.;: (G-MAF1 H H A 1 A. '-"(.it : TI-vt I ... . rillLADKLlillA, SATl'KDAY, SKI'TKMHKIl 3, 1SG4. PRKJE TIIItEK CENTS. PRICE THllEE CENTS. TIE 7n t. iS lla, ' t law ; 1 XI HI I lid llr M. 'rk Uiv an ay 1 In.-. eet, I nd, ' I air, ' I lth keidi tor-, only XU. ' Wy JAll M jm ;iifi- ' the' Dlpal I rri-4.t- w..tM, KrW. oAnrr itimtu lllvt-A ttaraat 7S. , rat, MUilT latest Southern News RIfn?IN PATERS OF W'EDNESDlT, The Movement which Caused the Fall of Atlanta. SIGNIFICANT DESPATCH FROM GENERAL HOOD. Vigorous Shelling of Petersburg ANXIETY OF TUB REBELS TO HEAR FROM CHICAGO. VlireiilouM oi "V1im1". LETTER FROM CEN. LEE. lEWSrAPERS AGAIN DESPOXDEXT Doings of General A. J. Smith MORE FEARS FOR MOBILE. M'CLELLAN THE HOPEOF THE SOUTH. "We All Want to Hear the News from Chicago!" POLISH COMMISSION TO RECOGNIZE THE CONFEDERACY. Etxv, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Et., Elc. WAR NBVVS. Fft-tm ( Riehmond Examiner, 31 ui. Tho only war news received yestcrdny is con- ttalned lu the foil wing official despatch from General Hood. The situation at Atlanta, a in- Vvlicattd by Litn, ia the same as described nt length by us yesterday : "Ati.aj.ta, Ani-uiit?. I1-! Tfnn. .Tame. A. flulilon The nuiy have osanKeil t'leir entire position he left nf lietr line rpwtlnn nt-ar tlie i liiiltnlioocitap own. ami their m-lit extendnm to h inilne .hunt rtan'l- iiinn.it. and tnir th. Went Point railriiHil. Iwtwppn 1 ii K4,t Point and. alrbuni Tlie I10M ail t lie cron.lngs on my I hittilluio hre. but n it ith a a mi tin lied It up. "llr.patclie, in.m llcnerai Wheeler of llio pith recort he capture of Ditltoti, with fnrife iiiantltic, ut alums, .Klumt two liiitulrt-il oi ln.iiii rN and t ivo hiinrtrPd rauli',. He destroyed three iram or cur, aim iwiH'y-nvii miles ot relrroau. Jill command u in kmi i-nn'tition. "J. it. ttuuu, (federal. Wheeler has not been hoard from for ten days i a long time when a man Is on a raid. There is mo telling where ho is now; but we feel no un- asincss on his account. If anything hud befallen him we would have received the news through Yankee sources. We should net bo surprised at liny time to hear of his being In the neighborhood T-fNushvilio. 1'F.TEHsm-llO, No military movements of Interest have taken lace on the lines nt Petersburg. There is eport that the enemy are withdrawing from the Vcldon mllroad, but it excites llttlo attention, it fclnga matter of very little consequence tons where he sits himself down, provided ho keeps Si u let. The shelling of Petersburg was kept np vigor usly yei-tcrday. We hope General Hampton will drive in the ucmy's pickets this morning, if it can bo done rilhout loss, uad obtain a lato copy of the New it'ork Herald. The army and country are very kuxious to bear from the Chicago Convention, FROM TUB VAM.SY. It is reported that General Early had another ,attle and gained another victory near Harper s 'crry last Saturday, and that our cavalry had rossed Into Maryland. We cannot undertake to peak with certainty of the eccentric movements .f cavalry, bnt we feel pretty positive that Gene- al Early has had no battle, lie may have been Dgiigcd iia skirmish. THB LATEST BISTORT. We learned late last night from persons who eft Staunton yesterday, that a telegram had been eceived at that place from down the valley, tatlng that General Early certainly did beat tho nemy near Harper's Ferry last Saturday, mid at the Cth Army Corps all to ploces. We still elieve nothing has occurred but the same old klrmisbing. ynoji t-btrrhhvhu, Pktehsbi'HO. AukuhI 30. The situation In rant oi l hiK mace and Bermuda Hundred is un- hnnffpii. iiiirinif tna wnnie or voiuruuv inu nemy poured a furious and continuous lire of hot and shell upon the town, dointf, however, ittle or no damage. To-day all is comparatively luiet. LAST SBHKL ilKSI'ATCH FKOM ATLANTA. Atlanta. Awsntt 30 The enemy has oceu- Ud the West Point Railroad, and is fortifying id removing the track, hcouu report the i ode- al cavalry last night advancing in the direction I West I'llllll. 'j.l.,nl M. II. Collar, of the Otn KentueKV traimi i.i bus reouived the aoiiointiumit of l'ro- ost Mari.niil-iieDcr.il or tuis army, anu aiuuicu he position this morning. , . rnoM in southwest". OsvKA.Mlss.. AuruM2iI. Colonol Scott fought heenrmyin the suburbs of Clinton yesterday. Itnd drove I hem back ono mile. The fight was lesperate, our men charging gallantly. Tbe mmy oavmg receiveu reinioreemeuu reeovereu he ground and now occupy Clinton. lhe eutuiy s lorce is reponuu to consist or six houiand infantry with cavairy, and thirty pieces f artillery, rnsoner canturea say it is tueir in- ention to remain at Cliutou, but this is not be- eved. leK'Kraohlc coiiimuulcattlon is open to iviihin four miles of Clinton. Usyka. MUs., Augn-it V!7. Ihe Yankees com- neuced lailing back lioiu Clinton to-day in the lirection of Jiuton iioiige. HlOU MlSHISHIi'l-I. MuniMAN, August 20. The lines at Vieksburg ire completely closed ; for the next twenty days ngresa and egress are not allowed under any cir umstancca. It is thought another movement is u bund, as all the horses In the city were being uiprebsed by the Yankees. 