VTENIN(& r !7 A HA PRICE T1LKEE CENTS. rJIILADKLrillA, TrKSDAY, AUGUST 3'), IStil. PRICE THREE CENTS. THE JE FOURTH EDITION LATEST FROM CHICAGO. Governor Seymour's Opening Speech. IIIB OPINION ON TUE CATTSI3 OF THE WAR. Iivw, ric, rtc, rtr., n, eiv., kc. sfterlwl to Ttiaj tfrnluic IVIricriaiili. tiik n;w t 1. 4,1 SOU. Cniuaoo. Anguil3 . Tus) Committee on lUso hiiKiis appoined iia a K ;b 0 .'inuii.too ierj blllwr, CkairuMn i Tlldco I No Yorli), aud V il leadipbam. Toey failed t agrej, but hive no ceuie 10 aay open rupture, and UKijoar.ied un-.li 4 o'clock P. M., whej thejr will report t) i!ie Committee. lieuugh is knoo to show ib-.t It will not a war pUtlorm nor un oul-n l out pc. e on .' ih i bat mlopted ; it la now q'iitiei wbothcr Inert shall ne demand fjr aa urinific or a i 4 lor b Id tbe platform. Antony the Vieo-Pre-idonw 1 Asa. Fistier, of rii!u. 1v!d.. Among tin! iierot.-its, Fr.uk la llu'chlavjn, Pennsylvania. rVjmour look tbe chair a nid chcflriiw. In opening he announced himself a in favor of the ma oration ol ;be L'mou ud peace. Ho declared thai tin re was not a uiuu uerebut what lovei to.c Union and demanded coUB.itution.il wiJoiu. I choigcd that persons of the Ropii'ill in arty have driven Iheua oo until they have wolt lilgb swept away the I'ui hi. Ho deinau led thai tho OiUv ntion should show what they mean by plau'orm, aud Dot trust t ur.y m in. Uo tar w the entire b nine of all of our troubles on Liticoio and the Administration. He hat not mentioned tho Robe.l nor onr army, t to speok of iia lout, and ennuier the Couaequciit suffering. Tho high taaaos and tin draft are declared to bo an o,iprissioa of Hi J peo nl In satisl'v Keratins fif tha lteiiuMie..in wirtv : hii appeals to all to sink all las ies, and Achieve sue ress Id gaining control of the Government agiln. . Chicaoo, August 30. The Nat onal Domo cratlc Oouvca'iou reassembled at 10 o'clock this morning. The atund in -e, both lnldc nnd ounMc of th M'lKwain, was even greater thin tbnt of yes terday. Immediately after tho Convcntiou waa c.iile.l to order, and a prayer wn oll'erod by llnh Wbitehouap, of IlllnoLi, Mr. Hnghwt, of IV'in yhania, Clninnan of tbe C nunntieo on Or mi amton, rep iriod ibut tho tjo-nmitleo h 1 1 nnn.nl-ruoa-ly u(i'ed npon H .ratio S vm our in pur.na D Dt Pri anient of the Cunveu ion. I h.) anuouiieeinent w ta grouted wilh ftppl luta, and tho rprt uilop'ed ly u-olainn I n. The fo'lowhiR i5i a ilit of th : oil', wr-i i-l.'i'to 1 hy tte OouTeuliou by ucrlaina ion . I'HKKIIIKNT. llorittn 8ey nivar, ot N'.-w V VlCil-l'ltK-Ibt.KTS. Jnwph C!h of M Ihh. i W. tu ilv:i, nt New IU.iihir'. li. 1. Heacli, of M i-aohu-e:;i. D. II. Haalh'i , of Venn nil. liroi,te T) lor, ot C inn. -on-jt. Allied Amboiiy, ot Kmie l-dtt'iil. AiiOItw J. OtK !,( N v ,f .r ey. i(ln.n J. lu Ki r.ol Ne Y j.h, A ii I'liiir, l,ei nyivaunt. ' J. I' Kiiii olp. Ulno, S. W Hi-on, Iniiiiina. II I). J ekiou, Iln.i ii. J..id S Ht-ty, .Mie-bUait. John I'll, ij i, Miasoari. l IV. li I. him, Mn, hi not . Wm. Paiternon, Ioa. J S B. try. Callliunl i. C J. Hiiea it, K.in-a. Willi..i M. Mill, iW-ej in. J-aae D. Joi e-, Maryl .nd. In John Merrit , Delaware. fci cKK.rAMiiit One from each S'iV, In '.u 11 14 Jun.Pi D. Hidole, l)ol iw ire j I'uink M. U ih: nn aon, l'i Bnyl idIij June! A. I.. M:(?niro Waiyland ; J imea P. 1) irh mr, Itnt i 'ky ; it. It. Eth. liiian, Ouio; and oiberi. 1 he ruin a id regulation of the l int N itioit.il Democratic Conrenmn were a Joptu.1. HVheo iBit wm featorol, G iveroor Seytnonr wan eneoried t-i tho chair and proojo lud to rtlitrtsa the Conveution. h)-t:t.lt OK UoVl.UVOK Nt:viot It. eovemor S yruour spoke im follows ; Oiniku.cn of tbe Coovmtion : I nmir-t fore- caeie the resolution! and action of thU c dvuu- tin, but I do sny that every member of it 1 ivue tbe TJtiion, deelrea peace, and will uphold CJO' (tituiioiiul freedom. While the resolution an I action of this convention are of the ut:n tim poi lance, there are reusona why tin U 'ni i 'ra'ic party should be rjstvred to KiMur, and tticy are great reaioBC . The Deniocr.iix p.u ty w'U reilore tho Uiii"0 fcecaiisi; U longs for i rentontll in; it will nriuif pcax e, becauw It lovca pence ; it will lirlng l.io Ulicny to our I u,d, berj j-o it love) IHi riy; it will put down dospotl'iin, lo 'nu-ie ic hn!o the inobki tyranny which no Y derm ic tho Amen can people. I'onr )tis a,') a convi'iitiou met io thii city, when onr coiinliy was pi.ieefal, pto-peroii'', an I united, lta uVUvnua did not mean t-i denriy onr (loverntucnv, to ovorivho'm in n t'.h d. !;, or lodreueh our land w.tii lilol;bui they nr. auima.ed by inth r .ri'O and lau iliei-ni, and bliiKiml by mi ij-'noi.'nco ol the spirit of onr Joa iliutlan, tho cliarai tT of our people, uu I t'e. couditiou of i ur land. Tiny thoiitiit they nilit i-aieiy imliili;'' tU.nr JkaiiiUil.il, mid they cone'.uded to do no. Tuey would not hteil the wnivin of our fathera, and they did no: con-older thut meddling beg' t i trite. Tl.oir pa-Hlnns ti.ivo brought out their u uttrui icfultn. They wrr; impelled to apuru ai! mev auios of c.-!ii.ioiuIm'. IStcp by mop, they have marched ontorofulH from which at the oil it they would Lave shrunk with horror l and even now, when war 1m? desolated our !i,nd, has laid lta heavy burlhuna npon labor, rnd)whon bankruptcy nnd ruin overhang U4, they will not have the t'nlon restored excoft upon rondl'lons unl.iiown to our ( oiiM'tntion. They will not lot the shod ding of blood ccB'-e even for a I title tlmo. to .-ei i Christiun thutity or tho wiadoui of bUiti tnmti-!ii. way tot woik out a m. tUo l to s.ive our country. Nay, more tl an this they will tiot listen to a propo-Hl lor eacj vhich does not oiler that which this Government ba-s no ripht to nslc. Thin Admiiii.-tiiittou c.inujt now huvu thU Union if it would. It lias, by it j proclamations, by via Jictti o 1 ,'jii lution, and by dinj.lays of hate and passion, pluced obataclui in ita own pathway which it can not overcome. It but hampered iw ov. n irced'iin of action by uncamtltationaiilics. It cunnot be -aid that the failure of ita policy la due to thi want of tourago and devotion cn the part of our Armies. Never iu the history ol the world have koldler given up their livo mora freely than have those of tho armies which hi.ve battled for the dag of oar Vulott in the S j'itliern etatca. Tbe world pill hold that they La'.e" d ..ie al'. (hat aruii.a can .do, and had viae atatcntuauiMp eeured the fruits of their victories, to-day iher. would hiive beta peace iu the land. l!ut while our soldiers have duapurately iirug gU 1 to carry our bauniri Bouth to the (Jul! of Mexico, even now the Government doclatei In ihe edict of aUeneml that rvbellioai diwjutcui , i loi- wiiiKcd '. rth.nl v the h ir.'i of the croit Lake. Tbe r i. ranteed the rV'iti ithe pplo V) tNir anus h i .e I ;i tr i ini!' 1 un ler f'tot. up U the rv I or Ji rs . .1 Ca'eiJ 1, '0 li.it A 'r ivui Ks-rvi. Mi'le i put ia hold c Mitr tat with nriiL-h lb rty Thi A. i.il:iM r.ulon thus deiaraa to ;bi) world ll at it baa no faith i i IDa ;.e ptc of the Ju'oi, hii; phi 'e l it in p ,wir. Ii ulio ft nii'a y urb an c H't tlutt 'hf, p p'e live no luith In tho A iiuininr v ion, while i'kjo n owcr, wi'lioiit r-'inois , n.i-i" '' j tli ;,'.! mi d 'rt'iiii s nfi'Ur j'P'ipl-.': 'i- will not j e P heir nn piH-i ' r p i' e cool T'ie t tiion la Bi'W held 6uinlor y ni lauy iidiMiIod. 