The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 12, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    "(gwnfog - clcgtaph
Mr B H. riunu'tre conUlbuM to Good Wotit
th. following trsasliUlotl ot th First Clirl.ti.t.
Hymn from lftQ Ortck of Clement of Alexandria,
of which H says:
"I 'un balf-wlltl at.rnptnfSs.aiKi Maori inr... .
Jb-tLin, and passionate exlmlini, rt':
2n eoniiiiuoin trains 4f thought and t-.t,in,
ioeh as )ter hymns a'Miunil in, wo may sv,, li is
tKlleTfd, no runoto likeness to tlie:e "plriinl
songs," songs I vrry dtcl corjlnR from tli
Spirit who taught men to cry AMia, rather,
Tiers at om-e thtsveivasion ami the food of the
ecstatic love ami adoration of tlio nsw-lxirii
( tinrvu of Christ."
Cmrr. for the tn,orn atfeil,
Making in will glvo hood ;
"WIcir thfit dire-lust right
The wild bird's wandering flijtliti
Hulm tor the shins Hint hi-'i
Their pathway o or the dren ;
Phi'herd of sheen tliatnwr
Tbelr Muster on the thnr
Ktir up lliy children -;,
with uii.iom mvJi
In hymn end Vb , ,
" K "KinJ-t 1,0,1
M!gilvtI, wisdom's m,;
' '"Ay when cares annoy,
."er of endli as joy ;
)f all our mortal race
" tavlotir, of boundless grate,
s O Jesus, hear.
S Shepherd and Sower Thou,
Now helm, nnd Iricll' now,
Wing for the heavenward llrht
Of nock all pure and bright,
l-kber of men, the blest,
Out of the worid'i nnrest,
Ont of Sin's troubled sea
Taking us, Lord, to Thee;
Out of the wares of strife
With bait of blissful life;
"With choicest ti-h, Rood store,
Drawing Thy nets to shore.
Lead us, O Shepherd true,
k Thy mystic sheep, we sno,
Iad ns, O Holy Lord,
Who from Thy sous dost ward,
With all-prevailing charm,
Peril, and curse, and barm ;
O path wheie Christ hath trod,
O Way, that leads to Uod,
O Word, abiding aye,
O end leu Lisbt oil hijth,
Mercy's fresh-epi inning flood,
Wotker of all things good,
O glorious Life of all
That on their Mutter call,
"i ' Christ Jesus, hear.
O Milk of Hearen, that prest
From full, o'erthwing breast
Of her, the mystic Undo
Thy Wisdom hath supplied;
Thine Infant children seek,
With baby lips ail weak,
Filled with the Spirit's dew
From that dear bosom trne,
Thy praises pure to sinr.
Hymns meet fnr Thee, our Kinif.
For Thee, the Christ ;
Our holy tribute this,
F'or wisdom, life, and bliss,
singing in cnorus meet,
Singing in concert sweet.
The Almighty Son.
We, heirs of peace unpriced,
We, who are boru in Christ,
A people pure from stain,
l'raiso we our Clod agAia,
Lord of our 1'encc.
Whether with individuals or with nations
aothlng tendi so much to the continuance of
friendship as a good understanding. Etiquette
.was invented so to discipline and set In order
meetings and assemblies, whether great or small,
that they may not be disordely mobs. If eti
quette were, ldculical and uniform all the world
over, social intercourse would roll on anti-friction
wheels. All would go rii;ht, or nearly so.
Frivolous grounds of Ill-will and quarrel would
be greatly diminished. No one would hare the
tight to take offense, at a form ur usage which is
atringent on everybody without exception. As it
is, half the hitches, pulls-op, and stoppages which
occurs in society result from Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so's
taking umbrage at proceedings on the
part of Mr. and Mrs. Such-a-onc, which Mr. and
Jlrs. Such-s-oue never dreamt would give oll'onsc.
They have unintentionally violated some, rule of
politoness, on which their neighbors insist, while
they make light of it, or perhaps are ignorant of
Jta existence.
Unfortunately no universal code of etiquette
-exists. The rules vary in various countries.
What is sullieicnt fur the occasion here is in
Inflicient there. What is polite amongst Turks
is the reverse amongst Christians.
With politeness, as with everything; else, too
much of a good thing Is good for nothing. "Z.'tf
media in rebut," faith Horace. There Is reason
in roasting eggs. To overdo any observance is
wearisome when it is not ridiculous.
The world, which is especially ruled by eti
quettethe world of courts ullords plentiful
examples of the absurdity of overstraining con
ventional rales. A kingsurroundud by attendants,
may yet have to wail nareroot, in consequence! ol
the absence of the ollicur whoi-o riifiit it is to shoe
royal leet. When Cardinal Kichelieit was nego
tiating with the English ambassadors the mar.
riage of Henrietta of France with our Charles I.,
the match was nearly broken otf on account of
two or three additional steps in advaneo to meet
them, which the said ambassadors exacted.
Kichelleu got over the dilllculty by taking to his
l'bllip the Third of Spain, seriously ill, woe
silling in his srm-chsir before a fire on" which an
unntcessary quantity of wood was piled. As the
heat became uncomfortably tierce, tho kiug re
quested the Dens who wore present to rmnovo a
tew blazing brands from the hearth. liut the
grandee of Spain who enjoyed the sole priri.ege of
laying a finger on the royal lire was absent, and
bad 10 lie sent for. The king's arm-chair might have
been drawn back, llut the grand chumberluia
lone possessed that prerogative; and the cham
berlain was in fault, as well as the stoker. More,
it Is forbidden, under puin of death, to touch thu
person of Spanish royalty. Consequently, in
virtue of court etiquette, und in the presence of
his courtiers, the king was done so tlitiroujflilv
brown that he died of the rousting the very uos.t
Thaiik heaven. In ordinary society, things aro
not curried to stu b evttemes. NeveV".heles, it is
possible for Jio.iteui ss to be exuggerauid into af
fectation. Thus, it is a mark ot respect to yield
the precedence at the threshold ot a door ; but
to insist too long and obstinately, bccomci
lous. Adiumutic iwltr cone ude.s an a- t ot a
comedy by the entrance of two old Indies wti
route to call t the same h nise. Tliey oiutu illy
aprtcto go In first such persistence, that thu
diop tcuue closes on lliein hot. no either will as
sume the pioccilenee 'J en minutes HUer.v ir l-,
when the drop scene rise-, the dowagers are s ill
at their struggle of ceremony, and it is only slier
a debute ot several seconds tnut one ol Hum
makes up her mind to cuter.
Certain rules of court eti piette may, pcrh;is,
ayiieur ridiculous, und u icpuxnance may bo
telt to eoiiiorunug to them, lint it is wise' to
pluck up courage under adverse elr titnst inccs,
and to Uu at Koine as tlicy do at 1; oiui'. N in
kon whom no one will ueense of bcu w-mtinf
in dignity himselt, or ot wishing his represent t
tives to be wanting in dignity is reported to have
said to au l-.ngli.h envoy, who ha.l L,0eii rclused
un audiem e by the Kmperor of China because he
would not prostrate himself in tho manner re
quired. ".Monsieur, I should request my amoas
milor, it necessary, to lie a conpieof hours ou the
Hat of Ins stoma, ii, but, ut inn- price, t suecee 1
,u liis ini:tiion."
'ibelirst condition of pie-cut. iliilitv in soe'v
is cleanliness. 1'eraonal i:eutn.:.-s und mv:.t ti
propriety ought to march to:-etiicr si le bv si.l.
Inicllcctual anility Is no iso for j..-r.onal
ingligeuee. Voltaire and Ci.-cio-a i-iti,ou
- brace to couple both strongly insi-t on , .canli
ness, and both urge th -it it be without an'-- tatioti ;
not carried so far as the iauti h duiue's iieatncss,
who re I used to let house be -qnjwn 1 1 Cii.itlcs
V, "because,'' she said, -he won't or, his
You ought to salute all persons of your ac
qiiuinumce wherever you happen to meet them.
It is bad taste to refrain from saluting an inferior
until he has first saluted you. Not to return a
cultite, out of pride, is the proof of a silly and
narrow mind. Ju out of Ihe way plaoes, aud in
thu country, it is customary to salute unknown
persona bom you chance to meet. If you ate
walkmir w ith a Irieml, and he is suluu d by one
of Ins friend-, you bIjo it re bound to return the
mime, tiiouch unacquainted with the person who it. Juliinatu irieuds sulu.o by uiot.uu of
the bund ; equals, bv taking oil the hut and rais
ing it a little above the head, or by a slight bend
ol the knee, as if making a curtsey. When, alter
4-xi hanging salututious, you enter into conversa
tion with a superior or a lady, you ought, in
1-iaiue, to runum uncovered, lut tu hand, uutil
requested 10 replace It.
It Is ntl allowable to take the hand of person" I
you meet, rxcvpi nctween equals or liv a sniv-rl t
to au Infi ilor. hen you lake anv one's -n'i
ton may press it gently, but not'shak' ,1 ij
s onpohte to call any ons loudly by P' m ln" lh,
11 r."" OM,r WRT' , nlwars be done
with the i..ot extreme P'l".(li;'; "ukini. 0fl vo;.
bat, even when aihln" f .... ni- -
Inferior class. In 1? JTZ uJ ,a ,''
others as von w rftx-'lte"- to the !,.. ,
Sd lr"sd " 'nM '"' by," ,hd Infor
'?, . ! nonml M supply the r. f, desert
. re can. ln villages onlyillcr houses to
1 of towns, is it allowable I"
, nke inqiihifi. cont'octlng links
.htt or viio" ar.-on.-oe,' loireiuer atnt seep
of mctety : they bring PKs tb in could arise from
lip moie intimate ri ,iire. W'c cannot, tbere
niete bnstnetis iuNantliropei, tlmt calls are to i
loir, allow, witrta' they ought to be abolished,
wearisome, ail and even nccraary when mad.)
Thcv ate mid 7ns. 1 1 yon come to settle in la usual to iiiahc what is termed "a
a to' cull" on the x rsons w itn whom von havo
(..o. In short, in 1- taiicc the new comer l tlm first
i call ; he la cxprrti-d to seek Itistet l of waiting
to le sought. After a dinner, ball, or evening
party, u should call on vonr entertainer within
the wr k following, i lie lir-t case is sometimes
cnlltd a rimtrilr fresri. n.
It is not pi nnis-iblc to keep people waiting w ho
all upon j ou. It would be an impertinence to
do so, w ithont absolute necessity. If you are
detained by nny accident, you must charge
mother pci -on to do the honois of the bou e,
until you can np ear and make proper excuses.
