The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 07, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Mdlnc KdltorlAlR from the Xew York
Pnppn Thin Morning.
nil': roi.iiu i. i'Hosi-t;( r.
era tl e ',,.,.
The p.'Iit'cal skies tyit t. Iri.Iitoi. The
onilii 'lint lux ( ri d i ut tlif V ii m i' r n.-c a m nlli
;o ue hrcuklni; aw.iy. 'I hi most rri'li' oh
r.ers :iiiwt fnil to l ii f ". iii'irVcil clritmin
atone) of i ul'lic lit inunt witliin ilmt timr.
l not 10 lie ili nipil, .mil c 1iJ not nttrmpt
foiicial, tint n pri'l'miml ik spcunVncv bid
,ken r.usecs.ion of the ml.ti'' min 1. Iiietritst
id 1isMtirr.M'tiin prn;l,lc-,l the I'nlor. ruriks;
e Union runiiilHtcs mind to uo losing tlieir
)ld on tlie public runlidrncc; nrul the enemies
: the AdmitiMmtinn v rr nyrn und load In
eir exultant jTcdittion'ot'iiiMi-tor totliu Union
Now ull tlil is clumped. Tlio pul.lic- tc mpcr la
tnyant ami liopifnl. Thv frlrncls of the 'iovern
nt, tho ill fonilt rs of the Constitution, the U.
rtcTS of the Union ticket, urc full of courage
id of conlldcnre. Ttielr fault In tho II Hi h is
ivived, mid thi' v nre ready and i fter to do b jttlt
ndcr in starry iold for the Union and tho I' in
itut'on In liny Held which their enumi.'H rar
lect. 'j he ruiiMinh lor this rli.iiipc arc miinifes
loufth. For nearly three months our cmididntci
id been exposed to the assaults and dt'nnm:ia
n of the opposition, and Union turn, havint;
) opponent in the Held to unite "thuir ivnurci
id th' ir dlorls, bad begun to iinarrrl
Military Hnccesfcs, moreover, wore lneklni;
ledlcamrrat l'otrrslittrK had fallen Ir'iivlly upon
ic public licart; tho impending drift carried
loom and dread to the public mind ; and the
cmocratic party, being responsible tor neither
intllrlates nor platform, ncemod to present a
ulted frcnt attainst tlio Administration. Those
itluenrea no longer prevail. The Petersburg did
der ha been more than redenuied by Grant's
'.d soixiire and Arm prap of the Weld'on road.
The glorious victories of Furragnt In c lptiirmg
orts Gaines and Morgan, and the splendid
lumphs of Sherman in the capture of Atl intn
id tlie defeat of Hood's gre it army, hare ro
ved the national courage and aroused the hope
f a speedy cIofc of thin grunt Ro'.jclllon. Tho
tlon of the Chicago Convention has unmasked
is unpatriotic riurivises of the Democratic party,
ad exposed their substantial sympifhy an i en
oration with the Rebels in the Southern States,
very man now feels and knows that the success
f that ticket is cUlviilent to the virtual triumph
f the Kebel cause. The Rebel journals diicloso
le profound interest which ttiry feel in the re
lit of the Presidential contest, and the reliance
hieh they place, in the overthrow of tin Union
arty as their last and only hope.
The great contest is now to be closed, as it was
pgnn, at the ballot-box. The wnr dras near
end. Nothing but the hopo of success at tho
alls prevents the surrender of the Rebels in the
old. Toe open demund of the McClellan party
r "suspension of hostilities," In the very
tidst of our most glorious victories the cluuiDr
ir a hollow truce just when victorious w ir is
iviug os tho basis of a solid and lasting peace,
try either a craven and unmuulr spirit, or an
igerand ardent sympathy with the llelul cause.
There is no mistaking the teuierof the Chicane
onvention its speeches, Its plutform, its candi
stea or of the press by w hich they are sui
lined, from one end of tho land to 'the other,
heso men have no rejoicings for our victories,
heir cannon, which ure so prompt to procliim
le action of a party conclave, are sullenly silent
rer the glorious triumphs which carry the Stars
ad Stripes over the Held of Rebellion, and prj
alm anew the supremacy of the Constitution
ud the isar integrity of the American Union.
Tho heart of the nation revolts at such a spoc
iclo. Such flagrant sympn'hy with the Hobel
uise the party which tries In vain to
inreal it. The party which, in these days of
ational peril, dure not avow its love for the
nion, its hatred of Ilubeiilon, aud its firm Uo
Tmination to preserve tho one by crushing the
ther, can never command tbo confidence und
lpport of the American people.
Under this improved condition or tho public
lind, we hope for a cordial anil hearty lint n of
nion men in support of the Union candid tos.
Whatever differences of opinion orof fueling htvo
itherto prevailed, should now be laid aside. The
me has come when they can no longer Ibe iu
ulged without peril and guilt the peril of rnin
ig the country, and tbo guilt so grear. a criui'
ivolves. Nothing can be m ro certain than tha
Incoln or McClellan must be I'residunt for the
ext four years, that tho spirit of the Haltiiuorc
latform or the spirit of the Chicago platform
mst rule the public councils, and shape the des
nieiof this great Republic.
Ko other choice i possible. M'o hear ta'k o '
cw conventions, and a change of candidates
Uthitis fully, or troric Mr. Lincoln has been
gulinly and fairly iiutuiuiited, with groat una
uiiity, by a full convention of the Union party,
I w hich 'all shades of sentiment and opinion
ere duly represented. Thatconvention h is dis
lived, and no num or body of men has the
ower to reieal or change its action. Any attempt
do eo, whatever may be its motive, can only
lierk the progress ol the Union canvass, paralyza
le efforts of Union men, and thus aid directly
ie clectiui of the opposing candidate.
Nor can any change be made by tlio OppTsi
ion, either in their candidate or platform, tint
rill not damage their cbnnccs of success. The
takes aro set. The issues are ma le np. Thcean
idates are regularly and duly in nomination.
Jl that remains for every citl.un is to choose his
ide, t'ike his place, and tight manfully for the
ause be decides to espouse.
We hope to hear no further talk of shifts
r changes in the Union ranks. We trust all
bought of Bulhtlo or Cincinnati Conventions
rill lie abandoned. Tho issues as they stand
re broad enough and clear enough for every
od) 'I action, and the respective cuudi l ites aro
rue and fair exponents of the parties they repre
ent. Let the contest go on !
The World labors hard to distort und befog the
ssue it has chosen to make up respecting the
nyalty of its candidate for President, concealing
a part, und twisting what it luts its readers soo
if our strictures. For example we said before,
,nd now repeat, that we believe the Hiihmond
Jitpati h had a basis of truth for Its assertion that
Joneral McChllan once "wrote to a distinguished
ifllcer in the South, ex pressing his desire to serve
the Confederate Army." We do not believe
hat the literal and exact truth, but that Ooneral
dcClellan did write a letter from which his wll-
ingnesa so to serve was fairly, though r.ither
anguinely, Inferred by the receiver. The World
ieekl to establish aa alibi by asserting that
rjf to tlie b&iutiartlineut of IVrt Sumter there was no
vsr, and i o rrv striuui eiDitUlion oiauy."
That in a very grave mistake. The war had
seen for months in progress beforo Mr. Lincoln
vas inaugurated, but R-I.els had done all the
Igbting; Fort Sumter differed from twenty other
oris captured by the Rebels only in the clreuiu
itance that the lighting on oir 'side tirst began
here. The Rebels bad done a large business
ilreaily, as Pollard's "Southern History of tha
War, ' and other authentic records, abundantly
ittcst. And it was doubtless during that period
f unresisted Rebel adwnco from conquest to
:onuest that General Mct'lcliau wrote tue letter
whereon the Richmond IHipatch based its state
ment. Tlie IPorM cannot be ignorant that its candi
date for President has been one of the marked
ards of the conspirators for a Southern slave
Mnpire long before they rushed into Rebellion,
lbs Richmond Whig says they had noted, whilu
student at West Point, that he avoided North
irn companionships and airectcd Southern inti
nacies. Tlie World is doubtless aware that be
,vos deep in tbo tilllbiister intrigue, and was
oUsted us one ot General Quitman's aahaltorns
or his long meditated raid on Cuba, which was
riiHirated by General Taylor's administration.
That Geneial McClellan ever favored tha Con
federates while In command of the armies of tho
L nion, the II 'orld of courae will not admit; but
hat he was expected to do so by the Confederate
leaders, is a truth too notorious to be ilunied. We
ure assured that at one time when Richmond
apparently lay at hi mercy, aud when the Con
federacy seemed on the very brink of collapse, a
prominent Unionist (woll known to ns) traveling
In the cars from Richmond to Charlottesville,
neard two Confederate ollicers just before him
Lllscnseing in a low tone their prospects, when tlie
elder said assuringly to the younger, "Nover fear
liny thi ng from McClellau; WO know be is ull
t When they had left the car, the Unionist asked
of an ntlker near him tlie uame of bbn who had
givin tlii. assurance, and was answered "Qjneral
Kirby Smith." (Kltby is a Northern doughface
slightly changed Into an outright Rebel, and ii
presumed to know their Northern frien Is exten
sively.) The World is dotibtle aware of itafT olllcer
Key's nnlnrky obscrvntlnn just after Anfle'a n,
that "It wasn't the gnmc"'to have the C infad
erato army crushed, that this would destroy
slavery and prevent a compromise. We prei'imn
it will not be pretended that kevs wis not ri-
voted to McClellan, and familiar with tlie talk of
his headquarters. :
That fici iral McClellan Is loyal according to
his own idea of loyalty we linvo never dod'itd.