1 our roUti:.,! troublea r.nlj V r.''vfl to pi oi etui araiti ame.-it, a iv Imjj ihe i "! t i ; i a ra isr s In the Belli, our Union ennl l .j r-t e . The rl(;lwif tVi ito" wiu'd ) fn i' i us I, ihe f a icdre.a of homea anJ pe- ids r aiin e-pe.-ti d, and an iinul'Pd ;u I niry v mid uiin I'ml'il'ti-r tra Inwa of tbe land, l et pot tho ruin of our c-xntrr he. cbsir 'J (o ur toW r. I; Is not d ie to tbejr v i hlus or ilielr f!iDMllim. Ii cons'ant o l eUl infir.' vi e with them, I hu never lie ir I u'.l -re l one ni n ei t of hatr- d tnwar.lp th' pe-p'e of tha s m b. lieyon 1 all oiber men, tly vilan the Ues-i.oc f pi aec. and the virtmi of more, of jjtUnesi, it A phml'y, while thi h ) :y hoai do r. tcd nn n eicv. or ebar;ty, or forgive u-sa. Tbe bigotry of f.mitl' -Urn in.l tie ''n'.ryn.n if p'onnu n have ma le bloody ps.cs of hi-t try i.i lie ra-t th'eo yuara. It ii s older u.i.n horn nnr Saviour hewtuved H i only cyo c'n- iln-lon wlenlle hnna; unon th fmn l tli Pharlaeca rrisrked llii 'irT'rinii ; it -v m ildier tp who dlaeoNPred Hie d vinitv, wu"n he he .inl Hlui pour forth nriypre for msrev an 1 fi r 'vi npfa for thp author of IUi wife: ir. This Ai'mlnia'r.iiion cannot ire th t.'r.l n, tint we C; i. Mr. LmumIh vIp'ts manv thin. 'a hivvp thp I'ulon ; wi pit 'he L'nin iir of .ill. Ho ihi'V a pr.K-limatlon wirth mire thin reaep. A tnlDH lae blood oi our paop.j iu.,ro prei iouo than the t,M nt Pre! Ii'it. There arc no hindrance .!n o r p unify ti utiion and peace. We om .u 1 uo c md.tioas for he rciiiijraiion uf the Uui jr.. We ire sui.nl i'h no hiite", no piej id. :-js, no pis-ioo-i. W1 nihb for fraiernal rclationsli'p w.'.i the eopl ' of the Sinih ; wcdeiunJ for them what r i .10 uu I for oursolvej, t ml recognition o' tiu r.gbi" of .0: Staic. We mean that .my Stveon jarnat' inl 'iiouer shall lime with on an 1 the "aire lustre. In tu i coming election men tiiti-t d'M iuwi'fi wlroli ui tbo tvo parlies into wind, our p (.!) r.-,!ivi le I tbi ywlllaet. Ifthcywish for L'aion, th ly ill uctwith the party wliien vll! hold tho I'ui ) i ! 'aether. They will aet wi -U thut party whi.'U d us n :w and nlwaysdil love and riverene'e tins U arm. If they wish for pen :e they w ill uct vitu th e who fi' tight to tvert this w.ir, or who uo s -ik io retr.ru io Iwill aud h ir Deny a in -ig a A -:e- tioiia ol i ur country. It tLey eaie for their rights n 1 for the avrd nca of tiic.r honn't, they will tct with mos-j who huve a'Oorl up to resist irijiti.iry urr.yts, '. : ipofe h'jil-lutioh, and the over u.-cw of ibo j idiei .iy. II, upou tlii. other baud, tnoy u-.i willing Co cou (Inue tho preaent poll -y of t.i.j i 'v-i'niiient add eon Jiticu of utralr", Ii t 'h :tn act iv'th that "r iai .ation which mail! the pr-is.-ut e udi'.i m o! oar lounirr. Uumaro many v'ood mn wl.o inny : ld tocoiMahy their pini ios and pieju lie-, ua 1 our l.iiid awuruis ivit'i pi i.'e.;.,e.i, mho will hold upon power with a d-a liy Kr '1 D it us i'.' us, wj uru resolved tli it toe, ir:v vlik i hasimdn tin l.ltory ot our c 'Ua'ry s!-:c5 it t;dsv:nt i iiiwi 'i', m I ke nue nmunril and tjrriMii d.i :i m , ilia 1 lie over. h o vn, 1'i.iir j .jib 3j( It had in hi. t'i ..pon this i n'. In us im timi, liy our a:tion. it sn dl di: 'ur., vbi.re It ai born. Wo des: 'e L'niou a id . .0, ..nd llm Adiniu htiaiion leoy tl s Union and ', fir tl.iy di mind eouli'lj is nilcxv", prui which they well kno-v p,olo i(j tho wir, aud tlie war iiuduly priUiue l iMiomes d muion. Wise stucsmen c.iu now bring tills vr ti a ciVfC uion the urms aolemnly -t fortli ov thj (iovcilinieiil at tbe outlet of ihe ocio-t. In '.ha political conical in wui h v.e arc en((ug:d we do notFek parMiB adviot igesj. We are hauling for the rihM'.s of ihoio wlio !e long to a 1 piliticul o-'aaiut! ns. Wo meaa by these rikhui, thai froe tpeevh "hall n t bj i u pcacbtd, ultbougb that :!clr. 'iia;- be used to nonnce ua. We Intend that the fish's of jnscleni-a shVl b' pr- tecied, alihotiKh miitien viows of dr y muy turn the temples of re ' jrwi iaH tlieures for pnrtiran denuooiaiions. Wo mean h una righti;tbo sucredness of th- l'i jsldej ahull be rtepected by those ia authority, nj muter wh it political views any be held by t ioso wh j ait be neath their root-trees. When tha Deiuoi-rn'lo parry sb.i'1 have gajned power we ahall n vt be !, hv nire tnaciona upon thefo aalijje'a. Wo xis riroorue muj'i, because those wao arc uu . h.iri I wi U the condnct of puhlie atf irs knere Su' li'tlea'iout tie principli of our Uovcru n j it. W e ivero unwilling t .r-.'ut 1 1 appinnnee of faciliiiiii Oj.pofiti.in; h'ti. wl.M .vo ami! b ivi. iahied power, that o.li::il ;!ii shall violite oDe principle of law nj ;nlo riiUt of Ihe hu.nb'ea' mii in t .j laud, aim 1 be puiii-hed hy t!ie full ri.; ). uia'.ti rs not whether ho ailn l'i ehuir, or t il l an hiin.''! r oil'. of tliD law. It -he Presidontl.il uad r Oo.-ira n.cn'. Tic spe?' b of Jo.crii'.r Sej ..uur w.ui greeuid with chei'ia. Mr Outhrie, Clia'.rninn i f tha CTnrnit'a on Itpsolu'ioiia, bta'cd t'lul the acvertl roiulu'.i i ia "Pure d to ihe mil Co'nn:!'.!'" ycsturliy hid b. eti lefi ncd to a uli-c - mmitt."?, a. id that therj was noion to believe that tn- y voul I be rca ly to toport thin afto'iioon, 'n I, furihermore, th it there wits a f.'ir proa;, ct ol it.i harm nioua co.i cliision, Aftcrfomcdel nte thcC .iirciilon took a rccsa till I o'c'.oik. uu: (iii4 a owi.mhov. Special to Tlie litrnluar Teli'irrnpti. Washington, Augui-t ol). Public interest U roue .ntrnted on the Chicnso Ponventiou, and the result oi ita dclitiorations ore anxiously nivii;tcd. Ihe iioiniuiitiyu ot Otncrnl McClciliin ia cou ceiicd by the ncctssloniatu Hod peace men hero, wlio u "t lurc that he will satisfy tliem.as ho must be governed by bis patty, and will do their work as i tlcctuHily ad Vallaudighain or Voorkics. No news vi importance from military sottivea. The Loudon Atlmurum give Tcuuyon a "socl.dologer" for "Unoch Ardcn." It ai-ks, are young Indies to be trained in a complaisant baliof that it is Mther a poetical incident to have two lusbands living at oue time ? M. Ai.stidc llussou has Uttly died la Paris, where be was bom in IS03. lie was a favorite pupil of David of Anycrs, nud ta 18 J7 obtained a first class ruedal for a group now ia the Palace of tlie Luxembourg, representing the guardian unfiel ollennj a re(cutiug siuuer to Uod. His priucipal works, to be acen in Paris, aro the Matues of Bally aud Voltaire, iu trout of the Hotel de Ylile; "Summer and Autumn," coios ul figures, on the Place de la Concorde ; the statue of fct. licrnard, at the Church of the Made -lelae ; of Marguerite de Proveucc, ia the garden of tbe Luxembourg ; aud of Clovla, at fcaiute CTotilde. liyiPORTtNT GOVERNMENT SUIT. Surgeon-General Hammond in tho Supreme Court. r.ui:.i;;'i'f) Tour (iunlfil ij. lii'ty Tboueaiid Do la rs. al'lil Io Ttifi r.fri'iiina I'eli'ae ipti. Wimunoton, Aiiait ,i ). Ye-t'-i-l 1 !' st r Attorn' L'ai rinooB , uo-r I nt la he i . r 'hm ("o n: of llii Uiitric: up niii-t Will, u ti. II in in jiid, l.itr "ue n ii 'j r .1 I'.i't d e . 