a sjj . xr jixi x innuiMixu irr,mtAru. ruiiiADLrillA. SAIUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1801. SATURDAY, RErTF.MLER 10, 1864. A mi'iRiTr.n ncso. The following souf-stlrrlng rvMi bare found thelrway lata oar drawer, with do author's nam attached. The? Mtu-e a poetic lastr, a pMrtorir ardor, and a drerrlptlvo ability of a t.l;h ordar. ai a national ballad atioiiU tie pleased to f it iienerally adopted and iimi. II In already extensively iimr In the nary, and kai beoo tat to tuailc Ed. T '.uniarii.l The Banner of the M. When Admiral Farrnanl Inok.-d ronnd til-on Ms do1. at tlia irrminatHin of the flitu in M,,biie Bur. he rrf'twil to'eelfe Jubol commandrruniii)riiiian. saym, I hat In lw of the noble dead and wounded. Iicroi.ld retard lln rhanan only aa an i nrmT. Tlie Jiurnini t tli' .kl Wtro Upper with blood; Morally! "Earli plunk Willi gore run fd," Trt how proudly did Ilia herolr iiln- look upon (h doar and bra. old flu for which they wrr pvrlliitiK lito and Msnb. rarrasn.t. fxipnut, and wlmlow! What elnMr amn and h.ynl hcartH have hur brought to the dcl unc of The riannr of the Ben." Of nil the flat that li'.ut aloft O'er Nc'iitunc'a RtUlant tars, Tlmt wave on blli, in victory, Above Ibe aona of Mara, Give u the llaR Columbia's flag The enil.it m of tbe free, Vfhote tlavliinR atnrs bin ed thro' our wars, l or Truth and Liberty. Iben tlip it, luda, in ocean's l.rlno, And (.'ivc it thrts times tin', Ami Mini; it out, nul rung and about, The Itunnir of tho Sea. Benwith Ita folds we fenr no foe; Our hearts alinil never quail ; Vlth bosoms bare tbe sti.rru we'll (tire, And bravo the battle gale; And thmifrh the cannon plough our deck", The plnnka with ffore ran red, ftill through the tray our ting tilwity fSball gluim far overhead. 1 nen dip it, ladv, Ac. On every wavo, on evnry shore, Columbia's llutf shall go; And tliroiifth all lime lis fume snldinic With brighter hues shnll glow; For Freedom's standard is our llai; ; Its guardians. Freedom's son, And wo bciUle til' inxulter's pride, hen wc unloote our guns. Then dip It, lads, &c. Its enemies our own shall be, I'pon the land or main ; Its Htarrv liht shall gild the fifc'ht, And guide oar iron rain. No foreign ower, nor treason's arts, Shall shake our patriot love, While with onr life, in peace or strife, 'We'll keep that flag above. Then dip it, lads, Ike. TO LKT. It is an exceedingly unpleasant thing to live In a house which Is, at the time, when you are occupying it, to let. I have no doubt that the policemau's family t the untenanted mansion round the corner will respond to the trnthof this remark. What a time they have of it ! How are they haunted from mansion to mansion, and from villa to villa! As loon as tbey get accustomed to the black beetles at the semi-detached cottage, they are transferred to the attentions of another ami a larger species, at the "residence lit tor a noble man," which is the house agents' next venture. They must Lave a miserable time of it, and it is nougn to make this constable's wile disparage the house which she Is employed to abowoiT, In order that she may be allowed to remain there In peace. That woman "lives out of her box," as the say ing is, lor it is nul worth while to unpack it when she Mia have to leave at a moment's nnth-n . Timlin t h Ah firfn nt h Ml mOM tf ....lira., tlmolijl.l-.in uiuuvi jktn us uiiu i miiit 1,1, uuu virtually tbey might be nicer. Those children nre some what to be pilied. Between the necessity of keep ing quiet all the day, in order that father, who is night pollcenmn, may get his due amount of sleep, and the difliculty of accommodating their conduct to mother's temper, which her unsettled position renders irritable, thoy have enough to do. Tbero is a nondescript dog, however, who lives upon the arcs steps, and docs not care a pin bow often tbe family moves, which animal is a great comfort to the children. lie allows him elf to be dragged about by them, and in return helps them olf with their bread-nud-drippln, which, with an occasional lly, keeps him going nicely. Theje good pcoplo iivo rent-free oil their lives, and have the opportunity of trying the air in dif ferent parts of the town, but they never seem to be happy. Their turn-no bedstead neer has a permanent home, and their gridiron und their kettle are ever Hanging ou unaccuxtomcd nails. It is not, however, of their troubles that it is .just now my business to speak. I have to do with others, perhaps of a less material kind, but per haps to tbe man of feeling and emotion, yet more galling. It is bad. no doubt, to grovel among the foundations all your lite, to live in unfur nished and evcrcbanging basements. It is also difficult to keep inquisitive persons, who come to see the house, out of the pantry; whore your husband is in bed, and snoring horribly for tho day snoring of a night pollccniuii is a thing alto gether out of the way and apart from all other snoring whatsoever. Still, there are other vexa tions besides suuh as these, and this I hope, with the reader's permission, to show. The "honse to let" of which I would speak, is to let furnUhed, and you, its temporary owner, are living in it till another occupant cun le found. This is unpleasant. In the tint place, there is a bill In the window, itself a depressing thing, and that bill (which presents its reverse side to you in the house) you are always trying to read back wards. "Tins desirable Residence to be Let, Fur nished," takes a long time iu the spelling out, and the bouse agent's name and address taku longer still : yet in this pastime you find yourself engaged diligently, whenever yon are in tbe room in whose window the bill is placed. The bill, too, is always coming undone at the corners, for gluss is a slippery substance. This docs not matter much, however, as you cun set things right with a little mucilage or a wafer, which . holds for a good half hour at the least. That servants, should be unsettled and disorganized while living precariously in a bouse with a bill up, and that tradespeople should be attentive in calling with their accounts, seems only natural. but what are such unnoyanccs to those which are indicted upon jou by the people who come to see the house ? They come at all hours, and catcu you at all sorts of occupations. If you are late viser there comes an early bird who has no time to lose, ana who particularly wisnes to ee tho principal dressing-room, in which you are at the moment engaged in flattening a "feather" on the top of your head. Vou ure Afraid to lose a chance, and you let him iu, and he takes the opportunity of overwhelming you itb questions, which you answer ut considerable disadvantage, on account of the incomplete statu of Tour morning vrciiarutiona. These hotise- liu titers, let it be repeated, c.iiie at all hours. lliev come wlicn vou are at bruuklast and at luncheon, and stare at the shattered remains of these feasts, ibe empty egg-sbells do not escspe them ; for tliem tbe sirloin is not streaked in vain. A tram, they couiu wuen you are engaged in business; aud, when your wife has triends around uer, tue uouse-nuiiters rally in the drawing-room. Tbey rallv iu tbe kitchen. "moreover, when the joint is just ' put down," and vecp at it furtively bebiuutlie mcd'-.creeo. Also, how they stare I At you, the proprietor. they stare so ferociously, that you ask yourself wlietner you reaiiy uo ueur tue aemoiauce 01 tnc Jiuman form, or whether you are uu antbronop, 1.1. i.... i. ...... i.i,.