ml it was at once
I'kiilu.t io Mr. Gam thai :..e place must have
been Mt on "lv ''V an iia-n ha. v. Ihe ilimct
hud by ibis time clambered to the" roof, und were
descending into the fecond story. The Messrs
Garey, with the assistance of citizens who had bv
this tiuie been aroused, saved tho bojks and
papers of the linn, aud attention was at once
turned to saving what part of the stock that .is
uvuilalne, the llames meanwhile uiukiug iire.-ist-uble
Up to this time the liicdepurtiueiitof Man, In i
tcrlmrl not tumid out, and. .t it had. nhirt, to
stay Ihe 11 nucs would have been i, uio
wat.r-works were out of repair, aud tiie luce
pump was at Heard j louudiy iiuduvoinit ne. es.
snry repairs. All that the citi.'.en. could do wai to
labor to save what they could from the doomed
factory. In halt an hour, the flumes leaping up
in air ma pyramid of lire, disclosed its h,,t,u
to the h.eepy wati htueti ol Itii hu oud, and the
ltichmond bells to. k np the clutiior torure acro.s
tho river. Hie fire brigade repaiiedwuh their
ai.paratus to Muyo's bridge, and sent their reels
and liose across, but for some ivusou probably
a mistrust ot the stability of the bridge-tu'
heavy sieain fire engine wai not desi.atched
ry- llt .d, 'eu .d"1'. H'hgtheiung out
hose, water migh hare been obtained frani ihe
inill-iiice. several blocU distant Iron, the liie,
using the euejue to lone a stream upon the binn
ing factory, where the flumes could have been
stayed. Hut it was not done, and to the absence
of un order to that effect is abubuia'.ie the greater
destruction the conflagration wrought
In lees tbiiu aubour, aud beloio a stream of
water was thrown, the establishment of the
Messrs. Garey was a smouldering ruin, w th f.m
tierces of manufactured nigger heud ti i.t tub,, -co,
put uj. for the foreign market ; ie hogshead's
ot utiiiiuuuluctured leal, be.nlei all the mum-,-,
avd inaehmery, presses, &,- .od jn tUu tMl
very complete und valuable, and not to I re'
I'bteed during the war. All thut the latter will
be nerviecahlo for iu the future will be old iron
The Messrs. Gurey hold policies ot insurance on
stock, for tweuty-tive HtuiuamJ UvUius ia JLilvU-
s v e'r s Cii,r ., (t,, j. , . 1(
n'n ma t ly, Vnt .-oii'il v..,: , i , ...
Mrs. Fry, w ho was ill ifi,. . ,
con io I is wl ere iti.mts. H i
h It- Withers and Cuiv
I'Ml la tit'.M tl t,y n 1" ro -
.'' tiuitj -vn ; in t i u, r; n i , u i
I' v I- n, w he .h i'i i Ii ' ' t
Y.iel i s weie as thl-k aioaii i Ii
ll.'l v. -t.
A to r p.l-sinv to aud fro -n ri
tin 'i i-. Mi i,t an I the ."nl ti a'l
an , In' ti r ik ly tooi. si,..i, , ,,, i
.'. r ' ti . , t u' Ci ir I .s will ex... ..I ... y :l.
a-t .; . I,,. , r. i in . . ,, i
i In 1 i, 1,1 -bin -I. r es an I atlb lag' , of
w "" 'I . I I.I' '. .1- l "t n .1 bk I '..' 11 in n .f.i', ii
'l I'" M 1 " . .11 I . Hie I .1' t. !l I'i in. I. 1 i!.
I. rs. i- . v i. il e--nr ii c. I b. tl i i,v- ,,.
n i.. I'i t-ry i. ., n,.i .1 in t ,.
tiah..' ".ll .r.lM - to.ii 1 1 I- a 'i i, e rm r .('
II ni. v atn I ii.ii.,i,..i i. -ini'is. a.d i i .ne I at
I' a-i l.':;, 'c. t 1 1 on. lie relay. The ll at u is so
1 1 t"l ' . ' I h i In i 1 II ' t a 11 , Cm e'v i i llbl iv. ', i,i,
if bin s. int i i aa i n a Ii mis., olpi;,. r. I',,e
l' , ,Im w.. 0 ii.siltl e I, ii' .l with it Mrs. 1 a pi , s
. in:., .Mrl, oi 'ie. i ' 1 r 1 a d a,. ..nel, ,r i , ,,r
mal. 'i', be re s,c..'. kk li a n, , ,, . , n. ,r..
ili-nt" ni: is u ,. 1 1 t tin Mr-. V i .,.i A-'i.i
i. n w i 'iet , . w u- I ib,. ..,.,, llt, h i n , ,, ,
i "1 t ot ini r.u.i e n- n , Ph. r h ii-e r i.i n ,r
Nist ibe triii.f k.'.ln.i m the r ,r (..'the
.'w , i' a of Mr-. Sns u A len. i, (,.,. , . ,f k .
I'll iiu's, and m I .e tee la .ore
l.;.ii lei.l, ni- a. .1 i-i.i v , ,,,,i ,, . ,,.. , v .) .,V
Il'-O III I:; me. I' . e s lit i ereil' tleb-illu
Her li.s- i lain like im u-u d , .: n-. u Un.
tun. the I, re bad i -mie l the iniai. ns.- .v u.... )u,..
i 1 .! lin l .l! in. ill l , I ,. i ,ss ,ey .1, . ..
'"ii t ie g a I .nl .,,u.ii . , cinlii. an g Ine dist.n '
bin i a g- ot .ene, bra k. m.l 1 1 .in, , ., an I hound. .
on i!n e t In- lliinev, iiunbrnU'e ,ei the west,
at llei, s- n ei i n ' b.. sou- n,
l in M - rs tl In, mil ha I a very hei.y sf,,,-i,
id ti I a ,'eo .11 tie. e Hint 1 1. mg I'kei .'ue t mm -.rid
ho..-! Hills lllelu.lin .' six lllllnlled and seventv
ho .1 e.i,,. oi .nip., 'I, iee linn bed hogsh. ad- of
s i 111-, ninl i lie lull, tire, I linR-he id, o ie .if.
1 wa-t .o o'eloek Ii. tier a piinv .neon wis
lrom bt to Ii. ur n a, n Hi, tire, an I the wind
ll - tr in Hit ea-t, the Kaines -nept throiigb e
part i I th" -f i ii. tuic. I la n the tlennni ol
hud one tri inl smoke, and pull d atvay nidu.u
in l, s iiiicain. ii ebowl, Mtnetl bv tr'apUDa
'I. w alehouse. 'Ihe Ina! lieamo ere ter and
en ater as the llano s p. rim ated trom one end of
ti e w nehniisc to ihe other, ami the waterMirotvi
ii on ihe h,a:.'il wabs . ,.,-.;,a naek m . ts
ol s, nbbm. sp am. l.r n.e llaini s had w.n'k tl
their ..ay ilooaeh under r neing, th, v bur-t tn. ir
wav i et and h ape.l up in a cone of hre io a ..vim:
' i i'lhr, tun!. .nut Hie iiii'ht as ncl i as .1 ie oi It , .,.
fnoiiil, casting the glare ol its hir.d eve lor
miles annua!.