Any one who a"f( d o'herwisc would expose,
bimscli' to mortil.Miik' lessons. A duke, belong
Ii g to one of the lift families of l-'iance, c led
one day on a mitiib r, ho happened Ut b busy
ai ranging the hooks In his library. The minis
ter, ut.w lllirir t-i quit his tak, sent a rcou-.'st to
the dulie to wait. Alter the lapse of an hour,
the rnini'-tct doienrd til show himself, sayittir by
way of excuse, ! bad quite f irgoifoii y . ii , Mon
sieur le Due.'
"Say, rather, that y"n forg. f your-clf, Mon
sieur le Ministre," n plied the duke.
When persons who rail on you take th ir le n e,
yon are Uaiud Ui accompany them to the ,
unless you aie al-o reee;ing otlier visitors. If
even ion discciid oi.eortAoul the do r st -ps
w ith tin in, the attention is -till greater. Kinitig
far the servant to show people ont, while vou
remain without stirring in the dialing r:n.
alone, is Quite cpposril to French rsd'.trnex. m.l
has, probably, given frc.mentotlcnse to torvigners I
Ignorant of our hub ts. I
The nta-ter or ujlstre.-s of a hense shov.l 1 r.e-.-r
ofh r a dinner siois ff-, - ;,,;it-. A m;er o--f t--vltcd
-omc people to !int:cr. ar J treated tS.-at !
meagre late. At lessen he v:d, - ka ev. v y i
fru nus, 1 am jo'.j . -. 'u.'u-. " i
"Oh," rcjilicd et c ot 'he b-irjrry su 'v.-nrr-s, i
little ceremony does os harm."
Martalnvt'le, tbe aut! or of tie ' Vied i: M.-.i- ',
tor," acvepted a dinner vt the injd. Mi so !
charmed h s hosts wr.Jt t cvrvervi::..-n. '.."la;.
when about to take h: '.cae, t't wculi voc e- j
nimgouniti n nxeet a :-sw t r cvui nj t:ii
dttiiiigwith tlicn a-rain. ,-rr wei:. t.?ea. '
said, "since yon tt'i-t. 1 wit J:-t yea v-l
Imnieduitely, if yon like."
Urillat Saaiitt declares that t.: m tu wio re
ceives his friends w-.ihotit jayitt tn;rse)uai a:cea
tion to the repast prepared for thern. ts unw"r:l:v
to have friends. You are resinmsib'e for the well
being of the persons yen inrite, so long as they
reinein under your roof.
For a getitlemau's dinner roil wiil hare hot
side di.-hes, venison, fillet of beef, all the courses
solid and succulent, plenty of roasts. No light
pnsiry or sweets, but pates, hams, boars' heads,
und other charcuterie of celebrity. At dessert,
scicei cuceses, oranuy encrnes anel plums, early
fiuits, and a few sitnplo sweetmeats, solely tor
show. A ladies' dinner is a different affair: cool
side dishes, courses of choice fish and game,
plenty of delicate pastry, first rate vegetables, lta
variun cheeses ami creams pcrfutncJ a la vunille
and a la rose, elaborate and elegant dessert, with
bonbons varying in M tror, shape, and smell. A
mixed dinner must be contrived to suit all tastes.
Mote well, tho cheese at dessert, not between din
ner and dessert.
When you invite French friends, hare at least
two or three sorts of cheese on the table, c.ich
under a glasa cover. Tho " I'hvsielogie du
Oout" says : "A dessert without cheese It) a
beauty blind of one eye. Cut the cheese offered
you, lengthwise, instead of helping yourself to
the pointed end
Kirch napkin should be ticketed with the name
of the person for whom the place is intended.
Four glasses are the Indispensable escort of every
knile and fork ; thu largest for viu ordinaire, an
other for choice wines, another for champagne, a
louriii tor iuc line wines tuKcn at dessert and with
entremets. In the grandest mansions, fresh
knives aud forks arc given with every change of
plates ; In second-class houses, knives and forks
are changed ut each courso, iiud after fish; in
muny, the sumc knife and tork serves through
out the iliuner, aud lire replaced by a knifo only
at dessert.
llefore dinner the mistress of the house should
see that u!l urrungements are properly m ide. At
dinner she ought to charm everybody by her
grace, attention, and fi icndliness. Alter dinner
a well-bred woman will not betray in the presence
of her guests any marked utieuiucss respcctiit!?
what is left in tho dishes. It is ridiculous fir a
hobt to show anxiety to save elaborate confe -tionery
which may adorn the tablo. It 1h for thu
guest to plead for the spai iu:t of those cdili:es,
which are generally contrived to please tho eye
rntber then the palate.
bread, v, hen once handed to you, may not be
sguin cut, but only broken. The hiack-bottle
question Is speedily settled. Wine luuy not be
decanted. The dirtier, the dustier, tho mouldter,
the inoro cobwebby, a bottle is when placed on
the table the better. It is the down of the peach,
the bloom of the plum, tho dew of tho rosebud.
When a bottle is uncorked, and you are about
to help your neighbor, it is polite to pour into
your own glass the first few drops (which Italians
would squiit ont on the tloor), before filling your
neighbor's ; and theu afterwards to fill your own.
Fating is not so simple an act as the multitude
imagine. Animals feed ; nun eats; clever men
only know how to rat. A novice in society,
sitting opposite an old marquis whose manners
bore the stamp of the highest refinement, ex
claimed, "W hen shall I out my soup like that
gentleman ?" Vou may know middle-class
Kiiglish from middle-class Fiench, thus: the
Fnglish sip soup from tho side of their spoon,
the French from the end of it, holding the utensil
as it they wi re eoing to pitch it down thoirthroat.
After eating an egtr, break the shall. Never
wipe a gift's or a plate with your napkin, which
would be Hi) implied suspicion ot your host's
chniiliiii ss. Fish must not bo touched with a
knile. A fork should no', be laid on its back.
The masts r of the house generally takes his place
at ine middle nl ibe table; tho mistress aits oppo
site. On cither side ot each are placed the most
favored gttists. The right is the seat of honor.
At very grand dinners the hosts do nothing.
Hoth the dishes ami the wine are served by initio
domestics, w ho inline them when tliey oiler them
to the guests. At the conclusion of the dinner,
bewure of folding your napkin, us If you were ut
home. The liu;;cr-glass and inoiith rmsiug cus
tom, (more to be honor, d in the breach lhau the is st 11 unsettled uud debatable.
In gi n- nil, it ts obligatory to spend tliu evening
in the house wheie yon have dined. In the ctso
of votir being eotiipclhd to mire tariier and,
for that, it is stiictly nu'cs-uiy to have unavoid
able riictinisfatires to al'i ce as the r -uin yon
should give notice of it bcfoie tint repast, and! ou
departing, timnile-t extreme regret, l-.xe pt wlicu
he is bcssed to slrij.',or hen he takes any re
in shun t.l: , CU-tntn II quires a ftcutlelllllll to b bl
his hat ill bis bcnil lliroiii'liout the soiree. Tins
usaewas probab.y inveuicd lo keepatvkw.ini
individuals onto! the dillieully of not kuoiug
wnai to do v nli their peudcut arms.
It is only allowable in a case of the greatest
inlii: a. to recline on a sou or divan in every
otlier i use Jon must uiaint ,bi a decorous po-ture
mid uUittuie ; that is, ilboiit the least lioticha
latiic Oi lice utnl casiui s-. A rcinisucss, whi -h
is inti' li to be us'ieitcd, loViatcs in men the
rin-si tic t;f their I even In eertam i -rciuo-i,
Ions ice. jitions. Voting peopl.- will do well to
ill. ' lam iioiii a posture, w hich is really loo dia-S'l.on-like,
and which, thank Heaven, la lies arc
In cr ii How i d to u.sMiiiie.
It .s improper, it t u soil er, to express your own
opinion:, too loudly and decidedly. If the apart
ment in v hich you are receied h is its, tables
and chiiuuc) pieces huleii Willi rare and curious
oi-iects, you in i--t uo tain, in--oi -.inn; to the
I'u ecu, iioiu toiicbmg those hic-t. You
lii iy tciip'i !y p. lii.i'. oi.r.t.'i to t.o.e down a
vo'inm- Iioiu a loek-shelt.
I mrlng Ion-.' v. iiri r ctenim-'s, it is not always
po. s ble to k- ep i p i .u v. rii! ..., and less to
enliven il wim new uud int re.-' in .- topi -s, In
ibi(-li rue il oiu u dectieia'e.s into bacivbitins'.
V'ln-t und otlur gaiui a iitlord it greet re.v mr. c ;
c.inls nre belter than cilutnny. ( ar l pliyers
sbculd luatiib st n- itlier r k t e-.iilt.ui m a' w in
uu c, nor ill humor at lo.-int. A person, whose
avarice was notorious, boasted of huvmg lost a
c i.s,dciul le sum at cards without uttering n
word of complaint, "lam not stiipri-ed at it,"
ii pl ed a w it, "gioat sorrows are dumb."
If jour i uitncr at whist lie u grand p rsonagc,
in case of winning you must, in Fiance, take
care not to suy : "i have won," or, " W'c have
on," but "Vou havo won, tuoii.dcui," or, "Moti
seigneur bus won." Card debts are aid within
twiuiy-fuii! hours.
A feat of pedestriauisiii is noted by a
Superior newspaper. A man mimed Finncgun
started Iioiu Copper Harbor at ten minutes pa-t
U, A. M., and alter three hours' stoppage at
vuriotis mines on the route, arrived at Houghton
ut hall 'past Si 1'. M , having iravelui tiny-seven
miles. The day was sultry, making the walk
lunch more lilc-oiin; thau it it had Keieu cool aud
V. tinl Co' ,''l'ttf,'l,'n''f r'it vlvaOij; Ti-ltjrapH.
' IUltimohk, Neptomlier 11.
fo-morrow the old defenders of Ilaltiinoro at
(he battle of Norlh Tolnt will celebrate the anni
versary of that triumph. They will proceed to
Towsonfown, where a grand dinner will bo par
taken of, and such other proceedings Inaugu
rated aa mar prove consonant with the. occasion.
Only a few of these vetcr.nis are now left, each of
whi m shows that time has niadu "prions inroads
npon Mm. There nre till around lliltiiuore
n.any evidences, su -h as ititreiichments, breast,
works, old forlic-aea, Xe., nhhh WTO ere ted
duro. the of IHI'i.
