Til) DAILY KVF.K1NG Tl'I.KGl'Al'll l'llILADELPllIA, ,VKDXESI)AY, ACtSt'ST 21, 1804. (aytttinfl- eckttaiT;( m-minf-spay, Ai orsT si, IS ear a small Tillage )'M th), Wlt bevre) mai-v ' vr; w0rtl; Fat. dm k, , pUy whMf tl,ir ,,, 'TL -" rsl1 ,,lia'-oh and ."twine, .A , nnut m" brick auU pi.vlar, . ,w alob, for fo rtv yearr- riml f-tir, , itt g-Kxl fricud juine w. JorJ anl master ! "Welcome wa ri in hut an i b ill. To maids and matron'', peers ami i-ci-anti, B won the) syinpailr'-s ol All, By making pain anl mik ins: p-c ont ; Tbnujib ail the pari-.li was t strii'.;, He ktpt hi counsel anl bis cr-T-fsjo, Jin J ianrheil an I loved a iitiuH 1:'b, And shrank l'roni C li inccry't suits and raur- rlage. ' tionvd was bis cUret aud la'4 La 1 ; Warm were bin lmilil5 ale ati.l f-.-oinrl . Ilia Tuirtnera at tlie wliist-olti'd s viJ Ttiat he was faiiltl.-se, in bis liiUm's He tt to church but our -KrcU ; Yet Dr. Ponndwxt always P.ard l.iul i An npt'itlit man, who -t i . (.reeh, ' And liked to ae-: hie l'ric.icK arouml falsi. Aijltuns. TiospHr.'.s, and schoo's, He usoJ to swear v pro rn i-ia to :a en ; All who snbscriixil to th m war-: i ol, ' AnJ 1) suWribod to Ua f a, d i. or.. , It wa liia doctrioo tliut tlie p .r Were always alilo, nev-r vv ilirit: , And so tlie be-ifr ir at tb-, door Had first abuse an-l tho.n a h!'li::?. ; fome pnbllc prinoiplfii he ha J, But he ntn fiiAt'oror nor fiotfr: lie r ipped his box when tblntrs wiro 'a-!, ' And said "I cannot rnako thim bettor." ' And much he loatbej tlie patriot's sri-irt, . And much be acorred th; p'o 'cuian'i rfimfl'.o ; And rut the florccst iimrro! short "With "Patience, g-Mitlcnieii, and flintr1..,'." Tot fall ten yrars his po n'rr, Fpoed, , Had couched beneath hi m.isior'-' tV.'Io; Tor twice ten yeari hia old while) st.-d Had fattened in his niatr"s si.i'jlc. ' "Old Quince averred, upon his troth, r They were the ugliest ln-asH in Devon ; And none knew why be fed thorn both With hia own baud, jlx d;.yi in noven. Whene'er tbey henrd his rlii? or Irno -k . QnKVer than tbouKht, tho fillaj xliutenu I'lungdown the novel, smoothed tho frock, And took np Mrs. Glaiise, and pattern-; , AdiDe was studying baker' billd : i. Louina looked the iiuoca of kuiitora, ' Jane happened to be hemming irilli ; And Bel), by chance, was tnaif'uc ''r'ttoi-. ' ' Bnt all win ruin ; and while c'.eay ', Came like a tranquil moonlight c'iil- h'.ui, . -Aud found him gouty fill, ami ir, ' With no lair nurse to blese or Uore liim ; i His rupged tniile and easy chair, Ilia dread of matrimonial lectures, Hia wig, his stick, his powdered In r, Were themes for very stranpo cT);e tiircJ. Some Mures tlmnelit tho stars ab ive t Had crazed him with excels ot kr.cn lcvl re : ,.l Some hinrd he had been crosaud in love Before he rame away from c illcgo v 'Some darkly hinted that his 'race Kid nothing, ttreat or small, without l.'ii, , Some wbiipered with a ikrmi faro, " That there wai somettinif odd ai;i- b'm. I found him at three-score and ton, . , A single man, hat bentuite douulc, gSlekners was coming on bim then, To take him from a world of troui it tWiT"k I .1 . v i. i -?1IO PI'WJ M nilUIMI uowu nit: lllil, One i'rokty day be made h.s wili The next he sent for Dr. Uailey ! And so he lived and so he died : 1 ' wben last I sat beMe bis pl'low, Be sbook my hand "Ah mo !" he cr: .1. i "Penelope mast wear tlie willow. Tell ber I hned her roy chain While lite was Hickerin? In the " .e: ; i-. And say, that when I call again, I'll bring license tn my pocket. " "I've left my house and gronnds to Tap ; ' '(I hope bis master's hlioes will suit Urn'' ; And I've benaeathe J to yon my cap, To feed for my sake or Hb-t him. The vionr'i wlfo will take old Vox ' She'll find him an uncommon mouser ; And let her husband have my box, My Bible and my Asstanshaastr. i "Whether I onijht to die or r.ot, My doctors cnnot qni'.e dotoimino . li's only clear4h it I shall rot, And be, like Priim, food for vermin. My d. h's are siaid bat Xoture's d ;!j; Almot eeaped mt re'olle "tion ! 'r Tern I we shall meet again ; And yet I cannot leave you my direction ."' Tun ViTiKBjf Sms of Divmii. It in pssible to frequent b ills at the present day wit h ' on being painfully conscious that, as re,rar ls Ben we make noalJuMon totlu ladies daaaini; as a foriottcm art ; ut leat, so far as a thia may be described as forgotten which haa ncer b n learned. If it were not ra jlanrhoiy it voul.l he lndicrons. No matter what the dance U, there t qnal ignorance of all. A i.nadrille is walked through generally, l,ke an awkward funeral ; t'nt It in in waltzins that the young man of tlio present day particularly distinKitiehos himse'f. Whcr? he obtulncl the idea of that performance it is dirScnlt to Imagine. What does it consist of? Be llrst selects a partner; and having, as usual, examined tbj b'lttons of b:s i,iovcj. aud palled item on tight, an a man fixes his bat on hia bead wben he goes ct a stiif tence, he encircles the lovely waist; and then what then ? . He certainly does not dance, because ha does not know how. Dut often working his arm like a pamp-handle, and nssnuiing the appearance of a ' dulocatvd wind-mill, he begins with a kind r t neven, jerky motion, to pull the yonn laily -round in what he conceives to be tmo tithe Biooie. v ticnj rcjmui-j-B Ul WU-ll. 1UU in the way, he pim on, at one time knocking a weakrrand lighter .oup!e altogether out of the ' arena tat another, dashing his partner or himself with the utmost determination against tha sur- etae's la te or ri's, catches his toe in sora-) one a dress, and very often, lieving done as mnch amuge as n v:. n oarim' nis progress, wiaus up by slopping dead short in the ciicle, aud thertby snakes ' himself as incottvenient :n li t la-it mome-it as ha bv 'j?en r'disuloue d-Ting his . camr. The "a.'. EX' 0- NTEE will! A Bo V IS A GltOi Hi. A few days xo I made op mv inind to p'-notr itc into a grotto on Mount f anah, hair w ay te-A ei!i i.an tabouo and hotuban, o deep, I ni'l told, tea it exten Js to the ton or the mountains. 1 net out, a ompuni(d by i'hrai and Nlon, fnn:ilicd wit'i all that wan necessary for our exciLr-siou. 'iti leading the entrance of the grotto we lihtel . torches, and, alter sealing a nomtif.r of blocks of (ramte, bCk'an our nituvh. '1 hotnan.is of bat , ruustd by the lights, Cimnienced tlying rotud ami tiiim) nri. fMiiLinj oi:r lV.eoi with their wini.'. aad etiiiguiabiiii our tr-lic every niiuuto. Pbrai w.ilked tiM, trying the g.ou '.d with a lance which he held ; 'out wo had tcarr.'ly pro- . cetdeJ a hur.lred paces Rhoii be llirew hinisolf back upon me .iiii every marl, of terror, crying out, "A Mrw!it' baek'" As he . spoke 1 perceived "an enormous liia alif'tit Alt' eu lett .rt, with er.x t homl an l open month, ready to dart itpon him. .My zan being loa.lcd, one barrel with two bil lets, tho olhtr with shot, 1 took aim and lirel both ot! at once. Me . ware immediately en eloped in a illicit cloud of imoke, and could v;c nmning.nui pmuenny u'.n an Instant retreat. W'c wailed anxiously for Home time at the entrant of the grotto, prepared - to do battle wiili our enemy should he present .hiinHelf ; but he did not appear. My guide now , boldty, I'lghU'd a torch, and furnished with my gun, reloaded, and a long rope, went in again alone. i"We held one end of the rope, thut ut the least signal we might fly to his aSHistunce. for some minutes, which appeared terribly long, our anxiety waa extreme; but equally great were our relief and gmtitieation when we saw him approach, drawing after him the rope, to which w aa attached an immense boa. The head of the rep tile had bean shattered by my rltle, and his death .bad been iusuuitaueoua ; but we sought to pene trate no further into the grotto. MimhoCt TrartU in lndo-L'hin. -Why a Nk smonoeh Katot tn be Hippy. fueh a one, fcays Brown, knows the A cm uf thr World, and in Jndejenbtit of the Timet, and fvblic i pinion. Jle in the Hsmt o all Com wrtial intelligence, aud can Chronicle the Unity Aon in his Juittuitl. After t.e Sun is gone down, heAtiin atudy the Evniny Aj'ar orthc .Vim xiift Star aud the A'l-rr.o y, and tnus become a cyixieraJ Spu -ulalor. lie can JUtmch a Courier lor the 1'ciBiof-Dai, aud scan the &iui?t in tha JtCxjtttu or J'k.kok.m'm; and if lie is not inclined iur Uportinq Ufc, he tan enjoy hia Sunday at ffome. He may become acquainted with the JhiIm Journal, Hid mulu everv family Friend ithe Herald of Uood Word: In the present Kra of 'f k World he would be regarded as the WtUumt Vusit in eirerv Leisure Hour, and feel extremely kappy in Uie enjoviuont of Fun, and take f unoA WiLti John Bull. lawtlr, s the (Juardian of Ue 1 otiftUtdtutt, be should secure a ComnwrauU Ihreelory of every HrUitk WorkuuM throughout 7 he fleJm: givp thtiu employment All lAe t'tar Jliti'hl, ntl p.' tUca all uhvi a I) ctk. THE IJiTR BRIM-IIST CAVALRY nHT AT I ROtT HOT AI. Colonel Thomna C. lHiven, commanding a cavalry brigade, arrived In town on Saturday, and la at present at tho National Hotel. Wo learn from bint that about .1 o'clock on last Wed nesday, the 17th, the pickets of Devens' Brigade were driven In by a heavy force of Rebel infantry and artillery. The brigade advanced to support tho pickets. Tho 4th New york Cavalry was placed to guard tho road. Wlckbam's I Rebel' Uric id .