ggJH JgVENING TELEORAPn. riTILAD ELFITIA, FRIDAY, SErTlBEIt 2,J8G1. I! Friday, PErriiMPER a, im. DRAMATIC CIOMNIP. ' i-Mr. Frank Drew, th ftvorlt rome-llar), j eommnw the season on Monday, accom--panitd by Mr. Jolin T. fonnellcy, stW courier ted business veoL Frank makes hU AW la Erritar(r, at Mr. Rome's theatre, on Monday ITsnlcg. Wi bid our friends in the West to keep itiarp lookout for Frank and treat him kindly, ha to "Iht cur" for many an ill Incnrablo by ny other medicine lint fun and Its philosophy. It glrci ot great pleasure to notice the progress fib German Theatre in this city j and we have been aunred that the opeuliig ot the winter seasoa will take plnce very toon. The German population of Philadelphia will be glad to hear fbatthe celebrated tragedienne, M'llo Vestvali land, whoM genuine success of laat season Is still n rajport, has graciously consented 10 be the manageress fur the ensuing season. The name of the theatre has been changed from the Stadt Theatre to Vestrall Luad Theatre. The theiitre, for the present, is undergoing a Ifcoroogn repair, i ue papering 01 me walls, the ainlinit, u renovating arc progressing fctvort iW. A liiiw Za beautiful tlrini-curuiiu. by the we U-in' wn artl-t, (ieorire Wunderltoh, Is now being painted. The theatre Is situated on lowblil Street, lielow Fifth, and was formerly known as the City Mtieum. Of Mm Lund wo mar say that she Is the compeer of Ristorl, and is one of the ablest actresses now living. The New Orleans Varieties Is closed. Mrs. Lelghton, assisted by a small but otftoicnt dramatic troupe, la doing well in Idaho Territory. Mr. Lanergan's season at St. John's, N. IS. was exceedingly proliublu. Charles Wilkinson will be stage mnnnger at the Rochester ihsatre next sea-ou. The Baltimore theatres aro open and doing a fair business. The Cnttnn Bmcn is running at the Royal Victoria Theatre, London. Pot r dale is enjoying a lair ran at the Buffalo Theatre, L. P. H&rrctt In the principal role. J H. Allen has gone from Maguire's Opera Boute, Kan Francisco, to Australia. Aladdin continues to hold its own at drover's Theatre, in this city. Charles Whentlelgh is nt Mnirnlro's Opera Bouse, San Francisco, where he has assumed the leading role in Bel Uemonio. The Carter Zonivc Tronpe opened tho Nash ville Theatre on the 23d ult. They will stay there lor a short season. Kate Demn and Mr. 8. Ryan commence a two-weeks' engagement at the Atlucnouin, Cairo, en tee acioi eseptcmoer. Bolen Western closed a successful engage ment of two weeks, on Saturday nignt, at lieu iJe ijar s meatro, san r rancisco. Grlsl and Mario, with assistants, hare been cvgagea to go on a concert tour through bog . land, by Mr. Dolby. ine National ineatre, Cincinnati, Is now managed by a trinmrirate, composed of Messrs. a.ibd, mm, ana iueon. The Boston Museum commenced, the resnlar Mason on Monday last, with the comedy ot Toun ana country. VestToll commences her strirrinir tour at the Front street theatre, Baltimore, in the course of next montn. Faul Julian, the violinist, is sivlnff concerts in Ban Francisco, where he appears to be highly efpreciatcu, The Surrey Theatre, London, will be opened on Bamruny, nop emotr a, tor toe tau sea-ion, The honte has been entirely redecora'.ed. The Holmau troupe of littlo singers and actors nave been p laying at wood s Ttieatre, in fjincinnaii. The Boston Theatre, nnrler the management or mr. jarrett, opencu on me Ttu Ultimo, i bis gentb man has takou a lease of the l'rovf deuce Academy ot Music tor toe ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Vandcrrer are cngagod for tho Memphis Theatre for the coming season. Frior - ' to the opening of the theatre they play a star en gagement at vatuville, Ind. The Morris Brothers and Pell and Trow- bridge's Tronpe commenced their regular season . on iae22d ult., as did also the liuckluy'sSurcna ders, at their halls in Boston. ' 'William H. Otis has been engaged for tho new theatre at Leavenworth, Kansas. His eu fragrmeut commences immediately after his De troit engagement. Dan fcetcholl, the comedian, appears for n short engagement, on the 12ih of fieoteinher. at the Tremont Theatre, Boston, in tho burlesque of JLeah, the Forsook. Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, will com mence its regular dramatic season on the 12th of September, with a well selected and strong company. The Lyceum Theatre, London, will be opened In October by r ecti ter with a new drama, in which the actor-manager will perform the principal character. The Klchings Opera Company were, at last accounts, doing a splendid buinexs at the Aca demy of Music, San Francisco, the favorite opera . being Th bohetman iirl. Father Peter will snake a fortune in California. Mr. Edwin Forrest will commence an eight weeks' engagement at Nlblo's Garden, In the last week in September. He will be followed by ' Maggie Mitchell, who wili open the Cricket in a ,- revised form. Aduh Isaacs Menken Heenan Newell is am bitions, and intends, alter her engagement in . London, to go over to Paris and play in the French language. She Is said to he an accom plished linguist. The Poor of Liverpool, and a burlesque by Tirongb, culled Kiiui Twco, are the attractions at , tbeKojal Amphitheatre, Liverpool. Kate Terry, the leading lady of Mr. Fechter's company, has ; been engaged as a star lor twelve nights. Christy's Minstrels at least a band assnm- Ing that name have been for a year or two ier lorniii.g at Liverpool. They have introduced there all the popular negro songs from this coon- try. "Annie Ly le" is the latest Liverpool ravorlto. Artemus "Ward intends giving this fall a series of entertainments called "Life Among the Mormons," a putioiam which he will ex . pluin by lectures in his pro'ier style. Hrigbam . Young end bis wives will thus be pictorially iu rodeced to onr public. - Opposite Liverpool lies thutown of of B'rken. brad, a place of tunic lifiy thousand inhabitant. A theatie wns lately bnilt there by an association of, nbo advirtited lor u manager, and received lorty applications. Tho contract wai l)Dil ive-n to Mr. Henderson, of tho Prince of SVales'J he;'". LOHfJ'n', rTho M' 1 1 J Opoil the uew bouse in October next. Our readers will remember tlvit nnionij the forthcoming dramatic atiiacions will be li a;i Sesrance in New York city of Mr. and Mrs. Cliai'lut .tail, who left Melbourne on the 221 of July, hy steaiuer, on their way U Sydney, Iho SSan-l'Vleli ' I!i.iu, and Ciillforula. Tuey were ftccoiiiiaiiied ly Mis-. Cbapiuau and Mr. Kverett, botii ineiu ' bers if the diamnlic profu'sion. Their dooHrture bus been delayed for several weeks by the long and seveie iliueas of Mrs. Ivean. ' The agent if Aduh Isaacs Menken Is trying