8 FRIDAY, SKl'TKMIIKU 9, 1S!!. FLB1T Or 1KB BE"W YORK PKE33. eadlnx Kdltorlitla from tho New Tork Puiiera This Morning. IIHIIIT in nit: itun I. SKI rki nv or war. rom the Ttfrt. A rcpi rt of 4lic liilirl Ncm tuty o( War, muni) nr motnl, old, li .1 ; Ic n m t,t Mi rlli fo - Hr.-ttlii-on Hh a nni uifMi (l.icunn nt In tl;c in i rct uf ic 1'rnri' 1). iikx n y. Wo publMi tlir chief Drlitno,' it In o'li. r c Ihiiuk, (hut tmr mailers ay pnin nine nnHmi of its roitciin. Th penc il rt ailcr would liml mu h nunc to int,TCt him i tin- n-pnrt If tin- it'tro'pt-ct wliirh it tukes until l lie Miniincr rnmpflign. lint for llir purliMins nf )avs anion? otirirlvta, will nrvo h nun li loiter purMise tlmn If it hud mc tluun 10 a later Jul.', and taken a survey of ipliil.fl tli-n-tiTn In fieorRin mi l Mol.ile Biy, 10 la txl ili-astiTH in Virginia, ant the shutting p of ilic r.-mil Ki l,i l iirmv, unili r I.cc, within 1-pnccil n lew Mimrc niilca armim! the Ont'e. rate inpiml, Vi. winu the mutter in this litfht, K-of the McCl, linn iiriiana hero introduces iu iJt to the n-Hrt Willi tlie rcmrtrk. that "it l 1 able ilcHMiment, clear, and ucll written, and frcnis tin Southern litre t" the war In a litrlit so wAi a to a'traet, without iluubt, the atton rn 01 oilier nations." Anions the maiters thus fayoMlilr presentol ' other mttions" liy thn Iteliol Seeretary ii nn lieial MMnry of tlie Kilpatikk and I,itilren peditiotis ntinist Richmond, whlrh ia a com ntlimii of Hourly nil the Ilea pnlili-hed in the iebnionil pipes raitlng to the alleged a'meities inmlited noon nun . r"liiu.lnt liy these othVera. tie story of the pnier f"iuil on the gallant b'ffren'i tioiiy, purporting iu have been the hcial Instructions directing him to i:"X! nl it to the sword the women and chlli.'on in ii'liinond being served up anew to illustriU in grai idp narrative. "Oilier nnti'ins" are at the same time assured at, nltbough any retaliation would hare been tilled in return for these Federal outrage?, "it In en thought to comport more with the dig ty Of on enliititrneH (int ernment not to mete out tnllHtion to the subordinate instrument of an famous llmernmen', but to c m l;n them for iriuniion to the reprobation of outruged Chrls nlom, and the lusting stigma of recording bin Z iarge part of the report Is taken up with the Mwures which were tinder roimideratioti for the iranUiitioii nf tlie Rebel army. On tliii point i rind that Davis' Secretary, after pointing out various causes which have operated pn-ju-liallv on the clllrlency of the military forces of f riomli, makes the admission that "owing to e dtcadence of the roluntcoring spirit, a luwo lorti'n of those liable to enrolment prefer iim of exemption." l'hese claims, owing to their numbers, hive to treatid tummarily, compelling the Depart sot, as the Secretary says, " to sacrifice uxpe lion to justice." This, it must lie admitted, is iher a sorry plcturo of a free people struggling r their independence in the lust Southern diteb. r does the patriotic impulses of the wealthier ases come up to the full expectation of their nignant rulers. Mr. Secretary $cddon com ins that the farmers won't sell their grain for infederate currency, and he advises that their kin be taken from them at a Government valna n. Nay, further, he charges that railway ards of directors do not freely giye up their ea of transportation In all cases. And as the Government must have transports n, be recommends thai the iron of old lines be ten up and rolled into new rails for such roxds the military authorities must have, and tint b whole railway business be taken out of private nds altogether. )n this point of transportation the Rebel Seere y's admissions are suggestive, and furnish a tctical commentary, by untlclpiition, on Grant's zurc of tho Weldon road. We can sec by the lit of Mr. Seddon's statement to what a pinch, en tour months ago, the military authorities at 1 hmond wero reduced to keep their linos even half running order, and yet bow indispensable ir maintenance in some shape bad bucoine to 3 existence of the Confederacy. UN KHA 1j Wf(I,l:i,l. N LETTER OF Aft KITA.Vt'K. 7tn the JltrahU We publish In another column, this morning, neral McClellan's letter accepting the Chicago minatlon. Mr. Lincoln abrogated the Mexico ink and disregarded tho Cabinet reform plunk the Baltimore platform, and interpreted the t of It to suit his own convenience. Ocnoral cmont took the confiscation plnnk out of the tveland platform, and construed the other inks as be thought lit. General McClcllan bus ien the tame liberty with tho Chicago plat m, and has done it m a very ncut and gentlo mly moiincr. Hut the republic has come to evil days when 1 tntiHt trust to the treacherous plunks of politi I platforms and the studied phrases of letters of ;cptance for the opinion of our 1'rosidential udidates. General Washington was twico H-K'd l'rcsiilent without any platforms or let s of acccptunce. The peoplo know bis history, s acts were the only platform he reinired. Hut now polilK'al conventions have usurped j jiower of the people. These conventions all -s by our great men uud select failures for tho inlnutions. Instead of the deeds of the famil ies we have to rely upon hypocritical and de itive voids, carefully put toguther, to mean ythirjg or nothing. This is one of the worst ns ot the times, and the moral ul tho letters of I caudidutes. 4'ONEKnKKATE F1A KM. hh IAS Timti. rt'beu Mr. Mcmminger and his chief hit upon grand scheme, last winter, for the restoration the credit of the Confederacy, by the forcible aversion of the Treasury notes then in circula n into Government bonds bearing Interest, we ik tbe liberty of respectfully pointing out that Is was repudiation, pure uud simple ; that it ally destroyed the coiilldence of the 8outuorn ple in Confcdirute money; that the deprecia tt of tbe paper would become wore than ever; d that, though the new is,ue might not amount $100,010,000 while the old ono reached 00,000,000, tho new one would reach a lower iiit of worth lebunc.-s than bud ever been aincd by tbe old one. I'be matter was very simple. The Confederate usury hod Issued enormous iuautitiesof paper, nch was In use as the circulaiiiig mediuai, ami lieh keptdiaiini.