V Tim DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PinLADELPIIIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2G, 1861. 3 ; C't'ciitHj? EMfjjtapli a tunr rrwtoo jrmwsrATML OmCE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. rm fmn 0mm Pa OnrT, nt EinnTrm" Orrw Pt Weau. par sale I tM Oerrtey.and aaalled ta AobeevlSers taw of Of CRT as Bmum Tut im i On Doilab , rivrr raww roa Two MiihTiie, Invariably la edvoiioo aWkkeeertW srSWsul. . 4nrUmaMati Sseertcst t lb ml Ml... A Ulieral niinml ! Aw eted-4 Ineertlone. TW Ttip01Ml !. Re notice reu betakea nHi'Mf1"' tmirriBlriillc-a hin-H U eier.l lor leeenl n bo li-n'V aled ay th Mia ana . eflhe writer-ant n..curilj tr eWtralton. bet M r""""" f"h- amot eudertake w rafara reyectest CosaauoK.aikia.. Ta Aelvertliwrei. wf to ni leTea.e I OtrrotMioe. of Tm Vywihksi Tai-esieerw. esenpelitni n. to an to p-a.. at an aajr kiMar. w o-rerti retiueiet that atlven-.enH-tila rosy ' ktkMMk e.eoa aa I n'eWk, If pne.tbly, to aecniw I (Men ka.wma as aV of oar edlllona. f FRIDAY. AUGUST 2C, 1V4. I 1 1 ... i .i THB CMMTKKTI05I iTtUiriCO. Mr. Fkrahto Wood, on his w.ir to ' Chicago, few dy p;o, Btopprd t Dayton, ' Ohio, the bom of Mr. VAi.r.AYimniAM, tail m&de a politic! sp-ich. He w.is, of tonne," Fbiawdt Wro" or nothing. He prwoonnced blnvolf, la the most Approve 1 prMtd-eAgl (;, w In (hvor of peai:e ; An 1 he told his Audience that the Chicago Co twiUoo would etna Delate An ont-nud-out ppAf pUtfbrrn, And plAce on It An uncondi tional peace man. He spoke emphatically And positively, like one sjjakliiir; by auttvir- ' Ity. He uttered bis Rontlment, Indited, with a degree of Absoluteneiw quite worthy of Sir Oracle, who aald, "when I speak, Kt no dog But " FKBSAif dt Wui" In Dot Ail oraclo, UiovLsrh be would pam for one. Ho Id a vory low fellow, woo, with very exceedingly bad A&UicedeoU, baa mACAged, by ineanit of su-jirf-nx impudence And the bucking of a crowd of low roughs And rapscallions In New York, . to mike himself of more political conxeine.nce ; UiAA Any suck unprincipled sharper ought v to possess with the American people. He Is rich. And therefore influential; And It if one or toe meet rearui or our rices ah a UkUoa, that Any low-flung blackguard can, by Abee means of Audacity And money, get him' elf elected to a seat in Con grew, And become A potential leader la the great political con Trations of Lbs country. But without discussing Mr. Woou'i pedl (tree or diwuaring the Tlrtuous charactor ol that wealth which was earned by (telling lot- ' tery pollclea la an obecure den In a back ntreet, we may properly call public Attention to the openly ATOwttd sttntiments of treaHOn which Mr. "Fkbmakiit Wub" doclared lately at Dayton, Ohio. He tells the people that the Democracy w w ill, in Convention at Chicago on the 2,Uh lywtant, pron uUrAte an uneondltionnl peace ' 'lJ. "iatfcrm. And place on It, at- thtlrcAodidiOe for X Uie Presidency, a man who will, If be is jf elected to the Presidential office by the peo- pie, carry out that policy. We do not believe the Chicago Convention will do Anything of the kind. We do not believe that Mr. "Fxkhawdt Wcd" has Any Authority to speak for them In the premises. But if the Democratic Convention should do precisely ' what Mr. Wood predicts they will do, the true friends ef the country and the Government would be very well satisfied. The people may be tired of the war. Wat ' is not a business In which Any people Are anxious to engage, or which they can long euller in patience, unless the object of the war to so supremely important as to subordinate . to Its prosecution All private interests wb.it- frer. But, desirous as the people of the loyal States may be to have the present deplorable - crril conflict bcoorAbly and satisfactorily con eluded, we do not think that they Are willing ' to succumb to the Rebellion In order to secure peace. PeAce Is coveted on both sides. The ebes are much more solicitous for it than the people of the North. But A peAce that contents to the dbwujlutton ' of the nation Is not desired on either Me of . "Mason and Dixon's Line," by the truly loyal and patriotic citizens of the couutry. The Union sentiment to not yet destroyed in the South. It may be suppressed, in so Car v A open expression of it to concerned, but the - sensiAwint yet lives in the hearts of the people. Indeed, it woald be a most fortunate occur rence Cor the nAtlon If the quentiou of peace or war, which has recently so much excrcUed the politicians in this section, were brought directly to popular vote ; and nothing ehould better please the friends of the Administra tion than to have the CLIohko Convention come out squarely And uncoutliliouuUy for a termination of the war, and nominate candi dates to stand upon that platform. Let us tmut, therefore, that Mr. Woou, In his late stch at Daytea, Ohio, may prove a prophet, 7'h people In that event will know what to do and how to vote. iABOR-NAYINn N A II IK iM f. 0ic of the surent evidt-ncen of weak reason - ij); Utc ultlf'S Is the abeurd opposition ho oftnn . uian;fcittl towards labor-wiving niaihinery, by those- who see In every m w Invention au ' ei'tftiif. whose object hi to depreclato tbo viJiu cm' Uie'r lniwr. The greatwt outcry prubaiily t-y-r berd In denunciation of a la.lHr-fviiig lji.rj aicnt was that occahIoiimI y the Invt-n- ti of toe sewing machine, v nli u was riurdtd h uianj a a device oi' tlio arch Aifwirhry. bv which thoil'mul of womt-n wcmiVJ be thrown out of cinplovini-nt, rnl dlvrn (be read to ruin, .-i -!f r fi-.ev L .oi iry &nj sraivation. r.n tlic reuli proved tlMliy ! i", ir..ui Wl -t r.ifwt. (I. There win- jiff at nin.-h .iii j Hym? nt for h-inales then as tliei i vmls pievl f.':j ; and uf no subHequent perloil hav. ihi pi ' of certain sorla f needlework If' u in Aught dimiuirhcd, 11 they have not been in- ere Ased. Experience now goes to prove that machinery not only redound to the benefit of the manufacturer and consumer, but olo to that of the operative. The more machinery we have the more employment there is, and the less IU-pald drudgery. It was supposed that McCobmick'b grain-reaper would materially reduce the wages of fiirm-laboren, and throw thousands entirely out of occupation. But this is shown to have been A fallacy, as larm , laborers have never received so liberal a return for their lubor as they do at this very Aoment. v TNfcen the threohlng machine first superseded the paluful and back-breaking toll of the old Ouiulouedn the gt 1(, jglK)rarg Wilh 'Wuslon. But who can Attribute to thetap.wj N 7 '"K,6 believe It can be proved that la proportion m greater tkcllities are acquired for the purpose, , ,nore laud there to brought under cultivation. ws can . remember the time when a hundred ...r.u land were considered a large lurni, ami ery fiW ludlvlduaJ Agriculturists at the North cul tivated more than a hundred and Ufly ai ru. Now, on tlie contrary, we frequently tlul ferms cf twohnndred and flfty and three hun dred Acres cultivated with the same Facility as formerly attended the arduous tank of tilling those of the most scanty dimensions. In fact, A labor-saving machine Is a Weeing to us All producers, consumer, And opera tives Alike. It would be Just a Absurd for printers to utter maledictions upon Hof.'h ten-cylinder prenses, which strike on" so many thousand sheets per boor as for femtloi to complain of the sowing machine, or tbo farm operative to denounce the reaper, or the car penter to none his wrath against Wooo woktu'b pinning mill. The morn facilities we have for doing work of Any kind with speed and economy, the more sirh work we shAll have to do, and neren-arlly the more operatives will be required to perform the lalor. At a recent meeting of the .Society of Arts, in England, a paper was n ad with ref.