- 9 i THURSDAY, PEPfKMBKU 15, 1HH4. OOD'M Fl.tta.' Thlf littlo ini'ldont oocarred as ono of the hrl fdeof the KvKorve Corps was man hi ng through Atbtnn, Alabiina : TA'ilh tninncr" treum Tuir proudly In lni". Anil rmvonots glistening In me "i lirii'lit Thf rirave Hoi-ci-vi frvo from rear nn.I c ira , A tlioufh they were In p-c- r' nwling tln'rc, ThroiiKh Athens onward marchm! to meet !hc loo. A briKht-cyed, fair hnired fclrl, but ( mr ye.irii old, Looked on the sceiii', and cliiiu'ej her lUllo linnile ; , " rpa," he tried, with f elinit umoiitriille.1, Hod nid'r lliMt llnp, oti ! Hi ill r.iiu' ot -"M '" Then hurst a dcati niug clui'r from thoc lnuve buntls. And ninny a soldier ft It refmlvr-tl, ns lie I.ilVd his enp the ntiMni; child id greet, Tlmt if hi arm miiilit Itelp to M'-toiy, rlj til bene. all (.oil' II ig most willin; Or holler, cr a Koldiei's death to meet. I)'. DABK ADD ERUPT 8IDE OF LONDON. The moral ii'nl rc.ig oiis interests of tmdon are as vast as Its material interests. One is just as mm h sstonished nt on'rn-ts and extreinos in this reject ft in the physical condition of thinirs. As wealth and poverty stute ut curli other in I.ott don, so do virtue and rrinir. At lirsf, one is im pressed with the tw i-'piry nnd iiialid wretehed ness whieh fon c themselves tijion his attention ; and then, on the oilier hand, lie Is gradually I'm 1 ing out what a measiirclc ss Binouut of I .'hristum charity nrd pity is nil the time et work. It may te tlint the vices of great rilies arc more easily found out than their virtues. To discover the hitler ore mast tind wees 'to the religious por tion of society and enter the av. uues of (.'line' Ian labor, whieh he wiil lind almost thronged uth those who wish well to their race. As to the dark side of tiie picture, 1 find on my table a copy of the Enni.uj sta.idai-J of this city, dated Juuo 11, which diieuHi s, in an edi torial, the bid then pending in Parliament fur closing all taverns and refreshment rooms in 1-ondou from 1 until 4 o'clock in the inoniiiu'. It is a Government measure introduced by ."Mr (ieorge tirey. The Sttuulanl says : "Attcnipis havo been inndo tn disparage the tcheiue as an Imperial veto upon the gal lipot levities of the J lay market. Hut they know 1 it lo of London who fttney that a narrow region nlmtting upon Leicester Square contains the only cauecr of the kind which eats into our miln politan midniglu. Far and wide, in the heart and In the limbs of onr Uabylon, the disiase exists; it U vile and putrescent everywhere, and breaks forth in the ricking dens of gin nnd blasphemy, in the human wilderness beyond the To.ver, no less than In the pluto-gluss palaces and sum; wankious of prolcs-ional infamy nt the We-t .nd. Ti,e H lyninikct is, we suv, ,U(J ihe streets contiguous to it are, after the time Indicated, pu'wllc ""istuees, .ctmUU, uml aboliiinatiuus. At A paiticular iioiir, night is made beautiful for a tew moments In the season by the grncetiil thtongs pouriii4 through the por tals of the Opera House. Alter that, and until dawn, the neighboring thoroughfares arc hideous with an insolent glitter of vice and turbulent itli the language of prolligacy, at its highest pitch. We do not tuinlv that even the tvpical P" VKlbn can affect to teel iiL'irieve.l because WiC Sovnnot gliittonic upon atewad and broiled, or aownt. & hinocll with viliunous lhiuor between the - - mar uud fourth hour ul tlm day." As contrasted with ail this, I might give you pictures of charmii g beauty, repre-cnting the moral elevation und Christian dovoti in of other portion of this vust popuhilioa. Charity in a thing uiuch in vogue heic, from tho Queen and thcioyal family through nil el.'9-es. We have all learned to love the virtues of the ijiiccu. We bave heard of her personal visits in the dullings of the lowly. The Christian nobility interest thmiselves in similar deeds of kinJness. Vast sums of money are expended. Vast establish ments are maintained to comfort and protect and elevate vnrious classes of society. It would be a serious undertaking to give your readers any idea of the variety, the extent, the expensiveness of ihe charities of London. I suppose there is no city iu the world where the liko is found in equal degree. 1 was present nt the opening ot a free Taiieriiaelo hi-t evening ut Jiotling ilill, in tho W est hud, where I assisted in the eivii:e, ,the sermon being preached by llcv. ltr. Kdinond, of the I'niioui Presbyterian church in ihis city. The curious thing about it was that the ediiiee, which cost nine .Jiiim, was erected at the expense of a single individual, ns listed by his father-In-luw. This generous per son is a butcher, who carries on his business, and, besides that, is the acting minister of the Tuhercaclc. Thus the struggle goes on in this great world of London. Antagonisms are busy in Church aud instate. In tho Establishment, never homoge neous, we now find ritualism developing ii.se II at a frightful rate. It would seem as if tho great blessings of tho Keformnt on are to bo tlivovii away us worse than useless, and the Knglisii C'turch is to be dragged buck to Popery as fast as the thing can bo decently done. On the other hand, evangelical religion is struggling iu high places and iu lower ones to stem tins tide of for malism. Very happily, some of the Important positions in the Church have recently been tilled by men of the right stamp. Meanwhile, liroad Churchism is undermining the faith of the nation and doing what it can to destroy the power of cvange icul religion. The curious combination of the Puseyitcs and the Kvangelieal party to oppose tee iiroau Church movement seems a unng desi rable in one view, and yet it involves grout dan ger, viz. : that tiie purity and courage the Evangelical party will be damaged by this unna tural alliance. The more one sect of London in its moral aspects, the more imposing seems the issue whieh is joined here between truth aud error, light and darknef s. It is a thought intolerable, that formal ism and infidelity should creep through the Church, and pervade all iu fountains of intiu nce. Alas for England I if this must Iks the case. On the other hand, the struvgle of true men of tied against every form of evil iu this inctruH!is is entitled lo the sympathies and prayers o! every Christian the world over. Speaking of the ex tremes which l.ondon presents, calls to mind ome lines whieh 1 will insert in my letter. They are written by my friend and olJ schoolmaster, Ir. John U. Sherwood, of New York. "On the Thames a :ity stands, Crowded, rich, and gay Almoner of many lands The Centuries' highway ! Trallic ciondH her busy. streets; Fa-hion greets the eye : Wealth with Poverty there meet-: Hags with Royalty. " 'Neath the Abbey's towering spire Jtest the honored Lead : liy that vast expiring lire. 'Nealh that kiiuulid shed, Wret hed want, Famine gaunt Ly its restless he id. "In St. James gold an J lace ! In SI. Giles want, ili-graie! High the noble rich the rich Low the lowly deep the ditch !" Lord lluiMlrpnrjr Hi lliidfii. The following amusing story is tidd in a letter from Baden : It seems that Mr. fsothern passed through lu re a few days ago; but, as I nied not tell you, no body but his intimate friends recognlcl, in the iinct gentleman iu liiutti, (lie iimiisiug "tuiiow of the Hay market, M r. hotliern went h;s way unbored. lor "Moimruri sligito i " is a bore when one Is looking for peace and quiet. When he had gone uwuy ft got rumored at me ro.jins that ne had lust arrived there, and the very same ev e- ning, during the perloiiiiunce of the band, there nas a general exi lauiailun of "1 here he is !" us an unlucky resemblance, nut to tin) actor, but to the character, lounged unconsciously up io ine portico and sat dow n. Yes, there he was, with glass and whiskers, dressed iu Cochin China coat, aud looking exactly like the "Dundreary" so familiar to all the I.ng- Ihdi, and even lo many of the coiitincntalists here. Due r rnJUli family father, mother both wear "'8 "laKaacles two daughters, and a son from college were in agonies of delight, The unlor tuuate man droiii ed his lint, and they w ere in tits. Kniering tho Conversation House, he stuui tiU'O over ihv i step, aud they were in ruptures. --sow, Mrs B. nay, n,t ..j dul ,,lxMn,se 1 would not .eider that naty