THE DAILY EVENING TKI.KGRAm 1'IllLADKLPniA, THUItSDAV, SKl'TKMliKK l.r, 180t. rami A MOLT AXTEKSOOJl" KF.WSraPKB. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Mm Tnvmr IhtaTt Put Oorr, or EinttTum HaKTs Pun H'satr, syaM l Carrtae, nd mim to Mubscrlbers sal X Um Ofcf " r AIM'X Oaa Dol.i.AA amss rim Owm rm Tw o Mouths, Inrariabty la adranca ft ths hiM srd.rad. A4rtaasaat Inserted nt th nana miss. A liberal jrrufoaMl saads lor eitendod Insertions. Ts Oorrfswnlcnt. T(i nre ran be takan of AmsnTmoti C.mntmiiestlisii. htir Is intended for Inherit ri iniit be Aiitlten'l'sied Ir In itnt and aihlre o( the writer nnl nect at il r,,r piibltcalton, hat a a sna-antee fir hi d"d talrti. Wa aauot vndcrtake t raiion reiecred fjotniuuuioatiou. To Adtfrtlfr. OwlMf to tha irreAt Inrrease la the Cirrnlnf ton of Tnv. F.tsaisft Ti...a,trH. coinielllna; u to bo to pres at an early'hour, we nn.e&l. roiiirit that Arts.-rti .rnii'Ti. ins t r Itatineo in in a 10 nni i, it, to tbam aa uwsertioa In all of our editions. i tut THURSDAY, Sl'.I'l KMIIK.H 11, Is;,. THE lEM(H HATIC .. IttH l-ai'E, It In, says Mr. Juki kkson: Davih to the pcre men of the North, of no tiso to t.ilk to me or my people nhont ending this war on ny othtT baolH than the imli -pi-mli-nri! of tin' "Confl-deratc States." Wi eiuinot nnr will not Sfpw to a peace on terms short of tint. Bather than do go, we will fljjlit until the ro aent generation of us is exterminated, uiul Uipd our aliililrcn shall seize up tho sword-i we drop, and pronet uto tho strll'u to tin- hit ter end. Such entimenUa tfiwtp, expressed so posi tively and dclllx-rately, ought, we think, to silence utterly the cowardly cant of the ultra peace partisans In this section of tho country, while they should quite as eflmtiuully con vince the more moderate memhers of the; Democratic party of the ohvions futility of their proposition for an armistice, In order to negotiate, In any form, for restoring a union from which the chief of the Rebellion tells uh be and his have seceded forever. General may not have ac cepted the Chicago platform, on which ho was nominated, In express words, but bin Into hit ter does, nevertheless, adopt It In substance. He favors the Idea of treating with tho Rebels about an adjustment of the national troubles, whenever It may appear probable that they are disposed to confer respecting the matter; and It la evident enough that if a conference U once opened, it will necessarily require a Cessation of hostilities while the negotiations are in progress. But why think of opening luch negotiations at all, unless It shall be first ascertained that the Insurgents will consent to return to their allegiance to the Constitu tion and the Union If such terms, and those aione.are onuied on our side ? To call a peace convention, without having thnt point pre viously understood, would be preposterous in the extreme. It would, Indeed, be granting a truce and making arrangements tor a purpose to which head of the Rebel Government has repeat , ''""and emphatically declared that he and Uie Southern people will never willingly assent. Such silly trilling with the welfare and honor of the Nation would be eminently unworthy of any Administration of thu National Government, and tho wonder is that any vane man, with the least pretension to patriotism, eun contemplate it for a moment with other feelings 'than those of Intense disgust. hut It hostilities were even suspended to admit of "an ultimate convention of all tho States," for the purpose of negotiating a peace, how, pray, could such a body be con vened? The Administration at Washington would not be able to convoke or bring toge ther representatives from the Rebel States to meet those from the North. Anil it is not probable that Mr. Davis would consent to aid Mr. Lincoln or even General MCi.i:l XAN in the matter, unless with the previous understanding that this section of the country will agree to treat for a final pacification on the basis of Southern Independence. But even if Davis were likely to concur In the proposition of the Northern peace men for a convention, we are told by journalists at the South that he has no legal power to authorize the measure, and that If it wero done at all it could be done only after the Union was totally dlsolved, and all the States reduced back again to their original inde pendence and sovereignty. Such an Idea is simply absurd, and yet the Richmond Whig, of the 81st ultimo gravely suggests It iu the tallowing terms. That paper says : " Whenever a treaty of peace shall bo made, it must be done solely on the bit-is of tho entire " independence and ovtrei(,'nty of each particu " lar State. That must be preliminary to, and " not the tul ject of, negotiation. It follows tUat " tlii-re can be no such ttiiec as treating for peaca " in earnest until every hofie Joltlier shall have ' been withdrawn from our soil, and every hostile ihiii from our at. rs. " The Yankee 1'ichldent bus no more power to " put the Yankee States into convention with oura ' than 1'rebiiUnt Davis has to put us in convon " tton with them. It is wunilerful, in the nieiin " tin, ttiat intelligent men, like Vallamliguwu ' anil Fernando Wood, who must lie fully ar " miainted with the Southern doctrine of St uu " rights, and mast know (bit all this bh-io'l bus ' I ecu shed In their defense, should think it pus- ible to get us in mcb aconventi n, or to restore 44 the Union ly means of it. What wu want, first 44 ot all, in entire and q urate lnleendence VHf.N THF. I K JlO.ll A I Si WOI l.l LM III KiliK KKVOI.I I IO. there are those persons who, In the pristine patriotism of American intuition, cannot con ceive the possibility of a " Democrat'' an American advocating open treason, In urtned revolution against tlie duly coi'stitutud autho rities of the country, lint we are forced to l'spel tbb delectuble hope from every patriot's heart, by quoting from the speech of Mr, CiiAL:t J.M.titHiH.i., at tho Keystone Club n ectiug lust eveuin" at the Continental Then tie. The speech Is not reported for any pape; In the city, and, as a whole, we are glad that no publicity is given to ita pernicious and lulse thesis. Mr. I.NGEHrtol.L said that if the '' D: xnocracy" could not obtain their "rights1 wider the law (the Constitution), nor at the ballot-box, (the coming election,) then he would counsel a revolution in the North to overthrow a despotic nud tyrannical power, That to say, that if General McCi.kixax la not elected, men tnu jjemocracy win declare liim Dictator, and sustain him by force of arms In deposing Mr. Lincoln, who Mr. I.N(;i:liSOLL seems to think will be the successful candidate. Now, Mr. Lnokkisoll by these remarks would advise a tyranny and despotism of th) wotrt kiud military despotism ; yet he can tie to tUahonest aa to denounce Home ol Mr. LiKOOi ti'a