IM MH'TrajGj 23, mi. a aiit innwooK rr.wsrun3u OFTICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Prle TmwK Cars PvaOorv, ar liHTiFjd'n Pra ' Tanc.payaM.tntka Carrtar,an4 mailed ta Hub, .MIUUii ( Itj at Hiar IOLi.Ar. Pua Ami M i 0 Douaa VIST! I'MTt T O MDKTHa, Invariably la advanoa flhr lb, pwaa1 wnwaad. llnMimnu IrworW at tks atrial niaa, A liberal ' arranje meat atade (be sMendid Uuerti.". Ta n-MiaalafaVi W fWtw- eaw tw- take of CommimlciHloi,. WhlrT ht lat.vwti.rl far lexrtl'ii mart ke nth-n t are l fcy te msi ana aridieai (' wr1r oot nv-eiiai U.v V,t - pihHrMMo, hnt itar,nw r ale '" VV'S Muw! aodeitek. i mm rmectad UOiauauuicau.M. T A4vrtlara, twine M t rrr HwiK la the Clr-nltton ef Tit Jrv ., 1 -fl TM.M.RArn.rHnp-lllnffn If by. I pe, at aa eri hoar. we an entl- rv-nat that at ml .Mmnu m..v p. bawitwl In uwi li o'ehv-. If poeslbU!, lu . ara PM BWIWI IA IUI Wl U.T NHIOTU. MONDAY, AV0C8T V WA. CurKLTT tF th. Prori.K. The Hjx ctarlo of a Croat Kt'tw-ral arilta a fiiio armyofvi'tnrana battling ncMy for thf rati'p of hi country Mid porolar Ulierty and right, on many bloody Adds, about to Ik deserted by thou Wuids of AmcrlcAim who mil fbcnwIvM peace mon, la really slckt nln to patriot. TIu eon fluVac of decisive victory expressed ia every pord of GnrTnI Grat' despatches con cerning hla minor operations alotw should raise an enthusiasm In his favor amnng all cWaea. Sach k brave and able leader ought to call out every man In the country to hi BUtndard, that has not a wife and children to eupport. There are thonsancU of mich pcr oas left, who may obtain a (mug fortune by taUtiUiijj In our armies. In addition to this, Ic will be hjiHU ned on her Journey this way, And wben sbe come she will be covered Willi the smile of honor, glory, and good-will. Tha armlua of the United Statt have now final triumph within their granp.and they will Ueaert the people If the people tfeaert them. It is true we hve done very much to rmsh tho Rebellion, but our mlwlon la not ended, Aud wt tnuat do our whole duty. Wo can beat complete the work by vending men down to Okajtt and SitKTtiDAiv. Wc ought to atrivo very bArd to All our qttotiw during the next client days. THE VA.Il NEWH. AJfiUri In the Army of the I'otooiiiu are growing more Interesting each dny. The Attack on the 10th And 20th Division orOene tvX Hancock's Corps on Thurnday ciuue uear being dlHAAter, but owing to the obtluute SghUng of General Ginnox, Milek, and Smiths, the enemy was severely hurt aa to be nnAblo to hold hla portion or rennw the sttAck. Thiwwe may claim the victory j hh propriety, and as the enemy retreated with heavv lowi beftre a form of two wearv j Federal divisions, we may hope for even grpjAter victories when the whole army moves to a awauU. The Rebel papers received at thhi office thb morning, are reraurknbly ntl cent upon the subject of the lute battle. Fort Morgan him surrendered after a bom bardment of five days. The work was de livered over to Admiral Fabbaout and General Gbanukh on Tuesday last, with twelve hundred prisoner, Including General Pa ok, and fifty plecea of artillery, stores, Ac, Onr fleot will pan up to the city immediately, and a surrender of that place will soon eap : a climax 01 aamirnj AitKAtT a mm great movement. General Hhly la retrctliii down the valley with SHKKirtAS in pursuit. Tho Rebel General baa been allowed to get through the Gaps, and will be able to reach Culpeper on Wednesday T tl. 1 1 C: ...... 1 in.. 1 - 1 auu u:iuimiiu vj ouvurimjr. iiis iosteH ny stniggllog will be considerable. Moheby has hung thirty of our men Ju Clark county, Va, diiirged with burning hounea. On Tuesdny tiwt, while (bellng the enemy, our cavalry imder Tobukbt were Huddenly thrown upon a heavy Infantry force of the enemy, and badly cut up. General Cimhb, with his fh?ndld cavalry division, was surrounded by the enemy At one time, aud had to cut Ills way out with the sabre; thla he did suecens ftilly, and arrived at Harper's Kerry on Wed nesday afternoon. General Shkkman'h army U pretty w.-U applied with food aud aminunitlou. One. of ir shell eiciJodiHl In Alabama htrtet, Al uwila, on Tueaday, and can-d a tire wliich dest royed a large portion of the town. G.-m-t-d S-norTKi.D h;i not jet been heard from. The IieJbol Gnej-al Whi;i.l,i Iimh li)nlly lalJexl in doing auy injury to General .Sin.u .u'h cnmmnnii'ationN. (h-ihthI K'h.i ai; fighting him In Teiuie . H ..o K, i H h Sli'M 11.- Tlilx brilU. ut, hravw, and alle Hennj-ylvanla leadiTnow eom iejind an army eorpa of twenty division, "filfi imtwruie strurturenf humanity he niore U-.ough II wa 11 delicate, ivell-h.ilHnced in.ilhlne. He I Aw retentiy proves to u-i how tutf man i nn romiiiMinl one liumljeit t Ito'i n i ml v n, and oH- tfv m in viun.i ure on the lli-ld "f titl. IIami" k is proud ni' U native lie, nml of Hie 1'::iiwj iTMiiiarii, iilr hi u :i!'.iuc i'oni.'l(iiu.H oiily of ihe wnnf of mur w K j -k-ue Lkiji-." He i.i aiilouylj I-oHj,h t r iie young men of this city, nbo will com o Wd.i-e the ilraii. and enter Hk '.'d Corj Akothkr DunsM'iHUED " SartTii.'" The Smith family is an exteueiv one, and to notice all of the good things dono by tU Smituh In this war would reiulre too muob pspt-r at the present high price of that com modity to allow us pen-room, tot wu want to remind our people that that griiuly-Ioolilng son of the Keystone Htat, one Andui.w Jacks Smito:, a Major-General of great ability, lias advanced far into Mibippl, and is said to be marching to victory u,l Mont gomery, Alubuma. What if ho should meet the gallant aud accompllrtlied ;ojiiiok iA,KU-hls clurtftinato at Mobile? Do not out 0nerals strive for the capture of im portant prW-sf Who would not be proud to be with HMita m Montgomery, or with Graxokii at Mobile to-day But to be with their co-Dmandcr-uihkif-Oailr peer, leaWr, father, brother-ln-anm Lktmenant-Gewiral G bant, is the higher honor now offered to every able-bodied young man in Fb.lUullpMa! Show your appreciation of what la nobW and excellent, aud Ibrm an unconquiTaUc Spunan band ot heroea among yourstlves, who will love their leAder and dexpise Uie very neces sity of draft. thi rmr rosjvr.siTioj. TlJs body met to-day. The oulalde dele gations larfrely outoomlcr the Inside, dole gates, and It Is more than probable that the former wll pretty emvtimlly conirel the action of the Utter. In plain words, those