The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 27, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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emrr or the iinw tori press.
kainc Kdiurtat from lb ow torb
PP(r Thin Morning.
tiir. niit hi i ii :( i h t .
rrm IA. rtmr.
One would nuip , co ; i n 10 i.,ri'!:oi" tuo
tftik which I. bra' I ul on u.i' c.ill fm " V
.nil the t'r.ift and i. I , :v in I'ul it, rui
I rri.ilr-g of nun In ihi f nit-.l Miii- mi,; .
WSj tbS ClUr' fn.kol .. ; I i t ta iy r:nl; tint
til WKT tl. Il, r.-irrinl it f,i, (M nni'l- -Du'llt
orpill!1i::t:iii of :l I'm i,:, in 1!n, .;,r CVtiii t;
nr,d am c -vvhIj 0,.-,.. tt lr j ., f,;,,) u ,
fr cii'li tn di. fraud 'I., in I I ,ur roy by evi-ij
iv.rrc Irililr mians
The A ' m j V a, oft I'-i cr t .lij. J a r. i'
t iH ! HI,. ImrU. (,,, ; .-.,t'.
;ry ic-dir, wiii-h urn uj ! r.nimi
i lmntr h dm u,k omit uv i t!,. I;.vuti iolis m
Ms Beipbln-iiiM. i i th .I tl ry witc s.i i.titrs.'.r I ny
Hie () ! rinlti tlon t 'lie u rnmciit to pin' wro
men fur tits arm) , that hi.nttnits of tin'in iti jv
rotor lo vote biuit tli lirmmriil Liiuula in
They were raising inn as f.i i n- tin null!
ai last an a pnip r uIjmiII.hi to itinr titruis on I
.nlnit woulit lit itn tn -a. last, i'l aliort, as w is
cinm tui ut ; nnn ki of ilrafiim; s;mr.'y Itr
i unm ibrj hail uot in i:c up tin :rinom, maA wo
not liUly to initio it Ui, was moro tamei ttitjr
ould t nduie. Iliu sttirjr wc tulil in a afroi:.;,
Ixi(i, clcmorrntfc w.iy, and was pr.ibitny hall nr.
tion ami l.alt t isps-t ia hid ; liut scmiim-iusui turn
blurt crop out in 'iieiwinvirrsMiiiiior a r vnt pi itiy
K p e w ho f rof. the luon uul onii'lol dovoiiun
(otLe war. tsiirlc ar furlom witli the O nerrmient
for Kuiititm tn ra men; others ttunk it qiito
natural thty sb-mlil then, Imt think it
Liru'al and Inhume mcy sli mid not mil;o
tiptl cir m nrs to go without thiui ; tmt a mill
rgor rnmlji r and thti rla'i Includvn a irrcat
ai.y "" frleua of Uie I uiou wliilu -
wtrlcdging it to bath; right ami da y of the
tfirernmont to git ro.mlte, believe it to be tlio
right of the public, to pniveat ita gvUIng thoia
rrvrutknioufrkt the nn'irt iiuiaiimi in every nay
abort of arnud retsuco; and thuy nut up to
ttelr belief.
Tuy mm to rooaliW their re'aiium with tho
cixtcutirc -onieibin like tituwofatravuler wi-h
ia axnicd biKhwuTDiant tkey nirrsnikT witU a
ffxxl grnce whut tui vcanuot ennceni, bat nothinir
more. Put 1b thin itraiooralic i In th grepuhllin t
la tbln the waj that loyal men ought to stitnd
by "tho befit Government the world ever hit "
Doea any one luppose that thii war chh end uc
reanfuily for u, or at lu any way bat in raio,
If the men wboiu the people have couimUvoned
"to ac that the repub ic autfora no dam iifi:," r in
fKt no bcitvr i-upp in tbaa this from tnat n irtiou
ot Uio popalutiou wbtcb U moit int ro. tcl in tho
pte-rrm;on of the Uu on, a id ba tho keeuet
and bifil et aipr-eutloa of Ita rniue ?
Doe any one terioasly nuppine that a strap!o,
the throea of whlca art) felt to the iittormom uaiU
of tiie earth which may, without the ukl Roman
exafrgemtion, bu fairly ca'lud "orbit tcrrarum
perturtnim ' can be brought to a
i'Ki ty tpet'cbea and toiata anil 'vlrnwiu:;
(heeka. It we wore to judge of the dUpuHiiioa
of Hie mssu of men at the North from the dcsiw
ration of home ot tin rtforti which wo wlta'nj on
the part of towna, couatiea, and Statm even, to
Cxcape tho draft, we might fairly conclude that.
If it were po&jtb e, our next army would be
entirely compoMid of the awecpiugn of cinirint
hlp, of negro niarei. and of any other roi'iiso
Wt cot. Id pick up, and here Lj the w.iml of it
of that noblo remnant of the old army who, faith
ful Uf Uie lat, have gone back alter three ye ira
of hnrdahip aud danger, to face tho storm otico
There 1 hardly a county In tho North at this
moment whicti i not on y iclling bonda in ordor
to buy up li r Krvice in the army the worn mili
tary material ( tw looud in the Wcetvrn world
foreign monenanea and liberated ulareii. Too
call ef the Oovcrnmi at for men it the aigual, not
for a rush to arum, bui f th prodipius ii-ra'cliinK
of pi nt and Inning of " etidoiian of indobtod
xe8." KveryiKMiy who can, take uu his cli' ck
book, not bin aword, and meits the l'rjvojt-.Mnr-bbal
with emillng patriotic face.
The are uuplea.-aot tbinga to nay, but It la
Unfortunately tii'h time to ay thorn. V e have
cot to Ilie point where onr danger tnuat be looked
in the face tnl talked aboat. And one of iho lirst
tilings to be said aol renumbered i that the army
In Uie hold UnotL n -o.u'naraiy, but oiip ; ta it tlin
proMcntion f t ie war i ocr ad'a r, not hi". And
liuviiglaid tm to heart, let ua nil i iranL.ainl
cotitea hotie-t y that a people In auch n utato of
minn astbeH utberncru, wltharutiea of so much
plnek, ppirit, and cndur.iuee, and so well lo t, as
they put and keep iu tue field, cannot be subdned
ty any fotce that is not compo e.i of the honn
and fcinew of ibu North; that is not composed of
men who will liitnt for lovoaf the cause; wuo
nave ,mt thing more than a aoldicr's rexpect for
tJie flag; and who are animated by hi; hor and
better r.ioliv a than aoy Uirvii nlioa or Uuulberit
tit'io, bund can ever bt.
ThH rnnntry has already made prodigions and
tinprecrdi ntvd exertions In tlie ra uug of armtoK ;
and if the fame and credit of what it nan already
accomplished were sufficient to rout and
Hood, we would strongly advice everybody to
takeh's ease, and goon making money. lint
Jefferson Dti know perfectly well hoiv much
We have d ne, and what greit aacriiicca we have
nxM; and yet the knowledge of it doea not cause
him to give way an inch, li la, la short, ta what
we will do, and not in what wo hatro ouco douo,
that our tuundar lie.
frm IA TrvtMnt.
; The public inter, tt, natarally cnoagfa, cetnrM
at this moment on the "ChlcRo Couvcntlon,"
for the h rxter of the campaign, if not Uu
ksne, depends upon the nomination to to mado
there. "What will they do with it ?" Is a que.
Uon which concerns the Union party unite as
nueh as it does those on whom the hard taak of
doing it devolves. Seymour and MeClellan ara
the two prominent candidate, tut it will not bo
the first time should that happen if the pro mi
neat men should b thrown ororboard and tho
clashing lnterents and dtftculliev reconciled by
the choice of a third man.
But this seema hardly likely. The tutrof war
lay eomo quite as much upon tho adoption of a
platform as upon the choice of a candidate. But
iDoinocrnts are proverbially fertile in compro.
ml a and expediences. If candidates and plat
ifonus can not b mado to agree, there may bo
an agreement that there shall be no illir.ireiifOH
that shall divide the patty. A facile Wat Ueunj.
era like McCicllun may be made to stand on
"Is pigs, like a limp tin soldier, on a peace
plattorni; thoiwaco men will probubly demand
that much, aud the MeClellan men mnvacedo
to it with the mental reservation that thoy will
try to make peace, &aat ttlill -m MnM.hitjlt
fight it unt it iliey em't help themsclvca. llo-.h
f'eace candidate and Tiaco platform aocm Lardly
liosi-lble, thongh all ibmgs ar posHlblo with
Dcimtatic noliticians, who seldom iiuarretwhcn
in tlectinn is penillmr. Tlio I .nn iml thai l.isitl.
kan lie down togoilur when ttiev ooth nioll tne
hleesant pastures of prey and power, and to tUt
pnd all Iicmorrataaro ehe mont poaccihl ere '-.lir a
I bBia warcandidatoana a iicnce pUtiimu, o
ti peace candidate and no plutform at ull :bcv
kill bo sure to tlx it somehmv. W h. n it coined
to piaciical mbcsgeiiation of this sort, your
pvmocrats aio tba oiot eoiiiplnutnnt and coiii-l-'iodating
of men. They do thrlr iaamlin2 'n
Ihc bar-roomn, not In tlio Conveution, ntdVi
Viay expect to see one of tho sweetest slchtaof
rreeiiig brethren at Chicago that ever was scon.
Jut, given tho candidata Is not given tlio Pnvi
mt, and there Is still moro in the witter whou
4t-y come beforo tho peoplo.
rsiSTixti the nKri-i:i4Mriv
' OPTOEltw,
Commisslonar Onborn rendered his ,
esU'rday, discharging Mr.MuIlulv, of tho .V-.-ifj-
Heconl, who had been arrcirml ivinn
oiling rvslstttuco to the draft, by an article pui-
sueu m mat paper, xne turnina point of Com.
itsiono Oaborn't decision was, that a draft
Llinnt lift mU.,l unfit It la a. ...... It.. I..
v .VVw. i, iB , 111,111, m operation ;
11(1 niinkAiillinl V tlmt nvtl.l.a f.. - '
!- , ....j , ...i.i... m Jll UUfT1IHlr9, or
ncr expressions oi opinion discussing its pro
iuty or denouncing its motives, are uot a viola
ii of tho law. The ett'oct of this decision Is
vorable to tho freedom of tho pross, and opeaa
o door to tho utmost latitudo of discussion an
. .... j wuuuiuosiimcj iiru urinvn iroiu tno
heel. 2, y, n0rU.ta..aU.