-. 'i'i Willi ) our ucu'l oiiieiiiu jyii oiniuiurip i luc; nturc at your papers, at your letters lylns open tin the table, at your egg-shells, and at your trcaky beef. They back out of the room in which you are sitting, in order that they may see the last of y on, and they niako an excuse to get in again belore tliey leave tue nouse, pro tendiuir that they want the measure of a certain recess in this narticulur apartment, into which they think they could squeeze a sofa of their own as it mere weren t solas cuoiigu already And mark! this stare is always one of disap uroval and suspicion. I'nder these circumstances, It is impossible for vou to "tettle to anything." You lose your time and neglect business. Vou don't feci as if anything lu me uouse, or me House ltseit, . .Le ontftd to you. The furniture wears a tlme- etviug, sycophantic aspect. It will make itself useful to someoou v cite in a weeK or a lortuigut from this time. Your ditiiug-table will groan, to use a popular phrase, under the weight of another's joint, and your own especial easy chair will adapt itself to the curves of another's legs. Vou might lock this piece of furniture awuy in the dark room upstuua ; but you have airead y jnit away a vast mass of tilings there for which yon have a regard, and after all you must leave something iu the slttiiig-rooms. Thcv look a little bare and robbed of kuick-knucks, so to apeak, already. At to the people who come to inspect your Jiouse, tin y are ot various kinds; eucouraging, sbsoouraging, communicative, diflideut. The lirrcit customers are ladies. There arc certain ladies of middle age, of plain appearance, sensi li'y dressou in materials that won't spoil, before rhoiii any owner of a furnished house may rea sonably quail. Terribly wise and practical are hta jUmt'J. YOU CsV.u'1 fcla Uicw U With your e la. gantly appointed slttlng-rooms.and yonr china, and vour glmerarks, which, by-the-hy, youni'an to shnt np when yon leavo tho house. The middle-aged ladies only give one glance round, administer the shake-test to a ansnicloos look ing chair which yon have put Into the shade, but on wbirh everybody ponces and then od they go to tlio bed-room and kitchen departments, w hero they are In their element. Tbey lift up corners of counterpanes, and peer Into bed-ticks. Tbey want bed-curtain where they are present. 1 bev require additional chests of drawers, and are of opinion that your ward rol0 with the looking-glass door t ikes up a grout deal of room, and holds nothing. They object to your keeping one small room at tho top of tho house locked up ; and, whi n they hove done (lis pnraglng the whole o( your bedroom arrange ments, and have abu.scd your kitchen-range, and qnatreled with your holler, and scorned your oven, tbey take to snillling in your little hall, and muttering the ni p ctioniihlc word "diaius." 'lbcre is something gratuitously insolent about tlie beliaT!"' Of tlC knowlug ones l oiter them the article I havo to dispose 01, u" . H" them to take it. or even to look at It. If thev choose to cnler,letthem observe closely and form their own conciuions. W e court examination. Wiih the exception of tliatcha.r with the mother-of-pearl let In'o the back which had obviously disagreed with its constitution all Is f ur and nlKve-hoard. We don't ask these Indies for their opinions, so let them keep thine opinions to them selves, instead of delivering thura in all parts of the house, and In a loud key, too. I even con cede to these dlngrceab!c pcr-ons a riijbt to anlir in the passage, having done so myseli on manv oecasiens ; but the results of such snillings should never he comiiiuuii ated by tluse ladies to km b nthi r, till tbey get oinaidc. And there is yet another rlns-i of pers ins who n'lgbt ndvanlagt'oH-ly wait till tbey get outside to say their say. 'i hesn are the Indies anil gen tium n who portion out your rooms, anil discuss the ehungi'S they think I', would lie desirable to malic in your afc.nlc, belore your very lace. 1 hey keep your w ife w aiting and standing w hile tin y bilk in the drawing-room : "Well, you know, di nr, at a pinch we could put Jane into the room with the ml ile hiuf no, 1 forgot, that's to he ioHicd up ; very inconvenient." "Hut I'll tell you what we could do," breaks in another. "Wc could bring down the wiisliing.stand out of the top front loom, and the iron bedstead out of the garret." "Yes, that might do; you know kIic's vety seldom with ns, after all, dear girl ; so much with the Orplmcnts; I.ndy Orplmcut told me herself in s many words ;" and so they go ou. Tbero Is, however, a possibility of simply walking out of the room while ull this is going on which is net the case when you get hold of one of those scourges of society ti communicative old gentleman, u class of Individuals with whom, if you have a boii-e to let, you will have very fre quent dialings. He it iswhooncv getting into the room iu which you nro secreted, begins to bow, and grin,andiipologi.o, und make inquiries about the healthiness of the neighborhood, or ubout anything else that promises to give him a start. "T lie fact is," ho suys, "that it's necessary forme to make inquiries as to that point my wito, only well, 1 won't mention her age, but as healthy a woman to look at as you'd seo anywhere Is suf fering from a throat affection, und I wi-h to bo w ithin easy reach of Hr. Flook, with whose namo you arc no doubt acquainted, and who seems to me. thoroughly to understand the rase, not that I Sxpcct that she will bo in tho doctor's hands, indeed, 1 hope and trust that in tho course of a month or so although a similar attack from which she sullered about five, no, six years ago, if I remember rightly, kept hrr confined to her room for i leven months at tho same tune, Dr. Flook is of the opinion that the attack iu this case Is much less severe ;" und so he goes on. Nor have you any chance of escape from him and his triho. .Sometimes, too, this old gentle man will have a son concerning whom he is loquacious. "The establishment would consist," this communicative person Informs you, "of himself und his wlfo, and just one son. In deed, it is on account of that sou that they wish to come to town for awhile. The fact is, that the boy, clever lad, made his way ramark ubly well, hitherto, Irs got an appointment in the Admiralty, an appointment of rather an ex ceptional nature too, his mother mainly instru mental in ohiuining it through our cousin, Lord Torpedo, and us it will bo necessary for tho boy to be up in London, his motb.tr thinks we ought to look alter him a little, just at first. A young fellow coming up to town for tbe. first time wants something in the shape of a home." Sometimes these commiiiiicativo pcoplo raise your hopes by tho encomiums which tliey pass upon your house, but it cannot be too distinctly understood that their praises, and even their promises, mean nothing. "Ah, very nice house, verv nice houo indeed," one of these individuals w ill say ; "yes, I think it would suit me very well. I've