if V JLiinm . ...... MONDAY, SF.i'TKMIIKK 12, 1RI. BPIRIT OF THE HEW YORK PRE33. XeadlnK Editorials rrora tho New York Papers This Morning. Till-'. TIIHI.ll ..l IIOI.T. From thu rttm. It wotilil scorn nt tin's monmtit that tlicrc is likely to bo vmncihinir like n lio't frnru tli'j sup port of the CliiiftKO mmiiIik.'S liy tho rxtrrmc left wltig of the Cupi'crlio id p-mo tVlion. Mr. Vallninlipham dr'ivtr.-.i a ir?ch at Dayton, Ohio, onM'edncmliiy l ist, 8ii.)iititi tlie C'himjo (platform and nuninc; Imt two ilayn nfter, wlille at Coltuiiiiut. on liii way Knf to t'ontimio Ilia elPCtionccrluK spi'i'dienjii- got it copy of Gono f ral McClellun'i K tt r of aiTfitaiuc Upon reid Hn(f It, according to a tel. gr.im yiliich we arc as sured in accurate, lie nt once iiulli ricd thowith jrnnl ol Ms name from the npiiointments In 'Oliio, and retun.cd lioinc tlio dispatch adding if to thin announcement that the "peace men have f determined to niulutuin their lnlciritv, and will aoon cull a meruit;? to detoiniinc liicif e nrso of t action." 1 On Wednesday lie dcclnred th'it until tho srrca" Work of the political rump n;'n wan n.vo nplmhed, "every eav, eveiy hour of lii elten. o, ov.iry tlioiicht. all i hat n dearest to him. shonlil lie 1 f ielded tip cheerfully nnd freely, until upon tha 1 Mh of November, or tho morning of the !)th, I iwhi n the inn ahull rixa to record a country about to be redeemed, reecnenvod, and ditciitliralled." , Tbui he faced on Wcdncndav, but in forty -ciKlr hours after he appeared to be faring In an oppo- . aim .llMn,l.. Thi. r..... . 1. ..,..... ., : g UIIII M'U. . III ..'.111 IIIU 1.1. LOUT WTIieT J.of the Chicago platform from tho member who I -nioved in the Convention that McClollau't nomi- nation lie made unanimous from the orati.r jwbo at once took the stump for tho nominee, 'and declared that "there was not a man in 1 1 America more fit for the choice that thore was i not a man whose "personal character, whoso mo- , ramy, wuoe attai nments to tho pnnciplos, and whose oliedicnce to tho preccpta of Christianity a roan whose devotion to hit country a man who, in every eense of the word, is a gentlotnan I fay there in not a man in any resjHjet iovo X beyond General McClollan" such action, wo remark, from the representative chief of the Cop perheads looked at first blush rather ominous. , I besides Mr. Vallanditfham, the Daily Sewt of i'liU city the organ of the peace SoccssionUts ?nme out on Saturday dei daring that tho Deino tcracy "must seek another candidato" than McClellan that McClellim now "stands before '. he people Belt-nominated, on a platform of hit jwn creation" that the "l'eiu-e party will not conent to have their principles betrayed and ,'.bey do homage to the betraver" that they "demand nil that is nominated in tho bond" and that "if the platform accord not with the oomiuee's conviction of right, a due respect Tor the opinion! of the assemblage that unani mously adopted it requires that he should giro hvrk to the convention the niandurd of the De mocracy." Tho .ic.t further stated that "tho democratic National Convention is not dissolved; 't is ready to convene at the rail of its Executive ' Committee, and if General McCicllan cannot abide by the resolutions ttirorgh which tho principles of the party have been enunciated, let the con vention ieHSbcmlilc, and either remodel their latform to suit their nominee, or nominate a facilitate to suit tho platform." ' lloaido those utterances, there are numerons ,ithors of tho same Mud from Copperhead loaders vnu newspapers 01 less lmpoitauce. Thesemal-'-ont.-nta speak with great vehemence : but it is tot unlikely that a few days may see the whole I Movement nzitie out. GENERAL ,TIr I.KI.I.A'V.S IMMI I IO.X. Trom fat Tribune, ' In reviewing, a few days before tho assembling kf the Chicago Convention, an elaborate effort by Ir. George Tickuor Cnrtl, intended to eilace or ignore the antagonism necessarily existing be tween tho National or Webster and the Slate 'tights or Calhoun conception of our Federal Cnion, we ventured tho prediction that this effort SiustproTo a failure. Mr. Curtis, though a strong tan and an able logician, was clearly unable to jnvlnce himself of the soundness of hi) posl , on ; how, then, should ho convince others ? TTimiiAlf a lifn.lntifr WM:, ami a.li..Uin( M de of Webster, he believes in tho right of tho Bfj'ideinl Government to vindicate its authority nd rnaintaln its existence by force whenever r)rcc tlmll be necessary ; his trouble is that their ssailnnts arc not Abolitionists (as bo has long pectrd they would be) but slaveholders; so tat his alkctioni arc divided and his instincts rjntnsed ; his principles ally him with tho de fenders of the National integrity, while his sym futhios allure him into dungcrous proximity to the camp of the Kebels. (General McClellau's flank movement on the Ucbel party in the North, in his letter accepting jlie Chicago nomination, excites a commotion nlcb is a great nnd striking proor ot the correct less of our position, l'or the moment, there is a I how of fight on the part of tho semi-Rebels. Mr. 'nllandighatn throws up his appointments in dis nst, and turns back from his speaking tour t toayton. Nr. jonn juuiiaiy ueciares that his altorons Metropolitan Itecord will no longer mpport "Little Mac." And the Hon. ben. SVnod, i a guarded (yet pungent leader of his Daily iVfij, intimates that General McClellau's lettor ,f acceptance ia decidedly a choker to all who, ke himself, are opposed on principle to "the loctrlue of the armed coercion or States," that is, all who agree wi h Jell' Invls and hiinsulf in Sgarding each State as sovereign, tho Union but 'league, and the Federal Government as an !