-rence to the mnnufxeture of botbini-t lace by hall a century old, yet In consequence of the Introduction ol roai-.hlnery, the price had fallen frcm one hundred shillings per square yard to sixpence, and the number of machines hvl Incn-axed from one hundred and forty In lt15 to tblrty-flve hundred In 1H83. Before machi nery was Invented, In Kngiand, for this busi ness, the amount of bobbinet lace mad there was orly aliout two millions of dollars per year. The amount now made exceeds In value thirty millions of dollars annually. Fifty years ago the number of hands employed In (Jrcat Britain, in making bobbinet lace, was le than eight thousand. The number eu gaged In the buitness at the present time i upwards of one hundred and thirty-one thou sand. After peruxlng fact like tbe.se, and weigh ing them In the scales ot common sense, the Absurdity of the Idea entertained by some people In opposition to labor-saving machines becomes strikingly apparent, 1)1 R OCF.AM IIU!s. i.rt. The new Iron-clad monitor, dictator, is nearly ready to go to sea, and will sail in a few davs for Europe, under the command of Captain John Rohuf.k. This vesM-1 wid be the tln-t of the kind which the Kuropcans have errr seen, and her Advent In the eastern hemisphere will occa sion as much excitement in military sad natal circl as has yet been produced by anvtbin connected with the bb-tory of the I'uitod Status. A ship which Is of the large towiati of throe thousand and thirty-three tvus, and cHirio but two guns, would seem, in the liht or old naval ideas, to be constructed upon xvotein ou which there is au immrnee disproportion bt'twnra tbo burden and the armament. In the graic middle period of our naval history, nautical convi-rnuQou abounded with allusion to serenty-t'our. and one-hnndrud-and-twenty-gun ships. The power of a easel was rated by the number of guns which she carried. A double-decked frigate was a foimidable antagouist, aud a shlp-of-the-line, or three-decker, was an ui;!y customer, whtavver it might appear. The multiplication of guns was the object of the naval architect, and the greater the broadside, the more formidable the ship. It would have been a hopeless thing to convince the nautical men of the wooden ship age, that they had merely applied two ancient ideas in combination, and went on believing that they had attained the elements of perfection. They had for commerce ships, they had for ordi nary military operations gnns. They pat their guns on board their ships, and the business was done. It is not probable that tnuny material changes would hare been made in the general style of building wooden war vessels at any time. But the Introduction of Iron plating for ships of war, the capacity thereby gained for the use of boavy guns, and the ueeessiry which arises for the em ployment of ordnance of great power, if iron ships hope to contend with iron ships, has pro duced very Important modifications in the shapes of such vessels. The turret of Captain Ebicsson aud the cupola of Captain Colf.s are modification. of the wme ida. What we call the Monitor shape of ships is having full test in this country and Europe, although there are many persons who be lieve that this style of war vessel, except for har bor defense, will have to be abandoned. The A'eis JronMd'-t lias been a success exceeding any other hip m our navy. Her sea-going capacity is equa1 to that of (my wooden ship, and while the Moni tors at Charleston have been popping way with their two guns each, the Acts Ironide$, upon oc casion, has shook the echoes with her magnificent butter- of eighteen Kuns. The large fleet of Monitors now in use at various plates along our coast were not constructed for ot can serv ice or for cruising. They were meant for oiierarion m harbors and rivers, and it would be folly to send them upon long voyages. But whilst Secretary Wsllks has been forced to rely upon these ships for present duty, he has not been idle. The Unite! States not only needs a class of Monitors for harbor finhtin". and of lightw class vessels to eouirol the rivers, but it needs a full class of huge ocean goiug ships, fitted to cross the Atluntic, aud bear the accidents of battle and storm. The AVic Irontidet was the first, and for a long time, the only one of ships of this class which we possessed. Hut work has been prosecuted for many months upon others, and at the present time the following list Is given of the ocean iron-elnd fleet in commission aud prepara tion: rtsi- MHIt JV'IM. 'll.. New lrouai des. . Is ys'tiVfja. In 1 uiiiiuiHsinii, Atlnat. Afloat. Afloat. Afloat. Afloat. Afloat. Heady to I.aurieti. hiiiitiiu at l'oiisiiioiiih. HoHtnu. Tv w York. D.rtatnr 3 RC3 l'untan 4 ''j! muntoi.nmah. . . 4 iriL4 Munaitiinik ... 4 10)4 Toiiawanda 4 JM4 Agnnif-ijticus. . . . 4 ,'f4 lHiniltirborf in WHO 1 tssanoiiouiy . . . 4 33N) t,lui inmouct . . 4 iOO halamamo 4 If JO bhaclmalon .... 4 iftXJU Uiilldiuit. What the Aeu Irotutidfi has done we all know. The Dictutar, as we say, Is nearly ready to sail, and the Puritan may be the next ship. The ton nage of these vessel, is large. Whoever has seon the Totiutramd at our own Navy Yard knows that she seems to be inmit n.-e, and yet this ship is one of the smallest in the above list; several of the monitor class are of twice its size, whilst the Isvnderbert is three limes as larye. The much spoken of Freneh and Fnglish Iron-clad shijis, LaHloir? and II urrinr, an- of smalli r tonnage than eight of tiu- ve-M Ik hihumI alxjvi , and it has been asaoried ajru'n and iucawi that lor seagoing purpo-n's Fur' i.