playroom, bid I am duslied money. We have reason to believe that the tiuba.gc , was taken oil lor that night only. The vie Aim of this unwilling ple,aryhtts tied, and it will ever remain a mytery if he V.ucw the ereat rule he hus tilled here. " l"tt'1" One of the imported Dutch tows on exhibl tiou ut the New Lnghiud Agricultural Pu r, be longing lo V. AV. Chcncry, of Uelmont, Mass., U aid to have given Kf lj quarts o." milk lu one Juoulh. THE J mm FrSffSYLVAMA CAVALRY, MMnlicbi lt- Itrllllnni ( hnrit and ftnkro flaht It.int of the KcIh-Iii nl g nplnrr of Arm. Mr, Cav Nihth Pennsylvania CAVAt ry, Mi r- rnr.i spono, Tknn., September ('.. Sinro my la t .ettcr from Chattanooga, the Oth Pennsylvania Cavalry have been on the move, but a little dis appointed in not going to the front. Tho sn.M ii appearance of the great Ucliel raMer, Wheeler, in Middle. Tennc-ee, wlih n lurgt force, made it liccesssrv for cavalry to coneentruto in that scef'on, und the 'Jib was ordered to this pla -e, whi re wc arrived yi -u -rday, alter n very t vlious and hard march ol live und a hall day, o.er one bundled miles of uioun'uinou? country and r nieh roads. We came here by way of WaMcn's Ki'l,:o,iv.d erosrti the ( unilierlaini moiui'aiiis, in Sequatchie Mil ley. At 1 1 ii it up we awaited lh arrival of our b'ritr trniti hem ihe re'ge, and s.i(iii afi"r i i. mi net u the nseeiit nt Hie Cu inliei umd h noli tor the filih tiiio. 'flic ,av was cxiiemcly Harm, a, el the woi k id' fainil'i; t he mi in in ii ;is tin easy tak nnd ihe h r ' -e I ranier ii . eivi d a full share of (e iiiiiii niiiniis mid ciiis'-s IV' in the bovs of tiie di ; but oi. e" m tl.e valley bel., all hard -hips w re tcrot'i n, and we enmv. d the nnreli In the a 1 1 . i n 1 1 n 1 1 e of Hi e fruit .nut i,e nuiiul s . ti rv. We n iNi.in. .1 at MeMintiville a shun time and proceeded on to M hi Im -boro, wh .re wc arrive I y sti nliiy iilteiuooi), to the great joy ol Ihe gar riMin et ihis piece and the eiilei.s, a-. Wheeler h oi I nil casiing tluea:ciiii'L' glunes into Cie city, l ut i.ot likiie: the t ' r 1 1 1 1 1 n ' i i i ! ten lini; the approach! to the city, he iirelim d to make nil it 1 1 ii 1 1 t . 1 he t-0 ol lie ruid. ri is i stim ited at tiom ,noo !o Ii nun, nnd Is oiviih'd into sev. r I mi l .-, moving about, the cmirre. t alinf liiii i s Hi d de-lro ing tiie p. "due's of tin; sei ttou ol'i oniitry tin on gh v. K 1 1 tin y lnuv e. 'Ihe Mil laid been in c.iuii about one hour, when oi c battalion was ordeied to m i'.e an attack on a K. he! camp, whirh repoit had lo at''. I tour nidi s Iroiii the city ; tun belore the arrival ol our bai'ii'iiii .lohnnv lie'i goi wind ol our linm'ly l :t, i!ei"lll:K.C I . In te, U'ld Ihe !"os rilmi.i il to camp to ci.j'.y oi e niu'lii's ret aiicr a long lrarrli. Lut there is no r -t to the w- lined soldier, mid the Minll notes i f the buck1, to lior-c, to bor-c ! I r iti-'it the old 'lh out of their plea-aiit dieams at li! o'clock 'net ni.'.ht. Infor mation hml Lei n iceeueil at he nl iuariers dining tl.o night tlimugh rair scouts that tiie lieli. ls weio iin anipi'il six lnilis west ol Woodhiirv, Cuiimn county, and twelve mdes from this p'aic, on Sti.ne i,er; and th !hli Pennsylvania C'.iM'.liy was oii'eia d lo rout them. And right liaiidsouu ly did tin y do it, and lidded one more laurel to the wreath that encir clisthe fair lame of the veteran regiment. W'c arrived al a point nenr win to the Kebels had sought icpose, in d passed tiie night in .pleasant ilreiims of loved ones at home, and the beauties of u .'southern Confederacy, und were stiil wrapped ill ti c ni ins of .Morpheus, when c nn paiiicj E, E, and O, wire deploied as skir lni bus, under the 'command ol Major Ap. le, while the balance of the regiment were funned into n rharpii'g column und reserves, and thus forward and onward did we move in the still ness of a bright sumuur morning, and belore tl.e I renk ol dav could dispel the darkness uf night, Johnny lieb was aroused from his sIiimi birs ly volley after voilcy from the skir mishers, and the terriiic veils ot the charging column ; tcri ilied and panic-stricken, the Kebels Ilnl in every (Unction, leaving hordes, aims, and t!i(lr"SuiiliiTu Lights" it) our ooe-slon. Tin- i iiurgii'g eoiiiniu wits icd by i Le urvc ;.l ch.valrous lajur kiinmel, who pursued them into Woodbury, whcie a I rilhant I, an I to hand licht took place, and the snare was freely used on the devoted heads of the Rebels. Whilst Major K imincl was puisuiug tbem, n d ish was made by the lUhcis in Ins lvi.r Hum ihe right llauk, wlij wi re conci.uk d behind a lull, but their obio t was frustrated by Isaac Liuidis lading Adjutant i, and a portien ol Ma. lor kiniinel's coiiiinuud, who bs covitcd the lilovemeiit. l.ieutcniiiit Landis ipiickly formed two eoinpanics and charged alter them, and thus got the Rebels into across lire iiom the rear i I the cluuguig column aud I.ieu tei ant l.undis' cotiiiirind. 'I he Rebs nillered severely, nnd scampered If in everv direction. The force of tho Rebels, a part of Wheeler's command, numbered is hi, coiiiiiianded by Colonel Dibrcll, Acting llrimi dier (lencral. Our regiment was commanded by Colonel Thomas J. Jordan, and numbered Ml') linn. 1 he nilnir was well planned and success fully inrricd through. Tic Rebel loss is '2i killed, li t) wounded, und l id prisoners; wc also ciiptuicd iiCO hoises and Baddies, a lurge amount ol arms, and a Rebel mail, and tiny ipiunlity of dry goods and fancy articles of in n's wear, which ihe Itcbs obiaiiicd from citUciis vv hile tiearciiing alter lliuir lights. (Hit loss was one killed, live wounded, and four missing, llo'.v long we will reiiniin heio 1 cannot tell, as tli.it d.'pcnds upon the n.ovciiielits of the Rebel loree. 1st Master l.dpi t $. t.vonii it in i:kim.i iiii:i- tr;ui. The Louisville Jh inotxtf UMnoiinccs the c ip ture of the Rebel gueril'u leader Jessie. Quiiulreil was caught in Indianapolis tivoortlnccduys ago; Morgan "i dead ; Mo.-cby is reported killed, and now that Jessie is taken, only Forrest und Wheeler, and one or two others of tho dashing Rebel riders remains. The rut says : "Colonel (Icorge Jessie, once a representative in the Kentucky legislature from Henry county, l ut lor the last three years iu the H -lul army, hus been lor some two or three months past ope rating in Henry, Owen, Trimble, Oldham, and Shelby counties, gatheiiug recruits und fresh hursts, und committing various depredations and outrages upon citizens, lloh is operated boldly und defiantly. Still there must ho an end to such o ullages, and Jessie bus c.oiuu to grief. "On Thursday last the Colonel and his com mand wete captured in Carroll county, near Ghent. Wc learn tlu.t Colonel Holcmita and his llib Kentucky regiment cuino suddenly upon the guerilla chict and his men in camp. They were taken completely by surpiise. Colonel lloleman toiiiitd ins men so ns io entrap tiicm t uny. They were so completely hemmed in and over whelmed on nil sides that Colonel Jessie and one buntired and lilty men surrendered without tiling a gun. Colonel lloleman and lus gallant command deserve all praise for thus relieving that section ot a most iioiinicsome nana ol unscrupulous gut rillus." Th HrllHNt Kiols Hie Oraiiaeiiien'a Ills clnlnif r. The following appears in the London Tinf i: "To Tin: Knnoii or nil'. Timcs. Sm : nm directed by the Grand Orange Lodge of llella-t to forward to you the iudor.-cd copies of resolu tions, and to request that you will give them a place in our first puldica'iou. "Yours, respectlullv, "Wm. l'inii.i.s, Grand Secretary, "llr.i.i As r, August 07." "At a meeting of the Gland Orange Lodge of Delias!, held in tiie Orauue Hall, lirlfast, on Thursday, Ihe 2 ith uf August, Wl, and specially siimmoucd to lahe into ennsateratiou the ul It lions of 11 portii n of the press a.'uinst the char acter of the institution und its members touching the rei tut unhappy and taial 110:3 in this tow n, the follow mg resolutions were unanimously lldi. pled ; " ' Inasmuch as the town of I'.elfast has recently bren Ihe scene of formidable riols injurious to the character and prosperity ol the community, and dangerous to II e peace ot the country at lar and w beica.-, among muni allegations as to the origin and continuum e ot these riots, several pub lie journals nave alii United tucm to the exisb n 0 and opeiiUiou ot the Orange Institution, it is ic.