V v .1 l THE "71 A PRICE TIIREE CENTS.) PHILADELPHIA, AVKDNKSDAY, AUGUST 31, IS54. PRICE TUREE CENTS.,' T IE ILdlE (GIRL A "P ML Lite from the South. FIGHT AT REAMS' STATION. LICUT.-GEN. ANDERSON WOUNDED. Dopatch from G. neral R. E. Leo, LATEST FROM ATLANTA. Morgan Moving on Knoxville. EXCHANGE OF PUISONEUS. AFFAIRS AT CHARLESTON BsTTI.il AT RBAMS H. Frtm the Jiirhtwmi Henti.ittl, Atwmt 77. 1 he Wei, inn railroad nas a -Mi i lir ight the Y tDkccs unit I lie croakers to grief. 1 linn Ur, lintial A. 1'. Hill an-au ted tun m ill srim-, in r Hi -iimn' siaM ii. uiiu.it tvilvn nubs fr mi Pttt-rphuvg, and carried litem, curing t ao luiia ui d pit-uuers anil nine pieces of cannm. We an pleased to state mat our cttuitltte are rt prert ntcd iu uifl sliptiu, thougu we regivi r.i it m ibnt anions the wounded inti'iiMncd .re thd names of General Anilcrnon, of ttc,iri-ta and Cone cl Charlie Marshall, of Viiytm i, tne I .tier Iu 'hi' trill. IIi:aiui'Aiitki8 AiikY or Nhitiii:ri Vni oima, August 26, 1H it. II mi. . . s M i i tM.Ti u.ry of War :Ge,. cr.il A. P. Hill a-tt-e.tt II i tit-my in bin in'r. nc 'iuH iil-, .it. ilea ns' Si i Him, i sicrd ty i V -ning, and at the seeoud-nst l l cairetl Ida entire line. Cooke's unit McRao't North C -rollim "irigid ntid.rO ueral iluth, mid I. aim'. N-irtn Catoim i rntginte, f Wilcox's Divi-lti, Under O mcr-tl t'm.i nr, wuli Pegratu's ar.il.cry, cntiio ed tuu paiiltilnf column. One tine tif tireti'twmks r carri d bv the cava ry ni tier U. neral lln'iip'on tvitn great gn Ii u i, ho couiriliiilcil l.irg ly to tlio success ol ti e nny. Sew d Hands of color., two thiinii(l prisoners, a d I li e pieces of artillery a a in our p .s-o-isnui. 'lie Inks of the tin my iu ki -led .nut wninJel U rt-purtid to lie 1-eavv ours relatively sin ill. Our profound gratitude in due to tlic Giver oi All victory, and our tnunk- to tuu lir tve men unit iiflli-eraetigagid. R. K. I,i;. I p to tlie time the (ruin left yesterday, t ie . flab ii g had not Ot-in rcncivcd. Bita-iuitrr-Genrriil Spe.r.ihe notorioua Yaki' raiiicr, u riiorted c.iptiire. The dravii Cip-a n C';irk', Ailj it inl-fiimorai cf Wilcox's hr!ti;i(i', wis .lih' y w iunil.m. OKNKllAI. HOOK CON VI OKNT OF II IH AIHI.ITV TO KM' ATLANTA HllUllN HOV1NII TO WA1I IIK KMIWII.LK A H1KMI1 IIA1II II V Bill ICMAN, KiO. P om the tttc'fiifiut Xr-ttiwl, Auiiitti'Jl, W lit eier In at wink on iu eiii'my's commnnl csitl iiH.aml fihi'iniuti It ot fuiuiiif; nucatiy ln-fure Alliilitn. An otlu rr who tins jimt iir i v 1 from Ai an ft ) Ives a cliti'rlul an on lit ol all urn nt til a iO lit. All oltlror from All n a niiyn that our coin Dial d r ilitre no more lufen i-to jtlvi- up Atl.ui'n, anrinomiircdinlit.bin tiiml t to hold it, tuaa General Lee does b to IU hniiinil MOHOAN UOMNO TOWAIIIIH KNOXVII.I.R. Kiul'Uiom) papem puoli-h Ida following o spatih, and Ailaniu, Aug ut . A lettir from au oin er ut Oreenvlllo, E it Teiiiieaiiee, a y thut John Morgan lift thaipolut JcrKioxvilc riui mi n (ion that another I'Yileral raid, seven tliiiuriu d tp.ir, wiih iiiui' pii'i es of nrtiliery, nur d from i cainr ttirly itiia imirniDg in tnu dneuliuu of C." i i 1 1 l; t 1 1 1 , (i i. 1UK CAI'TllIB OP HliMI'IIH, Jmmtht liirhmund Stnhtfl, Attywtil. We ilniiK ihert- is hi. I littli; d jubt th.it Forrest hut UObbt mou of Mi nipuis. HIE ATLANTA MAUKET. Vciih the Pttentiurf Heiutert Auyntt il. Flour utid nn kI ure iuilh pieutv la Ailiul. tl e former retailing at per oinel, and tun lattirai 13 per l)u-m l. What is l ui-j ro uarK kOK', j ruei are mui h lower a. A'lanta lu in oeini'H tlifig bt gun. 13 et, mutton, auil ire-n put lolo at liom liree to rive dm I ir a pnuii I, wuTi"4i i ik iii.w lutuiled at from one to tun e dollars a p iind. 'i'tii is remurkuh'e news to the crlznai of reten huig, w bo are compelled to p.ty au mlvan m iei ty-livc per cent, per day on ev. rytUiug iu the iov s.ou line. llllil-L ACC'OTNTS OP TUB BIKOH OF C II AHL I.9TO.V. fioti. the Lhil'ltf-t-in Uetrruy Ati'jutfil. ' lie moid i I the tuing iu tin' n.n lnr -I'ico o'ir i ai, runs an tolios : II n mg l-'iid iv mglit Uti lity Ui'iug tired eveiiiy-bix, im l tue .Saiii ta ry twi niy-tlinie slmis at Purl Sum nr. On Ka uruay, tbu tiring on Sumter, from the . uni bath iick, wan linn'ed to th.riy-nglit slioti, au J ou Miinl.y to tiKy-oue hnU-. On fc.aurUuy night Mtjor Jenkins, finding th.it tin euemy us umng the iliu ieis, ic, ol tne boUM ot iAarnviilti tor tUti puriiose of es'aO II lung him Pell more eomfonalily on the nign hi ring island, gave ordeis lor tiie deitruMou of the pluee. Am ug i ti trmips eugig d in tue rxi-t ut.oii of tins order was but galUnt emu . u.ai d, the "Jitoim su ni," hjxUwii wii.ini oj ' this iKcasion performed the inrlinrh ily duty of kpplymg ilic ior h 10 their own houses. 'Iihs tl oie viilugo was Hhin ulila .e, making a ft iu lib , wiii h cmild he pi .iiny on.'ii foiu ihn c ty. In iLelmrt tune t.-ewoikot ilmtru t.ua va-ui Voiii'tlnd. and nothing lem lined of Lo glirtvill, but hvups ol Min.ulileriug iisiiea. Jduuiiwhiie the euemy kept no a furious bu", as limal, liuiuilini In inli.i'Miii, in of the plujo au.t of the neiiiiiultt nnon whh:h it stjmls. THK UK II I.I. OOVKUN u KM T OIKKtt. rom the I'tlmt'ti rtf K'tft'tri; Ai y t-t 'tl Kiciimoku, August Tin Conl'eilerateaii'lio ritli bave offered to cxehange olllcer for o.ll er and nan for man with the Keili r.il uuia iriii M. Hi leioiore i lie point of contention ll is Oeeil in the oehvery ot the excess ol prisoner, our tlov rrnmrtit insisting Uon the terms of tue eanel, vbii b le(ufred the delivery of a l prif ner on , both fiOej, the excess to he no p irole. Tue Uov- ( uineut now pn popes mat tue exiens, it any, n n am tn the hands ot tin; enemy ua II U'ut , cjp'uies nre made. This off r, liougii made early in ibn month h.is not Ikvii ai'.ceieil. 1'ue it.rrespoiiUeiiceon the'tmject will slninly upiKar. , , , TltFIIVJ IIV 4 t .VlltlS. ISI'SkUM OHDKU UY OKNK1UL VHT. Btatk of Nr.w Yoi.x, Noutiikhn Divisihk, Pfhif. of iu; Aitimi Axmstaxt Paovoar M AKMIAl .(ilNtHAl , Al.llANV, Augllnl J4. iKi4. ' rii:iiM N . 11 '. I lie pillowing is proinulgi:."! for the inf irm itUin ann guld tiicu of l'rovoit Jdnrthul of i bih uivition : Waii Dai'A UTMlT Piiovopt Marshal-Cihse-BAL'a Ouki:, Vi ahuinokim, 1) C, Au'ii t 13, 1M14. l.li iiu nam -Colonel V. Tou-eud, A. A P. M. (., AI'iiiiiv, New Vo.k: la repiy to tne coniniunic nioniol S illui in l-'o.ee. C.er of ttm . li am ol hupirvipdis M LimicuU' coun'y, Ne Dia ting o! the li iMid of Su;ert i-ors of tip1 h'iovs riiuied cotiuiy, forwarded by you to tUis Huiea i ' for inrtructinus, I have ibc honor to attto thtt the iecoiiimeniiaii'.ns mmle by you In yonr in-tlorpt-ment to the idi ct that ' in c ises where a county raUei bouulitH, Hit drnft may iu ducli cciiniii'S li ke plute by county, iind not bv siih- district in Dilur wurdi-.lhu whole county wny, for the pm pope of the drul'i, con-tituto one suo il.pii ici, mid be drum at one a id the sauietiiae," uiects w't'i ir.v nni rovai. 