The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 27, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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i i
lilciI Finnic Movement.
It la Forced Back from the
Weldon Railroad.
Three of our Batteries Captured.
Our I.Iiiom Mnltiiitii'l
The Rebels Severely Repulsed.
Kte.. Etr.. El.,
Ftn., Ete., Kir.
!b JprrU) to Tim Evening r-lea;riti.
WeuifTO!, Adjust 27. The Sar ?ya
! mail iwa-uer VariJVT'.ff, from City Faiut,
reports lb it on Thursday a division of tao 2d
Oorpi. ntiovlng out p st Hie miwiw eft of War-
ren' Corp. In the vicinity of Ream's "tatiou on
tb Weldon road, was attacked it ab ml 9 o'clock
to the morning by a large fmo of tha enem
MPDOMd to have born Hdl's entire corps, and
wtn ermpellel to full bvk, which they did
ferodnally, disputing every Inch of the ground,
ai.e nthtlng for mot of the distance hand t j hand
' At 4 o'clock, whi n onr Informant left :h
' iM, the Hgl t was a 111 progressing, hut onr men
tad retched a secure p. 4uion, and iwiMmmti
n onr ride were beii g maJj caUn aud to pat
tke enemy r'clily on the "ratrograda la tarn
The losst wcte I edeved o ho considerable on
th sides. It is reported that we. 1 throe I at
teriea, esaong them S t eaer's celebrated Mas? -
eheieita batteiy, tbu cupula uf which wts
wen ded early In (he day In tho right itrin, b u
vkopaaUntly kept the tield ontil the nf em ion,
whta be bccntnc w. nk from the lo-s or bi o I.
Tkia battel lost severely in men, and upwards
f nfl horses
AJkout 3 o'c'o'k on Thursday morning tb
B ele in fruni of But. or inudo a sortie a i J c ip
tand twenty -live i f t ur pickets and drove In
11 ers, but we Immediately regit! md ibe ground,
aeatoilug fortj-tive uf the attacking party
ftmorg them a la utenant and ono private, who,
is a iplrit of biavado, aitemptod to hold u rim.
I it after bla roairndce had rotn aicd
Osr lms were re-entabli.hetl.
The Llyuteiiaut Ciptiired noanti th it tho Ribila
kaje plenty of tMOpH in Rt-hm'W-i, wit'i a r
lre il thirty Ibousaud new lro.iM u U.ive n t
ji txt n in tho field
1 Tee Vederlri.t -.fl twenty-iovcn Uib-1 pruou
ere bt l'oiiit'H Mom x).
Alt UMM mmtrJ.
FuKTXifH Momioi',. Aueiiit a7. Inro.".'Ull.a
fiom the Iron' s a C4 th:it all is U:vt.
FOUTKKS MoMtOF, A'K'lBt 2), V. M I'U'J
ful'owinir iiifiirnmtioa his been rictirel hers
from Cit l'tiinr :
The rnemy In erv strini? fr -e attt 'jl t'M
M Aray Cnrpi on the exue'uo kit yemer d y,
and Bating far iapeiii)r nuin'ru, wurj almost
aon the point of uverwbolmlnrf tUetn, when tli!
5lk Corpi came no, and the enemy were r pulsed
aad diiren from the field.
The lots i n l;o'h Moe waa about eqnil.
Wt ttlil luuiouin our Hue Si Ufore, h.iM'u
tke WIJ ju railioad m our ''!
From Jcd.tI lluilrr'a -
Might B t) l leinmlrll I Itiiir
Rii'bim.i d.
llPADtlVAWTKBS ov GrwuRAt. 'B'. TIHH, !I?' .t
25. Tbu riiviny tin i iii.t.t a loree uou a pint
heir the rlKiHtiftli ueial U'IUit's line a'. J wnrfht
tli if ntriium. uroou'ily wuii ine uurixxe t lotur.
IntHg whutnerw.' w.iuKtill here in a lystrenU.
TJity drove in onr pifkt, and tie upie l, tor a
few lui iuii -, the udTaueeof nile-prt-; out an -shii
as a furce tviu d I)- bioujhi to the itupimrt uf I lie
pkkrt ai d sKlr.i in ers, the riH.'-pit- were renken
d orr tilty iri-iiner ertuiiiru l. M -asurel by
the ra naMec lut twenty in nniniwr, it w is but
a k in. 'il'. Yet tc wim ho well lougnt, tu unwed
nd ended thai it ili-w rvei attention.
Wbtre alun lino is held icll!y, and da
yentls upin the iere'ith of the w.irks, the u(n wt
lUrianue is rrquire i, and the atfair ludica ei tuu
fiitnce ol vik'll mce.
General Tuiuer.rtimnnndr'g 21 Dlviiinn. 10'h
Corps, govs Nurib fi-dsy slek with typ'nid fever.
i' our a Ivunis d one bundled dollar in Uuii
'niiil mi the reeei) t of ihn new s uf '.lie capture uf
tt:fl Wtldon railroad by Warren.
Resistance to the Conscription.
I oa:h) n Monuoi., Anaust i' Tho following
baa been received :
JIoanokt. Island, Aagust 21. Reliable infjr
(ation rereived here st itea that n Rebel forro,
conmanded by Major Wbitford and Cipfnu
Keja, went to GrcensborouKb, North Carolina,
for conscripts for the Rebel array. The Union
citizens turned out to resist tlto conscription nud
a severe fipht cnincd. The Rebele were driven
from Green.borough, 11 ml uiany of them Uilled
and wounded. Captaiit Keys was Uilled, nud
Major Wbitford mortally wounded.
Bat I In Imminent nt llarprr'a Ferry No
Bcbttla Norlb itt Itir 1'oloinar Yet, ar
.Special Vetymtrl, lu T;,t Ecenlna Telegraph,
Haiti mobiT Aupu.4 27. l'akseugeis who loft
Haipcr'a I'eiry liiit night say, that heavy skir
mUhing waa going on near there during the day,
and a severe battle was anticipated to-duy. Our
army U in admirable condition.
The Norfolk boat brings litter dotuils, highly
(avorable to Gruut.
No anned Ucbtl have, yet ri oaeed the Totoiuac,
and there it ltd Uttit uppiebcndon of their
doing do.
There la do doubt that the President lias par
doned young Rogers, and commuted the content e
of the other three irtone who were to be hung
at fart Millcmy on Tuesday next.
Kaw YoitK, August 27. In retaliation for tho
cruel usaa of our soldiers by tlio Rebels, all
prisoners at Port Ifayette are to be debarred
from uy ji)),iri.;i whatever.
Great Union' Victory !
Fourteen M iles of tho Track Torn Up.
Kir., Ete., Fir.. Etr., KM., Ftr..
Cincivhatj, Aaanst 2!. Th') ixitst't r-
reived a fpflrlitl despatch from At ar.ti, which
ae that General htlpri:.k bn demroyej the
Maron railroad In two pla ot, tcirimj op a':oat
fourU on milei of tra:k.
He a0 captured and burne I a tnltl of sup
plies belonging to the Pj'x.H en route t At: i)Lrt.
On hla return he met the Ue'ie's in strong
force and lo'ally deft ned ihem, ciptur'.n fo-ir
stands of colors, tlx cannon, aud two huoJroJ
pi Isonert.
Afterwards ha mol anh t urccof Ritsilj wjo
pressed him sa heavily thAt h M obdg'id ti
abandon all but two guns, and must nf the
prlfoners. He mido im entire eirnit of A'Untt,
nnd reached Decjuur wi'h VMnicn. Ho Intilctod
severe damage on the Koiwl commuuica'.i'jiif.
Blockade-Eunning Operations.
She is Cruising as a Pirate.
TwtHlyTwo Ves.els llurned
on TliurH.t.iy.
rtw York, August A Na sao letter of the
20th st ites lh:it the l'aini'r 'ox hd arrived fro
rburlotton, h ;lrg trnwn over'iuard ono hun
tiled and ttdity ba'es of cotton while chased.
'I be steamers Lucu and Sur- n, w ill cjtuiu
ftcm Wllniiniton, had al-o arrlv, d.
The baik I-xingtin whs burned on tbo ICth by
the bieaking of n jar o' Titrltil.
Tho mw pinto Electric wi o(f Nass:in
on the 2'l, und was eriiising i If the iHlands.
liernm 'a dates of the 20th mvntlMi the arrltal
of ft ur te.iinera frum Wilmington, witb an a
greijute of nearly 3000 bales of cot tin.
St. Johns, N. B, August 20. Tho "toA-ner
7'riWoJ of Haiti, front Clinrlottetoarn, arrived
' fiheJiac tins aiternoun, B'iu reports mat me
I Irnfo TallahanMn burm d twcn'y-twO American
li-bing veSFels off Nur ti CiFi Ti.uco i'.dard'a
Isl.ind, y stcrdny,
Ski IuI lb Nputtlics to Ktritlni! TVit'jp'nph.
Wasiiivotum, August 77.
I liiaiK'litl lir tlm.
Scen t iry Fessoinlen has insii'd orlers tint
partita ho'ding Seven-Tbiriy notes, d 10 O.-to'icr
1, may present tl.em in any amount at mice nuj
have, them luii'letl, with in'erc.t to maturity in
six percent-bonds, due after 18 'I. Tbre ii a'xiut
'ix'y-fmr million dollars of th s loin veto it.
stantitrvr Th. n.n ition ii'v s iraj arrin '
is making for ftiudmg certil! :itos or
ness fa'licg due before M ircli next la tho Ten-
Forty loan at par, is denied byth Tro.i.ury
Nor I'raeo It 11 mors).
A gcntleuiau baa arrived in this city from
G'ciii0'ia, who cjmo I17 way of AtUuta, with per-iui.-tlon
ofireueMl Sherman, and who representi
that State Government. Ho desires 1 1 learn
uponwhnt thisia th-: t.'nitid S' it, t ilimrnm'nt triU
treat vth the .Vtife uf O'cor;i,i fir ren lniti tr
into the. ('men. This actioti tjf the Ojorgia
autkorities la bad wuhou' rctereuco to t.10
balance of the Southern Coni'e ler icy. HoiiMirnit'N Ititt.
Montgomery papers of a w:vk ago say that tke
railroad from that city to Aiiun a, tlestroyet by
Ueneial Rousseau, cannot possibly be pat In
running order b loie the 1st of Septem'ior.
There is ditlljulty in gettiug iron, whi h nt last
n porta was held at two bumlred an I Ulty doii ars
pet ton; also dillleuity in genius laborers.
A ltlI lu lil.iHlaltlle.
Tho Pc'.ei ibiir; Express of S iturday last s ly s a
lwdy of Yankee cavulry wa reported on Fndiy
moving wcBtwnrd from Wurri u'i army, tl'.r mh
U.mudJie county.
I'l nco Kuimtrs. lu Itii'tiiuiiud.
It ii pears from Richmond pipers that the
Ktuic rumoia relative to theaouiutiuentof reaco
C'.iniiiissioni rs pn ill in t!ie .-' nith as here. The
Rli'Linon I .V'.7i(i';u7 o We Mn's lay st.itos there
was considerable excitemeu. in t.'iat city, Sunday
la t, at tlio Petersburg depo' on the arrival of
the iiiin from that place, it h iv lug liven rumored
that Pcaisj ('ouimiisl'iners, nirioi'itod by Liiiwdn,
were expected to iirrlve. Tiie crowd that (pfhered
at the depot looke i up m every well-dressed m in
t urr ini; a carput-iMelt a; a I'e tco C m'idi iner.
Tbe reporter of the Srrtin I ays, judging from
tbu Mimtx-r uf that cloas of ocriiiins who citne on
tho trniii, there were about te enty-tlvo.
th i-2 iMtiotsiorerscv.
I.luroln sntl Fremont I miles! 10 H'llh
tlrsa-KeouMt of IJoneral I'muool
llr Mskm l.lneoln'a Vtllhdrnnal s Cos.
ditluai Ills v iew I ioa Hie Ureal
urnllona of liny. Fir.
RoRTOs. AtiRUHt 2C (iencral Fremont : Sir :
Y ou must be attnie of tbu witlo and growing
oissntiMiietion in tne itepuiiiiean tanks with the
Presidintlul notninntion at llultlmorc ; ami you
may have seen noticed 01 a movement, .itist com
uicnccd, to unite ilia thorouub and earnest
friends ol a vigorous roei ution of the war in a
new convention wuicn oumi represent tuej'iitriot
ism of all parties.
To fat iliiiite the movement it ia t mpbatically
advisable that the eaudidutea commuted a't
Clevcluud aud Raltimnrc should withdraw and
leave the field entirely free fur such a united
etlort. Permit ns, Mr, to nsk whether, in cie-c
Mr. Lincoln will with Jritw, vou will do so, aud
join your fellow-ritiens in this attempt to plase
the adinlinstra'k.n on a basis bread us the patriot
la-m 01 u.e country una as ita uocus t
(Signed) Giokok I.. SicvKxs
H. R. I iiitiNO,
.1 AUKS M. MllNF,
I. LI.l H W'RlOIl I,
I'.Ua Allll llAllK K,
.AMl 1 I G. llOM B.
Raiiant, August 2.1. f.eiit'emen . I bava to
acknowledge the recei of yout- letter of tbe
oiu, uutirch-eo 10 me iu insw ork.
If vour letter were iu c .'1cct nn aiwal only to
my own fccutiiueuts in favor of a reunion of
parties, I should nut hesitate to renounce auy
personal ileirn, but would be entirely ready to
neicr to mc pumic opinion wnicu your iiames
but tbecou litloiai ore no longer tl.e aume us
when I cxi rcs.ed my readiness to retire iu tiie
event Hi c.ulii'feacy which lnle'Ut liava 01;.
entied .t Halt'mire. lltrlng now dftrnitrly
aoiepted the l Iceland nonni at;"n, 1 ovo n t
Iherij.'kt to a. 1 Indepei dently of the truly of
trioilc and earnest party who t onf rr-d tht
kovor op n mi , In aay eent, It would l
f-s-ar Drt to coiwu't with thnm. It mtg r,
be-t-'en, buve onlv tho c:To :t ctl.1 rjrthr ti oi.
settle ibo pablie in ml, and d fcaf the ob
basi inle, if we should Jii.i;s' Uaoei'orti-at
proe.niii g te ortanie s imetliln,! belt r
To tlo en 1 1 uiesi ih.t J n- t eTirtbe
matte to otnailii an Imme list) nu'lertudl ig
twtrn the supporters of the Hai;ure and Clove
l..i.d Domlna tone, In onl.r tbi the fnn Is if
both may cuae-e and n'lite upon an e.irly diy
fur loin UK such a eoavn Inn ua y m proiviw.
1 m snutied lb 1 1 do not as-ume to ' mnc.i in
Miinii ihaijsy fiieud will nmte heartily ibsurh
a Tiiovt menl.
A really popular cmvenilon, upon brul and
llotral brniu., mi tb-i". it cud ne nvrded is
eoi.voe.ition In muss of tho peopl'i and not M'O
noik uf politicians, vould i on p'lfni: c in
hd e. Mucb a convention, acting in tins largti
and liberal uplilt In win. h 11 was railed wliii
out consi'Wtations of persons r politic il cli ,U"s,
itiwl without rideicii 0 to li;xn;e s tm i i is,
ri-ing to the level of the o:e.isui an 1 takln..:
the ronditiOns of the ':on:itry as they p
si nt thi'List lM s to-dny, euuid sit'- ly l0 irns ed
to pri po-e inch a poll, y aid lia'ne stien a m in
n shuuM, itii'l na loa ited y wnul I, receive tno
enriiHl a'vi nnt'd npvirt ol the pi riotl : mats a
of II e iieoilo To tho grea' ho ii of ihe-e o fir
as n.y iut rai.iuonano vsuioi no in .my o,;vom,
I itiink that tlie Ijliowmg prop-:uous wonti w
BC' pt-tt' 6 :
I. lU'.pcct tor ino pr.iri.cii n terty I'nu i.i'i
Ct T.s i u lonal r i;lits aa 1 ouniiy of the eiti-'.n.
'j. lhe nnuiit inmce ot ine ty m i ic
Ui Ite'l mates In their reunions 'n i irolgaP iwors.
.1. t" he re i t!isbmont of '.lie l iion ; 117 oei- e
If it Is pos-ilile; dy war if the enip'oym nt 01
pi n-lul niCiu-urcs cannot n v!o to suecocd.
Macli has been siidoflate an mi e teii, and
yon Hill th' n fore ex 'if-o me if 1 siy h 're winu I
undt rftunil ny it. 1 or me, peicn sit-uinas mo
ii.ttiiial leesuinii'linitiit of tho tulou. with out
slaieiy ; It "ani-e sl.ivety is the s mrce of ad our
p'jlnli'al dissensions, a id 'le'-au-e the instttnti.m
II in coi tleuimo D- loe eniinini u aim ios"..i
pint of the age. 1 lio-o are uj iimi the os niut
101 Jitioi s of ponce. If it is praoticaMo to itt-iiu
thi.s result, it would not ue imjing laeiny ior
it taMm: also into consi l ra.i iu mo in in.r ai
trtnglh ahich the Ji h his hccti p nniiw I to
ac'iune ny tne con.oici 01 ine w ir ininio 1 m
eelonl o,inn some potttie of seeondiry Iraanr-
nee.sneh as that of paying an indemnity tor
their slaves l tlnise who h ivo remained In a sort
of 1 "rural eomiititm during the nnnappy war
tuliicb hws rtinvuUeJ the country. 10 tercinnato
this wo ore now expending lito and money 1 It
would certninly be a gain to redin-o it simply to a
tUt stkin of money.
If, In s;n 0 nl all Itiedo euorrs 11 s,iair:iu -?.juvu
1 nmiliation, or losses of c.ipiul lUoiy ti be t-Ki
cierely, the pouti Ml 1 htets who .iir'C in '
Souh per si -t In nar, then tne policy ot the L m
T ition ahonld be to prouonu-e lu that ewe for
war with .ill the force and energy or toe n nun.
Kor pel upon nny terras, itmi m rely Sec mso
It 'S 1 eace a pe ieo r'o:imnkt a Norta and
S. ii'h would not bring a siahl.i e., it
l;br 11111. It wou I only prepare the w iv for new
it 111 m I. , and lor a con lition vi uw.n.r iujt
an rchy. ....
Tie parumonat fines'.. in ,s the i d on. uy
pi at e, 11 it em Do nun on nmioriioio ami i-i
teiu.n l.y imr, if tne oo'.ti. tl le lers wuo are
OIi cti(t iltf South insist npoa w.if.
1 LB l.nafnin "t -iu .'ouu.ry is 11 i',ii'n.i 17
crlti'Ml. It d- mantis ihv :U v. tion and patriotism
of all aim v li 0 reallj love their country, aid it
is one ol lh'e imiiiieii's v.hen all iwrwioil nspi-
ra loii hUonld vmii-ti In the la.-e ot tne great
qiKsiio.s of prin ip e ant national exi.-ujiice
bleb ae at stake.
1 batikmg Jon. gentlemen, for the ovldenec
hlrh our letter irivu mu of your conMdetn e lu
my dispo Itlon to do everything iu my power tor
the inttrest-of the connliy.
I mi, very truly yotirn,
J. C. Fitnuort.
Thr 'hlrairi 1 Inn--Vrinl!lfnnslni
llfimliirril stt't'lrllM'S to H
Nominee, Ar.
Chioaoo. AngiiKt 27 The city is f ist R'V.e.g
up. II ia no nue to aip'T lor moru man summm;
plaCI S Itt IQJ HUM lb. lull trjwu oimmjivu ..11
ex rieia ion.
The rlew Tfoik dei"gfion is nire. ana too
n tinlieisuro the chief u'lje. tot attrictton, from
it, in at thevuro leiririea as tne sn-'ci u
fil'lid" 1 f Heieral M.f leliau Ibn-eof the West
nrn iitU-tafcs who woie eonsld r-d d n itftil aro
fast toiiiiiig over to onrsuppin. inn cwm
i l he on thequtsnunt t nom uati m nypinrnay
or miijorliv. lu ei'bcr '-ao B.s tr, onus it"i sin
gninc tif slice hs. Bets are otlrod that htiwiU ti
l.uuiinntcu on ine nr-i nanoi. a pruiuiueuitr.-iu
late linres up lei vows sure for hiui, oat 01 uie
22t t" beea-t.
Tin: opposition to Inm is n l into, inn ar.a
niiu'iaiiiots are the order of tho day. Rat all
wib go smoothly in tfc convention.
tireat prenannioii-s are mumurf ior -i c -.10. . i-
,n n.... ...ntio 1 IU..WIIU. 1 will
treint i dons detnon-tration.
Strang" to say, a s rung w..'ptii)lican Idiny is
on baLd. It wants (ictu-al Utx noinia wed and
pledges to bis npp at the ami Liucaiu U ipo all
cats. Aeut Yuri WorUl.
I'rctrrPl Hrlannrra nt AnterinvUIt.
The folltiini is a list of Pennsylvania, New
Jfre, aud Lieiau-are prisoners, couliuod at An-
tltntoiivllli:, Heornia:
inli 1 Ina-r af
1? M-Or... r.iv I, I'a
J h M..ii. h , 1-t lel
11 w..:t ll.Sih I'a.'av
it S aii, k.-n. It 1st .V t
a Mnv..r iab rii
Ii I u.x'.ir.' Tin riR' S
h t-onr.,1, Isth ea ' 1.
.1 M K.':trr...l, l-l UVJ
J A ai's r, K.;d I a
h iniaj.ii,i ,i:ai'a
I: ki t. a, ,.t 1 . an
A l: Willi. .V.l e
11 1,1 in. n. n t:.i 11 ra
H 1 in -itj.., 1.. 111 is i'a
) r. Kiri t, H. s ih I'a
,l I n, Ii. JI1I1 l'
II W t in , H, lMth IM
elillitin H.r..,ii. i; N J,
Y H MilDTliel. I. j srtlli 1 'a
Jjl u r J.c t.s, lsnb I i
Convj.ntion oi-Tiu. Nauoxai. LNtoM Part.
Tbo Delcg.vcs to the National Union Pirty
Convention re ia-c rallied this nuruwrf, and lm
dlatuly proceeded to ballot fjr a candidate for
Clerk ol the Orphans' Court.
Tbe flrt ballot was taken as follows :
Edwin A. Merrick... .n'i W. C. rstovena tn M
ti. W. Sheutlcr 3- T. R. Unletler 7
Cba-. Uix iy 11 Kvan Simpson
Whole number, 172. Nuccs.-ury to a choice, s7.
srcoNU r.ALt.oT.
Merrick 11 Stevenson i-l
Shcullci l iulutter II
D xey .'II
Wbulo nutuuer, Hi ). .-Mxc-sary 10 11, c 1.
Mcrrl'lc 37 'evnsoit 3'l
Khnullur I l'i ilo.ter lti
1) x. y ;tti eTi
Whole number HH. Necessary to a choice 7 i
Merrick .10 st jven-on H
Mm. Her ID l'llliett'T 10
Dixey :is
V bole number PH. Neccs-ary to a 1 ho: 'o, Vt
111 Til 11 a 1, 1 or.
Merrick .'it Stevenson H
Shulltr -'2 I'iulettcr 1'
Dixey I i
Whole numlsjr, 211. Neicssnry to aeiioien, Ph!
Mr. Kinletter Iiavin3 received the lowest num
ber of votes on tin) fifth liallot his tianie was
dropped, nud a sixth ballot was till. en.
HMVr.NTH iiALi.or.
Mtrrlelc 77 Dixey C'.
SbecMer 71
Whole number 217. Necessary to a choice 10y.
Merrick .r-2 Dixey !0
bl eaitcr "'(' Ktevcnson 4S
Whole number, 201. Necessary to a choice, lua.
riotiTit TALI OT.
Menitl; 120 Mieatler 110
Whole number, 230. Necessary to a choice, 110.
Mr. Merrick Laving received the holiest nnm
ber of votes, was declared the choice of the Con
vention for the o.bce of Clerk of the Orphaua'
(in the last ballot the vote was very close, the
two candidates bavitig a t.e-vute scleral times.
A fur the iioniinbtioii, Mr. Mcnick was intro
duced, aud made a few remarks.
He said : Language faila ine in my endeavor
to express my giut'tude tor the honor conferred
upon me. kntcri.ig the battle of life with no
Uitiie relatives to consult or adviie with thrown
upon my own resources, w ith no capital, save
that rcci ived by a gencnua public a commou
school education I uow find myself, with a host
ol tilenas, placed in this position. Philadelphia,
uiy liirii. place, and the birthplace of the Na
tional L'tiion Parte, a party founded upon prin
ciples whoie great aim ti tbo salvation of the
nation a party coiumiltio on resolutions
' have never j et fcaitd to place their vic,ws before
a loval people for endoraeiuent.
1 fctl pioud of being placed among tho atan
dai d bearers of such an orgauraition.
M y tVleuds, in accepting tl.e nomination I thank
you, and hoping your labors will end in bar
niony, bid you good-bye.
1'Uo CvavvaUva tUvu Wok a rcccsj,
r' AUmlrnl lut-iariit.
Storm at inlambnssHit l-nmltv Ills'.
Cji; Bi'd, Ohio, As?nft f. A siorm r-iffij
hero wib the preatesl fury this afwrnyin.
Tret s were ttpr cd, aa l ttj alreets jf theciiy
J. d wiib nw.T,
in. uv tin. An.m,t It!. A heavy ats-m of
wind and rm piev.illed here all day. SurtJIag
neuls of Ihnnder and the most vivid Hghtulngi
im. Bis. The stceplo of the
Rev. Dr. Laube atte a t harch was Injarcd.and seve
ral other b iilolngs damaged. A larger ifouiry
ff watt r fell was ever known before t J f.l
In a singld Jny. Tba tram from NashvilU w.n
delaycj an bouraud a half coming part of tno
wav, with water op to the car axles.
fisuiMNAii. Angiint 27 A tremendo'ia storm
occurred here yesterday. Tho rain foil It tor
rents, aceonipimed by thunder and Ihtnioi.
flu !fc :ts of the storm w.'revery sevew.
Tbo Indianupolia and Cincinnati train which
left beie yestirday afternoon waa biowa off tbe
track within thlrtoen mllisj of Ijiwreoeebitrg, and
the cars toiuhled down an era'aankaisut twxdve
feet high.
No detji!a of tlio disaster hvo been reIved,
but it (a reported that fryn twenty to thirty
persons wete wounded ; noue are reported kllU 1.
The traia contained a number of dsilegAMs for
CblMito, bat it Is st.ud that none wore Injured.
W.iibiHoroN, August i7. raasang m by the
mail-boat from City Point report that on Tlinrs
tlay a division of tba 2d C rps, In tke vicinity of
Reruns' station, oa the Weldon railroad, were
attacked about 9 o'clock in the morning by a
large force of Rebels, supposed 10 be Hill's entire
Corps, and wero compellt d to fad back, which
Ibey illtl gradually, dupnting, however, every
Inch of ground, and r.gatlng tor most ot tueuis
tanre hand to band.
At 4 o';:o:h tho l!gv.t sris stl!I pro,:resi:ni,',bat
our niea had gained a secure po.itljn.and m-jvo-
mcntiweie tein matte cai :o.iu;a w pnv mo
eiit m7 on the reliogra-le In turn.
It Is rt portcd we last batteries, .uicra
Sleeper's celebrated Masa:bus.itts Batury, the
. . . - ...I.. I.,
coptain or wnien was .uuim'ji .
tba figbt la the right arm, but who
gallantly kept the field until aftornoon, when he
became weak from the loss of blood. About 3
o'clock on Thursday morniag, the Rebels !n front
of Butler made a aortie und captured 25 of our
picbt f, and dtiving In tke others, trot we lmtni
diateiy reiained tbe. ground and captured 4'j
Rebels, among tuem alleuU'nirK and prlvatr,
who b id In a spnitof brava'lo got Into one of
our title-pits, which they Intended to hold at all
Onr lines wei soon re-established.
Iter Information of tbe I'njhttag on Tbursdy,
In which Genera) Hancock waseugaged with tbu
enen y at Resm'a a ftilon, ia to the etfoct tha".
about i o'c'o-k Ot aeral Hin'clt was reinforced
from ibe Sib Ct rpa, aid the eaetr.y after m iking
seveial detpsrate assaults tfpon our lluea waa
badly replied, and re r.:ted leaving als dead
aud wountlcd In our hands.
It U also repcrtod that we recaptured the gunj
ti hen by tbe eurmy earlier In Ike day.
Ti e Rt bt Is lo-t terribly la tke battle of Tbnra
day, cvni uioto. It la estimated, thin In tlie ro-
pulrr ol fcundi-y.
Tfce above ate reporia by jsiaoangera on tbe
mail K it.
ipiis sFwrstaLAwissHiirf 11 tsi'.Riri.
NrwYohs, Aouu-t 27 Tbe st-amor .Worth
St:; from A on the lMih in., arrrved
at tb a port at neon 10-day, wkb in
Amoi gher passengers are ex-Oovernor Dig
it r. i f CnUloruia, aud A. B. B-.y J, Ksij., if
Panama. ,
Tbe ste.srner Si.Ttim (, from New York via
the b:rait of Majolian, axt .vsd a; Paaa ua oa
Die loth lust.
TLe Pi ruvlun taaier has arrl?d
with CalUo da es.
i i,. re lia., l een a rhin-'e In the Pemvlati min-
jsny, lii t ro ri voln ion, us reported.
Vetsi ls at the Cbiticha Islands are now obV'-d
to loud th. ir own c rgoe,ae the luborera and
prisuacrs formerly employed have been item away
bv tl e ISpamaids.
' lru bas again refused to allow the Spanish
Adm ral to procure freai provisions on the coist.
It is lep-aieti that the steamer l:ic Sam baa
been sohl ro I'ein.
Dr. Wbeolrr, Kurzeou of the steamer North
Star, died us Asplnwall ou the li h.
Thr United Si ites steamer Saenuio sailed for
nn tha l.'ith.
An attempted revelation in Ecuador had been
II If4 tllTORV.
Wasuiiiotois, August 27. The Navy Depart
ment is in receipt of de-pitebos from Admiral
Parrngut, dated Mobile hay, An nst 12, giving a
detailed report of hla entrance into Mobile bay oa
tbe "ih Ins'.
. He says, notwithstanding the lose of life, ptr
licnlarly in the Har'fmJ, and tho terrible dia
aster to tbe Te.umieh, tbe ronnlt of the fight waa
a g orious victory! and he has reason to feel
proud of tbo officers, seamen, and marines of tbe
siiuaJron nuder hla eommnud, for it has never
fal cn to ibe lot of an oitlc r to be thus aim ited
and thus sustained. Regular dia:iplliie w.II bfing
rren to any amount of endurance, bat there la a
patoral fear of bidden dangers, particularly when
to awfully destructive of himiaa life as tho tor
pec'o, which re'iniroi nure than diaelplinc to
overcome. , . . . .
He fays it was nn'y nt the urgent reqneat of the
rantuinsand commanding oilt.-ers that ho yielded
the being lhe leading ship of the line, as
tho bad tour clnv-c-Bun and an ingenious ar
rangement fur picking up torpedoes, nnd because
. V " - i.:d ln,rl.if sin. ilit tiiif ts-k Kit
in their juugmuui u.. ..b".r o ...
too much exposed.
This he believes to be an error, for apart from
tbe fact tbiitexposuic is one of the peualtici of
ruuk, in the m.vy it will always lie the aim of
the enemv to destroy the nag-hip, aud, as ap
ieured in the seqtiel. such attempt was very per
sistently niiule, but I'roi idence did not permit it
to be successful. , , . , . ,
In the course of biB narrative, the Admiral
says "As 1 bad an elevated position iu the
main rk'giug near the top, 1 was able to overlook
not only the deck ot the Hart tout, but the other
vessels of tbe lleet.
"I aitnested tbe tciriMe iDecta of the enemy a
shot and the good conduct ol the meu ut their
Kuus tHud although I bnd nol loul.t their hearts
sickened as mine did.wlieu their shiHnntcs were
struck down beside thim, yet there waa not a
moment s hesitation to lay their comrades aide
and spring ajaiu to their deadly work.
i.urrtllas in Krnlarky.
SitriiiYviiLE, Ky., Anguit 2, .One hundred
and twenty-five guerillae entered this place this
morning, and compelled negro blacksmith to
1. ok niter their horses. Shortly afterward!, they
commenced breaking iu the dooreor the Court
House, when tbe same number of Home Gntirds
und a company of ritie Bred upon them, killing
four, iucluding the negro blacksmith, and wound
ing four. Tbe guerillas were then driven out of
the town without any loss on our sldo. A band
of gucrlllua are reported at Pleanouville, and an
other at ISaydad.oa Tuesday and Wednesday,
stealing horses.
Ptattj ot TiiBiioMTim T fll A. M,
TO. Noon. 77. One P. M,N. Wl4, . W.
Dot. Phot. A boy named Wirhant Tylc
acc dinuily shot another lad nom I David
Daillpg jestertlay afurnooo on bird a vea4l
Ming In the Delaware, off MsI ally wharf.
Tcylor was e mining a pistol, woe a two ws-ipou
.s;,!. did, causing the aimH initial doaU of
Cailt g.
ritiTT. Tbe following notniaiilirms were mad
last iwning by the members of the Natio.uU
Va on party :
Flrl Ward. Selret t'oitncll, Thm.s A. Bir
low j Cotuui n .tincll,OfuTg sf; d r, Jes.e Uotuall; 4cbJOl Iin;itors. Jnpa
Hurry, It r ibrtje year", A. Tiylor, IouIhi
Nnillh, K Ijah Pan ling, Wlllia.'n ToomaS, Tuomas
March, ana Kokiua.
Bt e. nd Ward. Common f!ton II, O rgn
Pl.alttr Pa idOr.rtlih; A derma 1, Jot-nh fl ter
niary. CI. .tries I. I'ltunger; lhr.'!tirs,
John W. Ki i;er, Hamael M'Xire, 'iei Kins,
1". ri. Klmnnon.
1 hud Ward. Common Council, CsaarkMSaud-
r .
Ward. Postponed until Tmsdiy
mi h ward. Aldermen, 1 nonius ramrs, nr.
Ham Ilenfey.
i. .
sixth wait!. Common t. vincu, siinsw n.
Hairkr, Aid. rmen.Chilstian llraier.Cn irkis iVa
Oitim School D11ect.1T-, T'lomis J. Mi.roar, A-
dis, J. Kinley, Jr., Vt. irg, j.
T)'- r- tk
nev, niu wiira. viiihiu'ii .uf. .....iu.
I.llic: Aidermaa, (Jeorga P atcbel j ts-di wl Direc
tors, G or,te L-iH, ti'iorgo C im.ilell, J.iOn uVirr.
fcivbib Ward. N 1 nnnlnatlorM maw ior
Council. At eimen, John Bwifi, Willi lunmie;
School V reeiors, lCulwrt Lutuer, Alex.nicr
Jlcstieiry, N llliam Judnon.
Nlmh Wurd.-0m i.i Cnuo-n, wniw-n n.
Sit kit i ; Scb'wl Directors, Kr hi 'l- Hlt-kbum,
Vi I'liain K TenbrsMid. and John T. Young,
Tcnm Ward. Se e t O ain I., J sUh S joarlng ,
Common Council. 1. V. M lehslto.
P, ev-.-nth Ward. Vos'ponca untu rues.iay
T wolf h Ward select C mncll, C. M. Warner ;
Common Couuell, M. II. a an tn.
Tbtrttetiih Watd Csimiuon Cian-11, A. M,
Vox: School Directors. John D. Greeu, J ha
l-Vs. und llanrv HaviS.
Fouit-enth waid Select Co incll, F. A. Van
el. Te :( onunon Council. Joseph II mooch ; !"c!i l
Dlieeliiis. Leonard II. Fletcher, I'.os. P. Huikas-
burv, John Huff; Al.lerm in. Aadrew J. Bwoll
p. eenth Ward. Sele.;tConrvtii, U. W. tjnf;
C.nimon Council, F. 11 Krupp, fUis. Mittnews;
Selio-jl 1) recbirs, Saniaol Deu.iols, O. Ilodun
'I h,,. Wood. Jr.. W. Clark.
HiNb emh Ward. Select Co'incll, J nuhin
f.liiincham : Common Coiai'dl, Tnom is P irrvn ;
School 1) nvtie, OeorgetJiilitighani.t.' instopher
Cnlin, Da.ld lorn.'nco, aud Jooa Ij . vner.
Seiewteeiitb Ward. V mtaotie.1 i.n :l Tn-sdiy.
kiigheiuih Ward. Commou i.ou.i . I, William
Hun m : Alilerinno. John Clouds.
Ninette! til Ward. Select Oiun'il, Junes
IlLi.-liie - Common Council. oriu D rtiv-bir
Joceph F.orneBl: School Dire : ors, A Wils m,
James L. Weigmit, James M lU in, Jr., Jab 1
Twentieth Ward. Oomnion Cvinell, J -ph
F. M nicer 1 Alderman. Kdwird luctii hen 1 11
Director-, Fletcher ilinley, Oooro W. Hill,
.kirn. Pucki r.
Twi nts tirst W'rd fioloet Co incll, Chirles I
Join 1 ; Common Council, Wtnbiu A. Mmpao
Alderman, A. L. HunisOell.
TiKtiti.-runil War I i'ostinned.
Twemi-tb rd Ward Select Caun-Jl.FM. Saall-
irons! I'., nin, on Council. Siniaul C wi liaiiK.
Twtniy-iomib Wart Common Oauucl, J. it.
M.Culot) Aioerman j ion lu un.
Tiwi,l. tilth Ward lostuuned.
Twekiy-sixih Ward-Iteloet C inncil, William
Pnllork ; Ciimmnn lint'i'il, Mooen Armstrong;
Aldtrman, Charles Mincb.
rases meeting was couvened In O'Nell'a Hall, oa
Tbundsy evening, re'atlie to the draft, wlton, on
motion of Alderman r.Uchell, Mr. O. Tarem w
calliduponto preside. Adlreso s were deliv
(red by Me-sra r.tom, McFJroy, and Carlm. Oil
a.otion, a Committee of five were apyol ited ki
tBuvuse each i.recinct uf the warJ, 10 diawrer men enlisted iu tne i.txl aud
aval sert ler sluoo the last dr.ft, in order l
kava tbi ui accr. dl rd to ihe aur.l. Ua msim,
a CsiniBiiltee of nine wereappoinU'd to enro I th 1
aanies of thocliizeis or tne ward suutriiuu
aooisof tlttr and one hnndrel dollars, wniei
auhseiiplioit Insnres exemption from th ; dniit.
a ism notion list will ul.-o ne o aed fo.- fili
al not liable to the draft, for sums of from flee hundred dollars, to oe amnis-iio-oe man
6t ot ihe ward at larga, In or ior 10 radio ine
quota. Kvi ry elilw n of tbe ward should r ".pond
in, ia ely, so ' to save the want tbo dn-'ra o
Kt Miimft. Tub C minnltee sit at D'Nens Hall.
on H..iordy, Sunduy, and Monday, day and
PlLLto Ur. Thia mornng ?onvs seventy
recruits were mustered Into tbo regiment of
Miarptuoours of whkh 3ve companies are being
orgstiUed in this city. The regiment, which will
be attached to General Birney'e omiaaud for
special rciTlcr, has now six co.npaoio nearly
full, sltbuush recruiting waa coinmeneed only
foar w.eks since. Tbe io u ling throughout tuo
Hla e lor th.s nirttii nt progresses m to ra dly
than iu lhe cty. The rcKiuieut will leave for tbe
iai ol war a. soon a full. This will lie in
tl.iee weks. M r J. W. M.Mre, who entered
tbe service hreo lews ajo aa a biKh private, and
l o Is nn 1 xc lient soldier, is H have command
ot tbe oigan.ation.
We have icci lved the September number of the
ln icon I'arenologi-al Journal ami Life lllu'
iratrd, from Profes-or Caien, No. 2-i S. Tenth
street. Iu addition to the u.nal portraits, phro
uo'ogiral deserlpisms of poblie characters, an 1
thtlr biographies, tbo present numoor onains
a hibiy iiiterestlug illustratel am le entitled
Flsbiiiis P. jsionomles," pointing out tne
.i.,i,- ,.1 i h iiunter hs oeuic ed in theh un in face.
Tl ir icle alone is illutra'od by wood -cms of
(ii.i.riai Grant. Martin J.utncr, jo iai tan r. 1
u,,t-. (). 1 en.l Iliter. farson "piwulow, 1)
l ng, (ieneiul Hooker, lPa''k Hik, General
ll'uuoek, lleenun, Generals Th ntias, Foster,
Nupiei, and others.
Ni.w Priii.ittArioNH. .Messrs. T. B. P.derson
K Bros., Nek 3ti Cliesnut street, have j ist put- "Fiiitailons in Fasb:ouiblo Id'V by
Catharlt 0 Sinclair, anth ir of "H atr ce," "J .ne
Douveile," etc. The au'h of "BoiUrks)" his
displa)Cd her usual ability lu this new work.
It is one of those raio creations that ou'ymako
ifeir bi earance at long intervals in the liter .ry
kv. A woik like Ih.s cannot fail W lesve iis
mark npou society, and we cordially ro omiuentl
it to such of onr readers us 1 ivo a real y .o sd
book. The pu'dl-hers have gJt the l) k up in
their batidst mest st lo.
ltFi-Ki'Tiott On Monday tho members of tUo
10ih Regiment, Pennsylvania Volnuteers, who
did not re-cnlit, will reach this city under com
mnnd oi Major Sperry. Baxtcr'a l ire .ouaves
will turn out to receive them.
Si'ST Home. John Doiscy, a boy eleven year
of age, w as picked up by Oilicer Recder, at SUth
and Race atrcots, yestevdny, and by liim aent to
liis homo in Conuectitut, from which place be
had run away. Thomas Heydon waa arrested at
Pecond and South atrcots yesterday, by Oilicer
Henry, on tbo charge of being a deserter from
the I'uitcd States Navy. He was committed by
Aldoiiiinn Carter.
Axleokd Attempt Df.sibtion. Walter
Long waa arrested by Oilicer the Iliil
llmore detx t, yesterduy, on the complaint of his
wife that lie waa about to dcacrt her. Long waa
held to bail to answer at Court.
Paii Dmvtno. Joseph Murphy was arrested
by Ofllccr HaU'h, at Thirteenth and Lombard
streets, yesu-rduy, on the aarge ot fast driving.
He was lined by Alderman Patched.
A Pleasant Trip. An excursion on the
Camden and Atlantic railroad will leave this city
this evening at 8 o'clock, aud return by moon
lhjht ou Monday morning.
SvioiDi.. Florence Dowd committed suicide
yestcrdav afternoon, at Front and Christian, by
driuklug'laudnuum. bhe waa a woman of dis
sipated habile.
No Home. John Hnatllngcr, acvcu yean old,
waa tent to tho Southern Home yesterday, he
being without isirenU or friends to care for him
PrnsoNAL. Lord Lyons, the Biitiiih Mlalstor,,
and Mrs. General Grant, are srtoppins at the Con-
tlucntul iiotci.
OrrttxAi. fir ATuwtivT or Quotas
Ciopits issDinciKiiiso tmi WikDst. rho
Mlbwliia hi aa l.ial Matm.ut In f.a:rars to tne
ajaolas, amtlita and eXWHsatK el th ssvm1 Wards
1 1 kilarb.a ip to July (IM, The nambtr,
aeaordmg la thl. ilatrtnen , ot wbkb this ally was
cLtltut, was T7i-4. Plnse the artove dale akota 10)
rcral'S bava tern 11M, whir will Irare CW0 1
r 11111 Inl Ml dnnng Hit seat nine iy :
t. x. ?
ri & t l-
"" tan" xn I". '
MS r.4 I4D4 "l l
11 ct .ii sk vai
nsi 4111 mu im 21
lic Snl e S 141
91 in ia-1 t.
lti IS'I SI I l
i;i 444 I'M Ml li'l
ill Kl IT4 Snl ')
14A V.l r Ml V4
iis l Wej 1.11 HI
ate 4,i to.s vn
jn a 4 n ma
tm a ts4 dm .i
Hi SHi ItA sat
4 in! ri :r
.S I'll I'KI Lot 314
IMI r a S.J 41
1MI 411 Vl SI 101
IM 41 H"l s) ' 1
J.J) AS l.'l llll 41
113 Ml li 411 SfcJ
4 J
Tim Tio-Nic
at vita at so or vowsa n.LL.
bob fMinrnoBs .11 a pk-eilc went
'fa. othse asy.
Mill, I niUS a.lf,
1U1 yry tl a l sonmic
Tt Usr tit. ore bo.les diJ m: t i
rh. rati s..u
LsM.kea sar I ttfrn,
Kf III uwss laek goJ Ukx lu.ak
list Uet kse en a thick hUck su't,
.nd, M 1... aoal
1114 all klia tst.t,
1 fstt soxutd, sum ullaU).
Ihs lust nbri mnwsl kls s.sok M wt 'te
in dhM.v bun,
Aao iTst. Iiwd. loel
Th. lads. sU l.a bra al kls 1'IUM.
Hnc lliHi k bus with truth eoafo-xsl
Th.l.v.ry lV
lle.ll a. tia
II ensitasuttauljr si atteoel;
But ti'n. Is s ifTpr thashsvw reassn,
W'hll. ruoer Had.
At prten. nA 1
fll cloth fl M suH sack time r.a season.
n.i-...r Huiiim.r Moek srUirat St Oil irk'M !'
I... Hu. IKSSI C 'l 0KSA..1. SOUJ
SO. 819 Miuxct sir.' t-Ua.ssa.-r
A Co.
A Tiai to Bi.nasino. At
this seasou of the
Ti.r. wnen tns leni.f.iur .'J
fiouurn Iv v vlf-, Uie
hum.l, tas.llyb.'Xiir.ea-P't'al, tllt.HJ one nri..m o
iv,..),. ria..hi..iicMl II.. Asi, 4e which, tn e.mrs
01 time, b n.'iil"ied. snisi lata nMiilrm. d ouw of
.ua.uisii tbe Tl.oiu tu A yrvi. 1 K'tva. It
r .1 aiit'isut.' i'i' """ ' ., .
Aui r.iu.O) fl't. enib Ua" "P'' ' ! ar. I i--;s
tu Ii it liln o, Is, It d.!pui,ile has li. and s misli "a
taa'-u. akalie. Ht A... II ''.'. JWa ll"'J..H
are au ...I to nt l-nirta e.rwi. r, .n 1 .Y .! ir- . b ..,'ul roaa I bhut r eiian. ni cm-
"i a, r.t. i'ii'.re .ii.-s.ii IM nnr,
Th. Iscu.r Kil sji.1 r .r.n ka.iwn Is tr.lacem
nnir.M a- a inniii.n ci iih'i.ofi"". . .7 1
t,.a..lletl. ai.u PI. r.-nir.ij . ....... --. ---
pisrlrnr y.r.,H ! Hi v.rjr rli.s "f dlr S t r
r ... .. . . 1. ....... . - .ui .tn, li, n,.
WI ttlh II e l urui.l m mn - -. "
n Ian. i. u. issrstatia s.u r u.ta w.. . ...
... mo.tjilvslytnrlsr.'.nr llma.afed .a wl 1 ew-
l. lib as rrl a ai, and, Br a afa.iw.,y nn. u r.i
nialivf h I'll s 'i amoiini iMi.irit n M t t' 0 -Mr.:r-
vt.i. f rroal inui...n w" t.wi.."" ...
L.t all wi o .l..nii. atsi hi iw.iii"".
PitcoRKsa. or Ukcrvitino. Captain IT irklns,
wlo I. now ivMotltrs fo Compscy E of Blrn.j s Ikarp- ll 'Oulk asb's Hall, Locust .trsst,aoovaBliflirh,
Is nicrtins wlih much ucce.s,a'.d iboCompauyls rwilj
BUI' I IIP' .. ...j.. -..!...
I SIK.ll IISTS'liS IS . l.n"r-.iai-.". niyvi " ..
r ., 1.1 kiw m I" s .aaaiili l' v. r, ten
r.i'.i.n u 1 aid $i;, an a CHjr Hautity, lmn ;ik.tlv
oil t-S DS U Stil led m.
VksTiHim CvttTAins, lacs and rods, tor ves
tibule doom a large assortment of new and
rtei.d'ifol designs at rrrv rni'ietrl prlens, at, W.
Henry Pattens new cuitam store, iso. 11m ou-
Optics ir Tn f vama TvianT, I
haluKaaf. Ansutl ii. I
The Stock Marhet Is rather dull this morning,
aud rrices are less firm. Government binds are
without any material change), o-l is sui ui 1 ii
which is a alight dee lie; 730a at lll;6j of
lbUl at 100s, and 10-40. at 102.
In Rallrrad Khar. there is very Utile doing,
nd prices are rather lower. Ra ling sold at M
fn67, which Is a decline i. Little Bchuylkill 4Ji;
aod Cntawissa preferred at 41 t Hi wae bid lor
Pennsylvania Railroad ; 3i fr PhiUdoJphia aud
Fric; 04 for North rena-yivanli; Hi for JSino
hill ; aid 221 fur Caiawia-a comm m.
Thore ia little or nothing doing in Cuy Fasscn
gei Railaay ahuira, and prices are noinlaal , 72
wna bid for Bicoud and inird, anu a ior uceeu
and Coatei.
There la leie activl y la Coal Oil snares, and
prices are rather lower, with sales of DiUellat
124; Rot h OU, 8; MeClinto- k, 7 ; Terry, RJ;
Mnple Shade, 17 i Egb.:rt,3i ; Donsmoro, It ;and
Bank shares continue rlmi at former
rotes; 16J4 was hid fur North Amoriea; 6U for
Farmers' and Mech in ca' ; 66 for Commercial ;
2HfJ for Mechanics'; 80 for Western; 274 "'or
Muuuia. turcrs' aud Mechanics'; 70 for Trudos
mriis'i and M for Consolidation.
Them la no change to notice In tbo Miney
Matkit. Loans continue p'eiity 00 call at 6 pjr
cint. tr anuum; best paper ia selling at from 6
(h9 per cent.
In Gold there ia more activity, but prices have
decilncd opening at 2531, 0u a,,1 ",J w
261 at 1 1 o'clock, rallied and sold at 2j2J at li
Tl.e Tn auty Department has Issued a clrc'l
lar tiotitiying the holders of the 7 83 Botes, dated
October 1, IS01, that they may be presented
Immetiialely In any amount, to be exchanged for
d ptr cent, bonds, fulling due after J.i le 3J, IK 41
The Inteiest on the 7-30 bouda will lie settled np
to tl.e tia e of Saturday, Octotier 1, aud the 0 per
ccit. bonda will bear full eoupocs from July 1.
1 Le subscriptions to the new 7 30 loan toported
at the TrCBSury Dopar.meut yesterday amoanted
to f'77'1,0; 0.
The nubile debt, M returned Augtis! 1G at:d
2a, compares us lonows
( h.nrirj
"sft. ..'H.l'll fHs7.WI.lll J.lnV''0!nc.
y 4-t.-.,0 I 141 l.ll 7. 1'U. le I
. ;iitva ,i.i u.'.' e,;..' lav.' Joe.
':,., a at.;,r.o
o. Aetf. VI
lliii....t Int. uric
i illtert-st ..
intl'luai c-ile.l.i
41 ,ttlil.714,.UI f I .SV.l.i7l,:.;i
The Requisitions nan tdeen-ase ol.. t rn,"
1 he t ertineaws, an increase in
Tl e Coupons, 0 per cee: , an Increase of 2,'i lO.O'.H) j
The 10 411 Increati of. l,'li).',0)J
1 he 7-;tn Cuircncy Noi'',im iucnai-eof T,V iti.OU'l
Weekly Inereaao 9,6;y,f2fl
Iuercase in three week? 31,7S2,20l
The following National Ilanka have been ca
tublikbed, und are now doing business: The
First National Hank of Sutlield, Connecticut,
eupitul, SloO.olfO; the Giauiie National Rank of
Augusta, Muine, .1KI,KX); tbe Drury National
Hank of Drury, New Haiupshire, IsOO.OOO; the
First National Hank of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
J..-i,000; tbe First National Rank of Bmithtieid,
Ohio, li:i,ttk) ; the First National Hank of South
Noiwitlk, Couuectieut, luO.ooO. Tbe total num.
ber of National Hanks estalilisbed, aud bow doing
business, is live hundred aud two.
The Rock Island Road earned the third week
U;Z.. tw
Increase 12,500
Tbe Cleveland and Toledo Road earned the
third week iu August :
lhf.a 21,603 ISM
lnaease .lAo4t
Tbe Chicago and Northwestern Road earned
the third week in August :
I-.. fsiS,l07.1wii
lncreaise ......i.',oM
From January 1 to August 21 :
in,,'! AS.B'JO IOU1....
-The following are the receipts of Flour and
.1 .:. .i.i- ,.rt la.alar : r lour, 1800 bbls.;
Vvheat, oObii.hcla; Coru,lil0 bushel! i Oata,
000 bushels.
The following are tbe receipt of Coal Oil at
this port to-tlay : Crude, U'JO bbla.; Iletlucd, Old
WriXADrIntAMOrXi.XClU1 iw. r. ft,
focx or taukri-s ots., BroMs, 1 m 81 Tair rM,
MUM, - I
aue.blioin 4 lent. j . :"" J L1
rxi.a " "I
.-sli Msirts Oat....
lt.1 .ti FU..rl,nff k 1
s.ia -
iib a.
MW si rionn fst
im.klurr r. n...
rx ti ate linlock ....
Kl.h t
11 0,1, a bft
irKi.h an
h in no
l.O h M III . onr lU
tteri.s M.s. l-ld...
4'1 all I'.rry Oil
) T.!i o-.t Alk
101 n . do..
710.1) 4o.,
o.... sst
0 uta ISl
11 k 4
9iO-b tin-.
iev .o rlnl' t)
lie.riwra i aim. .iv 1
liA.aChl Jsm. I
i n nt
rtituT bo Ann.
ftveo a. ."! I'.is
imrii M"tWnfx.... 'S
S.I'. U t.- .S'. 11
a ui.. la in..... nr,
:.! 10... sa. (let. Ill
$1' '0 IVi.ns c !HS
a.';'ttr t. B.a.'i4.l'
4ii. n r .i. a a.. o i
I 0 a SI seas sh vi I
o,.i .itssir 111 11
lnu.a Moiliinar .iil') a
IIH..1 i nt 1 .
a,i Kt ..n oll...k)
II .tiC. n Ui....n
VI .n I.ntl. Srri It . 4
TWartiaussf i'...tX li i
ui .h M, ,. "II .... a
San Ih B.IM R..U. s(
'Aslsli Ua...., e jm
S.-.iin d.. st(,
7 at) MtN-n 1'S sv
(.i all Set. t'nrk .... IV,
1(0 ah nil l'rr"K l
fun.h lis fll tiU .... I'.'S
'a ti" 1'x
4tii.h 1i Ii'.
f.l.ri N.leA IW-I.O ll
W all hiseh Oil
IlfprirteU lj Ctk.en A Co., tfrussrs, so ui a. Tfirre ,
aaxMnsi Cat).
.. ia sa
K4, MIsW
Ms, (.att
I'iV '"
, .. mM
an.'H .ss
ISnltrA RtMt.a C. 1'iSI. till oT.
,.ni':i '
HiM-t Isimiu !Unm.e aie
kvauuai 1 J r,...i fS'44 t I
lliiti'Ms On r.l Itullrotid to
Saw l.rl eiilrsl K.lur d I'-KVi iv
Frl I'"l OH
line on Ktt.lnMid ...f. i' .
f.,,1.1 '.l "M
1 nited Hum a n , Ill M4
IU hMI ai "so.
Ount attonsiif G ild at tho FuiUlelphla 01
F.xrliange,No.."l 8. Third streot, seaond story:
04 A. M 2.3I 12 M .....VM
11 A. M ' I V. M ii4
Market weak. . t -
Jay Co)xe Co. qnote Oovcrnroent Stxnrl
liea, Ac., to noon to-day, as fallows :
t.t..i. Bittf.
11 s r, ism lo I li'l
V. S. 7 :4-IO Notes HI ' J M'iA
CertilieaU'S of indebtedness, UOW... I) :. Vi
Uuarieriuaster's Vouchors.. ........ !'! , , Ml
Go'd Ill' J '
6-20 Bonds .....I1I4 lif
New 7 3-10 notes ready for delivery, U Augntt
9 lticlusivc. .......-
Dl IiMis E1.0., No. 2d 3. Third street,
quote aa follows :
vHt. Atlri4.
Am. rlenn Grid iJ . .
American Silver, l aand ,'s 20 , '
Dimes nnd Half Uimea yj'i 1
Spauisb Ciuanera 'lit . '' '
P i n. Ciiin ncy I dls. i-odJ9
New York Exchange YiO " par.
Qnotauons of tbe principal Goal aad C aai Oil
stocks at I o'clock to-day . ' n.."s"
Bit it. Wtf . A.
rntton roul In'a CnKr.s,letim.. .. 4 af
Mil notiniaiu Coal, s',' H'j or. at, so oll..... re Ixi
,U Villi. (
. .i..i..
. rrtuLiiii 'It.......
nrv.-n M'.i:
ii I H'lM 11 nle IX-.iSI ,
ls.eur I siu Ctsti
Atli.rt. nil kaittli.
1'. Tir. Ml., ICR.
Illrard Ml, II. ....
K'na tl1. nn:
A ilrviua O I.. ....... t. si
Isj Sii larm oil..,. I'i -
1 ,
r, 2ID.1..., .'V ai
stiUMr. ......... lu l'-4j
laifrll iU. U a' li
S .Mallnon y
i SLMMUt. Oil.
1'hiia. sntl ll'wloa. ..
Vitndsi, Allom
Manm.oe AUlonc. 1
.1 O'raMSfiail I'i !
o K,M,fuiv.l.ia ii.Mt 10 .17
A .inr...m.a Cotilr. I-
I iatsart .-.S,iT,
."j IU... 3 2.
Al.vt' Inai '.'S
llil frn-k.
s1. k a. Elinor in I
Mspl.- slu.l (111. .17
Met 'Unns-s, ill..,, 7i
1. I'h I. A tllliT .. U
llihbsrd Ti '
1 eTHi-oli.ital ai,. ,.
', i: k x hi...,
't t iirtu flxf
V.m Oil f
Mlifrral O a
Hhv.iob.. Oil IS
VMiaovo 1 4i l)t
Uv Su v Ifaru 14
i OoiM....
IX - t 1
The following Is the, amount of coal tataspori t
over tbe Schiiilkili Canal during thj week coif
ing AuR.2ri,lHrt4!- ' ' '
. 71ms. cwM
Fi-om Forf Cnrbon.
,001 lei
from I'tittHTIIw
Iioni Sehnvikill Havel
l-i oni lort t linlou. ...
Tctnl fur week
Itoiiously this year...
Total v.
to aiuetmie lust j ear. .
... i,;J (
... lots xi
...... old ijt
...5T.4 90
...trHMd ut
,.:.i28ta OS
The following la the amount of eoa nKportVsJ
on the Philadelphia anil Iteatlimi K n ro id daring
week ending Thursday, Za, lttW : i
fn: Oet.
l roml'ott Carbon
l'oltsvllle i
behuilkill Haven.....
Auburn ,
I uii liuttin
liairisbtirg and Lrauphin.. ...
' T "'i7 V
tS7.Ale 4K
A -.H ti
U.lrttf V)
, ,M OS
TotalAnthrarlfoCeaJforwook... " Tl.t flj
From liuriisl uig, toial bituminous Cual - 6.84 OB
Total of all kinds mr wo k. u, 7tL6it
1 iti iousIv ihisywr. . , ,. .f .. . ,IMSA
Tola'.. ....... t.,M 3,l!,l. 04
To-aiuerlm-luitiear VH (kt
.. ttW,u.
:, . .-. ;.. .
Satlbiiav, Aur.uet 27. Cotton ii held wiU
li st, firmness, aa moat of the wills have ccasorj
operations. ,
Clncrcltron Pnrk Is uncanned, wlta' vory little)
hero. ' ' "';".'
There la very little do'ng in CloviisitCtl j
of250bnsh. Timothy at WdJ3. "
Provislona ore held with nituncan-, areull .'
of Mesa l'cak at I2 Hams, 'Wi'i&J ( 4
Shoo Idem, In pickle, at 1641. 1 iJ id ;..( 5
Flour la held with much firmnere, the receipts
and a Us ks being small ; a Ues of 4.0tkJ b'lls. d'f
Mills and Western extri faruily, pert at flD74
(ii 12 5) for recently nod fresh ground, and put
on private terms. The demand by the retail rt
and bakcia Is steady, but inlet, with stiiee)
raiding from yiOSO for snoerfiue op to J'.3 59
4J' bbl. for fancy lots. ' Rye Is icirce,
is freely taken at JilO oO. Nothing doing In Ce.r
Meal. '
The receipts of Wbeot are small, and ft le i
good demand at l-riO(a 2-67 If biiabel far fair audi
good old Pennsylvania and Western redt- yZ ttS
( i ! "n fur new Uo. do. White is held at ifi 7 at i Ik
fur PeiiBsvlvanlo and K nitiirkv. There were)
but lew Miles of Rye, at ti-tFx9l'8f. Corel
Is scarce, und yellow is taken ut 4'l 7ivl'7.
There is Utile doing in Oats, with sains of niw at
ins t erra. There is a g'iod demand lorBirlcyat
l-7ofe.PS0, und Barley Malt is held at Vi 'Jdl
Oi 1-30.
In Whlsliy thero is but little dolus, but It l
held lirmly at WP'.si for Pennsylvania and Oh'.?.'
, , . i
Htesm.Mi' M.iliews, ttoatua, 11. Wlust Co. !
lti...ot.fiit r.c.ra. Itfi.U. lis re.J. t. HaUy t Uo.
brlr I lata V liiuuulua, Wtaaael., Barb-Ona, B A. Hot 1ST
Hirliif!ir. Woonl.T, Calais. '. . Hack k-r Oe.
cl.ra.M Lea. lai'ior, l-.rtroes Monro.. I' .ior l.v. i
Selr Hsailh.p Hit. S0.4S. Davis. W-Ullislua. do. '
Bt-lir tlocnua, llanei:, Ale'.isiliirls, 4 .' j
i!.i l ti.... k, Hum. t, 'W do.
Held W. liniiistin, Huo'er, tin do.
Sil.iJ.H ll.nij.nio o., '
M.'l.r J. Mr I .m. Milan, HI M.rri, Sid., H . Ada..-.el
SehT U. Vsl num. V.niKinan, Port H... al, Uu. ! At e.
8: Lr it. I'. Ktii, Built li, rfuvldfutt!, Jukil a. While.
anitnTnTnm mormthci.
Brig Bf:ie.urd,uysrriia I'ort JtojaMn ballast to
1 iiVifkol.k,Yst.s,8ilayiffoia TasspsIUy.lB talls't
oVckr i'a'v'j'ani' li.nne.ty, llaover, t dirt from Hamp
loa lla U. in ba .luil to e.ptala.
htlirke.llin iiU.No.i6,lvi4,fromAnapoUs,tnlial-
''swiliiVliarrutt, from Alessadrla, In baltait Ut
1 g'YrCoii.sck, Baroet, from Alexandria, la ballast tn
T,h r'iioanelly.ntinler.froin Point Lookout, l bsl-
.'-hr Aienli.CaiaUl.r. from WMkbujtoa. la ItAllast te)
Cs,-rnit. Y-ineras... V.anoaun, frota Wl Blvor, la bal.
UeVh, Jsla, Melsln, rram As.xalrls,lil bsltut to)
'''o'.'1'1" Tk ballaitte)
Tyhiilsrsarsi.. Jen.l hoars from Xw Tork.wU,
BrU; tills, (real Malsauat, la eaUast.
Correnimifenee tttSe PhUviepMa rrvknatf. 1 I
I fw.,IL,Ain'iitl -s. Ilrlga Mua.o Liuueaa, far Alx
snilna: Oiluion- ilert Jlik, far Uuiirosi sctir
l .iiguaM. lor Cltj I'muli Sow J"Ty, fc iu.uftsrt i U,
Sm'lh sad Msrv V'luai.etk, for Newharnt K. Vans. n
W alnufton. and all Uss iloel butuid eoutb.un Ui.araUvs
water tkla UiniUit. w--
T'.s l Jmui-. Smith I. brtaMrif npi ths wratiisf Wll.l.iuiurr 1. .ulonjj.i a., satlua karauua'
eu.UtJ. aio. Vt iud2IW.
taWS, A. 0
Aao tikxma.
OfHcts.1 Dram las of lite Ktteiby Cslisrt
14, 51, 28, M, . 77, 17, t,a 6S 1 1. 21 6 i, S9. 41.
liVlKJtl L.K4tt-AilS'iKS'i't M -t
OT, g, f.0, 40, 73. 2N, 2.5, 12, l, 4o, 41, 00, TjW
Cum. aat by uediv.ii.a ilMM c... t
l l