A dull narutr. onlt.ul tl.. r- v
t'oirf, Is to bo pnbllshed on tho cunp ground
Martha's Viueyard. durlns
o meeting. ' "
The of Mont Pane rr a t r aow
rtacLrd CbanK tinl in a shujlc d .y.
On the lu t Sr.'citlav t f Jnly the tcrapuature
in rails wss Kl dip'tcs Kahrtuheit.
Mr. .Tpba l!rr'' ht t'een amti.'-ig hlu.self
by ran -bu g m mrn Tu.chan L'Hlgc.
The I n -it Tr.rin t-i crr, afu r a I up pf rinl
o! nli-i ire, i,nif Ma waabnlaricif H.4 i.ti.ij.isij
in it favor.
Dr. I.ivir.7 tone, the Afrlrin ftr'nrr-, is
rn In i a vi.ii tn I. ;ih tii House, I; ,rl .nd, Le
r- i li in r ii bl tin :. Hwliic and ftiind, Mr.
J;inic- Vrut
1 lie rbaa.t's biivc ("rfni'M (nnnr.i'.u in
Switr r ;j ii ki tot nieralily tb it in h. u eif the
i siroi it I:. 1 1 n toibld'trn to hin t tUeia tor
linn jf, i-, i i,t!(T a ven im al'v.
1 l.c Iti . Mr r'nc wi llin, ( f I'etcr. hat inrf
Tiinrri llict villi ht r niHi.e, ran hw iy froio h in
w i'Ii lil si rtant. col rt ited aith him, iiu l eaini d
ill a (jnsniitt i( fmi.i y plate U int xpr.-cs,
ioi.n hk e y at I tiu t is jmtc aitrkvd.
1 lie CreiKt I'otirlerof riris h
to llnl t Imml cin utile iirr! nitlnri il uu lior,
t i-i to Ion than f-1 0.HX'i liai:c. s o e m
t.ibli l meet in ig'.. ; that ib, Mr. av rKd if
..);:. P rrmirs nni.u il y.
It I-a nir t iii n li I. uf been a ( h inrellnr
in Kin: and. V ur iA the ex.'JhmriU rs reciici
eiMiMi (f iwititt ibou-anU iiiiilura a m-
I mil. Iiniufhiua, St. Leonards, Cranccitb, and
I In Inislmd.
Tin IN ww, v l.Vh. Isii,lfa Prarre. bate as
yii re gnlMd the Km) ire f M xc ,ad ml.wo
n.inli-tei. rililp Ir'ipiiai of tnai co n ry, arc
Aui-lriM, liavarui, frits .a, Honiis, lietgium.'snd
Ito latid.
-On bM;ir.(t'f the rmult of lbs dcei.-ii n of
thi Hi ue ol lairds, in ilie rsa i f 1 iicrcs i Y I,tbe lamilt ol Its Major ave a irrand
ei.l. it-.iuix-ut at tbrlr aeatat liellclile. MiHic,
Onncu tt. nod rcfrcsbmiuut acie provided on a
luige t ale gialla.
In a report ma le to llf R I N. flcivernmct t
by Murrbuon, the reokiglht, it ai p.-ars tt it (
(rl ain yields tiarlt neailv right mtliinn inns of
uon nn-; and the e al product am icnts ai.nnsily
to ali til cliht)-tbrie and a half million tcns.llie
e'tlina ed value rmiging frvmilihtcet to tvrutr
one miilioLS sterllcg.
In delivering one i the Cantor lecturr a, Itr.
Crneo (Calvert .lndl to tint t-unjed of bird s
best gelatine unxl so nin. li in Cbim In the pre
paiation of soap. Tliene rurioas gclatinoc.s pro
duits aio not ouly roualdered great delicacies in
India and China, but ero ia Knmpe. wbrre
tby reallce fnm i i to 17 -er pound.
The Kdibburgh papers repnritbm tl.a' Soi lc y
of the Am Unit Arrbera of KtiWiaiilns" hte pro
poatd a hcetch bonnet an a gift o the I'i.neof
Vales, who succeed bis Is bor as ps.roa of that
ai icty. 1 he shin of li e boooit ii tno same as
that worn ly the nrrhirs wnie shorting ut
papingn, and the ir.-iilo Is lined with a tit-' aalln:
aud lu Hie enure the I'tinre of Waies' mat of
aims is beautifully emlTonlerod, and bi low tho
word, "le Iieu " M, the du hcn the
society w.ia ot'gioated.
Tit. Rnrbanan'a euilncct services t- tho I reo
Church ot ticotiand have been rer it. oi'ed l his
fiieLda by a subaeriplinn of fbur Htounriud
gninras, and the prc-entuticn of a silver term
to Mrs. lim b. Lau. tin tlu ipirgue is the fvi.Oit -ing
lns riplioo :
"rnsniU-it, vriih fiar tb, au nat, to IJ t l;si.
TiiNrrl lliifliiihui, 1. I, m,.ntcur li-s Inn I'o k
I librcb. liiSK'iw,ss a irllf ,ln tn hit i-tiai- irtrlli, anit
to htt public lulx-ra s- ft i-irn- tnni. art! ritln, r c iilinfi v,
s:n1 a an srkr.". Kmctit hi his ftui i nl miif i lu
niiilnltiltiin-t Um uiUtsii rtlre 1 1 lt riiarrlt ' I nn, I, in
or, .intln li ITrtv-1 ht.n t tc itlM.,i, auiI in Mi'.utlriia
U'litiK her tnnre lmHlt int soi,rines '
The K.ngsisb arc liivin up the'r Id ilatiy for
personal lrola'inn in railways since tlio Ive mur
der. The ttouihwetitcrn oiructors Have ('lib red a
gbiied cltchlar apeiliire to be placed lu 0 ich of
their carriages. The apertures, sajs the Jl nl
tcay Snrt, " will bo provided with curt till", a.) as
to lupuro privacy to tho passengers, but will, at
the siiiiie time, in tho event of an assault by ono
Individua1 upon another in anyone of the car
tlopcp, afford to the occupant of an adjoining
coiuptu'imt'ut the means of Identifying the
TM- is old, but suggestive : The men r.f Coven
try, hearing thai Uue.n Kliabetli i'ked poetry,
welcomed her to thi tr t wn -. tt-
'lA'smsn of t entry
Arn vert R'a I tt sL
v tMlf siscl Mil Sl4.iat7 ;
IWioil lrtl, tow fttlr yc- bi:
And tho unique loyal reply ;
"Hor ftTtti'ti'U MsjiHl
It torvtrlsfl tit m.
J lif I.IMI si'CiviT.fTrt
The urodigloua fertiiiricsT ncalitles cf the
I soil ot lancolnhlro aro thus ditcri'i.-l by one of
j tl o Jcnaiiibts of I he Loudon rreas, iu sptMking
' of the man whom l. idy Horunco riol (these
rsgtla buvo ulways been nuue-r, and their ai1, irs
l uve oHcn been iu the divorce eouui jilted lor
the wild Mmqtiis of llastingi, the yranilsoo of
the Lord Kutvuon whose name Is found often lu
the bis ory of onr Revolution. 1 hit soil, k siys,
produied (be jilted genikman "a rental of
40,i, i a year, and cndottesl bin with every
iuullcy to renuer him a dcbirable part.ier.''
Frasir'i Mcqaiir.t Las this :' Whenever you
fit da man whom you kuovr little aloit oddiy
drewed, or talking ndicnlon-ly, cr tKnibiiing
any eceen ricity of manner, roa ma" be tolerably
mro thHt ho is tioi n nnirricd man. 'Per the little
corners are rounded o!T, ibe littlo Bhoots aro
iiiuni-d away, iu married men. Wives generally
have much more sense thsn their hushauds, espe
cially liti the husbands nre clever men. The
wife s advices aro like the ballast that keeps the
ship steady. Tbey are liko the wholesome,
though painful, shears snipping oil little growths
of self-conceit and folly."
The exhibition the o'her daj-in tLe street
and Circus of Aries of a band of women has
scandalized the l'arl.i aud provincial press, and
will very likely lead to the dismissal ol many
otiiclals in that town. II was announced aomn
days previously thai there would be a female
boxing-match, anil Ibal tuo fair borers would
eubscibenily go through some gymnastic games.
The police, therefore, had an opportunity to step
In, they not being taLen una un a. The Aries
women have tlio reputation of t-ciui: tho moat
beautiful in France. They are of lireck rare;
and tho regularity of their le.uurvi confirms tho
tiadiiions that have hauded dowu on tl.n
Contractors all the world on-rare giten to
ubm-en. A Indon papi-r ssvs " When pcrcu
aii n caps were applied to small arms in Po 'lind
thoy were made t y commit. It was found, how
over, thai the contra tors, roirardicfs of the livis
of the troops, adulterated the ntatoilnl for the
sai.o of aiuking a larger proiit, and it bcramo
noeenary to mako tho pcuslCIl caps :u tu..
W oolwich laboratory. W ors.- than this, the on
trictors often sent in giin-camavcs ill-niaile, and
of unsound and uusoasoncl tuubcr, who de
ferts, concealed under a ot or two of paint
could not be ascertained. Tlio result h is bt en to
show the absolute ne issitv that every part of a
giin-carrhuia should lie niaJc uiulcr the eye f
rosponsiblo ( rovomni' tit oiii.-cr.''