acta iu barbarously despotic. Is it not clear from thin that the 'Democracy" tlcalre auytlilug, so that the Union in disinte grated and the "Democracy" may possess the upoils? They would have the spoils of a ruined country rather than submit to tlie wise ' government ol a regenerated nation. This is A new sort of patriotism, which retmlies too much nicely of diction and radical research for ua to define, and e preler to give It iu proper name in plain Anglo-.Saxou rattlu nuaklsb. treiusou. i.FTTRIW MOW KKltM. We publish In another column two letters which deserve to be printed In letter, of gold. They axe not letters from General removed from the command of armies beesuso of tlvlr slow and tardy movements, and for repeated and querulous demands for the war to ln con ducted In a way to suit their political Ideas. These letters are from live Generals, true types of the American jM'ople, ami who are hourly riding along the front, scanning the enemy's works with naked eye. The episthn of Generals Gkant and Nhkuman, dim-ring widely In style, are each an index to the character o the writer. These two men are life-long Democrats. They are West Point graduates, and once had a warm side towards the Institution of slavery. But they are 'icllevers In the first soldierly duty obcdl'-nce to their comm tnd ers. Hence they make no haggling tenm mid conditions about the manner iu which the war should be waged, but they constantly "move on the enemy's works," leaving til ' and but.s" In the rear. Who would not rather be th" author of either of these Bpistles than thu tmlortuuaU: writer of the egotistical and imprudent IcUcrs from Harrison's bar and Harrison's landing, and tho dishonest and Jesuitical acceptance of the Chicago nomination ? Tilt: AITWKN o WI. !'. NTIIIII. While the friends of the Government are watching with absorbed interest the fi-uils In the Democratic party, an attempt Is being made to create divisions in the Republican ranks by those who make the loudest profes sions of loyalty and patriotism. The fenin;j 1'nVctin, prompted by personal motives that should be kept In the background iu tho nddst of a momentous campaign, has com menced an indiscriminate abuse of the Legis lative candidate of the Sixteenth District, and to arraign the convention which placed him In nomination On Saturday afternoon the private character of the candidate was assailed, and yesterday the voters of the dis trict wero appealed to as follows " If Mr. Smith will not withdraw, and a new " man is not nomina'cd, which It is not too late " to Uo, let him receive such a vote as will c on " vince him beyond u 1 1 doutit of his arcat uu- popularity, so ttuit II elected, bo may in the " ext reme of his legislative duties alwajs experi " ence the mortifying fecliug that he is tilling a " position which justly belongs to another resi " dent of bis di-trict, mid which is not in Con- " eonanco with the wishes of his constituency." In other words, the loyal and Independent citizens of the Sixteenth Dl 'triet are "to scratch the ticket," and risk the election of a pro slavery, peace-huckstering Democratic candi date, at the dictation of a solitary newspaper writer, who is willing to sacrifice the great advantages of disciplined support of regular nominations, in order to defeat a candidate against whom there seems to be something more than an honest objection to bis record. The Legislature at its coming session will be called upon to discuss questions of over whelming importance. They will also have to elect a Uuitod States Senator. The elec tion of it Republican may turn upon a single vote. Senator Brt is enabled to mis represent tlie State of Pennsylvania to-day, by the factious opposition to a Republican member of the Legislature two years ago, by which Mr. Scnoi nxi was elected. Wo hold it to be tlie duty of every real friend of the Government to postpono all minor diU'ercnees for the present, and to join heartily and zealously for the election of the regular candidates In nomination by the sup porters of Lincoln and Johnmon. If the Vullelin shall be able to Induce an Indepen dent nomination in tlie Filleenth District, it will so widen tlie breach as to place In serious ieorardy the election of Mr. TiiAvmt, and may reduce the majorities of the entire ticket. , J J Till: "AUK" T1IKOTVS TIIK APPLE OF IMS! OKI. The Aije this morning takes up the cudgels in belialt of the Peace Democracy, and assails the New York World lor its attacks upon that "large and Influential clnss" represented hero by Messrs. Inoekhom., Rkkd, Whar ton, Vai'x, &c, &c. The lollowing is the opening gun: " The New York World tan surely afford to be htlent on perilous toptcs now. It can atlurd to abstain from war explosions, and that sort of truculent rhetoric w lmh tint! vent in cxulta- " tion over sad victories. It can still better afford to aliav asperities, and not seem to perso aite ' and urive into active revolt that large and in " llueutinl class, there and here, which, alter all, " fought the haute of the Constitution in hours " far darker than now." Till'. 1'OI.ITK'AI. lMti:ss. The American press, at the present time, appears under one of Its most peculiar phases. It la deeply absorbed In the game of politics, a game which possesses such intense interest for the greater portion of our people. Foreigners, whose rulers are seldom removes' from olllcc, have very little idea of the exc'J.ment attend ing an American Presidential campaign, and even those who are well acquainted with our language and laws, would, we think, be con siderably mystified, If a tile of our political Journals wero submitted to them for their perusal. I it any wonder that a French editor once imagined Mr. Ranks was a negro? It Is true that this ludicrous mistake showed a very slight knowledge of the laws of the United States ; but, knowing that the colored race formed a lurge proportion of our popula tion, and seeing Mr. Banks mentioned In our newspapers in connection witli the ''Black Re publicans," it was not so verystrauue that our Gallic neighbors should have presumed that tlie tt't iu m unl Mark in i o!iiilrxi'in as ncll us in liuinc. The tact is, Unit many of th ptipcrs aro in iluloing in tlie a-tiilili.ti gnmv of "falling iiitnics,-' and he is the Htronjjest who lius thu lurjiest VDCitliulury of low uppelliitiveH. A liiiiiliilale lor otlifp in this country isutnuik M t up fur low politicians and political organs to ilipchiii'nc the iiirowu of their wit and scur rility at. Happy, indeed, is lie who escapes thus easily, for no little regard tor common decency exists among rertain journals in America, that they do not hesitate to attack the family of their opponents ; nay, even the dead are not sacred from t heir vile slanders alnisc. It is lii-ti time that such things as these were indignantly frowned