who rryrulArly represent the people at Chics go, will be cajoled, deceived, and brow-beate by a vast crowd (4 small politicians, repre senting nobody fcut themselves, and without virtue or Intelligence enough to represent anybody else. They will, of course, presume to dictate to the Convention what it shall and what It shall not do, and flint dictation will, we have no doubt , be, In the main, weakly stilxnltUxl to. The ouUde raMle, however. Is nol by any nit-sun a unit on any qusllon likely to be dis- euaaed. They are divided up as to the plU form to be adopted, as well as the nominations that are to be made These dlifcrenccs, It is said, will be easily composed, but If they sh tll be, tlin rcciilt will not accord with psst experience of like popular gatherings. Where men diree radically hi political opinion and Interest, contmrc rHy uattdly tends to con firm opposition, and render auy cordial har mony Impossible. And It is not to be li.2iiised that the elements now brought into conflict st Chicago are so titmne In their anfasronlsm, bs hardly to be reconciled by sny other con- sldcruMon tlian s common desire for a party victory, and a consequent partition of the spoils of power. That Inducement to harmony will no doubt be strongly urged, and prove exceedingly potential ; but it may nevertheless fall of Its object. How can the "unconditional peace" mi l. and the war men assimilate? They would appear to be as Incapable of mixing as oil sud water. We can Imagine, no other way In which they can be got to coalesce than by agreeing, respectively, to abandon their dis tinctive views and purposes, and "go It blind," for the sake of carrying the Presidential elec tion, and thereby securing for their mutual benefit the Immense patronage of the National Government. But UUs surrender of all principle, of idl rsHlvo vlewn of policy, with regard to the present critical condition oi tho country, for the purely selilsh purpose above suggested, will certainly not satisfy any lar?c portion of the people anywhere In the North, and hence the very means takeu to engage, aud secure popular support, will probably prove chiefly eflWsfual In defeating tlutt much coveted end. The times will not admit of such sordid nor.-coDuulttuJlura either by ludlvldnuLs or parties. It a change of Federal Administra tion Is proposed At such a Juncture in our national affairs as now exists, the people will re quire to know, and shoidd be reasonably as sured, of what they may expect Irom the change, If made. The turning of one set of men out of ottlce and putting auother set in, if that is to be all the effect of the election, will not meet the demawla of the exigency. The voters will, we think, require to be con vinced that, with a change of ministry, there will follow some doflnite modification of the principles and policy that have been pursued by their present rulers At Washington, and then they must be further persuaded that such moditictttion, If effected, will materially Im prove the condition and Inereaw thn pros perity of the country. The people unquestionably desire a resto ration of peace and the preservation of the Union. But they surely will not dismiss the public servants who have been and are striv ing, energetically, to accornjiiish both the enda named, only to replace them with another set, who are unable or unwilling to give any sufficient guarantee that they will administer the Government more wisely and eHiMcntly than their Immediate predecessors. Oth Toor PKirtONTUM. Patriots, think of HI Twcnty-flve thousund of our brave sol diers are prisoners of wsr In the haudu of the enemy at Andersonville, Georgia. They are quartered In a large field, which has only a tail leuce and a guard of boys aud diM-repId old men around It- They are awaiting deliver ance nmid the most terrible suflt-iinss. Gene ral Biitbman has sent a heavy force to ndease these men, and (General Uns.Nr has sent a lore to Saulabury, North Carotins, to release auother batch. W1U you not aid these great and good nu n In these missions of mercy 5 You can do so by enlisting men to replace tlioeei M nt out upon this special service, and at tint same time enable (in AM' to conquer Li.K at liichmoud, and Siikkman to la'tc Hood arid Atlanta. Illl; I.VIK blt tfrl'IIKKHItX. inti nrsttNG toR::i;sisjMji Ncr nrtwrts ui-vir. KAL OIIA.T AM Hit: OIIAMiMHIHCIt of UII: IIKCKAKI'.O. The Fremont (Ohio) Nm;.. I publl-kes tiic fol lowing letters, which cvplaln tlicin.clves : Clviik, Ohio, August To O.Miurnl flrmit Hour Sir: 1 hops you will pardon mc f jr tr jn bllng yon with tbo perussijoi the. o f, w lines from the litnitilltur bond ol die used t;tau lai i of our l uioved Geni-ial Jatnos li. Mcl'bcrauii, who felllu luttlc. Vi lin it was anuunced at Ids lun-ra', rroiti the ptitilic t:rlnt, llist, when fiineral Irrao: bcarrl ol l:l death, ho Kent into tent and t ept like a ehiid, my heart went out iu f mules 1 1 ', lor the intercut von intuifuaicd Iu hi:u whl'e h ana Willi you. 1 have witched his prgrei fnna hifanry up. In thiliiliood 1. was obedient, and kind; ia manhood InieresUii?, noble, ai d pvi .oveeui ,, lookiuft to tha wants ol'otlicrs. Suae he cnur,' I ho warothirs eaa aiprocmte hi worth ni rr. than I eon. When it ivus anuouneva t n. b tclOHuph that our loved nuo li.i I lillcu, our' Ijiu- ver Hluiiwt rout anind'r; bur wlici v. hoard the ('-oinuiniitlur.tii-t'hief e jitld weep n'hli u t'si, tve felt, sir, that you li'ivnliee-iasa U her to him, ainl tlild whole nstioii is ni eirain n early death. 1 iviih to lufurin von Unit I:" f mi ns were i oiiducicd by a l.ind i iiard t ithe . o. v p.irlor "here he spent u eli(M'.:! c.euiu;: lit well his wklttwcd molhar, li br.iti.eia, mil' st,ier, ai.d his ueil fisiiiltini, wiio 1 iryirur t'j write. In tlin iaoiulu;li"i sil.'io''l . littlo (liejiiniu ', be li jitld tuli l,y u till l' 'it ' eleiny. Ills luuttal - t ;r- .it'eei! 1 1 u lu mutlitr's urel.aid, wheie li yo'il'if !'. fe' ten t ei'ten fir,ksed the soil to rrnthor the I'.iliin;' u'uii. and his roinaJus arc rostiiu,' Iu the 'II' ut ?i.n. bCar.-c li ill's mile from tho p!a v ol Ins Ij rt'i. Ilia vrave is on an emlitetux- hut a ten rodn l'r i,h wneretL funeral siTvices wera aiteiaUd, and near the grave of his lather. The ; r v, o,no doubt, will be niarkod, so pars-bv will utt pause, to drop a ter over the dear depute I. And now, dear friend, a tew lines irotu you would :' jfratei'u'iy reee.voj by the arti'c:. i ir'cn . I pray the Ciod of tunic nt ly bi with you, and ijo forth with youraraiien till ll :b-l!ion sii.i.l i.