The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 29, 1864, SIXTH EDITION, Image 1

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! -
T Raid on Rogersvillo, East TeniiosFee.
Wlnrnc Nnmiw i:-:i.o
The Tight at Reams' Station.
'' MoMlfi 1'uporH A. M I " 1 1 Aliamt
I tho alt-ty ol" C'.fy.
fa Gen. A. J. Smith's Expedition.
e a mr a nm .
L Our )ilu llH N.'t Firs- (o U
r THE WOPK QV kll.l'lTRI. KS MP.
r Feaco MiBsion in Richmond.
fa BEWJAMIN ON JllIISAn 4; I CM Oil i:
Kt.,, E-., r.U:, Eta?., Etc,
We make the following extra-is irom the Ki h
noad Examiner of the 2Mb instant :
' liupvrluiit front South we.-ri Virfiitt't
j 1 m. hcei Itntd Into ltorvr-vlti', -a..-
i ltmsToL, Ang'i-t 24 Thr:e hundrei Y inline
,j cavalry dai-br d into Ko-torsviile n ihe 21-t, and
e sspinred tin, Hon. J. liicahell. K. C. b.. )),
I Co'cui'l Wilder, C upturn Clay, an I niiicl en
( . fiivstes. They retired iu the dlr:.:t:o.i oi' Ik' )
, tuition.
k 1'oirtkt AKm.Ii l.iil.l. rii V'tnhvc
4Jt-iri,l VvtanlibMriio Encmim-, lift III
I Nbirl'lwil
I The foMowli a ofllcliil despatch was leceived ut
Ike war jicpariniciii yesterday :
I By Tii.bck.M'h mom M-jhii-jt, Auirnst 22,
, y IMt. The follnwiim do patch was received from
, viiierjj forresi, dated llcr.iunoo, 2lst. : 't a',-
acted mi inputs ai cmcr mis nior ini?, diivois
Uic cieaiyto hia fortifications. Wokilil.iud
Captured tour honored, cipm'ing their entire
camp, w iih about three Hundred noises an I nvil.
V B.,bhi.ti:f t'bcaiit J iQ the ilaikn' ul tlid in iru
k.f, iinv.pfr bin cloilitii ln;bii)J. My ix
ltr.ty killed uml wuun id!.
'N, li. KouiiF.iT.M ijor-Clcncr.U.
"D. 11. Mavky, Mj'r''-'J,,"eril.
T Thi rt' war nn ncwi froi:i,l,Bier'linrir ycterJiy.
(MC).t the 10; on lliatull wji qji' l ikvrn, ;w 1U-.J
kkiok Hi ) entire line of tho Army ui' M r:Vra
rrtn !' VmIIcv.
Tkorr ia no bin? of upecial Interest from tin
A Yaiuy. uiir :r ps ai t Hi irlcitown, iii i
Mur uuri ro:'Ji Hurp.r.- FTry, liii! hi civ.ilrr
J Avernl firaid tbu u(i.r f.irJi m"
j laloiimc.
We hivi'cnnflrnmtioi' of tfioreort ttm Mixiny
v kuiig thiriy Yuuki on b m l dugbt baroiur
j frivui rvMcn-'v iu O.rk unty.
t Uf lkllMM tat nobiio.
a M'o l.nvii M )bilo papcri to tho l8m Im.'iit
Tb'' I'tws is witlio:it i-p. oliil I'ltcrcst.
J The t-Dfiny's Teesul ; luivo ; mo eu' ott 0?
! lbl A Coul'cdi'ji'a tinii of-tm'n t ov. IH'I
i( n uu d'jwu. but . n errand had n'Jt tr ta
il tpirtd.
i" It if report! (1 tlmt the prl-mncrs t iltcj at I'm
t' ir,c Kill V exchuiiL'co. rid mar be .xtiluI
il ltBi0 iu a few any-.
'i lu ru ih lo later noiva from Fort Mr2in. I
ri k b lu'vui ttiut liit: (lai'iny li- worHiiua vay "U ii.
fil but of lb a no iatnriu moil bid Ix-eu rnaiYuil.
ft Tit ! -iV tiiiM .iv the p aiv will Ihi dtviitlv
ae'tnoeu, and, it i t ) bo hoped, prener4j.
The n out vi' M quertiuu connecti'd ib 'lt:-
A. fMimc ot inibim is, i'uu m enemy t ll.wt -utiijto
U tliii'J Siittv CottM .Survey wilt liiro
jnim i n ice uiiitei :
A 'i'o ptuct" d mi to Mobile is only pt irtica'de for
fi twcl aianirg hoUH'ml tliau ngut f;t wa it,
i V l.ft oi ti.ik.t- A.aiibnit 0 ty utet-r N. 24 dwr!
V. tiir h:ewan'i P.ivillcn, 'noaily ! ui'le we-i
A riioctuw Llehtj) w.itu the Lowi-r Staka u. .N.
7 d Kfies h. BlefT itr It. UllSsllltf it close AmiI
d j our pen l uud. Iht--oe to tua Ucpi-raao
Wlf.-k Ktukeii -.tet-r N. ISA dfri E., keri:u:
tiiai also clove ab wrn on your iort bin I. Fom
Wncli ftjk no. r N. l.l utgitoi K. lor i'urn
fciae; haul -li e uiound 1'uru iSmho, and wneu
t kud FdwKt's uri in range ste r N. JU dixre.n
l "W., lu erliit! till r.iiiiiii uiem you ect m-ur
the Choi uw l' .int.ilioruattlie utttran. uof M.iil (
K livtr, ibcu 1 uui up io the Xurtliwir.l, kuepiug
thf Moli'ii fiilo ol tne tiv.rr close ii'uuiri.
VoMieln drawing nioro tli.oi tw. Iv.i feet inns.
1 ai.cLor in the Ui.r Fl et; vo-sch w twelve t'i :t
B amy prom-d in ibe anchoMo of tlx- I'ppi r 1- livt,
If Tutmn ibu Mid'lle ''round in not le-w th in
j C:ui u Ket, paln I'o. nt ( I jar, three nine dit
' taut, on tin- i-lai UwrJ bund, and iehoriig olf
" Al. tiMuia City . niiJwa," ,vwei n thoK'Mt and vet
i or- i ot the bay, in tntlre and a halt u wuter,
. blur mud.
,. Dog river on tho r.hart, is about four an J a
halt milin frniii tbn ot'iiim ol' thi (.ity. Tha
" afarct joint of tho V npor l ieet, nearly tun
li lui c.-. 'I he drpili iriin i) ih r.vcr lur op t the
city it t Ahl l'eet ui-t un Jci so sty the Moniie
e pupert.
- Till'. I.ATF.ST TliV FL.M- 01' Utlfi.
J The llnu of tiuoo alioro alluded to arrhoj at
? Boon.lniharscoi t aptrtinCiiiurdy.oftiio Ya ikee
rtearter Vort llt ial. li met by l.ieaten ini
. Ji.uei McC. iJak'er. Tho Mag iirout;ht a nutu iur
ol letter from our prisoner, mid a.-j a rouiia'i
J niention to Colouel Watu, our rgent hero lor thj
exebanpe of prihoiien.
S It u1m rcporia that ut the luat urcotints Admiral
j Siiehaiian'a wound wan doing well.
J This is all that we run leu in of the purpose) of
' the liug. Mvhitf Ti ilnme.
V From tho Traiia-.HISNiNMlpil.
1 We have some very afiivcable and iutcrestir;;
advieca from the lr.irL-Mif m.-ipui lleoartmcut.
rrom late orders isxued from lieudqiiartere tte
lern that tienerai lluekner mtcceeda Ueuoral
Walker ia roniumnd of W'etteru Luuisiaua :
MKgrudcr lakes the Department of Arkansas, and
Walker commands the Department of Texas.
flntKj at ur41 In 'I'uvuu li lvjun Avaoii-iiiol . m I, j
Oj Vi-dprals. 'instates the last Yaukee foot from
Texas soil. We have other good news from that
I qM.'.ifjr, which Is embraced iu the siintmarr be-
' low.
I I . ice is said to I moving on Missouri.
J UenU nant General Dick Taylor was at Alex-
I autlrui.
Otneral Maxey atta.kivi a camp of Kani-as
troops within six miles of Fort buiitb. lie re
ports the capture of one hundred and lll ty prison
crs, (Cth Kuntas Cavalry ,) three huuiired small
anus, and tour hundred six shootors. He has
pushed Generals Gauo and btaudtvaticj toward
(Jeniral Joe Shelby is playing ltd havoc with
the Yankcis on the Mi-pomt border. lie re
ports over three thotisuud teeiiiiU siuce liis ud
vance. Tessa Is free fioni the tread of tho enemy,
ouisiuna nearly so, Arkansiis is in a fair way t-
t recovered, uud l'nie, it is known, is "bidinf
1 wmiu" for a telling blow toi thodiseutbralnieni
fills own Vtute.
At last accounts General Steele was at I.'ttlc
(itk.but i-o exhausu-d iu trentli us to liaic
power to harm.
Tli r w li'prt:m'nN Inm.: .i rM l y Cntfii-a
at in lat ve--Mn nr-' 't.n:: in'o Bn -ce-ts'iil
open ion, ami promine to ra!io all that w ei-
p- i Mu, nni me p.rit ut tnc pco,' o is boi.i,ctier
111', Slid conti ient.
In a woid cverytTiI-i:: in tho Ti I'H-Aiivi'nlrpi
I)- pirtnuTi h r. p'-'-f 'iti il ti in exw'lcnl '""n il-
1 1 on , :i:.d lliC '-oi'' -l'kJilld.
KlO'.i tlie Ii: h:u)nd S. i.'i ' of lridaj,tha
th, we Utt tin' following:
The Wnr rnu
T'io lit'iatioii in frint f l';vr' :ir- in nn-
cJnned. Somo kinuifboiit fid a g-njd ileil of
pi ket firing rontlnao on onr i i bt, the i'ik 'f.irur
vti n-'sr to e.i- n o'- r, an a i-nnpia-ion w
tike an .K.i.,)-i,ii flioi at Hi : Y ' ik.ri's ir.-e-i' I
I le. il t Wrf'lneadiy, thirc wn" nnmo rann-m-ii
lln all day on the b it and - enti O: an I in tha
afiiixin tli.' -lty wn )n'.l sbelirtd by the
ci.f in 's builvrioH near t'l-) mer. Tbii wa the
lir-t reirti ar thcitlng o' sny jHe(ue;iee for
K ial w.'t'ka. The only cl.tivuo to priperty
.n thfl partial burila r oi "mall ten 'iient,
and the omy .j.uniiy to.- hl.iinf: M' a r..M.-r.) in ibe
loer part of the rity. Tte iinntiadinrf O'l the
left kept up, . li!i ocr.ii',:i ii inUri n- s on-",
t.nt, I a laic bour ol the night.
