HYMNING H H PRICE TlIltEE CENTS. rillLADKLriLIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, I8(M. PRICE THREE CENTS..-,;. J TBE 0. A. K.'g IN INDIANA. Paper Dlarovrrfd In tho OIHr of " rf piu Vwrhwt-Shurp letter frum t n rl 4'rrln(lon. Aa Indianapolis icttor in Die C.n-ii rsii (iastttt Mi : Borne time since copies of the r'tu.il of the 0. A. K. weio fi.and In the otli' C oi I). W. Voorheee, at Tene Haute, which uaiumliy led to the Infer ence that ih y wens tho property ot' 1). W. Voor he lie has made a iicuml to Colonel It. W. Th mpon ami to ticncr.il Currlngton, which Oecastobtd the following rep y UTTER 1ROM OENIHAL It. II. I ill 11 1 X'. TON TO D. W. VOOIIII Kill. TuDiANArot :, In -J ana, Annum K, 1'I. Hon. D. W. Voorbees Memier I oiled Stitcs Coigns, Tore Haute, Iipl : 1 have received from yon a ropy of your loiter t don. 1 It. W. Tbonip-on, Provost M trslnil, an. I tail reply. The tallowing laconic note accompanies them : "ierr ( 4rr' iifom - A ion puMi-he'i tine rais- ho.- 1 la toe nr-useer. I snail exp.! jea t eorr.ct tins C oiouelThouipitoli halt dolie. il. W. V JOUHtKM. ' Tbe sssumptiou In the above is groundless. Tour name is not men iotico: ny imi in my rep rta, atcilher have I pu'Hishjd an'ytniiig about yju nbukvtr. You Insist upon ir f answering yjur noto to Colonel Thompson tue points yon make are 1st. "That the otti t IB winch it is sail tliiiao papers witi t'ouu.i bit. 1 not been o 'copied by you or hy any one connected with yon, or l."vn In anyway under your cu.itrol siucc last No.cm bcr.'" 2d. You "dej.'re to ascertain whether the eir ruruetan connected with the discovery nf ifmse i pern in that ullice led to tho supposition tha you pla.-ed them there, or was even nwar.; of their existence ?" Via desire thin, "that the people m ty knrv the trnih," and "not that you att uh any p irti cnliir Importance to the documents." The piiperi referred tj uro one hundred and twelve copies of the Ritual ol tho (). A. K , a treasonable order, alining to overturn tue (lov ernment of the L'ultei Stuws, of whicli you ura nn mrn r. The gentleman who found "these papers" told wje they were found iu your otlice. The following are " une of tbe circumstances'" that lt d me to suppose they were correct in the supposition : j Your la library and otlice furniture were in tho Office wliere "there papers" were tound. Yon ban declined re noun nation f ir Cong-ess, and tbe ollico was reported us not for rent as laic as A pi il, 1SH4. The ritual hud Deen lasncd In the autumn of 1863. Your ConprCKSlon il documetita were In tho olti.-e where "thoo papers" were found. Yonr pec?hes, up to March, of yo'ir entirj CongroMuiial career, witn ttie "John Hrocn" speech, were in the otlice where "tUese p tp Ts" wi re tound. The correspondence of Senv.or W ill of No Jersey, under his frank, indorsing a prop isid n to furnish you with twen'y thousand stindof (iurihulili rllb'S jusi Imparted, "for whicli be could Touch," wan in the olll 'e wliere "theie papers" . were lound. The correspondence of C. I.. VullandiKham, firm Vii.dsor, C. W., iisaurin you ' our people will fUht," aud that "ho in re.uly," and t'.iiiu a po-nt on "the Lima road" at "which, to meet you," was In the otlice where "these papers" wore found. The correspondence of Joseph Ristine, Auditor of State, declaring that he " wou d like to see all Di nioeiat unite in a hold and open resistance to all attempts to keep ours a united people hy force of steel, aud that "this was a war a.iiiist tho I). luocmcy, and our only hope was the success ful resistance of the South," was in the ollico where "tbete piipers" were lonnd. The conei-pondeiice ot K. C. ilihben, who as sures you tha' "the Democracy are fast utitfeiiiug up when this war is to lie openly declared as liuine; waged for tbe purpose of fieeing the negro," "which will arouse another sectiou of tho c iuu try to arms," and declaring "that Lincoln liayo. Bets are shouldered torcoid-hlo ided murder,"was in Iheorrlce where "these paper," were found. Tbe coirespondence of i. liardesry, who "wants yon to have that hundred tlioiisan I men ready, as we do not know how soon wo rniy need tin m," was iu tho otlice where this ritu ti was found. The correspondence of J. J. liinbain, who asks you "II yon think thcSouth has resources euoitflt to keep the Dnion forces at hay," und says that '. "you must hve sources of iuforuiatiuii wliioli he ban noi," was in tbe otlice where "these p ipers' were found. ' The coirespondence of John fi. O tvls, !nf ,rm Ing you that a certain New Yor journ tl "is wonoertully exercised about secret antt wir movrmcnts, and treinhle in their bo its iu vie of tbe terrible reaction whi li is sure to await them," was in the ollico where "these p ipers ' were found. The eorre-pmdence of W. S. AValUcr, who "kteps out ol the way becau-o tbey are trying to arrest him for olHciaiing iu secret soeiHies," inclo-ing the oath of the K. O C.'s prior to Hi it of the O. A. K., was in the olll e where ' thesj papers" were found. The petition of C. I.. Vallaudigham, I). V. Voorlues, and U njamin Wood, in favor of two republics and a unlu d Sonth, was in the Oilice Where "these papers" were found. The correspondence of Cumpiicll, who Bays the "Democracy were once not afraid to let" th.-ir purposes out to dayligh';" but that "no v it is deemed best to work in secret, and asking your ct'Bseut,"were In the otlice wnoro "these papers" were found. i ' The correspondence of K. Ktheridno, Clerk of Uie IloUM) ol Kepresentaitves, giving oltl :ial notice that "your credcmials us rueiniwr ot the T birty-cihtb Conitress havo been received and II ed in the proper otlice," and for you "to c une on," was in the oilice where "these pipers" were lonnd. 1 he correspondence of Georuo 11. Tendleton, which states that Ktburide's plan to on;auUo li ngress, viz., "10 elect nuiiselt UlurK aim I, ox as Spiaker," "though he (1'eudletoii) will not laciliute the reiiiimiiiaiioii ol any man its clerk whose programme is lot : his defeat as speaker," "siigfiestitig lo J on to have it whispered iu th) ear or r.itierioce, to reciprocate tnvors ana oooo silion," and do this authoritatively, but not as from Mm, He, was in tho otlice where "these DKPorn weie found. T be corr, sponilence nf J. McDonald, who had an mtttviiw witn 1'irsins. "iu one ot mi ti er kins') lucid Intervals," with regard to "the dis covery ot the Northwest passage" by lYrklus, for w hich he claimed the credit, c, was in the otlice where "tlete uaieis were louncl. Aud so of 11. W. Iiaun, wbi want a good iila.e In tha regnlar army ; and so of lianuttgan and so of W. i Tier e, bo "will show the Hearts thn: I inioln has turned out t bj monsters in 1HC4 1" and so ol Bigger and Devlin and Dodd, Ae., whose said correspondence was iu the ollico it fere "ibtte pai crs wrre louiM. Tbie are sonie of 'ihe circumstances" that led mo (o lu lievc that "tbose papers," the lt tual of tbe O. A K., were found iu your otHe.e. I looked uihiu these circiiiustatiees as a plain Jnri r ni'ght be supposed to do, and not as a states man, anu intinceiitiy supposed that such p tiiers s these, if spared from the lire, would he In tho pofes-ion of the owtur, aud lhat the ollico of the wncr would be the place where these pipers woniu lie loumi. And ytt, wiih Colonel Thompson, I cheerfully accept your iimmi, ana so respond, a you re ilticst, "thnt the people may know the truth." Your well-wii-her, Hinhy il. Caiirisi, to. A Fi.rcKV State. We have a notim that young Iowa Is about the pluckiest .State on th'S continent or any other, for that matter. They "go tho whole hog" out there, havimr no sort of ineicy on Rebels, guerillas, or Copperheads. Not long ago, there were rumors oi a ousuwbacking luvusion trom Missouri, rortnwttti. A'tiunnt l Ueuerul Nat. linker organi.td the Home (iunrds, L ahd ordered that no prisoner should be taken iu cate tue invasion were niauc. jie ordered, more over, any Miitc otllccr wlio stiouid take anv otiejrillas prisoners to bo di.