UL 0 TH 7 rm It, IE H A o PRICE TIIIIEE CENTS. PHILADELPHIA, THUS DAY, SKPTHMHHlt 13, 1SG4. PlilCE TIIItEE CENTS. ! M 9 afl aW itnrJ tan. 14. 6 1 1 V ntl oil' 4-- i 'THE PRESIDENCY. 1 Candidates of the Peace Democracy to be Nominated. M'CLELLAN HOPELESSLY REPUDIATED. Another Convention to bo Hold Nfw Wovfnifnl, Tree Ihe Kexe fork Dally etr$. i We arc happy in being able to state that pre J llmlnary steps am being taken by the friends of I Peace to call a National Convention of tho i mocrary, to place in nomination candidates lr 1'ieaidetit and Vice-President. . Islaora-nnlintloii. frm the N. T. haily Sen. i The It'orM, a jonrnul that claims to be Dcuio - cratic, lays down in yesterday's issue a new plat- form. Ignoring altogether tlie platform laid k down by tbe National Convention, it has placed ' In It leading column, at fall length, that otll -er't letter of acceptance, under the head of "McClol ' lan't riatform." This repudiation of the rogit f lariy ennneiated doctrines of tbe party in favor of d me aruttrnry tlirtn of an individual, is one ot the L tnos t extraordinary act. of disregard of party dis- vidimus; sum wtj uisve ctoi anuvvii iii mu cniu Ol a journal that claims aluatico with the Ucmo , cr.icy. Oar Ponlllon. I from Ihe .V. J'. Daily Meict, a at is am our purpura to ins wiiuiunwn m mis ' assailants of the Democratic war press, or tlie canmuate wnom tney are supporting, In the ' temper and spirit with which it deems their policy to attack the proprietor of this journal, j Nevertheless, it is no part of our intention to lit quiet under personal denunciation and slan- dcr, nor shnll we permit ourselves to he disturbed I In the maintenance of the great principles aiminst I which Ocnenil MeClellnn and his advocates have . arrayed themselves, by any squcamishness as to the pain which well deserved blows mny Inllirt upon the candidate or his followers. If General WcClellan is wrong at all, he Is grievously and I faulty wrong, and wrong with deliberation and j foreknowledge. We believe biio to be so, and ; he is not entitled to be spared. Tho World of yesterday, with characteristic ' duplicity and feebleness, attempts to delude its ' readers Into tbe belief that tbe great and the only , objection of the peace party and ourselves to General McCiellan ts what it calls "his Union " ism," or, as it otherwise is styled, the "invincible , tenacity with which he holds fast to the Union." No one knows better than the editor of tbe World ' that this is a dishonest and nn worthy clap-trap f a disreputable perversion of an issue which it has , not the manliness fairly und openly to meet. ' Tho question between peace men and the war ' party has never been, and is not now, a question , of nnion or disunion. No men have more curn- . ehtly, patriotically, and persistently struggled ' lor the Union than the advocates of the peace ( policy. They have adopted thut policy hcc.mso , they nave believed war to be certain disunion, and have teen In puritlc counsels and the cossa P tion of carnnge the only hope of anion ever a urrcn.i cor. it ib true mwy are nut now sanguine t enough to see, even in peace, an absolute !. certainty that the huppy tics which once bound ns togctucr win be re-ostahlisued as ot old, but they do believe that peace will rcstoro j them, sooner or later, if anything can, and tbiit, at all events, the nearest possible appro-timation to their re establishment will be secared by its blessed and healing influences. To thut part, - therefore, of General McClollan's letter which ' promises to exhaust tbe peaceful resources of statesmanship and civilization for the restoration i of the Union, the Peace party has responded with T its whole heart and unanimous voice. ' If Oenerul JlcClellan has developed any genu V Ino "Unionism" at all in his letter, it is in the I portion referred to, and from that no word of dis I sent has been uttered by this journal, or by any I other which spcuks the feelings of tlie Peace De- mocrucy. .. Bui the advocates of oeuco are wedded to a principle which goes side by side with, ami is in separable from, their devotion to tbe Union the DrfAt nrini-inlsi f.f finlf.frnvprttntAtit ttiA rnnun. crated American principle, that all legitimate government is derived from tho consent of tbe governed. Heating upon this, which they believe to be the lii-torical coruer-stone of ihoir free in stitutions, they believe the idea of a Union .brought ubout by force to bo, Intrinsically, a pro fligate absurdity. They belicse'thnt war can never re-build the blessed fabric raised for us by our fathers, which the blo dy hands of fanaticism and violence have alrondy shattered into ruins. They believe that we cannot fight free men into loving us : I that we Cttnnot beat and chain them to dwell with us; that we cannot slaughter and trample them into brotherhood wiih us, and that, even If we conlrt, we should be iiumcasurubly more infa mous than they. The Peace Democracy believe, further, that the armed coercion of States is a constitutional j heresy, and that it cannot be consummated with' t out striking a vital blow at the first principles of I the Federal compact, and consolidating a despot isi t Washington, In the stead of the benignant am mi ted power which was meant to foster the peuc ul Union of happy and consenting Status. S Thf. 1 Punitifllfiiiii u an urmin nf Uta l.iti,m , ... ) ' n " ' ...u v s Tlpninprttcr. 7Vjj limlu Vmci Ifia navni- I ceased to promulgate and defend. They are the solemn creed ol the good men and true for whom it speaks, i'rery went of lite accurted war tchifi it upon ua, ha illustrated and continued t their truth, and if the World onrf it cnreliyionists Z in blood had dedictrft d themtelreg to the support of ; such principles, instead of scattering the infernal S feed) if lnti'uuri!yand lute, we should i'4 now beat the melaHchc'y point, where the Democratic ;wrf ana us eantnauce are atspmtna, wtin arioutumism and Us representative, the palm of di lation to a . policy oj trier minuiwii. it e vse lut tunauaye f deliberately and adrineilli. General MeClcllaii's t words ai d purposes cannot be mistaken or mis t understood. After piouiising to "exhaut the I f cation, from the exclusive doty which we one to t I tlie great cause of humanity and peace. Nor do I we propose at any time, except la so fur as mar t be absolutely unavoidable, to strike at our moment. liv neraoiuil resentments or en f.vlm J i rc"""a" ' statcsniausuip to re cstaotisn tue J "If a frank, earnest, and persistent effort to ob- f tain those objects should tan, the responsibility ior uncriur coimriiieuiCB win iuii upon mose wuo remain in arms against the Union, but the Union must be preMi vod at all ha.ards.' i To what "uhcrlnr consequences" does he 11 allude, and to what " hazards f" He means war, and no honest man wilj pretend tbnt he I mians anj thing else. IfTe had been trank, (be would have used the word. He means that if he cannot reconstruct the Union by nego tiation nay more, to use bis own language in J anoitur pan of his letter if the people of tbe I bomb aie not "reudy tor