got a house at present, a good way from here, at the oilier side of the town, a lurger hou-e than this, with moio bedrooms. Indeed, it suits mo very well, but my wito, she's taken a fancy to this particular neighborhood, und nothing else will do, and ladies, you know, must have their way." Yes, 1 think this house will do very well. When did vou say it would bo vacant ? Ah, well, I think I shall take it; houso ugent Mr. .Smith, you euy f Yes; oh, it will do very nicely." Of th sgent'enuin you never hear ogam. He doesn't tuke the house, nor does ho go near Mr. Smith, the agent. There is a lady, too, with a flattering tongue, who Is not to be relied on. Shu bus n morose companion of tbe male sex with her, whom sho in vain seeks to warm into enthusiasm. Sho it is who exclaims, "Ob, whut a dear little con strvutoiy; what charming pictures; bed-rooms nre nice and loftv, dear, uren't they :" To all which the gentleman tuily responds by ut'ering n Found which authors can only convey very inadequately by the monosyllable "Humph." Yet of that man who says "Humph," tbero is more chance than of tho fluttering lady. It may bo set down us an axiom, that when you huvo an article houso, horse, picture, what you will to Ui-pose of, and wuen a lady or gentleman praises that article very much, and says that lie or sho will cull again, you may look upon such lady or gentleman thenceforth as non-existent tor your purpose. Tho disparagers aro disagreeable, but. the" g'lavc one merit at least, they nre trustworthy. Ai.d this stands to reason. Would you, if you weie going to tako a house, pruiso it to the owner's face ? It would be madness. Vou would tempt him, on the spur of the moment, to change his sovi reigns into guineas, to turn the scraper, and the letter-box, und tho very tiiiger-platos ou tbe draw ing-room door iulo fixtures-, aud invent a premium on the spot for your special benefit. No, no; if you mean to take a house, you dis parage it, you look about you with an uppcarunco of di'gust, you mutter to your companion that "reuliy you think the other hou-e round the coiner would suit you better," und that this par ticular residence is very dear. Hy doing this, you bumble the owner of the property, you lower the worth of it iu his own ryes. You keep hhn humble and dillldent, and dis.po.se him to peni tci ce and abundant concession. There is ono more particular kind of house hunter, without mention of whotn this small list would be iuconinlcte. This is tho timid visi tor; and a more ditticult person to deul with can bardiy be imagined. There is no getting him to look lit tbiiiga. There is no gelling him fairly inioany room. Ho la so dreadfully afraid of intruding. He stands with his head thrust forward at tho door. "This is tho drawing room," sayf thc.servant ;to which the timid gentle man assents; but when invited to enter, emphati cally declines to do so. "He can see from where be is; and it's very nice." Nothing will induce bun to enter any room in whhh be catches sight of a human being; ou the contrary, he skips back as if be hud lieenshot; nor will be even "intiude" into any one ol the sleeping Lpuriments. Fioin these he retires, ghastly w ith fear; ami, indeed, the iiupresMou conveyed by bis whole conduct, is that of an individual who believes that it he once gets inside of any one of tue rooms won ii uu is invited lo examine, no w ill be then and there shut up, and not be delivered without payment of a prodigious ransom. This nervous gentleman may close the list of house-hunters. Tuey are a timid and suspicious rac e, and sci in to be on the look out for snares und pitfalls at every turn. Mo doubt their fears aie not altogether groundless, a house like a horse being generally ono great conglomerate mass of delects, w hich do not declare themselves nntil we have paid our money aud lost ull power of receding from the bargain. On rcperusing these pages, I cannot help observing that they tire characterized by a depth of idling which might lead sonic persons to sup pose that, In describing tome of the troubles of a gentleman with a house on his hands, I am treating of mv own cuac. Nay, on one occasion 1 remark that I have even spoken iu tbe first per son singular. Let me, then, now banish all dts L'Uise. and frnnklv inform the reader that be is right. It is tuy house that is to let. l'erhaps this may act us an advertisement. It's a nico house bronchitis Buildings, Ifromptou, No. U. r oino ami see ft ; und us to the chair with the mother-of-pearl buck, which stands in the drawing-rooms, behind tho window-curtains wli v. the best und kindest thiug you can do is to let it aioue.j An English journul, comparing foreign travel with travel in F.ngluud, says ; "Tho discussion between Fnglund and the con tinent runs in this vein, the continent taunts us because we have no table d'hote. We jeer at the continent because it cannot improvise a bath at a moment's notice. They fling in our faces the sausages of Kvrrux, and we reply, as in the battle of the cooks iu 'C'loieruook,' with a volley of Leominster trout and ducks. It is unphilu sophical to expect tho same sort of comforts, or the euine varieties of tastes, ou both sides of any sea. We might as well insist upon tbe same language. F-u.ioymcnt is very often purcUttseii by proportion, o luvvomivr,," FOURTH EDITION THE NEW LOAN. The Whole of it Taken and Awarded at a Uniform Rate of Over Four Fer Contura Fremium, Ppu'lnl l Tho l:riililic Tcli'tfrnlill. Washington, September 10. The bids for the new loan have all been opened anil disposed of. These bid- have been socx'enslvo nnd favorable, that a selection has been made whetel y the entire loan of ' '"'-"a ; premium of over mc ir in, I'm,. Xuvnl 1". IIIIuiim In l'lorliln. Wasiiimittii, September 10. Captain I hotn is I', (ireen, rominnndiiit.' the Fast (lull I!loekadiiiL' Squadron, cohihiuniculcs to the Navy Depart ment the particulars of several successful boat expeditions from the United States barque J. - Ann, Acting Masier W.N. (iiiswold, command, ing on tho station at Turn pa II iy. The first was made ou the I lib of .Inly, and re sulted In tho destruction ofsomo saltworks be longing to strong ccc.sioiilsls of Tampa, Messrs Haywood nnd Carter. The second was made on the liiih of July to the factory of another strong Kobe I named Mi Cloud, which was also destroyed. The third expedition was mado ou the 2d, 3d, and 4th of August, by the tender schooner stnnr vail, attached to the barque Km l.i, Bnd com manded by Acting MaBlcr Henry I). Carter, with his gig's crew of six men, proceeding up the Munitu river to the town of the same name, nnd a large saw and grist mill, with its stc mi engine and fixtures, was completely destroyed. Learning here that about three miles up tlie river w ns a sugar mill belonging to Jell'. Davis, tho party uscoiidcd the river, and found an establish ment which made last year ovor 1.100 hogsheads of sugar, of which two-thirds was sold to tho Hebe Commissary Department. After breaking as much of the machinery as possible, loaded shell were placed in various parts of the engine, and tho building was fired and loon totnlly destroyed. The expedition, without loss of life or limb' shows n very commendable spirit on tho part of the