A if ata ed yetc rdav, on th: autbor.l .- - r-
r 'rts bioufbl i'l by smuis, tint t romp At-yciy
P'nsll letiKih ol th-: tr.u k of tin) Wci-loo i t Irovl
I a he. u torn up. It ii beiicve I that the road has
not be. n destroy-'. I a far ai llium-t' auti n. and
that tho raJx, inau-sJ of heing be itcd tnd tvutt. d
so a form lor them unlit for fur h'T nae, ar.; tx-ing
tiinlrd anay aa fit :a tbey are tuken up.
irr.pri t-aion ah i prevatls Vj a-mio eit'nt, t: - v ln
t i n-y intrn I- to pro-i.-rve ;!r t id lnu-i I t Ilia
own n', in : of the'i n jf l et. rbi.r(t
and Ki-liinond an event a far in the future
Hint Until mv us well aeivtro a iifo-l' isc on hia
position bitween Kfans' i.ttiun and Davis'
li-itn. ond will it to Ms h-.'ira au I .vsijr'is.
The enemy 's position on th'! railr-ad kt' reit
I'l en tnati ria ly alte'i-d, an-1 us he la closely
vvntehed by the et'rif n 'cd ry 'i of akliful ( -n-v
iala, ml i-onfiontcd ttt ovcry poi t by our troojis,
ho i-un Diov.; no fart.ior wittiout on iinerinit fcia
salety. If any further movement is Intonled, it
will nr-'ur in i)k shape of raida. whi'b bavo Iwen
i.lionoy firoshn lowed by hi-i" in tho Y tnkeo
iitspj.cra. Wc nro not .i.vir.' of rh' future
pisn of onr conimn-i liinj ot';' -ra, ba! frel as
sured thai thej will lw di- ;jit,.;.l by goiJ Ujj-im-ni
and can led out with ir. e-'.
frikon-'ri re-vrt th;i' 'Vnn', Mi ill-, .lud ail tho
pri mii.ei.t Yankee la-uorvls. nr.; wiih tho army
Houtb of IVteriljiir,;, btiMly iiHii.'ting and no'ini?
ihe a dva-itJKea of the now oi:iyu. 1 r: jncjri
i i I di i-1 :.' ar-; htoaitUt in daily.
Notbine of lin-virlani-o o.' srred on tb ' line
a.mih ol l'vierabtirg jesterday; but tuo ia.!l a
ti ii.s ate tbot wo snail h tv : stirring netvs tr.ii
(hut oniii-tcr bel'cre tinny diy clap:.
SK IllMlKil M ilt I BK' 1 II a r A I'. IV.
1 b-' enemy s line of pl. kota in front of Ch 't.:r,
io tt i Hi-bmon 1 and l'i tT-b o'ir raliro t I, aa
attacked vest'-r.lay morninp t'y Ue'nAMl l'i'-llitt's
ci d and driv.-n in. Sumo iMy or sjienty
prisoners weic ruptured. ur.. wa? -iiuai..
l non rm: v.u :.i y.
n oilie'ial desaat.h iioui Cen-:rul I.irly, a:
Char eiiown, s'l.scy tha-. ho V- pp.'i-: I the enemy
b:r k to liiitpir a i'-rry.
We have rccoive J somo prii:lfvin-parti -ulira
f ihe lecent ennxCLicut ue t Win ho-itrr. i'h j
rout ot th.) pdcm.v v .ia co:.ipli:li-, e uialii.i;, if it
did r.ot Mirpaa, tho a-.inipi-i'o KeriHtu-vn i
lew weeks -In v. Tbn ti'tiy h l la tho '1th:
ti'xnii eiJ'it t'ijiiaiid - jvalry, and hjiuk four
'bou'ard or live tho ini ,ntry, whi'h waa
tha rear Kusrd of their tn-vu army, th'.- l.v.'er
lieii-jt in full rttroi? to-.iar 1- tho i'otuiiiac.
Alter theadiiir at l iont, inr army pii-di.' i
on, aud i-ennnit up with tho rear (juard at ,a-i-hesier,
wire, lor a all rt lime, Uei l it lny, by
their a tilhry.and uil'-.rc i aomo little loss, bat
tmbinx -oul I v.;listan.l ta val r of o..r troop-,
nil i nb a jell tln-j haijja l :bo cuetiiy, -vhj
bloke and r in In t io wl JVat ioii:'j"lon.
ri.ev wfa ptirrued f-r voi-ral mi!-'S beyon.l
Wiiii (nut. r. w ben (lirkmss coinpcllcd General
I-aily to oall oii'h.s uuu an 1 allow the-m to reat.
1 he in xt niorniUjt H e pnraui: .via re -onunenivd,
hut th- enumy ha 1 risen flv .nr.: so of the J irk-ne-..
and g)ttn lio lar u j I . to bo jver
iii in n.
fi'ii about two htin.lro l nnl fifty priaonr.m
nioi one pio e of amlitry, b-.iJes a nuuirrof
h rus, ai. 1 any iiiantit ot am til arma, elotlilm,
ic., whi 'U the e-jumy in ttu'ir gbt turow nway.
Iiu. vir.v few of r lie oi.-'iny were k.iled or
' n.i.iUd, and oar kmuv v.uu.US.js did uoieXvOd
lille. li.
4 niiira-ol' Korl tirsrnn.
Mom i k, Anp'iat 21. I'ort M rgxn U in th-)
etnai; s Ijui s. Whi ibtr "-.irriHiercd. rbioau
0i, "r ei .1 'ii ili d, is nnknov. n. Tli'iM aro 'on
i!i hi rijioit, l,.r nniini, i.;li ibio.
A 'la.oMru-e !Mt ris'ien i'io enemy's ai)a:r
llietto Jay. Tl'C i' evbui( atfent'nvt
:ivi!'.i- nrtiv d, nothiuff w-i-i ae : ah- d.
A spe'isl otlie .IJrci.'n. )-, fro. n ii'.ar AUrdien,
uti the y-lib, Pya ill ir eiioiiy burned A hvillo lust
i.i. M. Tl eir a v nee loioe pac I ilnoagii II il'y
f(jrinp Hits n.ort in ; t -warns I. a Grange. Coolr
nK n "'I n i r- K-ei at W iter! u.l last n irht. Aa were a'-out eroa-ltiir, . aalmon fired into
their inf n'ty Mrf-e js t rd .y, and a db.irp skir
ni.sli to .k ;ila.:o. tie i-ap'.uie J throo hiU'O.h and
tenniH and five priaoneis. (,'nr ioas, twenty. Tho
pursuit nas renew? 1 th s ra jrnl::.
THa- l.ateNt Iroiu l'.-t.-rbnra;.
Ti run snvs. i, Au.-ast I'.i.- f)ur fortes engirod
and urove in the i-uemy's sklimMicrs in front ol
Jk'imuiia llundied th nior.iinj, capturing somo
lotj pris -n-.rH. Tin- rTa'moit laa;cd ba: a
sh-jrt liii'i . Uiir h.s sni ill.
For wvciik' days j i-t tho ene 'iy has hoen plclt
rtii 8 in In id ol bf . 'inula ll .n In J with negroes.
1 from at d on tun line of t'.p .Vcldon rai'road
tbi is litile or no chance.
The enemy has been ennrf-i l to-day shiftint;
foites f.ori tber ri(tni t m ir Itf:. liuticr
civalrv ei :a td the i-ncn -y'a cavalry uino miles
lii'ow hrro nh;b.t liclore "las-, -od rspalaed an
effort noikinlo drive in o r picket
lines. Our loss v,ii mii lil. i. iy lirin-t has for
the, lat hour been henrd i .l.itu ico down the
Jin- of the WcMon raiiind ; .iu- u n i.'xplained.
liiiMirtni f froiFi HiiuIa,
At'.wtv, Aui'iia- 'Jl.-. V .U "teh from Jones
! Oio' Males iba: a V 'dnial raiding party in heavy
f.ii 'e b is upi uied a', l a' en ivniu. A d.-spau h
i r.n. i iei t ral Miuiy, a- Mini-, coui.-nn the
rapni'et-f Memphis by l-'jrrct Wa.--.ii3a-ne ia i
s-iill wi re enptute i -viih the v. Dixon bride,
on I Vtit river, near 1 ajuit.- lit , wus burnt th.s
S-outs n-jiort tliat am her I : lera'. raidt7''iiO
stiouir, wiib niuo pU'i-ea .r ur.ill-ry, -tarted from
lie'-atur early t'lis laornnu In "in dTvdou of
I ovinx'on. V letU r :o:u uu i ileer at Oreeno-villi-.last
IVi nessto, etyt th -.t John M -rcaii
i. fi that puiar. In- h uoxvi le. Tr liis are
lepularly Irom ll:i-tol to -j.. jn-.nllo.
ilia situalioii ariuml .uliua is un 'banned.
The i-netuv fbojL-J ia- o:ty at Hi rvaij all mg'it.
All .'Jii t this iiiom'nff, xei ;.-. -'casional pitUot
k:rniib!n7. A l.idy was kHI-. near tile r.spress
ortleo l.vt eve'iiin? y a die,!.', nr. J a soldier los! a
leg., Ai3.uit 21. " i..;:i'r Uv3 confisv
yrutiot. occtirel ihU :tnlr on AUbivua atroct,
d-Mioj in a ! n' . w in li :'L(1 nerorU dwei!
tUHf. l'!n lire wha rauBf,l ir, i shell. The YftU
kio bxu lit'ii, -luring ill,; .in., '..iiici tLat iiordja
ot the my vrrh threat mpl-lfT,
rtiniir, ri piirt ihut sh ri 1 1" s nnny conUnnf-i
well U -J. Ciil. i'ijs irom M -f.o'ta icport that
Fvt'oral oMi rs claim rhai t!i on- t.voiuj diy'
pmvnons ut ih-it pla e. Tm ih llriajo (nve
AJ' 7 1 J Minority jv SimAj.
'kite IjU INkiu3 InfaftrvlOH im Kiiliniuiiil
4 irrtilur frtiui Hit N(ule lmrliiiiit.
