JBYEOTNGJ- H H PRICE TlffiEE CENT'S. PHI LADE Lri II A, SATURDAY, SKl'TlSMHKIi 10, lStil. PRICE THREE CENTS. BFEEOH Or IX-BEOBETIHY CHASE. THE HTKX Utit.K or THE NATION. Al tl.e Drown University centennial celcbra Lion in ltovidcnce on Tuesday, ex-Secretary (.banc we? called out and responded as follows ; we quote the reort of the Trovidenee Jourml . "Mr. TrcsiiU nt arl Gentlemen : I h.irdly fed n it I hail a nelit to pe;ik In tlm assembly ; it it a fettering of brctheren around tle (a-nlly lir. Another reason why I onht not to make npeeeh in, that I have none to make. It ia true that for s vernl years I havo leeu niuking note s ; but the spctch li not yet ready. "I have seen Bcveral faces here which remind me of the early scenes ot 1W11. In l-ctiruury of that year I met a numb, r of patriotic Kho e lalund incu in the city ol Washington, npon tiro iuvituiiun of the (iovernor, and we put our hni.li together to me if we could not contrive Home ImhIs of peace. We were not as t'ortunute as peace makers on;;ht to he. It niiRht huve been other wise had those brethren of ours In the South whom we expect to call brethren hereafter, thoutih we now unfortunately are obliged to term thun Koiicls been willing to listen to sound reason. "Hut I lememher one thin fctkl by tlic Rhode Islander was they were overllowinir with devo tion to tho I'nioii, as we all were, but their patriotism struck mo as a little peculiar they saiil the pcoplu In Khode Island wcro so patriotic that no earthly helm ement could drive ttiein out of the Union, so that it followed logically that Itliocic Inland would he the last in it, and alio would he oMigt d to pay the nntionil debt. It added to the extreme aggravation of the case th.tt they were able to pay It ; it would not have mat tered so much If they hud not been able. "Well, I think by the bl. sing of Ood this Union will stand. There fs not a heart in all this prcstnoj which docs not invoko from the Divine lie Ing the perpetuity of this I'nlon. Differ bow we may, we all agree in that ; and let me say to my friends here in lthodc Island, as the Union Is to stand, no matter what clouds may lower, the lun w ill yit ibiue, and centennial anniversary Iter centennial anniversary will como round, long after the existence and permanence of this X'n ion is established ; and allow me to say that of course Khodo Island will not have to 'pay tliu national debt; and let mo curnestlyadviHc th.it the same amount, or at least a .(uurter of it, be paid over to brown Universitv. "While you havo been here Indulging In mu tual confidences, you have called for a stranger from a foreign lund to guy to you sonic words us to the sentiments that exist on the other side of the water, and you bave called upon a citi.eu of Khode Island fur as a citizen of the I'uiou 1 a n a citizen of Khode Island, to say a few words expressive of American feeiing. "I had the misfortune myself last fall to bo somewhat quoted In Knglund as the author of some expressions which were not altogether kind. 1 eald then that I thought our mother lingland bad not been precisely just in her dealings with ns n little less than magnanimous, a great deal less tban kind, and that when the Alabama went forth upon the ocenn, built in a liritisb p rt, armed with British cannon, manned by Uiitish soldiers, 'Freighted with enrsc. dark npnn the sea," 1 could not help thinking, old Kngland, I should like to get bold of your hair and give you a good sbukinir. "And It Is never best to disiruiso your real sen timent. We did receive tho 1'rinco of Wales here; we received him with a gush of genuine, earnest American feeling. Our hearts went forth to him as the representative of a great branch of the Anglc-Saxon family beyoud the water. Kvery heart in America w as thinking ot tho time when we should he a greut people, if not under one government, and one great people, animated by the same Ideas, and standing before the whole world us tbe representative of constitutional lib erty. "That is the way wo felt when this Rebellion broke out, and w hen men in the madness ol their devotion to slavery sought to pull down the pil lars of the republic, and in return for that love and gushing emotion, w hich went forth to the beir of the Knglisli Crown, we find cold und averted looks, unkind and ungenerous sentiments, taunting us in tho hour of our calamity, pirates sent forth upon the sea, how could we leel other wise than hostile to England we did feel sj, and we feel so yet. " But we hope for better days. We hope the time will come when Knglund will sea that she consults neii her her true interests nor her true honor in uiifruternul sentiments towards Auicric i. And we rejoice that thero uro some men on the other side ot the Atlantic who dare to speak ia rebuke of iinfruternal sentiments. "Among those, who havo tints spoken, those upon whom we rely for returning amity and sentiments of Cuistiiin ami fraternal love, is the honored man who has spoken to-day. la your name, in the name of my own fellow-ritiens ot the great city beyond the Allenhenies, in tho name of all tho loyul men of America, I thank him. "Among the other names is the name of the man to whose letter be referred, John liright. Ho knows we hate war as much as he does; we do not make war because wo love it, but because wo love peace. Wo long for the return of peace. Wo go Into the war because wo must, if we would rescue this hope of mankind. Tho same senti ments I have heard from their great colleague, the great Kiebnrd Cobden, a trinity of mimes for the honor of our country. Let them be assured that we appreciate them. "There is another class of men that we do ap preciate, whose t.'ice has been heard in our favor, uie jutncusnire workmen, who cannot be per suaded into infidelity to freedom by tho aristoc racy of England. (Jod bless tho workiugmeu of ingianu : "Let us hoie, then, that after this storm of war than have blown over and our country stands . once moie united, lcdccuitd, regenerated, in all ' tbe vigor of universal freedom, in all the streiutth , of resuscitated energy, then we may havo a , communing with the workingmen of l .ugland, or their n pnsentatives, with, the intelligence and worth which loves and honors freedom wherever it is seen, unu mat w e may be united together in I building a new great confederation of tho human I race; when from all climes in some future day ' there shall meet and gather round some centre, the tepi etentutives ol the parliament of men from the confederation of the world, then while wc number our own illustrious men in that parlia ment, men who have founded and men who have : savtd tbe republic, in that parliament of tho ' world, in that confederation of men, shall Bright, lonuen, ai.u uoiuwin Mnitn be freshly rcuicuv beied." Imiatl ItricenerHO ol -Vortticrii Mkhou. , The Masonic fraternity bave hitherto been of I tbe opinion that the acts of vandalism practised by tbe Federal soldiers in tho various Masonic Lodges of Mississippi, were not tkc acts of Masons ; I but of hired soldiers, incited by a desire of booty ; F but we blush to record an instance which shows that they have been mistaken. During the lust vimi oi ruo enemy 10 rort uioson, tlicy visited the Lodge room, stole the regalia and iowels. and toie up and dest roved the records and papers of Washington Lodgo Ko.3, and Clinton Chapter No. 2. They also destroyed the charter of suld Chan ter, Issued by the Grand Chapter of the Cnited States, Keptiinilier 18, 182(1, and signed by Do Witt Clinton. And, as if to add insult to injury, one of the party left on tbe altar acard. on which was inscribed, "Thomas l'riee, W. M. of I'eoria I mlitn V I t 1) Til:. . .. II In tlm li-..1i,tl..t.ur ...1.... .1.. .1 . r I . .. ..viiiiii.iuiiuij Kiiii nuciiiiio ciiunur OI r a Lodge and its record had