ofllcers and men. Tho conduct of Acting Master Carter is particularly spoken of us highly creditable nnd pleasing. Latest from the South REPORTED CAPTURE OF DUVALL'S BLUFF. Two Gunboats and Seven Transports Captured by the Kebels. HOOD DEFEATED BY THE GENERALSHIP OP SHERMAN. Reported Capture of Moseby. Ill tC. a liter., litu., 35tO., ltc. Wc have received files of Ilichmond papers to tl.c "th lust., w Inch contain the following interest ing ncw6 : IHE lU-rollTED CAfTl llK OF III V.VLL's llLl'FI', ARKANSAS). from the Mile licrtiU vt S,'it, itth'r 5. A special despatch to the llrahler from Soua- tobiu to-cVny says : .scouts rejiort tho rapture of Duvall's lilull, Ark., with two gunboats und seven transports. General (irierson, with cavalry and artillery. ha fiouu across the river from Memphis. twelve transports, loaded with troops, pass-rd down the river from Memphis on Friday night. Their supposed destination is White river. The circulation in Memphis of tho Mrtrnjmlitun Iternfl, I'rrriiiiui't Juiiniiil, und Chicago Tribunn has been prohibited. Nothing new below. Three Yuuk.ee. vessels arc oil D"g river bar. Tin: J'ossi:ssion or Atlanta tub iri its or SMKHMA.N's Ol.NliHAI.SIl I !' l ON J T.CTl U IIS AH TO HIS I'LANH llKSCATClt 1 ItOM CIKN. HOOD, KIU. From the RU-hmimd K.i amin, r, S'i itemi'tv 7. The most interesting Item of news received yesterday is the following despatch from General iloou; I.ovkjov. September 5, lfsill. General Biau'g The enemy withdrew from my front iu the direc tion oi Joiicstjoro last nigut. J. D. Hood, General. Sherman may have withdrawn to Jonesboio witli tbe intention of remaining there until his railroad communication can be completed up to him; or he may be projecting another extenivo flunk movement similar to the ono which has just given him Atlnntu without u general engage ment. He may try to thiow n heavy body of bis troops between Hood and Atlanta. It is plain, from bis recent operations, that it is more an object with him to throw himself in Hood's roar than to siorui positions. Ho no doubt reasons, that could he succeed in effecting a lodgment be tween Hood niul Miwon, Ho id would be com pelled to attack him, or abandon Macon without a blow. A very few days will disclose his plans. Wc hope our general will penetruto them still earlier. THE UVAITATIOX OF ATLANTA. Wc have learned little in relation to tho aban donment of Atlanta which the intelligent reader might not huve inferred from General Hood's ollieial despatch, published on Monday. It ap peared from that despatch that Atlanta had been abandoned suddenly and in tlie night, and the inference was inevitable that everything in the way of stores und munitions of war, except what our men could curry on their backs, had lietn destri.ycd.topieveut dialling Into tho hands of the enemy stores hud to be burued, ammuni tion blow n up. Such wus the case. Wc have what wc deem uutheutic Informitioii that our whole loss iu killed and wounded in tlie fights at Flint river and on tlie next day ut Junes boro was not a thousand men, killed und wounded. This fact has one tiad aspect. Those lights lost us Atlanta, aud the siuullncss of our loss in killed and wounded, proves fliat by general -hip ulone the enemy got possession of the city, in defence of which Hood had Intended, as all the world knows, to deliver a desperate battle. The fact is, while Hood thought the bulk of the Yan kee ni my was in his front at A'lauts it was twenty miles in his rear, on the Macon road. We hope he will be on the lookout fur a repetition of the movement. THE UFrOItrLD CAl'll HI. Ol MOHF.IIV. Promtht llichiitonil K.ittiniin'i fii'ptrm'rfr 7. l or several days a report has been gulng about to tlie elicit that Moseby, our prince of guerillas, bud been captured by tho enemy. We have been unable to discover any foundation for tho story, and thiuk if it had been true, wo should havo In aid it through the i unburn papers, if not through other sources. THE rXtllANOE OF NAVAL I'UISONEltS. F. on, the Ilu-hihoiid .'.maiojce, Sept. 7. The Mobile lleiiUter announces that onr V.a chunpc Commissioner has received word from tlie Federal Fxchango Agent at New Orleans, that the surgeons brought there with tho prison ers from Mobile bay, are ordered to bo sent to I'uscagoula on the first flag ol-triico boat. Ave are told that the Commissioners have ar rived ut a erfect understanding with regard to the exchange of the naval and Fort Gaines pri soners, und that iu the course of two or three weeks, as soon us prisoners can be delivered ou both sides, wc may expect to see our gallant boys return. IBS IIOMIIAIIDMLNT 01' FETI'liSIILHll COVTINt'KD. AN K.NOAOEMEM' LOOKED foil ON TUE SOI IU SIDE HAI1.1IOAD, ElO. From the Ilichmond rxamiuer, Hepl. 7. The retersburg papers of yesterday report nothing new in the situation of affairs. The enemy keeps up his shelliug as usual. On buuday night it was furious. This elicited a response from our guns, and tbey oiiened rupidly from Fort Mahone on our right to the Appomat tox on our left. The bombardment was terrillc, and the cuuuomtding was heard to a great dis tance in the country. Many citizens could not resist tbe belief that a general engagement was pending, and quickly hurried into the streets. At one o'clock, however, the sound of the last gun erased, and ail was again iuict ou the lines. A I'cursburg p'iper of yesterday thus speculates on tho Munition It l ml HI ,i'l ni'croli.ih's V Ih 'ilk, that fl,t nr tl Si- t wtdi ttil. srniT ir;. 1 flT fie ertr,iil(in i t l,r S ..-! S t ttnl)rMf1. (Iri.nl ia i Id ntlv nr:iil higrlni'd II. tt Hs,. m m n ti s ytlm 1 n ll'l f iHMri. rlorv thiin lilui.if ho nir. Up fMttfKeitMv , Kpci'tcil to nulafrlpuh com pet Hurl In llii.cA'n miiii nl lii Hunk llint HlnTtiiiiTi lifts lliruivn him mil. lli ittv In tli S,nfi- In Iml. Cfl ft hltlfr .lit n mvallivv. Til I'm my n Mlfitllv linn ft li'inkprlm' n,tir till. H'mtli S I e Hft 1 f"inl. bil It ulrrttfl Id isiiiiin stt the .nil miwrl. ii''s lo w lil, li lit hn. !''. II r ' hllv oit ted He It il.ial.llir ulsvif . and t Mmr In set! Is-Iiii III lu Dim) the wcik .U, ,- In our Hue. ; lint i M. lis wnl tins I. h ii.clcsi ilnl'irl.ikiiu,'. All nuiet n' I'e'erslmrg. The enemy thri v an oceiitii mil hell into the tow n, without any spe cial nbjei t lb it ran be divined. The em my are reported to he nm'sing noar the Dims house, on the Weldon roid, two niih s soii'h of thecitv. It is snpp i-ed bv sotn they liu ditatc an a'Pe li at this point. This is, how ever, all speculation. rilll trx I.1MIIA THtDE flt POHT. Sa n ntiAv, September 10. In Qucriitr.m r,..rU wc hear ol nothing doin. Wo quote lirs'. No, 1 It V lli 1 he demand for Seeds is limited. We roih e ft sale of lluo bushels Timothy sold at ,Sr,.;n ' bushel. Small snli of ( loverseed at SI'! .'i0" 1 i f ;l lbs, and Flaxseed at Jf l-O if.i P70. 1'ioviMons aro firm but Inactive ; the only sales wc hear of Is 2 ,n(iii lbs. bugged Hams a! '.Ti, nnd salt Shouhb rs at ISA cents. There is but little or no demand for Flour, and w (piolc ut oil for supcihne, w hich is sfirce, $1 1 !' 