- of cavalry having croscd the rivrnnd rh.r-cd the dl.-nvmntcd men of the M New York, Colonel Kevons ordored the 4th New York to charge the Hobeia in (lank, which orjer wai Irilli intly f ntd by Colonel ( cnola, who septi't! ai wi.h an ava lani he the whole head of the ll- bol column, cap turing tho l).i'.tlo-Ha of the iid irg.nia regiment and many prisoner". The c ic my, Pn lint lie could m ike no imprca siou on tbe tnrnpikc,. r .ss.d '.itii a hiiga-lo of infantry bn'f a mile to tho left, an I sought to ont'l ink Colonel liovcm' lirffadc. The 4th N-.v York were Unmcdiatnly deployed In thiiir front, nnd charged upon them before they had ail op portunity t i forui thciiiNelros into line. Alxmt the nme time the cavalry a.' iin advance I throuch tho goriro tliMtigh the tnrnp:ke and xoiight to gain tho rear of, and rut off, our cavairy. lag 8tidroU8 of the i'h New York, which ha 1 been held ill reaetve on tho rih:,weie thro vn on the lii In 1 column as -oon a- tbey wre fully ex p. .1, completely roiitinn:nl driving :!iem h.i"k. In the meantime the infantry on the let: ha I driven them lack to the rive ', c ;tnr:ng another Vattlc-fsg of Cobb's l.cclon. W'tiile the id Hri pi.le was fichtlng on the right, still an itho force d infantry wai crossing or, the le't. (i"neral titer had arrived a lew hours betbro, t ) the support of Colonel Dvcni. U.innom's lli'tjryof "ol nel Dcvnus' ltr'galc wiKimniedi.wciv opened on his advance, and ns they emerged from the woods upon the left, Custer ic it do'vu upon them, and they wore cobbled up by ores. Tliefii'my planted a battery oi. the mu'li side of the Shenandoah, ami it v;H this atone that xaved the Kcliel column fr ' i. u'l-r aiir.ihiin'ion before it n crowed the river. Tho posit I rt was s i elevated tha' our runs on Id not rea. h them, and they were thus enabled t bold ns at hay, and retire with a shattered column. Tho Ktbels a 'dnowloilge tho lo of t killed, wtiondcd, aud missing, ot which there ii now in our bunds over .'tiJO; while the entire loss of folonol Dovens' id IlriiaJe, which whs most heavily cn-aged, will not amount to 4 i killed, wounded, and 'missing. tincrnl Cutter's lo-s wna proportionately le-, although he captured as many prisoner-'. The regiments engaged were the .lib, bill, and tth New York, ami the 17th l'oiiiisylvania. Colonel Ce.noln, of the 4th New.York, and Major Beardsley, commanding the t'th New York, be have 1 with distinguished gall uitry, rcocntodly charging the enemy's columns. (iaptain Minn.ol iho 4th New York, wasklllod. )I : wnt, a gallmit oltleer, and met a hero's death. Captain Suyder, of the I'll, Cuptain Hennanco, of the tith New York, and I.ieuten mt Weston, of tho tith New York, were wounded. Although Colonel Dcvcnswas severely wounded in the fo it, he did not leave the tield, hut held tin: ground bravely, and won for himself a garland of honors. Captain Handy had tbreo In -runs shot from under him while ch urging the enemy's line. The 17th Pennsylvania were drawn up in the support under a heavy tiro, and behaved them selves with their usual uteadinass. M'.t. oi.vV. The terlanl Mail SIOiwil. Tho lndl:in troubles In the West hivcat length compelled the Overland Mail Com puny to with draw the ooaebos from their mite, and until further notie- no m tiis nro to be despatched overland to I'tali, Colorado, aud C.ililomia, IVoin tho New York T'ost (uliec. A newspaper an nouncement of the withdrawal of the overland coaches was made a week ago; but as Mr. Clark, superintendent of the mails in this city, had re ceived no otticial notice of the overland Uige suspension, he continued to transmit the n.aiis, hoping that the Iud!an dilUcultics might be settled and that the mails might be got through ; but last evening he learned that there was no prospect of resuming operations speedily, aud thrrenpon yesterday's mail was retained, and seat by Captain Isenbury, ef tho l'aciiic Mail steamship Sortlu fii l.inht, which sails to-day. The next mail for California will go by the opposition (M. O. Koberts) steamship i.oUicn lluk, which will sail on Saturday next, A ugit 27th, and thereafter, until the overland coaches can resume. The mails will be sent out on the 'd, l.lth, and 2:ld of the month, except when the date falij on Sunday, then the Post Oil.ce will reoeive wail matter up to 10 o'clock on the fal Icwing Monday morning. .V. Y. F.re'i 'mj Font, A Joke Heller than Artillery. Napoleon was generally matter of en emer gency, and knew what mcc-iires were most olloa tive for the matter in Land. On one oc. asioa he dispersed a furious mob by a single discharge of grape shot, followed by blank cartridges. On another, as related in the following paragt ipD, he scattered thciu t y a f ortinoat joke, 'hi?U hit tho core of the natter: When an orll vr o." the Government of the H evolution, the tir-t Napoleon had be m ordered out to disperse a body of rioters. H iving dra-.n up his soldiers and aor.ie guus acrosn tho fitiect. ho waited their advance. Thcv at lemrth appeared, swec;dng down on him aud his pirty like a roaring torrent. Tho artillerymen, w th their port-five., stood ready at his signal to pour snowers oi grape into tuo body or the mob. Cnwillitig to shed blood, he stopped out from hia men tj reason with tho suffering and misguided peop'o, and soon found him- tc.t ni-o-ru with their bead, a vn-.-.gu ot a woman, whose ap-s.irance presented a roiuark able ointras; to Lis own. hho was of great ti.o, and enormously fat ; while he, always very little, was at that time so thin, as well as small, that be was known by the 'jubriuti of . I'rtit I'orjural." lie remonstrated w'th the lady; hut h replied with vo leys of a', use, telling him thc.t vh.le sl:o and other hon.st, haul working peipia wore starving, stteh idle fellows us he and his soldiers were 'iittening on the best of tho iand. AVit'.; that eagie eye anl remarkable jiiai.iptitude which afterwards turned the late of many a battle held, .Na.xjicun saw ut once the weak iiomt of his adversary's j ositi m. lie paused till sin wjw out of breath. Then, taking off bis bat.hu bowed to the mob; and. placing bis own thin ligure beside that of his fat opponent, he a.kod liiein te any whether the goid la ly vr he looked most liko starving ? AsL ip m n In more respc table assemblies than mobs, nn l 'elbewhere tlian in witty France, a g' od biiuuied joke won tho day; end the i p)c, for lhe ii.no at ieast, ijietly dispersed. Cliche (! SIlrPD. Lord Sbnftih'inry recently stated, ia a pa-die Mc-ta-gin l.ondjn.that from personal ' nerva tiici ue hid I'suertaiiie 1 tha' .:' a:h.U n.ul. crimi oals of that city nearly -11 had fallen int a c itir-c of crime 'letwo- n the ages of eirtt ar.i si - en yt .us ; and that if a young man lived an honest life up to twenty years of ago. there vve:0 forty Dine chances iuiavorau.l .nl no ag ainst him i.s to an ho:ior.iiilc liio ih uvaiter. TbU I ai.t 't of singular ::npor-iii a to I'a'bnra mi. I mothers, and shows a fearful r?s;i msilii'ity. Certainly, a r areut should sc.urc auJ ovovcUo ahsobro. contr ', o iv the chil l un ler siMoon. It cjrmot i- n difllonl: matter to !o this, except in vim y taro cases; aud :;' th.it control is not Tory wiie y and ullciently c -.ercisod, it must he tlu )iareui s fault; it is owin:; Pj the ; arental neflect or ruuis-nc.ss. H. n jotlie real soup e of