The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 24, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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Jtflrt ol" tin IIVIm-Im.
- - -
to Tbe Kvrnlnc Trlea-rnrha
Washino'to!, August 24. lute.'.lig. nco from
UtuS Army of the Potomac is at bnn.l this raorn
Ireg, which allows that General Warren hm male
ft reeonnoissanco recently towards Peter-bttrg,
and has found that the enemy hid fallen back
from his front to the work! near that city, thus
abandoning all ctl'orts to retake the Wcldon Ril
road. An expedition sont down tho r.wvl has
succeeded in dcetroying the track and bri Igcs
for thirty-seven miles.
Retreat of thoEcbcls Confirmed
Onlj Hlx ItiilioiiM lit
rtkMiiiif .
1 1 r mtot urT vr tup mrr nn v
fprlnl to The Evonlnir Te-lr-crnpli.
Washington, Angust 24. On Monday mora
inglt was discovered tliat the enemy, who the
day before had attacked Warren' Corps so furi
ously npon its left wing, hud withdrawn his main
force from that locality, and our troips advanced
and captured mnny of tho Kohel pickets.
Prisoners taken rcporf that there arc but six
day' rations left in Petersburg and that Lie
y vast, at all hazard", regain the railroad which
aeons lost, 11 oe does notwisu to ran snort 01
supplies for hit army. The roads are almost
impalpable from the rc entrains, and particularly
those between the Jerusalem plank road and the
Wcldon railroad. Our troops will soon corduroy
them, however.
The Weldun Irnllrniwl The Rebel lls.
Kapprnred from Our front Arrival ol
Washington, August 21. The mail steamer
to-day brought np about sixty Rebel officers,
lnclndlng a colonel, a major, four captains, and
lieutenant captured on Sunday.
Hr.ADo.vAimsnB AnMY or the,
August 23. The enemy, early yesterday morn
ing, disappeared from tho front of the 0th and
Mb -. Corps on tho Weldon railroad, and
tbe belief it that the attempt to regain pota
tion of this importhnt line of communica
tion baa been abandoned, and that tho enemy
are fortifying their right Hunk to resist
an attack in this direction from onr forces
, They may, however, ba prep iring to make a dash
our lines In some othor direction. Occasional
tiring has been going on alonij; the centre, and
wan quite lively diiriM.;g,tc r.'ght. This nioraiug
occasional shots are he S,
Tbe roud cootinaos w, making travel very
difficult. About thirty Rebels wore brought in
during tho night, 'orliieipally South Carolinians,
moatly claiming to be de'sertera. This story is,
however, not believed, as the soldiers from (tut
flute bavo furnished fewer deserters to our side
than any other In tho Confederacy.
They are strong, hearty -looking men, and seem
to think the end of tba struggle is at hand. Thoy
believe Petersburg to be almost within our gr up
and will be lu onr p n-ess.'on ut an carl day.
jUK SniilX K.Ni:illl . 1'. HIM. WOINOED
WAMtiNoro, Tuesday, August 23. It is re
ported by officers who have junt arrived IVoin tiie
Irout, that in tuo a'.tac'K niudo on .Sunday upon
or left by toe iUhgla, la which they wcro s
hanaaumely repulsed, Cue Rebel t.euenl A. P.
JIill was knocked fmui his horse by a piece of
shell, and badly wounded; mid tint Generals
lleaili aud Fliuiigb Ljc, sou ol the Rebel chiel
Uiin, wt-rc killed.
WGLUOSI HOA1I JT IS V 1.11AM) 1 .111.1 UE.
August A!. A hour l o'cl k yesmrday morning
the I(.'xil8 urnaultcd o ir l.ues on tho Weld in
rail'oad. Atlbu point utta ked our front forino I
a crescent crossia,' the traek at nearly right
angle?, and iwiiis?iug ba 'k towards an 1 paraUul
Willi it on the IcU wing, l b" troo(.s engaged
were lVitim'. Division of thc 'Jih (.' irps on Via
right, l.eucral y rea on tiio centre, with Ueneral
Co Ur ou the lei'.
' . Their lirsi esu7 a (allure: the tr.Hios
rutin d out oi'the woods ne.irlv OiHinito the track
in a hugti iiia.s. hut fell bi' k almoit immed a uly
njon ciiiinf; under our fire.
lta!llnn nml'T cover or the forest, they re
ntwei the amuult with m ire deiennin iti hi, tbe
burden of the aiia.k fading upon Avro und
Cutltr i l'oiler wa slihily tng-Agud. Tho charge
was a furlou and Uen rmiiied one; but tho v.ern
coniaiti o! our men were moro than a nuttcU f jr
the meic r the enemy.
Our men, hchi-id their 'ntrenuhmcnts, waited
Hie approach n tho He'iels till :bey I'wio w.t'iiu a
few hundrud Yardi, when '.hey opeucd upon tlieina
prie. t bljue ot iiiiauny an 1 uniliurv'tirc. Thi
second line of asiuuli immediately broke and lied
to the wood-, t. ti'io the !irt were niry ail eltnor
captured or kilkd. Th-'irl ismsenorni iui. Xhe
dud wi re left upon the lield, and the wounded
in our hunila.
At lea.-tt live hundre d prii),iers and five Handi
of colora n re l iptmcd. Tneir los4 In o li ur
eero. Among tiieni arc reported . I.
Hill, mortally wounded, and Generals Heath
and (ton ol li, I , i hilled. Colonel ,
liith Mhs.saippl, U in our hand", wouudod in
the kg.
Our i-amialllos were light; not over 1"0 in all.
General Ayrca gi t a slight wound across the face.
Colonel l'Lcnvbnw, 1st Indiana, was killed.
Our Infantry dixpluyca jrreat coolness, and the
ar.illery great skill in muiuguii; tlielrguns. Our
mm felt cunlidi ut of their nbility to hold this
jniiion, t vcu aiiuinst the wiiole of his arniv
that le tayt he will bring r.aiunt them. They
ate well Iniiencle il, with urtillery well mountoil .
The roadt., on Sntuiciuy, were awful ; and our
artille ry and tupply ti onus hud great diltieulty in
getting to the ! out. They Improved, however,
yesierduy, and we have prospects this morning
of a plcaseiit day. .V. 1'. Tribune.
Eebels Reported to be Crossing
the Potomac.
BAi.Tiuoar., August 24, l'2-l 1. M. We have
reports via the Northern Ccntml Ualln ud, that
the Rebels have crotsed the l'otomac.
The teporta need confirmation.
..We have nothing direct this morning from the
Vpper l'otomac.
lralrurllve Thundrr Klorui., Me., August 'Jl. During a
even thunder storm last uiht, the bridge over
tne Maitin ilrmm in North Vairtield on the
homenet ruiltoad. was struck by lighttiiug, and
blown down. Many bulldinga and orchard,
p era also blown down.
Message of Governor Curt in.
the second pennsylvania
Conflict Between the National
and State Authorities.
mi.hsaui: or ijou hnoh ( inriv
hliatim: to nir. skcond rvvNvLvv:. au-
nisiu iio, August '23, lH(A.Vo tho Hon ir.ihle
the Si rate of Pennsylvania. Gentlemen. I re
ceived tho following praauibio and rcs iluti in on
the 20th AtigilKt:
Pl.NATf. ClIAMllI n, II UiniHli; mi, August 20,
1Si4. " II hrreii. It i- alleged tliat the oilicers of
tho 2J Pennsylvania Artiliny (or l'r viional
Regiment) aro without eomniis-loiH, an 1 the
reciment, nllhouh in tho front, Is wittiov sur
geons, thcrolbm, in order to ascortaia where tae
neglect , l e it
"Hrtnlrrit, Thirt tho Governor 1m reiU stiid to
furnish, at bis carliust convenience, any rorrei.
pondencc that he may have hs I with tlio Presi
dent or tho War Department in relat.on thereto."
To which I have tho honor to reply that, on tho
recommendation of an officer of tho War Depart
ment, on the lxth day of June, lsii2, 1 appointed
A. A. OHisou, then a captain in the artillery ser
vice of tho raited Stiitcs, Colonel of tho 2 1 K ,'gi
mciit Pennsylvania Artilleiy. It was represented
to me that ho was very well qualified, an 1 I
sclented him accordingly for this particular arm
of the service. F.arly In January, 18'H, coin
plaints were mndo to mn by tho officers of the
regiment in reference to the conduct of Colonel
Uilison, and, Indeed, charges woro made of ,i
serious character.
1 was cxtremeiy reluctant to Interfere between
the War Department ar. 1 a Colonel of tho sorvi j i.
Dot the-e complaints rout'iinc l to he repcat. d,
ami in the moiiih of May or June, lsc,:;, when in
Washington City on other business, 1 wis e.illed
npon by many of the oillcers of the regiment,
gentlemen who woro per-onally knoivn to mo t
bo entirely reliaOic, and stufomeiits were m i lo
so serious that I could not dNreganl them ; and I
addressed the Necictury of War noon the suloeci,
and em my roratii'inic it ion from Will ird'a il
with'nt having retained a c ipy, asKing tint
Colonel (ihi'Oii should he relieve I fioni tbe con.
marid of the leinicnt nud ordered hack to his
rc' nnem in t lie army.