-gent" which any Ntate may dismiss or disavow , pleasure. On nnother point (discussed else iere) it is Impossible not to feel the force of Mr. food's logic. He says that a'vepting a noralna pn, and repudiating the platform on which it , is made, la like a bridegroom nftor the cero ony accepting the lot tune of his bride, but de fining all personal association with her. There ill be much more like this, ali of it urged with i-cal plausibility and even cogency, .llut, putting tnu morality of the procedure out I night, we teel confident that General M :Clel . n baa rendered his canvass lesi desperate by i s letter of acut'putuce. Had he taken his stand tieiinlvocally on fit Chicago platform, he was f aten at the start. The fate of X. H. Seym iur, 'Woodward, of Vullnndtghum, and of so muy .hers, gave uiuto but eloquent w iruimr to ail .bo entered upon that path. No mau can give 'i instance wherein a I'emocr.itlo candidate, 'ndiug on what is called the ' Peace" plat "mi did not run below his party's strength; , 'Jlle there are instances all around A of Doniix rots who owo their sucoe-s to pro sions of devotion to the National cause. Here, (r example, are Mesrs. Odell, Wlntield, Nelson, riswold, Krrnan, und Ganson six, at 1,-ast, of fti seventeen Demo rata now representing this J ite in Congress who were all elected suban Vlly on the basis of General MeC'ieil m's letter, Id would o l have b-'cn bia'eu on thai o, the ."leago tilutform And so wiih twenty or thirty ber. Horatio Se mour was a beaten candidate I' Governor of our State inn il . in his br.ioklyu ccb, be p'cdgi d hiuuell to the uueouditijnal diutcuance of the Union. All attempts to coax or bully General MuCleU n into a change of his attitude before the public ist fail, for oiivlous reasons. Nothsng that he 1 hereafter (ay will induce tho Valiaadiglia'ii tlon to put tuith In him ; and they cannot bolt in, however much they in iv desire and threaten j do so. They are candidates for Congress, ivernor, Ac, U, in nearly every State, and .Itiug linn will put themselves out of the can bs. A few oi them will refuse to vote for 1're Jent: but these will hardly atl'ect evcu a local suit; and any ell'ort to get up a third caudidatc e Chicago phitl'oi m would have voted for Llu dn, each couutiug two against the Chicago vket; while thoe who will now boll will either I hhold or throw away their votes, counting but r each. iWe shall be disappointed if to-day's result in Wine, us compared with ihat of last Tuesday's elioa in Vermont, docs not show that G neral '.Clollan's letter has improved his prospects, s party will ot course bo beaten In Maine, but ii think not so badly as they were last year; 1 ereas in VermoM they were beaten decidedly rso than last year. We judge that lie canuot dected, unless tbe Rebels should win two or te 8tunidiig victories ; but, running on his le(- ' us a platform, he will poll a good vote in 1 rly every Slate, und probably carry live or six. I'he Ilrilish, French, und Rebel publicists who I re been joyfully reporting "tho North" sick the war und ripe fur a disunion peace, will ase take a note of this now development. Tho !niociatlc party, through its chosen chief, "nns that the war for the Union must mt close M prove l utile. it is too late. Kither Lincoln or McCicllan 1 ,ust be our next President; and it is hardly inl I lobable that a single electoral vote could hence !. i rtb be obtained for anyone else. N), the i 1 .ousands of Democrats who would have b -on . : 'il lennted by General McClcIlun's u II TDE until the Union is res'otcd Will f,ord Lyons lie good enough to inform Karl Russell tint, let political aspirants mesn what they mty, the American people mean exactly tint Aatoihrr Conflict of Jfirlvtlrtlon In Kra tuvtkj. The I-ouisvllle Journal of Tuesday publishes the following proclamation of Governor bran lette, of Keiiturky : 1 COVMONWCAI.TII OF K KNTVI K V, Y.r T.C CTt V R 1'n'AHTWi Nr, I-'hanki-okt. S. pt. mlwr 5, l.Sdl. My attention Imvine been culled to an order (No. '0) of llrigai'ier ( iicral Hugh Kwlng, in the words and ligures, fol liming, viz " 'fit AD.jl Id I Us hi . ,.Vh hihi,, iMsIitK'T (O K1 . Lin is M i t , Ai i'iim '."i. ;i. lii.i.cr.ii i)r :n. s VII - T, .lac" ot lli- innrO'rlr t'e-rl, In fli ri.,m"f ii.i. in. rn r I I-, rn li t J i iti l r l!i fi'tinty CoitI el li.. ..id, i , una, w i i-t H; ni t: P t . lonbl II .' PI, tit (t pS'. I1!'T ( rrl.ln t. a:irs ir.-r ti" n il t'.l, lti t'.t.i. t ! f 1 . ..ti nt a s-im mifi.' i-nt i.. (in. II II.. n In t'S rr ..t svllhl l s.i. h r' mi's, una n "'Alter Im-ii 1 1 :ii!iipnri. r ntAlrii-a un ll ItirlLT' tn.'tsl tit- rapt On III report to thus : Is la .atn'n.n . rtuli . I !; ( sit'.i ti. Win It will ti- I., rrr i i.i 'o tlif I ti.Mti w ilt t. ...!itt il iy llif. i'. .lot, slid i-.-l In tho flpfifnvsl nl the circuit n lit", il t.r ,'ini Iii....ii I'li.fntlv c -nsintr 1. ana will (. Kl on it until it e r unit. if si-i' lit tn r l n m. ci-sitr. " 1'jf eotnntnnil nf llrlci.tli r -l l'-tifi nl H" Kwisi. " 1.. 1.. 11. Mil. AN. lai iil. nam si il A. A. ).' "1, as the Chief Lxerutivo of the Cnmtnon enlth of Kentucky, do hereby warn the unii end justices of the srveinl c.mn.i embraced in faidordir t lint brigadier General HiighKwiug has no towcr or uutlmriiy under any known law, civil or military, to assume control of tho oill ial action of tho civil olllcers of this commonwealth; nnd I further declare the said order to be in dero gation of the laws of tho Slate, and in conll ct with the rights und liberties of n loyal people. Yon cannot obey the rder without violating the laws which you aie sworn to maintitn, and pros tituting the civil powers with which vou are en ttiistrd to unlawful and oppressive uses, thrrohy subjecting yourselves to tho just penalties de nounced by law ngainst mnlfeasance of otllce. "It Is the duty each owes to himself and to his rountrr, to refuse obedience to such orders or immediately resign, nnd let the ollie-e lie, tilled by aorne one who w ill fearlessly meet tho responsi bility of duty, by refuting obedience to orders w hich alike violate the laws of the land, the duties of tho otllcer, and the rights of tho citir.cn. You are therefore hereby warned against making any such levy of tuxes, and forhlddeu to do so. "Thomas K. bK.Mi.nrn. "by the Governor : "K. L. Van Wi.nki.r, Secretary of State, "by Jamks R. 1'aok, Assistant Secretary." All Honor loUrnerftl Klllrm'M Command. From tif Kntmlle Whltl, Aii'lnH.. The gnllnnt F.nst Tenncssoe Cavalrv, under. General Gillrm, aro doing up a neat job In Fast Tennessee. They know the Rebels of this end of the State; they know how to appreciate them, and they know how to dispose of them. They had a hard light yesterday in Greenville whip. ied the enemy well took tho town and now hold it. Three cbcors for the Tennessee cavalry ! IIV ThXKORAI'II UtOM OIlKHNVIM.B. Anfiust '23, 930 P. M. Dr. brownlow: Whipped the enemy to-day. Killed forty and lost twenty-live. Captain Karncr, my A. A. (., mortally wounded In a charge. John safe, tell Mrs. B. Ai.van C. Gilleu. This must have boeu a severo cavalry tight, and a hand-to-hand charge, in which so many as forty wore killed on one side, and twenty-five on the other. Tho despatch does not say, but the presumption is tbBt our men fought tha thieves und robbers of Morgan. I'fMlorwl Atrwltlr In Virginia. The following is one of the acts committed by the Federals in the Shenandoah valley, which has provoked the Confederates to retaliate by burning ChamberHburg. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, In a letter to tho Mayor of Richmond, stales that bis house was occupied by some Fede ral (.Hirers, who assured Mrs. Letcher that tho honso would be spared. Subsequently General Hunter arrived, nnd, without permitting Mrs. ltrbcr to remove an artielo of furniture or clothing, ordered the premises to be set tire to. Immediately thereafter cumpbine was poured on the parlor floor, and ignited with a match. In the meantime Miss Letcher had gathered np an armful of clothing, and wan going out, when General Hunter discovered her, ran forward, and tired the clothing in her urais. He then poured ramphine in the wardrobes, bureau drawers, and ignited the clothing; takiug out Mr. Letcher's clothing, which he said he intended to take North. The bouse was destroyed. This atrocious lie appears in an Knglish paper. Ed. Evkni.nu Tkleobami. S'h'!i l lat'iirral Wool. Tho Troy Timet ot last evening says -. "Four hundred and ninety recruiu from 1'lattsburg having reached here about 10 o'clock this morn ing, by the Rensselaer and Saratoga railroad, the boyB expressed a desiro to pass General Wool's residence, instead of proceeding directly to tho Now York boat. They marched into First street, therefore, and halted in front of the General's reMdonco. Tho hero of 1'lattsburg, buona Vista, and Norfolk was entirely unprepared for tho visit, but appeared on the stoop nnd was greeted with nine hearty cheers by the soldiers. He made a brief speech in response, saying how glad ho was to sec such a good rlass of soldiers, aud to learn that their destination was South. Thov were needed tbcro, he remarked, 'to put down Rebels in arms, us well as to fruatrato the schemes of the traitors who had assembled at Chicago.' He hoped they would do their duty, and help to restore this glorious old Union. Tho soldiorj then marched towards the steamer Francis tiki Jdy and embarked." A fancy drees and masked ball took place at Manchester, Vermont, a few nights sinco, at which Mrs. Lincoln was present in ordinary ball dress. SPECIAL NOTICES. ISr THE UNION AND THK CONSTITU- THIN. THlltTKKN'IH WAItl). Mi CI. M.I AS AMI PKN1U.KTON. A Masi Mi-elhignl Ilielti'iimeniOcC'lticiit if tins TFIIIt TKK.N 1 11 W Alll) wiil lie hi Id t tlm ontner ot IIAUOK.N' sniK AI.I.OW IIII.I. Mum., .m MO.NDAY f.VBNIMi, Hriaetntwr III, at 7 u clock. The folttiv. lojr tmini .1 iiifttk.-n. will be iiresem : I'llAKI.-a III ( KiVAI.IKIt.K.q.. rilAHI.KS W. llliOOKR. Kin., TllhO. II OKIII.8. 'Itl.Al.KK, Kq., liK.S. WM M (USlil.h.i.s), JUKI, CtinK.Jr , Ki.. TIIOM. K. IIAItKISa, K., JOHN O 1IVUSK, Ami iitticr. 1'rcvloua to the nietln m Wet l. tUn f Uk will Ik risj. 11 11Y UKHKK 'l THK COM M 1 1 IK tT" " JIVK V8 b.U'K OUR OLD CO.M ;:x' msndcr." THK h(i;.HIKItS HI'KAK I'OK McCI.KI.I, VH. An mlioiirnid n oitllm o tha HollLKLI.AN OMI Ol'Altli, will lit liulil at Ihti CON 1 1 N'KNTAI. I IIKATItK, WALNt Taliovs Kuht'i Mo.il,oii THKNHAV KVKINil, 11th Inst. Ah SOU IKK.S s,i WA1I.OKS, IIMIIIAH IKII On IN TIIKHKKVICK. favnrahle f. Ilitls.ll.in ia (IKNK liAI. iiMHttll. n. Mcci.KI.LAN to thr fro.ld.ncj or rn I nited niilM, i da wi ll lo 11't.ml.u biulnrai irf l u iKiil.ince will li iruiisa.i.il. A uuuilier til dlstiuitulAti 1 Suhliers will kdars-ti tta nKs-tliw. JKUK.M1AH 81 L'.IVAN.ti. M Itf.tl. . Vols., 1'ieiideiit pro laia. HW. P. LTl t;ill:uv, !i.-.tb P. Vol.. ANTHONY A. LAW8,al'a Koa . cl'J-t Hrcretarles protein. Kgr" "CRKD1TS FOR NAVAL RKCRUITS," little.' nt the I'll) Iliiunly KuniUNimmUal'in, Nti. 41'." PKD.NK Hire.t. Hvpl.-i.ihrr . In The ll.iuiuv Coiiiuilue. cf tti dliti-rent U urds ar re iuesed 1 1 L.nl tn thlk Ultlee a st4temeiit nt tho cUl.lia wlileli tliv hsvu lrrsm.il inr eredlii on Nav.il KnliKtii,eiila ir.ir to Vtiru urv -.'I, lv;. liuin.aj.ilt. itttMitlttai in ihN I. dt-.lrAhle. ell VI KOIIMtT M MOOitK, la.. KiM-rniarr. JJ DKAFNKSS, NOISKS IX THK 1IKAD, TUItOAT HIHKAHKH, CVTAHHH. Thoae who auftrr from those tuslsdlet havo nnw the vwrj liest .iiipnroiiiity Inr tlndinfr reln-t. The appsraru cinalrnclrd liy It. VON MCl.H'H.lttkttt It uiltloulitmlly the uinat perruclly eiructivo nseiit ever used for reaching the swat ot' Ute disease to vthlch It U dlrcle.l, and erill atliiK U Willi wtilnlenul ruplatty. The Situlicatieu U ,liu. .l. Ultlee, No. 1't.1; WALNUT Blreet. TKSTIMiiNIALM. To the Dr. tr. V n Mosctul.ker, Aurlst, No. 1WT Velnut kUeet, operand liio.l ncM.es.ruUr on oifears, r. eon-Inn me to n. ct hearnif. I iuff.re.1 rr.tia what tho ih) .leiaii caUed a thkk. nlns of Ilo- drum nf the e.r. WIU.IAM CKANH. builder, ., , . . R'-s'deiit.e, No. 113 s. Bitcoml elreet. Flil1adelthla, Aa.-tistV, IhC.4. Piiii ai.h i iiu.Mlh.lui.e.l-! Tlilt Is to certify, that tt.r tour venrs I was troubled witti an urfeuslve diseherse, aeuoiiipeiii...! with ilesriiees. I hnve be.-u treated hr ml lueioue physleiaus without receiving any benellt. Some inomhs mi I ap piled to lir. ou Mosclizl lr, wbo has eect.Uipliahf d perlect euro. JilHKPlF SnoKM KKR, Of the firm of 8hoeiuaJter it 'I I. .Inl, isvn-haaiU. No. Ml N. UroadaU-eet. rtlvatc residence, No. 7J2 Oreea street. F.YK.-Jir. VOV MO.scillSKF.R ran be ennsiiHedon all DiiilxUes ol IhrKve. The .11 ' KU1CAL operations to rueiore 8Uilli skufudy itcnonued. 6ih; No. lurr WALXUT 8tret, V here htuidreds of similar teeliuiouiais ae lite above can be rxejttJued- atai-u f3" DEAFNKSS AND BL1NDNF.S8. i. Isaaea. M !., JToreasor of the Bye and Iter, treau all dlseaeeeappertaillluK to ties fthovo-nainea members wtvfe tlie utmost eei-ceee. 'I eetlmoulaie from Uie most relume sources In lite elly and eeuntry eea be seen at his orhee, No.SIl rikUMintit. AmtlclaJ Kyee Inserted wultotdpalo. Noehaigesaiede fuc eamiietvn. Ottloe swan o-oce a K 1 a. M..1 eul P. M. e.eUriaxauee. aul-lta DAII.Y EVENING TELEGRAFn.PnJLADKLPIHA, SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. JUWIIV 1IA.V.L, .V CO, No. 20 S. SEOOND STREET, Are now Owning tboir Fi.1 au l Winter Stork of SII.KH, imi'iSs (ioous. SI 1 A VV I ,H. C!,t IT IS, A,... lf.l of wlo. h are -i tii Mr imp .rtaM -n. YVhiilrsIs And llettill I'Uyeis art itivlt.-d ti ex tmlrie our "'' k- st-ti mini It JNDIA EIIAWL8 AND SCi.Er8. GEOHGE FHYER, No. ItlC. C I l-l '.S'N X 'T STK!''