A BXttT WmVOO VEWBPArXa. OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. Pea Twaaa (nm Pun Oorr, at Eighths Caere Fx Vn,HnMiiM Carrtar.ano' MM ta Anheeribest Md.nir Bin Taat.iane Pn AxonDi On . ftjw Perrf Caara ma Two Mount .tararlaMy M adv-ooe a- at- pettael enter. IttiMiwau Inserted at tha isueJ rate. A liberal at aaaae aw extended sarUane. ; T CVrrxaaaaasate). Fl MM be takea l(m"" Omnmonlceflnna Whetsr.ee I. eatad for resent n roust ha aathin'.-eted W tha tani anrf aatfnrsa of the writer not nt-cf r1lj for awMktalMm. kal a siarsnt for hie annd faith. ; . . . . i . . lanfil I1mifliiiiiiiiuua Ta aejwevrtlaejrii. ao'eg K Increase ta tha (IrraUHnn af Tttn vawiFe Trt roasr-. compelling u. to no to pro, at an aarlr ', t urntl request that III vrnl-mriiO mr . mm at a. seen a. la o'elro-h, tl possible, to ian lua a a auartloa la all af oar editions. ' THURSDAY. AUGUST 2 ), CniCAOO Cohtentiow. It la imported that, In order to produce tbegrettat harmony and good fbellng at the Democratic National Convention, Mr. Vallanpioiiam will sing "DUte," and Mr. Gkobok N. Sanders, kaalrted by Clat, IIolcombb, and Dkax Richmond (spirited over Lake Michigan cxprcnisiji, w m aiug bis uwn uvw avuug u uiw Bluo Nows Over the Border." In the mean time w w'JImake strenuous efforts to Oil our quota and escape the draft, tinging " Rally Around the' Flag, toys," and " God Grant V. 8. Victory." UFKEKAL EX. UAKUE OF PRIKOXERn Nothing has more signally marked the pro great of Christianity than the humane princi ples which bare mitigated the barbarities of war. ft was, In the days of heathenism, held hat prisoner of war might be cither mur dered or enslaved. Rome acquired all her alavea be helots by conquest. But the benUrn genius of Christianity radically Changed the ancient Ideas of social right and Justice In reference to a condition of peace or war, and It Is now too late to reverse the rules of humanity which enlightened nations hare adopted ai the settled law of war. It ebould be the effort of all mankind to reduce to the utmost possible extent the sudbrtngs of the. private, soldier, who Is rarely responsible ir the strife In which he Is employed, often by Compulsion, and whose heroism, at least, enti tle him to the generous consideration of brave and chlvalnc foe, whom, when captured, he can no longer oppose, unices on the condi tion of an equal exchange. It ha always appeared to ua not only unjust, but unreasonable, to delay. ' an equitable ex Change . Of prisoners of war in the present deplorable civil conflict. The respective oartle to the quarrel the National Govern IX'Kivnd ,tbe so-called Confederate Govern- fyVtn gain nothing by holding men In11 i nemeot. when for every man that Is held " in one aide another of like rank and value Is held on the other. But even If the exchange were not altogether equal, It would be better that either belligerent should Incur that dis advantage . than that the soldier, who ha 1 run the 1 ricks of war fbr the sake of his Government, should be allowed to rot In dreary and painful captivity. On this Subject Vattel, In his learned treatise on the law of nations, truly says, that "the State I bound to procure, at her own ex- pease, the release of her citizens and sol- diers who are prisoners of war, as soon as she has the means of accomplishing it and can do It without danger. It was only by " acting In her service and supporting her Cause that they were Involved In their . present mUlbrtune. This Is a care : which the State owes to those who have . exposed themselves In her defense." There are thousands of men taken prisoners ' In this war, on both sides, who ought to have bead exchanged at tha first convenient oppor tunity, sui wno nave wen continued ror many long month In a situation not only physi cally uncomfortablo.but Int jnsely harrowing to A proud and sensitive nature. The men have riAVOF1l1 aTtltaifwa tiiuin tlinla tviu liantloA finite m WTtlllU VMUU ULSVLA IUOU IWJCLUIO v u v eminent to be promptly released from such a condition; and neglect of that claim Is not Only cruel to those who Individually suffer from It, but It U moSt unwise and Impolitic In so ttr as the Government themselves are con cerned, alace men are not likely to voluuteer in a service which not only subjects them to the risk of being wounded or killed, but to the worse affliction of a protracted and miserable Captivity. . ' The tecont action of the Rebel authorities In consenting to recognize the negro troops as prisoner of war, and entitled to the privileges which attach to that character, removes the most eerloua, 4f not the only, obstacle to a general exchange, and the National Adminis tration should take immediate steps to euVct that Object. It is a very weak, because a very inhuman, Argument against such a measure to say that because we can better afford to do without the aervice of such of our soldiers as have been captured and are still held as prisoners, than the Rebels can spare theirs, that therefore we must penult several thousand of brave and patri otic citisens to starve and languish in 8outh era military prisons. Tollcy of thtt kind might suit a pagan or barbarous age, but it la Wholly unworthy of this period and of this nation. A Impobtant Astronomical Fhoh xm Solved. A younrj gentleman, Just old enough to be liable to the conscription, and a vuiuien ujuu jum youuK euougn 10 De i.ikhii. were coming down Chesnut street this morning, and made the following discovery. which is thus conjointly described for Tim Evening Telkoiiapu: Vol nc Mas (ItunHiir). To lind ont tin; length at a uipbt, ait up all the ninht preceding yuur wi'uuma; uaj, JbtSlKkha Mah. Tn ajuArtiiln tha wut lniyrh of a day, have a not due at bank, without (be ucicvMrj coat oti inierett XO meet It. To find out whether your word has filled Its quota: Go to the Ward Bounty Com mittee and put In a substitute, or pay some thing Into the fut,d for obtaining volunteers, when you will receive all necessary Infor mation. HOW TO CATCH A FIK4TK. Every one knows the game which consist-) on the one side In asking which hand an object la in, and on the other, in trying to yi the probability that It has or has not been tcaiurra. A very young child 1 cer tain to ((MM Una, the object is where it was last eea. One somewhat older, always Assume, that It must have been transerred. One older stul, Is apt to tUut u r8maltu( In the same hand. A grown person know that if he cannot gauge hiu adversary's mind, he I a likely to be wrang a to be right In hi gues ; feud that although the