1 1 7i for extra, nnd 12( 1.1 for extra family and fancy lutsj lofiO bids, cxlia family sold on terms not made public. Kyc Flour und (.'urn Menl are without change. For Wheat the demand Is very limited, "(.no bushels primo new Southern red sold at iJ CO, which is a decline; old at 2 ISoi 1 ,',o. White ranges from $2 ho to gj-'io. live is linn a Jsl s'i (n 1 SS. foi n comes forward slowly, and there is n moderate demand for it at .1"2 for Western mixed, and SI ".'! for yellow. Oats nre in good demand at SS cents for Southern, ami !'0 cents for rcnnsylvaniu. Nothing doing in li.uleyor Malt. Whisky Is very nuiet, with only a few small sales of bbls. ut Ssl'-vVn l's? for reiilled and Western bbls. The following arc tho receipts of Flour nnd Grain lit Ibis pint to-day : Flour, I IO bbls.; Wheat, l.!,.ioU bushels; Corn, l-Vsj bushels; Oats, 17UO bushels. Dr. II wi n k r,uo., No. 20 S. Third street, quote ns follows; Auv'itg. Pillin't. American Gold 2.'" 227 American Silver, 4's and .l's '2US .. Dimes nnd Half Dimes .;o:; Spanish uuorters 'Jul I'i tm. Currency 3 (lis. 1-10 dis New York ll.xehange l-lu " par. Jay Co:ki: X-Co. iUoto Government Securi ties, He., to noon to-day, as follows : JlHVina. MttHnff. V. S. (is, 1HM IDS ltlt4 V. S. 7 :i-l Notes 110 112 Certificates of Indebtedness, now... !' !M ', (iiiartcrmuster's Vouchers '.HI 'li Gold 22.5 2'!0' 5-20 Hon. Is Ill 112 " Coupons oil lo :A KII.J New IKSI'm IOoJ 1(174 JliyV hOAN OI- lXHl. HIE BALANCE Of TIIU $75,000,000 LOAN If Ink' thi tl y t ecu nwar.'ed, ivu onr bMi proving uc ct cfu',vc n e pro red to sell t customers at once In larc or small turn, 1 liy am tint tf this most ilcslr.iMc GOLD SIX PER CENT. LOAN AT THE MARKET l'KICK. We have a'waisconslfcred ll.cae lttisl I10XDS in the BEST LOAN ON TIIE MAKKET. Ihcil lsbutuHMAt.b AMCM'Sr FOB BALK, aniUke prffcitim will, in oar opinion, advance rsiial.v. 1'srtici liuvlrg .VJiO LOAN Will to w. ll lo eali and EM'IIAXllK their B -20 s f..r tills SHUtE HT.HM NENT LOAN, specially in now, owillli t.itl.e iijrtnun df'iuaml for five-tunnies, a hi-li rate tan bi; obiuiucil lor tin iu JAY COOK LO & CO., Ko. 11 1 S. TUIULI STKKKT, tcli' lm I'hll.idctp'il... riKKASUKY DKPAUTMKNT. OFFICK OF J the '"iuiirultr of the Currency, Y u illusion, Sept cm tier 7. iwit. WlitTi'O, ralli-lt.etory iiollcr Iiha boon ti Jin tinittod to tin Con .rrl! r nt t iV urrcui tlhit the c.iitl.il stm It ol ' tlm "Sccui.d Nutloml Hunk of fhilMilelnlidt," .ViumylranM.at KrHi'kiiiid, tittit bet n Incn-Hbt'tl In the suin ol One Hundred tintl i- Illy 'I heuniiM DolUrs $.VU0), in inVurdance with tl.u pitiv iiloui ot liu Articles -it AMucimhiii, and tiial tUv vi Ik If enn nut ot such iikt sc Iihr Ik cu hM In, and tli.it tro niiii up i-iitul ti ck of said Itunk now atimunis to ihr nm ir i wo iiundied and Fifty Tlioiuand Uolmrs (;-(i,iiu): rMv It ib hMvby certlilcd, ttVnt lh capital Uek of "The Hf i'litl Nutumul Jtunk oi l'lnl t-ihl," remiiyU'aiiU, (iiiiriiaid, luii l en increased u aiurcMiltl in the tutn of Oni- Iiundied and Fitly luousand Dollutb (I.'-i),lH0) ; mat Inert tin- ol t it ili at lnm been nafd Into Bald liiiuK u fi 1'uil ol .!.( cupital Him k tticnol, und that tlin laid iiKrt'UNC ol cajiitul lt uiij. roved by tin- ConipiroMtT ol tlie ( urrency. In -.v linens htruol I hcivunto ntlix mvotlb lal Hihaure, HLit.il Mct'l LUH II, d -'t (.ompindler. EDUCATIONAL. 1 ) O L Y T K O II N I C COLLKOE. J Hi'IKN I'I KM' SCHOOL, For tlie t'ciierul tmreut of MitiliC'tuatioi, FxpeiliuciilHl Si letii e. iimi Vatiiral Ihntory, W ILL. RKOI'KS. wlih enlarged iiceomiriodtttlout. On MuMfW, HepteiiilaT I J. TKCIINIC'AL rtCllooj.a itKol'hN Kept ember iy. Apply ut 'oixk:k rt'iMns j, st'H Ht IAICKKT Street ftnd WEST TKNN t;.iiire. JU PHILADELPHtA MILITARY SCHOOL, U (01 HTLAMJ SAI XDEUS' IXSTITl'TK, Thirty-ninth and Market Streets, KKOPKNS HUl'THMlJKlt O. Addrsa, uS7-1m l'HOFEHHOR E. D. 8AVKDKUH, I. D. TIUKNDS' ACADKMY FOR BOYS, REAR or Stt, 41 N. EI.K KN I II Htwt, roopflnv on tlie ;Ui Ut-t ?.' ptr tern tf weeki. All UrtHjiutnntit'nN J mitltii. eFlm-J v. WIlJfAI.L. S1UNOU N. VKRKLU iiiiiy relumed (roin Ftirt. pe, bi rtum-d I. Is LKShtiSH IS MNOlNli. M V-llinnlln No. UA CUFHNUT STItFKT. ITM1E1) STATKS, EASTKUN BISIRICT U OF I'KNNSVI VAMA, H' T. Till: t'i:irKNT OF TM K ITNITKD 8TATKS TO'IHK MAItMlAl. OK TU t AS I Lit N MHTJUCT OK I KS'Na LVAWIA, f.h ft 77 Vi;. V IIFI; KaM, The IUtrlrt Conrt of thfUnltefl Htites In nil lor 1 1 ut Kniein O strict of FL-mmylvaina, rieftily and tluK pn i tc)iny mi it l.hel. Hied In tbe name til th I nit- d l" Iftltjn of Aiut'ib'H, lialh derrtud H person lu teiu'ral vvbtt hae.or iiri-iend to bavn, any rifit, title, or Interest tq lort) -ttiret baltfKoi cot 'on, and I tit iroceedsol U theraof, c.ptured by the bteuuier 'ArootliKjk," a vKital of Hur of tlie b lined Htm, under e'UiniHiid of K. K. Franklin, l.ieutcintutCoinniandincand bnuiRhi IntotliiM dltrni,to b Ite nialied, eileil, and called to Uldynii Ut, ur tlietnne and plat ' underwritten, and to tbe tltct tierenfter expressed (milieu ho reiidiluKi. ) ni are, tbretore, flunked aud lib lly eniolned tatid loionmiiili d, (hat you omit not. t-ut ttiat by pubilsbluK Uit( progenia In nt leust twooftiia dally iit-Wfpapeis )rlntri and pubUnbed In the ciur tt Flillfldnipbiu, and In the l.tinl IntelHjeftr, you lo inoii'kh and i ltt1. or eauhe to bo inonished and cited, pen lupiot ily, all perkous In Kueritl U J.ava, or pretend to buve, any rn;ht, title, or Interest lu the sum forty tb ree 'aUi of ectton, and the proceed ot tt o hid.' thereof, to appear be ft ire the llonrahlo ilUjIN CADWALADFK, tie Jtnlge of ti e tt A Court, at the Dlatrbt t'omt r---in In tbe Citv of l'hlia tlelpbia, on tlie tweniieih day after publication of ttiete presetiis.ll It hea court (ar, or ele on tbe next court day I'tlowlnu, between the uuul bonre t lo arlng can sen, tl.tn tiiiil ttere to iliovr, or allege tn due lomi of luw, a reatonablo and lawful ecue, If any tbtiy havo, why (be raid fnrly-tlueo balt-e ol cotton kbould uift be pronounced to beluni?, at the tlmt' of the caoture of tlie mune, to tbe eueunee f the Flitted Mate, aud, an yot-dl ot their QeaiteH or oiberwUu, liable and ttubiect to u dt n.naiion.to bcal-ded and condemned an K'id and luniul prizen; nd lurtber to do and receive in tide beiiii an lo jUatiec ball appertain. Aud that joti rtaly lntiuiaie, or Jtue to be intlutated, unto all pcroim af'Te- ld, nenerlly (to hoiu by the teuor ol theae prevent It it also ii(Uuiia4t d),tliat U they iball not appear at tbe lone and plm-e aUve uiontloiied, or appear and shall not hltow reahdiiuble and hoviu' rauie lo lite contrary, (hurt aJdlHatrlctCuurt doth Intend and wULpritreed b'a'lui di ation on tbe mild capture, and may pmiiouuce that lae huid lurty-tlnee bale f ct-tioii aud t'ie pro-ft-i ti ol tbe tale thereof did bth-nx, at the time ot the capture of the itm, lo Ui euein.ee of tm F nlted Bii.Ui f America, and aa food of their neuih-a, or otherwUe, liable and utject to eon flu ea ti'io and rviuleuiuuilon, to be adjudged and coudeiuutid an laniuJ pnae, (he abseocM, or rather cnntninacy , of tbe per kotu to Uud and imluiated in auv Yvle not wUlistantllng, and that you duly oertily U Mie nald IHatrb t (Jouit what yu hhall do lu tin: preiuue. l..elUr with tlifie preiti-uta. Hltnti-i lh llniiuieblo JOHN O All W ALAMKU, JuUje of tte ald Court at 1'hlladelphla, thi ntutb day of Neplt-iuber, A.i. lwW, and iu the elkbty-nlnUi car