upon hy all riht Ihitihiii men. They lower our character at home and ahroad. They familiarize us with a disrespect for let lilies tind all'ections which oujrht to he held sacred that is debasino to human nature. A man who accustoms himself to listen to coarse lanp;iiaf;e must iu time grow coarse nud callous hiin.elf; and if the Ame rican press !s, as lias been mid, the voice of the people, it is incumbent on tlie people to bee that it does not descend to licentiousness and vulgarity. Another most unfair and disgraceful mode cf attack upon candidates lorollico is through their religion. Jt appears to be a i'ie qua uon with certain politicians, that a man must worship his Maker In a certain way, la order to be elected to otlice, and this too iu a coun try which uiakes religious freedom its pride auil bouet, aud deprecates tho uuiou o Church and N'atct "Consistency, thon art a Jewel." It Is unlvcrially conceded that in any anrumfnt, wh 'ii one rl y descends to abuse, It Is In that itate which Is lommonly cdl.'d "getting the worst of It," and party Journals are not rxctn.t from this rule. A high-toned and dignified j aoer will bold an enviable position, v h eh low.venders of slang and vitu peration will In vain attempt to shake. w ho (onrnsK i in: lit: not it i iv ..hi Y t The Atjc this morning sas: " When the rtln atlon me.'tir.g comes off next " Panircii) we shs 1 chow i.iiioni; It- urst r and " (iJtieer:., not tlie sw eeiiiru'i" ot Hie Mint, not tl.e ' inm. gr oils t' i iir miilt fiotn oth-T Mates, not 1 tet hie, Irri spoieelile itflvcehir'irs, hut tlie lu'-t " men st'd Iruc-l lienioera." We venture to nssert that the Democratic ineeling will be made up of the sweepings of the Mint, mid Custom Mouse, and Po-t nil (, who were swept out by the new biiiom of Mr. l.i.col..N, and the immigrants to our midst Sun foreign States, and irresponsible ni'ven- turer. who Is long to secret societies to resist the draft, nn 1 overthrow the Government. If those parties slay nway there will not he a corjiond'H t'lianl in Independence Square. noix.N r i in: ik in i. I'kwin ltooiii. l'.ilwin liooth, like nil i! si .-r.lnntu of tl 0 s, st em, t-i lmc a r .vul !;HM to r-iieni the KoprctiiHcy or griiln, in tellll'1 :l t .'iinof' i1 J with tl.o numeric of nn HtlK'Rs, ;itnt tin .tM:c lii utt cor otitis h mi'iit'ii"'! tor t.t t,ri- It cvrn (iHt-inl'ls a c. tlx a opinion. In, with tnc r'c.I' lions el Ills I ,thi r, Mirn.uiul'-.l .is tlu-.v iirr to Ilia lilo ol joiithliil iioj-rco -Ii.iis, which, as o a I atirn totvuril llio eer? unit y'l'iw t.ineof luo, tiasf n'titisj lirinMiips, Ktlsvin lloits l:a nn.iilili (I tlio toiii t'l'iU siat ol tlx- (rrkent dii.v. W r- Iihsi'mtii luni ilnrtnit ttits otn.'iiompnt In til's two lin lit ' nl lit lul tno.l.-i u tl ur- , "timnlrt" ie 1 " In lien," l.otli ol wltirn Mr It' oil. tnif elavnl to pi UiiiiasOt- ami Ttiuiieitlia nuep'titrs : lnit me in iltuu 01 s tl niloot a lu orlo. ai(- y !I jlut.-c : in .ht i t lln.nP who .'it'lilmnl linn 1 lifhtly. csrr.v II' tlOr.Jfit Is ashud tl a npeciol l auria of lln-ir aiiiinrtlon, coulil iti--lk-n He 11. Mr. Itooiti n i.,hi1hiii . hy sMiloli we mran tlu- ntl nslnsni ol Ilia L'ciiarsl, nn'iuiili'le.t, unit liilli'rtop ptiblu-.oniMnatt'i In Hip l'Iiih ss uh wlili ii imt-irc hi pnOoMfsl hiru, nil pi.' nlUrl snlO'd to the position hp orcii .ion. liuo cut Iikc a cainaj, remilar. et Hot coldly (hissiral. tor thp larKe (Ipi-ji pyn lc it nil thp s ar Iiik pxpri ssicn ol lhi 'Ul. a lurm .yoiinrtrtril. yojll t il, nut Kiai-i'tnl, ittiCi a sulci, mi-llnss , ipp;i, anil hvnic tttictic. Thus for battle, I It to bi wntnteico. at It tie won ti p dps V 'lo us. Mr lloi.lh II nest unit most tlnlsln il ipi rormn-a is ' H;inili.. ." ami II sso eiiiiiini.e Hip iliiiractcr ol "11111. 11 1 with the pi cnim Itten ol ilia rpiri Hio'tiiih p'n tuli'lil. wp nil Hint tlutt tln re e 11 un-m nIih hit Ity hplsvi-pn Hip .iinl- II le.M of Hit- I'loul hi r.i anil the a. lor , laients w 1,0 ru.ri. si nts him. lirpnniy. Ib ii.lnntlaa rolli live, ri'tlncil Is the I)t e. p,spntinlli tlm illsilnclvf .spu liiliiic of flip iirt'nt s L'Pt'ilis, l.m kmu In torco rt'iii hinir pithon, llin.ili aihl llnnC't lxth know how lo ilp .1 10. snr nsm. I'.nt MiSkPtpPHrt. r "llnlnli.t" w nllt lorcp ol marar-tpr hp In ncsir tieron anil a ant ol power, a culinliiM'inir power. In the one wtiht ot UimiOi's kpiiIiii. Never In "lUniler ' In thin lelt, lipui-e Mr Hoolh'a eaii'i'dlng exeel li rue In ilil charripr. "Iliim:el" excto-s ou- ill uiul our aynipnihy tutorial 11 ai eply, hill he ha rl"t thP eld uints lo avta anil cointnand 01 a Itrot-u miml. H.. In HiK.orp "Hi. hpil.-u ". 1 he old linn vpani.s (a It oih r-n-.If re It fni.s to Inspire piufnuuii eniiini.s.lon. hecnite the III utr do. not cimvi y tin- Irtea ol tonne, htrenu'lh. Mr. Itoo'li si: nld lay andcMtlclipCpti" lor ten yenrs at least. He l.s not henx y piiohkIi. tleiiliu must have monhteil itsplr into lir-)l .e, 1.1 t lllahilstiT. to e liceh e aid roIle tils meat rti .oli.n of power and will Ii ! fcrra-inre ll.nt It'iolh vhiiiild lie waniilii: In entho. set tie la. lor tle.oi,'h ne hrion around hltn. hi In "llnnje'," an noii'iNpliere of, In Iml os-e insliiliee durtllir the wh'.le i.htv ( In jut despiiln u eaclamation on "Onac IU V death I do 1 lie lliMVe lo t.'iim. 1 mien en Mr. B..ta joee rminently; pnsl'ii, intel.e nnil deep sin liiistew l.iive poer Iu expresR on the stiiiie, tls Ins Into runt in their endeavors to itpiiroach lt.l i e.hh'h they net lurther ort; llitellcet, a power ol Itiotihtthat inlliO'ni-en and ro mes Inlellert in hi an J'enee, tl r trio' trtiylc lone anil Ntront; teeliln sn :h we rhoulil ;is , are the dlstiin 10 e iitlslitlrntion.. ol tt.l yolini; aetor. Alioiit li In. too, there is a M'-ti ill 1 ellneinenl which ele sat; ; re lo the power of nbso hinir hi atiilipiii-e. of L;iir iIiJ with llllll ll;to the ritrinll ilhove collision nip tiuli'j itinl of then.helV9 would I.t'ter mop above Ihn ei-lh- llns I (.'enl s Mr. 10 o'h Is. above nil. eminently lilted for the cronMon ot modem titiie. the roinnnllc ilruina. 'I'lie romanlic ilrnnoi, I'i'l ol hold sentnre into ihe rent, In, eoinpri'il to Co. clnss enl ilrnnoi. whnt pa'ntinff is to i ulptnre The V rem It the irre:it follower of lireek, role and untiles, nuikp sluiho-iicnre Ihe loumti r ot this scho il. In whicli the tli.est ot the tno, ern r'rem h authol hits e strillen. Hhake- pensc it inoM romantic hero Is "ll.uiilet ' Mr. lln ith a C't .itcst pnrt is "linn-let " A'l Vl tor ttii,'o' heroes nrp llto d to Ml lloo h; nud tho. e who lets e seen hi 'Ku tthi ' (It comi'lele as the phiv I;, most at the name In itiinlly ctoke ll.c riohlcst itml mo, louchiui; picture ot'tl.e 'ip-olc '-! the iiife ot r.iivitlry iinil passion that have tie. 11 cri a'ed on our stne. I-iiw in ltiiih nas eviiientlv aed wlspty f .lioweil the pro sresa ol the moftrn stnue. He ha deeplt xt jdled Kechter, In iliscanlilit the slitltipssol c tTiveiillnuiillty: hr.t of co;ire lie ax 1 scl ewi d the ats le ol drinua into w hlrli th tt clever 10't r linn deuraih d 1111 art he have elevated Itootli re.'