theadverusni;.' dod'e. For insunee, hennriiiuiiees to the wondering public of London that, "like all other striking ami orirlnol successes, whether in art or literature, the Menken ilazrppa has bad "its envious asuuilauts, whose cant has helped notably to secure that completeness of public attention without which no triumph can be ontire ; and the fact retuuins that the Impersonation in 'question has created the most vivid and lasting sensation known to the dramatic world." lie further states that "the management of the Theatre Jtoyal, Astley's, have been obliged to accede to Mini Menken's terms of one-half of the grors receipts nightly, with the additional expense of her grooms, equestrian directors, stage-box, and dressing rooms, and a lao;e company, in cluding many public favorites." An excltomcnt baa been created in the Isle of Wii;lit becautie the owner oflund fa the vicinity t ('Hrinbrooke Castle, the noblest ruin on tho ilaAd,propo8td buildiug duel hug housed Uxereou. Town Council made a prouuit on the grouud tkiftt the new buildingi would Ueatroj the beauty ih rural sceuery. (nv1..T', ,llu mauan, rormeriT recsor renra nacx Iheologkal Kmi,,r. I. iimiory in tue 11 " of Hie numerous writers who can say ttaey kk , 'ifc'iJL-'Miluhed A HeulT to Co- l'aul's Church, Cul,h rectorship of 8t. from Ihe Tlii.rln.,.i H rjil Hi... r .oiviaiuu to tli at iuimti.m. "v"rT Will Ue a real lo The King of Watte nibotj -.a . . formerly the Rus;-Un l'rtm es. oi3 Qacen aoa-baihs al Ostcnrt, and wui Wil?r their chateau of r rieuriebihafen, durtL ' her, the Kmpvror and 1". in press of KasuU f" Queen Olga was a celebraieU beauty .1 Umril ritrakoscu was many years sko bur instructor the pinno. and some of his musio. dudioattxi ker, 6trs her poi trait as tiie viguetle ou the title .... .. . . 1 HU. 1(HS UKEr ARCH ST. TMJCATHK. PiarD 1MHfiar W. rmrnriirnvi BmtneM apnt and Trranurtr .IMS). I . mi'thimiv' (.1 K.NINU KK.MT Of THK NKANON WKH. .Kill N liUKW "LADT TK.A.I sj lm' ,'u,"u",..Nr;:11:;:n;7' iMemtta.. p SS?-ri.T.nT Avi N'KW r a J. Pwrmine? will r'nmiD-ny with r"1' ""i. AiKM J1Y TlIK OKI liE-H.RA, wr.w a:t tkop lo bt fc.liowrd i,j BSrltrn i brilliant will b tiMtittd. Cctutdy of . v, THK rM'HX)L YOU CAVIAt. T.AI TKAI.K Mn Jon MIKW CriHttor , Mrg. T.iayi r (Her tit npp?HrHPi.-r fnr tlva r ) ri Mint K Vrlr l.MtJy Huerrwrll Mtti Mono birl'tr iMtrltf Mr. (iritliht H.r CHivt-r Hutfar Mr. WmM ( bt.rlf Miitiacu Mr. J.imi Cnnl'-n ( t nim U Loud"!) and iMihlin T hatrei. Ilm rirnt i-)rir-nr in tint riy. ) Jn-fth Furfiirt Mr.Waftnr TnnMfrH r(Ill MtiUi i, Kcw y. rh. Ilia tint li irniic Ui Utii Thi'snrc.) Vr. Crubtr Mr. ilrnjaiuil) Dm kl'- M"tn (t rom the Jiofltuu ijiamit?". H a it rnri'ifoi Minlil Trip ItowlrT , Hlr 'loby lliimpfr ,...Mr. Rtiiarl Rohaon Mr. MirlHH Mr. r rank Kinn t fttft'ltTAI;tt lu tills Mr. Robert r-i Wr- "lavb.r . illlltard ;:Mr. Mulli '.':.;; -r k.mmIjIo pfrau(e tn thla f',ty.) (Ili ftrnt Juiri'h'i Atrviint ..Mr. .Murray fin drat i.parriiic in '-i- eur , Mr. worm ' .nt, " iiv IK, nri-lissi(r To cuucluUv wiHi tlit i'l"' niitnr Kan e 1 ItK DIAMilSI). Wnrjr ry Minn (' .IcfTir-nn 1 lirr utft Kppfttrunt o in thla l Iipaitc ) laly rinto Mra. o. H.OrUIlth i iit r nrhi apiK' iriiiice in ttiia cit. fT William EverKn-en.. .Mr. Tuflor leor.l I'laui i'aprit ii HU'iihcim , Mr Wallla Mr CrMlpr .Ktuarl iiobsou l.OUlll tlfis , Uoori open at 7. hi trim rUe at 7 h a i.k ok ruiut. Prr-fia ( Irrle and l'Hnitt Kamily ( lr It- He iired Ht atu OntMii Hinlla r.O centa 1 1 rivatr Ho f. and Pi htockhldra' Irckt'tii d-UTerei1 on and aftttf Thurbdny Be.f ember I. i be tins itmrewiu h open ror ine -aie nr i i-Kfin ana Itrervrd Hentn nt In A. M. nn TJiuri'tay, MuptpfniM-r t. l he IreiiM-e has a;rat pipamiru in informUm the nubtio that rhfl hna prlct d rtit aR-rnrnt wittl MA KM OK Till; rJUSr f'Khi.K OK DRAMATIC KX KL1,KS( E, lio will appear In the oourno f th: floaton. let-Ht rIlOVKR'SNEWCIIKSNUTST.TUEATRE. J THIS KVKNIMd, The treat romanHo. muatcai. pantonilmlc. pectacnia drama, Al.AnT'TN, (IK THR WitNliKHrUf, LAMP. TIIF. I.I VIKU KOI'NIAIN OK IU H.OHK I W A I'KHM, All i be New and Maamitluent Hct-nery. Kectnt I'ropor- tU'n, Wonderful Kfefia, rtupcib rostutni-i. HurnliiK Traill- forniHtHina, itrnnd Lhoruhcu. lUAuiiriil .Mimic, iiancet. HuiiHt Ac, Ac, Fnmllv Miillrrp. Rntunlar Aftrrnoon. at 2 o'clock. Per- furiii.ii(-c it 'H o'cliK-k. Aiiiulknlun WJucniii l tiliurrii, 2ft cents. i'- -3t lONCKIlT IIAIX-OOMMKNCINO MON DAY LVKNINO, Atifttist 0K VVi.KK ONLY. The oii (final and only HRISTY S MTMMTKKL8, And the world tntnii ( onin- Artlat. I.K.OUUK OI1KIHI T. J.W. BA1KOR Muiiaueranrl Proprietor, r irnt BM araiict In thla citv Mnct their return rrum KiiMtte. aler an a'.aenrt r ai-veti yeara. All the wreat CitravauiKSfta, i.tirroRfjues, scM wuicji uare niuue uiu name on nrtnty Mmmieii AH t AMILIK An K'M SKMH,l WUKIM, rill he nrofiiifd durinu their ni'l nirn here. The rentitirf t'B of the Ci I K NT Y M I NH I'KKMI re inperlor lii anv rVilniirel orL-aiilxatrun In exlatenre. whloh enable Uit ib to preaeut in a aupuiu uiuiinur uue luuioih anu uum tie of HOrTIIKKrf riiASTATICiN UrK, In alt He hmail. sitrthtiil. and orklnai pha orianai pnaana. Admiulun, w etiU. J'artirulara In amail l)Uli. n J'artirulara In amail bUli. Orrhenira Hnl in fr"l, P' an7r-Kit JOHN P. 8MITII, IltievnefiR Affent, Fk L. LAPNER'S . "Kn. hM N. T1IIU1) HLriat. MILITAUY HALL, Pmlwiwir tN(hl.KK. the well-known Metro, le en iratfttd at ihka uoDUlar ulnce ot retort, aa the Director of a pnweiful Orcticaira, and eery v t iling cnoioe auieciwna or rare mutic are fctreu to uie auuiencu grauuiouaiy. au.tO-lKt ATHElllNO OK CLANS. KCOTTIHll OAMICH. The RIXTn ANNUAL (JAM KN ol (he OAl.RTOHf AV f Lb'll. of I'hlludeli.hla. will be c;lehraltd at WMHHIVi TUN KKTKRA 1 on MONDAY. Henteinber the Mh. Wi ( ara leave ihtrieenih and i'adowhUl ilreett, at M.'i, 1U, US I. 'iS and4o lck. ! irtJiakin Tlf k Ota, .11) CMltM. TU kvth ran be bad frt-m CJeorve SfrClement, Kn. 8SJi ChOMiut street; Jhn hnoth, No. I'-H) M-irkot atrent ;e.