peace, on the basis f of the Union, as a condition precedent to no-'o-. tiation the conseUenees will be upon their own ( bends," und ho will m ike wur upon them until Mbi.y yield. They may have solemnly declared, ' oy htatetjonveiitious or otherwise, thut thoy will not re-enter into a common (iovernmcnt with us ; j the peoplo nmy be as tlxed and unanimous us their leuihrs; they may have resolved to have i independtuue or death, as Mr. Davis has recently declared ; still, (lenrral UeVteUan is pledged iu oret throw their resoli es bu Hie and twoi d. lie is j plcdyid to liyht and slay ihem till they turremler I the prineijAe of choosiny their own fi rm of (Jul -rrtimtnt. lie is pieilyed to an interminable strife, if there is permanent resistance, lie is pu tlip d to carnaye una aerostation vi nu me appliances i of ruirl and overthrow, which are wiilun the I'hs.urdt" and curses of civil conilict. lie his y fixed no point, but Union, at which he will stay the tide of blood. To a policy so wicked, so inhumanly absurd wit cannot nor can any pein e Democrat subscribe without rcnegautng from every conviction und from every instinct of self-resjiLCt. We should be false to ull that we have learned and all thut we have taught, if we were no to spin n and denounce it, come what may. We covet, sincerely and unleutly, the unity of the Democratic party, but no cannot cotin-e and we will have no part in its dcmoraii.n'.iuu and disgrace. We do not believe General McClelluu's sentiments to tie those of the parte. AA'n L-TWkur tliar t...v u r. in I.a.., mn,..n .nljni ithe spirit and meaning of the party-pla'.foriii, and we are lure that they cannot be nude to 1' comiiiand the sunction of the party except by ' aopbislry and fraud. These, it shall be our bust .. bus and it is our duty to unmask und to thwart. John A. Lowell, of Huston, has made a rcgii tlon bull of silver, appropriately engraved, and valued at $150, to be contested for by the base ball clubs of New England, the winners to hold the ball till beaten. A perfect Laud, formed of nimbus clou Js, in , an otherwise cloudless sky, w.s seen at HldJe i, ford, Maine, on Wednesday night. It appeared in a northwesterly direction, and the fingers jiltl eastward toward the tenitU. THIRD EDITION DRAFT IN PENNSYLVANIA. To Take Place Next Monday. TWENTY THOUSAND MEN TO FURNISII. Nisrrlal to The Evening TcloKrih. IIarrisiivro, September 1,1. An otflcial des patch received hore to-day from Provost Marshal General Fry, fixes next Monday for the draft in Pennsylvania. We will have some twenty thou sand men to supply. FROM PETERSBURG. Details of Friday's Success. INFLUX OF REBEL DESERTERS nrwrlM to Th Evening Telegraph. I Wasiiinoton, September 13. Tnemall-stcamcr Daniel Webster, from City Point, reports the situ ation at the front unchanged since Friday night. In the tight on that day we raptured ninety pri soners, and killed a considerable number of the enemy. Our loss was fifteen killed, wounded, and missing, Including three olllcers. We still hold the skirmish line captured that night, and the enemy has shown no disposition to make another contest for It. Ei(jht Ttebcl deserters from Hill's corps came up on tho Daniel Webster. The recent order of General Grant, ollcring protection to deserters; from the Ilebcl army, and promising to furnish them with employment out of the reach of tho Confederate authorities, has had an excellent effect, and squads of them como in daily. The Rebel olllcers experience great difficulty In keeping their men upon picket posts, for they generally embrace that opportunity to desert. The Oold Mnrket. Nbw York, September 13. Gold opened this morning at 218 and at 12 o'clock stood at 223. TO-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Despatches to Evening TelPRraph. Washijcotov, Ssptomlicr 13. Ne Army mws, The City Point boat brings no nrmy news. Governor Andrew and Governor Smlth,of Ver mont, urrived to-day. Nherlilnn. There is nothing new from Sheridan. The Victory la Miilne. A despatch from Congressman Blaine, to Mr. Stanton says Maine's Union majority is larger than that of last year, and that all the Union Con gressional candidates are elected. tieneral Mnrnlon III. General Mais ton lies daugcruusly ill at Wil son's Landing. Tall And ia:hnni. A private despatch received here to-day states that Vallnmlilmm considers all Is lost. Rightly interpreted, this means that all is snfe. Vnlou Meetinir. An enthusiastic meeting of the Lincoln and Johnton Campaign Club was held last night, and measures were taken for active demonstrations during the campaign. Taxes In North 4'nrolinn. Messrs. Ficncb, Totter, and Sholcs, Tax Com-mi-sioncrs for North Carolina, uro receiving their instructions from the Treasury Department, and expect to leave for that State next week. KorrcKt nt Motille. Information has been received here that the notorious guerilla Forrest has tinned up with his command at Mobile. This will prevent his cap ture by Sherman. Veteran Corp. Men will nut In future be enlisted into the Veteran Reserve Corps unless they have served two years in the Army or Marine Corps, and are unfit for active field service. Paying Noldiera rirat. Contractors tire pressing their claims upon the Treasury, but tho Government is determined to pay off the soldiers before all others. This cause a temporary delay in tho payment of requisitions. General I'remonf. Information, deemed trustworthy, is received, to the effect that General Fremont has placed his letter of withdrawal in tho bands of his friends, who will make it public at the proper time, and that before long. Ijtnd Stale. A certificate of dcpo-lt just roceived at the general I-and QHlce shows Hint, during the pre sent month, tbe Receiver of Public Moneys at Marquette, Michigan, has deposited 81H,tH.5-32 on account of sales of public lauds. Knglnea fur Uiinltoat. The whole force at tbe extensive machine shops in tbe Navy Yard, heretofore nt work upon largo guns, are now excliisivclv employed upon engines for gunboats, a very I. tie double engine being now in hand. From Umnl. Colonel Dowers, Adjutant-General of Grant's Stnli, arrived at II o'clock lat night, twenty-four hours Irom tho Army of the Potomac, on short leave of absence. Everything w.is quiet around Petersburg. The army is renorted in capital -pit its and condition. The s earner on which Colonel liowers came was nearly foundered in a ftiit in. MjNfciuirl. A delegation of influential gentlemen from Mirsouri are now in the city, r bo think they will bo able to hurmonl.e all local differences batweou the Claybacks and HadicaU of the State. They have had an interview with the President, which has been most cordial ana satisfactory. The executive branch of the National Union Com mittee is now in session here, completing the work of organising fi r the Presidential cauvuss. Chungem lu the Oriluauce Ilnrenii. The delay of the War Department announcing the late changes in the Orduanco Bureau grows out of a claim made by certain ollicers to bo pro moted to the position of chief, who have been overslaughed by the proposed nomination, of Major Dyer. It is understood that the War De partment hius decided adversely to the claim, and that tlie orders reorganizing that bureau will at once be promulgated. . 