-honnrahly dismissed the service. The busbwhaekeis nayed out of lows. It seems the militia of the State is now being organizea under an act ot the last Legislature In some localities, the Cons are Irving to get con trol of the organizations. Whereupon tho Gov ernor (eicgrapns as toitows : to M.nvi , Antmt Hi Ueucrsl K. It. Bukcr I de ire tbe i.oiic by la.:t, I sl.all Vv KOverned in rrsanizihs Ike nnlllltt Li h wall iiiitfertftutHl. I hui .Irtarininta, mi all liszsran. that tlierc shsll be nu I'm-naw mrran einnt In luwa. Ti lliii end b csreful, auit ciutausUn Ihoir only V lio srt known to be strietly luyal, Nmie no arini to cutii tMlllc until fcHtlsfleit l.y Ialllv )riMf that titer are i.r uaiuzt'd lusuod fallli by gaud men. W. M. B I OMi. It Is plain the Iowa ottlcials, at any rate, have no respect for rose-water policies ; and the people ere at least up with the otticials in this respect. We are assured of beiiii? entirely safe in predict ing a majority of 40,000 for Mr. 'Lincoln. Ir. Ilnuintonil to be ProaecnleO., Tbe Washington Ilqiublican says: "Vlarn that the (solicitor of the War Department hsi been Instructed to cause a prosecution to be com menced against Dr. William A. Hammond, lute surgeon Uenen.l U. S. A., Messrs. Wyeth & Brother, of l'hiladolphia, and Wm. A. Stephens, Of New York, to recover tbn amoiiiit ol Ilia i frauds which those parties were proved, iu the u, uis laie nurgeou-uenerai, IU hate voui milted upon the United btatvs." Till It D GDI HON FROM PETERSBURG. All Quiet on Warren's Front, nun i'ohition Mit:-uiir:. Ii.c'rI to Th Flnit Telrriph. Wasiiinoion, Angust 2'j Tho mail steamer John llnwkt, from City l1 jint, re?'r!s all quiet In front of Warren on Ihe Weldon r vid. Twenty-six Keliel deserh'rs were hroncht up on tbe Urook-t. They repent the stiry of dis iiitfa tioa in the Confederate Army. On Tue-day ereninir four hunlred and ufty morc prisoners were brought down to City I'oint. Thty were captured on the Weldoi railiond. The steamer Stat,- o f .Vmw has arrlvad with three hundred and tivc wounded sldiers, mostly serious Cases, from Warren's Corps. Another Aernnnt. TO TUB ASSOCHTItll t'HI'sa.l FortTRF.ss Movhoe, Aug U. The Cuited State Hospital 6teamer AtLittfic leave here tliis evening for Philadelphia, with 114 wounded ncn, all of the ,1th Army lorp, r .'C jnily wunlo l near the Weldon railroad. Information from the front shows that there has been but little ligtui'. for two days, an I tho enemy hare apparently rellai'tlshe I the expec tation of dislodging us from the Weldon It til road. The posit'on no held by our lett wing has been rendered perfectly secure. Tho steamer Initni Sn( arrived here list night from New Orle tn. There is no a hiii. 'nal new s from tho Cull'. AlttlY OF rOTOMAC. Our Losses Since Thursday Last. DESTRUCTION OF TBE WELDON KOAD. Advanoe of Warren's Corps. llrjwio' yurKHs Anvy or tiil Poiomm., August 2i, lHtVt. No engagement has taken place since Sunday, as the enemy has fallen b ick to their lines two miles from lVtcishurg, vhcre they arc seen busily erecting strong works similar to those we lirst encountered on our arrival here. Tbey arc laboring night aud day, with a large number of men, as though they wore afraid of an attack before they get the woiks couiiileied. Their main line run near and west of the lead- works, to tho South Side road, wliicl is s tid to bo strongly defended. Their plckc. lino extends nearly a mile south of tin ir works, with ridettes thrown out near the Davis House. The Richmond papers a knowledge a heavy loss in ulticcrs and men on Sunday morning, but claim that they have taken three thousand pri soners. Our losses Iu the Stli Corps f.xits up as folio vs : Killed. Oillcers, 17; men. 1:12. Wounded. Olllcer-, 74: men, ?4. Musing. OiUrs, V); men, 2803. In tbe 9th Corps, the casu ilties are about 3)0, which will make a total loss of IJ.M in these com mands since Thursday last. No doubt many re;orte I missing will yet turn op, as some of our men bavo a bid dibit altera little rever-e of retreating to tho rear. Of this loss General Crawford's Division sus- tains tho greatest proportion, he having los' about two thousand, mostly prisoners. Cilouel Tilden, who was missing nucr the iljht of Friday, is safe. Ho was captured, und with others taken to Petersburg, but during tho excitement of loading them on tho ears, he m m tgetl toolidi tho vigi lance of the guard and r.ia into so.no b.nUos where he lay concealed till chance give him an opportunity to get uway. lie n id luto our lines on Monthly. Angust 24. General Warren advanced his line over a miio along tho railroad towards Peters burg yesterday, tho Hebe! plel.cn falling hick before bis skirmishers. The 1st Division of the 21 Corps ivero engiged yesterday all day In tearing up and burning the railroad as far as Ilej'nn' Station aud beyond, for a distance of about three miles, while that portion over which the o:h udvau:od was also completely destroyed. All Is quiet on the liucs this morning, ovept tbe usual picket tiring. Nine dctcrtcrs came in Inst nigh', and also a number of contrabands. Mnt of the former express themselves ready to take the oath of uliegiauce. FORREST'S DASH INTO MEMPHIS. The Rebels Kill Wounded Soldiers. DEFEAT AND PURSUIT OP THE ENEMY. Caiko, August 21. The Memphis liullrtin says that the itebel force that entered Memphis on Sunday morning consisted of nine regiments of cavalry and four gnus, under Forrest In person. Only half tho lommiu I entered the oity, the remainder stopping outs do t prevent their retreat from being cut oil'. They captured 2 0 prisoners, mostly one hun dred days' men, many of whom escaped, and others were recaptured. The Rebels tired on tho patients la the hospitals, and shot several sick soldiers, and captured others, who, being unable to keep up with the cavalry were killed, lint for the prompt action of the Nth Iowa, tho prisoners in the Irving Prison might have been released and the Bulletin oilice sacked. Tbe Kebels suddenly left the city about 11 o'clock, followed by a considerable force of our troops, and a light occurred near Lane's landing, last, ing two hours, Id which the Rebels were severely punished aud driven olf. It was here that Colonels Star and Hendricks were wounded. In coming through Lane's landing, the Rebels captured two guns, a portion of the 7th Wiscon sin Buttery, and a number of the one hundred days' unit, but they were obliged to abandon the guns in their retreat. After the retreat, Forrest sent in a tlag of truce, asking an exchange of prisoners, which was deuicd. Lieutenant Harrington, of the 3d United States Artillery, was killed in tho Oayoso House. Major Lousing, of the 9th Colored Artillery, aud Lieu tenant Kinsey, a member of General Wash burne's stall, were captured. When last beard from, at T o'clock on Monday morning, tho lteueli were eight miles beyond Nonneaugh Peak, in full retreat, Colonel Wins low's cavalry pursuing them. , The 3d Illinois Cavalry passed through Cairo to-day, en route for Springfield, to be mustered out. Forty of its uumber were captured at Memphis ob Sunday, among them Major 0 Con ucr and Lieutenant-Colouel Duucaa. 