.KT, lias rernrel hit I'AI.L IMI'OltTATIOX ( KKAIi INDIA SHAWLS, ION I. AM) SQl'AKR. Wlthefrw Otoleo r.tl.r. UDOIid, to whli lithe attention of the Ladles Is Inv Ited. seT-Kl Yi:rVPJ JBliW On llOLTON, No. 322 CHISNUT STREET, Now eilcr la tho trade four-rally a full line of every doecnpUon ol WIIITH (K)ODS, L.ACK IOC)IS, KMUltOIUIJKIKS, ANO EEAL WELSH FLANNELS, ALL OK THKIE OWX DIRKCT IMTORTATIOM. se7-l FALL, ) HTOC,t ,1 FALL, lr-J 1. lrMtt.t. uow n STORE EDMUND YARD & CO., Nob. 617 Ohcenut and 614 Jajne Streets. IMPOKlEltfl AND JOHBBKS Of SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, I.INKNS, AND WIIITK GOOUS. LAROK AND HANDSC-MK STOCK Of DUK88 GOODS. KU.L LINK OF FOIIF.ICN AND DOMESTIC JIALMOllAT.S, IN.u.irDiN'O aaA-2ui HKUNKIVS AM) OTHKll MAKES. ll I 1'lll.s.NUr HTUKKT. LACES, NV11ITK GOODS, VEILS, HAlNlltICltCIHlU"r5l. E, M. NEEDLES. . iwa ciiKssur stiU;ki. " Si v o "Ml KAT I) R Y (1 O O 1) S, CARi'HTS, OIL J i Inllis and Window Sbiiilts V. K. AKCIUM 11A1 l.t H, N. K. cnrniT Kl.hVBNTll and MAKKKT Slr.-i-la, vi ill open tt.la niorniuit, Iroiu atictiiil,lns-ralil Car l. ls. all wool, at l U.S. l .t7, $l-.'aj. $UIJ. $17'. toJ: luar.iln l'nls, wnul illllm;. 7,i mid H7 cents; Kntm.nd Hlsir Carpels. 7.'.. S7, l,laA, l iff and fW; llrup. urn and line l'arit. VI, T and 87 ctuls I ri'ior Oil t'lollis. 76 rents o 1 .Vij llllt B.ml. rf.l Window BhaJua. HI to i -.'OiHIalr Oil lllo h, III) and ;l.'i rents. I'llKAl' 1H I.OOIIH AN1 lltlMMISdM. HIiIiIiiik. Hhi-eittut mid I'llluw Case Miiallua, an, .11, 49 .'tti.ttf, and 7Ac ; N.-w r'allllrlalncs, Tsl and .'sic. ; Alpti-ts, uil .-olois. a7r. t.i 1 ; ltlankula, $11 to $lo; Co-nfortahlfls, l'-lAll wool llt'lulu.is. h7c. ; C'hlut.es, j'i to 4'mi.; ttfti.l tnt rts. 7fic. f. .: l-'hinntls Aoc- to (1 : loatt-a' Hp ol Cotton, 17r ; fins. Ik- : Braid lite-; Ont'iin Hose, 'ti to 7oj ; HlKHls.tlto (III. W'ho.-sale and Hntall Hlore. N. H. roiuer IXKVKM II end M AUkKT Stie.ta. soil) Ol R U IV IVO It I H Kill- We reftiad the money, If deon-ed, lor every lot of Bhirta which fall In any respect FINK HlllRTM. CUT LEMirUWISK OK MUSI.nl. Jdade or Kew York Mills Muslin, and very ne Llcea Bosoms Only I I T J Usual price 0'00. WllllamsTtlle Mills Musi1, and line Linen Bosoms, Only l-50 Leual price IV.IO. GEKTLKMEN'B PU UN ISIi IN Q OOOD8. HIM IT II jfc JACOII8, mit-Cm Mo. 1-4'ia CHKH.vn Street. I'Qti IKidl SKIrlTS UO tlst.ula. l..ry. No. l.s AHI'll airi rl. (J28 Alsive hUtli street, I'lillaikliihla. Wholcule and IteisJI. The ni.i.f e.tinili'l.. usoi imi-iil ol Ladles', Misses', and Chililien a Hi rp hklrls in Iht rily, In i-vry rt-.pert nrat . las., whlt ti tor sirle, ttui.ti, uurobility, iuid chcaimess, trnve rn e.iial in the niarket. rslrta made to urdor, altered, and p-nnir.'-d . I.-I iy WM.T.H)lKINi. C1UFFKE AND HASl'llERRV. AI.KX. J Jlll.LlUt & CO., rroprietorl of the Old Uoverniueut 1'liKl'Alifcll JAVA COr lKE, have Removed tholr place of busfness rrom No. 911 K. hM'oud strvet to tio. AliCII H(ret, where thuy are vr.-paied to 1IU all orders at tho shortest uotice which the Ituhllc may la or tlivin Willi. Thru- Colloe Is, as usual, the best lit tlie market. They abso have the liest KASI'IIKUKV HYML'I' that Is inanutaclurt J In the cl'y.lAII at lowest prices, Coa siilerlnii ll.t- hlh prices of mtitei-ia) 1'lease ttive them a eall before purihasinii olsuwhere. I.o lint forui Uie dumber, auls-lm Ku. 81.1 Allt'll Street. c AKVF.TS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS AND window Hhadrs, rrom ew York Auction sal.-a, (sllchlly e. lliii tltent Brussels, S, wide, tl ii, tl i; V,, $l-;si end $t'75i linltatloa Bru.sels, (painted,) 5a wute, .ii, bai aua pi cente i o-e, auu ii at propor tionate prices ; Imperial Cajrpeta, SI H7 to $l7e per yard : Imrralu, Irom 60 t-euta to il'llt; Venetian, bait, aaii Hemp, frotn VI X to 7ft eents per yard; Matttruis, the larirest assortment ever ottered In Fhlladelphla, front b"7.s t4i76centsa yaid. at the ew Yerk Auction Hales lie. pot, (nmnerly HieUUow's,) ho. 147 8. BKCOND atreet, Itrat door alaiv Watuul, opposite Cora Km liaise. Jyl-aia USTY'8 TKA WAJtEHOUSK. E8TA, bushed in liSJO. Importer and Iiealer tn ma leae. Wlaea. and LkiuaraL Choice Bavaaa Clirars, Croa IllackweU'i Pickles tad gauoo English end Scot ok Aie and Porter, Canned Meats, Frultl, Soup, aW. Vavy Messes eat ap with care. eJ6ly JOaUUA H. CPU a IT. PVHK SHRIT8.aoO GALLS. TURE Sri rite, 'outth proof, lor preserving tnirnoaea, for sale by K. P. elllinl EIOS, eel J 61 Ko. ti N. 'KOMI Hirejt, IDWAHU X. It Id I I. Y, JOHN KF.LLT, TAILOU8, No.Hl' (JIIKHNIIT HTKKKT, llao reeslTt-d Ihslr FALL HTTLPS, end alarire stork of KAI.I.Al.J WINTP.ll OOOII"., Inrlintlnit choice AMKK1 CAM OOODS, all nought hofore the rise In prices, which they wilt make up In the belt ityh s at moderate prices. TKHMM-KKT CASH. seT-l n lJ" HIlODHAIiini V. CO., OniLDBEN'S CLOTHING EMPORrUif, No. 1 N. FKilli'll STRKKT, riunni.i i-ui v. J, 1 :: IV ' J . :.-.' U " U r'-tprctfully Im ite spcrlal attention to our clc-int astonment of tMIII.DIU'.N'S CI,OTHINt, Coniprislni! 1IO , HI HL , INFANTS', and MISSK.H' ClolhliiK In every variety, tn tltc 1Atst st)los, andof'siiiio rlor woi kmanshlp. Special attention paid to MIH4P.8' DKKHHUAKIMil. The public are Invited to call and examine. M. SIIOHMAKKK .V; CO., e:-wni?nt t N. KKIIITII BTKKKT. T ia m. i it i: FASHION Small Profits. HATS AND CAPS. Quick Sales. NKWKST STYLKS. Lowest Pric.-s in the cliy. J iOl'KNIO, K... 40 N. 8IXTU STRKKT. eO finw-1m ,1. WILLIAMH, No. 16 If. SIXTH STREET, Af4mi.actunr of vi:nktian laiNDa AM) WINDOW SIUDKH. Tlie Lergest and Finest Assortment la the city, at the LOWEST PRICKS. RKl'AlltlNll ATTKNOKD TO TltOMPTLV. BIOllK 8IIAHF.1 MADH AM) l.PTTKWKll. tel 1m J Iviri-C I .A HH AUD riCTCKi: I RAMF. MANLTACTOIIY. WM. II. MOltOAN, No. SON N. NINTH RTRKF.T, Oilt Ovnl lliOtotrrnpU Frsmos aclO-nm CONSTANTLY OS 1IAKI). VIXPirVVliK Having bought most of my materials before I'.u late great rise, I am onahled to off. r my stock of FIIIST-CLASS FURNITCKE At a small e-lvaucc on old prices, I. LUT, sell) Dm . l-Jt H. KLK.VESTII STREET. JIIU1N1 A. HOUDUII sSt CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SniP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK STKEUT WUAJtU', UllLiDKI.rllla.. trurHri A. sornRrt, ) ax. iiieAi.i. oi riY, eiKi-m.a t. aoi'uka. 3 iat-tf TKW SKA SHAD . i.1 'JuTbarroit new Lcouomy MeaHltad, to arrive by steamer tiotuiau," l'or sale by KLNMHY. STAIRS dt CO., sepKs 5t hu. lou unit N. W U AUVES. N E W S A L M O N. 4s tmrtf la No. I Salmon, t-ti barrels No. i Kiilmou. lie cases Alh cans Hplred Salmon, it.', cases ll'lh cans spited Hulmoo. Xow In store and lor sale hy KKNSKHY. STAfHS A CO., aclO-.'