The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 05, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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fating r(Sclctvpli
"WfcU! hoist the wbtuflng when r triumph to
Blgh? , ,
Vnt ! rouch before Trenton ? make Freedom
What I spike ill our run when the ft I" t bay
tid the rugs of his bin. k hi)nor dropping away
Trar down the strong name iliatuur nation Una
And Itrika her brav Mnl from his home in the
lie a coward ft bo shrink from the lift of the
t wunJ i
Vf ' a traitor who murks nt tliP sai-rifico pouivil ;
Kam'les and hi. unpens the Unit should
Th hy who stands Icily till peril la pint,
Jut ha who submits when thu thunders h.vo
And victory dawns, Is of cowards the worst.
Ts the old spirit dead ? Are wo broken and weak,
That craven so f-hamelissly lift the white cheek,
To court the swift insult, nor lilnsii nt the blow,
The tools of the Tituson and frit nds of the foe 1
Bee! Anarchy smili at the l'eaco which they
And the eyet of Disunion flash out through the
mask I
G1t thanks, ye brnre hoyt, who by vale and by
, Hear onward, nnfaltorlrifr, onr noblo old flntf,
PtronK anna of tlio I'nion, heroes livitK and dead
For the blood of your valor is uselessly shed !
Ko soldier's proun laurel is promised yon here,
Hut the wliit rag of " itjmpalhu" softly ahull
cheer I
And you, ye war martyrs', whopreacli from your
How captives are nursed by tho masters of slaves,
Or, living, still linger in shadows of Death,
Tuff out the slurred, muscles, recall the fulnt
And shout, till those cowards reioireat tho cry,
"By the bauds of tho Union we fousht for e
J)jr the God of our fathers ! this shamo we must
But It stows too de'aslnir for freemen to bear,
And Washington, Juckion, will turn iu their
When the I'nion shall rest on two races of slave,
Or, spnrning the spirit which bound it of yore,
And sundered, exist as a nation no more I
Mbh. Joitx Drew's Arch Stuf.f.tTiieatiie.
This hoas. opeiied oa Saturday avciilatf with all tli.hrlt
Matter and success necessary upon such an occasion. Tin
; aWdltortum was well filled with a truly fashionable an. 1
v laulliRtnt asst m' lue. and the otmnsl Interest and enthu
ItMin of satisfaction was evinced In all parts of t lie
audience. Tlia new drop ctirulri a fancy landKape
, sketch of l'rosiwru'a Cave was nut entirely satisfactory.
Ike deelin Is 8' oil. but Uie execution is faulty In ueinit
, Indistinct In parts, and rather crude, as if harried In the
trashing strokes. Time and closer Inspection niaysarve
to show innny Kood featat-re, liuvsever, In the picture. The
fcllajie Is rich and lciitirul,iihd tnrins aiioui tlio only n llei
to t. piiliitnm The pluy lor the Initial
aerformam e Slier Ulan csiiltal cmnetlT or tJe7i.,
. Jar .frtitttiiii-a severe test iltxo t,,r any 'l,j. k t nninny,
tilth in trie number of Its tine characters, and the choice
yet dirTcolt difltlnli of the rules. Mr. .funic Carttttn was
tntrnoui ed In the character of "I harlea Niinana." lie
eonicn to us I'reeli fri.rn li e l.-.titlim biurtls, Willi nil ul me
j.illih and iidmlr utile a. ciiruiilisniiioiita ,,l the mc vr,titililan
stave, lie Ik an hue lljjuro ami excellent
ptertenee. HI. lace lacs I'sprc-hlon; hut lie ha, a snud
VO re. rendu well, and will heennui a trrciil I'.vriirl.. .,.,,.
...ny in iiiv win... hi irweuv, . men Wlr mum will NUIt UIIO
weiirr man me Jiiveiute ctimt-vly lino. Sir. lMiiiildatm,
nether etlditlon to the enmpanv. uttliouah well known m
l'htlAdelfWitii,traTe us a very aeeeptalile remhijunof the part
of 'Moeeph hitrtare." Mrs. John Drew, Mrs Thayer, Mr.
Kobeon, and Mr. (IrllTkha. were all excellent, and inciter
usly applariiled. Hume of the minor Ijiarts were wteleh
f anlly pertornied, but fir this there sieiiifi to be no remedy.
1 his theatre la now a maktilncei.t ti-mple of amtt.e.nent.
The uniroYf ujcitia made have hicn cxienslve anl luiimrt
- ant. 1 he iiairitlnv ot itic walls and Ihu new decorations
are tinhtne and ImeiNcme. ami ail.l rejtly to tno appear
aner and comlnrt nt' the house. 'J hia evtrnlng we shall tie
regaled with Hie m ils, utrataiiem and Vac ;ilirol,lv.
tin I ucuday evening llolilMnllh Couiedy. f ,, Hi, .
"'" "'"'" "I" be iven, and the rest
r the week will be ci.n. timed with leproientullons nf
those rare old comedk. wi,. h alwav. dcllnht an audience
l taste, renin mem, ,u d Intellectuality. .ni.
Jtatidtm will be the attraction until Friday, when another
(rand spectacle will tie produced, rivalling tha present out
, la splendor. Wo are Informed that Mr. Frank Moruaunt
has returned to our city, and will pruhanly appear at the
Uew Cnebnut cn next Saturday evening, as "('arlos, ' in
' tlie tffi of tee. Mr. Miirdaunt la an earnest, induitrloiia
tneibtar ofthe profestiiou, and has worked titniaell already
tnto an enviable po luon, t'rotn which hia perseverance
will assuredly raise him still higher.
New CiiKriNiT SmtFT Ovi:n Houhe. This
new and beautiful hall, tdtuated next to the theatre, on
Cbesnut street, opens to-nlil,l with the popular Frank
Horan as manaser, and a couipauy of talented per.
formers, selected from arnonifst the moit celehrateil In the
profession. Amonut the list of names, wo notice that
e)f Mr. K. Hower, lormerlyof itriant's (the couipoaorof
some of the most beautiful huli.ula of the ilv), wlome
vame alone Is a tower of strength to any iriuiiieti.iii.
s ltht'd ninoaitement, and a good Cjuiiiuny, we predict
for t'runk a stiaccssiul sciuon.
-Edwiu Booth, thn dii-tinffuished American
trairedian, appears at the Walnut Htieet Theattr this even
kns as "llunilrt." With one or two exeeiiitons In the cast,
he will have to perform the whole of Uie play.
At the Milwaukco Academy of Music Bouci
cauit s play, The Octoroon, is havinx a run.
At the Providence Academy of Music The
Pctorvon Is also the attraction, with MVKeau buctiuiuin
and his daughter Virginia In Uie principal parts.
The Fakir of Vishnu is performing at Provi
rieaee. slvlns lifts "running In value fiom Uliceu ceuts to
seventy dollars."
The Fakir of Ava is manifesting a similar
raerosity at Cnrlnthiati Hall, Kochenter, while Alice
nuiibiiry Is playltiK .Ma-'irle Mitehell'a pait of ''yanUion"
. ia Tlit Uruket, at the kielropolttan Tlieatre.
At the National Theatre. Cincinnati, " tho
relebrsted eomeillnns Esitan and KdwanU' whoi-ver
ttiey may be are playing in the pantomime of Ttn Mic
The Florences ure playing at Ford's new In Washlnutmi, Morunre tukloit Uun Ilry4iits
Sreai tiiceeta. Jlamlil A a'y, and Mra. i'li irence appear
ing in protean charactela.
The "Murvlnnd Institute" at tinltlmore Is
' not asclentitlc eBtahllkhment, us tlie name would Imolv,
hut la iiuToteil to "alx niht more of the celebrated gym
Bant, Mmisler I.. Verroc'.o." .
Frtinee Is aerding a f npply of actors to linytt
M.M. Dehtrevtuno tmll'-t-mn'ter : L iiiiliartll. dramatli;
swtori l.abrume, tloe'rienl dtreetor: M ile Aliou.-herv.
. lyrtc HT'lhti and M 11- i;llrd, dramatic artist, having ull
k-ll lit vre iit l'on-Hu l'r u e.
. Iljron and Tnlfnutd'a btirlo-iiuc. Miller mi l
a. ilfn , hew he." id at the I'r net-of Wnl"t re
I lie letilii,- piaee o! a:nilein. lit In l.'V.-r.iool. Ada mi in.
borouch. a po, Umji.uai tte., i ike litio.if the )iei:e,
tekllJir n u ale ).urt. ,
At the IS t. '.'bur es Thca're. New Oi lcans, at
anenintin nt-hall ol urn, I uortie. I ni,intt ti- ll.t tltt
riaii, ir 1ine( with a .'lli .nil i'eiir n
MiiHeniar," and a .otinit laily w lm th- o insdt' l.. i Mr.t
ap esiHi.i e on th.' hi..; e i ' I'tti t ln iu.i. lt ,!ti inn 1
pretty well, out "i l.e amateur the tel.
The Murtipetti and M;tri Hi tr i-ipo, wh'c'i
suso ineiitncR ine ji iii'omnnii'r S'kI d.inrer. .Iidia I n,
jeaiinei.i mx.iii.1 i ii on it , i.i vin , t;, ,
J.mtrt V"l a" hi, o i : 1 1 miniiii well ktmun pan o
mimes. '1 1 e i niiiuuiii I nl I'u'aJMc l. rt i- ex'.iidtiiM at
ura.umn ii jimii.
At "ho Jictrnit At'ictiicinu a f.t.nilvof If'inill-
toiiaflie p;;iylni: In ll.-. I .on i ly i"ll In'll' il I. fPi.;
Ite Vouna .Min n II . I:.- "i n M-i. It. . W.-rrv
Uianaier. ha a fair liieatil- al e mipaiiv n w tu In I hn
ode'-e l.rmc .(-.a. rv.u .iii (V. U yei a tlcian l inun
ie S'Mi a1 I leti.'tl
" lie otlii r drain. iltc u'tra. 'Iiiitu at pi vHrnt in
iMi-o.n are ir. niiti xn vi .ni'i.n in tt.e ' it' i '
at ti e llnv a, I Aih.-iin urn . -,. f,. i.-, whh f.irei nt 'ti
Al lli n tn : ai d f'.W. n hif ,i. .tl the I it- ii. it . It ii.ivl
suiuil h i'ulii'y 1'hic i. ill l,e prjlimd tui ui'l. at luu
Aiu.ei.ui. .
At Cltii ng'i, Mi'. C!i infi nit is il lylnc in 77"
AnttirtiUn Chhh ul JIui'tt at kt' le ter ii Jne.itre. At
Vi ix it. i Al 'ii i ti in o l I . ii'li.' .i i jut ill -a' v ha , i ii j a r ut
tillmore Ion tl. II lf h IV i lit ti. tl e ill f .r t : !.l'e e hi
veiiilon. linn taken the opportut.tty of nix a citn'i'tt at
llryau Jlall.