1KOM WASHINGTON. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. News from General Sherid m. nis tosition imfreqnadle. THE RAM "TENNESSEE." SHE IS A VAITABLE l.'QtlSITION TO 01 It f. fciclnl to Tlir r.irninir TrlcR-rnrih. Washington, Angti't '. Inf Neullntlins, The appearance uf lion. Henry J. Tliymocit and Hon. John W. 1 orrey in fie eity tins morning imlleaUs podtical movement of import ance have I ecu enti listed to thetn more t'nm 1 1 others. They will i!o most of the ciig'nee'inir o'' the Hi publican party in the coining camf;iu,'-i. Tbey nuiy. however, be a') eit to arr.itt.'e th' pence negotiations whl-b aro sai 1 be nr. I r consideration by the President. Ktnin Hi I fvper lof ntittft rattles who have just arrived from Haver's Ferry rcpresmt Sheridan's position us a v y strong on, ami from which the eueuiv w I tin I It Impossible to dislodge liiin. T'le ll"b.l fire under F.srly is c-tlmated by our scouts at si vty tive ihous-md, though those iu eoiuuia id in tho vnllcj think It not over forty thousinJ. t)ur forca is fully equal to the. task of pr : r.:'ln; I ' t-ly from Invading the North, an I no d inbt -'i vMvi will assmne an orl'eni'0 ni'i.p litrn a vn its tin exiK niics of the i -rvlcij doni and 1'. Shorcbiu, you will recollect, comm Hided a divi.io'-. in Mi Cook's old corps, and is an able- str n'i:t .is well as tiictioiun. , .ncljr' 1 il t'sptiill. Moseby, in his raid in Aiiuaiviale cs . rday. effected nothing, so far a kn oivr., b ;yond tho capture of one sergeant aul two p riv.it. .1 .;e l'.;h New York Cavalry. The demand lor the surreaJ t c' t'i" s'o,d;a I t was made thtce times hy M iseby, ca'h d.' utti l hcinj; pn te 'ed by shots from his irti'iei y. Tun demands being refused, Moseby thouirht it p II dent t retiie seasonably. AM-lllt.ll'MtM. Judge A s. Johnson, of New York, has V eil appointed Coininis-loner on the part of the t'nit.'d Stutes, to settle the claims of the Hudson li ly and 1'uget Sound Agricultural Society. I'l itnu Oiriln- Irinli'S. Several more paymasters Ict't to-day to piy oiT thn troops in the Army of the Potocn..-. Money is being rapioly t'uriiished by the Treasury De partment, and a number of paymasters will pro bably l..e to-morrow to pay off tho Western troops. from MierniRii ill Writ. Te-piiitlies from t(, n.Tal Sherman convey assiiraneesth.it everything is going on well iu his neighVirbood. The public must not infer disaster to bini If nothing is imported, as it is known that he docs not expect to move for some ila f. He is waiting the developiucut of plans and muu'nients in other sections. Ihx uii llic.'r. TI e live per cent, special war tax up the In come of all State otllcers accruing frJin their saint it a is not to Ijo withheld by disbursing otfl ers, but is to lie assessed and collected the sa:no as the income of civilians. In the coiuuiutatioti of this tux nc deductions will be made on accoit.it of the salaries tax whi 'h has been withheld by paymasters. I'nr ineiil or S'olarpsl Troi. The Attoiney-Oeueral having decided that the colored troops in the service of th) United States are entitled by law to the same pay, bounty, and clothing allowed to while soldiers iu tbe volun teer forces of the I'nlted States, of like arms of the service, the Secretary of War has directed that they Ire paid in accordance with the decision of the Attorney-General. IW'OrKHiiliHt loii ol 1 1' Oritaanee lliironu. For some tlmo past trouble has been brewing in the Ordnance Bureau, growingoutof jealousies between high otticials, which has dually culmi nated In a general reorganization of that oiliee. Genera I Itamsey, Ciilef of Ordnance, is to bo retired. Major Euulcb, Executive O.cor, is t be ordered to other duty, and Major Dye placed in charge. Tbe actiou of the War Department in the mutter will he otlieially promulgated on M ju day next, It Is notorious thet proposals for heavy guns, shot aud shell have for some time past met with no response from manufacturers, owing to the red tape which has heretofore sur rounded contractors in the execution of their agreements with the Government. It is to be hoped that with this change in that department, there will he some Improvement iu the transaction of business with the manufacturing Interests of the country. The Urlwl Ram rennrwiee." Frivate letters received iu Washington from naval otllcers belonging to Farragut's licet oil' Mobile, say that the captured Kcbcl rntu 7Voi iifiset, In iuviilnerablliiy aud power, is vastly superior to any iron-clad vessel (excepting per haps the .7ir ronnrfei) in our navy. She had hut one defect in her construction, und that was the exposure of her rudder-chains, which we.e uliove deck instead of lielow, osily partially pro teeted by a thin coating of inn. Only two sh it, out of more than two hundred which struck her, penetrated her wheeling, and only one (a lo-iueh solid shot) went through her uoo 1-work. Tho Ttnneute is comparatively uninjured, and with a few slight repairs, which can Ihj complete I in a few days, will become n inot valuable adjunct to our navy. She cost the Kcbcl Uoverntu. nt over a million und a half of dollars. The Isti:hnai. Kkvkni f. Tax Iwimsiui on the Gains or Insikmk Cominiim. Tho Commissioner of Internal ltotcnue has made the following decision : "The taxable gains of an insurance company to le considered in making return of dividmd and surplus piolit, and inserted as "not gains" in the space, allotted upon blank form No. lio, ure the gross amount oi receipts less the actual ex penses and losses settled since prior dividend or audition made to surplus fund, without regard to what are sometimes termed earned premiums Whin uny portion of the premium Is retimed because tbe policy Las. not Ken used iu t'ml, Qr bt tuiise.as iu the ease of a mutual insurance com pany, the amount of premium paid inpraves to bo in excess of the amount required to effect the in surances j the amount of premium so returned is not to be considered a dividend of protit within tbe meaning of the act. "All returns must be made before the