-olvcd, " ' 1. That the Orange Institution having been organized lor the purpose ol piouiutin-' Protes tn lit principles, 111. holding Ihe Cronn and Cousii union, and niuiutuiliine law and order, it is utterly oppos d to all ilu gal and disorderly proceedings iu the Slate, orto any encouragement of same, as inconsisieni witu lis iceoirnieu pnncliiles. " '. That this Grand Lodne, on Udialf of itself and the other members ol the (limine Institution iu Lellasl, indignantly discluiiu any connection whatever, either with the origin or coutinu nice ot the recent disiurbuui cs, and, duply deploring v. itn an goon itifiis tno-e unuaiiiiv mobs, tiav done all iu their power to maintain and restore the public peace a large number of the mem bers of Ihe private lodges, as well as ol the Grand Lodge, liuving placed their services as special coiisialilcs at the disposal of the magistrates, and in other respects exerted tiieir influence to repress the prcMHent disorders. " 'II. That lor the more elf etive vindication of the Orange Institution against the calumnies alb ded to. Ine editors ol some ol the leading jnui mils of the I nited kingdom be requested to give tlle-e It'-oiutions the widest circulation. ' RoiiiiRT Waiiixii, Grand Master. "W. I't.i ui.ns, (irand S cittary. "Gon Savk THK O' l KM. "Orange Hall, Jlellast, August -' i." Maine has ;ibs3 naval tnliitments toward filling her ouota of troops. Dtiilng the late drought, when the wot Is aud lands in the direction of Oneida hike were 011 the, one of the OncIJa "Coniiiiunity"-men went In response to a cull for help to preserve property ; and having occasion to write home for uppiks of H'ovUioiis, dated his letter, "Depait ment ot Ruin, iu the Valley of Smoke, and Shadow of Dtuth, brown's Truck, July.'?, 101." 4. he laliom wi re ut ouee despatched.. DAILY EVENING TlyLF.GKAHT. PHILADELPHIA, TH FOURTH KniTlON AI!MV OI'' POTOMAC. Active Artillery and Finns. Picket LEE'S LIBERALITY! He Will Give the Yankees Fiftoen fays to Cloar Out. Tin: maim: i:r.ix;'noivi r.tv., r.io., l.ic.. i:t.., r.tc. r.u; III vim ' ai; i r.iis A i: m v or i itr I'oiovt vi . s.-p. t' iiiber 1;:. I'icl.f t and artillery bring have u kept up very hii-My s,,, e Suttirdiiy, the ire. of Ihe l!(bel- not se. ining to have tooled of vet at beiii:.' ov crpovvei cd Hint losing so many prisoners. The result is that some live or six men a d ly are brought inlo the hospital 1h, the miijoriiy i.a lly wounded, nnd some few have died. Yesterday a large iinutnr opened on the rihl, ai:d threw a number of shells inu l'ctciv,iiiiig with great piei i-icni. A lichcl sharpshooter this nltcrnoon s'olc iwross the Appoina'lox, and watching nis ih.iinv shot one of our men at a battery. lie was soon discov. red, und as he w.is m.iliiip; his way bai l; across tho river, a wdl directed shui shU"k Ihe boat, tearing it to pieces, mil it is sup. osO'l killing ihe occupant. Hise.b is n po. t that lee had announced to his troops on uiithiv, that he would give tho Yan kees fifteen daysjto get away from here, but he did not say what he would do if we refused t leave. The-e men elso represent matters to lie iu a bad way over there. Tiny have been living on short ration', and were of ft poar iiia!ity. The fust thing they m l; h'i reaching our camps is, "Wlii re are we lo gel rations i" We wire just going to draw when we left. Among the casualties in the iid Division 21 Corps, since Sunday, by picket tiring, are Lieutenant (icorge I'.sskr, !0lh l'a , killed ; Lieutenant Iicnj. 1'. Mooihousc, 11th V.. I., face; Lieutenant Joseph S. Hobbs, 17ih Maine, back; Sergeant P. (ioldy, 1 J tli Mass., kilkd. NEW YOEK DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. Terrible Row Amoug-Peace-Men. the Ktecltl lo 1'ltc l-ivi-iiliii; 'l''lrj-:riiti. Jv'i.w Youk, September lo. Tlieaeiijii of tho Democratic State Convention at Albany, iu re jecting Fernando Wood and the Mozart delega tion and the MeKeon delegation, has created the greatest e.cit mcnt in the ranks of the ' iiuter lilicd." Vengeance is thie.ilencd, and the Peace men a 10 gathered in knots about the bur rooms and Club hcinliiiiirtcrfi, denouncing McClclhin, and swearing t lint they w ill vote fur Lincoln rather than be sold by the War Democrats. XOHIIA'I'IOX loll TIIK MYTH 'OX- ; it r,s sion 1. ins rit ic r. fipsi iat Ih .o-olei h thyt I'.vt'intKl T fij "h. Ti oniusiovv N, September lo. The well known mauuliicturer, George liullock, I'.sq., was to-day nominated for Congress, in the Sixth District, by accluiiiaiion. Itepiiblicans mid Democrats are tiilhusiastic in their expressions of satisfaction. 'I lie .Maini t:i'f hm. Ai i.i sri, Si ptcinher l i. Ollicial returns from L'7.i cities, towns, and plantations, show a total vote of Hii.O.VJ. The majority for Cony for Governor, is 1.5,3 Hi. The total vote yet to lie heard from, w ill amount o about ".1,0(10, and will increase Cony's majority to nearly IN.UjO, or about tho same as last year. The total vote of tho State will be nearly ten thousand less this year tlum last. Returns from II!) representative distrlels show the election of 102 Union and 17 Democratic rep resentatives to the Legislature. The Senate is unanimously 1'nion, every county in the State having been carried by the ULlon partv. O V 1 J u Lehigh Coal and navigation Company, I'll 1 1 AUKl.l'l 1 1 A , 8i)telnlif r U, lsat . ficitled iiuinsttls w 111 be rt)e,lvel at tlii-i oillee inilil :) O'eleek 1. M., iif Tt'KSllA'l.llli- till ul ll.tel.er H. K; I'.r an poi lion or the w hole ul (INK MI 1. 1. ION 1 IIOI.I Alis, '1 tr cxj. )) 1, AS PA R T O 1 A NEW LOAN iiiiih'.rtp-l tiy A u 't A .tciiiltli , i yaltle on the 1. duy uf Ai'iil, Jssl, with liittTt"-t at tiie rte oi ti pr t .-nt.p -r annum, myui.lc "turi'Tly tn lt dai" ol' tliv inontlts i .litiniiirv, Apttl, .luly. and Octobornf -,i h cir, und lullt prliK ijiai and ii.ltr st it-i nrcti liy a lui.rt-at' on the Ciu fuiiy - C-t.ttct mid Ir.iiH hi , 'l'liv prni-mai itiiiht in in wrliini:, einlmsed " l'riiioaN lr !."iitni; l,.iufi,' nnd 1 t't at (lilit (fill i', TvIht ll:c will M'lhuill wltltout being Opflicd until Iin- iin tin. tit tlif Iti .ti l ot M:tti. i, a 1-' o'cl'.t lt on WediH'ittlay, tin iri t.t Uft,.)ttT net. I tu'itt;nTiof ao 4'cliittl iiin9ai ill ( o;ir' tlifi'.tli' r notitli'd ut htirli arc lit.inw, wi it'll Iin i loiiilutti- :i i . J ill Ininit' natciy pa.v.'ilili-, an-i a hTwartts tMtli w 'I ia at h'-eity tw p the Hiii'-unt a.'i i'ieil ly uc intilv j n r tu.-nl - nt 1" per c ut . or nioitt tinTtut, .-r th. vv :i.ii at 'Ui' ' me, At In- o lnT ui'tt'ii. Tit- Maimer rsii , in :iicmt-i . ilr.' ritiM til ivji ti mi: any bids iii i.tili.n tu . Iiyoi l.-r i i . lt" ii ilut JUti.t-i r. 1,1 IN w ai.1 I Kl.ASI.UI It. w i: A LT BKAl Tlf. II, 11 K ALT II, AND It to rain adrolt-lnti evot ; If to fnihi' In ntltitiH M.'tn ; l! be a M.Hiimni.' i)kw fi , 1- adltig, ilyiiijj in an hour Mk i ? f If to have a l.oit (jftrleti'l i ; Ii f.r vice tt mat much l, , li wiiti hi'- b born l"t 1 1 v v I : li a airtrun- ft'.nt; In n d-a ' - 'A' i.i;,; a ' li to Hm- tlirt'Pii on- and I'-n, W i At i in iiie a li-iiK aw-ln ; It t Uw a iu i- oi ; It to dit and k lu -"' iih'II . hi 1 1 Ii yoa t-li a life - pleamre : i mi n'w this M il J , tr:',i"ifi, Ii very touiluit ou wnuM TdLc ui) adUt, uud wi.h tri .'.n .v. T'iFu, liitvliiK lltalili, Wi'aith, tm t It Jul! he piei'uift i'kI evv-ry Ji ty, r.y a r rr rm n-sal of Ir. W1I UAM , sw ho 'i hi- M AIUtI.V.K t.l'IHi., whit h -'.o : 1 u teJ Ij fVflMiB''. ."M. I hv I'.'t h fil'M'B yrll 'i d !i , in J l t ,0 1'urtui i ortito, bu. W Hl Ul'CE MKfc-Ll; pn a :j K-ni. a tf orMVS '1IA WARI':iI')f,sK..STA. ll!-til-J 111 Isini. Imp.. ilei .mil lli-m.-l- m t int i i'ji, i.n", ua-i Li ju a j. ( tltilL'ti il.4l.UI t JU.ll , l I-.- - A Ilia .'.. '-11 I'i kl's aui .s.e.eei, tailUni. .4 r.il H, .t' I. A.e .H"l I'"rl.'i . ( Mltttl MC Jta, I'riiitl. ft 111,1, ii j. Nm y Sli-.ii il up vv i ill iie. .11 Ku.fls a. KKI'OMI Sl.cr-I. 1 it-l-ly Jilislll A It. rot HIV. f OLD'aiMrROVPI) PTPAM AND WATEtt- J HI'ATIMI AITAllATtM. tor Warmlui aud Vi noUiiiw I'ubtiu UulMlu-u aud Prt vnu. K-i.attna.tM, Wl.otclure-l bj the VIV aitAJI ANI WATFR FIKATIXQ COMTAMT or riiiLAiiu.niiA. JA.MI -4 p. wrion, fo.it nji imi Knout. mtx-ta B. U. J ti.1 w tu., Suv.iiut.ua.ul- SOUTH URN news. ALL QUIET AT MOBILE. Doings of Whcclcr and Hood. LATEST NKW3 FROM TEXAS. 