fallen into liritisb uunus, they were promptly returned by a flag of truce, under a guard of honor. How ditlerent the conduct of W. M. l'riee, who, by bis action, seems to bave elorllied In destroying the records I and papers of an institution devoted to benevo lence : Mobile Adtertiivr. I Boston ot T of Tiir DiiAiT. A despatch was reoelrcd at the State House yesterday announcing Uliat the naval enlistments claimed by the city of lioston, amounting to o'J21j, would be allowed I y the authorities at Washington. This puts the ay clear of a draft, and gives it a surplus. Hus ton Journal, Sejitemlnrr 8, I " An African Hon in the Zoological Museum ill Brussels was ao great a iiitlerer from a disease in its feet, that a surgical operation recently became necessary. This was douo by a vcteriu . ary surgeon and five pupils, at some risk, and by -the aid of mechanical contrivances. The lion bore 'he 0eration well, with now and then a roar fwben it felt the knife; its general good behavior F being attributed to the circumstance that a keeper Lto whom the Hod is much attached sat near its head and endeavored to calm It by tulkiug, evi- iicuuy noi wiiuouh oucct. The pilchard fisheries on the oasts of Corn wall and Devon are iu full activity. These are ,'iext to the herring fisheries in imnortance and 'value. A single seine has once been known to patch twelve hundred tons of these fish at a single naul, or about four thousand two hundred imp. heads. The tish are cured and sold as an article . t) I food, the oil pressed from them iu packing is .. u..uu, aim iuo rciuse irsu auu sail are soru I It the farmers for manure. Una niuv hnv ijtwnwa1)" fK6U l'iK'llra, ,or twvnty-live cents THIRD EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. ARMY OF POTOMAC. llrvn-dt AiiTi n Aiimy o.- mi: 1'oron c, Sopt. N, evening. Tho p-ist two days have been oini- nou'ly quiet. Hours huve passed without a single t.iin being beard. Tbe enemy were reported massing on our left with the Intention of attacking us If they found the lines penetrable, but have evidently given up the enterpri.c, which they would have found to be a Costly one. At t lie centre of the line the pickets have been very frli nelly of lute, but within a day or two stria orders have been given against intereour-c. A battery on the Jerusalem roud opened on a working party of tho Rebels this afternoon about ) o'clock, and quite nrs Interchange of iron com pliment took place, but without much harm to either party. The enemy sent us a Whitwortli shot yester day, weighing thirteen pounds, polished, and steel pointed. It landed In rather close prox imity to our quarters, ami had travelled a dis tance of a mile and three quarters. The Charleston Mm urij chronicles the loss of the new blockade running steamer Mary Iluirn t, whh h ran on an obstruction near Long Island on Thursday week, proving a total loss. The otll :ers and crew were saved. SF.iTrMimnO, A. M. A number of contra bands came into our lines lost night, from Ches ter county. Th.'y report tbnt train arc running on the Weldon railroad as far as Stony creek, where the supplies arc loaded in wagons and hauled to Petersburg via Dinwiddie Court House. lletwceu five hundred and six hundred wagons arc engaged constantly in this business. They also suite that all the corn in that county Is being pressed by Confederate officers, and fed to the nnlmals, leaving tho farmers none for net season, excepting just enough to justify them in Baying that tlicy did not take all. W. I). McOunoon. NiMX'lal to The Fveiilnir Toli'jrmiih. WAsiiisoiost, September 10. Advices from the Shenandoah valley state thit a reconnoU unec found the enemy in a strangely intrenched position. General Wallace lias returned from the army to Baltimore, to retain command of the Mh Army Corps. IMI'llltTkM Kt'MOIt. There is a rumor on the street that General Grunt has gained another great victory near Pe tersburg, tint wc cannot trace it to any reliable foundation, am! only give it for what It is worth as a rumor. Ei. Ti.t.Eumru. LATEST FROM NEW ORLEANS. CEN. HERRON EVACUATES CLINTON. Rebels Attack Berwick City. THE " SELM.V" AXD TKXXESSEIV Steamer Chased by a Pirate. Snv Yohk, September 10. Advices from New Orleans to the 3d iiiitant havo been received by tho arrival of the l'.ri nimi Slur. It appears that our forces occupied Clin'on only two days and two nights. Tho Rebels had made a .1.-ministration on Herwlck City, but accomplished nothing. They arc reported to be preparing u formidable expedi tion to attack lSrushcar city or somo other point. General Hanks will como North probably on the itcauier of tho loth. The captured Rebel gnnbo.it Si I hi it and rain Trnnrssre attract much attention in front of New Orleans. Tho steamer Creole, on her last trip to New Orleans, was chased by a pirate. A letter from l-'ort Gaines, of tho 2d, states that General Granger has not yet returned, from New Orleans, and there will be no military operations until be docs. In the meantime, preparations for work ure going on. Niillluu; of Mourner. 1 r.vv Yoiik, September 10. Tho steamer Kdinhuryh and .Yne York sailed at noon for Liverpool with HI 10,000 In specie. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Despatches to Kvrnlng Telegraph. Washington, September 10. The Treaty nltti i:'iiHlr. The United States and the Republic of Ecuador have exchanged the ratifications of tire Conven tion for the mutuul adjustment of claims, which are to be referred to a board of two Commis sioners to be appointed by each country, with an arbitrator in cases where they may disagree. PortUKueae Fortu Trow n Open to Forels;n lireiulHl all'sr. The State Department has been oflleially In formed of the promulgation of a Portuguese royal decree, that from August 12 last until March 111, ISCo, the importations of foreign cereals, whether iu grain or flour, is permitted in tho ports of Lisbon and Oporto, and also by the Eastern railway and the river Douro. Tlifi cv I.OUH. In the list of successful bidders for the new seventy-five million loan, ns published In this morning's pupers.the name of Messrs. C.H.Wright & Co., ol l'lilladelpbia, who bid for $ iOO.OOO at 4 per cent, premium, Is incorrectlry printed as Dwight & Co. The openingof the bids was resumed to-day. OPERATIONS AGAINST MOBILE. Reported Surrender of the City to Admiral Farragut. THE FLEET ACROSS DOG RIVER C VR. Withdrawal of tho Enemy to tho Interior. W'AsiiiNOTojf, September 9, 11-30 P. M. It Is rumored here to-night that Mobile has fallen. Tbe news is said to have been received from ltebel deserters, who assert that Dog river ar as pasted by the ent ire fleet of Admiral l'arragut, and that, after a brief shelling, tho aity sur rendered, the troops having withdrawn into the interior. This statement may be correct. It Is well known that Admiral Farrugut's ap pliances for removing the obstructions in the chanuel of Dog river bar were ample, and that the torpedoes could be removed with the greatest facility. Then the channel would be perfectly cleared and an uninterrupted passage given the licet close up to the city. That Mobile has surrendered without a defense Is scarcely probable, though by no means Impos sible, as resistance would only Involve loss of life and property, without twy adeiiuate advantage. .V. 1. U orUi. THE PRESIDENCY. Split in the Democratic Party. "PEACE ORGAN" REPUDIATES M'CLELLAN. Another Candidate Callod For. CHICAGO CONVENTION TO RE-ASSEMBLE AT ONCE. General McClellan's Letter. '' V.V.r Vit Vllj .tul,(f.A I,, ll'ui'i . ;'.