's Alloy, to r-'C hi r if l.i'.'K'O, Ills .in out a" eed That t'ie iiivi'riiunt li-i he-n di'ruil d f iiy hi" p ;i 'h e of M.n.kets l'i H W. A. s.. p'i is nnd ,;.i,i Ifs fioin J.i iu Wyetn t H. ;.'. r-; '.j: y i!nnisii I iloi'ars Imoih t'i'' .i.n.ii'il ia ile nrst i af , an I lour h iiti lie 1 l hoi. on I ii. '.' c at; 1. rnoM UAKuisimiKJ. YINNSYLVANTA. STAIE GUARD. rI'li' Onlor of'Oi-ikiiliklloii. spslal to Th tivrnhtK r-. t rit. UauHihavitu, An,:usl 3 Tbe folio a,; v.- ler i. jul laeutd : llriiiu1 avthH" 1'knn-vi.v ivt M I'm, II autKHt ao, August 30, lSijl. (touonl O.'I'H No I. In Conforoiity with tho rr0V s'' as f to ' A -t of Asiemoly of tun 22 i and '''ill o'. A 'i just, IS6I, and the acts to which they a " i; pio uiviita, it Is ordered : r.rt. Thut the raismn of r. eurpa o1 :i'; an r KiLii-ol', 1 1 oaili d the I'.'ii i-y i : i ' . ite. itiiaifi " vidid tor iu sail j-u, I'elJithw tb conneiP'J. i. ..... ih'i lirat portion of th it e i'is, throe Mtinii.irs of InUutry, in s .piaiti-n i- of w' i ilry, n.d t'nir h t.terica ol tie d Artillery , i.ia 1 b 'is. 1 1 until without delay. Tni v r-gnii.-ni", s ,unjr' n, ainl it'iio !' is in eiioio au.ili iki coiii"iF-''d of vol'tnt v;i ;, :o -v it, ol 'derail soldiers an I of ali'o-o "Ii : I ."-niis. iieiwe. ii tlie aes ol eiht 'i n an I lif.y, ,;i.iii tan pici'-reneo to tt'Ose wn i are ii"i Miojee-t to diaif uu ii r the laws oi the U i tcl St ova. Tun o. 1 lie lore. a tuus to he ra ae l .vHl h i eoiiii.ijn ieo by compani oilieeis, ele o l m tbe ii.eD. ii.d m lohavc novum t'ie e vie of the lnc'Sil fun, aui been ho .or .My dla lurked th.ie run ; inn lit' ..I aun i;i,iii r,il mli -n will lie apKune 1 iy the I lover uor, und inustnr'Ol Into t'ie sewl n if the Mian-; the t. ree lil lie u-i' l only for We d 'fjiiSD ot the Male. It wnl, wliie iu tho sorvi v, li clo lie I, i iinp)H'd, aiiln d, sull is eil, dnn'ipiiueil, and paei as pro hied for oy law lor si.nil.ir .ro ips in ih -crvlce of tlm Cmte I Slates. Fourth. I ir-oU' iMU ililii d by serve") for tho p'lMtii n ot e'i'ujmij iidleera in Him is-ii- .v. 11, on . pplic.it'ou to tho Ntatu Iospictor-Oei'.ural u; HaiiiK'inr, reeeivo authority to roci'au c i.n p.iniea ni'l Muaila, audit auerwards o e bid as eiiiui any olliccr', will be c .Jiimivuo.io I .i:oo.d inuiy. t ilm. The. -.rtlil corpa ahall bo enlisted in tho si't'vico ol tbe State lor ibMe years, unless so.iaer UiKiihaiKCd, ana ebull Im' lakhio to oo called In; i the ai nice of tho Suite, at M'.'li luues ua tho ioerm r iua di em their ervie 's nocesviry. Six'.n. A camp of ren le.v ms w!il h-t esui'i. li-.hr J at llatruiliurg, under tha charge, of coin peleht ruiliiaty and meuieal otli ers, and trms l or mioii lor troops tnme o will be fiimia iui to ptr-ons reeruping iiiinpaui' a aud qU'ads of not i. m ihm e atht men, ou appil atlou to I! ilivn-l M. N. or), llaru-ourg, tli ef of tho fraasp-ir-tauou and Teli grapu iiepuruuout. SevtiuU Should the leiuu u.s, iii nlr ins.nn 1 l a'ten. ii, npi'1'i..lly herein provido i fo", not he r, :r-i.ea aliliiu tmny nay -i, tue Jed .iafy will b j . iiiifjln d ly urui't. Si'b Hi ig I'lx r fieneril Lemticl Todd, S:vi Ii u-etor U' :.rai, la eh ,r;t' 1 witn the ettf :uiin i.i tins nid i, aud all the d a ilia uii'ie.r it. Hy oidir ot A i. Ci'HTiH, Jovprnor mid Ciniiuamler-ln Cnlef. A. I.. K-nKi-i-L, Ailjii.iiuc-tj n. Peiiiisy'iuuiii. sfi-1 ii or or.M'.iiii. hi itVHiin:. OKKTlii: IUkiior, N. II., August ;i). iioner.tl llmu-ide nriived laM night at this pi e tr o ut'ie '.V hile Moii .tainii, on hla way to resume hiac uu uiAfcd. Ilia airival apeedily becoming kno '., lurte Duiniier of ciiiacna and nel.thhon aia m bli l, and Ilelknap'a Coniet B ind aoronaJd tho General, who reaiocded aa fol owa. : My iricDiis 1 am auro yon w.ll excise, n e from making any extended remark on tbia o-:n-sIod, t,e:ittae it in Dt my ha'iit :o silica public as.-ainhlii a. I am reiuruiUif tVotu a brief trip, during which I bavo purposely euj iyei reeieatioD. It will not be a ui-s, however, for tue to bay that I have tho fullest 'on!i le.iee. in the ability of th- Government to crush out this wieked Hehelllon. I feel that the day la not far distant when oVpoiidew y will totally dirapiHair, and the pe a plu of the North will ace, aa we iu the tioIJ ae .', that the cud ia at band. Only oue, united eil'jrt ia needed to enable the UoTernmeut to ui07c still more ijalekly. I refer to this, liee vjse I hue lately wilius-ed ile-i-ondeiiey , and been aar pnaed at it. I have heard more grumbling at the Nonh ia three dnya, than I he ird in our wh ile campaign from tbe IUpid.in to Pit'-raburg. The people aeem to think oar arm es are wo ar irg out wit.iont o rorrexponding exhausti in of the i ncmy. This is a mistake. Our roseries la the Held ate greater thin bit. Wo have threo times bis home re-ourt.es tint melicd, and cm lo-e far more than the Sooth and sll'l broik uown ihe Ucbcllioo. Irepe.it, there is do rau-e fir dosp m lam'y. Let every citizen do all in bis pi'v r, mid tho ii iiult :a sure. It is not poMolo that :my cause o founded in lui'iuity as the Keoeliios shoull ncceed, but, independent of ri,'bt an I wro.i, I am auw that we have the Htrenr'h nod wl I to conquer. D UAL I VI l.l.lJI.. K. V.Mli n Sra tks Di-.i:u vCo ur- .In l;:e Oil wiiiudcr, Jury tnuls were lesunei ii this Coiot this morning. Dulled Slates vs. Kolicrt Cunningh im. Tho ill ft nciunt In indicted unib r the Aet of C'lui'iv-s, Muich 3, lHoli, charged with enticing a l ol u-cd solil cr, tiutnod Sliailr.icb Newman, to desert lromCaiup William 1'euu. It nppcurcil from the evidence or owniun tnat be find enlited nnd was sent to Camp Penn on the 'Jlst of Mi.y. A tew days after, be und a comrade left the tamp in the cvenlngto got home v.hl.y. In the immediate neighborhood they lnrtCuunliigli) m and nnotherriuu with a covered vivnti. (Uinningliuui then penuiulesl liim to dtkvit and po with him to t'amdcu, when he would enlist liim, where ho would uot have to tiKht. lUvlflg consented, he got into Cunningham's wnpon, v ho eovi red him over with straw or buy, uud be wak driven to Camden. He was there ( i. lifted nuiUr tbe name of Charles Junes, and sent to Trenton, v. here hla bounty of $100 was falsi liim, nnd ho was returned to Ciimp Willluiu 'tnu, that being tbe reudcvotia for all colored troops for Nee Jersey mid Petinsyh aula. TUu was on the 1st of July. 1 iipatrick, Ciinninxbum'e cornpiinlon, bad been previously bitcoU'sI by Colonel Warner, upou the charge of having enticed Newman to desert, and Newman having iu the meantime been re turned to camp, appeared against him at the bearing bofore the United States Commissioner. His evidence was conclusive, and the Comtnis aioner held him in riwO bail for tnai. Cuinilnhum, who up to this time Lad not been arrostcsl, otlered himself us bail (or Pit. patrick, when, being recognised, he was at onco tukrn into custody aa ;jri -(- crimima with Tiupatnci, and hold for trial. The latter haa torleiled his bail and cannot be I ound, icav ing C'uuuiucbam alone to pay tbe penalty of his vio lation of law. The case is on triul. Oilpln and J. K. Vulcutiue fur the I'alted States ; John O'Byrne for the defence. C'oi fcT or Qt'AUTr.a StaaioN Judire Ludlow. Aaaault and battery cant of no special iutereirt were on trial during Ihe morning. From (irant's Army. ALL QUIET ON THE JAMES. No Fighting Since Thursday. SCARE FOR COLORED TROOPS. arirll f Thp frpnlna rplParrwnri. WaamoTow, Anca-t .10. The St.,r ya iho mail atcauo f Ih itr, fr9m ( icy Point, rewni all quiet ou tins Weld, in rillnml ait") tho fl-ht at Kraai's Siaioe, on ruursday, w.th ;ho exo p timi of the uanal picket tlrlu. On Sunday an a inikw ia mti ip.li I on Oir pontoon hi kigo over the App- hi itioi , a: Ur i way landing. Two bria lea uf c i or- I t.