The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 26, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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lllclimond l)at4 to Tulny
Several Ecbcl Generals Killed
and Wounded.
f, it U M i-i lii.-t.
u hi oui mi ruuriiAnu;
The Hi -biiiond ;,'. r of Tiidi, th
eontait.s the lolloivlng :
rTFUnn ho, Angu'it il. Ah .ut J o'c'.-.k this
Bloruoig ojr fnees a.;i.n at' i.-kel tRo uii-wiv
kiilntd mi II, e We d hi r iliro 1 1 In front an 1 on
flan a. 1 tin column acvinltiug in ir ml nu-U.M
Ui en my bock had' mile, urn si two linos of
I tartbw irks, au 1 .'apturvd tnreo linn Ired pri-nti-i
srs. Tbe force usauittc': in ll ink c.i.itur "d inc
entiny s tiuu of sturmi-nrs and ro."'u.:d Ins
biaty btejuwoiks, wi u, owing to Ins Heavy
totee, tbo great -.Irene, th ..f uis works, :in I trie
inr''U',;:i:jlii givui; wavatao Icti,. tmiil in
mebt ol one of our brutailts, mi were remised
Willi coosim rablo loss n;td mrupi -lied to rotn;.
iiriginiier-it.'n rai John C. suindeM, t A'-i-f
bun. a, W is killed nt tue head o: tin origulo in
tbe ch.iri'o.
General Lunar, of II' r i.l.i, w.s moitiliy
Horn ded.
Generals Hanoi), Fiiuiepin, ni l And rson.of
Alabama, averon)'. killed m Hot .op orted, rmt
are wnunded.
fliting closed a', li oVnck, but nttir
BiiBhing und rlnupshooliii..; b :.' boon kept up
1 da),
Tbe inr-my have their .Id. .1 h, and 0;b Corps
tOiillUg (lie railroad. With lortl'ic ItlOllS of tilt)
sir ;i,;i nt character. Tliev u:adii n h my de
' tnotisiratio'i in our li ft on Pound road'hii mo. n
. Ing with Infantry in. I urtill- ry, hut ucooniplisiiej
tdi. oililly the i:ii,uir,r sits: That Oram's
plan in tt.e Danville runl are now revealed, fla J
II I b em rgy null gmiamry of t!.o army an lor
Lte ana rh..uiig..ra wid not no too much It heat
a. k Hub bold moviinoiit to ihc donm of Peters
Tbe onomy'i crxitxe rcsti oi f ho ruilnud ubntit
lliref miica I't un Ibc cily, ai.d tiis ii:it mn uiioj
wmwnrd lo iliu Vuiii'Uhu rnud. Around tins
I iil n works of great itrung'h l avo priinc( up
ike u. jio niouuiiiiij bo'j guns, and guarding
tTtiy .ipiri "b.
Bibit'l tbue ftorks 'ti flii main Uxdy of
Or:ul arni , not lo-i th iu :0,W uum.
Wa bavd nnjtwiibu rapul-o c.iiiijj ua iu:my
triie n i'n, t ut ihc :iU'nr u not ov.-r.
Tbn ani" imix-r nho'.' mtiinn ;uo f jMowins' l..s
ja i b Hi Hi M.ibili'. An;;n-lUl :
Tbe 'iprrnfcjr at J.itkou, Niisn.. loleir ipb? th it
grai riot ha broken ..ut at No Orlram, in
uicti over MH) ntivnn h:ivo o n killed, l ao
liol wasocniriloiicd l y C nii.v'ii iltoot;it to e
. tin' ui nit. Tiiu uitfio Uoo,n tro tilled oi)'. f)
uppr? it, lii;t it liiit .i.'imiM it
).ciini,Ko uoau in nyKir.
WAHinoruv, jiu&oti '-"i. I'lid b.
,lweiu l it is;jiii n in. I Weld. in is 'Kini tii
t iou(liiy 'Jcp?i )tJ by Warruu'j fird. Cu.'re
will n: LO.Ulii:! left of il aaie itij enwaa I e .v
, bi.lii.ciit' uen !m g. ta ttuuuU w:tu bii w.jrtt
. vl orMiiiiii'in.
Tie r'.'ifr-tmrir ai'i I viiiili ir I, n.'.-or llnj;
lo I'cu 'Vir ; M;i;iiti tin iVd, in in j .oimi-ivrnj
lu o. imr. "1'iiut avjnu i..hc, KicM noo I I
rj) in-li,?d," trio Rich ujod .Vir.'Ki ui"
tlie tauin ut '. V. . K.
mum; m k iliw.
We re's'v-vl Imt niftrit cop: of llictiiUMid
jap :'ii jf M'u'J;t.v, fruni whiob wj mdI.c the fol
kvftiiirf .: 'tjoii i :
1 i v H i.w-.
frvmlh; McV.;a: I .!. .::'.'J.
An i llleiil u. siwl 'ti, rc-c'viid thi H'.r Do
pullni'Ojt on .s iinniay nnruir. .', it.u h Hi.h i ).!n
till Hill at!uk'jilrhoen ;iiiy'b '.tu l' irps on r'rii.iy
nfii'ii i) 'i, u' li.ivis'', th, oo uiii' i fro u
Uirahu'Kt on tho Vvui'Jm r.illrojd, do e HU
tbrm, ai u oautur id n ut Tv:nt-("!v :a bu.i d.od
ruim r, li.olud iik o:id H. lmicr-J, n.ral a id
icvcral tiila i llixr.i. flu l-m oi our iao Is
hrl.evu'l i t bo :.:i.a 1 r t!i '..l lii.l. of Inc enemy.
Brlitad C'nun.iiii wn ivouu i jd ia
th.- le.
Peti.ilpJ a eonnt i of th: eu ;i.,-e: lei.t w 11 be
fouud oi-owMoio. T.)i)iy-fjiir h:tjd.-ed pr: uu
C'litwnd on Vt day rvuiiiu, iuri.i-,1 in tum
c.lj on 8:.iiriiay and y-'tionl y. V noii lmoiu
ai ttd follow iu f "i.miiii-i.oii'' 1 oit; -eri :
Knj('4,lirii-t,. ii ; , Joseph li.iy.-, lit llrib-n!o,
29 UUmion, Mb Vorpn.
Colnnij. W Iliu. n 11. H Tiijliorn, Lucii l'onn
lylvauiit ii.l'iii'ry ; J .niui C u lo, i ii l'.:un. Ko-H-rvdi;
a. Uillmt II iy, lOt u .o.v Vo;
l.h-nten.'int-Col iroli. . I eoe i, !.'tii
PDD.; Samuel A. Vl.-fi" ll, lM;n . Y. i .l';iit:-y.
M ikir-. J iro'i M. D.iV'i.Oot . I'.i ; I!. It idrell,
Utltb U. N. O.; J .liu A. Woiio, il. tu i'ouui.;
. Midun Woi'lhi,2j JVnua.
Cipniii 4. Jinn, a .'t. jo I, A A. O. toGenor il
Druyi J. 8-ii Arni-trons, K, 7th Imi'.in; .1 din
D. M. Dorul.l. .j.i C-jrnpiny, I -it Ui::nlij!i, No
Vork SiiurpJnxit. rs ; JJei . ll,i,id, A A.
O. to O'.n. ml Cutler; KiiMiluel 1. It-) h, 14,
" l7tb l'cn'.Mviini' lnf.iitry ; K. .! K pi r ir,
H, lflOtb i' iiii:iy viiia; b . I. Zie'lur, l, Kuril
Veiinyiv."ii:i j Byron l' m.r, A. A.C , ltt I'.n
fni U Ilivi.'-ion. Jill Corp.i; C.irit.iu I'erry, 7li
v . Coropiny, lht lla ulion, -New Yo'ii Sh-rpiUU' t-
' iiyron I'aiMin", (', IKcU Xuw Vorls tola itiy j
Jom'I I) O. l,i'!d. K, h; h Aluiuo; .li liil J. l'.irlieii,
'.I, '2J lVliusviumi i ; Tliuiius II Aii'ni t, r', .M
Fiiinn) ).uiiu ; ..r i .1. Trim, (I, -i.nU i, liu.
filths Ji.Ln Daly, I, 1 n NewVo k; II. A.
Viev, tl, li.l'tii f.eie Yi.iKi J-9. A.iiiuit, IM.ti
New Voil. ; John 11. Co pii o, 0, .". ' h M ii-n hu-
. ettjA. N. IC.-ii .ninon, 1' li'ib N .r
Join liuM, 'ih New Y r: ; J . ;v.r M. f jrlj; r,
4thNtw I'. It. hfntly.t''., it .Mi.iiii
Jv.Bci ki at, II, :M l' n:, ; !vnn a; I red'-ru k
Gatcr, Ni-v; Vo.-k j . r.. A an , '.'.j h Me-i-tbuti-t-;M.
II. I .::,: u AlasMfliii: o ut; I..
B a. MWi O. S.
Firl l.i. utc-mli A H. Ho.-to:i, 11;; h IVun.;
F. t'M'iiii., 7Ju J . : n. ; I. I'. i..iii,rv, N. V,
- u imniier nioic (! on no riitii; I.
isecoiul I H iiiomHiti I',. II. iS:!;,-? ni.
White, l-.tb.O. N, (.'.
. u.
eur-Tioiin 11. f). Mioctor. Itb N.Y.: A
V. I . ri.wcll. lit N. Y.
Chfil-.iin. C. W. iwycs, rth N. Y.
So lar no brvo hi on to iitcoitaiii, there
was no flhtli-sr on S.iturdny. At nn earle hour
ycotcfday iw-rtoiig. Iiowi rer, u beuvy caunrninle
conimenced alonj; tUc I'.u s, which lontiuurd foi
some bouri. iMir'nj the iiiornlnir our t'i.rci
Hacked the enemy ou t! o V. Itlou railroaj, and
tbe lighting waa utreie tte rcinuindei of the day
There mre ii.sny ii'inors :.-t ivenii p in ic ,'uil
tbe remit ol the ( .gut, I ut n the train failed
to arrive, and we bate iictUii-c from tbe ageut
of the I'Kbs A.-Jocialiou, tiici" all iueii con
hrnuuli n.