local Assessor ol Internal Itevcnue.oroue f his assist ants, and must iu all rcsjects conform to tbe loiegolng." Rebrl Account or Hi ll-ittle on ttie llu HHllroatl. Frfnitie Ru'htnond hramintr, Attgvttti. rr.immirito, August 20, 11 A.M. Lieutenant Guneial A. P. Hill commanded our forces iu tho tiuht vesterdny evening. General Warren was strengthened by tbe Oth Corps. Tho enemy were driven about thieo-quarters of a milo iu front, and back alKiut two mile, on the Hank. 1 weuiy two hundred prisoners, including uiue commis sioned officers, were captured. Night ended the tight, which was a very considerable affair. The tight bus not been resumed thus far to-day. In rmrny tttU hoM poaetiion of the HVMim Kailroail. Our losses are not heavy. Geueral Clinginan was wounded. Maior Lawson, oi tho 5''th Virginia, was killed. Ihe enemy's loss In killed and wounded was unascertained. The Yankee Geue ral Crawford is reported by the prisouers as killed. There was the usual artillery duel between midnight and day lietween the Hues iu front of this city. No casualties axe reported. im i if. rh nnir 11 hu.timobc sr. ie Lfjxl' re T'lr .11 ii"J T'iryrn$i. l'lltiMoHi, August 2. There was a Mr ions riot yesterday around the Vrovo't Varsiai'e otlice. auscd by nlHiut two hundred ne 1 hers of the 2:) I rennsy Iv -niit Ucgimcut, many of whom got dtnih whiM a', the Soldiers' Ilet. The I'rovost MursLal's Guard arrested several, which ex.isper ted others, vid a riot ensued. In which ten or twelve on each side were wounled, some badly. Colonel Woolhyaeel with great promptness, and succeeded in qu illing tbeiiot. This r-'i im. nl left for I'lill.iJclphia this morning. Hllliil( ol h ItlockntfcHitniirr. )tiii x, August 2V The blookade-rur.ni'r Canttunre sailed yesterday, It is reported, for Wilmington, and fiiigchaed by a Federal ga i boat, ran into Ketch II ar'ior, which p ay 'he ft th.s morning, huirg'ng tho coast. MiirketM hy 'tVlcsvriiili. Nkv Yohk, August 2'i. I lour has Hdvanrc 1 I 1 ..its .a i 14,00 M,:.. ,H!i.i 1.1 t..r "in ; iu Ml, liitll'l'i -va i1 1 1 ;., li- S.illlll.'f u. Wf. vr? nill ' '.-1 11 rt- iln. a ic ; l' s ii'i n w.rl tot. Prot-o - iip.i Oil; I'uiK t.a'j a: ( ut. .. i t.rj .,. W ' i-k Jul C0NVE1MTI0S0F THE NATIONAL DNION PARTY. rU((l.i:DIu8 THIS M0RXI(;. Complete l.lrst ol llelciiatci. Tliis morning tho delegates el!' te I to the Nation il I'nion Convention for the n uninuion 01 candidates Ur City 1 o.nm ssion r, Clerk of Oi puaus' Court, Receiver of Tixs, Kigi.ler of Wills, and SlicriM, assem'iled at Sa.isom Street II ill. Never was a more respeciublu body convened within the city. 1 lu cla-s 01' 121'iitleiiieii in iitieudAUco were not fioni among tho c v. I11 generally attend polUi chI conventions, but was composed of snui of 1 ur 11 st " 1- etablii and prominent citiem. At 10 o'clock the Contention was called to order, and a temporary orgii'ii.a'ioii cflVtod, bv calling to Hid Cliair Mr. S imticl P. llan.o. k, 0. the lentu Ward. M s-rs. I I. icher II irttev, Ten'ic-h Wird; Amor lie. IstreaUc. Third Wird and W.diiui II. I.icds, l entil N aid, Here .ipp liuted teui,i nary Sicr'f.iries. Aii lu ny Gitrird, a nne-nrmcd soldier, w is an pointed teuiiMir.ny lHirkeeper. M isrs Jos. II. Cobb and Thomas J. Closo were appoin o.l as A.sW.ii ts. (111 motion, the folio ving Committee of one ir. in inch ward was appointed on credentials n 1 Him.. 1 IImii.iP'i Smith. 'J. Iwliert I.'. 1 1 l.Tinar . a w,,. 11 HI iu. I. 1 .. 1 1 iuu. , 1 i , l I. irinin 1: rh.r i'. I'F llae, 7 .! I 11 A sli, t,i, . r, s J..I 11 1!. Martin, ti. J oil' s s I h.,m .11. le. Inn,. Sl.iKes II. li K l.k'nn. 1 .l.il n P un en l:i. fliarL-s M. srp-iter. 14. ilfirse f. Vsle. I , ll' 0 ry I., small. 1C Alilr.,w Wnalil. 1,. K'l. is U. Keiie.. IS II. iiry V Sili1..r-I'ep. , la. W lll.m H'ltaiie vo. waiiam itt.,m,n. til. lla Tk W. Miners, Jh 1 stiver, h -ra, i?:l. l'li"ins lin's.m. '.4. t roia Wlltmineiit. ?a fcdrnu'M Krwln. -hi " l'rtltmn. The Ci niiniitee on Credentials then retired to examine the credentials, and settle contested seats. A committee of one from each ward was also iippointcd 011 permanent organization : ic. rii 1. Ilavtil n.oit. 11. r aiiiaol teMile. la rh.iin.1" Trell. B. Wiiiliiu I'rit. hml. 17. .Jams II oiillroti. H ' lu ni Sir as. . ll"h-rt MU. Ainnr KPtl treakfl. Ljtle 1. Iiurst. s'l itSui.th W ...isni II. WakoHelJ. 4. t li. .1 e j j trr.v. 7 .i M'-jela. M. -I. K Frank t,."t-ori. W J. V wilts. William M Taylor, ffssj ''iclo'411 S r rank Jeni sn. f Albert stliini.'l. 111. lllrutll tleuin. II Jsiri-. el WllhuinO voting. M. Jelin Aiisftaia. 'J I Kl. M.rsln- ll"Do'T. -. liavia 1 noaii s 'U. ' iti. Tliiiuias liaUas. now took a recess until U The Convention o'clock. Upon reassembling, the Convention was called loonier, and the Committee on Credentials re puiti d that there were ten contested seats ; which, 1 n motion, were referred ioa coiuuiiitee of suven, c nsistingof Ko'iertS. l'ldgeon, Jackson Loidy, l'wis W. Wanlman, Samuel Daniels, James S. All. 11, Adam Hill, Keulieu Sands. Tbe contested scut's ure the Sixth aud Kiuhth Divisions ut the Kighth Ward j First and K fth DM tons of the Fourtnentb Ward; K:ghB D vi- Ion of tint I'.ightoeuth Ward ; Ninth Divislniof the Twi iitv-tirst Ward; NU1I1 Division of thn T weniy-loiirth Ward ; Fourth aud Ninth Divi sions of the 1 wenty-sixth Ward. The M-t of ilelegutes is as lollops, the con teoted Divisions named being yet undecided : MUSI' M AUI). Precinct. I I' -. 'n Itiv rl 1 W 111. sin Colli J I'm is Moore 4 Hun. Iuu Smith Pre -Inet. I a .1 isrnh WlllUnif i ti Oaviil H irris 1 7 D.ivl I K..y , S Ju. uh IU I 7 SEl'OMJ Waltl). 1 Jamen Imnianniin H e i n I 1 1 1 1 1 'I n an on iiii,t"ii 4 VS ili um r..url on .'. 1 1.0111,1. II sti.k II Haunt C Tltterniiry 7 I I ia. SI Hflor.t s I..0.1. Li. I i H iloliM t'.illlulH'll 111 James Haekley 11 Jo."jih Itiickley TIIIKlt W.XKII. 1 Th" Stew art i j Anu Rislitreaks 'i Joa li.rliitsc. li i u Paului 3 Koin rtJ 1'idk'ion I I Jeiui t A'luier 4 Win II Slocum ItWiuHraul FOl'KTH WAKD. .Tohn I. urns I A l.ytU1 Hurst SaSptii J Caliaiian , ! Jotia H lici.iona .(intierl V a ker . s riioa Uornaii 4 hl lo' rU Hull, r b Allairt tlaniui tl Miuiu.l r rtridKe la A'lain IUU HI'TII WAKII. ; 5 E a Vanl 1 II I) W S. II.TS ; rhiiris. sit. ) SKI Mcllontll 1 f'atebChannun 'J Allien II S Il .1 Tlm-il'lmneier i Jm S t ruueia StXlll Vl'AUl). 1 rharlea ll. rllaso Julul I' Butlr 1 N.m 11 r I llll'bs il Jelin I'l l..- .11 .'I UUnm Watcllelil : 7 J hn Smeiliera 4 William Harlan. 8 Jneasiin Lenly HKVKXTII WAKD. 1 .lolm Slisrnur Th.,uia Wilson 5 tieorirM. rers Klrlianl stukea tM'lariet Houseinun 7 .loin, San. Is 4 W illaia erJflH luuma I'.Wun KII.HT1I WAKD. 1 .Mm O. Husl n 4 Krunk Johnson II Kris . rlcS Sioii ldtz U illlam Kreni h ti rliarlt-a I'uitur S .Samuel McCurur NINTH WAKD. .1 .taiaes Frcptioni i; Icivi'l Heiili r 7 J .I'll Htcar! 