So Is ht Ii U nd Rodman M. 1'rlce, cx-(lovcrnur
ol New .Iirsey, wbn-e Icttir, urging that Sta'e to
rctdefioHi the I nion and join the Southern
Cc t biiciaci is n part of our national history.
So is Fernando Wood, who urged our city to se
ed" from the Mate, so us to bo free to join the
ConfuYiiicy, So are t.ovtrnor Seymour and
.luilj.!' Wi'i'dwurd, who priiatrly evincrd a desire their States rrspci lhciy should crawl in o
tl t .li tl. Pavis concun.
Nay, niorc : we are conn.lent that tinner.vl
Mi t it llau is tnrr loytil than th; Itotnati Ctilinlic
orec!s issued from oni city, wrueh hstiitunliy
spi ak f the I'irsiili nl of Win 1 nif.'d Suites with
rt.ntiuipt ni 1 execnition, while c rr.nioniouslv
enlitliDir the Rebel chief ' I're'id-id Davis," and
whi' h never, by any cliurcc. cvprvs a wisli that
the t ricn aims should trititiiii. rliiul,- he
Ii list I c moic lo al the I leniw r tic Coi gn - s
man from nor city who hns never, since the war
hegnn, allowed his Jiiilv , i to roncil" tint
the Rebels were w ion,' or tlieir "Ppone its liUt
on any one of the Innumerable dill, rcnc. s whi h
bac nrisf n dining tlie-o lour long, dreary,
years. Nay : we trust lie will prove to i loyal to
swallow the Chicngo Democratic I'laltonn.
lint wo do not and cannot believe (iencral
Mi ( ii llun siillieicntly loyal ever to have slight
or desired tnc rout and di-pcrsion of the l!eb 1
Bin. ics. and the consequent copupse of the Rebel
lion. Had he been 'o, we kiimv that l.c would
not have held tlio ctilhini glorious Anov of tlie
Poloiunc, one hundred and tiitv th 'Usa id Mroug,
pnraivzc.l, I sicrted, virtually imprisoned, in the
ilt i rises of Washiiicton, by less than a third
ol its number of Rebels, throughout tha. long,
iTight ntitiinin and tore p.irt of winter of lS'il.
Nay : wc feci uiu that the R b I chiefs would
iever bae ventured, with tlieir g arinirlr in
fei'or force, to eiosc and b:ir Hgaint us the I'oto
mac on the one hand and ili.i lUltluiore and
Chio r: -.ilroiid on the other. Tlnve chiefs arc wnry
as well as bold ; and they could never have thus
exposed themselves by moro than half encircling
tin nriny thrice ns numerous us their own had
tlicy not known their man. They must hivo
known of other (iuakir elements In tho struggle
besides the maple guns that they left mounted
nt l entreville.
We nre aware that ficnertil MeClellnn thon pro.
fisscd to believe that there were h i.o.iii to ioiihm)
Rebels in front of his position ; but wo know also
Hint not only wns this tact otherwise ( the Lon
don Quarterly says there were but KO.lDO) but
that our ollicers who stood between General
Mcl'lelli.n's snug quarters in Washington and tho
Rebel aimy were perfectly confident that the
Kebel force around ( 'jutrevillo aud Msiu'sas
Juiic'lon nttmlwred less than io.ooi. And tin
well-inloriue.i person, who has not sinister reasons
for so doing, will now contend tint there ivero
usually so many as that.
General McCiellau is not a great cinnmtnder:
but he had an army which, il simply left toVtsclf.
wonld have swept the R. bels like chall acro-s
the Rappahannock before the middle of Decem
ber. Why thin, did he liiiltodo it r I'.icaase he
did not try. 1 Sect use ho wns waiting and hold
ing and holding oil for a pro Slavery Compromise
when Le should have been lighting ' r a peace.
That is tho everlustiug truth.
It any candid man doubt this, and wishes an
easy tcft, let him quietly anil scv-rullv sound
the next dozen McClcllanites he inoe1', and ascer
tain hotn many of ttm irM'A Ac had promptly
routed and dispersed the Confederate army of
Virginia, and thus crushed im' the Robs-dion.
If any one shall ills, over four amour; the dozen
who would have liked their hero b't:er and sup
ported him more hcnriily had he moved against
the Rebel hosts with tlie celeiliy and vigorol Na
poleon's first campaign in Italy, wo will thank
li 1 1 ii to let us I: now it. There may be such in
the army j '.lit of it wo know of n a : Ami of
the votes he will get for President, at least tliro
fourthswill be cast by men who would b'lvc
liked him less had he pr; inp'ly und thoroughly
crushed out tho Rebellion.
The cnlUtititint of seamen at Calculla for the
Federal cause In America bus situ acted tlio notl 'e
of the authorities there, who mv on the watch for
the detention of some Federal agents who nre
believed to haie nlrcarly fit1 iglited onu shin for
the Northern States with unemployed sailorj.
Singular charges of plagiarism h.ivo been
brought against Rev. Wm. l'orleoiis, a minister
at Inucllan, Scotland, who is licensed of having
printed a memoir of one John Johnstone, tin)
thoughts, language, aud siiOsUnco thereof being
knowingly, wilfully, and furtively nppnprinicd.
bv him trom a memoir of tho lute Rot'. Wm.
Archer Butler, by the Very Rev. Thomas Wood
ward, M. A., Dean of Down; and with having
circulated a sermon entitled V7ie . in ( 'rra'inn,
the thoughts, language, and substouco of which
were knowingly taken, In whole or in part, from
two sermons by the late Rev. W. A 'hitler, ami
from a lecture bv tlio late Rev. K S . Robertson,
of ISrlghlon. There, arc other charges aga nst
J orteous, and be is to appear nt the next meeting
in K.dinburg of the Picsb tcry, in September, to
answer them.
Amotig the forthcoming books announced by
Murray, thu London publisher, are " I'lic French
Revolution, 17W17!1," by l'rofo-sor Von Svbel,
of Munich, translated by Edward Wtlberforce;
I'.tiliumera," by J.ord l.yttlcton: ".Soiue Ac-
count of Ootliie Archiiocuro In Snaln, from Per
sonal Observations," by George F.diTard Street, ia
two volumes, with plans aud views ; "An Attempt
to Reconstruct the I-.arly History of Minkiud,
from the Gbservation ot rue I'm noinenaot civili
zation and tho Development of Heicnco and Art
iu the Lower Stages," by lidward Dunn t Taylor;
"An Overland Journey from Pekiu to l'utcrs
J urg. through the Deserts and 8'cppeaof Hactria,
Mongolia, Turtary, and Siberia," by A. Miehie,
with illtistintions ; Robinson's 1 Physical Geogra
phy of tlie Holy I. anil ;" ' Memorials of Serviee
in India," from the correspondence ol tho Uto
Major Mnepherson, agent for the suppression of
human sacrifices In Orissa aud the Court of
Seindiah during the mutiny, edited by his
brother, William M irpherson, with illustrations;
"A Dictionary of ChristUn Antiquities," edited
by Dr. William Smith, with illu rations; "Choice
Sricclmens of English Literature, se'ect'd from
the Cluct r.ngitsu v mors, ty l nomas u.siiuw,
M.A., edited, with additions, by Dr. Wm. Smi'h;
and "Dr. William Smith's Classic il ujid Itihiical
Atlas of Aniiout Geography."
tho i-ort of l'litlaili'iiitils. No. Ull WAbNH'
Pmi.Aio i.i'iu v. Septcintxjr f, isr4.
J-'frU'r. AlipPelllt'ii tins Iti l.c.Ml nisiir Ut tlili llosril
b.y tlii 'Tlaleiiiii Kitiiim tlomiany," lor a li -umbo ta e reel
al'lerin tta Jf Ivser ii)sivare,l'renl nt' tlifir iimprtv lu
li'lusro lounlv, asrifahir to s plan on U!r In tlitsoitlcd,
such licsimi, will IssUu on I'l'libi) nst, If no ohjociloas
ar iiauio.
lepS-Xt Master Warden !. ol l'
3!' . Oilioe of the l lty ltouuii t anil 'ooimn
lon. Ko.4IJ I'ltl'NK Klrc:t.
Until fiirthsr a. ah e, the t'l.ntailf flfou will eontlaurtu
favtl.e t'lTV BlU NlV OK 101 K HUNllltKO Hub
l.ARa to all rt'i.'rults cit'iliieil ti.oii tti iata oftlivoitr
ot t'liUndelplilii, vrtieilur i-ulisilii riir one, tivo,ii' ttixo
I'jrnes fui nUtilnu tttihtitutt- will reeelv-
$Inltorli; elr.
$isi l'..r Two ypari.
$Jfinnr Tiirt din, art hsr-foOri'.