We only know that ti e en.'mv were driven
from their auv;n,et,l oaitiou back to tm-ir i i.iin
ili.e of iiiiuuciinicMt, auil tl ut tntv.iill bel.l the
milioiid lust een.'rife'. HiliaUc aecountj will
doubtless he received t :-oiu i'tt-rtbuig at an ourly
bonr to-da.
llli: INION lORCFn I'UIVb.V OH 01 J UK VAttKV.
The followiug wan fiiruit-ucd the press br the
War Department yesieuUy .
An oiliciul ikt, iiu u letciveJ ou Sati iday .tales
that a pcrik ii of our Ijice in the Millcv crobsed
the Hhenandoab ut 1 ro:.t f toy ui .n the '.th, anil
drove the t,ni-u.y' tandre, which tetreuteil
tuwarda Wlbibehler, burning (he liny ai u wheat
tlaeka in their route. On the 17ib Miendai.
Ixciiu to retiie fioiu his iiotltion, wait im'ui'd.
and two dividon. of tin tlth C i-rr. with a iatee
torceof i-avaliy, ovc:1aUen nt inebf iUr, aud
driven through the to-.rn, Inning our twobnu
lied priontr. The ct.uny tell back towaidb
llurpet'a Fmy.
ailKKlllAN'a l-Obl l. Ills ntTIIlKMESI to uah.
from Hit nmmunj Diip,ifh, A,iy,if.y.
doJl..,i0'',l,t,J?jnt ""vhleb the fchemin-imii-.T"!
cro""J. i" shuuted in the e.Mi-eui.
oulli.astein Kin; le. of Frodowk e-OtlUtv, Iwcuie
mil' from M l rb t.-r. in a v i!.'y imtirn I -.
ti v r i nd 1 he Iliu,' IU , i.-' ir ;h,j Jm. rioii of
tbe.'inn'in o." CuliK-p.i. r, 1 au ,mr, an I Hh.
nnj ah. H nvl;.ir, from .l;jnc.i (
ei mn en. t.l h i. n tica', m In the n irth. rn tr. of
H l.i nnnd.iali eouniy. on the nort i Urn., h of the
Sh l ua ii all rivi r, ,nu:iediute!y on ll;e o, ii i ro-id
Horn vVo...Ni k to Win. Ii.m -, . J vi-hteen
ni;ln ontU of the Utter r'a ,.
It la t w.ii (not i 111 hill; ) SliJr i-iii tnilru
for.- in 'hevilry aiooiit.ti f.-ny out tiioiiind
mtD. H 1 ii t n frmn o ir nonl lo II in ';r'n
my mm bo rigarJedas a pri uii.Ture
oa tlA pirt.
It ii ei oiti'd that on ! ,y, tbo l-tli li.-t.,
fi n r-il F.arly enji'ured fve liuj Ird fr'rev!i
n. nr in'hfit. r, ami iv -( l in p'iri il of tho
eru mi .
ikiii'u, opinion it:.' :,:
thu tt u.-A'-i i.i r, t ! r.
Dunn ! .'atnr.l iy : ft.-mooii '!i f
at the I ilihy, from f'ter'uiri nvl o'
f.i reSi- d
("r rin;'..
one 'liuiMund ihr."i linn I , ad for y.iuua
Yiink. e prmon. rs of, lo. I i l.. .; riinv nmi!
romnii-"1oned utI vm, with l!r..'-'id or-He'
llii).',ol Wanrvn('f)M, .md i I'l.'iy s; rlu ilo f
lOloi'P , m. jo, ea-uiio- Ii i;t ';iit, 'i', I i;..n.
Oi nmii-ioT.e.l oiH cm. rue I re; st mfeili.'ot
of Ho t li was ;, it'i a le iven of lrin,
l'im.!u, No'caii'n, In ham, it. I rutlvj nluo
ra-lhi's" l'h i -k-krivM an. I lo-i-hni -I f..-.,;.
ral IL yes. who U a a.Kid-looliiii, iinoly pro,ir.
Il.nrd Y anker . diporip.l biim -li m Ion.; b it,
an imnp n-! oil -i!k over -om, nr. J fell hni. Tun
pnM.ncra re .linrii.ut 1 uii.h il;.; jcr ,
pnor. m tlie iiry. Dumu' h '.l ir it) ihoi
'ar.d of the privates weri firw.i- i 'd t II Wo,
l- lo, lliat favorile of our at uc 't a.iled -Nortu-em
A kl(H HIM ' p.
A pir.-ilf.l Vanfceo, n.itiiej )' n.inrriin Deloi i e,
at killed yri'krilay alterii...iii,"ilniii. 4 o'em. .1,
h an in hiiiis 'If Jo,h I ihri-;o i.
The ball look ' II..CI in ttio i'..!,vn. n of D lor.i c,
ah.iiit two lu -lie-i Ui the rij'i' of mi., navi i. !ti I
inn him amt'Mt i-iantly. 1 h ; ui i r o-em "U i;,
oni ol 'he lowcn hMthula ill :lie .-Py, (,.'
on TwoTiij.t.rt tr.. f, In t-v -n M nn' 'Hid C i v,
anJ tn' -tided ovir ly oil') Miry Van le.-.p.i
iiiiil.lle-u.'.l Woman.
Ile-i.lcs tho oTh'-r AOiv.en 1!. or; in iVt .1-n 'f
iultimry art tw, t'Wi$ii.T oi Mn. V iu l. r.i.i,
Alio h. ie li.en taii-l.i to toli ..i In tho ."or.Mepi
ol llieii ilivvpnMi ie tiio-ln r. I"ii i.'di u::y a-ter
be tllN.!illlr of Delornie, .lotin-p..ii l?rt til-' hrii-o,
.i ii f that he wan ipudir In -h of a plivji....n,
In..! i mi nrres ed on the Ht.e.'t .-.o I '-ar!-ie.l t ) th'i
ateh-hon "0. 1 1 'Ay, i h.
ano rw r a oi ,. .
A duel 'v:m fotitf'it in ( h.Mt rC -ld y. oi-d.iv,
I'ctnecn .Major l-'.r.ic-it and I i i. . ini I'i'o (not
I ienteiMUt O. K. i'ntj ol'lJie ..'.i '.awry), turn'
hbitt in re exi-banriril, ie-i.!t: i.j i i the w inn I
i:iK')f! .ior t.rnt in lit'! I ; ;. Tno Ii lie i:iv,
f h- .r, v.a : o.-i A-ijued hi ),.-io iLuu l. r-'n l.
t"? inoip. or.iem i!lvn to i .n: ire i f- donias '
I ; nt-1: mt I'ate'a cm;i i;). I' -.M ',.
hOahion or rnvii'';
i 1 1. V. I '. i A.,: do.;, ... - . ; .-.,
The pow ler work.i i o .u '.
f ''ii.. i, h. .i uii ion.0 .1 -s s.;i
n.eli u'l 1 'Aunii'lin.; arveral.
HI II..L ACJO. Ml 1 ll.jv. I
, Ni.:h
V tlKV'O
, k.i:,
' Oiilo l.
.".!. v Uiii:ii..l,i.'iirl t.i
1'ro .1 ill..! fnhovina' oili i U d. pate'u roe 'S'-il
jea il will '.j neeu our im ti imvo oo alii vl
au import in, flic tint in r loi.'oj, wiion; Hi-' euTiy
iiele t.l ho .n u' out to ha.'' lerytlung Uiionn
Cm tnu Hon, A'ii;a4t ;). (:-.;itaiii Di Uias..n,
wnh a rt ui ;y interior nunier.. il i.ri o, eu;i.i ;d
ihr oi.em.i and aniii'.iy .u G.i.i:es d.e,
Flor.oj on lb IS.b.nnJ e jni.ii't.iy roufd ficji,
eaplunii.j one liLiiiJi'ej and i'.fiy prisoner-, ;oo
pine ol .irlll.Liy, and on ', h ;;idrjj ?joi n
i Pirnni.. Tli'i em my wa ip irn'i :,i l'ouiteen ni.loit
aud j -.ittjre I.
Sam. Jon;;", M ijor-OenTil.
T'ii. ;kv io.i v:ii: nn.-'ii.- a'iii m;si,ti;i:i
' lll'l'll IMI-r I.M i OH-I HLK I'.' I tOAT'NI M ! '.
OK 111): M ill M'Olt 1.A1I.
r. -ii "i.j P.i.f.wU.'htjKUch.ji'-j i :?.
We rear.l :ho cry wbkb some oi' tho prose of
tl e V, on .1 :ra y w rai. in lor p.aeo at I'miht
with mir.' N thmre til l Imvo a moro direct
n Mle.r y to etie'iur.i.i our ei eiuy l per-evero in
ike Ini'iai'. oui ar ho i.t ivt.;ii"; ala i', us .ib
ont, a.i I ir an wu dm peteoivo, :lio Hili'.o-it ih.i
siiiin to rciar or to coiiipnnu. ), ueu if e out
I rt n.isj n-er-s p ifilli. Hu: it nj; p Mi.ole, to
Uir us i i-,i'i ie , aud io ttir .:i boilud.irici aro
ion iir.i'd.
I'he iJ.iv i pi:ient of tho ! St i'o-i liu
no ii.hi l i (live ep ono foot i l ernt iry I-)l in.!
ii.uto or el lined :iy on : f the ioior-iiariea
Iiiim at I ia. I ,"io .lihej i jrernneiit will
b t a.r. i , nt ihln tiin lo inalcj pnieo ni'mu'. a
In ill e fioin theieterritori ; j ii- rli ioh, In nni'
lioi.i i i'-, i bout tlio anrron I r of wriulo Kutej.
la ir.'.'H 14, It WHlIt! iu"M u, i.i c'. uui':l xi&
tl.ey . .il! New VirniiiU, in .n!'i:t.n i j V.d i'uiiit
aii. I Noil. 'iii. In Kentucky, 1'. nncn-.e;
M'Uii, al. I M.irylHnd they won!, I r.ia m tno wiiolo
Mile Kl cwberoi tin ir r: i;nn 'V in d ho hiud
Mil. ii iiii.ili the p-'.ie ip'e of , ' , c No ',
ibt itoitruini'ul 'if tho C miV-lvnta St Uo oo.l:wl
in; ke any soi h tre ity an ihi.