4 otlon Trade. Parties who arrived from New Orleans by the last steamer are endeavoring to obtain a modifi cation of the policy of tho Government in regard to the cotton trade in Rebel districts. They allege thut panics would dispose of their stock to Yankees, nnd thus woaken the basis of the Confederate loan. Secretury Stanton U, how ever, firmly opposed to tbe business. l ort Stunner i Colonel Dana, of the 143d Pennsylvania Regi ment, who bus just returned front under lire at Charlcton, reports that he was assured by par ties who had been out to Fort Sumter, that it was rapidly settling, and iu a very short time it was believed the water would enter the lower tier of embrasures. It is a fact well-knowu to our en gineers that this fortification was erected npon quite a thin point of sand, which strata of sand rested upon a toft, pulpy mast of dvbrU. Riwonr.n withdraw!, of ukk- H A I. f UTMOST. Ni.w York, September 13. It is said that Ocnenil Frcmout has placed in General Cluse rct's hands a letter withdrawing his name from tho Presidential canvass, and giving as bis reason for so doing the well knawn thesis, that any success on his part would only injure the Union party, and assist the Democrats. It il supposed that this letter will appear in the ir at ion on Snturday next. politico in tm.srrK miv. Wi.sr Churtkr, Reptcnihcr :J. The Chester county Nominating Convention is now In session here. Tbusfarthcy have nominated J.M. Broom all, for Congress, and have voted to support In conference, the Montgomery county nominee for State Senator. For Assembly, Dr. Nathan A. Pcnnypackcr, and William B. Waddoll have been nominated. Market ty Telea-rah. Nr.w York, September 11. Flour tlrm. Sales o' 14 hhln. $ i o I.V for Ht!, I(I .'.-SIS I.T lih-o. nd Silri.M fr Coutn.rn. Whnit .4.in-pl i't.i . Willi Ulllliipuliint osli'S. I rn tl;' .'.I.OMi Imi-Ih'Im IK)lil at SW.i'i. Hrfrlull. rork tt-at r ; isle nf I MS) tihl. at c. I."-. f.r n.-w. Lara lU-.tlj at a.i-ci.'.T.c. Wiunky It.'lv si tl Ml. htr-li'ta Of Flout, 7ncO bbli. ; Wheat, Ji"0 bil.htl-; l rn, H7.HO lul.l.. Nkw Yoiik, September 11 Clilciuro and Itccli IhIkihI, Iiii.S, ; : rnnilii riand prt'tcrn-il S '1-, ; tl tictt ivntrut. l.'i;; MIi'IiIkbii MtMithiTti, 7'4; Svw Ynrli (v. trnl. i lii-H.nim, I?;',; iiui.n ICIvcr, ill . rani n I n,.'1.'! Krlc, l".(l, , tiiii'-vrar Ortirti nt,-.. !U; I'rv iMurr ;"M, tic, t Kits 1 wrnlj O ui'ims lie., ; Coiii'ua auU Iti Klttileil i . II. BstTtMoiiF, September 1:1. Flour very dull; Hnlrs el Ohio nt Slvm H lO. tt lcnt .lull and vcryliemi: new red, S."V;,;;i'.'.ft; niiv wl.itf, f.' r... Corn .lull au.t clr.-opiij' : .die. of wluto Nt f 1 s.t.,i.t s.v ; ami Si i lor .ii-l, o. Wlil-ky dull ami lioiiiin.il, at SISIoil'V, i.ro Krit's inacUve, wltli a ilonnwanl ttoai ucv. IMPORTANT SOUTHERN NEWS THIS COMirSCr HTUIt.U. t) Virginia to SuLTor Severoly. GRANT'S CALL FOR 100,000 MEN. i From Ihe Richmond Eiamiur, .,'Vmert. The news is important. The enemy's campaign In Georgia Is llnished for the present. That im mense army which left Chattanooga four months ag:o is 'buttered. Although mecessfiil, it can do nothing more until heavily reinforced, rested, tupplli d ith new clothing, arms, and ammuni tion. It must remain at Atlanta till completely reorganized ; and that is n work which cannot bo effected iu a day, nor in a month. Hut tho campaign in Virginia is not llnished. The full of Atlanta Is the signal for a desp-.-ralo etfort against Ki. hmond. Ail the troops of the Mississippi are in motion towards Virginia. General Grant announces tbnt be wants one hun dred thunsand fresh men to capture Richmond; but with those fresh troops he will certainly suc ceed. That lie will get the troops Is quite probable. It is still more probable that ho will expend tbe force under his hand in an immediate, desperate (ftort to push his lines through the South-sido road. We hope that It Is needless to call attention to these prospects. We hope it Is still more need less to dilute on the importance of holding our own in Virginia at this time. It is easy to d i it easier than ever before, If no fatal blunder is made by the Government. W an ti ll. One lliindreil Thoimrtiul Men. from the Richmond Examiner, September t. Wanted, a hundred thousand men! only one hundred thousnnd ! Just thu little mutter of a hundred thousaud men is all thut is required to finish up completely and handsomely this job ot subjugation. What are a bundled thousand human cattle ? It is a mere triilc ; it is all that General Grant demands. What a slander to speak of that excellent man ns a bntehcr! What a rebuke to his Copper headed rcvilers is this little cull of his for only a hundred thousand more! It would take lilm fully a forlnik'ht to get them all slaughtered only a fortnight; let him do his host; and he promises ihut this trilling requisition shall be his last positively his vory last. Who will grudge the glorious Grant so trilling a hecatomb as this hundred thous ind more mere human beings, counting negroes and foreigners, (ivc him just this many more, and think uf the return. Tbe glorious Union will be saved all at the inconsiderate cost of this dimiuiitive addition to the slaughtered little million or two already buried In this war. Since King Richard's advertisement for a horso, never has there been such a chance for saving a kit gdom at a small cost. What was a horse to a king What are a hundred thousand men to Stanton and Grant T It is only a fow thousand more men than Wellington or llonnp trte bad at Waterloo. And what woro those little Napoleonic wars to tlie grand alfnir which engages the atten tion of the universal Yankee nation ? A hundred thousand are only ubout as many troops as Marlborough ever commanded ; ttie man who conducted some campaigns iu F.urope which the vain glorious English are iu the habit of exalting into undue importance. This lust demand is only for double as many men, or such a mutter, as thut roving bandit Ca-sar was in the habit of taking with him in bis raids into Ger many, Gaul, and Britain Kveiybody knows that the Yankee nation is mightier than any potentate of antiquity, and yet it is notorious thut Xerxes crossed Into Greece with at least ten times as many peoplo as Grant now demands to be sent over to Petersburg; und (s Xerxes to outdo Lincoln, wlini a reasonable demand is this! A hun dred thousand men to complete the capture of Richmond, a town of thirty thousand inhabi tants, the capital of Rebellion, now absolutely and without any further doubt, on Its very last h gs. biuce A. Lincoln called out his first seventy live thousand militia, and beniguuntly advised the Rebels to disperse, the proipect has never been so good of crushing out tho Rebellion. This positively last und merely supplemental requisition for recruits is only twenty-hve thou sand greator than the original army prepared for suppressing the insurrection in a campaign, "short, sharp, and decisive," which