The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 29, 1864, SIXTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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J0TTIS33 TBOM "fuson."
Mi'fioH.-Living Tor omctlmnpon "(lwr"
. DMT tn the definition of "dwelling on a note."
froT. Nlr Dinner for 8porflag Men
fit ail and (.tip.
MM sulci Flaml Moral IHwlri'
( HVunfrow ur tW
t TV. B.nlt at 8, tho 01.KI 't f,
V .Vara, .Sura. I'm a Turk:,
Drh weeds ami too, my
1 11 puy bo bill, and lo UJ w"'ki
JrWlrn W tonUn p."
1 M,-rirVUl made (h ftmnilapnllealma
. wkieh le r.i!.nnrr i r !" " ,"v'-"ii:""! u"
' ,) jtu..iie botly. "One .imrnv..
This nafty b trot, In pite ol' its nnpc iring In
Its Ceurt Journal, Hot If ft", tho rrlticu bat
- akown that b ll (1'inllUi-d to Ixi lriit.:il with llie
(Mni, ir b bM not meiiiinnei hit inuintiniH to
,. rikr Tunta. Wo (ball bo tT.'sotit At hi
" matin?, "and nava nodoatit that aa will dutpUy
tVt proverbial conriigu of his family. bo uoie
Lather unit uinkr,
W r!;vl la th Veltfinr JnrnM iliat ii barter
' mimic J Alit-n, ehorJ Uiluro tne M ut, of
Ikt bftJiooD-(lc rvylns tKirmigti w.ij, f.uiariy
. hauling, luied :
Tfc.1 the paron. who ! an the'iLlf.i" wr aetn-
aTty e 'rrrlnjr mi r.ulnt, ol' a mm-1! re.-ri. aim t) nut n id
imh I, rwf enara 't-r, IrtlU ol lo!t'ni.t t A:nl i if t df.ll
' r. and t-r leach'!.- bir soiil. i
- ...ttfrv .mi the flitri'V-'v, to tflo ani, n' aj re iftclliM
Woll SAl-l, Allen th! shaver. Tor boy and
' ytratbt to smoke at all is bail, tor tbcm to smoke
n Sunday in worm, hut lor tlinni to stnoko bid
i rj on 'Sunday to tliannaoyanrc of ntieft.itjle
1 v1b is worst. Yon arc a lo-l nun, nnd we
aare ray an easy ihiver, and w: ivrroo kMi thj
untr,Ki' tunt hcro x ry iircit fort' in
. wtiat too kald. Wo wuh tlicy b id no; (mod you.
. W approve your protcut against ttin airkeninff
night of br:t Mickini; tohaovo. It is a pity tliat
the police ore not emwurd to uilie a v.ij pipes
. and c'jt.irs from tbo littlo,aii.l los ineir
awinlue ears. HoweTer, we mutt n t s.iy wtU
if. Punch makes the flno up t you by this pic 10
f fan, woll uewsrved by jvur rotuouiMiio.
' The F.mpcror of the French ia at Vichy, and
takts a Hath. The Ritrr of the IVoiiaim is
. icportwl to have calltid this "a very V li liy-vushy
tort of proi''
KTeryihiiig is peaceful In Kahylia, In ootis)
, qoenoe of the trltcs haviut; exuTininntcd one
auoiher. ThuFiunch liavo, iherubrc, vory littlo
tronble Kith the native now.
The other day the Kmpcror, dresHO'l as Blon
. 0:, took a walk on a rope stretolicil a oft more
tbam a hundred foot aiiove tfrounil. Anytliina to
heighten his popularity; though bis Imperial
, Majesty, In a letter to a prlvnto in tho Fool Cha-i-
, teurs, waom do nos kiu uy otten in"'niciin in
4rill exirciiort, merely alla.lo to the mrt'ormunce
m amctnoa lor eieva:iiia too peoma i t n;c.
Tbo oiOHt curious point hi the "N ipoloon
Correpoudenre" In, conMdurintf tho diit mi e of
liBieberwren tho two. the mtrKcd correspond
'. . tneo letw(.on Napoleon the First and .N.ipo-Icou
. the lilrj.
The French troops nro le ivin 're ioo ; hut as
they have not ilia. har,;c the bill for their lo li
'La(is,and have leit mnall aceonnts s'.iii
' Bavettled, It is ex;wctd that tbey Iniond to pay
n- The Three per Conts. clonod at Clf. '), iiul u
..New Line ol lUilay op-nsd at O ) J. M. on
, . sAiae oay.
N Railway NlMrnnlN.
, "Cnjmo, now," said the learned -Tudao U Kir,
don, the Tra'Hc Manager of tbo S ju1 ri Wont-
' .v era Railroad Company, who was giving ttucli
ncld eviursee in the m uter or trio uui ucci p-nt
' at Euham Hiaiton, "ie that a noa uaawor " It
wallr mirbt be put Into 1'wu.h.
Wbereopoti Mr. Jnslica i'unoh, rcspoc'Inf.' the
plaion tbos expressed, and Inline porl'ectly
greeanie to sunaiit to on wines, mimeuutulv
omnanlciitri with the 8. V.,Tiailic M utor,
, etlrritig to ttuml us Godiathor to any ekivur con
ttihutiuD from tiodeon.
Mr. JaHtiee l'un. h has now mn h pleasure In
, , sabuiifcinttt.) the public a cut of entirely Now
KaMtand Kegula'iois which nro drawn up for
the fntare gnidaaee of tbootuclilscoanocted with
Uhs Mew Kallnay Line, whl h, when opeuad, will
keea.i.led, The N. . K. W. Ciwah it
1. GENERAL S'liV.US. '
htimlnii a Wblitls.
liii No .
rivluf Iks irmbon.
z , Wsvljii jor ilunrl
Wnikx ftn o ijf.tti.n pom,:?.
0'imiiff ih Firt vtiiu Ui ri'r.jna.
iriuiiuu ilwT Van J'xOon a tvikuw --l"
Wia4iji np a Watch (uutUmI;',) uia eK'tiit
ft tIA pvvtr to mid lt ilutr itui'tlar. )
, As these general signals have no arbitrary n,tf
JaratioB, tbey may mean aoy'.liini?, everytLin.-,
aoibing, or tomotbini, whl?h It will be the J uy
of the r, tbe tngino-arivcr, the sln.Um iu,
the batcher, tho buker, and the c.iudi.s'Jck-
aiakrr, sitting in committee on the top of u f.i-t-alaas
eviopartmenr, in an expruus tr.i:n, t ilocide
apon, and t. carried oat, evua if accunpinwd
with jenonnl vio'ence.
2. The persons employed on tbe line shall be a
. Milker, tai.or, soldier, sailor, plough!oy, upoilie
sary, thief. This will inwure due uttentioti tvuug
fttM to all elanse-. of Her M : jc8ty "s buIj jU. K:h
ae of these shall bo empowered to (Jive signal i
to any one el-e.
3. Waving a black fl ig on a bliv k dark uit'ht
Iki away from auy light, mouiia danger.
4. btanding ou a Lino on whi-h the exprosi
' train l just coming, means dangtr to one er
' son. Two in the same position, means danger to
v .abort, and to on.
.1. Tho Trains on the New line thall ran every
rrn minutei, and in order to pier, nt c ur.; i in,
fifitrn nunutf at k-axt shall ho alloweJ betwoca
toe startlni; and departure of each Tram.
s . F.rery ten ml lute, a pl.iie-uycr tha i i rost
the line as a tigual to the lirvmoA thut bis d.uutr
ia ready.
3. Tlnre shiill tre five rolnntei dlfioren '0 ')
'twcea alt the clocks a: tbe several l atio'is on ihe
Lia.', so uh to mure tbe imirki-t lr..iu r.-arhin
Ma 0minaiton m n utn, ana to tin it the r.;uirt)
Blent ol hraclchaw's liuU:rtiu inndc.
4. The Coinpai.y intend to ran Tra.ns Mist
..ttbonrvcr th liku, tvit'iout re!crn o to any
tta'.ed times, whivli are only a source of na im,
and nnnecs-iry k.eitviudiit to tlic trvell,n
The Red Flap. Tho Sig ialm in m iv ihj
Jled Flag, whonever he tuvls i luted or e-iu::ud,a
A sicn oi his j iiiity una Dui.oincds.
v, Ked aaJ liiuo Fluh. in i w.ivci i'.s & su
uut u is a vitkcor mruij;iy.
Wavinir a W o.te 1 nia Violcnt'.T.
"Hooray !" "Thr. e chieri," Ac, or anythl-ig vt
that tort.
The ReJ Light shall moan '"Vn " ct'e(-t
4TJW9 St UieiUIS "UQ UU :
The Ulue, vice tiri.i.
The r e:i shall mean wA'.:in,r.
The Yell iw acyib nr.
atnerul Unlet. Bine on yv'lor. , kej'ii your
sslnyer In hand. As at roo sj here, tlio aon ol
ik Conip.ny is to t il till i'.Jvc';, nai"li.i"
are tost at uiu ;aoie.
Every Oiinrd shall rarry a Tied lur'i'. n Uiue
light, a Hrngal lifht, aud a b it of C hild i Wl.t
UxUU. zteshull nioo na liht-hca.Jel. li jwi l
also be nrovided with at manr tlnirt as M. lcoMn
used to produce out of an ordinary hat ; beridvt
tbe 8tiuidordt of all Nations, ile thall also carry
All the Actt of I'ttrliament arlectiug Uuilways,
and a hook oontainuig Lines irom uiitore at t'oets,
and short history of the ".Seven 8ioeiors." Ho
must know tbe current number of braiUiwo by
The Company will hold themselves rcspomihlo
for nothing.
SiKOi LAB 'N'n.L. There LUcly died In liuonos
Ay ret an old mau of teveuty-eight years, whose
trill contained a clause leaving ten thousand
cigars for those who miht atteud his funeral.
