THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. rmLADKM'iriA, TUESDAY, SEPTKMBRrt 13, 1804. 1 TUKSDAT, RF.rTKMBKfl 13, Hit. 8PHHT OF THE new tobk prg33. Leading Kdliorlals from the New Turk Pnppm Thl Mnralng. A TIKI I'ki'.itt iiriHki:i, am ir rM. Trem Ihe Tne- . Mr. VnlliuiiliplMin, in his sinvr-H at IJ.i.vton, jplTing lil tvenuiit i.r the Cliia,o Cinvon-i in, Until : "Unit (' nu ii imi 1ms met every -Xict.i- tion of mine. ''' innmi.trn hair nil hern realized." t stems tlie niiiitir mis n title to j ft'. llo limls ..hut the I'lfimi r- Imve not till li-cn reaheJ ; a nl Sb tccitm Meridian s le teruf acicptanoo h' dia ';srda film on fh'- Instant. The "ptiimi.T" refirrnl to arn tin mystery. Vallandinlisin wi nt to Chi-nen tlio ailmirnl of fell Copperhead admirers, and in istor ul tlio situa tion. 11 in mere ti I ruled ,f iim n reritlon. llo was nm on the (!ominitt on ilutiona, and bad the Rfisolutg sUspirm of tliu .'iwtiwiiii. i in u enuiu me ques'ioa oi muavng lhe candidate. Here. too. VallatiiltKlmrn's power wan supreme, lis could hive given t:io nomination to cithrr of the .Seymours, or to any man of hia own -tripe. There w;ia a hard nrea-nre for Mi'DelUn on Alie ground that he was the most available man. i DC Copperhead chlet yielded to that pressure on the sirewrth of positive stipulations that MeClellan should plant himself siuaroljr on tlio platform ; and when the roto was taken, It wan Vallandigliam who moved llnttbe uomination he ;made unanimous. He went home, as his Diyton jimeeeh tbows, with the completes! assurance 'hat these stipulations would be faithfully ob (Bcrveil. ) Of course It Is plain enough why they were no .olisexved. The fall of AtlantA was hour.! nf in.i r three daya from the adjournment of the Conven V tion. It came like a thunderbolt from a clour i eky. Tt kindled war spirit everywhere into new Z. life. It wna felt hv MeClellan. nr r.iftier hv Ik,g who have him in charge, that In these altered . circumstances, it would be elmply courting do rrtrnctlon to ftick to the platform. MeClellan, therefore, lu his letter of acceptance, shifted, hi (position, hut in Mich faahlon that he thought Val landighain would not complain of It. He kept tkh left leg on, while ho put bis right log olf. V It was a very awkward position; 1 val men, 1 indeed, thought It a very ridlnilotts one's but ho ' hoped that, considering the emergency, it would ,'be accounted a suilieieiit sticking to promise, especially as he found words to tell the commit I tee that be believed the attitude here tnkou was I the attitude of the Convention. It was a mistake. Mr. Vallnndigham, on seeing how McClollaa hail J' placed himself, angrily turned on his heel, and is now undergo! d to be after a roil left in pickle. Ajit-uiviinut uvu, noou, loss auio lo restrain ana- self, fell foal at once, with kicks and blows. The World, brimful of wrath, flies to the , rescue, and falls pell mcll upon the minof the 'Amu. New combatants are pouring In on each side, fast and furioua; and as we look out this morning upon the peace party, we see nothing - lint one confused thick-thwack, cut-and-back, belter-.'kelter, higgledy-piggledy, hurly-burly, ', gplitter-splatter, head-over-keels, tooth and nail, ' tough and tumble. ' It is a sorry spectacle. General MeClellan Is a r man of personal respectability, and never should have got himself into this miserable position. It i was a fatal mistake for him ever to hare allowed t bis friends at Chicago to commit him to the plat 1 1 form. If they did it without his permits. on, be I (should bavo telegraphed to Chicago forthwith i that he could not take the nomination on such a ' I...I. 11 : t - - . L. V. ..I . r . . . . .1 uhibi wi , ii lie sucu unu iioopporiuuibV luruiiucc, .be Bhonld bava improved the time that passed i before the arrival of the committee which brouglit ,' the nomination, mid hare been prepared to say, I Gentlemen, those are peace resolutions ; I can- tw.t mtttnt tliam i not accept them. "I believi helieve this to be righteous war. In favor at Washington or out of favor. I go for crushing this Rebellion. You must seek some other m m to reprecHt you, I cannot." Had General MeClellan thus played the man he would have won to himself every loyal heart in the land. All f of bis former short-cotniugs and errors would buve been cast into oblivion at once, and, though opposed to the Administration, he would have challenged Its homage. To he sure, he could not have gained the Presidency thereby ; but neither . can be gain it now. fiuch noble sell-assertion would have cost him nothing, and yet given him a glorr beyond all Erice. llut he yielded to tlio politicians about im, and wns deluded into the belief that a few juggling words kwould enable him to keep the nomination, and yot, in some sort at least, dis connect hlm-elf from the odious platform. It I was a pitiat.lo weakness in a soldier to bet ike ' .-himbclf to Mich a hift. for a true soldier is of alt men tne most Iran k, downright, and independent. Hut it was weaker yet to im igine that atir such balf committal to that platform would satisfy either the ruling spirits of that convention, or tbe body of the people hose support ulonu Could make him President. It could not satiM'y tlio men who governed the ' convention, for they hud been identiiie.l wall an out-and-out peace policy all through the war; and it could not satisfy tho people, tor, when mighty issues are at stake, the people never recognize, and inlinitely less follow, a half-way course between. The peace policy of the Chicago Convention was no sham ; it meant exictly the 'cessation of hostilities" set forth. The war -spirit ot the people is just as geuume. It is a i Kpint that means to continue hostilities until tho " ltebellion is conquered nothing more, nothing l -" A Presidential candidate muBt side with tho . .. tbe i.tluT of these. It is sheer infatuation In him to think to ocape it. It is idle to speculate what the fi mil upshot of this quarrel will be. It may result in the nomi nation of a new candidaio by the Vallandigham wing of tho party, and may not. l'raeflc illy it is of v.rv little consequence. The Copperheads, -utiotliT litiitnH nr (lltfil..,l whi.tlii.!1 Cnlliitvlni. out' ' Ath ikr two. will RliUn ItA HWHiit nut of siirht in I the floods of November. TIIK UAT.ltr.tK. frm IA4 Tribune, Maine held her State Klocllon yesterday, and cast very full rote, despite the absence of at least ten thousand of her voters in the Union armies. The result is better than we had ex pected. Tbe Union party carries the State, of course, and by just about the majority of last year, re-electing Governor Cony by some 17,0 0 majority, und putting Johu Lynch (I'liiou) In the "place of Lorenzo D. M. Sweat (l)em.) iu the next House of Representatives, by about 1000 majority. (Sweat carried tho District in lHd'J by 127 majority ; but that was u blunder not to be repeated.) The whole delegation In the next Congress will be Unionist, including a rlcnaior iu place of Mr. Fosstnden. The Representative will stand as follows : 1st District John Lynch, of Portland. 