4 THE DAILY PACKING TELEGRAFII. HULA DELPHI A, WEDNESDAY, SKPTKMttKU 14, 1801. O! i Tf.V. mug WEDNESDAY, BErTEMPER 14, 18f4. THE PRESIDENCY. A Hot Shot into tho MeCloUan Ranks. A SCATm-NC CRITICISM. An Express Train Runs into tbo Platform ! CONSISTENCY 'WHAT JEWEL ART TKOU! 'fiw. T-miris Trnin writes (ion. Mi-Cli'llnn ntH.tlit r Vttor. He wnx--s liittiT nn-l l.itt.nT. Khka-WAT-on thk-ISka, Sopf. II, 1 Mil. To Mnjor-Gi-iirinl Cn-otdo It. Mi'C'li'llan, Orati;-.-, N. .1. Dour Sir: It in a iii-vui tliiuu to lisn-ii at tli- key. bole. It Is iiuiiiht ti. ohii a iri.iit.' letter. Ii i-i tlie nK'iiiw'Kt ol ull to aii'i-pi lio.-oiitulitv iin.l iilmse Urn lio't. ltut tlio.Je nicua lliinc-i are 'liristiun virtues iiininriril to flu- net id' ni'ri-ptiii'-' tin nomination ul nrtv in nnlrr ti ii tn.v il. A platform is the party soul. A riiinliilnte is til" f srtv's I'ody. M'-niriiH tlie lni.lv IVum the soul, and iL-Htli ensues. It in as ililllnilt to sit In'tw rn two stools as to sin p witli one rye open. You rannot worship God and miimnioii. lloni-iiv is not only the Uvt pnliry, lint the only one lor an honest man. Toeheat ill politics is as wirki-il as to client in money. Yon know the rea r iin-ti controllcl tho Convention. Thrv irtivn. you a platform that was neither fish, Mesh, fowl nor mackerel. Yet you m:it upon the iiiir.uivl. Hem e the Itaihj Si or, the Mi Imp-tlitun lli-mrd, Fret f fir' Journal and Ofim i'riHix tiv oil' from you like hoops from nu elliTvescin hanvl. ,sm pleton will lolloiv Wood; Viilliiiiilit-liiuii will lull in, and in two weeks lVnd'etou will derliuu to Ik Sliliiwrerkril with the rest. "Come, out from miner the lied," said tlw iii'li-rnimt. witii to her Dtideeided lniil-and. "Not," said lie, "no ton; i J have the fij'irit of n rutin irithin inf.'1 Mark my words, (ieiu-ral, you will not carry a siliL'L- State except New ,1 ersey, mil you will MMTilice seven Ieinocniie memiiers ot' 'oni-'iv-.-i out of ten. Look at Vermont. Maine will In tho sumo. Indiana ill only kud the other (SmIim by a month. You will And it as hard as the Rehels have to fldht fueh lteinoerutie iiiitii-.--.it. 1 'out, 1'.iitul;iiI , l'lirterand lfutioiit, on the sea, or Grunt, Meade, Iiunii-iilu, Sickles, lime in I;, Thomas and Sher man, on the land nil of whom are ntrainst you. The late letters of Sherinnii nnd t.nmt rutllu through the. l)emoeratie ranks like li;hftiin thrmii-ll a (jooseherrv hush. It only eosts two ' thcuanl doliars to tret up a Mil'lt'llun meetiinr. Yoiiiik Ki'ti'lili'il said so. It' the explosion of n limited nunntity ol pis in L'nion Siiiiuv killed two women and wouniled several the other nii-lit, ' what will he the ilisnster when your whole party bursts up in November. James lSm haiian said that he was no Ion-Mr J. U., but t'nej Cineiiiiinii platform. You r ev Tse it, and any that yon an not the Chicago plast'oriu, but 'i. 11. Mac. Said Lord tt., ion in "Don Juan :'' 1 hr wf-lMinown Hebrew word. I nm, V v Kuk ish uj-o to govern d- in. Hut to our letter. Itulwcr said, tho "l'en was niiKhtier thitii Iheswoid." Then he hail not tniulc your aeuiiaiutauee. (Kiiernl. Noininaied on y rc-orl. Yes. Thedralt. The l'roclaination. The BUtipeuidou of httbi.UH coriii.i. The arrest of l.ei.i. Litures. Military at the polls, and disobedience of ;U-7"lcr. is not that vonr imtilic r""onl Do von mean, by alludini; to your record, that you w ill do the same Benin? "Gentlemen : I have the honor to acknowledge trie receipt of your letter, iulbrininir mo of my nomination (of course, who else did you suppose it was)? by the Demoenuie National Convention (certainly It was not the Republican National Com nnttw), . recently osscuimtil at t hiei'.ro (ttititi so: it did not asscinbk at Cleveland or Wew Vork), . at) their randiiiate at the next election for the I'residcut of the I'uituU States. (Exactly; it was Dot tor the last election.) "It is unnecessary lor me to say to you that tini nomination conies to me "uusuuhl." (Why onvit, tlien?) Take tho whole letter, punurraph by pnrniiipli, dVsoi-t it ns I have this sentence, niid you will ' find it as weak ns dish water; undecided, incon sistent, unirrammatical and egotistical. The six allusions to the l'nion remind one of thostcivo typed cry in the "I'oinnies of Nieel," Winches, Clocks, IJamncles. The bright Ikiv who cried barnacles, watches, clocks, Introduced a new idea into Scotland. "If a (rank, earnest nnd persistent effort to obtain those objects should tail, the responsibility for ulterior consequences w ill fall upon thoso w ho re main in arms ncninst the l'nion." Why not say war rii.'lit out, not dodjre round n corner this w ay. Don't forwt that old Cass killed . himself with the Nicholson letter. "Jtelieviiur that the views hero expressed are tliote of the Convention and the moplc you repre . tint, I accept the nomination." You don't believe anything of the kind. You know better. The Northwest were ull peace. So reads the platform. Five hundred delegates uniiui . niiiiL-ly afcrve upon a platform, llcro it is : Hnolrtd, To pleane vou, thev have war. Retoh td, To please i'endleton, they have peace. . Ketulred, To ilcose all tho outs, the war i'o on till the pence is siirncd. Kenu mber that tlie Ho'jal (Irovye, in Bristol . Channel, went down with all on bourd, the result of triimiiiiiff. Walter Savape Lander w rote on the Georges : "(eorire the First was reckuuod vil, Vlier tjoorirc the Second, And what mortal ever heard Ai.y (rot.d ol tieorje the I'hird? When tioui oarlh the tunrtii usceiul 'd, Cod be pruieed, the Getiri:es euded." I eoinUuse your letter in two lines: . Geutleiucu : I accept thu tiouiiuation, but acknowledge myself totally unlit for tlio pusi . tion. I mean notliinp unkind in this, General, but you know that now you me a fair mark, not a larjje , one, for all to shoot at. Gk. Ficancih Tiiain. EPEECII OF BEfEETARY BEVAED. .Lincoln sail JiiIiiimis, llif CnmlKlitleN of Hi I nloii I'litlM. rltilK nul ' Itrnit .The 1 lilcnuo t'ouvrnttou null l I'Ihi- r, rm nr Icllitii Hint IHkiiiiIou, or I. lu re In nnfl I ii Ion. i 'Wahiihioton, St ptcmbcr HWSeeretai y Seward , made tbe following address to the Lincoln and . Johnson Associa ion, which culled upon him this evening : FuLow-CntFNS : I understand that you are the T. in nln and Johnson Assoeiutlou ot t ie Ills irict of Columbia. ICries o( "We are." I It is well to inuuire. because it is well that wlr.ii people meet cacb party should know exactly who the other partv are. I will tell you, therefore, who lam. I am a citizen who is in favor of tlie same ticket vou rumiort Lincoln and .lotins m. 1 am for them beeuusc thev ate tba rndid.tt-a of the Colon which we are licUiing tor. We have found it uteehBiiry to tight tor that cans ', and when I am obliged to tight for u t.au-e 1 am tbe last luuu that goes to the pott una vote against it. Fellow-Citizens : In a speech I made at An burn, I fuid there should be no dr.ifi, liec iuse thu Army is being reinforced by five thouimnd to ten tLoutund volunteers per day. The people of Auburn understood me, and rleitred their di-tri of the draft by volunteering. I'utriotic men in l'hiladelnhia write me that tUcr understood tin to my that there will be no drat), and therefore they stop volunteering. 1 avail myself, there fore, of this occasion to correct their mistake by savins thut as "Brace can only show itself bv woikB," so tlie draft will surely come it we do not volunteer and so prevent it. 1 uupc that point is settled now. Fellow-citizens: Tbe Democracy at Chicago, after waring six wcekti to see whether the war or the. l'nion is to succeed or fail, filially con cluded that it would tail. Therefore tuey went in for a nomination and platform to make the failure a sure thing by a cessation of hostilities and an abandonment of the contest. At ifiltt more, on the contrary, we determined tbut there thuuld be no such thing as failure, and therefore we went in to save the Cuion. by battle to tho last, bherman and Farragut have knocked the loiti m out of tbe Chicago nominations, and tho cieeuuns in Vermont and JUa.no proie thai tuo iimiiuiore nominations are staunch and sound me issue Is thus s.ajarely maje up; IHi "wlcllaii nd liitunion, or Lincoln and l uiou. Have you any douu ol the result oi that issue ? ("No ! No !" ) or do 1 bav any doubt. lje U'ulx, m1 InenCj, for tliU visit. Gaod A rRKTtr PieKLKiu Uowe kept a bote!, where he used to say that one could get . anything that w.s ever wade to cat. One dufin came a banket, who ai.Ud old Itowowbat hecouUi eivo him lor dinner. "Anvthinn, air, Horn a pickled e'tpliuut to alanary bird's tongue." "Wall " eaid tbe Yankee, eyeing Howe, "I'll uke a piece sjfplcklid ttk'pbaut." "Well, we've Kt 'email re-ttty right litre in Ilia bouse; but ou'll have to t k". a whole un 'irsuso wa never cu em." i'ue Yankee (Jjough! fc wwld taat) souio fodiit uj jlaloii. THE OIL J&QIOS, Tti Wtrolonm W5h of W?lfrn rsnn-K'4nnln- Intrrritlnst fnrllenlnm. A '.