-eam , the I'nion bo restored, und tile eU Hi; wave ' 'Ver an entire land. AVi;L mi:ih rcspeet, 1 rmiiin your fil.jiii, I. vim sl k; 'M, Aged t7 yctrs aud uiu:it!.. i rm bai. liiast's r.cri.Y. !Ii...inr a KTi K Army ok tub t'Nrn.n Sr.vrr.", City I'oint, Virginia, August 10. Mrs. I.ydi S.'ocum. My dear .Madam : Your v iry wo'.- oine letter of the 3d Instant has rea died in1. I a:n lud W know that the relative s of the lamcnsud Maior-t.eneMl Mcl'heranii are a'.v iro of th! m tre than rrtomlidiip existing ts'twoca him and me- self. A notion grieves at the loi ut o ie s j dir M our nation a ciiiso. It Is aseiiu.'i cr.ei, oe nu-e the nation bad more to expel fro n him Ui 1 1 from almost tiny one living. 1 j do in this aelii-j griti, an. I intf gr.efof isjrsotial Ijvc tor the ile parUrd. lit' loriiicd for sotne time one of my mili tary Ijniily. I knew him well. To know h.m was but to love him. It may bo some eonsj'..i tion to you, his agod gmndmothtr, to knu tit it eery otliter aad evury sol lier w!io serve I on ! r juur grandson, felt the highest reeroueo lor h. latt iot;sm, UlS .et, UI gnut, mioioii. u a'lllitv, and all the manly virtues that cn adorn a comiuaodor. Your beroAveinent is great, but euunuiukceod mine. Yours irnly, V. 8. Gu vxi, I.lcut.-Qcfl. Tes Or.AM OramMs Festival. Tlis Kranl if i,.f fl"rn ati Con ir,eon, 'i-t Ahrt ilh lh rr" Sin. I N"lilf Ihr Ni l 1 t'nlen. h la rn'TTP! to-ilayat WsnLlns'lMi ltttxMt and JLa S A Wul't I'rlTi, ; aim ilnrnf IU- rsi.i a!nr, c. f rrll.'nir pft n in tt.f iiv 1! f-Wii-iH aiinr.r. Al 4 u ci": k. Ihrnsi li ii 1 a tJLOil i4tn c ht,.1r ni'- V - It t 1.1 Hit hiiU!m ni liiliru I) l"r. KSd a hni.'SnTiH j.rUi tfl-'i-l in iq hp irtvrn lo ihn ,i t irr. parti' ipner.if In n l -4 , l;o c i.b.rr'S4 for Ow ur-all rHfulr-i f'l llrkru All tunltw . Ifcr lntl l U me or l t ory l-t of Uw -cior.sii I will llki l?r alt' a Ulir animinl. 'i ns OiLANr Pi.oii.ii. i Tho Sixttt AatuiU Oiu uo tii CU ttoT.lna t 'tub ( I lMlti)iS,.,lii, vLl'd I, tr c W-mtMl fis Vt nnMo rtor. limn al vUhaiiiih tci i lukr livii fsi n--t M. rilnf, In, tout ofca thii t..-rtn niUiV. H reouiisc l"bar bitu uals el''' k ii CITY INTELLIGENCE. 1: n ' i-t'Pn Tih MoKNtyo. The following is tt rout o! t rowsrlou of tho-. n.en e( the lisjtn IUiln.ent rennyivaula Volunteers ho did not v-e alM, and v lio are o?:pccted U sirlre in this city si tiron to day : form Cn Wsshlne'nn strc i t, i-ht retina i n Tbird ; i Thirii to Vine, up V me lo Nixtcoi'h, do n Siu e nth to Sunicc, down Hivrnc to Twclith, up Twelfth to t'hesMi', il(n Cliioiiut to t ilth, up Killh to llare, and thcure o a'fonnl On irda' Hall. Msjor f perry Is In ct mn.and. Ninety men and lcec otf fi-rs return. The regiment uill Ih received hy C w U r s Fire Zim n-cs anil by the Henry (.Uhnts. fliicc wrltln tho al vr the ir.uliiberA of this rr ijx dt have activist, and arc uo uiarcLlng (itiTtUi rtMilu us given abovu. Si ktii AVaiiii Di;ait Mittiiu. , mcctlcg of much itiijiortancc to tho citircoe f the Ki.lU V nrd Kill Lo held to-morrow nlf.l t at NaLonal Ousidh' Hall, In refcronce to Cllln,: the quota of tho ward. From the activity and edlrlcney dls. played by the gentlemen composing the ronimlt. ice, and, from the atiKleiy evinced by the citizens, mere it, no oi noi dui msi inc waru rvn nit up its present dellcieucy withuut nsort hein hnj to a draft. Dlfctinpiulshcd speakers ill address tko ineetiDR, and it is tho duty of every persr'0 enrolled in the ward to be present. Km An. or Booty Ji mi-krh. About two o'clock on rtundar nuirnin loor prisoner to confinement at Port MitBm for ilosortlon, made iboir rcan Irom tiio HoHltaJ attaoheri to the l ort. Tholr niunisi ais Armoi d AriiKamiTTirn anil Mawrat. hMTiH milihtitula deiuTtirs, antt VVM. H. Ai.kkan. iaa auo William Kishur ftswrlrr. Thoy w r rlnil ittMin tv una ot the suUunli. on ont, tail the nirrht nr dark It is not known with what pfT.iri. 'Ilia fiiaro was at once tutucii ont.aai a arnnrni M areh niaile in tho siirroundiDs; fir-lils, whjcb r u in tlia aliouiiiiffol Wii.i.iah I'ishkb, ;m. piny D, I'lrir-siNtii ronoivlvsnia Volunteer. Mo mtuhisl to halt when chalbtugssS br one nl the riMrij. Ilia wound wan morlal, Ui man djuna ahuul the ratiliiie ut the ilay, l.xct:itsiov to Atlantic Citt. Mmy ot tha vonuir men ot this city, conipooa larirel) at meintsrs of Uki hrb'tlan Aaoi'ialioa, will msks another excursion to AUamlo Crty to-mirrow m.'ra iuc The boat will leara Vino ntnst vlmrt at ' 0'elo.'4. Ttire will bo abotit thrnebunilret wnunili it aolrtlormtth the efoiirsiuuits,aocomnBiilitt br thi-lr chaplain. J he oxiiiir4inn pnniiiis ti ha one ot the best of toe aeaaoa. All who wieb a pleasant il iy 'a exiMirion stwuld evad tiii.'mkelve4 ol Uii uppor tiinitr. Tin: Dhait OtR Qi'ota. About a thousand nun have been secured towards filling oar quota since the 81st of July. At that time our qunta was 77W). Wo trust that aetlvo measures will ho iiiHtjIuto-l hy tho dlllerent M ards of our c ty to endeavor to decrease the qu"ta as last a1- pas sible. Di.ahi- L.yi Wi tk. One hundred and iUt'r. five ivlults, and ouc hundred and eighty-live children died in this city lat week. Cousunqi. tiirti of the lungs, diorrh ia, and typhoid fever, were th enusca of the death of a nnj a Ity of the aiiultv. title of theculldnn seventy seven died frota cholira infantum, eonvuisiout and muruw-liuia- Komsi iiv. Tlios. llubland, for mauy yearf iu the cuiploy of Messrs. IJulloek A Co., w.-ol ikalci and manufactnrcrs, was committed on fsnttirday in default of fcSOOO bail to answer tho c linrfie of rohbinpr his employers. Within a short time past, it is aliened, the accused stole some &lVAi w orth of w ool. 1i:om o. A sir! named Mmy Ann Iliuchcr, seven years of ago, (toll overboard from a boat at ClirWlan street wharf j-iteiday aud was drowned. The doceaowl rooidod at No. -10' Chris tian strict. CoMMtriTiii. A habbtltiite broker, named Philip Morris, was committed by Aldertnau War ren on Saturday, to nnsw cr the chaiKO of en (leuTriring to defraud A substitute out ot his bounty. AcetiTNT Chnrle.i Washburn hml bl arm crushed on Saturday, by having It esucLt in a hay i-iots, ut Second street aud Columbia art am. Tin: Ni w Iroksioks is expected to leave to ds;'. Ail her stores are on board, sml r-lio lus a 1 n:l c.snj.kuictit iif men. Hav.ii Crris. Whllo at the wat'.riii.'vpla'ts sltiiii!