1 jWIUttjl WEDHKISDAY, HEFTEMBKR 7, 1804. tor Tht fxtntnf Tkkqmpk. MWm TO A LADY, lr,irttrrnrnsh'ra ".liver Pstneil tcnO tn kav been tig ; L rom Use broastworkt of Atlanta, ua. BT RICHARD COB. A rrlic from tho Southern illiiio, laft from Atlanta' tusrtlw A pencil, batteriul nnd forlorn, A tiling of littlo worth, To the hatli more i-nlllrncO - Than many a Iwniile raro That serves to dark H'C amy costume, I Or gem tlit) braided bair ! rrohnoe the hand that LcM it oivo And wruto "JVar mothor, tniiiol" Jlitw atrikea a harp that round the throne 4 Make melody UiTine ! llsylmp (ahl woful Imp, Imlecd!) ILo spirit bath none whoro i There curoes nu ruy of light and love To chase awny despair. B"t h"t tia not ptirsti a theme So full of awful drciid. But lift our hearts In thankfulness To the (rood Christ Instead, "Who from his Father's thrnuo cituie down And took ns by iho band, To lead na ffvntly on In Ioto Towards the better land ! ' O ! Lady ! ns we older grow, In faith nnd love aimer?, And meet the trials thit utvuit Our daily pa bway hcru Let this one thought a K ivlour'n lore So till onr henita the iiiie, That under sorrow' darkvnt cloud, Onr sonls may woar a smile 1 And, leaning on His "rud and stair," 'i'bo "shadow-Tallcy" through, . 0 ! may your faith plorec tar beyond, The "pearly-Kales" to view : Till all trinmpliant tltrruiirli His Rruco, Who bought us with His Mood; Jlny we, with nngcl voices sing, Sweet praises to our God I the history or AltniSTM r.s. f A writer ill the Army and Xnry Jannml tlls ensses at some lcngtb tho effect of armkticos or suspensions of arms, as shown by the t39iimotiy of the past In history. In nine cases out of ton as this writer interprets history, an armistlco is a ruse to cover 6ome trick or mati'rnvrc, from Which the winning party has everything to low by letting op an antagonist at tho crisis of tho struggle. Sirring the last three centuries an armis tice hat never been resorted to by a victor, as it If now proposed that onr Government shall At, -.During the civil wars of Franco, every armistlco proposed or conceded to the Rcformod party, was confession of weakness ou the part of tho Government, to bo viol.itod as soon as clrcum ctonccs were favorable Euch renewed suspen sion of arms gave a breathing sikiII to tho revo lutionary party, and enabled them to protract the iruggle Until the concentrated and nngmentcd igor of I.ouls XIV uflorded an opportunity and energy to the Court and priesthood to strike a decliive blow. Other iiistancca Illustratlnir the fleet of armiwtioos, arc mentioned by this writer, as follows i- - "The proposals for a trace or armistice between Spain aiid tho revolted lS'utlicrlunds, or United J'rovincea, in l(k)7, by tho archdukes, wok con sidered to manifest so srreat a dosiro for Ddica ''vlliniii (2T. ifr rnrr tl0 sPHnl"rl nnthorltiea repre , JUfiTd by the Northern Executive in our case; as "" to convince the world that they we.ro dc1itutu pf the mentis for sustaining tho war. This truce, concluded m 1000, was tantamount to a Doo'.ara tion of the Independence of the Seceded .States of Holland, and was ratified by the l'cace of Wcst pbaliaiu 1018. The iiiicrral between lew and Jt'HS, thirty-nine years, wan n period of renewed continual war between fpiiin and her revolted provinces, In which the Border Stutos of tho Spanish Netherlands and the ocean were tho theatre of furious hostilities. By this truea or mTTnUtfcA. tllA KttlArlflTlria ni iia,.nA..g SI,......, gained almost e rery advantage, except actnal recognition, they could have won by successful Inilitory operations. This case is very apposite to tho relative condition of North and .South at this moment. ; "TC'.con BrVnowledged that the armistice of Cherasco, in 17, was a perfect stroke of for tune for him. It was proposed by tho Court of ; Turin, when 'the slightest check,' he said, 'one , caprice of fortune, would have undone every thing.' . Here we have a military power, tho South, represented by Napoltun, snved by tho moral weakness of the Allies oppose. 1 to It, wlio-o armies were superior in numbers, eiircia'li in cavalry and artiilnry (onr own ease exactly,) well lupplied with everything, and in possession of . fortresses the l'roneh were uot in a conditon to reduce. The result was the complete bumllia- : lien of Sardinia. "When the French Directory sent General " Clarke to propose an armistice In 17'7, after Ar eola, Napoleon would not permit him to enter Into negotiations, because the future mooter of Europe saw that unfaltering audacity and tlery '. energy were the keys to ultimate triumph, not testation of hostilities, or an armistice. . .. 'Nspolcon confessed that his consent to fio arm iit ice of IMoswLtz or NeumarU, in 1H13, was ' perhaps the greatest blunder of his curecr pre vious thereto. Wavering fortune snuiued about ' . to relent and (tulle on hiui nimlu. That armistice added Austria to the coalition agalnbt him, uud ' ibrought the Allies to Paris in the sneceediui; .. year. He also proposed an armistice at Leipsic, : bat the Allies, who had accepted that of Flcxwiu - to perfect their plans, cover the junction of tho , ' Aus'rians, OQd get ready for a crushing concen , trative advance, had too much sene to accord a ... "let ap" to an advermiry who knew how to prolit vj sueu a -sup on me pan oi m enemies. .: . "Finally, take as a lesson our Tacnuava artnls tioe in 1W7. Victorious at Confronts and Chu- rubasco, Hcott was 'deeply impressed,' through . Interested n presentations of others, 'with tho ...danger of seizins the capital of Mciieo.' Al. " though he knew from what they had done, win' his troops eoiild do, he halted aud olf.ired nego. .' tlntions. That pause cost us two bloolv ron. illcts, Molluo del Key, and the storming of Chtt . pwlteptc" ' ' These are stgniib ant facts, aud should be COBhldered by all who are Inclined to regard nn armistice as a sovereign panacea for ail our woe as a nation. What lias been tnn: in other countrtvs and times, would undoubtedly lo ' tiue tn our own. An nrmistiee would enable ' the ltubeli to regain their strength, rciuir duui 1 ' ges, and prepare for another struggle, thereby inevitably prolonging the war, since It is simply . inipotsibic that any negotiations could result in an nccertabio peace, unless the ltcbol leaders '' should abBDdon at the outset all their present , pretensions, in winch case no ne.wtutinna woul be necessary. To ask tho Guvcrnment, under these circumstiinces, to propose r.ouce'sious or ;', ',' request suspensions of liosiilitieH, is lo ask It to l confess itself conscious of delects which make . success impossible ; u, indeed, to encourage the "" enemy by udmiissions of weakness which would only sou to bis desperation ana vigor on uia ro- sniiiption or nositlities. The ltcbel leaders understand this ouestioii thoroughly, and e.o clearly the advantuies h lilch ; would risiilt to them from an armistice The . IUchiuond Lxaminsr, discussing this subject, '' says: "An urniiHilcu, in any tulcllh.'iblu sense ' . whatever, could iio an nothing less than a Cessn. , tioa of every act or war lor the time agreed upon ' (Kiln naval anil military; notiiing less thin withdrawal or tho invading troops lioni every part of the Confederate estates, and a suspension of the blockade of the coast. The occupation of Orant's euinp at Petersburg, and of Khcrman's ' beforo Atlanta, the otvupaiion of C'hattanookia, Jinoxvilie.and Harper's Kerry, areall uetsof wr. The presence ofa blockading squadron oil Wil ' ningtoii, to stop and destroy our merchant ves sels, is an act of war. An armistice intended to lie real, and not illusory, would be the stoppage of all these operations uud occupations; and such an armistice the Confederate Cioicrutuuut could not have the folly to reject." . This, from a ltcbel source, is true statement of the effect of un armistice, and it is to just this abandonment of everything we have gained in three years of war that the country is invited by the Chicago Couventionists. Xetcark Adv. Adiathut-ftenrral f.llleui, the SI a a tbat Ii Hied Joliu Horsjau. . A Nashville letter says . ' f,J'tJ,intrttl A. C. Gilleui, Adintiint-Gencrul of the Jm of "!,,ne''ee, left for i.ast Tennessee some Tri " uiilitury expedition, consiot XlurmiB'.,!"UB",;e fo"!"