M. Suuvo ilenles the originality of V. Hiird
heim'e dli-covcry ol the hcan'e rcvil ai'i"rtne
conwactloo of the ventricle. lie awes that la
his iii.iugural addieia m An,"in!, min, , jmt
forward an almost it!oiitlril tbeoiy. The une-oiuiio-of-iiian
doctrin- hi fonud a newoniioniiit
in Siimor i;i'incon",'U the I'uivt i;yot llolorra
who bus .Tiv.-n some attcutS.ti to .i compniiantnn
the nnin-l:l;o ajs-s with tho hiiinau sp.-clns. ills
obtjirvatlom rc:'er to :!nt osseous sn-f ,, u
espeekilly lu tho hnad and catroiniC . 0 i,n U
thai m the jai- s ..ifthci .orilla ainUrnn',auh.mi-U
tho rio'ar ttcto ate fa::g'vctow, and resx m' .e
luu-D oi m in, n.c iai::nc arr iu oi i earn, to
rons, .-u.-h us tbo l:ou or ti. cr, and an-
hiov.-i.-u vuii iuue as ;aineriii: a Muscular nor.a
r:l'in aa thai . I cjVr oi tfinio jpr ie-. So a
an 1 a motilay ar not iho :c aikr a!L
A parliat iciitary f r.per sh iw-th.,t !,e uu la
bor of persons ,w-oj cd tinder iche.lulo U r,bs
aud proi'es-ioasi in Ijrene I'rjaiii, Increased u (lie
year ending April lHol.iroiu ... f. I'M,).:
the amount paid from i..lj,ii.i n f, ,-,:
the iucomos on which tho Ut was chi:,;i d i.-,j U'
19,0:3,4'J to Tho i nnUr of per-
JoniwuU less than ilis) yo-ir fc ul la-rea,l
from lH 7i;i to 1.7'; Ulsv icn i low audil al.
from 135, , to IV,7'7 1 and so on t:il tu tiuh
est class, tbuse with ln.o:.:e.- of XjD.'hj a v,ir
and np-vards, wLo w-re e7 in lhi i and M
.a lWij. In Ire.'imd the PumrsT oi person's
charged had fallen o1 frciu I7,.ri to 17, , ; tLo
aiaount ju.d from tli'A.'.a to tb;;,ivi-; a-id tba
bncomee asscssj.l from i,io7, a, 7 to i' i,.,' I,7i .
The number payioon incomes oi less tLun tiisj
a jtfur had diiuiii.'thed from 1J to b;.l ike
number with X i,i0 a yer .mil 1 1 ivars had
r:.u troui two to thr je.
Rebel) OrUttriHl lo Dal.
The loliowing oiU.-ers, recently e-ich,.ii;;j.l by
way of Charleston, h.ive been ordered to report
I'or duty as follows ;
Major-Gcnoral, ordered to report to
headquarters of UieArmy of Northern Virginia
Mojor-tronorul hdward Johnsou, ord.rod to
re;wrt to hea Jtnuirtcrs at Atlanta.
Iln r .1 f .i' n-i
..8uivi.wuuDiai jcii, slUOmi'-iOU, or rfJMJ to
rin to LiwOUiiaut-OonoriU K. Kiry iu:b.
fi teat ciririnHtijisi rt .
warfeet from tho lortota iu tUu uortliolru jart of
vuuutj, .uiiiu". a .rimer at An. over
Cunerreccutljr IbnvurdcJ tuirty UrreUlnonolct.
VMftl iVn-iurtf I Dlftr'rt, lcHL s-tfriUn ti ftt tutiei K Of
w it i jam o. jn tv r.M
'r (1 (.nvetiii. d wturu .oan iti t u Muir am
Mr nM'ritfVH lrU!gi!tVirth!r''rlh.tUl
r -Iff' n Mli1 Ir HPd u; (li j (iiMabct ll.r- (.11: if nfkt
tin um.). wA X.f n.fti tt(-MH o. im r'tv mm pi.
n-fth HfkJ( art m,ii, i:hifi, knrt , tL, , ,,t
i m Kin n the tin 1 1 ut-Auii firtwi i rtmvnt r.o.1 (jioi-lo-i,
to i-'n isi.P prr -ulni v.r tt
J"nru," nr lhr .i i. i-pi t''l f cki r 1i r,iniiM
mi f-'ir'i -i r4 i r ..ti; i c fn lsur i,. a
I OVmn KI'l K1M.M1T1V1'. uis.
TNO In i. .-s,!, .av( la tc it-t I'oi.r I ll.l Al,lMn. ( . n
fUi n l tr.t 'n 'h. ' Uiit, IN t y taril (.Jl H l Ui
1.1 fl (ul . .1 l Ul
"AS M.ns i- .v 0i
f'N -U'M'A. M HSISt., A114U i ft,
, . Al su'J Ok.
I'lf'. Mt,t .1frsf,ntJr
i T 'i r r, ii r. at- r , ,
e. 1 h.r..t lia tW.r.
J.-ii. run ; f ii, fs-ii.til M-(.uii. fft ". il
tr- f-VA Ml-Mti: - TH 1, 0VS( MKS ,s
px f: r t ,u A..ii UU i it's r . x ;,r
jr.r.;i t t m u, a Iml; IV.,,,, l I'.MV.A
1 . V r cbfrd no IC VR-, N
t a.' ,t .f; f,,Itl. a.ii t ( . t -a -i
, M.. I'.. I'll..,.! . -J nl II (.it m, tif-
ii m it o !.m oi. 'ir. I uM iar V iif fuvi
f.iri ti; i'r!..oh A M. TVrc b .im ri ..n-f-'
tllf- it:r.m U,i( ii, lluM-i'.'. In t. h Hr M ti irr1 a i tJr.i,
ii,' -MfP r. t tl 1 tjrai.Hi. itiiSTl- fc t n"'l'
lvr oinc v. ov rur vuu.wk.vuk
AN WCIcliM, A"'.r ti lv?. 'H'H ---At - mi .um" rf
tr It- fini 1 1 Tmi'i i ,.f tl . I'm :,;i., (, a Wt-ka, n Id
etui . ..rh i; iin, n.o u. vtoLjM uj rttcmiki
I, n mi.'; u ti .
W Stria.. Ti r vr t nw U, (dc r I f 1 1' tar lirvnMul
M.i, w mlvr Jtr j ot( (.h 1 ru.o.r, lt a !(. ian
ol tV'fM. isirvtc" ; ar.. u ' .-rT.a., t i r.-( t ci at t a I
vtl i r maio in.f. c im nn-i li in- nia,,ii'ac(nr cf a in
ftti miii it t 1 p-'ir Ut rnrt1(. Im tu-i 1 t'tlWI, I t or It'f
t' i r t' t Hi--ii '-rtanf iruji vnun (1 t- Hit. .r ci,rr
tvi.i '.. us 1 u ii.ikc ti.o am, ua) u-i li-m ! ti.t.
iii(i 111111 rt .,iin 1 f- ,.. a lva-Hc Ui t
!.M r. ;it or ihi-t.MrthJ fiti.(
T! cTniMh ut me aar tiiai lii Incrcvfx1 ft icty w'M
piu v A litirileh lt rnnnv tMtiiitimerri, and U.t i:MUy fi
-pi 11 i ( - . U al p.'ii-t.-a n i tl ; l ti wU a m. o 0
Mini, r if Hi . u trt tiii!j t tr hitJCl- fi .irihA d(
dt ii ci -1 iivm :-j t lii' t r t nt , a -l v f (. ..f ar a&-
Viuirs- fat ut J.H ( Cfll. CI. It:f IUiH fcitlfsll l( .n V lil. 1
ir r- r r in m r. ttimt t an, a r ti. pa
iM-iilarh whri tl.ri) f iA ti.- pr.t ypa- ftn mtt
l. !. nnlti-ii lit a Ituvn to. t.. Vm 1nit. n. twrJ UrV.
ir Mr ntiri t,tU a.-i ei aJiJosi ui tn paTi-.4 tvfU
art! rrioit at -ry uticn ; Im It UhmMi rt?
hn-'l.t .t. Tl.l Fjtl.''f,T 1,'f - levM'. riv.
I it iaft-, Itiat ih, mn$ art i ki Unit da? of NlsMnNr
I tJ h I'l'oi 1 1 fi ui i.rlvn'r i - i'siaii ra -Ulfcil t II .
Uuilaj ir i tiMe if4t,i'i4 a iIl.truM of i r
Mn f'T irvn..t tA'fiit. M"1 lUifst l' iht Hr.lica
rttfw 'i HUM AH 8 HTRWAkr,
"l '''-t thlfl Mu.lfttv c,
SL KH - i tH.iii atisi t it a;.a:n e-aril to tap ai.
f Tit and dflttiiu cltlrrna .f Ctiftirhwiirif, A im -tm:t
t nf lii a ol our city vimtrd C am jritur,
and thrir p iri of vt at th- mw and I eani I ecvar -M-rvtn
pjurtin It ! t;ip Hl'ora are iuuf
ilcattjiiN-orth mrat rrroabat-x rti. kp c vHJur.v to tho-t
cvnih-rt. (,hti .n,, IhxU, litslditiij. ciiH'krrv-wa, hAtii
an.-jc, art Hnri ni vii-m . let It nfl bt km'A tl al
ths-na, ( ur fVlonils and, arv nnwfru-F o( onr
,tj m; attiitfi mini rot.ttibinliitn. cl'-aa iis In oi:i
t.iMnjitital(h p-fntfi brljjtittT or Wore l al rvc.-fd.
in-t ttoMo n.ldura run t.atlt t. Uu (act ilat when
U -y vit ili-s. f vp roopk. ri'irifaj tit.m ; yU(- tt.
wito ImiiMO thy Ifd tli'-ia ; ten naivd tic;- fl'tfl
tii-r.i. iir.d (. I'cn h-r tl. 1ai tlirn- fari -MiUMly
iLtniw-iil ty au linirfUnt; and bruml er.em; ntd wen
It n fjt i;nir iint; Utu li .iuc isjii! tt In
tw to :, hM'nvnua tar'a an I incidrnu env d
r- ait-1 a? n tlifti utnf Of -nuttn n, 1 A it acrir :t
ir p t.i f-ir in foi w Nt niit-ttiy t'irv,' th rn.tort-i rl i
iit li- In ;r.c ii at l I h i u Inn tf.c r.tum1 of niurt) a
toil ,iini md'Mtrr : ho i;ia iittlt'lif auaitit: turn u- he
vlk.ttJ ti tt In tue rlfw ich- At t..e apirarar.- (t tin
nn u.; lit m.a; t, aw-il if lhfh t" if.Hro r. 1 1 Ui h'Haf,
ut t-.p-i that ! i Bu-utra liproi tin- ; tliat 1 dad
I'MM'U ti.UJi;- f rn f.r ,p ,uio rd hud aruiitiil tilu, add
iinw thv t bcl vro n In ur.s lu- rouA rat rr
rt , a, tiiui ti,t (ru.ii ii J.s la -i-a wn U
t'O -ntlTly Iti, wn Id avnil t. cm i oti;ln- At
thii peii tho uitmy lrhtrUl, wl.t-n tiiC ti-llwh n
i'n i .t.ri i--t io .iidul ;--' Im ( y.- t tr li-n'h O'tx
pt r.': U'd ti-a L. r. nvprin:' x Kii n -hQ j iiivi
(ilcr , an-rcst tti t. e a;l!rii 'lc. T;. nUr vm at
i ;t givpn I.) tmnt-t.i flr lite tmifi -nd In ttftf-on
intaLtt IiIf ail Ms is at- (.i rUn-, tnti tr.i ( c.Usdvl (ltd
riot u r vi n a rpnni ot doll. In:. Hay not t ilf.
a e unwrrtl y. btiovln ii pi puk-I; tatta ion1! t p -atd.
