THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRArn.rDADKLPniA, THURSDAY, SKPTOIBER 8, 1861. THURSDAY, SF.PTKMr.KR 8, lfkH. imiT Ot THE NEW YORK PEE53. r, i . , - -inn .1.1- - MdlK KdUorlals from the New fork rprr Tills Morulnc l. I It . l AMiM rem ihr 7Ve'. We rc rnteiinr mi n a Prciil ntinl cimpuln f nnrqanled Import'inrc. To our own jii'l.'inctit nd that of groit hiiiiiImth ol our cilii-n-", tha litres of tTic Chi. Hifn )latfnrin and tho Doino ralio nomlncv, w,.ii, involve ulttinittMy tho rknowlclgiTicnl of the indepeti'lt nco of tho Label Confrilcti ry, Hie pi'.-innnr-nrfl of ! ivory a thin continent, and the destruction of our attonal unity and Imperial power. These are tivmcndmis in,'s. ',ine siiih wore rtr prrcnt.d in any previous political struma i the history of iho Kepnidlc. The wir win, Ii as becu wnKlnn with Imyouot) unit cannon, will ow be transferred to iirKutnontH und vntus. All le cowardly, tronsormlile, and unprincipled do lenu r f our society will he collected onono dido; II the latent suivssiun and pro-nlavcry fee.iUK' of le fiee titates will now wi rent; all those who 0 not reason, tint nnlv feel the evils and biirduD f the i'nieylo, without thinking of its oliject, 'ill band together with the opuoly treasonable, nd those sseictiy In sympathy with the Smith, he timid and thoso tire I of the war, and thoao wing property, and those who h.tve no political rinciples, but only follow the pocket, and the rent army ot the Ignorant in our cines an I lanntacturinK town, will unite under the hirago nomincen to strike at tho Union. We hare got lo tight the old battle over aalu; e most show anew what Union means and what le reparation of State; what slavery bus done 1 the Sooth, and what untold evils it has ired on this continent. We intist bring anew efore the minds of the nation what a giorioui riio we have been struggling for In the Held hat a long future of liberty and prosperity and nion what a career of justice and equal rights all races and classes tor centuries to eomo on lis glorious continent, with no clement of dls rrbance in the midst of ns, and no Power out fit strong enough to dare to Interfere wtrnt ational power and glory we are to sacriilce if we it up. While, on the other hand, If the resolutions of M Platform prevail, ami tho war be stopped, and e Confederacy esiablishcd, we are to show what miserable futnre is in reserve for this prond ipublio what endless contests with her warlike sighbor whut a weak and easily broken Union III remain what dissensions between Kast and est, aud between Mi ate and State, will spring p what opportunities will be presented for reign Powers to interfere what prostration of uraonal liliertieo, and what perpetuation of chat 4 slavery on this continent must be the curtain ssu It. All these principles and reult of the pending intest, we are to show during this canvass by rgainenra and addresses to the reaiou and con venes of the people. We expect to do it ourn ttly and warmly. We do not mean to mlneo lattcrt. If the party. platform leads to disunion d aeoMsion, we intend to show It plainly, and le nominees must be taken to represent their rty-policy, as in the present case, we have every isBon to suppose they do, but in doing this, we desire as much as pisii le to refrain from those practices which have so isgracod American political contest. We do 31 mean to indulgo In personalities, any further tan they bear on the direct public issues. We rsire sit the very theshold or the struggle to lace) on record our conviction that Gcuural EcClellan and Mr. Pendleton are neither forgers or roue; hat, on the contrary, so far as we now, in private life, both respectable persons ; :r are we at all iuteressad or desirous to inform le public what their domestic concerns may Ira, r what crimes or virtues may have marked the U of their ancestors ; nor shall we repeat the trotting scandals which, have usually doited jout in political canvasses, and have made soma artion ot our party press disgusting to all decent eoplo here, and a laughing-stock to the cirilijod orld. This is too grand a battle for lowipcrsonalitles. encral George Ii. McClellan and Mr. Pendlu m, are nothing personally to us, any farther lan their past public career propliociea their iture, and than tlicy represent to us their party, bey are the nominees of an anti-war, pro avery, disunion, combination. Whatever their idividual views and we believe they favor im ediate peace they are to the nation the repre miatives ot a base compromise and a disgrac il peace. Xbey are disunionists and pro-slavery Ivocates, and tho enemies of the Republic. We shall tight them with evury honorable capon. And furthermore, we shall feel it right targnefrom the career of General MeUlellan, lat tliero is nothing in it of talent, or character, r success Iwhicli utsbim to be a President of the nited Stmce. But for that rc.isun we shall not el It nectssiiry to accuse him of bdng por nally a traitor or debauchee, or to scatter scan uls againat his private and personal reputa'lon. r'e leave such efforts to bespattor a candidate to lemore congenial organs of the Copperheads. a our part, we intend W conflne the politic il rnggle to the fair held of direct and tromondous itioual issues, let who will throw mud and oHitl. THE HOI R OF TRI Af ro tto Tribute. In the present crisis of our political affairs, If e had any doubt of the fidelity of the people truth and the right, we would recall that hon rabro day, when the demon of Rebellion tirst fled its obscure head, aud was confronted by ie generous and enthusiastic loyalty of millions; 'e would bid our citizens remember bow thoy icnhurried to the defense of the Capitsl.promptud y no meaner motive than the lore of their ountry. We would bid our women remember ite alacrity with which they engaged iu works of ity and benevolence. We do not know why the cause of the country uouli! not he dearer now than then -dearer by 11 tbeaacriHies which have been mule in its lebalf- dear. r by all tho precious blood which ias been mllra acarer oy all the material trei uro, which