To this romnui'ifcntlon no answer w,ks re
turned, hut to my joirpriso 1 leiiru un nliciaily
that all that was ro'imred lo secure the reuiovul
of Colonel (illison w as mv renuest to that enact.
Ontheibo 2d of De"cni'ier, 1Sii3, I uaiu ad
dressed tho Secretary of War as follows :
F.KKci ti k Cn, If AiiiiiHin no, Dc-em-hcr
2, lS'i.'l. Hon. I'dwin M. Stanton, Secretary
of War. Sir: 1 beg hare to request most
earnest1; thut yon will issue an order to Colonel
A. A. flibson, now comuiandiug tho 21 Ponn-yi-vania
Artillery, relieving him from tho command,
anil rciurnii.g him to his pns as Cuptiiu ia (Uo
2u Regiment of Artillery (Regulars).
I am constrained to'malie this rcitcst from
tbe fact that Colonel ( dbsoti lias not and does n t
give KitUfa ition to his reuluieni, uud that his oilt
cers, sonic of tin m tho titicst in the aervico, are
constantly appealing to me to relieve them.
Churnes of a serious nature could be preferred,
but this wotil 1 involve tho delay attending a court
martial, an J would ere itedi-s-jn sions, uil of which
can he aoidcd by his hi ing returned to his re.;u
lar rank. The most rh.iri a'llo con.truc iou
placed npon hia conduct hy his oil'oera is ttitth )
is lUKine, and under such circumstances tuo
niild si nuaiis cojisis;ent wlta iho good of tho
service are probably tho best.
I reipoctfully rei' r to papors alroa Iv on (ilo in
yoardcp .rtmiiit, with my en )or-e.u"nt m rela
tiou to this nub'uct, and I U that iho order
limy Issue.
A cry resin.-ti'nliy, your jlod:.--ur porvant,
A. Q. C. ri:s-.
To whi b no answer was returned. Tho com
pleints ,till coiitinnlivT.and h .riiodicers audition
const nitly appoalir.g : o me, 1 .ig-ru address-; J tho
Svvrvtar) (ft War ou tho ll'th o.' J .n:iiry, l.vii, as
folic w i
j.wv.ihv pi, Pol. Hon. K M: gtrntoi
fMcretary of W..r:ir : I bavc upon to & C
sions b'.'foM tbii endeavored to c ill your atten
tion to the propriety of order1-!? Cow! A. A.
Gi'son, now coiiimariding I Fie 2 1 l;ci:nent l'can
sylvmiii Artillery, to jam Ins oivo regiment of
Regulars, and wat. sari rised that nD answer h id
boen rctar-icd. I learn, ho.vevor, unollleiaily,
that my letters upon this mibieei luce not reached
I, then fvic, take thu !iCity of c . closing to you
a copy o:' n.y lo.l -r on ihis "-i .:c;, which fj'I
explains the mailer, and in ad-iiti on to what is
'hero stutid it is proper lo sav, that from In
formation received I am .isur. 1 that if ;jlouei
tiihsoiiib not temovod very few of that ro jim-int
wid re-enlist, and tha' if ho is, no u ly all of tliuui
will ; hrnce the u esiit) for c irly actun.
Very respielfully, your ol'Odieiit s!rvant,
A. ti. Cl KTIN.
This letter I .-ent to Wa-lilii on city by a
member of my stall, who clcilvoied it to uio Sec
retary of War in p-rson on t i ! Jad Jan'Mrc,
Pi-it. No action hiving boon talicn, a'though a
court of linpiiry had been in ke.-i )n upoueliarges
preferred against Colonel flih-iin, aud mo com
plaints i'ill coiiilnnin, on the inli Junn, Mil, l
anditssed Iho Pre-ident of tho I nited S.atos as
follow :
l'.xi-cfTivr 'n iHiinn, Jun- M, IStil. Sir:
In the priii4 of IsiU you re-iuxjd mo 1 1 raiic- a
volunwer r-Kiinnt of heavy aniliery, ei led tho
'2d lleimeiit Heavy Artill-ry, ' I'.V. I'he nl
lieirg a special one, tin-re -ceim d to he ro-purcd to
c-iiiimaiid Hit) rctflineiilan ollii er of experiouco in
that particular hue, a id one of th ) olltcir of tho
War Department n coinmcid i-l lor that purpewe
Captain A. A. f ibaon, of tlm State ol Maiuo,
then a cip'alu In the 2-1 Artillery, I.'. 8. A.
In eoinplia.KM with this re'o.n ueniatiori, au I
without any ot'ior knowledge or' ( aptmi frioson,
I apoiu eu eomiiiiss'iiiuti on the IH.h of
June, t l oiot.t-l of the r-. niit-ut. Iii eoa
duct und d . poi tiuent since h ive i -en iotot jrable.
He hjs violated the faith of 'lij Govorument
ploi'md to recruits for i-egitn.-.a's in too tiolj ny
Oi ticial Order No. ss, July i,,-t n ,.n pro.
vidua that ih.y shiil ie p.". r.:'i -a to soleet any
eompui.y of tho rcm'iuen' they i-uy prefer, l i
contempt of this order he h is I -r cd recruits In-o
butteries o'hertnan thno ttiey selected.
In at le ist one instance he !i :) n-ed langn age
to a coniuiissioiieil ollicer o1 l-i. n irimeut in pre
sen"0 ot nn enlisted man, ii:i'"" iming mi illl r
and n g'-iitl 'inau, and cilcn n -1 to sntivert all
discipline. Do has treated tin- ' mini mwcaIiIi
of Pimisyivaiiia with contciojc., ny ro'urning to
ber agent tho flag which he mip).o I to be the
Hag presented to the regiment by the State, under
tbe direction of an act of Asseio'iiy, and giving
as a reason for to doing tint when the regiment
was mustered luto the service of the United States
it ceased to have unythiag lo Uo with the State.
He has klandercd lliculioU people of Penn
sylvania, unit especially her gallant soldiers in
the Iteld, by saving : "Pemisyiauiasoldhrs will
not light ; one Southern soldier is Worth three of
thiin. 'i'he Rebel otlieers mal.e a pructico of
iiscinainini; on what p art of the ba tle-tield the
l'tniisj Ivuiiui troops are Maiioned, and then
attack thtir pint of the Hue," ur words to that
In utter defiance and contempt of the acts of
Cbugrtfi, tu he presently referred t.i, he took
possession i f u Hi nt lieutenant 'a commission,
w hieb I had Itsued to a non comiu.ssiciied ollicer
of the regiment, court-martialed (he otticer for
having accepted it, and retained thu commission
until It bud been given in evidence beturc the
ei in t inurliol. The facts nhovc recited were all
resnti d us found by a court of inquiry assem
bled on January , lsol of which liridier
Cieuend De Rustcy was Picsideid, which also
reported that In the opinion ot the court no
luithtr milituiy proceedings were necees.iry in the
1 add that the proceedings of Colouel Gibson
have been habitually so offensive ihut I have
h-ng since teased to hold any communication
w iih him.
Ihc heavy artillery Is known to ho a favorite
arm. One n jilment was raited In Pennsvlvunia,
and when that was completed, a weo'tid was
aulhori.ed to be ral-cd. Authority to raic more
lu lliii siatc Has u-inm-d, although in New York
no less thi.n sixiiin regiiiitms weic -iiithorued.
in toiiscipiciice of Ibis refusal, there Wis a
large suiplua recruited for the aecond regiment.
'1 hia surplus amounted to more thau euough to
foim another regiment, aud iueaur. a were taken
by lb War lM-partmeiit lo form on: ao-ordingly .
Tho art of Congre- of July 20, 1K-I, pro. ;-. s
that the fh 1-1, staff, and company oili .-rs of
oinnUirri glmenia -hail b-commissioned hy-.ho
Governors i f tne rcspectivo Slates and the a:t uf
Conr-ss of August il, ISi'd, provides tliat v- n
cies tlnrenftor occurring in the volunteer reifi
nmifs shall bctilhd by tho Governors of the
fstdietrivpccttvely, lu th j s i'iioimmiiei asori !,'.n..
In of the-e provisions. Colonel Gibson
Bum rto- k to appoint nil tbe commissioned off. -eisa
of thu proposed uew regiment cic.-pt tin; lice-tenant-,
autgeoiis, and chaplain, in 'hiding tho
colonel; and th-- persons thus named h- l.iia
hnve 'wen put in romni m I.
I of eourso disregarded thisnn vi-ran- i'i!o ia
teiierence with tho authority conforr-J on me
by act of emigres., and appointe-l and conintis
f iotic J per ons e ircfully select"d forthir iVu:-s
to be oUioTs of tho new regiment. These of ers
tv not been mus-cred in; tho new rcoiiien:
has now been - ut m'o tuo Held, havim: only tea
eouip.iny oili- ers for more than .Mirtejn hu-idr-.-d
n.en a nuinlwr of tln in without eoiniuisLoi s. At
least four compancs of trim ono h'indrcJ to
one hundred and lii'ty men ti-h, being mi
nianded by sergeants, ati-1 as I am . .re lit ibly
inn ruird, without Ihc usual s-ipplv of surgeons,
snrgieal Instr ine-its, or medical supplies'.
