jLL THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PJIILADELPgIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 186i. Qmm SJjcIeQrapTi CmCE NclOSsTTHIRD STREET. Me Tiram iirre r Oof T, Itii Outre Tm W.ex. rM lerfc. carrier, ajwl Mailed I. MKIUCtvMKinOnuu r.a Amrfre- ; One Dnu-t urn rim Ore mm Two If a(iTiit,tBTVUkljl dlvmo ftr . erle nlr4. MmtiMMililntwM l th ! rte. A tttoral trr fat tm44 tuwUMi. T tomtamVi Wn iule Ma ko UkMi Aeen." Cnmtmkntln. hatcrer la Aw l.em. eia.t eollnmli eted the Mine and eddreii. el tee witter .ot nprei.atll s,r nhltaatwin, bat iiarnue Vie fa Mb. We uuet tuteitake M ntmm njtctt C.wauukaUeaj. wtaf In e treat Hiereaw la Ida Ch-prilMInn r Trta taa'iMi TFi.iiA,aomM-llln a. to no la prene at a eailf ewer, wa .raeritl rriinp.1 that may b. hanaI to at aa 1 a olfa, II oilul, lo aecar. tka aa laiwuu In all of oar adllioiu. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1ST4. Tin Last Dbaft. The Proldint Iim m red some of W Mend that the proneut will b the last direct call for troop that will bi made. Host of our generals bcllovo that tho War will end with the present year, and the Hebels are of the ame opinion. We ought, therefore, to make this last effort to navo our Union the grandest of all. Turn out, If only tor one year's lervlce, and receive bounties ftnd pay which will net you seventeen dollars per week, and secure your property and tho tlesolngs of a free Government to your pos terity I To do lw would be unmanly. MOW WK MAXrrAtTI RE V RK AT MEN". The astute Lord Venn. am long opo pivo us, la his pregnant phrase, a brief philosophy bt grea tness : "Some men aro born great, some achieve greatnees, and some have great Bees thrust upon them." Although we Ameri cana are by no means lacking In the great by nature, the "grand In soul," or the men who, by sheer force of will, achieve the pinnacle of fame and Influence, yet it must be acknow ledged that we are particularly happy in dressing little men In borrowed plumes In wafting small men to cloudy heights, or erect ing statues, that look well enough upon the ground, upon pedestals so lofty that It puzzles the mass to trace the shadowy outline. Wo Should have a patent from the office of nations for the process of manufacturing great men. Even as he who does much with narrow means claims the highest credit, we demand all honor for building so splendidly out of such Insignificant materials. There was a time now In the dull realm of " long ago" when we were content to follow the lead of those upon whom nature had set the eeal of superior genius, and who had Im proved their gifts by persevering study or rigorous ererclae when we allowed the real aun to shine, and did not labor to supplant its - befelns with lights manufactured in the labo 'm ' ratory when we rendered homage to the v genuine gods among men, and strove not to , fashion others of ordinary clay, to whom we . might transfer the praise. We fabricate second Washington!" now aa w mm. 1 pound cure-all-pills, and blazon them to tho ' world with the same amount of quack ailver- . Usemeutav . The giants of olden days, should we believe the story, have their counterparts in this day nd generation; and although our demand for the deeds as evidence remains unsntlstled, we are confidently assured that we have among us characters fit to stand with all the mighty men in the golden ages of the world. But In manufacturing greatness, our artisans do not confine themselves to comparisons with the ftooiui men of the past. There is not a dis- . Unguished person of the day, renowned in tho rod paths of war or the calm achievements of peace, who is not Invoked for the purpose of showing the superior qualities of tho luili- ridual who is being worked up to greatness. ' eV successful general is a "young Napoleon." , A writer of trashy novels is "equal, and in many respects superior, to Dickens and ' Thackebat." All this Is very ridiculous, but the disposition to exaggerate is becoming so general that the creation of gtvatness out ; of nothing will soon be set down as one of our ' national characteristics. 1 But the process. How Is it performed ? The mode varies with the kbid of articlo ddsired. ' Suppose a party of eager polit icians feeling exceedingly hollow from having 1 been for years among the outs" want a "great man" to serve as a kite to carry tliera to the public crib. They are perfectly as- ' sured that one of their own men will not do, ' however long he may liavc been in public Office or political lite. They wuut a neie tnan wherein they differ from sngitcious people of other nations, who preft-r to trust aa old servant of the household with the keys, . than one picked up In the street, even thoagh tho latter may carry a "character" in his pocket. If the individual wham they select has an epaulette upon hiv shoulder or a tword at his side, It will Ik his strongest, re commendation for the manngcrs have the most profound convictions of tlie gullibility and ignorance of the Denus i-acy. The epau lette is the first Ingredient in the " second WHMitTON.'" Then a biography in wee asryto U-t the iieoplo knot who the new cmi- ' dii'atc Is, taking partic ular are Unit t lie Wik triuiil t-how a threat tlt-fll of w list lie is not. ' Ttion money; Ui-n newspaper hen1 slid tl'vrv to raisr (In;;; then a coineniloii, w'lh -Pwral stiK'o ballot , mill ii miiiuimiiu vein'matlon, end the re;it in; u !- lii lii. t!ie J i'te. iitat htn(' Mfl''ii, f rour-M'. 4ie in.i'i'iiiv -ti -"d by a r-oir.i nhiit dilfi vni pru . Tt." p ucipal aim, iu ihis CUM-, N In g. t tin-ln!i-Viiitial who W In lie. irkcd upon l we ill" Ciitmlry." Vi dnv the Sitviiifc' -nn tuKe pK.-.'