The ftiltowin' circalnr from the State Deport
liiciit vl 1 1 xpiuio lts-eif ;
J CAP I Mr M ol (J I A t F , Kl. II VoV li , Vj , A'lCHlt i",I t4
-M-: .Nt iiit rt in fitiHitn'ioiit, vhl- ) have u nil '
app. an d in H e HMiitiHl-ol J L'nlrttl Hialf on uu- nl
H li ol inloMiiu ovt.iiuti It.r p. w v l.)ltH'ii two I tslvrH
iloitoj buuk Dtiu Ht ar on (I.I o ntnient, reiiil'i it
lit klmblr tliit rcu nl mil ill til' fiillv ii.IvIxhI ot tiio Viivvi Hu4
ioiir,r ot HiIl vt iTun. ii( oil u niaUi ro such uiriiaiiHit It ti lltfwi-f r pr t' 11 ihould Ik nt
rurwit b ' ' im a ci wl ul ti ;s mci'irt J on tiit iivtml
OLi Ji i-t uutnioii(tl Ir tht I'QhltH-d :-,t'infiii.
iin lia iii rt'ii.) n i it i o-t. ot wltn r-tjHt; of tl-'
lurtniti Mto iF-tift iii oii-ir-- oi d-t ( .!:i-l.-intt,-
wlili ti;e a, jirovnl fi the l'r-a Ji nt. on (rn lith Juno Inn, In. vi'. r.fiil.ili.', hi ttwl In i 4if..ruilty wiiJi tiie ronolu
tu n h;i li rttjMOti J thui cn 01 ti.f uii.niifnio htnlt
! Isiiil lnl..rt (tiit-n MfiutiitiiU. The r!ucip! ,
hi MiUii nt-., and Mire l y i itli ilietc Ktait t liun
! -4t. Mini ue ii' iictuntt (,' rt f r 1 1 iu tl ut i t
v in iih the aiitt'trlt fii.v (hi- ,. mil fit cluraimn ol tht
JeP':ltiti at. ti f itnti- le(.rtilmt iita tui" tt(-vpi'aiuut,
w Ith a i' i'itni. j wliK h leu c n i mhd ir otuuiciil
eapiattutjon. U ul'i-w ' niiirv It i iointt-U out thut 1 ii
-ki-itof. int MtTMicf with f'tir inl rnul vmc urd prti
I'fjlt;., 'auJ 10 he left In tit nn'll-tirhi'il 1 hjuj in--wt ot'
tliuhf IiiitUi-iiahlf twuta 01 hi. iib- rty, und uv turiili r
Iavpliti , wtiiuh hit couiuit u aiicc.iira oV-c'ftn-4 to he
U 1 eUl In riUt,i' of all laillti to the .ot sl t (Hiip t. Li t
t..iui Itit etti Mvf rthioi. iaM.(i iii.Hiul tht'wurls at an
ti.ii. Ii Dure yut-Mi-Qi wiilch i.-fjiiire mlrutoiftit by
ni.oiiuil-n, ie have ejr htron w lUuii, una, are tit) ivili
Jw, towniti Into ctniiijuiiliui!tii v illi o if ttdn-fsatii In
u!itoi icm?of e-iuliy, and manly tiauWui'ss." Tht
niki.i'i ito ch'tjt'd villi the dttlMnaitn that 'no commit
our tai.fci tu tit I'ulijIitciMtl ludbiiiu'iit of tha the
si.ri-i. r rt. hei-tiuiin ol our udfurlci ti:rma-ti i-i, and to t Ue
i it iii t anil rllitcoiih m hitijni 111 ut liauvrii."
Within a -rv tVw wi-fk- wit the 'i!.lh'atinn of Ihii
iimiiiivi-Ui. it teeiued to ha e u4 Mth a rrtK'iiBt Itiku
1 roii' eii t Llmo.n. iuthccstiii rart u moiiio a leitor
wa in . ivrd t y tientsrttl l.ct fiom l.n utoti ui titmral
(iift'it, tn ti.e follow ini; wonU
"III AHijlAIH 'I.IU AllHlk.w tf illt I'NJl r frir.lTK, Clly
roint, July 8, lM.4.ien)ral It, K. I.e. tomiuuiiilhiK
t'otih ilerut- ioni-Ji iitair rHt-rttmiif, Vlrti:U 4;utraJ
1 kvt-ukJ iviueat that Coknitl Jaiiiitb.TuiJ litjitvl ivuni'tr
Int.t'itn, t H r- v, f. .,.. ft. a"!vv'. M
4 f.'K I ' "i"-t (UM.t r .11-- (- !- - ft" r. 'rt,
I'r (', ail - i h ; J 'i' i'-''';i iii'1 in of -,(
arms'-, .w 11 .t y 11 ! '. r '', . - : ..I tin t,.
i- h'vltin.'lC .tf. ;ft' Jr. '" el (' i.'Mit'l ( ' 1
-It p-. r. n - - 11: f y
t to jv lt Hi. 'vT'o l .kf i
. : t v i'h'h. I. n;I 1. 1- 1 t '..
iv ti- n.
K- M-tir .. -ii tu fi 'irti t?i r 1 a
D i " i 0 iv ! ml t; . ' ... . '. to 1 s.. w ri
lit r) c ,.. i y, ; ,i.-r . ' r.r -.'. .n'.
"I . H . V r,
'IJi jit'n mt rs-nr.i, f. rt. A."
On V, r! r t c- -)t t t-r l 1r"-i' nl. ti) jnt;..
rli -tl (.''OMl O il I 1 ( t'. jiir-iint i-i n - I t ' : .trut
(n: t - W u r ati I 1 iii'M'l 1 1 1' J. I'. -n. r-- t n it rr-i- 11 1 it d tf.1 i" l'i' if I ft. li fi.,-
o -p ot il S- . r (.iry vi W ir an I .1. th.a , - 1
J 1 i". I itM't.or.' t t ft ai IN 11 t-t i.nti a'" .
t ' J"U- nri . " n. r f -r Hi ':-i it. ' f v.. t
l .tt th.-T i-hr I tT.t,i' . ! 4 m- : Ki - , M,.n. I t' 0
1'tit,5 -v -v;tv. 1' 0 rr'j'i:ii. t'.iii tin ? inir . v I'M'.c
lnoHi,'.l;''.ti'l .iltri( n: L'. ivU ,11 !' . -t
p'; t'ii: Ihaij t-fcj li-tor-iai m" . ;n;t. .1, ir il v 1 t'l s
if .1 11A. to : t.j'' .ty T-Ta r n-. 1 :tu il ' -r u-tf - 1 h.hio. w.i
fr rctV-ri -'tl ton .o.-tit" C f i'-. n I ,t.;r-v -,i o--i.i ;n
rii'-au 1 llc-UW'ii I hi. i ('.. ,-v. r .1 Mr. Lui- wt a ..I 1 j
tfliti.-i 11 r rrt.u -pt v.cwi la rpi;in. sft -.h tj kt, ...j
(ir a .tc .tu-.. -I-, r--. f I ia,,, ; i-.
'' .". j I 4'H t t 1 . 'i i-. itc Vy i. ;i - ti Ni-' f j f .rp- 'j
h f'." oil D J to trttK p . .ny i ',-r inrnn fin-i t!-'
n . jn' -ill i.. i- u-i. :i ..- 1 :.,f 1 -i, t-,i. ri' , , 1
t y Wi.i t . it U. J ' 'T'1 H ir" ''I Vtl 4i . atl i tYki iv v
rv. -lOviTtli-im.. 'vf'Jrii; f it 'i-'lr 'iiv - i-w cmM
r' ill hi i'f.' . f i- I'r. -i I "it. --p "t t ' I u-l
O t. ditrtm "' I t'. j) "lil'l I 11 . 1 lUf t I lM (rt
.tii l"i h 1 t I .i:-
in ti ' uu .M : 1''; . -' .. i) f n, a ,,,()! ,. .
.. U I ti;. -f n.1' nt .1 it - 'l !i 1; t i,.v 1
ri"'liiw.i - fr-" t.if 1 lor T' -.t , : l .'...'t f ,'. n r- m 1
tn h r :it -HI in'V i.-rm ' Hi-:r v,l . . n 1 1
Li'irn nrf I rt ir 1 th.- vl v 1,-tr - -: -
"Mvf'-'i.n li.. r-,v -.,.n.;v 1, !, n.
I' . ltt?Miin lii. h. . r. tary il -tut-"f Vni'. tit rwt.' ta"l
:" Au.Ti. 1 - l'-ftr Mr: Iho t i.t.r-lK'rt..t. .'.im.-i K.
J .A 1 14 , t 1 1' ! n 1 , rl .'it (t. lilt'- , r. , 4-t " ,- - ' n
i tt, 'to wt r -v" fuii'ii it ,i'i iti!i r''-v nidi I'f-'-t
I'lMit I A" i. Tr tiO'i'iifll A iri'ii.O 1 li.'iii,
a i.'l fi.i r hi trti ?ai . ; ir,f if r . m r'-.i v ; ' u t " an
fiiiy i'iei,vd ; trio t.' ot ur' l uti- -i'nit.w ti .. :n
to ut f:lt i' t'i .tn u lj i".iu:tnf 01 t:. iMiIit.m,.-. s imtv f. -Vl'iV
it a rot. ll c Si.r-h mil th.- S. t.'1., dn.l . . I. il -ill
hi r it frt'i' tm i hniijf l v nmn ' t-t 4-t p-n t t,t
I,vi .in I I'wrish w -.i,l i n l' t '.1 .- ,.1 "1 , 1
r ft-uanon aa wotiM jli-i.ttt n r. PUfii.,; t - 1 ut
In 1 ll. lit ff iMir i!l-IM 'tc 1 IT i . .
iln' ih'Tt f rt a"K vi nitirvn'w ;ih th Pri's.h'i.f,
tr.i. in Jim Ttn.r r . v
"Wo-t ' nt r"ir'"' il!v,
' ci, "N'ti'4'Bt "O'V.
Vi.f" I. .1 ..4 :
''.IMI Ft. IH'.voi
Tl -ir.t ".trj : !s n,.it .'tii.ainl t'jn(.r-l 'j t 1
i-'ui-Ji uri.rt r.4. !n ' t.- -m 1
AMrr V) rrillB7 thf I- Nrf, I . II it Ml " !! 1 OuM t" t o-j.
dix t I'll s i 'it-r t-, my ..ll ; il.lun 1'it r rnvi, t.i tl
t.i t'.fiM H jit 'Ji 3 uiMttt -M 4 tfii-. !: they ro-i'-d not h ,ii
mtttMl io i itit.rv(tvT .1'ti iiif l'rt")it iit i'hnt iiif -r'n
Ipu inf n."ri' fnily ol tho .' t of 'lY !r nu-i.n, hh1 ;n
Itii'h iHf tti it th -y t'.iin-1 rt iiint of Mr. 1 ni' o'n.
tr. i.i'i...Ti r-'i-tifj th''y Catni- Ofi ti.,.i;i !. h it
with I'; k low.- 'tg.', mil ut t'i.' .lV'irt, ot .Mr. l.l.-o
thft t'l-y thoux'jt iti -vur nil mmi fir unoitith ; tVit it
r uttltl iu'vrr t n I jisjt h hoop,' ..-rt ,)i a.T'' ttifi ; t',n
thC 31. r4'Tii'ilt lulii'il MH Wt I !'f m'Vi tK vt C .l-T i'ir;'i-r
JoT'lr.l ; i l'i kTvwby th" rent ai-'re of t n
t'onttdt th c iiiifrfr tl'.u e uriTc n jlhnr to r.shv v a ? ,
thai th"; it'll. ittt) I'-At oririirtl-i O'luht IO 0 'In tV.i! i
Mori'.. i'H'1 ih it tin y wiT'' pip .ired to innkt; Lha irj,
a.ili hy Mi. 1 'nol'i ' nutimrt'y ; M It w m n '.'4' ar t.i
fcj irt oi" Itif riiril imslfrT nithorf iiin.'t nn nf rtj.-u-lar
n lori. if uuu 'l"si io ;iii;!!it -d wK'.
iiut mm.; i:i'.f un.ira,t indium ;h y w j-ii 1 woet, mw.
anj t.irM' h-Alru ttiv itr K fv itf 'iii'.'r ;u: . ,i i
if'trr tjft bt-t.,r. : thut :i."y kivw Mr. Iin-'ilnii vf s,
au I ''muiM ( iifi thi'in It' ri ifj 'y I'rt's.d-'iit t) tio o,
an J Ut .;!") I if .un liit 'ti rt'tttrti.