-n.r Onrdner. fl. Kl,hth aireet. below ram run It road W iliinra i'anenu. Hr. No. 2JH N. Kltflith atreet; hanlul JH( liitvre. Joiiee' alley. beiiw Second itroet ; Jatnea i Ira rani. Lotithnrd atreet, below SUte-ntli ; iMnlel M. Urown, Lnmhard atreel, hi-hiw Hr-venteeiitti j William Hnodraai, fthlfie avenue and Willow atreet; H. 11. Jnhnaon, N. HI4 PaahyiitiK load; J amea Nelson, It urns' ITottiiKe. Sixth and Minor atree'i; John Hyile. No. I'Htf N. Hecond atreet; Ciilf Wllllain Hoib, No. JiiYd KlUwftrth itrvet; htyoiid Chiertain. Willlim Ktulth, No. l'd H. Hecond trevt; lii.bert ilamilton, IV later atreeit (iermantown ; Anthonjr IUIk. Mill ntreei, t;eruiaiit'wnor from any of the mia bet ot the Cluh or "innrnltne, (iri received Ur the liar up to Tuesday, Autnut lltfck oeleirated Hraoa und trUi hand ha been en giiti'd f r Hie orcul'fl. 1 he meinbura will lueet lu tho 'luh KKm on M outlay, S iieiuiier it, at o'clock Ity order of iito Cdlef. DUNCAN WUKJUT, Secretary. VS'n i.i am Wmiih, Treasurer. auJ 7t KliN.SlNOTON II ALL. THIS POPULAR I-.tcr of l ntr tain mint, Not. 1077 and lOWtintM IK- T( N Avenue iiud lldl N NK:OM Ntrtt lusiaMinhed '' airu by Air. John Lip), baa bet in enlartrod and rer.ovMed, und no nntum nt raetiooa unoj.aelietl by any Mher erabifhnient of rtie V ind in tha ctv. A larne and efllHtnt Orrhegira. nnder the direction of Hroi. t Lohv, baa been eiiK'aved, and a choice roKraiume of VtH Al and Iin(r"inefiial Muic will hu piotlnccd eaelt evrnhiK', ireo ot expeuie to ihe amlieitre. The Concert hoooi in lar'o. Hlry. mid commodious, the refrei int u'i up r lor, and the atteuditnta poltie and accommodating. air.U-hu 1IKNHY IIOK.S U.S'i. 1'rorieior. REE CONCKttT SALOON. The fiilim rlher tin oaencd the lurire and commodioua SALOON, wlthexlrn-lve ttl JriMEU OAKUEH, atlaehd, X K. COKNF.R OF FBAKI TN RTREET A WD OIKARU AVKNWK, and has aniuttfed a full Orchnnra, nnder tho leaden hip of PkOr'P.rtNOK A. MKttl KL, who will nlfctilly jerfotiu a choice programme of NaUonal and other alia. Aa a pleasant pbir tn paaa an ventnfr free of charge, the proprietor it dcb rmliitd his eaUbll abluent ilia 11 not be iturnaaaed. aUiui CUBIH riAN ItKNTSrnLGU. VO DKCEPTION. NO IXPftfelOR COAL i. 1 purchHited to offer be km the coat price of a superior article. SAM I'M- VV. llKrtrt, MtOA D Atreet, above Kaoe. eaat itde. Belli tiie cimlre K.AOI R VK1N, tMtat aaa purest mined Jtifg and Urve elsea.tllt Lance Mut. su per toil. Conaunier? should make their purchases at once, pre tioua to a not' err ad v Mir a. leli-ttis pEEBIDENTIAL OAMPAIQN. FIjAGM, BAUNPiRS AND TRAN3PAEEN0IES. W'JU F. HCllKIJJt.12, Ko. 48 S. THIRD STREET, Aho. ChMDUt, PhlUdpbia. KANl'FACn UEU OF FLAGS, BANNERS, TKANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. foJltle&l Cnmptlrfl Clabt Btted oat with Lnt.m BsiIsm. banner., and FlaKi, at raasoaabls nua. J4t- Sot lIUOIKiK; HT1T1M, Jil.. MAKUFACT&BIHG MACHINI3T IANO KNOINI'.KU, ac!7-'.m No. 1(31 H. HKCOtt) ST., Philadelphia. JUMUNl A.. HOUUBll&CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SniP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTltKKT WlIAllb'. UllLADKLI'UIA. BDUTND A. SOI'DBR, a at nihALO u.i tv. i autiiik-ii x. aotuaa. M -tf 1KKN BTKAM ENGINE AND UOILKa Worki NK Ar IK A LEVY, Practical and Theoretical similiters, Jriachiiiisls. Hutier-Luakois, ltiarksmlrha and rouijdera, hvln for mnny yt-sra btwn In mtccesiifolopera tion, and Den icluivei enyaKod lu bnlldiajt and realr liig Alarlne and Klvcr :tneH. ht,h and low procure, lnn Boilera, Water Tanks. Pni-ellera, Ac. Ac, rieutfuily Sfer their service u the public aa Imliif fully prepared to oirtraot for Kulnos ofall siaua, Matinti, Elver, and Sta tionary bavins aets of patterns of dlderent sisea, are pre pared to czettite ordura with quieh doauaton. Krery de stiiptlon of psitWrn-niaklDK made at the hone at noUe. ilivn and low preaaure. Flue, Tubular, andCyllnder bollurs. ot the best Pennsylvania oliarcoal lr-n, Fora;tiiS, of all sUes and klndai Iron and braas Caattnws of all dusenp Uons : Itoll- turalnjr, Arrew-cuutiig, and all other work Qua feeeted with Uie abovv bnalntias, lsrawtnirs and aiMK-lbcatlous for all work dona at this atabiiahment free of chance, and work suarautaod. 1 be subscribers bave ample wiian-doca room for rev pair of boate, whirl iheyoan Ue In perfect eaieij, and ai provided witn shear t, Diucas, laiia, o , Ac, fur raislnf aeavy and U0t weiliia. JACOB 0. NKATIB, sjuiia c. LBV i . BF.AOII and PALM K A Street. hS tf TJEIDE8BUBG MACHINE WOEKS, NO. OB IV. FRONT BTllJZEiT, PUILADKLPllIA. Ws an sraoand to fill rdws t aoi azUot fcc sol wsD- MAOBIMEBT FOB COTTOH AJTD WOOLiJI 114-8, "it all mm ImprorsmsaU la Oaralag, Bplanlaf, atuvt UiM .ttidiUMi t M.Mn&iurar. tA Alir axis. M1 JENKH a BON. ATLANTIC CITY, GKO. J' OXJZTtVt, Proprietor. f trtjej Me4miinfMlatd wttli Mata, a"""1" Umw,.,, tara run lo Ui hoa arury twantj mlnatM. t9-tf l7xCHANOK HOTKL, ATL A N TIJITY Mj 1h atibaciHter, rr:fiil frr rat fay era. Mnttert uanii uj nt pairoria ana in nibic f.r tb(t Irenes ma ts in rt.n him, anfl bn luiva tn that he la now npn tor Oie ifaMB, and ready to relre bnardora, Mmnnttit and tranatent. on Uit mutt mtxlt rtite turtna. Trie bnr win ! b ii'lliel with tha fnot-t wlnaa. tbinnr. mnA ciwb. ar.. ucerh.reltl aJe. TtM tablet will b mi Viih U bi the nisutK't atr-Ml. Ffnhtnir Una and fackta alwara mi han All lh eomfnru of home aan alwfg toun4 at tti 'irrrna I2 per wrk, If OrOHdR HA TO AY, Irfprltor. 1 O L tt M 11 1 A Iff ft TT M TO. ATLANTIC CITY, HEW JKKNKT. B1TVATE ON KKNTUCKY AVKNUK, OPrOHITK THK Ht'Br IIOUBB. KDWAKD DOYLK, Pmprirtoi. Tnn, to Suit UrtUm.t. )fO-tt 1 lCiHT-UOVSE COTTAGK, J J A il. w rrc (TTY, V. ,T., UK A Hi. "HT Ulllhh IU IIIK fr.t..!!. TtilR wi'll knuttti liou.o 1. uuw ulma for Ine recrpUon of Itoanlrm. Ifntiiinjr n.vcr wit vtir. aim Iih J. WOOTTOK, Proprietor. AIN'CIi HTBWAUT HOCK Oil.. COM I A.T V. Incorporated Jane 20, 1864. Caultul, :i ,. U A RnARB-PAS, SO.OOO B1UBKB PnhKrlptlon S fii ihr to original unbacrlban fbr SO.ono .harti p)Mc $1 ea.h tfnwn npin tiib.srlbloir,and two other Initalmcau of II oacta, paallt on U ttUl JvtJ and Uth Augotl, lhM, rtipccUrel, TEN THOUSAND SHAKES Kmwrred (br B'n.nt of the Company, Th land puretiaaad ny th. Vane. Hwwart Ink Oil Company contatm on. huncrvd and lhlrt--on. aorw. In tli. very core ol (lie on rt'gion, on. uinu.aua wrve nun dr.d and ten feet on th. Al'fhi-ny rlvrr, In (;ranirrr tomniblp, .ateiiUlnR a cnmltlerabl. ol.lanoa npua botn aide, o! th. Lower Two Mil. Uun.cntuiiionlr CAii.U Van Btir.n Bun. a ooupl. or nnlt-i teluw t ranklln, in venano onutity, I' 17.. AUcahnij Hitw T.rrliorjr it Jt.Mlns an abiitxlenl and porman.nt barv.Mt of an e&eal ,111 iiualhv of till. th. nuuieroti. well. iNirdorlnu In banks producing oil with er.n Mill greater regularity Uiaa Us wen. along un ,;r.o.. 11 I. believed the How of Oil rwlow th. borough of Prank- Un.on tli. Allegheny rlvw, will pnibully never beooin .xhau.t4Kl.ncoan.eine iiraincaiutn, or Toiranio qi.nip tlon of rock din. In a oulhwe.lwardljfdlrwcUoni (mie- qiiently tli. lied, of Oil woitlo be nearer the .urfao. at tlis upper rna, .ay oi uu t reea. aria wmiw r."tuiiw w bored deeper In proportion lower down the rlyer, wh.i., however, there would nero.w lly le th. inoet pm-inan.nt and a muoh greater .upply and iiiierlncuino.iit noay or U pe .1 Oil. It I. certain that icon-, of well, ou the river. In the llnnieolatc ylctniiy ot tin. tana, nave enanuoci pr doclng durum Hie prut thre. or tour year, an uuwaverin( anil ateud)' duliy yu-iu oi oil. A glance at the limp will demon. trite th. Inot that ths Ixiwer Two Mile Kun and oil i'ri,k ar on the .ante diametrically .tramht line, and only illatant, on tm ftttiniion ot tint i,i,iUi:al $awe tjorje between the rang, of hill., from eai-h other about thn-o mile, apart In pr. eluelv the ranie direction. It would, therefore, not be ex traordinary. If by boring well, on thu tract a .nrrlclcnt depth of peihap. einlil hundred and tlfly feet, Uiat tue Company , well, may noon ilval thoi. of Oil Creek In their .upplle. of hundred, of bnrreia of oil dally, and .iiormoti. profit! would tltui be tli. fonnnat reiull to the .hareholiier. 