TITE DAILY EVKKTKO TKLEGRAPIT. rnTT.AlTCLPIUA, TTTESDAY, SEPTER 6, 18Gt. Kvcninrj Sclcjraph TrssnAY, fiv.rrKMin'.ii 6, isr... PIWT Or THE 171.W IORK PM33. MullM XdlUrlnlit from lh.Spw .Tork IIIITAKT still rNIJ l I'lll-I't'lt-III. l (HUM'S. retr f. Ttn:ri. Oi.mf tlie Jh nomi'iin of ilu Nine f th pVl f tlic To; prrurnls iv, r the t'lptura nf Alintita. ; first took the filmic i f eltef'il inrri,lu!iy ; rtcrwanls of Miri r p;'lrrn. It is alumn In ill ie C'fpi crlieail 'ie--i:. Itfs i:l In the fire lltm-polm which tintl just lirforc lcn flinnt g tln-lr rolorti to tl,c lu ce; a- Mi('lellii'i minil ntlon. It van be I'cml in the Milion fir-e nf the oppcrhctid who passe orj In tlie street, or sits rxt )Ou at tlic tii' lc. Tti.ro I no tlctijioR tho ict, cvt r win re (.at. nt, thut tlio (;nppiThpnltai paity, take l tut rapture nf Atlanta as a party I'uforture. Now wliylfi tills ? II, w hn;iponH tli.it this event triir ltvliiK in tins party s, like in kin 1, if t in dc fsrer, to tin- fi'flitira it lint pro,lin el not ft Hit lii lf ' ? It I nut possible to assign ty other cause for lliiH ruinnitintty of fvollui? n miii.i" i oinnitiiiity of interest ami of purpose. I.ernian's n, li'evruirnt cnntiot Ik1, at one and ie mime time, a Mow to the Rebellion id a blow to i he Copperhead party, hlcas tlier ii a near cnnneriion octweun lift ro. Tlio ('nppcrlicii'i puny mast ho somohtiw ixlliarj to the lletn Minn, and liavo A common t in its Iwrttine", tlius to lie cast duvro nhi'tt Iversliy orert.ikes it. There i no mystery a-iont either. The dimple explanation I tint the Copper 'adx m ii nt a prate which "hull he in the in rest of the Ilehclt., and that theso military it'costscs are hringing a poare of an entirely 0 Hitc character. Union men desire tliit Re'icl an to lie crushed, and rejoice in every new hlovr i that end. They conldor it to hare been incvlved in the most monstrous sin, to have in a course of crime utterly hcvoml a parallel human hiatory, and to he of such a completely fcrnal natnra Hint there can he no future fety to the Kepuhlichiit in its otter mihj ligation, bey believe that thin work will nowaoon be a impllslied. The Copperheads, on the other hand, ire alwaya apologized for the Keliellion, even lion professing to he for tha war agiinitlt; er have madu Hunt of its terrible inhumanities id iniquities ; und it ii now perfectly mutual r them to repine when in calamities thicken. At Chicago they gave out to the world thxt e war against It had been, and must be, a ilnre, and that peace must bo made- with it by ril means. They aaid thin in face of the fact at the chief the Hehellion h id but Just before clan d, In the most absolute terms, that there uld be no peace with hU Confederacy except r lis extermination or its indopendonco. Dcpn -iting as they do every blow which goon to ex rmitiate it, we in nut conclude that they would oner welcome the other alternative. We do not mean to say that the majority of the irty aro yet positively in favor of that imle tndence. Kven supposing that they are utterly at to all national f. eling, yet party calculation one would prompt them to hold their ancient lies in the Unit n if possible. If allowed to stop e war, and to treat with the Itc'iels, they would fer the most extreme inducements to persuade. Confederates ha' k. They would guurunteo e perpetuation of shivery. They would introduce into the Constitution an nenUmentexplicitly securing thi rint of soecs. in. They would incorporate tint Confederate bt with the National debt. If it came to the nch, they would, in all earthly probability, :rec to a new Union, which should exclude ew England. Or, If this was not decided upon, ey wculd accept Mr. Calhoun's project of a lal Kxvcutive, one Northern and the other mthern, the sanction of b ah to lie ncoensury to validity of imy law. The-e are among the ids they would h"pe to secure in the "ultimate invention" they declared for at Chicago. And it is their general belief that with such Tangemi nta the Confederacy would consent to erge itself into a new Union. J'robably they e right. It is not easy to suppose that the South uold long resist such a temptation to rid itself ' its present burdens, and to become the comp ete master of the North. But the policy of such reconstruction, and the policy of conceding in federate independence, are alike set back by rh events as this at Atlanta. The Copperheads are perfectly right In their stincta and convictions that the Union victories ' Sherman, and (irunt, and F.irragut are as imiiging to tin Ir interests as to the intoresu of e Rebels. It is their eurse that the Union party res and thrives directly in everything that goes rut down the armed enemies of the Union; id that they can have no realized or promised od for themselves exci pt in n ttional disaster. is morally impossible that such a party should ive the confidence and support of a loyal people, o right-hearted man can fail to underpaid that party whose u, cess depends on the misfortunes our national unities can be in any sense a itional party. It requires but such an awaken g of the national spirit of the pco.ile as will soon ke place under the stir nf this groat canvass, to : reen sucn a pnrtv into a ruin as complete evs that Licit awaits tha Rebellion itself. WIIERK WK A HE. m (A4 7Wttm. It Is useless to attempt to disguise the fact, itent to every Intelligent person in the country, at for weeks past, till quite recently, there has ion among all loyal people a good doal of dis tisfaction at the present aspect of affairs, nnd a xd deal of very painful apprehension for the itnre. The events of the last three months, so fieri nt from the general expectation of signal id decisive remits of the summer campaign, bile they were the cause of this despondency, tvejuatitled the foresight of Heme who advised nlnst the assciiiblli gof the Union Convention i June. Perhaps, had that Convention been istponedtill September, its choice, of a I'resl mtial candidate would have been the same as in iue; but, made in June, tho feeling is that it aa premature, t.ec .u-e it was mado under tha iticipatlon of events which have not been rent ed, and which, it is now seen, it was hardly sonable to expect. Itnt the resulting i fleet was a wide-sprttid 3Ubt of the wisdom of th.it i.oiuiuatioii, n it he mse the country did not kuow us much then as dues now of the ehar.ie erof Mr. Lincoln's A 1 iiiistration, but that it attributed to it then au tergy and a ju 'Kiu nt, in the conduct of the ur, which the pani did not ju.,i:iy, hut on which, wiitbelas, the people chose to found untax mted ho; esai,dexiraviiganti!xpei't itious. With ie Rebellion believed lo be at almost i.slast gjsp, id winch a vigorous campaign w is sure, to liiiish i ninety days, where, n was said, could a better andaid-bearer be found th ai Abraham Lin oln r the coming poli'ieal ttruglo ! Who so well eservii f to be the Nation's ruler for a second Tin as he who I. as carried it triumph intly irough the war, and who wdi, before the leave j ill, le-establish Union und l'eaco rSuchwuathe popular feeling, or such It was liun ed to be ; aci on 'he crest of this wave of popular lie uidon, UieC .LVeuiiou was held, a id ie l'reiileini.,l nouiination rarr cd. llut suli quent eenis di provca the popular an'.i lp i ons; Slid the strength, wh eh was lo bo prou'd y their realization, turn id out to be only a ie- tlonary