-hiuK In value every day. Sj 1 lticbmond sages rushed to tbe conclusion it It was losing its purchnsiug power, solely cause there was too much of it ; Ilia, tbe conti nue, or want of conlideuce, ot the people iu its .unate reUtBiption, had notbin to do with its rchubiUB power, aud thai all that was needed 1 wake it worth com was I) cut dowu the uutuy. W bat lollowcd was a piece of legislation worthy Jlahouiey. Holders oi'curiency were old red con vei t all notes of certain denomination into ivcnuntnt bonds by a curtain day, 011 pain of a tdual lors ol Uieir whole nominal va no, bein ng with per ci nt. uud ending with 1 1 Ml. This, course, was simplo conliscation. It dlinln led the volume of tbe currency, it Is true, hut .ulned the credit of the Government. It was ry like the act of an individual who should rob i) holders of bis notes, in order to raise his sdit by diminishing the number of his out inding obligations. Of course, after this, the confidence of tho iblic was gone, everybody felt, as we predicted ry would feel, that holders of the new issue of .tea might be treated as the holders of tbo old hi weie treated. 60 no one wants to hold -m ; everybody who is compelled to take them Is rid of them as fast as possible, for anything ay w ill bring. AVe look this view of tbe mat- iu February last. Mr. Trenholm, the succes r of the unfortunate, Meinnilnger, begins to Le it now. He says In a letter to Governor nham, which we published on Wednesday : 'An all-pervading cause of embarrassment (I distre-s bas been the character of our lega tion. However patriotically intended, it is not be denied that the measures adopted by Con es for the reform of tbe currency, had the un ppy effect of Inspiring tbe public mind with ' hogs of fear and distrust as to the course that uld ultimately be pursued in relation to that Uof the public debt that Is represented by tbe 'usury notes. Apprehensions of ultimate ru 1 Jiation crept, like an all-pervading poison, into L nnnds of the people, and greatly circum I -bed and diminished the purchasing power of I notes. i 'There were many distinguished and patriotic I u iu Oongreis w ho earnestly believod that the iat, if not the sole, evil of tlie currency was to tound in its redundancy alone. Andrcason- ; from this premise, they interred that a cor I pondiog reduction of the large volume of the rcbasing medium would produce an luime. 1 f, rlcUon in the price of all aoloithle com- diUca. otbera entertained a different opinion, and be vlag Utut the purdiusing power aud value q( these notes bad a crlial and sensitive dpfrnd 11.ee tipon the conthlen and good-will of those who v. ere c alled 1111011 to exchange their substance for them, lnmrd lha a reduction of the .pun tity, by any measure that distiirt.ed the conlldan. ot the peeple In the good faith of tbe Oi.vem ment, uruMlrari to unirmal dtttrutt, and if,l qrrntu tit treitnttnn. -1 he msjor.ty wss. nnhapplly, found to be of the first opinion ; ami it must n .w be universal! admitted, I think, that the policy that prevailed was erroneous, nnd the consequences precisely such ns bad been predicted bv these who opposed It. I helnmien'O re.liinti n rtr cted bytli-tax ot thirty three anil one-thlrj per cent., levied iion the emreney, ami bv the prifess of eoni pu.MTy fiiMlmg, prixlnced very little ellect noon li e pin is ot coiumoditios. Kverj body regarded with dinriist n new i-vuu of notos of the same chniiictrr ns the ln-t, nnd resting for their sii 1 rt ns a ciMiiatiiig medium upon the same ji't di-e. which bud ended In the disappointment before." 1 he Richmond I'mminer says that "property Is now lower and money ehe iper In the Confedc taey thai they ever wi re before In any comnrv at any pirintl." If so, the notes must be prettv far gone, for it onec took five bnndrod francs 111 as klgimta in I'uiia to pay for a cup of Cntl' e. m kmmi or rut. "iiKtNnrHiM: ' The good old frigate llranrtjitrine is no more. "We speak of her now as a thing that is pist. Nobly bus she assisted in earning a reputation for the gallant navy of her country, nobly h is he stood the t st of years, nobly did she die freighted with the food for those who now light for her banner in other vessels, she was built at the Oosport Navy Yard in KJl, and was put in com mission In the year lV7,hy Hon. Jumps Mon roe, then Tresident ofthc I'uited states, to curry the Marquis de Lafayette from this country to France. She took fire on Saturday morning at 3 o'clock, nnd buined slowly until Monday. At the time of the outbreak of tho tUnies thorn were fix hundred men on bo ird of her, all of whom were sufely taken to the shore. It Is not learned in what manner tho frigate took fire, but it is mpposcd to bnvo been spontaneous combustion. Tbe burning bull on Saturday night presented 11 most magnificent appearance to those who had the good fortune to ituess it. All tho port boles wcro luricd with darting tlanics, while the black lOed wood work between them served to relievo the i.'.'ht, ana make it more striking to the beholder. Karlv on PfifCfJay evening tho authorities of tbo Navy Yaid atxTS'1'1''1 ' tittlo the frigate by filing 30-poundera at erhull, just below t:ie water-line, tshc, however, resisted even Iu her lust moments, nil attempts ut annihilation, and chose rather to die a comparatively natural death. It is impossible to estimate the union nt of loss suffered by Goernmciit by the burning of this vessel. She was lull of stores, her fro irht having liecn augmented by the addition of three schooner loads on Friday. Sorfalk t)id Dominion. The new comet was seen in England on the 1st of August, a little northward of the l'leiadus, and in a Hue with tho planet Mars. Tbe gTcal works which have for many years been going on to Improve Holyhead harbor are nearly completed. SPECIAL NOTICES. jgy- MABH MKBTINU, OUR COUNTRY SHALL BE ONE COUNTRY. Tlie supporters nf tho Union and the Constitution, frlsndsol onr prsient N.ul-mal and Stato AlrainUtra Uont. anil all lu favor of Ihfl m-nleutlou of the 1IUNRST, the AOL L, and tht 1'AllttuTK' ABRAHAM LINCOLN To the Presidency, snd the noble and self saerlitcln ANDREW JOHNSON To the Vice Presidency ; all who go for their muntry, n4 their whule eountry ; ll who gt i'ur n early aai I'EltMANEN'T PEACE, Tebcfrcujht akont by emshlnn the Ttcbclll.m of the In fsmoas traitors now waging an nnlioly war ngalnit onr Union and Government; and stl loral friends tf good government and free Uistltatlom.aro roiieete4 to inoet at iNii:xX':iviJi:iNCiJ hquaui:, On SATURDAY, the lOtb Iaat.4 AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M , Tensrtllie great ball which is thli fsll Uron over snd overtlirow all who 9)lnatlde wilh trsltor, ud would be wlUlrg to make a DISGRACEFUL ARMISTICE To divide and drttroy our glorious National Union. Tec following dlatloguishid Ooiitlemen wlU addresa ths saeetlug noa.AVOREW U. CUKTIN, Ilon.IlAMBt. 