-orrespondent of tho llo' ton Trarrlrr, who liits explored tht oil nylon f.i Western I'ctinsvl vanla, writes an interestinf account of the wells and the arth'e business wt.li h the petroleum dis coveries :iave created. We quote a fow p.is sapes : wninitri i, tiuowTn op nil: on. rMi'ORtrvt. A rtdo of twenty-eifht miles bv mil southerly from Cony, l'a , tlii(iin:h a roiivh but richly tini lienJ country, bri'iirs you to the crlriirnted ' i 1 erii'k ntiit Titusvil e emporium ot 1'eiroleuni. K""ir i ins Kilo this j.'iu was lint A liille village el st mo twenty dwilliu haiscs. It lies mainly on n bro.i I plate in upin the r.ortl. easterly of left bunk of the river; and h is, It limy lie, 'oinctliniL; like six thousand mhahi tniits,of whom nine hundred and eiithtyare ta paers. 'J he toil is yellowish loam and clav, and the stici ts nie e 'cialile. As nianv as ono thou sand teams, carrying each nWout six barrels of p trod um, lmo bten seen to cross the bridge ami p iss tliioneii tljem in a single d iv, and as mi tiodv thinks of repairing them, thev are full of gulches, niml-liul: v. rut-' and riik'' -, ro. lt and Itiinbi r. to say nothiiiL' of tlie lUhns of all Sorts ot vehicles wrecked and ruined In passing over tlo iii. At this dry season they seem to lie almost iu ia-s.ihle; what they uro in the sprnor, those onlj who have lollowed our army in the wet luoii'hs in N'UL'inia can coiicidve. I have eouiiK d twentv one hoU'ls ixof w hich are i Bind "nrst -elas. " These public houses nr..' t! rented wi'h specu! itots, oil in ivlnnl. trim Atl.ilitie tines, well owners, tirokers, sharpers, hlnckli rs. rl id cmee ! n'ld ttao-, ot'coiirs , make moncv easih-, a ' the oil springs from the arth uroutid tin to. 'I he si.e and luiuiber of tae Hit .res a-ton is h i mi, bk vel I as the nric -s at wh i h oo.ls am (eliii'L'. '1 lie p P' r on which I write, tor Instance, sells lor liny cents per ipiite, but nofoily eompl.iii s, lor uiouev comes bv m o;ic brie. '1 wo bonks are insulli' ie it to meet the financial in ctsjtics of ti c p'uee, and another ill he sjon siat'jisiicii. 1 he i t 'ruii um it tuirii r is the omy paper the people have not time to read ; it is enough for them to know the pi ico of oil; how Mich and Mich wells run, and win re to drill the iiext one : and ; er, wiiluil, there is more of ititi lli- eence and courtesy here than 1 anticipated; and, it profanity and Sabhuth Ineakinn ho excepted, luoie ol toeittl order and decorum, litusville lias a!re:idv six religious societies, and as many churches til her built or in thu process of rce- on.of which the I'.pisei pal, of yellow sunil onc, w ill I e the most Ik aiiiifut an 1 expensive. I lie other FochtU s nre the Meihodist, which bus a vi ry neat edifn e tie it'ly fun In d ; the l'res bvKiiun, which worships in Critteiideii Hall; the Pioitist, I niversnlist, and Koiiian Catholic. The si Imols are few end poor; there axv. not ninny children to be educated any way. YuuujMncn seat eh ol torluno make up two-thirds of the w hole c immunity-. Vltlci'.s. As to Hie t rices be re, I pive Vou these: Crude oil, with tlie barrel, loi'y f-'allous, tltboil, the barrel itself hcinn h '-'"; Hour, ; o.ts, ft'l-lil ; butter, 6oc. ; potatoes, '.i i.-. per puck ; appli s, per bushel; peiu lies. ,:. apiece; milk. Si:, per ,tiart; waives ol engineers, jj i per day ; mueiii- nists, .." ; teatnsters, wit h two-horso wagons, y 10 : ts ard at. hoarding-houses, St pur day, and oil wells (mi. nini-' I Ho m one to tuo millions. HOW HIK OIL WAS IllsOOVt.RKn. From time immemorial little blotches of oil had bein noticed ( I. .at i ii i.' , sometimes on the surface ot the sptini-'s, just l.y the marpiii of tho creek, and oinctiiucs on thu siti l ice ol tho creek itself, and lit nee the nntne "Oil Creek" w as early itiven. The Indians obtained this oil by dii?i;ine out these ypritius, and held Unit' incantations over it while bin nine ' nd I find n luri;e tree now growing in otic ol their ancient wells, l ioni these sp rinis, too, the people of the eieek obtained a little oil by soaking blankets in them and by wringing them, for medicinal purposes. This is what is termed surtace oil, and the splines are just below Wat sou's "flats," nnd ubiuit a mile from Titusville. in the summer of liVi'.t the ntt ntion of Colonel Drake w as tiirecb d to this spot, and he employed an experienced drilier from Salina, Mr W.A. Smith, to sink an uric-iati well ipiite near the spiii.'fts, and on the 12th day of August of that year, Mr. Smith, at tlie depth of sixty-nine feet only, bad the pleasure of sciin'i; is and oil rush up the tube. "J-.urcku," he cried out, and surety he had tone lied that day one of the richest mines this continent has teeu. The oil ennie up at the rate of about twenty-live barrels per day, nnd wuh then sold at ono dollar per gallan for lubri cating purposes. This is the parent of thu thou sand wells In operation in this valley. 1 lme just visited it, and find Mr. Smith still at work there the honest and honored pioneer of the whole business in this region, lie keeps the very drill and ritnmer some twenty feet tu lingth with which he bored the well, and gave me a I icii it 1 1 lul specimen of lossililcrous stone taken I i f. m the well, lie also led me to the i reek, ami introducing a long ir.ui rod into a spot known only to himself, caused the petroleum to How up iii liberal ipiaiiiitics, which. Hunting uwny upon the surface ot the .stream, spread out into fantiisLie forms and gleamed and glistened in all the col. is of ti.c rainh w. Other wells were iiiiiiiedmtelv put down, and now tr nil Titusville to Oil Citv, sixteen or seventeen mil s la low, the iiiaiciti ut the river is literally covered With llicin , uiiu .-'r. inns of "golden oil" ure pour- duv and night out of their long, .-lender iron tubes. J OKTt'XFS. H o original owners of the land have several of the in retired upon tliclr millions, and a man pro posed to sell a little spot to me to-day which I thought hardly worth the taking when on a-k- ing him his price tlie answer was "Uuo hundred and lit ty i nly. "une liunur. a and titty what r said 1. "O, you are not in the business," lie re plied, indil'.erently, "One hundred and lilty thousand, cash." As Ibis was at least ono hun dred and forty-nine thousand fathoms below the length of my honest purse, 1 walked thoughtfully uw.iv, still iiiUMng upon (lie mighty siintcrraucan cuntiitsof petroleum, and growing stronger an. I stronger in tnv conviction that the most certain way to leach tbetn is lo avoid the "lints" and to sti ike into the edge of li e inoiin'ains in the ;;ctio rui line of tbe oil current til you can find itj aud of tbe successful operators. HOW 1IIK OIL IS OIITAINKO. In selecting a spot for a w ell, the artcsun driller raises a dei tick iii.out one hundred and ten leet in height, brings up a steam engine of about six horse powir, and then, utter Uriving down an iron pipe alaatt six inches in diameter through the earth and gravel some fifty feet or so, to tne lust strata of rock, introduces a drill of about two and u f ull inches in diameter attuclied to a tern jei seiew, uud thence to the "vsalkiug beam" and engine, w ith which he hores now at the rate ol eight oi ten leot pur day into the solid slate und m ap-stone, say one hundred leet ; he II. en cnii.es to the Hist strata ol sindstoii ', wl lclimay be ten or twelve fee: in thickness; slid la. in g tlnnticfj ihis, comes ug.iiti to sla'c and i-oapsione ot a bluish cast, and working on, say lor twenty live leet or s , h" re idles the MCi. nd sin ta it satid-ione, out ol which lucre len.ts r u -1: in ur up, when the neln vciu is struck, iut i.iiiinabie i.as, s ilt kMit"r, and petroleum. The time ot the ui Ii is en urcd h) nu instrument ealh d a "rimiio r," and then an iron tube in sec tions ot at out lotirtien leet, uud closely screwed Kge liir, is in.-irlid in section , und rundown to il.e vi ins ol oil; a tlax-seed tag, which cv pi.iids whin we, is lixcd tietwecu the tiiti'iig and the walls of tiie well in order to prevent the sin luce water tiom descending ; a "plunger," or xuivid pi-toi;, is iiitiodi.ced into tlie tui.e, uud the tucker-rod hi ing utun he. I to ihe " wulKing I emu, ' Ihe ioi ciiii (i.es and tank, which uniy hold sixty barrels, bcinu' in readiness, the engine inovis, and the precious treasure gu-hes fuith. 1 Lis is what is lu'lt.i puinpjng a well; in the " How ii g wells" tbut is, nu'h as send the oil out sj ontiiieousiy the drill must go down into tho tbiid straia ol the sandstone : but this, in some instances, is very deep. Ia a well on Watson s Flat, the drill has reached the depth of eleven hundred feet, and yet the third bed of sandstone is not yet reached. OTIIHR Oil. WI.I.I.S. Although the Oil Cieek valley is the richest in tlie world, it still is not the only one where petro- I, ii in is found, and where oil wells are suuk su -ce-sfully. At Ttdioutc, on the Allegheny ; on French Creek, a tributary of that river; on the Kanawha river, in Yirgiuia; ill one or two places in Kuntiu;l.y ; in Ohio, uud especially at Mecca iu II. at Suite, oil wells ate now iu successful oi, K-ration. 