1 LMLY ENTyGTOTjEGRAriT. rniLADELrillA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 186-4. a pait trriFKoow lrswRrAFKa. OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. rriae Th rr Tn Copt, ar kiotrraa mim ra Wssn.fyeurahee tolk Carrier, and mailed I. Sobecrffe-ers Ml at UK City at Hint Dowlas ran Assent 0S DotAlS abt Firry utn sun Two alTiumvarlelHrla eai esia lor the pened wuensd. tmniMMii Insert' t the nana) m A liberal IT.tHl made tor ftatendedj tBMTttoV. Te CregasssselsMfh. Tfo netlr ran be taken of Anonynaone f'ommiinlcetlni.a. Whatever I. Intended for t.wtlnn mnat r anthcnilealod bv Uia nam and addreaa of ih hw-m ncce.aarily (or feu Miration, bat a. a guarantee (Or hie rood faith. Wl eaaoot andanake la leinrarewefed Ooaaaauaesauoas. Tm Adwearmllaernv, Owttag a the great tormw la th. ('IrralaUm of Tn T.vaviKO Tai rosara, compelling tia in (to to prow at an early hoar, we araerrtly reooeat Hist advcrtlenfrnte mar be aanfed fa aa aooa as 10 clock, ll possible, u Socara tkaai a a buanJaa la aU of oar edltkine TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER A, lHHt. HALL WE WOP TUB WtK Af TBK4T I'OR HKAtKT The Iomoorat titlk very confldtmtly of electing General McCi.km.a5 rreiltlrnt of the United StAUa. But, If our armies shall go on from this time until November next. Winning such glorious tlctorlra an Faiiuaoitt and Siikrman hare lately achieved, tlifi hopes of McCi.ki.i,an'8 eloctlon will melt away like the mints of the morning before the rising sun. The only even plauslblo pretext which tho Democratic leaders have yet urged, or can porwlbly urge, for a change of Administration In the midst of tho war Is, that a different policy from that heretofore pursued towards the Rebellion would end It at once, or put It down more eftVctually and speedily. And If the people could be persuaded that by retiring Mr. Lincoln, and placing McClkli.ajt or some other person In his pluco, the war could be honorably and satisfactorily terminated within a short time, It Is not Improbable that they would be likely to try the experiment. But they would not consent to such a change unless they had some reasonable assurance that they would thereby Improve tho con dition of the country, and Increaso thu chances of its early restoration to unity and peace on acceptable terms. But all such arguments must fall to Impress the people now ; because, In the presence of such grand and decisive successes as our brave troops are gaining over the Rebels, it would be the sheerest madness to arrest their course by offering to suspend hostilities and treat wuu mr. iiKFriEHHos uavih ana Lis con federates In treason, for a peace based on compromise. It Is quite manifest to the most incredti' Jous observer of affairs, that the operations of jabbaout at Mobile and Sukrman at At lanta hare dealt the Rebellion such stunning wows as have broken its strength beyond reparation, and that the same patient and obstinate perseverance which has crowned the campaign In Georgia with such brilliant suc cess, must eventually, and perhaps very soon, J"N a-ttMd the Indomitable tenacity an 1 masterly i . -.. i . . . . Busing; ui uhajit iu us purpose to capture , the Rebel capital. - With sucli inspiriting prospects before them, why should the people of the North consent to arrest the victorious career of our arms? Are tliey likely, we would ask, at tho very moment when the valor of our brave and de voted soldiers Is accomplishing the most Im portant results which have occurred since the beginning of the war, to abandon the army, and seek a truce with treason and rebellion, by a degrading supplication for compromise and conciliation? Are they so weak, so fool ish, so cowardly, as to negotiate with tho Rebels for peace, just when the national armies are conquering a peace after nearly four years of struggle and suffering, and a fearful expen diture of treasure and blood ? We cannot and will not believe that the people of the North will act so unwisely and improvidently, as well as pusillanimously. Even If a desire to hasten peace, on tolerable conditions, should, under any circumstances, be permitted to prevail, as a motive for changing the Administration of tho Govern ment and placing mw men in power at so critical ajunctnre as the present, would It not be absurd to make a change now ? Tho Re bellion is evidently on its last legs. The power and resources of the Insurgents are almost entirely exhausted. Their best armies are being whipped in their strongest positions. Why, then, should we give up the contest, and tamely sue for terms In the very hour of final and complete triumph over the onemy? Such an act of folly and imbecility would cover the nation with everlasting disgrace. And does not every man of ordinary sense be he of one political party or another, see that the shortest road to au honorable and permanent peace now, Is by fighting the Rebels until they are forced, by exhaustion, to lay down their arms, rather than by giving them time and opportunity for recovering their shattered strength? But this litter policy Is precisely what the Democratic party proposes. They have docliired, recently, at Chicago, that hostilities must cease, and a convention of all the States be called to dis cuss the question of pacification. lljsiila thu fact that such a convention of the) States is legally and otlierwisn impracticable, wo have no assurance that the convention, if oneo as sembled, would agree on any such terms of settlement as the Northern people Could possibly assent to. But If that were not so; If it were even prohibit or certain that a satisfactory peace could be m:i'l In the munner suggested ; is it not qultu as piobublrt, lu view of our recent military successes, ili:it a rafe, dlbcreet, and honorable) peace can be It ncht-d sooner by prosecuting Ilia v.ir rilit i. to the end, tlmn by i-sd.lenly stopping hos tilities, giving up ull we biive won hi nearly four years of strife, and ;riiutiii an armistice that may tumult lu nothing but a baildiug up oi the Kcbtlliou for lour more years of disas trous conflict ? Let tho people, then, refloct on the choice that Is ottered them. If those who have thus far conducted the war