-:iu sb.; at- t'nilurts. When the lirt'tt(,r riiak -s her iivi mean trip, wc rhall have an opportiniiy tfi learn wheth'-r our ovin saiinrs and naval constructors have solved tlic probli-m which requires for an inm-clad vessel of v,ai'sH-iu-ingly ail verse qualities, among whi-b may be named an immeusely heavy iron-plated hull with buoynney on the waves; grent burden, and the model to best sustain it with speed and lightness. The IHctntor may prove that these seemingly irreconcilable problems are of easy solution. The Fort'and (Maine) VewAriaounceiSccro tary Fessenden as a candidate for election to tbe Si nate of the United States for the term begin ning on the .iUi day of March, 18w. Vice-Fredi-dunt IlamliB is also a candidate. It Is understood that the President has in structed the Treasury Department that money most bo placed Immediately in the hands of the paymasters to pay troops whose term of servico has expired, and who have been knocking loudly at tbe door of tho Treasury. The requisitions, which amounted to nine mil lions five bandied thousand dollars, were passed by the Treasury to-day. On Saturday mor.ilug, near St. Albans, Vt. a part of the steam apparatmof tho engine Rox bury burst, and the steam rushed through the lira-box. The cuylneur, James Harrington, in juuipiug from the cnylno, fell or was thrown wuder the cars, which run over him, nearly sever ing Ids body, stripping the flesh from his left arm aud eattlng his Uad badly. lie lived but A few luluuttt. FARRAGUTS SQUADRON. THE ATTACK ON MODILC. EecounoiEBance of the Obstructions. Tlic Utinhoat "MnrKB"nMn ITIre on vir 1'icot. THK " NASHVILLE" SUNK TUB SUIT CHANNEL. IN T II I-J M A. If. It I J T H OPERATIONS AGAINST FORT MORGAN. Congratulatory Order from the Admiral. ICto.. Kte., Xtti., Kte., lite, Cau.o, August 26 New Orleans advices of the lHtti bsve I een received. Acini iial Kanagat made a reconnoisianro on the 14 h to the oh-trurtioua near Mobile. Ho found the ahtiiu was sunk across tlio channol, . niskii g accent to the city impossible until she if removed. The gunboat Morgan camo down and can nonaded our vcs.c'a from a sufc distance. There are still two Iron clads rams and several plated batteries near the city. Our luittcricB will be ready to opcu. on Tort Morgan in a few days. Admiral I arraxat has issued a congratulatory order, returning tbauks to the otlleers and crows of the vessels of the fleet for their gallant conduct during the engagement on tho .Mb, and for tho oble aud Implicit coutldeuce reposed in tholr leader. Two hundred Hvbel prisoners at Fort Oainos bad petitioned to be allowed to take the oath of allegiaace. Genital Canby had au'hoti.cd Colonel D wight, oar Commandant of Bxcbaugo, to make first claims upon the tJ-.vcrnuient to effect the iramc diAie release of oar prisoners. Some 3300 are now Is camp at Fort Texas. Tbs i ftk-en of the stvamer Rod Roy, which is reported to bars been capturvd and destroyed by guerillas, has arrivcA at w Orleans. They report tue steaiuvr sfe bat sgroand below Mon roe, Wacuita river. Thar Is a fair Inquiry la the New Orleans Cotton Martet at Sl-4(! for strictly ordinary; 91'6K.t r-tf for Miud.iog. Kloar deeliued. Small lota oi 8nar etft-red a '.'S924c. Nine gusrillas at.d Reocl spies were shot by the military authorities at Fadacah, ye.-terday. Farrwawt'" Ortler of Thank.. On the tt.h (Sunday) a general order or circu lar of thaakj from the Admiral to the officers and mou cf the floet, eulogizing their conduct daring the Action, was read on every quarter deck, as fo.Iows: FuiosBtr "Haktpoea," Moans Bat, August 6, 1Ho4. Tue Aura rai returns tQtnks to tbe otU ttre and men of tue vessels of the lici t for their gali..Dt coiiduui dorag the tight. Ithis never been bis pond f rtuno to see mea do their duty wi.h mote che rfulncs; fcr, altnoagb tbuy knew that tbe ct,euiy was prepared with all the devil ish ousts tor our destruction, and wimussud tbe almost instaniuBcous auuibilatioa of oar gallsnt o mpiiions in the Tceunuth, and tho slaughter ot tloir tiicnds, me.Mnates, and gun-mut-s, stiil thire ws not the slightest evidence of besit .tlon t i fo low your Commundcr-in-Chicf through the line of torpedoes and obstructions, of which we knew ooibmg, except from tbo exag gera.ioitS of tbe ineniy, that we mast ail bo blown up as cutaialy as we attempted to outer, Fcr tots kind coiitideuee in your leader he thanks you. V. O. Ftxaaoi'T, Rear-Admiral. Tbe Admiral ai.o roquested that the fleet should remit (banks to AJmlgbty God for its 8'iniHl ictory over the enemy ou tue morning of the Sto. TBE PEACE BTJMOBS. Tbe" Report ,r ft--ollntioDS will. Hleli. uioiiii 1 1. fouiidtU No HroiOKil f an Amnrsl)-iriui. Which I'eiwe may beSjHk-lal.Krd. Wahuinoton, August 25 You may rest as sured that all tho rupcru attributing to the Uor eminent any movements lookintr towards nego tiations tor peace at present are utterly without foundation. TI en- has been nobody at Nlag:ira rvprescn'.incr the Govenmient, or in any way expressing its opinions, coin-ermd in auy negotiations or eon vtrsaiions with the Kebei emissarios oa the sua ject ot peace. Tbe Uoverameiil has not euter uuii d or d scasstd tbe pniject of proposing an armistice with tue ueoeis ; uor nas it any inten tion of sending comraisaioners to Richmond for the purpose ot i tJoriug or soliciting terms of peace, or of m poMilin w tth tho Rebel authori ties on that or any other subject. Its si 1c and undivided purpose U to prosecute the war until tne Rebel Ion is quelled. But if anybody dotibis its willingness to mike peace whenever tbe Rebels will lay down tbeir arms and return to tbe I ulon, let him produce any t.roiosition troiu the Rebel authoriiies to that effect, or any evidence that tliey are desirous of om lup the war on thoec terms, and he will thon tte in condition to test the purpose and disposi tion oftbe Government on th.it point. He will find no diifleuliy or delay in defining tho l'resl den 's position on that suhject. Henri J. Uaj-n"i-'ft? thr V. F, T'tntt, Iinportant 4 onlrrence, jm:W ,-ra(.'t to Tne I'remng TViwrosl. The peace rumors have considerably suUidcd since the political lonfcrcmo of yesterday lictwceo Prisiilent Lincoln, Mcscrs. Seward, Raymond, and Fcruey, CITY IrELJJQmCE. Fiit.i c.jiiMiK o- ihi, Coi'tir-MAUiMi.. The Oincral Court-Mart al couvencd in this city by cruer of Major-Oer.eiul Couth, aud of which t'olont'. lavLs, lt'Ub l'eiinsy Ivaula Volanteors, i:, Pre):deiit, met and organized on Tuesday, the ;d ins'Bnt, et No. I H': (iimrd street. There bei. no business ready the rourt adjourned uiitil the Jltli, at IU A. M., whon it again reas ? n.liiKl. The frst es-e brongh: before it was that off harlts eh!i n, a itrated man, charged w iih iiesettion lie was limited on the '2d ot h : t June, but fulled to rep nt, and enlisted in tbcTiuvy. lie wu. nuests d on the Soth of June . ti boct t the icceiui.!'. .--I -.ip, ,md placed iu con ( i.en.eni. lie cuttreit a i lu of "not guilty," and his case wa tlii-pivc I ol or: Wednesday. The no:.d t-uso v.i.s (lint of private t-aniuel li. !