Yt r uptM nl tn t." if fomf fTwanl and l.i -p t Ho c-n
tliMitlv ti-. 1 ti nt tt a,u up'it aln.f; ti a fr'-iiPiMU pub ii ,
wi o will not tin ii ti i!i ai'rvii.ii, rur u tlw cr y f ti c
id otjr bn thri n. (Htr oh'exi u- rnlori' to ti p p.j.i
kwb anlrl. u tli-. i tid iur ti vi rMi.iirt. Mwnr ar.d
uirr hai oicai w niutd. tiiiittjiioiii Mnni l.i l. fnt. n
IttnfNOiprt A- rv .iiiiH." No. ilr P. hi E VI U blti." t,
v ii rr Htwrnuiu nn ir,j pi,
Mid, t' l Hxt'er,
Trt. rr .t. H V'vuj.n.
Mr M.
Mra. .lain 9 Uumi,
Mr. St. U'A'r,
Mi- 8r lllr:fr
Mra K. Ilruno.itl,
Mr. It. Nti t;n
M Y. tt. Wnrhi .ul
Mrb.Miui' W v.f
C'' pro Uoi. I.a'llpo CVrr m te.
Irf- 1 ii VMl:i:sI(.NK, A COM
" Diittpr u, (ji.lniPd li' tlif ltoi.nt t ttt.d VnvpnU n
rf it p ht .oral Weil! tut (!. piii-ftn l rci'i 'iltl'iij (, V v
' ei otit im iVd'l -i t W hid sin ante Uhtk-n 1 1 ttie r'jiiti
drill, tin pi p'i'd v (tJi thr ini'orlan. p r( tl.e aiit.j-a ,d--lr i
ii u it lJo .v ril: pfis to uniU- uiti. tin iu m au i'iort to UU
tl t ritv'p ijiiftit l; iJiiKiuri'K ltn(fT rrcf'.it.
T'd Uu ts?titrpl!n'Mti uf Hooi"mtr -II r -iuir t
moM a'i.tvt t titi ruiH evcrtlri j s 0 Oiv ' smrnit'ep
ii) real t TLP avl'tit an J pubtlf -lrit d t" k 4 Ui u
ti.ii r ii.(lt-':r.oo and y (ur trl)' uf ti thrttiry
Hi ani t, ot cr (rdt. eianiit tjual u Uu orfuci- hf ( r
c nimn idt iff. 'I rii (; mimtnt- tia v itproir.ttMt a aurli.'ipnt
ir atu r cf rrt.rilMii't Ituui. niutU in tnriot.Ji ikvi Ti i It a
t it , arid ierrii!ti cMriirPd he I'liitrtittl m r via
'iniuiiv Wurn i mid, o( coinati, wiU IktoIk cuot larv
il'chr tl t nre t di flcuPt.
I.yutuied wd toiiili.uwl rtlort tl comwli l tp. Il
r' tn aold tl. d'ftif, at !tit lv ld f ii t.
Uni-rti-fl- ant pit mtfloti,
n.- 1 o.P- nnr:Mr rru-iln-l u frp- fn .-It IpSii lfc
i'rafl wan, eti tin lot r AU4ut. aut nn o tiitkand
r rtj.i ll.ij i.n.h. 1 1:. to ti' ili-diM d-d il h" liaf uppii
r 1 1 1 t tt c im-oft'fti dflt ; and -u h ni'iiiu a itx ck m f
ir etittl d t fn;u rfrviik rr.iUt In tl to iinw Ipmh ha
city, nd win. a v lron nditoJ tt n: ( ,
t-pfr ii i rUatii v in -r nav tlin.i im' f:nt- ut larnc, and
p'.t rn tiin d to ns purtuuiar uUKt, u wl.j. D iHjf
r. tM have ) i r prrpcsrticn.
l:!lcrif mi t pti) uiuda Ia r ippiialn U (jndltti. 1hf
roinfl iitta aho txpcot tottma n niU - Hum vffrir
ri-i-tillntin, lifjui tl e Hdint'Oru hiaroa iciOf-d ly
cnr rurci , and (ru n cfl er rinaitpra. Tnor do n dtm tt
luip- alO t Uineflwa. L pivr tiuitioii, u tLa ill;
MnitPf t nrrfnar, and f uly bp rNnd tha
rt i.imaiy ririipiMtftt rliircn. Mn.'t: rii) ripi;iia
ma bo Ic tl. adarnasXHi o any tnuf o t-i om
uiirtff , ai ! pl'U wi, or to l4 t cadiitsuVr H ido ik-ji
ai'tap... 11 1. lOl'KTH Atnx
J.VMP44 li, i:NI!
a. (r ( HKtVIT itteC
N M : MMtkKl Htruat.
.''A Hfl UINI.,
Mo.ltYtt lOUKlU HUtW.
I t.IA OK hi tilTLMI L.
. It ItKO'KK.
SV II,; R. I IIT'I 8i.r.
.lollN W I R AIR.
JrjJ, Nu
1ST lAOlti;. TliK VOI'NfJ MPN'H
Cti-iliiu Aa-a- i-!leii tlj rlvpatotl ft laenr-'on
uf ibi- to Auant c f f.oa J I sSMA , Aiwti t ,a.
Tu - 'i. kw . t-sn tmi at tt. it-xni. Ma lwciiu
.i i at Jrvti, -.HUiri aid t iisotiiit : i lat llui S.
.im lu an'it uvi, and t its wt I' f nv nihw of Uio
r. ;i ir.i..i. lum Umv V nn- -irinti i at t u el.-cW
A 41 Tl r h ,idri1 wouiDfe-d t.i,i. r. tn chniifa i ti -
' ' a'.ooiiai. ti.- ur tuT. an'll
KsJrT N f) T I K . TI! ir7' )OKS Ol' TUE
Tal-.r H.hM fll t0tPAS. arn..H an
fr 'u' niiton to Ma taptul. at tVIr OfH-, ho. -Iti
-U-M I it t. tpmaici .aii t li ' clt l I'u tua
i'-'. -'OilN . 1WH HAS, finrty.
. a-.V1'1' ' 111 I hiiu.n.'
4 Ari i m .;.k
ri vijru luin 1,411 rijaip, i.i f.iit-ari
1l-rr..lit;t,. piifi j. .."! I y UA ii ipany ar flvp (n
a mr. r, at .s'?Ld war. cur bf . .u , poriioita ; - f wit
U"r Jfil a.rp, mb a c' iu ini. a a ial tia !a. avd hio
hi h ifrus.i ua rvj,, iian f..r twi my .tt. aul
lf on . o a i i Iran !. ..n w u ua tia.- a
w,tJ -irH-iip in n:, . .im. I ro if. i an-i uiitPt v tt t
uu a ir w oil, ti a .ra t-l'v H i. i) rf.-r-
. swi ir . (.r.,( siiaf () - n ' I I U' Wf
rj Mia. ou-fit s-nt n 1 tl fa.: (pa U'u f it
i 'i,irn. TL.a f i -tt I-j ir i. 4 bj tlif uu i. an .(
-ti . aoi ai a i f it.t m i.. a l t' (! i ,r
u. it.,- u.- . u. mi. 4 ,.i n.f t,. ti- r- n i' u r.'v-ini.a
jvi list pr a;H . -.a '..oit,tr. ,if rs,t ..n!v
."4. f'Mi . 4 in aa (,r I ; i UfiffLII M
. .... i.'Mi- i i ttrtf i, i -r . ,rlUsaia
. i si ii'tu
ur f ir?.
V AhM'a f" THK ITHlVir.
' !.,. ! ?; :t a'-i .i.t i.- t-
li II ltt,l if 1 1 .f l'.. au
I .(LflPlt-
l4-a 1 Ii. i .
' -.1 . I r fi.
' i i H 'l T
tt I la , . ,
a . a - tii-r t
I-. I- i:4 v., 1 n 'lit 1 . is t 1. I -.ra i. t
I U in a .,. rt.'i .I t. l -'f. i ., il.
:-r ' . 1 i - I iir ,n 1, ,r i . . - iu i-tii
wi'Vii r.v.ttivi r t I.. Lt. , r.nk art
r-d W If. t. f A ' r f . I',,, ,y
Af"J. A M. t l'"U ';,', .Ii.t,
, K .! .. A Atl.:. H rp-t,
IT . M. l , i. r-.. -v.
ruAsroau . u- i- -r.
rlt. A ft (t ,t; fc 1M U-.4 n
Iif . t ,M at MIt,. if t J .f - U ai
i.'i'! .'' JV 1 :' - r,1Ki fa
M rt ISiS, frultt 4 im ,. r - ia ifriw V j it
Mini lf.a. tkv hip 01 Li tv !' t . Ma I, t r
i Laa.a - . ( ,t:,f rVsV' H In ja'i(rt,a f 1 I
u -r.niitbi.(i:c ar?i i w-a.
j .-Mr
wAijfiir v ' 1 01 ' N-
... . . li tl . Ifli AlM t t..)