This eccentric testator alko expressed bis desire
that his friends should not leuve Ihe house of
mourning without drinking to hit memory all tho
. wine left in his cellar. It Is said that (he wish of
the deceased was iri'ectly fulfilled.
Most Blanc The ascent of Mont Bliinc, tays
Cialttnani, have this vear increasod in tin extiu
ordinary manner. There were not k't than oight
la one week. The accensionistt weiv Mr. Jidwurd
liiore, Mr. Frederu k L'huutbors FUton, Messrs.
Joseph aud Ernext Hock, Mr. A. Macomb C'hanc.',
Air. Vii'kheuk, Mr. Ueiliy, and Messrs. M. & 1.
iVotuian France, ull Kuglish. 1 lie last four are
members Of tbe Alpine Club. The others were
Mr. Fraoer, alStcti bniioi ; M. Munuel d'luarcttu,
bpuniard, and M. (iuhilel de Uumlue, of Lau
srune. The ascent to the Grundt alulew has
alMi been i'foniied by three younu Uuliet, Uikmis
Joaephina, lilamho, and Grace l'erkius, belou;;.
lux to the lamlly of the London brewer. Tbo
number of tourift- who hud arrive J at Cuaruou
Uix, nj) to the I'lb, was ol-ij.
Ukst from Mobile.
The Garrison, with Gen. Page,
all tho Guns nnd Munitions
in our Possession.
YYamiivoton, A iiiturt '!). Di'i-pntntw re
ceived 111 thin city from iMifure Atlanta, stale
that tho Atlanta papers of tha H7;h announce.
that Fort Morgan hml aurrendoreil to our
forces wlall IN grtrrlson, (tiiehiilln .orn;rnl
Vug:) gfcSJ'i&iiiiltUin of war, A c.
nv mi: A--eH;iTv n rurm.
rii'o.t'io, Auguit The New York d le-a-
tion held ft final meeting at tin Fliormau Home
tiiin niorulntf, and altera brier eousultatlon, a
vote wai t:ilion as to who sliuuld ! o the ch lce of
the delegation for tho I're-Menci ,wi.h the follow.
Ir.g tesult : For Met'lellan, ; Srattcrlnp, Ll.
The voUi of tho Ohio deV.-.-liin ymierd.iy
stood ; For MuClcll in, lt ; :M?iint Mel'lelLui,
'1 i vote of tlie slirsoiiri tieiegn'ion wm as
follows: For Mrt'li Man, 11; stvifcrimr, '.
.Ne tlior Dhio nor mi-soum ole as a unit.
Indiana is IS for AM'.ellan, and oca tut him.
Ildbois is 22 for .M. ('lc:llaii,:inJ lO.iiciinsi linn,
llrtit of lour dollars to ono aro "ilciu l this
ifcomlng tliat MeCIri n wi.l receive the nomi-
litt'iou on the lirsi ballot.
It if out e.xneeted that uiiro thun t'innorary
orunniMttjn and Ifie uiMKiiiitmciit of the uniml
runimlttees will be eleciod to-dnv.
A uit-Hiritv of tjih the ilclcc iti mn from Ken
tucky are said to be for MeCudhiu.
As yet little or no ihttVixiRVot o.inion is niaiil
fmted as to the character of the platform; nn
urruiftice, a conveniioti of the S;aics, nnd the
adoption ol every means conti-tent with i uns-
tian.ty una civiiiution, lo i)rni0' unoui a periua
iici.t and honorable iOa.'c, fem to be the points
g nerally nerced upon by all the ut icjt ilious.
Vallunaifham is unuerstood to have piCil'd
himsclt to the candidate of the Cunveinion, w ho
ever he uiny lie, aud that Is reiotted to lie the
poMtion oi l ernanuo wixki. ,tr. wooa is saia
to hold the position luut be will support the nomi
nee of tbe Convention, unless another Conven
tion Is called, and a Trace Democrat noininmcd.
Lhicaqo, Angust 29, 11 A. M. Ihe Wigwam
Is densely crowdul, although the Coiivontiou will
not be called to order for an hour yet.
1 be section ot tho ainptuuicutie sot apart lor
ludii s ond gentlemen, Is hi ltd to overflowing.
An immense throng of people not favored with
ticketf, are gathered on the outsido of the i
tram, on the shore of the hkc, Ii.tenin to the
luiu-ic of Uilmioie's splendid brass baud from
A portion of the auditorium, without seat',
where the people were lcncly packed, h".iuMt
given way, and a nnmber wiro precipitated to
the ground, a distance of ten or twelve feet, but
nobody was seriously in.juicd. Good humor
prevailed over tho acadenu
Governor Seymour, V nllitndi ;hn. . nichar.l
snn, aud other pruinincn'. men wero rocoived itii.Ii
inunc and clieers,.is they entered the building.
Avoust 29. Tho receipt? of Beef Cattle a, tho
Aveuuo lirovo Yard coutinue largo, and prices
of good and extra cattle have advanced. First
quality Pennsylvania and Western steers nre
selling at from lotVWc.; fair to good at U4('j.'
lfic. ; aud common ut from 10(.rl3c ('' lb., accord
Ing to quality.
The following arc the particulars of the Bale" :
30 A. Kennedy, Chester county, 15.
I'M Guot. Miumnerg, Wi;s'ern, H)('l l.
0 Martin Fuller Co.. IVestera. l.i.Wir.
101 M. liimnn & Co., Chester county', l i.T. H.A
KM) r, Jlaihawny, Chester co.and (Jhi i. I KwI' J
Mfi Joseph XIcFillen, Western, U(ji'ltji.
H8 Owen fcmith, Illinois, L'ri 154.
40 ii. C. Ualdwin, Chester county, 1o(m''-1-
4.'i 1). binuson, Chesier county, 12(,ulo.
3 J. to. Kirk, Chester county, lAfafli'.'
35 . F. 8culu, Chester county, loi'lt;.
."ki Joseph Cochran, Cnester e.)nnty,'l ICm li-L
J.'l ;. Hope, Chester county, IHtnUS.
k& I) Hood, Chester county, r-(i lb.
.'ill J. Miller, Chest' r county, .t(u i J.
llii Frank t Co, West- rn, I1VM0T
211 K. Cioud, WetiWrn, t'ellf.
43 Williuiii MeCuJI, Cheirer coun y, I'(ii IG.
4 R. Dur ington, Chest. r cojn'y, l ii n;.
;8 Chandler 4 Co., ChesWr county, 10(r 17.
4 6 L. Frank Jfc Co., Western, 12. ij.
(3HKKJ-. I he receipts have lal.'en otl jthoraitrkct
In 0 nseqi'eneo Is firmer, and nrlces h'lvs ail
Vaneed. About WOO he id amveil, an 1 sold this
wirk lit from 3 7c. for common; and 7i-'7 i
IJ-' lb. gross, for good to extra iiimlity.
Cows remain about the sumo as lasr quoted ;
ul out 120 head arrived and sold at from iSi.'vt)
10 lor Upringers, and k)3fl np to ijiiio f' head for
Cow ana Calf, us to quality.
Hips. The arrivals and soles at tho different
ya.ds reach uhout 2100 heud this week. The
market is firm, and pri s have advunced ; selling
at from tfl'i, np to 11 7 toe lOOibs nett., as to
Be on tbe Lookont for the Two Burj it iocs
Wlia any bo twi on ch..nut , trout eiery -l.v, betnonu
tie1 l.eur. ..I IV A. M. ilt.d 4 I. XI f, '!; Very .uspn ,yii .
;,itilies -itu the rAslIT rcesiuej by ,n.r n vie el
tlr:s; em .ri rvtl K.oter ui., K".''il v-hc: .lr'si,
(jriit ,Uk b iiKt, a.l lljin Uiv v.-il: U10 of i-t-r w eii-e .
n.'-kt-y h.t. with very ,ure rooster - lOilin-rs, wnue .,t"l
111 l" s. re ve'Ncl ar us. a:i,l no ll. It i. a.rili tly
Mii.fl, by til to.l Titl--nd, the. .a .iiciO'. .a 1 .lai.-
"His yuliK 'liilii.el. I." lliilu. 'l m.-ly .tp j tSeau.-J ..i
I. rtei ;ht beti.'. sum. ulShtMrat'.l. t ' -h iw l, Ie u'l V .lu-y
i r.ltt ill lolowir iver itic . in rn !ia'.lt ill t , l.n
.),!, 1.0 una onr eilhisil AllN.luk,i.i im s 11
a.4. .'.tust ai J1A1 1.,
Ou KCHDAY EVES IN a. Auibt 20,
Tor -i-Hf wtf k ni,.-.
1 lie .ail imrt)..-, ediriircl fti.i-ii il-. is icr :l
nt et mi- i-ii -s i-..i,e -if , i ., ,,r,,t
r..i'i.i- Ar.uic.eji: jiiuK 1 iikImI'1 j.r, ever
II. Xlll.
'ibis .lunoitu.-ei.ieni eme,v;i,it 11 a.-nl n le, hi.t
It I. is . ike'e.l l: ..n i r-rb ..y hiei . . tiiiet flu
i..ilni:i:iie I HKIs'l V id i. l:-.jl ijrtfi a: (".! . wrf II e.: tbe
'if. fill w k'i Ins f .inio r."ij. uu.l will, Oi.-u i I.,
i.teiiailetl .n mi' o.1;.i. u.'' ee;l.' . I ,rn. I'ii re win ou nu
lUOii'-ll-eiu-ri t" Mu ll:e.r v.ineU ana tl.'ivUi rut t'erli.mi
n i . Heo ;.U'. .rti-ern ;n v.n il;e l.oiei ,:' .:.'. sr
"i.:. aui'-i.t
. i,r. .iii...l rri.ui .1-i.r.o.nsil .i, oimaius loi.n-i 11
t'tiu- tt.iee pbe?,i h:i fc fmn i i i mni q, im eieiai v i-'sl.l
et .1,1. A ur l:i.l lie'ie.'t- li i:t.l t . n, .1. ...l.jt'ie r leuir.i v.
t ir' 'lrui.'l;l-M u ;.".s . .s.