.niTe. two or thri e v. t-ekK Ioiikci", the Inll'M'iii'e ol p u. ti an artist ix more kivilixuia tlian a thousand irealixes oa editcnliuu ulnl iroiireB wer.-lialn from lurttiel allusion to the support he meet! will, . lmvmu nlreinlv n l.rre 1 to it. We must sn , however, thnt Mo, haxer la to'aliy untlHcd for the yotitl.lul Julie d Moiiteinar. ThlH psenlliiz, Mr Keaeli. fthe wi low, we bellev or tl.a fiiilni'r Slpe A'nnBrfer ot the VVnlnul.l in unno inrpil to moke )"-r Mist appearance ou any xlaiieln the character of c. . -,, . , , , The Arch Street Theatro is still playing cotno- die, vaiylcu es ery nl.'ht On Miu-tas, Ldsvin Adam wll make 1:; flr.! apeanitip here in fanit''. Alad'h". mil: 11 th: (C'slimt. OmoiAL WAR GAZETTE. Tn Opinions of t;mnl nml Hhormnn on the Dnill (-etiicrnl irhrii1nna Victory in tho Vnllry. V, 8ipt. 140 P. M Slujor-tiom-ral Dix, Nuw York : Lieutouunt-lii'iiorul iUAht tolt-tfi-uolm to Uiia i)(i)tirtiDOiit in nnpect to tho limit ai IoIIowh: i itv Point, Hopt. 13, 10'ort A. M. Hon. Edwim M .Stantow, Sttcro-ary ot War:-We ouht to have tho entire uiiuhut ot imm calietl lor hy the rroiodont in tin nlioit(.rtt poHHiblu time. Prompt action lu till our unnioH wi l hn.v more t'IK'ct upon tho eucmy tlmii a v'clory ovor tlicin. ilK'v prolan to UlH'vo and make their mon he lit ve tl ere in mich a arty North iu I'aror ot roco i.i DK J-uiitlH rn indi pt'iiilencfl thut thu Umft cannot Le (iiloictd. Let their te lo-t'rteii come inlo our linen duilv, who tell un that the m-'U aie netirly nniveiHillv tiiwri of tho war, and that do mdoiit would l e much more frequent, but thov bo lieve j euee will Le i.ejotiaied atter tho full olection. lie enlorrt incut ol the dial, and prompt lilt in ir up ol i ut uriniea will wive the fhoddinfr oi blood, to an lllIIIK'DHe lilRItO. I. S. CillAST, I-liuiiiiuiit-CifUtriil. Tho tdllowinif telegram has beeu received troui Mujor-lieiteral IS 11 human, on the name subject! Atlanta, Se..t. P. M.Uoii, K, M. Stanton, ecietury ot War: I am very to Lear the draft will be ctiioiced. Pirn, We nntd the men. And eco..dlv, thev come as private to fill up ouroldni.d !ruil leiriiiit-nts, with tholr experienced tH.eeiH a'r udy on Lund. And thirdly, because t.'io enloieemeiit ot the lnw w ill mamlent a power ron-di-nt in our lovermiieiit tti the occmiun. Our (.oTeiumeiit, though a lemocrary, Bhutild, lu t men 01 honble aud danfer, bo ab.e to wndil the toucr ol a .rt ut tulioii. All '. we I Iwru. . T. Nhkuman, Mnjiir-denmal. Ihe diuit it oidered to commence iu all the;, und diHliirtH where the 4uuln in not tilled l-y vol mi le k, on Momhiv the Ptli, undwi ltfoon until coin .1 i.hiiiti' nml sulisti'titt's vsill txt rc:!eivtiii ami lllcil to ns lute u licrinil ::H uissilile. 'oliiiitoerliit( I is sit 1 inonressinc nith unur iu most ot the st ites. Nol'-yoil ul tietivc nperullolis litivo been recoiveil Iroin oilier coliiiiiitmls. K. M. Stant.n, Sccri-tarv tit War A ls.iiiK l.slter from Mi jiir-Ueiits ml Itmler. slic al ltntler has written the fulluA'iiiit; cx jirissivc ieittr to the niullici' ol' the lute Culuiiel l.ilpur l'crr.t , of the r;'.Hh New York State Vuiu'iti i is : llKAIHll All I I lis ill.l'AKl Ml, NT Ol' VllllilMA AMI NilU'lH ('AIIOI.INA, IN TIIK 1'lKI.II, Si p- tuiiticrti. -My Hear Madam : Anion?; the many heroes wliose livta liavu hi en ftiven to tlicir ii.iniiry, none have kit a liiiolmr record than I'lilonel Edgar l'crry, of the lo.itli Netv York stnte VoluiiUers. His memory is as dear to his br itbcrs In anus i eun inati rnal ullei tiiin recalls it to you. I e-tci in myself fortunate in having liecn aMe to make so poor a tl ilmic to his memory as giving lo nn important dctciise of my line his name. l;e Assured of my deepest sympathy witli yours and tl.e country's loss, and the hope th it you will lie sustained by ihe C'liaistiati's hope of moetiin' von r son In tlie fii'iuh't r ami lu tier world to which Ins virtues ami tally death have too noon, for us, l nut mm il llllll, iiclievc me, most truly, your friend, II. 1 . Hi i, .M.ijoi-Oeuei'al Cum. Mrs. l'i it it v. Id I lie I'oiiil. (iercial Truman Scymoui', while sLcippintr in Dinttlcliiiio', eiinoiit, last week, was sei'enadi'd, ui. (I In response to a call for a speueli he made the tulli. wing pithy rental Its : "My Iriends, I um glad to are you. I am going to the Anuy of lliu Potomac iu a few days. A t'ooil in .i it y of you look able to go, an t 1 should like to havo you go with me. Good evening. M l li'lliiirn Kriiorlol Kruiuutilluu. McClclluu'a li ttt r resik'ninii Hie Muior-tieueiiil-bhili, biiui uiii cil ill tlie Iiioi uiiitj imi'Ui.s, Itux jet le.ii htil Wustiintjtoii. li is supii mud to Invi to cu lorHiuiltil liy the Kchiwaic Uuritun Cutiu', uuJ tlie Lo it, liUe those ut Liu'l's b:uil, could not t'tt.- tin' loiM. M rarrlrstl. FITlll AN 'Vim f M AN, - On the Illh Itnt. h Uia Iter. Kin 0 1 to ilnr.l, Ii I).. KltA N IS F. KITHIA M lo SAI1AII li., ilnUKblpr of ihe latp John tvliltamen . Ksq. 1.1 It ' lit 1 1 ICVN -On the morn Ida of the llth Intl., t.i the lies. 1. A. teniv UII.I.IAM I P 1 Ki I all to is A 1 . 1 . 1 1 . IV KKNN both of West I'hllnilxlphla w ( nrds. I PnrrWittrfr pper ttnflp c.pvj TAI Vrit- WAT HIHOtlsP. - On Tnpdar evenlm, S.-it. l:lh In,! at the house ol'the hrl.t"' moth -r, I'aul sin i t I the Itev K 'I wrclTle, ir. IttlU A It I a Wll.SUN I'AIMfltto IU .- H l.AIIl 1 II V AIKIIII.ll SK, both ol Krioikli r.l. W.M Minut'SI - Villi K. 'in the lith Uit , by tha Ii v. s,i ml. lio'h.Mr. Ill NIH ' I W TMlllnr I'.. nf l i rn a town, l a., to .M t I.KM I.N I I N A I'KICK.of Cemilen. N. .1. Vt IhTHI.IN HKI A !. O l Ihe 2llh of .loir, IHi'.l ulT, IHi',1 by .No 1 n t s the lt.- I. A. lerni-v at tie C'ir- 'link''. ' I not .tree! Mr .HIHl'l'll Wl ItTIII.I S'IVKT Itl KV I , all ol tie rit '. Irlesrl. I tn.lnot, MA l:o.' i sj-am. WH' i.i.ti,K. Ill: 'i ii, K - fir. ! e 1 . .1 i k.. p ;i il lino, ! r hie in1. ki r 1. inn, ,li. I l.t.inl I s..eteinl.. r l lth, nllera Hh .rl Illness SI I n 1 I l.llil'l . Ill the nl"t wnr nt Ills 1'f. 'II e o h lis.' iiu'l lis. nils ot tie linoils nr.. respectfully ii.vitid to nto nil hi lull', uoin b. hits n-.i'l mii p, No :n r one.. n sl-eel on Mitur.lai aiti rnooti. al .1 v, i.-lli' ilt luilhvr noth e. To nr... ei d to Itonnl'l i.i'a t i no li ry III VI I It no Tnes hiy niornliic, ties lnh lust., Mrj . II A N N V II III. S 1 Ml. w i I A ll.'sler. 'I he tuni'nil sits ii w II Is: pi iio ineil ut t ip resi'lenra ol I, it I tisliii ml No. 7'!' Nans. mi ir. i-l it II n'rlmU. M . on I rl'ln v , the mill, ill l"r which the funeriil v. 1,1 i.r.i c.i.ltri.m tiie Kinsl Lton lle;iot to Mercer cin"t"r? , 1 I. rite n, N. .1 I In 1. 