. however, the eoiuitry mii-t In- put in iri. r. or st Uast, the idea that our mo-t ele-ri-lie'l iu- 4 stilutlons are upon the brink ol'a preeiplce must, be sedulously inculcated, in order that, the ' "great statesman" may place them once nijre. On sure and solid ground. In other work, the pins must be set up before they can be knocked down, In this game, as In another wlu":h U .' less dignified. a' In literature the thing U accomplished ou i. the patent medicine principle, as everybody . knows, and therefore we need not go Into detail as to the tuodu operandi. The number kerofDiCKENSES, Tuace e ji a y s, B t. l w , Wiltkb Scorrssnd writers who "combine bert qualities of all those great knlghw of Pen," who are yearly carried op to glory " poo(U!lnK, of booksellers' advortUc- V iSSfS tUe "f readers forget a montb after peruse. Great poet. however ; ped something beyoad 3' Society," exiting somewhere a tho 3 iiphere of Boston and NewTork,.,.. - to which it is not easy to gain. We have many thousand versifiers m t. . country, who can elaborate something that wears tho aspect of poetry tha hue of the tm, v It shed not the fragrance. There Is not a c ollec: that does not possess at least one j Individual who can write verses of taste, If i not of Imagination. A single paper at the West has at least twenty contributors, wha ' write what the editor, himself one of the gen-'' nine poets, calls true ndnstrclsy. Two-thirds of Uiem write nothing that will sound like " music o'er the waves of time" nothing de serving precedence of our ordinary newspajier rcrtti. Tet each new string of rhyme they produce Is heralded with lofty eulogy, as ' another effort of a "great poet." Truly this Is a great country, and particularly distin guished for Its manufacture of great tieii. I Off rou Cni;Afio. A great ninny of our citizens will leave Philadelphia during this and next week for Cldeao, to attend tho great Natlonil Democrat ic Convention. It li supposed that the "peace wing," under the Woods, will le floored, and that the choice of the Convention will be M Ci.n.l. AN ami IIa.ncock for IYcddcut and Vice-President. Both of these men came from Pennnylvania originally, but one now halls from New York, and the other from St. Louis. One of thexc men used to call for men vociferously vehe mently now the latter a.ks for men to do good work about retnixlnirg. vilicre he is fighting hard for his country, like an honest, brave, and patriotic soldier, as he is. We say both have asked for men so before you go to n,L..n MtnlLnmn mil In t.i l.uf ll . la ' Villi al, f-lliu ui w, iu jimii ruuniui. pay a debt you owe to McClki.i.av, and do your duty towards Hancock and the coun try. Ii you do not you may find yourselves drafted when you return, without even the privilege of volunteering or fighting by proxy. wha mil ai.i. nr. sniRirrr Public IuU;reit is roused to the highest pitch over the nomination of a Union candi date for Sheriff. The struggle has apparently narrowed Itself down to a contest between Messrs. Howf.i.i,, DvF.rt, and Cowki.i,. The delegate elections last nleht developed the fact that Mr. Howfm. Is by far the strongest of the three candidates, and his friends claim that he has enough votes secured to nominate him. There seems to be a thorough understand ing that Uowei.l's success In the present convention will pave the way for Dvf.h for the succeeding term. This will, probably, have the effect of creating an alliance between their mutual supporters In the Convention. Uowt.i.i.'h friends are earnest, confident, and enthusiastic, and their devotion to their favorite revives the memories of the conflicts of the old Whig party, under their glorious standard-bearer IIf.vbt Clay. lie seems to have the faculty of attaching his friends to his cause to such an extent as to make them in different to minor offices. This can easily be accounted for. lie has adorned the honorable list of Philadelphia merchants, and during a llfe-tirue of active business his name has never been tarnished by a suspicion of dishonor. lie has made troops of friends In nil parties and creeds by his frank , genial intercourse, and by his open-handed generosity to those in distress. We venture to assert that no man could be nominated who would bring so large a support to the ticket from the Democrats as Mr. IIowki.i,. Ills friends have been roused to renewed exertions in his behalf by the revival of a stale and exploded charge made against him by his political eneudes, and which has long since been reftitcd and retracted. This charge con sists of a letter nearly ten years old, from E. M.Davis (late Quartermaster at St. Louis, under I'iikmont, and now In open opposition to the Union party), In which Mr. Davis demanded cash for some goods purchased of him by the firm of Cai.kb Copk & Co., be cause Mr. IIowF.lx, a member of the firm had stated that Mr. Da Vis was an abolitionist. Tho whole thing is too ridiculous to notice, 11 1' did not Involve aa attempt to disrupt and defeat the party by a revival of old causes of strife, and dissension, which the first gun against .Sumter scattered to the w inds. Since an attempt to impugn Mr. How li.i.'h loyalty has been made, his friends have a double in centive to labor for his nomination. Tliis should be accomplished not so much for the emoluments of that office, as for the sake of wiping away from the name of a pure and honorable citizen the base and Klnnderous Insinuation that be does not support, heart and soul, the cause of tho nation and the Oovem meut. No Sin ii k ) m. New I'oi'k wauls to shirk the draft by showing that she has put 35,n(K) men into tJic nnvy for w hich she has no credit. Philadelphia has douc as well, aud she relies upon the fid mess of the executive officers of the conscription to allow a proper credit for seamen enlisted Irom this city. Hut this will not keep us from filling our quotas under the next call, and putliugina C w extra men for any riueigeury that may aiiM-. nir J HI 11. UV J I H. We wou'd not lik'-ly ito or fay anything to bring Int4 di.-vredit so ancient 'and venerable au in-til 'it Ion a" the trial b .jury. Hut the tnith i- tliut the thing h:is fciiill-icrt such a los of chaiiiclrr of kite J cms with iiinst people of pen-, Ih il we doubt whether It i pontile to do il.s ri-piil.'itiiiii much I'lirtliri-ilaiimve. Thit it may, in the tj o! IimhIhI ili iotiMii, have served to put a elieek upim tin' power of (lie loiniiiHiu rliiss over the lives, prnpert y, and privilege nf Hie lower order.--, anil In that respevt Iiiivi-Ji -n ed lots- en'lcil the bul- whiL of Hriii-h HI -it.v, is liki-lj i iioiiIi; but there Is no d'-ii.yiii thai, in 1 1 - more eu l!ii lift ami Ik i : r omIciiiI liim-f. Mi'- til'm- nsl l ii- il- f lioeil in iti:iil .oid ulllil . Whi'i i!: !s iii-t lln -Lice n.s-i-"5l hum jr riich i hi m'i- of aili.iiiii:lioi, il li:i-, ill Hie A lie ml 'iiel im lli-t ! ii il ( i i-tlj 1 '- t ii ,ns of I!iiiw!ij n-iitli i on, jiii ii-, b.