u'ntv ei dit per -ciit. of tiic real crime in a country suiti as r.ifldud or the I'nltcd Mates, lies at the door of the parent-. It is a feai.nl ret e.'liou. Vo throw it before the minds of tho fathers and mothers of our land, aud ticro leave it 1 1 bo thought oi in wisdom, remarking only a. to tho early seeds of bodily d;sejiso, that they uie, In nearly every ra-c, sown between sundown and bedtime, in nbsincc from the family circle; in tho Mipply of upending money never earned by the seiider opening the doors of confoc tionuries and soda fountains, of beer, iinj tobacco, and wine shops, of the circus, the negro minstrels, the reslauraut, and dance i then follow the Sunday excursion, the Sunday drive, w ith the easy transition to the company of those whose wavs lead to the gates of social, physical, and motul ruin. From eight to sixteen In these few years are the destinies of children lined in forty-nine cases out Of lil'ty lixed by the parent ! Let eveiy father and mother solemnly vow, "liy Cod's help, I'll fix my darling's dcstlnv for good, I y making home mote attractive than the The report in various quarters that the special v ar tax of live per cent, on incomes will be on tlie amount of income lcis the tux already paid for the year llv'3, is incorrect. It will he upon the lull amount over six hundred dollars, without deduction for any income tux heretofore paid. -The Secretary of War bus decided that men belonging to the Missouri State Militia, who have re-enlisted for three years' service on or subse quent to tho 18th of July, 1HU4, or who may iurcafter 0 rc-enlist, wrtl I entitled to the three bundled dollars bounty. Recent simultaneous encounter! with the BlUIs on both banks of the James, and also in the valley, prove that Lee has in Virginia a larger forci than had been supjioscd, aud the reports of his bating sent detachments to Georgia are not now ere J i'ed. Lee's total force is estimated by pur secret i-nio abouf aeyeutj thousand won. 'FOURTH EDITION MOSEBY AT WORK. ATTACK ON A STOCKADE. Rebels Repulsed and Torced to Retreat. Nifclnl to 'llir- l'.ftilnsr Trlcitrnfiti. Wasiiivi,iov, .u ;it-t .'I. 1 1.0 S'ar iS: Tliis un, iniii.', itbout live o' lo k, the garrlsin of tho st-ii l.ailcatAn.icdalc, V.i., tic ir lulls Churcli, con-isting of t.vo hu.idi. i ut.il sevcety men, of the li'.th New Y'oik Cavalry, were atta k 'd by the enemy, under the lc.idcihip of Moscby, who had with him two pieces of nrtlllcry, and from two to Ihrtc hnndre 1 men. On taking his position, Mcsel y demanded the surrender of tho garrison, which was refused, whereupon ho epem d lire w th his giiM, tlio tannoiiadlng lasting for three-quarters of au honr. The garri-on s:i!l holding out, Moscby w ithdrew, nnd was followed by our cavalry, wlc, at Intest ndv.ctH, were stiil in pursuit. NO REBELS CROSSING THE POTOMAC. THE DHAFT IN OHIO. l-Vi-iinmlo AVmxl m la''. SAFETY OF COIrOHEL STREIGHT. Et.( :., r.U' r.tc, i:tc, r.te., r.te- !Vo llfhel CroNtna; fhei I'nloitiitc. .'f'ciir' Ihtixitrh to Tht inching Tct I'apl. Wasminotok, Angust 21. All information here to-day shows the reported crossing of the Fotomac by tho Ilebcls to lie untrue. Tho iifcly ot cnernl NtnliiWii nnd Colonel Ntrclalit. Cincinnati, August 21. Tho Ch.ittiinooija correspondent of the Cazttte says that neither General Meadmnn nor Colonel Ptreight were in jured in the light at Dalton, but thatb'ith are well. The Iran In Ohio Peace Ncech of lr- SBMUdl WdlHl. CiNttNviTr, August SI. Oovornor Drough bos issued a roclamution to those persontt iu Ohio who nro prep;iriiig to resist the draft, warn them to desi't from such a purpose. Fernando Wood, in n speech at Dayton, last night, assorted that peace men, on a peace plat form, should ho nominated nt Chicago, and the Convention would he harmonious. TO-DATS WASHINGTON NEWS. Spctlal Ui'si;itt ht'S to Kvouln Telt-traiib. Washi.soio.v, Angnet - t. Retnrnlus; VelonioM. The 147th Ohio ono hundred days' men have passed thtough ACasliiugtou, on their way home, their time having expired. They, like other re turning rcgimeuta of that Mite, paid their re spects to the President, wbo thanked them fir the service they had rendered to tho country, and exhorted them to resist every inrlnonce which had a tendency to lessen their prtriotisui. A Fnlso Iteport. No Information bos been received here con firming the truth of the loose report that Flu Lee was killed and Oineral A. Y, Hill nurtally wounded In SanJay's flgat. Ul'.MiRlL N1IKKIDA.VK AH MY. GhNKHAL SlIltlllOVN'a 1 1 0 4 DCAR TK IIH, U BM.rmoni:, August 21. W'ith the exception of a brief skirmish opposite the left of the 19th Corps this morning, cveryth.ng haa been riuiet along ticntrui Bhcrhiau's tront. inn enemy tun maintain a strong skirmish line along our front, and there are no indications that he h cs retreated. The foi ls on tho Upper Potomac aro Btrongly guarded, an 1 no attempt has yet be-Jti made by tho cntroy to cros thj river. 1IIILA1KL1-1IIA TltAOE REPORT. Vrr.nNi:'nv, Angust 24. Tho ultir;etH still continue very dull. Quercitron Bark is entirely or.t ef stock ; 5ii bhds. No. 1 were sold at 3 1. There is but little doing in Seed, ; Clover com mands 15(ti lii (f ' il lbs. ; Timothy is mi: tii(iiO oO W bush., aal Fiaxseod Sil CO. There are no niovemouts u record in I'ro vlsions. For Flour the demand lac .Kmcwbai improved, an J, owing to the light st nks, prios of tin better grades are somewhat higher; 000 t ils. Delaware Mills extra and 400 hhls. liro.id P'.rect Mills extra sold at $11' 00; 1800 bbls. City Mills on terns not made public ; 7 'U bblB. Jenny I 'nd, extra family, at flJ 7o;.md 30) bliis. fancy Iran Is at $'-'(." 'U. To the trail the range is iron 'i'7'' fx apcr'.iiie up to 13 for fancy, a '.'ord;n: to luaiity. Small sales of Ilye Clot r a'. iOvo. Nothing doing in Corn Meal. Wheat is in a 'five rc:Ufs, end holder are ;.rio ; OtWO bush, old Western atii J'c:iisylvania red sol 1 at rJ'-ioi i,l-, ;i.-r bush., and ucw lo. ut frJ-tiOC" i i7 ; New IVlaware a'. VC'71; white ranges from t27.'ito yi. Ile is f.rtn at Hh. Corn Is In demand, but scarco; per insb. is asked and obtained. Oats nro firm, wi.h silos .' ij'HK' bush, at !'0(';U4c. for now, aud j; lor eh'. Nothing doing In Darley or Malt. Whisky is In good demand at x Ivaneed r it :t ; sales of 200 Lbls. relliled atl Sifi i'K.'., aud Stio bbls. Ohio at Sl'SC, but nrs held h'r;har. .Darkeu by T'lirrfth. Nkw Y' oii., August 24. I lour lias ,'idv.ine 1 10 ..!lsr '. , I;l,ii' 'C.s. iit'"l,llc lan.l r s:ulc:i.i iv.i 1" f. li.riil.l i: sua t ii;'j ' M yi .,r s,.u'.l.'rii. itiil', -ales uiiiuiiMia:i', fc'irl j.ne - Lv ;i,iv -i il i.f . fins. I'tj tirm: -il tit '.''.'no n.-ti. a' Hl'ii.i. Il-vf .I'l.l for' n.'ui ); iAl-s 'il l.eo I'M! .t . i ,.i :r' ; . ti.r Mv J.;irU Hriu al .''i -i '.' f -'ii!.. W'.is., sicaily, .oic li.'lilers rliuaiMi mi .iilv.nn t t.i $lsr. K ct.ii.t-. i.i 1 1 iiu, l i.umi fi'.l-.. Mlii'iii, v -o i hash, ro.-n sil," Ul lti,h, Nt Y'ouk, August 21. stocks irregular. Ciii -.-vn anil 11- - k lHlan-1. Hu ', : i uniti"rt iinl jircii-rri-1, '. l : : 11 Irli.is I'lll'r.'l t- r It. I.t' ; I tt -o-1a. In; .; Mieio; nil feuut'i-ril.Ki1. ; New C'ntnil, l'."i; i'viiu. L'al, Hu; Iti Mains, 1 J'i ; lloil.-in ltivcr, IT"; C'Miit-n i .- , ill ; .Mis oiiri lis, un,-.-; J:ne, Hi)1., ; rui t-ltiDil aiut c'in-ioini-l, 71 ; ( lesi-laiiil nna ruttburK,110.:. ; Ten lliiuteniiil Alton,. 