TIIK DAILY EVENING TFLEGItAFn. FJTILADELPTITA, THURSDAY, 8KPTKMBK11 1, 1801. Eitmnt Sclcrjritjih Till RSIMT, HUTKMIIKR I, 1HU. Bmrr or the new tori press. Irfadlng KUlmrlals from tho Sew fnpen Thin Morning. Tor frem lAt JVfiMI. Till; toll TIOI OK Mrri.V.I.I. w. Tot TJtiiiir.tie nonilniitliin is mude. He wh i did iimif IbHii anj otlur Northern tn in 1 1 s tvo tlio Rrln-liinn Mom its rtii nii.-ft In In (frowtti, is fitly pnt furwartl to slilclcl It from the liirslilnn blow in Its lin'Ht.i-. I lie .'a lorin wlikh ilein mils tlint "Iintiiuli ! clloitu lie nimio fur a r-n-svi in of noti1itlf," fin-! its ap 'roprliite rin'HiJitni-rit In the (ii'iirial, w:ni, of nil others, did most to tliwurt tin? procrn-n of those hostilities. It iM'iiiff ttfinuil (wllllf, ly the mtj'irltT, t acliTi a mlli'aiy nuin as iho ratuiidn'n, in order to al'iitc. with the pcop e, the wliuus a-o 'iution ol a n aie i'jliiy, the leu-t war'Htt-of the iretii'mls win tin. ty "ii k i I nlnrli" to scrv this end. Tbouu.li the straight out jawo men did not tnke kindly at lir-t to anv autli nianaffmni-nt, (hoy Tvoro t-asllv enmik'li rconeiied to It ny the plea, that, without Mime such Hhit't, nil r-r-ss w t. Imp ts siMc; and by the t'oitressiun of the vecond )l toe on the ticket lo one of tiielr own n'lm'nT, Vl-liimlii-limii appropriately, and without h-sit ttlivti, im ved to m ike the iitimin itmn unanimous. What two thirdn ol the C'onrention re -oirnlr.ed In (tivinit their first vote t' MeClellan it nni'ies tioiiuhly tine that the plntlorm of tho Conven tion la tot of It""-if c ilenlntod to iratn the favor of tiie people. The r annus arc two one nega tive, the other pn-itlve. The negative renson is that the platform do-j not contain a syiliibli) coiidemna'ory of tho Ro bullion. t'lei ty of spare in I'uund for (ir-ntiu.-l t tion of the Administration at Washington ; hut not a linir'a hrea lth ib allowed to even the Politest renstire of the Rehel Uovern'iicut in Itlfbinond. Ii'ow, whether the majority of the pe -pie of the loyal Btutcs i-elieve that 1'rnnident Lincoln is ssrortliy of conimt-nla'inn inny Im iltsimteil by ane men ; but whether 'he majority of the p mplo fcelleve that the ao-callcd ('resident U.ivU Is to he condemned is not to lie disputed by any hut lunatics. It may be that the people consider that there has been mal-atlmiiii-tration, hut It la in finitely more coral n that they consider that there ban Inen acrnr-ed t e i.-on. Tbi refore it is that any party manifesto which etkmat'zes the ollloiil management of tha war, nil yit tails to testify aa-ulnst the ttetiellloa, can noi receive the favor of the people. It ii o.isy enough to aeo how the platform came by this strange shape. To reprobate the Rebellion, would tie to offend the Kebnls, wnoin the party de-iron to trrat with. Bat this does not mend tho mat ter. .Sntb a reason for the omission is Dot a whit less odious thun the omission Itself. The positive feature of the pi itl inn which will condemn it with the people is this very eoiniuit ment to the policy ol compounding with armed Kehclllon. The people have carried thin war too Dearly to us consummation to uindna it lor any ueb object. They know tiosiicli thlitif as "a ces sation of hostilities," short of submission to the rightful authority of the National Government. It was precisely to enforce that sutiinis-l n that the hostilities were first cuntncnied. The nn- grt-ss of these hostilities has proved their ability to enforce it. Most assuredly thoy do not mean to give np the enforcing of it, when so near the end! and to let their immense sacrilices ot trea sure and blood fail of their great ret:ompno. TLe platform being thus in Itself an unpopular one, the practical question tiow Is, to what extent this adverse feeling will bo propitiHted by nomi nation of this particular type. Will a platform wb.it b would surely be rejected with such a repre sentative civilian upon it as vaiianuigaain or Thomas H. Seymour, be acceptable, became that standing-place is occupied ny eorge H. MeClel lan in a Major Qeneial's ttiiifiirm ? To this we answer emphatical y No, and for two conclusive reasons. Firs:, O. ncnl MoClellun n -toriously is not a man of any positive independence what ever. Hit nature laeka the clement of resolntenesi necessary to sell-assertion. lie bas uniformly display eiV'isp-isition toyie'd to outside pressure. V e do no" ny that Owieral MeClellan may n-it bave. for a ti''ae at least, views of his own. We do not say that Ids language at West l'oint, in l'aorof subduing the rebellion, was not then sincere. But the trouble with him is that he lacks atcadfnrtness of conviction. His opinions are shaped mainly by circumstances. The fact that be held war language in July Is no mure an Indication that he will nut go in for a peace pulley in SepteiuDcr, than the f -ct that he one nay arretted the Maryland Legislature by miliiary authority prevented his exclaiming, not runny days after, against all summary arrests. It Liii- been said that 'Ids latter chaige came from Ids having been manipulated by politic! in. Whatever thee itisc, tlie la -t of the chao.t! no body disputes ; audit is this very ch inge ible nets, th it want of consistency, that will m iko 1: Impossible for the people to give him any sup port that would be withheld from the platform jtst-lf. Hut, af;nin,he will unquestionably, In tils letter Of acceptance, explicitly ucu-pt the plafirm, in acicrtiaiie with the usages or' all nominees who do not decline. Our politics bave not vot bee -me to bad that any man would be tolo-a' I who would accept the nomination of a convent! in, and at the same time repudiate lis platform. McCiel li.n is no the man to bave any wis a to di so i ate blmsell from tbut platform ; but even if he bad be could not do it. lie must make the p atf rw bis own whatever be thinks of it. This iseno ih of itself to decide his fae. N-i living man even were he ieuold the person McCleilan is, ou d stand ob that platform from uoy u i. til N netu btr I" no' cie politically. rersonal considerati -bs, though ever so favor ble or unfavorable, are in themselves nothing, over against the mighty det.-rininatnui ot tue loyal no n of this land to tight this war through Until tills Rebellion Is subdued. There is a prin ciple here at stake itilimtely beyond the pow- r of politicians 10 set aside or modify the principle of ibe supremacy of Government over rebellious resistance. There is a xpirit, t o. quite a much beyond political control a spirit that forbids the outraged Hag Old Glory, as it is styled to titiv the sntlcraticc of its enemies at a price. A tido VfHI speedily swiep in that will make a wreck of this platform, and engulf every man on it or near it. (iEEK4I, GKANfTM ADVIHEKsi. Jrtti Ike Tri&tme. The World bas a Baltimore correspondent whose talk of the Union armies as "our forces" does not half conceul his devo ion to the Rebel cause a devotion so palpable that even the World is constrained lo disclaim all sympathy with his feelings und opinions. This sagacious "Druid," in bis la.-t performance, gravely Bays: "It Is Im IIi-v-4 at Itiplinn.na that lpn-rsl Drain wl'l be unable In roaliiluin las p.iti n ,n dis V,..io i rUllrimil tjtn of IVM-rsl-cry, but ri J r-av.