was not t last, by nny possibility, longer than "ninety days." The Yankees never were deceived by their Gov ernment. Kvery one of its long chain of pro-mi-ts has been realized to the letter. It is, therefore, a moral as well as mathemati cal certainty that the Rebellion is to go under with the forwarding of this last squad of a hun dred thousand reinforcements to Grant. Slier man has taken Atlanta, and thus hall the Rebel bun is extinguished. Grant calls fur a little mure help to take Richmond and to extinguish the other half only a hundred thousand men. Well, the North will supply this lust cull; the Administration at Washington will raise these reinforcements; they cannot utford to fall in so lnqiortarit a maitcr; a thousand million of dollars u year in patronage tor four years, are at stake; und what me a hundred thuuund lives to faur thousand millions, or even a wentieth pin t of tho nun r 'ihe men will bo furulshed; but what then? Lid the tirst army of sevctitv-livc thou sand men subdue the South ? Did thu two millions of men subsequently iec rultcd accomplish the undertaking Are we then to lull under the on-et of a hundred thou sand recruits, Inferior in every moral aud phy sical uttribu.e to the hosts thut preceded thuin Such contingency is not pOfsiWc. lint we have sattd our cuuse heretofore by standing manfully to our duty. The tame recipe every man to his post will save us uguin. It is commonly said that Admiral Farra,'tlt is the first commander on record who during a battle stationed himself at tho masthead. This ih a popular error, und it is but simple .iu-tkv to state that it is claimed for General MeClullan that during the battle of Meh em Hill he occu pied a similar position uu one ot the gunboats on the James river. M. Gustave d'Fiehthal has published in Taris a pamphlet on the Greek language, iu which he maintains by vurlous Ingenious reasons that the Greek lunguugo would be admirably titled for an international universal language. In order to attain this end, modern Grtek, which dillors but little from the ancient, should be taught iu tcbouls with its proper pronunciation, which is very nearly tbe same us that which pre vailed in the classical times ; und ihis, the author thinks, would bo sufficient to place in the hands of tho coming gene ration lu ull ciwll.ed countries the Ine-tiinuble treasure of a universal language, calcilated to nici t every requirement of tbe human Intellect. A somewhat analugous system hut been urged by Prolessor liluekio, of (ilargow, to do away with the Inconvenient effects resulting from the Un gual troubles of ihe builders of the tower of ilabel. V0DIITU EDITION f-KOM HAVANA AN!) JIF.XH O. N w Yoiik, September i:t. The steamer finis. c(, from Havana on the Kth Inst., has arri ed, with dates from the city of Mexico to the '.huh ult. and Vera Cm?, to the 1st. General Mejla entered Victoria City, and w as jo'ntd by the troops froniTampico tinder Gem ml Dnpin. It a reported In Vera Cruz that General C.is tnqiiay bad defeated a party of Juurists near S.i. tello, losing, amonpst others, his Chief of Artil taftn - - (iencial Mejia'it said to be marching on Mata niortiB. B Various skirmishes arc reported In which the French are usually victorious, but no reliance can be placed in these reports. The Mcxii'an vessels t.iherador aad il rinmo had been captured otf Manr.anillo. a It unreported that the Russian fleet in tho Pa cific has been ordered to rendezvous ut Ac ipulco, and salute tbe new Mexican flag. The Spaniards are not making any more head way in Santo Domingo than tho French are in Mexico. They sudor severely from slcknes. The Reliels at Puerto Fluta had been attacked and driven out of their formications, losing ten guns; on the other hum!, the Rebels say they lost only one gun, nnd hold three forts. A cargo of sluves was successfully landed n ur Remedies lust wik. ITIIT WAR ON THE MISMNMITI.v, Bt. Lot ih, September 13. Tho officers on honrd of the despatch boat, which arrived at Cairo yesterday, report that fifteen hundred Rebels ure concentrated at the mouth of the Red River. I'lltR IN nANSiAt III NF.rr4. Woucr.HTF.u, Mass., September 13. The retort house and coal shed of the Worcester Gas Com pany were burned last night. Twenty-live thou sand dollars worth of cotl was destroyed. NOMINATION OF KX-UOVt.ItNOR 111;. I.t'.K FOR OVtJKKSS. PiTTsiii RO, September 13. Ex-Governor Big lcr has been nominated for Congress in Clearlield county. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. Slrclnl to The F.ve-nlnir Trlr(rrrh. Wariiinotsih, September 11. Nrrrrlarjr Nraaril. Secretary Seward has returned to Washington from bis visit to the North. The Treamnry. There It official anthority for contradicting tho report that Secretary Fessenden had decided to place a temporary loan of $ 0,000,(X)() in the niai tot. Th New I-oiin. A revision of the bids for the Loan of 1831 shows that the whole amount is taken at a premium of four per cent, and upward. The large amount hid was exceedingly gratifying, ai tho Treasury Department hud not dared to hope for an aggre gate of more than forty-five millions. Tho de livery of bonds began yesterday, nnd will bo con cluded In two days. Many large successful bid ders arc paying back Interest from July 1 Id coin, so that their bonds may begin to draw Interest from tbnt date. RtllliiK Ohl Thlrly-Twoi. A number of the old 32 pounders are now being rilled at the arsenal. These guns are not rein forced, as was proposed tome months siuco by the Ordnance Bureau; and their endur ance, even if they were, is considered doubt ful by skilled mechanics. It has been long established that these guns arc. un serviceable without reinforcements, and tho ques tion naturally arises, w hat otllco is responsible for proposing and ordering this change 1 It Is to be hoped thut none of them will bo mounted in our forts, lest our soldiers should suffer more fiom the bursting of them than from the enemy's projectiles. What Irora Met ielliin Nuat Considerable curiosity is manifested hero to know what General McClcllan means by tho fol lowing sentence in bis letter of acceptance : "The Union is the one condition of peace we usk no more." Is it to bo understood by this that if the Rebels will agroo to live with us again in the Union, the people of tho North will surrender all the principles for which they have been fighting for the past four years ? that they will return to their masters all the negroes emancipated during the war? that they will assume the Confederate war debt ? that they will Indemnify Rebels for losses occasioned by tbe war ? that they will agree to Jeff. Davis' tproposltion that the minority must rule? or is he expression intended simply at a "glittering generality f" General, please explain. The tophomoros of Harvard displayed their indignation at tbe suppression of their annual game of football by the Faculty last Monday evening by a procession round their playground, a mock funeral of their favorite gamo, a transpa rency, and a small skirmish with tho freshmen und faculty, In which some of the college olllcers were slightly bruised. CITY INTELLIGENCE, Stah or Tukkuomktbr To DAT. Six A. M., 57. Noon, 51). One P. M. .Vj. Wind, North. Sai.kb or Ukai. F.htatk, Etc. The following sales of Real F.stutc, He, were madu to-day, ut the Philadelphia Kxchangc, by Thomas & Sons, auctioneers : 9ll?:i tmiidv I'amiten nnd Atnbjy Ifailroadi'ouiaany.due lit Hrpttuil or, thiil. Il'-. 