(Evening clqvaj)h MONDAY, f F.ri FMHI'.It ., 18-54. SPIEIT OF THE NEW I0KK PRD3S. IMains Editorials from the Sew Turk Papers Tills Monilni;. ATI..T .. The fii'l cntiin.ii'!n u.t w 1- ly of the t'.ill ot A tin l.i '.it (if tin- ill c i-hi il.;', nt nt a i ii'ti'ni of 111 !! in? 'i fir.- , - s;i,iii'r !,y rht o.'ici.il dcpntih ciffitmral S! e-: m in, tlii.-: nmuiini: pn'i lislicd. It w.i sifi i n ii think mo v::i-:it tli !i rtocl.K '1 tl. . fn'i-i'f In; j. i, s'ri,.i:i,,. d.-nenil SliirniiiM ali:it!j"iul Vm rn-avr i ut of ni. line, east a it J i itli of AiLntn, !,., nnj; .niy t;,.. cu.a taboo. V ntnl it, a, i-marli, s wiili tin: Co ;i-', ml with nil llio rest of lii tirrnv prvi:iitlv. ,j.n. toll tipun I tic Mump, t.iilnin in-'nw its nirt ,-tuni with the !.ivrnnp.u r n.l nt l-'.n-t I'.ilnt. A Ki'Ih ! tin o ft .liini'iiiio, inltiM south i.f Atlunia-.n l lip M.icim run. I, wu-l.v this tn mi -n vrn, IMilatnl In in Mil- in. in nrmy utul.T Hon-, Hut Ptill lielil thu city, unit iilihuncii sfr.-f -I v iu trcimlieJ, win ntmrkrd ami il. ifil on Hi Ut S,ptOTiili-i. with the luni.f ton nuns 17.. iirl Bomm mill .it K.i.t vim) Uilloil ni'.l w .ii i.l. l. I'l-on brrMiiiuji aware of S'lornmi's movc'iimit, and of tlip illvi-inti of lib iirmy, mill tliu oiiiii tion of his only liti of I'.iinmiini'.'iUiiwi, II ...J blew lip hi tinuazini'S in AliitiH, ilp-trovtM tin. rollli.i; stock ol't'ic nllwiiy, mul (lod In the niiilit llmi'. Thus i thi viotory of (ii'ti.ril Slnvmni evo'i more tirilliunt. nn.l more ili.Hitroio t . tho .,.......- lwj Itbnii picvitMiH il.'-p.itclu-s had Ic d'H t antidpnto' lllood i at I lie sain!) moil, ent in m.. uver.'d uiit nf sfliit last fortress, mid him s ii del trhmr-nt of !. I army well nhrh iletrnyed l.v n si.lileii nnd muni Jrfpstly ut.cxpivtpil titrrC k. I he uttermnst military insrm-i- mi., lunen upon mm, ior lie h ttli per mits liie army to lie riven u-iui.lr, and riim-mil. nrily aliamlnii" the point, tor the security of wliiili be has ventured tlio h.-iz udoin ilisji-isi'l ti of hit lord winch invited tho cll'ort of General .yiifrtiu.il. Thoiik'h lie mav have csrunoil nlih fble (raguient of troops, it in evident tho c.iinpaiu nn me .-imo mi- iui in nun. cnerraui s ne' '- Mitv for rp.t Mii'.l ii..f I... !.... . i - .J liortcr, he Is in mfe, ,osejsion of ihu p""jnt to w whicii all the illorm of ihe p.imi.iiifm, on liotii r"i n"i' "pen (iire.-ieo, nun ne lias now tho rint to uo'ny, it he tli nks it advmal.lia. Coi-uin it is mcie wiu he no slowne-i on the part of General Mn-rtimn. where it Is pos-ihie to humvift. As well tisiiny man heiiiHleiNt mils the supri'ini) iniportnnce of complete iniiltiirv tms-i ssionof tl.u central pillar of the Rebel ConlVderacy, and Hood uue.noi exw'i,nor will Mieriitan perinlr, that the Irults of tlii ciowuins triiinioli Khali h i..r. ..... eathetod. The boiit of the lielu.l i..,i,i..r thai i,. would toM AtlHOtn (ill his nrtny wan niinlhllated .vanibues in ouster nelore tlm superior itouenil iblD of his ontioiicnt. an.l wltii Ii aj h ,.,n ikiiOWB, pft'HPP, or will soon pass, all that Atlanta Was meant to defend. I i4omiiio.vai. m ititrii:it. 'ri tfr Titers, Tlie coiiiuiiuiiUr of Fort Mortal aked for tcrmg. "The only terms wo can m ike am incimriitimial surreiu'cr," was the reply. Thin "Jt-'aringut iu the l.mt suo of thu war leiteratos lihe words of Grant in the ilrst. These words iiauo the rule or tho wir. There l no dittorunt olicy known In eidier army or navy. The bampions of our Hag invariably refuse to locept anything short of nn absolute yloldin to t. Tbey will have the Rebel buiitinir Ioh ci-p.I Ilattotfae earth beforo maltlui? ft single eoucos- 'ion. iney lira too jealous ol the authority anil lipnlty (.t'the nation to chud'or, iu its name, with letiunt t it'll n. What the e old heroes do, tho Union party leans to do. It, too, insi-ts upon an uncoadi ional surrender to the national authority, as a ireliminiuy to the consideration of any 'miiur inestion. Precisely heie lies tho primo distinct ion between the Union tmrtv and tlmt fo It. The lloppeiliend'i aro tor treating with the w...v wvx.tu .iii...it., a ILU.HIt 1 L.UiriUl H OIU hem any previous recognition of tho supremacy .Ffha nl,l en,,.il...ii...l n ' t uv i .UIini.,HLIUI.MI U.ll CI II IIIUIII, ro far (is thero is any recognition at all, as a ondltion precedent to discussion, they are, in act. tlie ones to make it. The Chiciiro platform W a recognition tor tho nonce a reoguition yvoad Aoc of Confederate independence, ami, if nlly cniried out, would praetically end iu a re- Ognltlon for all time. lr. curoiiillv avoids tlm vord rt'wllimi, and every other implying t ii.it lliere is any ulleuiancj due n i the men who iro figlitlnn cur Government. It usks that "ini- ncdiato cilurts bo ma le for a cessation of hos- ilities, with a view to an ntfunat covontion o.' Wll the States." rutli eilorts would involve diplonmtic inter oursc v ith the Jell'. Davis "iroveriimetit." Tin n Itself is lectatiiizmgiliat it lias a caittiin civil tutus, that "::o eminent has declared, avaiii uid (gain, that it will listen to nothing so long ns .hut it cuilB thu 'invaders." aie on lt soli. If klthiiraw our armies, it is a recognition on our .art tnnt llity uave boil invaded, mid that the Confederate" soil is indeed independent soil. If rresioeni ji:ivis snouui w.uvo tins point, and istcn to the propositions of President McClellan or an "uliimuto convention." (wo say 1'iesi lent McCh llnn, for no other President cauUi so amperwith thu national sovereignly), the Con ederate Chief coirid take no action unon them inder the Montgomery Constitution, by virtue I wmcn mono ne uoids iiis iiiace. exuent by in- lucing tho Confederate Congress to authori.e, nrougu rniiiu action, auoiner sovereign eonven- ion i t tue "Conlederutu htates, wnieli nlonc ouIU determine whether thu Montgomery Con- yitution should be abandoned, and whether they oulrt t o into convention with the United States lo construct a new constitution, that shall b." com ion to both. I That is the on'y posi-ible method for Hceoni- illsbing what thu Chicago platform proposes, nr Government could not more completely re oSnizethe indent ndi uce of tho ''Confederacy," or the time, than by fnspending its military t.ciion in onicr tl.at the Uonlcderate l'rcsi lent." fhc 'Coiifcdiri.to Coriiress," and a soyeroiirn 'onyemion of the "('ool'ederatu Mtates" should ome to their respective decisions uon the ipies ion of "an ultimata convention" of all the tntps. Tt wottlii l.i nr.i-ti.-al .1 .-1. n,t,L-la .., ..f that thee iinthoiitles had discretion and atitliori-y n the piemlses. . Should an)' of thete decisions lo adverse, or rnotild tbe States now composing tho "Confede racy" refuse iu the end to aeeept the newcon- .tiiution iiaoptca oy the "ultiionto couveution, acre is no power on earth that would not m tantantoitsly a knowledge their distinct u ionality, on tho ground that our own action had ilready estopped us from denying iu Of course, there are many honest stinnorters of tUCIellnn who think of no snch application of his ilatform. lint it is because tlioy do nut think nt nil I'hey ikksuine that peace on the basis of the Union U1 come of itself, .-imply by our expressing a eadlncss for It. Their Idea of an "iiltimutu c m--eulinn" is simply such a convention as might kiare ben suimnoned in former times, involving lotuing out n'gui.ir c institutional procedure, ('quiring nothing but tin sanction of tliree ouiths of the States to niiiku the nmeiiduients linding upon all, and leaving tho old Constitu ion "the supreme law of the land," It the amend ueuls should not receive that ratiticalion. This lotiou is n their delusion. The "ultimate convention." even If It ever could e realized, of which there is not the slightest likelihood iu the way contemplate .y the Chi- go piattorm, wouia oe a conventimi of elates (presenting two distinct nationalities; and tlie uilurc to agree would leave both in the same oudition as before the convention. Ilivlnz I iveii up the old constitutional uuthorlty, so far v s regards these i ontederau s, we should have no ght to make fresh war upon them for still assert Ag their independence, and would have no altcr- lllllTQ Ull. iu yiviu IUUU1 LU.Ib iiioupc uuvueo. Jelf. Davie could not possibly tin J any easier or heuDer road to reach what he has been so long n -vaiin struggling for, than that which the Chi 4go Convemlon lias designated. lint the loyal majority of the North do not In end that this road shall ever be opened. ' The .alb. of peace these Confederates must travel egins at a dirt'ereut coint altoeether. it is Union -round from the start. Tho very firt step Involves uoiuirsioii, anu a complete submission, to the old lUthoiity. Thus only can we have a cleer and ore way to the adjustment of all the nuestlons he war lias generated; and thus only can our auuuuiny uo aepi secure ana inviolate. The Xation, a Paris Journal nearly defunct. is to be resuscitated by the application of three Jiundrcd thousand i runes, under tlie editorial fcmnagement of Leonie Dupont. Bookbinding was well done In England nearly i hundred yearn ago. The following is the des iription ot a work recently sold by auction in .endon, bearing data 1757 ; superb morocco, en icbed with exouisite tooling, ioiuts, and beauti ully tloreated borders Inside, lined with crimson lx. conlailae.l in tiiroj-...,.A ...Itl. a....i. ln.l. . jnp. ito. r o TDK Siiivlnt e llnrr. AlniO-t e:i K" notis who have cared to louk for tl e I allies of those wli.ii.iicr for their Instlu-'ti n and nnitt'-i inept in ttiis .iv. have been e'pe. i.i iv tttok with the (r.e-avn.gs taken Itmt tie disgnsof thi rrcmh i.rtist, (.ii-tae Hore ; tint mine few i f tl.t in may be mii piiseil to hear how )diing a Inan he is, and the estrn ird narv .piaii lit) i f oi, of jooil ouitllty that he basa're i.lv gi t thtoreh. lie w:.s t ,.rn a' Mi a-b itir' on t!i' t.th i I ,liu nary, l,i':;t. . t.vbcr was then a', or.li-i-aiy ijnt'itieer, of the Ih-pattM' tit of II is lllim. In H .; the 1'u nili arm v gained some i f its ohm; l ii.,i r.t vli tours in Al,: riii. Hie lakltig of Con H Utitie In itio ihe innit rem irk.il.lp ini :.etit. lie itiii tnnt 'ini of the rh' Id a- n-t on ti-e bv tl.e .K eoiirt" bo heard, nn t at live ; pars, f are be ro.ptep.l a draw tie of the t.at'tle, whic'i is 'mo to liuve been won. er' a 11 si id id. AtF.-hoo' he apM ars to I. ive done liiin-cll credit in in -t d. i.iitn.i ins, I ut to haw mule all l.- le ns 'iiliotdii'iite lodrawit'ir. In .Novrtti'i. r. 1st;, M, Hore. (, i ii , w ho h.'d i e i to ' c i Stief . ni'iu r "I ti c 1 ii partniert ot A n, l a I to la'.o to 1'atii Ms i-loc-i i ti, i was pn-jinin,' for i lit- I'niv li cbnic Si lit. o I. (i:i-ta'.e ..n u.lo ve.l to a ( .i'.. I r.v tin u . a::d this was tin- Ii i; pii -t in-, inert the boy's i if ci- -le had won n r. a iy it the I H i.' "d l.nirtf st.t'ii ii tit nitiM c mic i s ti i c. e hi- en bill, n, and he n,t at om o io Phi .ippon, the e ii:or of the ".lottriial poor rire.'' 'lb'- skctclips he show-d at (.'ice arii-sted tlio ii'tpt tirn ol l'liilippon, who .s indued to em. ploy him, .ii spile of hi i -t:ciuc voutli; an I i.veiiiiiiic the reluctance of h:s father t lit hli:i Ipiive the eolh ye .-o miuti hv ''rniti an an e ttietit nhirh n'siired hini Viotj fi aac.s a cur for the supply ol illtistrat ons, nnd vet allnved Imu t nie to contlmte his gei.cral Mtn'liv .t the Coll.' y ( I. i; cinii.np. Hi-own ace'irue ol.sc: v i'ioii i-f fiat re sien.s lo hate sutll.-cil for his artistic e.Iu. union; at low, .1 tunc ! interred trotu his It, tent. originality that lie was le.t g.-.atlv in. di bti-d to anvca-ual muster. Ilu ha.- bv'tliis litnaniiitP attained to Ihe position of a tiia.tpr li'lnNu. In a ii..ti. oi.f liltu l.v M. I.eniereii r de Neuvirle, Iwll, it is stutcd that he had by that time pit on, i d more thau sixtv thimsa:i I ' yncile-. f in. I r- . C. Wuch-mtith ba- tMl'ten a sum'! book, (idled "llns site dr.. , li.'nland mi uem n." in which 'e .rove- theliiti ity of K.oluieruver's as scttion that I lo- (.reck sol cir day l-id no'pos -iMe fi.nr.fctioa v. ith the hist, i.csl Hi lienic ra v, but wire, ot e at;d all, of si.m r.iiic o. i ;!-i. 'ir'hs.nuth partii iin.rly dwells mi the extraordinary simili tude of the customs of the pres. nt Greeks at mar riuups, births, and deaths ni'h those of tln-ir rh.tsici. I atiiPstor--, be-iiics slumiug how ur-pii.-ltgly alike Neo-Circ lc-nos, sagas, atid tail) talcs aie to those of urn lent Greece, it iho ii'Hiutues ..I time and circuit. sta n i s iu-e taken ii.to consideration. SPECIAL NOTICES. t$T CHY HOIVIY, I f U it - lMl..tri.-'Jitl.-r ut the city li'.iMit, HI NPUKL) 1 uuil ( ii"im!j. !i"ii. .c. M41 sit i. iri'i'i. l l til fiiiMlcr t it i! it r , flit1 r.,iiiui:sI..!i wl'l C -nt 'llio di T-nvtlir r Hti SIV HI' KIM It lll'MHtKll 1nt.- J-Alt." In nil ntTHll-crt iMUmI lii'c.ii t, uutti vf tliettliv I'hilmU-ii.Iil Utiftlitr UlllslthK till 'in:, tVW.Ot tlUV ,Kf Mn im Ohm fr. ' i' tor 'I Wu Y'Mr-s, .'V f.-r Tiip- i- . .m. a- h.rceiirri. It. P. klJl;, i'rcMiy:t. "ill , Ht'trt tarj . m i-i:t !ir itl M. M tqpr tui; rN1)i;UM;XM, A COM- init'ci'fti pi.lii t (H,y tin I'. I'uitv C.inv. 'i'i ii o: m'. cimI V. j..r ii,e imi ri .sr vf rf niliin,' htr tlm rh! .tl lii'tli ti 'lt Wnlils, i if Ii. ,..l-t..(1 ,. i'-JtUtt" iImut. niin-a( l with (In- nit iwt. ti, c ,c tl-c sub --'.tl.'slt j tMf 1f;i!nw ( Hi .. lift 'it t.tittc u ttli id- ii mi .iti '-;t-irt n rill t'.f t -1 m 1 1 mi t a h nl iAHllItu Vn ,li t , r 'T'lit . Ik tin U.:t 1 fii Tv' i ll .'itll Ot Sfillcl;.tiT u ill i-.iili" n it- f eaMu--t mi! vi nm. i v.rlit! i , nn ! tli.- : . irmlti-.-Hii:-e:i to tlie j,;iirii'ti-' ;ui'l p'lh'l. ..nti 1 t i . A tli i l.v tin r u.ilut'iK v rti.U l i. ii. till.., iint .it II..- n-ffsai tin Aii to t-i ot Iriili-ct nil n tk i' ;ti, I i -f-M !!tTi' l by ithr r' tniiitrilt '('! C .uirnl'tft Ii tv. iiint .msi tuMi'c.s.it in mi-iTi.i r"Tiii)iiy Iiiiit.cti f in n'!'H nntrt rH nt lit i t . d.kI ail n-cruiii. ol'lnii d w .11 In- .I,-.trlfmt.-l pr.i rat t m i.ii:v Hit- nt.)-, iiinl, o'V.m.He, w ii bfiu-ti: most 1 .riMy tlii.'-t t; at 'jp1 ntn-t d i' .im t liv tinttcl ttlhl I'.'iitliiM .1 i-:lnrt ti.i r mini t It inc. ft' r- tj ti. !i!c .iiio, utii.-r, tu i -lui.tf ii tn HiItwihIW .ii.l ii.iio:'ioti-. It'' tut :r Us r n-.,'iir. tt t' ?rci' fT:i- ill - (rutu th t'nill on tl" Im ut An-iir, ,n fw i ni-..itul. Kri'lti this IMilili lT in ti fn tJt-i.tn ti .l f I e V ( ini 0 Ihm:i n I'ti hd s.'n .nli.il U;tti ; nn.l hi Ii i-iuli.s a tU itv m i t" t tititli d to. ft i iit in r-i'HB 4'tih- tlni; hi f!tf lid', v mmi iHo (Itv, i.n vhn Uw imt Ih.-il cri .II'f l (.im; hIm, fr;, n pfmn.it tn'bfii t in tin im liotii riio st iti- h lurt'.', iml not ciriiitt.l to wiij partiriiLr dcfrlct, ot wliira tl.a vilv lmi- licr pi' nli ii. Kirri :ir iii'luii in.iilu to :ti i-riiihi t lie-se cr.-illtn. nji ronin itir nl-o (xpect touhtHiii rt'omit.i i.oni vmuintis Tc-i nllliti,,t liotn tit Mfinlorii htnn-t. iko, i cciidhmI hv our lort-cH, iiml (n-in utlier ijimrtyr. 'I'.c-v.I'j not Ii-imh it Imp' 8Mb e, tin re'oiv, ty pu prr cxcTtiuiiB, to fill Iho ciiv'a li'ut. Money In iipcrssnrv. and tun nnh hp o!nnln. iM Iho voluntary MiliM-tiptinii ol ciMent..' Miu ii mjIm. -rip't io'ih rnv lie nfnt to tlie mlilivroii ,s tn any im-iiT'en. til tr.e iroi.i tiiittce, a- hfi.nv nl on, or to J.'ie lie.ul-iiuirti-rji of tlip l-oiu-lulttiifl, No. S. lOtKTH Hit . el. J A.MKS I, r,i:iKN. No. .'.-7 iHHi':i Al'oy. JAMKS II. oitN.;. N . fi-.'i; ("IKS s IT ftrt-ct. A Ii. Kit N tsC'Jrt. No :.l ; i lKi" i' rt-n-pt. .IOnHI A Hri.ltiNU. No. Hi? I ll ia tl Htrnt. vm i. i ihj'.i;. . KAU (H St'ia'VI.KII.L. N. It. Hli'lW'SK. No Hi . MKT-I Ftfrrt. JOHN V. H:.'IKt. No :!! .-i, si l il '-tr.M-t. IfT HKAiMH'AUTKItS W. N X S Y L V A X I A ' Mlnllt. II ireLi.ii... i.. :ji i ..: 1 i i ! J.'!1, No. I In toi.i ,ni.li iii ti of imp fi'not A--liil.!vrfiln''.,M n:u ,'i;b ;it. I Hit' ni't to whi' !t thvy r Pil''tteiii it., it I: 1. 1 li.it tl.e r:t.inx oi ih'M oriii of !'.t.'-ii rt-m mux. t , i!ltdtiic "iVtmtyh nia St ne i imir.V" pi'u l Ud t-r III .imI a- t, 1 f. I mi If li i iniii"tM,it. J. An t. c liat poition of (lit. rorpn. 'hr' roviiint.njf ililnnirv. t o .iiioln ll- ol v.w ah an.l i i-t I.Rfiertt"- if u.'M arlilUn, kl.iill h n'fri'lted' u tn t it'l. 'i'h..-.o t. '.Hiiontu, iiiilt'.n, itn.i t) il't rU'. It it Ititi'iittd. ih ill hi- n tnpn-r .1 of ulnutfT'" , ti w It : o i (Meran Holilh r an I r.i'alik' tinliw'l M'i-.oii-,lH'twe;i the rtts tt' clclitomi mil rii.v,f;iliw nrrtrr.'THM- to iv-- hi... are it t .'.tihj.vt to Or.ul ut,ir Hi- law of tin- I tut 1 Stutt. It. 'I lnc tliim to bo nis. d.wi.l !' 'i'mmanli'i! by CtnipMiiy wainTi el? ted In tlin men. ktnl who hiive h.-cu in the enici.f the t'nUi.i Slate-, and been hoiiurtibJy iiirhflr(-'il thereltt in. '1 r Meid inl (.enttal nllkei'H will be ttl'pointe I by tll l.ovL'inor And nu-Mereii into the Nfrid-p nf the .fate. Tin? I'Ti i' uill bo iiu'd otny lor the A'-inn' of thf s-ute it Mill. Millie tti m Iro. rn riotni.l t"jiiMM"'l. irtmd H'lh siit'd, diitlo'lncd. mid im tl at pro v fU .1 'or bv law for similar ircwipn m th Mervfif of tin liilid St ntn t, rernoii i:mii!e(i h m-ivKu lur H-poi.jt.un it' comi t'liny ottietrfc in thin forpN w III, en iif.pllntloii to thp Mtni-Iiiopt'ctor-Cieni-rni nt II uiiii.nr-.', r i . e a itlmrit y to re cinit coini'iiiiit-i mid ho.i.iii!h. ttd, n iifit-rwai.ts fhi-tt.-d ai Vi ill) 'tl 111 r Ulcer. IU he Minn: -liilir-il mir Mdl(lt;ly. .'i. 'I be -aid rorpM ball In eiihte.l in thn s-r.'ic.i of thi Ptu'e tor thre f.ir, nn (fits o-inT tli-t'-liiirel.nnd be llfthlo t br eiilkd tbf Mn nf the Htat tt tiii-'i litre a the 'suviTiior linty ib-eiu fill lr ei vicci wce-.-inn'. A fiiiop of i:e::dfiiin b. otblUh(d at Hrrl btiiK. in U r th rhafv-'i: of mpeMit liiilHary nnd iiiciIkmI tV'-fTp, and tr.'iiiopnrti'fon ( r tr.H't'i ill rto will Im loinlvhed to pior.n neriihlnt.' n aul- s uid H'tiia 1 of I ot 'es th.in I'llii ini'ii.iiii N phi .itm: to ('iloritl M H, (nay, Hrtieburt.',( 'bint oj 'I raniMuiatioii aud Tideruph J'.'ptir nu nl. 7. Kr.M.ld tlif rnjlniertu, 'tttsilroiii. find linfterVt, ! dAlly bi in inoi it.ett lor. iot be reriM't within lulriy ciyn. it. dMb it tu. y will Miiprllod by draif. M ltiitllcr (inivra! J,i,ii.l Tod l, Hi tl.- Inipe. tor t :n ml. In c brvn witU the oxeco'i. u of thi ord. r,aud l Ihe dt ttillit UlltliT it. Iiy t rdi?r of A. O. CTRTI , flovenior am) ConiiuMiiiler In-i hu.f. A. It i -ii. i. h, ItlMitani-tK'ii.'ru), p.-inid. cl-flt tfbia-MCFbK"TliGL(IHrOH7c6M-r piny, ft. im a. koi u i n street I'm i a i-Ki fin , i-piiiiiher 1, 1HH. Ii lill Sn NdllCK. Th tilob Oil foinpiinv h,tn t lit d.tv de.'Ured a dlvf diiil oi iim pi-r cent, un the capital nt.rit. pur value ten rtolbtr i.-r Kbiir", pavib'n on and after Hit I'th Imtitnt, Hooks timed .n the l th, and ro- pent d on the 1 ith IniUnt. Jly order oi the lioitd ot lilr- Uir. JfiHN H. WYI.K, hei? at Tre.m itor. t3T- OIKICK Ob' THK IIUKHJ.S OIL ComMiif, N. It; H. Kol'KTH Hrre-t. 1'hflide! ptbi. Septt tuber 1, lMiii.-'ihf lioiiTit of Dtrcctorii liuvo HiIh fiii deflrirod the third iiioii'lily d-vitb-nd or'ONK Vl'Al 4 T V'. nti Ho-capital kto.'k , pnvahie on Ho - itli (nsl. lheTrmiT ItooKi vrMI be Uedanr the 4tb int.Aiid '-.-l tn d on ti.e Mh. A. F. HA 111 SH, 'e-'-t : l'runidut. DKAFM'.SS, NOISKS IN THE HEAD, lUltDAT 1HHEASKH, CATAHIUI. ThotA who ii.fl.-r from thee ui.ilnd:nj btvfl now th. v.-ry t.e.l finjirt unity ,.r Und nif r.-li.f. Tl.t tpparftoi. r.,r..lrurlJ I,) nr. VON Mum li.lnucK I. un.loul.wJIy Lt u.n.1 j.e: l-'Cllv eit.etivo wii.-nt v-r n.,l t.ir reft.-l.l.iil Oic h-Ht ol' the ii.'A..i to which It i iltr.ct.il, miU em.li ratlniJr, wifli w.ili t.illul ruinofly. Tlm uiitlcAtltfU It ii. iilc... uinua, So. i; WALNlir 8lrcl. TKlllMnMAl.S. To Ih near. rr. T, .ii .Mo.cli.l.k r, Aiirlst, No. K.'7 t'lnii. ttital, oi'i'tnltil liioAl u.-c.siuMy nn my .irs, r. siocii.k' liu- to I'.-ilccl hi'trmv. I but!. r.-il from wlmt tlit (l.)kkllllu Ctlikll U Ll.lok. fll:iu ol' tin- arum f.i the ttr. WILLIAM rilANK, lliulder, ........ . Hctldcii.-.-, No. 1.13 8. bccowl lrtt. Plilldo!.hl, Au.-ust i, 1H04 Pun Ai.Ki.ruu, Jiih Jit.., Thlt It tn Mrlliy, tht ft four yi'art I Him UonMil Willi tn oll,.lv ditclitrite, ac.Tiiipauli awiilidusrii. il., I lima boi n treat..! br nu-liitr-.lia pliysi.-lan. wilhont r.'. aivu-tf ui.y bit. (It. Suuit m. utin avu I i.pll.sl to Hr. Von MoacL-iskar, who hat tcc.ii..litiL'il a ptrtt'.-t cur. JUBLPH SIIOEMAKKB, Of the Una of Shoouutur A llxltl, u.-r. tuinit. No.lll . ilroad airctt. rtivato rcsldemt, So. 731 Oiom airod. KVr.--Hr.VOy MOBCIIIHKKr. can bt finmUpaon 11 Buln.il.-i of IlirlCvo. Tlia.SI Kl.lCAt, opam'.iolla U rttlvrt BlUHi iklllullr iMaK.iucl. Olilt, No. 10J7 WALNITT Blrtal, H l.eia lnindrtdtof.iuuli.rlattiiuoiiiau) at Uw ab .ve can tt vxtauJiiad. tU'i'U rrrf- peaknesh and iilinunk.su. t. vxv intact, 11 I)., I'roltitorof I ha tya tnd Ear, trtata 11 disvaira appcrtaijilnji to Uia atKive-naitiadnaiaber. wltk ll.t Bltuoat 'I otimonudt frou Uit luuat rttUihlt a..urc In Uit cl(y tnd ooiinlry eui b a.-n ti hit Otlio. Ho. 611 Fl a K 8iral. Artltl.lal Kytl Instrtod k llliout pain. o eluifgcM maiia rr eiLamuittion. Oiltctbourt itouk ta 11 A.M., lot f. la. RiUIUlaiiM, W-Jia DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPII. PItILAI)KLPITTAr SILK AND DRY (jPPS JOBDERS. jiitM-r i Ai.ii tiJ'iiNiPiKj;, lX4t I . JOHN W. TU0MA3 WU I. lipl.N ON MOMIAY MOItSlKti, KPT i Ml'! tt '., A ; PLI.MiID Mi). K m' 1'Ai.r. am) wiM'nu DRY GOOD i io; s. si , FALL, M'OI'U ( FALL. S Nun' i hio;;i:.if t. FDMDND YAPiD & CO., J.'oi G17 ClicMii.t a:ul 014 Iivr.a S'tcp'. I Ml oil' LiiS IMi ,klltl!t;i'.s OF vSJLKF anp fancy dry goods, SI IAWI.S, LINENS, AN!) VVI n tk (joons. AND HAN0SOM1-; STOCK I) U K (i OUDK I.AKGK 1 ILL I. INK Ol TOIIKIGN AM) OOM I'.M'IC Jtltl NKKH AND OTHEH MAKKS. II UN 1VO 14 I M IC I 1 I refund thf money, If dolrt.1, for ovory lot of Shlrlt whlh tail In any ro.pcct. FINIJ H11IUTH. CUT LKMJTHWI-.I; UK MUSLIM. lftd of N'e.v KoftPirt V.Tk Mlln Minlln, and rnrr f!n Muoa Only II M I'v.sl i.rl.v Jtl'IMJ. Wil,!tnivllle .V!ll MimMn, an.t lli't f.firti n. K. ni. Oi :y HT,0 I i al .rl-. tV.".U. Gl.N 1 l.V.K V N S t L '11 N 1 S H I N O GOODS. esMl'l-II ,c .IACOIIH, mjl-Ow No. I'4 JO fllKSNUT Mtrtsl. I ' l l'tt (.llr .-S.H V HTHtKT T T!: ' of r.ADTK VI!"fINO Ttre ITV. or ih-sii, ut I.kaVISi It t.ir " IVitor !r; I'la. s."' or "t::".-- .i.u'.r.v,' is r-.wi.i;!y lu.l'.e! io t.. al.ll.,.l s:..,K ot IV III IK (""II1IS ';-.i!i!o l.,r rt'MM.'H WKMt.i.ir niilTJS HOllllid, 11.-.KNIMI WILiffK'tH, An fxte:islve assiiriuicnt It olVrU In f.aea ftcl V,'i.Tt.e,l F.!-.iii,-s anu tn-.rji.ni, i, ( is, IU n.lHrr.-lile'K. l.'oUarn, !v.s , i.nl Ini.U'll and Is:..". I !.,!.!, Su.p.-it, tint h'vnn.l ; iu- a AT rnlC!.-. !,( Ii Itl'.IW ilitlU I'lJUSKVT I'. I'.i't. VAI.I'K. Ii.i t'ntitC'l Lilian ctin.'irh; I-i-..i-s. 1() ptcii-a I'ullad, In ...a, tiiJdtilp.l ll.il llu. k. ri. pi.i:iii:m. ItNl ritKfu'r pr-i.-.io'. C2S (J-2S Kaniiuct:r, Ho. o.;M AIM !i H'i-v Aiovu Mi in tret, r.-ibAulpnie. WhoK-Jth'? :nd l.et.t!l. Ther:fiit fonip!its .-(.-f'.i-.it of M;i ui , r. rhi.ilrej;! llcop hkirt In II. i c;!y, In ci-T' r rT Tr i, cln-t. w.1,1. jur n lo, iini h, t.dj;..t , tud .bDa...'; hi. c no 'i," .; in (j,t. tiuik. t. S Jrtj Dikdtf w uidtr, ftitertd, and fi-n'rt d. i'M-lT W M. X. HOPKINS. 1 n - f i: ; and -M'l.l.'-.t: ' . 1'i .t r ' TM' i::.l Vf l-dU, (J f.. if , .ii--.. UAMT.!'UUY. Al.KX. 'I ( ' ! r.r.t 1 ! 'lot:: 1 ' I : ei Ait- :i H.r. ' I "r. :i. Tn-irii n . i.i -.. f 1 1 ll piii.i:.- in., y in . r i -:n w i'U. Trv ir I i . . 11. u il.tha in - I Hi Il:ai i' 1 , 1 T:t iiluiM-.t'l', "ji-d'. KAsfiuj;;:', MVi:ri t! it I?. naTitifaeiurt'd in iho i-1'...i , m r.nvf,t iirr.;-,c u- i'h I If the li.tli i l im t n..ileri:l. I'r.i.-.- e tit tn i i .ill b. ("re i.n .chasing 'l h-u htTt?. I in I it'i-ni'i the Nun ii.r, unl-ha K . .M : A'tf'U Str-et. Alii'l'.TS, MAT11NGS, OILCLOTHS ANU V Whitlow iiltadcfl, frlii iiiw Vol It. Anot'Oil ril1"!, (a.l;.ll! Met.) Mjj.'Riflemit li; iift.sel.i, t wide, SI if i, l f'.n nnd fl-7.'.; It;tat..n UriKnilt, (p.iiimd.) S wui.-, .0, w( end cen i .-,: I mid li V at propor t'nnait prh t ; Inipt rial t'.irp.'tri f 1 ;;7 to $l'ti pnr .ird: Iiiwralu, ixoin .W cwnti tu Jl jj; Vencdan, Kiw, and Ilr-mp, from tu 7" ci.ti p'jr vird ; M-itihiif, the litri.i'tatfiiortiuejitevwofiwied in rbhudelphm. tiooa ;("J b) 7.'i ee:df. a ) Kid. at tho Nesy Vtirk AiH'thoi Snleii lio- pot, iluruurly Hi.tblow'i,) o. 17 w. HhONl Btrtjut, itnd ticor ubove Walnut, opposite cvra K .cl'iiiiHtJ. j-'i (M)YTS TKA S' A U J'i 11 0 U S h Ji X A V blininjd in lbfO. Importer and lfler in t Ino lea, Wluea. ..Ld Ll'iuon, J bo4.'ij liavana Clkari, Ct oaa tt BlarkwoU'a Pluklet and Saocet Ei.Ktii.fi ulld 8-:uUti Aie ud i'urtt r, (Janned Meats, FmlU, Roup, Navy Jdeafcei put up with cure. At Ho. 119 H. RKOONI Htwrt. M-wiy jo ii la u. coi;srr. D I A 31 OKI) H. rtrtoni havlni ni.ituond. or olli.-r Pr.'Mon Slone. lo al.p'.iicof will do well by oulliiiif on LEWIS LAE0MUS & 00., DliimonaUciilci'Hiind .Icwclori No. HOJ C111CMNUT Hlroct, W lio viii tlit liluli.nt ot. tl. price. tiilO lia J 1X X2 M 11 A H 11 WHOM:!. B AKU UtTAIL CLOCK KSTAI1LISHMKNT, . E. coti.tr BKCOND uid ClIKSM'T Htrtt, I'Ulad t. AUKM.'T Hog Tit It l4f KliT r.yrALizixo thiutv-iay clocks, A ery df ilrtblt article f.,r Cburcbet, Doialt, Btnii, Cctiuting.ltiin.u. 1'arUiM, c. AJao, HANI KAl Tl lIKK OK FINE 10I,I PKW8. ( LO( KS LKI'AII'IJI ANU WAKKVNiUU. tlS-ly Clock Trlu.ujli)Ha of tvi-ry Uuaciipt m. "VM. A. OIIAV, N. U. COUNKlt OK SIXTH 11 ami MINtllt Mr.-,t-, buy. llhimulids, Wtlcll.-a, ioJd, Hllvcr, and I... an 1 1 kpIs. TllO.li IN WANT 01' MOKGY CALL. All l.ilslnrfl conf.dtntlal. tula im TEE HEW MUSICAL 0AKD3 'ratroirzed hv the Unral FnmHv ot Kiv.lpiid nre int by post for llll'.KK I01.I.AIiS. The. ara u oiom uniutiUi ptiht.uu', uud uacii utial Tiuit t.uuker tnftu anv uiiior oi'tl.od. 'A itio.t Interftliig and -'lever (rtim."--TlmPi. "Ailmli at'ly ad.tpicd for teachtii Mu'-Ial 1 im ." UltH trut it L..!ti'jii v- b. AddrtMiA. JUYCK, Xo. f-2 V. THIRTY-Bl.XT't Rtre-t, tw York. a-ijo-liii AR CLAIMS, BOUNTIKS, TENSIONS. FM'.and all Untrhtion of elulmi nirulift Iho 1 nlted MtntM c;ov(irnmjnt adniaudnndeidl tvd. 1'KIK M0 KV W liaTc a toil Uit of prize now payuMo, and tint inwuvv eau le eotl? t d at once. Appty or writ: to t,..(Ji:(.K ( KA.I A Illi'MllKK, Army und Vavri'intin Ai-nti, ftulT-ltx WALNt; 1 htroet. PRESIDENTIAL OAMPAIGN, F Jj A G H , BAUNEES AUD TEAKSPAEEUOIEfl. Ko. it S. THIRD STREET, Abort Choanal, rulUdelftU. MASCrACTUBM OF TLAGB, BAKNEHS, 1 TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. Pollllc CttaptlgB nubt iud out wllh Laottnu, Btd(t, Baantn, anaFUm, at rtaaoaablt raut. )g-loj SALES. A'-KVYV AUCTION . MAllKtT MUS.t, r.ooMs, No. 328 . . I.AItdl. hai.k of 'TK liRtNfl'K. V. IV r.o- MN..IIAlf, .Si) 1 I h I.OtV WAHI", In upeu li-t -. siilttiln tl.r rttv an,! r. nrtrv r,.tnil lr.. On 'I a. -..In. M-.r-niiL-. st I ' , cliK-lt U.INT i:i,.t,.si allK. MVS. nne ainnrlia. nl uf ii rlnl oanlltv tab'.' i.m. .it 1 II. -T I ti li.t At. II V .1 tl'A N ll I Oil KT-WAItr. f I AM. IU. I Ii r.O'.-S..i, I Uf I.'"' 1(1 t lll.t, O 1 1. I ,,. ;. !. ftll.t I.I.. . I I ; i riinil niei . . t.ii... ; ,.,!) jn.l it. i .l li.,,. , , sine, la ti-,o-.. I ..... it t'A.. (.11. I. A til'-III KM US AMI ten XH. I llllli. Tl,,.. I, .i J. O... I, K . . II, (, ,,,,! II Mpt.KIIS is I;.l feinli . r-. -i 1 s d io" ,1'nl :,n ky w ii , la I, WANTfc V AM I I) TO Kl,vi' ' ' ' I' '0 la", ly. V r '1 I" I UNI" !.: .-. ,i. it. i II Kl) 1. A M S I j; R W A N T K U . I It. ..I l.'l A, W ,.,.:v l I Of, t V l I" 1 i I I. All; ti- -. .it.rt in., nrr . .i , . t I I- I' w . '"S. li (' , . ut. ' It. .i. ti AM. 1 1 1 Viitl I- . .11. 11. 1. cs.-i. i a:..iii:. i "M-: I Mv. . ..i . . . ru . nr... rr;. fi tip J, it Ids ti iny -l.i..l t. ', I fi -l:r IHl i.,. ttlO llli.t , 1.1, ll in .-linllll. , . ,1 n M.i-i.', ,n bt.iiL-iit io IK. .,itiii k . rr.. t.V.Mlt V a-t.-h If i' I.'.'. I '! M. f. tl, W.I.I.- .ill..!,., li. .-I . ..i...-. i ! tn I ; till" 1 !! VS. ; l'V-I.SU II T.-isn-u t s A K' ' IS I sin! i . St., l. II nrrKi-tti, 1 1 ' In-1 '.inai-t, in a.tcr, I'.l. 't ,)l Va-.liliigt..n. Itrlrtilltr !. luial ni 1 0" v- i':ii-ji vt., Anwtist lMlil. ll. i :, i In i r ., It run A'.ini Ui. lllUI Tctinisili'i'st, OO AVlwtslM-rlu'Ut, r.O 1 :i:i-Kiii 1 1 Im, aiut -H .;nrrIaixo 'J'rlinmoi-si. Tl-I . wl.l r.-, r-it,--.!, .imt i th-- l,'i.t,i'.t l.lto.1 of OoTtiuiiivnl .y ill Otlrl. italic.!. 1 i-sn.on.itlMii lurnl.-ni'it by .ijij.tyin : al '1 1T.NNHVI.VANIA AVKNUI- WASIllKllTOy, l. u. E. J. MRASO, Cap'nitl, A. (J. M. JAMKS M. KI'.M.Y, liaaatprixnstiT'i Arcnt. fOR SALE AND TO LET. l'OR Vl.l'.. DWKM.IXO NO. ui; A.:t-ll.I.L nt r.-.-t, al.,.. Olr.ir.t voni-.-. i- ' ( ii ki i Kii.nns N-- :' . .'r.VI'.N lit S:t,..-t f-,-f I'Cl! S.M.K. s.-.(H1ihi tvilll'l II IN (1001) i.-v I' i,..-.. lar.-rrtn.l Aii.i.ll. on t.-rni. to .,.ut nr..lis..rN. ' r s il, it wlirmit iiiLiinii.i am .-. for ru.h and y,oiI If. i J,-. I ... 1 1," ... . from to t,i I'! o cl .i k A. M ., nu.s. M. l l.CW.MAN. No. -Kl H. r lll'ltril Sir.tt. EDUCATIONAL. rBILADLLPinA MILirARY SCHOOL 01 ItTI.AM) b.U MlKIiS' laTITl TK, Tl:ii'ty-r.liitli ami Mavkt-t Streetn, (1 I KOl'KNS KKl'TKM li. Ad-1: ess, i'i I'KOI-Ks suit k. i. sai'shkim, i. i). i:n MIS' ACAIU'.'HIY I'DR BOTS, H KAl', No II N. Kl K KN l II Stin. t, ri',11 tin on tin.- .itli r t rm ..l ..'ci m. All .I. n .iii!ii.itl.'is ml. mIIiii'J V. WIIITAIX. AM i S S. inKD.TKACH l''.U01''TIll:. .n. . -.-li SI VTKLN 1 11 .SH .1..I, In low UpriM o. I'I A NO, un-.h2 lm OF TEETH KXTl.ACTKD AVlinOUT PA IX. Pni'!1! in ;''!tl f-'v. f r.-ihic if .iri .iiti, I ; i in'.- i'-'.ii ( Mi piiui. 1 he only nio.lt: My now l-iT.-ntl ii, a rii.u'.t.-t Ko s ,,.-i. V.1...I I..1, it.-r, r-.,r t li, iin- ll.s. an, I i; . tr.i.-iiiiR I. , lii .. ltlu. lt ttnit llu- .las ton m ir..jiTly and Di: I,. MI'N'VS, . 711 Ki'.itTK bTKKKT. ciiiKorooisr an'd No. ' ;-s. skc. it siro 1, et.i -ir. I. ihiis .,ih 1 . I'"' .01 U .IS I t;i'rol (llMt nf f ' .in- ri l : I :is ir. I' tor of t N.I.N -roil !.:-. Ill larili'ili. 1 K. .1. DAVID:' .1 ' r-.itii.i. i t' ti ovs flMI-'I't v;:,t i-tr l..'i IIP! i i,.. i ijv-I.Hnr ,,i. . i In d ui.'l tHfU'd ; i'.i. 1 it and ol' 1. 1 l" ie 1..- . :i i ii -nl. No. (.'.M l Hot jitoll o!.! I'.iiil i.l s;:-:o:iiMln. IH Show -r and l.'ou- t,. an I mi ; it hst it; i i j i...r d . 'I ( .o n li.i' i IT- S pLni iiinl .ipor ll.ilf r.r.v iti. n ol l.ivaiiUt, to wliom i titvli . woit'iv tlie eKc'iil . ii'. i'tTn till! .Itteii- anil ti IyjmCINAL 00D LIVER OIL. JOHN O. HA K Kit & CO., Ho. 718 MAUKKT MIIlKKT, arc n. w ftols liu their Hii'iph.'s fi frotirihe ;lshorle-i. TI e Btiperlority ui Uieir oil. in every r.vivoot, m Kuintd for it a rvputuiL'U and mile hcj tnU uny ullur found tn tlie lui.i ki't. loiiuilntaln It, they an' determined tn ti:pdy an Article thai Uia hi' enilirlv relied on for ire; tint:- aiul purity, bet- :euni"iii I;- ol I'm ("nor ol .Mi dol CoIh'Kct. anil 1 u n n s. c o t x a a ;. J I Thi". our popular, co.y, md trolt-kiioivn p hue of Vl t',;!!' Mjl.illt.ll. ,t Ui" M. ).. IMhli,' nl HI 111 uud A11N' i: turt-f if, ia (,.iliikc a inoi-t thrU in ii!i.ini-n( uuder lliu niifi'ic and iinin.'iitiie ii(er l-lufi i t AIMIUAL JAMI.i NKLSJN, ri:.o'KICT"lI. Tho .'!mirl tpitrcp tii ithor tiitie, monc, nor attention to tti'ppl lilt p.itroiin w ith thv chide nit Wijk't and Miriorri. and i up trior Suolch uhd Old titoi-r. Ale on draught, wliieli t-am.oi lib iiual. d in I'liJlailel-.liia. Jet e. try 11 an w.io lovft hia lOJinlr.' aud U fund nf a gt.U Ctlhfc, ). he the Aduiii.tl a .id un n-tiu 1;i.crnisuiNfj iiori.i.-AMoN(iSL run pnbhe lioti' tn and atom.-l I'htl floln. ttifr uri lit..f to auipifl tl:t rw HiN 1 J N K. ' in iK 1C.4 I'll bine', ahtiyi I'HKiMT; or. tin' dd nnd wi ll kuuwn 'I'lU llll s Hon I, iLii eori.ei u' Nl' Kfim'N ,aue ai.d TOWN HUH' I.l NK Uoail. Air. i.HO'C.F. W. KOIll. It I'i ijitit( r ii iKJiii, whl h ht ttidf 'd 4 . ift iiardiiitftt tOi then tn lire PiMt.. ent. Tl;r I'l'.i ll: ol c t-r t llQK e4t ul.l" eiiil blli'hlo will ho found a' rt '1 .tlit", ami, no n itti ftawi.ii g too linu'4 are out vl lol'it, tt. lei wnl ba ii!le low, A fpltiiiijd JtUiith vwry da.ioui 11 to li oclook. ftii'O Jni "I 1 OOry.R'S AT.K VAl l.TS, S. V., COKXKR J 1 'I HUM) und IUKSM l' Mr-eu, I'M'Jvl! I Nt ri.li KI aIKn J t.l.Ktii: ril OKKICK, TKNISTAN s OM) AND. TIiE rOlUK-i' ANI 1IKST Al.Ki IS T1IK CITV. CLU l.I.AM'lliri, WINKS, i. I SM, WIlMKIl'Ji, CAI lFiUtNIA AND CAT.UVIi.l WINt4 AM i'lHAMilK1, I N'.I.INH. IlilSlI, hCO'i t U . A N 1 A N K l: It ' A N A L b.H AND JUMHN .H'l'T. lT'a ceUtnlte . old ttfttid Iwniti : t-oi n rt'tnn t-d aiul thT"'lily n riftei), with otie 01 the riiiit -loe,i ol Alo and tho ce J.itjuorN in th flt, n.e 1 ro.irletor inefi" eli 1-ti bit; to ylvu hliu ft.ll, Coiilidellt u he It ot their Hp priAuL an.'-'- ha TlSXiKT JI () U H U ACLANTIO CITY, KEW JKBHF.lf. J. CSlviulNN, rroprlotor. (Lobb Trrahly frnowii ai jiroiirtei.jf cf OY4TJ3 iiAV, f L ril uod I'l.'l.dNl X tf'.rtua.) Parfka at'iinintMlated with Hoati, fibhuin Liuen, A1., Ae, Liwa nu to Ue tivuke cr twbijty iuuiuti. K-il IXC'HANOi: 1I0TJ.L, ATMNTIC CITY. J The fcuhiotiber, Ktnvtu fot ptul favora, tAiidert tbauaa to U patruti ar.d the piibk' for the eneu-t eua fom vlvan l-oni, and db lave to tav Unvt he la uuw upa tot the ftt ast u, and rtudy 10 r-civa tx-rdwrs, oeriuaneut and track-milt, oa Uia uioat tuoth-riiie tiui. Tha bar will alua b sditpllad with U.a rnotct-at wm-i, lliori, and ntiaia, aad auporwr old aie. The tabla wiU t Ml Wilfl tle bi th umrhet atfordn. lahintt biiaa and laekle alw ayi on hand. .... All the oouforU of ft Uooie van aiwayi be found at tr EVer',utei2per oi-k, (iKOWZ HKYVkY. 19 u Woprtetor. G O Ii U 31 11 I A IX O XJ H JB, ATLANTIC CITY, Ell DATE ON KENTUCKY AVENUB, OrrOBiTK T1IK SL'RIf HOC St. EDWARD DOYIiEi Propria to. TeiBJi to wit tfce tiroe. M-tf L1 IGUT-UOVSE COTTAGK, A lit A 1 11 V 1 1 J, M.J.t iirPi t,T not'St 10 THE t'KAC.i. ThU wed-kuonn hOA U iww cea for the re-ptlon of Boarder. liaihUig Deve:ftb.tir. . auU In J. W00TTOV, PronrUtor. AUCTION MONT) A V, SKITKMBBR 5, QAVE YOU C01T3TANT PADT MB L'KKAHNKAR AT TIIE Pt? OF THR ST0Nf.CI' Read the next column. Have jrou Fliitnk'iit'C and Acld.'ty.-1 iCnad the next colnmn. lltve yuu t'ostivoiu ps and Losf jf Appotllc? ltond tho ne.t colunm. ILive jou Oloom rind Ieprrtsloit flplrlti Bend the next column. Have Jou lHarrh i a with flrlphiij': Jicttd tlm next column. I)aoyou Fain hi all p&i ta of the ytU'ttt -' Itead thP next colnmn. Have yuu ChokhiKund Suffocation .' Kead tho next enlumii, lla e yoa f "onsnmptlve ftymptonil aud TalnlUOii rf the Jleart It1 a (I the next roliimn. Have you Ooiigli. w ith Hilejru in 11 o-Throal.' Read the next Column. Ilavo yon Dimness of Vision and Hcftd iche Kcnd the next eoluinn. . IU c jou all or any of the forcgoin -yiaptomB.' Then reud the great curen of Dyspepsia performed by LE. WISHART'S DYSPEPSIA PILLS. AM) l'tsr. lltlX TAIt .X)HIIAL, In tl..' lif-.t c. Innm. ro r r.n. to head the i e rr c jlums.. 1864. I) "V' ! ti H 1 A . A 0UiE WARRANTED, DVUPH'HIA M 41 UK !"l I.OWIHO BTWPTO'! lt. A eonitant .iIm t namtii alomarli. III thf pit Uf th. 'id. t latuh ni e nnd acidity. "I. 'iitlvrnpi and lon 01 tprtlti. 4tli. lilooin end drprrlon of Bptrlti, oth. Idarrh'va. with t ri Itig. fih. Tuin In all pii of the nytlcia. Tth. Connumpth-? iytnptotn and pnlpltatUnof the htxt Hih. Coiu'li, with phhym In th tbront. t'th. N nom ftfti olion and waul of pImp at night. Unit, I. 01 of appetite and mnUlni, 1 1 ih. iMztnrt-f , 1I1 mi. 'nil of vision and lnii of ilgfit. ivth. ll' jidaeJie an.l fuvrln.j In walkliiK, with gient vrn net". Out of loe thoniand nf raet cf dvspepija that have nurd Dr. Wish .ut t.n .it American I'yp''(ta l'llli. not one ni theri lian fai'tdof a m t T. t 01110. Wr v. airiitt a curr In every 1 nT.no ma'tor if ( twenty ear" t;md fnr. S..it ly nil di ruwiits e r whrre, ami at Dr. W I. 41 1 AIM H oilier, No. lit N. HKC'i.Mi street, I'lillft'el ph:.i, 'a. All eviinimtioni ar.d lonvnltations fi-fi of el are, Herd for a h ulr. rri'o ft par box. Sent by aiai;, iree ei c'mTiif, on leetopt vi in-ttif y. I'VH'KltlA, PVtil'KI SI 4. TM U to errttf. it at I had l'-p. ptia in the nvir-it fnrm fi r It m vr iri. I w;i tn.u. ,1 nv Mvmf the b i phr P' h'H 111 An erh ft ; "tn nl tti?-ii A trr Pn'i ior 01 .Icf-ler-.'fi Toll. k I'hthul-fphin, hut tlifr did me n.-nf1. I rpwk miro' 1 ver in- iih. I ivoithl l.c laKon m( tinn-n with droft.tflil p itt n III n,y i. rust .111(1 .'Olii M h n j.T. nt at It tint I c-i'id n. Itherit. he. iht ntund.hut on id rove about from one room to antln-r ; lay frh-n,!,i vxpecti it lo tea me die, at thou- itj.j.. uied to K no n lief for tut. in thu hope ci ndluon I itho e.l n .i if nn.Ur Dr. Wlihart'a Lroat Uiotif . and Hci d ti ini'iiu in 1 ai di reeled. 'ihistlun lain ant it umti, ami tor roree wekllhtTo been on 11.) feet, iml nnMrji hrttd from eitriy 111 m ii until pievvii oVloi k ut tiikht. Dr. Wuhart, I lvt von tlm vr Uhi ato lili a cuitt ini beurt. feuinii It toy duf v to d 1 so : yi'ti in ay, met I wjnt you to poiilih it to Uie worid. that ever) pn -. ii ui.erlnir I wio.mi- ha tha bemn'of Iih- onr tnil, wnnileitiil rui.wloia Alt chk p.'r-ii. aio ar lib' n v to ca 1 nnd rv ine, or w rite to iu. a I want lu trndvr all tlie govd I can to auUirhm humaniiv. JAMKt II. AN(?KI.U Oterirei' nf Wanldn -ton Alauuiaetariutf Coini anr a 'tavii K Itoom. Gioi.ct tur, N. J l Ml'l'-TNI A, DVWI'f A, DVTPI"T, ThU 1 to i erttiv thiit tijitrini' Kfv. reli- (th a itl i fallid iMHpepM.i. n 11)1 muoh lo". . t w t-iL-li f , iim nftntho.i was tlii ft d-d to ishiirc Dre.it Amerlritii Iiv-imimIji I'll.. as ll.e r medy. 1 !a io w (l Inn t lin e w oi'V inkt 11 rioven I'i. Is, jinoi.idip to ihe directions, I imind mielf entirely I 'iri'it, .ititl t.r two .',-K ..lin o mv h. alth i i.i.,t:v lm'. provt-d, and I run nt W'tliMti fenr f p.-ttn or meo-neni- I farm-Mly n eoieimn.1 iheiu ti all MtiL'arly anacled. Mr. M. 11. TllitMI-RONM. Ith hmomt itiyrt V.nip fl. lira i.,.i..i. lift...,, Ir. 1.. U f WIM1AKT8 Ollke. Ho. 10 S. SKfuNl. Stieet. rbiliidvlphia. i.sri;rsiA: DvsrKVHiAl I, Joliti l.er.ch, do crtlf that fnr fonr months paM I wm attacked alih aetite dyspcpnla. I vai lo ieorely ha tolled that I (on Id do uothlnu but what tt would nil inonitii lre a-1 ml (Hatreds; my nervonn aystem wti perfeetly proi trnted ; my whol- frmnn oon hecume weak and trembling. with ft 1 outlined ret.-ie and diKxinosa in the head, fallowed by ft parlpllatiou of the heart and pener! debllltvof the whoh hody, Kyery kind of medicine admlnlnterod to mo did no khh1, mill. I was advfued Io call on !r. Wlshart and plncft mioir unih'r Ma lrrntmnt. 1 1 ii now about nine weeks tlneo I connnenetd to tuc his l)TsiienBii I'llls and line iree lar Cordial, and 1 do truthfully and faithfully aay, that I tvm perfeetly cured of Dy-pepnla, ftnd all other um-uMfs ananiK tnerefhim, and I can oat throe nood mo 1U every .ley,Aiid fox I well In every repTt. I am 7,1 years ol ae, nnd if It wm necenry, I feci I could and wnnld hotildor my Kim Iu defend the city from I in anion by the ... n.. ,.1-i.i.m um-ruif wim j'yuncpsia at 1 was, vo at libirty to call nnd ace me, for I lotd It my duty to do all the yood I can for suderlng htimnnity. joiiv i.Kxni, No. 1.s;tl Poplar itrwet, I'hHade'phia. Pr. Wtt-lIAHT'll Hrereamd Oftlce. So. 10 S. HWIONB Street. l'hiiado'Lilila. r. am n. .a . ti. ui frrent charge. I'.-ice. ftlm-rbux. t m-,i .'', reeuif lofuiuiiey. itYHPKpSU 1 JV8rKr"8IAl Dr. Wlnhart I have hot-n a eountaiit iutlerer wWi rya peioia for the last eighteen years, dnrliwhloli Hint lean net aay that I aver eno ed a perfectly well day. There were t hntu when the eyiuidoma were more ftffvnwated than ut other, and then It aeomcd it would be a KW.it ro llf to dlo. I had at all Uiimh an unp,rft,M)t foellntf In my head, but latterly my aiitTerlngt; ao much Inerca-ied that I became almost limit for buMnoaaof any kind; my a.lnd w as conllnually tilled wllh ultamy thouuiiU and (brebod lng, and If I atti mpted to 1 huuno tht ir cumni by roatiin at once a actuation of Icycolinesa io eoiMieoiion with a dead wvlifht, aa it ware, rested upon my bruin ; aIo, a leellngof khkucai would oocurat the utoraiu h, and gro,.t pnln 1o my eyed, accompanied with which wau the con liniml liar nf hiding my rean. I alo exporfenced useat lasftudc, debility, and nervousaeia, whh h made it dltlt cult to w alk by dny or bleep at nig!it. J hoc una averse 1 tioeiuty, nnd deposed only to nei lntlon, nna-havlng tiled tho hkill of a number of eminent physicians of vnrloct si-ho)lst finally came to the condition thut,ftr thli dlacnM at my prcscnl a;re (Ifl yearn), thoro was no cure In elst tnee. ltut,tliroimh tho Iniertorcuca of Divine rrovlditiee to whom I devoutly oiler my thanks, 1 at lat foumla sov ereign retnudyln ytmr Iyspcpsl Pills and Tar CurditU which M-cm to have eiTectii-Uy removed alaiost tho kU trace of my long Ut of nftnu'utaa.nd bad fevllngi, uh1 iu tin Ir pinto hcilili, plea&uro, and coutentuojit ara inj oeiy day coui) anions. JAMKS H. 8AUNDKKH, Mo. 4.Vi X. Second street, l'iiiJadelohl.i, l-'ormu:.y ol VHiI.iir.v, X. J. lr. AVISHAliT'tf Ollh e, No. 10 N. 8i;c04NlHlieit, Phi ladelphia, DYSPKPSIA! DYrtPKPSIAl I, Moses Tobin, of t.hcltenl..tin, Montjomrry county Pa , have sntTt led fnr more Ihvi one )e,ir everythin hill di nth It -df, from tb.it avful diseiMi, calh-d Ispei.sla. I cm loved iu that lime (He of the Uioat emJiwnt physklana in PhUailelpliia. 1 hey d'd all thoy could for ine v. lib m .11 clnrs and cii ping, but still I yxim un better. I then went to the Peuntiyhanfa !Tnherlty In order Io plate wywlf tn rcufh of the bent nn-iikal talents hi the country, Uit their medicine's fulled to do mo any footl, and oi'tUmcs 1 wluhe! fur death to n.-lievo mo of my auhorlng, but see ng Dr. YVlh). art's advcttlflcmeut in th V hi lad l.1 phi a Bulletin, 1 do triii(ncd to try om e more, but with little faith. I called on lr. YVlslmrt, and told him U' I could have died I would Hot have troubled hlin, and Uicm related my suftrliiKa to hlui. Tho Jr. airuird mo ll he failed to cure me of Dyspepsia, It would be tho first case lu-two years, so 1 put myaelt undnr his ttcalments and ulthouf'i 1 had boon for tnonlhs vomiting nearly evvrvthlii I ate, my stomach swollen with wind, and filled with pain beyond description, 1 bouuht ft box of his Dyspepsia Villi, I Uhcd thinn u di rected, and tn ten dayti I 0011 Id ant as hoarir a meal as any person In the Htatc of l'cnnn.lvunta,aiid In thirty days wai a well man. I Invite any person suffering as I was to cull and see me, and I will relate my suffering and the great enre I received. I would say t all (jyhjicpUcs, every whore, that Dr. Wlshart Is, I bolieve, tlie only person on the earth tliat can cure Dyspeosla with any degree of certainty. TOlHIf, Cheltenham, Moutgomury Co., l'ft a positive i viik ran dyspepaia. Ill.AU WIIAT allt. .UIIV II. HAItroCK SAYS, No. H4H OIJ VM 8:reet, t Pbilad. ipJ.i. Janaary :rJi. ItxiX Dr. Wishart-Rir: It la with mueh pleasure that I am sow able to Inform yon that, by the Mo ol' your great Anu'iitan ly.pt.ps!aPilh,l have boon entirely cured of thai uio-tt dUtienHhnr complaint, liyitpepita. I had beos) grievously afrllctcd for the la it twenty-eibt yeari.and for ten yeais of that lime have not been froed from Its pain one week at a time. I have had It In Its worst form, and have dragged on a nrist mlterablo existence tu pain day and nlKht. Every kind of food that I aie flUed me with wind and pain, It mattered not bow IU ht, or how sutall the quantity. A coiitiuuud belching was sure to follow. I had uoappctlto for any kind of meats w hate-, er, and my dis tress wai so great for uviiral inontiis before I heard of your Pills. Unit I lr 'Uentl w sUed for death. I had taken everything that I had heard of lor DyspeptU, without re ceiving any benutU; but on your Pilli being recommended in me by one w ho had boon cured by them, I concluded t give them trial, although I had no faith in them. To my utter asiuiifHiiiuenr, I found my unit gutting better betoie I bad taken oiic-lourth 01 a box, and, after taking half a liox I out a vt tl mnntamt ran ent affffiini tri-fi, and emoy a hearty meal three times a day, without inconvonlencs from a uy thing I eat or drink. If )m think proper, you are at liberty to make this public aud rHer tome. I will cheer fully give all dchlrnble lufoimatlon to any one who may call on toe. Y'ouis, respectfully, JOHS H, liAltCoCK. Forssle at Dr. YV1HIIAKT K M- dhal Depot, Ko. U) y. KKt O.N D hireei, phlholeli hla. Pa . Pr.ee 0111 dollar per bji.. baut by mail, ttuo 01 charK, on receipt of price. It-YHPP.PHIAt DYSPPPHIA! I, B.Minirl n. Haven, hfto been a great auifen' n ith chronic Uyepep-la uud lurtawuiutiou of tlio kidneys for three jears. 1 Lhiploycd tlu e or four of tho in tit eauuenr. pi 3lcians uf Philadelphia, aiaj of Buillugtou county, Kcw Jersey. 1 Ley did ull lor mo they could, but all to no purpose. I was constantly tilled with awlul pain and dls-tu-sit, and v II h must a it bilcldnxoi wind aud mohi ac.d My tonuiie w an eovcred with n wiiite coating ol m ir 111 li ui 1 1 tt cracked iu laoo furi-ows, and wai di a Ifully urn' uii ! 1 ott linns wUlml tor dvath Iu relit-vc uu of my mnrur Ifs.ior 1 hud hMi all hij uoi evor bt ing woil aaln. I ti ae it a subn el .f prnyer to tiu l tint I.o ,ouid tiircct me to some pl yHlelan or mtdU'lne tht ui uld cure ni-. I '' to'd to rend an adverllst ment 01 Dr. Wisluirt'i, in the Pliiladi lohl.i "i.udKer," ol a great cum mndu upon Mr. John p.Hhct.k, of No. IOja Dii.e Mitct. l'luUdelplmi, bv-the tnat Amerleaii lyspo la PUN. I went to thu I.ietor s (iftite, and phut d iuveli under his tie itment, and told him II ho lulled to euro me, It Mould bo the hint en-irt I euld Uiake. II hat bet-n six wcttks simw 1 eoiiiun uoed the ue of his medicine, and I am now a well mail, fiuo fro 0 all pain and (ll-tro, and can eat three heart ine tin a da v wllh comlort nnd 10 1 pur ectlv well. D'. WUbart. 1 warit ou Io publMi my uae. a J want every p-ior dynpeplio, Hilleriliif fis I Vas. to call 011 10a. .ml I ill t ll ilmm 01 the great cure I have received from your I nv a In bin mu.U CiiSf. HASH'Eh l. HiVKSf, rner of Yen an to and T.amhert stieett, nenr Mlefiinond street, lermerly Iroiu Wi-tghtsDwu, ilurilugk-n oouuly, Xt'W Jetsey. Dr. W1NUART 8 Omse. No. 10 X. MOOHD ftreet. The above are a low among the thousands wtuVa tills grtat remedy has savad from au unUuisly grave. We havs hundruda of k iters iVompbysioians and driflsla In aUparlaoftheoouatry, saying that thay never proscribed or sold a mcdii ine which gave such universal satisfaction. J)r. Wis' art's Pine Tree Tar Cordial and Dyspepsia Pills are aold by iumw'sta everywhere. sJ 3 PROPOSALS. Ahl KHMA 81 K It-OtNKflXL'S Ol'tlCE, ririllnritii.il. 'K".iiiiti.mi rr-rr. Aninit HI, 1AM. ,.'OKHK: IIOKNKKI I .MOItdKHI I I rir.r.pa jii tt t'r Arlt-li.fr anu t.'aralrf twirlc Wll lie piinha.fii nl . "I.BllOIW Ht.POT, .'0On mtra.t, li IMJTOlll.H 1.IWS4, lli.Tvs lll ht iirllrt.'Ml r" fapttln t. . MwrrMoort, A. ). M , ami h. tuiiiMiM tn lli, utiml llavwiimrot llisrrtlori lKl.rp twttiii iiT.i1ri. I'll.-.' til ( av.lrr llnrs.-s, $176 rtfli. Trlrt nt ArtHN-ry II. .rs. , .Istielrli. Ft. uii-iil rill bf'uift'it lur lit (i; mil ftiorr. JAMKS A. KKTIf. Vniitiwi f ir.l tlvliioii, 1 rti. is. "vi) Oiitrlcrnitmer-Ut-ni rtl t l)(Bc. i ) no r o sals v 6 ul u m b fr. J rmr.ai.KM'iiM. H"ptntrf.rJ, ika,, Ni alfil ).roKi.at r. Ill r.Naivl al tli. omr. nt t. iii'd.i.l.i,..,', N mi Kl II A ll 1 1 Mr.fl, UIHU Twalu, hh ln.tam.tl n.n. (..rtlit Imnit.llilr ilnilrorr tl Hatrrlr. J . . A. i.iii.ri.l Ito-jUMI, Witt I'nilldrlpalt, of tht fol io., li. liiml.i-r, vl i ".ll1. ''minii "liltc Pin ItutrJi, 1 Inch. ;,?''" "n"' Un. no.nl.ij IL.ird.. .. ! ,..". ' "tinwl Itiini... to I f no4 ontlllr; tn h. II i '.' nl ,-,.! "r.'""- ' tn ln.cl. tvpolritcsl foe ll i. b.lisn-,, a. ir.nl il w mailt. f,,,'i i'".7'!;k, -': 'l es.s-p, In bitnt ..rm, . imr. . .Ml '"""'"'" " ""i"' !.' mtrnle..d l.roo. T i 'V; utl, ,7"w" " "" "' ' " rr-p.m.11.1.: pari',," ' Oi0"' A-,'1'"0'.4t'W.st,.'. !.- ALPVitlT ft. AHHWKAD. Captain and A.Msi.nt -1 51 to '';:ltyr OK I'I'.NNSU.VANIA. -Sll.ltJi WalKItT f.'; A rsi:. V IIKIIK.A!", Tl f r.trl,t Cnnrt nf tt,0 ITnll,. Rttln. In l.iil lr ll.c l a.li.rn lli.irwt.if l-..iiii,,irini..r"rtiiV an" iliilj .m, oa-ln.i: mi a I.M'I. m.-.l In iha n.nif tli. fliiltnd I I aw. c,r A n,,'.r, . In.ll, dr.Tr. d all perv.niTn 'i. l whi ha... or pr.-..nil In l.nvo.anr rlutit, tlitt, nr intrrt.1 la Iif...- Iwn title. ..t t-ottoii. ivn r vi.t unktk.wii ciip.i.rnl l.v Dip l nlt. d -siatrs n.r "R. r. "UyiJt .i...-l ol --ir of tin l-nilail Hlat.i, .ml limugln Unto tins .orl prr tht said slcamrr "K. R, Oiirl.-," to I.. iiu iii.li. it. i-i'. il. and I'tlh ii in iiiilmnrnt. at Bie ttm and I'la... 1111.1. tn rut. n. und In tin' ,..-t InTtnllnr t-vn.ms lln... i. ... rv.t.ilrli t ). Yon art, tlio,.-ioro, rhaned tnil inrllron nlnrd and rmnman.lr l, Mini mil nislt not, hot till . i.iiIiiMih.b ihr.n prtstntr lu at Itast ln.ittlii. dm f uw .. i.eit prliilml and Inilillshtd In till cltr i t 1 f-lla.ti-ll.lila. nnd In tho a.i.il ....i.'., domomali aiidrlir.i.r rain.. In Ini moul.lii d tnd oltt. p. r. uiplarllv. all rarsons in iiinirral who liar., or pretcni In lm. r, anr rislil, tllln, ,,r ln:rrt In th. laid llirr i ."L "' "I'l'r brn.re ah. lloD..r.hl JOHN UAIHVALAIiKIt, th. .Imlgo of tli. aald v.urt. al itu' In. i-i.t t'diiii nnn in tlm cur of rniit dilil.la, on tho mtiitl. tn day aflfir puhlioaU.in ot thM pr.a-uls.ll It ho a court .lar, or olio on Hit nom court day l.-llowlnti. b.-t.n ihr m.ital hour, of hi'trlnx caii,.-t l.rn ami Her. lo tl .ir. or tlkms in dut t.nn of Uw. a nt.mitb.o end lawrul na.-u... If any tho. h.ro. whr tlio .aid litiy-lwo li.ilti ol c Hlon .liouid not ba )ron,.i,i,rcd to In lon., at tht time of ilia c loiuro ol th iino, tollitmemlri. f tho I nltod stato.. and, a. good, ot Ihoirrnoraioi or nihtrwlav, llnhla tnd tntiiart I. n. d. n iintioii.lo boi.l Qiltfd tnd '.iul. iiin.d ai od tna Inwnii print; tnd lunh.-r to do nnd n-ctlvr In tlii. tis liali n. tu jn.llur tlialt tpptrttln. And that yon dnl liiliinair.nrr.iiii. to ho Intlin.led, nnto all p..rtnn tlhra. nl. u.i. orally U' rfhom hr tut tmiur of those ntv.onu ItlaaNn Inllmat.dl.thal trihry thill not tpprtr tl thollmw ai.U p!. nln.o Luoniioni-d, or thill nptmar and inall oxit tlinw t n aioiuilil.. and lawin' i nu- tn tin-contrary than saiilln.lrl. tl oun diita tnti-nd tnd wiu pmcood tnadin-ill.-aUDH on tho inid ennture, and may prono-VK. tliat the inld fllly-two l.nl.s of i-utton did bel.iua, at Iho tlmo of iho rapturo nf tho iiihi. to tht i mitt nf tho United Htntoa of Amorlra. tnd at noodt of th.-lr wnotnloa, or utlior.vli.-, Ilulilo tud lunjort to tonllaea Hon tnd r nidrmiiill. n. tn bo nlhiditeil and oond.ninoa Uwllil prlto. thoabstneo, or rathtir cnnlnm ai-r, of tlio nor lun. an ultra and animated in any wist iiotritli.tanilau. and tl.at jou duly c.rllfy to tin said HHIrli t Coirtwhut you shall do In tlio prrml.n., t.rth.r wtih ttinio prt.rntt. W illust thi- llonoratiln JOHN OAUlVALAIIKIt, Jmli. of II. r said Court ut rhlladelphla, Una trcond day of Irptrnihor, A. Ii. Iwt, tud In the otiflity-uinUt vtac of Uit Iti'h'p.'llilt-nL-eol tlio laid l.'nlt.d St.itnt. ir.i-at O. R. rox. Clerk District Cnari. UKITKP 8TATKS, KASTKItX DISTRICT Or l'KNSNVI. AMA, Hi' r. THE ritKHIDKNT OK THK I KITKn DTATrS TOTHI-: .IIAliSIIALor TlI,t.AIiiK.S ItlHIlillSC 01 I'KS.'1 I.VAMA, .7..r.T(.'. W1IK.UK AH, Tho Witrli t Court nf Hit United fttatot la tnd l..r th. Kastorn lilstrl.-t ot reun.ylrauia, ruinUt and dury pnweiMlliiiroii t Lihtl. died In the uatnt of In. Vnl.rd "rates ol Amt-rl.A, htih deenn-d tli oertont la toner:.) who ha.-e or protend In ht.e.Hny rllit. Hue. or Hiterrst b. the ittmuer I.U.IAN, wtttrenf D. A. Mtrtliu -nuMi-r hrrtarhlr, tpptrrl, and luriiilnro, anl Um toodt. ssnrrn, nn.l tiicr. handiie lt.tii on Iwiaid ihera..!, captures! by ihe Vni&rd Mtalra Mteamora He.-tly.biiru ' and "Key. none Ntiite,"Te.N.'ti-oi wnrtd- the I'nlted Hlttet, reapwv tlvely untttr rommand of l.truti-nant. K. H. l-tinaon and fierce Crosby, to be monlshed, cltvd, tuld ctllest ta .itd.-ment, tt the time and 0 place uadorwrlatsj, im.1 In th rffert horrtrter e.ipre-ised, (jn.tlce to reiiulrlnr). on re Ihi-reloro clinrs-od tad ttrlcllr etlolned nnd rommiBibd, that you omit not, but that by PK-Hishliiff these present. In at lent two of the dly n.-w-p.iii-ni u-lnti.t and pol.luliod In tin oily uf Phllaileltliii, nn.1 In tlie ,-. luMH-flrt-r, run do mnnl.h tud rite, or otuso to lie annlslieol tnd oll.ul. perrt-intmily, til iiorsnni tn g-ouortl run have, or pri-lrud Have, liny riunr. title, or Interest Ut the inid itemntr LILIANS', her tneklo, tppnrol, tnd fur. tiltnru trd itie imrshi, wnres, tnd merclitudlse laden oa inie.ru ini'icet, ni annrar Dtioro ine llonorsliie Jiltit CAII. VV'AJ.AOKU, th. Judveor the laid ( lonrl, at the Dl.trlot Conrt ll.s. in. In Uie city nf I'lnluilelphla. on the twenlletli day .ntor pirOlK'ttinn ot Ihesi- pre.i:il-, II II ho court day. or tlie on llio netl etwri d.v mitiwlng. Iitwtf a th. utual hours .if tiearUiu t-.uso., tben tud there to aht.w. or allme, tn dte t'oim or law, . retsonable tnd lawful .x riit. II anr 'bey lusre, why the laid atuamtr LILIAN, lii-r laekl'j, apparel, nail fitrnltnr. und aha goods, wtret. and uit-rihaitdiie laden on bonrd thereof, aliouM not bo prnuftiilias.l t.i in-lonir, tt tho time of tlio capture of tha .ttiue, to iheeiM'inieeof the United Htaie., and ti irood. ol llu-lr eiicmie. .MMherwlie,ln.i'le aud lul.ject to con deniratlon, to lie adittdi:.'d and cnndeiuuod ai tt,M,l nit liswltii piUot; and further In do and receive In tht. lirhiilt ti lo justice Hhall uiijierttln. And thtt you .Inly bit male, or etuse lo Imj Intluinleii, unto all panon. tf..rc. rtld, cenernliy (to whom bv tlie ten-.r of these prva-ut. It in also uitltnttcd), linn If ihuy shtll nit npiiear at lhi time tint nlace alsi. t-uieiitiou.-d, or A jju-tr aud .nail loot show a rra-oiiBlile and iawful cim.e tn thi L-niitrnry, then ei.nl llsfrli-t Ci.urt .1 th Intend and .vill pi-'ood to adiu-li-i-aitnn on the saiilciiplure.and mav proiiuuiicettiut the ..1 eti-amer Ll I.IAN, l.er tnr kie. iippari-l, aud lurultiiro, auit llir moi'iir. wares, and nu-rclian.Jlso laden nn kour.l then.. ..1.01.1 b. li'iiu. at the tune ot' tho cptiire nf t he same, tm the eneitics ol the I nlted Mtntci nf Ami-tit-a. and tt froU oi tn. ir eiu-mies, or otherwise, liuhte aud nuhnnit to con. 11-cttl.in ami ciiinleiuuaiinn, ti. be tiljiii'iied and con. .leiuM'd o. lawlul prue, tli. aluon.-e or rather cuutnrMW ni the icimio so tit d and iutiiurtled in tuyHlso a.,. wlthkUntlluK. nnd Hat you dnlyeerlliy tn tlie tnldlilt. trin ( iiiiri nhat you ibtudo la iho preini.es, together Sslih these prr.eutl. Witness tl.e llonnnl lo JiiHN' rAIWALIK.R. Jurlira f the tuM Court, at I'hlludeluhia. this first day U rtop Uinhir, A. li, lstt.iind In tl.e e'Kiit v-nlntli yeti of tUa llulepoiidi'uceot tlit taut t. nltod Kt .toi. ti i- it tl. It. l ux, Clork uf District (sonri. AllSHAL'S 8ALK. liY VIRTU 14 OF A. Writ of halt by tli. Hon. John Cwlvralader, Jutllte of the District Court of the I'nlt.-d Btnt.sv, In and lor llieKa.terii Jlfatrl.it of l'enltsylvaiiit, In Admiralty, ta Urn .lir.ctt-d, v. Ill he hold ut I'ul.lic Sale, to the tauieiil and best hlih h r, for cuili, nt Mil IIKNKU S TOIt ij. Ha. Ut N. KKoKT Htreet, on M.iMDAV, K. ptrniher lil, Is-.l.tt 13o clo. li It., atmut tki btlui ol Cotton, hoiiiit carfoeaof vessc-Ji uuViio.vu. WILLIAM MTLLWARD, I'nlted Htatos .Miu.haJli, ll.ol remit, rhill.l.lphla, Au-u.t JO, Imil. auJl lit AKSHAI. S 6ALK. BY VIUTl'K OF A. Writ oi Snlc, by the Hon. John Cadwaladi-r, Judxa nl II i ll-lrlit Court ol the I'nlted Mlat.., In and ft.rtha l:ai.trin J.lstrlet of Pennsylvania. In Admiralty, to ma directed, will bes.ild nt put. lie Mle tu tte hli;hit too. bril bidder, for ol.n. nt MICIfKNKIt'8 oT.IKE.Kn. 141 N. Jl.iiM Mlrc t. on MONJIAV, Nei.KuiWr It. loll, tl tw o'clock M.,certtln .lt.-n to wit tliraw to fnu- hnndr.4 poiimis, now vr lately iad.n ou b.trd la. brur PltlMUh. Al.l HKll. WILLIAM MIl.LWAlin. r H .tJIursaal K. l. of I'euna. Phl'idelpUi, Aiifiusl,1l,lK.t. au-'t-at OEIENTAL DETEH31TE SOAP. Tl.lt rtrorlte Soap la now ovtntvtn rout la at. hy at lint One Hundred Tlionsand Familifg In renusylvtnla altnt. Ii it mtde upon entirely new prlnclplei, of ptrtVotfjr ptir. oitttrltli, tnd ftlwnyi In the ttuto wty. It slot, twty with tht ii ie uf a Waih-buird, and will wt.h twlca nt muchclotliet with twn.thlrds lei, labor tUtu aay eiur Hoap lutde in li.. L'uUed Btttel. ITS GREAT roi'VLARITY lltt Induct4 aer.ral brtinleai intp-niakort to loaiut. tt la tppetrtnceonly, and, b offerinit yreat Inducneutt ta unprincipled detlera, put their apurloitt article on th. mar. ket on th. jtitt rrpiittilon tciuired by nur ltrstv. Thort d.slriruf topurchtt. our Uoap thuald .xtmloa and ,et tliat OUR NAMR AND TRADE MARK It Humped upon EYE1IY POUSU oftU. Soap kefesrt Uioy take iu VAN HAGEN 4 MoKEONE, rinLAnELniia. PEOllGB HTITJX, an,. MAKUTACTHBIN3 MACHINIST AND ENQINKEIl. ,,27-lm Ko. lull V. 8KC0SU S r., PhlUdelphta. ' STKAM HEATING FOR. FACTORIES, Mint, c. Hetiedwltb exhaii.t or wa-e atetm. Aim. oolli for lu)it.rs,coid'na.Ti, evtitorttors' c. l.l-lm il. t OKKMAN, No. sM Ji. SIXTH Strut. GOLD'S IMPROVKD RTF AM AND WATJBR. HKATIHO Ai-pAKATt'S. fo- Tirnjliuj tnd V.iiilUilrig PubUo bulldtma tud PH. v.tt liMldtacw), Mtnnnaetartrl j tbe tiiiua btilam a mi watfw nr. Anna courAS 0 riULAUtl-nilA. " JAMtS . woon, Sl.lH HlULTII BUtt. tkUt-Bta B M. TKLrwux.uiwUtuuuuV SADY-MAJ)E CLOTHING tSTAXLimUE.NX, KA.S9AfUa fEiC3, B.. QQr'EIV BKTU AD NiHKJiT 6X3.