1 11m unaoners captured In Memphis by Forrest felt here for Cabawua this morning. YROM TUB ritONT. Srorn IhcPileriburg Bxpriu, 31 ull. From 0 A. M. until 10 P. M., Monday, with an our'a Interval towards the middle of the day, o enemy, as if enraged to lury by ms deieat on nursuay, Tented ms wratn upon mis uevoteu itv. Hour after hour shell followed shell in apid suecesslou, and not since her siege has tho nt wen euojcciea lo sueu a Heavy soower oi ron and lead. As ovetiiugapproacued tho enemy pened additional cons uihjii the city, and threw lieir shell In our uiidst at the rate of nearly one mndrcd per hour. , The scene alter nipaiiaii, thousn somewhat langerous to behold, was attractive In the highest legree, anu appiintcucu iuo auouaiu. Away iu Ihe distance could be seen the mortar shells Itsecndinn und descending In every direction, lacker tar than ever snooting meteors snoweu ibeuiselves. Some of thein seemed to ascend almost te the Very regious of thesurs.aud grace titliy curving, would desrend with iueoncuivable .Upldity, their bladng fuses emitting a brilliant ibt. Others, less ambitious, would shoot np an bun. Ised or two feet and quickly disappear lelow the fiotizon, lighting tbe beaten with the blaze of heir explosions. Shooting through these with Vry trul n, were seen the fuse shell thrown by the siemy bito the city, and a falling here ami I knon Uiere, and thundering the echoes of their ( txploeinns throughout the limit of the town. It gratifying to slate that no accident to Hfo or imb, Uuu we could hear of, occurred. Yf stersbty the enemy did uot lire a shell Into he city, and the quiet that ruigncd presented a emariabU) ttmlraot to the thunders of the pre lous day. We have no .hange to nolo in the itutl n of Hhilri this morning, and no a t i-tn t ry evidjneo tofuiinit t confirm the iuitipKoion ttiit tho enemy is weakening his force on the Weidun Kallroad. 1 heir picket still occupy tnn ame jxnitlon below the city, and -o nnily to he fecu a uliort divtAne this side of lie inn' Station. A Msnde of Yankee cavalrv a c eucimiu 1 at Wyatt's crossing, two miles north oi' Koami'.and tlulr foraging parties are out ever- day. Yesur day, seven men who were out on one of theso ex edltioiiK, were captured by the 9Ut Virginia Cavalry, and sent up to tho cliy. r.leven caissons, instead "i tnrrr, a neretoioro r purtrd, were captii'ed in tho engagement of Tlmrsdav.and have ficn sent 10 town. We have already stated that tho track of tho road was destroyed to a distance of nearly two miles beyond fleams'. The sills have been burned, and the rail heated and lient. It w also stated that in many places the embankments along the road have been levelled, and the cuts filled up. so as to make the work of destruction as complete as possihlo. Hancock fiend, marten", during the hattln of Reams', were in a bam-loft, some two or three bundled yards in tbe rear of his fortification., and in full view nf the battle-ground. He was beard to boast that the Hebels would be totally nnalile to drive his men from their poitl m; and when lie saw tnc rugged contcus leaping me Dream works, be was so surprised taut he. did not stop to consider the safety of his command, but tied precipitately to secure himself from capture. LETTER 'HOM OtSl ll tl, LI B. From thf Rich'ncnd ExainintiUt ult. We public below a letter adilreied by Gene ral 1 e to General Hampton, complimenting th. cavalry fur their gallant and valmblc servien against ihe enemy on the en tries City and u troy town roads on the loth, ltub, and lStlt lust mt The complimentary letter wa written, It will ho observed, previous to the battle of last Thursday, upon wlncn occasion airatn the cavalry con tributed so conspicuously to the success of Gene ral Hill's attack upon tho enemy at Reams' station. 'Ill AI'UCAIiTI K. AhMT NoRTHKai Vl:OIn t, A'lif o,t I''. Miiiur tii-npTiil v a,le llamftai. 