.t hoe. 130 aud 1.IJ N. WIIAUVKS. VRW IILUE I'ISII, SCALE FISH, ANO 1 W hile lsh. (Hi barrets new Kewhlirvpoil Blue Fish. III! barrels new pli kled Scale Fish, oflharrels Mnrlnae While Ki.lt. tl0 half barrels Mat ins. While Flail. how lu sure, aud lr sale hy kKNSKHY. STAIIH A CO., sclO ol Noa. l Ai and 1 11 N. W11AUVKS. gRIDESBURQ MACHINE WORKS, OFFIOK, IVo. US N. FRONT MT11I3J3T, rair.AjKi.piiLA. We are prepared to fill order, lo any extent tot our wetV knowa MACniNERT FOB COTTON ANO WOOLEN MILLS, lueloalinf all rooeat Improvements ta raiding, Hptnniag, and Weaving. We Invite the) attention or manufacturers to oar exten sive work,. lall-lf ALFRED JKNK8 A HON. ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP. This favorite Soaputuow overseen years In use by at K-ast One Hundred Th.usaad ramilias In Pennsylvania alena. II It made upon entirely now principles, of perfeotly pure materials, and always In the same way. It does away with the use of a Woh-b-ard, and will wash twice as unuhclotlies wlib two third, less labor ll.au any other Soap made lu the I'nited States. ITS GREAT rori LARlTY Has Induced several brainless aotp-mak'-rs tn liilutelt la appearance only, ami, by nhvilng Hreat indiuemenu to unprincipled deal.-ra, put their spuiit.us itnlrlo on tlie mar ket on the lust regulation acquired by our Ueteralve. Thote desiring to purchase our aoap should examine and see that OUR NAME AND TRADE-MARK b etamped upon EVERT POUND of the Boap before they take It. VAN HAGEN 4 MoKEONE, ,uW-lra rillLlKKLPIUA. QTJKEN OF BEAUTY. WHITE VIRGIN Wei of AntKles Is the raoet perfect prepareUon of the aire for beautifying, wnlleulni. and preserving the complexion. It Is aaade from pure 'White Wax, hence It, xuaordiiiarytiuallues lor preserving tlie akin, making tt nfl, euioolh, hlr, and tran.pareut. It curea chapped beuda or lire, removee plaiplea, o. Prtee M and W ceou. Meaulaclured oalv bv III ST et CO , l arfumers. No tl B. iilUllTlI St., J d.sirs aboye ch.si.at, ant anie-laa Me. UA . kv KM strs. AQNT)AY, SKirfiMnEIj ,l2r vTRKASCRY nKPAIlTMENT, OFFID? OF b. r 7hVT'",1" " Cun"'. Washlngloo, Sept... the nahl ,ia ranltal .l.-k nf ...a ll.nk . ' vnai the sum of Two Hundred and Tlfty Thoaij" .'I,,,.!! (iO,i(t'l: Wollare Now it la l.erehy cerllfletl, that the canltat stock nf . Sec.nd Nnltonal llenk of I'hlla.lelahia," l'ennsvlva,n elitressld, haa been lncr. ased a. eloresald In the tom e One llomlretl and Fifty 1 h -nsand Is -liars ( tl'si.itisil ; I hat aahl Increase of capita! has been paid Into sept Itank as a part ol 1 1 e cnpilal site k ll'creol, and I hat Ihe atihl ituTeiise Of capnal la appro, en hv the s .mv.lr.,ll. r nl Ihe I 'orcein-v. Ill witness wheruol I hereunto aillx mv nrtvtnl slenalurc, 111 ..II M. i t l.l.orii, aclO lit Comptroller. ry K 1'. A S U R Y 1) K 1' A R T M UNI, Antirsr l, IV.4. SOTICF. TO Ilnl.l'KllS OF TH Rl.K Y K llrt SKVF.M 1 It I KT r NOri.S DATKI) Ot'TOIIKII 1, 111. Holders of Revtn Thirty Notee, datod Ocfohsr I, Wfll, aretirrcl-y n itlftcd that they may he prc.cittrd home, dlalely, In any eiu-iunt,to be ext-hainied (or Six Pur Cont. Honda fallme dne after June M, lasl. The lalerest on the Seven-Thfrty Hotcs will hi ,s-.tls. up to date of mammy October I, and the siv Per t ent. Honda will bear full coupons from Jrlv 1. The adjustment of intorait will be ma le by de lucting fnan the amount of Inlen-st found to be due oa the Seven ThllSy Notes up to October 1, the Interest accnnsl on the Six Pel Coot. lion. I. irom Ju y I to Ot-t iher 1 1 thr balance will be transmitted by the Treasurer's cola draft liimio. diately upon settlement. The following rvitulstionx In relation to endorsements niusl be carefully observed : W'rert notes trttiiMtiltlcd f.r aettteinent were issued payehle to order, and are held and transmitted by tho original owncra.thrymaat be endorsed hv them. 'Par to the Secretary of the Treasnry lor redemption," and bonds v. 111 Issue In their name. Where notes par able lo order arc. held hy other parih-j than the origleal ow ners, the notes must have thnendorse nient of the original owners, and also be endorsed by the present owners, "Pay b Ihe Secretary of the Troasury for ted eruption." For notca la.ued In blank, endorsed "Pay to the Secre tary of tho Treasury for redemption," tun la will be Issued to the parlies transmitting them, and la such uianuor as tbey may tltcct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an attorney, administrator, executor, or otbor agent, they must be accompanied by a duly cerilhed copy or oertlilcate of the authority under which he acta i and In all cav a by a letter staling Ibe kind (registered or ronKn) aud the denomina tion of the Six Per Ceut lionus waated In exehamm. When Koitlalered Honda are order, d. parties ahould atata at which of the following places they wish the Interest paid, ill.: New York, Pnlladelnhla, lloaton, llallliuoro, Hew Urleans, Chicago, St. L ouis, or Cincinnati. W. P. PF.SSHKnP.!', tu.10 3w Bsc rotary of the Treasury. u NIT 11 1) W T A. V JU H 7-30 LOAN. The Recnstary of the Treasury give, notice that sub scriptions wlU bo received for Coupon Truasury Hutea, pajakle Utrexyevs from Aturmtt 15, 1'., with semi-annual Interest at the rat ol ecveu and three-ten tin per cent, per annum, principal and interest both to be paid la lawful money. Theat notes will be convertible at the option of the holder, at maturity, Into six per sent, gold-bearing bonds, payable not loss than five nor more than twenty year, from their date, as the Uorerr.ment may elect. Tbey will be htsned In denominations of $30, Hon, f WO, tl'KXi, and fc&OOO, and aH subscriptions must be for fifty d.Uars or tome multiple of fifty dollar,. At tho notes draw interest from August 15, persona oieaang deposits tubscqiisnt to that date mutt pay tha Interest accrued from date of note to data or deposit. Tartlet d positing twenty-live thousand dollar, and upward, lor these note, at any one time will be allowed a commission of oneinarter of one percent. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. Ir is a National Bimio riAvx, offering a higher rate of Interest than any other, and ths bett security. Any savings bank which pays Ita depositors In t'nitod States Notes considers that It Is paying In tho he,t circulating medium of Uie eouutry, aud It ennnof pay lit anything better, for Its own as.ets arc either In ilovernnfnt toovrt tles or in Dott-i or bonds puyable la i.overiitneitl paper, CONVERTIBLE INTO A SIX TEH CENT. 0-2O GOLD BOND. In addition to tho vary liberal Interoet on the notes for three years, this privilege ot conversion Is now worth about three per cent, per annual, for the current rate for Honda ia not leas tliau nine per cenf, premium, aad before the war thu premium on tlx per ount. L'nltod Statet stocks was over twenty per cent. It will bu teen that tho actual profit on this loan, at Uie present market rate. It not less than ten per cent per anunm. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OU MU NICIPAL TAXATION. Hut mtdsfrom all the advantage wi- have enumerated, a special Act of Congrus, exempt alt boni and Treatury notes from lorol foraioa. On the average, thta exemp tion Is worth about two pur ccot. pur annum, according to Uie rate ot taxation In varioua parte o the country. It la believed that no tecurltlut otrbv so great Induce ments to leudett at thoae Issued by Uie ttuvornment. In all other folios of indebtedness, tlie faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or teparateoouimunl lies, ojiIj , Is pledged for pa merit, wldie the whole pro perty of Uie country ia lield to tecure the dltrtmrgo uf aU the. oljllcations of Uie United Starlet. fii-ns. Kii-TiiiNtwii.tnr Hm.koxd by the Tresvsttrur of the United Stale, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated lieeosUarlea, and byUia F1KST NATIONAL HANK OK P11ILAIIP.I.PIIIA, PA., HF.COM) NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA., TIIIKU NATIONAL BANC OP PHILADELPHIA, PA., PHI KTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA., By all Sal tonal Bankt which are depoaliarlet of publte muaey ; and auj '-tf ALL ItESPECTAltLE HANKS AND BANKEIlS Througtgiirt the country will give further Information an AFFOltD KVKRT FACILITY TO 8UU'KIHKItS. 1 EJIOVAL. 11 J. ME1EU & BROTHER, MERCHANT TAILORS, Have removed frnin Jto. 1-.A V. Secnd troet to the S. E. corner of SECOND and AKL'II Stre.-Ii. where thsy have on hand a good stock ol t'LOrils, CASal MKHHsl, and YEbliNUH. (auK)-lm Also, a splendid assortmentof ready-made C'LtHi II Nil. 1 E M O V A L. THOMAS M. 1'LOWM AN, Ii Carpenter aud Mullil. r, has removed his shop Ire in No 'AM taw berry si net to M..,-J.il'AliTFIt Slreet.ad ioluing the old Post Oltlce llnlltllng. Hiimiik lucre..-, d lUcllliies li.r cairyiliK on the tun-luert extensively, he hopes to roelve a shaie ul public patronage. Jal QXCOItCil3 htitkh, an., MANUrACTURINQ MACHINIST AMD KNQINKKU, at'T-lm No. 1611 H. SKCOttD ST., Philadelphia. STEAM HEATING FOR FACTORIES, Hills, Ac. liuaud with director watt., steam. Also, colls for beaters, colid.-ns.-ra, etairalors, A-o. lel-lm Al.lOlitJSAh, N. alXTIl Street. ., Whereas, satl.nkotory ttntlne hoe hevn ranlrnMIM ta ,c. Ot.mptn.llcr of the. 'urrenry that It,, cap" ' ,, !? Jj! "Scsx.r it National Hank ot f-hils.leh.hla. VenV.Vnili. Franklord, baa lieen Increaaed in the sum of One 11 H 'Za and Mil) 1h..u.snd Hollar. (IMi (),, (n ,""nJJ ll.e piovailm.iol In Arllclea of A.aiwiaihin, and thetthil Ufo riNANC).L la-vv loan op i1' THK ALA.sCE OP Tnit $75,000,000 LOAN" laving this sy been awarded. ouy Wn, BroTln, ur..,l.w. .,. prepd to,,, to ..,.. oamla mall sum,, toy am nnt of this most deslrtbta C0LIX PER CENT. LOAN '1 MARKET PRICE. Wc have always cons d thete lsul HONDS at the BEST LOAX ON TE MARKET. TherrlsblllaHMAI.L AV0CN1' . premium will, In our opinion, advance ra1Ac:. "'I the Parties 1 sting r-J) LOAN Will do well tocall and FACIIANilF. thlr 8-JOs for thJ MOIIP. PKKMANF.NT LOAN, especially aa new, owing totlie (lerman demand for I he tnemles, a hich rate can be obtained f.r Itiem JAY COO UK A CO., Ni. HIS. Tlllltl) .NTItLKT, eeln lm Phllndelphlav QOliD, O Xa 1. GOLD, SILVER AND HANK XOTE WANTED. DE HAVEN & BR0THE3, anl-tf Ko. ( B. THinn BTItBRT. Q L, A H K H O N 5k CO., UANKK11H, Ko. 121 8. TUIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Sovemment RecurlUes of all Issuet Purchased and lot Bala. Btookt, Bonds, and Uold Bought and Sold oa Corn eal salon. LNTEWTST ALlAOWtD ON DEPOBrTS. Collections promptly Made. fea-tf g M ITU fc 11 A. NUOLiP H, No. 10 8. THIRD STREET, BANKERS AND JJKOKEHS. Specie, atocks, Quartermasters' Voochsrs and Ckeckt.anel all Oovarnment HecnrtUet Bnrurht and Bold, f nihil JliW 1XJAIV. NEW JJOAKT. U. S. 1040'". JAY COOKB s5fc CO., OF ER FOB SALE TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, P.F-ARIKO PITC PES CENT. IirTKRF.ST IK COIN, redeemable any Uma after TEX YEAKB, at tha sJeajura of Uie Government, aad parable ruatTlf YKAJtsI after data. BOTH COUPON AND RKOI8TEK1D BOHD8 are tsuad for this Loan, of tame denomination aatha6-Wt. The Interest on 60 t and tlao't payable yearly) oa al other denomlnatlont, half yaeurly. Tha 10-40 bonds are dated Marsh 1, last. Tha half-yearly Intereet failing duet Bepteaabnr ltt and March 1st of each year until lit Sep tember, the accrued Intereet from 1st of March It required to be paid by purchased In ciiar or tn LtoaL ovaaaatrr, adding arty per cent, for premium, until further notice. Al.LOTHKK GOV KR tf M KSTT SKCUR1TI BOUUHT AMD BOLD. JAY OOOKE & 00., ahW-tr Bn. lit H. Tglltl) 8TI1KBT. pHXUUK. fcsl 'J.' U 1-J li A d O., BANKERS, Ko. 30 8. THIRD STREET, tut ABO tau. OU), SILVER, AUD OOVEit.NMeftT SECURITIES. B T O O K S BOUGHT AND SOLD OK COMMISSIOK. ImhH CTOCliH AM) HliCUHITIlCB BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, M-tf ho. 0 S. THIRD STREET. u M1KD 8TATK8 INTKUNAL ItKVKNUK, Kirit Collfctlon DUtrlrt of PonnsylvanlM.Ci.niprtnlnKtlit frond, Third, Fourth, Kirtlt, Htxth, and Klercnth Wttd of tho Cllj of PhUadelpIiia, NOTH'K. Th Annual An8cismiit fur lHM.Ior.hc bovo nmd Dlhtilct.of perwiii liuble to a imx on Vwrinut 1'lomaure Yacht. Ulllmrd TaUua.aud (iold and tillvrr fUtf.Mtd alio o(tvfhon Kjiilrtd to take out Urittu, havio tmR comil(f(ed( VOTIOK Id lIKIIKbY 1IVKH That the Taxns ahittaid will bo rtrolred dally by tl ui.drai!ted, beiweon tho tooura uf 0 A.M. and H P.M., (Hundaya excoviad,) at tho oflW, Ko. CHKNI'T Htru.,ifOtid Mnor.on and Mfer THCItrtPAY, 8tptitmlr Land until anrt InHurtlni HATI KDAY, St?inbur 21, onauina;. I'KSAI.TIKH All porona who faHJii) it tl.etr Annua. Tuxea uptn enr-rraeiPK.plt-aturo yant,trlHtard tahlca.Koldand lilverplate, on or before the i4th day f Neptonibar, laiy. will Incur a itnltv often pfrcentMo additional of tht ttrooimt there it", nd be liobleto 1'ottn.aa pruvlrted fur In the L'Hh rifctlm or the Kxclaa I.awa nf July 1, iwi-;. AH per "tin who In Hie manner hall fall to tnke out their Hi eiuea, as reuiilMed b law, n r beiMa tho Jiih day ot HfplruibiT, Jh;4, will Incur a petmlt uf inn per Cfuttiui HtlditionaJ ot the auonttt thorety', and be atibjoct to a proaecutlun for three tluiea the uiuouat it wait) taa. tn aoi'tinianro with the prorialoni 4' tha &lh aoctlon uf the law aioreaald. All paymenta are rcjuired to be made tn Treasury Kutea, under authority of the I itilrd states, or ia notna u( Hauta orKitd iiiiUt-r the act to provide a N'aiiu.titl Ourreucy, kuown at National Itnnka. 