has l een worse than wasted, if we je now ready forndUbonoralilepeai'e. Webtvo aid before, and we say again, that the time for Making terms with the Hebelllon was when An lersou and bis handful of men surrendered to be baitt ries of Charleston. Wbea w decided to light, we either cheated mparlvcf and the world alrangely, or we ilecided o tight tho crime of secession, hour by hour, day y day, week by week, mouth by month, and rear by yei r, come vi tory or emue defeat, to he extermination either of ourselves or of the abllc enemy. Four years of war have chunked mthing of the morality of that high p'lriMjso. io far as duly is concerned, we stand now where we stood then. We have simply been making a stoftha nation's manliness, and the decision rill be recorded In the vote of next November. The Chicago Convention, an irresismi-lole body, inknown to the laws, and which has declared Uelf to be perpetual, proclaims lhat there most jfc l cessation ot hosii ities." This i. inJeed a noble message to rend to our galUut soldi rs, at .his instant achieving d&i-ive victory. The UTogaut and dcspixate chiefs of the Insur rection have a thousand tiin-s told ns that (here can bo no " cess ition of hostilidej," 3xceg through a recognition of tao Couf .d-r.tcy i jut the L'bicagoiies, having unrs, hear not ; hav ug eyes, see not; or else, having these, they are ready to barter the Integrity of the Union for tho take of political power. The only conclusion to which rational men can come is, that these ad venturers are ready for a peace upon the teruis .lictated by Jederson Davis. Are the people of the United States also ready for this f Their ileclslon will be recorded iu tho vote of next November. If the people are ready to rush upon an untried sod, what is worse, an unknown policy to ven lure npon dubious experiments of conciliation io run tho risk of losing all that lias been g.iiuei to entrust power to the triemis of those with bom we have been lour years fighting to bate heart und hope when both should bs strongest then we have very much mistaken the character Lit the people. We will await with confidence the decision ol next November. WIIRRK 11 ANDERSON VILI.ET Audersonville is in the southwestern part o the State of Georgia, and is nearly directly south of Atlanta, irom which it is distunt a little over one hundred miles. It i some ten miles north of Americas, where the prison for our captives was located for nomo time, and front which to Audersonville some of them were removed. It Is on on of the bor der of the Flint river, which is a confluent of the Apalachlcola, and Is also on the line of railroad running iu a southerly direction from Macon. It can be seen on anv good map under the designation of Andersonvllle. It Is marked Anderton on the map. Oeneral Sherman Is mov ing a i portion of bis army to Fort Valley, the Junction of the Western aud Southern Georgia railroads, where he will recapture our thirty thousand prisoners, we hope, be lor o they arc all lead from starvation. Towan or A Binti's Bono. When we Wr the song of the soaring lark we may be snre that the entire atmosphere between us and the bird is filled with pnlsi-s, or nndnla'lons, or waves, as they are often called, produced by the little sonf ster'i organ or voice.. This organ II vibrating instrument, resemblinc. in nnncinlo. tha rend of a elniinnrt. Let us suppose that we bear the song of the lark, elevated to the bright of live hun dred Iret In the air. l;efore tins is pmlhle the bird mast have agitated a phero ol air one thou nd feet in diameter th il Is to siv, ftmnat have rommniiicatrd to rvct:tcrn thousand e'ht bun tired and elghty clRht tons ofalr a motion suffi ciently intense to be nppreciiitcd hr otir organs of hearing. T'tirirU'n (;,rim nfthr A'pu A child live yeirs o'd was poinoned at Montgomery, Pennsylvania, last week, by eating strychnine, which had been Tirelessly left in a burran drawer, whero the prying llttlo (lngurs found it. A plsn has been chosen for the new Masonic Hull in Huston, to take the pls-o of the building destroyed by Ore some weeks asro. Iron, stone, and cement will make the new bnll fireproof, and the architecture Is Gothic. SPECIAL NOTICES. JCJ FIFTKKNTH WARD IN COUNCIL. tlltAM) MASH MKBTTNO TO VlUItT, AT 81'IUVll ll.MIOKN INHTITI'TK. OTtUl.IMd UONH.VI.I,. K... . will tip pr..snt, and nflnr prsclli sllilnlfl In rrlallori ti Ihn ilrnft. wliroti wo wll b ennlili'd lo rli"i up Ihe bslnncp or our Qiiola, Hlort Hpppclii-'. Ht p..rl ol ( 'omniittr, Kfm. nil.rr THIS rVKNINO, at i.Ho' 8PKINO tlAHl.KN INSI I TI I K The 8itrrirf (W.t Phllsilelptila) no.pital Hsnd will ulNrotirxe pstrlotlr 13?- TF.NTH WAKD.-THK I.OYAI, CITI- rrnsoftre Tenth 'n-d will , ,1,,, HATI RI1AV EVr.MVD, nt 7 o clo.-k. At illlOAU and HACK Ntrreli, to march to tka i;rsnd Maai Mettlug (o tw held In lndr randener 1hmt of LINCOLN. JOHNMOV. AMI MRKItTT. By order of Ui Ward A.illoii, , ., . A. H. I KANCIHCU8. Treildrnt. Wy It, T.KKlts, Secretary. it T1I1KI) I'llKClNCT FIFTKKNTtl Vard Tncrltlctn. In r.T,.r nt - ,..,.,.,.. rtltlon of Oia war. and'.f sutUtnlns ths proHrnt Admlnlt trsllon in ll to ii.Tr, thr ailmlni (Uhniiion, will n.Hamhlc ni tha n.nhwau cernor of Co ATKS and 1IIIIUK AVKNI'K.oii Thursday cvenltur, HaptrmUT S, at H n -clerk, for li 1'iiryo-ri of llioruulilorKaiil.liu tha UlTUr.O. A. II. Tlavli, K. M nnf, William llntiM, Ilrnry L. HnOlh, laae C. 1'rnniuD, W. II., 1'tirUtorbor IlugheA, l'lillip W alton, TTinmaii Col U.I ay. JnbHi DuhftUawajr, J-'hn 11 wj, .Tain"! It I'eTnrnw, Kilward Wallaca, J'lhn U )vk, t'liarlea tltibbi, CbHrlta AaroDton. It jggf MAHfsl 3lli2ETirVO. OUE COUNTRY SHALL BE ONE COUNTEY. Tha anppoitart of tha Union and tho Onitltutloa, frlaodsof oar prasant Natlinal and Stale A Inilnl.tra Uona, and alt la favor of tht re-etaatlon of the UO.VBsT, the AI1LE, and tlie PATHIOTIC ABRAHAM LINCOLN T ttia Pmldencv, and tin nnbla and alf aacrlAcUi ANDREW JOHNSON To tha Vies Presidency! all who so for their country, and the at whole eountry ; all who for an early and l'KHMANKNT l'KACK, To be brr BRlit ahont by crushlni; the