1hf oil at Mecca was discovered in lstU by Mr. Wood, who, dining ut the hotel, observed a film of oil upon the surface of a glass of water standing by Lis plate. Ho immediately bought the well und f iound from which it came, uud, drbling, sUuck.tUo oil vciu at tho depth ot lilty leet. Mte of the (iilraico onve nt lou. The building dutigned for tho use of tho Cki- i'ngo Convention was situated upon the shore of Luke ilicliigan, within a mile of the central portion of the city, and accessible by horse tall roads. It was within s igl't of the grave of Douglas, which will remain without a monument until tho Union which he so dearly loved shall have been restored. 'Ihe building wat of git-untie proportions six bundled and twenty-eight feet ciicuiuier i iiee, and about two hundred loot diameter, it was estimated to be cttpable of accommodating fil Ueu thousand persous. Tbe roof of this iuiuicnso iiuipliithcuiie was thirty-seven leet fioui tho floor in the etutie, was covered with patent felt rooling, and sloped gradually lo the coini' 0, w liicb was tweu tighl ivvt Uoui tbo jjiouuil. 1M B.viiif it I m iT I n i si iii i i I r i Latest Southern Avs NUMBER AND CONDITION OF THE REBEL ARMY. EH'cct oftlio Loss of the Wcldon Railroad. OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE JAMES RIVER. LATEST FROM ATLANTA. EXPLOSION AT AUGUSTA. The Towdcr Works Destroyed. LOSS OF THIRTY THOUSAND TOUNDS OF rOWDEU, i:ti.. j:t".. i;t)., i;te. i :ti. We bad a visit yesterday iroin a gentleman who states that be left Hie Itchcl capital on thu .'Mh inst., having been in ting as war correspondent for one of Ihe Richmond papers during thu last three years, and is veiy well posted on the con dition and number of the It. l.cl urmy, an I also tbe seiitiniint of the Southern people, in the vicinity of Uicl.inoml especially. Ilis statements, then lore, posse-a un amount of interest at tl.o present time. He says that Lee's whole army iti the lines about Richmond ut present numbers from seventy thousand to sevonty-tive thousand men of nil branches of tlie service. The IU Ids have got every male capable of bearing turns, hi-tw tin the ages of sixteen and sixty, in the rani s; so that the forces around Riciimei d and l'cterst tirg is Hugely made up of bovB and old men. The lines of Lee's army, which includes the seventy or seventy-live thou sand nu n, extend from Coal Harbor to the Appo mattox und Wcldon railroad, beyond the point ol intersect ion by (Inint's troops. The whole Relai loice iu the Held now amounts to ono h ii mil. d and sixty thousand men, certainly not over one bundled, and seventy -live thousand. This includes l.ovs, old men, guenila-, and all. Oiigiuiilly, Kar.y "took with hiui to the valley lioni twenty thousand to twenty-live thousind men; out of these about fifteen thousand have returned to Richmond and participated in tho battle w ith Hanc ock's Corps near Roams' sta tion, 'i he forces of the enemy now in tho valley cannot possibly lie over ten thousand or tillis n thousand men. Kwcll is said to he in command of what is called tho Department of Richmond, and l ong-in ( t has returned lo his old cuminaud in l ee's armv, the centre. '1 he loss of the Wcldon railroad was a severe blow to the enemy. It was the chief hue of supply to Kielimonil. The Danville road amounts to nothing In comparison. Very tew supplies can teach Richmond over tbe Danville road or the Lynchburg road. The rolling stock on the Danville mud amounts to nothing, and there is nothing to lie brought over the Lynchburg road. In fact, Karly's principal mission in tho valley was to piocutc supplies. Alter tbe occupation of tho Wcldon railroad by Grant un immediate reduction of rations took pliiec in Lee's army, llelbro its occupancy tho Rebel atiny was receiving half a pound' of bacon ami a pound uud a quarter of meal per man daily. This allowance was at once reduced to a (pun ter of a pound of bacon und three-inrters of a pound ol nienl. These arc now the rations of Ihe ICchcl nruiy under Leo around Richmond uud Petersburg. Karly's men, who have returned lioni tbcvalliy nnd fought in the battle of Reams' station, now foim the extreme tight of the Rebel urniv. Thev nre posted on tlie v eldon railroad, so ns to hold what they have of it now. Ho considers the Rebels were so badly cut up in tho battles for the leposnesBion ol tho W eldon railroad that another attack by them is improbable, unless tl ey have nothing whattvir to tut in Richmond. Tho citizens of Richiuund arc in a very wretched condition for suh-istcnee. A dinner at the Spottswood House eints twenty dollats, and consists ot a lew beans, a little pork, and a few t. niati es. The condition of tho citizens generally iviny be imagined lioni this circtims uuco, uud f loin the fuel that mine of tlie largest provision dciilcis in Richmond reluse to sell anything. '1 he all. ge that they have onlv enough tor tho suppi rt of their own lamilies. The city is voiy quiet, and around its ont-kirts it hns a ino-t tiicl imcho.v aspect, and reminds one ot a large, dull bttrviiig ground. 'I he suburbs are n pi rfe t wilderness, wiihoul any inhabitants, nnd little of ti e uppi iiianee ot dinner days. A halo of b ly in Rii limond eosls from four to live thousand (lobars. This may appear iiierediblu ; but it is tho value of hay in Richmond. Thehorsisof the Rebel army nro in a most miserable condition. "There is nothing on thtin." They hnvo plenty of hard work and little fonii-c. About the destruction of the Rebel fleet in Mobile bay, flic destruction of I'ort l'owell, and the capture of f orts Gaines and Morgan, the Rebels had little to say; nor did they seem to feel that thev bad sustained much loss. Hut there was a general feeling of des pondency over tbo f'a!l ot Atlanta, and therowere rumors of ' underhand work" and "treachery" going the rounds. The price of Hour iu Richmond now i- !(iiri or SCtKl a buriel. liucm is lv! to Slo a pouii.l, uud you cannot gd them nudity lor even theso piici s. About the Rebel Ir.ni-i lads und obstructions In the .lames rhcr our inlotinant gives very import ant li.lormation. Troin w hat lie, as a cbizi n, could learn, he is of tin' opinion that there ure no obstructions in the river us fur up us Drury's Blull, and none above the blulls. There appears to be only ono line ol obstructions in the .l imes river, and that is opH sile Drurj s lilull, and consists ol one line ol torpedoes stretelni p obliquely from Fort Dir lit g towards the, bunk on tho noithwost. This line only reachis near to where the channel along the l.oith bunk t uns. and by this route the li-'ilci have never hud any obstructions from l'ortre-s f.loiooe lo Richmond, nor have they now. The Ki ln I siptadrun In the James consists of iwo iron-cluils and one wooden giintioii. Tj.' iron clads an- built of wood, with three plates of lion lur (outing, cell pine being laid iritiu-M-rsely to tho one underlying it, and limn,':", tl.l. kness ot li'jiu thri e eighths to tlve eigh'hs of an iiM'h. This is covert d i.y u coating of railroad lion, on w hieb u slanting surfiee is everywhere presented, so that tho shots will glance olf the sii'es i f the ves-el, or any ot'ier part of her eto i ii r siirf .ee. There lire Itvo of these iron-elads. one c irrvln,' four in ai y guns and the other two. 'J here is absolutely nothing but llit-e, it tin: iimnnel nlieiKly described is taken by the lotion iron cods, to hinder Iheni Irom going up to the city ol hicl iiioiid. The ram . I.V.r.nKi e, on which the ti n-hii'idr- .1 )iindi r at i'lvniouth. N. C , to ok no eife t, wis I. mil in Ihe same manner us thoe runs at Kieu inond. '1 lie clothing of the Reb ! army is ail worn out, und it was ii ver Inlore so ludi oil ia t'ii. lesjncl. 