8 JUl'KINIlSlf, New York, lion. F. B. PF.NNIMAN.renimTlranla. linn CltAKLKH Hl'MNKK, MaaiaehuaetU. lion. W I I.I.I AM 1H M MM K, foanalvanla, H a. WILLIAM 11. MANN, H n.JAMM M. HCOVKL, hew Jersey, Hon.rllAKLKX UILI'IM, MOUTON McMICllAKI., Eiq , H011.CIIAKLKS (IIIIHOMS, DA MI L DOUliltKKTV, K., BENJAMIN H HKKWSTr.b, Ea., Hon, JOHN UK KUAN, renn, vivaria, Hon. JAMK i POLLOCK, Pennsylvania, Hon. JOHN M. Bl'TI.KK, IIon.CllAKl.KM O NKIL, Hon.l KONAItll MYKKH, Hon. WILLIAM I). EKI.I.KT, Hon.M Kl H.SKt.L THAI Kit, A. B. SI.OAHAktJt, Kaq , JOHN F.. I.ATTA, fcnq , WIIXIAM 8 l'lllkl K, Km., ProteatorK. W. M'MIAK. By order of Hie City Eeoullvo CommitUie of Hi" Na tional L uIkm Party. JOHN O. BUTI.EIt, e7-4t LLrni ut the fommlttAin Town MmUu. K$T CITY WOLN1Y, FOlMt Il"uNI)u' K D llullAri.. OHUl' Of Ihi tij ItOUIltT t-'ltJ WLOilllM- lon. No. 4li rilL Nk HirfH. L-utll furtlmr iitn-f , thf ommiitlnn will c mtlutie to Hi t'iTT BtK NTT OK KOl'R HCNIMCKI) mL 1. ARS lu All nn-rtiiu cr ilitetl ui'ou Hi UU gf thtcltf orflilUtliphia, whsMhtr I'lilutlntf ior me, two.ot Uir: i'urtUf furnULlUfr SuUttltutr. will rejlro U. lorUu Yfftr. n rr Two Yr. iAi lor Thrt Vur, tvt hor tof r. It. P. klSt., I'r.-H- it. lUibki r M. ltwiKK, 8cr'Ury. i j trt DKAFNF.SS. N01SKS IN THE UKAD, T lilt OAT MSEASLH, CAT Ai It It. Tom who tuffer from thsin Dildfea hv nowth vttrj lit oj.tKtriuiilty f..r flndmir rlif. Tho mpirtu. e-ntruftrd ly It. VON llOMC it.lK k,U In unauuhiuair lit nuv'tt irfotl.r MfTttCtlr agent vr hroJ for Trhui UietwAtol ihujisrtuo to which It it (llrouioJ, and wrJl fAtlnjf M with woiidttrrui rspWttT. Th allUcuu it IiauiUm. OlOco, o. (rt7 WALNl'T 8trut. TK STI Mi S I A 1 A To Hie Ieaf. Tr. V"B MolthiUker, Aurilt, No. 10J7 Walnut iut, 0iratfd nioct luccuraUy oa my ar, rvalorlng me to arfrct baarlof. I eulrtrrd frKii what ibo pliyalwaus callaU a tliickwliw of thr drum of the aar. WILLIAM CltANK, lluildnr, nentdrnee. No. IMS S. UeconU lUvt. Phlladalihla, Auk.i.tg, lo..l. Pan Aiai.i'HiA, 2.'-ih JiHie. IM4. Thli It to fortify, that fr four yf am 1 wai troubled with an offensive dieoliarve, aveobipanl.l wilh dtafneea. I liitve baen traalwl by nu maroua byaiciana wltnout re. aivlns any ttwu ni. Home nioaitia ano 1 aiplld 10 lir. Voa Moicbxlakar, who use aMoBiili.bed a berleei sure. JOHEPII flnoEMAKF.R, Of the Arm of BhoeinaSer 4 Ttadal, M.r h.inn. No.il44 N. Uroad lUteU rrivato reildence, Ko. "It Ortaa iuit. ti e.-Tir. VOM MoHCHZIKKf It can be eonmHedoa all stalaillta of the Cya. The hi KU1CAL oporallou 10 ma lore 81U11T skilfully wrfomud. 0, No. 107 WALNUT 8lrot, Wbera huadrodiof lUiuliir Wallmoulaii ai iho above eaa bo ajtaaalnadu aus-tf DEAKNKR8 AND BL1NDNKS8. J, leaaca, M !., rroSaeeorof the Eyo and Ear, treats all dltoaaaa apporialnlDg 10 the above- aauwo. UMtaban waa Ilia otiuoal aaceeaa. Taatianoaiala from ilia moat retflablo aoureea In Uve eiiy and euuntry ta bo etv as hie Omoa, Mo. til PIIF. SiraM. ArtliKial t-yes UiMrhal without paia. Koohacaet Bade tor aianiiitaoon. Orfloo hxtais from to UaVM.Iteir.al. Xo,aiima8IMex u)-ai AUCTION SALES. M ACKPY'R AUCTION K00M3, No. 32 WANTS. WANTKH TO RKNT, ON OU r.KPOKI? ILjl th llrt ol i .rttjiiT. a mislltnn tipj ai,,rt, wait a trood di cellar. aullHl.le fur a wholonle w nnli..inp ami f litt ti.... i,ml n.-rt'i f Cli-nut lnel preferrrd, Kent Horn tlin r (n six hiimlrcd .tollata. ,ddrc . wh II rt . "t I'.vcnlnff Telf ritp!i Otn.-t. AM I D, WANT1.1). Wotth KOll CIHe.1 LAB AMI JM A l v.tvtit'r., nAViiison ori I'fl.ll I rra'j Murine Kallwav a 1,1 hll Van! UKAl ii, above IIANUVI'.K Hlraot, , . K'lolnaiton, '-' Philaili-lplila. 'IllCl l All AM) JIO SAWIvi V EXFCM l'.P WITH HKSI'AII II, l)n rrae"tmhli' tenn, AI VtMH SI'V, I-AVtriHON CO. , Tenn 1 rcalv Marine Knllwav nnd Hhlp nr, i.. "I ACII.aNn.. tv,,VKIt Sirvri, .." J71 h en. Intl. m, I'liilml, ipnla. ff WANTED TO lll'.NT. A Kt'ItMSIIKI) IJ "",""' a private fiiruily. Addrevi J. II n. vt "'". ' a..A tf 'I' K A M T i: K W ANTED. t'lllMf gi ami; "Hi-erK' Orn.-i, liviiTi- Wiii..r.v, . . . . liro.;.., II I'., Alien. I IS. Wit. Waitavl. at re. Ftvr. II '' 1 0l u , , ,, Till. I .IMII"'I TK4MN1RH8 r.-h i a,,t.V ol drlv Inv wnh .ip,i,. ,,,! niAimIpe t inulr I, aim. lo.uehwlio are vmiieli-ni to peri,,riu thednlr, the PAv per iii.mlh. will be tMrly m e ta .im d,,lari. n'h one raiv e per ,lav, an,l h,..pli,, privll, gov In, ludiiM the beat niel-ra, AvrenSntic wl.i n ul, k. M,'o ep.r,pnr, ,l at l ,ii;..a Miuirrt will reeih e in h po.it , ,n., uikd brliiHing to una point twouty Uve (i',l H Tai'itlr.. Acpivto ( aptein clH.n TOwPKtN.4. A ) M r H. A ...rner ol TW 1.5 1'Y Mil l in I) anil 1 1 Su-i alt, Wa'.li tliKton, l. l', 1. II. Rt'CKKR, Krlrailier Ovncral and Chli l ijuaitrnia.lvr, "18 Iwuot ol vva.liingt,,n. FOR SALE AND TO LET. C, l'-OU S.M.K. Jt.V),fK)0 WOIIT1I IN GOOD h limn. a, laeenn,l tnmll, oa tenni to iuit urclia.eri, nli'T with or wli.orn Incwihratire, for r.uh and g oU tralr. tnoiirre of, from n tv li u alnck A M T1ID8. M. PLOWMAN, .No. jn; 8. FOl'BTII Blreet, I OSTTIUS MOKNIXO-A TAIItOK O0I.I1 I i Fye tlla..ei, amiu'whero In F.ighth itr,'et, between M.irti t and Ar, li ; prnl al.ty left , in the counter In one of the imrcH on Unit ,iiare. A liberal repaid will tie p. ltd bv Irnvlug tlum at Ihu nfttco. iep 7 Jf s1L1Taniddry goodTjobbers. 