'ommtnillii.' ' 'avulry. lb beial :- I airp lo exiri'-.n the aratiiiealion J. rh ..I hoio Hip l uiuliit 1 1 1 tliu cavali v ilurti.a Its latu oauiatiuna nor.li of liiiu.f. ilvpr. I la1 mil ce. of W.H. F. i.p , Dlvl.lnn on the l.,tn In'tiinl, Hip mure .linmt rpmiltK thill aitfinleathPiMinliini-a iittm k ot hi, unit tieiipral Uitry'. lurep, on Hip i',ihimiii ilav, and tli. Rkilitil oxeeuiioii o( vmr oraer, in the Iv li l iteiiiTal llutlerKlih til, ilivi.i'in, rpllect ifioal crvillt utiiin the Apvpral u Tninianil, eiieakPil. "l ltaj-e pxprp.ii w tne iMtlcer. ana nn-n my uianiti i-ir III, ir valiant ami valuable .ervlei,. I mi l'L. nir-taln' il to lli. cavalry lu tap full ot UrUiulipf-i .PBeral ''tism jll.a will be lull throuvtioiit flip artnv. In will -It. nv 111, cmirAUP, piieri'jr, anil akin, lie had won for liliuiclf an huuiira'ilo nainp. ''Very reaiiectfiillr, your obedlpnt servant, It. K. LKK.Opnor.d. ..TiEuvAN ItiiiRir, MaJiH and A.Klitiaul Ad), i ion. on! ron A wono ntovt citicAUO. From tfir tlirhmotut EjmtH'?r,Ati'u4 ll. Nothing which can poslily orctir nt Chictgo is so momentous to us us uie events n uicu arc takii t; place on the We dun railroad, around Atlanta, ami near iiariwr h rorry. r.ven sun- nosiiiB that the Yankee Pence Democrats in that Conventfon should carry ail before tliciu, in, d n iinn.ite candidatA S on a distinct oitsu oi pe t nud separation (which Is by no means sup;ioi- l),e), yet all that would slgntiy nothini?, save lu so tur as the action should he inlirnied by I'nse ratification meetings which are to take pla e on the V eldon road, near Atlanta, ana on or itujut tbe rotomac. If Atlanta were to fall, or Petorshur;t, or if Sheriiliui should drive Burly buck to Lynchburg or if any one of ilico events should uelall, then nil the peace principles and pcaco Presidents ol thlciiL'o would lie ut the election next Govern ber where lust year's snow is, aid last night's moonshine. War, for another Presiden tial term, would swoop aw ty every ves- tied of opposition. Hut, on tho other hand, if Grant's and Sherman's armies should have no more success within the next three months than for the three last, und if Sheridan's armv of lite "Middle Department" should still be pretending to look for Early and taking eare not to find him, or else, at tbe first sight of him, running straicBi aw.tv as inr tno last low weeks In this case it will not matter to us in tho least if the Chicago Democrats break np in utter contusion, and the rremout party collapse, and tho Davis-Wado party wither up, and Lincoln and Seward reign supreme; nothing would avail the scale of peace would preponderate, and that ot war would klclt the beam. In other words, the Issues of peace and war are not in the bands of politicians mid statesmen; no, not in the slightest degree: they are In the hands ol soldiers, it is nscicsg to vote war it your last armies are destroyed; useless to vote peace if tour armies arc marching on flushed wit a victory, to a splendid conuuest. Further, those Yankees who aio war men lo-uay win oe peace men tu three months, if their grand campaign turn out un inter failnro : and those wno are lor po tco to day (with a few exceptions) will foam for war no veil lor Dloou witiiin lue same lureo iiiontus if they see reason to believe that the Confederacy is reeling to its mil. It may. therefore, be afllrmcd most categorl cnllv, and received as an axiom, that the doings of the Chicago, or of the Baltimore, or of the f'lcvcland Convention, or ot all mem put to gether, are of no consequence in the world Tho election in November will not be governe, by the action of those politicians In August, Imt l,v the military situation in noveiuocr and the election in November itself siguitles just as little as tbe Conventions ; because tbe Issue ol war or peace must oe goverueu, uut uj the wishes. Dolicv. or iirotesbitions of the party in nower. but hv the situation of the Invading armies at the close of this campuign; and by the possibility or impossibility or procuring a irosu army to undertake Invasion next year. Which is the same thing as to say that the Yankee nation will iiiht na nnon this arirument itt-,1 so lonz as shall be able to light us, ami no longer. Whether under Lincoln or MeClullaii, in a constitutional war. or an unconstitutional, the whole ontrre between us, und every part of i', and the time of ending it, and the terms of settling It all abide the movitanie wager or oatrie. Therefore, while the wholu of tho enemy'i country Is hanging to-d ty upon the utterances of tho te euranu wires eager to Know, not so muei whether ihere is to be ace or war, as who are to have the profits and spoils of peace or war, for four vears to come tno neoinc oi tao t-oiue ie- rate States may await those revelations, not with calmness only, hut with utter Inuiiterence. matters not to us what men are l i rule and to rob in that country the next four ye irs ; and as to their being for peace or for war, that depends not Uon them, bnt upon us ; we shall cause them to lie lor ciltier one or rue oilier, precisely in propor tion as we shall drive back their armies, or bo driven hv thcnl. Yet it Is not strange that lliere Is so much curiositv here about the action i t those Conven tions. )t is Impossible to avol-1 looking to them for something that may serve as a kind of sign, showing what our enemies themselves (or one party of them) think of their oh nice of cuu,ucr Ing us. To lids extent their proceeding may serve as a sign, at least for thn day which is passing over our hcsdBj hardly for to-morrow; still less for next November; le.t.