-pi Hi y, charged with having deser.td from the '. it'i I'eiinsvliui i oltiiitecu, ami culiiting in ihu sib I'i.'iiU'. iviuii:i cavalry, lie liad ore vlously been a soldier in the I lilt Now York Ma to Militia, from whieh be was discharged, lie pleaded guilty to tbe charge and the sie.ciii cation. Tbe court disposed of his ease yester day, and then adjourned until to-day. Nsval Ksmstmests Reform Nekokd. If the naval recruiting station in Front street was conJncte 1 in a more soldier-IIkc manner and provided with greater facilities, many more sea men would be obtained, which, in cause iuene of the present state nf affairs, tbe Government Is deprived of. Instead of thirty a day being received, which is now tho average, there would be no difficulty in obtaining severul hundred, if the means were provided for the examination and mustering in of the men. Maay who were in the line yesterday lor hours left In disgust, btcanso. it was evident that they bad little or no chance to be admitted. The "ring" was in power iKJaio, as no oue could fail to see. Cptoiietrly li o'clock only three or four of the "outsiders" had been admitted, and a general feeling of dis satisfaction was expressed. Certain agent! and brokers had the run of the place, uud Seemed to be entirely at heme there. A do.en rcci uitiug stations would not be too uuny now to Meruit All the men w ho are offering; and as there are plenty of nuval oihcen here uot on active duty, tia ra outfit to bd uo diifLulty iu ut once estab lishing all the stations required. DoaitMhutiao. The citlzem of the Fourth Ward are making strenuous efforts to Bill thuir quota, aud in all bumau probability they will he successful. A mass meeting of tho citl. jus w ill be held this evening at Odd Fellows' Hall, Tenth and boulb streets, and every enrolled nun in tbe Ward should atteud it. Ahkivai, ok Sk a and Wohwuko, Tbs trilled Hlsin llo-pllal Tnunrit Heansr At lantic, Optaia Kri.i lUti rrr, arrived br last evi nil (r. with fiflr hindrrd nek aad oanded from tbe Ooi.t, and pnnrlpally Iron tbs Kiuh Aruif t'orrsi. foh)olnMl I a tint nt eommlwlnned oftrers slok St'fl wi'Ut'O'ifl, lirottrht by tlis Athmttc: First J.k.ul llioms. W onss, II, IIKth runna. Fiist i.nntjnhn M Htxels, A, blh IVont. Unt l.mit Ima Knuioi., Jr. II, Wl I'nnnv. Klr-t IpiiI ( harii-s Kltism, I; IVb H V llu.ry Art C aptain llio. II Watklna, II, I'lir nil Car. Meennd l.li.iit John hnhn, I., furnoll l. ijloa. Hisvii il l.l. ut ,Ic,.,.pli h a.k, K. Hlh Mlnhl an luf Hicund nt Wm llra rn. tt, HKd I'snni. ( a)Jn II H hnmlx-rlaln, I, Cth Ns fork. ! .i'in A ; William, l, 4ih Ustvl mil. Firot ljut Kuliirt si'i'lr. U, lit M.ryla.id. rvif il l.li-iil II Iclrli, . (isih .Mait ilua"t's. I rl I.ir-nt Iti.lwrt I HntiriiP. tM M i.aolilllts rxsoml l.ii in .1 II I'uiwaiiit, II, Huh M.i-aj minlta. lil l.wut Hnlli (1 Hi-il, K, l-i Mnr.lan.l. 1 spislr Ottn I hritt, II, t ill N Y llnrr Art. H. n.l (1 jiit Hllia.orrl II Wi-th, I, s7)h IVim-l. Flr.l Ijt-nl Urlit nionirsr, (,, 4tlh Now YorV, i I ml l.itMit Hi in. H I 'anner, I, blih I'onna. Mwiinl I.I. ill K li Mi-Kin, II, H-lil l- nna IimI L cut I Imrlf. A t minor, l, 7th Msrir'sn4. t'lra- I. mil f iank W li m, A I ('. Iltti L ,1 lot. Flr.l Limit All'nl Foot, 14th I) H Inlanlrr. l a tain Ih-n.. a Davlev. i.'-ncral ( n A V i lain ( haili I' liyalt. Hih H iwmln rs.alrr Fliai IJint Ifol'-rt I'nnanli, A, 15th Nvw drk. AilJutantJ Flt'nlonv, ll Maryland. First I .In t W I. Ilmsl rs, II, l.t Marrland. SmiimI IJ. nl I. ( link, I I I nnoii Hlntni Inlanlrr. FirstlH-ntJ W Him, Hill t'nlKil Ht-vtc lnl.uIrT . Kisxino I.m-iiI F1ward Wiillaim, I, l.t VI rtii I. 1 l lulu II W V.i't aJ , A, '21st IVnn.i Ivauia ( sv. h4Hrj) I.k-ut 1 liomas lli-niv, l, 1.1 Mar land, MiTond l nt Alireil Innilin-o,,, II llsih I n. NTOI.d l.li-lll llsriry A MiminoiJi, A.S.Mh Mi... aiitsln II H Hi. Wlnatanlar, (i. f.th N Y V V. Msjor llolMiit V llanl, tv.lh Nrw Yoik. I ai tain lis W hairall, hreoud llr.fraile hi'peetor, 4th Din-Inn Mil Turps. Taptaln Jacob rnx, ,. 41th Nsw York. Flmt l.rnt HMout.C, HI I eniisyl.ania aptain .Inlin A Mnnk, 11, 7th 'nil.aov. Flmt Iji.nt A T Mnrvan, Inil Halliiv Wl. Vol.. 84-oonil IJvul Jsinm A iiopkiu 17 h U H Intantry. aptain lsla Malirli- n, I, lr,lh Ni w fork II A. Asri.tant ur.oon llniilli.v i rfpimn, Isth ilicblaa. Fint I.I. uti-imut U II rorhstl t;, IMth 1'enn. t'aptaiu Win. VnU(ia. ,:. fTi'a l'vuna. I. ii-ut-.nt.riJoisi J F Ramsay, 1S7 l'enna, .plain J II F itch I), 20th llaine. I nlonsl Itinhanl N llowerinan, Ith Vfsrvl.vnil. Captain V II IVron. I. 147th Nsw ori. Hniond Urnlvnant Kt-ensrnr Hamilton, C.hTth Y. I aptain II it l'fr, K, llth 1'i nna. Aiijulant ( MrKiM-n, ltth Hsrulara. 4 sptalo J Ilallv lirem, 4 , 4lh Maryland Vol. Inf. Adlutant U cliinimsl, lMli N. Y. Unary Artillm-y. Hi-eond Mi uli-nant ll.llliii, l.ih .. Y. Hoary Art. I'at.taiD K I) Martin, ', 4th l'diua. Vet. Cavalry. Major U Int., Klal 1'iiDna. IJoulenant M I'raue, A, HHth l'enna. Ijeulenant J Upii'T. 1', 147th I'nnna. Captain A I) Alsxandnr, K, S7th Nsw York. Captain J V Hunk-nun, K, 1181b I'snna. Svrrosrn Dfad II; shno Tvkns Ur axd Finos His With Markiko to Anotjph Man. About three year. since one of the married residents ot the Nineteenth Ward entered a 1 'hi Indelphia Regiment and left for tlio seatofwtr, from where he communicated freely with his wife. In about six months his letters ceased, aud he was reported dead. His i-ompany otU -era also reported the fact of his death to the War Oi partition, and In due coure of tlmo bis wife drew bi. arrearages and pay. Thne rolled around, and the widow received the addr ases of another man. About six mnuths ago the two wore m tr ued, and have bceu liviug luppily together since. This week their happiness was consider ably marred, and the wile found hciself la a vory embarrassing situation. One day, her former busliaud walked into his former Lome, a strontr, healthy man. The woman has now two loving husbands, nnd how tho matter is to be settled we have not heard. Tbf Machinists. Another moetlng of the machinists was hold lust evening, when a large snmbcr of lette rs were read in response to a ritcnlar issued by the Association in reference to the regulation ot the wages of the mcmliers nf this ca Un-. Tho tenor of these lot'crs was favorablo to the ihsijns ef the Association. Among other sugsyrtioiis was ono nppro'lng of the fixing ot a scale of prices lu acrordincc with tbe rapabiiby of the hands employed. A com mittee was appointed to coufiT w.th employers in refereice to thiir conclusions respecting the circulars si nt to them reicrring to the ivagcs of employees. Caiid. An editorial in the Lcdgtrot this moil ing Ulrectli accuses tus ot'bctng ouanectod with a trs use able waob.auca iiitondtsl "ts ni'ivcrt tho UovernoisnC" Tits accusation Is false, and I have addressed a lettur to the tinprtetors. lfm.ti.1ln a rstnietlon of the chargo, wlileh.u not piibiialKMl by tiifti, i.;aiihe piiliU.'