1 he - ondu -t ol Colonel Gibson pro In cl g ta".
exiispc ration and discontent i:noi:f the t 'l. ers
ami men ot the regiment, and ttreir compl lints to
me were frcottent and urgent.
I repr aiedly n-in-'-tcd tho War ). pa.f nunt to
n turn him to his buttery as captain in the regular
service, but it'ioiit success. 1 annex to this
h tti r copies of the lust tuo letters which I a I-dri-scd
lo tlio nr Department ou this suVe t,
da'fd, respectively, -,M December, iM'si, an I lo li
Jnriniry, sti4.
I 'ruler these circnn-tances I have arrived a'
the conclusion that I cm no longer permit fuiowl
Gibson to remain In cominaud of the r- gim in; ,
aud by virtue of the power of removal ve.-M I in
me by the form of appointment conferred on me
by the act of Congress, I hue determined to
revoke aud supersede and vacates his com.ulssi,,n
tin I distnisa him from his office.
The n sst gentle construction to b" put on the
conduct of Colonel Gibson would bo to ascribe
It to partial insmiiiy. It appears taut ho admit
ted before the court of Inquiry that he had tin
reputation of boiug eccentric, but not to the extent
To whatever cans.', however, his course is to be
attributed, my respect for the ('onimoanenhU
whose organ I am, and my regard for tho welfare
of her eiiieus recruited tor the 2d Pennsylvania
Artillery, nn-1 now in the lield, roipiire that 1
should seriunsly invoke your aid to overeirno tho
obstacles heretofore created hy some of your offi
cers, and by which the exercise of " tho ins:
authority conferred on me by tha net of Congress
has bien thus far in th is case prevented. You,
sir, are the responsible head of the Government.
Your duty and your oath of oili e require you
to see that the laws be faithfully executed.
Tncse very acta of Co-ie're-sa were aonr ov.-d and
signed by ourscif. I will not believe that you
will incited violate them yourself by permitting
Olliiers who are under your coutro! to disregard
aud trample on them. For obvious reamus c in-n-cied
with the public service, it is desirable to
aoid, -o far as nmy be pos-iule. anv appearaa o
of a collision between us on such a saute .t.
If yon conceive that the law, r.s It no v stands,
is unwise, or inconvenient, Co'igress it still iu
session, mid yon can recommend an alteration
oi it. I proy you to reioll.vt, that under tuia
law aa it exults my duty and resiKinsibllity nr-eo-extensivc
with my authority. I h ive no alter
native lur to exercise it in eonforuiitv with my
best .judgnu iit and discretion.
1 therctore do most respectfully, but most
earnestly, n-ipirst from you tho'e that
you will immediately irivo orders which shall bo
eilectivo onfall your oilici rs, to oijey the acts of
Congress above referred to :
First. Hy Mustering out nny lield, at ill', or
comtisuv ollicois iu the regiments of l'junsvlva
nia Volunteers whose commissions shall have
been revoked and superceded by the Uoveraor
of this State ; and
Second, liy mustering ia (except iu eases pro
vided for by the a t of ( ongnnsi auy per-ons
who shall have Iwen commissioned as such oth
ers in such regiments by tho Governor Oi' tho
State, whether as original appointments or t) ii!l
I'nder great discour.igeinonts, this Cojimoa
wealth and her authorities h .vo endoiored in
every way to aid tho Government In its struggles
with treason? and I nm proud t believe hive
most promptly, mid fully, anj cheorfuilv dis
ci, ai cod their whole duty in tjla regard, arid by
the Messing of God will continue to da so.
He' clti.-.e;is have freely shod their biood In
de i-'ii-e of our common country. They hi e
volunteered in her service on tho faith ofs-rleui-i
a-urai.ces, by ae's of Cong-e"s approved hy your
sell, mat the selection of '.heir regi
Miould he contided t-i thu auihoriii?s oi rheirowa
siate, who would ha coin .urut.v -ly ft n l' ir with
their wants aud witn tin Ir merits and ela: i:s.
sir, I imploro you. do not teach thorn th it these
assurances have beeu solemn doctutions, ai i
m jy be violated at the whim of anv pV.-si n h 1 1
iig a po-itlnn in anv of the grades 'if tho i-i:iir.r
I Jo' rerchy, from the comman lor-in eh"of duvr.
I ioa mti-torini, ptlicer. Very r:spi tfelly, y ou-
obedjent servant, A. v. ,:n:.:i.
To the President.
To this na reply wis ro.".eiv;d. Ca the roe i; t
of tho following letters, addressed t tha Surgeon-General
ot Pennsylvania, sure-eo'.is w -re at
once assigned to the roglmeut and were ordered
forward ;
II! AIO,fKTl;'i!K..I:t0 PCVSSiM VVA il. 1.V H
Ah i ili uhv, Provisional Brigade, Ut Division, fth
Army Carps, Virginia, May 2!l, IM'.l. Adjuiant-Gin-inl
I 'lilted States Army Sir: Per tho
reason that no medical uuendancu has be-in per
manently attached to mv r -giiueiit by tho Do
pmtmcnt, I appeal to ray biigide ccnin audor,
who a.s-igned temporarily Assist -it Surgeon I .
Phillips, Hih New York Arti'lery.
1 would respectfully request that Assistant
Surgeon, I. Phillips bo permanently attn-he l us
suign- n ofthis regiment, not only for his energy
ami -Li ny, but tor tho marked sikccss with
hi.-h he a lone has managed the twelve hundred
men now In my command. It is neodloss for
me to set tonh tbe Importance of having pe. ina
iii lit medical attendance.
Tho two assistant surgeons ordered to rn or;
to n.e hy the Medical Department: ut Washing
ton are not with llie ngiment. The ono left it,
aibr laii-g attacbe-1 two days, without onsr re
portti K h cause therefor; the other has not yet
reported. I am, Generui, must rosi-actm:!, yonr
nliedlcnt. servant, Titos. Wn iirt.n ,
Col. Frov. 2d Peiina. Heavy Art., C nr..
.Si'h.oi'ON-GKNF.HW 'a On i- t: June U. Isii,.
I A true copy ) Cues. C. 1j i ,
Assistant Surgaoa U. A.
Hi' H l-ON ( KM RRA l.' llwii S, Wash N. lCX
f'liv, D. C , June It. IS'.!. Sir I aa; din ted
bv tlm Acting Burgeon-General to nil your
rti niiim to the fae.t that the provisional Pcnn
s)lvu;iia 2d Heavy Artillery has been sen' to fn
fieid without commissioned medic il oil. :ers, an 1
that urgent coinplmuts iro upon tho w. nl
nt nif dical attendance, as will be e n tl.i
eiii li-scd letter.
Y'enr atu ntion la resjiectfiillr c.i'.le 1 t this
suliject at our earliest convenience. fh :so
assisiai t surneona referred to in t ul onel W'l
helm's letters wero scriug tempoia.ile uudir
Hy order of the Acting Surgeon Gencrai.
I am, sir, very rospectfullv, your oblen. r.
vaut, I n iri.ks C. I i:i ,
Assistant Surgeon I . S. .
Dr. William S. King. Suigeon-Gonem! of lvua
yivaniu, Harrislmrg, Pa.
Refore, however, tho eurgeons so assigned ha 1
joined the regiment, thu following letter w as re
ceived fnm thu Surgeon-Geuoral of the I. ui cd
Stall a :
Si iiiutos-QKNFRAL'a On in:, 'W"AsiirriToj
Citv, D.C., June 22, 1K0. Sir: On tho 11th
instant a lett r waa written to yon, calling your
attention to the fact that the 2d Provisional Penn
sylvania Heavy Artillery bad been sent to the
field w liliout commissioned medic il officers.
Since the above letter was mailed, thi office
has been informed by the War Department thut
"it (the 2d Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment) ia a
provisional regiment, organized by this (War)
Department, aud tho Governor of Pennsylvania
cannot commission olllcera lor It, and commis
sions by the Governor cannot be reeogui.ud."
1 Bin sir, very respectfully, your ob't servant.
liy oulcr of the Acting Snigeon-Ge-ueral.
C. A. Chans, riurgeon I'nitcd Stn'cs Army.
Dr. Jamk.h Kinii, Siirgeon-Gtueial of Penn
sylvania, llnrripburg, Pa.
lniuiedintely npon the receipt of this letter I
again uddrcsaed the Ptosideut of the Putted
Suites aa follows :
Fx net tivk Chamiuik, Hauiusiu ho, June 21,
l.shl. Sir: Since my communication of the Kith
June instant, the Surgeon Generul of Pennsvl
vunia bus received a letter from the Acting Surgeon-General
of the V nited St-tea, a copy ol
whli h is herewith fumudied, In which you
iiolice that it is assumed that the Goveruor ot
Pennsylvania cannot commission olllcera in what
is called the 2d Pennsylvania liravy Artillery
Regiment, and that the surgoous scut forward bv
my direction caunot be recognized by the War
I cuuuot believe that this assumption of power
can meet jour approbation, but feel il my duty
to ask the question.