1 mil, Colincl vt-rv rcppculfil'.ly, ysir oboJIcut kei'.niit, tMjfi tl, jam b II- t"iY, Pr' tfist Maisiial-'ieii ral. O.lli iul- l i.ii.l; P. Muh eiiimrrh, Oujitittu iMi I iii.i.l titni.' in:ituti, litMic-eior. "PKII.ITD AltTKWS" AND TKK OKAFT. TliC lollowing correspondeiiee has pisseil H t'.vc-en Iiou. J. K. Mnrebcail and the Trovost Mnrbhul-Uinciui, to whom the Oeucral'i tele gram wm referred by the ficerotary of War : Vnisnrno, Augiut iG, 13)1 lloa. K. M. Sian- tuii.Sei retury ui W ar : I lie ttitiiiirir( iu ivlncli liic Allnuieiiy Arsenal is loomed inti Its eltorts to " fill us tpiota with volunteers paralyzed by ren-on of oue-loiirib ot its enrolled citizens being em ploved in the Arpenal, who feel secure against ' nilerlrg the service in case of draft, under the oider of the Provost Marplial-Uoneral exempting ' S killed urtizans" from "field service." Is this cider to be construed so loosely ut to empower the ccpimuiidiug oiluers to se' iiie exeuiiiliuu for aii (Joveri.meut employee. I The employees so utn.cibtand it. l'liase autwir. To hieli tUo following nnswi-r was rerelveJ : Wasuingiok, Augu.t 27, ltfcil. Hou. J. K. IT on litad . The Secretary's order in reference tu kkilled n.ei hanlcs it to he ttiietlr construed by toiiiiBaiidiugoillcers. The suli-districta will not ! ni10 ilrntl from this cause, as such '-skilled tuedUauica as maybe drafted and ptr nFtid to remain at the arneual will be counted IU the quota the same as if sent to the front. Jam is 11. iuir, fygl M4fUiU-0uvrl. SHERIDAN'S ARMY. Fi grpmeLt of the biitli Corps and Averill's diva ry with Robels. ENEMY DMVhN BACK WITH COr. SIDE H ABLE LOSS. A Htavy Force Still Thought to bo Confronting Us. tie., ric, r.lc, Kie., r.ie., F.l., Etn. SKVi.itK conflict or Tiia cavalry. II A I UI A HT t KB Si HI 11 CoKI'4. AuUIKt '20. ncbernl Menu 's llivis on, of licnera' f ir lert's I'm any, wps ti, Imne lir ul ev Johnmin's C iva ry ai n i i t li Ismn of K irly p Infantry all it ty ves- nut. in came upon j.itmson s coin'ntndon Mil, nut , ai d, the coiinlrv lieiug oi en. tlio In and Vc In noi.r- met tlinn hy a coun'i r en trge, ut tin tin mj were cnaig'ng nuwn awm main He ti iiipioii of the two i oinmns was fearful. Mi'-tl i hi tv W;is more t bre rat'iug than has iwen -ti I e'ore d ur rig Hie w ir. Lieu'enant II ivor He rust n-mrl.ir c-tvalry, was kiliel, afiir pbowftgihi nio-t reniatkahle prosres and skill. A K le I officer who wita taken prisoner. ii lin t In was pfltisht-d, uow that uu b-id seea t-ime n si ruviilry tithtmg. TUB HKSIIT. Johi .on was driven from Clmrlflstowi throuch stin fxyond Sunthlie d, and Merrill's Division onup td tbe town la-t night. TUB IIOIIT OF TUB 20 Tit. This morning ibn eiiemv lirought a division of Mini i gani-t our cavalry, and the ligtiting nut mud In is k I v limit about 3 o'clock, wneu Genual ritieriilau, wno ba 1 goni 'oihifnu', Mi,i lo in neriti w nglit, ol the (it ti (,or,.s, t ir a . itlnoii ot Ins triMips. lie at once directed t) in. ftickttlp to advuuee with the 3d 1) vision. Gen. Kn ket s made a rapid mnrch of two miles or iiiine, and relieved Uciier il Tor r 'a cavmry, alio had fought most -plendl f ly all d iv. Among the ca-unlties is Dr. W. II. RulUon, Mt d i ai Diiretor of tha C'avalrv corps, who wns In I tlirougb the chest while riding with (lea- nl Tortier. He fell nvi r, simyly excla ming, "It Is t louse doing anwmiig forme; lam Icillel: and be oieil almupt Itmneillately. Ills remains will lie laken to Ills borne at Mexco, ()s veg county, Ni w York, by Cantata Tlieod ire W. He ti, 1'iuvopt Marshal of the First Cav dry Divi- t on. l.i uti nam lloyer, of the 1st Regulars, was Killed, un. king the sixth o llcer of that regiment 1 o hits been killed during this campaign. (.' i u In i ii Ilsnley, of Ilia 'Jth New York, was in irtailv wouiiUid. l.ii ilti-n.mt A ifr. il, of tuu lsr Ncv ink, wouniied. Klrt Kenfeant William Sciet, of Will ston's llut'erv, was kbled. Hieke I's Division advanced nearly a milo be fore he lound the cneniy' line. Tnen tsknmish ensued nf'nhnnt live minutes, and the enemy fell hack for tbe night. OF.NRUAL CVHTEh's MOVBUCNT8. N'eab MAKiiMiriio, Va., August 30, A.. M. Oini ral Custi r yeierdav cro-aed the 0e( tan in the oiit ctiou ol liuuker II ill ; iiutiiieui-oun ering two illil'ions ot ilri ckinridge's Corps retired, as it was not Intended ibat be should bring ua a H-tii rsl ei gugi u ent. THK SIXTH COKI'S AND OF.!f. AVF.tltLL r.NOAOKII. Tfe (i'b Corps yeslerdav attacked the enemy at ilic Opequan, when quite n lirelv engtgoment ilisutd. A ilelm hinent of General Averill's i on.miiiiil la t night a tic cd tbe enemv on the (Ji mn sown rod and took soma prisoners, (iei.i ral Averill Is to duy engaged iu m.tkiug r i iu unippanci a of tbe enemy's positions. Tne tnu y bus hip main force iu the neighborhood of Kmikirlli 1 this morning. 1 he in nt- elail cars ciimo down this mo'ning fn ni Gei etal Kebev eomtr.ntid to the edge of ti an at Martinslmrg. Till! HFHF.1S MAKINO A SHOW or STItRNOTII. llAl.l-hKS Fkhhy. August 3.) liarlY tills n oiLing orders wi re Issui-il mnt no -.apply trains oi mi ler wagons lie permitted to go frun tills poini tu tbe u-my near C'haiiestown. At II P. M. 'heurti.y wusJiawn up in tine of tiaitie. Toe eneuiv wi le visible in tbu direction of Smi fi'leld, and u buttle was iiuiiiinei t. It nupears thu the Itil el lieuenil made a feint from b lore U tier tl M eniluD's works near this pi ic-, in order to give I alt v. on a lair lirlil. A IIKAVY 1IATTI-K ANTIOI I'ATRII. A penerul well posted IufornijJ yo.ir corres I oi dent Hint be believed that a ilat tattle would In I.. u, lit iimr II irper's hi rry", and that the Id I i-Ip have not re Imiuishi d their Idea of an in vapiou ot i'cniipy ha-ii.i .ml M-trylm l. 1 In- wngoti tra ns ord red to the front yosb r tin v to Cliurlcpiown teiiirued f-o-d-ty without uu losdii n tin ir freight. .V. 1'. Herald. lO-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Spit lul Dt'.snatcLi'B to Kvcnlng Telegraph. Wasiiimoton, Angust 31. New Provoat Harpual iu M Unit Depart litt-iit. Brigadier-General James Rowcn has been re lieved from duty as Provost Marshal-General of i ho Department of the Guf, mid Colonel II. R'iL::ison sppoinled to till thu vacancy. ktet-l l.tmt'M i Iteimi' Mtiltiiaa Ricliniond papers of tbe 28ih admit th it their lost was nearly four thousand in the at.ack on our pi. sul n at Reams' Station, l'risonert aiy the Itebvl loss was over five thousand. tiil I nt Allitittii A Itittlltt :xei-lest. Iles),atelies from General Sherm in announce evrrybii g quiet in fiont of Atlinta a quiet however tb it wiii n it long rcm.iin undi.tlur'ued. The Indienliont ure that a buttle will be fought on tbe M icon railroad before the close of the pre bent week. Uiirrllla tn Sf Kwonrl Fuulaliest. The guerillas of Missouri are at last gutllag Ibeir dcpcris. Every one that General R isecrans captures Dow is inline Mutely fried by a m'lllary con inlpt-iou, and if proof is sh iwn of bli having acted us a guerilla, he Is semen", d to be shot or bung, generally the Infer. Six more will surfer the teualty of the law on the 9 It of September text. Ki'bt-la ItelrcBilMn from lite Nlinnnudliiah. Tbe only Inforination we have from the Sbe naniloali it that the Rebels are retreating in the direction of Ktmsbiirg. and that Sheridan', cav alry it skirmishing with bis rear gnard in the ncigliliorhood of Winchester. It it believed thit Lniigstrect'i force, feaii their retreat oue week ago to duy. 4(ulit itt l"t-lerbtirB Another Attack Itittltctl for l.i' Itflnftirt'tHl by rnrly. Tbe siluaiiou of ull'airi in front of Petersburg rrtiiaini unchanged, though there are nnmis tukable indications that tho contending armies are preparing for anoiher desperate conlllct for postession of the Weldon road. We hold our lines tii inly, every day adding strength to our Intrem-huieuti, which are now believed to ba imprcgntible. It It believed in the army that Lee has leva reinforced by a part of Early't force from tbe Valley. The weather it beautiful and tlio roails excellent. Atiiiilral Fsrrnsut lleninln Ht Mobil". The poj-nlar opinion that Admiral Farragut is to be at once tent to Wilmington, and that an expedition against that 'po t is organising, is wholly Incorrect. His work In Mobile 11 ly doct not cease even with tbe capture of Fort M-irgan. Moieover, tbe Job at Wilmington is one in which no cousidi ruble success can bo achieved, except by combined attack of the army and navy ; and ile-lriible a it Is that tbe place should bo ren-'cu- pied end repossessed, tbe emergencies of Grant end Sherman require that every available man should be sent lo them at present. IHustt-rlnkT New Ileerulla. A recent order from tbe War Department directs that hereafter recruits for new organiza tions in mllitaiy tervlce, shall be mustered in in the iume tuunucr as those for old organizations ; that Is, in companion by mu-lering ofUocrt at the general rendetvout of tbe regiment, and advance bounty will not be paid till company rolls are made out. Company olllccrt will not be mus tend till conipanlct ore full; and Held an J stair cfti! -erf not till the regiment is orgauUed. Meu will be mastered in from ttie date of enlistment. and discharged at the expiratiou of the time lor wuiiu muttered. rriiiiiii n.irnia.v llll.Vli lilM I lXf.l NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. THE CONVENTION TO-DAY. ucncrai xucueiian Chosen on lirst Ballot for President. LIE RECEIVES 152 VOTE3. Cif A(io, Anmist 31. General McC'lellun wis m miiiHted for President of the Untied St i-.cs. receiving one humirud and llfiy-tiv) votes on tin) I r. t tm. Int. I liss 'fit IimI isny'm trcveiotl 1 it Ciik aoo, Augnst 31. The (' rivcniion real si Hi tilt d at 10 o'clock this in irniig. The Wigwam was densely ptcked, and the crowd outside was greater than ever. Iinmcdtaiely after, the Convco'i ui wi e-illcd fo order, and a prayer was otTcred by the tl-v. I)r llalsey, of Cnicago, Mr. Wickliil'e (Ky.)-ai.l til it the delegates fro n the West were of tbe opinion th it circuui-t in -es mny occur betwsen noon ol lo-d.ty an I tie t:h of Man b iicx', which will make it proper for the Dunociucy of tbe country in meet in couventloa gain, lie thereto c moved the following resj- lution, which was uiiannn unsly sdopre l Hesvltrtl, That this Conveution still nut be dissolved by adjournment al the close of Us hu-i-mss, but shall remain orE-aniel, sithj et to 'ic culleil at any lime and placi-that thu Kxecutive Niillomil Committee shall designate. Ttii; following Communication wns preten cd from :be National Democratic Committee by .Mr. Lnwrence, of Rhone Island. At a inciting of the Nu'ionil D'nnvratic ('I'lniniitit , hclil ai the Siier'iuiii II use. in tli 4 tt ol Chtcjigo, on the .llptoi Angus-, 1S, the following P piiIu Ion wa a l p ed ; H7i(teat. A rcppcctlul devotion to the miinory Siephun A. Douglas, the great st ite-mifi m tl eWtsi, was tbe crt tnng motive whicn in dueed the Cominlttce to concur in calling the Ni'tiomil I'onventl' n in the cl of Chicago: Now, therefore. It 1 the ilciib rate conviction of this Committee, thut b id Ins lite 'wen spared. bit gigen ic grasp of iiiiud, taken In cinnecion ilh Ins ilec'nnitlnn th it "war is disuni in" i ileclniiitli n which time has praved thit wis, lino of, would long since have restored tho power of the rt di ral comp ict, and avoid the terriino los of lite which nottiing c ui compcnsaie, and th it bltteitieps of feeling so much to lie deplored, bieh In a greater barrier to tbu restnratiou of peace and union. inos. ii. t louexck, vnairman. Tbe Ptesiuent then ttated the question befo e tbe Convcnliou to be, on ordering the previous qucptioii, to proceed to tbe nomination of a can didate for the Presidency, and it w is ordered without dispent. The vote was then taken by States, the chair man of each delegation anuounclng the vote when the States were called. 1 Le first ballot, as filially reported to the Con vention, alter many changes of votes made by the delegates, stood us follows : General McClellan T. II. Seymour, Conn 2-'4 Tbe liual retuli was anuonncwd a. follows Maine, f, for McClellan. New llanipphi e, 7 f r McClellan. Viimoni, 5 tor McClellan. Mussiichiibc t-, 12 for McClellan. l(h de lniHiid, 4 tor McClcllnu. Coi nccti nt, 6 for M. (.' eilan. Ni w York 33 for McClellan. New Jer-ey, 7 for McClellan. IVui.bvlvunia.'Jii lor McClellnii. Deiiiware 3 lor Thorn .s If. Seymour. Muiylmid, 7 tor Thomas II Seymour, hin'ucky, 11 tor McCie lan. I, Inn, I'l fi-r McClell .ii. Ohio, C lorTlioiiia- H. Seymour. Inihnna, !M for McCiellnn. Iiidiniia 3i for Thomas 11. Seymour. Illinois, 10 lor McClellan. Michigan, 8 f .r M. Ch Uan. Mipsoml, 7 for McClellan Mipponrl, 4 for Thus. II. Seymonr. Minnesota, 4 for McCb Han. WIpccdsiii. H for M. Clellun. Iowa, 8 tor McClellan. Kansas, 3 for M. -Clellun. Calliornia, 6 lor McClellan. Or egou, 3 for McC.ellan. Total. For General McClellai). t?:i: for Tl:Oinu- II. Seymour, '23. Iu announcing the vote of New York, Mr. Church said that New York regretted to pass by ber favorite son ; but she stands now, as she hit ever stood, ready to tacritlce her dearest personal preferences for the public good. Holding it to be her duty, above all others, to do all in her power to repcuo the country from the tyranny ibat opprcspes it, having full contl- dence in the democracy, iho abili y, and patriot ism of Geneial George 11 McClellan, New York glvet him ber entire electral Vote. Several delegations having cast their rotet for Doratio Seymonr, when the call of Slates bad been goue through with, Governor Seymour re marked that, as some gentlemen had done bim tbe honor to name bim for nomination, it would be affectation to say that tholr expressions of preference did not give bim pleasure; but he owed ' to himself to say thut m ny months ago he advised hit friends in New York tb it, fur various reasons, private and pub I ', ho would not be a candidate for the Chicago nomination. Having made that announcement, he would lack tbe honor of a man he would d i great In justice to those friends to permit his name to be used U"W. As a member of the New York delegation he personally thought it advisable to support an eminent jui 1st of that Sute for nomi nation; but he was not actuated in tbit by any doubt of the aMIity or patriotism of the dis tinguished geiitlemau who has been placed in nomination. He knew that General McClullan did not seek the nomination. He knew that that able olH;or had declared that it would be more agreeable to him to resume his position in tbe army ; but be will not honor any less tbe high position assigned him by thu great majority of his countrymen, because lie lias not sought It. He desired to add a few words in reference to Mui y land and her honored delegates here. Y's. tcrday he did an act of Injustice to tke distin guished member of that dulegation (Mr. Harris), because Le (Seymour) did not understand the purpoit of his remarks, and he now desired to say thut that high-toned gentleman was Incapa ble of taking a position in thit Convention, par ticipating iu lis deliberations, and refuting to abide by its decisions. We are now appealing to the American people to unite and ave our country. Let us not look buck. It it with tbe present that we have to dual. Let bygones be bygones. He could lay for our ga'laut nominee, that no man's heart will grieve more than hit will for any wrongs doue to Mary laud. At one who did not support him in my delega tion, and as one who knoivs the man well, he felt proud to do him this justice. He (Governor Scy inoui ) would pledge hit life that when General McClellan la placed in the Frosldeutla! chair, be will devote all his energies to the iiest Interests of hit country, and to securing, never again to be Invaded, all the right and privileges of the people under tbe lews oud tfee Constitution. Tbe Piesideut then announced tbe vote, which was received with deafening cheert, tbe dele gates and audience rising, the baud playing, and tbe cheering lasting for several minutes. Immediately alter the nomination, a banner onMh was pelireil the porriil of Oen"rvJ McCIo 'an, and iK'iiring n- a mot o. 'If I cin n, t have corn in nil of my own men, let me share their la e on the tic 1 1 of batie," was runup In bind the President's p at'orm, and was wel comed nitli i nibuplnsiic cine t. . I'l-Mll tTOV vollViTril MIR ir:-pHt.Ni r. Cnii-Aoi), August 3,). Mr. Pendleton was ni mil ated for Vice-Picsidcnt on the second ballot. ARMY OF POTOMAC. IlRAtlO,! AK1KIIS AHHY OF Till! PilTOMVC, Augu-t Sf, I'.vening Tue reu iris p ilili-lied m mine of the new-ptmrs th V the losses of tiie.iin Corps in the bvttlcs of the IS-.h, 1 Ith. and 21st of the present month reach live tun isa id, aru g-e.uly exiggtratid It Is now ileiiiniely a-ei-rttined that liny do not exceed !-t0, and as s rigjlcrs btid others -till continue to t-oine ui, and the sick are i.ot all ac -numcd fur, it is be level tbu the sigiegMte loss in ail these engagements wilt i xct en 3 ioO. The loss of tbe 21 Corps in Thursday's flg'rt will not exceed an agg eg te of 1i 10, according to the mil. ial statement ; an 1 U Is lielioved th it I cn all who are now within our lines report, 12(0 il cover the ruiirr los. Tbe Rebels are wild lo be using the Weld in railroad below Reams' S'ation.aud running their supplies tbence to Petersburg aro tnJ ir left by wagons. As this requires a largo force for trim gnrds, end to defend the road ag linst tho mi ir pIi n of our Cavalry, it cannot he either a erv prntitiible or plea-ant means of e ui in nana' ion, w ithout taking into consider.itiou the loss of time Involved. Anangi mcnls have been mu le, It is under plot nl, for burling I he Rebel dead left on the he tl of lust rtiiirstl.t) '4 n title. Tne fa :t that the men y dnl n t bury their own dead, and thit tl ey It ft their wounded on the field, is p tlpali'e rvidi nee that, although they drove back the 2d Corp", they did not acnieve any very cj.u.neuj or i ri unable v etory. Tie usual picket firing has occurred to-day without uny results of conse iicn'.'c. SHI LEY KEFORTED ON A RAID. St. Lot in, August 30 A report, said to have Its migin in reppunsilne quarters, was iu circula tion jcit rday i venlng, that Hhelby, with i0 U nun, was, yc-teid iy morning, at a point slx'eeu units I elo w Poto-I a little nmre than sevcniy iiiilis from this city. We give tho report pun icny merely to prevent an exaggeration of it, being HP-ured that this Is the worst phase the ma'ier wears, with a strong sprinkling of im probabilities over il, at that. EUROPEAN NEWS. THK STEAMSHIP "LUKOPA" AT IMLITAI. Halifax, Angnst 31. The steamer I'urnpa bas at lived, with Liverpool dates to the 2 Jth lust., and Qiit ennown to the 21st. 1 bo steamship t?ify of lt'ahintnn arrived at I.iti-rpnol on the Itnb. Tbe steamer Smtia has alpo arrived out. The I) ortttsia arrived at South ampton on thu l'.Hb. 1 be Irish not. at Belfast bad recotninoneed on the 19ib. Tbe Hon. Charles Hale, American Consul to Kgy pi, had arrivid ai A oxan Irla on the 17th, ui.d the oitlii ultict there will be a.nlcably e tied, s tM..trr-iil lut-lilicv.ieM. I.IVSlirooL. Aogost 20 The sales of Cotton for be week have Imm ii 6.5,0(KI bales, Inclmtnig 27.000 to i-pt-cuiators mid t iini rs. Tne in trket eloteil w nil a pan in I tb cline of i I. on Aiueric in, he nil ance In tile Ulst part ol the week ntuug on y iiamallv maiiil,ilned. Middling Urban 3t'i. ureatisiuus quiet anu steady, rrovistuus dull. I 01 on, August 20. CinsoU fiajfifj. The Iml on in the bank of Kuglaiid bad increased tl 1(1,000. Air.vid from I'hiLtdelphia. The Darien, at Qut enptown ; Ibe ship Joseph llulinet is supposed to bave bten wrecked at iiaasvin. IECM TBB PAOiriO COAST. t'arlhqiiitlte Shtx-tta In iallfornl The NevadH Nlnm -ounlltatluu-M,ul wieh Itslnnd Advleea. Ban FiiANCisco, August 22. Heavy earth quake sbockt were experienced in tne inountuiut during the we. k. Money it easy at H per cent Receipts of ho.' lion for the lust ten days, Sli KD.O.VJ. Currency bil t ou Now York, 141 premium. Coin hills, 31 (n 4 premium. Legal tender notet weak at 3i)c. on the dollar. Fub'ic opinion seems to be changing Iu Ne vada us to ibe propriety of adopting a State Con stitution. It may now be a lopted In order to get lid of obnoxious ferntorlai otlicers. Sandwich I-land dates of July 2 .'i report tbe slow progiess of the coii.tl ntloual c invention. Much time it consumed in discussing the powers (if Ibe conven'ion, and the Guvereuicut is act-used of revolutionary designs. Sailed t arque Chal'jmrt for Hong Kong, with quicksilver valued at 512,000, and nearly fejOO.OOO iu bullion. fsti'itiiitx.at At n nk. Caiho, August 31. The s earner John Sto io-y, bound to St. l.ouis, v ltbout a cargo, struct a nag mar Deal's Island, Mississippi rivor, ou Suiiila' Tilghi. No lives lost. li e Ohio river has rist n live feet within the papi wi ck, at d is still rising. Twelve hales of cm ion bave been received from Columbus, and tome tioui below. A I'lralleal Pilot Boat. Baltimokb. Augu-t 31 The barque Alelnile, from Rio de Janeiro, reH)rt tb it, August 8, in Inttiliitie 7 decrees 40 minutes, lotniiode 45 tie giri s on nilinites, kbe wa- chased by a soaonncr rrpenil ling a pilot boat, wuich was supposed lo be a pi - ate. Harkeia bj Telesrrph. Nkw York, August 31. Siocks are better. Chi csvo anil IU.ckl'iinl.lluU;l'uuilrl.'a"'rfirrcd.lVi'.i II Inois 1 1 niral, I.--' . Ili'ii..i t't-nniil IWinil., m,', i rmiii .thinilii I'oiil. 111 Kesilune. 1041; Hud-mi River, t!S; Kile A ;On)i ai Cwlllcalaa, l. I reatlrrJa ll) III - TeiiT- un'.l.: i ivs-tweaty Ojujsiiis.iiuS; it'on )u.ii it.. Hi" '.i Iti'smeit-a, tin i OM, ill; snt-r tu. Bt)Uld,2i. TflF. Oil. TKADK. Ti e Oil C-ty Agister, in il review of the trale for last week, say t: "The market has beeu mot'eiately eetive. Owing lo a steady rain, the liver I. as risen several leet, and Is uow in excel lent boating stage, though falling. Tbe amount of oil to go forward will not be to great as we antlilpated last week. There were but few boats up the cieek or here that were iu order euiticieiit to go up tho creek, and the tain has reu dercd the rnuils very heuvv. We give as the ruling rate S10-60 per barrel at tbe wells, and 11 per barrel at this point. The production it steady. Maiket closes quiet but firm, and tbe producers nnltei pole a more active demand in the next few days." TUB LATB OIL DIKCOVHBT AT SHAUlMlltfltO. The Oil City ie?r'e-r thut accounts for tho late oil discovery at Sbarpsburg, to which (illusion was recently rasde In the Chronicle. It says ; "We have no desire to uftect she sale of oil lauds in that locality, bnt think tbe circumstance ad mits of easy solution. Sbarpsburg has been nsed at a depot for oil merchants for several yesrs. During most of that lime there have beeu iiauy thousandi of battels of oil tanked there. We ate satisfied that tbe oil "struck" by the Cupbdn was nothing more nor less than the leukupe fiom these tanks. I'eirweum oil will force its way through gravel beds, such as the river tanks is gencrully formed of, to au indefi nite distance. Similar effects have occurrud to level al paitit t who have bored small wells upftu . . i . - f. r, -v. ,t rr r, .t t !, i n , f.,r 1 1 , .1 UD WUMIt 1ICIC A. ..,-. v. r-"'- ifl miners, but those who had oil stored on tbe wharf failed to appreciate the fan. FOURTH KDITION WHEEIER'S RAID IN KENTUCKY GUERILLA OPERATIONS. torisvni F, Austi-t 31. Pa-pengera by th--NasliviHc train, sny that Wheeler, with his entire for e, appealed at the b nil of tho Cuuinerl tn I livtr, three inllea below Ga la in, captured a company of Fedeial troops, and were ttttemitini toeropplhe ilvcrtbia morning, for an adan o U on (iailatin. His force Is variously es'ima'eil at from five Ihi u-ai,d lo twelve thousand, the former number be rg 1 to' .ah y corn et. A report reached Cave c ty, Ki-., that the Colonel cotntnaudlHg Ibe post of Itilltlin htl ordeied ihe depot lo be biiroed, as It w s wHhotil the rat ge of bis gum. til t Itll.l.AN IW l4-.StTt KV. IriHVin.K. August 31. Lessey'a gang of gueri las went ln'0 Ohen', Kentucky, last night attt r bating shot about tulrieen negroes iu the tubuibt. Tin Nevny, Indiana, Home Ou trds, shelled tbe llt-ht Is out ol Gin nt from the opposite side of tha nvt r. Jobn rienrctt't sqnad of nineteen men went into Owensboro on faturday aternoon, captured end pho Captain Walters, 3d Kentucky Cavalrv, captured ten negroes, sevsn of wboin were shot and the other ttir, e concealed themselves on the wliuif boat. The Rebels pet tbe wharf boat ou lire and left. Tbe cititens a' tor wards extin guish! d the tire. Twuity gunil'as, tinder C'aptalr. Tritt, at tacked Tujlnrsville on Saturday nigh', a d were tepulsed by tbe Autlcrpon county ll tne Gu irds. Last Tuesday Duposter roblied D ivbl Henry's bouse, near Ilradbury, shot Mr. Henry, and demolished his furniture. oM'UMCA 1 im ikim nit: nt!:r.si iff HPAIV. Wasiiinoton, August 31. Tbo State D pirt ment is in rt ct ipt of an olll. ial circular from the Spanish Government, Introducing some favora'ile mollifications of the rules observed at the fortress of Taiifu and Isla Verde, to onlige vessels navl gating ibe jurisdictional waters of these fortresses, to hoist the ling of thi Ir nation, a practice which they often ni gleet, alleging a very Improbable Ignorance in vessels which so repeatedly past tho Btrslls. Every vessel which, on crossing the line of tbo fortress, within the range of itt cannon, does not show tbe Hag of her nation, Is to be rctntndad of ber neglect by tbe discharge of a cannon loaded with powder only. If, after the lapse of ten minutes, the shall not bave boistcd ber Hag, a shotted gun shall be fired across her prow. If notwithstanding these two notices, the lapse of another ten minutes, the oml t to hoist the flag, a third discharge of ball shall be fired at her masts. Her Catholic Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs pays the Queen, in bringing tbe preceding dippo-itimis to tho knowledge of our Govern ment, flatters kcrse f that tbo Cabinet of Waih It'gtou will find In tbe measures adopted, a fresh proof of the sentiments of deference which ber Govcinmcut entenaiut for tbo American nation. Anotlter I oitn to l (lire ret I Washington, August 31. The Soeretary of the Treaaiuy bat decided to offer the balance of 6 per cents of "HI, amounting to uliout ftl, '00,OJ), to public competition. 1 be bids will he openod by tho Secretary nt Ihe Treasury, at Wa-hington, on tho 9tb of Sep tember, und paymcnia will bo required, one third on thu 14tb, one-third on tbe lDtli, and oue Ibird ou the 2Ub of that mouth. Proposals p Willi g thu amount of premium may be addrcpscd to Ihe Secretary of the Treasury, at Wasbli glon, or will ba roceivsd by tbu Go ieril Assistant Tieasuries, at the depositories of public monies, and by tbe National Depotl ory 1) inks. CiTY INTELLIGENCE. Statb or TiiBHHOUBTBa To day. Six A. M., 61. Noon. 72. One P. M.. 734. Wind, N.by W. Tue Draft. Unlets tbe order should be re voked live dayt from this d uo, the drait in ty take place tn this city. Throughout all tne cities of the North, however, exertions bave been in nte to till the quota, and already tbe namtier of men lequired bus la-en reduced one-third, by volun teering. Ihe rrovost manuals nam received Directions to bave all tilings is readiness, an I preparations are being made accordingly. The Marshals, however, bave not received any special orders lo bugiti tue drawing. Several of the preliminaries arc tint completed ; the accounts not made up; the ci edits for naval enlistments bate not Imm n given, and some poiuts at to tnu quotas remain to be decided. but lor all ibis, , t not our citizen! cease their i xertious in raising all the money and iu en.iit i st ull the men that it la possible lor tbein tu g it. The meetings beld iu the different wards last evi nlng were of a most eutliu-liiuie character, and thousands ol dollars were subscribed towards procuring recruits. Ti e taw di et not provide that tbo draft sba'l lie made iuuuetliaiely alter the expiration of tue littv days atitiwen for volunteer ng, but only tnat the ot tier of the President for the draft thai theii be issued to take eft ct iu all ilistrieiH ami su'i uistiicts where the quotas remain uutlllud, so :h i' in ibe five days that may intervene lie. ween tu s and tbe ihafi, or iu tbe liliy d iys as tbe case m-ty be, eveiy man should do his utmost to dimmish the quota of the city. Other inaas uieeiiugs are to ne neci to-uigui; one of them tn mo iwentv-iirtu wan. nt t ie btbool House, nortbe it curuor of Fr.inkford road nud bomei.et stree', at wuicn s g -ncr ii at tendance is re piested. Iu tbe I'.lovcntll Wird, also, a niet tmg will lie held at tbo corue.' of Second and C mtei streets. Tbe i i:i.ens ot tue Htveutn ward are worKimr eamt.ll) towards it sseuing their quota, wkicb is ninrly tix liiuiurea. t;omiuiiuae.s nave oeeu ap poiMi d to leeeive subst-rip ions, and those wild fet l inclined to con nbJle should pend forwa d tbi it nonhiiot.s at once. No one will lie waited upon to contribute, as wan the case npon the previous draft, but ihose deslroue of ai ling in Ibe good work will place their money in tbo herns of the Coiumitlce, one of whom resides iu each precinct. Tub 1)kaft ik tub Sbcoud Dtsruici. Through tbe exertion! of Captain Palmer, Pro- Yost Marshal, tbe quota of tbe Second District It being groatly lensened. At the ollice on Twelfth street, ulmve Spruce, a busy sceue is daily pre sented. Tbe Board is busy from the time tbo ollice uixns iu the morning until tho hour of closing in tbe aitemoou, iu mustering in volun teers and striking from ibe lists the names of all those not liable to draft. CapUlu Palmer is anxious that tbe draft shall, If possible, be avoided. If Le is seconded iu bis elforts, tbe quota of tho district muy tie materially lessened within tho few remaining days liefoie tbe 5th proximo. Let the ciiuens make oue more ellort. A DESKHYfcD Cohtliuent. We are pleased to tee that Lieutenant George W. Moore, of Com pany 0, 118th Regiment Fa. Volunteers, who wat dismissed some lime since for quarreling with a brother olllcer, has, upou the recommunilation of tbe court martial before which be wat tr.ed, beeu reinstated. This will be gratifying newt fo Lieutenant Mi sire's friends, and also to the officers and men of the old 118th. Lieutenant Moore hat served with bravery and fidelity tor nearly three years. '1 lie following is a copy of the recommendation, signed by all the members of the court-mnriial t "We, the undersigned, members of a General Court Martial convene ! at llead iuarters 1st Division 8th Corps, before which Kiist Lieute nant George W. Moore, Company D, UHth Regiment - Pennsylvania Volunteers, was tried and couvieled for conduct uncecomiug an olllcer. being " s ttisiictl that bis eonduet prevkwt to the iell'b, day of June, Was that -of a brave, eUlcient. and re'iai;', officer. would reectiuliy recommend Uii to the mercy of the commanding Oeuetal,'' CAt'OHT at Last. An old offender of the I iw, known as Jim Pardee, who for thirty yeart has been under tbe inrveil ance of Ibe police au.bort ties, wat before United States Commisilo ier Sniltb yesterdny. The ch trge- preferred ag oust l'arnee were serious An inv tint s ildier tare tet h in of counierieihng the L'n tc.l (states postal rummy, and the i-vlden-uwis tint direct i allow ot uny doulit as to the man's gu ll. In person Pardee Is singularly tenuis ve. in Inv ites linTe gathered upon b in. A tain ej-det r .yoil the lower jaw, and a di ty ban kcr-h t f mil t the l-ola-ed chin will the lop of Hie h d lie i ou Id not speak Intel igilpy, and hit a.jpearan e t xi itetl universal coiuiuist ra'.ion. Al his arrest and conviction them was no legtet. lie has vml ti ii nsr with linimu ty, an . bow that Justice has am sti d his ca t er 'h- .My will be f ee from a knave winnn cxpenun ei tn'l Ibe cunning ol years have ripened iirnaprte-li-i d ouilaw. lie bus la-en out of p.-s in i n iw i years and now l.e pion.ili y will d e lin n ired m the cells of the l'e. ben'l .rv. I'wo weeks a, s ie was I'Ci'us d of t ntic. tig a soldier in der-, h-ir llnutllcieit ct lilt t ee could no' convict hi u. a 1 1 he was r cli and. N w he ha- lieeu ip n .Tieiul.-I, aitiralotg and umiiliTi up etl cse. rof ernu . I he lien img ye-ter l iv proved that be ua I a ml a lot of einiiileift it ,0 cent frnc-l mat eurrency, utiiouniliig in all to J II, for ,t ten d ill ir green i ki k. He was committed for in tl. TttR Unitko Sta tks Riu.wtn Posr Offich. The completion of Ihe new systnin of Unite I States Railway Post OlU between New York and Washington w.ll no doubt lie sue -eriled ny umllsr institutions on Unci of railroads between tbls and other cities. My this insans, leirers for any citv, town, or villagu octween or tu pl i es mverging Irom, a O r am line of trav -l, cm be di popped in the letter-boxes if such car up 1 1 t'iu vi ry moment wf their ileparune, a id witu tser talnty that aa qniekiy aa tne train retches t'l i poiut to which tbe letter Is a idres-seJ tbt c rres-pt-iiittnee will tie theie delivered. The Car, as now u-ed on the New ' irk an I Washington line, is fo iy live leet Hve lucaet In length, in breadih nine leel tour Inches. Tin root is liulshed In rlenut style, wiib tun m ist aiiioved ventilating windows, in tbe centre a o it Line leet, and at e iber sine seven. I'll., m en .r ot the cur is furnished with four hundred sin ill boxes or "pig-on-bole-," and t igh y feet of di inenaions which will admit of pick ages, n -wtpi-h rs, or other prlntod matter, msl iiig ttipes, drawtrs lor mailing purposes, w n st stoves, water app rulus, and other conveniences cammt f II lo render the traveling clerks perfectly c in foita'le. 1 hi re is a second car now finishing at the works of tbe Camden and Aiuhoy company. Mketino of thk City lixiici riva C iMttir TF.t: The l'rcsiili in ol the late City Ko mtlve Couimittecof the National Union party called the new committee together y ester lay atteruoori, at the rooms of tbe C unui itce, in Library street, tear ruth. 1 ho memuers present w re: 1. Pt. II. ttntjlt. 1 Knliert T. (till . I-. lit lll.n.hlln. 4 II II. liaitlni-r. A. Jiiuh-r i.ililugliaiil. ,1 11. Itnller H. 11.11 Mi'liiivre.. II. Jnmti. Fre.o irn. In Wa, K l iie.lt. 1.-1 J.ii-p i lltiiaale. 17. J. auMsnu-. If.) I rn "I K. -ilirl.ior. Ite. V E uh irt. The Wards have not all elected. S imeof th'tn elect to-night, and by the close of the week tile list of committeemen will he, full No q ini an was present yesterday, and therefore no organiza tion could be made. The Chkihuah Commission to be Ei l.AHORD. For soma time past the gentlemen composing the Christian C innnission have felt the wotk increasing upon their hands to su :h ua extent as to necessitate an enlargement of tbe orlginul plant and an increase of the meintier ship. At a recent meeting it wat agreed to in crease ibr numlier of memlH-rs irom twelve (the miginal number) to forty-seven. Tbe Kxeeutive Comn ittee has also In-cn enlarged from live to tourteen. Two new Seer tarn s b tve been a so. riaied with Kev. V. K. B lardm in, th i gitnersl Seeietttiy , one for Held and one for home organi zation. Box of Cioaks foii Gknkrals Grant and Hancock. Captain Jobn Vance, of the schooner Fanny, has placed in tbe hnnds of Mr. John W. Evcrn an two valuable boxes of clgirs of the tincsi Havana brands, to bo torwanlod to G me ntis Giant und Hancock. As both of the e olllecrs arc great lovers of the weed, the git will no doubt prove quite acceptable. The cigtrs were brought direct front Uuv.iua by Captain Vamc. RkllkL DFSFRTKltS OI T OF THE DRAFT. The following order has been issued from the War Department: Waii Dh'astmest, Provost U ARsnAL-O.MKiiAL's Or- 1 t p . Wasiiimi 1 1 is , II. l, AtlKU.l ili, isi,i t?ircutr. So. Jt I . J B tirti-rs froal the Kt'bel sriuy i pnfl s.ibi- cl to en rutini ut ur diaic. Jtu.s H. b'af. Prnvos' blaitliat-tlell- ral. This of course renders iheui the most dosiraole meu lor substitutes. Fatal Accuif.nt. This morning Coroner l ay-b-r held un Inquest npon tbe body of Dennis MeCattv, tbe driver of a team of horses a ached to a iruln ot pasenger cars on the Pennsylvania Ka'iro, d, wbo wat run over aud killed resturday atlernoon, at Juniper and Market streets. Recbvitino. This morulng. warranti wore l-PDid for tbe payment of hoiruty tn twenty-eight mi n, teven of whom were pun-ihutej. St kvavoH Nominated. Samuel L. Sme lley has bten nominated Surveyor of the Eleventh District by tbe Natioual Uufon Party. Old Mattbrbnes overhauled, bair' renovated, and made ovtr anew, by W. Henry Patten, No. 1408 Cbe-nut street. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Offick or Taa Rvssino Tti.anRArii, I WtniiH-adaj. Ausaai Jl. ( The Stock Market it steady this morning at about former rates. Government bondt are rutber lower; 5-20a arc telling at 109&Ut;7-30j at III ; and 6s, of 1881, at 10sJ. In Railroad Shares there it not mnch change to notice. Heading told at 67, which It rather better; Pennsylvania Railroad at 74; N irth Pennsylvania at 34 ; Camden and Amboy at ltVi; Ca'awissu, common, at 22; and Philadelphia and Eue, 3.". 464 was bid for Little Schuylkill ; B) for Heaver Meadow; 62 fir Minehill; and 41 1 for Caiawissa preferred. New City 6s are telling at 106. Iu Coal Oil Stocks there It lets doing, and tho market Is dull aud lower. Oil Creek told at 6; Dulxell, lKnlll; MeClintock. 6J, and Perry, 6. Bask Shares continue firm, but there Is very little doing ; 1G5 wat bid for North Amuri:a; 811 for Farmers' and Median us'; 281 for M.ioufae tureis' and Mechanics'; 47forG.rard; 311 for Consolidation, and 47 for Commonwealth. City Passenger Railroads are dull, and pricet are nominal. 72 was bid for Second and Tliird; 32 for Thirteenth and Fifiecutli; 39 fur Spruce and Pine; 68 for Chesnut and Waluut; and 31 for Green aud Coatcs, Gold is active this morning, and pricet have advuueed under the newt of the nomination by the Chicago Convention, opening at 231 ; rullied and sold at 2301 ut 11 o'clock; 238 at 12 ; and 2..U4 at 121- A despatch from Washington tin's morning snvs the subscriptions to tbe new 7-30 loan re po'iud at the Treasury Department yesterday, amounts lo il2,000; and to the 10-40 loan, to jr231,0(i0. In tho Money Market there it no material change to notice. Loaut continue plenty on call at 6 per cent, per annum ; best paper U telling at from 6 to 9 per cent. Tbe duty on friction matches goes Into effect nnTbt.rday, on and alter which date, every packuge of ouo huudred or lust mu.it bave a oue cent stamp attached beforo il can be legally sold. The receipt! from Internal Rovcnuo for the month of August, will be about seventeen millions of dollars, ll la believed that, with cooler weather and the opening of fall business, tbe receipt for Seileuibur will be twenty millions. That portion of tho teven-thlrty notet Issued in 18nl, which fell due on the Huh luiiaut, has iraidv lieen exchanged for aix per cent, bonds due in 1881. The remainder of that popular issue fulls due on the 1st ol October next, and will doubtless be exchanged before maturity. Tbe whole iasue amouuted to one hundred and forty millions. The following National Banks have bem established : Market National bank, Uosuiq, capital, 'lOOHiO; Merchants' National liiuk, Lowell. 6150,000; First National Bank. Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, $100,000; Northwestern I Naluuali;auk(i;utuigo, jW,. f fm.Anrt.rmA sprocK EirrmAt. raws, trjn.'ti. Kseartae or Clarksoa A tie.. Rrosors. Rs. Itt a. Tklra M, RF.rOIlK "OA Kim ser i'i ninssn roai... i"4 ItVi.KllkjtM OS) ..... IS lm. no ...a IH d'-O .Ii in bid S ftuih Dss.ll ou ... IIV joi.n do n Us llSlstl IIV tisi.h do.... ll -i lisi.s do .......tl ll', ' h Cur n O'l Siti.h tin ISI i -It Met'iliuoek..M 'i mini e n i ll-. k J M I line. it n.iitireVkl!'.!! s7 Ittlnh an b 4 ViOj.o an lull 4 W litis- I Lit. mure -ll , KO, lino.h lar I.MH..-M ss o.n rfibhare ..... -H tui .n Ks-wwrOiLsl IS Rtsl.h Hrutwr f 4i.b do tst mnsfi O - L and... f FIRST BOAKO ttS 0 a no IV as D.ta.U Oil . tltttO ft a.S-'m ,4IV $ie I' a 7 ii-lti ii f.MII U M al MH'f t st t'l'v a., M ...,im Pt-lin. 'n tm1. St. I m ifciid 'ss ti. Pni.e-sf.A-..,,,o f titf. s.,-,. t tti,. hs .. S7 f il. ii v . mn Vm 1st. ...lea l.l-l. F.. R. '.I in..iS IKMrl Me lis . iH p.i.n b..tlln K It. . 07 10 .h it -.i- . I' S; I IS Ion an UU i 't-k t snnak to., atiaa do.. 111 aat Mn liiQtacb it.si.n as ..rial n-4 Inn ah P.rry 1J1I ..... ii K-n.it So. . t ...a I"1 lisi.h nA 4Z'i I'si.n on . a 4 'Vi lon.a ao...,.bl0 4o'; S th Tata 4 v Q....IM tl an Cnxa ... 74 I III S 1I Ca s w M lOCatiwi.. H ri at ah Pan. l!naa so n HI 1 7 eKIt p.S or SrOt-(K IN st iua Kiior.ed bv Ciaraaoa A On , ttroiara. si, ui a. Turd ttt. t'aii. tlMXM OuU. rmu-d fttateasa. IPMt.lntnir ,...lt bid Mas ! l.lai.d Hat mat bid UDf Rp.tllti. Kallr,,.,! ST'P-U b,d ' R7 a.lba llliiun. '.,1 ral HaUr,pd 1x4 : it'H Ni.tthw.ai.iri bill tll m 9m N.w VsrkOenu-al Rallriad H bd .. aataai In. Ksilr.,.4 lnti'4 oil .. mum tlo'd ...atTtioM - ., saJ-a I n t.d Mtausa b-JOs tills. Old .. aala Market riruv Baasf. Qunt itlona of 0',d at tbe Philadelphia O J J F.xchange,No.31 S. Thi d street, sste mj atorv : Vi A. M Z-U 1 12 M .iH II A. M 230 1 P. M 2oVl Msrkei strong. Db Hatfh A Buo., No. 20 S. Third street, quote as follows , fsasast. MtUf. American Gold 2-H 23 i American Silver, 4's and 4's..... a 22s : .a D ines and Half Dunes vli , a Sp.nipb Cl'iarirrt 210 .a Pet n. Curr ney ill's, t-6 di. Kew York Exchange. ...... ..... l-lu par. Jay Coixb&Cii. qoo-.e G-iverainent Secarl ties, &c, to uoun 10-day, as foiluws : . Sattad'. aWNsf. V. S. (is, 1881 lOHl 10-1 V. S. 7 .1-10 Notes itW . '. , 111 Certilteatrt of liulebte Iness, new... 9t ' 9 Quar ermaster't Vouchers.. ...... 0.1 " VI G01U x , gio 6-20 llomil 1U0J H04 New 7 3-10 notet ready forded very, to August 9 inclusive. Quo'a'ions of tbe principal Coal and Coal 'oil Itockt at 1 o'clock to-day : Bit Ait. Ad. i 1-41 a Pulton Coal " 11 X aa,-a OU., Hltt tountatn Uoal. H s.sj nntauH cm , KraitkUn Oil aV iloaa r.4,iOI. N.I wid.tVal..'At, lir-en Hi.O al.... OS, N I a-l.-ntala .... i NawlYeek I'a I'etster liatn Joal. I Cllttti ni t'tiat j "a" ArnerieNn Kaoilii.. yij tilrard Alinliis. Fin. Mii-Iiik 11 I'hUa. anil ll 1-1.10. ,. . klaed-tu Mlnlns Martiuan. Mlulua, 9 ('iiunt-ctlt-nt Ji a iii-viaa oil IV Poi Farm Oil. I '! Ilutlar Oual.... J i., K.r.rnaa Zino. 8I4 1 lensiDors....... 6 jbaiiWi ill t I vtolliianr-y a I K.. aru lu..... '.'.ii' . ate O m-tean .. if ay JloolnAOttla as tar. I'tV Itvj i-Ltrutauia vsnva. jvi Kdtvart Ilj U.K. I.Uutl ml Alaat-e Iroa....... Is. 011 e.raK . . . . . .. Map'. Mh.tlf Oil Mts:iu t ck OU.. ."lSJ lllbbard 3 V ;Hu'jr IT at parry till S Mla.ral Oil Wi k.i.mat- OU VVnanitfiiai ,. ltf lit Inn I'etrnlaDui.. 3.V. llaatvti OU...v s'psir tturu- I 'he t 'r-aik.. j t Corn etaai.r...... naviaiaauctH...... 4, The following are the reestpta of Flour and - Grain at ibis port lo-tlay .-Flour, 170) bils j Wheat, 8300 bnsbelt; Corn, 100 basbels; Oata, 4700 bushels. The specie exports from New Y rk for tha week ending August 27, 18 4. and siaee January 1, compare at lo lowt with former returns , Tieal for tse w.ek 1'ruvioiisl.t repurud.. ...... tt.itw ai.ft79.4NI Total sine. Jan 1.IBM .' ...Ill lUSnl "ara.fmt, liiltsu.trJfll..,l2J asm now In iav7.HI.H.l!i4 hatti.t lut-ta IHi.'J. Us.s -8 i7ti nasaa tt-ualn ltts. -iS,-V21,SI7 Rain.ilni.inlasi. ,-.! ,' Saiua Utu. In IHi. tl.M,JT hau ttue in Iiski. Bi,-in IN. Hsma uuta la ibd. '41.h-.Vi.it ttnu-.ll.ii. lo IkMI. S '.iSvl.HII Hira itlm. In lt. I4.I.VIJ e.iut lima iu lb.'. 11,.,I,1I itttaai tluta ,a la4. 17, lit Vet Tbe comparative earnings of Ihe Milsraokta and I'r.niie uu Cbeiu It ilroa l dunug tue secomt wes k iu August aas as foilowt : 18 3 f 13,709 1804 21174 Increase (.56 per cent). $,969 The traffic of the Cincinnati and Cole .go Air Line Knilroad for tbe month of July wat. . urn. ' ' ttn. Freight 22.101 $12.t67 P ssengers 26 128 1,5 57(1 Mail, txpiess, and sundries.... 4.601' 269 Total.. Increase... $03,6.50 1 rut,)7 9Si,3ii Tbe followtng it a statement of co il trane poried on tbe Delaware and Hudson Canal for tht leetk emitiu fr thm rsslaware and Ilndann CaasiCo .'.W.i'.at l-.onajlvaniaeoalCo 14 343 ' ' Total tons ......tl,tli ' '' For the tame period last year: F rtht imcA. Itrlaware and Irnit'on Canal Oo se " ' 4Vauualvanla camJCu .....vjosSO j saiioia. SAI.I A (UlJUt aio.txs ftrtht s.ta n. ym.oia , tie eve Total mas ..M.out r-.r aat,7i I he M tiieoa and Cin -inuati Kailroad p ib-lisbi-s the fonow ng ptnieiucutof tbe a, proxiinaUi earnings for the third week of August, 1864 : ' ' 18S4. ' I taut. rassersm- ...12.s-t , B U74 Frs.-a. g.sM 1 1,11,1 Malta, express, and tttpssrapk ... I.1'46 , $74 Total Total tills nioolh lo data. ...t'-Mjce ; an, ana S Ai 31,7s PniLADI.LI'HIA IKAim BtKrOatT. Wednesday, Aogust 31. Cotton la in demand andtelltrreelyatS183 al5. , , , , Tbi re it but little Quercitron Bark here, and la held firmly at $31 ton. In Seeds very little doing; small ta'et of Clover at $UQtlfi 4J' 64 lbs., and Timothy at "8124 (0 60 ' Provisioni are firm, with talcs of Mess Pork at 42 ; Hams at 20(a 2fl,c. ; and a lot or pickled do. ut 20c; 10,000 Ibt. of Shoa dert in tall were told at 171c. cash; Lard is firm at 25a. Tbe opt rations in Floor have been of a very limited nature, tbe talot being principally for borne consumption, at $10-5311-50 for super fine; 2(13 for low grade and good extra family ; and SI3&13 50 for fancy brandt. No thing doing In 11- a Flour or Corn Meal. Ti.e supply of Wneat it limited, but the demand it tiltling; old Pennsylvania and Western red le held at 2 50(n2 55 IJ' bushel, and new at 2-63 ft 2 70; white ranges from $2-80 to $. We hear of a small sale of Rye at $1-8.5. There la bulk limited demand for Corn, with email sale of yellow at $1 73, and 2o00 bushels mixed Western at 171. Oats are dull at Bit cents for new, and SSc.fn 1 for old. In Barley and Malt nothing doiug. The demand for W blsky la limited, and price are lower; sales of 60 buxrelt refilled at $1-86 , Ohio it held at $1-90. IHSUEANOE AGAINST THE DSATT. rtffy mors eltlisnt can be IniarsJ against tht araft, ea Uit Imniediaiaiiajmant of TWIiNTY-FIVE DOLLA1W. Bubscrtptlons can be paid to the Commit tbe. t B tNOU-.S.Treaaiir.r, al the AlteghaBla I.yoaura, Kobbi slrttst above Fourth, evary avenlng, er to uegaUB at. HSOWHtS, lirustlst, 8. W. ooraw rourth aa4 Hvbie strests. Ho subscriptions received altar Saturday, at Iks list will than be furulshetl to Col. WILLI Akl U. MAKB'.aiMt tlioae wan hav t not paid will be stiteaoa Bros tit rottt CI1AH. M. WAGNER. Peiaan. T110XA8H. CONKiaUTreaaiirsr.' OHtrinl nrawirtf the Ull-f tVUeara JUtlary ol Keaincsy. , , 1MJ ,. 1 0.s414 iMTatK. laes. ,. 1 1 9' 72 63 11. t)-, f4. h ' ' ' I an, 48, 88. 6 Ai. 1 fiosuars taut by athliwala. ..ms Ov, Vuvaajwa, a,