It is a i ry apparent fa -t that t'io notniiiufi u
ot (iineiid Xict 'ellau to I'm Tie-l-lcuey has
tni'ld ititllely ill this latitude. Si resiionlHts,
w ilhoul an t xceplmu, since reading his Iciter of
ni 'eptutiei", ami biulmg he not only evades their
t'bieuco plallcrm, but goes lor the integrity ami
inn Visibility i f the I nlon, di op him like hot
le d. 'lin y tioiv miv tin y would nith'-r rote for
Lincoln, knowing exactly h"W and where he.
stnr.ds 1'eace men , r e aro afraid of lain,
w bilst there ore iIiohmipiIs s ho believe his letter
is written to catch War Ilciiiis'rats, and yet, If
elected, lie would go back squarely to the OhicaiM
platlolm, and be roiitrollcd tmally by such mea
as those lotiml in that eatcgoiy, iu Congress and
out, opposed to voting supplies for the army and
to caii v n g on the war, thus I. aving us finally to
be weiikiiud, uiervatul, lolled, and eventually
tiainpiril ii on b the lyiaiiiin al tiaitors id' the
t-oiitli, who, linding us In such a coudt ton, won id
ilieutte their iowi Ictiiis, and InaUe us Utile better
tl an sliiM-s.
'lrue nnd loyal t'nion nun, who were on.v his
fitrnds. aie ntraid ot the company he is In, and
apptehrml, however t'air his promor andhoucat
bis resent intentions, be mtstht t led aatrav by
w th . bnprinop cd s-!ili. isiis, ivu tv led tiy them,
ami eventual. v run eur tiatnei tnio uryii icvabb'
di:! m.d dai-vei. U is tust to much the man
a ti c u rn act the puty h is "ilh.ihal they
finr 1 ckav twer, t'.u-v .. as nnl- v;.e I m tUe
O.,1. PitUSfiU P1-!. ' Is t Ai t:.0 ICS SAUs;.
of I in ;u' c? b.cvs'v c: t. u, a, s i ot
avd w at Cvus'.'- yvt y .-! .a ih. ".u
t"i!, s iv imss-.-iii v--.-. ts s".irv an
CS C! S c t. 1., IS . stf.
I C. .- x" 'Se-u "I : it l" Mr
iv.' y SMt.n-uii, -).' 'i.iivn ed i-j.-ti
a V:o, i-J r..-ce, m. yvs-i .v t ' r-isr J s-tt-a-ivj-.-.J,
.seviifs,-. a--, i'td as J.-s ia,.'tr . ois,
rsi.s-r t ni l ..s ui-. cm '.v .J, so !v efx.ssioo
niytr sj iiouois ai ltes-it.iif uxjipieiis-tj u.-
l:Ja 31. t'tl h K .ill) slli-,r :,, iiit'H';nt- is , e.lo
Vjs.' H, JJW oll,V svn-, .liol.ts.,, W st,s til.) Isieifa
Jo. -it pv.n.v, ami a eosei uiuuiii iii...i(. .i vfii .
N .'U 4.1st X'Ol .
f'telV I.V siWIOai. 'SIIWiS IH-ul. Ijuuih Vp t.
H: Cclli 'll,IJ.;wi i ..t.h V, .lUu v )i,u,t,
'las-ti ....u yrv'ei-.--i s .slo u. ,i :u -'.-.nj.-k.
V -i:tJi V-tijv a--1 t.l ,lui Jweu n.iui.- .
6 in a -id 'tg w-.-uio uo .k.em, iui. ifin ,! I.
s-aa eari. lie ia-.. rviii.i.:! v-i.J la to )o i.m. luetl.
ecu - ecii;r c-t-:'! ;s.ej so J t,:)e oimLiou, ni.i.
we wu Id bv 'oi.i w yiii'. w.ta Don. a i.ior-
saiisls sA.;tiy how ic tu.-iage -seceisit i:ni vi..s
ioya.isis i-t a si-utfirrj ta.'r.:er su.a'i.
Af-cr tie l.;h ot rext oioa i. tr d-ay
which a vote :s to re tak-.-a :n r::ica;.on o;' ti-e
new s-uue l oti-titunon, Mary aa-i wtli t f;rver
freed In m tLe incubus of African or negro sia ',
very. 1 his is a g ore us a.:h:evem..nt, s:.ii has. j hastened by the verymtes
of those in rtbeinun, who proclaimed that sabie
institution the corner-stone of the would-l South
em fslareholding Kepnblic Henceforth we are
destined to incalculable progress and gr-atne-s.
There was ifiiite a severe accident on the North
ern Central ruilroad yesterday ; several killed and
wounded, but we have no particulars.
It is amusing to behold the perfect stream of
recruits for the army that is passing into and
passing through llaltimorcat present. Not a day
pusses that more than a thousand, and often
several thousands, are seen en route for tho front.
They are all fine lookins men, in cheerful spirits,
and look thoroughly confident that the Rebellion
must soon be crushed out. Two-thirds or more
of them are veterans. Since tho war commenced
we have not seen men so hOa:tul and earnest. It
is really inspiriting to behold anil converse with
Willi scarcely an excoptlon, tho prevailing po
litical sentiment among them is, that there should
be do change in tho Administration until wo have
choked oil traitors, closed out. tho Rebellion, and
secured permanent peace. In oilier words, they
all go tor old Abe as Commander-in-Chief, und
the active generals now under him fighting for
freedom anal a restoration of the Union, lloxo.
In amounts anil sizes In mlt purchasers, at liwast mtrkat
C. 11. W1UGHT .V CO.,
Ho. 114 H. THIUD RTBI'.EI',
Opposite the Esclianito.
T. U. IiUNTINO, Esu.,
A. O. DODI-TSII, Esu., Colorado.
Irc?elloiit i
Trcusiircr i
COtl 11HI-1 I
1 b iroprty of this company canilita ol W2hi fcot on
the "Ciisaiua lln,;,M "tiiejinry No 7." "Hlmaiiiu,'' "Uon
K.rd," anil otliir e. lei, ml. A dev.-lopcl OoM-hearinj Ixelct
ta the ainliiK dutrlct uf t'oloraito.
AUo, ilit lieuaeriMi still, new ruiiuiiut, and In asoullaut
Capital Stock $1,000,000.
Whole Number Shares 100,000. Par, $10.
A lnr,t p.rt(i-n uf tht- utt-c1. Lis A'readv tn tHtfa y
lrUstt- nl-t riciiuii. I'i i kfcir' im upt-n ut tuo tdilc- ot
tNf inmiijir v, ut So. ii't lii'sivtT ftr'et. Nw m, wiit-i m
It ii ti Tii mii-r "i sttniitw cm U iilicrii-e;l I r ut pur, Ut
!tt'l,u tt the I rraiaiiit r ol tin CouioMiiy Uutwetn lli'o
J,t ii rs ot li' A M. buU J I'. M .
( opu-n (r Uu- iTor-lttolUi Hid be OJUlllcd tit OlO (t1l'4 it
lie t' iiiiouiy. uuLs I j it
ll.'n KM';i 'lO HIS OLD lU'AUlKRS.
1 i iMttl 1 F. I'I,SKK.
imuit'i'v iiii.nrifir "I "ii Hon,.'.- v. K"V H. I 01 Ir I II
MUlt. ! l-'W I I lU'Till, II 11 II ill (It to if I' 1 )'.' .l'!-1 It i MM'
1 Miii n- tl.itt In' ri turiii'ii i- tin? Out t.i-1 i. -
M li luili ill. (I i Miitnnmli' ' ol ..!iti. i ifiUnii jjjf.
A li i-xc'll. iit Liiin'li li.i.v tiiiJ t: wiiinj. A' so on h inA n
I'.i' ii- tirviiliii' nt Dl l.i'jiw;.-., Alc, f ..ii' , mil! I.i.m
lU- r. ht -t -t.VniJi
DUIINK' C O T T A 0 I!. "
I) 'I i-or io'ii'nr. fnv. m.d well K inwn p' i-n of
.c'i-i nit- oitll.-it tit In' H. I., .nrii.i ... HIVI'll ult I
Mi Noli M,i eh. ig HitJii).' u in 't Dim iiij liuuiit , .niUrr
U.v att.ioict uod :mKiaiii!f aiipcr. iti-iii ol
.MjNiUvAl. .UVLS M.I.noN,
l'i:.i! i.niifU
Tlii) Ai!mi:'l n:iu' in-itiuT tln.c, money, inr nif nti'm
lf) fci'i i at i u It'i 11. e cl.olftjit Win .- an 1 !.;.iu .r
I ; 1 Trior c U i .mil Old Ht"C' AU' on ulftii.'it, w.u, it
tai.nut lt tiiia)Jt tl In l'f . iiailt- iilntt.
let ur) ii ainvl.o l.'vi' Jm t oni ley uru i loinl of
Fo i diniH ((iv c t Li A'li.' a cm il. ii 1 1 .Dim
1 ;U )I JMM1IN(j 1 1 01 J 1 LS. A M ' ) N ( i s'l IllK
1 1-nl'iii' iLiiit-i. it) i.iol ArnMid l'l.i!.it'li'lri. ihi-ic .ire
in lie m bi-i)..i-. ti., iew "lOM ISl., ia hKLMl'iI
hM.e', mIimv, f Ul.iNL'l'; oi.ihi- i.l-l iiml w.-ll known
"liortilt h II .til, M u. o ionit-i of hV K roVN l ino
ai-it TOWN SI ill' MM'. Hot.' I, Mi. .KK.i: W. KiML
U l'n.ti lur 1 1 both, wiiii h in in-tv tl asunuii nl kt(ifc'atuo
(ui tl i ir in: lire hut. t-tn. Tin' t r Imut 1 i; ui'V UilOi: (
tihlc i li bl!.t-lc will Int found at . ju li ilnc!, n l , not i li
ht.tium k tin- limn. out oi tt twimt. will l ii,te
io . A upleuaia Lunrli uver duy, liutu 11 U li o ci-M-k.
1J0 I in
1 loorurs alk VAri.Ts, s. k. counlu
J I MMKIl ui.d 1 HrsM T Huift',
t. NftriC I MTHi NIAIK TKI.n.KAl'U 0'M('i5.
1KNIi'IAN it' ll HI AMI.
IX E rOnlRI' AM I. KM Al.KH IN TMK f'lTlT. I'.H VNJHI.1, WlhK, lil N H , HKIK.
AMI IHi'iHh h I HIT.
TMi rrlrlnAtrd old mmikI tut v inx litistn nnrtvntcd n1
tliitfiii-tilT ft 'lilted, Willi one ol the llueat Mt'H k ol Alei
nd tio J.iijiiora in tli? ally, tl. proiri'iir Invito tii
j uii ic tu gt Uuu n .4tUt (Mjiiiidut u ii it ut U.t ir .
Latest Southern News
Interesting i'rom Charleston.
frm: kin ,vinc;i::h
Al l Allta NHAIl Aft NTA.
front thr Ii 'iinoii'l K imtn r, Sftftml r 9.
M (kim, tin., Nepteniticr 7. YoatorJuy our H'1
vaiii c ilrovn lite cni'tny from Junovboro, ami
ri enituieil tlio liu.-pitiil, containing ninety eit'uiir
Miminti cotttlniira to tlniw baek Ills forres
tnwnrtla Atlanta, for tlie purpose1, it la reporteil,
of tuetitl rniDK li e nurks ou the eastern, we- t
crn, ami southern approach, tliereto.