- ll already met that ,V,?.T,k, wbo " gathering the crops in "1 Orecille, and capturing P "V placos, and killing Mucbauxie tv is f.di r hu,nilred U(1 fifty ltebels. whelmed by numbers he '"i 's, ovf r' soundly. AsaneldeneeoAu..wi,',P v1l" or , s.f Hast Tennessee, I will 'Pr'" ' ' raised a Home Ouordof a thouiaaa'Lnl'n f A lu ' eight hours to defend the Vl ZiM U!urtr' Cholera is very prevalent in the large stations f tiie central proviuces.at llokhuugabad, Udore mmt.r.on tnit s ity ahi hi ri: ri re. ay otn aiirostKtii M book. From 1800 to 1812 one Count Frochot directed tho municipal affairs of Taris, and one of his memorandum books has lately been discovered. It contains these curious entries, relating to the improvement of tho He tie la Cite the cradle of Tarls, and a spot which tho present Kmperor Is vastly Improving -. "lay 15, IH07. f)i by correspondence nd by rn-orliet a ri'gulnr blowing up iroui the Kuipcnir ln.','l, dated the Jlliot July, at the camp or lilsit. His Mrtie-ty iKinplains that 1 have n it yet pulled down the hon es which obstruct tho Quay st Michel. Mem. To hh.iv up In turn, lind of course by rir.u h'l, my divisional clerk. ".Itily 111, lHos . The empeior semis nic word that I am too vulgar Hmtirnrnin). Tho minister rend inc this fenti nie bv onlcrof his tmijty: 'A city like Vnris should not be administered in the siiine fnshiun that a grocer of the Htm des l.omhmds. or tho Kne Verrlero conducts his trade in plums ami pist ichios. T ell l'ounf. Frochot till It u phis soul to ihegrnndniirof aenpi tat wh.'ch has its inilueiico ou the ditiuics of tuo world.' "November 12, l.Si!. Ills tnajt sty orders mo to give letes. 1 he F.mpcmr savs : Mn a city like Fans it is the supetfliiiiy of nciilth which suiiplics tho neeessliles of the poor." "May 10, imi.-l.elt a 7 this morning for lliimbouliut, to ."ubmit V) His Maieily several pluiis lor the tiilurementof the central markets. One ol them was lor the establishment ofa (treat mnrkct on the IJnny de In Mciiis.scrio, on tho brink of the river. When tho l.inpcror looked ot it ho shrni.ned his shoulders, and said: ' Wh it ! c.ib l ages end carrots on thninnyNl Jl.tw absurd ! l'ray, let me ask yon, M. Prelect, do von know what 1 meau to make of tho qtiavs of Tarls ? It'imnn loads, with the staliies of Mio great misu of Ktnope nt Inteiyals.' "Same day. HetnrtiCd to Ramboiiillt, as bis Majesty had ordered ne In tho morning to sho v Mm the complete plan of the el'y. My roach n an, Francois, told me I should kill my horses. No mutter, provided 1 arrive at tho hour, ilis M.ije-lv, on seeing nio, pulled mo by the ear, which hu docs only when he is In pood humor. 1 bo KisjKjror, after examining tho plan which, by the way, ho said was very bad said to me: 'The gruund o-i which the Itnsilica or Notre Dunie, tho Hotel l)!eu, and the l'alals do Justice stands is sacrod ground. Down with nil the hoveb thut dishonor it. I,ct this wretched popnlntion, v. ho for ng s pnnt bnve suftercd nnd died with out ever issuing Imra this putrid atmosphcro, breathe a case frosh air in imother riuart'r on tho confines of tbetity. Uring me a grander plan. Throw open an avenue without houses between the Church of Notre Danio and the l'alais do Jus. ., iv ,w mi ,ua, A null uo IIO10 (O SCO from the li stltute the old cathedral disnluy its iiolilo and lieautiful iirehitcetuiu. I bclievo in tiod, M. l'refectj 1 do uot discuss Him I feel Him. I mil Catholie in eves osin heart. Frotcs tuutitm piodui:cs thinkers, philosophers, and tavans j Cnthoiieisiu generates heroes, poets, anil artists. The piople of I'atis, whose intelligence 1b so quick, would soon tire of the cold, monoo noun, nnd denuded Protestant temples. They rciiilre tho tniijesty of grand churches adorned with pictures and statues. It Is there thoy feel what I feel, a vibration of the Divinity. " Iuiortnnt Ocelnlon. David Aiken, Jr., Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny county, recently addressed a letter to tho Inter nal Itcvcnue Department at Washington, and rcrclvcd the following snti-factory reply, from which it will be seen that receipts given by tax collectors or treasurers arc not subject to stamp duty: Tlli:ASt IiV Dia'ABTMKNT, Oi l ICE 01' Intehwal Kkvlni'K, Washington, August 111, ISO!. Sir: I reply to your letter of tho 17tli inst., that the net of June 110, lSfil, does not impose a stamp uuiy wiicro payment ot tne same would neeomc a direct chnrpo upn the Treasury of the United States, or any State, county, city or town; thoro fore receipts of tax collectors or treasurers are not subject to stamp duty. V ery resiiectiiiiiy, K. A. Rollins, Deputy Commissioner. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, I TOCK ( FALL, EDMUND YARD & CO., Ko8. 617 Cliesnnt nnd; 614 Jnyne Streets, mrOl'JEItS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DKY GOODS, S1JAWI.S, I.INKNS, AND WLIITK aOODS. LAKGE AND IIANDSOMH STOCK OF D II ESS GOODS. FULL LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HALMOIlALa, ryci.cDiNa an)-Jia IBTTNF.R'B AND OTHER MAKES. 11 U N NO It I H lilll- We refund the caenr ?, tf desired, tor every lot of SLirla whiih fall In ao respect. BINE BHIBTH, CrT LRNOTHWIHE or mukun. IJad ot Ktw Turk Mills Muslla, ana very Dm Llaoa Bossns. Duly 1113. Vital I'rlce TV8. WUIInuvllta Mills UniUn, aut Dua Linn, Bosoon, Onlyfl-ao. Usual prlca S3-5U. ,,, , GENTLEMEN'8 FURNISUINO (100D8. HMITH .IAC4HIH, Biyl-em Ho. 140 CHf.SSUT Street, IDA UHKliKUT MUIJST. Tho attonttoii of LA PI KM VIIMT1NO TH1 Cll'V.or Ihntu about l.lCAViivtl ll fr''Wfth. Uik l'uici, ' or "UuiCouulry," la r-jpe iruM liivit,; w u.i tii ;?' m.wii r wuri'H f.ocii.a lunslilo for ctMHiKB WEAK, for WHIVB Hul.lWH, ifOkniMU ttUATl-EUB, Ac. An ext(.nitve awirnDCnt Is nSrst In Laos ana WuHimI Kdsiun aoS lununjuss, Vo,4, Ikiaktirolatii,. l.oUsrii, hU'cvvru nui lo i-leti i.d fai.c j lltlJ, iiin;iad, and rti.rrd W'ltlo (i,,nn AT PlilCKS SUen HKLOW TILk.l fkSS-ENT shTolL Val.l'C. lUi I'rJntod i.r.au (Ju'Ujrlc ilrctf rn. luu diwci J-nil.d, TuckMl, aulisirl;ed Mus ans. 12. m. rviujaoiviiH. tn-i ffif PHn nr Turr t (no lirK)!' UO &lar.utAitur3', No. (.; HOW fKl KTS i tit O is AB II Htn ot. U-iO Awwe hlMI. street, i'L;b-ICI.hlo. WliMesale S'nl Rrtall. TTie iii.iftt reirjl..ft'fc.,i-ii,H.it el Lndiefi', atjHses', an.t t'tjlldren m H'K p NMrl id tlie illy, ill eory ospert ri -1 -will, b tr ,lrlo, lluihli, uuialiMty, and cheaiatcs, IWl.l' ll',r,i:Jll Ml II. f m.tTRfl. skirts inudt to oid4.