-o iis and several ba teries were despaiche l t Hi it pelnton thp "douhlp ooi 'k," but no Ko la iu .do IhPlr appparan 'P. The h. fut. brought up ti.a h and e;h N w Jersey Hcgi'iicntp. Ihe r wrni of aerv.ee bitiag expired. There ia .t urect nn-ortof Itobel g ior llin da-', on Ii"!a!iurg lit tiihl, b it ua ."a iruati am' too report ban 'o eu received Wismi'.Tos, A igusi 3.1. A letfr frin the Army of the Potomac, dated Au i-t 28, even! ig, a iys.today u it a (uu wa 8red fro n dy luht to dsrk, and up to thin b irr, f) P. M , Ih'iro h i.-o hci n viryfcv r'P' rs. Ii is t' o most oiki day c have had f.r foir week". Our Ion In Tfiiradny'a lii;hl la acerUi ned tl he ahout 'Jik'l m-n in iheaggr'gKe and nine g'nia tour of Urown's llbosle lslaid, fur of Slei pi r a M iHsai-luiioils, uud ono of M k,,ijiit's Ha't'iy m 'Light Artillery. I'l l a(.iMnictit is ra olo by re i.-:a: th it !t ws the lu?th IVnosyivan! a Votrran It iine .t,V. liiii tter Infantry, iustna J of tho loo.h No Yark, ah p'laeud Iu aoiue of tho nowaimpera, wai :h .10 t ir- d the htl!e-!l ig i.f tlio l;'.! Nor.h Ciro'iaa in the fluht of the 1 'th I mt ant, and th' the pirtv who niuilo tbo pr ro -i the color-'wa.er of thi reifimi Ht, Prlva n II .lleniUlo, of Company C. An toglish gooJeot in, K lwm Waiia o, a in the Appoiiiutto las; uUnt i i 1 es ap :.l into our line. Ho has reside I in Petersburg aiuoei:be war hcgin, and represeuts ;ho pros,io .is of the t'onfedera y ia bd'-o-uing iu ire gi my thi i ever. Inn ln lera are reinlereJ desperi'e he- came of tho miscarriage of their aeliemo I dia v ficneral fir.int li' iioe, by iuvadl.i I'onusyl.'iu a. Mr. W!l.i"o lost his wife and child iu Ponra. Imrg, a abort time -itiee, they le'lni killed by the ex;ilolon if one of our sIi-iIim, whu Ii enMred llio liii'i'O were they W'Tc. T'lrno desertera a's i ;o'. in last tiiht, and rep irt that they w rn pin 1 oil" and discharged a ah irt time a,; ), from ' ilo.vl 'raw for Pa I'liion :(J rim. li Uaya Kc.mmi, ami hilc on their way home -veri) apt ired wlib, fpvenieen o bers, by Uoneral We lcr'a C'avilry, nnd forced Into tho Kehol rinlts, nft- rwarda roh'ied of all ihefr money and clotlil i. They bivo no id'-a of wh t he- i.o of (he '.b r neveutem men. They were acpara n I Ln h hurir, whither Ihoy wcrp henuglu fr no too pl e ot their eiip ure iu Irona. i'liey are vary l id i Dant at the tre-mnetit iliey h ivo rc eived, aul ,ire anxious to take itin on ill of ul egiu:a. CITY IiTOiiUUOOE. Siaib o THiiiiMOMtrraa To Pit. Six A. M , r iA. Noon, 7'i. Oue P. M., 7o. Wind, N. W. , Tub Mit: r.vav Heiio.it.. Tne :r .''s ,ry 0 nu liii'tm (or reiiCitin,; c ilored Ir'nij'S, C ie nit fin . t, have leoiied to 1 1 me this u-.:fal ail sk-eei- fill institution a.-'-'r tlio tr' h of W yro u jr. Tina) a hool haa ln":i entirely su ai .o I oy ino I l-i u 1 1 iv of l'ie eh.Z"i.s oi l'nil ot-'lphi i, io I 'b )' t 'l.iiu i lei', tH-ing "lion ol In. ids, am o n I. I ' n ! -c ihe M'hi.ol, atri r renderm,' aue'i v ilu i'ilo nid t i the ( viriiinenr in ,irinu o' diloriil lroOiS. Tnu ste l'i, f me : it 1 is oruiisl, ill Imcti tit de: ire eh go of Cel. J din ti fj' pan, lule ol the PuiinnI mi tloservoi. Klv) liiin.lr.'i nnd tiv.i .t i.i. i's tiaii'i twin -on' ti W.eibnietoii mr x mini iti iii, oi ivlioui io ir n ii died uud liny a .1 h..M' pas-i d mic---iul!y iho Mlliny lloiird, of whi h Mi.ior 'ieueral Si is Cii-i) Is Piealdetit, fla folioa: I . r Colonel- .1 Kir I.n'iiteiiaiit-Ooi.inels ... 7 Kor Minora It )'or aptaiu UU Por PiiM Lieu' nan'a Ul l or SiCoud Lieuteuauia 11 Total IW Pliv tt g a r-e :t"iu of O il; - st pr tt., w bile tin re wre nuv pn' c.mi;. bei re i.ia est ,u lltihmi nt of thia school, whlcli his lieun open to all c)uaca of aoiiety, aud whrh baa en b ed tDuny a younr ma i iu'.nc rauka to elevuto bi u sell ioa poa le u win Ii oihernno would Ui-C Iw en rlosod to him. S ma of sooio of tbo mm, promlmut men of li.o timcJ have jraluated 1 cm tLis aidiool. National I'mon Nimivations. Tin folio i Ing nominations were made last evening hy ihe intnibcra of the Na imal I'nioa party : I ON IM"". ZM.li I I. ."I !':! 1. John M. Bnticr. 3. H m. Lt 'ini'J Vyors. 2. Hju. Charles O'Ncll. 1. Hon. Wm. 1) Icy. sNr Ol.iAL. TinnD Dial iiic i'. Isasc A. ?lie,)ard. l.toiHtATvni:. Wi'rt.r. "' '''-' . 1. Oe.irra W. Olietrrin. 10. s. s l'..,i mus. 2. Wm. It. Kudditnin II. F. I), s'o inor. 4. Adjourned until M m- U. L it - V. h I'.ih'n. day, Mr. Waisun de- I I. 15 ids V. Ile ier. riiriiug a renonilna'n 14. Kruu :is II ui. 1 William W. Watt. IS. Oo "go Do II iven. fi, Janii'N rreelmrn. I i. E l.vard O I. e. 7. Thomaa C iehr iu. 17. N i nouiius ioii. H. J. nies N Korn. is. No iio.um itioa. 'J 1 NoMiNAiioNn. At u meeting of tha d i lli'g tt.'M til' the First Con'Tressiuu.U District of the Nad m il l':iii.u purty, hold List evening Mr. J ihn M. liutler w dceliire l the n miinee for tae party in lie I us! Coie-ni-slouiil District. I ho (Joni'p s-i nul I'ouve'ition of thn Se'oul Di-tii'-t ii'ii'.iiiir.iiled lion. Char.us O'N.'il:, ot mo Ninth ward, liy aeel un i ijn Iho Convrn'ioii of the Sixth L iti lativo Dis trict nominated James I'r.'ch am, ri i-, for iho LigLslatuit for thi Dicric lti.rni ria ior IliitM.v'a SHAiicsuiKirciie. 1 hi.