-t of all for next year. If the Peuce Democrats prevail at Chicago, It will prove that the Democratic party generally thinks war played out, and believes it will have Dctier cliance oi coming into place on a peace than on a war platform; yd even that peace platform could not stand up ag Inst the capture of Atlanta and Petersburg would be swept out of sight in a moment by the uijrure of Richmond. So, If the War Democrats prevail, and all the parties contending for power ttTvocat war nntil " the suppression of the Rebellion," vot that could not stand against the defeat of Sherman and the re-appearance of Grant's beaten remnant, re infeita, at Wasbiugton. Even as signs, then, or weather-vanes to show bow the wind blows at any given moment, thoso indications are fallacious ; especially In a season of chauge and tempest like tbe present. Ac cordingly, while we await the next news comiug from ihe North, It is as well to tlx it in our minds that, whatever l hat news may be this Urst of Sep tember, it and all its significance will be out of date on the first of October, out of the memory of man ou the first of November, and by New Year's day will be with the days before the Hood. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Wabuinotok, September 3. OuHtia of I'rlxoner. The Secretary of War has ordered Command, crs of Departments to furnish to the Couuuls sury General of Prisoners, full rolls of all Federal prisoner of war received by them, either on parole or exehango, and also of all Rebel prison crs of war held by them at temporary depots, or who have been exchanged by thorn, and, wlieu cver'practicable, rolls of Federal troops captured by tho enemy, giving particulars of capture, etc Iteveuue Aftalra. The Commissioner of Internal Revenuo has issued circular forbidding the appointment of deputies by inspectors. , The practice la general among Inspectors la the large cities to apoint assistants who are not sworn. The Commissioner decides that this practice ll illegal, and hereafter will not 1st) allowed. MAJOIHJi:HItAL AVILIJAM TKGUMSKI1 SIIKIIHAN, Commanolcr of tho Military Division of the Mississippi, and the Hero of Atlanta, Georgia. I i KKFT4II OF .I..1EllAf. MIERIA. . William Tecumsch Sherman was born la Lan- caster, Ohio, on the 8th day of February, 1820. His father was the Hon. Charles II. Sherman, one of the Judges of tho Supreme Court of that State. In 183G, at the age of sixteen, he entered I West Point as a cutlet, and was graduated ou the 1 With of June, 1810, sixth In his class. Young j .Sherman at once entered the service, on grodu ating, us second lieutenant in the 3d Artillory.and i served In Florida through the winter of 1810 and 1H1. In November, 1841, be was promoted to a first lieutenancy. He was afterwards stationed at Fort Moultrie, S. C. In 1816 he was sent to California, and re- ' inaiued there in service all through the Mexican war, having reached the grade of captain. In 1850 he was married to the eldest daughter of1 Hon. Thomas Ewing, oi unio. in inoj lie re signed his commission in the army and took charge of the banking-house or Lucas, Turner & Co., at San Francisco. In lHt'iO be was the Pre sident of the State Military Academy of Louisi ana, and remained In that position nntil the out break of the present war. On the 13th of June, 18C1, he was appointed Colonel in the Regular Army, hit appointment dating may 14, lsbl.and was assigned to the command of the 13th Infuntry. On tbe 21st of July occurred the unfortunate affair of Mauasses, in which Sherman was engaged. When General Anderson was assigned to the department south of the Oblo, Goneral Sherman was attached thereto as second in command, and was soon afterwards despatched, with a force of seven thousand men, composed of volunteers and Kentucky Home Guards, to occupy Mulhratigu's 1U1I, a strategic point south of the Rolling Fork of Salt river. There his home guards left Mm, the reinforce ments designed to strengthen bis command were necessarily sent elsewhere, and bo found himself with scarcely live thousand troops, In an un friendly part