'i he stiuiti upon the Rcbe'- is so L'icat Unit our iuloItnU'..t (Ictus them either lo hold out mud, longer or contra Jict his btutenieuls. Xt 1 m h Hi laid. HlltKATKNEU HKMONSTKATION II V HIE ASIII U MIM'IIXI; I'lllSOM KS. C'fi ,'0o.Jfi"Y of the t'ti'tih'iton M'lfiiij. RicitmiMi, August T,. What a change has come over the cavalry of Northern Virginia, since a man ol mind und caruosinc-s took com mund. Witness tho part played by that arm irom Ttevilliiiu's down to tho brilliant success at Reams'. South Carolinian- ate mal.iug reputa tions fast of late. We captured tiiUouei s, cunnon and a lino, of works many miles iu the rear of tho enemy's limit toward l'etersburg. He still holds the road, but tirst uud lust, it ban cost him not less than li.ooo men u little atiny iu killed, wounded, and captured, and tho end is not yet. I'nibrtu nutely our lilull of attack leaked out. This last utluir was known in Richmond, and hinted in two of yisteiday's papers. l'lom the lliiald of (he 'J 'Id we leurn that the prisoners at Audernonviile have sent four ol their number to Washington to represent to Lineolu tlie actual slate of that hell on earth to which his love of thu nigger lias condemned them. There will be a Irentied howl in the North, but tho woild will exoneruto us, and tho Democrats will cot be slow to hx the blame where if belongs. l tius bavebe.u enteriainc.l of the rising of the Andeisotiville prisoners. There ia no danger unless an outside raid should overcome our gar rison. Not long ugo, during a torrent fall of lain, and just at daik, titty feit of the stockade at An duisonville was washed away by the rising of the stieiiin which runs through the pen lilty feet i-'.n two mles where the stream enters uud rW W morii!S, So fur ftviu attempting io fucnpe, rt tbo filing of tbo signal gun, tho pri soners huddled log. ther In the middle of the inelo-urc and tais. d a white Hag in token of stili mls'ion. Tho Mrmirv'i article on a convention of all the (stiites raises some points which appear to have escaped notbe h-re, and will, doutitles", attract not a little n'tcntlnn. Hut you imv rest a-surrd that the "airencv" has no thought of cis dine to sin h a convention. Mr. Ileiii'iinin'" "circular" in regard to tin vi-it of .la. pies and Gllmnre to Richmond, ib c'oscs liit'e that '. is not alreiidy knn vn. l'nes. di gs weie sioit here by l.oieoln.to muko pirly capital no do-ii.t ot tlini and li,h'd th-whole all ir, so ih it the i -. oei.'.l was in ide t ) ot'ier wnv. Ti e II07 ,j .b 1 tli -c has reprinted ono of the R( public. -n clap-trap pamphlets ae-unst the pe n e party, htaili il, "Iti beuaui in tin- N01 th ' hxtr.i oidiiisry lo-i h -no 1 1 Viilhiiidighiiiu's I'laut.) Oieithrow the ' rnmcnl 1 ! '" v". West John-ton luiie "I .lm Murclunnn'.'s Legacy ' in jire-s. loir the fust tune since the war, large audiences of the belter ( l is'cs ,,rn iliuwn to the ihedre. Miss Ida Vciinm in I, if .ymie, is the nt'raetion. Noernrs arc seiiim! ankee' papers in the stn-ts ut '- ' ai Ii. 'I ll- ic is a (leal of aickness in town, boll: unii.ng young an.! old. II i.iimiis. AI'OI'SI v row to 11 woiii.m rcAtit 01. i;m i.o:.ion. -. on I'll l;a, !'!- '' " '. :1- The Savnniuib Sum learns that the Govern ment ponder woik' lit Amot-la were blown upon Saturday noon, at Vi o'clock, with some .'l(i,(.(KI pounds ol powder. I hen; were nine per sons , li ved In the works at the time, all of whom, we learn, wen instantly killed. U'e have li( aid 110 fintlicr pur.'ii oilars of the aecldetit. The distiucta ii of these works will be 11 serious loss to the Government, but we are gruti I 1 d to knoii tin t the p'c-cnt supply of powder is iimple.i-i.d 1l1.1t other work- in the C edcr.iey will be able to furnish all 'hat may I 0 re piired. A I LAN I A. From lln -1:11111 1' 1. A compositor of the Macon Trli'iirisph rode through mini! than hull of the enemy's de-crted lines on Sunday, stai ling from Cobb's Mill, on the extreme I'ldital hot. cry lit'le in the way id valuable re lbs wen. ilbcovtrabli , but he pre snined 11 good (ieal had bee-u removed by our Hoops and the c. pie. The only tiling betraying ncglcrt was the inb r nictit of tlie Yankee dead, very few of whom were altogether covered with mother earth. Arms, I. gs and heads were to be seen protruding Iran the soil In all dliei tauis. On a tree, blazed for tlie purpose, was written by sonio Ohio olliocr, a III u l( d Willi the emu Mr nmhrHili, these Wolds : "Not being able 10 drive the rebels out of their winks, we leave Hjtm ours." 'I In- ciii.t us ol At.a.ita, male and female, wine Hoiking hack to town; and, if thev should he viciniiid b Shciiuan's flunk movement, will be veiy much Gil thus when ho wus ' ciu'hl like u ml in a trnp." Ou Sunday several men nnd boys were kil lei nnd cruelly mutilated 111 thu ellbrt to unscrew tho Vai l.rc capped shell i. 'flic little boys have been st this business f..r some time, colle-ctiiig the powder and bails enclosed ill these shells, nnd making ineri hnnoise of them. On Sunday, our iiiloiiuant thinks H ere were twelve or fifteen persons killed or wounded in this haiardoiis business. Il is needless fo say that General Hood is wide awake, end every possible movement of the enemy will find a iliuely ioil. Tin- Xew l.onn. Wash 1 so ton, Si p'ctnbcr II. Kleen millions live hutiilred und I 1 y thoii-nnd dolliirs of the bonds, on account ot tho recent loan of thirty-ono and n hall million , h ivo been sent oil by tho Treasury Di puitiiK nt. All tiie certificates thus fur received are s.itisiieil. IX FER CL-;T. LOAN OF 1831, l'oi; ha i.i-:, In anion nt" ami hit-- u- nit join It ?, At 1 v est mirkct TONUS rK-lY VOR DKI.IYKRY. c. r. W UK J I IT iV CO., No. M'4 8. uirun siui:r.Tt rlj rnrl Opposite Mm Kxt'h an -.'. PROPOSALS. 1 )KoroAi.s i-on in k iMjatMiiM or J l.v. i ns,-, sM. r-. i'ii 1 1. hk i. fin a, S-Mtti'innor L't, ImiI. Si ill- il .i i lln- ii Will I, lUci iVCt. ill til' tf I. !' u tin1 im i'oi . ,1,1 il, I it i.l I. I.I -ti'ift, until noon (if VW.tii'"--iuw U 1 1 -Mill, 'nf 1 1. I: ti rnt-'iit , ilon i ik tm lorm uf sK mulls i, ii.iui itii:-. lol'.l.H I, l-.-.iii all d. i ..-. m. ii i n h in "ii- lii'iu- .r the inllitui v lt.lnrt ol' riila ,li I 'I i, ii - !f, i- - i :i..ir, I lui-nil Mill, ticrinmtow ii, .Nu K.u n, ll.ic.lin t n. s,thk' Mnl, Koit M liflin, I '.unit WiI'imh I', mi, v inn- l!:ili,aitl licvt rly, at w- ti us any oi i i lln-i i:a!-, T.ti i ' ix ,nr .HUj's, tint in.iy be t'tliili ll.i il uii!,.i( I1:),! ( r. n I 1 1 ''( is;i i- ini'si mh n liluin hut nr.tt plncoriln, mm : li t iim- oi ii I . use; u hnri.il jtl.u': .u'li-rnu'i iifd st ii-ni' up nt no 'ii Ktiivenf a litiiillcntr.l (inhctui-hl:-t nl l.j t c in . ! liiix- 1 1 ,anil all tli irrs I'.t'ci-sMiiy to llifi 1. 11 'I I' Ii.. I'M i ri'njilr (' Vi'l'iii.ii, i n. , i ii s ilia. I?c it.rwM 'Ifl liirWliti Hull nini Hi hi '3. m. hr if il.-in uic o t-nnii'-nl (. iuciui'iQs i Hialiimlii il. No nui""nis wiM tu- i. .rii'il tinlc-H prup'Tlv tilled In up.. I. dirtiik'-. lib I. .'H fx find at Huh flln -. anil limit tn g iiiiHiin t it by i t ieni ki t'wn at Huh otlte t bi- r4ioa- Mt'Jf. 'I In- I'nlti-rt Mat. io -erven the rLht to n-j'-i-t all IdJi tl i nu ,1 i in ( in a 1 1 1'h' w.i i. lift hit i t'-i s. is v oi tit-r t.i I'liiom-: Vi. -; .1 l' rv. ,'. f lit 1". 8. A. Al.UKkT rt. ASIIMI. Vl), !' 1 . V-'t ',t;,)Ln qn 1 A. t,. M . 1) ltd i'OiiAl-S I'OU AVALNLT 1IKAI) -1 HouiUh. I'nif M!:.fni, Hcptomhor I". Si :Im1 PropnMils will li- -i cenpil m! Un- f!ic- Ot tini uil dMrUiifil. No ItoJUlK AI-1 Mr, ct, untn in m ut MOS. li.W . '2'ib lust . Ot du'ivi . inu at the I niteil Sl.i , t Wure lituiM't. Itntiuver urtt wltnii, uti or Ui.trt tK Itil.KH 1 .. It- ,i li' ii Wrilniit '1'iih'rt". in' fJia1 lt(irln, w itli tt at top. nu Ii t d el loii?, 10 llM iii'8 . itli, 1 '.4 lm lies thu , ,mo itn d on alt tUU'h and olli-il. A ; anijfle mu't he si nt with taci propositi, mid mutt hi' riiuiittr to Mimplo now at tfiitt utiict'. Yr K.sa;t wilt be ut thi d i'nr the Uule or part of thu ah"t u. ' pnponnln will he rorelved nnlfiR properlv iUl.' in tipur. hJrtiil- Y.UUU ,'ttn lo had nt thlf otlnf, unit must h,- n ir i tftd by pcrfmm kuovMi ut thm utll c to he ro- b lislt.! 'Jli' I nltrd Winter reprvoB tho rlulit to n.ictt ail bil di iu-ill Incoii'i utihlr Cti Its lr,tr fts. r. v tir.inr ot t'olunel A.J.i'iTry, k'llltpn;ittr' Ie pariii.vnt, U. H. A. AIJ'.KliT 8. ASH M KA l, 1' 1 1 - Tot (aptatnaml Asoistunl t'imrteriimt.iT. iMiorosALs l'ou stiiaw roiTli5sF7- X lull, Ac. Fnc aii:i i hia. Srptcmher n, ls;t. Si ;ilf d l'roptifcals w ill he n coivod at tho uilirr ol tin- tin (h'iir.nfcil, No. IK (UK Wfl Hircet, until u,ion (.f 1 L'KS IA . 'Iili inntant, tor ''iriilhlii; to tl.o I iutnl Stat.-B, tur x la ii nths, ivniiriii clna Ui tnl.er 1, nil the Siinn- H 'hiii rd tor um ut th- aiisiia l.iiHpttit's, hart;u li. a d oil", 'u!l hn Jill' m i r i amps, nilliin ihe tiiults t the .Mi.l-.ity I ii-tr.ct ol l"i.uacil.ia. hiLluiiim' t'lic-stcr, rht-n-ii.t 111 (U'Mtiantowo, Niciin. Jlt)iUiit(t'tii, rprini,' .Mill. Kort S li' ln, uav lUll,u!id Itovrly. as wcUas any o'ln 4 uiiiv he i-t.iti! Hht'd iti, i n th.it turn'. C" ptalh mn.-t s:ii' the nrlrcn M purwtely u,r rye and win t stiuw, In I in. .lit - and. buit'i, ami must lacludu tho l!ttl.T Vht'if IU uliltTi:,!, S- iino aNvili he itH.lved unions properly nTcd In (i t. biHil-i, w lm t n hi- had at U.U oitlce, and mnt if;. iisiitiHJhj ptittii 4HOWU at lUiB oltku lo ttv tv 1 1" i ih1,'. 'tin I niiid sti6-r' r cu ll riulit to rojtet all HCu ii t cil i;i'uu pi 'hi i:h its liit'-iv-tH. IV order it t. .. -i Ait-x. J. Frry, Quarlortuastcr'i i'i pi - tint lit V . A. ALUEUT 8. AMMMKAD, ' 1 Mil raptaln, A. i. M. ( Aiai.KMAVI KR'S Ori'ICK, " 1'itii M't i i'iua, I'a., Mt-pti iiiticr I.;, isi I. it d Ytt o H'Wiilli' m'l-iu'il at Mils oiiiee, imtil WA ''l.'i t , lo, , i k tt'-pltnihii 17, tr ltiuue- i i.ifi liiftfrv lit r t ia in T stiiTt Kti-rehoiTs , n -,UM ''. l il,, It !ii. i, im -t tiIm di AllUI MiK-lttiLI -4 : .'