At tlie St. Ioui Tliea're tbev are reduced to
the Frrtu-lt ,Vj, Willi "tlie liealitifnl ( tlliail Sylim, Mafie
Va. ae the "Arati It.. v." '1 ue aetreas, Anna llalheway,
and tlie cancer. Mile. Augusta, are at the Varieue : u hiia
a Srelttue r the Cony nud Ina trained dug Is Mtnid at
roller nowerr 1 livatre. uuu Itlie a Show Is alto I' Jiiyill
the ptople of tit. Loum.
A story has been going the rounds of the
press to the effect that nikni,, wna lately given m Hay tl
uy (unipaiiy ui nrmtj ai:oi n. wniie me. part id Ulllelli
maa taken hv a blin k man who i.ainin.i Li. , ...
thus to mark the dittcimicu lu ci inplwiipn hetween t' o
Venetians and the Moor. The whole atory la denied by the
lla.itl iaieri Just received, whli h hay that It U a pure In
i cuilnn. and that tmmllv bus never been played at all on
sue isiuuu oi xiayii.
Mr. Jurrctl's manaucment ' of the Boston
Theatre has aliened most aiihiitrtoiihlv with the sjtct-tnoinar
tfraiua ul the i.ttiy of the .ait the tatt lnciudii K .1. W.
v attaivk, lr., as "Jthoderick ilhu, ' t L. Uav. np' rt in
S'rTll t Jamea Hithe SvliriL'eea l.adv nf tlie t.aki. ' a n.l
Minnie Monk as "Ludy Marnuret." The pcrtor'iiau t.k of
r. wauaca alio iiavenporx .ana ot jii.s r.MtiiKe, m rre
lieiallj appumiletL 'J he were new. co.-ily, and
seret. The Highland oostuuies were atuutof tho b-ht
TVo?1 UVK,H tlu-aiage, and were highly t'omi'liui' lit' d
tjT. J'idiiee In snrh maltort. in the nllerpleceol
Zlu U.J.''""1' a M's Ksehel Voah. iroro toe W el
,"' made a uvoraiile miprenh.ii.
.r the Krk'l L,,r.0f11Mr' Conway's new company
way.kir V kt. flwU "''"' Mr. M. Cta-
ew Orleans: Mr h'wtl: Cu,T",. from the Ht. Utarl-s,
Theatre Knval, Ituhihr SV J"'1'' t"""rn fl"'
Iraa ti.e Walnut Mreet' 1 'liVatra l.'',n,,, i'; M"xw,,i1'
once, Mr. James Dud. Mr t5kl""S,"'l''-'i Mr. H
Mew Orh ail., Mr. Curler, from A i',,'u " ark-Ues,
Wr. rarker. frion ti e tiroad a S'uv ''.
feraons. from the llolllcay Hniit h,r,..Y"rkl M '
t.rrUiMis k. b. Conway Mr. ?l'pb, i
Ulhlo's (lardent Miss Viola PluukeU ; fEln. tf'if".' I""B
sleu; ktlhs Creeuedi Ml.., B,w on, ir " U V"
lloator , 1 biali; Mass Adol. Iflunkett. i t'i'.o Tu,! "
S. w y,k ; Mrs. riesuioitr, ami Ml., t "ti t '
V'emysi i will he stBe loanaaur, and Mr.C. I'r triL
urw. Mrs. owy tntroduees qulle a novel r.aiu VT;
he eaUbilshiueot by auuuuiictag tn.t me wot tu
fcoilted number of season tnk.-i. al nttv dollars tor a
eliiie th ket.ana (siit-iv ttv.laii for a lady audgea
titiuaa PvksU
f u ft-v cr'fnrt I r n t' at'thr" Tim )
foiintl nut yrl,i wntcrtlni.
W W.,. n IMS - ! i r. KM K
ff K AT V. PlioTOtllf Ki ll !Kfi:.VMi AM
I d. I. I X Ml l tlT tt Rssli t.U .U rt!V l..-.,OII.
n " .mi hit) . i ti i t-us.
W 111 MK. 1 HKKW'imkt, R 'p To SSI VF,
lm I n I. 'pfti nniiijH.ini ml ml tsniii'K tuot'-t. t iri.
tr w rsiioT vi.,v.t'Hi hakaiimas mi mow.
N k tnlVi kin whim It )i vtidblf vni,l,vl. h-vr .,n viy
1 f Hi I let, , , b.yVri'V jollft hil'Hl -'THIUli, Ail-
tlr'1-, Ilvi'f, l' ti ro. Hni mi--,
fi ri in uti 1 1 '., n v, Ami dipv sit i itrt-f fiv tltitt Ii it
hi- innnot I' ii ki'tnl At-ft'I' ml. Inn. I ft nMc t Jrnw n
ihfijUf, In- iihv sri:j it iu .(,, ttniK-a, fti.ite rrttnn'f
1; hi i:i s Ttii k.
IF" l.oHT-1 III". HAM nl- A HK ruI'Ml NOlK,
nt whh h 'l,illri ,-.n 1)- ititl ltn -.IImt hull.
It lid ihr ifd rc t t:i ut f II 1 hTiin't. r. any mm Mill ()o,
Mul -r-t-rii ! a klitJ- uin', A lilrr-, ItfMt'il.K Dfo.tlie
M itioi U't.
iri.n-sT. 11V A I .Y. V l.f.VMT MIXSIVII I OK
It l nt)' nnt tit Miy -lift mi bnr I't.i n. At ), m ,.x.
i'f fiMiiK1 y run Mil iilx.nt inttticv uiatt ri. hut th- liinmn
p t'rrtliK tur I" )ik At IAvithI Itllllsf. (if tl.i' saniii
lime and it was i'i her i ti-l and a iliiui.r lioiir.and lie
leaVt'v hnch a tu it I i" I. l, nt wuitiih' r. S -sin. ia ti--t
ntilie iiue hrthi r It was a i iieijneur in. te. hut It mii.t t a' e
I ' r n i ne i-r t:ie oin.T. I a:i -he lin, no allter en eit
hanj'ei t e. w tilch .lie ri un iuiierK, lief iiu.e .lie eai i-itlns
toaie n l.epi'iii iliinl a p. r tn . ami il'U not. ,inil it wna u
the day (.1 ti.e If ill. iillnral t ele.nrelsi the l'r lul I'alae
otiei rt. l ki'miiil it to Sir home, and eni loitd to
hei -t t.
Isy-I.ONT, TWO Hill Its, WAII'IMI K)lt TWO I.A
tliea at the W nterl.'.i Minthin. Will n.-ver tiiko ttiem out
ary nmre No In i tt er rev, ai 'I will tie otter. i H.
A his Oniiiltii'S. It eolitiiitn d ii.iIIiIiik of imy v. r er. t
aloe. ee. it the pliot,,riitill nf 11 i ilireman I new ln
mid 'nine hue i era. -s em t'mtn the '(atiilly li'i-.,M.' ci.iu
meiieiiK, "Itlare not hhl hiou" Inre.-t,
Ki'ialliul. Area. 17, Ly uri'ii fottm-e", Simn'rhtown
t ar- in i-: r.r..-rjTtit (nit F..Kr:i-THi.KHi. or
NA.VIU.I. II M.I.. tmip,OHed to have finally illiiiti.-4red
In e.ituieetion Hithnn iinh-caiieil arrarnreiueiit f ire.iul
Ixitu cuininl hv not tiirinil taxalinn at private roahlrni- i
ts je-iin-.tid to eotiiiiiunieate with tils reir.seulatl vea.
eaic nt liarr.ey Ann.n., Il.innflsitlieh, In the e . of
any froi i nv nl the aiiioei lute 11.11 heitu lit Iho nos
session ol the above. If not, never miml.
aid I mriin whnt 1 suid. Your eld party took eare 1
si Id not speak to Mm a.uln In the H un, but I am S'njlu,
deeply aireelh.iiate. and though I have no tin, I expert
Ir. ni the utile ul your dud trap thnt he has Iota. Iirop us
a line to ' Ti n-lve .lames," limit her uud Sciatelt.ay a, law
ttnlioners. Mi'e et d.
Ct nslileriitioii ol your having klmliv iiliataliietl Irnau pinich
Irg my hean in the preHenee ot li tiiHlei ut tlie Hull
on katurtiay night, for anyltia In an mieiiarileil Inaiant
Ihst jon waa no Kentlt'inan, 1 nnmlilv reeull Unit olne.-li'in-ahle
eultmtnl, nlnrh wan otil.t iirolnptid by Die boat of
the tnninetit, anil of Die room, and ot the Iced lemonntle,
and by your shoving me off my neat, and citlllnit ine a tliriy
little am b, and 1 reaici tislriu esprenMeiiii as are il'rna
t"rv. and . urn tiniv nuliliiih this. .MOSKN SNKAKKIt
Witness Hull A jut I Itl A7l ( f. f. I, Xnlire Ihlilia ).
trr ttll ltT OK riKST INHTANCE, IlUt LOtl.NE
snr mer, ri nnee.
(In the eomplulnt of Arrv Rnook. Kn.'llsh suleeet, and
vatiltt r of vm,ttri. I hut hrnest I'ailg' rd. Kreiieh'l,
anil petfiimer, lutel v .ohl olm a ennle. llmi nn.ler the name
rtt t'rrme tie 1:i,,,ici a o.t, wairuliled to uiake the youth
bnook . hair black t
:..tisi.lerini.' that the hair of Snook hath tinned green by
foreeot stab rouiev.i!on.
( 'onsiilei hit' that LMeeT! lm Ir anv lnin,. fliu.1 inhl.
biihiiie.M, hv promoting the rl.lh ule of the frivoluu. who
are the rhlel cui'otl.cts ol Knor k a mimter.
The t'orrt th.tli tinier, anil make II ol reeoril, Hook l!W,
F. I'"!, etiitrre rr enti'rlm.'.thrte frair t, hix eeuti that nliiill rub lino Htn.-.k, rVvni, .,, a pot of his friitt
Jltt'i ri'otitNUtf, tiuy by enuilieiihation. iAtva
II it ;'!! ).
ir- kill Nil, l.A'III.Y, SOMIVI'IHNtl Ir ATI I Kit
eltMiht, 'Jo prevent fiiiuil. the mli-erliser ilei'lltten heuiK
more piittli ulur In the de.i'riptlnn, and ft it la not elalun d
In twt m i -,, ur Ii.iii h, her e-.iiarlene,. will be sati.fleil, and
i lie mi ami In ieep It V II. Nha will not lo.'k at nil adver
livenirnl lor six months ftom this time. Adilren. A. ti.,
ttr T.4i lio.-vvm-N niisr I mkt thkb wabm
and yotinir, t little thought th..u woulit. t tie hun. Puiinc
ami reptnt, aiy tlneyish friend, or on a line thou wilt uo
1't mh
he i;ivi n lo a ni hotly v ho will teveui the tneaas of prevent.