of the country, confronting a Rebel army of twenty-live thousand men, under Gene ral liuckner. While ailalrs were in this position General Anderson was relieved, and Genorul Sherman succeeded to the very uncnviuble position of commander of the department. At one time General Sherman was set down as "erazy," and quietly rolired to the command of Benton Barracks, near St. I-onis. The evidence of bis insanity was bis answer to the Secretary of War that to make a tuectmful advance against tbe enemy, then strongly posted at all strategic points, from the Mississippi to Cumberland Gap, would require an army of two hundred thousand Etronif. The answer was the inspiration or tho judgment of a military genius, but to the mind of Mr. Secretary Cameron it was the prophecy of a fulso wi.arJ. General Halleck succeeded to the command of the Department of the West, and General Sher man was not long allowed to remain iu charge, of a recruiting rende.vous at St. Louis. When Goneral Grant moved on Fort Donelaon, Sherman was intrusted with the forwarding to him of reinforcements and supplies from Padu. call. General Grant subsequently acknowledged himself " greatly Indebted to his (Shermau's) .promptness" in discharging that duty. After tbe capture of that stronghold. General Sherman was put in command of the 5th division of Grant's army at 1'ittshurg Landing. On the 3btb of May. for gallantry at Corinth, Sherman was appointed and confirmed at Major-Ueueral ot Yolu ulcers, to date from May 1, 1H;2. In December of the same year commenced the series of renowned operations, the object of whicii was v icKsourg. uonerai Grant appointed Sherman to the command of the 16th Army Corps, and the latter at once made valuable per sonal reconnolssances near Tallahatchie river. Tbe subject of our sketch Is uow a major general in the lU'gular Army, as well as in the volunteer ervke. ! tkrsovai, avpearawcr. Major-Gcneral W. T. Sherman has never had justice done him by any published photograph. In the technical phraseology of artists, he does not "take well." lla is probahly an lii' h less than six feet iu height, and apparently forty-live years old. His frame is of good sire, but a mod erate development of muscle gives him an ap pearance of being more slender than bo really Is. His hair and eyes are dark his forehead high, and so exceedingly fair, that standing as It does in marked contrast with his hair and eyes, It is his promlnont feature. His cheeks are marked with deep linos, while age's crow has made very palpable track at the corncrof either eye. A benevolent countenance, together with a kind und genial manner, makes him look moie like a minister than the war-dog he is. He was formerly Colonel of the, 13th Regular Infantry, a detachment of which Is yet with him as body guard. The devotion of these men to their old commander, which Is shown on all occasions, is not ftn unimportant evidence of his worth THIRD EDITION SHERIDAN'S ARMY. RETREAT OF TIT.E REBELS. General Averill Wins a Victory. IMPOETANT CAFTUEE MADE. Our Whole Army Pursuing tho Enemy. IIIH llIYIt-CJIJVllI) AT WINCIIKHTKlt. Etc. Etc.. 13to.( Etc., Eto. Npfflal to The Evenlmf TeIeKrali. Washinotok, September 3. The Star says : The following despatch was received at tho War Department last night The enemy aro on the move down tho valley, falling back towards Winchester. Averill attacked and drove Vaughn's Rebel Cavalry Division from tome point north of Bunker Hill to within tlx miles of Winchester, when his advance wot stopped by tho appcurance of a division of Kebol Infantry. Averill cupturod twenty wagons, two battle flags, number of prisoners, and a herd of cattle. General Sheridan moved last night with his whole army In pursuit. Arrival of I'nlon Prlaossrraat AuBapoU. XpfHal l;iocA to Till Etening Tt'Qrai. AxMAroLia, September 3. Four hundred wounded men, with twenty-five officers and ten turgeont, have Just arrived by boat from Hlch mond. They are In a needy condition. Tho United States Christian Commission ha mado artangemenu for their Imaiediute relief. y ' Arrival of Ihe Kastfjaroo." New Yobe, September 3. The Kangaroo has arrived from Liverpool. Ult advice are anticipated. rEOM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Rnllrond it reldeiit nt I'erry ninllle Tli NrwHOf Victory nt Atlnuln. gptctal PtiixMcH lo Tlf Ettning Ttlrraih. Halumohe, Soptember 3. The train which left Philadelphia lust night, came in collision with a train near Pcrrymansville, some time this morning, and six persons are reported to have been killed, besides a considerable number wounded. It was a severe collision, but particu lars are not yet known. Tbe cause of the acci dent bus not