M.i.-iiitj -lerj , S . ll 'l. Il.'b. 1 IV., ui. 1 H l VI VI"
Sir. c:. M.t J.:m:.ii,. 0:.l-rs Iv 1....I r.nn-i .1. liv -iol.
J ."-:i" -l ol.s l.. M .l., ,r.
MIIXLJ! 10, Pmpr , r I nil l.everiilu.lit
I'KKI'MlII. JA A I Hi 1 Mr",
Iit'.e .leevcJ u,.lr ji iu-e el t.nlnees fmiu No I'M K,
r-w. ml tr..t la .. VI ; akui Miris't, wi.ero ib.-y rj
bli'liuied to 1 ii .11 urdws Mt U.e "lu.rl'.'.t liulli-u will. a U.
wiMU' miy favor tiiem Willi. Thilr l'.rlM' U"ual,tU
oi'.t lu ibe aiarki'l, Tin y ulo Lav, tbe be.t
tliat it ranna'aeiareii lu tin- cl'j.l.vil at lowoit prices, cou-
aiderlllfl tbu hUe l1eeh lit mnt.rlaj.
I'ltase iiit ilicin a call ..-lure urvtia.inj .Uewliero.
Ihi nul lory.l Ut. kvuiuber,
aals lui Ko.J AIM'H Btrmt.
klialiMl la 18UD, Importer and liMlor In
I um Teas, Wuiaa, and Lkjuors,
Cliolto Havana CUruri,
Troaa At Blaekwoll't PlckUs and Saucat
Ergll.b abd Scotck AJ a-1 rwtw,
Oaautsl Moat., Fruits, Soup, as.
Xarj ktesica tut ap vrftk earn,
At Mo. IIS . BrWOVD Berert.
laSS ly Jo.sliU U. OOUS IT.
Ofnosrs sal solitert vlaltlat Uit oity on furloufftu, aattUi
Aiu lirvirts to ma tXTsstiva
oEonox: w. HiMorvH a uuo.
BAItsoM HtrMt, above Slatk,
Had. to ord w at th. thorUst ooUca, whkk for rtchuaat sat
fuairaiaoeaot ebaUaof oompMlUoa, ao atliar houaa la the
twuutry omblulaf tlx ktAKUKACTUlll.Na jaWKLK
WI1U liiU MU.CCAIi swouu majcxji. m
fCoiivt'iitlon 'nll'l (o f!'V
He Makes a Speech Dcnouncinpf
the Administration.
Cntceoo, Aug is' 5.. Tin' Convention wn
railed to order by Mr. Il. linon;, who named .rlr.
Jiglcr as temporary Chairman.
The latter m ule a spee li, do 0 im-lnr: the Ad-tnlnlttrt'-ioii
as in. ip i'do of eilhor making war
or peace.
Its Capture Fully Confirmed.
Vaphinotow, August 2", 1 I M. Mojor-f -eno-
rnl Dlx. Tho Capture of Fort Morgan is fully
confirmed by depa'clics from Generals Grant on l
fdnrroan, who derive their information from
Itichn ond and Mobile papers.
It appears from General (.rant's dr.pnlch to
the President, just received, that For: M rga
os surrendered.
Citv Poikt, August A. IJucolo, Fresi-
dent of the Vnlted .States : Since my despatetiof
this rooritiiig I huve rxeived ilie Uicliinond .V.i-
linrl of the 27th.
It conWus the following dspttoh fnm
Mobile :
" The report of the surrender of Fnrt Morgtn
was most unexpected, and we await an explana
tion of s0 unfortunate. .111 occurrence. The prcsi
of Mobile Is hoie!'ul and confident of their
ability to hold the city.
g (Signed) V. S. Grajt, Li.;ntenant-Gcneral.
Tho latest intelligence from the Slionan loih
vallty rejirescnts that a large part of the Rebel
force there has been withdrawn towards Rich
The latest reports from Gen. Sherman represent
that thns fnr his recent movemonu to occupy tho
Rebel lines 01' supply have been successful.
(Signed) F.. M. Rtanmv, Se -rut iry of W ar.
i he imii .r 1: iHii.n rnieu.
Fastov. August 2,(. fho bornm'a of I'a'toi
has tilled Its quota and hit a surpiutuf ricl4ii
niou over.
1 j
There nre five vessels of war i 1 course of con
struction at tho Ilrwiklyn Navy Yard.
The eamri meetings hive b2n uuusualiy
profpeti ns this year.
Tfowt .""t-ts
Hon. JOHN A MIX, "
T. D. m.'NTlNO, Ksi.,
A. O. iioDFlSH, Lso.., Colo ado.
Ii ".ll-ii 1 1
'J'r. i.e. i ire ri
J;SF.PH I'ltA.VCIrt, Fs.j.
Con nxel
Tbe property oi fills eonipany corni!"ti or TTllt foct oa
ttik "tin uitc II...' "Or.v ry No V. ' "HltnwM." 11 ".n," and tber celehraled d.vel'.p.ii .lolu-btwios' Iitlea
la Iho aonlui: dlilriit ol r. .'outdo.
Al.o, ibe HsnitJrtcu ktl'l.uuw runiJiift, ai.d In eatlial
Capital Stock $1,000:000.
Whole Number Share' 100,000. Par, $10.
A iauic tMrtlnn itf thfl itivl ht a' r ft fitly oen tiK-n fr
ynvuiti Hit i r.'.j"ii. )"nkk itrv now o-n d( Uiu win; or
I'-te co i.puti . at No. fit Mi'iigr h'tmi, Si-)y ir i, wi e a
Niul4-d iii'Utlx r ol ahniotj cmi Lh .ut iriel for a. pr, by
n.'tilMUt tt .v rrs-MKiirt r ' the om.-.uiT l.'tvvvt, ta
).urt m l'i A.M. ami i f. At.
Vijjik pof tl.; ITojPm;Iuii may o itlnt'd At trnoiti-, J
th Cymntiiy. in
J IVN Kt KaM KN;U.NK aM buu.fcK
t-.itltp'f n, MK.tiinii'". Itoli-r inspire, ttidt h-Jiuiuia u4
' ijim1ti, tiawai ut in.ut ,ritri le- n in sit ef'ili.prr
t'H, lMn ex,uimuiy 'Vha d In tnitld.iu ao1 rcpoir-
Inaj Mttrlltf tttll litVfr hl.KHifn. hll) -rilMl isV PrOMJ'i ItuB
t-loitf-m. 't. I Jtaftk4. I'r.iijrv, It', .-., ft t' ; fu .1 J
ttltT ill fli M,tt t h in rh piibli; tn tt- it fui'v pr 'Pircil U
c.iiitract irr t MKifi'tjitaiJ .Vanii-, U'vr. :,J ht
itiar ; ti'viitf nt u ol p4it nu or trvrnf tir.ii. r nrv
jtmifil lo v( uu- oiCt-Tii Willi ijiiit I di-iutcli. ICvry Jo
i.nputpi oi pum-rii-iii.kiUki miiett tFu- nii.n. o tie.
Uikh himI Htm pn-'-mn tt 'Pii.'.TiituM i , nnd ' .MinOu iVniVy-),
ti Uirt bflAt t,nvl lan t fJ'A'f-iil r i, K'yiin'i.
la-c. und s Uitln . Inn. an Lrtmi 'ttdnn1 of Alt -t "-scrip
aons; Hr-ii lumiit., H. r'w cutin ar, n,o avhotlirr wurt cn
Ijt ru.d llh MtP iU(iv. hBU.-'fsf.
J'rawiiikit nd Mjt iticitloim for ..1) To. h 'aOii at thU
club IhIt.ichi fi-v hiVkff, And wtirK jnr ,ntr 1.
'I h tt.tvcrll.i ri have Aiii'li' m i t )w;k .isuu fr -pMr
oi b.-irt. whtirt tli.-Tiui, Ho in p. rfji -if. and sr
nrufldi'd -niih iliarB, U.vtxj. fill, tc, rfj., for rnlu
hvy hu-J llbt WtilsfilU.
JOHN c. lkvy.
tn'J H UK At '11 tiii I' A I.UKH Htrtroti
rVr. 1 17 IN. FHOMT MTltiaiilT,
e ore rtpnreo to til or lui uam m:. '.it t,r tu weOV
Wnou a
UAfJlUNnill iOll ojtto avo wivlkji millh.
mciceti c fill rccem linpruveuicuu la e'jidicj. Hbitnlut.
i 1 V . living
v t ae Uia attt tulon ol manuTa4::u,-6r. to o'r exta
lb e vt trka.
Ml-if Ar.Fl l .f I'NKS at Nl N.
JJ K IN H V H 1 it O N M,
OOlon, No. 51 NEW MARICKT Html,
And Factory, corner of
All and (very kirn! of
and TIMllKat W'HMXH, adaptts t.i Anuy.Koad, rjuun,
or Piantallua purpo.e. AU wora M'ariaoioa.
tfOrdsr. proiupujr altaud.d to. lat-tf
n, I .'l-,,
anucsD Ai soTna
ant iimialo h in r.
s i i.i in n r. soii'aKi'
TfiKnTPPiVTiiv! Axrnriwvivna
ffiM w i.'iiiit w An a a.kiiiu laAi 4-f u II ij ltkj
-Thf undt-rhirnisl hrtvtmf Iftf-tjJ the KKNrilUii-
l.N a'KKW ItiM K.bftrtlo lulurm till frtendi an.l the
ptUMMJ M Ui DiM-k, that he U prepared with lionwiod
rcliitA44 to ai;cunnaolua tltoae liavmy Vfiel lo h rtifd
or rt pairetl. and bthnx a prattrual Idp-carpantur aa4
laulkir, will ryiv ptmouai aiiaulkQ tu all wia au
triiMrd ta him lur rf ptvlft.
l'pialnt or Ajpnu. Dhlp-fkrptmtAn, and MaWbiiiliU
aavtnii vaiMtla to rapnir, ai .uUUL4t to cjOI.