are not ' disturbed,'.tbey will end it speedily by arms. If McCleli.as la fleeted, we shall have an empty and protracted truce, followed by several years more of strife and bloodshed. Between such alternatives who will hesitate ? I'llil.lC MPIKIT. Among the many things which seem what tliey are not, there Is perhaps nothing more deceptive than that which passes current for public spirit. Wo hear of men who are pro lific in this twin virtue to patrlotlsmfwho bus tle about among the editors, the capitalist, the politicians, and prominent men lu large cities, aud ttamfert great Interest and anxiety forth, succe t thl. M that pubUc unde taking. The, are pteVMed to . ofdocument. and t J y to th.IT pockets, that tU pt0(,ctTnP0 how vast, is perfectly feasible i Uu aU that U wanting is a little more "public spirit - mean. pig, more men like themselves; and than tuey aodestly aver their own want of power, not being Influential, or among the large nroourtr. golden, md of couim tuey bare no prsoual Interest in the matter. These public-spirited men may thus set la motloa an enterprise, perchance bringing a new coal to market, or starting a much-needed passenger railway line, a new ferry-boat, or an Insurance com pany; and it is not until the concern la fairly about going Into operation In such cases that the thought is spontaneously suggested of making the man of public spirit the president or secretary, with a handsome salary, much below his great claims upon the stockholders. This Is a moet unexpected return for his die In forested effort and public spirit! And thus it Is In making new laws, or open ing new streets, for beautifying tbo city and increasing the convenience of the residents in neglected districts. The "public spirit" of Mr. Gn-ahcnd hits ohown Itself busy with members of the Legislature, or with mombes of Councils. Editors of newspapers even have been handsomely treated, and tho law or ordi nance goes Into effect; when, lol huh nidi by some strange accident, almost providential, tho property of the public-spirited man has quadrupled In value by the sudden Improve ment of a neighborhood. But, In sober earnest, may we Inuulre, what Is It that constitutes a man of public spirit, and have we many such among u? Thesa may be questions more easily asked than an swered. We have heard wise, wealthy, and' prudent men, whose whole lives are examplos worthy of imitation, condemned for their want ofpubllc spirit," and when we examine Im partially the meaning of the complaints, wa And It ODly amounts to this the plausible scheme of Mr. Burstup and company, fear less speculators, has been disapproved of, or interest In it declined, by the gentleinin ap plied to, and hence ho has "no public spirit." rubllc spirit should be a disinterested spirit a desire for public, not private, benefit; and when efforts are made to accomplish, a general good, Irrespective of Individual advantage, or at a sacrifice of personal con venience, then we my safely recognizs the existence of true "public spirit." SEWS FBOM FLORIDA. I'nlon llm ri (JnloavlH Citlnnol llnrrlK' 4 oinmniMl Wvroled full Or. nil of I he Allnlr. From Iht Palmetto lUi nUI, SrptrmSer 1. The lute news from the district nf Flnrlrla la nnt of an encouraging nature. One of the columns sent oat by Ueneral Hatch on a raid, encountered a superior force of I be enemv. undnr M iinr Dickfuson, a Rebel partisan commander of n small shrewdness and skill, bad n shnrp fl'ht, ana weie pretty well used up. with a loss in men and material and one nun. The details of this dicntrous aflair are these : One column, consisting of one hundred and itilrty eight men of tho 7.rth Ohio, ninnty or tho 4th Mastaehtifetts Oavalrv. and ten men of Can. (Sin Hanner'a Mght flattery, of the 31 Rhode Island Artillery, with a howitzer, all under the command of Colonel Hurrls, of tho 7 th Ohio, inored from Trail Rlfle, on Iho Cedar Keys and KerrandiDa railroad, some fifteen miles from Baldwin, towards Oainsville, for the purpose of patheritiK contrabands, cattle, co-ton, and sup plies, and ulso for a reconmilNisn'-e. Their pro gross was comparatively r.ipld and was uninter rupted for awhile. They occupied Starke, a small station on the railroad, without opposition, and cspturcd some cars there, with croduce and iliiartermaiiter's stores on board. The cars and such of the merchandise and stores as could not be removed were destroyed. After this work was well and thoroughly com pleted, the command pushed on to within tea iniks of Oalni-ville, where it bivouacked for the sight. At daylight tho column was again put in notion, and udvaneed on (Jainsvillo. A small force of Rebel cavalry were encountered at a'lout 10 o'clock, just outoide of the town. Theo wore driven In by our skirmishers, and our forces en tered the town. The command there baited their bonus, and probably scattered about the town somewhat, when the enemy, under Mujor D.ck inson, txtween six and seven hundred strong, consisting of his cavalry command, and tho militia ot the country, collected together on the nuns of the movements of our forces, with three pieces of artillery, began the attaek, while our men were not in the best position for defense. me attara was unexpected and threw our forces into confusion, and after a sharp aoi well conUMed tight, the ammunition becoming ex hausted, fbc men were ordered to cut their way throuj-'b, and escape as best they might. Adult was n ude and a portion of tho command suc ceeded in effecting their escape, but a number here captured, with tbe piece of artillery, a 12 1 1 under howitzer.wlth horses, caisson, and every tl ins complete; three wngons loadud with v.-rious articles, and a number of borsos. Quite nun ber of our men were killed, and three ollkers were wounded and fell into tho hands of the enemy. A number of otllcers aro missing. Colonel ll.irris effected his escape, but Lieuten ant uotonei morgan ana Major rox nave not beeu l eard from, although it is known that they axe not or were not in me nanus ot tne enemy. Thue who escaped struck into the swamp and came into Magnolia, and others are coming in (lallv. Our loss will nroliablv foot no a litiln nnr a hundred. Under the head of missing In the following liht of casualties, are enumerated m my who have aubstquently come in, which consider- ably reduces the aggregate : CABVALTIBB IN nAIXSVII.LK AFFAIB SRVBNTT FIFTU OHIO MOINTSD IMFANTHT. Commissioned officers wounded 4 Con missioned olllrers missing H Knliated men killed ,. 