'iH; ritlslmrs an-l Fi-rl Wiint, 111 ; 'M.o nnd Mi-rtli wtKleiN, iluid, Xj',';)ne Vear eiriiilenies, K'-s, ; Treiidirv 7 S-10i. Ill ; Ten-turiisa, Wl.'i lr"ivs-tiuii Cuiij'uui, ll.i' : C-nipun (U, lui ii. T)k IlAvvtv & Bro.,Ko. 20 S. Third street, quote as follows . Jluving. .VWiS'i. American Gold 2.VI 2ol American Silver, and i's 2'iit .. Louies and Half Dimes Vi4 ,. fspamsh Quarters 2211 l'enn. CuiTeucy .'1-10 dis. l-.'i dis New Y'ork I'm haupe 1-10 " pur. Glen's Falls is rapidly recovering from the e Meets of the great tire that visited tlie village several months ago. Many buildings are erect ing, and masons, bricklayers, and plasterers are in great demand. f A little plrl was killed on the track of the I'rovidencc Railroad by the Dcdhain train at ltoxbnry, Mush., on Monday, und two girls were killed at the Charles street crossing of the Wor cester Itullroad.ln Frovldence, on Tuesday, while walking on the track. Dr. Brown, of Liberty, Me., was foun-I guilty by the United States District Court ut liangor, on Saturday, of the nefarious practice of applying poison to drafted men in such a way that they were exempted for diseases, ilia charge was fcUK) man. FIFTH KIMTJM REBEL ATTACK ON MEMPHIS. Gen, Forrest Pashcs into Town THE REBELS REPULSED. Mi.rini, Auguat 2i. Memphis was (.ttaeked at 4 o'clock this morning by the Hot-el (tcniral Fi rrcst.with three brig idea of en-, airy, about i)0-xi Strong. This force left t-cn- ral Smith's front at Ox ford on tlie evening of the l:h instint, and rnide a rapid march to this Ity. They dr-ve in our pickets, and dashed dir-'ctiy Into the hcad'inar ters of Genera! Waibbuino, who made a very narrow escape. They then ma le n ru'h Into (tcner: I Huck land's headquarters, ' ut ho nlso suicccdcd In making his escape. Tbey then attacked the Irv'i.g pr'sci., l a; w- r repulHi'd by tiie guard there. They nextvisi'cd the O iyosti House, expoc ling toc.iptnre ficnera! Hurlbnt, but he w.i. s'opplng nt a friend's house, aud so the Rebels did nut succeed in getting possession of hlin. Our troops now at'.a:ked the llehsis, .ind nocu drove them trim the city, killitg about thirty nnd wounding ono hundred. Tboltebcls captured thirty of our m- a and forty borne.s. They did not have time to obtain much plunder. Onr loss In killed and woundod is about the same as that of the IteVls. General Washbnrnc is now carrying out e plan, wldch it is expected will result iu tiie capture of a large portion of the attacking party. outer. MnvruiH, August 22. The nobel raid into this city yesterday was a complete failure, and so ad mitted by General Forrest. His intention was to capture General Wnsh bnrnc nnd other generals. Our troopj being without leaders, the Rebels carried off some plun der, and captured quite a number of prisoners, including two officers, and several clerks and telegraph oporntors. Numerous acts of cruelty were perpetrated by the Rebels. Among tho Mounded are Colonel Starr, of the Gtli Illinois cavalry, and nontenant Irvin, of the Nth Iowa. The latter has since died S'urlona Humor from Kea York. New Y'ouk, A-igust 24. Rumors are current here and credited in tbo best financial circles that the Government has decided to -tail live Com missioners to Richmond three Republicans and two Iemocrats to arrange, preliminaries for peace. It is also rumored that this Commission is now on its way to Richmond. The rumor has had the effect to cause a decline iu gold of soma four or live per cent. We bave reliable advices from Washing-ton that show that tha above is without any found i tiou whatever. Kn. Ti'.i.nonAVH. -JOJITII .IAIt C-III2I21 GOLD AUD SLLVIE MirMIlNCJ COMPANY, GILPIN COVNTY.tiioitADO TLRHITCRY". r.Tjrvi.t'e!i: Hois. JOHN A. MIX, Ho. EDWAHDS FIKUTlEFONr, ' JOSF.PH FRANCIS, tec, T. B. BCNTING, Fsc, A. O. BOD1TSH, E ., CobrA-ln. rniileiits II cm. JOHN A. 1)1 X. Trouisu rer s H'bKFH FRANCIS, Kact. Coum,ul t CHARM'S F. UI.AK.F. Fs.t. Tlx verw'y of u.ls eomtr By eontits cf llit.i fo!t on tn'sirunndll," "Uresory JH-i i," "H'.maimt,' "tloa feiri," sail other oolebrt.'a devlopail Ou'd-bear'a Loites In Uie n.liilns district uf clurad.i. Alto, six lsi(leri"ii mi',nuw raiuilrf, uc la tr.cfl.:.i! or-W. Capital Stock $1,000,C00. Whole Uumber Share 100,000. Par, $10. A Urfl p inion of the st ;k Imm iirad y Wen uvn f-y ii4at; )itiJis.Ti)ti m. Hm)ki nr ii'-w o-n t. tuo xl c oi f ht f-irnparv, at Nu, I9 iiv r ttTRt, Nciv ri, wn i u liniticO number oi i)..r-" ran utib i-rll-e-l f r pur. Uy ti'-ur, o: hi.. M. ni'. -11 M. 'o(lii or i!ir I'fi.tjrc -fut may be cMAlnd at th rftlT of II.NN 8TKAM ENGINE AND BOILER Worko. XErm& LKVY,lnirtkilarrtJ TtKMri-'a Kiv In ecru, Mflliiiusii, HoLltr un)Lrs, Ula k'uUtiii fnd I obinl- r, hm inn for ni.in yri li!iln ijiicctsinilo(ieam th n, uiii b. n r-xlitftiYel engKvd In hnUdiuir n4 tvp jit in(t r-iailu 3 nil Hiv-r Ergioerj. huh fc.ijl-iw pr-iBiir, liua iidjc-rrt, U'oi- r i'anhi. Pr-ilrt-, Ai. ., rtpctAiny uiUr 1tilr wnVes t tin' nuDlto lm t$ luliy prp.ir4i to r iiirvii l"T liiRiucrf of .ill nlr.t-1, Mftrliie, Hlvtir, atid htv titir ; hivlnK t'U nf p(t m X J-darunt ) n, rv pr parJ to uie on. rj mth uick J iptucn. Etry d. npintif paiitsTasnuJiiot cat at thu tiiontiM ootir. ilirfli k-iilki-n rrv(..'ira-'ltio,Tui'uiar,anl-'')iiMir rtttiJurt. of Ui fceft Pe:iaiyhraui tba.roul tvon, VomUisa, or all tie- kliida; Iron ui1 brt laiu.KM of JJ tic ten p tsH'ii : H.i)l-iurutiK. av;iw-uUinB,aj4 UoUir wtuk coo o t itb fho aNoTo Ups)n?saa liwjnti aud eipttrooi fot U wofc dan e At thSt tiub!iih:tMnl fmi of ckan, nd work guarantotMl. Thr .tieriiH ra U outpin wnawl Jix rouia f-r r i njt t-f U.iik, wiu ir LiM-yfn he In pvrfxt iafoty, and aro (Jr.-v, ( U with uJ'.'.tr., LikJ, falla, C, Sx., fur -"niiixif ucxjy auJ JKlft .ihU. JACOB C. .VEfIK, JOHN LKV'V. H'--if nr.Aril uj PALMLtt .HireU. EIBEBBUEQ MACHINE WORKS, OFFIOK, lo. Oft IN. iHOlVT HT11KET, .UIL.UHXPIUA. are ti rpicO u. l ) orUort to exU-tat for our wU klAtinvtl; rOh OTTOS AKD WOOI.Elf UlLLM. .uribrt.rifc nu rec c: improvomeuta tn CaiJlni, Si-lnnt4, nil Wiin ru v invite tiio ft'.T. LUon of nianofaocirort lo oareiloav I'vo urfta. iU it AI.FRKD JKNKH A BON. JJ E N II Y H I M O N H, VMTED STATES NATIONAL WAGON AND 00A0E W0EE3, Oflloe, No. 531 NhiW MARKET Htraat, AoJ Factory, oumor of SECOXP AiiD CtllBEKLAKO 8TKRF.T8, ruiLAUtLllI4. Alt and rarr rrtn-1 of WAtlofcH, TAhTH, MIAY8, WHKF.LB VRHOWH, and 'i IMIirJt WlilJ LS, aUpl. .. to Anuy. Uoatl, butior, or flautatiuii uit-teci. All work r, jut Med. (aYOnlvr itruoiMliy ftiuudod U. U4-U jDa TO SIIIPCArTAINiS AND OWNERS. T -i... a hJti. leased tli KKNHJNU- 1 j. rtl ItKW IK K, hm to Ittronu hu triemi aud the p iron k of the iJock.tKat he la rtpai'td ttii lncrt-aol lacllitMa to accoBBinoalat thoa tiuvuitf vt-ttteln to be rained or rtiiairt-it. and btlng o pnuticaJ ahij-carpeutur aud tauikcf, wilt five p'Touai Mieuitoa W U vuela eu tiu ted to hlui lor repair!. 4 .1,'Uiiif or A nii. tiiitp-rarpontera, and MachlnUU liautiK f .-ficia to repair, art aoiicitcd to cuil. Htliiy the awem for Uv aule of "Wetu-rstcdts' Patoat Wctnilii t'l'Uiiwja-itH'U," oi l opper l aiut, foi tlie pruat rvit, tion of vBbei' tKHtous, lor tf.ii city, l am prepared lo luriiUh the m tu (avtwaiile tt nua. JoMi If. II MafITT, kuiuhiKton Kcrew lovk. mbll-t Delaware avenue, 1hv Luuioi atiaet. QVKKN OF El'AT'TV-WHITE A'lUQIN M ax of AntlHeala the moat frrttx-t preparation of ti e atte, for bcatitit inir. m hUi-niuu. and prestn vui the com (-it-. ion. it U Butdt. from pute White Wuv, henco lu eAiriiuiuiiiMry 'jUiuliu'B luf praerYln tle akin, mukiuir U aoft, aurooth, fair, aud trajiai-nteuf- It enr tiiappwd hnmU ur itpa, reuiovra pUaplfn, c. I'rlce JO and .'4cuu. Manuiacturtd ontv bv HI N f CO., 'riuiiicr(, Mo.il tt. AUOUTU Hi., dosiraarxive ( huuu, aiii SI'lC- lui Hk . . LS LH btreet A" WEIGHT & BIDDALL H No. 110 Mnrkft; Btreft MtTwr.Ki rr.ost .tsu nrjr.cm ti:ict, 0. w. .?jenT. r. n. vipsau.. D H U O O I 8 T CTlI Y S I C I A N .RVKRh arjitM-Fj-rKJi?, Can anil slnrfniabiinhi i:it h fiill .sioriaiiD-t lms-rt4 an-l rmnll-: Iii'irf, Topiinr r-.tn. Me.H:!!!, r.lnu, I'. .1 Oil, Vv mil-.w ilium. I'r-:icniuoii V Uk. al u k priest at gmnli-i f rtt-.-Us, f,vw c.i bs k-is. riNB KMUKXriAi, ou.n FftrCinft"1lnr.in ftill vnrl-tj-. .vi,l of iJisMtqBsinv Coetilneal, ll.'n.-al tn lls i, M d-lr, I'ot Aik, CttVmu, Rfxla A"ti, A mm, Oil of Vlul i), Anr..it:o,r.v..pri,lSiU'Mt nt Loimood, Kilt DY HUM' us?, lv sji a hand, at Im-(i-t nftenn prices. rt hu rn'KH rnn r.'.Mti.r rsc, ntmid cxprcisly fur onr snW. and tn wplob wt IfitUat):. atl.ntmn of thoHi In -van t :fn IV.Mo artl le. Also, I.WIOV, AfAKC'!, Vi .i.AHO, dc, c trtr ivl", Or-ium by mll, if cl'.y i- 'l aii-ft -t!is pr'-ipt At looUon, or ip'Di.l nuot.iluni Mil t rtiraia.d wl.n r-qn-iiid. WRIGHT HTDDAkl W:(olr..i ,ru( W.r h -n,., all-ly Ho 111 MAFiKKT "trvit, sin., rroiit. fPl t,i I A Ki 111 mi id H fc Hirsti LiIm' Itor-artin'-nt f-ir n o-i-, ct'fi'i.t?td hy la-tl -i, T.Vfc.l.KTH Strct, frut doirtK-WiwIln e. Th-? m"t co.:tnkti jnd aH.'rl iut- k in hanO. cn-iUM:. tn pirt, ( T-u-, Murpivri' rt. H;i..u. ler Itrno-'i, Hl" Itaii.l:i-.-si .