1 1 m!s ol the Inuil.v ;iie r.sp. i ttuliy Hit Hi .1 to niten.l. svliliout lurlhi r li"tl. p 1 1. Milt I ni. I iin i hi the I uh lust , ur I il AM s, wifa ol ihe hilc .I'lhii II irruixli'ii. In ihu bulb yenr ol loir nie. 1 iie rrlHtlves ntet friends of Hie fnnillv are re lestmlly Ins itnl to iitieml Ihe toiiei iil lioio In.r hue ri siil n e, , No. :;os V I v civ-third xlreet, nl.'.ve Vne, on l-'r nltyr j nlli rniM.n Icth m-t., at I o'i lm k. '1 o pro' ced lo ihlil fellows l'i tnetiry. 1,1. 'I l'i il, 1 1. si iitember l-.t. on l.onril the t:iee'l SI uto n.ue -i l. ,'.ir .oi.; ..i.l. , ill I'ort l(..yal, s. L . AI,l'.Kll I N. I.I. I I mill. B. i .1 1 leni-. I LAI KIN -On tno l:lth mm., I HXNtIS I.AItKIN, lis e.l 1 1 up.. Tin r h 1 ix i s unit irb nil of the tnmltr, rilso tbn .Schil vl I ill )lo-e ('ompiin) . Cnilwnluiler Lodtte, Nn. :t'il, I. il. ol Ii. f .. mid 'I I'likraohl' in I olott. No. are ri'.n.'ftt jl y Invited to Gift ml le funeriil Iroin hi Inie red l.-ue.., No :i:ii l.oeul sirei I. on t-'iulny nilertioon. at '2 o'clonk. I AI..SII IL Alter a severe iliness at t hotcr. I'enn s iMini.i. s.-i'l'-inli'-r I uh, iHi.t, s A M I LI. I'AI , i;it, lor 1 1 1 1 r l v ot I'hllMdelnlila, In Ihe rilst car ot bl aus. 't h'e n Into th mid irleml are invited lo atti ol hi fune riil, nt In o'clock, from 111 lute re-lileiiee, at I hosier, on rrhliiv iiienilii". wltliout lurther notice. Car leave tin ail and I'rin e at S A. M. I KAl.t- -on the ITh Inst., nft. r a line rlun nines, I'l.l.A, wife ot Itilben I'enle, 111 the li'llh .voir ot her nue 'I be Mineral w III Inke place in 1'oio.vllle. Iroin 1 rllnty I buicli. al 'I u'clotk on I relay alti tnoon. Mai 11 .It.- On the nt. rnlni.. o the l.'ith instant, M Allf A -Itl. I I A. ilitnuliter ot tfie Inti Mli hie I'r. ThP f lnttvi s and friend ot ihe oiuil.y ar rpaneeifully ll.t lli il to attend hi r Inner!, from I er late i-.-snn-uoe, Nn. li.i! Aich street, on .saiuriliiy iitoriiui-', the 17th Instant, at In en lock. 1 ll.l. IHHIIAST On the lath Instni.t, Mra. Mtl'.o. Kl.'l' TTI.l.l Ni ill AST, daiiKlltiTOI the IktC 1 lii'tnas lcsl t pi . Sr.,ol II. l lit. T he r. Inllves ami u ale frlind ot the muitly are re hici Itiilh Ins ited to utlptiil lm liiiieral, from her h.te reo ili'in e. N". 'J17 s. fcimtli street, on Fri'Uy uileriHM'n, the 1Mb in ant, al 'X o i lis k. " BUSINESS ITEMS. Knerlor Wheal Flour. b. is A Rii'UAliep, Ati u and T enth, tiuve just ritreivsA a Iresh nupply of ei'lehrutetl ItAlll'l H'n KlillKl I' t..i u, lop itpnu'lip brand, lo which w n ei!M t'.'.o.O'i I. Klerlrlellw, All Acute aadt hriul: Dtjeajei cu:tJ by nicaiu tt th different ntvdillcatli n of Klecaloltt , at Uia H.B'TICAI. INetT I rtfTK, No. 1J80 WALNUT HTItKKT, fhilflolto. mny. c. n. not. 1.89 Will, O' iiiiwrI.IWH A course of Lecture an 4 fuM Inn ret. on far apatyioii (ialvaniim, Mnunetlin, aiiJ oUier taodlti jilion t hJ tncliy as a reliable tlici ?euUc a ;nt for tb oar" of A ula and CQr jnlc Dlneasea. AT TIIK INSTmTTIOM, ii j. l'.KQ Walnut Airaet, rhlladelph . Madh al uien anil olliors deitrlnj to alfnd tha -'vari a-c re t"e,t....l tj mnko ijiultcau u eTl7 K. . Wlillninn A '., Mnntitnctnret r ol New and liitle loua Cot'frcttonii. AijiouI lale. Chocolate Caratuala. ( reniua La Mode Je Tarts. eK'iiiteitc ly flavored, toasted J irdau Almond. A-? , Ac j. iUb Chavnut street, below Fourth. PinnoHt I'lisnoNl Sift K A COS M A HO N it ItAMLIN'H I'AI.INLT HKCS.LU 1111(18 OIKIANS. rlitXV' pa MAHON ft n.XMl IN'S fAlUNKT OlK.ANr!. i'l I NO. riAMO?. .t. r. iifiti.i), Sevenlli and ..lieseul .streets. AMUSEMENTS. n II R 1 S T It K J E C T K 1, Vy Tim ureat ami ctlulualed nu tiire by Woil, the shot d'j ut re o! the arll.-t, th NOW ON KMIIIIITION AT THE Al'AliKMY ot K1-.L AltTb, N... Ii'.'.'. t'lll.SSUT STitl KI', In ftiiilitiou to the l.S i IKK Art l'o:lei ih-u of tl e Aedenir. Atlniitienii;, 'J! ccuts ; tsuisoti Ticket. ou cenis. 1I-14 iut JiEW CHKiSNUT STUKET THEATRE. t .inter A Bum Pmi.r and K anai.e.. iscuK ssi:i a i rit mi ihn I'HbI l'l KI. TIIK LAsl WKKK til tl.etlreat lli'Uiinitlc, Musu al, r.illtoiuuuli' bpe.tseular l.rniua, ALADDIN. Oil Tllh WOMiKltHU. f AVP. THK l.IVINll Kit NTAIN (IK ;ol.Oitl:t WA'I Kits, 1 Illi.M I1AIIM M 8 Mll.sKl'.M, NL' - Kli. The r-crloriiiaiicc will c( niiuei'.ce wtui a popular I'oiiip diet'n IIIIKI) FAMILY MATIN F.E Is AT I ItDAY AFThlt NHON. li,ors "pen at 2 o'clock Adiuil"ii to Iho M slime :to cents fall parts ot the liousel t'tiildien,'. eenU., 9eitemler in, llrst ulKht "1 the Fall and Wth:er Seas"! . v lien 'IHE SLA "F ICE WILL HE FKHDl I'Ll) si-ill K MUS. JOHN lyREW'S NEW ARCH ST 11IKAT1IK C KuVltli AN I KAMHION Altl.K IIOIIslKS. 1 ItltKK Nltlll'IN OK .M Its. JOHN UlttW. THIS i llll llsliAV, LVKMN'i. Heptpuilier I.. IM, I LAI' Klt; (IK, TIIK LAIMKS1 I'ltlMI KliK. Missll l.earr Mrs .lotili Itrew Mm. Hi.wcrilcw Mis A.(raliam i a'kcr Mr. raid.ul At'. Iniiitile rituart itonsiu Alter winch TIIK. TOST (IK IIONOH. (' i.nsVikc smart Robson Tru hlun ms c. Jeilersoa l iaiiAV. HKXtFll (IK SIKH. JtitlN HKitV. F. A L. LADNKK'S MILITARY HALL. No. b-VI K. TIIIK1I Min-dt. I'ntfeMor KS(iKJ.KK, tlie wt'll known Maitm, ! rn- irnifa tl at ttim iwipultir pincv ui ri ori, mt Ihe l:rcct ,r l ft s,iw.-iMi Orviit'kiiH, ttu.l vury evituix cli-tlt-e k'hm uoiu i! i ait- uitiBic art. uu tu ttiu utliei.v.c gratuitously. Mil Ul lHt TF.NSINfiTON II ALL. THIS l'Ol'ULAI J niKleof Lnterlsliauent. Kos 1oiiiih1 Kiuii II fit t N - l'i I tl H A veil ue ulnl 1 till N M'.l'O M I Mreel icil ahllsliea :iiar sko ay Mi. John l.ipii, has locn cnlrt;i.t ana rri os ntctl, .tint l:" t.osi e at rai eons line.ctlltd br any oilier e.ial'ltsltm. nt ot tlo kiml iti tlia eittr. Alitu e ana ell:, lent Uicl.ealra. Iintler tl.e dire t..n t-f ri'.l. 1 l...-se, I as o. en en. a ,eil. ami a" iiio.:raiiiiiis i.t V. i itl uiul li stn mental Mnli vtlll lie pro luce I i noli evi iiii;, tree 01 espense to ilie amlni'l c Tlie ( oncert lion. I. laie, nil), null c iliiiii.'itl"lls, the rein's) ini iits sni nor. in J ll.c alien 1'ints i . . i i . - ai. .1 a.'oii.iiii.datii.j. ; i lm II 1. Ml Y UOUNl'.ill. l'ro,iri"l a. l.TsKK COXC'i:UT SALOON. H 1 i.oi is . vt Ith extensive M JIM Kit OAKllLX, ntl:ic!iiil, J I.. I i HI N Kit UK 1'ltAN'K I IN STI1KKT AKJ til It Alt!) AV i.nli;, aral tins cni.iue.1 a full (In lie.fia. nn.ler tl.e lea.lerst.ip of I'hlir Lsnolt A. Ill II I I.L, V Tin vt ill nLlitl ei loi ill u 0 n isi auiine of Natiollnl llll.l Otlil'l 1111 h. A a I'll iis. mt i,iie to li. i.s an ot en inn free of . Imre, tl.e iili'lim-'nr is dct I milled loS entlll llslllilenl slulll not h' siiinisstd. an:., lm C1U!IM'IN Lr.STsciii.f.i!. 'IMTTI'NliKN'S COM MKUCIA I. COI.LKfi E, L-'aliii-l.ciJ l-ll. In. . I'liolati d Is Vi.iimk uien i rc'1'aied for the ('i.initilic; .ln'iiho and lo'.sl In -s im-. 