THE DAILY EVENING TEE I G II .A TO riTlUDELrni A , WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 18C4. ) i . h -t li I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31. HH- PROrE,iNIO?(I. I.OVE BOW. Tlttl IAWYSB. Pp'npfr-r of the Kaxoit he"". At the Omlnfti .rp- M m " mill. Of lit- lifnrt v. n'vc Dal I'" J"10" Rtntf I irn.ii- hit urn- ' w " : Ynnr. that Imajrf (l-rn" Wb.n I try iofK '1 'I l'"r" Yoo.n.v Amy."1 I ';, fcv.n IB . fn.Kfry O.nira. Ah 'that brotrsa unonth a vellum Ab ' " "P" r' ri"i""" Xi-so fti'if''!' I hnvB ai-alid tbom jktu rim- ver witinis e.l i I wnnl.l stie tho niati hn von'tired la deny nu dr. sst'il w ih, I wnulit lax lusts who Mnfl An ioevlim-nt" ul ) our waist. Boon the limit vacation 's roinftK, hoco tho wpHry inrirt will cutl; Ko ni'Te writs ami alll Invito, Ni. morr a. iiims lu in inii.l . I fh .11 takt (hi1 llrs' c invvyanso Train ai rUr I'. M. J shall rotttit tot1 Miukhii niouients Yht j nilnu e, mom or Ursa. Hwi mr, Cutis n, at tho S ntt'in Willi me tii i din's duty lie1, Jt run tithe iiiy .tn.n aim i mi -0140, Wo w;I wolM, protirin AptY, Fa" tt" If el H i J "Id IlK'lilsllrO, i'a t th" deply ni'iitKK" l"t, On to wik-re tbo (i urn U Abt the cuptbnld noia. Tbi'i I'll make my d-rUritiiin, There I I poise anil plead my suit; D" tint Bt I c "In tirror," Do in t ne uf malice mum ; Bui nrrmmer" io y.iur C ,usin In 'o luminary way, AD'I I oi mi i In- il mi c, ucirc.-t, Ol an opal m . . I've a nie-suiufi tiTint pordia-o Mxty-i Ipilit in M 'J' Kow, THIf fioun, nuil uiiHu. uiii'.tr. U, Uasaud sraipr lunl Ii low; C- ni and ah .re it, un ilspim d Owner of ilil In-.! In Ice, Cooie ami he in j un I-ir partner, A oi' my brittr mulct y : J. H. Wiulp. ebail nevr par n, Aid in limn we It tli my sue, Girls (uir cop, is of Uiclr inl'tier, Boj I, the wiun'rrp iri of tne Punch. AH JIMS BLOW lOi L IE. Civilize, Ion from time to tiinn add now arm nd aclein e to bcr diudi m. Of ihme which bum anaiktd hT rKf'1-" In the n.n.tvcuth Century, oue alf. tt tbe wcil-U lug i.f tbe tuiuan race more roiisiilcr.itily th in Sunrarv Science Tolx may b d tint d a a cbifsiftonit .n, diinntion, a id applli aliiiO of fuciH bear i ni uou the prrvation of the public health It ta true that vatiuiinpre autioua were taken, in Kdxruruian and Tudor timet, to prevent the iviln a inluK from tbe rim prsl"n i f elllnvii, the sale of dme'ihed mear, and Tt-mowd.DK, od I hut the everul proii'in Bow mace with the fame end in view are to a great exlrm only eliib..ruiiuiiof modbcml eaaot mutb; but the e:evatiio of anit.iry kuoviedu li to a science Is the nortt of the ulueiecnlb cen tury. rnioiiH ri d timt ttie Indua iial Exniiiuioa of lfeol liicorrd It al'i'Ki tm r ; audtbttt it was oo ti 1 tbe li.ttinaliouul Exbibiiion of 18G2 that a cla a wua ( apart for sanitary coniriv.tncea, mlibMHndiuK till onnlul rcciMniuoo of : the va'ue of cnnd tinitK in our hnie ' ndtoana the nw .ci' nee ha ni.idu but little way in quarters whi re Ita reivpiion is moat denir , able. 1 be rico and leuroe i iii eu, arucint'lii -e l, aid act up n Im U(je-t din; hu fi n-lilenn ol poor iieisboorhuiida have btiunl but I ttleol I a propo itiona. One of ita peeuli iriili a couiati in tbe feneial miner than individual pen ntiea 11 . im.oi. Br kk lur o .e t Us 1 19, and tho in oi eul at well a tbe frnl y mder. Overcrowd a teiiemm', ant the uii'-onnclotn infant la tbe flint to pine. Should tne care e8 orcupierof one dwelling aceuiuubitu ro tiiiotril, lb rei-idt-nu of the next are exposed to tho rbaiciBof the idekme to which it ta lik'ly to le rine. The p oximityof a ful wr imi llt-ely to roiaon tlii- nitiuu. lR-a .,intiry ref inner aa tbe negligent pi r-ou who ueniuoie-i to ;e it ceana.ti. lliu.-, uolhniK nbonot it (foil :rl co-i fx ranoo in IniM eiinir aanitury re uiren'iin can he ixp' teii tn niHl,i an ninflciiii.o i(rt'.ir mce in the mortality rates. There in need, there lore, of ninny worker- to d'iM'uiinuti in:'or na tion eonrerning a aubji-ct that ao material ly ahfCt- on all. A- bialth ban evir hecn esteemed the choicat Ol IdeMiirKa, and nixnkiiid bai always acan 'W leoged that prevention ia bctier tbaa rure, it li ' cunoua tht the tipidl at'ou of ihu ux oin tithe prtterviition of hea th, in con.railt tiuu.MU t tne cuie oi i!L-tae, been ao long 111 lec-iviuj n. "Anotber Blow frr Life" il the tit'e of a billlnu vo nine, wruu q ny one (it t iu pb'Bm-ri of Military reiorm, Mr. Oeornn (iodwiti. i in name euggetith, it is one of a a. rie of etforra to call pub U aiU niion to m.ittera aud plaxacull ing for Improvrment. T none w bo coniine thu.r walk atiout tbe nieiropolin ami principal miiiu factniiuit towtii to tbe main thorniigbfuros a id public promenade a aud parks, will bear n ull nr- - piine ot tin condirion oi ibe homes ot the p Mir lu ut-of-ibe-wav pluceH. But t, for tbe in iat ptH, with a view to tne pn fi able iiive-itinci.t of capi tal, thtrf lite to he Killi.d in audi neihlioro "O M, Towa a- d row f bouse without ha k-wimlow-i, or I aik-donra, without vemiiution, wittiou', , water, and without uiamn. Sututi of thene m of bon-ea bave cellars, which, like the rooms hove. 1 T- occupied as domes. Ibua, in two-nmnied hou" having ccll ir-i, i' tbeie are three lanu iei pncai-d, and tliero are an my iaaiancvs in which Iook rinreMilded to tin '. giaupt. Ar may lie Mippn-ed, heal h btngs upin . th t.i(Ut at of tenures lu kocu cu-a ax theie - If tev r plana ha to 1' noon tlirfnii'ilil, nuu victim seldom nutticca; four, live, au l six ileitis aia by no n.caus uuc tunio.n And vheii, vitno it ttis pr aiDCaoi aciuitl ui-ease, thfiio ia uu aii 'ne of vital power, ti at by no means tlfjti'oi a the load fpoeity. Anoihi r i lai of unnuuiiarj Iw ne p. iiitmi out hv M . Uonwiu con is a of ih-ise uirarr lioucs, built lor the O 'i'UMH'ion of One fnnii'y, in ncii.-blxn hoods oncu fashion 1 0, im now decayed, an I in the days of 'heir dllnpd tioa li t nut iu lencnunis iu eml. lu iheae tbeie is a nelWT ch.uii'u of ventibi'lon ; hut, tro 11 the tact i f the co.4 inrf und luu .drv uper.i'lous htUifi enndm-trd at yr-.i c- ii tcuoed only to w r n bedrooms, tin re ia Out iUlle icjI comfort or do mestic ei-niioinv. It a i.ot iiLiiao.,1 to find from thirty to forty people livinit iu a house- of tins de-crip ion. 1 sei-ms to l e iu- tale of lmek- urds of S'l.rti pro perties tri full into 'he nio-t iinHtiitttry sia e watr-l ult over iow, dr.iius ehoKe, a.iouts le iti, and totii claims all 11s Ira own. l:ien, .is 11 povi-rty a-as pnrsned with a re eot'ess liMuc't, the sulitirouu tes-ianlens, trcquetitcJ 'iy way 01 relaxainm tiy tbs dw.-iie.s in these m iuu'i .r bisKis, are of en in damp, sirk'y 'u itions sur-Tonridi-d hv open eers, ihi odors of w'iic'1 art' likely to iiiuiair rai tier 1 bnn r-ciill he il h ; and the pla ft wbeie the daily Iin ad is ear e I, ttiu wotkshop aud wurkrooui, uie oficti m i h moru nniortuniitelv clrciim-tanc'ed. Mr. fl.)diti's rtist int tibmati ur furnishes vws f a siioo maker's worl.rh. p and au a iiiicia! flurcr work rotn, hotli i riiininid whb bo-y worker', all o; wbi-ni an upon a ery t-hou a loaunee of a r. Attain, Id inanufacturmit ton us, when a ,"'! price is paid lor female labor, and mothers leave their infanta in charge of women too old for factory operations, the sum; ill-luck preddes 11 is ten to onu but that the olJ lives In a damp, dark cellar, aud is so ill noranl, that she tints not know she is doint? barm, when, to keep tier numerous ci;arf.'