.MH itii.,hj '.iirh. h.iny u im li hy ;f. 1 6 lut-h. oi. (nt h ht p; mi ll, T.'"1 inch hy U in, h. iiiiii nv ; it. ,iu h. Ii 'MM , Ha h bv j uuh. 4.-i'sl imh hy huh i.tQ" 4 liu h hv inch. ",' 0 4 lm h hy 'i-lt; inch. .',ijki;" . in. h hy inch, l.utt'i inch h Inch. U.'hui 7 llu h hv ?H inch. li.i'hO .'I'j lin h hy nu ;i. . li. h hy iuili. H.oou J Huh bv im h. All lo bu oi t)ie ht't fjna' tj an 1 the best uiaks, mud tub ji;ct Id limpectiun. lljtttlt-t.s v ul Mute prh e hntli in wiiihlti-j aiid In tljiiroh, qtiiiiiuiy of tncli.fe hid tor. nnd the ilinrti'M poh-ili e 1 1 Die rrt.i.iiea lur Uiiai ; prict to Include nackagc an J dt'i.viry. Ka b hid tuitHt he Guaranteed iiy twj rt'rpoiuible per xoiis, k I o' i' a-Knatntrs nut he uppi-nHed t" ti e imai 4iu,'a and cuitiiied t ua bcln ifd and MiiM'lent bCcuNi for th, nmoitnt inviiUe.t. hy th l tilt d states iJiti ici JiuUe, Attoint -y.or Ooiu-ctor, or otner pulilic otUcer, othtrftie the hid Hill not be eonMdered 'Ire i'iNlit Ii rt'ei(-d to i-eiet all IHiU do'-med 9 hltih.and nobidiroiua detau.ttua coutia tor will ho le iet ed, or further fnlurninti n cult at the oilioe, No. Ui OlltAltli (fuel. Hv oid r of t'olun I A, J. Ferry, Quurt Ttn4.-tT $ lia pnituunt. t.KOKCiR It. OUMK. at l.Mt l .iti'.ain and A. M. I'Kl'.N OK BI-'.Al'l'Y. WHITK VIRGIN W ui nt Aulillel Ii lbs nioit Derleet srsnststlnii of ti c SK, fer beauiiivliis, whliHiilne, and prM.erru.it Hi, C'Ui.l.,l.iii. it 1. miule man iur, 'Wlnlo Wn, lionco III Mmorillimry ii.mlllu-. lur premrvins til, skin, dimsIhk U mfi, aui.olh, fitlr, and lrii.ieiit. It curat churned hMids or H.i, ruuiovr. puupi.-s , e. t'rkie ;i) and .'Ki cat,. Mnuli turrd ol lv bv 111 ST CO , rerliiuien, Nu.Ub. IClotlTH Ht., 7 doom aiw.v I tiu.nut, ana aniMia hit. a. Btvtsi a atru 7F.W WX'K l'lSlt, KCALE 1 loll, AND VI ) l. ti l. ho banel new M-wmirrpmi nine run. :'i l ain ;n new pn ltleit Male Kib. &lij,ncl Mannar Wlilie I l.h 1u halt h.n it'U Ma.'iiiac litto FUh. '.wi,,.tv,,....d "r--'Jl.V- M.A1m IS'0 51 ') ud W -N' VMlltL-i ll-". 11. i. IIHOWN'M GREAT MITAFHYEICAL EISCOVESY i on dicainkss, noisls in Tiir. nr. n, D1SCIIA Ilf.l;S FROM Till: F.Ml, CATAKKH, v NF.l'UAI.tilA, . ASTHMA, ' scuorci.A, 1.!; NCHIAI. AtTI-X'TIONS, THROAT IMI-TKTInKS I ifprahi t '. u. f.os dt' Hair, I; ihi, Knlarjfi iM'Mif of Vj- , , hit!,o4 .f tin' h hiufV' , -risf ipa' ion, -ra I, l ili'-. r,-.iniiy, l'. I'arrtl.t -'i, K.ihli of It tin 4 Iu t(, Ha!, (JOiN HUM lTU)N, With ali an tl evi'ry (.l-eT wl.Ji fi in'i tin' li'tmaii b dv, twffiX 'fT. tiis.:lj liy M ICM. M. i. HUOW'H METAPIIYSIOAL DISCOVERY. nun: ( J H 1 V". 410 Altni Htifot. FMUdi li-hia, No. t: IHM Mtret-f. K"w Y.tU. ..'i.l at ho. 1m 1'hMHI U'N H.t.mre, Us:,.n. Vn hi. rii)!' u ilh I Tl I j 'imiMf, N ii I t-iu mi.' id ti.c i ars, N" iinttinw up t 'ic noil nil or nit f.nhi- hitf w r' h. S" p. "I Hi. in, die In-" iliovn ! t f r. if . I , Ml. I l'in MI'AI. IMC'lV t.', will r.Mi cvrv P'o Ilml tli'iun mnl inMruiiH iil willr'a.f., find tlion- ftltl lis .1, i( l'S hl'Mllll'S. 'Iin'li ih niU'iit and tnimt prevail; trior 1" iinor.u null d u ith ilfiith c iiiit''iini!ly tuusi sooiur or I. it it nuk IlitO 'h i loll. In nil tit1' nnivero tl eri' h im'Mnir nu t nniph'h'lv iwil 'ow, d up in nror lln- hn'tn, tore'", and m 'i,'ri roit-iif-K'tl wUh the phMlcal Hint menial eoniiliutloiiol tho rn. .'. '! hi --fid sta'e of thin." In the n-siitt of funnr-met? find h! ii'!';' B--ri 1 1 - ti I ol tli i-e th't pr. t ss tn adininl-liT htMllli liliil hlr to tKe ptop.i'. Wh" " ill lnO", I'H' ina nrtiv in mi o d irom ih-m st in alio i l,i r. Ah l'tt nit s Mod ti. Ir - hi. i n- in mi tap' -h , and ' .in never he nnl r Uto l :i .u t t r 't ri tin sHi:,).. I hi r- nre men who niike a hiiMnew-i of treittlntr si'K' ! kh' i i m t a-i -. 'I licy pr pare timtrimn nt, too barhaio'in to thu k ot, Willi vihirh to epei nm'iit on poor hilly lc t it ii m, who .ii' sfi, nth, neiilier pliMiit'al!. no.- mentally, to ni.ih Ti. o no h ilh lU'i'ti't 1 1 fti tmn(, t lie w ho crt'ati d 'he human hi d ) " ip -aks nf It n a inlf hty w I oh , and the man muni he a kn& e or tool who Mould all in pt In h iti,' 'tin ..sl, ui it ii, m i tlops, and treat anv dpen-t .-ireK:. till , tudi pendent ito parti or mli.')it whole tt whi. h thi .v helniiL'. All Mich prin t! Imi ern Heat 1 1 i i i s, hut kn,w TM'ihlm: ol the i u mk wliit cver 'I hns the u rid in fiothmu I'M than A ;hl liospiia), 'I lie itlat IiiIiik ci ndKloti of the pei p e pliys allv, eMpe i'IhU the oti nt.', w ho areold w"t Ii dlseape hetnre th y oet-'tl to hud into lite. t K'ii.er w ith mir -ati e p riem ? in im inir lieen licnavt'il it near IrnniH, i. ho huvo pa d Into tjnt.mely f- rn , s Uy h iiiKeperali d on. 'I i'ese rii . iMns-unees, u (t h in jii ot'i'TH which mli;ht tie Tii-ri 1 1--in tl. are mi Iriesixtilde n hniiliii to tin1 penile to ih nuititl ot t'. rv nuin ho lia.stlie hie ami heaitiioi m. rii fiei es mid tht Ir l vd One in I on haii.N .and in e tiitlnua 'I v a in in j si e. I Hi inc. !u hies whti-h Ihe path ut ih iltt alio we 1 Pi kn,iv tl e i i,i me or uafnieoi, I ir untit rtln m-i iii-uiniiani en ti t- t n le have h ilk1 hi to (1, mii'idot everv aiii 'i ph'i lan to l, i r, I -Ii Ihem tttHl A el ait ot his elmr ,f er, t hut tiny lna know his q iml'IU atl.'ii.H, .Ve. , A ; in, t d everv physi ( J in slum d he i otnpi-1 ed I liae tt liuiu: up t rt hit oitice nt nil hours, it a only thioiii'ti thi-t chum. el tli-it tin; public an I1 avc nnv safety or Liin' imtee pt ivhat t- mo-it di al to ii die and heallli ; "thi-rw is,: hie may he in the hiindN of u man inoii; tpiahhcd fur a hluckmitn thuu a pl y-l inn. in tl is way Inhrrta 'iniiMiicatioiis, wlileh nr- tndiinen-n-hie in a plisU ian. im- hine to Pe th-tee'ed mnl chililicd. W e:e thin iitderal -iji'iie, thoii-a-uls would P ave tli'pro-le-Moii wliit ti nuture a'-er tpiiuliled tuem lor. It nature itiahuen m t tin re r m he im snuulde -U ilihrat ion, as. In i.r:tr tn di tt t the tirst cause ot ditcus,-. it in re iii-dte ami In Ic-peiisahly neeenjry io Inherit (.'-nuahy. Metaphy f it ul I'oui r a nit 'mis trin 'w ei e-s miiM. aisti' ho in! id heil hy all uho would he MiecesMul ut tlndiin.' an amhlote capable i.l ,)(?-tioj lux thu ciUM' ot dim an-. 'I here l-t mi ihannel hy n Inch the rim nor imh he reached with certainty but the one I hae ip seritn-d. 1herefi.ro I fuj with Cotiildenoe to the world, tint It I" threuth Itihertilnw these rare cuxbmiHl nt ol eliaracler th it I have heeu enahh-d toileted the first canto , it dm-asr I he cause i not, as u.ai s i-i-i' Ir 1 1 b a dea-e ; 1 on ii" imed law l-"tv'ti u mihi .iml oo.ly, inch. tne Ai' .' e l'auj i, us, in ul w a u waning aitaniHt cadi oilier, i'l-i. law sends fnith stopimren ttirne nt. ippa.es pto Jne' disease in !heistt!etJ torniM, und if di-vise in experimented on r taiu erid with it taken a tinner tripid the constitution ml iniiitipm s In other itrms mm other Inci'iitefi ol tho im Mem, thus dettro fug the w hole machinery ot the hutmin h. dy. hi nu mher, tlie Phdnaim and tlie I.Ivor have not hint; to tht with ihe musi: ol the disenwe. The treating ol these or-siins, for tho aui-e, ha senl millions to an untiun-ly fcrtive. W tilt fonthlt n ( I nay to the worl J that my Metiiphysl ciil Imico( i v is the only r, ine.Iy ev er on- red ti the world w hi. h wni t h"i mi v iily annihihi'e ihe rot fi th-.-as". I no (hse. veij coiimms ut thr. e -jtsiin.-t prfparatlDii" ; one i r tin- -ciiip. out- P r the eyei, and me tor the ears. 1 hose wurk in con iineijeti, and H'rike at the rot of alt ii- ise. V lit n I all, I uu an every tlihe.ine ihat ever inleited tin human body. A TA1-V IN TltK I.A-sT S'l AK UF O N.-tr.t IM'ftN 4T411.lt. Ki' tn tl -i i'.j-toii Join nil. ii i -.7. m:i -I. mm. y.mev Sloan, of S.,. K', ",Varr"ri I ret 1. 1 In. r.t-tow n, do on t.i" that I ha t t atti cted iu tt n jit.irv My rud t side w.n no .aiatw.ed ihit I could not lit-on it. Ihirinj; that time I suttt-reil Imhh :n tari h, n re l hi oat ; M .nlt c a kit tr.im on- v . v.i hours at a time; wan very iieivuiis : s Idoni C"iild s, ep ul litaclit. 1 I ad a Itiii lu er two yearn Mure, w h- i redm ed me to a skeleton. I hud all Iho m-du al advh o and inediclni'H mot u con il I'locuie, hut a!! In no pinpo-o. was last sink i'jr in the lad ta--e of consiiii'iuitin. I wan minified to bed w l.t n Mi s. II. t.. Ilrown s .Ieuphynlcal Uiseoverv wat font n i. It wnt Hpidiet an-unlim.' t'i dircctitui, I'M no ht iter, hut Hither wor.