appliance of the game Are only two hands and oue object to be concealed, yet the field of conjecture 1 jifluite, and that the nearer he can place ului elf en rapport with the mind of the other player, by ao much I he the more certain to f um Accurately. TEE ITbl Illustration, homely a It Is, I the most applicable to a description of the manner In which search ror a pirate should be conducted. We have frequently beard surprise expressed that numbers of our vessels could not catch a single pirate, which, only a few hour before, had burned or scuttled several coasters. The best chance which we recollect as ever having been afforded to our gunboats, was that when some of them lying In Chesapeake Bay were Apprised of the presence of a pirate by A tug, which had cost off her tow just out side of the Capes. Ordinarily, when a vessel has been captured, It baa not been until the landing of the passengers from a small prize or from a neutral vessel that aught has been known of what had been transpiring almost within sight of our shores. The whole of the time after the destruction of a captured vesscj may have been devoted to escape. But the tug brought Information about the pirate's presence, not only beforo the work of destruc tion was finished, but actually before It com menced; and as the boat was a steamer, the news wa carried quickly. The Interval, therefore, which elspsed be tween the time of the pirate's appearance and our knowledge of her presence was, In that instance, very much less than usual, let the vcsMcl was not caught; she was not even sighted. Suppose that, after the dcstructioi of j her prize, she Immediately put to sea. By the time that our vessels arrived off the Capes of i the Chesapeake, she was probably topmast down below the horizon. Astern of our ves sels there was a continent, yet they had still one hundred and eighty degree within which to choose a water course. One hundred and eighty courses for three or four vessels, or for a dozen t We are perfectly aware that we are putting the case In rather an extreme way, and that In practice there are generally a less number of courses within which to decide, because circumstances known by us generally restrict the choice. For Instance, we may know that a vessel needs repairs or coal, or that sho is In search of a consort. After a vessel has appeared on the coast and committed depredations, Bhe always dis appears for a time. The question, therefore, should never be as to what course she took, but as to her probable destination. She sub ordinate her course to her safety. Fre quently she Is reported to steer away on a particular course. There Is only one con tingency where such a course would be pre served ; and that Is, hor commander's belief that the pursuer would fancy it to bo a ruse. We may rest Assured that If, upon Information of a pirate's presence near the coast, our ships proceed with the view of giving chaso, that the vessel will elude them. The reason Is plain. Immediately after committing doprc dutions she make her best speed to sea, to avoid the consequences of unwonted vlgdnnce at the point of the coast where she mado the attack. For a correlative reason, her next essay will be made In the place where she con ceives that we will be least prepared. Tbee attempts on our coast can be properly met only by a defense corresponding with the nature of the attack. Thoy cannot be counter acted by endeavoring to make a stern chose, but by endeavoring to entrap the vessel by taking the shortest courses to those places among which we believe that her next desti nation will be found. As to the probable destination of the Taffa- hatnee we have some useful data. She took In a certain quantity of coal at Ilallfax, and the prisoners she made aeree in stating that she was short of coal. Iler officers luquired particularly about the fishermen In the Bay Chalcur. As she could not get much coal, the probability I that she will not try any more experiments on our coast. As her oilicers inquired openly about the fishermen in the Bay Chaleur, the probability is that she will not go there. But a nothing should be risked in such a case, whichever of our vessels could have first reached Bay Chalcur should have been des patched. Four vessels on the track to Europe, lour on that to the Bahamas, one veel to cruise off Tortland, and three vessels to cruise at hazard along the coast, would appear to be the best possible disposal of a force of thirteen vessels, and that is the number stated to have been sent after the Tallahatnee. We do not know that a disposition of our vessels similar to the one Indicated has not been made. We arc merely Illustrating our plan by suggesting measures which appear to be applicable to the probabilities of the TaUahannee'i destination. With dlwreetly selected commanders, upon whom roving commissions should be conferred, we leel quite sure that the enemy would not so often succeed In deceiving us as to " which hand It Is ln PraPEKnicTLAR. The following despatch will ehow that one of our most distinguished cuvalry leaders Is not dead, as was .-eported : "Chattanooga, Angut Si. J. 8. Ukkvkm : I Kill live and expect to for a long time to " come. Oood lor aeveral tmttien yet. "A. 1). Stkkiout." This worthy Indiana Colonel went utraiijht to recruiting as soon as the war commenced ; eighteen months ago he took his cavalry Ktraljiht through Alabama and Into the bosom of one Furmt settling down at Richmond; he came from that place in itlraitened circum stances, and went itraiijhtxcay to Pal ton, and In performing his duty in a rii;f(rforward manner was attacked by an admirable Wheeler, but one who could not take our Colonel by thefank, as the lutter came sfrafjAf at the lieU l. and whipped him very hand somely, driving him entirely awuy. We shall be in bud HlroilM if we do not fill our quotas. We con neither wheel, flunk, nor drive the draft by any other means, und we had better stand "iraiilit up to our duty, and get out of the ronc Iptlon. Ni w Pi m.ication. Mr. John J. Kromer, No. 403 Chesnut street, has sent ns a very useful little work of reference entitled Th Tax Payer's Guide," by Thompson Westcott, Esq. Everybody should have a copy. Mr. Kromer also furnishes u with e&t'.y copies of tut; London llluitratid Stxrt, Illiatrutttl Tunes (splendid number), rare old 1'unch, CasteU't luuttratrd Family J'tijvr, the London Weekly 'Junes, (tc. AI) of tin He are an excellent as usual, und sre so well known as to need only announce ment, like a good actor, to "draw boms of friends." Speaking