(r on mi.suablo hnrd beds, let it remind you to f; t your old msttiwscii done ou r in toe. n, at W. Henry l'nttcn's, to. ItiiH t'heM'iit itrcct. Sfarrled. HI'.MVil N nl'.KHVSHIUM .lam- 10th. t4. I.v llfv. T. W. Mnclnrv Mt.fiKH. . A. BKM J.N .t MU IA1: A. nr.llliieilJl;i:,bjib ol tliDrltj. h(N-iAl.L.-KIU.i1 la tb arilon on ihr? WrlJon Frtll- mil'!, on Mm uth tH Aui'iiKt Linuh n.uil JA". a. Ii. HAl.L.m 4'oinpnnr Vt N'lni tllb H'iiiniint fnuj l -iilu VflunUNTu, in Un Hh ymr ox hu hhp. llirrvUthrpf., trw triswrnin oi tn fa mil and hprni:rliprai ot tlit Natiobal and 1'ruvnat tiuartj r rijn ttuib In T(f'U to att'-nU Iiih iimrAl, Inmi thr hmmIViico oi hit (nthi-r. iithrr. No. 74'1 S. MulJi atnMI. en Tia-mluv morn'tir', v ti unit 'MHU, ar 10 o'ebK'ti. I'v peoi-i-iil 1.1 linriii . Ai I I.LIOT.-On ti illb Lu-Uitt. ill.'nU KLMoT. in th. Wfi , ftr or hN au-A. J ) n Jtttivw a ltd mNlfi iHtrwi of th.l?iiW r fii'lv livttsti to aU' iui hf luunraJ. itmn htV latn r J itNie', No. lila Hlh.-rt mr-t, no 1uim1b) UionifuK, nt M o'rifM'If. Dt4im''iit t Laurel HIU. IIAH'IKI. -At llolioburf, At!-rat 9T(h. liVA. mt' t aiiit i (U h , 1 Mi-r.XV.-On 1 2;ih o.;aa;, MAH1 V H.nntiu. Win. n. Mt'.mu. t T),t ivlaJvt'.i anil irin ut Hi winlJy in rt-pf- Mnlla f ti ath int UiA lunruJ, rn m tuo n- U o'a oi h t ' t,i,Oi'4 ji-law lr. Win. O. rLajobrn-. Ny. .tii Hi-twat out. -m i nt rttny Hltiivj-tn, nt 1 (' iH.tV. f VOW.i:S.-KII U. on fhf W.rh la-ni, bi Hi-tnftJ I ( I KimtiS Htritliii, i the Wfi.K n Kri;,r".ul. "liil.fn mm i luni'ti ut liif ivaiiiui'tii, t aj.ffiiii utr;i tt Nu i kn, a tit: ftTtf-biiD'trral a nil -iUr,th Hft-'Ui u. I''0H') It-hiiU V l).!IJ,l( I-. I ltit f will k'vii 4.1 h:- r ft pi I, yii' U m'V ttiK : i-i m -t- (vni lijf ivft'W n' ut tim t.p'iln'.-Ui Sit. v.'ia4 l ll". N n IX-At A t.ioJi's mi J'ie.a' ir. nh'W A f. : -ti. Mi--;, ri lA rtiTM .1. Kl.VNoLJiM, t!jit.rui. ! ui j latM ik tif ml M ll'lau lrvii, r.hritt ri'. at tJu itVd iff. r.t' M n. Jnng' H. ' I nift, IK-'nwatn (,j. al it o rli-. wj 'Intvinv 1 moi.tftti. 'tti itiiimni Kf K.mHiiVtTt- llu rl ( iruui-fJ, at I t(' ( i. Iif t:;ii.t aivt ttkotlh'- Ijm taiU iu ti U(n 't W'tiJiuni iiuilitT iol . , .VL!,-t 1at. 'h (rwtjiMf, , tji. i.,..r-Ml l-ir- ut"t I air;Jtni htxtkortiirv-, M A It V . tWuT-ii,kivviji r u w (.i a'i a mi Hat)), tjj iIih IvL jiroi b-r '. 'I'm r intjvrti nnt I'n ijfH fh isvnltv mv tvivtrft'ri ii! , .it vi t tlin junt'iiii. iii'.u ': r m is'ii'-c i ii'r ' rs.r.'Ti'N . Il'ilini" 'tilfV, 1 wnfv-'lj'i1 WarO.i.M 'i'las-.l.t, i -! IN- -ktiali Uij.t(, ii t 4 iV, ei, vtit4i(,' nirtii t- . 'ii. TV.'I'J 14 fits moritliitf o'i:. -"Ji w-t , ODtiyifliY T Vi'1.1 J,il i ' H.,. t r ti-; i ! ii . ib tl''j r uin w M. I '. Slnu.inn, ; ' I .' -a' Ifi 'ff'-t, nn iV6s.t:'p.j In , 31 ' :;:,ar v f. ct. ru I. M. ORIENTAL DErERfcTVC bO-VP. 'l'r' i..f i I- w nt r ; ) ir-. ii m1., On HuniLr'.-d TLouuntl rhujili-? Ii. l' ui)(NaOia a -an. It !j o:aJo iipcD tntltcii a7 vr:Dc;lkf r, I'-rirttlji BBator a, aatl iv,i,v Ln tr.- uu. wiy. Itilatn aay wuh the I'.af a V I orU, an J u ill itil. U:r .k ii u ht 'Ottit-fc Mtih iw. -tl.;r.l! In im'at auy iji'.ar ,.j ii . t nt ii l'iii:l -.. US OKHAT rCM'LARlTV iici b. .inl bra- kv '..( -rti'.k'rsi ti i i.'.ti n n i; ' 1 1 T.u.-1- tD'y , a.i, Itj .r' r.nj ftr'-a; ii.dii oaitfr.i' c , . ;r'i.. :jih d dcA'iS.i ' t i;. .r ii'.;rioit. ar.l.-e on i.'.e ar- k' 11 ft, ; it ropi.taU'in a 'tulrcd ly .. 11 r I'e'.emve. Tit .i. i-'r '.if t j uri. '.iim'. e ir se.p i'4jo!d c,in r.e aMl .it r.nt OrilNAMH AND TIUDEMAKlt 1- ,M.-.f'..i utVKKI Ml''l. lil,.ot'.iy t.ti .1. TAN EAGEN k McKEOSE, i.vlu riltr.Ai'LL'litA. KiUUrACTLTRING MACHINIST AJI engini:i:h, '.iix.ajirys(i if., r.i u.ici,.u!. BUSINESITTEMS. THE BE8EL8 CAN BTJ8N TOWNS. ACT HOT llliltltlNfs'M PATEKT CHAMPION SAFES, (, An, i V', lt4. M i-i n ) Alt Id I.. IlLUKIN. I 0 . - Ci' H r . - I li. r hw i t tit ot. ft "f Tonr uiiiii.t V' jr -rl(-l f Tf-t r 5 ri. My tnw r ti v (UfDllmlT .mr1 tn fewrf- t r-i-h; rath n of i nrr on -ftiif Hit H'r ti t tr.tu M.. riAr, whw If him lain nmot-f tl.ft ftiltis u'UL iltl 1 1 ii H wni Mint-! .w.d f im t I o tM i- trMr it t rV c I liaud; wa hatt- rr t4 it i1h wilar b'ft n rp- r .iig ((, t, h.v Unvii c pi unI tJ rr ii ;li thl. rt raorl l.-iar) 9r- ci tl t( uutinh. hrf Tor til-' fM-r dfci, it t IiIk Ui,''. il:of..(.rrw1 by tiiAAra, ant li.r -.tff ',h ISI til-.O. W. MtKiTV.K. ( , OtM.M'T'l, A I 1 A I. I. M. Mr. r.W.Wk' , iViWSt k CO. : ( ipi"t - -4m (.'.( Mh n( ttaonth t l.n! (iu r- iin?n Hiitn fl out ty tl. w.h.TtJ no i.f yur bUFm in f.-ir I'oiv t tV i:r.i; tl. Hule fwli Un (Olinr, )irrwot4 At'Xik ( T'T, Ti.rptntir,, Oils, Ao. I'-e tttflt (i i!itlllf t AI fh ii;tlrt' o. mvir Br,; Caf i,fntihT' Jii(),;i (l Oi; ni'T flv un oi-tilnv It U fifhl Our It In tt'.wwj vt'Ut ; a If i npr tre d!cocv1 1 am, t ut iustar'" m t.jory. I'U-m ftsn-l iah antyfitr f.ia. frtm- in nr. u & OtiAKMUfc tl' AU(Jllt 16, 1 .. M -.j-r-. 1 AHV,i r, nr. rt KINO A CO.; - (iKNM - ii4nr tl j-"r tire I'roof Sift i nt tl Um ufttt lai ft.KlitldOr thr ftt1. o July, wtit-n our ton ti wailt-in jA o-it. Tl.c aa'e a In iny tnkw-iiu--rft rjnia )t cU r'jl l.' il 4 v y h'Htlu nd pauri. oj-;oi:ok i.inowin. 'RRKL, HKRKlNfi & (( Jt CIHiHINlT Htr-ot, (JAYM.'S HAM., 1-1 ! Kit, I.IIU.. ! Me ht ! roi In tli'n Stat- ts" BLERINJS 1'IEE-rEOOr SATES. wu k r i,l-in- n.sW a! th WORLD'S I'AIK, 1.i.1a:i ,-. t v. I S V .1'-. IV" Khi-i are wa.Tai.u4 It iioit liwuii'ieit, At.5, Maiei's-'twrw t" HAM'S FATKNT VOtt UKt-TKOOK LOCK, I.;ivt' L-o n iutIoaI a uifdit' At WorM's t air. CI1H.LKP IRON BVUOLAK PROOF bVY, JUNK VAVIsTS, BANK LOCKS. aSTJ-FL CIIKST', Vtc.t hU All Aol fc 4 OttfOtttc tHfn eir4 hy rfn rtf tfa rliff-TCDi m4tttoa)Uiof IHetrftriti, l timt ei.EOllICAI. )NtTITUTK. Bo. l0WALirr hTUEl T, rtlUa lplv'a. ror. a n. WW Cs,mtiV'' O- foi ft 4, 10M, Acmire of Lectttre a4 OiM tnatructlon fa app4in' (tlau.'au,iWA,tietUti, aitd nti.or m(Hlitt;tlviu ot Kloc trttlty b o reliable UiorttTXi.tlc itim f r the core of Acutt ad Cba nlc HMeii, IT TIIT. mSTlTTTTIOtf, K . I Wai:M Strtot, rhtLidcIpiiU. iftdlt'Al mtn an4 otlicn. ileiMnj to tUt-tid thr (tiarbo H(irLKl IKON HAt J! trriLL n ri.ix ton ntt, WiV Il Uko vvi 8 Mi. a, ttiiLs tor i iiv voun nnornt ox litM nr. AiN T TiiAbr To Ih M I'TaVii, t't.o Fluucf Kva ia A Walton: 8ik uis puli I if y nhkf rtod In a lute tirvraftariornrtllfi. joit iltl il'ill any l.llJ.IL'S MAI K now In i;.o in tl c'ty el l'li!laIM;'lun in ttrn 6our, inrttttll'i tbi hair at Uit Uaiist of Nit. erti I.HjmIc, Ati. Wo lutxi liirt nut joti on rour ov ii in iti il, antl Krtro you tliroo liotir, liiMtcAilof tnn Lutui (the tnur you mAkclitY,mumi rr ,p.iiif. Hut you my In u atlil later artl e, you v lW(l-n tlfvo ni;iJiiBt ytotO that y.itl wUI dnU ami on-n BO'iio oilier of 1,1 1.I.IK'rt WAMif In tart e 1 Jim, So', a you Iiim t'ot -nndrn''o in put Kvnn A. ';t nr.