TH.' lu.-Str t.'',-l,r. l ite IS., ..,.( Un.ijj,,,.
IX ST. Wa-v r ,(,,rc tn
tit. .l't , ' III I I s f.irii u, vl l' .'. ui 1 , -, r
iB"; vs; ; a .4 a-. .- it- .-i.-. ,,t , uitul lui' i.t,
tr.stransiwt-i.tks u. ,(.,,0 tun, j,i , , t. M
anar r auot(., jokh i . i.!in
''-vM Sirst( rr tti.f.
it-3r okfic i; o' xiiji union y..sst".
H Csmtsny.
Fhilsm.i rwi. Arrv,t -i iM ,
Tl.. ii.titl .ii.l iloi ot nl i,ikiiuin .iV. ui ie
llts of um I shu FMt.i.r.r rwy i ti, ,, , wji i,
d is suit Mtsbteat li s ois.s ! Us So iia UtlH.4vl l.ft.tor..
'll..wtVa'n .OIHVii.ii.' ua
I,sulla v.o bold Sto:k In tv..rwn ni And raf
aOim . UjaTI MAW, Wcf Vary.
AUI 1 11 Tt.NHI WAHI', A'i"! rtl It t mi r fid
jl f " IM' f r, t i t 'it it'M' I f l i aritl ilO'ris, .Nn tlntH
lrwi.'l c In' I tvt tin 1 ( r' I" I'.d trr t in irri i..i
fir. I Hi iditirl'i.inli f.'l i'i ns"t -t
.rc ( ! It Irt'i' t . ) t a iw, i f nH n
In 'i w j- iijvf Inr. t'j H h ; i. i aw .d 't o ti:rt( n- ,,r
I! r t.ut ) n in.i hi I piraf I a'lt , at d i t on ,
"' li f1! 6 Ii'ii"! taid iu t N Miittr1) tl wtlt.-tit di ar.und
ti 1 I- I. I. I ui. i. t iti IK. m i. . r ia ft i ,i Cr
I on. fat I. i tina.ii-d . itirrn UI til ! - a c ft." t -p '1
V . o , i,( i s ui ti e ti I t t u ar-1- i '.if'i rt i
ii:,lart' tint? if n n t l.. Ir iwmt; at ii 1 1 1 rnu:
u litl rittwall t dp nn fTt, a thii ii i ni,n
(( in"-sihp(:ii hit p. -t,f f rv ttr I di- (ir i ni-.
to ! p iff I'm- at-irt'itti d fo i ,-n iv il Th -rt i.rn ih r
wiiM piii t m ti t I f'Tl . 1 ti pi r t. II n- t i( n
n in. at d n-- r nmii'taili-r Hie ir.r r-.iiQ- ii j. ariiai
ti i 'cMc tc""! o riit., i,,',,n' -
I T I'; " ii i t .1 t 1 - n . n t, Nn Ml "Ph t'a t
-t-.! iV.ctli t. Ht. Hit j i.-i.:t.:. t u U' S- N Hill
I rr. I.
i i i i I -r r i . i ii. 1 1. h i i "t m. ii 1 1 ii hif i nn,
1 " r V;tN itou K.n: t T hit k t, M. l , ... I II Irxa
i t,.
V ti I - "ltn U IS n.. M. U ft hi. r, Sfti.l! 1 1. If i a
p . et,
pi tti. CiH-1. A . H. I'-Hn. cr." , V I If -I, t.
fv-. ii V. 1 1 -vii v.. (attlx Ktrt,.,, S. W. ii-in r A tft
hi f (-,t t.' r. tilth.
I 'ii.i I'ltai c ,L .Hiir' , V. ! , V:.V Art I,
it ri .
Mil' rrtvi. t ll. A I.i pi I r ' N W I p-ntM..
11 tl ft., f v .tp f SJ.
r tm-sl.'i.ii ! fi I'ttf . Cwrt f p. Mt f-iS
t ript, arr. nil lnV fiipppi n f -nn - h i t1 1 'i (
li tf In r ai c i-'fajt V.wni i h iri n, ".nr
IM.' i l a: .! a HI II itr.t,. (1 ,M'a. Crsit
, Atdi"-i " r -
j-iHi rn ft. t w i . rri "o f.
A H.IK K'is I h,lrMi fr, Nn, It Alii .1 .tfi t,
C M .'I. M M.M'l l'ni
I 'A : Wr, 'ii mi, Hrcrlari-.
m futv ix-.ia-a l'u tv if V(.,firt.ppi d a t
It c rn.i'.NH
A.- nre ni;.d y the fVia of
.1 t- i; i n .. tr :.
ITarr- (aJ,t, tha Ruanu
I. sh 1 o-.cur ktl by Ihs
im rs "!,tih hiiiisTni'itcMiri'i..f..
-!.l wtM S. luits.-l I furnlth At. KKS.Vn i.
KkSS, ,.r l oTkAllaMt. ai :iltluitM tr E1
lt'l.l.Mi C1TI7.K1 j, .nd 1,1 rr t Bill ltl:ut-- Iks
li i.iil sT ri'.tt'i:. ai tt-s
ari-j-l IMIUNTY.
Mf-. Jlmt.iv,! . , ! f kIiI l!f ImmotUsUil. $ -HI :nn.
Int- re r.'s-ln;: amt,' In lrutiainvi.ts.
Pay $10 Per Month Clothing and
IV B s a. . '- cittnw-l .1 AMf CAlUViLAriKI,
i'l fittnftvrn'iip fiunrti-..
IK)S T Will TO UK Ml.M Tl.t bl.t .lll liili Rk,
ist'i, si ." list, t tttir Huu.'ll w.b provittrtl fttr.
o m;i.ay in r.wiNa thk bounty i
ai.i-M KIEtAN On U EK8.
.won. i im l lt.VH,
Stilt '.IL-t til it !,, i Ol nt'tuP .'.Illlil,
A. ... ii .--I bj i!.c ii. ti-f,il siul btt.1. ti. tririKnl.
M J. W. M'WIIb,
l.l TN-
'I1 I i -MM'lf fUNNHJ IAA-.IA VOLt'MTl.l'.l;j(
l" itf u-'I'i t.t 'II np tl-1- l-lnVMtlt-t lu Iiul cttf,
Till. IIILIiKBr I'.ot KTICr OlVr.S.
I'lt Otii 1 t ti, ,.i Tar. o t ur . M a.
I'.tri si ,.n'v, i.t
-St.. I.v CII1S.NI I l -I, ty.litr 81 tilt,
I. ,'0 1 'it lo ji':fi.
31 1MB J. IV. M'XUK
I' ri, S tsl t '-ii; p.lf ; l' '
1 UK 11 I T AMt tlOljKl V
l-ii s.viysn 'If: mtjtisrmj of sny iruis hlsl. 'fltr.tsit.
lH'M.fM'K IIKC-H., 1
t. I'AVII,
!.. . v i N r.ituirjs Mi-i:, , il,,i"i"
I I'kUM I fK.
Al !. li. JP.isnp,
-. I. A. 1. lll.NAH Ot, '
In Mow .f thA .:.U of tf a Tiaaldaat (-f ft -) Iau,4rc4
tl:oj.,fi1 oin. wo pniH- ta raly. a
n i:o imknt
i warr mo.mthm.
(Ltt of tli rooosylvania nri vcs,)
Us ulM tu (si. tits cs'attMi,
All .I'lltyirs d.'llrla,T(tl:ik4ps.s tu fill urvsol ilia ar
rviit.Uitlt) t-kll on
tksl. M..I'oi. I'... No. .'It H. Tf Kills airsot,
t J I Si,d-lJil,l. mf,.l 11. I.-..I.
St T" itrtititDi rt'i'ilt'f ui sit nsi.ttlsn. naontlaarv
,tlt:rtt., oiotl wlili iiit liiirnfiu. nl, l.rsrt, 8lMit.,.
lisn.'.S lfrtu jiritll, 'rstiitt SS'I Acuotint. of m.a
fiini!.li-tl, t iis"H. srr rMiHMU'tl tn m.kf artp!...U,ii to
th. I'mtiHl .tt.r.hsi ol th. rtn.r.-t!tiiii.l ItiarrHiitor suok
luh.nnitittin, sutl not to tits ti"ivi AiAisr.iii-i;oiMi4i tkl
H Okfcirit: n.
P. srilarWrJiaPr tvotl W-ir-i i-(i,.n -imI.
it 1 1 LlAM i: 1.KIIM AM,
a'lli-U Csjs.iiaitarrovutiMtirskal.
rtr Is. I ailI stsi-s Murine i:tirp, sI'Is-'mmI'M rmo
rrl4vn ti-i) diirtiM in m 'j.'iii.-r at -ur f avy Vanta,
m sKaTl Vttllf i Htntrw vn mrviai
I'. !( MrrtMaaaatiin tLan tt;.- an.iv.
IliKI.Cs iLJilft:KtJ iMjJ.t AIM r,0T.RNVZVT
IViLaTV; aixt, ALL Tif". L-aAL JUM NUH-i
Bla radatrwtv.
laa-t r .tao PrUa Unapy.
1 ar aJ funis r tumuli o rp'5 at t'.a Il-'oruKIm
.. 't H. 1'atOJtT Klr-v l, lifluv. H(TiU-o Riraot.
baiftpj UeiiAtr at a aaJ d . .lovfc.
t. fl. CiVLRV,
aa' tf 1it ivJ lit riLjmn um "f
0M sns scisra v'jittns '!. rYrtatir.s.iNUisi
Sis tiriTiD w ma i '.i : Nslt a
atAi'KACi vmsa tsr uii.inifM.Mi
t,hoiitir,w.HinoNHA xmo.