I'ltiern liumlreil mil intiT our lo.-aos from nil
raiinrs in the t itilc .itnl fklrtnliln s of lait week.
'Hie army ia now in tine spiiita,
Monn.v, Sop(rmlr 7 Last nli;lit out' of our
yaw in. ,-otit.iimti ten men, was eupturoil l.y a
4iIm-.' Iiimuli, neiir ilie uliati neiiom. Tliey
ero. tumc-ver. nvapturcil by the pie sot bout
1. 1, (. ,.,'n. All nuiet.
Ill's 4 11 MY.
Vi 1 1 i;mh uu, SoptemlH-r S. Notlilns; haa of.
euirv,! aloi-tf e'ur lines utility, 'l'litnv was soino
am. uv t.tin i ll eur lelt ami riylil ecutro Ih
ir,n fleen an,l taeWo o'eloek to-iliiy, ami at
tf.c nine time a trw alien were hum am. luu the
ovr it e! the eity .
hi vat SHTOM.
y ... ,i u .v. w. . .e -w", A.-. .
t'uit.ies. SeptetnWr 7 Our prNner
avtv . e'. on VL't t i I.ia-.ul t. ,'.y , a ul mrv-ul
f.'.v .wti,';! t ". ll-e t-ar of l- toiv Wetter,
-4-.'v4 t- a 'a'-.w eov'.y ot' , '.:n-.e:.
ei v .
W if'wy trv.'-5 two tv ".o to tiriv
-"in i wi'iviM. l a ty t', or t'vur.ceu
"S:!.-. u: ':iil 't' cii jenvty e A-".! h : .lte
Xetu yr:i ,i, !?ort j -ju ,tr, -.ei R'i'.y '-..-t!i at liio
-! '::a i: -a I'io-.- ? e neot up
t ,i'.-ii.iv urv on 1 1 eu-it n ' wo: '-v'tv: pArtes ..t
..luu uai CaJ:ry cu '.A'a orvej., lir.iit: oiuo
j-'.y i."".-b dot..
l i Vjci. tiia.! another t'uuie a:tempt last
eUa: to t.ow lm Kort Sumter, hut t'ailtj, the
tori-Jo e.p.veliu;- about tLree liuadeed yards
f:er'u the toil.
1 t.t re i vo chanu'e in the fleet.
Ibe otily life lot yesterday l.y the enemy's
!.e..s aiu that of an unfortunate cow. A nef.'io
! severely, hut not dangeionsly, wounded by a
Imminent i f shell.
Frvtn tht Charltvtn .S uth Carohnian, ;,a.
TLe rctoliitioii of the authorities to enforce the
coiiMTiption in this city has met with general
approval. The enrolment will bo shortly pro
ceeded vwth, and every man from seventeen
years of age to forty-live is ordered to report to
the enrolling olllee. The order recently issued,
which does not exempt foreigners resident in the
city, is just, us they aro not untitled to greater
privilrpcs thun tho citizens, when utl'ordcd the
same protection. An order permitting tbem to
leave the city should ho considered u favor.
Vasuoton, September 11. The Richmond
litamineroi the !lth ( r) tells the story or a story
of the capture and death of the notorious John
M or Run. It seems that he was on a rccounois
BMiec near Greenville, KuHt Tennessee, and using
the privilege of a highwayman's practice, took
Io0'it gB at a n inyitiug bouse near the village.
Ti,i6 pleasant little house linrpened to be tlio
rct-ideneo of a Mrs. Wllliums, whose huaband is
an ollleer on Cienerul liurnhide's stall". Mrs.
William kept quiet until tho guerilla chief fell
asleep. Then she huatily procured a horse, rotlo
at lull speed lor fifteen miles, nnd returned with
a Nitiull biimd of Union s .lclitrs.
Jmt us they arrived, Mrgau awoke, and seeing
Lis danger, broke from the house, but ho was
confronted on all sides by bayonets. Desperate,
at being thus caught by a woman, he drew his
revolver, sworo he would not be taken alive, and
undertook to break through the g.l.trd. They
lited, and John Morgan's career of iiil'amy and
Mood was flnithcd.
Tho Augusta papers publish the following
lcttir from Secretary Trcnliolin :
Tiii'Ast iiT Di i'AHTur.M , V. S. A , Richmond,
Aug. l.i, ('anipi.ell W allace, Ks ., I'res--
tleut, Angii-tii, (la. Sir t 1 am greatly obliged
by jour letter of the 8th lnat., which is conceived
in the true spirit of u putriot. If the penplo stand
by thu (iovernnient and encourage (Jongrcss to
do their duty manfully, there is not tho slightest
danger about the public debt.
Our people are eoinmittingnn net of groat folly
to he buying property of all kinds at ten times
what it will bring wbcu tho war is over, while
foreigners are buying their six, seven, aud eight
per cent, bonds nnd carrying them abroad. These
bonds will bring morciu specie when peace comes
than they are bringing now in currency, and wo
will have to pay then) strangers in full whether
we wish or not; whereas, if we kept the bonds at
In ne, we would get back ull the collected
to pay the interest.
I urn (tying to pay for all foreign supplies out
of the profits on cotton, and we may have nothing
to buy with bonds and Treasury notes but flour,
corn, meat, and manufactured goods, and to pav
tuiDtpcji t.ition to railroads. If we break down
under such cireuini-tanees, it will be our own
luult, and we will deserve nobodv's compassion
or i-jnipathy.
Yours, respectfully, G. A. Tuknhoi.m,
.Secretary of the Treasury.
From the MMIe TriUme of the 2 lth, 27th, and
'-ISth, we tnke the following:
noon's STllIiNriTK.
It is an agreeable proof of General Hood's con-tcioiisne-s
of Mrcngiu, that lie has been abla to
spare a force to aid in the defense of Mobile,
in unci).
That part of the steamer l'lumix sunk In the
oliatriietions uU. li was above water, has been by the authorities, to prevent the enemy
fn in lodging upon it As uiiul, the scarecrows
hud it that the Vat ke.s hud burned it.
Mr. W. C. lice has presented six machined,
complete, lui nun. ii'iu .uritlg ice-, to the Muaieul
iiepaitii itit ot ( hni I- ton. They were imported
In. in Kiiiopt.
'1 he CliuiU'stoii ( Va) firfmiee savs General
Ilieliiuil ,. I'uje. e. . ininanding l'ort Morgan, is a
l iitHeni ( niKcc imty, irgmlii, but iiiarncd in
.It in e
li. I-.. 1.
v I, ie!j . for a tiuio his placa of r.-si-It
state; ho is it relative of General
'lie i iii'lin ,-r , !,. phintied l'ort M iran was
(leneui! l.iiiut.l, Aide-du-Camp of ,apoleoou,
niiii -tilise.pieiiily ecretnry of War of Louis
riiiliinpe. 'l i e fort belongs to the te-cond d iss
of sueh works, there being only one In Hie Soti'h
superior to It. That Is Fortress Monroe, llut this
iloes not Imply much, for it was planned uud
built at a time ln n the science ol projectiles was
in its inliilu y. II Foil wa to-ilav wind
,t :is jtars ni.o, it w.mltl p-'vp very little
tiou'.i t u I-..rr.iiriit.
s.oiui.i: :,ui iMriii.i...M.i.!:.
'J hi le i'- It lli-positioll ll'lloli" -ome tliou .'htl.. .
Jiuple to nude! into the llleei.uilical -iilll u, ttell
as toe t oiirie.'e of the enemy j and tlii- lias enst us
lr.anv )i'aees winch were pronounced "iiuprcgnii
Mi,"uiid brought tii-giuce upon innny tried and
vonhy ci iniiiuii'lers', who defended tin in. The
sumc game i being pi .veil in respect to Molnic.
.No plui e can be t ailed iiupicguiilile, unless it has
sun e.-s!iilly pu-M-d t!-c oi ileal of anus. Mobile
ia not by any mcuns imprcgnublo, aud ihose who
hay it is are only tcpeutiiig tho utory Hint has so
otien proved to be a inero parrot's story. Tho
impregnable pint cf It, we trust, will be the valor
of the men who slund behind l;s defenses. Let
no one delude himself with uuy other notion.
Oiu eoiiiinandera, we are certain, look with pain
on this fully.
A Koiiiliintlou.
Aim its, N. Y., September Theod ,ic M
l'niia rov has been iciioiniii tied lor Keiuesenta
tie in Ouiigi-css, I'toiu the Twenty-fourth d strict
oi ties Slate.
l,oia f tt a i'Nel.
(i.-w i on, N. Y., Hep'cmber 2 The se'iooner
AjHtlie, Iioiii Toledo, oil the 2 i instant, for this
port, ia supposed to have foundered, w itli all on
board, in the lute gale ou Lake l.rie.
Y) Y H 1 1J I M I A .
1st. A constant pain er anca'lseas at ttit t-H t.f the
M Matnli-ara an) aridity.
3.1. Cnamrna.a anit leia of ariO'r.
4IS. Illoom and (leiirraiilnn of apirita,
"all. IHairliu-a. Willi Rrlii s.
!th. Parfn In all pari, of t e
7th.4 '' aviiiploni. anitpalp tatli no . (lit l.ti.rt
S ti. Cruyti, n tth In llir tliroat.
Mh. Nrrvona aftfetlofl anil want of Blerp at nlptit.
iPlh. I.r of aepelitc anl viimltleir.
Illh. IMrrlnrK, flllmif as of vi.lon nnd li. of aielit.
I Jiii. Ib ailaelir anil tii. ruin in w alking, frith
Out of Us ttlKii.anil of rlM'. of ) "p ila that litie
nsiil Iir. Wntiari . liri at Ainr,-u;an ii-i.-.a Pillt. n .t
one ol llicm lia fall.-tl uf a p,.-ri-et r ire. tVr w arrant A
eir In rvary i a-, no ma-tor II' of twi-nty years' alarel
litf. Holil by all rtrupista rvarvwle-re, anil at ir.
Wt.SlaltT'H..IHrr, No. 10 N. H I'.I ON II Klrr, t, I'l.ll at
iliia, PS. All examinations anil eon-liilatl'tna frt a of
'-t.arus. Menil for a ' Ireular . I'rlea SlHTt.-, Sentl.y
Aiutl, (rrr ai tiaiitc un re i it of iu'ii.
liVarKPPIA, HV"f.P'iU.