2d District Mdney Perhaui, Paris. 3d District James 11. llluue, Augusta. 4th District John 11. Kice, Foxcroft. 6th District Fruueri -k A. Pike, Calais. The legislature is ol course U mo. list "all bollow." Maine has voted for Governor at tho sit last State elections as follows: Rt'l'ithlicati. 1H.V....Mnrrlll .'.7.1J1 ls4j0....VVAnhl,urf.i.t lt;i im.-i S " w",.htiiiriie.''7,4i'4 j ..Ws.liliunie. lui-'j . . v'aililurn.4-',Ai4 ,.V liljiirne. lsi....Cuiiy (I u.;.iis.rJU i'a.'m. Huillli 4 V Jllo,iV. l.'.uu ls,ui 16,'J'J) fiiiarl M , IViit r I). ui..M,n S Vt'ar lie l:vi;i i l't'ai-l iiii.J.'.;l it ) War lirn... 7.17s ( biJIarj... ",'. li.lCJ'i 17,710 little Ve estimate tlio vote of this year a lilnber than that ol last. The majority, so xr as received, is slightly increased, but will not vary Jnueh from that ol last year. Maine has done her part, and done it well, as Vermont did belbre her. Thus far, tho vote of till the Stales that hare voted this year Is better thun that of lHi.3, when we carried every free Mate but New Jersey. Are wo not likely to do lit least as w ell iu the Suites that have yet to vote ? IiiiortHuee of Atlantis. Jdlerson Duvls, In a recent speech at Macon, Georlu, avowed that Atlauta was the military Itcy of the continent, and must never be given up. Its topographical relations, as the centre of tho hi tire railroad system of the South, as the boundary mojk between the grain-growing and louou-jirowing districts of tho slave Stales, as the apex of that triangular mountain region, Which the best military eyes have always pr Iiounccd the natural fortress of the Union, from vhich the Gull States could always be controlled, together with the immense magazines, stores, und workshops which have been collected there, completely justily this opinion of the astute leader ol the iiisuigcuts. Atlanta, lu every mili tary aspect, is tenfold moro important thau JUcliinoud. A t'minltii Joke! Escafba. " Spriggles," who " flgurci" so largely among Washington punsters, inquires : ' since MeClellan spits upon the Chicago plat form, does he expect to rate ( as Bound Democrat r "Spriggles" has escaped through, the Uuoj tO Y0M ' j-N utivml lUfubluttn. ' ) A Nrsratlve Plntrnrna. The Copperhead platform Is more rcmrkaMi for what it omits than what it contains. Look at it : 1st. It snys nothing in fivor of the Monroe Doctrine not a word. 2d. It ays not a word In favor of suspending the 0c rations of the draft for .WO.OOO men. :id. It ays not a word Against the Kmanelpa tlon Proclamation. 4 h. Not a word iifainst omploylng negro sol diers fir sailors to light the KeOels. full. Not a word again' wiping out slavery by the niiiitary blows or by a changjof the Consti tution. 'tli. Not a word BKninst General Dialer's fa mous cnn'rdiand do'tiine. 7th. Not a word against the Ainnnsty Pro la nation, nor iianii.t the Itepiibm au (' uii essioiial plan ot Heconsti notion. th. Not a wind nvaimt the cnnflseatlmi of the property of Kehets reai or personal. IMh. Not a word In favor of returning con fis cal' d property to the Kebels. 10 h. Not a wonl against Die repeal of the I 'll nit tvo ! lavo law. Ilth. Not a word airaiust tho abolition of slavery In the District of Columbia. 1'Jth. Not a word against the Congressional prohibition of slavery in the Territories. l:nh. Not a word sgiinst the tax law, passed l y a Republican Congress. "llth. Not a word in favor of repudiating the national debt. 1.1th. Not a word against Jcir. Davis or tho Rebel ion. Mth. Not a word in favor of State sovereignty and tbe right of accession. 17th. Not a word ng dnst "coercing sovereign States," or aiMinst "holding the Union togo:hor by Federal bayonets." Wh. Nota'word inlavoror paying the Rebel di bt. 10th. Not a won! In favor of encouraging white lain ring emigration from Kurope. 'oth. Finally not a word in favor of going on with the war in case the proposed armistice fails to bring the Rebels hack into the Union. A platform so contemptible and cowardly was ncvir presented to a party in this country or any other in this age, or 'in any age of the world. A "oit f Arms for Nrniairs. Professor Mahnn writes to tho Army anil .YarW Jmmmlot this week as follows : As high olllcers of the llritlsh army and nary have presented Mr. Semraes with a sword of honor, as a testimony of their distinguished appre ciation of bis many remarkable, daring exploits in the Alahama, and have thus virtually adopted him among the chivalry of Great Hritain, nothing would seem to remain now, to make the whole matter complete, but for Iter Most Gacinua Ma. jesty, tbcH!iiii of nil honor, to Isbuc her coin- manos 10 tne f.aii marshal, to cause to be pre pared for the recipient of this high mark of dis tinction, a tollable coat of arms, by Garter King at Arms. As the namo of Semmes, although Ittlonging to the . V. V.'s, may not possibly be found in "Burke's Peerage" among the his'toric familios, his amis will probably have to be those of "As sumption." Permit mo, then, to suggest to tbe Chief Herald of Kngland the following blazoning as suggestive of the deeds of Mr. Semmes : "Fill T)(: AlflRLD. "Conunnn liril. Isxlr ehlsf, a msrehsnt ship In flMint'H. Hlnlhter thtff. three clironnine'prs. I,ifnrb,,A. Mir-amn slaking-. Sinister tmse, stimll lioat with lusn eovurra ii in Ihe bnttom. A bstoa or Sonil, inlstsr roui, to Indicate Uie Icsltimscy of the chivalry ut' 'Cirst A hare's hesd; to sliow Ills flsettiass In run nltni awajrfrom his pursuers, suit uuliilim a liliroof slely rrrm whlili lieroulil n-a lip wrme-l ant. "Mantle A pen-iarkot nl ('onledfrstH iirey. 'Nupprrter. The Ka.'ll.h II. iu raoiiianl, brtii( the Knall-h tiasi ami a dYvrtuainil raiuuaut, bearlna' the Kmal Ya hi Club IIuk. "Heroll. The rtise, shamrock, tsiitlp, an.l pslmAtto Isavri in fitirtn, '.Miato. lie I'ruAindls CUmavt For tho hlstorifying, tho Garter King will please consult Captain Winslow's despatches. nospecnuiiy, yours, ii. u. Maha. West Point, September 5, 1801." FOREIGN JOTTINGS. The consumption of cavendish, says the same authority, is at present confined Iu Kngland "lo the upper ten thousand." In tbe year ending December, 1863, the reve nue derived by tbe Ilritisli Government on :I7,(I3U,SU1 pounds of loaf tobacco, was thirty mil lions of dollars. So says a London journal. f The total circulation of the notes of the Bank of Kngland, the private banks, and joint stock banks ol the United Kingdom was on tbe Z1J of July last about $13.5,UiW,0U0. A part of the stone ruins recently found on the plains of Troy arc to be used iu rebuilding that part of Constantinople nut long since de stroyed by tire. The death-rate In tho towns of Scotland is now on the increaso, according t the last report of the Registrar-General. It is not because there is any epidemic, for the mortality of all diseases is on the increase. It Is not cotton alone which Is high-priced abroad, but silk is very dear, so that the manu laeturers of Lyons complain loudly. Thcv also sillier by the high prices