(ia Mk.rc.iot I c .Suio Auinnt I U'rfl'n na h tiro 1'ruot, hor Kv.i.i A Htso lBt Ilniik. Hale anlnt f.fllic'a I iuo;, nnrt mm you uavt not ontlttcnd In ahiULj' to (i-n (iw ot Lil'lub bal'n at fie Hank vi Jt'-Mlii'rn I.H'rtii1! In flirce riitrfi, hut atlll a.sert that yon run upon t'thor iif IMMv'h h.iftn In thrio, unit otlf to il Ji.i alfu a.'.u'iiki HO) that 5m wilt IUi:ij tirtco I,iUic hate nt H o Mrt Vntloual Hank. hot -li , ti.e if ir -l N'alitMHil lUnk u. li!!finin(hirt fihil itl'rn; iww, !ut wd'-r n on "J tiU lit In drlllinj clnlli.ii Inm btII njt tiO "hJrt In it butliol" or "wu lJ o'i Uort air," ip (fooi's'i ( at rrwipo t ni. tt trior ol tltt hJjo n U ink (ni yon may rlci't) to altnw ynu to otrtifo uprni ikt'r tsmt'. 1 loiiowlu t Ik) die tcriiii ui.d con-Uti'Miai Tiic''- -K.liili pUtt' KliaUl put III OtJt Iifti:i1n nrthB fftal Ir $!. Tlio i hli r tn p it tJ.( mooy hi ti.orain antl it ou Mi t;in4i.iiftiii.(i. Yon rv toufciatc on tlia !aie ,.ic lajJ a trni'ttJ In yoat liaUeuuja tu IIk- t'ora l:i4iaiu Hank in nil rnpcitf. It ytt an i-hi-"lu of Km iih.ik-t In ttirro hour It in to yotm-, Il utt tin incricv It h lv outs, and yuu tuo, In ate urtii!! nit to rny ti f liufai;!' Uu ic to t- aaii ; aint y-u arp d to allwt two (f ihe txat ar4 tlrfli? ju taa Lro .metu 'Iiofifi it. ' Yc t:t'.)flrt irfiiT wifli tlmflAvfnth Nat.iHkl lan, riili1t 'nu,i, imnUli iltr tiir lur tik (u i.(-iatr t.pifi', blti'iill y hi fic ctiHit'i uin l.iHli '), at 4 i I'Otl v l- pis-ilat i m an uimfC, i,xJ U' wc Ju int fijH-u i ' fir mih, ii:ai by Irtii- x tVaui: ut curt of MM', In Iwu l oura, it .m-tnt .tvW. aiul it.'i li wor trotto ttM. ; w-i ru.iL-- 'o i,.vii Mllk-'a, ll - w to 1 T-'itri, ii-ul t.i t'ttD'ae to t'-e aa'.e to ma tic "i Uy ui. li e J" f w. i fil, t lc OkC.v to In unri. ycnil' If'n t.i p)u F.vaii & YVkJ m -Jt l.auk Ham. j-ttn.-. Ijtn), atJfit I. tl! )', iut.tHi! tn i i triii - an n Hi'ii -ai prooi. i:ow on r jmi ihk lii( nin e ttic 0 i v.-o nk (, i.niit .-t a- il ul :. Mm!; w c f r .- i;i Hi . vfi.U .' t.r.w t i.rr.r.n: h AL',KVil I U, A-!'.-Nn. ! Ho i'Ji H i vvTrt ?Mr . I rrmii fttltu Ufuit f; (nMi. tail' r t.trn f.,r a .. I- , a '.(-, I . tt, Aliltulttli t l o , Miin'''. .:ir c n. w mii1 I eJi'Huua C.iiit't ti.iu, Aimm-t --:e.C.1:ot'0l t'arinnrlf.Cii.iy J.m M-'JviV Turfa, c ft :n:fi' i"a jm-.;. IU vtsi tl' 'ta;t A J Li i-iia, "I" t'1;e mi t ji,!Mif.n- i i w.r. atifi fc at ltoM. - Tc rv A IVI MASON flAMOh k UAWL.IM H CAHINET OhGAS. I rtANIiS. abdCl,autiuMii. tTF.f K A CO.'I JJEIIOKAL COL LI TIE OIL. JOHN C. BAK6B ii CO., yo. Tl- M VhKtT MH5I.T, tri il H r'Cli'-lni-' iboir lt o.-J'. .'.-' 'i. jVl-l .h, 1 - hi r Tt . ip.ri-rit, o:'lh''.r t-U-ai ei .ry m ij 1, a , hi- eti ft r :t a reyti:. 'k'li aii.i : le;' i w . in the a.j.'k-1. Tt u :!it:n It. ftfy (ir itb''.aUt tei".'.y nut.i.e I itait,b' ti.thi). rl 'j''i . fi r ;:t h'e', j.4 1 w l.v. en Tc-.;je '. r ft!- i'i rr-ii .of. oj ;o'.i.'ai Ci Ui,'- . -:!! ixrv'ts J C U TT A C. 1 ". i) J U ' A N S, Jo- r.'T IIHBM'KI-T.r.6 l 'l CNKiJI AI.LfcJ In ri.i:'y oi T- ne a id I'o... r . l--, t , ia-ly iV -h ;i'::i aim : .1. l-u-i i.d It lie ;:. vi It 1 .lld li.t I'ur.-T a.,d Hr.w..,t Jloom. cr ...... ly t, nitr'K. K. If VM.VrVT.l Hi'4t. Al-e nrr UM a m ri it vi t ot thi. 1 rr(,t Mioii.ii (oi -.r:iitl m. "and. WANAMaiKLU WtOWN, J 10. W A Ij It A V JJ Ni ai io.gtw to w. v.. t,, MAHONICJ IIA1.1. Ho. 719 OEEffSTJT Btreot. W IN IU) W H II A. lil H, ai OtJHTAlNH. it9)rrro nfiiinos. AMUSEMENTS. f 1IIIIT HTHKKT Oi l IU II O 'I 8 K, No Vfl CHt.HNI 1 Mini. K.1JVI CIIKHN'IT 8tr-t I RANK MOIUN rRAKK atOKAS Itil5 It h'htOI t- i.lir.t'tlnM ttlf OrKBlKtl Ol'E.N.N'l lit I. i M M' ltLI. Or MINH1RI.I..4V. M.W HALL 01' aUNKTHr.l.H, A i ' , THIS l lKMIti.. THIS KVKN1NO. ( toM'tUT 1IAI.L-COMMKNCI.N'' MuN V DAt .VLMM. Biil'."l. t)KK tVI'.Ili Otftl . 1 )i urtilaal anil only I'HBIHTV'I MIKVTKKI.N, Atv ttie oH4-lam.rtw I kiik Arfl.(, OKOUkC flllt ml r. .t. W. tt VTKOR t anil rnjpHor llrnl amx-araix In till, city nine Uiclr rturu In- I.Hrnf.. a'trr an af.o- ot ith vpata All ft. stent tralravaanliAaa, ltiirtM0.itr. AC., wnlott Lave Uie bstiM oi (liH.o 'a Mlu,ulji AH HJIIl.liK AH HOttHRIIHIJ WDKIltt, lll M' prodii.-cd rturlnu aotmiin hcii. TIxti. o.inwiortl l'llltl.rv MIN.11 aKIAatTiniirrtor l tiny Mtrmtrti oriraolnaUjQ Id eiLfe-nr", vrtjca .uai4a tliiiii Ui i.Mtt lu a sitpik nuiiuiti Uiu Luiuorb aivJ a-il'll-Itfn of HOlrTlll'.HaT PtAKTATION tHT, la sll Km lirtiiMl, inlrUirm.aiid nrUltHil pilars, rattb ulan. In amall hllta. AilmU.loa, 2- cnt.. ti:cliot baU Ui frvat. ' ival.. wi Ii JOilS P. BMITH, Ilu-lucM Aa-ot. Indeiwiident German Congregation, Tweih.r atltti Ida lltKE SIINDAY-BCUOOLS OV TIIK MliCIIAMCH' UN10X, OK 111!' Wtlk 1IA.V Of AUUHT, WABUINdTON Itl .TlillA-T, UNOEL X WOLV'B l'AHM, WHIi a H8TRIHI.TION- OF OIITH.for tlm lKmat ot too crr1lon of a 8C1IOOL-IIOC3I:. The i.rto of ,tf h th.t tll b, H'.i. wt.k h tnutl.-. tUa UiMrr thoroot to a (lift to Ui. vnlti. ol at la.,t M o iitn. liithis, attniled tiy c eatltaen, wilt be almltttA to tiio riMtval lro ofch,riia. The valuo of thr Ont kilt II , for whloh .MKi ticket, liars b. a oliratj- liL At th clace ot rnstlral Uokru v III lr sold for M ff iiM, which will oaly olitle U holder thortut to aituUolon Into the Featlrul imunlM,bvt tha ConiotltU, UI h pro wiit until n o'olook In Uie arttranoti, to csclianire Uiotn rut tun Tliki't. up-jb the arntrnt cx .au ad!tlual 14 CMltS. Au PKlUbllkm of the aforcxU lfw tal-s ra.0 daring UiU (1'rtduy h and to-morrow Hitornon and ('. tnliis, In tu larjf Haloou of thMcrliant's' 11,41, 'I I1I1U) attoot, u kw tirr tu, U:0 sdiaiii.ioii to whkh U frra. Tim dlntrlbutlun or tLe (jita vi III take place at I 0 rlot k la tni-(.rtcmoon, at thcplafo of Kemlval, ami it til bo tl.rrarur cnutlnupd overy evi niiiu, from K lo lu o'elk, at lUptnrcof EvIUUtiua (3t -cluiiil- 'llaJl; ui:li:all ILo ft - arc dUstHl of. A Imndiouu! rlr uullt Mtinh ha- Ikwq itooutHl wilt Ui ulicn to II ptl Boclity rrt;.