01 till, company. On Oil. particular tract of land thers has h.ea let oa lea., for twenty year., a well note pumi tnt a fair nortloa ol good Oil, although Ita depth ot bore I. considered null tnauMtr lent u, Ittittr. a Urge flow : urn per oent. of the Oil at thu well , mouth w reserved aa a royalty to h. former owner of tli. land, ami will at one. Inure to th. benefit of the Company. There are alo two other welis bored a few hundred feet deep eat h, hut not yet tubed, bnt In dicating a flr.t-rate nhow ! oil j a barrel aday can genwally be oooped out of thil, and no doubt ii'.mtto eal.l that they IU both pnive highly remunerating well, when bored a rca.onnblc depth. Another well la half bored, aud protul.e. a arittifactory yield Hantnle. nfOII pnn ured from the., will, can he im at th. olliteof Uie Company, Ko. U1S WALNUT atreet. The fee of tlitl yalunble oil land, coinprinlng one hnn dred and thirty-on. aeren. Including Uie royalty of fifty per cent, of oil for the leaned wll, nrw pumptnt, and tho entire right of Uie thre. well, partially devoloped, I. purrhaM-d by the Company direct from the owner, lor the moderate price ol MAVi, with. OrintMUl In Do. order, a mug hou.e, e-; ai.o patche. ot flintier. The tale of .lock will pay eaah for Uie land In full, and leave the .tun of VtAW ca.h working capital ou hand, with which to eouipteioUie three old well., and alt,o to bore two new wella, with flva .team, Ae., to he Id running order within a few monUi. i arrang. tncnta w ill be mad. to accomptt.h IheH. ob)ecta without delay. Mo lubscrlptions will be. acaeptl lor le.. Uiaa uftv hares. The ya.t fortune, reaped hy Rock Oil Companies mtah llnhed here mitt el.ewhere are notorlou.. The OU trade la ret In Ita Infancy, and the demand constantly lncreaalox. I a prl e 1. now 912 per barrel at the well . moulh, uclu alveof the cask. Large wed. will douhtlpM be .trnrk at the depth of ftvi feet, ao a. to raacli Uie third Hamilton. Hock. well, have been bored heretofore to ibe depth only of about oi41feet In Uiia vleltilty It u proposed to bore twenty wells oa this property during the pie. em )car. There Is room for one hnndred w ells. A perfect title, clear of ail lnotul trraucea Is confidently assured to the Company. Lists of subscription are now open until the 60.000 shares arc subscribed, payable $1 per share, to the order of Altlsr manJAMKH McCAHEN, the Treasurer of the Company, Ko. toe WALDVT Street, or at Ko. VJ6 WALNUT Htreet, or at ths ofllos of ths Company, Ko. 813 WALK UT BtrMt. Th public are IcTited to caU fcr a prospectus, lyi-bf GOLD AUD SILVER MlINIINCi COMPANY, CILTIN COUNTY, COL0H ADO TKRRITOlltY. TruNtccai Hon. JOHN A. PIX, Hon. EDWARDS I'IKRRKrON T, JOSITH FRANCIS, Eba., T. 11. BUNTING, Est., A. O. 130DFIS1I, E-sti., Colorado, lrolloivt i Hon. JOHN A. DIX. Truuhiircri J081J'U FRANCIS, Ku. CotlllHUl I CHARLES V. Iil.AKE, E a. The proiierty of this com;itny consists of oa the "tlrt'Uiid ll.g," "Jteury No S," "tlrnueM," MtJon eord," utitl otlitr celoiiruted develrprd Lolos In the rillillll-' district trf Colorado. Also, the llcndcryou Mitt, uuw ruunlng, and la .acllent order Capital Stock $1,000 000. Whole Kuiuber SLaref 100,000. Par, 110. A large portion of ihe stock has already been taken hy private .iibrritlou. Hook. sr. oow usmt .1 Uis utilos ul the coinpat y. at No.ti!' Ileal er street. New I irt.whorea Umlted number ot .hare, can he sub crlliej for at par, by applwDg Ui the rreanunrof Uiu t.ompatiy b..lvaeu U.C nour. of m a. M. atia'i r. at . t uples oi ihe Prospectus may be ooulned at the orrlce of leCoiuoany. ailln-liu Ihe K1.AHTIO HUTCH BKWINa MAO II INK H, THK BKST Itf I BE. anM No. 730 CMKHNUT Htro. "WT ANTED TO ft K 1,1, OB XC1IANQK, 1 I Elliptic ftewlng Machine, Th. i.roror a, Uakw Hawing Machine, Th. Hhiger do, And all th. principal ftewlnf MaclUnes. All ninUshad ftom principal otneae. Also, au kuiua ol Bemud-IIand Machines, M Hals sad Bepatrad at U uew ollice ef LlCAVT.NS A FAn.KNP., ' Ko. lilt) N. KlliriTIl Suyet, (Over ten years with Hlugar a Oo.) LadlM taugtit ss operate. ali-Sui TT B N II Y H I M O N H, UNITED STATES NATIONAL WAQ0H AUD 00A0E WORKS, Offloat, No. 691 NKW MARKET Btraat, As4 raetory, oraer ef IXOO KD aVKTJ CCMBaUrXAHD HTBEBTS, piriLaDaLrHlA. AB and rveryktad of WAtlOBH, t'AKTS. PBATH, WHKBTJI A B ROWS, ' and TIMHKIC WHKKLB. adapted lo Army. Hoa4, ButMS gc Puuiuttioo purposes. Au wai k warrauvaA. t AarOraus JttvluiiUjf StVide4 to. Jat-U j fJ'IIE ONLY MErICllVJ3 Wincn 18 PBEPABJED FROM THE PURE JTJI0E OP THE PINE TEEE. Consumption cured liyDr.WlSIIAnT'8 riKE TREE TAR COHIilAL. BronchlUs cored by Dr. WISnARrS TIKE TKKE TAR COlUlIAL. see weak Lungs made strong by using Dr. nlrJUART'S riKE TREE TAB COBOUL. Dr. WISHART'S TINK TREat TAB C0BD1AI. Is the best remedy for all Throat and Liinc DUsates. Don't Pail to Bead the Hext Column. I. WIHIIAHT'H 1'INK Titur. TAR CORDIAL !B THE PKPT FKMRDY FOR THROAT Lt M It la the vlinl princlpl of the ptt) trfo tAlnM by ft I ccttllAf prtrf i in the dtttlllntluii of tlte Uf, by which tt blflKit roctllfAl propertlt r rctnlnrd. ltiith only tar anil rcli&M ru.fdy which h ervt bftrn fTrrarcd from (he Jolt of the pin irftv It inrlgorfttri the illgeiitive orKni and rtntoru th ap- It itrf ntfthcni the drMUUttd cyitrm. Itpurinei und enrlehei ti p bloo l.and f xpfllsfnm the tyitrm Jit cirnirtion whlrh icrofuU bre-wli. It dlpftoiTtii the mucin or phlfi.m whK-h -ntfpi thr air pntfRKd of the liiJiRif. It hfalitifr principle act npna Uie IrlUtrd Burfnrei of the Innim tni throat, penetratlnt; to tach dJ-r aed part, reltrlnfr pain and ftub)ainfr Inflrumitlon. It ti the result of fan of itudy and experiment, and It is offered to U e atlUcUd with the positive aitvanoe of Ite power to enre th following dlteaiM, tf the patient hae not too Ions; delayed a retort to the mean of cure : Con sumption of the Isunpi, Coiijv'hr,, Hore Throe t and lVcAit, Broiachltle, Ant.tna, Whooplnn