weakness in th ir ilisappoiut ii nt. ,'ith di-appointuieiit came despair, quite us tui urrantuble as the extravagant expectations of iur months ago; and, as we sunk Into lethargy nder the influence of hope deferred, so our op meuts rallied with a new strength born of our eakness. Only those of the most rigorous faith and most yielding determination held out against this eneral upathy; while the half-hearted and the ilut-heaited deemed that all struggle was im po int against tha vigorous opposition setting in k'ainst an Administration in whom confidents as so much shaken and which it was feared luat be overwhelmed by a party promising to iad the nation, iu some way, out of the wilder ess of indecision, of doubt, and of Imbecility, w those who demanded peace at any rate were dded those who preferred peace ta protracted ud ruinous war, which, it was feared, could on) ad in disgrace and disaster. From this positive Mnperon tho one band, and this doubting and espairing spirit ou the other, we seemed hasten lg only to defeat. No careful observer of publio opinion for the 1st few weeks can deny that this hi a true state lent of what its condition has been. No tional man, we think, can deny that it nea I t bave come about; that had we not, to se the slang of the atrott, "discounted" uccess aud built upon an enthusiasm that was et to be created, had we patiently awaited vents, and made up our minds to accept disaster f disaster was to come, resolved upon facing the :tuation, whatever it might be, and then go in ud win with the beat niau we could find lo lead is to victory, whether Abraham Lincoln or omebody ebe, that we should have lUrlod on he Presidential campaign fulljof freshness, aud onllduiice, and hope, sure to carry ns in triumph o the end. Now what are we to do I Are the uptake of the past beyond remedy f Are Ilia lcthnrity ,n', "cspilr Hist hid crept over th pohlic mlnrt w''1'n,,,1,l,,'l,' I Isthcstrongih which the Dpposttlco il'" (fathered through thw mis take o potcot tha' T' ' I' vain ( Must we submit to (ieromf, ." through the Inherent strength of onr opponev '", l'1" in sticeumbing to the weakness which wo out ."elves hsve J,ner.p, and nurtnrrd Is there pn hthr , f,,r ua f Ni-t to. Onr cause tiy is stronger than ever Insiore. Irft us und, rst.r(l and aeknosrled :e that this apprehension of the firt.rre had its origin In our uninanlv f. ,, and not h the actual con dition of stlars. lhe Adminls'r.iu'ow o-day is ptdl.fly wliat it was. and wbl we kno it was, fix nionths year ?o years ago. ft is not thai It has developed any new char irtcrii'l -s, but that we. through imjauirncu and the gre;i otis f,,Py nf extravagant cp( ta'lnm. hare tfn rolled upon to meet new disappointments. We have mi t them every jet r every six months' Tee the war begun : we rive met them nn I iverc me them bravely, wi'b, at the end of e icU period, new trinmphstoencourwena I treng'heu lis. M all we give np in despiir win u n- near therrdr We ininht. Indeed, hirve a better Ad ministration; we iivght have on?, on the, other baud, a 'boii'and t.rues woise. u shall have a wri-e before we have a better. Itnt it is too late now to take a new departure. Wemn-t aei pt the situation with nil its diill ul li(s. If the Administration wants vl;or, give it vigor; if It wants earnestness, give it enrnestn 's ; if it warts understanding, give It undcrtnndin". Ininse It with a people's will ; invlgorarfl it with k people's courage; reinforce It with a people's continence ; overwhelm it with a people's deter n.ii anon that treason and slavery shall never prevail agiinst ibeni, but that both shall bo trampled under their feet. Hut never desoit it. Never let its shortcomings, its weaknesses, Its shorl-algbtcdness, and its delavs, defeat us. (tod knows it might have dune 'hotter; Mod alone knows bow much worse it might have done. We know, nt least, that with it we have come well nigh to the overthrow of the Rebellion ; we know that, with a little patience, a little more energy, a little more courage, we shall sooncomo to its titter overthrow. The end is near, the good and tho trno end Is certain, if wo aro faithful to ourselves, even with such tools ns we have. Tho choice is no longer ours, whether we will throw them aide nnd try new ones. We must do this work with such as we have or not do It at all. If we throw them aside and abandon tho work to other hands, where are we? Alas! who does not know The best that can befall us in a Copperhead triumph is disunion disunion first between the North and tho South, to meet thereafter, as best we may, the question of new boundaries, lo bu settled by now wars, the Kast and the West, the Pacific nnd the Atlantic coast arrayed n gainst each other. Or, if Union shvll be maintained, ft will be a Union that shall mean only annexation; the North tied tied band and foot and delivered over to a slave holding Confederacy, the apiiendago to an oli garehy of slaveholders ; slavery made legal all over the North and West, both States and Ter ritories ; the assumption of the Confederate debt bv the Federal Movcrnuicnt ; the unquestionable National d bt to be II undated so ely ov Northers taxation ; the right ol suffrage denied to Northern bv oring men ; extension of representation to the owners of slaves; in short, anything that Jeff. Davis and his fellow-conspirators may choose to demand as the price of our submission, as the terms on which i hey will agree tu grant us peace and pardon. They may have us on thoir own terms; for there aro none so exacting, none so degrading, r.-ne so base, that their Northern allies will not grant on a promise of being admit ted to be fed once more on the cruiuhj that fall from their niasti rs' tnble. Choose ye I For our part, wo have chosen. Better a perpetual dinner of herbs, than the stalled ox in such company though, for that mutter, but little of the stalled ox would fall to the share of those who believed in fighting for the Union. Henceforth, we fly the banner of Abraham Lin coln tor the next Presidency, choosing that far rather than the Disunion and a quarter of cen tury uf wars, or the Union and poliiiual servitude which our opponents would givo us. Let tho country shake otf its apathy ; let it realise what is the price of detent a price neither we uor the world can allbrd ; Ict it bo understood how near we are to the end of the Keliellion, and that no choice is left ns now but the instrument put Into our hands, and that with that wo can and must flni-b it. W'e prnnt, from ourown convictions, timed that can be said in criticism of the present Adinlni--tratlon; for the sake of argument, we will grant anything that any honest and loyal in in can say. And then this is onr rejoinder Mr. Lincoln has done seven eighths of the work nfter his fashion; time must hevigorand virtue enough left in him to i n the other fraction. The work is in bis hands ; if it passes out of them, it will be, as there are no better, but far worse, to receive it, to onr utter ruin. We mijht re-elect him, and, Mod helping us, we will. SPECIAL NOTICES. tjST" OFFICE OF THE WARDKNS FOIt a- tha Port of I'liilauelpbla, No. 11) WALNUT SHxet. Phii AriKi.rHiA, Hrptemher .t, lad. yilTICK application liavlnc bcn made to this Hoard by the "Tlnlciiin KibIiiiw Company," tor a li.:t nso in orect a fler hi the hlver Delaware, tront o( their iiroiwrle in lielavsare comilv, aurecatij.v