of friends, reminds ns of the diaft, which Is a great cormorant of humanity und has no friends ; but the "dragon is coming, ho! ho'." and we mutt send out luaibs enough to uifeit him und cru.h that more hutel'ul dragon , the ltebellion. In Oreenpoint, L. I., It ii estimated that nearly two thousand persons employed in the shipyards aud factories are forced to live in New York city, on account of the Impossibility of get ting places of residence in that locality. Mrs. Holt, wife of Charles G. Holt, of Wuterford, Me , was killed in Craig's Mills last wtk, by her clothing catching In a belt, and drawing her around a -haft. Her body wai horribly mangled. According to the ruling of the Internal Rtvenua Bureau, real e-tut agents, who have taken out Hwtie4 as commercial brokers under the old law, ro aut subject to reassessment under th new law. DAILY EVENING TELEQRAIMI. riiTLADKLPIIIA. GEN. SHERIDAN'S ARMY. Skirmishing and Manoeuvring. I XAHLl's A&MT BRINrOHCRD. AvRRit.t' Cavalry, in tiik Fm.n, Auirnst 23. The lo. lowing has juK twi n received fro n a priviite source, and can be relied upon for its ror rec'neis : WiNCRKSTtR, August 20, A. M. One divi sion ol Ixingstreet's Corp.. commanded by Miyor Gentral Kershaw, left Richmond on tbnth, and lb now here. I.li utvnant-Ocut ral Anderson, who lias been emmsndixg .ongntreet's Corps, It also hi re. Before leaving Kirhmond, Kershaw's Divi sion, together wlch the other divisions of Long street's Corps, were ltwien Richmond and J'pier-hurg, about six miles from the Istter pi ice. T hey were then snruowbat in reserve, la Ker shaw's Dlvt-ion there aro four brigades, com manded as follows: 1st llrigsde, Ilrlgadier General Humphrey com mandlrg. lid ltrigadc, Brigadicr-Gener.il Ilryan com manding. 3d Hrigadc, Brlgadicr-Oencral Woflard com manding. 4tb llrigsde, Colonel Ilennigan (Hth Fouth Carolina) commanding. Humphrey's llngtde has four small regiments in it. I do not think they average over tao hun dred Hi ctlve men to a regiment. Bryan's Brigade hss also four regiments in it. Tbi y average ahont the same as tbose in Humph rey's Brigade. Woflard hai five regiments and a battalion in Ms brigade. In the brigade commanded by Colonel Henni gan there are four regiment and two battailous. One of the regiments In this brigade is a large one. It is a new one, about eight hundred strong, aud is known as the 20th South Carolina. I am sure the strength of Kershaw's Division will barely reach live thousand effective men. The division is to-day encamped on the Berry villa pike, one mile from town. It Is understood that Meutenant-General Euly will command this army, notwithstanding Llcu-tcnant-Gcneral Anderson Is here. Early's own force is to-day in towards Bunker Bill, tint not far from town. There is a rumor in the Rebel camp to-day that F.eld's Division, of Longstrcct's Corps, is also moving to Varly's support. From the bent information I con get it does not seem that Early's strength (including reinforce ments arrived up to this time), more than reaches thirty-five thousand. Early has about eighteen thousand efTecive men, besides fifteen thousand meu In reserve. The strength of Kershaw's Division is about four thousand eight hundred. There Is also between eight and nine tuousaud cavalry. There are many speculations here as to the Rebels' Intentions. They are certainly not now gathering crops. The more prevalent linnresdon Is that it is a determined movement to draw on" Gen. Grant from before Petersburg. Some IncUn to the view of a contemplated great Western movement. SKIRMISHING. lit the Fir.r.n, August 23, F. M. There was some skirmishing yesterday. To day there is more fighting. Avfrii.l's Cavalrt, in trs Field, August 23, Evening. To-day everything has been re markably quiet on our front. General Averlll's scouts and videites are In Martin-burg this after noon, and do not report the enemy advancing further in that direction. This morning we heard firing towards Gene ral Sheridan's left, and in the neighborhood ef Hslltowa. The skirmishing yesterday on General Sheri dan's trout was not particularly heavy. There is an impression prevalont that the enemy Is again plat ing an extensive game of "hluff" by demonstrating threatening at different points, and showing an extensive skirmish line without progressing the force necessary under ordinary circumstances to support it for a general ehgae ment against such an army as General 8herldan has at bis command. The enemy is evidently acting to make us believe he has an overwhelm ing force. The position that General Sheridan holds to day is a decided y strong defensive one, both to rustain an attack against his centro, and to pre vent flank movements. The enemv's pickets are still at Bnnker Illtl, that is, at this writing. We have heard from Western Virginia, but without receiving any information that theenemy is secretly moving in thai direction, as was thought might be the purpose of his present movements. So effectually has General Averill disposed of his forces that the enemy has thns far been pre vented from getting small raiding pnrties across the 1'otomac river. The reports thHt make their way North from Hagerttown must not be too well credited. When the people of that neighborhood cannot til wbere Genoral Averill's headquarters are, they certainly know still less about the enemy's designs and whereabouts. Onieis have been issued, preventing citizens from crossing the Potomac river to the Virginia side. Heath of I'hlllp Herbert. Colonel Philip Heriiert, of the 7th Texa9 Cavalry, died at Kingston, Louisiana, on the 23d ultimo, from the etlects of a wound received at the battle of Mansfield, April H, 1HM. This is the member of Congress from Califor nia, who made himself notorious in the winter of 1H67 by the assassination of an Irish waiter at Willaid's Hotel, in Washington. He was after wards tried and let off lightly by a court In the District. The Richmond papers generully stood up for him, the Enquirer declaring that if white men took servile occupations, they must expect tbe treatment received by slaves. The same year, the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, learn ing that Herbert was associated with the lawless cbaraccis that infested (hat city, notified him that be must not return. At tbe outbreak of the Ri be I lion be cast his fortunes with the Confede racy, and joined a Texas regiment, in the com mand of which he received a wound at Mans field, which finally proved mortal. AHINEMKIKTS. 