been ascertained. Tbe capture of Atlanta causes great rejoicing here, and the victory has been signalised by salutes and a display of national flags at all the public places, including newspaper oftlces and many prlvato residences. AM chkmesth. The Scotch Festival. Next Monday will be a sata day at Wa.biuloo K.trcat, upon th occa sion of the ilith annual saines of th Caledonian Chili, an oia and tilnlily rapeit gontoh organliatloa of tin, city. Aniustaiiplits of every areabl alnd will uiak. the clay pas. haiuillv, anil, from tlipenterpri.lni nth lemy ortli. HPnllemeii who have neon placed tip,m the O un tall tee of AnaiisetneDU.w art ,ur ins festival will ke all that U iiuuJd be. CITY IFTELLIGENGE. Stat o Tmrkiioiiktrb To-day. 8ix A. M., 68. Noon,84. One P. M-, 81. Wind, 8. 8. E. Market Prices; This morning the following were the prices of articles sold In our markets. There hat been but little variation since last week In the pricet of the article quoted ; Annie. Dcr half peck 21 to 37 Beans, string, per half peck Lima, per quart.... Butter, per pound CanteloieB, per basket. .... Cheese, per ponnd Corn, per donen Etrirs. oer dozen 20 to 2 5 14 to Id 60 to 7 5 5 5 to lirt 30 to 32 .12 to Ifl 25 to 32 10 to 25 15 to 60 30 to 37 35 to 45 24 to 28 25 to 30 10 to 15 15 to 75 Peaches, per half peck Pear, per Ball peca r iuins. nor iiuan Potatoca, Irish, per half peck '. Sweet, per half peck Poultry Fowls, per llOund Spring Chickens, per pound.. Tomatoes, per half peck.... atenneions. eacn Coi'RTlAJfD Sai'ndetui I-iSTiTOTE. The un dersigned now withdraws from all public employ- mcnt during tbe usual scholastic hours, to dovote himself wholly to the truiniugof youth, at his in stiluto, Market aHd Tblrty-niuth streets, to habits or close study, kindBess, Integrity, perseverance, ami a Kpurini.ilown enercv. Assistant teacher have lieeu selected for their great distinction aud abilities. The military instruction, Including artillery drill, wilr be of tbe very highest order, a the subacriiHEj-egards it hi duty to the country to prepare youug men for any emergency in these unsettled time. He has found, by four years' experience, that pupils who pay strict attention tn 'drilling become the best English, mathemati cal. Latlu, Greek, and French scholars. Uue . 1 .l-JI1!n.. n 1.-1,1. nour a uay Bjieiit m uoihuk whuuw v wmtwi ease of manner. Ibve of order, and the habit of lustant obedience, and will toon make an oaruest pupil a thoroughly drilled cadet. E. D. Saukber. tjwion Btate CENTttAi Committeb. A meet ing of the Shale Central Committee was held yes terday, at their rooms, on Chesnnt street, above Eleventh, when it was resolved to bold a mass meeting In ritleburg, on tbe luh Instant, uaunu 8. Dickinson and Charles Sumner are expected to address tbe meeting. A mas meeting is ex pected to be bold iu this city on Saturday night, loth instant. Personal. Major-General George O. Meade, of the Army of the Potomac, arrived la thf city at au earl hour (hlf morning. Fassino a Boove Note. This morning Cor nelint Price, William Moon, and John Miller were arraigned before, Alderman Beltloron the charge of having passed a counterfeit 10 bill. It seems that the three went into a tavern at New Market and Willow streets and prcsontod the bill in payment for drjpks. j Arbestbdow St spiciow. Virginia T. is. iiener Is the name of a fair-looking female who frequents I Camp Cadwaladcr. Yesterday a soldier missed bis pocket-book, and accused Virginia of the ' theft. She was arrested, and held to answer the i charge by Alderman Hutchinson, North Fresbyteriam Church. Rcy. R. W. Henry, who has recently ucceptcd the nnanlmons call of the conaresation of the North Presbyterian Church of this city, will enter upon the discharge of bis pastoral duties on bumiay next. Lost. A stray boy giving the name ofWll liam Carpenter, 9 year of age, ha been at the Central office for several day, baying been found wandering about the street. He is dreased in grey jacket, with dark pant and military cap. Rbcrhitino. This morning warrant were issued for tho payment of bounty to 70 men, none of whom were substitutes. FH1LABEEPHIA TBAUI REPORT. Satvupay, September 3. The new of the glorious victory at Atlanta, and the decline in rate of gold, hat had the effect to depress tbe Breadstuff Market, and trade In most depart ments Is very quiet. Seed are very Inactive ; and the only trans. action we hear of Is a small sale of Flaxseed at $3 05 41'' bush. Quercitron Bark it Arm al 951 4r ton. rrovlsioni are very quiet, at former quotatiou Salts of Flonr are limited, and only 400 bbls. high grade Indiana extra family were taken for shipment at $13 IjV bbl., aud 000 