-a iunt, she doncs tlium all round w.tb laudanum, pahsiurf ninb r tin- Inirmlea nam. of "ouii f.i sa." Ami wln-u d.-n'U closes the scene, there is tbe same oepirtur from the rules tbtit would jat-trve be , lib, 111 the Ion delay lb1. t custom t uforcci In the roiao.ji 01 the dead limn amnnr-i tne iivmir. rroiu 111 fancy t dua n, in line, tne poor, in some places, appear to be inched for air, livht,, an 1 water, hesmea the luxuries, ot tile, and to t ike the deficiency an a iue-tiouics matter of course r. uouwlu does good service in point n tiil (ai t nut. That most startling results accrue, uinontf tho wtst classes esjieciullv, from a due attentiou to "alters likely to ailict health, is appireut in the VrjL uiortality-rate of the pauii.r achooU ' i.,"uT,Pro''r msnairenv'iil. In the Cetl- 1. M,n i '7-,ct v",uer School at Ilanwell, th. , aeh. llul.ZZn.vtM-l "twi'litundln(r that tne setinlnrs weie taken from the Tersr li,Vri of London, many of ,UeB t in Tf-Marved atuuied, fccfolnlous and (",' aLT"' worm and ophthalmia. It cm. ?,a 7w X at.n ad , btciid that tba secret of Un. Ig t'hr.aiit!iio leal iupeiiutinaenfs rule consist In ti n practice and innin'eiisnce of extruuriitnarr CI1UI1111111.S. The eight hundred or nine hui dti d children under his euro wore well w ishad all over In warm water twice a week, as well as - -down to tin ir waisu twite a day ; und tbs youn ';r ' ' rluldicu wciO washed alter eeiy uival. Plrec'ly a (rsrment wn poped, It was chungd, I'litnif h. pi tl aps, it had only lu en worn a fv nilnu'es; snil In tbe regular wny, evt-rv eh'er biy was allowed thtee cli an shirts weekly. The sheet ol rveiy bed, too, were i hantied weekly, and iieqneinly ottemr, when reipilri'd Tnls prnfusii n of rle n linen enn-ed as many as fifteen ih"U-ani' p iees 10 he wa hid woi kly. lint ibe sy-tem worted wonders. In-tead of a hundred huh ftnrn iM'tiig made In the Rrnv yard yeirly, ihe HXion u not f hIIi rl up, .ii to dl many II 010 ll an a tlnje n. l-'at II or chililr' n it! eoini i win kl i ii-i - iiirni-li n il. at'i rate ol t. ivo si mil lint this iiiip'omi liiK seiecHon, with tl) tl fiT,li.llifr, yii-nicit a sm 1 ler ilv.ah-raie i' an the eiilil lc t comniiinl lci in thn '.md. I I li- I wll he s. en that Hie seer, t of the prn- M VU! l(ii ( , Hllll IPs I ll O C W T'l ' inNllC-s. Ill- i)U liiy , lot ir ami uoitnilv h II n. xt to 01 I I I S , tn. H be ai. I il In I's widest sense, am. he ni lit tsi.ind 10 m an cleanliness In onr 1 iiiiM, our -tu eis, iiml onr tow ns. 11 s well as In 1 tir lis d. linen, at-il " rsons. Air, eiirth, and wa'fi n II" tie kept, sweet anil clein ; and even 1 or fin - ar. nt i-vi-mpt fr-iin itilluenci s 110 in In alb, for we leavliun su'.s'anees that III w I ole-nine oeors. iiiili rv reiorm, n s In- i ill 'Mo an old, old story, fno lai'iineh Jhco'i ve t'o- pi'h oi II wlien he c n iiai i'i d I I lion t in. to to "tie c can mi l i hi tu e j oin rut nn rt- ;" 1.111I Mns. aonlv enl irced ki si nn-u n 1111. tnl a In 11 he d. . lured, 1I1 it if a I e slllnlil v uiiclese, the pi lest, shsllld It ok ti t.ii It, tin, I 1 11 use it to he thor innh y M'iii(i mil ilei.i m d ; nno 'hoiiM siiis ot 11.. c 11 1,1 in s- iiisiii 1 re 1 m tin iiise'ves, it sh 01 il In iak 11 (low b siiiiii a. limner, and mortar, and il.C'i n,ati riils cast 0111 of Hie effv, up n an tu.. li 11 pin . . 1 11 in tn in nine liiteeiions he is-1,1 11 ii p lei.i an d ab uii lis. 1- w. II not I e n' inti io-eo t,i ibis siory, even with lis is rii i, a Mir ation , to (ir.iwn up peofile; thev ki 1 i 1 In a i ; lint l.ubli Is m-c ml n I'lirc, a id i is (liU'.enlt tnr .In 111 t.i change the , w.iv-. 1 hoe to w om aimi arv ret .1 111 mii-t lie preaehrd an S' h ni-, In nr. 11 I'lie. shii ,1,1 ha tuniit, if t are rlr, r sha I In come disc ise.i if wu .i we pb II pnfli r. us certiilnly 11s tw e two ure 'o k, at tw ici lour un litht 'It i In the inunli of lilt's- club leu timt we should s w 'his h- ed. We have sm.iI, tbe I'.incaif.l and Influential rlu M'S l.ave 1 ot.les'i d tlie exjie .lenry ot nsiu 1 v. ty- n.ei.i s ol iireseivinjj he pu 'In: heil'h. ! ma he a.'ken, W'toit. hsve. tbev done M -id.n ;.'. the desirul end ! We w.'it d point to the app'ic.i-II- D 1 1 si wi rstte io many ol i.ur larje t .wus; to ti e IT.i, t n,i tropolit-iu ilitcicepUnir drain, ice s' hi me, 1 ow t railv aeei,ni li-i,i d , to tbe elf TU 11 ai e to utilize sew. p.; 10 the 'n ;uir', coneern- itia whieti 11. ,iice was yivin this aesslon, pro pi, sed lu lie lii'tiiuuil into the iiiestion of til.) dauinfie to our tisln rl a by tbe discharge, of s -ai;e 11. to rivira, to t tic I'liatiies eiiiiiankmeut ci. 11, i ; the mi pi 1 vi-uiti ol our tne it-uiiirkc s j Ibe bui Oil (Mil u.oilul I. H'dinjr houses ; tne l'e 1 01 ) till; tic picuiliima oil. red bv vari 111s mi lei lis lor tic hear plsns of c il'aires tor tno alii III (t 1 larsus ; tl,. li, qnent aitt .tiouuf sanl 'an qm siioiis In the p ess ; nud the repcition end ie rb. iH.ions ot such blows us that wc h ivo tioi 1 1 d h Mr tliaiw in. Alter wc l;uv lu iped to make tho poorest t on e- tiulul.r mi-, liiii 'lit Ihe. Imp. 11 tun. 0 of nili 1 to dry piles 'or tii'tne hit liiina; np. rutions, tne M ces'i y ol tl e Iti-iunt ri moval uf offil, the ire vi n lob ot (Ian p lv an pie aianitiiie, ami of mi. ells I), eopii i.s II u billys of all ur.iius in a wold, tin iniMtB'ivc nece s ty ol c'ciiilmess In i-Mli etlail, we 11. ay do mine; we can liitroiluc.) enothir I'lev.itli p inllueuve, Art. H. la qmica nosinki t.i Mipp-isc thu au ol'je. t th it is not cosili n list la- i-aly. Ileiity of lorin mid hur n Mil ni eoloi ni heapphul 'o eurtuenw ire as well as Me vie- eliinii ; and turnit ire may he iwiide wi h lirnceiul nut tin h as w. II in ileal as in wa uu(. A hi n.e 'l.oulit be tbe 111 me world to its' owner. lie I' ir.vir so liumi le, as the song says, it pin u d he nivliiiily ci, an, h. ery, and pleasant And ulihoiick 1 is not tio.ssiiie every win dow t-hou.d c tiiiiiau'l a view of thn Klit.cni'K ocean, 1 ol n untaius wub silvery riila InibbliuK at tin ir let 1. or ot moors purple with hi. wining h atln r, tne beauty of Naone is not uliouiher ri. t no ihe seamiest 1111 kus, for there are many, pi, ins ibat tin ivt upon a window-sill, I be prc'.ty wi di w-uiuiiis oc a i.iin.ily heen in Loudon -r. 1 is, pbow what nmy he doue in this species ol oin int 1 tu' ion ; il 'in ieis a will th -re is a way. Tic-., it we nmy believe Dune Nitun', are va mil 1. , ton. as Minii rv ii-si-timts, lor tne Giver of ail pn ml l a- e iith, il tbe canh wlm vegetation. Ii is s l.loiii, in Blurting a new ninb riakin, that Ih re aie no mis ikes made. Sanitary jenrm m k.H no ex.t-piiou to ihia ru'o. I'll Ii leal am of the ear y leformers being to get 1 lu ol t e sew it wm lirst C0111I11, ted into tie livir, ao that it mia-lit be was ho I cut to sia This plan has proved o.ien to the i.bjec 1011 t!ial the w iters I ecome to pn!lllte. to sustain hah- i c. Formerly, it Is said, there wee a ciuupe iiistrten its the indenture Of up pritiilceslu Neuc tl :-uiki-I'y ue, to ihe elf ct tt.t-t tin Ir niasn rs wcie not to piovule salmon lor tin ir Ha uls muru frumoutly tliau a stnti 0 liumta-r ..I times per ween ; liut ao coin ple ely bus comu.eicu au, ko;i;u altered tn.i , I aiu. U r ol tl e yn that tho iipin eiitice would In in tfia.ii ouurt, re h U" i is'cs suUu-.u tAlco In H i 11. '1 1, c .Severn is ,n 11s tin 1 a pi ich ; ni l be c million of ihe Tuanie , It. is fe ir. d, will n l, tn,. .e ivtiy (Unit now being made, to res'ock It wub Uu. Mi.u.n-i' tlllils anil r tr .111 ttie a. me caii.