Rebellion of the In fsmoua traitors now waglns: an unholy war Against oar Union and Government; and all lornl friends f good government and free Institntlone.are requested to meet at INDKl'KNDENCE HtftTAKI, On SATUEDAY, tie 10th lust., AT O'CLOCK P. at , To stiirl tho great ball which Is tbla fall to roll over and overthrow all who s)mpatulze with traitors, and would bo wlllleg to moke a DISGRACEFUL AJIMISTICE To divide aad destroy our glorious Motional Union. The following dlitlnguUhdd Oeittlemcn will address the meeting Hon. ANDREW (1. Ot'ltTIS, Hon. DANIEL B. HICK IN.SiS, New York, Hon. F. B. PF.NNiMAH.rennaylvanli, Ilon.CUAKI.K8 8UMNKH, MiAeachuselti. lion. WILLIAM DIMMICK, hmnij Iranla, Iloo. WILLIAM B. U ANN, Uon.JAMRS M. HCOVKI., New Jersey, Hon. CIIAKLF.8 GII.I'IN, MOKTON MeMICHAF.L, Ba , Uoa.CIIAKLKS OlHIlOHi, DAMKL DOUOI1KHTY, Kn., UKNJAMIN 11 Esq., Hon. JOHN HICKMAN, Fwmaylvanla, Hen. JAMBS POLLOCK, Pennsylvania, Hon. JOHN M. BUTLKH, Hon.OHAHLKM O'NKIL, Hon. I F.ONAItl) MVtKS, Hon. WILLIAM I). KKI.LK.Y, ttoll.M. ItL'aHKLL TI1AYK.B, A. B. HI.OAMAKEK, Kail , JOHN K. I.ATTA, Kaq., WILLIAM 8. flF.kCB. Kiq., 1'rolessorK W. DLMIAK. By order of tho City Eveoutlve Committee of the Na tional L'nlou l arly. JOHN O. UUTI-Iilt, Be7-4t Chairman of thel'omntitteoonTown Meetings. tjT OFFICE OF T11K WAR0KN3 FOR rxy the l"ort of Philadelphia, No. U! WALNU1' Bireet. Pun a 111.11(1 a, Heptemher S, 1HS4. 'OTICK Ai .liratH.n having teu made to this Hoard by Uie "Tlniciim I istiiliif Cumpsuy." f.r a Ueeiiao to ort-i-t a I'lerln tho hiver Jilaware, front of tlw-ir pmoertv lu le:aware couetv, agreeahr)' to a plan on nle tn tlit. ottlce, iletiuewill Leslie on Friday neit, If too oujac!l.ju are inudo. t'HAS. WAYNK, re)-3t Matrr Warden Port ul'l'hl alelphla, rZSf CITY BOUNTY, FOUR HUNDRKU t1' Dolinra ON lew of Ike City llounly Fand Coiamls slon. No. IIS I'lll .SK Htrrnt. Until fnriher niilee.iho CnniinlRlon will eonttnue to tavlhe CITY HOCNIY OF Fill K III'MIUMi 0OL ARS to all rfernl'a cridlleti niin the U ta of iheciiv ol rhlladrlphtn, wliatli.r eullillns lor ono, two, or throe oar. i'Hrtles ftirni-hlii' Snbhiinuei will recelre Slim loi One i ear. n I'.tr Two Yer". lor Thr. e Yanra. a-i hopetof ,r. it. r. ki so, rresiiv it. Itoat-lrr M. MomtK, 8ci'tetaiy. i 4-ot OFFICE OF THE BRlOiiS OIL - Cou.paoy. No Is. H v it I'll sure..!. 1-hllidol-pi la. SepleiuLer 1. I-.KI. 'I'lie Ito.r.t of Ilre.'lor. hai'o tin. Cut, Oe. Urad Ibe third In uiv divlih-nd ol uSK ri-:!! t'KM'.oii iheeapilAl tiO"k, pyAlie on the Slh Imt. The I raicsfi r ll' k illbu eloaedailvr the llli lint, and re-.i en' il on the Slh A. F. HA III ' K, ae' i : I' -nt. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE HEAD, tOIIOAT D18EA8E8, CATASltll. Those who suffer from theae maladies have now the vary tat oi'poruiuity for finding rtillvf. The apparatus rountrucied by lr. 0N SIOMl UZISKkB la uuduusixdly the niwat perlectly eOectiva xtnl evar Hted for reaching the at of the disease lo which it Is directed, and eradi cating a. with wondertnl rapidity. Tha aiioUvalieu is kaliilcsa. unite, o. 1W7 WALNUT Street. TP.HTIMU.N1ALSJ. To tli Deaf. rr. Von kloacliiUker, Aurlat, No. 1097 Welnut street, operau-d moat aucceaifuUy on my ear., rvilorlng sue to perleet beanos. 1 luffiired from what Loe pbysicuuis caiiad a Iblckrunwf of tho drum of the ear. WILLIAM CltANK. Ilullder, Kestdenee, Ho. IMS S. Second atreet. Philadelphia, Annual 3, USX. ratu Ai'n.i HiA.Siih Jutie.lnM.- rule Is to certify, that for four yeara 1 waa troubled wiit an otrenslva discliarae, accompanied with deafneaa. 1 lu-ve ben treatvd by na. tueroua phyaiciana wltbout recelTtng aay benedt. Home Biuaitlia aso I applied io nr. Ven Mosciiil aker, who bas aecoupbabeU a perfect euro. JOHEPH HnoEVKF.R, Of the Arm of Shocmaiar A Tladal, M.n bants. No. 314 N. Uroad street. Private realdence, Ke. TJi Oreeu sueet. EYE.-Dr.rON MOHCHIHKRR esn be sonniltejoa all atalailiea of the Eye. The eUKUlCAL opsialious to restore HHIIIT skilfully poribrrmed. 6itoe, No. 1017 WALN1TT Btreet, Where hundreds of aUullar Wstlojomals as the above caa be anaailnad. aud -if r3" DEAFNESS AND BUNDNRS8. i. a' Isaaee, U D., rrofcoeorof the Ere aad Ear, knees all dtaeaeee appartalntiig to the asove-tiained aMoabera wnb the BluvoetaMcceas. leatkmoniala from the naost reliable aoureas in the oUy and eountry eaa be ewa as kls onioe. o. Sit PUEHireet. Artlnutal Kyea Inaerteal wltbout pal, ko ebargee made tor eaaiuloAaavu. Oinee ksii irocan as UA ai-.llvI .,. yo.UsMI8t. aut-iia AUCTION SALES. MACK FYS AUCTION ROOMS, No. S MiKKSrT llfM. WANTS. f WANTKD TO HKNT-A Kt'llNIHHED itlcu-o l,jr s prlvsui rsinll. AilJrvas J. l. !.. I'.nt Oi'tc, Hot y.w. auit If T tt A M S T P. It 8 WANTKD. Cmrr Ul ARi'RMA.rrRt fi Orrtr. lriT or WjniHiTf, Wnmitr!. I) V. , Auirnst 1H, Win.41, at oc, riVK HCNItKKIl tk-m to DNF, TllOI HAND fn. TKAMSI P.HA Mrh rpfttl of drtT rv with Intel Una. and oiMnaiim nitir fmt. lowiirhwho ar to, thadiitr, th pay Pf mmh will h Uitrty-fv ilollan, with nnn rnttr r por tlav, and hofttMl ptirlirHa, Including Ui bett Dit-tl pi AttetJinr wlin tlrk. Mvn iiifvMtMi a Wagt n Miutrt will rwtv nt a poaiiitm. utxn briiiginK to tills point tweutjr iir (16) II'nh) Tfknifl am. A -pit lo rnptwln "T1 TI TOMPK fN. A. Q. M , XI. R A . 'rnrr ol TVV ..N 1 If hK '1-I) and (I Stn'u, Waab InKton, 1. V. !. II. RfM'KKK. tirladtr-fln(ral and VbM guai-tvrinMt-r, FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOH SAI.K.