1 Wllliuiii sink ley 'i ha'uiiel I'm e lllea HIIIIU11 . . sines S i lioliil'Snn H Jaiue. Hloioi JKM'll WAKD. 1 .le.ei'li Krlio'et I S William H Rilwarjs U .1 aim s V Mokea a llrurve flilpl'S 4 ('hiirlti L Vtrsl 7 Nannie! I' llatieiy-k S Will, am i l,.a. lllraiu Ituur ELI'.VbNTII WAkl). I Jnnien Blll 6 rane l I'lpfr I liurlis franks U .luuin Poru-r H .inlresa 7 Hi naaa Amlarsou 4 k Luaa s Ajol(iliua W aiuait TWK.I.l'TIt WAUD. 1 Job HMmriJa in o rounir a Win An.lruss II Lambert llr.e.ka 3 Tliomas Lochs ' John It lin e u 4 Nuliiun hperins TIIIISTEKXTH WARD. 1 Thai f'arpeuler 6 l 't VV WoDdwu l W Wm Heal I B 8Bler MiiplM 3 Jnlin ManafleM 7 .las llama. 4 liaac Auilrawa I 8 W iu lloanm rOUItTEKNTII WAKD. 1 Joiae. MeOauiley 7 William I'onrs.l i l J'l.lu J.,n H Samuel MeLnils u Vsller r Le't Koburl Wnlhrn ? .Vo'iri isaltuiail illl .'lis. It Wllhanii 6 Joa L ro,cuutt4teahy ill J;; in U"iiraJ Jacolil lsk li INUliauiliuck tt Civurse Nugld ' FIFTKEVrll WARD. 1 Tl.'.ninsIIempliUl 6 Ar. hibaM Curry 1 AU. ll )'n"'aal ' i 11.1111 Hlllilll I Uul'erl Il iVieia 4 I).iil.l(h,.l jauiuel Dai wU 6 Juuie. Hally "J Tl.ouiai 'lU Rl.VTEESTll WAItt). l Times Al'.nrssr ' e Samuel Whllt 4 niluauil'riulisrd i J.I.O, i vt ai a " r. S laaae 8hepiar.l SKVENTELSTll WAKD. I Wm H Overtugioa f2 Wui Jituse Aiiilrew llenrr , 4 .luine. ilHiuliiun 5 Ni' liolm Uurmsn S John Shortsn 7 Jauiel ArilllUau S .lolm Paliuer l KnOS Kenner 10 Wui ilaiuilWa eiUHTEENTII WAKD. 1 WmSlrenk 2 Isaac Ne il.--' t ll.i.ry Vsavn-rslice 4 VI Tliam Lemon William Itesce 7 J am f Tola 8 JoluiJ Maker S Jolin Maior 10 Oeiirgu huiltll 0 auirpu 0 Allen JUXETBhlTH WARD. 1 Cati-bOolllnl i Archibald I'alrnl S Jos fc.arne.1 4 liana B HeUbsritr 6 HatthfO Whlld 7 Hamuel Dudsiu N Jaruei I'rf Ishton S Win l'ettanhiUM lu Wui McCain t juau jvarws TWslSTIETIl WAKD. 1 U Eisnhowsr I H.nwl ttii'luia I Mallliew Mtera 4 lOort. W W' lasr 7 Jacob Dlrs 8 baniusl B llelty Wui Bhleldv 10 Kkli'har Hartley 11 Wui K Tbsulal 6 rank Loulwin 4 Jehu Lsuilieit TWKNTT riRIT WARD. 1 ) arte. V. i n i ii l.a as SaiU.f J W m Sorrows, n 7 r Ra'P S .la.-o:, I, u am r SiSs'lasiMaC 4 I lienor ' 9 .1 r Win i T.'l.n Ph tmaiar M iM-orr lyr rW l fJTV HK)M WAUD. I J II r. ins 1 -irnear llofrsa 3 Kil'var.1 no'hsaan 4 Mi iUipb Toulif r (. J N HoLlti.n t Wm M TuVr 7 .in .n ih -tl.arnf S Rf urn Man 'i 9 i liurioa ii.. I HtMl- - tKIK J W A It D I .lai-oh w atrman J .leorts Hart 3 Walton I', mlv 4 Pm.ni al l'f tai tt Ja nt, I'arkcr S I n an ia Ji.wson 7 J-e 'si uein H II SuukTl T1-NT-I OI'HTn Wkllti. 1 R iWt 'imp.on j ri. Kr.mk viiit-van 2 f lw Art f rrn. 7 .l.m. . .v,ll .1 Wl Ham Kr'lrl.'ks I " Ma-ha.l llenv 4 Urf Hal) rt:i H un,,, r AH. nil, .'i H lliam U cnitaa TVLST -I II lit WARD. 1 tia-id TI. iTnp.ea 1 J l.n asms 3 J.mri i oi 4 W il.'im II I c A IHs-irf.' A Kt 5 Hamiirl II .'rw,n TWKs I 1 Sl1ll WARD. t .lelin Sdnr 3 I'rank I 'If tcsn 3 Jeiry Slrliols 4 W' liam II. Mo hard llonias W lley d T'imiiaa Pttllaa . 7 I noniii. ,'iiin. S M Murrls and .I I I n eoma-t.sl f i harl-. Din.1 The! onventlon the it i I itir u ,1 until 2 oVlu k when I: reassembled and Is still in session. CITY liNTFXUQI-TNCE. Pt atr or Tin hkniMHTsa To uaT. Six .V. 74 Noon, hs. t)ne V. M., M. Wind, W. s. w. TllItTwi.NtY-TlllRn Hr.ilIMl'ITl'l NN 1.VVM A Voi.l NThi us Its Akuiv.m. is tiir City. The 2:ld Heginient 1'ennsylvania Volunteers, Colobel Olenn, has arrived In I'h 1-idelphia. This regiment was mustered Into tho Tvice of the United States on the 20th of April, 1811, having for Colonel, Charles P. Dare, Lieutenant-Colonel, David B. Birney, and Maj ir, fieorge C. Spear. It was essentially the uioneer region nt of l'hihidelphlii, and the day follosriug Its muster departed for IVrryvllle. Marvland, an 1 was eventually stationed along thn line of the riiibiilelplna, Wilmington, mil II ililmorn It ill road, fiom l'.ik'on to llusb river. During this period they were fully equipped, and I shout ihe 1st of June were ordered to report to Oeneral ratieraon, at I liumn-raiiiirg, I'a. t tiey were here assigned to the 1st ilrigadx, eomin laded by I.h iiteiHiil-l'olonel (sin 'o M ijor-d tnenl ) Tlionnis, and took a prominent part In the tl-'ht ut r ailing Waters on tho 2d of July. Alter pir ticipniiiig in ad the inoveineii's of this ci np algn thev returned bums at thn expiration of their tet lit of servuH, July 24, ISill. Ni time wtis list in reorganizing, and on tbe 2 at of Aufut, ls;i, the regiment, liuiiibering litieen hiimlred men, under the Lame of "llirnev's iu ives, " Ic-'t fir Washington, hclugc'tniniu!cd hy Colon ! I) ivid I), llirncy, I.ieiiiuuaut-Colouel CUarlei WllUvliu, ai d Mni'.rs George C. Spearand John Kiy. In the spring or IS62, Colonel tlirupv, hai iug lio n proiuotidto ltrit'adier-i ieneral, i' mr coin I sinies of the r gitnent.iogetburwitb M ijor.Spe ir, were tniusierretl to the o.st K giineut Pennsyl vania Volunteers, aud l'lioiuis II. Neill, a regular olllear, was appointed Colonel of the remaining ten companies, and under his command actively paith ipnte.l in the sieg" oi Vorklown, biltUts ol' Mllinmport, Fair Oiks, tho Seven D lyV tUbt betore ltichinoiiil.Chiintilly.and Fredericksburg (tirst). Coonel Neill, having been promoted to llripudier-Ociierai, was sue espied by Lieiiten int Colonel F.iy, and under his cointiiind it was enguged In the sto'ming of M irye's Heights by (jemral Sedgwick, at the Iwttle of Chaieollors v il le. The regiment, uujer the eouiinind of Lieuii iiKiit-Coloiiel Olenn, participated in the third crossing at Fredericksburg and battle of Oettyfhurg.and under Colonel I. ly wore engaged the same lull ut Kapualiaiiiiock .station and Minn run, soou alter which Colonel J, y, who. on ac ci unt of an old wound received at Kair O iks was appointed to tho Invalid Corps was su -cn'iled by Lleutenaut-Oolonel John F. (ile.ni, wiib I.leuteuani-Colonel William J. Wallace, and Major Henry J. Heesc In January, 1 St t, the regiment was transferred from Urandy Station, Vu., to Johnson's Island, Ohio, where thuy guarded the Rebel ofllcers contiued there fro a a raid across the ice from their friends in Jtnadi In Mat, they rejoined the army of I) din l'lain, Vs., and participated in its movements from that time. At tho battle of Cold Harbor alone, tho regiment lost nine oillcers and two Irm Ire I men. They formed a part of Ihe tilh C rp. w iic'i was despatched to the defense of Washing on, and assisted iu driving the enemy from thu front of Fori Stevens. Thuy have latterly been ong igjd in the Shenandoah under tjeneral Sli truian. Upon its arrival in thn city the regimen', pr -ceeded to Ihe Cooper Shop Rofrestioioii' S tioon, from whem e tho procession t ikes place in the following order : HASH Carrlaces rontsiiilnsCoinniirf.c afr'ity ., in il.. 4'oiuuiitlau ol Arrauir-m -nts. President and .Saeraiarv Hoard .l liiree'-irs. Ilfiii y llitanla. i apt on dpj r. Chief Marihal. David M l.yln, Ks. Mprclat Aids and Ar-Hiatant Kiiifb tiers, first Mel'lmi, .loin l'atlir'n. Marshal. IMawars Vnvln.ri-r-avtiranee lluao, Alislntioe liaiiliie, Washing ton II. i. a llopp Knsiiis. t K.eond islkin.iliwiisSlln.Marihril Westsrn Hue, Western Knslne. Muyaiuetitins lluaf, lu lepend'-neu Eu aii e. Hiatller Hnsa Tl'i lolloyvlns- w 1 11 br ihe route of the paralA : Vn Third to fouth, op H'Hith in Tweiillain, up rw.nlllh lol'all'iw hill, down rallowlllll 10 rtKtaonlti, down Ritlfauth ro ( le shut Coivn itirsun: in I it h, up Kd h in V ne, ui Viae to Mnlh, down Nlntii to llace, down Itucu to Katluual (luarila Hull. On the arrival of the regimont at the N ttloual Guards' Hall, John I'rh-e tt'i therlll will receive them on behalf ol the city authorities, and Oeorge S. Willcts, Ks., In behalf of tho Fire TJcpnrtmcnt. Tbe companies intending to p trade In tha escort of the regiment will ploiso be p-otnptly In position on Washington street at 1 o clock P. M. The Committee of Arrangements aro requested to meet at the Cnicfs otflce at 12 o'clock. FiiFssCn H ox Fim.ADKi.rHiA. Tho mem bers of thu Press Club of Philadelphia held a meeting ye.-terday afternoon in the Supreme Court loom, and permanently orgunUud by electing the following-named otticcrs : I'rai'Hsnt -Thomas 14 rnlemnn Vk-c I residents J. K Y.uina and t.. Wllaoti. lo-e ,1'llne Mui retarv - Wlllmui IL I'lslier.Jr. Cnrrespnudliirf HeerelS'T - D 1. Williamson. Treasurer!!. W.' uri'nno. Heard ol wrwiora Jnh'i K. llr.ur. K. C. Wallsto, Jsinos Noleu, II. A W.-llierlll, Julius nines. . W. t rick, E H. Tliorp.lieorset'. IUiwer,Jr., ft- K. Corhlt. The Club, having thus organized, adjourned over until the 7th of September. 1'alsr Frktf.nmk Cask and Aurlst. A man giving the name of Charles Mouier, ami repre senting himself from Camden, was arrested at F.ighih and Race streets, yesterday, lor attempt ing to swindle Mr. V.. J. Icster, carpet dealer, out of some carpet, to the amount nf 11 12, and for w hich he gave a laigns chei k on the Western Hunk. Tbe house In which tho arrest was ra ide had no furniture in It, and the carpet was found in the third story. Death in tub TwKNTt-Tiiuin Fknnsyi.vakia Vol. intiihs. This morning, while the train from Hallimorc, containing tho niemla'rs of the 23d Regiment Pennsylvania Voluuteers, was approaching this city, one of the mciub rs, who as seated on tho top of one of the cars, w is instantly killed by Ills head ruining in contact with the Columbia bridge. We have not been able to ascertain the name of the unfortunate man. Death at a Station Hot'si.. A man, sup posed to be named T.O. Post, of New York, from papers found upon his person, was brought to the Station House, in Cherry street, near Fifth, last evening tit 7 o'clock, and died nn hour after wards. It is thought that he was m an into sa luted condition ut the time. Uoiini.KV. A Mr. Daniel Dick lo, of Lehtnntt county, w as roblajd at the Pennsylvania Farmers Inn, Market street, on Tuesday, of JJISOO. Mr. 'Acklewas nut in a room with another lodger. 'whom it is alleged the bar-tender said ho knew. In the morning the money was gone, i ne utr tender was held to bail by Alderman Welding. Fvs imii.inci. A woman has been arrested iu Washington on the charge of swindling Mrs. Klrsteln, of this city, out of 2i)0. This money, it appears, was loaned to her, for which she left as security a box said to contain $1700 worth of jewelry. The box, on bciug opened, was found to contain salt aud suud. Candidates. The delegate elections onTues. day night, of the National Union party, resulted In favor of the following Congressional candi dates : First District, John M. Butler; Seeoud, Charles O'Neill : Third, Leonard Meyers i Fourth, William D. Kelley. I Drow ning Casks. Adam Veager, aged eleven years, residing at No. 110 Coates street, was drowned lat evening at Oreen street wharf. Catharine Brown, aged sixteen tears, was drowned lust evening la the fccbifylkill, at Fair mount, while bathing. Exi'iCTtD Abkivai. The lOOtU Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Is expected to arrive lu this city next Monday luoruutaV Naval Crldits. The following order has jns !een Issued : tirni r. A. A. I'sose t Missn il.(1icshu., Kasti b DtVISigS, I'hSN-l (.1 Sia. II I l AW !'.... 1 ,-i it. mm. ir..r' -I'Tciiisr No su.- isiotin ..1.111,.11.11 in lit 1't.kaiel Lemuel I-mLI, .,r i'irli I. tr lyayl'.a., m reptair KUt Sid .1 D r'i I nl "d -so", l usnl . has irK Lean sii..liil.d I'Vlli- W r llp in les' to at -eats n wSat ' '. 'III. It.e lill' reu aut I et. el II. e -oi. ,. I', tinsylvsnla are entitled lo irid." isetl in S l met .ipnr.oed lull . Is.., th I'iovo,! Mar.k il. ol the K.i. er i Dl vi I. in will f t .r t to Ifce i ainuil sieti. Ihraiuli Cap a u D-lwe, all mult. T. e a tiur to Oie I'Jjiis'.illeat ol od .r' ill-. By order if tlasir tin c i.t. A. RtySAV VISlSiiKIt, i ai'laln an-t A. t. ft 'aer.it. Il will thns be seen that this W.r l Conrnittecs having claims for men furnished 10 the naw prior lo Febru try 2i, li4, should rinsnut thosu riilnis throned the Prov isr M irshfils of thai district. The Provost Marshals should certlfv that credit has not heretofore heon given for the men now claimed. Tub Navy Yard F.xii;niin. The extension of the Navy Yard will soon be com-nonccd. Vn. expected difficulties attended the accomplish ment of the project, or it w ml I havo lioen per fected before). When tho surveyor examined tbe ground proposed to be used, it was found that several streets must bo vacated efore pos. m ssion of the property c and be yielded to the fJnvcrnnient. This re inlp'd legist u've action, A hill was therefore framed, authorizing tbe vaca tion of tbe streets, aud, as the c iuctinvuco of the Stale authorities has been received, there will he no furl tier opp'V.ttlon to the ext,.nsio'i of the grounds of the Naval dep 4. The streets to be vacated lie between Kront stn-ct and the river Delaware, and were Intended to he opene I through the two private estates which the Hor crnment designs purch islng. CiiA-ooKor Fark. The Directors of the Secou 1 and Third Streets and Fif:h and Sixth Streets I'assinger Railway Compinies have nvliii-ed the fare on their roads to live cents on and after to-morrow, ami the use of exchange tickets will bcdiscoDtinuid. The exebangn tickets of other Mads wl'l not be received after this week. F.xkcvtion. The execution of WllUain Howe, a citizen of Montgomery county, who descr cd from the 11'ith Regiment Pennsylvania Volun teers, und who shot the enrolling ollicer sent lu pursuit of him, will t ike ulace i'i-morrow at Fort Slitllln, between the hours of ID and 4 o'clock. Ri.i a vhi'.ii. Mr. McBow, who, onr reider.4 will remember, was arrested few days since cn the. rbsrge of lobbing a soldier at Ma.y and front streets, has been released from custody, the allegation having been disproved. Si'aihiinu An Aiit. Hubert Claxton w.n ar rested yesterday, anil held by Alderman Swift on the charge of siab iinR a man named McClushcy, at Front and Shippun streets, so mo eight days ago. ; AttiuiiNT. At 8 o'clock this morning, a man named James Casey, sixty years of ago, was badly Injured hy a hank of earth r iving in at Nixon's paper mill", Maimyttnk. An Aci-OMMoiiAriNo Miv, It is not every day that waeau hud men m' buslucsa pr iverbiit for their petite ai'il discreet artenllii'i lo nstomnrs, an.1 wll!liu;t aeeommudate all w ho deal ivflli them, hlirh nr losr, rich or pour. 