TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPIT. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. .3, 18GL- Swiuttrj (telegraph 8ATCRDAT. SKl'TRMIIKR a, PHUT OF THE NEW YORE PSLS3. r)tC Rdttoiisls from the Sew fork Paiwra tlila Morning. ATI. ST .. m eV Tritom: Qriprl Pliormftti' ilnne entcrd AMm.u loot noon of yes:ird.iy u -h l the Kraut Intnl Kanre wbich tia .)! over tliowlria litat nltjlit, nd (Ms morning c'l'tiritiri tlic poop! of ilio ortli. Tho (oniiminatlon nf that imgnili ent tnravlpii'Wuicb the grniiu nd itiilnmitii'ile rr-ao-tlo of OtMcrnl Mnmmo hav conducted from tiatUi wK to the lii urt of Ooor;;!". la rvaclie I tit kl. Territorial !,rv of tlic Cunf.nloritcv, Atlintn rika in mi Itnrv Im itortnni'o itcyoinl i vci lltrli iiond, anil pitaeca Into our famnla'aa the aHiirani- 1 the fln.-il dlfim nibcriiK'nt of tU- Kolwllinn, nd i taopelra ImiUtlnti of in cmniionont State, i When Chiirnn(i-' fell the tirat centre tef the Teat railway ititercoiniiiiiiilratlorie which bold jo Rebellion, trpr tlirr in miliury colioren.ee wa i nferreil to loyal ihi".Ioii and control. With . i 'Ma tatia tin- tveond and practically the la! Kipnf maintaining the Intoirrity of that rchcl mtia empire, w hlch vrna linked tmcnthe r by iron oadnrapnblc ol npbo'dlng a ayatctn of inilit iry efetiae lor a tcrillory o iiniiicne. Tburo maina only a railway lino, dovioiH, pro. ractrd, and oncenain ; a line whleb ac.trecly or any mlll'nrv purpose impairs the com. ilrtencna of the posai alon of tlio roada which mite at Atlanta; and tipnn which aa a means of oncrnirating at either end the joint resources of ,'lrRini and Alulmina nnil the IntiTmcdiate luter, the Krbellion cannot depend for a mo neiit. lty common consent Atlanta has been ieenieil the fiibrahar of the Ruliolliou; in value indrratooil and admitted on both sides; its con ueat now tho llnal coiifi usiou of the utter wcak i(is, the vaniahinK resonrccN, the exhausted trenRth of this accursed Rebellion. Lacking details, we Inrer that and from pro-'f-a information we partly (?nther that the per Ik.. ' tension of Sherman's linea toward the riaci.-Jd baa enforced upon Hood the alterna ie of Using sbnt np in Atlanta, or of abandon ng the city, to save yet for a while the ruinii.ttit Kbit army. The Rebel leader chooses the latter the leant disMHtroua reault but where ia he to or what hope of prolonged resistance rcmaina 6 his defeated, re routing, despairing army I The lorthweat of (irorgia was a net-work of natural brtreaaes, every one of which hud to be anccei ilvely abandoned. 'VV'hca tho line of the Chattahoochee ws forced, here remained Atlant.i, fortiiied with care, de ended with desperate courage and now Atlanta a abandoned, nnd there ia aliaolutely no line and to fortified town, and Dot even broken country there the Reikis can hope to fli;ht with a chance f sncceas. The fall of Atlanta ia truly, and in nil military sense, the loss of Georgia ; anil it ia ot too much to aay that thla crowning triumph f General Kherman'a campaign doea in effect ncloae the Rebellion within the narrow limits of be Canilinaa and of Southern Virginia. It de troys beyond all horns of recovery tho unity of he Confederacy, and all probability of its retaili ng a permanent hold on the continent. Not New Orleans, not Vickaliurg, not ChatU tonga, not Gettysburg waa auch a victory aa thia. t comes at an opportune momont. Let the Loyal Morth take heart. Devoutly thankful for the rreat mercy which it granted us, lot us grow tronger in resolve, more nnalturable in purpose, nor religiously continued in faith, that tho Rebellion shall be utterly crushed, and the Free Union of these Stitt-a be re-est.ddi.shed forever. Latrbu An otllciul despatch from Major-Ouno-al Blocum abundantly contirms previous intelli tence. The 2(lth Corps occupies Atlanta. Still aore momentoua la tho newa that tho main army t on the Moron road, near East Point, and that a attle waa fought ne.ir that station, In which the Rebel army was cnt in two. Hood defeated, and Hardee killed. The Rebel army, then, has no ean aining line of retreat ; Is shut up In the triangle between tho Macon and Augusta roads; and may yen be already destroyed or ecattered. At all :ventg, there baa been a great battle, and It ia as he reault of that battle that Sherman to-day holda not only Atlanta but the Macon road also, rhere seems no reason to doubt that the over throw of the Rebel power in Georgia Is complete and Irremediable. rilE ITNION AND THE DEMOCRATIC ' I'l.ATlOHMS co.ritsrt:i. rVm tht Triune. I. The sjnlon Platform affirms tho duty of maintmining tbo integrity of the Union and the paramount authority of its Constitution and laws. Tho Democratic pledges " unswerving fidelity" to tho I'nlon, but is silent as to tho duty aforesaid. II. The Union Platform treats the Rebellion as mromj as wicked and unjustitiable and demands its complete suppression. It iloos not propose to buy a peace, but to makt one, by con taining the Rebels to submit to lawful authority and deport themselves hereafter liko law-abiding cltizena. Tbo Democratic Platform nowbure condemns the Rebellion, even by Implication, but rather condemns those who have striven to Bubdue it. III. The Union Platform exhorts tho Govern ment to prosecute the war vigorously till the Re bellion shall be suppressed no further. The Democratic Platform points significantly to the fact that the Rebel lion has not yet been suppressed, deducing therefrom tho conclusion that it was a mistake to attempt resisting Rebel force by force. IV. The Union I'latfjrmullirrns that as slavery vraa the canse and now constitutes the strength of the Rebelltttii, it ought, In the interest of public tranquillity and safety, to be abolished and pro hibited. The Democratic I'lattorin says nothing of the ort, but plainly implies and intends that slavery i-ball be preserved and perpetu.i'e 1. V. The Union Plattorm holds it right that black as well as white men should fight for tbo preservation of tbo Union, and be protects! by the Government In so doing. The Democratic is silent on tbia point; but, since it wishes the war topped anyhow, it of course doesn't want "nl rera to fiiibt hi it. VI. The Union Platform returns the thanks of the American people to the soldiers and suitors who have fought for their country, and promises ample provision IVirthose who have boon or m ty be disabled dn ber service. The Democratic Platform prollers them sympathy and protection, dm never intimates mat tney nave oeen ana are fighting in righloousand holy cause. VII- l'hii DeoiobiHtic Platform blames Presi dent Lincoln and his Cabinet lor almost every thing they have done iu resistance to the Rebul- Jloo, but blames the Uebeis for nothing. Kven the crultti of the'Kehel authorities, in causing ourcapturod brethren to be exposed, for weary month, ani.beltered.to the burning suns and drenching dtorma of Georgia, feeding them on twelvw ounces of eom and two of putrid pork per day, ia charged against our own Government, without a. Hint that the Rebels htiro done any thing wrong in the premises. Ia abort, if Mr Jed. Davis had been ultUfbrin maker bar the Cbiee.go Convention, he could not bave trtaied hltnaelt more tenderly nur his en. terpriso more gingerly than they bave been la the cmau pisuonu. PBOHPMTH OF THE "t I.TlVt Klf. 