-i-oiiie a .-iy iilt-;ili-lintoi h-sl ill Hull anil jllMice. Iu ei il iisj-s, i h i -in ! I tY . w lii i i tin- rilils of property are to i tried, aud Issues involving the obligations of contracts are to be deter mined, the men who are commonly selected In our courts to sit as judges of the laets are for the most part very unfit for the task- With sll the explanation derived lrom learned counsel, together with all the more im partial instruction vouchsaled from ike Bench, we have the bei-t reason for believing that gross wrung is often done tlirough the blind stupidity or wilful prejudices ofjuries, as now constituted and regulated. It is no uncommon thing to see a jury returning a verdict in direct opposition to the charge of the Court ; while it not uuirequently happens that the judge who presides at the trial of a cause is compelled, after repeatedly reprimanding their contumacy la disregarding lib. charge, to dismiss the pane! as either too Ignorant or too corrupt to be trusted with the decision of the point In dis pute. The great and growing disrespect for the trhd by Jury has had tbectteet ofdiniinUh- lng, In no Inconsiderable meaisure, the amount of litigation In a certain clas of cases; aud both In this country, as well as acroc the water, repeated movements have been made with a view to obtain some reliable mode of adjudicating those particular controversies Which require a higher degree of special ex perience and Intelligence than Is afforded In the ordinary tribunals of Justice. An Infinite variety of questions which turn on the customs of merchants, and demand a thorough knowledge of mercantile business and practice, are now referred to arbitrators; and unless something Is done to Insure more confidence In the Judgments of tho ordinary Courts, the time will come when no cause Involving the decision of commerelal law and usgc will be entrusted to any other tribunal than a board of merchants. An eminent Kng-ll-h Jurist, Lord CAMruMX, with a view, we pre.ume, to initiate reform In this most Im portant matter, not long since suggested the Introduction of a bill Into Parliament, pro posing, among other things, to abolish the rule which requires the entire unanimity of a Jury, In order to give effect to a verdict. Like all Innovations upon long-established Institu tions, this measure met with more or less doubt and hesitation, and will, perhaps, be deferred indcflulUdy. But It seems reasonable to believe that, In civil cases, If not in those Involving life, It would be not only safe and wise, but most desirable, to have the Justice of a case deter mined by a majority of twelve men, rather than made dependent, as at present, on the Ignorance or dLihoncsty of any one of tho number. It Is much more probable that seven out of a dozen men taken at random may be able, as well as disposed, to decide a question lairly, than that no ono of the dozen w 111 be either a contumacious knave or fool ; and hence it would he well to alter the law In such manucr that the Integrity and Intelli gence of a bare majority of a Jury may deter mine a question, rather than that any one of the w hole should have it In his power to pre vent a righteous decision. This subject, how ever, is not of a kind to be hastily dealt with, though It certainly demands, at once, that sort of enlightened and sober discussion which should introduce every important social or political reform. At a recent railroad dinner, in compliment to the legal fraternity, tho toast was given : "An honest lawyer tho noblest work of God ;" bat an old farmer In the hack part of the hall rather spoilod the ctlcct hy adding, in a loud voire, "And about the scarcest." The old spirit of patriotism has revived in many of the towns of Massachusetts. In oucdny ninety young men from the country panted through the Provost Marshal's office In tho Third distr ict, of w hom eighty-two were accepted. They enter the service for one year. HsrrlMt. FI'NKK sr-llftl.. On lha Jftth Inilanl. hr Rev. W. J. Matui. Mr. lilSTAV KfM.K IoMIm KAIt'SCIlKKL, buUi ul tl.1s rltv. iii.i.isc.iiAM nosAi.nsoN. Aumut sin, tr tim Kt. .1. l.onlon Maxwell, .TOHKI-II K. I.IIXIMIIIAM to t 'l.AKA. ilnui'tiler i the late Jacob Iioualil.iOD , hold of ttiu cit: . mm. AI.Ml.RISOS. Tlierelatlvi-nainl (Vl.'iicl ol'thn Imnilr arr rvwK-rmillr Invtusl to attpnd the ninrritl ol ALKKKfl t . Al.llKllTsON, on nt tlie late Tlinma II. anil liar rlet H. Allii-rlson, ftiim the renMi-nce of his itrnnilinottier, Mr. HI !iam. In Haddondelil, va Thurmlaj- atUTuoon, lh liwt., at o'clock. HUMID. -Killed on the 17th Inst , on the I'harleaOltv ftoart, while irailantlr rall.vtnn bin men npon the etieiio. First Lieutenant OKOKOK l.AWHKM'K HHAI.d.ol the F.lphth l'uunnlvanla Tavaliy, aiied '11 yearn. The liuierat will lake nlace on Thurwitay aitcrmion al 4 o'clock, from Jibe resilience of hln lather In-law, Jump limine. No. 74 Bridge atreel, Trenton, N.J. Therela tivcn and trleudH aie reHpectfully Invited to attend. SAVII,I.K.-On the !r.M mutant, Mis. ANN M. SA VI 1.1,1:, wue or John K. Havllia, Id tho Hid year ot her e. Tho relatives and friends of the flimllv are renriertlaHv Invited to attend the funeral, irom Ihe residence ot her brother-in-law. Theodora W. Smith, No. KI4 Whar ton atreit. on Thursday mornlnir, iilth Instant, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Philadelphia Cemetery. VAHN'KV.-At Medford. N. J.,oo tlio 1i lnt., at the n-.iui-n. e of her uncle. Jouathan Oliihnnt, Miiruamt li., datijihtor of Martraret Burr and lha late .lesNe Vaniey. Her relative)! and Irlen.le are renpectlully Invited to nl teml hur funeral, irom the-reeldence oi her hrottier-lu-Inw, .loHenh W ayne, No. -1112 tlreen euruet, at In o'clock on Ihumdar morning. To proceed to Laurel Mill t'eioo tfry. IltHT NATIONAL BANK OK PHILADELPHIA., UNANOIAL AOINT OF fu; UNITKD aS TAT 14 8. 10-40 LOAN AT I 'A It. IN TIB EST PAYABLE IN COIN. H.b.-HLt-fs tavt tin? (irMlftfe m .My li. I!.- Iimi Irtin t (turn Mur h 11, in Uitlutf Ht ite- inie, An rilTY PEE CENT. PREMIUM". M. . n Il l" ''iiy!" - hi .' i; ''M' IN II if.ll. f. 11. 