- f enti r.tut Ills lilies Ss-'Sln tardier lo the fa. Tlie llplipl leuili-rs w II 11 a (to -Oilt tit ti- tal t.rant t- oec-ip, mat aotti.-ii with -in in tkiiui Otis ne-re pilort 10 tllsi-'da- 1-111. wilt svm sretter lor- s tlisn II t-y tipj on II. p Vt-hsatl Hist Attai-k Mai ulily retul-eu Willi .r- at anil att -r A d'-soprat-' btttle. ' iluwecur. It Is iH-lit-reil tbst lirai-rsl tOaal eil'l be ittt t ds'Pil Ireli) tl.iil tit'fli'Oli by tin- 1'n fpjep a-s bifcu llw Al fettsrsbur. , ami :lia-, filer tb-l lt"e-Al lltsio PA'l a--coiiipllali Setliiay. Piibif NtfA n t lUat p.ai-uor Itn aat'iint. It .tti"rhl i;raiii. hoapv.r, -bin il abtii'lnii l-i-t-.r-b.irrf. Dints hl artny nvi r tn i t-p 11 itH'in, saU la). Ill a vig tri-at anrt iml attack on Ita-lnaoml riota dial il'it as hia bs-a, Il would la nts pk-ar.. fur Hip tti-hsis to rpeall. nni p.arly aioD. lint eMn-y ttrbel a -lilipr la V irslula. Inr ttiu uaiane Of tli ircapi'Al " (irant evidently don't see it. How cati he, when this same wise and loyal counsellor tells him that the Rebel chief will be obliged 1 1 make "one more ellort" to drive hnn fioiu bis strong earthworks ucrosa the Weldon railrotd? Wouldn't it be great generalship to abandon trong works that the Rebels must assault in order to attack two or three strong lines of their - worki, one beliiud the other f For, even if he carried Richmond from the north and east, he would get nothing but the bare walls; while if ti n mi pels lis evacuatiou by bis bold on its southward communications, be must capture half Lee's materiel, and perh ip destroy bis army. Fiinrrnl of Mr. Kobaosi. The remans of the actor, Frederick Hanson, wore interred on the morning of the 16th ultimo, n the cemitety at Norwood. In London the m ncrul was very ostentatious. The London Star aaji: "It was at Norwood, however, that the most marked rcspi ct was paid to the memory of the ileciated. i here members, not only of bl own corpi dranwtiiue, but the profession generally, liau assemoieu long uciore uv tunvat ui uv mw va.1 I Ilia ssion. s "The ceremony was deeply Impressive, and after the body bad been lowered Into the grave, ibe ana-moled visitors took a last look at the cotlm oi their deceased friend, and then gradu ally dispersed, some of them to appear again stome evening on the hoards which Mr. Ilobson ao often tn d. "Anioi g-t the ninurners wero Mrs. Ilobson, iSenior, the mother of the deceased : Mrs. 1(0 i m, bis wife: Mr. Kobson, bis son; and Miss i uson, nit uuugtiter, Th re was lately a bull fight in the old Roman arena at Aries; hut, unluckily for the sport, the bull exhibited no belligerent desltes, but sciKd tut auuicacsj vj loapuuj np Maong (be teats. Tlir. MM ATIOW 11 1 PPF.K T.KmT TKS- NKHSir.R. We batn by parties who left Knoxvllle oa the afif moon of Wednesday, and came by the steamer lloMon to Klr-gston, and thence by the Minion- my, arriving here at dark Inst night, that all Is now quiet this slJe of London. Wheeler had passed up on the south Fide of the river, throunh Blount and S' Vler, attacking and cipturing at Mnrysville a small force of the '2d Tennessee In- ai'trj eighteen privates under l-lent. l) iwi, Tina pnttv looK reliige in fie Co'trt II i io, which thev In Id from 11 o'clock Sat) lay morn it g until after midnight; and surrendered on'v after a large patt of the town had been burnt su l arttllirj btonght to lear upon their place ol re in at. It w believed that Wheeler would attitivit to cioss the rivi-r an -ve Mmxvine, ami masc nis whv to join Morgan, ater destroy ng the raiirn.id br.dte a Mrawbcrry I'lains As far as we can ascertain, Ms movement, thotivb attended with a good deal of pipage and private Injury, has so tar lieen almost .lestitii'o of in ! itmy risult. ton It was understood at Ki'oxvlllc tl a' his force was nppr ahini, the cltlH ns at once enrolled themselves to aid iu delendirg the place. Nine couqunie, of "mi hundred men and upwards each, were organize! and put under dtlll. Aiming the otH' ers, we learn, wen- Canaltn John Baxter, W. G. Ilrownlow, John N'-'hcraml. I'. IHrkinson, A. A. Kyle, Kdwatd Trigg, and I)r. James Rialtters. The oldest and beat citizens enti r d the ranks ns privates, with a muske'. There was little excitement, but an abiding belief that the place could be held, and a stem determi nation to hold it. On Tuesday night Hon. A. Q. Walking, for several years a Representative in Congress for the upper District, and a Dr. Han Is, were brought in custody to Knoxvllle and lodged in jail, chaiged with directing the party of K"hcl scouts upon a squad of untrmed one hundred day n emits at Mossy Creek, nine of whom were murdered In cold blood, after hiving surrendered without resistance. The railroad is uninterrupted above riiiladelphia. Cni'fuiiwiiii (iazrtta. Ir. t'hnlm-ri Kiigllnli. A writer In Mnrmilltin't Magazine gives the fol lowing account of Dr. Chalmers' speaking : Again, as nature bad given to Chalmers a mind capable of great contemplations, so she bad given him In a marked degree the 01 mnma soni'itrum the month formed for great utterances. Whether be km w It as yet or not, ho was horn to be an craior. It was not in bis habitual fervor alone that this was aparent in the blading enthusi asm which he carried into everytluu-'; in tho force and earnestness with which ho felt his own meanings; in the deep fund of Indignatl in from which every now and then there would be a surge that would bear him to the verge of frenzy ; or even In (what, 1 think, is the one Infallinle Indication of a true orator) the reserve which he always had of rage beyond rage, and the power which be always bud of becoming mote and more able, moro and more intellectually invective, as be became more and more excited. In all the minor Indications resulting from these and belonging to them, the orator was p ocluimed. Tho style which he had foimed for himself, and which, as I have said, remaimd Cbalmcrs' to the last, was a stvle for the tar rather than for tbe eye. There was tho rj tl m and cadence of the spoken sty le, the sense of impulse upon a living resistance, the structure of the scmence for face-to-lace utter.inee beforo an assembly. And, as the thoughts were big, there was a certain bigness and unwieldiuess in the expression. Tbough he had pithy and racy Saxon or tSiotiish words in a'lundanca at com mand, there was a tendency, when ho wrote, to the polysyllabic and the Latin, and especially to words ending in (irion, or otherwise containing iliu sound A. There was the roll and ringing emphasis of the voice in the act of delivery, the grip of each syl lable as it came, the bi atn e to-aud-fro move ment of the bialy, the nervous rash t i tho face, and at least, by wav of ge-ttire, the fie pieatly uplifted arm. Wbat w is the strangest peculiarity of all, however the incap icitating peculiarity, as it ni'gbt have ctnd was the provincial rude ness ot the pronunciation. The question that would bave In en asked by any Englishman, on first bearing him, would bave la-en, how this mouth, "fotmed for great utterances." would tvi roe able to manage them in that extraordi nary Filestore diatect. He