'tX tK9Hi0.t." frm IA4 tmu. The Chicago platform proposes an "immnlin'e cessation of hostilities," and an "nltimnte con vention" of the States, to change tbo C'onstitu tion, so as to smooth tbo way for the return of the Rebels to its protecting folds. Bueh conven tion can be called only by two-thirds of both Jxxiies of Congress, or on application to that body of two-thirds of tho States, diMoyal as well as J loyal. The amendments, to become a p.irt of the Constitution, must be ratified by three-fourths of the elates, titiouiu tne proposea course be adopted, two yours woo Id probably be consumed in calling the convention, in its deliberations, ami in the acceptance of its recommendations. In tb e meantime the Rebels would be enabled to realize at least Mi.UuO.OuO.OOO from the sale of Cotton. and with its proceeds, to place themselves in an impregnable position of defense. Would not all the time gained be so used r But is it not perfectly notorious that such a , convention or the otutus as is contemplated by ' the Constitution 1. at the present lime, im- )osiblc ? There is not hall' a iWen states. North or South, that would join in an application lor one : nor oouiu tnree-ionrtns ot tueiu be brought to agree uKn any proposition. This was per fectly wen unaersuxia uy tue untcago conven tion, and itt resolution, consequently, was a full aaaent to the durnptiou of Ibo Union and to the Iwundary line claimed by the Rebels, which is to mbracc every inch of territory polluted, previous to tbo Rebellion, by the touch of slavery. An imnmliali armistice Is iust the thing of all others which the Uetiala now want. It is what, of all Others, the loyal States should most dread. It swould rive the Rebels all they needed to a sue. cestiful resistance, while It would render hopelo.l all attempts at coercion tj the Government. HEADY-MADE QfcOTIUSQ l.lrnlnHt-Ornrl ItntfleHs. William J. llanlee is a Georgian, born nbvttt the year- 1H. He entered the West l'olnt Academy m IH.14, and waa a memlier of the class containing the names of lleauregard and Sibley, MtDowell and Barrr. At the Military School lie w as not much dia'iiik'iiisheil, ranking as low down aa twenty. fx. On his vrduatinn, In lH'H, he was cnminll.ined aicond lieutenant in thed Ira oiis. lie w as promoted flr-t lieutenant, P-cainlier .1, lv:i), ami iM'.,t.nn. .September i:t, lH. He wis in the Mc c in war, w here ha received two br vi ts for gallant and meritorious ciin'lucf, being breM'ted minor, tor gallantry, at Me lelin, near Vira On March i-t, 1 S 17 , and licutenant- oloni 1 in tho siliiir nt s in Aunu.uue, Aiigut i of the 'fin e jenr. lie ulsw disilugiilslied hum If at Mohno ili 1 Kev ; re.iched the full r.mk of major, M irt h .1,1 MVi; became eoniniaiidant of cadets and itisri ucmr in e ivalry, nmllery, and Infantry tctic, at M'rd Point, In July IS.j'i. At the rrquect of Governor lrown, of Georgia, lie received from Secn tarv 1'lnyd, Pecmbcr 27, l;o, leave of a'l-enee for a ye ir, that he tnlsht go to Kurcpe to purchase arms l"r thutSta'e; re-iuned bis commission In tho I'n ted St ilea Bimy in the bitter part of J.innary, l Si". , and in the follow n't Jiinowna appointed a Hi igadler General of Conteiieraie tninps. Ilia lirat service waa In Arkansaa, with headquarters at I'oca hontas. nnd for aome time be was stationed ut Gres nvllle, In this 8'ato, menacing the Federal garri'on at l'llot Knob. As Major General, he commanded a division of Poik'a Corps in the army which entered Ken tucky, in September, lHfij. In October of thut year. lio waa promoted I.lctitonant-Grnoral. After the fall of Yickshurg, ho was assigned, in place of General lVmbcrtou, to the cuminand of th cainpof paroled prisoners at Ieinopolts. Mtcr, be aucccided General I'olk In command of a corps of the Rebel urmv in ront of Chattanooga, lie la tho author of "Kirln and Light Intan'rr Tncl'cs," a work which has been extcuslvely used on both hldca during the war. Ho was a strict disciplinarian, n tyrant at be irt, a frotlignte, and a brute. SPECIAL NOTICES. jggr- A. MEETINO OI" TIII2 OITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL UNION PAKTY Will b held on Monday Afttrnoon, September 5, at 3 O'clock . AT HOI'KIXS1, MllKAItT STREET, UEUOW FIKTH, For the pnrpB of fleeting ft permAnnt orgnnizattoiia WILLIAM H. LKKDS, it 8ECKKTAKY I HO TKM. fST- CITY BOUNTY, FOUR HUNDUKO lklKri -Otttr of tho Vity llountKand ('otnmli- lon. No. 419 ritl'NK Htront. Until further lmitcp, th Commfmlon will e ntinu to pivthe CITY Bt'MY OK KOl'K HI'NlUtKIl ItUU l.ARS toalir-rulta crrditad urnn th iU U of theolrv ol I'hilttilflpliln, wlicthtr vnlittltiK fur one, two, or ttirut I'artlrs furnlfhtnir tuhtttutfi win receive $I0) lor One Vr. - fur Two YeM. for Thw YAr, an httvtf ro. K. r. KIS'J, 1'ruit.U'it. ltt'HKitT M. Mookk, Hccrftm-y. sf l tit VNITKD STATES CHKI3TIAN COM mis ion. CASTI ACKNOWLKDOMCNTfl FOR TUEWKEK KMINO HKtTKMHKIt 1,14. FHILADKLT'IIIA C1TT. NortliWMtwm Hranch U. 8. ChrNtlftn Commt- nittn, i lilcavu, pT if. r. locoiia. eciitHrv,. 'onnrrtlcut It ranch, llarlfoiU, per A. U llatu- piynU. iTciuiurvr 3 500-00 10000 an J6t0 hod. B. Wattfton latMltJoim') uhu 11. AtlKtlQ .tu. h. Harrlit xeiirKioo or r. m. a LadliM CUn-tlfln CoiuidIwIod, Tblrd Vnlt.l tutbvturljui Churcn rrcMieerta ol r'alr Klven by Llntla Hlinimon, An nie and tarrta iiDiion, rnnnio MittMiflii, au suata Dreer ami hi He fcvaun, at Malibatb Hcliool, Ht Andrew's Churcli, Auauit 16 an4 17. 1MU 00 1811 lH-Oft 10 'tO 10. in-w 1001) 5-O0 6- 00 3-00 rroceoua ol Fair hold by Mlafwa Baohal Barrf, rannr L.9.wton anu L.uoy worrau Li lica Christian Cotniniaion. Odar Htruot 1'resliytnriaa cimrcu, fur ti. A. Aiauer M. M. C." M. P. HcA. uran Lonttstreth Iiurcli ot ' Our Saviour" Ladiea (.'hrlntlati roiiiinltwlon. Kirl I'robvte fcrlftn Church, (lermaiitown (additional), uor Mist P. J. Mltchull St. Mark' Lutlierau Church, par Mr it. A. V. aiurpnr jj," t t t ' ' kdi ; the ahtmVn i; knnh y l v an i a, Evanpelleul Lutheran Ohurchoa of Urn villa and lieiueioerg, lierita county, per Kev. ti. Grali KrancW OnMe. Illla Kerry ttlri n Held, Chester county, per ftev. Mr Hid way rfabytorlau flunduy Hchotl, 1'ort Kuuaeday.s olloctlon ItnulUt t'hurch, 1'ottHtowu l'rtabrterlan Church, Uppor Mount Hnthel, Noithamnton oouuly. ttr Kav. 1. ttnttaiit... M. K. i bun h, Mew Londou, Cheater county , pr ii U. (rCil'ITr HOI T11KKN NKWJKIWKY. Proabyterlan Church, Kialervllle, pr UenJ- niln Harding AutuunU lnun othtsr quarter, acknowledged eitmwiiere in tviikiuu ntmapapere Amount previously acknowle1gcd Total T4,U&'W ju.stni rATThuavx , truaaurur. The Tntted fltatoaChruvtian Com ml Ml on has recelred the following additional store a up to Mtjptiin mr 1, lrV4t- HOUTHKASTKK.H rENNflYLVAN IA. Philadelphia i buttlea, Wn. Hiiuon; 1 packaKe, Mn. hiovt'UHi I Jug, M. II. Harlan. tJemiantown packania, l.adlea' Aid Society ot Second rn by tartan Church. Mnuut Joy i barrels. LltIz-4 boxca, Ladlca Aid flirelety. Htraiturf 'ihoxt-e, "Patriot Patuhrore. Jiranuy win aianor i parcel, net, ut. t.ner. Lielaware county 3 lara. pur E. 11 Liirkliu. HOUT1IEHN NEW JER.SKY. Balem n-volutnea. AT E MnbUath HchwiL one hundrrd and tllly-flve other bixue and barrola of tiotpitnl atorea, Ec, will be aciiowltjdel ut luutUla Uie reiKoua nwipapfrii. The OomuilaMlon, in the proaecution of It irrAat labor In the various annk-a ol the I'niou, la eauh dtty