0rdci8 of Gcnoial E. Kir'oy Sir.itb. Rio,, j'.t-., i;ti., jit4. :ic, 1 l.oH , t leiiib' r if 'I '. in ' ore. 1 1 M-ieir i . lo.- vi,.,.e ilay. S I J."l' Mo 1,'ls t III- reins io 'ore. ii si ji..oo 'i-.im U!M'l,l. io tll'-.s- ll'iM 1 i IM I II I I i i i i i i " i n i -. ii- " i'.- i . ' . . ' I-' I. .ile ail u is l' pi -I'll I Hi. i' llie m me is 1 y ira i il .iioui.il .Ml n1 i. aiel idat there i no pros ".i't ininll"ei. I. I I le' II r- I '-.It Iiom .1' Ile-I i. il I In N I ei - ' I. ImC'l I, I. leu III ill, ill the- Mm on .11 1 We-liin lali.iv. Iter I'.' .o-t lllie liow t slelnl- 'li 'II1.'- I i oml .lull , lorn, With IIO 1 tletny IU -i.'lil. e i lit i .11, i ! I u I"-, 1 lie !iillollii! il'"!' It li lia- le ":i I" "lc I f..nu (ii neral llooil lhiU'ui win i k Ahoy oi l'a: Ii'.sumi, Si't'ii inlier It, l:-i I. t;iinr.'l I'r.ie lieaetal is i e i man Iin-. i'n!eie I toe rem jv.i I . .til eiiien 1 1 1 III . I '.' M I to I'D N I il ll ill" So1.'!, as Ui.i iii.i- el' c itmi pio oi-s a li nee f"i' t u 'I i t ' pr ivt ie lor thi lialisniri;itioii ot Hirii a. la.iy Oesne Io ron.c Souili. 1 lone aeeei!e I ami am miKi'ii' an. il inenls. .1. I'.. Ilo io, tieiieial. The f"l!'iwii). reji'iifof S lie- !t i's o;n nitio'i-' was leeeiveil Irom ho.i yetenliy "" ile. shovmJ i lie rut i ..." I ai.il liriOi-rs ou the N:i-li-Mile iil.ioaii, nnd liien voreil oo.in on ( li Alalaima unit Tenii''-see railroaii. W e ue-triiy- il lntyiuilis ol the Teim s-eo railro.nl, ami al-o Hevtial trains ami imi.-li 'ioieiiy. In every hi: lit tli us tat v itli tiie em my hi' hava lieeu -tie. ccsstiil, i: t in iiik anil ilitm iftlme a lur 'e nunili r. Our !os aie in oie liuiiOte'l !,il e I mi'l Wom.iliil. No prisniiers have I'eeii f . i , : 1 1 1 il f i ' in us in action. NOlTIIIKN NIlMS HON llS I'll'l.lis. Hake's IC.a'w l):llrtim( I lis I I'll, Ivh, ainl 'Jl si u It., i 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 c I at (iaive-t"U. i"iit.i,iis ine lolaiw iiiH ilitel.ieii' e . M iiiiiii s in i in: si:i: n li I M'OI Alt I I Its Jill. Hi 1 1 1, SlIllKVl l'OIir, I.a., I 'mi is, o. .M. I. In io o I' Till : I l I I Inly jo, ol'ilauee I IIM'I.WII l l it M l-MS- Is i ;.(!, ner.ii w tli an net ol -oniiress eiiniieii ".Ail uei lo iiierea c llie ii:r.i U' y ot the iiriny liy the i inp'oynient of tiee nivrms aiiU slaves in i"i t nil e.ip.ii itie-.," approve'! l-'et'rua'.y 17, lM'il. all mele Ipa- iiejjroes. au I other persons ot eoior, not iin luiiiii!.' in 1-11 iviiu are tree miller the tnaly ol Tans ol l.su'i, or iiinler the treaty ol f-pain of 1!m'.i, resilient in tiie Coiilei'.etate M.aes, lieliveeu the a.'es ot is an I -ai years, w ill lie immeiiiati Iv euioui.'il uiuler tiie i iiiieeuou oi me iiureaiioi i. oiiseripiion. JI. 1 lie J tu rii.it ol ( "iisenpiioii will t.il.e tlio neees-nry steps throii-'li tin) euroiliiiL,' oilie. i s 1 1 eniol iliniii ili.ttelv one liith o all tin: m ile slaves in this department I etween the a:es ol'chihieen ami lort -live years. 111. All free net:ii es ami s!a cs so enrollel will be sent to remlevous ilesiiiuu 1 he ti,e e ui lnauil.inti of nero lai.or lor tin: M: iral St net, uen.mpnnieii 'oy i!i-i ripiiv - io! i. 1'. Reijui-iiions lor ni'irio labor must he ninile upon llie eomiiiaiitl, lilts ol lnt;i .; I hi .1' ol the unii'iil Slaii i. V. Ail ollieers uinl npi'nts ot' tlio fiovernmen'. In ehiir;:e ol slave.- will liuni-li, mmillily, to li.e comuiumliims ol nejiro lalmr ol tin- several Stives low hull the slaves litlon,' eorri". anil eerlilijil nuisier rolls of llioe in t'.eir chur.t' liy eominuiiil ol (leneral I'.. Uiuni Smiiii. S. S. Anmcuson, A'sistant Ail.iut.iiil-Oeneral. i ONSI LTA I ION. 5 1 1 1 1 1 -v i l oin, AtlKiift 4. A ery rav consul. tulioii is jioiiiK on here, denerals 1'ru e, lluekiar, Forney, ami OOM inor R yuolils, ol .Mi-souri, lusidi'S our own most excellent (I'ovcrn.ir, eoii 'U tuie the lioaul ol 'consultation. t lent nil I a vim, I uuileisinml, hus In eu t'ostoro.l and ordered to repoit on 'lie other -i 1 - . A jciinou was in eii'.'iil.'.liou at ll-iustoM, iishili General K. Krrliy Smithto iimiII llie order traiisl'eil'ina (jeneiul M.iruder touuotlier dejurt- IlK'llt. His siiecessor, Miijor-tleiier:'.l .1. (I. Va ker, Ii.iM' UM-nined C'lminatid and ;;ivea s.i'i t.i : i ui to most peisoiiB. A new liroum, he is cxpe.'teil to sivrei l tin. '1 in- foliowlm,' is the Rcneral urilor, whieh nn unuiii'is tin: ehaiiiies iiiiule : lliiMmi tier h Tn .s-M isskh in Di.i ",ut vi vi, Sum m roar, I.a., August I, lsiil. (iene rnlOnleis INo on. llie lolloivimi eiianeN arc aneoiiiii i'tl in tiie llislriet Coiiiuianileis ; .Miiior-Oeneral .1. 11. Main ud. r. 1'. A '. S., to eoiniiiaiiil tiie llisti iet ol Arkuusai. .Major (leneriil S. 11. IliieUner, 1'. A.C.S., to coiuiiiund llie llisti iet of est Rouisian i. Me ioi (h neral .1. O. Walker, 1 A. C. S., In i oniiuand the llislriet oi'Tcsas, New Mexico, and Arioea. lly t emniaiiil of fieneriil I'.. Kiunv Smiiii. s. S. Ami.i:-on, Assistant A.ijulaut-Ueuvral. MtOOl'.S IHOSMINIl lilt: MIsslSSU'l'I. (Iui Slueveport eiurcspondeiit says, iu a pri vate note: "1 suppose von ine nwnro Ilia' Wii'Uer's and i'oliuae's llliisions haw' eroased the Misslssiiii. 'llicy aresiiiil to have have nuie to Molnle, Inn 1 do not think they w ill stop -ho. t of Atlanta. Hflll'MIINTS TO 'IATAMOIIAS. Shippers here slute that the 1'ieiieh have rjut assurances that merchandise u ly be sen! Iiom New Orleans to Mitiuuioras uniil Deeemlier witli out iiiolestniion, anil that trade will not be inter rupted by the authorities. ill III I. (Ill I'llNMl.ST M iillKS AT Tt..Xr. A i i.ama, Sei't II. Onu mile hnloiv the passen jicr dt pot. and on the west side of tho (jeoi.ia railioud, is situated the Atlanta ioliin','-iuill. 'J'l.is is il c most extensive estulilishinent of tbc kind in i lie South. It was buiit iu Ihis, and owned iu 1S( : bv Scholield Markhaiu. It was at oi e tiiue puicini-ed by t he South Carolina rail road Company lor si ii ',' H K I, exclusive of tho ne groes In longing lo the mill, whieh sold tor an additional sum ol sT.i.ouo. The mi I has eui pluyid one hunilied white haiuhsunil a like nuni bcr of nevn cs. li is the only ono In the Smith with accommodations for rolling railroad iron. Of this work, however, it has done hutlittle, its full eiipiiery having hcen used in the iiiaiiiil'aetnre of Hiinlioat "plates ; and so great has been the de mand lor iron h r that purpose, that all un used ruiis Iiom the dillercnt roads of the South have 1 ecu brought here to he turned into urn, or lor gunboats. liven roads not put ot a chain of communication between two liupoilaiit oints have b.eii torn up, ami the in. ii appro; i lated lor the purpose men tion! d. this mill furnished the iron for fie Mt t limnr. A t '.iutn, the boats in Mobile Bay, anil, in lm t, ne.uly all the iron b utts that the iie iei Ootci nine iii has ever built have received plates Ironi these wi rks. This hut alone rendered Atlanta a good point lor destruction. Hut its nae liiltiess to the S. mil did not end hero. I rom the rol!lii-inill,'o'.!owing thc railro id towards ihe ilt pot, ai o but a shi rt distance, is a f'oui dry and innchiuc shop lor t lie manufacture of shot and shell cMiusiuily. Further on, anil on the Mine s.i e bt the null. nil, is a pistol factory. This estiil.iisliinciit is owned by Spillcr llitrr, and w lis , , eon-'rceti il tl liiii. It i" a large huildiiig, live sioiic- high, and a- loiinerly used as a gii-tmiil. It e ns built by Richard 1'eters, of Alk.ua. Tl.e niaehinvry used fur the piirpnse of nuiitilu'-lniinii i-to!s was removed lroin Holly siirmi's slioriiv i.eiore its capture by our fores'. Tins weik has giu-n employment to nearly three hundred hands. On the other s;de of the railroad, near the pistol factory, is a tiuvernuii nt arsenal. This has been built since the war, aud has been in valorous operation ever since, repair. ng ai d making ai in -. building gun carriages, and also has n machine lor rolling out sheet copper for cups. Tills cstab lislimeiit einploved about two hundred liaiitU. short distance further up the railroad, on tlm west side, are the lnachine-shups. round-home, .sc., ot the Oeoigia railroad and Ranking I'mu. puny. These wotks are veiy exten-ive. and have done the re airing ol engines un l c.irs ol the Mucon road. Near i tie depot, on one ot the mu'u slieets of tiie town, is the military s'orelioiioe. Here a lar.'e tucU oi ' small art'cles used bv the Government wei" stored. Thrco miles ' ca-t is the Ooverumuit laboratory. Ilcic were manufactured pen us.