pronounced " Adam," "Aiaam. "I arish, "fairtsfi: "Tope of Koine, "1'opp of llumm;" "issue of which," "Ai of By no c ance did he pronounce any three Words in anv one sentence correctly according to . the cngilsh s'anuaru iiinu tor an Disown country. men out of Kin-shire, he was equally a vocal wonder. It was impossible to cure him. AH the pebbles on the bitten of tit. Andrew's would n-'t ha vt brought the mou h and tongue of this young Dcmo-thcnes into contormiiy with the rules of Attic elocution. As it happened, It did not til it er inu. h. To hia fellow -Scots, when th-y came to b ar liim.theKifesbire diale-t wis as god as any other ot the povincial dia ectsof which they hail the r choice and raci.rtliau most; and when his . audiences came to oe English as well, fiere was no thought of the dla ect after the stunning astonishment of the first few sentences. I The Lstb Miss ci.AiR.The funeral of the , late Catharine Minciair.tiie author ilrtd phtianturo- list, look place at St. John's Church, Ed nbufh, ' whnhcr the remains bad been brought from Lon don. Among the n minis -en of the family, brought to mind by the dca b of Miss Sinclair, is one in a I-ondon pap- r, stating that when George IV. visiied Holy rood, In IMJ'2, the Right Hon. Sir Joi n Sinclair, a gentleman eminent for his patriotic services to Scotland, had the honor to Jin sent to the king six daughters, each of the stature of six fret, and one of whom was the lately deceased Catharilie. Death op M isa Soi thky. The last unmnrried ; d tighter of Southei , the poet, has Utety del at i LartLKiu Cottuge, in Keswick, in the English Like dl triet. The deceased. Miss Kithutlne , Suutticy, was in her fifty fourth year, m l has bem ill ti r long time. She has received for ninny yars from the British Government a civ. I - p- union ol 100, which, by her death, revertsto ! the rrnwn. She was burled In Crosthwiito churchyard, near her father and mother. SPECIAL NOTICES. THH L'M)KUSI(iNKI), A C()I- mltti'eaiMHiiu'aa liy the H Mint ruti'l tToavttntl a of tli sevaral w ariU fur the putpoai- of racriiltiiik,- f-r the haeetlt ot lalii-li-lil W-rda. la aiilielpatluD ol' lbs eoiin-iir drap. luipias.eil with 1U" 'titn (anee at Ilia aa0i"u',(laalr thairft-lliiw-clilzfii l unite with iln-ia in an etTort to till the cit) . itiats Ii. olitalaliig- volaat-s-r r-H-ruita. 1 n do hl t eion- lti- Ma -f r -;tiaa r ar-il r -.iri'e ta raONt ea-iie.l ami viiiniou si'rll-n ami tiie t; -niiuniau api-aal to tli pairl'illi: aiel O'ib-1.: i'liltS to m d the u by th r Uilli.iu-e ami by eot'trlliutl-ne ol' th nr. et.ary uoatie o oeer lnij.ieuieai .iial In laoA-otr-rfal iiy lh-ir e-'iaiiiutittie. 'I'a .-' .ttiuittei ha apa-aiiieil iiitlneilt tar nt i rerun in liainensnt In ton ii'ian-n ot h- rlt-. and all iacri.ll ol.taiia d will l d.MtrlMiti'il pro rata aunin I hi W atil. ami. o'f.'tlia -, Will latllalll mo! laiaely Ihi've II a' are mo I d'-Aclet t. Hy nulled sad e-i tlaaial etrort tli etmraltti atna. It i' to a.old Hi di at', altwsatliur, ai la-t to rwilare It to lllfl .tiltlesnt ptuiiortioila. The v I ole nitiiibi-r ri-.inlr.-d to fre th elty froto lb Crafi was, t-a Hi- lat or .aiftiat, a's-ai niitu tli-.uaa.id I roln ll'l t'lilal'er la lo be ilorliiele J llmaa win have lit-en rec a-l tl altiethat Csla : sn-l an h eri-.tn s the -iity m ty ha eiit-tli d lo.lri'ta p-rsoa enti iiiin la th navy from lie L'lly. ait h ave not h-siu iiriKllf-il tin,; ala i. f o a l-ur-iit.a li'liu a tn oi nsy irnui me isivir a' iar. at.u not eri-l od lo Mi eriiculr Uiatrli'l.ot i.hiel ll,s elly III have l.er pr"p-a-it a. Kll'.ri ar tH-.lna raail to aS'-er aln t a- cr'-dlt. Ta rotnr Hit alao peui lootitain rvertuli. irtun ve'sraaa re-iilllln;. noni II. H-ll'liein Mate i.-tw crtieu-.l Or nur lon e, and Irom other -inarter lievdJno J'-eia It tins aalb e. tlivre't-r, . I-J proper vxertl'-na, to nil the ciif ijnote. Mont y la lifri-iiat I, an ran i-iny oi- (iiisiD'-u "y -oe v loniary hart Ip-lotia of cltlz'tia. Hoca a .b-ertnloos ln or ilo to the ad'ltua.ea o any uiM,u'r of t c-iiu- nillti e. aa I'i-Ikw given, rr to 'l.r a4tl'iiiarti-r ol the com UlltlSe, ll'l. lid H. lUt Hill rltr-ei rfA.ne.a I. - i.iiu ms. n. i7 i:iijiti;il Alley. JAMKS II llltNK No tf.'S I'HKsNUT Htreet. A II.KItNi'IMO' 8. No .'il l M A UK KT Hlr-et. JOSH! A NPKKi VII, No. ltd Klli 'It I'll Htreet. Va M t'UI.KK. UI.I SIIF Si 1L YLKII.I,. N. B. HKDWSP.. No 11.1 a. KlfTtl Street. JOHN W IfKAZIKR. anM tf No imi a. MIX I'll gin-et. -- DKAFNESS, NOISES IN TIIE HEAD, TDltOAT IIIHEAHEH, CATABHII. Those who sutler from theae maladies have now the very beat naporluiiity tur flnditm rellr. Ttas apparata mnalracleri by lr. tON JalHji lUISklta l uadoetne.Ur the nut perfectly eHective asut ever aaed for raacliius tiie aeat of the tllseaae to whivh It le directed, aud eradl catlus tt Willi wundurtal raplclty. Tne appllcatWu la pm.kaf. OlUee, . 10V7 W ALNUT Street. " TKSTIUii.M AUH. To tha Deaf. I r. Voa Moechilaktr, Anrlat, No. IfQT Walnut aUeet. oneratrd uoat succeaaniuy on my ear. rratorlua m to l-erfect bearlll. 1 authn-d frau what lbs DhjalulAJie called a tldckeiiliat of to drum or the ear. r WiLUAH C1IANR. Ilullder, Ras'denre, Mo. 1U H. 8eiud sueet. VhlUdelDhla. Auaual 1. IteM HiibaLt-HiA,llota June, laM.-This fs lo ertlfy, that lor tour year I waa In-nbkid with an offensive discharg-, aronipaled wltb oearnees. I have been treataa bv I niur.iua ahyatclana wlinout ris-elvlns anv benettt. noi anoalha aao I appKd lo IHJ. Voa atoacl! aksr, who has aocoaupusava a eerieci eure. J08KPH 8HOBMAKKR, Of ttis Ira of Shoemaker A lladal, Merrhantj. No.'iM M. broad su-eet. Frivats resldeao, Mo. Vtd Qeea street. KTB. Ir.V0N MOBCltZIHUrK can be soniuHcdoa All avalaillel tn I fie a. ye. I ue ne huiual operailoas nature HiUUT skilfully performed 6lflce. No. llrtl WALNUT Street Where hundred! of iltutlar iMtloiuulais as Ut above caa N camuIuvO. aue-it HE AD'JVAKTKIIS PENNSYLVANIA " Mhltts. llsrr m.iiti, 4ifH-l .. .a-t tl lers II; il- rf , Nit. I - In i-..nt -rnil l It Oil- p sft-i'ins t4 i,o kr-f i-r Aasr nit-lr at tlie v.'d nml Sdi f-t A iffil-t, IH-.I, and 0- s art in hlrh ill'- nv-- npttl-.iii. nt, ti 1 4 era,- ss-l I 'I hut tlif rS'S-MK ot Ih r-ra( of nl'iMi i--.-'Inpilt. t-- bt es'l- it 1'ie ..-i'ni-yliil tst., tlusrit, - irn.csl luff in sst'l n- l, l-e f '-1111-11 e ninisncsil. 7 Asthf ami tll--n if Ihsl . -TP. three revlm 1 of Itifsn r- t o -ijiis.ln.ns rsv airy , -d f-ur tsttfr,.s (-f tlrle srtill. ry, sl-all I S rei-nit'f-l wltlinnt ili-U- . Tll.-p li'ulti f i.t-. 'nti.ln-n, ii'l ttl eri-i-. I' Is Itiienili-il. tli,!l It- ren i,-r.l ol oiin'fr I - wli - p'r'er in f.l.lirr sn I otsl.le i I'dn il I ""!. lo-l - rea the s-tf o 'stit-a an I tut- K'i" tl-e pr,...rfinri. to tiiuw who are n a fll-je-et t-i ilriin iii-iler 'la- lsw i tin- n'o a S'nt-v :i 1 lis 'i-rei-, ill,, to b iis-il will M i- -msiin-il hr e- rei-si-v ofta-er, ehsi-it liv tlo- men. - tut lia Im-elH.-.a la itir -i iuii" f ti t- vi it -t Ntatt-., ami hi-en h iii'-rs ily tllBeli. rhi-tl tti rrOs to. in-i;-irt - ail , a irrsl i.?n. irswni be apni.ln'e 1 tiy thr ee! tin Sli-I tie frl rt 'll-n ihs s-rpw of I'tfj stsl-. Ti e I. r f u 11 be tor-d em li-rt's s- n.i- ,.f irs S iet It wll fill- flit se-a--- -p i-ntrp.1 rail'I'tit, ariin-l s-i'i. f'-l.tl PIKIp llird. rllil 'A it r.