accuuu- iHtliiK CTidanca uuiiUtitDie mat ita wora ia neeiiod in apfculUr manner, iua kratituaa of toe aot'iiwra ana officer la expre-ai d o oll:i an 1 ao atroutily aa to ahow that a great waut I aupptiM lty the ininiiir.itttna or the dnieKfttaaof the Commiaalon. To continue ttvi work ot the puat In meaaure more abundant la the d.'aiwn tor the futum. In Hit evt ry t hlld and man or wmuaii can aid It. aome way. let all mniruibtr that theamai"t mite In aid of the Cominlaidou ia caat Into the l,ord'e troaaurv. and thut If It h lultowed with eartinat lulth. mar be'lor bluittlng to thoo In aitre d lit res of body- or aoul. dEO. 11. HKUUT, i iiatrinau c. .. k... Ko. 11 hAN K .Stroll, 1'hliUlphia. ff THE UM)EHS1UNK1. A UU H mitivea)pottiud by the 11 uny Kund tnvntl n ot th afveral Wartla tor the purp le of rcrutiln4 fr the benvrlt ot Cfn'ti'iit Wrda,la antiolpatioti tt tho comntir drult, tiupiefd wPh the lniiiortaiuie ol the atihct,dolr-i Ihelrlv-llow-ililxeha to unltM with thvtn til an eifirt to ml the city a tDota h) tibtaiiiinit voiuuh r recruttt. To do h l t '. th" -tti of HdiHttiiibdr will r -iul o tie nioslearnent nnd riKoroiu nertiii4, and the C ninnttitw apnea) tiHliepairloiie nn 1 pihiir-iiiritMj to a d the u ny their wiflueiirt) aid by contrlbntiuna ut th' nciea-ary ni ana to ofer Indncciurnia .)ual to Hi-,-. oifi rjit by oth -r 0-ntmUiitiita. The (? ininiitiet- htvt upo nniel a aii'ttn:iit iiitWiMT ui recrutnitac iiutiifiiaiiu in vanona 'p'Hr'ert m me cit , and all iecc.lt a oblali.vd n ill he d.tri Mit.-d pro ml amniiK tne ttrtis, mm, iti cuiim-, win oeiwni bqo4i usrumj thie O at are oo,t d liclni.t. Hy uiilled uii1 oniliniuu eiiort inu cmmiri4e nopi, ir rot to avoid th draft aHKtdher, at Uhl tu ft luce It to Itisil jut Ai si tit itmiMirllOitH. 'Ihe wlole numlMr ri"inlrv4 ui free the cltv trow tile draii waa, on tim It of au.-imI, anout nine thouaand rrnpi this iiuiitber 1 t be ttcJ'M lod lliuxe who ha o bveu rt on l t-il lt.ct that date : and -a h crn tin a the .tit v in ht entithd to.ifoiu in-raoita eMOUto hi the navy irotn he litv. a.n.1 wit ) htvsj nt heu creditetl t i ui aU k fro it prTMia enltftli'rf lu tlH n) from the .Htnte at Ur,'i, and not ert dlied ti anv parncuUr diattb t.of wlnh ihe city will hae ,rr pnuo'nh n. KihTia ar oWmk made to aacerialn thea-torcdlta. Tue room litte alto t-xpccc toohtaiu rvcrnltK I rum v eraua r-.4rtiaitiiK. trout the HiMhtu nta!ea uow mvtiyied by our luriwe. and from tither iiuartera Tar At no deem it Imp aaib e, theretorc, by proper vjtvruuue, to till the ou'e uuuta. Money la neoe-aKrv, and can only be obtained by the voluntary ai'beriipii..ia of ui'uha. BuoU ub ripiiona m) be rii to ilir adaieci o air wttm er ot ia oiu nnttev a bniov- kflvs-u, rr to the hedfiiartora ol Uie coin rl "'JrKi L eL4.rn.iRir. N..iT:ill!li;ll Allaj. JAMES 11. OH N K ,i ir.t I'llKHSfT SUWt. A II. KKANCIHOI'g. Nn. AIM M M1KKT StreaU JOSUL'A 8PKKINII, No. ltj 8 nn urn sul WM. M. l llI.KIt. KAI.I.8 OK Hl'Ut'TLKILL. H.U. 11KUWNB. Nu. . KliTfl Siroot. JOIIX W r-KAIKR, an-H-lf Ku. 1U B.ai XI II girmil. t25jT- OFFICE OP THE GLOBE 0ILC0M- pau),Jio.li8.rOLKIII Uft I'mi Ai:i.rnM, HpUtubr 1, Iftft. IllVIIlKKK NOTIl'K. . Th. Cloba Oil Cuuiuiuiv hai thu lv deol.red a dlvl. dtnd of two p-r ct-nU on llj capital atoca, p.r vhIu. tn ihillur. iter .hari. D.vable on .nil an.r lliu l.itb lu.lant liook. clowd in ih. li tli, and wp.ri.4 oa Ui. ith bi.uut, iiv oid.r of u.. Ileara wi xifKlvr. JollS II. WVI.B, n3-3t Treti.uNir. -T?f- OFFICE OF TUE UNION PASSEN ' gir I Itallw.j Cimtny. riui.ADUf miA. aitruii Ti. lwt.. Th. third luiUlnxnt or n. .)..ur oa i h sluu-. 01 th. alock of Ihv I olou f..uyor KulWMjr t.4ui.uy wlii 0 dn. and pav.l.le at lh. otn'. of th. Touiuany, No. 41 4 irri. wm MiwiiwBr 1DO.. 11 wl.l (4 Ui. board of liirwiora. VT, H. KRMIir.l, aiita-m Tr.it. urr. rT5J- OFFICE OF TUK LIIIOUS OIL ' t'onipany, ho. 147 8. rol'KTH Blrot, 1'llllld.U pkla. Smt.inber 1, IMOI. Th. Hoard of Ulioctora have thli dayd.il.rad Ui. llilrd aioiiihlv dividend ol ON'K 1'CU CKNT.un Ihec.pli.loi'k. pay.hi. on Hi. Sth ln.t. TlieTianafn B.uik. wlllbe clo.odafl.r tlio 4iu liut.anl ra-out'Btuoo in. (hu. A.r .BAiiiNK, .cjiit 1-rMld.nL 270 2V0Q I5t 9i0 490 1-90 300 3,316 S4 Hl.iTJ 'A HKAIQUARTKRS PENNSYLVANIA cx Militia, lUmibnnr, AutrHt f. IrVH 4.(.nral Ord-ra, S -In cnr.irmiiy wnh the timviMni of the aotuf Aa-sirihlr of thr 'd and vftth of Aaa-nt, and ina art i wnif-n mt arf ai!rpivn.TnTs), it oriii-vm 1. 1at tl'f rala in k of the cmpa of iHfcn rk'lmmtta, t be railed the"rnMyivanla Hti OuanJ, proTlded t"t In jd at.tn, N fnrthwnh c 'mnjenced. 1 AMbeMret prtin of thai rorpa. thre rfstmnta of lntrn:rv, twtn.jim.iri ni of cavalry, and fnr hattirlfa f Drid anntry, ahall b rorriilfml wiihout dUj. I'lr rrmrtiftit. nqtia.lr'in, nnil btOfrfa. It la liitrnd4. ahall bf c'niHpd of volunteer;, to wit : ef veteran t.Urr arnl ifahl hodifd pMMHlwfwaTi the ajira or plfhti-eri and fltt . alvtuti the pr'lvri'nir to ttn.ae who are not aahject to draft undfr the law of the l nlt-d Mtnl. 3. The force, thua to be i ait-d. will b r niinand.1 by company orticera elfctml bv the wn. and wh have rpn In the arrlef the United Htatea. and bn honorably dln harnt d tiierrfrrm . TI nld and aeneral offlcera will be aptxdnted r the do rtnnr and nn-alered Ini the rvpe of (tie Ntate. The f-T-ewill be uaod only for the aWm of the Htive It will, while in nervier, re c nthcd cjuuips,!, armod aitti-aiti-d. diactp'lned. and pa d aa provided 'or hy taw fur ainil r troia in the service of the Cnltt1 Statt 4. I'eraoi a iiahlled by netvlie for the paltion of rnm- 1anv olTirer In tin corin w III, on eppili atmn to the Stare ni.ector-ienciai at llnirNLnrc, r-' Ive aithnritr to rn ciiik rnmpanten and nniat. and. If afierwurd rleVtcd aa r in) anv orT'i rr. will he cnmimloiei arondliiidf. ft. I he -md curt a ahall he enllMcii In the ice of the H'a'e lor thret er, nn If a noontT ilii- huriff , mid si all I liable to he culled Into the nt-rvl.'e of the Htatf at mu ll time as the tAwnir may d'-etu tht-lr ittTThei ni'rn Birv. 6 A Camp of Itendervoni III be esjtahlNl ed at IUtI biiTg. in dr the charcr of rmprt- nt miluarv and mMi. .tl otPrtri, and transportation for troMa tlnrt'tn will he fnntlahed tn prraona rermltlna comnanlea and 'iia n nf not lea than eisiht nirn, on ampli ation r Cnlonol M H, t.'iiay. HanitbuTK. Chief ol Tranap rtatlon aud ivkwraph l'eiartinrut. 7. hhonid the reefmDf i, s-itiadroni, and hattarlna, spe cially herein provided for, not h rfrrmiei within thirty day, tbr defli tenev will be aupplleit hy dratl. K Hrittarltcr Oenerat l.pnnia) I'odd, S: tt ln0e -tor-(.emral, U charued with the oneoution of this order, aud all the detnila under It. Uy order of A O. f'l'KTl V, HovernnT and Commander-in-Chief. A. L. Rt noKi,!., Adjiitant-t.eneral, Penna. ael tl pnUDKNnNOTI('Kr OKKICE OF I-' the Si huylklll aud Oil Creek Company, No. Wl WALM T Mri'ut. rHtt.Artr.i.rtttA, Aniriit lii. Tfie ftnard of Plrectora have thla tiny iterhirel a ae'-ond tnonilily divhb-nd ol one pet cent, (ten cents pern hare) on the Capital Stock, payable at the r otflce on and alitor Tl Ki lA Y, heptt tnber th, free ol Htnte tan. Tranxfer Kouai will be closed on V K DN ESUAY, Afiirmt ai ft, at :i P. M., tor lle days. iM-i 7t !-. J. DKMi:TH, Havretary. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN XH HEAD, TUriOAT niHEAHKH, OATABUH. Thote who anffer from rheae maladlea hare now the vary leet opportunity for flndina reiiat. The apparatua f onatrneted l.y Dr. VON MOSflUItiKKR la undoubtedly ilte nioat perfectlv edtsctlve atrMnt ever aael for rtiachiuf the aeat of the dlienae to which It la directed, and eradi cating M wlfch wonderful rapUlttv. The appUeatieu 14 pauileaa. Office, Ho. HH1 W ALU lT Btruet. TRriMWNlAl. To Ue rtaf. Tr. Von MoachaUker, AuHat, No. lfW Walnut atreet, operau-tl moit aucerttfoHr on my ear, reatorliiH me to pertect hear inc. 1 autTtrMl front what Use phvfJciana called a Ihlckeniisc of the drum of the ear. WILlJAM CRANK, lluilder, ttea'dence. No. HU M. Hotwnd auvet. Philadelphia, Aiuuat J, lrM pnu Atai.rtiiA, 7Sih June, WW. Tlila la to eertlfy, that fir four veura 1 waa iruitbletl with an otfeiialve diaohanrtt, accompanied with deafneaa. 1 have been treated by nu niuroua phyalctana wlihout recelvlnir any bnflt. 8tue moniha anu I applied to Or. You Moechilakar, who haa accotuphahrd a perfect cure. JOHKPII HHOKMAKKR, Of the Ann of Shoemaker A Tledal, Mrchanta. Nj W N. Droad alreet. Prfrate re aid a nee, No. Ti2 Green atreet. EYE Ir. VOV MOHCHZIHKKR ean be conaulted on all rvHladlea of the Eve. The HIKOICAL op tr alio n to rwfiore HloHT akilfully perfi.nasl. Otnoe, No. If7 WAI.Vl'T Atreet, Where hnndredaof aluilar leatinioiiiaU aa the above can be exawlued. aui-u rX- DEAFNESS AND BLIN DN RS8. J. hupi. M n.. lrornaanffnf the Kve and Ear. treata II dlaeaaeeappertainltur to the atwe-namd mere here with he ntmoat aacceaa. Testtlmontala from the moat reliable aonrcea In the city and country ean be atvm at hla Ofllce, No. ell P1VK AtretTt. Artlflc.al Kyea Inaertad wiUnnU pain. No ehargea nade roc axamtnaurn. uraoe wmra irom a to 11 A.M.. t toT P. M. No. Wl Pill K -tie. 7-Jm SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, L 1 HTOCK f i. JKOW IX STORi FALL, lf-IO 1. EDMUND YAED & CO., Nob. 617 Chesnut and 614 Jayne Streets. IMPOKTEUS AMI) J01IBEHS Or SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS. SHAWLS, LINENS, AN I W1IITK GOODS. LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. FI LL LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC UALMOItALH, aato-lia HRUNKRH AND OTHKH MAICKS. 11 UM NO 11 I H It I I I Wa nfaad th. mon.r. If dMlnii, for avarr lot of HhlrU whtch fall In anj raapMt. FINK HHIKTH, CUT LKNOTHVTIKK Ot MUH1.IS. Na4 of Kew Tork Mil. Muaitn, and vary fln. Unas Boaoma. Oplj $4 . U.ual price ttt'UU. WUIiajaavtll. 11)11. Muilln, and In. Lull Vaaonia, OnlJ 4-.TU. l aualprka tl-.IU. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISUINO Q0OD8. H5IITII A .lACOlia, rt-a Ho. 1440 CUKBUT SUMt, 1044 CUIMNUT HTRKKT. Th. attrition irf LADlBd V18ITIMO TITB crry. r iiio..x)iit i.kavimu u nr -ivawc-laa I'lar..." or "tlrt Cooatry,'' I. r.ptfully iB.ti.it to th. tniv tiMk of wmra OOllllH 1UII .61. ar HIIMMKK WKH. for WHITS! HUU1K8, MwUNINU WHxmiu, An .at.tinv. , ihjrlni.nt li offered In LaM and Worlnl Kdxinw and liM.rtlni, V.lla, b.aak.reliipr.. i'olUra, Hlc.vr.. .l In plain and fancy flald, (tirt.l. and rufurd wnlt. j,u0. AT PUCKS Mllll llr.l.u' TUaUtt PKWsKNT KKT.Il. VAI.l'K lik PrlDtl Linen camnrto lr...i-.. 1IH1 piMra 1'aii.d. Tuiikl. and i4irUi4 alua lica k. m. cs'i;i':ii..i. tO'44 CHKnUITT riTitiCKT 628 HOOr MK1KTS (JOQ utaot.H7o 1.11 Alll'H 1tr.M, U0 now. mtn lima. fniUMpnia. WholM.l. and Koull. Tta.nuMt mplBi. Mwitm-ut oi l..die, MUm.'. an4 Chlldi.n'l Huop Hkln. lu lh. .tty. In .vtf n r.iMl Drat- claaa, whicb pr atyia, nnua, auxaomty, ana oniMipwMa, oa . no ctuai in in. mara.i. a. in. auda to ordwr, alMnd, and rapalrad. m-1j v. k. t. HorKina. POFFKE AND RASPBERRY. ALEX, J1 MlIXtK CO., Proprl.tur. of tlx Old Gor.ruiu.ut rKErAnau 4& A III IM, hava R.bovmI uiolr olac. of lu.ln... frum No. 318 N, h.cud .tr..t to So. M AUC'll Htrout, wli.r. tlir ar. ttrepaiad to 11U all order, at Ui. tnort.t aottc. wldt-a u. public tnaj favor th.m with. Tatir Coffiw li, at g.ual.tua u,t lu Ui. Buua.t, Tb.y .uo uave tu. o.t KAHl'llKKkY BTHLP that la raanafacinrfd In tli. cliy lAU at low.it prloei.con aidrrlnii llie IiIk'i prlc.i ol malarial. 1'i.a.e aiva tum a call bfurs psrchaalng elMwher lo not fora-ot tua li ujubar, aula lot .. 343 AKCll Rtreat, XARI'ETS, MATTINOfl, OIL CLOTHS AND V J window BtiadM, front .w York Aoctkua aal.., iillylillj w.) Maunlncnt Bnl.U, X wid, SI A4, lK.ll'iO and al Jii liuluilou liru.ia, (palutod.) J, Wkl, 70, WulW anu i 4-4, 4 aud 19 4 at propor tk'iiat. prlca; luip.nal Carpal., 197 to tl7. w yardi lavraln. fiuni Ml MaU t. tl'UVl TMtM4an.Ku.aaJ 11. nip, from S7X u 74 ..uu par yardi MattloA, tha Uruaat aaortniiit a.ar oa".r4 la Pbiladalptila, front T7X tolicwlll yard, at tha M.w Yark Auction Hal. fM- pot, (lomiurly tUMldow a.) Mo. 147 8. HKCUND SUMt, nx.t uour awo.. tt vyyvvvm r.ii,nianyfc ly7-nt YTOt'BTY'8 TEA WAREHOU8K. SSTA- J bliaaaa la Ibvo, laponw aud uwi la rlM Imi, Wtim, and Lkiuora, ' vaota. Havana vi..i CroM ltlackwaU's PlcklM and Basaas KnBU.K and ftaoAoh Ala and l'orter. Oanaad MaaU, FralU, Boas, dw. sravr atatsas fu bp wiw cw, Aasro.lM i. "aOOlfD trt Ml IT JtWilUA 11. OOUHTT. ESTA2LISUMENT, SALES. M ACKFY'S AV(ni'.)N KOOMH, Wo. WAJtkr.T Mtreet. T.AHOK H if,K, OK WIIITK Isl. AMlTK, V K' rvlNi.HAM. AHI YEL LOW AAUtL. ... In oyen lt.a . anltaMe iir nt h ! cnt-y rftal trail. On " I 1 li4afltT M -rit'Il. -I 1" 'clivrk. ri.INT tit i fine anKortment of f AMR. ri.-r qiullry tah (llem- A 10, ware. 4 1 ( TION 8AI.K AT liitOOKLYN NAVY ard. It nrrfi-r of Near-Aflmlral Ihrto Tmitinn. IT. N N f (niniaii.ient of the New V"rK r ... Yani, I shall oiler tot ale. nt fu f Itr Ai:,-(lon, nt al I i l, ON Till KMDAY, 8M't.Miii. r sth.al li 'rlnvk M. n hnrreU Hptnt T'Tju n-n' InOi'llli ot l anvsi, (,,, ,, .jg A lot of ft-Tup Leather. 1 Mniall r men-. 1 ll.trlrontal It' ll-T. 4 I' profit Kol't?r4. A li I rf Ar.rny I'littni I timl'cr, A lo ol Hani i oal 1 imli rs. I lt ol Ir, n M, hi. H-iitl Ci.iKlf mtitl W'o.") l.'t. Twenty i'or i rut. ol the ,mih Iih inofl-r mull he do. ftntt (t nt tie time uf ale. aol t.'ti w til In allowi'd ft r in e the if.t ..is fn m thf itii,nitd If nrt to rrmuvH, Uif ileiMx.lt lll In- tttrtfiteil tti the (tovermnt'iit. Alt la iiT.-nt' ti h1 mitde It (,m frnmniH ilHTCtloy. and Wore Uir R'akI aic iruel n v tun nnl. I. I T. M K4HAI.r., V . tiy Storek'-'-.t-T. Navv Yattl.MfW ork, Anwntt.l-uK. ot WANTS. WANTKD TO KKMT.-A FI I.INISIII',1) li.ll.n,., bv a prhat. InmilT. A l.lrr.i .1.1) 11.. I'n, T K A M S T K K 8 WANT li D , CniftP Qraui hi-mmt'!i Oprtcit, hcroT or W.,iiii'tirn,, Witi..ftN. I. f.. AiicnnI 1H, lrtfti. Tnto.. at one. IIVK Mt'NIHtKI i) to OMR TIlol HAND (l'Hl) TKAMHI KHA each reille ( drlr lrikt with inatU' line, and ni,tn;ln mi mule team). To such who are toiup t-'tn to pariurm Uiedut, the pay per month will he thirty Hve ($.