'I in re are, hnwevee. .ouie ex'i.pilons r.i ilits rule, and lieakio;: el' aec initnndaiuiK men reminds ua f an old sail In. a t'.-w nl.'las .inee so iiiiou u s.iree, and, whllsi. alaui'ei li u akanr Hie tr.'Hl. Ihaxirht ia ua In llm Ihealre una pa.s the reuiMiit'liTut the es . iiliiK. I'dIIoivIiii; soiu ''T ni n. wnoni ne iuoii.:tii nsnmil Ui.in Uie nam voysiie, he l'jiui-1 htiisell' In thai ptrt ol' a iarw liulhllnir which he tuppoatd lu hs Ihe pit, hut hieh wiia really lh tiaseinvul ol' a meeting-housa, and the mlnlsli r was at tla time preu hmtt trom the test neiein la men'toned Uie eheep na uie tro it, and In oisier In make an iinpr.ssloii upon tha congregation, he pat lua altiniflcant queatlon : Who would wish la lies voat'" and vsu.ii'H, hu w iih still iir-ater uiuahasis asked "iVhi wili.ho asnal i" llur npsy tiler e mid not hr'wli Itia delay, una ai once. resoided akiuil: "Aa noli nly elso wm he it, I'll he the (tue) kuiIi rattier (hlc) than t'le play should stop !" Now, ibis was a heartr'elt aeeo nui'uJ itlnff oau, ami Another cue, under older.' nt clreuiu.lai.ees ho.vy- is our Irlelld hoi. Harvey, who keeps the lie U aa I ehe l"lat ( lollili'ii lloiiae In tlieeliy.st Nu.S.S Mark.-l.tr ot, erhers he aenomoiediites Ills c.tiiu':rs Hlih icrlauiia' In Ills line felieap and sob tanl'tiLy. We are mil lit the hati t of maklnff dlilbisttalla ainsnitst boslnes. men, and lu say mere at' llun at p .sent would ' entirely auierltuoua, as what Is abuva asasiled Is a W Jll ealahlislied fa. tint u eiauiuulillv. Stork Shadfh, Window Shaales, manufai'tured for store windows, with gilt and fancy lettering, at W. Henry Patteu's, No. UOS Chesnut street. Dn. Comitos, No. 1S47 Vine street. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Orlles or Thk Evisisi) Tki.hc,4PH, I 1'haradar, Auim.t There is a bettor reeling ra the Stock Markot this morning, and prices of Riilroad sh ires are rather better. Coal Oil stocks are excited, and prices havo an upward tendency. In Govern, ment bonds there is less doing, aud 6-2 is are rather lower, with sales ut 112. 7 3 is sold at 110; and 10-10s at 1034. Wo 'luot0 6 f 1HSI at 100(u ;109A. Ilailroad shares are firmer. Heading sold at 675' ri7l, which is an advance; Pennsylvania Railroad, 75; Catwlsa Vreferred at 42 j Mine hill, J2J j and North Pennsylvania lUllroid llonds at 103 22 was bhl for Ca'invlssi common j 3S for Philadelphia and F.rle ; 3 i for North Penn sylvania; and 90 for Reaver Meadow. Coal Oil shares arc in active demand, and the sales to-day are very lurge, reaching 21,0X10 shares at oi for Rock Oil ; li4(o;6j for Perry ; l:ij for Deusmore ; Hi for Mcllheuny ; 34 for highort ; 11) lor Dulzell; und GJ for Oil Creek. Market very Hrm und prices looking up. Bank stocks are hrm, hut there is very little doing. 162 was bid for North America; I.'I4 for rhlludclpbia; 61 J for Farmers and Mechanics'; jii for Commercial ; 2X for Mechanics'; 38 lor Penn Towushifi; 80 for Western; and 274 fr Manufactures' and Mechanics'. There Is no material change to notice in City Passenger Railways. Second and Third sold at 72, and Spruce and Pine at 40. ,11 was bid for Green and Coates, and 24 for Arch. The Mo.iey Market coutinnos easy ; capital Is plenty on rail at ti per cent, per annum. Rest paper is selling at ti( 0 per cent. Io tiold there is very little doing, and the mar ket is dull, opining at 2o I S, advanced and sold ut 2olJ at 11 o'clock, 2.VI4 at 12, und i at 124. A despatch fiotn Washington this morning says the subscriptions to the new 7 30 loan, re otted at ihcTrca-ury Department yesterday, amount to rsii,0tK), and those to tbu 10-19 loan, 2l:i,0i Kl. The ollicial recapitulation of tho public debt up to T uculay, shows it to be $1,8 V.i,271,0:hi, or J!,.'i61,no0 more than the previous week's state ment. The unpaid requisitions aro nearly 18,000,000. The debt bearing no iuteie-t has been decreased !i,fi.12,000, while the debt bearing interest in lawful money, has Ik-cii increased 17,00.1,009, and the debt (searing interest in coin has increased $2,000,000. A meeting of ofliciuls connected with the Philadelphia and Krio and Oil Creek Railroads was held in F.rie a few days since, to adopt means for the immediate extension of the Oil Crick road, four miles lurther down the creek, below the Shutlcr farm. A Committee was ap pointed to obtain the ri'ht of way, and such other arrangements entered into as will secure the iiiiincuiiitc prosecution of tho work. The l.rir Di tpatch persists lu its statement that the Oil Creek Railroad will soou bo chauged to a narrow guage. Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold F.xchuuge.No.31 S. Third street, second story : 04 A. M 2ol 12 M 2.51S 11 A. M 2o4j I l'.M 214 Market steady. Quotations of the principal Coal tad Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ; at 111 Jd HH Att. Illlihard a'.' Kevstoae Oil .. a MlllaaOIIL'I'wk.. t"i 144X01181180 011 I I I KullonCal Hi',' MS I nlanl'etroleuio.. SV S'. Bu; Munlaiu Coal. H', Beneca Oil. ... i7.Mld.Coal..l'4 f- ""' ' V Oree.llt.Coal.... 6. "V,-," i' Vlarhondal. , "" J' 0 "" I v i' Ne Cresk -l'f 1 Irvllul OU. ........ T"l . ?"d.,T.im cia. t?u i roi; ;", on.... .. '. (unto., co.1. . : ... . y ! . ',u .'"ri',;. :::v u 'in unard MiiThiS ... 1 Mailhfliin v S'.- n-siv?: '... .-. 11 Mariiietle atmuis. I 6 JI 'OK' ixasmeiar.i, 1, ', VZi... fi 1, r-roieu. csuitrs. 1 6 VaplVl.hideOU..17, 17 EavelMor oil I M MeiTlialiaA OU T Rloi v t arss 4', Perry Oil -U.Uu lauieiai Oil....... IX I ' ruTLADKhrin a tos"ii ucuajs'js; sAi.es, tJ tel. VepoiMtl ky Clayka.1 (aa,, Hroaara, Ma. Ul S. TksrS IM, BKKOHR BOSRoa. yi,h Filbert Oli....c .IK, u Caceiskir Oil th-n ih Mc'lintnak .... li .h di 4si.h do S'i "0.t. ,., tWi.i i s '-sj II It US Vi I'SSI II II 'f 10 .h do Ihu sh Alsara iron. ..a HO ah !' ah 4isn 4sl.h Mo.h itsish SOU ah I'Ush Lvsiah 1.'' ah (V'.. do.. ,.h .h4 .14 l'O h d i lnah nibt'rd Soil all do isn Oalaell U .... ,VI sn do asiah U w Isiaud... 4 0 ah V'ennnco eil... da. do. do do.. .M An. I in h9 a I1- lauO t-'url a Oil JV S'i ah do Ta'l Ni.h Den. m ire... rsl 1 0 shfttory ra m.... ; 1', as i si lAuah do O.SJ frrsi en f'nioii Pet leu sh i'a a till l a... 'l"li do sSliih do,,,,. Von ah do I.'IISI .h ll'ohe Oil ...c "sou Il sh Ra.lia H...h wl . aSI.H dO......ol'hI lisl.h d.1 ......... hh'a (VW.h Wo. Oil i mwsh foe farm.... 1'. li 0 ah keystone .Inc. fse.h do lisikta Itruner riKsr boauu. .. l.1si. -t sh M Tlhennv Oil f-'lr) C. R. 10 4"s Sam da tM do. ...mill SlMSKIiirfia. imw.. Ill lOi 17. n.o-si SJtasiC A ni Ks ... Si so N I'a. iU t!ah m mn O'L.taar) ..Hi'. ..Us. 'a ..111 ..II7V Sd sh ts.-h. Nav run. -O 1 S sh Lehnrhi; H.. S4 loo art tanua Hi ..tat, 7.1 II h 4.1 IS lis) ! 'aiaw. o...tSI IS 4U-' ih lilell Jal ... Ittf Sehid AV h TJea H sft spruce TI is. 41 )'' an Kaaairur B..bin s I vi in .lo c hi ll an di al il? Iuu .a do II ;i y .sh lat at I rls...l'f .si ah N. t. A M Jilt; Iki li Keek oil . 