1 ;i)WIN HALL .V CO., No. 26 S, SECOND STREET, Are now Opening their Fall ami Winter IStock of SIMCH, 1 )US (lOOUS, SIIAWI.H, CLOTHS, .to.. afoit of which Are of their own importation, vrhtleealo ana Retail buyen are Invited to examine our to, k. seiltufru'lt FALL. ) HTOCIC FALL, jxoir n store. EDMUND YARD 4 CO., Noa, 617 Chesmit and 014 Jajue Streets. IMT0R1F.H8 AMI JOBBERS Or SILKS AND FANCY DKY GOODS, SIIAWI.H, IilNKNH, ANU WIIITK GOODS. I.AK0K AND HANDSOMK STOCK OK DRKSS GOODS. IX1.L LINK OF FORKIUN AND DOMESTIC JIAIJ,101t,Vl.H, iNcTGDiNu auJO-ras HBUNKB'8 AND OTHER MAKES. 101 I'HKHNOT HTKKUT. I'lMItHOIDIltliaS, LACES, WHITK GOODS, V K I L S, 1 1 ,v in H li i ;itci 1 1 1 : i-t. E. M. NEEDLES. 10'o CIIFSNtTT S'l'itT:KT. It 17 N NO U I FJ K I I I- We refsM the nonry, If dot (red, for tvry lot of 8hkt which fall la aay reepect. FINE BHIRT8. CUT LKNI1TH WIflK OF MUS1.IS. Made of Mew Tork Mills Muilln, and vary las Llaoa Boaoais. Only l-73. I'.ual prloe tiVM. WUUamaTlIU MUla Muilla, and flno Unon Bosoms, Only I -SO Umal prke 1-.0. OKNTLEMKN'S FUUNISHINQ GOODS. HMITI1 A JACOItH, mys-4n No. 1440 CI1LHNUT ittraot. . HAiV SKIRTS UOQ W.n.uiclirj , So.n.'s AK II 'In-.'t. Uw rttiiHiu-JHiiAs riii-,.li ami It.-Ull. fiii.t utplv'it ii avirtiu nt ul .aJ -., HlMen, ftni t'tilltirrn'f. II m Hiu tl lit Hie city, lit vvry rutpot t ltrt t'nc. will, d itr i le, ttuKh, unrutiility, nJ li)i'iie, linvt-1 u .''luiil iu ilic ijmiktt. Miu U iiiu'le Lu wid T.uiicied, nnd re phi ceil . 14 ly WM. T. U'J4KINH. i;i.EGANT GOODS FOR IsAUIKS. JUST .1 4 utelvfd, lri.t aiut fiperlor lut of Mn- Ktftifb Worked htiidt, id'oDi-i KilKinni a-Til liiivrihii, Thnkad Ut Infunt WtUata, Mflr-ll HfHt,1. .li, u fclt'Kunt Brorlmftit of llniidtoruf Lare 1'i.UtTBlciJ ,f, and fin Ifil l.are ltuit. Joat arrived fruiu H w Tork, by Intuit ItuportUiloni pr ttvuiiivr. and at ntr'Bly low prlQcu. Wri. . A. SoYK, Nu. Mttt ARCH Ar-t, Thrv Uvon aliov Lufuti atruct. Mil S . M . A . BINDER'S TKMPLK r Oh'AHIHOK, KO II KM NUT HTKKKT. (randOpaiiititf.Hopteiuhfrl. Parla, l.omiou, ft4 Vew Ti ik lauUiotift, Jiut received, II r nlm Ynr l-del uf ail itm reliable and lateat I'arlg d-iIkus, f..r llu-g and Chil(r'U't lire, armiu-fd and elt-antly trluunt-d, an as to prvitat tue mot perfevt rviviubJaMuu to liitj oriiftuMl an kit . i'aurni of pmmnal, Errnlnfr, Ibime, I) tidal, and 'au y irc. era; aiu, l laki, llmitk-i, Wrtiti, Jtii-liKta, Hl-)ve, Ayir.iil, Harks, C apes. Ktde dJ ritttutlirtt, lmUr nttrwi'tiit, 4c, and every itle A fcarmeut atUpted to lioyn, Miajei, and lnfauti, that hae any dutta (ur itlmr novelty or otiJity. all act-n rawly is.prolmt'd In Tlame l'aper a a thy are uttered althur In Purisor Lon don. lrf and L'louk making m all hrt.ni lie., and i.ir ret t Ut warntntcd. Outtnig and Itaatlng, Krviich t-latw frtraal CudM-lii . Mine. Imo.-t Ukaru, P.l. Hhi.-U., r. i.rh OureeU. llwcki,i:j,Cti'l,aui giMrterly Mirror i l aahiuu. aul-wfoilai TBE HEW MUSICAL 0ABD3 (ratronlird liv tbe Royal Family of England), are sent by uoitfi THHEK HUM. AIM. Tli.y are a atoit aiauilug pamnie, and IMC Muilcal Time iiuiwhar thauauyoUwr aawtiutd. 'A Meet Inter nihil and clever fume." Tint's. "Admirably aJapied fur WcUn atmlcal iuan. "filial troied Londoa Nfroi. AJdr.i. A, eUKi.t.So.fti W.TaiRTYiXTn Btroot, " IvU Uu-ila sroo! HI 001 n'M", i ! OTKRL lORTRAIt l't Of 'IKSVR f, M.ci I'LL AN. !'. 'to. iJ( tir (IFMr-.lttl. 'HtWT. "o. do. 1 Hit Or PIIK4.IIIKMT LtN ll.N. Seal hi mall an fc .pt of prir e. O. W. IM TOII K 1 1, """t Mo. mt CIlKsmtT Street AMEEICAN BAKK-NOTE REPORTER. TIIK ONLY BANI NfrTR HKPOJITER IN I'lllLAni'.I.rillA. riMII lailKIt WhKKLT. Ttieo'yor,f-cflalt,iiiroTATIONH of ItanV NUe lii KOI l; t'lrir.ti.vir: Pint, tnm.piii.v, I.I,rililtr, NKW YORK , fi kcisina ri. Ti.o mi:., ere wMch oontalm the NATIONAL HANKS S fat an 0,'cwlcd (official Uit). Tlie tc'p otie which eontalna tlie I1KNKKAL lu.,. C'Ot NT In KHJHT1.KN CITIRS, Vl: rHM.tTr.i.pin v, tVA-lll Nil li IN, Ki'H.HI KK, 11 I I MltiKll, (illCAIHI, M IIIHt'F., IIAI.TIMOHK, I LK.VKI ANI, AL1,AT, TROT, ar t.oi'ia, HAVKNI'iiRT, NK.V T' IKK, ( INI'INNAII, WILMtNllTClN, ST I'AI'L, i.nriivii.Lr, MiLWAUKKK. Tlie oiilf one which loe the earlleat laforiiuaioa of NKW t'lHINTP.P.PKIT HOTF.., IO:i.sllt: il.VKKKTS, RTOfK TAIII.Ktt, AND riNANl'IAL NI'.WS. Tbo ra, liitiei of tlie AMERICAN BANK-NOTE REPORTER, H0TU FINAti 1AL AND TYIDtiBAI'lIII', ALU VNK'Jt ALKD. m r-H.'i:irnoN (n;K annvmi, ih aivanck. Weekly $300 I 8eml Monthly '4-30 Mouthly IIV.O. Ot t It K, No. 101 8. TUIltD BTItEET, (tlilrd floor). aa1'1:eh, h. i;. COIIKN, runLiaiiER. aiill-lm JOSKl'H nUKTY DKSIRKS TO IN 1 1 form her rnendi that etie bae remored froio Ho. 407 t'lllwUNt T Htrs.t to No. JH s. ftn ltTll StrevL "1IASK & Hl'l TY'S NKW HLANK BOOKS ' and sti latlonery, No. tt . ful lltll Htnet, Oi'euea To-Poy ' KN 1'IN K AUNOLD'S WRl l'lNO FLUID J and Copying Ink, direct from Iii,Ioii at t'HAHK , lll'KTY' New lUajik Hook and -Slatl wiry Hur. No.'.ia. roiiura niroet. ON THK I1I.OCK cr Ahrt," wa capi AIK-KHNNKIl " rRIN- Fair rrlc Cay I'apor, a portion of which it for a'c at tiMsr, a min i n how Rlank ltN)k and Htilnrr Htor. o. M (.TOUU runirett. )IsANK HOOKS OK EVKKY DKSCIUP. J ' thn ua hand, or made to order, at a rn ill advance mi old irk', at I'bAHK A IIUFrVf ew II lank lWk ang sttttlnnrry store, Ntf. 'It A. roVKV I i titreet. Til ANY OK THE OLD VAUIV.TIKS OK X I Letter, Cap, and Note Paper, much superior to tiioao uf Uter iuauula lure, can be had at chamr iirrrvd. lSew hlaatk Hook and Atatlonery Ultra, (Ol.) TKNS AND VKNriL8 TO SUIT AM. oreiterenoes, and warranfced Trr one var, can be bad at 4'IIAHK A IH TV H New 11 lank Hook and Miailon Tt Ntorn, rollKTII Street. Q I'KR CENT CAN BE SAVED BYPUR ) chaiing Tour Siaiiunerr at ciiASK a iiurrvn Heir Ft lank Hunk anJ Htatiotrr Htnre, an 0-lin No. ti H. t'OUKTM Htret. gg THOUSANDS OF TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. Taiert applied tot, Mr new InTcntl-m, g D-util Re venni.lt- H If aJjUstliibf Hafety Talved lulmltT, for admin lateitop Mtrcin f nldo 0n, and eitracting tc'th witlieut mta. Th only mtMo fttal the Uai eau be properly and eii'ly uilruiaUtered. UR C Ij. MUNNS, guST-l'-ft No. 731 8PKUCE bTBKET. JyJEDlOINAL COD LITER OIL JOHN C. UAKeii & CO., Ho. Tit M A KK ET HlBEKT, are now rcculvlriK tht Ir BiippUoa fresh from the MuheriM. The anpi-rlorliy oi their OIL la every rcpect, baiKlnei for It a reputailua nd aalc beyoud auy othur found lu the market. To maintain It, they are determined to tnpply an article that mnv be entlrvly relied on for freihnei and purity. Ho' lestlinonlalit ol I'teftsaaore of Mtxllr at Colli-gei. an 11 JI31UWI A.. HOUDKHACO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS. DOCK HTItHHT WIIAHK, PKILA.DKLP1IIA.. BTvWl VD A. ani'DKKa I 4 it HiHAi.it on rr, a-tf j; X T U A LARGE NEW HERRING. l(4j baiTfU prime large new ahore BorrlnK. Vow liiiidlflg from tbe gU'amer"Haien." :u'y, berrvli siue. 