-i.tliV in a txxl, vim xvlll tlic IJjtict uumlM-r of vi.le. Tt.o rtc of iM(bvtewlll bnlcn cnta, and tha ball-t'n U to take p'.ui- tl..i nit the er.kliil'lin, ii.nn tit, .lay of Hie festival, n;d until Ue la it day of tl.oi-x'-.IMiii.n or tin tiitn. flr Lots can br had rrow any mrtuM-r ol the It ultdlUtf Com mittee, frctn the Dinttotjol Uiet rreHiind:yHrlioolNht' .Mc triU.' t'ojon, at liio rlnco of i-ale ol tht ltuildln Comatltter, Mo. 411 Oreca .tn-t,and ut Uie nlocc ot exU biin. H ororai' t)ii tXMMITTK.K. aii?::t KENSINGTON HA1.U THIS rorLT.AK PjiUMiof LiiUirtal.'ininnt, Voa. lnoTiiiiil lOIMtiirKM.tN ll'WH Avruuintlit 1101 N. MIX'O.NII ntlicl (i iua.ll.lird M'ii'srH aitc ky Mr. Joliu l,ii,, b,a lMin eniirfcl nt-d ni.ovatod. slid nu iioaae.,.', Htira tln. uneicttliad br any otlur iwtaiill.hiai-nt of tho kltui In the ottv. A laigo and otlhlaut On.he.Ua, Ulidur thn itln-ctlon of l'rol. 1'. IjOmiio, ban txi-u Atj,;n ,cd, a rln.h r pi'OKi'UUim, 01 Vocal and Instrumental MuhIc win ho produ ed tach I'VoiKint, Iron ot cpcnae to the auJUn .0. The ( 'onuert llooDj In lation. nlry, aod cvuuuoilioai, tho roire,l.ini-ats iHrior, aid Uie atlen-ianta p.illln aiul nrc-ooiinodiUlnit. i - . lia Hl'NllV JIOHNltNil, I'rupttthv. ATUKKINU OK "illTcrXNlT I HIWTISII tiAMI.8. TtioMIXTII AXNI'AI. tlAMKI i.f tho 0.M-KIIOSI AN' ( I.I It, ol I hUadali t.U. will tw cnlHirateU at n ASIil sii TON KI'.T ltr.AT. .n MOVt.A V. & pteuh-T tlM Mh. Intl. t oiali ttra Thlrtoonth and t'aJowliul aliecl., at iJ,., 10, ll, 1,2', and. o'.-lock. lUi-ui.hMi Tl-Aeu, -0 nta. 'llk.-tH oau ho ha.1 Irom ttrr Mt-t'toun-ui. Nv. t Ci'.oiiniit atroef ; John lto.tJi, .o. tui Miifk. t a:tet tiii-ve(,itrcln-r, 8. 1'Jiinth atr-i i. hulow pi,ti-iiiik ri.a.1; t ihlorat Hu:i.rou, Hi., Nii.'Jln N. r.lKhth atreot; ltauh.4 .M. Iutre. .tenon' at:o;'. tia'oa M-c-nd atnat; Jaov adra taiti, l-nibard utrret, holow riiateenlh ; fliuilci U, Itrow a. 1 Miilnml ntiotit, h- low H.ei4i ; Wllliata dulMraaa, ll-Uya amount! acd tt iJluwunn'i; l. H. .lohiiHiin, N. St. Tim -.y link i"Hli Jiuuea NelKtu, H111 n V CottM,-e, HiJi Atlik-ir ett"ie: John Hyde. No. 1.I AT- p.-. oud etrn,: William Itot.u. So. lo.'U UUwoilu atrwi; MC?und (holtii a, Wiill.m Kmlife, So- H. Moonit elreot; l:.,lKt llaiiitluwi. Winter aUel, liern'jot.wn; AJitUiay lliil;, Mill -tnx'i.ti'iriiiantowa, or Ir.iu ally ol t'to ati t M-a ol tha tjliih or Coiaojhto.-. oiieia rnwlvod fur U11 Hr uo to Tile t.lty, A iiuv t b'.-i. . coMaau-d lira,, tn-l auuiR HanJ .o-i Ik'cmi en-,-ii lor lheocou.Lii. Tho ute.tuho will met In tu 1' . -li Itiwoj on Monta, Hiiiomb..r t. at 7',' n' lo k. Ky , ..tor ! III. ft.M. Ul'NCASI WllltlllT. Jt.oroury. W: MiM fc'i..t,TreiUirvr. Hit.' J-Of 1 X T.. I.aDNKU'S M1UTAUYUAI.L, I . Vs.:.- v. nmiiHrt. I' -iiifi ENi '-n Kl'i.tJi vHl iNotMi Mavfr, m fn vti t-l nt tt.ln popular thio or r ott( m tho lrin'ufir ot a ikw- iimI t in'- iimi, rtiitl f vftv.c ovojuuk cUoicfl afki'4la m uiu- inM i( nr' n t IL iwi4iiicv grn(iutoniy. it. , f 1.1 J.'KI 1'. CO.NCJ.RT 1SAUJ0X. It-. Mil rl'-.-r t.rt- ..i'Ood the L'nviio.1 cut.uiUMH (tit ihin.wuj. ,.-tenaivr .i M.HKL n.tii:ii'.N, Ml ( I J. V 1:. ...;i:itol- l'ltAiCUN ftrh-Kl.-l . VI i.lKAItr. .ti l'.Nl K, .. .i : l. eii-iu-.-i 11 il-ll ir-r ;i. .,tra, un.h-r ll.,' l-r.!-'p 0 1' l'MOI i:s-viH A. Ill K I 1. 1,. !.! . 11 n' jhfly ot;iimu n 'h.-h ir..-amtt; of KaUoivl jiii.l o:hoi' jit-. A a t-i' ii-.m' t j to ta. k ar. a n.'n fr-'oof .);.irv.'. t'i- hr",r tor 1-. tlef rulivd L 1 ,ft. .tthuri.1 ahdli not hi -.'irp... ,.d. sua, lui ih ktm uli:r. TEOUEANrS 01 TEITE EXTIUCTKD WITHOUT FAIN. 'ant H-lltl " M-vvw b"h u, ft l m. .t : r.t la ait L-'J.'i.,' f-i f v V.e 1 1"; , fir a i. q Im'I'iu Sictm CK.. -i. en., f-crat : i fT --i v. t! it' 1. Ik. ri i-nly fu." Jia.lcifl -r c.'.t l j 'pT,yanJ M t. fcJlr;Ut.;frti- UK v r.. MI NNS, tv-i-rt 3 1 Kph IV K bi ft; l; I . I H. J. IMYIDKN CMIH'W Dlr AND I 9 ny ltii'.M imo:, S- oNH VrM, i v waiii alw t iirei-f .) l'l. HH 'h li't i si'ivi- th tn I.ailtt jid Ot-nih u n .')irct)tiiir iai i-irN-ii a, ur.l.tirvuiini ki.iaiiMl r. - .. mt . tm ul fcH'-fthil liar it t'l.rnw, j-rMor , Sfc-iif vow ' in t M., i iirm.aal uttiMli.a: w $ wu ir u 4 i Vtt, :l aiiU l'..t ,i Lift rtbliji ii. f . At lnhm nt, Ho. ;v . VNM f-.rt,ran I -a f. mi mi Kt i atf sjiti liai'.t, .' HihI . rti i h ir aixt Vav -v btt Hit-ui(i r and Vsh i lUim tvrf w t y t ifti AMlltK'Biii.Mtkit'tli vs.'UUiit 1. 1 f. riO.d I itvu. a i-it 1AlbNTLD JILY Y :m.-J0SKP1I VMr. I. ! .M IV. rl . 1'tir.u kuu Ki c uric oTi any ati.ii f wakriitv mm ai 1, tor Ltt! i, iinti, ami ' n tdruB. rattan: u' nintf. tr -in cna t ic hvt. N" : A'(5 H.rt, l :ai.ii Ale. .-J( . MNTH rjiit:, i t.laJr tt. a- a .'.'-'-ia GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, AUCTION 8ALCS. 1S1 AOKVYB Attll'JN UOOMS. No. 321 HAtlavKT hUt. I AlttiK HAl.r Ol' CRiM'KUt A r l IA sHV ARK. On l'ilt H Kiiliiir , At 1ft r t iiv Ii, a rr a u-tt ri o W)u (.inN. r, O IUk iu Iib(, n. .! rlnM Wiiff, a.l nn'y of M1, ml 14 t'il-. Tiimb ri. TiSAfr At tLr fir it f nl n (n:antit of 1 ' Wr A 1TCTTON hAl ) AT !HOhI.Vf 1SAVV J Yaift, 17 Jir nf V- nt Ai'n-Uul lllrHm rAirii.nit. V. H M , (mtuncirant ri tin Vn.l Suy 1 nit!, I ii.ail i 'tVl tt r twt.m I'm" A - r 4 n ft Mini n!, On Till l;.A.,'H Ht.,t Itf f.-;-ifc M. IV 1 inrM li Mi r " T u :- ritm U'ilIt." ri t vtvAm'r.ii-tiAS A Mt (( fv ni Ia a.lioi . a 1 trr'ill t l'r I1" 1 I), if. ni.i It.'lt'T. 4 X pr -i-i I'- r A I t i (" rt- I it ru I ..It. A o I'hf j i fi.l i ii.. n. , 1 lot t l In d U i- fi v-rrl i f ft. in.S W.-A I'i-. TwHit t n1. i i.' I i r-ha uimr I d-;. M-ttr it tl r- t ri (.1 ,o ami tn il I-- 4iti 1 in r in.f( Iht'M' i'slrti ti I Mil. hid -f ri"! no f-nnvcl, Iai- dl'OfMt l. I-i 1'irtHlcf titl -ftp-nil. AJj iiMi.-fii-r I" run'l" In I if rnmt ul rrfrer, ml lw-ti,t Ui A' Hi' p ni'is'irt if--ir t f .irtl II. D T M AIMMM I , V H. Nu.; r:--trk f Kftfj Yiirl.lfrw Vori , Ar iv, 1 4. ai.. 