-ion cap., lu'l iiiinatiiig powder, fuses, alcohol, i henni aU, Ae, In this estal'lishment wcieeinpluycdal.irgcuum her of botii sees, ainl all age, and all colors. North oi tho uepot aie the imicliin ) sho und round house ol the W'esiern and Atlantic railroad, und opposite the naval labo ratory, llieher mi. and ou the west side of the' railioad, aie M'iliship's loundry uud luaehinff shop-, i tn., establishment lias in icu soiue oi m , laigest (loveiliiiicnt conlraots, and Kept ill con. Slant cmploymint a large number of liiiuds. On the oilu r side of ihe railroad are several shops of diiliunt kinds, all recently engaged iu the luaiiii j f.ieture of supplies lor the Rebel Government '1 here are, besides the works enumerated, a largo in ii, hi r of pork packing and oil establishments, and a buttou luctory. Many of the building in the town were ulo used by tiie Rebels for ditl'jr tiit purposes, such as clothing, shoe, artillery, huiucss, cU1., uuiiiillaeloiiw. ii- C. Tin ma.n. UP SPAY, SKPTEMHEIl ir,, 6IX PER CENT. LOAN 0E 1881, I OH S.M I ', in .in i i.r i-"il ' a i' ' i .'I... s: i. i t el irkei r 'i pom-s iti'nv k r oi . i v ry . i;. v miii it .v o. I H 1 IIIHii Hi i. r PROPOSALS. J)i;tii (I'Al.s i nit 1 1 i. . i.. . - .l ie r-. IN 1 I : It M c.N i' 01-' u. -. -io.. r l:i !' I ' t II lie 1 1 .III M.'ll ll' i-l. nii'tl ie I W. lie . il J :( .ei-'.l Ol - I. I-.I. 1. 1 HI .1- . I i " e v I sf I. t - I' I ell Mil rui '.III u I., I Mi'Im-i I .11' i I . I I'll it ni.iy In I'M .i . f H It ,.UI,I .111 I i ,e . nl.'.r li I'T Wl!' Hi i. lit i i iru i". ,i ft 'II In re. il. ' , .in Ie ' I . HIS li II" rl. Hi III Ul II " tl HI I I I'. "I'll "II I 'I .1 I ' i i " V Ir I ' 1 . A . A I HI 1:1' s. AMI l . i). i '.i ' iin aiel . '.'. it . li I'OSA I.S 1'OR WA I.N I X II I AD r I.:. I .-. il ie t. it. -1 I'M Ilillll 11'. HI l lelr.l Sl.e mi! Ir. i t u I I'll. i .. Il I li..' Ill .ill Ml I -ini.e .1' - I I I I 1 II I tr.-M.-.e I .. ,, .re i I'll! '.I. ,- II. ml I'.. ., it e. 1 .in. il u at, in- 'i II ll,i- v e.l I.. i I lie i . HiH i n'. . - tli" k. in i .it-, I r "l t.'i- I'll, .tli el inn-: lu lie ri1- pre; Mill' i lm 'i i .in l.e liii.i ill Oil I., ti ii -r ii, 1. 1 il ., ,,ir"i.s liiatri n( i S" II.". '' III- I me ,1 s..il, li. IIH .1 III. I.llll .11 I I lly null. i i I I 01..1 I' ll III. i III. I . Si. A. r I'I' lel.l Ie f .ol Ii.il-ll- II I.', . .1. i u t, i.iii. irteriu. tsler s lie. AI I KCT H S1 UKAli ul s.l.t.llll :iii i"iin.i U Ah I HIM Sli;H-(jli.M'RAI.S OI'FI'JK, Vxf 1 irst I'lt fli n. Mi I" lm l iC 1 1 III. I A. I' Ii I'n. I'n. '-tiiuihlr irr Aml'-rv unit .nl: v wrvlfi----! nt t.ll.il'.OKO l-l.t'"l , iuu il limfK.-l, ill i i: 1. 1-4. mI ho il l; ffd to f'.iiit'iin T T.rm rv M"re, ' , and I..' Mii't.ti'd in iik- u-u.i) ' .i i riuvnt tl 1" 1 ' In H. v .h . rt t) i'i i 1 V H'l. M IM-i. , i . fl. o Arii!I- fV I..k. h. -.l-'i. :i, h. nt tlll hi li:;i!l' (ni - (t. i :iin! oi.Tr. .MM I M A, KKIS'. '.. 1 1 'rM I'lv i.'im't' ritift-i r t ii n r.il i . r. tAUll.liMAMl K S OI-I'I.'K, I'lill !! I IlilA. V.. l ' 1 '. I'. I. O' II ri U l I', ; i a , th .iv. 17. I- I, ry. nt Hit M.i ii. . Ill- I . rd. 'Ill v i; ikh.i i iin 1 1 im r.. i .'i In. li t. in li. i i ; hi 'i i. '.. ,ti 1 1 , 1 I III' tl 'l ' i Ml' II. i i - t n ft I'V a mi u. n i J I,;- K ui.'h. i '. , hi' h b '4 iiuh. . tl ill ,.,,'" in- li h .. h In. li. 7." 11 ,'. ill' ll liV .' G ill II. 11 ' I. I iii' li t.v 1 . null. 1.' i o I iii. h v I-, in h. .; j : 1 . ii,. h M ' i... I', i,' "i h.'-h I.n ' , 1 1 1 1' ! i , h.i .'."'hi ; in. (i lv ' liu !i. A II in L.-i l Hi irjt In iii.-pci li- I'fia'itv ,ind tlic i'i t make, mi 1.1 tuii- li .!: r- v ni vt.it. pi ii iniuiiily of ( li, !! tin c rt 'i'iint. inr tl iv tl. In ci v 'mH in writ tun.' .nul in ft'iros, I'll Mr. ullll II:'' - ll'ft'-rlt pOhilfl j.prltt'io in.l.u!' p.u K..i;:t-and h n li liitl nin-l he Liii.ir.niifC'l liytnn i.".i irtN'i' pr,--ftin-, uiii.-i' Miti at ii i imm'.i I.- n-i.il it t'.f vii.ir.tnit'6 nrnl i-niiu-'l in iih a.. .! aii'l s'iiIh p hi ni-uiitv C.r tli" k in. unt ii ..iv. ! Uv th I inr ii Sm:' u-ttwt .lnil .e, Alh.i i,.- , -ir ..'i. f.nr, ni' n mi r t i!!'lic "lii'-r, LU-r a till' .tl M Mil lie I .'Tl- lllflf.l I '-i- rl.:lit u r-fiM to re" -t a'l liirtu c. hi '.I too 1 Ii ftiui Lu I'M 'run a Utluiit i', i iii.i.t. t'-r will b- iu i Ivr I'utfiier iMtnrniatun cnil at tla- otHr', So. 11':' (ill, I!H S -.it. H v I'l.l. i ui t'.'inn l A, J. Ferry, .'.irt nnM i' he- (I.IIUIRIU. t.Kniti.K It. (ltH' F"l 1-41 C .ipMin aud A. . M. r a it t it m ast i-: u s or v I r !; , I'I. II Ml t filt., Si l.tl-ilil-. f I,, I'V,) 'l(. tl IT I ')-lll- V 111 I' ' l-Ci'.'IM.ll .U l.ll- Ollt' (' ll.llll W N . -"'.th iii-i.int, :t od... , ,f i'..r inr n .Uhu AM H ' A 111-; MA.Ml-:i( itiAli t.-i I..- Vr h.-i.itrt-in. nr. lr ii i" i )Kil -I six in. n Iin coimiici.iMMk: l il Mt.'i-T, J-"l. Ul..l 'illlH. 'Ut AlllM II. M... t 'l.ll Hi t'.' .it' t ll. Il ' ,1 1 1 r .'i t C V At,l)n;.i ill', Inr Hit.' list! of 1ti'illi.-rN , tn W-'l'h 1'JH) nuiimis tn tin- (nil, nilfl l In' iiP'M.'i-l fn 1 1 1 s '!t 1 (i 1 1 Tin' f.'jtl ii .ti bf tl- livi-rr.l i n ti t.tM v sri- In ih-'pnifi nl r!il'n.'i-l).lii.l .r Sl-V i. irk. I:i Midi -ni imiIii.-, hl MK'li t n i its it b .nir tl ; ninmliii n1 tt ,Vi ii.iutt '1, K'vi-tl IhuiHill "I tntm .cr vv. t-k. Iii iii"i ni iaI hm tn tl' Iim-i- tl.' ('ml in p r. .pc r iian(itv, ftiul nt Hie innju-r tli.io uinl .l n.-" . I'n ' v 'rinti Mil rt-vi-i v. s iin ru h! i'i i. iik.' j.'.'-l unv il.-i. ; n. y hv j.m . "-i n II I t III' t t III I'i'.. Ill) sflMi il ll -il lis.-, I I..' i.'l'i' III tsl lilt k'l en i (i:ir;iit-ly lur tin' ' ..il livrt-.l m. iii.,ri .i v b' K nt tins purl .iiii m t-w ui k. .11 im.' (itiu-. ii-nt c.m -tlitf n Jil't r ftiiitil. Iwi-ity per f-nt will I,.-vi iti.'i. .J it cm i hv. ii mnii Mt i it 1 1 imt ii iii t i lu.t.fp, w' M'ij ri'S'Tv - lltill lh lint Ui hi' ntia lliuil till' i nliir.tit sfi 'll ll l" 'M't'D Hilly ci'inpl. t. .I 1. iyi.ii nt- ni tl.o ii' i .(liii i.- '.K'it i- r C ill , it lii Km. e tine, v il lie ntfi.t- in-mlli! , w li. "i ll.." 1 ) jim tiu lit if. in iiumIh lr thr.t nrts.. iltn-h or. r uiiit l.e ti ent'ii. iii'. t) hy a wrilt. u : n irulfle, fi: lied . luo m ihum- esj.nu - .hie .n I n ( I ti ir r i.mih. lullly lt Iji f. r Hied U it I u.leil HUI. .1 .!.!..', At-rne , or nlli t lor i. It ut the tiHl.ler r I'liMi-ri ill, if hn. in ll.tir bid In' n w t jiieti, filler into w riitt it ul)Ji.tinti, mth iro ni itial innteieit mir.-lleH, in tic miiiii u .me liuntln .l llem kainl tlulliiik, tt ImiMfli ihe rnH" l ' ii'iii'i K ir.i(n rllUi Will he roll Lit Ml llllltjns Die t'Tlilb t l llni lii ftlfltf UieMl HM' e.nnhecl t Ii Ii. 'I tie tiltt Is ri er'el m rcje. t nil the liiilii if t'..ii i.fr. .1 10 If tn llie lill i l 'ft ul tho s. r . t" tin Olid tlx hitl lltil 11 .It hiultiiii: fill i. ni.. i u ill tx i.'.-.'ivil. rrutisiiiB tti he i i.tlui; i'i) rrMMenl f-r to.it fr tin Wiir l.'i'rtMieht, uinl ..tiii'Mt it tn the nil h cunftl. ll iir.iei ul Uuluijul A J. 1't ri i.Mmiii' rii.mi. r h. Ai't Hit nt. I . s. A. i 1 "I. i, h I.', i 'It Ml., htti -Ut ( Hit.iiu a wl A. V. M. pROTOSALP l'Oll Sl'ATlONKKY. J I. it -i: ut Iti ri:i -i m a ii i I sii . i. Mi ri s, t'l i l:K - in i i i . Auiiil I Pi:l.)'.1 l lOI UrAI.S will In rtve.l Ml ti ls nftl Until Fl.lhVV, the .Of ti iinv nf K'-H.'iiit.er. 1- t, a: it O lock M , Inr li.rnUi nx f.i'-h .il' tin h.ll.iu Mi-' el i -s ol (III I inn. t) lr II..- u- .)' Hit. J lull nf K' pit m nl.it ive ol tl.e I utti tl Mui, v f I'mitiiint wine Mii.iiu .u-t im.r, r.iu mi-.Ttln, leilil Inn t ii ri iiiiw white fotntin x Ui I ii..te pa j r. tvtru n.ec- (llie, n ini hilt l. :'i Vi- tin- v. blie t nun. i v 1 il no't y i ., r . t k f I ft tiiiv. i ..ni he ml.'ii on h'i "t.h ". r. iiii I- In'e ciiitin r. i.il ti ti I'ai'i r, eh ti(r tine. Main. bo ii'itins u jut Kinl,i.iji ijh t, t tru iint i tlne, h int lini'tl. j'i ream le-al mi- 'iip. r, fMr mipei (ln, fi mi lim-tl. In If uitis ihii ekn (.ii iii, I'liini. rp.ui-n thin MunllU i.i i r xt) r.'