-T.V toiMtt) "I tht ittuimil. The columns of this paper bear witness that we have labored to harmonize the Democratic party. Whatever concession we could mako that did not involve a sacrifice of the immutable principle to which this journal Is dedicated, w e have granted. Our most fervent desire was to sec consummated the unity and concord of the Democracy in this Presidential campaign. Itelicving that the life of Kepiiblieanism depended upon this Issue, wo mudo every etlort to conciliate the conflicting sentiments that were arrayed in opposition to the present Administration; for we believed that the defeat ol Mr. Lincoln would rcnwve tho chief obstacle to pcaco. Itut, above all the claims of expediency, the principle to which we uro Irrevocably 'hound (was absolutely, and demands our li.ieluy beyond nil other considerations. We have mi lured and strengthened tho peace sentiment from its genu. Wc have been fuithtiil to il throughout the ordeal it has passed, an ordeal tint it could not havo survivul if within its o u essence it had not possessed the elements of eternal life, tho truth that may be hidden but not destroyed. To that principle that is the guide of our politi cal action throughout this crisis, and that com mands the journal we have devoted to its intcrcs-s, we are linked by a bond t tint cunnot be loosened. As wc b:oo.I by it steadfastly when to do so was to coiitt persecution and to invite Mpprcssion, wc shall surely not desert it now, in the day of its strength, when, in fact, it rules tho political situation. The suffrages of tho peace men ore essential to thetiiumph of the Democracy; but the peace men cannot give their suiting, s In violation of thiir principles. To bo true, therefore, to the Democracy, we must insist that its principle be horn stly represented in this canvass ami fairly put at issue al the polls. We welcomed, in the platform presented by the Chicago Convention to he Democracy, the proposiii.m for an immediate eesirt iin of hostili ties and a Coiiventiun of all the Mates. To cease lighting an. I to upKul to reason unu calm discus sion ol the questions in dispute; tint is precisely the plan of action that wo have udvoc.ited from the comment ement of hostilities. It is fair to Mipi.ose that the Sovereign States, soUmnly ns-ciublcd in Convention, would exer cise such judgment and conciliatory attributes as are duo to the spirit of enlightenment mid Chris tianity, and would use their best endeavors to free our political system from us imperfections, that it might accord, so tar us possible, with the u.tercftts of all, and be i llcnsive to none. The Chicago l'latlorm promises with its triumph mi immediate ce.-satiou ol 'hostilities, and advocates a plan of reconciliation that every peace man can conscientiously indorse. Wo a eipted it, and with it, the candidates nominated upon the platform. iivt tir i-iwilitlalp anil the pUttform I'linnnf exist omrt. The platform is the soul the candid ite Is the body. The one may chuugo, decay, perish, ti e other is immutable and eternal, for it is prin ciple. The two are therefore inseparable In their relative positions, for if tho man renounce the principle, he ceased to be a candidate of the party that nominated him. George II. MeClellan was nominated upon a platform that promises an immediate cessation of hostilities and a Convention of all the St itcs. hot he stand li tilt that pint form t r.y,' llv ro, 5 not. Itc hat rciioitncrtl the ptntj'orm in tin lettrr arnptinif Me iiotnhintiitit. It is as if tho bride groom should accept the bride's properly, but not her person. A bond like that is null and void. 1 he pi ace party will not consent to havo the r print i, le betrajed, and then do homage to tho bitraycr. They demand all that iMiominutcd In tho bond, fienciul MeClellan having rejected tho proposi tion for a cessation of bostilitiesund a Convention of all tho Ma'es, declined the Chicago nomination and ttauds befoie the people self-nomiu und on a platform of his own creation. The IVmhtih most m tk a eamltdatc who wn,l. sttmd up'in the platform, for tlo y cannot consistently support one tcho is in cnliisiim teith the ('onrrntion that ten dered him the nomination. Il the platform accords not with the nominee's convictions of the right, a duo respect for tho opinions of the nsscmblago that nnnnimo'isli adopted it requires that be should give buck tii the Convention the standard of the Democracy. The hemoeratic Mationut Contention is nut r tnlrrd. It is ready to convene at tho call of its Executive Committee, und, if General MeClellan cunnot aliido by the resolutions through which the principles of the party have been enunciated, let flic Convention reassemble, and either remodel llicir platform to suit their nominee, or nominate a candidate tbut will suit the platform. Lew In Chnh lleuonnrrs (lie 4 lilrnKO l'lut. lurm. The Chicago Tribune of Wednesday makes the following announcement : 'We learn from undoubted anthorlty that Hon. Lewis Casa pronounces tbo Democratic platform a most ignominious surrender to the Hebels, and says that he cannot support it." The Jol.t Market. Ntw Yohk, September 10. Gold was emoted this morning at 211, but since the Hoard has d clitmd to 2-t. I'ntlinn Wnr linucf. Here Is nn account of an entertainment which few readirs could havo witnessed : "1'he olliccrs of tlic Twentieth Regiment l'unjaiih lulautry en tertained their guests lust Saturday night with tm exhibition of the sword dances of the warlike tribes serving in the regiment. The performances began with ihe war dance of the I'athaua. Tho pipers and drummers, genuine Tallinn musicians, supplied tho weiid and monotonous music, to which the dancers kept time with their paces, movements, and the brandishing of their tulwars. 'The dance was a series of studied uttitudes, timed steps and advances, accompanied with various drawing-cuts and rapid brandishing of the tulwar overhead. The movements wero continued in a circle around the group of musicians. The rapid w hirlings of the tulwars, and the swift and telling cuts which the dancers laid about them, naturally rnsed a dread in the minds of the spectators that the dancers would injure themselves or tucir tiighbor. Hut nothing could exceed tho extraordinary tact with which Ihe dancers, when they up proaehed each other, guided their tulwars, with out reducing the velocity or tbe variety of their flourishes. T he I'mbaus were succeeded by tbe run.iaul.ee Mussclumns, whoso displuy was less warlike, but more skilful. Two tall aud lithe men engaged in single combat apparently, advancing and retreating, aud w hirling their tulwars with surprising rapidity over their heads and shoul ders and under their ai ins, exhibiting niuch power and pliability of wrist and shoulder. One of the men subsequently performed a series of singular und (.rotes. uo feats with the tulwar. Forming an inch of his body with one hand aud one foot on the eroond. and the faco unuermoht. and nro. belling himself round in a ciiclo with the otucrT loot, hu executed a variety of the most astonish, ingly rapid flourishes with bis tulwar, to the imminent risk of bis nose and eurs. Standing erect on one foot, and closing his eves, he whirled bis body round rapidly, and, while so engaged, sheathed and unsheathed his tulwar in a vanoty of i-osilions, before him, upon his forehead, upon bis head, and behind his back. A number of men then engaged in a round dance with tulwars, similar to the dance of the Tnlhans. Tho next performance was a more peaceful dauco, with tbields, but without tulwars. The dancers hopped and skipped around the pipers, keeping time with tho music, aud noting the conclusion of each bar by simultaneously stooping down and striking their shields on tho ground. The Dogras a less warlike tribe, inhabiting the territory oi the Maharajah of Cashmere, concluded the exlii bition with a fencing match with short sticks. T he combatants had each two sticks, which they used together, employing both bauds in perform ing the same movements with both sticks. Keep, ing time wilh tbe music, they executed with great dexturity and precision a variety of blows and guards, advances and retreats, and other A SUCCESS BY GEN. HERR0.4, Enemy's Loss Ono Hundrod and Fifty. LARCE AMOUNTOF STORES DESTROYED. Wc received tlic following last evening from Headquarters. It came from llaton Houge : II KAIHlf MM I US Mil 1 1AHY DIVISION OK Wlsr Missis-m i i, Niw Oui.kins, August L'7. I ho following iUpnt h was received this evening: Major-t icticra! llerron has just corne in from tiie enliti. n. The breaking down of a bridge near I'oit udson clc'uved the infantry column; but, notwithstanding this, tho result 'was a siicccs'. en. llerron inflicted a loss upon the enemy of at least I V. besides destroying a large amount of stores at and near Clinton, Louisiana. Our loss Iu killed and woundedaliout thirty. .V. o. ',,i ., AMI NF.MF.XTH. Ctnovaii's New CiiKsNt r Sthfft TurTiir. This htiti.rwaa writ flll.l n u.ual cvrnlrw, irltn a ftil..iul' siitll.