'V.-n hliiut'b tli und Tup be nil-Anthi'S'-lte Toul Co., fs .VI. .fin do ilu dn do I'MiJ'j. 6U0 do tin ad lop InJi-rtivi-niPiit Ctiiupdny, 'i'7.,. i ti, aiiiM-rh' and -Mf liHiilcs' Land and ItiitiditiK Atsociutliui (itratz etat).t l 1 llmteAiadeaiy ol sn e Art. fill W. 1 do Man iiiitliP l.llaary 1 omimnT. ttl 'iO. Tim a. .'ot v orick linuLiug, 'iMrtosulu struct, north ot' Oliin. Slleo. . . i l.iei-.i. rv brim Imolllutf, 2o. 1110 Marvin airuit. 1710. hv.ld. ncs. with !arc I ol. R' E. corni-r of r rty. fourth and Eaiilr strei-m. Wol 1'l.ila.lPlplila. ll,'JO B: !. 'oor mory luli'K .lore and dwelling:, No. l.qy Locust strfH, .l ol Twi'ltUi .Oct, wltli 2 llirue-slory buck dHfllins''1 in 'ho ri ar, SVI o bid. f our iloiy buck building, Nu. ,i N'urih Second street, Slu.no. I.wcliine, No. IMS franklin street. t'ilCd bid. three .tiny ittoio and iivelmiy. No. Hit 8. fourth sir et. tJHHrtiut. Ttnei -.tory brick store and dwelling, N. W. Cornor t'umili iiuil Hi. kor..m alreel., .7m hid. Coal l,au.4s. riuc'uroie aud Iteilly low inlilps, Schuylkill county, fa., lol pa sue. Biunkv'8 fiiiAiirsiiooTKits. Colonel J. W. Moore has succeeded in filling his regiment of sharpshooters, to be attached to General bit tiey's eommund. 1 he Colonel recruited .'too men ovor his number. These he will transfer to Major Brisco, of General Diruey't staff, who is now in this citv, for the purpose of raining a regiment of sharpshooters. Colonel Moore recruited his legiinout with great rapidity. The Dkaft. Orders have been received fruit Washington to enforc the draft in Pennsylvania on Monday next. The different wards in this city which are deficient in their quotas, should go to work und eudeuvor to furnish as many volunteers as possible. Tho city Is yet deficient several thousand men, and renewed exertions will have to be made if we wish to escape the draft. Railway Tost Orputs. Tho railway post i fllce will go into operation this week between New York and Washington. If the plan work well, the post ollloe ears will be introduced ou all the piiridubi railroad, 1 (be country. Soldiers' Union Camcaion Clvb. Last evening a monster mass meeting of officers and privates of the, army was held at Sanson Street Hall, for the purpose of forming an organlratioa to be a component part of the Union Campaign Club. The hall was crowded at an early boar, and a majority i.f tho audience constated of soldiers who e we ithcr-beatcn and scarred faces piocliilmeil them to be veterans who hud faithfully find devotedly baoled for the honor of their coun try. Aftor a short steech had been m ule by the Pfosldi tit, Colonel Wm. A. Gray, Major Sellers, of the 00th Pennsylvania Volunteers, read a series of resolutions, In w hich the present Admin istration was fully endorsed, ami the wish ex pressed that It might be continued. Then fol lowed speeches by C'n plain ls.uvc Neil aud I.;eu tennnt l . Reeves, fjrmcily of tho Uh Penn sylvania Regiment. The follow ing Committee of Superintendence was next announced by the President: Colonel P. ('. I'.lltniiker, Colonel John F. Glenn, Maor Richard Kills, Majxr A. J. Sel.em, M ijor C. (,'. Knight, Quartermaster William 1 icrs, quarter master Joseph F. Ford, Adjutant J. II. Allen, Captain J. I). Dc Haven. Gn motion, the President was added to tbe com mittee. The vat assemblage then adjourned with great cheers, the line was formed, and tho march was taken up for the Nutionul Club House, whero the parade was dismissed. Any soldiers or tailors dcslrons of joining the Club may hand their names to the Janitor of the National Club House, No. 1 lito fhi-snut street. In a short time a room. specially prepared for the Club, will be opened in the Commonwealth Building. EXTKNSIVE OrF.nATIONg AT THR SlttP YARDS. On the 15th of next month the frigate fhatta nooya, now under way at the ship yard of Cramp ft Son, Kensington, will be ready for launching. This frigate is one of four ordered by the Gov ernment, three of which are being constructed at the Navy Yards. Tho Chattanooia Is 11.5 feot long, 4ii feet beam, and 24 feet depth of bold. When In lighting trim she will draw 17 feet of water. T he same tlrm Is also engaged in raising the deck of the light draught monitor, built by them, 22 Inches, so as to make her lit for service. Four steam transports, each laO feet long and 3'J feet hold, are under way for tho United States Army quartermaster. 'Ibcso vessels will draw but four leet of water, and will bp capable of con veying n regiment, with its wagons, cannons, be. A su am propeller of 700 tons burthen, for Fluna gan v Co., of this city, will bo ready soon tor launching. Two propellers for the outsido lino fot New York, recently built by this tlrm, are now at tho wharf receiving their machinery. Thhss Ci.vn of Philadelphia. This organ I tation is already very strong, and contains a ma jority of those persons who write for the newspaicr prets in this city. The editors and reporters of tho following journals are membcrsof tho club, ldycr, Inquirer, Vf est, Aye, S'orth American.Daiy Xcwt, Jlulitin, TKi.KOHArit, Sunday Dispatch, Transcript, Mircmy. German Democrat and Free l'rtss, fimiinertial List, JUal, Programme, and other papers and periodicals published here. The club is now a permanent Institution, nnd bids fair to elevate the new spoper profession to that high position to which It Is entitled. It bos ulready obliterated many professional jeal ousies which, had they been permitted to con tinue, inui-t have caused Injurious, if not danger ous, feuds. An adjonrnod meeting of tho club will bu held in Select Council Chamber to- morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, for tho transaction of tome important business. Skventeknth Wahd Draft Mbktino. A largo meeting of Ihe citizens of the Seventeenth Ward wat convened last night, in tbe Harrison School House, Muster street, below Second, to facilitate the praiseworthy exertions which aro being made to 1111 the deficiency of the quota iu tlie Ward without reference to a draft. Mr. James M'Muncs presided, and great enthusiasm and harmony of sentiment prevailed, it being now evident that with a continued and renewed exertion the Ward can most assuredly be cleared. It was reported that credit hud boen given for 11 naval recruits, and It is believed that a still greater number will yet be credited upon additional in quiries being made by the committee. The sum of S UM wrs last night contributed on the spot, and another meeting will be held on Thttrsd iy evening next, which every citizen of the Ward who is liable to military duty should attend. Ahmiktant Knoinkkks op tub Fiiib Dkcaut m ext. To-night the delegates from tho various lire companies will meet at the hull of the Board i i Flic Directors, and