II. r. KtNll, I'ri'sliailt.
ltoui.ur M. Moulik, Scrt-tary. ell-tit
mltl. i..ohueil tjy the lloi'iity Kiiui Ifonvi-nll a
of thu set srst W w tl4 ir ll.e puiji.He ot roornllln Ivr liis
IMsneAt of dwai'i. iit Waidi, lu auti.'il"llln of the coidiiik
llran, inipresgi'il will) the ImuorMiK't! ol ijie 4uhiu.'t,eu-iro
tl.(urlt,lluw-cillns to HltU them in sn eiforl to All
His eltv's (llot t; otitllllln TOl'llltver r'rrnitil
in do litis bf.jre ttle 5lh ol Hiteiub-r irllt reiiafrfl th
mostArnest sad tIkoioiis eiertloiii, mni tlio C'liniiiltlM
api'Val U lint palrlotir ti4 pubiM'-splriU'd to aid tlio a by
Ihtnr lnilueac and hy eoalriljulions of tlm necosiarv
nivalis to ct'sr Indium uients euiialto tlioasl oTrea by (atior
oouimuiiltiet. Tbf C Jraraittei' have iippolntiHl aatntinant
liuaitjRr ofriM'nittlns lloiitraaiiU tn various .inarteri ol tha
city, and all recrutu olaulu.d will ho 'Itatrltnitvil prii ruia
unions' tlio Wards, and. of conns, Wilt baneUt most larjfuly that are molt dethient.
Hy uulled anil conilmiMl efTort tha eommlttM hope. If
rot to avoid tii draft iiltogotlmr, at leait to rsdtico it to
Uithtuln. anl pnsonloii't.
't ii wl.olo uumbur re.uitrad to freo flie city rYoia tha
dratt was, uu tlio lt or Ans'int, aoill tuna thousand.
rom liiis nuiaher It to bo d. ".tilled thoo who have bn
reerultt d ilneothatdata; anil D"h rredlts as theoity my
he untitled to, from iron enlisunir In tha navy froia tho
city, and who aav not leu rrrdlted to ns; also, fro.a
persons enlisting In Urn naxy from tha aiaro nt larnu, and
not orvdliad to any particular district, ot which tho city
will have tier proportion.
Kllurls ara baliiK made to as. ertnln t has oredlti. Tho
comn liteo also eapeot loi4tam rcx-rultt from vstarana
re-enllstliiK, Hum thu Southern hiales now ocoupled by
our forces, and from other quartora. '1'hey do not d..eia It
luipoaslb'o, tliaroluro, by proper luorltolia, to AU tiro city's
aioaey Is nacenarv, and eaa only bo obtained by tho
voluntary subscriptions of ciiUona. 0ucli subscriptions
may bo sent to the addreseea of any member of the com
mittee, as below given, or to the head.maj'tori of tho coua-Dllltoo.Mv.l-t'tV.rOUltTH
jAiiKS) i. rrLAintnit-M,
No.i7 I IIUIOJU Alloy.
ho. KM CHKSN I T Street.
A. li. HCANl 1H0UB.
Ko. m i mitKt r street.
No, 1st 8 rot lint Street.
WM. 11. t Itl.K.H,
t AI.1.8 OK Hi iilTYLKIbL.
N. B. ItnowNK.
No. Uu 8. t irr i Btroot.
ai'J3-b? So. tsttt It. 81 A I'd Street.
1 fi -i.'irt'-r f I'lsion and ll.o C-!itUnt,-in,
fiifult fu- t ' : t NMiMikl And hut A Itoliitnlrn
tl- v i. tou nil in ' h if tl. rr-t ! v I on -f U' NK T ,
I . t.,. Tr .
.lid tli- l.lf i. ul
f. 11..- irr rum' -m : il w. Rt, r n.rlr iunt t i l
I 'K1.M ANKNT I'l i.VCK,
T- b h-i 1 about b- .rr -Mn, .-. Itrl.rlll..n if I --t li
fi.iu.t, t aiiort in. w wi ;, r.f in ai l i wir ni nsit vur
.'" i mi l isuvr !imrnt , ll li.v i fie nds vf
.1"'." iiifst ana fr-A ni,:ii'on1r.' r"-,ii'ii(rd (o uiect t
IN in ;ii;n ii.:inji j nuaui;,
Ou SATURDAY, the lOtli Inst.,
AT OVI.rtCK P. M .
T iMi i Mio iAilrll wftlili tn Win Till roil vcr :i I
(-vm nw nM whu fc. iiuhIji' 'p with irs,ltt-rt. :nd would !'
u'll't g to rnftko a
To dl I-anJ J' iitroy u';r (f!" N tf'"'nn! I 'n!ou.
The tut -wliii linlnfiil jhel Oo:t!"ain will tid lrt. th
Iln.AMM,EV li. crirrnf,
lhu. OANIFI. a. IU KlXS(lw,Now Vork,
Hon. I. It. rf.N.NlMAN.riinhr.n.
Hr,n CIIAKIT.H HIMNK.K, MasikclnuiM t.
U. ii.lI.U AM T'lMMiCK, I'.innti Uniil i,
II ii. Willi AM It. MANN,
HMD. JAMKH M. H('JVKr.,bW .(.,
Hn. rHAHl l,f (MI l'tN,
Ml'KTON M Mil IUHi, K) ,
Ilt n.( HMtlJS (.innoNs.
Dan tix noroitPRTV, k. ,
I. KNJAMIN li llKIiWhl Kh, K-q..
Dna..Tcll UK KMAN, Innvl
lit n. I'CI.r.Ot'tt. r"!u7!tn,i.
Hon JOflN' M. Pl!TI.KII,
II. -ii. t'lllKI.Krt O'NKIL.
lit n. 1 KOSAia M.
Hen Wil.l 'AM l. Kfcl.l l- V,
A. R. Pl.OANA.xl.K, l.t.j ,
JollX K. I ATI A Kfq ,
M 1.14 AM H l'tKl.CK, V ..
I rclc-tor t-. W. MMik.
Ii..'fi :iio t'. 7t:oi'iii I'.unn it ,( iii .N
t'oi.nt v-.'v ;i 'y y.
loiiN a. i;ti,i;k(
I -T-sl ( t.M.rtr n .f (' uni.:it-ttit Ttmii Meetliij,:.
rp" 1 1 K . ' i V Ui I. U sT ISn" ?V IA "A N I A
MiMirt, 1 1 .ith1 urc, A i.ii"t m', j.v.t --Onrril
(I'rtiT, N. I In citnt-i-nviivwiili tin p t vt.lon of tin
B,r:p of A; finhly of (ho 7M nixl Ai ii ot A'tyit. S:, mitt
ttit f.Ci 1' vMi li Ihcj itri1 hill plctornii, It ii ordf-iHl :
I. '1 I' mi sf,n. ( i ( hi' . - f ilt'icn rtL-lnii'iitt, f 1v
il tin- !' nn -ylv .ui :-l.tP iiimiu, Kh-d (-r ia
fnl t-, t .- foriliwi'li'!iii'i(i'i il.
J :. tl c llrft purttr-n c! tlii.t t'rrpi, tir n-uinit nti of
ItifKm . v. tn (i Mhitl(iiiH .r en .ill v. -it'll I ur tiatti-rlt't ut"
fkl.l ;T 1 11 J ry, si. nil l e r- Ti-ltf.i" witl.i.nt d I-ii. 'IIi-it
r":iy.i'iilii, 'j'tiuattroiik, ami b ttt ruii, v H t'ltohnVd, s 1 1 til
l.i' pt ii om tl o .o't:n'(cr v it : or (irnni n.l.ll'TS nd
ot fil.h' ho.Hr1! )ipr-i.fitliHwft?ii ttif uu r i-fRlifcfn attd
fifty, ih bw prttttrcii! to tlmir witu mic n-a brtijoti. u."
Omit iisvicrU Jriw. of fhi' nltcd ';rt.
'l'(j'Wrtc., thus to tic i til mi .wilt hp ('wTumtniU-il ley
c nrbiiv aiir ttn til Tiv ttv mt.'n. and wlm t n o incn
In the i'rv(Tif th' t'nitod Htares.mid la en l.uitorabljr
Imrjti'ti tlirrcCrpni.
'IN fi id kikI t eneral otllr.erf will le apt"lnfil Uy M,i
Co. ci nor and nit McrrU Inio th fciT-vico n( I La .stAt. Tin
f n e 'ii he uivd oui (rtl.a l.rnM ( tti Mute It
will, wltlic In MTvtrftt' rintmd. t"jnii,t.lf nri.itMl, mb
ihtcd. ti'ifip'ltiud, and j'.il at iroldi.d 'r lav fur
hi-! i-tr trou(iP4 in the nrrf li t of t I'nttoJ rtlaU'H.
I. ijiuilMiftl Ly hcrtitu tvt th' it ni: if cuin
xn utt'.t I'm ,u tl i- rt'-rpt will, on tiinlir ittt-n lo th" M-.;itp
lii-j'Cfit.r tJpneuii at llani-ti uti', rn . iv t a ithoili to n
c ttH Cjntt'fn1 ttnd miuatis, and. It afior wurdi rlt t : tt ut
(.'in, anv tt'ii"'i t, will !-: ciiiiui--:d'n( il nt- diii'dy.
r. 'i he .itl mi i a bin II b i nit.' i u in tic r i c nf Uu
fMii'e hr tl.r e m-lpt-i mi iiirr dii t, tuA j-l.all
I-i llrtl'lt- ti. he in led into thj utikv el' tint Nlitt-ttt nn 'i
timet, at tlio (iot.riwr inuydcriu th-ir i"rvt-ti ni'rt'i-
f'llj v,
A ( Vtnp ff l;vMidt ivii,f will bv ''itaitMO d at Hini
Lis j in h i l ( t'tti-v' id . t.iii) t ti'itl uiilitary aitl iiii'itu .it
tiiti.h, aid triii.siortutl(a tir trKiui tii-ri'io will ho
tiirnnt'ti i'fi -n.s r'criidir.' rrnipunla mid t .iin la uf
i,oi ;t".s I) .in c ; !.t uu n, on imt''''i '"it to (''i'rnd M H,
1,' i.iv, lli.r I ttt it 'iratniNH"ijU.(..i i'li'l i . ! . r.tih
i r: inf nt.