0 Kl'ltTIIKK NOTIt K WILL UK (IIV EM. J Kb r Kit 11AUIHN Cnectnr, rt l-21t Wo. :m CHKSSVT Street. D I .A. M O 1 H. rericna having Ilamudt or other rrcjiou BDneato ditpoie of will du well by culling on LEWIS LAD0MU3 & 00., Diamond Uealomuml .J wwlora IN'o. Ha C1IKHNUT Htruot, Who will .-Ivt tl.e Ii v'tift cash price. aull-la JA JI H H 31 A. 11 II 03 11 M M.iLl.l.e AMU HXT1II, CLOCK KSTAlil.IHIIMKNT, S.'X. comer SI'.t'OSD ana CIiKSJIUT BtroeU, rhllad n. ac.n. y run tii i-atxnt KvA'ALIlNJ T1UKTY-1AY CLOCKS, A very Uclraole article f.r thurchet, Uotslt, Danks, C.oinlitia-11. n .e. I'url'iM. A ISO, SI AM KAl'Tt'l'fK Or FTK OOI.n fKS. i LO K I'.S.l'AIKr.ll AM WAKH.tN I lLi, lal-l v I'loct i rtiuti.lnaa ol evorr Uoscripilou. A'M. A.OII AY, N. K. CflKNFlt Of SIXTH ? anil MIM'H Hirel, buys HiamonJa, Watchea, li. Ml, BUer, ao.l ...ian Th-aeis. ,,,.,., CAJ4.. All bnslnett conflJentlal. au!9Sa.. PROPOSALS. J. I Clot, TWELFTH and (IfRARD Brrwwts, ocrrhViS,uT fb;X,n7n;hmi.r.!K;rir f'lfK. '""; P'W'-'l.aaso.tedtDiet. Tin artrcK." V.Vl?,,Q'' 'rvloeable msterial. aa4 lob.lehvere ,onVr', Sample, of ihe " PrnpoM ro be delivered (,,. tf the tiMders will bee. """'tied wlih e.ch l.i.t. and sel"' th ns will be niade .reinti, " '" "a lly and prc. " 'he bids will ainte the Hv'M',rof ach kind of article) Jipose to d.aireres, K-h bid oust KsiiHranteecl C.f t.fsiMnsthle perinnt e.er,7L".n"",r"n""t tPl-enilei . auaraulee, and' amount ml , .'"J" '""and sunt, s-' ;ur,ty fr to. amount Invrilvrd, hy seam public functjtmar ot tile United w HI a. t b? .".'r,T'''r'"','" 01 va-ti'War4, gu,rsme.''nnr:Lp,,';'P""'',,,rn the terms of lb at this ..litre nil"''',,l'','l'iil "n arrplleatlaei guarantee wlh , ,' "'','"' w,''rli do not embrace Una ...lei cd wi, h' ZlrnTlu V " " '" ?" PfP""-' - ca reen., therein .laierl ,C"F "t.orm to Ike re.Blr- ( Mlini?-' tor lrrer,t. pHOl'IKSALS FOR STATION KRyT II. .1 -.an (,f tKf ala.l.i..-. .. "-. "Hi. day aj S..,.mh.. ij.''.- "".7 offloft tj.e ir.iit 'V lm renin U Pit liM ItOrraniH whliwuarto poet M.nr - tine, fptt.l .. r PW' IrflM. T ream hue e.-nfj-f-lal n-it papvjr, xtra aunnr .lOrrama vhlte ci-niiui'..n paper, aitra fliie.puin. '."""a aaper- 60Tr?,n?rf"hlt ,oohcnP P'fiaper, Mtratapar- nuti letral Pnp pap.-r. extra Pipprnj1a. feint uu Hut rap pat it, plain. o reaiux i.x. re:iina tnm Manilla p tper. 'i.ihnj fVJ rmiim Alknl1 a pap,-r. Ii hy llnrM, uc iMmr -f per ruwin, vrry touted aad tmooih. t00 reama Manilla paper, lit by H incho. wmf 'fi pounds lr ream, flat, vary aniootli tough, 300 reauin Manilla pnper, 97 by iTT Inehea, welfrhlnt 41 pnutida pir rnani, flat, Tory auiootb and 7'. OH) white thlrk adhesive envelopes, fiV by V Inchec. hni while th!. Ik al!'alve envr..p.., r hvjf Inchai. i) whi'r thlrk adheiilve enrriopp, H , ,H' Inches. Ift.m o whlie tht k adlieivnrrrvropes, $7i byS'i Inofaas. Ii.imi Ihitt rtitte iiveJt)ia. liii.KD liirTadhehlvernvel.Mws.7,i hyd.VtochM. 1 uroRi (.ni.creaa tie nfthpea. V- DtHC Keel v- ' - ssint jiviii. vitnnii fcllllU, ,S trriMia 4 tnch tut Inkataada. li doxeii Inkituimli. vnrloun klnda. 10 fjt.tn ihttllea beat black Ink, quart a, lnts. and aaU ptnta. f dozen bett Wne Ink, quarts and ptnta. 1 lh doron rubber pem-lla ion g and abnart. '& lion n gold niout.ted pencil, varlotia kinds. b Rn.ua black lead peuclla, aocr's octaKoa and roa4. No i. nrrtM Kaher's carmtne and blui eocUa. H Kroaa pen - hold rn, dmerent kimla. 6 t.u.fii rubhur pen-ho'dfr.i, varioua tixaa 6 dnxi'ii th tiloa ninrlintte, amall sixes, 10 ctieuvi panka v nit lug cards. 1 7.i siKxila pink tap. r pi tin id beat near let saallnr wax. ti 0o7ti, diaries, for lHLTt vartoua kloda, tt doaru m morsndnnts, vartoas klnda. ' V doxeii rttoMs. 1? do iii paper-foldrrs, V dozen rtibtar mlf ra 1 doxen paner weights. 11 di'zen ptn-wlaera. if.r'do7en uocket-kriTea, two, Ih-ae, four, and afcc M !; htag. parl,ahUi and ivory Uttudlos. 1 dor.ru : inch uliintri. fi ounrift ersiiifr mhher t utonn ruhtNThanda and rinn 'tCO akiiia parchment, lti by yiiachaa. If dozrn a pon we cups. I dozrtt pow'hf. In thesuppiruf odn,c-vntmrtnm wfll be rigidly raqtilresl to funiiah artirlea fully tual to a am pie. rropoNHl muat be arcontpauied oy tha nam! of tha snre Ilea Int ntiil tn be olfrnHl. Ah rriulrcd hy taw. profnrance will be glren to the pra ducUi'iia of Anii'Hcan lndiiHtry, If euatlrchnap and of at Hnk1 uiiallty ; and all person! making propoaaln to supply any rlana of artlch'S will atata wbutliar the same are ta Uinnniacture ol the I'nitfd HUtea. I he artu lea are to be delivered, free of any oharjra for carnatf, at the ofllce of the Clerk of tha llouaa of fUnf. aenlniivi-a on ur before the lMh day of Is'ovember, lU. Farh proposal to he endoraed "I'ropoialt for Stationery for the Hoiiaa of Htpnentatlvea of tha United 6 tales ard nddreiaed to ti e nndershrned . Huthrh'nt apecimensof each eta an of nrtlctes propoaed f(.r mut a- company the proponal, marked with kite nam ol the hid.! tT. The perNim nffdrinv to ftirofsh any clang of articles al thelowcat price, ijualtty eonaiilori'd. aha'l receive a con tract fur the (tame on exetutli g a oond, with two or more sureties. naiifU.-torj to the t'Urk i tie House of Heora. aentatlves, fnr the pert orinanre of ftte same, under a fbr-f- Iture of twice Ihe co'itract price, In caae ofrallure, wtiick bond tnuit b riled In thooflHe of the suld Clerk wttbln ten deys aitor the proposals have been opened and the result tlt- Jart d. KtiWAHl McPHKHSOM, t Clerk of (he House ol Representatives of V nited Stated. avl0-tlllef X QUARTEKM ASTER'S OFFICB, , . rnii-AUKLi-iiiA. September O.ldM." Healed Pmpna1a will be received at thta office until Mt)MaY. 'jrUi InMant. at li o'clock M.,lb? furnlahUur ANTHMAt 1TK HTKAMKK COAL for the War depart ment. it a period of al monOia, com men dm 1st Octotr. Imrt. andendnig HIM alarch. lttfi. 1 oat to be of the ImmI qunlity aiithrHcite,ior the use of steamers, to weighs Kund to the ton, and to be sailed to Inspeotlon. The Coal ts to bu delivered ou board veeelt In ihe portg of I'hf adeiphia or New York, la auch rjuantltie and at such liiiH'fl hi may be required; furnishlig, if denuuidje4, seven thouaard tons per week. In case id failure to deliver the Coal In proper quantity, and at the propir time and pi new, the Government r-heivi-e ihe rly lit to nake ifood any doilclency by purcnase at the ctntrai tur riak a-td expense. 