Veiy respectfully, your obedient servant,
- ... A. U. Ct'HTlX.
To tbe President.
P. s, Tl at yon rnyhivaa ft;!! view of tha
l )-ltioii ofthis affair, I -n -lose coi-i.-s of t ic prior
ro-n sprndenc Ix tweeu tl. j Sun-goa-'i m.-ral U.
S. A. and the, Suin"ti-Ocn -ral of I'ennsyl-. ania.
A. ('. i.'.
N.i ri y h iving be- n re.e'i ed to th.s, I a. iiu
l lresci the Prtsi 'ent 'by telegr i;-h) n- foi
l'iw :
Fxi'i-i inn Ci. '.Moi n, lliiinishi e.i, .T iiy 1 .,
I1 ii. Sir : (in th i Ibih if Juno 1 i-t an I 2;:n I
h.i-1 the hmor to ad Ire s yo i I-fcrs in r.-ier-.i
M the 2 1 Ilpi'lni.iiit Heavy A rtil lc.jr, Pcnmyl..i
ni i il'int a rs, hi 'i I rr. ir led us of lm iort
aii ") 1 1 :1 e p l'dic ervi--e, t" which uo aa-w.-rs
liav a yet re, :; r die 1.
I beg leave to t .all y-ui it'e i'.i.m to ny lc:ter-,
a-.-l to i s'( an a:i! ef. My ! 'tt fmui Tie r-'s'i-m-'iit
siive it v. is -en! to :hc :'r.v.t a: e ol u a
ch.iri-te.- that it is my duty to pr !; ii:im- -iu
th.' ri'li -l of tho -itl. ens of Thi- tsia-e n the t gi
nievit t'"' no the wio).: u-i Ic- w!;i-h tl.-'jr sm.'er.
A. G. Ci .'.us-.
T- tl'.e !'i"-;dc:v.
'he P-tli il .liny l- , I r-s-eiv 1 a dc-p c v).
from t'i- l'r- s; I nt, I v',;, -lie lay Iw-i.iro, mv-iug
in- to come t i-'iiiig'o-i to confer wiih 1, iu on
the iihi - t ; 1 1 will hi at o"ce r-'oliel, aiso by
t -I- :i.iph, that 1 '.ml, not civ li i: ri i ug i,:
that time, an-1 tint, as 1 h i 1 fully e press -d my
views in my I 'tt- rs of the p.tli and 2lth J uie
last, 1 did not knovv nt anything more "c" I
ould suirgest In referen. eto tho matter, a-i I -h .t
I ba I lircrte.l the Military Agent of th.i .it it.;,
o.oo-1 1 rancis .lordi-n, l cu 1 upon hi'ii. i u!
.vli.'d hini to reeoive him.
In a. -or lance n ith tins nrraiigc n nt. Clo..e
.Ionian h.n! an inicrvie.v with the I Vest d- ut, and
rcp-irt- to mo that the Pr -s d "it expressed ,i
iiigncs.s to n-n.ove Colonel Gibsju, an I, 1 pre
Slime, h.l- b.'Cll d'ltV' ; bur is to lb ' ir.cs'io.l
ul oil i' ring the reitinient, I a:n as ye; un..d:sc I,
and ln-ccd, from tho lapse of t.ine, a-n ind'o'.-il
to infer that the assumption of power by the War
Department, in the ord -r ao;ioii t.iu o 1; er.s, 1. 1
no: been abandoned. A.G.C"e:i.
I'lAASt IA AMI I hi:.
lleuHtin R -, August ' i.
M.Ntn .Mr. I lym-T - ailed no tie! res n'u'i n,s
rehnive to tho 'i!h Pennsylv.i-iiii Volunteers, as
II -., A nii-underst.tndiilg exists b-tweeii
Ihe men of tho Sitli Kcgicioat, )'. ., and the
authorities, relative to th-' timo of expir.i-i on of
th.- service of the s.iel volnntocrs. thorefo' e
feio.'--c(, That the iiOvernor bo and is hereby
reiuestn) use his official inl.b :i ! with th
proper authorities to procnm the disch irg-- oi
s lid men at th" expiration of t'lr-e vc-im tr mi
14V date ofthcT onlisime it. under the autho-l'v
of the state, agreeably t the tcrn: of the-r en
listnieot. l.o-t a; os, 1 1 ; nays, '.1 .
Hoi -r. Local bounty bill an I rc-o'.iition-rclativ
to the printing 01 Jo.-nu'.ents wer- on.
.Mr. Olmsted called np the Senate- bill maUmr
it a mis l.'ineaiior tor any persan to renin any
'louuty uioiiey antly lue to a vol :ntcer, alter iio
is must re I into tho ecr i v, an 1 inii 'ing a
penalty o: t'ie hnndre 1 djlla:-s th r- r.
aii'fllli it'rn(ions TSs'iii-
rtiirn 'iiiii--ii. vi.
Mpcilnl to Iho i:-nlnit l'l-lru rnph.
AVesit.NoroN, Aug'tat 2-1. Tho steam r
K- jirt, from City Point, reports no lighting of
coiisCiiaenco ou tho W 'Idjn ralio.'.d s.':tec :v..
elay. AVarren is firmly p! i-.ted on th ; ro.i 1, a -id
ia not averse to anatta'k 0:1 h. 3 p-j-.ot 00.
Some five han.lrel prisoners, mo-.tiy SaiitU
CaroMnana and M'SsiHsipplaus, taken on "-itaday
U-t by the Oih ( orpa. were brought down tJ Cl'y
Tjint oa Monday ai'ternoon, anl wlt'i their
officers, forty-two in number, IncliiFuj I.'m;-t"3ant-Colo!iols, !' th Mississippi, and
Illake,27th Sorlh i.aroliii'i, a i l Mtjor licll,
Missisaippi, were brought on tho f.yy .a-:.
An orderly win caine In this ue):i:liig 'V-ro
the vi inity 01" Fall's (. havel-, rcp rtith t a for. c
of guerillas under Mosaby, with tv. ) i le-e of ar
tillery, made a -letiionstratijr. list night 0:1 tl.a
ato kades near 1 all's CL .r-.b, c jiitaia'.ug ho--e 1,
tbrowinjj a number i f sh.-lh-. The guerillas '.i',1
tiotbo likely to tarry l-.-.ig t'lor-., or ii-e t teach
bytli!lr visit. I'.'iinj t u !:ea--J ti.'i 'i-o.-niug
froti that diioctior..
Inlernnl Ileve'line noiifsilon.
Tniiesi'Bv Di:rHiMi.NTl d r. n ci l:ii.i m .
RF.vtNvr, Wasuinot'-m, I J, JtYl.
Sir : In answer to yoor letter of tiie lPtb 'nsti't
I have to Uitc the; lologra.-I : :-ai iiilj.s thin.:.
m il.c tho r it irn required by S; tin. V" of tho
Act of June 3'), lH, to tho Assist iat Assessor f
the dijlrie: in which tti-jir p: no pal oil: x Is
loiated. Very respictf-j'ly,
J s. J. Lewis, 1 'oiiniisvicnrr.
To American Telegra -h j-nr -n;-. No. W
RrDa 1 iy, Not York.
Arrival of I'rlaoiurn nt tor Iron. Monroe. Mukiiof, ugi st 2 fae mriil-ateanie-r
A'ciiar'.from City Poin:,h.tJ arrive-! with
nlnoiy Rebel officers, capture ir. tho ro cnt
operations on tho Weldo i ra'l'.'".tJ. The nrintei
eaptnre l at the same l: tie, It is now siiJ, wit:
ntim'jer seven or eiht huud."" I. ''. ii w.'1'. al'
be brought d -wn to-morrow.
Mnrlirla by TnlvtcrapH.
Hai tim.imi:. Aniriist 2. I Ij'gr 1 ii .
..I c J s- '.ira 1 till and J '
J.-II cv, tin. lr,.. . -. , 11 .1,. -li "I ic.-., s-.
1V1 '
Th: atta-1; by the It .-bolt; e; oar Lu;; -in r.
pjicrsburg, in which they iu't'-red a sec, ro
pulse, will hiv taught the one i.y tl: l t! :y cm
hope f r uotliing from an ot eim . opj ! y,:ho igh
to ---Is in doubt that C.'r.jra' ("ran- -..n it h
very glad to havo them con'.'n". it.
Orders from the War I'-'par. 1. at lire. - ti at
all Provost Marshal-ha. .. -:-.'ory:Uin:r in m li
ness to begin tho draft imm ; Jia-.!y '.."i"- the ex
piration of the tiftydiy-.' n-t; v a :: ile g'vn
by tho President, an.', d ie : t'i 1' c-.-oino n'
II-t-t be cl-ised und for. ard.-l ti the Ivo ost
Mur-bal-Generdl's Depirtment v. tl '- is of
September, with coi icgtion- to th .' de.'e, -o ;h it
proper quotas may be unsigned.