- afternoon lo full companies, recruitc I la SUiuntou for liirney's Sl.arpshootcra, arrived in this city, und wero taken to Camp Cadwa'ador. Tin re lire ten companies being raised for this te'lmi rt, five of which are to be recruited in Phi iMOeluhiu. and no credited in the drait, and the other five In the Western partof the Statu. Those being raised outside of Iho city are meeting with the griateai succo-a, and will be fui ia a week or two, nhiie Philadelphia thus far bus only fur. wished two full lOiiipiink'S and three nkeloion companies. Tiih Sixth WAr.n MRt rrNO. Wo caunot too strongly i:rf tipoa the clti.cus of tlio StK.li Ward, w hose names ate eurolUd us liablo to dm ft, of the essential importance of attending the meeting to-night nt National Guards' Hall, where ways and ii.eans will bo adopted for the avoidance of the draft. In addition ta the other eminent speakers announced in the advertise ment, ex-Govcmor Pollock this morning con sented to lie present and addioss the meeting. Let there be a thorough atteudauco trout every precinct of the Ward. Fon tub Sot'Tn Atcantic Block Auisa SiU'Aiinow. The United States side-wheel sup. ply steamer Ikniegal, Lieutenant Wm. King West, commanding, wdll leave the Navv Yard for the South Atlantic Tilockad'ng Squadron, on Saturday next, lid proximo, at U K. M. All let ters, nacl.nges, &c, intended for tlie officers and men, will be forwarded if left ou board on or lielbrc l riduy at 6 P. M, The Donegal takes the plai-c of the steamer hfrtnachuiett$, th Utter detained for overhauling and repair. Dni'AttTi rk. The Seu Iromidet dropped down the river at dood to-day aud is now taking In powder, previous to her departure, at the Powder Wharf. Paid Oct. During the past week Mr. Dumm, the City Treasurer, paid oat over SO ,000 In Unintita to voluutctrn. DhiCkwi on Dis.mii:iii.v Dinck IIo' sms Asm at or Firrv-RKvm Pkh-oms. T ia n iru ina I Hie Fox, S itii'.icl Simons, Jolin Hit tram, andWm. Siin uia woic arraigned before A d Tmna Ibltlcr upon '.ho ch'irg of keeping and in a nt lin ing four low dun dug and di-oiJer y drlni'Og bouaea, in Ialingtia lane, near Camp CI waJadir. I hue p a 'en are one atory fr.ir.ie ahan ie1, an 1 a'e ihp reaort of the most depntvi d w hpii. I). 1'i ftig 'iih'S place on tw i evoii ft of a h wick and i v-'ry al' em am. H ryc.hnoiM w ossy iiiiail d ut at tha l r, and t'lreeof tha k)I Ii a i-t C tup Ciiowiail r 1 d fr mi 'ho . llec ot I .e li'iuor li.st wiek. The.e de ia wen beam o f n n- h iinnoyancp nn I troniile to the otl ers n charge of Camp Cadwalu-ler, who w re uaaMoi.i ki ep ihe aoldiera fiom ire U 'ntliig ih in. I he Winn n would bovpr ironn I e im, ; in 1 1 x) tbe sol 'In to di ert, and, ' iKIiik thmu to ihor iu n ! i, there t th- i.i a-nplneJ wuh the pins "i i us li , nor, nnd lbm nllc lh "r p .pin s. l' i" Lu i.c i iireame uneiiuuraii.", an I iec ir l.nrly, n e, n p'aint of the oilieers, his hi t m M lor is'iml a warnnt for the arre-t of (he totl tors anil ah f eind In t-n pi ee. I'.io wanait wi.s i fill In the tiande of Sergomt tan-non oi ihe l'wt nty-tirat Ward I'-'ll '0. I.M t veiiiim aiKiut H o'cl ick, he, in cnnpiny idi ei ver.'l utlleera fiOiu Camp Ci U j'sI t, ret a nut two compiDiea oi mi diem, aunouud d the li us mi l took Into cimtivlv tbo lour pr nirietora and hltv-ti.ne other er'Hina fourteen of wbm wi re Km,, lis. At tbo lime of ui des enti n whole party were en the danco H air, wtiie i is i kind oi a atock evueern between tlie fo.irpro. priPtora. The plana wpi ao nne'y executed Ihii not a rit, lie purtp'tpapt esivi(H'd. Itw paflv wet) p,ue il in no ui.e file, surrou nl-d hy p 'lni an I soldiers, and marciicd to Camp Cidvlador. Here ihiy weie koot under g iar.1 until luid'iu'ht. Winn Ihcy wpreugaiuf rmod lU'ilin a i l nnr. tied down KiJge raid to Nin.h. and d iwn Niiitlllo Cieniiu', iheiieu to the Ceoiril St I'lon, where liny who locked up until the hearing tuts Uion it g. 1 be men and women together, aa th -y were maicurd through the miuno of the street, eirr loumivd by amili'ary guar J, create t coasidora'ilu p.xeiuraient, initwlihauiading ibe Uieaoas of me hour. I l ia morning ull hands were arraigned In fore Pn ice Mnti-inite Dottier for a hearing. Seigeant Ciimrnni te-titiitd that the ehtra: it of the pla.'ra was of ihe worat kiud, be ni tho resort of the oioat deprave I durtug night and in y. All ort ol obseeno expressions were in tie 0i ot, and the groaaesi crimes ludulKed in. One of the defeudanta bare stated tnai ne w ia rot a proprietor, aa had been charged. Uo only owceil the shanty, and waa about iu or lor to sco thai it waa noi d molished. The sergeant funhcr stated that two dona were knnivn aa tho M iCh linn or Cad uti ler li iiise ; one aa 'he Soidn rs' H ippy li juae; uud aaa.Uer as tbo Metamora House. l)i er Wui e a'ao tenifled aa to the had eh -rao er i f Iho pla ea. The women are c ut anliy inioxicab'd.anit oulv last week he found a worn m on tlie lot m a bi a-tly atate of intoxicatio a. He coi.v yed her to the ata ion Ii mio, wuuro alio wibii.io I'nuvu'aioiia caused ny tho pnsoaoiia llipn r hich she bad liceu dr uking. Ho also I iu ii. i mint! er In tho sauiu eou II 10a a'laut threo w i k n w. l.ltntenaiit Theo. Snyder, oue of Ilia o:ll;ers ul Cniiii Caiiwalader, tesiil'm I that fights wira of freiuent oeeu rence, and thai d ine.io w kept up ui. til two und tnr"e o'el s'k In tho m inimg. The women got drunk and Induee t ie soldiers to decu. Wiltiin the last tvo week a lUio moil have died Iroin the elfe. ts of U'j'ior o'ouiuod t' ere C'ip'iiln Kilward Y.. Newhprry, nla ) one of iho nlll'M rs of iho camp, icsl II d to the fict that lb ao very women were the cause of oust-im d Motl' n in sump. The femaiea who wprp, arreted gavp, the nnniiH of Minv Ann Mc.Minui, K im K iorr, Miry Smith, C'laia Hopkins, Ma y Moor ', K ite D ie n po:t, Sirah J hiiNoti, An in Mulvey, Sinn Slier-, Jane Tomlin, Eiaii. tli Nelso i, BiUen llainl ton, II ami ib Murr iv , und Kmru i Hiakle. Th, y w se nil l OiMiilito I to priaon. An.ong thu malea who wero arretted in ir; than oi.e-half were aoldiera belomrliig ti C np C-.i'w'.l idi r. Th. ao w ru roturnoi ttit me cusii dy of 'ho mill nry auih irliies, Thorn worn al-o several aoltllr.ra wno h id no pisaon an I ire In T'ded over to tho Pruirn.t Marsli il. Tan civiliai a were coin inn t .1 to prison, St'n.i iNo Cahs.-AII travelers will hail wl'h d laibt the downing of lb it era when sl- eping Ciirs shall be Introduced ou all our railro ids, fro n one extent ot tbe ouutry to tho o her. f ie a I ip tii n of such a svtem would save travelers in I 'h lo-s of time and annoyance in stippli; oi r nlglit, while on a j iurncy. Wo see tb it the No.v 1 :r.o. Cmiriil Hiiilr nid have pla ed a nuui ier of no v sleeping cara upon Ha route. Those ears ' rn'iri e sevual uew fui'ure', mM:ig Iboui the in isc .s r fcit aud elegant now In use. Taey are lO in nino fi rt wide and ten feet hiitb from tholloi li ho ronf. Ttie cra are divided int alio rsniuir. H i nts, six feet long, containing four seats wnn not used for altrpmg. The b n ka of the an t'a aro luiied down at mu lit, tilling the api'-e but vo tbe two acuta, thus) lormlng a "priug iu utr. sa wide enough fur two persona. Tbo oed ia l ien uiadv up, forailmr as coiulortuii'.o a r-nng pu -e a ran lie m cured m a ho el. Above tins are tw i sliigle berth". The eurtnlna aro of tlio rlnest (lainoak, giving e h her h all dedratile p-lvi-y. l i t ip are ulo imvotal slan rooms In oi b cir, wl ii'b aecoiniii .