I Rkiii-i tnni'-t,.i incotni't'vi.l n"'fi i .hfv -am-T't-oT'i tr
f.tivom ; l in 1r t natlay tin", Mr. i.: u. n r .t;I
lot.'ir'. t 'rinl"itii t ir ti. : r i.4H,t'n t'.r.iu,.! rir
Mm 'H'i I'fi'u ai oft-. U!y bi t"i".ii t .rdtu In ii ititfiT
lt tit nT.ii I ri-, .iri.i I'rnt ( M i. i,r kM. :, ;.si (, ',r ti.i'l
fcii' I f'.i: t ' it r tii.-tt 'i4ji 1 rt i. '4,l ;ii r-ptud. nt
I'.W II. Jlr. If ,Tlli !.. Tl Sh-itl I I'M ft '.IT'I, H- !t 4 r, . ( I
sik!!?.! lf. l.!'i- 'J.i.ri-, i;Mkt4.'s'raU.r.iii;i.,i I itr.
tt'lmoro at tt filrtn'1 In ii.n.ii t roiih l;!i II t - lut tin
' iii:t tlt-r.u . ('- uic il a. i . '.t. hi i ivmt.t v i
t.tit iiut r .i th" 'irtl ftr fi ri'u- ,i ti' it u m i-m'sHiv
d U JtNat V'- ir v .si'. iI.-j..! t k- p -'. .t ; .!;',!.: i"i
e 'tn n4 t' f ' '..n't' tri ti v ;i . -ir i i-I v -M"t
l't''4-rrh'Mkj .i until. ir ti j. an I iti it ui tcarr.i ,i
tna nan? tii i"4 oiuc U-i v b, fiai n uw n :t.-(i , "m I inf !y tllrt turn t i ;.ti-' .c it ..ul . t v rt: til
D'iri f rci.ili v ni'vri'io H- v . I hi-. ti:t-hthi-
i pt-are ln h t'i- v vaM "tn-r tf K- nt i it ti
I .no? at ! ti tht oiut-tt rfv. it a thry lid not d..i a-a
III' ' ' 111 'll f.1 -hO'l.ll ,1 lll t.' t'Tlllt. t.llt VV.HiUl
he 1t to 'uiv.' i-i v, al-. i'iiv : ii. Ir-, tl.wir
W-H ih'.Jil'l ! U;,r ''.iiurl I i. t.i ri-.iK
'.il rx.icv: U.a' it wn' 1 n..i h" in st Ihut e'tber onrty
fioulj ajiv ail ini .ifo bv l v il .n th-' ft..
thf.r Cer'.nT1 Iff ;JC"J, .1 iti-lir 't t-l'il I n-"iVi
to it-) if-iHft. iri't tJi.'i, ri nv, i-uJ -' I I uri r
ttai d yi. i ti t .to tlU'ii'ily thii j-m f.ui" a" n'-
tciiKt'rii fiom M.. I lli-.'olti i.T iJo ii.-,t'.'' ..1 ,wrie
Iuk w tti thi l'r- I'-nt .im to tai- pr jv mnilr of tnu.MU
raltrn a t 'i tnal m . iii ju fir )vui e, - tiiir-J tv Mr. l.ti
ctilti iii dtuoii'i f r 'tiitMiK rt:i 'wn vifi- w 'ind rf't-.v-
IHK t!l"' Ol I'f 'hl II lit 1) .vi. ' n aiBVV,T4 i t ib j
in at e. in 1 1 'In-ii Mai id that tr,t- P siHl- n: w
ilitmat nt nii'V r,; f-iTii: irfii.n i. ') P. .M. ; ti.:, a.
1 pif'itJri A ily tMitd ; tut it' oh'e.'S d uf"n r :.r ir
itis,' m rtJHtTt. tf4-y "honl.l ;.p iri.iot'il, T' y w rt htu
rt i tmitiiliti d to tho :h xixeof t'otoT-l Oi.l t, wi(,r. the unt.-r-nt.ii
Ui)i(r that Ue Htirc tu b) rs nd.-e 'd te iuy otUie
tho jidlnttiii Lour, jni'jM ocJitirwitt .iirintit,
TJ: iutir tc-vi , ii tt-' wi'it Ui4j r'ijrt nr.'vt.-ni -W
ina.h bv ( clon1' 'Id. perl on toy ni.,d i',u hf htol uti
pit-ax.ti iitjt Mr. lJu.-oin vna uvtjt ht to nvad-nL ttimul
c inmiiiKM m ri t hk n jf-;iauj::, k-l n n; n: tt. r-lv
br-htiiiitj ta f.' n 'Oi.- I.oi tht: Wd ruh'Ti.-e :)t' J.t
C,nte.tuC.4liJ Ihut ti4: w.i tinit 'il to lai it ll .letJid
th f ' ti-l't. Jtii on w hi.Ii iilen.; no v,nii s t.s( to ;t.H,
in it a n-pw,Mild h" )icic i ty:(io i' fe .; sin
w ;i ! thit it w ti.' h.'l iUf4 hii !-ji'i..v:v;r tn a c nil
tlrti t -nllnO tw tint tty ra;;y ruuio trin him, .ii'li-t I
cua i.stttlrK 'dim it .o skits ih'.n i-i l .t ui nt oi a ai.-rr.
:o iii to -k h h- ctm.t r i i i t-e .n!U
t . n'tU-. On in'firiniriir tin- Pr.l t 'til th'4''tr., t-f iuy
corchi! l . i Jet-itn'iitd 'h-it a-i itiftir-fi oi f.i 'ii r
I l- l.t ' ho Jid bt' sill V&ltsl -.'k' tO hi) tt' f llA' SllVl V'T
Inn1- tl'it proinl .1, htn.'i r r riiij;rly, 'a rr-i.U -.i p .:t
rtilt'll I" til i -tTC.lf vhi. $ DllURci tba CoilJl.'iii'iv.'tj o
i i.f i t hidnt inic t luv o:Wte V i )' en It it the cti i
.iifc-, find (.. i rail wi'iie a tev rvui.i!t-i Ultr,iviiii
rVi r. tit in. I HlMri . Tn" ild to 'Ju a
tl . t he (ud bt-aftl, ;r -Hi me, t'i:it t' t y v'li: .1 uiini'-nnr
oi i t!i. 4- rn in Mr Lit.-oin; ttt .1 ua ic-d t'oy v .a.- n.i
-i it e ; th-it J e on't'tifrac y hai n.-v r t.;? I -n t-'-irt
r r p 'o , ar.d tna he rt; dy lo htar wimtever 1
htd io of!r nn hat iuh t.-t.
Mr. liiini-'f th"j aii.ln Hftfd th Prf-.iUn;. an 1 n a Vv
n t itr s In d C 'tivcyi tl I1 ti Inf-iri lati-.n tl jt 'u s- tv .j j.on
t3i Dien t.a i conta lo hl-hmou l 'luintism-d w.r'nho I it .
thtl i)tii tii'Vtsrnn'f ut j'.ill t (.t d' 'it ) on n hieis ii"
a rn nnatri thn ot lite I d u. io' aool iKii tf ; if -ry, au-i
tkfrai.tff ui anio tiy t ths pe vto it t.t: W'.w e
it tut mt .rlmi alt. Ir, cr-lvr lo .I'-jo-.t lish tl e a or!tou
d l I .'t r. , It uti fMOItOit 1 1'lU th4-re StiOihl 'm ! f, i;f-a
v v oi nil 1 Nt r-r' . 1 e i o : h f d- 'ii, hi n 10 in i
itia,9rlt ol ih v thua taken Ha t u lii ttjr'r.ino iLjt
y f ;i as !t'i o'h r dutpi.t J mte-tlna. T'14-hii wn iitiud t.i
bf Mr !.lnfohi vit-ws. Ihe I rtJ'i-leTit antivT-d, thit ui
ihfe f' p- .il hid i-ecn pri'ifd b the reaiurh i t'.c
p. -ptf -t iS N'otth w jr' a in-i'irliy, nod tU-it ;i rn "rity
oi ;-'it t rfvern, thvcffr wim.'ti crt-rf, 4 p.cp aJ ;!nt
t I'onlnK'rtil" S!j' , sh( miirpiii.-r ili-or.-t. in,
a Ii-lt thii ihey hail 'nn wr.tut fr- tn i:4 )k jiAua ot thti
ntel, aubnitt m ihe ni".t y of inir enfi 04, ;iiut v m
lir-nireiv tn b1 la nt.1 ot panio.i IVircr tmw ; .!.. I
AennlMatio n 1 i'r-'- aIjI-' 10 d'urn.-uo-.
Ih- htntfd th:it it' they p-e l' n lv 1 10 r.-'iT'i'ii.tml
with th- form "f their own (lovrmu nt r.i t nvik h
iti.pi!.lt!.ii"i, lr. UniVa -uKhl h-ive hn-.w-n, w n
iii Mi n :j hit v ! , thut it ai 'jut or thn tx-avtr of ihe
Oti'idortit..' .;v-r:iiiieiit I j a"t n i iuhct ! tl e d.i
tM 11 S intitu!toiis ot ih? ".fveral imtv v-h t ite h .1:1
x hmii t ,ur,iilict.oii nn that pt Int. biiIT 'f 1 to w ata t tiio
daiii.!i n fuch a iUf ntioTi to th o'4 vf oi' l ti Ih'Mv :
H Fejaralloii "I" ihv HU'ei wan a.t nn fl;-rwj
(art ; t)it hi- had no AUttioTily to rtv-he yr- la tr ii
Ktitiat!iii eiipt by viiiiH of hi-t frl..-o n I'' .i-jni nt'
an ird' itu,liit c'jiiHJfiavy ! auU ou t'-i t.iiia sk'.o.Hi
Fiii'l ,r.'(iofjU t in nlt t li.m.
Ato.-t ptii'd of nv-rfiulf .i, Mr. t"l;!i iort iaalt
n.M r '.iiie lanRuant rtrfrrii to tiiese K'atta "Meh-'o. '
wht1- imidetii'K mu a ;t 4uut l Mr. 1. ikcii a vit-a-i J
ap'.Ji-clsif 'l tor the wt.rd Th.s r'r. fci.en tie Ir. d h-in t 1
ti MMd.ihjt ROofTttiie B3 taKn, and t.iat he w ntitd
r. I.i :ii 'ln laisTua e to h i eft-ed to him ua iu--i,iy in
p ir..lhlf. S .ul? fur hairronv!rati.. loik ptuo-, h it ,i
$ ily io the sjine etl-t an the loreKflinr. when ihe t'ri
if!U rose to iMllra'e t :' intervn t w.m at. an end.
1 hn two nentli men wt re tt en r-w.mmlitfd to il tl:ary. -A
'. hue) (uid. iO I Mi nd m t next cy.