1 he price must bo Klven aeparately for the Coal delivered onboard of rea sela at (hJpt pri and at New Vork, on tho terms and eon ilfil' n aliove slated. Twenly per cont. will be withheld from the amount of all payments mm!e, which reserra tlou la not to le paid until the rotitrant shall hare been lully cnniphted. laytiM nta ot the routining euhty por cent., or balance due, will be made monthly, when tue Le pin tnient la in fumls for that purposo. Kach olfer muat heaccompnuled by a written (tnu ran tod, sitni'd by two or more nHHniuhle piirllea (t)ndr reeponal litllty to be certined br a United Htttea JudKe, Attorney, or Collector), uiat the bidder or hltlderswill.it his or thear bid be au-epted. enter into nrlttuu obliation, with good and tttiflU lent smetiea. in the sum one hundred thou sand dollars, to fnrniah ;ni pPo!WM npr Ko prop.. iliod win be cooalilmd unlesa Uiu Venus of thlg advertuo ment are complied with. 1 he tiulit Ik rnerveil to relert nil the hMa If enniMtxeoJ I to be to the intercut nt the mtvIc tn do so, and no bid from aof'inuiniiKconiracirir win w nceivMi, Fnlokala lobe endomed "Fropoeala fur Coal for tht War department,' and uddreaaed to Uie undersigned. It) center of Colonel A J. t'erry, yii.irtermatter'n Uepart ment.H.H.A. (IKOItlift K. ORMK, t-i7t CaptaiD and V- g. M. QUAUTKKMA81KU-GENERAIjS OFFICE, Mrst Jitviaion. WAMiiiNnroif Citt. August ett.IAM. 1 11OKNK0! HuHHt.H'. 1 HUHKKSI I I Htr.fi mi u Ii I inr Anilory md Cavalry aerrlee wtfl be pun halted at fHKHUOUO i'EPor, lnoueu market, 111 o ci om.it l, ih4, Horea will be delivered to Captain 1 Lowrr Ifooirw, A. Q. M , and be subjected to tlie nana! Uorerameo llixptctloo helcre being acceptid . Trice oft avalry llomea, $17i each. rrlre of Artillery Horaea. flKOfrach. 1 i'aj meitt will be made tor alx (til aad more. 1 JAMKtt ak, FKIH, . i Colonel Klrat Oiriklon, : . icVtsrW) f)uartcmiaster-iienTars ofQud. UNITKD RTATKH, KASTKHtf DISTRIC1 OK lKN NHY l,V ANI A, XCT. THK I'llKMI'KN X OK TliK UNITED 8TATK4 TO 1 UK UAUniUL Of 7a etAali-KN i10itl'JT OK I'KNNSt LVAW1A, VltHK l lMi. k ' M lU.bKAH.Tlie Olatrlct Oowrt of tho UMted Atatea tsi and lor the Katteru Hintrict of l'enualvatii,rJgkil aad dnl pr'tceeiiiiiK uii a i.lhel. tiled hi the nan-of the L'nftod ft tatea of Aineiiea, hath derrved all nerMina Inavueral wbo hitve. or pretend to have, any rlicht, title, or loterevt In lerty-tnreelialea of cotton. aud ts eroceedaol ante tberetri'. CMptured hy ihe Mcauier "AriMiAiook," a .er1 ot war wc me Hnneu ntaies. unacr fominaiiu oi e. n rratiMiu. ktnteniiiitt'.iiiiuinoimr,and bmiiKh lutothtdr4tnct,t(o dm m In tl. cited, aud called ttmiliciuenU at the Hum ami Plane uiiderwrittt ii, end to the eiiect anranibir eKpeeneedi fliittlce M re-iulrliik) You are. therefore, chiw-ked aud trtetly en oiiied snd 'Ouiuistiiled, thnt vou umit mit, tt that hy puhiishii g thee preneuta In at least two e tho daily mwpMiera prlntt-d and putilinhed in tho city ol i hlluilelphtu, and In the .-j intit"i?tiert ytu do nmii ith and cite, or cauae to le nionhhed soil cited, MTi-iuuiorllv. nil prBoiit In Knerul vvhn harvo, op Drl end to Irnra. anv rthl. tllia. or I it t emit in that aaiu 1'uri.v - tt ree t'!cs of cotton, and ihe pceeta ot tie Kitlr tin-r oi, io apoe tr teltra the lloawtratito .IOHM OW A LAHKIt, ti e Judxu of the soxt frwrv, at tlie fuat'lct Court rinm In Uie Citv of oita. deipiua, hh u. twentieth day after pu td cation of toiao pr -en ta,t It Ue a couit day. or ulat on the noxt court dMV toliowtna. between the uniihI lionrs ot hearing cieuies tttn and tl itu to allow, nr alU'ne in due tor in-of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, tf anv they Imvov why the aald forty-ttreo baiea of it ton ahiuid pot b pro u on ii ced lo tiek ni , ut the time of the Ottoture of tlm shHio. to tle eneniloa cf ttie I'liltcd Htittea and, aagoiroe ot tin ir tiM-wie or oherve tae, llnb'.e and anh act tn eon 0 nm.uioii, itt be at;ndk;ed and coudt-miied aa giid and lawiul pn.ta; nd inrthir to do and r-caie ai ttaa behait ak to lattice ahull appertain. And that voudoly tiit)inae, or 'NUe io te intimated, nnto all persna afi.ro aaid, neneially (to whuuihy tue teuor of these ptvaenia it In uIno liiiiumHd),that It ihey shall not appear at tht bin and place bove mentioned, or appear and shall nut bhow reasonable and lawiu1 ciiuho to the contrary, than haul DlntrKt Court doth Intend and will, proceed toadiu (Ui utioii on the auld capture, aud may pi-onounoo thai the ill !v.rty-tlirie bales ot cotton aud tho pro ceeds of the ame thenoi' did bvlong, at the tin oi ihe cai'lore f thu mmc, to the enemies e the C nlted StrtfS of America, and aa goods of Uhjt eiKinier, or other v lae, liable aud sui'iet to confuta tion snd comJfiniimlon, to be adjulMed and c-fiidcuiiid aa lav nil priae, the ttbence, or rather cont nm-y, o'" the per boti!i mi cited ami intimated lu uuv wie iiotwithitanding, ai'd Uiat ioa duly rertity tu the iald Hutrh t Coarl wiiat iu xhall do In the premiaea. ugi'tti.r with ttieac prenfuta. WltittKB ihe Hmiorahi JOHN Clrt'ALil'h. J idgo ol tie Raid Court ut Philadelphia, this ninth owy of Heptt mber, A. O. It, and in the eUtuy-uiuW year of lh liiduiwudimeoi theaaid rnltd'f4-. , aelu-.it 0. H. KO V, Clerk District C art i 1 Writ of hale, by the Hon. John ( adwUdr, Judgo il tie Hi at rift t oiut of the United Bsates. hi amtfoir tho 1 iiMern IMnrlctoirenna.lvaula. in Admiralty, ko me di iiH'fed ill be nohl at putdk- mio to the hihrhaat and Immi Ll.ler! tor .a.h, at SllCHK.St.ll 8 UTOUh. No. UJ N. iKt'STMrMt, on kHiNHAY. Hepteuber Jtt, 1.4, at If cJ'i k M.. tlie ciko ot trie i,team r "Lillian," eouatatla i i hale ot i-oitoa ; atsi, bales oi coiloo, thu canfo oj' vtfcsei uti known. WII UAM Mll.LWARH, V. H.Marabaaifc.UeOt Fenaa. rH 1 T-AT'E' V,f i? PiU' '"r t0' lht- aeil I t fJO PKCF.FTION. NO INFERIOR CO A la 11 pnrchaxed to otter below the cost prioe of a eupertur article. HAM C EL W. Hr.Hrt, UKOAI Atrt, above kaee. east side, aalia the guuiu a, aalia Uie Buuiue KAUl.B VKIN. U-at aud ptmr,t mined, tg ai;d UtoVa auei.SUi Iarge uitoU pnrt t u per ton. Coi auu era ahoutd make their aarohasse at eo. rloua to aaoUior adeauca. laii-A r f: 8.E. CORNER 5IXTU AND MARKET 8X3. PEADY-MADE CLOTHING AND FINS TAILOBXNCi ESTABLISHMENT, K0TO FOR HANDSOME 8TYLE3, REASONABLE TBICE3, AND POLHENESS TO CUSTOMERS.