Ji e:'uu. t ei .Its any icrri'-ory hehmij'n ; to ar.y
oi in. crt C at-1., e icu ono of "a ii . ii in a union i
fovLri it!.ii iiadi-iiiieiaslireii'. I!; iuiiri or Frim-e.
Ii ti mako p.'11-e on no otn -r i-tju, o j Ur ,u
e ean MP, tho-e upja iv;.. i it Uai uioro
than Jti-.O ph dg .'d !:e'f Hho ot ; In J:.. j;l.l 'ri c
uni thj eoiiit-o.10 iuiet;r.;y :,it li;o auti.a.
U be'i, I hi r fore, wo b.-nr in --,' tuik.'ntf a-'xv.t
ih'-4-ttr.i m j of tho Yan'le- V,....-i trio daiu'er
iho e la of their ovtjrreu'imr; i , oio., we dj not
umi'-r-tund wimt :h jy t ienn.
O ir people ar.i !:re,l of tuo v ir, no doubt, :nd
tl i.- u the r. aou why thoy ar . n a-.lly du.av .d
iy ov.-rj.jii .K r'.'latirirt to p.-ai-e ;i; it vmi -a from
ibe Nu.-t'i. Til y oii-!it to i. i '.oratand, if ttiey
do no', that there aro t vo pai'i -i thuro, our of
whi' U it l.i un I the i tlior oat ; ;jd IU it 100 p-ir'y
wh"-b I" our i. tiyini; to ;:e; I-;. I ho par y vul. b
in in is thj p iny wui.-ii i-. p.o , 'u,iu tui war.
1 he pai iy whieu Is eon .i it s tivo pa -ii '. of
tbo ii.o-l npp ui'.; v'i.ti. :it". '.io of them i
more bottdo to us tiiivn 1 i" ;! . 8 p.i."v. i'no
oil :; adec'-B to ho M. pt a n, a:.' I usoi tile pe n il
..-ry 1'itv ap in a 1. n -...
If tiity .oiniiiiie at aii, v .;. h is extrein;!y
ilonutoi.', U . 1 li lor tun p'.'.'oo. i of oxpoilin
the pr cit it iiiiib 'iit ' a v r: dioiculcj )), mid
eeiin-i i ion of tho .-not id, wineu nro,
btyon.i ei iiiiejintion, enoraiO'.i'.t, and lorn par-po-O'
f jia'ii .timi. ;l y even tuceoed,
nheliiic hodtolie liifjh ;;k;.i t ) a miraelo, it u
very doiil.tlul whether no vintihl b.ivnpeire.
Tlie prvatlit v. a, rai: i r. d iiuiseiucut of a
tho .-iinliniiiioiid ti your. M lonht very mil U
l.e:!i r t.t'-ro ii any party : mkceilom id.
bt , toe,-', virtue onua;;h to . . ;',o temp! iiio-i of
ban. Urn:: f He'. i f-'im ; ami i! . -no, . .Wiil pir.y
nm : :oi ; ;o :.'! Lope ' tj.r . i if it put an
eii.l to il: ft. ie.
II; : V-v ork lt,-r---V, !'i" i-u-r ii :y, .H-Ivimd
i io'-olu ti n.n J coir.i.,:-- it .ii1. 1 tr. at ol pea e
witlio'ii r:M-!"" t lu: I'l'.K lui".' o e. 'hd aivias- (lie
Uoop3. Ofismne tnew, ;; I iiokuo vie wed
ti u it l.-.a .v, that .jni-;i i. j .itioo would n it
he listi :i".l to. lint it, of i i i un ueeord, t'
phi'n - i what it r..j J to . 1; nv.n noih
iiij r.mro '.or leu i!-;,o n ; i it', ' to tako the wind
outoi tho ;i.l of U.o pi.K ; .j." l.vory nro-
o-iiiioii Iroiu Ihi.'. oiui-i'v i i tai.uj moro or lc n
oi'lTie s:nneehar - ter. J-.u-i .( .ocxperted ant'
thins from r!:-- yi :t-c p.r'r, ., h wo do nut, wc
siion'd it ; r.t at nil a.i, ; .,',;c to mix up ot.r
cnii'O wiib tliolr iiioejotrii .R.
11 they eun rc.iliy, hi euv nannor whetcrer, bo
of f-C yp v Hi '-? e. t.iUIi b'u-nt of peaee, It
he solely on inilitiofi U'it Ih'' keep nht f from
all correspondence or aOi-laiton. r.r diHiiiri?" nt
rorivapoimenne or n.,oclalion, with any party in
tlie ( oiifidi rare .S;aien. T ho biro su-iii( ion tit
rolliialoii would i! trov th. ir liseluimsit nt
In il.r.t view of the r ase wc cannot see tl i.t
intu lite. ice cf iMr. Oct tec Sanders end Ids col-
leajncs is ti!iir.i.u I to piduce aaytbiiiiTsliuitof
iniuUvVfil evil.
It is 1 'ini.i'lM'np wj baj almcst .'e
giadiioT in l.s to be iry tiff r ut (or peace. Wo
are the jn;iy vronpeii ; Ve aie the (any a-i-uilcd ;
we ate the party att'ng -tiil, ami fcli.ajs haling
acted, on the uearjsive. The lu't'htst authoriti
liiioHu to tho laws of our country has repeattilly
deelnifi that we are ready to make peace as hiku
as ti e enuii)- slu.r. b.ivo ccited to rauke w..r upou
us. What more cim we do or suy without placimt
oir. li-j iu the aitliudc ti tuppliuntb to a j owcv
hltd bii; more tunu once spuined our olteis,
eicn iton .-ubjcou not in the '.cut scnuceteu
with peace.
Lincoln is the man. and the only man, who ib
authorized by tbe Constitution of tl.a United
r-tutcs to apjioiut ti rnuiutsioi.ere to utut of peace.
Any i roi-osition from thin bide, to be of Buy
aiail, mutt he maur. to him. Aud who is
I and to idiiee our country at bid footstool, or
who does not ace that, bv doiug so, we leave it in
bis power to prescribe ti e tenut i As be Linuclf
Is the ai'. res .or, l y tb:s com so we aekuowltdge
Lini as ton iueior. Are we prcpuicd to iiiake
thia acknou Itdirment i Certainly we are not.
No purty in ike Confederacy is ready for that.
Then the only thing we cud do is to keep on
treali.ifihia uiinie until cveuts, whither occur
ring here or within his own lerritoiiee, force bim
to iniiko the proposals. Then wo can meet hliu
itb the only answer that it id poasiblu for unj to
give withdraw your llceti and armiea, treat on
the bum of iuiltjieiiueuee and integrity of boun
daries, and wo are ready to send comiuUdloueid
to schIo ail ruit'.tort of uiluor Coiuiiderutiou.
tii nt i) !.i)iin
General Warrou Eutreuched on
his Advanced Liac.
Tho Woik rrorririing Ftvprahiy,
)ipinl lo fhr I leiiliiK li trifr.iiih.
Wu iv, V' ?'.. (h.i maT jwimr
(UU'rh' irrued fioin Cry Voin, General
Wi rr. njii'l !i i iU !;ii ! n au 1 l-i
flit 7ir i 0 in niter a sort ihnt w il . - ill y make a iinpr.. i'i ; m wm nit fr-t ilne.
ILo H. li. 1- m.ul" a f"rin af-iu!- pre'n ily a
re ..n'.oii-aiii'c on Wc in iiday, ni a s rti .u of
tie advanced Hue. ibe a;:.i k wa .a-i'.; ti
pnl d.
Tl.i'ie arc onm inoi. aii .nn thai i!;e Hi Wa aro
nmsiin,: lr.i"p lor iiiiD.h t .it to d lo.ii;o
nn In iu the Wehlon ro i l, II , jaily tho ti liu i
on the l!i' I an 1 P. ten tmr ; raoroid hive
been in busy motion, sixteen trains liiivlurf been
-ten tfoirig in o Vet'Vburn within tA Jiity-K.iir
li .ur ; and it It bell . vcl tnnt t'n y an carrying
down ihe Ke'iel iroopH Kit1! in the v.cini'.y of
Dicp liottoni, on tl.' north ddo of too Jaaion
It is .vt tain thai there ar ; f- llebel troopi to
bo Mtnnowonth'! north aid, of J i;n. a river.
Tbe a'-rom Dutch Ci.ip ii oing on prj,ir
ously,aii. tho men eecjiwoj on the work have
mn been molested for soma Jnye. Tlie Tiicia'r
brought dov. n forty K'hel pridonors to Fortr-'H"
Mm roe, and aUo deiiernl B irlo v, of New Y "rk,
nick and on bin wiy homo.
I.AIISI IKIIM 1IIK timi' or riiK
rinoTi ac.
Ii:; v oni'Aiit iiiii At'.hy oi ir.i: Foiovio,
Auijn.-t ?l, l'v,;i)in;;. r.vcr. thin;; i-' .ntlot beru
to- lav, excepting tbo umiii! cannonailiiif o l tho, iu front of the '.st!i Crpt, whi.ri wis con
ni.n' e l at U o'e'oek 1'. M., and still coii-.inuos at
10 o'clock to-ni,'ht.
On tbo left tho line has been .";t. u lo.l ahout
i.x or a. vcii tulles, and wo n w I. Id Iho iino cf
tl, c Wc'don iiiilroad se urely to He i;'i-;' staiion,
adi-tan.-f of u iout soven miles.
No II. b. Nnre in bo 3 -oa oa our left f'ro .t, an 1
t'i?ir lino hnevider.::y btcn eor.tractoj in thin
riiie. tion. Thn lom-rt of thi .'nil Corp.! in tho
buttles of Frloiiy and Sunday, uro uo i)m
put'j.l at aU( -i' iiio u an 1. On S ind.y, tbia
corpi in rep' ited to have fou.;ht aplendid'y.
A l it II I H I I'll Ifl Tll'IIIX ( At l HV.
No eiitl lit Hi.- rvt'iilui; rt'lt'arxpri.