-nco, ami every ne .earned d-'tut.tisl llli lit k-rnit ..cvm-lc. .n,l ..llowr, Alsd.tln ; thrniijli !.. fvirmnl life wl.h Intertsl l,e,inilTi frnni (. h , j,., Iiiirtiur ihr pcrtonn.n.'i-, s lur- .yrmiill b.iu Ut of V riuii.eU roses and ilnwerets was thrown iirwin tlic itiii', u II II J Cjii tl .tJlrei'iitj t fit cut t Minn K'Hr (irrnioti , On li.f t'a.'k ..f tV . .inl the fU wiifc : tMMiiflfnl und p.M tl 'f'-oil t've" w ai h riltt u. Itif author uihn n. nann, Inr tl.e tan1' w ruiru -Ih.h it to liuvf t.i'ou thr t-hiniira:ihi-.il It'il'i. ... n -t no tnplr't"M lYmti the 111 t'ri. ii "mur ui" ii the Mm ut a jtMiiik Ul) Ktlmlrtr of Mtn (icrm -u . "In v ttin wmiM lorUoit I ixl and St a 'r thiir t atlcrtor in to t-mrt ; Thr tnrtiir tlwcllo m frit n.I from nij lh iu'rt r liven itu' in my heart. " CITY IMTLLIGEjNCE. PlATS OT Tlir.RMOHRTRa To-dat. Six A. M., HI. Noon, 7ti. Oncl. M.'H. Wind, W. N. W. RIOT IN SOUTH CAMDEN. Conflict Betwoen Blacks and Whites. A FREE FIGHT GENERALLY. T W O 31 U IN H II O T . Ijist evening, between eight and nine o'clock, a riot occurred in South Camden, which, for the time being, was of n most formidable character, and which threatened to terminate In a serious loss of life. The facts, as near as wo can ascer tain, arc ns follows At about a ipuirtcr after H o'clock a colored woman who was engaged In selling lulled corn, or "hot corn" as it is generally denomi nated, was approached, at Third and .Spruce slreets, by awhlto man, whose name we were unable lo ascertain, who pur. lowed an ear or two of tho edible, and alter taking a nibble of the eoni, made tome remarks detrimental to tho quality of the article, and furthermore evinced bis displeasure by kicking over tlic bucket, scat tering its contents upon the pavement. This, us may be surmised, fearfully riled the c pia niiiilty of Aunt Dinah, who Immediately struck at the man, and thcu move. I oil' post hasie to ac quaint her friends with tho outrage which hud been perpetrated upon her. In a few minutes there was a large gathering of colored folks, one of whom perceiving tho fellow who had made the attack, engaged hint in a tight. 1 hen commenced the rumpus. The blacks tumid out by scores men, women, aud chil dren sonic four colored sailors, belonging totho frigate J'riwetoii, who wcro in the vicinity at the lime, hastened to tbe rescue of their brethren ; anil as by this hour u number of white persons had husteuid to the scene, the light became ginoul. Those "bloods" of Camden, who had been wit nesses of the cricket mutch, which has been going on lor some days past in Camden, supposing tho light to be a free ono, also presented themselves upon the ground, and some of them being pretty well filled wilh the ardent, "went in," regardless of consequences. I'y this time a number of policemen arrived at the fcene of conflict, llncks and paving stones weie flying ill all directions, and towards !) o'clock, a pistol or gunshot being hear. I, tho light became quite intense in its character. A mimhor of the blacks had barricaded themselves in their l ouses, und from the loopholes of windows and from tho roof-tops bricks descended iiuite plenti fully. Information of tho extent of the riot being romiyed to bis Honor the Mayor, Paul C. Iludd, ! to., that gentleman, together with the Marshal of l'oiice, John W. Campbell, and a posso ot policemen, instantly repaired to the neighbor hood of T hird anu Spru. o stioets. The Mayor, making his way through the dense crowd, now augmented to some four hundred persons, whites and blacks, demanded a cessation of hostilities. His Honor also presented himself at the door of one of the tenements from which bricks were being thrown, and applied for admis sion. This was at first refused; but the occu pants, on being assured that no harm would ho done ibein, opi ned the door, and some arrests wero made. Other bouses were visited in like manner by tbo police, aud several other arrests were made. Still the fight In the streets continued, being "running" in its character, however, and confined to the block between Second street and tho Dela ware river. To make the matter still worse the fire bell of the States Kngine, Cuiudon, com menced to sound a general alarm, and this, of course, served to increase the excitement. T he nifjit was durk, and it was impossible for the police to ascertain who were the ringleaders in tho ailuir, or w ho were contributing tow ards prolong ing it. T'owurds 10 o'clock, however, tho Mayor, assisted by the police, got tbe rioters at bay, and the light was discontinued. Occasionally a brick or paving stone would whi,7, over the beads of the crowd, or tbo crash of a broken window pane would rise above the tumult of the mob. lly li ilf past 10 o'clock the last brick bad been "throw ed" the crowd had been partially dispersed, and the lictcrs were marched off to tbe station bouse. Nine persons were arrested, two of whom, uro whiles. One of tlic rioters Is A young mulatto wr man named KlUabeth Mitchell. This woman struck otlicer Charles Gilbert ovor tbe head with a porter bottle, inllictlng quite an ugly looking wound. Otlicer Win. 11. Hawkins was also badly hurt about the head by a brick thrown by one of Ihe rioters. The names of the rioters arrested are as follows : Wm. Hamilton, James Simpson, Joseph (iibbs, l'liilip Uibhs, John Williams, llemy Oruy, John Laws, Kli.nbeth Mitchell, Juckson l'rico (white), aud Kichard Fellows, a White boy. A young man by the name of Humphreys was shot In tl.e wrist, and two negroes are also re ported to have been wounded. Tho negro, John Laws, when the police entered one of the houses, jumped from the roof of one bouse to that of another, occupied by a man named Thomas. The transfer being accomplished by a flight a la Uaret, through an open window, lie was subsequently captured under a bed, lu this house, whore lie bad secreted himself. In one bouse an axe was found under the table, on the first floor, iu a second a quantity of am munition, while bricks and paving stones wero discovered iu almost all the houses occupied by the negroes. The block of houses on Spruce street, between Second and Third, are almost entirely occupied by colored ihtsoiis. The occupants bear the re putation of lieing very peaceable in their dispn. silion, and it is supposed tbat nothing hut the prevalent opinion among the blacks that a gene ral attack was being made upon them, would have occasioned such an exbibilion. It is also slated (hut one of the colored sailors of tho J'rineeton was the person who made tho attack upon tho colored woman, and that lu the confusion the whites were supposed to be the ag gressors. Mayor lludd informed us this morniug that at one time tbe riot assumed a most sei ious character, and it was feared that great bloodshed would ensue. Much credit is due to the Mayor and bis offi cers for the energy