'io anlvo hy tht- KcliooucrM. M. Froemart,' AjiiI lur stilt )y KENNKKY. HTAIR1 A CO , ae7-3t .No. 1 to and m H WUAKVK. N TEW NO. 1 MACKEREL. Win l.arroli. im ii jiuivea, ,vo quarters, 11.41 kills lie" So. IMai-serel. Now lamlliiK r,,in Hleaiiur ".Saon," anil aohooaere "(Jliira,' aiid' Abbot I.a rfiici- " fol ala by KBNNKHV, STAIliS CO., o-:it -So. l.uiaml l:u N. Wll,ll t;8. CI O V F K E AND RASPBERRY. ALEX. J Mll.l.Ut k CO.. Proprietors of tli on! Government I'HKi' var.li java rii 1 KK, have kemoved their place of ljtiilnt,.i (rou No HIS N. HrconS Ktrvet to No. Ml Akl'H Htrwt, wuwe thr ar nrepaiail to nil all ordere at tlie irtorifit aotire wlimk tn tul.llo lunr favor th.in with. Thftr i'oiree le.aa uaual.tli. oat la Uie luakft, Tber alio have tho boat iiAHrnhiiMY Hrmii Uiat le mannfaeiand la Uie cl'.j.lAll at loweit prices, eoa a iiItIui; tl,u lilrli ptlree ol Mulenal. I'leaii i;ive them a call bror purt-baamR elaewtire. 1h not forgt Uie humbvr. auis-lm No. 2a AKI 'll Rtnt. rARFF.T8, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND J Wlooow Bha4eM, from New York Auction ealea, (illahlly wet.) M.iajllcciit Hruamli, wlile, $1 ai, 1 .17).,$rw) anil 17; Imitation llrumali, (iialnlwl,) wuie, 70, mu aud uti eanw li t auu Vi 4 at orooor tlonate prlfwi ; In.peiial 'ar,.ota $1 n; to $1'76 per yard: Intiraln, Irom fto feats to Sl'lUH ; Venoilan, UaK, and ilrjup, from STH to 76 centi per yard; Matllua, th. Iari.'t aiiortuent aver otTeri-d In rhiladi'lptila, froia ITH, to7tc.nl. a yard, at tl,a N.w Yert Aurilon Ha , la. pot, (loniierU Hlw,V.w ..) No. Ul H MI.COM HUaot. Ilrit door abofs Waliiattoppoett i'wn Kachaa-, )y7-am CWURTY'8 TEA W AREIIOt'SK. ESTA J MlalHKt In 10UO. Iniporti'r and liealur la S'lu l eaa, Wliiea, and Llquora, Choice Havana Clsara, Croat a niacawell a Pluklas and rlaaoas Ergllii and BcoUb AM and I'oner, Canned Mean, rrniU, Aonp, iM. JT.TT Mcsaat tt OP WHh earo, ' At. Ufl fT.CO SV Street. aM lT JO.-.UU A U. COU8TT. DATIaNTED JULY 19, 18C4.-J 0 S E P H L MOTTr.r, Kleve de Paris, t'runrn ist.aia liyelnf aud MeolirliiK on any kin, I 01 weailns unnarel, lor Lldlee, llunt and I hdilren. 1'ateut aiiaratui i'jr itreti-ti'.nf taiita fn in one to Ave iiKliei. No. 73S KAIU Mlreet. rauail ilo. A . MNTU Hum, flllUdelpbla. auS-3ia Q vr.r.n of beavty. white virgin 1 u of AnUllea la the most .erfert preparation of tlie atv. lul beaalir liif, whlltnirik'. anJ prenertliuj th. eomilxlon. It li aak ftosi pur 'White Was, henea Its xtraotilmiinr uuallue. for preiervlnf the akin, nkln It sort, smooth, fair, aud un.,reiH. It riu-ea ehapiwd baudior liiii.reinova pliaplei. A. Prlc ;Ai and 80 hiiii. atauufaclured only Iit HI NT CO., I'crfunwrs, No. kl B. KlUbTX fit., S doors abov ch.inut, and aulA-ln Ji.Wl Bk,VN iH hum. GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATKJU HIA.SU AI FAKATU4. Fur tfariulnl aud Vaaiilatlns Public liailJliisi and frv val. naeirtenreSt VlWnZui'TD WATFR-irsjATINO conAjn vm rwLav j R9 p W0OT4 170.41 H rOUKTM Htnvi. k-6ra B. U. riXI WALL. BuoerlnlasKliaraV T0 61IIPCAPTAIKS AND OWNERS. 1,-Tli. aaoer.ljahavUs laaaad th KENH1NIA. luN HKtW HOCK.lMtito aaairia hie rrianda and ah. paUMBiolth Ixck.that h Is prepared tk luenaaod facUiay a loaocoatiiiodai. those banns voiaala to rJa4 or raltd, and btlna a racUeal ihlu.carpnur aud caulker, ol ! PriiJ MleuUoO W lul Taaaeis . tniHled to hiln tor repairs. Cantaiai or Agemi, Sklp.rarpentois, and Machinists hau iiuels to repair, are aollolled lo call. Hailuf Ihe satney Ut tl lale ot " Weuentadtl' Patent MetaSiv loiupo.ilioa," of CoppM Paint, for the prwerv.. tloaol v.. ..li' lwlBi,r that city, I an) prepared o ruraicb Ui aaiue va utves at wrms. , ,rtr, Itenallwton Hcraw llot'lt. OiU-tf DsUvart .vsaus.aiivr Luti iuhC JORTH 0 11-2 A. It CltUBK GOLD AND EILVES MIMIINS COMPANY, C.ILriN COl'NTY, COLORADO TERRITORY. TruBtcpai Hon. JOHN A. MIX, Hon. EDWARDS riRRRWPONT, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Ksn., T. D. HUNTING, Esq., A. O. BODFISH, Kmu., Coloraitn. l'roslilcnti Hok. JOHN A. 1)1 X. Tri'iiHii rnr JOH.PII FRANCIS, l.s. 4JOl 11H1 I CHARLES K. BLAKE, Ei. Th properly of U 1. eompaay eonilile of T!n feet a lhe".r,nnd II, ," "lln-Ktiry No f.'' "H nni iai, ' "( a cord," and oilier relebrat'-d drv.lopeil Oold-bearin Ixide In Ihe trillion dfitrlrt of Colorado. Alio, the Hen lerwa Mill, now runnlni, and In tollent ordrr. Capital Stock $1,000,000. Whole Number Sbaree 100,000. Tar, $10. A larae ponion of the itx-a hae atre a-ly bew tafca hjr irlvat uln rlitltin. ltK are now oeon at ihe tlloo oi thn company, at No. ! Itnaver ntreitt, Hvw Yr. win-re a UmltMii nutntM-r of herj ran h utterttel fir ai par, by l'plfiiiR to tee 1 rniifr of the uetuuany biweeu the hour, ot lo A. M. and J t. U rupit-H ot the rruiie-tei nay be obtained at the nfTV-e o the 1 mpany. B),iH liu C UUTION. OEIEUTAL DETEESIYE BOAP. Thli favorite Soap Ii now over yen years In uee uf st leaat One HDndrcd Thousand Families In Pennsylvania aln. It la Dade upon entirely new principle, of parflK-tlf pur araterlali, and alwayi la the sara. way. ltd away with the uee of a Waih-board, and wis wa.li twle ai tunchclothei with two tfairdi leu labor than aay othar Buap mad lu Ul tailed Statee. IT8 GREAT POPCLARITY Hai Indaced several bralnleia ioaptnakere to imitate R la appearance only, and, hy offering great inducement, t. unprincipled dealers, put their apnrloui ar trie on th mar act on th. Inst reputation acquired by onr lterilv. Thoie deilring to I'.rcliai our tap slio.ld eajnuio and see that OUR NAMK AND TllADb' MABK Is stampeil upon ETF.ltT POIND ofthe Soap bcforctliaj lake It. VAN HAQE5 & MoKEONE, '."i-lm rilll.AlisiLPHIA. KL.AHTIO HT1TOH HKWINO M A O H I N E H, THE BE8T IS UBS. pan No. 730 WIEHNUT Htrwnt, WAI'E" TO SKI. I, OB KXCUANGK, IT Elliptic R.wlns Maehina. Thellrovrr A Baker Hewing Machine, Tho Nlnser do, And all th principal Rawing Machines. All iurnUhd from their prlnciiial ofneea. Alao, all kinda of Hecond-nand Machines, Ibr Hsiaaad Itcpairwl at lb new olflce ef UiAVFNR rAn,KNK, .So. 1( M. KIliriTll Htreet, (Over tan years with glower Co ) Ladles tanght to oparau. )al4-lia 1TVH COTTAOK OKCJANH, Kot only rinsCFI.I.EII but lTNF.QtMI.LKJ In purllf ofToneand 1'or.er, denaned e.peclauy for tlhnrohea aod Nchnoli. but liinid to be .iiall- well adapted u tho farlor and lira, lug Itoom. for .ale only by at. M. Blirc. Ko. W N. HEVKMIII Htreet. Alia, a complet. a.iortueut of the l'ricl Melodooa comtantly on hand. aulu-ltu D I A. M O N D M. Persons having Dlamondi or other Precious Stones It dispose .f will do well by calling on LEWIS LADQMIia & 00., Diamond Dealers ana J ovrelert Tio. BO'J CIIE8NUT Htroet. Wti wlH glr th highest caih prle. auls-Iaa JA M E H HAH BBIl'H SHUUIIIJ A WD ESTAIL CLOCK KSTABLIBHMENT, I. K. corner BKCOND and CI1B.SSUT tmu, Pbllad'a. AQSNUT Stia THK rATKNT F.QTAL1Z1NO TUIIiTY-DAY CLOCK 8, A nry deelrabi article for Church, Hotels, Banks, Coutuig-Iloiie, farlnra. Ao. Alao, MAN I IA' Tl KKK UF FINC (10I.D PFH8. i K8 ItEPAIKKU AND W AKKAM I aU. Jlt-Iylilock TrUuuilmta of every deecripuoa "Y'M. A- GRAY, N. E. CORNER OE SIXTH T ami MINI lit Htreeti, buys lliauionda, Watches, Void, Blivar, and Loan 1 1ckete. IHOriti IN WAST OK MONET CAJ.L. AU buslnees confidential. auld-Sol JIKMOVA L.. J. MELEU & nROrilEIl, MKKOHANT TAILURH, Have removed from Vo. l'J5 N. Reoond stroot to the R. K. corner f HKUONUand AKCII ritrerti. wlier they bave OB bund a good atuek ol l.'l.OriH. CArt.lUKtK, and TKDTINOR. lailWIia Also, a aplvadid uiortutuntof ready made CLOTHING. 1 E M O V A I,. THOMAS M. FLOWM AN, Ji Cnrro'nter and Itullder, hae rptnova.1. hla ihnp irein o H hlrawherry lmt to No, l.'l CAK I I M ntrl,ad IoIuiok tl,e old Pint Oillto llnililiitii. llaviiiK hiLTa.t.il lauilillr tor carrvliiK on the lnliiee ktenilvely, ha li' noa to receive a ihare of publli: patronas. jar 1UKN8' COTTAG E. L) 1 hi. aver HiMtlar. oo.y, and well-known pluceof we Home vi.liatloa. at the K. K. conmr ! alXrll unl MlXilt Htrrcte. is d'dns a mo.t thrivl' bailuois, oudt-r Uo au.ple.-e and imiuwdiate .upervi.lon of A DHI UAL JAMKH .SKIHON, raupitisrwu The AduiLrat iparee neitbor lime, money, aor attention tosu.plj his patroui with tli. rholceat VTi.oiaud Liiiuori, snd luperlor Naotcb aud Old Btirtk At. on drsusht, which cannot b (quailed In Plilladelnhla. Let every Di an who btvee tils couutry and la food of a gOkd drink, give the Admiral a cii. aum-lia 1;lourishing hotels. amoxust the Jl public hniines In and around Philadelphia, there arc uon. to eurpaia tbo new "TONTLNK," In HKVEN'f II Street, above CUCsNUri or. th old and w.ll known "HOI 1111 H lintel, at the comer ol NU KfOWN Una and TOWNSIIII- LINK Hoad. Mr. I.KiiHiiK W. KOI.L k Proprietor el botli, wlili h le Indeed asurnci.nt gnaran for Uieir entire iuu en. Tho very beet ot every Ihlax et able cud blbible will o found tl uai.h place, aud.uoiwuh. itundlbg the tluiee are out of hiu. lb mm. will b qlt low. A iplcnUiU LuiKa try u.ty, from 11 lo U o'tWk. au-liu 1 1 OOrEIl'S ALE VAULTS, S. E. C0RNi;R Jl 'IHIKD and l HKSNI'T Htreetv, V.VllBIt VKITKK KI A'IBS TKLKUHAPII OFFICE, I KMMTAM H (11.1) 8TANH. TBE fOOISST AMI HKST ALUS IN THE CNTY. 0L1 illlAMHKS, VV1HKS, (.INN, WIIMKira, CAI 1IOIINIA ANU CATAWIIA WlSlttt. AN Ii UKAM'IKH, I NiM.IBII, IKISII, BCOH I, AND AMEItU.'AN ALU ANU HMUW.M HUH T. This feWbraled Ud itand having baen rcnMAAtftd an! tlioroutliiy reiltted, with oa of tli nueat etot k. of Alea and thole Lbiuori la th rlly, th proprl.un Invltei th. pub ic lu glv Luu a cali, ewindeut ulilliS tlielr aj provai au23-lua gBIDESBUBQ MACHINE W0EX3, OFFIOE, XVO. OS XV. FllOIVT raTlltUsOTe raiLADIXPIIIA. W ars Jrepared to fill orlrg lo aAJ extent ltf oat 0 IUV.B MACMMRT FOB COTTOM AJID WOOLU MILL, Inalodrngall raoeat Impravements la Cardlajl. Bumniaj. aod Weavlna. w lavit, Ui attenttua of macnAtotorart to oar ilUav MU U ALI'XUiD JKNKU at BON. FINANCIAL. Q 1 I, O O Li D, O t lj i. BILYER AND UAWK NOTM WANTED. DE HAVES & BROTHEB, n' 'f . o b Tmm BTnittT. Li A II It HON at CO., UANKKHH, Ho. 121 8. THIRD 8TRP.ST, ruiLADtxriiiA. n.vrment BeeunHI of all tains PorrbaeM and Ibf Bala. Btocks, Bonds, aad Gold Bought and Sold oa Com mlwloa. IltTP.BEST ALLOWT.D Ofl DBrOSrTB. rolleraeni Pmuptly Made. r-tf Jy'KW rxAP. NKW LOAN. U. S. 10-40'". JAY COOltK . CO., OFFRR FOR RALE TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, PKARiaa mi pbb crirr. turrKruT m cow, redcemahle any time aftor Ttl TRAKR, at the plaaem of IA. Umrnaent, aad payabl FOBTr TBAJtS aftar dau. BOTH COffTOK AMD RKrimTERirt BONDS are smed for ibla Lain, of ajn. deBAoaiaaUoa as the A-fO's. ThelMr1 on tso s and (100 s parable yearly ,0. al other deaosalaarJons, hah yearly. Th. 10-4 bonds- are dated Marea 1, ISO. Th half yaarly lataroet falrlrui da ReptMakar let aad Marok 1st of aoa year; a Mil 1st Sep. Mnkr. ta asened laurel from 1st f Marb U raqutn lo s pal ay perehaien hk isaaa onaaaaor, aantng any par oent. rnr prsmtam, until further aottaei A1XOTBU OOVItBNMRMT BStCUKITIKa) BOUOBT Al aou. JAY 000KE h 00., BbW-ur Ho. 114 8: TH1KI) frTRnr.T. CMITH A llANDOLril, o. 16 B. THIRD BTRBKT, UANKKHH ANU UKUKKHS. Bperl.ltooks,qaanrauutars' Toocbars and Ohaoaa.and all Qovsmeat Rocorltles BonaM and Bold, rahll CO., UANKKHH. No. SO 8. THIRD BTRBKT, arrr am sau, OOLD, iIl.VF., AJID OOVEHNMEjn BECUBITIB8. B T O O K a BOUOHT AND SOLD ON COMMIBHIOR. Imhlt TOCKH AND HICUllITIlirJ B0UGL1T AMD SOLD ON OOMMIHSION, DE HAVEN & BBOTHES, So. HO 8. TUIRO 8TRKET. M-tf r' R E A S U R Y DEP ARTM ENT,. Auocsr It, 1W4, XOTICE TO IIOL1IKIIH OF TIIRKR VEAH8 8KVBN. TlllinV OTK8 DATF.D OCTOMEK 1, IHdI. D.ilders of Seven-Thirty Kot, dated October 1, are h.rrhy notlled Uist they mas' bs presented Imme diately, la say amount, to b exchanged for Sit Per Cent. Bonds falling due after June .10, ltMI. Th lalerest on lb. Sev.n-Thlrty Motes wlU bs settled p to date of maturity, October Land th Hit Por I enl. Bonds will bear full coupons from Jily I. The itdjnitment of lnler.it will be uisds by deducting from the amount of Inlerrit found to be dn on