'i..i:u. I'UKSlllliM. .N. . i. .11 M.M1. I1.. I, Jr.. ul I CA'-llll.K. s AT i;i;ii ji:i n a tics, . lo imi: inm i Coal, Iron, and Lumber Regions OF PENNSYLVANIA. TICKETS GOOD TOR TEH DATE. ' l.Wii .Kile t ma 10 TiU M h pi lilt f lultrtrt ( u U runt. Tie Catawissa Railroad Ccmpany Hailr.i- firfectis) arr.mi-Cii'aiitih wlth cUii:'.i ntXt, will ii KC 1 ICKKT iriu. 1 11 .) I ia ivr Tlie fta'onvirfc' roult : I iiilidilaMAaml Kmd.14 r..: 1. hii-i'r.i, (. 1 1.1. ku. I'a i-b. Aiblard, Maiai!e' Ct!y, iind larcii ta. Ca:. ivi--.i. hailruaO To aiiu..ull, aVAui7 .-Ub.n ii.lri, ta 4 wmi., Hui'im .liuv Jl, alili;D,niil WlJ.iaiu-ii it. L.Mrr. ar. Uiuiani'-, am) btaver ri-adw Jlaii.acji Tc Hia.'a 1. -hi am! MMich L'l.unk. Lvi.lirli Va:iy JU.lrol-lo ADoiivw u. aiid Hil,lKui, aud U.aNi rih I iiir,-j; Ki.ilr-.-ail Pi.uadc:ilua. 1 tr viir'ety and cTamWur f tccniTv. ti.: rii.'f frt hiu D-iar tudi. ?siui.-ntt ti' ti' Tin ip i i.tiin.- to da ,0, may rtTtrc-1) 1 rt r.h I ynxttr. il l u itart oer th Jiirtii l"fntis.T arii. hi ri-ai! FAKE, lO. "1 uwn chii tt attained at tl.a Iir t f ta f i.i.u',i-l-ar.dlii .id. 11, ;:ilrv4il, aud Ken). I'tBut'lvaiita Kll rr. 1 itr. kcut, iiud 01 IW. VAN JlOllN, Tics-Kr Ai ixr, x. w. toistK eixru axi cutsKii ix. Tri tlart Aran Itilladtlphla aad Raadlnf Drpat att'lt A, If . and P. M., and rrum Monh Fcaniylraiila liall rodProta(A'allli,"'ilkilor',' " ' " ' J IT. W A Ii H A v u rv, rXtfWII t If. If, CAKBtTi, MAHtmiO IIAI.I, Fo. 719 OnESFOT Btreet WINltOW HUAIIUM, OUHTAINrS. MOSCTTO NRITUffW. BUSINESS ITEMS. Ir. J)ue I'.ilornal. All fine nRONcuins, i ovov.n and (;oms. CUOUP, HOAltSr.VKSS, vr nr l'lilntmiT' Ct'Hi4!ii(-,: nU Its inrfulitc. Be-tn' rf'i oil CvJt.-, i' )'" Pftt"t t-.r linckiy intirt1i'-t-jlyriirrf ty ils tlJiWrellc. sott'ldBn, una ffctufniit pnr. A ihmn (I ilp.njt euros. It orofromri tliO iiimlr cntriu.'tlD oi liiC nti e.pli, Brtrt by prtHlnUnK free ck pfctoralloit at o-ie rin vri "iimculty of treat!ung. ffro,1ctts renliy jf Ids to th Kxpeolormit. Tt .tibdtcs tho IntlAmiDRtion wli! h r v(en Is Ujrmic'i tho wind tnlet, pro4ur (riw oicctorution, intJ anpressei at oucq Cuftr-'i'n'on.-l'-r Ui! insMioiiA n! fnfal din ase no vcmfJ on f irth l ai eir been found cfTecUinl. It siU J::ef t).c inl.vnmatlon, r lievet tho ougli and pnlu, and r''Tuor i the UifllcuItT of hreatliiii, and produce an cay cpctorallon.herriy aU IrriLatiiiff and obitrncting mt- tors aro removed from tbe Iun,?i, Wo( -rj V-,jh t.4 pnmipt'y relieved hy this K:;p'oU- raut. It ii.ork'Ui tin Ji ratlin ofthr dliea'p ouo-i.ali, and greatly mil i)at'' the auTcIn oi U-c patiiist. In all Pu:aoi:Ary Compuiinu, bi C rou is IMeiirlty, it . Ii wMl be ftmntl t" M prompt, ea, il nai(t ,au1 rrlUlde. AH of lr. Jt.x Hon ranil1yM'1:ctu'-a ate i.t-T-U"! nlyal No, .''. Ch iiiit ieet. 4 C J(IU1KJ IKON 8AL'i; TiI,l. Hill .iNO YOU HW. LITEM V, Win) 10 lll.o 'TAT II ft'LKA, WKE 0V I'L'V 10CR MNOLIt OK JIIM HY, AIN'T TltAIt!" To Tavid Ka;.j, l the F'lm ofKvaua A Wuuoa: Bin:- oi pultllcJ amerurt In Inte nowtpajtcrnrtit If, that jci woili' drill any ),ILI,I frt HAHi now In mo lrt tin city oi l'liiUdolDaia in twn twjiirs, iuelulltiff the Huff nt I hi ItHiia of NorUiorn l.tbortiet, Ac. We hum IntrlyitMt you on your own ground, and guvc yon three hourn ii'Hteudof twol ouri (ttt" time yon anl-cdi, without rei"tnjp. Hut Jmt sv hi a uttlt Later artu-le, you will pkdho U'Mii'il fpHO tint you wll drill and ijMn aonir othurot I.II.I.II.'M SAKllrt in throe hours. iow, ah yt-u hnvp i-ot contkdenre to put ii.aniA W tit t'n' Murcantl o ftr.t'o ftatotii Mliie ps a fire I'rofd, nor I van A' Wafioji's Itcit Bona Muie nunlnitt Mlhe'a aa a KuiHUr I rvol, and a you r.avr not oniidi'iim In iitnr aJi liy to open one of 1,1111'., Haf'-s at the itank oi' '"-tti"in i.ilu-rti, . In t!uie t ourn, htit s, till aiberl il at yon K.r. oym othnr ot Iltl- 'b Hnh a U thto lio'ira, nnd o'liir to l'I'-Ul! VK0 AKHlht H'MI I hut ,OI1 Will Ull.S u;cn Lilht bate il tle 1 1 t .Natiuml Itank, ( hit ter, I .le Yr. t Natu nai I'.aid, at WHUnmnport, and oll eit; now, ti ttt umii v pi:ttt t tui talent In drilling ciillhMl lf ii film)! nt be "iiicl in a tmtlicl" or "wri.-tid on doi rt air," we i-" to aiT.tnptj v 1th either ol Iho above Itiuka Oil irti oiny tU-ct i to alli w you to u'-cratc- a.'onthcU hftlu. T!k h il 'or: to by tht tTTF" ni d C"itiitun'. Tlit- vi.---Kaal puitj ahull put Imu tho l andirtho 9li'in. The ctiMihr lo p tt Vm rr.onoy In tl.c pwit'e and :rt k It on hm roiiii.nul;"n. Von aro tr-opcratc on the sale i n- lu Ay m prcionrl In join ( hailoii ;o to l! Cora Y.i liani Y.ui.k in nil ro.ipc t. Il yon t;et potsci Mon of tiie money In it.i-i o tmitra It it t bo yoirn, ii i.ot the monov la r Le oti.-h, and yon are. la -aie ol' (all ure to i t tj e dai-iofrt iVjuc tr tio aatv ; and y a art' to he allowed two ul the Ut ik1 dr tl ou can iromieto lactate with. The eom'i- rn. You thall first nrrani'e with theHevcntlt NurioniU I'.ank. Pliitiu'. Ii'ltiu, to luinih ihir ran fur Hi to (I'tttvl iijiou, blu.uld you nrctedto ojrf Q l.UHo'f, an! ehcJt i arty t- pifdt 9 Km 0 ab above, mul ii we ilo nat open ti.t-lr aafv. mad-1- A auon at a coit of Utt Iu two i.miri, wittn tit intwdt r. and v Ith uti n.oro uoUetiaii w-ii ma'.' to oi -ri Ltllhr'a, U tnuiity it be yr-iu , aud the tjtnr. .rt to top neie to b made guodbyns. 11 wtidoeuc-te-!, tie to L-e oara. Aj j-(-h J Uj.i to pla H'.'ftut. A-WaUoiTu Net rank Halt:, eit.u." t M'. at'uiiist Mllle a, coi tlnv a'.Hj. onctuui tr.'iit:- e i rura-ar ptw!, v.e now otU-i" you omiikU tnr-fC Iiitj. ti-nd uo Mat t.ouJd rou Mi't-ed a utl. .soa". i'jp ii 'ii ai't-eii-auroV I.PW'IH T.!l.1.rR tV HON M.( .HVltl I, t. Aefr No. 'Ji ttoulLHlA ifi. ItfM. Kmburtjr 4 aIahIm rSnrk Hn ! T. for p 1. t fb A Ho iui:i U. H t.ltmnu et t o , I Maurfn-tuma "New ana t ' Con feet ..tta'.T I ?.-.-' e.Ci iratt- C artineiiaCrtam l.a Mtvl" (o Tarli, 0 'auely fia on-. f -M'Cd1'. rflau Aiui'-ndi, Ac.Ar . .N".' IGfil.enn! lre.bciw 1 .niit . H AH Q ri A UAAlMBfH ftrfi CABINET OK(I.VMr). l-i an. 'a i. f . Uill, Haveulli anilt-Ui-iitr- a-riii.i 11 1 K . I 'l -H () I 1. 1 Uf h S . HI I I!'- itK'l H )).i OK C lI.-.ll.-Kn. 11. l.l'OIlliI .1. .. r.r..;., ii a- . I" s.TKl III) Htiv i . IT N V' ; - n 1. 'MS. I'. H, S"l. . i ;'i:.-t,. r, ' .s'.p ', (r..l .' . tu ,"i ,1 .'r.-r ..- nil !-'.. i. iii.itu -i. i 1; n li. lln i' . -. in-- :-1ii ". I.