(In'e two persona, and are en closed ith finely polished map e, witn a a idn g dour. K' h oonparmi nt ia turui-iid wi b a tool lug giosa, and eneh cur with it in irid top wash ttnid. Thu pain ing and gildiag has been none with ft view of in . king ibfl ci'a trio baiidaomiat In u-e. Taey are vouiila ei oy means of an apparatua pi iced on iho ro if, through which a cunent of air paaaea down pioa placed between tne inner and outer ana iliiing of the Kldea, aud distributed through the com fi irt ineiita hy menna of ma I rpgiatera. Toe dust ia aspiriiti-d trom the nir hv moans of amtll tan s ti led with water, over winch tne air passes. The cars are beaieo by a patent process, by means of wh'rb h"t air paaaea through Hues along he sides, wlib nuiall regtaters In each comoar-roonr, so that th" occupauta of each can regulate the tempi rtituie to suit themselves. C Ai.i. Anoi'TTiiE"EiiAiL de Pauis." The skin cramcl culled "F.inall de Paris" will otf.ctua'ly remove all ton and dlsi oloratlnns of the skin, wlnther fiom the suu or from sea air, and ia then fore invaluable for re-brlng the vital.ty and henltl.iufsa of tho skin, impaired hy disease, by exposure, or by rapid changes of touip- ratur ;. The "riuuJ do Paris" is tho ouiy genuine enameling preparation Introduced into tho Dinted Siatia. Kuaenc Jouio, No. 11 Tcitii -in ei, lalow Cheai.ut, ia tho ouly a;out for I l.ninil do Par s 111 this city. Im lirAHK or Wao i. A meeting of jonrney- meii luilors was held at Nation il Guards' II ul, yes.irilav. with a view of ohoilnlng an Increaae of wnp s. Itc-oluti'iiis wi re a lop'cd and com ntt- leea apiKHIilcil, WHO wilt repin ia a mi'iwiii Iiilet.rig. lii-.Tcnn or a rtpniMKST. The 8Zd Peun'yl- vunia v oiuniet rs, i oiouei j. . u w"i, u c tiictid to return from tbe aent of war on Iho Kb. proximo, l'repar.itions are belns trwdo ta give thnu n hmiilsoiiie reception. IIahd Bcds. While at the wutciing-pluccs sleeping on mLserable bard beds, let It remind von to pet your old runttiesscs done over in town, at W. Ueuty Pattea's, No. 1IW Chosuul street. PHIi.ADtilJ'HIA TKAIOE BKPOBC. Tvisi av, AugttPt 30. The stock of Qucr liuou Park is very much reduced, and No. I is ia demuud at S'ol it'' ton. The lirst sale of new Cloverseed was ellectcd tin's moniirgat $14 4K61 lbs. Timothy sells ia a small way sit S6 25feo'i0. A ule of FlftKiced to the extont of 150 bushcU was cdectcd at & 10 ii' bushel. Flour has been in Umhe4 re iucst, and only a few hundred ban-oU euld at 912 for extra aud b!2 50 for extra family. There Is little or no de uiand for bhipplug. Sale) for the supply of tho trade are effected at ) eatcrday's figures. Ia llye Flour and Corn Meal no sales have corat uader our notice. There ii very little, Wheat offering, and the market is dull. We notice sales of 1200 bush, good old Pennsylvania red at $2 D02-55 ; new ditto at 2C(n'2'7l i and white at F.-80(?3. ltye is in demand at 91'8jnrl'fS7. Corn is not much in quired after. Sales of yellow, in a small way, are renotted nt 81-73: and 4000 bush, mined Western at Sl'71. hew Out art worth 88c., aud Id $1. Barley Malt remains as laat quoted. Whlrky Is In limited request, with tales of renusylvauU and Ohio bbla. at 1 bSa UN) FINANCE AND COMMERCE. O'Vict or Tua KvannMi Tii Hrs,l tarsiiaf , AaaaH de. Tie fstnek Market la raiherquiet iota uiuming, tint g'H d fi uiltii a ar stead . In Governmnut bo da there la Iea doing, an I prices are rather lower. 6 '.0 io d at llOifWill, ndr-J,of 111, at 119 ; '3sj are quoted at HO. Therp la not much doing In Rallroal aharee, tint pcea are without any mft'erial ehtuga. Ueaiin g sold at titij t Pennpyivania, 74f j Little HchuylHlll 47; C'tii-n Preferra I, 41 j ( Mil e blll, rJ-JJ ; a' d N rib Penny Ivatii Kaiir uadnoa la at inii; 4H waa hid f r Lo g I -hind, oi for I'h.li dclphia nB'l Lrie, .VI for North I'enns) lvai)l,ad 22 for Csstnwissa coumim; uew Cl.yt' fare selling at I' 6. Coal OH i-harts, are dull an 1 prices aeo rfW'i'r lowir, with aalca of Mineial Oil to n ;i c t '.'1 : DaUell at ll i ; M Cllnioc at 7 ; and Perry at 6. City Pae3gir lUiilroada aro d ill at ahout fornu r rutea. V) wa hid far T -nth and Klevoulti ; AS lor Chesnut and Walnut; iiJ for Arab; aal 31 f r Oieen and C ntoa. Dank Share are firm, but there La Utile or Dothlng iloina ; lo.) waa bid for North Am ine i; 130 for Pl.llndelpbia; 6I for Farmera' and Mo chanlcs'; id for Commercial ; Hi for M ochauk-a'j 2H for Manufacurers' aad Mc hani.-a", a id 3v) far Coruni' owealth. There I- no change to no'.i- In the'Vlmey market. Loins aro plentv on call at 6 por c-jat. per annum ; beat paper at front 7(r9 per cont. There ia more doing in G il l, and pri.es have again declined, opening at 2 ; fell off a ad sol 1 at 233 at 11 o'elook; '23 at 12, and 2.33.) at 121 o'cloe. A despatch from Washington, this morning, say : The subscriptions to tne new loan, aa ro portid at Ihe Treasury leptrtment yeaterdiy, ntnounts'd to 8W5 001, and to the 10-40 l.ian to $413,000. The anba-rlptiona to the now 7 3) loan to date amount to 9-ri,!76,600. The National Rank Note Company Is now fur nishing g3,0o0,oO0 daily of bonds for the coiner aioti of tlio 7'30's duo in AunuslandO -tolwr, lM. TltKPBOroar.n(BllM Al lalAM to ocu Oovhiin mkmt ok Oik TuoraAND Milliosi Doi lakb A New York journal Bays: It waa de sired by Si eri tury Fraaeiielen that Ihe propo-ml received lnui Hamburg tor a loan of oue mon uml millions tbonld be kept quiet for a cum' ; tint as it has, tiotiviihstanding, lieen ma le pu die, both lure mid In New York, there is no impro priety In stating the facta. The terms up in wbicb It ia proposed to make tbia loan are considered very advaiituses ns, aud it may he stated that they meet with much favor from the Government. I c im proposed thut thu loan shall he for suvonty-tivo jeiiia at an Intere-t ot throe perount. The pnv iiientM aro to be made twenty per cent in coin, ten per rent, in L'n.te.l States currency, un I sivrmy pur Pent, in oiitftandlne ohliitationa of ti e I'ldtcd S'ates. It ia proposed to d spose of tbe whole nniount amonit the people of tbu con tinent ot Kurope, ou the piinci.ila of pro 'a i mil louus.ihe ptinelpal to ist reimbursed to th " h ildora ntirii'g the last lor i-tivo j Ban of i be term, inoiial semi utiuuiil iu-ilineuls, IheG ivernmeiii p tying the cmreiit interest, premi'ima, and prin Iptl, hicb would reiinirfl but tiity nil1 lions mt ami nil dnrit.g the term of the loau oventy-tivo yours. It Iims not et been decided wheihur tnls loan sbal. lie acce.u d. it w, II, of conrso, roqalre an act of Cotigrcsa to complete tbe ma't-r, aa itaeniy-yiuta honds tire the longest that eau bo issued ui dir exlstiug nets'. I'ner) wid he mi dllliculty Iu ohulning the n'ces'ary legis lation sbould thu loan bo occp'-ud, nod ita uli ct upon ihe finances of tho oxtntry will he nn I'C'liutely a iparent, m It will at onxi cic'itp denial, d lor Government se 'iirltlej vliich will nibanee their vulue, and enable thu Troi sui lo aisposc of a suilicieui amount, upon a I vatiiHCf u-n rm", hi supply Its ueoessi ios. Ir. w.ll also witliiinw from eir, 'illation a hundred ii.ll Iti me nt Breenhaeks, whl.iU will, of eourso, iliniin'ah the ollfereneo in value between car- leney and mo d. It uviv b" reg irdo t ua na 'rly a eeitain'y that the proposition will be aceerel. U ia I r.iifvi ii i bat it will result in an early return to cpci ie pHymeuLs. PUILADKl l-IH Asiloa;K B.VCII KSxlK SALKH. ADCI. ,1a. ttsnurliiu o. Ura-mi -t v., llruAars. M. Ul 4. TUtrd Ml ur.roite. iiuvK.ih :-l)li II i Tan Wi Vs. I(al k Itrursir .' I W in i ib do ... as bl."i i '.il .... J's 17 11 1 Uo t Jl n i. lisnsni'ire -in ., IIS I'OsS K4M I'M a..Ol'l 1,',' voisii it'i iiio a--, l -li Horn Plantar... 