-c tor muiic time My friftuU wtmtt d nie to wive up, aayiriR it would Mil rneitiat I win too lur k'tii.r and iot we.ik to try anything iiio'e. ltut my inothei' haul I would tlie if I did not Und telle! In the lip-ciury ; and iw it wh the hint tiUl to cure u. e hi e would continue tt. We hoon found thui it was thu circulation whicw wan rtishiiu' Into my a,ftem which wm liikint; eilect. Ak the circulation kept incioasinK rnvdm ease bt-Lrtti io break un. It was hix weekM Mftei' I hi-ati to itpidy the niedK nie before I could alher nrenth to tf' Into lhi,ni to tee Mr M (i. llrown, a ad (Inn I nad to hfwela'p- '1 he nond timo 1 veniiirtj I went witlxait )ielp, ai.d the third time 1 tound my wnv w Ithout any dif ficulty. I hoj.un the iiKeni' the Metaphvnical llacoverv ill Mn , and the result In no this '.tii ol .lulv, tnut health and htmnJh ifrtMbt rdurniui: to my emaciated fruuw. Sly pftia'y.ed side is res lore,, tu vlyor; 1 lan now-rent well ou it. Ai y catarrh If- K"ie. Mveoutfh, nivnervinm neHg, nnd bore ihrtiHt nre ono. I sleep well All mvlr repuhiritiis l,ae ithaiMnart il, and 1 timet ui know lede Dial. h the pK.vidence ol (h-d, w us directed to the use of Mrn.M.i.. Itrowus Metuphy(.icul IMseovery. und bv It liiken IVttm the month of the er.ive unit n-stored to'uiy litmlly nnd irundM I know in- diNciiseH are jjonc, and a general cin uloi situ him taken nlaee. hut expect It will tuke tune to re; aiu uiy lost ilekh and Htrenlh. i;i'MAl:K.l!IK('l'ltKOr IU.AFNKS4 OF TWKNTV K A t(H' hTANlUM.. T.John A NeWAoiith. of i;uin , do certifv that I have he n euttic'y ilea I in my hti ear lor tw my years, arid fur ii e ittiBi bi? -.ears n;y riKi ul mis n i u mi deal titat I ct'ind ip4 hear cumernatiiii or puidic seiikiitK- ot any kind. I could not hear the church he!l i im while 1 w m Ultiny in the chinch. 1 have iiIko been iroiiMed tor a nuui her of eiirs with u very tort tint -at, mi thai I wan oMitfvd i i-iir uji mi iii cruiri.ior i i.au him m voicu. i bad -lent troob'e in my hi ad. it irlh.e led" .-., almost to ciHliit-sc. My head tell numb and stnpd, and wat a hource ol coHMttnt trulie tu me. 1 tried ery it med that cm Id he t'iuu ht of. I went to nuiista; but uc tl e wunUd lo um' Instruments 1 wmild ttif I i.tl ini: to do W lilt tiiem. Atloiit olie in ililh fcluee I obtained .Mic W.ii 1'Town hAietaphyi.it il ljscover .and ttted tl net oi d.ni: to the tret liu,t. on the hot tit a And the remit Is ll at the lu niliuf of i,oth ear in perfi, tly rentured, fro that I enn hear a w elljuh any man. The ureal tioiiti.e In m lieatl is fiitit i ly koiic. My head fee It perteellv eahV nnd at ri M My throat, w hieh w us n tliscased. Is Witirely illllil, HIUI I ha e lei o i id lliy volee HIM 111. Would .t lake one thuiwmil tloHmh tor the tenent I hav received iu the UM' ol 51 r . Itrowu a Meiapiiy tncul llMt,vc-rv. IlKW AltKAl'I.F ri'llF OF MS. ill AIN -F.S TUB K Alt, liiSKAhhl) EV1.8, AM) 1.0S OF IN rial. 1 M'T. ) uti Ant i i'Mia. Sep'ember T, . T. II, nry Marvllle, .TetTerK'ii Mrf et O'cr Mr. Hi iw uh hit's coal aril), tie -iiianiow n. do cei tit that u y huh Johhua tio'-i brain fever and ratairh mi the hreasf. which lift him with iiinchaTtia liotnthceur and uistured even. The tl-charen u,-r cfsd. hih tttra hte.iine inte lorpf ami umiauiral, covered wuh ceah. 'J I e pi Mown lino, to he changed duriiu the muht, -o feat Uf.it tl weie thevwilh the die hai(;e8 ; it wouid Im luip..kMhlc lo dt soribe the cemhthni of hit even. Aly luiiniy l yn iiii :tid he wmild k I'hnd. Ilia Intellect aho he nine im a red, ti-at he cared not to be, or play nh ehi'freii. ile took no notlee ul an thntir around him. None hut the parent cau tell what our uutfius wuiu to her. tin mir child in this condition. Most providentially, iib'mt one year ago, I law Mri. M. Urown s "We 'nphybh al ldsi overy' advertised iu tlie f.trtiier. I went to the Oilite, 41t Aich atreut, aud procured the mcdn Ine. A! v win apjuled it latthiuily and perneveriuyly. The medicine worked Mowly at the beyiuntnii, hut atdtvvc jwrhevered, and tho result It, that our Hen is entirelv cured of his disease a. Ills iuteiluet heeiiu to have awakened out of the alep of death. 11. is iouMdcrcd now a iKiyht and Intelligent boy. TUo dU-ehariti-a trtim hKeara ha e entirely ceased, and hl tars have become mial) and natural, lilt eyes ure clear and fctr. ng. My wife and inMtelf ure well i-atMied w ith the ur, -at erne perfotim-J 0n our child hy Mm. M. a. Hrown a Mi tanlofah al lIscoi ry,aud moil heartily comnund it to all w ho cut'er. Mm. M. tl. Br.iwn'a (Vdihratid P-or ltlcluud's Kvo Wutei.&l rerbottic, uuiall bl.i-ya ceaU. Haln Kenova (or, W l"-i boittu. A HKMAItKAIll.K CVHK OK rtlaTMiNKSd. (amsmh a.C YY.July ',ti,l,t .Mr. M. ti. ltrown: lear Madum 1 I iu Ihm.u quite blind in iuj nht ee tor iewn yeinrs. I liave bveu to nuveral doi tor, wlmm in ard touid reaioie my eyeatKbl. but they never done uie miynood. I nnt lan-e riuua of liiouev In travthnK to wheic 1 heaid theie were dot tor who could benefit mo, bul none tn them could do uie any uood. 1 thought my i-aite hopulcoti, until told hy a triend you could relieve me. 1 neut hy a liieiul and piocured your 'Meiuul.Miical coveri.,,aiif' in tweuti-fnur houis after the ttthttreHt lneni, I could M'6 (juue dltuictly. 1 am ety thanklul tor iny dcliveiai.ee. I rvuuln yulirt, truly, 0HN IIFXFV. The C'elehiated loar ltiv!:ord'4 Ky Water, $1; amall Ho. 410 AI(( H Btroct. Scalp Itenovator, $1. ilU vf -m lt ho. HO AK H Bticot. WRIGHT & SIPPALL fX T V No. 110 Mnrkot, Htront HinVKlN It' 'NT AMI F"OND WTl!l:F.T?. C. v;. I'M. I r. t.-. ii. -mm vi i . I) U V O O I S T H II AN S, AND 1 1 K N F H A I . T( 1 It KK F. F.f KH S , (' in find at fair t si tdistmii nt a fi II aortuint of Import- d and In loestir lirrvn, Topu' ir faf'n Midhdrie-t, Puln's, (.' .il Oil, Win. low LIA--, rrt"-."riptioii Via It. Ax., af as ., prl(e at jreiiuinr flrt-t-ela -n I'-w.di ran ht mid. FINK F,-sr.Nn IAI. OM.M For i i 'if, : Hi;i,-r. in f .11 v.in l, and ol tl.o hrst ;itah;y. t'ochi.ie.il. heiu.il llol .o, M-id h r, lVt Ash, ( utll- ar, Kot'a Ah, Ahim.o.l nf V Itrh l. A ntiait", (-opp- ras, Kvtruct of I,oj-wci.il, Ac , Foil lV Kltrt' use, always un IiaikI, at lowest net mob pri. t t'l IIK Sl'M'K. FOIt FAMtt.Y t'SK, (Jronn't eipren"ly for our naie. and U which we iuife the aMfntion of tf,oe in want ,.f rehuMe article). Ao, ISOKitt, Sr.lUiI, M t'X J'AIW, lit',, of fj'tu quah'v. Onknt hy mail, cr Hv pot, w.H rwft with pr"tti;it at- t nihil, or Bp rial fintai!"n will Le fur niched w Inn re- iil Hit d. WXtinilTcS: HTnnAT.Tt. WhOleinlr Drnj.' Warehoo-i', jaU-ly Vo. Ilfi MAttKKT Htn rt, nh'iye Fmnt. W K A LT II, UK ALT II, AND BK.AI Tt. If to gain admlrlrt ee-i : Iftoimisi In v id ou iii.'ht; If to ! a hlotiiiiiriK (lower, KHdlr.a;, d lntr in an hnir Ha At' tt ! T' to have a hot of frlepiln ; If for vice to mate unit tn Is ; II Willi h-horn b'Mid to wed ; If a nuitble Btone when tl ad Vi:ai nil If to live thTeenecre and ten, I Inhini; d e at loii again ; It to II- a lite of (.eat f; Il to die and o to yrat-TUaith! 1 1 yon ) ifh a life "f plt-aaure-i ; If ou value thu w.'tut t ireriaur!( ; Ii every etirntott jou wouht tcf, Take my advice, aud wl.h alt thrrt Ti en, haviiKt liealth, Wealth, and ILctuty. You ll be prepared for bvcry duly. TlvarnTffnl p'ru-al of Dr. WIM,tAM Yorstrn vw Ito.k, H1K M A Ith I AO K t I 1 1 l-a , whh h sltould he read bv every one. Wool hy Hoon-elieru rneraiv. and at tie l'oelora oillce, .o. vlti Ml'UtCK STHKrVl'i K'te M cents. au'i tf T II K ARTIFICIAL HAND. II. A. lift. OKA, Irvc-ntor and M.tiiularUiiir of tl.e A H 1 I r 1 I' I A I. A tt M, Appruvi',1 nml ailoptca nv TltK BtiltOKON-dEN'F.ltAI, OK 1IIK UNITKD STATES. Inr Ni'iaiori, rtnn pptnmnrntlv lnrnt. il hi. l.inrp mill Fftctorr nt Ko. 311 K. Kl'l'li'l il Htr.'et, alx itoora balow Hpruce, I'mlada. li-Orj. rnil.AIIEI.VlUA SURGEONS' t,&'Z' BAVI.AlIK IKSTITUTK, No. 14 North MN'TII Blrect. at.nva Market. Kiljituro, n.ilUailyciirrJ b. II. . tVKHK'I'T H I'rriiilum Pntn( l.railualmv I'ru.snro Trims. HiiiktI. Kla.lic B.-lta. Fla-itlc Hioc.lnna. Hupiortcia, Htajul.ler Braces, Huitpn li.iira. Crii'.-l-ei. Ac. Laillva attended bj Mrs. B. C. KVKHE'l T. TayiTi-Xj KIjAMTIO H'l'ITCH 8KWINO MAO II I N K S, THE BEST IS UKE. ap5S No. 730 C1IE8NUT Hir. aHb -i 1TY'H prjj COTTAO!', OKOANS, Not only V J.KXCKI I ED but U'Ki;r.M.LKI In lilirtlir ol T-n.' and r.o..T, O.-H'iiiieil pspttiinli v lor ..inurrl.H and s, Iko.im. liui l' nn.1 lo b.' .iiii!ly well a.lapud to the t'arl.ii and I.ruvliig Uw.m. l or snk- onlj by H. M llltl'CB. No. 18 N. SKVKNTII Mtrc't. Alh. a ctiTiipletc Sbuortlnent tl Uio l'ertct Mclodi-on coiiMuinl ..nlmiid. anl:i-3iii JA TUSHII'CAPIAINS AND OWNHRS. nHab Tho niidcrniunrd navlna leaacd the KKNMN. .'X.Ul.W IHU'k. Imv to Ii.utiii in. frifii.li kihI th. pair.. lis ol tbe ! ic. Ibat ho la i.r.-pttr.-d with liicrL-iih..O la, llillra fo &.T..miii..ilnte ttiopc liavlnif venflula to lie rals-id or r.-i.airr-tl, and bt-lntf a pmmlraJ bhlp-rarpoiit'ir- and caulkiT, s izlvo p.-r.-onsl stieuUon to all vuuaels eu tniHt. d lo tiirn lor rupAlra. .'ai.tHiim or AsentH, Mhlp-rarnrnitera, and AlAcbtnlst, baviiiK v.'hrla to repair, areaollclt.'d lo cnll. Ita hip ibe ain'ncy lur Uu- mile of '-Wetterntedta' Puti-nt Mctullic t.'oi,ioi.ituin," or I'upper i'aint, lor tlie prevrva tuoi .,t ul4eU' botloniH. liir thla oily, I aid prtpared tu lnrnibh tbe aauic on favorable t.