0 ii int. i y's Minstrels. The far-famed original and oaiy C'hrUi) Mlnitreli, with tliat prlac of came dians, Uforse Chrlstt , at tbe head of thi'm.opea at Con cert li all on Mon lay evening next. Chrtety's Hutitrels arelnaame as familiar to us ai household words, ao4 tirtrt-r has a Phlladelp'iian ' gone over" to Now York In st-ercli ol amust'Dirnt but llml he has si.ited teelr opsrs tiOLte In ll.ttt oily. 'Ihrir fmources are taperlor to anj olht-r Diiimtrel company in existence, and they are enabled to pn rii in a kupt-r'i inaaaor sU tl.e its hiiU new item ,f tnm.lr ii , interspersed with burlesque opera, rnmedy. fnrre, truveHtten, etc. All the liumore an o'ditles Houttittu I'Untalfoo Hie arvulven in bread and nilrthral pfeiifceti. utnl isi ir nightly programme daring their ety hemw-ll be one of tlifl most atlractlru ever oflered in this city. Bemf.mt at Gaovi u's Tubathk. Mr. C. B. iles, vholor some lime post ties been a Unf manager I'flln.vere w Chestnut Street theatre, ha been ten dered a ceimihuientarT bcucJt by the atta hes of the thta're previous to his departure fr Wahlni.ion, where he alll assume the managership ol Mr. drover s theatre in that oil. The cmi (lra.nl Is irulr u deserved one, and ii ix w tin mi:ee pi.osure we let-;ru u.e lurt White Mr. llei ix BHiNse.eeri ut keen n d threw 1 hiismoss insiiSi a- II- t-u.liu.-nll fliiibrihiinrorhis viicelion.iet attlieeine J tfn;e In mingle wnh the -terner lntie of nit pr.reilon, ' en lirMnity a,.d ueneroetll of dlxBHSnittfin thilt serves to . u Ui-ti lo hint all thu.e a;iiiwloui hehis dealings. As . Mi. He.-.s canmil 1 Ui Ins departure leyiinil tue present wei-l , t nihil bight has been dxed upon as the evening n : wlili r. he will receive lids generous tes'imonlal 01 his tileihle. A gn at bill lu.iy be epe :teil lor the iKi-a.inll. Harried. nlCKI.r'V-KIKU. -August W. 1S4J, hv Kev. D Mr. f'unlv. al the paniniiaue. Purl Kllzitlieth. Mr. liK.L'K V. Illl Kl.e.V, t'ort hlliabeth. to Miss .WA.KY A. sU.NU. hwlng's Neck., both ol New Jersev. KICHAKDHKN FKPPKK. On the Md Instant, bv Kev. O- Washlnvtou Jeruiau, at his rcujitenre No. 'h VUirlott street, Mr. TIIOMA.S V. Kit 'II A Itl MH V of the .-tute ot Maine, to Ml KEBKI.'CA J. fU'rcU. of Philadelphia, fa. I'lexf. ALrlFnrSOJ.-The relatives an t friends of the family tre respeoimily Invited to attend the funeral of Al l iu:6 I'. AUli.KTSON im ot the late Thuiiuu II. and Har riet II. Alliertson, irum the renhlence of his grandmother Mm. tlle-haiu, tn litiddonaeM, ou Thursday alWruooa.' iilh Inst, al ) o'clock Mi Kits. tin Wednesday. J4th Insrast, Lieutenant WII.HI'K T. MVKIls), 01 Company c, uuth Hugmieul Pennsylvania Volunteers, a.-ed years 1 he relaui es anil irieinln ot tiie taiiiily, also the oltleera and member "l" the '.sah KetjUnetit Peuu. ylvau.a Volun teers now la this eity, and tiie meinoers of fciuptre Uook and Ladder Company, No. 1, ure respectful. y invited to attend ihe tune,w,from the leshh-nee of his raider, Peter 1) Mvers, No. lolJ ( eutes elret. on Saturday aiternooii. yah iii.unt, at'4 u'clock, without further aotice. I'OWKLL. On Wednesday, August 44th, ls-is, sllur a short and severe illness, Jootl'lllS t. il, daughter ol Ihe late John Powell. Funem! services at t. Stephen's Church oo Saturday nest at 10 o'clock. ' MKKVKH. On the 17th August, ls), at David's Island Il..!l.lful, New ork, itf chronic ilyaeute-y, JOHN A. JtKFVhS.ol Conipauy I, One-huiidiod and-elghtv third Keenneut Pennsylvaula Voluuteers, In the lsth Tear of his age son of Josol.Ii L. Beevesand the lata Isabella Iteeve. Interred lu Cedar lull Cemetery, New York. MTU.LE.- At his residence, Tuckaline, -V.J.,on chejlth In-taut, JOHN Si ii.i.k, in ihe .ia year ol his age. Ihe reia ives and ill. nils of the lumilv are resitvtrully Invited to attend his fliier.l, from his lata residence, on Sunday aiomiug, the Snth Instant, at 10 o clock. THOMAS. On the Kid Instant. ALHKItT LKWM, son of William and kacbel A. 'ibuuias, aged II months. Wis K.-huddeulv oa the id Instant, I ATUAKINK relict ot the lata Philip Wise. In the lsth year of her age. The relatives and irtetids of the lainlty are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, Irum the residence of her aon-ui-iaw. t.eorge L. (ilejiu. No. lJe S. hiaUt sueeL a i jlilar aitvniws at Ivui v'clvva- J M. W A L It A V 13 N ItrOCEMOa. TO W. tL. CAJtBlT, MASONIC IIAL.I,, So. T19 OimjJrTJT Street. W I W I O W HIIADUH, OU11TAINH, 4ST BUSINESS ITEMS. riectrlclty.- AU Acuta snS Ch.-5Ulc Dlisaiai tared by means f toe. e.fToreat madlncations ot Klceirt.ity, at las ElECTBlCAL INbTirUTH, Ho. 1M0 WALNUT STREET, raiuVlel(kl. raor. o. n. bolleu Will commeac, OCTOBKt 4, IW4, A oouraa of Lesturei an fuU Instructioa far apalajf Galvanism, MagaeUs a, and ottar modifications or aiec trlclty as a reliable thersnuUc aeat for the oare of Acatt and Coronle Dtseasts, AT TITE IHSTnUTIOlf, K. IKt Walnut Street, Palladelrh:a. If adloal men an others desiring- ta attend (lis course ae requeit.'dto make aaotloaUoa early. J CHILLED IKON SAFK BTILL rr.ELINO FOB Tills I'.ITEMr, Who II like "PAT'S FLEA, WHEN YOU PUT YOtJB FltfOKK OK UIM HE AIM T THAU I" To David Evanl, of the Firm of Evans A Watson : Hut: You ublicly asserted In a lalo newspaper article, thai you would driu any LILXIE'S HAt'K now in use In the city oi Philadelphia In two hours, Including: tho Hates at the Hank of northern Liberties. Ac. We hare lalt ly met you an your own irrouud, and save you Uiruo hours Instead of two hours (the line you asked), without resaouse. Hut you say In a stIU later anlcle, you wlU pledge tlixsy against tlbuO that r u will driu and oK-n some otherof L1LI.IK'8 KAKKH In threa hours. Now. as you have not confidence te put s:rans k Wat son's Mercauti e 8afa a.alnst Lllife's as a r Ire Proof, nor Kvans A Watson's beet Hank Hate against Lllho's as a Itorglar Proof, aud as you have not ovnridenoe in your ability to open one of Llllle'a Hales at the Hank of Slorthern Liberties in three t oura, but still assert that you can open other ot LlUle'a Hates In time hours, and otror to plcd.e tiutio against looo ihat you wlU thus open LIUie's Hafe at the First National llank. Ches ter, tiie First National Bank at Wullamsport, and others: now, that your wontiervl talent lu drilling chilled Iron shah not be "hid In a buthet" or "wasted on desert air," we ptopose lo arrange with either of the above Kanke (its you may elect) to allow you to operate uponiatlr Hafe. The following to be Uie terms and conditions The ( enis: Enoh paity shall put In o the hands of the cashier !