Ing tho ot any new novel wlio.e lutereht Is
bared neon the vioiatten or the stvlh. seventh, or eliith
commaiiUnient. Address I'aterfamllliis, An vw here
d's.ll ated, if sou hail not laiett a., yourself. i'rot'Ol tl to
the! ityot Htailud. mid obtain artlhe'lit halilness.
your only iM-nerlt tintler tt wlh be as an Itimuts of tlie
Asjlnni tor Iilioti, to nbloii Unti e Jett what 1 had ineaul
lur ou itlets you.
rnoM MOMI.E.
Momi.K, Auciii.t :J0 A lliiif of truco boat 1ms
nrnvctl, liriiigiug letters anil impi'is from New
Orleans from tlio juiHonirs cnittiirod in Mobilo
jiay. me uonieiieraic Burgeons are to be sent by
the first boat to rusciiKoulii. Tito Fetlcral unil
Conlcilerate Arents of Kxchttnire have come lo it
jHTtct't iinilcriutinilitiir. l'risoneri aro to lie ex-
num"ia nioitiy. mx veseis itrc on jio litver
bur litis cvtning.
wiii:i:i.i:k in fast ti:nm:ssi:k.
I.YNriiiii Mo. Aitcuvt 31. Tlie rnrrasnondont
of i lie lti-jmbliani, tintlcrdutc of lit iptol, '."JtU ln.Ht.,
siivK thai ucuertu neeu r n:is utirnt J.oiiaon
bi idfic, over the -rennrssee river j tint bu went
them e to Mitynville and ctipturcd seven littmlruil
piisoners, and tlioncc to New Market. cuptui inK
two hnniired more in isoncrs, all of wliuru weio
sent to rioiitn t annum.
J lie above news was received nt Hrtstol by tlio
afternoon train on ibo '.".lib, and is deemed reli
able by the ainliorilies there.
Bi'itDENiiru oh ot u roms.
frovn the. ftii-hiitomt '.romtio't', Si'itfinlei i.
The public seem ut a loss to ai count for tbo
Inuloiions captnrt s of so many of our forta and
niottpboltls. Various theories have been sug
gested, and there is tinnier Unit the public mind
w ill settle into the belief tint stien places uro
unavailing and nselens. lint the reason is so open
to observation, that it is etmnge It should so far
linve tsiaped tho atilburiiica. Most of those
plncc.8 wire utaniied early in the war, and the
mine troops have reniuihed in them ever since.
1 hey have hud no npmi luiii'.y of uequirini; that
t-leniliuees which omy experience in com hat can
No service in wnr requires more Bclf-conlidenee
and duiini li es resululioti Uiiiu the dt fuiisu of nil
iholuted fort, and it thould be couliiled only to
voteiniis ; the vaccination of lire is the only time
prophylactic apiiiit-t the white ling; raw troups,
no mutter how longthey muy have bcin in service,
ctinnot in (.' be rclitii on in such tli ili ult
cirrninstiiiices. let (loveiiiiuciit notice whnt all
who look nmy see. .iiitiier tins never been siir
renvleii il,becuui.e its g.irn.-on has been reputedly
'l'ttiOis lift vrry long in garrison tire apt to
lit'Coiiiu ileinoiiil:.; tl ; lin y lnvc none ol tlio
lo-ual ii ei inive;- nuil supports of the soldier;
tin te ale lew pi'iiiijo'iinis, and i be ardor of thir
iitiibiloiu diia out; tlicv do not confront tint
uiilie, iibd tbtiu is no aliment to Inutility;
H i v I i t'iiiiie timl oi the war, anil open to the
Viiioi.i-t influences ivhi, b tiliouad aroiind ail
stub plat es, uud tire luu-tunily ut work; Irotti
ptrrints thty licgitiur.ile iuuj gitiitililing poli
tician tit the " iiettc-" sttipe. 'f lie euciuv is
fully aware of this st ite of things; he pl.niH an
at'uik and is not disappointed. Neitln r wo.tld
nur (Invtrninent be if It hail ob cived as ho
did. I.itcky will it he if It observes mm; be
fore it Is a-doiiished with anollicr "uiiuc otitit
uble" (ll-uvter. The ri incily is ti let some nf tlio
Held veterans replace for a while the troops Imu
in garrison, and give Unmi tlio withe I fov oppor
tunity of brightiiiii g their nini'iial virnn s In the
lielti. J beie is no tin dtciue for tin enlV e'iled
iiimiilv like n'lvite villi the Ann vol' Nirtliern
Viigmia. l'litrlotisin uatl eouiuge re in tlie tile
mul ull iiispiic it. lie who was lately u croak r,
ti"j t uie " Ua !er, a etiiiliuii iml trader with ilm
ViiLkn -, nt a Yankee spy, and was brought in'n
the mi. a ioim in g coiij. ripi, uiter a le days
in ll e liuiil.e.., "l aji'ied Willi lire," beconi s u
i.i wirnii, in, ! Mes Ihu1;'-i i'.ii ip.iic oilu-r vvei
'litta nf old. lie is u midi, r ami u patriot, and
w ll do tn.d date all that liecorues a Haiti.
lluw btitnd the icts on tbia aubjei t in'd
lo the formications about Kit biiiond r Are thoe
Important works niunned by veterans uccu-totucd
to the boom of cannon and the explosion of
shells ? Is there no danger that some line morn
ing we ebull hettr that llattety No. wa9 sttr-
rentleied to the enemy alter a terrific bombard
ment, in which we lost two killed uud three
wounded, to avoid the further "unnecessary ell'u
einu ol blood ?" It was a cunlimtl rule with Na
poleon the Ureal that no foittess could be sur
rendered with honor until utter it bad repulsed
two assuulte. Are raw nun ubo have never
situ It gunpowder more likely to strike lifter two
rtpulted a-sanlts, or alter two of their comrades
are knocked 1 1 fetus a by "the explosion of a shell
on the glacis :"
Jn the works almut Iticbmond, la all our garri
sons, fort, uud earthwork, sufety requires that
the men thou Id be veteran, accustomed to the
kbrieks aud explosions of shells, commanded by
oitit ers who I it ink only of resistuuep, and never
tlicnii. of distinguishing between holding out
and holding out " u long as practicable." The
sclous of Vest 1'oiut can calculate to a second
the practicability of resistance, nnd can deter
mine long in ud vii uce the inccine moment for
running up the white flag. The skilful in such
calculation ought not to be entrusted with vital
Iiosicioiis. Vvtei an troop and olbcers, who will
.cti shooting a long as a gun or curtrldce ru
maius, ne i Uc only sale cusiodiaus of iiuportaut
Ijiura Kerne' company ha met with great
Slli'i'ihi, ut iiurtalo. LonU'iH AtiHr'.m't, the Hehovl for
pranttol. ena .iuh plays are the prim Jptt! attlactiuea, and
siiukm.,,1.1,,, Leigh, and John Jiyetl, the leaditw
T , ",'."'! M '"a Melroilian I heaue Ihe amiisliif
I "I?ATT11 m IT "I flil a vrTri!v.t i fan iorik.ji r Arras.
Kelela Driven to Winchester - vrith
Heavy Loss.
Ecbcl Killed and Wounded
Lci't on tho Field.
Siri tiil In I lie I'.vviiltiu; llrartiili,
Wapiiinmon, S, pti'tnbcr .1. Atlvicei Inivo
Wen received from flcip-ral Sheridan' nnny up
toHuturduy la-t. Ills forces on that day occu
pied Bcmvillc, and udvanccd towards Win
chester. A spirited engaircntcnt ensued on the Winches
ter pike, between Oeneral Crook's forces and the
The Rebels were finally driven from the field,
leaving their dead nnd wounded In onr hands.
Wo took many prisoners during ihe light, and
the enemy fell back.
Yesterday Sheridan's advance was resumed
without materiul opposition.
Hrrinl lo The t.vrnliiir l'icrrtli.
Wahiiinoton, September 5. A salttto of on
ltundrcd gun was tired hero at noon lo-day, by
order of tho l'rt sident, in honor of the recent
Vnion mcccsscs in Georgia.
The confirmation of Sherman's victory in
Georgia gives great pleasure and intisfiu'tiou, and
la the subject of general congratulation.
OI.I.I.IO. it I. AUK Kit Ii;.
Bi'i vai.o, September .0. The propeller Sciula
was run into off Dunkirk, on Friday night, by
the propeller Arctic and sunk. Nine persons
were drowned, as follows: Mrs. Cathurjnc Dick,
son and child ; Mrs. Henrietta Hnliis, of Toledo;
George II. lllckok, cicrk of the Sciotii; two liro
men, and three colored hands names unknown.
The cnptnln, ono passenger, nnd twelve of the
crew were saved. ,
b rut l n i i c' l lou r Tin: ni:ni!is Mttvi'.jf
it nil: vam.kv.
IlFAIIOl AltTKItS, Avi ltll t 's DIVISION, Jll X-
kkii Him., Septeinber .'I. We were attacked at
about hall-past ill o'clock this forenoon by
I.omitx's Division, consisting of live brigades of
cavalry. Acting on the defensive font short time,
until The enemy had developed his strength, the
nllcnsivc was taken by our side, and tlie enemy
driven live miles towards Winchester at u very
riinld rale.
This division showed lis thorough discipline la
the splendid advance which it made uud the
niunteuvring which it executed. Tho Ileliel
artillery barely escaped rapture, through the
fortunate, for them, interposition of Mill creek, by
which stream our charge were cheeked lor thu
time being.
For a short time it was a desperate struggle.
Our los.-es are light.
Among the wounded are Major S. Foley, 11th
Pennsylvania Cavalry, and Major Siiicdeis, Stb
Ohio. -V. F. lltrald.
General Nn!ly' Vl tnry H'x II dirt
I'lKlit wills One TIioiimiuiiI Nix lluu
lrcl I.oilgew ot IikIIiiiin IiullKti lie.
IValeil Willi lleiivy I.ohsj nntl tlretst
1I rnctlon of Iroierly.
The following despatch from General Sully was
tiunsruitleil yetlerday by General I'opc to Geueral
Sibley :
llEAno.vAnTr.its Dni'itTMKNTorXon ruwKsT,
August '2!, lsiil. Ilrigadier General Sibley, St.
l'uul : 'I he following despatch is just received
from General Sully :
"Cam ton Heaht rtivrn, August 2. I enmo
to the liiiliau camp (over sixteen hundred lodges)
last Monday in tbo Tuh-ka-kakucy Mount litis,
near Little Missouri. Alter hIx hours' light,
drove them from their strong position, from tiieir
camp. Destroyed intuiensu quantities of provi
sions and piopcity. Indian loss in killed heave.
Ours very slight. A. Scli.y, llilg. Gen."
Two Men ltllleil mul On Wonnileil Neitr
J'sirt Ali.'i'romlilt.
Tho following letter, from Mr. A. II. Curry,
of St. Cioud, gives the particulars ol Indian uiut
dt is near Foil Aberci'ombie :
St. Ci.oi it, Aug. ffli.-llr. J. Mondelson, St.