-,JaiM- uLif, Mjriru-Mi, ArUctea for Niira'ry.KtCrJ Bo'ai..to. !tl-aia nutADFrrnTA su0T:nNs, PAM.A'lK IST1TIJ So. 14 Worth .MNI'U Ht'fvt, t.v M-ir'ft. Mnptere rn'ti'-ttt'T nr-d hv H. LVUtHl f'H rminiiim rutnt fsratiiftlt:(r YmrnTi Tnn. h.ipcrlir 1-Matw BtVi, Klatilo MujcMnns, 1upp .uerl, bujoJder Hr-, 4spa- tt.rir. Triii Ac. La.tHa utur.il. il ly Mrs. H.O. T.Vj.RnT. myK-lf THE AHTIFTCIAL HAND. fi. v on.riEA, Tr.vcn'.tr ami Mamifi- mrer of tJ.e A H 1 I K I : I A L A it Jf, AfpruA ed ,111 a-lop ted Bi- 7 nr. PfTlCEy-fll NEBAL OF THK rKlTF.D 8TATK9, it 'oidlfa, flftd prmpnt-rtly Vcatl his ;e and Vnr tory at TTo.311 fi. V Ida Htn, au di-ors btVovt f.-nj.), 1 btiada. Je 2f'-;jBi TV J- ALT 31, I! t A L T II, AND BFlAi Ti. Iffoaaln ailmlrlitB " t : Il to vmisf in v 11 u n lull's ; If tO tM! a t'l H) III inC Iki'T, FftUiif, d-yinjr In :a hour I1 KM". . ! I ' fo hit, i n hnft of tven'l ; If for ice to imi ue .im-ndh ; It with tiKli-lmrn Ii'mJ to wc l : It a nmiblo it--ue tVn d il-H'. i ; h ! It t iiv thrfeirors- r n, Wlwitnp il e ad 1 n ir nirnin; If to lfv a lift' or ppa- tt; If to drfl anvl fro to oraBi ALn' 1 If y.jo wt'i a IK of plPft-rir' j 1 1 .o on valn tit' w-irM'f irit!,i-et ; Ft i try ti tn to it ou woiiNI "-t. Ta' my aiHl.re, an l -..J r, ft Thrn, hkvi-iif rtj!tii, W'-i'.h.ant'. lKa;i'y, Tou II t prepared in; evrj tlnty. Itv .irnn-Pilp-ruial nt Pf.W!.UM VOt'J(.'M Vtv KotV, 11 K MAHItlAdK 111 JDK, whl h i on: I tto rami hv rV'-ry nv fjnld hy It-n ,on. -aiK . jpd at ti e l-tor'a ortl ve, So. tld ftA'KHJE STltltKI ; rt e V i vnts. fta'i tf RAILROAD LINES. IlHII.AIlKl.lMllA, WILMINUI'JN, AND BALI IM'll;K K Al I.K'l M. ClIAMIl: OK IKHTtS. On ami ait.r M"M) AY, Au,:mt 1 Hi I, "Pa"'-tiK,rlrsl!H l- iivt- 1-hUa-l-ilpMn for llaliliiH-r- .it I0O ' K.-ipr.-s. Mu:)t.vs fxccpUd),?')1; A. W.,l'i M..'.-'UiarJ l'lll'. M. I'h-'sttr at b ... 11 IS A. 51., I'M. 2'0), 4 30 f,"W and ll-OO r.M. Venn-Ill:''"-! .10 (Min-livs Tr-p-.r, 6 W,il J3 A. at.. 1 iO.V- i-i.4 j-i,i; oi . 1-j ,w an-l ll-noi. M. iw 1'n.ill-- nt 1 ! A. Al. and SI P. .M. l:vr.it s ii;, A M and Ivi P. il. all'fl.rd i S 'O A. M Sulijbury ai s i r, A. f. TKAtSS IOH ritrr.lTiri.l'HM. t.'ava Bl'.lmior. at (Mi, !' I'l A. M. H"prss), 1 1C, i-.'S .ml 10 '.', K. M. Wllmliv ton at l', , P A. St., U i4, 1, 1 1, ".-), I'M, 7 ai-d'J in f. . H;llriry nt !1'M A M. "llli'or.t Hi S 4'. . M. IHNHi-al I, . (' A. M., unit It, P. M. vi.-w nst.. al : A. M , a-i lKJ P.M. Ii iitir at VSJ.J IOA. M.,t W, j 4.0,4 f ), l Q,l Se,0-4 P.M. I.imv Itfilt'n.orc frSnilniury.inuiatirJifd'..ts itatioos, at lii-.c. I', m. Haitian ro for Iov!r an-l lut-rui' -Jst t.iU.:)s .it 1'luFM. TitiiNi tou miriiii.h. T.wfiitr al s ie A 'I , ; -0 unJ II 0.. I . M. Ivava aHir:n1ii:l at Vt A 3t i'Hi .:id 1140 r. m. KrritrM Tr ilus, wld Vtner Car a'.tihid, will fnn A Mli-Wli Li-.v Wllailpci-ia i";r Per.i ill. ir.d l-it rrcf-lia' c':'.c-is at 7 I'. P. V. H NtlA I :-0:ily at I M A. M.. 107 P. ., from Pbil d Iph'a to flalrlmi-r-,. Yrim Petiadiicliit to vr iiElrf.oa at 4 J) A. VI., 10-30, aua u 1. M. rm w:i.pl-iitiir. lo T'l'la-l- lpMa at 1 4S A. V r.t ! 7-0iJ P. M. Onl) ! lli-.'i P. M , I'r m na'ilmoro tn I'lill.cl. l, h... 1.4 U K. rvllNMl, auper iil:ii'cat. P- I'l TA T) V. DH I A N D T Rli N TO N A N D C-nllJtS AN1 AM 1101 HAILII JAII COl'ASIES. hO'MI.'K. Oil at diifs- r VON3.1Y. Jmic.ry 4, 1 h Tra ns fur Ni'W York, 1'avlng Kn-H ifl-m llci-ot, PlillAdolplila, at IIJA.M (Sl,'litl, u1 ! M I" M.so.i th- tmniH I- .v-im-Nrw Ycrli al HA M. and 3-;iA 1'. V., -v'll li'rrail, r bo ril-l tvl l-l. .-ly f-T tie linll.'d tat Mil's r-t No v Y-irli led lv.-lilii,-ton r.i.si-iirf.m, and - ll not takt 111 DT 11 out ar- r-a-B-ii-rs h..tw.--n s:il. .Itti-s. I ht in A. M. and ii M lonlln f cm Sw Y.j-k to Wa.hliiatoi-, and tlw 11 oo V M and 1 P. iK. 1. :-,. fr-j-n A.--hiiiKi'ii to N-w York, will contj.u a- st .n hi nt. and -ar i .n.?;.i t.i .nd Ir-.-ii lh. ntflrir4li.liatvus t'ld llfltliu ir--. a.hinylii, i,tiii Kc Y Th. AllUANOi:.U-;.T JiK'IWKEN 1'ailJLDtLPli: AND M.W Y'lltK. Lliit-s lavi Pli'la--yphl., fioui K'lisinit.-a f."-, i'. 11 l' A.M.I 0i. nn l I,-, I-. Al., ai'.d K'.Vl iu ila s 't, and i-oui IV iln-il Sl-o. Wi.rl' Caiiidv-n', .1 -i .tdSA. Al., I; M , I. ar.li. P II , lor K w Y -lk. Andl.-ivt-ii S w Y.nk, from I'j -t oi' Co'.irt'.in-tf ntr-t, .1 7 A M .. I.,' A M . I'.' M . 4 and I P. M , and at I;' tn d ;il 'In, aud Irolu 01 i'arwuy to-C. -I I. M .. at.d 2 P. M. WM. A. IATMKK. la.l lf Am nt. JHII.A 1)1.1 rill i AND DAI.ITMOKK CKN IKAl. ItAH l:uAO, Ol'tN TO UArjltO Sl'ltlJiO AHRANlil'MKV'l . en ai a at i I BiO.VY, I, i i) I, lsi'l.trie t.ali. will kav as Icijnw-i : l.KAK l:ASTWlt!. ' I EAVK V. l'SnVAKI). IMIKSH. A.M. 1. iri-S A. l. I'. V. riilonl il .m 9 r-Pi.! i. inhia.... h u) i m H..i i.rrvi. .t;-:-7 .l ,'i" HVficiii-ur... 44,1 Alotiitall- ;tj.i I --1 "A'.v J'HICIIO J.. ti-IS o'll Kcun-lt 72 4-I, I'hi.snrd ! ':l i.'-l rlmil-r. t jtd....; U 4 II f'Il...l't'il h'll,... y al -II I'-ni -T-l 'H ml .vio Kcn.-t-'tt M a 6 .17 IV '. .Ii, notion. . s.i;, .M.'i Aoml no In vl M PI1II.1 1. ijil la n I Vi. Wo.i ur.m.... 1-i z: M A.Wl-i"i-T 'J .i'l J.!'I UMiml lo i Tm l'ai-11 er i- p 11 In rit-ud'.-iiis h 'o-t 11 . 1,,.iu.l '"r.-ia Kllili-li-li in I jrkt -.tr cts. lo TlliltrY UltST aid it i-M.l' i-ro'ta, Vot l'iitl..ii-..nhn. Mukot .trr: I'jHHn;:-'r P.allnay Car. P..ii-:iu4r. to aa;4 loot lliO Jl. ll'. I'a .s.lls-"" fc'O tiiriLvTi itho i: -ti itto of r irt. ju4 ULtittV W ;ou, HjiM-ria-cmkoit. CALF.M HAI1.HOA1) COMPANY. It CM 1- nl'ili llmo oi' lialn-, cj.'nuioit-.'.ni,' riUDAT.JaiiLar; M- UlLarv 1,1-M: - 1 rntii VVbluMl Strti-i ,V'irf at 0 M., 1 and i r. l., frit..tlj:. K lonih.j. low.- al-m at 4 A. M., k"J A. M.,1MP M. rruUht-l iMy .11. h v a. Aiplvin M'lli'l IM Stll.lS. Uvul, flcoond i-'ii'. crcd I'kr arovo -v a I Nl' r Hir-t, 1. 1HU.AW4HK vnu. Ia4-tl J. VAU IlKV.initLAtiK. 1 ei1i,tu nt SHIPPING, -fU S'KAM WKKKI.Y Id 1 1VKK 3JUm'.o i tou'-hii'ir ut 'Vtifvtiiii vtn, Cork Harhor. - 1 i.i .II jitiovtii -.t'Mi'M r in ttio l.lntrpbol, N.w Vtrji, and I'lnJ.i I. ij.l u .Si.'aiPi.'ni t '.)uipuy are iu.- ndiJ U t-al f"i);)(v $ : flTY tr H.M l"WOHK. ianirlay,.gi.ll 2;. K'l N S.itimiay, --pt. iiiLi-r t:iiMH (i.i .unlaw Hi'ti'i'-f I'l. Ainl eT (nitcei-ila) Siitiir fay, at U'.oii, f.-iirj I'.tr No ii Kirt!j l-ncr. IfATrfl OK IMHSAfp. Payahiein fluid, or Uifi,tiit.ti nt iu t'urrtn'-y : aviiki t'tthlu eViol ttioeraue u) 1'lrnt ('rthin ti T.nmioii K i u) Sti ora.:- to lnulon... -U X) 1-im 'ithm to I'urin... p.-' HtcwiHur to Parii , Un) l- irK-'ul'lu toluiiilinrKt-iR Htcfraj-'o tn llaminirK.. It; (ju I'lf-K'Upt-rti are uImi lurwarilcd to Hnvre, llremea, liol ttiitljim, Antuerp, Vc, itt eiioally low rutt-s. J-'are Ire in Liverpool -r tviit-i-natowii : J-'frnt Cabin, 7', t, tK'.r. Hiccrukjc from l.lvi-nool und ifm cnntown, A. '1 lui .f who vi ihh tti hi'itd lor their tiloadb vau buy ttckuU l.ere ut ihei-e rntca. i ur luttner miji tuatiou apply nt the Company't offlcoi. JOHN (1. UALK, Aifcnt, No. Ill WAI NL 1 Htroet, PhlladclphU. ffTU liOWTON AND PHILADKLPIUA mmtS V-Li I. in', aailliLK from each port on Ka i I Kl'AYH, tn in 0r-t wharf uhove PINK Ntrvof.piiila dt ip'i a, and 1-oiih Wh.irf, ltotoIl. From flrt wharf atMivi P1K E fttri'i't, on Sftturdav, Auifint ii, 1sj14. The frtemahliipbAXON, MhiUii-w-,, wih aafl from Phila-A- Iptilo for lL.fitoii.oii huinrilay.Auijiitt i7.at lUo clock A . M. ; hiii! the kt ttiiibitip NOKU AN . Uaker,lroui U jaiua lor l'liiiMUflj.lu'j, on vatoe driy.at -1 1. M- 'I htMj rvw and 4UbtatitiiU atfumihlpii form a regular IIki , mi ii;.j froiA e tch pit puiiciiitiiiv on hatuniw'8. In -ur.uu vh etUUvd at outs -hull lUt pruuuuui cltaiiicd on .,le t shcU. F;-i tv!. taken at fhirra'ea, Hli ppfij.-. L-re-iiientcd lo send Slip Receipts and Bills l.tuni'V their tMKidri. t r i i eigjht wr 1'atbuge (1;;n1np fine acoommodatioui) fcppJyl'i HKNKV WINHOU i CO,, M-tf -tm H ''El'A.VAEK Avenue. pA FOtt N EW VORK. DESPATCH ihafi liMiiiJL and 8.ltuure Unua, via Ixjlaware and J.ttiiL.iii( until. 'J l.c bteiiuicts of tla-.te Uiiea are lenviog imliv ut iv oi1rek M., and & o'clock p. M..troiu tbUdplwr ahnte W alnut itret t. lor IreiWit, vlilch will he taken on accommodating ti tuii. uppir to WILLIAM l. bAil'.U A VO.t o. IH b. IjLLAWAIIE Avtnue. ffft FOR MVEKPOOL. BATUHDAV, Tw Liia Awjfnat l:i. lwt. ' i lu.it.