-r,Mlitjrtfd, and reonirM . WM. t. UUI'MKSJ f OFFKK ANT) H AfsPfiFR TtY. ALEX. V JltlI.IJim A '., ppiprtnrs f tha Old Oovurnuumt f IIM'Allt.1) JAVA. l OHtt, Tave Itsaiovod tjnir iiK,-a of IiuhIiiohs iiom No 91S K. hi (-',nd Irvat lo St. MS AKC'tl Htro't, wLuro tlxty are vrepaicd to Ml all oidsr. at tl.n stiorunt uonru wlueh Uia Col, lie nmy favor Uieui Willi. TbeU:4:iilue is,m uual,Ut itl la Ujo market, TIhjv slio have the best HAhl'Ml-ltHC YUU1' that Is manuftetun d la lii city.lAll at low ct prlct i, Mo- idi'iitif.' ll. lilvli prlrc nl oialorial. I'lcMie mvo ihfiu a call blure purchasioif ahcwbtaM. Vo uul rorgt-l Uic siuiiiber, auis iui Ko. iU Altril Stoat. pARrETS, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND .J Window bliadri, from How York Auction saina, iillhtly wot.) MaKDllKiut Jlrunoli, )i wide, $1 lb, ,l'Wl and l'7ii Imlliuion llruneli, (alnud,i I, whIo, 70, HO and li ccut ; i-4, t aud IV I at proor tteuaui iirlras ; luipoiial Csrpou. ti ll u 1'74 per yard : lnsrsln, Hum Ml ctuU to l Usi VouoUtn, Ka, and Iiunp, from mti to li oeuu por yard', Maitlnn, the Urcuat amortniant avar ollnrud in hhlladulpbla, (rna Xlii t.. 74 ci'i I. a yard, at tl Imw Vcrk Aucil n Kal.,i L,. Jot, (iuirlr OloOdow s,) Ho. K7 8. HKdiNM (mat, rat dour alMts Waluut, uppoaiM Cora Kacuatua. J7-m COl'STVi TEA WAREHOUSE. EbTA. bUanad in 1600, Importer arid Imu1w in t Ins Yaaa, Wluaa, aud LI'iaort, Coot Havana Cbiari, C'roaa Blarkwsll a Pkkl and Staoas Xosllsa and Scotcti A.0 and l irlor, C'anaad alaats, Fruits, Soap, 44. ITuvt Mcmoi sot a with cut, laSBlj JOSHUA U. OOLSIT. VO DECEPTION. NO INFSRI0R COAL X V puictiatMl In orfar below Ilia coat prloe of a fQpertoc krlkla. KAalUCI. W. Ilk.Hrl, IIKHA1) Hui-at, abort Kaaa. lid.. Kill tha ,umi 1-.AG1.K VUS, boat aud "u14 so1 tUaa, till Ltf ut, vk?r?.'W""1 mU Uutu- urctlA.M l onaa.prs, TaVMaVaawtawMasaiMi. aHll TOE DAILY EVENING TEtGRA FINANCIAL. J'lV XAJAIV. NEW LrUAN, U. S. 1(M(P. JAY CH)ItlJ CO,, orrm ok dale the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, frAnivo rivt it.r fF.rr. iTrKKRT in mm, r1fcKiab an; tlmt afr IKH KAIIH, at tl,a ploa.ora sf Uia UoTrDttnl, and payaula roiU'Y YBAKS altar iua. eoin f-ovjrcK anti B;-.'iir.rF.RP.r bonus an ainad for tlila L nn,r,t aanit di nn.lnatu a tin 6 h. . Thalnlarrat on 50 I and H'K t pavsMa yearly; on al other aanoaitnafioni, half yearly. Ttia 10 40 bonds ara atd March l.IBSI. Tha letf yonrly InMrcat falllna dua . ptembor lit aiKl March let of oa. h year; until let Hep Umber, tha ac mad Interait from lit of March li roiiilri4 to ha paid by pnrchaKars fneota or m lkual onaaerfer, aldlnp fifty ar ceul. for pramlnm, nntll further noUce. AIJ.OT1IKR (lOVtJiHUAiir HK' Utillll-ji UOUllHT AK1 bVl.l). JAY 000KE & 00., uli?n-lf Ho. Ill H. THIItl) RTRI.BT. yiHII-II alt 11 A-IV li O JL, 1 11, Xo. 10 8. TI1IPI) ETIIK.ST, UANlClOlta AND UltOKKKH. Bpela,ttocki,Quartcmateri' Voixhen and rhcckl.and all Ooremiutnt Rocnrltlca Botuiht and Sold. rahU HUD IC. HTEEli a?fc CJ O., UANKIOKH, Ho. 30 S. THIRD 6TREET, er asd sill COLD, f ILV1.R, AND O0VEUSME.ST 8KCTKU1I8. 8 T O O K 8 B0UnT AND BOLD ON COMM WSION. mh!4 CTOCK8 AND 15COIHTIE K0UC1IT AND SOLD ON O- O M M I H H I O N, DE HA VET & BS0THEB, fcS-tf He 8. TnillD BIEliET. (JOLD, O O J-4 1, O O Xi 1J, tlLTEli AM) CAJS'K NOTES WANTKD. EE HAVEN & BEOTHEK, aul-tf Ho. IM 8. TOIRD 8TIIEET. (J li A 11 K H O N CO., 13ANKI3118, Ko. 121 8. THIRD STREET, rniLADELrmA. Oorarnment Pecurldcn of all I men rurrhaeel and fur Bala. Stock I, Bouda, and Uold Bout'tt and Sold oa Cotav BlHlon. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections Promptly Made. feS-tf I'lilAU'RY DEPARTMENT, Accent 21, 1S04. S0TICE TO IIOLMXS Or TIIREK TAI18 SEVEN- 'XIIIJITY KOTE9 DATED (XilOIJEB 1, 16(11. Holders 01 BcTen-Tlilrty Notce, dated October 1, 18,11, arc hereby notified that Uiey may be presented Imme diately, In any amount, to be exchanged for RlxPer Cent, llonde fulliug dno after Jtmc 30, 1SS1. The liiiereat on the Peven-Tlilrty Notes will tie settled up to date of maturity, Octoher 1, nnd the Six Percent. Ronds w ill War full coupon from Jtly 1. The adjustment of Interest will be made by deducting from the amount of Interest round to ha dua on tin Reran. Thirty Notrb up to October 1, the Interest accrued on the Bin Pjr Cent. Dnndi from July 1 tu October 1 ; the buian will be tranimlttcd by the Trcmurcr 1 coin ilruli Imme diately upon settlement. Tlie fullowhiK rcHulutlous In relAtlon to endorsements must be carefully observed : Wears notes traniimltted fr acttlemeut uere IsstiM payable to order, and are held and transmitted by tl.a orlKlnal owners, they mutt be endorsed bv tliem.'Tay to the Secretary of tlio Treasury for redemption," and bonds will Itsiia in their nati.e. Where noto payable to order nre heM byothrrpiriiat than the orlsinal owuits, the notes must have thend.rao Bient of Ui original owners, aud aluo be endorsed bytKe present osvnera, "Pay lo the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption." For notes issued tn blank, endorsed 'Payto tho Recrs tory of tho Trenstiry for rcdmptlf-n," bonds will be Issued to the parlies trutumltlln? tliein.und in siieh mnuuer as they niay Cliect. Wht-u nutrb urc endorsed or trauioiittod tiy an iittoruey, bilnilntstrator, eecntor( or other ngout, they must be atmipauicd by a duly ecrtlflcd copy or ecrdiltatu of the authority under which he a U ; uud in all euier by a letter stuttus Uic hied (rohiBbreil or couihjii) and tlie deiuunlius tion of the Nix Per Cent. I'.oudi wanted iu exchange. Wlion 1,'et'iitered llonds are ordort d, partin should slate at nhlch of the lolluwlni; places they wish the Interest paid, lz.: New York, Philadelphia, llost.iu, llaltilujte, ew Orleaus, Chictitfo, Si. Lonls, or Clncluna'l. W. Y. FU8KKNDEW, au&iiiw Socretaryof the Troantiry. MTI'.l) fTATES INTKUNAL UEVESUE. I Irsl Colli eti,,n lllitrlrt nfpennsylv aula, couiprleln tha H' eoud.Tl ird, Fourth, I lflh, Sixth, and Elert ulh Ward Of Unfit) of Phlludulphla, KOI ll R. The Auuiinl Asoessment for 1m;4, f,r ttte ubove-n.iml IlUtriet.of perbous llulilo to a tax ou Carilaes. Pleasure Yachts, tillliurd Tabh's,und lloil and Kiler l'lat.'.tud also ol'perntuis rcuulr' d tn tnl.t out I.U eusi s, tiuvinu la eu oolupletcd, ' NOTICT. IS IIITEI.V (JIVEK, That lheTnv'4 ahuoaid will I s rccehc.l dally by tho untlersianed, botween the hums of tlA.M. aud .'I p. Al., (Sundays excepted,) at tha llllicc. Ho. 1101 CIIE-'Nl T Hired, second door. on uud .ifler'l IH'KSIiAY, Ki pl inl.tr l.ond until and iiuludlns SATl ltliAY, September 2 1 , iuull'g. PENAi.TIIiS. All persons who fadio pay ll.elr Anmi.,1 T e upjiirur rla(:ch,plcai,urc yiu hts.l-UIlardtahh a.noIJaud .iU crpl.te, on or before the iMth day of Septt iulici, lux, will liiour u penalty oflenp(Tceutum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to costs, as provided for tu tlio 1'Jth Section vf the Excise Laws of duly 1, lv;. All persons who In like manner shall fall to take out tlioir licenses, as regulated by law, on or beiOro the '.'ttli day of Sipteuilu r, lsot, will Incur a penalty of un pur contum additional of the amount thereof, and bo subtoct to a prosecution for three times the uuionnt of said tax. In accordance with tbe provisions of tii 6'Jlh soctlon al the law aforesaid. All payments are required to be maJc In Treasury Kotes, under authority of the I ultcd states, or la notes of Hanks organized under the act to provide a Kational Curreuc, known as Kutloual Hunks. t'fc'Kl'ilEK S0TICK WILL BE CITEH. . Jtol'tll HAItlilltii, . Collector, Sel-lllt No. 