Cough, Dlphtiieiio, and la alfao an txcellrnt ren.cdy fir DUeant-e of Uie KIJjkji and Female Complaint. Have (iu a conh? Have ynn a lore throat? lUva yon any of the premonitory lymptomi of thitmat fatal dl eate, ConBumptkm' Thouc who should be warned by thrte tjmptoma generally think Hght of Uieni until It le too late. From thla fart, perhapc, more than any other, arliet the ad preralem-e and fatality of a A Incase w hich iwAepi to the rae at letet onc-iixth of death's rlctlmt. Uonsump Uon hae destroyed more of Uie human family than any ether dineaee, and ihe best phy slclane for many years have drepalred of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lunge, but fr ainrf than twe hundred years the whole medical world hae been Imp reused that there waa a mysterious power and cfflclenry in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the hinBt therefore, Uiey have recommended tho nee of Tor Water, which in many cases bad a fix eilVcl ; but how to confine the medtvat properties eo as to heal thelunf has ever been a mystery until It wae discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. Wlshart. of Philadelphia, Uie proprietor of WlMiarrs I' lne Tree Cordial. It Is now rrconnnenderland prescribed In the practice of a larva namberof the moat intelliKOut end able physicians. This Cordial, when tnken witn Dr. Wlsharti Dyspepila ruts, Ja an niifiill(i cure forD.vej)epiii. 1000 DOLLARS Will be paid to any person who will that this or any i of the certlflcAtcB published by Dr. Wlshart, of Phllad'-l- ! phla.Pa., are in anyway fulse. or Issued without authority 1 hy thorn who Kftve them. Dk. WiMui.T Iear Sir: I hal ilronchlUa, Inilamma ttonof the LunK,aitd ihortncst of breath In their worst foi me. I tad been treated by set etui of the most eminent physicians In Philadelphia wtihottt bcrellt. I was trvly on Uie erge ot the pravo. Your Pink Thkb Tab Coiuual was recomnundtd to me by a friend, and after using four large and one small botUis, I am ru'ttored to perfect health. JOHN WA1CU, KecclTnr of Taxet. Cor. Sixth and Chesnut sticcU, Philadelphia. Mr. Wlnhurt, Iwl-hto add my testimony to the hitn drsvJe you receive to Uie beallny proporites of your Pliie Tree TarCordlaL For fifteen years a snfTcrrtr, ten years of that time I have slept only In my eh air, not belnK able to lie dow n for fear of aofTocution. I have employed seven of the best pliysklane In Philadelphia, who all pronounced my cane incurable. I was taken to the College, whore Uie Faculty, having done what they could, dec. are J my dis ease an Incurable case of A b time and Chronlo Dyspepsia, In Ha last stage, and that my lungs were partially gme. Finding one of your circulars, my wife procured from your store u bottle of your Cordial. I used seven bottles, and a box and a half of your Dyspopsla Pills, when I fell Uiat my disease had wholly given way, and the Cor dial had given me new vigor and strength. I continued to lmptove, and for thepaiit three monUie I have been able to sleep In my bed as aonndly as I ever did. I am now well, and have gained twenty-five pounds In my weight. I am atile to work and provide for my family. I send you thib true and faithful statement for the benefit of the suf fering. Friends, call and see me, near Oxford Church Post Oftlce, Twenty-third Ward, Philadelphia. IMAAC IIBM.ERVUK. RrAuiKG.Pa , April lt),le4. Dr. Wishart Dear 8ir: One year ago the Examining Burgeon of this Dlstilet told tue I had ConsumpUon uf the sLuuca, and that I could not be cured ; and Judiiiit from all my symptoms at that time, I mysrlt supposed Oils to be true. I was for more than one year troubltd with a hack ing cough, which gradually grew so bad that I could mt have a severe tit of coughing without spitting np blood In lartfe quant iUes. For months I could not work at auythlug, aud was ohllgtd to keep my bed moat of the time. While In this condition X was In at Mr. KowboUiam's aore, la Uils city, and he seeing ma very low, I was rocou mended to try your FINE TKKFe TAB CORDIAL. Ue said he had solda great deal of it, and that, as li had cured so many others, he believed it would do some good. I bought a hottlu and commenced using It. In a very abort lime I saw that I w at git tine hotter rtrj taut, and after taking several bottles I was tntlruly restored to health, so that 1 ouuld w .rk every day at my hiulnoss, w hlcli Is very heavy work In an tra foundry. When I commenced to use your PINK THKE TAK OORliIAI. my weight was only one huuJrud andthiry -tlve pound; since t)i use of It 1 have welched on an average one hundred and Arty-five, J shall be glad to have jou publish this, as 1 believe I vhould not have l4n living at this time It I had not uetd your gr at uie U- f ine, and 1 wl-h all who ulTer to receive Its benefit. Tery ( tJb yours Cuptain BAUlftL UARNKH, Xo.a-U S. Eighth fctreet, Blading, Pa. JiKAD THE FOLLOWIKO FUOBC V'l'ICA. Dr. Wlehart Dear 8!r: I take pleasure in Informing you through this source that your PISE TREK COR 1'IAL, which was recommended ftr my daughter by Mr. J. A Wall, of this l y, has cured her of a cough of more U anflvo months' standing. I had thought her lxyoud cure, and had employed the best medical aid without any buneflt. J can cheerfully recotnjueud tt to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly amicted, as I know of many other eases besides Uiat of my daughter, that it has cured of long standing conglu. Yours, respectfully, JOIIK V. PARKER, Duguerroan ArUst, Xo. l'-'H (It neme street, I'tica, N, V. :-I have used Dr. WiailART'S PIN'IS TIO'.K TAH ( 0KD1AI. Ium family, and cordially rocom mend It as a valuabio and safe medicine for folds, Coughs, and to vhose predisposed to Consumption. Dr. O. A. FOSTER, Ko. 1C0 Genesee street, Utica, N. T. The above are a few among tho thousands which tJi's great romcdy has saved from an untimely grave. Wo have hundreds of letters from physician! and drugglsui tn all parts of the country, ssyltg that they have never prescrttMtd r sold a medicine which gave such universal eaUsfsvoUoa. Tliese Medicines are prepared only by the proprietor, DK. L, Q. C. WISIIAHT. . WHOSE OVFIOsl 18 AT No. 10 N. BE00ND STREET, PhUadelpWa, PENNSYLVANIA, j Where he can be consulted either personally or hy letter, free of charge. They are sold by Druggists and Dealers every wne re; at wholesale by all Kew Tork and Phiiadel phi Wholtiak Druggists. A & WEIGnT & SIDDALL IJo. hp Mnrkot rreot PF.TWBEB FRONT AND 6KCOKD ATRKETA. 