'IIhuoulIi mid i.r.i' t.cil In-tnu Hon In lii.lHsltl'.KI'IMi, In all Its lii.inclics, us iiiaciUud hy me hest a. caiiniains I. ll.t l.iiMl.tBS Uien. .MA'lllI,. l'l.'in in .t i.rnnini ulnl, is tan-'ii l.colie of ti c in "Bt cora ! ill in oi n unit ii. ( i n.lnt'Uial t'lilciiliiti.'lis, I'liriness forms, c'omnn'i' iiil Law, Iielcctiii ( i.lintcl'lelt Votes, A'C. 1 KI.Ki.llAl'lll Mi, Hy son t id it i. d on r.icr, .no. It I in a t lior Us:L avn.l pitulict! ln.tiini r bv a l.tltif-,- i.erii in d oj.erillor. NT I lil'.VIH ISllil I 1KU ptfAHATKLV, And rccelt eil at allt liuie. l.s cnioa fi ..sen. alter Ke.lciubul l-.tll. ( ' AT A 1 t n i I' I :s, , t ColitiiliiliiK l. rui. stinleiits' name. (471 last year), 4c, fumn.tictUiuli.ou Pl'";'1M-l..1.'.KS1,N lfe CO. OT1-.AMS1U1' NORMAN, l-'KOM liOSTON. U.J .'miiiv-'lu i-i .it liltMLl ail H' I1" iitiih.'M i'. ,ii iiitM L l an M" ,mr ihh. f .i ml for ttn-ir o.U. now lamicu .' t :1 ' y 1j A I. 10. f A Ii It A V J IV, n. I T) W. U. LA1IBTL. MAHONIO 1IA1.I,. JJo, 719 OILESinrr (Streot, MS C' 'Ip.' hi- A I. I. S T ' : rt CUKIAIN MA'J'KKIAI i C'lfi-Mlmj? if rrl .-n-r, ;:..: I'.r.v iMir., i iin", it 1 i. l'.nl'i iri,l HoriJ. r ( I nf, l'ii!.n um .'.'-W' - If.'ti, I- i. 'Iti. li J - fru .in 1''H, ! i t U rr-ntr.l I m I.e.!, i, ( it ' i'U Ki, A .1 . . r; I rfi'fn ( Tin A ' X I vl.l f S V J N I W H 11 A I i; M Ol (1 ' I'W- ff f'ol )- Ait'l I'fc in I. A (i 1'. (U'UTAINS O i .'Mril l' s Hi.- ti, pr", nt 'o.l ... 1 iD.f)'U'loil. 1,.. 'Al.ltA '.;.'S (Int. ( AHUM K, " N. TIO ( UKgsfUr S tltKh T. A.TIONAL ONION TICKET. r'llt I'KirSIDKMT. AIIHMIAM I.IN( I.N, or iM.istiis ! Vt( K-ritK.'.lIlK.SiT, ANIUM'.W -lOIINSON, O. 1 KNlHulsSHi. liLliICri'Oll.rVlj TirKKT. .si'.NATnlllAI.. M'lltniV y. MK'IIAKI.. I' ig.ltia. I . t I'M IM.UAM, llenvrr t olialy ltll'HCHKSTAIIVr. 1 Holier f Klnit, 'I (1. Moalson Coatci, a. Ili nrv llornm, 1 William II K.'in, 6. Itartotl II. .leaks, tl. ( Imil.'s tl. Kink, 7, ICHtert I'arke, H. William I at lor. li. .lolin A lliislaiid, 111. ISiclntr.l II Uortell, '. I . Kilvt aril lliil'.U.a) , l l. ( liarlcs r. Uea'l, is. I'-.liu W. Ilaie. 1 1. ( lirle II ilirln'M , I'., .t'.lin Wl.l.r, hi. lias ill M. t oiiali ihv, 17. Hasat W Winds, !s Nitsc henson, l i Joint I'ttiton, io, Halilliel it, Itl. KvernrJ Ili'Te, 'si ,1-ilifi I. Ter ii v. in KtO'lieer Mc.lilnkln, '2 .lohn w. lt!siicnai'l. Ity xdfr ot tho filale rvtc.t al Cominittee. SIMON OAMKKON, l-S t'll.VIItMVN. RATIONAL UNION TICKET. CCJUNTV Ol'I ICKKSt. sin an ra ilKN'.U ('. IIOWEIX. bi cits i nit op win , IhKPIlMCK M. AJiAMh. CI I -IK Ol Tills Olti'HANs' COl.'Vtl , liliWIN A. MKKKIL'K. CITY OI I IOKUS. ttl't KIVKH OF TAKBH, li.lttl.l'.H ON KILL CITY COMMISSIONI'.U. TIlOM VS JiICKSDK. CON( IRK8B. JOHN M. llttl.Elt. I llAltl.l S O KMLf.. I.KO.S&ttU U Kit's. WILLIAM D. KI'.t.M'V. M. UUSSKI.I. TUAVKH. 1 ItJtMatl.Ct... 8 -cot'd Mstr.:'. Tiiifd li-tnct., r.sutth Mdrtct, Fi th Iitstri.t.i s:snaiou Tinnu tiisTiticr, IrtAAO A. SUKrrAUD. Ill l KESHMATIVKS, i'l.t DlntrlCt WILLIAM OSTl:U. Psccl District WILLIAM a. ItUuDIMAN. 1 hird Ulstrlel I:l( IIARU HUTI.KU. Jourth lmttlct W. W. WATT, Fifth Histrlct .lOSsLI'IIT 1U0MA9. Hixlh .1ASIKS I'ltl'.liUQl-.N. Snetith Plstrlct THOMAs I'OtlHBAN. j Klt'l th Mstrict JAMK8 N. KEUlsS. Ninth Dlslrto' CI1AKLSS rO.STEB. Ten'h Mslrlct I'.levoiitli Ulslrl.t Iwltnh tiisti'Kt Tbtrteertn Ultln t.... t'ctirtesnth liitllltt....! Klttecntt. Uislilcl ,.8AMl:t:L 8. FASi'tiAsT. .KltASKUN Il.MTEKNKIl. .1.1 KK V. HUTflllS, Hi:. ,.BM8 C. KEVNKK. .IB INI IB II03I). ..(.KtltOK DC HAVEN", Jr. Blstseall. Init-M WILUAM V. 8MITU. Seventeenth D.stiict KDWAKH (i LKB. El.htfeith D.ltrKt .lAMKS MII.I.KS. A. Li Xj OOODH. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. HAVK SatV OI'KN AKD ARK DAILlf UKCEIVISU THKIH 1'AI.L IMPUTATION oi N i ; W G ( ) () 1) s , KMItUAt 1Ni IIIK NEWKST STYLES A.ND FABRICS, 'I j "t tin i) t .icy jit ile Atli'tltioll. ( Nos. 813 and 820 CHESNUT STREET. II ILsVIIKLl'lIIA AND liF.ADING nAILrtOAD. ClIANOK OF HOl lt. OX AM) Al'TKll J10NUAY, !KFr. 10, ISt'.l, I he lfi.rniiiK Train for lit'Stlini;, Pututlllu, Ciliiinl.l i, llarrlaljuit, mid all imnits est mid ' irtn , will Kate ttto Depot, TlniU-entli awl Callowlull Street-i, At H O'clock, A. M. Trnin sttli n it stop tutwet ti l'lilladelplila and Nor risi..wn. l'asseittieis fi..m Falls, Msnayunk, anil t on al.ul.oaeo, f. r lteadlni:, e. Ao., will take the Trhl 1 NurrlHoHii, wl.lelt li litis Philmlell'liia nt U 10 A.M.; Full, (I i'l.'. A. M.; Muniljiiiill at 7 ui A. M. i mid l onsbohoi ken at II A. M. A. NK'OIJ.K, -M-5t (.ENrttaL Bfl'K.ltlNlKKHKNf. JOHN OHUM i, CAlll'LNTtlt AKD Ht'ILUKR, N... ill l.tiDilB RTRFF.T. A lartr foree of bulldli-s mechanics ol M bntnrlies twa sod band. auS'ivUiioia A- A l'KW MOHK ltOHSl'.S CAN UK 7 i.iiiiin. latcd at ti.e Livery UUulu, CJU.UUV Sltcvt. U 1j ol m r t i" o 11 UNITED STATUS IIKYKNV I- Oill l'OSTAd l'i NTA MI'S, l''JK ?I1B Mttlil I AMI ll Tt UN ST VI V!, Nj.304 CEEBNDT STBEET, Pliiladi-lphia. ImH -I SU'f I' Tvijfr ruel tll-r i. j .lilfWitd nnuii tips, rp'irs t i t- 'ii A. I .n U , ..'i3":.i .. ...ot m .ll'iSl'l.H Il.MliIN(i. Colli otor of Fir. t Di.;tri-:t, No Nil I t'lll SNLT -.tre-l. I'l i.(. il.lin. HOOKS, tt 1 1 N l'SI-s ol I. I. I.II'I'IMi OT'l' A' t. I. 1I!LLKJS MKK OK Jh( I.FI.LW. LI1 1'. AM) CAMiWK.NM oi OKOROK It. MfCIiKLl.AN, IM ij. x U"L(i al U. h. A rtii. by (i. .s. ii i i.l Ann. t.'uio., villi 1' n .stt-ol. I'm Jl '-O-A li rrni-'h!y ll v;rii!iltirtil nril hl't"rirl work; ei tTiff ftp in c'iiiiii ol tlie nrlv i--lin::itniii nt ' 1 IT l M' ( i cm err ;ii r-.i rnli.l -- hit .-m ico In tlie Mr irmi w ar hif u l iH'ii to ij Cr:iMiv;i, nitil mi1'-i -ill' Tit ri lirciii-nt fn-fn lJi- tiritiv lut riMjijn lutiiiPiil in IM.I I hp c tm;Httr M in U'cfttcin irLiniii oitimilrtlioii oi ili ,imf ul lin lonmr tie renii mtlar 4 'atui't'Rn of Wi? the nx inn uMc "St-u'n Imixi Untile- - iiiv lonrcmeni f.-otn f,in- niiiml nt Hi' Aini inn .. npijointmriit tn' hutHmuf .south MtMiutuin ami Atttl'taiii, auJ liln lutaJ iDtDuvttl. 