-e to a pin 11 cr ext.;, 1. Ami w hilst tbe pi w 11;. c is vs 01 Mini 1 1, is evil, stops are s.i'liu;t iirii'ii 1 ar is 10 bung hoiiie ui inure, wituouc wh cb nil iiercnl n r 1 1 on. raions would , veil, 11- ally 1 1 ti e 10 a Mninl still. I'ijO c is, ot course, ail cm to n elf 1,1 1... 'I'hv tiraucb ot a ii It.irv e ence most , : itl -alt to tl. ul wi h 1-. 10c, .' o ii.t-ir. Ii is pos-ii 10 diain j'nve m d ti p'- properties with water, irresyiect ve of the teiau's; but the of ovi ri towdiiig is cntiiely In th ir bunds. Tbe act 101 r ittilattr g emmm In, Ig nit-Louses does not apply to h. u-es 1. 1 out iu tenements, tbe occiipn r- 1 f may ibeiu as full as tie. ci.n. Uiteeii K.i.ahcib enacted that 'no owner or occupier 01 Hnso.t uge shall place or willingly Ptiner any more taini. ids ibau oue to ci b 'hli lietini, 111 1 ui hi lorlcit tu the i.ortl of H e Lut ten sh llii..a f t every month ne tituts them t.,.etbi-r;' hut succeeillng rfunera 11. un have lelii.iinslied this gr ispof ttie drli- cuii). It I- ci 1 tuii ly one to which much ol our I'lCM litclili nioniilli'. la due. Tbeie ia a rieiiiucc conncce 1 with a combi nation 1 f the oseicio.vdii g nuisuuen and the pieunt waste 01 sewiwe iu towns. O vn. rsof alio no lit gatCetis a d aces on mo irs, d, pri.ed ol mm, un- ti.'in the souree fr.uu which ibcy betoie ol tiiiiie.l it, have rec ui-n to pis'-ke -ping li r the iit cosui.v Mini ly ; 11 theii fnie conies to psss in bi.usea let out in aep na c rooms, that as n.ut.y us I alt-a-ili... ti piit-atijs t,re h dit in the Int e liM't - a, its. Ihe ido ari-in' from In- und the heupi o-np nil dus urt full id dung-'r Mt al pox and sc n let lever ure t.ninil to sprcul lik wil. -bre liom to. se muses, in p aces in it sp cts iipi ti u tan s u.iiury fo tin.;. Tho I. n.i i's nruuv timt the closuc l ie ure to tno I. oil 'u tl e sh. ru r ti.e ri -nince ii carry Hi Ir find ; .ml tins ia nnoilier t, st nee of tbe .lestr ihilnv of ...n 1 xn inii'U i f inf. iiuat 011 n ;i. 'ting t'n) mo ms of nre.-i tving hctilth. rviuWH-rj Ji'itntnl. A t'lirlfinw l.ntfr from :iiii"oii. The ror Nasuleon has sdibe se I t'le fol low ifg lifer to M ir-hal V lillant, M nl-Wr of thu lnH-rial II'.us liol I und of the Fine Ar'-: "Vi( hv, July :il. Mj tin .r M ir.-b il ; I wish to c ii. inui, ii'nO- to y. u a e;:c.ciii n Inch In- "C rtirieil to ine dm ng Hi" rep isc I 1 nj ,y here. Twoir. ul buildings, in ten ed lor very ilill'er.nit 1 111 posi s, me to no reinii t in l' n s-llin (J,ic.-,i linn tin Ho t l-llieu The first h is b". 11 .Irea lv tsi'iin; 'le si inui snot, as y.t. Tlion.;ti exe I'll ill, the Opl lu . t lb. exit. 'Use i f the St it i. tno Hot. I 1 ieu at the espen-e id the ho pi'iis au I of n e ci j- oti' ris, bo'ti win bo remark b-ecm-I'llll.'l'iiit 1 Is f r th" en pint ; lint, n tliev reap n.d to vi 1 y nliu r.n t inti r-ss. I 1, 111 nn.v,llin; (hit one slu ti Id 1 ,.enr inme iroie led than the other, 'll.eeostot tin liui enal Aeadeiiv of Mus e will, m .fortunately, 1 x.i-d tne estiiuaiea. nud we nmn avoid tin: 01 liavinemploved mil in ns i'.,r a tin-sire when the lirst stone 01 the most p. .puiur bo - pitul of la. is baa uot yet been luid. 1 ilu rcloic pray ou to rt-iiiH'sr the l'refect of the Seine to huve the w-wks of 'he II it. I-U ea enn d as ti n us, and he so jiiod as to diieet those of the Opera lu sncb a luuniicr that both buildii'gs may he completed ut the sumo tin 1. This Ciilniilnaii ip, 1 uiiinit, has no prat Il eal iiihaiihigi ; Inn, in a m .1..' point of view, 1 attui h fn al Imi ott on to the itiet tint 1111 e lih. o dc, ted to plea un : ball 110! b.iVe the ineccdenee of H e as ti in id iideri'.' "Ai cipt, my near Mur-hal, ihe assurance of in v iltieire Iriennship, Nai'iii.mis." ihis h iter, in spite of tho lieuevolent scntl inciiis whiih it o well cxpitasi-s, hits not pro duced the lie bed. Ibe In-iediiloua public will not he persuaded that thn ' mail' er" recoinmi riled for csirying .011 me works of tne Opera is cuuocd by uhyiblng I ut the want of HlsTor.v or a Sworn.. The Memphis llnlMin givts a long history of a swurd which w is cap tuiid ircm Major William .Stublis, 11 1 Shiloh. It l ad l een iricented to him by his fellow conductor- oil the f.'I icsgo and Kock Islji d railrusij, and Is -re an H pi op) late iuscriptiou. When cap tured it led into the hai ds of a Kebel Iteutenaiit coloi.el, who was ml 1.11 prisoner ut Corinth by a private of the llllh .M.'ss iiri. The private, hav ing no use for it, gavo it to bis lieutcuunt. After the full of icki-bi.ig tho origiual owuer of the sword was ex. hunj'i d, and tho M ssouri private, readit g a list in n Chici.g i pnper, saw tbe na na ot tl.eo;:icir, which iw the same aa that uji in the sword. He w rote to the m ijot, w ho answered u (od, and the sword waa returned. It had l'atped tbiough three cunil uignp, sou,etiiuS witlUvd tor aud n.iueliiucs tmaiusttho Uulou. -yAWtmrc htiiwaut 11 oc it 01 l comi-any. Incorporated June 29, 1864. Ciipit til, It :i 00, nno. teOO BlIAHPH tr, A NIIAHC t'A. Hntffrrlption tn each sar to erstfnal sutsieiitMirs Ihr Pfi.niS. stisrst .MM-tl cs, ituwn p..n mibssrttitny.saa twontlisl linnsimet't lit (1 ssrh. ml) ot. tfce 'lt Jnly lull Mib AnauM, IHM, raini'ctlvslj. TEN THOUSAND SHAIIES kescrvee fer Hrneflt of Ui Company, The land purehnssn ti ttr Vsncs Bt-wsrl Ibstk On Ci.ii i'nii) cm ts.iis .n.i hui.i.ri'd hdo ihin in ,,,. m tl,. vi) tnra ol 0, e vl. ri' on,' Oii.natiJ UiomIhis Oi.O urn ih, Im' .ii, la Ai iti.m rivrr.ln llrsiiiH-rrs U' n,l,i,, vxli'tiibiiii v. tiB'Onabis rlR-siic-. op-.n bodl Id. I.lthl UstlTw. M.I 1(1111. er.ttllie.MlT cs iv.l Vr lluicb H. ii a ,,.n,i. ..t nnt. lifii.s Irinklin in tmi n ( . I'i l. ii l. si is. lie slt.ithens liissr 1 srltor is j si.lini. bi hui ilsie si il i.erTiisni'iil Iib-vbi if 411 iiii'Bl. Isi'l auAil y t nil. IPs nioi'i.r.Mi m ell, u,ri1eii ,K I " ti,m pri diii' us I'll a It sn snll srsBtt-r rwrnlBntr thn Uis mill B"-e Oil Cii-i. 1 1 o I., In- sd n c new Ol Oil tsouw tis Burniisn uf P ran! llti.i.n th Allsvhfnt' rt'Bt, will ihsiIm-Iiiji n-vi Imks.iii tn l.siisis.l iK.a.iit Ita ilit .first, on, or vol. dmrup tlull l ffirk ans III B Bfiutl wi'SI.Britl..'dtre. tl.n. ; e-.liss 'in, ell' tlif I.S.I- .,i (ill m,m, bi-i.M-oi-r in suriscf 4i top 0.,ai I'm, shji uf (Hi ( resp. and asll, wouto rssinlri. u, b b...-a rte d. r li, er.'l'.'iti.'ii Imssrilosa tl, nmr. wiio-s bosoo, itisrs n eiilil neei snAf I), las ihe most .BrmAnnt. sua b Biiic-l -ni-ainr nui-elv sn.l nierifiriiioriit ismIs .,r 1. ie-.i nu It u r, rts'ii ilia' eri-s.if w-,ib thsrivei, ti, tbs in taiffiiBts vinnlii ol tnin lnd. tiBvn o nilniisd pro di cli v iltnii v th? .Bt three or tour years an nnwavornif anil iia.s ditl v vl. id ol oil A p.m rs st ls map wm deitionsrrsts tbs tnetthaxtna t.i, In, Mas haa Bi,d Oil tvivk srs on ihw sains dlD etni B'l sin.l-,1'1 lasn. and niy tllslsnt. on ,icui. t-vnnn, ut ihr iirwl win qmyt tst m vri tne rsnfi ot b'l.s tr.'ti. a, h olli.-r about Uitss mllss span lap. cl-al' ih, iBlne d ti-. Molt. Il Wf.nlil, Oi(.rsr.,ia. ntt b. si lrs..idlt,Br, if t.y l.rn.M wmis na Una trsei s d'-tei ,.t p.ihsps si, la hatiilred and Hit' ffst, il ui rj, (h.unaii) a weds biay s- n t'Bl 'h.'is nf (ill 1'r.s.k in tt.i-lr ipilii' of tiiiiid'.as of barrels ol oil dan atio .'O.lT'niin imifltt tA.iU'd the lift IhB fonntiatc result to (bp hreh..'.ii'rs oi 'Ins On till pArileular trucl ol land tnera baa h?a 1st as lra,e lor twenty si bis. a well niiw.i,y fill p.. 01 aned (lit, altli.iinti Ita ile,l(i o( ts.r-la e,iialdtirB, t.nip ll rinl u, Insa B a tars'' How: Kill' psr of the Oil bi ibia wsiI h ninuili was ri-ssrvud as a rova'tv bs t is fisns r s of tb- 'Bint, sea will al once Inure bi tha ben. Ut I the i 1 herr are alio two ollmr Woila Is -rep. a ft w niinitr .1 lo-t despe irh.btitnnf y at lobed.hiit in da B'lns a ft. a' -rati hott rt (lilt a barrel a .lay nailtfaneraU Is- (sm e. oin ol (liBiu. and bo di.llln seBios b. ealal. ibat thev hi b- fe i.icr.i t f mai'S' nlles wella m hen bornd s reaKennbb' depth Another welt Is half bura.1. and proii'ia.-s B "ailalietorv v eld oi (III oris nnsl rr Dl tiieae wells ran no aaeu at U-e nd n nl tne ( :,lnOiv , S ... 'JIB W I.NS t Street 1 tie t-e of Una vanisPle oil IhiuI, eooiprtsinp one ban drer and tl t- is -obe acres, .iioluulns Hie n.ysl'y "flin tier ceia. of all l.T t'B Ira eil w. II. notr 'Um;'ttit. Bud ths rliM ol tie three weIN irliBtlr ilev.Uf.p,, la purelia-ed by the I ' pan. Unset from n.e owner, br the ua.ei rute (.r et-ol tl.i. t-N', with a lirhit Mill In flna or.lnr B PI'lls hotine. 0 : nlac patrpes oitlmtier. lheaie..f stock will ,v cash lor tbe land In tall, and lease Ibe elm, of tlfs'sl ciith workltlK capK-J oil, with wr.leb to fS'tnplete tile Ihee o ll wells. Bud Blab tn bore two . ew weha with Ave steam eni'lnpa. Vfl., to bp In rnnninv or.ler withlr, b few month-1 b-tbiiss nienlp will h mads Ui aeeonipllsh IhsB obHicts without tl. ia Ho -tiiia. iti Voi s whl ho ai-eei-ud fur lesa thszi flft ahsrea. 1 lie vast fi.rtun-a reat'Bd by Knrk Oil Companioa eatati Uhed t eie si o elt,-a In re are 1 nn (IU tra.b' ta vel iti Us inlnno sun the tlsmso.1 censlanlly Increaslns lis prl.e b. w tl? pot barrel at ths wtil'a mouih, eaoio alvi. f the cBUk. bariie wei a will di.nbflesa be atrnrk at the depth of sts fiet, se mp t"' reses Ihe tt'lrd Slnl-lelll ttnek Wells have been horeil t eieb,f, re to the ilepth of shoot Msifaet In Oils vicinit) Ilia pr..pne.l to bor tweoiv solla on this proper" dirlliu 'I'e p.eili. sear Thera IB room for one bini.lied wi lls. A larleei Ui e.en ar of all In. una branees la ceefdvntl assured to thai oiupany. LUta ot kiihacriptkio are now opennntll the tVi.iTOO aturea are anbacrttied. pajable tl per share, to thoorder of Aatr nianJAMt.H Mi 'AH N. Ihe TreBsuror of the Dotnpany. Bo. sl-t) WALNI T Hired, or Bl Nu. lift WALNUT HtneM, or at tlis offloa of ths Ccmuany, No. VIS WALNUT Street. Ths public ar Invtted to call for a prospectus. ly-f JOU'ril JIK.VIt CltKKK GOLD AND SILVER M I INI IN d COMl'ANY, GILI'IN COUNTY, COI.OHADO TERIU rOR,Y. Truest era i Hon. JOHN A. DIX, Hon. KDWAHDS riKBRIiPOINT, JOSEPH FRANCIS, Eau, ., T. II. BUNTING, Esq., A. O. liOUHSil, Esa., Colorado. Ir. Iilrntt Hon. JOHN A. DIX. Troaniiror i JOSErU FUANX'IS, Uast. Counsel t CHARLES F. BLAKE, Esq. The property of tills company constats of fiV-li.Va foot on the "tlr uno lb.K." "Ort'enry No t," "Hnnra'P." " hib oort.'' ami otlitr celebrated develu-l liold-oeartnH lesles In the n mini.' dlsuici of Oolnrn.lo. Also, ihe Hsoiler.on fcthl, now running, and Id exexilient order. Capital Stock $1,000,000. Whole Kuuibcr Eharei 100,000. Pur, $10. A lari-e bortlnu of the ntnc hi already hi'fn tk n Uf prl-Mtf miI-t iiii-'ii ittMikk atv uiiv ttD'-n ut tint ihIIoa or !i 9 KMvist y. ul No. C t li- er ntretjt. Scmt i ,r, no-r a i!u''o m mVroi .irN ohi, b tub o"tie'l ftr par, by itl ru ttit-p iriMinir r"i tttt i.oiii(uy b'ttMuvii ttio h urt of It A M.idi I'. M. i.j.tfH at ilif Fnupvnuii umy be oitalnod ut thi' mil' o1 th3 ( -i uiuiiuy. Kul'i'iin ATLANTIC CITY. TSKW JKK.HiV, T-. I. ;i-llivrvt Proprietor, ( niv'tr if 'y Irrii r m ,rrnr'itir ttl OVHTM H(Y. SJ.XTH ui,d CiiUHNIir HirrtHt.) -irl' ('fn)IViM-tr-il )tn t.rK. KSMOaf laities. Jk4, ( r iuii to t:if. hi'im- ry iv titty uui ute. yd) Lf 1;x.'hANii: iio'ii-.L. atlamh; uii'Y. 4 Tl iuMi iiLs I. trfatii il tot lavt, tiidirf tdstiik ft tit 11' t 't- i ami 'hv iul t: f r li t- utfir''U tm K'r hun anrt h4" hht Drnt rr in m.w nprv rt: U:" .ii, ni uiHtJv t r.t'W tiiri1t)r, iHTinai'tini anO Utiintlaui. "ii tht u. of u.o itra f 'uru.- '! u bar wiL lif tt)'i'f wiiti iiii cfiB-tJa( -t! t, I'tri'ir. wiiar Aid up'rior ok! 1 ttlM Ul I nt w.tb J.. '--t niirk- i tfii t IhIiiii,' Ubvh ttttta aikle kj'wNvr un Al Uh tAilut'i.ltt ,1 . ...i'i, rui aIm ijS bu lblilid At th ftaciaua-i' 'It ri m per t k, HKORtlRI rtVl-AV, Jt t l.pntor. '1 is V M li J il f T Ul, A'!!.ANJI; CITY, hJTlAlK ON Kl'NTl.TKY A VKNUB, oi'Po.'-itk tik Ki' wr;. "Cenrn to miit fJit' tinm. Jotf tf I Kiin-HOl'SK C'OTTAGK. li A -iLASTIf CITY. . J., KK.lcl"PT HUl hti III Hip: I, Ks.CH. Tb's wel -Bi.oiMi l.ouae U now open nir Uie roeepUon of Itesnl. IS. liii'blcg neve, was better. mu'j lis J. WOOTTON, Proprietor. KlhTlO Ml'lIUlI k ; w i n a m a u ii i f. 'THE 1iPT 111 HHt. ap'.sj No. 730 Ofll'HMIT Hrroft. 1t'AJSTi'. TO fcil'.IX OH EXClIANGlt, t I flilpilc N.wUif .11.. Line, 1 ,,e mover Hskor bvwlnn VmhlQA, I lia Hu por do, Anil sll tlis piln. ipal Howlna MachUicl. All urnlilia) liooi u,eir erineipa, oltn ek. also, all Pin, Is i 8e''oi'd-lUiiUMacUiJBi,for Balsaod lapaUsa at Ul UaW ull ee nl I.KAVr.NS at FA('I.K-t:R. . Us, .s. p lull'l 11 nueot, (Over leu years wilb Huiser A to.) Laities tpu.1'1 tc ojiBte. )oU 3m JJ Xi5 IV It V M I M O N M, UNITED 61 AXES ATI0NAI. WAQOH AND 00A0H WORKS, Omo, No. 631 M .W MAKKKT Htrawa, A n'l Factory, ounier of SECOND AND CTM HEKI.AKU FTKKKTB, r-HiLaiKi.riiiA. AH sud every Vlii.i of WAill.NIs, I'AKTS, UKAYH, WHKKI.BAKKOWa, and TIMntK SYIILIXH. sOsim-.l u. Aruiy. Hoaa, butlsr, pr PIbmibiP'B) punw,eee. All ewrk wariaaiad. (ar'Oiilari pruuiilgr siuudad Ui. lai-tf 1 1 10 ONLY MEDICINE WH1CU IS rBF.r.tKtD FbOit TEE PUKE J1H0E Of TEE PISE TEEE. ConnuroptloocureilbyDr. WIHlUltf'B 1 1KB TRFE TAIl COK1 IaL. II ontbina cured by Iir. WlttiiAitra riNF. THEE TAB CUIIUIAL. a a a Weak Lunss made s'rng by uilni Iir VVIRliART'8 I'ls'l. TRKB 'AB COKI tAL. I)r. WIHHART'H PINE TK TAIt fX RlnAL Is Ibe best remedy fur all ttroat and I.ung uii. Don't Tail to Bead the Next Otlumn. T1 tyilV IIt. WIMUA.IIT'H 1'INIO Tltl-11 TAR CORDIAL IB TBE FfcKT BtMKliY FOR THK0T ASIJ LI'S" dihi:ahi;m. It itbtlUl phnrlj'lA of tTia pt Irro itn n1 bra . ui ar r(i in th dt , 'Illation .if 11k: tar, ly Ul-h iti liV " i""al n.f-rtpj art1 fffnlii',tl. ItldtfiP )rn') -afaarj rfllhl rf wh' h Iilly- r kf n rr n'fil frm th jo'rt of th ptnr ir 'r. If iut)(iiran tt.e Jlf llvf orKann and r frn t!. ap P'tit. It iffui-ilii iiv "Ji-.jlllta'f tl yat'-iu. Ilvur'"eii and nrl:hfn !) bl'.-1. and f i trm tli KT' U fe, tl, cnrrnpM'Ht i -ti rr'if:i b -In. It dl no vm ihontitMia or fliljm whkh tnp thf.t r ipnrii of (ho unit. It hfeilnjr r""rMl! act niB t Irriutrd nn'faBof Ihe 'Di'ie-. n I liroat, i'fua'rsiirR to ac?i dlii''a'?J part, rr)' Irp pain iti'd ufidulnn Inflainniiitln. ( la tha rt milt ofrarol ilrnj aiid wxpTlmMit, and ft ! ( fit red to tl e kCiktvl wih the pout live tiiira:n- of Iti pw r ti cure th fo lowln dl-nri. If tip palaithai tot t () lor k deU,fd a nK.rt to tho mratii of rar: ()n- I Funiplton tt .he, Cotirlii, Horc Thmat an I Il-ait. rH' liit t. ntln a WniKplnt Couth. biphthrla, and In alto an i rflN ut rnuJ fr U)K-aM-a uf tl.n Kidnnnd Kf Dialf f'on p'a'ii'fi. I ae )' a rouiii? I!av) yoi a di-re IhOB,t'i llava yo'i n of the preirt'iilt ry mo'rm' of th-tt mo'it f al d)s- af.f'oiinuioptl n? 1 ho-e wlt nUouId b wni-d bytita pi mp'tiniw p i frnll tMi.)i. ftt nf ltim until It In ton into rr"m'litt tart. prha-a tno e than any othir, arltantn lid ptfval'n' f arid fn'atltj cf a dfraac which iweps to i I f Kra' at le . ot-nx h of dt-ath'd vlcthi p. tAinttunp tl'in bat tlC'troail nior uf the h inian family than an o'tirr dtnj , and .be Imb1 ph) tlrlaim fur maiif ) tri have cts, altcd of at ' ure. or arcmrtly mat would bal tia liinica, ht.t f r D.D r tr an twi huudretl yt-urii thr whoe niedci wo'ld In rii Imprense J that thero n niTit- rptis power ard t)Mi nrv tn tb9 ri irets Tar to heal tha IbPRn; U.ett lore, thej have r0 'inraatted the un of Tar attT. whit h fn n.any cav bud a tio'id eilVct ; uui how t ctntnnt- tht nn-.lif pr jpei tli' no an lo heaJ ihu long, hai e.or Lien tn) m tr,) until It wa dlfioovrred by Dr. L Q. C. W liart, 'f lhllmle!phla, .hc uroprletor of Wish-tr: I Ine 1 rae t nrolal 't lantiw reft-inmt nilodand prater hi heiractiot of a lara MimVrof tho most lnieUiKnt and aMephj'Alclaiii. Tin OorftiaLwhen taken witn I Jr. Wlihait i DynprpMn I'llti la an m.talirnn cure fr D arp-ln. UX OOl.I.iUS WL1 be paid to any pT8tin who will prve that this or any of tQecert1fl':4tf uhliihtd by Dr, Wuhan, of Phi ad 1- ph a, Pa., art in anyway faltt. or lanucd without authority by tliosa who tfaia ti m. Dn. V n itY U ar sir I ba I Hr jnohltl4", InflamnBA- Hon ot tLelun.a and ahonntsna of brettb to i heir worn; to mi. 1 1 ltd been trtruai by avral of ha moat eminent phyMt Ions in fhtladulphla wl hout benefit I wan truly on Ihe trge of (he trare Your Tine Tkk Tah Oohimal wai rc bihtndtdtomebyA fraud .And after using four )r And uu imall butJtra, lm runtorcd toporleU l.talih. JOHN WARO, Kectlverof Tae-. Cor, fixth an1 Hienut atrecti, PiulaiUlphlA. Mr Wlihart, I wlnh to add my tentirnony to tba huv di i)tu rtctlie lolho hiallnK propoitlea uf your Ptno Tire 1M ordial. Fo Uf ein yara u itiRcrcr, Uui yean of that tlni 1 Iiayk itt pt oi.ty in my cbalr, not blng aMo to lletioun for O ar of tnifot-aikn J hara ampioyud aovoa o tl bvat pbHiG'siia to I blUdt lphia, who ail proauuueed ni) can li curt le 1 t . tlu Oulieo. tvlltir0 tht 1 arui y, httvini. done what ihvy cuiild.defl.aral uiv dls- rkir in ncurahle caia of a k thn a and Ohrunlo I ypijtop-tlt. Inlnluat nav, ana that ui) 1uuk wurtt partiAlly g '" Find ng cne of our t irtu ra, my wlf procure) froui yuur t'u a a but) le nf you1 I'ordUI. l'rbOV'relnnlj I used neven bt'ltlti, ai.d a box aid uball of your hyNpupmA 'llU.when 1 felt ll At ui) di a bad vbol y Klven way, and tne Ojr d a bud giver me iirw vlnor nd itiengtli. I co.itluu d to tn p Ovti, an: lor tbepait ihu-o luontha I have beon ada o i crp In in) bed a a tumidly ai 1 uver did. I am now wei , aud have iKtuijda In uiy wdnt. I am aile to no. k and provide fur my fuuiily. I send y-m tbn trua and taitblul itteuHut Itir the benefit of the mf-ferli-u. J'tlnidi, vaII And iea me, nAf Oxijrd Church '0it Oil.- Twtsmy- tulfd Ward, Pblludelphi t. WAAO llini l l'MM N. JCfcAUING.PA , April 19, lfrit. Jr. Wish Ait Dar Kir; Ona jear Ago tiiu Kxauiimng fiurfjeoh ol tin. Mutili t told me I bad (Nmtimptin of tha leUntti, and thl I could tint be t-ured , ai d jud duu from all B) a; lupti'im at tbat tlmu. I maill kupixiftd UiU to be true I Tat (or more 'ban one tar troubud with a back lug rounh, wbtih ftruduuliy grew ao bad tbUtouuld n t have A i.Vfie Hi of Couhliig without aplttlug blood In larte u,uaMttl- Kor inuiitht I cnnld not work at anyihtntr, and whi oMIgtd to kif p my br-d mo t of the time. While mihti CoudliluL) I wua I'i At Mr. Itow )0''i are, Id ihu e ty. And te teeing me very low, I wii riommfii jed to try yt ur I I Nr. Tit TAIt COKhI.L. lleiald ho had sold a giA..' dt A) oi It. a. id that, ai ll had i urjd ij mauy olb jri, be it would do some good. 1 bo lit, hi u bottle and commenced udng It Jn n v-rv fthort time I havv Ua w a tft tin,, l-citt r vt r Uet.and a'ter tnklng veralbtilca I v A" tmlrel,J runtorrd to hea tli, so that 1 could w rk ei dA.t at uj tiiptitorn, Hhi'.'li if very Uvavy wurAi.i au rtfa fwi.l)ty. Wbtn 1 onmitnct'd to niti your PINK TltKfr4lt'Kl'I AL my weight waa only one biindrtd andthlr y tlve poui dt; aluce the u of it I have wflhed h an awn-go one huudrvd and flity-flve. 1 ihiiibc glad Io 1 Ave you pubilkb lbU.Ai 1 bcthve J nhoiild nut bavo btitn livtiir ut ttiU liuu' il l had not un d your gnat uiedt clno, and I wUh all who sutler to receive itu btjni tlt. Very truly yciTu, 4'uptaln flAUlT- L IIAKNKIt, -Nu.lJ.r4 S. Kl(;hlli ttroet, lii-uduig, I'a . M AI) 11IK FOLLOWING ritoM L TU'A. Ir. W'lahiut J'uar Hir; I take pleasure la informing you thiough tills lourre that your PINK Tit L K TAIt Ooll MAL, whUh wa rer.'inutendcd fr my daughter by Mr, J. A- Hall, of thU ct'y, hai eurad hor of a cugh of owre lli ai. five iiionihi' ataiidlng. I hAJ thought her beyond cure, aud had t tui'lc jed tbe beat medical aid without any bene tit. 1 can choir fully rauoinmuud It to tba public aa a mfe ana lure remedy for thoie alm'Iarly aiillcted, aa I know of many other cac, bcsldei that of my daughter, thai It hu cured of lung standing cougha. Voura, raiptxtlully, JOHN V., laguerrAii Artint, Ko. T-itl 4ltii,ee 9lret, Utlca, 6f. V. :-l have uaed Or. VVIriUAltT'ri IMSiH ThKK TaU ( CUD! A I. In my tamly,and cordially rei joi maud It tu avalnabie an. I gale tnedlelne for t'uUU.C'tugbi, aud to iIkmc j ridiapustid to Cuuii:ui;iioa. lr tl. A. FOiTKU. No, lfpOOeneHae meet, Utlca, N. T. The Above are a f0w among thn thousand, which th1 treat remedy hai aaved frura an untimely grave.. We have tii nt'ri'diof letierafrom phylciam and drugali'i In all pan oftt ect nn'ry.iajltgthatthty havu m,vcr prog, rltxrd or sold a medicine which kav aueh unlreraal a atli factum. Ttieie Midldnt-a aro prei'artd only by the proprietor, 1II. I.. Q. a. WISIIAHT, VlIOHi: OPI'ICL is at No. 10 N. BICOND STREET, PhaaWplu, PKVN8YLVAN1A. Where lie rau be consulted either porionallr or by letter, ftaecf cbArge. They art told by UruggliU avd Ialtri try wnere, at wUuleiale by aU Hvw Yurg aud I'mlaicl liia WUoltiA'V Iruggita. & WEICnT & CIL-DALL FFTWrKN FRONT AHI PK(.'OVI) HTKKrTB 0. w WRH.iiT. r. n air.n-ieL. I) B U O (UST R HYSIClANS, 4lll Can find ut nni futabl iiii ant mti airtmnt n Imart) and Jv.iiif-tir Oru, i. Popn ar a.irot'it, t'aln a. (,'naJ Oil, Window tr)ai. I'rnacnptittrt Vim. Ac , at ai tow Oiirt an venntne flmt-cltiia g rd run ft ot FfNK P.fHr.NTlAl. OM.H Por C-inrt cth-iivT. in mil anlrt) a. id of top oest q.ialry Coi liinvtil, Iter pid Ird'tto, MiuliUtr, I'Ot A en, ' 'n 1.mot. rVda a iri, Alnrij.Oli fV nrl v nnat'o. tpa' m, ".atpxrt n Ioirwvd. Ar , POR f FHR . Aiwv in hand, a kweaf net apb pr'crs Pt KI-, hph'K PDh F WlIM- IMt. Omurd extircnniy for .iur "Me, ami to wirn w-i lnviTtri attention o trone in wtnt f rel'aoi- alleles Alto, IMtUiu, .sTaHCU. MUXTAHO. a-., or Orra by trail, or ew pit, will aiet wnn prompt aa pTi'w-n, or ipt-ela) quo' at ion wtlt be furnished wsea ra quasi ted. WHIOH I a Mlll-t,i., wno,esA Drug aruhoupa, 0. 1 IV AlAllKK) Htrowt. IWti Troni jall-ly WUA I,T II. BKALTl. 11 HALT II, AND If to gal" I'I rr.lrt. tjw! ltosiiir I litis ii- ,lihi; 1 t" t h .p. minii n--. r, faun., iltiM in a i b nr MaAt ir I I ti- he a twt of "Wd-; I' fr vn-r o mn enm-'i '"; Itfl'hhth DirnboHl fo wed : lf a tiiHthk t'inr hi n d a l Wkai.thI If r pvf ihrpwitc n-a-fl ''n, fiihiPir I e lot v li iltea ttie ttl II tn die a mi im g a f!r-o,TH I Ir yon wuhl life nt pfiiirs ; 1 yon i iif 'hi- wm d r 'tanrci; If V?T C.-DlfVt t VliU OH)(l lt.- Tattt4 Bl a41V ttJ tt'rd Wlii fl' Ar. 1 tan. bavnv al'h. wttiip ad Beauty. ou 11 he pr part tt fr Tff dutv Pt a fsrrfnl n r .-l w )r. 1U , M YUT ) H v.w ft'Mk. 1HK MAbKi AiiK lil'UiK. wblfh -houlrt t -tad tyetrtyon- Hdd by Knout-all- r eneaMv.tnd at (tie jKMti.r'a tffiia. hv. 'If M't.ri M MKK"'.r, pn.-e lb eei.ti. ai-'.-t' r R I i fS S k IS hKAt.'Kft At.. 7y)miiiU I, aduiMtrd h1 . H NK.UL.t H.t-ot JT Ih, a t neni hir anuie o diiti'ed ; asd jCyw TWhl.PI'M Streei. fjmt . oof tum kue Th m ii x)pjiietr and r wl tri n: nd. cooftstnijt, ti pal. o' Trnipapt uooortwra, nt-u da Hraees, Hel "a'daprrf, Piattlc tTvktnra. ty-1-n irtt ! rr Nuraerv.Hoa Hi tow Aa atn tix jarvp. I'HILAHKl.lMIIA, 8UU(JEONS f. yjlt IIANl.Ai.K tll.HI irtTTP., No IS surtt MNTII tttrext ive MsrkM Kuiur Iv eared l h IVtmiTt's e-enil" Paten 'Iraenatiris I'te pure Tn'., Hii'.erPir Kisl.c Belts fr-asiie Ni,M-i'hs Hupu.r.r- When rte ttraoea. Htupvu anm-a Out- e. -se l a. lies atten.ied tir Mrs It '. KVKBIKTT saVtl-ls 111 K tKTIMCUL d A N O tl A .III.I.KA. Inventoi slid Uaeufaeiwrar ot ths A K i I r i i i. a k at, Apiirnessl and adnpted PT TUB Bl'ROEOB-tiP.NKPAL OK IIIK. UNITED rVTATEH f. Seldie Ha. i ermanenrlv located St. t,mee and Panturv i Mo sit H. Pi mi l H ctuaei. als dism Palo Hpruce. pa ad. m '.o-aai JIIUT1 A. HOUDKUACO., CiMMl8H0r. MEE0HAMT3, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, lHyCK 1-TlMllIiiT WIIAIt ', P1I1LADKI.PUI A. nai'KD A. soman. All. Ills l.l) i.sti r, s kl III N T. Silla. 1 ia4-tf RAU ROAD LINES. VkVV K A I 1. KOAll LIN I', NO HI 11. 1 I'll 1 1 A llp.l.ftl I A Kl KKIHJK1.V9I, Ulliiil UN l Kivp; Ilium. P AKE ti. KXrWIlN Ttr'K KTSt $.1. i. out l pott TIIKP;R DAI. tin si. I alter MONHAv , n , S' i,IPi4 . tralna will I "B e ten i,r Vis K stieei. Ptiilaile..utB. everv moe ma: a 8 A M. iSiit'diyi exeiil.r).tl'p' ib hv 1,e 1'Biiideii and At Ist'tle and Kttrllan end I tela erarp Hav Maimiails l. n,,n PI, ntni.tllt. , sn.l bj 'he 0. mtiii.ill as ..eBme-- Jeasi U.iy.. to n ot tf Atlnntie , tlronklvn: iBi.irnine, isaee A' iBinle PU-bmi v, hart .very da) (Sundays eaceutedl Bill T.s"ve-er Hi in rlty or New York sra nntltled noi tr Bi ii Pf.r SB. age ty this line, th H'fl.a of s.s Je-p." tisvi'i'i ira.n.d in Hie Ciinieen Bid Auits.y p." I he esrlnslve prlvll, S" ot earr, 11.11 iMisetiers ami f eiL'Sl lie mien li e elili s oi Pti 'oil I. Ms am New Y k. vt it W. F OIUPP'I I'TS. lienors MntMrtnteaaenl -EfsT CHF.STEIl AMD PllltAUnLPUl A HSI1.IU.AI). Via St I- l.l A. H ItlNIi All 11. m.KMRMT On and alur 1 111 DAY, Apiil 1. Isu4, .lie Tralas will leave a 0'lnv.s: 1 e..e Punadelj his trom the hepal, co-ner s"nilKfY. HK-'I SIl.'sAhhKT fieela IA. S. II 1st A. ti. ,'i W r. V.. P M..I. -I5 I'. M. 1 1,11 artel, his I rp, l ctimi cd f-oni KIDIITKKTII and MM KLi meits tu ililni Y-HUnT and makkkt Ptneis. l.i ate vTe-t (tiester, from ths Ilepot on K.ast MAKKRI Htiisi.6'. A. M..7-IP A M, 11 AM, 2 I' hl.lH" si Un-ears 'f li e Vt e-t I't.i a-', I hi. I'a.e,,.'er Uallway r uiiinti.t (Maiket pei'St)wiU convey I'sasensurs to and friUi 'lie 1' a liepnt. OS HTM) V. I eave I'hllade'ph'a at H ilO a . M and J Sn p. M. Less. West I'llesier st N A M and UP M 1 alns lesvinx I'hl a.'e phis st It A M sn.l I'M P. M , St d Vest I'ties er BI 7 t' A M. ami 4 4ft IV M , oonne.4 villi, tra-n. on tin. I'll 'aitslphla snd H'llitni.rH t'eatrsj Mai reed fur Ust"ld and lnleiue ill ! p. tuts Jb4-II HKMlY WUUII, tie. sr.Muperlntsndent. -'tST JKHShY RAILROAD LINES ft l-,uiiiiei,cini 1 llliltSliAk, l.KPH, tram Yt alnul aureiu Whari t-UK t'AI'p; MAY. At IU A M. eud a I', sf. Per 8,1 'em bii It, in en.n, at S A. PI and 4 P. If. tor lilaats.r.'.BI'i and HI A, M . and 4 sn.l P. M, for Vn...ll.nrj, Ac., a sand t vl A. t. ami '. VI K.,1 Olouiraii r. r. t a A . IVM,:, . sn.lli T. M. i t il liMMl IliAlsr. LKAYU r.e Mas a' t ai d ll I A.M. Mill' llleats 1.7 A M .and II. I' At. p,alen, alliA M .. and 1' IM. U llil.lien ii tin I , a. M . I WiP. M. I last I ii.. ut 7 In ai d li'lT ' V , Yl. and t PH,P. M. Uisnbim at 7,7 III and 9 47 A. Al.,auI toll, aud 't. P.M TIIK WFSr JFIIKKI BXPHEHSlNlMPsNY, On re. No 6 WAlNl.r ira, I, sdi euU f.,r anldetlvo. Haip.S". and atn B.I to all Uie ti-usl br.-iei-es . v-.iinres. bu.,1 e.B. A aiwcul sc. 'ui.ssl -a sn.-ti Irani. J. V 4N ItF.s a .!.., aO tr Huisrttnuuil.i.t. I)lIII.ADi:T,VHIAANl) IIAIriMOKK CRN. J IHAl. KAH.htlAU. OI'F.N TO OXKOHll 4.'KIH) A ll . Ki.P.M p S'l ' til a d s'iui 1 UIDaT. Aurll I, l'iri. tbe ira'llS will leiv; Ba l..i).,W. : I.KAl f K !UW AU'l ) EAVK U KHTWAItll. ah v H. a. a r u 4Xll J liiS. P i Pl.llB.ielpliia.... Kit) 4 t'ehii.r'M- I. ...7 Jt .'.'J , si I'i.. .tor... 7 411 4 4,-' Ann. .Isle 7 14 4nl ev. II Juneuoi... V ' HI K.-i lien 7 . 4 t; ( -.11 "l.l li 4 li ..lip I Old 7 It 4 II I Is Ll. P', rd... 141 ill. t nU'l.r.l Pl.' i' Kelll"ll Ilellj Sll! V, I '. .1, fu ll.. li.. S-'ti Ii I.'. Aw 0 Is e 'O il li .'.i I'liilnli ", ia ll'fi vil We-l iir,iv., in tl 70.' mIii'i li. I'i .11 Lit. i.t. .. I'l'V 7i I'av.i mi r In !' n PMlsd- iplila 1ii'. Ii. eli etiun,.'. d fr- m Kisln. it, I, iiu.t V.irKsl nl.tla. Io eltlttrV ' I It s'f se.l SIM lit"' sn,,.,, We.t l-i.nii 'eli hlB Msrket l""l ..a..-i...-rllsllv.a 4BiaN.ll'e 1'a.aeliera In sud dwn the In u I- I'p... npera so ihii.n.-ti 111, o. it i of eara a4 IIP'.NI V w ..nil, HuiK.-rii len.teiit SHIPHINU. f-fty STr AM I: V K LY TO LIVER awl afiMiVmii P'u'i l.,iel,,n.- at l.'ie., i,.. wn, f ork H.'l. ir. - 11., Kill ki.i'Wn lamer, ol ti e l.heij..Nil, Ne Y-rs, Slid I'hi'sil. i,l IB hltuiiislnp I i.inp'Uiy atfl lo'elia.'! IO ..I' ns Inllov. . K'l N hiilurd '5 , Sept eml er 8. pi iMsl, 'iiliirilB. . seel' oilier 10. 4I'V I'F WAHIIIMitllS Haliir-liii . Hep i-tnlie-17 Ai .1 evei. sue e. Uls, itBiunlay. Bi n-n, fioui Pier No 441iullli Itlver. II ATP'.H OP PAMMAf F,. Psval.leln tlold, or lu i .iiilvalen. In Currency: Him t'nl'lB tsOKJ Hleerasp Mtl'fm First t'atnti to London asi un Hteersire to l-ol'duu... S4 l.l net I sl.ili to Pans... p.. .-a Hieersse lo I'srlt 4u im l irstt al.ln tolli liitiurplsi'ts1 steer.-. e to Hamburg.. : no I'a.sens'i is are uliii tirvBideO lo llsvro. llrt-uieu, lcot, Ai liierp. At'.,st e,ii.lli l.'Wl.te.. Psren Ir. ni l.iveipo.,1 er ijiieemlowii P Irat Cabin, 75, ts,',, tlis.. Hieersse lima l.ivuriool .i d tjuneiialowii, t l.'.. '1 he, e who wish n, send lur their uieiid. csn buy itcks'.s hsn- mi it'i'.i- r.tei. tor lUiUier tniuiuirttiou spplv al the s iflce.. Juil M il. HAI.K. .Ven', Ho. Ill WA1.NI. 1' Hireet, Plihailciplua. ef BOSTON AN 1) rillLADKLl'llIA jff JyarW Hlemu.l In, a.nlni fn m e.ieli pun on ts.l'it lUiAlH.'reni tlrsl Pari al. ne I'lSK htr.-e'.PIniB-deipl, s . d I.,, up' WQJiif. Hi. sinn. K'. in (list whaif aiiove PIN r Hiici'i.eii h.tutday.Hi a. Isfil. The s'l-rmst'lp MHwM t.N. Pal,er,wlll nilT'in I'lilladpl phl. fer ho. Ion. on Haiiiuib.v, Oi lileliiU-rli, st 10 A.M., a,' d ttie steam. hip S4ON, Man'. owe, frora Ito.tnu Pr rlil'sCeiplU., no .Bute day, .1 4P.M. 1'1't.e lu w si'il suli.lautlal aleainab'pfl form s reeular life, ss'lii's treiii estti purt pilin'iislly a S.tnitlvs. Iii.uiaii. is eiii.ete.1 at onu-ba.i tie. preuiiuu. el. a geiiua S:lli it ..-els. 1 1 en tita taken st fair rsies. pn,iipeis an-te.ue.i.d losend Hllp Eeci-lfti and Bills Lsilln.- nllh II "Ir i;ie,d,, P er 1 ta.ght or Passagi) (hsvlnp tine seeoramontlotM 1 spilytu HKNliY wins,, u io., J.4-11 No M a. HKLAVYAl E Annus. p ,A,Tta, FORNKW YORK. DKSrATOH aiiatian-1. 'i 1 and Hwittatira 1. n. ., i. is- ,iwars sud haitlMiit anal. '1 he .le.ruers sf these lines are lasslng o.ii.v si 1 u eiook M., aud t u clots P. At., truui itiusi uer shovs Watnut street. lor Ire'Khl, villus will bp taken on sneontinislallng te,ii.l. Bl'l'lv to VI 1 1,1.1AM at. HAilIU at CO., No. l.'l O. lH.LAWAUt, Avenue. tWh LIVERPOOL, bATURUAV, all ill tis.Atl,l 18. Is.,1. i ... in n t, -i. m YAl.OUV., Captain J-1. c'arlials, -Will .all Bh abete. i ru, ireat a. lr"JIJJvf,.rlA11H..M A tHP I lill u tio.lvl AA.MLI atcast- 1 UlILU'r ! I IMA HI IIM i X I'O'VMJ 1 MiKHtatoWN ;Alll,m, I Ml. I .Mil F. on snd a't. r ll'.i'I'Sl, Un lit. 114, nnlll t.oilr.. ' pn i.l hV rV l.esse . 7, s, .1 In ,. 'J A. tt.l .'I' .4 f. .'!. I, I.s, ", io , p M .e.ei.. rinani sB,t,7,7;l :, s l. 9, to, It. I lv.:i4 . US '. " In I', sn.l U I". M "I I, e Slit . I.. Be, I .1" :i', and n train, up. do or the llennsi.l - r. lira . . rtiF vi I I'll. I. I! t no,n. I rave psil, d- Shis, k, I". 2 i. it, US', en, I I P M I ..w ' s t ti ll. 71l',B.fl 40, II 40 A. kl 1.' r. in fi le, a e. smi in 4 i t . M. f IIIH I ()SIHI" h I S SMI Si'SHisne , lens, l",,i,e,, l.h' 1 . H ..... 1 1 I .'. A M.i IX t..( rs.piA an II'. P. M -,! I.. .... v,,rrl.n. 7. 7 i. !l an.lllA. at V ai d 0 P. M 1 . e r.S train a... will oD Bt WmrthleBna, Ms 1 Bi d I Ol 'ho. ten oi lv I Hill M SAYI S.K I I I'M sds.pM r, s V; ll s'. A M.. It, , I t'l.iim si.,1 1 1 1( . pr I r M.,nsMik..,.,. 7,.S5l), 9, I1H A SC., in.' i h r pi It K. aMITTI. 'len-ral Bnpert. tesa. B.i3l lie u . Ms I ll b id 1 1 .K.r.N s tnnn TI-.NNSYLVaMa railkc 1' Pet IIP.TIII.FMKM ll'H ,.K I - "IV F I. III! ClilSh IIAZI.rillN. WH.KK.SllARP II LIAMsl'l IT HI MVFH AltIA,lir.MP'rT. spin rn.sAi. r .isim -n ar.o after P t,P,A ,Ji ne III P-1.1 I's. win I. . ve ti e Sr. t 'I e.l. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Street ...., B Pol, rlieel I nilsOe.phlB. lis, V Irlitndn.s PXOB' fellow. - 7 A P4. (Rspress) lop "e.h ."eni, A lenlowa, ttatk. l...l,et.e.V I nil. in , on p l., A t s.ri.n ne itB'i' i ) r r is vlestssaTi In HAM I Air I, in. ..I. ,.i, for For iv.,hirurl BP.Pt Irt.e I ll...lst. ) '. r lou....e,n 3 4 r W ( P j p I P r lie'l leli.-m, pA.nm, Ac. l-'f. e M t , a 1 1 t." I'o I. .In- l. P'lft a M (.ee,.s.tuoitaiou) t'l. Itetnlensm, Alls' an.. Msueh hunk s it, I' pt ( A.e.-n meilati. n) f t 1. an. oat. 11 I M . Ac. P'tn.'ilsl ,.'ll . tot Po vi sa-Iniffctn. Th.lHS P"lt "l.'UDKI.PIIIA I ease He'l l l.en, a, S sl A M .'. A V , and 1 1. I" sleal wi. st li A M ,J f M , sod 7 P. kl. I.nii,..le at ' A M ton Haeliinpion al 117'. A M. und ; P. M. "s Hl'MlAt 4 PPI adelpl Is for n.thleliem in MM. I'M .,1 n.1,1., tor 1 1.. le-t v.nallt" V, I. ..M. itne u 'i r phii,l.l,,r a s 7 '.f A M II. 'PI. n, n, 'or t'hl a e'enin ut 4 p M I'lln, nn'. tint-va.,. serve. ' Ill cs.l f r and de'pvi sail si Hie depot, tlroet. niav Is l.n st No. IU a. I nneel. . ei:i F.I.I.IH I'LARK, a 1 1III.ADE1 rillA AN'O THEN ION I UalIPP AND AVIIl. .Y KAll...OAUCOSll'A NO I li t On J d sites MONII 1 . J.I unit 4. IH.,4 the Tral' p,-s Yo. p, I asms Kensi st' n .ep--t. e-nnaje p-H-ll . PI I N I. lit l . and 'i so ' M . and the ti.ln." Ni York ill At Bed 7 , 0 P. At , . Ill hwefL. I, exeie.lse.yf. r I e I'ltlted M'st Malls aud Pie d w Bsnii'.'on rat.eriirers, ai,n v, in wn tass in s oi" a i . en. , r. i.etw, e aul' es i, a. - I le li' A. Pt sl'.l li Mi.lnl. t.i l.... rem New t.sMimi'i .and tie li Ml A M Bed A P. VI. I.nw V v. n.h slot' to New Y. ik. w'li roolieil' a. Bt preseej -i,- 'B"e eer- to and Ironi the intermediate s StloJ rt.nil.oie s. s nn .ion. B' n sn-s .or. i AHI.AMIP MKNT- III IWP.P.S1 fllll Atltl.PlllA NK.vs YnPK Lines leave PhllB'le le Is, frohi Ks .Isp-rot, Ftep it-,1, A pt .in, and rf 4A P St., ami W-Mi uildnl Oom alnut ateei .vis i siitdsnl, at a aul V.. 1 1 VI.. 4 B' ii li P M .. lor Nw ork. i alrese. Ni Yoik, fiom fn t of Oonl.ndt I'I A kl . II A M 11)1,1 sn.l K P ll ,and at I nt I", and from fuotot Harclsy street at K . M. P.M. VV at. A.UArZMK is.'-If I ,HIl.AI)l' l l'lil A, WILMINGTON, BaLiIMOIK Kt't.HIIAI.. t'UNt,K I lltll'KH On at d slier MnHAY,, 1SC4, Pa.senver Ira nn lease phllns, n',ia ror at I t ssr.sp'B a Moii.Ly. s.oeptesll.R' I'le.ler'at htU.ll 14 A. M.! 130. !1 :10. 4 ', 00 sa l . st nn In, nn at 4 Mi tVoedsvs eisipted), B'Oo. 11 M I ' V'Ho. 4 .S'.l .. , III !, itlnl II HI f M. Ki v. C.s le st a i A A M ami p. u. 1 ..ser al P I ', A tl Bud 4 il P. At Ml I' io s mil M sahal.uty a N 1 1. A. M 111. IH t oil Plllt AllKI.PIIIA. leave rlnlllmore at s-4.'. 