Wa hitm i j?:, At.,:'jit"J'i Advices from tbo
."ii y i i' 'he I'o oiiiac rcprjo-nt our cavalry as
TnrvtMii iy totrm dj up the Wcldon rallMnd, in
tbe i ear of '.ho po-l'iou held by the itbCjrpj.
This : avail y In a portion of On'tJit'i in.
On tho day bi l'iro ye-eerdny, wbilo toarint; np
tk.1 track, buru'iijr iho tics, a id Uendlni rulj,
Wade Hiinipton'J Civulry m ido a dash nom
Ilium, but after n brisk ahirmisb the enemy w ia
haiulsi uiily repulsed, with conodoraole kwa.
The woik of dctmylnj the rallnad contlaiien,
and all early some forty odd mik'-i of It bave been
tfltctuuiiy daiuni;t'd.
Ail.leij tiring still continnos in front of the
!hh and Hth Oorpt.
Our butteries yoitorday jr. ,e l ..) ib'irg j lively
bhtlliu r.
Uui and Sheridan.
I-ifl.' in Jtfit fitr'
out FiMtil,
ioi., jtf,, i;t'
IJto , Jitci.
MM''l:i tti Hi" Kvi-nlnif Tclt'criiph.
W AHii.M.ri N, August '.' ). Advleoa from City
Foiut ui.d Fetei-bing to y- iterrtay morning uro.
to the ell'c -t that inaiterB '.v rovory qniet, WHO
ibe t xecptiou of n liuie ,;ar;unhiug iu front of
the otb Corpd.
Tho dt ."tiuctiou of the We'dou railroiid w.w
still join.; on, aud It has been entirely dc-itroyed
ior sevtntii-n miles already. Tbo ormmy scoiu
to have uhumloucd the lilm of rou!.!n,j It.
Advices from Mioihlun aro ll at Into roenunola-NnM-d
hnvo d; 'lust d th" tact that the Ueools
me ill havy force In bin front. It id believed
that nearly the whole of Tee's army proper aro
there, leaving only Biaur. .rd'j I'tnee, tviih t.vo
or three divisioiu bc'iio-i, (erbup:', iit rotorsUnrg
and liielimomt.
Mvtlt i it'ii r so ,:.(. . iii; i n i' t,
Is hik I'mi.ii, Auna- t i'i. i b.-rc win i
tiiishii g on tieiieral Mieri'J .n's lint; y-sl :id .f.
ll Cuii.ii.cnccil on iho o.ri' rne h it and estouded
to tbe t ti.tie of (i. ueial Crook's touiu; md, and
Ihc I'.ilh Co.-pa woio eo 'need. l.oiieU's Ciialry
llii;;Jo ii.o.ed lurwur.i ntal i-nine upon a Itoool
butieiy, bal sut c.-edi d in getting uroimd it. 1 art
ol onrinvalry moved lorward :o'ail,'.ektiiceueii-.y
tins ii.oriiirn.'.
In thij bki.iai-.L jcdtot'iliA iui'ios.- nis very
. riii-.ll.
KrAR P.iKi'itrwMivowN, Aut-iii't '.'', P. M
fitTieral Torntrt'e cavalry uitai kr j t'.o enemy
tii-iluy near l.eetovin, drove n the inoiny'd
pl'. ket", i-ii. o.inu nd Ureckinrii'.pe'a (Turpi, oad
,it) rjiiJJ' to VMiiiiiruw. Tiie i m rr.v tollOAing
ataitsjay llrW.' ljb'l't. Wc- could hot hnd tU'j
,uto Mar-
, bal
W "tNW'Tia.
gen. ?c n t. .ftmmi my
'n : I. .Ttt.
f icit- wi.s made tl.i Viaaaiin- m c force of
(aval y, v-;der eoiaanaatd l-i'tl Torbert,
wb c'a Ins r -ul'.ed f, tuiioitaut
Is rcriiiriiion v.ith re.VM tfijj'i if 's u.ovc-
irt: ts. t:.. '
I ioto fii tnforudjt'on te"nlkW: prars tl at
n ccn-l.krable portion or any's forces
b;uke can.p at CI arkiow;i V rulrg at dny
I'gitt, end n jrebrd la tho i.ict.wn.
Our cuvu ry stu ck ihti'i Hue ot .kJiislieisunout
a mile beioi d Kcurr.y't lilli.aui! artttr u hiiihunl
el:ar;.'e suctecaci in v'tuiiij nuilt a nuiabir of
Dt.r.rjtbc ' i'mi.:'a we !o.-t a few Killed r.n.l
woir.idej. ulli i v.hom vc brctight c.1 the field.
Among th: kill'.d is Muior Kulick, of the -'id
Caval;y, l.o was shct tun iigh the head. Lie
teuun: Muut, oi tho '.tU Ntv, York, wrvlr.g on
the Bti-fT ol Cental M.ciutoib, was shot tUiougii
the eat.
At th.'tiuc of wiltirv this Jcni.ttU hcaty
firing is g'y us uti ui lbs oUi.'.iiou of cbMiatrdi
tov. u.
I xernliou of a I'eijnreil iirrilli.
Wauimiok, Augubt 'Jj. !.-oiut atiue ugo
Chuiics l catcu llcttvcm, hUo bad Klongod to
Moseby'd Gueiillas, took the oath of uliigiancc,
but tli in be violated, and was agaiu captured ad a
euerilla. Having been convicted of the ciiuio bo
was lo-day LaD3cd on the Old Capitol I'ridou
rillLADKl.nirA, l KII)A , AUGUST !;, lSUi.
Tbe ReV.els Pum.fld to Coklv,tor.
I 1 iN Ol' ilUOHAII).
General Qrieruou at Oxford, Mies.
Ctiac, Annst tl. MoinpUid advixj of Tho
-Mlitiy, the Tth Illinois Cavalry havo ro
liirin o itoin their pursuit of Fornvt. Tbo ltst
aoeini.t n up t Monday, .b'n the K ilelj
. r.isi.1 Cold Water r v ir, to ity-thi w uuUm
from Men pb:a, n trt' iting in tho iliro-liin of
I'lino a, grumM'iiia: over tlie failure of ;h 'ir cipe
tiiili'ii. Tl ry i vp.'cte.l to er ai.. a divont onln
f.ei t r ii Siinth'.s exp... li ion.
Farteit told our oit'eers, unj-r I n of trii.-',
on Sim lay, that General irier'on Uil o c i(ii' d
1'xlor 1, Mi-vUippi.
1 RKMtlM .IMP Till: IMUMiU'M .
U ii kei toWitbdra anil Driclines
to Do So.
n.. , Auui. 2-': v-rral erfini ui.t AU-
liiimisis, iu. Indium ribur Wright and S. C.
Ilo'.vc, hare wri ten to Frcuo.i. tpcAl.inj of the
ilisa'i ft linn ex '.-'.lug In tho It-puhiiiiiri r.inlti,
'.d a.lvitii g that tho Unliiinoro an! Cl;voUr)J
u itmui'id sh.mld both th ir names ut
I'n i ! rt al c.indi liitca. a-ilthut a 0' W c.)nvcn
ticsi i-i'.lfl.l n lelo t A new m li la:o. Mes-r.u and ciiinjviny fou l'ido their Ijuer its
lolloivs :
"l'crmit ua. sir, to a-'t Wietlu r In 'use Mr.
Lincoln will wiihdr.rtv, you w'll do ao, and j an
jour fellovv-ci i.;us in an attoiopt U) plaoo an
ailniltiUtiutk'ii in powur on a bfiH .is broad as
the p itriollem of the country and Itt n iedi r"
Central Fremont, uuJor date of N ibunt,
Ariel' it '.', ifulioi at consid.'Mlilo length.
II J soj In do.-s not feel at l!Vr-f to w thdr.nv
his name without eousnliin,; the pitrio io puny
wl;o 1 blin, but due t-i i h t a direct
tllortb: made to oiilnln in linme nodor
siardlng between the "ii. inroraof the H ilthu no
aid Chrcland nouiii"itiond, In ordor that the
friend;, of uo:h may e .a'ei-o, and unire gUU nn
t ir'y day for holdlugsin.-ii a .ionv- ut'oa.
Tlofoilowing is D.xtiM ted froci F v
nion''s 1 tier :
"Mti :h has beu said :K)iit pTa and yon wi 1
i xcii o mo If 1 say wlmt I n-i leratnnd by It.
"l or me peace ilnlSei the Integ-al art-ublisb-ir.oi
t of tbe Coion wl aoui a avory, bocauao
laviry is ihc sm.ree of all our pdiiicul dktwi
nii ns, and becan 0 ihf ln.nitnrlon it-elf N rxn
leuim d by iho enliKhroa. d llbt'ral dpir.tof the
i ge. Tins:; aro to bo tbe eisontiil con liiions of
I eac."
it tii. n it 'iiiir.
Cikcinviti, August 'id. The eastward bnnnd
ri in i n the Indiannpoli. and Cincinnati roid wad
iliroRn from tho trick bear Liwroncahurg yes
iirdayby the Iro.klni? nf atlanoof ono of tho
Cilvlii-wlieels of iho locomotive.
Tbe ei g inter was iu-unlly killed, and ononnm
li.iiil'y li jured, and three othora severely.
(iovcn.or Morton and John McDonald, his
political opponent, wero on thn train, but enrapod
uini jure J,
1 lut'i ni?n, 'vh ft nanira ar uokrsiwn, while
I-loruiPk' rrom OneD township v jsior Juy, worn
il n "a ii f. (..Ti a hu.vy. Ouo of tt,;iu was killed, iho others ba4ly bruld d.
HtM St.W StKI.Ktla'S.
N.: tv Y'.iiik, August 24. The stoaiccr ...
)pi, fioin Now Ore ins on tbo lt-'ib instant
i ri.vt'ii bure to-day with sick and wo iud-'d.
W. 0. veil, ol ibe id Mii'duebu'ictti E ittery ; C.
Cm, ol ibe Sill Vermon1 ; and E. Himpson and,
1'. N. Carov, of the IK) ii, died on tlie
my ge iind wtro buried at rta.
No pnpird were revive I by the steamor.
I'lU'.iwmv nns urocrv.
Boston, August 36. Seventeen Ih lusnnd dol
lars in o-2'J Cnited Sfaes bonds were sti'en yes
tt'T'liy tru'n the Ninkmt- hois.' of H.stj'r.
ttVttwt tvt Co., oti tiluio sit ooi.
A ttlfclil litirMiriHi.t Itnltl .tt,icrl A.
J. Mlllllll.
Crr'j wt.r'l'-e :: t elj(t .'-s ,r:,
N.M111VH.1.K, A t.'iusi 17, Tbe Imii'ir'aa a of
I'i ut riil A. J. isnnin'a movomeut from M. inp ilH
c.iiiii t be valued loo heihly. II force is lar;;.;
larger than is geneiallv supp ised ; and bo i(tJ
ro hold, posse-s, uoil liesl get bo gim t.)'.!p
tl e crdniry of lit lit is, nnill ho h i! frond both
He Sti.fts o Alabama and Wnsi-'ilppi of tuo
ItisiiiKi ins iort vt r.
Ho wi I en et it!i il'tle or do opp.sitlou. S.
D Let lolt 'ho greater' rhe forces nil lor
b b c riimand at Da ton. 1 feel prntry nin e that
wn di illb ar of tho lull ot Montg"ijry very
no on, lor lhar is do i hi less tbo oiiie-t of part of
the c pen iii d, anil uot Mi' 1 o, .u nn:
suppo.-c. TLu pia e, howev. r, will fall in d ie
tiii.u. If Oeuerui Hmlrli pa-l.e-i on ho will pro
vt nt reiTifo'Cenienw Irom ru -hiri;; th"; Viea
guered tuv .i.
A itoti'iiit'iit i.ii SIiii'om. Irtirk''ia.
iod.. tltc o'i.u .'Vi.r1 i, if -t 'l.'il.
We learn by a fiiend di'. ct from A'lnnlii, thai.
(Jom rid .Sbe'iiiaii ha i uia.lo a movemeiii IikoHio
to f lie capture of Vlaeon, Coorgla. On the tr.t It
intanr, tho 'S'A Corps, Orjii. S'liolield, e.aH
orrleied to ii.arcli, uilon,.; lifeen duya'
The preei.o il'-.-tiiia:. jd wis not i.nnour..-e 1 in
can p j nut it nan genorully un It ri.uod tlcc, th.-y
w i 10 uiaj li npon ileeoii. Wo suaii ol
lie. ly i.n.Uh in ;!. .t ni.artir ?o. .a.
A so1 ii ;r iVo.ii f- li rii.iviN arn.y, v.ritii vr to
lis j"i it nils ;n W cfoiiilii, f cr;e'.' alea the follow-
"My .'..jar Mr. Hood,
Your tucti: a aro :;orl
Lni taose of our sj'herianri . -u drj
At aaJa is ouis,
We've not both the bowois,
You're tuel.t.'d, 1 really tebcro, sir."
A philosophic louulrer in-ks : "lioiv did our
nnce..iins get on without trips to the seaside '
I'ov, did peopic contrive to iivo wilUo'it dpi niilii;
iu least oue mt'Ctli of the Ivveho at a watering
place ? It is surprising what a modern invention
the sj-Mcta o: Aeu-batUing is. V e pride ourselveJ,
li-s a tiiti"1' H A tiyuiil-nc.-s iu all things;
lit-.i still ii.ito, L' vt'n-!e, t.rcn the ut'mi'-u
wi. ihwo pay to the .ut i lie .tion of our per. .us
tbH to nr ' ':i.i:q ..f our re.vit . e. It is
i.i.l.t uii id c the U.ct that our iniir.ue w.ucr
in.rilaCi'i a.- hil vf moueri: g:ov.lh, and that
fai anyiVatn-ri' urd piartlaiot'uci's were edit
oa'.itl in ft hvt!n.liti.ic tt.-n r of vw.ter, aud au
uvoi.ii.iiic ;c d c .clLSir n ol freik air ami vomila
tion, wL'eli ii: uot file at coiiwted for by auv
theiiy if folly iii'l irncri..ito tocibi-ji d, with
v.hitii v,i arc Wi'.."
F.v.-i T; :i y Dais' IS a i ion. In tlie ruocnt
a J. unce, Colonel John (.;iifbc I:, :.Uthhio In
lautrv, b' hi!.' tliori In eoinuuind of the since
i';!.- tiliiolnig'.u'i ismea nn order t" bis com
iiandto put In their lia ei sucks tli've days'
tuoked intiou.i. The pre cetcd operations boiug
aul'tcarcctlv postponed r-r chant-ed, the Colonel
di:tilcil the ration or ord;r w be conntei
mai.iitd. His Teatonic inesson;or mada tbe
rounds f the ( amp in pcrsou, hue at night, pro.
claim r4 tiiut 'Colcr.el OrtKabetk ordered his
mm to eat up their three days' cooked rations."
Tbe ri' ot the messenger a itaUcriug
of tbt Coi juel i order st.uck evtryi odv, ami the boluiiniy got 'p liomtbiir leds aud sut
do'uato "obey o.d.'is." Sooa the camps wcie
alive villi fui. tutu, nut. Mci-cs sent to "report
piojrtss" had gat to the middle of the second
dav, or tiiird iluv's, &c. Some bepgad
ni.-.ti u.-lon ol the order, boinc un extension of
time. One vias full to tho throut aud hud a day
and a bull's ridions left. What should bo do?
And HOlhroii;;b ull the changes possible. The
Colonel and the Ohio llrigude, which loves him,
will nevtr forget the famous order to "eat Ih
thrvd days' cooked rations."
tiii: i:i:c L'rioN.
William H. Howe Executed for
Murder To-day.
All .,ouilt oftliai l urvl.T.
Ad bud tven annnnn -ed In Tin TiM.ans.vrn,
tho oxc-ulion of William II. How?, a e'.-b ) of
Feikkinien township. Monigom.-ry county, Inn
aylvania, takes placo tbLs morning, at Fjrt
Mntlin. As a number of mistat'm.'nU have
appeared in the public prints in relation to his
case, wo bavo beca at considerable tronio t
ascertain the true report, aud aapen I it as follow-
Mlllinin If. Ilnwa-Hl. I.lfo. anil it.'
Nlitry of Iba Tlatl-r.
The condemnod nma was birn in Ferklo-nen,
Movtgomcry county, Pennsylvania. Bt)fore'lu
lrg the army bo was engaged in farming, and in
the niamita.'turlng of to"vv Into clgirs. II;
enll-itd lu Company A, lltl:b Keglinoui i'on i
aylvanln, eommandod by C-iptun, in Augiu t, lOi, ..nd p-mUnil
with tho regiment until the iub of Doc.ein' r, of
Ibe same year. As a soldio-, be sioott very high
In Iho estimation of bin oii'mers.
lie was of a mil. I disposition, and alw ays per
formed his duty with 'thoorfuluoss and aia. rity.
At the battle of Froderlcioiburg bo w.ts ouo or'
Bvo men w ho c imo oil' tho lioid with ihooiws
of hla regiment. Having ouen a ;customo-.l fro n
hia youth lo tho u-o of the ril'.o ,lm prid d hiu-Hcif
npon being a reiinirh.i'ily good sLt. At ;ho bil
tleof Fnili rick-burg, very early mthe day, his
regiment loft the field of linl-io ui'tr a soven
Htmc, however, exeh uigid his
Full' Id riile, ami ag.iiu wont ti,:i mo i'.oi l with
our skliiaishorit, and roiuniucd tl . ill nig it
uiuil tho m xt day. Sjiutentwi np.nhei
duties thut bo came very ner rwn.g r u tnro 1
by tbe KeNd fia-. Ho, bowovor, escaped by
tttinimlug tho Itnpiaihunuo" k river.
At tbe time bo loil tho restitucnt ho was buiI't
log Ironi iiilluiniuiiiion of the oowols, and lb i
regimental hospital eingui'idd'iwu,aa.l oiv
liignehber surgeons nor medicines, he, wlrhsono
twenty o bora, determined to look out for tho'o
se vea tor ir auncnt, and reported the ustjlvoe to
the hospl aisat Washington. Afterwards lie ami
Aut ustus Ileltlng, a member of bis eoni.siuy,
ret am. d to tbelr homes.
For tomo two months af. 'r Kowi was
col lined to bis bed.
AlM)i t nil might on the 2lst day cf tbo mouth
of Jtinr, lStd, A or, hum Bartolot, tbe ourollmg
oltlrcr of Howe's de.tikt, with thren assLsoiaw,
visited tlie house of ibe prisoner, iu Montgomery
county. 1 he party eallfd Kir Hoe, and his
wile Inlng in bed, and hearing tbe cull, atueworol
It Irom ihi wludow.
"Who is tbt ?e i" ldw. U'e, " and wb i
do)in wkdi?"
lluitolvt r-plied : " It ia me, Augu-itns Bol
tlLa. lull Bill to ruu, aa tbo Provost Mar sun i.
nft. r bun."
The wile replied: I do not liellovj yri."
Howie then cime to thn wirwow. and w icu
Bunolri told h m be hud come to arrest ui n, on
I llovse) disch irjied two shots ut bun liin,;i'
Tbo shots took cil'i ot lu bid 'vea-t, and kiuc -I In n
II U Trlrtl.
The trial of the accused took pl'i'e lo thlt itv
lo Fel.ruary, li-tit. Colonel Fr nk ,i- Proti lont,
ol the Court. Mttnial. Howo obioeu'd to ilia ,n il
on tlie ground thai Kr nk was t io p o- i,
mid thut he had proi'erro l oh irgns ta ust bun.
Tl.e court, however, ove .Tilled thu objn -ti ons and
urt nt on wiib the trial, winch rumli.'d iu thi con
vieliori ai.d suntence to ik'ain of Hov.
Hit 4'OUuHfl.
Fdninud Tlandn 1, T.v., was tho r-)ntiH.l of ttio
accused. C. I'. CLaik, Esq , w is tbo Judge A 1
vorate. Tins M'nteutttt
was. ;r.c i'...on;r no exocatcj oa:ao"ni
ol Mr. Kauditll. however, i,l to
W.i'hiai;lon, and after an inuirview with Jadd
Holt bo gaiii.-d u respito for tuo prisoner until ho
(llolr) and tho I'residjiit ahotiid bavo il.nj fully
lo ei nslder tbe r use.
The result of tbe const leratinn was, that tbo
l xecntion slionld tko pluec on tho Will of August
(litis day).
Ilia 'oiiOni.nrt.
During tho trial tho prisouer was oominod it
Fort Mitllm, but this tune ho endoavorod
to i Sect
by tunneling tbe Fort to tbo outside. Iu this
attempt, however, ho was disc, jveivd, but uot
uut.l do bad sealed til.) dit h. i nn Ktiiwil
In uti iw. Ke show at bim. but bis capture I'nsiiy
was one to Lieiiicn iut Higgiua.
Him lfrrliisiii.
Ib.we is n in.m rlmiit live loot o'ght in hoi io
height, aud of a ligiit coioploxiou. Bii'or.: bis
liic-ii'-eratiou ho was qui ) weignry, but uiw uas
lost much iu woi th'. Ho Is a man of mo. lone
lutelilgt nee vot well upon tlio r.ip e. of
the any. Ilnleiv j l wife i.n I rhrne cl.l.d.e.u tn
inoai ii his loss.
Writ f lfiii-;N siriiiN.
On Wiiiliifdday morninir Mr. lUudil! manic im
npplieji'lon r.ei.iic Ju i.e Cotlwul'iilnr, of the
tinned fstutct District Court, ur a wot of AiVm
larp'iH, in ordur to hi ing Howo befon; tho Court
for his illsihuvc, on liio ground of his not being
n sol Iii r in iln servic, and tints n jr. b"i ig
n eimblo to the Jnrisdlctl in of a
Tho on y niilbt rity cited iu the ciso of II nvo vns
that of An lor-, a n lcd casj In th : Iris-i
Htbeilion of i;.s. Xsc c.i-o was piec.b.'ly the
bnine in fact.
Tore wild tiihou on boa'd of u Frencb vc is
fighting uyalu-t tho Fni'ish (iovri'iiient. lie
was trie! by a court-m.irtiul and convicted, and
senttcet'd to be huny. drawn, ttnd quartern t.
I hn i'lillot Cniran cppliod to tlio Court of fia
Kit .u'a llciich for a "-i;''f roir'v, on th) irrouud
tiiat Tore bad nt vor received n eoiunii-s;on from
the Froncb Ooveiuinouf, and thut, therefore, ho
could not bo tried by the miliairv author iiies.
Tte Court groniod the writ, but bi'foro it rouid
be served Tore cuimiitcrl suicide.
The Court, in the cuso of Hone, acknowledged
that this cafe was soinowbat siuiilnr to that of
Tori ; but Judge Cndwubider refused to take It
us authority, as in Howe's enso tbe question of
bis being a soldier bed appeared before tho Court
Mnrt.ul, and hi.d bteu decided against I tni, and
so he ei n.-ideiid It res aJjvJkal t. Hethucfore
dic'lined lil.owius the writ.
l bs l'nrtluv IIowo ard his wife took place j-i -rerday
morning at the i.uslora l'liilli-iitnuy, whtie be Ik'iu confined since hia attempted escape
from lortMi'liin. It was of the mo.-t aireeting
chaiucUr, and ecu the julior, aecustomod to
such n si.cht, acknowledged it was ouo of the
most bearl-rt'iidlng scenes ho bad ever witnessed.
The remaining family occupies a larnt oi about
six acres in I'trUoniou township.
I'rrimrntloaia lor the lixei utloii.
This moru'.ns, at a quarter to 9 o'clock, tbe
tugboat Dun Juan, coutniuing on board a detach
ment of the lSotb I'eunsylvaula Uegimcut, num
bciing some ninety men, under tbe command of
Captain Jack, left tho third wharf below Vino
street for the scene of execution. Rev. 'Mr.
Krotel, tbe religious adviser of tbe accused, and
a number of representatives of the press, together
vitbtevtral oilicvrs connected with the oiliee of
M.t.oi-titu.iul Cadwaluder, were also on board.
Tlie KcrIIoIiI
u.-ed is the same ouc upon wbleb Mattocks, tho
tkiipiuski l'.rotliers, Ainistrong, and Fox, who
v. as executed ill Nuw Ilrunswiek a short time
since, wore tiuug. It id sixteen foot lu height,
and baa u "drop" of three feet.
It was erected by It. F. Worrell, who put np
the dcaduld lit the caje, of all the I'l'uvioud
vulioiis. 1
Tlio Frl-MtBor
wu CoareyeJ lo Fott Miftt'n at au e.tly hour
this ait'oiog, f-orn the I enlt rvi iry, in a priVti.e
l STlsgH.
Oili. rrs of the Ooort-Hantal m boatd were as
follows ;
Colo;iil Frlnk, PrtM lent of the C'liirt; Cipi.iln
Clarke, J jtlfte Ad icf; and Ctptaln I) io a oio.
Lit nienant Onlonnl Vt'itnin, Cuited stun a
Ar'nt.m ro m of Fort llithin, conlu tod
the fxfrntiou.
Tte rout reiKhad Ft rt Miftiin at 10 o'c'o-k an I
tbo militarv and others nn ryr l Imme lively
rriren d the Fort. A i a.ors r of p rs in, In -1 1 -li.
Girl, or-, xr d tlme wno had guned piiriuiis tti
wiinrst ti e etecuiioD, were already pre.s.'ut.
) he f xeeuuon intik pl csia' li o 'do k n ) m.
The ) rl.oncr wai c8 s.rt"d to thn fallow-hv Hi
K. v. Mr. krotel and ae-wrul ottltNirs of the fort.
Hnian.'nl ta Killtiws with a firm snip, and
alter re tchirir the ps-iiforni rid trie following
spc""h, In a low, yo asa r lone :
Felluw-snidicri and offcers: I am n w aV.nt
ton, 1 1 fore my uw' lor tuo crime oi
liking Ibe lift' of a lel'irw creatore. I h wnh
an' innsloii to my senten -e, arid fully forgive
(best) who pas d aud Ihoan wim
ni'i.f-iu-a u-ant me. Tony did thmr
dhty i.a wnl as thv ct.nU, and I tike fus
op.oriunlly ti thank you Imin Hw b tun af my
bi :irr,the meinl ers of my to'irt- .m rial wh rri d
Die, d id i ;? -inlly rt;)Uin Cuirke, !i Ju lho A I-vo-aif.
uDd Mr I' l.nund Kn l.ll, niv lawyer,
ft r ib. ir kin. ro. - totards me ; mi as I bate l il
lilt 0 to hav.'uiy dear i-li'ldren but my re ird
and moil lame as a s 'dl-r, I feel it a duty I owe
to tl.eni io st .ie nnw thai I nr.ver soiint tbo p.
of the ma 1 1 kl led, and uev,ir wished It ; md I fia'l
Cod will pinion mo for taking Ii as I did; mi l I
ki.ow uir fellow-soldiers and oilicers lu tin: army
never hlauied me for leni ;ng, as I w is an iuvulld
ai d ha I no hospital to go to in my rctruu -nr.
Now ihst I mn aiioui n leave this ifo I rom
niend my wilo and ones to the chnriiy of
Hie wor d, un I as a last re ioest 1 ask iho pr
d.n of tlioce hoin I may have ! trod, not
bopo tbey w.ll forgive mo ind pray for mv soul.
Aftir ihin, M:-. Kr.oel delivered a fervnt
pray r, an J a; nine minutes pii ri o'clo kthe
on Jc nun d man a-ix launched Int" rtertiity. Ho
dlel Kill. Of Willi Mil slrilgKll'. I '. lis 111 If Wis
rkn 1'iafr.fsinn ol by J. C. Kotioo, nnd -ruikcr.
No. i:J!3 Viae sire-1, and n il. be seut to the wife
nf il. .-asiol.
. -
hiarnor I MuiiM.'siKTda To fit. Six A. M.,
;'.. Noon, M. t.'ne F. M.. W. Wind. W. by S.
Co.x' .TiON of rim N a f,or:i. 1'nion Piurv
Tho Cjuvenrlon of thoNa'ional Caija Tartv
r. sssenibh 1 al F-.-inwui .''.rect Hail Ihiti r oo-uing
at 10 o'cl ick.
Aner ilm tra i-i :1 .n of some pr..!i uin i. y butt.
n.os ih lunv ..tion pro-. oded 1 1 bil ot f ir u :ni
', IS.? general -i-unlt) nions h ivins; been m iio
a tho sMaiot vos'er I iy afviTo mi. Tb first to he balfotrd fnr wag ( ity Coiurnisiionor.
Tho votd stood o fn lows .
HKtsr UAiX'tr.
IS V'ThViIIII If, IVf.l'..t
: ' liurl-'s V. Tivl.'r....
IS it.n.aiiiia l' tr ill. t..
!l.. .. I" . A. nt- S. IV
J'.Tia A. ! ',. ni a
J.Oin H . h i'k .....
J.rn.i Vi Mo
I Ar:,l jr.: Vl. t .: iK
... "
...I I
... I
r. nr ill isi'i., . .
I i-.i a) i -'i-ir
1-SOfxfV kvilly i i,,um. i), It,
t:-oo c Ks-ita 1. l.i tun w ii'.u
Il-irruiia U-ivia 11 .Vi I'.am sa..M-'i,
i.'w t or nl.ii ri
Wlm'o nuni-.-r of vote cass, ?')i. Noo.'-wiry
to a choice, llii.
Kr. tiNi) n.?,
- r
kiria.da ,
I aviit
O 't'tin
W toils duuiUt. jtt
,'.'J lli iil.i' 19
.... I 'aikr ... ,
..,.11 !rt-:kr ;l
,...tO -I.Avr .t;
.... I ;l
.... 1 ol. on. .'1
....js ii aj; .. ii
ar.'-at.arr tt a etvlca,
iirtiti) hai.ijIt.