(. The cashier to put the money In the safe and lock It on bis comb. nation. You are tooporate on the sale precisely as proposed in your challenge to the Corn F.c!iauge liana in all respects. If you got posses sion of the money In three hours it Is to bo yours, If not the money is to be ours, and you are. in case of lall ttro to pay the damage done to the sate aud you are to he allowed two of tho beet steel drills you can procure to operate with. I lia t oeurfficm. You shall first arrange with th Seventh National Itsnk. Philadelphia, lo furnish their safe lor us to operate upon, should you succeed to open LIUie's, aud each pnrty t' pledge Shio as above, and if we do not open their sale, made by FAatis A Watson at a cost of $t.u, in two hours, wllbout powder, and with no more noise tsan you make to open Llllle'a, the money to be yours, aud the damni'e to the sale to be made good by us. If we do suo ceed, the money to be onra. As you decline to place Evans dt Watson's best Itank Hale, costing 11200, against 1. II lie s. oostlng 'X, on ei-al terms as a t'urwlar proof, we now offer you one-half nure time thau we ask (should you succeed at aU. bhall we haie your acceptance? LEWIS I.ILI.1F. ei SO. M.C. MM. Kit, Auerf No. al HouUi 8i: ESrh sitr,.t. Choir tld UoTernnieiit Java Covrsa, ItOAMTBU F'BKSir Kvaar Mossimo, Davia A BicHaRns, Anou and Tasra. E. . Whitman at Co., atanufscturars of New and IteUchHii Ooufactlons, Altnond Faste, Chocolate Caramels, Creams La Mode de Parts, exiulaliely flavored. Routed Jordan Almonds, Ac., Ae Ku.-dit Chesnut street, below fourth. nWoek e '. Pianess. TLCK CO.'B HilOI a BAJfLUTS FLUI04 CABINET TECK A CO.'B OROAsTS rtAses. J. E. ftOlrLU, Seventh and Ckeewat streeta OIL STOCKS IIOIKIHT ANI BOI.O OH COMMISHloy, Uy I.F.OKOK J. BOYD, linker, U '.'m Ho IS H. THIUD Hiret. UO NRW 7-3 0 LOAN, a tl. Hiihscriptluna reielved, and and the Notes lurnuueutreeoi all cLaigc.bi UKOitne J. Boyd, Ha iker, jiari-jm No.lSS.TlllKDiJlrvet. MARSHAL'S SALK. BY VIRTUK OF A Writol Hale, hy the Hon. John Cadatladi r, .lu Ige et the bl.tnrt Court of tho Culle-I Hsal.a. in aud lor the F.asiern It'striclol Pennsvhaula. In Admiralty, to me dins-led, w ill be se:d at pulilic suie o the hiK'iiesi aud oot bidder, for can., at MII Ilr.NKK'H arOUK. No. Ui S. F HUNT Street, on MONDAY', sepn-aber I'.', 1-Svt.at 13 ockx-k Fl.. iTi'i haiea and I'i bags of cotton, oesng cargo s a vessel unknown. WILLIAM Mil I.WAHIi, I'. H. Mjr.lial K. 0 .01 I'unna. JllAM I.MHA, August f ), t4. suit "W'AR CLAIMS, IIOUNTII'.S, ri'.NSIONS, 1 IT PaY.Htid all description of cl.-ilms agatuit the 1 t inted sttufes tliivertiineiit adjusted aiidroltected. t'Kl.K t DlOIIKi We have a lull list of pilea now payable, and the luoney cau be collided at once. Appvy or write to if;hi:ok i kaiid a liRoinnii, Ariuv und Navi Claim Aio-ula. aiiK-lm Ko. tuj WALSLI Htroet. " TOOPKR'K ALE VAULTS, S. E. CORNER Jl 'IHIHtl and CBKSNl'T Sireets, L-SriEK I'NITKIl NTATES TUEOlt al'lt OrVICE, PKNISTAJt S OLD BTANp. THE f'OOI EST AND 11F.ST AI.E-t IN TUB CITY. OLD IIKANDIKS, WlNEfliJUIve, WIIISS.lEu CAI.I1UKNIA AND CATAWBA WINti .IMI I)hANIIi-;.t,T..N.,LlflU, IUISII, HCOTI 11, ANIlAMKRK AS AXtVl AND UHOWN HTot'T. TMs culi-brated old stand having been renovated and , thoroughly refitted, with one of the finest stocks of Ales and clsiice L'ltiHirs In the city, the proprietor invites the p it ic to give huu a call, conrlilciit us he is of their ap pro! aj. au-i-uu NO DECEPTION. NO INFERIOR COAL purchased lo offer below the cost price or a superior arth le. KAMHtL W. lltSS, tlKUAl) Suvet. above Haia, east side, sells tlia geeuiua F-AUi.R VKIN, bel aod perestmlnad tgg and Blova aUea.tllt Large Jut,l per sua. f'onsnmers should make Uteir surchascaat onca, pra vloui to anoUier advanca. WJ 4- Job QVEEN OF BEAUTY. WHITE VIRGIN W sji of Antilles ie tAe moet ferfis-t preparation ot the age, for beautifying, whitening, and preserving tha compel ion. It is made n-oiu pure 'While Wag, hence lu extraordinary ouailtics for preeervlna she skm, making a soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It cures chapped hands or Hps, removes pimples, 4c. Price 'M and .0 oanu. fetanufartured only by UINTA CO., Perfumers, No. si 8. EiollTH St., 1 doors above Chesnut, and aul-laa No. las 8. OXV atNT'H Htrae. (IOLD'8 IMPROVED STFAM AND WAT BB Jf HKATTNll APPAKATCH. lev Wartulng and Ventiutlng Pubihi Ball dings and PrV vaia aUeldesicea, Hannfaetored by the CAlOa bitAJs AND WATKB PF.ATINO COalPAJTt OK pllil Sl.vi t-ma JAMK3 P. WOOD. Wo. 41 H FOUHT'll Street. B. . 1JU.1WUn tuVHWUiiA. Bla-B, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, AMUSEMENTS. C'ROVKR'H NEW CHESNUT 8TREET I TUBATKH. EXTRA 0L HKinT. PRlliAT KAENIMO, August ft. COMI'LIMK NTARY KAKF.1VLI.L BtNF.FIT, tendered to the liaslnrss Manager, Mh C. I. 1IKNS, rt Manarerf.llOYLK aud the Attachei of the Hieinut Htnsl Tlieel-e, AMI SHiMt has volunteered. F.lHK(ir,-SON d... tr II. F HIOMK do, Mr J r.HIIF.KKi do. AJ tbe Comi so lias volunteered CAHM'hOHi AM) tUXFYB KMTUSi BaND OF AtlnHIKl.Lt have toiurteer.sl. The psif rrmni will consist of the Wonderful 9p-c. tacuiarLramaol ALADDIN, TltF. WONntKFfL Lit VP. Al.KtMi IHVIvKrU-KVIr.NT II T CAKM HlifH AM IHXFY N Ml AnTKF.I.sl, Aid tl;e charming per.tean t 'omeoletts of TIIK FUt'K HIHI KKS. ItlF POtlNTAI s OF t'OI.'iltKD WATKtl wii; be lr iteration on this tCGaiioo. au'j 2t 1JIIII ADKLPIItA. ACUtlHT !I4, ISS4.-MR. IIKH4 Hear sir l M e, Die attaches of tbe Chesn it street T heatre, being desirous ol expreseing our aesuowleil nienta lo you and wishing tn show our aporo latlnn tor your kini.neaa end general urbanity a nre your conusC' fh n wttn She Ni w i he not Hire -t Tb at -e at Ac. rig kianager, wish tn nfer to yon a Compllmi n ary Itensnt be ore yonr ileperiure for WashlnKton where we hops you may find as manr friends as yon here leave In-hlnd w.tb nssrot Hoping you will name aa eariy dayfor your We remain, Y ours most traly. Mlsa Kfflo (lefmon, Jas, . t berry, FJ. r. Hloae, J. (I. llojd, (leo. dot nson, H. T.. t. IV. Ailiohell. .ioeph II. vs Ueoa, Mrs Hiker, Ksfle 1 aker, Julia Porter. i . is. rnrtur, Hnsie Hrhnank, Jiieph Mratien, Halile IMrrls. John A. Iiaeey, Mary Dela ir. Katfl rlairlson, Thomas P. luarkwood, Mrs Kate Hug nee, mum Mule Prtoa. John Alaithi WJ, Chorus. . M. C Pilere. H. IL Vomoa, Annie M. Oliver, Anna ftl. B.Ske. Juaejihlne . anke. Chsrlos Mchrullr Leader of Orchestra. Naw ('HRssrr Stssbt Tusatbk.I PuiLAnKi.f-ioa. August -44, 1 s4. Misers, ltenry, Htone. I'onrr, Johnson, Yerner, Mise Eft e tiermon, Mrs. FiaktT, MissHrhenck, and others: I aillea and tlentlnioen : Your kind note has this ma il ent real-bed me, and I be,, to return yoa sir heartteil thanks lor youi most flattering njtpre alooa and veneriiu t orer As I cannot deler my departnie beond the tnsl Of the preeent week, I beg to name to-morrow 'vy evenlns as the lime lor Ihe proposed benefit, M-. Oiorer having, with cl aracterlstle itenaroslty, teaderej uo the free as oi the Uaeatre tor the ooraslon. 