Tlii. !a to rrur that I hart Iiy.prpaia In thr -r-st rVtrai
for tlnpi-yfur. 1 an, treitn-o liy a-v R of thr br.t pliy
1 inn in A inertra : .i.nir of Ihatn warn Proo-anora ot Jef-irrin-n
t'olli a-, l'liMaaalihia, hut tht v 'U-l mo no ,mm1. I
grew -orte very nioie.t). I wc.iuil Imi laann al lltm-a w -Ita
ilreaiinii puma Hi my lirea.t aim stomal li ao ari-M ivaa It
that 1 rou d ni r-lt, lie.rMrr-tnnil.tait woulil rova about
front one room lo another : my frtenfla eapeetnl to aor ma
d!-, ar llirti- avl-earcil lo be no reltrf for aia. In tlila lioi
I. p rt tidhlon I tiiiierd misell iin-li-r I Wlihart'a Ue-al-uiont.
and used hi modtrtiiea aa diriMilad
I his May I an, a ai-ll uinti, aim lor tlirea rrail I have
been on my frt-t,anl worhliia hant frum early m-irn until
eleven oN loek at lnrht. Iir. Wi.hait, I give yon tlila cwf.
tl'ienle will, a gnnr-tlil heart, feeling ft lay duty ,o io .o;
yon may, ami I want yon to ah It to the world, that perron aulti rlos aa I was. may have tha benefit of
.ni- .lour truly wondrrtul remedlra Ail .h k prr.ona are
at lib, rt to 1 a I and .a.- me. or w rite 10 me. aa I waut to
render alt the good I can to aurTertnir hnmanttv.
JAMKsl 11. X VOF.IX.
Ovrraerr of Waslilmton Manula, taring lumi-anj't
Y'aaviuK itiMim, oiouei ster, N, 4.
rvsri-TsiA, iivfrrtA,nYRrKfHiA.
Till. Is In ( ertlfy ttiat stllT-rlng severely with a dUenaa
ealiid w ild nilieh loss of Wt i;lit, mv Atte -iti .it
via. illtei ui W i.t.iirra i.reut Ameilcan liyNpepsiA Pllla
a. tin-r liieile. Ila.tiie will. In Ihree weeks taken eleven
Tills, aeeooling to ilia itlrortlnim, I found myaelf emlrely
t or, ,1 . an, I f.-r 1 wo week . .iHie my hia-lh la gieally tin
pr'ed, aud 1 can eat without lear of pakti or liieon'veui.
ue. 1 carnvaily r rotr tiieiul ihetn . all similarly
artnetfit. Mr. M. II 1 Hi 'MIH1NSI.
I-'I. tunon.l r.lrert. F-.'ir dtsira b.'i,.i. Hanover.
It. t . c r wisiivKTa entice, ho. 10 N. hdivNU
Slli.t. I'tn'.ailtlt.t.
1. Je' n l.ei'v-ti, i!o certify thai lor four month, past 1 waa
altav- r.e.1 si Ii a, nte itvspepnia : 1 waa ao ipverely handled
IVat 1 e.'Ukt do tl 'lhilii but wt at It would fill me with
dnradilit ,'t.irv., my uerv otn sviu ui was perfei-ity proa
trattsl . ba tu.le be,-atne weak and trembltiig.
w-rb a cenai.ed Lote and die 'lnet s in the head, followed
by a i a'p laiK'n of the l.eait and -i-ueral debihtvof the
vi tele ts-Uy. Kt erv ktnJ of tatsn. tne adlullltsti-red to uie
d'.t Ik-, until I wa. advlr.e.1 to rail on )r Wishart and
l-lac uiyar f unjer hla trvatuient. 1 1 la now about nine
wteks flnce 1 eonilnanoetl 10 use tils Ilyr,p,da Pills und
I'm Treo Tar Cordial, and I do truthfully and faitlilully
ay, that I am perfectly cured oriiyspeiula, and all other
dlsiascs arising therefrom, and I ran eat three Rood meal
every day, ami feel well la every respect. I am 78 yeara
ot ao, and If it kih nccossary, I feel t could and would
ihouhler my run to defend the cltv from Invasion by the
It. bels. All porsnna aurfcriDg w ith Dyspcpilaas I waa, are
at llbeny to eall mid aro me, for I leel it my duty to do all
die b'ood I run fur sutterlns huiuunlly.
.itinv i.KNt n,
Ko. 1RI1 Poplar street, Phlliule'piiln.
Dr. Wisn ART' Store and Otnre, No. ION. NKIOKO
atreet. Philadelphia, I'a. AS examinations and onnsiilu-f-
rj rrceoi chaise, l rlee, tl per box. Ueut by iuuU oa
Dr. Wishart I have boon a eonatnut aulterer wltli fiya
prpala lor the lust t-lhtocn year., during which tlmo f can
not ay that I over enjoyed a perfectly well duy. There
were tlmea when the symptom were moro aggravated
than nt others, und then It leemed It w ould he a great re
lief to die. I hud at all Umea an liuplrasant fi-ollni; In my
head, but latterly my sufferings at) much lnereased tliut I
beeame almost unfit for business of any kind; my mind
was continually llllci) v, llh (.loouiy thougliu and lore-bod-Ins,
and tf I attempted to chance their current by reeling,
at once u sensation of Icy coidnosi la connection with a
dead weight, as It were, rested upon my brain ; also, a
ict-llng of sleknesa v, ould occur at the stoma, h, and great
pain lo tay cye, aeeompuiiled ith which was the con
tlnuul fear 01 toslnitmy mason. 1 also experienced great
lassitude, dt-bllliy, and nervoasneia, whieli made It dlill
cult to walk ay day or sleep at night. I became averse to
soetety, and disposed only 10 seeluslon, ana having titled
Hie aklliof a tiuinhcrof enUnent pliyairlana of various
Behools, finally came to tlio eoncliislon that, for this dlscueu
at my present aite (J-'. years), there was 110 cure In exist
ence, lint, through tho Interference of Divine 1'rovldrnce
to whom 1 devoutly otter my thunks, I at IabI I'ound a sov
eielni reuiedyln year HyspepslA l'llla and Tar Cordial
wlicti sreia to Iiavo effectually removed almost the last
tract- of iny long list of ntlmenta And bud feelings, und In
their pla'-e health, plcusure, aad conteiitnu-st are my
every day eompiinlons. JAMKH M. BAUNIIKKS,
So. t.'si S. Keuond alreet, Philadelphia,
r'ornjeriy of Wooslhury, N.J.
ir. VIHll.lltT'M Olllee, No. 10 M. SLt-ONI) MUeut.Pta
I, Mokes Trbin, of C'heltentiam, Montgomery rotinty
Pa , have suffered for moro than one yoar everything hut
detilh itself, from that awful disease, ealh-d lsii-ishi. I
emtiloytd In that time live of the moat eminent physicians
III 1'hiltidelphlA. They did all tliey could forme with Medi
cines und eni ping, but still I was no belter. I Uien went
to the l'eiinsilvanlu t'nherslty In order to place myself In
reuchof thbcst medical talents In the country, but their
medicines fulled to dome any good, and ofitimos I wished
for death to relieve me ol my aiiilrrlnga, but sie un IV.
V a advertist-nicnt In the I'l.lladi Itutletln, I de
termined to try once more, but with littlo faith. I called
on Ur. Wlsli.-in.aud told hi 111 If I could have died I would
not have troubled lilui, aud then related my aurrerliura
to htm. The Dr. as.nred ma If ho failed to cure mo of
Dyspepsia, U would be Uie Hi st cime In two yeurs, ao 1 put
n tell under Ida trculincnt, od although 1 had been lor
niontha vomiting nearly everything I ate, my stomach
awollrn Willi wind, and tilled with pain beyond deacrlptlon,
1 bought a box ot hi. Dyspepsia Pills, I used thesn aa di
rected, and In ten days t could eat as beariy a meal as any
person In the Hiute of i'chnsylvaiilA.Aiid In thirty days was
a wU man. 1 Invite any person autlerlug aa 1 waa to call
and see me, and I will relate my suffering and the great
cure I rucelvt-U. I would auy to all Dysiaiptlca, everywhere,
that Dr. Wishart Is, I believe, the only person 011 the eurtb
that can cure Dyspepsia with any degree of certainty.
MOSKS TtllllH,
Cheltenham, Mutttgouiery Co., ia
Iir.AII WHAT tlt. .IdllS 11, llAHl tlCK RAYS,
No. t"J-l OMVK Street. (
riilludelphia, JuuuAry .'d, Inh-'I.
Dr. Wlahart-Kir-.-lt Is with uiucli pleaiure that! am
now aide to Inlurui you that, by Ihe use of your greut
Amerleau lly.pepslu I'llls, I havo been entirely cured of
tliut lnostdl.tres.lng eomphilut, DyspepBtu. I had been
giHvnusI) allilcled for Ihe lat twenty -eltUt yiars.und for
ten yeaia 01 ll.ut time have n .t been lived from Its pnln
one week ut a time. 1 have had It In Its worst lorin, aud
hni c drugn it 011 a moat uil.rrat'ki exlileneo-lii pain day
And night. Kiery kind id luod tl at 1 ale filled me wlih
wind und rum, II nuiltered not how Ikht.or how- aui.ill the
quuntlty. A eontinurd beleldiig w as sure to lolloiv. I hid
nouppriuo for any kind ot meats whatever, uud my dia
tress was sogieat lor several uicntu belre I heard of
your Pills, that I lriiienilv w iaiied for de.itn. I ha l taken
evi-rythli g Unit 1 had l.i-aid of lor lijsp.paia, whlioilt re
ceiving un henef.t; but on your Pills beiu.- recommended
to me by one who had been cined by them, I ooiielud, d to
hive them a trial, nuhoiigh 1 had no faith 111 them. To my
utter iistonlnhiiieic, 1 fuund 111yse.ll getting bettor beloi 0 I
luld taken one-lolirili 01 a box, nnd, utter taking half u box
I am a will tniin.ntitl run eat unyHiiml I trih. luld eniov n
I la nrty tnealtl.ri e times a day, w llliout Iuc mvenleiiee from
untitling! eulur drink. If yi lliink pronor, yon aru at
Ii'h ny 10 in. ke this public and riler to 1110. I will u'-T-ti
l!i e he ull der-lruhu- Inforiuatiuli to any onu who may calf
on lie. yours, reapeellully, JOHN H. HAllUut'K.
I.rsnte let Iir. WISMAItT R Modioli IiC,t, No. iu V.
M.l CIM( (.-reel, Pbllaileli.liia , l a . Prion one dollar pur
box. hint ,j mail, litre ot'tlmre, on ruct-lt ut piice.