When the tli ..truetioti of the warehouse thus
In came iuek iltlble, llie seulhille, il e.ts ll.l. k itig.-n the i i.i i er ot .Mltnainl CanihriduM
sfn cts, was fined open mil attempts made ti
save the t'cin s ol liia r i-t, d lobaivi iutoi e
tiu ie and inah rgoing the sn, ating pr... e.s. Mueh
i t the "lock hire was ae,i, bin Hie heat becom
ing too gnu-, because of the h-Ved walls, the
buhl! ee h: d In he abandoned to the Haines. Nome
lew In .'-heads id tohnc o wa re saicd tfotn one
l.ortii ii ot tin wan house while the Humes weie
udkiinc'iig, nut the iiainb r saved is nothing in
i iiiininrisoii with Hie numb, r coi'siim. d. r
'I he lire buinid lineilv until i!atli;:hf, v. ecu ir
gtadinilly sinoiihler. d dtmn upon the debris
of . hair. ,1 liog-h.nd-.
.Mr. All. n Gilnnmr, (tie onh- par'mr of the
fnm in ihe Conreiieiacy, Mr. John Gilmoiir b 'Ing
in Si o'laial i ai a longh esiiina',', puis doa n the
loss at betwieii tim e and tour milie us uf doilais
in Goti'ei). rme currency. As an oil-el to this
tin In In hold poH.'ies t l'lii-iiraneo in thh Iv-seveu
olbils of the ('tint. . erae.v f,.r ii'iont two h'uiidied
tfouiaiul i iilhiis.
Tm Ciini ' il, rate Government w as the loser of
two bundled and ihinv-nair hogsheads of prime
tubulin. Ibis .pianfity had leeentlv chaiiLel
I an, s, i.ud v.-e are not aware that there was any
insiinitice or .. i u-it v nj on it. A fun ign hou-'e
with which the Mis-rs. Gilimmr ha ldeaiings is
lib ii a In a y loser.
'lho Messrs. Gilmoiir were the owners of the siicathoii-e, .c.,iiml have an insur
ance of twei ty-b nr thousand dolars uiiun it,
but ir i,.uh! mn be isbiiilt lor two bundled thou
sand. Durirg Snttir.i'ik n f.-ree of negroes were em
p'ojcd in it tting oat fiom the . '.vof to'n.'.'.i
Ihe hmr-h. "ids coiilaining thai w Id.'h app.'ared to
be on y partiiillk d' .sHo.ied; but there being no
iiie.ii.s to iUi ni h tho suiouldering lircs, tno de
sli iu lion prouies-ed from Imur to In. ir, uud not
one-teiitb was saved that iviiuul otherwisi) have
hi en .ecu red. Gi at heaps id white ashes, re1 tin
ii'gthe shiipeof the tierce or hogshead, inn Led
tl c tun I, ol the ih -truction.
On llainhihigp street, a frame bail ling
ing to the .Manchester Cotton ami Woolen Com
pany was on tiro sev. ial limes from the he.ii, and
was bitvul wiih great .lillleiiliy. On the Ron h,
the tiwel ing of I'liderhk W. Kedtord und Hie
Mes-is. Garevs' icsidei.e,, kvere so heated hy Hie
I! lneslhat their igUit'on was imminent. T ie
Hies pri tecMng Hu in laid the foil ig seorehed olf
Hi. n
ml tilei
breauiii..' the inteiisiiv
d th
htm, thus s'iiye.1 tho eonllagrii'ioii. Co
to y. sieiiiay n ..thing h al developed itself lu
ii to the origin of this nio-t destructive, eon
Hagr.'iiou. If iiiceiidiaiism, as is generally
hi., then it is another llagiant e,.uiineut.iry
upon our apathy and w rniag of our d inger.
Klmiiice ninl Tiik. I e.
s'ei . in, ,c 'I he I'einaud for nold has iiu, and fell, rs have been enabled Io estab.
i'-h in, .uUi.iice upon Hie rates current last woek.
W e h nr of sines ni -J'J. Hie brokers are geue
1 ally n-king S-.l torou.i. Nearly thos.imo prices
:ne i aid arid cJ nn. n . I. d for silver coin as for gold.
Ih.nk notes, f;:J ' .'foil ; ante Tieasury notes,
l :'i:.
M un iiAMitsK.- I'lfiur 1ms un advancing ten
Hei ry. and wiih very light n e.i ipn sellers bare
but liitie .hilieulty in obtaining very full prices,
('.nil timers n member their exiierieuco last
si, w li I'll Hour sum ,i ,,t ... i- ,. , ,,-,...( lUl
rapiuiy went uji lo , ag, inn, ll,:m.,. (i,e,-c is
bit ii, a' d is, nn anxiety io luiy und "lay in sup
lilies," wl.ii h has ub-orliLiI leeelpls and clears
ti c inaiket of all Hi it comes to hnu I. H i on is
vi rv scarce, and must now be quoted at s7'.i(l,)
JsS in sninll bus ; hu tnr is also scarce ami in
ui nun il at S; hud vl.
'Ihe following ipiotutioiis arc based chiefly on
une a is salt s on 1 liursdav and yestcrd i.y
Ilionii su'tnr, M,j(ip.s -7,'i; cluriiiod' sugar,
; ciusliid, VUC' ll " a; Georgia sj rup, r-JS
pi i giilliin.
Kio coll. e, frli r.icil-'; Cuba, Sll(ll-2,'.;
grien tsa. . TJ. "
llb ck soap, -s'l per iiound ; siiirits turpentine.
I-H" l; i it Kiiiit.ii. ' '
Curb, soda, sl l-oil ; bluek pepper, SOne
Mi AO; salt. ..'.'( .i.i.-. ; starch. J-.-)0.
-N 'i's, MHH (Uld Dominion sold privutelvat
tr lcO per kig; ; tucks, by keg, & l-x. per pound.
General Meade's Presentation
Ill', I'll TH AttMY Clllll'S, Six Mtf.E
Hoi se, a., SeiiU'iiiher 1 I. Ono of tho most in
li re-iing pi rloi malices that over oci in rod in tho
Anny of the l'otoiuue, and one that will, perhaiis,
haie the most eh'et t upon tho men in
the lielil, lnci.lng them to nobler deeds of bravery
and uiti ing (if it were pos..itjle for an army to bo
note brave than ours), took place to-day at these
u-,i.ii4u,,i ill n.
The i cension of it was tho presentation By
Ma.ior-Gcncriil Meade of tlnee medals to three
inlisted men lor their braverv in each of them
cupluiing tioin Ihe Rebels their colors. This was
in pursuance ol'uu act of Congress passed some
tune ago, rewinding eulisied men by presenting
tlieiu with uieilals for deeds of valor performed
in the field. This is ihe very first occasion of
mill a piesentution, aud br ing such, unusual
interest and importance attaih to it.
'Ihe vi ry best results from this movement ou
the partuf the Wur lit partnient may ba looked
tor. The int entire this will give to enlisted men,
showing tiie in, us it does, thut their services are
highly itppiecuted.aud the more so as they show
thi'ii.seives worthy of that appreciation, will
pine of tho utmost ronae.picnce, both to us ns u
uaiiou and to them as representatives of its army.
lilt MKN.H ol' TUB -lliSI:NTATI0N.
To-day was i hosen by Mujor-Ueneral Mea le
r. r Ihe jjiesciitation, and never could there have
I e, u a finer one for any outdoor sccue. The snot
1 1,, sin was General Warren's headquarters, and
although the order for the presentation did not ari
me u M l 11 o'clock this forenoon, through fheox
rrtmris of Gen. urn-n and his Adjutant General,
L t ul.-tol. Locke, everything wua tu readiness by
hali-piist three, at wbtch hour General Craw
loid Divisiou was drawn up in frout of head
quarters an Improiiiptu platform erected, which
was (tat.ydetked oil with llags, amoim which
wire ibe captured Itcbel Hugs, bands ef music
stailoni'tl. and everything doue to make the occa
sion one long to be remembeud aad wlked over
by those Who wilue.sed it.
till: 01MJ.HAI.H VKIUiNT.