3 Knlistcd men wounded 14 Knlittcd men missing b9 FOIBTH MASSACHl'SKTTS CAVALUT, COS. M AND D. Commissioned officers missing 2 Knlieted men killed 2 Unlisted men wounded.. 13 Kulbted meu mlsain 42 Tutal 17 All but three of the wouuded man woro loft in tbe hands of the enemy. It will he observed that tho Rebels claim to have captured between 140 and 1 id prisoners, in their account, which wo publish below. It is thought to b somewhat exaggerated. We bopo to bo utile to present a full list of those lost In the affair In our next issue. It h is not ai yet come to hand. The other column, under Colonel Nobles, did not meet the enemy's force, and came back with about seventy-live contrabands aud a lew hones and mules. HK1IKL ACCOl'NT. Vom Iht Coiumbiott Islra, uguii Is. ' IIkauui astmis District ok Floiiida, Likb Citt, August IS, lno4. Csptain Dicklusoureujris bv cornier, who arrived last night, aa follows: "1 have the honor to report that I had an eugao ntent to-duy with tho cavalry for.'o of tho enemy at this place ((Unisvlllc), and by Divine aid the viitniy wi s decisive aud complete. It lasted hbeut two hours one hundred and forty or one hundred and fifty prisoners ciptttred, ami will On forwarded this afternoon. Amongst thorn wore oi l captain, two iioutenau's, and uno surg 'on: rivt nil killed aud wounded. U ir los is sl.g it ; one killed anal live wounded. A li-pjuud iu v,t .ir was captured, with horses and fixtures cun pltte ; a tine piece. About ono hundred ne.ro weio recaptured, wl.h three of tue e lOiny a wsgoni, a coot iderable number of horses, n; ctlar things, 'i'liey numli. red three liu.i lred and forty two, and were of the 7,'itb Ohio Hegi mcnt, Colonel Harris, commanding, and 4'.b Ma-sacbusetts. This party left Uaidwia by Trad Kidge, and passed between Waid and Oran e Springs. They pilhigcd and thieved e cry thing as they went, stripping the bouses. Captain Dickinson reports that his oilicern and mou be haved with great gallantry. . A. Mobbno, Captain and A. A. Q. Another "Female Giollemsn." A correspondent writes : "Miss Sullie M. Monroe, of New Berlin, Che nango county. New York, a practising physician of the hydropathic school, has permanently adopted thu masculine attirs not merely bloomers out tue veritab.e uress oi a gentleman, from bat to boots. Ho, the ultima thult of the dress reform has been reached at last! Miss Monroe, who makes a fine looking cavalier. either on horseback or on foot, usually wears a blue coat aud bud waistcoat, with plain flat gilt buttons, blue trousers, boots and bat, all good cut. (ihe is a young lady of irreproachable character, skilful in her profession, brave, ener getic, ambitious, and eminently self-reliant. She wears the masculine iu preference to the femiuiue dress, because she conceives the former to be better adaptsd to the active duties of her pro fession." The Rossini Theatre at Mtdrid was Inaugu rated a short time ago. It consists of a light own arena upon an Island in the middle of tho i'ro- oienade, called "(Jarupoa i.ltsoos, ana is sur- rounuea by a niagnilicent park. A oruge ana uuVlffik?'' ,pMttto" w yuuu,'!i, NATf Iirz Rt( M. Tk fall races prematnrrly npnd on the start. ing KToana, (corner of i:nnmrr and Kraaklla airr-ru-), near I'errln a fruit staad, last Friday af lemoon. without previous announeompni. Tbe competitors cnnalitAd cblrffyof vonnrisk celored volunteers. After considerable n,;,, and Man starts fforn the "dead-line," acr.uchei mostly were made betweon a chunkey "Djnb's fSmut, and cream-colored "lng-shauka." Th wrooslna;" was heavy; but by Ike tlm Pearl frent corner ("routing out place," was reached, Doulilf-Pmut was ' no whar." A variety of impromptu "ifoes" were then mads by Infeifor "animal." In fact. Tew, ir anr, "thoroiiRh bruli" were visible. Several fist fiffhts and "bndio:oa" followed with the usual ca,fr and tliare is no knowing what else had happened If spectators had not Ixon favored with sfrstr "tolialmd tla Has a sch ride, AeS loflt Ma ands." Bometljlnr abend of Cowpcr's famous Ollpin (Jok of Islington ) by "a citizen Of credit and r-n w n." iiowocit, as the racing "gm out" (several of uc iooi -eniis ocintf "iieacl-ulowed" with heel, ti'g It for thu "for corner"), it so chanced that Mynbrcr Hchnickoirrltznr's black breeding sow, fresh fiftm a fragrant (rotter tip-street, orraefully waddled to rear of that suff burnt "krowd," all ripe for rascality. In a twinkling, IVuy's caudle app-enYi-aKcwa grabbed by ajuvunilc Seip (hoinh ho) Africanust And, frotn Krip, opticiilly spsn- .mF tmjvb iiuno noo tan, ue jn4eii on bii 'tv-asus (Irish cla-sic for l'egasus Jupiter's niiigcn uuin ) I4IIU "To borsa, my brave by, and away I" Tills was the oven-season's "handicap," a Stern reality, hnttlmg with excitement. Whitt with tho thumps and screeching of aomo iniern or twenty noisy ncjrro hrati, several small wbito "feilers," a brace ot dogs, shouts of armed men and pasfer-by, tbo result may be imagined. Any want nier. nacli or nsajht. Away want (ya and plic, Wlio hltle wot il Ixlnt "ml" in le A a it) lc by '-aitf.' In the words of an old racer. It was tlm "w.,rat est kind of a scrub," and only a "uuartor raue," (such as l'barsaliaor Metarte never bad) ; but as a iimu tour ycarotubaiu ; "ua, my ; thsugb, wasn't a inn : Heavy as "Bacon's Works' m-ty be, no bacon twun on. "uaca up, ) worked h ardor than piggy In question, towards the far corner. It was a regular "sweep sticks," swiped and lathered as piKiry was, nlgcr on back, over the koiti-.i irauiicniiy "puijKiiiK away," witu the mot icy troop in hot pursuit. Obsdnaev. howevnr. an ters into the porcine nature, and that it was which abruptly ended the context though hog dis tanced, fat igued, hooted, liuir.jd, t ill plnu- d, and exacerbated beyond all swinish endurance by tho discendants upon Ham at last "trew to natur," puiay wiiieu snort in nis "nogs Head -long ca reer, and presto! littlo nitfffer was "no whar." Two ebony shin-shanks twinkled In the air, as twmgui "iwnuerco. on tue Husky "ground and lofty tumbling." While like a second-hand crHCkcd bombconic, on a quarter charge of pow der from a short-stock gun old sousy lata bored nn, leaving "little nig" with his noso In tho mud. Night dropped its Natchei curtain on that sable scene. "Tlia do Sid hr . the ehlldren tcraamnil, lip tlw the wlad iMia all ; And torry aonl cried nut, wall done! Aa loud aa be caulit bawl." Satchtt CmrHr llJ. France and Switzerland have entered Into a treaty of national copyright. Hermann Movltis, ono of the most promising of th Dutsc Idorf young painters, expired sud denly about the middle of July last. The London Orchrttra objects to spoken dialogue in Knglisb opera as for instance in the llnhrmian tiirl and Slaritana because it has a burlesque tendency, u-ed in conjunction with sung dialogue; because it destroy s the coniecu tiveness and oneness of tbo musical score, and becauso it is embarrassing to tho aril. ts, who have to alter tbe voice rapidly fiom the enunciation of the highest and most elaborate vocal passages to the discbarge of its ordinary function. MnrrftMl. HATFS-LEWIS.-On ihe ilst dav of .Tannary. WA, by the Kev. (lourie Htllllil. l.loulnuant HOIILRT K. llAlhJH toMliuLAUBAJ.LEWlS.bjUiufi'filladeluhU. l'a. HKIIKBTOS-AI)AMH.-Ily tho B jr. John Chatnbera. r,l:OKl,K HI IIKHTUM and KM MA ADAMS. KKKN tUDI.KK. On the In Instant, at ihe piraon aumil Ht. I'aul's Mothodlat Kuiacoeal t liurch. No. UJ3 I atlmrtne atrrnl, lir Hey. . W. Ihoiuai. Mr. WILLIAM U. KI LN to Mini AtAUI'llA A. NUULLB. nitxi. AltllOTT On Sixth day evening. Mh minth Id. F.I.I.AUKTH W. AIIHOrr.amd C.I yeara, widow of the lalv i;pvro Abbott, aad youUKeat daughter of Joshua LonKstralh. Her relatives and frlonrti are Invited to attend hrr runn ral, from the realdra'-e ol her father, at Bvcai :t.tll, on Tinner's Lane, iid Tlnrd-day afturaoon, at a o'clock. In- I ivrint-Ei ai Laurai ii ui. I liRKKIi. On the th Instant, FLIZA H. UUIiKD. Willow ol Samuel 1). breed. Jlue notice will be given ol the funoral. AMl'Hr I.L.-On Wnrineaday, August liih. 1SHI, at . her lntc nialiliiuce In lloyleatowa, l'a., Mrs. 1IKHOK id ll.ridlctot the late Htuphen II. (.'ainphull, formerly of , i'hllaileliihia, In the 4ith year of her awe. ' IIAKIIKKI'. On Monday, the 5th Instant, MARTHA rebut ol the late lauau ilarnert, IntheXUt year uf uer ana. i Her relatives and nienoa are luvlted to attend hnr luuo- Tal, Iron the realdcnco of her aon-lu-law. Hon-y 1. rteeer, tieimontowa, on Wedneaday alternoou, at I o'c.ock. IIKAI.D At Franklord, on tbe Jdinat., J. c. UEALD. In the 4'M year ot his axe. I 1 he n-lallve and mends of the family, also T.odss No. 1 D, A. y. AI. and the MustjQic Louse oi S'rankfortl, are In ' vitid to attend his luniral, irimi his late residence. Main street, below tr.ea. frsakiorj, oa WednaJay, the HU ttintant, at 2 o'clock. HKHON.-On the evening or the Id Instant, EMMA ( CLO V Kit, wile ot the late 1'lioiuaa aeruu. llir ridittves and irlenda. and the memb!inl of floath : wark (TqIod, No. 11. ol Ihe II. O. oi B. and ri., are Invited toattend herfuneial. from her slater's residence. No. l'U7 Locust atrect, Houtb L'auiden, at 'i o'clock, on Wednea dav. 7tb liiatant. lutnrinont at L'horcU oa Vourtb street, KAY. on the evenlnsoi the 4th Instant, of typhoid j 0Vwil!la E.d linrtatt? liiaase.ouiy.ju Ilia IrleudS snd tlliise of the lamlltrara fmiu.i.iIi. . Invited to attend his luneial. from the rosiilen .e of his lather, on Timber t.'reek, near WestvlUe, N. J.,on t'oartli l day lib Instant, at lu A. M. NcNKILLK.-On the 4th Instant, FEKflT R., son of ; Hannah and the late I'erry U. MoNellle, asod IS years. I 'Ihe rclattvi-a and frlenua are rnsui-clmily luril.'d to attend hie luueral, inmi his mothrr's residence, o. UA Mount Vemon street, on Wedii.-e.lay, 7th lusuat, at 1U ' o'clock, 'to proceed to Laurel Hill. OlUt On the evening of the Id Initant, ROBKRT I OKU, In the BDlh vear ol nls shs. His relatives mid irlenda, also the congregation of the First Kelonned Fmshyterl. n Church, are roapiicttully Invited to attend his funeral, rrom his lata reddendo, o. 104 Locuat stitH-t to leave the hjuao at I o'ulock treclsely, on Weduoday afternoon, ihe 7tu IniUnL untTid services at tho Fiist Itetonned Fresbytiirian ( hurt-ti, broad strei-i. below Hpruce streot. at ball-past 1 o'clock prrc sely. luleruient at lha Woodlands Ceme tery I OWIMVft. Fell asleep In Jesus on the 4th Untant GKimuK H. OM1MUS. aged 14 yesra. ' The relatives and irlomla of tne laiullr. alio the mem- beis of the SVaahluctou Hose Couipaoy, are rrtaprctru Iv lnvitod to atlinU the funeral, tro.n hla late reiidin -e j No. 614 N. Snu-nnlli atrcet, ho.low Cones, oa Tharadav I attiTiiooD rifpieuibor aib, at i o'clock. To proceel to Mount MoriaU Cemetery, j fl'KSAI.L.-Niiar Ilaltlmnre, Md.. on the evnnlns of Huiiday. Si-pleiober, 4th, M!4, Iil.Li'Ull S wueof T. M gulcKsall. Her ri'lativfs and ihnie ol the faniltv are Invited to at ' tend the IuihthI, on Wi ilnnsday, HeptoiiilMr 7th. ut It) A. M., Irniii the roshleiioe ot her huauaad. .No. i'4. jrgr- miNT'i waui. ONCK MOIIE TO TilK UK-SCCii! jla a-ijourmd Mealliv of the Oiranns ot rfce NINTH WAllll IVTKItKSIKI) IS MI LI 111! K TO DR.lKr, Will tie luld at tho N.VTioN.vrj n,vria, MARKET STREHl", AIJ'IVU TWELFTH, On THIS (Tufaday) KV KM.V , Mut.it, Is II, at su cluck. Are y.u lUb'e t .iradV II an, I lave yi.u h irii nd liable ti rn.r prninpf'y. draur n so, c ui,', a U hrhiv luiirfi.riid wnli tun. Com? prepared tn subtcrlhs lltieral'v. llnn't nalt tir oiillectun lo iMll nil y u. Ily ordtrof the Nunh Wrd Itmin'v Cnutnlt'ei' : DANIEL fsTEIN'MEl'Z, I'rosident liavfii ttuTLks, B"retsria.-. , OYH' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & BEOTSER, HAVE ON rUHD A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BEADY-MADE PINE OLOTHIS Q FOB II O Y H . S. W. Oor. TENTH and 0HE3NUT Btj., seS-tuths ASHEMHLT Bl'ILOINll. INSTATE OF ELIZA U0WARD BURD, J J deoeaard. Tbe Aodltor sppolntedbytheOrphsna'Court fbrtheOlty and lieaniv of Philadelphia to audit, aeltle, and adjuat Ilia aecundanS rtualacconul of Kev. II. W. lilJC kl.'H K I', 11.11 , Kl.l K. 1'KICt, JUHKfll B.THWSSKNII, and KIIWAKI) MIHI'PKN, Ka iulrea, Kaaruura oftlia laat will and tsata mtnt ol M.l.A UuWAhll IIUKO. Saoeaaed, aud to make diatrlliutlnn of tin balance In ihe liandl of the aceountaiita, will meet the partlea Intt'ruated fur lha pur. rusea of bla apualutuifut, on WLWNKSUAY, Heutuiubir I, InM.lal II o'clm k A. M , at Ida office. Ha. Til WALNUT barest, la the City of Puiiad lulna aUUjl CL AT TON, SeialuUi-H Audi tor. 10. W A li It A T I N, Buwr.asoa to w. h, caurtl, MAHONIO HAlil, Ho. 719 OIIESHTJT BtreeU WINDOW HIIAD11M, CUHTA1NB. t M0S(iUIT0 NKTTLNOB. BUSINESS ITEMS. A Netflrrtaxl Cold may Crtuae Month of aiifTerinn, and often ends at laat In Conaumptlon, flron otitis, or other I'ulmonary AfTnclloa. When neglect la attended by reautts so itansrrous, vvhat ean juatiry the carelesa IridiiTerenre of " waiting for a cold lo get well Itself!' If thoae who are now truubled with Oouffha, Colds, Hoarseneas, Bora Throst, An., weuld surely avoid the dreadful aufTcrlnxs of the eonaumpUve, let them take at ones lir I. Jstsk's Kipactorsnt, a remedy whose eflirasy has been estsbllahed for thirty years. Trepsred only by Ds. I. Jaiss A Sns, No. -HI Cheanut strrct. Trie Flr)rnr. THR FLORKNCK THR KLOKKNCK TLB ILOSKNCK HIK KLOKKMCK. THR KL"KKN( K 1HK flOKKNCK THK IIUHKM'E RKWISU M AC1II hKWIMIl MACHI CKWIMI M 'TI I KKWINU MAC til HKWINII MM III NK4, .SKS, NKS. NK.S, NKS, NKS, NKWIMI MM 111 HKWINII M ('lil HKlVINll MAI'lll STKKRr. HTItr.KP, fl I'KBKT. HTRKKT. MTKKHT. No. (HO CiTK.SNCT fin, tio CIIKHNL'T No. 6.10 CIII'.SNLT No. S:l CIISHVUr 610 CNKsNCr No. 630 (HKSNllT NTKKKT. 8TKKKT. STUKltT. No. r.U (,'IIKHNUT N. CJ0 C'llKSNOT TUrtrU-Uj. All Acstta and chronic Diseases citr;d by means of the different madiRcaUi ns of KleeU-lclly, at the JCI.KC'TBICAL INhTirUTB, Ho. liJO WALNUT 8TKEK.T, Polia lelphla. rS0F. C. H. B0M.BS Wll eotnmence, Octiibr 4, last, A onitrsa of lectures anal fu'l Instruction far applylnit Ualvanfam, Mairoetlssi, and other tnodltt latkuu or Klsc trtclty aa a reliable theraieutlc avcBt f l tbs oure of Acuta and Cnroalc Diseases, AT Tne INSTIlrTIOJT, No. 13vt) Walnut Streot, Philadelphia. If adlral men and others desiring to attend the coarse ae rcqueatod to make application early. t'live Hat ann riaraira AlMSnRS. 1IAV1H A RICRAKIIS, AKCH SNII TkHTII.I have juat received a new Importation of Havana liiuxaa. of Uie eholcat brauds. F, . Whitman a Co.. Uanufacturora of New and liellclous Oonfeotlona. Almond rasta, (juocoiate i:arameia, cruama La Mods da I'arts. exi)iilsnulv tlavored. Roasted Jordan Almimda, Ao., Ae No. mti Chsanut straat, below KoorUu tark aft 'o.' Planam. BTKCK A CO. I at A 8 O rtAHoc A HAMLIN'S CABINET aires a co. B OUOAB8. I PTANen. J. K. ootn.u, Savants and C'baaaut streets. o IL STOCKS HOLl.HT ANO soin on covMisaiow, lly OKOIIUK J. BOVn, llrnStV, auil-Sn Mo, 18 8.THIRU HtrocL UC NRW 7-30 LOAN. .11. Hiibwrlptliina recolved, and atie Notoa fumlahad free at all chargea, by OKOItOK J. BOTO, Hanker, aaM-rm No. 18 S.THIKOStr, at. SCt MONEY TO ANY AMOUNTLOANED r J noon Diamond,, Watcbes, Jewairy, riate, ff STa'la'lhg. 0 ' at W S6 JO.N K8 A CO.'S OLD KSTAIIl.ISIIKIi LOAM OKKnK. Corner of TllIKtl and O VSKII.L Slreita, llelnw Lombard. N. n.-HIAMONIIS, WATCHKS, JKWKLKT, (U'N.S, Ac, for aale at llKMAilKAIlLYLOWPKICKS, seS-Unt fJHE T7NDERSIONED HAVE IiEEN AP X iiolrted asen'a to receive aubacrlptlnna lor the suok of (he I1RILLIANT nil. l.'OMI'AN Y. I'ar value of iharea ten dallars Two dollars per share at the time of subaudi tion. As aoon as this Company la oraulsod II will receive s net income of I'Juu per dav, which urn- nut la uow realized by the prcei-nt owner of ihe pniperty. Por further barilculara and uaumlileis applv to C. U IN VILLI KRS, N. K.rornxr TllPill and I . I 'K s re it. KIC'IIAWHH, M KSO ir I' A I'll . St'l-St No. 17. TUIUHatrart, J1EMOVAU S. MEIER A BROrilER, MEBOHANT TAIL. OH 3, Have removed frum Vo. I'JA N. Seonnd atreet to tho S E corner of HKCOMl and AUCII Htie.ita, wiura 'iiaylava on bands aood stuck ol t'l.oill s, cassi SKtm, a id TKSTiN'I". auWIia Alio, a apteudld ass ,rtuicnt of nta'y .xa le 0 o I'll I s s. 1 EMOVAI.. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, .IV Carprnlrr snd ltlllldiT, has reinnved hla slop from t Mi VJ rllrawlierry atrect to si,V'ltsitirs stri-e'.ad-IoIiiIhk the old ViM Office llnlhlliiu. IIs.iiik lnc ai d tailllilea mr currvms on the tiiii-liu-oa extcluivvly, ho ll tea lo receive a ahare of public patronage. Ju7 T 1GHT HOUSE COTTAGE, lj atlan i io crrr.w.j., FKAREST HOtTSE TO THE I.EAt'll. Thla well-knot a house la now open for the reeoptloD of Boarders. iiMihinj ne er was battar. aus lm J. WO0TT0N, Proprietor. yffffrs, FOB NEW 0ELEAU3, LA., , VIA KKW Y0HK. The Ocean Eteam Navigation Oompafnj'a BPLENVID NEW IjTEAMSUir "NOHTII AMEniCA," (ls.1t Ions burden), CHARLES P. MASSI1VAV, eom msnder. la now receivltig freight, and will sail as above oa WLLNESlJAV, September 7. elU A. M. No freight lecelved, or bills of lading signed on the day Of aalllug. t or freight or ssisagg apply to A. 1IEUON, JIl. A CO., se3-M No. 1H0 V. DLLAWAKE AVBNUB. J)AlNTI3NO I l'AINTINQ 1 1 So. 47 S. THIRD ETBIET, AllOVE ClIESNer.l'lllLADELrillA. l'AIIY & 1JHOTIIKU. Eonse, nigs, and Oniamental Painters. Ora'.aing, Olailng, killdlng oa fllaas, Kalsoaslnfnf , Paper Tanuhuig, go. al-tf I. AMUSEMENTS. JMWT1' N KM I J Pi T 1 1 1 ON ACCOUNT OPTHK WKATHRTt.' TEE QATHIBLIO OF TUE 0LAK3 Will be rOSTPOHl D aadl vi',uni;hiay,hi'.pti:muick7 THR HI.'TIf ANWttAL (lAVfS Of Ihe CALEDONIAN ( LUn OF riilLADELlMIIA, Wlllbsrelshtatcd at WAHIIINd'l ON UKTIIKAT, On WEDNESDAY, ote nber 7, 1SC4. AM, TICKETS ARE OOOD FOR THAT DAY. ( ara leave Thirlernth and ( a.lowhlll streata. at s ;, in, US, I, J', an. 1 4 n . lock. EXCCKSION TICKETS, 50 CENTS. rtirh'a relet, rated llraaa and Slrlns Hand haa hi-en en-SSL'-d Inr Ihao cai.t'.n. I hn nieniliera will tnr.-t lu fie ctiih It'ioTn an M'inilay, Si piii.r ''. at in.ln-k lly order ul the Clh-f. Dl N( A.N WltlilllT, Socielarr. WilMSM Smith, Treasurer. s-i- ;t MILS. JOHN IltEWS NEW AUCII ST. llll.A'l ItK ni.oliini s sin i'kss I llltsr CtUaKIIV WKRK. Tlllfl) MHHT (11 MliS .IOHN DRKW. THIS (ItjKMI.AV, KVKNINd. Hepiemlier s,s:l, HIIK NTOOI'.i TU CON'jl KK- Mtra Hardrsstlu , Mr, ,f.,l,n tirew lounj JHarlow Mr Jauloa Card"n AO'T wliti h, 1I1 lfiT Ol II 1NOR. Totea verkra atcsrt It'.lnin I rndi'hrp M l. '. J Mh raon ItlllAY, IIKNKHT OK M It S -jliKW. Iloora i, pen at 7. Cuinnc ni e nt lurt'T to S. hus Ofticeoen frmn 10 to S o'chs k. QROVtR'SNEWCIIESNUTST.TIlEATKE. this rvKNiyn, Tbe great romsaUc, musical, panloniiniic, apeilacata drsaja, Al.AniifN, flit THR WOXIiK.RKOI. LAMP. TIIK I.IVINK i Of N T SI M OK (JOLOKKII WATKRS, All the New and Masnltlcint Mcnry, Kief mt l'r-lT-tlea. Wonderful KCeoln, hunib t'oituruea. Hi annus I'rana f'irtiiBtliina, llrand Choruaua, livautlful Mualc, ilanoei, Hoiif,a, Ac, Ac. Family Msllree. Saturday Afternoon, st 2 o'clock. Per forinawe at '. 0'cIik'Ii. Aduilialun isicunu; I'hUdren, a.1 cents. FA I,. LADNER'S MILITARY II ALL, . No. bii N. THIRII Strral. Profeaanr RNI1KI.K K. the well known Maaalro, la rn Sased at thla ixniular place ot reaort, aa the llirnctor of a MiwaitMl ilrchetra, and every rvcinns rhuli-e ani'ctlona of tare mualc are Ktven to the audlenca gratultoualy. au.' 1st TJ-KNSINOTOM HALL. THIS POPULAR I piaer of Entertainment, Nob 101 and loon ( I SIR MAN -TOWS Arenu. and UUI N" SKCO II ntreet lealatillahed Hi yeara asc bv Mr. John l.lpai, baa been enlarcml and renovated, and now imaapaaea at rai'lmna unexcelled by any other ealahllahrncnt nf the kind In the cltv. A lariie and efficient Orcheatra. under the dlrncll'iB nf lrnf. K Loxae, haa bien ensa.ad, and a choice programme ot Voral and liiatrnrooiitai Mualo will he produced each evening, free of espenae to the aiidlso ie. Tliel'onoert Room la lAiire, airy, and coinuioilloua, the rofreal muts aupiThir, snd Uie attend ante inllti and acrotnui'idatlurf. au'.'S Iro HKNKY HOIt.sUHi), I-ro.irletor. l.'RKK CONCERT SALOON. The aiihi.rrlher has opened lha large and commodlaus SALOON, with extensive rll'MMElt OARDKX, attaeheil, N L ( KH.NKROKKRAVKIIN STREET ANI)-(illtARI) A V KJS' U K aiid btM enagftfl n full On iiB-itr. unrtor thft Ivilerpttdp of FKOI- KHSOIt A. IIKKTKI., who will nightly perform a onotto programme wf NftUorvil arxl otJior aim. An a p!vm.ait plftca tn pnnn an avf-nfiitT trvnf rhurfo, the umpritiior U duUMmltu'd h. caUblUhoient aLiiillnot be atuqiflmfii. lia ClfTlTHTI W ItKITTH(IILKR. gtrSS DKLIOUTFUL EXCURSIONS KITES H C II II V T, It T f, T. . Thosleamor IIK.NKRAL IIOOKRIt.nnw runnlnr from alrmour.t lo the hal'a ol ochujlklll, will leave Kalrinounl as followa. vis. : At 8 40 A.M. 1 At 1J 40 P.M. Kits) -jon lino I a-jo " Fare. IS eenla to Falfa of Schuilklll, 10 ccnta to C'niunilila lirlifur, llclmnnt. and Laurel Hill. Boat leavea I alia ol Soiuylklll At !' A M. 1 At I'M P. M. 1010 " 2 40 " M. se5-ilt RETAIL DRY GOODS. MAON1FIC15NT HTOOUL OK BILKS, POPLINS, MERINOES, &o. TWO CASES COLORED OTTOMAN SILKS. NEW STYLE FANCY SILKS. COI.OHKD COIiUKU SIIaKS. SPLENDID QUALITY TLAIN SILKS. BIOH MOIBE ANTIQUE?. VERT HEAVY BLACK SILKS, W.ACK BILKS OP ALL KINDS. One ctw of Fluid Irish Toplins, $3-00. One case of Pluln Irish Poplins, $3 50. One case of magnificent quality- French Poplins. One case of splendid quality Uerm in Pop 11ns. One case of Bast Da Lalucs, niagniflcont Plaids. Ono case of new style Cordud Poplins. One ase of new style Stripe Topllns. One case of plain All-wool Poplins. Two caaes of All-wool Plaids. One case of Merino Plulds. Five case of Mcrlnoes. One case of Figured Keps. MAGNIFICENT I0BE3 BE CHAMBBE. The above all to l e openrd Tills 1IUNINU, and for dale, Wboleaala and Kututl, at a a mail advance over Coat. KDWIN lIAIiT ,V; CO., srS-tlitlu t No. HU S. SECOND STltP.KT. M. MAUbIIALi'H HALG, COO BAIE3 AND 61 BAGS COTTON. SAMUEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER. llj rlrluoofa mltol'aale.bj the Hon. John Cadwalador, JudKcot tbe hl.lrirl I'ourt l the L ulled Statu., In and for the Ka..ti-rl. ll.atrlct or I'unnftylranla. In adtulralty, to us directed, will be sold al public isle, to the til .heat aud beat buider, fur cash, at 0. 114 3. KKoN C BTitEET, BKL0W HACK, On MONDAY, SEPI EMBER 12, 1864, AT M O'CLOCK, 300 Bales and 61 Bags Cotton, BtlDg Cargo of vessel unknown. Catalogues now ready, WILLIAM MILLWABD, U.I. MAH9I1AL, E D. of PENH A. Hl-il JXTIIA LAliGENEW llEBItlNO. iuo barrels prims larijS nsw shore Herring. Now landlog from tbe stcauar "Saxon." Hi barrels asms. 'io strive by the schooner "M U. Frocuan,' And for ask by KESNKHV. STAIR A CO , It' o. lJOandlJiN. WUAUVLS. N J1W NO. 1 MACKJCUEL. flfiO barrels. Uv halvea. osS quarters, lis kitta new No. IMarkerel. Now lauding rum ateamer "Saxon," and schooners "Clara," and ' Abbot Lawrence " For sale by K KNNKOY, STAIIIS A CO., If No. 1JU and Ui Js. WU Alt VLB. "WAIl CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, TENSIONS, II PsaV.aud all darrlillon of claims asalnat the 1 lilted statue (loveriiiuent adlusted andonllt-cted. I'KI.R MUMKY We bave s full Hal of prlaes now payable, aud the laeuey cau be cnlleciad at ones. Aunly or write Ul liLulliiK ( HAI1H A IIKlirillCIt, Ariuy and Navy Clalui Aitenta, aulT lm k.. u WALaL'Y attreat. JJEW E00KS AT BEDUCE') TBIOES! nowi m trrntrsiry;, hy Knie tt is rV'HOKHBR't I OTTA FAvll.T ttH r.ARITDAWM.byaame an.hor 1:4 rlti t n SRI KX, byTennyann I ns t)UKT, a ver. Interesting r,ovl l js iOII f'UII.I.I.KSTRI NO'S a I S' tk hOl 1KAII VK.T.by.lAarT-f.oe nt) PRAMA7M I Ml SON A., by Krownlng...., n I BS KIcKltAIII KH, o .n.pleia !!!!.'!!!! SO AH t ''nt Nove's f 11 ISoenta. V r " 7; a $1 JO " "SO ' IT TO I IMK'N Obcap Book, AH)nm, Picture and Tranie Store, aa.-.1t . SOS OlIKSNl'T iireet. JyJADAME LEM0BEST'8 FA5HI0N BOOiI, FALL MIMnKR Jl'ST Itr.f'KlVMI HT i. W PI TO H K It. ScT' ttos CHK.SN tlT Siroct 'QA3IIAICJiy DIAL." 1 he PAII.V l.aue nf thla paper w!,l ronstnncs nit THURSDAY NEXT, 8th INST. otnsn's aervlce wit he performed In the loyal catiieof LINCOLN' it JOIINiSON. Pu1crlptuna f.r the entire campaign, or any portion of II, will he ti 00. Hlnnlr Ceploa, i i . nti. ItacS nuu.be rs cannnl be au piled, hencs tho iw eailty of aiihicrlblng at once. H. K. COIIKN, r.il.llHli. r. OriltK, No. 101 8. Tlflltl) eTKF.ET, a') It Third Floor. -1 AOl'l'. S ENVKLOPK M AN UFAC TOUY. i'l MAt.l.F.M l'sier Hti.re. No ;lli. CHRS.NL'T Street. MiH - haa nnlliiiiia r.f Knvelnpea on t.anl. Mnaie maka any eie o( I .nvi-lola to order. S1ai.ce haa ttraiiaanda ol Itcarua of .Note, Letter, snd Cap Paper on hard Magee aii,.lka ( lly and Country Hto'ke,era at fair prlcpa M agee baa all the new alvlea of Paper snd Rnvelnaes. Wllnl.t.Hil.K AM. KKI'AIL. No. 3IB CIIKSM T Nlrm t, No. :tl CUKSNUT Htrant, wll.tlt I0. 31S ttK.SNVl' Street. MEBIOAN BANK-NOTE BEPOBTEB, THE ONLY BANK NOTE IlErORTKR IN ITIILADELPillA. ruiti.isiiKD wthKi.T. The only one containing QUOTATIONS of Bank Notes in rOUK CITlF.H.vls: piiii.adii.phia, haltimui:k, NF.W YORK, OI.NCIIIN.lul. The only one which Contains the NATIONAL UANKS as fast as organlrd (offlelal list). The anly ono which contains the OE5F.RAL IIH- OOONT In EIGHTEEN CITIES, VIZ: rHn.AnELPiiiA. WA.HIIlNtl l(), KlK'tlktVIKK, I'l'ITMItlhll, CUICAliO, IH'lll'gCK, UALTIMUIfl', I'l.KVF.I.AMl, A1.IIA.NY. TROT, 8T. LOUIS, IIAVKNIMIKT, .NI W YORK, ClSf'ISMArl, wiLMlNiiroX, 8T. I'AIIL, l.tirisvnj.Pi, MILWAUKKK. Tlie only one wbli h gives Ihs earlliat InfornuUion of KKW COItSTKllFEIT HOTE.S, DOMKSTIC MAKJU;TS. STOCK TAIILE.1, ASO FINANCIAL XEWS. Ths faoUiliee or the AMEBIOAN BANK-NOTE BEPOBTEB, BOTH FINANCIAL AND TYItXIBAPUIC, ARK tTNEQUALKU. PVnSC.'ltirTluNg (I'KK ANNUM), IN ADVANCE. Weekly HI-.10 Semi MontlUy M'30 Monthly tlvlO. OFFICE, No. 10H 8. TUIHD STREET, (third floor). ADliltF.Sd, 8. 14. COIIKN. aull-lm rUDLIIIBft. TVIUS. JOSEPH 1IUETY DESIRES TO IN X 1 liirm hi-r f-Irnda that ahe l.as removed from No. 41(7 IIIKHM'T Btici tUi No. aH.I.KiJlilll'U SlrceL HASH & HUFTY'S NEW BLANK I300K3 ' andSlaUonriy, Ho. 'J s. Ful Hill Street, Opeued To-liay. C EN LINE ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID I and Cop. inu Ink, direct fnim Lonilon at ( HASH A HI KTYa h'cw lllank Honk aud Stall mcrv Store, Fio. . FOL'ltfll ntroet. N THE IU.OCK ADE-RUNNER " 1'RIN ccaa Alice," waa cspiurcd n Invoice of the World's Fair 1'rtzcCan Tafcr, a portion ol" which Is fir aa'c at CUASK A HUKIY S New ItlAlik Hook and Htatinncrv Store, No. 11 8. FOUll'f U street. 1)LANK BOOKS OK EVERY DKSCKIP. .11 tlon on Land, or mads to onler. at a atnill advance on old prices, ut ChASK A HLFry 8 Lew lllank Book and Stationery Store, No. -tl 8. FOb'ttTlI 8treat. ANY OK THE OLD VARIETIES OF Letter, Cap, aiid Noto Taper, much superior to tlioae ol later manufacture, cau be had at CIIASK A IH'FTYS, liew B auk Itnok and Stationery IVore, No. tt 8. FOlfUl'll Street. COLD TENS AND TENCIUJ TO 8UIT ALL 7 re.'ereac'-e, aod warranted for one year, cau be l.adat CHASH A HUFTY M ow lll ink Hook and Mtatlinry Sure, No till, SOU Kill Street. Ql TER CENT CAN BE SAVED BY PUR aVV ahaalng your htationcry at CIIASK A HUFTY'S New lllank ll'Kik and stMloucrr sto, aoSKMm No. M 8. FOURTH Street. TB0USiND8 OF TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT TAIH. Patanl applla.1 for. My new l.vcniliin, a rinuhle Ra vsraihia 8(if adJUtllll' 8a'et Valved Inhaler, for aimin biailntf N'ltroua I side tiaa, and en'raoting teeth wilhout pais, laeonly o-'ode IbatUie l.aa can tit properly and esfUy admtnistired LMl C. L. MUN'VS, auDT-Ut No. Ml Sl'ltlfCK tjTKKLT. IEDIOINAL 00D LIVEB OIL JOIJN J. HAK-.H ,t CO., No. 71 a MARKET H I BKf, ara now reosh liu- tin Ir aupt-Uca frcati from the fl.herlaa. Ths aupiriirtty oi tin-ir OIL In every rea:ct, haa trained for H a reputall-in and sale beoud aio other found lu the market. To maintain It , thet sro determined toau'iply an article tliat may be eutlu ly reUid on foi ticahiieaa and purity. Bee lestlmoulaia ol ricnaura if Mud cil Oiliegcs. anil N KV i.M12 til'' AItlM. TEE NEW MUSICAL CABD3 (I'atroiilscd bv ice !: .. I'an.lly of Vi..:la'id). ara ont hv poal for THKlit: I'Ol.l ACS. They ere a moil a ili.s-ns paatlnie.aud tiah M naL'al 'I line 'itikkur than any o-nor nieihod. "A moat Inten tllf guiid clever since " Tlinns. 'Aduilrub y r d m te.l lir leachtiig Musical 1'iuic." Hlua trated LiiliCca h a. Addrrae A. JU1CL, No. 62 W. 1 IIIU I Y.8I.V Til ft'.reet, ew Yolk. auj', lm BURNS' COTTAGE. TUia aver popular, eozy, aud well-known place of welcome visitation, at the 8. E. romer of blXTIi and Ml Null Hlri'fta, Is Suing a moat thrlvliin busliKil, under the auaplcis and lutbediate supervision of AL'MIKAL JAMES NEL80N, fSorSJITUH. Tbs Admiral spares belthsr time, money, nor attention to supply his patrons with tlia choicest Wince snd Lluuora, snd superior Scotch and Old Stock Ala on draught, which, cannot ba triuallrd In Philadelphia. It every n au who lovaa his country and la fond of a good drink , gli a Hie Admiral a call. su-O-liu "I ?LOUniSHINa HOTELS. AMONGST THE X. public houses In and around I'htladelphla. there are linns la surpans the new "TON 1'INK," In MKVEairil Hinat, above CUKfiNUTi ar. the old snd well known "BOCUIl 8 ' Hotel, st the earner of NlceroWN Lane and TOWN8U1P LINK ttoad. Mr. IIKllRUE W. KullI, Is Frtiprletor ef both, whk b la Indeed aauitlciunt riarantea for their entire auveeaa. Tne very beat of every thlag eat able oud blbible will be found at each place, aud , noiwlth standlrg the ttmea are out of Joint, ths terms will he nulla low, A aplsndld Lunch every day, from 11 to U o'clock. auatMni TTOOFER'S ALE VAULTS, 8. E. CORNER Jl TH1KU and CUKrtM'T tkreeta, L'.NKBB tNITKII 8TATE8 1 tLt.Ult Al'li OFFICE, I'F.MNTAN H OLD BTANI). TBE COOIEhT AND ItEST ALES I THE CUT. OLD IIUANIIIKN, W1ME4, (HNS, WIIMKIKS, CAUfUltNIA AND CATAWIIA WINKS AMI llKANl'IKS, I Ni.I.INII, lltlNIl, BCOil '.a.ANUAMEKICAN AX, EH AND BKOWN HTOCT. This eelebrslad old aland having beeu renovated and tliuruuxl.lr refitted, wilh oue of the nueal aUK'ka ot Ales and chuies I.iuora In the city , tl s proprietor Invitee tne pub lc to giy a liiui a call, coutldsnl as us la of their ap pro a at. auillas AUCTION SALES. 1W ACKKY'8 AUCTION MARKET Humat. liOOMHI, Ho. S WANTS WANTED TO RKNT. A KUItNIHIls ie by a private faiotly. Address J.U !.. P Olllce, li not 'i-la, aun 'V KAMHTKRS WANTB -a. (msr ti:aTKnives'e Ovica, IKr.T ir W ailla.,rta, WiliiviiT.m, ll C . Auaoai I. 1)M want.-el. St once FIVE III NI.HRII (i,si) fl (-, iiii'iiaAiiiiiwijiiiii6ir.aa ea.n rar-esis of iri les wl.b ainirle line, and manairine all nule tean.a. r aueh win, ure r.inn.-n m lo perioral Iheduly, tit' per ni.-mn win ne iniriy nri (s-eii .i,i iiir, elm ol rs'ain pet day, and hoapl'al privl.egns, Including lha e Diel'ea atlet Sanee when ale(. Men e en. need a av-n Maatera will reola eti p'iam.,111. noon hnncllif to Una point twenty ftv ( g-MHj Tea.naerh. Apply to Ciililn I'll . II. TOMPK INS.. A. Q nf., .. .... e.i.irr oi I a l,s I I Shi unilaild (ISU-estS, Waa Inioa, l. t. n n mrcnr.a. I'tlS'liar Oetiera) sndChbd uartermaatel, ault It Det-olol Waahliigbai QITV I'OINT, Va Ati mist Ta ISOl. Oinca lieefer np Rrraiaa, I ""ii Oi LuwiNu A'.ai-..,t ltiuua isD WA1NTHD, IIOO TfiiniBlorK, fiO Wlicclwilifhti, SO JtliieKfamltliMe llltll 20 Coirlano Trlmmorn, Who will receive the hlgheit rstel of (lOTarnnwat pay rations, snd medii al attetidi.tice. Iranaportation lurnlahed by applying at No. a il I'KNNSYLVANIA AVEN Ub W ASIHNdTOit, l. 0. V.. J. STRANO, Cap'ala, A. J. nf. JAMES M. KELliT, aall len Qaartanaaatef"s Aea. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR H A LK . ft jO.000 WORTH IN OOOl kLaHoiii, ItPKrnml mall, on trnna to suit parcuiasrrci wuu sft wnnoni int-nirirsnc, lor cmn tD4 tTd In.niire nf. frotn 10 lo 1 o alock A.M.. TllOft. M. fLOWMAN, No. )l H. roUHTH StrtMt. EDUCATIONAL. I PHILADELPHIA YILirABY SCHOOL; t'Ol'RTIiAND SAIi'NDKKS' I.NSTITITTB, Tbirty-ulnth and Market Strettta, ItfclOI'IONH SKl'TKMUKU O. Addreea, aulf-lai 1'ltOl KSKOR fl. I. 8 AUNDKBS, Bv D. lRI ENDS' ACADEMY i'OR BOYS, RBAV.I m oi no n p. r.i.r.YE.n 1 11 sirec-i, reopens oa ths etas i.c.1 via per term oi 'z: weess. AU uenomfnatlone M l mitiau. (ail im-J W.Will TALL. f AMES 8. HI RD, TEACH KR OK Til R PIANO, ' No. 'J0 HIXTKKNTH Mtrei4, b low Kprnea. au jl la MILITARY NOTICE3. J DRAFT! DRAFT! DRAFT! TKNTII m Ward -Khali -he llraft take plnce? ll will take eboat VlTvRM't-FIVIC TIIOL'SANii DOI.I.AK8 to clear Ihe ward from draft. Wo arj ahoit FIVK THOUSAMUi I Ol. I, Alts. Thoae who l.sie not contributed will pJeaaa cone lorwaril with (llietr money, or ttie draft muattace place. TI.e men can bv had If the money la ralaed. Send your money to A. H. Pit ANf'laWU.I, Trraalirer Tenth Ward itonnlv Fund. scodt 15.H AUCII Hticet. andolj MAitKaT Street. I TI XNTI I VA.Itt. $S75 BOUNTY POB ONE IEAB. TF. NTH W AU1). ., 1 CUT 4AM GeVKKNMKNT 100 -M ra'd '.y all recruits cisdlt d to 11. e Tenth Ward. A. II. FRAMOISOU3, Treasurer Tenth Ward Bounty Fane), se? No. r.13 MARKET STEBET. II EIGHTH WARD BOUNTY KUN. THE B c.ltlrena of the l-:li,'hth Ward who dealre to anrielnata Vl the requirement of the draft, are notified tiiat the Uaae ala ia feat paining aivay In which men can he got. Hrary cltf.(n ol tlie Ward la urisntly called on to ralae suhaorlp. tlona suiong hU neighbors, snd to forward all eollacUueui atometo J. tl. ItiHBNOAitTK-C, Treamrer, se lw 8. F. Corner Bl.VHl snd WALNUT HU 190th BEGIMI3JT PA. VOtS., CL. A. A. LECHLER. 5-i5 uourvrv. Van Wintered snd raid US lmmellstely, IIIU mart before leavln-,' camp, balance In Instalments. Pay $16 Per Month Clothing' and Subbistcncu. Ihe Reirlmsnt Is sncansped al CAMP CADWALATilt, la comfortable quarters. DON'T WAIT TO HE DKAFTKD, but Join this Bagl metit, and leave your fanilllca weL provided for. NO DELAY IN PAYING THE BOUNTY I sttM-tf VF.1F.B AN OFFICERS. HEADQUARTERS, No. Oil CHESNUT ST. 1 BIRNEY'S SIIARPSnOOTBRS, AVOID TH DRAFT, and enllat In a C.trpa of aoma atandlng, Authorized by the General and State Ooveraaaeat MAJOR J. W. MOORB, or Tlia. INh1 t-NINTII rKNNSYLV ANIA VOLUKTB8B0, Is recruiting to fill up live Companies la this 011. TI1L 11H1I1K8T llOi:NTIR8 OIYEN For One. Two, or Three Years' Men. v'all at once, at No. I CHISNI T Street, below SIXTH, Ifyoti want to F.nUat. MAIOIt J, W. MOORS la prepared to puy prnuptly TIIK CITY AND WARD HO If NTT Imm-d a'ely on the inuatenng of any mat to his Rclaaaag. HI'I.LiM'K I: Id is., I ... II . is, JtlS. 1' JiHUAS, JN. W. KVKIiMAN. D. S. WISKIIItbNNKH, I CAKKY LS.U Al F. I. JKSSI't?, A. I. 11ONAF10N. Coosralttaa. au?t-tt II IlEADClUARi'ERS PROVOST M AIL. d '.! n .t Ll .lnct. l'a . No. Hi 8. THIRD Straat, Illhnailelilila, A.ui.al II, l. w l u lunore p, i.ii. in rcpflea to all ifireatlohe on ordlaary auli.ieita ronnected villi, liic Kitroliu' ill, Draft, Kseuap non. I.lald'l'iea to Drill, Crt.lita aud Accounts or moa furulaheil, I itiseui are reuiicind t.t make apidiua lion to the I rovoat Manliiil ,.f the C"rirircsa'.iinal UUiriul for suoh liu'erinaiion, and not to ihs Ploi.iat Maiahal Oenutal at Waaluiufiiin. ily order of tla- 1'rovoit Maralial-Oen ral. NMI.L1AU K LRU MAW. aul2-tf ('nptsin and 1'royoal AlareaaL I HOUNTY FOR MARINES. WANTKB A for the Cni:ed Htatee Muriaie t'orpa, able-bodied meat til to perionn the ilutlea of a soldier al our Navy Yards, Jar.d on board Luiu-d Suies anipa-of-war on foreign stations. lsrm of service. Four Veers. Better eonipvnaMlon than the army. ALL TU It LOCAL UOIINI'IIU paid upon enlistment. tiarlnoa receive Frlae Monoy. Fur all runher InKnuiatln apply at tlia RocrurUnjj F.snesoua, ... . sio. 311 8. FRO VT Street, below Sprues Straat, between lbs hours ol 9 and s o'ckivk . C. O. M.-CAWT.RT, anS-t Major snd Recruiting otMoef. 1? v n h o u o a s r u r l o u o ii s . 1 FI Rl.OUtillS Ft Rl.tll'OIIS. FIKLOL'UHH FUltLOCUHS. Officers and soldiers visiting ihe elty nn furloinitis, needlnf MWORIiH AND OTIIKK MILITARY E .UIFMKN rH, bWURDH AND OTIIKR MILITARY LvlUll'MbNiM, Are Invited te the extensive MANfFACTllllrllJ KHTAIIl.lSH Mr! NT MANUFACTLlllNli ESTAIILIolIMtNT (IV OF.OItOE W. SIMONS A BltOTHKR, Og.OK(.K W. SIMONS A IIIIOTULU, HANSOM HTIIKKT 11 ALL, 8ANHOM STRKF.T HALL, SANBOM Street, sboas HUlh BUeot. rHF.NKNTATlOM SWORDS FHLSFNTATION 8WOKUS M ids to order at the slurieat notice, w hu b ft rtohnass and country combining Us klANl'l ALI UltlMl JLWtLKR WITH TIIK FRAt'TICAL HWOKD MAKI.K. aol) O-MCKPTION. NO INFRR10B COAls IN purchaiad to eriar below ths cost prtoe of a aupertoc article. SAaltlg.L W. iie-nta, ttuiiaii nireei, aoove uaoa. east aide, aeil ihe seuuina tAcll.R VK1H. beel aiuf paieat niiaea Kgg and Suivs sUes.tlll IWg slot, tit ''voaaumera should aaaka their purchues at anea, pra Wus to aiiovaat ndvausa. Ialt-aa I' - l l