-t :i- I nrl'til tur sia I ar ttnnt'h -a I'll srt I, - n f i fiilta si-.ii 1. l'p-s..i f .ti si II--I t- -ivif f-.r f ' ps-il mi .f r.vn J set nil r-l - in tin cert w ill. i-n anpll tl.-i !- tl p S :i-p .-Mr-.-r llriira St II itri-l.nr -, s..( t I- Htm. It trt re. 1- Mil e ti.t ate m rt n ns-' smt.ll tl:sr ara ,-t-i- p-t .,a I . a.l ' tr.-T- v 11 p . nin-nis-l'-ni I S' r .1 ititi-lf. I lie --H'lt poll I ftial1 In- pnh-te.t In 'Lp '-r, i. p of Oin s't.. ,- tnr Hit- p ir.r-.iin't-t mum" tl.s l.sr i, nnd ft'l I p :M I. in hp r 'II- il I' te tt s r- '. e .r tsp M-ntp At s-e in-'- as tt.e tn-vef nor inil.pia th'-lr si-r-ieet np.--,. t iiry. A rMip if tlrjvom v 1 I he i hi'TM. ui i'i r t r c' nri i- . f (in- ft n c f T r . m ti trmi-i ft'inttc?! f r t fun i'i rtl to ticrko rirnntimr e n mlil'iin nnil 'lit UltTiM.l !) nt tfnt not ii-i ' htn fit. hi tin n. ti ii'ii '.it. in. to Co ftii l vi rt. (.ut, lit-r itOurK, rtitfi rrn"p'rtHiloii hu1 I'i-I- -r.nh 1 pi'ttr iiM-nt. - rf'i, pi'. ttiiu thirty r'HiM I i'i If t prii if f ii ii'r.nui hf r- tTiinrJ w tint. l i" i'- ftcifn il ( Mipi lit h tlrn. Itrijis.'iifr wiirrn i.wiiiutm i-Mi'i, IP' i pi"; ;i-n-rnl. I- nrvit witfi ire evi -iflnii of ihis orj. r, Atld all ti e it tiiilw uii.ti r it. . r.irr of n i: n fV-'va-a-T anil I'd'urnan t'T lti-l'til''f. AiliiitAiii-llciit ral. P'-ana. set tl' . Hi Til K Tlir.AM'ltK.R OF TIIK Fl'NI) tn rll'-va ths dime-.c.l ii-.ple ot I lani)..ratMirg ba recelveit tlif f-,llom ti-ir Atii-.unm fln his lat rop'Tt, Anstifl '-- lr - Atti'Sitit iriiou-iy reertfit f.'I.rc, r:, tin . lorne. d 'i n't V ai. Ni iill '" '"I M n I'l sili-S I Mlstli'll I'I t K. t i-mi'l... il -V ' ! .'iti-r l.l jd I'. Siaitl j.'I'k t. lb-, n. Hull Al i p 0 IHI d- OH fl INI l till Hl mi 111' Kl ra IN lli 'O 1 1 1. 1 10 ' i.O !' no -iiaii inu wl..i'it r. S i , f-.r Tar 'Ifdi Itatiti.-t I'hureti... ra 11 A.lilnir.t Mim ' M. Ili-hlcn Ji.l.n It "lil- n Ali V Vt Bill lltl A a.'ti. Tied-cK. sti.ki-s A Wni. I. f ter per 1. w. m Etvl-llic llna-il Per T. ' Ma.kli v. a l.'llu; l'l-nr v- mhi A a-'i - llllliD,, KiHip Alo 1 - Is lln-s A I '" M llor. Ham A M'liut a-l K. T.n-rt V. '. I ni'l A lira Willi. j. Pro-. A I ' I'lwan.aili. hi i 'ih Co., v tela A- I anftt-tiAii H Inilirlnil A ( i W. A I'rtovn A Co rliatlt-s -. Vi-zin A I'u Itstvf t'-ales a li'iimU, '-rntber A Co Hum. it A I ft K. ll" A C Ilohi-rt. VVarliT-l A (lulilttnlih... Al.rala II. I'-T'l k-i'M Hr-s-ke A Her I's.h M ,M Var le W lllll 111 A '. (. I. kltii-NClll SP A kirk Mi ni lik A I IsMIl 11. Ml A Ml oail Wo, hi. itio-h-r- A Co hhstt A ttfini-iu I,. M Hi-- A I K. I arrefi'ii AC It N l.r A ('- I A- h he-M-r llrcthiT iv It WatMt'f.Jr .1 f Wh, ilwsnt fi tn-ttiifii A kaultnifti Ileseti A lierat ey U lit A eeiiiielt II liiitiTtrat' A llio her J. A A. Kciul'Si Catl. J. A L A - Cash Il Jr. I I 04 hr-ii V. He acl CI'S'I" II Mevtr H. altili-ntsli 1 Hlr-liA Kl-llar Jo usxell J. levy Per rtiwlti Kltkiatrick. s 'ell.i" : ('ah . K Ah aaail- r i i t r. n J. I-. It. d'.v Ilieson Crawiora C. 11. William It C Hat- n A Sun Itftn1r.tr A fVterinii l er W It. M"sel . s fell 'Wi Nli kersett. Its rls A Mnt-i-ly KfMcr A lleiin t A. A. Hnt-mia A Co Mi inn A HntsPr Il a. I'latllna u K. 7. TarlirliUa I'.K ' W. W. I'aic A I n It- hert It Li'vli k A Co 1.'. ' HO im lti 00 Id (m .'-j rat bo mi fd in C i in Mi no M nil fsl Ijtl M ul tn 01 in on 't IMI so is) j.i ou '.-il ti 7H M ?o tar 'Jn no Jl ki 2 l on dO INI V i (I i . . on 21 in yi id vn is) ' t .-.I lo IN) 10 no lit 'Nt M iki 111 Of! in on to on in ift 111 IN) to on lo IN) lu 11 111 IM) in on in i 6 nit .r INI ' INI 0 no h rn 1 On 10 00 21 ml In i0 111 INI fit l b 01 t oo W) 11.1 lit) no .'u no 2 i 0.) 2.1 oo In INI d: no ' "0 10 ) 10 00 10 c 2i) on 'ii ' o lu 00 .vi or; 2o 10 10 it) 10 no 10 IN) in 13 1 on '. H lEeiv Vi. T lieawnn. Per K. A. lleiidry. a lol oa : t'al -I. H. II K. A II s.rr.-k l ei II AH- ti Mint. .1. A At Mauetli-i W SI. Si . mil- Cah. L W lit L. III. ki-iroiui A Co C dcckeri fa-h. Tital.... t.l 21 .'l,Wl lb CDMt'NI) A. 80CIIKK, Tretllirer. 1)0 J Htreet wharf. rrST OKFICK OF THE UNION l'ASSEN n' yt-r llailwar C. nip -ny. I'HtLAOP.l.l'IIIA. AuRiiat 27,lr.4. Tli third tn.taltnent ' f Ov dullara on ' h .ham if the snak ol the I'tibai I'asaeniier Hallway I oiupan; wll, t-e rua and payalite at th Olltce ol the CoiupAliT, No. 41S S AIM I Hlreet, on fei'l--u-oer o, i-s K orit.1 of U. I1-...C o. knrutr. n K(,M1, B aiiVg-12t Treasurer. UKAFNE88 AND BLINU EN. i la.ara M It P-oteeeorof th- M e and r.a'. Imats all dlaaaae- ni.pertaunlni to tne atov-naiii--d meiaoera frtlii th o'moei faoceaa. Teetlmonlai trom 'he moet retlabis enurcra if. -Ae elly and country can he t n at hia umee. No. Sll I'I str 8iral. ArtlflciaJ r.yea inf-rteo vnuwm paie. No el-arav made fia- eaamltuitbin O'nce ouare imm 8 to 11 A M. I iuTP.M Nu.411 r-H-at aHWa. Ujl-sm WANTS. ANTKD-A l'KIVATK aln thoruual'ly tuiiler-tatiils lila COACHMAN hMIMlOHsj (VllIMi, l oa Ottlce. tuting wtlh rea-reuee, C I,' , Phlliiiielpllia via . WANTKU TO UK NT. A KL'RSI.SUED ; limit.? Ir urlvaw Uuiilv. AtUlrca. J. ih- U . t'-tt C u.cr, v ok :tv&. f A1 KTILLEKY AM) CAVALHY HORSES AtsmT4NT IJI AUTK.M4TKU-UVIUALH JVTIC9 PH.LAIKI I I'M (I't ). Auutlt M. llor(i uiuUa (r U Anlhiy und Cuvniry nrvir will bi i urt 1 1 I Hi nnir.uovfi, tn i-jit-n mrkt'i, ui flr unci, Wi.oi. irHnnlHl In qiiAMtlH-s I olvht (H) uf vr. lv.li i.iint.l t t.tf mih. m tt'il to ttio uitil lytvrmuont limitM-tlo' hYnre dimhk meet -yH nitrat) Hi l itl "H-ili wrrTi o inn , iim-n nn" i iiriutwi-, Hii- WILLIAM I rN UOTKL, MAKrfftT Mtruul. bt- twern r .K dtii Hint N tt'Cli R efill y oril'T ol roHitifl iTt(t il. irniiQin, aiin Quri)iijiaUr-ti'nr.i t'-H A tfr.i'liun m rrwtr,, U-T 1(H ("pll And AmlHts-ut ijnn.toriia.ur. T K A M 8 T K B S WANTED. Caiar Ot AUTauMisTaa'a OvniK, llaei-i til Wa-ousih-oh, WaalllMiil.-s. I C . uiia IS. ISM. WantrA. at nnee lilt: H' Sllllkll S 'II UNK 1 lllil NaNIt (lotsi! TKMNTal-a -n raiiah e of drlr li a with aiual Una. and maeasie. en Di.ce t. am. To itmh wtw are vtap-t--nt to uerroriu m-auiy, tee pev atr iiuitub will lie rtiirir ftvt la.'.-.'-) 'luliar. with one ra'a-r i nay, and hnaptial rivtlcsea, luoludlbK the best Died aa. atle Sanre whn alck. Mm eaierUjiie-i1 a- w eiii-a Maatrra win raesive eii'-n p-imiia, utNuo bruisius te fn point twunty nvu kimmI Trania-.. Apply to itaplaltt I ttari. if. ruaraiss. a. t. ai..u. HA., fs-rnerof TWINI KhltCOJIIl aud li Mlreels, Weia- tnslou.LI.C. t . il. ail eaca, Itrtsadler-General and Chief tjuartermaater, suit alt Kevot or Waahituitoa. plTY POINT, Va., Orvtrs IIkpot or ltKi-aiHS, f Asaias Oi sBATisti Aoiisir Uiciihunu. i WAINTKD, ilM) Ti-umstora, BU AVltoelvvrluhtal, BO KlnoksmltUsie ana m Carrlaifo Trlnimer. Who will receive the lilgheit rates of Ooverumetit par rations, and medical attendance. TrarmpcrtaUca furnished by applying st No. Sal PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WAS1IIHHT0"I, D. 0. E. J. BTRANO, Cap'aln, A. Q.U. JAMES M. KELLY, sulo-lra Qoartensaiter's AgenL FOR SALE AND TO LET. fl FOR SALE. oO,000 WORTH IN GOOD aiA nonaee, lajyt aim iiuau, on tenue m lau puiviiBv,., either with or without tneaniarajiee, for oaaa and food trade. Iniiu e of. frean low la oe.uck A. M.. tUtrlf. M. rlAMA, Xv. v a). Vlj4 tU tttti, KXEIOAN BANK-NOTE REPORTER. THE ONLY PANK NOTK RKrORTKR IN l'llILAHKLrillA. mtl.fSHKD WKKKT.V. Tl.e onlyonr rentatnais (Jt'OTATlONS pf nsnk Molas In rot It t ITIfcSJ.vIs: rnn.Ans.t.pttiA, IIAL1 IMlltK, HKW YOKK, t'lMtlHNATt. The only ons whk-h contslns tha NATIONAL HANKS as fait as orKAntri-,1 (i-fflHAl 1li). The only one vhich c-nt:ilns the (IRNKB.VL II4 ftit NT in r.UlHTKKN CMTRS, VIZ: mil Utri riii.v, W stll M. lil1 1!' 'I 111 H I Kit, If i Tm hti, ctnrAnt), M 111 vi K, It.M.VI MtiltV. t i k n cui, Al.llANY, TRtlT. Hr l.ill'TH, iuVkkisikT, MKW T'lltK, CIMi'tXNAI'l, WILMINKItl.tr, sr. i-Aiil.. l.iiitsvii.i,;, MILWAUKKK. I Tlic onl t-tie wh. h itfvrs the rsrllrat InfonaatKtn of M-.W CO! MTKItKK.lT NOTK-t, liOJIKflTIC MARKKTS, STOCK TMtlKH, ASD riSAHCIAL Nl'.WM. I fa. Illlla of the Tl. AMIEICA5 B AUK-NOTE RErORTXR, BOTU FINANCIAL AND TYrOllBArllltJ, AIIK I'M -JI'ALCO. M llSCllirTIONS (PKR ANNI'MI, IS ADVANCK. Wirklj $.1..1Q Hero! Monthly I'-0 Monthly f 1.V. OVMCE, No. iOH S. Tlllltl) STIttET, (third ll.air). Al'l'HKrtH, H. 10, COIIKN, rinumiBR. sull-lm ns. JosF.ru hi'ktv desires to in- torni her rnrtvt! tbat ahe liaa rrmoved from au. 4u7 CllbsM 1 ntmetlo No. d a. I ciL'ltTII oiretit. i HASE h HUKTY'sS NEW lll.ANK HOOKS ' eiol NlatloBory, Mo. It H. rutlttll Mtrvot, Ui'Cnrd 'KM1.NE AKNOI.D'-S WUUTNii FLUID and Copying Ink, direct from London at CHAMK IUTTT'8 New Itlank n,,'k and Stall -nry Mtore, ho. .-; M. mil alTll .Struct. ON THE III.OCKADE-UUNNER " PIUN ri ae Alice," wa captured atl lltvulr-e ot tho Worlds raw rnzv cap raper, a portion or which la mr na-e at ciiami'. Htit rv a New Itlank llork and Stationary Htor, Ho. Tl S. ruUltfU .-kfoeU 1I.ANK BOOKS OF EVERY rESCRir'- If tli-ti oa hand, or mails to onler. at a mll advance oil old prices, at I'llAHK A III I Tt A ow Blank lt-ok aud stailoiirrr atore. No. Vi 8. r-l'JKril Hlreut ANY OK THE OLD VARIETIES OE Letter, Cap. abd Note I'apar. much superior to those vt later maniila-turf , can a r aa at i ll a a . At ui rrt a, New B.ank Hook and 8 ailoaary Store, Jio. ii8 rot' It I'll Stror.t. (I OI.I) TENS AND PENCILS TO SUIT ALL tad at ciiksi: . ni'Krv s New Itlank Hook and Mail in -rv store. No ti 8. ViJUUNl nr-s-t- t)l PER CENT CAN BE SAVED BY PUR 4) ihaaiug your Htauonery at CHASK A imrTr'8 Hew Blank ltook ami statlon-Tv St..-, au70-lm ifo. r.S.t'OUltril. Street. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL: 1,1 i. JS HTOCK XW IX 8T0ITE. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nos. Cl7 OhcsQut aud 614 Jajne Streets, PHILADELPHIA, IMVOItlEliS AND JOUItEKB OP SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, I.INliNH, AND WIHTIi ClOODS. I'I LL LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC IIALJI C RA IH, IN'l.t'DISd SUlO-.'DJ IIBUNKB'H AND OTIIKIt MAKES. j C N MO 11 I H K I I I- Ws refaod the uoney, If desired, Ax everr lot of Bnkrtt whlck fkll In ar re root. FTNB HI1IRTS. CUT LKNOTHW1SK Of 11081.111. Mad or tfew Tork Mflls Muilln, and very on Una Boeoau. Onlj J3. Usual price 10-00. WUUamivllle MUls Muslla. and flue Un Boaoeaa, Oolr M'BO. I'sualprks f.t-IHI. GENTLEMEN'S FTJHNISHINa QOOD8. HMIT11 efc JACOHM, Brl-eca So. 19M CBK8HUT 8 trea. " lOaU tmKBN tlT WTItRKT. Th attention 1 LADIT.i VT81TINU THB PIT! . or tboee about I.KAVIAK1 II for " Waler rnt faseee, ' of "tn t.inairy,' le reapectrullv tuvt-ed to Ibe eatenalye au-eh ra wrilTB OtxiliM luaabla lor HCMVJKB W BA II, for waiTat HOIiltg. MKN1MG WRATrkHH, e. An eatenarvs aaaofltuent ts offered tn lavas and Wursed fcdaiima aad iKsertlns' Veils, Bat.kereliiai. Collar, aUay.aud la plain and taisii Ham. nrti-'l, and fnftirad wnita Ooooe At rillflKd Mt'CU UKLI1W TUtlB rHHr-VMT F.l .IL HU'I. Hii frtatad Linao Cauilnic lHaeare. . ISO plMae faned. Tucked, and Oulped M rn il. Me NKKDIaKW. To-d cnr.80T btbrkt ,-OU HOOP 8KIIIT8. IIOO OZO MaBuractot7.no. tUf AH( U rHreet, VJaVO ' Above 8tth street, ftuladelpbla. Wholasaie and befall. The SAost ejoraplele aseortnu-nt of Ladles, aliases', and CbiMten a Hoop ttklrta In tae otty. la every reepeot nrat alaas wbl)ft.r etyke, nts, darabiUi, and cti.apueaa, k. . . - In tKaa meirh SSsL. Mlrta made to order, altered, aad repaired. SX-ly Vi M.T. BOrKIUB. tOFFEE AND HA.SPBHKUY. ALEX. sL M1IXEK at CO , Proprleiors of ths Old (lovernmeut -ltEratl JAVA corltK, lave Betuoved tiielr place of liu.lueae from No Sis H. K.ci.nd atnet lo No. H.I ABt'll Htreet, wli. re iln-y are amoved to till all ordera at Ui ahorlasl nolle wliii-ti tne public BJy lavorlbeui wltb. Their Ciilfoe IS, as usual, Ui beat In II. a market, 1 by a.n lu e itu- b. al KAHI'IIIIIKV 8VKI.I' that It inannfaciun-d lu U clty.lAll at lowest piloet.Oi.u e j.l. rln a tli liU-ii pm-faol nnilenal. 1'leaie stvi- Hutu a call la lore purchatms' olscwhcre. Do nt.t fursel Uie Huuibcr, auls-lia No. 24.T Alt II Htreet, tARPETS, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND W indow Ahadet, rrom Hew Tork Auction sales, al elitlv wet.) etasnineeni pinmii ."-i , lla(.. tl-bO and il I6 Iniltetlcn llruaaelt, (paluled,) ttTift centa a yard, at Uie New Vera urtl.n Halrt I)e it, ("ruiwly atetnlow s.) Ho. W 8- K.HjlIi Street, Stat' I" aliovs Walnut, oyiawiie) Cora tUcbauee. Ii-S . C"X)VBTV'8 TEA WAKEHOU8B. ESTA- ChuU U""t-..lw-l'. PklU. and Ba.cc. KngUsh and fWotc A "i, rnllu, 8..,, .v, keeeo. rat. wh, s mKD Mt. (aMl, ioauu n. oouaxr. yoiIW OHUMl't CABPCKTEB AHT Tirm.IP., A lartr lore f kaUdlfif meUiaiice) of all brauchs j FALL, i. wkle, 70. su and mi oenta i -, sun id at pmpor S nate prlceei liupertal CarpeU. l gfl I to l'7 per yard! Insraln. from so cels t Sl UI Ven.llan, Has. and I .uip. from 7sS to J cema pr yardi MattluA, th .nt eve orfera la lUie-lelliiUA. irura site TJN1TED BTATE8 P08TA0E BTAMP3. POSTAGE STAMTS FOR RALE. a insootuT or two rut chut, on all snvis or ani rwARis. At the Trlnrlpal Itfuot for th sal of Internal rtcvBiis tamps, . ml fltKSNI'T Rtrt, and snlO 'o I'.S 8. H rTH Stristt, Philadelphia. H 1J MJW TA.X IlUi L ASH IIKVI-'NUK STAMP LAW. ('Ot1m of thr Nw Tut ItlU nd Rovann R!mp Law, (tt'rip't.i. ctuuntljr ttii httita, Ht lh r'llowtni rtito otf dli-i.otint - Wn nMfn of f-rt, twn pr ont. at n -tint. l'thr. " H.,f..ur " At the IMnftpnl T-fi-ot r-r iti Ruif of Tnternul H.-T'-nn n.it, N.I..H HI .--MI T r?ii,ml No. ti ri KIKI'H Hr?t. KuU tit 'ftcrtplloiiB vt lti Hlmp la iiftf, Mn n v: a s r u y d i : r a k t m k n t ( Ai:ii'TH 2. 1SCI. SOTK I-; TO IH'M1 UH OF TIIRKP, YKUtH HKVKH 1 Ml Kl Y NOIIiH PA1KI OCTOllKK 1, l-trtl. TTt ld-Ti oi Kevin-Thirty NotM, Oi-'ohcr 1, r !.trrrtT u tHltJ that they u hf priQtr! Immi. il! Ate l.r, In hot ihiiuii!, to tx excbAiutv) for Hii. Per Cont. Hon. 1 lull Inn due after June. :0, Tlir Inif rt-rt m Hi 8even Thirty Vntonvtn le ii-ttJM n to ilsttr ol tnA'urlly, Octutfer l.anl Uie Mix. fer font, licni will henr full .oupoti from J )y I. Tlio J;titiiiifnt ot' intrreit will lie ma le by de lifeline iota tho ain tint of ititeri'Ht (bund to b ilne on tho Heron Thirty Notm up to Oftt bt r 1, tho luterot Atvrucd on Uie BU It 4 . nt. Itondw trotu ,lny 1 to October I ; the I.auih will le ttaniniltud by the Tronsurcr i cola Uruft liiim dlately upon toltli tnfiit. The- fj.wlnj: rrulitioni In relation to rmlorfementi muit Ih' criri'fut'y Mbif-r1! : Wiirr note traninttled fr irtllemont were ItneJ pai aMc to order, and are held and transmitted by the original i. wntri. ttifj uiti.t be emloruM hv thenKl,l,ar to tt.e Hfcietary of the Troamry lor rede Dipt In it," and bonde will .-ii: in thtlr name. Where noten payable to order are hrld by other parth-e than the nrMinat owpprn, ttm noUe munt hare iheeudone tnent of the orlftin-tl ownrri, and alio beeudorid by th pmint cwntri, "J' ay t the Secretary of the Treasury for lodrtnpUon." Fur uoti'i lMuexl In blank, endortiod "Pay to the Hecre tary of the Tremury tor n-demptlon," Iwi will be Iteued to the parties tntnaiulttlutt tlMjn,and m tmc.tk manner aa lhi-y may dlrot. t Wlii'0 noi are eadorsed or tratumltted by an attorney, adtululntrator, executor, or other acnt, they mutt be arrompanltrd by a (Inly certified copy or cetilAcaioof the anthnrtty undt-r whta h he a-ti ; and In all catra by a letter ntutlhi the kind (roin-Kred or coupon and the Jiiouitua tlun of the R)k Per Ont. Uoniin wanird) In cxrhani. When H(uUtered Honda atf ordorrd partKa nhonld itnte at which of tlu following place i they wtah the lntere.it paid, il;.: New York, ralladlihla, llORtoB, Ha HI more, ew Orleaift.t Mt Jtfo. St. Lonli, or ClndnuaU. aua fle'retxy o Uie Treat tuy. u is i ri" i: i H T A T 13 H 7-30 LOAN. TLd Bccrtrtsry of the Treasarr gives notlco that aab acrlitlona win bo receired lor Ooup.m Treasury Hutos, rsjalile three jri from Aunust It, IHtit, with semi -annual lnlen-t at th rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. wr annum, principal and Intorcat both too paid la lawful nouey. Thca notes will be coavartlble at tlia option of the holder, at uiaturlty, fnto alx per sent, void bearing bonds, pa able not la than flva nor moro than twunty yean from their date, at the Uoveri.ment may elect. The wut be ii.ued In denominations of TO, $100, $500, $H00, and t-'-oco, and all tubicrlptlons mnat be for OAjr dollars sr torus ruoltlplo of fifty dollars. As tho tiolee draw Interest from Autrust 1-, pcre.uu Dialing deposits tHbttsucnt to that date mutt pay the) Interest accnnsl rrom date of note to date of deaoatt. Pari let dipoiltliiii twouty-Urfj thouaaud dollars and pwardt for these notet at any one tins will be allowed a comiolialon of one-ijuartorof one pcrosut. BriiCIAL AUYANTAQLS OF THIS L0AK. It is a KATtos'At. S.vviyti.s llAVft, otfurliig a hlifhsr rats of Interest than any otlior, and tfts 6ctf $ecuritp. Aftf aavlnss bank wlilch payt Itt depositors In I'nlted Btati-t Notet conalrttin that It It paying In the tt.-il clri-ulsUng medium of the aountry, and It ritnaef pay In anything batter, for Its own assets are alilier la Itovorntu nt securi ties or lu ootet or bonds payable la t.ovsrumsnt paper. CONVEIUTDLE INTO A SIX TEH CKNT. 6-JO GOLD 110ND. In sdriltkn to tlio very liberal Interest on the notes for lur yean, this jiilviles of conversion Is now worth about three per cent, per annum, rbr the current rate fur S-lulWiats la not lest than mat per cent. premium, ni Ih lore thi war the premium on tlx por cent United nUbac Hluckt wee over twenty per cent, it will be his tbat the actual prultl ou this loan, al the pruaent market rate. Is nut lets thaa tan per cent pur anuaiu. its iiXKrnoN i uom state or mu- MCll'AL TAXATION. Hut atlde itt.m all the advantnijra we Wave enuiruirased, a ei'eclal Act ol C'eimreae t.rempt allftiHt and Treawry hle.ifrvm hral lu i-ttt-m. On the avurau, tb.lt eaismp- tlon la a eitb about two per cent, per annum, ac -ordlng to the rate el taiatlou ku var -ua pane ot the country. It la believed tli at no aeourl.lea offer o great Induce- menla to li Bd- rs at thoae Uaued by tbo 1 .ovarument. In all other 101 ma of IraVbitdueei, the faith or ability of private .artli-a. or atock companies, or separate coiaiaeul-tu-t, only, la pledged for payment, whin- the wlailo pro perty of the couutry Is held tu secure the discharge of all the obllaallune of Die I ulled Male. Ht'ps. uii iiovs wu i ss BK.'uvrD by the 1'reaaarer of the L'ulted Ntatet, at Wa-hinuton, ths ai-veral Aatlstatu Trsaanrera aud designated DpoiUarlos, aad by tho PUtST NAT10KAL BASK Of rillLAbKI.rill A, PA., BKC0ND HATIONAL BANK OF fBILAUKLPlUA, FA., T11IKD HATHIftAL BANC Of rUlLADIXflllA, PA., POl'ltTH NATIONAL BANK OF PIIILADKU'IIIA, PA.. By all National Hanks which ars deputltailes of pabllo uorcy, and u',i-U ALL ia.SCtCVAl.LB BANKS AND BANKERS tliroiifhiint ths couutry w III give further Information and AK10IU) KVKRT FACILITY TO rJUBSCKIIlKltH. lirAR CLAIMS, I10UNTIE8, TENSIONS. yy fAV,ana all tl'ieri,iUun of c Intuit atfalu.t tho 1 iiitt-i Nintim (invtiiiiniaiit a..MBtriandou.U'cUl. 1'HIZ.K WlijiKV-We bava a lull Hat of prU tuw iat.le,aiMi tit muuti can ! rollt etrd at Apfry or write v oAxuijr and Mu t Malin Autnta, aul7-ln o. WALMt'T Htfet. UKKN OF BEaVCTYWHITB VXKOIN V Warn tf A di !' fa tha muet prl-t arap&raiiaja of u att, fur twautiryiiiff, wbitviunu, ajio praaerviMn tn fuitxton. It U made lYiu pure WbiU Wax, hanea Ita j.iraifJiiiary tiuaUUfa tot preaarvlnt Ui akin, ukinjt tt aoft. auwH(b, fair, and txtuisi(arauL It auraa cha(M4 baUM ur lii. ratuovwa plupkB, . Frtca .M and ao mbii, Mauufartarcd on It It HINT A CO., CatAiuvn, Ja.il a. lUUlrl tt iti amra aiwva t wnut, an anitv-lia S. BtVKN lU HUvat. JWTY'H COTTAGE OUOANH, trrri! Not only rBlHCCBM.r.D but UKBQt'AIXr.r) In purity or Ten. ai d l'or, densned aa.a; any ftr irburahoi aud rjcuovia, 1 u ' ," tv . .iui, . -.aOT ww - a.i.l 1..kk l..u L...m I n, ul. aali liv ' ' ' '. M. BKl'I'B. Km. IS S.SSVBNTII nir,. Alas, s oomplete sisortutut of lbs i'ertea M.ioowa FINANCIAL. o I L STOCKS ' ,. HOt'iiiiT avi aur.rt j OM (HiMSnsitiif, : By t.KomiK ). Born, j Rnker, Wo, IS R.TH'HII H'rt. IT. S NRAV 7-90 LOAN. i.a.rrtMt,,-,, rrrelveil. aad Ih Not. furniahed free ex all etiare,,, try IIF.OK'IK a. BtVT, lla-ikar, "o. ISa.TlllKII strve. ss'.'Vtra 10-40 U10118 IlUE ! SEPTEMBER, 5. 20 C0UT0N3 DUE let NOVEMBER, IJOUGUT AT BEST 1MUCE. ana lot . . ' UUKXKIi & CO. g MIT II HANDOLtPH, o. 16 8. THIIID 6T11KRT, 11ANKKHH AND UHOKKK8. apcW.atoc1ts,Qttar1rnAaters' Touchers and Cheeks, and all (loTonmovjt HecniiUes Boeurhl and Hold, (rah 11 gTOCliW AND KliCUlUTIKcJ JIOt'OIIT AND BOLD ON C ( M M I 8 H X O N, DE EAVXU & BROTHER, fed tf Vt. HO S. TRIKD BTRBET. pitISII.. M T U 14 II et OO., BANK lilts, Fo. SO B. THIRD STREET, at-r AJID SILL OO LD, BII.VT.B, AND OOVKRNMEirT RKCURITIBg. B T C O K H BOUUBT AND HOLD ON COMMIIMilOH. (mhli JaJUW LtOAjr. NKW LOAN. U. S. 1040. JAY CXOItIri eSE CO.. OfrER FOB SALE TUB NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEArtiNa nvi teb crwr. nrrKRiurr in com, redeemable any time after TKlt YBAKM, at the plea are of tho Oorerament, and payabls rOeSTT TKAKS after data. BOTH COD ON AND BROIBTEBBD BONDS are stood for this Loan, of same denomination as tho A- a. Thetntoreet oa aistl's and limsj psyanls yearly; aa al other deoomtnatlons, half yearly. Tho la-so bonds ars dated March 1, lHHi. Tho half yeariy tatenat ftlUng duo RepUBker lit aad March 1st of each year; until 1st Hsp tembor, tbo aooratd Inter tt from lit of starch It required to be paid by parchaiers tn vuia or ta lsoal avntaamir, adding fifty per cent, for preulnsa, antl) Inrther notion. AXLOTUtK OOVUtNaLKNT BKUUBJTUUI BOUUBT AUD BOLD. JA7 C00IE & 00., tnh?0-tf Bo. Ill S. THIRD BTRF.BT. G O Li I, OOItl), QOLDi 8ILVE AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE SAVES & BROTHER, anl-tf Ko. MO B. THIRD ITBBK. c Ii A H K H O N CO.. UANKEItH, No. 121 B. THIRD ST11EET, FHLLAJlELrillA. Oovornnient Reeurttlss of all taauae rarchated and for Balo. Stocks, Bonds, aad Gold Bought and Bold oa Oons salssloa. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEP0B1TS. Collection! Promptly Made. felt-tf 1 11 s rv NATIONAL BANK 01 PHILADELPHIA, Financial Agent of the United States. XJINITICO BTATI2S T Il-lO TREASUKY NOTES. NEW l'ATKIOTIO LOAN. TJndtr Intlructloat fruin ths Troatary Drpartment, thi Bank Is prepared t receive aobirrtntlons to the Near l'airtotlc Loan, Issued Lu the form of Three year Treasury Holes, blaring interest at tha rata of 7 10 par cut por annura. payabl eeuat annually tn Lawful Moneyontuo I.Mbdareof lebruary and Ausust rttspoetlvely , ot each year. 1 fctto Treaaury Motes ar onnvenfsrs at maturity, at the option ot the holder. Into r ulled Siaue per cent. Bonds, hiteraat payable tn t'OlAI. and r. a.. lu able after five and payabl twenty yrate rrom August It.'tso;. C'oupoa r.ot. vrl 1 b tatoed In blank or payable to order aa niav he direct. d by the subscriber. In sums at Mi. tut), WO, lM,and S-'OOe. Intcrvtt will bo showed from ths date of th snoscrlptloa to tlio liih of Aaituit next, the data of Ih Treaosry KuU Ihoie who aiay tuhtrrlb anr th l.tthof Ausuttneat will b rialred lo pay tho accrued Interest nu th Notea. Anyoneiuberrlbtii fur rot lau thsn s.'l.uou 01 the Ua at any one Urn, will be allowed a comoilasion 0' 0110 quaiterof oa pr cent., payable by tte Treaaury Depart ment cd the rrctlpt of a bill As- th amount, appr ised by tiie lubicilptlua agent. Kcfrrrlng to the amncit d apuaal of the Secretary of th Treaaury, I aak all tho. dralrooi of aiding the iJovwrn- meiit to sabacnk to this Uian. o. 11. eivitm. aud I in PHKSIDENT. JtTEAV (lAMU Of CAHim-1. il r,,nlrrit t.v th Hi'val Kirollv of K.iututiid). ars font bay u-'alfur THUkt HuLl.AKM. Thev are a moat a nam tut paaiim, aud tab Muakal Time quicker luau auy oiaer B.tliiU. A aioat tnierestiag anu cit-ver game i nuaa. Aduilrub v adntiled for tt-achuis Mu.-lcal lluac." Ului- i..l I ,.i.. iii i.m a. Auor.aa A. dull t, r.0. b'i Vf . titai ihiai ti i-inat, w loth. u '. MO PKCKrTlON. NO I.NKKRIOR COAL 1.1 nurcbaaid to otter bek-w the coat prtoe of a euperlor artkle. MAMl'KL W. Ilfcaa, IIKtlAI) fturi-.t,abov Kaoe, oaal side sells tlie sen nine KAOI.E VKI.N. bait and ptircat mined Ess and Ruv sues, tilt Largo Mot, tit per ton. Conaumers should maka thotr parobaoosat one, pra- Vioui to anoUiar avanca. TO KHIFCArTAlNS AND OWNER8 n5LTlio audcrauinrd bavliia leaaed tli KENHlNlt- k HI.W UIH K. beat to Uihinu hit frieiuli aud th patmna ol the ltis k.ll.at he la pri'iiared with tncreaiud facUltica lo aecmintHlato thoae having vetteli to be rataod or rcsalrcil, and bchig a pracucal shlp-carianur anal caulker, villi pc.onal aliouUoa to all vestal u truait d to hllu lor rtpalra Oai'taltui or Ag.ui. ablp Carpontert, and MachlnJatt fesviug yinaula Ui repair, are solicited to call. Having the aaacv lor the tale of "Wetlerltodtt refnl Molalllc romaialtl.n,"Of IVipnor Karat, ror th prarv tlon of yeaaela' bolsomt, Sal thui Oily, 1 ant preMard M Itirulah lb. sas t tavu.rtl.tcrn,.. r AMirTT K.nalnsa-a Sor." llocS. ihU-lf " Delaware arenue-aoov Aantl snow. 1AINTIN l-rAlNTINQ 1 1 Uo. 47 S. THIED 8TBTET, ABOVE CIlEflKVT, rilUJaDELrUIA. j'AHY & liHOTlIKIt, HoaMi Cign, fcnd Orcamental Painters, Oral, lug, Ola ling, GlUia) UD Qlui,KsUualulnt , Pap TmisiaUid, aW-tf PROPOSALS. OVUCK DEl'OT COMMWSAKT OF BUB' tujttni-s. WaenrnnTnir, T). O , Aoastat , vrtn h c-lrl at titibik- ani-iion.iin MtN'l) V aptmer r-. Ita'.at II orinck A.M. at tit Ninth tirasit wo arc; t a-t.laattm. D C, the following public prtert, Id feaul n't-'lllir.rJMl. tirthi.uaaiS(lfl01 fUf Ma, tall fx). fifty- (.'.) iim Hid-1, dry. r ;n fli) Hlav-u Hklnl 1 erma ea.h. In Uovt-rnment funds. A. c. oni!ir,rK. CaUaaaB4US.T. aoTJi.iit UNITKI) STATKS, KASTF.RN DISrilICT DK l' NNs I V ASIA, Kl T 1 hr i'iipxhk.nt iik tur. f'NiTrn aTATr.) TniH).' M tltHIMI, III 1UB KAS11KS ltlSrHICT or l-KRNal I.VAM1A, V lift: TIM.. w it, hKAn. Th Platrlcf f'otrt or th TTnttd RUtat la I duly p-tM7et1iMi on a I. IMI, ftlett In th nam of the lfnlt4 ft'atea nt Anii-rb a, hath uecreed a 1 uriama In general who as, or tr.lend ioi.hv. anv riahl. title, or Inter)! la rnrly.tt.r Isa seven packs, and tttlrtv-ive bun-lrd lonri'l. 1,-. e,lt 11, ea'Bsii't vea.el uunorn. eai'ture-l of Ih 1 ntttsl Hiatea atearner 'H-tiitlak'0 tie I'nha," a vt-e ot Ai. under command of l,'a lam V n "il. ...a. an. I hr.-nxlit Into tint Oort by Ih telio al ' Hi-anil. Itailnid - m.. a.i 1.- ....'., .1.1 ) HTIlOnf . B1 tKst II 1.. an aan.4 nisi ask ns. iivrii,n. ana 10 ui tint hercafrer eirH (i.n I.VTd..i -rH"nr,,niM. Ymi "r.tre thrl an 4 tt ? l 1 ?t .,'!L.T1 r",nm"'-',l.'ltt onanm n -t, ra that L lM',ll''UtJrfi.,.niiinatlatwo m-wM-a..Tii rr.i;.H ai.d i.;b lBh-d in t city of PhU tl. rpMa.and In ilia t.-wl ln'riiwrt do rti'misk -ii.l t'lit-.ttrranac to b Monl-l. and rltM ! ntt.. ril, all pTMn- In trorai whi bare or nraiand to hae, aur Unlit, i.llc. or Intert.t la tha aitd ct-i 11. lo aBfit-ar brfan th Honwhl JOUf CAHWAItAliKlc. lha jdKa of the Ml o.nrt, at the Patriot four, m-.ni, In th city of Pintwt pVhi.no tholwoil-th ilay a'ler tHiillriioT. of th... pr--i Hi-.it it h port iiy, . oa lh, nrxt c ,urtdar roiftm Um i wn-rn tha u.naJ ho.irt of hoa-im ca i.o. then and thtrc to ihow, tr allfif, In di form of law. a raationahl- and lawful exoui. If any tft a twmt wiithraaid rttn lnaid n t ta praHinca lo alotiir. at ih time of the raptnra of th nam to the fmnirfi rf the t niteO H ate, and at rwx1 of ihi Ir eax-ni)"" or othrwsi. hits', anl ftuhrAct to ooa ilfionniton. tu IM arlrtHlafp, and (-ondem-Md aanlani Iitw lul rl ; and furtit' to d and rM r tiiia tHvittf an to jiintlr onall ai0talii. And that dalr MuimaU, ur caitn to ln tntlmnt 4. tinio alt ptrim lorntl(l. ni taily (to wt.oro ) itt ti-Br or ttifhf prcsonu It ta al tnt imatid), that ff ih)-ihall not a a r at tha time an4 l)Ucv nt'ova iiM'ntionetl, or aiicar and ihall not a how a r'Mifiia'ile anil lwtot ranie to tha ointrary, tin al ItntrtcM'ort doth Intend and will p.ootil ta adfodira tivn on tha .! capuno, and mar pmnouno tliat il raid cottf did h-a.AfrK, at tha tl of lh rapttn of Ui aane. to th tneml of thai 1 riltcil Htiatt-a f Anir(ra. and aa hi4 of th'tr anemlaa, or otherwiki , llaiU aal tuh ect to rontratka and oa-dr'mnaili-n, t)n he adtu'tiii'd 'ltd on demnod as lawful nri, the ali-it ore or raihf-r cuntnrtia41 o tha pTin aoaU4 aiid iitimaid Id npywUf nor Ithiiandlnr, and that yam duly witt i to the aitfri iMt ti I Court tvtiat fun ahali d ta thr iri'Uilaet, tis,rttht'f with tnen preiinta Witn-ithe Homocbm J Ml