At four o'clock Generals Meade, Warren, and
llui.cut k ascended the l.luttorui, Ueiieral Craw
ford, Aire., Giitlln, liaxter. Hunt, and llrairg
with their stall., .landing near, as also a larue
iiUinlir of itgiiiitulal oilners. "
.1 1?' . f V . .'n. ,,ud' c,e'"' 'O''". slated
the ob.iect f, r whah ih. y had thus nu t together,
aud the name, of Una who were to be
ho.ioied, Uesinug llieni Jo ,;uc Ivtwaid to tho
In line, C nip inv If, .Id
bin', . 1 w.n , tip' i ro. i
I' I' C. A'il".'s,u,
a bus. ii, Vi i. i iin obir.
e Hag ot Ihe '.'ifii Nouiii
' . i, h
Con p
1 1 e i . .
p.-. !
n I o c
a Iu-,
... ; an i I'nv (;..
1 1 ti i'i 1 1 1 1 - v v nt
i. nr, d the ll o: uf t"
a I'" ir d to ib.. pin
.une tn i sin iibh r.
rk'.' II. Ii d, C en
Yen ran V I'liTeei--,
'.'nil N,.r h fa ollni,
t a in, and pr. so iling
V t jnil-orNKll IL
e. ii. mai dn u H e Army of
nr."e. ml oir a g 'he nun ist
I '. mil aCenliiui, anun s-t
ltd i .
wi: kin',
the Pntoin'C, tliea
ipii' t an l most re
tl ihe s.ui'lit.r.s as
' Hi. a is and Soi.liers of the.'ilh Corps ; I have
10 i'nv io a r tirm u m. s' ! mt. and gra ifyiiig
ilutj to pn -i nt io certain un morions iiiin-'niii-nns.-iHii
tl tali, , is a:,. prua es meil us of fnllnr,
ia ' Ii in I on them by ihe War Hep irtineat, tor
i' slii'i ui-lii d i.iiiiliiei mi the held of ba 'b , i i
11 i in ii : tlags In. in the ei einy. It ha hen
ei.'l'.inarv in all agi s lor na ems to e.iaiine i, i
taie in. 1 1 uminl the ga i nut. k and d aoaon of
Ibiir -ins when tngigni In the Ii ilv of tb ltmiitg th, ir countiy. In ihe
kk ore i I (,,,(i .Mini, ui ;iio uni-t'ifiil ,s
ol the ri.ilini-t are devoted to e an iiiem -.r.v mg
in d pin inn i h .le ls of ibe wan iocs of old ; :or
i ken ihe eh. sen in ..pi,, uf (;,i. were, in the ce
t u loti ol His will, e. iiii'd ed M t ike up inns and
l.iilt.e tin tl mr cause. 1 he histories u the .. m
r.ui'.!ics oi Gi, , ec uud Koine are 1 1 1 -1 1 . v , ; ,
aciiaiiits ot the homus bestowed U' in i:,e-e
w.niinis, nil g them widi wie.tis ot
iai.n I-, by ii'iumph i! pro e-ious, in winch acre
txhil.aul the ti. pii.cs mil prisoner? dp n.e.
'ii li.c'i,., ii,,. tvboe po.ul.itii.a tim
ing out to tin honor to these Heroes. Inni .i,.
in. ill in linns rsiions have adopted v.ino.n
Ii a th s ol cniih ri ii g mis (or military -ei-k
i. i h, bk t onii ii in., mi i'iii y rank, titles o'f no
bility, ist le-, atul cpi'loptianims of nioaev ; on
ihe rimtc si. ul a rs mi dais and other rivcoi nanus,
to: l ib. i w nil p, n sun. s und , inlawing instiwuons,
w hi ic H e ati .1 and disabled soldier can live in
'finbrt iindiuiel. Nor has our own coiintrv , ,.,,
ltimss in tin- ie oa'ct, n n w ii hst iinb ng the oft
,m t. d e that republics uie uiigr.i.iful. He.
s b . imiiieious votes of thanks oy Congress, tn,.
giiniiinlc ot imr people t,,r the devoti m di
I hit. d I y .oalii rs on the httileuel l lias h am t 's
t i.e.l in maiiv ways .states, eon, ine, and ccies
I an pu s, n t, , lands, houses, c. Tun t drsde
kiei .1 to raisitr. lumls tor ihe Sanl'arv C .imiiis.
si. ti I. nke lien made the means of honoring the
l ime and tli-1 1 n g u i-hcit ; ami during lho se-s ,,u
I eb n ih, h,,' CntigM -s .a-.eil,ires,iii ion auriio-
niiig the Secnaaiy ot War tot , r on. lis m-
gni'hi'd non e .i,nb-saiu, t oilicets and privates
mt tiai.- ol honor This is the li .'s oceu-ioii ou winch
II . ii n if this a ni. v h.ive I.e. u s i hon.ii-e.l ; ami I
have b, nucd it pr.p. r, through v uresrn coar
munili r. to ca 1 jn a ti.e her, thai ihe eoiifernug
t t Ibis ill-tii.cii, n mi-lit be wuni sscd by the
cm nub s i f the r. c .in n s. and tuat tho lir!,i, nce
ot their i xampl gbts neio incite others to
iii'e their a ,r:h, nimbi t. 1 wished, mo.'c-
10 sav to von t ni'. iilihon,b .l.i.
Ills' ict'V"in if the l.rcsentariiin
ol thee liiiahiis of honor. I tru.r .n.i
! aie ri.,-i.n to be'icve, the pre a tlei.t
thi s ma.le w ill lu n d lo.t eil by mane oilr r
n -iTitataii s, ai d thai I am now prepai ing a ist
. I hiuiit's ol i n'.'sU il men w 'an h.ivo ir.nn lime io
tinn , so ct my as-inn ng cnuimainl of this army,
ili.tingi.bhe.l themselves bv ads of g.ilbtn'iy in
n.e lieul, ami whose in vices Ii ,ve tiee.u report".!
t iiie,ai j to the i cpiirtiiieut. 1 Ins list 1 shall
.ci - mn ki nit- uiei oi kk ;r, ami urge on
him the iiistiee mid expi di.'iiey ol sending medals
i i iinnoi io an ii,cuT.i:,cd tnTein. It Ins always
I nn my dt -ue ruinpily to inward the good eon
cm t ol Hie priiale soltiiir.s ot ihe armv. I huv.t
ii.wiik.s l.oi ne
lesiunouy lo the devo i .n
ninl b illing of the
men of niy eouiinaud
Mid ill i n all o, t'.isn us
like Ihe present, where I
nae i. in ir, , 1 1 1 1 , .rinuiiy in five pii'ilie expres-
; nn u. ii y ii. ws. i nag. sure I It ins M liij liero.