0. V. WRH.FT. P. St. SfM)LL. DRUGGIST T 8 1 C I A N S, Alt (IKNKKAt FTORKKErfKHS, Crin find at oorestahllhment a full aitmrtmntof Tmivrt d and lromesHe Drve, Popnlar Patent Medh-lne, PafnM, Cosl Oil, Window Olasa, Prerriptlti Vials. Ac, at as loar prices as genuine flnt-cl.iss goods can be sold. FIVE EHENTIAL OILS For Confectioners, In full variety, and sf the bent quality. Cochineal. Bengal lud'go, Madder Pot Ash, Cotlhcar, IWa Ash, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, A nnatto, Copporaw, Extract of Igweod.Ao., FOR DYERS' nse, always on band, at lowest net cash prices. PI'KK HPICEA FOR FAMILY I'HE, tiround expressly for our sale, and to which we Invite the a'tentlon of those In want of reliable articles. Also, JSDHiOy STARCH, JiCXTARD rfc, of $x(ra f ualtty. Orders hy mall, or eltt post, wll meet with prompt at tention, or special quotations will be furnished when re quested WRIOIIT ft rSTDDATjT,, Whole..). Dni Warehouse, Jall-lr No. II!) MAHKfcT Htrent, alw.e Front. TRUN8K8, BHAOK8 fto., sUlfii'lj arlln.ted hyC H. NKRDLM.oar. of TWKLrl H and KA( B Nrreau. Ladlea' lepartin.nt fur same, ei:idueted hy .a,ll.a. TWr.l.rTII Htreet, fliat oor hetow aar Tha Dl'iet .oniplel. and ear4.,! ,tn-a oa fiand, eonslsltns. In rart, of Happorters, Hhnuld Ilraens, Belts, Handaves, Elastic Btoekiiigfl, Mrrlnaea Articles for rlnrscry.HIek itooni, Ae. lelO Sia rHlI.AIKl.PHIA SURGEONS' MANHAOK IHSTITITT., No. 14 North MNTH 8tret, aliore Martet. Rnptarea radlealle eared by R. C. EVEKKTT'H Premlnm Patent Oracluatlna fresanr Trn.s. HuperVir Klastlo B.lta. Kla.tle Xtnestnas HapporWrs, BborUdar Braoas. flnspan aorlee. Omcbe.. Ae. Ladlea attended by Mn. B. O. KVT.KRTT. 017-ly K ARTIFICIAL HAND. ii. a., Tnv.nttr and Manufactarar of tn. AKTIFICIAL A It M, Approved and ailopte4 ST rna RUKOEOK-OEMERAL OK TIIE TJKITED STATES, for Holdlers, Bas p.rmsn.iirty located bis onice and Factorr at Ko. Ul b. Fol! HI U hUoet, sU doors rMloer Hpnie., ruUOa. rlUl-la ,UKKN OF BEAUTY. W1MTB VIRGIN W of Antilles la the moat aerrect preparau m ol tli. aire, for oeautllTlnt. wnitemnu. ana preaumag tn. oomiileitlrin. Illsmadefrnm pure White Wai, h.iie. lu xlraorrllrtirT gnalltle. for preaerTlna the sain, maklns; H soft, siiKmth, fulr, and transparent. It cures chapped bands or lips, retn'iTM pimples, . Prtoe Wi and 0 centa saanulartund on It b HUNT A CO , Perfumers, Wo. 41 8. ElullTB at., I dnors shove Chesnm, and anis-lm tin. va 8. hbvknth atnat. REMOVAL. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, Carpenter and Rnlider. has rernoved hie shop front Ho. tt Straw berry street to No. XW CAJfTKH Htreet. ad Jolnlnir Ihe old Utile. Buliiliiia. Having Inereasec facilities r eamrlnf on the business utenatealr b. Uopei reMta a .hara of nnhlle nateonaea. ''sT W K A LT II, HEAL T II, AND BEAUTl". If to rati adrDlrtn(f eyes; If to caiisr invld'ous Hisvhfli If to ha a hlnnmlnir flower. Fadlnfj, dyiua In an hour Biadtt 1 ir to have a host of friends; It for vice to ma.e amends; If with hlh-horn b'oM to wad; II a marbk bUme when dad WkalthI If to I've threescore and ten, Wishing; tl e ai Ions axalnt If to )ivt a life of peace ; Ii tn dia aed k to ireu j I If yon wlnh a life of plaasurea ; If you value this world s treaaures, If every couiftot you would see. Take my advice, and wish alt tiirte. Then, havinn Health, Wealth. and Beauty, Tou'II be prepared for every duty. Ity a eareftil perusal of Dr-WIMslAM YOtlftTB Kw Po.k, 1IIK Jrl Akltl AttK C.IMIK, which should be read by every one Bold by ItooS sellers tisne-ally, and at Uie 1'octor's ofllce, ISo. U BI'HUCJC HTKlttTt price 'ii eints. au5 If RAILROAD LINES. 1)I1ILAI)KLPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALllMUllF. KAII.HOA1). CIIANttK ur HOI7BS. ' On and after MONDAY, An(ustl,184, Pa.nenffer Irams leave t-Uiladelphia for liaiilnmre att 30 wxpra.s. Mouilays excepted), 8-5 A. M., U M., ard lu 90 I'. M. Chester at 8 0, 11 li A. M., I'M, 3 SO, 410, 100 and 11-00 P. M. WIlrclTH-inn al 4-SO rMondars exeepted), 8 06, 11 1 A. M.I WI. V'.'Wl, 4"Sfl, frOf , 10 30 and 1 1 GO P. St. Ki w l aslle at S I'fi A. U. and SU'. M. Uiivrr al h ia A M. and 4 Jo P. at. all l. id ai 8 ik. A, M Halisbury at 81 A A. M. TKAIhrj FOIt PnTT.ADELPITT A. T.oare Baltimore at fib, 9 W A. Al. (Express), 110, 'it and 10 .'SI'. At. H' at l it), S'46, 0 A. II , U'24, 1, IU, i'OO, 4 M, 7 atidn in r. M. Hall, lnn' at 1I-M5 A M. Mlllord atV 41 P. M. Iroverat f, :m A. M., and41SP. M. Veer I'a.tV at S SO A. M . and (".17 P.M. t heater at Hi, !l'40 A. M., 1 00, 9 40, 4 40, t'OO, 7'M, S 40 P.M. Leave BiiHImore forSallshury andlatcrmadlate statloiu, at in 'Ai r. m . Leave liaitlinore for Dover and IntermrdlaU sUUona at I'lOPM. Tit AlWa TOR BALTrMOl:fc. Leave rn.ster at M 10 A. M .S OA and II Oi I . If. Leave WUmuiKtou at 1, VJi A. M., J 40 aud 11 40 1'. at. Frelrht Trains, with Passenger Car attached, wfU ran aa follows : Leave Wilmington rorPerrvTlDesndlntermcrUataplaees al 7 tf. P. M. 81 N DA Y n -Only at 4 SO A. M . 10 90 F. X., from Phila delphia tn Raltlmore. rulindelblila to WUmlngtoD at I'M A. M., 10-SO, aadllP. M. Krom Wlimrnirlnn to Philadelphia at 1 48 A.M. and T OO r. St. tni5 at 10is r. m , rrnm itaninaore to rnnaueipnia. al H r. KKSNKY, Mnoerintendeat. DIIILADKLI'HIA AND HALTIMORE CBN- J TKAI. KAH.KOAi, OPEN TO OXPOBU BI'UINU A KK ANt r. M r. NT. tin ai d afUT mi DAY, April 1,1864, the trains will lear. LEaVk EARTWARt). I 1.XAUE WESTWARD. SIATK.NR. A.H. Oifonl ti W) W est crove G'.'7 Avonitnle 7 "5 heimett ,7'rt) CI. .(Hi's Kord 7 42 Cnrord HfO W f. Jimctlnit.. "'li M.t.iA sv) P.M. SlAtfTirirl. A.M. V. H. V 2.'. ruUailel.Ma.... H 00 4 30 S'M Weal Chester... 7 45 4 41 4 01 VT. C Juiietlon.. 9'ii8 t il 417 Onnrnrd 'ti 1'W 4 41 rha-ld'sFurd,... V'41 f. It A'liO Krnni'tt 10 09 S 37 6 If. Avnuilale 10 '21 S'M tVVil Went llrov. 10 7 tl t, est t ussier. . . .tr dp S.lll tlxf.ird 10 & 7 90 I'asseniter In wit In Philadelphia bas been chanired frui Kliil iien h and MarVwt sirens, to rillUTY Kllttrand al aKKKT Sirn te, West I'lilliulelphla. Market Slri pHBhenrer Hallw ay Cars emvey Passeuaers to and from the !) I" l. I'afcstriaers (o Uirouph without ehant:e or cars. Ja4 llEKUlf WMIll, bmierlnlendent. SHIPPING. fF rOft HEW OELEANS, LA., ' VIA KKW YOKK. The Ocean Fteam Navigation Oompaay'B 8PLKN1UU JiEW KTKAUHU1P 'NOIITII AMIillICA," Cia'. tons bunler), CI1AHI.KH P. MaHHIIMAV, oom m.i'iler. Is now ie.',lvliiii freirht. and will sail as above on Ml.-N llAY. Hentr iiiher fi. at ! A M. Vi. t. I it iei i Ivid or hills of ladlnn slentd on th. dajr nrMiliiiiK. or in or psssair. applj to A. JJICKON, JH. tt CX., sult-tl' Ko. N. DKLAWABK AVENUE. rjt BTE AM WEEKLY TO I.IVKR- ll known slealuer. of the Liver.ool, Nt is York. aud pi!i-(1'ijl.ia rieam.hip Cunipaii ars Intended to sail as rnii.'ws P. IN 4 Saluidsy, fieitcniher S. KI'IMII htl, Knlurdav, Keiileuiher 10. city t.v w amiii mi iton H atttrilav. Rentember 17 And evert tnce JlnK HalutUay, at auon, fiout Pier No 44 KorUi Itlver. RATK.fl OF PASSACR. PavsWe In Oold, or It. t-nnlvaleni In Currency : Ural SMO'OO ateerau. M0 00 1'lrsl Cabin to lAndon us 00 Hteerae to lAndon... W OO air.l Cal.ln to Paris... .'