-nna. jiium n. HAJimrr, K.:nhlTiifton Screw llock, inhll-tt Drtaware avei.ne.atmve Laurel atreet. i - OLD'S IMl'KU V .1) STKAM A NU WATKR VT HKATINO Ari'AKATlTH. Fur Warnilai! and VtntllatiiiK l-ubllo llulldlrva ami Pn vaie Ke.iJeiicuii, Maiiiifacturp-l by The I'MOJI Mi. Ail A N II WATKR IlKATISO OOMrAHl t)K I'UlLALIKI.I'llI A. JAM KA P. WOOri, No. 41 S KOl'KTIl Street, mbrw.m II M. FKI.TWKI.L. Superintendent RAILROAD LINES. 1)U1I,A1)I.I.1'I1IA, VILMINUTON, AND BALI IMUIIK HAIf.lttlAll. I'UAMIK OK ItOfltS. On ami utl.r MnNHAY, Augiut 1, 14, I'aa.r-ii.'Pr truing k-iwc I'blladelphla for laitiin.iri- nt 4 y" iKvpie-H. loinlaya excpU-d), 8'0.. A. M.. '.' u.am Hi Hi I-. M. Ch.o.li.r at ti 1,6, 1110 A. At., 110. '1 110,430,1100 and 11-00 r. M. tiVlln.lTiiiton at 4 . n (Monilaya exerpt. ill, 8'i-i, ll'I! A. SI.. 1 :i(l.J:i", 4 iMi a., Intltl ami H i ll (-. M. IS.-w la-.ll.' at SI. A. .M. and 4 Sol'. M. Jjov. r ut I l'. A. If. and Hi) 1. Ai. MDfi id al8lC, A, M. baliahuiy nt h It, A. M. I liAINS lOlt PIllt.AflKM'HtA. I.i-avo ltiiliiuiiue al s-4.', U4.l A. M. (KpriH), 110, 6'.'f im. Un .'.. I'. U. Willi. lM-ti,n ht I 4S, 84'., VA.ll., U"24, 1, 146, 400, 4JS, 7iii.(l!l IL I'. M. Hali.bnry at II A M. Jtilli.rd afi 4'. 1". M. Ikim rat CIA. .M., nnd 4 ISP. V. N.'w l a.lb- at Mi A. . aii.ii.-.'; P. M. I healer al 7 ib.il 4(1 A. M., I W, il 4.',,4 jo, .VOO, 7'5, 4D P.M. I. t-it. e Iliiltlinoic for SallHlniry a ml Intel mediate stationi, al lu-S'i I'. M. L.-a. e italiiinorc lV,r f .over and Ititerui'-dliite atatfona at MoP il. TKAINS TOH llAT.TIMOItl-u Iavc I'll. -iter nt H ill A. M , a!.', aud 11 n.' I . M. leave WiluilliKtou at t, S ti A.M., U40 and 1110 P.M. Ir.-lt-l.t Truliis, villi I'aaaeuaer Car attached, will run ai l.-llow a r l..ne lluin;k-lon lor FeirvvtKe and Intermediate place, at 7 4' I-. M. St N I Ali Si- Only at 4 M A. Jl . 1010 P.M., from Pblle d. iiliiu to llaliliuore. n. in I'-illadelphiu lo Wilmington at 4'.'0 A. M., 10' , and II I'. M. i ,, ii, ii-rli.i li.il to Philadelphia at 1-4K A. Jf. and 700 1'. Al. Onl at lli. I'. M , troiii Itiitll-uore lo ltill,mi'lphla. a4 11 V. KKNNf.Y, rilliierlntelideiit. I)IUI.Al)i:i.rilIA AND I1AI.TIMOKI': CEN 1 ItAI llAll.ltOAl), OI'i;.N IO OXfOUl HI'UINU AltltA.V.KM SI. On ai .1 aller 1KI DAY. April I, lx;4,tbe train, will tear, a. Ii.lli.wo : - l.r.AI r. K.A8TAKI. I I tA E CM AliU. flAIH-..-.. A.l. I. hiATII,'... A. M. r. M. Olloi.l II tin Hll I. rove I. -7 Avonilale 7 or. Ki linell 7 ml I'll. do I ord....; 1 ConeiTll H't"1 W r. .Iniietit'D.. "lf l'hllnil. 'I'l-i '' ! If-Jli Phllailelphia.... MOO l .'.'l W.'hI Clu ster. .. 7 l.'l 4 'l IV. (' .liinolion.. H i.H 4 17 Com-ord H '.- l 4 41 ( linil.l .l-Wil,... U ll A-IO Kennitt !(. 1.. A.ii.i.,:e in Jl ii-.ii We. i I.I..K.... in -i S.lll ll..rd 10 ."G 4 :10 4 04 641 rvi 0 14 6 17 b-M 7 0J 7 -10 Yitnl Cl.e-.ler. -as--'ni-..r In l",l in I'liilaueliilna bu been i tnuired t'rua KlShti.n h and Marhvl all.el.. lo Till UT 1 1 1 KS 1 and MAbKKT Slnete, Hot I hUn.1. Iphla. Market Streot l'na.ener Itallvia Caia cotiv.) I'aa.eii-iera U and lioia U.el.p..t. . v 1 a-senai'la so lltrout-oi wiikooi riiHiir-. oi cm. llKMti WtM'l1, KuptriulendenL ;a-t SHIPPING. t-frt tSiKAM WHKKLY TO UVKU JKJgjjJsjiJpotil, tonehins at (l,i!i'i'iiu wn1 Cork llarixir. iui. veil Lnowii hteauieia ol tliO Mverjiool, New Y.rk, ai.a I'hMadtli'l.ia hieaiualuo lo.upAiiy art iuunUoU to tail ns loilow a : , , . . CH'Y OK WASH! V;Ti)N. Saturday, September 17. MTY OT M ANt 'llKVrKU - IH:itnrday,epteiuber 'J 4. CITY OT J.ONDON.Naturday.Ortol'Orl. And everv uccetUinK Kalunlay, at nwii, (iota Pier No 4SfATKWOVrpA8SAilF: PAYABI.K IN CUUKKNCY.! Urst Cabin 1H) (-0 steeiae ff-,u-) Mit Cabin to I.eiidoii i;ii(ni Hlearane to London... voij t ir-t Cub n to IMri. . 1!hj ihj Hteerane to I'ana hu-oo tir-.tOMhiutollumM ki'"'1 aie.rato Itambuiit. 71.00 l'as.eiiem hUu (ui wauled to llavre. Itreuieu, Icot terduiu, Antwerp, 4e., at e jually low niiea. Kaies In m l.heipoid or Cjueenalowu : First Cibln, tM), i?!7(, '.I0 8feerao from l.i.ir(ooi and (j-mietia-town.TU. 1 hae wlm wiali to hcnd tor timlr nicuda can buv tit keta haie at thene raiea. 1 ui ia i titer mioiiuatioii a.M-ly at tii Comnany'l ofticoi. JOHN It. DA..K, kfiu. Ko. Ill WAI N I T Street, Phlladwipliia. BOSTON ANI rillLAOKLrillA Httamil In 1 Ine. aallhid from eadi oort un 1 1 iii'Ais. in in n -.t n nun ai-ove nr. htrevt.rinia- deiph a. hiui Ioitv wuh if, notion, from nrni wuaii ab ve J'INK Street.t n haiuiday,adeiiiher 17, The aieMinal ip Wolt il Aft , liakur.wiU ami trom 1'h'ladol fhiit hr lfoaton.on Hiiturua.v, Heiviiiln-r 17. at 10 A.M., ai d the aieamaltip HAXON, Matthowa, fioui Uoiou kit srliilpi1thihhi. un aauie da v. at 4 1. M. 'J heao niw and tiuoataniiai utettinahftn form a foa;ulAr Hi e, aallinx tioiu eai h ort pum tmihy on Aaiuidaya . luBiiranres uilcvivd at one -hall tin- nrwuuiuui chained oa uie vettKCia. F retA-litri tAkn at fair rale. 8hi.era aiv requeued to en4 Blip Eefili and Bill Lading vrtlh theii .Kdi. 'or 1 'ittkhtorl'kiiisuie fhavln,? tine areommodnUoai) 1'1'iy io lii.iti nfion a u,, jai-tr no. Mi n. jki aw ake aviiup. t H,.l-.0..rA I -IU t.luiu-nrs, Mini u i il. hi t an ul. '1 he atennicra of thene Uuea are leuTloff caiivai li o t-ioel. M., aud t ii'i-iaua I'. M.,irom uiua pier alio.e Walnut ktre.-t. tor lieii-lil, lneh -(rill tie taken on aecoBimo.Utlns lerim. apple to VILI.1M at. liAlliL Jl Cl., No. Hi A. ltl,4WAJ(e Aveuu. RAILROAD LINES. AU1V!0F ISC 1 i'it..ilr.ri mil Amlii ami M l'li Ink tr An A Trul Hftilrtml N npHiiici' Liner from fiiilndelphta to New "A and w llnf t a rtiuM WAI J( r nTK t.V, V WHAllT, W M It (I l.'l 0 .IT - tS At A M . v,a i oi.ai n ana Ainooy, u. at, a a. c- ci Biiii'Untlon A" A. , via ("auithn ai.d .iert. tt v. Momma Kvst At W l . via ('itmdeii and Afuixiy,!,' anil A. Aoeom- 1 l! Ml A t .' 1 . II . via l 'aiuueil ind . iu'i" . c and A. Kx- A t 1 I'. M .. v ia iimdr n am' Ainl-oy , i ' 'iiirif ilMin l I f 'i hi arid Piis.i-iu , r At i. 1 . M ,, in l ttiii . ti n'ld Af.H'-'V. ciamoUti.-ri I I re'tali' Mill) I'a-senfc,- r lt f UlD-t 1 h k't i nnd .ii' V mn-'dil-nja-er), l-t ci-.aa 'IirkM.... tl ii ( r'r id lull1 2o i for Maii'-h i honk, ML F.'i"i -i. I ;irnti,.,tvt.l, . I i u 1 r I.an, ) --n i i. ....,1 .,, (Sethi- h'-in. M-It1 ve , .e:io f, M. m- Mi .lh.fi-. t I UK-ton. 1 or Mount Holly. I.vnnnv i,., i-nitierion, and Yin n, kt . a. i (imI !, I. . I or i- f )it Id At t; A. M. und P M. l-.r I Hti -vrii, Hivertmi, l ,-inn'o, Heverlv, Hurllm I-I. ie-ee, lu.'ili-tn.iw A... .il ii A. M . , I J M., I , 'I and T. M. l( ( Bnvl . I' M. M-iea run tlireet thr (o 1 r. nf.'ti. K-.r 1' 'trvra, Itl erton, In l inro. Itev.-rlv. and Um h n at 7 V. M f-'n -tiut.oat 't renlon, f.-r H-it I-pton, I'ei 1 rrrt t-il'iie. nr. i l .ir-.n' nt ' . o A M ttmh io M. I.IM.M H;-l ktSMNi.iuN ItKfOT WM1 lenvi in, ii.linu s Ai 4 A M.,(uti'.n via Knltu'tt-.n and New Writ, a-.hllu-l-.il itl-ll New nrk Mad At 1 1 ll A. M via Kentliu-toti and .lern-v It y h x-l"-"m" ". At 4' " I'. M., via K nthikiotl nnd Jerejr L'lty.Kx. 1 n f Ai (i-i 1'. M , ia I'.eiisin-'on i.n-1 Jermy City, WHt-hlni.-toii find New ork Kprei.,.. -Mui.tlii. limn him at t A. M. an-1 i; I . V, M, ri,an tie no hi f at 4 A. M. ( Nil'H on M.iMi-t:i. K'-r Water (iitp, Mr- yibhii-u, s. nuitnn, WI!Veh H'.ntrt -e. ( in-ni rend. Mm h hunk. Hirii'nwn, It lo in. Iff Iviih re. t al.-n. I,hiuI ri ile, ftmlntfon. At 7 1.'- A . M '1 hie line e- nie et wuh the train leaving Kit lor Atnueti r uuk i mi V M . 4 V r l-Hin'-t-riv U'e mid ititerm- dlnto nt;itt-tr nt 5 i f For Itrl-tol, Irtntnn, Ac. at 71-'. and Ul) A. M P. M. I' or 1I( .lnv.'rdiurv, Tui tin v, Wl-pl'-ouilinr, Ttrl'h nhnnr. rrftnkti.ru it I !t , y.t ,',, and .. 1'. M. They A.M. i rnr.a o itn-tf I. f For New York and Way I Ini't leavtnir Kennln In ot. tuke ihe enr4 on i itth otreei. afn.ve Walnut, ha hour I t li : a tlei.t--tirM. The Cmtk ren hi-n ihu 1) Ot'l, on rrttv:il f eiiel tr-tn run fr in ,ho l:'p-it. I- Itly l-oiiiidfl of hm--ne only aMtiwed peh raar la-i nt.ern are proi.it tit d from t.tt- Ini.' an tl.ini' nt tai tun th ir .. em in tr apniire). Ad I'nw.iwe over llfty t t-. I, u i aid for etiu. 'ihe oini.nf.v Ii mt their fen bdit lor haifire to fn- I i-illm j-er pound, und wtll n luiiiie tor any amount beyond hu. xoe.t by apocial ttart. limham'n t-li't-km-p Fxpreis will e;i for nnd deliver 1 pill e ai the Iiennta. Order o he lert at N-i II VV A T, mit et. Wfll. 11. (iAT.MKlt, AkO AnKUt,14. LIM-.8 FKOM NKW MMIK FO PHILADKIJ! WILL l.F.Wr. From fof-t of Coiirthin i ut ai : f. and 4 P. M,. .terev 1 1 y and ( iioiilen ; ut 7 nnd 1 o A . M . , (J 1. M., IV Nil. Id) ia .lertey (it nd K elK Hitoli. From i.Htt oi Unri lov htruot, at 'i A.M. and 2 P. M., Aml ity nnd Ciinuh ii. ' Fioui fur No. 1 North ltlver. at 12 M , 4 and 8 P f (i reif hi anu rrt-Hunuerj via .Mnno and ciiuuivn. ;i;kkmit links vou nkw youk a 1 all the aia'.iona on tl.o Camden nnd Amtmy and net tinj: Kailn ivi. INCTtK SKI TiFHI'ATrH. The CflTnih-n and Amhov lUiin.iul ard Trnn-tportA C'H,i,aT. h V iei,.'M 1 ii tor New ) ork will leave IV k d ii 1 1 v. hail nu an niter ilanuury H, dally (Hti inlay vi itiriuM o clock I". M. ft iiiii.lt'K, the &bn e Um Mill leave New York at 1 i i'. iii. I'rtljht nnut be delivered btfoiu J'gP.M.to be warded ihe mine da v. Freifcht hr 'l'ien:oii, Prlneetnn, Klti"lon, New Bn it k. and nil nolntH on ihu Caiudt n au-t Amhov Kailn niao nn the Heh nii-re, le n m e, and FleoniKton, Ui-a N j' im v, me i ret h.ii ai d juiueit'Uii.'