th Sevan Thirty Notci up to October 1, the bitortot accrued on the Six Pin Cut. Bonds from Ju y 1 to Octobor 1 ; the baiano will b tranimlttcd by Ui. Treaiurer's cola draft liu me diately upon settlement. Th. fullawlng rogulstlona In relation to endorsement muit be carefully obierved : Wtirt notes tranimltted for settlement were Issued payable to order, and ars held snd tranimltted by the orlirtaal owners, they mttet b emloriedbv thara.'Tav to the Secretary of th Trea.ury for rsdomption,'' and bonds will Is.u in their nam., rYhrnote payabl. to order ara held by other parties than tlie original owners, the notes muet have th endors mentof tlieorlginul owners.aud also bndorned bytb. preaeet ownari, "Pay tv th Hecretary of tbe Treasury for redemption." for uotes Isiued iu blank, endorsed 'Pay to th. Secre tary of th Treasury for redemption," bonds will be lasued to tbe parties tranainlltiog them, aud - In such maauor as they may direct. When notee are endorsed or Irauimltud by an attorney, adtnlnlitrstor, executor, or other agent, they must be accompanied by a duly certified copy or oertlrlcat of the authority under which ke acta ; and In all can's by a letter Haling the kind ( reglitend or coupon) and the denomina tion of Ui Hla Per Cent. Bondi wsuted In eiehanue. Whan Hciil.lered Ilondi are ordered, parties ahould atats st which of the foil,, wing places they wlah the Intoreit paid, viz.: New York, Philadelphia, lloiton. Hah I more, 2tew Orleans, Chlcugo, 81. Loula, or Cincinnati. w. p. rtasusiirN, auDO 3w Becrotaey of the Tra ury. XITED STATES IXTERNAL REVENUE. Pint Collocllon District of penniylvaala, eompriiln the RiK-ond, Third, Fourth, Firth, sixth, and Klevcnth Ward! Ol the City of Philadelphia, NOTICB. TL Annual Aiaeiimeut for lievt , for the abnve-nnm.il lltiict, of pvrw.nl llabl. to s tax on Carrfsitei rU'curo Yichu, llllllard Tables, and Cold and Silver Plate, and alio ol imraolia riUired to tnke out LUsnica, having beau completed, MOTICK IR IIF.RF.BY tHVKM, That th Tsxei arorenaid will be received dally by tho undenigned.belween tbe boon ol 9 A.M. ami ;l P. Hi, (Sundays excepted,, at th oinco. No. mu CHKSNLT f street, tijond rUior. on and unex'l ill k.mias, September i Land unUl and In, l,l,n MATt' kllA V . Mauu-U.b Hi. I euiuing. I; PKNAI.IIH8 p. AH parinn who fallliipay ILelr AnniiulTaiciiiponL'ur rlawea, pit naare yachu, billiard table., gold and ill or plate,. onorbt'orthei4tli day of Septombar, latH, will incur a. psnalty of tea piir centum aiklitioual of the amuuut tbareol'. snd be llabb) to coiU.aa provided tor iu luu linh Beclluu of tli Excli Ijiwi of July 1, Im.3. All periuuswho In like saaivner shall mil to tnks out tlielr 11. emu, as resulalertby law, on or before th iUh day of Sapteiubcr, lm4, wall lucur a penalty of ten per centum additional of th amount thereof, snd be subject to a prosecution for thre. timet tbe auviunt of said tax. In accordance with the prcviak.nl of tli. Wlh tectloa of tlw law afoMiald. AH payments an retired to be made In Treasury Notes, umW sulhorlty of ths failed States, or la nolei of HonXj oriiaiiUed nnder the act to provide a National Currac, tlust SS NLtbiusl Banki. NO HTKT111K NO'llCE WILl TIE C1IVEN'. JESI'tlt UAKUlttU, Colloctus, s.l-slt Bo. 3(itC'UBNl"r tUMt. JJAllNTJ?! I-J'AINTINO 1 1 Ho. 47 S. THUD BTBfET, AaOVE CKK8NB T, PU1LADKLPU1A. l'AIIY & 1JHOTHKH, House, Eigo, laid OrnameDttU Faiutert. OraWug, Cltilng.Uilduitoa Olsst, Kslsostluliif , raper Varsuknig, . nli-lt VTO DKCatPnON. NO INT,lIOR COAI, I turtle IM to .irer below the aoat Prle ol a suportu oa.1 .low aejSj the g.amne S.A1.LB VkJN, beat and el ledMd Jtas ts . W i!lamm should maks Ulr piresAAM U one, pva, wutavtAarasiits. W-ia PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS rOh 8TOVK8. m , . PHiLani-.r.riifa, Rptembrr S, IAR. Fraled prvpxeale wl I be rerelverl at 111 olTIc. of IM Sl"V',V.'"i"''1 N"- ,l"s I'lhAKK Rtreet, notil now W ka 1 1'KHAt , lo k in.t .for il. licrr and nttjns uvihr , ,,r,,'"r'ke,.aor toor. itetarr r, ux Adlosvlnaarllrlei, rli r J. fwal "lovei.lj Inch cvllnrlere. :.' t .a.' Rtovei, in inch rvlln.lere. INI left Move 1'lpe. for ri.lr.rh .rove. S-' fl tn ainve Pine, (or lo-inch etovee. Piopo.ali will name prlr fr ca.t Iron or cl ovtlndar Slovei; alio, th pniepT pound for Hove plrx. Including tie recfuary eibowe. and muit be accompanied F emph'S ortl.r atlci bid for. No pror.,,,.1. will ke rec.lved ev.cpl tho. pifMiriy flilrd tn npon tbe blank forme whb h are fuml.lied at thl. ' and wblrh mtiat le gaaranteed by retpoasrMa per.oni. 1 lie United Rtaift- reiervee th rlKht to reWv all Wda deen.ed loo high, as w.ll ae any Irom defaulting cow trarlori. " Hy order or Colonel A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's D partmrnt.U.B. A. . ALIIERT R. AalfMRAD, -H Captain and A ti. tt. ( U A R T 11 M A S T K R S 0 F F I 6 K, Pnn AhFte.rA. icpvemtwr . 1S4. Sirixi?iv " recrlve.1 al thli offlc until ANt.il;f4' 1",ln'. 13 .'lock M..arnnil.hlns; In thenorfB each tin,.-, a. niay be re.ml.ed , fatmeul. , tt lli and at futuiiuu,g,lf Ueinaudad. . von thon.ar.,1 tone per u7k.'hior.".,''r.lTw'",' ""'-will bi-irhui liom Ik amount of all payrrenti made, which reierva- inlly completed, l avmrnt. ol the remaining .,at, ZZ cent , or nai.nce due. win hemide monthly whin SU Z pirtnient Ii I funds for that turfm. Each ofler mint he ai companlei by a written anarant. f 'Kiied In to or more rewn.H,le p.rllei (th.ir reeuanl. bildy tone eenined v a I'nlted 8ttteiJn,l, attorney or ( olh ctorl. that Ike bidder or hidden win, if uie (h' r b-S he aci-epurd, enter rnt.wrrtten ohllgatioa, with aoo4 at d lefllclent Itrretlei. In the errm of one hundred thou. annd dollars, to furnish the prwitwt iiippllei fo prop nbn will be conilii.red unleis ta terms of this advartieo ment are cnmplled wt. b. Toe HkM Ii reierved to relect all the bid. If ron.MeveJ lo he ro the Intereit of tNe ."wire So do ao. and no bid ffou " " " u ommi in cnniract .h.ll k i a ileiatilllng contractor will b rrvelvrd, Propoinii to be endor.ed "ProtHali for Coal for taa r. ar I'rnanrueni, anrt aoiireiiel to tne linderelirneil. llr onler of Colonel A J. Terry, tHartermaeter'i leparV menl. . N. A. I.KOKliF. K. OK.VIK, stS-irt Captalu and