Httvlnv th axtruuy ttir Ut taWof " Waiiarttadta' Patent
ltlt-iatUi: t'uUiputiiiMti," or .Aippr I'alnt, (ur Uiu praierva
oon ol vaij' bottom, lor thu ouy, aia pruyavrati to
firuiili Ui iuu ou iavocabi tenm,
JOUtf H. nMMlTT,
aiOtil(iyVIl HA'rvw Iork,
mlll-H DekwS4it,iaaLwa.iUw4.
Tl llIC'i! H I'B.U'ARltD TJIO
C'(,nf,jpik)oiiredlj Ir. VIHIIMU 0
B ontktli ccr-sl Vj r. Ts'lDlIAilT 8
Tll! THIik; TAB COHBIih.
Wtak Lnsct mad" cmiie 17 tlm Dr
Wllil-'AiiT U w TUKE TAR COU1.IAL.
tt'BUIIL la I'ltb'.'nt jfBittly for til Throat and L'inir
Ecn't Ewl to lead xt Neit OcJitnin.
1 INK TI115K
18 Til Bt T Rl.MLDV KOB lUhOAT ANO lJSt.
It i tb Ht n Ue pi; ut tho p'n trftj bu ifJ y
; MatUr prcf. ,, ki t e dl'-ii a' o i m" t.' tmt, :h
I Itliffit a tA.ri pr"iieriWn ar rit if 1.
It If) tUK tn M'l AnJ r ltlm rt-ui ( w) ; t.ts ?v. r
'n af i fr m iNo ?u 0 nf the fiut1 1-'1
It iiiTiK.iTa" .f il u - or Mac aal rr up
ll ni'.'i gtiO-' thv 0 l''.iiv.'f A 1 3 ri. 11.
Ilir rri and 0 irl:v.i - II' r fl, nwl t t'V. fr m U-
j"tm thf c irrnti ;ii 'r'.i.M hvrrf hit f r, l.
It il ovj iVn:-y r Wgui vtwi, ft ;V .-'r
Un V.i;nt; ;Tit'ri,t aM u Irrlt-L'-d . rfr- ot
ta 'onfi n1 tf.ifAt, patr..Jtif W tnt dJl r
r i"Tttn p.iin n I :.14trtx 'JM' in.m .t -.n.
It .) ll prwo't cart 1 tHidj t'lil ip rlriKt.and
tocrTtrt-l to thr r'i-' I wur. th w-.Mva Mnri-. oof.t?
a-iW'-r W c ira ih oil w rv .L . Lf j.t',' itM
Bft Mo l-rj( ,le djftl a r' t to t.-1 m nt' ar1:- (- m-fu.rt1-!!!
f th J. .mvs Cc-:', "f.r- 'I an 1 Itra-1,
nf'.nf '.illi, A;lrnj, Whtjopir Cvii,--, Dij Iv '.eria, anl .1
No iD n'-IKni Ht'O I;- T llu'Hrf t'.tj HU yr d
atviiialf '4mviS.r.
I'1 30.1 a cj-K'.r fi-t y .u a tr v.' . lit c y-.i
an of :ti ifin mlt-.-ry ft' fjvtotiir tf.l m t f.i'..l dr -
i"ir.ti'Vi n - T v,),o i0' 'd iu. :i d l tho
jiupttu. 1 rfr J.j :''t Heti -1" t- n un: 1 .'- 1 1 iir-.
roBj M fa-1. pfi.vnt, mot a tlii) ny r, a.-iw. uc
4 ir'V.ik n- r and iValUynf JkiMtnl,! h iwc- to
tit p-ratt? t N .) cii'-niiri of dea,r."i v..:i :f. .:u::irp
tlaA9 : tr.'. J aiore of .V t, w. m tin any
t tl trr J..t ,, adJ iho tnt ' - V iii t r n.". j jras. , ,vt)
u t p iirt'1 of a arc. or muk Ij Ui-.t h. hi 1. a) iti Imi,
l-tf'T m .! tna uudr-M j . nr- iti !.'; utf'.u at
i.u li-ipre I It i i.? v ji t, u-.j m
pow.r:il tcciKy . tM r.i- Tr' I ir ! hca, :
Inn,'; lbr iijri-, tfi? mvo p c )mti,in). d ih 1c d l,r
W tu r, win Ii :r many cm Ii.ud n -ti t ii t ; tn: h,w to
4--i1nc the I'l-'uK-aJ 1T n-cttira 1 1 nt to I a' t'iC iwiifi Lai
v bem I u.; Mr-rj until i: dl9 :.v..'rc l by Dr. U. t.
C. W-hart, .f PhilnJ.-'i-'' irvitt Ww ar;
I Ititj Tro CorJi:. It tinov rr . mm -n I lar 1 p.'ci-il. d ;
la the n-lf o oi a torye cn-Vrof u: intiU.jrci.t '
ah I nbW piij sT lana.
Thin '"ordlal. h. n taaiv. M-it.1 Dr. .0. j - I . ( ti- ta
Fill, Is tu ..'ir'.il..'ng ur tjt lj p ...
iniM) DOI.L.inS
Wall lw puiI to any inyii tkIiq w'A pr . 1; :M- or a.j
o tro tftVA it s vyif? M f'y ii. h Jnr:, : pl.i. m- ,
j)t. a,Pa., ui v .0 any way - 1 t o '. ." Lir.- rity '
by tl.c 1 i (.jfigij.
Dr. W.mi Hiiuar f-.r : I h'. 1 lr t" l.'tln, I'.f . 11:1a a
ttvn j1 lb; I un.M, itid et);ru)-fi 1 br'ttMa tl.ilr rt
to, ut. 1 1 Ail t'vtt. tre.tcl ty orvtr-l 0: ' ih'i h.ost . 1 -..nont
phi!dnniln PhlU'.'-lyLH wl bouX fi I w.n ira'y
on Hi? vergf of the vrw. Your P fi.lTi1 i: l
wji n C'iDiTiiC' to by & frftud, and a'U-- T'tslny fcur
ltr,e jn.t i;if um-tll lvdt , t am jftt'jr d t i .i irf-.ti
hV . JOHN WaUD, Kejivertf lm
Cr. Kiib and Qrt?,!iut otn't-tj. !'i iUt'cihi.
Ur.Wliluirt, Ivilrthto add my te-tunm to sl.e tni
(Jii)tM f''cilv loibo )ie.,ilnii; pr4)'rilwi jf yot.j Pin
Tit!tj'! jrtor'luL K01 tlf.n y-;r? a fn.ff'.Mr, t-n yoar?
of that tfuiu 1 bavt Plopt only In my ct.ilr, not bv r,blo
to Ii iova fvT fva ol oOtTot atiV n. 1 Kav em, ojed rtevn
of u bi'st pliy iklitti In HtlkiUlplila, wuatl, r -jn ..n"0
in) -ti ir hi . lwafl tahin to 'J o Co'!e, wlioro the
Ftical y, homing 'lone wat tify couW,d::iu?l ray cW-
carc fin .n:rralik ?uo ofAVJiBft at.dChronio Dypsi iaf
InlinU.t Max. "it oi lt.n4 wi re i&rt fna
I'llidl'ig one 3l'yoir l'tn':ir, my win protjf.rt J irom jotif
tor, 1 Nntiif of your (.UtJIi.1. rflrjv?rJr.(.'ly I ;j 'dHinou
b'd'ifn, wi'dfttoiavida ti-iil of your D; -peytia V'AU,
1 felt Hut rny ilisi anu bad wholly given way, and the Ojt
4J.1t. bad HiV U mo new vi;,ur and etrenyth. 1 Dutltni'd to
hrp;0T, ftn'! f'r tVci arl ihr. nnntbi I have bct-nabi
104piiMJj M(1 ae rtt mdly ax 1 cvrr It. I a in now
wcl , M.t. iwci ly-ilvo po.iii W ia ny w. Ihl.
1 urn 'ile t ) ik And pitjvl 13 f,r rr y fnin'l.T. I !nd yiu
ttiia trua and ftiitlift.l ritatemvnt (r tlic btuef.toi t'.tj iuf-f-j.u.
Friend, call and nt-e 100, near Oaf ?rd C:irt '1
I'UstOiU'o.Tw.M.ij.t'a.rd Wfcrd, I'MUliiiti.;.
14AAO 11C1 1 ,:hv s.
Ruiiive, Pa. 1 A; tl IV, Wa,
l'i. tVrti"trt -J4V.r Jir: Ona jtur ago tbo E-au'ctr-t,
rear.Tvoaof thlp DletiM tld no 1 had Contuiii tJ n of t',
1 nuke. and Lbttft I could not b 4-nre J;aad.iua.:n froanaii
nj nip(nma at that tln.e.1 aiyi-lt ?oed thtetot-o
tru. I waa fsif more inn? nne year truubird w,il, a liiult-
iiiK ront't). w'ikIi jrfldii'iVy Krw Lvl ttloJl;ld 11. t
hjv a '' 10 tit of ioJi.!iii)e' Tiih jut pii:lti(s lljd lo
I ut,'- itnaiiutl.'9.
fvTttnt .ll I ff ul 1 iwt "urk at av.y.Mi.i;, and xtus
olikitfid to Isffp my brd moat of tfte t in?. H'l. In th
coudll4B 1 -v-l In at Mr. Ho'Vtlmin a 4aVrt:ttu it rtty.
aLd tit' s. mcTcry 1-rv, I w.s ruoiumcr.d' I to try 11Nb, l RKKTAUCOHDUI.. lie a.iid he ' a 1 ,M
iai deal m( it, and that, aa ll bt.d m .d it uiany oJ.ra,
at tuluvtj 1: rti 1 iuo tH d. I b4usbt aiHttK. and
fWataUeii : J Halllf !t. 1 0 VtTJ ifji Tl .jl-if 1 &a It. At I
wa aftltab' iItv"- lait.andivtlr I Jklnt "f.traltv l-ii
1 ntliti rt"-i.iiid t j-.vNi.ti., fo t -nt I Mrk
avtiy U : n;' br.nlrnv a, t. hi h '.every 1 y wra a an
Inn foundry. When I (yninjfnjfd tt j;ur r:NR
HIKE 7A It 'UHlil AL my wcjght wi tniy one hnd.-tM
andihir y iuo V jui-Ji; a:nce i c ant of It I !-ave vc-:,M
n an a'trae oih bundrod and -lfiy-tiv). 1 mii; be iiud
t .4tve you pittllih thls, ae 1 Nl.t-vc 1 lKiild not tiuve
If in llTiriv it '.b.a time HI t-..l n- t card yur grtM u.t;;
tin!, Jim I w Nil a?l who dt.if r ia r ''i, itn lncfl;.