1 hp iirii'MC ft this ork li to eUillitt tiennrnl MrC'Iftl- tu t title to tii '.iiitttii-'e nt d"ti ot hlit c juiitry- 0 en, hy ll).y (tlini-r ti.i-in mIiai hr I as i-ii". The in at ttit itl lie rc'i'i ivetl lirtN m. tut il nut ' J ni'i i-imiry immiii- Hiifs to IhIsc ti e nUi.iiili- i( tMttri'Ti t , httn to RinJI lu' III nfih-T tt l'i Inm llt Uti: thld 'ill h'-l'll il H'.' nif n- tluiii tl i' nt i--u ul truth rt-tuirca." U, 8. H. II. ht.Vt WOKK 11V HullKRl 1;ALK ttWJ-.N. Tin"- "vmisca oi" hIj vxsiiv, 1 1ll: Iclt.lIT ei I.MANCII'ATWN. AN li THK FUTUUK ()!' THE AFRICAN ItAC'K IX Til I; I'MTKI) MT.VI'KS. Till. I M IN. R'lllKUT liALK OW'F.N. lu one ol. r.'m). Prica I l:M THK VHllVM My tusk luii I'-d tuft over a Vttut flohl In hrh-ltv tra. - In,,' irum ha ihi'tiJon in tln timitilie o. the rmo and .n Mum oi the rt nt, run a wbun mill ilirtiiti-Mi ihe lite ot the null! ii, I have foMowed thu itirnnies of n vait multl tutlu, t"iiat in n tun her lo the f n iu I Atnn , iyal .mil il.iai, um K ana wnnr, oi ii;ec i ntivu niaien. i nave nk'-Trum h tlx- lthtot nitthditic iIik uin-ntN. the dn mill hutory ol' tlutt iiiuitiiiHH' itiioMicii tdreu ci'Mtiri'-H titiu a imn ; m-i tin out til ir rfjri.,M iiti.,.lvt-l iinu n in t-isr Into tin utinilM rs and oontliiitiit ol ti.i'M-at thu prc-i'Nt (Jay. In ho doinK I tia anlvi'd n' i 'inrliisinnn whioh, to thno who h.tru never liKkn ciim-1) into uu' auhjuct, nitty nctiu too mui vi'ilona lor Im'Ik I. Hi ally.Rftt r 1 .ivini: tra- M the ciinnoi'tHn ol tho two Tficvs in tin- itdt. and tft th ti.i'Unty nt'oiie l.twurd rtii- oth(T iii the I'i'cfi'Ni, I ltucr.'UKht to look for w Hid and iit'inne how tin- ur llkuly, wh'n tmtli h;ut htriM-. to live ti'dttht'r tn the Hinir" ; whuihtrwe Ui httve a mod limniift ut iihw linn;-or liimhle to htiWp'Tt llsi lt ; whother n-'tiiixtitre o tlm ? net- , Imili Im-Ihk tn. proh.ihic or ! slmhlr; w lift her. v, ttlioiit adinKtnrf, the rtclnrnl HorUI li llm n e ol the iacc s on l avh ithvr tuotnitii'a jjo.xl or evit ; wt a are Uh chimin that a 1:.m jennliOt of nun nhall diiolnt.-h and dhapi'i-ar; and laKtly, vtn thor. In i asn the cot n-tl iiihx li ul tiuthve that proiiitlici', dira etHi to ut .tiid nrpreAshiK wninii Htid anaii lie eiotue i tiviawwitn the samp rinhth an -(Mirh of which wo nui;ht tiih WVnten ti W tir'd, then' wT hi- an vt mim hh'oiiiu Ttinn witn iiu t tit u ra in tl.t mc I inled Stales to excUe rvarct or iu .pite a.ipre- heiifciLiu. III. MILITARY, BiLlUCAI.. AMi HUKiHCAL KhSAVS. IltFPAl!Kr FOK TIIK I'MlMi STATES sAXHAKV COM llfMO. Kdited hv Wil (JAM HAMMOND. M D., Hi ;e n neral I'liitt'd nUU4 Aiuiy. tn.e vol.,Kvo. IV. C1UMAPIA. A repiv to I. -.l rUiUrt 'S MIKOI,UtN. AM' OI1U K rtr.Mft Itl (11. 1 ltyh, Ulll't. MEMOIR (1MK. WILSON. A Memormln: tut Hird .llinn. H 1 . 1,1. I)., lata I .ik r: lu.- Tn (' tor .t o .teiimtio liivlniiy In iJ e noii'Tnl 1 hi -.It tili-al J-ennnai ot the J'loie.tuiit h.nin;.'Urt. t Iiiir;Ua liy Yi,Y lute lW.ii.- .n, A.M. Umu l"Ao. MIS LUIIk'kS' FOKM.S. MAlMtLK I -I I . l.t'.rMtij Or THL 1MHM) TAH1.K. ANI OTHKH roi-.Ms m RAI I.l K nillloil.ti. 1 Vol .lfilllJ. in rur.Si. STUAT1IM0RK, mt, VK"tH.ltr HY I1IM OWN HAND. A Luc hiimsnce. I'.V Oi: ill A." AulUur cf "JJ"i i In Itoailtijo; or, itismlll i1e yinnf." fcuUTUKUN 'SLWKUY ITS l'l!FSK.,V ASPFITS, (.'.nlftili.tV ltt ''. I'l 11 lm Win k ul misit'ji' itui'KiNs iin rii.AVKitr. II V liKV. D. K. U Oil li WIN, 1J. O. ,J. 1J. l.ll'l'INCOT'l' .V (!() , 1(1 H I.l -ill K KM. clO stmlilt N01. 710 aiulTI" M AUKHI MltS. JOSKI'H Ill'l TY DKSIItlOS TO IN r.irm hT f rit'iiiis thnt she ha remnved iroiu ho. 4sl7 UlttSMT Btn-.l U) Jso.KK S. I'ulltlil Birc-tU MIASK & 1U1 1Y S M'.W 111, AN K HOOKS J ' and Slatiom-ij, Nu. IK Is. KOI Kill Htrui-I, Opened To-liwy. .KNI'INK" AltNOl.lVS WIUTIN'J FLUID VJI and Oopj Iiu I "Is, direut Ir.ira Minilon at CIIASK A lli n'Y'8 Kow lilslik Iliiok anil Statl'tm-rv Hlura, Nn. . tul it r 11 .Mi-tft. ON TIIK ril.OCKAliK-Kl'NNKR " PR1V ci'ss Alice," was (-iiiiurt'd an tnvulce of the Worlds fair Prl.f tap J'a-C. purlioll of Inch Is for sa'o al llllASK at UL'FlY'll N.w 11 auk lt.k and stationery Store. No. Ji li. H)tml'H Islreut. 1I.ANK BOOKS "ok'kVEUY llKSCKU' J tlon on, er made to ordi r. nt a smsll advanc oil Old prices, at CHAKK & IU KTY 8 c II lank Hook and Hlallonery Store, No. '.'' S. Mn'tt't 1 1 Wlrwt. 1SI ANY Ol THK Ol.l) VAIIIKTIKS OK Lai i i-r. fao. atul Note Papar, mutu superior to Uiose ol later niaiiulai lure, can tie l,aa II1ASI-. AT III I I I I, Ni vs II ank Hook and Stall. .nerv Hi. ire. No. il S Kol'll l H Street. AMOU) l'KNS AND ri'.Nril.S TO SUIT AM. 1 laelVrenoes, and warranted lor one year, can bo La i at I IIASK lll'H'Y s Sew Wank Honk and Slail in -rv Store, No '.' S. I iil'll l ll sin on ci nt'uan h k sayi:d iiy ruu- ZU,.' vo.irS,ai.,,e'.;iAH. fc UFTV.,, Mft, lllank lh'.ilt ami statlnin rv stn-e. atiM-lm K... A'S.HU'Ufll Street. TEE NEW MUSICAL 0AED3 (ratroiiledhvllielt-valKamllvof Knulniid). aro sent lir i,"ih.r TIIKKK HOI.I.AIIS. Tin t uie niniism .ii.iiiiii'.uiid limn .MiiitulTluie.imkir than anj oilier I " . most Interestlnil and rli t er s-imie." Tim . " liiniliuh:v nt i.le.l lor teat ItlUK Mii-hal I line. -lllus- '"aIi'iIi'i's's lA ."ju'vVi:, No. II.' W. THIRI-Y-rilXTII Rintet, v Yoik. lin o 1 L STOCKS HOI '.III' AM) si. i. ii ON riiMMisiii, lit i.i.ui;i;i: J. luiVD, lli.k.r, (to, 1 S. Till 111) S ro. t. Uo NEW 7-30 LOAN. m Snlis. reeilted, und tho furuiilied nee ol all cliaics, hy UKOIIfiK J. HDYH, ILlllIlT, No. IS S. TltlllU Sir. et. n2T-5m J'ISTATl'. OF AM'KKW C'OMSTOL'K, M.D., lettirs 'I'esi'iinieiiinrv iiimtl the e.lute of AN'llttl'.W l'i IMS Is II : K , M. IL. ih 'is' il. hut lilt.' been wi ill.tml to t.iil linilerslnii il. nil persons linh lueii t" said est me are re. ill est. d li.niakuiiaMi.eiit, aii'llhi'sn luit inn claims a-ill list Il i' line, t" l'i. Mill Ills Ul, tlillu'lit deluy, lo J. SMI 111 II Alt tilts. l.s.iiil.'r.N... Ml H.KOI Oitnhlj .iMiit v. IiAVIIi M. llAMIll.i:'iU, .No.ol N. sl.MII .tll'iel, riiUaUiiphia. 16-tl.ot flV MKSS MAfKKItl-X. I'H KI T I'SNliW 1 Mess Miukeivi In slnre iinil lor s.ile l.y KKNNKUY, SI AIIIS CO , 110. Nn. Llnuu nl iJ ti. V" All V I : -TlCiUY Hl.lUtlNO.S. lmiO DOXKS KXT'tt A I mmhiy Hi n in., suliable lor rel.ill .-rocei . sa es, lu it'.ie und lor sate hy Hrtlltl CO .. v-uw o1.vauaws..vUAU.. AUCTION SALES. INI A(T(lNv'fi AUCTION U0O.MS, N'. n ( vi'iri v ttf Mrni'or, as'll'-l' "fnt.'.'tiin.'iii t m a Ri 1 .. 1(f, ASlt Mlf Kr,uN(hK 0' ml KniiiK.i .r nul Vllt IKII IM 'IT , lll'i H alp" of r in nit 1 y is..,, sin. iti, '.Tut 1. J KKaL F.Hi A ' ' " " At thn F(hantre. eni'siTirnv At liwfillpi.1. an I ..,,.,, t if a -t'.! ' 1 t-f th- ti1 t ah will ha aivanri'.l w,'n d 'M C 'H-ljriiil-a ""In f ir pnM , WANTS. WAMI'.I) lO lit M , OS OU ltl'.POKKi Lj,lhi til t '.I I ' I'-lii I . t m'- lir 11 SI71 .1 l tr . WH a :. I'ar. ' tl.lf t.-r a sst . r.-li .ii.. ; fisl .I1MI1 . ',,...! tlltlil li,!. - s.-'l lit I itert Ii 1.1 t In . iml t liiili'lri-il iluilR' a. 'rril Jin-f' rrt-l II A.. Hi's VYM II Tl , K.Vi'tlill" 'llf-illll it 'ft' i lrAMI U. IVAN'll ll. I IT lli:;il. Itm I il!,.l i.ih ami ill S iT' At Mf.:, 0 1 1 r ei l'i 1 11 I r. u" M.,r nf I , .t. . ni, I '1,'p Yar4, HI M'M. Hb .s. llANUvi:t Htrar-I. KM. -Hi 't -n, I-" I'liiM.i. iiilila iIl'C I'l Alt AND .110 SAM'IV'i V.. fitl! I Kit VT( liK.sfAHU, i.n ii's'.ti.itii.' tn. 111.., at Mll sl.S, I.AYIIWiN f O.'l. h atrl ' Mitnni. Itn..tvat a "I SMp ari. 1.1 ai'... . II si iy 1.1: sir,..t, sc I'?'. Khiis'tint'.ti, I'litlail.-lp.'ita- fOH SALE AND TO LET. jJH. lOU Ej.ll tiii i, 1 Olt NA1.1'.. fsMl.ljtill WtlKl It IN OOOI) lar.