'It ItKAI. hhTATI'. liJiA I. I STATIi!; i)AL I -1 M V. ItKSt I.' I VI1.. kAl, I MIAIC FKAL l.iTATti. M'MIII I rTAI.Oilt I, J I HT "IJ r. ni -Mil' r . Al A MM,! i: ji;t oi r. MONIIII V TAIAIO il i: .irnr HI T. K'.k i.aATt r.tii a MarMini't t's. Mil: lll A ltrllOrH MM hlltt Tl'lN. K IU' I ITM' lil-lUI:lirilh. t-'MAINi ljrti.noo w oui il f '. i "-'I A I km , in irn i mi ii, OIN'IAI.NB a-WlOO tVUKTll. GH)U 8AI.H. NO rKJtSON IX Ul'I.M af an. d. nplmii o ol v r pert.v, eiiher lr lnt.,1 ai. ni or crai,Miiu; , .ht-nlil liili tt if t one of my 1.x eUlur Ili'titliJy CaliU' n i , iui-1 out. fir f.-rnliiituti. i!uirl nitioa. IlKOltt.r, It. Mil. I. Kit, rraotloiil Jteoi lbtHto Oiio. ati. to. lit N.nlAl II Mlrnut. Grtm 8ai7i:. it is ax acknow IoiImo.1 f-ict , tui-l fnno't U-ttwdM. Ihal tho ,roaio,t ndiiotM4i ot the auo to parti1. ltt.'ioitwl In tiio tiinrhii-.e ttiiluor Ice.: K,tHe. b. M tlr-r a Month:? 1'at' aue : okiim'.iiok all'ii lin-'iti.i o, p'ibil h-l. ii-. mattoc l lvni. OT'i-o No l .t N. Hl nt Hi-e.t. 0llt'H-ono or ,ond vair aodira. na they nr. gratuitously AitnouU-d. Critalna M wimc.. ff FOK SAI.K M'IKM1:KH CAT A JLa. lottue lust out. poctnlu. a ul qnntitlty of flr-tclAM p..prt.r. eu-rlo- Vi eoy lu tko market. h trree, vaetlt) of fr .crl) eultahl. Vr lere4H,aof tlmtu-d tneain., rtviulrtaf IVoi oul, fc-D lo cnih u M.n-htu, ta:m. lor CaAiw.- .ii, or cnd your a(ldn. olil:i.ti Mtf t r.n, l'raetlcnl Ko.l Kctntn teriitr, aii It -No. IM k. hi vi ii auTCt. (UMMKH KXCUllHIONH, AT III II H Oi:L II A J I jS, to T11H aarAT Cool, Iron, and Lumber Eegions OI' l'J.,NXSYLVAXIA. TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS. ( Hvtng aeoaVc time to TlUe.h point of lutertiM ou tho ruate. The Catawissa Eailroad Companj flaTlnf perfected arrnrmemsnla with caneotlnir rm.i1., wilt l.v.ta KXCtiRHIOX 'J ICKI.Tttrtoea rhiladelolilaovrr tho Ir4hinlai route rhitvdfhU sad Keedliljt BiillmadT-o neailliui, V klll Carta, Ashland, Maliauoy (llf, and Tanuviaa. Cut.-wt-a ItaOroad To Summit. McAnlry Motintaln, Cata wta,ll'irt,liun!li,llllloa,nd trllliamupvirt Lohtah aad Mabaaof, and Ileawr MVadosr Uallroada To Ulack CretA and Matich Chunk. Loliigti Vail- Bauioad-To AtttaWwo, aad Ui II. If hem, and tl.eSirlii rtna.lTaiua Italarad la Pbllmtf tplua. ror variety and Krnudeur of -rri, thl. root preieata asonllAr looaoouit rit, to lourtata. Tl',e wtahtitv to de io, may rerer theroiiubyolitajn Ut' tloAet. ta .tart vir tho N irth renniTti anht Kallroad. 1'AllK, 1(. Ticket, can be ohtalue.l at the Iea-1 or the Philadel phia aad Rollroad, ant NuiHi l'cnnyl aija km rsad Ooaaaali i, nnd of IV. VAN llOU IV, TICK-e T AdttfT, M. W. 1011NLU BIAT1I AND CHF.HXUT 8TS. Tislaa "tart froot I't.lladVlplita and Iteadlog Depot atS'U A. If. aad I'M I'. At,, and from North rean)4ran'a Itatt- road Doeot at 7 A.M. and l-4r..andli to P.M. ouilulm 41 g5.!$jaEJJ PBOCLAMATION. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY (0fKK ! K.Oi;ilSI()N or UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS' II ALL ASSOCIATION TO ATLANTIC CITY t A tiiorc art larye nnmUr r( T!t'k'i for tl c F.xrur-lcii Bl i dm) thn ltt tii innt. v hioh were not Uajrd, the IiuIIith tbcot btL,T tiimhl to uii' then, n owuunt w t'lUfutj numtKT of l.Ju-uriliit4tB n mi' ttiwn uti i urtiiiar. t'.e Ihth. wtr CfUrrtA ttum on tlto !tli. Iy n amm i ft r -rtHl ar.lin(-Ui t-'-imr.ilUi of ArrtiiC rk-oh I a o tlurtiarf tx tho rwul lor I'Hiuay, si:tj;mui:k A: if all ten'ouo 1kMm2 Tkletf nre liifhrruLl tlittTth atitO Tlrteia art- ro1 un that ilau. or (li v can b vt- thttn tvcl witf1 by Catlbii on t!i" Kvcrtt.irv on 1 Lutt duy, t'ri cay, a i (3 Httunliiy, li,J''.Ui, and 37th liut., b lwMii tiic riounnf ID and l", anl t and h o'clock, nnil m rnuraday nl 1- mlay av iiIukh. I'Viu H to 10 o'clock. The llrkau lor Hei'ti'iiiii y an U'nUrd to t'ic Mimlfr tiio rani will heal, ft tiio C'otuniHt ni -.a-1- to rmur wntiro 'iittlirm tinn Tie LI1H--1.1V ( OIINKT AM) HilLIKO HANU Will guv mi any tlo i:;.(i sto. (ViiiaU(ttoa.'l hcHrUoi c l Youuff, l(ob?ri McCoy ("lirt. Shitrcr, 7 lioo. lkM-k , ,U) a rtiHrr, Wiu XVlicy, Ch.-ita Hitkor.Oeo. W.-lcnklim, vV.M M. VVF.CKKKI V, hxv( LMilc. N. ;. cor. ror mil,ilK rtttt. TICKKTS fit..'., i tiildirn fodor M train of aiie, rent a N H - LM r.' iU lvi- luo Htreot whnri at ot lcK A. M. r-i fmvTtt.-tt OFKICK' COMMRSAKY OF St'U auitanoc V'Asmrarov, D. O , Aumi.l SS, lull. Will be fold at tmnik aiu'llon, on Mllh'tl V. HopK-mkw r.. IADS, at 11 nVii c'-. A.M. al lao Hlvth sn-et whorl. Wit.h:rurt.a, 1. C, the foauwla ro-'hc prupirt-, In RO.M. ton-Jttlop JvU. : tr..iao.arn iti'ij n i unri-a, ea4ie.i. I'llty-'.wo i.v.'. r.i.t Mid... d.-. f teioa I It) hl-' Hklni. lefias cali. In fiTi.nment f'.utds tl. (i. t.UI CSI. a, .".i. ut t apt.ia an.1 t'.H. V. TKIiKT IIOUHK, ATI iANTIU CITY, NI.W Jl.KHAY. OKO, 1. tJ IlorvN, l'roprlotor. (T.oa and abTnra'ii known as nmprfator of OYBTBS HAY, ail I'll Had t IIK.d'lL'r atrastl.) rartlaa aewpioiiy'a'ed wttk Hoata, rtahlac I Jws, A . a. Cars ram to lt. h-ue. s.ry twenty Buuala. lv$4X T7XCHAKil' IIOTKL, ATLANTIC CITY. J Tha aniiaeri'j -r, HrA'eltil lu. pait favors, taoilars thanka Ut kl. pairona and th. jMiblle lor the aenerotu otia toai kItmi kliu, ani bun, l.a a to .ay he U unw open Am Uu) aoaMB. aiul ready to rvvelv. buartlera. p.nnaueiU auit traualant, on Iho ui..,t moderate term.. Tl. oar will alwaya be supplied rlth Ihe Ut.ienat a hi.-.. 11 iiiura, an4 ct;ara.aodaaper.riUI a!.. Tti. labtee wilt lis stl wiu) the boat tka marlvet aDonla. lUiJiii line, sti.1 :akla alaaj-a on band AUtl.auauUul aloaia ain alway. he found at tk, atachaiis. 'l.rmjl.or " ' . tlKOKHE H.VDtV. a at I'rupiUlar. n O L I' M II 1 A II tl C H 13. AII.ANTIO CITY, ki.w flTV'ATK ON KENTUtKY AVKNUK, I'POBITH THE Sl'Hr HOfaU KliWAHD UOVLE, Pcotirie.ns., If c!l tbe I'm... '' :? T lt-lir-JIOVSi: (.OTTAt.V. Ij A TL1M I'' ft I V. v. J., Ki Hi -T uovi; wria: nr. u THv::-.i- i'i tj,i i i.ow fp1 a io? li.e r,i. :i i. tr p..a-i,-i. Ilb'i Inv iif- r i.'t 1 .it.-. .. lu. J. Vt 'KT 1S, l"u. 10 . N IJAV C.OIlj OF i'AIll)-. TEE 51 W MUSICAL CAEDS P fill i, u "i.llsai.iy''f Kti. !)... -.-jti-y tHrtliVir THRKi: ''0.'. Al."-. Tin . ' k.-a a m-t aa. t n, l.iuui,.viil M Mi kal Tiut , i .au ,i i.. 'tbu raet'ioiJ. , , Amfnt'"U a't'.errime.;-l.ta-s. "A Ja-i:'-t-7 1 ir tcwl.tii, M.-.k.J 1 L'H . - llh "am&TIiu r,N..a w.tu:kt-it i-t. Mert V.-'K. a -JIMUI rr-N f'F I'r'AVTY. W1IITR VrKfllN u it Ai.i''i Ii the packet prepereivmof lh ae, fur t-eaftt't) !!, whilernn. . aat preerfnil tha (uaknia. It i. nvid, ft in : nr. 