.il la the other paper, of Oils eity, and will arove (l:at 1 havo heen lal.Xy siciifd oi disloyalty. E. W. i;.RK. VKhTiBtiR Cvbiatnh, lace and rods, for ves tibule doors a large assortment of new and beautiful designs At very reduced pricos, at XV. Henry Patten's new curtain store, No. IIUX Ches nut st root. ItHl. TlONNFJ.onn Wtsl waday evMilnir. the 11th luilant, IV MA KOSM 1.1., In the SSI It year of liur au. Kunfral trum tisr late rnMldnnos, No. 715 Wo(-d .treat, on Haturi,a.r attrmoon. at 4 o'clock. CltOH.MAN.-Klllsrt In battle, at Wel.Inn ItaMmad, mar Pi tsmbar. Ve.. Flnt 1.1 'iiten mi F. t. t'JIO.sM tM-vcnli nth United stares lnf.intiy. 'ihr ri-lsilvi. and Irlemlsoi lim .iirui'y and officer, of tl.e Anny and Nary are ri-.pecttnlly Inttted to alien! the funeral, irnra the rn.ldenoonf nla tathHr. Colnnnl O. II. t'ronu.n C. H. A , No. aOI4 W ent lx liuioy l'la-e, oa hatunl.r. allb limtaiil. at li o'clock M. loteriBal in W owf.and I'eruelrry. IiFVl.NF..-l)n tho itttl hutiint, MABdAItPT JANK liKVIM-;, daughter ol Henry and Mary Irvt.je, sksiI 4 ytara. 4 miuitln. and 34 daya. Iho relarlvee and trli-uu. are reeoertfa.ly Inrltod to atli-tid the lunt-rel Iron) the residence ol her na-enta, retir of No. Ml Marriott .lrret, I etnw ChrLllrn on H.l urday aiiernooa, at oue o'clock. Interment at cathedral Cemetery. FF.LI.OWfl.-KUIed Instantly, Ay a TCuel !iar .houter. while In the tienche. beSire I'ete-tihnrA F'KKO l.kll'K It. FM.LoWM.ot Flattery :, neeond arUllery, l'enn.ylviuila Volunteer., oid.i.t sod ot Wm. H. and Maria K. Fellows, In 1 1. J2d year. lll'TTiifi. In parted tin. Hie, na Tburaday moraine, Utn Instant, M AKIA I'. IH'TION. Tbe male rela.lves andirtenda ol thstainttr are re.peet rully Invited to atteno her tuuerttl, lioin the resilience of her hrother In law. Jieph H. Kei-n. e.urner of t'nesuot and Thirty-eecond atreeta, West I'hiladetphla, oa Hatur day alternoon, ITtli mutant, at S o'clock. MM Ks. On Wednesday, tilth Inataat, ll.ntonant WII.RI It T. MYfc.it.?. of Ckimraay C, svtb Kiyiun-at ri-nn.y'.anla Voluntrura, antd Ji t-a.t 1 he rel.tlie. ami mi-mta nl the family, also the nltlrers and membi ru t tln-isah i.e-luient rviun.t tvani. V ilua teer. now In ttiia city, and the ia- tn'iers nf K-npIro Himk ana taililir t.'nmnsn. , J. I, ar- -eapentful y invltid to atiena he fiiue-nj, t'rbia the iiHliii-uoi-i.f nl-i isidor, ecter Si Myerv, No. ISM I'oalea streit. en Haturdi, alleraoon, 27th tiiktant, ut 2 o'eliK.-, without iiirdier nmn o. MASON.-In the etty of New Y'oik.on tbe I4lh last., WIL1.1A.M CAKWIK, son of Janes and 1.11aUelh .vta son, aiiesl 'U years. lOWKl.t Ou WMlnenday, AiikiiM 24th, ISK4. altera short and severe llln0s,.IO3l I'll 1M: 11, dauahU-l ol the lute .lolin l'owell. tTUgTral aenlie. at Ml. htenhen's t'hitrib oa Hatndiiy next at '.C o'clVVt- HTM I H.-Ai hi. r.-'IJnce,Tiicl.ahoe,M J ,nn theSlili Initant, JOHN Hill II'.. in tne Cien ti-u- nl 1,1. ui'e. 'ibe n-lailvos and irt-toil. of tne I'uniil. a e re..i.i-ll"ul!.y Invited to attend hi. On cr.l, Ir.'iu liia Into rc.id. -las, oa Biindayraonilii;;, Hie il--t!i in.tnnt, ui iUo ii.-k. 1 WH.UAMH.-0n tU 24lh Inataat, Mis. MA KY WIL LI A. t.S. Her Irlen le are rosrs-rtfnlly Invited t.i attend tl.e la aural, mini her late ri nldeiirn. No. .'sis I'riinn etr.-et, on Satiiriluy altemnon. al i n'elouk. wlthmil inrtlii-r lietii-e. in r.iui.1 to e-l. Miiiy a t.nnren, nouin toiirin ririei. BUSINESS ITEMS. I.Uctrl) ll. - All Acute and t iirv.nie iiised,e. cert't ! -ntana .f &e differrt niadlitiatlrn. oi I lietrteity, utthe r.i.r.oiuit'AL ivKtin'TT, . tuowAi.Nrr KTun.r, rnii.dtha. PK C. II. noi.l.CM Vi .l. I Uli ll -O oiel 'i 4, tsi'J, Ac.."re of t, jt-ies an tT ln.:ru lion rr sai: : i al. n" jm, Mnvuoi a, and other nindiiicaticns ..f Ll.s -trinity as a i:tat lc tLcrn-.e.-.t'..- a,cat (t tbs . -f A . 'Is and CnrunlcDisoa.fi.. AT THE ISST1TUTI0V, So. liJO Walnut lret, Phllad Ipl i lied1' ulrntn and oihsr. ileshing to attend tl.s cuur.e a e rruee.teiltn sink" a)pllriitloa early. Sr aud Klurht Teas. A Icli importation, Dy the piu kSk erH.r.r,0. Ii.ai mtlt4 by Pi via A Tit' hasp Arch and Ttulh ttrettt. K. . "Whitman -. Mcri I'acturer. ofS.w and DelK lout CouftcUnr.., Aiiiiind I ai:, Choeelatc Caramel., Creum La ilcdt lie Pari., sviinlfltily Havered. Housed Jerdau Aluioud., Ac, Ae. 2io. M C'he.uut .ti.et.b.ltw riurtf.. Atfsk 4.1. rrnt cC.A ' Planoa. I MASON A DAM UK'S mnoA iOt.l, CABINET TEC A A CO. 0KOAA9 rtAises. J. E. notn.o, .ysataaadCkeeaut .troots. T I Jj Ij I li ' H C1II1-IK1 IKON HA1 K TILL fLFLIVO FOB THK K5Etr, Wba I. Uks 'TAT 8 riEA, WHEH YOU PUT YOUR rtWfll'.R ON him hi: aim T iutm To navld Hn..of Ihe Firraof Syn. A W.Uwn: sn,:- it t, .tibiii'l a. .sited in a late new.oat'e.r enisle, that ta noic artn anv Lli.l IK'S MAI K n .wln u.e la llio olty ri I'liliui1iiiiiia in tn hitr., lucinlliut the H. reebltl.e It mt of Northern Mherlei. t. Wo hsyr I. irl) net yist en veer own nmuiid and S.vo yuu lhre iiisii. l. .tend of tn iiniir. (tl n tone y.m a. kit I), Itlnnil rehiae. let )oit ray In . .nil latitr arule, r,a will nl. -.!(. li"0 aiiiiliiai AIO u .1 y u will drill and ncn Mais oon r ol Lll I.I'M SAFKS In taret hitnr.. ISnw. . ion t.am i in lOn'Ann'e te put r.v.m t ion. Men anti e Sale a uln.t I II i' a. a rlre I'ro.f . n r F.n. A Wat.on lio.t llant ri.le avalD.t l.i.lie'. aa a Itur.lar I root. Slid a. wm have not eniiiitene- In y,.iir ai,ilit to oi-ii nee nt I. kill a sa'-l at tl.o Hank of VnrttM-in l.ll.eitie. in -liree I on ., lint .'III a.fert I. tl ion i an n,.i n ntn. t oi Loin- . H.ti . in taoe I. our., end 'ir tn pid.e Sintiil ualn-t 110m inai jou will thu. onn Ull e. ea.'e at li e Flr.l Nlinnal Kaits, th-i-ter. tl, e ra-at Nnonnai It.nk a W iiliamnpyi't, asd teller. : now . iha- yn-ir . rtft.-r - .lent tn ortllmi th ll.til W.n .hah not t e "F.ln li. a i.ulfJ"nr '-eakied en C.rl air," e pnie to an ana wsi, eiti-er of tt e above a niia (n-yiunnt en ei i it nu to .pi-rate u joci oieu Hare 1 he mil. wttiK li l.e tin Ii iimi. ai d innrt tinn. : 1 hi- !-,- K.oL p.'t. mIi-M imt Inotl.e hands ofthe ra.JiterSii.vi. T' e r .nhfer In pill the money in t.e a Utp and o k M nn hi. eii S n.-Ji.n. 1 na are tnnfeAie oa the huie jireol.ejy u. priinml In jour chaiiense InthetWira Khcnaiue ItiuiH III nli rt-.iei.tj. If .Ml act itwa .mti is lie money In II nie lurr. It' Is U be ynu ., If . nt tle mniiet I. in tsl i nr.. and j ou are. in i a.e ol l.d me In nay tl.e rtaniene dnne 1 the ..te ; and you are to he at I'.itl nm il Uifl L el .t.ei drtUi ynu can oroi.urato nKii ate with. lie. "n'i'n n ou shall flr.t nrraaye attl thaSesTeth Nstii tia It.ii.. I'fafl.i elnlna, to li.rni.b .l.eir kbTi fir . to i.pim'. nimn, fcliotiid n aurii eoto ojn Lilllea, n4 l.. rti rtrt I p:i-lKt' I i.O a. .novo, end II we do not ,eu tmir .ate, n .ili nj F.i a. W ulm at a i-oat of H W. la Im o hnore, wilpi.ut pi.wiliir. anil ivlili mi core noi ,e 4 e.n i mi niaiu to i-ni n I. Id e r, II oimiim t-i be yur.. an1 tlie daaiate to the .ale in re n.adc good by ut. If we dv .no mi ,l, lite nv.ie) lo be t.uia Aa ion dt Hoe to pn'-e Pv.ni A Wat.sa'a beat Itank Bale cislW" 4Usm, ai.iuii.f Mine a. roHtinK SSSi, on ei-al tirivi ea a fnrvier prin.i we now offer vou one half n-. re t-ire u.an we a.k (.imuld you sucojed at aU. hhal. t I a yi'ji so- taanee? I.F.Wt" l.tUTK f W. ?r. r. hidi i. n, A.w So. 21 MoeUi HlA K.4 .,1 SJlrret. . I '.H 11)1 S.Ik. All.-' AUCTION SALES. M ACKF.Y'S AUCTION ROOMS, Wn. 8U IVJlKBCT Street. I SttOK HALF. 01" (ROtKKhV A It tli.AHWABR. oa TueaJay M.irtilnik, At 10 o'clock, s leive a.Mrinient ot Wliite fiijilte. C. Cf. Korronah.at, and Vobow Ware, and a variety oroiius waro, ami is btl. Tunib en. TIN t s RF. At the Urst of the sale a quantity of Tin Ware. E&KSSSgfl PEOCLAMATION. TO ALL MHOM II MIT (0MKKt KXOlTltSlON OF UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS' IIALI, AStOCIATION TO ATLANTIC CITY I An tl.frf arf IsVtrt numhttr of Tkkt'h for the r.ifortio ffl nunllie letb lut, w, ich virt ncl iiicd, Uir iioM'rt toerfoi IMr? ut mM to ub iJioui on account of fioUraT utibsiHT of t'xriirftlon'ttri jtx'bbK (Iuwq oa TinirtdnT. i..e If'th, and dct TfA from nitnf on U.o HUi, rtaw m i't a npniJwi art iUont-tae CMnniltu of Arriu.Kfa.butai Lavo UicTsMore f urrd tJ,i rostil fir HtlUAY, Si:i"l r.MIlKll !J. And all prrsonfi TiniJtiu Tlcetn nrf !nfbrm lha (h aald Tl4'fci aio socd iir that da p r tfi (in n -v- Uifra exel anicf by raiUic: on tlc nocrt-t try mi 1 liursday, I i da. aiid fialnrtiaj, if b. 'rh. an) V'tti f mt.. irft n tlio bourn o loaml, and $ ftud o'cIimii, nad on fitifday at Kr day vi-inilnta fn-m H o lOo'clot k TlioTicI.alu tor H'I-lf inbtr 2 are lliatrd to the i asiiVr th rara wilt Meal, as the C"nimiit- wm' en to reniji r itire atiia' tinns Tie LlhKKTY f'OI.Nf.T AMI HTK1MU HAND will arct ni) any Uir Kx .u mor. Commit' M.-Ttitvdnr' Yoirtiff, Ttobort MCoy fliiif Bli-rcr, 'Hion. Hfrk, Jotio Hi, k r, W ra WiUev, Oh irK t lialor,Uo. W.Jeukinn. nM t4. 'iVRs.'KHKl.Y, -o Dtflrv, N I'.cor I'dl kTH and(KOIiiitl its. TICKirrfl !-, Chlldn urd. r m vt-am oi Kf, ti. rontt: N UlastUoat luavca Vtua Htroet Lan at S o clt ck A. M. ati.fi lmvrtr.olt 8 Kici)i'ci;i n.v ii'.s, TO TltS OREAT Coal. Iron, and Lumber Regions OF FENNSYI.VANU. TICKETS GOOD TOR TEN DAYS. (living amnio time to vl.lt each uolot of lutere.t ou tbo route. The Catawissa Railroad Company Haying perfected arraDiremont. ltd eonneellng roads, win Initio KXCL'KRION T1CKICTH ir.nu I'ulludalpula ovar the nsiowtnii routs rhUadiJulila and Koadlnn Railroad Tolteaxllnv, SrJiuyl ktil Hat en, A.htand. Mahaney flly, nndTamaiiua. C'ata wlnaa Knllreait To Muminlt, MrAiiby Mountan, Cata wle.a.Itiipsrt,UanyUlo. Miltoa and WliUauuport. Lohlh aud Mahanoy, and llcaver Meadow ItallroudsTo Black Crrek and Maueh Chuuk. Lohnu V allay Haliroad To AOealowu, aiid Itethlobt-m, and tuoh'ortli Peaa.lvaula Ralkn ad to Philrulelphla. For rarlety and grandeur of eenuery, tie. rout pretests ftocaluir lncoooniont. to touil.ta. 1ho.e wiahlrg to do .o, may roverse the route by obtein In; LickeU to start over tlio h'ttfth renunyWaalu Uallroa4. I'AltK, ;rUO. Ticket, osa bo obtJoed at U e Itejiota of the Fhiladoi ptia and lb adbi Kallmait, and Korth reai-.jyh ,la Kail rt'.d (lotnpajit.a, and of is. va.in Jioicrs, TICMCT AUENT, K. W. TOltNLU WXTII A Nil CHEHMtT 91 A. Train, htarl ireni PNUad.lphls and Headltis Depot att'li A. M. and S-IIO P. M., and from Isortli Puansyleanla ttatl road Tx-put at 7 A.M. and a I',, aud,, I. t'.M. uulli.tm 4t p"rlCtt.. It A N II FXC'I RSION TO laemTaiuJii i I - 1 Tin-t in unci, and ctiuiii dlo .a li, .ii,. AlAMtATIAN.t apiain K. A. Kvther. will mule OK A Mi kl I ttr-ION TO J A I I". Mir, m H V 1 1: U IAV, AufUit ISnl. 'es ins Altl.'H Htreet Wharf at S o'clock, ltetlnnlnu, ivltl leave Cure twill- i.tt Mnudny.at H1-, ncliKk A.M. 1'aietor tl.i-lixinr Ion, yj. ('iirrlbiie l lri extra. ati'-'i-at jo-. A. hTMrAcr. A, nt. XUE ST At NTH AM t'OMMOdofH S1KASIKK "MANHATTAN," C AIT A IS K. A. KYTHKlt, Of the Capo May tine, I. now innMni her roftti'ertr'p. to CAI'KilAY.Ieuviiig AIU TI Street Wharf, ei cry Tuesday, IhiiuJiiy, and SuUnlarat nine o clock; rotaiuins wttl k .iu i ano Jtuy esoiy Moiula . Wedr.c.day, aud Trtday at bail t ai-t tlf !t o'olnck, touchtnK nt Ki-w Ca.tto stitng aed rcti.rolr.k. Far A.'OOi ctrrla-e hire Im-ludedL tlukiron Lair trloet caninso h!ro Included. Servants 41 K); Curriatic hire . tm. I'relaht at low rates. No f.cialit located ujiaj au'ukiek, ard la all caac. must ua ln;ie!d. .y.l tl JOdt PH A. 8TKWART, Afent. SXIAV 4 A Mil Ol 4 :.VIH. TGE KEV MUSICAL OABDS (I'tttrr ni 'i.,l I-1 ti . 1: nt rntii'lv of t in'uiid ). itrs r,erjt by . , 1 1. i lliKlll , I ioI.I .' I.H. l'.o, a.e n-st nmn. iut pn.r:ni.-, u: d n in i "In. u-t' Tliue ,,u.. k,-r tl.ai: any o jilt n .!'..ii. " A l .u t !i lc.e t'.i mid i'.;..- tr p.uui- "- T'ul-.. "Ai'cil.nt, y -tl..;. icd ti 4! I i ' Mn.-lcnl Time."- -Illus-:rut, ' I in ' 'i -v s. A.'il-. -r. A. JOIt'l . -e. a W. IIIHIT Y.AIXTII A-roet, .-c lvii-l.. ae'.-im M'-It l'Al.1 A , AN Aimcu: ok nu tllilf: 1 4ti tt us in. ii I- ptin.i hul.s lli.iii ia riitanii'd in uu i-4UhI welirii U -ar, and hi-uct'ls inlily bi uouclal to the .e iuutiuy kije l,v .iriitflsl. ii-iil in,-,r.. For suit liy tlrusfMs ;rid it(i r Manilla, tnry, M 1IJ1, its, irm, anil HOT Vl Ktl t-et, P'li.adclvlila. Order by lost proiih(tly Ui-iivirc aii.i;-:;! JOHN ;. MOvi.i , uur, Mumiift'tory, N. It .red. QK A - BATHING AT CAFE MAY.- E"IKl KxTTtlTsS IIIAIN AtTSfl F .W..n AA'Pt'llllAV. Auun-t H, TIlltOtMll WHIMlUr MIOl'IT.Vii, IlliK AT CAI'B Mv at tl Jn f. M In tiun- lor trie eveu.u cut.rrraiuoii-itt., r..i... .4.- , ,t 'I III. train Will leave Iroui WALNI.'i' S'P'iti.'rt ; the uhoio hour, instead ot li, hs on na urday last. P.xcur-.lon tii-ket tl, i;oed to return on any train o i Monilay, or will tut reeetve lut II on acotnit t'.-r a,ia any da or train during tr.o en.uni week. K'iilartralii. ha. o 1'iilu.itth.iiia nt ii aud 10 A.M., and 4.'jl'.M. Capo May at C, 11- IS A.M., and . P. M. J. VAX IttNij-Al.tKK. rklladelpMa, Atitft it Si, 1 I. a :'.'i-'.t EDUCATIONAL. I '1I1 l.A UF.1.1I1IA S(J I IOOL OF DliSl'j N Ft 1 11 X Wnuion ri -onell. on H' pt 'mf"-r 'i. at the t-iitlie.ur r-iinily rtirchaed, B. Yf. coiner ITI.oliHr Strcitaiiii l'KNN Miliar.-. Iiir.i ti.rs Jo.eli Il.trrl.oit, rteilivor.rl V, Warner, Wll lium J. liorsluiauu. t'tiarlet Cinriii'.., t:l a. Pri. -. .iar-ie. I . t:iakheni,j.inii s!l. Ornc, Wi.lUin Buckn. ll. Wi.hiw 6llcr,P. P.Murna, Iiai id 0. l!rowi. l. for. e Wnitie-y. X. W. ilit.WUtVOOli, I'riuolou Teleirr.ii'ttnx Taught. intOAl) NlltKKT ACADKMY FOll HOYS, J No. 631 I. ItHOAO Slreel. t. ROT if , A . M.. I'rln i ipal.- Iiulies rc.uincd MftSDVY, Hfl'.iml er a, ls.ll. New t 'atnb.Kiie. new ready au.t niay bo had ut klessm. t'akfnid,, under t'uittlni.nlMl Hotel ; at .Mr. Iloyt i, I it It aud Che. nut .ticot.,aiid at tho Principal llnjkstr.ro, .ve. aul-Onwiii Y AMKR 8. ItlllD.TKAC'lll'.ItOFTIIKI'I ANO, t) No.iiVUI VitAMil SUw-t, IjsIvw j ruc, u."Mu- I. 1TJ. V A li It A V 11 IV, BUCK EHSOA TO W. H. CAARVL, MAHONIO IIA.1,1., So, 719 OILEflHTJT Btrt-et. W 1 N O O W Mil AD I M. l) I KTA1NH, ass sa-wjurro bFTTrnw. AMUSEMENTS. (JJKATI K l; Hrn VALi oy ma Indopn3ent German Congregation, eooHher with the FRFK HUMjAY-BCUOOLU OF TICK MFXIIAMCS' t'NION, ON TBS ?!lti HAY r AUUVHT, AT TSB VAHHIN(s TON UI TltK AT, AMD i;noi;ii & wolf s v auvi. Will aMT2IPtTlos OF CUITJ.for Ot. bemit cf tlio ercttloa of a BCllnOL-liOCtiE. Tl t price or ea'l. tl-ket will be tl'CO. whkk tntiil. . Ike hi liter there ot to a ulft to ihe yalue of at lea.t SO cat.. Ladit a, attended l y crnllimcn, will he adaitlc4 to the Fc.tivai tree ofcliarite. The ealueof the Orel gift I. I)a, for wM -h MOO tlaiet. Lave hoea alrcaly .old. At tliep'acc nt Fnstlial ticket, wil. be o d for tnceati, which will only entitle the k.lder th.reof lo adDil.aion lutothe Peetlyal iirunr d.,bul tho Commit too will be pro tent uiltt I o'etork la Uie afternoon, to escl,nnge thorn for U'.it Ticket, upon tue payment of an additional 40 cents. AO enhlhltlon of the afore -aid pift. take, pit' c daring this tFrlony ! h) end to-rootrot af'trnoon and eienlng, In the larne Saloon of tm Mechanic Hall, THIKti Hueot, below (Ireen. tl.o mtinia.ion tn which I. free. The attribution of tne dm will take place at 4 o clock In O.e ailoinc-on , nl ihcplacc of l'c. Jial. and It will be thereafter oot.ttnucd every ecnlrur, from 8 to 10 o'clock, at theiJareof Exl.teltion (Mt-jhaulc.-Hall) untLall the tjltiit are dlapokfsl of. A hnnd.iOme prtre pobl, t which hat b-'siQ dwruted wIU he given to ti e Vtcal Society parti. I.,. ting in a body ha will .truie the Lisheet number of mfe. Tho price of each vote will be ton centa.and tho balv.t'ag la to take place dur ng Ike ecli'Milm, iipoi tho day ot tkoPeallvul, and until tbe It jt day of the eihlbltlon ot the glial. Tickets ran bi h-n! from any merabcrof thoKulldlngC' m- mlni e, fri m the Dlnctoit ot thePrevSaiigaylichooi.bfthe Meohsn co' Cnlon. at tho plaoa of .ale of tho llulldln Oemm.ltee, ho. 41'. t.rw-o atrect.and at the place of e.hl Litlca. l'y oitti-r of tfic COMMIT fBK. aui43l ROVER'S MiV CIIF.8NUT STRFET X TUE-VTUt:. F.JtTP.Af.AI.A Nil HIT. FT."1. KVENIMI, AUBti.l 5. rOVI'l.llti. .'.TARY FAHKWHt.1, 111 NFJ IT, tendered tit tho ltuilni-i. Mnnauer, XtC, 1). HtSS. Bv Kenwr OliOVI.K and tiu Attache, or the ChMnot H'rtu Tlu efe. ami HiiiNK I.aa roiualoercd. KIKIKtlBiMON (V.. Mr 11. I HION1- do. Mr .1 I . hllKldtV d. All the Comi ua 1 us ei4unieorc4 CALM I.Ott.-s AM) IVIXFY'R F.MlUf, 1IM OF MI JHl'lti'.LS hacevoiuiitiereo. 'ihu peilirni.nco will ootnl.t of tl.e Wonderful Hpec tai ul ir Driuua ul ALADUIH, on, Htl". WOSIlt r.Fn, LAMP. AliKtMi IHVLItTIS-KMCNT 11Y l'AHM.I.iit-KAMl)IVKY-.S MlnTKI,L. And tiic rl.ui jiiun l rcti un t'oi ioiij-tra ol THE FOcIt NH i KKS. Tfttrf" wfllbc iLiiM-tu. i AI OF COLOltltO WATK'tS i ou tr.i. occua.on. au2-4t ONTFRT li ALL t'OMMKNCING MOM- A LVLNl.-i . iugt;it'. ljsr IVhtK Oct Li. Ihe orlirlnal nr.d nuiy t IIU1.VIY S MIS'ITKI'I 9, And the world -In i nns t-i uiic Artist, l.rflt'iE Cllli Si V. J. P. RAY SFR M nticr and Prr prii-toe. Insk anPi-a tnci- in thl. cil aince ti eir return froai Hurnpe. a'ter nn ul lenoo of aeven year. All the ureat Faiiuiaiat sas, r-urlrmiue., ao , isolch have imumO the Demo or t hri.t.i'. kltn.,trel. AM salll.l .11 AS HOIHKiIOI.il WOKl'S, will be prodnc, tl ilti-inir iLeir ."i iiitii be-e. Tbeies. un .so! I, et lllllhTk Ml NK I Ut.1.8 trultll erk to on Atl:;i.trel (-i-snirutlun tn ovi.tence, wnlch rnabio th tn to prt-ent Ui a eupurb mar.ubxtlit humui. and oddi- LJ " POt'Il'.KItH I'LAVT ATIOS IJFE, tn all Ms Lri au. ut.ruiliil.aud nrLina phase.. I'srticjiur . i.i in .1 i bin.. Adn-.t sk n, i; cent.. Orchestra dea in fr.,nt,.r4! ceuru. aui. U JOHN P. hMITH, Itu.n'ncsi A-ent. Ij.'HFK COX JiUT .SAI.OOX. i- The suh-crlt --r i.- t in nod tl-.o lirue ai d eouiiiK.alcKis saloon, win. o te-.:e f-1. Mwr.lt OAUIIKH, atiuched, a k. cuRNi.itrr i LANKt.iN aritrtT amloikaco AVKNWI.. and ha. enjai,sN-h .Vil rirc.iiri tru. ur.itor tie leadership of I'tiC'l l.rtbtilt A. lll.ui l.u, who ill ai.-;!itly -. .'ct .ii u ttiwlt-ii p.-Ottrautuic of Nutlonal and othet alt s. A. a p'eimum r'r" e lo pasn an o.eninr free of cliarie, the ptoprii-tor 1, ti'V.'ni'ui'd Li. iul''.!ibuicnl .Lull not Do iuritut.cu. au.'. li t C'MP.ISrux ItFKTSC III LU. KCHAMC?' liAI.l.. AT THIS Wl-.l.L-known ivlal I si.ineut, Ho. W4 and.'.'ti N.TlllLll htxcet.u Lt.F.l.. t i-M-i:it'l' ia aiveu every F.veniiiT. tl.e Ol heatra belli. IM. or tin-d.nvlii.B ul rrcf 1 .FLAUMl'.U, Injetl er vs Itli '! fcr Vocal .Music, It;' Mb. CI.C M KNH and IH'.ltKBt'111'ii..l.. l.li'.'l. 5 1 I. MLliNINI.. s no V I- R ffl F.HN UT 6TUK11T 1UF. AI UK. 1 LEOXAiwD (lltOVF.U Mane-er lilts rVI'.NINU, The great rdifem c, aiue'jei, pantomimic, ipectar.-nlar druaia, ALAniH, Oil THK WON'M Itl'dL LAMP. THli LIVTNt) til ;:i tiS Ol VOtAltti:l w A t LHW, All ilte New uie'. Maum.iecni ecent ry. tica it t Mi'iie, Ac, tue wholo nndii iid ot au uctuu' cnsl nl $r. O, Ti o east nl churuct rs ii I'-n- o' u eai e n ellence. I'hK LSi Ol AIMI)sal lN. Drnn. f'trcleot I oi-inettc '0 certs. rnuilly t Ircle IS. ems, Ori-be.tra Hcute leul.. Hik nl the F.-ent l i -lele . only am rcscntd us Orcf-.esira ficola. h'ooilru el.-.rtc loi' locuiiiiu cuta. I.-o ir. ormu us . 'elcL. Pyr'.'irei.iueei cnnnicncr utb. pie'lx 'y. at..';;-.'-! KENSINGTi V 1IAI.I..--TIUH l'Ol't f.Alt n.nceof Eon na! inent, Vo. InnTiiiirt KWiiifllM S T'lWB avenui -nn. li'l N SKOtMi slrri't (e-:lrXI:,lit-1 Mi years aim by ::i..lct.ti 1.1'. , Ii tr..n nniuixe. and rvi ovaieU. an 1 11 u.msw ut raetu oR lliie. UL i UT any othtr cuab'lslr e ni f tlic t; ml .11 tlio i-uv. A l.traa and oft ieiil 0-.l,c.tiu. uinl -r the dir.-?tirn cf Pstil. 1" Il .', I. :.t. 1. -1 ti i":tik .0.1, ntn: a chnb-i- ptocrunlrie 01' Voca". and loaf. i.:-.ie.rtiul elin.ic will le pro.lu-:cJ cuci. evcnluv', free 01 t .uci.e to the ftitiliyinc. T.10 (V.nc-.rt Itooni I. laro, f.'r--, .e:d e.jfnii.o.iions, the re'Von. racltl. Uuiterior tiad Lh' a;'.,n ant. i.jiiic and n-cot- n'.idauni'. auj.:. Iu iHlXRk' ItOltNCMJ. Proprietor. rATlIF.ltIN(i OK THE CI.AN3. I I rO'lTIn (.MKS. The SIXTH ANN'.'Al. litMBS .1 tl." CAT I'TinNI A M f Li-Tt, of l'htladelphla. will', -crt. Iirated at W VSHISi; lON KKTHF-kT, 1.11 VI0NI1 , H-ptnuiber liie .'i!li. Ir. I. l eraloave f-irteem.'i and Cai-'owLJl street., at 10, US. 1.'. , and4 o'.-lo -k. y.x.'ur.louTI ker.,.'s).