of ibe IntU peudiQcCol the kald Fnlteil State. KlV in V. li. I VX, CK-i PUtrlct Court JJAVE TOU CONSTANT PAIH AND DKEABINEHB AT TUE TIT tF TUE SXOMACn? Bead the next column. Have you Flatn1ci.ee and Acidity? ( ad the net colnnin. llavfl yon Ccitlvencss and Loss of Appetite? Itrad the next column. Have you Gloom and Dcr.re8d.on Offlr-Wta? Head the next column. IlaYe yon Idarrhcta with Gripiiit-f il,cn Uie next column. Have yon Tain In all parts of tbe 8yst m? Bend the next-column. Have you Choking ond Suffocation? Itcad the next column. Have you Confiuiuptlve Symptom and TalpUatlon of tlie Heart? Head the next column. Have yon Cough, with Thlrgm In the ThroatV Bead the next column, Have you Dimness of Vision and HcftdncheV Itead the next column. nare you all or any of tho foregoing symptoms? Then read tlie great cures of Pyipepsla performed by EE. WISEAET'S DYSPEPSIA PILLS AMD TINE TliF.E TAR COB DIAL, In th next column. DOK I FAIL TO HEAD THE KEXT COLVUlt. Y H I Xi ! H I A . A CUM WARRANTED. rTnritrniA hathk fomwiko nvatrTnti - lt. A constant pain nr inarlnfli ut the pit of tbe ttcmaett. 2d. Flatiilrnre and aridity. 3d. Contivenei and lttn ol tpitit1. 4th. lilnom and deprenvlnn of iplrltf, Mh. Diarrhea, with r rip Inc. fth. rn In all puru ot tbe Vftem. 7th. ('oti-umptiv t in pi mil and p dpi fHtlmi o 1 tlie bturt l b. Ct iiRh, with plil"Bro In the throat fMh. Nervoun aitertlon and want ot KlecpntnUht. 10th. lt of appetite and vomiting. Ilth. Hif Ihf nit, dlinnem nf rlilon and Ptnt of nl1it. F.'th. H ndacl. and hvktImk fn walking, with urrat 1 wtftkn!. I Out of the Ihmieatid of mm of dvp'pt-ia (hut hae j nurtl Mr. Wt-bnrt c,rnt niTlriin hypi p-.f.i I'iilt.n it 1 one ol them ban billed f a perfect fire. We warrant a cure tn every rne, nn mn'.lnr if of twenty enrs' innil uv, Sold by all druvftii eerywhrro, aul at Dr. WlHUAKI'Botnrr, No. 10 N. H I ICON I) Htrect, l'mla:el pbln, Fa. AH etnnilnnlbmi md '.un!(a t hun free of rt arj;'. Rend f..r a circular. I'riee lprb-, Sentl y aiall, tn e ef charge, on te elpl of mmiey. DVKPlieiA, i SfFTHI K. Thli l tn rrtlfv that I hud I'vipf-p"' In the wort form ff.r three ern. I win, treiifed by eMlll tlo b--t phy at lam In Ameil' n ; inic t thMn were Piofi'BNom ot Jvt- irrft'ii Colb ne, rhllfi'lelphln, but thev did me no k I. I (trew worhf n rv tu"ii1ti. I wi"dil If taken nt t irti- with dreadful pn m ny brnmt and toinneh no irr ut -ai K Mutt 1 ou id nt ith r "it, be. nr nt nnd, nut would rove Hiwnt ficiuotie room to an.. iner ; l) frt ndn i petted lo ' me dir. n there pj i ntpd to I no r lief for me. In ttn bope k i cendhkm I pliierd m If under Mr. Wlatiart's treat Bi('iit. and um d bli nx dr itu nt directed. 1 iii i any I am a en Bitn, mm rr rnrre wrn i i niiTt: b"n rut nly tet t.iind working hard from enrly mom until eleven oMoek Hi niriit. Dr. Wi-hart, I Rive you thli cer tin nt with a ruirfid heiu t, fe itiiK' it toy duty m d ; you tuny, ami 1 n Hiit you to publish It to the world, that ever p-rn pntvrtnf m I wn,iny have the benefit of Iiil' onr tnn wmniivf m rumotiiN.. ah Mea person h re at IttM nv to ta.l and pp m, or write to me, at I want to render ail the gotvd 1 can to uflcrluL hunntnlty. jam ti. a 'i'i' nernper of Wanlditi-tm MAiiMfat.turihg Coiupiuiy'i Wa it'K Kooru, Oloucttr, N. J. IYrKPSI A, DYHI'i rHlA, DVWI'KI'KI . I Thf to eertlfv tbnt nifh-rfnir neven-D- Ith a dUeuft A ki.fi.kin. wllh mm li Inns ail weiklit. Ill V atletltb 'ti waw dire- ltd to Wl-lmrt t',Vn Ainerican hv'l"l"'bi IMI ibe r luedv. lliivuiB within ibreewe. kNHik. il eleven l'lll. nliri to the direction, I toiiod nitteif entirely nr n, ai.l lor two week-, fcinee niy neauo i k" "".1 prued, end I ran r.it without lenr r nin t "" ""'"' kiiif. 1 earnt'6tl reeon niend them to all ftmilaily anihtfd. Mr. M. it. TiDtMrHo.su, jtli hnifin-i :ref, F"ur Uoorn nei.'W nunmw. Dr. I.. Q. C WlsHAKTh Ollicu, Mo. 10 N. 8K 'VXD htreet, ruiiuucipMa. DYSrKI'HIA! DVSI'KI'SIA! l,.?ohn I.encb, do certify that lor four months pad I wm attacked with a ute dyspepsia: I wm o everely bandied that I oonkI do noihiuK but what it would fill m with dreadful dlMr; my nervous Nyitem wa perfeelly pro trutt d; my whole irauie soon beeauio weak and trembling. with a contuhetl r.ohe nnd dilnehn In the bend, followed ty a I alpltatlmi of the henrt and K'neral debility of the whole body. Kytry kind of medicine adtnluUti-rod to tne did no uond, until I w A4 adv.e4l to call on Dr. Wifhart aud placo mie!f under his treatment. It li now about nine wtekn tlnco I commenced to ue his DyapepMu Tills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial, and 1 do truthfully and faithfully say, lliflt I am perfectly cured of Dyspepsia, and nil other dlcaCM urloItiR therefrom, and I can ca. three good miuU every day, and feel Wfll In every respect. I am 7H years of ape, and If U wn neeenry, I feel I could and would fthouldcr my gun to defend the city from Invasion by th Kebcl-. All perionK sttfTeriiig with Dyspepsia as I wan, are at liberty to call and nee me, for I feel It my duty to do all the torn 1 cun for su He ring humanity. JOHN' I.ENCil, No. iKtl ToplJir street, PhUjtde'pliin. Dr. WTSTTAItT'A siorcattd OMIce. No. 10N. rtKCOND Htreet. l'hllnde'phia. l'a. All exandn.it ions and eonsulu- tlni freeot charge, l'riie, $1 per box. Keul by uiuil on retell 1 of money. DYSPKPS1A ! DYSI'EI'HIA! Dr. Wltdiart I have been a cointtant iuilerer with Dys- pephla fur the lait eiKhteen yearn , during which time I can not say that I ever enjnved a perteetly well day. There were times when the yniptonig were more k'Kr:ivated than at others, ami then It seemed it would hu a jrent re. Hot to die. 1 had at ull times mi unpleasant feetlni; lu my head, but lalleily my nuttcrlngs much Increased that I be ame oltuo.t unfit for btnincsn nf any kind ; my mind wai ccntluuully tilled with gloomy thouhtH and furebod lnf,'S, and ll I tit tempted to change their current by rendlnu', at once a sensation of Icycoldnchs la c inuectlon with a dead weljfht, aB It were, rented upon my brain; ivl.-o, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stoiuncb, and Rrcat pain to my even, accompanied with which wai the eon tlnual fear of losing my reason. 1 also experienced reat lassitude, debility, and iiervoiistu ss, whieh made It ditti cult to w alk fcy day or sleep at nlht. I became averse to sot lety, and disposed only to f-ecliflon, ana havlnfc tpicd the skill of a number of eminent physicians of varlon school, finally cunie to the ronrliuion that, for this disease at my prcucnt age (-IB yearn), there was no cure in exist ence. Dut, thrombi the interference of Divine l'rovldcueo to whom I devoutly oiler my thanks, I at laat found a sov-etclj-n remedy lu your DytpepKia l'ills and Tar Cordial, which -.torn to have ellectuady removed almost the hut truce of uiy lour it of uilments and bad t'eellmfs, and In their plate health, pleasure, and contentment are my every day companion. JAMLS ii. SAUNDKU8, No. 4'),' I N. Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr.V IRHAUT'tS Oitlce, No. 10 N. SLt.'OND Mtioct.Phl ludclphla. DYHI'KI'SIAI DYMIP8IA1 I, Jloeg Tobtn, of Cheltenham, MonU'omery county Pu , have suffered for more than one yenr everything hut deiith lUelf, from that awful disease, called Dyspepnla. I employed In that time live of tho most eminent physicians In Ph Underfill a. They did all they could for mo with niedi- clnei and cuj pinfr, but still I was no better. I then went to the remiM.vlvanla Fulverhity in order to pirn e my elf In reach of the lieM medical talents In the country, but their medicines fulled to do me any good, aud ofttluiea I whhed for death to relieve me of my suiferlngs, but seeing Dr. Ub-1 .art's advertisement In the Phlladelplua Bulletin, I de tenu meil to try once more, hut w ith little faith. I called on Dr. Wlihnrt,aud told him If t could have died I would not havo troubled him, and then related my luuVrlngi to him. Tho Dr. aatuiod mo If ho failed to euro me of Iy h pep h la, It would be the first ease In two years, bo 1 put tt-yst If under his treat moot, and although I had been for months vomiting nearly everything I ate, my etoniauh wolh u with wind, and tilled with pain heyoud description, I bought a box of his Dy-pep-la Pills, I utcd them as dl reeled, and in ten days I could eat an hearty a meal an any person in the Htuto ol Penuftylvajila.and In thirty dnyH was a w kll man. I Invito any person uileiing as I was to call and see me, and I will relate my eudering aud tho great cure I received. I would say to all Dyspeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Win hurt Is, I believe, tlie only person ou the earth tli at can cure Dyspepsia with any degree of certainty. MOH:H TOH12T, Cheltenham, atoitigoiaery Co., l'a A POSITIVE CUBE FOIt DTSl'EPHIA. UK Alt W HAT Wit. JOHN II. BAIiCOCK BAYS, No. 10tH OLIVE Htreet, rhiladekiUla, January l'd, W. Dr. Wlshart Sir : It Ih with mucJi pleasure that I am new able to inform you that, by the use of your great Anierlran Dypepsla l'illa, I havo been entirely cured of tliat must dlfrtrehfclng complaint, Dyspepsia. 1 had been grievously aflllcted for the lat twenty-el(:ht years, and for ten years of that time have not been freed from Its pain one week at a time. I have had It In Its worst form, aud have dragged on a most miserable existence In pain day and ii If I it. Every kind of food Uat 1 ato filled me wiin wind afid paiu. It mattered not how litfht, or luiw small the quantity. A continued belching was sure to lollow. I had no appetite for any Mud of meats whatever, and mydU- tress in so giat for several months before I heard of your Mils, that I frequently wished for death. I had taken everything that I had heard of for Dyspepsia, without re ceiving any benefit ; but ou your Pills be lug recommended to me by one who had been cured by thern, I concludvd to give them a trial, although 1 had no faith in them. To my utter astonishment, I found myself getting bettor before I bud takeu one-fourth of a box, and, after taking half a box 1 atn a VfU tuun,atni tan eat tt up thirty I with, and enjoy neaity meal three timet a day, without inconvenience from anything I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at liberty to nutke this public and refer to me. I w ill cheer fully give all desirable Information to any ouo who may call on me. Yours, respectfully, JOHN H. 11ADOUCK. For sale at Dr. WIS1IAHT Medical DeiM. No. lu N Bfct ONI Htreet, PhllMde-hJila, l'a. Price one dollar per bo, beut by mail, Quu ul cbarga, on receipt oi prme. DYHPEPSfAl DYSPEPSIA! I. Nnmuel D. Haven, have been a great stifVerer with chronic dvupepola and intlamuiation of the kidneys for ttiree j ears. 1 eiiiploed three or four of the muni eminent piivalcUuia or l lumjeipiiia, aiso oi liuriiugtou count-, tivw Jersey. The did all tor me they could, but all to no pun"'"'. WKH conittautiv tilled with awful pain aud dl tie, and with conbtant belching of wind aud kouracul My touiioewa iovrcdwith a white coailug ol mucus 1 1 hi ii u citiPKeti in lare niiinwe, miio w ureaonuiy sore tli I ofitliiith wiahed tor dettth to relle e me id mv NUifL-r lii(v'it,lor I had lont all hopo of ever being well again. I made It a subn et id' prayer to God that he wuulu direct ine to some pitbiciitu or mtan ino uimi wouiu cure me. t was told to rend an advertisement of Dr. Wlshnrt'w, in the Dillttdelphiu tll.edit i , ol a great cure made upoa sir. John Dahotx-k, ' Nu 1UM dlive atteet. Philadelphia, by the gn at American Dynpopma Pilla. 1 went tu the locbr a oiltoe, and placed mykolt under his treatment, and told him If lie lulled lo cure me, It would bu the lat edort I would make. It has been tia wekg smce I coruiucni d thence ol bl medicine, and I am now a well uiati, free from all uln and diatrertii, and can eat three hearty mealk a dav tnitli comfort and trel per'ectlv well. Dr. Wuhurt, 1 watit nflering as 1 whs, to call on me, and I will ttll Ihem ol uie ttroai cure i bat e recciveu xroin your mvnmaiiie medt- ciuc Aili tL l. UW1.N. Corner ofTenango and l.amtrt streets, near Itirlimond atreer, fcrmcrly iroin WilgUUtowu, DurlluiUu cuuuty, Dr. WI6ILUIT-8 Om, No. 10 X. SECOND Street. The above arc a few among I he thousands which this great remedy Las saved from an untimely grave. Wo nave hundreds of k iters from physicians and druggkia in all parte of the ooiiatry, saying that they never proectlbed r told a medicine which gave audi universal aatiaiactkiu. Dr. Wlahart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial aud Dyspepsia PUla VftWdbyDrugi;ifttavvrynUfig. PROPOSALS. )KGroSAL.S FOR STATION KRY. Htt a or Rt i'Bf tati if" CffiT. n trtr. Cl.niK Ul VI' Aiiaiiftl HM. CF1 f D I'NOI'OSM.q wllite reived at this of until ritlDAY, the W tth dav of flpptrmher, If A, at. o lot v M , tor ruriiM hiw eneh of tbe lollow ing cIhmi siatP n i v for the o.e of the Honr of hepri tentative! II e tinted Sta"S. ! : lire.inii fdt iuartn jot papor, exfra superf ft-mt Hoed. VP reaio wbi'e rotnt-n r lal ivde pap'-r, etratir Uu1, feint lined. I '.' re no w bur rt iniiiereUt no'e p iprf, antra sai f ne. roHrs" rub tl on all in4. !I0 rriiii wlmr coionn rcml notu paper, extra S0p flop, phibt. " lejun-w lute loo c ip pup-r, cttra iuperdne, (A hii.fi ;A rrauix Irmil rnp pttpt r, rxtr nuperflne, tVInt II n i I" fHto lal can pain r, plilu. .:, i rfniim thin MsntUa p ipr. NO ie.iiiin .U i-l a np r, I: by I'i Iim hea. welKhlnt I finn-U per r i m . ri Imii.Ii end on m'h. fO rtim Mat tba pnf, P by '21 ta.-h'-a, wele-h '2 pouuda p r ream, tut, very xniH)tb I toOKh. ' '0 riHins Mnnilhi p ti er, J7 by 87 Inches, walgt 4 poijiid p r it am, Mat, very smooth a. tOl.tfb. "' OfO w bit., ii, , k miin.-txe einet'inra. .', by 1. Inobf I o Into tli i k Mdfo lvc envi l. pct :li b It' lniht wiii'e uu. Hill ,i she ftivelKpe, H , nv .('i lrfi If-"1' Id e iho k H.fi.eie. nv lop.-i, n;, by ;i Uichc f..i on tm rv ro-tf. iiitiii'i, D i.(4 tl lull mill- five en v. Jo;m-, 7 by 3' 1m hei. 1 v?r" Cm tTi t 11 e ii (t.ip.'-. .'rO l)iM'i Menl peim, vtrtena k indf. 1 : to- I Inch tint lok-iandn. J tloen IiikHitnil., Vfir.'.Mt klnd. i i-l uo. n oouitn pcsi Biava tna, quarta, pints, ana i d"n best hluf Ink, utJarta and pints. ! dc7C'i tuhher pen- lit lo.g ui.tl moti. ;i dt:i n (ridd moir ted en l. vitrtotm kind. .') fjroa biaca lead penclii, Acer s iH-tatron and r0U-r tir t i jitwr'n cur mine and libie p u lit, rtif bddi r. iliii oi tut kiiMlft, ft tieen runiwr pen ho'der. rmnp sieo, t d"en b. ti lea iiiueiiuuc, snnilJ mxea. In i onti piirl.a v itlii(( mnis. 7" spo.lh pink tiipe. V'i poiim het fc.irltt "cillng wa. fl dot-ii d: tn'ev, for I".:., vnnmn kiid. b d sen ne inoriHltjins, vetintin kinda. 'J do.en poitto'io. '.' do'P prtprr-lohhrn. ii (!ot n rubt er ruler '2 lof n pitoer webls. r.' uttf n p n-w ieer-. ;dfen pot ket-kMvet, to, fhee, fonr, and i hUde-i ; --fatt. pearl, shell, and ivory h.indlea, 1 ilort n M-liu h ntn'itr. t J ouiiitit erasltit rubber i yroft rutdierbando and rinea "(0 hkiii part huc'iit, 1. by 2i liu bos. '2 doen ptitiH1 cups. I noien punt Ue . In the aiipp m fcn.idt.rmtrartors will berk idly ratiuTl io iinnifu ann leo imoj e mm 10 aauiiue. I'rffi Of-iilft muat be a- ouipanicd oy the names of Ilia an. iiea uu nr en m ne ouereo. Ah rt nulled hv law. oreferenee will he alvnn tn the n uncut moi Aineiican inuuMry, it eiiauy ciiean and of good mmllty ; ami all person- making imihoiIn to sunt 1 any eian oi articiea win Mft'e whether the same are t' tti'innfaeturr ol Ibe nitid Ntntet. I he art iclea ere to be delivered, free of any charge ajl car note, at tiieoffreot th-Clerk ot the lltuiae ol Kepi setitanvts on fr l.t lore the it h Uv a NovemOer. lHi.l. Kaeh propnaal to tie endorsed "I'rniioiaN for Htafioiir'g for the Iloime of lfeprchentnth ea of tlie United Htau4 ai d addressed tti tlie undcNiwued . k. Suitu ieitt Hpecimeiia tf eni h elaaKof artb-'es prorxis V' for ttin-t a ( oiopiuiy the projirria), marked with the uauf oi uie otcioer. i Tlie nerson offering to fumiih anv claa of articled tnc lowt'M price, ouahtv cohmiIi red. Mia'l rcniv i tract for the t-aine on exet utii r a ootid, with two or tn suretit. atlf.frictnr) toiheChrkot tie II on v of Kenrt kfiitativen, lor the perftiriuauce of Um same, under a tl J i it i' 1 1- "i i ii v no- iniiiiii' i (n iitr. in iiiM'iM iniiurv. win 1 i.onn mutt n niea in tlie ottice oi tw aaii i tera witntn t' i dnya niter the proponalh ha e lu t noiiened and the rcsi.t CI rk of the House ol Representatives) United StateV.j t laiVtl. KUWAKIl VIcfllKKMU.N. eju-nnvji QX'ARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S 0FFICI t int Division. AtlllNCTUif IJITT, AURUSt :jl,ltft g lliiRSKS: 1IUKHKS! I HOKHLS! ! 1 f Hordes Miiuhle for Aril lerv and Cavalrv service wi sj he punhfiMd at tilKtlltOKO DKPtiT, In open market, t I OCIoltEK I.1W4. Jloraea will be delivered to Captain L, LowryMomi a. v auti ne Kuoiccien io tue usutii liovcrnme Miapfcnoii neicrf neuiR ticceptt i. i'riee oi t n airy iiorsep, i .o eacn. Price of Artillery llm-xts. $lMOea, h. PavmcNtwlll bematle lor idx (o) and more. JAM KS A. EKIV. Colonel 1- Irst IMviaicm, e&- tseO Qoartrruiater-iieneral Orfloe. WEALTH, HEALTH, AN BEAUTY. If to rain admlrlmr eves : If to caiiNe Invidious slch; If to be a blooming flower, 1 uding, dying In an hour Rbai'TT 1 ir to have a boat of friends ; If for vice to mac amends; If with hlkh-born blund to wed; It a marble stone when dead Wealth I lftn live threescore and ten, W1ahini lie aa long again; If to live a life of peace; It to die and ko to grout BkaxthI If yon wih a life of pleaaure ; It you value thltt world s treaaiirea; If every comrbit yon would ee, Take niy advice, and wish alt thre. Then, having Health, Wealth, and Beauty, vou Jt oe prepared tor every uuiy. P.v a careful perusal of Dr. TVlUJiAH YOUMO'4 Ne Dotik, TDK AlAltKIAdi: OWID11, whb h should be rea by every one. hold by itoottneHers generally, and at u Doctor a olllce. Uu. aid 81'KL'(JR .HTltttTi price cents. auVU OAMARITAN'S CURE WaMAKITAN 8 f'I'KE. PAMAKIIAS'M CI'ltK. SAMAKITAN S I'l liK. HAM AHITAN'H CI'KK. hAMAUII'AN'S CIIIK. SASIAUI I'AN'S I I IIP.. HAM AHITAN'H (I'KK. MAMAKI TAN'ri ( I'm:. SAMAIIITAN'S (I'llK. 8AM Aid TAN CI'KK. f All A Kl l' AN rl UKI'.. 8 AM A KIT A N'rt CIIIK. 8 .MAKITAN'S (THE. VA.MAIIIIANrt CI'ltK. 8AMI1ITA.S H CI KK. HAMAIIITAN'H CI'KK. 8'AMAKI TAN'H CI'KK. HAMAIIITAN'H CMIK. CAMAIIITAN8 CI'KK. ' The only iiire anil lali? reuie.ly fur liuiu.rrfi'rft, Clf Binciiue, &c. cures in an cum in iroui i io t. tlkja. J'iic. ti Male or I'euiale nent by n.all. Utul l' A CO, Sole Afinti. RAMAHfTAfTs ClUK. BAWAK1TAN M CI llB. 8aj.iaui i an h ci'kk. 8amai1itan h ckkk. ra.mai1i n m ci iik. 8amakita9 h ci'kk. 8amakitan'h ci'kk. 8a.makitaa 8 ci'kk. 8am aki i as h cvkk. 8amakitan h ci iik. 8amaui1 an' ci'kk. ham aki tan s ci!kk. samakitaM'S ci:kk. 8amaki i an 8 ci uk. HAMAIIITAN'H Cl'HK. HAMAKITAN'8 CCKE. ' 8AMAKITAN CI'KK. AAMAKITAN'H CIIKK. 8AMAKI I A N'8 CI'KK. HAM Alfl TAN M ( I UK. THE rillKAT M'KI'tMC KOli HKCKKT DISEASE! Hi iuliial W-al.ne8. limu.rrtu. a. tllee:. tc. Ka,-h box roiitafn, I'llUi.and will cure fu from two to ll tn alsoot'rtain to rkt.rt tone anil power te thoM whr an' (iibiliittird by erne., or any oilier vu.i.e, and wij.k re, tore all in full lKor ,r youth, wh.'n lite Till, are tt,.u9 without the iiijectlou. lu these union, one I'lll three tuu4 a nuv. (S, ul by mail.) C. PUtCK KoE, Proprietor, C. PKICK KOSK, 1'roprieu.r, ('. I'ltU K kiihk, Pruprletor, I . I'KI'.'K HOST., Proprietor, C. l'KICK KOHE, l'ro.ri.(or, Jtox MM Post omo.. Iii.x '.'(t Pout Omc. Una '.turn Post Olflo. Vox 'A Pint Otnoe. K 'Mif, Poflt Ottltw. Hole Aeenls, Solo AfftllU, Hole AktlllM, Hole AKuts, Sole AkelUs, IH1)ITCO ,1 DVOTT A CO.. W T.VI i'i r A m . l.VOIT CO.! dvott co., Hn. "Ti N. HrCONI) HuwL Xu.'Ol S. HHlllNIIHtrMt. Sa. iKJ N. ttK'XIM) Utraet. Ku.lr N. RKI'OVl) Htreet. Uu. Hi H. hVXdXO Street. Be sure and aa for SAMARITAN'S Cl'KB. HAMAIIITAN'H Ct hK. HAMAKl'1 AN 8 CITtB. hamakitan 8 ct im. 8AM AKI I AN 8 ( I UK. HAMAltll AN 8 CI'KK. B.klAltlTAN 8 CI'KK. HAMAKITAN'H CUHK. 8AMAKII AN 8 CI KB. HAMAKITAN'H ClIRR. , 8AMAKITAN H I'l'IIK. 8AMAKITAN 8 CUKK. HAMaKI I AN 8 CI'KK. 8AMAKI I AN 8 CI UK. HAMAKITAN 8 CI'KK. 8AMAKI I AS 8 IK UK. HAMAKITAN'H CI KK. HAMAKITAN'H ClUK. 8AMAKI1AN 8 CI'KK. HAMAK1TA-N'8 CI'KK. 8TKCP IiE BU'DKIl. HMtl'P lE ItlCOIlfk. HKI P 1K Itll OKI.. BVKl'P IK Kltlllllll. Ht Ul l' l.i: ItlCOKU. HVKUP UK KH'Oltll H HIT' I'I. KICi.K!.. ti V It I P KK Klll.KI.. H KI P f.K KICOKII. HVKCP lK KIIH.lt!, HVlll P lit KRlKI. HVKI P I.K IIICOKU. HVItl P KK Rll llltU. HYItl P lK Itl.'l.KI.. 8 KI P f'K Itll'OKI.. HVKI P 1F. KH'Oltll. HV KI P liK KICI.Itll. HV III P fJK KII'UKH. HV III P 1K lilOKI). HYIU'P PE Itll Ollll. HVKCP DK ItlCOKU. HVKI'P f'K Itll OI:l. BVItl'P I.K KH'Oltll. HV Kl P 1K KICI.Itll. HYHI'P I.K Kli.'Oltl.. HV III V liK KICOKIt. HVItl P I.K KCOKI. HVI.I P I.K KK (.Kl. hVlil'l' I.K ItlCOKU. HVItl P l'K UK (.111.. 8V KI P Dl KICOKD. A ctTtitm i ure Tor all forms of Veuerenl I.!ei.es. Useit In Ihe Kuiuiii-an Hospitals, aua IU. axuiiv. Luroimtiout t.liri.pe and Auterira. Thib urpai ation lu uo equal as an .radlrator of thf, form of Uisi'ave, and str.'i. Athens the couhihuiIoi. uenwrally. Jlwificure all H.ires, Hots, liuiples, Tetti-rs, oranw enipuoui, uo matter tioui wiiat muso orAow sou, siaua me. 1'rlce II per bottle. C. Hlll'B BOSK, Proprietor. C. pkll'K KOHK, Proprietor. C. l'KICK ItoK. Pioprietor. C. f'ltnT. ItoK, Pn.prietor. C. PKlt'E KOHK, Proprieton l.YOIT CIX I.YOTT I.YO'f' l' CO. I.YOTT A Co. I.YOTT CO. l.YOIT at CO. DVOTT CO. Ko.'iiX Jf, BWONIi Hlrwt. au v lulli vut Role Alterits, H,4,i Ait.-uis, 8'lu A-fuls Hulo Ai;fil. H,4e Agenu. Hole A cut. Hole Akuis. Bent v any a.Jjsss.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers