1 JL HIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. miLADELPniA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1801. vnunrj telegraph ' A haixt rrutRuos Str.warAPra. OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. pete Tmmii Crsta fiiCon, t KinmsssCea-rs ra ffaaa. retble ktM C'tmoc, and Belled aiiber.rlber Ml of tkt Cirj u Hitm lvu..iie Tn aswki Ohi Ih.u.ti u Pit-it Cnars rna Two Kiiimnw adrvne Pat tit ear) ded. AInnMwira inserted th rsts. A tlbera! S fcr wimkM Iwartwiit. T S'earrrstpeiaiasleiwlsi. wotlee rat be fa. en of A Oftj-nH.o. C-trirntiiilritleiB V)wlr W lawful fl w 19 ni 41 mhil be kuthen eaiil , east en aOdieaw of tk fHl-nnl a. c.a.rU lor a.btlTAttr-' . knt roarsnte. lor M. ei.rwt fa..h. We awaats arteA la nnn njwi OwaaauciUou. To Atverttaian. twt( th rl lnera.a 1p (ha limitation of Tiip lTUlh Tai.eoiL.ifi. mmpeillitf n. in t, ie w n at h earl, r'oaer, er S'.etitl) reuiietl that ert.ertt.euienta our b. hM1tld Hi IRMWIt f 4 AW-. f paillJrtl, Ml t4MT tha ae tweerUo aniofm edition TUtBDAT. AlfOUST 30. IHOt. tiik Ani'Nr of t runt. Nobody doutos the foot that half tho tlls ' put In II trl;lnat In Hi". mistaken appli cation of terms, and It may bo wholesome! to lowUeAe and try to remedy a fuw of tbete cvlla. To call tli!tifr by their trim iwmm, wbusa this may b done without ofltinse to ' reel-sons, swms to be the flirt stop towards cor ItcUok a vice that creeps Imperceptibly upon octets, andwblih, by becoming chronic. Is much more difficult to cur. " Humbug" I a torus for the very general and modern use of which we are Irdebted, we think, to Barnum. "The dictionaries tell us that It mean " impo litio," and U ' very low word." Neverthe less, we bear this terra spelled with a wond.tr ful dofroe of uniTemallty. It is omployed to Cover and disguise acta of all sorts, which have otisc and very plain term to dr-slgnale them, anch as theft, cheating, and falsehood. We think this a grave abuse. We go for CAMng thing by their right -names. The , "TMrectory," for example, terms all men who hare do occnitiun,trnda,or profession, "gen titxnen." We call them Idle and, for tho most , part, vntortunato people. A nd soran, whose Lame re not eren In the "Directory are 1 termed gentlemen, or men of leisure. Idle new with these U a prolific nource of vice and miach.e, as la daily demonstrated at tho cor ners of our principal streets. In referonca to this class, It Is time to axk if there are no pub lic work-hoaxes unoccupied. A do-nothing is worne th.m a know nothing; for Ignorance Is a mlcl'nrtuno, while irdolence and UHelessness are oQVmac Agatnst the community In which a imm Iive. In the Immediate vicinity of Third xtreet, rod even more abundantly In Wall strent, New Tork,the terra "operation" If conUntly Jkused to (listingulHh transactions that need a plainer name. A man aclls tliat which he hats not (and that which he could not posttlMy I procure) at a credit of five, ten, or twenty days, and at a certain price. If at the end of the time the object sold is worth more in the market than the price agreed upon, the pur chaser pays the difl'erence, and the "opera . (.'on" is completed. ' But If, on the contrary, the object has fallen In value, and the buyer asks In vain for his security, or for the diflerence, the operator coolly tells him he has nothing; is very sorry; and, perchance, is even abutrivo, If plainly told . be Is rogue. For, strange to say, even such "opera toi a" do not like to hear such plain truths. A genuine "operation" is ueejjj upon a seote of such fellows ; we mean the surgical one ol i pyiug the knife to the curs. In this simile way He should be able to recognise the mleeralle tricksters who, under the pro tection of fchs? terms, dally commit dishonest acts that deserve the penitentiary. mong the minor misapplications oT terms 1 tl at ot " Hotel" for rowdy drinking shops, where unprincipled men sell poisonous stuff they call brandy. The drugged driuks with which these tempters slowly ruin their weak: minded vWlors should long since have riven theta an equal title to the name bestowed upon the grefct gnming houses ; for if there is a bull on earth, It is a low rum-hole in one of our large C'.ties, where the young are gradually and ' systematically tempted to port, not only with their money, but wl h all they possess that Is precious in health and character; where tho mott dreadful sufferings In after lilis are ren dered inevitable, and where whole titwilioH are njiii victims. HTKt:r AKtuHEcri Ki;. In a city which Is increasing in extent, and . covering so largo a superfloes as l'hiladel phla, the subject of street architecture should be made a study by all who leel au Interest in .. ber advantage aud her fair fame as the me tro lls of the Keystone State. There Is no place H) this continent which presents so line a basis for a second Berlin or Hamburg. With strtets crossing at right angles ; with abun dance of beautiful pai lu, which may not lusp prr priately be coiled the lungs of a large city ; with a surface uubroken by hills or declivi ties, we have every natural Advantage upon which to raise the finest emporium, urchi ccturally speaking, in the world. The great dislderatuin now neoded Is, thii WiUoiiDity In building shall be as uvicli as possible ebM'ttT, and that harmony of style, Co or, and sire, shall be given the coasid -ra-tion to whk-h It Is euil'lui lu this rMpect we might learn a useful lesson Irnm t -No Vorktrs to whom an Irregular block J" ri deuces is an eye-soro, which they endure no longer than can posnibly be bellied. Aud not alone is uuifunnity In dlnvuvion worthy of ronidcritlloo, for huraiony of color And style of muierial conduce largely to the beauty of un aeiiuc. We luve Uvirii-td I'rojj our ow n experieuce, and from the te.'rlmony o' others, what msterUils sie the niit aVsIr i ble, while combining with durability a refill ; site degree of oraamentAtlon. Wltlila thi city limits no wooden building la now Allowed to be erected. Brick is the next valuable article, , , And in ordinary timet coetsj little more, than wood. The next, we believe, upon the list Is , brown sandstone, which la not onry more ex . . pensive than brick, but experiment has proved '. , that It becomes brittle by exposure, and it by no means adapted for permanent architectural ; Y VlKSMa. Besides, it absorbs dampness, and on lu surface, In humid localities, there - ; urlnga forth a minute, greenish,' mosay monld, which, when removed by scraping, Aoon returns aKsia. '-' 'xTT''VleV W Ktke gray granite of the New England BUiw- w mt of 1(Wtl ( iiiiuliiv writ AM In. .It... i . . i j v .Mvuuwd v K)V it the prefer- ; ' T?M?.T?f marll8 Uw uit l , of thl kludnere-Jayne's Building on Ches- i m not street, and others-fsami tuev jnant an 1 Bppearauce of that massive soUdity which j o:, oothiun but an earthquake could ovurturo. -' ' Yet this species of stone possesses one dlsadvan- tage, though It la not A material one. It is ) ' that it succumbs more readily to fire thin . cither browiprtone or marble. When heated i i W the burulug o Adjolulug buildings, we have ' baervd A graului wall, when tint Jet of water flow the engines played upon it, open la rifts, as though It were a plate of cast Iron, and siH'b a strnrture will crumble and f:iil eveu more eally than simple mawmry ol brick. WW, as any edifice must be ruinously Injured by Uie direct action of an Intense beat, It may as well be reduced to ruin at cute as to present, afler the conflagration has ceased, nothii g more vulunble than scathed ni.d Mm keticd wnlls. But the nvst bc v.itiful material, after all, Is pure white or delicately reliu'd marble, although there are sevoral vsrU tU-s of stone, w hlrh cost consldembly less. Tho materlid being m'Iccted, aud the site ilxieeo, persons about to erect houses would 0o well to mJe some sllKlit sacrifice, either lu h-crcam or diminution of their pride, an I build In accordance with the stylo of hou.es which adjoin them, presided due fltuejj is already oM-alned. The height of the buildings sl otiM correspond, Uic cornices shouU bp unl foim lu ( attcrn, and In no Instance mid, of w cod, for niauy a disastrous fin1 has leaMtd trim house to house, destroying each in lis -regress, by no other conductor than a woo len corr.lce. All Imitation of stone, made by causing sand to adbeie to wood, should be regarded, as It lt, a niiH'rsble ind short enduring sham. To cheat the eye Is possible, but to cheat the weather is a different mutter, and counterfeits ol this kind ate soon exposed by winds and ruins. No; better trust to simple p-ilnt upon jour wood or bricks than the hunbug of a mastic, or a plaster, or a sanded outside wall. Such matters as these, It behooves the build ing community to regard, and wo oflor thu suggestion In the hope that many incongrui ties and irregularities now existing in our street architecture, may serve the purpose of Insuring us against their further incroaso or pcrjietustlon. 4rwnt llnitHrlctt Nehenifi. A propofitlun has been received by tho Secre tary of Mute from an eminent banker of Uim hnrv, to tnke a United titaies losn of one th o fnd millions of dollrt.,to lie paid lutoUio Trea sury, teventy fx r oent. In oulsianding bonds, ten per cent, in Cai ed & ates paper curreacv, aad iwurfy per rent. In coin, tbo loan to run serenty rive years, at an interest of three per cent, per si nnni, pat sine hWt-ri arly in com Tue wtaulx Riouiit to tic riupod iif anions; the psome or ilte rontii.eut ol Knro, on the principle of prmiKim loaus. The prinelpnl to Ihj rnlui turned to the bolders daring tbn I ist forty Ore )rarsofilir term In equal semi annai lust.l mi nu, the fJovrrnment piymfr the current ib-tre-t. prcO'lsniH, and piincipl, whirb wool.) require I at tifiy million. ier snnam during l h i eventy.hre yesrs. Tho euai of those psvuents cover iefr trie thnueand lull'dm of prtiiciptl, elcveu lionclnd und sevs;.ty fl'e mill oos of pre. Uifunis, sod one itious nd live, hundred an I K-ert.ne millions of iui-n-nt It will lie ithaefvtd that this annoal pivinvntol nftr mil- ikjiih ik, in tact, no mure tnsn tns lutnrest or a (hoUHuid ir I lloas ai five per c-nt. W lieme.r the lm(4iitiB t-ball be aiiied or not, the otter In dlentes tbo con II den -e of the Uvtman cijUdlisti tn our sotwnry and in 'he tssuo of tne war. DBAMA1I0 G03?IP. Oaoau's Naw Chsssct Mraast TaaiTae. The eop!e will nevr tl e ot Aladdin. The thea tre Is crowded each evening with a most respect able andknee, a d every one who comes Is i lisMd witti the prrfo.m ince. Miss rhorose Wood, navli ree.ivered from tier recent India poi.tmn, ban n turned to deligUt of with her O. Htniiui terpsicotman enoru (JoM-tuT IUix. Ciikihtt's MiKsraaLs. K veiy U'ge and fushionsble audience greeted tbis favc.il e old troupe of sen-nsdnrs upoi the occa mod of their flret annia-ancH in l'lilUdeluhla, Ibey were all as good hs ever, and tv the u'doim saiisiaction. i ne ih a-ititui cno1rnbl Ih sung were loudly encore I. The CurHtys' Kill have a bnrveal hero, and tbey deserve one. - Mss. Joint Darw's Nu Aacu Sraiikr Tuiaime. One of the largest and mist fs-hiun- atile audiences that ever assembled la any ibcntre (u this tountry, will lie present at tbe Areh oa next MHttirdav erenlnir, toe OiH-nln-' nnht. The r Ing tld C ojC.ij of the School for Hrtnd tl will u Klveo won a cut inoiu IliiK Mrs. Draw and ah tf the leading members of the stjclc i mi any. Chfnct Hthkit Oi-Kiia Hoi'sh Mouuk's MiNMHtLh. Mr. Frank Moran, well known as a irrt-clan burotcork coniedlan and cimlc .irer, has taken tbe lower ponlon of Cmcert Ha I, oi ,m unlit i-trt-et, .r tbe purp e.e of i ro ll otit i! tbe iRt iuk rents of "Nero Mlnsirelsy," iki ol luruiabiug the aoo.l poupie of tast Uh i n..liie sua popu-ous ieguu witb a speeies of urn tijivtiooatilH niianioent. nhi.-h a I can I piteiaie Bud admire, r'lauk opeus on Muntliy i vt nihil, Kepienibt-r it. Walsvt Ktiuikt Tui:atkh. At this pluce thu A nicd Uuun Is being plajed In llrtliimnre style The kotnery i" eood- for the Walnut. The masio lh ar prtipriaie, and with a stronger orehustra would be all ihat could ho desired. The ballot s u4 Miong enough by half Hud tho giiporau u.isiiii are kvldtMii v stMo t he ncenic nis:iiiDen, although old, woiked well last aeb-, ut the traps were not reauy for Mr. fjaurtes Itei ri at a i poin s, und if lie bie tks so-ne of bis ocii s ol an evoking, no one in front wdl be sur hM(l. Mrs. t harles Henri as the Q icen, is (.bw-iiLIu. Mrs. Kduy looks like a liiKb-hirn isdy,Hi'd're'es tier part well. M s. Creec-i(MI-s Pel I j ) is no littler than formerly. 8l;c is ginij-looa-iig. sings sit II, Ld dineu well, tmtd leu not mate any a t mpt to art. Mr. Heuris".Sir tiupiri," is good euoijh, aud M . Hi inple IhuIwhi pleading wnh bisdr.v hum irai 1 m nuinl.lnrlde.p'ny. M s Ut-rumn eiuirtel ti -r- ell as "llri. git" vtry cieciliaUly. ru-; nouaewat a gi oil one, but tbe CD .rac er of ilie sii iii-aee w is nK r'cvBiid Pwple who nsed to pilr i.iir.e mo Wa'nni Hin ct ore seiJoru seen th-'ra nu. Tue Smcd fjwvn wl I lie a sucees.-, but will n t tie 4 tiU.-nsi.re to any nndUiow ilia' in iy w tuns. it. T u "in ud mil" lUt of il:e Wsliur ii incca. n;. This is a haa i-lu. We sa lusny emerciu He a. ire iu Ibeir inst- sd it tbelr iff 'in, U-t i ti oinp, wfco buve no -or', of r t'M to d . 1 WTKUX STktlKT Ot'lli: JttlfSK C.Mtx cito-'H A I)ii 'h MiNkTitF! s Ir Ii only a m s mrj for us to th t tlii. 'avurlte PhiUd 'Ip'ii Hcup..' are now in full bl.'.t, uu l a u ! sirni - jf M li g --II of 'In ir friends caeli sieuinr. Th y slrj s i 'ea-e a-:d e ten-iiii yu, 'ul ncc;r d' -sp.uut vou with a ui-H'i l.'-rr.) liiuco. AfSVMM.T U ILlJlNfiS Bl.ll. AVll lillBHY. lll(" two -rifle iokcis" CO timcoerd l- '4 I'll luktiniiiM to a cr-.' 'nr-w mmifiiv. Ti c J:n n o! tbe i-liililrt n' in -ml B it. b d fair to i veiy -ueeei'il. li' n't t'urgei hiin, i y au t girl.! Mt f.ji..u. K n 1. 1 v Mi v i be :Veo C-n. eeitu givi n ev r) evening u- liie dulltti ."ii "i'imu n M--. l.'ti.'ink.n K -.it. 'Ller, ira -r of Kiankiin stf. e an 1 (.rirar-i a-L-i.ui, aio v-t su;i : l'. r, ll.e u.uriie Im'Ii g oi' t'lu proper Kind, sii ).rin V J i'e'eui, ni and e.x.T.Ti-n "o !n I s .e i ui. Mr. lleriel, t?.e le !er ui rU.i urehes r.i, is ilr t i lafis as is rerv r'r Tly ovi litn-e 'f ibe choice progrtUiinu h presenu bis mi ge audi ence w ith every evening aad, in A w inl, a in ire p'.cuantand edifying place of resort thunt'iis canuot be found. Madame Doche hat lfl Paris fur Marseille ou a profcstional visit. Bistort, at latest accounts, hod gone to Cata nia, Sicily, afwr playing at Messina and Naples. J Korly in Scpteiubur M. Manuel's opn. fto(umi a Itvuftaux, will be produced at tbe Graud Opera, J'uris. .Vy Xi'ulibtrr'i Awi is the Anglicized title of M. Kardoa's new tbrce-sjol play to be brought out at the Fals-s Koyale. A play by Gustave Aiuiard, the writer cf Indian tales, is to be produced at tbe forte Nt. .Martin Theatre, nnder the tils La (iramk tiibUitt. There are in Oermany one hundred and fcixty-five theatres, which give employment to sli thousand actors, dancsrs. aud singers, and ei'bt thousand chorus singers and "snpej." An English critic says that for his sew play, the htrtett of Londu, iloucicault has borrowed mme scene trutu (. baric iuau i siory.oi ' uarj Ca-b." ... , Tbe Ticknt-of-Lcare Man is running it tha Ok)npie, London, and has near I y reached is t mr bundrtdtb consecutive night. Mr. Usury Neii.e is tha "kubcxt Brierley" ut the play. . r'e status to Inland at Mannhain Is t ?. , '"i4 tu Schiller Plat, and is to beir tLii odd lnscrip Ioo-hTo Iirusid,conisdi.t'i, and drsnistlc author, wpreMuting all that tbe Mana tn 1m 1 bektre has produced that is great. Kre kd by Uit King of Uavoria, Lows i iB TBOM CUTER aL EPEBMAN. Wheeler's Rill m fulliire -oeeess of KllpaXdrk'a Hi Id la er;t staor. mita tirsslks Around Atltnta III I ..rre Sleven Ml lea Siinltl or the t'ttj. NasnvtLl.a, Augnt 23. Tho Whcel-rrsld lit! degvnera ert into a mere race fnr iiff, Orderod to break tbe ronnuni.iraiions of General Sher man, st every bard, at soy p lnt from M iri et a to I.nulsvllle, he has been detetsl la every alU mpt. Ilr tried both Ds'tnn and O'srirllls batHsi badly worshd In each, and nov It a fugitive la Ksst Ti oneksrs, compelled to move In that dlrtcUon to prevent rapture. U lieeler, Hke sevi ral others of th R-5bfl cw sl'y - ft.i.rs. . no o di r j p i.e.si-s no: a Kprk of 'Mlr. i-our gc, sod muie of tha'. nhi ity lilcb el sl.les a roiniiis' der tn tight bl- mnti, wiiiiiuit lU'litinp blui-elf. Tn-re Is nrH.hi rs'.Jr i-tti er, who is a brave min, ih u -h lllii. ts-e ami un k llid, and th I s K rrrst. If I' died In lie not esrt. whlen I- liigblv urihtblp. Tbongb a c oel hrgpt und an unprin- lp ed vl ale, be lis. courage ; lis' this neither Wheeler, Mor. in, ror their sssoetntes hne. There ne-d hcr.ofisrs ss to the rutting of our ralrmrl. Im-iwi en this pdnt an-1 the fron : they are as nl a1, the nUr ad from Chi stro to ti tlnna. Wrji l r will reins', ami bis aiins.n-nt rld In Ka.t Ten M i-ee Is well sndnsKKKl ; it is merely a rotrcat I'j a roiinilstKiat way, to arotd a capture. KurATntrs. Tlie Kllps'rlck rs'd tn rcorgls hss bfen s. ne- eres. He ( nt tbe rslln ad front Al'sota to Ma- m, a- Jonc-Nim, d k roylng 'o ruHrs sn 1 a f if the ir k, und burning two brl ge, beside, caaj mr'ng a hatierv of four or fl guns, and e ip luring N t one hnndn d and bftv priso iers, wbom be hrnuglit off, lielues psro Ing an t le tiog g' ks nmny more This blow is notrifllng one to th Rebels. They lia! onl' just r-ecs-eded In rpiri"g ths r ltd, afier 'be rmds of McCnk and Stoneinan, sad tho enrs Imd scsr'ely eommenc d ru saint; sga'n, wi-en the eomniunieHtions were brnkea bv K.lt pstrh k. I bv very few psnl mars as yet of the expedition ; but this I kg iw, that it wss a e mtdete sucisjss, and that our loss was ai fol lows : Kt'li-d T M'onndrd It Piisoijen ...12 Total ...52 Tbe KefKs. In small hands, often annoyed 'he raiders ; but did them little dsmsgo, as the figures alv-rr, which are official, u 1:1 show. pihermsti nrmy is in tbe best no'slbls rnndl- tion, slid is consian'ly aetlve. no'w(thitsidini( appearances ; bnt I dare not give the r movem a's, thoogh tnry will result In something important, i i-ei sikureu, witnin a rorinign'. uur troops are making o nit rare orogress. v-o wl I understand when I tell vou that oar advance Is now jeren ihi'Im tsufA of Atlanta. t)nr light is two ml c to the south or Kit Point, sod thot wing Is extending contlnusllr. According to present pnifperts, IIod will smm ne nmiK-i ei to more ont or his firtirtctio-ii to prevent being -urrounrted. I hope, ta my next to be able to give more p irtlculars. l4rltliB of fort Mwrgati. Fort Morgan Is a much older work than Fort Gaines, and Is far better constructed. It was built for the defense of Mobile Diy, and wat erected on Mobile P 'int for that purpoie. It Is a very strong work, its only wean -oin, if It ran be said to have any, being on the land side. It orcuphs the site of Fort flowyn, a work noted I the war or 1813. By direct fire the fort Is Invul nerable, It having no cssemttet in th -ou'er walls, which are protected by a glacis of sand, in which all the shot and shell in the world could be in nocvotly burled. Tbe guns are mounted en ftnr fVn, and In the centre of the works are bomb proof quurters. Thtowln; shell over and drop, ping them insida the work would do no damage to the defenders, as the troops hare enly to keep away from tho area and they have no occasion to be there, for no fighlng is expoe'ed to be dons there. Tue following, from a Mobile paper, is interesting : "We take It thst In a stand off light of the sort, twemv woo len w . IN, even w th the help of tone trou-ciaus, win ne no diih u tor tue bearv ordnance, the sand aud shell, and gshan'iy of r oil morgan, uur orave oois in mat work bare been wai ing three long yeariita patient i iseiiily lor ua aiiruug scenes tu wn.cn moir comrade- in urns at oihei point.- have participated. The Yan kee aauiiral setuis disposed to gra II j their desire for flckhiug their maiden swords,' aud te tn meir iRavy atuuerj practice on real aud Imag targets. They b.iva oeea carefully and well in stiuctcd. laey arc co ninauitisi bf a i trutiurlit ui iiuguirhtU tor scicu itic and prae ical skill, and ihcj bate as pre ty a da ue for a hetutifal fijljt, and lor winning glory, as c iaid o issi ilr bo nllireu lo ga laut soidl rs. Let 'he o ram tinhor Unit the Idea ut Yankee uaral aud gunl-oat invin- ctoi.ti) tins long kin') lasiu exploded mat tue tons m Cbarkkton harbor whtied,inddti4nled, and orcve ott nine or the Yankuo nivinctnle n i on i tors, ami thai one heavy ahut, fairly bitting a weld turret, jar it kj that it will ujt turn, and its guns ale thus rrnuered Ukeless. At fir tbe aoodeu rhips, every encounter i i tu-s war an piuvtuibt a laud nailer), wed served, can at ways wliipibeia. r itly meu in a tour gaa tatt ry at bsbir.e t as beat a Yaukisjsiiuadr m, kinking and l apturiug some, aud taking inure p.n mer thsii double the uumiair of tbe gam-oa. If any in a feels any ol tnat awe of tbe Yankee navy wb '-a Ureal lo be gtni rally prevalcut, and wan h no oas itkdeprtskiugutleets upon koine ol thoolncers srao were brought up ou its decks, let uiiu reineui'ier (luiioioi Moitrndur In Ualvcs-ou ti.ty, who irmud two or three old nigb prusturv sicaiuuoats, ma la ratnpnitd t cuituu bales lh eo deep, aad tueu boiui) sailed out aud at aeked, eapturuii, sunk, and uiiNjiersed a Yankee wpiadiou. N iriorjt tbe gloriuus ekauipte of the lamented ViUuu guo at Kurt McC'ree, in tue baroor at Peiu k-! i, who, with a kand iiattory wountiug twjit-iuca gunk, wbiptHsi me lauace kteaui.liips the ncv Muwf and the .Vnnnro. Tuu garrixiu at Fort j Moigan khouid laku courage troin these exam I pies, aud tl tbey wrve tneir guns c ally aud bravely, ilu-y have an oppuriuuity of Weanug the I bngbteet liuircla ot this war." I It would seem irom the above that the R.'beJs . docimU tbe woik iuipreguable aud ea-i y tle - frnaxa). it a uauied altrr lirigiuiur-ueuer il I Mirg.ua, ot lieroiutiouaiy faiuo. It ww seired i by the Keil Alatattua tru ips on Jauusry 4, I an I, ' and was iiuuedia ely gsn laouud If Ihuin under omr ln:m the Governor of the State. l'reiara i tioiik were then being made to lepair the wnaif, and Ibe work, had aeiuofiy c uniiicuced. rtia ; ktru-.tuie bad co-l the Untied biat. i pltl,'7J. A promii-lug young uau in Coard, N. II., just oral cm!, bus coinuiitted ulcide. tVilonel K. McOilvery, 1st Mai..e Light Ar tillirv, has boon ajpoin ed Chief of Artillery and oi Ord-n.nrc of tho unb t.'orps, rolteviug Captain l'. M. V'o h it, 4th United Stoics Artillery, wh will te- anie totntnatid of his battery. siarrkrsl ar-a'iih- saii:ki. Aiiuu-t VMb, bvHiv. w. Cub-c.-i. Hi. jum.l'ii u. ao.vM.a ui mi- maui k. SAML'I I., b-'lll el till' Clt. UAlt.li'e I I-1" lln,Ki'.- lu MsakruiiV, oa Aug. !!., Id, Uv Ijiv. A. I ii;w Mi. UIDjl Al li K Ml f MAII.II'I K Aire. M.ltt lilt I.KK KiiiU r, Uudi iM ;kt'syyiik. ) ktjii.K.T- AHilWuRTH. -In Msuivaiik, on Am. r.'il hf-i li.-ln v . I'nivf -. Mr. v II i iAm MKAUl-Kl', n.inerK ui wqs.rniik, lo Mws MAgl A.-llrtilltflt, h.rh new nf ll.n.;n'llle. rn.SN'it liK--liAlt''il.-tn,"i t wih he tho Bv. I . k url nt lh.- punn'iiav.. fli Uik '1 w-IMh msit Muthu-.1-t 1 p.; i o,-.tl ' lijiii. ."i.i. :;n i Vn iijr .tri-., ilr .'Al'lilt 1 1. . O.NNOVll; Irt 111 UU IA.K IlAHl'll.sU ol Oils It.. Dl UAS-IltTS "UkT.-Ansibf Ml'l, hv Hav. W. II. H. llr"li. ilr. M iMI hL II. lit IIAN to ll C.UtOUNf; f. til'M'ilsx, Ixjlh ol W .v.t Fllllleiplila. WVHHOS1 ft'ilH In Manuytins, ou July 4th, Su4, tiv Krv. A. Culv.i. Ml. jAMr'j A. ML NHOS to MlM IIAIIKIF.T H. 1'1'UU, bulb of IVPvI Menuo, .Mout gouiery vuuutr. 1IJ. ' rolf"To( K. uoiknly, on the Vnb lort., AVDI1EW . (OMaroi'K, M. r. Uua none mill twgivoo of his funoral. ! l'l'VAL-nmsni il this Ills on the th hut, MAIIOA REr L. IU'VAL, wlw of lIcirKS W. Iluval and Oauh t- r of tho lute lteai Admiral it. A. Lavektla, V. 4, UVT. lielulive and lYtsnda of the nvnlty are rspetiolly Invited to atlend lh liineral. rtotu ttio rylleni: of her I l.iother In-lavi. W in. W. Wiule, wlihout larthiir outke, ho. io'JA Wuliace mt, oa Wsilucmluy ucat. Jiat bint., at'i o'clock, f. M. OltkKN.- On UisKnh Instant, anr a KnysruiH illnnss, I HAN kl All l.. wile ol Jolm UKn. .Ir.. In the 7Jd iar el' hi as. l ordand. at., boston, Ut Loali and Souuivra psoeia plOk coey.J Use notice oi Uic funeral will bs given. HoUJH.-on th ikU huuuii, AAH LIA, tourtb U i.lili r of Ui late T V. liollis. l'h relstivea and frhiniis ar respartlilly Invttad to aiteoa tti fanerkl. from her lata rkiduaco. No. Inu s. iiith street, on Weontmlay, at V o'clock. HAKTI L- tt Iluiaasiburs, Augu.t 'iltb, EV. only child of Audrtas aud hiiaatwtb ii- ilarttil, sed 1 Jar and'i Uajis. MAr-lT.-Oa Monday mom hit, Jsth Instant. a Hum silt lllll, AUUA W., wnk ul Wm. II Mulllt, of Wilkea kajre, aad UaubUr of U lata Colonel lawn U. Want. olUikicHy. NMLHOf -KltlM in tho a-Uon at ttram's Stailon. WklioU Kullroud. Vs.. Ueuleuiail HCSHV I1U iik f. MaUiUN, .lvinth 1'cuusylvauia Cavaoy,lu ins ioib I year ol bw awe. jtouc oi ma luBsrai wiu p nivrn tB ua arrival of the boOy. ltl'Krvr.-At RniellvliU. K., on th th lint int. JI.'UA t. a. Ill ' M .Ki.lt ei-lta.uui.u-t u( tns law lluv. Henry UuSuer, D. D., of Kauawlia, Va TWK1.I.H. On Oi owrninsj mt the laib, OOLfiiCI I (VhtXS. aged -) i ear. Kuutfrsl h-'ta tho re.ldne nt If, P. V!emans, Vo. .'1 H. M.-maenth itrcct, 00 WtdlKSi'iy, liJt iujUal.s'. J e civk i. M. BUSINESS ITEMS. THE BEBELS CAN BUBS TOWNS, BIT B9T HUIIIIINCJ'H PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, ttfAM I'.KstlK. stO, AAUt l'i, IflrH, Ufhti ? I linvv tad tn uaf or of yvr anrtiftilrtM! tfVi for ii pirx1 rrft r yn, M lw MHo tnUrif tiniM In th fearful cvrxiit! rntr of fl piatr? rvfi Jmy it llif (" ffU into d'f t, frt.rrv It hu l-Un -m.-An tbr niliin uiHll hti ilnta. To Okvy li irmovM .vr4 fojn4 I o tot fui- br U t lifiitfsrl hAndj I wi rcelfrj to to i It M wfttortefbrr oiM-rinv I. Yet ai'or harlnff ftMiM tin (fsvh Uiif MtmrntUnitrv ft , ni rfsTnuinlug bft ftor tt tfH d-fi, ih pHjH.), allkDiih iUciintl bf tA&m, n (vr'fsrU lil,.). K. W. UUHITKR. r'HAMnl4R'tl'7Rst, Al0Ut aU. MvNtrt VAKUl-.I., H'KUIMl M 'NV Okht: On t) 'th oi ItM trutrtli we httt Mr pltm ftf tin -I rt burtvO pat by th ltbUi we ha I osa tvfovr BaO- In iMf wtftT At lrt Uma iti U ffli to t)t Miinr, ).?r ttrlid nioosV of 1 or, Tarientlna, (Ml. 4o The br.t wu eu In ! tiifct iteplrr4 ( vlttg uny of ttie conftB- ,lu6nt ol our enfftriMi on otwnlnff1t to find our Urm k In poo ortr A fbw iADMrfl wr dl.f -iarH. bf ri hid, lut tniiiHHl bo Itijui. I"ikw Ave eeM m mo Mr Ha a, eaw Mx. IIIIIVKR 1VLUK.BT. CiiAMnRB-nnv. ninit K.l-s4. Mot'. J--RHpr.1TKUKISO Si l (Iknts I had one of X'Hir rira iroAf Sai at thetlnM of H e la'e hohtl la'd on The th of Jalp, Hvmi vmt town waa burnnd cot. Tbe wm In mf bfsnw-hae-H cnine out aU rUht H '-"M xny bwAt and pir-e PAHItFL, IIKdRlIsi X COk, No. VJti CHKHefUT Htroet. (MYNB-8 HALL.) rHfLAAHCrniA, Vi Miiiiriurfn Is this Bikls of HERIW'8 FIRE-PEOOF BAJE3, Wlik nt-olvM th Bwdsi st the AVOaLD'8 FAIR, Lou4oa Mid Wf w Tort. IST" Thekk Hafisi srs wrrtntr4 Inw (rort dsawsM, AlM, Msnalitami o HALL'S PATKNT roWDKB-PROOf LOCK, LlktwlM swust4 a ssedsl at w'orM'i rslr. CHILLED IRON BVROLATt PROOP 8APK8, BANK VAULTS, BANK LOCKS, 8TEKL CHK9TS, F.tc, Etc. Kleeirtrttr. AU AeuU sal Otiraak IMwimi curfd tr mMtas .h SitVrsM mkS.hosUi a oi Kfeotrlcrty, si tat r.Ltcrticai. ibsTtrvTA, Bo. llW WALiUT STKFEr, fllhj6lf.ki. raor. o. h. B0LL Win nanaMacs, Orrokl , UtM. A eir of LoitorM aes fs t lastrartloa ft (jkivaul.m, Maa.tlia, ans vtasr rand-Sskitkas oi ktsr U)cli7 a rtifakNi tbermssnuc sffsat foe tie oar cf Araui ml Oarvolo IMs.s , AT TUB ftfBinUTiOH, F . im Walnut Birsai, 1'kiiaiMiMita Xf sdleal men kn4 ottien 4l lug to mtma "is coons s f. rwiuskti d u tna pfik-a,4oa eariy. j Ilil.IU'H " C'1III.I.K1 IKON HA KM S'I'Ll. ri'.t'.I.INU I'Olt Till. t-.STKklV, Who is like 'TAT g rUA, WflEM YOC I'lIT TOUB 1'l.fOKIt OS HIM Hh AIS r IHSJtt" T Ukvid t sas, of the Firm of Brani A W'aiawi kak:Vu puhfe-ty ssierted in a late aewH'si'krartlote. thai lili wcuel drlu an l.tiXIK'a SAra n .w ui us la the olty ta Pluiadkiisua In two aoura, hio.uiitia ike HelMktU Itnnk of Niirthern laher-lM. Oa. We nan tatrt) OMit yai su our bwn arounS and Rare vou tare houis ! kleuS of two hmire (ti.e Una ou aekel), wUiio it re.i.e. Hut jou ea- In a silil utur article, )a will kMle tl0 SKalnei UHO that r will SViU n4 oismi ti nie iSlierof LIl.l.lk'M rlAf KN la lure ho ire. Siuw a. vou hart rot coiwiaattea t pat k vane 4 rt . i.n i Mercanli e Hele a atoet Ullo'e ae a r Ird Proof, nor Ktn. a W'atNi-s beet Itans rial airaluet Lline'e aeatlur.iar I rtiof. and ae joti have not 0"iacteiio la iuur altihi to open on nt t.nll ' kaae at tlie Hank .orllieip l.llrtMHitii 'hrea I o.ire. Mil s IS asrt l l inn an ren otn-r oi blllle's kale. iaint hours, snS 'frr lo pssl.e SlisS) anaint SI'SO ihat oa win tkae open l.lllie. fair u m run ji..Kiia. o.i., iim ler. il. klret Meiituiai llenk a-. WiUlatu.Lmrt. and (4hr; now . ilia', yoar vitmtet-tul la'efit In arllln.i !h Ikd tnai ebah n-)t be 'hid in a ao.hl" or '-aasttsl o ilo.ort au." a i piolHiee to arranse with rltnar s" Hie almva K tnka fs. eo D. taeet it afk'W yom w fsH-st nosi :air nai. The loll, win to la; tlio n-nue d ctatd Uos. Ibe ferwi.. Itvoh oatlj ss II out In o th handiofth eaehh-r liooii. 1c cei ler Ui pot the mirier la ttiitA and loek Ii f.n hie oon,) na'lon. You are UMi(iraie an tli aaia oroci'Ji' ae prafieed in our eblloio to tha 'loi-a fc,ke,Miii llenii in aU raepevu- if yoa k'H piiatee kleHi ol tlio nkoaay In threw hours It la to ne fours, ir , ot tti okn le to I nure, anS you are, la eswi ot lali uie in iae the dsinaiksdoiie te ihe sa'e ; sail vou are to b alsiwv.1 two of th boat steci drltla you oaa prourto obeiaie with. Tl fts . Von nhallflr-tsrrea with IkeSeveaUi riaili ne itauk. rhlliw:liilitu. u nirul.h tiekr sale f-a us hi OV'Tale noon, elimtid yon encrveU to ooa l.iUle e, atttt nrh pnr I pledipn S its 0 ae ehnvo, ana II er do not open (f elr eafe, ni site ti) CvaieA Watson at a o or St Sal, in twoleiare. wilbiHat oowdor and with we tB,T nasae kiat yai niake lo own Mill , lie wofiet to bo yours, and th ueOAAee to Ihe aelk lo ee tnktto giH.a Dy It. 11 w do autv ood. Ihe raocev to be oar As oudj-!lne to pia.-k f.eaoa A Wats-Hi's boat Bank Set ciaunir f lSl. acaioet I4ilifa. owetlna SrS). on eo -el limit ea a f'ari-lar prM.r we note oirnr )-ou ooe-balf mire titra tiien wo aaa tsreiuia yo iuco-a at au shall a lut.-e voui actt'iianre7 LEWIS I.IU IP, HOV M l'. SSDI.KH, Aaerf Mo Jl Koenh SK ksl . h a-Veot. M l new aiad l.ltisiorsj ror Motllstlnwl ln poiii-e.--Ihe purest olS r. rt. I'-.tT. -a-1 llaili-lra Wluw, A'.', fine ol4 Aranitle.. or racllolu&t purkokea, Cia.li.ellv i.a l.ai 0,1-r fievie a Kn-aasiM, ! Ali.-h aod Te'illi SUeetS, F. U. Whlbnan tl ' , ktaatiii'i tarers of Sew an4 Iiell- '-.n'i Ccutei '.tout, A'caai l la-ie, O-Koiars f'sismels, f'rcami l.s Moilntui farts, eit:sl!et.v ilarord. Ksiltcd ioruan Alta-'nUa. , 4 3 Nu. 'Jit, t'i'.csnut iue;, htlow lorta. Sic k V I'v.'a flunoa. nXK m IC.w I KilOl mjKst. KAMUJM friril CABTKET BTZ'.-I m tC outwuia. PIANCS. J. E. COIIUI. aVvnch and Chesaut lUeela. TIOOrtJl'8 ALE VAULTS, 8. . COHNKR J 1 THIHB end I'UKSNUr Streets, I'NOBlt t'Jii'i tn tsrarjis rtLH.HAi-a onie'H, I'lNlSTAl H Old) SrAh'll. TBE CWlIlVif A Nil r.aT ALES IN TI1B 'ITI, tjjl UMANDIKS, WiSLS, 411NS, WIIISHIt;!), CAIIIIIHN1A AMU t'ATAWIIA WINES AS I) HSAMllEH, r HOLISM, IklMI, W. 1H II, A N I) A H r.u H A N ALA.S AUD UHOWN NiOIT. Tl.is rtkkrsted old stand kavlus beea renovated and ttivrobfi.ly rtntitd. with u 0 th ttneat atot ka ol Ale and ckoiee L'isora in tli eily, tli prooriclor Invites lh pub ic to iv uiiu a cab, cotUdenl a hs Is f Uieir ap I re vat, . euXf-lui VTAR CI-AIMS, BOUNTIES, TKNBIONS, TT Pay, aad all d. ari.ilea of elalmi asaln.l tlie t'riih d Mtetia l,uviuiiiiit adjusted aadooilcuu. PSIZK Muhtr w have a full hit of ptie now payable, aud II. tuoacy oaa be roilecied at one. Ai'iky or writ tu OLX.'11'.L SAi.ll A ft Ml r II KM, Arsiy end New f'telm tkeuls, uI7 Jm Xu. Sol WALNUT Su.et. REMOVAL. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, Ctrpamee and 0ullowr. haa removed hll shop fruay o. tn HUte berry atreet to No. ariCAJi raa Sueel, ad felulni Ui old Post Otflo BulUlleg. Havlaf btereaiea hu niUue aar carrying on th butineea jUuairta S hope wiwMfaeieftaibtl4ts4ltas SM J 10. W A Ii It A V 11 Vf. SI'fKVS.SVlIt TO W. IL CAaRTT., MAHONIO I1AL.1. Ho. 719 OHEOirDT Street, wiwnow HIIADUH, CUUTAINH, ISO ff.,urTo NKrnncw. AMUbtfVltNTS. "'I.OVV ll CHKhNL'T 8TKKKT THRA TRK. ' I LEOMAHUOanvrk H Ma THIS KVkMKft, Th treat rotbaauo. asatlosl. eantoadralc. spoetaoaut dnuao. ai.apiiin. tK Ttir wiiaoFitriM. i.tsr Till- I.IVINil COUNT. IN OK (X'laKI WArHtl. All ike Hew anil Maaoifl.eat -keaer It leer -at Meats, Se..tkewh"h prst ieeS at an sot. .a ooel of tM. 1 h cast ot ciiaiaon re 1. i he e f i-a' exmaienrw. rriciv oe AifMtaai in. firees Clrelaoi tariUitt (IS coats. ItTiillj I Irele Vt OenU, I'ri lH .trt KetlS.... Tl OOUte. Hia ot liie rnau Itearhet enlv are roterrM as ureatttra beau. Nnasira 'haresi for mtiniw .eai. I n opn at T olock. rerrormaaoee ooanMio at s, p.xl-er. tiiu f HhbtsL'T BTRKET OPKRA HOUSE, No. ll.'l I IIKHNST Sireei. Wo.U.'l CHKHaVT htr4. rRINK MUKlk! ritAVR MOKAH Has tiir honor to announce Uv ort'iKu OI'Hhlklll Of hi NEW HALL OP MIKS1 REI.ST. SEW HALL Or sUMSTHKLSr. Ai iov. this r.veKin'i. THIS KVK.MSJ. i 1ONCFRT HAI.L-rOMMKNCi: MON Kj 1A1 KVKHINtl, yo.l J. OAK Vtl-IKK OOIjT. The original and only I IIBInTY . M1MSTR8LH, And Ui worid-lanimia t-.iiuH Arfiet, liKtitiiK fJUUiH. V. J.w.kAtMOR M ntdor and Pratrletor. rlret oMince If. tlda olty alaue Otolr reearn riom Knnipe a'ler an aiieoneoof eeen years Ah Hie greet I lutilit. rat, lliirlki.iuea, ae, which have maio the OtBi ts t hrl.tj'e kkinttiel AS r.HIIJ K AS ll'ICSK.HIIM, WOIIOH, wlti be producxd durtnu their atS-airn he-a. Tbe ree .uiT.t of lliel'll ItlnT t MI MS I SKI S are tlipetinr to an Aflneirrl orasnlxatlon In esialaiieo, whlc-l niial'UI lh- in to present in a ti)erb manner the bttniors and oddi tis, of HOUTHK.nN IX(NTATI(N l.trK. In all lie bread. mlr.krnl. aud ntl.h.a phsao. i-emcnier in solas nine, aami.eton, ve cents. Orrlie.lra kstl la Innt,e0cente. u-lut JOHN f. SMITH, Uusiness Afvat. V ft L. LADNKR'S MILITARY HALL, No. Mt N. 1 III Kll Street. Pmkrttor KMJKi KK. tl well known Mseto. Is M- aaed at Ihlt taaiular piece or reeort. a. th lilrect r of a Mft nil tnrhc.tra. sad every evenina cSoloe eo ecua of tsie mutlc in glvoo to th audlnos sratultosMy. aoei.-iot "SATUKR1NO OF TIIR CLANS. VJ HCIITTISH tlAMKH. 1-hoBlXTtt ANNUAL llAMe. nf Hi 0AI.K.r()W I V f'LKIt of rtilli..i,ohia, wlllhi- releb'aled at WA-UINU-Tf N kKTIlF.AI, oa vltl.Ml IV, aoptoinb-e tli Mk. Iwl. Cars leave Iter eenih aud l a.iowtiUl elneU, at tii, 10, tiT.. i. vi ami v o ctoca Ksia tlon Tlcheu, k" cents. Tlikeu can be had frola tee-'rR Mrfllewltln, No. Xit Ch.uut aiieet; J.ii.a Itmah. No. laifl Mirketereet (..inti; titrdMr, s. Kiaiith erreot. below i-a..ysna rout : Wiliniml an ri , Pr , No. SM ft. Klfirh atreet; lltniea Mrtritre. Jouem' atey, I ow -econ.l etreet; Jaiaeeilra l em. Lutnl.ard stro-t. below -Itua nth ; IMulel at. Itrava, leuSjam lroet. below S-'S tlentll WUUtot riiwUiaa.. Kiutt anliue and Willow iroei P. H. JoUtieoii, N. S 4 1'ea.yuiik toad. Jau.ee Nel.i.n. Iturnt' (lottaire HltUi anl Mints' sins- l J hn llyo. No KMW N. eoond atreet; tl.of w.lllera Ittasi, No. lirtu P.ilawnrth strait; v id I lectin. Willi ra Smith, No I.VM M. Second aire'; mnott iisniiitun, v. 'ir etreei, iK-rniii'own; anui ny IUIk. Mill Btreet.liormaiit-'wii.i r ftsim anj-ol t'.o meat 10 id ilia t'luh or tiiiiuilltte. Otlei ie.eleil for Ibo Her up tsTui tdty, Auiraat 3D. rle k'B eel4-braud Hras sud Mrlns Itaml kta bean e-K-ed for th rittlnn I'll membera will loaet la tn t'h n h'Mim on Monday, R p e.niHrf- r, at 7 ocloca. Ily Mi'or IS I Ci h-r llllCAM WUI-JUT. Seort'try. WiujaH Smith, Tresvurer. aurs-7t KENSINGTON HALL. THIS POPULAR risoeorKiiturtali ni.nl, ho lO.ttnd losildua tM ItitA N vt a..e end 1101 N SKUO Mi ntreet ea-abil.lie J ai a-a aa bv Mr. Jono l.tp.1. h, b.-ea eaitra;edand rw ov.ttd. aud no - poearato. at rect ot aoe.citlidkk any . U-er o.tabinhment of the kind In tk citr- A uirH aua ersvlent Orelie ra. anoer th dtroptfon or t'na. K Ixi-ae, I aa aw-ni n.a.ed, and a choice proKrauitn 0rVf4aland ln-r mo ial Mindc wnl be pno-1.ee I etok veeiliiK. tre nf eat one to ihe audi i Th Conoer koon. le laiue, airy, and oommoduiaa. the rere. mnla ntMrki. '.i d tiai atton-ttfita iioiite ai d accominodatiM. au;.i lui ur.Niii HOKNUMu. rionosr. J. ltKE CONCKRT SALOON. Tlie Mihteriber haa okeoed lh btnraal cooiinodlecs SALOON, wldt ttrnl . HI kHF.U UAKIir.tf, etl oi-.M, N K. tOHNF.a Ol' rttaNKI.IN STBBKT AHP (ffttAlO a Vis uk, aud f as eni.'afred a full 'Vrchoatra. aiiiee lh leaderthtsf P. .1)1 F.SMIK A 11 KS I KL, w ho v !U nUhtly pertbi ui a vliotee biviiraaaaia of Hattoaal am- atlivi ahe. At a p eatae.f plaia to past an evening free of okarira, the k'ostk-tor la atai-Bultied hll tslanlialiuaent skatl sot be et.rraa.id. aeio 1m (IIItlSrlAK KFtTTSI III.KS. .tpt, TH0U3MDB fT TEETH ! EXTRACTED WITUOUT PAIT. : I'elent atipiau for. Vyiaw l.iweatkwi a tteaide sa vtr.lb Si It aujv.-.tlim Sa-tj Ttired lnhalrr, for aduiia l.te. tnj; wltr.ua able tl.e. ai.d eiu-aonut teelk with.' .ai The oo:y mode til Ml the lia .a S. iwvperty aad a' ivt. aominl.teiod. uu o. -U. mi;n vh, uVI-m st. TJl BfKUCto tTSKCT, 1 iR. J. UAVIUHON'S CHIROPODIST AND I HaUittHt lifti'liahiiiwit, v u. H rjirr-t, (ritt!B)ioi ! on Lev, t ftreet.) Ir. 1 .VlIMOTf ,Hm Mk itrviixk v Ladi4 rmi'ti ioiIHraeu tOiUnip !;( of ci,tfirnc?. una ivtu m immtvJ m rrltrf uK'rActw of Bit-i and h-vrd i orai opftaft" iI N-UI iiruwliiK In ihfltli, i ll oitslrcal tivntttnt ut aw(Jt4 anU fnMte4 VwiH, lu aud OIH l h TfPbll-s r. At hiv MtabUititm nt. Ho. KM A. HK''ONIrttnK. eau t found lift ano 4 ota lUiJu.l'-.rtajTVr aiitimyoiitf tub, a'fi Mi pliu and atxir itt: a II r Hii'pi-.ui ai il Vhi.or hwflii ar worttiy tbe twwtiytsj a tait iomv( InailkL, i Kbuaalic glrtw hi frmmimi attaia- llOU- fsVUfU ltCiCIBAL COD LIYEB OIL JOHN O. BAK R CHH Ho. 7ts m ahkut SIBUvT, sre acw ns-cl-tnrthtb .upiiuen freth front the fisheries. 1 ' o ai (e-r.r. r ul Ui IrOIL lo every reieat, halgakMst fi.r !i k repu(aika act tale beyond any other ftnuid lath nitriet. ToaikhitsID It, lliay are aterrrund to supply in artist ikt u.a.v be ea-lltely rckh-d on for freaunest and parity. Sec tt'ttiuionlaui ol Pioiessors of Medical CoUtmci. aull & WEIGHT & SirrALL No. 110 Market Street fBTWKEJI iHONT AUD SECOJfD 8TKERT9. a. w. wajt-ny. e. M. tloDtti. rnvoGisTs, tiiysicians, ASO r.KNMLAI. S TOREK F.RPEESJ, Caa BBC alow otatlltMaanl sfhUaisortaxotof ImporUd aad DwwtMlc Drufi, ropalar Pateat Modidnee, fauit, Ooai OU, Window liuas, rreecrljUoa Vials, Ac, at a low f iW s nsnin ftrat-ciaae toed caa batola. riNM KHSCNTIAi. OILS rf OoaSectlcitra.la full variety, aud of th Mat get Ity. OotMaaal, eaial Indli. Madder, l ot Ask, Cudbear, Bode AU, Alum, OU of Vkriol, Aaaalto,Copptt, Ktlrtol f Lstwood, aw., FOB CV.k8' us, always so baud, at Itwtit at task prla-si. rihs sric'M roR familt vsb, Oroana saprwsly Ibr ear ititt, and to wtileh w lavltaths stunrUon of Umm Is want of rellablt articles. Ala, JMJtO, SIAMCtl, JtvaHHD, tc, oitlr ttw'tiy. Ordtn by aaall, er city poet, w'Jl ait whs prompt ak tcsUoa, or ipecJtl ijooiailoiii wiU be ruiuishvd wbaa r aaud. WRIGHT A HIDDALiTj, WkoleaaJ Dras Wtrthouta, JaU Jy Xo. UK MAJHttr Busct, ahw frost. AUCTION SALES. M ACkKY'H SUCTION ROOMM, No. VAthTT Hir.'t A XTCT10N SAI.K AI I.KOOKLYN NAVY J lllO. ip miM rf T.nr AJiilml Yllrmn T"tv9 Urg, TT. H W. ( n.u.f i run' o" Hit v ' ,..fk f I ssi.tail pttft Kif . si l 1'iiU.isT Ai.c ft n, nt -tii-l n il, ON 1 Hi linLAV Htrt-iMi -r n..vi I rtU-k M. t.t t'rtHtll r-isirl. t! 'flliTf . Ili.Wfl f f ( uir. - ( i I' .. fi r Heriir' I taitjr I -tliRlUM fM . I ll.trrf tiUi r. 4 Vtil, I'l I or- I t (wnv I' it- -I 1 ... '. A kt 0' Hat t r h. 1 . : ra, I l'-i i. 'i n l uu. H vr-'tii (J- lid- i m! H Tvi nl -t t nt ( tl. fn.thiwts tT,it.v- lo'il I do-f-o-lltsi mi t titi til -tt' Ui'd i i nil h aittuMTfi t r r:" ios' if Hi ri ' fii". Ii n 4 t rlllUVrsJ. t; i l'm oiH v l I . I'll! . .1 'aH i v i,m til. ii n it t I- i .i'l. i ' f .in-lit f att rT, ntid ;t Ul"aV1'M l.. IU(' Tl I e -"i HUT M K-H T U V h Htarftkt'f n- r. fh v fr-1- w 1 1 rk, A ;i, .ISfrl aufv fSkkj lllCAI, k-S1 AVf.'-KKAI. K-T A I'K ! I tii Mfl I -tvik. it'-al. Ksrsfi',. hi a I I vi l r, II' I. Ksl VK. ONI "I t I'M I.oi.i I- ji:s uiir M th rrtiA "'ii r Ji.r ii.it. m 'i aix) iit j'-sr imit. rt; i .i At I'l i'i 1'iS rt'tlllt i o. Il! tll.AI I I iOI 8 HI Tll'lllll l 'NT. I I V tl A I IH It" I I 1 K 1 llll 10. eV'SIVs '..te.'rs rKTII t i.m sia . sviMirs n w ,ai 11. cV.HiaiNS .a.isi WditTil. aSf I'OU bAl.l'..-NO I-KKKON IN (.Ul'.-JT L..'. nt on d. -.-t piloi. (I ir ierti.Mt er ni.r. -tHtiiri er4it i n , tieoiiS (.11 ! i.e o' nv Ks etl ir itoi.t.. tn aJiOt ..ei.t oat lii i.-rrt'iet'iii. 'l . -l rl moa IIK.ilU.lP. I) Mil l. Kit. rectici Ileal KtieU. n.io tu.r. r l-t N. .SIX fii Siniet. C I'Olt f-AI.K. IT IS AN ACKNOW '? k"Leil fi-t. till rttiit th' Oe.ilM ti,t t'lo sr. e'e't ri i'i. t ion 1 1 1 1. ni e lo (i.-.-tt-t I w e.l lo ii. e oarc.iaS4 s il ts of Ihal Kt'ae, I. Mlli-ri Mouth y t'tta ; t ri e. illni. all eiler n te liorttoee. nnb.i-licl no m.tter h W'.ikn. li"1?' ka Is N, Mi.xril rt-ivei Ceil for ooe iriern y.-ui eudri..t liatiey tr Die un itlf di.lfiouted. ( or tall 1 I'Bei a FOR SALK.-M'.riKMHKIt CATA lei "e I -S on, enn'alns s vaa. nnsr.llty nt flmi clt.s l.iiixety tuierior Ui Mi In 'he rntrkiH 'ao a ai-eat (jiir.f lilt i' ir ; i veotttt' er per ons of llm'lei in-tna, re. olrirtf 'rtaji noli ,"ssl to $wi etts to purcnese taeia Ce.t Catena .e.oc ttnd r"" t.hl'ett I. r Kia .1. mn.ur.fb, IKIM mI It'' Kttat.1 1 iLHirniiT, N. 1.4 N. filX Til HISfwH. '! St R K A b TJ P, Y DKPARTMKNT, AilT9 t, WX. 'T-CK liOl.i'l'.KR Or THKKtt EU.S SHVLM 'HiJinV 0rH UATF.D WTOIU'R 1, IMI. B.4dfa c( hn-1liitly h(wc-J, -UUO Ot tUr 1, Wl, ral.eitt' BMtfl(-J tlmt hty tn t- prneot'd imoi il!a(M ,liifin tu..n l.ta do twclu.mA -Lr $x Pet CeDi. Itoiiiss fni'itie Out aa rj i(iv X t-wi Ttit lrifTs- (.ii (lie t-t-wu Ihll XMf v 111 1 aottlcd up o 4at il tiiti tijl'y lVter Land tho tilx Per Oot. r. H(' uill l-pnr fU (wi t"iu trct& J I; I. 'Jl.c aJJoMaj s?nt (X lntf ret wfl- bo tuartd b i!sxltKtlm frwm the nM-UMt (.t io;(e4 (..i0 to bt du Oi tha HeTap TB.rty No-r.' ttp to OcLi lu'i 1, Uic Into'Mit a.x:rncd n .hsti AU I'j Ctat- Koodr In no ,7u 1 1 October 1; tha balance wu! b liau?tulMrd Itj ti TreiMuntr ctla tL all lmmv dtaW 1 'ii n t !k.nj' ut. ftif fi'o-slnt, ri'-atlon In rtiaUwi tu eiiOrff(nMit mni be CHivftil' ifLarrvrd : - Wbicia no.sNi trBtiimni(Mi l r ai-lttameut tare lituM iaablf tu vidar, tuid or Le d And trititsimitl i by the oi liriti ... o npp. il( j in istl t o frtdcmctl bv thm ' to the rVcietary rf tlicTrtastirj tn redemption," and ooada will Ittii.o io tttlr ntuiii-. Vhrrrotpil'lMi nrdar ar held by ntJiar parties thao the nriioai cv. i-ert, note must have ttie enduratv ro-i nt iif ihe r.rirT'ntil r wocri.an aloo tetr.loed by the ptTDt owner. l a the Secretary of tbe Tivaiuijfor rt,m.tlen." ar ihktfa la.ucd Ik b'ank, rndote4 "Pity to tlie iiecra tar ofttTiert-ti.- (or rtriitaiIlk-n,"lKB a will b (Mood U- tho rarilr trLBtnilntLi; tJnm, acj la auc. imaticwr aa thoyn.fcyc.jtxt When t-oifd tte fudoiMM. l-7 Iran Mlt ted bf an attorney, aomin'blTstior, t iccutt-r, or t-tlwr afpnt, the mm' be arfx--mi)BtiJca b a tlulj ttr.it td copy or certlilc a f tue p ti nt imcS-r il l. be actx; aim in all ca a by a le'tor ia'ln hv kiuA rigikttr.H3 tre tiponl and the di.oQilua ilvCofia.eHx Htrt'tr.1. Uolo ami din einance. Jupn KeLHbtond Ho d a'eordnd parita ahould utata at which r-f the h Jontnc placra they wi.a tit) In eroiit aid, Mr,; iNew .ork, riaiUdclittila. tioDtiift BaUliaire, iit'W t'r.aaiif, I hti tnjv, Nt. l.uuit, or Clnelanati. W. P rt!4sHNNIF,V, au ,1w ftsMMYiao o Uie I'reaaury. MLI1.U A V T.OTHKK. MKUUH ANT TA1LOKH, IlHvxmnrsvt) (itn Ko. l'.l K. fsjf onnd lnt totUeH.G. is-ruf ot hVCM ftiil A1CC1I riirtKHi, where I ave t. Imnda moc-J nlvck. ot CUHHd, CASWlUKK-v, aad Vi fci'tiV. lau-wft-lm AIo. b Bps-vir,J(i tuihft'.ai i't( f raady-aUasleC OfHIXG. i; HKAUQT AK1KKS RUH LttJTti. Mr nftTITVTfcii, 1NO V0- rr.vrit' or -tir, am u.pi. wtu ie fiirnlkhel with Hub ui ti.ie. at kin rt n-ike. N umi'tt. at nttn t-ti.'Hitut'i will be paid tha hlaft tsuui i tiii -ah an m n h rnute M sl.1 p-vniwi will be Iuhj h-vJ l draU wltli at thlr ollce. W. D HAVKN4. VA.ltsd. f KVKlillI trtttr5o A fie-. ftVW sOI AO. 10, After,), will I e ".-frail? ta d auf'-M nUHNH' COTTAU K. 'J Liu otiir foMiiur. txrr. . utf wwll-Vaown Aoitnt wfttri-titc. la.ttation ai Ihe H. K ca ntr ot 1XIH anl Ml SOU Htrt-fts, ti tiwsiDi; nif'st thriving btiM, uar lbt ui'!ct- and itutnt-uiato r-uptw biwu of slkIKAL JAMlirt NEiatHiN, PKorWBTOB I j The Adtulrat aparosmnber tiose, mo-y, nor attentloQ to eu, v-J bU atrti4 vlUitl.wcholca.t WiBMand Uoof-rs, ud t uiHrtior sMoieh ai:d Old Htock stir on drauajbt. wbicb CwVat-ot ba.iitaiU'd In I'tiliauleluhla. tst avert t ai w i.o love hia country aad U frd of a tsixd dr.nl. s tv.' tt AUninala a i ugais-t,-. L LOliRlhilINO HOlt.L8. AMONUSl IUK iiiUr hint .- In nritl mttntid 1'hiU el'h a. ib roaro bon- li. eutpa ihf " roHUNK " ia hfv'B . H tmb above rttl'.-NUr; or. tlie old and wu.l knowa 'b(tMH " Ihilfl ut tP cm nor o' KtdiS S 1,4 n asd ItitrNHliU' l.iVK K- t.,1. Mr. (Kttti.B KOI1I, la Pr-arK-tor ( insih, wi.lri t. iDOtru aautttciatit ituarMnteje lor tf oj rutin nii ria. lrn:vtr.. bt of trery t'Uu uau aiiis i-rd bio n't wm! Ii loMitu at t-arn j1pj, atid.uoiwitn kimtUi a Un ttcats arc (mt o li.t, tho artua w, I be iu to ow. A spionnui LttM-b oer day, truco 11 toll o'etucb. RAILROAD LINES, W'KbT JIKsSLY KAU.KOAD LINKS I? i-wm-usviii. 1U1K.SH.VV, OepiwbeT l,lH,lWt-i alutairet MLarl. 1 OK OArH MAT. At 10 A M ina 1 I', af. For kfastleea tuv ftnji.otuii. at ) A. af tm4 4 P. . Par Oifeearoa at it aod .0 A. M., and i and 4 P. Af . tor woodi-niy, I aud II M A.4. atidt r. al- Pur UWucewi-i. r.. t . M.. 1- M..I, 4, aud 4 P. M. H VUMM. T1.A1 . XsAeAVS Caao May at ts and tl A. W. aiiiivtile at (t 07 A al . and t P. af. MisamatCA M..aod VU P. M '.,.)-ti t.ti 1 A. M . 1 SOP. II. jUs.s,loal7 IUkj a 7 -v M-.y-Hst. aild I P. M. U utbo at 7,1 10 and 9 4; A. U., aad i at), aad .'j, P.M. THE Wr.RT wIl'nilM RXPItPfHt-iPASIT, OfCoo.ho W AI M l Mirwt, wllU-aM Ut tto-1 deltear fUf-'P'tra.aod aisbrad to all ftp oaual braucttaaf Kirant kuimow. A ec U ipea-ttHS r v itui-mui-a Mvch traia, J. VA3 KKNS-tKLAr.K. i$ it bu.-.lis,-ftil. NORTH I'lkNNSVLVANIA RAILBOAD. Via- fll'l 11LI llfctl. li'Jti.l.SVuWN. RASIVSJ, HAt 111 Clll'Nk, HAXKIUM, WIUtlUUt-UUB, aad wujjAkJafcnr. Bt MUr.lt AUHAKHKMKNT. AUlill'lt'KAL TK41SM. Oi and after MuK HAY,. June Lt. laiis. i-ataaskeT Trtaa WIU Wave the Mew tn inH.'t IIIKLi Ntrect, tiaiv 'l botap ton street, 1 bOadeiplna, dally (bonua al'taceptod, at follows : 7 AM. (Kipree.) for BethUham, Alkntowa, Maotk fl.gnk, Wllkeebarre. W luiamaport. y lli A. SI. tAtrutrniodaluai) hs Itoylsafoww. In 15 A. At. (At'couaiwlaUoat) for rort W asldnirkia. ii I. M. I AccouBiMlatMaij for lKiylotuiwn. 3-15 r. M. (P.tireaal Its' lt.ilhllivfB, Kaaloa, A, lift P.M. (..II til) Ihr lhlatown. 515 P. M. ( Aceehimodatlon; lor UtUikhem, AJleskwa, and Mtlk-ht hunk, o-lu 1'. M. t A.-eiaEuuslatlon) for Tjuudale. II 1'. kl. tAiCi.niiiiodnheiil for tort WaahinHton. J'HAIMi Mill rhlLALlKLI'lllA. 1 11,1 eHell,lel.em at I .'111 A. M , 'I in A.M., tr.d I Oi P M. li..;letlowu alli '0 A. At., it wr.li.,aud 7 I . Jat. Luiiidai ut ii A. M. iorl Wath.nglouai IW! A. tt, and JP. M. UN HUNUSJ. rhHdel.hlara-Iltililla'inat I A. . I'lillaulilia f lkileatowa at I r tl. H. jk.uiwu for I'hiladeliilna at 7 -JO A. II. Hrtlilekem for PDllt.lelplila at 4 P. il. lllJIiiiau't MaKate Ktiirtse will cah for and iWitvsr hia bah at lh depot. Order a uiej U left al Ho. IU a. 1 11 lull Street. J.13 EUJS CLAEK, Atnt IJlllLADKLTHlA AND BALTIMORB CEN TRAL HAIl hoAD, OI'KN TO OAruilU-bTitkNiJ iHHIM.t.MKSr. tn and M l yitlDAY, April 1, 1601, the train will )aT LKAVK tASTWAHD. i IKAVK WE8TWAI1D. STAfKiss. a. u. y. M.I art i ions. a.m. t. a. Oxknil S .10 7.i Flilll.lth.t.1.... 8 0S 4 10 Wtall.rovc tl".7 J M Weal I boater. .. 7 45 4 1 Avouilule 7 0S 4 HI W. 0. Juu.KOS,. 0S 5 tl hi nn.lt t a t 17 O.uuird IU 5 I'l.tdd iFord....7 I'J 4 41 f'hwld l ord ... tl -It lj f'. wcord () 4-oU Kenaell 10-01 .11 W O. Junrtlos.. S'lS b li AMinditK 10 Jl I M I'hlladslpkla S-ii S -U West Orov 1" J'f Weett'hesler.... Si S lh-Otnird .0-j TJO I a... i.ei Ii.pot in Phlli.delt.l.ia kit b.en etsiij-ed liom Kl,hlren"k and klarkt etreete. to rillUTV rlllST aad 1SA1KI.T hlrt.U, Wett I'hdadtlphia. alaikel Slreat P..e.eniier ttallaay Car envoy raatwiieri to and fiom rt..eiiira fo throush without ehange of carl. u(fh without rhange of cart. EDUCATIONAL PBIIARrLPHtAMILI''.BY 8011001 COt Ktl.AM SA 1" H D R K 8' J HTI TUT H, Tliirtj-r.lnth and Muiket Etmta, itiitiri;Ns M,ni'.Miir,K r.. Adi'll', sevr-lra I i:ii i:ss'i r.. 0 skt'srry.KSJ, i.. . gT. JOSEPH'S COLI EOE A N I SKI. H C T H B II 0 0 I., W" 1 1,1,1 Ntl'S A I.I. I' Y , ATTAt IM T T(i M J 'Bl P't S I tll'Kl'tL lie hiurter ill i.nt. 1. 1 -e-.l no' t'-ete ti.l.ttWM .SI WSJ In , n oi miiN ' V . re e i, IS 4 01 1'r.-'. i . ti ..t i.e r too. i-.r.le t' the fv.sjra 1 .... ll. I . er. . I H tr.d II M anl1 ta hi I I1M AM 1 1'lllA Sf HOfil.OCPKsKf K W.nio re-'.irne ' n a.i.t r, o-(i I .tie b -il.llnsT i..n-l. I.H el.e,e1. H. W. c.'ini.r I tl. ,KUr aireel aa4 I'l SI kMOine I h.et J-si nl. IIS r ..-. heritrvAd f ts trnsr, WIV let. J I'rr.ti i. in . th i .. iiii.n.,1,. K.h irew J.ia-sl I l iniiri'.i .In ue-'ll tie l IUu.lt olo.'li aiMua K.II.I..I-.I I .Th. I iei.1 . '.-O-li, lle-.iin- WSi.i..e. I IS HU till Villi, ITil-l.d Tifewr.iih'niTnosM te Si SI "AM KM f t't!r,Ti:AnnHfl'TIIR PHNO, tl f.... H.VTKn-Til Mrerl b lowepra" aaljlaea MA01 k7no 316 rill'HNflT HTumir. Msi.r'.K. hn SIS .NI'T SirpM, . ItrSw.n I - Ird ,i,S Vearilt. Muwi FtviiKiie M.iioif o o.y. MR.r. CHiKva No ;il . tSeannt itrsH. SI urn h. a mil. I. i.a I Kn.e'oie.. I'tiirlsa IftfHi.aod .s Het.i.t oT Nolo, Letter, and Oaf) I'ai-er fin- .e'e tk I- as-r stl 1 lettll. Miu-ee fis sll the i ew atvVa of Htusr se.4 rnel.tii I ai er n.tte. Kni-iO.i t ol nli .ire lo rrder. Mt.ee eii.ollet l:l, I'll eil-itrr Slo.cepet at fkk; t.'kji a No ;iii fltr.avt'T htreet, i 'HiriiKSNrT sneH tw. Slfi tHKSMjr Siriet. No SiftCtlKs.llir S ev ll.ti.teii lhlrit and feu .'III. aaJI-Sl TlANCINU AfAIiKMT. H. I.. '"AUPgX- J ' 'er. No. Vt't Al II h'rt. will i.ien llll Se.rt. f.ff H. re,.,il.,u (.( aeh sis oa llll KSI'AV, SetHenibee I, lSiH. aa-j-U PT I T I'J IP H T A. T IJ H 7-30 LOAN. Tin wocrotaiy of tb Treaaory ateo aotloa that state. erltlosa wU ko rnoet.od f Coupoa Tmaiary Sots, ijaieble three rs froea Auat tk, 'SS4, with satsr ntisl tmereet at tko rat of save and tars trsuka par cent. 1-er snoiim, peine ipkl anl lntoret botli ta be paM ss lawful Dtooey. Hirer nobm wnl b eokvetlikl at the op tkt sf ta holder, at maiur ly, mte tlx pel oet t, fold beartn Wads, pa able not leta tln Url nor aars thaa tweotp yssvm from ihelr eat, aa lh Ooren.aient at; etcot. Ttiy srsjl b i.ities In denomlnatloni of V. 1110. SKW. ItuOft, sad pot r. and sll rubeciiptio.-ii rauit In (or fifty avian or ten ir ahlple of hit; dollar. Aa tlie roles draw loteratt from Auitiat U, pwaas anallrn Aepo'ltt nihae-iuent ts that dais must pay Has Interest ar-onird Ootn date ot not ts data of Sopoilt. Parties d fioalCng twraiy-dv thoaiand dultars aaa upwa-da tit ttu-a note at any im tint win be saoered a c aatalsskti i4 one-quarter of tsa per o.rtt, WKCIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAH. It i a National saviugs Btsa,ffsrlas. a hlskr rat of Interrtt then any other, sad far keti teturttm. Any avIiiKt bank wiilch paya In depositor! In failed 9iUe Mot, considers thu It ts paylnf la th brat drcultda medium of the sountry, and it rsisef pay la aatklag heller, for Its own aists are atthor In fl.irornmeai tecart ile or la note, or bonds payable la tioveraaieat paper. COK'NEUllBLK INTO A SIX I'KIt CBNT. fi-20 GOLD BOND. In ad.ljikiii to the very tNierki Uitorcst on tti nktos fW thn ytsta.tl.il rirt'(, or courrrdoa I asw rerth. tl. t.t tluee tr tent er ki nuin.f.a- tho ourreru rat Car r. 9 11.4,4 ti not laat than m'nr rvr real, prvmlttm, and bt 'on tin wsr ths- prrmlum no sis per oeau United States hux.ks wet t"er tweuty per cont. It a 111 be Mea that th actoal profit ou thla k'an, at tho m-at atsrWet rat, I sot le. thaa teu per cent per annnut. ITS KKKMI'TIOX FROM STATU OR MtJ-MCII-AL TAXATION. Iiut ailde in to aU th adeantagos we hav cnataoratod, siKioisl Act of Cnrraa (ovniyli art Asaf sad rrtsaaeirir nuttfrtm fcW lansflon. On ths arsrase, this lie tap -ttou ta worth about two Lr lopI. per annum, as wrdlflul ts the rate of'tatatlou In various pans ot th ooantry. It it boMovod tl.at ua seonrl Iss oiler to re it (ndaoe-Bit-nt to lefldoti aa Ihoto ittaes by too tioveratasaat. Ia all Ml er Panna of ir-OVwtedu. th fthk or ability tt ptlra.e fart lea, or sbick tosapauica, or epara!s ooateaaal tioa. only, la pteoued Pit payment, while th what prs perty of the country I liehi to eouro tb aUaotarra of sH the oblu.stkaa ot tl.e United Svatas. Prs.HruiTluN an.L ka Biicatvraibytlis Ti tlL'mted Ntaiet, at WashlaajtM, tk ter.ral Trtattrer and dtetitriaied lepoikarlt( and by Use FlItST hATl'INAL I1ANK UP fHU.AOKl.PHI A, TA, biXOM) SATIONAt BAliK OPI'BILAUBt.l'UIA.rA, TllUtn MATIOMAL BASA OP rUILAJIKLPtllae PA-, IMt ITIM NATIONAL BASK 01 rttlLAIp:LPlIlA,Pa-, By all Na'.konal Banks which are pvliar1 of pa4e anoaey ; and aiat tf ALL KEftPluCVAl'Lfi BANKS AMD BAKKHKA Tbronkhoot lb eotinlry will ve rtullaer laiomaSlaa a4 ArrOKU P'VK.aT FAt'Il.ITr TO HUDSCkUIIKtU. 'KW OA MI'S Ol' !A11I, Tf NEW MUSICAL CAE 93 (PatrtnsriM hv lit Itsfat fatally of FnUnC), aFttt bp l.jtf'-r iHbl OJ.f.AHM. f,i urm a futi.e atais-tia raftLota, ai-d uarb JH ittaJ Tlmo jak'AT UsU a a. tNkd "A inott lDtsvatU)t and rle-ar sator ' ftm-a. "Adulritb ) atA-intA-i rcr K-vchiL Uu. IfdU 1 l-uaw'-flirtd-natfi I oik a. A.tditM A. dVlC. Ko. MJ W. THIHTV.8IXTH ftiroot, Iwmw Ywrh. baA-lia QVKKR OK BKArtY. WHITK VIKOIM Wan oi anti re la ttt nvoet ertoct prapwaion at ti e au, for bttamifyiuji. wb:tnJtw. and 9raairvlai tit ouoippuxVon. It u nvrvJa frum puia'WDHa Wax, baooo rba aiuasorutnary 'luabUva lor B4iavliisj tha etta, aukloff t asiixKli, tair, aud ojiatMiaut. It usraa obastpa4 s.lk1s v ba, reiiKfVrra plmptaj. Wr Prka .id and do cxe. amtssuuiisusvo onnr m ni vv., raiiuowa. o.4l ft, KiOUTH u cwwn abuve trhvtuut, anJ eVo. Xv fl. -iViiVrai HtsToai, 1ATKNTP:U JULY 19, 1864. JOSEPH bfUtTKT, JtkT d pari, Fraiwb Sftaia liaj aad hiosirluc uit aay ainJ oi wertna; aftparai, tor Lultea, tivnta, aad ( btiOran. Patent avytearattia fcr tueM.UiaT tanta tVou. oe to fir ia. Ufa. No. Taj UKCll Kut, FftBAd. 0.3. ViftB. MJlil to'ioat, PbUadolftiti autf-Uaa I A M O N I W. I j soil Lavh. Diamonds oi ttU-r rrc:ij';l Biennis Sitra x cf will th) well by col.li ta LEWIS LA IX) MTS a 00., liantonl Dealers) anl Jewelers No. 6Ka CUX-yNUT trtet, WbewUl iv ths histaitcart pries. ul6-la JAUMH 11 A. Ii B B HH VWUUU ASB kSTAIA CIAJCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. . owasi BecOMD sad CUEPHUT wtrothj, ywad a. aossc soa thb ravasv HiCALlU-NQ TU1BTT-DAT CLOCK!, A vsst deniable arlltl for CaWcats, Botala, Bank a, Ctsmuiui-llouae, Parkira, Ac. Also, n AS I PA Tl hPk OP TIKB OOLD Pr aTS. (XU4-K8 kEPAIUKO AKO WAhkAHiaUI. laU-lp C'tosk Tilntaautm of svary seetnlptio. "IITM. A. GRAY, N"rE7C0HNEH 0 f 'SIXTH , V and ."SIS uK htretta, Luyi inatuoiidi. Watch,, Ctlid, blivr, and I. oaa Ticket.. ItlOhiS IN WAST Of MOMbtf CALL. AJUlt ttHJtiitiiiJ. . .ul) fl 3 ti vt a a ot h IS I st' r