The speculations of cirtain of tin- No.v Yori.
sensation journals upon the m.-nisti ? i;o-sti m
are all bosh. Neither Mr. Lincoln's friouds uor
eudiug Repnhllcana are urging tho experiment
upon him, und his views, expressed in hia re
marks (o returning Ohio soldiers, not only pro
claimed his desire, but his determination lo
devote all his powers to the suppression of this
Rebellion and the restoration of the Union.
At C o'clock lust Wednesday morula, the
Kith instant, JohcM. Daniels, editor of the Rich
mond Examiner, aud K. C. F.lmore, of the Con
federate States Treasury Dcp irtment, fought u
duel on Dill's farm, In the neighlKHbnod of Rich
mond. Two rounda were li reel, and al the aecouj
Mr. Daniels received a ball through the fleshy
part of the leg, the projectile avoiding the bouc
and the femoral artery. This appeased the
wrathful honor of the F. F. Y.'s, and they left
ihe ground without a further waste of pow der.
General has returned to his home iu
Cincinnati, from James river, on sick leave. Tbe
arduous labors which he has performed as chief
engineer, aud more lately as gcnerul-of-otalf to
Ma.ior-Gcueral Butler, ailccttd his health so
seriously aa to compel him to seek a respite of
twenty days. No stiitl officer in the armies
operating against Richmond has rendered harder
aud more valuable service thau General Weit.ul.
Tbe chain of works covering General Butler's
frout, and the great military bridges countruetod
under his direction acrota the Appomattox and
James, alford moat atriklug evidence of uutiriug
industry and great profession si skill.
Gen. Granger Within Three Huiiired
Yards of Fort Morgan.
N, Cm r.ANi, Anguat vU C-iro, August
i'.t The Ian I forces nn-ler (itorl Gra-ig-ir aro
within 30) yaids ol Fort Morgan, a general
assiult is epec:o.l In a few daya. The tle-'t H
ftilly prepureil, liieludiiiif tho raiA i'-. i-i-i" c.
Port Morgan cnniinues nb-nt. 1 h-'ie is evg 1 fjct
of water up to Mobile.
The '. n.f had li -'.i ful'y r i-ftir-si, and hl
lired a shot nt Port Murnn, wtio'a roiiii oed
In .' -tie io'is'y "ll 'iif.
Tw-i of the monitor- .u t 1 1-1 -led t ? a-i 'en 1 ;':
'-ny t1 Mo'iiV; the T-. will it.rjni;i.vy
1 lie Hcb-d r-'Vrf of an as- tilt an 1 s'a-ightc
of oiu- tr-iops Is unti 11c.
otlon is lull. Gold, 2-'i74. Vs t.niu-e Ne v
Vol-;., three days' -l.-f,:, J per reut. pr. uiii. n.
i.iioi:i:'s Ni:w r Srui.ur TiitiiHi..
An mi nn I't : .r.-' tr iivc- 0 w.i. i:i-'.c i. :a-t asciitiis' at
:ro r -1 t-.iint str.-ct Tar ur n tt thu
r-erMnt.ill in 01' tl:at i.v4 sirt, tl.litkr dr.uua'i.
V.'-t.s in ovc?i-t-Mi I hi is e-ie 01' the nv t h-oic-ja- r;-.o-i-
at. ill ens e- 'T t K' D i:sc u;sin auy r. f :,e
- nsrv ini,.-is on" s moit rcnian'ls i,',. i.if l'.i-.t: rn
sC' ivlwrs ; t! c - nit. ones A e sueci b. llie trau.'.inii iM-ms
snrt cv 'il 11.1-1 Mteiiie. nil tl.D uim'c nn, .hinc-s 4 II 1'
ail 111 mski- fi.'iu. rt.e Uvltie r.i'inl.i'ii ef 1 niori-1
W u-r- nli ly i-n-isuei s yen w il'i it. li- ,iul .:i l tie- r.ij
'la-ip-- In ire . liars, tea. I Ifii- eoininltivllne of tle-nl, vnt all
ii.-on t ami roaillly re. oniieil. Is one ui ts.e ut...liiul. nt
" ai. ll.iiH wc ei .T witiie-veg. Tlio rl. 1.1.1 .-IV, lllti.
tr-i.'i.- tuo n.tmiu-.' ot "Al.a.liu" an. I ilia "I'mi.-e-., '
w 't 1 jc -ii rr ioii.i. ,1 r fie I'oiirL an.l It. ii't-'lv :io, .1
..-i st tr-cmi-li .11 art.
fl ATE or Tui.IlJIOWS'TKll To DAT. Rlx A. M.,
71. Neon, SI. ino P. M., 7. Wind, West.
SitMi i.n I'.nv i;i ores. From, and after the
1 Jilt day of next September, the price cf sfntnped
envelopes w.11 be advanced some seventeen per
cent, by the Post ibli-e, in eonsei,uen. e ol tho m-creie-ed
rates required of that Dopirtnieti'. Tho
prices will be as follows
No. 2, Letter si.e, Ttireo Cent Stamp. For 20
we now pay HO cents. I uder the new rule tho
price will be U 1 cents, l or M), now S '.-j'.'; new
rat- s l-x,-i; for inn, now ! 1H; new rules, M 7-1;
for 2oU, now s7 '.ii; now rates, V.l'ilo; for .js0,
1 ":) ; new rales, -Mv.iOj for Run), how )1o)0,
new ra:es, .:;.
No. I, Note Three Cent " i:np. Heroai'te",
the rah s will be .'or package of 2-i, !'! cct::-; ..'I,
Us.; ;", I til ; 2)0, o pi; ,,i;.( wju- iek),
. M-lii.
No. 2. Le'tcr sic, Two Cord St -mp. Fjr 2",M
cut ; .'si, -l-ii; 1111), ;.;.); 2 ), J i 7i ; ',)),
! l-.ji) ; I00O, .i 17.
No. il, Olliinil si.--, sij.s Cent S'ae.ip. Now
rate-, package of 2'., iVl 7"i; )0, I .'.2 ; ;i"l, stj-nt ;
2 lo, i).17'ii); .'shi, a .', -.'ii; m m, Sid '.
0, it Wvni) Mli.tinus. Wc note tliat, tho
citiens of tho different wards arc taking mea
sures to render themselves exempt from the Four, live, and even six thousand ibilars
hive already boen raised lev me; of the wards,
an I recruits are being spec-lily obtained. I-et
our lilocns score tho men already at
doors, and not allow ihem to he cniighi np by
ofh-r cilit a and States.
Those enlisting should b.vvr in niln 1 that if
credited to any other city than i'h.ia lelphia,
their families or friends can ba. o uo claim upou
tho city fund.
Tun WArmwiaox Cttor. Vatcrmolon9 aro
abun Lint in our market, and ihe I'.ae-t ,uailty
ar -Belling at moderate prh-ea. Tho season h ut
been exeeedlnnly favorable for thoir growth, aud
the result is tlio crop ia far heavier than :ini d,
while th- r : an fewer poopic around to use them.
Fine large ones can bo had at from 2d Ua0 cents,
which is far below tho average of the nist lew
yeiira, nud low enough to put them within ttio
reach of all. Tliij-e sold hero are o -jt.-i ledcliiefy
from Jersey, and aro of a supirioroiia'iiy. i'hfy
aro hrougii: up ehielly by -t-.-.tmer, nv; are .o
ab'inlint ihat, iitor paying a'l exoenses, they
yield the shippers upwards of one l.'ir-.ii. j 1 per
co-it. profit oa tlu-ir investmeiit.
I'Hi-"Ni:w Inoiiiira," wb! h --i:! 1-ivo this
part in a -ew days, is eihoor-. 1 n- foi! , j
Commodor-, Win. Ra Ifnr I; I.i out -iif.nt -Co-n-mander,
Robert L. Piiytliiin ; Sur.'i-oti, K.leird
Shippe-n; Assistant Sr.rg'ua, G 'oi'ge A.RriK'it;
Piiytnasl.-r. i-.-orsc P.uii.;ctt; I ie'i!e.,, li. J.
Blulie, ii. It. Ku'nscy ; Limtonaiit l.'niicj
'ir:iiis, A. I). Young; Ac i:ig M H'cr, 11- P.
Canner; Acting Feigns, John v h tng, Wiiller
l ierson; (.hlei Lngincor, Alj .. '.reor; .Vs-is-ta-it",
Wm. J. Reid, N. P. Tov.n, V.'. S. .terry,
J. II. Hen', J. K. Mcve.-i on, A li. H jnie.-Mia ;
Gtj:ii r, Win. i-ip
Tel D '.i.r.iAti KiK'.iMNv. Iho ddegata
:'.e ii ; is if I'm N vlijn :! Yn'.uv, Jri.'J !'.:li
last evening, ia tho variiu- Ward- of '.he city.
The deloguHs sel :-te 1 wm chosen fro.ii atnon,;
tlie 'ti ist r ominent citi ons, gentlcm in oin.nent
nr llioir prlv i o char-ieMr and social probity.