bbls. lower grade at 2l2-.riO. To the trade the Bale range from $10 .50 for superfine, np to $13 for extra family and fancy brands, according to quality. Rye Flour It held at $10-50, but without faicf to any extent. Nothing doing In oorn Mtai. The demand for Wheat is quiet, ana not muca offering; 7000 bush. WeBteru red wore told last evening on private terms, 1300 Dusneis prime red to-day at 4V67, and 1400 bush, prime South- ern red at $2 70 ; white range rrom wvug-i, according to quality. Small talctof Kye are making at Jl-8il-8S. There Is but little Corn oflerlng ; talcs of 1000 bush. Western mixed at SJl-72 ; yellow Is inactive and held at $1-73. Oatf are without change tale of 2000 basu-wa made on terms kept secrot. t Whisky is dull at l-&5(rjt'86 for refilled, and $ l M&Vbo for Westerh bbl. LATEST MIBIJIXTELLICESCE. CXKABED TlltS MOB!s-BIU llri.ran.lliH) f.d.ly. Hinllh. Port ''..ia. . '"."V.'.s.ii iu.k.n. Salem. E. K. Sawyer ('. Bi t BolurA,'laua. 1 . , arrived mib Bionimia. 1 . ' f , kr Wm CarMuu, faukaiil, v flam Bu.ton, with fc5cix'?rr.'MoCelley.urtirimli,J day from CaaiJta. rj with grain ui Jaiue, llarralt. Boiir Miiiitua. Mama ,1 day trum rnderloa, Dl , wUk grain to JaiaolllaxralU BF.IXiVf. Rri Albert Adams, front Weat Indies. A trig,sovsit At V.Muvua,flvai JtvlWfiAiO. rnr m- ,';t 14. 1-.,. WanneraactierAHaKapia , hr lerl.. oaohrli .1 H. J ,:.,4.ll iCo ::,r?rr.:.7l ir wV.l.ln,t..n, .SI..;,lek.o.tllUver. ; Anrldrnt ost Shai Fattf mow ltanM4; ' 1 ' IlAi Tmoim, rV:ptembcr 3 10W A. M-Tln train from New York last night ran oT IksttraeX ear rtrrymanyille, and Jt if reported that fiva'' persons were killed, and seventeen wounded. The) t passenger did not reach here till 0 o'clock tfaht morning. No particular1 of th aeddont hart! yet been received. . 't aC0!l DUST-ATOM, I Baltimorr, Bepuotber S. It it now aaeer!: Uined that no person was killed by the accident -on the Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wilmington Railroad. Three car were thrown from the) -track and turned over on the side. They wero mnch shattered. . , ,' The locomotive and forward cart did not go oil j the track. Tbe accident wascaused by th open ing of a twitch. Five military officers and soldier) ' and two civilians wem more or lest injured, and five of them received tcrlona wounds. W bars not yet ascertained the names. The accident occurred at S o'clock this morning. :t THE I'.MO,' OT THE RRITINH RORTK AMEKirAit PRSSVINCESt. 1 Charittktowk, P. B. I., Sept. 2. The Con- i vention called to effect union between the C- , nadian and other Iirltish North American Pro- . vlnces, is abont to assemble hero. Delegates are in attendance from Canada, Nova Scoria, New 1 Uruuswick, and Prince Edward's Island. . Every quadrille, ballad, and polks published1 -in England during the last fifty years ha place) In the Musical Library of the British Museums hut in the great works of acknowledged master P the Museum is very deficient. Pctrella, the composer of Jon, lately pro- 1 duccd at Turin an opera culled Elena di ToUua. , it was seen a success that retrciia was caueu twelve times upon the stage The tecond act, ' Including a tenor air, a soprano and tenor duet, churns of peasants with tamborlnes, and a grand Jhiale, excited the greatest enthusiasm. ,; ; Felice Frasi has received a decoration from . , Ui King of Italy. Why? Because he was an eminent musician, composer, and pianist, and Air ninny year chapel-master of the cathedral of Vcrcelli. The Italian papers gracefully rotnpli- ! meiit all hands by congratulating both the king and the musician on the act. , : The musical papers of Italy seem to have) " some trouble in collecting their dues; for the) ' Ptrata ol the 1st ultimo request the musical " artists who take the paper to pay np before they ' start on their professional tours, and thus on " their return lie spared tbe trouble of saying that " they were rnblsra by the way, or that their inaua- gt r faihd, or their uunk was lost on tbe railway -or their wife i dead, or their baby ha broken an ' aim, or any other excuse. " : FINANCE AND COMMERCE, s ' Orrtca or Tu F.vaamo Tat.aatAra, f : ' (Saturday, SopaambMJ. . t :, The decline in Gold ha operated unfavorably on Stocks this morning, and the market It vet y dull, und prices lower. Government bonds hare) , declined ; 5-20s told at 1031., coupons otT 7'30a are qnotcd at 110, and Ot of 1881, at 1074f'108. ' Railroad shares are very dull and lower ;Roa4- ing sold at C0J(iiGCj, which is a decline : 1"6 wot bid for Camden nnd Amboy; 4G for Little Schuylkill ; 02 for Mlneblll ; 341 for North Penn sylvania; 40 for Catawlssa Preferred, and 20 for common; 33 for Philadelphia and Erio 17 for LoDg Island, and 74 for Pcnn.ylvania. Coal Oil shares aro also dull and lower, with' sales of Mineral Oil at 24, ; Philadelphia and Oil Creek at U; McCJlutock, 6j; Dentmore, UJ ; ) Dulzell. 