Vfcy tn.l: yn:r-, artr. u iAM'.I, HAKlO it,
No.sial.lvVl- ttrr, Eva.linK.r.
KKAU TDK l cLt.'WiV- 1 H Ci'iCA.
Dr. V.e'i.rt-J "! - I t ii".tMTe ki iarvmji.,
you tbr ia Httar- t'tn. sttir lNC 1 HLL TAltCC'U'
1)1 A I., uhl iia rtN miw.ud d rT my d-iiiyUer bj Mr.
J. A-11. .11, .J'tb'w jl Tt hai c '! h.r of a cout M'mtTe
than live nmntli's atau lin J lad tNoutftit hut bej-ond
f nre, ami Ii.iU 'Di).l jyJ th la-.j i it dl- .! tiid wiHat.til auj
beiifitt. 1 vlH'.-fi'ull rirumuicii-1 It to tho t-nuiw ..s i
safe mid aure ftnt-dy for thoae elmilarlyiiiliJotod.aJi I
knew of many ot)i r cati, hc-ldce of niy daughter,
that tt bu1 cured of long otttndlng oonvhs.
Yonrri, re poet fully,
JOHN V. PAItKEH, Artiat,
Xo. IM (iniei-ee attect, lJca, N'. V.
:-I liavo uaid Dr. WISH h TlXR
l'lt F.r. TA K CORDIAL in My fumlly, and cordially ret -qui
mend It a a valualdc and anfi' wedluine for Cj4ittt, t ou"L
und to UiOic prcdiiposed lo Conaumption,
Dr. O. At FOSTUt,
Ku. inoc iieieo atteot, Uilca, bi. r.
7Uv above arc a fow ainong the thousand- vlikh UM
gnat reratily batt auvt d from tui uiitluioJy hrave, Wi-have
buniidi of ldttcii irom phi .iciaua uud drnglrtli lit all
parta olthcioiintry(aaykKtlmttteyhavontvorpreichbil
or eold a mvdlclnc which e each miv-ff-al etttM'a.'tta.
Tho-c Utxliodiea aio proi-nred only by the tor,
Dlt. Ii. Q. O. WISUAItT,
VHon; orncu is at
Ko. 10 N. SECOND BTEEET( Philadelphia,
Where he can I e ot neultcd cither peraonally or by letter,
tree of charge. Tliy ar eold by Dm m lit. aid Dexlcri
exijwi rei at wlioieaak by ull 5ew tji and rUdttdc)
pbiA Wbole-aJt Driif.iit.
A, tA
No. MO Market HtTft.
MTvrr.F.H noxr aud iiwoki) Tiu;rr.
e. w. WHiwt. r. ii. sinnvia.
DIltJOOlBTS, r II V S I C I A N 9,
liy.VF.tAt, STOnKKF.BI'yHa,
ran tn-l at fur eatabliatmisut a ni 11 aa'ortmnt rtf Imtnrt'd
and Iom.tlr; I'nir, l'orn ar 1'v. rit Atwil-in 1'ainia,
0al Ull, Window olaia, 'ro.crlrllo.) Vial., Ao., at a. low
yrleM ai gennln. ffr.t-ola.. socM. ran bo aoi.
For OiriAvtlim.ra.ln hiil vaiitlt, an J r f tk rt tia Irj.
t'ortitneal, ll.nfial Imllfjro, M!., lot Ah, Cil!u,
BVida A.h, A Ittta. W' of Vitriol, in, ri)owra,R.'itrot
ut lfwood, Ac, ton DYKHS oe, .n nay on h.ind. at
lcrv.t rKt ean pries.
pt hc ftrit'Kfl for r.wri.y rsR,
Orciind t xpiesiy foro'ir .ales, and to ilch wo liilot'i.
attrntKm of Umim In want ,'fi''A aril. Iv..
AJ.O, J.U1',0, lit.UiCH, JI0.1l.MIU, tt:., of ttir I
Tii..;i.v. !
Orders liy mall. r rhy Btjt, will ai'.tt vltn prompt at-
trnuon, ot .irtal iuotatloniUl t. nrnlb .1 wlmn re- j
wlwiU'.alf Urns "Varr:nia,
ja31 1 So. Ill MAKKLr lrl, aiwc Front
THUi8Kh. 11 RAO KM Xo.,
i.l.Ai Ij a.l'U'U'l I.T': It KKf.ULll.onr.
tn t v. ,,,,r i ,i anu n iiriKtii.
l.litni,nt furan 'it, 111..,
TWKI.ITII ftcrt, lir.t ' b4m
Tho moat ta an.l ar..l .(..'ft on
kAnd, eonVj7.g. tn cart, of Tmttt.ta. rtiiptntrtara. Mli'Ul'dBr
!lr-.f lt'l't. Ha. !..,; IJtOwl,U., Hyriiwoa.
Artl. lot for Nna.uv,Hita uVhiui. Ao. K.:ti u
run aiiri.phi a si'iuikiins'
aa. . l.ft.ill.Tir. I.1III llf r., .-i,. rl'r u.
--'"' I.1STII 8li. ntovt Virk.'l K'uirnro.
radiraily rrre l h. II. '' KVKHIU I H I' Paitut
(Ira.lnatir. l'r-nre Truta. iir'rlir Bftt.,
K'a.ilc hlof Itrr.K. HtiptHrrtara, hlHmlUkr liiaca, Apn
ttrl... iynT,-t. Ac.
U.ilf. allilf d by Mrs. B. O. KVr.Kl: I T. my.'Vly
Tlli A H T 1 F I C I A L H A N D.
lrt-Tttor and Ma i.ifaitu.'cr ofts
A Ii I 1 V I ! I A 1. A U It,
Approvd and atlonu-d
ur t'
ft ir Kt.Ull.ra.
ITa. iMtimiint'Olly l.tatetl Wa iirlw'. antl Faff" rv at Na 311
is. r.'I'UTIl Mint:, an iloor. ImIui. .iTiio, l'UJUila.
j '.':!
w i'aIaTH, 11 j;.rrii( and
B Ai 'l.
If to tal sdmlrl t1i:
if : rjiir n ia'otit itwhn;
If to it a fr4.xm.tnx lift-r,
t .idtng, di:K In .ia hi'f llK.'f'i v !
V tn hT lt of frland- ;
It f..r ire to na.i ;o uw ntlt;
)i i tth iub Utrn b.o mI tn wd:
li a iivrbrc et'Mie whik d ad- Wi At il
Ii to If e thrM,)r' and n n,
Vwitthfiii tmft tut riiim uttaiu,
Ir to Hvt a hiv of pjav o ;
ir to 4H an H'i to yre if Htaii k 1
ll vnn wh A Ufa f ploanrw;
If (Vnn valno wor d iruaiirf;
It vr - omft!. yon woul.l ro.
Tntr nu ftilviuc, and th ttti '''"-
Tfien, Ji.-tIhk leAll, WtviHh. nnl Ik-auty,
.id 11 ;o prtparud tor ttvto doty.
Hv a fflTcM rh-T'M of Ir. WILLIAM ot'"9ira N"W
Ilx.iX. llll. JMAtiKIA'ti; t.l'UlK, whi ft ithOiilJ Iff) rAd
by tar y ' D'll H'Mflliri iy-n"'a'.l , jnd at the
Divrfora oi't' tr, SM HPhL'CB lTl(Ei;i,j pnto as
.ntf. Atti-tf
llAhllMMl K MA1I..VM).
I II."S.K '..' F llt.M Kli.
On nD'l alt' r M'lMlAY, An ii.t 1, I'M,
rvfng"r tra-iis It-at ' I' for
liaiTlr:,tirt ut 1 l" t pr... jij!i'iay. utvfii::;, m.-. ...
JH.,1 J ai tl l'ilr. M.
Clu'.uir at o Oi, 11 10 A. M., I M, 3 30, PKl, tV'M and 1 US)
Wlirnhiclnn f.t f 50 ( .fptnl, 8'i., 11-LS A.
M.. l-:s. it", 4'WI. :. I' M and II ": P M.
J'rw Caill.' S-iT. A. M. and J I'. St.
Itovi r ai h d'i 11. ana t'W I. M.
Wlr.'rd it J - A M
haliH urv ai s i : A. M
ritAlVK 10H PlU'.AI.KlI'Mt .
I cars ll.illimore it S' l.i, Sf l'i A. At. IKxpri'.s), 1 10,
3 W und 10 t. At.
V. Ihnliivtiin at I 18, (I'M, 9 A. -M., U-.'l, 1, 1' (4, 4'D, 1" '13.
'.li.d'J l'i I'. M.
HaHflvi?) at ll'.V, A M.
Willord at I V V. M.
Ho- .'rat Ml K U., . r.l 4 1" P. XI.