Tl-e various nominating 'coaventioas wi i
to-morrow to nondnuto oao iigros-:inau; Soite oi tho Tbir I District ; 1 i I'lombers of tin'.ilattire; Uo v oili.-ers; und the v i.-ious Wa d
Ac'cmrNTs. William Convc, ag-Jl ton years,
TiaJ bis left tiib;h injure.1 unl his right iocs
crushed hy being run over or. th j K:.i Lng It
Mnetieuth and Ponnsylv inh: a.ei:.ic,
yestenUy af.ernoon. Ampuuitiono til foot n
rendered neeesniry.
P.iti ick Muilig in, a Isjv, h.n! his loft i.rc.i
torn off at the oloo, yoster liy, by l-cii n c:.iu;ht
in the carding machine of a woelen u ill in the
1 .v-nty-ionrth Ward.
Aiiiiisn i). This morning R ibirt Ciaxt jn 'vis
arralgm JIjci'oio Aldorm.iu fiwiil.u.iji; the chirge
of stabbing a m au named Me lushoy, a's.i:: a
week since. Tho hnter was c:t in th-co plves,
and roceivoil v -ry sori ma in tiries die of thj
wounds would nadou'.iteJ y havo proved fit il,
had uot tho knife come In eont.n". w'-.'i MoCIus
l.iy's jmcket-book. I he dr.'en in : way cmi
milted in default of !nn-) tj:iil to answer.
U w Tales. Tho a'teiiibn '!' tho C aimis-si,i:ii-r
of Highways is called to !!.'0 i oii.i 'ij:: uf
the street i rots'ngs a' sixth and Hi e an I sixth
mil Vine streets. If i. pi'r. are not ircii'.cdi f dy
luado to tbe ro'.sing at tbe lato-r-ncin -d 1 x ' '.y,
the cily will sinn lie mulcted in heavy d '.ui iges,
for loss of limb to some ot our citiens.
A i l'O'.KT moil R: vac i Ho '-i:. Ann
Wl.-tci' hut three- ribs brokeu y e-t.-r lay a.'ter-ntvo-i
at 1 hirtoctith and Noblo str -ets, fr. m be'n
str'icl: by a wagon wiiti whh h a horsg wa: run
ning awiy at the time. Tho in'urc 1 'v.'-mn i ves
.it llntailo and Parrisli streets.
Mn.ii.inv Lm.i i no. Thocveciiiiou oi Wil
liam 11. Howe, of tho lliith Pennsylvania Volun
teers, will tako place at Port Miilla on 1'rld.iy,
between the hours or II and 1 o'clock. F.very
prepuriition boa beeu made for the execution.
FiT'xikiii:) Si ustiti tes. Tivo single young
lady residents of the F.igbth Ward furnished
substitutes at Provost Marshal Palmer's office
a day or two since. Their example is worthy of
Imitation. AViio will follow suit )
Hirm rnxo. This morning warrauts were
Is.-ucd by the Muyor for the payment of the cl'y
boui.ty to 2tl nu n, 1H of whom were volunteers
and received $liu bounty, and eight substitutes
.y2o0 each.
Oi-t x i on Inhi-wiion. This eveuing the main
audience-room uf the North liroud Street Pres
byterian Church will be throw n open to the pub
lic, (or tbe purpose of exhibiting the lighting ap
paratus of the building.
Duow m il F.dwaid Wiley, eleven years of
age, was drowned in the Delaware, ut Glinid
avenue wharf, yesterday. The body was reco
vered and taken to ihe' residence oi hia parents,
No, 1KU Vienna street.
Kii im bv a DEiiKiek. Arthur McCormiek,
aged twcnty.fotir years, waa instantly killed by
the fall of a derrick yesterday afternoon, at
Charles Uiebncr'a marble yard, Market and
Twentieth street.
Instantly Kil l i i.. A boy uained Thomas
MeC'u-ky, fourteen years of age, was Inst intly
killed yesterday afternoon, by having bis bead
crushed by a drav, at the Reading Railroad
- Fiut. The roof of Stelcman & till-' foundry,
at Muyor and Lark streets, was damaged by lire
yesterday to the extent of fc'XHI. The lire was
communicated by the heat of the cupola.
?fj Pos i i-oN sv-i'ni or tub TtuAi r. The War
Department has foi warded orders to all the Pro
vost Marshals of this -ity, directing them to have
everything in n a licess to einimanse tho draft
Immediately after the expiration of the fifty
days a'lowcl forth. tilling of tho quoUof the
city. The cnrolin.-nt lists are to be closed and
forwarlol to tho Provost Marsbal-Ooncral'a
office by tho 1st of September, with correctiona to
that date, in order to an ign tho proper quotas.
The conscripti m will liievita'ily visit p rtions uf
the city. The en rtirtn burdoa of the First
V'.ird clings to It like the pick to Cbrlsil iu'a
shuilders. There must bo a great increase Li
recruiting then t-) e'a,o tho ilin'i. Il the
S- ventli Ihe I'rovo-t Marsh lis will hnve thoir
hands toil. Tho draft will bo sweep tig. The
roust aiugiihir sttipur lsuitinn'ested lu tne s vontU
Ward. The volaa ecflrg there is no, as brisk as
nii?lu b- exveted from thn Uher-il and patriotic
rbar.iet.-r of Us .-iiir-.-n. V, would advise (hem
to adopt tho Tcn'b Ward plan, and. form au
"insuran -c " so"iat-em," by whiWi every snl
s riber may bo luured from the draft. Surely
llicro arc a urge number of eiu.ais in tue
Si Tenth Ward w ho ate willing to sy, say . 0
( nil, to save tho cte lit of the locality, as well as
to suar vitec thcni-cl'. es from conscription ou the
'th of Si pt- mber.
How ro Awiin thi; Dim t, While tho
anUiontiesof New York aro laboring to p.-ovn
that the i ity Is exempt from the draft, In consa
.nencoof a sorplcs of men hiving enlisted in
tho navy, and while tho prcts nt homo and
nbroiid Is dily tlia-.-nssing the prolxilslllty of
lkn onfonvment of 'to drift on tho ith of 8e
lember, it behooves the eitirona of Philadelphia,
niKwhhslaniling the exertions mndo In discour
age eulistuieuts, us all su -h arguments are eatcii
laicd to do, to examine the records In their d it'
ll reut wards and discover just exactly how
many men have been furnished tho Ooirernuient,
and what is their quota un lor tho present cull.
The only fact this city desires to sinisfaii'lnto is
that Ker iuo(n is full, by reesoa of men who hnvo
already eulisied ciib-ir in tho army or ntvy, and
then it D a matter of but little m uncut to us
whether the draft is enforced or not. Cn
donbttdly, Iherrj are ineny wards In Hi in city
whom iiiota con bo materially reduced if the
mailer is thor muhly inves ig itert. Let the wards
be 'unvas I s somatically, and the proper
credits obt lined. Hut little tluiu w ill bo con
sumed, and the ep-n-o will be ipiite am ill in
comparison with what will be re iuirod tootitain
rubatitnti s when the dr ift d x-s come upon us.
Which i Philadelphia desires at many ro
ernita as she 0iii possibly obuiin before tha oth
of the eumiiig mouth. Th -re arc several regi
ments now lu pro "ess of urgaui-.iiliun in this el v,
an 1 the claims ol each of theuivvill be found In
their appropriate column. Let those coutein
platinit enlisting in the defense of our country
run tb'ir eyes over tho li-t ami saywhl-h of
tbem ihey will imi-ie lintcly attach themselves
to. Tho bounty money in a'lot those regiments
is lore, and great indue -men's arc oil. red (o
lflolll.T I-M-ori'i-sT Dft'lsHlV RlllTIVITO
tiih Dhai r. Pror-t M ir.l,.il-fcucral Fry has
decided that men who paid commutation under
the draft of June, IHo:), are liable to the draft
which takes place in Sept-mher next, to fill
liabilities in -ub-uistn ts uu-ler tho cilisinade
up to the present time, and the District Provost
Marshals aro ordered to plucu in the wheel fur
the drail.tho naioe of sue a parlies.
Fiunoer Maiisu.m.s xor Liaulb ro r.
The case of Captain II. J. Mills, IVovjst Maishal
of the Filth District, No.T Jcr-cy, who wis
elrafted some time since lu tin Four h Distrle',
baring been referred to Provost M irshal-Geiurai
Fry, that official has direc.od Cn-tain Uiown to
dischnrga Capt on Mills front all liibi lty uu ler
the luto draft, which finally .sttlos the iuostion.
Ar Woitx. The mustering lieutenants ap
pointed by the committee to sn.orlii tend recruiting
in the five watJh of the city having tho largest
quotas to fill, are now at work, an-1 have already
obtained a number of recruits. 1. no.v boho nes
these wards to aid the Coimnit'oo all they can
by liberally subscribing for additional bounties.
Canvvsw Vot R Wai.uo. Ciliaena should cau
vais their wards and receive a full quota for all
men furnished by them t the navy. The neces
sity of this is show n from tbe fact that a e tnvass
of Ihe Second Ward has brought to light the.
enlistment ot '2iD men iu thiuvy. Tnis number
w ill be crcdilo J to the coming draft.