Ism ami I'.illaiiiiy ol the priv..te soldiers that our
pusi Mm , s, iu mis w ar was due, am! upon wiiieh
t ur lutiiie niiceiss dt piiiile.l. I know, and ou
n.ow. i.nai, wiiai. 'k. r in iv be the taients ur th
i in us in a e i lin ing general, ami n nvevor
Wt II laid his plan-, iinle-s ho is Hiist lined by the,
I lau I cans stout arms ol his soldi rs,' sue-
ei win noi alien. i ins iniorts. I therefore ml,
this .-pp. Ttiinity, wh le reuiliniing yon of Ii nv
liiin li dep, nils on the individual exertions
ul null one of k.ei, to sav to you tint our
emu !i)in.n i.i..Kto)oii ror renewed exertions
to iiiiceasing und per islent i Hons to overeom
nir i i i nut s und In in tins to a closet and I
ii usi nn- in onis now piec-iiicd ind .grin us in
i einikcs to nige you to e. mil, it, and surp . s tin
i i ens ni your ci iniailes n 'iviih mt to oe hoiire I.
si ii cm t Jobu A. Miillu.g, .id Dchnvare, pnv ite
S. C. Audi null, I'l h M i-s.,au l private iuo. W
Itii. I. llth (' i. Vol . I now present vou nith the
iiiceul .nl honor, ciini. -ried on y. in bv the ll m.
Si cri iaiy ol Wur. liy t riiie ol Uio auth n uy of
Ihe toneless o ibi'l'iinid S arts, tor v our cm
ph ttous gu loll' rv ami good eoiuiiie. dis,ila e I m
ei.piuriiig on the tieitl of liatne digs li nn the
t la my. 'lase ihe r ninl 1-. aa l : n lliem tv.tll
Ill'UOlilble p!.e. I'reserie lin an and h iu 1 lie '11
ti. w n o k I'lele.dy as t, s'liuoui Usui the I" ti u
ful muni t r iu writ, h ymi have dis 'linrg.-tl vour
eiities hi.i! staved ynnr muatiy in iis hour O1
ti nils. Ai eimip ink ing i a h medal io i will llad
a Ii tt r fi. iu the Se. roiary of W ar. to winch, you
aic called to icpty tn a. kmnk I 'dguient. Your ro
ll ii-, when made, I shall be happy t itrun urt to
the ih paitii.cht. And now, ft llo.v-sul Hers of
the oh Corps, let me agiiu urge you
to ( mulaie the example of tin se honored men.
".'! ' k 'in.rliinnt ,'e,1. lot., uly ile.-i a ve -ioiil ll-
riwunls, I in aitl iu the gnat work in which we
ate ml eneaf. ed tho ovi-rcnming of ine enemies
ot ot.r et utiiry and the re .torn Ion of pe.i 'O and
happiness to llie whole land. Dismissing as no v
usees to discuss a I ..ucstions as to the origin
ol ibis war, we have daily und hourly cvldcu es
that, it exist , i md that it cm only he ter
minated by hard lighting uud by determined
illbrts to overcome the arued foes of lho
Govcrniiit nt. Nor do 1 tlnnk It proper to
misc lu re any questlonsas to the policy ou w lib h
this wur sb.iird ue e.niilu. ted With the e 'lues
tions, ns soldiers, we liuve uoihlng to do. Tm ir
ili'ciusion among win is not only useless, but
pernicious. Our policy is to tight, and tho only
.Uisti..ii a- to the a nutlet of Hie war pertinent
h r ns to liiscusd i-, how be-t we can defeat those
who i re iu in ins with the uvuwed iur,'0-e of de
al toy ing that (iovcrnnien', under which, for three
quurti is ol n century, we had lived a united ami
happy people, n!ni"s't reaching u point wtieii we
won d have ranked aiming the tlrt Powers ou tho
euitb. Our uiny Is lo compel submission to the
laws, cnactid with lho consent of the very
pii'plo who now rebel ugainst thein, on the
spi. iul plia of self-government. Tins dutv Is
no easy task, as wo here piesent well know;
lor it is no more than right to admit tn it
our foes light with braiery and deieriiinii
t un worthy uf a belter cause. Ilut it is a
which 1 know you will all ilisehai 'e at every
siieiitice, and 1 iiirnestly pray the littler of the
I tiikersc that in His inlinne wisdom aad mercy
He may so order events that, through your
bravery and devotion to the cau o, our eu. uiies
n.i y be liinde to yield, and the cuuse of truth and
justice prevail, so thut, pein e being restored to the
li.Dil, the Hag of our fathers honored and re
spected In in the St. l awn uee to the itiu Gr in le,
w e ma v be enabled to return to our h imis ninl
families, to rice ve thn-e houois u gnuoiul tmun
liy is teiioy to bestow."
I'MIKIIS loll Tl'F fll'NHU.U.,
I'pon the conclu-lon of the address, General
Wuiicn stepped forward and asked the "Inns" to
give lint e liuirtk cheers to show the General th"y
hud a heart ti. uppreciutu his kinilne-s, which
wus ili nc, and they were given with a will that
nii sthuvo ncqiiaii.ted the "Johnnies" with the
fnct that something unusual wus going on.
The bund struck up "Hail Columbia," tho
troops were marched otf to their quarters, and
General Wurreu iuvited his guests to partake of a
Collation, which was not the least tigrceuble fea
ture of the proceedings.
Thus pUasnntly passed un occasion of interest
to many both in and out of the army, which, if
followed tip, und full justice be doue to our bravo
boys l v the War Department, bids fair to accom
plish tiie liai-t beneficial results.
I'Al Tl'ltl'.tl nriint. 1 1 AtlS.
These three flags were captured in the late
assaults luiide by the enemy to retako the Wol
don Kutlroad, and are the latest raptures made.
Tho War Department have in their possession
ni uilytwo huudiod Kebel Hags, for which it ia
indebted to our soldiers, ami which call for a like
expression of sentiment to that given ta day.
Tho Adjutant ot tho 3d Delaware, Lieutenant
M. Lyre, also captured a Hag from a South Caro
lina Kcgiiuent at the same time tho others were
captured ; but, being a commissioned oilie r, does
not come under the order awarding medals, as
that relates only to enlisted men.
About two week ago the Hebels made a charge
upon the Davis House, where Lieutenant Clark,
signal otlker, hud a signal station, capturing it,
uud have since held it. Last night a squad of
meu penetrated their lines, driving in their
videttes, aud, setting lite to the house, burned ii
to the giouud.
This was a bold piece of work, and in its execu
tion evinced a spice of that bravery and dash
which have so ioug distinguished the 6tli Corps
and given it its enviable reputation.
'Irani, will commence running on the new rail
road to-morrow, making lour or live trips daily,
'i he mad works very lint lv and much to the satis,
faction of all couccrucd, except the Hebcbj. .V.
ere. ant .Tohu 1
i ll' II, la vine
(' I'h i tl i
y II, M i-
ho i iplutt d til
LSI) 4.
Tho City Vigorously SUcllod.
Mjm'I I I lo 1 lie I ken I in.- 1 cl.'umitli.
W ksuiM.Tov, September In. Another bat. Ii
of ll. In l il. serlt rs, seventy -eight in number,
arrived here this morning lrom City l'o'.nt
steamer Vamlri .
They represent Mori 'a, Georgia, N trtli
Una, Tennessee and Virginia regiments,
fay great vigilance is now exercised hy
v the
K.! el
oiucers to prevent tteserti .us, In conseqti
their fn queney since Giant's order. M my de
scittrs have been shot while en.le ivoriug
te tiiuke their way to our Hues, rro.vtls of mise
ruble conscripts', old men, and boys continue to
anive daily in Lee's camp. I' if tern of these da
rcrttrs bcloneid to the llth I'lorida rcginc'tit,
which entered the Confi'deriifo service
eleven hundred strong, und his been
l.ilmcd to liss than one hundred men by the
disunities of the war; but principilly hy deser
tii n. .Nothing specially is transpiring before
l'l'tersburg; but it is believed that tho present
quiet will nut lie of long duration.