-t uiul mii'I. on irnn in riiII i im:liei ul sitl. ir stlili.'iil lm ii i.iirai.ri'.for rasa and govt trti'le I ii.iiin ' o', fr.ii-i 10 In 1.' o c.'"'k .M TII'M M. I' LOW At A.N. Nn wl li. tOf'UTTI tUraat. EDUCATIONAL. 1,'IITY Ci.MS l.l'.SSONS IN OKll,MArf, 1 in A Ml l K Or' r.KUM .NY. IVIIO SI'KAKS IM.I.IMt Kl.tll H1I.Y, AT Mlr TY CKN'l S AN' llorlt. LAIHKS A.NIi llll.liKras u.NH. li.l l.i'lvti i. 11 am! 1 '. t i." k, nt s.-l ' iw Nii.T'.'I KMHtlDV Jtrael. Ji PHILADELPHIA MILITARY SCHOOL.! (Ot RTLAND SAt .MIKKS' 1N8T1TITK, Thirty-ninth and Market Street, KI-.Ol'KNB S 10 1'T KM ii. Address, riioFF.ssDR e. r. raiin-df.rm.d. n. I.MtlJi.ND.S' AfADKMY l'OR BOYS, HKAF, of No II N. KI.KVLNTII Slres l, reopens tm tlie Mis 1 In-t. $1'. nt.f li-rin it ?.'ssoeks. All deiiotnlriatiitns aVl Li t'l.l. (si) ltn'j W. WlllTALL. SIGNOIl N. l'KUKI.I.l HavltiL' retimii-il trom vlliy retlirin I trom r.tintpe. has resumes! LhlsSONS I.N SI Stil.NI SI Stil.Nli. soH-lh.inlln No. 1H t'MKSNi r STRKKT. JAMKH S.I!inn,'i I'.ACIII'.ROI'TIIK TIANO, No. j'.H HI TKf.N1 II Street, In low forme. anJ-J laa Dlt.I.Al'OltTK'S I.IFK KI.IXIK KKSTORK9 f tn n.rinly. lunr all who are iiuliTfnK fron ttnpatre4 hjurtl hinT', Norvoiit. Ochiiity, Ijotvnct.s o sSnirlu, Loia oi Mcinury, Ar., whoiiier arldlnir ivoni the efTrcta of a mnm-H vice. rxci'ssic Ntmlv, or cflnrt. 1 riot. $J. Nciil pnxt t'ni'l In mv a'tiln'St. It 8. ('. UrilMt 1S. ' i . J .! .11 1 If htr. ft. i ivr nlurn M-nt tire. i;kvku AND AG UK CrUKI). uriIAM'8 M Kvcr ftTiu Ak'iio Specific u tirranii-d tn cure ny ( ap ot i runt at ii r pvit- i rv it mm m- convincu. rnr, $1. N.'tit p-i- -pa ul to Aiiv aiMn y H. ('. UJ'HaM, M. y. ."t. i-iiiii i ii Mr.-:. . in-uinr sent irvr A' tet-ti In t' ii mitnitpi, and pci maiirtiit curi i (Twl ' hy tl' uf cf rpt'am'K A?thin t'urf. (''! of (Tom t n to tw nty y. ai t aramhtiu i"M nt once to Ux 1nnimiic. iTiri .i'. r.-tit n.t iHKitoativ ii(iart tvDjci...i rtiaus. no Miiitiii .tri't'i. i ircHiam en tree. II Al V II O 0 T K 1 1 1 roin ow forfhi-ntN, am) all pat-in of th body, fa tle niit.4i:,'H, withoiit intiirv to itm skin, liy' L'i-hint. 'a .i'l!!i.tor row.ltr.'' l'r re ?!. Mut ed to nj tuttlrana lur M.' t. u; h. i . i ril..M, No. n f. Afcn-iiiu oircei. Ciri uliim iii-iii free. 1) .O YOU COLOR YOUR WHISKKRS AND Iiair dve In the itotld e.mal tn it. Unlyi-ne rirtptra tlnti i nlnr a nitlnral l.ln.'K or ttr. wn. I fit AM, No. ti I H, Kli.HTll Sin oi, Ir Bk'i lit. "0 crlits a ln.x. soa-tbsla ED10IUAL COD LIVEE OIL JOHN J. UAKSJU & UU., Ho. .18 MARKET 8 1 BELT, ate ii sw recel Inir their supplies fresh from the A.hartoa. lie atipeilnrliy ol their Oil. in (very respect, baigatn4 f"r It a ri'itutultt.n and sale beyoad an stlier uuil in tb.4 Btarsi't. T" mnlntalD It. tttej are determined U ttpplf an ..rtlcla that nia be entirely relied on (or freshness aud purity. rKvtettiuuililaU, ot l'lofessora of Medical Colleaea. AilU M0NKY TO ANY AMOUNT I.OANKD f tv ni'on Ditifiiontls, C jAfl-rt'iliiit. .. Watches. Jewsirs, l'lata. ro.'s Dl.Ii I.OASf nfl'K'E, tvnero! ITIlltl) and U.SKII.I. Streets, lli'lnw f.iiutl.iinl . N. n.-MAMOSHs. WATlllKb, JtWKXbY, UUNB A--., fi r selo at 11 V. MAItK Asll.Y LOW CHICKS. MILITARY NOTICES" sort 3im EUB&TI1UTES ABI) OLUNl'EEES KUItMsilKI. AT H11MKT NUT HE, And on lleinoliahle Terms, V. D. UAVKNH, I.ll I'.NSiP.n HH0KE, Kj 110 8. IEY1.NTH StrcDt, ScoHid Kkwr, lo oi Room Wo 10 TKNTII WAUD. 250 MEN WANTED TO F't.t TIIE QfflTA 01" TIIK TK.NTIl WA1. lllllhcit Iintinir fald. Applto A. H. FHANOTSOUa, sett . tf Nn. Mil MUIKKT STKBBT II KIGllTll WARD BOUNTY FUND. THK Id i'ili.frtis of ihe Klulitl rt'uril stho desire to antlctnat til the ri'Mi'lreineiits ol tl.a iliillt, are iinlld'l thai ttia itaia W Is lust iias.-ing assa In which ineii run he not. Kvary C1H7ID "f the Ward I urgently calleil oa lo raise subsertss tH lis stnotit; his nt-iijlibor,aiid to forward all eollaeUoiss . . .... t: In 11.'. ftii 1 I IrTh' M HI IIU S LU s.. ... Treasurer. s.-l'llw S K e'.rinr SIX'I'H Slid WAI.NKI At. U I tt N K Y S S 11 A tt 1" S 11 0 O T tt 8 . i AVOID THB HHAKT, and eulint tn a (''iri of some atnnditia', Aulhoried bi the lleiieral aud State Oosenms-sni. MAJtIK J. W. MOOItK, oi ma HINKTY-MNTH I'KNNBYl.VANrA VOLUNTBKHsl, Is recruitli'tt to flit up Use Companies In this city. TUB HltillKBT IIOHNTIES OIVKN Fur One, Two, or Three Years Men. fall at onee, at Mo. 5 3 CIIK8NL I Street, below rllXTsT.. Il t on wajit to n!lst. St A.I' HI J. W. M'KU Is prepareJ tn pay promptly TIIK. CITY AMI WAltll ltOlf MTT linuiediateiyon ilie tnusterinu of any man to hi H-niaaaast. 111 I.I.i H K IIKllM., n. Vt. HAVIS, .!'. I li HI I AS, JNJ. W. f.Vl.lvM AN'. Ii. H. WINCHIlLMLIt, I t 'Alt KY l. '.. Al K. I". .IK.SSIJP, A. I. IIUNAH l)N, ) i'uoiulJttas). an'.':i-tf 11KAIHU AUTKHS 1'llOVOST MAtt--hal.Mrst IWstrlti. I-II..N'.. i 8. TU1KU Strsat, rhiiaili lpl.i.l, Almost II, I1"'!. . wa 'lo InMlie lr..lnpi repni' u. no '.m-."- uhjeits I'.'illieeK'.l tsllh Hi", Jirafl, fcxeiui lion. I.laldlilles lo Hr.ul, 1're.lil and Aeoniinis of uta inrnlshetl, l.ll.i. n. are r.".ie.t,'d to tnuko apnllca Ion to Ihe 1'Mtn.l Mm lot the l'..iinresslonai I lstrml lo r such iii.iri,,utioii,nii.l not lo the ri"t'Jt .Marshal oouwaj at B, ,! '.(( Cui'liiiii and I'rovii.t M.trhat. " 1()UNTY Hilt M.mTTn KS. WANTED M tor the I'nifd Slates .M.iiiue foi .s, alile-hodied uien M lo neili.rin the duties ol u solill-r ul our Naty . ar.lA, on board L inltd Wales shii'S-of-war OU forema bl ..ll '115. I ei III ot seitl. e, r.uir t tm llflli i e.iiiii'elis.tliiui until tli'1 army. Al 1. 'IHE i.i'i'AI. It'll N l IKS paid uin enlistment. s.liiilui'1 I.-' t it e t'rle Money. r ,,r uil further In i"i uia' i"U H-ly t lh lU'cruitli Ktosr 8,r(.t'low Hpruce 8irot, ; l.ltvi en Lheliouis ol J aud J o e.i" k. c. n. m. r.wvrrv. Mai'irand Ki .Ttilting Ollicef. Ttl- 1! 1 t) U (1 11 S FV It 1. O U li 11 S i i 1' n Ki.U'i.HS--H Kl.nt nils. illll.Ol l.ll.S-l I!. Ollliirs ami ...ldlera . IsitinTuf e"? f r,V,,M', SWUKI s AMI HUH II .'" f jl ."lis '3' tjlMJIiliH ANO OTIII.ll MII.IIARY r.iilll JU.Slio, Ale intll. J t- 'i:""';.! liflMKVT i s sji-fc. ti "ri in Nil K I A n I. is ll si r.s r M.NllAltlIlv-'4'-'''''''i"iltJI .-.s-nitnK W. SIMONS mini ui ll, I T'J , V. SIMI'NS IllllliiitU. 1 1 HVNS.IM hllll KT IIAI.L, J MANMlM sil.l'.l.T HALL. ( BAMInM bueit, uhoto HIMh lilroet. 1'IIKSKNI'aTTiiN RWOItliS I'lll-.'sLNi A I ION sWlillliS I al nle to ontiTiit the sh.irlesl not lei, ts hi. li for ri'-hnrs ,in! 1 me. llllU. in ' eliinl.-n ei Ul'el""'J; " rri,lt..l" iiiiinri I-' uihiiiluu the MIM l.lUI'lil t, lltiurl' IV11U -Jill. lilAUKAi. fcttWiy AJArOJl.. i'JvXif.l 8: Li i'l th P' Cl( ! in Ik Hi I of of Hi K. til l Cn till 111 hi til "I (il l'i' as th 111 111 Ml 1 till th ofl hi on i roi Oil all pi 'ur: , llrlD Villi i tsl on Ml IU llii tui fCI ID' I I M ,ijrr ,n 'e -) ia .r I