. aim tlie it ur Mi a nd M' Ht.t lloiu hniir.'iids, rti clvc.l nml I r-varilett Ij$ o'ch.ek 1. M, siti'ill aekuKe-, lor Mount Holly roct UU t 1' o elock V M . I he Pelvhhro hel.iware Itallroacl e innects at Phlll luiri-- with the l.elu.h Valley l'aili..id. Thu New Jo KMlroad topueeia ul Kl-i'eth wuh thn Nfw J-i t ttiitrul Kj-ilrond, mid at Nunurk with the Horn a "i l.SHe. Li. lire. ud. A -.li.i ......... .e... n...m U..,,.ir..I,l,, Hi m..e.V a. br. i,tiioier and con.! .i-e a. rnnxt in everv Inntanc ai nt tv lm ( mh loud of pit uti, or n net-ipi will t ui luereiiseti (m i inn- havini: oeen nu4f:- lor tin- tr in no tion ot 1,1 VI, S i DCH , tlrovem are invited lo try this n Wl en tt f Mock h fMrnt-hed In uuniiti h-H of TWO I.dA lis or more, it will be dt livered ut the foot of Fori f'rf-t't, n. nr the Jirove raiut, r at Tier No 1 N Hiver, an the ahii'perfi may dealfnate at the time of Bhimniiit. WALTKlt KUKKMAN. Frel ht Arfent No Vos S. lt-Iauare avtnue. I'hiladelphi; OW. ll. It A V Mt ) M, Freltdit Aitent. Jiul tf PhT No. 1 Nonh Hi ver, Now York 1)HTLAl)KLrniA AND TRKNTON A CAMiLN AN1 AMItOY li AIHiOAD CUMPAN NOI'ICB. On nrd atter MONlAY,,)arimry 4, IMI. th Tnilna New Yoik. lettvniK Kentli u(in Lei4-t, 1'hlladeiphta H l'i A. i. (Nii;ht, and 'i z) f . M., and tho traina leat jsew ) orkaihA .11 . nr o 1 10 1-. .11., win nereaiter w tx-hislMlv f'-r He L'nittd Mate a ."M.ilin and New nnd Wahiuv!ion lHr,eukora, and m11 not take Ui not mil sn ii.in-iniit r tit iwet 11 fit id ei tit a. 'I he 10 A. M. nd I'. Mttinlj-ht Une from Now Yor waj-hfiiKlon, and the J160A-M ami ,1 1. M. l.lnea 1 WaKhlnL'toii to New York, will continue an at present. curry 'M.ennerH to and lioni tho Intermediate aiatlona It tt Inn. nre. Wahlnuton. and New York. AKKANt.l.MFM'-S liK'l WKKS I'llll.ADtlLrill A A NHW ,UKk. Lima leavo Phllaile:nhla. I'r.m Kenlnton Depirt, 111-, A. M .-I hi. nml n- hi r. al.. and W"i midnu'nt.a 110m ulnut Ktieet Wtinrt (via CauiUQ)talti aud jm ., I: ai f arn t t si ., lor new 1 or a. And leaves New Yoik. lioni fo.d of Courtlandt at nt 1 A. M , 10 A M . 1:' M , 4 and i P. St , and at Y2 11 nit ht, ami irom loot ol r.arciay aueei ta tt a. M.,ai P.M. WM. A. UATZMiiit, ja.'.-tf Atfeii r K N NSY L V A N1A TliU (iii FAT litil'ltl F-TKAt K HIIOKT KOCTF, 'I UK WI.NT, MUM llWKM', AMI -Mil'TH W EST F.iihineuia and ta- ihtlt n lor the mi to, peoly( and & futt ib e 1 1 unioit;uiou ol ontieut.ei'a, uu-uirpaakt'd by ' route In Ihe t oimtrv. Trains h-tivc the In pot ui KhtVF. N'l II and MA UK Htref ta us lotioHa ; M;dl Train al 725 A. Fa 1-iiu at ica- Tl rout h F.Mirexa at. HrUQ P.' Parkeuhuri,' Tmln, No. 1 , al P " A. Vnrka-burK T ram. No. It. at 1 ) I'. HiUTitduty AceoiLiuoduiiuu at 2 :ui P. l.Mtu amtei Train tit 4 tH) P. l'aolt At-ecuiiuotiatlou (leaven W at Philadul- jdtui) at frW P- VhroUKh PajtP libera by the Pat Line reach Aitnona inpi't r, win-it will be loiind ex eileni aceoiuiD'Hiation'' tiie nhht at the Louan Hoiim. and in the nioniluK " tttke either ihe Philadelphia or italthuore Kxproan, eac winch makes connection! at I'ltuhurt; fur all point. dBliKht view la thus ai lorded of the entire line aud iii.il ul tleent m mierv. The Through Kxpreaa Train runs dairy; all Uie ot traiUh daily, exeept hunuaji. FOR PITTHIll H1 AND TlfK WKT, The MhII Traill. Kant l.lne, and Throush Express net I Ht 1'itt-t u-t; with throuah tnilna i n ah divurtfiiiK ru from that point, North to too i.aKei, eat lo tne miu ainiil uud MlbfOliri Rivera, and Houih and Kouthwest t points atelit'lt h radi-oad. Through Tieketa to Cu, land. Pelioit. Chk-ULo, M Paul. Columhua. In1iaiai St l-iuii. Leavenwmih, Kai aaa, Wlueiinjf, 1'ayton, cinriAti, l.ouif-ville, Cairo, and all other principal pot and oauKiive cnei Keu tiirotmn. INIHANA IIKANCHH KII.UOAI. TheThroui-h Kxpreatt. havint. at Jojo P.M., eonn at l.!ntrUJe Interbet tion with a train ou this road ltlnir file. liuliai.H, Ae. fcl'.KNHtl Ut ANU t liKHSOS PKANCH RAII.KO 1 he lhrourh KxprertN 1 rain. l -n iuk at li) iiOP. M .t fleet nt t it-faon. at lie-tb A M .. v ilh a trtUii on the I for I- h(-nhurtf. A train alao leavea Crcaaoa tor fcbeuab aitt'i&l'. H. JIUhl-lDA1. SlU ItU Itlt ANCrt BOAT. The Mini Tram at 7 A. M , and Thr.. ugh Fxpreaa jit it" i'. .tl., conneei ai notna wun iraioa lor iiojiiaa but u m I 7 in I' M. and H .io a. M 'I liONh AND DI. KAin ikl.lt HKArH KA1T.HOA 1 he Through l'.xreta Train, lenviim al 10 .'M' P. M , neei. 111 1 rone w 1; n n irinn lor nanny (tinge ttnu riuiii hurK. and hv Itnld r.iiile Valley Kallrotid tor Port MaUJ-Jrfiie--bnrf, and Hellct.inle, HI N I IM.htiN ANI HROAh TOP HA1I.HOAD. The Throi j'h Expreio 1 rain, leHvii p at In :t0 P. M . eB ncih at Huntingdon ith a (rain for Hopewell and HlOoV lain at t;-.'-i. AM I NUKliihliN 1 KNIBAI, AN'O PHILADELPHIA AlsJ For Bunl urv, Wilimmpjit. hock lluen, Klraira, T(' rlienu r, i.uiialo, and Niagara r alia, nnrtatmsera takitiK jMail iiHih at T'j.t A. M., and tlie ii.nmli Knpreu Itr.rii p AC, da.lv ocept undaya. 110 dlreetlv Uimu w hlnuit ehatii-e ol car bit worn Philadelphia and V llutiiapnrt. For OUK. HANtiVKR. and (.KTTYHHTMtO. the tra lea ln at a A. M. hum . .u I . M connect at Colui w Ilh Ui.ina r.n tl.e oi thei 11 Central lUilrond. Cl MllKHI-ANlt ALI.F.Y UAILUOAM. in as. hi .. i f n . , , aISI illiuu-.il EiAFir9 10-.'ro P. Ai.,et nutct at llarribimrg with Lraina for Carthd Chauiherl'M, and lliiwiimiiv n. A NKMUChtl I'.liASCM RATT.ROAfi. The tramp, it av iio: at 7 'i A. M and i .Hi p. M., conn at Don ningtti'a 11 with train on thla toad to Wayueabu and ' ,1 InieiiiKdlaie autiuim. For further Informal. on ai ply at thr Paien(-er tstatio b. K. . inner li4'Kl.; 1- N II and MARK F.I Htroeta. J tMKS CUWIiKK, Tleket Aycut CtlMML TA I UiN TICK E I rt. For 1, -1, 11,9, or 12 uioiuha, t very low mte a, for the a roniniut'atioii of pei son ilvnikout of luvtu, or located u or near 11. e line 01 tr.e 10 nu Cut Ft i TICKF.T8. For '.'6 triju hetwt-en auy two poinia. ut about two cert-fl per mile. Tht he tieketa are Intended for the une ot faiuJi-V ttuveiiiitf (re.uently, and are of great advautaa;e to pcretu BiUKiu-,- oceutionut :ripa. Mi-lloflT. Tlf'KIM'rt For mie nr three monilie, for the uae 01 acholan attendJi iuiool lu the city. . u i kTHiV FMIllh'A I IOV. An Rrtu Il'Tn i' t Aei oiumudatioil train leaves No. 1ST TVi lieet 1 riiy (fiLlidn.M excepted) at -1 o eluok P. M .oitertn eouifot'tahlo im de ot navel 10 laiuua-a k-jiiik on liitii the iiHUbl rata of fare. l nh ular aitontionl a ti tu bitk'rfAtie, lot whieh elit-cka are Kiven, aud bLi' loiwaioeu py me aaree irmii who pukaeiiKurai i ot lull miuiujaiiou jatioti, ti plj to FUA3i-,slH FL'NK, KmiKrant kgnt. No. 1.17 I MiCK. buoM btrt-Aat. H AN N li HAfttiAtlK lAIIU.HS. An asent ot thin reliable Kxpreta 1 ompauy will pJ thioiiah eai h tiain beioiu rea tiling the depoL, and take iJ ciiei-ha ana ueii er naKiiue 10 any pai 1 01 tne cuv. iihj i.-a..u Kill l.i. fiiili.il fur iromiillv Mrlo ti (irilnrs nr la, ft ut t l l'akeiiKer lepot,Kleveuih aud Market airueta. The tray ol Um uutu.c ai t aauied tnut u 1 entirety repvtt$iwe, r 1- 1:1- ICHTK Hv thta route fre L'hia of all deaerintfoni can be fm warded to and irom anv point on thu railroada of tHni Kuutueky. Ind.aua. li'lnoii. Wucoiuin, Iowa, or Mnoniuil by railroad direct, or lo any point on tho uaviable waieif 01 me vteki, dv Mi aiiu n irom riuMui;. 1 ho rule ol fiulL M in jtndfn.m anv Dtdnt In the 1 k. n.i. p-.niiaiwii.Mi.Ti'.iii'rsii u-tiirofiii 'urn at alltimoe favorable a are thareed by other Railroad Compaalel .l,... ntaoi aililniior-a A III Til HI i IlisT tllO t f Hill tOr t Ut h tB d their fr. iKht lo thu Couipuny vau loly with -oonrdunoe oj U speeuy tiaiiaii. , , , , l-urlieii.hteontraetorahlpilng -flirectiym, apply to ( atldreia tl v AKenib 01 tne . u p.., . H It KINtJTON, .Ir., 1 'hlUdvlnhi. I V. A. ttTKW ART, Hitabur. 1 CLARK CO.. Chit-ana. J 1 t Ct li A CO.. No. 1 Aalor Uouie.oc No. 1 8. WtUlaJf atreet. New Yoik. I rF.t'H A ('-, Ko. T7 WflBt fnyton atreet, Boaton. WILLIAM UROWS, No. t-0 North feUcet. ilalllnoftt At't-ut wuittu Ceulrai Lailwuy. If. IT. IIOCBTOH. 9 General Freight A Kent. Phlludelphia.' i LKWlri L. HtUPr. Oeoeral Ticket nt, Philadelphia. KNtCH LKWlrt, Oeueral Sup-Uitt;ii44Ut, AUwua, P i i . I I J '.- u 11 4 i , 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers