J Y if i .. FRIDAY, AUGrBT 2i,104. ( .' .-Ttiabr-rli- ti to ii:g next winksr 1b Mattr-ld Ooanod In already at work on a new opon. " fcA danrfhtf-r of Madama lvr b8l'n Barrwd lo a rich Rnasiaa pnocc. lAadnitie Fa'ibrl.wli'i fun w.,n ,n 'n Juit. a , anil otto" opeia. la uniilnn in grttth Orrmnwt-rln-pl.ce. Hoiariiirg. A cmartet tocle-tv 6 " n- Milnn. MrdlM()hn and flwibow ! the compo.-cr-i lu wkom the mnsl attention will be lven. Tht Tcatro Koaslnl M Madrid has ) d a failure, a far a acoustic properties are) avBCtrr cd. CibinDl, the prima donna, has returno-l frr-tn Ca If 'rnm.whfra Iib ba-met with 'rn Uiinr.'tii '" tm fretatvit, Trarima, I .ucrtiia. and Ernani. t Th rumor that Gnnno.l, tho comrHwer of 'auuf acd JfirW(,ha3 become Insuno, is author! lativilv ncnied. Brrirrilct'i r-rreTa The I.iiy of Ki'imtv '" fCttim Pnun)it to b bfjubt out n't the TUt-ilra ti vitq.a', Tails. Naniltn, tht ti nor, la ein'Mf'cil for Vri,:-jc for 0 tnoBh ot rteeiti ruf er, and Km-A thcaeu lor the winter tci Matri.t, Tim Marooiulo at-ten have, Believed grvM pupa arity at Piagno. Cao.i Uti Hi, -ii ) na ai.ir of th i Marc ..ok ' Kvroi'anv, hn .tvlv midfl a uront bt at . JM-iiaatt-iiti on the A.lriatio Ibo birth-pl n o of tUu , ftnt Pooein tba flunk) m Aiivc-Aera. . Tbo newest opornt composed In Gonninv as : Ifinirr j by llarbA'ri, ronduotor of ' t orcheMrn, at th l-th opera. Ii.umo, and fu ' ' " Mt tenmad' hcn, ly Lou! r1:tn.hort of C.isiol. An mormons new thca re, to b railed tlm ' Taaatrv International, tt w le tvu It In I'm Is. It viU teal mx tboiiaiid four bnnclrtsd .oo, Ip, an 1 . , at a iiuye Kill be near, y double llio UaiU .if iliac ' a the Orai.d Opera. Th London opora n'oijers havj fl iwn at the erwla'ioB of the s'aon. Jum'jt ie nt lnu"to, " Varooni In Pari-', Rob'-mhI in Spain, Volpinl In Lifhon, TrebclH ami lleilinl in iiouie, an'IOi'jrr hi Madrid. N.nl cy bat !jq cni.'iiK'od at dar:'. loaa tor next winter. '. The Thentre Rdya.1 of Drosdcn h'ls t;on rora pWtfiy renovutcd and relued. Tho lirn op-;r. ' karlurmed alter the reopening of tho ih ! tre w m Mejerbeer'a Ilngumota, the rvprentntiun botm; kileiu td at a toil ol luark of renpe ;t lor tbc de . ceiiai ma-ter. The rche arali for the BinoinKham mnla IrptiT&l are ikimr place chteriy in London, ami tnrlou threo n-w works, Cmt' oruorio of M'aaman, llonry Rraart'a cantata. The Hnde of Ihtnkerro, and Mr. Arthur 8. Sullivan's lienil rorl. A Hf of Meyerbeer In to be mittoa by M. ' eeorytsKaMni'T, a frwnd nf the cmnooeor, who .-. k irojvrd from the enmpoaer ail the nee- aarr document. Tne work will be In io octavo viMnnien, and will be published imracdiatuly alitr the piodacilonof L'A'ricjitu: The Bni)ll- Of the Roval Apa1om of Mni!r i4 aNiip'es late y g. ve a concert In honor of Mev- roeer, ai wuicn vvrniai cMnicta Irom h.s opcr m ttjare petfotmed. The wrt n prur-ded by an addns fiom Si(ruorM.lJaldar:hini,Oovernor v ei me ac-uemj. There te to bo held at Uirxicn, In June of 2 w j, a f.ranri oeiman Muaicai t siivul, lor which the mi it e It-hmu d a.inperi of ( r uan have ea re( nei-K u to arDd in rlanorato works .ulnnW.J ' lor en oic, and themselves to c imbitrC ucti r tiers workn us roar be uco.'nti"j. li Is, now i aver, juitei ded to perform old works of mom ha veil aa Lew ones. At Leedn, where tbey bo In the towu hull a w organ, there haf In en au exawajfiit. necduta the irmn auti ontioa propure dispenxintr with toe fcatarf ay oritun roi.c'.TtH, bejauia thuy do n ay. Ibo anikoiites ay ihi tbo-e tine-rts ie tatdt J nrim ipaliy lor the wurkniii ci nie. J 'fco, boeTer, pieftr bter to mnelc, and will not 4 omr. ' ' The K of I-aly has eonft-rrod thnonlerof ( t In. Maance and Lamm on tne U-nor Ca'z ilurl. a k Tke Mime ariiet re,t JtjI, som years sift, from - k nipeorof Rus i.. the (fold med il of meiii, ; with a p rrxit oi the imperial jrj"'r. Them-dil, wi lih wm bt'Ktdwed np-in Lailm h'-, i'ain'a rlik, aid nsio ae we i. ia wnra npin(led tr im the k, and Is et with dianioode to the value of W thi n and frarcs. v Vr. Miiple-on, the impresario of ber M ijonty's " Thratie, Lonnon, will soon Btart on a pr.iTinoiul (,' r, Uniuniij! ou the 16th of Sujiteuher at UaBclerkr, wbt the operas will fed il, reiki, tmvtt, and Fidnio. Thn troupe consis'a of TrticrjH, Uinlco, Orossi, Mr. Batiiy, Mr. S,ift, Ca'am tii, Bm-io, auti U irdoni From iVl 1 1 oo-tr ' akey fO Ui lluh lo for a lorrr isht. Thonpriti,: ' t perfoimniii es will be nce eded or a3 mciT'. tiu', ia tfin.lnate wi a erks of pvrforraatv.'cs in JLoaioa. The bar d at the BlrmlnKhaia Musical Festi val will comprise picked ! ers, of wh tin one -aaadred and tlx are airlmed intrumeon, aame'v, tw'Oty-rii;bt first viol ns, twmitr-six , ', aeeci d fiddles, eiaihieen violas, hevtnku n riolun r aelloa, and . veuteto doaole basses, rue w x).t, wiar.1, ai d percas-ion namber tbrty-oae; tho la es, obc.es, cUrionetit, and ba-asins ncing . , 4Blled. The ptin.ipal vooaiis a are Adel ui Fain ar.d Ti irn Madame Kndersdorif ind M v 1" L mmerii Sherrington, fO. r iol ; Mid itie , Saiirion Doiby and Miss P lmer, rontraiti ; Mr. v Aiaos Uiavea, Mr. Cauuulnx", and Mtrio, tu rt; Saatley and Weine, baMl. Tne chorus w 11 Boantr rilnety-fonr popraol, twenty-ciuo on trkt; hfty-eixnt altl; tUihvy-tevcn t n. ,ri ; and y , Igbty-eiRhibaesi Iota', ihrte hundred an J liiiy (ii ; wbicb, with tiaod, will he closa upon an tffuciive of Ave hundred oxetut vu's, all ci.rr,ful;y i aaiecud. Mr. Costa will be couduetor. Malibmij's siniin Is thus doacrihod by -"Hatalie M. z,"ihe hemina of MUs Xid'vttrds' ' - Bovel, "Tka Ladder of Life :" ,',. Smldenly a iittln bell is mug and a dC!d i. ailDiice euaiK-a. Tho ambers open thairbnks, " Mr. Osormk'go waves his baton, and tho voieoa ' karst out totfe h r in fall chorus. 'To tho choius fU'Tecded a quartet, aud to i. tie c,narnt a ou by the b-nor, which, though be an p f it rnreleshly i Dnogh, and wimoutoven TiiiiK irom h eat, iilh d me with dtdikht and aiue..in.ttt. Tl.t n two murv choruses, and then lib, BKVer kha 1 1 turret it! c. m a pluiotivo L Httle lliid, mn;; by a slight, pale lady, upou .. horn my a.tenilim htcamu c:iclui;ive'y rivclod. . Jlei tjtsv. er iarye, glow Inn, and ex;ns;jiivo ; her brown h;or waa partod and Ur.iwn , fcaek quite smiply from her white forthcru). rilio , was not iH-aiilitui, but there was n 'soul of HciV and intclleci. in her fare that surpat-e I ull mere love lncs of li uturo. She sun-; ! it would , vain lor me to at'einpt a ilivcription of th'it nre and ex.;iii ito style, that int. ui.ity of o:pren- .. . vioii, iuat wonuroua vi ice . sue an'( :nii wnuc us su!5 i i(iri:oi uii in tno world uesiiles. r!i(. .tro , ixiBU .): ull nidi'ii awdy, and leoulj only pr. avy bands upon n.j lic.irt a;nl iiaun. H In n it over 1 tun, i l tninynenro.it no1 "hnor like one In a dri :i:n una '.ml, Imuthi.- i-'y, - 'Who in i-iic r t '"Madunie .Malil i n."' Mr. Oyc hu.-i tinu,;lit to n uv.x.iaiiii cit.so iiui eiiri'tetnth e.isi,n, lui 0n.ral:e tnuiciijiuoiit in London. Jiuriny ilio m?hsod ho has prodm-jil twenty. live l ric wnrKr.. Adc'tna rat:. h '. in :n wiereimni; Mar, unci is ativrrite.-.t its "-.i r;n'i.o beyoiid ;my otht run at on either th oner.itlc or drama ie utrjee 'vlnle another critic n iys tla', "eqaully pit ecl in thn delineation of tno thvp psi-ii n of 'Ion in, ' tho nich coiic'rv oi ;:n 'Adiiia,' tho luiui siiunl'eity of u '.i-rhiiu," and the ptiileli j-'i , i.i nu's of lie 'Aei.ni,' y this nnmatcle:d p.i t.j.t 1ms won he' w.jv. ap hy itep, to ;imie; iind ;lie ;nl:t;ni avsilc apprrciutitai i, her efiorta Di'miu.iieil y tho pun ie hn heim fmiy ' nd'Hwd I v every critic vho-c opinion Is entitled tu tiie alighteat respect. itit j -rcat i.i h a . c htcu hi r triumphs in alrnoat every walk of erf, we arc . fcatuoled that there is in the pculus of Mad'lie AdtliriR Patti a lower doep which yot remaint to bo erqilored, and that wen tiuise ulio rac-t Lighly tctiLuftto her power. noir will he eturtlctl lituearttr by ecmt ot her Uiumr hs vthiilt wi.l ecliphe all that liuve gone before." Luceii has given 6atisfi.ction ; but L' (itra suc ceeded only in or,a. Mlolan-Carva'lio -ane vt'll in l.'l.toilx V Vet.. Maa'lle lie tit.n and Mtd lie latrl were fr. ures. Fried. Itrtinetti. Iinttu, and Rudortdcia' are the ciher - .. a tualo aingor who me well Hpoken of, wl.ile of the mule 6iD!;cit Mario, Tumi eri!!f, (jraiimi, " Kaedin, Xcrj Fieraldf, Tatr';alico. and Fuuro are all highly prni.-ed. M'liclitoi, tae German tcnoi, ' "'achieved a pulmonary triun.pU aud an artintic vailnre," for though he n:i,y li:;;U cbe-.tC tl.lnuen "nti lu one opera, th: auuieuc: eocn p. cw tired him. CoU hat bi-en tut- ccrdurtcr. 'iho jS1 noeltej wete hituc'clla and Lloilnhi Jroi'ii''"'0 iuia tu 'y' HrrrvH 'fir, though Uie iihi.vvro not given. A lrlkii:g iouttire of "of A'uela!.lu,nkle rePP'''"Hi;cc oi Gifbi in ouc York Cavalry, .nT ol'uoT'' f 4 &'k brigade, ha, ad. Brovct Driller-General, Z WguUhed .ervicttinth. 'itoM.uffijIfi Md earaclallv ta , rent brilliant engai Front Eoyal, where your wbmu4 eSSS yiK Tr oittr.iiBiwwoi.i ori(ovrnHT. Ttie fjuit 0rl! Imhraarlla Th Tmnllear a Tenor. frf It .Ve lark Ufl4. We publish in boo her colnnia a letter fnm glgaov Rrignoll, tba famoos tenor, in retard to bit legal controversy with the Mynhoer Orau. Vt know how deeply Brlgioli's epistle will bar. row tip the tender f u)n of the tweetest young ladlisof New York; bnt St. ill a stern tento of justice cou.pt Is tis to print it. Tenor, like birds Of partdie, arc popularly tupuosed to fnast on llovteis and t eip on bed" of nea. uiidi,iurhjd by morul caies, utmed by mortal um "yao w, their i u) lai or being lo look handsome, and mi g ( huumni'ly, ami die gruetfuliy oj upcr t n ght-. Hut here we have the rtd r"vrrse of theplrtnre. Wf lei li e ii le a us singer co.ning in o eourl to colleet bis saluty. How KU rl-ed the y'.titiD; ladu s wilt he b le.irn that lie oa a salary ' Ve are tllciiidy informed f 'he ex.iet amount ot tfat tip' nd. Oh, horrih c an jiraetical re.ili'm ! V e I h. hi the .Mvnhier C'r iu.in i Ma eif min'l, ri lU'll.g to pay Die nV'Bey and dt rvodlug the artioB. XS'c perceive a gt,at of a Ifiwy. r OU..Ing uNiul wi h n counter claiTi anj asking imnerti ni nt qin sttont t f the unhuppy Sinnor. The hinl ot I'xrailise has bis plumule ruftVd, an.1 bii U'i liathi il erict, and ahoivt his hrtan and talons, si d strikes i u' manfullv : hit irrit.it no; eneoilea. The Illusion Is lot. The tenor haa iie oinc a no rttil, like the rrt of ux. Tie' vrkvo -t 'jm.'i r le win. lJs us to the heart. biiiiur ilrinoli idle bit -tory o elear y In hit f ard, mid his sluini. ni are mi well au lienti c.ltdb) the. recu. ds ol Jtidei 11 ir'i.n Is e iiirt, that we med only hint at the mui i fu.turei ot tl.u case. A'Kiat t a yenrt aifo lirirfriolt canin to these hole.", and here ho has Issti "d h's most u e odious and hannonions no s. M tn v in it a g rs I avo had the honor of eniaKiurf him, and uniting thse the Mvnneer Uran nowiiurm -oii-npieuoui. 1 sieriiHthat in tae apriui; of l.J'i.'i, (irau erf set d Itrmi nil for t ight months, at a fuluiy ol lxhen hondted dollars per momii. Taking into iuntler..tmn the depr.i. union of tuc currency, that was not a lio'li pri c for Mi:ha lavorne nrteras Mgm r iin,'noii ; lull ( .r.iu wcut oil 'o Kiiri.pi', and lid not fuliil Ins eontiaet. VpoB (Iran's return from the scones of his I'hnubnod and the ruined easlles of hii ancestors, he oilertd the higiior eijibt huadred dodai-s to ei Dipromiso the mailer; lint as i lht hundred dollars can nartely be tonkidered iu eumv.tlent fi r eight Hints sixtet n bundled dollars, the cora-iromli-e was veiy natnraMy 'Iwdned. I he Myn htir (irau's pos.iion, It wo uiidernin 1 li, is this: llrijjnuli did not long tor hiiu, and that bo is ralhi r gtiari ud uud mtmiiieeiii ilian otherwise, to olltr the Wi,;i.or eight hundred dollars for doii g noihin?. To thie fclunor Rrliinoll replies that he was ready to ping lor Orau ; thai be rotu'ed tinny mrie advniitiiget ns i tiers lo order to sing for Ornu ; ur.ii that if bo did not bim; tor (Ir.iu it w it Giau'tiiwn luult. In utt er words, the Miruor fulls bach npon his contract and demands hit nionej ; una If lie eun prove ihu eontraet lo tu alifc ion of the court, e really cannot see h iw ibe Mviihoi r Gnin en avi Id oavinc nun. Atihiimmeot the piocitdhigs Mr. Govlfroy, a lanyer, sups lorwura unil uueinp a a Hank it i o vi ii.i n'. lie hritigs a suitajianiHt Siguor Hri.f l oil lor tilteen huuiin.il dollar' worth of profits sional t th es, and utteinpie to levy npon til l HIpLor's dinmotids, Jeweln , and souvenirs. Of thl- peison Htii oliV Caid disposes u a eotiplo of linen. But we c.n ttdl the populur tenor ho to tii.pi se of him more Ifooiti illy. LetitioSignor briitaitunteri.il taiainn (i. d'ny. Let biincla'gn (liMittvy w th tho dinners he bas rati n und liu wh cs be has imbibe I at ling Loli's hou e and expuiHc, ta.'.ini llclniODicoN chhtges us a IiiihN. t hull detm (i idfrey with all tiednvts he has til.cn in the 1'rk rhi'il FrlgiiOli'a it urea, at the regular livery tihlu price. I't h ni ngiire up the eo-t of ad tho fren opera Held is with which he has supplfl I the mi grtle'ol Hod I rev. l.tt ihe cigars which he h is given Oodtriy K' put in ibe acoouut. U't not a pair of sheve-but'oiis a. d other presents.whiidj he has hs-toweii up in Godfrey booiniful.' If the eiign-r bus ever -ling for OHlfreyin pTlvoie, Kt Of dfrey be brought in d dit there.1 or at the umnt rates. It the profo'.siotial opinions which btigni li busexpree-ed ioG idfrey in regird to operas i e an Item of the Mil. S iretv, if li id ficy 't professional se- viees are valued at lifi.ee n Innriri d doll .r", the oniiiions of Sinnor llrignoli, wi o knoat mm h mi re about mu-ic tbaa (nl trey hi out about I iw, would be cmin tit tivie'O ttutun nnnt. If llrhrnoli bat ever irlven O.idfrev good advice, atti-tit; or convivial aud we do not doubt that Oodfny Leedcd It let it he put la the hill. It Godfrey hit' ever haired the loin of P,ri2. roll'd wateh-t hain, to make a uhovwith, or of br ituoi'a kid gloves, to w.:ar at tho onora. let Goulr y bu iniido to pay roundly for thi.-i pnv. leue. What Htnaiear would not gladly otf r one hundred dollars to he.tr Hrignoll reheaiau In pri vate ? If Gudlrey basevorei jojeu that loili-al tr. at, let kirn he limes to reinuut r itu the ten ,r ucmrdiigy. In this way a doMcotili ba c n rrcttd that would fuhly ov. rw'iehu Gout'rey no t In ittlr bill, and we doubt n t thai all J idfrey 's ci pital wi uld ho required, even a' the pi-mint pin e ol iras, to ettm the bilari, a .igainot, l.mi. iu tno last DarogrHTi or lir 10 f m wr ho onlirins tho .'orioivi'ul uews that hn 1, imim abroad, ami fidis ns a o(t aud toa?hii:g i lieu. 1 he Graiitl Opera at Paris tin do without him uo linger. Mario' voico it now a iu pr .'e,t.t tihil, on' Kuropo bag aent fr Hr i;noh' fit sh and tuneful organ Instead. Tis ever thus. Cur pntiilo niif had Its lavorilo tcm r lor ton or more ar-. Jt has fondled nnj petted him, rumored his every Mtn, and submitted to hid dullbiful cuprlete. Truth to sn , bo has served us ve y laainuiiT. iso irnor nat itiKen tietter care or hit j-ri cinuB bialih, presciaV d the public witi fewer o?. if, or wi n irss ironnteu ny tne tne'rt'aliid operatic Indispositions. A favorite in a I parts of the rmuir), hia Urpartuie win be every wbore rigretted. If our Lellea do not go Into motirn iiia beat Ka on n aecouut of bis lost it will he btcuaso bowk in not tiuihiouabie. coiirhi ondi n :r. To the Kititor of ihi lier,U F.VKUKTi lI'jt.'Hi:, Anti'itWI. A ictt-T aite ai-i in ji.uj coluiniiS ot dauir iay iuat from j. Gt-an, operatic maiuiyer, I't ileeiiti"; on a el iuti f have, brought n.:hist b. in for violiit oi uf con ra:-. Oiii ot res-j ect for ibo conn 'bi"h must pronnuti 'e in tbu cao, I am very reluctant to a I uio to it; nut, us tbu h iter o! .Mr. Orau Is calculate J topreju lice me in public ckii-i hi, I consinor ii dm: t in yj , nit the tve ti'(Uittinp theeot'utry, lu ui.iko aririuf bt.lli m ud nl ihe tm u. In the i-pring of ',q Mr. Gran pr (-,rd w me no t tiiie .ten en i f eight inonM.s, at ,eu: tiiotisanj l:t htindieti dollnra per laoi.tfj. ni two half bei e;ns, to be.eln i d t' e Is;. it o. toher foil iv. in;-, nil ulntm.?. lis ill ull my previous eontrtiTt, lo I ay . J.nir monthly iu ajvatiea. Dotin it,.. MilliniCr ol I l.a laeti iu .ucusoir.-is tmitu: in l'.ii:.-, :i'ij al."ii liropmitio'ts t.-otn oUt ir pi.e.cs, ui.tl I e.ll: i d Mr. Gnu io rc.lni.;iish my en eav. nn lit T. ilh hnu ; bat he r lu-cd. h, il.e nl Oitola r J via- in S t. Viu'f, n-s v to Ull I my t g:teei:- M ; Imt Mr Cium 'va-i m Karo, .. and ih" halt t.iorii!.ly i". I . . ' n; j j I. ,!;. .; l!tK ,;uy ' w 1 Of ? 1 til r !! ; I. :. I ie-1 !"i d -ooii m1 r ". ! ner tVine f u iti'i h i lveelil n..t lie al. n U-.-.u U ilr.i. a-.) i ci- Lo ill.d ','Oa..!, u.1 1 li'i .-u 7,, . , ,,r.: , ,. ..:,v:nre u i rue (.AUi.e- mil. 1 ihoujt'n t:iia "run ;o pr : in i he i; id I :,o t .,n,,,i. t e t .tin '. i-.-x v.-. i u, ; let'. I ;.. . .e li ot to i tdiap'cji.l ii;o any ' .!., linn (ii .it-r ii Tvi.",-, On I'lin aicvul of M -. Gum he i r. i..e-! I-' ro-ei-id ttto o n:rx-; :n.d -h. .11. ....... k .. . vih'ii-u an- ri iioii oi tie- ie -, luf-ds e.lre -d tlt.e If'J stda or .!.,'!! .Viinliv I nuiiar-'. J diK.e'titd :i i -oinpn r.u u so utterly i-v i cii.ee j.i as l' t -13-e.l etiy OliKT. 1 via, coiane'iied to a a cl to the luw Ji-r tcdr. .- a. Tl.ia is the Muiie' ! i . ,,. -ol Ji.y ea..o, i.nd it a.il he , , i, ,-, i,,ni n:, fltM-i'a tm 1 ic.'il, . e.'-e.io 1. 11 lac a loss of fine K, d-;.i i.'Mclle" thai . 'I ii ld!ci in,-to th- elti-i-n; i s J ri:, -in. Itnriiii.l nein, li jR-rver. that hom'. .thuch re 'r rt i-ie fin .-iv j f iu the midbt t my tiotthlc k dh ti-.tt. i.cmXIc O.-au, I an. av ailed I y a ALr. Gudlriy with n ( iuiia of liltci n hundred dul'u s tor "r.rofcMdonii! ttrvitea." I beg to tay tu tt tl. s oTuiin Is not imrely unfounded, I '.t prritoB. tirons. 1 1:C fc. rv it c rerlonned by Mr. (ueiticy I' v hnv. I eeil "j loltasioniil," hut they weic, of r !i- tiil 'i- lie-trip! on, i.iid 1 ill prove th u j,c has !.ct-n li'xrnliy rewarded, lmr i.ga reside-iue "I i ir.c yirm and lijiviarels in ri, rojntiy, I !.:vc lieu treated hotii in public and nr.vate vvnu o init:Hiity tind Kintlnesi 1 can never lor fret. Acd it i- nrt a littlo puiulul tome that I fiir.i. iei be comi elicd to make nvexlt, not ou the !ta o fim.liaj- to nio, am.d tha concord ot fviat sotiiids, bt.t in a gtiui rwiut of mniie u id wiatigiing ktid dikcord. It wid he no tiiiull roiifohiticn to ti e, however, if mv friends anj the public see cothlnR iu tho expiiiuutions I huve niiiue that tends iu any degree to diminish, my claim to lue lnvor and apiihtun? to Ion; and hiv ishiy In stowed on nie. My sadness in bidding tlirni fare-sell is iionu'wliat relieved hy the ettmeHt Lr.pe that, at no tiittunt day, I thall revnt!t thene shores, iho uceao of rny earliest and hr.rpicst t-fforts. Very gratefully, P. iH:iou'ji.i. T!i9 " ccat of arms" on a steam Arc cniftite JujI brought to Lynn L, a lady's gaiUjr boot. -V. C. MuuiOD, who coclratted to 1.11 up tit Sack Buy Halt in Boston, has told out hit entire contract and tub-contracti, and all the rolling stock sad other property owned by htm, for $M0,- 000 cath. Tbc couLract has boon purchased by reapontlhle pcraoruj, aud tha great work will bo pushed forward. It hi tfbout sevca years sine Mr. Manoa became conntetod with tuii rntor- I)A11A JEyKNlNO T KI . AititrT or rtttwx tirttiR, mi EftULiftit RtiLwtir niiimi ttrit. II la Psmltlvely IdeaitirMMl hf Mr. DMih, awn trmrtrr, sad Mnsnavwa, taia Cabtnaa rail IHsrttvalaraaf bin Arismt ! li BMinet narlnar tha TTsts,Na4 It s Aiears-nc at I'ollcsi lllllr leia (I livclnrva tiU liinoeenr.ii, mmm! mmjn h i .a Frovw an Allht. As pnhllshe I lu the Tim-s of yet- r liy, lh lai ltt i suip tt -?.Mi.j, up inn Chiinpiini, trjm l.oi.floii. In th'r'y. eight days, arrive I a- u mi un it, c .ill, at D ljd o' lick on We In day ec., iii,.g, havii u on hoard Fraa. M tlh-r.th i j ,an (or na.i vh is claigi i vith h-t:u, Xym: ., ii.e.iiii- stute, uiiii.tt-rMl Mr. I', rti..w, .i litin.o l.i.i.lt cl.-rk . a liwmd.-s o-it if 'iiat, Kic,ro( dis, vihi e tin two wera ri-li-ig txge.her in a r.l.w-ny c.irruge. I-. is iinneceKs uy t, i0 to ih i cireuai- s'at ces ulten litic this diahuii-a iw..utsina ion, iln rclivi n th ,t led to th-i c m.uisiion if tho c; nie Hn ki alou-e thirts ih it wi -o i.iaoe by thl r'lunl l o-idi n, I iv. rpool, Ma-iol ode.-, and u In r oln. ol Ki ,:l..it I lo ft net out tin. I appre hend the critiiinai. or tho inetns bywni-n m hi't Mailer wa' trjeed to the shlji I it on i, m t as he was on ibe point nf taiiin ; for N V irs. All tbee fuc a have he,i fnil ; pul)lis'd, both in ihi F.ni'llsb auo New Yotk pi.a-rs. Inspee.or Tanm r, Inspector Kerl'ewt .Hid Her t'eimi Clark, ull ci nneetid with tho Mi-tr joolitui Police ot I oneon, ainvid hi re per sti-aiuor, two or thn r wet Ms t-inee, tl.e.y having bt-isn sent u li r the espters pnrp.x-t- of hisir iiug ihi , tru lir media tly upon her arrival in our lurh-rr, aud liking tie mun eter into eustojy. For the last It.tinndit, one or more of theso oitlc rs, togmher with Mr Dtutb, ll o Lomiou jowolcr, an I Job. than Mathews, the cabman, buvq leitn sti'inie,! nt ynaruiitiue, Staten Island, momentarily ex pt cling m ws of the l i (on,i' uppura',c oil' Sandy Hook, and ready to board that ship at the lirrt opi onunity. I.aie on Wedm sday aftnr'nx.n a tleMin from Handy lloo J was recetta at ilmu-hxraivh nt-uion in (Ju r.imii.e h.Ld n .', in..t the lutvria was m tight. Immcuiate Heps w.-ro conseonently t:tien to board her, aid nt l'30 o'c.och in tho evening, when the pi.cdel rn'eiej the waters ot mo npper IJin rar.tine, the London officers, accotnp uileti nv OH'eer lit man, ol the iw York Defciivo force, and Mi . Death anJ Ma h -ws, who went for tlnSuioee of Identtfyiag .Mailer, entered the Health Oilicet'n htmi, ami with the 1 utor oBl'Mal, tin y all prore- di d to vurds ibo t i -f r i. I pon boir Jing her. the dcltrlvea wire very ciTUiully n et by Cap'aia Chaini ion, wlu In loin, id them that he was a-vurc of their busi :,ei ai d I'm what purpose they bad cooiii on Ins ship. The t.'iip'jiiu -aid that, wlit u ho took a pilot, at veial miles outsi'lti of r-andy Hook, bo was hrst mado siipaiiiived w.ih the fact that be hail on iHiard the notorious railway nmr lerer. It teema thul the Iond m dcicctivcs, Immc I'i'.tely njKin iheir arrivi! here, i.-ih d thooiti. e ot tie (sandy Hook plh-s, and had directions h.iutdtollio i licet that tho pilot, whrrevor he might be, who boarded tbo liW,irwii her nt bonnd vovaue, should scy to tbu laip'uin that if Mnller was on board of lil-i ship, he, Captain Champion, would no held pcrsonutlv io-kjb.-ilde for his safi! dt lively iu iLo cit.v of New Vork. Captniu Cl nni ion statni- th.it from that inotn-ut he felt as though a very heavy rcii.Kmjihility H as n n in; upon him. It would not Uo to let Mull, r k:iow that he wit vtah hen. or evi u susp. ett u, aud yet tho cajitain saw the nicessltv of keeping a strict watch over h iu, both by oi,;bt und daj . Doriiigihu vovae ln I lir uj.pearid ine tlieeiful, unj at times very soeiahle. Iledotsuut Seoul to hava bid ihe D ost icniote Idea that ho could he trucked anil fid owed aerofi the Atlantic, .ni l it .van Bo', until s. me time after tha pilot boarded the ship that h.s suspicions wore aroun d, ami bo wis stiJi'e-nly siarte.l Iron his fancied .security and leil i-eili usi.v to ! tleet Ut era tho appatiiti,; coa ilition in vibicb he v,ns lucod. the 1 losu n ui dr wlu.-h ho bad slept darlnr bapa-niga of the A'lHmic wan broke in ibis wine : W hen tho Ficfiw.'a win in tbo vicinity of Isaiidy Hook fbe met a small stearn. r counilninj? a miail party of excHrsioni-ts. Tno ptihlioiiy givm'otho fiiet that Mul.er, the' i-luglish rail a ninrdeier, was expected to arrive hy tbc I f Wurin, In.iuted mauj on board tne excursion I oat to fhunt uloDd, as : oou as they saw the panic of the hi;, '-lleiwaro yon, Mm lor, the mur deicr?" I pon henrintr this cry. renewed several tlnvs. the rap'ain, and others wb-j were u tho ancrrton me i ii ua, lomci i mat .viuiier -,ve a sud j.-a salt, us though un tlco'.iie sho-k hid pis-el thiougb I iui. Ho iv alked nar.titsiy ui-onnd th-j deck, ull the time looking. 'Irst iu oua direction ttd thin in uuotter, as if calculating his chances of leaping oveibourd and Hwunmiii i to the ntkreic bills, some i f which were then In via v. Captain Champ on tbi reiirsin Ij-'catno still n-.ore at'Xious in iifaM to bis ch. rgo, aad iho rospon nhi.itv restiig upon him, respecting the tae delivery of the fugitive in No York. As m sbip proceeded up tbo buy, Muller was observed to urow moie und more n 'rons and uneiuiy. fi-vi ml lime'.- bo deked question ot'au ao of eao e filcers und crew ot tho ves-ed, relative to tho had which coul I ho stun on either sid') what kind ul a coaairy It was tuck ef l lie biiln ? uot lar iLiy weie irom New York if there were any h re towns winro there were tolegraph o.ticos ! tore tfry got to the city, Ac, 4c. As might uatutaHybu supposed, Ca.naln Chitn piu htk.urj to teel b t responeibiiuv .re. tug little too heavy to hear wi ll coni'ort 'n hiiiisalf. True, two tr'isty nu-u we-ro ap:08.d to bivo b-ir eyca cnnoiiiiily upon Muller, Imt iio-; ct mine, ihr.iugb iho N.itroivi iho otfondor m.ht mcdtuiy ifro hi:a-i.-lf in o tho watir, in the 1 hope oi awimminx Hi the nearest l;:u I : ir, if .er cbt nec he wo-- sutU.-it ntly uriv-'n to desperation anj f espair, dri -,va biuo-elf in tuj fjLy. TUo eapialn, therefore, cunelajijd to Iron bin, and Ieuee nun in uis on caoin, until neco'iia.je .vcr ' .un to the proper orlieials in New York. i tor this purpese he aud sotnoul his oil'. -ers,hll I ained who levolvois, aid liavinif iho irjus stcieicd aiiout tt.em, wore, aii.jnt to proceed to i coi.tiue hlui, when a rowc,)!, tilled villi nun, and having thn llo,: of tii j Health On'. r ily.iii ' In the tin, Vv-ua seen a-jiproa'-hiiif?. Wheu tho t detvctivca wint ou hoard, thocapUin s iid nevw I m ver fO g'nd to soe olhej -.l i on his doci; nji'oro, J and that bo But felt rdlcveil of a Uo vy n.s.jht ot r spoi s bilny. " , PurrUrnt III th 3 tltlt! !CltlO!U of til.) t -fill-), ti.tj ! p issei;irs were all i-o ariang vl that ih y ; aid " lie urn hy tho persoiiS whoso hr.-i'i.ni it, was to ldetmiy Mu hr, and tho latter was wi.!. jut dd- I iicu ty auu alni'Mt i-:iu-.nJ p i n e l m t hy I Me--r. Mailn-wa and Dei iii ns tho ni : i i'-;- who n Ih. y wi re- In uei.reh. Mtilitt v.nselosel) o-.iiinni on r l '.' 3 si -.p ; until )tciiiuy inoinin-;, wlmn a si .-1 ,i : i t sj i chain led and he waj e juvi y 1 'o, til? ' j , :ui the-n Hj lo the poi.ee b -.t I Mi;irt"fS Ir. !r';tn si t et t. , Tic t iflcials b.i-1 .'-) o-.ww.a:..i wl;ii 1 im, and he ans-v. nd port jj ol f eir ..nc-tioii. , : n ! aH g-mtal Ibiu-. be w :ns-tl vor reti -eir. 1;,- i ti i that he was i ntir ly ,n.io cat ui tne ivn j of ' ni-.uJeriiiK Mr. Dry-?- Ot the railway, an i ,1;' t I in ins trial eouie i u he would lie aide to ;irj e lil t', ho wit, not on th.' trai t . the I'm : : oi icnl J phra-r-. he wiiuld p.ov-- an ,t.';7. Vesuiday aiie-i aoon, .1 '1 o' :lo -i,, w..- - .i ao..r nl pi.ni ed lor Mul'ir to at.p.ai- I; no; ; hta'ist -turn I-si :ut t'hir.-;.' ; W. N :.,nr . i x;.iiii!ia:io.i( piivbuaiit lo the jirov;. :.;' c fir : IIMMu'i'in I't al) 'i"vv.-i i Ihe I ri.o.' i -s : i and J.n-'ia:,il. Inli il ;;i n-n of t'iu nrr -i'mI i-iepoa-.-a irvainiaa ion of tho !'.n :ii d: mll.v.a j ltiuider.'.- huvini; bx-en i.v! n.-iv.;i- eicilat I lhrou;'!i I'.it mi;: nit '.; pa; .-vi?, al t'10 hoe- on--,, ,' ' a veiy it.ige l iovvij ,kU t .onercf 1' : 1 t ,., Vi'itu j ihe L tiited ":.it-i Miirli.n"i- ii'. t t . 'h.-inl . it street. ' At,, ni v o'-lock lis I i-i oil, r i rd'Y i , , Mmaj s.,'iec, In rli.u'jte o: 0-! era Tile,: fi . I.c.iii ., , ol tbt- 'i -,v Vol I. L.'li- me ic;c,-, i i I'.ii; i.-li e.ii"ci i lietoro jimue 1. l ie- p ' .-'.- t i tmiiu, apj ured n.ncli .igii::u I m il i e -i ' , . t ,. e,i:iiiL' ,,tti, U nnd iHi'Voiifi ':;a'i.cn ?,,-.,. ;; rot i i, hud up a: the iclicinls n'ad .;v-t.:oi't t'.i : c n. undid. At a oVu"!i -.-.ccipl-,. (.' .m.'-. -sici.er Atviton nt.pi.ni'id mid lnadc r-oni-a-a.i'- to commence tbc tymnluution in the l'nite.1 States Piainct Court rot m. 'ihe liritifii Governiiient was represented hy F. 1 . M.irbuiy, Ktii-, counsel to tbo liueiil! Coiiiail el' tho pe rt. The prisoner being called, vi js itskt'J tiy the Commlittiir.er if he was naeiy v. Ith his ct.miKl. Muller replied that he had no (Oi;i:m1 and no money to employ any. At the lenient of Uie C'oiniiiiskitier, ex-Juilgc Heels; ci nscnted to look after the iLteiests of the tihoiii-r dining the preliminary cxninir.Htion. In order to give Judge lieehe tune to leutu the nets cf the cu'c, o fur as it if pos.lMo to do so, Ccianii'M.oncr Newton ullowtd au cUioutaniei.t until 11 o'clock thjj morniai-. Fran Muller it, at any of our reuJcts would km w by the uitmo, a Ge-rmau, auu ahoitt z't yerrsu l age. llo is of medium stuture, rather s in, w.i.i l ; ht hair, and fair shin, t he ap peared ytUidsy nioiniug in oue of the privuuj loonii of the De-tce-livo t Olllce.at Poliee Head 'lumttis, he sevmed very inoffensive und taciturn, 'lo look at him, oue would thml. be mui i hoi.t the iat-t pireouin the weald who could uelil.c rulcly ait aud succvsdiUly c.c uie any my Li-Irons crime. HTie le fe'tiilly ofliavlngastiruinatcd and tuur lU reU M.'. lit ices, us it is charged he did, oi e thiag is very evident, v!,:. : Le wholly lacks t' one-facultie s cf iccietivtiicst aud shicivdiioss, the UfB of v.-hieh would huve tnuMed hiui to ,vade the o lauir of justice. 'I ho police inauc a thoiough acuick ol Mullet i peii.on and liaj.'gnge-, imiueuiuicv uftcr takiug hnu into t'listouy, and au.ong other tioiifd they fuuud.l pold watch and but, both of whii U it fa mated ia;n be poHli.ely shown to havu heloui-t d to Mr. J-iggs, ut tluj tiiuo or just prior loLis ft. nth., -v 'fk 'Jih'.ri: uf lo-lliiy, KG1J .IL""!! 'I1 yIlA' ) A I II M HAfT UIItUH, lll-.MOVAI. .1 A I M H f . V X n Tt . (tut r IIOWKIX A BIIOTHUtS), Us H,:nrril fnra o. tH to N ifl CHES.UT f'Tcet, Ilsvlnn ri"s"l ti' ol JaMtss nt'llKK. Jr. I if.iiat rN Hi'iv.t , wtsra h will t tlt-r Is) Su uBtaart an4 t. tiDbltc a largo aai skpant arsesiavsiiiit DiooratioDH and Wall Papers Generally. Hr ft'-mti l is p. r-rrial ttttatUin to tf.c nr-Minn sdj han lat !SerA.f, hs) t.iiis lo iilnus lo reoetvo ss L'tH-ral -titremwr rf rte totits. ( IIKiiii aril van'ori sis r.atfralj Ir.vrwt t Miatnt l).e vsr l? en sn,i. tm Y'AfNC'Ji: HTWWAUT in c iv oil ct m i a rv v. Iii'.orrtora'yd JttDe 29, 18C4. CMllllal, SMOO.OOO. ' ,0f sSjLAIUi.H H A SILS.tttt-l'All, flrtr.iii.tion tJ ra-.ti i-tv.r to orlKinst so'tsrrKprs fcr VV.Oti'i slurs ust itlf tl ffts"t town ainin ntssoilbin, '1.1 rtto-jtl.tj iii.tiiiiu.i tf tl trh, iA-si in t n iha oi July tno SMh Ji Jgiui, l"s(. respiMvUy, IliN TWO US AND SHARES Jiv,.rf A f-.r E-n.H 'f If f-oraf'... 11ii 'i.i1 nr-?haslw1 rylfsVaB-.s Pimirt But Oil I'or.t'Sii) r.analtjs hanar.-d aa ifarii ocs t-.i s, ,ti iSm vfrv to ol ili on r- fli.in. ana tomisau'l iSiha retn-ai- .l ana ivi. ti-' ea ill Al , hh. tii riv r, :n i'laaiTTv tist",b'i. t'l'.vi.Oi.'t a i-i.nsiilviMbiii .isisn'S tif,,n s.,tk Slili'- ut ttl- lac-vt-l Ta M,l Klis, e".i.'i"H. J cm 1 Vn bnrD Ui. a, Sftisrit ef sni.vs biw liriiilitln. n V enunito uai l . I'tiiusy it ti is. lie 4 11. ah. on) Hiwr TtxTllor) Is yllir. si, t, .t tti'. tjiil piTrafttlrnl tinjvssi 4 in csosl lf.nl 'tusiny 41 till. Hi tjUMM-rous rlli tHiritrtnl's hsuls m-mr o I "iii evsa snli ip-vAter rcsuiaiily tata tt wiult si. ailt OU t.'rfs ll k- Out "il tru- l.i.w of Oil tflow irn, sorotu'S n'v-rauk-Uu.i.n Oi All'iStri rtr, will iirvSiy n.-viur tK.M.ne jtlai'iHtsit. See.- l lit Irftllrstiott, cr vlr iaio ilisrar tM.n t nc livt hi a otiiht.slwi4rilly iltrtstll'.n i e,ns.i ila.lill l',t k,. nt Oil p.aiMl be nsuirr 111., mrir4 t tl)S oim ?vm. taji ol' eU l-reslt. aiMl wttilB wtaUd. rtialr,! U) h9 b.arsl a .,. r ,ri iri.i.orlii.n lttir dt.sTi u, iivht. whare, hofvr, 'tHM wnuul it' i.tpsrll; Lsi ths most fi-i,iiti -nt. sua a iu i i s tir- aitir nuiilv sna H.iTiiiciautMiil nod or l, t t oil It m f.-n .a, .nai '-"rHul K'rhs oa tli rl-'iir, I i thn n. ni. .lis'.' vii mil) at uil litlvl- liave o ntimiitil t.ro duciait jura.); L.s pntt tl,r. ar i jur ' ears aa uuvt avorint ami ste.'.tl) tlui v vH-alnt ,.il. A lest ''f St ths tra-i will dtmierstrrita tht toet thai tr.t l.w-r 1 - o i tie Hua hi,u eld e'r.s S are oi tlie satao UisD i tncrulv ttraitnl liao, sn.l oiiiy iil'.tsi)t. cw a 't.m-lisiinou-i -a ISr lf.R.'lal l.i. qiT'te 0,-tvt tn tnp ranstt of leLi. fri.rj pit. b i-ili. r aaoul tlitiumlt.. r In uriv clsel, ih fstnu liaes'tion. It wraittl, Oierutots. u.t lie ot iriiaitlliiar, .1 by tj,.ra'it uta's on lias t'a.rt a iill. l.aa J.-ptS oi' iM-rliaps tlhtil lia.iilrsl and flfl.v feat, taai ttto (.'mniany m wills i.uy .o n Ival 'li.at.; t,S OU I'retOi til tla-lr ni pllt't. of hand, os ef tairr,'li ni oil dallv. n a.inioiis ptoitb v.,uid tl.a lai Uia tea innate reiMuli to ths tfinr.di.a.iprs ot dan canit.aiiv. On Oil b-arilf ntnr Irael ol land tSers htta liees let OB laso lor ttvetity vears, a well atar ourh'fi m lair a.rllaa cm jtid nil, allni).t.'h Ka d -th 1 1 bam is . .aiti,l,aa .;nitt InsL.'li, Iftit I.. Iimuit a larsa Hew: flit .er cioii. ol the Oil at till w.-ll i. aii.utli tt .iH re eiv- il as a ravulLj la tie tormrr a-T ia of the lajt.l, un.l tvtll at ouco laiiro to tha briK'iii of Uai I'ouit.in). 'I'll,. re 'iro alto two other wrl'a h,,rr,l a N-iv ininitri'.l ttK.ile.r..'Ji.biit not vat tubed, hat Ire (lira ;ns mlr-t rati' sliott at oil i l.arrW a rttey an ne.inr.ill. la, ae.ii .'ii onl of Ifwia, and i.o d.ei'jl K.-aais ui esltt Hint tiiey tvtd b..tti r-rava Jnith y feuiae'atina tvwlu vtian ,ri'd a ruaKonuO1,. dfpth. Anoiliir wed la bail' (KirotJ. aad ornn.t, a HailslM.-iorv v fkl Hauiitea hi 'lu uM. urro rrain uviae. tvplis ran tie saen at Uie ,.nii.o,t taa C aie... ny. No. td VV ALNl r istra-H Tiifii ot' f'.is vaaiah: otl land, coiuiirlsia a.is lem Crrd and Uii'ty-ot.e aL-r.s. mciudias the n.ysl'y afn.it per etint. ol oil f' r the Hta-fd t. li, mac pu ,...: . an. I the vat'iti rlenl tl Uai l,ite -veils a.tiaily .le-v.,1. . .1, la I iirt'l,,..'d l.y th tN.mtinif dl-rel from ti.e o-v-r. fa-- 'Jie LiiMl. rat.: pric.' ni ti:jv,'..v,, tt ltb s lrst MM la Oat) order, a aiein twist.. e i slue pte-lie.i otomiier. T 11-3 ta e ol s ttillr. .v rall lor the land in fall, aad l-if tin. s.itn of .t 1.0 cash wiikin e.ipKtl 'Ml hand, widi wnka Ui t im.il"! - ihrfe old well, and alsa ui bare lo i-etv tli nlih Ate Htoala eii-lini, to.. So lie ia iiiniiiiiir nr.liir vtilliln le .v ci.niih. ; .irr.nwe mt lUb m ill no made to r.rraninlit h- ie al.s. ;ti wati .ut drlay ha iiti3v.'l-.liO:ia wld bt) ae-et.'P'd for It'ia than lii) aha.-t-s. . 1 bt viitt fart-in.- rrf.no.1 t.y R'trlt Otl Ciantanats estab. Ushrtl t tae .mo ,'Js. vt.'itre ao-1 o araait Tiw til) lra.-ti la el lu Its tut lajv. ii-d the lU'tnsnd constantly lnrritln. ie pil. o it it. ot $ii pr b trrui at Ibe wtui's aviuta, eaeia Ite i.t the .!(. Lstx-. w i-i v. Ill dniSflii be sn:cX iu the dr-ah of t"0 ff t, so us t" rea. '- the th,rd Sanations It f k Wi-tls have bt'rn b, rd f.arai,.: re ti) the drptii only of sboal ai feet In this vieinity It i iiropoMfil to bore Iwenly tvellaan ih'a iiro.ii iiarliiu Hi pii'tfiii , ar ltire Is rcnu 'or on .Sun.lti t tltf. A pt-rff-ct titio, rlar of all bicnmv hrancas 1 C'.eji,!, nti.v aauuriid tc ilie l.'ouif.a,iy. Llsi offilirrirtlon njc nuw .-.pen until the ieUXsl sh.V'ot art subiemwd, r)bl ear ecare, tn ta order cf Anler-D-.nn.'A.WFB Mi CAHkN, Die Tii asurer cf UitComnany, Ko. sfWWauji'.'T f)iitt, cr c: ?J.). 12, walni'T Hueet, or at Die isT-e cf Uie (.snaua-i, Ko. t.13 WJ.laU'r atrvet. 1bo,iilai - us )nitd tc cab for a protenns. Iv6-t JOrtTJI CIiKAH Illii:i-t GOLD AND SILVER GILI'IS WI N ry.COIiCHADO TF.nHITOftY. 'rr tlr-t ': Hon. JOHN A. PIX, Duh. EIJWAHUS FIKftRPFONT, JOSEPH FUANCH, tuc, T. D. BUNTING, Ehq., A. G. II0DF1SH, Esq., Cclorido. l.'rctlcAentt tlou. JOHN A. I)IX. Trenisurer t Jf'SHrU FRANCIS, Flee. Counsel t CHAKI.F.S F. BIJ,KF, FtQ. Ui" i.r.iart7 of -.t.la e.,mpAny cans, f. is cf foeton ihe'-tircund H'.a," "tlrci.T-y Ko .' "8iQiU'a.'' " Jaa ord," a.ti ol'ter -'learatd devroapad tJold-bea-loa-Lodoa Is tbo Fii-iine d'ttriet of florailn. lto, the llmacrtOw at d,n jw runr.injt, i;r.d la eiefUeat or.l.r. Ceir.lt.vl Stock $1,000,000. Wi,.,!,. Nt .i,..,' Shsre 100,000. Pur, HO. if.v u-'j-'i ..1 ii ih trwu hit Alradv Ivi uKn It ,.!.! I- . di-.- i'... ,i. ,-, NtHt .iri now upcii nt lue ofiiee (i J i ''i nl ; i iVir i i-u Im tul &tl nr :! ur, lv a, l;.. n in t -'i i: u:. r ril Ui-: .uin''..jiy l'.jtvttn u' li .urn r:t I. y. :,.,.1J 1. M, ( ,.; i,i i'i.- ... (?.;uji in is y b oaUtlttoj hi id fiifl"e nf -'L ""-. ItU tS'JV.AM KNOrNR AND HOILEU LtTH, ?' '.' ml lloittr-niftkuii, lil(t'..riiiiiLi tun if 'iKit't. r-, Jia- un- i,,r r.i my enr ic lUn lurc-H-MtuloiK M. '. l i) l;. 1 ftlV '! IMlJiMKUU 111 bllllitllltl iui 4 r"IiUf- Mflrt . . : ii J ;-. -.r JliiHibCri. liiKb nnJhiv frfitirf), lno B" .i, r i ,n. ,i, l'rM Uir.. Aa., rtnpttfUiijr 'r rr , o puouo ai boing ftiliy prMriel to : r - ; -r ' ' ilfteii, Mannu, ItluT. auitl tSu. .ItU'..: , ; li.;' fi : . i ! niti rns oi (Jlfltfit-nt bu)u, aro uro ;,.(."( i(. t . t i.t-. ,k r. wiui iiuicK ilcHpuuih. iWary clv . Ma :i " .:.-G-.v. .klnjr ii.d-.h'at tho n nnitt 0fijc. ji .. y.-.r. ( ' "tn Hue, Tul. ilar, aniC!ljnii Ucira, .! i.Lk, t -i :.-..Ui. ua cliarox.1 lrtn, ''iirvliiai, of h4J u . - r a fi' , i cu .tiid bruin t'-itturtf vt Ui (Ivariip. -if. '..))-'; in' , iS, 't)w-outM.!ifi, ftJLiU aiiotlier vyik eou ji -tn 'Mil v.e a.'fVt' I -aalutviii, lirniiiu at, a a,' ii-uiioni for nit work done at ti.il t3tf.tiifcliii.ent trois ot'cliajafi, and work ;:nrn.hiJ. TU ttui tciili-ra liavu amplf Hi.ftn-utx k nvoto f--r r palr if l..Ar.i, whuj-f Uifvcnti lie in icrftvt tia.t t, aa-i art urovUVd Mitta ul.fira, bI.U, faU. uc., ic, Kr wuli iat-vr auu Uiait N HiiV. 7KV C. vXAKlfi. Jv:in r. m;vv, W-U bVM'll ar.d tk.rU. OFFIOK, IS'O, U5 IV. FIWNT MTItluiiT, iiriLADrijiaA. We tieprt-i AreJ 10 VM oiWito any eat?ut tr yx naiv- UACmsUiW FOB COTTOtf AM) WOOLT.tX KILW, Ijiriutl'np a.'l recent Improvcticat Ui Catilujr, hy.nalns, ud Wtaviiuc. Wo inviio ti. altcnUon of BuiuaTtct irer to our azw. Uu-U ' AliFRKP JIJNKH A HOIST, J K IV II Y H I M O N 8, CTN'ITED 6TATE3 NtriONAL WAGON AND OOAOZ WOSSd, Offlon, No. 531 NKW MARIIlir H -raat, and Fac'ory, eorutr of Bt CO.N'D IXD Cl'alBEBULKTJ f?TKFETS, ruiLiauxria. ait tat ejvrrv llc of W.Mioit.a, ( Ait i a, riBATf), WBEELBABKOWM, and llktr.iJ WIILI.L), adapndU) Aiaiy. Uuasl.auLler, or Hlautanoai avurpoaes. AU work viarraausL Hr -fjitlat avulill ltKtle4 Is. Jtl-tf Jl!ll 1 ) jVUGUST 20, 1861, r A' WEIGHT & SIDDALL No. 110 Mnrlr.'t Htrt-ttt rriwr.Ei" keont aki bw.'ond aTBKRTii. C w. VfRicitr. T. n. siMt.ei.1.. DRUOOI8T sTTlI Y ? I C I A N S, ( kSVUAl, flTlILKV.I5rPRa, Oan find at en sstabi'thm it anilt aartmeit of t -.iartil and tlOTresll; flraita, l-aim .ir t'v.n'. M.-.tl-.-n.s, f'a:ri:. Coal Oil, window iilasa, rrr.cntion Vtals. A.., at v lo- pno I as gefi'iloe flral-riaas R. c t ran bnso't. a-:?r; i-s'ir.; rt.it, on,- FovO.nfA'oTitr..li fall Arit. nnd i.f tliae-t inaih-y Toebineal, Rrcsl In Mo, Vad,li.f, Put n 1war, Hda Ash, A loin, On of VI r'al. An. vtt , ( oppsraa,r.i!ret of Ler-vooa, ae.. KUit liftcth' n.j, ai7rayt.ofi band, at lost at aetcath ,nr. PI lit". "Pll'M TOP. FMMII.T l's!'., flronnd evrrtalj for osr ..ilea, and 1.1 wn!ci -ire tovltat'io allenta.n of those in want tf relists-a artj-l.-s. auo, lyninv, ar.mvu, mumuho, t.., ocra VaiW. Orde, try -nii, or cltv po.t. win neet srHri pr-rmpt ar V-nt.on.orsi.-clr) qi otatlor.s ill U liirtlslitd when r irtieafed. WHIOUT HtllAl,l.. wol.. I, rm Warrnontt, Jail Jy 'o. in M n ar atreot, aisrve front. QVYV.H )F It I' A U 1" Y . W 11 1 Til "vTlUJIN Viaaia in'llis Ui mt pern-rt pteii,ti..n of l's an, for btaul ltine. whlu-iila. snil prvstrtang the C'lrnpl.-alon. ll 1. made train .tiiie v hue w as. neias- it ,lrs. iiln-ar ')iialill.s 11.1 pi ,li,jt Ihe etri, -nukh't It safi, am. 01s, fnlr, und lMti.,a e-lL I' enr-e rhaipd hand, or f (i, remorre ;tlir,plp. ' . Prv V, tart .'Hir,.nia Manniu.-'t.rt'.t .nit iv III'N I A (It) , 1 ar'amer. No 41 H. KUllfTIl Ml., J do-ir a'ttfo -h,a.i , and aalA 1m No. Mi a. m.-.vi'Vtm -mm. W ll A L T II, II ll ALT Jl, AND nrai-Tr. If le tH aitsirl-.ff eyes : ll 1.1 jilt fusel . as sltris; II to he a M'M.ialaa fl.r, i adll.e. .fyl.is In an. h'-nr Bat .-i 1 1 I' to bene a beat of Meed" ; f (. vi.. -e, na eanafiats; If -ih h rb-bt.ra b a-d In x. ; il a m.tiblt t ne wbn d aaIVra the If in in ihro rt ttnl fn. ishla He a Ions swain ; B o lit r a iui- of pvaoe ; If la di and k ) to pre.t BrAl.1 it 1 If yon sh a life ef pieaaures; ll y.tii alu.. 1 lu war d s r ir( ; If 'TJ c.Bifo t oa wan d sre Tihe in, aa. ce and wlsi, all Vre. 1 hen. bavtas "ahh, tfralib, ad lleauiy, Yaij'll be .rp irvA for ev.-rj ,1, iv I'yaeaTvfalp!! Ml In. ll.l I M VllfOO'SJ vw tlo. V. Till'. JaArlKi Vl.e, IH'lllK. wtn.'h . nonld t read byetHiy.,re 8ol liy flan, aliera lane-ailt, a d at the I'tHtort citk. .Vj. tin pUfal-'Cat itTltai-.Ti prtrw M i.ta. aj.it RAILKOAD LIN Lb. l';sT J.:HS1-,Y HAIMtOAO LINFS FKOM IT WAI.MT Mini 1'ior. Kxtrii I'.xyrt'a tr..ta to f'.irai Mtv 00 8ATVHDAY8 at 5 1'. I'. M.,.iitun.liie an MUNOA al J A. al. 1't rotiib la tfiree bours. r.ite tl. Fxt't ItHU'N TI'.'Kl'.T,!;ooi) lo r-tarn In any train ,a JIOMl'V,!. Iteie a clets will i' ss.'l f"i el -ai ftcrmia ai'iiaaia-.rfe fr. in t a..' VI jy, any .lut v.'ttlil.i Iho vtecxti, It .roei:u'.ed la ibe I ita . 1 1 or i Il.e uai. e. Th.' irsia wl.l .aa -,al any war pseiiKrl. a r dlaei, elt'i-pt 1.. last' 'a w ,.tl fl I water. 'trxatir li-ina Uave tl.nl, es. vpt riunda' s, a fid lot : ram P'i a l.lnlils al it A ,11 A M,4 f) P. M. I ran Cap,- May j.' H A d . II , s. M , .vi.. P. M. pa.Hm.ri latin. l.:'a. e are t.rtki.iurly leijue-ac t to have It r-.-.i'Iy :tr rl rc ,at. ai Jn rjrly h mr. J. VAN Kf -VHMI II, t'll'Jfstf Huuai .nUluent. ItllH.ADi'.UMIIA, WII.MINOTO.N, AND BAl.ll.VJOKE ItAlt.IUJMi. ( HlM.i; l HOI ItH On nn l atl-.r Mtis'DA V, Aiumt 1, lt, rnstitrtra"i leave Phlla la'phla far liaai-iare at 1 d"l Lipice. Maiulays cxcptl),8'0i A. H. , li a a d la Til'. VI. Cava al 8 Oa, 11 li A. M., 130, 2 JO, -."J1, 00 and 11-00 r. m. vtilrrlaeinn f. t"i) (Mis.lars esnept.l), S'ftMllDA. at . I an. i'a", 4 0.1, 1; 1 , 10 jnuiid 11 1 11 1' M "WOaAletb('.' V M. a1d I 1. M. Jse -rat s A M. and I -m a. All t, rd a. 8 'v A. il Halia ,uiy ai 8 . 'i A. M. i KMVK tcit Ptii'. vnvr. i-in . teava Bai'.iuort at li, J ,0 A. . , f.i.rcss), I 10, &.'. an JI0 -.-.''.!. wiinnimlon HI Hi, 6' W, 9 A. H , ii' -.'l, 1, 1' 15, IT.), 4 3,1, 7aid!l lei'. M. CaUtlniry at li M K M. Ul.iord at i to ,' it. Voter! II. u A.M., nwl i-lSf. V. flew Casll.- at II Tl A.M. Aral fll P. M. Cheater al 7 IS. 3 10 . M , i un, i Ut, I W, b-00, 7'M, 4A l'.Jd I. ,-ate 11 jhleiore for Siii.lr.rT and lnl' .ioIU' s statloas, tl m i.'. I. M. L i.t Bojiiuicre fur UsiTor aad Iniorrardiate atatlona at l-lo P il. Tltslrft FOI! BAJ-TIMHi;, LntverhoN'r ,u :s 10 M ,,."16 Slid ll u5 -" . M I rave Wt-c:a.;ten at j Xi, ovo a M., 3 Ml tml 11' P. . -iVM Trains, -villi Pasion;tr Car altaeb,!d. well rua as f Ilatt :- I ate v'iiu:t:ijf(iii "or Peiry vUle and Int. rune Jirtteiiia-ieB at 7 4.. P. ! M'RiiaY '':-On'y atl-JO A. il . ltr'P.U fnira Pail dlpb a ia I'a llint,.'ti, l I'nli xlaipli.a to ..u.itigu.n at 1-aO A. M., lH'JO, tne li P. W. ri m Wll rln-toa tt pi-,11 i.l.-loh;n ntl-t A. M ami 7-nO P. H. onl) a: ltrji P. M , 'ram Hani oaie to fun vu i-ia a. la-i n t'. KlkMtY, aaui-.iamid.-iit. IjIui.Ar)F.LI-nA ANI) TUI'.NTON AND CAtlUtN ANU A dlltlY K.vlI.llOAUCO.a-.'AMliS. '0 fit K On a' t f!"TIONT) VY . Jn.aarv 4, l;l. Ihe Trains for V.w Ye... l.ainv K.'Dtl al-ai Llrool, r'lala le nna. at .1 I'i M (Ni,.1;,a.Hf !) .' M , an4 the li a.as iravInK i, w York a- X A At. at d 7 ; 0 V. M , .vlil h're ificr be mil excli.l .-,ry f. r t o titiln d "nt. Mails aad N.-w YVra al d H a-bli ion 1'u.setiiters, aed will sol lake la nor lot pot ant pa- s. ni r n.'t" .-n anti ei'les. the la A. M. in. I I'.! Mi-mra l.:re- 1 om New Yor-s to w-ntlaaatan, and Uie 11 ftO A Jd Mil 6 P. . I.laet Iron Washiniitoii to S, w Y rk, will eoi.tlnu. as at pr. -mt. and earry i.a.aei'ittT l an.l trotn the liilerfi.esiales at.ansiuid Uij;iu,sia. W sitlilteitoa, a u N iw York AllllAMMLM.l I'.K'I VVF.KN "UllJLDr.LriU AND M W -lUIIK. L!ns leave Phtl-ide'pnla. fn.m Ke-.nlnptan i.w, nt 11 If. A. It ,4 00, nnd nl'. ai.,and 11 ail laklnlv'.t, and n-om Wuln-it M.ei't Whorf tvav Cituden), ai s utiddA, at.. !' M.,4ardiiP U.,farKt:w Voi. And leavi'e SowYitl, from fo a ol' Counlandt sreaf, at 7 A. H , 11 V M , 1'2 M .4 mil H P M , .ui.l at V m,.l m. hi , and loia iooI of lUitl.ty street at '1 V vl.,aieli P.M. Wat. A. HAI'ZYiHi!. jofotf j Ane.it. 1)'HI.ADFM-Ill AND ItAI TIMOUI-1 CK. TK.vl. It MI hOAll, Ui-rIN TO ONKDltl) rii'llINU A KHANilKMK M . in ai d att r fRtl)' Y.Ar.riK.l-vii.the tranie wMI 'cave a I'nl-.ws :- - IBAVB KiflTvt .IK1). I KAVR Vt T.STVV IHI). i.tieis. a. t. i- v. Mtrins'i a. ti vi, omoi.i i: at v:ria i.'i,ilin rt to l i' "iHl.reve ;i 1' nt (littler. .. 7 15 4 la Atar.iati. 7 ui 4 nl w.e' .luiiei.o .. teirs (. il K.l.n.'tl 711 4 I.' i'i:.t..rl tt'.'l 4 0 ('lied ia Fold.. ..7 Iv! I II e-i.tl,-.'l-,.rl.,.. -."It rill ('..aesjr.1 A-) I. an. tt WHO C ..I YV.('.,i,nelk,a.. fli .', . AtonSa e la Jl u..-, l'hllS'l-la'U 9'..i , n,',,t ,;r,,ve.... la rl 7 li West I t:esler.... tj.tl tl-1 ird la -Al I'D Pat-.-ni'i-r ll. pot In I'lal . lr'i.liU l.j. I, . en , h..a :,.,l :rt.,o Klfit : h ai' l V.ii' .l slf..',. t r h ( j ; i-v rlllsT and AIilhl.T Mirei'U, st l-.ll.'.l.l.ala. "il'iikm H.rfnl I'.. ..a...ri Tlali .. a Cat . ..iitev l .u.e.'iiucra ui und .roi tl.e li. ie t. -a-al!i'.'.-. XO lliroiu!i t.ilhoal ri.-iitr of cars, jal IIKN.I Y W-l'll, Hi.r.l.:di.l?',il. CA1.1.M ItAU.IiOAD COMI'ANY. HL'.V- i.tii' Cait. Ol' 'lralns, i, ..'.e .a hi , 'n.' FMlll Y. Juntiar I, Ifc.l:-- l..ia Vlalaut Sir. et TV! -irf at fl . M..D and 4 !'. M., ft'ri.'it i- t . U.'iariiiii',-, l,'ti'..i sal,"a at 1 A. vi.,o'...l M.,101'-M. ti' I'-ht.la'l? a.vll v av Am.lvto Yli.l.T IN MIl.t.H Acini, fiteaii.t Cot cr.'d Pier ula.v.- v I.M'T Mns-tt, IS Dl.l.A WAItK Avenue. Jnl tf 1. VAN IlliNMSKLALU. :'io.-ililoli,i. iit tfflPf, RTK am wr.iThi.y to Kl'll ailllwis y I tU 'ilUic at (;.'. la'l.'wn. ( ui a llsr .r. mi o n i I.ltt',...il, N.sr Ya k. and l-hila 1- ','1 . tn, a. . slap ail t" a ll.. .i : i:pa17 aj'o Int. uitoil tc i I n t.K ha I.TIMOKR. s'..ir.1.ir. ttai it 27. 1 1N 1 it.ir.lay, rt.... .it;.T a. I.I .ISlll'Kt,, rsat .11 ,lf'.", I-,. t. 1 . .. 1' ll . Ai ili . i; n'lc.-eeai'i : satiir lil' , n' la - n I'. Ill l"r No 41 it. at'., lie, i t. I.'ATI-K (IF Pt.H-Ai.1". Fats'. It In e,:d,ti a-, .air i;, nl In I'eijcr.' V l ' " 1 I"' n i.s.. ...1 isn trato '. .Jlfl'.t) Flrai t'al'ii. lr I.oinli ii m) sncatro to l.oncon... ."4 Oi l'iljl I ul ll !,. Paris. ., f . If t H t'orhi v to Pur a. ..... let is. I ir.t I ai..a ti. li,ni,l.ur' '0 lit', ruse in Uu'-iMiry., a; yd rn-.i'ie-i 1 1 ere l lo, a rtvaul. ,1 l, lla. re, l-.iea.ua, llel- I I r. 1 1 la, A l-I a n't., A ;'.. HI l-'oiflllv 1 W rules, a:- ll, ai I lirv. ia or if ,"!. t. tt t: 1 Irst CaUe. $7i, a.:., siti'i'ta.' in ia l,,u wa ai d (Jivoi.-tov.'n J.. A. . I . e v. I . v, itl. ii. ti.d ii tii.'li iilci kaa bay u. kw'a l.ei , a' l.-r.-l ru'. a. I .i ll..t. ci .m..iuiticu np;.l-rt f'.e C.-n-;. uir't c"icei .tony e,. fj.t i i.'ic.ri, Xl. Ill WAI.M I sllie-t, 1-Ml.d,,pt.i. 4ffff, FOKTON AND rmi.rYTiF.U'UIA tTMlaanaiat. Slami.Mp 1 tne ss'll-j fn.-a eacl port j-i 1 ' I-til . tresai a- t tt! Art a.avc 11 SK M-cl.pila-i' l., .a, m.d I.i im VVhaif, l'u.i ti. l-.u, Uisl I. , dl .tr PIM Streel, nanatu'dar, August' 7,lrt-. H e ,-tein .l.ipbAXON, Mattaetvs, wi!' aalt frcm riiila. d ..'.la tor rs.atan.iii, Hatmdaf ,Al: atlfT,l.t lOo ala 1.A M ; ana tl e at.-aa.l.l4. .seitnl .a. lia.ci'.iieitBijaii r 1 Ii .naulo! ia. uu ,sua:e ,tay,at 4 I'. M. '' " ai'd sii' stantial t :..n,:'ps ft-ri! aivsttilr .t'K', ai.l'ilii Irwo eali ll i.alt Jiltt.; Iff lit- on Satmdart . i 'e'V "t'o'lt1 ",''-WJ ' """-akl'.t' iai'a.eai cliar. i Ml rus.' it. lekfti nt fa'rrMss. rniip,.ei srr ,,J10-tliJ gljj R. ;r!.tj and Bills Laali.-vtlib tti.'ii iodd, I hi 1 wlit ii I'aA.ng (l avfig fr.s syomaisiJatiMiii I'J-'I? . Hll.Mtl' WIMtOK A I'D., J"4-' Nj.:vah.lii:i.AYVAl.li Aveaut. T T ?J roR NKW YOKK. DUSPATCU thiis-im i it and Ualiuuro IJnn, via ielwart and 1 jiii.. ui in. ai. lli(-.lei.'urti, ut t),..e iluei are leavli.g tail) in I'.'oi ockM.,a.a6iclJelil'. M.,iitia tia-uka bi vc VI ulnut Atreet. lor fuil.t. vhi.h will he takn on areoniiro.!.it:n teno., i.., ly to Vi iLiJ.LM U. liaittLl tel., Jta. ill AVLLAYlaiib Areuae. Ta 1''0RI,iyl!ia'00L BATUKDAY, aS.il !! aainiat 13, IW1. ' V. ill' .i.,'.:'.be,.P VAlit'0''ra. CuHala J. D. Ceali.I., for uvitm ar ptMsse, tprlrto . ., , aUO-ilrfltirflAftl-ftOvf fX., "" a.MWAl.lX ssA-wet. RAILROAD LINES. KHA AUK A "VOF.M KNT8 OF lvjltl 1 he Camdea ant Arebrp avid Phi A.IpiLa and Trent.. n airroadOi rapaaiea' laaes from Plularteli :aa le Alew York and n av ri- a FKOM WAI.HITT RTatXT WHARF, will leave a fnl'ow, is. : - vRr.. At fl A a., T.a (.'enid and Ataboy, O. and A. Ae- .'..Bma.latU.n t'i :'i Al S A. M , via Caiadfn aa,l Ji-r t'itv. VfiTtalne prras , At tit M . via Caar da and sniboy, f! and A. Areola Al'lr. vt. v it "atinisn and .lu'.,.,, J and 'li "l'- Pli-te" .' jj Al 1 P. At.. via '--rs-lrn an I Atulaty. A;oui i,Ia;l-.n I f rrlp-it ai d P:ite:iKr) Atsp !., via " 'aniill sad -nw,y, A-e iinn, Int.., a 'Ir.la'.taad r-..-. . iri-r) I a tim lelt . ;-, J 1 1 lu-t d' .. .. All's P M..vlal's al-n a Ml ta,.V .a ...., la- tl-.n 't r...j.ht and Pssrn.T). I ,t CaiM 11 :ket. ... 2'V 3a t a- da ! l Far Mjarh l li inli, Vi."rit.wa, ll...M"!,eri. I(. iv;i.rc, Kseir I si.thtvl i.. i w-m'nui.'n. A : , .i'.t P VI f , r l.aa, her- !IIS a-at ail rrar.livi HMNont, at P. t. V T st"..inl Hallr. K .an tr, p. uib, rlon, andVilcea t,.vt. , i s A . M.. i n,l A e Al I or rr- v.; i it ; A. VI. aad P M. T't Alrayta. H't'i-r; -a, ri 'an.M, Itrssrt -, n.rMn?trn. Ft. reici-.il.. lrat-.n. Ac. st 1 A VI.. I'.' VI., I. .. i, , ai..l s P vi , 1 ; ,l o l a 1 i P At. jitl i in tJM fii" wli to rnntan. T i P T.y a, H. frton, ".'-tr,-i:o. It. 'er:jr, "m-l ll'lrl.'a.' t. n at I P. Al M.-nb. l Trnt'.n, f.-r flii.. Vta,lti ion. i'", '.-Is, 1'ri-tillr fl 1 "! y . a t U..U' M. I.I Ma fttM M.Nria..ri.'N lir.l'll Will !. a f-, . w AI4 a M,,.ni.!iii v-a R.nsvru'en and ft Y-Tk, W art,' I eo.a and N"W Vork M,rl f .' 1 At II It A. M via Rnint.Kl aad Jersey t'lly l.a- pr- V 'I At l'.si P. i., tin Krasiii.tun and Jersey ;ily Kx- jris ,.i.0 Ai sol . ni, via Ksn-intmin and Jers.ji fly, W ssaiiiyt. n aad NVw Yo-h l.torees. -I Oil Hut dy ltat a :,y at 4 A. St. aa J A -.'. I'. VI. I iieru ivill be in hi ... si , A. M. ' Nkthi 1 oi "il.i'iiie,. I. .r Vtai-r tup, tsm.udha g, s;ri.inn. wilk-.thn-ri., Mnatrr.e.Uirai n.-ad. Hrtarh rh ink. Allen-iatn, lto",U . h. ni. Itt lvotei e f. il. n. fdni'a-ri'. It e Flemll.'oo. .er , u Ml A M I y I.. line t. i. wltb Uie train Ira las ICa lou fur Matn h i h.in. at ;l m P M. K-.r Liimlfni ll a and liit..rm"Hste atatlr.ns at. ! P. M. ' H.-t aa, f.isnt, a. Ac ai 7 la nnd ii le A. M , aad 5 P. M. lar H'-'na'tbiire, Taronv, Wits! .orr.ipe;. nr'.lrshi.n?, and Fiankf. ra at 9 A. .11 , 0,0 4i, and 1 P. M. TlioSA M. I.mo runs 'a Mri.t'd. rr P. r N. w York an-l Vay L'n-A Ira-. Inrt KrnttnSon Iti'i.at. tnk the rare on I mtv s-rect, above V alnai. Iiali an hiair 'irtii-t .n-partare. Tie- C'srs rim Itnothe IK-put, ai.d on arittal ol eaeh wela ma tr.. ol the tl.tot f itly ,.ani.l. ol bvsate only allowed ei-h p.ven;-er Pat, n.ers a, px.hu.it. n from tnslni; any tl laa as tau-. s.-o bat u eir eeatli'. appui.'l. il harvs.'e ovar flfivn.iaa.lt la isi i ii.l f..r etn t fee om. ti-y il aa thrir re-i.ns. b.Sit l,,r haii at e lo One fe-.llnr p r pant, d, and e III uai he iie'ae iur any am..t,a4 beyju.1 9I-, ajterut oy special coa f I (iraham'n Psreat't Pipit will .-en for and deltv-r hi. pat-e al Ihe ilcpas. Or Jers i , he leu a' No I W I l.s L'T al ft. Wat. II elAf.iilJt. v.cal. An hi. I s, 1H-.4. LIM8 I'llelAt Jir.W YOKK FOR I'tilLAIif.LPIII A WIIJ, l.K.AVe, a ran foot of fettrthin slr-f. .n Vi M. and I P. M ,vi.i Jsrtev t'llv at.. am.lo:t;.l 7 aad I) . M.,ij P.. VI, and 12 Nalii) va .l. rsy (."ty .-.ol K.s-1-inrfl..a Kr-au f. it j liar ' .v seroet, at S A. . a ill 2 P. M., via An. Ik.) .in. I I'aie.'i.'n From 11. r N a. 1 Sarth Rlter. it 12 M, 4 and 8 P. M. I I rei.ht s id Pu.AeiiKor via .v n,ioy a vd Caraden. i;rkioht links for new York and a all the slati itia in li e c'tvuvk-n Htid Amtajy and r in. pe.'tlii Itailrnaas, IS'Itl'S-rKD nKPATetl. Tuc Cimd n an I Aaitxy Kv.'ad urd TranaDortatirtn Cau ae.y' I reivlit I In.'.s I it S"w Yo.k will irate Vitiuni kir.-.leharl in. un Atlrr Jauaary s. dally (dunil.ij'H ox c l.n t ) at o! e tr M. I i iuri,ii.K, Il.e aesive Lnn w ill Ua-,c Vew Y'ork at I snd 4 P Al. I nil hi must bo ULltcreJ be.oro 3.'4P.M.lo I.o for warded ll e -eta,' day. i'reirl.t l-r I reaioo, Princeton, a Uijisuiri, t-,,w Brans wlri. . aad ad paints on t!'-- vlaiuduu ami Atniiy K Ailraail t also an ibe it.'lvid.Tj. lie atv r.., aad f-e ul.-it-m, tne eal J.a.ey, ih re. laild l.'d Jam. A'airif, .'l tile llurll "sen and M.ait 1 h illt Knlln.aa. received and f r vsrd..d iii o I. 1, j'i'l. - k I'. Yl. rtiiatil pacsauj i-jrAlouutilaay rooeived up t i 2 'I' -l.a-k 1 M Th,- Petvnl.-rt) i e.otv.ire Ititlraad cntne-ts at Phillips, liarv w lib trve I. eliivh Valley Manroat. Il.e Metv .l.a sey II. nlr-ta.l .-r.na,. -ie at Kl .-.A'anti wan the N y J. i-i't omral P.: iirojj, auJ at Nnwra wiih iLe M.rris and l'iiH.'s Kai r. jd. A sap in- a,ar t n!auit sper-'iyin t the Biarks and nam hfls ihiopers and eol-tlio s lunil la every Inttancv tie a, nl tt I h i a -li I .a l i.l soi ds, ar no r. seip will ha o mi lueieur l ij, 1ll i. f t,at inn been u.ail..- far 1 lie rausir a tlau i.f 1.1 VK. r- rt,. , ar.v.Ts are iavit rd la try Oa rant" 111" ll e s'ack I larn'sne'l'ti .I'.sati'lcs af ! .vt) t; it Hi., IIS , r o.ar. It will be ilrltve-.-'! at tna fi.it .,f I'orli "In eirrrt, 1" at Ihe I'ravc Yards, ar at Ptor N' I Na,-tn fi' rr. ae the )!iipi"s taay ae.l. na e at Hio limi r.i" ilia 'iipaie .l. rV ALry.il I KI.KM N, l-rel.!il A. nt. N) . 70S a. Delaware aveaue, l'il.a.lel-iiiil. e.e-.ii. B kay MO li. Kreiuhi As.-a Ja". .f J'ler Jto 1 N.,rib lit er, New Yry-k. Itttv I CA.MDF.N AND AT LA N iToi ; Inll'I, He; lttii.it iaii. Jot) I. H'VAIEK Alt-lANtlKilKST. Tl.l 111 lilt N TWO lO'.-imll! Fi.tr trains Jaliy bt Allnitie I'lly On and atlrr M'..VaA',,l July 4, tiaioa t;vo Vine "t. t I F, rrt a itva.ws : Mull. 7 K A 11 I it-li. ht, wan passet.eer tisr niiaohel. to A. 1. Kspiets . throniti. la i i.ouis . ' aO P. at. AilMiale Aee u modiitl ai. I 16 I. M JtlSlI Aeejunn dslli .ill P "J KKrt.llNINil I.KAVKH A liluYNTKI, Aaron. -u. ran,, ii ( AUaiillo) o'4t A. Ai. Kspiese, 7ISA M. r'ri ilit. II Mi A Jd. II . ill, 4' IH P. A Jane-ie a Arooiuraadatlon. f-Xl A. V. Far to Allan tr, I'i'uei. konud TrtpTlrXttt firoi.dO'i y far tie Ouy i.nJ tram oa wie n lhe are is-a.'J), t-l'et). I XihA il.Vllll-liie il'.lji THAI SB, Ia "0 Yll.r aural l! 16 A M. .ml I ml P M. Lruv. )l.la ,nOi '..I l'4-i P M. ai.d'JSuP Al. ON HIIMJ lY-l Mnll t'Ain far Atlanllr i.a.ea vine street I'MI. M ltl. Alb.lU3 4 IIP. Al. Je. i If JoH.S (i. BUYAMT, Aw.n. Il a F F. N N H Y L V 1 N IA IOa? I -l CI'.. ' HAl. KAtl KilAii TIIK SiHWAT In. fill K.T t.vi K BodltT TtOt TV. Tl) 11)!-. Whttr, ft i .HI It W r ST, AMI MMJTIlWir.sr. F laipno-n.s und tarel'ties tor the sett noeady, an.1 On-n-imt b e ti ..r 1 1". ri ten cf pa).eneia aii.tarpiii.ed oy uu r nlr la If e roui.lrv. rr ill a n 3o ib:- lirpot it ELEVeNm and AtAHURT a-.iet i. , s r.i),ovt n yiiw Train ai TV, A M. I i" Mi" al llri A.M. I I van k K i at itrimi vt. Par.ieli. r.eT.ain, o l.at Kind . M. l'aik. i bur., T ,-.,la. No, i. el. 1'linp M. Ilatrl-.lur7 Aet'.iLai..daikiu a' S ,'k) P M. I.ui.t'ati,,, Train ;...., . 4 Od P Yj . Puoli AesraiuiOslalloa Cenved W-.'BI Plulul.'l- llan) at a of) I' M. 1 lii-.uiili Pat ntt-ra by Il.e Vast tine rratJi A lnvaa tar snppei, whvie will u f.a.iid I'M- aitt-n aa.OhirmoilA eins far the I I) tt ,11 tha Lilian lloilse. and in tae ni..mli..v iOjIV tohe ealti.r the ebl nd.-kih- or Hammare P.npres, eae.t, af wtiloh irskes c.-pnee'lana nt P'.tshnrK Cr all polo!. A daj liiht view I ihua uii'.rdtJuf lad eatlre liuo aad iu u..n iiillcriit Monery The Ihrniiiib Kxp.-as Train ruua dady; all tin) oiuur trains daily xe'.t rli.i,.l.,ya. r OH I'U'leUli ItU .) Till! VVE1T. The Mail Ira n. fast i Ino, aad Tliraath (express eon n, . i atPituhu k w liu u,ra nth irama - n al diver mut ra.-is lio'n lhat paini, Narihtatho l.akt'. West lo the Vlnisls eti'at aad Mi ,.oii,- itw. rs. aaa Hoaili an I t-i iiiiwiL.t ia all ie. nts acv'tit;,ii.le l.y railr.u.l. IM'aiiit Tirkain taC .rvio lai.d, Iirt.ai ( 1 1-n.y.,, nl P.-.it, I-..1 u.ihti.s, la.lalnupu.ts. Mt ! uit, Le.iv...t, iwi!i, Kn.sts, W-Iineoa;:. Iiavion. Cin f ii'ii.'ti. I nai .villi-, f atra, and all older iirlacujifil puiuii. and fnyvjjie ch. rlir i ti raauli I.MH VN A ll.l.vCIIK ttl.no YT. T'io Tlir.iiuh liii.re.t l.-i, ins' at. ifl-.ia P.M., eo-.iiio.ta ci li'aii o.i e n n r ..-c.ou v.ith a tran on this roa l .ui It -. ir . ill.-. In. I, a, a. .t ., KllkS'.'ttl'Ki. ..Nl) ' l!P1.si)N BK'.ltrtlt RtlRfltll. 1 tie l!ir.lvh r tliir .'.,'1 1.11 . Ir.tvlrHt at I'I 10 P. .M .rotl- ri .-I. at t a. 's..!.. at 1 'ft M ,-..i!i a 'rviri on tl.e n.,.d f r r ii.a 'hum A train aia i.-u-.ej e'radtoa for t.t;ausiu,'a At .Via P.M. liOI.I lilAVMIH It,; HIMMtl ROM). t'ie Mail '1 fj,n a o'a M ,nal 'iLr-anth I.tprcsl at 10','. P. vi.,r.'ini it. M.or.na wit-i ir.i.aa far li lieUy.- "a '- :.l 7 .'ii e l. ai,.t m : A VI lIl.t.Ni. ANli ! KAMI l''!.t HltA's'i'tl RAII.HO ID, 1 II - T 'ir ,a-.l Ksiir.r. I riln. l.-av.i? -.1 Id ) r. M . -?.n la' t al 1 . r.ai ttlit a train 'o- S.:;.rty lii a .ind 'fiil ips !. .r . .nd t.v nnl I la -le Yalle.- a l.-iad '.or Port i!at.iua a! ir 'a.tv, ui.il ll ne; iei-. iii hum, m n nu tm )n Toe k.mi.road. The linii'iei L'..r,'.t"raiti,, ,Ti'ij;ii Iti ia'-.lvi ,tcn ni gi. si loii -joi. -i w.th at -am lor ' Jpewcll aud Ilhx.ly A M JCifllilEltN I IIMI.AI. A I I'lllf.MlKI.l'lUV AKO i-fii: It.tii ii inis, I . I-H i I "rv, Vt , la.iii .ti ,n , 1 u. k H it en, R-mlra, P. a. ch.- ! r, Il.e ji .. ,it,.t .Siuni . t u.i-. i.-i.taii-M rs tak.ae the nl 'fri.i' .e J-A. .AI., nr.. I t'e T-ran n K.s'.ri'si at la- .1 i' M., dai'v at.'.,-! ' aialay :. ,'i Ulot-lit tliraii'h. tt i t . -. a .i t-.m limtueo Phaad" p-ua and vVil-!'.iai!,.s.,-t. ! . i iin-K.i; ,-' ' fi:. a.iJ i LrrY'HioTnti. the t.-ttim 1. ..Ii.i at .t A.M. an 1 .. I'i I'. 51, c am rt at Cat aiati n. ., i: 'i Ir.ola. an :ii.- !o, la-in t', laral -aliro id. l l Mlll'.l.l ...Ml V.!.1.i;Y HAII.IiOAll. i-'t'i- Yi,. l 1 -aiu a. ; -,, a. '.' , and tliro-i.-.li i-tj r- is a I. i i l' .vi., , ,i,:j,. e, .ti ;i,;it.si. ir:i ai;:. i.-al.i far t'arUsie, I t ltalla-r.!, r .-,:i-i I H.il'i r .f' I,'. 11 . V. A , .fl'.MI'.l 1;-; I'.IiASc'll PAIftlOAll. 1 !i Iran,;. I, .i . in ..' , .1 A. M ai d i Si I'. M.. c'.nni ct a: laot liLi-li v. a v. iiii train on t;aa loa.l 1) ayaoeattret aa-l 1 na '; i. . lia.t- ti. a ,. l ai f.a.l er no -a i.-itlon ;n prv nt the Patten !. r tttutit.n, f. I'., ri ill r ..: I.l l. l.s I 1 1 a. a MAKKi; I t;re-t. I -YMEU C'liVlil S, l lraol Aee.ll. eii'im iai nii nt'KniH. I ar !,::, -., ,.r IJ u.iu: a, ut very 1 . rate, li r the tc .. .iT.i nais'io-i af a iiis ll.'aii. oul ai' U- li.iir i.-Ctiled a or I. Cur ti.e . iao ol !-.- r.'. id. col P. i.S 1 le-KI'.T-l, T'-r 'X t r.T i-r. M'u n uii) tv ; na.. i.'. about mo cetite pi'r la.le. Tin tc tit s. t !i,T ii.U'liJcd ,ur li.e UKC ot ti.u.lli 1 1 1; I-' :i-u lr, litis , and u,v al P at ia.v anisic Ui erakut aial..u6 uciuaijuil. li .i'a. fc, II. all, lll-KETfl, 1 r -re r r tl rtr laon.l.s, ioi-;'ac u.vu selivtruiaUeal-uf t..o .1 li. '.In-tity. al Sll llN- FMlt liAT'OV. An teiv'..i: i-1 A. . an., lat ai, I el a ;,.-,t, t t. 17 lA?k a'li-i'l' 1 (S,. i, c- .n pt. el I.t 4 a i I l it 1'. M , i..'-!-! v a . a.l'vr-i.l U n..i!. of net t.1 t.j Ian .Let srii;-, ll est. at 'n-iii.t ll - t .it, 1 retool' fate, I'a. ir i .ar n't.-nLai ( I s.a Lap ji re, i, a vt l.ich ciael.s ui'e ti't .tt, nta befciav K.eala,-.' I) li i- fcAiellia.il a ltll (.liaui-I., 1 oi il.ll jioiu.:.ii, 'ii-e.t la t'lt.k,la 1 I..NK, F.ir.i.rn-.t A.-ent, o. l.:7 lioell. auiet. M IX-S TtAflVI.KlK l.t lll.ss. An Oiiei.t ol tli raiUuiie 1,-prese ( eiii,iaiiv will pass tl.:i lia'i. ta.l. t.elD krl- it- leatl.h.s ti c th-pi ana laL " ue II. e.ats a;:d .1. Ivi i-l'i....e lo any art 1 ti.j ei(.. i'.a Ktc v. 'I' la t-:ii I -,., praaiplly win n otdi r. am l.'fl ai t l'aben. i t'ri'ot Klet .-iithnnj MaikrWirKis, Tl.e trav vl liu i.ejt.c fti-L a.,uAtl "' t tu ire i i v.-,.t.,'-a;. uritiiiTs. lly'hls ren ts Cclrl to of all di arrlptlop can be f tr. warded la ai d Hum any point on tl.e rallro.ia. of Oluo, Kenliicl,-, Indaina. lUiuaiB, .aCoHoli, Jow u.ef Mi-.utin lev lu.lii.ad dil.i'1,1.1- to ,.n point an Hit- ui.t Uial-; v. alert bltJ. iArt, .j-ttraiiiira Iroiu I'ltt-bai-, Tin- r.it 'iey !itli;t lo wtdlivm an. iKtlnt Id the Wow hyts.i Pi bi'tllvaiilktlei.lialltala-'.litaie nt ail t.nies ea fai arable as tne ti.ar.ed l.y i.ti.cr l;a. xt ad e-aiupaalos. Meri'iiutla iiBaaiittpora OBlIUitlllK tin- U'aBsporiate D of it"'' ft'ji tran ' '"""''-" 'u 'viy vtltL ouui jeucs oa ) or lieitkt ctenlraets or hl).n dJCetijUA. tapir to or MariM tae AUa-nt.. u lhe Company ' . It. hlMosTON, Jr., n.IlailvlvlUa. I. A. bH.Y Alii, PllUbuin. ( I.AIIS t CO., cjeB.. 1.1 ti l! (0.,h. 1 Attor UdUit, or So. I 8. "Valuta Atia-tt ht-W Yo.'!t. I FE( 11 A CO ,Ko. 77 tVualilartan Atreet, Boeton. Till. Ll AM HIlOVY N. Ko. St AullU alle-el, Ualltatirt, A. ut Jtinv.vin C'eulral Hallway. II. H. IIOtBTOlf, Central Freight As- nt. i i,n.,teil.hia. LP.vviN L. iiotiri, Oeatral TlcAel Au nt. Pinlad. Ipala. ' ENOCH Lbl4, (Matrti e'rtilu-.tp'l.', aVIUismia, Ta. RAILROAD LINES. VI At RAILROAD LINK NOKT i.1 rit'i a.-ii-i.;-iiia ro nuooKi vs. Illll'll.'lll I ft I'lVKUOUKa. Am: j. F.XCt It'ilON TICtlF.VA t-l.iiooi) FOR TITRF"! IYA1 i ai aa I altrr vi ill V V , 1 a . u at I , ls.,4, trains wiU lei frotof 11m: fttr. i t. Plalaileiahia. evervnieentnt at 6 VI. tfiaii.irti ,-. ,-;'tr,. I, tat e t.v ibe'f-aa dta and Int.tir and liaritan and iielaware flay Ka-lri-ed lo P M, nraa altl. an I l.y th.' Caniin.-allauH steamer J H to I. ut .a Atl in't.-attee'. Hrookt.rn j rttnrmne, leave . !'ta.! htie,:t Vt : ri .verdey ttaudayi tAtcpted;, t A ll, liav,'. -, fa -u nt New York are n t"led nt n' t.lv lor p.i.eap ft this doe, thelia'e of New .est l,t it. r,.i, -I ii, thr . umeen ai d Amrioy rBttnepoty e. 'iiiltr erlvll.tr .-( '.rr-tne passmeers Aad freieht t-t . . a -.e nth s oi P'i is.rl!'Me aaa t'ew V ,ek. Iv-rs-'.V. I . i.lill I I .TS. Ilenerai rluperlnteadev 1 IHM.Am'M'IUA. !F.RMANrJVJM, A I t'JI'.l:IH I IJIV.N KMIK'IM'. T. MT. T AMI r. f'n nnd s'lilKoVllAI, May lit, 1 (, untH ftirt1 roii'-e. Fort OF.evA'0VsT. , l.-nte i-hiUa,!,,! s. f, s. in li. li A. M.; 1,7,1 I.., '. .... ,,s.'i,..i II .f tl latr t.,:n ',r. n.. 7,7. s.sta. , to, 11.1J A.J 1 v . .1. 1 K- l it a ,n ,1 . , t Ih, , ai u t i ,:, n,i f v tnu n up, do net l li Itie Oniaent unttra r . lll-.t M - itn.l, K M ROAD, in l'l -;,"1"1' l''i' u- ." a.Yl.i I, .-l-.-.V.l I .ate l he-ioit till, 71a, t, 9-40, 11 40 A. si.; 111. 3' f. tn, .-.ie, ' i ., :l la 1,1 1-. V. .-.,.., f'O): osniioiii.i f r a a rttJ vein rim row w. lea. I'loiiaii Hkn. 0,t:l, 11 to A. M.; l't.l.AV..' ft-.S I'll, aa.l I IV, P. JI. ' Isate N .iTistutta.O et', 7-), and 11 A. M.i IU. I I", aa-lflf. M I t e tuiia nr. - 111 ireo tl vvi-aaMeton, Manaytt; and Cat.l,H kea ,.i iy HiR MANAVrNK. l.iavrPM'aJ'';.a,..Jf.,liXi M., l;, .l.tji,' 0,.si;.and HHP. Yl. '" Tl I,, n-1 M.nai.. unit, .V,, . ,t,,8 .'0, s,, ll.', A. Tt., t,( and : V. M. 11. K. IMtTll, lien- r.i Rnnr-lr tendeni. mjiil Deioi, NINTH a id l-HIII.K Hlreetlt 5 VOKTII TKNNisYLV ANI A RAILROAD. J.V fo, Bt. I II I. HI I'. M. IMiVuF'iivVN. KYsni) sAI H Clll-.NK, llAl.tlON, A ILKi.s,Altaii, a YMLLl A.M.-sl'OHT. Ml .MM1-IR ARRASIflF-VrtT. AllllilTOhAI. TlvlNS. On and nflrr v.uft nY , Ji ttr u. ia I'l-aeaner Tra wllliav t, . N w in-pat. Hill. Ii Mir,', ...Un e ilea ..n .tie. I, I btladeipbia, del F tft-adays ejieeateeO, I'.ll.'V. S - 7 A .V. Rspree.) for Peth ehem. Alirptown, Ma., ( l ank. Wii'.i b irii-. vv llllai-i'.rl. ai. re . t A.r .n nio,taii..i-) f r l).-iylef.-.wei. 1"-U A. .VI t A-.-.-n-niodeip.n l for Fan vv'.'.i nfrtoa. il I. M l ,va n iu r.lelior 1 lor llo.lrttrttn. .: If-I'.ll.(tj.,..fir ftn'.lehi ai, Ijtl'.ll, Ac. I I'. P. M t vim!) roe Do le-lown. 6 la P tl. (Ar-'oinaiodatlon) lor iteialtheui, Al'eauw and Yiuura i iitiuk li'l" P M. A. rammed alien) for l.a-istfalt. II P M t A-eernv.i1i.n) for Fias -V..infn. TllAIBrl rult Ph'LADF.I.PIlIA Leave tie. Mela-m ai U JO A M , M .. A M. and -l7 t-li-tlestov n al ti stl A. kl.,4 46 P. M.,nd 7 P. M. I. an. a .le al e A Al larl It a.'alui ai at 11 7.'. A. M. and 2 T. M. ' ' 'N lel-IU.VYel X Pbl'ail li'l in for (telhltni'tt ai ! A. At. tl'. Pintail, rt.hl I for Havlr.t. wa al 1 f IV. i...tl,o!ae n for I'lilisdelpkit a 7 70 A M. I Iti-iM.-a. ,., t.tr I'hi ,l.ahl. .1 1 9 kf V 11 111 ai i,'!. 11.. .'.'str I si.r.'at w 1,1 rail far and .' 'Her kV ; ni.r at il.u liei.at, orders tuny be lap. a: Na. IU 9. Till! f Jelj' . r.IXIS CLARK, Ajrenf jlKADING RAILROAL eillK.AT TKUNIl 1,1X1 HIOM Pllll Allllt, MIA l'. r.lH INTl-RIOR 0 l'l S.".rl,V AsA,1Mi-: -n'llI'VLKll.!., MUet Ot KllA-sf V.Ct'-.IIIF.Rt AN l, AAD WlOMIKll VALLEY, KD .011TH, VtOKTIIWEBTA.ND Till, CAN All Aa, PAOMF.HIH-.K TRMVa fxsve the C- npsny a U p.il, at Tllllt Pr.KlfJTH a f vi.l OWI.II.I. filiettt. Pblltde pliia, at tat leiUawi' lillUlB' MnRNtWO MA,n.. At si. A.M. ror Hied-an, I eoeaan. F.ehraU, 1,1,3 C- lutarto. I.srn'b'iti, Po'tv.e, P neirrove, Taraaoi.. ftuntaiiy . vv ut an. .rat, ,.ui,ra. itis'he-tcr, Nurara KalT na i am. .snr t..w , l l lesbaire, Pittttett, York, Carlla vleia lartht.r , Hn-a-rttowTi. Ae 'I hr trttn eontierts al ttF.AO.Ki with E 'at Peaniytv nia kilruau trains ,o- A .utiinen. Ac. il.e Heading ai ('..lull ha, llallrOiia lor F.pbe', Lit i anil Coluuihia a' vtitb th. I 'tiaiii.n Vat), yua n far lltrr b en,- -,at PP CL.MTnN wi li Catawi. hair, ade alas lor VVItkas an Vt i ll iii Mop- rt. l.o.k liavea, Kitulra. act at UsBHi liCl.tl t.nii Vt.ikorn Ckntrai," "Cutraerlaad Valley l 1 ".sen. ylkill und fil-alil'lie .n.- trin. iarKlrtlur ht..rupu,Vilii.sm.T rt Ye t.cha- h,"-tt.urjt. PeQajrove,A aKTFHNOON r.XPRF.rln I eeves Pliilad, iphia at ll 1ft) P M. for Keadlrjt, Pott vl ', , I'mci'.ove, llai rieiiurK. A. , "Bi-..-.tlai,' at Uarn liin tt eh Pet neylvari.a Centra traiu far Pitttbort, 'k' i.rtl.ern C nti'al Kal read trsine r "tunr.u.f, Sortb'lu hfiiapii.l iii,ira.,te.,antta' Pottctlnu n with Catawle 1tui.rv.td iiaius fur AliHon. invuiia a jtirt, ICuuira. iluual' Ac. TIFAIilVO ACPOMYIOtlATIOrJ. Lettvr Rr.iii s at tl eo A. M , ttopuinit si all way it: I ii l-a arntli s ill I hlludeiphia alO'Hel A.M. Iteiurulnit.lratrs i'ai!Adcip h.a ai o uo P. M.s arrives ltein.il at s-tu P M. Trains for PhHnr. ipai a If av Harrlsbniv atR A, M ,ar i aiitvuie at h la a. ,vi . ainvinit in Ftiilaileluh.a at 1 P 11. Af nl oan trains leave Harris aws ut j P. a Pmtrviiiual J-Jti P. Yi anlvinit In i-hl udol bia at 7 P. A .sntrr," l a ne, wna a oatsert-'r rar an e-hed. 1 ia' Pleiaurlphln at I P. M , for Kaadlim and all wa suiioa. lnv K'tmnivut iA, noaa, and 1-owmtiKtownll ii-JO, M tor ll-llatlelpl.la a..) all way ite'lons. A II the yl.ove trali s ran Jaii7, Hniidavl xceptetl, Baanav trnlua leave Potlsvliit al 730 A. M., aad Pluli dcphluali) I 'i P M cut-s i i.r valley kailhoad. P lesen.-ern t,,r l.ott'nlnclawn and liitcruie Pao potp tale Ihe B l A Yl . end a i 0 P. M.trilas 're a Piiiladehth. re'un.lig irt.m l)owal.ia-irn at 4H A. M., nnU U '. tl'Mill. 1 HtVV YOB 14 JOwl-AiliSS FOR P: f 1 S!ILU, AND Til a i , r. Leave Ki w Y'orV si 7 P. M., pasaint' R -aiMi a: 12 ml. clehi ana coiniet tliai a Na.ria urg with Peantylvau liul'r.ii.d 1st ee.s tram ft r In. bur. If. tarini P-.prrss imsi lea.. Harrlebure on -irrrv.l tin l-ei te.yl-atiio F.xuiess f ,.rn Pittitiniiif at ('IA.M patsin it,-. ,,iinr at a ti a ai , aaii arr.vin-i st sew V o ut 1-4.', P M HJertiti a- (.'a ac, tnnva these crml. tl.riu.b, btat.eeu Je.iey City and P.iUtiura, wiUioii chai.ia . I Mnlltrarnt SirVew Yre-k Vi PsifiS'-r-il A. A :nnl i P Yl. tia I train tjt liaruibei.Y 1-ava New Yin an. A .Yl. u. J, I ' U. 1 M!IU I KILL VAUIT RAIL.IOAf). Tralpt I. a v Pot'tviiie ni 7 16 -A M. aad ii-:n P. M., tnitiipe from Tn-earrtra at S in A. M, Snd4 l' M. Hl'l'l V IK ILL AMI Pl-aeft E I AN MA it AM KOAO. 1 relne la-ave Auburn al t) Aa A.M. far I'mesrova an lilirr lalt-, at.d al l".'el awl 7 10 f At far Plnt'-trot-a uai) n-tnrn.r'r lieni H'irr!-.i.iir. at 1-itO P M., anel lir.-'ia Pint Kraveatalj A. M., and! and A M. r i K E l ft Through fiiii-(-!as lick.'taatid emi'rrAnt tiekettton tl.e pil. ciii.il voli'tt In iii IKorlh and vv-t and e' ioa.1a Y he lallovt li.j. tlekie are ohtalii-tt-le oult at the otlwe ft HllAllFOItu.Tr-asurer. Do 71 H. lOI 'it ltl Hire. Pl.i.aiii. pi la. or of U. A. -N10O1XM, Oentiral bupariuuu ii. Ill, iteatliliK i COMMllf cnorl T1CKF.TS, A".'A per ce t due mat, between any points do.Lre. for luiailies at d tl ine. Mil.. AOE TllTtTtT't, (lood far 201 1) nidi.., bciwca all eo.uu, at Mo 3S tact far luoullcia and ilrma. hit A ON TK-KF.T"-,' F-.r tires, s! nine, or twtfve aramas, for hotdert OAllv to an poinia, ac rrdue-ed rates, ci.i'Kt.vbEN Rcsl.lliivoti tho line of Uie ro.i will bo f irnished wll ctida, eaiitl i.a iae.a.telv.? tud wlvca to tKjucts atu-i flirt'. KXri'ttdlON TICKETS Fri pi PUb.leipi 'iii pun -ipii .eiik na, . at for a.atnr day Mil "iu-.', ai d Mainii,. ai redut-d fare, to bebarloai ui the iirkotOoaa.a: lUiUTHilv 'HaudCVXeAlWUll.. tti.cofa. FKKltillT. ft. sal af n'l ,!t' ..-rlalian :'..rv, trdi d fi all fie abov. tt,. in tvfi i.hr Cenipat) be frtiltiM depot, BttOAl tu.u rtji.e..'. r;i,e i. Fltl-ItlHT TRAINR f-e.-ve Pldladetpt.u daily ai A. 51.. 1 P. M .and a P. M firhtiidii,-, lsib!,ii..n. liamiUnru, fvittv-lla, i on oiu. itea, ana peiu: aotanu AlAll.tl C'. ae a tl erMladr'thi i Tas M.r- fr, .Ml olA-vs en tl read aud its bralirl ee a'. & A. Al., and l'oy tba laTlutlpe I..H..1I uiuy ui i i j i . .si EST CHKfTFR AND FH1LADRLPI1I ft ltAii.l.'.Aii. vis airoiA. . 1M.J.1 lllll, i.i.Vtl, On aiitl uflt r e li I DA Y , Api il 1, Istei, Uie- Trains win icav .Olillrt:. l.rnv... pii-lad. ---.Ilia fiaoi tio Pajwl, oorn-rof TTTmrT Flt:-T hiiu faliMV-.T Ktrnjts. e a. tt , Jl-aj a.m. .i-j. P.V..S'.U P M.,0'1.1'. Al, I ''lla.l, l liia l-rpot u-iii. ed iroi-a Kl.iliTI.ItN ft! an. JIM, Kit Mi Alt, U) 1 IHlll ItnsT a-ld .YIAIULE'. hilt ias. la-ave Wt ( ii nrr, trim ths Depot on Ea t MAKKEl Hlnet,i. l!l A, M i-.j s.. M.,11 A. M ,2 P. H..I 1,P M. 1 he t era ..1 t!rj We:,'. l'hla,il..hiA Passu.er Kuilwu! Cun:'.ni) f Ataihet sti.i'1) .till cor.toy l'ijui-',ra lo ani ON vi NDsY'-l. I ratf 1'siiadi'lpl.la at 1 no . M. anl 4-.i P. M. 1 ai l. 1. a.h'..' Pi.it life ,.h'a at H . At. mnil'l.tV) P Af nt d Wi l (Ties er a 14, A M. and 4 lo P. ., tvonaee I a ita ti.nna on tii.- I'.'i 'aile'piita and tlaliuawTt sjeauai! tai a ioi ei.-. i iu ana lai-ai aalatr prints l :i 1I1NHV iviii,!i,i:,,eririupor!a'.tnaeiit. 1I.ST Jl RsiFY RAILROAD LINKS. II nliini, iiri.i) un MOMlAY, Junt DO, ll, Irouk tt a, us piitvt iraaii Itir.CM'KMAY. Atfl Hal It A .11 . n. d 4 .)) P. M. Ver fl ilian am- lliaii .-;..-i, el ;1 A. at -m !4 P. V. I a lou, '.. ai a. I. an i In A. kf.. and 4 and 4 P. M rur Uoi.ii'ury, eilouet'a.tir. .sc., at a audi) A. .Yf. ..u i mm t I . 31 liI.TCllNtN't: '1 PAINS I.EANE C ape Met- at II mill II 4' A, A! and A ltl P. At. Mi a ... ati-l'l A.M. .tail 1 .' and VO P. M. I .su.i -ri at i. A. M., an J I'. '. I'. "1. lai.lutl n ai'- It A. Jl., 1 iil'.'f. I l. a- .'...rt at 7 la ami e.'lfi A M ,'..'?1, ' SO, nnd 7 V) I'. M. u - il art nt 7, 7 -lo uhdti' ti a. il., aud if :, -jn, d m J aaiskl-. At. I THE WFRT JPItl:YPPI.t8CrMPA1tY. Oilu-f. o. HYAIKI T Mrs el, will rail lar and dellvt I It.i.Ki -a-, and ittltud to nil l I.t- ue'ial brant ties of Kvpreii In, .a:. ,-(.. lint it attt 'I ltii.,1. aw il A M. lio"B only, au tan a l eii. lo li.e onli-i t.a et t.an urevlou. Purl. ban W.- f ri rirs '.t- tiaft line u.ti.-t he hi nt betaise j-A.ii. A a) ,c.al u e.-tea.i r ui-is-n puile. i ai Ii train. ru. 1 J. V AN l.l.Mt.-l.l.Atlt.huporlnten.taiit. rUILADiiLVIIIA AND tm.' t Ltll: 1. AII.IIUAI). Iell . '1 H it ,.t Hoc Iravetri's tlie Noithern and Nanhw-.l coat fa.1 et 1'ri iittlvrtiila la ih. eltv of trio on Lake Krle, Il '.a-li.ru Irate, I the I l..'t Set) I.YANI A U '11.I40.SI (('.itl'A.M, aid under Itan' tiL.plcu It buluif rapid. e4ieiesi t).iurliont ita i titirt 1. i'.lt. it ' m-.vv In t.e for I'ak.rtii. r nad t rcts-ht bualneii ftv.ta llaiTiet'ill'' lo Fui;,i-liain, Its', n.ll.'s), ..n the Kaatern lltti- Man. tiiUiiolu isnttllwld lo laie ITS nule,ou Hit tVueluril Una., i. -.l.SI' IIP 1-A.stl.NM It 71IAIN8AT rultAOFM-inA. Melt Train leave S A. Sf . llM re.. 'iiaia leav es Bl'do P. M. tan run Uiri.tiyb w iihoi l t liiM.fc both vsayeou ttieat tianib l.eiwt ta 1'hliadt.lj.i.luuud Lvck liavta.aud telvvevu Ua I ruote and lKk linveu. 1 Iii iui In ,s ins I an ou the Ex press Train both wan.' lar iiifitsioatloii reap, ctluk J aaentfer laisluuss, apply at tilth, ll.r nnl of LI.LYEISTI! und 11 Alt K El' rltiooU. Aud n-r 1 rv.bt ou-tiura cl lhe '..miMt,v'. A Joins : A. ii. Kln.a ton, Jr., corner blXlLUATll and MAjYUa.CT itreet-.Pj.lla.lolplila. J . W. !.. vat-l.'.i., Lat. i. tt. Drill, Ai.vi.1, M. . C. n Balllmara. II. IIOfKTOW, tlonoral rrali'lit A in nt, I'hllad, Iij.i. laYVVIe) I.. IIOL-Pl1, OilK-aJ Ti V.t Anent, PUila Irlplaa l.lrtLIH Ii rt,?f ' Jel'lf It-s-r.-alj, ctr, WWlatte-ia