Puui : Dear Sir : A messenger has just coino iu
from Sauk Centre btinging the pninftil intelli
gence that your brother and a Mr. F. Dura of this
pbice weie'botb killid by Indians at Whisky
Creek, a few miles this aide of Fort Aljcrcrombie,
on Monday the 2.'d instant. Their tcuma ran oil'
ucrots the piuir.c l.tlloueo ny tlie Inanins. Until
mm Ml ill ail from their wugons.
A Mr. l.usilc, of this place, was some distance
behind tilt in whin thty were shot, and ho
mui ngt d lo return to the fort and give the alarm.
Major Ailams iiuinciliatt'ly despatched sixty
men in pursuit of lite murderers. I ne bodies of
both lm n are said to have been tukcuhuck to the
foil and buried.
Riueerely regretting this unbooked for calamity,
I ninaiu, my Uitir sir,
Fruteriinily yours, A. n. Ct ititv.
SY. 7'at'i J'linuTft ?efitriiit;er 1.
XflV il'SMII IJlO I'llllllh.
uknkiiai. ari.i.v'a iiati'I.k wivii t.4K imiiavs
iM'Ian loss on u l iOO m ws riniM ot it
Hi. MID 1. Mil. HAS IS.
Ve liavc received a cull fioui our fi llow-ciii.' ti
Joel Hoi d, gi nciai m ;i i :i i'ei of the Idaho Mi am
l'ui kit Coiuj any, who leii Foit I'tiioti, in-ar the
n.ouih ol ihe Yellow Mime, on the '2d of Airtu!.
i ort I'nion is al. out -Jtst itii.cs inniliwcsi of St.
We lire pl' iiM t) to sec Mr. Hood In t sei'lli iit
beallb nn'i spi. its alter hi- long uud tedious j ,in'
my. He glvisus M ine ii.lciestiiig itrtl-ul ir.
ot the battle the forces ot ( Smly Ihe Itiiiitiiis. (ietrr.U Stijiy i: title itt-ju the
inriah on the -i:lh ol July, on the he. id watct.v
ol the Hi;.' hnile river, near tluii river, and at tiiu
lout oi '1 tittle lm ni tit mils. I tieie wete liie htut
ilird It des, uutnbciing nut less th.iu three lltu:t
siti:d live h n nil nil wntiiors.
'1 l e pt im iptil chills came out and hn.l u talk
ol fliout tut hour with the Genual. Hut alter
taking obM'tva'ioni tiny were satisfied that they
iitild whip General Sully's army, and snc
plitstd llicriisiivet. As ua evidence ol conli
(tt iuc in Ihcir sin i.glh, the Imt uns diil not tc
inovc tlie r It ilges lilnl worn d, which were ott'y
about t0 mi'es distant. As stxitl us tuc cltt. ts
Jcti, u nciai Sully drew up in line n; b it'lc, and
ittlimiC' it upon the Jutiitius. He touf.hi ubjnt mi
hour, wl .en the Iutllaus gate way ana iu i lo,' the
n otintiiins, luir-iietl by our foiccs.
'1 be rtinn iig light laslcd about live hotiis at.d
until the Indians weic all tliiven into t lit; niouii
tains. The trtKips on tin rt luru fmiu 1 one iiitu
tlrcd dead Ititliun on the lielti. lint this was no
Indication ol the actual loss of the Indians, us it
is well known that they hide their lo-iscs as much
as possible. It was estimated by military men
that the cntiie Indian loss iu killed and
wounded, was not less tbuu fifteen hundred. No
ptboncrs were taken ! Caption i'opc, with bis
buttery of uttillery, aud Company li, of tlio D.t
cotuh Cuvuliy, were the reserve guard, uud
tbi y dcstio) ed thu lmliau lodges uutl a lurjc
I Hunt i ty of dried meat und berrieN, which bij
been laid in by the Indians for winter use.
The loss of Geucrnl Stilly was only live killed
and nine slightly wounded.
The Indians were all armed with the u-unl
smooth bore carbine, which, though very eilectlie
at a range of one hundred yards, is nut ettul to
opo with the long rungo units of the Federal
troops. Aflcr the bultlu Generul Stilly moved
to the Y'ellow Stone, about eighty utiles ubove its
The health of the troops of the expedition has
been excellent. The season boa been beautiful,
with plentiful rain and abundance of feed, 'i hu
expedition will winter ut the dun rent forts on the
Missouri and Y'ellow Stone.
'The Milwaukee Idaho emigrants left the
steamer ut the mouth of the Maria river and 'JsO
miles from Virginia city. They started on tbo
road on the Huh and 11th of July.
I he ri'iiorts from Iththo are not very Muttering
for surface or gulch diggings, but innny new dis
coveries of tuuru have been made this summer.
Indcetl, In this churucter of mines, the territory
in said to be the richest in the world
We Lave uiany othir items of interest gathered
from a conversation with Mr. Hood, hut have no
space to give them to-day. Miltcuunt II Vkuh-
. M. , .
...... . . i
Ttm Fnt orAtlanlsu
TKV.Tk KAT10.NS ol'TIIB np.BK!. TO F.VACt'ATE Till
' riACB.
ilir'imsn't (J'i'yH) C"rrf pontene of LinitoH Tim't.
Altl bhgh tbo peril of Atlanta Is obviously
great, tlese Is every reason for thinking that if
the Fedfrals siicried in gaining poics-ion ol it,
it will prove In their crusp like tho ftiples on tbo
Di iul Sea tbore, "I'uir to the eye, but ashes to the
Tnlrr'n wl h, 1 understand that preparalloti
1 o bet n made to evacuate the Government wotk
shrpttantl Inctorit s of AthintT. whien hnvo con.
tnl.ttti tl so t.n;r and powerfully to the turbiilcn
Iniatiry o( the Conti leritey. 'i ho removal of
these hives t f dndiitrv to another point In the
interior of Georgia will have no more Influence
upon the vitality of the Kchellion than has the
tall or rise ol the tides upon tho infinity ot tho
Gt orgla coast.
Aiiitlii-Ki liil I'li'Inreor Hie ir.,..V itok.
n ril-tn I ikIIxI.i.iiiii AmIiiK'iI Se.
relnry l Ilm I rr".iir.r,
from th, l.o '.l-i JVio's C il: .lit" le). Attaint i.
Tin annexed coinnitinlention from Kirhmon'l,
dtnetl the 2lth of July, with re;'tinl to Confeilc-
rn'e ptti-ptets, is n highly respectable,
ait! ntiLh cvitb nlly sanguine writer :
Mir iill.iiis as tel.itt s to the army, never looked
brighttr. We shnll iloulitle-s Inivo p?ace In six
n onths, or rather all tho lighting will bo over
n 1th this summer's cnnipulgn. Kvcry ono I in
the bent possible spirits, particularly in the army.
Our soldiers wi re never so well clothed, fed,
find shod as id prestnb Our crops of whcit,
corn, nnil giain gt nerally turoiighotit the coun
try arc larger than ever known, besides being of
splendid tiiaiity.
Mr. Treiibolin, of Messrs, Fmcr, Trenholtn
K Co., of Liverpool, is appointed Secretary of
the Treasury.
Cotion is in good demand here, nnd tlio pt ico
tins ri'cn. Your manulai'iiiriirs will soon find
out that purchasing the Confederate Cotton loan
in Fnrope will be the cheapest plan for securing
their cotion tiller tho war, und escaping the heavy
lax which is sure to be levied on it.
There is cottgn to meet the bonds, of good
iuality, and plenty for cxporiation for
liking to run the risk of blockade, breaking, a
trade hieh Is now particularly voti will
see by the lute returns of steamers at Wilming
ton. Don't believe that Mobile will fall so easily a
is reported ; niter tho torts tire passed it will take
a good ileal to take the city, l'arragtit may huvo
ililliculty in gelttngull his ships away agtin.
We shall soon be able to jtitlgoof tho boasted
capture tit Mobile.
A I Hshioiuilile llel.rl Wedding fit ll.itlcn
t'rnm lite'il tlrrfihl. Aitiwfit
A letter from linden linden on tbo l7tb inst.
says : An interesting occurrence lo ik place last
nielit nt the Hotel tie I'Fuiopo.
A yoittip Hsutahant iu the navy of the Confede
rate States of Asvfcricn lid to the hymeneal altar
a young lady, a daughter of the hemic city of
Ifn linioiftl- The briiTc, radiant in youth ami
hi nut y, was sumptuously attired in a costume
Issuing from tho uttistic bauds of a renowned
Paris mtuli,-tr.
'The bridegroom, a tvpc of wanly form and
comeliness, waa dressed fit the naval ttnilorm of
the Confederate States. I he cctemony was per
lornicd by the ill v. Mr. Flower, tho
A I ti n 1 1 ti ct was afterwards served to the n-ajcin-I
It d guests, in which nunc ho-l of the Hotel do
rFiiione sutiiased himself. 'Ihe rutin i'.Wrof
the table wits fairy-like, tho viands delicnto. anil
the wines of tieh lluvor.
l'rimiinent among thn gucsl was the expres
sive In nil of Mr., tlie Southern envoy.
I'roiii Axplnw nil.
Ni.w Yohk, September 5. Tho stcntucr Ciata
JUra, fiom Aspinwnll on tlu 2'itb, has arrived
with fc'.Vi.ObO in trcusiire.
l'fom llllloii llenil.
Nbw Y'oiik, ScptemlHMr r. The steamer .1 11770
lins nrrived, w ltbUton Head advices of the 1st
inst. Tho captain and mute of the steamer Cre.t-
cent hnvo been sentenced to be reprimanded, und
the mate has bcen'lineil 100 for negligence of
Tho Palmetto Ilnald of the 1st is received, but
contains no news except that the Hebe! oflioor
will soon be placed under lire. Throe have
attempted to escape, but were recaptured.
Market) hy Teleirr.iiih.
Nr.vv Yoiik, Augu t ". Flour unlet. S,ilcs of
St On Mils. State, S'l'.'.iK-" in-.'iOj OlllO,$ll'I.Ve l-J-.i.'i; Siinlll
I'tn, lll"'ll. utiitUl!"s ulliiiili.H'ln'lt Corn
ttlill: Sll'es litlllllierfllllt I'.eil lllll). I'tllk toilii Sll' .fill
$11 '.ii.' I. aril ttiitlv. il y.'S'o il' .e ivtil.kv tlnll. nt l s.1.
Iteee el b i t 1 li.iif, Ki.l lli uiil rels ; Wlirnl.tstX' liujlmls;
CM II. 10,'Ssi rni.hels.
New Yokk, Kcplenibcr fl Stocks aro lower,
t'lilrairn anil Iti.i k If lu'i.l. lur i : t 'uiiilii'rliiiiil I'ref' rrt'd,
Ct1. 11 Itit.ii, Cennal. IJi : , ; it itiic iu .h'Hilltiti n, S.'1,;
Sw Yotk, l'n : IteiMtiua. Itl.'V: Iliitl-iinUinr,
l'-'l' I I'sntuli I'' inieitiV, :.I : Kne, ln,i :tiii,'y,ar I'ertltl
C'lte., IOij Kivo-tiwtcv (Miliums, Ii a'n ; in. reiri'toreil,
lis',; (;uiis,n l,s, Ini'j. liil.l In CleJ , n but slnca
t'iL- Itoanl lilts ik'i llllr.l tn :.
Vast Arinlesi anil Tlielr .V1tiveilieiit.
Tboie have been vast armies and grand move
ments in ancient times. Here is a record of
some ol them : Sennachetib, tho Iliblo tells ns
lost in a single night lHo.OOd men by the destroy,
ing nngol. The City of Thebes had a hundred
gales, and could send out tit each gate 10,000
lighting men and 200 chariots; in all 1,0 Id.OOO
men nnil 2'l,blHl chati ifs. Thu aniiv of Terrali,
hing of Ktbiopia, consistctl of l,(HMI,litil) men and
.'iliti chariots of war. Sesostns, king of ligypt,
led ugainst bis. enemies (iiiilOjO 111011, 2l,ln)0
cavaliy, nnd twenty -seven scj tho - tinned
chutiott Mm li. C. lluiiiilcur went from
Curllntgc and lauded near Piilcriiio. Ho had
a licit of 'JOOO ships nnd .'DO0 small vessels,
and u Inn 1 1 tone of ilbO.Ouil men. At the battle in
which be wasilefcutcd I'lOJiiinwereslaln. Ninas,
the Assyrian Kim.', about 'JMlt years 11. C, led
ag.iinvt the iiuct.ii iaiis tin army of 1,70o,0iKI htir-es
und liijmu chariots aimed with scythes. Semi
ruinis em plot id 2 11,-11,0011 men in building Baby
lon. She took 10 , (Mm prisonccsat the Indus, and
sank lot'O bonis. A short time alter the taking of
Dairy Ion, the forces ot Cyrus consisted of bOO.OJO
foot, I'JOIKO horses, und liOtlll chariots armed
with scythes. An army of Catnbyses, ;VI,0iHI
sttoiig, was binit d up in the desert sands of
Atihu, bv the south w ind. When Xerxes arrived
; nt Tht'i, his and and sen foiccs amounted
to '.',(il 1(11(1, ixe'iifiive of servants, ointucbs,
wi mi it. uttleis, r in all numbering ."i,'JH2,2jo.
So my llciotlotiis, Plutarch, and IsfH iales. The
' 111 in v nf A 1 tuy cr yes, bet'ire the ba'lle of C itnixa,
niiiontiii it to 1, ono, obo Ten thousand horses and
j lni'.O' 0 fait fell in the fatal lieid of Issus. When
; Juusulcm ins ink n by 'I ilus, 1,1011,000 men
I't-i i-l id in various ways. The army of Tatnor
. lane is said tob.i-e ainounted to 1,000,000, aad
! I l.n, 1 1 Lis iiDiU'tiiui-t, llajiiet, to 1,41)0,0011.
nr 01 it.ii! ,ns v.i nt into the Washington House
1.1 '1 lib'.y. ninth mi ' Market streets, on Sii'urjay
1. .'ht, timl :iei i. having in a disorderly man
ner, u ntie tin iiMuc'. upon Mr. Vanclcve, tho
tti tier, liii.ii k th- fracas the bur-tender lost his
wati h. Five o! thu party, uamed Thomas Toy,
Frank sun, W. J.I,ow dor, Jos. Kite, and Jos.
l'ougliiss. Wi re arit ted and taken before Alder
man A'liii, cl.arged with a.-.sault and buttery and
with being 'nip it ad ill tbo theft of tho wutch.
'l lic.i cie lu lu mi a further bearing.
l'litrs. Y I. tli sterday morning the nlarm
of lire was iaii-i,d by the burning of a shed in
the ru r 01 M. r''i it Orr' Iron Foundry, Cul
JowijiM -tiiitatnl l-.irtceulh. Y'esteiduyafioinoon
a I r" ! rnl.e 01.; ii. "he two-story brick building
on M uie stiver, below Moyuiucnsing avenue,
oHiiilind uivitpi d by Mr. John llrown. Tho
structure was livid for storing urmv cuMlncs.
j 'I lie-s'ock wus entirely consumed ami the build
ing greatly damaged. Loss heavy.
W ax uf Aull les la the mutt aerreet prujiatatmn ot
ti.e ass, lur tjeaulif) list, whlti-nley. au.l tiriiiursiiis ttia
ctiuiilvxi,n. It Is mailt' from intra 'Wlute Wax, lif-acu Ita
exltaiirttlnary i,iia!tlit's tnr prttservtiis (tie akin, uiHnttiK It
ami, sunKith, lulr, and traii.iarei)l. It eertts eliaiioJ
liMiiii. nr ftis, reiniivea nlnijil"", c. Prlvi iiO anil .'sj enuia
Atauulai'tiirrtl tnilv bv lirNT Ar rtj., I'errutners, B. tll.ilTH Ht,, ! tl .oil renin . aui
anil, ! Nn.lM a. HKVKNTH Htieot
p I, A K K 8 O A CO..
Oovernmant Recnrttlesif all Issues ruicliasel and for
Hals. Stuck, Bonos, aad Uold Beukt and ald via Ouas-
INTEktJSI ALI.0W13 ON htVyiilli.
folleetloni Fromptlf Mad. ftS-tf
lg M. 1 rX' 11 11 A. NDOFi 1 11.
. Ko. W 8. THIRD 8TF.EET,
BscU.llock Qaartailsxstarl' Vouchsrs aad Checks, and
1 .-. u (tmisBt Bcarltl ttu& aud Bjlfl. mull
It oan i" inhi.
Tnrt bt III VAUiaisT, Auirust 30, Iw.t.
Seal, afters will tie rect lit tl at th t In panne nt, nntler
le act of Msr' h 3, lst..1, imtll noen nf
orbemls of tic liiili il fltates, Ui thn amount of abjat
HllbTV-ONl; A Nil A H AI.K .MI1.I.1DS DOI.I.AHH,
tt In tin nnititint ef iinace'nteil iters utiiltsptiioil of nntler
Ibo nellce of rmitttsals fur I.onn, dated (1th Juno last. The
bonilh s in trar nn atnuiHl Interest of 6 per centum, jiavi
Mrsiinl annually In cm, on tlio rlmt ilnys uf July and
January nf i s. a, ari l re-let in.ible inter ti,t. .Hih of
June, IsHl.
tftilit.tttr intist In- for flft or nne hmiilrel m. Ham, of
some multli :e of one l.iinjr, ,l dollars, ami must atate
Hie sum, Indudltti; priniliiin, cirTi retl for rath tmn lrnl
iiillnrs In hontls, or lur flity, when the urTi r Is lor no
Bore llisti lift'. Tint per c ut. of the principal, cv.lml
la.' primitiiii, ef tl.a whole amount orfered must tut
deposit, il, ns guarantee for psiiiirnt of sittii:rlitlon If
accepted, with tbe Treasurer of the United ftt.itsi nt
Wasbittuton, r with tin) Assistant Trensttrer at Slow
Yeik, Ib'ston, I'liilAdi'lphla, or Ht. Loulst or wiih
the l)ef!(tn.iled l(ipoltarjr at llnltlmnre, Pittsburg,
Clnrlnnall, I.uulit il e, I'hiiavo, lietroit, or llatTalo;
or silth any NatP nal liaukltiK Aisoclatina antlicrlsed
to receive deposits wtilch niay consent to trnn.-act
tbe laisinfus without i liarie. Duplicate certlilrstes
will bo bsacd to tlejio-ltora by tho oftiicr or asaiKtt.t
li iii ri efh lug tfieui.tho orlsinulsof which must be for-
vsiir.lril with tl otter, ts the llepurtiiiint. All deioslla
-h' uld he nmtle lu time foradviee of -irTers with eertltlsAtes
to reach Washington not later tlmn tlie morulnitof Sep.
timber lith. ' to offer nut accompanied by its proper
certificate ol tlS tifiit li ill he considtTutl.
Tin C'oupou and Ki'nistrred bonds fssned w ill be of the
denominations nf f f loft, $Mr; and $1X. Reentered
llunds of t:M nnd 10it0wlll also he Issued If required.
The asi ards will be mmle by tlie Secretsry to thehkbest
I'tteri r, ami notice of ni-ccptauct or dcclinatkin will l
luimidiattly Liiveutotlierevpectlvcoflerors; and, lu csncuf
acceptance, bonds of the descriptions and denominations
preftm d will be ser.t to the sub-rrlbers at the cost of tho
Jicpartnient, on final payment of instalments. ThcorlKinnl
deposit of In o per t ent, will be reckoned In ttie last Instal
ment paid by successful nlli'ier.s, and will bo Immediately
returned to those whose ofTfts may not be accepted.
Tl.c amount of ucceptod otters must bo deposited with
tho Treasurer or other otlicer or Association authorised Ut
act under this notice on advice of acceptance of offer, or
us ft liows: otie-llilrd on or before the Mih; one-third on
or before the ltith ; and thefiiiliucc, including the premium
und orlfcinul two per cent, deposit, on or before ttie 'Jf th of
aepteniber. iLtcrest on bonds will boln with the date of
deposit, rnrtlos preferring may pay the accrued interest
item date of bond, July 1, to date of deposit In coin.
Oilers under this notice should bo endorsed "Otler for
Loan," and uddrrssedto tlie Hecretsryof tlio Treasury.
Ttie right to decline nil otters not considered advuutaifcuus
Is reserved to the Government.
rsErltl'.TAftV 01' THI-: TltKARUItY.
The llonds ot' tills Lonn tiro ready for Imtnedinte de
livery. sel-7t
IN 1 T 12 1 H I" A. T 13 H
The Beeretary of tbe Treasury yfvos notice that sub.
mlptlons will bo received for Coupon Treasury Notes,
pajalile three jeirs from August 15, ltnil, with seiul an
nual Interest ut the rate of seven and three-tenths per
cent, per annum, principal and interest both to be paid lu
lawful nioney.
Tliene notes will be convertible at the option of the
holder, at maturity, fnto six per cent, sold-boarlng bonds,
pay alilo not lets than flv nor more than twenty years
from then- data, as the tlovernment may elect. They will
be issued In denominations or $.10, $100, t wo, 11000, and
:.( CO. and all subscriptions must bo for fitly dollars or
some multiple of fifty dollars.
As tho notes draw Interest from August lo, poraoas
making deposits subsequent to that date must pay th
Interest accrued from dato of nolo to dato of deposit.
Turtles d. positing twenty-live thousand d .liars and
upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a
couimlssion of oiit-tiuurtoi' of one per ceut.
1 1 isAXwioNAi. Saim: ItASK.uiTerlu a lilxuor ratu
of Intort'st than any other, and tha lent lecitriit. Any
tai la, s bank vtlileb ay a Us deposlttirs hi I'njn.d fltttiis
Siotss eentderstliat It Is paying la thy lest v'trcul i:lai
medium of ihe a'tiuitry, and It raiitot pay lu .luyl'iiu
belter, for It s own aescU are either iu tl ivc.rtiuicut s.-o iri
tles or In notes or bonds payable la (love uveal puper.
In iiddliiou to thu very liberal Inturest on tlie notes f r
three jiiirs.thls jitivlleec of convorslou Is now worth
about llnee pi r eetif. unuum.i'or the current ratu fur
,'30 llunds is not leas than nine per re'if.;'rcriitoa,atld
be lore the wur ti.e premium on six pur ceut. United Btaus
.stocki wa over tweuiy per cent. It will be seen tbat Uie
actual ptout on this loun, ut ihe present market rate, Is
net less than ten per cent per anunin.
l'.ut ttildefrom all tha advantages we have enumerated,
a special Act oi'Cougress exempli all bonJs and Treasury
iu-tetfroin local tai-alivn. On the averuge, this exemp
tion K worth about two per cent, pur annum, according to
the rule ol tuxatlou lu various parts of tho country,
11 Is bulleved that iu seoiiiltloa oiler so groat Induce
ment, to lenders as tho.o i.sued by the (iovtriuaeat. Iu
all other forms of Indebtedness, the faith or ability of
pilviilc parties, or stock companies, or luparute communi
ties, only, b pledged for payment, wl.llo tl.o w bole pro
perty of tie country It held to secure the discharge, of all
the obllgatluas of the l ulled Htates.
8t BM'iiit'Tii it.'s will tin Ri.cs.ivid by In Treasaror of
thel'nlted Ktates, at Washington, the several Asslstaat
Treasurers and designated BeposUartas, aud by the
ByallKallonsI Banks whkli are jeposilailet of pabllo
montjiand aoW-tf
Ilumagtioat U country wiU give further luformaUon ant
i Arrow) Eyr4T tkqvuix io eoiscitiuERS,
If to rata atftnlrlKa a... :
If to cause tnvltl'oti. slfha;
If to be a bltvouilnc floss r,
radlei, dyiits In an honr Bast tt I
I ' lo has e a host ef meads ;
It for vice to nta te amends :
It st lib h'vh-tHirn li'ttod to wad t
If a maiblc .tone a.u d ssl Wtit.Ta I
If to live threescore and ton.
Wishing- li a as Nina a.auii
It to live a lite ol peace;
II lo die aad ro to yroatelltALTit f
If yon wish a life of pleasures :
If you value this world a irt'aeuree;
If every eonikiit you woutit see,
Take my ailvieo, and wish ati hre.
Then, havlnit Health, Wealth . anil lleaaty,
You II be prepared fur tvrry duty,
lly a oaroftil prrnsal of Dr. WIl.I.I Ut Vtnisiii a
lto.k. IIII-. MAtlKIAt.p: OI'IflK, whli h stioiiltl be read
livetrryono. Holit by Ituoksellera ifeno'-allv. and at the
I'M tor's oOlee, ho. M KI'Hb t'K KTUKhTi prlre it,
rents. aaa f
TRUSS KM, 11RA0K8, eo..
Ilktltu'lv adiusled hrf II. v KKIil.r H, eor.
nf I W f.l.l'l II and k VCR Htrsn'ta. l.adioa'
f tor artu.ont f'r saioo, e..ridiiotod by lattte..
1 IW I M II stlrt et, first lrMu. Sua
I tie moat ootnnlete and varied aliirk on
hand, consisting, tn part, of Trtinsea, Hupporters, Hhoolder
I'.racos, Itelis. Itaii'lai-es, Klastle tstoekliigs, HyrlnKas.
A rtle'os for Nursery. Mica Room. Ac- loin Bio
BtMiAUK fsHTITtTC, Ko. 14 North
MSTH Htreet. alove Markot. Haptaraa
radically cured by H. . c.VKKJri TN I'rettilura Fasanl
Oratliiatlia Tresaare Trnia. Htii.erk H.tta,
Klastle HlnckhiKS. Hupponars, rJhvualer Brauee, Baspao-
S' rles. Crn'etes. Ae.
J atlte. attended by Mrs. B. r. p.vr.RKTT. aiygv-1 r
X II. A. (Ifl.HRA,
Inventor and Maiiufseturer of the
A K T I ' I r I A L ARM,
Apnrovetl and adopted
sr iiik
If as permanentlv foeatetl his ottioe and Factory at Ko. Si
a Fot n i a Mreet, sis doors below Hpnne, Fuilada.
C. V.. WHIltHT. r. H. rirIAl.t,.
Can nnd t ourpttntiliihincnt a full ftfiBortmentnf Import d
rid )otii0fjli l)rnu", Populnr Patent Mcrtli lncx,
Coal Oil, Window (.lonn, rrescrlptlun Vlaln, Ac, t nit vw
prices gen nit it- flrht-cliisft k,,"I can b uold.
Knr Onf cilttnpra. In full vnriely, and (4 the bet quality.
CfHiilinnl, Kcnt-al IntHtrn, Mudtlcr, I'trt. Anl),,
Hftda AhY, AInui.Oll of Vltrl"l, Annatto, Copprra, Extract
of IkC'-Ac, FOR DVKUS' u, alwa.M "D hanil, nt
lowest in ttaah prlra.
(Irotind oxprcBily for our lalcf, and to which we iuvite
the aftiit;on oftlnR In wantnf rellHhl? uril- le.
AUo, lMWO XTARCIft MC.STAIIO, dr., of extra
Orders hy mall, nr city poit, will met whh prunpt nt
trnilon, or ppciul quotntlon will bo f urnNht'd wln n ru
Who'OBftlft Dntfi Warchniiia,
JalJ-ly No. 1 1 MAItKKT Btr.i,Hlif)vt' Fn.nt.
P No. 730 CFIEHNUT Htreieia.
Tl Milptto Hewlne Mair-tne,
Tl.c (Irevt r A Baktir Hewing Machine,
1'he Hhiser do.
And all the prm, ipal Rowing Bt&ctilnos. AU lurnlshod
from their irineipal oftlees.
Also, all kind, of Heeond-ltand Machines, for Halo aad
Kepaiiod at tiio new ofliee ot
No. 1( N. Kit 1111 II Mtreet,
(Over ton years with Hlnsor A (tn.)
T,adles tansttt tn operate lol4- lira
Not only t'NKXCKM.FD but UNEl.f In purity
orTone aud rover, iteaisned e.itHjlailv for ..'hureliua and
Hi lioois, titil f mid to he rtiially weil adapU'd 10 the 1'arlor
and lirataliiu kooui. i-'or sale only by
K. M mtrn p;,
No. 18 V. HhVBNlll Hlreet.
Alsn, n eontplefe assortment of the 101001 Alelodoon
cnilintl' on lialid. aiittl-lliii
On and alter MuNliAV. Aueuit 1, lst'4,
rasseniter trains leuve I'hllitdi.liiliiA tor
tiaitiinore at 4 S'l (.Expiei,, Aloudays enceited),RtU A.
M., 1' .11., it-tin ad I" .1111'. At.
Clie.tor at b lii, II lu A. M l-aO.ll 31), 4 0, C OO and 11-00
rt llmlimton al 4 S0 (Mondays esenpted), 8'HS, li lt) A.
M . 1 :ai.w;;o, 4 .Ki.ii fs , iiittu mot II lof'. M.
Km I Mle at h i .'. A. M. nnd 4 Jul'. M.
lutvir ut 8 I'.'t A. at. and 4 M V. At.
Ill leid ut bill, A.M.
Halialuri at K If. A. M.
l.t-ave rlnltiniore at b'4.t, It 40 A. H. txpress), 110,
O'Vf'aiid lli'.'J f. M.
V. m,.li.. leii ;,ll S,l.'i,)l M ,U 21,1,1 tt, '00,4'(i,
tsis'J in 1'. II.
ftaliilttiO at Il'U A l.
Muiord at 'i 4fi f . M.
lioieral ti tl A. II., and 4 l'i P. M ,
New t'uvtlt ut b Ut A. M ., attti b-il P. M.
( luster ut J 4,1,11 40 A. at., 1 ml, a 4t,4 40, 6 00, T'fXl, 9 40
Leave Bnltlinoie for Hall.hury and Intermediate stations,
at in''., f. M.
I eat v Ilaluiiiore for Pnvor and lnti nn- diaie stations at
TI141KH Ft I It RAI.TIMOith.
l.eaief'lKHer at n to A. M ,11 u.1 and II 0.M . M.
Leave Wduitustoa at o lio, U J.i A M 40 aud 11'40
i reliftit Trains, wtth fassenser Car attached, will run
MS lellow s :
I.eitve wtliuliigioii tor Peify v illoand Interinedlatoplaeos
at 7 4'. P.M.
a l N 1 1 A V H : Only at 4 3(1 A.M.. 10 30 P. M., from Phila
delphia to ltailuituti.
I n, in i iiliud.iliiiia to Wlliiiliiglou at 4110 A. M., ld-aO,
ana 11 I'. M.
1 n ui W llo lei. Inn Ui Philadelphia at 1'4K A. M and 7'0"
P. M. Unit at 1UV6 P. M , lioin I'.allluiore to rtiilatlt liitna.
ia4 " H f' K V. N N r. V . tsuperintonJtint.
J 1KAI. ItAil.UOAll, OI't.N TO OAt'UUb 81'KINU
A fCK A Nil Kilt S'l .
on ai d after 1 HI DA V. Apt ill, lbt.4,Uie trains will loavs
a. It. 'tot. v :
I I. A K I'.ASHVAltl). : I GAVE WKttTn'Alllt.
si n io... a. it. r m. sAiitit.a. a. i. r.u.
Oxloitl ell Vhllailelidna.... S tfl 4 ;M
Vse.ti.rov. I.-.'.; V cat ft, tiler... 741 4'tj
Aiot iiitie "ni 4 o! tv. ;. .iniictioo,. !eoa n-ii
rennelt 7 4 1. (tt.n.'.trd V Jt 6-i.
Cluuo s 1 old. ...7 l-J 4 41 l.,i. .1 . 1 -.rvl U ll I, U
I'm. .1.1 b lSl ,KI lilt o;ii
VI .('. Ji iictlou.. b'l.t .'. l-i AtonSale lo'il r. ,1
1 liil,iit..i.l in fiirJ ll '.'u ilni tirove.... Id -" 7 01
V.eslilt.ier IMU S.IO li-i.tiI T Kl
fatM-iiver lit et In l' has lieeu ehitn.-ed froas
K ul it t tel. nnil Mnrlvl atieet.. to Till It IV r I U HI' a ml
AIAI.MT btriets, West I'l.tluitelphla. Market Hlreot
I'iiSsi neer Kttllua) t'ais eolivey 1'a.suiii.era to and from
ttie 1), p I.
I'ai-seinieia go tlirouyh vi Itliottt cliAtiye ol'eiirs.
Ul IIKMlY Wtiill). Hup, nonunion!
liool l&iichilip ut Out't'iiAtt Wii, urk llnrlxir.
ii - lii n .itMinci.t uf ll.t l.ivorii-Hil, Ni'iV T'irk ,
una I'hiti ti i i t hliainnliiti 1 (Miipttuy 1 iliUuddd Lu
jsaii ni Itiliow u :
K.I S - SiiluidflV, iSr)itcitili4T M.
KMMil l;ti, hfttnttiav, hj(it iiit)'r In.
I'IY h WAHlMNilON.Mi.tnr.liy.HcpiMiilM'rl7
Ai il vir Mictn-duii,' htttuida, at Uikii, iVrui Tier No
44 Kortli lib -r.
ray aide In Oold, or UkfiulvHWii In Ourreney :
irm t'HhlB tHO'liI H(wri;e
FlriM'uhii) to Ijjndmi -hAOU Htrerae to Iontlou... :4 Oi
kimt t'aliiu to l'lirlf... lt'"f H'ttrai;' ll Pang 40 it)
Kirwtt aiiitt to llttuibtirK W Ms i raeto lUmtmrif .. 37 IK)
Vann'iiKi-i-H ur mImi iorwanlpl to Havre, llieuieit, Kiit
tertlum, Antwerp, Ar.. ut iiall I- wrtU.
Kiireit fn m l.ivtrpiMil nr .jut'iiittnwii : Hrit CaWn, $74,
$h6,$I6. HtfvraH' t'nnxi ?ri-iKl aud itit'cimtuvMi,fc3vj.
'I IiokV wl.o it-li tu isjiii) ivt Uitir tiieuiiK tail buy tklvtiii
litre a tht?iM rt .
1 or luitlit-r lutuiuulion applvat the Companv'f officii.
JOHN' i. JAI.K, Agmt,
Ko. Ill WAI.M T HiiTft, ''''"'l---lij'.la.
HT J.JLall? HtcHiiwlli' I .tin, tn Hi tiff from each port on
b. 1 1 Mi'A) H, trt iu flrM wl urf al.uv 11 N K htruel.Ptiila
di a, aid Ia-vh V htiif. Hot ton. Fmm tlrt wharf
aijtif l'INE ftiret't t n hAtiir(!Kv,K pit-mler il. IH4.
Hi- ntfMiust.lp NuKMAh, hat. r. will .fcilT-.m HiladtM
iliin lr H.iton.on Hfttiirtlav. ritptiiit-r ;i, u 10 A.M.,
aid the uttuuiiiliip 8aO.N, Maittiowa, fruui U-lou lur
rM.tdeli-Mu,t.a oauie da.v, at 4 1' al.
'ittt-M ntw and btibstatiual au-tuntlilpi form a r,f ular
ltiif , a;bit( lrc in m li pull punt, lutiiij ua Hal ur -( .
IiuiHiicva tn eel til at oue-i.aUihtj icwtulum Iitxl ou
g.tle vi-ns-tlH.
Fn-h lit taken ai falrra'f.
Hlnp(sri ait- rt 'iiutud Lu avnd Blip Becefitl And BlUi
LadHiiv uitli tilt . i u.MssJ.
tor r ia-ihtoi l'ah4a (huHng fine acommodittoai)
applyto HKMtV WINH'U 4CU.,
ja4-tf ti. IWll.AWAhE Awiim.
ifctiari ViiiiisiJ, and Hwiiuure Lima, via Delaware and
iuiiujjiit jiiiaf. 1 hp itfauuit, uf tl.eo Unai ara laarlng
iiall.r ut 12 ortock M., juid b o'clcck 1'. U.,lruw Uiiad plur
tliova Walnut ttf t.
Kur frfiA.iit, Vtl.U'h wit) t taken on actomiaodttlng
lernit, anpl? to WILLI AM M. liAlUU A CO.,Ko. iU .
Yffntlf f ir IS. rMii.
1 i.i; phip ANi:oUVR. Captain J. 1. CarUl,
111 hall an alK a.
J forliilUlM pahi-an. apilTU
Jjtl-tf k o.lvI NALJir huwt.
v f-l
iWi. 1 AUHANGI.MI.Nr8 OF lyJ
T h ('nu'fn and A in hey and PhMadrlfthta and Trp
aiirtid Ornipm?i Lin from PlulaUalt Itta to Jltw I
and Way Maoa
W Uttst a . via. : V
At a A M.,v i aiiidi-n and Amlxir. C. and A. Ae.
rnfBrrt' lntlon T
am , via t aiittita ana uerit-y ny, aturaing
At li' M . via Ontdt ii and Ami), ? and A. AMom-
ii t'aiimi 'M
ai i r. ii, via ( Hiiult n ami Ami'-, c. and A. Cm-
JV 3
At 1 r. M ., via riimilMi and Anihoy,, AccnnBif(aiJ.B
( I' n-'i'ht at'tl rfiB-fiirs-rl 1
At i; P. H,, id t aitiili n hi ul Anihoy. Arritnaroodatloa
iri- 'K'li anti 'u,n. r) 1st CiftM Tk Hut S
71 f ' 1iih tin j
At 7 Vj '. M., via ''(iiinlfn And Ara'M.jr Arcnmmiida-
Hon riVriKht hiuI I'.ms. tiKt-r), Ut Chtlt Th aat....
3ti 'ii- i
For Maiti-li i hunk, A ll'.-Vit wti,' Mt UiirhV-nV liaivld
T-4tr n 1 . anther tvt;ii, F li-mln tfton, Ac , .V.W P. M.
- r l.ainU riM !p u.,,,1 n.(. rnu-,it Hrnton. at ft P.
r.r ii mi nf uiit Kviviiv I'lc, lUib.rtoiit ami Vlacr
v i', sitiri, ii., v anil t r. M.
for I r.rh.,1,1 t (. A. M. and P. M.
tr I'atrnyiti. vortn, I'r'nn, I'.orerlv, Unrllnirt'
n- rfiiifs. ItonW i4"w n, Ac t ti A. M.. lm2 U.. 1. ,'l in
an. Hi IV M. l . :,n ft0j .-, M. lluc, nil dlf- t lhfOU
to I rr ntop.
t. ti at 7 V1"' ,lM rton, 1,eIBc. Bi'v-rly, and Unrlin
Strntiiltsnat Trenton, f.r Httni ltnrltrtnn Paver
Tori f.'ali'. ar i 1 mi oity nt i-;v a . aaU top M
Will leav.- h r f.J'.mn
At 4 A M., nn ht) va K"nfnrt-n and Nw Yori,
w ahif'Kt(-ri and N-iv ork .Ma i ff-
At 1 1 it A. X via Kiiiin(tfi and Jat try city Kx
Lr. M a
At 4-.4i p. M., ia Kt tiftl.M.ou and June ,(?lty.Ka
iw , 9
At a-Hfi P. M., via lnlnntnn ami Jfn?y Clly,
W aniiin ton and N-w York l.xpr-t.
Hiii ln lihM h uvf nt 4 A. M. and ; Kt P. M. l lir w
b' no llnr nt 4 A. M. ( SUM) n Mtiiidav.
For Water Up, Htn-utUlnirir, Horiinton, WiHf.p,hnn
iniirttrte, i treat iK'tiu, jiam n i tiiinK, Alleii'imn, Math!
tn m, llf ulrrc, FrtMi.ii, Laitil-rn vuU', Flcnunttiiii, Ac,
7'lft A. W 1 hit If ne fen in r-tt Mrith the tiaui li-a In JCait
fur Wiidi rt .utik nt .( ct p M.
nr l.nnil-ertv.lif and tnt.mi dilute itf'itlrMTi at P. M.
F'ir In I is lot, IriiHoii, Ac. at 7 l'atid 11 10 A. U , am
P. M.
For fl' tmrthitrr, Tarnr, WK.!nOfuiiijr, TtrM ihtirtr a
Frankford nt . A. M., ft, 6 4. and H P. M. TheU A. M. Ll'
Tuna tn hnainl
I if Fir Ni'W York nnd Way IJnei lenvlnir Ronalnirtf
iN'pfif. fntv Ihe rr nn h tf.h re-t, ahov alnul, hall t
hour Iffura d pnrtnre. The Cart nil Into t)i D.pul, al
on artlvnl nf ac trnm run tr'-m the Iepot. ,
r illy xiiindH of hHsfKHiie only allowed enrh paiianirel
i'ai-si iit.iT an- pri'Mt.iri .i fn ru takinn anvti-lnt? st iiainta.i
I'Ut their eatlna aiinrel. A II ha; Kan p over fifty poo n I
to he paid fur extm The VnnpaMy iinit ll.elr repnr'
bility for baivvaire f One l"llr p r pound, and Mill not H
linJilc for uiy aumuut tM-vmiil $lit, ticupt by tuecial oo;
Orahnm'i Tlntv-wnk-e Fxprana will mil for and deliver had
r " .i i'tsyuiB, umt;n ii'iic mi ar no ti tTlLti V
BlMft. WM. 11. OAT7MF.K, Ant.
From foot of CoHrtlnnd ntre.t at Pi M. and 4 P. af.,v
Jerc rit anrlirtiutien j ni 7 and 10 A. M., 0 P. M., mt
V2 Kinht) via ,U m. y t'lty and Kerning. mi. J
Krom f.K)toi Hnr lay r-treot, ut 0 A.M. and 2 l M., vi
rroin Pier No. 1 V.rth Kh er. at 12 M., 4 and P. J
r rtiKiii anu i'.tsfltitiKrj via Amixiy ana Uaindn.
X ail the itniioin on the Camden and Amboy and aod
uetuut; jvaiiroaun. ji
i('PASin iih-qp itrti f
ThaPaaidrn tin.t Aiulny Kmlroa! urd Traniportatlof
Company i 1 rt'iyht 1 lnr lor Now York will leate Wnlnt
irtfi, on nn. aitor January a, tlaJl (sundayaa
C-lit i nt 4 o clot k P M .
K. lurr.lng, the aio t Limn will leave New York at I as
I . Al,
Freight in tut be di-Iberod hefuro U'P.M.tO to t'
warded the atim- day,
l-rciitht I' Ti -nion, Prinreton, Klni-nton, N.-w flnin
w n r. and all pninu on the Ouoideu and Amitny Kailroa
also on Ihe Itf-lvhh re, lie'awstr.-, utnl Klemia.'ton, Uie Ne
JtTf-rv, the 1- reeltiild ami Jttnii nhuri. and thn linrMmrt.
and Mmmt Holly Itallroadn. r-'tolvetl mid forarded up ti
P.'1, o'clock p. i. iuiall paekitfiei tor .Mount Holly reculv
up io i j t-HTi r m .
Th-v Hal.liUTo I'elaw.ire Kailrnnd c-nnena at Pblllii
hlin With til A I l.lli.,h Vallui- ffall.rsflil Tin, H.'..a. l.aa-.i
Ilttilroad ronnii tt nt Khaheth with the N"W .Firie,ly
Central Iliilrond, uud ut NtH.irk with ti.e Murru tu ff
sr,Bn.-A iiaiiinau, .
A slip niitiiortiiitliim. prclfyinrf the markn and nnml
hern, uhlppctfi mid ronl;niM b," uinat in eery lnitance (!
ent t lib earh h.nd nf nocdn, r nu rt feint will be Kivenj
lucrraifti fnclll! I' S l.aviiiK be n uiadt fur ihf transport 1
iioi i i.i y t. c ivo 'i , tin v era nrr uivitea to try ntie rouv i
V hen the Mock In furntilied tit fiiaiitiitei of TWO CAI
LOA UtS r more. It will be iMIvert-d ut Via foot of For tier
street, nur the I)ron Yard, or at Pier Ni 1 Nona
Kivit, as the alitppt-rn m.iy dniiinate at the tttn of Uil
Bl.'JJIllCl.a. It Alt I I, Tl r H Tj T. .11 A It , T n'IKIll A Iff 11 1,
No W'H ltlaw are avenue, I'hilivleiphia.
tiKih B. HAYMOMt, FroUrht Amnt,
ja-pt tf Pier No 1 North Htver, New York.
NOTK i..
On at d after MONDAY, January x WA. the TraJna fod
ew otk, letiviiiK heitili ntcn pi'i-ot, Philadelphia, a
a 111 A. Al. (Mtv-ht), nnd i V., and tbe trains kavln
Ntw York at 8 A Al. and 7.i0 P. M., will bore after be ruaf
exrluslfly for ate t'niitd iStatui Malta and New York!
arid V ahlnjtton Piu-enKern, arid w ill not take la nor let
out buy iin nui r lii'tmn id ltlii. al
'1 he if A. M. and 12 Midnlubt LIucn from New York t-jf
aniiiiikjiisii, uuu mii- tl vi n i nu , .-ti. i.iiitja II vi f
w aMhlntoii to New York, will continue as at pnout, an
cany pa." nether to and from the Intermediate stations au
linltliiioru, afhlnilon, nnl New Yirk.
Lines leave Phllade'rhla. from Kenslniiion Denot. tJ
lNnA.M ,4 lrf, and tl .' P. M., and li fni mldnu-bt, and)
fioui wulnut Htteet wharf (via Caniuan), at (i andSA
hi.. Pi At., 4 ard tip M, lor New York.
Aiullf;i. s Nt w Vo'k, fiom bn.t ot Cotirttandt streetj
It7 A.M , 10 A M , '2 M .4 and P. M , and at 12 mid
nUrtat, and fiom foutol Haxclay street at tl A. M.,andJ
Jai-tf AMnt.
CPS . HAL kAH.Iti)AI. iU4J
Tin: t.h fat M.iritLi -tka k shout roi'TK 'io4a
KiiiiineniH nnd tai llitlcs tttr the f-afa, npeedy, and contra
but h bi ti ani-poriailou of passeiiifera, unsurpassed by mtiM
rt uie in ir c countrv. ssj
Trah.a leave the bepotut ELEVKNTH acd MARKKYfi
ntrtfis us follows : 1
Mull l ram at 77-1 A. M J
Fust Line at 11 3- A. M J
Thrniirh KxpruHnat ... H- iiO 1'. M J
ParkfsburK' tain. No. 10 0(1 A. kf .
ParkerbuiKTraln, No.?. at I IHJP. MM
Iiarrisi'iirK Aceonimodation at 2 Mi P. M.
Lanrahter Train at itMF.M.
Paoll Accommodation (leaves Wt at 1'bliadul
ph.a) at 1'MP.V,
Ihrontb Part: titers by the Fant Llnartiacb A'tooaaii
upper, where will ne louiul iilwni accoaimodailoos fvtl
the ultht ai the sv an House, aiid lu the moruiof nsav
take either tbe PhUadi Iphia or Haltltnoru F.xpress, eaab ot'
which makes c utiecth ns at PlitahurR f.r all points. A
dH.iliht icw is thus aiiordedof the entire line audita
UitiL tiitieenl st enery.
Ihe Through I i press Train runs dally; all Si) othtii
trams uany. e.cepi .-unonvi.
The Vail Irani. at l.iue, tuid Turough Kpre con
ncet ut Pitt-liti'j, v. 1th ttiroiiKli trains i n all dUwrmne roadi
ftoiu that point. North to the Lakes, Wet to Uie If issis
sippi und Miro-ourl Klvers, aod Mouth anl Komhwest to all
po.nis by railroad. Ihrouwh Tickets to Glttva
land, lietroit, Chii aKo, M 1'u'd, t olv.mhui , liidiaoaiHjs
nt 1.1'inp, i.enveuwoMn. tvansas,, nur. i 'avion, tJiu
nnii.itl, LmtlNville, Cairo, and all other principal pHnUi
aim imKKHi-e cut kmi inrouan
Tlie Tbroti,.!! ICspiem., 1. avinn at 10MJ P.M., ronnectal
at lilairkvtlle iMeiKcrtlon witii a train on this road lutV
Hlii in vine, I tidiaru, A v..
1 he 1 hioiiLb l.xpn is I ihIi . km nitf at 10 ,0) P. M .con
necte lit Cre-son. at l it, A M ., w hh a train on the road
lor rbri't-hnri,'. A train h!o leaves Cn-ssou for bbunsbuxK
at b iep. U.
The Mall Trail, at 7 A. M., and Throui'i K.vnresi at
M.,comii- t at Altoona with traittsfr ILtllltlajs
bitti. et 7 .' r M.anlNoA M i
TlliiiM. ANIi CI fe.AI.Ktl. I. T ItHWi'R UAILROAD.
Tl e Throti).). Fk i Kt '1 rain, b avins at lu a0 i'. hi., m
neetf at Tyrone v.iil: a tram Co- P.iiKiy Uide and Philllps-h-irii..
and h- (tn'ti K iviu Val'uy Kniiroad lor Port Maultl
Idtjr-hliitv, HiiU lieneitii'.e.
The Tl roi Ke tvprefs Train, Uiivit'ir at Pi .i P. M , cou
nt cto at I tn tired ,n 1th a traiu for Hopewell and 15kd
h'lin et ;; a M
, l i:ik tt vll.lto o.
For Hi r urv, W nltBiiitp i i , lock Hnan, C'mlra. Ro-
rlu-fH r, Itunalo. nnd Shi hhi shII., tviMuiipers (akinit the
uil I'n.iii a 7.' K. M,, and tuu Ttrotvb Lxiiresa at
H' .'iC 1' fia.) tr.pi Mindtty. dtieetl throUtch,
w i ih in I hii-v oi cnts D iwvcu I'lniaai ipi.ia ana wu
lintoNiK it.
For lOUK. HANo KH. and (lKTTYrtMHKt. the trains!
leu v tn: al e A. Al. and V a P. M , ci)nvot at uollsaala
ViUIi tiu'iis ' "i.' o,tllUln ontrai Kaiirouu.
'Phf-Viiiliriiii at 7 Vi A.M., and throu -h lpresi a
Iv'i'-' P. Al.,cvitiitci at Hari.fiiii.rtf witb traius lor '-arllsle,
ChautbiTbi y, 4.r ULi r. to u.
1 he tialn's itat int. a 7 i'' a. M and 'i Wi P. M., ennnart
a 1'otAiiiQKiowh uh iraiiii ou Una load to Way ties bwra
ami ,1 iiiu mi ti,iit n. u 'i
I- lm ti.ti li.foiii, rttw.n a, ph a! the Paaunvrer Matt.
H. K comer oi I I KM Ml m t' ftf A ttk K I Stitfets.
.UMKH K'WIH N.Tbkat Aint.
For l,',rt,r',r .- nt .,,.!,. a: v :y l -w rates, for the ao-
t'oionint'ai oo t.f :.i.i. :iio.(vUt of low u, or located ou
or neat ll. line ol ire romi
Cul 1'iiS' TICk'PTI.
For i trips ltweeii an two potitte. at about two eesitA
per nine, u
a ft i ii fin la i do iu de of iratl to tamllies Kjlna VV'v.t, a t
ont-hall Lite muul rate of faro. PsrUcnlar attontionli
paid in haftK-, ua v. Inoii chicks are tien, and bnnHa!
jwi f mi uvii ii.t i iic iiiati un u tiu pMnuuawri,
1 or lud uitoiiuaiion, l'pl to
IXiXinClA l l'NK. Kmlnrant Aff'nt.
No. U7 UOCli. huvet. '
MANN 8 UirkilOE KXi'KKhH.
An aiantoi this raliablo Jtprss i ompauy will paaf
thioiih each train before rescuing tbe depot, and lake uf
i'be kl and deliver bn.rti(e to ati piiof tha Cit".
fsti w 11 be called nr promptly wit. n orders axe left at tit
attstiigi-i lt pot,K!entkand Market airoau. Ti travt
lug uulihc arcaaurrd '"' u u cnttrtiv rpon4U u
J 1 KldllTH,
Py this route frelftlita of all descriptions ran be fop
waidfd ti ai d ttumai.-aoinu-Mk Uto raUroads of Ohio,
Kt niut'Ly, IiidiAiia. liuiioia, Wisconsin, Miastinri
by railrtad direct, or to any point oa Uie naviatii waives
uf Uie West, by steamers from Pittsburg.
'Ihu ritlenof frtilvl.1 ia rn.nA fiom anv Dolnt la tha Waatl
bv tl e Pciinmtlvai.i Central k&iiroad are at alltunea u J
favoraide as are rhartred by otner Kallroad Cuiupanies. L
Hert littJ.n aad shippers emrustiu the trails portatioa of I
tbeir fnuiht to this Coiutianj caa rly wlUi eouddaboa o4
For iretkhi contracts or shipping dlractioui, apply to ot
adilies the Ainta ot the Company - ,
h. it. b.lS'..-ToN, Jr., Hj 110 iphia. ,
I. A bTK.WAKT, PUtsbmg. j f
: CI.AItK , 1 i tlf hk.
' LFECll M ( O .JNu. 1 Aiior House, Of Ko. 1 B. Wltia-i
1 FVi H A Ct) . Vo. 77 Washington street. Rosh
W11J.IAM HllOWN. No. i0 North street, Aialitnaoiw
YfV-m 0VIU1WB Vt" ltJltf,
II. Jl. HIM; HII 1 KT.
tieuaraJ rralyht An--nt Phllailnipiua, i .
. I i L. iioupr, ; '
, ucucrai ical aa at. PiuUd iphia.
UenfraJ S uj tjiutenOauti Ailovca, Pa
iu fct ticketv ure inienaao rr tae use ot uiuiiva w
t hnn lietiieiiil , and are ol Tuat aivniiUe to v'to&
.ma oceusional inns. f
For one or V ree uuu.Ua. for ihe usu of scholars attead-af I
achool in thu ciiv m
Iufsrart Accouiuitxlauon train lavjs Ko. 1.17 DocK r