Tta.saiaii :i U ,:i,ip ia
lllnkla r.l..r I
Mtcrs r l.f.1 tt 'JI
tU"w I st.asf
Kvtrlj' i tirntt ... l J ui t.m. 1't
Dill. li. Hltij.ik ;
(i'roofi IJI
Wimia uaiiitstr, Ui-i. N's's try M a ct.tlcu.ifj.
ivunrii riAtior.
n-m-.tnaii ..
U 1 1 ir ion
li win-
Ihl'iL'lUi bllu
Ua' Is
W to;a Qjiaber. 1st
... it Dan.iip
... r I' irltr
...It Hn
... 1 ii..s
... I Dt IM
.. Vi H yStf ,
.sacus.srj to acA.u.s,7i.
.... tl
.... .ti
firrii uAt.tor.
H i..ri. n
A rsua.-.j
1 rrrinir
18 dliaw
i O'-SK
7 l ChllB
li in. la
M. o
M 1 at Kbl o
.1 a ., w
Kl. Vi ,
VI b' ni.tuii.j,jSH
...Vd Hlio
N'a...ri to a tboloa, loS.
.-it itat i or.
If It-i'iion
t o o.p
... ....'.ft l'ri'lr
'i t-rsinr
il fs, lion
Ilm, m, n .,
I n. ia .,
o re..-?-.,,.,
Htiait .
'is "ItV (K
I v e lumbar, 'ill. asctarj lu ae'.oii-ii, L tl
Fike. About blf-past 7 o'clock this morning,
a fire broke out in the carpenter shop and win lo v
Srtfb manufactory of Joss.; T. Vjdk-a, on M iikct
street, below Tbiny-slith. Tue building arts it
frame structure, two ft-jnes in height, and wis
felled with combiisiiblo material. The flames
apriad -Aitb greu r iplJi'y, aud tho wbulu atrnc
ture, itb its rontents. ws onliroly destroyed,
The hiillUin ron'iii'il'ii.- tfco stna-n oower was a l-
j-'liiing to the rnao'ifiokiry, aad was c insid.mihly
damaged. Tlie engine w is swoi In a riilicr
givid condition, lioss eslimitad atituclJ. In
stued forli.O.
The bouse of the West Fhllario'phia Fmrlnu
Company, atl.ii lining to the ea-t, ami cboir Hiuile,
wad t-tal'y des'Myd J. Tnu house was also badly
damaged. I.o-s M'J'H) No insnran K.
A orl-k dwelling bouse on tha west, oecuplod
hv silids fluplep, w is sinipwb it dnniagod, the
wli dow trauii-s and edge of inn r oof being baruiid.
Tbe roofs of two dwelings on the D irUv ro id
eaivbt tromth) sparks irom and were
almost completely turned off.
THU CtAMIKKSB ll'J S I Pl'TtKUS. W.) C ill
attt nllon to a -ard In another olumn, pti'iliabed
by ibo Coiiiciittee o:' I.idL'S win are daily in
S '.siou at No. US v. Seventh street, to rocoivc
con ributhn.TlnaiJoi 'lei.u-imber'bu.gsuil'jrtrs.
Th. f. la lies have visuod tkn s.')no of diwtlmtioti
ami di-ni iy per'onuily, and th dr aci ouuts ol'tUe
siiil'oiliigs or tbo 1 y avl people who bavo ikoii
Ii Iv. n from th jir borie- in a state of b g. try, Is
tiu y In arircnuin ,'. Vrilelos of ulmo-l any kind,
such in clolhliur, lie l lln :, iiar le.aro, t e , will He
ri ei ind liy tlie Cmiiultto j f.-ooi tiioso wno prefer
couiributiug it iu lieu of a-h ; aii;onj'p al
1' is ever be- li mnji) to :h) o.impi'hles of o ir
p. ophi near c tual io Cm, w t.'us; ihe Cj ihii tree
of no'ilo ladies viH nicer w ii; a pmiupi and
aeneions te-pon . i v h'ch s'ml! imj truly cratilyin.'
and e'h aivt.
K' N Ov EH HY A II ;sc . ' K'UA'.D Til id 01010-
ing a hoy nueicd Tbomus I tor, agar! 16 yoars,
Was run ovi r by the l ainnount IIoso Cirris,ge,
iu I 11 io: -trett, hotwoen Kightecutb and Niue
ictnib, whllo price 1! nr toiha fire in West Phila
delphia. The whet Is pas- ;d over his leg, ioi'inng
him st ver. y, tboue.h not terionsly. lie was c in
vtyed io hi residua s, nt Tweiity-ili'dt aud i'ar
rish an cots.
'Si'iiiois Fai.i.. John Donahue was severely
injured about 10 o'clock thin morning, by falling
fiulii the window of hi s house, Tiiehiuoiid strtut,
nbovo Norrid. Ho was bikea to the
Hos dial.
Foil I'exsvcotA. SniftU packages for tlia
hospitals at i'l-n.-aicula will be delivered if left on
board tbe l.av.iue Columbia, nt Cattell'd wharf, or
nt No. li-' S. Wharves, bolorc lo o'clock to-morrow
ci.eari:d this mokntimg.
Ilar.-ntf. fl'itllliilila. Waaver. l' J . K Bakar df lla.
Uat.tiie u. I in vi., Mlit'iiltls. I'eiitacula, 1). H ivlsnA A i'o.
Dun lluii) trt-'.u., Hiuitti, iiustuo, Hiiuuarli, Vaul'UnSa
A l.i'i-l'Ulun .
Bai.r .1 ttllav Hoiltlv, Oriunuu, Fortress Monroe, Bakar t
fici'i iai, rrowall, Haalon.fs-tner.fJilckiiey Welllnsian
Bclir Snow t i.Lde.i'l. l.T.uo, K...I. U.Nublo.l iaw,'H4C j
Itelir A. M. Kuwaiui, lilusi.u, Alt- vauili ia. I .tilaiu.
8.-U1 amah Juuo.l'aiup, Waaluugtou, Csplaiu,
Amtn'Ki) TiiTS MonmNo.
Rrh l oins, riiiiiip-, li; if iv- fri.oa Klrar, Ja., wim
ll.awi.ofl and to t). N. WalUr A Co,
till l nanla, BU'I'Ikui.C day. Iriau l'ortradl Monroe, U
baUitst to iailaiti, . ...
Brl lioaiaal banks, IIanil,n-oiu ta.Uitt
l'.,"gUJii'ili Baker, Kiekarsoa, ftuss Uanuiton Koala, la
bulia-t to 11. A. Ailaaih. .... . , . ,.
hilir W m. oftnii Moruiut. Itarllu, S ilaya na Daa.
rt;:;v.i';Hr;r.Xa 'XTun, -d..
KclVA:fw,:UUrr, fro- BaltUaora, with ;4
Ua"l!?i"'ii"A'uam, Hsraou, from lortre.i Monroa. la
b ii'brD. j"''vv'ul'io,vVlilllakai-,froia foiUeii Muaio,ia
l.allu.ttfill A. AOama.
M.-lir kl. f. kiud. buntli, Iroia Ionian Uouioe, la bal-
,.. ., ... r.l.tdlll.
Mehr.iauia Huckalew, Ben ictt, from aVlenauitrla, In
ai.t.t i.i ...ulula.
Sobr Suco.c.-i.jt), ft. id fi.tsra, i. c ,ln tallast o
O' 41' oi'
TUB Rvawrssi Tat ana vrn,
rr.uaj, Aanst :
i ne. t
There is more activity In tbe Rto:e .Market
tb a morning, and priced are sieidy. Itaairowdl
rhanaare firm, with sales of R-adlnsj at t7i4
(oj, whirb is better. OhmoVii aad ArnOoy at
167; Pennsylvania Railroad, 75; North Feaa
sylvnnln, "I I ; and F.lmlra M 31. -J ww Mil for
Lin e Bebolkil1 ; SKI for Beaver Moadow ; i.'Jj, for
Mliitlitll; 11 for Ca-awl-sa prerrredl 21 fo
Caiuwissa e. mmon; 33 for FUlia4elpbi mat
Frir ; and 9 for Long Idued.
Oovi rnment bonds are more active, and prk
bnve ntlvnnced, with sales of 8 20s at U2(i
XV: ; 7 .10s at 111 J, and s of mi nt lOty.'
The excitement no' Iced fur teventlcUys past In
Con I Oil shares still continues, aad prices ara
looking up, wilh largo sales to botios at 6) for
Oil On rlt ; iS for Mineral Oil - 12 for DaUail;
it U ek Oil ; 7 lor MoCltniock ; t for lrry
f'S for MiTibciiBy.aud i for Kgbert. .
Itiiiik shares eontiuno fi m at a'vout foruer
lau ,. li'.i was bid for North Amrrloa ; 131 foe
ITiilml.lpbia; iH) for Mechanic' j 38 for Tentl
Township; HO for Western t 27 for Miioofa.
'tneis' and Mechanics'; and VaJ for City.
In Ciiy Fns.enger Railroads tbi re la very Klt1
doing, and the rat a remaia ttboot the tame aa
last oTioted. H.'cond and Third sold at7i( JJ
was bid lor Spruce and Fine; and 21 for Arch
f-tn et. ,
Tb. re is little or nothing dolug lu Gold, t.ii
tho imirket Is very dul1, ope mug ut 2-'4, ao
vun. e.l and sold nt 204 at 11 o'clock, loll oil and
sold at 2.1.1,1 at 12, ami at 12.
Tin re is very little demand for none, and tbe)
rule remain about tho same a la-t c, ' -.tod.
Louiis are pltn'j on cull at 6 ftt tcot. p"- tnnorn;
bist p .per ir selling atSfa') per cent,
A despatch from Washington this morn ng say
ti e Mibscripilone t Ihandw7 3) loan, report-xl
at tin: Treasury Department yeaterdiy, aiuonntesl
t" n.-J;ifVfio, and to tho 10-40 loan sJiae.toO. ,
r (II.AilKI.I'IUAHrotJKaVXOUAiiia'AAI.-Uiua. M.
Vsjoruia bj tlatkson . i llruaar., x. lil s. Tlursl at.
