V il 1TV. DAILY EVENING TKI.ECILM'II.-I'IIII.ADELI'IIIA, TtESDAV, AtOl'l-ST 2:t, 18Ci. TXESDAT, At'OrST Itf, 19C-. ftr TV Ucnt-s Trft'T- NY .UCHARD COK. Tk'T i-c no' uvJ wn0 ll Writh folded huntls and pallid Una apart ; Th. n when-fore stand wo weeping by, AV.in chilled and pnlseless heart ) Vtnth la another llf, A (ar removed from care, nnl toll, anil Which, when the iioul with jrr.icc is rife, It 'o may enter in. in; Had we tint faith to see, , , ,. , Our ey would RUston with a keen delight, To find our loveJone oompany WUhan-jols pure anl br.gts. fik. v of little faith ! Lift P jonr weeiiinf; eyes to Govt's Cvn tbrcne, Jaad pray, n tn.a oc dying, 1'carn . Uj claim ye for his own. To walk with JowncAst eves. Not ever look bcyoud thia vale of v.si ; tVof n in the dnst the body Lea, "Where shall the spirit gj ? Then let tit itiT the tcara That course adown our fade,. ohtiAs il.c"Lile tul father strength for futnre ye-ire. Co tJod may on tie aaiile ! Br, long our Fathfr's voice Will call nsto Himself in l.-aer, i;mc ; And we shall then in Him riOo-e, With those we ao much lore. And ea-'h with golden lvrc. Shall praise the Lamb that sit; upon t'iif-throne. v? ant- rmm aula iiuj'o sua., in'-u cAjiic, And lvo en Jure alone. Aad bowing at His iVt, Who oped for ug the new and living way. The hArraony divinely sweet Shall be prolonged for aye 1 JOTTISGSTROM PTJNCH. Motto i on IUhmlnoham. "Honor Bruonr." An ArptAL to Bf.tt:no Mi . Whata the odd) on any torso so Jong as you are happy ? Daw: Game. Portrait of a Bra e of Par tridges. A Valpame Lititf. Mohat.. Let everybody rrpard as an enemy the man who Is nobody s enemy bnt bis own. A Qi'MTio ion a ('OMrr.TiTivB Examina tion. What Jo you know of Henry VIII, und who told yon ? Medical Qveky. M'hcn a person iWelare.g that his "brain Is on t-ro," is it etiquette to blow it out i Fahhionadlb Is n.LHni Ncr. The inU-ct-tag inlant daughter of an unlicensed spirit seller, in the neighborhood of the Seven Dial", is to bo christened jinny. Cow rAOtov os Titr. Rait . To the other perils attendant on railway traveling is now added that f smallpox. We all of as occasionally run to eaten the train; now, if we catch that, some of ns will probably caleb something more. Akt Gotiair. Mr. Cook, R. A., on beintf iiskeil H be would ever send another nautical pieccto toe Exhibition, declared that he would not, con firimnit the announcement of his determination with a violent blow on his paint-box. It may be aid that this artist has struck bis color-. Volt Foniivrn, All enamels, pigment, and other preparations of that sort, advertised .is Impnrtme bloom to the complcxi ja, olivfru' t the ores ot tbo skin anil inilame tho visage, j ro sluemg permanent discoloration and limup.ro soent, with enllowness, tun, freckles, pnupies, imoueaiefl, wuviks, kuoiis, jiuu iiaiu-s ui i;ic. "Listhhers Never," etc. "A circular baefc stairs joining the grand staircase is especially valuable in enabling' you to find your partner .n crowded assembly ; only you may drop on her suddenly, nnd hear her mention "that you have kored her Into the next galop, but she will show you another card when you coiue, and get out f it." I'tpn Art Haxds ! Certninly the ivnnts thut one sees advertised grow daily" more extraordi nary. Here for instance is a specimen : WANTED A g-xnl setunj-l.jnd Ms, nil B.i'.r. Al'juT. Ac Is it the biscuits or the baker that must bo second-hand In either case the inallty appears s little strange to ns. Who on earth can have a taste for buying biscuits second-band, niter some one (l-o has munched them f Or, in the other case, pray what on earth is meant by a "second hand baker ? Footmen advertine themselves sometimes as being "singlo-handcd," so possibly the advertiser put in "second-hand" to make it elear he wished the baker to possess n second hand, which in any time of knead would cer tainly bo useful to him. But, talking about hands, here are sonic -till sore curious manual requirements WAKTFD An Eieerl-.1 k(if!l aed reml-lrt ltadl sls'j Maililiitt iljtiids; also a gJoJ oivtr-- n:. Machine hands very possibly nre the hvi!s used by the ispirit-rnpners to oe suo-vn a: tuj;r nancei. Bnt what a demi-ekirt blind can be we arepunled to conceive; and still les cap we imagine an experienced skeleton. Indeed the tatter really is too horrible to thiui of, and we Uerelore beg to Le excised from Ukin-- tV.rt;.