'J H CIIE8M T Street. JOHN O 11 XJ SI I, CABPEKTE8 AKD Prn.OK.R, II ,. Il l l.olMlfJ FTKKET. A large force of building uiacLaoJca of all brunrhoi 1 ai a oo band. apS-wkaOia TOSIIIPCAPTAINS AND OMTNERS. -i .ni , -The anderslgnsd harlin leased the K EN HI Mil 1N dl'lll'.W 1UCK , Ims to Uil nn bis frien.ia aud Lha patrons ol she li.nk.that he la prapared wira imreMud lacliiuea lo aceuuudai thoso baviiuj VbMels to ha ralaad or repaired, aiwl bemg a practical stup-earpenur au4 aoikrr, win also pnxiol aiiouUoa to all vessels en trust rd to turn tor repairs. Oaptaina or Asanu, shlp-rarpenten, and UacUolats baslna vessels to riair,arol(al,d lo call. liavliw tbeaaeacy tor the sale of 'Weio.rsteJts' fatent MvusJllc t Vitiiailloii," or CopiHW I'atnt, for Uia pros,-va. tuon ol sassala' boisenu, lor Una clty,I am prvpafed to rwiiWh Um same oa lavuraUe trrma. JcjHK H. rfAUaftTT, .... . Kaitalriirton HorvMr llook, aabU-af XllWars miu,aUirs Lawat si(. TIT. PITTLADELrillA, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, O A IN O 1" 1N81 ! rnorosALs ron loa. 1 bf. a "trRT Df.rAimiiKf, Auk'ti t:0, Wt. fttAlril efrVr) will he rclTfd At thil D punm'-nl, nnltr tk lift ofMnn li J, I null noon FRIDAY, 111 K Uu OF M.riKNf ISIIH, lH' t-, for bondf of thf Cmtctl Htat, (o lh i mount t Mnt thikty-i'm: ash a half mu.is, i.glt.ahs tS inK Hi'- rtinount of uiift'vf ptoO oil cm uri-!ix)U of itfukr tlif notice ol Vtfpoxiit fv loan, .iti d itu Junf List. The iKinii Tvllltitran nt.uai) Intr ruit 01" C rr cnnturn, myft b'c fux innnall in cin, en t!ie lint tiny not .Tiilj trvl Jniiair -f cmb ynr, ai..l rpit"ciii..b!' nftvr tl. -KJih of Junr, lvl. Knelt 'Uicr tii n W for fin j or f t:e hundred ti -liar, fr lonir nviltipl of cno IiOii'Ircl dollnm, nv rrnrf tnte tli1 piiin, In ntf prt'DiInru, pfTtfd for ex'h 1 . 11 r,lr rI tinUart in h'-n-l", 'T fr flOy, hfn Ihr f.tT'r la for nu ft orf tliin fifty. Two jer c -nt. t t?i" iriwliftt, ex 1 : t -Inj; I'T'iuliim, cf the wh).o nra-nMi tu -rrd inn; hi dtportiti 0, ni giitrnnffe for Jiflynint of i'itscrl'i!on if ftrrci-tflL wlili fie Trr.Murr of the Hn'tri! Ptit' at tViiitiiitcn, or with tlio Af Mant Trcarurer At Xi w ork, liofcton, Fhtlaitflplnft, or Ht. Ixui.i; or w4(h llio iKlrjiinua tpoitnrjr at i..ltiniore, ru.xiituv. JnrlriiHtl, Jxiiilivlllr, IiIcako, I'etrolt, r L iffiiU; (r with ah Natl'.nnl ItRiiklnj Arstrriation nn'hnrlirtl to rcrrlvc drpcitKs which tony C"0ent to tr.iii-at the tnifslnnM without tliarg?, I)uilhAte ccniUcite, will be hiifil to dpotlturs bj th oitlcer or Ansorli Hon rrcplvinK Uifm, tho oriKifml t which iuul h for warded with tho onn ti tl.e lM tnrnnvut. All dopoilu should bo mri'W- In time for ad. ice n n?rs t- 1 1 1 1 crtltlcali.'i reach Waahlnfrton not lau-r limn Die morning of 8- p t cm her fUi. $0 oJUr not ac-.-omjiiiikJ by its pmpor ecrtlflonle of deposit will bv oouid rd. The Coupou and K t;ii.crrd Hon'li issn d w ill bo of tho dcnominntlona of t"A, $," t-Ufif, tn.l tl'V). Iti lstcn-d Uomlscf fXOtiid $IOuitf)wlll nln he iutd If rci ilrorl. ALL OFIT.RS KKCKIVK1) AVJLL LM orNi;D ON ITvIDAY, Til 15 OTU Bj:riMI5JiU. Tho nwtrdi will he made by tho Mocrotury to th hlvhjt MlVrer?, and notice of ncccptanto or decl'natlon will be imuicdluteO livin tothorciitoctlvo ott't'.rcrs ; and, In ciinof accopfaiu-e, bonds of the descrlptlom and denomination! preferred will be ner.t to the Bnbxcrlhorn at lltc colt of ttio l'-tftrtnifnt,on final nn.vranit of Instalments. Tho original dfposlt of two per cent, will be roi-koafd in th Jnit tmtal Jiicnt pa M by Miccesi'ul oHrreii, and will bo Imme'lJ.-iteljr rciurni'd to Ihoie whoso offen may nut be accepted. The amount of accepted oilt-rfl mtot be doponittd iviih the Tr;aurer or other oPlctr or axitjclnr Ion authorized to act under Uii notice on advice of acccptanco of offer, of as foIl.B : One-third on or ntro tlie Mih; one-third on or b' lorc the loth; and tbcb.tl.nco1 IncIudiiiR the premium nndorigliml two per ceut. d-po.sit.on or b' fore the L'ltli of Septeiubcr. interest ou bonds w ill he.in wilh tho date of rtcjioblt, Tartlen prcft-rrlng may pay pie accrued interest from date of bond, July 1, to date of d'.-poslt In roin. Cflers under this notice should bo endorsed "Oder for Loan," and addreasvAto the ftasrotttry of tho Tre-isury, Thr right to iKxliuc all otlurs not coutUKrcd ftdvaiitiifruos !s rcucrvrd to the (Jorernment. W. T. FES SEN DEN, f4tETAJtV OF THE TJtF.ASUitY. The Bond; of this Loan arc ready for immediate de livery. i7t U N I rv 12 1) H T A T E H 7-30 LOAN. Tho Reottfcry of the Treasury gives notice that anb criptlous wlU be roceived for Coupon Tr.ftiury HoUa, pajaMe Uiroe yeva from Autruit with semi-annual Interest at tho rate of seven and tbrco-tontha per cent. r?r annum, principal and intercut both to be paid la lawful coney. These notes 1U be convertible at the option of the hoUHr, at maturity, hito six per oout. fold bearing bnds, payable not lee titan Ave nor more than twooty yean from their dUe,as the Clovcrr.iaeiit may eltct. They will beuned lncnouiluatlons of $50, tlOO, ItOrt, lt:00, and '.0CO, aud aH subscriptions muit bo fr flily dwllari or some molUple ol tlfty dollars. As the uotes draw Interest from Auist 1', pore one waking Upoilli subsoqntnt to that dale must pay tbe hitfUbt ftccrmd from date 0 note to date of deposit. Tartka d positing twenty-five thousand dolhirs and upwar'.lt for Uteie notes at any one time will be allowed a 6umiutts.on of omt-'juarttr of one pir eeiit. RPF.CIAL ADVANTAGES OF TI113 LOAN. It i a Natural 8avis(,s Bank, offering a hlk-hor rate of Intercut than nuy othor, and the lu st e.nH'y, Any eavlnKs bank ldch paye Its dcpoiLra In I niUd fluua otun couividtm that It U paying in the bi-nt circulating nxdiuiu of the eountry, and tt cannot pay In anything betivr, for Its own aots are either In Oovornmrnt suourl tt n 01- in iiitcik or itondt payable la Uoverument papers CONYEKTIILE INTO A 8IX FEE CENT. 5-liO GOLD DOND. In iiilUUlon to the vory liberal Interest on the notes tor time ytuu.tl.is pr!vi!s.ge of conversion Is now wtirth iitxnit ihiet : per cent. p-r anuum,fur Uie current rate for ftn liondi Ifeiivl 1mi tlaii nint pev cent, y remain., tn& ht i.Tt ti e ui Un- prwuluitt on six ptr ovnt. Tnitod Rlaui ten vim ovtr twinty per cent. It will be seen tliat tlie Aftnal prcftt ou fids loan, at the preneut market rate, Is u4 lis Uiaiii la 11 per u.nt. per annDiu. ITS EXEM1T1UN FllOM STATE Oil MU NICIPAL TAXATION. Put aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special Avt of Congresh e-xempts atlbonJt ant Trtatry tiotcirotn laat ttuatinn. On the average, this exemp tion I worth about two pur sent, per annum, according to the rats oi la at Ion In various parts ot the country. It is believed that no secuiltlos ofier so great Inducu inents to U-ndort as thoe lsued by the Government. la all other forms of induutodueis, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock cuuipuulos, or icpurate conamaat tk'l, onlj , ts pledged fur payiueut, wldio the whole pro perty of liie country is Ueld to secure the discharge of all the obligations of Uie Uuited SUtos. i si.cui'nu:s Wix-tuic Ulckivkd by the Treawer of thet'ultcd States, at Wal.ingto the sererat AtaUuut Trtuureri and designated DeposUaties, and by tlio : ' riHT KATXOsViX BANK 0 PUILAlELPHIA, TA.