they displayed iu quelling the riot. There is a rumor about that the last night's proceedings will be re-enacted to-night, but evcrv preparation baa been made by tho Mayor and 'the Marshal of the 1'ollco to prevent such an occurrence. Tbo rioters will havo shearing this afternoon, at two o'clock, at tho Mayor's oillce. Tuakksoiviko. Thero will be special thanks giving in all the churches to-morrow, in accord ance with the recommendation of tbo President, in acknowledgment of tbe Divine favor vouch sabvd in Hie meut glorium yk'tvtiw. roMTtPAi.. Both political parties will enter th otnpaign with soldiirs' clubs. At the Na tii nal Union Club House, a meeting of relumed soldiers baa been held, and a committee of fire appointed to secure Sansom Street 1111, for a mass meeting of soldiers, on Monday evening. Invitations to returned veterans havo been ex tended. The Democrats propose also to organ!? a club similar to the above. Colonel McCamlless and s vend ottlcers of the i'irc Zouaves are con nected with this organization. T he Democracy of the Kighth Ward held a meeting last night, at tho ball of the K iyst uie Club, at which speeches wero made by Joslah llamhdl, llichurd Vaux, General l'atterson, und Others. The Republican mass meeting in Independence Square, this evening, promises to bo a splendid success, anil it is thought will bo one of tliu m st monster gatherings convened in this city for somo time. CimTF.vnuN'sCot.LF.oK. We cunnot too highly commend to young men preparing formercantlle or professional life, the Colleac of 8. II. Critten den Co., No. t'.'l" Chesnut street. At this insti tution of Instruction a practical knowledge of Ilook-kceplng in all Its brant lies, as practised by the best accountants and business men, is to le obtained in all its detuils. renmausliip is also taught by one of the most competent of p nmen, toge ker with commercial calculations, business forms, commercial law, detecting counterfeit nobs, ftc. The Messrs. Crittenden havo also 'Hilded the art of telegraphing to their long list of studies, and this science is t night by a thoroughly competent operator. Scholars will be received ut uny time, and after the loth of September evening sessions will be commenced. rNnsi I, van i A Statk Ao KiccLTiBAL Society. Active preparations for tho Fair of the State Agricultural Society havo commenced, and con tributors from the city should see to it in time that ample space may bo allowed them to display their articles to the best advantage. The Fair will l.e held ut F.ustou during the last week in September, and doubtless will be of the most attractive description, us several contributions of new inventions, such us the steum-plough, self loading hay machine, Kc, will be interesting features, while the great variety of manufactured articles un.l improved machiuery in operation, together witli the expected display of horses cele brated for their speed, and the beauty ol the rural sceneiy In proximity to the location, will add to make it a perfect success. The Deavtii-ii. Vf.htvam. l'.ugeno Jouin offers the following letter from tho talented and btuutifiil Mile. Vestvali, in support of the clllcal of "L Knuill de I'uris:" Ko. Us VVAMRLi Pi OK. New VimK. Mnv 2"i. 1M''.t. .Mi lis. .Iiilt-s Juris ; Sir : 1 U'g tut hank you Inr your kin I- lii'.M ill sPhitlMk' tut' It ptieksee itr your "Km, 111 sis- ran.. ' I Inns siifii'rett so uiiieh iroui the vitrioii. write lotion., etc., v. I.k'li niv llii-nrnejil pniii'Kslnii iifiliws me lo us,., tli.t I ccnsl.toi- II a perieel heiii-lat- I- n to niul u pn rr irat ou wlueti (.ires the nc. es.isiy w lu rut.... lo tliu .kin, .ml le ives tlio skin cooler .iii.l Muootlier than when It Int. liothlnrr on It. I -nf s ml o tiHtr it exclusively. llli thanks. I m, respect lully jours, KKI.ICITA UK VfcslVAl.I. Jules Jured's ''Email de I'aris" is not a piint, not a powder, not an ointment, but a most deli cious preparation, that gives both the complexion and texture of polished ivory to tlic skin. Kiigimo Jouin, No. Ill Tenth street, below Chesnut, is she only ugcut in tho city for "L'F.muil de I'uris." Tim Union I.kaovf. Reoimi-.nt. Authority has been given to Captain Samuel Wrigloy and Lieutenant Charles Fru.or to recruit an addi tional coin pan v of men to be attached to tho In ion league Regiment, which Is now near com p'ction. T he old naval rcnde.vou j of tho city, at No. 2.1M S. Third street, is to be turned into a recruiting station. This station was formerly under tho command of Captain Wrigloy unil Lieutenant Fra.er, who were appointed by tlio city authorities to re tii It nuvul volunteers for the purpose of filling our quota. A r I.nixiF.itur.ADN. A boisterous meeting was held at Oermantown, Inst evening, in relntion to the nomination of Mr. William F. Smith to the Legislature. In a series of resolutions, exceptions wero taken to tho course of three delegatus who ha I been instructed to vote against Mr. Nmitb, but who ultimately voted for him. Resolutions were offered to lay the matter be fore nn F.xecutivc Committee, when the meeting was adjourned in consequence ot there being a disposition evinced to raiBO u row. Or it Dim ski ic Makki:ts The supply of fruit and vegetables was quite good this morning, and prices ranged about the same as last week. Ap ples, 2o(n .')7e. per half peck ; butter, i!i)(j 71c. per pound; cantclopes, oOoi "He. per bu-kot j celery, per bunch, . He. ; corn, per dozen, 20(WiV. ; eggs, '-'H" :!-c. per dozen j onions, 7 3c. per half peck ; peaches, 2"i(nMc. per half peck ; pears, 2ilc. (. SsT per hull peck j pickles, l( l-r per basket; potutoiB, oti(":(7c. per half peck; sweet potatoes, H'O loc. per half peck; poultry, ii(:i0e. per pound ; tomatoes, ltloi l,)e. per half peck ; water melons, lo(" 7.ic. each. A Drsi nitATK CiiAKACTF.it. This morning F.d wurd Leonard was arraigned before Alderman I'unciiust, charged with committing a violent assault and battery upon ollleer Carter, of tho ninth police district. Leonard was on horseback and uinuscd himself by riding along tho side walk. Tho day previous be drove bis horse in several hotelB in the Fifteenth Ward. When tho otlicer remonstrated, Leonard turned on him and beat him in such a manner as to unlit him for duty. The accused was committed in default of 1(,00 buil, to answer. LiNi oLK and Johnson Meetiho at Mrr.i.iCA Him, Nf.w Jkukkt. Tbo largest night meeting ever held at Mullica Hill took place last night. Speeches were mado by Hon. J. M. Scovel, of Camden, and Lieutenant Lemuel C. Keevcs, of I'hiiudclpbia. This township has tilled its quota under the lust call, and will till it quota for Lin coln and Johnson In November. Assistant Kxoinf.ers of the Firk Dkfart mi nt. Monday nlchtwill be an interesting time to Ibe members of the Firo Department. Tbe As sistant Engineers of the Firo Department will thm be elected. Tbe voting wiil be done by companies. The nominations have already ap- r cured in our columns. Who will win remains to e seen. AititiVAL or Sick and WorN!r.n. Tho United States transport steamer lie Malay, Captain Samp son, from City Point, Virginia, arrived yesterday altcrnoon with one hundred and forty-five sick and wounded colored soldiers. Their were all tukinto tbo Summit House Hospital, which is exclusively used for colored soldiers. F.iiRATA. Iu our paragraph yesterday refer ring to the organization of colored troops by the Supervisory Committee, we should have stated that the 127th Hegiment United States Colored Troops is the ninth regiment raised under tho auspices of tills Committee. Authority is shortly expected to raise another regiment. Dkath or A TKMtQHAru OiT.nATon. Mr. Joseph Wilson, one of the operators on the Police und Firo Alarm Telegraph, died last night of hemorrhage of the lungs. The deceased was formerly in the armv, and