-, s. IliKli hU.. WAIt CLAIMS, liOUNTIV-S, rr.Nxlf)NS, T I'AV.nud all ! a irli'tton of pl.ilnn atu'"-' tip I nltiii Mtnli s i l.ivPrnuiiit ij'iL6'! an-lpptli-. l'l!I.l: MONKY Wp ha.ea fillllit vriei n.iw rayalli?, aiul ii:i- luwii-y di, be i-wll. ti d al .in -t. Ai ni- or Arite tu i.i:or.vE i itA'.ii i. iii:inni:i. AlJiy '.uii Nv; l.!ii: A-' iil, ai r-l'ii Sv. tu.' t'Ar.Mi. - stwe:. VJOT1CF. CE ( O.PAR.TNKHSinP. WE s Inivp fh.a day -'ir:, e.l . i"- .rarnp-r. p, utu'ii r t p nun and nmiK o. auiu;as muri'.L tco., anjui.-i '- intm.ip l ie bninp-iaori-.i!1 P-iuiin? .iBl Manilla, tn rug inirviiprl, .i fir 1'rlnl H'urkv, no..' il:!;ifi,'. MUi.-vMu. :ri i in i.cji Al l ,: . ANliHEtS HAItri L, 1.1 IM 11. WUIUIN .ION. JOSIU'H UAKtUL. ) t i-i .r: i.i i.i, A:-yi;'! 1. 1H. a J'J ii VO DECEPTION. -NO INFEEICB COAL i.1 nrcha-ed f s'ttUkw the ioit r-r.-eiif aiupprlor axiklc. PAUt tL w. Hiids, UlcAn si, a- ab- e lia.e. tatt aide. Hill l.'.o : n t.AO'.K VI IN, bi-nt and Hin nt u.tned ti.wid ikK.liJi Lav.- km, 110 ,r ion. ( 'iiuuinm ehmt'Al r.a Wtlt arcttxtat cwt, rra. TAnth K auotiiiramJOK... h)l-.a GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATER JI:AT1N' Ari'AKAIlIS. tv: Warclngaud Vpr.tilatln TulUc UuJkllwt nj rrt va;e JMaidnucea, lacniiAictnri A by llie TMUK tJtAJ AMI WATKR-HTIATTSO COMPAJil 0 J JHUUtLI 111 . Ko. 41 S i OUKTIl ('.Ml. athr -fa B at. FlU-rWItLL. iu:-iuUn4nL YANAM,lv.LR & SHOWN, AMUSEMENTS. CtRnvpuHntFHmrr streettuhathk. 1 LKAJUUHKlt m Mank.r THIS l. I XlSJIi, TDa crtal roraaaUc, mwiirai, inirnilmlc. epwtataia draaia, At.ArtutN, on tiik wosiimrn. i,mp. TIIKI.IVINn hil N1AI1 IU t'lMOCI.Ii A l K'!S, Al. II10 rin and MafnlfWnl acrnrry, I- lea: 1 it Muili-, Itr.ith.vhrila mducn1 at an actual n-.t ol fti;'0. 'I lie caM iXchaxacUm Ii one i tf.raf .ri-iSl' lire. PIIKT.S 01 AJIMISK1UM. PrrM rirrleor raniuMte Co renta. I- a:nl;y I'lrlr '-'' Cl-nt, O'ca trn Mi all "' nil, Hit ol the Krom lii nrr.i 11 r nly are rcinn-t-d al Orchestra risila. Noen'ra cliaru-o f. t M-iinti, 1.1-sM. 1 m ( p.u at 7 ti't.Mk. I'e.i tui 'iici s rmi-nii-rii-e at 8, pieclno.. au.'-i-fil KINSINOTC'N HAM.. TIMS POl'CI.Art tianrof Kr.lf rtal'imi nt, Nk ICiTan." liKrHIVIIM A N I i W V Ai-nii" am: llnl N . Hi:ruNli htni-t (inniiilti.f d iu'' crs aii-o hy Wr..lohli l.l'i, bsfl l-onn rntirr-l n4 l-i-'OvMid anil nt I-. tm-mii-H fil'lniilin Itm aiwltsl by ni'y 1 'laMlilimi tit f t l.iial hi II. c rltt . Almp and cdirlenl Onrritra, iimlrr Hie rtlrnpll-n f t 1'nil. I' I,inc, I. an nu n I'nua.cil, hihI a rl.nii i' rrot-'ramina o( ncai Ir au 'imrntai Mmi-Ic H ill lie ni(!u( M raili evfininif, froo fit 1 ifi:ic to lln fiti'lliM -i- 1 Ik-I'onci rt I. riml Ihim. nlr). mid r. .minniinitii, tin rriirf"! im-nl, atiisi i' r, and tho nttMi'lnti oIHi n' d ll' rouiiii'idnllrtR. a ! Jin Hl.NIIV II0I1M-MI. rmpm-inr. r'ATUHUNO OF THK CLANS. I HI Ol I1SH IIAVKS. hiphivtii sHi i, i.avi;s 1.1 ii p c.M.rnoKMV CI.I- H. c.r plillailullililt. Willi.'- rrlKliralPil a' A sNi . TI N H-.THI AT, mi MOMi A V , ..--ll.' r ll Mli, Ni.. I Irava Tl.irlipnlh ruid ( Ailuithl!! ati-o-li-. ol s1,, lis, II X. I, in. airt4 1 '1 luck. ).ru:iiioii TI JicIp, r-fiponl,, 'I I. kill inn Ihi lad irmn il.-!r,p M. rii-Tii-iii. Vo. f'-ii CliP-irH't atrrs-l 1 ,Tnl,n, N .. IMfi Mnrkrt ain-Pt ; Cuirie (liirilnrr. H. I.ltf.ith lr pi. piii-imk roAil ; V II turn t mi f run, Hf., Nil. X S. F.Khilt hln nl ; 1 aln'l M' lull rp, ilnl.' n' al'l-J . tm p Srciiinl al ri'PI ; .'aini-s Ura I nit, fi.-nlmrd itropt, I rliiW HutP'-nlli : IkiiiIpI M. Itroivn. yli.nnrJ Mrppt, l-t li-iv Ht-y ar.t. ( ntli t Iriuin HnniVra, l:.i'ir aM-iit" r.inl W il'i w ptrc i; I-. II. , nn-n, N. sll f'ni. . I" k iad : J hunf Nrlsiii,, Hi rn tt it-p, Kixtl. an it M!: or atipi'n; .ii-lin liji'c. No Im; N '..ul fftn-i-l ; fir t VLiipn lri.11, Np. io-.ii i-iie w-.i-tl utri-i-t; he.-ml ( llpt'a.n. Will ml Nnnth, No L'.-O S. rm-nnit lroit; I i l.ort HaiP'i'iin, Wljlar lnt, l.priitiMi-, , Anllinfi) llni ., mil iitn pi, t.i riiia'ili'i n, or fivni mi) oi ii.p mcin II. irl l.'ip C'lb i-r l'i mm'tlpp. I'-lrrn ris-Plvnl for ILp liar i;i- loTil'i1y, Annual I;i V rpll rali il Itrai-i nd strln r.iin.l tpi. Iptt pit-fc'ia-iil fnr li.arnCHsiPn. 'I lie mi'iilnrii tvill met In tip i I ,h JUi-'Ui on Mi.iulai ,h-l'IPtnl ' r al ;; o rln-k l;y c ..'pr.l tl ( lilif. I"l NCAN 'liHlliT.lrriiar. W ii.i.u tiMipi.Trras-.u-pr. au-.1:;- I; A I.. I.ADNKK'8 MILITARY HALL, ISO. C! if. TIIIKII Htrpol. rr..:eT tNi.l.l Kl., liip v 1 11-kiinHn Miiimtro, I rn tiiiM il at t.iin aoi.nlar pluct- c-r r-N0rt, an tl.p iippu.r of a (n.wi rtul frrlptrn, and i-very ctpiuii" pLap uplpi-tlotit oi tiirr toil sic arc g.'von to II. e atulip n'.i.- Kr.itHlionalj-, ' ? pi r 1T roil CAl'E 31 A. Yi 1IIK HTAINCH AM) COMMOMOHB RTKAM1 R "MANHATTAN," C ATT A IN E. A. KYTHKIt, Of tl o Cap. May lino, Ii now making her roftilar trim to C-.VPL MAT. lcai lc( AK( :II Stn et miaxf. tvery, ll.urtdny, and Suturdaj at r.lno o'clock; returning will Ki'.c raj May , ry Momkt. Wmliiaiday, and I rlilay at I all- at tight o'clock, tnnohlnf a. Sicw Caatla going and ralurnliif;. Ir'art f.'OO; rarrla'.ra hlra Included. C'lilMrcn haJf firlca; carrlagp hlro Itirlndcil. Rcrvanta (l-'; oarit-igp hire ttra. J'rilgiit at low rata. So freigU ncoivad aftw a o'oloek, and Iu all caaot luuat ba rcia'd. Jj'.'l-lf A. STT.1TAR.T, APnt. ""educational" PPOAI) STREET ACADEMY l'Oll HOYS, J .Nn. 1OT 8. llltO.Ut 8upI. K ItdTII, A M.,l'rln filsl. Dullas rtaiimetl MOMiAV. Hi li-mlsir ri, ks;i. Ni m ( atalnntip nn rvaili ami imi.v in luwl al ilpfr. uiiKford under ('ontlnor.tu' IJrtel; al Mr. lluyt'ft, 1 a itli nt-d CnLfcnut stroeti, nn I a' tl.o I'rlm liml liokiitiiri',, A-!. . a-ilii-tmii-i.t' JAMESS.Umn.TEACIIKHOl-'THEriANO, No.klSIVTUEK'ni fclrort, l:owti,.rili p. mi3j tm- ESIOAN BANK-1T0TE EEPOETER. Till". ONLY ll.VNK NOTE Rl'.POKTEll IN riULADKLriUA. rimuHiiv.D WKI.KLV. TV? Mi'.; on containing IJIjOTATlONS of Hank Notes iu roi u crTiKs.Tict HIII.AHKT.PHIA, - NI-WOKK, HALTLMOliK,, i CLNLiaNAIl. 1 i.o only oi t which c-nului llio NATIONAI, HANKS th fiut an oi'Kiuii'i d (offlcinl Ual). The oi.i- ont vliich contilu tin iifisiiiur, ms COI : NT In r.lGUTI'.EN CITIES, 17, -. MIH.AliP.l.rillA, W AMill.NimjN, l:K.Il.H1 Kit, l-n tniii no, t'lllC'Al-O, lii in i( i:, llAI.TIMOI-.I , I i.. Ml. AMI, AMIAM, TROV. 81. I.OI IH, liAVLM'UUT, A"K.V YOIIK, CINCINNAI I, H ILMIMifON, NT. I'AIT,, I OI'lMVIlJ.R, .M.LH At Ki t.. Ti e i nly ou ulitdt yU e tK rarlieit Inforniutiun ol M'.W COI'NTEIIIT.IT KOTLS, )J.WI'IC MARKETS, STOCK TAIll.KS, AM IISANCIAL -VI.WH. H e fa i::r.