they arc compellod to puy tor labor. The London Economist says that the only form of belief with which tho ton-pound voters heartily sympathize is the C.iivlnistic, and it is the only one to which tho cultivated class shows any especial dislike ! A London swindler, recently arrested for practising his arts on an unsuspecting German merchant, was found to have on his person coun terlcit liotins "and Confederate notes," both of about the same valuo. There was a great time recently in the Island of Jersey. A lecturer on the mass and indul gences was driven Iroin his place of lecturing by au excited Irish mob. Whereupon on the next occioion the police, military, and Governor of the island turned out to protect tbe speaker, who had an an clli nee of llfeen hundred eople, an I ex pressed hia obligations to them for permitting free speech in the isle of Jersey. The same correspondent is authority for the statement thut Madame Uuilia llellanti Piccolo mini, the last descend nit of the historic il family of tbe llallanti of Sienna, his given to the archivesof Tuscany tixty autograph letters of emi nent icople of the" fifteenth century; twenty of them are autographs of .Kneus Siiv io.l'ii i olomlni, who ufterwards became Pius II. Louis Napoleon's Life nf Crtnr, sava tho Paris correspondent of the I'uhli.ihern' Circular, is again laid a.-lde by Its author for an indefinite period. Tbe forms of so much of it as is printed are chained together at the Imperial Printing Otllre, and one man keeps the key, and is re sponsible for iheiu. The author is very nervous at outtbe w rk, and he is afraid of some proof sheets getting into publicity before the work is ready for publication. The Mlshopof R'pon, Dr. B ckerateth, having lo i onsen ate a burial-ground near M'akelield, found there wus no 'rain at the station from whence be was to proceed iu time to a'low him to perform his engagement, lie asked permis sion lo rule on tbe engine of a goods train which caine along, and it was granted. So agreeable did ho iimke biin-elf to his companions that the driver said if he was a specimen of the bishops be. shouldn't mind having one on the engine with him every day. Tho following curious passage is taken from a recent letter to the London Ihuly c from its corie-poiident in Hi rlln : "livery one asks how Illsinark has met the ex penses of the Scbleswlg war. There are no traces of a loan, none of tbe signs ,f whleV. could be concealed had the minister had recourse to large credit. Not only Chase and Kesseudrn, hut Fould himself, might take a lesson from llis mnrk, who has made no noise, made no appeal lo Bourse or Chamber, and yet has collected and marched large armies to a great military and po litical result." A series of papers addressed by MM!. Da vanne and Girnrd to the Academy of Sciences on the subject of photogrupbv, make Some curious revelations with regard to the waste of precious metals in the operation. For Instance, the silver alone which is employed for photographs in Purls amounts to several millions of francs. Now as only ,') per cent, of tho silver employed remains on the photngraph, 07 per cent, will continue to bo lost unless some method bo found for recover ing it. MM. Davanneund Girard, who make this startling announcement, proposo that plates of copper be put into the urgcutiferous liquid, whsieby in the couise of three or four days tho silver will bo precipitated in a spongy stato. At a public meeting recently held at Dirmlna?. ham, the present condition of thu Waldetisos in Duly was discussed. Tho Reverend Pastor, l'ilctte, of Nice, said there were fifty missions among theso people, all prospering. The King fuvors them, and they are gaining strength. Greut efforts aro, however, made to win them from their li , and this one of the methods, according to tho Pastor: "In Pluerotu there now exists .'Hospital tie Vatechumtiui tho hos pital of tbe Catechumen, kept by monks and priests, where any Wuldensen, young or old, may go. He will liuda nice, comfortable room, a good table, and everything he could wish for, and nothing to do. He can settle down there, and live as long ds be pleases, doing nothing and living cheaply, on tho sole condition that he listen for a few moments to the teaching of a priest every day ; so that there is a staudiug temptation to the Wuldenses to give up the roligion of their lathers tmd Uwjuc Roman CatUvUwt." A writer In an F'.ngllsh Journal says: "I have lived on horeback for the. last forty-flro year ; have ridden through Arabia, Persia, and Ctrcassia; hare poawissed and ridden horses of Knrope, Asia, Africa, and America; and I concur in Mr. Dickinson's views. What is re quired to constitute a good roadster and cavalry Ikm-bji 1 ' .. al,,,n A it... ........... I. t I .. I I making him ontck in getting his hind legs itmbrbim, which gives freedom and rapidity to I 1.1. 1 t.t. I. .1 i a ... V '. in-, iiKi; ma m-i:s. Miouiu oe arcncu, no should have free shoulder action, and It is essential that he should bend his knee, whiett causes him to slleh'ty draw his foot back In put ting It down, making his action ti rm and sure; and thus when his blond is np 'he swalloweth the ground.' Such a horse obeys the motion of the ridi r, making the horse and rider on a quality essential In the horse ot tho dragoon when using his sword. Such a horse joyously reminds the rider that tho celeta-atcd description of tho horse in .loh, thongh poeti , is na more pool ical exaggeration. It is the picturo of the true horse." SPECIAL NOTICES. :rf- i) n i t) n i LINCOLN AND JOHNSON! GESERAL CARL SCHURZ WILL ADDRKSS THE CITI.F.NS OF rnu,Ai)i:i,iiiiA i O'SJ TIIK ISSUES OK TIIK MF.AKKT I'OI.I TIl'M, CAtlfAKlN, AT t ONCKHT HALL, CllkSNUT STRF.l'.T, ADOVK TWELFTH, OK TRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, AT S O'CLOCK, tf l lrt ll Invitation of tin INION I,KA.CM'K. (I'LAO l'ltlHiUNT.A.TIOrsr AT CAM1 WILLIAM l'KNN, 0a THURSDAY, September, 15, 1864. AN KXCUn9IO:t TUAIM will leave tin BERKU Htnet Depot of til NORTH PENNSYLVANIA HA1LROAD, O.t TIIURSIiAV, gKPT. I'., istil. At 1 40 r. M , lor CHy I. Ins (nearest BtaUoo to tho Camp). Iteturiilnv, learoCftyl.Ino at 6 P. M. FAftK rOR THK KXCt'ltSHN,40 CKNTSJ. Tl-ki'ti must ha Tociirrd at tho Ticket Office. None sold on the cars. KI.I .IS UI, HK, 93t Annul. tSf " GIVE I S HACK OUR OLD COM s3' rnamler." THK hOJ.UIKKS st'HK FOB. Mrt'I.KIXA V. An ainoiifiii'd mevtlnK of the Molfl.KU.AN OT,T (IHAItll, win be huh! at tlio rONTINKNI A I. TMKATKK, WALNUT ahov Km hit, Hlreet, on Tt'KrtliA V KYKVIMt. filth In.!. All HOI.r IKItN ana HA U.OHS. IMSI.'IIAKDKI) OM IN THKaKltVHK,faorahle to the election ofOKNK KA1, (iKOllllK H. .Md'l.r.l.l.AN to Un Preal.Ioncr o( tho t'nlti'd htslea, Sllll do well to attend, as huilnees of Im. portnncewtll he tmnsartnl. A ounher of dlsttutfuUbOil boldlera will aiiarese the tori-tlruf. JKKK.MIA11 HI I.t.lVAN.y. M. Il.'illi Pa. Vol!.. President proteui. I rW. P. I.OftUIKItY, fXT.tli Pa. Vols. ANTHONY A. 1W. J l'a. Kei. nd'J-it Hscrelarles pro tsm . DEAFNESS, NOISES IN TUB HEAD, TDItOAT MSJE.Vfsr.A, CATARRH. These who autfer from these melodies have now the vnry heat onport.iiiltr for IliiUiim rt.ln,t. The apporoina cu.trucls.i i.y Or. SON Mosi.'ll.ISKUl la aniloulln,llr tin) nmat perfectly urtsetlve nai-nt ever aioil for raaclillig the seat of tlio illai-asM to which It la directed, sail ero.U. catlhff ft with wondortul rantilltr. The apuUcatioll Is painlvaa. Otlljc, ho ir-.'7 WALNt'T girect. TKSTIMilNIAM. To the Dea. I r. Von M.ncli.lnksr, Anrist, Vo. IOT7 VValnut atreet, oleratsd Dlo.t aunceasruUr Mil Inf ears, r-Morlntr uis to perfl-et heorinr. I autfvri'd froin w.hat tho phyaldaua called a tlackenlh or the drum ot the ear. WIM.IAM CKANM. Iluilder, Ko'onre, No. 1S.1J S. Hucoud atrtiet. Phlfaitslphla, August 2, Isl Pull. aiiki hiia. J6lh .lone. ls4 This Ii to certtfv, tratt for fiair ars I was maibled with an oToaslve diachar.te, i-ciaiitianlel with deiifneaa. 