elect Assistant F.nginocrs of the Fire Department. The following, it is thought, will be tho result or the election : Fiist District Terrcnce McCluskcy, of the Moyamcnsing Ilo-c Company. Second District JoBcpu Robinson, of the Vi gilant Fire Company. Third District James Adams, of the Dcatur l.ngme. Fourth District Jacob Conovcr, of the Frank lin F.ngine, of Germantown. Filth District Hamilton Scott, of the King tessing Hose. Union Offickrs in Rkhkl Hands. The recently released Union olllcers from Charleston, who arrived in New York on Sunday, state that on the 4th of July theie were twelvo hundred I n Ion olllcers held as prisoners, at Mac.on, Georgia. A voto for Mr. Lincoln being taken among them, resulted iu the polling of one thou sand votes. Of the twelve hundred Union olllcers held as prisoners ut Charioton, none of Ihem are desirous of exchange save on teruiB that will be advantageous and highly honorable to tbe Government. Six hundred of these ollicers are in the jail and workhouse, the whole number being under lire. At Savannah, Georgia, six hundred of ourollleers are confined. In Charles ton only three or four stores are open on that once famous thoroughfare known as King street. A Hi'mane Movfmfnt. A borne free to sea men and marines, disabled In our naval service, Is contemplated being established through the instrumentality of the National Sailors' Fuir, to be held in Boston the early part of next month. The navy of the United States now consists of not lest than 33 vessels ol all classes, and of from SO.imiO to 00,000 olllcers and men. Ships of large tonnage, now in the course of construction, will greatly increase tbe number both of vessels und men, so that in a very short time tho naval service, at a moderate estimate, will require h5,(ioo sailors, or nearly nine times us many us at the commencement of the war. An AM'Kal. The With Regiment Pennsylva nia Volunteers, which urrived here in August lust, and some of the soldiers belonging to the 2Hth Rcg't Pennsylvania Volunteers, who have been at the Union Refreshment Saloon nearly seven weeks, are not yet mustered out of the service. Will the proper mustering-out oill or be condescending enough to grant these men their discharge, and (bu-allow them to visit their wives und little ones r It is hardly courteous, to say the lenst, that these men should tie compelled to subsist upon the bounty of the Refreshment Suloi ns any longer. Samtaiiv. The National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention will hold its tifth session In this city on the 25th of October noxt. Theenllght incut of public opinion on tho sutiject of health, and the ink ption of laws calculated to conduce to the improvement of the social, moral, and physical health of the people, is the object had in view by the convention. Dra. James McCree and AVard, and Messis. Juntos Steel, Arthur Hughos, und Peter Anubrustur, w ill art as delegates from tho Hoard ol Health uf this city. TiikWronos of Skwiko Women. At Kater Hall, South street, below Sixteenth, a meeting of sewing women was held last evening, lor tho pur pose of encouraging the formation of Unions for the protection of their interests. Addresses were delivered on the subject, and mcusures adopted to carry out the proposed object. Smitot s Cuamoe. Three men were committed by Alderman Pancoast, yesterday, to answer the charge of assault and intent to kill Frederick McCoiinlek, tlie sailor who was lotind iu an in sensible condition ou Sunday tnoruing, at Twelfth and Vine streets. St iciiiK. A woman, named Julia Colbert( forty years of ago, residing in Mortou street above Washington lane, Germantown, com mitted suicide yesterday by cutting her throat with a raor. She wat laboring under temporary Insanity at the time. Disorderly Hoi si;. This morning James l'ollett und bis wife, Ellen, were before Alder man Mi Cahen, charged with keeping a disorder! v house ut Front and Dock stieets. They wore held to answer. Two females, also arrested in the house, were belp to keep the peace. Political. Concert Hall has been leased by the friends of tbe Administration for political purposes until the expiration of the present cam paign. Nightly meetings will be commenced on the 15th instant. Tub Sixth Uniow I.p.aocb Rsoimfnt. Thi re gimr nt now numbers over eleven hundred men, len companies being full. It Is proposed to raise Ave more companies and make the regiment fif teen hundred strong. The regiment is under tbe command of Colonel II. O. Slckel, late Colonel of the 3d Pennsylvania Reserves.whtch organiza tion was mustered out of service on tbe 10th of last Juno. Colonel Slckel was the senior Colonel of tho Army of the Potomac, and at tho time of the pr motion of General .Meade, took command of the latter'! division. He hat been acting ling, d cr-Gcncral for the last two years, and has been in the service since the commencement of the wur. The following is a list of the stall' olllcers ami of the line ollicers, where organisations are complete : r,l..n. I. II n. fWratt latf Cofana! of 3d Pa. RaKrv.'t. 1 Irutrfai.t-ColotiiO, Jofta U Murray. Ida or. Kdwln A. lil.'iiu. Ad mam . I. MrMin. Vnnr.ctm.iiO r, R. K. HnUW. HurifiHin, lleary A. Ilrlm. An.ia ant hiify'cm, .lul.n Wnr1. IVuarterniM.tpi'ii Mfrni'anl, Owirirs W. Dauifhrrty. t'uIuu.t.Kai.v McrKeant, William K IIowaII. O 'li. I'anv A Captain. John Hianton ; Kirsl T.tf ntensnt, Ihfo. K. Vosel; HkooiiiI 1,'aiitmatit, Arthur J. t'arsff. I'oinpMi? U -i'tipiain, John McNi'iKht: Klr.t Lieutenant, Xilwln liMllav: teeond Lloutananl, lurtlr C 4-tnnietB. I'oiiipsny C-l'allnln, lltMirve W. MuKiey; first Lleil tat.nnt. The.. lMI'ct'fll; Hacond l.lriiiaoaut, rurtirt lurch. O. nuany Captain, l.aao Kchrocdari First Lteute nsiit, AOaiD F'au.l . aMond Lieutenant, .lain. Lt. I'ointany K-Capialn, 1 nomas I'. Mpaehman; First Urine iianf , Amoa if. tfeilxinscr; Becond Lifiiteuanl, Jaa, orne. Cemp.iny F Captutn, Powell NtAi-khnusc 1st Llenten ant, W liltam A. Uarkin ; .M Lieutenant, (leoiTv (!. f i.hr. Cnmp.m II Cipialn. Wllhaia r . Ilunntlier; 1st Ueti tetiBSt. John B. Souermllch! 