.-ll Uteerae to Pans 40 00 JfuntCalilu toHanibuntSiu-OO KtoeranetO Hamburg.. S7 00 Vansenvers are also forwarded to Havre, llrelueu, Itol terdnm, Anlvierp, Ao.,at oiiially lowratea. Fare, fri Ul l.lverionl or Ouoenelown I- Irst Cabin, $75, $si SIOA. Btewrae friiru Llveruool and Qiieeustown.Sia. 'I bin. who wish lo send for their frieuda caa buy at the,,- rntea. 1 or fuitlier liiloimatlon api'lr at ths Company's offices. JOHN (1. IIAl.K, Aent, No. Ill WALNUT Bireet, Philadelphia. BOSTON AND PUILADKLPllIA 2Q," atM.n..hln Line, BAlllns from each port oa CAl 1 Kl'AYU. Iromjrstwhart ebov P1SK Htreel,PHila delph a. ard Long Wanrf, Boston. 'mm Qr.t wharf aiaitvl'ltlft 8treui,on 8atuiday, ietuber8. lHf.4. The slrnnialilp NOllMAN, Uaki r.wlll sail'tHiru PhladoU pbla fr ll.sic.n.ou Haturday. Heplamlier S, at 10 A.M., ai d the steamship BA VON , Maitbewa, frota Boaloa lor riiUndelplila, oa .auie day, at 4 P M. These new and sbiistautlal steamships form a retrular Jlne, sa'lii.g flout eacb iort punv-tiiHlly on Ratiirdeya . in.urari(.-vs eilected at olio LaU'ibc ireiuiuui olia' gud oa hie vessels. t rt I, his taken at fair rs'es. PI ippers are requested to send Blip Bocelill and BlUs .sdlna will, their :oods. For TieialitorPassaas (tiarlnf fine seoommodstloDS) tpiilylo IIF.NKY WINNiiH A CO., jal-tr Vo.M 4. ItKlWAKB Annas. FOR NEW YOKK. DESPATCH and Bwiftsura Llaea, via lielawar. and lilaulanal. '1 he steamers of tliese lines are leavliuf dally ai 17 ..cluck M.,aad o'clock P. St., from thiad ill aliov. Walnut street. kor IreiKht. which will bs taken oa sreomtnodatlnf temis. spply to WILLIAM M. 11A1HD A CO., No. U4 Is. 1.1-i.AW AI1B Avenue. j rJssj. YOU. LIVERPOOL, 8ATURDAY, sn"81-! '"I""" ""J .. . . I he liriU.h ship VAMCOL'VEB, CaptalB J. D. CarUala, Will .all aa above. ; rorfreifhtar jasiire, anplet. atiuasAai Ml-tf ko.loi w A1.M UT IKraai. ' 'U .. .' . 1 RAILROAD LINES. . f j H1I,AIFI VUl A, OKRMaNTOWN. AN L hORHlaiOWII hAII.lli.IAO, TlMETARI.eV On and after MONLAT, Mai IS, 1M4, anlll SartheV potie.. FOR flPRMAKTOSrw. T eSr. PMInrlrh.Ma i. 7. rt.l 10 11. 11 A. M. : I. f. 1' ',. 4.0. eV. 7.M. 9. 10. II. IIP M Leiiv. fiermsntoen. 0, 7, 7 S1. H. a Jn, S, W, 11, It A. M l.M.I ili.l. ri.St.. t. S. . 10. II. and ill- It 1 MMl. Si.d tr.r sv ana on train, no. do not sin en ui. wrnisni.. n nraocn. t IIF.'Kl'T HILL RAII.ROAH. leave l-Mlad. Iphla, S, S, lo. It A. M.j I, SV.'V.T. n.l ii r. M. ri...nH mn a s-sa tl-an a w . t,n saa s so, fi'1". a tn, .mi in eir, m. foil t U.NHIIOHIM KF AMI N r 'It It I ftyW n. Leave I'hll.n. I, h a S,K liO, 11 oi A. M.J IS.S.4V.5 L. .a ll&. anil lib P. M. Uave K..TTi.tov,n,(tt', 7, 7 S0.9 and 11 A. M. IK, 4M HantISP, M 1 he ftH train an. will atos at Wlssahlokoa. ManayaaH anu tiiiinorkeu only. r.'rA w,Ai rn.. , lave Thlladeli!. (I. a nt. ilia A M.. 1W. IIV IU o.-v . n ana i is, r. at . . .. . . ....... . . --. leave M.navunk. tVi. 7K. Sin. W. 11 A.M.. I.a. Snd , P. M. Jl. K. nvtlTII, r:eneral Bnpertrtendem. mj3l lieiKrt, MftTII and IIUEKal Street.. XOT!TH TKNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-! Fer KKTHLEHF.M, 1 inTuF .TI IW M, BArirONl aiai v n . -ti i. r.rv, ltA,l.aiOH. WHJt RjiHAaajrL ai' T, I10.IWA10I ,.1. l . HI V MIR ARRAWnPVKITT. ' AIMMTIOMAL TH4INS. Oa and after ktoNl'AY, June Is. I4 PasaMirrer Trait will leave Ihe Kew Il.nn,, I'lllHfi atre. ahove TharaiE lu.n street, Philadelphia, dally (Rnndajs aarMrpSadi, tS folkjws: 7 AM. fKinreas) for Fethleriem. Allentown. Man,- l urk, Wllkesbarre, V llllaniS.on. H l.i A . H . I Areommodatl'i) rr Itoylesrnvra. lu-it. a. at. l Areou'inrtuaiion i ror von nasm 8 P. M (Air-.n for lioyleetown. H tA P. M. (F press) for Rethlahem, Eastoa, Ae. 416 P. M. I Mail) (or IlO'laatnon. 6 l(. r M . ( AriorainwlAtloo i lor BeOUeh.m, Alleatowi and Slaueh ( hnttk P M. ( ALeocnmndation) ror insaai.. 11 P. M (AroommorUtlon) for Fort W ashlnfftoa. TMAIMK roll Pltll.AriKLPHIA l..sve Beilib hem .1 A. M , 11 i A. M , and SOT P at 60 A. M., 3 44 P. M.,and 7 P.M. Laiisnsle at fi A. M Fort Washington at 11 Tf, A. M. and I P. M. ON Hl'SDAIS. Philadelphia for Bsthlehrm at I A.M. I'hl'.aili Iphla for THiyteMown at 3 P. af. linvlestnwn for Philadelphia ai 11 A M. It.ililehem for I'hrarteh.hla at 4 P. M . Hlluiisn s lismraue Kiirea, will call for and dettVatr has sraur at Uie depot. Orders uiaj be leitai no. ixs s. tutu Bireet. j.13 F.1J.1B cl.AKa, Aant. XEW RAILROAD LINK NORTIV A. 1 PHll.AIlKl.PHIA T'l B1IOOKI.TB, T1IKOI.OII IN MVK1IOUKB. FARE SI. EXOT'TtafON TTCKFTH S3. GOOD POTt TITRP.P. TYAT On and after MONDAY, Anvil St I, 1".,, tralna will leav1 Riot of VlhK Htreet, Philaileipbla, every tnoriilnn at B A al. (Stinil.y. exeepieti ), thei re by th. camd.n and A' lartlc and ioirllan and lielawar. Hay Kailroadsto Pi Monmniilh. and by the eotnmo, sfeainer Jesse Hoy' toltt of Atlantic atrsiet. Hrooklyn : nstumlnir. leav. At. latnlc Ktreet Wharf awday (Hunuays uosptad), al 14 Travelers to tus eity or new ror ars notinea not t apply Sir passscre by this line, the state of New Jew havlna iireiiied 10 the Camden snd Amboy monomiy tt. exclusive prlvlleite ol earr lusr panst-nsers and trelrht b, ... . . . twsea u.e cities o: rnuAneiiwna ami r.ew i.ra. tyn-si W. F. GltlKKirTr). Oenerai Hup.rtntead.nt. tesT CHESTER AND riULADELPUI; IT BAILIIOAI). VIA MIDI A. H R1NO AltltANOEVEST. On and after PltlliAY, April 1,14, tli.Tralaa wll leat as lollows : l.eiive Philad.'lphla from the Depot, comer oYTHIRTY FIHST and MAItKKT Htreeta.sA.M , ll'OO AM.,i' P. V.. lll'l'. M.,S'4i P. M. I I'l.ll.rfnl, 1 ......, rhinvnS from F.fOITTr.KKTff am M.AKKtl bUoeU to llllUrYHKbT aud MAKKtJ? rlreeis. 1 Isve West Chester, from the Depot on Cast MABKEW BtrrU.A'SO A. M.,7 (r A. M.,11 A. H .,1 P. M..4 46 P. M. ( Iherarsnf the West I'hila.l. I.ihla Passenaer KallwirV rompsuy (Msrket street) will aonv.y 1'aaa.ngen to su.. "I rrotu the Pblia,ieipnia nepot. on simnAY. Leave Philadelphia al SO A . M . and 9-SO P. M. I, West ('),. at. r ,IH A M and A .V) P. M Tialns leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4-M F.M-fif and West ChesUT at 7'4'r A. M. and 4 45 P. M.,ootuie.(i wllh trains on to. Philadelphia and Balllm.ns Cntrr Kanroad fortixrord and Intermediate pnlnta. Jat-tf DENItY WOOD, Oenaral Huperlnlendent. i XI TEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINE8.- CVtnmenelnk TUUKNUAY, Btpietubur l,lM4,fri vt ajnn, atreet w nan. FOR CAPE MAT. At 111 A M.andd P.M. Per Balem and Brldtetou, at 9 A. M and 4 P.M. For Gl.