N. tv .' it. H :i'l v. M . nn.l fi-v P. M.
I 'lmiUr at ' 15, J10 A. Al.,Hl, S4.',4 4'1, .VOO, MK1, 9 10
t.fiiM: rt:ih:rarrt for Baibr-o aatllntt' atallou.,
ai ID j:. 1'. M.
l.favf Ualtiincro tar lovtir Jtnl Int.tmi'vll'its atalloni at
1'lvP II.
Til t INS Tort llALTIMtf.lK.
I tti'-it CYie fct.-r .11 S 10 A M .:i 'lTi and 11 I.'! ' . M.
Iravt at 1 JO, 9'ii A. M., 3 M and 11 10
r. m.
Frt iktil Tralna, Willi PMiH iiijor Car altavht'd, will run
.. f.ilit.w :
l'v Wllnmigtf.n for peiyyTlllSand Intcrn'.rdiatopk!' cs
at ; r r. at
Kt NIiA 4 :- Ou t al 4 1 A. M . 30'.P. Ai., (Void rh'.l.
dt'iplra to Haitlinor..
finiu I'liliudiiiliia to rrUiuli.iiUia at 4 50 A. M., lO'.lo,
j i.i i.
t ti in WIlrHnifton to Pblladt h'h'.a all-4H A. M and 7'00
P. M. Ollb At r. M . m m llani-uitfri o .initfit 1,4
(a. 11 V. KKNNKY,
piin.Ai)Ki.rniA and thknton and
a l.Aaic.itl ahu Aiinii nnu, a.'iili,
On v d after MONDAY. Jaiiniry 4, Train,
It, York. Itavlra Kt'niluttn Jrl-.t. PItll.-vdrtinril 1. it
3 1' A. il. (Nij,htl. ind I'M' i M.,und tho train, l.'avl.iji
ft v a vorh tv n a. ti. ara -.v 1 . m., tui nrrr.,itr ot run
emlii-li.'lv r ti t'lil'td !rat. Sim iuhI Mr Vuk
ard Vi'abli moa I'as-.iiK.r. and .-lll not lake In nor M
cut ariT liar, ntit-rt rtftv r-. n tu: :i:a-.
rit 10 A. M. an.l 1.' MUnlulit l.irai ( on Nf w Y'nr'. to
WfL "inton. and l'.' 11 jo AM und t. P. At. I.ln rm.a
lrV'alr)ltll to Nra Yt rk. will t-oullnu.i a at ir"onl. and
t arrv i.attoi'Krrii tt und fr.'Ut IN. lnl.rn,liaWa.ati.nH iM.J
P.alli:ior vi u.'ilii.'t.tii, and York.
AUKANt.I..l..Tl 1'i.HVlihV I'lllLAllKLPIIlt AND
m. w lJll.
X.I-14 lvav. Ph'laV'i.tila. fnmi Kf i.Jni:ion t'rvt. it
11'lt.A.At ,4IU, and 4.'t I". Al., ai"l W'tSI l:iMlu.iiit. and
rrom " alunt Hi..,i witsrf tvia 1 aiud.'D, ato andDA
Al.. l' HI.. 4 ard ill' II.. lor Stx Y.trA.
Andlttuvt a Nt.n lo.k, from lt -t of Co'irtlandt tro.:.
at 7 A. 11., 10 A. M , K M .4 an.l P. M , nnd at lin.l l
nl.k:, and frosi ,'001 of HarvLty a.rti at 8 A. M..anJ'J
P. 11. VIM. A. tA I .XI e.H.
aft-if AK.'itt.
J 1KA1. KAll lloat), Ol'LN ;u OXl'OU'i-.'irHINiJ
AHHAM.r.ilir' M .
1111 ai..l a'U-r 1 atl.lAY', Avi!)!, llfll.Uic trains wi:t !r.vr
' I KaT'k i:TWAH'. 1 IEAVE WLHTWAlin,
ll. TltlNt.. A. H. )'. M. H.UIir.l. A.M. ', M.
oiot.i i j-:.. ii:ii .wii.:.ia. ... s m 1.1
Wli.iovr '7 MAJ W.JU. l.'.lor... 7 ti 4 l.'t
AtontlaU 7' 4 '.I '. O. .lulteuo.i.. 9'JI o'll
K-l'nftr 7 4 13 Onvrd .'.I 4-4
I'lmlil . Ford. ...7 li 4 11 riialil'al 'trJ,... !MI ll ll
f'tittrtl ittif. aih Kt'.tn'tt l.i'.rt ft :i7
W.'..lnnfku.. S'lA 1 lft Atoll law I'd S'.M
I' d. .I'll IWW.'il.irfii IO:l 7 01
Ileal tlM.T....9il 10 ,M iM 10 ! rut
l'a.M-i'i.'r Imp it In riul..d.-;t):,ia !ta, b.'.'i t.t.:-n.'t'd tVoia
riiihiiinia ni.ti Aini mii-!-. in " .inn n..i
VaI.KI.T Sir.t'ta, V.'unt I'MUi.iiMa. Alaratt S;r."t
I'-iaKfiitfr KaJlwu C'ata I'a.-oMjra lo oad rocs
in. Lnpt't.
Pan-taa rs so thronth witlionf rhat'i nf rarf.
jol lieNHT w- ui, Mjp. rim'ntV nt
0 iitnKliinoof 'I'ralua, toaitLVKt-Ju PltlUAY.tlauuorj
1, IHM:
r. m Walnnt Rtrt.t Wnarf at 9A.M.,3ond 4 P.M.,
fm.ltllM. H-'Inrnina, lv Mini al 4 A l.,b oJ A.
Al., I'll) P. At. jyMwbld.ulj.ti.hv av. .pprvn
M..I.1 N .Mll.LH l.iil,
a.x-nd I'ovcreJ l'tr aS ivc'T tnt,
4-U J. VAN 11KNSHKI. U.K. S. n.Ua.utuL
pool toiithiTiar ut Outtniwn. Cork Haib4r.
1 ii y.i'11 kriuwn mami'v cfit e Uwr. jl. K'tn Yurk.
and PbHttJ'-lpi.ia Httau.iihap CoiiipAfiy ara iut.-udoU tn
nail a toiltivm :
cm VT ItAlTlKmK.fiatar.livj.A tJ7.
k- INA Hutu'day, t'Uiuler 1.
Kl'lhbl'Ktl, H itrdrt; , iei U ialM 10.
And -rv fciiottH jtiii,' MamnJuy, at 0"on, I'fvm YWi So
44 Njrtii 10. or.
Pay at 1j In Gold, or IU-intriiiVnt In I'urranoy
i irst t'al-io iViinn) eitHTiu;o t) i0
Flrat ruhin to lxndou kNU) tti-iuao to TitKidon... Mini
1- irat ( tthiu lo Paria... tKMw HU'erukjcto Pane ! tat
1 Irutt itt.ln tollituilturKt' Ut ht i th -o 10 llHiiitiurK.. '' OU
1 as( 11t.t r-are itNo lorwitidtMl to lUvra, lliviutu, Kut
U', Antverp, Ar., ut i4iiuil' IfWratoe.
'ure l.leiwwd tt guit natMwn ;- I lrt CaUil, 975,
H,r, 1(. Htet'ruu from eriKxjj und (Vuconatown.iv A.
'I b4ae who v ih to aend lur tholi-irltiid. tiui ouy Utlvota
here at thfM- ratna.
lui iuititriultiiuation opplvat the Company' offlcoa.
JOHN tl. I'.U.h, At; fin,
Ko. Ill WAL.N I T 8uet, PlUladoiphia.
2iBaiaWijaa flttauimHp Lint', aitlUntf tVi in fucli poi on
b-v 1 1 ailiAJH, in.m tlrt whurt ulauve PINK (HUvif,Piijla
tltiph a, ai d Iajuu Whitif, lt -ton, 1 rim nrt wUai-f
aboo PIKE btitoiday.iitcmher 'i, lMt.
The Htcuii atilp KOKMAlx, lluKi-r, will -vl'lm I'li'lftdoU
phta lor Uoaton.on Katortla.v, Ht-pic-mtx r S,t 10 A.M.,
ei.d tlto eteatuahlp SAVON, MiAitiiowa, tiuni UodUiu lor
FhtlrdelpliUt, oo aauio da.v, at 4 P. M.
T tit Be niw and ttiiiitaiitliil fctwinishfp form a regular
fne, Bft'lliiK fie m each Mn pi iu umlly in Saturdaya
lusurunci-a lrn-tt.d at one hall Hie iruoUuiii chaiki.d iu
.tie vi'hol,
I'r. if nt ttaken M fair ra'fi.
Hhiuiiera an rtxjuealtd to tend Slip Vvolta And Bllla
Lartlniy with tluh Koodn.
ar'tr I tAKbt or Paaaajfo ( fine acrommoiltlona)
aiilyto Ul'lMtV U'lrtlt M i'UM
jtU-ti Nu.(M.;iS,M.l.AVAlti: Art) uuo.
And H wltt nre I.n-a. via l'ulawaara and
uiiLjii i aiiuI. 'i hb su-aincrs of thce hutm ttm lAHvintv
i i . j - j i it'iiit an ,t avuu o v civca it ai,, it viu ton a piur
hove Walnut atrert.
l"or freight, which will b takn on irooraiiiodnllna ly toWlLU.VAl M. HAIKU ti CO.. No. 1.4 d.
M.LAWJltE Avrnue.
l;ui Ah aitiu V Aiii.tjl VrR. C.iiUmIii J. I. tlAttlMia.
w!H .all ai- above.
Jfuf irtljUl or pAepapf, apply to
AUOJalAfe) Hlf'D ahihoh ro
.wo.M W AtM V btrtrt.
X 1-ltlI.A I.KI.I'ltIA T'l Bltookl Yt,
I II 1(01 (.11 IN FIVK ll"l,lia.
I AK: tl.
i:fi' tktt i tn.ddi.i) yon Tttprn Phi.
On in. I after Hi.NIIA Y, Anun .1 1, l-.l,Uf.lti. "IS Mtav.