Mrs. Lincoln und her youngest i..n bvo r; to this city from the North.
The Itrnlf
Captain l'litreim, draft I'
st Marshal of this
(ttstiiet, lias received orders to
pro :ri'd wi'.li the
ill aft hue on Monday,
Later Intelligence from the army states tint
litorshurg was vigorously -hellid on Weilih'S
ib y in retu'liitioii for the murderous picket tiring
of the enemy.
Visit of General Grant to Washington
KeiiTiii'-s MoMioi;, .Sep'eni'ier 15 Iut'lli
pcnie lrom the front received here, states that
our bntrerii s op. tied on the enemy on Wednes
day, and heavy tin ing was kept up all tho day, in
onh r to silence Hie Kcbeis, who for some dies
lmve tu en am. oying our lines, particularly on
the left.
The steamer lo'-it-yn, which was eipture.l oi!'
Lisbon l'y the I'nite.l States frigite .7,i, tea, put
into Fortress Monroe to day, s.j:ne,v!bu disabled.
Lieuti'iiiint-GiTieral Grant arrived at I'ortrcss
Monroe yesterday, m mule for Washington.
Wash i no ion, SVptembcr l(i.
11 4'W.
The mail bout hrlbgs up no iiruiy news to-day.
Daily meetings hit held here, to relieve the .'Ly
of the draft.
Illttcliit Itei i'iiiioii il' a Uiaisler.
Gtniral Don ,1'ustorgio Salgnr h:n been re
ctivcil by the l'resijent ai Uiuijier from the
lii public of Coluui'iiii. A -siiriiuccs of friend, hip
were mutually exchanged.
Th'trlow YV'ecil, Ksq., is iu town.
l.l lST I'ltOM I'll.lfllllVI .
Sam I'uam isco,Septoniher 10. M liters in tlii
slate nre quler, but prosperous. The doi'0.,io i
in mining stocks has not ull'eeted wjrkfir the
uitiial ilcvohiiimetit In lho yield of gold an I sil
ver, which continues lsrge.
The usual iniinuiacluring interests are no.y
mnio piosperous than ever.
The po itieal campaign Isaa been fairly in iugit
ratid hy a series of meetings of both purtieJ.
l it OM hH I'll CAROUVt.
Xtikv Y'oiiK,Septetnlier 10. The steamer Fulton,
from I'uit ltoynl, S. C, oa the 13th instant,
iiirive.1 ihis ti.ornlng.
Tho I'lilmctto 11,-ralil says that the steamer
I'ounrrtitut, liouud for Mobile, put itiro Tort
Koial ou the Dili, to repair a leak in one of her
General Foster lias orb red a draft of all tho
able-bodied colored citizens in the department.
roroiiKKmsii:, N. Y., Septeuiher 10 The
quota of this city under the late cull is full, und
the quota for the district will probably bo tilled
by the lime the wheel commences to revolve.
A in I. twin: Mmv itiov.
Wilmimotoh, Del., Septeinlier 10. The Hon.
Nuthiiiiit I 11. Sniitht j- was t esterday renoui n ited
for Cotigicss ou ibe hist ballot by (ho I'niuii State
lAi'insiov i' .ri:itiii
Niav Y'lftK, S'epteuibiT lii. The st iiintug .1.
. Stimuli i t exploded her holier this in cuing on
the lia-t river. Thne persons were killed, ono
fatally Injured, und llie kcsscl blown to pieces.
Arrival of n IS Ire.
Ni w YokK. Stptt.tulier 10. T he steinicr
-t. 7. I 'uni t arriked this iiioiniu:,.
'I'tiit Arttlilu Hi l!ikHlii.
IIobion, Si pteiiiUT 10. The steamship .leaVu
atiikid ut this port at noon to-day.
from tlicMuiilli of Hu Klol.rmnle Grout
Milliliter or I rciii'li liliiekti lersi oil' llie
Mfklisp 4 ohm llm I reucli Ailiulrnl's
itlnli.n f I'l.
The I nited Stales supply -teumnr I'ir tmuu,
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Henry Churchill,
commanding, returned to this port yesterday,
after an absence of fourteen days ou a cruise to
the Texan coast us far as the Kio Grande, during
which time she has supplied about thirty of our
blockading ships with provisions, etc, She
brings a few sick and disabled men bound North.
The giiuboiit AromtonK. Commander J. S.Skor.
rltt, is the only one of our navy nn duty at the
ltio Giunde. Tho French have a strong blockade
there, consisting of nearly seventy vessels of till
classes. The French Admiral, when informed
ol the stirieudei ot Foit Morgan was greatly sur-
l.ris.xl ,,n,l v..t-v r...llv v..t,.,,,-L -.1 .1... l.l l5...
nut whs the hero of this age. and be rvnectel tn
hour that be had raptured Mobile before long.
uur troops at hautu Itraot are in good spirits
anu enjoying pretty good health. The health of
tho rrews of our blockading shipi is very good,
and tley are now on the alert for blockade-run-uers,
as thvy expect Ihey will s.siu try the Texan
coa t unw tbey arc shut out of Mobile.
lho iraisnan will coal and leave in a dar or
two for linsiou, touching at Mobile and l'ensa
rola, for sick and wounded meu. We learn thai
some of the sick meu in the uaval hospital In
iuis cHy win o isortu in uer.
1 til" .n nuiaii nrings to tins Hurt six refinrees
Some oi them hake bceti ana bed to tho Kebel
army in Texas. They made good their escapo
at Galveston, and gave themselves up to Com
mander WooUey, at that place, who scut them
here to the l'rovost Marshal. .V. . Timtt.
Statm of TuKBstoMBTaa To day. Six A. M.,
5b Noon, "0. One 1". M. 7o. Wind, N. W
Encni itino. This morning waiTanti for the
iiaymentof the city bounty to bf volunteers aud
.UlmlHUM wvtc vUuwa by (ing Mayor,
A Ht.llrnl I'lirslrlnn.
We a 'fr,lined from adding our t,li)i'e
to the high professional and rictsoml chara Tar
f Ir. Von Mosehi.ker, of o. 102T Walnut
Itrcr', with the knowledge that a thjugh'IeM
aud i.b-urd prejudice prevails In the public mind
with regard to newspaper enc imltuiu upju a
physieiaii, no nui'.ter how successful hemiybo
in tho treatment of tho-c cl.issis of ilisene wui Ii
iuc ea let! ei ui'ti- , from the sin ly r '
qiiiiiu lor their cute, by rea-oii ol t Urt e .ui.ihci
tion and ii.triciey of the t iey ussdl.
Do, for Von Mosi tiikcr has devoied his on'iro
11 e to the piae lee of uist n-cs of t .e eye, e .r, an 1
I ei vous s. siem. He an iv.;,l In th s e .uutrv vu it
a I rs ela-s Kairnpean repa'atmn. having grid i
a i il anil r.e t sc.l in aeveral.f the I irgest 1 1 ics
un the coiitinei t. lie n-trled in N, w i 'rleins,
win re he sittniii,. obi, iin"d a ai-g an 1 lu rati, a
piacuce mining ihe Hist futilities, not oily nf the
Clrsieu. I'll), tint of lho S luthwesteru S; ttes,
li e uiliug Jell, , a lo ot ot 'banks Irani
whom I-in i he pos..j-sion nf Doctor Von M.isehiz
ker. iu which tne Itcbel chuf a. knowledges tin)
skin tln.t sakt u Inset esigut.