JiVtCM Sucvt, sUt. lajs.
Mso. tc tar st iv ttsst H! .Hh f.jrrt(brwsiis)
LM-:4 clisJk itce c r.rtUuc o, nc siJ house la Ihs
wnu uu; riTv ai, -mo.iIi mavbh. iss
T'.is sli, fftrlj :r l ts si ' Dtkil'. ..i i;.
sss vstrwj, su I n S. lj tij .1 s.wl oa MliiirM
tb!aa-iih--kc'Js a Ptra.itj.ta kf.rta. af ructi'Jiui,
w il tao t'. Sfi. r, o-n o t;'ttil ir.'.i .t Jts.i iu.j
iit.r ss lainM ns ta . iut,j sues.
Tbs rt rxrr.i.-!;y tf c- B.t tinK !., o(.cd
cs srai liuii is- ask vt, ti.ti if i ImsS r
aka oi r tk n .uiifinl m , r-'v-hf Scup,
w'.l-6 Jt.y i t s,-Si ft. oitf.sii i.rt j -m. ols
IS usr mii-ioS J. tins V. 11 in'. l -i.r.s ..nK n ihs
tUt l BtM.a if Ji' ll. lk CUt fliM
H h a prltata AdJn-ia J.O )..'
ot. -?, I ot t au.v if
ll F. Ii ' a arrt"f Ma, at M-"''.hitUaT' HaH, I
fit I -.1 r :!. aiv M.hiti tipn- 9 ' Vnf an 1 1 itr
ia : .i j:i, m rat t I'k ti ia ruit It ra. a o at
"- .1! Ir.-o iiv.4r. H. flWMN,
a-.i ivt ntlllf? Ofirarlwi hlm.Q ard.
J .t.ii
A. ; -r j fi wtKr.-4Jria'tRi.'i Orrrra,
li i ii n vii 1 11 ). Auffn-i H ii
llf-pa tntt-Up l i n d Anil pr aal Tanal-y prtr wtll
I" i '-ri a. I li It u.wirritufrt J, in nf n maiiiPt, al a fff
" i. t r is J Iti i)ii'-tlll cf HiHt (Ml finrr,
la. I a Imal I.. U ail i.m! i ia uuai irumpat
UiIh t s I fc rr f ,nfc an f id
ll i r i.s t .. ii . v ,t in tt t'a I- ri M t. f Irt' ppPt'T.
Ha tt . a it i i tn I FAN H'TKL, H Atft.f.I Htfivl, ho
!! n r ' t. h ti i r-
It. i. sii.t nt i .. i up- 11. Crtikoaau, As tut ant
U ''1v.a4r ti let rii V . H A
l.rVROr B 0U4'!.
' i ( aintr ad ,.iati ijnttu.t -trr.
'j 1 A M t 1 I t.a W A N T K V.
(s ir y trun.T.iit A-.-1-.,
Iiti.'l "r t iit,,!,is,
r .'.' . ii t . tt,.., is iis-i
VritlM. .1 oit-r lltr lit M'Slll ,kl1 ttt llR
1 1. ti t 1 , 1 1 T I ti si ii .,.ti r..t. s uf Snv-
I . . tilt tl. lit" . sitl t Aii.t ,.t m iff it-itsi..
Ii ,i,i it .i.u .ri- r..twt"t'"i io ai. rn tht-iulr, Iks
t"t tir im, I ' n I- iii I . i', ir y a t i . a i d il i.t., I, I'l. o s I tlM , rno lt.0i .i 1:1 i.tftt, tiicludlntf Iks ktist
p .tl cm stir ut. f ,t n .h
M,t: ft! rtt.,,1,. lin.,s Mr. t.111 r.stli'. .orb
Si'itt. -, in. si Itritirf 114 t t tit., .,tir.l l.ttl ftro (11 Ti .in , tt
A. . tr I'.iils.r I IMS II T'lMTKIf A. Q M,, IT.
a a i.ii.-i twin 1 1 Ml i. vaiiaiKluausaia, H sifc-
It H Rt'OltlMt,
rrVsJ'cr 0mr.l snlCltiii liiisriffniitv.tfir,
S'lts li l'sst si Wstuiiiau.a.
JkiJ jr ri.riinl II ,11. To n ht f-r s .w, itr tit trrti..t-.
A.l.'.iitb. ro-.sti.tu Shi ltr!o, Ho. ;itl, IV. I nr.. fit,
riti...jti. nit. uii-tr
QllY I'tttNT, v.,
AimiiHt 7, isn I.
Oirr-s I-fntT os Hi rtiits. I
AflMIRs A tAIMIf Ul' SMt,
iiM Ti-timistcra,
ttO Wlii lst rlht,
IMI ItlaoKnittlis. arts
IN CarrlaKP Trlnimora.
vrtiowil iw'Iit (lit hV ,t rstoief 0'ratsiit i sv
raltons. iuuI ii.cslirsil aito.Htsnor
Trart,irti.Uoa (urnitltM j w.r''sj si
W AMimtlTOir, D. c.
i:. J. STRANG,
Csf klu, A. Q M.
til-;, (aartsntastsr's Atfrnt.
'a:i.UM li ae-i'i of ffrouml, Iimi4 In U,a YUntJJ
Wairl.t wi-ihi l.ra'a (ry Biit't' and LaitM Mia
Artua, liastn t a itoot f atjt 1 tia ft p -a ilia Puila
ib pii:a, l.n.iBKif.ti ani), and tlra: N r
I (Us.okit Kaihr-Ail, t'ndir3 tare, to tuwwater tnatX
up o 'ua hi.i.uU i rivor, wdh a rlar ft ml of tavrcal
hot htM tVH Thtr an tbrp Ic Ihtuai'a upon triiro
t its(a U a portion ot tltp utlaii4 ( now utpi 'w aj;rt ul
t'lfai -tiiaaa t. Tticro can bp no hattar locatiau la Uia
c-t t r I 'tMit- wcrka cr pirate rcaldcuooa
t'jc rufiii irtt-jmiatl , apply m
Ko Hi 1 IU.NK.LIN Htrvat
rAUM had C rWai, lato the rata a a !r.TXZ
W li uia,it (tip Ik-fi t;fth ut ( Lia it, lplawarcuuiy,
otfl4iir.. liWAprraiY LAM, in a k ah !at of oultlva
tM a. totr.MT with U.o lAsTv. Maiiplisn lloaai, llot Mrtt ap;,
Orfirlvk taia, Itani and otupr uu'b illiUitvt .
Ilia laoa HmfU'M'vi' and Nrau (luM I -ii aut, wlvh
Pb(.ke I iuj 'In j. Sl.iuubcry, Htatuary, Pcnntalm. Ac ,
Ar. HtHttsir watar la tittrotlurod Into all tho adjasjpnl
bulUli aa. 1 hp iiiipr 'vemi'Tna ara uptn Uia moktaKlan--MM
Mir, i b all tue moilpin pativi niaiKoa. Tlio alma
U ti ia a ilpliul tmi ona. Tho imr napur. If t.o aVtatrtKl,
nol Bfvl a lartro portion of tho land Or tut! Jiug 'Utsioiv l.
I'l'T fiirt tH intimatKO app to
WH. II. RFirilTtTHK,
an U-tl.ltl.w Vo. 12-VKKANK.UN Hiroct.
LI Ha-ua. laivt- an! am all. oa iDnna to utt purahaacra.
tttl'it ittt cr wllifitl ItKjnttiraiwa.ftir oaai ao4 roa
ix a. li'niitof. f'fn H tc 14 oo ck A.M.,
Til(m. at. 1LOWMAK. No. 30 H. robKTtl rkraai.
FALL, ) mtucjk c FALL,
iho ft. )QVt Vi bTOBCai! iho l.
tfau C17 Olie-iuat tvd 614 Jftjrae BtTWtti-ruii-ADRtraiA,
f.lNI'iNM, AND
whut: r.ooi h. ,
r -.' .i-iia
JlltlM UM AND OTllllit MAKtM.
U IV K O U I 8 Kill-
Ws rtfunJ ll- mofviy, If dgslrol, for rmry lot si' Uhlrts
wkkh (all lu ssy rcto-rtt.
lis as c-t Srw Tork I 'Us ktuirir, an! verv ins tissa
Uosouis. Only Il ls. U.ual prtcs OtK.
Wllltsmivtte Mills Mtislla, ami flns Llnsa Bjsoius,
0n'tl-50. Hiolptlts lO'.XI,
at-i Vo. 110 Cin j'SCT Rlrsst.
f" ' 104 1 I'UtaSk MYKJutT.' ' ' i
i !
tw .wnrlnii of HiIK VIMITINU TF1B
riTV.orltoto akrmt LEAVlJs'tll ft r-Wsl"..
tm I'lscos, or lha lonairy,' I, ro,pfi'iy
Invlicil to tli. it-n,hKi .tw-k o wuri'B
in... I'M sulittJjIs f.r CI JIM KB Wa.HI, (Wr
WLlUt; ItilHIkH, MH.i.Nti WU.SJ-k'KUa,
An sif.rjilrs a.snrrmrnt ts orTsrsn) tn tjra
an. I W trkl kritmnna anil Im.runjt, .us,
UttBOkcrtSlfS, l.o.Ur. rjlrsv.t, Stttl in !.!.
itoil laitt-r 1'jtiJ, HUI1I.J, .ua k furttl Willi AT rElt'l.SI kit't'M UIJW rtlLlB
WtSAItkl HKTaiI, VALl I".
t rrintti-u 1'SJi.urH' llrrtst..
lt'j uttts i U'Hrtl, t'livitiL, Sltl! HlinJ Mts
Slt. ii. m. is'x:i-:iLaH.
0- CtirMllIT STT.W 1.
f'.OR m'r fKlliT. i;oq
Vs0 MsairitKlvv, jw. M AM. II limt, UtSyO
Aointsss.Ui ust.
. I liii.4,lj Ii ik
WLelsssls aaa B.tAfi.