1 have Ilhoi treated hy iai liuirous pliyslclana without rsi elvlnif anr taniertt. Kouie iiioiiths aio 1 aetilled to lr. Vou Moai-lial sker, who naa aocompUahvd a iiorlocl oure. JIIHKPII RIIDKMAKKR, Of the Ann of Bboeuaker .t 'ITadal, Merebaiua. No 'Jit ti. Uruod atroet. PrWatc residence. No. Tti Ureon anil, r.E-Ir.VOy MOHCHISKRR can bo eoostiUnd oa all tt nlaillra ol Ihe Eye. The HtlKlllCAL onerailona to reetore Hlull I skilfully prni.naiKl. Olflco, No. 10J7 WALSUT Street, Where hundreds of similar toaUmonials as tho above oan bo onaialued. auii-u f3f DEAFNKS.S AND I1LINDNES8. I. x7 faaaca. M 11., Profreeornf tbe Ee and Kar, treats all dlieaaeaairtariiliis' to the shove natio-d memhere wltb the otmual aui cese. T etinioniala trora the inoet rellahlo ao'ircsa In tiie eltv aud einntry can bo a'n at hia OiHoo, No. Oil PIMP. Htreet. Artlll.unl Kyos Inserted without pain. No eliargSH made for examination. Otttce bottra rrooa S to 11 A.M..1 U.t P. M. to.;.U Pl&lC Straw. au7-lo rmv.AV I) n y g o o d s, c aupets, oil ' ( I. il.s ami Wliuli.w shinlv. -V K. AHt'll M ll.MI.T8. N. K corn.r K.I.I MSNTII and MtltKKT Htii't'ls. willopi n tl I. limn iiiK.f'roin on li ,u,Iasralu Car pel, all wool, at i v .. l.i;. il l ..i. SI ;: to Si; laralii Csrpst., wool II !lin. and S7f-aita; Kntrvand Sl.ur Carpela. 7,'i. )7, :S'. SI 7 ami Sl'.'-O. Ileinu, am and ItaK l'arKts. :, ut. 7 ami h; ei-nii; floor Oil l li.lli.. 7.', in i-hi l .v,; inn Uonli ri'ii H indoaj Hnadua, tl to S:-.'0: Oil l lo It, .hi aed i.' ei-uta. I lit; A 1' IlllV tluollM AND IKIMMISOS. Shlltiiiu. Shi filial slid I'llhiw I'aae Muslins, SU, M, .)', ii'J. aiiil'.'e ; Ni-w I all licUiiit-B, i aid .'sic.; Alpacas, alleoloia ilii". to fl ; lilaiikvl. ol 1 lo oil ; Conlorlaliles, .'.;A!I v,uol liriiiliu-a, s7,- : Chlutss, lo t,',c. ; Cosat-uitrt-s. ;.'ie. t $-KlHtin.l. &ic to St : Ciatea' Hpool t 'otlrn,)7s ; I iiia.h,. ; llrsid Ilk: : Cut'on It ie, -lit to 7isj. t Shsws.tlto tlo. tin., i -sir ana K-t 8tore. N. P., roiuer l.LfcV.N I II and M lKM. f Slio U. aelo t lUitl I IIKSM'T HTIII.KT. i:Miinoni:itii, ! i S LACES, wiu i t;ot)is, VKlLi. IIAMiKJ Its' III I". I'M. w Z 1 it ! ; E. M. N El DLLS. 104 CIIK.Nt:r NTItCKI'. J) U IN 1NO It I H Klll- Wl refoad tho monrj, If desired, tor every lot at Bblrts wbkb fall lu aaj respect. FINE BllIKTH, CCT LL.NUTHW1HK OF MU8LI9. alsdo of JJtw Tort Hills MaaUn, and voir Am Llooa Bosoms. Only M J3. I'tual prtco ftt-UO. WUllamavlllo MUls Mnalla, and flue linen Bosoms, Only M-00. tsualprlco 10-DO. GENTLEMEN'S FUliNlSUINQ GOODS. (SMITH A JACOfIS, Biyl-tua Vo. HiO CUEHNUT B treat, COD HOOP SKIRTS a00 UO Jd.inui'aetury, No. ii AKITI street, UvO Above blslh atroet, ., J'tilladilphla. Wholealo and Retail. The moat complete aneoriuicnt of Ladles', mases', atnl ('hil.lien Hoop hklrta iu the eltv, In every re. pert iirt elaas, wiih h lor style, finish, durability, and cheavueas, buve no eoual In the market, eklrte uiade to order, aitered, and repaired . 'ot-ty WM. T. HOPKINS, INSTATE OF ELIZA HOWARD SURD, A i deceased. The Auditor appolntftMiy (he Orphans' Court (Wr the fits and C'l.uulv of Plilladelphia lo audit, awltle, and sdiuat tlio setoli.laiHl.tluaUreollul of lie v. II. W. HI I kOIK I', nil. Kl.l K . i'ltll 'si, JuHKPII B.TliWNSKNIl.and KIivVaiiII Bflll'PKN, KsiiUlrea, P.aeciltora of the last will and le. la no lit ot KI.I.A UOtVAIIIl llUUO, Oeeoaatsl. and to uiako dialrlhullon of tiie balance In tlie hands of tho ecoountunta, will meet tiie parties Interekled fur the pur p. ..( hia appeliilluent, on KIiNKHOAY.ekiJtcuilo'r ll, ls4, at 111 A. M , at hia oilice. No. 717 WALM t'T Btrvot, l Uio Ut vf I'liliad. iphia. Juas C'HYTOV. H.-lUlti Aadi(v(. F a H IONS. T. onfv csmiloe Vrnneh io a.tiowao fsahinnaiile in l'at.,rr It VI. t. aTRKl.T, AND I VF.tC. I Nio HIIP..SHKS, ris iri it hy hand, at Mils r. MaS'l.KM.AN S In.eoi his iKrn s I)si. .as, . . IK. S. KI.K.VKNTII Street, West .Hide. All kinds ol Kroot Mstei'n s in loilinaj ("LOTUS AWn llVhT.. for tlie Nin-ettaud Trl l.ks ANl , T om sionh for ( i einiw aoiMtall Ilre-.i-s, Kf.t'TKI) ASu liiin'KKKIi IN TUB K It K NC H T V f. fl, In as Iim as None a. selOaluthf yuxvA.ui i. jikjiaiv, JOHN KELLY, TAILOUH, No.Hl OHKSNUT HTUKKT, Have rooelved ihelr I ALL STf I.K.s), and a larso sto, k of I AI. I. and HOODS., Inrtndlnf cholre AMI'.RJ CAN OOOIH, all bought before the rl.o In prices, which tlicy wilt make us in the boit style at moderate prices. 1KR.MS-KF.T CASH. aeT-liu OVW CLOTlUNfa. F. A. HOYT & BROTHER, HAVE ON nARr A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK READY-MADE FINE CLOTHINO roit 1) O Y H . S. W. Cor. TENTH and G1IE3NUT Su,, BeA-ttlthe lve ANHRMrtLV nttll.DINt). .J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 N. SIXTH STREET, Manui'ai turer of Y K NT.TIAN DLLNDH AMI WINDOW HIIADKH. The Lsiirest and Flneet Assortment lo tho oity, at tho LOWEST PRICES. RKTAIBlSll ATTP.N1IKU TO PROMPTI.Y. ATOUK SflAllKS) MADK. ASM) t.RTTKHI'.l). Se9 Im piIlLADKLil'lMA WALL PAPERS. 1IOW ELL. 1JOU H Kl), K. E. OHNER rOTJRTH AND MARKET STREETS. klANUI Al 11 ItP.ltS OF PATER HANOIN'JS sol2.ini WINDOW HUAI)i:H. j OOKlNUILAHsj AND riCTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. NVM. II. MOUOAN, No. . NINTH HTUKKT, Oitt Oval 1'hotoKropli LtVaiiiins olOMn CONSTANTLY ON HAN 11. l'tmiNrruiu: Having bought moat of my materials liefore tlio lato great rise, t am enabled to oft r my stock of FIRST-CLASS FUltMTLUtE At a snail advanco on old price. i. li:tz, SeI0-3m No. Kl . KLKVKNTII HTRKKT. TJJMUNM A.. MOVDEUACO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AilD SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK STKKKT WlIAltt', I IIILAIIKI.rUIA. sjwwnd A. sornra, i Oltl-lliaAI i osttt, aiki'lika t. sutnaa. 1 lal-tf V E W SEA 8 II A D . J.1 '17 herreia new Ee.'iioiiiv Hea Sliad, to arrive by steamer "Norman." Kur sale iy Kb.SNt.l'Y. STAfkS A CO.. aeplO-.-.t o. IM .mil l li M. HHAUVtS. N TEW SAL M O N . 4S ban. Is No. 1 Ha'liiou. Ki barrets No. 'i haiumu. lis caaea tub caoa ripnul Salunai. 