I, H. 11. 1:1 1 Ii. IUmii, bate I.e. n 11 grout Hiiterei- with
i t.101 ic .'Ui, ..u i.nd iii:lu;yiiiu;;oli 01 Hie knliloys l,.r
II. n.t- l tin.. 1 , in,,!,,, ed I urn- 01 lair ol tl.o m tut onuiitiit
I.I.VS.. .11.. ol l il.!. la, a. so ol lliilliUKtoii coiiiilv,
l dtiael. 1 l et ,l,, i 1, 11 mo K y could, li.l! ull lo lio
I ul I -. I wa, , onManiii tided will, an li.l pti.u and ills
I'csa. and with constant belcidiiii of wind aud au.ira.-ld
.dy tola in- w as eo , I, d IV all a 11 lilto eoall'lg 01 loiious
e 11, 1 it 1 luel.ul l h,,M Jul low., aud was dri u.ll'tllly sine 1
JU ! 1 olllinns wUhed Inl-death to relieve 11,.- ot rut allllvr
lies, I,. 1 I blot lo.t ,,il liopo 01 ever holrg w.-ll agiiln. I
li.aee It a au bieel of prejer to tl,,d that ho would duoet
'"' pl'iskiuii o n.idnlue tliit would uure uie. t
",' ' I" lend Ull ud.rlllu 111. Ill ol Hi. U'lslmrl's. in HID
I Maul, eliln,' ol a go ut euro made upon Ml..lo!,u
I.LUo.k, ol .So. U. (il,,, ,1M., pinH lci,lna. bvtno
ir.ut Auiiii.un 11, .ia p,,,, w,.miilw DkIoi a
",J I'laetd inysoil nn.iei hi. lie iim. nt. and told him
II l.e Ion. .1 tn rnre me. It would h Uie ia-t nloi t 1 would
liilil-e. II bus .ix wei-ks fciuee I .'otiilili-li.'. d the u-o
ol la. nadieino.aiid 1 uiunowuwell mall, free tioui ull
puiil ai d distress, uud eun eut thitc heal I nueals a dav
will, eiaiiloii ;,nd n el per eetlv well. Iir. Wishart, I Mailt
vol! lo publish my iii.u, aa I waul every poor de.iwiiai;. as 1 waa, total! on uie, and I 111 tell thoui of
the mil cult 1 baio reet-ivad II. .111 v. .111 till illuiilile 111. .11
"ae. sAMt'U 1). UtlliS,
I'oiner of Yenanno and l.amtiert streets, noar Itlclimoiid
stieot, Ii im. ily Iioiu Vii.iil.ljv,u, lluiilugluu eouuly,
Jtew Jeik.y.
Dr. WIHIl AKT'8 oillae, Hu. 10 S. BKC0ND Street.
The aboa are a lew among the thousand, w Iil. U this
gnul remedy bus saved from an untimely grave. Wo
tiuve hundreds uf letters from physicians and druggists In
all parts ol the eoiiatry, saying that thay never proscribed
or sold a medielua which gave such unlversAl sutislaolion.
Dr. Wi.l.arl's Pino 1 ree 1 ar I ordial and l.ysi.eptla Pills
Are sold by Drufgi. Is every is bete. sew)
No. HO Markf-t i-tr0ot
c. v. . ttfir. r. m. i
D It V O G I S T sTTll YfliriANR,
ti i: V f. B A L F T Ut KK F. IIPPIII,
n (InJ ft. 0Drtti Minhmrnt a fi II -iir!nnt',f finporfi tj
nnd Iinm4t(c lrut, fopulfir Patent MMItMnci, 1'Hlntt,
( onl on, Win low .!, IV-rl,.tion VIM, Ac, at a uw
ptitt it f-fnnin ftrdt-clani a wU can hf -old.
tSK K".KMlAf. OM.S
For (Vnf-. t!.iirn, In fnH Tnrirfr, nnd of th bt -(tiility.
fn hltisr.kl Htncal Int.'jro, Ma1ili r, 1'C Aih, Ciifl,.r,
Hoi'a Ah, Alum, thr oT Vitriol, A nnatt'i, Copprafi, Kxtraot
of I.oKwoivsi, Ac , KuU lV KIH up, Alwn in hun t, at
I" west n't cah prlrfg.
vvhK pIr ro fa mif.y i r,
l irniiivl Tiy for npr nle,, and o wl.ici w Invito
th a'ttnt'on of thott n want A rHlaMf artlrfrn.
AIo, ('', t I A H t', ill ,sr.flP, Au of extra
Onlera I.j mail, ,,r yHy pout, mt wltli prmiptat
tmllt.n,or ipf s.lal quofaiilcri nip be fiirni-ihcil w lion ro-
Whoiial. Druic W.srchuu,
jall-ly No. 11: MAKKKT 8tr !(, attuve t ronU
BkALTl .
If to tain idrntiirB rr :
If to cauno ln(il'(ttm nip hi;
if to li a tiloomlnK fl'vr.
l'adirn, dying In an bonr Brautt 1
I lo hava a hoat of frtonA
If for Vlca t ma i ana-ncii ;
If with hff h tHirn b'ootl to wrd;
If a uiarble itont when dfatfWKAi.TH !
If to live tnrrairorr and tru,
Wlitolrir H-c a long airnln;
If to live a hffl nf poarn ;
Il (o dta and no to jfrcaw nicu.TM I
If yon wish a life of pleinre ;
lfytm value ihii wot id matureti
If tyerj coinfoit you would n,
Tulvp my advlca, and with ait lArt.
Than. huTlnjt Hatth. Wealth, and Heautf,
You 11 b pr pared for awry duty.
ItyaraTrftrt pcntttal of Dr. WII.LMM Yorffi'S Hnw
I-ok, UIK MAHHIAi.K niK, whlrh ntvould ha read
br -rry one. Hold by Hoofcnfllri gne'-allv, and at tha
iHH-ior t eOlca, ho. Hl kl'CB tTKKk.T price ?5
nta. an-', tf
II. A. (HlsDEA.
Inventor and Manufacturer of tha
A H T I r I C I A L AUK,
Approval and atopta4
for Holdlpra,
Raa permanently loraifd ht Ofticaand Fartory at Ko.lU
B. Foi Klil WUect, six doors blow bpruva. 1'oilada.
NINTH Birert. atwva afru-kft. Ruotuma
rtdlcally enrrd b H. C. KVIJUTT'B rreailum PaUmi
(traduitifip rrontnra Tnwi. Huprrinr Klanuc Bulta,
Kimtic Mockii.fti. Huppurtara, Bbouldar Bracaa, 8npau
oiit'. Yut hen. Ac.
UflU'i attnd-d by Mra. B.C. EVFJtKTT. toy'itVly
P No. 730 CttiKBNTJT Btrsssss.
elliptic Sewlna Naehlae,
The Orever 4 Baker bearing Maraloe,
The Hu Ker do,
And All tbe principal Rewlnf ilachluea. All .arnlshad
rrom llielr prlnclt-Al orneea.
Alan, all Itioda uf Hecond-Hand Machines, ftf Hale and
HtiialraU At tu new tnlice r
No. HIS N. EII1I1TI1 8tr,
, a, . v.. (Over tea years Kllb singer s Co.)
Ladles tanaM to onerate. jals am
Not only rmrxrrU.ItD but CMWALLEI) In purity
ofTne and 1', I'f-sianad eapeelally for iinnrcliea and
Hebcuia, but fi mid lo be equally wall Adapted 10 Uie t'arlur
And Iirasslnn Jtoulu. t or sale only by
K. V. BltrjOB,
Ko. 18 K. etKVhSI'H Street.
Alan, a complete AtMrtinant of tbe l'srlect Mclodeen
cousianlly tin baud. auliim
Jin. 21S LulxiB STREET.
A larue fores of building uecbjuUcs of all branehea
AlssAys on hAnd. anS-whn'lia
MOITKT, K.leve de Paris, Ereneh Rteara llreln
and Kt-uurliig mi any kind or waarinK apparel, tor Lsdiee,
l, nils, and t hililran. l'attnt aeearalii. lor stretching
pants oe to five Ineliea. IS-i. 7.W RACK HtreuU
llranah Mo. ! 8. VIU TU Btroat. 1'bilaJolphla auS-3i
tlllANIlK OF IlnTRtl.
On and alter yniNHAY, Ansnat 1,1804,
Fassencer iriiins leave riilladeiplila lur
Uallluiiire at4-KMEsprass, MuntlAys excepted), 8"05 A.
U..1V .M.,i-;i ard in au 1'. at.
Cliealer at S OS, II 15 A. HI 130, 3 SO, 4 30, '0O And 11-00
W ilrulniilon Al 4 S0 (Mnndara excepted), 8'0f), 11-15 A.
W . 1 .sj. run, 4 -an, nt., mao and ii-kof. H.
kew t'alle al H-e.'i A. M anil 4 l 1'. M.
In. vi r al S id A. M . and 1 Ju l'.M.
WIH..daiKICi A.M
balisbury ai Kit. A. M.
IxAve Riiltnnore at B'ti, tl to A. M. (Exproia), MO,
II Jft and in -Jo 1'. SI.
WiliiilULl'-n at l it), (S in, 9 A. M.,12 J4,1,1 15, 1'00,4-JH,
T ai du In r. M.
Hall.btiry at ll-ftt A M.
Mill. nd ul-iV. I'. M.
lateral fi'.V A. M., and 41ft f. W.
Mrs t'atll. al s :u, A. M . ami (-77 P.M.
('better at. 4&,U4UA. M , I'UU, 1 40, 4 4, M,7'AG,9'4
l.enie Hnltlrnere fur Salisbury AlullnteniiedlAto stations,
At in n -r m
l.ea e ttalitiuore fnr IKis-er And totcrmedlate atatinni At
1-10 P M.
Iaveriiu-r al s ' A. M , -n6 ami 11 'US I . M.
l eave Vi iluuiiKliin at HO, I) lb A M 40 And U'M
yrvliilit Traina, with Paaaanner Car Attached, will ran
Aa folluwe:
lave wiliuinsioii for Peirsvllleand lntesrmedlAteplAces
at 7 4. P.M.
Ml MiAyS :-Oiily At 4 SO A. M.. 10'SOP.M., from PkllA
de!plna t Halthtutre.
from I'lillAdelpbiA to Wilmington At 480 A. M., 1010,
And II I'. M.
y rem tt lloilnitnn In I'lillAdelnhla at 1-4H A. M. and T OO
r. M. Only at Hi-Jf. V. M , frnin lialil-nore tu I'lillailelplila.
las H r. KENNbiy, Huperlntendent.
AlillAM.t.Mr.K I .
(in aid alter I It I DAY, Apill 1, 114, Ihe trains will leave
As lollows :
a I At II'Nh.
Vt ehl l-riive...,
ctisiii.'s Kurd..
V, . I '. .It.neliun
ATIIISS. A. M. 1. M.
.11 1M1
If. .7
.7 isl
..7 '
.7 4i
. vis
SH.-i l'liila:lel.bia..,. CO 4 'W
3 ..J Weal Chester. .. 7 I'll
4 n W. C .Junction.. Him 6 11
4 i; (Vmroril S -.M ft-.'