113( 12; and Egbert, S-ll. . Hank shares are very quiet; 162 was bid for North America; 6 ftn? Farmers and Mocha-" nlc' ; 66 for Commercial ; 65 for Northern Llbet- ') ties; '28 for Mechanics'; 48 tor Qirard.and 27i Manufacturers' and Mechanic'. , . In City Passenger Railways there Is very little ' doing, and the market I dull ; t'bosnut and Wal- I nut told at 6 ; 71 was bid for Second and Third; , 50 for Tenth and Eleventh; 39 for Spruce and Pine ; and 34 for Green and Coates. The Money murkct if without any material ' change ; loans are plenty on call at 67 per cent. per annum ; best paper it telling at from bXa.10 per cent. Gold is active this morning, and pricet are un settled and lower, opening at 244 1 fell off anu sold at 2374 at 10 ; advanced and told at 211 al 11 o'clock, 214 J nt 12, and 243 at 12J. A despatch from Washington this morning says, the subscriptions to the new 7 30 loan, re-' ported at the Treasury Department yesterday .t anmnnted to 010,000; and to the 10-40 loan. $353,000. PUILADKU'IIIA STOCK EXCHANGE SAXES, SEPT. f Reported by Clarkaoa A Co., Brokers, He. Ul S. Third. St , BEFOKS. BOA HOB 300 h Dansmore ....c 14 4no h Halt Creek reek....; V itock.b.) 1'! , Farai"! A 1M h do H'i lis) ah Met'lliitock 2MiD nruiier ........ InOsli lialzell Oil UAi MJO i Head a30';d Ala C, AO ,h Oo c SH euo.b do bio an lisian do, lco mh Atorr no all lllobe uu...... tnOhh I'll. A OH Crk. soo all MolllieBay .6 JO 8: FIRST BOARD. '.HYiU.S.-Mooaoa.HV,i auo.hPh Oil CI..- m do IMii lw do. .coup on. 110 $. City . new....li t'JOOt aiuden city.. I0 eii.inlia. It -Jil niba...li:i Iij ih MeCUuMek.UO llO.li do Mi ah DenmnreOtl . IS'? till ah Hph. N . enfU.k-10 SI 'i ttm.h Boh. H of. ..biO 40 lno aU toaUell UU.... U 300 .h do 11 'i V,h If. B.Trvp... SO 1 .li Chea Walnut Shi In .a do ut 100 ah nr. Mount..... M ihl-hllaAErU..., M SB ,n MlBolOU JS' 1100 11. b. ..'l l""V IS ,1, Ijjul.TlUpRk c.U'i 1KI ,1. Iteailln K. K e r,.i i, do.- ...e as Hsi.h do .ulI-M TIOsll do blO H1. yuiah do djo tm See .li Mineral Oil... c W Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold Exchange,No.34 8. Third street, second story : 64 A. M... 244 12 M .. ......... ..24t4 11 A. M 237i 1 P. M 241. Market fluctuating. Db IIavkw ft Bro., No. 20 8. Third street. quote as follows guying. . 242 . 21'2 ' MlBf. 241 American'Gold , American Silver, ' and i' Dimes and Halt Dimes Spanish Quarters Penn. Cnrrrncy . 214 i 2l4 .. dis.l-5dls. ..HO" par. Now York Exchange Quotation of the principal Coal and Coal Oil atoeka at 1 o'clock to-day : . . fllJ i4U '. Ail. Is. so s Fulten Coal 10 Union FettoMBm., M hl Mountain Coal. 7 tg'lBMieca Oil.'.'."."!. 1)4 urtaiiw OH , .. N.Y. Mid. Coal. .W Dreen Ml. Coal.... 6'. N. t 'arbondale .... Knl.t Uua Coal, CUntonCoal American Kaoila., l'eiili Mining illranl Minliur.... Klna Mllilni.' I'hlla. and liiuloa Mundan kllnluii.. Mamuette Mlnln t'oiinecllcutH.... B irranaun.ti IV How. a kVloyOU.. l l'l Irvlns Oil 6 rope run vu... lltutlur ttoal IkeyaUMM AIM.... V Jipiimuore.... 1 5 talf.ellOll I. 11 'f ' S I .Mclllienny .. Kitiert. I i OU... llliu.teed. ... , Hi istl Crk HI W..liU A- TH-lameter. 1 Maple Shade uu it .u.., m lUMN. Htf 6W Kgbert i' Met latuiea uu... renn.'lvaala l et, Perry OU Mineral Oil Keyatoae Oil a i li me liuvad 1 i 1 6'i OurUQ . 'iH lF.xoal,lorOU . 1 Hiory a-am...... ; A cj VeaAnxoeiu 1 - . ' i -i-it The following are the recsips w f r - Grain at this port t.i-' Wheat, 7900 bushel; Corn, 1000 busbeit, uaw, . 6200 bushel. , . . bbl. i , t T,a,n,utlonoftbbank or the three prlo i?fmTXuit e.ofthe Union If exbloitod LTi Z t i which give. th. aggteg.te. ' o met, last week'y . , x - . -. , , 1 .uini. 'nert4. .. ev aias.uu.719 ls.KI.4l 4Jfi 44 4J.V1.IH7 Usl.6-W,if 1 -1 " . ' 'L BJM'i.U .;ail.74a I.lilM,l4 if jioaton, aub-. - . - ui M imo imi a ..&: .aju.ani an.AMa.aai. ' Total .... ,M1.BI4 .Wt,WWJ4,M tlS,lM4.Tf' Ijit w'oak.... 7UW,VSK S0,4i7,dCltiUJ,KI l'UU7, Increase In loans J,e" SIJ IsnoreaMlDSpeOHi ....m,..-..... . J',' 11., fit laereaa lu deposit i.mbpM.) The following shows the amount of coal trans- :t ported on the Philadelphia aud Heading KuV j road during tbe week endlug September 1,1864 Ftom Port Carbon.. " l-oiurUle BrliuylkuMlUv.a.. jSi-vl eT Ml Auburn ... , 4.8 If lorl t UnWn... ........... arl,tiur ana vauyuu., Total Antbtwclt. Cnal for week. ... latnaaurf, lotei UaaauHtww Oeal. Total of all klada IW we rravkHuur ilila year ' 1(1 'Ml l4 a . -f 7. IAI 14 Total. i,lVaJVii'','"",,iv', tV ltlAM I it i i