-h ki.ip VAavSCOl'VE, Captain J. D.Carliila. Nail aa above. t or aught r pa?, apply to , . lUOMAIi KU'riAMUHO pa.. J.I-tf v.lol WALNLT btiootr RAILROAD LINES. Itt! 1 ARK ANOKM KN IB vF lOif 4 T he 4!ani4tn and Amhoy and FtihatftphU and Trmt"n fealir'sad Ormpanrea' Llufls iron. PMU-iaij Ma To Mew fork aad May l'iaf KkoM WATHVT BTHEfcT WHAHf, W:i 1B1 a fniiotr, ial- . : t Arr, At X A M.,Ma anidt'ir Und AmV-y, C. hnd A. Ac- c.ifjarnfiarlnn 92 it a'i a. m , ii (.auiiiea ani .iera j k it. M-.nilnjr IMT'M .7 At la M .viaCamJn and An.(ov,C and A. A oootn-r-' cation it At V. M. i .a C.D)den ai 1 IwU-y, o. and A. H- At 1 1 . .M ., -U '-tiiHlr-.i a thl Air.', ij , : .tuixk vV n '1 r'if St .i ol F-t,a':i,er At P.M., Ia a il'"i a id A m if y, -' ltvuiosJaiiAii ria it nd Ffia-an'-r) lit Uk I- Act 21 ( ' ii .1.- A i I. M., . 'H ' ii:nl ii .iid.uil iy n-tnt'-U-n i rrrit' i ?iid r iB'n' I -l ,m T! Ait. . . . 2d t'UM d i V) 3 J.- j i. 1 -i 2- 1 Jl 'in.i. :n, llo.,doio, .1' -IT M. M'.i-lll . it ' P. VI. r'.oo, so.l V in-'i-o 'or Man .h h'-nk, .r it- J.arftn. I. u-i'' -'.v ill, 1 I 'Hiinut I "r Lain!" He M'-i .ut r i 1 ..r M..int H-dl , ..ai"viu towti, st ii A. M,, . A '.id "i i'. M. I ar , r 'i ,! .l ti A.M. - ul )' ml. r. 1 r I'-tl. n r i. !!'"". "i. Dcnin u, !i- .-.'V, W.rM;n'-.n, Fr..-f.io It. f'-Mi m. A".. .V. r A St., 'V M., 1. and I. f . T'i '. ) .ui I i V K. ::: . i d'.f. t th.t.uKh to ( r-nt'i i. I .r 1 !:.. a, H.c; :i, :3 :k?, IKv- r y, a i l .Tir!lnf i. i a- 7 r. M i.--'iti' it r f r rtria'f'!. T ir". rt,in, B ortf, Sott,'jU and 1 Aco.ir r? A . M. art 1 1 t I'. M mm.s rm-rtt HussiiiMi-jiv ijui'0 f 711: W.o i' .ll ' At A . t . , nV ' K'n-iv.tr.vi w Y rk. W vMn.-ioi and V"v or( A I. 16 A. M., ia K n)inr.'t 'i and ji-iij ','ity k; ir f-r. 3 l! At ;o I. V , -1 K :.sij-oa 1 J ;-i'i) . At s i.', p. Ja, -, ia K-iainntrn .ml J.r V.'.,li nyt in and Now a: k 1:-pr-,..... ' ''17. J ii . iviU Hiiii.l.-i ,i-ip I- avo .11 4 A. M. jii 1 ., P. V 1 lir- l." no II IM.M.i MK'iM -1 V-.n-ll... I' r Wai-r .:-, Hlr-.u-'.harir. ra-o". tv'llr.l.nrri-, lll-iilir.),tr- it lti-:iil, Maarti linntt, All- a'-i- il. tlell.li--in ri. In 1 . .tT ', ;,,. t--i amlM-rt . ill. , I- it ni:t. . n, .v -., nt T il. A. M 7 ll- ii - no--- t w ltu Hi- l.-i". ! avlna li IM m f-irWi-iibi !i ii;lit i.rt P M. l'-T I inil.'rtvtlip and ntnoi-Mt! n'atl- iis I V. r. K .r Jlrl I..;, l-;mo.;,c.,Al 7 lu and il i , A. Al., aiid 'i P. M. f ir ITo'li-i-'. irsr. Ta-'on", ar!ltio:-lt:r. Trtl- s! urir. and rrankiord al h A. M.. 6..V.4... and s V. . T'nO A. M. l.mo runs to Iiri-t"l. irlnr .N-.-V York and vv ay I.'n- s Kivini: hm- hik-tun iN-p-it. l.ik. i!if ra: s oil I ii :h -li e I. ll-i. 0 i ai-itit , lial! an hour tio. iljiarinro. TV ''.r rim l-tn ilm Ut,r,i, and on arrl.nl oi ..fli train r-in fr-im Uio V pot. Ilitv iH.imds ot iia-.v.-iit-- -jiily .Honed --ah paM-'iier. P. -i :ii( t ar-- pi.. . il.lt- J fr. oii l.ln' a:o . '.Mu- as l.'lL. l)"t thi T hi- iilur a par--l. All ta'.w ivor lipyponnll t I.f paid f-r txtra. Tl.- i rn ao-H-ntt t!'--lr r pon"l bllllv -or iLjiiaif- l-i Oa. Il .liar pr pound, and wllln-itli. lial-lr 10r all, .laouilt i-;vo:.U It-l-l, tkcoi.l Ly ipo-.nl contra-1. I. r.li.1 P.,;v.i-n I. p... ill .'! f. r r.n l -totlvi-r b ia ran. .1 Hi litp.!(. Onlor 1 1 1 If it t No ) WU.SC'f Hi --a. Vl.'I.II. uAT.VI.Ii. .Veiit. AikuiI', li!. L1M.8 1 HUM XL'V V1KK lOR 1'tltL tXiEUlU A V .! L I.KAVC Frrra foot of f'oiirllind i:n. t 1-' M. .nl 4 P. M., via J.rscy city and i;.iuido:i ; ..i T and lo A. Id., t. p. ,l.,and 12-Nnill) im.l-r-.-y .'i'. au-i K-un.ig.-j.i. from t -t i liar-lav street, at tl A. M. a id 2 P.M., via Amlt.-.y and rap -l-n. From I'li-r N... 1 S.ir'h lll.'r, at. 15 ntvl HP.M. t rdifht a:il I' l-iCiii,-- r via Ainl-oy an-l i;aind-'n. i;ilKIGHT LINKS FOH KF.W Y0HK AND X all tho siiiti .lit oil the Cuui-Uu -in-t Aiui-.)y .fid can ni :tlnir ltail.-oa-l-. icns.i':n TirapT-.'H. Thc-Caaiil-ii an-l Ainb-iy Mii;ir"ad acd rr-im-poi-ailna Con-ii.ii s H'-.-wht liios i r V- York will lave Wanuit tr(t utiari. on an-' att-tr Jajwary , diil- tti ..ii-iaj s c.v-c-i-K-e) al s ol..- k P. M. Ui lamina, the anove Lints will S- w Y'ork at 1 and 4 T. M. I r-tiM miM. b" d.li-erod Is jro a-, r.M. to ha r-r-n.r-lf-l i) e ,mii' J.i. r r--alil f-r rr-n-.ii, priiv-ton. F'm.-s'in. V- w nrtn wi. k . .nd all noints sn the I'lmtrn Anihoy K. iro.i I ; ai j on Hie H- lvl-I- r -, lo-lav ar--, and Ki mlns'toii. tho Now J-ncy, lh. Tr-.-'h-ild and Jatu--sl-nrir, and the lltirliiicr-in flnd Id Mint Holly Itailroai:.. ri- lvr,l and -Vtr ardrd up to li', o'ejo'-k )'. Al. stoail packa, ei for Mount 11 oil- roctlvod up to 5 ui -l.k P. M. Tho lllviil.-r. ii-tai-.'aro ttliroad connens at l lilllips liirif with to. I.-Ml-Ii V.tll-r llallroft'l. I l.o Novv .1- rm-y )tailro.l -,tiri-.-i at KH.'u'lli Willi th- N-w .I.-rnev Oniral Kaiiroau, au 1 at Newark wltl, :'e M -rris and l"sn'X II nJro.-d. A Up Li-iuor.-n-ltiTn, 'po-iiyine !io n..rks nn.l num bers. .nlpprs tod -on'-litn-'th, in-iit In f v- ry iir-tm o it. ioit w hii ,n,-h I. -A.I of ifoods or no re-elpt will i.o itiven. Incrrafti-d la- IIH1--S liftvlni; tie.-n niailo liir Iho irmiipona tlon ot I.I VI', Msj'K,rtr.i- -rs tiro tin :t-d l-i try tl:.ii r-Mit-1, Wlifn tho stork I- furnlj'ie-lln it.ntllli'l .!' TWO (Jill I.OAllH-.r moio.lt will be d-llvtr-d at the fi.it of I ortictli ilreet, niar the breve Yards, or at. IVer Vo 1 North Hivor, HU Ui- iliioi'- rs toay d.-iin.te at the tlm of Urn llnlnienl. WW.TKH I ItKKMAN, I f lnht A nt. Nu. -HtH A, ll'-lanare avenue. 1'hlla-lolphia. i .lii I. 11. HAY MONIl, KrelKhl A. nt. J.-J tf Pur Mo. 1 North K.ver, No v York. CAMHKN AM) ATI.AN- IOi'I ICU-i. th: RA idtoM). lol)4. I-CMHI-H AirHAN'lLMP.NT. TIIHOIOU 14 TWO HOI Ho !l r-otr tra .n dallv t-i Atlantlt: -'lty On and atter It jSUAY, Jcly 4, mini Ka.-aVniv -t.-'i-t F-rrv a. foll-m- VI .11, 7-:to 4 M. 1 reikht. Ph rwewitir jitAriie-j.o-i,- r:ipre-i fthronirh in i -lOiireni'-'s) P. M. Allal-ll.- Aco -o-'.nodati -.ll, 4 li P. M Junction A c jititnviatl-in, '-Mil P. M. KKIt'flMNvl LF.AVKH AYVLASrlC, A e?oTtniota'.i jn M'antl.; ti t A. li. P.Tpreei, 7-lin A. M. rn liilit. 11-M) A. M. 11.11,4 4N P. M. J-iiAtloD A -romniodtit or., ''23 S.lf. fare to All.vnic, tl 00. Pound Tilp TH'tnts inodt. y for Uie dav ir-1 trr-lo -in w'lirh Ui.y are eea .11 Sj ,i. KYTHA HAliDOXKIl-1.11 TKAIN4, ! e Vine en-.et 10'la A. M. an-l 1 ot P. M. Loavo Uaddoull W 14.'- P. M. and tt& 1. 11. ON H'.'Nli W-. M.II r-aia for .'tlintic leaves 4latVlW A.M. Leases Allli-tlj 4 43 P. M. j-s ll J DKS O. ELVAKP, Arent. KIM rKNNSYL VANIA Q t ll'. CI Ni nAI, ilAll IIOAII. l'l'4. Till. HilVAT llillTllI.K T t.M K KlU T.T ItOl TI'. TO t.'IK WKST, KlitlHVESP, ANIi Nt.llTIIWR-'T. K-U.iineitM and !:u-nil..: f r the .f, upeedy, ai.d Cuia-f-irl-ibie tran-po-t u.on vf pa-icnitir, atutarpaBVod by any r mli' In t.e --ountrv. Train, louve iho b.pot ,.i F LLViSNra iad MAnK-Er fi.retl. m l-.'lo- i: Mall lr.uy.lt 7'3.' A. M. Fa-' LUh at ...II 'A', A. M. Thioii.-h F.a-ireat lo-.inp. v. P.rk. kliuv Train, IV o. 1, It Ill On A. VI . Parke, baraTr iin. Mo. J. at 1 -ol M. Harriihur Ati'-'ir-raodail'in at 2':io P. vi. I, an ..tor Train al 4 o) P. M. Pioli A "T.TinifJ.tlc (let. j Wi-l l liJ.d-l- I-tna) ll fi'ODP. M. Thraiiiib PaRe.imer. by -.no t'.-t l.hio roach Aitnona i.ir i ipoer, tvii-ro will oe o.md ei"ileat .ccoMiM-Hiatic-iii f-r the nit-lit cl lh L--V..1 Hoiiho. and in U. r.l).-!lliia ally take .nhor Uie Pbaad-lptii. cr ilaltlmoie l.xpr- ee, --act, uf vliltb lu.ke. fa.ni.'.lloni a, l'lilnhurs for all poiaitH. A d. lisii vie- 1. Hum a'iu:d.'dci' the cuUre Una audit, laviiinnt cenerv. I 'l- f'iroiiKh nni-ii l r..la ;u:u dlly; ail vie oloar tia-u. laily. ex-t-r.t sain!a.. y.JH PiriKiU Pti. AND T'lB WEST. TN v!t;l I rata. K.i Line, an.l Tiinh Km r--ie con-n- -l at Pitt lui-k with rr ijiiii -r.j:n o- ..i d'ver.'ir-ir rouli iioiii lli.t '.ivlnt, N-r'h to the Lk-:, Vl'mt to 'no VIok-m--dppi aud 34.vMurl itiv--re, and e) -nth n I Soalh-ve--t to al paitil. ao.'-v-iol ; h-r ,'::,,!;. ipmi.-n Tl- k- li to Cleve land, lit'tiol-, (Ticait i. M i- ml, 'iluinliuj, lnd.auap.iile, Ht. I.onie Le.ven w. -th. K ini-n, IA h--- linir. Ii.vtou, Cin (in.iail. 1. iiii-vdi.-, -'at.