4 'l ,n -li Da tail Oil .... I.'S Mi ill On bi l.'' frfm s'i CoatWie'iul Oil I'-l la) sli I'trrv oil ir ti ii an a I vi si i h Msti,hanl .. I'.sO Kiiaisinr nil... 'ti 'i -h Mm l ariu... 'i'lsi sn tlo c HO-h ao IIS II ill 11.1111 IS. II .I'M iii'a ii tod IS 4V.I hi o iaI'iti u Oil... lislah Oj bU 7',' MitMT DO sio tlltOU S. ". HI.. ml ioi -a PuiLeo OmO. ... ioi; i n sn Si II0 l iV sl -h Ulnar! on l"ltl Ul fu ill Haiu'll nil.... IH, an Mo aiMtook .... I Ol ih il 'I 7 IKI Ml Parry 1 l) sn do UJ lOUIDSV-tl oi.... 4oi Misn Llllla Hall K.. l lnoshi'auw. uf. ..us) HV JO an II. A H Top... HI '.'I sli ir.ir A SIo Ha.. 61 1, 10 ah Panna K K.... 11V Ui ih Rch. Mav o-mb. J till u i:i'0 TlO .! I a IiiiO l-SIH, Ill Oi 'I'd! en tin'.,, 4u..is ua ia!'. i,'2s; oo I' '-l', In 1 1 , It i r 'l;! IA 0 f.'ioi Pann en'ie,i-.is.l"l I f.-lOi.lll over To.lol I S7mi On nil i tl'i'.iaiOtv iia, ivsw ....pat j SHISiAllian.Cii.'a.... .so tin; ISe'i Nv. lis p.1. .. sii t ' W llianrh b.l.. .1111 tliao S I a. Is I(M euao '.rtll l-a it ... aN' -uiess ur ftlKlrl IW NEW TOKK. Bi-iHirtsO Or Cuu-ki m Co., Sronn, No. Ul st. Third HI, in Ca't. Btcotvi OaU rnlird Hta'es ea, 1M1 . Int off. Ileiu'lnii hal r.M.1 Nw V-rk Orniral IUIlT"J,. she Kallmarl Hnnon Kalrroad .its hid .. StV bid ..li-V uid ..nsisj bH ..I'M, bid .. a.'i;H bid ..l'lt't Md ...rliaady. M.sa aalca alat saloa tkao t'Dind Slates 4-Jisi Market Ouotutlona i f G id at the Philadelphia Gold F.xci'ai ge,No.31 S Thud sinet, secoud story: 4 A. M Zolj 12 M int 11 A. M 233 1 P. M 133 Market weak und uclivo. Jav Co ike A Co. uuote Government Securi ties, &c, to uoou to-day, as tollows : iliHriaSf. IT. S. 6s, 1S81 108 V. H. 7 3-10 Notes Ill Ci it; lira tea of ludi btediiesa, new... t liiiar ernia-iei'a Vouchers H'l irl 113 5 91 UO .i-20 Honda 1'XiJ New 7 3 10 notes ready for delivery, to August 9 incluivo. OiioiR'Inn? of fho principal Coal Mid Coal Oil Mocks ut 1 o'clock to-day : SiJ .nt. Ai l At. J riiltr.u Ciinl.. 1' Si Kevslioie Oil.. llV llfi'iiitaiii I'ual. a k,U Mi J.t . ...V, s , ''ntu-iiiai IS' -.':) I lO.iii IVlrali'liUl.. IISj i. ' MamsM ml 1' t ' ; ur..iki oil 1 I Vi KrankUn OJ 4lrr.-n Mi. ('' ai... tij S I a'Im le'ale .... Naw l?riek Ketsifcr laui Cual J . r . I s' lis , U i-j 1 I'liiio.iil'oal I Irvm.' O-l I'f it 'l'i Pnie Kami Oil.... t ' .. .. ln.ileril.ial I '.) ti Ksaiiins iimi.... V :' SI .. I'l-nsmore ., It1: II liAii-IHlU II a ft .XI e I liitsm, y a a ft H'Mwrlft Oil 9 S I'., tl in-tcxl i 3 ., li iiiirA livlaamtar. .. li.V e' 1'irroli.uji laauura. a' I l: Ki-lfrt S. 3-s 7 II, .e l.tniO i , I' vrls.urnil I'; oi. Hir tana l'i Ainei li nii K .1. ll.i . lviai V1i.Ii a lilruril Am, Ins'.... Fitiu vlutiri I I lla. , ,1 II , -I. in. ., M a ml .11 Mnitliil tar,iiitli- Miulnu a ISmiHClleul Alss. . I run V li.l l'rik ' llai'is shs.ls OH.. 17 M.I'I.D'r.l till I tniiiM Ivaulii I'at. . I'siry Oil ILniriu Oil tlnrkels ttj 1 clrarrmpb. BAi.nMoni;, Attrrust 30. Flour dull; Howard ali-eet siiiarnne, tll:l. Wheat very dull and haavyi iu'W H'.ull.oni red, 170. Wl-lte Corn steady; yellow dull at tl'M. Wlilsl.v dull and uonilaialal l wii4l ol. Uiucene. uiiit tlvo ai.d aroopiiia. Ni w Youk, August no Flour has declined Sl,,:i,', hale of 7li Wila. at WVvtW ' fir Htata.tlt rs) t i,-.' 7'. r.,r Oiilo, Ids ae in 14 lor Houtliern. Wbnal ili-,'laii'd i.aie; rules ill uuisirlaiit. Corn Is lc. lower, Willi tew anil-., lu-it doll. I't.rk lieaiy uad ailoUar lower; attia at 5, ,.s s7i " -a f,,r M"--n. laird dull. Wluaky dull. lleci -ipta ol HcHir UKAi bias. Wheat IS,U0U bulb. .1 LATLST MAKIXE INTELUCEHi'K. CI.KAKKJJ THIS MOKNlNa. Pl r J. biui-niun, Hanks, Salt'ai,l:ajitiiiii. a. i.r Sili ii klnsiu'ti l -.-ny, Uoalou, VI auneiilAcl.fr a Mix Il lit. Scl.r barah Woes'.er, Lard, Portland, W. l(uatr, Jr. aRRtVEn Tali M1RN1K0). ' teaml li Sorinao, ltai.er.4H hours Ironi Boston, arioa nula and uassenavrs to H. Vllnsor. I'a.io-I orl llowliay ll,s,k i.i J.tt.iss WoUa, Iroia laverav!, ooiuuaj up ui 'TiriaWm. Allsn (Br.), Stubbs, M days from Bljek River, J a., wilL loowoad and ooBKto l. CJ; liri liandat, b, I'n-sy, w daa (roaa ew ortm, ui iliyJoaTpU0. U,. tr.- Oaoraetowa, D. Cisc?.rT"rl.WTaMP ForbM. Kooaxae. ta MM t. 'r.r'ti'oiiaKk, Ban. a.. 4 days fross Itoatoa, with tea to lsiariir.isi ..r M N. lark, Willi aadsa to W.M. IIahd SC oattolal lsaaavlaar Ut (Miolwy l'Uasrs 62.42,32,14,36,(iu,10,4OT73,&4,2H,, 15,21,61, IS ICsTk (tuaa 41 AafliM M, Wbt. 103, 7o, 4.1, 3D, 22, F, 21, oo, 14, Hi, 64, 14, 17. Cutaian aaat 1 adjawila I. E. iuaova Cj Uvruiis7ai,t. FROM THE SOUTH. Wf ornithine our enfrtr-ta from the Richmond pnpera of tbo 2fllh Instant: ' a aost or uknp.kai. fixxEO'ai wot'wonn. A ion of General Finngn was w.iuadod, la Ihe batl'e of Sunday before PotPrahtirg. Till BATTLKfl narOHK riTiriHHl'Rri. There have been three abort but ak wp conteai on the line of the Weld id laliroat alnoetbn riiemy advanced their line lo that dlree lrxi o.l Thur day la-t. Tbiy took place rcsooc Ively on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. I j theae tare batiks a tWrabaig paper eatimM IM eMray't ha, Ine.luulng prisoners, at not less than eigat tl.oasaiid, pro'iably more. Vp lo yesterday tha eneroy maintained their enure I Dts ou aud r a ion ranroil. aa 1 wore sun et.gsgi d in Unifying and ereo he mug iDouT pvsitiou, thowiiig uo dispoaitioa to depart. IM MAUVLASI) LINE. The 2d Ma yiaud lalaa.ry a id foirful inroals un de Unu na uiu r roil in too haa es of tae is b uud It' h In-tant t ir tue pusno-sion of tai Wiluou lailroad, uear PevrsOaig. ran ktilu I, wounotd, ana unaaiug fo.it up nuliiy out of A ' u.ine Uiau two hundred. Will M y Ian Jura iu tlie South antler tbia " M irylainl" Llue." Iiapiiied wub the 'dood of the liard aal Hi Klein, Una link it wttu si auoeatral ch ita to the "Hue' of ibe Hevo uuou of ti 100 t away In the bottle smoke of tnl grmiar aul gnaur levuluiMin, become txtiuct aud leavj toe old rsuitc wubuut a picture in tne v oi near tue H .along of the guna, or will they no: rather sicp Into tl't) plaoa ol their fallen broi'aei', nl at up and pie-s on Ihe ctduo.n The Liue Una a ndf seliit ved a it-putailon for gallantry and dgbtiug U lines second to no org iniia i.m in me arai v, nun wuiih.t i f the "old Lino," of wUi. O this If tin h oixl Ues. i udant and lineal ollspnng. Ita n.nipuny rai.ks must be rilled up witn freak Diatetmi troai tue pareai State, or tbe Marf loni Line w ul tease to exist Ir jiu nivie pauciiy of itiD'bera. MAI.Vl AMiEIlS TO SFUvr. IN THE TIROIXIA HE. Kkvua. ; . 4 It will 1 seen by a speclil otder published rlntwtere, tnat all Matyiaudura re-iding or ao journitig iu K cbmond, have ho. n du.