- if l!ie AMEEIOAN BANK-NOTE SEl'OKTER, KOTU flNANCIAI. AND Tn'ui.BUMIIC, ARL I'M I'ALl.D. nt HnClllrnONB (I'HB AMM'M., IN AllVAVl.'U. Wn kly J bvtui Monihly 4 Montkly H. DM H ('.... (UN 8. 'lll.Illi 8ll(i:i.l',(l.didrloir). AliiillUN, s i:. OOIIF.N'. ri r.i.isiiua. anii-lu MUS. JUSKI'U 111 1TY IlKSIItES TO IX ti'tni lior fititda tbul n.e I at inni.oil troni No. 4i7 MUHM T Mtri.vlloNo.iSb. Till KTU Hun t. II ASl'I & IIl l-TY S NEW 11LANIC HOOKS " and hinilcol-ry, Ko. Z! fr. Ot l.'tll Ktreit. Opued To- tn. KNi:iNK ARNOLD'S Wlil'll NO VLVllt f ni1.! t'iiiviu Iniv, d.nct fii-ru Loiiiioii at t'UAhK A lll.'KTVS Np4 Ulaiik Ivk ami Huil iniTi Hioie, .Nn. -V n. I ul I; I'll Htucl. ON 'Utl lil.Of-KAliK-L'I'NNER " I'RIN. i - a Aiu.e," wai raiitfirt'il an Inwlro ol the U'orld a I mi- r-1- i dji I'ais-r, antiunion ni hlch la Innate al I'llASi: Ill'l I 8 Ni w HlMi It t'u a-:d Hta'inpn' Hliirt. No. vx k. l ln Hill mrcpl. v;; A.NK ROOKS Ol' EVERY DKSCHIP- lyn on 'iai..l,tir mudti lo n-.ilpr. aioi 4ll t clt ancd ll t-UAHI. A III 1 T' Novi Itiank rrok ami HtBtlniiirr NIihto, No. .-' H. HH Hill Blro.1. M AN OK THE OJ.T) VAKIETIES 01' iiPIlp, I'aii, iiml Koip I'aiier, nuicU aii(iorlor to I. 1 1 - ijt iiiti-c maniitai tiire.can lm irpa at ii Am- inirvv H, Ni v HlinL I'.ool. au.l Hlntlniipry 8'iire, ".. m. I tin: ni Hii-ppt, I "ll I) ENS AM) n.Sflf.S TOM-IT AU'. '. I i -I'.e-pii, aikI vrat'iuiiti'il fi.r ono )iar, ran ba t H.lal: Itri rv s lPW lll .nk ll'i h aisl Hlatl m irv Mi -! S. I'lini l ll sir. H. 2( i.1;; it.i: Ci NT CAN HE. SAY I'D ilY PER. : . -oit HliiMuni i ai t u ihi. ,r nil r n h Mi-w lllunk a ul P'l ill ry Mi.rn. Ii i Nn. . ' s. I I h ill Kiri I, '. l"l'IN. ORIENTAL LETEESIVE SOAP. uiftOTiula, at)' . !n di:lj uhv ti) nt l- .Ltt 'it.t huadr- i) ttioii-iunt) r.uuflie in fonnsyh uti.. t.'. i.t. M rc cVh s. with tvi Q thinU lets Ulr, cut l; w.islutl wnn U tf.uii m y t'ttuT Will. Utttie In tfc ( iiittd .Stk(-, Hint M-ulAfiiy ol' our Dclor:lvt (J ..i ui io-'u tJ H9ral brtunlois eidp-uirkurs tm ntver kiitw h.-n to BuiiKa good )!, to ukke imh a: khi i r -ur I) !r-.v Suaii, wUcd Umv f tt H()on t': mrl.i , v ttii if i-ii.ti niui-ut-i U) impriiK-lplu'l 1 Ajtr to tt-11 t)it Ir iri Ui an n- d U t Iu ri'ttkjt o . 'rt ! i) t tv.Kn .'t. i'iy liui!)- TAX EA&IK & KcK lCKE, ,-.-i..i l llll. VI'UJUA. HOOEER'S A1.-F VAITTS S. E. CORNER THIRD n i Ui:svi T H-mw, I'M'BR INiri r si a i ts 'i'lXKi.i: ti ll ufrice, i'i;isxN s oi.i) mAiiii, ItE 0O1.ES r AMi Itr.sT A1KS IN T!!B I'lIY. OU' ll!IAM)l-S, V1NK, I.IV8. HHKII.S, C'AI.II OIINIA AM) CAl'AWI.A WINtS ANH I HAMHKS, K Si il.lNll, lklsll, 6C0I' 11 AM' A VKUli AS U-ti AM) lilinWN mulT. T-ii cell 1-ratvd old surul hnvini; Iipph tp h-i Aiiwl aid t 'pir lUnlily f' Sued, Itli oun of Hip lliMiit il'k k ol A.ei mid kholep I In ilic, if.e riiiirii i-ir invlie iiil li ili It: lo givi' Uiu a i all, coiindput ii of lln-ir n(i irnal aii'.'-liu gHEAT CliTKAi, CL0T1UNG llOCSE, AUCTION SALE 8. M ACKI'Y-8 AVC1TON ROOMS, No. Mt MAIIlr.T B'r-rt WANT8. k RKCUlM.s V ANTP1) Voiff 'OMI'ANY fjl E, rifTip-N .ii t trmii r, et MpI'I'II'h L b Hull, I n V' al ' p I;.. l.prp l . a, I an 1 1 Hi it Hi. hi, ii i ii i a il to in ii ie nut In mi., a- .. n a i npmpml l.ilo ii r i . l. lilliKiNn aiw4 t l.r. ttillirr ruilier loi I-it vti ll nrii. S TI-'N VOI i-NTLTKSVAM'l 1 IMMI'. illatn.v fi r llni e . nr.'Htu iii n, an1 if 0 I lP "l I TllllP-il Ili-IK'll'. - o ". 'ii pi to lia ' tip- -h' ! f. ol -.-j -. ip-i. .wi I l ' , I'ivt N';UiUi'il' !. ii-d, lor wlili li Hip I lm.pi orlop wiil Is- pa d. v. li. ll t i ns. Ni .11.-. M Sr KM II Si, i t, anil St l:i"i-i I-', '.'d ii, !. inll.lLKY AM) CAVALRY H0US1.S wanlPd. A.--l-TirT IJi ATltl uMi.r, s-fli .?'s O, ni, I'll I . MH i l-.lll (PA ). All . fl ". Hi t. Il'il-np niU.-ihV f i.r ll, p Arlllipn nnil l m air. iipi i n IV tip (.IITPllRM 'I i (111' lillli'Tfllll' ll, til Ii l'll lliA. k. t, hi a lull' rtlpn, nl,pn fitcai'iiti il In iiintl!l"ii ol pis'-l fiii prmiT. apft atiimnl In is n.iiippii d to the u-i,al lioiornnu nl llli-S-( lion IllflTI In lm. ati i pitptl H"r.ip In hp ii'-itw -p,i to Hi. I'ni'pil Kiai- i In-wfior HI Hip W II I.I.W I'KSX tl III iVMllir.l Mint, l,c t'prn f'lirtilli at il Nuitli -trii'lt. Itr opdor ol i i.lAfiPi tiis-.igp n. Cminiati, Ai.iiilatit (Jtiiti tcrnJator-llolll'l'nl U. ti. A. IlK.OftrVR 11 Olt-fl'. ett?5-10t ratit.ilr and tji:nTtpmii .irr. T K A M S T K R S WANT I'. II . ly,'fiT (( WAsi'j; i, -7, WA'nviM'ii , It. C, Ar-n-i R. NU, V(n'rl, At etir- ivh IM SlthKli (vi w NK TIUM nAM h''M', 'I V.AMHTKHH each rapM'tA of flrlv Ir p wiiii im1 line, win! mmin.iiiir t mule ti'unn, 1 f hiiol. wlio r" r mrM'tfiit to pMrfnrm Uioduly, lh pit r-r month v ll) Ip thlrty-iK ( '..) il'.lin, , lil rntl tn pet mul hnpi(ni pin iliii, includiiAK tli boat n'dl cm tti tl iri' v :.( n U k . piiftiiun-. ujx-u tr ititiKK tu tum joiit. iwint iito (vft t" ((! 'I omsir. Ai piyto CApt.iht !I.r.H. TOVPKIXS. A. Q.M..IT. B. A .oornpr ot TU LMV-hh(i anl (iSunvu, Wh li)tt)h(l).C, t. II. rc KKR, Tlrfgtilitr fleiirrtl ndChicl giiArtrrmaitrr, CHOX'SK M'AMlin IN GKRMANTOWN' r ClK'nut Mill. -To rent fr jour, or I" hir itu, Aiiurr-,, ltli lov,ii-):i BnJ lirlr. Ik 711. I'mt Oft'c-, PiiiifiiifltpJtit. uU-tr lOIlN. Va.a f t it s IiT fr B-P.:i. wif o '"iauk'. A' 4-t l;f ll AVArsxi:i), :i(M T-ii tntorts, fto Wtifclu-rlRUt, 50 Jllnclvemlt lx, ami UO Carriage Trliumor. Win will rwoliri! IL" hU'ipit tsln o' Oo-etmiient t' ralloru, and tnodk.1 attendance. Tinntr-ortaUon fnriLiI.ed bj aidjlvt at No. i rii NNHYIA'ANIA AVIiN lrK, W ASIIIHUTOB, D. C. E. J. 8TBAN0, ( ap a'o.A H. M. JAMV3 M. KLLLY, ain-M Qoannraslir i Aim'. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOlt SAI.K. AriCBrtO WORTH IN GOOD H(ttMi)t bi.O mm All. on trrrtit t mill r urt'lM r, i with ir v Mir mi tiicumtrnnc,fiT cabu and it -ort triJu. Iiifiiifrp tft from 10 to l l uftl-cU A. II., T1IOH.M. I'J.O MAN. No. iitiT 8. 1 Ol UT(I Pireot. GTO RENT. HANDSOMKSTOUK. WITH 1 1 Ale 'tui vrlf (ii, And (IvreiUng. bio.