Tli. ai1' n:it of the v Im i t if M. iri. C-'jih 're ami J-x i.t-t
to )(u I tin d li be-n reu'e-'d t(o eni-ur by toiMi .a.ioos
n.f it- h ..iieorboth ot them ilic-e lh4.r return to ih
t 'in. d nutew. notHithhiuii Jmir the aye-mttit tht t .eir
!lt vi t j be kiltie M They hav-f, iM-rfup.c in:'.. I I
th-it a- the pn miie ot'e-rv y 3 ir.nie tt ti-lr ro 11.0 u,
H v. a prriiiifHti todUfO.trd !t. W hut) no rt-.i-,.n m
delitii;: toi-on 'ad . '-vurrfd, and hiva, fit r-.'iff,
no e n. laii.t 1 1 maKe ji the t o' In-tt? fivn to ;it -t
I .i-l tit. i etr Bte tnsi.-euri.t y of r. Cii.ii-". in -rut'iv
will be apparent tj t.u fr -m Ui Icrnrv. 1 r -'.-n
Vt 11 havt- no doubt 'n, In tbe Sorthtm j at fTH,.:t: ai--connt
of another 'oitft-rcrvo on the nuhitn t "I pi t t;, li.i
ti 4 pla-t iu Canada, ti a I Knit Iho ttai-ie tl te b:tv.'.-u
Alt'oart t,' t', fifty and J. P. liol kmp.Ih , t u.tM It t.iu
,i the h.jth at eha'Lf er ai.d oa U n, a id Mr. Mora -1
tint ii y.ui Nuw York, attfnK w.tii an htir.'y ot I f ;ln
l.iuoo.u ll la doeint'J n- t In'pr i r to li-rori:i J.-.I tJ-i
:ltnn f'.tj and llola-nint e. btthonuh '. 1 nar . 1 ti un ir,i
nt nt d'-t-r e Uic taO'j.'ld-noe and eat",rT ot the Pr-iiO -i.
wercat ii ii) -( urate In Uii-ir ai:itmki't that inoy w re
w liftoii' any avrhujliy frojn tifl (hjeiiiunT.' u trt l w!.u
tha ot iti t nitd Htuttwon an aubjtt t w.iutu vi-r.
Wi- hu I li" kn jwlrvala ir tlii-ir enio't'n . vi H
;r"fl( v. nor ot their -y d iait u VS a-lnn jt.-ii t-t li we
i in t'.e it, we-paiKT pabU. atJona. A aiff'i'ti.-an'. .-i.t.nna-iitm
01 iV truth 01 l.'.e btatt-ui.-iic ol Mear. . 11 more ul
.la4ncs, ihut troy eanift uj ni"-suit.ra i'iy,i Mr. lui.o'n,
1 to I e lound in the tai 1 Uiat the vu-iva 01 Mr, l-ln 'oln. a
dialed hv tl t-m to the I'n Mdflit , ar iu ejuo't coiiiorniit v
ith the oi'.euaii e pafH-r addressed t" ''whom it ma t oa
it rn." whu ii u Ni'iit by Mr. I.lni olu to M-iis i'uv
and IJoiuon.he ty the liun U ol tilt n ate hu n-tury, Mr .
JIhv , and wLicli waa piopony n nril' d by thom ftilia
no us un iniirn:iUou Mr. Llo -4n wu ihih illii ; that
ttii. war ?Uu:d ctuit wild.- in IA i-uwci to c-utimi L'-s-tl
I am, vrry rft-perttVlly,
out iJt Jitiit ci' ant,
J. V. ltl.N,IAM(V.
S.'iiotiu) ol Hi ;ite .
Hon. M. M 1,-h-iv, CthJUiLisJonvr ol' ihe C-iiiUU'.'iit,
ti t- ,dt .. di ., 1'arli.
l ive thousand Pioux'nie on the war path.
Howard, the pcoelnination forger, has Ik-en
set free.
I ailie- dices bonnets cost .x'O ea li iu lUcli
in ond.
Tbey tell of a Western paper whhh has libel
suits pending to the amount of MOO.ObO.
A spy nuiucd Living -tout- lias just been liuuj
at St. I .cuis.
A colored mun recently uuttioucd hiinsi If oil
ot l ltvcland, Ohio, as u substitute, tor frl'jnci.
Cail Ar.schulz utid Toimts are to give choral
oiliibitions this tent-on.
A loose woman, in Liuisville, Ky., roeea ly
stubbed her lover, an actor, to Ihe licurt.
The tobacco crop of the Connecticut valicy is
very abundant.
It is in in ore d that Artenius Ward lm soUt
bis eiw boi'k to Caileton for $10,000.
I31sinarck, tho enemy of renmark, is the
ablest and moat unscinpulousatutesniun luiluroiaj.
c will yet uiukt trouble for I. nils Napoleon.
United States BonU :t FroJiUort.
' o i.. ni.'r-,' l ill liila'lUyfa'iK-a-.
1 1.'., K., F.t., Ktv, Ktn.,
"Si m Y"H, An,tut The t-aiiih'.p V. j
fiotn Soulbauii-toa on tho 17th iiut in:,
airl.ed this tiiorulnK. TliO st'tinen It .ry i 'tn.l
V f i'.'j.l arrived out eU the 11- ii, .ut ditto; W- -'.-'..a)
oil tho l.'.lb.
11:0 'V espriaca nfouiabitent at tJo
nniiKii-r In whieh thn Fo h ral bonis an? fi'jaorbjil
at 1 r.i;;kf'irt, adding! tint e h n.-cei.aiv.; fa.l i
lexM'-ih-d l.y the i .xlstins hondhol-liTs ith mti
lleiltioll illsle'lil ofdisniav.
i he V'.n. , l i li'ves lb it the ran.; iilijn in
Aineri. a will coiiliuil-', ualesa tho dnor to
W.i-liitvt in is so a- to donianJ the return
of the niiiin Ix-dy of LirantV army. The f i.ti.rc
ol Kii hinoiid will bo .ite"'. of tin) ability of the
Noith to tinikc a jajnuancnt tm'ea-l in on the
t'onfrv rney,
The f.'niife.leriita.- loan ) y -cnl.ou
the news of Grant's ropulse l.ei'-rc )' t- rVir,
the nnolation bom j T7(n'7'J.
A further ilimnnition of specie to th-- ovt'ui of
four million ol francs from tho llauk ol i'raii'V,
causes iiiicaKiiii'is.
i he rrn-si.m I loM'nini.'et h prildl iJed ths
e"irt from Jut: in 1 of cattle andtrniui ili.r.n,-tin-
HaitiiM iiiteii ls propo-ln? the folio inn to the
f fi-rniun Hict tlmt an explanation bo iloinan l d
of Ati-tna and 1'rn-sia with iclcreiice to their
bavin -p-Tiiiitt- d Hie Mn of I"iinmrk to e.: le
rirhis ta the in to wliirh the Kinff hid no title.
The i'ri,!;.t' i.i'irj had aailod from Ijslion.
Her destination was unknown.
A powirtul tlncc funuclled atcamor alii hored
oil l'oyrei-, Ireliind, on tho l-'lth, and saili'd iiu
in the cveunif;. !Sho is supjioscd to be a hi -eltajo.
runner. A warlike party, with ono of tho
m ;i.i' li. iitciiatita, liindo-I at that Mi.nt. I. -a
b. lie va d that hhe ia to cirry an i:u-. -nao sn,i:y
of lolhiuK to flic Confcicr it. a.
The I nlti .1 States skiop-of-w tr ."i,rj.i-,iii
arrived al riviiioutb on Iho 1'rtb. Mio cime In
I'ldlisi-iti with tn- S.-r-v. xi.hi birmo Vr. and
sin k her. The .tow were saved. The S r.i wiito
v:is ii il ipj i in I
'Ihepiratu . Ll i de-tniy- il t T - -ti.n f -i,-.ia,
ot lira. il. In un.l Irom N. w Vorli to California.
Mie teok .70,1.011 Horn her.
4 umi.M-rt-tiil Intelllifena-f..
(Vwcols arc ipioted at S'.'J.'o M J'ren h rentes,
H'it. tie.
I.ivitiii on:. f'u rosi I nv. i T. The sale i for
twod.-ya aiti'jnut to H0,no) bilea, ih ; n irket
rioting tirni, th )tiih l-'-s nniiatti d. The sa cs io
i'i'i iator :ip1 e.)Oi'era were Hi).K) hail.
NTArr. or Tn wo:. The Maiioheitur iu irk -ta
uic tiim, with an upward ti-ndenfy.
l.ivi iiroor. HKKMisTrt ia MtniikT flour ia
dull and pric-H nominal. Wheat heavy a id do-i-liriinx-
Coin cuici ul ifl.a. tid (u.-'iOs.
J.ivkkioijl I' Mamkiit. Hoflf d'.'l.
1'ork lien vy. fin on a;ill Jeciinin, an-1 moaa b I.
(.'!. lower. laird quiet bnt'i!ter tinii.
I IVKkroOL I'llillii ci: Marwbi'. Ashea i!iu't
but stt-iiuy. active and la. lower. C nfec
in ni've, Iti'-C'inii t. lin No sales, i'etro-
leuni tnnier; v.s. 3d. is wk-.d for reSnod.
l l. iiiic nioi n Bvluav Nnl. lict
So.l. ly nl I lie Nl-smera "4 l.o'k" Hnit
".I llnnli.'" E.Hri;a Arrival-, of K'ltvl
Prlawnera sit Yl-imtursf s-w V,rk
ttftpufif-r 4'4rreMpo,i.l.o(M OraJ.'rfl
It. null the l.lii-aj f wKou !ttrk.-t, .to.
Canto, An;;tist ;'8. The ateamer Ia t.:u!, r w as
fired into fifteen miles beljA- N it'.he ,on th-jiS h,
by a battery ol anli! ry. 'Ih-ee sh it.a s'ra -!t ttio
bout, hut i oh. nly vvis h;n:. The lutlery wiw
liipportcd by tivo hundred 'avairy. General
Braytnan, conitiii .diDi' v. N.-tc&e--, sent a force
in puiauit.
Ihe stcimtrs Clu.k and MUnti-, reported c.p
tuied by the Heb-jls up t!ie Ya oo rlvor, nrrl- e 1
si.fely at Vlckhbiiri; with a jtood cargo of c otfon.
A largo nuiab-jr cf Hobel pr.bjri' !;a 1 ar;-'..'0 i
at Vicksburg, recently - jtnr 1 l'i miles buck of
Mllliken'a bend.
100 gncrillus seen at Oo.T.imr 'e, Mo.,
Camo, An,;nst JH. The - V itiu-r At'.jir, from
Now Orleans, with daUa to tho .llM instmt, bus
arrived. The news she brings from Mo'iilo bay
is rendered valueless by tho aunounceiiu-ut,
throuKh the H'ehu.on-1 p-.ycrs, of the fall of
1'ort Morgan.
T.Sl.Cook, roirespi'ii.lciit of the Not irlt
UtralJ, and J. I). Chii Ih iek, ol the Y'r.iio-, with
Oeniral Or.nicer's artiiy, have be.-n ordorod
beyond the lii e.s by ti'eb jral i.'-anhy for the putli
cailon of information Y-!ua!.!o t i tho emmy.
The Xiw Orleins Cotton M irket was l.uoy.u.t.