4 41 I'limlil Kurd,... 11 41 r,14
.-I Ai Kelinelt bi'lrt C 17
I V. A.oii.tnle In '.'1 rM
R"J We.lllrove Ili-.n 7 01
(.In lui.ird In .si 7 . si
tte.l I'Kt.ler
li :
ras-ensi r In pot In I'liltaileliilua has been i hunted flora
Kl! Ii uo.l Market llol.. Iu I'll I it I' 1 r I US I and
UlAbkhT Slr.ela, West I'bUuilelplila. Market N-.reei
1'hs.en,, r Kallii a Cui a ci-lney ruasviiKers to and tiuin
J''a HO llirouiill -.iinoiu enniiKO ui mil.
in4 liliMtr 'Vi-itu, huMerlnlundent
tftfU KiKAM WKKKLY Tt) I.IVKK-i4LsVcaI,M-l
tor IiIiib nt t,Mic nt( wn. fork llar 'i-ir.
id. wen kiinw n hlcuihtri ot the Llvripoul, Ni-wr Titrk,
and l'hllH!'lpliia hti-umalup t umpauy am liiU-udo-i W
bail tolliiW & ;
l.hlNHI l(i Kntnnhiv, HcptfmWr M.
t'l'IV UK WASlllNt.'i'uS. HatnnUy, 8rtteml-or 17.
rn v or m aschi.M'kk, Huuiniayt"cpti-mtnT'.,i.
And vwr ucwviUnv Huluniuj , at nuun, fim l'icr No
44 Nortli l.h.'r.
I'trft ChI'Iti liiMf s:iira.-i $.u-iHi
I'll"! CiiIum t'i l.i tiddl 17in" Mrtjiun lt 1 tnnioii... .Hi
1 It -! III) 11 In I tl ir, . . l!Hi ( (I Ml''.. I. i to I'uriH hu tm
I lift . ii I in to ll.iiiiiaWi'iK' Hied' ii I" II in 'it. it,. 7 i.nt
rH--'is.t r nl- ti toi v-.Hr.h d tu Havre, ln-meii, liyi-
t ri.ini, AriHcip, Ac.,it r,nall l"W ihu,
lit.- lit in l.ivi.i..i or (.'iH'iMihtt.w.i: Vlr-'t CuMn,
Pi'.'ii', 5171', t.Mo Hifi run' lisiiu l.iwrpsMj. uhd tu.'cuii-
laii.f.n, 'l liiino ho wish tt aL'Lii lur llu-lr iileuu cau
hu tn kctf Lai c a ilnn''a.
1 or tuittiii- iuiuiiuuuit oppiv nt the Cnmpany'i onii-oi.
.H-ilN -II. J).VI.K, Au.-iil,
No. Ill WAI.M T Sirti't. I'ullatJtipl.ia.
rtru isTtN an!) rniisAiir.u'iiiA.
mu,k in ii l.liit, tuilliir trcin em-h port on
i - w j I 1 i 'A a . in ui 11 "-t w luiii alio a VIS . htn-ui.Thila-diipha.
aid l.t-nn VNluuf, ItiiMtiin. 1 u-m rjral
al'cvi- I'INK Btfcc hAtnidav.H4'pt'nit)er 17,
Tho rstt-uihuhlp NOICMAS, JlokiT.will laiHMm l'li1al"l
1 liia I' r ionttui. ou .Snturiiay, tSfpu-iiiiiur 17, at 10 A.M.,
fid Hi uaiuiliip H-WON, Matitlivwa, liouiUotou lur
,VMlin-pliiu.on an iu duy, at 4 1'. al.
ittisv ntw tind auLsiatittMi tfunmhlpi fonn a regular
lints ailinK fioiu aa h port puik-iiihU tn haturday-
Iuujtiit,va tli tiLiad al unv-itail Ut pctMaiuiu aiiitiod om
i.ll l tMtlt.
i l ltt taken at fair ratea,
HIiipptTD aie H nue-ls'J W tnrl Blip Efcla HI
Ladtnu wilt, tliclr L.'Nde.
K'H 1 laaUsi m I'aatMita (t avlnf flna a-rommodriUoiu)
apply to M K N 11 Y WINHnK A O.,
JhI-U No. Xl H. M.l A WAHIt Avenue.
Jm laa rtllai'77 r-"' Swm.ure l.inra, .la In iuwaie and
riinirfiii uiidT J he alenlueia uf Ihe.e lln.a Are lan.llis
daily ai li o eli-t-k SI., aud a o cluck i'. tf., fium Uiud ylx
Ai'u.a Walnut airci-t.
ur tieihl, lalinb wilt be taken on ar-fomnv-ilatlna
terms. a. lr lo U li.UAM At. HAIKU A tel., .No. Ui A.
III. LA AI.E As.uua.
1HIU..1 lU I'IMA. fil-KMANroAIi, AN
litiititismvi S H A'l.ltn wi.
On au4 after MOXIiaY, May 10. 1WH, nail) ltiar
I.'n-e PMladeii.iiA f , 7, s. in. il, u A. M. ; I, J.I M
4. .. ,(,. 7.M, n, a", II, l P M.
Irf aie ilermanio-a . 0, 7, 7 S". a. R r. 9, K), 11, IS A. tf.
111.. (.4. . .,. 7. M. o, n. ll, and II P. 14.
Tbe - Tnil.iwn. aii.I li e I', ami .I', trains up, do not ass
n th. o r mam. vs n llraneii.
( IIKN-r MM.T. It Att ROAD.
an'rCrp 6' "l"" A-Srl-I . -1V.I-V.J.
. i,'iv."r,' ''"'""" "I". T'I". . 0 40, H'40A. at.; 1(0,-4A
6 in. s in, r . I in 4n -, t
foil l OVHllolm, k KM A VT) KfiR BUTOWN.
Ta.ell,iu.,i,h, a.bU, II USA. M. li,S,4V,l
!!,. 1 1. an.' 1 1 , '. ji. " '
Cll'''u';."r."!"", 'w, 11 ! 'H. iH
Tr-rr.i, train no. will st..D at Wissahlrkon, HaiiayanJi'i
l.enve M.nns una, fi',, 7, S-20, ri',' ll v AM f S 7R
ami li, r. M. ...
II. R. SMI 1 II. 'irnerm 1n rrtr trnrl-nt.
n'11 He-jot, MN III and (iHK.RX SlreatS.
is r..r sm iii.r.iis.H. i'uvi.smiiiws. p,srn-i
VAI I II fllll Mi, IIA.I.ei'UN, WII.KKM11AJ1IIE. An"t -"Hll.UA!Hr.'ll:r.
' t
HI IIVKP. ArtHASrorVe'WT. fi
A I I il I kin Al, Truss, i
On and after mom 'A v, .inn.' 1 1. 1"M Tasaencer Train j
will li as.-the N'W I it t-t, TII I Itli Miref,ahovo ThompV f
snn strait, I'hlladcliilila. ilailr IKunilavs aaeenlndi. s
iniiowp .
7 AM. (R.prraa) fur Tletriiehern, Allentown, Uancb
, iinoa, v. il Ke.i.eri e. i uinui.i. Tl.
l lr A M. (Aee.-n m-!arl.i) r..r
ie A. M. I An en rn'ilfttl'in i tT Tort VY ashlngtr-n.
S P. kt. (Ar.-on me.latlnn) hsr lnileiwn.
S 4A P. M. (S.S nr,.a Sf leihl.n..m, La.ton, A.
4 Id P. tl. i Mail) lur l o a .t,,.vn.
A 1.'. P M . ( -ireoiiiuiodatluQj for liethlehem, Allmfxw
arm arauee t nuns
li'lii I'. M. ( Ai eornmndallnr) fer Lansdaro,
11 P. M. .Ai-C'.muiodntion) fnr Kun Waahln-loal.
1' It AIMS foil I'll 1 1, A t rKI.I-ll I A.
I.ea.e Be'hleheni ttSKIA M , ' .'SI A. M , and S-0T t. Ml
1'i'twii.s s at a-en a. M., 3 40 1'. M.,and 7 P. tf
Iin.ilal. al H A. kl
urt W 'aaliiimtun at It-JA A. M. and 2 P. tf.
ON Ml SUA I rt.
rhltartelpMa fnr BetMeln-m at ! A. W.
I'lnlad. l.l.ln lur 1 1. .He. t.,wn at A P. I.
Iiuyle-towu lur I'hiiaiielphia at 7 'JO A M.
IU'1.1, M. tn lor l ln ail, InhiH Ml 4 P. M.
lllilman's HaeiraK'' Kxpreas will eall for And nVltveT hair
rare n th. depot. Orders may be left At No. US 8. Till HI
Js;la' KIXIS CI.AHSI, AiismL
" !
liF.r T)AT J
ma will least
rntrut at ( A 3
l ien And All
J.1 I'llll.AOKI.PlllA Tl) HltllOKl.YN,
TllllOllill IN HVK HUlKi
EXOrttBION TtCKKT'H .l,ll)OI) FOtl THI1F.''
On and alter muMIAl, Anstiat 1. 1NH4. Iralua
font uf V1NK Mrret, 1'hlladelpblA, ernry morntrut
kl. rRiiriilHVH exoi uterl I. tl.em-a liv the Caiu.len i
lan.l,. a.trf Uuril.n u lul.v.r. Il . .. . .....
Munnmiitb. anil bv Ihe euni-nndlaus atenm.r Joaaa tlo.ra
to toot uf Atlantic street. Ilrooklyn; retiiruinir. leave At
lnntlc rltreut V liarl everyday (Hundaya aAceptad), At Iff
Trav.lera to the rlty of New York am nntlfesd noi tyf
Apply mr pAsaaaa oy tnia line, in. rstale or New .Isaa
bavlna vrauif d in the C'uniden and Anitmy mnnopuly th's
r. iopi.c .iin,-. i,i,.Miii, iwrii.ri.nimurixiil ur
twten tne eniea oi rruiaiieinnia An. I New sork. lyr-tr
W. K. Olllinns, llen.ral Huperlntesdant.
I HAll.ltnAH. VIA MI lilA.
un ana aner t kidai , April l, isi;4, tbe Trains win IeAvif
luuow :
Leave rhiladelpbla from the Denot. corner of TttTRPV
Flltsil and MAIiKKT Htreela. 8 A. tf , 11 00'ikl I
1'. M.. 4 IK) P. M..ti'4.'i P. M. 31
Philadelphia l)ep.,t chaiik-ed from EIOIITEF.STH anT
MAIIKKT fcUi-ets to HllltrY HKMT Ana klAKK.k.TA3
Mrt-eta. H
lave West fTn-.ler, from the Depot on Past MARREVI
Btn.l.fiVIl A.M.. 74.'. A. U.. II A. .11 P. M .4 SAP M J. I
llieenraof 11,0 WS-t l'hll.iiltl.ihla l'assen-:er HallwaK
Cumpsny(Maiket street) win convey Paaaennurs to An.f
iuiii uir . (iiiauuiuiin I'.-pui.
l eave Philadelphia at 1 SO A. M. And I SO P. M.