-; -1 8. Y.LK- IH. J. DAVIDSON'S CHIROPODIST AND J ' liuthliiK i;sti IM.mMH, N'l .'H.hM iM mriTt, (tntiiiPC l-o h l.t :u t -ttw.l- lr. 1aVIIM(.in oil hi HcrYlrxb to I.ndiet nnJ Ofiiilf-infii an a OJr.ip dint u( i crlrncp, Biin pmuiix Iriiinf 'I'Alc reltd a eAirtu'to of Mt ami hnrU Corns. (,M rttor ot NmiIn (fro wine In i!r f1rr , urul mMitnl at. cue ant rjr:iwr4kl An J intcti left, in mil out of IiIh rcilrtcncT. Al iiif entHl.ltHlDiH ul. So. ?.H M. Hr!flMHtuol.( Ail Im fiIIld Jlut AHd( Oil' llnfl rA,('oMMiOMT..d l'-Ullitt Biitl biilliur aim Vaik'I- HuthB HuNull'hur aimJ V iijior liittli nvr vortliy tnc e-'lH-'ni AttemU Ubf luviiJl.l, u wlMiulioiiu-H hU porhopnl alu-i tion. ai i-ti UMTEI) 1ST AT KS, t A STERN DIHIUICI OP 1'KNKSVJ VAN! A, .Hf'T. THK I'KI'.SlIiKNl (r THK t'HtTI.D Hi TV.H to iui: makhh w, or 'lilt, i asikj;n iihiju t Ol I'KNNhl I.VAMA, oitr.r.nsu:- V IlKltKaH. Tlx TiMtW-t Court of tlm Vullrt Binl.-4 Iu autl fi r (ho Fntt-tu Ji-trnt ol l'ennvtAnl:i, nvl "y nud il'tlYprAi.'W!;i.p f'O a Libel, tiled in tlio uitmr- oi iho t iiltt-ii StHtCit ol A:nei:ca. Imili di-o'tttl Jill t-rtoii'- In Ruc 'ial ViUo l ave, it1 pn ttnd fo tiAvo, ny n-M, lille, or intercut In t.v hulrt-il mid tliirty-lli e t-uks hiiU twint ti' C'liui'. c.tual ! t!: CiPlcd Htat hU inner hMfeTOM' js rot a filoi wore f the Umtod Stoui, iirdei- t,v (jniin;tj;rl ol' ricrci1 tlrtMy, fuui inAiiiti r.nnO broTiM intf iliis ditrlcl, to ho inonlshetl, cH.I, And omIU-.I lo iitrj-fuotit, Nt ttiKtitjit- And p!re llll tii'iniliicn, Aiul to tor ot) tot IjervHikT cirjceil (ju Vv ro rruiritiL. Vt u ato Uicrid.rr tliArnod nod fitricM enjoined nod C'lUtniHiHU-M-iHt yononi't fut, titt 41. At hy (ilitdlOriKltseJIirebf-lllH lliul iPftM 1 1 O of HiBdA 1)' n T,oAiHrH fit.tcil unit oubUlied In liic iii of I'lnU dolj hin, And in Ihe l.'nai ln'.illiir;ur, ou tlj inonl1i Hint cuo.orcAiiw lo be noiiitid nuil ctlol. rx'rcmpto- XiU , All M4-P011 111 KOIlC'l jl WLO llUVf;, !' jrltll(f to liHve. Anv r.yU. lit lo, or tntrsl in t' fnid two ImuUnMl Aiut ll,in fl e t airn ah1 twelve h&kt of cotton, (u upponr brloie Uie Honor Atle .10IIN CAlV AI.A1-KU. the Jud 'O ol the nid C Mrt, t Oi l:iiii( t Court nm, io tlu city of ri.UAdrl hU,on tlie twouiH tli ('Hy Atti-r publicaiion ol iho'-e oru nci.j,il it !h- ruu'A-,or c ou tho ntvt eonrl iIa IkIIou it. a. beltvft-rt i la hhaI hours of tn arinu (-Aiih04ttliu nod then to ihow , or altcjo, in duo fonn oi (aw, a rL-Aon-Ahle mid Uwtul t 4Mi.,o, if any tliei he, th tl diild two hui dnd hi d thlit -Uve buK-i mul tnt lre lui;it of eotton. fthotild n A bo iTonounreU to btlutc, at tho tliiio of the capture of tttf- ft ante, 10 tie eneuilei of tit f'aited H'Alr. unit a Kud Ot thiii tueiule-t r oloti wise. 1iaI: And tilitt t- con-dvnm.-itln, tu he-ailjiifiLed aud l oodei.ttied a-j-i-o l and ls hil trli; Aiul inttiier tdo And rti-eiv In thin Imluli Ai to jiifctlee uLnll a,pOilain. And lh joudiih initiUMU . or eause to be lolo i ikd. unto All plmkohs torend. tfeuc rll (to ihoni tty ti e lenor ortht.e itteBctii it i tUa lot. iuAled), Hint if I hey Almtl iiOtAopcarAt the HLd )l.e obovo-m utloiiod, or AeAr Aud nhaJJ nA Aif iw a reHFonalrlo Ant! lawiul cAtiso to tho eoutrAry, then tld litric. Court dot:i ini-'LilAnd will pt' -ced to adindi u tifui en the mM nptor , And mnv piuinnmrt UAt tho AAld tiro hiiudrod aud thirty Uve le a ml tnolvo hfl?t ( c.tio did belong, ut tho tlnid of tlie euotoieoi lha muuic. to the fucimeh n Hi. t' tilted StatfH i.f AmertcH, Anil a. g.-dn ot tboir cut iulo., or otlKTWlMT.liAble mihI iihje t to roniU'tioii mid t .iii deiai;klku,io lo AditidK'-dOfidcot.dt nuied lawful ori, tb iUfc ac or raihtr ectiluiTAn O' ihe tieinoiiH cited And InllniAtcd In nis wl-e notvi(hHtAndlnft,Aiid Cut . u doly reriitf lode rii! hlfii t Cuiirt uiiAt you do In the .n'tnisca.tosei'ior with ttie.--e jiri,",ui Wltoe.-ft tliu Iliiinlh!e iltHIN CAIWALA1I ft. .TlU;o of tho kAUl Cotui, ni rnilHeii hiH, th I nonty ',.tidday of AtiwnM, A. ). IHi.l. A'nl hi ti oc'iftitc u nt't year of ti w Indi orti.h'nt e ol the i-Htil I'nilod Ntith-. kuv4 ;t n. i o v . if.i r I'i'iii'i cvuit. f TKIYKB hTTl'.S, KASTI-.KN DIM'KIUr t.l III- l-KN.NHl I.VAMA. mi r THL HIEsiIiIM ! 1 1ll-. I SITEH HTAU-S I'd thk maumiiai.i riit i.aijIkiin nisiitici fr IM:NH LVAMA, M IIKKl'iAH, I lii l)l( ii. f'm rti.f ll . I i.llv I S alpi In and Iui tbe !- i-iii IHi.f oi l'p ii.."yt. i-iin lurtlv nmt flii!yir"ii'Pi:iiit ou a l.l.e!,a)tpt in I' p Hnm ul Itm I iiIip4 m Ami rii-a, liatli ilpi-n'i-ii at: piihiip In Ri-u.ral niie liaio m r-roipiiil in Iirp,iiu.i uit't, tii:i-.tir liiiprvwt lii ihe 1 1 sip H Jl K. itl-eroiii nn-ipr In r tniV:, anaipl, ai.i' inrnlliirr, anl Hie p.h,:" le 1pm ufi I'o.url lln rei'l. pani, ii,.,i hv ru- I niiPil mi.ih si. jiuht "lioiriiia,'' uniirr i'ijihiiihiiiI is Actnp i.Uiiiiipr I.h-i: liliunl tU-ornc I.. iVtil' li, tu Is- iiioiiish-nl. i lii J, :n. il laloil to JiiiUiui ii', al tin lii.' ami I'll' l dpr if rllton, any h the miif. I l.pi-oaiii'i- pirPfsel, tuiu li no rp-ii'Ii mu i. "i' an- I'n i'ou.t i.: .irit anil afrliitlv ptri-i.ifil uliil i-i'iatn.inilf it. II. l' imi omit, bul ttiat I v i uiil' liim Uiu"' pirii -.i 1"-: ! lit, ol Iho il.i.'i in " fP'iiPi-n rr'itt : e.l iin'.I.hi.l in li cliv "f r-M.aili'Vu.. aU'l ill f:t . ' ' ,v...p.", nil ilo ii i 'in 'ill it I'd i 'ili', or i'.itl-p Ii l-n ri'iinliP'l anil olli ii, pi iplii il njly, all PT' .me in r.t1 us ! , -, or pr (pud tn i. i i , i n rKl. hup ..r it. i ipt in tin- aalil fli"P I IOIT, ler la'i.lp, urr f -'"J ftni. Itir' li' i.t!"'" '.'t'-p on ii.i;'. i:'. I a- i.par before tlm ltunr.iiili!e JOIIV t'AIHV AI.Alii:!.', tlie lailxi-ol' Hip siuiH'f. Hi" Ill'-i-l'-l Imirl ll.i'iiii, li. tlie cut '!' l'lnli.lilpli..i,on Hip tm'ii'J.'li .In- n''"r iril'ii-atiiiii oft! i.r.1. -i!-,li' H li i curl itiv.n'ln on iii next i""n il' Hiiluwliif. Mr n t m uu il .p. i nf liearlni! ra if, tllva un-l ibai to l..nv, all", , in due form of law, nawriajl.' mil In"" i. 'mi'. II anj tlii-v Ml'' Uic nM ,!'! 1 1 ! I -. I.t tft -a.i!.a;'!i) lliruiliin., i-H'' t'"' I .n I -w il tiip'fif, ilmiild iii'i l' lirnii";ucpi.l tu In ' m ;, at il.p IIiup in" tup tai'ttiis-o: ihi- niiie, lu lie pi.'ii. .i: l .to United HiaiP-.r.iiil komi f i tli'ir n ii r .:. -,.1'p, ll.iiilp anu su'.k ;t t-i i i'iidi nin.itl.'ii, i ) p .