4.1 A VI (Bspresi), A VA st il II' v: I . k! . Kiln i .ion ut i -If). MA, 0 A M ,U-1. 1,1-46, 4'On lb oil le P M asihburi t tl f. A M. Ml I, IO al Jt.'. P U. I'O e- S' n u A. M., nd4 lP V. P.s I'a.lL al HAT A. M Bll.l li'?7 P. M. ( l etter at 7 4A. 9 411 A M , t tsi, ' 4A, 4 4U, 8 0O,7 V P. Al I save RsltlEnoreforStBlfahuryBndtnterrDedtateatsJ st in. P. M 1 Leas e ItBliiinore for Dover aud intermedials siant I 10 Pal. TPMINS TOM HALTlM'ltiP. t.esvefis'er st K ft A M , , 'A an t ti t ' M Wilni'lmton at A:l'i, ll VA A M., 9 40 and l u. P i i-it.-tit Traint. with I'asi.irser Car aitwhed, wll aa t, rev, a : l.ea.e v' ilmtiiirton for P-rr vine and lntermd step HI 1 41 . S SI N i 'A Y 1 :- On'y st 4 'M A. M , 10 kl V M from P Pren- Pss(, ipLla to rVllllllllirtnn at 4'tl0 A. M., if Slie ll p. M. 1 trim vl ti-rlnrton tn I'hlladelohls at 1-4H . M and I P. M. Unit at I'lnia P. M . fr,.n. Ilalil i '.re . Puna lei J IB. U F. ktS.VKY, sujertnteu! T- i t . r i, . w t tl s A lff.Axr.isij ii a i U iv u ri ll 411-KAT THINK M NIC KltOM PHTI.MIKI. MIA I'1 r . I IVTKUIOIt i'l'.l N LV A I A. 'I H K H' 1 1 ' l.kl. I.. St'B KlA S v.rr MilFKI N AND WVOMINU VAl.lJiY. ASI NOIITU, KOKTHWErtr. ANDTUE CASADA8 fAMMKNOK.It THAIS' l.ftv.' the V, nit-an'a if inl. at TlilltTP.RVTII ( Al.l OWl.U.l. Stltwia. t'biiAilu ilUA. 41 Uttt Joluvt ,4. Ul 1' M'MfMMl UMIL. A H IA K. M.. for ktiii iii, Ifitniin F.nhraia, I, V muirta. Iarrnbuia, 1 tnvj'ir-, Hnvrive. Tama HlijlU'i . Will UlllMi 'M, III TJ. lv ll- t'l'a Nm-'fa I Kul ul" Aiie tt v . ui fcprstiuTtf, 1'itt fin, York, Carl I'stii htrpbiir . llttiitTt-tOHii. to 'i bt- train cfiniifrt ai hi AI) Vu with F.i trnirl Pia fltilmad irttine .or A entnAi,. Ac. the i:diiiH C'niiin bia hxiioa -oi !' i.l r t . i itu Col .ut'ii wl'b th- I l ai Vail, y i' a n for H-rr b 'ir, f ;ai P" i'i. Mii.N wi i. t a'jiH - a tint n a ati tr wiiki'i a w tliiinM rt lHi lUvt-n, ICiiuire. itc; at Uuii lirhi. til ' Northern Cent. at. ' "('uuintiruo'l VaLl- id "hen tlk li and ot'iui ru im tr.nti rur n irt bnrlaio.V illiamp rt a a.i'ha - b"ltiir. P ntcrove. l.eavea l'htla-li IpbU at il aw IV M. i.f ltadlrur, P -tl Vi 1 , 1'int't im. llairlnlMir. (tti . C'-Bllt-eri t .a Hairl ciu'j vtrii ravn-vn an'a iTi.itra train- fur ricmnuri,, ' hortl em biral ital riad irtltii rnr Siifitmf, Mirthti bf taati, t Iii.iFh. Ao , Hiitl a I'oi t t'llnt. ti vuh (W.a-vtpJ Itttl.nittti Ualiitt for Milioii, A iliia-iutyort. fclmlra, lluiU AC. KEAItlMt A OMMClUTlOS, LfaVff KiUii a at ii ipU . H , Mapii-ntt at ad ways t b t pn i. in l Jillritii'ipi.t.i ai W tHt a. U Kfiiin.lii, I. a v H rtiil40ci)i li a at -nYJ F. M. ; arrtvei lte. t j. ai f-Mi Al. Tistttifv hr i'Mla-li'hia U hv flarrWiurtf ar A A. M .a Putt r-1 at 1' ih a at , arrlvirm in PruL.ieii'hi at 1 r m ai ti'ot.n iruiii itua iinrrt urt ai 'at y. I'"tsi' . ul ki".V V. iir.i.lpi; tn hi until h!n at 7 P Hurl"' I lint with a i:i-fng.T tar attactiei. i i' ia-ii' in .uir Hti4.n1 it: mnn mi wav -ttanni tkA'IO' I Jt'Mlt i avt it 1 a iu ai 1, nomi, anu Ui'wrttoKV'wti at H lur 1 MliHtViiIilu A.l'l tttl w-v iMilmil. A't 1e rov ir' a run ia1y, 'undio'i oxcepff-d Hnntiat trttfnh U Kve Po'i'vlUf at 7 :m al., and Uelbi-MiaiM' at Clll HI KU V LI.KV : Pa-M'titrt-riP tor I 'uuinl -wu al iiitt:r utv'la6 p'lr tart titf h A M, nnt ) IV 'n o l,villdeii .hi re ttTtiii 1 trbui LK.wuI'mti.u u at t 4i A M., aitl II j i' 1 st in UK Yt'HK KX' HKi FHt I'I I I MUL'U i AKD Tli WIV'T. Ltaf' i Mw York at 7 I". M., ya-i'i-ur Mot dm x W mi. BI1.M nnarmni-.:... i- i'irta-unt wah k'aau.liaai Hat root! r fc"i 'IttHU U t t'lltublfK, ll . ... ksi.ri... irin l.-an a llai riatlMirtt AH n.,.tv 1 - tl-1 r -i t bit Kni'it-s f urn I'll p. g at ! ik' A. M Dttpftiiiu llt'mlniu kriiA A M . ait J tfivuix n Suw Vi ai 14) P M HltttA Ca IdO iitmin tlUfta Uiv lliri upti, be wm'o JtifL ( Ii) .n.d iiuit'ury, wliU.i. OJlHItV. t rami tvi S w Y.'-k ! ae IMrnt'- ir at 8 A V am! 2 r M. h ' rain fr Ilin iiu.-v leave New Yui at iv A H ai t VJ M i Hl lil I KILL VAl. JEV ItMM'.dAH. 1 ram- i. I'ufHvin. ni 7 16 V. mI ;i :m P. M ,' rt tuunj . fn ui I uur.r..r;i ;t l' A M. inl 4 ,u i. M. , 8CHI M.Ml.l. AM rHl'St'I 1" i.NH It r.HlVD. lrttips Uv- AMtif" at .'I lit . at. fur H'tu-trmva an Harr -b'i'i. ui'tl ;t aud 7 i'i t ( fur liit-i.rtf -ml tf turn-. 1 1! moui H trritb'ifk "t i nt P. M., aud fruoi PUie Itrti-- ttl Hi A. At.. Miltj 4 rtr il - ' U. K K K I'M Thrdu.h drtii-,'! t ita a ih -hti eniK'ttuit tlofceti t a pi i. ( oi t lu if'v N'.ri'i Mini -ii a. t'l Ctto'ida. t in- l"M It li-k i ri oMatii tr li'iJ' TT at tre tifTlotj i 4 l.hA K-t-t ir. at rmr. Su Jf. A tOi'ftm tHtre- i I l.l f" i.l l orul ii. A Mt Ul.h9. Dttttl HupanoMb d ill. I.. a-..i.ti;- CliH'TniN TICKF.IP, A Vft 't ' t ni'C'Miij', bet .v nan any petnla deiiead fur (-ID ijit U' d M IU .Mir.rACR Ti KliTM. i .i,d tT'-Mevi in u heitj.n ail tiu i, at 1-lC each for tHiu!:ea ttiu. Drm-. A 'OS TICKK St yi il ree. n. Hint-, vi iw. Ivo tiit iitln, ftr holdara OBlf le aL t'ul'ilfc, al redi)i't i rate. . ri.i- ii(iviv.Ky lli Mdlt ' ni tho Him' i the mill will be fiimlMbed wilf eaidA, tniltliis tbeuiielvea aud wlvva Co llcaeii Attui VXOUllBIOK TICKP.V8 r rem I'liUlrtrlli' a In hilix 'rftl Niit'imipi. mi.-.A n- tltFA day Mm. ,. , at d M u d .v. at r. 1,vil tare Ut be had ou at ihe 'lick.tomciUUliiTi.thlUuudC.AiJLOVVai btnttf. FltKldlfT. 1 llli.llB ft aa tl l4(VAlll.r...d f..w.1.LA 1 a,n tt...t.-tfa toit'itt. tt-m ti.o ( onii-ary a m w frttiiht doinit, iiUU-sV I" I KHiMT THAINrt I. f live PbPade'i.I'lA ) at A . M . 1 V W .aiid P f f r Kraiiii'ti, ll itiu.n, Hftrrtabura, i'uttiTllia, i'ort C'liu tou, aud buuila btatritd. WAII.1 rime at the PMlH.rf!; h'a P stoiriA fnr nil r1Aiieaontha r nil hi d im braif hi-t at fcA. Al., and fur Uie pritietpai l(sj.!1 rUlLADELrilll AND lOU 1 JU'l. p.nlK UAILKOAII. lOO'l. Th.s slesl line trsvat's i-s llie M irthern and N'.rshvest coliutlis o Pi'lin.s Iv.iu. to the ettv ut krle on L.lie Ki.. . 1 1 ha.leiu I.U..U li.Uie I'f.S.Ssll.ViMA KAlLhKlAlP t I '31 1 A .s 1 , SI a Ul.Uer tl ell SU.piCe. I. 00.1 Hkpllil np. he.l llifiiUiheilt lt enure lunslb . It i. now In us. lor Psisetiper end FreUtht builaats lo p uu.orliiui. ( ft', mile.), u Ui. -s.lsrii Uivl- ion . suit trom nt.sitiald to trta il. milu.),ou u. WsMsuat llivl.l. n Vol Iniorniatk'U rebpeeilLs PaaaeiiKer hu.iiie.s, upplj, a) 11,. H. pi, cornet or r.l r. V P.31 1 It and makivki atieu. Aud tor Preisht husltii us ot the i 'onii'e'iv'a Airems ' P, 11 Mns.t, n. Jr., coiner al.H k.t.S ill aud ttxMit.t Slrts-ts, l-hu..lel.l.U.. J . W. K, t n, PlSi. J. M. La, 11, Apeiu, M. V C. B IlBltlmora. II. IIOtlHTOaj. Ueneral Frel.tit Aceut, Philadelphia, I K 1.4 L. IliillPf. t ' Oiiwral Tkkti APunt, i'iiii..iei,liia ' " J.iHKru li port's, Jal-tf tteaersl Atsns,r, tMUinaiX T1US or PsKKO TS.iae.T r.....w... M... g Mall Train leavs '.. I.T - 1 tl' re.. TtalB lease. av J l , . a '.i.ruiitbr..ii.a v iiiiotr ciiAa..r. boih a.v. on U,. J tralna uetweea pblla.ielpl I. and Luck Haven, and llall'iniji. .nd 1-nek 11. ten. P ie, ,eul Bieswllia t pr. on tne r.sprea. irain iwtin ways. I i