7 f i t -tml ilic rckin red, tiii'.drons. mid huttt iIph, stp.
( l.i'lt ilt ,r:. Utu.t r , litit hi ru rillU 1 Witi.ltl t1 lit
li y i ! i .'a !i hp. will he iit,s).n i. hy tlrmt.
lirlKdlPi-i.tiu ia" ltd T-titd, .S ito In o. -.r-i
.nt r iK i t i in " tl w it u itii; uvcat. tutu til U.ib ut hr, ni d
i ) . iii-t,ii! i ttnilcr lto
Hv iniarof . A O. r'iu IV.
tr...iTii. r ai. tl iM.imtnVr-!n-ri'!'f.
A 1.. It -'T, Adlittnniipnpril, Prnnw. el-t
(liipi.rtf. .Nil. U7 Hl til'll i reel, I'hiU.lti
j.i j. .-Pi'tiiDt'rp 1, lsti l. The lto..rd of hlnchirs ha.p
t! in ?x dix'ltirad tin- third uoiiihly do ilvii.l 01 i N I'i.Jt
OAT. t.ii ihi canilalfclot k, .uynhV on tl. Ctti lnt.
Tl.fTrii r IV uVn w ill Lu. f lo .t i ill r t la-- tMi init.iti.d
tP-i pi lit ii "It t p win. A. I ..HAI.1 I ,
iv-f. t'reslut'itt.
Thoia who aitffcr itont ttiuao uia1at?lti hara now tMe
vrry tst?iit (.('iMiitonitv i,r flt d nn uiut, Tiia aid'araiuu
f)Dt-tru,H.. ly Dr. 0H MOhl U1HKKR Ik tm.l.iuhtlly
tlif nw-it perft'ctlj' pf ctira a(int vur nsnnl ftr roavtihii;
tho tea tof ilijiaait to wblvli It U Utr.cttul, and i;iadl
catin U with wtindti tul rapkiiv. Ttir att.UtaLiti la
puiuJeM. OUUc, Ko. I'VT W ALNUT
To tlie Taaf.-I r. V tt Alonhstt-ker, Aortal, Vi. 1W7
Walnut atreet, oirtfd most auurvssCuilv on nir'tr,
re (follow u.p u itifrrt Ijc ann. 1 KtirTirud inmt what tha
pUhlclaiia caHua a Uorkmlryj of Hu diutn of trie aur.
WIl.t.lAM (!KANK, Huildar,
Ko.M' nor, So. mU H. Hoooud iinaet.
Fhilai'.p'phia, A lit: u it J, mi t
pun Ann i-niA.V. (li .liiou, l"4 TM li tn eartliy, that
ftr four yrarh I was trouhk-d wrth an o'latiilre diiidiaagit,
a ronipiitled with deafnt-aa. 1 Imwe baen trMtPj br on
nutr.iin. ph.wh'iana about rapclvlnf mr boiiedl. Homf
rnontlia ayt' 1 aidivd to r. Vou MoioUiakar, who Itaa
accmidlittPd a parfiul eurr.
dOHK.fK fltlORtf AKKIt,
Of the Ann of Shoemaker A, lUnn hanta.
Vo.'iM M. Uruadairwt.
I'rf.a'e rostdt-nca, No. WCiraen tlrom.
YA r Dr. VOf Mrt-MT.UirtKKR n b eoniiiUpilon
a lnala MfS ot the Kya. The Hl'KOItJAI, oeratinaa tu
Kfioro HlttHT aktllutly nninriaoil
Oiticf, Su. Ki7 WALS'ITT fltreet,
Wl.erehnndtl90f aimilartcfli.mouial aa Uto above o
l v haul ud. ftutl-U'
" Itaan. M P., FrolWeorof ba Eve and Ear, treata
ali dlHaaatiaaj'parlalpInK to the ahove nauiMuMtabort wtih
tl. u(ii:.-it aiiccota. '1 eithiicalHta 1nta tha moil rail Id
Kiurt'tt m tiio city and eoimtry ean be ea at nil Oftlra,
ho. all riJtf. 8trut.t. Artifl. Ivl i;k lnajta4 wltlout pa I a.
No ehftijytji made for eaauiUtipn. Oftica ainua trouv to
11 A.M. .3 loT P. U. Ho. ftli VutK Hutata W-m
I A 31 O M 1
ppraina livirjt Idaraondi. or otlior rrejlmn 8toneito
dli-ose of V ill do well by calling to
Diamond Dealers a ml Jewelers
No. 804 CIIESNDT Street,
Who will glvo tlio highest cash prteo. snlO-lia
JAMKH 11 A. It 11 12 11 IS
HHolUll.S AMD 1ST11L
..ooraer BKC'OMD and CUEHNUT Sueeta, rhllad'a,
A very desirable article ft Churches, Botela, Bonks,
CoonUlitf-House. Parlor a. Ac.
Aiao. JlANt I'Al TV HV.H Of riNa! OOLD T Villi.
( LCK'KS KKl'AllltU) AMI WAliMASJ I Ui. ,
JalS-ly mock Trtiamlisss ot overy Jcecrtpiion.
nt a no iv ur T.' PAnvi?n nts ti . v t. ,
Itl HI. Ai W, w c ni.viu
anil JllNOU titrwits, hua Ulaaionds, Watches,
Will, DU1 IU , IH I.UB.I . .
All tHisUieii conadeutlaL aal9-3a
rim inm rm a
bmm a. aoiD
a, a mi bald uat ri
iai-tiM t. eouimo
11 Clfdhtnn
JSf und df lr thin a-tv.M of Kali Itd'itntr
Viwnnl ,1 iTnhie HI Tire of l l .thitia
K w and ttnalmhlr ht"ia of Kll Ch.ti in(
New nod d. irbht Hlyioi of T All do; Ulo
Sm mid detrfi)it rdvlaa of Yl u'tttihint;
N-t and dNii rihle st if of Fad t 'ir hint
Sew hi.. I dt-liahla Htrleaof Ka'l Cl .ili ni
h-r mu dt-ilnildr of .ill (' oin: i
N w and dp'ah' Htla of Vail foihlnn
Opvnlna; th Uaf
0Mt.inir t m )ar
i 'ponuig tbla iluT
OpcMtiir t ia duf
tpitnnit tin tlif
opening thli d if
MiI"k tl.ii ,inr
Ocoi.liif ihtt day
(Loilrift ti l ilHV
pi nin thlt on
Al .t"Vl 8. K. r ..riirr Tnnfi a ut MiW"t utr.-OH.
.K'M'-s', H. K. v rnr Hoc. ti h in.! Xhi'Vd iirnr-n, $
At ,iu h M , . I . f..rnf r Sc. en-h and M tk -t un fu.
At ' N I '., H y. c-tri.tT rv cut It ami Vrk t arrrr ,
At ,h v 1 v, ;. r..;ii r r rii I. iui.l M A. t ir.' -t.
.t ,tn - , H r , -rr u .r1t it n d M uk.-t trf't.
At .It S t- S1, K. t irnt r r-rv nidi an .-rkvt tl
Al .I'-K'.'s S V c Ttn r Piv-nt n t Market ure-Hsi.
At .(')Kr . S. K. r.Tiirr H.. ni'i ful i ..i n t ir. nn,
At ,IOM:.s , . I t rnor Hrrnth iiih M irktt triiA(.
!;.i ai .1 ii
S' run ri i ti i it !(:, t
S;i i'i i :; 1. 1 li ipt.f
'trttii cr d r'!t' nt
MlrrtHKOii nl i L ml
; rn. and ii itt. i
t;aiitiTi and (Miffm
SI i tti'tir Tt and ft' I '.'ns
Hit .tnitfra and rUutt i.
Sti itimt'i mnt i tVv
Tnv tef ti . nil and ta'rini' onr M.vfc
1 1. Ut 1 1 t . rill mi l ctiii nine mil al x k
In. iteO rail and ftAiiHUC imr X
Tl il nl to f All an 'I f vanillic ur 'ork
Inv lirO tii ea-i end eiem m- ur atH-k
lnv ti .i t. .-nil utt.l raniMio oiir sjitirk
I'tt itrd to call and entmina our at irk
lo IttMl tn rH ut nl fH'iiln.' our alt.t k
In. Iifi to rull m d nxininiif our a to k
Itltlit'd in I'tiM hihI i'anii-if i'iir tm.-k
. Itaft re pur liainti elai where . ('"" '''n,' i'rli(. ,
before i'tirt lit njf pltcw l orn .
I't'l- v.- i.-tt' t'H-Ill l-l-rWlllTr.
I'.atoro (iiirclii.ainf risewh'Tt" .
H.' ro 1'iin a - tn rl..M ':"ie .
It. him (lint Intlnir rKewi.tirr .
Itt iti,vhnatin rht-whrrr.
Ilr..te itirrnaa,ni elarwin-rr.
Upturn nrfhn-.itnf i-'iMrtti-TP .
.toxrh1 HotitiiiK, H. V. cirin-r Hf venth and Market s.
.10M S1 floili'nu, . K. orne- Savpnth and l.-trkt t .(-.
JMNI S- ('hit: itk', U.K.. ro-ti-r Sv.nih and Ma k4iu.
J"M H' ( IoMiIiik, H. K c.rtior HptkiiIIi and X.irka tie.
.(ON KH' (-(otldnt, H. R. roropr Nivifith and M irkpt -.ti.
JnM.H" Ch ilniiK, .. I". r.i'iipr Hyv.-u h an. I M trk.-t n.
.M'M'R' t:iothin', . K I'oinor fptith ami M .rh.luM
.HiNKA' rit.UiMtv, M. K , c..rnpr Nr.oullt and M rktt ma.
JtNKS' t'lithitit, H.I.. rimer Npventh and MttrknlaU,
JCM'.S' ('I'.iIiIiih, H. I , 'irnar St-vpolh and M:trktd ata.
N. )..-lt.'ilfliicc of fsiunnitT ilru k selllnii low.
ffv lAw I 111
The only mil cor.talnln Ht'OTATlOSit of Bonk y te
In FOt IS t:tTI!iS, el:
rtttt Aurt.iMiiA,
nr.w york ,
Tbo onl oro vrhlih contains the
as ffcst aa orKAnUeiJ ioincial list).
Tho only one v hlcli c lit ilin tho URM:kAL IIS
001, NT lo
l.'l l ..Vi l it.
I'll Tblll'Uli,
III III. ll K,
11 11 T1MIH1I',
I l.f.VM.ASI,
Al tlANV,
ur LOtrjil,
ST. I' Mil,,
1 1 c viiiy ns nhlrh gives ill earliest Information of
rijJAm'i i. Nf.w.s.
Tl.sfs.llltifiof the
iiotu n.v.Nt:iAL a N't) TvfiMia.vrn:o,
AliC lIM.ljt'ALKI).
HillSt i:ll'TH)8 tn.ll AJiMM), IK ADVANC'B.
W!ll tri'M Scml Monthly '1'30
OKI'H'K, No. I(S S. TlllltU DTIELGT, (third fleur).
n ni.iatiKii.
iiis. lifi'rv DKsrui-s to is-
jj loili.hi'i thiil she lis r.ilimi nl Irom Alt). -ll7
IIILSM T Slii'. t l.. So. S. hnl Ksll Hirci't.
' ' mill staliburry. tio. .! H. l ot Itrtl Mlrei t. Ui pueil
To-1 i.y.
Jl iv-i. lily Ink, ilinct lr.m I uniloii at
rti vnt: m rrvs)
Ifi-vr lilslili llook .ii. 'I .'smll mi -r htiiro.
s t'nl Itrtl street.
ON '1 11 I". T.I.OCK" A l)K-Kl'NNKIt "i'ltlN
r,. s Alice," isas i-unor t an lnvotic ol the Worlds
K- l Trii. Ci.' i'ai'ir, a p..rliun of i. Ii! ti tn for .'e at
t.' a iii;i n
Ji. sr Itiiillk ll.Tk nnj St iln.n.'ry Snre,
Ao. an. tot. lint Street.
1)1 aVk nooKS OF KVEUY DF.SCRli'.
J t tloti on ami, ur uia,le to o.tKr, ut a sioill a tvanuo
i ii olrl pi ki a, nt rH.VSK la-1'1 I S
New lilanic llook ai.,1 si itioio-i r Store,
Nj. IS. Ki ll rilreet.
.i 1 l.rtli r. t'ati. nn.t Not'- Paper, miii'li superior to
those tl latrr uifliinlM:liiro. can lm haa at
New Blank tUoX anil Niationory Bloro,
.to. '.'id. rut Kill Htrool.
I i'1-u.'vli'iiccs, anil wsvraotnt for ono year, oaq uo
la.nt t'lltSK ,t Itt'Krt'H
New Itlank Book ami ntailon.rr Mmre,
S US.nU'lltll Mreet.
.l.nsiii vnur SttAllonerv at
v.ii ai. ni'i ii cs
Ktw lilank llool a id Hlatlonfrv store,
o. U S.t oUUTU Slreot.
M tho llltll.l.lAM' I'll. OOMI'ASY. Tar value ol sh ires
ti-u iloUara. Two ilollar, per share at the tioie ot'aiitMui'li-
.a noon as thUCompanv Is oriianlzoit II wilt rocelro a
net in. -oiiio ot t'.ti pur ihtr.wiilohtimoniit li now roallei
hy tho pri -arm os n-r ol tho property.
Forfurtlitr portlcnlars and pamphlets apple to
('. I). INVII.l.ll'.RS,
jr. K. comer Tlllltn anrt lioi'K Ntroi-ts.
KlCIIAJfUM, V KM'.JVf A l i.,
SoMlt i .. 17 H. TMIUU Utreet.
j. MRiEit k rmoriiKii,
Hayo remOTCd freu Mo. 1'Jo X. Hoooml strict to the S. ..
corner of bEfOND end they have
on hand a ttood stock ol CI.OTUS, I s,l nr:K, auo
TKbTlNtlit. laueO-lm
Also, s sploudld assortuioiitof ready-madeCLOriltNU.
1 i. 'urp.nter anil Builder, lias n-in iTod his shop Irrm
lio .CtrawlHjrilslre.t l ft .. '.' .'Alt l l Mtreot,od.
lolnlnit tl.e old Post Orlleo Uolldliiu. ilavins Increi-ivl
leciiiliee tor carrying on the hn.l i. ss rAlvnaiveljr, lie hopes
lo rcci irc a slime ul' public plr"iio. Ja7
1 U H 8 ' C O T T A O K.
It Thla ever iopnlar.eov,aiid wall-known nlaoeof
weiiione vlsitatlou, at Hie 8. :. lorn.r ..( HIXTH and
MlMill Slr. tls. is etolu, a most thrlvUu l.u.lnoss, uudvr
ihoaiupici'S and Iniiui-'Uiatu si.:inrvli..ii of
The Admiral spares mither tlrue, money, nor attontloa
to supply hi, patnms with the ohoh-est Wloea and rjouors,
and superior gootck aud Old Slock Alo on drausht, which
cannot bo .uall. d In riilla.Joliil.ia.
It os ery wl.o lovei hi, country and la fond of
good dunk, she the Admiral a cad. au4-liu
1 'LOClUrUUMi 110TK1.S. AMONtiS T 1'IIK
I puhllc houses In anil around l' Iph.a. there are
none to surpass tho now "TONl'lNH." in HKVEsttll
Hir.ei, shoe i- CIIKSM I't or. the old and w.l kuown
"BOl'tHI 8" Hotel, ar tho corner ol -J',-Kt'. f!1,'
aud TOWNSUlf LINK Koa.l. Mr. 1IK..IKHR W. KO.IL,
l Proprietor i.l bnlh,whh h is Indeed aaiutlclent suaraiueo
for tloor enllre slicxse. The ry Leal ol arery llilax cat.
utile end hlbiole will he round at ea. h Blace. and, uolwilh
ainndirg tin- times are out of joint, the terms will he nuiio
low. A splendid Lunik every day, friun UUU u ctws..
u!S)- lui
L-.NDKU lHITKll srATKS ''1-l'l;,'" CtHt-'B,
This celihrated old sund liuvlini ho.n roaovated and rctltted, with one of the finest stocks ol Alee
and choice Liquor. Ill the city, tho proprietor Invito, tho
puh Ic to lo hmi vsU, coi.nd.nt as no 1. of their ap.
r"ATYNTKULYw718--J 0 8 KPli
willTET Wevo do Paris, t'renuh Steam Hyeln,
f " row , liuy kind of weartns apparel, lor I.s.liea,
7tUd. r--t u
Bead the next column.
Hare you Flatulence and Acidity?
lte sit the next column.
Ilaro yon Costlrcncs, anil tool of Appetite?
Itciid the next column.
Tluve you Gloom And repression, of flplrlti?
Koiid the next column,
llayo you Murrlio'a with drlplng?
ItcAil tlie Acxt colnmn.
liave yon Fain In all psrti of the Systcut
Bead the next column.
Ilaro you Choking and SutlocAUonf
Read the next column.
Have os Cocsunjptlve Sjtnptonii AuJ 1'AlflUtlou of
the Uvnn
Bead Uio next coluum.
Have yon Cough, with Dilrgm In the ,'
Bead tho noxt ooiunin.
Hat e yuu Plmncis of Vision and Headache.'
itoad tho noxt column.
IUi o yon All or any of tlie foregoing symptoms?
Then read the groat euros of liy.pcpata performed by
In the next tInmn.
DTiirr.rMA hah thk rmxowiita tiiptomh;-
lat. A constant patn of ntlni at tta pit f th
?4. K atnlenra anA arld'ty.
:.1. t'oative'iaai ant) toii of autuu.
4lh. Wloom and dcprt-iilot. of aptrUt,
fiUi. IHairhffa, with nrlping.
tUfa. Pain In all paru of ib tttfta.
Tin. C'omumptlve aymptt m andpalpiuUonof Uu haart
f h. ('i.uirh, wlt phVam 1n Ih throat.
rli. Nfrroua flection and want af ilaep at alht.
10th. 1 st of appailto and vomitintf.
I UL. Iizlutiirtt riirwiMft of rlnion and b of ilit.
l.Mh. Ilradat-Jio and ! Mating la wtlk!n, wi-.h graat
r aku.
Out of Uia thoii-antl ol' canoa of !.lci,a that Uave
mietl Ir. WMiart'a titval .mrican Iyiiri-ia
one ofthi'in haa ftilctlaf a prifci t nre. W waTaut a
cut tn crary cai, n nia'torifif twenty ywi alantl
Hold ly all drnrxiti evarwhrra, and at Ur.
W NI!ARI'8fmcc, No. 10 N. AM OX). Ntroet, Dtha'.el-
phla, I'a. All e vamlaatlona act! ronitiltatl ui froa 01'
cbarg, fletifl ftr a rlirular, Trlre tl par box. Mont by
mali, tier of cliaiue. on n- c of mt-tioy.'KreiA( I'YaKiHii.
TMt In lo ofrtifS that I har i-ipcpna in tt 1 wrt ibrn
lor H.rcf j vhT$. I wai tn at'"l t vrvfiinf tha bt phf
nt' tnni tn ma- iT ; "oi" r ihwin wai v Pn-'niora ol Jtf-inr-on
I'oiliKx', I'iiiladelphta, hot tiiy -ltl mo no pemxi. I
grrw mvite vwry ni :un. 1 wwuM bv taken al timra lUt
tkt-atful psittm In 01 lut iflt an1 tojiiii h 1 ao nnut waa It
that 1 rou Id ithiT ktt. Ha, rur atand, but would rura about
fr.ini ona rt"m to anotiiftr; my frtrtuu rxprcu-d 10 ! iua
die, aa tltr appeaml to ba no rvilf for m. In thla ho(va
liia txnUltion I plucftl m hii umler I f. VTlaliArt a troaV
biota, ami un d hit mtsjicln.'i at dlrtvUHl.
1 in d7 I am a well mn, hoU tnr uma was I have
h4Mn on mr frr t, ami work lni hard rVwa aariy mjrn until
platan oVIovk al tophi. lr. M ihart, I glte ru ihli vtf
llih ato with a Kran itJ bciiri, ft't'liiik' It my duty ojono;
jou niay, an.) I want yu to publish It to Uia world, that
iftry pt'riHMi auirrrlna aa I an, m.ty hae ilia banrdi of
ailiik: yotir truly wtn.if rtul rvmiMtha. All tU k ivrn-u are
at lib- njr to ca I and m'1, ir rt- lo ni". ai I wmtt to
raisdar all the uocd I can to lurTortnv; humanity.
fTrrsir of Wait 1 dirt on H iiuiavtiirltic Coutpanf'a
Waiving Uoom. tilouei'itar, H. .
iTsn:rsiA. DvurKiiA, ivrKi'8iA.
Thta ta to tcrtily that iuiUrlnti naverol with a dMaana
called lr"ip?itia, wlih much loan of wt iht, mr aitt ntl -tt
vfi. dirc'-ttd to Wlslntrt si Orrnt a riirrrfi 1 1 l'vifp lr I'flli
a) the t mrdy. Ha inr within thrri wri ka taiirn aivan
Pllln, arconlinir to tha dlractloca, I found rayaalf riulrdy
cun-d, and for two wtt'lts riik c my licalih la greatly lm
prttvt'd, itsiitl I can t at tillhcnl ftiar of pain or Incoiofnl
t nc?. I earncntly n-Con m?in! thrm to all iilnilliirly
a'liUtfd. Mr. M. 11. I IHtMI'rtONH,
JTI hmond alrr rt, W our dtvra bl.v Hanover.
Dr. I.. Q. ' UlsiiAKl B Ultico, Mo. 1U N. Hh,l Sl
Sltvet, l blmilL-li liia.
DV-sri rsiAi DYSrKrntAt
I , John Laiich, do certify that for four months pat I waa
attacked with acute Uynpepslat I wai to avvtrely handled
that I roiUd da nothlug but what It would fill mo with
dreadful dlxtrcan ; my urrvoua a.vatem waa perfcUy pros
trated ; my whole frume aoon became woak and trembling,
with a, confuted noise and dir alma In tha head, followed
ty palpitation of the heart and (rmeral dfbllltvof tha
v hole body. Ercry kind of medicine administered to ma
did no good, until I was advised to call on Ir. Wish art and
phut) myself under fats treatment. It Is now about nine
weeks since 1 commenced to use his Dyspepsia Pills and
.Vine Tree Tar Cordial, and I do truthfully and faithfully
say, thai I aro perfectly cored of lspepia and all other
dUcnjes aristiif therefrom, aud I can eat throe good meals
every day, and ftel wt 11 In ovary re 1 poet- I am 78 years
of &jte, and If It was necessary, I feel I could and would
shoulder my gun to difnd tha city from Invasion by tha
ftctals. All pt.-raxn with Pyspt-psla as I was, aro
al Uhcity to call and see ma, ftrl tM It my duty to do all
the 5-Knl 1 ran for sn fieri.) humanity.
JOHN i.Kvcn,
No. Kll Poplar street, PhiUdalpliIa.
rr. WIXIT ART'S Store antl Office, No. 10 tt. HKCOW
8rtpt, Philadeiphia, la. Al tiamlnntlons and conmltnv
sIkiu ree ot ehara. l'nca, $1 for boa. tieot by mall om
resist of money.
T)r. Wiiti art I have been a constant sufTere r wtth Pys
peutia (or the lant algnteen years, during which time I can
tiot say that 1 over eujoyod a perftictly wall day. Thrra
wera tlmea when the aymptoma were more atcyravatud
than at others, and thn It aoemed It would be a great re
lief to die. 1 had nt all times au unpleasant feeling lu my
head, but bitterly my sutler Inge ao much Increased that I
bevatue almost unfit for bmtnes of any kind; my mind
was continually tilled with tcloouiy thoughts and forebod
intra, and If I nt tempted to chamr their current by reading,
at once a sanitation of Icycoidnosa in connection wltb a
dead weight, aa It ware, rested upon ray brain ( also, a
feeing of sk-knesa wonld occur at the stomach, and groat
pain to my ea, accompanied with which was tha oon-
tlnnal iar of losing my reason. 1 also eiperlenoed great
lnssltude, debility, and nervousness, which made It dim-
cult to walk hy day or sleep at night. 1 became averse to
society, and disposed only to souluslon, anu having tried
tho hit 11 of a mimhernt eminent physicians of various
school, finally en mo to tlie conclusion that, for this disease
at my pro:. ent age (1ft yours), there was no cure In exist
ent e. Hut, through the interference of Divine Provldeuoa
to whom I devoutly oiTer ray thanks, 1 at last found a sov
ereign remedy In your Ityupcpnia Pills and Tar Cordial.
which seem to have eileclually removed almost (ho last
trace of my long Hit of ailments and had feellngti, and In
their plaea health, plot. a re, aud contentment are my
every day companions. JAMKH M. SAUNhKK,
.No. 4.71 3f. hecoud street, Philadelphia,
Formerly of Woodhnry, N..1. '
r. W IHUAltl 'd Otlico. ftu. 10 . BttOOMU HtroI, pht
t, Moses, of fbeltcnham, Montgomery county
Pa., have suffered for more than one year everything hut ,
denth ItseJf, irom that awful rtJeie, railed Itvupopsui. 1
employed in that time five of the moat eminent physicians
iu Philadelphia. They did all tht-y could for me .villi im U
cines and cit nJng, but still 1 was no better. I then wi-nt
to the Pennsylvania University In order to place myielf In
reach of tlie best medical talenta In the country, but thuir
medicines failed to dome any good, and oft times I wished
ffr death to relieve me of my suflerlng-t, but seeing Dr.
W Chart's advertisement In the Pldladelphla Bulletin, I da
te rmiued to try once more, but with little faith. I cullad
ou lr. Wlshart, and told him If I could ha. 0 died I would
not have troubkd him, and than related my sufferings
to him. Tho lr. ashuied ma If he failed to cure me ot
Dyspepsia, tt would be the flrat ease In two years, ao I put
Wj jtli under bis treatment, and although I had bean for
months vomiling nearly avervtluug 1 ate, my stomn
swollen wtth wind, and filled with pain beyond description,
I bought a box of his Dyspraxia puis, I nsed thera as di
rected, and in ton days I could aat aa hearty a meal as any
person la th State of Pvnnny U anla, and in thirty daya wat
a wall man. 1 Invite any person sutTarlng as I was to ealt
aud see me, and I will relate ray suffering and tha great
care I received. I would say to nil Dyspeptics , everywhere,
that Dr. Wish art la, I belie a, the only peraou on the earth
that can cure Dyspeasla wtth any degree of cerututy.
Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., 1'a
lIKAlt WHAT illt. JOHN II. ItAltCOClC 8 A. VS.
No. IfrJH OIslVK Rtrent, ,
Fhlladelfthla, January 'Jd. IH&X f
Dr. Wlshart-SJr: It la with much pleasure that I am
now able to inform yon that, by I ha use of your great
American Dyspepsia Pilli, I have been entirely cured of
that most diitrusslng complaint, Dypepla. I had bean
grievously aflllcted for Uie last twenty -eight years, and for
ton years of that time have not bean InmhI from its pain
one week at a time. I hava had It lu Its worst form, and
have dragged on a itwit oiUerable existence tr, p4ln day
and night. Kvery kind of (ood that 1 ate AuVd ma with
Wind and pain, It mattered not how light, or how sbaaII the
quantity. A oontinued batch lug was sure to lb I low. I had
no appetfta for any kind of meats whatever, and my dls
tr wsh so gieat for several months bWora I heard us
your Pills, that I trequf utly wished for death. I had takon
verythltg that I had heard of for lyipepsla, without re
ceiving any benefit; buton your Pills nalng recommended
to me by one who hnd been cured hy them, I occluded to
give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my
ntteraslooltdauenf, 1 found myself getting better before I
had taken one-tuunh of a box, and, after taking half a box
I oid m rW man, und can tat anything S fiA, and bay a
hearty meal three time a day, without inconvenience from
anything I eat or drink. U )m think proper, yuu are at
liberty to make this public aud rtfer to me. I w ill cheer
fully give all desirable I u formation to any one who may uUl
onuio. Yours, respect lull," JOHN U. UAHtiCK.
rorsale at Dr. WIHllAKT 8 liodlewl Depot, No. lo K.
hK,roM H'reei. 1 MUil li4ila, 1'a. I'rl- one duKar pi
boa. ttaut by iua.1, Uv of charge, ou raoeLpt wl pra a.
1, Samuel It. Haven, hava been a great sufferer with
chionio dynfM-ptsla aud Intianimailon of the kidney tor
three aara. 1 emplovod tiireu or K ur of tha mot auimetit
piivsictana of Ptnhidi Iplna, aiao ot Hurling ton comity,
ew Jeifeey. They did all tor me they could, but ail tu no
purpose. 1 waa constantly 0I1m1 will, aw t til pain and dls
tit'stu, and with eontaiti hnlcnlng of wlndauii sour acid
My lotiuuuwas covi-redwith a white roailng of miai.
until It craeked In larxe mrrows, and was drva IfulJy sort' 1
1 lt ! 1 tilttim?i wished lor ilautli to reliivo im- of my 11 ifr
lngs,itr 1 bail iot all hope of aver being well itgalu. I
b. title itasubieetuf prayer 10 Uud Ilmt ho would direct
mo tosomephalcluii or uit-dielitf tlmt would cure dim. I
wan told to rend an advertisement of Dr. Wuhuri's, In tha
PhiladflphU "J.adker," of a gnat cure made iTp.iu Mr. .Inhn'Ci'tk. of No. lUitt Oilva straut. I'tuladaluhia. bv the
(.Tt at American Dynpepsia Pills. Iweutt-ithe D n t-a s
0 Itl cw, and plncid my ell under his treatuient, and togl him
If ha lulled to cure ma, It would ba tho last eflort 1 would
maktt. It ha hvu tix wei'ks sin4 I eumineiivt'd the use
01 his medic ine, and 1 am now a wall mail, frva from all
pa'n and (liotrenit, and can eat three heariy moal a day
w Ith comfort und reel per octly well. Dr. WMiart, 1 wniit
you to puhlUh my ease, ua I want averv poor dytpoptto,
suileiing as I was, to cull on mo, and I will tell ihiu of
the groat ouie X have received fkom vour InvAluaUle me.U
eine. bAMLKL i. UAVKBf,
Corner ofVenani.o and T.embert sfraets, near lilchiunnd
street, formerly from YYrlgutstowu, liurliugto county,
i)ew Jersey.
Dr. WIHHAltT 8 Offlaa, Ko. 10 if. KCOH 8trat
Tha above are a few among the fhouaands which thta
great remedy has savod from an uniimaly grave. We
bar hundred of fcttura from pbysleiane and drutfgtsta In
all parts of the oouatry. aaymg that they novar proacrtbod
or toll a medlclno whiehgave such universal sattsfsv tion.
Dr. Wist art's f Jne Tree Tar Cordial aud Dyspepsia P1U
are Bold by Druggist everywhere aaS
; PiniM.ri.rHU, gtptasfibrsr, lMt. '
esletl prftiftH wt h reeved at ibe fWn t th v
nsto. rmuned. No. Iitia oih.AHli Htp-H, ontil nwa rt
hmJX'UtiA Y, in h ftr delh Kry anl fitting n gr aat
al Ca.1waladernrrtka,Mor lemra HayWmbOf W,
; Jf'oalNt.ivptj.lj.tnrlieillnifere. -M
Coal Moves, 10-tnh cvltixltsre.
1i fret Htoa ri, for If. Im h utovei.
(.:' feot StnTe Pipe, for liUnr-h stfwee. '
Proposals will name orlra ftw ran imn or flay eytlnaef f
stove. ; auo. tlia prica pr iKtuDd for tov nip, Inclttdaf
tha rMfFry eihAWi, and must be acconspanlad b
aemplft of it e arttcies bid for.
No prop,.nl will b received exrept thoaa proparlt
flih d in upon tl.e blank fi.rms whfrt- ari. rnrnlsihed at ibia
orite, atid which mast be gasrantaed by respfiilNf
H l'nitd fa(' a rnmci ti e rli'ht to ra'eet nil Mflf
drrn M M h-na, a nell as any from defanltlag con
ti a.-is rp
Hy onUf i,f r.lonH A. J. Perry, Qaartermaster'g IH
parimfiit, U.S.A.
Captain and A Q. U.
i V A U T K H MaFt KRVi3(F F I C ff
a vfiiili'iVil 1'i:"l,,t- 1 0 dock af.,f. furnishing
mrV .M COAL ftr the War Dert
fol ur 2 ?o xli rfLf" lht Bw I weigh iJ
Of I hi afeli h'a or New v0rfc,m meh qnwtlUe and at
end. l..t...e-tTavt.r..r,irrai fuiut4Wi,g,u demaudod.
Mvfn thouitsi .1 toi.s perwek. WUMgw
In ra ofiallure to ddlv. r the Coal n prnper ntntHr.
and at the ,rnPf r time and place, the iirum?
Sim vrs the Unlit to reake go4 any detiriency by iurer.M
at the contractor rink ai.d tpine. 1 he price mast t
given epHrKtly for the c., flrUrfred onward of vet
a U at thin prt and al NVw York, ou the terms and eoa-tllti-n
iilK vr stated. Twmij pr eent. will be withheld
1 trtii the amount of all payments iim1e, which rterra
ti 11 I not to bv paid until tha contract snail have be
fully comphtrd. Pavnientft ot tha reuniting rlKMy pre
cmt , or halaix e due, wll" heiua. inoutblr. when tte Da
I'snrnenf Is la fun.ts for that pntT-fmr.
F.aeh otVr must he ai-oompaiHro fry a written enaeantaa.
f ittifd hy two or mm re,HMi.hl parMe (their nepoati.
l-ilii v tu lu- c riliie-1 Ur a Cnitcd Htitea Ju.Ue, Adotnrr, nf
oiIti t( -it the hiddrror biddrrs will. If his or their
lnd te ncropfed. enter tntnwrltten obligation, wltH good
nod siiftlt IfHt sutntles. In tlie sum of one hundred thoa
nui'd dollais, to furttfh the prepnid HtippMcs Ko prow
sitlon will he considered unless tlie terms of this advertise
Uu ut art- complied with.
'1 hr MKht is remTvud to reject all the bids ff conldaresl
to In to tlie inti'rent ot the service to do so, and no bid front
a lf faulting .ontrfiffor will be received,
Proposals to bo endorsed "Propoi.aU for Coal fbr tha
WHr Drparfuient," and ndtlrrsuod to tha undersigned.
li.v criJrr of Colonol A.J. Terry, (Hartormaster's Depart
ment, t . H.A. t.KOftUR It, OKMK,
atC-Kt C'aptaiu and A. V- AT.
first Division.
WifltiHoToy Citt. Attgnit 31,1'4 ,
Horsks uoiism: ! iioitsi ,sr 11 1
IfnrsM snltahle tor Artl lary and Cavalry serrloa wlfl
be pun based at (ilKHltOUO DEPOI, Inopen market, tm
11 on. tn will beddivared to Captain I. Iswry Ifoora,
A. y. M , and be nubjaeled to the usual UovernmeaX
Inspection before being aeeeptrd. Jt
Prtee of t avairy Horaes,l7 each.
Price of Artillery Homee, 9lHna.-h.
Payment will be made tor six () and mora. ,
Oolonal Mril Division, '
aeiVtaeSO Qnartermaatat-Uenorai a ODiel.
Rurean of Yards and Docks. August ti, Irttt.
Healed Proposals for each class aeparately, antsaraasT
"Proposals for Class Ho. nam the eiasi for tha navy
yaidattname the yard)," w til ba reoeivrdat thiaotBa
until the li'th Heptamoor next, at 1 O'clock P. M . at whtosV
hour tt opeulrg of tha bids will be oomvieaoed, fbr fur
ntshing and delivering at the several navy yards netnesf
the materials and article embraced in printed acbedalasw
whioh. with full Instruotlona, will be furnished on applioa
tian, and sent by mall, If so renuetted, to psrsous dealrUsgf
to ofTrr to contract mr any or all of the eliMia narn
therein, by the 0 mm and a uu of tha sereral navy yards
fT tha classes for the yards under their command, or by
tlie navy agent nearest thereto, or by the Huraau for aay
or all ot the yard.
9o prewnt ermfnalon and mistakes In sealing the oiTera,
no bid will be received which ooutains ciaises for moro
than one yard In one envelope; nr any bid which Is ac
perrtnit and complete fln ItjeJt, aroordlng to the fbrm of
oinr and guarantee, and each Individual as a Arna aaal
lian the bid and contract.
Ittiiden are hereby cautioned and particularly ottn4
that their otters must ta in tlie form hereafter pretortbod,
and La mailed In time to reaeh their destination beroro tha
time expires forTwuiving tram. No bid will be eotulderoi
which had be received after the period stated, and
allowance will be made for fallbres of tha mall. AITff
must ba accompanied by a cortifltnl copy of tha bid. if. I
To guard a cam it offers being opened before tha Urn
appointed, bidders are requeued to eniorsa nn tha
envelope, above tha address, and draw a Una nadar tha
endmcnu'tit.thpi r
Propoaals for Claaa No. (name the elasg) fl the Vary
Yard at (name the yaid),"
I o tne Chief of the Dureau of Tarda and Docks, Wash
ington, D C.
Instructions and forms of offer, with copies of the lawn
bearing on tlie subjoei, will he furnished by oommawilanta
of yards, navy agents, and the Itureau, ou application t
all or either of them.
Class Nol, Itrlokst ciaa No 3, Htona; class No ft. Oak
and hard wood; oiais Noll, White pine, spruce, Juniper,
and cypress; class No 7, Mme, hair, and plaster; class Ne
H, Cement; elans No 9, Gravel anil sand; elasa Bo
Moulding and fire-nand and; flre-clay ; elasa No 10, Hlat&
alas No 11, In n, Iron nails, aud spikes; class No 13, Ntool;
clnas No 13, Pig Iron; elasa No It, Ptlas; diss No U,
Palnta, oils, and glass; chisa Mo Id, Nhlp chandlery ; olaaa
No 17. liardwiue; class No ltt. Htatlonerv. class Ma be.
lTire-wood ; clas lSu 'iO, Hay and ntruw ; class No Jl, Pro
vender; riass o'.inarcotu; ciitss no 71, liening, pack,
lug, and bote; class NoJ4, Hparm and luhrioaUng oita;
claim No 'ib. Iron oastings; class No-gl, Auaerst oias Ma
U7, Anthracite oral; class No J9. httumluous Cumberland
evul ; class No ill. Copper and composition nntb; class Ma
itf, Machinery and tools; class A. Cement paint, . ;
Clasa Ko 1, Brleka; class No 3, Stone; elais Ko S, Oak
and bard wood; fisifl No A, White line, sfraee, pmiper
und cypress; class No 7, 1.lme, hair, and poster olasa Ha
a, 1 'ement; elans No 9, Oravel and sand; clave No Mtf,
Moulding and Hre-annd and fire-clay; class No 11, Iron
Iron apikea, and naUa; lass No laNieet ; c'as Mo 1:1, Pig
lrn;tlat.8 No 14. Kile: elans No li. Paints, oils, and
glnsst class No 18. Antehandleryt riasa No 17, Hard
ware: dans No 18, H.-atlonory; ulass No 19, tra-wod;
class No 20, liny and straw ; class No il, Provender johua
No rJ. Charcoal ; olaiu No Tl, Hrltinf. packing, aud n e ;
ctas No 21, Sperm and lubeatlng ollt; elans No e, 1im
castings; clns No Vi, Augers t rlasu Mo i7, Anturaoitak
coal ; riatts No Itltuminous Cumberland coal ; class Na
bt-ml Uitiimiuous, broad Top coal, and Plrtou; elasa
No alarhiuriry and tools; claa A, New joiner shp;
class 11, XI. It. SuUlh's patent boring ana mortsomjtg,
machine. .
Cltvis No 1, Uriels; class No i, Rtone; elasa Ko tX.
Rtono; class Ns t. Ya'w pin lumber ( elasa Mo a, Oak
ar d hard wood; rlat.NoA, Whl'.a piua. spruce. Juniper,
and c preen; clahs No 7, IJme.halr, and plaster; class Na
H.Cen'unt; class No U, Gravel aud sand; class Nn 9S
WrulJijig aud fire-eaud and nre-etay; class NolO.Htate;
class No II, Iron, Iron apikos, and naiU; elaae No U,
Hleel; olaisNo 13, Pig Iron ;olass No H. Files; elaeNU,
Paints, oils aud glasa ; class No Ul, Whip chandlery : olasa
No 17, Hardware; class No 1H, Stationary; class No ,
llav and straw ; class No '.tl, Provender; elais Not,)har
coa'l; class No 23, lieltlng, packing, and hose; ciaseNa
94, Herm and lubrlca'lng oils; class .u Iron work,
piping. Ao.; uiaas No tftl. Auiiers; chu No if, Antbraoiia
coal; Claris No 00. Semi bituminous. It road Top eoalt olaaa
No Itl, Copper and composition nalia j Claaa A, ytra truofc
Ac, Ac.
Class Ko 1, H ricks; elass No i, bne; class Ko 4, Tel
low pine Umber; class No i. Oak and hard wood; oiasS Me
H, Nt p me, sprue, juuiper. and oypreiai ciasa o7
Mme, Lair, and plaster; class No , U ravel aud surdj
class No 11, Iron, tron spikes, and naila ; cuass No PJ, fttwelc
alass No 14, f lies; class No 10, Paints, oils, and glass ;
cas Ko 10. Hhlp chandlery; class No 17, Hardwar t ataag
. 18, Htatlonary; class No 19, Firewood; elasa NoSO,
Hoy and at raw, elaa No 'il, Provamlar ; class No ii, Char
coal; rlaaaNoM, llltiDg, packing, and bote; class Mw
'it, Sperm and lubricating otU; clans No W, Augers ; elaae
No if 7. Anthracite coal; dais No .10, Heul-biiunsiaoaa
Proad Top coal ; class No if, tlachtnory and tools; dais a,
Hligu-waur Indicators t claaa ii( bp ark-arras tars ; otsaas O,
,',lU,-,"'U"- XATAI, AHVI.HH. , -
Class Nol, Clothing; olaaa Noi, Hats, boots, shoos, e.;
class No tt. Provisions ; t iaas No 4, Urooorvs iclss Mo
dry good si elasa No ti, Pread, Ao.; cass No 7. Totwooaj
vlasn No H.Coal; class No0, Paints, oils, glass, Aa.i elaag
Ko II, Ltirrbw: class Ho 11, lire wood ; class No II, Pra
ventbr; claw No 14. M Isoalianeueu ( caase Mo la, Uard
warei elaas Mo ltt, BtaUouery. ,
Class Ko. 1, Bricks ; clash No 9, Hionet class We V TeA
low ouie lumber; class No 0, Oak and bard wood; claaa
Ko ft, vV'hita pine, spruoa.iuolpar, and rvproasi class Ma
7, l-ime, hair, and piaster; class No H. (dement ; class Mo
fl.tiruvel and sand; rlass N,o Moaldlnt and flre-saad
and flrr-clav; class Vo 11, Iron, Iron nalla, and sMkea;
das No 1 , Steal; elasa Mo 13, Put-iroa; oiaaa M 14,
Kilos; elast No 1ft, Palms, oils, aud glass ; clas hf,
ttiilp chandlery ; elass No 17, Hardware; class Mo lg, Sta
tionary; class Ko It. KlrewmKt; elant Mo iO, Hay and
straw; da No 81, Praveni or ; elasa No tt.Ctiarooal,
claws No .'3, Belting, pack ion, and bo ; olaaa Ko M Hperut
aid lubricating oilai ala No Anthracite ooai ; claaa
No iu. l.iiominous Cumberland coal elass MoiiX, Ma
chuitry aud tools.
Clans Ko t. Bricks; clans Noli, Yellow pine Umber; elafS
Not, Yellow pine Inuibor; class Ko. ii.Oak and b trd wood;
class Nu d, White pine, spruce, juniper, and er press; class
No 7, l.luie. hair, aud plaster; clans No S, Cement; elasa
No ftlt, Moulding and ttto-kaud aud fire-clay t class No le,
Miatr; elaisa No 11, Iron, lion splkte. aud nails; class Me
llbi--li elass No I J. pig irou; class N-t 14, riles; elasa
No 1. Paints, oils, aud gai: class No 14, Hiifpuheudlerys
( lass Ko 17, Hardware; class No ia, htatluusry; oiaS tie
11. Klrtrwood; class No ), Hay and straw; oiaaa No 81,
prnveudor; class No Ity.t'harroai; class No 'i. Halting,
packing, and hat-r ; cta No i4 Njierm and luhrtratlng ull;
elais Nu'Jti. Augers: clss No 7, Anthracite eoal; eiasa
No ai, Itituinmoiis Cuuiberland ooal; class No au, Hemi
bitauilnous, It road Top coal, lump ; class NoSl,l)tppr,nd
coiuputiliion nails ;ciaes No ii, Machinery aud tools i uUad
A Sashes, guut-d.
Claii Ko frhlp chandlery ; class No 17, Hardware
das No 1H, 8tatbuery 1 cltvss No 1:. Firewood ; class No
yi), llsyaitd straw ; class No il. Provender; class Noli,
Hpejmand lot rlciitlng oils ; cla-'S No-jtf. Autrers; elass No
lf, Anthracite cal: clans K i, Bltuuilaous Cumbsriand
cval ; class No 3i, Macliinery and loois. aui4-iw
(Patronised b the KoyAira-U0'' KneIaniJ).ar sent by
IMt ftJ ?HKir: I'OI 1.AK.H. 'fhe.r an . a most
! v. V .fi. h mu.ia1TIib. uuiclusr UiAauuroiW
""'AMat latastl " c,cver f ama-Tlm.,.
ttr""pr.l ri-r teaehlns Musical T.uw."-Illas-
,ridl; 'Tio7vk, So. 61 Vf. THIBTT-8IXTH Strssst.
Kew KurA. "ii-t
FAI1Y & lillOTUKn,
Eonse, Eign, snd OruameDtaJ Faiaiers.
Ore It In, , OUrslng, UUilUw on OIms. lalaoliUu
Tsnitehiii,, to.