'i.r easea loth caua spued .".ulmun. Now Ui aloro and for ash to KI.NNK.llY, RTtlltH CO., telft-Ct No I II. and Jut N. IVII All V i.S. TSJEM' BLUE FISH, SCALE FISH, AND il wiiito n.h. fi I. arrets new Ne Im i poit Itlue l nh. Mi harrela new plek'e 'e.ile I'l.h. frtiharlula Macinae W ,.1 e I lali. lis) half barrels ll While Mali. Now in store, ond lor salt 'o KI.NNI'.DV. HTAIItt CO., selO Ol Koa. 1 K ard 1" N. Wll VKVKS. I)URE SPIRITS. ... 0 (i M.LS. PL' RE SPI rlta, fourth proof, fur Pt ir. li s piirpoNus. for sale by '. I'- MIIIIH.KI'ON, seW-Ct No. o N . KltON T Hi root. (COFFEE AND li iSPflh RRY. ALEX. J MHXIUt At CO., of too uid lioreninieot lMIKPAItKIl W I'orTr.B, have Romovod their plaoe ol business Imn No tllft N. rleeoad alriot to Na. 'lis H 'I a'net. m here th..y are orepaiod to till all orders at no .leirtear uoliee wlueh tna iiabllc may faior thsin with. 1 o lr i ',iiro la. aa usual, II beat In the markut, They a I -o lui.e tu. neat KA8PIIK1I N st HUP that Is manufaelared In tlie ol - All at lowest prices, con sidering the lush pncee of n e. ial I'loaae give llieru aeallbei.e ..uiehas'na elsewhere. lo not furso! tlio Siiuuber, auls-lu N". .'n Alu li Nir. et. CARPETS, MATTINU'- OILCLOTHS AND J WUidow Bhadea, from ' York Aueuun saleo, iallahlly wot.) MaKninceni Hruela, V wide, $1 aft, 1 WB,$l'Mt and fl'iJi Iiultation llrusuela, (painted,) i wale, 70, Mu and IM) centa l a-t, S 4 aud li t at propor tionate prices ; Imperial Carpeta, $137 to $176 per yard j lluaalu, from 10 eeuta to II DVi Venetian, Katf, ami Hemp, from to 75 eenta per yard i Malthua, the laxuest aaaortmeut over oftered tn Philadelphia, front ;rif to 7 centa a yard, at tho New York Auction Halea lle pot, (formerly SlMlilow'a.) No. 147 H. MKCUNU (tuoet, first Ui sT abova Walnut, oppoaito Cora iUcluuajo. JyT-am c lOVSTY'S TEA WAREHOUSE. ESTA- blisheU iu l&UQ. Iinporti-r and Dealer In Kino leas. Wines, and Ltunors. Choice Havana Clttara, Croao at ifiaeiwou s rickioo ana nanoos rj.nll.h ana ft. iiIaS Ala and I'orter. Canned Meats, Fruits, Soup, Ac liavy Messes put up will, care awnnm 4 TO SHirCAPTAINS AND OWNERS. .SSt-The ntlprmiiuwilhtv.iiif IAho1 t!i KENHIMtJ lo.N W'KKW iKH'K, lrt)A( to Utfonu til fritti.UB aiiU th (tMi. of l'rk, fhtt h T,I,t"J lucrtatd rtsillttiv lo cc(miii(HlaM thuvo tiAvingVi-aiuti to t rtUoul or rt 'pilreil, nl bttliiv ft jirHctir-al hiu-crentor And ckulktr, will iitvf pri. u4l Miwulloa lu tU TvaivJ n iruu d to tiim lor tfpmir: Cftptaliii or aigeiitt, tih.p-rannten, and UachluhU bivuiK f iftf ! M rti'ftir, ar llcit( to cull. flavin tb hgtncy for the tale of " WattenUtlti' Patent sMtfiaiilL- toiuioaiiU'0(" or ( oupar 1'aliit, fur Ui pren rva Uou t-1 Aenfstii' UiMjmi, ror tfi city, I aui prtpafetj to ruruiab Ui. aa. c. favorl. tern, .. HAM KimliiKtitD Murvw Doric, mhlltf DelaWtf vjDU.ftbwT Laurai lUaai. GOLD'S IMrilOVED STKAM AND WATBE HF ATINtl AITAUATUH. tut Wannlncaud Vvnitiattnir Public buildlnna and prt vaia MsMidaucaa, Manofaotur4 by Uia -. VI lUX iUam iNl) WATKE HRATUJQ COMPAJT1 Qi f.miaiiwLI'HIA. JAMK8F. WOOI, Wo. 41 B f Ol'KTU Htraat J) A R I ! To ins t.Anti.s. NITED STATES INTRRNAL RKVENUK. Flral CiitltclioB Dlitrtet of rfnmrtraala,eompr.ilnirtlisS fti-cm.fl, Thiol, tourtfi, Kinii, HUtth, aud Kiev mi lb Warda of H r( It) of rhiladelphfa, Tlia Annnal AMfMumr-nt for Wi , fhr fh aivrvBAMsvl I'iolrU-t, nf pemi'iit t lab la lo a tax on Cariiaifaa. ri(ta4ur Bclild, HtHmrd TaMM.and Ootd and Hllrer lMate.and alio of erM.u trsiilred to take out Mean to , having been NOTICK in IlKltKliY OIVKLf. Tliat tho Taxr-t a(roaid 111 ha rrrpWml dally br th tinilrtiinnrd.bciwwn tbe bourn of 9 A.M. and A P.M., (iinlai xri.tiMl,) at the OfTlcr, No. Jtil CHKSM T Hin rt,afm1 Nnor.on and aftrr TIM'KSKA Y, Nrptralar Land until and Irif liultnn HATl UIAV, Mrptnubar 21, PKNA1.T1K All prrnoni who fa)t)toTny tl ptr Anniin1T.iotip.nrar-rlairspl'-a'-tn yi.rhtfi,hflllardia'lf.Krrt and ilerplat, on or bi-forr tht 71th tiny of Moptpmhpr, will hit ur a pt tiHll. of t n p?rcrtitnm additional ofthn anvmut lhon-if, and br liKhli-tfX'otti.aa priTllcd ft r In Ihu i:th 8wtlm ot tbo Excise I. awn of .Inly I, lv All pfrson Uo In HKc manner ftl.atl fall lo take oit Ihelr llconnrn, an rrmilatiMl i. law, on or bcf e tlio tfitU day orHeptcmbir, le;i, will Incur a rnaltf of trn nw Allium mm! or tlie amnnt thcriNit, and be mbjtH t to a prottviiti n for tfucf t iut tbr nmonnt of taid tat. In air.rilanro with tin- provlsdins of the .V'tb ipctim of the law amreflaid. AM payment! are riit-irftd to be made tn Trtaiury Not, HLdi r auth- nt.v of thr l ultrd statt'H, or ia iioloi of Hanks orRatiicd niidiT the act to j roKlpa Nati.-n tl Currency, kiMwn Nktlnal Unnkn. HQ FCUTIIKK NOTH'K WILL HR VKf. JKHPKK lIAKDIMfJ, 'ilctor, e- l-ilt Hj. l CI1KSNUT Htreat. qHKASt UY DKPARTMKNT, OKHCK OK a tlift t'omptroller of the Curroney, Wahmiiioa, Kipiom W hcrt-an, nAtlofArtorr nolrce bai been rrnnimlttM to tho CoroptmllsT of lh ('iirrpin ttnit thr to k if thn ".-HM-wnd National Hank af rhilmlelplua, 1 iViinKylrnnia, at Frank ford, haa brt-n Incrpaat d in tr- iiiru of On Mun.lrM and Ktfiy Thuunand Dollar- (tl'.txy). In arrorlance with the pro tilom ol tt a Artirlm of Aoaorlatlon, and that tho whole amotint of anch increase haa bn pid In, ainl that the pnld up capital ntork of aald Hank nnw amount to the nm of Two Hundrml and Fifty Thousand IMlara (f.'.'t,-i-i: Now It la hereby rartined, that the capital tnck of uTho flerond Niitlonal Itank of Phtladelahla," I'ennivtrania. ainreaatd, haa been IncraA-ed as atnreiald in the' mm of One and Fifty 1 huaand IKtUaro ( $l' ; that aald Increaoe of capital hna lMen paid Into iatd Hank ai a part nl iba capital Moa k thereof, and that the aaid tnrreaie 1 rapllal 1 am.rmed by lb Vm)tnll.r ot the Currency. lu wiUicm wherevl 1 hereunto attta myoiti. Ial lirnaiare. M Comptroller. Ml E A S U H Y UEPAUTMKNTi Auuuar 31, 14. HOTirF. TO OK THRFRYRAR 8KYEV T1I1UTT NOTK.H DATKD- OCTOIIKK 1, 1U. Holdart of fleYn Thirty Norf, dated October 1, are hereby notified that they may be preiented Imme diately, In any amount, to be exebanged for 81k Per Cent. Bonds felling due after June TO, 1U. Tbelaterealon the Seren-Thlrty Votea will be tettled p to date of maturity, October I, and the 91k Per t'enC Bond wilt bear full coupon from 1. The adjaaliueat of Interest will be made bydeductlnf from the amount of Internet fbund to be due on the Aeven Thirty Notei up to October 1, the lntereat earned on the BU. Par Cent. Bond from Ju,y I to October I ; the baianoe will be tranimltted by the Treatnrer a cola draft imme diately upon settlement. Tbe folbwtnff reulatlotii In relation to en lone men la auusl be eareffilly obaerved : Wtere notei UranimiUeJ for aettlemeat were Une4 payable to order, and are held and tranimltted by the orbxlaal owners, they mint be endorsed by thtm.'Tay to tho Secretary of tbeTreainry for redemption," and bonds will Uiue tn their name. Where notes payable to order are held by other partlee than the ordinal owners, the notes muat liave the endorse ment of UieorlfllnAl owners, and alto be endorsed by the preeent owners, "Pay to the Secretary of tbe Treasury tor rodetuptlon." For