'id Lieutenant, Jeremiah C. kellar. Ceinpnnv H Captain, Chris. IT. It!ifiia; 1st Man tinaiif, William Eioouinn; 'id Lieutenant. Oeorga w. tinnier. Company 1Captaln. James P. kfclHmatd : l.t Lleutan ant.C, t Wnniinle ; yd l.li'iilenaut, Tomi'my. Cotiipany K - Captain, I-iilntt W, Kimbelli 1st' Lieuten ant, Wiblaia It. Tfitu-tier; ltd LiauUiiant, l.tmrxa Januey. Tub Colored T roots. An Interesting alfair w ill take place at Camp William Penn on Thurs day afternoon, in the shapo of a presentation of flags, by the Supervisory Committee, to the trith United Suites Colored troops, Major Bates com manding, and the 127th United States Colored troops. Colonel James Givin. Tbe Hags aro decorated with appropriate designs emblematic of the cause of freedom, and were painted by the colored artist, Mr. Bowser. The North Pennsyl vania Railroad have providod an excursion train for the occasion, which will leave Berks street station ut 1-30 P. M., returning at 6 P.M. We understand that there are from nineteen hundred to tw o thousand troops at this cam p. These men would serve as an excellent reinforcement for General Grant, and should be hurried off to the front without any delay. Most of the ottlecra commanding the trooot arc gruduatesof tho Freo Military School. The Supervisory Committee have received authority from tho War Depart ment to organize another regiment, to be desig nated the 41st United States Colored. F.i.kction ok Ansistant Enoinefh. Jacob Conovcr, of the Frnnklln Fire Company, wivs elected Assistant Kngiuccr of the Sixth Fire Dis trict hist night. Payment of Citt Bounty. This morning, warrants were drawn by tho Mayor for the pay ment of the city bounty to 65 men, live of whom were substitutes. We woi 1,1) call the attention of ri.adkios to look in to-uiorrow'a "Inquirer" for Dr. Von Mosehils ker'a advertisement. Thnse who suffer from donnic, caarrh. throat diseases, a.tltma,or Imnnlred alsrtit, will rind tioiiie of Ihe uio.t lailMnrtory testimonials from welt known cltlr.ens who have been truated aud enred by l)r. on Moichatsker. We see by the foreign papers that a D actor Paul Bert tans tieen irrartlus animals, that Is to say, he has Hen piutlra a chicken's tall to grow on a dog, aad a cat's paw on a monkey's Its. But we htveseme monkeya here that aie made a "eat s paw' or, wltlnut the palu of ratlins:, and some pnpple. ttiat show the Mwhlte feather" is naturally as r it view there Not even a suit of obta ins trnni Charles Htokca A Ca's "one price,'' under the Continental, wiU disguise such characters. PlIOTOOHAPHS OP rLKASINO STYLES, FIVB ' execution, and exquisite coloring-, made at II. K. Italuier'i cnllery, No. t'.M Arch street. Life-size I'lio:.. graphs In Oil, Ivorytypea, aad Carte de Vlsltea. DH. RoilF.ttTSON'a NllRVOl'S CosntALi OB, Kature'a tlrand Itcstoror. The groat remedy fur all Norv 0ns Complaints, debltltv. prostration, lowness nf spirits Ac. Price II. For sale by Uyoll Co., No. 'J-i'J If. Heoond Jay Co3KiE&Co. quote Government Securi ties, &c., to noon to-duy, as follows : neOiff SilUne. U. S. fls, 1S81 107A itwi U.S. 7 3-10 Notes 110 112 Certificates of Indebtedness, new... !HJ (tit Quartermaster's Vouchers l 91 Gold 220 225 S-20 Bonds 10!1 1104 Da IIavf.n & Duo., No. 20 S. Third street, quote at follows : Buvtnf. Selling. American Oold 2J.J tiS American Silver, 4's and Ps 1203 Dimes and Half Dimes l'.is Spanish Quarters P.l.'l Penn. Currency dis. 1-5 dis. New York Exchange 1-10 " par. Quotations or tho principal Coal and Coal OU stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : Mid Atk.i BU Ait. Curttn it', a VenanicoOil (Folie i'i 3',' I'iiI.iii I'eu-oluura.. 31, H kork OU 4' ft Heneca Oil 1 l Hull Creek (',' . ( imasle Oil IV 1'. Corn I Planter 4', I1. Franklin oil 1, HIS Tank ill. 1', Howe's KadjiOll.. l's" .. ! xci'lslorOII I' IS Irvine Oil SS 71 Fulton Coal HS 10 Pope Farm Oil t',' HI Mountain Coal. 6 7 llutler Coal Is N.Y Mid. foal.. j'J is Keystone Zinc... J1' US Oreen att. Coal.... t lllensniore . .. 14 N Carbondale ?S Mal'altotl II V Mew Creek 1 ' Molihenny t CllntonCoal 'i i'i Itolwrts Oil IV American Kaolin.. !l 3 Olmstead i'i 'JS I'enn Mining 9 Notle,t lc!auie!er.rS IS OH Creek Al S Petroleum Ceutre. i'i 4V Manle Nhaile Oil. .17 l?';F.kln .', 44 Mrt 'Untuck oil li i, II. .e Island '.'S Pe ylvuula I'et.. .. llil.l.aril 7'-,' t si Perry Oil ', eltory Farm S's Mineral Oil Vi llruoer I1-, IV Keslone OU 1 J I PHILADELPHIA THADI KKPOBT. Tt'ESDAY, September 111. No tales of Quer citron Bark have come under our notice. Clover seed comes forward slowly, and sales are making at 813614 4P c " Timothy meets with an active demand at Si"'-'' ti'.W W bush., with sales of 000 bushels. Small tales of Flaxseed are re ported at 170. There is lest vitality in the Flour Market, owing to tho downward tendency in the price of gold. The demand for export is limited, and the only tram-action to report is a sale of Blue Ridge extra family to the extent of lObO bbls. on pri vate terms ; sales for the supply of the tra.lo are making at SI075 for superfine, $ll(n;ll'50 for extras, 12( 12-50 for extra family, and fancy brands at higher figures. Rye Flour aud Corn Meal aro scarce and ipiiet. The demand for Wheat Is limited aud there It very little ottering. We notice sales of Pennsyl vania and Western Red at 2 o1(i;2-uj, and Southern do. at 2-5'JC'i2 iiO. We iptote White at Jf2-f0i 2-00. Rye is in limited demand at $1-H'j(u 1-tiS. Corn is steuJy nt $1-72 fur yellow, in the cars, with sales of 2000 bushels. Mixed Wcstore sells at tbe same figure. New Pennsyl vania Oats are worth H8c, and old do, 95c. bar ley and Malt are without change. Whisky is dull, with talcs of Ohio at $l-8G(o 1-87, and relilled ut 1-81- LA1TST MABNE INTELLIGENCE. CLF.AKF.D THIS MOBftlNO. llriu Abbott Lan ri-iive, fuller, boston, Hlakiitoa, tiiael tl Co. ABRIVEI) TfllSl MORNIKO. Prut Wuniioo, l..ieii, :i dai s Hutu ha j uii, in bklhst ti J. K. 118ley A l u, l(-u..rts that Uie brls Agile sailed Lots haiiea lor I'Uiidt lchia 'i-.th ult. t leil.b,triae II. c.ihird, for H.iHtnn, tol.nl In 'i days-, bilus Nebraska, for Pblladet pl.la in das; John Chiystal, liuiu t'Uiladulpbia, anoed r.oli, ilisi h-irli f . rlelirW.P I hilllpi, Smith, idays from Prorldsace, at bnlluKt to eaptnin. HieaiuerKew York, Davit, M hours from Sew York, With unlseto W. P. Code. Htcaiaer Jus. llsn.l. Hinopliiro,3 hours from tiow lurk, with uidae lu VY . V. de. Cnrretfiowlene of th Dila.lsihia Etchings. I.i xse. liel., September II. The llrlllsh sleauter Josle, Cai.lallllli. ui.oll.lloui heir York, ostensibly bolivil to innl.nilus.euuie to IH-lnwaie Itreakaater last ei enliiw and coaled. One ol her rrew deserted and reported " blosWade-iuiiurr. 1 boaidedliar .sis tsiundaj) nioriiiisj and. on examination ol her papers, foeint alia had neea eapluredasa piuo.aud sold, her uauio at ab ma, and l.T'iteiert".lTlie. InimeJia elr atte- my departare .lie UiJ.ted IllilKh colors aud pr.Hded to sol. 1 he t..llulns vels aie al alienor III Hie Itoadatoad . glvaiuerKiulcss.lor Fortre.. Monroe l lirls Asne., tr n,l ll.uh.l..si sehrs Siuuy.tor f..r. res. Monroe; Aeklaa, for Pruvldenee; It 11-lfartleU, flir lleaulorti O.fcuiia, I ir lliwtuu' t. A, Cuuiaila.'s. lor Waahliih'ton, luwellier with tiro xioare-rlsst-u ves.eJi sunt about forty avuoouert. Wtad nene Iresh iroia the M, Vusut, Ae., Aatoa MaaaHALr. I'nlted States luspeetvi ut i.uusu FINANCE AND COMWCnCS.? Ornc.a or Tut KvKtsnrq Tei.aotAra, t 1 Tuesday, Heoteuber la. There is a better feeling In stocki this morning, and the market is steady, with moderate transac tions to notice. In Government bonds there 1st not much doing) r-20s told at 103 coupons; off. which is a slight decline; and Os of 1881 at 107, which Is also rather lower j 7'30s are rjnoted at 110(all04. Railroad shares are st eaJy, wit h salos of Read ing at 63, t Camden and Amboy at lASJi Penn sylvania Railroad at mcnm.ti slight advance! llarrisbnrg Rallrotd at 72 ; North Pennsylvania! 