-ibor.., at and 10 A. M., and 3 and 4P.M. r or wooatinry, ate., e ana ia ns a, ana a r. at. St. i P.M. J, ...j r or uioueuaier. sc., d a. is..u ei.,e, .. sug a aa . KKTI ItNINU TK AIMS LEAVE Oape May at 0 and 11 4A A. M. MlllvlllratH'07 A M .and WP.H. HalematSA M. and l ift P. M. atS 1 A. M., laoP.M. . tt tllasnlKiro at 7 10 and 1117 M.,U'2A, and 9 f)0, P. M. ' . I Woodbury at 7, 7 40 and 9-47 A, At., aud I V), and I V f P.M. -fl TIIE WP.BT JFR8F.Y K.XPKEHS OOMPAaTT, Orftre.No t WALNUT Htreet, will rail for and d.llew Baviteac, and attend to all the usual branehM of Rxnreai1 business. A special measeuifer accompanies each trala i. YAH HENMrtKI.AKK, ,1 DO tf UuparlatradAuit. t II E A D I N G R A I L R 0 A D. flRF.AT TKt'NK I.IKB FROM PIIILADKI..HIA TO TUB INTERIOR 0 PtlSNHY LVAM A, TIIF, NCI1 U YLKILL, 8U8 OUEMANNa.CC.MHEKLANO, jLtlli WlOklLMU VALLEY, , KOMll, KOKTHWEBT, AND TIIE CANADAB. TRAINS Leave Ilia Crmpany s liepol, at THIRTEENTH am CALI OWHILL burets. Philadelphia, al tl. followlw hours MOKSINO MAIL. At S IS A. M . Air Kradlnir, l.eoannn, Eohrata, Litis" Coluinhla, Harrlsbura, Poitevtlla, Piuourove, Tamaiua Biinhury, Wllhamsport, Eimlra, Rochester, Nlaitara Kalls liuilalo. Allei.uiwn, wi kesharre, Plluton, tork, Culialr' Chanbersburv, llatierstown, Ae. 'I he train couneets at nKAOlKO with East Peansylrai nla Railroad Iraina lor Alieniown, Ac, th. Keadlna anit Colmubla llaltroad tor Ephra'a, Llt'z, and Columbia, ant with the Lebanon Valley train for Herri. bury, Ae. ; al P&it ) CLINTON Willi Catawtr.a Railroad trains lor Wilkes arres Willl.mi.port, Ixnk Haven, Eimlra, Ac; at liAKKltt ltl'Ktlwltb northern central,' '(.'umhrtsnd Valley.-" and 'hchiivlklll and Ntnunehanna" trains for Hortluma nd.Wiiliamsp-irt.York.ChavibershiirK, Pinfrov.,Ao bwland.l AHHtMION EXI'HKSH Leaves Philadelphia at S'oO P. M. for Keudlna, Potts Tllle, Plneyrov., IlarrlsburK. Ae , citanecuiiK at Harris bora with Pennsylvania Central trains for Pittsburg, Ac orttienl Central Haltroad trains for Hunbttry, Northnm betland, hlnnra. .Itc.audal Port Clinton with Calewlast Railroad trains for Mlkuu. tVlUlaittsvort, Eimlra, iliUIalo, Ae. RRADINO ACCOM MOD ATIOW. Lea-re. BeaUug at 0 00 A. M., stoppiag at all way sta tions. airi u g in I'lillauelptua at S'OO A. M. Iteliimlng, leaves I'luladelp h.a at 400 P. M. t arrives In I Rending at 1100 P M. . Trains for Philadelphia Ira v. Harrlxhnrg at II. M., an. PottM'tlle atH'li A. M .arriving In Phu.delpliia at k b. P. M. Af'trnoon (raliis leat. Hurrlsourg at 3 P. M. 1'ottf.vllle at i-M P. l., uniting lu Philadelphia at 7 P. M Market trains, with a passenger car attach!, leav-t Philadelphia at 1 P. M , for Headiug and all way stations . leave R. fed ins at 11, noon, aud Ltownluglownat U'avlr, M. for Ptilliii!e!.hla and ail way stations. . AU the above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. ' Sunday trains leav. PoltavUl. at 7 'ev A. M., had Phila delphia at II li P M. . . C1IEBTP.B VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers lor Iiownlnvtown and liiterm11at. point! take IheH li A. M. and A no r. U. trains from Philadelphia; reluming from Uownlugtowa at 6 40 A. M., and M il JIEW YORK EXPRESS FOR riTT8BDRCJ AND TU1 WF.iT. l LeaTe, Kew York at 7 p. M., passing Reading at U mid nli.hl. and cnnna,-tlaa at Harris iurg wilii i'eonsylvaalA llnl:roau tip-esv Irani, fur Piuebntg. Rettintu.-.' Kxi.rrss train leaves llarrlsbarg oa arrival ne the Peimsylvauia Fipress from Pittsburg at S',10 A. M.. passing liesituig al b 46 A. M., arid arriving at Maw T.rk at l-4r, P Til. Nle.pirg C'.'s aecoiuoany the., train. U. rough, between Jersey City and Pittsburg, without, chain.. tun t rnh.t lor New Turk leave ilarriahiurg at 8 A. M i and 1P M. kta.l trains for ilarrlaburg leav New Tons al 6 A.M. ami la 41. , 1 Ht'IH't I. KILL VAT.l XT RAILROAD. j Trains have Potisvllle all 16 A. M. aad SSoP.K.,n tnrnli K troui Tus .rura al H III A M. and 4 S& P. M. I 8CIII YI.KILI. AND hl fyl EUASNA MAM. ROAD. , Trains Irave Auburn at 8 45 A.M. for PtnegnoTS aner IlHrr'r.huit:, ami ut l".0aud 7 10 p M for Plnegruv. only I retiirnir-; f ioiu llitrrihhurg st rKi P.M., and (rota pins-, giove at 16 A. M., and 4 and A P. M. TICKETS ' Through Ural-class tickets and .migrant lo aff the prli clpal points In the North and West and Cenadast The fr.llr.t, Ing ticket are obtainable only at the odie. oc S rlRAIiKOHW, 'treasurer. No -in H. FOURTH Btiwet, Phhaue pi la. or of U. A. ICOIXS, Ucaeral hupartuun- dul,K,adllig: COMMCTATTON TICKETS, I At '.'S re r oe. I dircounl, b.tweeu any pslats deslrsd, for lamuies and flun. . . ' MlLIAflE TICKETS, Oood fiTSOOO nules, betw.ea all points, at M sach, for taaillles and hrros. . hE AqON TICKETS, For U re, sir, nine. or twelve months, Ibr holders oaly, to all points, al reduced rates. CLKKGYMEX ' I Residing en tho line ofth. road will be fnrnlsbed with, cards, cntlUuigUi.ttS.lves aad wives to atkaiil tare. IXCURSIOW TICKETS , rtom Philadelpi.ia lo principal si ai Ions, good fcr fletar dav. Pundav, and Monde v. at iwducd tare, to b had only at the licketOIHo.,atTllLUTsUi;JS'lU udUALLOWiUU. blxeuts. I 1... , FRF.IC.nT. Ooods of all deserlpilons lorwsrded to alt the ahors pou.ii.from the Company's new depot, 11ROA1I aud WILLOW buens. . . HiTKinT TRAIV8 LeaTe Philadelphia dally at S A. M., 1 P. M.,aa P. M . . r U. s, link. Lebanon, llarrUborg, Potuvllla, Port Cltfi toa, and poisils beiond. MAfI R Clos. at the Philadelphia Pus'. OfHr fbr all places oa tha road and Us branches at A. M., and fcr the prUiolpal suuons .nly at nl P.M. icTm PHILADELPHIA AND lo't lrU4. F.hIK RAILROAD. ICM)--. This sreat Ihne traverses th. northern and atoriciwest counlles l' lo Uie city ol Erie on Lake Krle. II has U-ou leased by lh. I l.-iloi) I.VAS1 A RAILROAD COMPANY, and under their ausplocs Is being rapidly opened throUL'hotit lu enUre length. It la now In in. (or Passenger and Freight busln.u frona Ilarrisburg to miotiiini, IKi uilJr.), n the Eastern Divi sion, and torn bii.lll.ld la Ext. (7S atllea), oa lb Westara DlvUmn. Tins o PAaaasaaa taaiMSA muLADaj.rma. Mall Train leave. - Jf. 1. A press Train leaves V.'i"" I;"' Csrs run throush withoit rMAoa both ways on the., tralna b.tweea rlJl.d.l.hiaaad Look Uav.a, aad SetwtMa llslt nior. and IatcS Hav.a. P.leiial .eeiliig Care on th. Egnrass Train both ways. Pot liiHrtnatlon respecting Paasena' bust,..,., apply aA U,. H. K.c.uiet ot fcl-EVENTH and MARK K I' klresiu. And for freight busillt-.a of the t'oiupany's Ageuta ff li Ktngsion.Jr , corner aaXTLtiXU and MARKET Herts, pblladelphU. 1 . W. Reynolds, Eats. , i. M. IiciU, Ageul, . X. C. K Bsltttnor. tlsncral Freight Agent. rhii.d.,ii,uiu LKm L. Ilotlpf, . Oeasral Titkri Agent, Puila lrinkia JoBepu 1 PoTfs, , easral Manager, Wlllaauy J1. Ill rtrnTOW, Ja-tf