'isi.n uiit,a isi,uiu.ii.i 'JV
li't -li il" i
due .ai uwimU caw.. 10 V
i.e-u ti.i. ts.
ll'MII 1-Sl
tnuao KheaMlucui .'ai Isi
Inn -n Oo o '2
shi .li tv. 'J
Vit'sh Meltl.flunv .,! 10
i"i in , u W
, .na d ... lal
i lsrt Palrv OU.. ii
7. lull ll"
liSlth Mrl.1 nuKi .
' f) - Oo iiW
7 .1 lsi. nrini.r.
Til atilsl tj m Oil ...( S
KO.a ; ....... tilDSist
I Oil "ll
1st si ab
II Si -11
IHO all
l'si.h .
(a si .a
). o -a
.is' n
8'si i-a
J.i n
S- il.
I'O nil
Ml .1. N,
HO h
ion ,ii
.bo Anil
i ' ii.. I on
7, avirt .' ilo .....
'iii r do
7,r Sl'lCwtl oa
io...... oin -, e at
in 7". mil
" (-"' lei
h: v;
wti.a iio.....
icj.a no ....
MO ji J
ISO in do....,
yiii oo
.0.11 i do
i snn . il"
lun.a ' a
M) .a do
:::: iH.
.... 7.Vi
..M 7V,
4co H.i ro aoi.
a., i
V. ii M.
.bo Tiki
... 21S
... vis
... ill,
... mv
WO th n taoui a v.loc-avrr
IX) -h ti Tar ,i.Ujla,,V
IS i ah Nubia Il i..Ma, i
,w)-h:.rn Plait!. ... a'
stsiaa d.. l
li 0 si Caioa Pal 3Vi
ir u h Pn Farm
list .a oo.
riusT Utiaao.' -
S'.vo d. s. a an
ii-jv, vsii aakon
'5 do c.l 111 1
tl'J.tlll k ... Ml i..,r'
Itsjrtl S i l)U I a.,
simi do....rti4i!eiiiivj at.) ilittoxa ....
ISlSaB Oft
aut' titi in
Sli-0 I'rnoti fn'
wan n t;
WlOsK M liSnnr Oil.
V" im ini. IHiill...., ...Jfria
ttviat) i4.M
dlOtS'O A A Hits l'7k'
eiOS'l'tkA lis.,
rso.a iji wn O.i ivi
aoab,' v . 3
lun m sioa. K. at..,.d 4IW
1.1 "Q c'l'O . Vm....ltl7
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l) sb ilu HZ(
lis) .ri Baa law R..M0 s.'
s)afl , ua Si'i
teosa a, frjw
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Urn all M irut Pa tl.... W
an n r ... v,
on i ii irt ii an K .... i,n
lOmi liru l.iiut..b6 7
to .Ii Ilia Ai ollnl S
Inu.b rlo HV
ro all Oil Trunk av,
nii to t3 ii',
IWl.ll do S',
VH) sh Mineral OU. .bv 9 ,
Sin ah lnu. niuia..lM0 I'iV)
I S) all Oo liV
HOah Oo IJt,'
Ml an 0" Us
7jali4 M RIU.... J.i
rUU'KH OK sirili:R4 I'N Si . Mr vilutf
Beponcd u Ciaraauu dt Co., ttruaara. Na. Ui n. rntrd sk,
trnltad riu,..ra,l8in.latorI....;&
It.- l.iiu.u Ua.lrua4 .. aid . - host mi..
He. .flint, llnl'ru.d ST.Vi Old - Sd-'H iia
New Vara C.'
iiiiivi. .unrru uauroan. ...... ... mm ,. ju m!M
nu-ai Haiu-'iaa iri . 1 -i uiu
Kris' Riolroad.
..Ili'V u.i
..1 XS el
..A A OSl
..l-l i
li4 uisai
fltif-'un llailroaii...
flolU ,
I'niled Mlalsi A Jea,
l aalaa)
.t .. aaxai
, 1 td !
Nbw Yonit, AmrusC W slnxiks ae bour.i Chl.
rasuanil U'.c irUnd. Itn'ii (.'ti uOeriaiul a efcrrctj,
II Iik.Ih .n ral Iter p, If, t MirhiKsa sjamliaru, I
Sew V.irk (Vulrul. I.H', Po'int, l.'.n, I..SSJ j Raa-Htw.
l.viH ; sit.nt'ti.f l-i, i;mi r.rirt, mis ; Trei-urr v a-1 oa. nasi 1
len-lorlnis, US' A ; s iva-twaniyOaauons. liii UikUot).
QuoUiionsof Ooid at the Fbiladelphia Gold
F.xctai go,No.34 S.Thi'd street, second ntory :
H A. M .Vt 12 M I... 2isl
11 A. M .h; IP. M i.....2.6t
Market steady. . , ,. ,
Jay Co ike AC), quota Government Securi
ties, &c., to noon to-di.y, as follows :
U. P. Cs, lhl ......."iOoi 'loi
V. 8. 7 3-10 Notes lid ,'" 113
IVnilieatt-s of IndobteilnoM, new... 94 - 9.'l
Quarieruiaster'a Voueherd.. ......... 03
u d ail. v 2.'.7
6-20 Ilonrls ua w iu4
Dk If Bno., No. 20 B. Third atreet,
quote as fo.lows . . s
American Gold aii - 2bl
Amtrican (Silver, J's and i'i... ... 'MM .-.
I) uies nrd Half Dimes ' ,.
Spanish Quarters 004 " . .
I'ei u. Currency j dis. 1-iidn
New York Kehango 1-10 par.
Quouitious of the pnncipul Cowl !tud Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ;
til .si':. il
rulioo Coal lev, ivV Si'.ueial OU. ... av
lt' iloiinlslii Ci-al. .. iey-tio Od IV
kl i Soil. C"al..'.UV. ti VoitanKOtta fJ
llr u Mi. t' ai.... IT 7 1'i.lou ratru.auui.. if7,'
N t a-lf rif.ale .... i S Bona.a Oil
Nesi Crt:, d i V' 1 1.-. an io Oil.,
1 eeoar liain Ctail. 1 1 11! I Si I ranaJIn Oil..
IS I, 1 , ilo.a KduOll,.
nmi" " i.'iiu. . . irviij. vi
in 4 r,. r una 0.1.,
I.irai-f) Mltilnv.
li Uu'.'ertLiua' Eds
l.tna Mli.lnt'
I'I lla. anti i'.itin
Vitndau Mlnln ;..
., K.'V.toaa Zlae.... '1.4.
,1 I " u-inort...,
t ! I laizail I Ml .
:i V vicilnooi, . .
I llnOart. t'l "W
AL-ai c Iron......
.. 3 aiibltiisilitilaiuvMr.r
1)11 Creak
II .pin M.a.te f rl . . i.:
u t ."a ""- . ?.-
id s a-jaltiiorini...... 1 ot.
7 . ' laru 4.'
8 furliil )
Hot l un ik 1)1.... i
I eiiti.iiv.rua l'al.. ..
1 lirj Oil tv
PHll.AHK.I.I'lllA TRA UK atRlOaTT.
FhiDAY, August id. Ur.orcitrou Barkis In de-
u.tnd, and No. 1 is worth fl'l tjV too, at wbi. at
figure 20 hhds. wcro sold.
Tbe receipts of Cloveneed are llgbt, and th
stock U ulnioit exhausted ; we qaoM al f 14(.ild
tl ' 61 lbs. Timothy Is worth 9 i 25fryC .'0 K'
bnsh. ITux'eed, on arrival, i wor:a fJ-tW.
Tbe rrovisioa Market is firm, and wo ncti m
lalcsof tltss Folk nt 112; llaiuj iu io'Jt, at .vtU)
i.'0c, aud 100 tcs. at 21c.
The receipts aud stocks of Flonr are scanty,
and tbe transactions have been of a limited
character. Tbe only sub s reported are 600 bbls.
rennsj lvunla extra at $12 per barrel, and 600 do. '
Western extra family at $l2.u)12'o0. Tbe tales
to tbe trade ore from $10(fr 13, as in quality. Hye
Flonr and Corn Meal continue qnist.
There is no falling offln tbe demand for Wheat,
and prices are well maintained. Sales of 'iOjOO'l
bushels old Western red and amber at Si ooff
2 r7A; new is worth from '2 6f5 to W-70, and
white from 2-75 to f i of Ryeare niaking
at $1-83. Yellow Corn is steady at 7Jc, ami
mixed Mrestern at 72e. Outs have declined j 3000
bush, new are reported sold at 90c., and some old
at tVl. A sale of Uarley Malt to tbe extent of.
HKX) bnab. wui eifected on private term9.
Wbisky ui Uroi ut 1-90, without bales of any
Ijnpoi tanttl.
Markets) by Tsilesjrrstpla.
KrwToBK, August 26. Fleur has advanced
lo.i U .siit.. ha uf Ui Os) btila. al $10 M,iU for rtut
li-i ; I.. J.V Sur tlltlo, and I1HIKIU.U-7J tor BoiltAem.
Vi ksm aOs-ani d l'"i csoia, Bala, of to.uisj
.' ler I blcano SuiuiK'' MlJtiHI flit MUwauaadl
Club, and I'iaU'idAti for Western. Cora advinoaa I ' i
cent ; sales unimportant, lleul maiidy. Foi k ftraa i-d
rn.:' ST.. I.nrd rinuai Wmil',. Wlilakv dtiU J si.
l;eciiita of I luui 17 aw btila. ; VI heat, ;u,ujOfeuliU , Csiu.
irv.iXO busbals.
TIIHrlnl I)rawlnfa-i of the blieib tXil one
Lotiai of Koutnctjr.
M las. 40tl -Aturaitt 'i lHfH. s
6S, 15, 8, W, 13, Art, t, 7d, ti, 29, 33, 48,
Kirita f XA.s 4o7 AiifU.l iSlsjIi.
69, S2, 44, 3, 63, 17, 40, Sil, 75, IV). W, 41. jt
Cuidlan stwl by ailum.Udi Mm M oa,
tv. usjUua. sty.
a an
... i .
a i 3
ost :'V
u.. ir
.... Is.sJ
..n-'i litti
..nj ini
trxl lli