to a plan on ills la this otMco, sueh ii ciu,ewiU Isaue on I ndnj' neat, 11' no objections are made. C11A.H. 8. WAYNK, lepB-St Master Wariluu Port ori'htaueli!ila. CD- CITY ISOUNIYr FOUR HUNDUKD a' Dollars Olllee of the City llouul' t und ( 9 aim II alon. No. 4IJ I'Kt .SK Htreet. Until riiitiier nonce, tho Commission whl eintimiieto ray Mm CITY lllll'N TV OP KOI H IIIINIlltKII IIOL, l.AEa to all rerrnlla credited upon the i u of Hie city oi i iiuaiieipnia, wnemw canning; lor ouu, lwj,or lliroe years J iullei furnlshlnff 8nbttttutea win receive tlisitorone i ear. i) tor Two Yeri. 10 (or Three Yanrs. as haretof r. H. r. KINil, rreslSant. ltoni.HT M. Moork, Beeretary, ej-it KStT THE UNDERSIGNED, A COnF-ar- mlttat, appointed t,y the Koitnty Kand Ooliventl n of the Beseral Wards for die puiioao of reurultln fs,r the hurcht of dertelsnt Wards, In HlitioipAtlon of lbs cnuit.tg dralt, Iniiaassed with the importance ol tha subject, dv-lr tl eir follow-cliUtiiis lo unae allh them in aa eirorltoflll the clt ' qoota Ii) obulnlng voiaultMir ris-ruits. lodu thla telure the Uiof fttfptoiubor w,ll r-uulre the most earnest and vikoiouh exartl'ias. unit the Ciiuiaitlen appeal to il.e pattloll,: and p ihiic-milrltod to a d III" u by lhu:r Ihllijenee and by contriltutloaa ot lh. neeetsaiy lui ans to ol er InUncmtienti e.iial to tu ottered by .,tli,r e.-inntniiltles. Tho C mitallliw tiavu iipp.iiuleil a niilllclsat ni.aatierol recruliing lleuicnanis In varloiii iinuro-rs ol ilia citv, aud all lecrulta nlaaliud will ht. dtstritulesl pro rnta amoi-s the Wards, anil, oi' oouta, wiU beutfdt most law ly these II. at aiss eiiurt dctlelcnt. lly unltrd ami e,,i.ilnntal efTort tlio e.iramittss hpe. If fwtt lu avoid th? draft atMKuthr, ai lsa,l to reduce It tu Utsitn.lhi-anl probottlona. 'lhe wi.ole uuntb'.r re'iulred to free the city from the liratl u, on the 1st ol Annus!, astit ninu thousand. Kroio this number Is to be itedin tu1 lt:o ,e who have been recM.'t.td hli.iaihalCate; and su hcredlu as cllv in ,y be emu ld to.irom prsou euhstlna in Hie navy from he olty, sad wh, ksvo not oven cr.'.llted t us; li.fion pcroi enllslli'S' In the nsy Iroin ll.e Stale at lar-"., ,oitl not on diltd lo any particular dmtrl'.-t, ol wltica the city Will have f er propi.rtlen. Kileria ar im'Ii.i: maJe to aaccnaln tftcss crcdlia. Tlio comp ttlia also expect toiaioioi levrulta irom vuieraut rs-iilllll,s", tiom Wo, Heuihern Htatee liovr ,Msi.tiuh-d by our lotei a, and tr,au ether iioarters. l.icTdjno d-toin it Imp ssib e, tlierefurr , by ai ..per exertions, lo nil the cuy'a (uoia. AlotMjr U t.reekinrv, aiid cun only hnobttln.id hy the TelLDiaiy s bsei ip'l.'ll of cil'' lis Ktivli STitiseripl.oaa nia be bin' t li e a,l irfSsea o any tnoniars ot t..e .ail liittt, v. b I iw ivee. tl to 'lie hend.ji.urters ot the n ,ia suifer, .No. ll.' H. KOI HI a Htr, et A.Mts L 'l.tllllollW. N. -SIT I lllli;,:il Alley. J.tMKs II oltNK No tt.H I'llHsXI.T Slis.et. A H. Kit tN.'ISO' a No. M I M vit. i:r lreet. JOi'll'A M'HItlN'i. S , I'i H Kol Ki'll Htrtet. WM M I III P.lt. ) .' H (is s (ItYLKII.I.. N. it. nuow sk. N.i Ills I IrT I surest JOHN w PI! i.IK.R, aaJW s ; i .s. si i d aii.M t. UKAIXiUAUTKRS 1 ' I ', X N S Y L V A N I A Mi.hi.i iliii aiira, au, a t i.i, ,,;( -ii,;i.enl Old' rs. So. I Ii. .' Ill 'iijil'y vl h Oie p.',. vu i. as of ll, a- "( AKM-Ililiv ol ll.e '.'.'.I an.t . .Il'i.it A ll.'aft, ISSi I, ail.l tin, set tu vs 1.1, I, lhe I-re hll.ilin Ills. It 1 ,,, .). -imI : I '11 .it the la'sinu ol ire' coru of Ittieen rctnu-nu, t't tw call, ll ll.e "I'tillli-ylvaula iSla a (LlarC, '' profi led ter in said u t. br fnrlhwlil, c JlHliicltLuil. J Auetliht poill.in of lh.it eorpa. thre rewltii"-ols of infaii'rv. tw o k'tuido ns of euvalry.and f,nr .atterlt,s.,f tielo art.lltry, aliall be rocrulle.r without d-Ut. 'Ihese rev'iiiiehta, muatliotii, i.nu b.aierlea, it Is Intel, led. sli4ll he eoinposed of olunteers to wit : otvoloriin .soldi.Ts aui of able Liavd porsousbetweeo UVe atlva of eighteen and flity.gl'fena taav preiareiice to thoae who are uol aabject lo dralt usaltarssae lawsof die failed States. 3. TtassluBsMt, ihua to be iBjscd.wlU be rornnandsd by Company eawsra esseted bv lhe aavtt. aud whu have beeo In tha avrvaseuf Ua Uulled Stales, aud been honorably discharged llienrrom. The Held aad seneral officers will be appolntoil by the (tevernor and umalered Into tha service or the Htate. The force will be used only for Ilia defense of the Mute. It will, while In acrvlee.be clothed, (aiulpped. armed, sul aiated, dliclptlned, aud paid at provided for by law tor similar troepa la the service of the United Htates. 4. I'eriona uualitled by service for the position nf com- rany efflcera In this corps wilt, un applk alion to lhe State iiBpector-lieuetal at tlarrisburs, recstve authority to re cruit companies aud squads, and. If afterwards elected as company onlcvra, will be commiBsloued accoidlnKly. o. 1 ho said corpa shall be enlisted la the service of tha Rtate for ttirve years, tin lesa sooner dlsctiarivd, and shaU be liable to be called laio the asrviee isT lhe Btate at bu. m tiuiea as Uia Uoveruor way Uveal tacir aerrlcei neces sary. . A Camp of HeodsBToua will be eeUbllihed at IlarrH burg, ULder thechars'e of corapettut military and medical omrere, aad trausportutiea lor troops thereto will ba furnished to peraous recruiting companies and squats of not lose than eight tnen, on applleauon to Culonul M. M. Quay, llarrlsbuig, Cblef o( Truaporuiwn aad Telegrapk Uepartineul. 7. hhouid tha reglmests, sqaadroas. and battariee, spe cially hertln provided for, not be recruited within thirty days, lhe dr th Irncy wlU be sapplled by draft. 5. llnaailler-deueral Lemuel Todd, Htata Inspectnr Cen, ral. la charged with the aaeauuoa of tula order, aad all the details uuder It. By truer of A.O. CHRTIV, ftovemvr and Com raaader-lu -Chief. A. L. Bl'sstLI., AdjuUos-aeneral, Fsoue. act bt rsr, OFFICE OK THE BRIQ08 OIL Company, No. 147 H. FOt'KTll Htreet, I'hllsdei- pile tl.ls ilia, Reptetnker 1, IK6I The Hoard of Illicit, n hav, Ms dav dclared the third ruouUtly CK.NT.ou thecapllal stock, payalifa on the 8th last. TheTreusrVc Books will be closed after the 4th Inst, and rc-oiivnedvuU.esiU. A.. avllINK, Si-ta, ttrtatacut, SLK AND DRY COOPS JOBBERS J,MW1N HA.I.,1., ,v J.') , Uo. 2'i S. SECOND STREET, Arc now 0)x?uiag; their F,l and Winter Ntovk of S1I.KH, I K I ',tS (iOMUM, SIIAVVI.H, CI. O i l IS, ,Vc lfo(il "f if hn ti re nf iliotr 9wn import (.il tn. V?i,ftf-'t ftufl Ket.iii buytr ant luvifj to f TKmlrx our FALL, ) H' ( FALL, 1NM. J SOW n STORK. ( iHdt. EDMUND YAKD & CO., Ncmj. C17 Cbesatit and C14 Jayne Bireeta. iairoitir.ii.-i i.Mi jonrtKna or SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, I.1NKNS, AND WHITK MOODS. I.AKOE AND HANDSOME 8T0CK OF DRESS OOODS. FULL USE OF FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC 1IAIM(UAI,4, iMi'iiipiNa auJO-tin IlRi:NKIl'8 AND OTIIKH MAKK8. U IV NO 11 1 H K I I I- We refasul tha moaey. If desired, for every lot of Bbirts wbica fall la say reepect. FINK HIIIKTH. CUT LKNOTHWIMK OF MUm.IaT. Made ot Kew Tork Mllbi Muslin, and rarr Das Linen. Bueon . 0IM'1). t'sual price 11100. WUtlacniTtlle Mills Muslin, and flue Ltnea ltaioma, Only 11-50. I'stial prlea . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING O0008. HAlI'X'll afc JACOIIH, mys-sni To. ffM CUK.HNUT Rtreet. lO-dst (.'HKM.NUT HTaVKBT. The asMnlSMi of LAnirS VIHmNO TBS CITr. er those about l,Ks,VIMO It fr" water ing 1'lacee,'1 or "trie i'ouTecry," Is respecttullr Inekcd so the extensive st,xik of Wltlrs nooiiH suitable lor cl'HMKK wkk, for W HITE KOlHtS, MSHMIMU WE.vrPKUS, Ac. An eatensiTe assortment la offered la Lace and Worked KdVlnge and lnserUieta, Veils, slaailkerehleOi, Collnrs, Hleeves.ami la plain aud fancy l'lold, Ntritesl. and riu-ed wrilte .i,l. AT PKICKa MU( II HhXuW TUSJK raassiNT nr.TAii, vali c. )H0 I'rlated Ijnen uambtio Dresses. UK) pssees l'turod, Tueked, and Striped Mug Ulat. e. m. p.i:iuDli:h. 10t CltKBaiUt BTRPIF.T. tK)U IIOOI' SKI UTS i;oq UiO Mar.ttlactery, No.o.'s Altcll Slrct. 00 Above Msth s'teet, I'liilade.ulila. Whelesalr and ItrtsJI. The most rolnph te aaorliucnt f Ladies', Misses', and Children's Hoop flslrls In the clly. In every respect nrst cisns, t hi, h for style, Mulsh, durability, alid cheapness, have t o e,iial in the maikst. Skirts niade lo order, altered, and repaired . wily WM.T.HOl'KlKs). I O F F E E AND K ASI'IiE RRY. AI.EX. J MIl.LKll A CO., Proprletora of the Old OoYcriiuiout l'llKI'MlF.ll J AS A I Oi-SS.F., have Itevoved their place of busluoss from No JIS V. hieetid striet to No. AUrll Hireet, where tlicy are etepaied to till all orjfVrs at lhe shortest notice which the tuhiic amy tavor tlievi with. Their Curiae is,aa usual, tha eel In U,e aiarket. They also have the bust RAHI'llKllKr HYKIM" that la ruanufaelnred In tlie oliy.tAll at lowest prusos,ooa suhTlnK the hiwh prices of material. I'lease give them a call beforu purchasing elsewhere. 1k not rorgel Uie Kuuibcr, auls-lra No. W A 111 'II Street. XARPKT8, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND VV Window Shades, from hew York Auction aalee, i slightly wet.) MaxnlOrent Hniasels, V wide, (1 J4, t 3;,,l'60 aad 1176; Imltailon llnissels, (paiuusd.) . wule, 7U, MO and On rents ; fr-4, 4 and IJ I at propor isinate prices ; luipenal Carpets. $1 37 to 91-70 per yardt Ingrain, truta SO centa to S1U-S1 Venetian, Hag, and lump, from 3Ti to Ii cents per yardl Mattin.-s, tha larKisst assortment ever offered In rtitlaiSelphU, from .'r7sf to 74 cents a yard, at tha Mew Yetk Auction Hales De pot, (Kruierly Histhiow's.) Mo. 147 (t HKOONO Sureet, first door aboea Wataul, oppoails Cora Kaaaanga. Jy7-3aa OUSTY'8 TEA WAREHOUSE. EST Ar . bBshed la lHUD. Importer aud I sealer In Una Teas, Wlaea, aad Li'ioore, Cbotoe Uavana (1kr., C'roea A Rlaetwell'a Pickles and Kansas s:gllsb aad Kootcb Ala and I'orter, t'snnad Jleata, fruits, Soup, Aa. arj Meeses pat op wlfb crc, ai Ho. ua a. hkcoso ansset sslT JOHUt.'A Ii. CoLbTT. 1) t A M () IN ) H. lrn r. livlrg ItiHUouiir.Mrott.fr I'iyiIjui Rt3tiito dUp tof will do well bv cnMliig fta lewi3 LArearua & oo., Ilti iiioikI Dtiili'i'Hiiiul.lowoIora tSo. CHKHNUT Htreet, Who will give the hirtirst cash ;rlea. auliV-lat .J A M i: IIA II 11 U ll'H WU,,LSMA1C AM' SalA.. CLOCK KH1 A HLISH M KNT, C oo.vsr BKdiND snd i liumil Hiieets, f ulad'a. a'liser iou inn I'AikNT r.vjtTALi.! nu iiuary.DA y clucks, a rery desirable auleie for Cburohea. dutela, tanks, Co'JUllllg-ltO'ise. I'nrlori. Ac. A r , 1HM I.II Tl I. Kit or KIN t. do' D PKHe). (UkS KKi'.tlhKU AMI U All .1 V SI I SO), lallt-iy till cs Tflimisinas ,f erer doeci'.ptioa. AI 'M. A. flllAY, N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH ft and MINOU -tiis'ts, li,ie lhauiotida, Waicuus, (iollJ, bilvei', and Loan 'I levels. TUONE IN VA'f Of VUNKV C'A IX. AU tusiaesa conddaiitlaL au!9 lei ELASTIO STITCH BEWINO MACUINEB, TUB BkBT 11 CBN. apSt No. 730 CHEHNUT Htrewt. IV'A-NTI::D TO KKLL OB EXCHANGE, If lIUIptK Hewing UaeJilne, The (Ireeer A AaAec Hewing Machine, T1,e HlBeer do, Aad all tha principal aewbsg Vacbiuee. AU .Jmiabad from kheir arliMiipei efflees. Also.sjikuideof Kersmd-Kaad Machines, tor Sale sad ktpaUee at She aw eellre ef utAvr.HS a rAri.iKm, Ma. lull N. tlliriTIt Mlreet, (Over sea years wltb Singer Co.) tadias taasbt ie operate. SsH-am EHTV'H COTTAOE OHOANS. Hot only mBXCII.I.RD but lTItft'AI.tRI In pnrity oi Teue anu rui , vna'anvn e.pvctauv tor unnrsnea and Hthcola, but feand to be eiually well adapted us tlie 1'arkiff and Xrswlag Isoem. fur sale oalj by m. m. mtrfB, K. 18 N. RKVK Snl Mlreet. Al.o, s ecmrlfra assertweul of Use I'eriect Meiodoon con.lanlly on hand. aulv-eus I)ATIsNTED JILV 13, 18G4. JOSEPH klOlTKT, Klsve de Paris, French tsteatn living and fte utirlug on any ksnd ol wearing apparel, lor Lsdiea, lienu, aad Caildren. faunt apparatua tor stietelilog tenia rr. ui ana U Ova In, iiee. Kn. 7 W MACU Hlreat. rauaa . A i. iJiiru Ktiaat, i'liilaUclphia, aus-ut JOUTII -PI,i:A.lt MII1F1IC COLD AUD .SILVER IHM1N COMPV1NY, OIiriN COUNTY, COLORADO TERRITORY. TrtlAte-e-es i II(.r. JOHN A. DIX, Il,.n. VDWARDS I'lERRKPOif T, JtV-tl PH FRAMCIjl, Ear, T. B. UUNTINO. Es'i., A. O. DODFISII.-Ka.! , Clyra lj J'rcswldottt j H,.n. JOHN A. DIX Troiieti rsr i OSI-ru FRANCIS, Ms i. (Coti n sol i CHAIM.ES F. III. ARE, I'... Ths piop.riy nf u.la ivnmp.ny eoniuls w ?tS f"t ua Iha "llcmnd Hoe," "tlregnrr Ho f." 'Siarm-'ai,'' "Coa- v.r,', ' end other os-lsl., at. d developed Uotd-bswiagUvdes la the B Itilng district Colorado. Also, the flan tcrecn Mill, now rsanlng, and la eaeellsnt erJre. Capital Stock $1,000,000. Whole Number hare 100,000. Par, $10. A Urf port..)!, nf LfeA i',.rk ha alradr brm U.-mi Vmt prlTkie i.M'ri!t.a. ItrMka ar -r.TW o.n at in oiUon at the rom pnr, nt So, A Hitf ttraM. Nw ..ri, wri-r lLinl:xt ntiBit'T oi .hare, rati K iut orK -xl for t pr, itplyiB UtM Troitciirer of the Cn,nr btfii Ui htun ttf In A M. tod -J I. U. onlra oi tbft rniQ mmf cHta4nJ at th a(T,m of tjr Oonipmy, m yjlvlNCU HTKWAllT HOCK OIL COMPANY. Iioorpor&ted Jane 29, 1864. Cnpltali 03oo,ouo, (0.000 SHARKS U A MAJfcJI-VR. Bohrcnptlon fS wh .skr t ar1liuU itaHLW krt W.QUO thAi-At. pft? abJc 1 caah down apoa mbritlivr.B4 two Uir luatalmruta of 11 tvar-k, paaal a lb MUi Joty aa4 tfrvh Anfuit, I'M, rMpoellrelr. TEN THOUSAND SHARKS Reeervo-i ff BeaAt lb Cmpnj, Th land nrflhid bythVnc Itcwii ok Oil romnait cADtaiita on hui.crfsrj aad ihlriy oae mrm, tu tfe Tory core of tho oil retion, on tlioaanl thme kun Orcd and ten fern nn tbt AlU gliHoy rier, la ra-ntKirrr tdjwmtilp, oitenJiiiir a CMtitianrabi dittanco tiav.j iMtk iitfi of tho iMwor T wo Mil Kaa.c-mruonljreiled Tan Huron Rum, aoouploof nitiei boMw rranklta, to Vnano mumotf . InTlTanla. The AUf bony Bivor Tfrkty la vieiilii(f an abnndant and prinDiit barvoti nT an oiaoi font nuaJliy of (ill, Lhe numarotia walla bortiarinKln bank a IriHlanng Oil wtth orwu ouli iroiUor rHMialt7 U Uia walla aloof OU Croak. It la I'AUaved tha now nf OH halow tha borons?!, nffnutk Un.oa Ujo AUaitbeny rior, will probahlr navar (mohom ekhauatad, boraiiaa Uie atrailtlcatJon, or voloanle disrup tion of rock diva In a aotnliwtttwt.rd. dlrtrfOon ; iiao qbenily kit bada of Oil woult naan r ih avrfara at tha Piiar and, a ay of OU Croak , and walla woulJ roqulre V ha boiad dM-Dr In proportion lowardowa tbo livar. whoro, bowover, there would neaaarlly ho tha moat parinitin(s, andamurh trratar anpptv and auprlne'tmbaut body or alri eoi Oil. It la certain that acorraoi wulia on tha rtvar. tn the lmmetlioio vtrintty of thl land, have oMithiual iro dTicttiR duntng tha paat thrt-a or faur joara an unwavuniif and eteftdy dally ylnld of oil. A tttenre at the map will damonatrata tha laa! that tha Lower 1 wo Mile Kun and oil i Tftk aro on the aaraa dlauuHiicailT i trait ht lane, and only distant, on aeon ftartioaan ot thg identical $am rfor betweva the range of hiHa. from each other about threo mil a apart In pro claalT the aaiue diroctloo. It would, thorafnrot not ba at truordlnary, if by boring alia oo thia tra.it a aorrlulent d pth of perhapa eight nandrod and AA feet, that tha Corapany a we la may no n ilvl thoae of OU Creek m ILielr aiajipllea nf hundreda of barroia of oil d&Hy, an anormoua prod t a woutd Urn a ho Uia firtnnao reault to tha ihaxphoMere of Uila vBiDn. On Uilt particular tract of land there) hMhaealato teaae for twenty rear, a well how pumrmg a fair pnrttoa ot good Oil, aJUinokh Ita depth ot bore (a conaMared quite InauiPdent to Inaiira a largo flow: Kirtv par oent. of the Oil at thia well a mooih waa raaarred a a royalty to the ftwmrr owner nf the land, and will at onoe Inure to the baneittof tha ( ompaay. There are aiao two otliar w.Mla borod a raw hundred ntdeapearh, but not rat tubed, bat In dicating a flrat-rate ahowof Oil ; a barm, a day oan rfanaraiiy h aotopfxi out of U.aia. and no dnnbt aoerui to axlat that they wlal both prove highly remunerating welti whtn bored a reaaotiabre depth. Another wall la hair borad, aad pmnilaca a aatlaractni-y Tiald Saniplea n( on prot ured ftom theaa well ean be laaa M the off re of Uie Company, No. JU WALNUT Htreot 'I lia fee of tbia valaable oil laud, aom prising one hun dred and tMrty-one aorea, Inuluding the royalty of fAy par cant, of oil fnr tho leaaod well, not pumfun, and Ua entire rtaht of tha three weiia partially devul tp.i, la purrhaical by Uie Company dtrert from ttie owner, tor tho nm)ernte price ol $l.t;,iVrt, with a tlrlat Mill la flaa order, a anug houaa, Ac. ; alao patchea ot Urahor. Theaaleofatwck will pay oaah lor uie land la fall, anal leave the anm of $IS.-4.V) rth working capMal oa hand, with whlt h to oni()hst the throa old wUa, and alao to bore two new wella, with Ufa aieain atiKlaaa, Aa., to be tn running order withlu a few laoniha; arraaga Bientawtlkba ma-de to aocompllah theaa iithct wltiuat deay Ho aubacilptlotig wlul ba acaaptad for Uag Uaa fifty ahaiaa. 1 n vaat fortunea reared hy Rfttk Oil Cotnpanlea e v tab Id i tied here and elaawbc re are no tor loo a. The uu tra-ie la ret In Ita Infancy, and tha omand conatanlly iDoraaaiag. la price la nw $1 par banc! at Uie well a oeouU, a&eu alve ul the rank. large wehe will doubt If ji ba a truck at tho depth of 9aa) feel, ao aa to raacb the third ."Umlatone Uoek. WW la hare baen bored heretofore lo the depth only of aboat e-XJ feet In Wiia vlelulty. It ta prupoMr-d to bora twenty wella na thli property during tha preafiit veax. There ll room ftrf ooa huMureJ wella. A porfeot title, alear of all Lucjlv hraacaa la coufldaAUr aasuxed to the Oooipauy. Itatg of luhaerlptloB are now cpan aatll the 50,100 ah area are aabaerlbe4, payable $t par ah are, to the order ef Aliiaa gaaaiAalliS UtCAUKM. Uia Treasurer ef the Coanxaa, Ko. 406 WALNUT Street, or at R. lie WALNUT Me4, or at aba a floe ot the Coupaay, No. lU WAXRf T (ttreet. The pablle are laitr4 U call Ibr a proipectna. yyVaf PBIDESBUBQ MACHINE WOEKJB, OFFIOK, rvo. u5 iv, inorvT htuuTi FUILADKLPH1A. We are prepared to fill orders lo any extent fer our U knoaa MACDINEKY FOR COTTON AND WOOL EM MILLA. Inolnalrrtg all recent lmprorurucute lo C aid 104, 8pltwlai and Weavlnjf. We Invite tho attectioo o( uannieturert to our extoev alva worka. aUl tf ALPIU-'.n .TKNKHlA BON. ToaiiircAri AiNs and owners. The urtdaviieMed he Kig ha4ej ft.e N(- 775 kU'ltrTvr lMK:al. beua to inlono tiia (YianJa and the patron of aha Dock, that ha la prop.-d with Inetiacd ia 11'llaM ro BeOstaWatfTnlaiisj mil i:s 1 nV rpcia v "W t avaeu or rev air and betag- a praoucaJ ahiit-cariientar aud autkar, will give pcraetial attautioa to ail vreee'a eo troatcd to htaa for raoaire. Captaina or Aauca. lltUp Carpetilara. and Machluiiu having vaaaale to repair, are boIIIumI tn oU- llavlug the agtaey for tbe .ale of "Weiteratedta' Pat aril Metallic Compoalttvn," or Co) pr I'a nt, for the pieam a Uon of Taaaala' botaenu, Uor tii oity.f am prepared ir furolah the aaaaa oat lavorablr frma. J"HJ n. II MM ITT, KenaiuVin Screw Mok. tfcMl-ef lUwara avemia.auoTe Ltiural-atraat, SHIPPING. B1KAM V?l.i:KI.Y i'O MVKIt- nAul tanchlne at ij.l'-t I, si. 11. t'nik lUrUir. li,.j vT,-ll'kuuwu .learners ol !' e I!.itu,I, -r T'.rk, and ftilisih-it'liia Hicauistuu luinuni a:e m. u.'cd to tail as follnses : t.HlMU Ktt. Saturday. Beu'i'inNi-r l CITY tr WAMIIINilTOS. sslurls1 , -I'll ei.l,er 1,. t'tTT OK JIANCIir.-rmi. Vur.lsy. -.-,.t.-. ..t.. r . And every sueteedlag Saturda;, at noon, r,"iu r.er Sa NAIKS) o'rrASA(lF PAVABI.K IN CVItltK-WV Flr.t ( abin IH)J tticcraue........ KU tS HrntCiiti!ntoI.nndou IHUlO Hlcarge to l.aiulaii... M iK) Hr-t fall's tn runs.. IfOltO Hiecrage to .u-is..... mm rirsirsl.lntollsuilir'gtsii isl Biecr. ve u, ll.iml,ar. 74.iJ l'a.arngcra al.u furwarded to Havre, llroilisa, l.ul ter.lsui, lumeip. Ac, at e,,ually kwraice. l ares fr. in l.lerKH,l or vucensu.wn i-Tlrst Tabtn, tl.'S) alio, ff'-MO Bieerese rVuiu LlvsriKaa and sjueeiis li.t;ii, 'luose wiw wish tu seed Iur thetr friends caa bus tickets kare at ttiaae ratea. , e, iti.tlur luiuintatlou rth. f-.omc... Ko. Ill WAXNi I Street, fuliadeluUia. BOSTON AND PHILADELrillA. faSZZ st.siu.Mp Line, sailing rrout aaeli port oa ""Tm-A VS, item r.t hart sh.il PI NF- Dtreel.rhila d, Ipl. a. atd I.oag Viaarf, Hostou. From Brat wharf alic's IMNK Hlrtcl.,'11 halurdav.Sl'tinib 10, lit sleamship SJAXON, slatlhcies, will sail Iruin Phlla d. Jidda for BistcB.ou Haturuar.H.teiuiierlu.at looclwk A St.; and tlie st'austiip NustMAN, Uakw.lrumKJiUsa A,r PL'laiicli Ida, on san.e day, at 4 P. m. Tucie new and sut suuitssl steamsfcipe ftirm a ragulag line, .a llns Irein eavk uort punctually ea aaiiirdasra. lusuranci'S crlccled at oae-laitlu. ewuiuiu al,aiged oo Saleves.tls. '.r:.;u.!r.dV:;. .p. .n ua. LadMiki with their KOodH. lV. r1..iUo. P"ta y?i;?T?!,,"0D, aanlv us HENRT WIMS'S a Ul,, "ji.U Ma. SI A. DfcLA WAKB Arsmaa. rOHNEW YORK. DESPATCH . I a. X UIV IS T. 'I UHU. wi r.'.Viitil.""' Bwiniura Uses, via Helawve and hT.u.-u i ausL The sUaluers of these Unae are learmg till a" lao'eksjk H-..aadaak.HP.M.,lroai ktuAdulet aoove Walnut street. r ireigai.Nrhici ffl ba taken oa aeccaimodatlng "s, "y,, to W lUOAii M. IIAJJU) UX, is. XM SO term XH'.LAfc iltE Areirue. FOR MVEIII'OOL, SATURDAY. ' a 19 IM4 IWiii-h ai.p VAACOl'VEl, Cital J. D. CfciUale, a lll aall aa above. gAVE YOU 00NSTABT' PAIir AWD OKKAfUIESS AT TDE PtT &r TUB STOMAtnf Bead the next cnlurua. Have you Plstulcuce and Acidity' ' Hi ad Ike next eolnma. Have yon CoatlTeoesa and Loss of Appetite? Its od the next column. Have yoa Gloom and Pepreialon ofslpirilsf fcesd the next co.'umn. Have you Diarrhoea with Griping? Head Uie aext ooiama. Uare yoa Fata la all parts of tl.e 3r'' Bead the next column. Bars yon Choking and SurTocaUon Head lhe next column. Have yoa Oon.umptlva Symptoms il ralplutloa of tlx Heart Head the next column. Have you Cough, with rhk'gm In the Throatf Bead tha next column, Hare you Dlmnesi of Vision and Hjadachef Read tha next column. Has a yoa all or any of Uie foregoing symptoms? Then read the great cures of Dyspepsia performed hy DB. WISHART'S DYBPEP6IA PILLS AND riNE TBEB TAB COEDUL, lo tti neit colttmn. UOK T FAIL TO It FAD THE liTXT C0rUM ) V ! 12 I- M I A S3 A ARK ANTED. tTsrrr-V n-J ihp, rni.i.owryp aywtTQhii: - let. A couitant pain fr anea loan at the pit of IM llomtHi, Tl Klatitletire an-1 at lfifly. Hd. t'oatireneaa and loat of appetite. 4th. ttloom and de preaaloa ef aptrlta Mh. Ptarrhn-a. with griping. fitb. Talr. in all parte of the a) a-em. 7lh. Cortwamptlre aympiom aod pnlpi tatlnnof tho heart II h. (Vngh, with phlrni In the thmat. 1lh. iservmii a nee Hon and want of alecp at night. l(Hh. I .cm of ep j. elite and vomiting. lllh. r:7iliifa, dimtiraa of nion and loaa of light. Uth. Hra-.ac.ie and afa?gt-rinf In walking, w.th great weakneaa. Out of the thituiand of ranea of tlyapepala that have tiaed lr, WMiart'a (Irrat American lyapfp.la rilU.not one of them haa failed af a perfrct ''nro. We warrant a core In every ra-e, no ma'terifof twenty yeara'ataad Ing. Hold hy all drngrlata everywhere, and at Dr. WlfHAIlT'8 ofllcr, No. 10 N. "F.OXI) Strrot, PMiacel ptila, I'a. All f aatnlnatloni and ronsultatloni free of rharge, 8rnd for a circular. Trice 91 per bon, Sentby a.ail, Irec of cliarge, tn re tlpt of money. rYHPKI'PlA, DVftKI'BI. Thla la tn rertlfj that I had ! apepala In the worn! form for tliree ycara. I waa treat id hy Mven of the bat phy at lana In Aineil' a ; Bonia ul laviu wtri rrnfi'MiKi (l Jef toroon 4'Mlli-g.s, I'Mlanaiphia, but thev did oie no gtMMl, I grew orae i.erT monin. I would he' ta ken at tlmwi wlto dn-adrtii (mm in my lrtat and aiOTnarhtao great waa It that 1 ruid ai-ithrr mil. he. nr atan.), hut wouul mTea.Mtut fn-iu one room to aiii-tner ; my trremla e pected to ear me dl aa there ai-peared to ba no relW fbr me. In ttila ho,ia leee ot ndhlon I iilaed mvnelf under Ir. WlatAart'a trea.t auont. and uxed hta amdlcina aa directed 1 hie day I am a eii aaan, and mr twirea werag I havo O-een on my fet, end working hard from early m rn until eleven orlork at iiight. Ir. Wmhart, I give you thia oer UHcate wiU-, a ginM fui heart, fehng It tny duty 10 do an ; you may, and I want you to pulilmh It to tlie world, that every person auiTriig aa I wa, may have the be tie fit of tin jour tnil) wonderful rvmnlU-a All alck poraoiia are at Hbrtv to t al and aae rae, or write to tue, aa I want to render all Uie gKd I caa to a u fieri n hnmnnltv. ) AM Kt II. ANimiJU Overaeer of Waalilaton Kanutaaaiing Company's Weaving Kooni. Ulouot ater, N. 4. I-YHPI PMIA. nTPI'f-'I'jllA, lVHrRIH!A. 1 hla la lo i'rtlf that aiiilatring aeverely with a dlnenia colud Iypi-pafa. with much lo f w Ighl, my attt ntl n waa dfrei trd to Wlitmrt a Orewt American lyiteps,n 1'ilia aa the r-niivty. Ilavinr within thrre wot-ta takti eleven , Ulla, according to the direction, I loiind meelf entirely i run'd. and for iwo woek aince mv hraith la areatlv tm- proved, ntul I can rat without fear of pain or inconvi-ni-eare. earneatly n eon ruend them lo all almilarly amictcd. Mr, M. H. THUMI'HONM, t htrrnnd alreet. otir doort below Hanover. Ir. I., g : wisiiakt a uitico, o. lu S. Hhn:ttM Strvt, liilladelphia. DYsrKPHIA! DvsrF.rsiA! I, John Trench, do certify that for four month pant I wai attacked wlrti acute dyepopata; I waa so arterely handled that I could do nothing but what It would ntl me with dree-lUil dlatreaa; my uervuua ayatcm wai perfectly pros trated ; my whole frame aoon becamo weak and trembling, with confuted LOlae and ditilnraa In the bead, followed by a palpitation of the heart and gvneral dobtlitvof the whole body. Erery kind of medicine admlniatered to me did uok'nm), until 1 wai advlaed to call on Dr WUhart and place myaelf umlor hla treatment. It la now about nine weeks elnce I commenced to use lila Iyakepala Tills and l'lno Tree Tar Cordial, and I do truthfully and faithfully aay, that I am perfectly cured of hyapcpala, and all other dtsajiea arising therefrom, and I can eat three good meals every day, and feul well in every reipoct. I era 7 yoars of age, and If It waa necesaaxy, i ael 1 could and wonM shoulder my Run to defend the city from lavaaion by Uie KebeJB. All persons SiirTer.ng with Dyspepsia as 1 was, are at liberty to call and see me, for I feel U my duty to do all Uie b'ood 1 cau for sullerlrif humanity. JOHV IsKNf:3, No. Ifrtl roplar street, Phlfada'phia. Tr. WHri ART'H Jttore and OiMce, So. 10 N. rtltCOVD Htret-t. Phllade'phia, I'a. AU ekaminailona and cMiaulta itsD freaoi charge. 1'rice. $1 par boa. Hvutbrtuallon rtceLSi o muiiej. DYHPKPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA t Dr. Wlithart I have own a conatant sufferer with Dys pepsia for the laat elghtoen years, during which time I can- Dot say that I over enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the hymptoma were more aggravated t Uian at others, and then It seemed It would bo a tfrcat ra il ef to die. I bad at all times an uiiph-aient fueling In my ht -ad, but latterly my Bufferings so much Increaaed that I b came almost unlit for bualneasof any kind; my mind wa sccDllnualljr filled with gloomy tliouulita and forebod ing s. and If I attempted to change their current by reading, at once a stnaatlun of icycoldneaa la connection with a de d weight, aa it were, roatcd upon my brain; also, a feel! ng of sickness would occur at the stomach, and groat pain to my eyea, accompanied with which waa the con- j tinui il fraruf lining my reason. I alao experienced great ! laaNb tttdc, dobllliy, and nervousness, which made It dim- j cult ' to w alk by day or sleep at n fght 1 became averse to soritaty, and disposed only to seclualon, ana having tried ! the si kill of a number of eminent physicians of various ' sch.HH' a, Anally came to the conclusion that, for this dlaeaao ; at aty preaent age ( to years), there waa no euro In exist- ' coco. liut,t)ir.Kli the Interference of Divine Providenoe, ' to wlaem I devoutly offer my thanks, I at last found a aov- etelgat remedy in oar Dyapepaia Pilla and Tar Cordial, I whteli aeons to have efToctuaily removed almost the httt ! trace of my long Hat f ailments and bad leollnge, aud In their place health, pleoaure, aad oit-ntrntmcnt are my evsty day ooupanlooa. JAMKrt M, SAIfNIH.IH, No. to'i N. Second ain-ef, Philadelphia, Formerly ol WoOslbury, lf J. Dr. WiatlABT'aS Office, Xo.lQ S. SECOND SUeet, rid lad. ip hi a. X-YHPFPSItt DYSPEPSIA I 1, Moses Tobln, of Chsltcnham, Alontomery county Pa , have suffered for mora than one your every thing hot doath liar if, from that awful dUeaae, call d Dyspepsia. I employed lu that ituc Ave of tho moat eminent ph ait-la ns ta Philadelphia- Thuy did all they could for me with mMi Cshies and cu ping, but still I waa no better. I Uten went to Uie Pennsylvania 0 Diversity in ordor to place myaelf la reach of the beat medical talents In the country, but their medicines failed to do me any good, and of ul iocs t wished fbr death to relieve me of my suffering!, but aoe ng Dr. Wlahart s adveitlaement In the Philadelphia Bulletin, I de termined to try once more, but with little faith. I called on Dr. Wlahart, and lold tarn If I could have died I would not have troubled him, and Uien related my sufferings to him. The Dr. avurod me If he failed to euro me of Dyspepsia , U would be the first case In two years, so 1 put myaeli undor bis treatment, snd althotifh I had been for months vomiting nearly evorvthlng I ate, my stomach swollen with wind, aud ft Hud with pain beyond description, X bought a boa of his Dyapupaia Pills, I used them as di rected, and In ten days I oould eat as hearty a meal as any person la the State of l'enns rvanla, and In thirty days waa a weil man. I Invite any person suilering aa 1 was lo call and aoo me, and I will relate my saffering and tha great core I received. I would say to all Dyspeptics, everywhere, that Dr. Wish art Is, I believe, the only person on the earth Uiat oan care D spepsla with any degree of oertalnty. MOtKM TOIillT. Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., i'a A POSITIVE CUBB FOB DVSI'KPUl. lll.All VMIAT II K. JOHN II. BAllCDCb: HAV.sJ, Ko. lf)M OLIVF. (street, j Phlladelphle, January A'd. ( Dr. Wlahart 81r; It la with much pleasure that I am now able to Inform you that, hy tha use of your great American Dyspepsia PHI, I have been entirely cured of thai most dlotresslng ojuplaint, Dyspepsia. I had baen grievously attllctid for the last twenty -eisht years, and Air ten yeaia of that time have not been rrvod fr.nn Ita pain one week at a time. 1 have had It In It. worst tonii, and have dras-ued on a nvst mlserablo ca'stence tn pain day and nhiht. Ktery kind of tood tlat I ate Ailed me w ith wind and pain, It mattered not bow light, or how sasalt tha quantity. A continued belching was aura to follow. I had no appetite for any kind of meats whatever, and my die tress was ao giant lor several mutli bet. ire I heard of your l'llls. that I trt iiioial wieiird tor death. I had taken very&lfg that I had luaid of for Dys,, epais, without re ceiving any bem-tlt ; hut'on your l'llls beiiu rocommeiuted tome by one who l.utl been oure.1 hv ih. m, I ooticludcd to give liu-ni a trial, altliouuh I had no laith iu fieui. To y utter asl, nUlincu', li'ound mysel, gi-utiiu bettor hefo-a I bad taken one-lotirih of a b x. aid. after taking half a box 1 otn a vrlf w,,in.miif con r.v aiiytltimj I ir.i, aitJ eujoy a beaity meal llirte tunes a de) , without tnoimvenlcnoe fruia aujlhlt g 1 cat ur drink. It' vou think proper, you arc at liberty to meke this public aud n icr to uie. 1 will cjieor ruliy give all di-sliable luformaflou to any otie who may call mil Yours, respectfully, JOHN U. H VIICOCK.. Porsi lo id lir.'WIHIIAIlT SMedlcal Depot, No. 10 K. sKiOMi Sir. ot, I'hlladclistila.l'a. Price una dollar per boa. beut by mall, tree ol charge, ou receipt of price. DYttPEFSIAl DYSPEPSIA! I, Samuel I). Haven, bar been a great sufferer with chronlo dyepepsia and luriauimation of th. kldnoya for threo years. 1 etuploed throe or four of tha moat eminent Dlislclana of Philadelphia, aiao of Burlington county, New Jersey. They did all tor me they could, but aH to ao purpose. I waa constantly filled with awful pain and dis tress, and with constant belching of wind aud sour acid. Sly tongue was covered with awhile coating ol mucus until II cracked lu lame lurrows,aud was drea U'utly aorel till! I ofltliues wi.lted for deuth to relieve uie of tny sufor lngs.lor I bud lost all hope of aver being weil again. I made it a subject of prayer to tlod that he would direct Uie to some ph)Siciall or midlctne that would cure uie. I was told to rt-nd au advertisement of Dr. Wtehart'., in tha Philadelphia "Ledger," ol a great cure made upon Mr. Jehu ltabcock, of No. UU8 tilive street, Philadelphia, by Ilia gnat American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to lhe Doctor's tiftlce, and placed myself under his treatment, and told him If he tailed to cure me, It would be the last ertort I w.ukl make. It has been sis weik, since I commenced the use of his medicine, and 1 am now a well man, free from ail pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day lib comfort aud ltd per ectly well. Dr. Wlaliart, I want you to publish my case, aa I want every poor dy.peplie. suffering as I was, to call on ma, and I will tell them of th. treat ouie I have received ftcui your Invaiuatjle medi cine, hami; EL A bkl, Corner of Venango and Lambert streets, near Klchmond atreet, ftrmeily Horn Wiigliuuwu, DuiUwjbja couaiy, Hew jersey. Dr. WIHHAllT'B OfBae. Ho. 10 If . KCOsTB u-eet, Tha abov are a few among tha thousands which this great remedy baa saved from an untimely grave. Wa bave hundreds of letters from physicians and druggists In ail parts of Uie com try, saytug Uiat they aevar prescribed, or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. Dr. VTlshart's Pins Traa Tar Cordial aud Dyspapila Pllu) nisWbyDiigijtimrwbaro, , PROPOSALS. "pUOrOSALS FOR 8TOVKB. Pnii.snai nn V.eftember. I4. Pf.led r,tvws.,i. wt I be rerfs-el ,S 'rtlia f nir.iemil. hit. Ilns (HKARD MtisV, otitil anm e a1l;iiii . lo h last., for d-lirery at, a fi.slng mr at fal ala.ier Da tr.rks, an ot tefcre HepUsa'wc M, tha fftlli wing arirlea, Tli : 5' :,.el Htovi s.15 Irrh e-tlnilere, 3A ( asl Stne.e, lainrli cvllndere. SftC feet stove llpe, for l .llr rh stnees. B.' frsst ato.e Pipe. rr ln.lph etnree. rrr.r-n.aie win name oris. f, east Iroa f stay eyHnder store.; also, the pnre per Doiind for stftre 'm, Inr-lndlaf tlie rer...ry eliows. and most ke acoonepsaled y asmph's of tl.e artlc es hid ttir. ha pioposal. will In, rei-ei.ed asreat iho.a anraerly ftll'-d Mi upon the lilana forms whlrh are ruml.hed at thss t OVe. and which must be gau-anteed by reepssaaUMas p r.ons. Ttss l.'nftrd ata're re.erree the rcrht to rsssset all HIJg dsened loo bish. as well aa any rrota defaulting eea Irarlors, It; mi'er of Colonel A. J. Terry, QuartermasUr'a D- parttnint.lr.8. A. ALIIURT P. ASHMFArs, 41 Captain and 4. tj. sf nVAilTERMASTKB'B OPFIOB, .7 Pnli.sDer.raiA, SeptamberS. IWt4. a.r,K wln recived at Uils oftlca enul TKs.iil.'fi'i rns'ani, at 1'j .clock M.. fir njrulshlng ,"" sit K.MKK coal ,r the WarKepan u mOi Uf "","' ', mon-he. roesmenetng I.t Ostooer, nZ?. '"' Mars-h I. I'oalto aeofthe hsv.J Z ul .7. f teamere, to weigh ttt The tv.1 I. t.An,l 10 h" ,,,-, InsoatK" f I'M I?' s !lob i1-" "" board T.sals In the aorta mill sPu.r. Jl"w ort-u inaotloe. aad at such Ume. aaDiaebereniiiredi frulshla.lf Ueniaode. se.en lliotisat d Ion, per wiek. ' u .,wTm .'hT,,""r" lh"Cal tn proper anantltf. !-d.. ,s.. HPwlT' "I! trernnsent re- 17 .V. I J0 k' "Td ctsney br p.ircti.s. at the centra, tor s risk a, d esp.nse. The price ma.t ba l. en separately f..r the Coal a, lle.'red on t'.Td it.. sH. st thi. porl and at New York, on the term, and ooa ,1111. ni 1 alKire elated. Twentj er cent, will be wlilih.14 lr ra the amount ,,f al' payments made, which reaerea llon Is not in he paid until the conlraat shall bare beea tulle coniplcted. Pa.nisnt.ol th. resuming eighty Bssg rem , or halspt e doe wll' bsrnaile miotaiT when sl,e ba ps rlruent le la fumta for that purpose. Kach ofcr must be accompanied by a written ana-antea, signed hy two or mo'e respona.lile parties (tbnir responsl hlllty to be rcnined by a t'Dlted HtMes Juitue, attorney or ollcctor). that lhe bidder or bidders win, ir bis or their hid l,e accepted, enter Inlowrlttcn obligation, with good ard si'ftlcicnt sniclles. in ll,e sum or one hundred thoa ssnd dollars, lo furnish the propoacd supplies. Vo prnpe slia.n win he cn.l.lrred unless the terms of this adrerti.e Inciit are compiled wlih. 1 he rlKhi la reserved to relect all the bids If considered to be lo tl'e Interest ol the service to do so, and no bid Qroei a ,!f faulting contractor will be received. Proposals to he endorsed "Proposals for f'osl Ibr ta,S War Department," and addressed to the undersigned. Hy or,ter ot Colonel A J. 1'erry, fjeartermastcr's Dapan ment.tr. 8. A. OKOKUR K. ORMK, e't-l;t rapiala and A. 4. If. QUARTHKMASTKIi-OENEBAL'S OFFICE, first Illusion. Ws.itinoTos Citt. Aurnst Jt, 1M4 I!flRlsF..sl! llllltisKHI t HDHSKSI I I 1lor.ee atiltable for Anl lr and Ca.alrr serelee wttj be pur, hased at UIKBHOKO DEPOT, In open market, til OUltHir.lt 1, Ifsfts. Ilors. will be d llrered lo Captain I. Lawry Honrs, A. g. m . and be subjected to Uie usual Uorernaseai Insprrtlor. before tielng accepted. Price ol 'Cavalry Horses, each. Price of Artillery llorsra. Sl-sleach. Payment will be made lor an (ill and more. JAM BH A. RKIK. Colons riret Olrleloa, sea.tae.VI Qnartermaatar-Ueneral a OfBca. UNITED 8TATFS, KASTERN DISTRICT or PKNNSYI VANIA, f'T. TIIK I'MK-llDKNT OK THK tTNITr.n STATE. Or ?!?Nlr.iltLVAjilA1' E8TE;, DWraMLT Qlif. K Tib 1 .s ' Vt IIKIiKAS, The Olstrlet Oonrt of the UnltM mates la and for the Ka.lern inattiol nf Pennsylvania, rfgktly aad duly proceeding on a Libel, died In Ih. name of the Dnlte4 I tales of America, hath decreed ail lrsoiu in general wko nave, or Dretend tn have, anv tluht. tola Ar in,M., J llfiy two bales of cotton. car of vessel unknown. I oapltiredby th. t'nltisl Htates .teenier "R. R. Coy lee a vessel o war or uie wnitM Hiates. and brougix Onto thi. port per the said stoatner 'et. R. Cuyier," to bo nionlshrd, cited, and called to Judgment, at the time and lilac, underwritten, and to the .fleet neteaftar eipisee (justice so requiring) Yon ore. tli.refoiss. charged aad strictly en-olned and commanded, that yon omit not, bag that by publishing these preaanta in at least two of uie dally newspapers printed and pubHeh.d la the olty ot Millailelphla, and In th. l.-iai InMlinKfr, yoa do moa eh and cite. or cause to be montshed andoltasl.A perempiorllv. all persons In general who hara, or prate in have, any right, tlUe, or Interest In lb. aaid nRa two kales of coiton. to appear bhr. tho Honor!. wJ JOHN CAHWALAliKK, ua Judge of tl,. said C.urt, at the Iiistilct trourt room In the City of PMia delphta, on the ts.eiith th day after pahl canon of UieM -" presents. If It oe a couit Oav. or el.e on the Best eourt dav .. following, between the uaual hours of hearing eauaag U.en end tl era to show, or allege in due lorta of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, If aay ttioy have, why tha said fifty-two bales of cnttoa should net bo pronounced to batons, at tha time of the oaotor. of ta Innie. lo tne enemies f tlie Lulled Htates. and, aa gnodo or their enemies or oihorwts., llabkt and sob set So con demnation, lo beailiudgrd and condemned as go-id and lawful pr'zcs: snd further to do and receive In this behalf as to mstfee shall appertain. And that yon daly Inlltnai., or rau.o to be intimated, onto all pareone arbro sstd, gei erally (to whom br tne tenor of these pmenta It Is also Intlmatrdl.thal If thev shsll not appear at the Mm and pl.ee above mentioned, or ahall appearand anall nog show e reasonable and uiwtn cause to the contrary, tnea said Di-trlct t'otirt doth Intend and wlll.prncd to dn dlcailon on Hie said capture, and may pronounce that the said flny-lwo balea of cotton did belong, al the time of the capture of the earn., to th. Mo nies ol the United Hi atcs of America, and as gooda of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and aubleet to oontleea tlon eud c ndemnstton.to be adjudged and condemned aa law ful prlae. the absence, or rather contain ary, of tbo psar soiib so cited and Intimated In guv wise notwithstanding, and that sou duly certify to the .aid District Coart what yoti shall do tn the premlsus, together with tnese present.. YYIinsss the Honorable JOHN O sDvYALAHKK, Judge of th. said Court at Philadelphia, this second day of Heptember, A. D. ttvt, and In the etglily-nlnUl year of the Independence of the said I'nlted tstatea etJ .11 u. It. l ux, clerk. District Court. MAItSHAL'S SALK. BY VIRTU OF K Writ of (sale by Ih. Hon. John Cadwaladar, Judge of Uie Dlstilct t our! of the tnlted Statee, In and lor liie Kastet n lil.ltlct of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to n.e directed, will Ise .old at t'utihc Kale, lo lhe h'gheet aad Inst bi.l.ler, forraah. at ef II II KX IKK 9 8IUUK.No. lit N. I KON I lr.el. oa MoKliAt, Nepfember It, I'M, at 111 o clock, M., almut bti balea ot Cotton, being oargoos as vessel, unknown. WILLIAM kfll.LWARD, United Stutns Msjsbal K.D.of Penna. Philadelphia, Aousiau.lMH. audi it 1AKS1IAIV8 SALK. BY VIRTUE OP A -L'l v ril nt stale, by the lion. John Cadwalader, Jailge ot II,. District Court of the t nlted HUtes. In and Ibr Uie rastetn Dlstilct of Pet nay vanla. In Admiralty, to two directed, will lie sold at public sale tn It. higheet and beat bidder, for caan, al MICIIbNkU 8 4TOKIS.No.UI at. IhONT Htreet. on MONDAY , Heptimber It. Im. at 11 o'clock M . certain ettton lo wit -three to ft hit ad rest pounds, now 0r lately laden on board tho brj riuaoa. Ai.IUi.li. WILLIAM MtU.WAB.is, V 8. Marshal K. ix of Penna. Philadelphia, August 31 , lHt4. auJI -at 4 OEIENTAL DETEBSIVE SOAP. Thia favorite Soap la Bow over sawen years In Dee few at least One Hundred Thousand Familirs In Pennsylvania aler.e. It la made aeon entirely near principles, of pverfsotsjr pure materials, and always la th. same way. gteoea away wltb Lbs use of a Weals-boar4. aad will waerstsgsoe as mncli clothes with two-tUlrds less labor than aagi other Soap made In tha United (Uatea. ITS GREAT POPULARITY Has Induced several brainless soapstnakera la Initatelt In appearance only, and, br offering great Indecetnenta ta unprincipled dealers, put their spurious ankle on Jhe nuc bot oa the Just reputation aciuintd by oar Laater.lve. Tbo e de.lrtng to purchase our Hoap ah .a'd cuusina aud aee thai OUH NAMI'i AND TUADK MAUH Is siamprd upon l.vs.l.Y Pol'ND ot the doap be'er. tliep lakclu " V4N HAGES k MoKiOHS, au'Jtt-lm run Anv.L-fni I H I'H.skH It It . 1! a M n 'ytTl ' ) 'Il'.tv. Iv S.lJ.t.d b) C H. Ne.0Lt8,r. at8 of i i.LS I U ar.d BA(' Sireis. Ladiae' w" g lif.ra,ti'...nt for shuim. oslidUL'ted nv ladlee- IVSH Illi Hlrvel, nrst coor lielaw ataoe. The most jomolete and var'ed sUjck oa hand, oons'-rilrg. in part, of Tresses, auuporters, Sho-iider Braoc., Hells, rlakdsiie., KtaaUc Hloc sings, kyrtngssa. Articles tor t.rsery. Hick Room. SC leltl as PH1LAUE1.PH1A SURQEONS n. Ml. sum muTITIlTV.. alA. 14 Hos-lai 1 til NTH Mkreet. aliove Market. Kuotaisiel radically cared by b. C. k.VEKJSTT'8 t'r.mlons Passat tiraduatrng Preasare Truss. Hupertoc Eia.uo erae, Klastie Hioekknga. Hupportera, Blwasdat Braees, Swpeas- Soriea. Crotches. Ae. . ... Ladies atwadad by Mrs. B.C. tVUITt. sayas-ly ri'H K ARTIFICIAL iHA N D. J. H. A. Orl.DBA. Inventor and Uanafaciarer of toe A k X I r I C I A L A Jt M. Approved aad adupM4 BFS0X0X-0KHXBAI. OTHB WKITBO STATES, for HolAtera, Ea. permanently J't 6. roUKlB Htreet, aU doors sssasw avpnsae, s-aueeas. jo I MAHUrAOHJBING MACHINIST ASO ENGINEER, aair-lss Ho. 1U1K.SECOHD ST., Philadelphia, CTEAM HKATINQ FOR FACTORlKs". 3 atile.ae. Ueatedwlth exhaust or waste ateeam. Aiao. colls lot heaters, condensers, evaporaiora eg, sella K.loUMAl(lKo.'a4K.81TH treat. G OLD'S mPROVTJO STEAM AND WATK1U sir an no appahatii. . tug ay arming as4 VenUuuing Pubiio kiOKUuga ana raw vase ks.inwis.s, Mannfaetnred by tlie iar CHIOM HUJt AND WATF PHATIMO COMTAH JAMS-HP WOfkfS. ' Ho. II S rut'KTH aW-tas . It. mi fsU- anssHel44 -s-ts