( ELCOD J( A TION AX BAMC OF PIULAUKU'llIA, 1A., TliliO) KATIOVAL BANK OF PUILADU.rUlA, PA., FOCKTB KATIOKAX BA5K Or PUILAnr.LPinA, PA., By all Kativnal Bauaj width are depositaries' of yahUo BQoaey;and art'-l ALL IlE6rCTABL BAKKI ACT BAXKEllS Ibroughont the oountry will glr further Icformttiofl and -yAlVCXJ HTJ2AVA11T HOC It OIL COMPANY. Inoorporated J me 29, 18C4. Capital! a 00,000. C,00C MHAHFI t A lHARaV PAB. lniirer1p4loii H eaeh sthare to aiiftlnal snVrrfbers M fi.oo Mb nre rTiiMf $1 rnh lcn nrftn snNerlhliiir.aftd tv.o rilii-r InstKiinotits of $1 nch, payai'te on Um SMhTaty and Jot to August, lw-4, revpeetlvrty. TEN THOUSAND F II A L E P He erred for Benefit of the Company, The land ptrhad tytheVanee Ate wart lUifc 01 i on f finy r.iitftins o.ip li iii'in d ! tinny on to the v i y ore of the oil region, fnf U.oand thf tnr drut nu tn on the Al uheny rtvr, In 4anrrry t'M nihtp, t'ktriidtfi': a rniilt rabl taiHtaiirA ut n tioifc Rifh R ol the liw.r lo Mile llun, cmni'.n.y ca.ld Vn hur n liiii), ct ttpte T iriif-i hc'' Krnnlilln, tn Vnnjr? t"tiMi , 1-im) Ivarla. lie AUKhiny Hier Tecrltor is yifhllny an atiiindttpr aid r.t ?ii:hu- it harrfsl of n (fnt nalltf of 'Ml, tie numermifj !) tvftrdrtnir I tmhi pnulni:tnr OH with vrn irtUi Krif rexulaiHy tiian tiie rll aloiiK Oil rk. It Is Li !n,d tt,e now nf Oil hIow th tmrootrh ftfpran ltn.on the AIIK-hny rlvnr, will rohtVly avr rfome eihutfM, bcemiap the mraliicAtion, or lrank) dmrtir tion ol reck 'llj in soitthwi-mwanliy rtlrcruon ; cn-fiut-nt'y t'' 9tt ot !! wnulc unr-V the anrtr at the C.i"T end, iy of I'll rock, and wrllt n.tuid riti.rr U 0 ImttMi ln ner in prop'-rUo'i hiwrr down the rivw. wlur, howcr, Ih. rr wmitd inrwnarlly b1 Hie moil permn.no nt, andamnr.h ftn arer mipply and hum rinentnbnt hod y or sk I f i t nil. it Is t riaiu that ifirfi nf nvUe on the river, tn thr Innu -Miiif U nitty of tnK 'nnd. hav cutiniMd pro durlofi ilunisK U e psBt tlirre or tVmr years au anwaferui and s'eud d.iitvjkid of oil. A tciHixr at tiifl map will demonstrate the tart that the -r Tvn Mil Run atid Oil (Ttfk are oa the name distil trbailv niraitlit Hue. and nily ONtant, on fon hiativti ot'l? c -trniicil mine tforijt between thf r;in;. e of hills, fn'tii a h nth'T about tlirre mlifii arnrt in pr c i-flv the cs:n direr t lull. Jt would, thrf.re, not i e traordlnp.ry, if by Mritii wells ou Uilf tract a seiTlelent dptti of pt-rtiHpt vUht handrfd a id tifty firt. O at the t'ompaity s weilii may soon Jlval ihono of Oil Yct?Ji In tl fir nn')'ll( f litiiMt i filn of turrnis of oil daUr, and enorrnouM profile would thin be the forinnate result to tli h;irehol0r of thin euiiunv. On this pu'iliular trai t of Urd thfre has bf ra b-t oa b flKV fr thiiiy vtar. a nt-ll nwr pumvinij a fttr portioe of Kid Oil, itlthouuh Its oVptli of burr li oonldrtl (jtiCe lr,"uftirlent to Insula a iara How: Ktfiy pr cnt. of the Oil at thiu w 11 k month w.m r-Mt?rvd as a royalty to te f itikt wrr of land, and will at ono Inure to the b'ri'Jltof thf Cntn patty. I'licrc ar aUo two other wms tx-red a tew hunOrctl (mtdcttpea- h.biiinot yottiibfd.hut tn du atliiff a llrht-reto -howot Oil ; a barrel a day ran generally b-Ht-ooprd out of them, and no iloniii ti ini1o rilit thai Uiey will h'lh pmrr hijth'y remtnivrati'iK wi-Uii when borM a rftMtuftM' th'ptli. Another w eii U half bored, and proiuixeo a HKtlsfartnrr yiU- hampifn nf on prui una fr.-m theae wrlli ran b seen at the t-nircot tii Compaisy, S . V13 WAI.NH Htren. 'the ft ot title valnable oil land, eotDprtnlnn one him dri d and thlny-one avrvs, Inotudirg the royalty ot (tfly pr eint. of ml fr the lea-ted w.U, note pumpitHt, and the entire rkl t of the thrro wells partially devolopid. Is piir l:afd hy the fjompany dlreM'tfrotn Ihe nwni r, for the moderate price ot $l iA't), w ith a triot MUI in line order, a son': hoioe, Ao. ; alio p4ichH of timher. Tin nale of tto k will pay rah for tne land In full, and leave the sum of $it.U cah working capital on hand, wlthwhi'h to eoioph.te the three old well, and alio to born two new welin, with five steam engine, A?., t te in ninuliiir onier wtthln a few months; airantf nte w ill be n.fide to acroirplUh Iheno nhjs:ts wlttuut dt lay. Vu nubscriptiotu will be accepted for less than fifty shares. 1 he vnnt fortunes reaped by Rock OH Companies estab lished here and elirwticre arc notorious 1 he ill traU Is yet In Its Infniicy. nnj tho ib'inand constantly Increaclng. Its prhe li now $12 por barrel at the well mouth, eaelu h of the Hfk. l.erKt- wel w ill dotibtlesi be smirk at the d-pth of fl50 feet, so as to rearu the third SsndatoneKor-k W ell have been bored heretofore to the depth only of about fun) fet In (Mi vlclhify u it propnio-d to t.e twenty welle on tbU proj riT during the prem in car. There is room for one hiiMdrrd veiu. A perfect title, eVar of all Incum braucs is eoulidvntly assured to the Cow pony. Lists of snbseriptkm are now open nntll the 50,P00 sharee are subacritwd, payable $1 per share, to theorder of Aldor sianJABIKS VcCAHEK, the Treasurer of tlie Company, No. 40C WALNUT Street, or at No. lib WALNUT f-HrroN or at Uie oflW of the Company, No. U13 WALNUT Street. Tbe public are Invited to can for a procpectua. lytVtf Jioiitii cli:aii ciniiic GOLD AND SILYEE 31IIVXISO COMPANY, GILHN COUNTY. COLORADO TERRITORY. Trustee t Hon. JOHN A. DIX, Hon. EDWARDS riERREPONT, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Esq., T. B. BUNTING, Esq.. A G. BODFISn, Ehq., Colorado. Prosldontt Hon. JOHN A. DIX. Troaauvor t JOSEPH EttANCIH, Eea. CoOUllHCl t CHARLES F. BLAKE, Eq. The property of tlds company consist ot 2)2 feet on the "Ground Hog," "(Jregory No "Simmons,' "Con cord," and otlicr celebrated diloptd Oold-beartac Lodes In the tr.lnliiR district of Colorado. Alto, the Heoderiion Mill.now rannlng, and In eacellent order. Capital Stock $1,000,000. 7Me Uumler Shares 100,000. Par, $10. A larpe portion of the stork has already been takfn fr private suttaj rlptlon. llfatka are now open nt Uie orllce ol tlie company, al No. ft) Heaver street, New ) ira, wtanre a Minium nutnbiT ol shares can be eulitcrlhed tor ut par, by ainllnK to tlie Treasurer of the Ciupanr between Uiu hours ol In A. M. aid 2 I'. M. Ceji Irs of the "Prospectus inaj be ofttalued at tha office of the Company. aulS-Uu KUAHTIO STITCH HKWINO MACHINE 8, TDK BK6T IV l)BE. Ps No. 130 C111I1KNTJT Htroo. "WANTED TO SKLL OU KXCHANGB, II Klllialo H.wlnB Mac hine, The l.roviir al liaker Beerilig Machine, Hi. Hinir do. And ail tb. principal Hewing Macbluas. AU mrnlshod lloiu their principal uSIces. Also, au kinttai ol beroud-Hud Machines, Ibr Hals and atepatresl ai the new olline f.f UtAVKNS rArrr.K-NR. , Ho. li N. ElilHTIl Btreet, (Over tun years with binder at (lo.) Ladles tancM tooiieratej Kit-Sin lMTY'H . IN J ""jl COTTAOl OUQANS, Not only VDKXOEI.I.RD but ITNC'JI'AIXRn In purity Ot T.na and I'omoi, di siiiieil eipwlally for tlnurniios and hchoois, but finnd to bo t-.iuull well adapted to the PArk aud Xrawins Mooiu. l ot sale only by . M. Bitrrca;, Xu. IS N. BKVESTU fltrve. Aire, a couiplet. assortment of the l'eriect Muknivnn consiaulO' on Laud. aul'.i-diu gEIDESBUBO MACHINE WORKS, OFFICE, IV o. J5 iv. I'UOAT BTHEETi FIULADlXnilA. We are prepared to nil or.lers to any sxlcnt tot our well' known MAcnniimT rou coitoh add woolen kills, Inelodlng all recent improvements la Carding, Splruilu. and Vs'eavlns. We luvlte Uie attentloa of mannfttoturari to our sitsa, slvb work.. Jell-lf ALFRED JUNKS o BON. QEOltCJE HTIXliaH. ait.. HABUrAOTUEIKO MACHINIST AKD ENGINEER. SD27-lm No.lMlK.SECOMD SI., Philadelphia. OTKAM HEATING l"OH l''ACfoluK8, kJ aSilia, Ac. lUaii d with director wasto stoani. Also, Colin lur 1. eaters, eiiiid.