notes Issued In blank, endorsed "pay to the Secre tary of the Treasury for redemption," bon e will be Issued to tbe parties transmitting; them, ante In such manner as they may direct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an attorney, Administrator, executor, or other, agent, they must be accompanied by a duly certified copy or certificate of the authority under which he arts ; and In all cases by a letter staling the kind (registered or con poo) and the denomina tion of tbe Hia Per Ont. bonds wanted In exchange. When ltotdsternd Honds are ordend, parties should state at which of the following place a they wish the Intercut paid, lx.: New York, Poll add tth la, llotitnn, ItaKliuoro, New Orleans, Chlcngo, St, Louis, or Cincinnati. W. P. FKSfMNIKf, au0 .1w Secretary of the Treasury. UMTFI) 8TATKS, K AT lt ND1 8 T R I C T Or PF.NNMYI.VANIA, StT. TIIK I'IIKnII-KNT OK THK l'aVITi:i STATKS 30 TIIK MAKMtAl, OF TUB KAMKUN DlSI'KI'T OK I KNNS.I.YANIA. WllhHKArt.Tbe nutrlot Court of thr Unlb-d States In and for the Kantern IHHtrtct r Henn-ivlvanm, ritditly and dnl j.riM'ee.iiTiLf ..n a IJhel, Died In the nnnie nf the Uult.'d f late of America, luiili devrewd all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any MhM, title, ur lntnnitlu forty -tiireebalertof'eot ion, h nd tot pnKcediot sale thereof, cnptiirwl by the steamer "An-otti-ok," a vo-iscl of of tlie bniteo Htaiea, under enuiand of N. K. Franklin, l.rentenBntt'oti.iniiiiolUi.',aiitlbrMiiKii Into thin be lunnithed, cited, and i'JtVtto itiiljfinent, at the time and plat e nndtrwrlttiMi, and t" tbe eilet t nireaiti-reKpreNed juniM'e so resiilrtiiKi You are, therefore, cbarfied aud siricily emolned and cotntoanded, ilmt yuu urn it not, hot that by piihli-thli g ilieHtj iTetents In at leant two of the daily newopnpers printed aud published In the city ot I'hlladelphia, and In the .eonl intrtlifrncpr you domonish und cite, r canie to bo moiiisbed and eltotl, psfrernptortly. all pernoiiH In general who have, or protend to have, any riKht, title, or Interest In the said forty three )ales of cotton, and the proceeds of tie sale thermf, te apieir before the Iloairatde JO UN CaiW A1AIKU, tne Judge of the aaid 'oun, at the Olstrict Court itx-m In tbe Cltr of Phlla dt'lbla, on the twentii lh day after publication of thoae prevents, 1f It rea court day, or elae on tbe next court dty followtnff. b-utweeu the uniial hours of hearing caust'S, then und tlere lo show, or allt-ne In due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excune, If any they have, why ihe suld forty-three bub's of c Hton should not be pronounced to belontr, at tlie time of the caul tire of the sniiie, to the enemies of the ( lilted State., and, as good of their enemlei or otherwise, Huble and nubiect to be adinded and condemned an good and Itiwtul pnes; nd furtbfr to do and receive In this ImJinii as to imtke ahull appertain. And thut jou duly hitlinate, or caue tn be intlniaied, unto mi prs ns afnre sanl, Keperally (to whom bv tne tenor of these preuts It h Hlfio iniiiiiati-di.that It tbe shall not appear at tin- lime and ple atme nieoiiont d, or appear and ahall not show s reasonable and luwtu' oauxe to the contrary, thin said Di.irirt I onrt dih Intt iid aud will pnced tnatiu dl aitoti on tbe suld capture, and may pmnnunce that the i-nid brty-thre itales A cotton and the pro ctitis ot tbe nute thtrfsul dbl belong, at tbe time of the capture of Ihe saaio, to tbe enemies nf the Culled Mates of Auvrh a, and aa goods nf tbWr enemies, or otherwise, liable and suhJiTt to oonnsea tion and crndeniiikilnii, to be adjudged and coudnniied as law Ail prise, ihe abtaoce, or rather enntmn cy, of tiie per sniis nn i tied and iuilutaied hi anv wi-e notwlthiitttfidlng, and fl at ou duly ct-riify to tbs t-ald District Court wht i-li Nball do in the preiuiite. Ugellnr with these preillLe. Wltnths the Honorable .1011 N C i tVALl'KU, Judge of ihe nald i ourt at Hhilaiielphia, this ntmh day of Hi-ptember, A l. 1h"-4, and In ih ettrtity-iilnth yeai of the Indfpendcnceul the said I'nited States selO-Jt 0. 11. FOX, Clerk, District Court. A1USIIAIS SALK. HY VIRTUK OF A 1I Writ of bale, by tiie iluti. John 1 adwjladfr, Judge of tbe Ui.taTietConrtof tbe Culled Slat s. m aodfor .he Khism rn l'irUt of IVuiiDrlvaola. In Adtniraltv, to msdt ro tid, ill be o'd at public uie io the hlfham aud beat for ab, at MU 1IKNKH S SiOKK. No. Hi 1-HoNT Street, on MONDAY, isiptealwr 1W, n 4) clork M .. the rimo o' t'ie ntt-atm r ' Ldliau," Couii.ting of 4-y bales of t oiion ; also, 'l biles of cotton, the cargo ol tehsri itDknvwn. WILLIAM MILLWAKO, I". H. MurNbiii tv D.ol r.-nna. i nn Ai'i.i rniA, St pltiiiliir lu, OmA. sK.'J-bJt JlCAV ti A ftl JJ t)V t'AHDH. Tf-E KEV MUSICAL OAEDS fl'atronied hv the Royal Family of Kuuland). are sent by mix i tor Tlllcf-.K hOI LAitM. They are a tuoit auiusing paai line, aud ttaih Musical Time quicker than any oihor mHlaod. "A moHt liiterciltngand cle er garno Times. "Admirably ad.ipted for tuaclitug Musical Time." -Illustrated London hews. Aildrt hs A, JUlf(.'i;,'o.CJ W. TU1RTY-B1XTJ! Btreet, KtVf York. aiiol-j-lw "lUAU CLAIMS, liOUXTIES, TENSIONS, IT FAY, and all d-st rlptlou of chiluis aaiuot ttie Vtiltifl State, (ioveniuient admsted and collected. FK1K MOlKV We have a foil list ol privet now payable, and the lAwaii'aV cau be collei'tt'd at nm a. Apiky nr write to CJt.Ult(.R ( ua;o ct HKOTHKU, Ann "Hd Nuvy Claim AvT' iits, uI7-lu. ho. 4nj WAL1SL 1 Htreet. QEOllCjili HTITKS, ait., MAHUrACTUEINQ MACHINIST AND KNGINKKK, a27-lm Ko.lA-il N.8KCOMD ST., Pttiladclplila. QTKAM IEATINa VOU FACT0UIKS, kl liills, A c. lUated wiib dire;t or wastu sioaoi Also, col In for heaters, .vuiidt-usi-rii, evapoiatrri, Vc. sel-lm JH. i-uiil.M AN, No. ii N. HIATH Street. gEIDESBUEQ MACHINE WOSIS, OFFIOK, ISO. 5 N. FllONT HT11KKT, ruiLAiEi.ruu. Wo aro iroparod to BU orUors to anj sxtout tot our wett kiiswo XACIlIMJtT FOB COTTON AND WOOLCaT ttlUM, IneluSIri all race at Improvements la Cardta, Splnulasl, aud vi'.aviria. we laviu tho ttemteaof amooatkaianrs to oar exleev Srse wisrao. U-a ALFXUCP JNKS S BON. FINANCIAL. jKtiv loan oi' mm. Tllf. BAI.ABTCK oV THK $'75,000,000 LOAN Darlna; tills tmf heesi awanled, anit wt btot ejrovtrar ;! ccastul.wo ato prepared lo sell to ouatotuera at encolnj laiyo or small sumo, any amount ol this saoat OMlraale GOLD SIX PER CENT. LOAN AT THK MARKET I'ltlCE. We bava alwaja considered these fail tlOMm aatks BEST LOAN OK TIIE MAKKET. There fa hut a M AM. AMOUNT FOR SAf.E, anil the proa.liiin will, tn our oplui.m, Alice rapi.ll-. TartJoa having r.