TIIE DAn.YJEVEKIKiGr TKLEGiRrniFillLADELrniA,' 'TllbhsiVlV, SEPTkBElV 8', 18Gi, .THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1R64. the ACDsrss or the town state CENTRAL COMMITTEE. i i To thi rropir, or i-knti-vahi.. Fsu-ow Citiiins; The result of trw ir-cant toetloa M th immdnrat to tha constitniloa of Ut Suit, allowing onr eoldlere la tho field to vou, In gratifying, inasmuch at It ahowe that the grant aeUrt of the commonwealth la right, In th fearful and bloody atrugglt now going on to primer v the republic, and that theee brave men are worthy to kelp gOTern tha country for which they make to Kan artrlflc and eufTer ao many privations. Tha friend of tha TJnlon hare brought about thla Teault, while tha Oppoeltlon hare need their pow erful organization to prpTent It, with the, evident Dbttotof weakening; tha Union armies, by dlatmn ttuslag the aoldlnr, and thereby strengthening themselves at the approaching Presidential elec tion; and In connection with this election let na reason together. Tha campaign of IWlt la now fairly opened. The lsans npon which the campaign la to be made is Clearly Indicated. Tha enemtee ol the government have publicly and authoritatively declared their purpose In the contest. That declaration place lh daty' of patriot In ft light a broad and clear a that M noon. Then 1 no mistaking either the spirit or the object of our opponents; It la the same that Impelled the chief of armed treason to attempt Ui overthrow of free gOTernmenton this continent In lWKWtt. Neither time, nor reflection, nor re gard for the peace of society In the loyal States, nor the deaolationa which have devoured the prosperl' y f the aouth In the grip of war, bar wrought any modification of their hatred for a government founded npon the opinions of the people exprvaet'd through the ballot box. It la the part of wisdom to anticipate evlt, and to prepare to destroy It before It grows too formidable, to overthrow. The altitude of the parties to the rretldentlal content fires rise to ft sertin que. Uoa mat rMs of any which can eugage the attention of the true patriot snd good eftlnen. That question Is briefly stated: "Shtill we have lasting peace, throng s Tlgoron prosecution of this war for national lire, or Interminable war, through a peace bnsed upon disunion I" The Issue Is sharply denned. The ntternncea ef the Baltimore Convention decisively declare for peace through effective war; the utterances of the Chicago Convention a decisively pronounce for the alternative presented In the question stated. They mean that, or they are without meaning. The opposition to Mr. Lincoln contemplate rlls anion as a otrre tor the Ills under which we lie. Hi defeat would divide the continent Into factious States. Nor Is this mere assertion. The political history of the eountry for the last fonr year it ft iass of overwhelming evidence lit tnpport of ita entire, Its disgraceful truth. And first, In evidence of Its truth, we have the declaration, informal but not lees weighty (be. tans reiterated and unvarying), of the rebel chiett. that the south will not treat for peace save npon the 'basis of ft recognition of Its independ ence. The press of the south omits no opportunity to impress upon us, and upon the world, that peace can only come through recognition. Recog nition is but another name fur separation. Aud finally, every European nation has come to regard he result of thla war a certain to be on of two things either tubiugiitlon or disunion. It is the clear conviction which truth brings to every rn Uonal, enHgtrtened mind. It la, therefore, entitled greet weight, second only to the resultant fact, It Is due to the opponent of Mr. Lincoln to state that they pretend to believe In the probability of peace and union through tome compromise, the term of wrrtob, are nut clearly stated. It will be easy to show the futility of such hopes, If it ha not already been done. It will not be a difficult task to ahow that such ft belief does not take root to eoariotlon. . The leaders of tho Oppo ition are men of great ability, and more than or dinary sagaoity. They cannot, therefore, be Igno rant of the fact which ate of public record. Those fact e.Tectually preclude the possibility of peace and Union through any compromise, unless the terms involve recognition; and that would be disunion. Hat let us thoroughly ceuslder this question of peace through compromise. It is reasonable to suppose that the chiefs of the rebellion would have accepted terms In the outset, If at all. It is alleged by our pponent that Mr. Lincoln hurried the nation Into war, not only without constitutional warrant, but even against the wishes of the retiel chiefs themselves. They reproach tho Congress then in session with having refused to adopt the Crittenden Compromise measure, and thua forced the south into rebellion In exercise of the right of self-dvfence and aelf-preservation. It is unne cessary to pause to show that all this transpired while the reins of power were held by southern men, most of whom are now In arms against the government. Let that pass. The question lunges npon the responsibility of the rejection of the Crit tenden Compromise. It wat rejected. By whom! '" Reference to page 4H0, part first of the Congres. sionsl Globe of the second session of th Thirty -aixth CongTe, will place the responsibility for the rejection of that Compromise where it properly totong. It will be seen that the Crittenden Com promise waa defeated by the aubstitutlon (in effect) of what is known ta the "Clark amendment." The record shows that the vote on the motion to 'substitute was yeas 2.V nays W. Th vote ou the adoption f the Clark proposition, taken directly afterward, was yeas its, nays 41. The presump tion would be, naturally, that If the south had ' Totes enough to reject the aubstltute, it would also . Jiave had enough to reject the proposition whan offered Independently. There was a falling off' In the negative vote on the proposition, ft compared 1 with that on the first motion to substitute, of seen vol. This is accounted for by the fact that Sena tors Hen jam in and Slidell, of Louisiana; Wigfall and Hemphill, of Texas; Iverson, of Georgia, aud Johnson, of Arkansas fix southern Senators lutm ihtir tratt and rfuMttt to role. Had these six south ern men voted "no," th Clark proposition would have been defeated by a majority of four votes, aud ine i:rtttnien t;ompromiee count nave oeen taaen i p and carried by thesam majority. It appears ul reword, then, that the Crittenden Comprumixe was rejected because six of the leading Senutors ' from the smith virtually refused to vote for It. A motion to menneider was carried some weeks later, and ft direct vote upou the Compromise was taken. The proposition was lost by a single vo'e. But one of the six Senators referred to voted on th:tf occasion, uearly all of tbein having withdrawn on ' the secession of their respective Slates. Iliul ttiey remained to vote for the Compromise, it wonld have boeu adopted. , The chM f object In alluding to tins matter l to show that when, before the overt act of war wn r committed, the south bad tiie election of compro mise or war, she, through her highest dignitaries. w deliberately chose war. Th outn would cot have compromise theu. I. , it rassiiable to su,pue iliat it would accept sucli an accommodation now! Her rulers have tiie 1 outhern masses by the ihrout, and can mould them , to Uieir imperious will. Ttiey are playing lor u great stnke. They could not withdraw from th contest now unless foroi-d Into withdrawal. Pride, Jove of power both latoreu and fostered bv the in- etitation of elavery wos.'ld furce-lliem to elect, they declare they do ew-ct, ejiuttinlnuUoii rather than submission and union. jKarly in tile struggle betoie the government had ' taken the aggressive President Lincoln offered peace In moat liberal tM-ma. The term were, briefly, the layiug down of arms ami the abandon ment of their hostile attitude. The world knows Iiow those terms were met. It need sot be repealed here. The desolation of southern lld, and the Vacant aeala iu thousands upon thousands of homes, both north and south, beur the record. Still later, amnesty and pardon have beeu ottered by the President; still the chief of rebellioa ftbat not tittle of their energy to maintain themselves In their wrong. They demand recognition and Inde pendence of ft government they hate. Intimate ,.i knowledge Uie directing minds of tiie rebellion teaches that they will never abandon their wicked achema until obliged to do to by the theer force of ush iron circumstaaee at control the results of L , Wat. llr ' no ground, then, for hope of peaco ' tPmUi no hoi of permanent peaoe. . , discharge in this war. Tho J ? Wes, however much ' Z '. , 7 WUl " u.u.p.cUng. , , To. charge sslf-dacsplioa upa ttuim t a unmistakably clear would be suVi, 'u, , ? - Uum with imbecility. rTSfcSX!'. th.ma.lv.. Thla pretext ef aaakiug tnafateat-of til. Lincoln that peace may return ig 0ur border over a sinister purpose. If they wish pence thev ean have It but la two way la a oowwdiy bu- I gloamanl of Ui alrnggle, tollowed by disumoa, o by a more vigorous (il potsibi protecuuoa of the TAuj Ui tfoe jtiu upon whicb tix csmpgjga u 1 rA much liko YrM. It I I W Sfl I fy Y fyS don't moot my views. fj . i . C ttilt: . '4T I , Wf rt- l .r i i I filfi . V1. MP? A I II' ' Ml Tin rk( form looli" to bo made brcomos sharply doflnM. Non enn deprpcnte the horrors of war or ds.ro the return of pw more than do th warmi'st siipportors of the Nnttonal Union iiomlnwM. lint they ask for and will acqiilpfice in no peat'e that Is not loo tided upon the .ntt-grtty of the Union, and patablished upon the prlnciplfa of the Declaration of Inde pendence. They recognize greater evils than war, , ucb ae tin in in which tbe nation is plunged. livide the nation geogrnphh ally, and to what end i do we Inevitably gravitate! With the precedent and j littler of neee?ion established nnd acknow ledged, who can presume to ay that we shall not repent ihe humiliating history ol Mexico and the South American Mutes. United, the common dunger was, and would continue to be, our com mon security. Divided, the laud would groan With the wreaking out of individual veugeance. Divided, the torch and brand would never be idle along the line of dtvi'lon. The country would at Inst awake to the bitter knowledge tkat open, vigorous war, riroseouted with ft high purpose, is a thousand times less to be dreaded than an armed pence. As an example, a little more than a year since, when I,ee, with his rebel army, invaded Pennsyl vania, nnd when the fate of the republic was de cided by the battle of Oettybnrg, how prompt wicked and designing men were to Inaugurate the Insurrection In Now York city, trusting In the hope that the government wus not able to main tain the supremacy of the Constitution and the laws. It will he long before the blackness of the crimes committed by that conspiracy will be ob literated. As auother example, take the recent conspiracy discovered, In the north web t the banding together In secret of a largo number of men, the concentra tion of thirty thuusund stand of arms aud a large supply of ammunition. Tho papers of this con spiracy, which wero seized, evidencing too clearly that their design was, and li, the overthrow of the republic, trusting that division aud anarchy would shield them from harm, but iu utlor disregard of the concomitant wrongs to the ptoph' murder, robbery, arson In a word, desolation for the tune. Now, fellow-citizens, in both theur examples thu moving spirits are prominent men in the Opposi tion, and controlled the nomination and platform ut Chicago. Yet it Is to such a peace as this that our oppo nents Invite you. They ask your suffrages for a man who either Is pledged to nuch a peace, if elected, or who is determined on a war grander In scale aud bloodier in results than the world haa yet witnessed. There can be but two issues out ot the present difficulty. The intelligent freemen of Pennsylvania need not to be led like children. Tbey will not fail to comprehend the nature of these issues, aud to chooio between them. In so choosing they choose fur their children aud their children's children. They can do nothing of a public nature In these pregnant times that shall not cause coming generaMuus either to revere or despise tuera. The re-election of Mr. Liucoln, and the election of Andrkw Johnson as his associate will Indicate to the chiefs ot the rebellion that the war for Union and permanent peace must go on until those ends shall be attained. It will also sig nify to the nations of Kurope that the people of the whole United States will, soon or late, become an united people, and the government remain, as It has heretofore been, a stiir of hope to all tiie op- prettted peoples of the civilised world, and nn everlutiug monument to the wisdom of the grand old heroes who conceived il. If we could basely afford to ubandou the struggle now, the world, mankind, could not ntlord the sacrillce. it w could afford to bear tbe shama, and wear the tinckles of defeat so cruvenly invited, our child ren could not stand erect uiil. r tfie deathless re- pruach ol our behavior. As men, as freemen, as patriot, we have no choice but to ftnnd by the govern men t iu administered. Tliesl'eriiative pre Muted by our opponriit in disunion a ml dishonor. V huh i untiunal de;tth. If a mini recogui.-s the exUteiite ut the principle of lUeruhl Jm-ticehe cni.i.ut drfpu.r ol tiie n-pul-hc, Tk.-re may be v ute iu whom Hie principle ol hope wHlnuiiu but a ffi tlt existence, uule stimulated by unltiter rupird Muce. tSui-u iuukI bi eucuuruged and jH-HHiurri by tbe eiitinnle of the inori tpefiii nnd enduring. Tlo-y fount t insured of w Ubt the pUU lotuj by of bir'ory and ol evei.fi Uuchef, th:it tl.tn ger lie in turning liu.k, u security lit), iu pivf lug torwnrd. The rteolHlionc, aud bent.twiueiitN, siid biirdeiit ot war may be, uny, are, tirt ible, but the tempett wliu h rKap' ii foresiuud Iih1u d.try lng the iu retire of lubot , itnd even hum iile, i aUo terrible. Yet it in teuetlueut. Willi unvary ing culm the utumapl.i re would dgsuerate into putridity, and the earth would revolve iu endless nilit. So war involves nations Iu its t'enrlul vor tex that social nnd political renovation may lol low. As a lire sweeping orer the fields licks up the chaff and stubble, yet affect not the solid esrtu, so the fiery trial whlh we are called upon to en dure U consuming the notorious crimes of society. The navion will Issue out of this struggle stronger and puivr than before. Wrong, such as confronts tns, cannot drive right into exile. Craft and vll lamy are not to be tbe subjugators of wisdom and virtue. A-nd w hatever cranes may have beeu, or may yet be, perpetrated iu the name of civilization, it is not now to be proved either a farce or a fail ure. Hut lfa,tse calamities are not to come upon the Americai. people, for the reasen that the masses are to remain true and steadtust in this great eff ort to establish tholr liberties upon a surer foundation than the anoinul.es upou which lUey awe hitherto ret. tod. The victory is Ui be won by unremitting lalor, and ft watchfulness that shall be proof against the surprises plunced by traitors at home or abroad. Wo are to look lor no fortuitous happen, lugs, do miraculous interpositions. The friends Of th government, wot king together, cannot be overthrown by any combination, possible among their opponents. Tbey may seek to divide and distract! as they have done, and they may partially succeed. Dut Dot if the people remain firm, calm, and Mlf-contaJnd. United, w are invincible against any fore that can be brought agoiust as. Divided, we should Invito defeat, and attach to ourselves tho nam of having rejected the counsels of experience and enlightened reason. - : Our victorious armies are bravely doing their doty in the neid. What la required of the loyal &ea ol tfejansylvsjua. . a great victory ot the JIamkt Do you see yonlor cloud that's &Tmot In 8bnp of ft Polonitu By tho cnass. and 'tis a camel indeed 1 Tarn. Mc thinks it Is like a weasel. TV. It is hacked liko a weasel Jfam- Or like a whalo? rol Very liko ft whulo. polls iu October and November. It is not only essential thnt the Federal government and the policy inaugurated to cruh rebel lion should be indorsed by the re-election of Abrnhnm Lincoln ; but nt the coming contest in October It is important thnt in the election of Congressmen nnd members of the Legislature, as many districts ns possible should be carried by the loyal candidates now In nnd to be put Into the field. We want the moral effect of overwhelming majorities as well as the prestige derived from militnry power and force. We expect to close the warns much by the Influence of the ballot as the bullet. We hop to stop the effusion of blood by the unmistakable demonstration at the polls that tbe wnr Is to be waged till the rebellion is ended, and that hostilities will not cense while there is nu armed traitor in the Meld. Such a cessation of hostilities cannot be obtained by compromise or negotiation. It must be achieved by the stern in fluence of force by the unmistakable, clear and well-defined proofs of the ability of the govern ment to cope with and conquer nil or any of Its foes. Men of Pennsylvania, the issues are now before yon for consideration aud decision. You must abide the result as you establish it tor good or evil. We ask you to support Abraham Lincoln because we believe his re-election will fully vindicate the authority of the national government, and fully establish the fact that the free men of the loyal States are able to sustain the existence of the Union and Ihe government against the hazard of opposition from abroad or at home. We aik you to assist not oulyin the re-election of Abraham Lincoln, but iu the election of all loyal candidates for State nnd Federal offices, because their tri umph will recognliut our nationality a result which must contribute to the maintenance ol the national government. It needs no argument of our own to establish this position, hecanse our po litical opponents now antagonise us to achieve en tirely the opposite results. Uan we hesitate can there be any trust or confi dence In men placed in nomination by such men! Men of family, heMtate men of property, hesi tate young men, who hope to enjoy both these blessings, hesitate before you cast your votes for nomineei? made by such agencies. liy order of the Union .suite Central Committee, SIMON CAMKHON, President. A. W. IlKWKnK T, ) .pAtjirl.,, Wikn FonwKY, j retanes. PROPOSALS. I)UOrOSALS FOR STOVES. pHii.At'r.i.ritM , September .', IHfti. Pes led prmuigftli will im welvetl ut thu otne ol the a tub rniLiifl, No. J 1413 (;1KAKI Htntt, until noon of t'ltl'A V, 10 h mm-., tor ilellwrr ami fltniihr npftr n-, t CtalsdT Itarrmki.onor tc.'uru !4eiteniier :K, tt.s follGWiiiKHrtlrlfft, vl, : y.','il stoves. I't-ineh cylinders. .Vi Conl Sinves, Ill-inch 1-yhniltrs. 4WI feet Stove Pipe, for l'-ln:ii Move. ti.'li iret Htove Pipe, lor ItMnrli stoves. I'ropotuls will name prlre lor east Iron or clay cylinder stoves ; alio, the prleu per pound tor stove pip?, liK-lttdmii th rect-HKsrj ell. own. and must be accompauked by Bimijile. of i lie article bid for. No piop.nul will he received except thofe properly tilled In upon the Mttnk forms which are ItirnKlied t this 'fTU, and which must be ftnarnutced by responsible, ptrHoii. Tbe rnltefl States reserves tiie rlyht to reieft 11 bids dremed too bllt, as well as any irom de I au It lug con tia t m. Ity ordr of Colonel A. J. Ferry, Quartermaster's le I'Sltimnt. V. H. A. ALBKHT R. ASHMKAD. 6-4t Captain and A. y. 11. QU A KT EllM A8TKIU8 OF F ICE. 1' m 1 1 . a i k i i'lii a. Pcptemhcr tt. lhtH. Kcflbil PropOtsl vill be toceivud si tnW offlcp until stM . . L'dll, itiHiant. at IV o'clock M. f r niriiLliliig AfllMA UK 44TKAMKR COAL fr the War liepari nu nt. M s p'-riod of rIx uioirtifl, rommeuciDH' Ut ( jto'icr. Iw.4. andet (Hit: :ilst Aiarcb. lMUi. Coal (u be o" the tnsi iUilliy Aiillirm-lte, lur t lie nhe of stcumers, to wiMth JHO Hiimu to ttie tun, and lo be nn'jit'i-t to iiigpe-ition The Coal IS otu delivered ou tmunl vemslfi In ihe ports ot I'lii aili iplna or New ork,i,i nucIi quantities and nt u.'h tin vb a ina bereiauit d; fiiriiia liic k, it duimnulKd, f -n lliotiKui d Inns (terwi ek. In t ol lad in e t d'ltviT the Cos I In propor inintity, and at ttie pniir tiuiH add pine', tne i,iviriimint r M'm ihe rt lit to n-akf mnn any dnlrh'iicy by piirciiisfl at the etnirm tor h rws a d upt-n'f. 'I ha price mut no Kivn epnrMiely for the i mlivtred on hoard if vt ft'lr at thit frt atd at S rw ork. on the tertUN ant con dltl tin iihi f itMied. Twent pi-r cent will IiowIiIohM irtutil.e amount of al pswnetits uiui'e, which rn.or na tion lv not to le paid until tin euitr.ii-t nhull Iiav sei-n inliy tonphted. I'avuii-ntK ot the re'n.tlnlnjr fiKiiy ift i-n t , or I -aln e due. v. ill Im iiihiIi ut liittily, wtien I hi pFrtmrnt l iu ftunls kr that purpose, !'. ti et'er iiiiiht U arrnuip.iti.i C Py a written rn .'diitee, i -d h two or lU'ii- m-jj m.tl i;irili (tin lr r-1 ) hll it tolic ciTifed v a t nlted St ili-n J m t l;-o, Attriniev. or ollrt tori, ti at ihe 'Uld-r or tild.lr-rn will, ti hi or t'neir li d Ik' iic rpid. eiitrr into wTlttrii oiilimtlion, with tro-.J i d hi film ct .nielli t. In Itro biiinoi u?iv hundred tlio ir mi nd dollari, to furi'iph th. prhont d mii i few S pr i,. I.Hon iii Id- t'.'in-iin'rd unites th U rum of tins aJ irti-(v li:t nt UK- ( -oinpiitid ili. I he rlt.li( i re-i-rvnl in iwlect nil the hid If cn(dfr i to be to Ihe hiteti ! ol tiie mtvici- t do feO, and fi blj Hum a d lanltiiiKeontruilor will U- nM-.-ivt-d. Proposal to be endorsed "frio-'alii for Col for tbe M ar It-p4rintent," n?id inldrtKed to the undemiK'in'd. Hv onler d Colonel A .). l'rry , tjHartcrinaitf r I'upart nicnt. 1. b. A. t.i:nici;k It. tiHMK. si17t Captain and A. i. M. QUA IITK H M AST LK-G EN EB aI-'OFI'ICE, First IHvisiuo. t Wamiikotok Citt, Atifint 1,14. HOUSES! liOKKKH! 1 HOUKI.S! I I Ifories suitable tor Artl lury and Cavalry servloe wlM be pun 1, a.ed .,t lilLHUOUO 1'KPuX, iuopen uiarUt, till OCTidtMt 1, l. II or mi will be delivered to Captain T. . Low it Moore, A. i. M , stid be MihuH-ted to lbs usual Uu tnuufitt inipertton bt-tore t icing aci'''tf d, Prlre ot Cavalry lnreg, S17S each. I'riee of Artillery llor.fM, $HHtach. ; Payment will bemads lor six (S) and luors. JAMK.S A. FKiy, Colonel Kir.t IMvmn.ii, se5-tte0 (Juart. rnialr-(ciiora h ijt. TEE KEW MUSICAL 0AED3 (rstrnnU."! hr tho Knysl Fsmilr of Km'Isnd), are ian Ur 'JilKKK liOl I.AIIN. They sre m'Mt siuimug lssi Ime, auU tsadi JUusleal Tlxus cjuickur lltsu au ulatf "A njoit kurttln and rip. er ffsme."Tlmea. "Admirably adtipted fur U-acitlii Mu.lcsl 'J'iiue."Illua trtf-J LunOm hi-ss. A.ldroa A. )M K, No. ti W. THlBTY-SIXTIf Rlrmt. Kt-w Yurk. uj lis pAlJNTlNCJ I-I'AINTXNU S ll Vo. 47 8. THIRD BTEIET, j ABOVE CUEaMVT.rillLADKLFUU. l'AHY & IJUOTlIKlt, j Home, igD, and Ornamental Painters. Oralalng, ClsilDj, Gliding on Olui, Kslaunlulnf , rap VanutUuf , 4 o. asl-if camel ? Eawlt.T. Act 3rd, Sunt 2uJ. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, ) XOH I STORK. iho i. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nob 617 Ghesnut and! 614 Jayne Streets. IMl Olni.H" NI) JOIIBKUS OK SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, I.INKP S, AND WHITK GOODS. LAIiGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF DUKS8 GOODS. Ft'LL MNE OF FOHEIGN AND DOMESTIC HAXvIOIlA-IS, isixdino snJ0-2m BBOTIKK'S AND OTHER MAKES. 1044 IIF.tNCT HTHKtr. i :yi i m mijeiiik.s, LACES, WIIITK GOODS, VEILS, IJA?l)li .llCIIlJEJFH. E. M. NEEDLES. I0'l Olir.NUT HTKKKr. l$l ! C B! ) Hi 1 X' IS1 5! ,t: v. u z n tv IN n i w it 1 1 1 Wereftiart the mcp,lf desired, tor arary lot of Bhlrta whldi fall In any rstpr.i F1NI- SHIRTS, CUT IE Mi l II WISE OF MV8LIH. Alads or Ken Ttn Mi" Muslin, and rery tne Llnaa Bosrirs On'y t t 7.1. V'.ual price 10-00. WluiuiiavUie Villi Ma.lin, and line Linen Bosom, Only $4"ii. usual price tS'SU. GINTLKMEN 1'"" It N IS HIN G G00D8. l I'l 11 Jk JA.CXliH, B) fat so. listed CnEHNUT Btraat, )1( HI- SKIRTS !OQ Mni.ulsilur; , N.i.tiiH AHI'll fltrrst, XJaZO Abuve Mlli street. I'lllUiIUl.hlS. M'l.r ir--and Retail. Th mi.ht romvlri' m s 'imvnlui Ladles', Hisses, aud t;inliiiti . II ii ih i- tue city, In .'very r.poct nr.t i'Ikko. lih li Tor -ivir. fi .i-h, durability, and cucapness. huvt' I i runs' 111 tin- n .1 Mit. hslrl nism iinM i:.-i. 1:. red, and rrpnlrM IH I) WM. T.HOl'KISS. . RASrBEHRY. ALEX. , rleiorsof th Old OoTuruuiaut i.I' JAVA (lr KLB, . o ot builiiuss lixira No. 218 N. . Kt'll Htreet, where they aro ' it' Uie shortest uotlo whleb tAa i,ii. Ttitir Cuties is, as usual, Ui u Uo tisvc the bust :.UHr MVKI'l' . clty.fAll at towast prlces.ooa i fimisrial. i" fore purchasing elsewhere. i..r, Xo. 343 AUCU Btroet. i iVGR, OILCLOTHS AND m Hew York Auction talus, -nt Hnissils, V wide, l li, . Imitation Hra.isls, (plnud.) ; 0-4, W 4 aud l'J 4 at prup. ..tfpets. $1 37 lo fl76psryHrd o tl'HS Venellsn, ksk. and cents per yard; Usltluirs, Uie en d In 1'hUad. lphla. frurn Slf . New Vera- Auction Kales Da ) Mo. 147 H. HKOONU ttlriMt, .ipoeue Cora K.if hansjO. J MILLS K .t i i' . r 1'IH I 1 av. Ucu ov.'d ti . ir i' hi run1 hi net lo Ni ! irrpu If, 1,11 s-l i ri I ul,.u li... i ih . ll I, ill. I. I In u li.:).' . I- .- Ihsl I. nisi uc'ii.' ' ' Mill rn.y II t it , , p.- -l''ti,' iv"1"! :' li, in 1 t"i:i'i i' . ', suu-lui i -AM r,i N' . U Ml,. .. (II'SM,.. .1 V., t :." .r. jn,;rin, i, liriP. rn'ii l,..'.-l b !i . r . i ? t, M, l I I rt II 'r Ol'rTYr I- WAREHOUSE. E8TA i.l.Ni,ec tt 1h.Ii ,fi iKjrter and liaalerin "is Isas, n uiWi sad Lwuora, Cliofcc Jiavalis v ,.sra, Crois A Hlackwoll'a Plcklea sod Banoae frfUsh and BcoUk Al nd l'ortsr, C'snntd MU, frulU, Soup, A. Vary Moassa put up with csre, AlKu.ll' . SF.OOWTI Ulreet johuua h. oounrr. VO DECEPTION. NO INTEJUOR COAL ll Doretisied to ofTsr below tha oost prloaof a superior article. bAMI'EL W, lit., 11 Id (A I) rkreal , ats Itsos. east aids, sells the (eunllia 1.AU1.B VtIN, b.t sad purertrulaad ( and Stove suss, tUi Larva Js ut, 10 par to. Cunsumeri should msVa tualr purchuei at oneo, pre vious to another aJsano. talt-ata Qt'P.EN OP BEAUTY. WniTE VIRGIN Wax of Antilles rs the most perfect preparation ol the aaw, for beautifying, whlteiiins, snd pre.erviug th ctioipleklua. It is asde rV'-m pore White Wsn, hence lta eAtrsordUisry qualrita for preserrln tha skin, making It aiift, euKSHlii fair, aud transpareui. Jt cursa chapped hsuili, us rips, removes pluiplcn, Ac. Price SO snd Mceuia, Uuufsclured only by HL'JVT it CO., Perfumers, J.0,41 a. JtlUUTH Ht t doors above t'hi.nut, aad aul6-lat Jto.WI o. UiVtMU Htroat. OLD'8 IMPROVED STEAM AND WATBH- l II K ATI Nil APFAKATlf. luc .'aiming aud Vsniiiatliui fubllo buildings and Pri vate Jlesldauees, ifantifactnred by the . l'10al tolXAJa AUD WATKB FKiTINO COMrAHT OJf J-HLLAiitl.l-lM A. " iiut.nr. wood, No. 41 tOI'KTH Mtisst. BhM-em B. U. nxrwiu., Buparlauodsai. rAR CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, TENSIONS, 11 , ud all description of clslinl s.'nln.t the I Mtid Mates ruvernment aillustsd snd eHi cted PKI.s MOMkMr . hsesfiuilisiof prlcss now parable, and Uis Buna us ta suUecisd at urns. Appfcy or writs to ; ' t,iHHiK fnAtiu iiKoriieu. I Anuy snd Msvy t'lslm Agi sts, (UK-Jin t v,M VyALNLl itrset. FOURTH EDITION J 1 1 GTILY IMPORTANT THE PRESIDENCY. M'CLELUN'S LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE He Will Stand by his Antecedents and his West Foint Oration. HE DECLAHES FOR TIIE WAR UNTIL TIIE REBELS SUBMIT. Chagrin of tho Tcaco Men. i., r.tc, r.ic, :., r.tc, r.to., Etc Sk'ImI Iu lite Ewuliiic Toli'icrnplt. Ntw Yiiiik, Si-iU'iultr 8 Tlic Committee np liointcd by tlic Chicitfc'o Convi'Dtltm to iufurni Hciifrnl MtClcllun of this uoniinntlon for tlir l'lteidircy by tliut loily, iwaititl upon liim Bt Lis nsitltnie in ILIrty-tifth Blrcctnt noon to day, and uftcr tlio personal Introduction of the niinilit rs of tlio Committee, und an informal Bn numiecnicnt of tiie nctlou of tlio Convention, lio nnd to them lii.i It tkr accepting the nomination. It it auuMiintiiilly uB follows : lie will be true to nil of his ante cedenta ; stnnd liig upon the plntform ns erected on li is Wot 1'oint orntion, lind mlnpting an Ills own the reso lutions of tbe Convention as meaning tear unites tlic Hi lnl ii ill fulnH'l to the Uica,tlie I'nion, anil the t'nnttUution. The intelligence i f this tlccitdon uprcntl mpldly tl.roitKliout the city, und while tho wnr Deino crnts nre of course, dVrghted, It fell like nn ex tensive wet blanket upon the peaco faction. Fernando Wood declares that tho party has been betrayed. Union. REPORTS FROM MEMPHIS. Threo Union Gunboats Captured. CANERAL A. J. SMITH AT MEMPHIS. Et.( Er., Etc.. Etc., Etc. Etc, Etc. Caiiio, September 8. Itcports roached Mem phis ou bunduy last, that the gunboats lfaistinit and Saumkeay had been captured below Claren don, on the White river, nnd that Cnptnln Hoge rs, of the latter bout, was killed. It is also reported that another gunboat, name not given, had beon sunk at St. Charles, and that Duvull'i Hlutr was threatened by a considerable, forco of Hibcls. Thcte reports are conlirined through Ilcbcl sources from Helena. A cavalry force, tinder General Mower, left Memphis a few days since for the White river, and an Infantry force is understood to be em barking for Pamirs BlnlT. The Little Itock Democrat contains the par ticulars of the recent raid from Duvall's Dlu.IT, ou the Little Hock railroad. A largo quantity of Government hay was burned, and other property destroyed. Some damage was Inflicted on the railroad. A light recently occurred at Redwood, seven teen miles from Baton Rouge, in which eighteen of tho 2d Louisiana Cavalry were killed. General A. J. Smith and stair arrived here yes terday. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Despatches to Evening Telegraph. Wasiiisoioh, September 8. Promotion. Colonel Thomas Kgnn, 40th New York, has been appointed Brigadier-General fur bravery in tho field, on General Grant's recommendation. ' Vermont i:irflou. The news of the Vermont election is considered here a decisive indication of the direction of the populur will in reference to the Fresidcntinl question. rVvT Tsnl In the Went, Admiral Davis, Colonel liowtnun, and Goorgo AV. Blunt constitute the board just appointed to make an examination and report upon a site for Navy Yard and dciiot in the West. 1'oNltlou of thai Itentol'rn.'y. Tho War Democrats here have abandoned tho idea of supporting tbe Chicago nomination, while the Teace Coppet heads declare that if McClcllan should write war letter they would prefer Lin coin to him. Indlmi !YewM. Commissioner Dale, of the Indian Bureau, has advices from Indian Agent Turner, at Omaha, Nebraska Territory, dated August 20, that a party of Sioux Iudiaus hud made their appear anco there, and killed eleven Winuebagos. The Omnhas were absent on a hunt. No Government property was dcstroynd. How Kflifl rlMiirrtt are Trentrtl. Colonel Ilollmon, Commissury-Oeneral of I'risoners, has returned from Chicago, where ho has been inspecting ttie prisoners' camp at that place, lie reports the Rebel prisoners to be in an excellent condition ; the cuinp Is kept clean and tidy ; excellent quarters are furnished them, and their rations are fully equal to those of our soldiers. Very few cases of sickness aro reported, as the prisoners are shown chance to exorcise theinselvo?, und arc as happy as can bo under tho circumstances. itfarkctt by Telegraph. Nkw Yohk, He ptemlier 8. Klour has declined nfn.lfe. stiili iiol IM.Uuu Darrein at :l fitvMv 4(1 lor stitc; ll IICi l :, tor Ohm; and S13 H( U"i fr Siontlu-ru. Wheal drellncil '.'. j i,(il bushel, unlit at .". i J ;u tnr C hkiiko K rici-i tl Vl'i i ol lur .Milwaukee cluo ; $J ao,u a-10 lur Vi'cMi m. t'urn uulft: 4j.miu bn.li.l. ia at $1 i.J lUi'l dull. 1'iiikflim; .ale. uftt.iu tiarrli at tli J.tu 13'OJ furaliia. Lmd llun at :'.i,.i,.'4,. Wlil.kv dull at $180. nioHrite ot 1 'lour bairtlai Kheui 4?jmo lmhl.. CumSe.utA Ui.Vnl.. CITY INTELLIQENQE. VllOLESALE ROIIBEHT BT i SsBUfeTREST IlEAittNOTins Moknino. A hearing in the case of Serephinu Towusend, the sempstress who was arrested a few days since on the charge of stealing articles of silverware, weariug apparel, sheets, pll. ow cases, handkerchiefs, laces, 4 c, to the amount of several thousand, dollars, from the houses n which she was employed, came olT at two o'clock to-day, at tho Centiul Stulion. An hour before the hearing the stution was crowded with number of the wealthiest and most respectable ladies of our city.all iu search of missing articles, a majority of which were recognised aud handed over to their proper owners. Besides the goods enumerated, fnncy articles of almost every description wcro found among tbe rollectHiu exposed it recognition, some of which Wi re ol tlio cuatliost character. The case Is a most singular one. Notwltu. standing the value of tho articles stolen, and the oppuriumty oilered to di-pon of thum in most cases without (be slightest fear of detection, yet the woman seems to buve carefully stored them away from the time that she tint coiunuiuced the iudulgenc! ot her thitiiish pioiwusilie. i Ihe sight presented at the Ceutral Stution pre vious to the hearing, was a most animated one, Jloth the olliee in which the heiirin generally take place, and tlio "Rogues' Gallery," were tilled wilh scores of ladies and gentlemen, th Attention vt whiuh former aeemed diviaud he tweeu the articles Ihe.vwt reeudeavoringtoreeogf plze snd the portraits of tbe criminals xpo4 10 view on the nulls, ' 1 GEN. GRANTS ARMY. THE LATEST MOVEMENT. A O0OD roalTIOK TAKRff. Cut Foint, September 6. Rome artillery firing on the front during the afternoon of yei terday occasioned the most exaggerated minors here of a general engagement betwem tho forces under General arrcn, and tho Kebels imme diately opposed to him. I.evt these rum in Itiigbt reach yn through lllegimnio cliannelj, und create unfounded apprehensions and un easiness, 1 have a-errialneil they were bed wholly on Ihe movement of a brigade detached from Hancock Corps, aim sent around to ttie extreme 1 ft to drive away a working party of the Rebels w ho were tlircntenn g to lortitv a position thnt in it bt have Kitcii lutiitc troulilo. The ob ject was attained witliout so mu:h ns a refpcetii- tile skirinini, nnd no tigiring wnrttiy ot lin niinn oecurteil al any point on the line during tho day or night. KXTFVRIOrJ OP THE citt roiNT KAii.noAn. Mnior Wi ntz. Iinving the eonatriu tlon of tho extension of the Cllv l'olnt nnd 1'etersliurg rail- n ail in charge, nsures us thnt the whole nine and a halt mllea will no completed liy tuo lutu in stant. Five miles of truck Is already down, and construction trnins are now passing over it. IIKIMOIK PMEN IS HKALTH OF TUB AtlMZ. Troops continue to nrrivo from tho North In ronsiih table nuinhcrs averaging fully one thou-nnd daily. I he nenitn ot tne army remains unimnnlrcd. ond isnnieh betU r tlian w as learcd it might bo tome time ngo. Light showers or ram ran almost daily, leaving the ainiofphere cool for the sca-on. CIMKIIi MIKKIIAVS AKMV. oi i icial 1)i:m atch molt oi.NicrtAi, avbiui.l. IIi'nkkk Him.. September 2, ll) F. M. To Major-Gi ntral Kelly, Cumlierlanil : Knrljr re treated this morning towards Winchester. Iain on his heels. I have whipped Vaughn's cavalry, captured all his tjain which was not burned, and taken two ouiiic-nngs ; ne uus no aiuuury. i have cut on lmboden. (Signed) W. W. A VK.iin.i,, Brig.-Gen. AllMY MOVKMFSTS 111.111:1. DI'.PF T. CiiAiti xtow n, Va., .September;!. The army moved this morning In pursuit ol' the enemy, they liaving rclreutcd during the vrovious night, 'li e inovt incnls ot the enemy the day provious indicated mat itiey wcro nmvine irom tlielr posi tion near Smithlitld, und were massing near Mur- tinsburp, with 11 view to cross the l'otomac into Maryland from that point. This movement commanded the attention of General Avcnll, who, with his cavalry division, moved to meet the enemy, tie met tne Ketiels near Hunker Hill, when sharp skirmishing ensued, which resulted in the discotnliturc of thu Rebels, and the capture of twenty-live of their army wagons and numerous prisoners. Ihe movements ol the enemy arc enigmatical. Ho has thus far concealed his forces and inten tions with commendable, skill. Tho probability is that the Rebels aro ill retreat down the Shenan doah, a step necessitated by the scarcity of sup plies, and the need of strong reinforcements for General Lee's army. The valley is nearly stripped of supplies, aud can allord no support to cltlicr army. Hi'NKF.K IIii.l., Vs., Septoiubcr C We made a recoiinoissatiee of Ihe enemy's position yester day at Stevenson depot, and lound Lomax's Division of cavalry and one division of Rebel infantry in front of ns. Th ro has only been light skirmishing this morning. " ' " Tia i uii'Air,i'rniA ouivu,o.i,i ,, Ss BANTtAOF. IMTITUTF Mo. 14 Nort Z-- ailhl'Il Mweit. alKive .Market. Kupturaa rndlcally cured bv U. (:. I.VKHHTl' H Premium Patont (IraduatVnp Presiinre Tri'ffi. Huptrlor P.la.Uc Bwlta. Kla.Uc Htnckkias, l4tipportr. Bboalder Bracaa. 8apo orlMi. Cnitche., Ac. Laillca attended hy Mrs. B. C. F.VKRKTT. mr2S-lj WKALTII, II E A L T II, AND i BKALTIT. If to sain admlrlns eyes . If to caiuf Invidious iiluhn; Jf lo be a bloomlnv Mower, Vadlns, dylns In an hour BAcrr 1 If to have a hoat of erleodn ; If for vice to mac amend; rt with hlvh-born b!ood to wed ; If niarblu btone when dead Wealth I If to live tbreeecore and ten, Wlahins Ihe aa lonir aualn ; It to live a lite of peace ; If to die and ko to oreai flsALTii I If yon wish life of pleasures t If yon value this world's treasures; If every coniloit you would ee. Take uiy ailvlce, and wi.h all ihret. Then, having Dealth, Wealth. aad lleaaly. You'll be prepared for ever? duty. By a rare ml pf msal of Dr. W 11. I.I AM YOirWS New Bok, TUP. MAHKIAtlK tlUIDK, whlrh ehoiild ba raad by everyone. Hold by lluokuclhTS gvni-i'aMy, aud at the I'oi tor oOlee, Mo. 416 Bl'lil CB Hl'ltCKTs price U ceuta. aui-tf SAMARITAN'S SAMAltlTANH CfltR. CURE hAMAIillAN'S t'l liK. HAMAIIITAN'S Cl liK. SAMAKITANH CI'HK. liAMAItl I'AN'H ITKE. HAM Allll AS S ( I KE. 8AMAKITANH rUUK. SAMAItlTAN'rl CUKE. SAMAIIII'ANH t'l' It K. HAMAIiirAN'rJ t'l lli:. SAMAI1ITANH (ll.K. SAHAUITANrt CI'KK. KMAKIIAN S t'l lib. fAMAin i ash rritr.. BAMaIIITANH (M'KK. SAM VIII AN S CI'KK. H'AMAKI TAN'H Cl'IIK. HAM AltlTAN'8 ( I KK. SAM AlilTAN'ri Cl'IIK. The only sure and aale remedy fur llonorrrnva, ftleet, ninciiue, v.v. vurea ui an caaca ui irotu tvto to ai unya. I'riea fi Male or Finialc sent bv mall. 1 OlT CO., Sole Agent. ftAMAMTAN'R Cl'ItK. SAMARITAN rl ft l:B. HAMAItllAN rl ( IKK. SAMARITAN'S ITKK. hamakitaN'm cniK. HA hi A KIT AH 8 Ct'UF.. HAMAItl l AN H C'l'lti;. SAMARITAN 8 ( t'RK. SAMAItl I AN H I'UKK. HAMAKITAS H I'l l!K, 8AMA1III AM 4 CI Hi;. SAMAIIII'AN S Ot'ilB. BAMAUITAM 8 Cl'IIK.. SAMARITAN t'l llK. SAMARITAN'S CI RK. SAMARITAN'S Cl'IIK. SAMARITAN'S ( I RK. SAMARITAN'S OURK. SAM ARI TA N S CI UK. HAMARI 1 AN S ( I RK. THE GRKAT SftCII 1U loll SEi'KKT IHSKAHES Si iuinal fVeaVriei,.. to.iio''rliii'a. lilfe;. Ac. Eat-h taut contains 20 1'llla.a.iid will tine lu Trout two to bixuhvb. i-ricc 'J. It In also certain t.i re.loi c tone and power to those who are dtbilltttlid by uace.a or auy otlitr taii.c, aud will restore all lo full li;or ol youth, wh n the 1'ih. ara u.ei witnoiii uie injectiuu. in theae cu.es, ouu rni tiirte times a oa (Bent by mail.) C. PRICE ROSF., Proprlrrr, O. PRIi'K hOsK, Proprietor, I'. PRIl'K RUSK, Proprietor, C. PillCF. RosF., Pr.ipnotor, (.'. 1'iilCK IlilhK. Proprietor, liox 'UKAi Posl llllloo. llok-iUoti I'ontOlllCO. lloa 'ino P.Mit oitic. llox ii,,'il I'o.t lithe. Boa ' Poal omen. liYOIT A CO.. HYoTr co DYllTT A CO.! j.voi r a co. DYOrT at CO., No. N. SMCONIt Srr....f Sole ArmiIi. Sole Agents, Sole Atieuls, Sole Aueiits, Bole AeMa, o. ifj N. SECoM) street. Ko. UJ N. SKlMINK ajlreet. No.il.;! N. SE''ONI . street. Ko.i.rJ . KtOOND Street. Be aura anil a.k for SAMARITAN'S Cl'riE, SAMARITAN'S l:l UK, SAM A it I'l AN S (.'IRK. SAMARITAN S Ct'RK. SAMARITAN S CI'HK. SAMARITAN 8 Ct'RK. eUMAKITAN 8 CI'HK. SAMARITAN H CCKK. SAMARITAN 8 CI RK. SAMARITAN S CURF,. SAMARITAN H CI UK. SAMAHI'I AN H CURB. HAMAKU'AN 8 CI'HK. SAMARITAN H Ct'UK. SAMARITAN 8 CI'HK. SAMARITAN'S M'RE. BAMAHH AN'8 Ol'KK. SAMARITAN 8 CI'HK. SAMARITAN'S CI'HK. SAMAltlTASi 8 CI'HK. UTiti'p im BiroRi), syrup iik Rirortn. SYRI P UK RKORIl. BYRI'P DK IIICORI). HIHT 1(K RICORI). SiRUP M KICORK. SYHI'I' IaK ItlOiiJUI. SYRI P UK HICDKII. KYRI'P liK RICORI). BVRCP 1K Kll'Oltl). BY HI P iE KICORI). 8VRCP Ut KICOItO. SYltl P DB BICORO. SyRCP MJ lllCllllll. 8) HI P IiK H1COHK. BYHI P lit: XICOllll. BY HI P m: l:ICDi;i). SYHCP DK llll'ORO. SYHI-P UIS KICORII. RYIII'P TK Bli'dltll. NMtt'P DKPIOOItD. BYHI P liK RICORI). BYKl'P UK RICORI). SYRI'P j)E RIOIillll. SYkl'P DK RII'ORIK SYRI f rifc ItlCOltll. BYRI'P DK RICORI). BTI'l'P I)K RICORI). SYRCP DK RICORI). SYRI'P UKRKORD. S)RIP DBRlCoKI). A certain cure for all forma of Veuercal ni.ra.ua. I'.ed In the tutopean UosptlA., aud tha aruiea Uuouahout Kurope and America. Till. pr. paration I as no ecjual at an sradli a,r of thla form of disease, and strcutliene Uie coiuiitullon souernlly. It will cure ail Sores, Bpols, l liaplea, Tellers, or anv erupUwit, uo mailer iiom what cause or hon Iviai suuu- r'rlca 11 per bottle. v. rittcK rosk, Proprietor, C. PRICK Rohk, Pn.nrletor, C. PRICE ROSK. Pioprlelor. - - C. PRICK I1DK1C. I'p.,r,...,r C fttlCJS JIOUK, Propnetor., I IiVOTT CO. l.YOTT CO. , DYOTT A CO. DYOTT i CO. - DYOTT A CO. " DYOTT ) CO. I IlYOTT CO. j 1-l'liiUS. HkAOH Buret. ' Sole Agents, SiSo Asents, Hole Aeenta, Bol.' Anti jb. Bole isents. Sole Acnu, ' aVIaAarnla, Sent t spy sdilxeti. auJu lulu .jui RAILROAD LINES. 1)HII.AI1I',1.I'1UA, GKIIMANTOWN, AN " MiRHirtiUWN K Ml ltd l. TiMK 1AIH.K. On an arter MONDAY, Man IS. IM14, naUl fta-the DolH-a. Oava tMldHii'W It. 7,H. In. II, II A. . 1, l.Ht :l'.. 4,.i. f S.i.. ;,s. P. in. II. li P. U Invv (irmiani.iwn.S, 7, 7 i.,H., to. 11, II A. M. I.J. S.4. V, S.fiS. 7. . " Iu li. ami ll I'. H . ThrS indnw. and thr and tralna up, do not It on tho tifrinant-'W n liianii,. t II K-NI' T HIM. R All.UOAn. taw PMIudi Irl.la. , S, lti.lt A.M.l , SV.'V.T. ana ll I'. HI. LmrrCtirmnt tllll. 7'1", ! 40, lt'40 A. M. ; 1'tO, t 4u, r, Mi, s 4ii. nnd in 4" P. M . rOH ( ONHIIlilllM'KKS AST) V'lKtttBTOWfl. ' ' taif riilladi Iphia ,S SA, II nr. A. at.; IS.S.1.1 !,. I and II ', l: M. Ur Ni.rrillown, o, 7, 7, and 11 A. M. lli, 4 ', anil OP. M. 1 he i.', tram an, lll iUio at vl.nhkkon, Maaarank and CVilLhiM ken finlf. KOIt V 4NAYTNK. Uarr riillad' MJ l.ll,S ', 11 li A M 1, ,,n, ',,('.. mid 111 P. M. Iavr Mxnayunk.li'a.'X.S-iO, DH.tl'i A.M., S, a, Ta and I', at. II. K.RMlTlf. Mnfrnl HiiprTlrtandMi. ra.v.11 lii'lut, NINTH and l.UKK !4lreU. X'I'TH FFNNSYLVANTA TIAILROAT). i .r itKTiii.Kiir.M. iH.TLr.4rntvN, r. ah row. MAI HI fill K. UA.LtlUN, WILKr.HllAKRK, anil W ll.UAMOl'I'HT. Ml MMFR AHRANIIKMF.KT. AIIHTI(NAI, TRAINS. On and afVr MoNHA V,.lnnc l.i, Ihm. l'a.aanr Trains will Ware the Be lirpnt, Tlllllll RtreH, auova Thomp son slreft, rhllatlf-lplila, dally (nnndaja aaeepted), s fi.lk.wa 7 AM. (F.Tpr.) r.ir tlrihifhem. Allcnujwn. Maaak t hnnk, Wllkrl,rre. William. I'Tt. H 1 ', A . a! . ( A i ci-romi'iiatli-fij p,r IvTiarflwii. Ki lS A. M. (Arr.'U ninl.il ,nl f.,r Fart Waahlrujtoa. S P. M. Ari-on,moilalloti f(,r lloyn-saiinrn. . ,, -4;, P. M. (CM""" nnli'al' m, t.ailon.Aa. "' 4 l'i P. M . (Mall) fnr li"' li'.tuwn. A-tr, P. M . (Accommodation) lur lithlehain. Alimtowa. and Main-h t hank. 1,-1.', P. M. (Air.rninndAllrn) ror l.an.dala. 11 1'. M. (ArcirpT'ir ilHiinn ) for fort W.shlngt"n. TKAIN! lull t'HII.ADF.I.PIHA I.enve nrtliUlicm at S Wl A . M , ll . A. M , and SOT f, t. li'Tlrt.iwn At G UI A. M., 461'. M.,and 7 P. M. Laii.il.,lf al r, A.M. lurt W'anhliiKt'in at M-2". A. M. and J P. M. ON HI NlAVf4. mildolMarbrBlhlhraa at 1A.M. l'tiilak-uhlH l.ir Iiuvie.tiiwn at :l P M. I,,l. Mi,o fur I'hlia li l. i i -Xl A. U. Pflil. hom fur PrU-ad-lphia at 4 P. M. Illtlnian'a llat'iiat i. Kiitch a 111 call for and driver tM- (nirr nt Uie deptit. OrUr mar lio leu at tu. 11a B. I Umu Slrwt. ' Julll F.I.LIS tXAKK, JUrent. VKW RAILROAD LINE NORTII. x nut a'iki piiiA t nitooKi.rK, HIKOI UII IN FIVE mil its. r ARK SJ. KXCI ItSIONTlCKFTSII.liiiOII FOR TllItEF. DATS. tin ami alter H'l .ini, aukii at I. ih.,4. trmiit will lear foot i. f V1NK Street, PhllH'le'phla, every mornlnn at S A . 1 Al. tntinuay r-xr-pifoi.tne.ie nt tne t auioeti mioau larlli' and Ititrilan ami lielav.re llav Railroad, to Port All ninoiitb, and by ihe comuioilhviis aieamer Je.se Hoyt, tolrotof Atlantic slieet. Itrooklvn : retiirnlne. leave At i lantic Street V h.-M-f everyday (Sundays axoepted), at il A M. Traveiera wi th etir or N ew York ar notined not to fthply Sir paspauo hy thla line, the State of New JJawoy1 having uraiilcd to tho Camden and Atnhoy monopoly th exclusive privileffe of earr luff pa.Neniiers and freirht bi. tweta tne elites ni rnunnrmnia ami .New ira. lyw-u W. F. lillll l l ITS, tieiiorai Superintendent. -It'EST CHESTER AND rUILADELPHIA 11 KAlLhtlAH, VIA MKDIA. s it i 1 1 auiia "vi iem r.rvx. On and after FRIDAY, April 1, Ihm, the Trains will lear as lollows : Leave liilladclnhla. from the Depot, comer of TirtRrT- Fllo-T and MARKKT M reels, 8 A. M , U i A. M..J J0 1'. V l'50P. M.,8-4,'. P. M. , I'hllad-I hia Depot chanced rrom F.II1IITF.ENTH ana -tlAUkK't bUcsls to H1IH1Y t.RBT aud MAitaUbT ' Mreeta. ,eave went ciicAter. from the Depot on East MARKET Blnet.S Sfl A. M.,7-4 A. M 11 A. M ,J P. M.,4 4AP. M. ' , The cure of the Wet Philadelphia I'a.senuer Rallwa Company l Market strtit)HIU convey l'aeteruier to au4 rroui Uie rniiaiieipiua im pot. , , ON St'ND AYfl. ' ' ; l eave Philadelphia at u M A . M . and MO P. M . Train, leavlns riillaileiphlaut HAM. and' 4-JO P.M., f and est Chesu-r at i'-. A. m. and 4 -lo r. .vt., connect with trnlna nn the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad air Oi lord and intermediate pninla. Ja4-tf 11K.NHY vool),iinerjlbuperlnlandnt -Il'EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. 11 Commeiirint TUUICSIIAV, Brpiember 1 , Isoi, lTul Vt aJaut BUect Wharf. FOR OAPK MAY. ' ' n' At 10 A. M.and 3 P.M. - .: For Balem and Hrldtetnn. Sb A. M snd 4 P.M. For OlAHsboro, at 9 and 10 A. M., and 1 and 4 P. M . For Woodhnry, Ac.a' Hand H M .1, 4. and P. M. ' For Gloucester. Ac. at A. M.. 1'.' M..3.4 and P.M. kKTl'RNINti TRAINS LBAYK Ospe May at li and 11 4A A, M. MlUvlDc at8 07 A.M .amrl'Mi P.M. Salem at II A. M., and 116 P. M. Btldeeton atS IS A. M., 1 HOP. M. (llassimro at 7 10 and H-IT AM., a !!, and S M), P.M. VV.Kidburr at 7,7 4U and 9 47 A. 41., aud IM, aud 3 39, !". . , K Tnlt WEST JPRSEY E YPRF.S8 COMPAWY, Office, "o. SWAI NI T Street, will call for and deliver Bayir'sc. and allrnd to all the usual branches of Express business. A special messenger accompanies each train. J. VAN KKNSSKI.AEK, -SO tf Bupruitndat. It A D I N O RAILROAD. r.KF.AT THI NK T.INE F1I0M PHir.AIKI..-IIIA TO TUB INTERIOR 0 PENNMi LV AMA.TIIK Kl'liU VI.KI1.I,, HC8 UUKUANNA.CCMRKlll.ANo, AiiU WVOMLNO VALl.KY, KfiRTII, NOKTIIWEBT. AND TUE CANADA. PASSKNOIOR TRAIN'S Leave the Cimpuny's Depot, at TIIIRTF.KNTtl an CAI.I.0W1III.L Slreeta. Plilladclulila, at tha foliowUn noui a Ar' unnviun utir. tl At 8 H A. M., for Rrailliw, l.ooanon, Eshrata, IJtt. Columbia, llarrhliurv, Pottsvllle, Plueurove, Tamao.ua. Sunhury, Wllham.iort, Kliulra. U.Kiheler, Ntauar Falla. Ruilalo. Allei.Uiwn, Wl kesbarre, l'ltut-m, York, Carllale. Charaberi-bunr. llsaerslov. n. Ac. 1 he train coum cta at READING with East PennayrvaJ ma Railroad traina tor Alientown. Ac. the Heaains ana Columbia Railroad lor KDhrata. l.lliz. and Columbia, and wllh the Lehanon Valky train for llarrl.burs, Ac. ;al PtsttC A'l.lMTtiM wan t;aittwinsa itaurnaa iraius lor wuaesiaxre Wlllianisiiort, Lock Haven, Flmlra, As.: at 1IAHHIB lll'RO with "Northern Central," "Cumberland Valley,' and "Schuylkill and Snaiiac hauna" trains for Norttum berland.W Uliami'P''rt .Yi k.chauiber.liurs, PlDesrov,M A KITH MX IN KM'UKSS Leaves Phlladi lulila at 3 ;i(i P. M. for Headln, Pott, tile. Plnejtrov, llarrlsbara-. Ae , cnnneotttilf t Harris, burn with Pemoiylvuiii Central trains lor PiltslairK, CO., northern t eniral llaliraail trains rur nunDiiry, ivorinam berland, Flmlra. Ac, end at Port Clinton with Catawlase Railroad train for Miltou, WUUauujort. Kluura. JJuffalo, Ac. READINd ACf!OMMOI)ATION. Leave. RcadiLK at r.-uo A. M , stoppinit at all way la- llnna. arrtvlovln plill.aelnhia ut H'l.t A U. Returulns, Ii aves riulatlulji lua at 6'UU P. M. ; arrives U neiininir at n (Ai r. at. Trains for Philadelphia Rave llarrlnburg at 8 A. M., an Pottsvllle al IclA A. M , arrlilng In Philadelphia at 1' P. M. Aremoon tralua Icate llurrlaoueu at -J P. M 1'olti.vllle at '.Kill P. VI.. arriving In PlilUdelnhla at 7 P. M Market tiains. with a pa.senRer car altaohad, laav ' l-iuiaaeipiita at t i . at , lur Heaaiuk ana an way stauorw leave Readmit at 1'.', noon, and DovntUtown at l'i SO" II. tor Philadelphia and all way stations. - ' All the above trains ran dallv. Sundnva axeeDted. t Sunday trains lent 1'utlsvUl at 7 'HO A. M., and Phfla, aeipuiuais ii i- m. C1IKBTF.R VALLEY RAILROAD. . Pa.aenuers (or Downinutown and liiurmadlal nolnt take ll.eb li A. M.anat.i:0P. M. trains from PliiladelphK. returiuni Uein jjowniiujtown at In A, M., ana iri noon. HLW YOHK EXPRESS FOR PITTSIIUBQ AJTD TH VYKST. , . L.-avcs Kew Y'ork at 7 p. M., pulsing Readlns at 12 mlL nll'ht, and couutLtltih-ax lla:i,s-uis Willi Peunsylvaa' llallroad Kxp'ess liain. for Pitt.lmrg. Itettiriilna Kxliress train leaves tlarrlaburvoai arrival .' the Felilisylvania Kapler. (rota Plllehurg at S SOA-lf l" passinii Keuiiiag ai a to a. m., aim arnvins at saw rut, at 1'46 P. M. Slt-epirt Cai accoinpnnr these tralr throiitrli, between Jersey City and Pittsburg, wttao ehaiiee. s Mali t rahii for Kew York leave Ilarrishurg St S A. audi P.M. M ail train lot llarrmbarg leav J4w Ion at 6 A.M. and V! M. , SC1U U.KH.L VAM1T RAILROAD. ' Tralna Irave Pott. vine at 2 16 A. M. aad S JOP. M , rt tutninn h-ooj 1 oscarora at K Id A. M . and 4 ii P.M. BCIII'Y l.kll.L AM) St;SOI EllANNA RAILROAD. Trains b-ave Auburn at a 46 A.M. for l'lnefrov at llarnxburi', aud at I'WI and 7 In P. M rur Plneirrov ona returnitni frouiilnrrrsliuri: at 1 ati P.M., aud from Flu. srovaalSUi A. At., and 4 am! f, P.M. mini Throarh frat-claaa tlck.i. and amlimnt tickets to I V ti, e prmcipai pouiu in tne Sonli and west and Canada Tiie follow inv IJeki'U axe ootula.vlileonlv al the otic B llHADFOHeV Treasurer. No m 8. FOI'HTbt Sir. Phliade:pl la. or of (1. A. Mt'Oi.LS, General BuperuiMi dent, Rradlng : CO.MMCTATION TK'KF.Tg, At JS per ce t. di.couui, Liv, ecu auy paints dralrtt for lamiliea and flim.. MII.KAOE TICKETS, Ucnd f. lan nules, bamaea all point i, at SI at a for laininea aud urm.. SEA"ON TICKtrTS, For three, six, nine. or twelve months, foe solders oat" to all point, at reduced rales. Cl.l RllYMKH lieilitlnirnn Iho line of the road will be furnished wit i rams, entitling tuerjisslves aad wives to tickets atba rare. :xciirhiow Tll-Iir.T From Philadelphia to principal stations, gooJ for Batm ' , day. Sunday, and Monday, at reduced fare, to be had oul If' " "" at the Tlcaetoaice.atiaiRTKKNTH andCALLOWUU'' lort Buretta. FKKlliHT. I ,(l oooai or an acscripiions torwaroea to u uie anov points, irom the compauy s new lrelut dapot, xlUDA tllKIUHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dallv at S A. M., 1 P. M .and P. Ml iHcauvs, ioanon, iiarnsbiirg, roiisvisa, 1 on (Jua toa, ana pouJia oeyuua. MAII.8 Close at the Philadelphia Post omc for all place on 11 road and lis branches at 6 A. M., aud for Ui prliiolpi JoUH. F.hlE RAILROAD. lOO'l i T ale ureal line trevar.ee tha H or ilium and Xorshw.ii oountlt-s at Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Krtt i nas oeeu lea.oa oy ine l E.Ar.ftt l.VANIA KA1L.11UA COMPANY, aid under tlielr atwpioee 1 twlag aapui1 unfiled tliroUkliout It. enliru l.MiHth. It Is now In tree for Passenger and rrelirtit .elns rVo l JIamsburg lo Fmporlum. C.tfi nilksl.on uu) k,au;ru Dim sion. ana iroui Oheai.id to tula (7S asiioa), oa ui n ewr DiviaioD. tiwv nr p.aeKitua TSliKliT pulLADILrttia. Mall Train W aves HMO A. axprasa Train kavca avMOF.; Cars run Uu'oiiiUB wiTnoi'T chakok both ways on the trains baawaea l'liuadelpiiiaaad Look, lla.au, aad betwa. ll-ni..ra Bi,a l.nl'L liVeil. F.legaat leetlng Cars e the Kxpreat Train both wsyf For Uilrmauoo r.o.wuiis rumuvw uuainesa, apply the 8. K. cm nor ot aXKY S.STII and M AktvC 1' Huel. An lor r reigiu uu.uoe. 01 uie v uiuuiuiy a Agent. n. xs.lvmx.ioii,er.,voiuv w.v 1 Lbs 114 gweets, niiipiicitM'iB. J. W. fleyiiolu., Ksaa. . . vi t. M. Hani, Asout, JJ. . 0. K., UalUmor. H. IIOTJSTOsI, General Tret! Agent. Paliadeiphla, l.twis W HuilPr. . Oeaeral Ticket Agent, Puiarieipbia 1 1 JiiSKIMI ri p, .e-f-a Jat-tf Vsacral Mauager, WlakaatspV 1 01 T I S ll t! ih f,n rn :-h. io ft! n ' CI 1 1 -UI 't til L o: In th ' lu trie cc lie h lio rnc s n 18 " O' rio t ar v. IU eki iC I t w . Cll ted ,t w H V" JtlUI ll ll llfCI etit! t w .a r lor iv, I I SC. t Wi lin rs i on. twi 'sm I by littf UMl wi ell its, van Kth f-'cru i r ii of t wi nes bt! t wi rud 1 pit I ov f th hov ill I i of ttlrj lur icb i U, n will e b' vcr etbe us t kes I Hise i vjlcve f-sai' r in i ce o oic the ich i gun ry n uuil ive f jinui more sent enon trsbn nil, rtl -e, ma fi ;hi I gal 111 uhUia IS (4iV oftt 1 wbl tho lu s vittfu lelens butw tinjr v tuku pre 'OHM'. ei ca i 1 arn rvu tl btten i t fortt to ten ilican, lah all other lually. ue niai s bv li r they AUJsli tt tub riling l