-e:i. Ti kits can be had I'mm Oeoriet M i lenunt, o. 3M C11 .n.it tlrte;-, John )L.ni'i, N-. l'-lO llnri.il rt lie .rirofSar-lner.a. Fig'nh eltet. hi-'ow Puisyinh road ; William I'linn ron, .Sr., .No.i.si U. Kt.hil, -.trce.t: lian.ci M'Tn-sre. loin-, aile .-, beln H-vun I .tr.-et; Jam, siira ) am, toiubard tp cf , neiow s..tem!i; lian cl M. I.rowa, I nn-),. id fttrtef, hel w sinveitt-i'Mr'.; Itliarn SMotli-ra-., Hid avenue and W ll iw -'.rect; F. II. Johaaoa, V. sU P-kyunkroadl James St-lsoil, lluro-.' C'ott u-e, rli:li and liuo- alrtel.i Jolul Hyde. -No. lne-1 N. S..'ond tret: i'lnel Wl.ilam Itotih, M-'l i-iOw nn rr.i-t; Se-'ild C"iloialn. Win am rath, Vo. l '-'l .Sf .ml street; ibert lluintltou. Wl.tar .tni t, tlcruiaiituwii: Anthnit.v Italy, iillstrcjt,i.ienuuiit'iisu,or t'rcbi uio 01 t'm uicai boia.ii't;ie01i.o.T Committee. nn'r ncehi J f.-rthc liar 1rl3T1-.e. jy, tup-ist It). t.',-ri . el'ibr'.lcj Hras. and arr.n,- Ha ul bus been cn t'jeii fur tlieooiiiisl.)n. Tie- uienif'brs w.U ia-' -t lu fie 1 1 ib Hoi'inon lntulay, Sniteiii'ier 1, at : o'clo.-k. I'.y order ol the Cnicl. Ul'NCAtf WKHiilf, Scru-.a.y. W11 him Svini, Trrasurir. miW-ut A L. I. A I N F, 11 ' S MIIJ1AUY H ALL, . No. MS N. THIKI) Mtnot. P ofessur LNf.KLKIl, tin well-known Maetr , 1. :1 uairetl at tni. popular pi.wc of r- sorl, us the fi.ri .nor 01' a i-owifulOrciiest.-a, au-1 .c-yes enmh' cli'oce s .l. .-lions cf rp-re uiu.ic arc ii.ii tu the a.uiivacu gTatu'l'.iuiiy. f i'M-ut "WAR CLAIM, liOVNTII.S, rF.XSIO, V FAY. ami all dmrll tlwl of elnlnn a,ain-.l the 1 nit. il Hleli s liovcrnnient udtu.le'taudcolkcic.l. I HI.. . MONIiY We havoa mil h.t 01 piuea now iiaj.itif.ao.i ins Ansae ten M "lle.-n l ul on. a. Ai yly or vr e to t'LOil' i: t'BAi.'. A. r.fti'lllk-ll. ' Army and Km y Claim Anil'i StilMui' 'no.lWAJatl'ilBmsi. MILITARY NOTICES. s SUBSTITUTES AUD E STROLLED C'lTI'AUlVpA Are lefoi Died Oat th. Sraj W .1 t H 12 1 II Ac O O. flarf la'.oti tha fUrtnu Jio. 422 WAt.NUT MTIU?KT, l ately otupled t.y tlis CrTrPN VOl.UMIF.FIt HPIlHTtTlTBClatirru, Wtiecethey will v ple.KeS to futai.k AI. B!S, Vara, RAMS, or CONTa A it AMiS a. subitituire for a F.'il.I f D CITl.KNs, and OUT pay ll A-jestl". ! oka IIKIIIKST rnif'K anta-S4 lOfith EEG1MLST PA VOLa, COL. A. A. I KCUI.F.R. Hfi ir, II 11 fsT V. Men Msrierod aad l.olll t ImteMlately, tllilakar In fore Imt Ina ccnp.baiance in Inna meat.. 1'BF $10 Per Month Olnthing as! Subsinl- nee. T"i.Ps(Htaent I. encamp at CAMP CAIiWALAAtt, ia ccmfortu'-i. onurtens. IK) N T WAIT TO UK IiHVFTF.I) kot Wn tUa sgt-BM-n-, sad Lave your faml'l wt I. provided for. p-0 DF.LV1 IN FAYINO THK BOUNTY! au'.-t If VKTT.BAN OrPICRRA. HF.ADQUAliTF.RS, No. OU CIIKSNUT ST.f ( 4K WAIlll lltlllfsTY, I.-i aill tlon to Ottv and fiost-m ntnt Rcaiitlea, WILL BKr.'ID 10 FVtl-l ll'i'Rl'IT laM IfUED IH X U. 8, Arr17, Nvy, or MirLae Oorps, TO CB' &IT OF 1 11 ii:i.ntii WAHD. April1 to IHA. AC M. KllUl'l'. luovosT MA&btuL s ornot, 11 aril Bprmrf Ci,ii-der EtrM0S. rK"Cl TRBMIUM PiJu l' a. p'nvi t't Iraylug a recruit a. above, H. P. M, EIEKINBUTE, ' Chalnaaa EAecutlee Oosaralrass, JOUti E. PPSIOR, eeeretair. aa-4i I BIKNriY'S SHARPSHOOTERS. AV01O THR DRAPT, aud lolwt In a C-rpt of some .tandlug. 1 AstUrised b the General aad State CroverasaeajL MAJOR J. W. MOOKH, or 1HM ilTTY-MllTlI PF.hKSYLVAVtA VOLUNTABAA, I. recruiting t fill ap tin Csaipaolc. la tki. city. THE UK.nKST MOUNTIES OIVRH For One, Two, or Tboe Year.' M?n. Call at once, at No. Mi CHFSKbT Street, below SIXTH, If you want to Cal'st. MAJOR J. W. MOO ItK Is prcpai-ed to poypromiH'f THK CITY AMI WARD BOUhTTY Imm -d atciya Ihe ma.terin t of any uoao 10 bla Reglaisat I1IJ1.IJX1K HROa., (. W 1'AVIS, JOS. P. TOHIAS, JNJ. W eVKKMAK. ll. . WINV.HHRMRU, I. OAKF.V I.KK ALK. 1). JF.SMi'F, A.L. HONAKtO.M, Ooaaiaiots. aotvtf ION LEAGUE PHILADELPHIA, In Hew of tbs call of the ProiUunt for Ay buaireA Ibna.aaS uea, wo p.-sipoue to relet, a I v K G I M E N T TWF.I.SE NORTHS, 00L0NEX HOEATIO 0. BIOKEL (Iacte cf the FeansylvanlA Ueservcs,) Kus cf.ri. r.tisd ta tale tho ceiuraaad. Ail uScei. de.liiiu lu lass paU la Uill vrcaalzatloa are rwita oted tc call oa COL HOEATIO G. EIOKEL, No. ! WALLACE AT R RET. ant-lf tHKADQUARIFRS PROVOST MAIl .hnl. Pl.t Hi.tiiet. Pa., Mo. Ilk a. THIRD Street, I'hilusiiiliinui, Atigti.t 11, iwH. To Insure prompt repllea to ell question, oaordtaarft' tut-jett conacs:ied m Ith tlie Fnroluictit, Iratt, attesta tion. Lla'dir lea to liruit, Credits ami accounts ef aiea furnished, I'ltlaen. are reiiiie.tmi to maao appiie.kloa e the I'rovout Mai t Lai of the Cunirreaaivnal Ol.triotfet ewoA lufonnaiion. and t-.ot to tlio Proroat MaraLal-Oouetat at w unlilnutiin. lit order of tl.e Provost alArst.al-Osn rai . Wll I IaM f. nliH MAW, aul2-U Captaiii and I'rvyo.l Marukei. at BOUNTY tOK MAUINFfi. WAHrBO A 'or tea Uuin-d btaioa ftlarlae Cnrpi, alio b- id ted aseai Hit. perfor-A the tlullije of a a ijtlier at t-ur Havy fame, iwaud oa board LUlcU tt'.aie. .Lipa-of-war oa roroiga ainuiia. Ite-tcreomnsasat'ir thar. tlie artny iHKkc ifiaiiiuf.ii ii.iALti oovrarointiyv RObkTII ai.o, ALL TDfi LOAL UOL'Mi WS awat BrB euikU'ieaU Murine. ro,,nte Prtie Moray. l or all I'uther luinrniatl'-a ai.cly nl Iha Recrultlat IteMecvoue, o..'ill H. flin NT Btrcct.tHlow ApruooAusat, betwaa tLeU-iir. ot and L v'cuKk. 0 11. MeCtWLRT, ua.'-tf II uj-if and Uu-rmtuig Orueer. pnELouena-roRLouoHB. OITi.aTS and viiUri tlelUrg tl.e city an f.ii'ioot.tia, n illikg M WOll l)H, :ro OTit'B MILITARY EQCIPMKNTS, ABE I-TiiriiD tO Tilt SXTtXIITA MASCPACTUKIKO RSTADUgUMRaTT or CiSORCsT: w. hi jionh xmo. ANSON STREET HALL, HANSOM. Street, Abovo Itssa. IRESBNTATION SWORDS, Made to order ato .aoru.taotlce, which for rt.li nasi as niasaaAoenca chalMngo sompetlUa, no other houae la tho conntfy eoiuLlnlcg tho VA WFACTTJItlNO JKWRLBC, WITH TUE PRACTICAL 8W0KD MAKER. US MEIIOTNAL COD LIVES OIL. OOHN O. BAKER & CO., We. VIS M TMKET STRBKT, ro now receivlnv tleir .upplio. iVesh from tt.e lUIierios. T'io .tiberter'ty of their till !n overy re.iac-t, he. gurned fir ItarejntaiKa and sale Iytiid any other Ibuad laths market. Tomalntala It, fioy ar' detenu ntd to supply anortlcls that may be entirely r,ll l on A-r ireslme.a and purity. See testimonial, oi Fro "' Medical CiJlisof. aut 1 TVIl. 3. DAVIDSON'S CHIROrODIST AND I ) B itk'tw .talil'.-etuen', No . S S. H W'lWII Hlreet. entrance alVo ou L.vaat .trtei.l-ltr.DaVIIiSON oAera Injy.TVlceslo Ladles uud O. atlui.eu as a Chuopdi.t of ,'xpcrlctioe, and prc-atlsc, Imiaeniatc lei.ei a. eiir.ictor of enlt and hard Corus, .jpcrntui- oi Sa l -.'rowiuglu llicllcli, and me ileal attendant oi." oiled audiri.tttd Foot, lu aud n.it nt lit. ro.lu.'uce. Ak Via " ..tubllshiin nt. No. ?- S. RKtlONH Street, can bo fi, nnd Hot audi ol,l Katlia.l pld.sLotseiaudlkaicholUth., and Suli.hur aud Vauoi Hall a IlisHuiphur and Vupoi tiaihs are uiwthy the espe'ia' attentii'Oot luvelia-, to ativuih1.' t'"-' Ms ,n-riiviil alien. I aa. uuJl-U