I.nw Mi'ldliiigs, I 'ih M'd liiug'i,tfl'70,'
I X 1411a) KtRH tl I i: t hUMUKf.
Canto, August L'h. Ttio ' i ion men of li ilU' d
county, Kcnlutky, gavo a barba ao at llla-idri'lo
yesterday. Over tvo tliousand p.-riious w.:rc
prcsel.t, and General .Meredith, oiiiniiU!dnr of
the p-ost st Cairo, addrcsi- d tho assembly, urgluf;
them to t.iko a decided s and for tl.o I nion, whica
t. as well r-vjived. Ilosolutions were adopted in
f-vor of the supj tcssIju of tin: Itebcllion, and
fun lshm;! tnen and moai'i for thivt puriiosc. Tho
nice'Jnjt was very cntlimia tio, -aid It lsb'li:ved
tli.d Dallard county it iU i lvo a m ij ority lor tho
Valon taiidiJato at the coming e!cL a.
A iluiilur nu-etin? will bo hold in other coun
tua Iu Xei.tu ky and Missouri, nmtiruonj u
C 'oiro. A n.nrked chingc ha taken place l.i the
scntiiiK'nts of tlie people or this section, mainly
oUrlbutablaVo the r.-cont dftrnilned cstir- of
the military authorities.
4.lIJtll.I.V JIOtEHrT IX MiK.
'11 tin.
Ci.vciNNAii, August Jake iiennott with
twenty four men, dashed into Owcnsboro', Ky.,
ou8uturduy, Wning, MUiuj Hiiw ncvo soldiers
aud Lieutcnam Amant, of the lid Kentucky Ca
valiy. He also Uuntd the wharf-boat, contain
ing two thout-aud dollars worth cf Government
stores, lli unett remained only lifteen minutes,
mid was pursued by the Home Guard.
Morris, a l?ubcl sympathizer, was shot at
Owtiisboio' on Saturday, by Captuin Wllsou,
while filiating arrest.
rot mm: i 4joi.i.
Ntvv Yoiik, August ilf, 1 P.M. Ciold is .(iiotcd
to-duy at its;, and since the Stook Board it Las
declined to Hi.
From Maw Orleans.
Nlw Youk, August 20. The steamer Fiwu
.xin, from New Orleans on Ihe Vilst instant,
lm' airivtd. Her advices are anticipated bv the
tniiisjioit )lrritnK, which arrived last miht.
Hnrkrla by Trtearrwph.
New YottK, August 2ih V our dull, and 2c.
low it. buleM.KUmli'i. ul 'HwlO suf.huU'; !'.
Sia lor Hi.!"-, .n l tll-.''.'iU l"r Southern. W hrut U. -ciiii.d
:'" c : s.n- iniui'"rui't. ' anil, uh no
licit dull. I'erk. laa l Ws ti.',.
"i of! Imir, '.S'.C) ; Wh.u, 7iO0 liu.hala ;
C-ni. by.ti" bu.hil.. n . ,.
llAi.imoni;, .i. - 1-lour very dull.
Wheal (so lie. kiwir. 'Wt '' "ellve st I'1 Vf'k.w
aud "Vied in...le.hl.. uu", l-'j"ll s.
aniens i4esl IniKjsul n4 ad' uucinj; ibeultVsis fx-.
W.Miixoto!., Antrnat W). A leaer r- fol
fnnn iho Army of the Toloinae, dated Angnt Vi,
savsallwna ijiiiet, i ic-cp ini; tho neuai pi'ke.
Brit." in front of llw sib t'urpa. Tba firing on
our rght on Thnraday was oceasionei hy n
n.uvrment of our tr .ope from one poaiii.m to
another, whieii the enemy evidently del not
understand, and wen-, perhapt, fearful th'
it meerd another att-tek on th rlg'it at lloaa,'
Htnlion on the Weldon railroad.
Our total lo! In tba fight of Thu-fliy, .!;!
n it, it is a.iid, cxc.-:d two ttioutan J, wUHt tin: ol
the ei'viny ia supposed H tw itSmt tiro thmi-and.
We still hold about four mlk a of tho Wold in
rallrond, flnd Cio mrtion ahin.lonc J t J tUc - I
orps wa- id rl'ially destroyed.
J. -crt- ra who came in yc-'eriav, ay thtt
Oencral A. l Hill's Corpa.twn divislon-of l.jn
street's Corpa, anil tin: .Till". Davis, '.vare
Ihe Ilebtl tro enj; vo-J on Thursday.
They also state tint -incc the Wold ia nllr iti
I' ll Into our po-sesslun, p-it has a ' J 1 1 six
and N-i f to el-'ht dollars a pound In ll. 'hia m I
ai.d Iheir otViors derlnra that tho ro td ant tie
rtcuptured nt all lia.uds.
fs"'. Nwn,7nj. One P. M., Wind, W.
Kati.'xii. Union (Uisvr.vTio?. Ttie Conven-li-in
reus-ciubhd this muniing at 10 o'clock, an 1
in eittlod l- balllot for tl luindida'e for ilegiatcr
of Wils.
j iitsr ii vi.i.or.
Kred. M. Adams . . ..HI fimnue O. Thom l'i
T). C.skcrrit.M. I)...'.'l Win. I'. Holton '.I
Jol.h .1. Mntiiev . . . it Win. M. Vtilor, M. D.'.'l
John W. Miis-cy ,).'. M. Jarhaou, M. I) i i
Who'ii) iiuuibor of votes 177. Neeossary a
Hllioxn 111L10T.
Aditins '.V, Tli.irti VI
Mieirill 10 H ilton 1)
Whitney i'hlor :18
Miu-ey !t Jackson Iti
Whole nutnb-ir 11'.'. No-easary to a cuoico t-'.
ruin-.) IIVLI.OT.
. . . .lid Thorn
li llolt ll
110 Color
Adi ins,
Nejo-sary to a
vv hole nuinher, 17
.Massty's name was withdrawn,
Ad. mis i i ll.. It. iir in
Morret li I'hkr.- lis
Wbituvy ill Jiuk-on. ii
Tlioni :),ii
Wholo numb, r IM ; iieocsaiy to a choico
Adiims I ) bo ton 10
fskenit l i I'hler ;
W Uitney :0. Jackson H
Thorn Mil!
Whole uumber, W2. Neresi.iry to a cho!:e,
Ad.ima hi morn ii
Skeirett lH Chler 'tr,
Whitney 3-1 1 Jackson I'l
Whole number Uo7. Noe'essary to a, 1 ll
The Hume of Dr. Slicrrltt was miar dropped,
and a sev. nth b ill at uiken, as follows .
A.idams 61 I'lil-r .11
AN hiiuey no Ja:ks hi m
Tlioin 4.S'
Whole numl)i'rn7. Nneeaaa'y to a choice ll.
)'. William I'h'er heme; the low 'at r imlidate,
bis name was now dro;iped, and the balloua
proceeded it b.
i 1 1-1 r r i i h ill j v.
Adams tin riiorn 17
Whitney 41 Jackson .ill
Wholo nuuibor -.'it
M. ei-s-ary to a ehoie i'Mj
H.e n.inioof Mr. wh. tuny was now dropped,
and niio'b'-- ballot laker , the Turn wna very cloae
at times, add londilerabie excitement prov ided.
On the ninth ballot, the vo:o sto id .
Adams , VI
Thorn ?',
Jack-uu 6.1
Mr. Js'-kstm was then drc jip: 1, aud a t-mth
balKit taken, us loll iws .
Adams '.110
Thoir. t-S
Xir. A Jams was declared the liominoo :niil-'l
peals of applause, nnd was introduevd to tho Con
ve'i li ni. Ho thauked Ibem f ir Ihj noiui i itiou,
and pronii cd to do his part of the work, to.vards
the election of the ticket not on a. -count r.i tba
ci noi'lste- 'aeed thereon, lint on aco'im of the
j rineipli i involve 1.
Naiiox l Vmon Con v i-.nt! on op tiu: Crx inii
l):si ni r. 'The folloivint; ia a list of the C
gie-donul Dehga'Csof Iho Second DlHtr':;, who
will meet ibis evening, uttlu Assembly iliiild
intcs :
tiii ll'urc. Jo-.'ph Myers, James P. Wo'ob,
Siimnel 1'. Thompson, Arthur Corgee, Dmlol
Muhon, John J. Konuey, lleury 11. Whi.utr,
Jame-i lhtlrympl".
.SrrrnrA Until. Joseph H. Mifkll, Malcolm
Martin, Wm. U. Mi-t'rcalv, I uncs I.. J inoa, J lni
I'auer-m, Win. Uunaghy, Iloury llarvoy, 8a nl.
llcudi isoii.
F.ujhih Wur,h l-'rancia Vinton. O orco E ;kert,
Jvha L- Woilf, Edward lrAio, J. L-v.-y b.ll.
Wm. hint,'.
A ,. ll'oid. C. M. Hovper. ET II ild -n,
Cyrus Home, Alderman Sa.nui:! J in- a. Jr.,
Sdnon lluilf;.', sherid' Tliom;soii, Walter A' i
foil, Morris S. Item ell.
Tei.ih H on. UeoH.-o Trnm in, Jr., On'W
A'exuniicr, I.-aic Ashion, Cilo H. Needles,
Chalks Untgi-r, Juuies li. liryson, vVillltiu .S.
I'milsoii, Qiiuitou I'odd.
lun,tti irth II .irrf. William fJroen, .Toh'l
.Sbissler,' William Kyle (ciMtoateJl, J iba L) m
rlnss, Henry M. lloiluer, John i'ulli-rtnu. Pu.lia
huulicst, ismith i.i tie, tjitmuol llillbrough (om
IcstedJ. Aliit;Ai.orWo: Nnr.iSot.!iii'!t. Tke'stt aracr
lie M iUiy, at ith sick and wound:-! soldiers froia
City Point, arrived at this port thia tn
There were a numtier of very bad c iscs oi
board. The following aro tho n tuii s of l'ennsyl
vatiians :
( hu. tit. bard, A, II r-av
..t f 1 j-n-l-, l, I it's,
.'r.i Hiiih. 1 , 1 t'i.i
l u I. 11 N. rrl-, ii h f'nv
.i.iiu im
J M I a: r.,, tl 17 ' st
W II It I "Mir. r, Ii
John llonry, A '.' t'v
John I' le. 1-. li: t'uv
1 M- l'i..
I It 1 1.-.
It. i.h
hi, ' . Im sv
Wra I '.'.iC-er. I '. ' ...
.1 )i l'i n-.lil, I I- I av
I 1-li.Sler, A, 1 1 4-a'
Will S 111.,'.!. 1. I'il'.V
Jt 01 K.-I...I' en-e, I tt'av
It M 11. urn. K, i
Jn H 1C. I.iikI, M. 1' 'hv
Jos'lari l.h ,l-i tr
Ml' Ii 1 1) isiiiii. II. 11. Is t'av on. .N fu.le ,U, 1-. l v
1 1 ir mi I; Smi'ti, I', a ai s j nr n. , ll
w m, Ii. 4 i'i
Henry Bun. I., II Tar
Ntt In; ll-in U,4 lai
A Ihui-luu, n.f f'av
u-4v'A lNs4j.r.,l far
W A .VI llli r, M, 11 l.-'ie
8.t.l IK rslol(l,( H tv
Cor), a Iilcl.ur.i.-,M, U Cv
Uavul si ill,, H.O'nv
ftmm-l Vt lui li. K, lol'st
A W liavrii. k, I i-av,
.Innii-!- tlwsi.-., JS , n nv.