844 ; Cattawissa Preferred i0, a slight advanoej and common at 20, it;l wat bid for Little Schuyl kill; 3:t for Philadelphia and Eriet and 48 foe Long Island. There It very little doing in City rataengof Hallway stocks. Itldge Avenue told at 16; 70 was bid for Second and Third ; 62 for Fifth ami Sixth ; 60 for Tenth and Kleventh; .and 39J fott. Sprnce and Pine. Canal sharct are father lower, with sties ot Schuylkill Navigation preferred to notice at 38 (W 39 ; com mon do. at 32 j and Susquehanna Canal atl!'4(n20. Hank shares are firmly held, but there It llttlsj or nothing doing. 162 wat bid for North America, 62 for Farmers' & Mechanics' , 68 for Commer cial, 2$ for Mechanics', 40 for Kensington, 70 lot Tradesmen's, nnd 4fl for Corn F-xchange. There it a fair business doing In Coal Oil sharct, and prices are steady, with sales of Oil Creek at 6J; Organic, U ; Dabscll, 114; McClln tock, G ; Mcllhenny, 8 ; and Irwin Oil at 7J. There It lest excitement in gold, and prlceeT have advanced, opening al 220, fell off and sold! at 2181 at 11 o'clock, ra iled and told at .226 at 12 o'clock, and 2214 at 124 o'clock. The Money Market It tight, and the ra'es h ire) advanced ; loans on call are taken at from 6(u7 per cent, per annum j best paper it tolling at from. 8(i 12 per cent. . A despatch from Washington thlt morning says, prominent financiers here lay that gold will soon be below two hundred, and that beeao-ea tbe excess of our exports over our Imports let rapidly increasing, and the confidence of mo neyed men, both in the military and Presidential tuccest of the Administration, It daily grosriag stronger. .,,'; The New York Timet of this morning eays: "Tbe market for Money is steady to tho Stovtc linkers at 7 percent. The demand at call to-day-was fairly active on the hypothecation of Miscel laneous Slocks. The negotiation of merchant paper is made somewhat dltllco.lt by tbe rapid tall in Gold and Exchange, and its conMqueneetJ upon produce ami merchandise. The payment for tbe New Loan were commenced to-day at fio Treasury Office and National bank, but being: made ch Icily iu Coupon Leual Tenders, they mdej no strain upoL the general Money market.- ' J rniLADF-LFntA STOCK BXOIIAHOB BAUU. R BPT.J.1 .' Uported by Clarksoa & Co., Broken, We. Ill 8. Thirl nts BEFORR BOARDS. ' t ' fiO h Itall Creek.. l' ah Alel'llniock. Hush do ah do leilsh do IKi ah ferry OU.., li'ish do lll all do lHllh d 100 ah do 4li.h do $1 lousli lyemraare li nsisn io...... ... H'i 1HI sh do im-sh DalzeU tnt -l'Osh do Us) ih - do tssisli Keystone 7.lnc.. u l') sk Ueesllna h..b 44 tmtlsll do.......... 6t lnUah do , blAM lUOsh do.... ...MO tlif bi .... S .... J't luC sli OU Creek. FIRST OARD. p-fnO U.8.&-90eeoooil ln'IS,'! hlfcllheny OB. a.ssi no ina ttlssi II. 8. Si. Dl 111.'',, KS0 I'enna lis !IK' S iSiClty lis. new.... 100 j 1141 sh nr. Mount...;. I SIS' lb Oil Creek , 1011 .hOriianle Oil.... I'i 4011 sh 1 mlell Oll.lwm In,, 'JiS'shlleUlintock.... SmI1 Mtlih d. bo t'. 14 n Huki. Canal... IfilT 101 ih do tkaj "i Kslsh do tu . li ill Cam Anv....tW lush do. ino sh Penna Kit i.ii Josh in.....,..., t,2 tsh llarrlsh. it. K.. I '2 100 eh North fa St.... it J l sn Catasrleiapr. .. l'i ItlJlh dj, a-Ofo? ltio ill CaUwIssacoio. vi too in iralii OU il'i U) ih Kldue avenue., lit HI. '. N. Central , 4 th Iiel L)l. H till ak Perry Oil 4 IKI sh ReaiiliiK 11. B.e.'SI-Hl inn do. .......o 1.0, Hsish Seh Nay pi.... MSI sa do use mi iUSi sh do -. .. . r leOsh Seh. N. com.. b.-. aa PRICKS OF STOCKS IS HEW TORK. ' ' Reported by Clarksoa 41 Oo, Broken, Bo. Ul s). Third SH. , . . ... r,r" Co". aeeo4 Cali. e nitro Riaioane, innt. mi on. ttm.ll)i Bid Mlesl Hock Island liallroad hid 10A saiM i aajea 11 sa.ee ivaeioa saleel aaleet 114 saleel .- saleel .. sale? Iteadins Hal In, ml bid Mllnoli Central Itailroad bid Kortliwe.iern bid i Verk Cenural Railroad 12'' V bid ' Krle Kallmad Kei, bid lliidiou Railroad 114 bid (lold iw hhl Culled Stales fr-2' lloW bid Market eiteady. Quotations or Oold at the Philadelphia Odd Exchange, No. 3 1 8. Third street, second story: "1 A. M 220A 12 M 226 11 A. M 21HJ 1 T. M 22 ( Market fluctuating. The following are the receipts of Flour anil Grain at thlt port to-day ; Flour, 1700 bbls., Wheat, 8700 bushels, Corn, PHX) bushels ; Date, 4100 bushels. . i The Export of Gold and Silver froinNeei York from 1st of January to 10th of September, amount! to 9'I2,320,UOO Against same time, 1803 30,373,000 Increase to date.. SI,047JXtw 1 be Customs Oold Revenues at ITcw YorV, specifically pledged to the payment of the Interest on tbo Funded and Fuudable Gold-bearing fublic Debt of the United t tales, from the) 1st of January to the 16th of September, amount to $' 1. 272.2 ;a Against tame time 1803 3tl,0tfJ,llJ Increase at New York alone..... 910,182 itX The following table shows the receipt of Gold at the Uniled Stales liruuch Miai initial Pruncisco during the fiscal year ending st.tla June, 18t4, and the sources from which tue trea sure was derived : OmHees California H0,2-.ii Oregon 12,2i Idaho Territory 7I.H .7 llrlllsh Columbia UMf Washington '1 errltory . Jott Nevada Territory twej Arizona Territory stl.'i Mexico 3-5 Foreign coin 2,313 Total ounces 1 ,0 JS.il 'J or alKiut eighteen millions of dollars. The weekly averages of Ihe old Banks of thej City of New Vork, ou Haturday, lepleiuber IJ, 18i .4, present, in the aggregate, the follow1-! changes from the previous exhibit of Sept. 3 :v Decrea-e in Loans fl.Vi-) ot Increase iu rH cie 407 .1 1 1 ccreaae in Circulation l'l 'I'la Decrease In Undrawn Deposits 3,HHlti2ti Including the Clearing-house operations of fio) week, winch show the inter exchanges lietwd.iut tbe bunks, nnd including also the biilt-Treasury balance at the close of the week, tbo following uf the general comparison with the previous exhibit, aud also with the movement this time last season t Sep. l'.. IHK4. Sep. 10. 1HA4. Sep. 3, ls14. Oai'ital Mi . 4rf -1 , at ii'.l,'J.'7.T t$:.rn.Vli l.'ium iivf",'0 I7,'is6.1lt7 ltel,4l4,ait S.eete ;Cl,iils.lti7 9.'.ttHl iO.lMMi Circulation o.4o7,K4) 4.1sl,i;n) 4,'Ai SSI liross i..osits....2l.tvi,iiW J-M.au hOT KS.7ll,ssJl Viehaiiuei lll,!lls,4t 7J.B -ttfiM H.TM.IH t n.lraiMi 17S,,',w.i;j'J H7,!S!7,H4'2 lSI.0BS.4isl la Sub-Treasury.. 2i,nlii,in8 W,((sw,4 e,7We,04 The condition of the bankt in Massachusetts, out of Huston, tor tive weeks, eadiuj tieptembcC 8, is reported as followt : , Caiilul stoi-k s. iotw,s-J0i Loant and discounts Vi'VVi Specie in llauk V'Jd.iyj lialancet lu other banks payable on demand 6.671,?'1 Total amount due from other Jfe-nkt. . 6tu ,lt'4 Totul amount due to other banks 43.i,ON-i Deposits V2.27ti,3T,I CireulaUon 21.677.370J Tbe following table shows tho movements ot breadeiuils in Chicago during the week, ending; tScptciuberS: nectititt. Shifnentt. Flour, bbu i:,l .1 :I DM Wheal, buth ai.'.iViJ luti.-J Corn is;l i-l Mi. UK Out! 7 '.7,1-1 ' ' l,lit Rio M.S. I H'.n.t limi.y bs.'J'ii) ' . , . v,h The receipts and shipmentt for tbe teasoit correspond with tbe movements during tfustauitl time last year at follows : t KkmiiIs v Shiftmen!:- sf Issl'l. 1.. leel. . '- rionr.bbli .... aw.iu 7.;,W 7;s',M-'t Wheat, hush .. llii,t'7 1M;. h1 .' 'J com i.ii..iiw .e4 ..; ITitli O..U t.7f,MJ .tW.4ss ,'!',' tm'".S V