! tt 1 IM: Sn t-i.'phla, ut'Tt morntns at S A .
11. .N.inl.'yi t.. .plnn. 11 t hv .lio :amtltn mtl At
lvfll: and and llawaro hav Hatlntatla u rt
tttiirn'.titti, and l.y tlif v.tmmotlln. .tiAtnor J Hovl,
rt. f.-..i K 1 mil-, llrt.ktyn; rt irmi.T, lav. At
lit".f nuct Wharf .vorj day (Suruln) . roi.t.i), at 11
A M.
ff.ftVr. t't t' rltr.f Vw V.k rn no'lflt'd lol k
rvi-l ) . r na. .ip 't.v till, lino, thf M.nto of Nttw M J
I, iiw Tii.t d 'f tlifl t'ainiifn atid Amboy nannonttly !..
t-At lii-it ' p'H llftrf t'l arrv Irir pat .rn, t rn ami frriahl oa
11. n l.iO rltlr. 01 P lilattrh'lila an, I Nw l o'lt. litl-lf
V . '. iIUI l'i I Trt, lit ..oral hu)!ertntad!.
1 Jill I A in iJMM i(Klll.NrOVN,"AJl
J Jt'.UIllviOvi 5 ItAII ItHXIi.
1'IMi: lAUI.E
"n ad artfT MOVliAY, Alat m, If.-, I. tint It fjirtlier
rort (.Flint lUlnvrvj
I.iATO t, 7.N.0 10 ll,llA.M.;l,a,f ltl.
ii'.. .'. :,, J. I".!'. i. II li P V . r i..r.iiant..tvn. '1, 7, ; :i ' m. h 'Jti. 0, 10. 11, 19 A. at.,
1 y. i.i t 1,,,. t,t , 7, b. 1, 10 11, i,.i ri I'. M.
I h )Mii, i. u, :, , mi ,-,v tr.ili.a up, do not slop
(tit Ilia Hi tn Itrai't 'i.
1 III.SKI.'T IIII.L R Ml l.'OA".
I.ivr It'.lid'.iUl, 6, , ll. 1'J A.M.: 1, n',',".'t,T.,
i.n-1 l: P. M.
I hftriit lllll 7-10,1,9 Id, U id A. H.
I) t... in, i p., and 1 to P. V.
i I .0,10,
Kill 1 PSMiluiiiK'fcl n ATD NfiTtrtHlOWN.
lav. riiiifitli !,kia t,s 3, ur, a. M.i 1 .,H.4',5'1
',. ti'.. vnil II . I'. Al.
I' (i .rr.llowa.A1,', 7, V-.Vl.S anil 11 A. M. ; 1, 4.1
Tie it , Irani an, "111 sivp At Vt'l,.al,lraoii, M inayank, I
AliU VollfV .111 l" 7-
Full MtVAl t'KK.
I nvr. pvllr d' IpM. . ii, s.ii, I I'll.'! A M.. 1';, fl, l', t.f,
li1.. tt-tv-, r.nrl im I'. 1.
ii.-,, .'i.s-.'o, its a.m., a, a, 19
tntl '.'.'-, 1 . Al. ,
11. K.WM1TM (itncral ftott 'Irtrndriit, '
Bivil l""ioi. MMII and i.tir.l.M Bfr ls.
1 lur 111 I'llLf III.M. liY..K4lnVN, KASIOV,
MAI'. II CIII Ml, IIA.l.ElON, Wtl KI.S11 AHUIS, and
hi MMfl ARRtr.or.MP3T.
AlilllTIDNAI. I K I N.
On anil aflt-r V.Nti.Y,.li.nt 111 Ihiu. Train.
W1I1 H a t '. N.'t. I'.',-t.f , Tlllltli SirH"l, nl ... . 1 hoidD-
iii ur I, J hilfiOf.plila, d;d y (H:'ii lava tcn'ted, a.
UllWh ,
7 A M. iir.M.rr"l ft.r Pttihf.firm. A'U-ntown. MautU
Chni.k. Wllkt" bnrrf . Vt HiLt:ni-.rt.
t 1 A SI. , ,lrt tnmt.tinjTi-.t.) r. r itttvi.'TnTt-n.
ln-13 A. M 1 A'-t-i'ii-mi'tlalliiti ' l"r Furl Vt'aal.lnKtoa.
a f'. M. 1 a- '-t n aiotlaimi'l for tolt-itttmit,
.11.. P.M. Iftitvli fir lit ILivlirin, r.a-un,,lc.
I l-i P. II. .M ill) 'or !. I. i.ltin.
0 I'.P M. 1 At-r-'iunir-tlaili u) tor HoiaKiioti, Aiirnru
nr -wai'nijLAii'niiiwi, '
frr Landfilt. r
t 'rrt Waa'iliton. L
I ,'J.HA M .an.i;0;p.M.,
ani Aland 1 nuna.
ii f. I". M.l V. aiiinnilaflnn) frr Ltn'dslt,
11 P. M. 1 A. o., fir
VHAIMM run pun.
I atvn ll.ITilt rit.tii at S .I A. M
lit.yiaiiiwn a : io A.M., a ur. ai., ami 1 1: . u
l..t i..t.tte it t, a. al. w
tort IVattUnirtnn ot 11 .1 A.M. ond i P. M. P
in m'M.OH. r- lrbia S r Bcl.tol -m 51 I A. M. r
I't.iiatl. ifihlu ll.-yit'.i.twa al il P. M. m
Hiijlf.t.rwu f. r I'lilla.lfli.hiaa 7'AiA.kt. f
lit ihl. bun n,r I'ltl , ,li lidna at I P. M. tA
llilln in' ll.Knk" F.i.rt .'t will null .r and tUllttr b-
iie al th. tlcrou urdtra mar no icnai no. .1.1 r. laui.
1.. 1 . r 1. H l'i A 11 K ,,.nf.
JIEA1) I X II A I L 11 U A 11 .,
tillPAl nil rv i.ob. c.
riiov niH.MiKi.'iiiA to thf, iNTKitnirt ora
I'Jvi'lLlAtit, 1.11, -t. tit'. 1. nil ... v n
1)1 I.UaVVA.I'I illlttll ASi, Atil
I.r.vf tl fVmnitil . I) -11 11. at riltllTKl'.S'TII n&f
I .VI. I u'A'lill.i. (.'Hi-till, l'biiaili' thia, at Uio mlliwliibfi
All'. A. M , f.-r KcutitiiK. I'M i. FiohraM, Mtl'S
...liinibia. 11 irrl.unru. r ttfuvt'io, pintvruso, lama.i'ia
Snlil'iiry. WUbatnp rf, Knalra. !i.trli-t( r, Nlmrara Fill's, i
llmlniti. a 11-.. to an., v I'ki-.barro, PuL-t'tn, York, t artlal.
CbamlNtr-bur. , U.;.''.'moii. A. . M,
1 lit- wain tonni - la al liK llll Ml wl'h East P.Jiinylv-wJ
nia iruin it-r Aiii-:.t"wn. Ac. tbo lloatling anoM
rttniiiihia ItHlhon I fin- Fplira'n, and Colnmltia aii'if
wnb tint 1,i-liannn V.itlt y Irani fni llairit ln.tjr, rVi'. ;.u PdH C
!, TuN Willi ( aiawlst a llhilri ail l-aiii. tor WHkfa arTe
Willia-iiM-trt. Iota Hawn, Kilulra, Ac: at IMUIti
lll'Uii wilii ' 'Nqnh.rn IVnt.a.. ' "Ciiianorlan l ValHy. '
and t-litt-IK 1:1 ami Sui'iii' lianna" tra na fnr N-nitiia- C
lMland,l'rl.Yorli.CI'AC bt-sburff, PiuX'trrova,Ac
Al Tl KM ON KM Ill.iS
I. rbi'.nd-ip'.ln at : I'. M. f..r Itsadtn. Ms- k:
villi', Pint'pni, llitrri.tiiiri.' .V., cniifcltn at Harm- ;
bnr;: wlfh rn.'.-ylani i;.'iitral train. i..r Pitttimru, Ao., ,
Knrlli.rn I 'tnl-al ltai Irani. IT hunbti.,
latitl, Mmiri, .1 -..inl ai I'm! I'lluli.u wltb Ctitawla,., 11
Unllnntl Iralnafor Milton. NViiliaiutori, Klniira, lluilalo,i
' PKAIlI.Nd ACT'llVMilIlA KOV. f
Lavo Ttca'Ui t al (i ' O A. M . -iniipin,: at all wayita-',
I loin, arriving in I'litlni'lpbiu at oihi A.M. II
II. lnn.liiK, kavr. I'luiauilpli a ai voo p. it. t nrrlvoi ln
Itratiii'u at " o"i P. M. V
Tiuim for I'liiladfli.'iia It live llnrrinrtiirji nt S A. M . ami'
Pottsvlllt' at il l'. A. M .arrlviiiu in PliUr di'iplila at I r
M. Aiitriitxin train. It'.'ito lii.rrtsiiH-ri ut 't r.
polt.vlllt! al i ili. I". M., ur-fvlior In I'lii'mlrlnMn .t 7 P. M
Miirl-.t tralni.. ivilh a liaHtna. r enr atta..bed. Ifftt
l'hlladrlpl'la at 1 P. M , lor tlt-atlin : ami all wav ,liitlti'i-t"
Iravr Kt atlint at 1', noun, an.) Iin vrluirtown ftl i'i M i'
ti lor PbllaiU'lpliia an. I iill wav .tatlnna. e
A II Hie aliove iralna rim tiat'v, Hiiudiivi excepted. -.
Inniilav irami U a J IVlnville al 7' Id A. M., and PulU-. it. i' M.
Pa.H(mi'ra lor Unwuint,i'twn ana inivrtnoilate point,
tui .' tlx s !.' A. M. nnd 'i.O P. M.iriUiu rniladi'lpiiia,i
rt'liiriiing fi.jji Downi'iiilon n at b 4' A. M., nu.l rj 1H, '
Ktw vok i xpjiuH I'dii vmaiiuiia and Tintt
W1T. V
l.t aTtn 74. w ork at 7 P. M., n i".!.),'? ladlns! at llmi'lr
Fivbi. .inn ciiiiictiilny a- llairit tnri: .win I'uiuujth aulor
Itullrtiad Fx.'ttv. trainit ft r I'lliwlnii. 'i
Kti'ii-i.ii a Kprt v. irnln lea- en lltirriab'irrf on arrlvil
..... i.u.ii.u.i i i iii I'm. .... l i: in l u
....111.. I.
. I i.ri-it-InK nl N'vw Y'nrl.
at I'-r.i j i. ptii'ftiii t u t a''tt,npi,v uio.o irauiv
tli'tntb, ktlf.een J rn j Cliv ai.l 1 llt.burg, wiiiKultl
cbani.'t'. I.,
Mull t turns r Vt w York 1 -ive )li.rri.t'iur tt 8 A.Mii
audi P.M. Mh'ltrai.-isliir JltiTl l-uia 1-Jvs N'.wYo.r
attiA.M.aiitlUM. ky
HC'lll VI rtll,I, VAM F.Y l'.MLHOAH. n
Train, leat I'ttttvviliv ai 7 l-i M. nn.l x ,)U P. if., rs-y
turning from rn. :ar,ira at S 111 A. M. :.'ld 1 "Vi r. M. .
MKtll'M.KILI. AM) Hfll,ii Ktl.lNNV K IH.itilAD. "
1 rain. k-av. Auburn .11 iM.'t A. SI. i'.r Ptnt'i:rov. anttl
llttiTl-t'iri:. nn.l at 1111 ami 7 ll' I1 M litr Pineirrtiva only n
rt'inrnii'i.' 'forulliirrMtiiru nt l'i" l'.l., and from l'ib.-i,
ruts at K 1 A. Al., and I and 1. .it.
Tl( k El rl
Thronvh Oril-lat,. lickfi. and emi-Tant tleots t nil
tlit- prli clnal voiatA In tlitt JSt.rfii Wt-ttl and I'anadaa i,
Tli. fnlittwltitf ll'-kt-tt art. ohtalitul It O..I' ut Ihn oAlt--a ul
lillAllFtilir,Trtaurcr. Kill . KOI HTH Htnwli
IMniii pi ia. or of U. A. Mri.iXS, ln..ral BaiKTiulen J
aval, Keattin-f : t
At '-f u r c I. di.i milt, titttitu any points JcstraO .
forlunidics and fl.mti.
Mll.r.t.iF. Tl KFTI-1.
tl.t.d ftrr ?oii lo'lft.bolHiin all ioluta, attlfl U ea.nn
for luuilit.b ad ni-m..
1.KA-0N TK'i;::-r.'t, "
l'.tr tirtp,.l(, nine, or it,. Wt. udmht, for holders oalyi
to all p.iinla, at rtdm-i-ii rates. ll
I'l.l Itlil k.FS
Kef idinir rin t)ii. line ot Un-road Mi.l ho ritrulaud wiuv
ratd-., emltUni ibeu atltet uud nv lo tiok.ts athatl
Fit rn Pbl?adclpr fa lo pint, mul b.-ni tra. tr'v-tl for aatnr
da-.. Inri.tny. ai d M-'inl'iv , a! if' r d t.itt. to I., bad onlil
ut lite 1 ItketOfllttf.a: i lllltl EKN ' U ardCAAXOWUILL"
hiieeta. 41
rilF.KIIfT. A
Hood, of all i..rtA-.iifp,l t.1 aD tho abyirsa,
po iii-.. from ll " i'oniian'a .a w irvltnt dvpot, 11 110 AX.
ami WILLOW lUre. i..
I'KMiillT TlUTS'lt V
l.epve Plitiad Ipbia d .H.t a: ii A. M . ) P. M ,and li T. M a
(or K-anil ii,, UarrliliMi',', .Vtu-fiua, fort CUa-g
ton, ana ptiluit. ttevniid. T
f All H a
rit ae at the Phlladelpb a Pt'it' iimt fnr ill plaons on Ih
mail artl it. brant Im-v al & A. 31., ui;u f-ir tbo ul'UMIlMlfi al -1-1.1 P. M.
KAILItuAH. VIA M 1.1.1 I. ,
H ' IIIMi AKIt.l .til-. .P. NT.
On ai d allt.-l l,i- I, ; - rrolna wllIleATf
n' to'lnttt, : f
1 ti. rt) Phllatl' ll'kla. froinlhe I), pt.t, corner of THI It PV
1'lltV) aud l AllKKl' hLri'ttiit SA.M. ll'uo A.M..-.-M1
P. V.. 4 it' I'. M..I1 l.t P. al. ,
Phlladtli'liia li.-rol ehnii.eiJ f-t.f. KUinrEFWTri antC
M.). KM Mi.tU to 'IlllitlY I li:v' uud MAiULkl1
.Sfii'tln. .
lauvf Wt ttfhctier, from tin) lienor od Ko.t MAllKKT
Hlriof.O y. A. V.,; I.'. A. II. . II A M , J P. M ,4 .P M. t
hot'iir. .if tli" Y-t pl na-i. I, '.ia I'asttontfttf Railway,
i ' . ia-k -t .ir. 't)ij ottnti. Puaacua-ois Ui aiw
fnini tlit- l'linfad:'lii)na Iit-p t. .
US M fll'lS, "
l.t ivr l l.llad. a: P 10 A. il. and 'i 'tll P M. t
1 tut to H t a; t I t .i.i al A .M and 4. m p M. i
Tiaiin. lea. um Plulaale I'lila at A M. uud 4'DO P. M ,
and Wt-n . hnii r.'.i ;-4 . A. .11. an.l 4 .', p. M., eomje.u'
-eitli tiaina on the Pliilatlt'ipliln ard llAltliuora Osauat.
llaiir'i.-iil ln v.-. mid and lii',.-i i it ill ii. p. lma.
jul-ll HLMtY IVonli, .' tu -.irlul.ntlenL 1
tt . . iniini. inn on MDM..W, duua iO. IMt. arana.
Vt aibtii airic. Ti ban.
FOR capi: MAT ;
At.! and 10 A M. ,nu 1 8t. P.M. '
1'or Sal. in at tl A M. all. 14 P. V.
For liia-.lioi-n. ui .i,S", ami In A. at., aud I andt aOP. M. I
For Vt o.liiury, oluaie.lir, Ac, a: t uudu A. M..1J At. .
and i ond t P. M
CupeMaj- ol ll and II 41 A. M., an,'. f.-iBP. f. ,
Mlilvllleat 7-Pi A.M.. and V..I aiidt -40 P. At. .
hitltmalD A.M., und I Ift P. M. ,
l; i. .ii ai ti 1.1 A. .M., 1 1 al 710 and S'ilA A M. .-i ii, I to, aatl 7 MP. M I
ll nooi.ur.i at 7,7 40 aadyat A. 41., and i uu, a -W. fc u,.
and sis P.M. ' W'J
(Ill.-e, ho. ft IVA1JH T blrael, will i-iCI for und rlttlrvar 1
PaLfc.jn , and uttind to all Ibe uauai k.-aaebca of Eaartua '
l.tiiliifiik. iteatu rlifte$ taken lay n A M Imua only, and)
iini'tl be a. nl lo the olllce tbe vvei.uiM pi.t-ttu,, Perlauat J
bk- article, by tine line Diii.t b. sei't bt'lij o.Va A. M. A I
.pu-ial a ...enirer u(-t-iintai.i.. rac-n train. a
ln)..l J. AN llkihritLAKltibuporUlteadant. 1
loU-. F.ltlK HAIUIHAD. lOO-l.
'1 1... sr. at line traterbf. llie ki-irllu-'n nnd Nnrahwi-at
cobl. lit-, At Ptfii.vlvfui!a tn Ihe cilv ol kalt- on Lake kiri. 1
ll ba.- been luaxd bylhe PK.N NnVl.l ASIA UAlLUOAli 1
f'OSll'ANY, and under their a.i.iacu, la kutuu raultllAf i
opt lieu throughout lu eutirtut'llMh.
It 1. now In ime for l'a,i.eiii r and Frt-tl'rht buvlnaaa frori
liairl.burK lo kuiporliiiu. (! mil. v., on Lna Lamum Ui1. '
.ion, and iiooa hh.iu.)U to trie 0? nillt-),ou tba i
tnvl ion. .
lint IT I'ASti VCt K TSAIX- AI rillltUKLrina.
MallT'ruin U-avwi s.a) A. M '
l:M'l Train leave. Mf'dOP, u'. '
tar, ruiilbriiiuk wriiiui i rm .i.i both wara oa UieM '
train Itelweea I'lillailelptila uuU LaLA. Uat u, aad klww.a '
Itait'inore and Ijh.h Haven. '
l:k-.'imi Mieei.l.ii: Oai . on the npr . Train both wart.' '
1 or Imon.iation rt'.ptM iltiK I'Aa.en'coi l,.tfiii-aH, aimiv at I
tl.. ft. V. c.iiu.l ol Kl.l. F.N Til and MA1IKL1 HuJela. 1
And for Freight bii.iut'.ii ot tlieii.tiipiuir , Aeut. i
k. ll Jr iconicr bl'll.l.-Sll( and MAitfcU. " 1
tlrwlv,l'la.adoldiia. t
J. W. II. tui.l.l.,
J. M. Ptlll, Aav-lil, M. C. It., Ilaitlm-trs. ,
11 IIOfMTOlt.
Uensral rnlfl.t Ajrcnt, I'UHad.'ln'da.
UeaaralTlt kii Agent, Piuia.leipbla
....-r.t ii ... runs,
BtairalMaitajtij ijauib