I'lni'sin'iiig the appio it hing stnrm, a id being ;
Hi vo.eti i rii'inl to t tie In ion, Dr. Von M h hi sir
I'll N. tv 1 h It ans a few months lii'lore Hie .ces
sion of l.oiiisnnii and se tle.l tn Wasinugtini,
w litre he rapidly esiublliiied u reputation equal
to the one he ha i h-tt in Sew iirloa is.
We met Doeior Von Mosehik.T nt Hi N" i
lioiial t hi iiul tour years ngo.uud were iers.ii.ty
os n nut ot a ruimiii r of rcniarka.ilo enrol th ir
he fllecteil of easts which had oillh' I the skill of
li ni ng pbj siei.ins of that t ily and el-ew Here.
He 1 1 joyi tl tho entilitlcnee and I'sieem of the
Imi'ign mill siers, several ol thein being anio.ig
his pmiinis. He binnght betnro the .M'.li il
lliirciiii ut the Government il number of valuable
Micgisiiniis on Ihe e-iabli-hinent of our in igulti
cei.t hi spital sj so ni, which huvo be n udopte 1
t v. r the in.iie land, to the iinielior nioii and re
lit t nt our gallant soldiers snllVrmg from wounds
and ills. a-e.
Doctor MoHchi.ker, prefeiring our city as
n n sideiiee, fo any oilier In the c.iuutry, has per
ui.itii ntlv located in our midst. Since Ins res!
ilciice here, lie has been highly successful in tho
lit atnient of a number of ditlleub cases, tho tes
timonials of which ho has nt his o il e, us he is
unwil ing to publish tin in, out of motives of deli
cate regard for their au.hor.s. llo his written,
and published, a ncaiise HHin "tho H ir," which
bus met with a large demand among tho profes
sion, and we hum that it will shortly be followed
bk an ehtboiatc nu t exhaustive treatise uuoii dis.
eiisvtj of toe l'.ye."
lie is also the Inventor of an apparatus for con
veying n inediiil agenis intoihe interior duets an. I
pnssiigi s ot the ee and ear, which i pronounced
by si ientitie and mimical men us destined to work
ii involution in llm manner of curing dis'ises in
those lagans. This apearalus can hardiy lie des
crilrd iutho hint s of ti newii iper paragriph,
and should he seen to bo appreciated.
lis novel and ingenious ell'ecis aro daily wit
nessed by i n u 1 1 1. rs of phy,ic!un-, and medical
students, and gentlemen interested iu scioiitiiie
sul jects, and it Is iiniver-a'lv annrovetl in an in.
vului.ble iiitiiitii.ii to the list of in nign meeli luteal
coiitiiviiin es for the decreasn of suif ring
mid the it stoiuiiiin of ti e ulllicted to hcilih.
Ol cniirse tkory snll. rer lnti -t judge for Inuiseli'
of the t apaeiiy und lltiie-s of his'mcdlcil a Ivisor ; we only tall the att-nti m of the pu'itie t
Dr Von Moschi.ker's iiutegedeats, in order th it
flay may iii twlhln.ld a personal vas t to his
( flb e, uud un inspection of til, le'ters of rjcoin
tiii nd .lion and cer iiieat. s of euro.
Amitiii it It i.oi i ti v Ai i kin. Some time. during
yestciiluy afternoon, an altcrcition between
a number of men, to ik placo at tho
Fuiiiiiount Locks, ou the opposite silo of tho
Schuylkill to the Water Wo.'ks. A row ensued,
durlt' : w hich, u man w luno name cjitl ! not ho
asceiiainid, was assault' tl with a r i. r, and cut
in u most shocking manner about tho face a i l
lands. John A. Snyder was arrested ti,, n10
charge of committing the act. Muydor was als.i
but: ly beaten. His head wus hint almost to il
jelly, miiI his face so disilgurcd that ho w.n p-i.-t
reei gnitinn. He was taken before! Alderni m
Wuneii.aud charged with being the mm who
usi d the r'.or. The Alderman committed tii n,
but considered his wounds of su. li a sori his
iliuiactt r, tint ho lull) him forwarded to the ll is
iniai, wht to ho ho- in a r ither Ci iiioal eondittou.
Tiiiai. or A Nnkv Okoan. Ttie First 1) iptist
(T lircb, aud Chesnut stroeis, West
l'hiladi Ipbia, w as erowtled to its utmost rapidly
last night, to ll-ten to a trial of tho newor.M i
which h.sjiist been purchased. It cout ii'is tivo
banks of key, pedals of one aud a half octave-',
and will, when conn leted, contain twonfv-f nir
full slops, one of which (ihe stopped ilia i ison) is
ot a i ovi i i iiiuiicicr, by rea-ou ot producing a i
ilouhle sound. A sin ill choir sung .several saere I j
in . i s ninl tho organ guve entire Batisf iction. It
was pel formed on lust evouing liy lho 'mil. lor,
Mr. J. (J. 11. S anbi blue, and Messrs. Frank 1'.
Durlvy and Michael Cro-s.
Fi.An Haisixo. Ou tho Decision of a large,
American 11 ig being thrown to tho breeze, y js-'
tfrduy uftctuoou, at tho Headquarters of tho
Union 1 eaguo, Thirty-eighth aud Market streats,
spccihcswno delivorod by Ilev. Jimes Xoill,
Ciihuel 11. Maiince, lion. .Lidgo lie I ey, and
bthi rs. The League House was beautifully iliii
m ma ted uuiing the ovuiiiug. .
Naval Auuival. The L'nitod States supply
steamer Donegal, I.iculi naut W. II. West, C im
niiinillnp, from Charleston liar on tho afternoon
of the l.'lth Instant, anchored oir tho Navy Yard
this morning, with bit) passengers, (ofH -crs, dis
charged S' aineu, und invalids lrom that squad
ron). Sho has no news of importance to nnairt.
South of Ciqie llaiteras she passed steamship
Aiayo, with a brig in tow, steering north.
Fkn'9 vi.vania S r kTKGi Ait ii. Captain Joseph
r. Furran, late of the One hundred and uiutU
l'eunsylvanlu Regiment, having received a ithor
Ity from Urit'atllor-Oonera! Lemuel Todd to re
cruit a company of Artillery lor stitH defense,
i as uni'iicu n ree.riiii ing oaice 111 iinns.o.l.l lllice.
Fourth street above Chesnut.
' Now wrsttln' wln.ts unit sls.igtilrrlir Kalis
lliinu uiniiuiii's wttanier."
Ho sutu. sietttlii's ult'.ji.iiit luinl hi fiast ysan, and ll Is as
trot, lis-tlnv ; hut sniiiti ut l limn lutein' Is Hunt. u. rnmtrils thti
"ttuill.lilt'rlii' b'Iiis " We don't think ul Ihu t n ui
new on lho lifi.tliur, bat of tint uullitiit .uo-zna tn tin.
tirurlirs. Vk'tiettier In tan caaui nr on tint litatli.ti.o
ri'itltist con, Itirt at this mousuii Is f.iuiliirtililo floili.mi,
mat tlatt to Mill ti.ilti siiumanis Is tn ho tia t ut tin-ilr.l-rlusa
t HialihaliiiifUt ol CliAltlxs sIt.ikks A I'..., uu lT Hi'
"I i.lltlllt'lltlil "
Ci.ii DUKSis' IIi.oTiiiun. Hoys' Overcoats.
.kllSSt's' llll'MHUIilkllli;.
1'ti.vs' Suits.
Inniiiis' I'lnttilnir.
Tint liiifst iissi.rliin.iit iu itic t'ltv.
M. .tl Co. . No. 4 N. r.klitll strut?.
Hev tub "Floukkcl." '1 Uis ii tlio uJvlt'o of ker
l.otlt wlio lias now tlio "Kltireu.-e" In ute to llioir trlrn Is
lu wunt ol sirtt tun .kluctiliios. It Is. wi'lioilt Ooultt, Ilia
liioHt perli-tit liistraiiieiit lar all kinds ot fatulti sawut
yrl .lieu lo tttti imli.le, Ml I ttie I'ttct that It Is tr irrwite-t
It, lilve piTlect sutisiuctiun very iiatarulty spearei lor It
I Ilk- luria-st salt-, i tut rooms ot tint ti.aeit No. SJS t liasaul
stri'i't. art'tlaiiy ttu-ouiritil wiih fii.iniu.'.r'.
Visit It. F. KeiMiia's Gam.euy, So. 021 Ant n
sti ait, mul tut nn ex tuiaitel.v ilnisttud iietiirr, a life aiu
I' 111 nil culors, Carle do I'luilus,. or Ivor, tyuei.
lit, t uil.
Ti : monaiiv Aia tn lluss, llr. tl. Jitym- s is
the ititniiaril remeilv, at All tliintH Kino aid ri'lm'ilu. Pro
.ai.a i.rly ul No. lis'.' l lars'aal jtrei t.
Dn. Maiisiiai.i.'s Caiauhu Km it Ocr.tia amo
pui'sls out nil ohstructl'iiii, treiiKllisuh tiie clsnds, aud
lilies a liealtiiv action to II parti albctej. SM by
silt all X Co., Xo.'i-2 it. Suvolid slri t't.
FmiiAY, September 10. Cotton is but little
inquired after, mills genetally in this locality
having stopped operations.
Qucrcliron Hark is luacthe, with sales at 10
for first No. 1.
Clovcrsced. 200 bush, were sold at $11, and
some, sales of new at S'12- jO up to $U D'' Oi lbs.
Timothy is in good request, with sales of 300
buh. ut &,0'.".0. Flaxseed is held at '3'6j(!3'70,
There is still much inactivity iu the Flour mar
ket, aud for shipping there is no demand, tho
only salos we heard of being a few hundred bar
rels ut $ 11-12 for superfine, aud 12 for eitra
fumiiy and to the trade, sales range from
!10'75for mpertiuo opto 913 for fancy lots.
In Rye Flour and Corn Meal, nothing doing,
There is very little demand for Wheat, and
prices are unchanged ; small salos of good l'eun
sylrania and Southern red at ,2'55(r2'65 p
bushel ; white is held at '27o(2 '85. ttya suili
ut l'80n 13. Corn is dull and lower; 3000
hu. hell yellow sold at 1'72; and mixed white
at bl 70gi 1-71. There Is uo change in Oats;
Iihki bushels new Deluware sold at 00c. Nothing
doing in Barky or Mult, which are nominal,
Whisky U dull; small talcs of rcnnsyWaui
pad Ohio btu'ieU ttt SUl(o,.'M,
Oi i n i: or Tu Rvmcnia T.i.riairit, i
t rni.r, He.l.aio l.i.
There Is less activity to notlcA In Oold tbul
morning, und prices hare do llnrd, opening at
'-'-7, adkanrr.i and sold at 2 274 at 11 o'clock j fell
.tr mid sold at at 12, and 2 2oJat
The Stock Market continues very dull, but
steady, in Government loans there Is yery lii tla
doing. fi-M's (ld at lOaArilO'i,, coupons ofTj
7'.'l(i's ate queted at 110(a U0i, and 6's, of IHHI,
lit I (!!(.; 1( K),
Tin re Is very little doing In Rdlroad shares.
licudltig mid BtC..',1(c.-,4, which ia a slight do
cilne; Cnnnien and Ataboy at 1..S; F.lmlra Rill
road ut III, und Calawissa preferred at 40i(t'' ;
:-4 l f"r I'snmylvauia; 4V1 fr LltJa
Schuylkill ; f,': for .Min. hill ; 3') for North Peun
Fylvnnia; 2 ) for O.itawissac immon ; 33 forPlilla
uclphia und File, and 18 for Long Island.
Conl Od slocks are dull aud prices are less)
linn, with sales of Mineral Oil to notice at 2J
Organic, 1 1 ; Irving, .14; McCilti'ock, 7 . F,gt)ert,
J ; I'arn 1 Oil, Ii ; Story Farm at A ; and No'ilei
m d Dchiincter at 1 i, which Is a doeline.
( iiy rasscngcr Hailroa l shares coailoue dull
W est rhiiaiiclphla sold at 70; and Olrard Collega
nt "0. 70 was bid for Second and Third, and 31
lor Green and Coates.
Canal 'hare are quiet, with raloj of Schuylkill
N'likigutii'ti preferred to notica at 3,)J; Lehlgtt
Mavlgiition, SI); and Su-qtio'iann.i Cinil binds).
Hi; .'l.'iij was bid for Schuylkill Navigation, com
mon, and 101 for Morris Canal.
Hank shares aro firmly helJ, but there is Halo
or nothing doing; 102 was bid for North Ame
nta, 1;)J for l,nila li'lphia,H.5 for Farm ;rs' anil
Mechanics', 50 for Commercial, for Mecut
nics', 7i4 for Keusiugton, 10 f ir I'eun To vushlp,
271 for Mauiifaeturers' ani Mechanics', M for
Common wealth, and 1GJ for Union.
There is very little doniind for money, and tha
rates are unchanged. Loans on call are o.Tered
ut fi(rt7 percent per annum; best paper is selling
nt Sin 12 per cent.
A despatch from Washington this miming
snyB : The subscriptions to the 7'30 loan fir the
lat three days, as reported to tho Treasury De
partment, amount to a niillilon and a half Of
dollars. Tho total subscriptions ta date are)
Odd. Those to the 10-40 loun thus far, la
the uggiegute, uro S 1,0 , 0,000. Ilonds of the new
loan coniuue to be furnished within tweniy-four
hours ultrr the receipt of tho certificates. OIH.'ial
stiitcni' nts of tho public debt uro to ba m uie.
monthly, iiistcud of weekly as heretofore.
Keiioncil b) t'tirksnn A Co., iiruer, S. Ul 8. Taint 8t,
Mrnntr. iioauos.
lusuli Mt'llbrnnv .t'iu sli 1 UinsTH'i c 3
6 stl tin vt.' Kil ly. . 1 kg
Itm.ti il ,
Inn -Ii Stur.y 1 mm .
.. sli hu 1 0 -!...
li n n I i.n 11 till...,
.Ulilti 1 1 in nr.l
'.'lo all ilel Hillock .1
ttsilll tla
.i.i flu ueatl. K. It. . ukl
.en inn .n do..... ,.,.o a',
s in, mo in tin a,
,t , . k ....
.., on ".
7 llall all tiidslor i lfW-kJ Jl
ritisr hoard.
t 'Ofnn t'.K fl-SOii en oil c lui.'i nn Ksrrt
I! Mrfi r, M. in-llls tj
Sinn I). M.A-'iag 10 1'
$ i.e I'eiuiit an HT-.
f f.'titl tl.. Calip ill is,
M' .10 Sam. Cm. lids '..1. 6'.