&) dollars, wl'ti one, ratann pei .far, aitJ hospital prlTlUKi, Incltidlutf Uie be it me.Heai attenflinrc whoa tick. Mi-n et( erlenottl aa Wair n Maatert will reenive nii-k IrotHloiia, upon brlftjtina; to ti.ii point twenty five (Jal) Kkm1 Teaioiiera. Applr to Captain CIIAH.H TOMPKIVS. A. Q.M..U. . A -. oorner ol TWItW T -BK ' H I and tl Sir. Waib ltlMtOU, L. C. I. H. RtTCKF.R, HrtrtJIr-0nf ral an1 CMcf iuartirinater, ault ?lt 1'evotof WtMhinirtoa. ClTY POINT, V. AuKttnit 7, 1M41L. Oi-Ftt r liKr-rr or Bktpwiia, I AftMlat Ol'KHAriN.I AOIMT KlUHHtNU. V va.inti:i, SOU To rtmut orst, B AVhcelH rliihts, SO J tlieUml t nnd SO Cnrrlaico Trtniinr. WXia will rtM.!.. tho hlfti.tt rate, of Oov.rnin.nt pay ration., and mrdkal all.nd.ino TramportaUoa (umUh.d br applying at No. Q il PKNNHY I,VANIA AVENUE, WAMirStiTOir, D. c. K. J. STRANG, ( ap'.ln.A. q. If . JAMKS M. KKLLY, lil-lrn Qoartiriaa.lr'l Axont FOR SALE AND TO LET. " FOR BALK. IjWKLLINO NO. 1:17 JLaMAKbIIALL alrrst, ali'ive Olrard V.rnnr. Apply tw rll4RI.KH KIIOADS, ai.i at' Nn iKiM.HKVKN I'll Mtreat. EDUCATIONAL. ST, JOSEPE'8 COLLEGE AND SEL'KCT SCHOOL, WILLINO'S AMiKY, ATTAC1IKD TO ST. JJHKl'U 8 CHUItCII. Th. ftiurtvcnth annnal K.iul'-n of tli.ia Inatllntloni will brum on MUNHAV, H.ptemivr lxil. Appllcattona for admLKr-n tu ni otada at tn liouoga between ti. hour, ol aud in M. au'13-tu'Jui-lvr S PHILADELPHIA MILITARY SCHOOL t'Ol'KTLAMD S.U'XDKRS' ISSIITl'IK, Thirty-Dluth aud Market Streets, lllfiOPENB BKl'TKMUHK i. Addraaa, anj;-lro l'H0KR.S8l)K K. D. SAl.'KDKKS. D. D. "IRIKNDS' ACADKMY FOR BOYS, RKAP. A of No. 41 N. EI.KVKMTII Nlroi't, nmpana on ina out lu.t. $lb per term of '.'? wfek.. All drlioliiltlAtlont ad- ntilt.a. liei-ini-j W. W11ITA1.L. JAMKS 8. BIRD.TKACIIF.ROFTIIR FIANO, No. iAjBlXTKKNTIl Slri-et, h.lnw Spme. aui lm TH0USaHD8 ( I TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIX. Pditant aniilltvl for. Mvne InTi'titton. Doubt Re vtriioie H iradjaatliiK Hafetv VaWed lultaW. for admin lateiltiir Nitroui f aide and trv tmk teeth without pnla. The only mode Uat the t;aa can b proper! and aleljr admiiua lured. Dlt. C li. MIINNS, anTT Ut N. 711 SPIUH'K feTKKET. 1 lt. J. DAVIDSON S CHIIIOPODIST AND 1 ItatUlDB Ktai.hhuit !it. No. iJn aj, ti K( 'ON li Hiroet, (entrance also ou Levant atreet.) Dr. DAVIlMOSoir.r bia ft rvlct.a to Ladlei aud Ufiultuieu as a Uhirop 4it of experlenee, and pro ml tea luuntd .ttr rt'l.-rai uxtr.actoi uf fit and bard Corua, opera'. r ol Naila rolnK In tl.otleli. il tnetllral attendant of aw-Mtua anu iroatea reel, lu and eut of hu realdonue. At hi- eitanllanmenc, no. nr.i unntnw, ran oe rbund Hot and t old Itathi.t'o Shower aiidlKuche Hatha, and (sulphur and Vior Hnt a HlaHulphur and Vapor Hili are worth? the enpecal attentfolittf lnvaildi to wt h 11 personal atutn tkD. auil U" IEDIOIKAL COD LIVER OIL JU11IS 4J. iv x Mo. 71 MAIlKf SIBJ.Kr, ara now recatvlna tto4r aupi'ii-'. rro.l from tti. nthnriat. Th. aupi-rliirlty ot their O. I 11 .v.ry r..H!t, ha. ualn.d for It a raputalkin and aali h : on J any otlutr Ibund In tho market. To maintain It, th.y are determined ti "pplr an artiola (hat may bo .ntlr.ly rolled m mi Ire.hii'.. aud p irliy. tt t.ttlraoniala of Poik.. -tt . Min t il Collie., an II li1 V H N S ' COTTAU K. Tlila ever popular, cu ... -tit J u-f nown piureoc weic'Tne laltatl-a. at th- V. ro iwr ot rflri! aud M1MK Mtrurta, li aoJoff m.t-t thrv tnu Mi'l i:a, under iU auaplcea and Immedlatrr umi v Ui tii i A WM J It AL .JVv,K- NK1..SON, Tb Admiral tparea neit v t tnoa, money, nor attention toiuppl hU ptroni with th u t'ike-t Wiaaand Mmiora, and superior Huoteh end t air ou draught, wtskh canuot be i (jualkd la FhlUi" fi.ia. lat averr man wlio lovea ms t omiirv and Is fnd of a good drlnfc,lve the Admim. mi an -o-lm T7LOCRIKU1NQ HO 1 1 .Ls.-A MONU V I'UK a DUUIIC nmittil in anu ai. ' lin a in- ro ar nona to aiupa. th. n.w MINK in .nKVK5l 1 11 Htreat, above unennu I : i "HOVOIi r Hol.l, at We and TOWNHU1K LINK K I. lnprl.t.r of both, wlileb I for tholr intra) uccen. T -abla oud blblbl. will li. fouu. t.ndlcs the tlm.i ara out fr low, A apl.adld Luncnavu.. itii-l wi. kuuWU o NH S (I VN l,n i id . (iK'iK'.K VT. Kl'llla t 4'ilH-iiir iiiriite -a v . h t iluif eat 't i !, O'l'WItlt- t e k in w i it iiitH :i"tn 11 : J J li'cl'jvk.. auao-lui l IOOrKR'8 ALK VA . I.TS, S. V.. COHNKR I I 1HIHD and l'MhM r Hir.-.-!-.. unib taiTKn HTATe- i M.Kint u'li ur iue, I'KMHTAlI S "1.1) Kt ANI. TBB COOI BUT AND HKMT AI.B-1 1 THR CITY. OLD 11KANDIKH, W1HICS, OINd, WHlaKIKS, CAI.1KOHN1A AMI C'ATAWKA W1NKU AND UAMlGM,).NliLlKII,lUIHll, BCOH II, ANIi AUEItH'AN AUH AND VKUWK STOl'T. Tlila ealebratM old aland bavrn been renovated and thuruuitliir n atil. with oua of the nexat itncki of Aia and ilwia. I.iiim. luth. city, tin ppoprleuir Invliw taa pub le to alva lutu call, eonodeDt aa ha U of their uu Jro.ul icM-lni VKW UA.M12 OF CARD6J. TBE KEW MUSICAL CARDS (Tatroiilred bv the lb.yal Family o Rutland). araMiat by poatfor 'lllhKE U01.1.AK.S. Tuayaia a uuat autuauif paittma.and uatn Mu.kalTita. quicker tuauanyoUwr m.thod. . . utH.tik.an. clv.v .am.. ' Tim.a. "Admirably adapted for tJUi alaikal Tlma," nius. AddrTa. A.Vol-CK. -No. CI W. THIRT V JI1TII itrd. .w I ark. tlfAR CLAIMS, DOUNTIJES, PENSIUNS, V fV.and aH dwertptlon of clahaa aaalna th. t...a Hi.ii.v.rujtlm.lianduoitecud. fHI.K klOVKV Wa bavaa fuMUataf prU. now payaUo.aud tM autoa aan be ooiieoieu at one. ppj or writ, to Army and &ary Claim Anta, ul7-lm Ma. toa WALbiUrlre. TJATaiNTED JULY 19, 1H84. J 08EPH I v tft. Klava da Paris. Trench rltaam Drelna and Huiurhw on aay kind of waartnf appaiel, tur LadlM, I, .uta. aad CbiWrea. Pajnl apiralii ftir atratohtiii t anta frm ena to Bva In. h.a. iio.i TJS RACB ntro. brvnan M O. yiw a.MAIli ntrien. rmi.iiii. a.-aa SQllV tOJI, miTOSQXa 8TTLE3, AUCTION NITF.D 8TATKS INTF.RJf AL RBVENt'E. rirsl CoUli Dlctrlrt of Penn.yH anta.eomprtelnatha fteronn.Talrit. Tonrtli, I Kill, NlMh, and Kievnlh W ard. of ll et'Wyof rbi ad.lphia. - T.t Annnn! Aearaamt nl Aw Itni. fttr IV Aanrr-naaait DMtIci. if per.i'tia Inula natS on arnaaee. rbaanr Yat lil., Illllifird Tallin., atid Hold and Silver rlnle, and al.oor permn witnn-d to lik ottf l.icenve, havhig l.n oi'inpleled, KOTirK If lir.REKA OlVKIf, Tl at tlie Taxri atnte-ald a III la received dally brtha iimTer. anid. be'ween the hnr. of f A. M. ami .1 P. M., (Mitiila.l eireptad.) at th. ofllre, N,, M CIIKM T Hln-el, neoond floer. on and nftev Till l:)A Y, Heptembar I. and until and including HAT I ItllAV, Xeiptoinnvr 21, an.ulna. 1'KNAl.llK.I All perMin. who falljloi ay fl.elr AlttuMlTaxeenpimeaT- rla.a., plea, are yacht, bllilard tatia't.Kuld and II var plate, on or before the 'itth day ol Hept'iiiler, Ln't, will lot tir a penally often percntttm additloiral of Uie anmnut tli.rextf, and be liable to r.t, aa prtivldrd for In the llitli Section of the Exrl.a l.awi of .Inly I, li;. Alt ier.n. who tn like manner aliall fall to tak. otit Ihetr lleen.es, a. regulated hy law, on or befora the Mtlt day Of Hevti'Uiher, l-;i, will Inpiir a penalty of ten per renliitu aildltlonal of ll.e ataoutit there-tf, and b. ailbjeet to a pro.e, titlon for tlire. tlniea the atnHtnt of aatd tav. In ai-rorilance with the provision of tha o'.th acctlon of Uta law alire.Htd. All pami-nti ar. required to be made In Treasury Nolet, undrr atitlii rliy of the rntied Mtatei, or la note of Hank, fraanlied nntlcr the act to provide a National Ourrenoy, litiieu a NMIonnl Itanka. HO Kl' HTIIK.lt NOHK'K Wll.l ItK fllVRW. JKSI'GIt IIAItnlNt',, Collector, leMU No. :l l!IIKtXl T Ntreot. T i K E A U H Y D K P A R T M KNT, Arnt ta II, IK4I. K0T!K TO HOLIK.lt OT TMKKF. YKAKH HK.VKV THIHTY 0YKS DATK.I OTOHKIl 1, IhiJI. Huldprs of Sertn-Thlrty Note, ttatfil Ortolnr 1, I!., are hereby notified that they ma b present rd hiime d lately, In any amount, to be exchanged for Six Per Cent. Roods falling due after Juno :H, Ul. The laterest on tha Seven-Thirty Motes will be settled uf to date of maturity , October 1, and the Hli Per Cent. Bond win bear full coupons from Jtty 1. The adjnstment of Interest will be Oiadu by deductlnf from the amount of Interest found to be dn on tha Heveu Thirty Notes up to October 1, the Interest arrrned on lh Blx F Cent. Bonds from July 1 to October 1; the balance will be ttantmlttad by the Treasurer cola draft Imme diately upon settlement. Tha following regulations In relation to eodorsements mttnt be Carefully observed : Where Bote transmitted for settlement ware Issued payable to order and are held and Uanamltttd by the nrhrtnal owner, they must be endorsed bv them, Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury (or redemption," and bond will Issue In their name. Where notes payable to order ara hold by other par tie than the original owners, the note mut have the endorse ment of the orlirinal owner, and alao beendorned by th preesnt owners, ' iy t the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption." Fur Dote Usued In blank, andoreed "Pay to the Secre tary of th Treasury for redemption," hon'l will be Issued to th partlee transmitting them, and' In such uaauer a thf may direct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an attorney, admlntntrator, eiecutor, or other agnt, they must be accompanied by a duly certified copy or certificate of the authority under which he acts and In all case by a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomina tion of Uie ftlx Par Cent. Bonds wanted In exchange. When KeKlstered Bonds are ordered, parties should state at which of the following place they wish the In terns t paid, lz.: Now York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, ew Orleaus, Chicago, At. Lonls, or Cincinnati. W. P. rKBKNr.Ktf, au30 3w Secretary of the Treasury. TJUITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS. rOSTAGE STAMPS FOR SALE. A DISCOl'KT OP TWO PER CENT. OX ALL SUMS Or X AND UP IT AUDI). At tha Principal Ixpol for tha tale of Internal Revantia Slam pa, Ha. E04 C11KSN1T Rtreat, and aulO Ko. 1U 8. HKTll Street, Philadelphia. ii jz rvjaw tax hill K1CVKNUK STAMP LAW. Coplea of tha Kew Tna Bill and Revanna Btama Law. Air aale whole..!, and retail ; and Revanna Mtatupa of all deacrtntlone oouatantly ou band, al Ilia fuUowlua ratM 04 dlacount : -v, On ordtra or VU), two per nnt. discount. " lin, tlirea " " " SKl.four " At th. Principal lianut for the Aal. of InUrnal Rev.nn. Rtamp., Nii.:a4('lll.MMUT Street, and . ha t) rlKTH Ntre.t. y all deacrtpUona of tna Slamp Law In pamphlet Sinn. jyW If o1 STOCKS liortniT anii not.n ON COMMISSION, lty UKUKUK i. BOYD, Brnk.T, Ho. IS A.TntRD Biret. an?3-9aa TT CJ NEW 7 N E V 7-30 LOAN J . It. Hiibertptl)ni neelvad, and tho Kotei furnlahad fre. of all eliargoa, by Ol'.ORllE J. BOYD, Hanker, No.lSft.TIIIUUtitrc.t. HITII A RANOOliPII, No. 16 8. THIRD STREET, BANKKKS ANU BHOIiKHS. PKla,Btocka,Qoartina.tara' Tonch.ra and Checlu.and aUOovarnmant RwartUM Bonxdt and gold, nihil G OLU, GOLD, O O U Di BILVEK AJTO BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVETJ ft BE0THEB, aul-tf Ho. HO 1. THIRD STREET. JiIHH T NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Financial Agent of tho United States. IJIiT:i HTATIM f IWO TREASURY NOTES. NEW I'ATUIOTIO LOAN. Under lutrncUona from tha Treaaury D.partnwnt, thla Bank la prepared to racalra anbarrlatluna to tna Hear fatnotla Loan, latued In tha form ofTkra Taar Troaaurj Motaa, burlnf lular.it at Uia rat. of J 3-10 Bar cant, par annum, payabla Mtnl-anuuall In Lawful Money on taa Uihdavaof F.bmarraud Auiuat,r.apwtlvalr,of aack year. Ibaaa Traaanry Bote, ara oenvanlnlaat autnrltv, at tha option of th. koldr, Into CulUd gtnaaa ( par oant. lloada, Inlerwt payanla la t)OUI, and wdwiuaWa aftar fir. and payable twenty y.ara from Auuat li, H7. Coupon HuUa will k. laaoad In blank ot nayabl. to ardu a. may ba directed by the mUulber, la aamt of KO, $100, oOO.flUO.audt-'itXM. Intaraat will ba allowad frata tha data of tha anbaortptloa to tha lMh of Aiujuat n t, tba daU of tha Traaaary NU Thota h aaay aubacritx Aftar tha lilh of Annuel n.xt villi be raintrad ta pay tha aw rued Internet oa tha Motaa. Any oaa eubaerUilnf fc. not laaa than W,000 of tha Loa at any on time, will ba aUowad a aommUalon of an. quarter of ona par !., payabla by tha Treatury Dapart niant oa th. receipt of a bill for tha amount, apptovad hy tua .nbicrlptloB agent, Itefeirliil la tha annaied appaal of tha Seoratary of th Trtaaury, I ak all thota dedrsua of aldlug Uia Oovato BL.nl t aukacrlka ta thli Loan. o. Ut CletAllK, raiuiDainr. and Ua tJPaWQNABLE PBICB3, TJ Pf O 1MN1. rnorofiALft rou loan. - Sen.pHf PtrawAtKf, August art, Keated ffera will be weired at t mi a Departnent, am!er She act of Wrrh J, nntll nar n of FRIDAY, TUR 9th OY SVPIKMUKR, 1W, lor bonds of Ibe Cnitrd fltatei, to tha amourit of about TH1KTY-ONF AM) A H 1.T Ml 1,1,101 lX)I,I,An( bvltif the amooist of nna'-cepted offer nndUposed nf under the notrte of Propeeals for In, dated i'th June last. Tha bond still bear an annual Interest of 6 per eentum. paya ble el-annnally in coin, on th first days of July aad January of ea- h jmr, and redeemable after the Xb of June, 1-Wt. Each orrer must he (tw fifty or one hundred dollars, or nme muttlpl of on hnndred dollars, and must state th snra, Inclndintf premium, offered for each hanlred dnllart In bonds, or lor fitly, when the offer 1 for no more than fifty. Two per cut. nf the principal, exchtd lax premium, of tha wlfle amount offered muft be deposited, as guarantor for nyment of subsrrlptiou tf accepted, with tha Ticasmer of the United 8Utas at WabinKln, or with the Assistant Treasurer at Kew Tork, Ronton, Philadelphia, or M. Louu; or wlU. the JVHirnnted linUry at Itdltlniorc, ritt.xhtint, Cincinnati, Ix.n(svltie, Chlragu, ltro!t, or IliifTVo; or with any National Hanklnu Aisochttlon ati'horlred to recel? a dipolt wlilrh may consent to trana-t Ih Limine without chnrge. Duplicate rertiilostos will bo tusaed to depositor by tho officer or associa tion roctlvlng them, the originals of which mat b fur warded with tlie offer to lh Department. All deposit nhnuld be made In time for advice of offers with certificate to reach Washington not later ttiaa the morning of 8"p tvmber lth. Ho ofler not aocoiupanled by It proper oertlftcitteol deposit will he considered. The Coupon and ktfrtttered Uond Issued will be of tha denomination of :0. f 100, VX), and $1000. R filtered llondiof -J0 and 10 0"O will also be Issued tf re'inlred. ALL OFFERS RECEIVED WILL BE OPENED ON FRIDAY, THE 9TK SEPTEMBER. The aw arils will be made by the .Secretary to Urn highest oflerers, and notice of aoceptance or declination will ba 1 uimediat ely given to the reipoeUve offerers ; and, In case of acceptance, bonds of the denotiptlons and denominations preferred will be sent to the subscribers at the eostof the Department, on dual payment of Instalments. The original deposit of two per cent, will be reckoned In the last tnstal nieitt paid by successful offerors, aud will be Immediately returned to those whose offer may not b accepted. The amount of accepted ofler must ba deposited with Ihe Treasurer or other officer or association authorized to act under this notice on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follow : -one-third on or before thelltht one-third on or be tor the liHh ; aud th balanoa , Including th premium and original two per cent, deposit, an or befora the 34th of September. Interest on bond will begin with the date of tk.'oelt. Part las preferring may pay the accrued Interest from date of bond, July 1, to data of deposit In cola. Ofler under this notice s lion Id be endorsed "Ofler for Loan," and addressed to tho Secretary of th Treasury, The right to decline all oiTors not oonsldrred advantageous Ja rvkerved to the Government. V. T. FESSENDEN, Br'KKTARY OK THK TKEA8UBY. The Bond of tlila Loan ara ready for Immediate de liver. ael-7t V NIT li HTA.TEH 7-30 LOAN. Tho Secretary of Ihe Traaaary gtvea aotloa that aub acrlptlona will be reealved for Coupoa Truanury Hotel, payable tliraayaara from Augtiat IX, ldtit, with a. nil. an nnal Intareat at tha rata of a.ven and threa-lontha par c.nt. per annum, principal and Internet botli to ba paid la lawful ciouay. Theao notaa will ba convert I bl. at tha option of tha holder, at maturity, Into alx per oont, Kold-baaring bonds, payabla not leal than flva nor anora than twenty yean from their data.aa tha Uovarnmant may alaat. Thoy wUI ba la.nad la denomination, of 00, I00, IW0, (1000, and h-'iOOO. and aH aubicrlptloua ntuat ba for nlly doUara or ,oma mnltlpla of fifty doHarf . Aa tha notaa draw interact, from Auguat 15, peraona tuaklng depoilta aubaeo,ti.nt to that data muat pay tha Interval avcruod from data of nola to data of dapo.lt. Fartlea oipoaltlng Iweaty-flva thouaand dollara and apwarda for tli... notea at any one tlma will ba allowed a comailaaloo of one-quarter of ona par oant. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. Ir i.ANaTiuxaL lAVixuii BaHa.oiTerlng a higher rat. of Intareat than any other, and rfca 6ra) ucvrUy. Any aavfng. bank which pay. IU depoaltora In t'nltwl St ttaa Kotaa cooaldara that It ia puyla In tha but olroulatlng Biadlumof tba aountry, and It rannaf aay In anything bailer, for Ita own aaaoU ara aUhor lu llovarninent aucurl-. Ilea or In nutee orbouda payable In tlovarnment paper. CON YEKTIIJLK INTO A SIX TEtt CKNT. 5-20 GOLD BOND. In aditlttou to tha v.ryUbaral lntare.1 onthouotea for thru, yeara, thla pilvllege of oonveralon la uow worth about tluao pr cut. por annum, for the currant rat. for Uonda la uot lata than inn. p4r canf. premium, and bviura tli, war the pr.ialum on .it pur omit. UtuuidHtatea 8lock waa over twettty per cent. It will be Mta that tlia actual protlt on thla Imm, at tha pivaeut mark.t rat., ii not I... than tan per mill par annain. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE. OR MU NICIPAL TAXATION, hut a.lda front all tha advantage, we havo aiumerat.d. aapaolal Act ot'Cona... t.rempn all bund and Treasury nous J rum local ni.uxa. On tha areraga, tlUaaaaup. tion la worth about two par cent, par anouna, aocordlng to the rate of taxation la vartoua part, el th aoanlry. It la battavad that no aacurllloa offariograatlnduca- uenta to loader aa Ihoae laiuad by tha Uovanimeot. In all other foraa of Indibtednaaa, tha faith or ablUty of private par Una, or stock coupaulaa, or aaparai oommanU tka, only, l pledged for payment, whlla tlia whole pro perty of tha country la tiejd to aocnra V dlackarge of all the bUlailone of the Veiled State. Svanaii'Tiuxt will a Bacaivan by tha Tnaiarar ( taa Valtad Slatea, at WaehlBgta.tha aevarai Aaalatant Taea.arara and daelgnatad Dapoaltaiiaa. ant by th F1H8T VAT1UVAL BANK Of f KlLAKtLPllI A, rA-. BiX'ONP VAT10KAL BANK Or FHILADtLFIU A, A, TllfUD NATIONAL BAHK OF PUILAUKLFUIA, FA.. FOUKTH KATtOKAL BAMK OF FHILADEXFUIA.FAV. By aU National Baoha which ar iaaoilUrla of pabtt aaoaayiatvt ' taoao-tr) ' i ALL RE3FICTADUS BAXKS AND a.V.NZEK8 Thioughoat tha aoaat7 win glv furthar IxJonautloa and ! AFKOBD KVtlT FACILITY TO SUBSCIUBERa. aVND r0UTENJ.3 TO CUSTOMERS. lIKOfOBAtS' fOR LUMBKR. IS I'liuaiiai.rHi.. Hepteunbe a, law.. Hea'ed prcr.al, win h r-.l.wl al th. ofltra of tha vait.r.l.M.1, H 11. J i.lRAHII tr, emlll Tewtaf, .l.th lll.lant.at rHiOn In. A,m Inm.li.l a.llw.r. ml H.Ml.. ,!).. a. Mm! n.pa.l, v-eal fiiilailpaa,o( tii.l i w. ii i.-t th rd imimim wall. Pine Hoarda, 1 Inea, ; :hji; teet wMfe Pine Ho..tl,, ll,,ard. Tie abova ..ma t,i,ar k. bexaf wf joalltvt to-, !a-pprmil. art.r .le.lver., h. aa lei motor appointed foe :, piiiro' oire payment l" h m.de. 1 Ko pmuoaala will I). rerved ei-t In bl.n forma, ftirr l.l.ed al thl. MT;c. whl. h mii.t tie anaranl(Md bvona r re p.r,., kanwa al tlila atttp. a, rvpnnathla. The rented "Itatea r.rie. lheriahttoreiret.il kid d' e-nieo Un lilvli, aa al.n .av Iron) detaultina eontrartAra. nr onler or C'ol.ieaT A. 4. 1 .rrj, wu.riaraa.tat 'a 1M yawaai ut. ALIIERT K. ARIIMNan, Captain and Aaltant QnariannaaW. fmCF. DErOT COMMISSARY OF 80S- .v aiati nva. WAinfforriv. I. r . Anauat td, 114. Will b. .old at i I t " !"' 'I oelnek A. M . ai the Nltth alreot whart rnn.i "'"0-'iU fuUowt publl. proper tr, In r4 Oflethc.atrt(liioileflliiei,iiiad. i rniy-istntfiteeiHKKa.dr. , Fieven fill Mr.-pHVin.j ' 1 et ma cash, la Oovernmeut fnMa. - I n. v. (litr.r.xR. au'v-fit Cauin and O t!V. TTNITKD STATES EASTERN DISTRICT tiik nt ki iK. n r or Tur. rHfTKn UTtTr-t TO THK M A ICMti A 1, or TUJ JfiARltltl UUfiUC . t7i-rAT.Vf.-. . ! MKItKAH.Tbe nitrM Oonrt of theHnlted Rtateatn hud for the t.aslrn lnntnet of Pcnntvlvanta, rtgktly aad duly pr-ree-iinK"" L'hrt.ll"d In the name of the Cnlfd I tatec of America, haUi denrwsl all persons In aeneral who avv-.or pn-teiid tt have, any nxht, Uile, or tnrpmitln IlKy two hale of cotton, imnra of vee unknown. 1 rAptim'd by tbe Intt'd Htaies ntainerK. ft. Curler' a vi'afl 01 wht nf the fnltexi Htstos, and brought Itnta 1 Ibis port per the said steamer "t. ft. 4.;y)er," ta ba iiH'ninliril, cited, and callM to Jodmnent, at tlv time and place underwrltt n. and to the effect ncrearter einrss4 1 (niHtu e hit riilrliiM) You are. therefore, char onA r eirlrtlv eniolned ard cnmmand.yl, that you omit nH, bet that by puhilhlrR these prefer its In at least tweafthe tin 1 1 w itfw -paper printed and published la tho eitjr ft i hliatlelphia, and in th L&ral fntitijcrt yo OoinoHisli and cite, or cause to be monisbed aad ot led. lrrniiiorllv. all ncmonn tn ffnral wbo have, or pretend to bave, any nirnt, title, or Interest la the ald fifty- ' I w ii b.tlea of roiton. to apear before th UonoraMa , JOHN CAT'WALAUKK, the Jadge of th said Court, at the IKitif't CotiK rNtin In tbe 4'Kr of Phil- dflpbla, on the twentieth day atar publication of theea pranents.lf It be a court dar. or else on the as! court day aVllowtaii, between the usual houra of heating aaas II i en and ttere to show, or a!hKe In du fortn of law, , a reasonable aad lawful excuse. If any they bare, why the ald tlfty-two hate of o4foa should set b pronnunriHt to txdont, at th tlm of th oauture of tha time, to tna enetniee 4 die t'ulteil Htatee. aad, a go A ' ar ihrir efiuifB or otherwise, liable and eubievt to oia-dt-mnation.to be atlKBdiiTd and condemned as good and lawiul pruts; nd further to da and receive tn thia behalf a to mitlce shall appertain. And that yo duly bi timet, nr cause to tie Intimated, anto all prrens afHre sld. Knerally (to whom by the tenor of these presents , tllsalso intimated ,that tf thev shall not appear at tbe time and place above mentioned, or shall appear aad eftail o4 abow a nasonnble and lawiu' estate to tlie contrary, tnai aid IMstrirt t'ouTt doth Intend and will pmeeed tofctio dtuatlon on th said capture, and may prtmoanoa tiat -th raid fifty-two bales of cotton did bslong, at the tlm of the eapture of the seen, to the ana- . kIps nf the ITnited Atatr of Anu-rtca, and aa goads otf thHr enemies, or otberwltte. liable and sub) fret to eoafl tlon and enderantton, to be ailjedged aad eendenuked M law mi prtae, th abeace, or rather contumacy, of the per ns so cited and Intimated la any wise notwithstanding and that you duly crufy to th said District Court what yuu shall do la the premise. tnnther wtth theee praeeaks, Wltnsa the Honorable JOHN O AD WaLaDKR. Judaa ( of the said Court at Fhiladelpkla. this econd day at ft' ptember, A. 1. 