-yo loan Will do will lo call and FA (ill A NOR their -0s for this MOKE FKItMANKNT LOAN, e.peclallj aa aow, owIiik to the Oermau demand for He twontfoa, a high rate can be obtained rbr thorn ,1AY OOOKH A CO., Ho. Ill 8. TlflRII DTIIKKT, selO Im I'htladdphla. J,illlHT NA-TlOPrAL. II A. IV It. FINANCIAL AGENT OP TIIM I'NITKU B T A T 12 H . V. M. 1MS1. of Ihla vers desirable Loan on hand and for sale at this BANK. 7 3-lOth NOTES, or all denominations and la eiij amount, coaistanU on hand. IO-IO LOAN AT FAR, INTEREST PAYABLE IN COIN. Subscribers bars the prlvllete of pajrtng tho back Into. rest from Heptember 1 In United States Motes, addln, tA per cent, premium. Conversion or 7 I lOUia per cent. Troaaurjr Noloi to tho Loan ot 1HH1 attended to. All Matloual Bank Kotos received on deposit at par. O. II. OLA1UC, l'ltKBIDKNT. lVTortAn!, Jr v Clsiuaa. selMM QOL I, O L, 1, UUI.O, BILVEK AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN h BB0THEB, anl-tf Vo. HO B. THIRD BTRIBBT. Q Is A 11 KHON 3k O O. , I3ANKEKS. Ko. 121 B. THIRD STREET, FUfLAPELFUlA. Oovorament Securities of all Issues Pnrchaaod anl fbc Sal, fltooka, Bonds, tad Oold Booght and Bold on Ooaa- UTEKEfiT ALLOWED OM DEP0BIT8. Collections Prompllj Made. fpft-tf gMITII aSc HANDOIal'II, No. 1 8. THIRD STREET, BANKEUS AND UHOKKHS. Bpeclo, Stocks, Qoartorsnaaters' Vonohoro and Checks. and all Oovorament (securities Bought and Sold, mhll JlEW XaOAJN. NUW IOAIsT. V. S. 10-40's. JAY COOKE fc CO.. OFFER FOR SALE TIIE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEARIHO FIVE FEB CFNT. IHTERF.RT Iff COIN, rodeomable any Utao after TK YEARS, at tho pleaaaro or the OoTornmont, and pajaWe FORTY YEARS after data. BOTH COUPON AND KF.OIHTF.RRD BONDS aro sanad for this Loan, of same denomination as tho o-W's. The Interest on SftO'i and (100 s parable yearly; on al other denominations, hair yearly. Tho 10-40 bonds are dated Rank I, MA. Tho half-yearly Interest railing duo September lat and March let of each year 1 until 1st Mop tember, too accrued interest from lat of starch la required to be paid by porobaaors m cuts or In lboai, oc aaaaor, adding tlfty par oent. rbr premium, antll farther notion. ALL OTHER OOVUtMALKirT SBUUKiTiKa BOUUUT AMU BOIOI. JAY 000 KE & 00., aah-tf No. 114 S. TBIKD 8TKF.ET. P It 13 It. HTKKU A C O., HANK KKS, Mo. 30 8. THIRD STREET, am asro sou. SOLD, SILVER, AUD GOVERNMENT BBXORITIBS. B T O O K a BOUOIIT AMD HOLD OM COMMISMON. (mU4 gTOCKH A1VI esKCUHlTI 1Z& BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVES & BEOTHEE, SaB-tf No. 940 8. THIltD STREET. I A. I O N 1J H. Forsons having Diamonds or otticr Trcjlous Stoneito dlapoae of will du well by culling on LEWIS LADOMUS & 00,, Diamond Dealers and Jewelers ISO. 80J CI1KHNUT Htreet. Who will give tlio highest cash price, aulil lsa JAUKH HAH HUH'H WIU'LUA! a ASD BIT AIL CLOCK KHTAHL.I8HMKNT, 8. E. corner SECOND and C'liKSSVT Streets, Fhllad's. OOaNCT FOS THK FATKNT FQt' AL1Z1M1 TUlitTY-OAY CLOCKS, A Tory dcalrable article for Churches, Hotels, Banks, Countllis-ll'iiae. l'arlora. die. Also, MAM r A Tl KFIt OF FIVE OOLO FFN8. ( L4H KS KEI'AIKEO ANO WAI(KNlaU. laH-ly Clou Trluiuiluas of every dcacnpUon. AY rM. A. GKAY, N. E.COHXKH OK SIXTH I and MINOK MmiU, bujs llialuonds, natclies. tioJd.SUver, and Loan I u koia. 'JUOMf IU V A ST OF U0SHX CAIX. All hnslnees eon JeiitlaL sn19 a QtJKKN OF BKAITY. wmm V1KU1IM w aa of AntlMee Is the most perrert praparailon of ti.m aua. A bi asiil Ins. whlfcviunk-, and ores.i vlua tho ei'Oil liilon. II Is suaJe from pure 'White Was, l.onco Its eaiiaurUmary ouattuea lor preserving Uie skin, making at SiSI, suMVth, fair, and tntuaiiareiit. It cures cliapoed baails or Sisi, retuovre pliuplcs,4e. Prtco U0 and Oil cent. gaaaaJarUired oalv br lU'NT A CO., rrruutere, No.41 8. EIOIITH St., I dsre alxiva Chaanul, and 1 la, Mo. last . tW.yaJ.ial llsnss. PROPOSALS. QUAkTKUMARTRR'R OFFICK, l'HiLAiai.n..a, Pa., Aeplnsnbor if, 104. HoalM FrOro'a.s will be rled at ihlanfTlffO, HMtll A A 1UHHAY, DSVhfIN , aiffeenher 17. IH.I4, nr Imaae. dials delivery, at tho Maa'.ver MriMt gtnrehnna4, la IAIO CHT.ot Iherclloalim 0..crltrl( INHM'IK H'll.rsi .(silt lrh h , 1 K,rr.i inch hr-l6 Ini. J.ismm Inrh h a la inrh. I T.'S Inrh br H Inek. br s-i men. jlii(ifi4''vinrh br X Inch. 4 lss)4 Inrb by Inrh 4.i Oil 4 Ineh br V Inrh. n 4 Inrh l.j.'. It In li, 3 ("i ll, in. h ny ,S Inrh, .! Inrh y inch. 7 Im-h hr .'. Inrh. .1010', Inch by H Inoh. ! S.OHl.l', inn, br H Inoh. 8,.S Inrh by Inoh. II lo be of ihe best aiieHI and the boat rrraks, and tat. jeel lo ln.o.'tJn. HxttWri, will elate price both ISj wrlthlns snd In flrnre., quanllly nf each, sie tid lor. sad Hie alfrleat pos.ib tin e rrrjulrod lor Ucil. ory ; price lo Include package an4 dflherv r'a.'h bid must be attarantaod ry twn rasnonslbie ar. afn.. wl,o.e e'jriialurm niual he anf'.wHedto the ffuarentro) 1 ,d 'srilflM,! to as brum irood anil snirtclcnt eecirrliy tne .... .,n..nni irvniveii. n me i nitra nit. iiisirlci juiiaa, Atleniev orfeili c or, or oliior publlo-olPcer, oOiersrlsal the hid III am roii.Mere.l I,1!' r.ervrd 10 rele nil wide tfeewied tnst oelved a"u'"" contrssrtec will b r- OlFKlt1.'.';r,,,n',,'l'f,I, e"11 ' u p.'rtmcnt" t"n'X A'J' 0-"tler S Dtv. sell. 41 OF.OROUJ B ORMR, C.ipiAln anu A. ii f. v Othoe, TWEUTH aaj lllBAHIt Htreets, a . a Fnn.AlKl..ti4 Heplnrnb.'r It laft. tin- 'nllowtnir narnecl rtlcl w w w S .J J . V cot ' r" 'otoT- rl or trrT. w pHir tiowneri of anr color. exoot bloe or mw. V'll plllr SllOsBsl. pt'ffRsNls Mtnltod IF!4a Thi rnrb- ti li. f clMyii NrrioMbleaitrtlftl.ul ttl .) til llTsTI'll At ODi . HamiiiiiR of thi nlolw protiowfl i , ,ieiiemtl br of th lhl.Ti will t NiihiiiiUfH. with xh hM, kuU ioiwo U tip ill bt nuiili wccoKliitir to qua tiy mnH nrti-. The biJ-will ntntti the uuiulor Of each kind of ulkiU prniMMiMl to 1 dcllvirf-rt, w" Y.mi h bid tnimt L uui4rsntt hytwt) riponftlhlf MrtoM, whor fKnalunu tnitnt Ih pitoB'1Ml to ihe ffuu-it. and nihtirii to am bHnir norxi and mnilr.nt urit fhF u uuotint UitoIvOsJ, by soma public fuactloiurT ot ika Uatt4 HUttm. Hid from (Wnitltirrff oontractorn, and thoaa that do not fvt v romptv totiA the requtrtmgnU ot Hum WrerUaeaeot,, w fit not In ronaldar'iJ. Hiank fnnn tor fnpHiii1, omhraHnir the Imrmt of th (HiarHnff rrtjitlrti n each bid, can b nad on appltcati at thin offlro. and none there whlrfi do not smt.rac thtm KuarMtit will b convldoml, nr will any pnpoial do ooq aliiotvd whirh dwa not itruiiy conform to the roqaira oimij Lherrio ntJitw, TMprtHaJ wfll h endorfd "Propoaalf for IrreiruUir raoUiiiiesr," and wlli be adlrrwnM to OkwiH A1.KX. f. PKRSr, aeli ?t Qoartfmiailer lrpurnnfnt, V.B. Aamy. PROPOSALS FOR STTTioNERfT HlAI Ol HKI'ltrnKNTATIVKa TinTKO TATBsf. t!l KKK ' ()p Kit K, AuffUtt , 1H4, UKAT PI. rnOl'OMAI.8 will be rocaivrd at thfi offlo until KIM DAY, UioWHh day of September, lwi. at It o lock N., for (Vmlohlnv earh of the ff.llowintr olaaM ot eiatlonery fttrtha n f Ui Houae of JtopreaeataUvoa f tlie 1 11114 .1 Htatea,i limroHmi whiio quarto post paper, extra auperfliMb feint lined. luOreants white comreerrlal note paper, oxtra tyoer Una, feint Used. 9S ream wtilie commercial note paper , eiirft taper line, ooarao nilrd on all atdei. 90 reami white aonmerclal note paper, extra ttnar- flne, plain. Mieanm white lookcap paper, e&tra auperrtne, (Mat llmsl. mama letral eap pnpnr, extra tuporflne, feint line. 10 laami flat can pauer, plain .. l0 reauia thin Manilla paper. tM ream Muni I a paper, Ik! by IP tnchei, Welghlnf U potiodi pr reaaa, very toui(h and iimoota. 