1 am, very respectiudy, year obedient servant, C. II. HESS. tvONCERT HALL COMMENCING MON ' LAY EVENINll, sugil.tM, ONE WtEK ONLY. The original and only f HRIal'Y'8 MINSTItELf?, And the woild-lamntts Comic Artist, (IKHttUE Clllt Hi Y. J. P. RAYSIFR M jiager and Prnbrlstor First spesaance In this city since their return frnn Eiir.epe a'ter an absence of seven years All the great Fana a.air.is, Burlesques, Ac, which have nise'e tiie nama ot ( hri.ty 's Minstrels AH r.Mll.I ,H AH IIOIISKIim.il WOItDe), will lie proottccd during tlteir soj ajru lie e. The res .urciaof tbel'HItlhTY UINH rF.L8 are superior loans Minstrel organtratlon lo eslstenre, whlci enable tit m to prteant In a euperb manner the humois and ojdi l.e. of R01ITIIP.RH PL MS7TATION LIFE, la all Its brvad. mlruiful. aud orhina phasaa. Particulsr-e In small hills. Admi islon, 2& ceuts. Orchestra Heats ui front, Oh cents. au'A 41 JOHN SMITH, Business Ag.-nt. J4"REK CONCERT SALOON. T!ie subscriber has opened the large and commodious SALOON, wlllt astenle M MM Kit OAKDEK, atliidied, E. COltNEB OF FltAWKt.fN RTREKT AHIl OIRARD AVENUE, and has engaged a full fircheitra, under the leadership of PhOKEslSiOR A 11F.BTF.L, who wli; nightly ferfouu a cnolre programme of Nat!aoal ana other alis. As a pleasant place to pass an svenlne free of charge, the proprle-or Is determined his establishment shall aot be surpassed. an?ft lm CHntHrUN- KKNTBCHLKB. AIECHANICS HALL. AT THIS WKLL Xvl known establishment, os Mi end .Vol N.THIftli Htreel, a KltKE CONCEIIT la given every Evening, the Orcbesira being unier the direction of Prol E.FLAMMKK, together ivlth choice Vocal Music, by afiss (T.KM.'.N8aiiJ HKKKHCHt'NKE. unU. 8Q I. Ml t.H.l NO. ROVKR'8 CHESNUT STREET I'HEATRE. 7 LEON AlO) OKOVK.it Manager THIS F.VK.MNtt, The great romanilo, musical, pantomimic, spectacular drama, ALADDIN, OR THE WONDEItl-'ITt, LAMP. TIIK. I.IVINII POI NT WN OK COI.OttKD WA I EHS, All ihe New and Magnificent "ccnery. Elegml Music, Ac, the whole produced at an nctua- cost ol $(i.iO, The cast of chararti rs Is one ol g eal excwience. PhlCFiS OK ADMIISSU lH. Press Circle or I'anjuette M rents. Family t Ircle V cents, Orchestra Hcatl 7 cetita. Hix ol the Fnint Benches only are reserved u Orchestra bas. No extra etiarge for securing sea's. 1'Oirsopeo nt7 o'oleck. Peiforuuinoes commence at 8, pteclbe'y. au;t-H KENSINGTON HALL. THIS POPULAR piece or Entertainment, Not lotTanrt lniMi'UUN TW Avenue and 1101 N HK.OOMl (street lesinhlltliel stlyears agi bv Mr.Jobu Llp.i, h s been enlirgedand rot ovsted. and no possesses at raetuits unesctltvd by any other establishment of the kind in the city. A large and ehvient Orrhce'ra. under the direction cf Prot. F Lomc, has ocen enga.ed, and acholee programme of Vocal and !rsir"tnetal Music Wl'l ho proti.ee t each evt-nlng, free of expense to the nudiei e The Concert ttoom is large, airy, and commodious, the rof.-e m-'Olg suiierinr, and U.l- atlcndsuts polite ai d arcomtoodatlng. aittti lm lit. N ill ilOll.NL'Ncl, 1'ioprielor. " ATHER1NO OF THE CLANS. HI OTTIHH (1AMKH. The HlXTtl ANNl'Al. (1AMES or the OAI EriOKt V CLI-lt. of Philadelphia, wlllbe colehraled at WAtil.M- II N I,1T1:1:AI, on MONDAY. Hepteuih T tha Mil, Dull. arsleaie Thirteenth aud CadowliUI streets, at S',, lu liS, l.(. ami 4 o'clock. Fxiu sloit Tickets, ui cents. T'h-kets can he had from Ucsrue McCiement. No. Chesnut sueet; John Hooth, No. l.tti Market e reel ; Co-irceOaidni-r, 8. Eighth street, below Pa, syunk road ; Wllllnm ( an erolt, Hr , No.'JJS N. Eighth strest ; Dauiel Mrliits re. tlolies' al ey , ha na-seoond street; .lamnstlra lam. Lombard street, below 'ixte nth : Daniel M. Hroa n, Lombard atreet. Indnw Htva'teentht WHllain Hnodgrnss. Ridge avenue and WlUowsireet; p. II. Juhnsnu, N. S4 Psssyuiik toed . J antes Neisou, 1111' (Vtage. Hlhth an 1 Minor sirens; Ji lilt Hyde. No. lISAi N. econd street: Chltf WllIMm Itobh, No. ll'-sl F'.ilsanrth street; So onii Chleltajn. Willi m Hmith, No l.'-W h. Hmood street ; lb beit llainilbin, W'star street, tltruiau'own: Anthony Itaig, Milleti-eet.Oeruiaubiwii.cr from any of the main Loisot IheCltlhor timlulltee. Orteis received tor the Her up toTtusdtv, August lg). Itei-k's celebrated Hras and string Hand has been en geped for theoecaslou. The members will meet in the Club llooro on Mondai , H p ember ft, at 7Lj o'cl ok By order ol the Ci lei Dl NCAN WltlOUT, Hccreinrv. W tii.ixM Hmiiii, Treasurer. auM-St FL. LADNER'S MILITARY HALL, . No. MI7 N. Tllllil) Street. Proleeeor ESiOI'.l KF.. Hie well know n Maestro, Is en gaged at this popular pluoe ot resort, a the Direct r of a jsiweiful Orcheetia, and every evening choice seiectans of late music are given to the audience gratuitously, nun 3-6t ravfCT OR AND EXCURSION TO l a I iiMI I 1 C Apr. MAY The staunch ard c.immodlo S ii-aioe. MAM1 4. TTAN. Captain E. A. nvihar. a ill make a (IK.vMi FACI RH10N TO CAPE MAY, en StICg. DAY, Aui.iiit 1!, lm I. leai Ing AKCH Hlreet Wharf at 9 o'i lock Returning, w 111 leave Cape Ma on Monday, at Si, o'clock AM. Fa e lor Ihe F geiirslsn, 1. 4'arnsge hire extra. ao'JI at JOH. A. HTEWART, Agi-nt. 011 may. THE SIAt N(H AND COMMODIOUI BTKAVFJi "MANHATTAN," CAPTAIN E. A. RYTHSR, Of ihe Cape May Line, Is now making hsr gegalar trip! ta CAPE MAT, leaving ARCH Street WharC every Tuesday, Sb.ureiiay,amt Baturday at nine o'alook ; . roturalng wtll leave Caix May rs ery Monday. Wednesday, and I'rlday at ball-past eight o'clock, Inucalng a New t'aslla golaf and nturninit. Fare S.'Ui; carries' blr Included. Chlhtren half price; carriage blr Included. Servants SIX; ferriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. N fielght reached alter S o'clock, axd lo aU cases must b prepaid. iy-'l-tt JOW1.IMI A. STEWART, Agani. EDUCATIONAL ST. . JOSEPfl'8 COLLEGE AND SELECT SCHOOL, WILLING'H ALLEY, ATTACHED TO ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH. The fourteenth annual session of these lustltutions will begin on MONDAY , September 14. ApplkaOene for admission tots, nm.la at the College between the hours ol S and 1'J A. M. auj-tuthi-tv JAMES S.UlRD.TEACHEROFTHKri.VNO, iSo.Ktf oIAlEK.Sni Street, below Spraca. au.'i lm' TR. J. DAVIDSON'S CHIKOPOIMsT AND .1 " Batblpg Kstalilishuifnt, No. 'iiss. NKCDMi Htreet, (entrance alo on l.evaitt street.) Dr. DaVIDSHS oilers hie si rvicei to Ladies and Ui-ulietueu us aChlropjdist of experience, and promises immediate relief as extractor of solt and hard Corns, operator of Nails growing In the he.h, and medical stfencanl ol swelled and trusted Feet, lu aud out of his retidi nee. At his eslabllnhiuent, No. MS S. HKCOND Street, can ho found Hoi audi old liullis, vsd Shower and Douche Hatha, and Sulphur and Vapor Hatbe Ills Huiphur and Vapor Baths are worthy the) a.pec'al attention olTuvallds, la whom ho gisos his personal atten tion, aiiit-ti' JJJMUIS J A. HOUDKU dtc CO,, COMMISSION MEECH4NT3, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTltKKT WIIAH PHILADELPHIA. aout st ns a. at,i pan, J inaat u .kt rv, i i-hlx t. sot paa. ) a hi i BTI- iat-tf I-)ATKNTED JCLY 19, lHCl.-JOSEPn MUTTKT, Eleve de Paris, French Htcam Dvelng aad Hvouring on any khid ui wearing appartd, lor Ls'diee, l.vnts, aud t luldrea. Patant apparalus tor stretchiug pants from ore to dva lu-lies. No. 716 HACK Htreet. Umk o. sW s, am m i,rtt, t'Uiladeirlua auv-aa 18G1. AUCTION SALES. M ACKKY'B AVCTTON MAJUtRT 8tr.S. ROOMS, No. yM WANTS. (1 WANTED TO RENT. A FVIIMSHKD Mia House hy a prliaie famllj. Address J.O !.. fost Cilice, Pox t -Ci.. 0.11'Jo tf J( RRCRl-ITS WANT' ED FOR COMPANY H E, Itlmev's aiiarps' no ers. at Mrr iilmiigh's Hall Lu tH ChT Hiren, sl.oie EUhth. ah'Te l;i. Ward an I Cur ikltutdv w:u l.e paid toesth recruit In easi. a .oi.n as musiered into serv.re. H HAMKlNn aurt tit Fin lulling wig er fur Eighth Ward. STKN VOLUNTEERS M'ANTED IMME illateiv for thrise years. fss( ash d -sit, anl 4J tio-r:-meiii Hoiinty. V oiunteers to hai e the choice of Soivlce. 'CO Also, Elva Aubstltutee a anted, lor vhi -h thr l.ts-r e.t price will bo pa.d. . D. H w.sri, No. lit. H H. EN I'll fitret, ay'ni P.oom No. 1", Jd floor. ART II.LEKV AM) CAVALRY HORSES wenwl Assistant QiiAeTvsTi'n-OFs-gRM.'s Oerrcv, Pn LAiilii ems (l' ). Aosiitt to. lsot Tlvrses anifshlef- the Anil eey and Caveus service win be isircbaaeil by the nnderslgt ed. In open msffce'. al a 'air F lice, when eiesenti.d II. uuaettti'S f elglil IKi orov.r arh animal lo le sub acted ta the usual tVoverrinieat ln-.leetsi. lieftirr being arcs-p'ed llrw-he te he d.-llveriHi to the trnltd htstii In.pctor. at (he WILLIAM I EN N HOI LL, MAKKST Htreet, be-tw-SD F IghU- B-l Mt.th sfr'SI. Hy oro.f or Colonel tie. r H, Cm .mar, Assistant tJus.-teiniutor-OeiieiBi V. H A f.KilHDR at OR sJK, jn-IOt ( plala aid Assistant guatetsiaster. 'UAMHTEKS WANTED. Cmrp Quart enWAsTa a'a Orrtcg, I'SfoT or WASiujiotCiK, WsstitNt. ros, I C . Augns la imi4. Wsn:l. at jnre. FIV F It' NDKI'.D ta 0, to tlNB Tlllil saND (Kssi, TKaMSTFRS each eapsn e of drlr tl v witli smgle lire, and mar atl'i six mole teams. To such wlio ar- comis teiii to ssietorm thediily, the pay r nrmth will be thlrty-m. ft'ii dol ars, with One ratloi day, and hospital privileges, including the best med ce atlei dane when eh'k. Men f k crlencsd a- Wag Masters will reaslve sirh poattSinF.. uiKB bringing to tails point twenty Ave good Tcamstei.. App.yto Ca.UIn CIlAa.n TOVPXINS. A. Q. f..U. R A. wirner of TWIN TY-HEf OaDaod OHIreots, Wash ington, L. . I) n. RtlCKFR, rtrlgalier-O'Beral an1 Chlei Quartermaster, sul lit Depot ei Washington. M HOUSE WANTED IN OKRMANTOWN SlJ or Chesnut 11 Ml To rent for a year, or to parens Address, wlia location aad prise. Boa 711, Post Ufllco, Philadelphia. auli tf QIXV l'OIPCT, Vt.. AtiRllNt 7s Oir'na 1gr-ov oe RhPAiaa, 1 AastiHi OirtLvTint. Aualsai Jtti iimhsd. 300 TcRmHt(ir, OO VlfMlwrlKrkt. BO IllnoUisinltliFS, and SO Carrlairv Trlmmerd, Wli wlU receive the hijliest ra' ot bovanment pa rations. a.i I medical altemlanoe T.-anjpartatlon furnished by aplLig at No. 9J1 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WA8HISOT0K, D. C. 15. J. STRANG, Cap aln, A. Q. M. JAMES M. KELLY, auti-lot Quartern aster's Ajirnt. FOR SALE AND TO l1-T7" FOR SALE. THE GOOD WILL AND M-J tixtttrri nf a Ihtup Ht -re.ftltuMtMj Ir the bunliiMi ror tlt.n of tM.H l II Htrt'ft. Ciif-p rout autl Jon U-. Ad dn A. II , TcJcKri.j'1'. Oillce. It A FOR. 8ALK-A rROPRUTY, CON ti lnlrt,' M nri of trTound, loott4 In tha V Hid, lielwctn t.r-tv'H Ki-tv Brit'irt' l United Hi. Ar-ml, iiftvii.jr font f h'mmii l4 f-t up m tu t'.til ricljihii, llnilttftlou ttnd ftlllnirira. and tr ' o rw Vnnmnun ltaJliol, cxtcittlirin taok to lw-wnfT intrk tip- n iit hcliioU 11 river, wihi river ftmt tf ftvwm hundred U M. There trr ihrw let H tipOM t ep-o-pifty.m d t, pftrt'n ol the uplnl if Dnir utnii or airrl ui turm pun o.t m. There can be no batler IwaUoK to the city f tr riAlic worki rir p'lvate roildeneoi. for fUritUor tufuiiinitl'.ii, ajily to Vm. h kftchlink, No 4'.' UtASIvLlN hiroet. fm FOR 6 A I. K. Til AT srL14NDll)a i FA HM flu.. C-uutr Btfci.ltiiTT thpci i if if.aT V . Yniiiiv, h ih linr- tih ct ( hfi ir. I'i'lw rt ooimiy. rt.iiU'niin. Km Am, i-f I, M, in B Kit iti of cultlrft. tl. n,tot-tlitr wit'i tli titrfif MKitr-lon lln-. II t M mo, Or'ppHfK, Fft'in HmitM', Itui it and oiiof nu-b i.MI k. 'I b lnv.il hiu eKiei.ri'vr and Ikaii Ifitlly III out. wliti chok f Kititt Tn en. Bin ubbfry, Htatuar, r ooBtaina. . Ar. Hjuliie? Hater In Introduced Into all the adj cant l'ilMliii(it. Ttietinpr vciiich.a are uion t lie m-t ext-n-H-e h ail, h all tiie niodrrn cottvuniar cos, rin ua .n la a flellactiuil fne, the nun hier, if ne itftftrM, r ulr it'll a lare purllon of the land Tor building ptr,tyt. lor furtli ?r iQloituatU'ii apti to WM. II. KKIPFll.TNR, at: 1-U.slu2w ISo 4ii KltANKLkN Hlrot-t. fj 'OR S3 Ilciiaca, eiiFer with FOR SALK.-9r0.0()0 WORTH IN GOOD lairyt arm aujail.on terma u auit rurohaater. cc without incutnhrairoe. for caia and atoo trade Inquire of, front 10 ic l2tQiock A. M., TIIOR M. r LOW MAN. No. WW H. KOI ItTH Htreet MEEIOAIf BANK-NOTE KEPOSTER. THE ONLY BANK. NOTE REPORTKR IN I'HILADELriHA, rUlll.ISHI'.O WEEKLY". TheoniFonecontaininf QI OTATIOMS of Bank 'tM lu PODS CITIES, viz PIIILAOF.! I'HIA, BAL'ILMOKK, JtF.W YOEK, CIMCllfMATI. T'je oi'. si.e whl h contains the NATIONALS 11ANUS as fast as argaa'ced (olllcia: list). Tha onl)- on m'iIcIi contatna the OENtttAl, DIH COVliT In ElOnTEEN CITIES, VIZ: PHILADP.1.PHIA, W AHlUNti I ON, BUt'HF.HTF.U, 1'llTMltiKO, t'UICAOO, 1H BI OI K, llALTlHOitK, I l.kVtl.A0, AXilAJiY, TROT, BT. LOIII8, HAVKsmiitsT. sr.w runic, ITNCINNATI, WILMlNiilOK, or. ei l, loninvici,";, MILWAUKEE. TlK culj oue whli h gi et tiie earliest Information of NKW COt'.NTEl'.mT FsOTKS, " L0MFST1C MARKITS, STOCK TxBLES, AND I IMAJiCtAL SEWS. Tha fa l.ltt- e f the AMUEIOAN BANK-NOTE EEPOETER, BOTH PINAKtLAI. AMD TT'K.BAI'HIC, AHL IXtlvrALFD. KinSCItrPTIOXig (t'Klt ANNl'Ml, IX ADVANCE. Weekl 3 I Bt-ml Monthljr f '1 Moiithlv tl. Ol'ITCK, No. I OH . T1I1KD STREET, (third floor). Alil'llF.Sa, a k. con f.n. aull-lm PlIH.IHUK.lt. MV.S. JOSEril HITFTY DESIRES TO IN fonn her friends that she has removed from Ho. 407 t HtMNI T Btre. t to No. W S. FOl UTlt Btreot. PHASE & IIUFTY'S NEW BLANK BOOKS a and Utatlouerj, Mo. .'1 8. 