4'Sl sh I'n. A- Oil L'rk. 1 it I'sish d liiiuli Perry Oil h. tssisn do hlO SV siso liensnvirenu.. is-si' PRICKS OK ai-ox-aa IH NEW TURK. 1 Reported by tiarkaon Oo , Brel-r., . . Ul s. Thrri M. rtrn 1. o, amtmm ...Uist u las .. .. b'4 ' lloW aale rmted Rtare. rta. si. nt off. Koik Island Hailr" Uendllia itallroad Se'-S Old ' 9i aaiea s rr 1 viiual Hallroaa... s t rie Railroad lotl bid Hui' sou Railroad U7'a Jii iioid ('; old I'nu. d Staloa k'SS Hist M4 . laias ..Ua al. Market mead) -. . Jtv CoikeA Co. iiute Ooverninont Secirl tics, &c, to noon to-day, ai follows V. ft. fil, ISH7 109 lllf XJ. S. 7 3-10 Notes 1J1H lit Certilieates of Indohleduess, us... lei t ; Quartermaster's V'ouchurs ";i , 9 Gold 2-M' 1 "HA 6--u Bonds ...112-113 New 7 :i ltl notes ready fvir delivery, la A '.gust 9 Inclusive. . . , Tho following are the recslpts of Vlou1' and Omln at this port to-day 1 Fluar, W3 tl'ilst; Wheat, tsiOO bushels ; Curil.liW) LnsUelJi vt, 7u00 bushels. .... The following are the' receipts of Cottl Cdt it this port to-dny ;s-Crude, 2W bnl. Relit' J, 470 hbls. . , .1 Miii'iki The following shows the axports (eolmjsM of specie) from New York to foreu,.! ains for Lhe week enumg August li, ami since Jan. I ism. K ir theneek t.' mt,7:17 Prev ratorted....aiiA,'4 . 1 "Uet.it fl,.".!,).! '' 1SI.-'H).V '..l',vr. lil.lvMeai Smee Jan. 1.. t 'H,tA7.At lls,I HA',7' 4la.Miol.sl The Dctinlt and Mllwiukoe Railway earaed, tbn week ending Aiifuit IH: . .. ; , r- -. 1H04 "J''),2ti7-07 1S.53. if-,''iJI 64 Increase '..1,1o27' The Great Western Railroal earned the eek ending August 1!: . .. .- t'T ' I 1814 il,4o7 02 1833 3 J,213 il lnere.iso ..J12,''l3 l The receipts on the Gr ind Trunk R itia-.i, for lhe weak ending August I'l, wero - r t. -.e 18ti4 10103 00 1803 W"'I lu-reusc ."ths tC The New York Herald this momlu"'iilssJ. ; Tbe Increasing Hrninoss of Q jv-rniiwrf.k- jj v rities, in the face ol the weaknesi ot railway' and other sharos, a -cords with the belief in the possibility of an early peace r hut the decline n the former la, even supposing that peaite is not far oil wbtcb may be as reasonably doab edas oots etitlrcly prein iture, and the result f mere fer and speculation, and must be followed by a sharp rcai tion. We m lititain that tbe retna of fieaee. by reducing the premium ou gold, will n ci ease 'the real earnings of rallw iys, an make railways, as well as ull othex r ul properr Si ioore valuable than it Is now, ultliough no t oaily there will he a decline of prices, but not to the full extent of the appreciation of the enrnincy. Railway stocks are selling fur half their original value, and there Is no real rea ou wUy Uuty should decline, unless in sympathy with a 00a tideriihlf lull In gold. Kpecauttlon, however, Las neither law uur reason. , . . , . . , ( ., The Clnclnnad Timrt, August 2-'), says: The demand for money continue- lair, a id t-ti ' supply ot currency llng libt and hardly e,ual to ihe legitimate requirenjents, tlie ma-kot is working close, und borrowers still cxp-Ticace considera ble dltllciilty In negotiating loau. The lead'ni; rates of Interest in the open market are lOti per cent, for good mercantile paper, and Spar cent, for llrst-elass signatures. The National banks nre restricted to 0 percent. Tbadesnatchea from New York state that heavy orders ror Ike ti per cent, bunds are being constancy received from fortign npitali-la, chleliv from Holland and Germany, and that a further advanos has been esiaiilislieil in rates. vf The Kansas City Jourmd announces that tho iron Is laid on the I'a 'Hit Railroad from thtt city across Rlue and Rock creeks, and is now within three uillos of Independence. Next week; tbe ears will leave Kansas City every day, eoa neeting witb the staga at Independence t r War rensburg. By the 10th Instant the track will bo laid fifteen miles west from WaToustinrg, making but thirty miles staging between Kansas City and 8t. Louis. On the lOtbdayof June last there were seventy miles stuxlngt two months will have reduced ibe distance forty tnil4s, giving the Company nearly rive msuths In wh eh to re deem their promise of opening the road by the 1st ol January uest. PllII.AIvLtS1A TKAItS KKPOsTT.' Tiit HHDAY, August Quercitron Bark oomds forwurd slowly, and No. 1 is in demand at 51 sU'ion. if); '::::) ii Clovorsccd sells lo a small way t $!. 10 if 04 lbs. No sales bave been reported 400 UusheJs Timothy sold at $6 Z: (j'busti-)!, and 400 bnshuls Flaxseed sold ut 1 60. , , r, -.i -s The Provision Market is rather n'l ot. . , Th re Is a moderate demand for Flour, .uid tbe mar kit is firm. There is verv little dennnd for export or borne use. The tales comprise 400 bids. Blue Ridge extra family at 12, and 40) bbls. fsncy Ohio, on private terms. The retailors and bakers purchase within the range of from $10 to 13. No sales of Hye Flour or Cora Meal bave been roported. : .. ., There Is a good demand lor Wheat, and prists ure well maintained; receipts still continue to arrive slowly. We notice sales of uesr Peuasyl vania red at 2 6H" 2 08, aud old PoausylvauU and Western at 2-ii 2-57 1 ' bush. ; new Dela ware at 2'()8fo2'70; and wnite from M'iidi. Time is a steady Inquiry for Ryu at f l-8-O. Yel low Corn has suil'ured a decliuo; 4"00 bush, t dd at l'73(" 171, aud 2t00 hush. Wcsteru mited at 172(1' I 7'l. Oats are dull, an 1 bave ducliued. New Delaivims and Pennsylvuiiit aro worth 9J( (i;ic. und :HHS) bush were taken at this rlura. We notice an advance In Whisky of 3 t;. gallon, with sales of 2 Lhi Db,. retilkd at 1 al, and .XI bins. Ohio at 1 no. LATEST mmE INTELLIGENCE, CLK.ARKU TI111 MOM HI NO. Bi Is Thomas W aller, WaaUruvke, SL kills .Jauretchs Level une. Brig Mauxanills, llolraei, Portland, K. A. Aouder At Co. Hrls Ladl vtaslituaten, Nlekeraou, Ht. Thoiuaa, do. Hehr J. Alldeidu-e, btltea, Huston, Ulakiatoii, Oraeit A Oo. B Ur Leesi ui, Ulukv, rail Hour, Uauimelt, Vu llaaea A Lot hinan ScLr Klla Kruncet, Ttuiiart, CJulncv Point, Ouptala. Bell I. U. t'nrbitt, Kliiiukiua, WashhiKlon. L'apUlo. bchr liart, Calif, lialliuiore. llaugh at Sous. . ARlirVKl) THIS MOKKTBd. ,.v Barune Orlando, iiodue, M dajx n-vui OreaJlie, with Sttanu to baker A: Folloui. , Karuiie Andaman. Oils, 1'J days ft-era Nsw Orleans, In ballast lo Peler W rik'ht a) Sum. liris J. II. lieiiaedy, suiulhi Oars frsws Fort Boyal.ln "K.T "''lurier, Ollehrlat. 4 day. from Fortrsa. Mon- hT?ilmttni. trlrld,..t da,, from Fortress M.ir?H m baliMif to Henry 8lmni. bel'r i?i"i(lir ) w ana. Waajs from OrchUU, with "lio. w krtt, cwUtl, trom 8t lUra, Md., Is ballast In captain. H, hr C. Ne kirk, Weaver, rroallostua, In ballast te If. Hunter, .Ir., a t'o. Kslir Hobl. C'oraoa, High , from Eultoa, la ballast to cap tain. H. i r tsal-ella Thomnaoa, Baker, from Baugos, In ballast to eantaln . Hei r Aim T.. Martin, llrower, frora Fortress Monros, la ballaal to raptalll. h, hr L. l'liieger, Prehy.t days tioio Alexandria, wttk mdse to Baush St Isou. Bohr Mm. lua, Maxu,l day rrurn Fredarioa, Del., wna com lo J allies uarrmiu OtttclMl Urttwlutra erf Buaelbj tUesj Lotwry o tLeutuisy. I'taeStot-Auiuat .- 1 31, 30, 62, 27, 51, I, ati, 11, 12. in. 77, 47. ' estk. li. 4iwte-au,...i i. J 27, 26, o5, 47, 48, til, 21, 6, 60, 0, 00, , Cirmlan Saul b, .4dre..lu mMUMm ceo