TUmH ssuiiksb s.Mniu.itt or Ladlrs,Mtts.s, ka4
Co'itirsit s lit.? Iktfis ia is. 4iy, ia nmtj ilrtl
t n, s i aiyt. a. s, AanUuii j, sad ittspoos,
k. S DC tt.i. ttl IU llttt BtStS.l,
Hkins Bba4 laiar, allsusd, kal r.rslrnt.
in-.j km. Tt. Horxme.
ll porclis..4n ur.,-rivw IhssoM line of s wvrUA
arkb. Kivi tL w. Iius, tatian int. s!mv Wis,
.. M, Mils Ut. .-.rulits kAtkUS Vim, bs-M saj
rsi ajuwl asisaaa BWiS aba,kl isttaa iiw, lis
Sr sis.
Una. umcrs shuila BtsXs uJ ktu&asMat oars, rr.
isasla uvUwssl.ku. kii-tna
JV Csrs.iiK.rsnl Dslldr,kM rrmornl Ms ihoo trvsa
Mo. nauswosriy strwt UNti. iU-J CAJlfKH SUmI, fttl
tlnln(Ui. ski fort Oltlt. BulkUsa. H.vttss 1bcimm4
scuiii.siorcsrT)liisMUi.kti,rM..salsaslvs0 alioiM
t ssslss a skats i sakikj iktl
OIL 8 T O C K 8
uovuht airr aor.rt
I1 ULOaUl. i BTt,
TT C IKW 7-3 0 LOAN.
.'. in aufc. ristitBi hkI, as! tt, Ut..
fu.-rir.Hs4f, km acr.a,kp,,k v
uryn'ir. , Btvit,
H ... at.
ssi ?rs
Hi. ii 8, THIRD SuM.
rttlliMlelphl. Ansiiist 30, le.
r,ernnk of im (-.10 rmiS (hsia Bonis sttlun.rU-s
I.t rr Hrit.ftf.tKS-, ai4 tkoM of Uis I l'nlu-1 Suurs
li.tij. n.srx'ln. tl 1 1, sf Asrerni'or rrsatt aiJ bo sld i
titHii'.sita at Uis one.
a irrot IBWSMdT TKal RKi V. g.
5-20 carol's due L,t kotembeb,
s II U
grroc;iu aimi a-iactJiHTHJM
a w i mi TfttRD arkcKT.
N M w
AT 1V1C.
Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money,
Tlis artaMaal Li asrsbi. tn UwfsU autsft at Uis sal of
IhiT. rr rs. 0r, Uts ksUsr lias tbs rM ts asasaad at
Tie 5-20 Bondi at Far InBtea4 of thu Oanh.
This psSrUMre Is valnso' Ikws t-t Bonis arssar
BwHpooulartoaa, aalara asirssaiii(alalfh(oroa.
Bsh.cr1i,tlkf rfrssd bi tha arual ataaasr.aai Ua
arroa! aal arspssals sf Hit Bvorstarjsf Uis Trsasnry,
kotslosrvlth sr Ctroalarj, aal all osossisry lut.naa
la,wU k. Itoalshsd ok krHcAkn at au sfflos.
JAI 000KB & 00..
Jr-W No. 114 B. TIUKD Btnst.
Bcsi,ltcU.QaarucakksUn' Tovthars anl Cackj,aa4
k!l (lTWttcM BMartUrs Bsucilt sad BxitA. (nkhll
Vj' IV 12 1 It. HTUI1U k CO..
hi aaa sscx
OOlJk, iliVktB, ABO OOVlF.XUKiiT iaXX'tlTIB.
H T O O If a
POCrOBT ajro SOLD Olf 00MinBS7 a. mhli
U.S. 10-40'".
orrut rot eixs tub
BEAiuva mt nut titter, dttebjut ar com,
rwtosoisMsani Um altar TaH TKitS, at Ut. slsasara
sf Uis OasrarasMBt, aa Mabls l0BTT VSAal after
7 WW Ttr.Bn BosDS .
"t. tr UUs Itoaa, cf aaaia SsasakloaOoa aa Uts t-Wa.
Thslaianist s t$ ana flora pavabla VMrtvioa al
Ua aroofUaatlcDs. talf ntly. Th 140 toads ar
oati4 Ulii,iii,'.' m U.irlrfklarsat rkas,2M
snsaaksrtstaad atsrakinoT aack vtkriaatUUtofla-.
kaskw, um acoraal latsrsat ttata 1st sf Marek Is Mqalnsl
tc as pais by aweaassrs In oora sr la lisiu, etraaascr,
aJSljif fifty psr cent. x prsaalaai, aaui fartbsr aolka.
JAY C00ZE 4 00.,
BkUW-t- STs. Ill B. SJHIKD BTBKgr.
fJOliI), UOIil), U()rl),
anl-tf Ii. mi . flUHO BTKCTT.
Li A 11 K H O N A CO.,
Kg. I.'l B. TnillD f-TKKlT,
fiev.msirat SXiuttlasor s!l 1-nr. rois kstJ aiullos
Bala. Mtotts, HoatU, kaj UU rk-u.-M sal Kjkl a l tta
aslsssat. IMFJUilkT AIXOWEU 0H liRrc aiTa.
Conviksas Proarlv Mado. fcVif
a Listoiur of two nn test, om all h m
OF t-s) AMD Vt WAItDi.
Al IS frloc jl lK;tAirlU sale Ft rss) I. vols
No. Cl'.K'-Sl T Html, sd4
sit'.e Vt. nn a. i irm airi.tMuiv -u.
ry n i: rursw tax mjXs
'.i..f UlS Ht BID ss4 K'KD.i Sunt. L;.
for ssi. wlicisstJa sir 1 ftuu ; tu.4 k.vutt. kiam..-. vi tjl
& a. ripttttus tiuis:j.t su kautl, si it Kilvwit.a u..,.
ttk orif- of f", ttts a rsnt. Aixoaal.
" ki,inis "
M " WJ,l.Mr
Al lh Fr;arr.l'n., t f.r:hsJs sf fst.rt.t n.
B'.ss.sst Vo. ioiCilk.MILV St. i,u4 ... ko.. a. Sir 14
Mr..t, FUi .v-l.l uvaa e Ut HUM La la i.mi-ki.i
PATHNTIJ) JTIY 19, 1&A.J 0 8 K P H
WulTir, Ekva s Pus-, Vrs. h Ms. in I'v,,,,,
sud hcourlDs "it ttvy klittl ol tr.sr1ji sprkli l, fit Lktli
Gmis, ssa IkMlwa. fslsat si'irs'ua a,r -tru i,ms
putt, ft-ttai Ms ts flvs ankss. No.. BACI1 N'n
BmusSi Jlo.AiuS. itlillll Birost, rkllatlk!iia. ai -Aa'
rCUIiMv t 10 tV5I0iLsJ'.5.
Financial Agent cf the Unitod SUtos
IJIMTiai WTATl!rO-10
. .. ,
r !. In time Ion, fism ths T.-srT IHoatHasut, BaM
Iisnk l p-nsn4 is rsntivs aakM-rhtiiona So mm
I'a roll: I-osn,l..ui4 in tfc. Ikrmor Tbms iMiTrMsaf
ctr,, ktsnia lmsrs( ai s rsuof Tl l aaroMtt r
atirtmr.. ps srnu.n, in LtM BtnrMks, dsisirf FM.mwt and Aoru.1 riieiivH3 .as s. ax 1?.s ss Tirspr Botes krs aooTsnl .1. mu
ai H optlt n M IM IttKVr, in'. I aktd sri
Hoitdr, Iniort.t (tsyskw la r-OIB. tat rsoosv.ktsaftat
fivr and ps j s iwtvtt vra.s from Att.tiM is. tsar. .
Oopot. N'K-i wl t a. ImocsI la bisrtk or parsbis is ra
a. rttsr tm, Um .ubwibsr. latamssf MklM,
.'. i(l,and S.sou. I
lub-ttst t.U ts al.osd rrora Ujs ds's sf las aakaartslaim
tili . 1'tis ot AoiuM orst, Uis Sstssf the Trsssno Bsas
li.r,. v ho m.j ssbsrtbs srr ths Ut of Aaarsat
still ur rstia irJ to ts) Uia acarasd IiismI oa Ska Bokaas
kit) ci r saTNcrltilits ftr not kksslbsatnaskkkUsB
st srv rns um. U1 ksstiovsd a ossUsb ar asav
qtisn.rot on. sr cent . p.) sols lr Iks Ti'ksarv ttstk.
moitt oa Uts noMpi f s ktu for Uts aiaoant, approrvd ka;
tltr sntiftrilpikik asrnrl. " k
tt.fl mn lo Uis sanrard appsal of ths Hssrsta' sf Bt
Tms-tirt, I ask all thow dslma A alac tha Qtrrsra
mMit to sukt-rnbst ts IM. Iaa.
v. ii. c'1-.A.iinv
FEt-ai)BBT ;
TO Till'. 1 Ft O I I. K
By a.s set of Conarsti, ar-sros stl Juirt 90, ths
larr of iks Treasury Is suUiorlisd to Issas so saaiM ast
Skctdis( two tiauursd millions M dotura ta Tnsnai
Molts, bMrlng latscsst at a ri ost kkscadlai sva asat
tLrro u-clh. ooc tcrtuat, radab'.a arts' thrsa
Irtna dt, and to esxluuvr UiasaaDS fbrUwrai
Th.sairrrtr.rTlMunb.rv auttikrtssd to piarwt h
Into boi tla, bfulna loisrsai as a raks oat axsssdlai aat In parsuauasaf uwaakka.
rlt thus con orrvd, 1 bow offsr to Uis peop a or"Uw rnSM.1
III ale j Trsasurr ttotss aa drmk 4 In in artrrrrlaiajiia
dated JulrSi, 14.