Fihf. This tujraing a lire occurred ut Pat
ton's plaster mill, Ilei' b street, bedow Brown
Floi'etilu War I. IU: damage s'lsra-netl -vas
SOticSiiAb::, Wind jvv shaded, mautifacturoit
tor atore win Iowa, with gib. and f in- y lotteri-ig
at W. Ilet.ry Patten's, No. 1 1 on Chesnut strevet.
Dn. CoMi'mx-, Si. T.-47 Vine strct.
O re it or Ti. E.o:-ii-i Tr.i nniuni, (
Wee:.. .!, August Jt. (
The Stock M ir'teit is ri'hor dull this morning,
except fr Governm--nts and Coal Oil shares,
which are in g-iod demand, at a further advance.
Railroad stocks id quiet, an 1 priges arc rather
lower; Beading aoU at ;iij( 7, which Is a
decline; Pennsylvania at 7J, also a tl"cllnoj
North Pennsylvania,.')!; and Long Island, 49 f
4'llwas bid for Little Schuylkill; 112 I'orMlno
hill ; 41 i for Cut awissa pret'errod, 22 J for common j
and 34") for Philadelphia aud Krie.
Government bonds continuo in doruitid, and
prices are bott-.-r, Willi sales oi o-2')s at ll.i J ; and
Ms of I8S1 at lonci 10.U; III was bid for 7'dls.
Coal Oil shares continue a. tivo and pr.ceshavo
an upward tendency, with sales of Perry at liji
McClintock, 7 P-Kb.'", S4; Maple Shade, let;
Mcllbenny, sj ; and DaLell at 10.
Bank shares coutiuuo firm, but there Is very
little doing in the way of sales; 1CI was bid for
North Auicri.ia; 13 e for Pbilade.lphii; til for
1 aimers' aud M chauica; .'C for i'jniuieixlal;
21 for Mechanic's; 80 for Western; 274 for
Manufacturers anl Me'hanica, and 17 for Con
solidation. In City Passenger shares there la very
little doing, and the quotations ure without any
material change. Oreen and Coatcs aold at 30 ;
724 was bid for (Second anil Third ; -00 for Tenth
and tlovciilh ; aud 21 for Arch Street.
Thero la more doing in Gold, aud prices have
declined; opening at 2 '.,, fell off and sold at
2ooJ at 11 oVIi.-k, 2.0 i at 12. aod 2 o'A at hulf
pust 12.
A dcspat- h fr m Washington this morning
saya tho aubscriptions to the 10 K) loan t portoel
at the Treasury Department yesterday amount
to 23-1,000, and thoc of tho new 7'iJO loan to
J-ViVXX). Tlio total subicrlptions to the latter
loan arc 22,')(i7,n-n).
The Money Market, as we have noticed for
some timo post, continues easy, aud loans are
plenty on call at C per cent, per annum. The
best paper is selling at from G(nU per cent.
Revuni'B Decisions Commissioner Lewis has
dei bled thut Section 101 of the act of June :0,
lsJil, imposes upou every person, firm, company,
or corporation owning or possessing, or having
the care and inamigcuient of any railroad, canal,
steamboat, thin, barge, canal-laant, or other ves
sel, or any stage-couch engaged or employed in
the bu.iness ot trims porting pabsengers or property
lor hue or transporting the mans, or any canal,
the waters of which are used for nimiiu. purposes.
a duty of two and a half per centum upon the
gross receipts, and three per centum upon the
gross receipts of any toll road, ferry, or bridge;
und section iiw provides lor too nioiie anct tune
of the returns, and the asscn-ment a ;d collection
of the duties imposed, except hi the cases nl the
owners or proprietors of atuge-coachea and other
vehicles, which ore specially provided rcr by tue
regulation of the Secretary of (he- Treasury.
The Coiiiinuiaioncr of Internal Revenue has
just rendered the following Important decision
concerning the collection of the tax 011 Cigars :
"Cigars selling at not over 13 shall be sub
lect ui a tux of 3 ; selling al over ld and not
over $M do., S ; selling at over j0 and not 01 er
i.i do., 15; selling at over . not over
4S5 do.. -25; selling at Ovor ho do., JU; Clga
reties iu paisw wrappers selling at noteoer
100rack;gesof2.-. each, per HW packages Jo..
1; lu pajwr wrapper, selling at over iii
per 100 paekages of A each, per loo packages
So. 1 ; uiado wholly 'of tubacto lair luc. elo., ..
For tbe purpose of aiding in the detection
and prereutiuu of fraud, tbe law provides for the
inspection and stamping of cigars by an inspec
tor. A a general rule tho tax does no: accrue
upon rims a tinti! o' er their u'. and It vlTi;n-'
tagos of thu lived a:.d posltivo basts aft 'd',4 by
tbo sale would des n ilc tho wlili g rrlaw as the)
point 01 uepariu-e in ass-'asing !vx,fv.-n 11
the positive provision of an- tt n "I did not pro-.crltM-
it for oar guidance. Bnt the Inspi 1,0a &
made before a anlo, and thus It tobnwa tha-tbo
Inspector la obliged to estimate th taIui m
let he can, aud this at a One wbca
the tax has not yet aflaehed. Inspeetirtv
have, therefore, been instructed to estimate the
value 0f cigars exclusive of the ta, in
c.nillng In this eatlmat ihe ex-at of production,
Cackma, lioxinir, hisirei-tinir, and wbntrr mi
c rroperly tr;ni d as p-irt of Iho expnf o
putting the luto a omplctg! and fiail
cmulit on for the market, aa well aa t'aa rea :u
nhle end ordinary pnjfct of tne m mf i;rnr.
Alts r ho baa thus deVrmirKHl lh Tain, ho wiU
olrlx the aiamp according to tbe foliow'as
e. buie:-Notrrs p,r kUBllrs(l .K.geJ
exclusive of the tax. SI; ovr ; per bnn Irai
.aekneea. l; tint orr fr, p.r thousand, fit
between and "M5, fs); between M(j j)t
4.1.1; between t iO and it to, 20." ,
The Commissioner ali decldrt that w'rte
for tbe del very of any property am churavlle
with a stamp duty of two eenU, and ibis -vpit
to all dray rccoip't aui all receipts Issued of
received by st'.imbotts, rallnads, or express
rompaniea. Bills of lading or rvce p-i for any
Koexla, wares, or nierchantii-s, to be trans!"orro5
from anv port or plao in the Pnit- d V.te, and
to be deflvarfd at any port or plaee In tie
In I ted Slates, are aubjoi't to the stamp eOuty of
two cents. ;
rnitJinKLPFff v ?tock E':iTA!r.i ixe4. .
ataponaa by (larkxw A O., sjrs art. N m a. Ikord St,
BS Jut OiiaJtDa.
Ilrntir.a.' 50 c.tll j ., 1 ' i W.-tihaoBT 01.
t -.110 City Oi.lKW 1M I 131)1111 f 0.. ...... .M
Ml .h l.i. clsl jr Oil.. 1 CS
.v. 1 .1 ll-i ,
l-.l sb H.,
1..- I;.
f.ak .Hi ..... SW
Srsl.b 1o
lisi ib o
y.) .h flo 6 si
I'si sn au.
7.'. .11
WVIll an
7KI.ll 1I0
rK'llnli Hols. IMii4.
: 0 h So
ViO-h !
.100 .h etirt'n 01..,
yi in -I'
l.klOUl -. US)
I'O fll no
l .11 1
li r. '! ta
I) d- SU t 'i
n rt........ : ft
-( tuesa o.,-.,,, ,
4 .'. ;mili di ... 7
Vio Hi. lij
11 no h
1 11 .11
m sh
V SI 111
"SKI ,11
Mm sb
'SO lit
o.n ei....i,.bUi Tt
II0.J1.U do I .
vil 7a T
.... t r,
...a s
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do ali)
do. b5
roo.ii an.,..., m
1 ih
'J'. J.Vi.n U.i
'ii, , .V-tl llU Ikl.
f " s"l Bs r Oil. .
em sh omnie OU
iiflsh Ko k O l...
sih do
mo sh MoiUicaiiy
'.' i) .a do
IK) all do
jnn.hPh oif tli.!'.' :
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H , -i n vo k Ira .... ',' vi
S.' 4'0.hCl;ni,iili).....d
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' U. 0.
real..:. VWV
.' a
L b -ii
iv,o do mo. 'J
i.i sti tinr u.iu:
inc. u M s o ,t L
f'lt'H V. fif 11 I".
l :run... r, 1
$li.! I'anna fi. Inf. ,
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sih do ba 7V-
lc'shBI.H.K..t-:JC7 ,
IKih do ft.iie-,i
4l ah d nil) St.
;s).S do i'. -:i.';
).uii. -w. .........
. 1 s a m mu i.iw.11) in
Im) sh M -iivinr 'JU. "X
Mm .11 . a............ -H'i
ama ' d-. .;.,.' vl" f 2
t ilth IM1..U uii.vio li-X
1 -O'l j. .. i.-z
jooaii E"MriOJ-..'. Jts,
i'i.o ai... ,..t-j
H.h Psnn Ad .... r.5
li all S u-lh Pa M ... M,
I'lo-h f. nt 4'i
luu .a earcB tvilaa J
PRicra of T.)iisi im itw Toaif.' I -
ItK-rtcd by eiailuja A Co., Uroijit, (. Ul 1. ri.,-4
. rrv tin'!, detain Off.