.1111X1 Sen. Nv. lls'sy. .. tl
funs t'tir nttw..,.Ksi
lin ell f.ul'.mttHl. ... 11 ,
tm) .a Iliu mkiiiii .... 7 ;
0 li Mliieralllll .... tra
il., in Urs.otJ.' Oil... 1 y
ki -I. Ir.tlii nil. ...I ',
ltl. ah Mc'Uiiio..k.b i. 7 i
si -Ii t itiaiuat ....tit If, '
Nl all KitiitTl Oil Il'ii
111 .11 lla il4
81 stl ncta NaT III..
lOUItl Ul .......
7 .a 1.1'lli'hll s f
'il h Cain At Im...
II shKhuli-a K It..
A ah .lo
. il 's.
. so
.1 el
. a I'.'
. Sbij
lOtleuCatavuii.iii' .. inL
lao i do h'to 4'si
1:1 ah W.siPaii ij,j ju
1.0 -n Col.... ;
fiO sn Ki'S.lliiK K '
list ih Cherry Kaa.... Ils
HSU., frwlu 111 f, ?
Ilia nil Hit Creek . ..!', i','
Ml so lleuam ireo-U.e Usi
Rcportotl by Ciirkaou Co., Broxin. No. m 1. Third Rt.
rmied tatssr,i,tssi.into(T.
Ho,-, tslui'tl HaiirttAd. ......
Ili'itttlllK llilllret.l
Iiniitii. I'taiiral llallioatl...,
N a lliwesicrn
'w I .i k Ufinral iUilruij,
l l in llail.-oitil
thiooil tt ulrnRil
t'lllted Slit'.'. S-'.SU
ro ii ty,(i, aMi'tna ciif.' ma las inata
old rat '4 itia
.... U"'. bid Ul'( i4,.(
bid mn
bid hi 'i u,.n
...U.I's bid inasi t:uu
01,1 ltejlf ,l.
... . 1 1 7 'T aid - ., a-il.
.....-I Iria .. um :'.; ind l.ns,'
sutimly. ... SiwJy.
Quotations of Gaid at the l'&lludolphia Oold
lxchaiige,IS'o.31 ii. Third street, second story:-
'i A. M 227 12 M....
11 A. M J.' 1 P. M.
Matkct steuily
22' li
Jav Co'.ki: ,t Co. qitoio Government Seeurl-
l es, ic, to noon to-tlay, as 1 jllows
V. P. 6, 1K81 Wis
li. S 7 U-III N. tes no .
Certificates of Indebtedness, new... 91 J
sJUBitcruiastor's Vouchors P2
'1 2214
0-20 Ilonds no
Dn IlkMiN & Duo., No. 20 S. Third stroet,
quote as follows . . '
. , , . Buying.
Ami rlcun Gold , ".H
American Silver. A's and 1's '201 '
Dimes and Half Dimes 200 ' . .;
Npunish (Marten j.j j 4
Deiin. Currency J d,',. 1.5
cw York l'.xchange l-io par.
Quotations or thu principal Coal and Coal Oil
Stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ;
Bill Al. Bid A.k
Fulton Coal SI,
His. Mountain Coal. 7
Kcyitone Oil 1 -j
1', leiisiis'oiill 1 1J s
S I Ibiloii 1'eirolitank.. UVX l
lo. sn Alt. CaU.... t'
N CirliiiliCali) .... V'a
Mow Crirk 1
Irei.or fiaiu Coal. ..
I'linlaii I'oitl it
lV'imauio 0iL!"."i; l iio i'i
1 '. .iliiwa a KdsO O l.. lc 2
Itiulrr l' al JN
la irvum uu n
Hi Kana Oil
K.'sitiin' ?ani'.
11-4 lleiisiiioie ,, ,1C
Iliu Tuuk
I ul Creek
Mitplr Slnolr 1)11,
Mcl'lin'ia'k Oil...
I'srry Oh
Aliii.aai Oil
. i.
4 a 1 'aicn
l "'a Atallneiiiiv s',
V llelttt.ia lilt , ,.
!j O nistcsil ll.
'tS I'.'li'tlf tno l.Iiitra. 4
isi inuaiioi 'a.'i
7 snory Farui .'in
Bruner 11
.1 Aintiri, .iu Kaolin.. .. 3
The following arc thu receipts of Flour and,
Grain at this port during tho past week:
1 lour, libls 0,470
Wheal, bushels IS'l', .
Corn, do 32, K)
Outs, do .Hi, too
The Clcvelund and Toledo Road earned the
first week in September:
1HH3 21.418 1804 n,5fW
lucieuse il!l,ou.i
The following earnings of tho Fott Wavno
and Chiciigo road uro reported for the mon'h of
lMi4 StGiJ!),l(i2' 14 1803 t07,07 7A
luereuse 2ii2,02 till
burnings from January 1 to August 31 :
IWil 1,127,04:1-117 1H0II sjti 209 lr) (II
lucrcase 'U7,S7l"Ji
Tho New York Tribune of this m iraiui?
ays :
"Money Is olfcred more abundantly to tho s: . k
houses, und a good deal has been loft a' 7 p r
cent. The p i ments on account of the loan ri
being made with great cae, and iu a form whiett
insures a largo incrcaso ot circulating money at
un curly day. The 5 per cent. coUou notes a e
pussing rapidly into tho Treasury, and will be
replaced by tl per cent, coupons and notes.
Then, after their return from paying the
army, wall iucreaso the volume of currency for
scleral mouths, and supply at low rates all ihe
capital wanted. Commercial paper Is neglected,
mid buyers expert full rates. There is a full sup
ply of coupon 5 per ceut. notes, at i discount
from par and Interest. The rates of commercial
paper are Hauliers', 8Crfl0 per cent; produce
bills, bin 10 per cent. ; grocers'. 9(ui 12 per cent ;
dry goods, 0(n 12 per cent. Of dry goods, prime
nuuies can be had at 12 per cent. Sterling bill
ure quoted 109jCii 1014 in gold."
llarans Pawiiti. WiU.ami, a' Orlttuuia, 'ijder 4 s0,
Itn. Muiira, liortoii. lloslou, Captain.
8, la H. Frit'tt. liurilty, fit (loyal, U. A. Atlauil.
H.'lir Little Afar,, Nt, Inis'ia, do. '
Mitir hlatira, llajiloiorl, Uwiritiiiwa.CaiiuAir, Btlckuay
Bctir W. P. I'liiulpi, Smith, Roiburr, dt.
8el.rO. Hamuli, Pool, Ansuam, Captain.
Hrlir sau Hakai, L.lckei.on, Boaiou, Jlohle, Caldwell .te
Rthrfirah Ann. Camp, Fortrm tfonroi, fraptaja. '
Bthr Aualiu.nakla.Bo.iou, cjiialu.
Brlir M. V. Vretnauu, tlowus, li dity. fi,s lloitori, wllbj
Dadat. to I'wella at CD.
8. hi I -.poaiw, Uauks, t dayi from Fill Klvw. la kallMt
totaputn. '
Sclu Nt'ptunct 1 Drlde,Crowll,T day. no.iim.wua
loo lo eaplalll. . , ,
Sclir l.inok, Whliuiore, ll) daj. ft-oia liaih, was Iuhuht
totaptuln. . ....
lil. ainur W CPIrrrt pant. lire -n. H bouri irota aw
Tork. vt ilki anise U. W. 11. Halid ' a- v-i..k.WHli.
Silrauittr Aoii.ia,al,J,.i...,' . wwi
ludov lo W. M. llaad Co.
Brl,r Miry Patten. Phhua.'.n MaUuial, arrir4 of
HuiuMMt v. WkUy , auvl ll avtaui.kU