N 'MOW (, ADKR, Jade of h tBJ tVHtrt, at V"nt-a' elnhta. th trntr-twvenra day oi AumiM. i. ir-si. wo in iii att nty-n nui yaasr o ua Indi tH-mWutf ol aakl I'mted Ma a. auAi fM i. ft. rOX.Cltikof DUUict Ooart. I1M1KD STATES, EASTERN DISTRICT i.i or VKNNHYI.VAMA, VfT. TIIK. I KKMhKNT OK THE ITNTTF,I 8TATF1 TO THfi MAKHHAL OF IU KAttlKUN Ulttr-UtT Or l ENIHSl tVAHIA, M liKMKart.Th Witrtet Conrt of ttiTJn!t1 Ntata la and tor the Kaatvra lmrtct of 'unntvlTania, Hitaily and flu I pfi'taHuK on a Mmi. hied In th nam of the Unlt4 I tatai of Amei Ira. hath dcied u ponton la e.nrai wh have, or prviend to have, any ilant, Utk. or lace rent ta teiily-iwn finaie bales amtlevra rouud batoaofeotta. ard tlir round hale of oo't n pckh'R, car. of vI unknown eauturvd by the t'mti d 8ia steamr at tli t o a vnreiO' nrof Ui Vniten ntata. nudr -aaa.i.0 of II nr A. t'hrt n, Acng Master In UieNavof tli I'niitd b tat en, and bnnifut Into thi port par th trnn port brig " HamoH U. Adaoia," ta h maJltd. cited, and ealled v ivdi'inent. at tbatlfaa nd Ulai a nndrTwrittt n, and to the nc; oersutr expn4ed (jiiMice ao retiulrlitH) Voa ar. the.vfLr. chamed and airlrily en otnrd ai d commamied, that yoa omtnot, Umi tli at by ptit Uhli g ih iireiita in at least twooftM dali iifWhonpori printed and pabll-lid In th tUr vt l-hltadetiihtA, and In tli L) fnthi.jen'tir, yo1 damon-sh and rite, or came to be mnJhd andcltt ler nip'orily. all ptra'tns iu iteneittl who have, or pro ten A m bare, any rtttht, till, or Imareu la the i aid twenty two k'M'are bala, and eleven round bttot of coiion, and three r und haloi ol eotton pint In, a. ro aiipar befor th Honorable JOHN C4(tVAl,AlKK. t9 Jad at the suid Court, at the I Hit' let Com room lathe (lit y of Phi ladelphia, ou the tneotleihday after pnbl catkin of tha prcH'ini it it iHa court itay, oreisaon tli next omirt day tiillowlni. betv.ean the usual bouts ol heariiu oausea, uea aim um to iiiow, or aiir in due'oru off lar, a rnaaon- mi ana lawful excut.a, if any they have, wby tlm a twent-two souare baiea and eleyea round hales ot t-.; and three mmio billet erttoa plrklnn ihnnid aot pronuunt ed to beh a. at the time of n eaetura of tit anme. to the anomlva of tha I'nlted Htat and, aa food oi thrlr aem or u'harwt, liiibteXand anbiaci to coa-dt-iDBattoti,io b ad.adtrd and condemoed aa good and lamlUI pncea; and further ta da and reevtra In trds behaaf a to mitie shall ap portal . And that yoadal b)thtia-,or caue io be IntlmaUod, unto all praona fira sid, ki eialiy (to whom o tut tenor of th prevent It In also Intimate d),that irthet tball not appear at tttetima and plcal'e menUiied, or shall aiMarand aaaU not hew rtaikonable ami Inwia can to the contrary, tnia aaldPUtrictt-ourt doth tnrand and will p-ncerd tn adia dh atMsfi on the aald capture, and may pmrnmnc that tht said twenty two square tosles and eeven round oalas tsf cotlon. ami thrve round bai tf eoiton pi-kin, did ba Ioiik. at ih time of It eai-litreof tba aa aa. to lb u Dtlea of the United Ftatesof Anv-rlca, and aa f-jode of U.clr eucml'. or otherwise, UaM and aaiiject to eo-itlaea-tlou aud cmlemnsilsjii.to be adjuilycd and eondainned aa lawftil prise, the ato-ance, or rather conitttntcy, of the nr aotn so cued and Intimated In any wtia notwithstanding,, ana that joudiiU otrttfy to the aid Uistrlrt Court wttai you shail uo in ihe premlie.ofitnr with tncae prasenta. VslliUr ih Honorable JOHN O WM, OK.K. Judjca of tte aalo Court ar I'hUadeipaia, tttla twenty-aeTeuta day o Aiitftntt, A. J. 1hv4, and hi the etyhty-alnUi year o Uie IntVcpeniKaceof theaain United Htatea au,il-.H O. it. t'OX Clara Dujtrtct Coot, SI ARRHAL'S 6 ALE. BT VIRTUE OP A, Judge of Iho lllalrlcl Conrt of tti tttil'd Bta-es, lu and lor tlier.aatem lilattlrt -l rcntt.ylvants.nl Anm.rmay.us a dirrctt-tl. will lay told at Hnlil-c stale, ,o lb h'tthea' aad beat htilrtcr. forratli.al MICIIKNKH S HIUHK, No. I N 1ROM street, on atuMHAV. apimb.r U, Isnl.at 17o cloc k, M., abuut tk Dales Ol Cutlva, boliuj tuugoe ui veasei uuinowo. Wll.t.fAM Mir.LVf-ABf, Vnltrd atato Maitbai K.il.of Pcnna. rhiltdslphla, Augusta). lo. suJtut TlfAilSUAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A JJ.M Writ ot Hale, by tli lion. Jobn Catlfralsdor, Juitms ot tl. lHatrlct Cuult ol the l'liltd 8tarea. la aud for tho F.aatein lll-tllct r.f He- nay -aula. In Ailrulraltr, to mo d rvctcd. wt'l hi-sold at lu.lilic -ale to tae bigtia,.! ansl bet b'ddrr.f -r csau. st MIlIIHMKIt S STuItE,M.i 141 aj. HUM H-re-t on MONDA . H -lit. mber II. IS14. all o'clock M , ccrlaln eiatnn to wit '-lurof. to foa hundrcol potiiida, now orlaulyladou on board the orig PK1M0B Al.lKtli. WILLIAM M1T.I,WAB!, V H Mankal E. 1). oft-rana. rhlladolphls. AuguatauiHM. aiulsat "1AK8UAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A Xl Writ oi rtak-, by the Hon. JiHha Cadw.lader. Judso oi ths Itlatrlct C onrt of the Uni'od Ssat.s. In audfor tho Kaa'ern b'.trict ot Pennaylvaoia. In Aamlralty, it saeiM rei'trd, wilt be fold ai public sal -o th lilarfival aud nt bulilcr ror taah. at Mil IlKMU a groBC. Ho. I4J M. 1 rttiNT Mtrett. on MONHAV seou-nber 11. twit, at It o clock St.. ii hates aud 13 baga of cotton, net rig oarg) of a vette unknown. Wll I I AM MII.I.WAH1I, XT. K. MarebalE. Il.of r-inu. rnti.inKi.i'iiiA, Auirott aa.lMht. anit-ltrt QATJTION. OMIllTAL DETERSIVE BOAP. Tttti favorite Boap Is sow over stven years hi ass by at feast One Hundred Tlnasaad Familia Id Pennoyrvf nls alono. Ills made nnon entirely new principles, of psrfaclty- pure r ar.rl.lt, and always la tha same way. It do awy with th ue of a Waah-board. and will wash two at much clorhei with two-thirds lee labor than any other Boap made ra ths United Btatei. IT8 GREAT rOlTLARlTY lias liulucod several braluleaa totp-makrs to I aitate H i. .Mi.-..r.iwl, . n . I ksfT,.rltitf ar.U In 1'U-A B.lila u,. unprlncti'lcd dealers, put Utelr apniluusarltcle on th nuar- kt on tli Just reputatioa scquin-a oy our itetervtvr. Tbo-e dcKtring lopurcuato our -soap scwu.a oaanuoo aud so that OUR NAME AND TRADE-MARK la .lamped upon EVUatY POUND of th Boap-beforo titer take it. VAN HAQEH & MoKEOSE, su2fi-ln PUILAlfiLVlHJu I A M O N D H. Prsns havtaig Dlauaunda or other Predouo Btoaas to tltpoto of will do well by falling on LEWIS LADGHUS ft 00, Diamond Dealersand Jwlr XNo. soa cilKrUT Htret. Who will giro las hlgntstcatb pries. aatlo-l Jjd B H IJ A. Jl 1 E 11 H waousALB ako atrfAU. CTtiOCK tSTABLISHMENT, B. S- sosnor I BECOlfO aad C11E8KUT BtnoU, rkttsat'sk Aoaacr roa Tua rataaT gQCAIJZINO TUIHTT-CAT CLOCKB, A very d ttraole arUcle fug Caarobos, BoMls, Btuska. CoauUni-ti-'Ui-. . f arar. Ac. AJo,ilAMrAi Tl hKk OP TD OOLD PFaTS. rxoi aa lati'Aiki'.u and wassai iau. lalt-ly flock Trimming, of every dvacjiptioou W1 M. A. OR AT, N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH and MIMDH street., bays liwoadt, Viateites. .uld,bUvar, and l.oanlh-keti. IttObA; IJs WAST OP MONET CAIX. ,. All busmats confJdouUal. u"' l)ATb,NTLU JULY 19. TmH.-- 0 8 K P 1 MUl ls r. KJv. d. Pari. J roo-n MtMia J,J aim bcuurbal on auy ktud of .aH,, a.-.i, ro'J t.c, u, aad t hUureo. P.t."l t!'"'' ' Jft -J ' Hu.Ji cam. fr..ni on u. a in ''Mv,:,'L. aaS-oaA listt..wruliistaij