'Willi. Wat, tun-, lis iilrkoldrnury uaJItU', f'a pre"'r"nl ' ,kl" n a-t1, suurUi. and Iran,; areirt. tt naes vhaiipea handi w lipa. t,h', e. l'rfc. , mid M cents. Ia -iuiarlu;.cl ilvl HI'S t A tfj., I'vifiilai. i, Ki..l k. t-uin 1! (it., J d-.raiK v . ,,, .it, a-i a r.t las Ne. iu A. bAVHS i ll e'utet. IHE LARGEST AND BEST EDUCATIONAL. ji rnn ADELrniA milifart bohool. 2 (1irUTLU StlNDEUS' llMITtTVTR, Tlirtj-tjlntli and Market Strett3, IIK.OPKNM Hi:!"! km c. Ad t.e,., i tot r-t.-fiR r. d. at KM-raa, t n. I POAli S'fUl'VT Aff.Wl-.MYJoBoV, I t Mt. kit 8. III.UMl u . K KiriH. a m ,rnn ri, .1.- li'itie-. r-enoail MMAt !neinbr-r S, Ut. N t 'atHtoi'iit,! oon leail i1 inn, ti ha.l al Hiiin, i 'nri rtl . no.l.'f f - 'Oiivnla; II lol ; al Mr tl-.) , 1 -ilfc aid t;tii,riitt firw-la, nnd at Uio l'rfri'ipl It-hatoroa A . aol rn--t I III 1 1 am;.i ttiHii,nKii;M(iNVtm U i.n.n n . ;-ni- o. H ii-'-iIk ul li h.iilitl r "-tiilt M. W . cormr I HutfH aad i i sr. h ,o, I irfof J e. tl.i t .on, P.erliri d Y. tr.nw, WW. liili .1 I'ot t i n , I ''. .ir:e, t.l'l-oo" I." K. fri.1' in'iie. I. roi.lo-rr.J Ill, tin. r-. Miltnnll ''lllu Huh ri, I". I' at. -i i , tl in H l'.roii. tir Whltm-a. 1. IV. 111'. ur.l Ut.'l, rrlnrlaaf. Ti I. i.l.ln. Tl ".t aii .DM I AMI'S 8. llirtli," KAC'III'.lt OK Tit K M AVO, .v ..'.vH1Kr,Mll,i,n,ia,m,4, In. Tf AOF.I', No. -llf. CHUHNtlT STP.DliT M.MIKI'.. to I'liasNor Hirrol, I', tx-n 1 Mrl and .u.-lh. M.eH , I l.v ' Mi M'tory. Ma;-. I'eier,- -. i - it. ( i..nut ,tr Nttiir'.- hn, mil-wi inl 1 hvrl..H,a. Ma i I a- Il.- i- Hi. I - , I tt im. ct N.lf . I.etior, Siul C l'i-lr. I-r .ale nb4 .:- i-..t rtil. Ma f . he. nil tl lir I-, ot I' and t'nrolrp,. S Mre mil - Kn" li-i ol nn) tirr tr rJ- r. Sliif-atili'll , ( liy and L'.'iititxy Mo ekeersrs at lA lirn; . 0. ll f TIK.1NVT Rli Iirot, K". -II riMXS-ffT HtrrJ fmt, No :tli. t ItKHNn r tumA I'll " J anj t'.ai tia. , ai!!-u N.. M I'MI.HSUr Ai U-t.' DANf'INf) ArAPKMV. It. I.. RAUl'KN t-r. No. '.'. Attt II fiir-et, will r hi, Araih-inv 1'K il--ik:. Jill -n u ,n I'll I'.hKAV, Hoi t-i. hrr H If... iJU J N I 'f 11 1 H T A. T 11 Hi 7-.) IX)AN. 11k fkxrotar.'oi' Uk Tr'asary cwm that .a. scrlptl will he miel.e t lax Co ipoa Trpaturr te, l ajote tliroe Aoiu A.ujt,at t. t-M, wltli aaatt-atoj nual lnterrt at tho re. i4 hh ai4 tkrus-teatha pav fine ptr ann. i.n,- riinlpj.aiid tn:w.t lota lo a. paul laj lawful uonei . Three note, art; he coat ei'tlul at tlw opttaa of lid tiotder, ai cisltirlty, bit,.K per coat, goid heartnf l.od:, rejalile not lr than fir, not aioni ttiaa tTit pvw rromiheir Ids Om en.aamit aisy Meet. TUtua-aT he tastied In denouilnsUortJi oT -10, 11QA, AAiO, IliaW, an -'.0C1, aiid all eiineriptloni mu.t tn (or flftf dottars ot aou.c tnaltiple of hfty (hiUnrs. .J A. tlia note. dmv Interest fiom Augtiet Vt pers maklns drpoalt, snhi-iiKiit ta that data caust pay Hi, Intmrat seemed In in flaieol note Is data of dopoett. Partlos dpoeltlnx lTU'. -flve thoaaand dillani a( ipwa-d lor tliesc wne, at snj on. tine aifl bo aliwlf I ccaiuitseioa ;4 one .tiartct- rf one ar.M4. , I SI'V.CIAL AIlVANTAGf S OP TIII3 LOArf It it-tKrinAj. .; nhS,oletlng a hliraer rats of mterv.t thaa en otii, st4 Iht bttl tfKwHg, Arsy itvln.-,, bank rhhipa Its d'oo.ltiTS la l olled State Note. tenuUter. that It hi pnjiiur la the lest drctilatls ini.l'um o( tlie ,00.117. and it eaiaaf pa In asUhlai;'' belt r, Tor Its nmi miL are elthnr In Oorarnment seeua Ilea orlu aotei orlHind. pSiuMe la Oovernmcat paper, " j CONVKKTILLE INTO A SIX PEU C:M( 5-2H fJOI.D BOND. i In n.Ultloii to the vii 111. MM Interest on th.-iM fol three ytiin, this pilvileio i eout-rsin Is uotr tvwtj tiN-ht Ihiee per teiit. per aint:m,lor tl.e current rato fa! -10 tiotidn is not !ej Ihna jtifie ? r,irrfma,ai I, fore the nr tl f i-reniliira on per cent. United rMa'.e KUrk., vr.i, over ti'ul) p. rent, ft Mil le seea that t actual piofll ou thl, lan, at the prveeot m.nkst rate, li not lea,- tluiii ten per tnt per onus ji. . ITS llXKMl'TION HiuM hTATM t)r Ml" MCI 1'AL TAXATION. j Itut ut-hte irom all tt.o id, ire hsto curuiiTatHi a epecisj Ai t ol" Collar rt i, -.rt''--j'.' all io-.rf,- an Trsuurt ttc'rti om to rtl t't u'tn. On the average, this Ivapl tlu ir vi wlh about twu i. r c'nt, per anuuoa. according j( Uh- rnto ot texalkiu In vniti-ii-i parts ol the country. It I. neic- el that ao weuiftleq otter ao frat li.aatoe j hieiit. to I od rs , thme l.mud hy the ovenuaea)t. I. ull Itxias oi' indialedi.M., tl.. faith or ability aj prlTnlf vartli ,, or atotk roiopanlea, or sr-ianils eossraantl tie.,ntily, I, plrdnud f"r ia; iuul, t htlo to, nhhipi, perty of the country I, h-Ul tu eecurc the (li,rhjr of M the i hilkailoiM ot leo t iiwJ i PtiSMriPrioi s wit.t hf. tl"- St tha Tiea,ana' a, thvL'nltcd Stales, al WeiUsisu, the aeveral AMtsta Traamt ra sad dulvnated rxpalwrtaaii4 kt ill. 1 nitST KAT'lKMAIi RANK-tP rfltXAUKLrill A, f A-. HIX'OKO KATIDNAl. BANK Of PHILAKELPtU A, r A, TI11BU ?t A'i tONAL BANC OF HtIL.Ul,LrHIA, PA Pt)t lilH N ATIONAL C VS Of PUILAM-U'IIU, PA.' lly all N'atloa.l Ilanlts whloh arv deoiHaej of pmaiaj norayiand (atsW-lf all iii--ri:oi.4i;Li; b sks asu-ranhxiu ' Throtuhoittliaeountry wiHi.-lve ;keUfluualttlm an Ai'rotlU I.VKHIf t ACI1 ITV TO HIJIUM'ftl WilK. I) 1 A M ( N I H. ft-rat i fc Lnviitf liUiiisjutlK f uIIjit iTfCro-Hp tUumi i4 4i mat ill ( c!!Jjic on , LEWIS LAI30MU8 & 00, ' Druuioml lleuleinii ii,l'.t--ttlr-s P.,.. Ma CIir.HUT r-lret. ! Vl'l.o nil! He 11 . li'nt.f it c.-Wi prlea. anW 1 .1 . M II M It A. II X3 It H m.-n.iia auo ectaii. CI.OUK 1'TAIlIJ.SirMKNT, A. E. umer BJ. OND and cncSXUT Ktreats, rkllad ! sr.ucr ma mi: rt. '.r HAlt'Al.l.tNO HUBIT-UAY CLOCK, A viij dx'rabVe arl'r), for, Uotsla, Baaks W4,niii.r-ii ue. rariur,. .ti-, AJao, MA.Vt'KAl Tl II KH OP PIXP OOT.D PHKA. KB HEPAIIlKD AMU VTA 11 KAN IAD. )alt-ly wy ,rivtkau yu. a. tin ay, x. e. t-oiiNT.n cf sixt, V j u i MlM'K i-ii'U-, buys i.uvij., tvatcli- ,-.K. a i. I r, Mid l.ian !..'-. '.JIOU IH Wavr or atONT CAIX. A" i-i uj .inl.ui th.l. ul9-3 ELA8TIO BTITOH I N O MACHINES - I IHE BI.1S7 IN l'K. Nr. T.vO CIIEHNX.iT Hiwh llTAKTrD TO FKIi cb rxcuANoi VY El. i. -lie li r ' ;s.iiu.e, k, Ti t l i.ver H JUk.r B.wintMaalaa, HI su .mVi-h? .".Ml Maaai U .dral.kJ "a"' .'VC..ulwl- aalaat It-s ikw "',JjVI.vp t FAfl KS.ER. , Na. i' I I'.JITH lilrrvt, " (Ov r leu year. ita ati.irr A t o k t..'K, ul o ie.'aie. I t 8.E. CORM'll MXT1I AND MARKET STt i