-lared eligi ble m at-ive iu Uia 'Zd Kegimeul Kumira Kofoe ot Virginia, tuiiilojed tor local deieo-. .Cap-t-ilu J. McCnainaii, Company N,ot this regi ment, ha received tbe n-qiiiai authortiy, aul wbl proceed at oa.ie to eurol d aao i-uito nia couipany. The requirenieuis ot Una urdur do not apply io those M t.yiaudera enroll I airetdyin otbtr uiill.ary organisations for lo:! doiaasu. We clip the following from tbe Atlanta HiytciiZ, of ADgUbi22t o m ln aiKi.sa in ATLiaiA. Tbo roiniiierce ot Atlunut ia j is, now prlu :l pul:) conlieeu to tho wa.ermelou a id apple irwle, uno tbe arrival of each tram causes many trana nriHina lor a abort 8iuee of lime tueresttiur. We quote melons as ranging ar any i"ic fro.u ttvo to Iwenty-rJvo dollars apieoe, ae tordiugf t-i Ilia auxH ty oi toe puichaaer, uod very interior applet in nit) dollnra a bushel. We may a Id, teao, that full erowu men are principally cnga"d Vi.inai trade, !'.. boys Dearly ail bavlng buea frig at'" cueu on. : . IlliVIOVAI. OF STOIILB. " , aii i no nospiiais ann uoverniuo.it store? onis. Hue ot rood between At an' ami West Pttnjr. have beeu remoiud. Luis ia a who pe-u..i f aa ihe operations of the uneojy on turn ilnocuu now jsi-sl' ly Interfere wub military opcr.iv hire, and tbe troops uuretotora uesvnvry" ti guard It cuu be u.-ed to more auvautageuoioivuerej ACLllllMAt. rxI'l.OslON Or A 8IICLI.. , ' A shell that hud bet a carried Int j the Kxprosa otliec yesienlay t xidoded w hdu balng caruiusaly liiinoied I y u oeitro. Alihoui'li tbo fragiuutiui flew iu every direc ion tbo Ooy himself waa tho only Si tleiet, receiving aevcro w muds iu luroa plate-. Tue eacilim of tho Mni'hMi of toe rwfl :o, and othcra who wore prosout, w in truly remark able. okhhii.ix onAxr's vicroHiEa. " The K.suMitirr editorially holds th tC "ths oa-tKbll-biiit in of tj -aui'a forces ou tun ilatt ot' tha Wtldou railroad may ou oa-i terol us e m tiu. nun, n ol that u.iilorut lu rve n -ul hy tne left Hank whicu helippnased ou lusuriny iiumodiamly liner cross. ug thu Kapidan.uud out of wuica it can Im more nt part uiau luo iu ion c ta st y I ) u uer oi Im. d rtnliil v li w is highly und ssir i ilo 1 1 per mit the enemy m ad i ana) bis lett lng scroiiMiat ruiiinud m d thu w.igon road lying we tol it; l oihii g coiiiil huve suited us iiettor than to knp bim for ail ibe rt main ler of inia su umor sue icru g In tlie uiiwuoii'soiue ruMiou wiijiu he nn-. Yet it is not very pi ou Hi tha Im posing movement upon the rutins I S-n:Il'j li.tti, or hurts us, to any preat extent. lie li. Miopia tlm hue of road, both tua r ul and wat uu mails; but this I- no", lies! glug or lil irstinK IVteisbtirg, The enemy h to now a li in h It nger line io dcluud, aud in ordor to o eiiy the rmi road in 10.01 uo uis lial iiaitu floii ait serious enterprises mi the nirt'ihink of tbe James. Ho will probtblv trouole us no moru in tbo direction of Docp Ujiuiiu and Cbult'.n'a (aim ; and our forcAis can of c larso na apatcd In ibe g. eater numheitns to w oca u I eaa trout him iu bia sre-eni uosiiloa. li m iy oo aap poaed that his advauco to the westward givotl tilui gre .i r laeilities to send out raiding parties to the S. ui aside aud D uville railroads. Hat if be ran turn his aiuionou more coseif iaih.t direction, so can we. I a short, this la a couriun a Ion of Oiant'a ineviui'ile re vo lot I u aroaii'l KieLmot il, under thu influence of his eoo'ripoial and centriiugal for.ta; and in iy end lu oruiglng bim routal to the Itapidaj again, always liy tbo left flank." xhmkl aot ucks or ai rri.T. Bpeakiug of L'uiou railroad raid, tbo Si-Htim-I says: In the raid of May, twenty-three b-ldgos among tbiiu that ovor New river, eigh.eeona dreo let t long, aud sixty feel UigU tlard-d. Although the timber with whicu tills nrldgo wd re pa bed was, at tho time of ita duauuiiuoa, growirg in Ibe woods, tbu matarlals ward pra vuled nnd the work executed in iiiuaieeu dva. When, in the uiiddieof June. Hunfr made bia raid, bo Hitured bituiwll tua Uo bad duus) too woik ou tbia road tlloctunly. Tua work of di'siructiou,' sum tho liittarer, 'whs thoroughly orgiiniiied. llrigadea tore up the track, me chanics, (letsUiud aud provided w.io toil for tbe put pose, piled, bum', and destr iyej Ibe cross-t.es and rai:Aitb as tuoca ayate n na had beou iroploycd m Hi e lustraotion of the load. I'hty du-UJu d every li Igu fro u Lyuchhiirg to Seleui, a distanop of sf .ty niioa, at d rendered it neeesaarv Ui rvpli'H fmo htn-ea thousand to twenty thonsund cro a-tioa. Thi) rails had lain he., led. b ut, uud t.vistod, and were atrniphlened aud replied. The tua mr for these bi ulcus nnd crosk-tios. an well a for wol ahtdi, uud water tanks, un I ottmr neooasary atruitun a, wus giowing iu the woods when tbo rind occurred The cueiny had destr ye l four thousand liutal feet of biiduiug. O i of I'leso bridges whs mui'lv eight buudied feet 1 .i.j a id alsiy feet hi,'h. The whole of tbcs.t repura, ex cept the ptiticipil budge, was liuuibvd in ainuu) a ouya, sua ti.e roua was in runmag orue-r iro n I yiiclii'tiig to Urisiol within less t'lan aix y daya trom the day ol ita dcatni 'tlm " "We make tliLs quotation, ut only to aho what energy aud ciitvip, i-i em do, but to prove thut ourcoiniuiiiiie ition with th South, by mo aua of the Danville ruilroad, cannot bo destroyed a long us raiding pai-tioa aro thu ouly dooouJcnua) for destioyiug it. Ferniaucnt occupation la ibe ouly thing that can ettect It, and we hardly think that possible just at this time. Even sbould tho High bridge ou the Southside railroad be de stroyed, a temporary road could be made around tbe tinck, or the Danville railroad could be reached fiom the Southside by a road from Farin villeto Keyaville. Much anxiety has been felt with regard to tbe exl-teuee of railroad Iron in bullicient quantltiei to repair these roads a they me brokeu tip ; but it need no longer be telt. Steps have already been taken at Lynchburg for rr-rolling old railroad iron, and no doubt similar arr.ingomtut will be made here and elsewhere. In abort time, railroad iron may be ruadu abundant, at leuat for all the purpose of war. "For uioat of the facts here stated we sa- in debted to the article in tbe Hnquirer, supposed to) bavc been written hv an eminent citizen of Vlr- f;mla, long distinguished by bit thorough know, edgo of Iho resources of the Slate and his teal ia the cause of internal Improvement. We bail tho opinion that our railroad caunot bo long kept out of use by meant of raids, as tlie more im portaut, because we believe it Is tap ported, If lt was not originally inspired, by men of tlie largest experience aud the bigbeut practical ability. That Is the only element in the question of (J rant's present position which Bead ive ut the slightest uneasiness. If he canaua) liable the Danville railroad ao as effectually to cut Uk oil from the South if be cannot cut ut of torn the South even by disabling th Danville railroad effectually and if he cannot starve out Our army, even though be thouidcutotfoojeout," tuuuication with the South. then we Mvdj nothing tcrlout to apprehend from Ida late move. tviMl. ItUket hiii out of the low MW"J turAppomatuK,ftnd placet tha l it j'We' po.it.'. That it ""ii'iohadi !, t! . e : E ti v