-tin" iJMl a 'ti" t. I.' I I' In. In. iv. II.iiik 11 (.oiil'iin i r n Kl.vei i tniul. Mtlil tu tr.li, CiO rt'MinH iui ilU (i.tper, I ' hv VI h. n, tt.-l, liin 'l HinthIii Jief riMin, ht, Tt-i u mtit ft tul it" a . Ji r iini- .VfliiilU 1it, .'7 hy .17 lm :t . lhliu 4 toiil.tia Ji I nam, UI, nil iiihiU ftnj till.',' I . 7 ( " w hite H.lek ftil!.''ln' ' in elf ..(., .". r l.v 1 Ineh-M f-.i.U'ii n htlc I 1. 1 k .ittiu n e t in i I. Vs( h-. .i'r. ui. hv. vn lii white Hit. I. in l lit lninw (.... , t. :'4 in.h.-. ir.,1 o w J. re i h k ii.Hi. Mt i. v. I'iji. , h , by inrhft-. t "U l.tt'. v note rim l.... , lim(lM-n hull .itlhi'sl-t e i nv r..;i'H. , h J '( iu ht. 1 f 's. i ul -jjK hs n- i ii el pi 'j:.tt b .i s sin ri n-, v. rieii kindi. . n I tut h tt.il 1i.k(n.!. I i tin-1 tl llik-t.'Uil, nf ..- k l lift lit il- . li l.ltit t In -.1 LUck ink, Mtilt. HI-. UJ 1.411 I t". 'i tl" h In It bltil Ink , i ftrU ami 4ul. 1 Ji e:. inhiit r .i n tU ivg ji.ti ,..rt. 'In i II 'i M III.. U Irtl fi ll' ii". v ,41 lull k in.l . 'i ni hlat a iiuu I't'iuui, l ji i -.K.iti-un miit roim-4. No ,' . mu9 I uImt c.iriii'iie Jt'.l hln i. ii- tJ. r kin iw-ltitli1i is. ilitlereiil kiinU. i teeli I iit.i'l Ju il l.o tl. li, t a. toi.k It if. ' li bt Hit, iniii -: e, aftiNU iic. In du 'en I'Ht ki Mllll, nrtt. 7') k o-.ip I'lnk liii-e. 'J'- ;ifinitl- best hi m let mil. tin wax. i tiy en dim n t., itii W--, .n mn-. knJ. J. ii ii mt intnaiiduint, vat tvus km .h.eii (.nfnii.iS. 1.' ilo en 'ii) er-rtli -ri. 3 t.'eii r obi er rnh ts .' il.it'i) j.uiiei wwhliU. ihcn 't n-w iper-. Jeeil Dm kel-ktiuf. tvj, (' ret', :..i. ftnl tl hlttttt-; "tun. it'utl, ahfJl, anil ,, i i t;.'i. 1 Utieii tin ii h. i ionm1h e i j sin i i'Mnr f itiH n hh. rhiitiiU ainl riiu '-Ai tsin .ui'iiimeiil. In hy tu .im. 1' il'ii-u n)unm' t'tin. tinen n. in Iu i. hi ti..- m-t. ot .o...N.r.ntM. I w:t; bengi i! rc M-ini to :uinisji ait,, i, j. ml) ti.jimi In kftmi.:. I'm ,s. mi-nt bo a.'t oiujuir J bt t'i nun ji (lie uio tas intiiKfed tu he nlli tt'.l. A- rt ii iitO hy law, uetrreih t w fll Ik aiven ( l;ir pr U 1 1 1-1 i c i . m oi Aiut'ii.-aii nuliistn.il en all 1 1i ai uinl oi ii 'J 'ii'itllty; ami ml h'Iso iiiuI imj (it.-iii-iti t Mip.ily my rUia oi witU Uiwili ate w hether iim baiuu ato lU.lllllllt LUtt- ul tlltt I IlltC.t Sl.lU'l. Un.' ariieiv ure tt he ilviner.l, frefl of ay rliar-e fr cu i'ibl.','. at I i io tttj. c ot tbcrtt'ikoi tne ilmist' ot Kei.ru- Seilt.itiv. i.n ut h.'f le U.tt-lli dayot Novdinh. r. l-n. I aih iniuadl to he vndniM-tl ' J'l-jiiosaU in SinhmiflT f-r the H. ni si' ni l;i.r.'i'i.t.tive ot tiie lintel Mate, ' 111 ll i.Jdli'.gt'il fi li.e ui .le'fUne.t . huili. inn a.ei'.iueiM of t-ai h eta f ortif'es priipiuM .. inii-t ii. . duinanv lite pmi.oiftl, marked wttli luc uamft o. u.e hhi.h-r. Iho I'tTnuii (,Q,-nn t.i furnish any rU nt artMes at the I'lUii n i ,., .naity i uusi.h'itii. shall rtt five a i-m-titu t"i i-iv mine im i'.'iiln a notiil, w ith tno or in r M'let.ts, -utilML 1T t.i I In (Ink ol tie lllllUfUl itt'Jiti.'. MMlatnes, mi tl.e iriiui uian.-fuf lut nuitte, nn-ler ft lur 1' Huie ot t w 1. 1 II f cuiiti a. i puce in t a-e ut linltin-. wli.t It h inl UtilM b Hied tli the tilth w o tne atd tvi witUin t''U itny .inn tiie jnop.jMiU Law heit oi.eiiftl and H e rtttili Uf .ftird. KhWAItlt AI-d'Ul.liftON, t'h-ik oi tho lluiifco of K(-naciitmaui I miM Hialoi. MlO-tlll-ilt 1i:UKKHIUT.s...5u0aAM.S. l'l'KK MM Ills, Ollllh prnvl, tyr lin.ivln(,' pitrpo... lm .alt- tf K. P. illl'I'l LION. ll:' Ul' 1861. THE ARTIFICIAL HAN 1). A H. A. tai.l'KA, IrTi'f'r and M iihiii:h iwrr of th A H I I K I r I A 1. A K U, AriTOvrd and KloptM MTR".KO!f-OtNRRAT. orTlR UMlP.O UTATFH, fur Hehtlrri, Fn pnnrxnnUT It ratni Mnnniri nnd r'urffirrat Vn. 311 f. w "I I I M Hlr!tH, u lioora b!ow Morui e, 1'blittlA 'S- LMv7:L,,; T"UTK, No. 14 North roll. IlyiMirrd hy It. KVI,l(Ht l H iTet-dnm i-vnt nn ntt'i ti rrt'-ififre Trn n. Sii.t ri..r I laMie I-u Kin-tic "oi-Ht.ifB. upi" rtr'-, Hhouider Ilmcoa, HaAMu.' l.-n v Cm'., hr. Ar. K ' j J.rtnie.i tto mil o i J.rt.llen all Mb it hy Mm. B.C. KVI.KK IT. mv:,.l. s A M A It I T A N ' S K H lIlll'IN H ( I'lir. s M KI I s ( riii; s.i-niiiiASH ii'ii-; : v it !; IM AKI I AN S N I M A ll I r A V S H A M A l( 1 I.N 1 H IMAKI V S S A M A e I I A N ! H M M.'II'IVI i.tminrisH HA Mill IN H A M AH IT N -!"n M A il II A S -1 t A MAM I AN HAM . Ill VA S .1 S A M M : I I N f I M '. HI r A N H S.l M A HI I IV S S 1 A l. l l ASS rt'KK. CI III'.. IT UK. ' rin:. rin;. i rei:. i'i i:k. i i ui:. ci III.. CI UK. i riii.. cm., criii:. Cl'lll'. Cllti'. i i nr.. IN Bin. lTs, III fin. I MI'e ri'lul il V I I lili's in Ail ..ll il f t-l -Mule er 1 i male i'-iit lie innll. S WdMI N" M Thk. K AM Mill IS" cr II II. MA MAUI I AN M I I i;k. SA M All 11 A N h I'lHI!;. fAMAItll N M cr i: I ;, HAM MUTaN Cl'lll-.. SAM Al'.l llH Cllll-'.. SAMAKI I A si H I I in:. s-AMAlU I AV S I fur.. J- A VI A I . IT A S S CI I'K. MaMA.ii I AN H i'i 111;. SAMAI1II N S l l I.K. H A M Alt I r, N H CI UK. "AM.MII I AS s CI i'i;. S A M A HIT V N H I I Tl',. S MAI'lt'AN R I I KK. SA M A II I I A VM CI'IIK. HA M HIT AS S Cl'lll;. s- AM HI ' . S 1 Ct hi-:. N M Mil I A S 1 CI UK. 'IIIE IIIIIAT SI n llli' lull Mi' 'III r MsiKAnCS S-i l"IHAl 1A ell .11'-., I i'llli'irh i 11. 'Ill i I . A ' . I ie li lnjx eiiiitinli. '2't I'I lis, illltl tv III i Hie in In-nl live In is !.. ITiii-f.' I I is al-o r rin in t" rp.iori' li'lii1 fti'l pnu er .. tliese u ' o 1111 ie lltlilllli il hv I i in- liny otlHT iii-'1, Hml Hill nil In fn II . iK'il ' ! '" I ll. If II tl i' Tills -ile II... I till!imit lliC itijei Hull. Ill ll.rle eit.es, nne I'll I I'll te I hues II 1 1 III. ' istiii liy uiml.; C. I I.'ICK HOST, I'r. iir i-Vi-, C. I'Kli i: l.ll-l., I'l'ii'ln .in, '. IHH I' in is K, friii.ri-liir. c. I'Kli r; ll'isl., IT.'i ni'l'.i , C. I'ilH i: IIil.-sK. I'rniiii''"i-, llos tu:,'. ! ..i oilier. I!.. I' . t ll'liee. Il" I' il irtrre, ln'.i lil'ii I Hitler. Jllit ' '. I'litl llllu-e. 11','.'') I 'V CI'., iivoti n DM i IT A ., liMirr ,v i n , liMll l A Cn., N". 5..-J N. Sr.l'uSli s-r. , . Nil. '.'.IJ N. MK 'Ml Sir, ,.(. N'i m s. Hi;':nsii ti,.,.i. Si., s -t N. SB" 'OSI. Mi-.-rl. N'l. J a -V SI.CJNIi Hitert. Sell l' pe.ll. A K''IIIS A'i-nls, .i-it-liltl. Hr -lire ami .i-.li fur i"am iritan s crm:. SA MAHl I'AS'S CI 111;. .SAM I It IT A N s cci.'i;. KAUAHITAN M CI'IIK. MAM A III I A S S el liK. MAMAIll I ASS" IK':. H .MAIIII AN rt CI UK. s m iu r s's i r in:. s MAIII I AS S CIUK. H 111 I AN S I Till.. SAMAiii i a s s cr in;. NAM.M1I I AS H (T It I -. . S M Mil I AN H CI'IIK. H .MAII I AS S CI UK. SA M Mil I A N S CI'IIK. MMiiinvi cciti:. Kill Mil I A S"S Cl'lll'.. SAMAIII IAN i Till'.. SAMAIII I AS S fl'llK. S i Mil IAN S 1 'I'll si r.ri' si i. r I Si 111 r s i I; I I' hi 111 f I'K P.ll "ill. Si I: ii: i.'iP'iiii). HI. llli OKI'. I'K IllCllltU. I K l.'ll'i'Mi. in: i- n'ouii. ik in i-u: t.i in l' SYI1I I' si in p 1 lK i.'l' "i:i. si iti'r Si KI I' UK llli'llllli. I'K nit nun. Si Kl l' I'K KII'IHII). Si 111 P I.K Itll lHIIl. I'I. Kll "Kll. Li: iti' i'itn. si in r Ill-, Kll'ill.'li. Si Kl l' iii: Hr nun. I'K KICiiKli. m: Kii iiui). Si itr p Si 11 IP SYltl V I'K I t' iU.'li. I'K I li'lillll. UK Kll' IKII. I'K ItiClllill. Dr. KM 'Hill. K Kit "K!i. si ki p di: KK'nitr.. SYitlT in: 1.1,'niil). SYKI'P UK Kli'lll'.ll. Si HI )' I'K RU IIKI). si i.tp in; mt intii. si III P III". Kll nltli. Si l;l'r Mviirr si in r s i i; r r Si 11'' si I I I' K Kit nltli. A r- iten . lire ler nli I'.i ins ef Yen. 'rr ul llisrn rs Cseil in ilir I- ii-niein tl... . 1 ill b , una tlei mllili-B lliruiixeont KiT'ijn- nml iniiTieii. 'I .s pii Mi-nli'.n i.as i r'lii.-il a. erinlli .Unr ol tt. I ri liirni ni ili-rne. nml -tii'iK-'lii'im lie t wis I it mien jiriiernllv. Il .Mllelire all S.ire., Ml -ils. 1 ' t . , . t I. n . l eili-r-i. or 'iy n-i.i.i.nni, no iiuitlrr liuln ivuul Clue ur hnvi l.-ng huiikI. Ire-'. 1'rkr II inr U'tlle. .'. PltlCK 1'0-tR, Priii-I, l..r. c. I'K U K K"-K, Prnirii Kir. C. THICK K"SK. Piojirinor. C. II: I' K KnsK, I'mi'in-t ,r. c. I'liii-i: i:iisr. p '.iuii i'.r. :. !, A.,'ll-. Full- Arc S"le Ai I lit", S. li- An Ills. S.'le Avrnt-. Sell' A.riils, .S"le aki iiii. S.nl Ie iii Ail'lies. liYlll'T ,V i n. Hi 1 1 IT' i.iiii'r ,v i n. Ill 'ITT X I'll. Uinl I' a co. Him r .t co. DYO'IT .V. O". WKi nvii siivi l. an i" -tnlli h tut RAILROAD LINES. 