800 re aim Manilla paper, 1 by 14 IkcIm, wetMnar 'A pound per ream, fiat, very aioooUi u4 tougb. 200 rt atna Manilla paper, 37 by IT InchM, wlxbl 4i Mnnda per ream, flat, rer imoota a4 tmiKh. 7.r.,faO white thick atlhenirt eni-ejrtpee, by hi)M. H0.t0 white thick a d hea I re enrvInps, A by 8 Incbe. ao.ono whMe thick adhealve enrolopfg, 8' Ur IV Inohae. I6,0t') white thick adheftlve envelope, B.J V tneliea. 6,U))0 tanry nete envelope. 10U.UW butt adhesive envelope., 7V bySH inchae. , 1 gross Conprreas tie envelopes. 2V) thiKes steel pens, rsrioiis kind. S tirnai 4 inrh tiat Inkstand. - VI doxen Inkstands, vahons kind, lu doxn battle bust Mack Ink, quart. pinu, and haM pints. X doxan beet blue Ink , qaart md ptnla. 1 & dnaan rubber pencils knr and short. ' t o uozen uuia mouniou pencils, varioos kfnes ft grons black lead penolla, i'aoer'aooUwnandi No 'i. K RToas Kaber earmlne and bVue oencUa. n HTni pms-noiacrs, ainerent auwie . 6 ilea en rubber pen-holders, vtvrrous aUaa. , - . A dozen tt lilos niticilane, small stUtM. 1( dor en pack vtlting card. 7ft spool pink tape. - f 3 pounds best scarlet sea line wan. 6 dozen diaries, for lHy, various kildi. A dusen b morandojn, yarioas kiiid. 9 doxen iortroitos. li? doien papsar-foldeni. 1 doaen rubber rnler . , . it 2 fh'm paper weiKht. ( 13 do;en rn-wltw. ' 1 1 V&doxen pocket-k Dive, two. throe, four, and ata: blades i ata. pearl, ahelJ, and ivory luukdlan. 1 dozun it-ini-h ahfiiiri. , ft rounds crasliiK rubber ' 1 ft irroas ntbberbands and rinn 1 u 000 skitis iwrchmeut, lb by "it luclioa 1 dttzeu sponiie cup. . t 1 dozen punches. In tiie supply ol Koodn.rontractnr win be rigidly repaired. toiurnUh arilch-s inll einltn am pie. l'ropoHttls must be accompanied oy Uie names of the nmr- tli-s iiit iu cd to be oilurcd. An reipilred by law, pi nference will be fflven to the pro ductions nf American Industry, If equal) v cheap and Of' aa good quality ; and all pernon making propositi to supply utiy clans ol articles will state whether the same are Utn nianuiacturr of the i;mtd Slides. , 'Uie articles are to be delivered, free of any ehartre for cnrrlaiH, at the office of the Clerk ot the Mouse of Kanre entativi a on or bet re the J&th day of November, lwi. Kach nronoaal to he endorjtcd "I'loimtnU f,t.r Himiinnstrv for tlie House of lfrprcrien.itiive of tlie United tftUee,' a) d fiddri'isfd to tht untiersiMiieft miim-tcnt snecimeiis of each class of art(caa nmnoaAvf or niM.t m company tlie pmpcsnl, ntuked with the nam of tin- bidder. Tlio iicritfin fiw.srjnff to fiirniih anv etafia of art Idas at the lowest prloe, quality eonNiilcred, nha-1 ncelve a con tract tor th name on executit g a oond, with two or mor smetibM. fatlslsctory tu 11k ,'lt rk ot tie Hods of Kepro- ht nintncs, tor me penurinaiiceoi pie sams, under a tdr-t-tture ot twice tlie contract price, In cane ot failure, whkb hmirt miiM bs tiled In theotltceoi the said Clerk within tea iiuy a alter the proposals have iwn opened and the result lie- land. KDWAKD McfMf KKrt()H, Ch rk of the Uouse of RepreatutaUvesu. tniled Sintef. aelo-tlH ' QU ARTEHM ASTER'S OFFICE, Khii.adki.i'uia. September ft. L864. -Healed PrnpoKalt will be received at tills office until MONDAY. VHth instant, at 12 o'cIorW M., tit furnishing; ANIHHAt JTK H1EAMEK COAL for the War Depart ment, tW a period of si mun'hs, oommenulna 1st Oeubor. lm!4. andeiidtiiK aUarch. lotio. Coal to be or the be quality Anthracite, fhr the use of steamers, to w;! fc it JM pounds to Uie ton, and to be snileot to Inspection The Coal I to be delivered on board vesael in the porta of riilladelphia or New )ork,in stiub quantltiat and ai such times as uia be iejiilred ; luruishiiig, if duoimuded, seven thousand ton per week. In ear ot ial. ore to dell ver the Coal In proper .rt entity, aud at the profier time and plaoe, the Uuveriuaent re set vi s the rfulit to make frood any debVlnncy by purcnaee at the cxnitrsLtors risk and cx pen set, The price m nut bo ulvf-n se)ttrately for the Coal oelivered on board of ve sels at this port and at New York, on the terms and on dlUns above stated. Twenty pt oent. will bowlthbeM tmui U.e amount of all payrnt-iu uiade. which reserva tion Is not to In? paid tiiitit the contract shall have beea fully conjpleteil 'avnints or ttve rewalnluir eifhty per cent , or balance due, will be taaiW mouuiiy, wOnn thm ! Isrtmeiit is In fnml for that purpujM. Ka h otTer must lie accompanied by a written Hnarantoa, signed by two or mi" mstMinnble parries (their restmnal hllity to be ceriirid by a United HMtea JihIks, Attorney, or Collector), timt the bidder or hiddera win, a hia or their bid he accepted, enter Uitowrltten obligation, with a;oo4 ai d siirtieient iiiietles. tn the sum ol one hundred thou sand dollars, tu furelsh thu pmMted supplies Mo propo. sit ton will be coiiMiilered unless the terms ol thil advertiM mint are eouipiied with. 1 he riK'ht l reervetl to reluct all the bids If considered to be io ti e interest ol the nervh e to do so, and no bid froua a (ii ifcultinacnntrattur will be received, rrciHinaia to bu endorited "Hroposals for Coal for tb w ur Depsriinent," and ttiMressrd to the uudersigntnL lij erttr ot Colonel A J. Perry, QMartennaiter a Ikepari nu iil. (' H. A. (.hOKt.fc K. ORMK, aeC-17t Captain and A., g. af . L'AHTl:KMA8HU-QKNERA.L,S OFi'ICK, j7 IIBI I'lTIBHtJJ. Waxiiikutov CrrT. Antiuat 3L1HG4. IIOBHKH! IHHiSKK' 1 1IOKHKS! ! I Hire siiitabie ir r Am Ifiy and Cavalrv eeivleo wIM be pun -based t (.IKgtiOKO I'Kfor, in open market, lit OCHiUKK I. lMrt. Hordes will be dclivrred tn Captain T. Lowry lojra, A. g. M , and be mi. net ted to the usual tovaruawai 1ipn etior bttls. rt in tn If Hrf. J I'ncr ol t avulry 11- r-si'F, each. Price of Artillery l-rsi s, $(Hieach. Payineiitwlll beiuaiie lor six t,ii) und more. JAMKH A. EKItf, Colonol First Divivlon, te' I it ; (0 guarteruiaster-Ueneral s Ufflce. 0EIINTAL DETERSIVE SOAP. This fkTorlko Soaplsuow overiereu years la ussbF at kaat One Hundred Thousand FarniliM la Feun.jlvanla alono. 11 is made upon autlrelj new principles, of perlaetir pur. materials, and always la) Uie same war. Iialoo aay with lie uso uf a Waan-lxjarl, and will wash twice) as much clotlios wlih two-Uilrsts loss labor Uiau say oSher Soap mail, lu Uia UBilwl 8uu. ITS G1IKAT rOPlXARITY lias Induced aireral bralaleas auaii-makers to lull lato It la ai'iaranreonly, aud, b oilurlng gnat luduconuuU tat unpnnclpkd dealt re. put Uivir spnrlims article on Uia ntafw tol on Uio Just reputation acquired by our iMtwslvo. . 'ibuie dc.lrlng to punliaa. our Hoap gkOBlA .xaiaia and te. Dial OUR NAME AND TRADE MARK la stamped upoD tVEUT FOVKD of tlio Boap beioro Uios take It. , VAN HAGEH & MoZCOSE, aui-lra piiliiUKf."". TCO DK.CKPTION. NO 1NHUUOB COAt i.1 purcuaned to oiler tielow the coat praje o a art k Uj. BAal tiELW.IIKIH,ilKIIAI Slrei , i ""'"J1 oaat aide, sella the seuu r-AUJ.B VJ-IN. b- JJ purr.t mined fcgg and iunr. sKas.giii iso . '"ouTocaers she Id malt, laotr patssaaasjgl 'JW TWus by aawbUof dt ays V-