1M, and tn tbe etohty-mintii year af tli Indpejidenre of Uie said Tnlted Htntee. scX-.tt U. K. VOX, Clerk District Coart. ITNITED STATES. EASTERN DISTRICT U OK PKNNHY1.VASIA, Her. THE l'KKHIDKNT Of THK UNITED STATM TO TIIK. MAKNIIAI. OF THK KA81KKM DIHTaUOI OF FKNNXt LFAN1A, VUCF.TISd. WHKHKAH. The Dletriet four! of tlia Dntt.d Slatea la and for the Kaalem LHatriot of Penaavlvanla, rtfatly at.il duly prncelinv on a Ubal. died In tha nam. ol tho t tiited Hlntea orAinertoa, halh decreed all pereone la fietieral who have orpraleud to hava. any right, title, or uterebt tn the steamer I.II.IAK, whore-tf I. A. Martin la maater her tackle, apparel, and funiltnra, an 1 tha a. id, w are. . and ineri haniliae latlcn on lioard iherejof. captureid by the t'nlted Htate. htramer. "Dettyabiim" and Kay- stun, nlnte," veaaeli-ol war or thel.nlled eltataa. raapao-tlti-ly lind.r command of I.lentenanta R. B. LamMn aad Fierce Croat, to ba tnontaheri, chad, and called Oa Jitilitment, at tha tlm. audflplaoa uaderwrtttao, and to the .fleet hereafter expressed. (.Instioo so re,iiuing). Tou ara thorafora chariraa and aulcily en)uliiatl and rommandisl, that you omit not, but that by publishing these prae.nl. In at least twa of th. dully newapftoer. printed and pnlillshed ta th. city of Philadelphia, aud In tna Lffal Intelli gencer, von do nvmlsh and cite, ar cause to ba asonJehed and clleif. neromiitoillr. all persona lu general who hava, or pretend lo bave. any right, title, or Intareat ua the aaid ateam.r LIU AN, h.r tackle, apparel, and fur niture and the ftoods, wares, and merchandise laden oa hoard thoreof, to appear before the Honorable JAI VALAHKK. the Juiluenr the said Court, at the District Court Kooiu, In tha city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth dnv altei piibllcalioil of theae preaenta, If It be a oonrt day, or else oa Ihe next court dar following, between tha uanal lioura of hearing causes, then and there to ahow, or ailt'Ke, In due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse. If any they hava, way tha aald aleaoaer LILIAN, tier tacale, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, waree, and uierchamlls. laden on board thereof, should not be pronotinoed to lielonic, at the tlma of the eapture of th same, to the enemies of the United Htatea, aud a. good, of their enemies or otherwise, liable and sotyiect to oea domaaUoii, to lie adiudued and ooudauined aa go4 and lawful prlzea; and further to do and rorelva la tlila behalf as lo justice ahall appertain. And that you duly litt mala, or eau.e to Im Intimated, unto all prsons afore said, Kenerallv (to whom by the tenur or theie preaente It la also Intimated), that If they shall not appear at the time and place above-nientionott, or aipear and shall (not ahow a reasonable and lawful cause tn the contrary, tnea auld District Court doth Intend and will proceed to ad)urll calion onthasalile'ipture.and may pronouuee that the aald .learner LILIAN, her tackle, aiiarel, aud furniture, aud the gontia. wares, and ruerohanttlse laden on hoard there of, old bcltiiiK, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemlee ofthe L'nlted Htatea of America, and a. go Kla fit their enemies, or otherwise, liable and aubject t ooav It'catlon .ml ciuiilemnatlon, lo b. ailjmlged and con demned as lawful prize, tha ahaenoe or rather contumacy) pi Uie peiHons no cited and Intiuiated In anywise n-it-wllli.tunilliiK. and that yon dulycertliy to the aald l)ia-trii-t Court what yon ahall do la tha ptemliei, lofethac felth llie.e preaenta. Wlluees the Honorable JOH5I CADWALeDf.B, Jodire Of the tatd Court, at Philadelphia, this flret day of Sep ttmber, A. 1). 1M, and In tl.e eighty-ninth year ol tho liiOcpardenoeof Ui. aald United Sutee. : trt-M . U. K. t OX, Clerk of Dlatrlot Court, . MARSHAL'S SALF.BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of hale by tho Hon. John Cadwaladar, Judge ef the District Court of the United State., le and for the Kastern Dl.tilrt of Pennsylvania, m Admiralty, bo me directed, will be sold at Pnbllc Rale, to the highest and heat bldiler, for rash, at MH'HF.NKH 0 HTOKK.No. IM M.tKONT Mtreet. on MmiliAr, Hepteintxr u.lttHl.at iu o'elock.M., about rJO halea ot Cottou, bauig carfee. ef wascla unknown. wn.MAaf arrr.i.WABn, United Mutea alarahal K, D. of Fauna. ' Philadelphia. Aagu.l ), 19A. audi tt MARSHAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OP A Writ of hale, by th. Hon. Job Cdwaladar, Judge it th. Dl.trlct t'outt ol the United citatca. In and for tlie Ka.tein lil.trU.-t of Fci nay.vanla. In Adrulraltv, to me directed, will lie auld at nuhllc .ale to tka highest and heat bidder, for oasn. at MH'IIK VKK 8 HTOKK.No. 141 tT. rkOhi ir-t. on UllNIMV. Hepumber la. IHHe. atlg o clock M . certain eotton to wit three tofoU' hundred pouuila.now or lately lailen on board Ihe brig FKINCC "V'1""'' WILLIAM MII.LWAIII), IT H. Marshal K.U. of Penna. , Philadelphia, August Ml, 1HM. au.'1-at MARSHAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Hale, hy the Hun. Joha I ailw.Udor, Judge ol the Dl.trlct Court of the Hulled Heat. a. en aadfor the Ka.i.rn t.t.iriet.1 Peansvlvanta. In Admiralty, to se di rected, will b .old at public .ale to tha hun.l aud heat Milder, for e.h, al klll'HKNEsI M MI'OUR. No. 14 N. 1 llliNT htreel, on tlllNDAV. rieplB.bee lit liatt, at It o'clock M.. r.ib halea aud li bags ol cotton, being carge of . v.ss.1 unknown. 1 . WILLIAM Vitl-LWAKI), If. H. Marshal K. U.o4 Penna. rittisburiiiA. Ausnat U,UA. auJt-tut johth tJiKA.ii 4uKii;ii: GOLD AKD SILVEB OILriNCOUNTY.COLOn.VliOTRRRITOILY. Truitaja Hon. JOHN A. DIX, Hon. EDWARDS HKttRIiPONT, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Eu., T. B. BUNTtNO, Eu., A. G. SOUFISU, Ea., Colorado. Xrldnt i Hox. JOKN A. DIX." Treaaurort JOSEPH FRANCIS, Ea. Coun.bl i CHARLES T. BLAKE, Em. Th property of till eempaay eotialsU of linK foot eat tha Ground Hog," "Gregory Bo I." BlmmaaM,', "Ceav eord," and ether celebrated develop ad Oold-bMrtug Lode ta the mlalag olaUlet of Colorado. . Also, th Uauderaou HI H, new raautlaf, aad la asUaart order. ...... t .. . Gapital Stock $1,000,000. Wale Knmter Shaiei 100,000. Par, 10 A laraa aortlon of tb. stock ha already been takea br prlvau subftcrlpllou. Hooka are now open at tne onto, ot in. ooenpaey, at no. o. neaver airees, n.w s ora, wo., - 11 .,(...4 .....-K . t ah-r - k-.nl...rlkwl ... UMT.SV. evolving Uta. Treasurer of the Couipany aetwwsa ties houra of lu A. M. aud II P. M. I upiea of tae Froapeew. war Ml oatainaa aa aa. Uw Coiuiuy. C.iun.nv. . . aAUO 4