-o, .ml a:l oth-r priuvipal a-lute, aud burfKae cht-i'k--il Ihr-.iiflli. IVHMN4 PKAN' IHHIMl" ATI. T'le Through i:iiire. l-ai l.m at 10 JJ P. kf.. -onn'-'t. at lilairiviju interie ilo:i wlili a tram c:i tbia roa i tor llli-lrrvll.e. 1 -i.liaua, A '. KHKNSli; (( isil -'ItK-'iON HltAR"ll PAII.IOAD. T he inrouah I'.xpr 'm Train, lo.r. li.t at InilOP. W .cin-Be-.'t, at - le-i.i-i. al l'i'tt A M. with a train "n the road f--r r oen-luiirf. A traia ll-i Kav: Orvltou lor LboQatinrs at 8 lip. If - lliiT.: II)AYIHI Illi Hit A Is-'H BOAll. The a) j: Tra'n u t-i:, A . II , Ti-i Yh-i-ua'i Kprenii .it liliio P. M., coiine'-i at ..It- -ma will: riaiae lor Hi Jiidays-l-im .t ; ji i' M. i.i.J 1 -l-i i. v 11 HUNK ANI CI.K Alil lKl ll BRAVi'B RAILROAD. Th- i 'ir-iu.'Ii F.i.ress Trii i. leavuik' at l(i do P. M ., om net. .1 rvron-- nlii, . tram f.r Fandy Hi-tve an I P"i)l'i,. bum, and by llal-i Et'lo Va.loy kal't- a-1 for i'urt Matilda kiilot'iiirir, atid ll-llei-.nte. HI'MTN-lllliV AM) RHOAn TOP It ATLROAD. The H roioli fcr,-ii Iral 1. 1 -ail if ..I I o.'ll P. M ,coa nt ai I. in. in,, jun wit'i a '.ran: f-.r )io.-an:i aud Hlo idy ll m at -i-.'a a 11 1VOHI UKHN I'l Sflll, AKD Pn:i l.OELPin A AND f.Kll, Ka 1 1 IMiiH. K ir S-ml nry, W in-..iiport, .'.- -.k lt-en. ii'n.lr.. llo---.h-'vl.'-', H it. .1,,, a-:d Nitti: rr. l-a i,, o.-.i-.liKer tnkmn Hie Juall train a' 7.'.. A.M., ... 1 1 1 . o l-ir-,i.-i K,ro-i al lii'.WP M dailv ee.-u: eonlaj-i. dira liy thnnah, w itli-iij. v:.a.n. ci o..rs w-it .vovj l'bi'.ed- ,ihla and V d iiaiovth.rt. I ..r Y JllK. H ANI IV F.R. and F T TY-:HDl:0, 111- train. 1-a-lre at 8 A. Al. aal 'i li 1'. .M., c. un..'.-t at Columbia Willi tr.ln.-ia h" S-'ittiern - lltral K.illr.iad. Cl JlllFUl.ASI) V AI.IXY HAII.'tliAn. 1'h idall'l ralu ut 7 ;'.') V.H., HD'I -iiMUiili l.'i-res a lc .in P. M , e-iimer i at 'larrlmrar,- v- Ira iralo. i'-t i-.i Mile, i:ii.iiilirlnoir, in I Haur,t iv-n. VV AVM -4III It-i UltAM'll rtAIMlOAt). lh-Irani. In iu.-. i-7 .i A. Id an! V ip.M., conneol at Iloe-n'imt-iwn with trains ni tlu. road lo W.yneabnr and ' I inirt ui .hate it i.-im. For further inionna'ion itoph at 'ie P.'.sr.oc -r Stntia, e. K. o a- r .jil LLl i.M II a-.J M VKKl.l s.roeti. .IAWKS fl'A'I.K)., 'lliket A.ent. r-nMUVTAIMM TH'KFTS. For l.n.il.D. ,,r I'.1 n-.intlis. at very L-w ralee, for tlie ae. i.ilooiod.llon of perotu liviiiy out 01 t-o u, ar loca'.ed oil or i.eor lhe line oi'il.o roud. Clll PUN I M'KETS, Por'JS trlpa batvvoon any too puiuiri. at about two cent, per mile. Tut i,c tit-kola are itili-ud.il for tbo Ufl. 01 fauiilt-i trav. Imir Iroijuently, and arc ol'grvai u-lvautatfo to Pt-moiu tLakil-s ocrukiotml trim. HltllOdl, TK KETB. For one or three months, for the u. oof scholars utteodiiui Sciiool lu the vllav. WI'.RTKRN EMIIIIIATIOV. an EmlL-rart Aci-oiuinoilHrlon train lvuvo-i No. 117 Hook aliocl ouily (HuudHv. oxceplod) ul 4 o'vlock P. M.,otl.rlii a i -uiiforl.lilo m -de of travil lo iumlliea koIiik AV'eat. at our-liull Uie in.ui.1 raloof fare. Particular .Uontionti aid to baini'if.'. M Inch obt-ol-i are given, aud baKSUg. torwar-led b-, Hie Mtti- traiu with paAsvusurrl. a or lull uitoiui.iioii, -ipj-l lo lllAv'lH Fl'SK, KnilKTOiit Apent, No. M7 UOCK eilront. MANN'S TtAflCAUE FM'ltlM. An arent of il-l. rallablc Kspre-.. 1 oinpany will pass tlirousti i-ai li train bt-l-rt' reai-nltii,' the dv'M-,1, and lake up tbei I,, ai d di-llvt-r b.ittuLe lo uu part ol the city. ,iiu-Iti-Ke w ,11 In- called for pronipllv wlo-n ord-r. are loll at Hit P.i-enytTt'!oi,Klavv.iiihaiiu klaikt-t.tri-eta. Ttiptraiul lug iiucliv arc assured i"ii t " rvitrtlu t-c.i-oi.ioie. lKFUiHTH. liv this route freight, of all dt-irrlptlom can be for warded to aud rroui any point, on tl.e rallruHd. of Ohio, Ki-ntacky, Indjauu, lliiuoiv. Wi.cont-in. Iow a, or MihiM-uii, l-v raitr-iad duti-t,or to any point on the navigable wau-n of the VYe.t, by eti-uiucrf from PitUI-urg. The rati., of Iii-IkmI to and fr-.ra an p-dllt In tho Welt l-y the Pouii.ylvuoia Central llallroad an- ut all times ai favoial-lc aa are charged by other Itallruad t'oiupaulo.. alercliMiit. and t-hlpjicrB entriutlug the trauMj-ortailou ol their freight lo thi. Couipuuy oau rely with cJUddtfULu uu II, epiedv tian.il. For Iri-Uhl cuiilractn or .hipping dircclloui, apply to or a-hlrci-, tho Agouti- of the ( olupany: rt. . KINliM'ON, dr., Philadelphia. I. A. 8T1-.VA AHT, Piltabuig. LAHK tt CO., I'hleage. l.l tt 11 A 10., No. 1 Alor !Iou,e,or N'o.l 8. Wllliaas fetri-et, New Yo-k. I H'.CH A CO., Vo. 77 Wuthlmiton .treat. Bolton. WILLIAM IlllOViN, No. Kl Nunh Uu.t, UalUmora, Ai-ul mi U.oi u Cnuiral liailway. II. H. IIOF8TO, Oenaral Frelthl Ag nt l'l,n.,lel,,l.i. I.i-win t. in hip r. tacBsral TkA-u at-ni. flnlad. h iila. I I-HW H l.kiWId, . OtiMral B-op.iiuleuUul, adtu-wa. Pa. RAILROAD LINES. NliW li A I I. It ' A 1) 1. 1 N F. N't) K I'll i i.ai -r.i rin a ! piiixiKi.i n. rn. iiiiti-i .ii in i i v i, in n us. ram l''ITIllv TI'HI.TI !,;tll)l ion Tiiiip.k nsT. i Hi an I .net uiiM-AY , Ail-tu It 1, t I... m ill le.ro f-.iof vink itr-t, Phita-lovliia, tvrn momti-a .K A . -VI. 'Slll.y v i--pie,! i. (hop. e lo- ti.r (t.io-l.n end At-iiMi-t and It irii.n and Hi-l.w.re llav llnilr-ni-is lo Port, .VIoMiim.th. an I l ylhe e-'ii.t-i'-ltoii, .'.f-ttinor J---e H--vt. lohet'-i' A'l.i.itl .trret, llrooklyn: reti:rnin.-, le.-tve At-luili-t Nir-'-l H : tin s-evy il.iy Hinitift- f Hi id 1), al 11 A il . Yra ..ir. i f e . :te of Vow" V -rl. arc n-.ii1"d n.f U ni;.', '.-r pai.jee I., 11. s line, IhrKtili- f.f No-v .&9my l a . iw :ra -lid I-. I' I'raoO- n at-d Ai..hiv lun-iot ry lh - l-i-l ; r. il-rir of ,Ar. -ll p.---rU.-or.- - -il Ir- Kll ka . tvf-' a : ie r r.-n m P .1 a-lr;,.1,,. find Sin Y ork. t-'J- tf w . r. ' -t.i I i ci . i - n- rni Huiwrlnteaiateat. I 1 lT;" A iTi ",J,V 1 1 1 K, OKKMANIOW.N, AND J .tl:iOli)T. Jl Ilill.ltOMl. II -II', I Mil K . I 'i i a n: n :er MO-..-.-AY, Hay lu. 1 '4, until fiirthar n.i e. riK i.l'.RM tUTOtVV. l euo -, tt..-trvia , s, lo.n, 1'. A. t.; 1,2,9 1. il , 4. -, . 7 a. Mil, II. HP.M. h mv : -io nian'o .ii.ii, ;, ; ui.s a .si.o. 10. II, U A.M., 1. 2 - - - ' '1,0 ,.7, h.!l, lo. l n,i iv I-. M. Tims Muown. ..nd lh,l'4 mid ,,' tn,;.,. uu, ,ki nut tU on Uie vJ"tio..i---vTi i;.-i.r.h. ' Hl.av 11 lin t. V !l.t!0.r. , 'i',."l,"1''',,' ,l; . ' W JY.M.S X, '.'.'''. 7. 9, .i n i II 1 . -I . l ea . t he nut tliil. r-?o.,tl lpld A. M. ; 1' lO. 3'4. 5 4-1,' l-l, ' l i, in-'. I j 4) p. .VI. i oii - ov Hii'li.i- ki's ivr) yi'inci-rowv. Leave l "ii id-l,Aia r ,b o.V, 11 o, A. M.i I'j. l.t'i.J'i. 6 ,,a .I.',, .1..-I 1 1 ' i 1'. M. ' ' leave N.-T.'..'l,fi ,',7, r-S"i,9 and U A. M.; tH, 4.', I andtl P. V. I ii--.'- . iia ii a--, i"li: it. o at H iwoij.k -n, Man. rank, and iV -l-l,- l-i. 'V l - If VAVAYCMC. I-avf t-n.li.l- l.dn. , v, llXi A M.. 3, IK -Di. I,',, s r., M,d ll.V P. l. I I.- avo Mara . a.ik , C ,, " ;,', S'.'O, S.;, U A. !.,,, 7, and 'I.', 1'. io. )l. K.IM'Tlt. lioneral Cnrerlri-n-leM. mi 1 i). :. I, MM II and t-KI,l:K ,Sirtts. VOKI)l 1 ' f N N Y L V A N l A RAILKOAl). 1 l or IIP. I'MI Klll: -I. imri.l irnw K, RlvlOR, M M ' II CI. 1 SH, II Al IX I ON, H ILK1 MIAI'kt, aal lI LI AMiP-JIt r. b! .MMI'R AnitANIIEMF-ST. Al ii! I iil.N Al. TIlMNS. On so 1 nflr MfiNHAY, Ion- l l. 1H. Po-nentrer TraBss will l-ai- .tir N-w iiepot, IlllUil Streit.nliovo Ihoiap on ntre.-t, Phii.-l--is; Li a. daily (nuiiu.y cvcvpleal, a. Ii-llow- : 7 A M. -Ktr ) -" tlethlehera, Allcnton ii, M,mck 4 Tjtiiik, WHkotiai-o. V iiliiiii-tp-'H, i I , .. V 4----..ranto,lai.Mi) utr liorloitown. l-i-l-'. A. If. 'A . --u-nio-Uuon 1 f.T l"rt l .f-ldnsliia. Ill'.M. A OD,oio.lft'.i-i.i ' lor llov'n stoiMl. .1 l-i P. .11. Ki, ro. . ii-r n- iMelii rn.lai. lor, c. I l - P. v.. Mall) St Doilv.tiinn. 6 I - P. M. Ac .:umodatlou; Iur BotnltUin, Alkntow B, and Ma'j iil'liunk. o-l P M. i.l-v a.iovorla-lorlforl.sndsle. II P. kf. (A comii.o-iftiioui for I'-rt WMhinxton. HIAD.4 llll! Hlll.Alll.lJ'lllA. I e:.vr II. at-, i A. M , J i-o A.M., and M f.M. Ii,-lrio n .' ; 10 A.M., J-44I'..M.,and i l". M. I.an.it.ile it -I A. M. Foil Niiint-a v It '."i A.M. and IP. M. OH SI NDAYS. Pli!la l-Iihil for Bstliw: - in at ! A. M. I'hiluVlrh.n f.r Iivyii-own at "I P W. lii.yle-tim-.i f-r Phii.il-'lptil. ac7"A) A. U. Il.-i!.l..ht.,n fur I'lil.u-l. It-hla at 4 P. M. Illllina i lUit..-. KiM.i will rail for and d IW.r h.v ? ai:e nt ;iio i'fr" O.-drrs may l; leftat No.lla S. 1'lllUlO Jol) F.IXIS CIARKAsent R A I L It O A D , 1 11 E A 1) 1 N O . wr at rniSK live HK.M Pill All! l.fll-.A TO Till, IS'TKIIIOR OP Pl.NN'sYL. AMA. Till: MITIUYI.KILI., HLel- M I bS-li.cl MUKItl.ANH, AND . .OMIJIl. VALLLY, N'-rtTi:, v P!irwr.aT. .andtiif. Canada. PftOI N'tll t! TR At Va t rav- t'n r,.,i,i.i.v . li..pit, at TlilRTEFNTH and I A 1. 