Jvliti llMiiirlirv, I, U1.
A Miiruau, K , 1ST.
hill .1 H Mum. I, HT,
l: M'n.nli, A. if.
.1 ti t ill . ,', I'sl.
J v Ml'hr. I. '-'I.
TI'.imis NiiL.-ll, K, i''7.
IV .1, If 7 .
I. o.-;e l' N'.l' I. ii. HI.
Viiti.ik C.mlt.i .11. I'J.
Nalliai, lll-oii. 11,1-7
v rn wnk.i , is;
-Nullum tllea,8, "7
A Vi.ik.C.s:
K II lli.rler, A,1'7
J l'SMQIMMt..-,
( hit. A l.o.'nu, K 1 ..'-
,iituic, r.mi I..
Wm Ima -tils. H.l .1 it
al litntno, A. 11 1'av
11 Kiiut., 1, '.'1 I UT
'f Iiih kus, A, ls7
II Mi-rrlUi'til. K.'il CilV
s i: oiler, li, In.
.hours Ciinrii.C, 8S r'ork, L,lu7
li t: k-nlni,t-r,B, 11.
,J Ul'ark.K, 11.
I li'imai Hoblnson. I', tl.
it M Ituui.tii , k, I 'l,
Hit ll K bail. A, 11 .
a A Won, i, 1st.
Win I' run ell, I ,H7.
II, in v It lirii,ii, I. III'.
Kll. I, a Wlie ..ll, U. Its.
Il.eta'l.'l-llawe.l1', 11'.
K. s M, lunula. I .li e
II Keni.eJ), I ,11.
. W hlmmuliN, li, Is.
A.1 Hill, 11. I'l
i lieu Wei ner, K.
i J tiulrc, il. Jl Uav
(it-u I'utton.B, lio
A ll h.we.l.l..k. Is;
1. Ilutler. A. I-;
.Manillas V. TUri-r, D. 'i
I II I .!-. A. I
pliir. I -.1-'
The loi ow iBg wounded otlleers wera also on
boai d
l.iauiinaiil Colonel 1 1' Hrintmi, -'a Vt Csv.
Minor lnt.l'lsl I n Vols.
RlnmrJo, W lM.lll.Stll VU Psv.
t'.l'laiu C 1 l.uiih, I, 6o h Stuns Voll.
ll'i.'n (; KTiiil .r. I., ;S I'a t'.v.
( .'i.ln kula Ol llian, U.Ui Pu l av- I rio.k II l-iiil.. U. 4lh Pa ('av.
I hiI ion ('lis lie. haiiats-i , K.'iU ra t'uv.
AxulMaal Mir(oa W Allur.v,l' Htols.
I.Uiil. nai t alini Ken, oil. tat Manic Csv .
l-teuti-unnt I rtink li Hatter, sto I'u Ouv.
.Sniosd-I.i.iil.ivaiit lleury 11 l'.irv.l-l NO l av.
la. nt. I uionrl H Tlioinas. l-'U. Ills-tsslpia tliebel).
The totul number of paiieuu was 210.
I'uu:. This morning, nt half-past 8 o'clock, a
building in front street, Ulow Thompson, was
fired by some tlilldron, who Ignited a match and
applied It to the I'lttpet ot a room. oiam3
TIovrsT-The bonds, amounting t f 10.000,
lost a few daya sin :e, were foand by tali J'l.Tf
on Satnr lay, and r'tnrned to their ownortlii4
morning- A reward of 10"0 waa paid to tht
Ronnvn u s 5-ii-Tiin. T)aA Y.rry wit nr
n-sted by of)l a-r In.trahnin, In the T-enty-fonrtli
Ward, yeorday, on the chi'ee of robbing his
sister offiiM). ff j 7 0 of i to money nas found in
bis posacasinn
PAaaiiao Cot V'i iti i:n M x't v. Wm.Thoiii;v.
ton was aiT-ted at Ninth and Chesnut st-ila
yent-'rday. on the rhane of pa.aa'ng eonnlerf- it
money, lie rt held for a further bcaiiug.
Di'i'ier. cvr ms s-vii'it Tr- se.njru, I
Itai.d.r. Aaa.isl I
The St.k Market is dull hu- st-:ndy oils mom.
In(?, ftnd there ia very llttla doing In R illroal
sb-irea. rtnnsylvBiiia acid at 7' i ) Reeling, 'sl
(.i"7; Catawiasa Pixfcrrel at 41, a. id Philadel
phia and Trie rv ; waa bid for Ltttiu S 'hurl
kill, 00 lor Heaver Meadow, 0 for Minoh 11, and
14 fot I.oag Island.
Id ti.iverunie-H a-'etiritit s there Is lea activity,
o i'ls sold ut 1 1 , v.b:.!i is a s ight decline; 7 3 )a
at 111 , and 6a of ltlil at 10''. New City ' are
Killing at 1 XI.
There is less aitivlty to n .'.ice In Oal Oil
stocks, but prkea are steady; tho excitement
t.otictd for s. vend days past his fallen oft" wiih
sa'es of Organic Oil at lj ; Perry at 7 ".!7 1 ', Mapto
Shade at 17 1 s Hcramireat l.' ; M Tihenny at
and rgbcrt al 'If.
Canal Stinr.-s are wiihout any n.s.t"rlnl ehango;
34 was bid for Schuylkill Naric ttioo common,
and 40 fur preferred.
City I'asseDgor K.'.l'.road Stock! are dull a'.
a1 nut former rates. Second and Third add at
7'-; .'8 was bid for Chesaut und Walnut, and HI
for Guen and C i.itos.
Hank Snurea cou'.'mne firm, but there Is little
or nothing doing in tho way of sales ; 01 J
was bid for Tanners' mi l M:ehiin!cs' ; fil lor
Commercial; WiJ for M j'htt.iii-s' ; 70 forTa lel
man's, and .14 for CommoawcaltU.
The M-)tiey M irket continues easy at form:r
rates; loans aro plenty on tall, at 6 per Cent, per
annum ; best paper is soiling at front 7((r9 per
A h from Washington this miruing
says: "The subscriptions to the uew7:)0 1oin
reported at thcTrea-nry Department ou'amrd iy,
(iold has deelln : 1 10 per vrtt. Patur.l ay
morning. There is mere artn !ty In the msrk it,
and large s ites are making opcniiKut V'4'; foil
olf and sold al --H i at 11 o lo:U ; '.'12' nt I'J, add
W at 1J4.
I'lltlBU'lIIASTljCK EiylASCC t).LMI. AUO. .
asirwJ b ..'Uia.-jn ,t Co., lironsra, Na. in 4. rnlrd a ,
BtrOlib llO.ltllM
;seh Mei'l:nuy'k...e , .' l .li i.i ob ! Oil -."f
a o-li .1 . J.i u. us
7".1 il S 7', l sun i. bin j',
7' o .l-i. ,i'j i.'t .. 7 ' , i If) .n Iji'm n t.l I-.
I. ii-h .1- M 7V I-. ui a-,
hll tl. lint 'I au ''i ''!) an llib'.rd '-'S
J"'S h iin -ill1 -.'ii". uti .i .y
lmVFh do IS li"ii Item ul. V
hie-hll 'irt....ic '.', wi-!i il,iii;r-s IV
Im fli d It a Hit, I'll m do li 4
l-.'aias ba tell nil .1J 1.1 1 P-'-h d ,',
IT... nl. 1 I I I '.KI .h.'orn Plain.'... :.'
ioj ih Ulii-nnr.- ..Isyl l.-,' .'e-i tri I--trt:e lira ... r:
lui-h il-i IA I :im,:i D h e & ll-l... 17
liinn il. IdO li-. J -.t. It v. I.ia.i.1... ."
it., si, ts...,iori,il... I ;, teO h llr'i.h-f i',
luuali 0e ISi -ui an orHHiiU) ti...n 1 ,' aj
II. 11! sb lo 1', -Am an H - cllinl H..h'i ;7
ii0aCun a in ii " h M usi iiDii a
..' il- ''' I --J0 mi M l.luijuy Oil. US
lOO.h MuKr O l . '.sn t I
riHST Udit;i.
f'0 I' . la, HI 1".''-eanlc 'Ml.... 1
- S'..tisi ' eo SH li'J I Ion an Main. Hlitilti., 7
f-.'l! t' ti 7 U 111 .' p. .11 1 'a l-0-o. lensiil ireau . I .'
tvnOt'Oty r... nw ....I at i 7i.i-.ti eo 11
n u .ill' a i.. tor.v.. ho ..'in .li y -tie.- ii, villi o ''
$ri -io 7!i . I i'i.h liu.rri'.-ai ... 1 1
IjisC 1'i' J-i I'O laui Ls -rl lll :i-.V!
slio I n In" i 'Ji-1 -h J I'J
is-sjij S.6 HMS' 1: -ih Horn, ' . i ...lai
ii.'ti ti in.-.! .'.-'. e -n . K .1 .. ,'1',
4'til Pa. H.i.sIjI in.. til 1 ).n H.. I iij K .o i.i; in s.i: ,' luim ,e iii.ii!
iro I'. N. Vi.t'si IS vnonranrisaii. r 4i'-(
-too al. ri.itoatViat,... luS iMuali an mil 4i',
;wi-U I'-rry Oil., .'10 7 ,! irislil'hlla tKne ... tVj
4iUtt. tlo 1 1 S hM t-sl HK. ... 7J
Nmv Youk, i). S-n -ks a-e 0't'f r. Cal
i a.u and It., h .'.jn I, II"', ; r.nnl.Tlaii.1 p efoiT st, Vl ;
il h.o.a . . n nil s i r j. . I'.x i i-i i.-oi.i. 1 .1; if ?u .a
e..iiu ru. N'.t ; ,,.v 1 ilt - eotral, IH ; iw. 111 IS i
Hoil-on If-.;: t la'on 'o., :il'4, t'-ln. l.i'kt;
rieaiitry's 7 J lo, 1117; tin. at -ilei.l. , ( lot
lorl. ,, 1 :i'i K'v. -weaiy i'o iiia. Itl'.l l-'uu,Kin 6a,
1'H'l 1'lllu rifi-l-rc.', I 0.
Unolt.tiotia of Gud at the l"biU lclphia II it I
ltxela.ige,Nii.3l Tuinl slrec', seoand -loi-v:
!'i A. M ....24.11' 1 P. M -IV
11 A. M W U P. M .'114
12 M V't-'jk. Market weak aud active.
Dr. llAvr.w & Duo., No. 20 H. Third street,
tiutte as follo-vsi Oo!d 2 i.l 211
Ainericao Silvia, A's and J's 22 ) .. ami Half Dunes... '21 i ..
Hpuiiish Quarters 2 id ..
Peon. Currency i din. dls.
New York Exchange I-Id ' par.