-9-kI.OOO WORTH IN OOOD llooaea, lanre and anisll. on torma to ault pnrrheeeri, eilher with or wlihotil Incumbrance, for raaa and g.Md trade. I n.jnrrf of, from 111 lo la o el.ick A M , THUS. M. PLOWMAN. No. Jlir 8. FOIIBTII Street. MERIOAN BANK-NOTE REPORTER. THE ONLY BANK NOTE RKTORTKR IN nilLADKI.riHA. PVBI.I8IIF.D WKKKI.T. The only one containing QUOTATION of Bank Notes 111 TOUR CITir.a,vni: rHti.rm,pniA, IIALTIMoliK, NV.W YORK. CINCINNATI. The only one which contains the NATION AIj HANKS as mat as organised (official list). The only one which contains the tlRNKIVL lI. COUNT In EIGHTEEN CITIES, VIZ: rmi.Anr.i.pniA, WA.HIIINOION, KOI Iia.H l F.U, I'lllHIIHKli, CUICAOO, lllMUOUK, BALTlkOKr- l i.avr.i.ANiT, AL1IANY, TROT, T. llttia, UATKNCokT, NCW YOIUC, CINIllNNArl, WlLMtNurON, ST. PAUL, iJiUI.SVIl.t.K, The only one which gives the earUeet Information of NF.W COllNTERrFJT NOTKlt, DOMl-.iTlO MAKKtrr.H, STOCK taui.k., AVtt riNANlrl AL NF.WS. The facilities of the AMERICAN BANK-NOTE REPORTER, BOTU FINANCIAL AND TTPOtlRAPUlC, AUK INKQCVLFD. aunscuiPTioNs (pr.R annum), in advance:. Weekly t3.10 I 8eml Monthly ftT,0 Monthly StT.O. OFFICE, Ns. 10H 8. TIUltD STUKkT, (third rt.r). AUUHFJW, s. K OOHKN, rt'm.innER. aull-lm MRS. JOSF.rH HUFTY DESIRES TO IN form hor friends that she has removod from No. 4o7 I HF.HNl'T lretto No. WS, FOUKTll Blreot. MIA8E Ik HUFTY'S NE Vf 1H.ANK BOOKS s and Stationery. No. II H. FOUKTll Mtreet. Ooeued To-Uay. KNl'INE ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID Jl and Copying Ink, direct from Ixindon at CliAiSF. A IIIISTY'S New Blank Book and SI atl inerv Htore, No. ri 8. FOUKfU 8troet. fN THE BLOCK ADE-RUNNEU " FRIN " ce.a Alice." was caoinred an Invoice of the World a Fair Prize Cap Paper, a portion of which la for aaie at cuAnn nun l n New Blank Book and Stallonory 8tore, No. ill 8. 1'OUUTU ritreoL 1YI.ANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIP 1 Hon on hand, or made to order, at a am all advance on old prices, at CIlAHb; A IICHTY 8 xiew niana nooa ana atniionery more, No. tl 8. FOUR I'll 8treet. MANY OF THR OLD VARIETIES OF Letter, Cap, and Note Paper, much auperior to Uioec of later manufacture, oan bo baa ai CIIAKF. IHTFTY'H, New Blank Book and Niath.nery Biore, No. W8. lOI'UI ll Klreet. sftOLD FENS AND PENCILS TO SUIT ALL v it iTSicrenoes, aud warranted for one rear, can bo bad at C1IAHK IIHFTY'8 New Blank Book and Mtatljnsrv SUire, No. 8. FOURTH Street. 20 PER CENT CAN BE 6AVED BY PUU oliMuitig jour Hiiuiouery nt i. HA nr. rs u vi r i i n Kew niank IUok mnd Httii.nrT Sl'r, an- rn Ho. tl H. J-UUKfll riir.wt. DE310VAL. J. MEIEK & BROTUEIt, M K RO II A N T TAILORH, IUt rwiOTed frm Ko. l'Jfi M. 8ond ttrmi to tho ft. E. rornrr 8KC0MD Mid AKCil 8treU, where thy hv on hand a ood atuck o CLOTHS, CASI MK KK. and TKKTIMUM. (ao.1tlm Alao. Kipleadld uftnrtutBt of readx-mncleCLOVlLlNG. KK M OVA L. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, CArpinler and nnllrtiT, has removal hit shop (Vera Ho Htraw bcrr ilrvat to Wo, CAU TKB Hiet,d JotuniK Ui old rout Utile) Uniltiln. Ha I nit liiuicatod tarlllilf for carrvlirir n the liu-luciii axiPiitlroly, he hra to roceivi a slsn ot public patroti&ge. Ja7 IJURNH' COTTAGE. ' If Tlili aver popular. ar.y, and wall-kMwn p luce of welcome vitltaUutt, at the H. K. conmr i dlXTH an J MINf'tt Htrf tn, k tinJnK a mit ttirlvtrnx bmlueia, under the aiuplcea and iuimiattft aupnllsn ta ; , AUMIRAL JAMKH NELSON. I'Koi-Kirrv Tba Admiral kparra ui' it tier time, mono, not ittentfon toaitpplj tilt putnnii Kitlitliechuiceftt Winiaud Liquors, and .uporiur Hcotrh und Old Rtock Alt' nn Urautflit, wUich cannot baiual)d In fMiaitelDlii. l.el a ry n an who love Ma cmttr and la (bud of Hw U dun. kle me Aiiiuti-al call au.tO-lm T;Lorni.siiiNo hoiki.k. amongst tiik 1 plliv hntiHi In unit around WnU ''lpbia, thre are nmi lw tuipa ttu iw 'MilSIlNK ia HKVUflf TH Htue'. aimvt CHIt-hUr; or. Uie ll and wll kuuwn 'bol Oil ' lluicl. at treronifru MKroVH Lane TOWSHtill' LINK Koad. Mr. .KKlR W. KIJI1I, is iTopnnor 1 1 ImhIi, vIiibi i tisl-!d anniclunt auarantee ((r i fir rntlrt t l Tot von lic m ery tuldK aat utile oud bllt-it)e win bu 1'oiiimI at vacn tli,, ar ,no( wlta wHsiiOh k ilte time at out t vtt.t, ti.e frui will be quite nw, A fplenoid Lumb e ery ttnyt frm iltol'i cluetv. LI 0' I 111 II OOrKR'fci ALE VAULTS, S. K. CORNER . i i uiku auu ihkhm, r isiri-(U, CM IK LiillKK SIMfcs KI.KiK v .'11 OKKICB, PKS1MTAS UlsU 'ANl. TliE C04Hlt.-r AMI f.KST Al.Kt I t" TIIK CITT. t M UKANHIKs. WlK.-J. tilHA WHI4KIK8, -'KNl 4 AM CAl'AtMlA WIMtJl ANI l.K AM'lKS. I-.N IT. !-(.. risu, HCii.s H. aS W KHI' A S ILsVi ANI l.ltOAi MOl't, Tbla ;lt bratec oUi t4n.l l.-tviii,; Kfi'ii renovated and Umrt'HL,lilv rt tlllr'l. with an- o: t" 11 m stiol.- ul A Lea end t bu e 1. hwt in o , t- , ra n. wr lnvtit4 tUe pud lit to gie bun a cli, uui.iiiUm it lir It of thMr p troYL au'ii liu 1 )A1 liNTKI) .ll'LY JOSEPH i MuiTKT, Kli-vB u lnrH. Fri'j.m tmw liyelnj aiid Sruinliiiv n utiy Kind ul' wcnrlnv' apk''tlt lor Lidiea, tiftite, aiitl bilt'rtfi. Patfr.! amia'aiii" rbr tretchlna IiantM n"i to flve In . No. I'M KICK Mtrcet. lrunb ko, "W H. MN I'll H'ruet. I'l(ila.b)p),la uW 3ua I a i u n x u. Ttrsons having Dlamoada or other rre:lous Stones to dispose of will do well by Camus' on LEWIS LAD6MU3 & 00., Diamond Dealer) ami Jovclorsi No. BOS) CIIK8NUT Htreet. Who will glvs the niheal sash price, anie-lai TAMEH IJAHIIIIH'H v WHoiasAui ana astail CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, . .oner SECOND aad CI1K8NPT SireeU, rhllaeVa, aoaacr voa rua raTaav KQCAUZ1NO IUIBTT-DAT CLOCK 1, A rr desirable artlels fcr Churchss, Hotels, Banks. CoanlUBg-rlouae, Parlors, Ae. AlSO, MASI'l ATl IIFK OF FTNB1 OOLD Pft)9. i'UX'Kti HEPAIHU) ANI WAHHANHU). jalt-ly euxa Ttlmnanss of every description. T)S. A. GRAY. N. E. CORNER OK SIXTH T and MINOH Ktreets, buys Diamonds, Watches, VUHDIOei"ll' ...,. UhOhJa IN WAUT tr MOMEY CALL. All buaioess eoofldentlal. aoIS la N JEW NO. 1 MACKBREL. WO barrels, DUO halves. Hwi quarters, llSSI kilts new No. IMsekerel, How landing from steaiuor "tiaxon," and gchwnori uCiara,'' all4l'AUhvlllawrullcu,,, orsl, KKHSECV. RTATftS A CO,, sei-Y ' . m ud Xft jj, Vl UAHt. riNANUvAL. N LrOAJV. N.'iw "AN, U. S. I'MU JAV C()OKU a CHS., orrr.B ro oai.v the NEW GQVEBNMENT LOAN, nr.Anijro m rr.R cfnt. nrTERFjsT in corn, redeemable any time after tt I TKAtts, at the pleaaara of tho IJonrnsnent, and psysMIe roKTr YEAR aner data. Born cotrro Ajrrt Bfn.-trEttm bonwi are saned ferthls Loan, of sains dotineataaUoa aa the 6 v. The Interest on SMVr and finn s swaablo yearly: oa al ottier denominations, half yenrly. Tho 10 40 bands arc dated Marea 1, Wit. Tho half-yearly Interest fellies duo Heplemher 1st and starch st 0f eacA yeari until 1st leanber, the ace rued Interest from 1st of March Is required to be psld by purchasers hi cms or hi i.aoiL ovaaxwor, adding fifty percent. w p.-ominfa, pnUl snrrher notice. AI.I.OTHI.g OVbBHKMT BKI'URITIIM BOUOHT AMI) BOI.U. JAY 000KE & 00., Ko. lit a. TH1IM BTRP.KT. gpiia-ii A It A. IS 1 XL. 1 II, No. If. 8. TUIHl) 81REET, UANKK11H AND UKOKKIW. Bpecle, Stocks, Qaartermasters' Vooebers aad Ckeckssaaa all Oorernment Bee art ties Bonght and Rold. imhll IV 12 1) It. H 1' 1Z li IS t O O., DANKKUH, No. 30 8. THIRD STREET, aor aid sau. OOLD, SILVER, AND OOVKHNMESCr" SBCOIUTIKS. H T O O K H ItOUUirr AKD H0IJ1 ON COMMISHIOa. Imhll g'rOJ3t.H AND iacUKI17Is BOUOHT AND BOLD ON O O M M I H H I O N, DE EAVES & BOOTEES, M-tf Ns. 0 S. TB1KO BTKBET. Q.OXsI, O () L U, OOLD, 6ILVEi. ASl) BANK NOTES WANTED. DE EAVEN & BSOTEEB, aultf N ). Mil I. Till HI) UTRF.BT. Q L A H K H t) N sk O O. , BANKKHH, Ko. 121 B. THIRD STREET, rUILADKI.l'HIA. Government Becnsttlos of all laaaes Pnrchued snd lor Pale. Stocks, Bonds, aad Hold Uooght and Sold oa Oota salsseoa. aXTKBKST ALLOWED ON DKPOSIT3. CoUecnons Promptly Made. faft-tf I'UKASUBI DEPARTMENT, Auunsr it, 14i4. KOTlt'E TO IIOLDKlta OK TI1RKK YEARS 8KVEK. TIIIKTY K0TK8 DATKU OCTOIIElt 1, 111. Holders of Sevsn-Thlrty Notes, dated Octolier 1, Hvl, are hereby nottaed that they may be presented trams dlately, In anr auionnt,to be eschanged for His Par Cent. Bonds falling due after June .10, ltl. The Interest on ths Seven-Thirty Moles will be settled ap to date of maturity, Octoher l,and ths Sit Per tout. Bonds will bear full coupons from July I. The adjustment of interest will he niailo by deducting from the amount of Interest found to bo duo on the Heron Thirty Notes up to October 1, the interest cruod on tho Six Per Ceat. Bonds rrom Ju v 1 to October 1 ; the balance will be transmitted by tha Treasurer s cola draft irnue dlately upon settlement. The following regulstlons In relation to endoisomenU must be carefully observed : Wbero notes tranimtttcd f.r setileuient were Issaed payaJile to onter, and are I.eU and traiHiultted by tho original owners, they must bo endoraed bv them'Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury tur redcmotioii," and bonds will Issue lu their name. Where notea payable toonleruro held by other parties than the original owners, t) notes must have theeudorse ment of the orfgiasl owners, snd alao beendorned bytlio aresent owners, "Psy to tl.e Secretary of the Treasury for redemption.' For notea Issned In blank , endoraed "Pay to tho Secre tary of the Troaanry for redemption," bon'la will be Issues! to ths parties transmitting ltit ni, and in such manner as they may direct. Wbea Botes are endorsed or iran.mittol by an attorney, administrator, oiecutor, or ntlmr agent, they must be accompanied by a duly ceril'.vd copy or certltlcalo of tho authority nndur which he act. ; und In all caat-s by a letter stating the kind (registered .r e hipoii) and the denomlua. tlou of thesis Per Cent. Bonu. wanted In exctiuimo. When Iteglatored Bonds sre ordertd,mrlles should state at which of the following pta. s they wi.h Die lateroat paid, tig.: New York, Pl."iiMihia, llo.u.n. Italtluore, Sew Orleans, Chicago, 1st. I. i'U, or .'liiclnnatl. w. e. rh.sMKsniKis, au30 3w s retai ol thi Treasury. V NIXED STATES l. I KRNAI. REVENUE. Kfrst Collection District o rinutvli sins, oiuiirilngths Second, Third, Fourth, Klnh 'Ixli.aud K sleuth Waiis of the City of Philadelphia . Ki) ru -: Ths Annual Assessment f l-ol, lor ilt.- Above-named Dlstrlcl.of persons ltsblo to .i a on rat-nsiiB Pleasure Yachts, llllliard Tshles.aii'l I aud stlv r Plat-, and also of jiersons ivsnilrtdto i .l.. .mt I.i- eo.e.. luiving bosu completed, NOTICP. 18 Hl .iK ) III! r.X. aforesaid '.1 s r, ce vei c.ilybthe undersigned, between the n f " A M and ;t P. kt , (Sundays oxcepted,) at Hi i n, ,., s,i. u.i ciiksni'T btreet, seound Itoor. on and -r Htembar Land until and Including nni, nepu-ioU'r ii, ensuing, PEN.t I. n ;s All persons who falltopa ! ir Aunu U I n .eseuoncar riSKSs, pleasure yachts.bllll .id aM" ,oi i .oj ih orplme, on or before tho :14th day of s. ,.i ciiior, Is it, will Im ura penalty of ten per centum additlousl of ths amouut thereof, and bo liable to costs, as provided tor in the lmh Hectlun of the Excise Laws of July 1, InJJ. All persons who In like manner shall fall to take out their licenses, aa regulated by law, on or before the slth day of Septombor, lust, will luour a penalty of ten per centum additional of ths amount thereof, and bo subject to a prosecution for three times the enionnt of said tax, iq accordance with the provisions of tli ttHh section of tl.e law aforesaid. All payments are required to be made In Treaiary Notes, under authority of ths Tatted States, or la notes of Hanks organised under ths act to provide a Naiioniil Currenoy, known as Nstlnusl Hunks. XO I bJtTlllia NOTICE WILL BE OIVEsT. JESl'KU HAKDIMll, Colteetor, ,,1-Slt Ho. aAt CIIESNl T StreeU nMUlSl A. 80UDEB4C0., COMMISSION MEEOEANTS) AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTKEET WlIAltK, rillLAOBLPHIA. BVSB A. SOfPBSt, 1 a schisald osTrr. arsmas T. hoc lits. ) lat-tr pXTBA LARGE NEW IIERRINQ. 1U0 barrels prime large nsw shore Herring. How landing from the steamer "Saxon." Pit) barrels ssme. -..- lo arrlm by ti e schooner "M. K. rreemsn," Ana lor sals by KEKKKT)T, STAIRfl A CO., S7-J u.lamlWil, WUAaVtS. JAVE YOU CONST AST PAIN AND OirtAeOrEM AT THE PIT OF TllB STOMACH? Read the next column. Hate you Flatulence and Acidity Read the next coin mo. tlavs yon Costlveocss and Loss of Appetite' Read the next column. Ilave yon Oloom and Depression ot Spirits' Bead the next column. Bare you Diarrhoea with Ctrlping' Bead the next column. Have yon Fain In all parts of the System' Bead the next column. Ilave you Choking and Suffocation? Road the next column. Hare yos Consumptive Symptoms and Palpitation of the Heart? Bead tha next column. Have yoa Cough, with Phlegm In the Throat f Bead the next column. Have you Dimness of Vision and Headache? ' Read the next column. Ilave you all or any of ths foregoing symptoms? Then read the great ourog of Dyspepsia performed by DB. WISHAET'S DYSPEPSIA PILLS AND HNS TURK TAR COBDLAL, In Uie next colamn. DOM f FAIL TO U1U0TII NEST COLUltfi, J ) V H 1 Y2 1 H I A A 0TJRE WAERASTED. Afs.nitM prtln r tnMiInt at ttil p( of (It Komieh. 14. r ttilrnr KOfj twifjHf. M. C'otlenMi und ioit of apktut. ; 4th. (llooni and dtirwaiirni of ipirltsi iMh. IMarrboa, wtih trip Inn. tb. Tmn in aU parti of tha ayttna. 7Ui. ContuiBiHtTa ympiom.ndpipttaU(,nof thelita t h. On nil, wltb phlfm in (h tiiroat Wh. Nfrvoii atTpcUon and want of l4p alnUM. I(Hh. rKi of api-eill and votnlttnii. lllh. lt'Rlnfiii,dt,nraiiof vttlon and 1MiMUht liih. ReadarJie and lUxKrlnf Ja watklof, with iMt wfakiiNi. Out of tha lhi.titfi- of riMi of dvunopita that Wa ntod Ir. WUIiart'a I. rout A m tic an lnpepkia rilla, nt on of thm hafl rilew1f a pcrrvrt iro. w a warrant a cure In e ary cact. no mattar If ( twenty years' atand Hold by all druHt trrwhm, and at lr. WIHI1AKT 8 office, No. 10 N. flKCOXll Mtrrat. PhllaceL phla, I'a All lamlnatlona aad conaultatloni Ttv of enlarge, fiend for circular , lrfc 11 Mtr box, Hotitby mall, (rce of c iiarga, od receipt of monrjr, 1TPKPIIA, DYRVRPBIA. TMi ) to rfrilfY that I had I)-iprala In thf wrtrat form for Ihrea ytnj. tm trtmtd by svn (f ihi bout phy ai' Uni hi Amailra t im of thui ware troU Mnw ot Jof-lerM-nCt-Utnf, l'lillaJlphiat but they tlirl tne no kwmI. I Itrt-w wiirm tfiry month. 1 would iw uken at tlm.-i with drriutnii nn In In my Uut and toniii h no rr--nt vraa It UijiI 1 ooiM neither nit, Ha, nor ft nd, tint wuld nTaalMii from on rtMm Ut aimtiitir ; mjr rrtrmti ipcitd to iiist, uta dt, ai tlieiT anpsarnl tt b no ralleffbr ma. Jn ttili hop lt M oi ndltlon 1 ili,d m( untr lr. WItArt trt uont.and ud hla nrslk-irH-a aa dlrrtd. 1 hit day I am a writ mn. and fnr mrea wa4Ai naf o bn on my fcit.and worKftw hard frum aarly mim until lav fn 0i nt ntfht. Ir. Wuhart, I girm yoa thin cvr Uilrmr wiUt a jmuertil hart, farting tt my duty to do o; yiu may, aud J want y.ti to publish tt to the world, tnat avcry Pun ufivrlin m I m, may hr tha beuadLof Inn yur tnily wontlniful rvniwlit. All alck prnvn aro at hb-rty tn ra I and aee hp, nr write to m, aa 1 want to raixior till tha guod 1 can to tuRerlnir humanitr. JAMfcM M. A X U Ovmrtt of Wanhtnuton If aiiulautnrlns Coinpany'a Wt avtiii Hoom. Okucr iwr, N. . PYHrKP8IA.DTHPKr81A,lYR!KP8U. Thin Is to fortify that atifTtirlnir tri1 with a dlcnne rallfd lypepniA, with much loflM of wcfitht, mr attitntl n wa directed to WUhart a reat American JynirepulA IMit a the rraiy. Ilavin wlthtn three weeks taken eleven Pills, act-onlioi to the directions, I found tnTRelf entirely cun-d, ai d fur two week stm-e my health la great ly Im proved, and I ran cat without fear of pain or luconvenl eare. I earnvjully recommend them lo all similarly emicttd. Mr. M. H. THuMl rtONH, BK-hmnnd street, Fmir duora below iu,mvor. If. I.. 0 ii WIHIIAItTH Oftlee, o. 10 K. HKCUMD Btreot, Phlladrlphist. DYAPKPH1 A! sDYSPKPNIAl I, John Ianch, do certify that for four months pat I was attacked with acute dyspepsia; I was so sot e rely handled that I could do nothing but what It would nil ma with dreatlnil distress; my nervous system was perfectly proa IrateA; my whole train soon became weak aud trembling, with a connjied bole and diziliH ss tn tha head, followed, by a palpitation of the heart and trencral debllitvof tha hole body. Kyery kind of medicine administered to ma did no good, until I was advised to call on lr Wlhart and place myseir under bts treatment. It is now about nine wka sine I commenced to use his DyspepMa Pills and 1'Uie Tree Tar Cordial, and I do truthfully and faithfully say, mat i am perfectly enrvd ofliyspepsla, and all other diseases arising Uiercfrom, and I can oat three good meals every day, and feci well in every repect. I am 78 years of Me. and if It was necessary, I feel I could aud would shoulder my gun to defend the city from Invasion by the Kebels. All porsous suffering with Dyspepsia as I was, are at liberty to call and see me, for I led II my duty to do all the good I can Tor suffering humanity. No. 111 poplar street, Phllade'pala. Dr. WlftFIART'B Htnre and Offle. Nn. ION kirnvn Btreet. I'hlladciuhia. I'a. AI ntiJnisikini anri ruan.isi ' tt ot chame. rice. $1 pr box. &u by maU oo rccelft ofowtiey. PYRPK.PRIAf DYSPEPSIA! Dr. Wlsliert I have ben a constaut sufferer with Dys pepsia IW the last eighteen years, during which lime I oan not say that I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were) times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then It aeomed It would be a great re lief toille. I bad at all times an unpleasant feeling in my heed, but latterly my suireringa so much Increased that I became almost unilt for business of auy kind; my mind was eontlnuauy ailed wHb gloomy thoutthta and forebod ings, and If I attempted to chanue thoir current by reading. at once-a ten sat Ion of Icy coldness la connection with a dead weight, aa it were, rested upon my brain i also, a feeling of sickness would occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the oon tinnal lear of losing my reason. I also experienced ureal lassitude, dobUlty, and nerTouanejs, which made It diffi cult to walk by day or sleep at night. 1 became averse to society, aud disposed only to seclusion, ana having tried the skill of a number et eminent physicians of various schools, finally eatne to the conclusion that, for this dlseaae at my present ae (46 years), there was no cure In exist ence. Dut, through Uie Interference of Divine Provide nee to whom 1 devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a eov teljjn remedy in yoar Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial which seem to have effectually removed almost the lat braoe of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and In their place health, pleasure, aud conttntment are my every day compiinlons. JAMKH M. SAUNDKItH, Ho. AM N. Second street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, V. J Dr. WIHIfAltT'0 OMlco.Wo.10. HUCONIJ Htroet.Phi- ladvlphJ. DYflPKl'BI At DYHPEPSIAI I, Moses Tobin, of Cheltenham, Montgomery founty Pa , have BurTsredsfor more than one year everything but death itself, from Utat awful disease, oailod Dyspepsia. I employed in thai Dmc five of the most emlnout phyik-lana in Philadelphia- They did all they could for me with rattll- cinee and cujfalng, but still I waa no better, I then went to the Pennsylvania ITnlvemlty In order to place myself hi reach of Uie best medical talents In the eountry, but their snediclncs failed to do me any good, and oft times I wished Ihr doath to felleve me of my sufferings, but seeing Dr. WUhan's advertisement In the Philadelphia Bulletin, I de termined to try once more, but with little faith. I called on Dr. Wlshart, and told him If I could hav died I would not have troubled him, and then related my sufferinga to him. The Dr. at tared me If he failed to cure me of Dyspepsia, tt would be the first case In two years, so t put iDjsell under his treatment, snd although 1 had been tot months vomiting nearly everything 1 ate, my stomach swollen with wind, and filled with pain beyond description, I bought a boa of bis Dyxpepsla rills, I ued litem as di rected, and In ten days I oould eat as hearty a meal as any person la the State of Pennsylvania, and la thirty days wag a well man. I Invite auy person suffering as I was to oaB and see me, and I will relate my sadering and the great cure I recelvod. I would say to all I y tt peptics, eveiywltera. that Dr. Wlshart Is, 1 believe, the only person on site earth that can cure Dyspepsia with any degree of cortaluty. t MOtKH TO III If, ! Cheltenham, Mmtgomery Co., Pa A POSITIVE CURB KOR DYSPEPSIA. 111. Alt WHAT M It, JOHN 11. iiAI.LOL'K HAYS, No. lOtH OL1VK 8'rwet, ( ! Philadelphia, January 2M, lrtui. ( i Dr. Wlshirt-Wr It is with much pleasure that I am now able to Inform you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pills, I have been entirely cured of thai most diktrehklng complaint, Dyspepsia. I had bono grievously afflicted for the last twenty -elht yeari, and fur Us yeaie T that time have aot been h-Ml from Us pain one week at a time. I have had It In Us worst form, and have dragifttd on a nrnit miners tile existence In pain day and niitht. Every kind of food tlat I ate titled me with wind aad mattered not how liht,or how sty Ml the qnsuUty. A continued balchliig win Hire to follow. I had noapette for any kind of meats whatever, and my d's trees wan ao giant for several momVeS before 1 heard of your Pills, thst I frequently wisliedmrd-nth. I had taken erythtng that 1 had heaid of Ar iyspH.aiv, without re ceiving any benettt ; but'on your Pills bcin recommended to me by oue who had been oured by them, I oiih:1 idod ti give them a triitl, aliliOiiKh I had no lafth n them. To my ulter asuilhmciif, Ifound inysHlf gutting bettor before I had taken one-fourth of a box, aud, after faking hall e boa I mtn veil man, and can tat twptittnj rrnA, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, w Itiiout Inuonvenlenoe from auyialng I eat or ilrluk. If you think proper, you are at liberty lo make this public and rsier to me. 1 will cheur futly give all deeliablu luformallon to any one who may call oame. Yours, respectfully, JOHN U. BAUCOCK. For sale at Dr. WIMIAItT 8 Mudlcal Depot, No. 10 K. BK UM Hireut, Phlladili4ila, I'a . I'rlie one dollar per boa. beut by mail, true of cliarge, on receipt i urice. DYSPEPSIA J DYSPEPSIAt I, BHDittel D. llav.-u, have noun a grfat sufTeror with chronic uvsjprpi-ia and lurlawmatlon ot the kiun-ys Ar tliteo eurs. 1 employed three or four of the mont eminent ylivslcluns of Plitladclphia, also of Hurliugtoii couiiy, how Jersey, Tbt'y did all tor mo they could, but all UJ no purpotjit, 1 wascoiiitantly tilled with awtui pain aud .IU trebs, and with comitaitt beknlug of wind and aoirauid My touktuewas covered with awhile coming ot uituus limit It rrarked In Ittre turrws, and was drea H'ully sore! oh I I oft times wl-hed lor death to relieve me of my uitdr liiKB,lor 1 hud lost all hope oi ever being well uuslii. I IitatJe It a subit-ct of prayer to Clod that lw woulu direct Ute to some physician or medicine tint would cur me. I was told to n nd an advertisement oi Dr. Wuhttrt's, in the f hUadt-lphut "l.etlier," ol a great cure mude up-u Mr. J "tin Dahctxk, of No. lUie Ulive utrcvt, Phila teiphla, by the grt at American Ds.,iei'-I pills. lweututhe D"Ttr s otttre, and plated niyeell under his tresiment, and told him It he lulled to cure me. It would be the lat eilort I wont J make. It ha bt-oo stx weeks slme I commenced the me of his medicine, and I am now a well tuau, free frew ell pain and dlBU-tns, und can tat three hearty meat Is a day with comfort aud leul ner'ectly well. Dr. Wlshart, I wuit you to publlHh my cute, as 1 w ant every poor dypitlj, stim ring as 1 was, to call on me, aud I will tell thwiu of the ureal cure I have received from your invahntWe medi cine. WAMl'Ki U. M tVkiN, rort.rof Venaneo and Lambert utreets, near KlehmonJ atreet, frimerly irom w rightstowu, aUuiUogloa couuty, Aow Jersey. Dr. WIBHART Offlee. So. 10 N. iKCOh"D atreet Tha above are a few among the thousands whku this great remedy has saved from aa untimely grave. Wa have hundreda of Wtters from physicians and drugglsta In aU parte of theoouatry, saying that U.ty never pruncnbod, or sold a medicine whuhgave such univexeal sausiactlon. Dr. Wuhan's Pine Tree Tar Cordial and Dyspepsia Fill re gold by Druggist tvery where. tee I L PROrOSiVLS FOR lOOAW.. J Tsr.Astisr DkriaTMsnt, August id, fisil. Ses4 effsrt win m reeetresi at U s Departtaaat, aasVar the set of Marrh I, ln,,nul noon of ; - ' FRIDAY, THK 9th OF BKPrKMBER, 1844, tr bonds of tbe UalloJ States, to the amonnt of aoosst T TllIltTr-ONK AND A HALF MrLUO DOIXAIU, being the sraount of unsfcepted oflers nndtaposed of andst ' tbe notloe of Proposals for Loan, dated Stk Jane last. Tb i bonds will bear an annual Interest of ( per aentasa, para- x blewral snnuallr In cola, on tht first daa of Jnlj anal Jsnuarjr ot each jrear, and redoeanakle aOer tha Wt t n June, lsat. ' , 7 KacholTsr taastbe Ibrnrtjroroua hundred dollars,' or " some snulilpi, of ens banared aollsn, aad atnst state , the sum, Including premium, offered lb, ,ch bnndreal J dollars In bonds, or hr ertv. when the offer Is for M j r ore then ntly. Two per oenU of the principal, aaalnd- mg premium, of the whole amount offersd atnst b deposited, as guarantee tor payment of aubsarlpttea tf aocepted, with ths Tresaurer of ths Halted SUtae aS ' Waablngton, a with the Assistant Treasurer at Kesr ' Tork, Itoston, Philadelphia, or Be Loulsg oa esstai , tl.e Designated IK-posltary at BAhlmore, rttlshtrrr, ' ClnelanaU, LonlsvUle, Chieago, Detrett, or Iloffale; ,' or with any Kational Banking tiainlilUn asKkersse4 ; lo receive deposits wUloh may twnseat to traaaat 1 the bualnees without charge. DapUeata eeruaeatos will be Issued to depositors by ths IDosr or aaseete. ' t Ion receiving them, the originals of whloh must be for wsrcled with the otrerstotba Department. AH depoelbl should be made In time for advice of offers with evMlffoattw to reach Washington nut later than the morning of Sep. teniber Slh. Ko offer not acecmpAntecl by Ma ge.eaf eertlflrate ol deposit win be oonsldered. The Coupon and Registered Bonds Issues) will be of tan denominations of V), $100, and 100t. Segtsteresf Bonds of 13000 and t0 000 wUl also he Issued sf roqairod. ' ALL OFFER8 RECEIVED WILL BB OrENED ON FRIDAY, THE VTTH SEPTEMBER. The awards will be made by the Secretary to l&tflbgbesl! oflerers, and notice of aeceptanoa or deotlaattasg will a I mmediately given to the respectlTs offerers ; and, k saaa eg? aeraptance, bonds of lbs dsaerlpUons aad deaonsiaaUonsT prsr.rred will be tsnt to theswbscrlben ai tho soatsftfcov Department, on final payment of Instalments. Theorfgtsa!' deposit of two per cent, will be reoauned la the last Instal ment paid by successful oflerers, and' win be) Immedlassifa retarncd to those whoso offers may not be acoepted. Ths amount of accepted offers mast be deposited wrtai the Treasurer or othereiricer or asaoelatsssi ssthorlxed te act under this notice on advice of acceptanc of offer, at as fellows One-third oa or before the lesssi one-third om or belorethe lrth; and thsbslance, including the pre ml as and original two per cent, deposit, oa or before the S4tk of September. Interest on bends will begin wHa tha data of deposit. Parties proferrlng may pay the aosrned tBsVeei, fromdateofbond,Julyl,todatsof deposit la oora. . 1 Oftsrs under this notice should bs endorsed 'Offer ret? Loan," and addressed to the Secretary of tha Treasury, The right to decline al offers not oonsldered adraatageoag -Is reserved to the Oorernment. , , W. P. FKSSHNDEN, -SBcoBTAitr or thk trsasubt. ', The Bends of this Loan are ready for Immediate da. livery. sel-ft . u NIT i: 1 HTATB8- 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary or the Treasury gives notloe that sas terlptioag win be received for Coupon Treasury Mo tee, payable three rears front August IS, 19o4, with seaal-asr-nnal Interest at the rate of serea and three-torn ths per cent, per annum, principal and interest both to be paid sm lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option sf Ota holder, at maturity, into tlx per coat. gcLd-bearing bead, payable not lest thaa fl re nor mora than twauty yeasst from their data, as ths Government may sleet. They wsa bs leased in denominations of M), S100, IkOO, U)00, aad SVXX), and aH subscriptions must bo for QAy do&axs er some maltlpls of fifty dollars. As tha notes draw Interest front August U, par. a making deposits subsequent to that date mast pap gna Interest accrued from date of Bote to data of deposit. , Parties depositing tweaty-ire thonssnd doUara aad upwards for theee notes at any one Urns will bs allowed a eommlstlon of one-quarter of oos par senL SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF TIU3 LOAN. It is a Katiokal Savings Ban, offering a higher rata, of interest thaa any oilier, and (As east sscurafp. Ajsy savings bank whl h pays Its depositors la United States Notes oonslders that It is paying la tha best circulating, medium of the aonntry, and II osuaaeS pay 1st earthing. better, fur Its own assets are eU'sur la Government aeourl ties or In notes or hoods pay abas In Uovonusent papac. CONVERTI11LE INTO A SIX PER CBNf, 6-20 OOLD 110ND. la Ailillllou U tne very liberal Intoraat en th notes ISS three yesrs, this privilege sT oonverelosi la nosr trortlk alsiut tluoe per cent, rer annunt,for the current rate Bar fi- 90 ttonde la not leea than faf'iae per eenl. pressauss, aad bel.ii. tlie war the premium on all per owt. United Staiea Htccka wa. over twt nty per cent. It will be seen that tha actual profit on this loan, at the presaat market rata, la not less than teu per rent per anueiu. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OR MU NICIPAL TAXATION. But aside from all ths advantages we have enumerated, a special Act of Congress rHfti all tanJl and aVeosurt nollifrom local laj-afis. On tht average, tills axetnp tlon Is worth sbout two par cent, per annum, according to tbe rats of taxation In various parts ol the country. ; It Is believed that no securities offer so groat Induoa ments to lenders aa those issued by ths Government. Ia aU other forms of Indebtedness, ths faith or ability of p rivals parties, or stock companies, or separate oommnai. ties, only, Is pledged for pajuaent, while tha whole pro. perty of ths eountry at held to seouro tba discharge of all the obligations of Uie United States. Bt'staims wux ts BscitviD by tha Treasurer of ihfV'nllsd States, at Washington, tha several Assistant Treasurers and designated Beposltarras, sad by the ' PUIS! RATIONAL BASK OP P HtLADELPniA. PA., StCOhD BATIOMAL BAKK orfiiit insmiu,.! , THIRD NATIONAL BANK OP PHILADELPHIA, tA-, POL KTH KATIOKAL BASK Ol PHILADELPHIA, PA By all Kational Bank which are depoaxarie sf Pba money; an! fau-sfl ALL ItK&riCTABLB BAVKl AP BMiiit Throngtont ths aonntry win gtva further Isimetiesi ao4 AJKOKOEVMI l-ACIUTT 10 BUBClUllW. , ....... . s r