-nsiTs, e aiKirators, a;., s.l-lut U.t'01tKMAM,Ko,M M. blX'l'U BtretiU Q VF.KN- OF BEAUTY. WHITU VIRGIN IS IX Of Antilles la tha lilt B.rf.1 i,r,hi.lilnf tl.s an, lor boaulilylrig, whiteiilua, and presej-Tios tb. tsaraal . . m. M u. inm Hire i wmto wax, aence lie MiaorUniory nuaJJiit-s lor presenlnt Uie akin, io sing it ;i, sui'ioin, fab-, and transparent. It cures rhapiwd haiuls or lips, rrniovrs pimples, Ac. Prieo DO and AO ounul. MaiaiUaclured only by J1LM' il CO., 1'erluiuera, Mo.il B. KlOlITH Nl 1 ioin above l lis.nul, and aulHus ite.US 8. BtVtMU b ueek GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATHB. MKATIVU APPAKATITH. fur Waimlnf aud VautiUtlna- Pubu. atoildliunj an4 Prt vaw sseeldesuw, Bfsnufactnred by tlie CMvet bl&JM AND WATKR REATISa COMfAJTI Qg J'lULAtl.l UIA. 1 JAM K P. WOOD, . No. II 8 0()itril rilrwt. mtw-tn b, y, riu.1 wiux. truiivudsut ........ 18G4. rAtJTIOXV. 0EIENTAL DETEE3IVB B0AP. Tkl. favt rll. C ap is now over seven ysrs In r,t' by at least One llundrfjd Thousaud ramllies In I'enmylvanla alene. It is made nvon entiroH new in'iiilplts, of p..f,.cUv pur materials, and atwavs tn the same way. !tio,is away wllh the use ft a Vt ish lmard, ami will i,g t, a as nm helots. s with Iwn-thlr'Is lss lat'f, lhau any other Hi ap msile In the t'nlli.l Mat. e. ITS GllI'.AT rori'LARlTY !.ftp 1'nlnffd !,'fral hrr.l.i!( -b 'i(i-,iiiK-r In i silt It in t)paraife only, and. bf rf! riiiK nr v ii jin o'fi'nu to ntiDritt'-ipli d dfipri, put Un n- uptti i'te .ixil 1 on tlie ni ir k't on tl.e jnit r itutailoii ac.iiri-d by iir HetMr.ivr. Tho if tririnir t pcr.tne uur ftgMp njnid tx.(M,nio fid sv liat OUKNAMK AND TRADKM HK In lUBfijitt' ujvD tVi'.liV l'Ol'NI ofti.e Ho.-p ! 'ore tl.ry ihUi it. VAN HAGEN & ilcHCONE, .i?f-)m rini.M'Kr,T'itA. WEIGHT & SI DP ALL No. 110 Market Rt.r.-ot pr.TTti:s rnoKT aji sixosd nthi.bth. C. v.. wiiir.iiT. r. n. Miiiiiu.. DRUGGIST S, r II Y S I C I A N AKI, OKNF.WAL RTIilU KKKPI ITS. f'n flnl at mire; lillsliment a full a.sorirnentof Import 4 and Domeslle Unih'S, Popular Talrnt MedHnas. Palnta, t'o.il Oil, WlnJow tilaSB, rresrrlntlon VlaK Ae., at as low prices as pcnuliie Mrsl-ctAss v-ods can be sold. FINE KSSKNTI.U. OILS Tor Confectioners, In full variety, nnd tlie bet quality. t'octiiueal, Bengal Indigo, Madik-r, l'ot Ash, Oidiar, doCa Aih, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Anuatlo, Copperas, Entrant of Logwood, Ac, FOR UV 11119' use, altrna onliajnl.at lowest net cash prices. PI 111: SPICK KOIt FAMILY C8K, I iroun.l expressly for our sales, and to which we Invito the attention or those In want of reliable articles. AIo, IS OHIO, ST MICH, MlTAHU, 4 c, of nil a quality. Orders by mall, or , Ity posf, will meet with prompt at tcntpin, or special ouoinilous will be furnished when re nU'Stnl. WKIOIIT & BIBDALIi, Wholesale Orui: Warehouse, JalMy No. 1 1 f MAIIKKT Stroof.aliuve Fiwut. TKUNSK8, BRACKS. 0., skUf .lly adluxed hy C. II. N KKDLIIS. oor. ol I WKI.s'l u aitdKACE Htreeia. Idloa' lei artincut for same, ciiduct.td hy la.la, TWRIJ-'ill ftlrcct, first oir hc;.i iv Raea The most eompli'te and varied stnoa on hand, consisting. In part, of Truss. kuanortre, Hhoulder Brao.'S, Pelts, tlanuai.es, KiasUo 8UH:kiii.'a, Hyrlnfsi, Articles for KnrMry.Nick Koom. Jce jcli 'ia TEfiva. PIlir.ADHI.PiriA SURGEONS' MKIII Nlre-t. .novo Market. Uiu.tnrw radlrall" eared by 11. tl. thlll'.Vr S frenilum P.ilent l.ratluatrtig Vressnro Truss. Kupcilur FL;utic R'Ks Kta.Ho HlocHngs. Hupportors, PhouMcr Praoes, AnspM orles. Crutches. Ac. Ladles attended by Mrs. B. 0. EVKKK IT. aVU'-lT ryil E ARTIFICIAL U A N D. X II. A. (11I.1IKA, Inventor and tlHiinfa' tuncr nf t6 A K T I K I O I A h A K it. Approved aad adopted nr tiik BCKOEON-Or.NEHAL OK TUB UNITED 8TATES, ffT Soldiers, Has permanently locate! his Office and Factory fit Ko.SU H. Fcl'U'lll Htreet, sU doors below bpruie, l'ulhsda. je 2u-sm WRA1.TH. TT RAT. TII mn 5!". BKAl'ii-. ' ' If to ealn admlrintr eves: lft caiue iiiviOitjuri UvhK If to be a bl'wtntDK llowcr, fading, dying in au liour IlKALIl I It' to have a ho it of frtvTrda ; If fur vice to mate ami'iidn ; If with Mfh-born bUntA to wed : If a murblo atone wlien denti Wk4LtI If to ltv threescore and ten. Wlthlnpil e u ioBK f(kln; It to live a life of poaco ; to die and go lo urtateUvKLiw t If yon wish a life of rlea.nr; If you value tlilit world'H treaatirei; If every comiort you would nee. Take my advice, and winh alt thret. Then, having Hralth, Wealth, and Ileautjr, You'll be prepared for every duty. Tlva carrfid peril eal of Ur.WlLI.MM YOlfHO'S New Bw-k, iHK tAI,KIA;K OUIOK, whl. h tliOulJ he read by everyone Sold by Mooktrll ra KiuraUv. and at t!e JtH"ior' ollicc, o. lti Bl'bUCJC ttTKKKTt price ih cent. atisj-U RAILROAD LINES. 1)111LA1)KU'11IA, WILMINGTOX, AND ilALllMOllE RAH IKIAI). CIIANl.K OF IIOI'Ttfl. On and after MOMiAY, Annust 1, 1SC1, Fassenscr trains h ave Fhlladelplila for llaitlmorc at4'im t-Rxpiens. Mondays excepted), 80 A. t.,a-Miard in ?0. M. Chester at b M, 11-16 A. M., 1'90, 30, 4-30, 6 00 and ll'OO P.M. Wilreluvten at 4 '0 (Mondays excepted), 8'05, IMS A. )d..lM. '.';,li, t'.lil.t iX, In M and I I'lill I'. M. Ki w Castle al ." A . 11 . and 4 U'.M. Hover at li.'. A. M . aud 1 3U V. M. MUf. id aiHPoA.M. ballsbllry al H (f, A. V. 1'KAIJSS FOR rmr,ATRUHIA. T.eave Tlsit. more at H'tJ, U so A. At. (tUpress), l it, t-Jft and lu -JI 1. M. W in, listen at 1 18, t t',, 9 A. II., U H, 1, 1U, COS, 4 3S, J ar.d!l 10 1'. M. Halislmry at U'SS A M. Jltllord at it". P.M. Dover al (I D A. ., and tit P. If. kewCastle at HSll A. M., nnd 617 P.M. Ohestar at 7 46, ll'4l) A. M., 100, a 46, 4 40, V09, 7'tfl, 9 0 P.M. I.i ave Rsltlmore for Salisburyandlntcnaodiate stations, at 10HJ P. M. Iave Uaunnoie for Iiover und Intermediate stations at 1'IOP M. TP. MVS roil BAlTIMOhfi. I.esverii.st.j at h 40 a. M ,i) uf. aud tl oi 1 . M. Leave WllluinKlun at D ilt A. M 3 40 and 11 40 r.M. Freight Trains, with PasseiiKer Car attached, will run as foliov. s .ave vN'llniiiisttm forrciryvilleandlutcrmedlateplaoes at 7-4 P.M. HP N I A H T-Only at 4 0 A. M .. 10'3u P.M., from rhila dt'lnhla to halttuior. From ri.llad, l;,hla to Wilmington at 4'30 A. M 10-80, ana ii r. si. 1 rom Wllmintloii to Philadelphia atl 4 A. M. and 7'IKI P. M. Only at lb'Jo p. M .from llslU'oori' to 1-hil a.i.I.:u. a4 H F. KENNKY. Muperlntondi nt. rllll.ADKI.l'HIA AND HALT1MOKK CVS. THAI. ItAlt.UOAll, OPEN TO OXFOK1J tH'Kl NO ANltAMiKMFNT. On and alUit iHlUAY, April 1, 1W4, tha I rains will leave as ii.lli.ws : - l.KA K KASTWARO. It AVE WKSTWAIin. aTllUNS. A. I,. 1 . H ' SIATIOSS. A.M. 1', H. Oxlord lliiil I -Jii Philadelphia. ... K U) 4 :KI w est t, rove ('.:.." t it West Chefler... 7 46 i-:t Avond ik 71tt 4 id W.O. Junction.. !"W tl K Dim, II .....71 41" tlonrord KB 6 Ciiadu s Ford....; 4'J 4 II I 'luuld s I eid,... -4l e n Concord '(! fl'WI Ki mu tt Ki'lio li ;(7 W.c. Junction., l-'lft f' IS Avondale m il M Philadi lnhia ?! S'"i6 West (irove li '.1S T 01 West CI eaier V ai' t.lo. Oxford t Al I asHt-nrer In pot in I'hlluuelplna has been rhnnt,'eil from F'sl.lii'iiili si.d Markst sllnts. to TIllltTY Klttir and MAIIKF1' Until, West 1'bUadelphia. Market Slruat PaSNvnKer Kailnay (Jar. solivay PasscuKCra to aiid irons tlie lir. t. l'ansengcrs go throiteh w-tthottt ehanire of cars. Ja4 llliNltT WhoU, clupL'rimcndcnt SHIPPING. fffK BTKAM WEKKLY TO UVKIU 2aasMaawaaiPool, tourhlns at Oufcnstown, fork llnrli.tr. loc iiuii-Liiuivu sieamera oi the Lhciiiool, Sew York, and Phllad, Iphia titeumsuip Company ara luteuda4 to sail as lollowa: F.I il NIK lKl.Huturdav.Repten.ber 10. I'lTY OF WASIIIMlTIIS.Katurday.Sepfemhern, t I I Y OF MANCHKMKIl, Hatiirday.Nepteiuber '.'4. And every suocvi diti. batuiday, at ouon, froui Pier Xo 44 North KIms. ItATF.K OF TASSAlir PAYABLE IN CUItKKNCY M Flit CaLIn HiVKS) Mtc.iTSi;e dii'tj First Cabin to London nuts) hteeraitt' to London... 