Tlis c n-umsuurss anltir whloa this ka Is askaa fk
arid )oiir aid Invoked, tkoiigh dlffrrlag froaa kka
sststlnf atsie of slalra tbrr. vrsra sr., ara sack as kBsrO
oiualogooursiemeniand ascarttr. TUns, srhlts pra rksg
that U s strsnii'o for uaUooal on II 7 was u sussd ta data
Uon and aoverltr oar worst snllcl.stKHU, has lste4 0a
r-stlrttial stisoKUi and dsrrlspod tlis national resvnrsss aa
an extsni allko nnenpooUd and irntsrk.tilo, aaoishaj
Kiual'iilnliuirnl at horns and afcroail. Thraavaancf
vsr have burdonrd you with a doot vrUcht but Uiree rest.
sines, srnbld bats stsmisd k.voad your akUtr So ans4.
Vat Iho aot-umitlticsl wsatih and producttva aasrdss f
the rst'on hat sprtt sd to ks so vast that K haa bsan bsvssB1
wtih oomi-ara Its 6a,t ,kttd a psscslulfamretrouUluukji.
ft lit ireVht. At a prua r sli for rutilos.l aiinenos, sast ,
tte lirstsrvailon ot free laallluU tat, It doea aot drtcrra klf
Thus far 'ha wai kas boon supports!! snd canted oa. Mi
ll col could have bssn, by a poop Is rewired, at vmaiovari
cost of blood and treasure, to transmit, aiUiapalred. ta
posirrli, I he system sf fres ovtTnmont tisntisatlwd kk
thtm bj ths freai nura who fTstaed U . This dohksrat aaat "
patriotic msoivs has dovslsosd a psww surprising ens S
tlKnuFlrss. lihasskoaa taat la lass Uiaa a esnlaarv
sailon haa arlsea, uasnrpatasd la visor, and ailiaa Ulna
In itsuums.ahle la eoadaoi, Ukrouch a aeries sf jeasas,
srsron lis most inisntic acala.and dndlnf Itself, arksai
assr Its dose, alraost anlnpaired ia all Uia matanal aa
menu of power. It ass, at tha proa .ttt moot sat, fraaaV
armlt i la ihs flfkt, racing an aaeaiy arparsntl ssprusak
Int a perltd of iHter rxlisuaUon.bat situ strtDuillar wltk tt
hrro titr (Tester and mora desperkta as It aees, and Sat
cau. 1 11 seat, ths near app rsask of a anal and faial aasv
ata-ms trai. aucb, la my aslibscaia )uomti, Is kksk
I Ktcnt ooadluon of ths tresi caaisst Jkr elrtl Ubsrtpsm
which i n Art now rat;avrd.
I p to lite pre. cot yoa havf readily sad (ksar
fully aflu. dod Iho means neossaary to tni'port yaar k
aininent lu this protrsotod aU-UEgls. ll is your war. Ts
pros", rned It, and you have ruslalasd It ag-iiliut t kllssar'
virywi rro.wiUi a patriotic aov tkva uneurpasMd la Uak
storltla hlriory. - -
Tho ttvurltlos aCrerts arc ancli ai ah"ulil cimuitnd rear
rosJy csinfldtnos. afiieh sffort has been mado Is shahs)
I utile lalih la onr rial tonal credit, both al kM a I'
hkras L As ytl st kava aaked no Ibrelxu aid, Caaa aaat
ttlf isllm t, ui own ui-ana hava th3fr proved adequaiak
to our wants. They are yet ample ta aiiM thoss sf tta
prp.tot sud ti-s tutus. It still rcamlaa for a patrtsuas
nettple to nirnlsh Uie novdrttl supply. Tho Uravs ansa srksk
arsDshiuigonrbatUesliy land and tea must b fol aaat,
elotbcd,munltiona ol war of all kinds tuuat be faralsksa
er the war mnat sad la defeat and llsirrace. This ts aat
the time for any lorer of hit eoautry to lmiulre as Is Mta.
stale of tlio mono) market, or ask whether hs eaa so
latest his surplus csrSisl as lo yield him a Umr retara.
Bu return and ao pront eaa be desirable if followed hay
national dissolution or national disgrace. Present prsta
thus acquired. Is but Ui precursor sf future and speaday
iKsttuctioa. Ka Inve&imcat eaa be to surely pss
ntsltli' a. that tthltli IcnUs to Injure tho national ta
Isienco. 1
I sm snoonrajred la Uia belief that by ihs recent trftilaJ
Ilea .1 cons-rasa our MoanrAI MfMh U pUcUWt
,vi.r,lersi.lni.r.ablc fceuus. Tho preseat dSfeMje
comlliion ot th Currency Is InipB'.aMc la a mat aegtea)
to dlatiirl'snoea arising from Uio withdrawal of aeoessafy
chw kerltn ln1tal,lr tn lime of st ar, whea expsadihanal
must hvirsly eaceed aay possible snjiply of cvts). Jhf saw
p.riunlile.Uuipre,SB,ltoaco...irosn4den wealth UU
Iti id simulation. a csjosetiueni luei-bkas sf prtssa.
snd violent fluctuation. Te remedy ts to he found soty
In controlling the neofuslty which begets the sva.
Illth.'.rki ws hava fait Uis sued ef more siteturrs and
t Ijorout uOU"at Berere common: httt been made apse)
stlist soruird to ttlan;' aa nmlus tlmltlily and tanUasaa .
uf aclh n en the part of Cuniiross, la Oils regard. I
J.rinlt but Jti.t to say that vcrr great mlripprvhsa. '
sloa lis, eilrt. d. anj porhnps still exists, ausa this Iiilskrs, like sll others. Lavs much ts learlj
in a new oondiilon of airalra. Aa ent-rei.i' aow system
wss to be dci Isod, unj thst syst'-m mrtsl neoowarlly os '
ihf -MMh ol' tout, ami uiiftii nee. It la net atraage'-
urat effrru should havu irovstl iuipmieot aad la.
s lrqaste. To lay Ima i-y turdt-u. on a grcnt and patrl. i
i.Ui peor's la such a manner as tn he equal, and as Is
ttrcaIttn tr.e test amoiint oi aiufering or anBeyanest,
r- tiitirrs l:me anil e.itnon. and vat labori aad. rHk '
s'l Uit' e Is ncif .! to test fio value of Uta, snd c.rraot its i rr ,is. Hu -h haa heea the
w.iik wjlch irvtBursss wss csrie I opon to prrfrma. ' t "
stnhsiiprttt asyt'ia' 'tally rvsutts ttra proving the lav. .
tt-rral Itof.r.uc s t to es.-.ta iu efBolen.y the most
s-nu'ilnct'tpotiU'rns oi li. m:i':nr.. in ths nr-tnta at
J inn, 1.;;, yi.i.lfl a'sint f ur ami tins-half rulHMii i
oi d .Mart, lii! U- ttrrt n.iiiUiig month of this year J
rH'irnd aut Urteco uilliion-, nntlt-r Wis ksios law.
I. n 'tr tt !. la'., wt.-. h ttt nt Intra olrr.ttl..n Iks llt
tl.y uf tl ittrtent nt.uth, Uio Trrisury not nurrs
tiu.-ntly rocrl - one nti!:baln s day. As rmo snd espsv
rlL-acc sua' Ir the oilwers .'uvyi d tj t,leilBjf Uis fines.
u..s to tm.o" t,'.u tr!u4'-nt ;irt vl;n. ..i' th. aeirlaw, I
tru-t tia: a m'::it n per diyn ill b Hutil i,s rule, and
uit t; a e-toep'.;. 'lu tllll, n.ncL tp&fs Is tteduaitltdly tsf t
fitr iLipnivti-aul In Us' :.w,.jil lu lis itilmlnl.traUon, a
a r.tersr,tt.'Uiit of nuv-i'Mary liut.inQ,itHa Is actialreeV
Tk vn-vr sourcss oi r' trnno, s,ad the most ellactlve
uetk a aouairiii-aT it, art :at tln t ktl in the exeeuUsa) '
n eu.Ui.g :ata. A su I ve caused msasuras So Se '
IiiSui.J Ai.h wiJilit UJevtd, ail.s I'oagrssssa to ,
Imirsvtuid ST.krgeths S)Stvu At, when rules la cstv
assiren with I'.srtt i .r fromcii-ft n-.a, ardorker sourcer,
to stTord .a aiipts an-l m ui hss.s for the astlunal t-rsdst. '
Oujt iiai ku.s, ana ht a tsaady ana vigorous re- ,
lur.ta. t u, .a curr ncy, ao a ir Jtedj ts round foe srilstsiB
tfl.t. fxb u raai! n talyks esercltsd whtra tl is rurrusi sd nh aitaus W provide fol Ita
IMe...'ts. 1 1.1 wilt, it IU . tlif apalriotlc psepleaaj) ,
ktevsraaxx: al twn- hr i'.,t .ran) sthsi Ueslrabsa)
' I hs tkt itou. iaw. ns ul the no '.ts prcitosd tabelatntd., -1
rsagirtg avnt sfiy to nt. u;vsi.a k!ltrs,pce
M. alius. w tr.. rsMh'if M are d.tpttatxl lo sj ,
tUir . Tor tMrf i.ths.) t n the isltU aud Lobot
Sl. prtip.rt) w ttt! touarry ara sskmary psnlired. A
la.t.isiVirj.'ut to t'.ta onrt;:, mw thevd te ks nsarat -tUatl.wU
lasv-sty eal an.', vsiwr to tlte holder; easy
Ksotsnst mftrsd a I U.-.I.L, tauk ltuuj boms. Ha -.htsikaS.j.liLsH..shlsild:iiUis
hose of turnln- his '
arsA'akte assaiis as arsMisv lmat.uiats prSt, t. spsesustkag
at a Aw itirnij i a.-4 01'iiu.., ud msy as i thai whea
loams u ko prtasat gn oaly lo future lots. Jae
peal, IktrsaVs, w'ia real it. ks ta a hsl aad p-ilrtt-ua
Hti,aaB.sks im .n r. s; slwhetstetkrsososrss ''
is J .ir ai ti a t.n.s lauars, lo aid their Usveoimssl
lu stttUlsrsg it. trtta, aad pi sag Ukl uttlll sj"t
Itskla Koult na.
tt-UJ! ktV LVAICr 1KB TaCAdl'aV.
B.. CCfteMJ, SOW eV.Nl? HkMiJ ClS-t