I'Tim-a ntatcs aa, o.....lJiii, wa a- ' J
Ili-a.hriir lialir .1...
Now Yvrk evn-ral UaUtoatt..
Krle H uh. ad
Hudson Baalroad
t'nin d Hutes
.. .-. out ,...i
,.1'TSSi !na c ... f -wi
..fri-, m t ' . a.ivi
...rgiw old i- 2 .0. iw,
..AiiV ma ; .. hum
..iiiijud irs.iu
quotations of Gold at tbe PhiladulphUi -oLl
Exchauge,No.31 S. Third stroet, segonJ - torv
4 A. M 2o7l 12 M .......V
11 A. M 2Wi 1 P. M .....,aij
Market weak. ( ,,,.
Jay Co .kk & Co. quote Gover.i noot lr curi
ties, Ac., to noon to-duy, as f dlow. :
-" ' 'fat'
ei. n. os, ine ...I ll -
V. S. 7 3-10 Notes j'.ra
Certificates of Iatlebtodnesa, ne-v... - 11
Quartermaster's Vouchors. iS ..:
Gold f,t, .
5-20 Bonds Wfi''
Quoluiioiis of the principal Cob! aud. Coal till
stocks at 1 o'cloi-k to-day : ' - -
riilinn Coal nee,
111.' Monmnin IV al. SV
M. v..Min.ejai. .:u'(
dltfeli M:. Heal.... to,
N. ( nrlsuil.Oa ae.
Saw Crt-uli I S,
Kss;r lia-n Coal. 1
Aiwrlc:in Kd I.U.. ?V
I't-nn .Mltilna fci.'
luV tCritoa Oil
9 Viiinin(ill
K L'nioa l-atr-u-aia.. ..
7 n.-na.ilo OU IV
4I 1'r.i.kUuK.I '.
IS llua.Vl Kidftyi.. 1 ,
l vt Irvlna Oil I -
J ,J"iia tvta Oil.,,.
.. Iiu'h-ri'oal J.ti)
'l Kirii Zi.M..,. HAf
u il. n.inr-s...
IS Daliallotl '
a .Mi-ii'i-i ,v rv
6 'Km-oria till. .......
i Kl.D-l.jad jW
( FeDKiA IVIa.i,ctr.l7
Plruu I'a-aLlsj. W
7 f'.lr
IS b-iia Inland. .,
sS ra.ii), or 011 J
Siory '
(ihnril Mii.iini,
Ko. Jb.Onir U
I'liila. and II 1. luu. ..
Vtiiidsn Miitltnr
Mar.iif-li Mouna. 3
AI.hid Ircn, ...... S-i
Oil i-r-k C
Mnplo HI). ! 0'I..I?
Jlel'lini.-k OU.... li.i
I'vnn-ylvanlat'a!.. ..
l urry Oil t
.Mineral Oil...
.i dm riau lur.
3 I
The following are the rocelu'a of Flour and
Gram at this port to-day : FM'ir, 1HIU bbls.;
Wheat, 720i) bush.; Corn, ii25d buu, ; Oats, 4'0
Archibald Molutyre, Asitiiit Tfeaturcr -at
tho Mint, announces ihat tho c up.i.isof the iO-40
loan, due September 1, and the 01 ipons of the
0-20 loan due November 1, w ill bo piid oa pre
sentation at hia office. - - ..j
The new 7-30 Treasury notes ut the varioas
denominations have baeu receive I, and jao 6a
had at par from the Assistant Treasurer of tho
United States in this city. . , . t.
Tho third instalment of five dollars per share
of tho suck of the I'nion 1'ai.seiigur Railway
Company will be due aud payable Snpteinuer '3. ,
The New York 7'.Ws this morning sayfl :
The purchases of V. S. Stocks for traasinisaiea
to the Continent 01 F.uropo by a el igie bunking
finu (Gcru: m: la Kxehauge-place, within a few
days past, nmonat to a Drill. 00 of dollars.
The business of the day nt the Office of the
Asaititaot Treasurer onTucaday was as foliows.
Total receipts, Jl,ol,H2H'31 ; lor Customs, 2W.
noo; piMuonts, jfl .7SS.780 79; on account loau,
frlNLOod; balanee, 21,71 , -02.
It i proposed to fund the debt of Net
Hampshire. The bill ,for this purpose provides
for the issue of bonds to tbe amoun of $ l,uM,W',
at a rate of Interest not ex- oediugO per cent.,
payable somi-annually In Huston ur N York,
in not less than thirty nor m ire than forty vers,
not more than t.OOO.d-iO payable lu any one yoar.
Honda to be sold by proposal, at not less than
par. Fifty thousand dollars of ratiro id tax to bd
act aside annually aa a sinking In id, and aleo
wluiteve-r may be rocedve I from the Ounerc.l (Jov
crnmint. " ,
The Cinc'.nnali i-ai- fiY auras np the rtsnl; of
tho wheat harvest as follows: Minnesota, am
inmate' (of 22-isi,'IO bushels; Wisconsin, 06IS
liilrd of un average crop ; Iowa, a deticaiQey of
l,4bil,(MSl bushels; Illiuo.s, two third of an avtv
regecrop, or a Jcri-'ioney of rt,Oi),ooo b-she'",
aud Indiuna a surplns of over 4,000,0:1 bcsh tlt
tS.l.r Alert, Plai'k, Kiiifc.loil,Ja.,. e'. Nan Hum. '
iSclir IE. W . llillon, I.udlaiu, Fonruaa If ioroe, i rle-r 4 C '.
(j. lo !'. -abouias, Vorry, Bustou, Cantuer, Btkkuey 4k
W tllii.inon. ,
Kcl.r l.'i.K , Coiiliiiirn.IInmptnn Rnada, II. A . Adams.
tkJit IjiiI Suitolk, triabua, frovldouoa, Mutilo, CaldwaJ
at 1 ...
Rehr H. W. More. Oardlner.Taunlnn, Twr-lls A Co.
hcl-r Claiu JauL-.Owun, 1'ortlaud, C. A. lUok.havr 4 CS
eil r Hnuw iSquull, HheiJiard, 1'ortland, CaH-uio.
aBIirVED TIU9 MOHNnriJ. ' .
f-bi. J liarUiur (Br.), Kttckuey,AS dayaitaaa ljtwpsol.
wall uidee to Joliu U. l'nuroaa. ,
lo.niin i. Cununlnsi (Br.), Il.Kikwaj-, H days oroas
Ltvi-riiiM., w ith oiil.a to Jubn K. rttareau.
h. ur dame 11, Cliaaa, 4 days froui Wlitoa, In ballttt to
C iTci'lrT.P. al.'Collev, BurlHiroiiirli.t dayfroai Camden.
leu., wiiaw lieat vainmt Utnk 4. . .
sruur. ' ' i .
lfidid8talManli.TaUai"-Chambers. , ,
IlnniiiB Snilaiiiaii, rroao ati-w Urluau.. -Har-iu.
Uoaii.iko.Iioui IKilto Cabrllo. ;,
BlHue1reirti.d Ollauda. Irom Mcaatna.
nrrftpmfenrt ot llit' PliUttruMit Prrhnnff.
l,,i;..Il.,Aiiiiu.liri,l'.U.-Hrln. he-llo of tt Bay,
fi,r Tatai-a Hmv : avaineuK, (or Port tt.-yul -, eliluaor.i Mre-dltli.ri-r
Ki.rtroaa klonr.rii; aehra A. l. Ise-uU, aud J.N.
1 rinkt-r, lor ortreaa kJcuruo; C.ara r.lln, tor Bo.l.i,au4
raiisii.eit,Tore-nri'oiiii,nnii-oiu ruuailelibiai-, Mlnarva.
JO. am Snilb.J. K. Wllkitta, aud Hear. tiuUi, rrueai Bra
Yr rk for Korlreaa Iti-liroa; K. Vaut, with U-,lurWk)B-Intnou,
aad two scliouuira wltn hay,nauiaa sukaowa, ura
Ml tl.t? brenkwaUT liiU altomoon. A larKO dul, b. aud
uorll.waid, wuiit oul thi. uoraliis, Itll lud fru ISO".
Ilie.l.iii Juuna Kiulili, kaiura ran.. read, la ko.ka aaaol
ahiiM, and ttiei-tt art lour r-et of wal.r over her daki Its
wiecki ra arm trliuuuj oa Iwr aaila aud rlsalns.
oara, Ac, Aatuia Majuwai
4Mtie.ini Uraftltassar tta hMttf l4J
LokurTuS ktisutiicxT.
1 Lotfrtaj 4KJ1T- A tlKllawl .1
J, 5, 55, 27, 21, 24, 2, T'i, 14, 17, 70. 50, 5&
e i40-Arutaatin, ts4,
6, (02, 3S, 70, 74, 41, 23, li, ill. tw, 4i 53, H
vu.urt aval ay aoareutus
. ;-sJ J