6'ls) F irsl Cub n to 1'uils.. 1:J0U K:mr to I'nrls Do-otl F iiht Cabin to Hiilnlir'ulll'U0 Bleerci;. to HmuIiuik. Tl.lsJ Pa.seiiKcrs also lorwarded to llavre, llrcmeti, Jlot terdaru, Antwerp, Al-., at equally low rati, l ares iri'Ui Lltrpool or Ou.'eustown F'lrst Csldn, $Wsl, S17U, $IU. Htevraite from LUcri'ool and Ouoens town.SiO. 'Ih.ne who wish to send lor tholr fiieud. can buy Ui Sets hate at these rates. k or luitlier inioiiuatlou api'ly at the Companv's offices. JOHN II. HALF "tsent, No. Ill WALNUT Street, FldUdulpliia. ffTh BOSTON AND PHILADELPHIA 2aaVlesue Rtvauul hi l ine, sailing- from e.u-lj port ou fcA 1 1 atliAl . rtotu flrt wharf above PINK ntieel.Pnila dilph a. and Lou Wharf, Boston. From Oral wliaif above PINE Hlruet.oti Saturday, Hsptembar lu, li4. Tha steamship bAXOM, Matlhewa, will sail Iroiu Phlla dvljilila lor lfi.ston.on Haturday.Htipiembt-rlO.ai 10o cl tok A M l and the stiamnhip NOKMAN. Uas.er,rroiailosiuu for Pldladelphia, on same day, at 4 P. Al. '1 bese new aud suhsiauiial atoaiusuipa fiann a resular line, salllniitrom each port punt-tunny on Samnla-is. Insurunvi. ciieritd at one-hali the ureuuuui aha ntd on Sale vessels. FrclKhts taken at fair rales. Shippers are requested lo send Slip Kccili ta and BIIU' Lark,s will) their coods. For 1 nu.-hturl'iaiag. (having- On. accommodation) Pplylo liK.NKY Wl N Hi iK A C(., Ja4-tf Xo.SjaH. DE1.AWAUIS Avnu. T A.T FOR NKW YORK. DESPATCH Is TarreiwMpariJ Hwli'lsur. Lines, a Oelawars and ..iiitani auul. '1 l.e stejimcrs of these hues are leaving call) at K' o clock M., aud 6 o clock P. hi., rrom Uil.S plor alKiv. Walnut street. I lor lreiM, which will be taken on arronimoJiitlng; teruis.ani.lv to wiijjam u.iiAiitlJ M LU..)s.LiS. I'LXAVl Aji Arvuue. RAILROAD LINES. lWlI 1 ARHANHl'MKNTB Off los i JoiM. rw K ilia JcM)1!. 1 h. Csmdea aad Amur T and PhlladelpMa and Tmenn Bailresd rv miaot.s' Llnrs from Phllad.li itla to Hew Tork an. v) av Tlarrs ' IkiiH WALWITT HTREKT WIIAHP, Will H-a e as U s. :j. r - flRB. At . A M., v a f an.dtn iid Amhoy, C. and A. Ae- crsanuHlatlon 91 -inn. , , aiuin a aou vi!i,-jf v.tiy, aiot-ninjT Es.r, sa t l: M . via Csmdi'ii and Am'v,u and A. Areora- no lsi Ion Al ? p. M. i la Caiiuien and Ami."-.', C. and K. pU I'r' l 1 I1. M ..via I'atiidrn And Amhir. A-cmisa.Mtation t ' li-ht at.d P-.T:it- At '; p. m , , i,i ( aio.li ! ai l Ami oy, Ai '-'.uiiiivJai.ton (l-nilhl it,,, I !-,.., ni;r, I -l ciaas Tkkot ?t hiss il IOI t 1 7 l.M) At ; P M., v ia (-,.-,. In and 1'. ii and An.hoy 4 ula- It ! 30 r), I i i:i ,s a Tit-k.l., 111 1 . Jl l-nr Man .h ( imtisi . i.'.'.l.'JL " V, Will, Ka-tr.., I arntVrivlii. , h l, , ,,Ut..n. A M. "i l"1: 'J,1:1 " '"'- tiftf Hi.nj.M.at p m. isf'sT .HI "l, l-''i'U-. r-mbi rton. aud V.Boenp lM fl. Hi h A. V.. 'J l (i '. V, I or rri Ii-.IO .it i a. af . awl P. M l-.f I'almyra, Itlv-rioit, liii-in,-o. Ildv-lr. Il..p)(nMii. l"it..vn, ,.t ii a . M., I.' M., 1, .'i, I .i" .) nut! .. iv M. Unci rtii cnrcl thrountl d IV i Tr itfMti, H.4 itrK'nt Trenton, f-r Hrlf.i IrrrrnKlf. nr-.l 'I nn '.r at ft t TtiTllak'oB, reverly. 1 IM M Kkt-M kKVslK.iiii. I.lr.aaa- Will icav.- . f..,r.-N v" .'...vi At 4 A. M., (iikbt) via Ken-tnitt.m and New lork. W n-lnni't-ri nnd Nt .v .trl Ma i ftlU At 1' 16 A. M., viaKvu-irKt-it a d Je.m-y f'tly Cx. . V 3 tJ0 At4'..- r, V., ia KciMiriksioii wnd J ney I'ii'lF.x- rtn j.flj At (ii;. I. M .. ta .nn nn.i Js-rt, flu. WgMiini t"n i'id New Unit f". irn. - (rt ...- ir.i-i t .i. on- n fi i . m , j nr win bo mi IM r- at . A. 51. tV,ihU f.n Mumlaia. Kr vt"r nun, Htr-.ud-l.nfi.', ranton. WllttrBbarr. Vnntrr,f .(Jrcat ftrml, Meurh ('(itinh, AMfi'own, Hethie h m. H-Wid, r". r ait' ii, l.anilwm ill.-. minirtri. Ac., at 7-If A. M l i In lint- , f,t. , ts with tt. tial'i l"a.ii K.ntuu fi r Utanrti i - link at :t .'n- P M. 'r I amtwrtviiio and iiitcruv-dlete it at Ion 4 at 4 IV M. P Im' ,lr,M t'Ir,;"u'n' a'-'el ' i'l,nJ Li i, A. M., a&dS tT UtAwtbuTw, Tacmv, Wi'it-iOinlnif, Tr-lNnrf , and rtankf..nl nt A. M.. r, t, 15. and 8 IV M. The 9 A. M. Lrni run to hrii-toi. k ir Ki-r kw York and Way T.ln IcaOnp Fenalnirt'isi In p..t, tak.- tdp rnr ou I if'h ni t, ati vi V ainut, hall an vl ln.'ir h I- re departure. Tlif far, r.m Iniothe Uvpj, aud I tin artial ol aeli tr;tin ron Ironi thr- Itppot. r Ml V Im nt ml nf h.i'fnr univ llt, cA cfh eaiaanvcr. it rnrniei'i ai f proti.i-iii i fr-nu taalni i:i d fmm taainc anyiMnc m bwvim W l-iit tlii-ir i-atlnv apparid. K hi!'i""f mr nftnnnnd i he raiil for eitrit it.e ( tnpany Mult thlr rvuponal bihiv fcr h .Rt ir tit On iv.linr jn-r pound, atnl will noi te lialilo for Ljf aiuouut Ix-youd il"U, e&cei( uy apeiaJ eon- tiial im iPaL'vaf F.Tpn.s will rallfr and dlhitr tinir K-e at the li o:i. Ordt r h left at No 1 WALNUT , m W-M. ii. UATZiifcU. Agent. A'l(.'"t H, r,, LIaNES UOM F,W YORK FOR FHU AIKIaP1ITA WIT.I. IKAVK Tram foot of rosrllanri mrft at li M. and 4 P. M.. via ,!rvy Jt ani ( anxlen ; nt 7 atid 10 A. M.,6 IV M..a.dlf 2 ( Sin lit) t .icrty Viiy and Kcnslnt'tmi. , rroninoio- n.ir -iay nireei. at ti a. ai. ana a r.M., Vic Anil'oj) nnd Oinish n. From I'ifr No. 1 North Hive, at 1? M., 4 and BT.U. ( rwllit and I'tiMeiiuiT) via Aui!oi and LUiudt a. i;KKKiHT LIXK.S YOil NEW YORK AND I all the stutiotn on tt.oi'aiudvu and Auibo) aud eou- ncuuiiii itaitiuuif. IKf'PF ASFJ DFMPATfff. TJiefrtrndon and Atnl y Hailroad aed Tranportatk ConiiianT f r.-iuht l irniB lor Nn York will i.im Wiiuat itiMt vliaif on kik aiu;i .Tiuiuary H, daily (Hundays e ci i t ) at 4 o cioi-k T. . 1'iinrnii k, ttie aoove Lima will leave Xv York atl and i". m. t-n-ivht mint be dcltverod Lcfuia tfJjP.X. lo be for-warOr-l tl.e ouuie da v. r'rtl.M for Trt nion, Trlnooton, Klniratnn. Ntn Brnni irk . and all Totrt on the Cniadcii and Amlioy Railroad f alio on the UlvtfJrrr, oiAwar and Henm rt o, the Natr lortrv, tic n fliold and Jann nl-urif, and Ui IlurHnnton 1 and M'.nM Holly hutlrn iU, n elved and Pta anlrd up to 'ri k IV M. HmUpaHat'iforMount)idiyreived. Id Helvliltro bnlnwim l.allnad eonnct at Phltllpi-btirt- with the l.-hi.h ui!'-y Jiailrnad. 1 New Jwriy , Itu'In ad lojirr. ib flt KVrahi-'li with thf N'nw Jeray Ontrul Ktilroad. and at aNuAark with the Morrla and Kim KitHroad. 1 a ttiifi uit'Uior im.uin, Lif mcr tho marks aud mini-i btt. ahippfrit !.nd fo-l:, t, t:iist tn every lntaitr bmi I'm urn cncfi ihiui rr Kf'o-,riio rereipt: win D ifiveiu tiicnmi o tnrlittli'M havinv uen made 6r the traruiorla- 1 tion ot JJVt. Mui:K,.iiov..r aro utvlti-d to try ttili ruutv. ron ire imci rtirnmj.cuin qiionniie- or rwn uak , l.Oa lH or more. It will bo delivered at the f-vnt of Fortletu I strfi-t, nenr tho Irne ard, or al Pior So. 1 Ivortk ' 1'iTpr. an the ehlpnors may tralanat- at tho time of tLa Ko. rt. DalaiTHrc nvcuue, I'nlladciphla. a.r.". h. itii ni"tii, rrfltifni Agi-nt, JaA tf 1'ier o. 1 ordi Uiver, Kw k'exk. T)iin,APi:LrniA and tkknton and J. IAMI LN AMI AMHOY KAIUiOAD OOaCPAiillUtJ KO l U'K. 4 On at.d after MONDAY . Junuarv 4. lfWt. tho Train iVn", hew York, lcavinif kinl. tion I)cuol. f hllaf1lhla. nil U 1st A M (MuhD.andvt'-TO. M.,and th traina Wa?ltM;J jNfw ioraaiA v, nun i r. .n., win aereaner be ruaJ exohifllvt l for tt a Lnlied Kiatne alalia and New York! and w ashiitK'ou 1'aineiif.ore. and will uet tako In uor leti uui at . i.iiFH i'n r. iictnt u nJd cities. 