was a faithful aud eiU chut ollldul. Collision. During the alarm of fire last night the steam engine of the Delaware Fire Company came in contact with a wagon in Kighth street. The tongue of the steamer was broken and the wagon damaged. Exemi'T. Fcrsonswho puld 300commutatlon to clear them from the draft are exempted for three years. The mutter bos been variously decided, but now it is decided otllcially as above laed. Nomination. Jamos A. Freeman has been nominated by tho National Union Tarty as a candidate for Select Council, iu the place of John l'riee Wetuerell, 9th Ward, resigned. Mrs. M. O. Biiown's " Metaphysical Dis covery," kills the root of every disease. Frlco .3. No. 410 Arch street. See advertisement in another column. Aoaik Postponed. . Tho hearing in tho caso of John W. Dubrcc, charged with fraud at the Arsenal, has been continued until Tuesday next. Naval. The United States gunboat Yantie has sailed from tho Navy Yard to jolu ono of the blockading fleets. This vessel is a new one. ItEciti iTiNO. This morniug tho city bounty was paid to seventy-two ruou, four of whom wore Substitutes. Wo would call tho attention or otir readers to tl.e costluuntli.n of tale of the balsuoa of fine Oil Faint Inn, lo te hold st the sales rooms of B. Scott, Jr., Mo. en Clietaut street, this tains, at H o'clock, precisely, bine the have been arrsnired for exhibition the room haa beeu II n, li. i d, ana all s a H uUuk tli.l In. Hum coo.iout.il In examining theui ha. been well .prut. The balaut.oom prlsc. works by some of Ihe muet eminent anl.t. ol Hie country, among hlch we nolle l'aul Ruler, Jl. n.u.e, Bsliiit.ri, and others. Uo and SASiuiat tUvia, aud IIMrk Jvui (teio(us ymluui lu tal. . "Nioofhs ix tub CAna." Mr. Killtori-A arnwlnt evil ln on'rliy Is the Tirlon. l empia inaile by marer. o rule in nut bands nt horse cra- Lat evening animcer woman, with a bun lle or clothes la hrr arm.. sslioiii.r wasi.ro or a'iw ish it I d d not learn tl mean the clothe. hal tbr inqiaiene) in ask our conductor, who, by Ihe way, la ayoune, man of the haiKilronlr iie,and inenn. a ereat deal mote man be s.i.vs, f .h-' could rltte on ttie trtnttorm, a. .t.e was nnihln lo cr fry ttie "wash" anr further. III. prompt replj w is, "No r la". rps nllowe l on the care of thla Unci" .nd ibn very bell .truck Ith a eleame. a. and the Terr hor.ee .tartetl with an alacrity tbntiiave nninl.taliuble em iUa.1 to the wort's ot Ihe oisler, a. be sail, ot Ihe Pre. I but and lllrrebirs of thr line. In un.tther cnae II win a nlirtter bov who wna 'he gewieg evil ta. be bad at. nut a loot and a half vet to .row), .jtnn on the front s'fl . w.th a boa an ter hi. arm ami a live c-nt portrait ot tire father ol h a country tn hi. flnirrr.. where an O'ltutored driver bad sltrcu the pcrmlbin, not knowlint thai the evil," Willi hi. pan el, was the cause of thi. cru -l war. and who wa. uucon.tl.iufl that III. seat was t.-o blub tor Ilia ia:thoni:h but ono step from ttie ground), .at quite couliottd. until the conductor ol the crowded car dcputUrd a nhitn gentleman prmai-ng.-r. .uielllns of v.esk rum and strong tol.acco, to push hl n off. 1 be posh bet ame a kick before II reached the evil, an.! II, evil cn-eitiently landt d In Ihe middle of th .ireot. 'I he conductor In reply to the remonstrance of a partsenger. said It ought to be Into the middle ot "next Week.' 1 be lid of the bog that flew off bad oo II a pic ture of t'HAitl.r.n Cronus A; t'o.'a one price ('lothtug store, under the nnttnrntal Hotel. I merely nienllo.i thin ao tbat any pany receiving a anil of clothe, yonter day from that hou.e, aoinewbiil eollcd, may know It was on log to tl.at "free soifer" being In Ihe way of the I're.l drnt and iMrrrtor. of oar lino. Tbe remedy, Mr. K lltor, I .uene.1 la, to have two or three oat. fitted up to carry the l'rc.ldmt and IMrrctor.. and let the remainder be lor mi'trtiitttr yntiengtrs ontf w hether their akin la white or black . or their hair .trainht or curlv , lor In our car the .vniptithy wa. e. holly on tbe .1.1c ot the evil, and not on tbe elite of tbe rre.ident and llrect"ri of tho line." Respectfully, f'AaSEgtiKS. Wf. Takf. l'LHAst nr. is Infohm.no tiik readera ol Tits Tl LriUMi-n that the (trover tk Raker Hew ing V-laehlpe Company, ever mindful of ttie want, and com fort of tl.elr Irumcroua patrons. In their constantly Increas. Ing business, Imve added to their already spacious moms another room, especially lor In.tructloH. In the uie of their justly iclt'tual.'d Sewing Machine.. It Is IHlc.l up la llicir u.unl elegant .trie, while obliging and attcntba young ladle, ate elwrtys in attvndaut r to teach thoe wlio wish to learn. It I. now .cvcral yrnr. .luce this Company adopted the plan of tee. blng to use their Hewlnrr Machine, all ho appb , whether Ihev wish lo purchase or not, ati.l ul.nor netitlliig to the resilience of puicliasei. to gliu Instruction Wheotver II I. ilesllt.l 1 he workluit ol ihe above plan ha. been very in -cei.ful, o uiurb so tl.at wc ht lieve u Int. hen adopted lo some extent hv others. An we si i re evaliilruug Hit' newly. luted up Instruction Itooiu. an. I t-uw u Ith ivluit ease those w ho were Items itiuuht learned to use this Machine, ve weie no lenser .nrpilsedal Hit Qolislaut demand for lho"ilrover li lli.kei Machine, ant! e.ni.e,tieullv Ihe grv.ulv Increas. Irur Loshiess ot this estuhllsltmt nl. We nrwe upnn nil tho readers ol Tiik Tt i.M.rtACii lo call al tl.e i.nloo of kltissr. Orover .V. linker. No. Toorbe-nnl street, Wterier llitii troth to ytircl'iine or out. and evamlne these Mac hluca, and the beuutiliil specimens ol w oi k pc rturnicd by them. Now that urn I'AMii.ii.s havf., for tub iiiokI pait, returned to the city, we would ndvl.e our lady friends to bear In mind that the Wheeler A Wilson Com pany do all maimer ot tewing la tbe mt elegant itylc at reatonulile prices. Tbcy alio send out obliging and com pett nt young l.illt-s, wilh or v. itluuit machines, by the day or week. Tho moil useful anil economical article in cvery fumlly ia a Sen lug Machine, and us know the Wheeler ,t Wilton to be (lie bust, mott simple, and cheapest Sewing Machine In Ihe norid. Kvery niao.ilue warrautotl, anil the money returned If not entirely satisfactory. Kifty thowand of Uieac .oelcbrated Hewing Machine, are sold every ien fifty thousand are In u.e In Philadelphia. In alrucllon given at the residences of the purchasers, tioto the Wheeler A Wilson Aveney, No, 7114 I'hcsnut street, nbove (seventh, Philadelphia, and examine these wonder ful inachliiea. Head for circular and spec liueii of work. The Moiiki, Amiiahsahoiu st t1if. baku of towka hall. Like 'Tilde Abe." I like. When Millie atorle. ' Htrike Me 11. uselul, the same to relate And I bavu one in view 1 hut I. perrecllv truo. Ihe moial hereof is urst-rutc. 1 bete wa. a nohtc gout As amhaasador sent. From Knglund to l.oul. die tlr.in.l, And ll.e r rcnchincu. 01 ouure, Put their oiitlcs In force. 