Quotations of the prnieij il Ooal ind Coal Oil
stocka at 1 o'clock to-day :
i4 Ait.' Hi I A'k.
Fulton Coal lie. lo1. 1'nlon I troieillil.. .. a 4
lot: Mountain Coal, s s s ur.nio oil 1.
k . l .A Mill. l'ol., J, V, .. I ia.iklle 1 til I1.
llr.-. 11 it'. 1, 7 (l,e. Kl.iyOI.. I'; 1',
N . H-lionaulu .... ll', A (Irvine Oil i-S ti
NS Creek I ll lli P. . I arm 0.1... . I a l'i
Ke-.iir Lam Coal. 1 I ., Itiuler.'.tal '
Cihir.-n Coal I 1 - kei.l..i.e iih..... ' 1Ht kuollii., '.'. 4 0. 11-10.. if l-
1 el 11MI1 11, j 'i j
lllruiil Minim
.!iia Mu lllk 1.1
l-lilla. ami lloit'ia. ..
Mutlditll Stllllll-4
1 'ount-elleiif .,..,(. :.
Altue iron
oil tYen f,
Mul'l. hua li- Oil.. 17
Xlel'liat.'.k oil
I'ami.ylrsu'ar.t. ..
Perry Oil 7
Mll.tiul OH
ItoMvnfc Oil 1 1
ii Mellli'MI-y
Koi'.ot u-i . l'i '.
:i o iit-t. ..1 2:, :i
,1 V .us .1 l.-iuiiit'lr. .. 17
. l'tf"l','U'U ...'Itftl. 1 ,1
l rtjr' ti1.
ll.i.-i lalanil t'i
.'j I ae.-1-..orOil 1 -i
17 -, Tank "
V'., till I.. (.1 i'l
JU H- a .1 5
7 -., i'orn I tauter I
V, .'urim n'1.'
1 III. ner J i
1 .
The condltiiiD of the tanks of tho tbte nrin-
cipal citu s of the. I nlon is exhibited
in the following table, which gives the .'g0'rcgtt-s
of their last weekly :
.i. ..t-. .s. . i. 'oeir'jCn. ''Simi',
v. v., Auc.i..Is'i .:s s io; ti,r!u ia i.a.' '.e ivAK'ii'
Ptiila , Auk.'.'. . l'4 il.iM.-J.IM .!! 4M '..- -,i 1
ao.toll, hUH-tJ. Sl,SI.Hi j,'l,'hlMl.i Whj'
Total .7.'.'1 '10,117. '"Si in.l'iT.ti-ie ?l '.'.. MM
I. a.i week.... isi.iis.'K).' P!,i7n.Wj w).ir..ijn
li . re att- in loan Il.'l l-l-'l'l
lieieaa. In im cle J'l,"4
II. ereae id rir slulsia
Int-reaM In tr.,iKI
The returns of the liank of Knitlnnd for the
week ending August 10 conipaie with the state
ment of the previous week us follows
1 .,'. .1 A..OV,! 11.
Piii il.- iteroiH. jtll .'..7; a.v.ii.'.'iJ
oihtrdt'ootli. li.'iiu.ii'.i; J4ai:i.:-Hi
.l....n... ...... ..MHO.. i 47 ..,' i.t'.'i
lllti.r.ieurllk 3k,7"-. oiS vl.IIWAil
Ni le, III ellvnlalLili 'JI .!'.. '.'I. i -l.t.ll)
lliet It-Slid t a lion U,lt,.Ht l.',.WJ,,-:S
MomiiaT, August 29. Qnercltron Bail cou-
tinurs in small aupply, und No. I is ia demand
at $51 If' ton.
There ia but little doing In Sceda ; small sulei
ofClovorscfdat14C16 W" 84 I"-'. ;1'os of 200
bush. Timothy at frU'So ij -bush. TUore is but
little Flaxseed coming forward, and it is freely
taken at 3-00 (a bush.
(In Flour no change to notice. The stocks
continue email, oad are heid with much firmness,
with but a limited demand for shipment ; 500
bbla. eitra family and fancy brands were taken
at $T2ad2'70, aud 600 bbls. Broad street Mills
on ternis not mode public. To the trade tbe
range ia from Slo'50 up lo S13 U'' ol,l- itu out
little doing. No traneetlom iu Rye flour or
Coin Meal.
Wheat is in good demand, and it is held with
much firnincBS. Pales of 10,000 bushels ut Hi&SO
per bushel for good old Western red, and sj-J-fiScr
2-71 for fulr aud prime new Southern red. White
is held at K -80(2 3. Some lots or nenmcky
white are in the market, and are held al the last
named price. Bye ia nrm at 1M5C17. In
Com not much doing; Pales of 3000 bushels yel
low at $1-73. There Is lesa activity in Oate, aud
prices have dtx lined ; 1500 bushela new sold at MS
(ii W) cents. Bailey and Mult are unchanged.
Tbeie is but a light demand for Whisky, with
small sales of IVnusylrauia aud Ohio bbls. at
Latest from Chicago!!
Delegates and their Difficulties.
Mr, Seymour will Propose his
Nomination by Acclamation.
El., EU-., Tlr., rie r.ta, JEla? Eta.
atptX'lal (a Tt Eva-nlas: T -! rWi I.
Ciiii'Ai.o, Angost 19, 9 A. M. Tbonsauda ar
coming In to-d.y from all direction. A dolcfrt
tion of live hundred Secessionists arrived be raj att
bour before daylight, from Dlomnlngtoa.IUlnoae
w ith b acket., and three days rations.
They surrounded Sherman House aad cheered
snd called for Vallandigbam, null! soma out
appeared and stated that be not there. Oll
inore's Hand Joined them, and Is idayinj thj
Marsellalse," and other airs. '- "
MeClellan will fcrtainlf ba nomlna'ei. -' s
Ex-Oovirnor Dlglor, of PennsylranU, will ba)
t niporsry Cbairinan of tba ConvenUon. 7
The peaee-tt-any-pric men are clamorous oa
all sides, and arc assailing McCTollast with givat
vehemence, though it i most likaly that tiiey
will burmonue eventually on MeClellan i toil
there arc lining Indications this tnoraiug of a rot?
In the Convention. ' , , i
Oi uoralsBumslde and Rosccrans and Oovemof
Vales aro in town.
An atUmpt was made last night to arraf
this border nate men agalnet McClt lion. 0b
cniars wcie distributed coatalnlug M -Clellun't
letter to Trcaident Lincoln from Harrison's
intiding, and asserting that it endorsed in advancaj
tho emancipation ar.Klamation, uud tho enforctv
lm nt of law in the arrest of the Maryland Legis
lature, were pre-enred as reasons wnr no Pcoea
Democrat could voto for McClollan, but It wal of
no avail. v
1 be Kentuckiana shrugged thoir shoulders, au4
only rejilied that they wanted to defeat Llncnlrr.
and ibat MeClellan was the mot available toaa. .
Ibe rival Kentucky deli rations of Outbrie)
and Warncliffo, couid not coma lo aay term
until after breakfast this morninr. xvh
accepted the proposition of the national Oar -
Uiitiee, that they should both be admitted; fhh
put an end to al hope of a split oa the aduilv
sum of the Kentncky deiegatious. " 1
Kon'ucky has two bands ' of "'mrijifl
playing "Dile" in front or the Sbor :,
man House. Calls are made for ValJendlg.
Lain and MeClulhin.
Uovernor Seymonr, in bis opening remark, ac
Prts.dont of tbe Conveaikni, will propoee thai
Ot ncral MoClsllan shall be 'd by aocla
niation. This settles tbe gushing aera
tions of tbe large number of deleguon,
wbo bud hoped to be first ou tbuir feo to p.osva
thou favo.ito oa nomin itiou ; It will also relieve)
ttiu h'.dy from a scene of uauooessiry tuiaull
and dls irder.
;-na-i-uI Oliesta-f'e XCajfail!.).
Ktc, Kto 13 to.. HVo., JUlo,
pi.r-clnl iu The E vain Ins; ilvrph.
WiNiiiNiiroir, AngBat 20. Tbe Star lias tlx)
FniiiitHicK, Md., August 27. Oonsldcralkj
csnnoi.ading was beard bere yesterday aftonioon
from the direction of tho position occupied by
General Slierlden.
1 l.arn from passenger from Jiirper- Perry
that it was occasioned by a weak attack of the)
rntmy on General fibcridnn's centre, whljh waej
tasily repulsed by swinging our left wiug around!
on their Hank, with a loss to the enemy of l XI
killed, and about an eijoul n'initier in prisoncfxr.
This morning Ihe enemy appear tat be retiring
from General Sheridau's front, in the dire Hog
of 8inltl.tie.IJ.
This niay be occasioned by onr snooen in frout
of Richmond, necessitating tho withdrawal of '
Eurly's troops to that point, to hold Grant ia -check,
or It may be for tbe purpose of attetuptins;
to cross tbe river, either higher np or looc
.Should they attempt this, however, tbey will
be promptly met, as there areasurtlclent number
of Uniou troops in Maryland, guarding the rivet
fords, to hold them in check.
General Custer's command, which was ,-nir
rounded on Thursday near Ishepherdstowu by
Breckinridge's Infantry, has cut his way out, ami
safely reached a point iu Maryiuu'l, wboro ha)
will be able to keep a watchful eye on tbe m-jva).
mcuts ot the Rebel raiding partiee.
Richmond papers of the 2?th say that Port
Morgan was snrrcuJcreJ, with all Ka garrison.
including General Page, monitions, gam, A. I
From letrtaraY.
WAHiirscTov, August 20. Tbe advices iVwraj
Gcncntl Grant to-day are not important. Noih,-.
lng but skirmishing and picket-firing had taken
place within the last day or two.
Mr. John A. Stuart has been appointed As
sistant Treasurer at New York, in place of Mr.
CUco resigned.
Uenasrkl M riinllan.
The friends of General MeClelluu here are quitej
jubiluut over the prospect of his nomuation at
Chicago, aud profess to regard uii nomiuatlon aj
tautnmount to an election. ,
aRRrro this Mosirrwo.
V lilted State. salat H. K.CulM,lrora a Cruise Ut
aj-art-h m the plrat. Tull.ha.aea. i
iu., I ilia. W. dayi ovoi Alstarusi, la balUat H) O.
8'H Ur'llolulpI.iulai (Br.), rlmlth,4. eyi froia BloJ
neiro, atlia euit.e t. 'fliomaa Wanton A Sons.
hieaon-r H. K. Walker, Hhsrln,'J4 huun It.ut Kow TorlC,
ah BtOat- tu YV. al. Ban Ce.
A Lars. UrltUh ihlp, with maimed pert) ; sail one bri.
Ktftrieiftr The limning 2Vfci7rafiA. '
Itio J.iNKiKO-Kchr Mssgl. Luul, 8mlta-. eal
coi1 Tliouan, W .ti,, a m tun.
omriiil DrwwlBcw of the Bttelky Cllec(
11 411 Auraat 'J8, ISM.
71. Ofi, 20, 2o, at). 51, 41), 35, 21, , 3S, 13.
CUeulsr, s4 1 " nn mty