-.nt uii d mid cuiiiieiiiiiPil a. t juiluinl lawinl p::"H a-t.1 m -fwr to iln phi'. ri'-Pin- In l isu.Al: ' pli.ill M p. nali.. Ami lluu jou fluly .11 luia.e. nr p .p to t liui-sl, unto all fwn !orM. -ni-r.! U wp iiu b- iKlrrii'i O tliPf' pr i-b s !t i n1 in: -niiii.Ji. 'll'ii' 1' t'v liatl 1 : ' nii.WH? a' :l'it aid ram p aW'se-iiipiiil'ii'. il, wr -i ipll Dli I ' .n-'l , . II mu 'L '' 11 and lawi'.il '" Ik I'n.i'r.ivy. -Ii l .;MI M't-l' IC'i'iirt ud l'l P' 'i " i 's id 1 '1 s . o .1111 Mine ii'ture, and I r--.n::n--hat tlie i d ' l' IKiri:, her iupMp, i'.'iar.'l, and 1 jroli'iip. and I e er. laai-n 011 linalil, did t 'I'liii, the Hi.': .,: t . .ai lure m' l!it -.iiip. m tV ipOiIp ti e I nli-1 St.iie. ..: Aiiiiric.1. biiJ- p-i O'Uot I K'.r tu. nip-.,nr , rpl-e, h itp and iiim-i-l li t.i!i!l-.l-t'"ll atil u ilnleuuirl m, lii beaJiiida'dand'-'i iidf-ruoida. lauimurw Hie H it'll i i.r railier m-a- m Uip r 'v ' tH"d i"! 'I'll- i.ip.hvt i. auvwup M'Wt. in.-, ;iud i ': yn d ,ly tprtifv tu ti'f e-iit Imtri. t 1 '1 :rt uliai no I'lalidn in il ir.niip-. wit:. I'n'-p pre-oiit., Miment'ia lluiii'r.i.w .ll'ii- i'.lli.H.ili.,:ll, liui- i f i.. i.nHi i' irt. : 1''j Di al. i!i;- twen'.i nl 1 ni' Aiiyu-t, A. I. 1-s . .iBd ia lV cii".t.v-i!i!ilit yi nr 01 l.n Irnli iieiiiU i'1.1 .11 ihe Aid l iu.i d St.itp,. .,,';i.,;i 1., II, I 0 . Ck-rk i'n" i;.r:i t li.itlt. T oil N CKUM li CAKI LKTEB AND Iirn.IIV.II, K. '.'11 Li'lliit; KTHK.KT. A lar,-e feri.e .1 eulldlr..- Oieiouaiica 4 U1 t.llKl. eloajion ti.iid. au- iumua THE LA11GEST AND BL'.X MILITARY NOTICES. fi EIIQJtfaWr PA. VOLS., A. A. I IXIU.T R. an ii t - f v - Men Muh-r-: a 1 I'oiil Hi.. lrriiHf,llM..,.T, la-.r ' f t! h a fni , ' ir trwiAhonnU. Taj $1:1 Fct Month - Oluthin- and E'lbsiiitprice. IVfiwi.'.l i ainps d at (AM? CAhWAkAW.t.' I f is - ft Tti.p'c qn ,.-f HON I V Al 1 'J KB M'.Al VI. I. I . I . ln tah Regi on .il. er il 1pm j oi i fi;m,!i.' l, rroi lrt. il for. NO M-.LA. IS I'AMNOTIIK BOVNTY ! i.i'.i if ti ir.r:N oi i ii i.rh, llt'AMM AlITI LS, No. (11 CIIKSNur ST. U TV I 1,1 1 II s AI;U. Hi M li.p-t: i -i, ii. t;ip I'.-antv Kimil a't ip.neiip. t. VI I'Hi t i Ir nit .(il,('.i. I,, aiiji of tl.o l-ri-ilurl Cai r ili ti e I ' iii 'jltiii; M HN'itvni v, H.r. r.nipr ol jnrtlt aal S'r i.W-. I r in I., ll. I.M LLS, Iremurpr, W. ri nil1 t.p ai ALI I UII AM 1 VOI IIVI IUI1M1 iwi rrnillil. T i t nt i, . io . I li p 'l l .n,i. Imllai pni.i,ltliai tniil .a.i i.j. nl i ii p, a. II. p ll.v I ii . to bp niiiir onu A few t.iTP i' Ul Un -firtl p;. V a.m. t..rme. UIA. M. VAUHl--1i, IB II. C-'Si t I , ITatUlrnt. H ' rl ;ai . Ji s H.H OO ViIU IlOlTfVX'Ve I;i a.' -ti'iii I. l' i, . i'K'0 ra't rnl I'l.-Minilpa, :IX Pr Tlli r i I.VLriV Rf r.lTf LM I-.n i in TJ. S A;';7, 1'.ivjr, or Manae Oorjis. j fi: h.t or 1 II 11.1 .Mli WAKU. a,., .r n I H A (J Mi KHU l'l', isto"cr w.i.HnAi. oi ncr, I'.rvoul bd.1 Bi"- m QiM-il.-n Htisv. M'ts-) riiUMIVM fa 1 1.. -.) f fn ii'ti;: ig re'rult a? alsi. H. P. M. BIRKINBINE, C a'rmau F.P. uUT C'oavnittM. .:1N Ii. BI.NIOii, hKrMirt. aaK-4t I BUISKY'S Ml A K P S 11 0 0 T E US . Aviiiu iiia r, ami i ill. i In h I. ii 1. uf -oie ttamlin. Anil i7Pi1 b Hit- (h tiprl aoJ fitate IK i-riua sat, MV.HK J. W. MOOKK., im nn: MM Tl-MMH PI .NNNYl.VAiilA VOLUtTtl., I. iu'-.iii!nt ,i Ml un Hp I f ml' allies I. it-li uly. THE lllt.III.ST IKHlNTlKts OiA'F.N I'it Odp.Two, urTlinsi ours- Mp. f'sll at enro, nl No. ciii'SN I r Hi.i t, t -low st vth, Ii ' in ant to Enlltt. .MAJtili ,1. W. MiHJltE I" tiri-rflt'Pil ti jioj pi-nni.-tly Uir. CITV AVIl M'ARIl BoillJTI'V lionii i;ait-li on ili m.iMenns of nrinimlihliltp(irlrusnt ni'I.I.Of K IMtOfj., t li. V . IiAVIS, .U.S. V. TnllIAS, I .ISO. IV. BU IlKAV. lr-,...,j.. ii n iiiiiii VLillllill. i i-.Mir.t i.r.r.. Al.l . I'. .ILSNllP, an--ll A. 1.. IIUNAI tli, s UNION LEAGUE Ai PHILADELPHIA. In vlt'tt u( th.i ,-.ili o Ci I'lVsi'Vnt foe ,fl imndrHl ( thOfiMM d tn I' , t- p 'fo.c Ki I 1.99 A R I'Hi I M KNT f i TNIl.ti; MONTH. i OOLONEX HORATIO 0. SIOZEL 1 i (I. art of tlit TYiiiisylTftiiia Reserve,) Hit is i u it v tit, d Ut tA.0 tU OAiruaAad. A!Io1I-'th Cetiiu( titutit CAP! In UiK orgAul. oifoa I roit(t d (" cil on COL. HOEATIO Q. BIOKEI Ni. l'4lll WAI.I.ACK tTBtJS-r. fi ' vi-.i.i"n WAHD. -:.-. noi'NTV. - All Hu n. In u.'Piniiu fi.lli.H ltn- P"V:ll'i fi : ii Tm -nth War! u iu receive the hoci i itm Mi. ; :nuii) KllMl V I 1IM V1V. I WAIIK IIIH '!' t . I: I I1A IO ri l'KV t)M ! LKMSIHNU A UK-t i it. 'I!,. 101.1m.1ue lo ify'lic Wml Iloi.iUy will b. Is mi Ion.' im ill 7 T. & L. LAIN PB'a MII.1TARI HALL, No. . .; 1 1 N . 'I 1 1 1 LiD STREET, I.. 1 ry iip titiili tin '. K.' .".I.-. i.iU 1. ipIvc 1 In. J in. '.iiullri :ivn- I- I . 1. 1' 1. 1 Maul K'..:ulr.n Wiat Mm-) i ..-,.!.i, s.ili'Mttitf. wUI rral-a Ipi- Wan' ll.-m.i .. J til AS. M.W Ai IN i:i;. l i-e-i.l.-iil-J f.. n. I 11OM AH II, H'li;'i.l , tsc.i Ui'. jia- ft $ '.Al.rir t!rt. i'.,.,v, h, HUIllI Mtraott. !-'-.:a l:J)i i.i, u- m ll. J 'l Lruure t -r.w ie- lU' to d! iO ilont nioMtnry " ier.:'""t c nn''Mff' v -Ka I-'. ' fci rulrnfnt, lrart, i:em4tw Vyj . l.'tt ! i l'i...., CiYJt.H And Ao''tuiiA of wfc Hi. I'r ir.' i ..i: u n. 1! i ,-'in(ii "Hlnai IVUtri'-t fr Aiii1! lur-.-.r.-:!. h, n::i "o. i t-- Ii"'L Mri nf-iienet Ai m.w W il LIAM V. LEIIM IX. 1 1 'n el ". .-iiid fH'i il Marihi u l;n"V!Y 1'i iK M VUINI'?. W'ANTtB Jj t )i l irt'-d siaii. ll..rintt i ci-p'. abip l.pdlnil laea. rjii in-.i-ir. ui il nl- . 1 a nt dul a: i -if Navy Verde At en-i in binr.. I n:i m.aIpi .'i t- P-war on t.. 1. ii'. u-i:..-ir cv.iai.iM;'.'. : tar. 1' wrir.--. . IHUlJ. hi Hl'llj' IXiLI-Ate VERN-T In w'UVl a.c, A Li, ILK Ia.'4L IijU.M1L.S aMb DIOC .-..Hl-'npl.t. I Ma.-i-n -e . l. tf... Mmi.y. in- a I 'n.-t'ar li.iii.i rlj I KpcrunlMdt , f.iiion .1, li S...-I1 . Vl.'t'NT tt'pp'.. Vi-'.iw giriceStrem, i l,:Wr..-K.s.r... " .r.d .1 1 .h-v jj. CAWT.KY, U' Uii'..:: tLlhofultinf orik.4 , pULLCCGEE-rUILOUOHe-l- fc' C-H'ieii -i i v)iii!) ::-i iliyi fcruvmLi.tiaadffaj 1 WOHUH, yli i-.BlIU'A M1L1TAHY EQUIPMENT, in tU IS-. Ili." TO IK 15T13.'1V ti VAlh AC Ill.l.VO ESTABiJSHMIB J " Vs GEOllGIiW, HIMONHA iillO. bA.NstM STKIItT HALL, f. eAKSOU Eirett, bunk. PRESENTATION EW0ED8 1 M.i. 10 oid't a. " K "Uci wtkk f" rtchs)ew watTUDixat. caaUcnst c-4ellt!iB, do .tier boute laue oonnUT c.u.H!rf lo. MAM'I'ACTntlNil JCWXLM , 11H JUi: rKALTU-AX BWlUD UAJUU. IM t- 6. E. CORM K SIXTH AND MARKET STS f iV-