1)1111. Alii 1,1'IIIA, WILMINOTON, AND IIAI.I l.ilOKI HAII.IIOAII. CIIASut UK IHH ItM. n nnil iilli-r Ali'SI'AY, Aunu.t 1, 1;, I'n..i iiili-r triiins Iravi' I'titlaHiili'lil. Inr llu.lll'K'll Ml 1 .III I KsptOsH. .iluiltl. OACetitv-ll),H'(.i A. !.,).' M., J .in unl In Alip. M. i'i su r at b vi, it-li A. M ., 1' Ki, 'J-an, 4- iu, o-iJ aud U'UO r. m. Wilieliiili n at 4 "0 (Mnmlava nriptrii, 8'Uu, 1I-U A. HI.. I JI. '.' in. 4111, li IU1, lu ll Uinl 1 1 I'll I'. M. Ni it I H-lle at vii.'i A.M. aiel I .Hi P. Jl. U.MT nl I". A M. ai.il 4 M V. H. Mi'loid ni se.i A. M. bdli.liU. . hi H t ii A. M. I KAI.N-i 101! Ill 1 r. Mil I I'll I A . f.rfto ll.iil'iiiore at h'lv, 'J 111 A. M. (Kvirr.n), 1-10, te.'.' nml In .'.' P. M. Wiluii.Mii.i nl Us, f, I'., 'I A. M , l."'.'l, 1, 1 11, I'l'XI, 4' a, T in..: u ii. p. m. hdi.sli.iiy nt ll-'''- A M. Miller. I ai 'M'. P. M. l'livi rnl n i l, M ami 4-IS P. M. Si m " 'iill- ul " I" A. M . ami 'i'Ji P. M. Clii iirr al J 40,U'4ll A. M-,1 OU, a 40,4 In, .V'HI, 7-.'.l, 510 P.M. l.i .iif n.illii.ieit' fui Sallslmr) aii'lilllriuii-'liate statlous, a' lu ! P. M. l.i a. liaitmii-re fur Din er and ttiterm' Hate atationii ut l ie P al. TltAINH 1'Oit BAl.TIMill.a;. I...' t cr. .in -it is m A. il ,.i i'- ami 11 n'i I . M. I.iwi n.ii'luliiil ai i-r,, '.' A. MM 9 40 and M'tO I'. HI. Ii.i.m 1T..UH, wlih l'aimtT Car aitailn d, lll run a. Ii'llini I : l.i M . Vi itDileatnii li.r Pi'ir. 1 1 ilea.nl ji.tirii.rdiateplaeca at 7 I.. I'. M. SI MAi s - Only at 4 110 A. M.. 10-10 P. M., rri'Ui I'kUa di Iptnu ti- Ilaltiiiii'rr. hi. .in I't.lladi Ijilua to WllnilliKl'ill at 4' 10 A. .M., lu'.IO, aim II p. M. I i. in nir In. i.'.i tn Plilladrlplila at 14-1 A. il ami T OO 1'. II. OnO at li-J. P. '1 . liinii ItMlrt'iit'i.' to I'liiliiirliiiua. lal II V. KKN.SKi, Siiivriiiiteinlriil. 1)1111. Al'l ll7llA ANII IIAlTlMlHti: l'K J lltAI. It A. I Kl'AI', OI'I.N to OMUlill --M'KINO AKIIAS'T ilt s I on ui il air r I KIDAi , Ai.il I, W I. tlio Hal in will leav. a., ii l. . 1 I.AM. I iSI W A Kll. I FAVK WKSTW VIIO. -I 1 I. US-. A. M. .'minii wi A t l ..i vi I ' I . H. MAIIIIM. A. i t .i'i PI ituili-!'lim. . . . mi ; H't .i i l., -wr. .. 7 I . 4 "I IV. c .li.iietioii,. ii ns 4 I. "..li iil.l I' -'I 4 .1 i t. . .til . I i ui,... " II .if Kt'itiii il I"'ni ! I Aiiill 'ittr In 'I Wen i.rnr.... I" -' I i'i 4 I' A I liliil.ilr . . . . keeiit ' I I Ii.i'.i lerd I II e.il VA' 1 . .It iii ll.il I hli.iili tplili.. ll 7 ,ft 7 4 .' -a. s-I.S ! Jl a 4 i. ll li .il .,-.'. I 7 01 7 .i ar-ii i ( I" iim. r.l t i 1'..-, i',.i In s-t in I'lilUillpliia ha. Si .n li.iti.i-1 lrm K', n -ni. .unl hi i I-. t" 1 nil: 1 1 1 1 us r ami llAhKl T sum., Unl I till... 1. 1. Ina. Mull sitn.t -iia-i-n,,-r kailnay I uia vif.ilv) I'ut.cii.rl Iti aud liuia tl I'.p- I. I a--, ti.i i. an ll.nni.l ;!' O'ii rlenee nf ..' 4 IIKNIlI viiH, St i.. i.lilu.iili nt SHIPPING. MKAM Wl l hl.V it) I.IVKK- t -l to i . I ii iff t u. I u li k ILi.h .. ti-.tt h it mt ra ul tl l.'V f l i4N'l, -w Y Hk . and I (nla.hii'l.ia llJlllhl I nu4ll ftl llll lltlJ III ail m- i"ii" III OK WSII!. I') Ha'i'r.Uy. K' t--i.tT IT. t I Y Oi W AM It I - t I It. f iti r.U. f i. tn'.' I .1 (11V or 1 hMhj: . SanmUj , t.i -iji 1. An.ttrw i A vi.iiiN a. iti Maiuni , at uuii, Iwitt V,c No (A lVh-'ir 1Y8 I'A Mil K IK T 111: I.N't Iui mI'iii Hki ki tir'iat '.ij n i ii m r tt- ti i ( .L u i u i t i on 'on I it t r.ti. ntn I im . I'H'i Hii'-'im- I-) I' r -m IUI ( i it In tl.itu'.i ifl't -' ir.-r i. t It. in i. u i i;. 1 1 I'lviiisin. .tl.n iui .ti.it -I t lUr. Iitiinvu, tt 1 1 tn in. A 1. 1 i'i ii. A . . i iull. I w i .iti'i. I .i( in in hti ii'iHii t.r .;u-tii .w ii I nt t;hi, 1 4. ?)7i'. r .'Hl h f.14.1' tl.HU I H'Ti' "rl Jl' l '.'i' town, f 'II" tew ili tn viiJ tti Ut4.u tiw.ia tu Ln t i l.ru hr"' til tiif.r rti. J ui luithvt tt.ioina-t. Mt aiM.lv at ti. Contnanv a nifl,e, JOll S t. 1 I , 4 tl', Ivn. Ill WAl.St r Hirnt'l, Jt th a Tfm imMON AMI rilll.AIil .I.PIMA JyfcttBii Httrautol li I tiif, atilaiaf fi. in m-Ii t mi h t i , lai-Al S. ii. ui ft -I ttart i.kih I'I M" Mn tji.fh.la tl. ittlia, unl I. "11 VUi ttf, hMit.n. I-loin Br uf aknvt I'lNK Kilt-- n s t i.r d4 v P. .i . -tuder 1.. 1 1 hr- .t o'.il' NoI'M N . luk. r W ll mnti'T "II I n IUI phu t"l li"ivi . .hi Nj.nt , I'lriuiM i 1, . at 1 (J A.M., at 1 He nit snmti p HON, M.iltfW, i u tl ultMl M rioloOrlp'nii, n kaiiif ani.mir. M. 'I iit e in w ami miimmihiI iintn1iitt" (! in a rv "Ur lit r, hrtll l.v tn-ni t' ti "'H itn.. !' .ill .-B ' . I i.'itt ai 1 1 a i iu t ', j t uiii uaj mt pit-uiiuui ei a J ii.ir . -M i. 1 1 iii. 1 1 tMKt-n at fair r . hlii(it'ih a:- r ine''' tovnl Blip B'. c1(t anJ B ll Latlinv uti tit ii k-""!-. im i lautii ur 1 Migc iM' ii.g Ti a otuiit i u; aiiru to ll:H H In U a .. ia-tl ''.'. i'i l At? Nt Ax-mi. ViiU SEW YORK .1 IM I' A 'IT 1 1 and Hwiiiiura l.int, via iwitiar ai i 'llii ietnt.'i (! tin tiu ir itM.j oailv ui li i, i Urk M , aaij iUih i. Ai., Uuut Ututl ai.a W ainiii air i. tor iMina. vi.uli IM I.a ti.rn on ar.onii'Krftlne li mi, nj'l iv UU 11,1.1AM M HMUlf CV..i'i-. Arthur RAILROAD LINES. DIlIt.M'T-l.nnA. (il'-KMANTOWN, AND 1 V-1IHIMOWN HMIIMMH. liMK I SHI B. . A m on an4 aHT MOMA., M It;, 1 .miH thf .,it . rtiU ItlTiiWV l-mr r.il...t.- . '.,-' WI.H M.-.t.J.m i l.-t.:l.-x .'...'.."'..li',.?.'.:. li tlr M. Tl . s !.!., or, II, . IIK-SI I Mill. P ' IT.KO A f. ,.. t).( , s, !', I.' A. il ; I" I', il. I. i. i'i.-n.e t nm. ;!.. ! io, li i a. m. -f I", i, 11 , s In. .! n in H. M. . I "II; I OSMIIt illlll I, I M tsn SI'lllll' I r, 4' 1 t-i I" ll.el. I; 1 1 . II' . s (..,. ,m. II', f. l.i' ''' S- iri.lien . '"! " P. il II i . A. M. ; '".".:- ... Jl ii,.ii'i "''' '""",.7A.M.il1..' I ' ' '. li nn ue, '. III aim. at ii til W m il I'll.Jl.l. l,yt, ,.1-IV. liiii i t . v rvir n, Aia.iaj""- l..av.. ri.ll nl. ;-.',u .nx. II , A 4. 1 ii ns i' n. -i , I'.. .1, "." I,' , P. ...... 1. If OIIITl. .. y ..n'. a.m. . . ; 1 ' " -. """ '.'' ... i"H't, sis ''"" 71":".'" ; ' il a i iu i ..t i.r. n "ir... -''iTll I'.-VX-t:.-. . i Hr hiii'k...;.''an'' RAM.IHiAl).- M 1 ' . II I'I 1 1 V iv II V .'. ' " 4'i'WN. I".-.I1V ii I 1.1 M l'lil'T Ul, H H.kl.sllAltKt:, nJ hi MilFU 1 Illl.lMll'AirNr I ll 1 il I In, v i i .......... 1 On and nfl. r vi'N I A . , .1, ,. i t, is. ., l-n-wnafr Tralnn J Will li iim. !, . N. i. In I . 1, I 1,1 1 . Mri'i i, .,!., holul,.' "it -llii', ITnUili r ii, iliuly (Hniiiliii , i xe etpil., a. 7 A M. iK- !.) f.r ii 'ilili lirin, Alli-n"ivn, Uat.cbl ' I,tn k. tt .id. -I...n. i'liini - "l. 'I.A .M . I A ' i-' .1 tin i ' ill ' ') I r In-ivlpil- Tl. I'. I'i A. M. I Ai 'n.i i. n il. ill ii I l..r hurl 11 a.liiiniliil ;l P . M. i a - - - .ri in. ..in in f ) f'.r I im 1. Ti ii. :i I ' P. M. t r.s ie i . t It, iiiirln-in, l.imiiin, Ao. fi T P.m.i Aei .in iin, tirni l-.r lli-ililel-cin, Allnlewrl. J . ! I' il. I A. i-.iiiiii"'l.ili.'ii I fur l.t'i'iUIr. II 1'. .M. tAi-CMn'!.."-lii!i' n l fur l'"it W Lliintlnn. 1 I1AIN-I l"K Pllll.AI'I.I.PIII . 1 nv- llellil. ! i in in in A M ,:i .lil A. M . und n ot I IP M I" Irc.vn ! i in A. M ., I 10 P. M.,nnil V p. at. I.i.t.si'. lo nl ii A. .il tt.il ii til linden a: 11 ":' A. il. nml P. M. ' ns' SI MM I S. I I'lil'iiiMl'i in fur Uniil. Iniii nl IA.il. I'l ilinli l hlii li r In vli Ui.itn nl ;l P M. j li..I. -t.mn li.r i'lniii.i. li'iea m 7-sii . M. 1 It. i i,l. In n, i.T I'hi ,i.. 1 Iin nl I P. .if. j Illilinnn s l'..i. enn I- (,n us w III rnll f ,r ate' 'Ir l.ar-' i- - .! li.e tli , ul. Oi'Kc, may In.' le'l a: .Se. II I S. Till llli tllieit. .1 ji l : KIXIS CLARK , Agant. , X' I' W II A I I. It f) A 1) MS K N 0 UT lljl 1 l-llll. Alil'.l. PHI t Til P.li.'OKI YN, ' 1 1 1 1." .1 1,11 IS I lit; Ilnl ICS. V I A Iti. -.'. I.XCI HMDS' TICKI- TS M,t. (Mill FOli Tllltr.R DAT?. I Ml :tli'l illl.-i- ill I S 1 1 1 , illi. 81 I , I"-!, ll illlll ill IriiVC fi nl el il.SK Mrert. PI. i iii'N "i'i. ia, i- i-r It .orlilllK at K A . I M. iSi.intitjrs m-i itn: ), ll.ei in l. lite Ctitnili-il anil At- IhiiIIi rttnl l.'.irilan uinl I n-l.iw .ii-e liny Itinlrenil. tn Purl ,ili. ntiiiiiilli, nml 1 1 y ll.- 1 1 .. .i .. 1. 1 ..... . aieiiini-r Ji nio llnyt, ' In ti ol "I A'l iiili' miet. I'.niiiklvn ; reiiirn n, lenvo A- , luiiiii! Miri t Vi.'i.i-.