Leave Weal I hevler at H A M. aud 4 .1 p. k.
Tiains leavlna PhllaileiDlila at S A. kf. and 4-M P. IS
and Wesit he-sier at i to A. tl. and 4 ti p. X., coiin j
wim tittiii. uu uu- ,-uuaueipniii auu rianimore (..entri
Kallrnnil for Ox Cord and tul.ruiedlale poluta.
Ja4 If lJLMtV vvooii.Oeneral KuperlDtandant,
IT On and alter TUI'.NDAY, Hepiember S, 1864, wl
raivuvui n kiiiu. b.i t-.i, n.ri n. inilu.l 1
At a p. tf.
Tor Rntem and BrliUetun, at !i A. M and 4 P. M.
'nr (llasahuro. al !l A. M.. and 3 and Ira.
Kur oodl.ury, Ac, ai A. M and 1'J M S And 4 P. St. 1
r ur uiuueei.!' r. i . , i . .-i .. ii- ii ., .1, s. and ft r. At
Tap. Msvt A. M.
kllllvllleAINn? A.M.
Kaiem ai S A M., nnd I'll p. M at II 1 1 A. 41., 1 II'IP.M.
(Hashoinat7 lnanilll'lT A. M., And 1W P.M.
tVouilbury ut 7, 7 40 And !) 47 A. il., aud i ui) V. U.
Onire.Nu. MVAI NI T Htreel, will cull lur and dell.iv
IlaiTe-rn, and attrnd to All the usual brisnclieanr Rxpressl
Duslut-aa. A apccial loessen-rer are-nmpanina .aen train.
.10 tf BUi-erlnleil.lent.
ii-sAAMliVAIsIA- HITs ni til IJJV1L.1., tlUfl , Ml
IxOhtji, oKTw:8T, and tii k can ad as.
Tavo the rrinpany i ln-pit, at TI1IRTP.KNTH an
CAI.l.oWllILL b ix ton, I'liiladelDhla, at tna Ltuliuwlu
AtftlflA.M., for Kiadlnr, jt'0anon, Enhrata, TJt!
Cnliitubla. barrUburff. PoitnvtlJc. Pliifurova. lamaotn
Hunbury. N lUjaiiiiMirt. Run Ira. Unc heater. Niatfara Kuiin
1uMhIo. Allt', Ulikuilisure, i'UUioa. ork. Carlijic
vrniPiHTFiurirr, iik mown. sr.
1 1.? train cuumi ia at nK ADlKQ with Kaat Panaylra
mm niTiroau im ins ror Aiieniown. ac. ma Kaaning mn
Ct'lunibia Kailrouu fr Kphrat, Llt'jt, and Columbia, an
wnr Mir lijtinon yu ytimn for llHrnbury, Ac. :at PMH
CI.INTN Willi 4'ntawliiia Hallrrad trains tor Wllkt'iarrt
W lliimusimrt, lavt Haven. Km lira. Ao. i at HahKIH
Kl itti with ' Norihein Ccntial," "( umtrarland VaUuv,',
ami ".Crhilklll stiul Nniiii ns.Vis. t pains f..r U..M ns....t
Lwrlaud, illiamt-prt Voi k.tMiHrnbirNhitrs.PLQOgrova.As;
r irni'im r.Ai ltr.n
I.eavi t riilludelphia at H-iUi P. U. for Kaadirur, Potti
vltlc. in4'L:o a. HarilkiJiiri. coBnH-tttif sU llarrl
burc with renu-ylvanta Ontrat trains tbr Plttuburv, Ac
Northern t'cniral KalirAud imin fur Huntmrr, Nortoura
oenauu, r uuiru. anu at l'ort L unron witn catawiai
Itailruaid traina for Milton, Wliliumsjivirt, EUulra, WuiUl-
sVrfaTf-s Aewduih- at u W) A. at., itoppiny at all wajata
l iuii, nirii am in i iiiiriacjpma ai v w A, Al. i
lti'tnrnlfiK. Unvv 1'tiiludulp Uia at tVUO i'. M. i arrives l!
Ite.tninL' at (( P M.
Train h for I'liiladrlrhla Irara Tfanihhnrir at 8 A. If., an
PotiJivillc at tl.' A. l .arriving in Phiiadalphia ai 1
1'. M. Afif-riKMtn tralui liavu HarrlaoiM-R at il P. M
Potvlliaat V'.h V. W., anlvlnk' In I'hl.'adclnhla at 7 P. M
MurKct ttKiiift. with a nHHhfpffor car attached, Icav
Plnladt-lphla at 1 1 M , Cor keadtiiK and all way atatlon
lav R nJmv at tW, iiuon, and iMwniutjtownaiiiitUl
m . ior riauiui'ipiiiM anu uu way tiaiiont.
All the ittiovi! irali.a run da!)v. Nuiid.iva TMntA.
Hunday tralm lenva PottiTUla at 7'sitf A. M., And PhlW
dclpLlaata lb V M.
Pnifrnperk for lifiwrniiKinwn and Inutrin cllate point
tAkf tne rt'Ki a. M. ana f m r. M.tralni from rhiiaoeiphi
returiiiiif Irom UowmnctowD at 6 40 A. M.. and
w t. r.
Lravt-i New York at 7 I. M..Dntttna Readlnaat II ml
rlk.ii!, and coniiaitiim au HatrtiturK with l'anajKaai
Itunifma txy-t-Rkt iiMino nr ritiauury.
Ketiirnim. Ki-i-nkMi tru In leavei llarrltburtro aniral
tbe Pfinih 1 aina l.xprcoi) Imiu Pitn-burg at 6 A.H
panHiin i(i;nnim( at h 4o a h.. anu arrivinir at New T
tt 1'4'5 p. M. Hbcplia On (mccomnanr theaa ual
ttiroiah, baiwet-n Jtnu City and i'ilUburu, wiUio
Mull trarns for New Vork Kara llarrlirK at ft A.V
and 8 P.M. aWHiliraiustor Harrlaburif Uava Maw Yon
at U A- M. aru l.' .m.
Hl'lit . I.K11.I, VAT.I XT KAILEOAD.
Train 1 avtM'ut't ilie at 7 !' a. M. and 8-in P. if., t
tnr ntni; from i iincarorn ai h iu a. m . atia 4 so i". at.
T mlii W-vi' Au'-um at .'I i.i A.M. ftr l'lncKruro anj, M.d t l'VOaod7 I ft f U for PliifKmva onU'
rtiurinru Iioiu HurrlM-urn at V't P. M., and itom Pluu
fcu. hi h is a. a , anu sj .u hi . r. ii.
Tlintivh flrit-rliiM lirkt-ist und em Iir rant tteketi to nl
tl.r ptif cipal poifiU in tiie 'oriti and Wint and (inadaN
1 he tol.otA iiK tu'ki U are obtainable an I v at tbe oilloa ta
f lUtAl-Kihi, Ina.ui-!-. No v'J7 H. rUI HIU Hlril
Pldiadf .pt la. or of ti. A. NK'OI.LS, Ucnaral HuperUiUC
A '.'h pirc4it. t.itct-uni, bvieeu any poiota dtitrflr
for lauiiiita ui d H-niv .
!nod ft-riOfo nnlei', btiwecu all point I, at tW 85 eiAfi
hT tHUiiiief. HUti l;nn. H
Vi.r (Vroe, six, nlm"r i Ive nionih., for holders ouli
to al! noliitf, at n du'( l ratc.
l i t l!(iMEH
l.VMdin'' r n t),o Hut- ot Dm road wit) be furuiiJiViJ wli
ruiih, a -ut f i lU'iMfca aud to tickets at
From 1'i.lladclpt.ia to pilm lpal itmionitirood fVr R-ittU'
dm . Mit. iih , rn u Mmimi i .-, ii : rt iHic- n iwre. io ne nad on
at li e I iUll'.llti.N JUaildt'AlLUWlllj
(i'K'dt of all d.'-.crlfni..ri mrwardod to til tht- a'njrw .
pt 'l,!'-, tit'tii t l.f ( Jii uii a p.i lr.teliL Uupyt, iiUUsfcti i
and Till. I V. Hre
m i
l.i live t'liila.l. li '.ni I'ni.i al I. A kl , 1 P. M .and It P
. r l anil a, l-at'in. n, liarrUbur, Puttavula, l'ort l ite
toll, and I'illL. bl ul.d. 4
MAfl.S i
Close at the PMtod.-lpli'a P..s' (ifflre fur all plaeosantl
1'i'Sii ai.ii it luuiu tu". at u A. M., and lor tne prmoip
lain. ii... in j al 'il.. J'. il. jj
1K(J4. rilIy;1AND 1S(M
Tina t.ii nt l!ne Uiterif ii.-.' a'-nht-rn and N'TihW'
c.njiiu.fc (r. pi'hiiklvama to Hi.-city Krl on LakeKi
ll'.-u It.t d by tbe I'K N NB . I.VAMA K Ali-Ku.t
t'nMl'ANV, and umlur tlu-ir 4".p.Cvsj ia bciu ipu
t it w I i itn .-ii lire h'tiKlh.
It it. nnw in tie tor Pamfnto-r and Frolirht bnnlneii fn.!
Jiarrisr ui" to t uunriino. nitl( i), on tbe Eastern Ul dlrumt)idieid to Jirla Ta uulja), ou Ut W wn.ti
aiui! or l'A8K!nBK TaA!t8 at ri!ir.AtEi.pini. 1
Mall Train Iwva mm A.Vfl
tvprrat 1 rain luavt- K J V. If
(aiiiutiUiri'kUiniT 1'HAik.K tx.inwayaoa Ui
traitu ieiw'Hi riiiiatifipiua tuia laka uaven, auu Uvi
litkitunoia aiit i-tKi iiauu
, yii-k.-iint Huiinnu Cat i tlie Kxpn Train both way t.l
ftAr InloriiiaUou n suct lii'i! I'aiiirvcr tiuun-i.i. adoIv
IheH. nt-r ol KI.KVkNTII and A1AUKRI HlrruU.
And n-r k r tyt.t biikuuasj or I lie t.'ompany AKcntk : J
H. It. Ktns:itai,Jr.toriiuc biXlKK-SiU aud iAiili1
ttru I-, t'hihiiiti4.Ui. . I
J. W. It. vi.ui.i., 1 ia ' '
4. U. VfiU, AMeut, M. H. C. R ItttlUru-sre.
H. HOrTHTOsf .
Humeral Krrtgtit Aut-nt. l'hiiad liiit .
l.l-.n l I.. it i J.
Onnral Tl. Wt A.ent
Ji.til-.l'll ll. 1'iiTfiS,
tteaerAl kAaiiaaer,
r i