A. li. M. QUARTERMABTER-GEXKBAL'S OFFICK. tint bivlslia. rntKOTO nrr. A uniit tl, Met, HORRF.B! HtiKsK.HI I IIORSKS1 I I Hones .unable lor Anlilery and Cavalry esrvloe 1 be pur. haaed at HIRBHOKO UKPUT, laouen maikst, Ik OCtolllEK 1, 1W4. Hone, will be delivered to Captalu I,. LowryMoor., A. g. M , and be nuhieeteil to th usual Uovcnunefsi Inipectlon lietore being accepted. Price ol t'aivalry Huriee, l;s eaeh. Prlie of Artillery lioraee, SISllawh. Payment will be made lor six (fi) and mors. jam Kit a, pjenr. Colonal rirat Dlvliloa, eg- tie.K) Qnarterniaeter-Oenwal s Oslo. ( 'LOTHINU AXD CLOTniNQ MATERIAL!. tlavv tupaavauus, k BrskAU or Pnovieiosa awn (Tlothtiio, y Heiibftmber 1, tai. I Heparateprnpoaals, aaaled and nmloried 'Trapoials mf Navy Clothing and Clolhliia MalOTUIs," will he rrelrdl ot thli bureeu until a o'clock p. M. on th lath day f ttetoner next, for rurnlibing and delivering (oa recetrlrur thirty ilm aotiwi at the Lniie-J NlateaNavy Tarda at Cliarleatown, Maiiachueetia, and Hrooklyn, Hew Tira, Im such numbers and iiuaniitlee aad at such times as mar b .penned by the Clilt of this Bureau, ar bv the com mandanta of tbe aakl Navv Yard., reipacilvely, tho number, snd nuantltlea of the dlir.reul artiulaa, and ai Ui places pclUd in tlie following Hit, via : , . t'orn.irewa. Bn'ilim. Pea Jackets u.iaa) 7,l) Round Jaeketa J.i.o J oa. Hme Cloth Trowaara, (.Irs I Ml) s'.OH ltla N.fcnet Trow.era, ' .......... s,ni) 19 0ml Cauvaa Hack Tr iwaers, pair a.OoO t.ital Ilam..l.y Hheetlng Fira-aa S.iHl) g ) Blue Flannel Ovenhlne ono M.uTll lilue Flannel llnderibirte I'i.uutl IS.iki. lUne Flannel Irrawan, pairs llr,0.O IS 00 11 ue ri.lliiet, yards W'.KO 1S0.IHW Hlua Flannel, " oo.is inn.oo lllue Nankin, " g,il II), 1)00 Caifklnl.aeed Shoes, pairs l'i.l lifin RIpikluNboet. " lo.un IJJlilw Woolen Socks, 10,000 l.'.;oiA j Blankcta.. n.cn . - Mattreftiee(wlthonecovertoreacli), &.0U0 Si)oa Maok 8Hk Haudkerchl! bout) g.wa) ll'Oti.palri 4,i0 g,ou Ofleti may be made for ono or tnor artlcll.atthoopUosi nf the bidder, snd In csi more than on artlcl Is oore Uined In tlileonor the Chief of the Bureau will hav th. "Kl'l to accept one or mora of Ihe articles contained la auchofTer and reject the remainder. Th price mull A. umorm, nml orri mi, if tmbrart all of any tn er snort orttrlH tlelit abt at all the atattont. Sorth description of article! In the ahors lilt, bidden are referred tn the lamples at the eaid Navy Tarda, and t. tlie a.lvciS i. nient of thli Hun au, dated July S, irwi, and forlnb rmatlcn a ti Ihe lawe and resulatlonl (us pamphlet romi), regarding contracts to Ui. oftloes of tli. sevetaloommandantaol Navv Yards and Navy Agenti. The iiepartment re.mvee the rlsht to reiect any prwpo sal not eo!leerit ndvantagous to the Uovernment. JUavkformtoftrimiii may he otfainetiun npptiea linn o A A'aep penlj at Batten, Hue 1 ert, or Phtliuitt Ffia, anti at Ihu Jlureatt. ae'i-f 44 u NITIiD H T A T K H 7-30 LOAN. Tho Secretary of lbs Trauaury glr aotios tint sa. icrlpUoni will be recti tad for Ooapoa Treasury ott. payabl tlirasyssrs from August 1.1, IM1, with semi-aa-nnal Intereit at the rats of seven aad varM-toalhg par oent. per ausura, principal aad Interest both to b paid Is) lawful money. These notes will b. coavertlble at th opMa of tao bolder, at maturity, tuto ilx per osnt. gotd-bMrtng Bonds, payable not leas than flv. nor more taan twenty years from Uieir data, a th. (tovmmwit may alaet. Thay wal b uned tn denominations or V, tlM, asuft, 1100, and tMOO, and sH subicriptlons muit be for ttfty dollars or sums multiple of fifty dollars, As the note draw Inter front August M, psrsoa BiaMnj deposits lubeoouoot to mat dal. naast pay Ca. lntemt accrued from dat. of not. to dot. 'deposit. Parties drpoalllug tweMy-llv. taouMad douArg and upwards for thea notes at any on tint, urta as alio wad a coBBBtliilon of one-quarter of on. per osnt. erECIAI. ADVAXTAQH8 OP THIS L0AH. Ii Ik a National RAVttns Bans, offeruig a hirber rata of tatareat than soy othar, and the beat teeurity. Any saving! bank which paye lis depositor, ut CnUod BSatea Kotas ounilders tlist It b paying tn th. beet circulating medium of tin oumry, and 11 e.na paf la anything batter, for Ha own saate arc sslher la (bivornnseac seourl Uee or in notee or bond payable la iloieoriun.ru paper. HON VEHTIllLE INTO A SIS PB CENT. S-JO GOLD 110ND. In addition lo tire very lib ral ini.ro! oa, uo nou Bar ttire. years, tills- rlvilcK of oorMMicaloa. lo now wurtbi alM.ut thrae per inuu. fer annum, lor the overran! rat. lor b-lt' U"i.di ii not '.. than nine far eene. premium, and laune 0,t wartbpninlum on aiApect I nitod Si alis Wo'ka wan ovur. iwvnly per cent.. U WlU ka) lieu that tli actual profit on thli Wan, at Ilia proaaiMI market rat., 1 aoi ! than Uik.aer cent per anuuin. ITS liXEMJTION STATE OR MU- StlCirAL TAXATION. But asld fsum all the advantages we bav snnmeraUS. a special ActofCougresi tuuti'U all bondi and Treating no from le.tl taratifn. On th. arersg, this sxema ticn Is worm. akout two pr saot. par annum, accordinf t the ral tkutsllon In vatWu parts of th ossvstry. It is btllsvsd that no soctirltles offer so grsat Induce ments to leaders as thus. IsaiMd by th Ouremment. 1st all oU.u IWiua ef UidebteJsis, Ui raUb or ability of , rival sarties, or stock somnaules, or aaparais coaarauoi lks,oaly,lstl(l (o pAjnw. s tha wtisd. siw. rcrtyf tie country is kaddl. soooro tbs dlseUrg of all tb sWlgatloiu of th Vnlted BMbis. IiBscairTiuKswiu aa Rciivk by tha Trsatareg at the Culled Stalei, at Waihington, tlia savaral Asatataat Tnasarsrs snd dlgnatsd IHrpuillart, and bj gh rutT MATIOKAI. BANK. OF PHlUkbELPUlA, 1"A SECOND KATIOXAL BAM Or rHILADaXPUlA, PA., T11IKB ATI0KAL BAJNK Ot PUUJklAELrRIA, PA.. leVSTlI HATlOMALSAJfKCF rHUADELPinA.PA., ByaUKatloRsi Baaxi wsjdt ars Ce)osllari of sabli fccary S a&i XeuX-Vi AU. BXSTXCTABLK B.O'KJ AD BAMKXRaf TUrmighoat ta aonntry 1Q ivs furthar InAxmslioa , k 7., .1 ' " n"i "r the Coal hi propo, n,ntltT. snd at the ytnyrr lime and piece, the 'tovVnment re aet ve, ,be rlitht to n.ake ,r,o,l any deDclencbv Sus at the centra, tor . rl.k and ex,,cne. Tbe prl'e II lvenie,,.ralely fur the ( oal delivered on fcard of i.t sell at Ibli p.,rt and al New Y...k - ... "