'TIU all ovor ihe strungcr was scatiDed. Ttrn aeourtlernl note, To bis country irlen.U wrote t "Lord l'ortland'. a wondertul poor; Ho discreet ami polite Acta with dlunlt.v'a welr:ht Yet bow aweel with tbe lauleit oh ilenrt And lie's alwa y. ao dreaH'd A. to show to the he.t Adv.tnnive bl. elegant person." Much prni.e I. in y""i power, II ou'll go to that Tower That I huve .0 olt made verso on! VTe have a largo nrrd varied assortment of nothing, Men'a und Hoys', ail lied to tbe present and upproachlug aeaiton. to which wo nre making large dally a. bullous, hvory 1 no may depend upon being euiled truia our stuck wll bout delay 01 trouble. Towyn lUr.f., No. 51S Market Htrcct llg.t.Ngrr A Co. Kconomy in HoisFKEEi'iNO. Tho recent cool eveniliKN and uutrnhigs havo set prudent house keepers thinking about their stoics and heater., and bow to manage tbem to the best advantage. Iniorne nicii.uro, wo apprehend that the present unprecedented high prlco of fuel 111 work a revolution In this department during the coming season. Many persons, f r example, In order to economize fuel, will employ cook jforcs Instead of ramjet, aud tbr tho name reason parlor mid chamber stoves will take the place nf the more expensive beaters. To perilous Intending to make any cliaugea of this kind, we wish lo say that a huudsorua percentage can be saved and prompt atie'itlnn received by calling at what we bitva long since deiioinltiAted " the Hlove Head quarter, to fluUdflptila" the celeuratrd eslahlLhlDeul of Mr. .lamea Hpcar. No., llli; and Ills Market aireet. lu catling at hi. well .rocket! wareroout.. yesterday, to seo v. hat the season had developed, ie loiind hlrn prepared to fuiuiili.at immediate notice, his renowned AiiiMriiatf '00k Stove., which we uiibesltNtiuuly prououtioellie be.t Cook ing Utove In ibe world. T'hl. atbie, a. some ot our readera are already aware, Is ttocollslrut-led a. to consume the gas url.ing irt.m Ihe fuel v. hcu the taller In l.ulted, which has the el.ect til producing a much hotter atoie, with leia fuel tl uu any uther stove In use. In addition tuthlsudvunlage, it haa a alevo and ash-pan attached loll, by Mhieh u. ashen ure IhorouUtly .illed beioru their removal from the stove, thereby saving Ihe iii.hiitiit coal which paa.ea through ihe dre-gratc. t or economy In fuel, cleanliness, and nuperlorily tor baklna und cooking purpose., tbla stove is certainly irithotit tit rttial. T l.e .ame high nrai.e for their superiority may be lastly aw aided to Mr. H pear's splendid Ami-dust I'urior Mtoi es, which, for economy, cleanliness, and beamy, aro uot only unrivul.ed, tut taituut Ite excelled. They aru mantilae tured from Ihe best iuiportri Itusala rilieet Tron, ami, what In not a little singular, while almo.l everything el.u litnke und three time, lormer prices, are .old by Mr. Spear at the nuiallincreaselu prices of only ahotit flftv per ceul. 1J I. only enabled to sell at theae low figure, by the fact othi. having nnrchuscsl lit. Block of uriteriala In atlianee of tho ll.e. Nevertheless, our readera must not xpect the.tt moderate rales to last very long, aud they hut, thcrelore, better send llicir orduisto lis. atpi-ar nt their earliest convenience. Tub NiNETBt.vTii CKNTt itv Tub Aqb of PRotutPhii ami iNVhSTiox . Wo are lost la amazement when we look around us and contemplate the numerous ItivcotioiiB and Improvements that have beea made lu labor- saving muchlucry vt Ithln the last lew years. To enumerate 11 e wonder, that have beca acuomplfabed la tills direction would, Indeed, bo a herculeaa task. Uould our furefadiers leave tl.elr peaceful graves, and rcv1.lt the scenes of thla "mundane sphere," they would certainly think they bad made a mistake, and had gottan Into the wrong world, so changed U the aspect of thlnga since tbcy bado it adieu, lmaglue their .urptlae at seeing the eurth hooped with Iron bands, and thou sanda of mighty, nevcr-tlrlug Iron-boraes, with long trains of human freight, coursing In every direction, at what would .cent to them a break -neck a)ieed t And what would he their a.ronlahnicut ut learmiiK thai their deat-end-ant. are doing buslues. by lightning, arid are holding con vene vl b each others thousand tui.es assy between Ihe rising and Ihe aetling of the sun! T'hlnk, too, of the tte linhl of lho.e w ho were "tiller of theaoil'oo beholding ti e work ol tbe farm rendered eani and expedition, by machinery, whilst their children are perl.. ruling Ibe larger portion ol Uietr household duties by tbe aaiuo mighty agent t Honor and rhanki, then, to the noble men who hare be tltiealhetl to u. and poBterlty such Inestimable bleaslnga, and rendered lalKM a plea. ure rulhcr than a drudgerv. I,t t "Hlephea.on and hi. aleum eus'lue," "r'ulton and his ateaiuboul, ' "Morte and bis telegraph," "MeCornilek ami hi. reaper.'1 ''Uootlyeiir and hi. rubber goods," "Hue and hi. press," and ull the inventor, and im uiiiioiib ttliet bave cotiirlhuled so vastly to the comfort and prosperity of the nation. 01 tl e earlh, ever be bel.1 iu gritlem! remembrance. To them siedue uaiverial tbauk. 1 Andlotiho "gem lor tcx"-llie lair daugULi a of America, espocially unite lu cvpii-Bliig il.elr gratitude to one who, anxloui it euituicl paie them from ton.taut toil, aud ailord tbera opportunity fur heaithlul recreation and lnteilectu.il Improvement, struggled with poierl.t through many weary utontb. 111 the pursuit ot hia cherished obits t- let them ever remember l'.llit. Howe, Jr., and l.i. wonderful Scwitu Mai blue. 01 all modern luientioiis none haveproied more Im- riortaiit than tbe Mew ing Maehiue, aud none, w e believe, isi c bet u mole aiisct pilule to utii.roi ciueut. for yeura atier us Introduction, though constant!) .ub.ccted to Im provement lit the bands of skilful artisai.a, It retained cer tain cm. tu.lnrpeitcct Icutlile. that uuiltted It lor general adaptation, bin time aud talent hive triumphed, aed to tho "I liTeiico hewing Machine Company,' ut r'toreuce, Masaaebti.rtta, belongs the Lonor of producing the lirtt pertret Hetnuii Aueftme a machine that as far excel. Its coteuiporai.et aa a chronometer dues the old womlttn clock, or an Krle railroad locomotive doea a Oone.toga ox cart ! Indeed, sogrcitt la our fallh ln the"r'i.oiu..N't x" that, were rue enterprising luauuiacmrctsuj invoke us loran iu acrlptlon for Ite "ooat 01 anus," we shoidd dectate"tUe Arms ot Wt'ccron" the mm! upprttpriale. Hundred, ol Uie ''Ft.oMfc.xcE" are now lu practical opera tion In Philadelphia and vicinity, aud If tbrous-i of people, buay clerks, and rows of cate. awaiting transport afloa.be at all Indicative of pro.perlty.theu must tiie "rt.oKMsex" Company be ou the high road le fortune, for their Icb r. oni dally pretent one ot the moat acui e, buaiuMa-uke scene. In our city. L , , lu eonclueioii, we would ad lea all lkoe who feel an Interest in Uie "wouder. ol tbe nineteenth ceuturjr to visit Ihe "H.ence ' .alc.ioom., al o. tsol c'he.iiut .treet, and extuulne what way Juitiy be termed taa parfeellva of Beta Ing klaehlne.. JlLKOANT AND VsirtT TolLBI AaTlCtBS. No.Mdont Hi'.odont, r;,.t"eSiew. , l.i;l"2 Hwrllns a Antliroila, HelUiujrB AuibroBU, (oar s llttlr Ke.loier, ph.lon a Night lllomlej CcreuB, and every variety of Oouuedt a, Hair Dyei, Hair Reitorers, K.iracU, die, lor sale at luwtatl piicea, by the .Ingle bocuoria ouauaUvi. i;tt et Co., ku, if ji k, Htuvi luvvl. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Orricg o Tu rrTii Tvr.wniAni, He. unlay, aepieeaber 1. I Tl C 5b ck Market It dull and heavy this moiJJ- Ing, exerpt for Ct al Oil shares, which aro mt rJ active, and on the advance j Dal 7. ell sold at U and Irving Oil at 71- Government bonds srtt Arm, and there is mors doing ; u-'20j sold at 11 1J with coupons, and 101 coupons otT; 6s of 1R81 si Id at l08i(uH9, which is an advance; -33 art) quoted at 110. Oold har declined 8fi.9 per cent, since yester day morning, owing in a great measure to th success of the new loan, and an Increased confi dence in the Administration, opening at 230; fell off and sold at 228 at 11 o'clock ; 227 at 12, and 2-Ci at 124. Secretary Fcsaenden eommeneed at noon yes terday thi opening of scaled offers for bonds of tho Vi.Itcd Mates to the amount of about thlrty ono and a-l alf milll. n, being the unaccepted oilers under tho notice of proposals for the loan dated July last. Atnonn the most prominent bidders who severally offered for various surns at different times, and the higher rates of pre mium, were tbo following Mrst Nutiotal Hank, Toruand, Me., 11,000 t from t to) 4 ,v. cren.tiim. K. T. Ilulier. llurtfttrd. Conn , S4U (Wtl at 4 1-100 prem. first Nallotiul hunk, Hiina'o. S.i.isiiigi 4 igitot grvvB licni.min llnntingtion, T'reaaurer, Norwlcli, Conn.. tlMi.issi at 1'O.i 10 4 In premium. Mrst National Bank, Hartford, Ct., $175,000 at Olo prenii.im. Tratie.n.on-. Pattk, N. T .OVi.fWiat 4 01 to 4 rW prem. atimpsnn, r'tank a Co.. N. Y . SI IC.iNAl at 4 to 4 ttOprera. Hunk of ommerce, N. Y., SltW.oisO at 4 premlsm. t'olmite A Hodmen, N. Y., Se.lss), at 4 01 premium. Klr.t National Hank, New York, ? t.iHr.uoi), at 4'ttl prem. Mi rend National Hank. Ho.tnn, Sl.''OllOO, at 4'OS prem. First S'utlonsl Itana, Herat ttae, 11 il.tssi, a'. 4'tll prem. Vi leslow. I anler Co . Now lork, 2nO,OU0, at 4 0J prem.. Sino.tMKi. at 4's prem. Ihinl N.H.. mil Hank, N Y ., t Wi.onfi, at 4-H.1 pram. Yerinllye it Co . N . V.. e I ,St . kut. nt t tvl prem. Nrw 101k Widow a' ant! Orphans lleuellt Life InfliraacO Ctmtpany, f -too oun, at 4 tx: prem. Ninth Nat 0111I Hank. Ne York, S-Vin,rmn, ,tt 4fi3 prenu W . N. llniitn.ili.n.l a-Mcr Mr-t National Hank. Wash lm.1011. hnl tor SI."si,H. 1. the latter at t'0.1 prenuiun, ami tl.e former for a les. amount; also, tll,W0, at S, ami Oils'). 1Mb at 4 premium. l.li.nniTr,i'lcwBCo.,tl,Oti,0ii0, at 400, and 0(8,000 at 4 premium, First National Mark. Philadelphia. kid for a lane amount for rariotia partk-a, ftom S to a premium, and tut itseuT l.(ti.lini. at 4KI litem. Mewart litus., PMI.delpbla. tw.ooo. at the .ame rats. Ilrexel A Co., Philadelphia, t;uo,lMi. same rale. K.W.Clark Co .Philadelphia. ho:i ., and for ths rhllatlelt.bta KavliiKB fund Kociely, S'Jt.l.OnO, at 4 OT prem. C, li.Wrli.iii A l o .Phlhidelphla.tvxi.nun,attpretii.itm . Juy Cooke A Co.,Vi'a.blmtton, Si,Uill,'ttl0al4vVl.and tbe aaruf f..r ciark.cn A t o.. Philadelphia. tMl,0ui) tV,. Central llnnk. New York, Sll.i tuo at 4. I hejp., Untive A t o., .'.',.-oo at i irJ. 1'ltlston ll'a Rank, $IMlnrroin4'Mln I'DA. 1 Com Kxi-hange Hunk, New York, f-llo.0.lia 4'Oi to 4'A'r. I armi ra' and Mechanle.' Hank. Pbiladulpbia, OleeMk) from 4 t" o1.. PUtLABKU'inA STOCK IXCltANOK gAXEO, SEPT. 10. Reported by Clarkaon Oj Co., Broken, He. 131 B. ThrrO stg BBFOKR bo Anna. ino.h Noble .r lit I... 1 1 It'll sh Hull Crock 4'i lVOsh do b lltsi.h McCllnttM;k..bV 7'.' l.H sli Irwin oil 1 It fish I'M llillCk... -2', liatsh lieu-more., blO I414 no ah Corn Planter... til vnti.h Heading It. B o UU'.' .e ti'.W UK) h mil nil list sh luOah do., do., do., do.. ... bl.v m-2 ... rw t;t ....txio litis; e Mil: J.sj.o Uo 14 V riltST BOARD. $l;K0U. H. 8.,Hl....c..oi- ...hOr. Mount. S.to do lto finmU. H. a-aoe ....ciHK ;,',tO do reg. list I tit-) do.. coup otl.tii4 fussl do list Oi t. Peitn coup, rs,... inl 1 SlnuAC'ty Ha. new....liifl 0 1U All.Kh.Co da.... 7.1's itn do 7' .i .) flit., can. ns .... Jt I SJ4U lie! Mutual acrlp. K-1'.U SI.S4I l a. II .M m h... .113 , Olff-0 Phil. 4 K.rletla ..111 sl N Pa. tie lis) 1 loo ah lint Mo int.. b K) rsst sn irtvni int. ..orai i'i 4.ish liaUel! OU .... 11 V P sn do al) II '? WOhBoad.K.at..b.lt) KU2 1'O.h do go.e:,','4 lienh do .-"' 47 ah 8rh Nav pf.... .eft 1 eh M.irrt. Cn pf ..1 S4 lliCsm m..,.l JI Ash Henna KB 71 'f tM fell Nornstown R.. Itf irOU Bti N. Central ..bS s 4 ah Mecb llauk.... Nkw Yohk, !3cptember 10. Chicago and Rr.ck Island, lieo.: CtimrMsrlantt Preferred, dtx ll.i- nola Ccnirtil, p.s; Michigan ctoutbern, 8Jl. ; do, goar anleei!. 14ft; New Y'ork Central, 12tf: Penu'a Coif, !l.'it Keiitling. litM,; llod-on Klver.lllt; Canton Oo., .11; Krle, in? I me-ycar Certificate., Vt; Treaaury 7'JOe, 1W; J en Puniea, 117 ; CouKn Us, Int.. . Quotatlom of tbo principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : Aril dt.i Kid Alt. Pulton Coal. in otvanla Oil Ti Franklin OH li Howe's 4u Oil, O'i Irving Oil ill. Posa Farm Oil.. lllg Mountain Coal. 7 N.Y.AM..I. C..al..i,(., Ilreen Ml. Coal.... B N. Carhondale .... 8 New Creek 1 Feeder Dam Coal. I Clinton Coal 1,'; American Kaohn.. .. I'ciin Mliilnir 8 NT niidati Mlttlnc Maniuetle Mining. .. Alsace Iron I Hi! Creek A'f Maple Shade Oil. .17 Mi'Clintntk oil.,,. 7', 4 1 'oa 7-8 7 1'. miller Coal I Keystone i&tne.... 9V 1 ' !en.mnre ...,14 111! liauelltltl 1C !0a Molhiennv BW 6 Kow rta Oil 4ii Olnistead 0 1 N..hle.kl)e!ameter.l.' w 3 44 li'i f! Plvl o-i i-erroieurn centre, e lloge Island ii 74 lllhhard 1 at! 1 rlrorv Farm 4 reininyivania ret.. Jrry Oil , 6, Hruner l!f , -J7i Hull Creek 5 . 1 Curlln V Wintrni Oil... . Key.. not U.... VetianKoon I'nlon re'niiVum Ittacon on Hiuiv.a Oii , i i i una rtt tm eTeea. y-l) S'tii Corn Planter , I'i Ills .Tank i'4 We would direct attention to the advertise ment of Government securities offered by Jay Cooke & Co. They are limited in amount, and undoubtedly a dirge share of the surplus offer intra for the loan of 1881 will bo speedily invested in them at increased premiums. . Tbe eniitul Btoek of the Second National Hank at Kruiikford has been increased 100,000, now amounting in all to $2.10,000, and the saare has been otllcially approved by the Comptroller of the Currency. The following is tbo amount of coal transported ou the Philadelphia und Iteudinc; Kail road during week ending Thursday, September 8, lto4: Jons. Off From Port Carbon ' 24,0(12 03 From I'ottaville , 1,879 II From .Schuylkill Haven .... 26,139 05 Fnun Aubuin " 4,(113 08 From Fort Clinton 10,2W 14 From liarrubiuir and Dauphin - . ' 6T Ott Total Anthracite Coal for week Bituminous coal from Huniuburg and Uauphiu for week .... Total of all kinds for week . 7,219 13 TS.677 IS 3,272,968 11 Total 2,84t),tfl OT To same time last year . . . 2,2)12,159 IS The followinc is tbe amount of Coal transported over tbe Schuylkill Canal for the week ending Tbumlay, Sept. 8, 1801 : TtynS Oct. From Port Carbon 8,749 OS From I'ottaville 1,608 00 From Schuylkill Haven 18,899 00 From Port Clinton 1,8(14 00 Total for week . . . Previously this year . Total To same time last year . 80,578 05 . 606,627 IS 637,108 611,757 13 1(1 fsurkfta by Teloatrmpla. Haiti more, September 30. Wheat has de cltnine tendency, caused by the decline lu gold. Cum flroa for while, which Is scarce; vellow heavy. Flour very dull at a decline of I'sc Whisky dull arid nominal at SI h. pri.Tl.ior. Head! ; IMaj bbls Mesa Pork Ufcca by tbe dovernnieut at 047 6-T. New Yohk, Kept. 10. Flour Is dull. Sales of KMi Mils l J ,'s,vlo f forHt.te, U n.'sielJ'SO torllblo, and llw 14 lot rloulbern. W heat declined XoAc. Hales unimportant. Cnrn unsettled! 1H,UU0 bushel, suld at Sl'f.l' Heel dull. Pork .inlet. IteeelpiB or Hour, MUti bbla. ; Wheat, 40,00 bushel. ; Corn, OU.tMi baabela. LATEST MARLE INTELLIGOCC. a i ARRIVED TU1R atOKSTKO. Srl.r R.I. 8. null. hleiut.S days trom Mew York, with Ball lo A. Kerr A II. o. Hchr Adrian, Kverett, 8 days from Rockland, with md.0 to !.. A Isouder At Co. Hchr ttitrah Marv. Morrls.l day from Dover, Del., with, grain to Jtiuie. H. trait. Hchr Mnutita, Maxon ,1 day from Frederics, Del , wlta wheat to Janies liarratu TvTli'W GAMU OF cAnr. TBE HEW MTJSI01E OABDS (Patronlied hr the Royal famllrof EtigUnd). are sent be .,tf. TliltliK IMJ1.I.AK.S. fbeyare a aao.t atuusiaa; ,..nme,aud isatok MucaJ Time uuicker thau aujr oikuc ""a"!!!.! Intere.llagand clever fame." Times. "Admirably adapted for teaching Musical Time." Ulel- 'ddrV-'riToVci:, Ko. 6i W. THIBTV-BIXTH Itreet, Xew York. auao-lna WnoUWALa AUD AJTA1I. CLOCK KBTABLIBI1MENT, I. E.eeruer BKCOKD aad CUKSHUT Sireetj, rkuai'O. AOkgCT SOB THS PATtat BQTJAIJJUNa TUXBTT-DAT CLOCKS, A very dealranle article f. Ckurunes. Uvtela, Banks. OonnUiig-litieae. Parlor., arc. AJao.HAIIl rAITl bKK OF riKB OOLQ PFBTf. UlS'lll H H AIKU) AND WAkhAI I aliAi )ell-ly ttlock Trluuuluea of every SeeurtgUoa. T E M O V A L. THOMAS M. FLOWMAW, II Carpenter aud HuUder, has removed tie sk.s lrvt Ko W Htrawberrir slrvs4 lo Ko, -in CASTt.a So)i,ad lolulng Uie ead Port Oltlee Unlldiu. Ila.tm lore laclUiiaa Rsr eaiTTlug on tbe buju. eAieuairtiti a TT" lvt,'ilTalt ii ta(iwa4Jv4Wsjs. '