101 111 II Slrect, Opcued To-I'ay. TTTNl l.NE AUNDI.DS WIHTINU FLUID V I anil Cup Ijiu Ink, direct from luuiou at rilANE A III FTY'S New Blank Book anil Stutlui rv Htora, ha. Xiri. HH il I'll Street. N THE ItLOCKADE-Rl'NNER "rillN ccss Aliue," was caplurvi an Invoice of the Wurhls F'air Pric Lay Paper, a portion of wrru h Is fur sale at CI1AMK A HI Fi t M 'ew Blank It -ik. ana it.ilK.iu rv Mtoro, Ho. M H. FOUlt rU HuecU BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCR1P. tlonon liani, or mails to enter, at a sm ill arfvaaca ou oixl privet, at ('BANK A III (TY 8 ew Blank Book ana Htutionerr Store, .No. 'ti b. f'OUttTTI btreet. ANY OK THE OLD VARIETIES OK Letter, Cap, ami Note Paper, mucli superior tn those af later manufacture, cau he had at CHASK A IICFTVH, New Blank Book and alatlnnere Store, Ho. II H. 1UL Ki ll Mr.ct. pOLU TENS AND FENCIL8 TO SLIT ALL V I in-cit-reuces, aud warranted for one veer, can ha had at IT1A8B A III FTT H Hew Blank Book aud atatlousrr No.ro, o. WS.FOUKrii atreet. l'ER CENT CAN BE SAVED BY PLR chasiu vour Siaiionery at .,.., 20 Mew Blank Boik aud staUoix-rv si.uw. MILITARY NOTICES. SUBSTITUTES AND ENROLLED 4 CITIZl.NH Art Infhitned Ihat the nra of .1 O H TZ 1 II At O O. Have taken tha Rooms No. 422 WALNUT STREET, I a Lately occupied hy thft. (TTIP.S'ft VOI.CS ri:KUHl'llSTITirTECJlTTKE. here they will W. pleased la furnish AL P.N8, VBTa. ft KAS.H, or I DNTHAItASDJ. aul.stlltltes (or B- . BOl.i.rii ciTlFNs, and rill r) Sulntlia ea the H lllulll !r 1 hiCF. eu-t T 2 190th PEaiMENT PA. VOLS., COL. A. A. LKCHLER. "B'.'tt l'IINTY. Men Mu. tared and faid al r. lia.nrdlatelr. Ill Jiraire im n.rw n'ni:. ramp, osiani-e in Instalments. Pay SIC Per Month Clothing and Cm Vie I Dl.nn. I Tl.e Bid'msnt is entempf d at CAMP CADWALADBt, ie mrnfortAMe (jnartfrs. Hl WAIT TO l!F. MtAFTKl) hut (.In this Bxtf ment, and leave jour tamilici, wet. pnivided for. NO I l'.LAY r? TA Y I NO TIIE BOUNTY I '. anlt tf VF.TEItAN OI'FICKRfl. IIEArf ' RTI.RS, No. fill CHESNUT ST, ' aw In ad l'lton t Citj and Oovcmmcnt liountiee, WIIX PF. TAIO TO KVEKY KKCttUIT tM.ISfF.O tsf U. 3. Aruiy, Nary, or Marine Corps, TO C RKLIT OF FIFTEENTH WAItD. Appl U IHAAO M. It 11 TJ I X. PROYObT MAKHDAL 8 OPPICE, Urond onl Biiui Oarden BtraWa, ?10-O0 PREMIUM Taid t uty person bringing a recruit as above. H. P. M. BIEKINBINE, . 01. airman F.tecutlve Oaauaitta. JOHN B. BKMOB, Recrelarr. aa?-H i BIRNEY'S SIIARPSnOOTERi AVOID THE DRAFT, and enlist In a Corps of some etanding, Authorized bj the Ovneral and State OoveramM. MAJOK J. W. MOORE, Ot' THK iiif;ty-s"intii Pennsylvania roiitiNTEBBS, Is rtcruitlni to AU up five Companies la 'his eltr. THE IlKtll F'.ST IIOUVTIES OIYBN For One, Two, or Three Years' Men. t all at onca, at Ho. B-'.a CIIKSh'l'T Street, below elXTH, II you ant to Enlist. MA10R J. W. MOORK Is prepared to puj prompts TIIK CITY AND WABI BOUBTT ImmisllatsJ; on the mnstering of any man to his Regimes. IIUI.I.OPK 11 It 08 O. Vi. DAVI8, JOS. r. TOBIAS, JK3. W. KVKKMAK. I. . WINRitllKNNKR, I OAIIEYI.FK AI F. I) JK.rtSI'P, A. I.. IIONAK10M, 1 Caaunlttav). HION LEAGUE i PHILADELPHIA. In view of the call of the President for flva huadrM Ihnusand mm, we pr .p-)c lo raise a 11EGIMEN? riu f TWELVE MONTH. COLON El HOBATIO 0. BIOKEL ' i (I ate of tbe PcnnsrlTsnia Rciorvea.) Has confuted to take the Oemmand. All orflceri aeslrlng ta take pact la this orgaalcatloa are , ra'iutstcd to eait oa COL. HOBATIO 0. BIOKEL, ans.tr y ItOt WAT.LAOE BTBEBT. II II E ADQUAR I'ERS PROVOST MAR Mshal.PI at Mslrict. i'a .No. J4 8. TUIKO Btraat. Il) I'nllailelphla. Aamist II. ir4. i To Insure pr.in.pt replies to all (loesttans aa ordtaary aah)e-te connected Willi the Flnrolment, israit, Baeaaa tton. Ltahlii ies to ttralt, Credlta ana Aooounta of asaa tttrnished, 1'itiarns are reitoested tu make application Us the l rovoat Mar, hat of tbe f 'lurreaeKiuai District fo r sao4i 1 . Intl. rmstiun. and not te tha Prorvet Marshal-Oeaetal at Haabinutcn. By order af the Provast Marshal-Oen ral. W1I.I IaM U 1.KI1MAW, ' ault-tf Captain and I'rorust Marshal. at BOUNTY FOR MARINES. WANTK M for tha i;anv4 Htataa Marine Corps, ahle-h.lad eaea lilto oorlorui the dutlee of a suidlur at our Kav Yanla. aWand on board l ulled Hiatea aiups-of-war oa faraaa ataiiiins. Better eompeasatton thaa the armjr. ' IHkKK i-UkliltKO ISULI.AUS OOVRRKinCatT IIOi'tiTYi also, A Li. THsi LUUAL BOLNlltd aast IK-O enltatmeat. ' I kfartne recs-lva Prtea Uonoe-. t For all further intermatloa applp at tha Bernilrhaf i Ranaeaiuus. Bo. fill n. PKOKT Street, below Spruoe StrsML I between liiehoure at V aad So'ekHk. I C. O. al.-OiWI.P.Y, aa--tf Major and lt.sirun.ng omoer. pUBLOUQHS FUBLOUGHB, Omaara and soldiers Tl si ting tha eJlroa ftir1oagh4,BsxBa( Hwoims, and rmiM MILITARY EQUIPMENT 8, Aaa lav iTao to run aiTaaanra ilAJfUPACTUKIxfO KaTABUSOMXn .' or , s GEORGBW.HIMONSttlinOt EANSOM STREET HALL, BAKHOM Street, abort Sixth. ' PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at tha saortest notloa, whleh fur rtehnaaa aal nuuinlncanoa challenga oompatlttoa, no other house la the) counter oomblniag tha MANUPACTUBItia JEWMUBB WITH TBli PKACTICAI, 8W0BO MAIEB. IsA QAUTION, OBIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP. TUi favorite, perfoctljr pure Bop ta alwun mde of the .... l. , I . .,, (. Ih Aai itaa h AVt ktaat Olia h III. tired auMjss uiaatx-i saaa a, aauvt im ui hwv -r thousand families In Pennsylvania alona. Mora clothes, xviin iwo-tiiuas less latwr, can w - " . u.. M...I. In .1.- llnituA States. Tha great popularity of our Detersrr e Soap has Induced t tsvsrul brautkies soap-makers, that never knew now to I mef "Yd soap, to make Uultationsof our Dewrsive Soap, whWxiiey put apon Um market, with great Inducemouta to unprlmlplcJ dealers to sell their spurious article on tha Just reputation acquired toy tha makers of las only gcaulno Detersive. VAN HAQEN & MoKCONE, au.'J-l.'l riUJJLpE LV1UA. M ! fj . t