1.- V, III L 1. .-..-- --;. I'l-iiadellihiu, al tha roll-,lji 4 horn i M lUS'-Ni". MAIL. At ! A. U . f.r Readlt:. I ouai.on. Rnhr.ita. Mil. f 'oinlnblr.. HarrMilr-.-, i'ott.vill... Pint-v.rove, Trunaou. Kiiii'mry. vv liuam-p rt. Eliulra. Rocliiu-t-'r, Miicara ralla lluilal-i. All.'i.ti wn, VV'.ikeil-iirre, I'ltut- n, York, larllsle C tianlh-rvliurrf, llo,'er.'.own. Ac. I h-: u.i.i e..i iv it at hF. AlilKfl with F.ut Pennsylva nia Railroad train" i--r All-nt-'en, Ac., the Koadiitrf and t:-iluiiibti K.flroal f-T Kp.rata, Lil z. and Coluiuhla. aad wllh tin Letian-io Vili- j train for lUrrt-burr-, f. -at PB.r CLINTON -v.lli - atav. i.t-a ti.ilroad train lor vvilkot -aire, YV i lilt oi-ii-irt. I.o Ma en, Llunra, Ac. i at HAiailH lll'ltll with ' No.-tkrn '"eutral," '('iiiolierlimd Valley,' .n l ".vi-iiu.ll.ill au-l in'u h.iin." tr.in. f-.r Nortnim-borland,VYil)lanjT--n.Yoik.t'li.viK-r--iiiirg, PiiK-grova,Jt. A' I'FliNOON FXi'HF.HH I.av-t l'hi:t,d.r-ni at j :x P. Jl. for Raadlnc, Potts vllle. P;n- g---, llarriecur;;, Ai., cun'-cHn:r at llarrlt luircwitii i'ei'!--5rivaiila Ce-itral tralnw for Pitt-iinw, aa., N nhtrni onl.-.I Katlr..vt tra ns for Nuubury, Norlhani berl.D.I, l.i-illT. .-Z ., an-t U Port Clinton w Itll CutA-t lSna Railroad Ualnt f t Miitviii m ilUamanort, Eliulra. lluLahi, ' . - Lavev Kea iir.tr at ii W A. M-, i-toiH-ing at 'ad way ita- ( t .out. AtTivi'u In Pkll --blph:a at ti-ou A. M. , i(.-tornir.a, 'f-v-1-! i'.,iiid.ii riiaaiiuui'. Ji. , arrives ua Itcadina at,-i'-IP. M. TTfllni for PnllMel'!aTavo llarrii-bntitatH A. M .and Put'tvdle at J'li A. V , arriving Ii- Pniudclphia at 1 M V. M. At'.-ruova trains leavo HiirrlfiuiH-g ut 2 P. M., Poil-vllle at '.' Jii;'. d., .-.nlviuir In Phlladelahia at 7 P.M. TWarkot train,. w;ti a Puair-nift-r car attauhod.leav- rhila-lelphll at 1 P. M ,fjr Itea-lin and all way ataU-iiM ; 1 l-,,i, ...Jim .1 ll i.v.-.. ai-.I li,,tvnl,i.'t.iur Al l-i-.HlP. V M. for I' oil.i ljl'ilila ai J all way ktatloiiii. All the above train, tnn duilv, sundiivs excepted. rnnday traine le.ua I'clf.v Uie at 7 a0 A. M.,aud PhUa dolnblaat 'i ii P M. C'IKSi'i:lt VALT.CY" RAHJtOAB. Pasen.irs for T)'r vc!ngt-,wn und tnterinoilata polnra take lhe n I.', A. M. anl - VO P. M.ti'altni frnra I bil.-Wlfhia, returning jroui iloWJ.u.-. jwa at H40 A. Al., uu-i li 14 n ion. 1LW YOKK. FItL5 FOR FinSBURO AND TIlBt WKtr. Leavt New y. rk at 7 p. M.,paln;- Roadlnsat l 'mld nlwht.a :d c lu'iee-.l'ia ai ila:ri--uri; with l'ouui L aaut Itallroad xa-ess iraiut ft.r I'.tt-ibttrg. Uetumiug j pf--t Irani av e. Harrlebnr' on arrival of the Pe-.inail'anla Fxf-r t flora Plti-'iir( at li tgl A. kl., pa- .lug llen-llnx ai 6 4j A. M , and arriv Uiu at New York at 1 i'i P. Y. H'.epn.g -.'i'l aio.ntnuy ihona traiu. ilir.-u.; h, btl tea y city and Pituburg, withoul c'lang.-. f At -II t r.lns for 'Tew Y'rrk leave HatTlarg at 8 A.M. an.l 2 I'. Al. tt.il trails .'or ilarrisburg kuv lVa lurk alii A.Al.a.i.l UU. H'lll'l l.hi:.', VAI.1ET RAILRO An. Train leave PottnTllU et 7 l i A. M. and :l Kl P. M., re-liiniliiL- ir ,ra Vntj.r. rn at s id A. At. and 4 X, P. M, BCIIlYLklLL AND Be Hwtlilt INN A K VH.HOAD. TrHin. leav e Anloirn -t .!.' A, At. fur Ptncro-ve and llarri-bur,-. an 1 at 1".'0 -:d 7 in P. M for Pini grova only ; reiiiruitiitfra-allirrMburgfltl'-Hi P. Al., aud irom Pina grove ai 6 lo A. id., an I I and - P. Al. Thrnngr. flrt-lMi '.Ickcrt anl emlcant tickets lo all the prln-ipal pcir t ie tho Sortti and Went anil Cana-lae. The loll -winrf tl- keVi Are obtalnal-loonlr at tbo ornca of S lUIA.iP.ilte, liv.aurer. Hn. .11 S. HI! Kill Ntreet, PMl.-l -.l-i .. ir if C. A. -M'-'OI-L.-, (ieawral Bupertalau dent, Ueud.ng fXiMVPTATION TICKETS, A?r percent. do-..u:, t.tiveen any points de tired, fcriauuiea hud dnm. Atll.EA'lT! TtCKF.TS, flood f-r 201-) mil.., Utern a:i po-uu, at I1C Si each, f-T f.llaUie:: aud Hriu. Ki:A-iON TIOKF.TS, Tut ttire-s, tli, nine, or tvi-le- nioitth-,, tor boldors oalj, 14 .-Jl po.:lts, a: rt Ju-:..'d rite,. clkr:;yi):n R-.idiair -nth tin uf tha road will be. fumltlie wllh card,, eatltllof :Leui.i:,e and wives to litkcta athau tare. F."Cl7taiOV TlfKF.TR From P'-illadelpi i. to pnn ipal atailon., sood a-r Aatar ilay hu'i-lav, and Atnnu-i. al roduo-'-l lore, to be had only al th il-.k-jt Jii::.,a::iailrl'El.NlHandCALLOWUllX Blreets. ritKI-i'lT ii.v.d. of all dev. rlono-ii lorr.rded to all the abowa po ihh. 'r,,m .,,v (oa paav s aciv irtlgl.t depot, liliUAU WILLOW hlreitt. rilHIMT TRAINS Liavepiilladilphia dally al A. Al., 1 P. M.,.od P. M., f--r llea-IUg. Lebanon, I lam, burg. Poltavilio, i'urt Clul- luu, .UU UWIUL. WCJV.1U. MAILS Cl-.iealltiePhllaJ. lpl.laP.i.Oro for all place. n tha road and ll. i.ran-11- - at 6 A. ai., aud lor ii.a urUKlpal .titlouaonljalJlil.il. -ESi' CHKSTF.lt AND I'HILAIIJHIA HAILMHAH, VIA 11 Mil V. IlINU IHIIAMlMIR.VT. On and alter ill ja , April 1, I'M, u-c itulns all leav a. u-llowa. Leave l'hil.id.-p)iia f-' o -.l-i D -pol, corner of 'nTIRrV lllttl and VAHIv!".' Hl-e-lt, .V. al . llUo A. kI.,2'J0 p. al., 4 Hi P. M..-4i P fl. lliilad.liiii. iJ-p-l cia-v-J irom FltillTliFNTH ami M vliKi.V h-jta-a U lll.i:rV-FlltbT and kiA-'KLf str.--.li. Iavo Vf.tt f !i-'i!er,f,otr. ;!,o Doiwt on Emt MARKET Blnot.il 'JO A. t., .'4 . A, M ,ll A. M ,'.' P. M.. !4iP. kl. li.e.-art-if Iho VA.vt )-liilu'lil,ihla Pu.Miiior Kailwa '- u.pa.iy laik'-c .ir''-l)-vii: coi.v y Pauuusis lo alii from the Fhlli.U-:lp,iia ti.ii.. 'iJi SIM) AYS. I.c..vt Pi.llad Ipl la a. Iiid A.M. amltC'lC P.M. ) envi, West - het'lf . 4 A vt. and 4 .Hi P. VI. Ti Jill- l.-avlng Pli.lail.ir. la at - A M. knd 410 P.M., and vvr.t ')i--.i.-r at 1-4. A. V. und 4 1". p. M.,cinol with uai.is on tin- l'ni.&J-tph.a au-l lianiiaoio central .iilr..-i 1 .-r O l-l Mid l-it--r-.i---llal-' pi-It.... ji.4 u il.:M(V vv ji;., .,ii.ei.lh..peiluien.l-aiL KST IliKsEY It VILKUAD INES t i o-nr.ir'i' t'ij ro U-iNU.VY, Jiuie no, 1S-H, 0-aia v ali-ut rf'.c. Y, bari. I CIR CAI I. MAY. Ad. and ill A M. I nJ I l u P. 11. F- r P il- in -no I'.rnt.noM. at i A. -U an.) 4 P.M. For lilai-liolM. ai -,tl. all ! l-l A. M., and 4 and 4110 P. M . I ur Wo-I'iury, Glvjcettor. Ac., at 0 uuiilf A. .M.,U At. , and 4 ami 6 P. M IttTI'ltMN'll TIIAINS tP.ANR Tape M.v ut n ami II li, A. Al., and .'.'10 P. M. .Alillville at 7-40 A. M .an.l l -'i nuvi tiv-0 P. Yt. Suletn .1 li A, M., und 11'. P. kl. Illldctl-.u all'. Kl A. .M., I In P.M. Illa-ilaini at 7'lnaiid k-:lft A M.,'."i'.l 1 o, aud 7.80 P. M. v ,.H,ur- ut 7,1 10.uds-.i4 A. 11., und i 'uU, ), ife, auds 1'J P.M. TUP. WF.ST .IF.HRliVtXPItFSSf'OMPAeTY, DfOie, No. t- WAI. til T Htraot, will - all for and deliver P igrge,aud attend to all lhe ll.uat bialKluM-of cpre.a t-it. ii.-h.. uf u ai'li.-Ut takenbv 0 A M. line, only, and iiiit-l be tebt lo ihu ottlce the- eveuii'.u trcvli.ii,. Pcrl,hu b'e briicle. b Ihli- line nml l-e .i nt bco-re V. A. M. A aim iu! aiesteiiger ac-omuuii.. ruch train, ii J J. VAN 'iL.viM.lAt.r.. t-ui'eiui'end.ral. ICri 1'HILADELPHIA AND lOM JOlH. KHIK HAILItOAD. lotl-4. '1 I.i. gr--al line traver.ee the horTn-rn and NorUiwe.t Cotii.lleN wl Peiiu.lv.nia to the ally ot fc.i i- un Lake the. It l.a.l.i flili .Md b) the :SV I V AM V U A1LHOAU COMPANY, ai-4 iindi-r their iio.plcc. Ii bctiuj rapidly upt-iieil throughout It. i-ntire length. It I, now lu ue for I'utM-ngcr and Freight bilaineis front liairlrburg to Fruporiuiu. (ti.'- uiil-.-',oli Uie Laatern livl kion.anuiroiu Kl.atlluld lol.rli i7e mU-;,oii lhe VVoMeru MiUloii. Iivo: uf 1'AaaKNGr.H tbaiksat ruii.Aivr.LrHiA. Mall Train leuva...., t8" J t MHiM Traiu leave. ao-JO I . M. Cats run through wiTii'-t'T i iiamu l-'th ways on tuna traiiit beiweea Pl.ll.delphlnaud Lock ll.n,andlwtja, liait uioie and laM-k Kavoii. Flig.int ici'i.ins Car. on the Exprcea Train both ways. t . Inlorin.llon rep- Hug J'.-w lig.r biii-li"'"". apply at tl. H. K.cornm ot F.I.KVI'NTII and MAIthLI hlreela. And lor Freight tou.lue.. ol the C-mpunv Ageut.: h. 11 KUig.iou,dr..iurucrbllLLNlUaiid AlAJUtl''t Slrort-, I'ldladt-lulda. J. W. llevlioiil., Kria. j. m. UriU, Agent, tl. M. C. B., RalUm.-ra. II IKittHTOll, (lelieral Frelgl.t Aent. Phll.d- lplila. I K ih L. lloiipr, etinral Takrt Ai-ent, phiiu l- lphla jiihepii i. p.ins, J.4-lf wtaeral Manager, YA illi-uu.p