-t ever iln- tSnnilav t fi. enled), M 11 AM. , ,' 'I ruirlrr. In tli elly nf Vt'ir 1'erk aro nnlifli-d not W ', ni I'ly Inr pnssiio In thin line, Hirsute nt' Smv .By y I IniMiii- i. rnnli d in tlir Ciiiitiiei. and Aintiny rnniio)iny llto ' rv-i Itisii r ii ivlli-L'e nl nil r. lie.' Iinssrnilers iiml freil'lit ho- ( Inn n llie rilles nl Pli'lmli li'li; t ami S.-w i orlt. Ivlll-tt - ii . T. I.K1ITT l is), i.i m-rul Kiirerlutindtiit. 'I'.ST nil'TKR AM) riULADEI,rHIA N HAIl Huff; i I A MI'-I'I i- M inVe. AKKASi.K.iir.ST. On nnd nHi r I HlliAr,,l" " 1, lit, tne lVajtuwinioar V'"'iv"pi'iiiilil.-lillin. frnin tei!"!""' mriirr nf THIttrV- ' lTKsT nml il A K K KT hii'eel.s.'A. M . It'll.. A.M.,JjO I ! iYiiiMi Ina l'.. i..l ci..iian! I r iln-': KillTK.KNTH and 1III1KI.I Mini, lo llllllli I lie nd MAKKtr Mints. l.env. West f lit -trr, from lli t)r.nt onT"'' W AKKET H't i .ii-Jii A. M.i 7 I i A. .il . II A. il ,-.' P. L. 4 41 P. M. 'I I.e. nr. el' ll,e li'e.t I'liiltnli l.ihl.i l'n-i llallwayt Cenii'inn i ila. l,. l .ire. I ) n ill coliw-y Pais.'n.M 10 "u II. in ll,c Plillnilili'li.a In in .t. 'IS MMUVs. v 1 r.ivr lMlntlei.liia al i nil A.M. anil -.'in p. M. X l.riiM; ii'eat i lii sler hi m A M. nml 4 .HI P. l. 1 ', Tinins leavlim I'liiimlr'iil.iii nt H A .il. and 4'liO P. M. iieil i i -I l I:. .li r nl 7-4. A. .il. nml ll--. P. kl.,cu'irie villi ii-iiiiih nn tiie Pliilmlrliililii ...nl ItHlltmnra Ceiltli ll.li I'i ill ll Inr 1 1 '"Hi illlll Intel Iin .11. lie Inilil'.. I jal ir IILSKi i Dun, iiinei.il Snii rintan.lent ':.sT J HUSKY RAILROAD LINES.-? 1 nn i ml .liter T ITM. ii , Ni riniliir , 1m,1, 1 Ii-.im fiom i a::inl sm .1 iVhtrl ji fin.jn a ; I I nil C.il'i: maV. f ' At ! P.M. 1 I'i r S.'li m nntl llrliln I'.n, ol A. l itnil 4 P. M. 'i Km lilii-sii.ir.i.ul li A. M.. uinl and 4 P. M. d Knr iin.'.ll niry, A-e.. a A, it ami 111 M. I anil t P. M.I I nr l.lnlltlslrr. '. lit 'I A. il . ! il.. II, I. .Mil St. M.; I.KIT IISIMi TIIA1MI4 I.EAi E Cupe tint in ii ,. il. .Miil.illr m s i)7 A.M. Milrm in i: A M.. mill I ' I ' P. M. llilil.eti.il at il IU A. M., I 11'iP. M. I.lii-sl.iin. nl 7 I" aii.I n-17 A. M.,und i-l l,P. V. ,,. i.l"ir; 1.17,7 111 uml ! 17 A. il., i.id ; .j01'.M. TIIR iVI- RT .IKliSKY KVPIM'SS CfliCANY. I tillirr.,.. Dii'AI.NI I' Street, will mil lor amldcllvj Ilne-j.-1'Lii, unt! nil. nu In nil the nmial bruili-iiila nt Kxpn I Lit.ail.t .s. A Biitti.il uiradeiiiirr in i'.ininiii.i. rie-li ir'lln.l J. VAN KKSIsKI.AKH. J il tl' . il)icrlnteuileiltJ E A D I X G RA1LROA VMY.K'Y TIM NK I.INR COM PIIHAIHil. II I.A H) THK IN fKHTOH iii:nn l a ma, 'i m; win vlkili , sua- tj( i;tlA N N a . T.il UKUI.A N l, aNH WW.MlaS'U YAIXLY, AM' rouni, NoitinwKsi, and Tin: can a das VARMKNtlKU THAI va T.ravf ti c fYiiniin a l-t,M, at TlilH TKKNTI1 .M,l. i Jil 1.1, btTt'um. l-ulattjii.iiia, ui tho luliuv llt'tilk MtltMN(l MAIL. At H l i A. 1. i for lu'H-lniK, l.ouiinon, Eohr:itA, I. Colnnit-m. llurrbturi, l'.iitHVilJt1, piii.i'tiw. Ttnan Hiiiilnii j , W'iiliaiiis'.'trf . Kntiira. lticlit!ri r, Niiu-ora K liiitialti. AUfi t w, HI kftiuri, 1'lttst'U. orkt Cr: X. lino In itilIV, llti;4'rtIttt n. Ac. 1 h( t lii tn coiKHt ia at itKAiH.Vd with Knit Peimsy iiiit JiuMniitti mmm mr Aucr.iown, ivc, tne ueuiJing w nh tiie I.t l'HTKiii V.ill y mn n tor HHrrl-bnrj.', A.'. ;al 1' Willi t utnuisNa itai'roiiri trtttus luru liken Villiiiiiisn.rt. I.oik iluven, Kliinm, A--.; t HAKi 'I Mi vuth ' NortKern Ct-utiul. 1 "( iiii)itjrhtnAl Vl bnil "f-t hi; vlhlll iiiiu rsn-ijiM tir(!nft trains f'.r Nort iH;rianc, iUiuuikp rt . 1 oi k.i 'iiunihirHiMirx,f inKr ai it u.Nou.N i;i'Ui;H I.t'a-.''S !'!.)! nt. H'liia .tl 1. M. t-r He.t.11 Mllf, I'tniKi". lUrrlslmir. A'ti., rnnniv'liit? fi I'ln-: -Mill l'ennsvl muu ('i iiiral trHlnt tor i NiirtliAi'u t'tntrut KaiIiihuI irainu inr SiniiKi-.-. M-rliiiltl. KliMira. At., nml nt I'nrt Clinton wl'.U Otit.. lUllrtuttl imliiftlov Miliuii. WtlllHinHjurt, Etiuira, Uu vc. KKAI1 NO ACCdMMOD VTlov L-.iT'H Rt'u.ln u MttiH) A. M., ntoiiiiK al nil wy 1 inj h. ni m ii-1; in i-niiitii. iiniiit ai i"i A . M. Hi'iin niiiK, It-ui fH I'liiluili liiliiA at .VtXj 1'. M. j arrive Kt i.UlliU HI 1' 1 . Train, lur I'hilndili'liU It nvc HarrMMirff nt ft A. M Pntl"iilU- .il U lit A, M ,Hrilvliii( In riillM(te)ihia At 1'. ni. AinriHmii irnins itave tiitrrit'inrK nt 'i 1 rotts villi At mr. m., iirihinu in riii-tcinhi- t 7 ;M in lift truitn. wltli u iiuMtviiirt'r tar utla. hed riiilat1t l).lifi At 1 I'. M . ir kt'iuliiii.- and All nay ntai leuvf K uriiiiv ut I'i, mien, and DowniiiKtown a U. Iui i l.ll.ltU ll'hla Atlil nil WAV tUllot).. - 1 A 11 tli Rl.nve iraiiin mil ilHl HnnitHv tin ins !fiie I'uithvlite Jte At I'M A- M., Ait U j dfii.iii.1 ut :i 1;. r m (TIKK'I Kit VALI.F.V ItAlLItOAD, Pnffpiu'ri. ft.r l)i'Wiiiriui"Wu ami! iiitcriue'liAte 1 IMHt- IlU' h A SI . Alia H r". M. Il atlllH from t'LHAdt nitirmiig iM.ui liuwnhitfjown At 0 4u A. M., auiI hi.w yokk r.xiKKSs ton riTTsurito and I.tArm Ki-w York at 7 1. M , paHlng lta1ii'sai m Pi-hi. Aim tiiiiint inikf At iiairm iiirii hiiu tvmity i:uilrtiad I- r4-x tinint ft r I'lttNtmrir, lifiiiniii'U KxpffNH train leAvea llarrlabiirro in. ttiti IciiiihvhaiilA Lxinesi I rem I'liinnurn at 0 pa-t.lntf lit'atliiiK at K 4o A. M-, and arriving at Nm at VA'- r M. nj. fitii f i.at Aoromi.any itit ue tl.reiH' b. blen Jtin y LUy auiI i'tttatiurif, cliuiii-'t-a M ill t rahit tor X-w York lt-av HirrisburK At fi and 2 I'. li. train iV.r llarr.burii Uaa he At t A.M. ard 1-' M. M ill I.KIM. VAI.1 IY RAILROAD. Train avc I'tittnv illti At . A- M. and -i -HP. turning lrin TuM ftmru at I'i A. ii. and 4 Si P. Al HCIM MKIM. AND (( sol Kll ANN A KAM.lt' 1 1 nini A'vc Autnirii tit -M' A.M. for lt'it-Kro liitrri-uurfcf, tin ut 1 .t hiiu i i" r. m. inr rnii-frt 1 rt iiiiiiii i.- tiom Harrihtiiirt: at V-Ui l'.M., auiI troui a ii f tf J I. ei i ; '.t (i I' t-i fi ir o fi t VI F' ru ''.I f" t i tn jil !' ft' ill dl t H t.1. ti z e is llli ,111 ?;. ,:ii, T iii 'ii. 0 ii'MuieiJ AiaU., ana t hh.i r. it. 'Ill KKIS Tlireuk'h tint rlauB ticki'i and m1irrAnt tlctf ti t vrlt fi.til H,Uts In tUe Nnrth and West AiitU'. 1 i.e leli.-w hit li kt-tt are (ilit Alinthli- onlv at ih- H I liAI.H'Ula.lrMMirir. N Tfi H. KOI Kill ll.liit'i pi u.oruf tt. A. Shu I. US, Ucnral Supt dt iii, lu luiliik : CO M Ml T AT It ) V TICK KTS , A.'J ttrcfi.t. din-euui, btnt-a any pwinta 1 fur u m lliti and fl in-.. MII.KA'iK TI''KKTH. I., o.l r '.' milt beit-en all puima, at 9 tti lur tuiuliie; u1 iirm. NKAOV TICKCTft, Km ll rcc, kl , iiine, er twi lre uionlhsi for hold ttk Mil 1 .1 Ml it . at rtiiu.'t'tl rattn. .1 l I'l.YfeKV llshi ..ia4 1 ..-idli'L- fn tl o tiiir ol tl.it rtmd will br fmnli raiu, tuiithotf tLi-ii avUca ayd wlvii to ticfc.u V Vfl-liBinV Ttl'K r.TS E Il.lU,l..1..l ,a .rlli.llllll Ml 111 llltlll. CtM'll riv . (. Im . and M in'. .at if due ! laie. to I it 1 it kttUlliic.ai J Ulli'UCKM B audCAiLU huu- t-Rr.it.l.r. li....li i.f all ilfMrlpii'Mi. .iwan!ed to at! t. l.nt1-. firm ttc oaimn i new irt-ibiii. uaeui, I 1 vr I'i. Iia.l.-'l.l . 11 il.uli al li A. Jl , 1 I'. M .aniil i r Hi ..Hi u. 1 ! tn Ilarrlsiniid, rultjvm., l't, U, and ikiiiiU liijiind. M K 0:.ii t tl'l'l 'I'adrlli'iia I'.'-llllit C.r all p'.nr . j l nn.I it. I rani l i ni li. it., and lur tlm W n.iin ii. i. nl al -.'l.i r . int., l'HII ADKI.PIIIA jfsa 1 lill-l. i nn. ltui.iKi.Ui. I 'I i- a ureal llw tt.M il. K'.rllmrii and Nl rtiiintli . ni I'i'iilisi li ai.ia in nn- vny tn b.i ir uo i I. I .1-1.. .1. 1.a.t.' ti tlir I K.SSM l. ASIA It lu.MI'ASl, aid in-.tli-r tl.in aniL-lct-a la ueli 1 . In ..ii.ilii.iil ilj. i iillri. li-fnth. ii i. ... .h t.i ii.i f.n- I'ni.i-iii-. and fr'rak'ht bnslu II i r..l.u i io 1- uiin ir. i, in. I :C. inlle... nt. tba k-itvi .nm. aiidiiuui M.auiaid lu bile lio auiu.;, uu tail '""Vlat HI I-A..HI.I.K lUIKaT rMH.AUtl.1'1 r:"':v ,::;v; . u 1 1 in ie t i ham. a l-iiih war It. . .il..ra I'i.lia '.lJ..aaud U.k Ital eu, Uil 11. . 1. a.,4 l-e !""lt KM)rP Tru. , 1 I,,... inaltni, r. '.;:'; Ar.'!,!' aVt'lf 11.. i. I. .nn nl II ia tr "! MAUKtl l Allil In. I ri mn. uu.iin - - j I. II h In. .! ii. Jr.,4iwil.i-1 rtlX't k.kii ill aud a.fr.-t ', I'linaiii il.li.a- j.'m.'ik'iu. A'.i.'i.i! a. V. C'.lt., Ilallliiinra. II. imps lli-naiai trcltflil Airrnt, I'liila, Itflit Avrni, l,blli" I I. Vi lli L. Ilv ill A k-til, Fin I M .ii.hi:rii ti. Hi O.litral Tl. kit i .111! Jal M 9iirl itu...r, ilii.u