1 he lf A. M. nnd Midnight I.lnea from How York fcol Wanhlnatim, and Uie 11-50 A- M. and b P. M. Llnaa fruml Aliiiijtton to XNi w lork. will continue ai at prcaout, an I carry paiera-crfi t and (rom the intnrniediatoataUotu auu lirsitui.orf, w uMiirvton, anil now York. Aitl! AX.F.M KNTs HfTWKfcN PIKLADELPIUA ANIi NKW UltK. Linct leave Phltadu'iiia, from Remington TeiMt, al ll i: A. U .4 00, and IV al.. and U ! mldnl'dit. an i lroni Walnut HUM Wharf (via Camden), at ad$AJ M.a It M.,4 ardt.P M..ior Kiew York. Andloavee Mow Yoik, fioin foot ot Conrttandt itreet ai 4 A.fli.-JUA.M , i m ,4 ana r. it , ami ai vi mid i niMir, aou ii-om tool oi iioriiJiy firoet at a. m., aim i.m, aa. . uAiAULiv, Jas'.-tf A4ut I J-'-NNoYL VA IS I A 10 CKNTIiAI. KAM.HUAIK lOVj TIIK (iHFAT UttflilaK-TKACK HIIORT HOI'TK T! IHK W VhT. KnKTIIWKST. AND MM1TI1WKHT. 1 Kmuij nieniB and inulitlra lor Uie oafe, H.ttody.and eom fort tb e tranp ponmioQ of pasacucen. umurpaaeod by aaiflOV route In tl:erouiiR-y. Mwt TrHina leave iht; lk pot at ELKVENTU ai;d MARBLE "flwl StMdi vn fo!iuwt: 1 Mad Train at Fas' Lint- at. VV A. M 11 16 A. Al Tl roiuh KxnrcHi at .w-rsop.Hj ParkckhurK train, Un. 1, at iow a. a 1'arVe'huris-Tr.iin. No. 2. at HHi P. M H-irrUt uFK Aconmmodallon at M M P. l a LancaHtctr j rain ut 4 uu 4. il Paoli AccouuiKKlaiiou (!ea.a Wt 1'liUaJol- l-hta) at fMP, M 1hroii,'h Par. it-ri;en by the Fast Line reai b Altooaaf i up per, where will be ion ml ex allont ai-cuMiiuodaUona I tho tilf.ht at ihf Lovau lioiuf, and lu the monUnu tnu take attlicr ilie Phl!ad iphia or Haltlmore Fxprnai, vaesh which ma k r conii-rTioiii at IMUtlmrtf for alt uutnU. dayhrht lt w la thut aik rdod of the ttOUiti Hue audits tuai. iiiitceiii i etiii ery. 'Ihe Throiu.1) Kxpreifi Train rune daily; all the othi traiu daily exc.-nt sut:dMv. r OK PiriHlil Mi AND THE VYEHT. The MhII Trim. Fast tin, and Tlimuuii Kirem or iK-i'i at Pitthur with through traiiii on all divuritlny roa riont inut point, istirtn to the Lakci, weit to Uie Hia it.pt at hi MiKfOurl IfivfM, and Htwih aod Hottbweat to poiitts accmfcl' lie hy ra iroad. I ttroiiKh Ticket toClev tano, jit tioji. iiirKiai. t i'aui, t'oimnlmu, juUianapo ht. Ia-uih, Isfavt-nwiinh, Kui flnn, Wlnifilnif. IayUft,C; cinnati, LoiMsviU', f'alro, nnd all otiiof piineipal pulu anu umgaafr curt r.cn if.roiun. IN HI AN A hUASOIIKrVILKOAD. Th 1'liruuMl. Kiprtiit., li-a-t int. ai ltiuO P.M., ronnri at juaiifcwiio ii-u-mouon itn a train oil rim roau Hl.(ir villi-. In!inna. .t r. tl'KNSt.l Kt, Ahit CKRHHON UHABt'H KAIT.ItOA 'I In- 'lliroutth t.xuu ih liuin. Raving at in JO IV M..ro In-fU at ( risaon. al V- ih A. M., with a train nn the roi tor 1' tieii hnrk A train alio laavci CruieoA tor aUieiubu1 ' HOM.IDAYHlVRtJ IIRAVm MO AD. Thr klail Train at rib A.M., and Throiiffi Ktpreil 10 ao P. M., eoiinwt at Altoona wall truiu-i htt Hot! i day tin-u nt 7 !,b f M . and H Il-'i .4 14 TKoNK AM CJ.FAUtlLLD rlHANOH KAIUlOA H.n hrmn li 1'ii.r, Tr ,in Liavlv,,, ai Ilk 111 l U m.. rertti at 'I ron wli li a irnln for ftnni Klduo and PhilL !;;4 LurK, and by Hald E ilv Yaiiey Uallxuad tor Port Malil juivnurf.', ana iff-MD'oriTo. ' lit jrHMIDON AND PTtOAD TOP 1( MLROAD. 'I bi 'I hrooii k.xpt8K Train, ivaritij.- at 10 .In P. af , coi rtt-ctk at I nnnntOini with a train for JloovwaUaudllkiv j linn at t;-: A.M. HOKlliHitN CKN'TVAI, ANf PIiaADELPIOA AlVj K.Ufc, -UAII.UOAUM. 1 For Hurttirv, WiJliNiu-iport, Lock Havan, Klin Ira, It ehc-ifr. Put alo. and V-.kara falU, naitutr caking t, -aiuii irain a ( i-i a. m., aou mo iiToiiin r.aprtiaa lu .inP W., dailv ckctpt hundnva. mi diiu.-lly thfom will ut chaise of cara beiwoeu PhiiadJda aud w Uan-sP'-rL Kor YOltK. I1ANOVRR, nnd rtKTTY-inrKO. the trai leavinu at S A. M. and if liJ I'. M., con no; t Ht Culaaai witii trlnR on Mip Northern Oniral Railroad. Cl'ktHKRLAM) VALLKY RAIJ.IiOAD. J hr Mad Tiaiu ft 7 '.'i A.M.. and thionuh KxDriitsi 1-:k P. 1 coinact at llarriHhurif with tralue fur iarlitvV V Clibliib, ri ri.'. ami llaan stown WAlM-.HKriui liHANUII KAI1.K0AI). Tlir trains la,ui. al A. M. anti 9 1'. M .. nmn at Una nh stiiwn vlih train, un Uils road to WajaaatH. win ' ., mi.., uit tiiaii- aiau.ats. Fui lurti.sr ItiiorinatU-n apps at ths Fasams.r Stati 8. E Cumvr ul L.i.K l.N'l II anil H .MILK I Htraula. .lAWnn l'iiWlii.).,Titai.krtu; COMMITA-HOH TlL'kia'N. For 1, 3, S, S, nr U lu. uil.s, al very ,w rates, (hr tha r crtunH.oai Ion of parsons llvin.'Ottl of town, oi luaalaU or near IK. Una otitis rnnd. , i-iirpiiu 'rruaTfl. For VS trips Latwi-cn any two puims. at abont two eJ lif-i-mllf!. '1'trtsu llckela .,ri' lulPiiit.il forth, useoifaiu.l travLiinireiipntl.v, and are of gruat a4vuntag tvpars f waauig ecuMsivnai inns. HU1IOOI, ncKBTS For nn. nr tlir.e muuths. fur lire usa of scltolari attani sciiool id ti,u city. K.iiii.,niii altc;, n 1ST lnUV k I If AX'N'B IlArl1A(lE KXl'HKHal. " jia aKriiioi mis r.nauw Kxpross i urn puny mil pi lliron.h varli tra.n beion- reacnliiK the depot, anA taae iu v. ai, . i u.a.Kv w any pan oi tli. cily. il saKe win ip csis-.i n,r proinpll v when onl.rs are lft at I asi'nK'r iw.oi,Kivi nia and Market strata. Tlii'lra J ins puuuc aro aasuiea fun u u tfri(r.iy rtpviatl y Irt.liiirrM r Hv this routs fril. lil. l all Hai-rlnl!nna r.a ha i y uiUil lo and from any points on Uio rallrna-ia of OJ n.iiiui i.y, muiaua, llliuula, Wisconsin, Iowa, or SU.i J bf railroad diro, i,or lo any point un tlie ulalil yfa. oi liit- Vst, bysltmncrs ftoui I'ittstiurp. '1 hi' rait s of fieirat to and ttom any point la Mr m vy ui. rt'ciisyivama (..inrai uanrnau aro as aniime.. favoiaile as ara oliar,.'.,! by oili.r Kaiiroad liouiuati ...rtbiuits aad sliipiirs auirustins ti, trunsporiau. J Ibair tr,-ll;lit to this Cutupany van raijr Vritb coiu14.a,1 tl. au-ilY u-ajisis. i Ki.r lrl,bi contracts or shipping direcUous, apply 1 1 Wlllll.l ,11. .'," . w".,..", b. li. KINi. .H'N, Jr., riiiladalnbia. I. A BTbWAliT, ritUburs. ( I.AilK 4 CO.. rlU,an. Lttt 'll AM)., hu. I Ajior Boas, or Ko. 1 8. WU U Tl K & l!,,,A?1;7TJ,r,''lnrton "reet, Boston. . .' -i ."v ., , wu, rv JlufUl SUOIlt. italll Aavbl 0lUi.ni C Mi Ira. llallwuy. II. H. IIOII8TOW i (aoiicral lr.lt-ht A, t, n,iuii.i,.i,U OltWrulTicktl Atrial, Pl.dadi'lph? , ENOCH l.Krt lii, t ' - Otu.i al BuvilutiidM.(, AJlwaa, t 4 . a- B? If BTT. N VUI.'D 1 T",r,fc7 m An lDmlKrapt Aoi-onuuo'laiion tialu lavoa Ko. 187 r.M 1 strvut tmi (tSLiiUa'a sri'pl4l at 4 o'tilooa 1'. M jOfTarJA tlll a cuinfuilatio ra Mlc of travul to famlliva fulnu w.sl W jgu unr-haif tlie usual rata of far., particular attention! A palil tn bana-as.. for whloh chveks ara siven, auti tiage4 lorvranlrd ij tuo saws tra'n wlUt asssusua . 1 Uli loriuUrjjltumaiioii.siii i to I na illXSClS x l'KK, Emlsranf ifti. Uii Ot CD -be rei an of Tl m so: Ul bu of bu I o be Vt tbi ha Ibi U th( iii Ci lit CS ski TCI l bit let ID coi cbi vi wu UH till bo till s COI Ti is I k! mi Ibi 1 an Ui 101 i nit olt lin Ill ou Wt' wi poi oi r i we tbi !, tx cut! ob mi Is Sin d lu nn ooi tjei va Ibi Ci tot