- r tiHiught about it. iexis ituNsro'-rD. MtDeae rAP.ESTS At the ro.mnt of v.j pre:eptor, I furnish yon with a few specimens of my calligraphy, consl-liug of moral sin'iwrn-s and miixiti-.s of my own sele:tioa . rr-xrut!na'Jn ! the t--il b1 lint4. F'it'iAlUj 1- lie lhiei'f tluii. yamt.laTily 'li'.h bBH fprvt. Vlxlue ! ittuwn puniiliuint. Yiv it lt own rwi.ril. lnligrc tn-urev latiue. AjuU' ilicn It pamfnt. In'luotry .'omDuuid1 piva;'?'.. J'a'ereriia will lull. Cuttus cjoit't tc Krl.'f. In the pleasing hope that the foregiU? ev idences of my improved handwriting, aui of re y ' Moral anl intelltctiiHl pr?iess,mny merit and La rtwurded with your kind appronaikm, I iua J. ay dear parents, your auin:tionate child, Mentor House Academy. J HowLiNu Gahotters. As if a f.ji?,jcj ruttian were not tolera'iW coinue:u:it to U jv, 1 iur kiuiself, the .Uirnuia Star helps him with an td. ditioial beilow. A counlo oi g'Arot'.ini; s;oi:n drels came under the eat at Durham the other duy, and bei-auue the lash wa ailminUKred m &n' edi'Mu ioua wav. o ir contemporary raises as inch out :ry as if he, and not tuecowar l!y brutes ' lu ijueMion, li id " eaoftht It." What aentimentul aunsenic next ? Mr. l'an.'h abhors and detests the lu as a pnuJihtnent tor ilia sollier, but tk-ere Is a oeculiar and spjna. c-ase in wlilcisnch an intllctiori U exactly the thing to bo ieslre i Th villains who. f jr the ike of ptimjur. make a dsstardly a"ta k in tin dark, and tell and stun an honest man. unon wh sc l ie and cn- rgy de lnds Uia mdl-doing of n family, dosne any amount of pr.iu.-nient; but the be.-., Ixi u a chas tisement and as example, is that whe n tliey ni ) droaJ, and there Is nothing t dreaded by thj'i. s physical paiu. It teims tliat tbese Durham raa nls, tho-.igi. oondly flougcJ, w:rc cistiitoi with i.ir n.ore tenderness lunn is bestO'veJ 'jn the bo.d:cr. 1'aJs to protect their upper nnd lo.ver rcsiin were provided. Hut the lie-h was admirably veil !ai.l on, and they ho. led and shrieked tre.i.cjidin.sly; an J when something w a- e lid i-b-'.it it in the Honse, iStr ocoree ' 'rcy re'l c 1 tl t all !.d V.S'i done in com'ormity wirb !a-v, but thai r' -.illy "Hogging mu-t ie a'di-arcctMc nief.i'.'oa." l'u : House lntighex) ti ui.taiided, and the nation, wuMi r. scr.es 'if- sym n'iiy fr Uescrvinir obje'ls 'Witness ti) Wimble don abstinence iroui aniiis uiieiit.and fio u i rint', tor the sake of one n ilortuu ue man ), will .-ay, "Serve the scoundrels ri'ht, and let the same dose be administenii whein ver such dastardly ronians can be got under the swing of the not . tjuite harmless, but decidedly necessary cat." THE B 1TTLK AT DEEP KI'.. The following from General Butler's Corps has Just been received : General Bi-tlp.r' Headui artkhs, August 19, 10 P. M. The Heliul attack upon and repulse ly Blrney at Deep Run, just at nntiit yesterday, proves to be an affair of larger proportions than was supposed ut Die time. The tiring was very close and heavy for nearly an hour; but it so often happens thut there is a great deul of noise suid little harm ut nifrht when opposing lines are near together, thut even the commanding general did not imagine the action was half so important at now appears. But whcndavlipht came and the returns of onr own loss were footed up, and the Rebel dead iu front of the works counted, the truth flashed ut; it was seen that there bud been uo more desperate assault.no more determined and heroic treaUtanrc during the war. The blow fell iion Terry's Division, loth Corps, and General Wil liam Birney'a Colored Brigade. The following Is Major-General Butler's despatch in regard toil ; If kahhUARTerh Tekth Ahuy Coai-k, August 19, 14. Msjor-Generul Bntler, Commanding lieportiuent The enemy attacked my lines in koavy force lust uight, and were rcpuUed w ith j-iwal losa. In front of one colored regiment, Hi Semd bodies of the enemy are already tounusd Tho colored tioops behaved handsomely, and are in tine spliiis. XUe lusuult waa in tolumus a tlivhckio troiur, and would have carrwd auy w orks not so well defended. 1 he enemy a loss wi at )st one thousand. V.ii.lHvtr, Majof-Oeacral. FIFTH EDITION! GEN. SHERMAN'S ARMY. RETURN OF GENERAL KILPATRICK. One Gun and Seventy Pi isoners Captiircd. THE MACON SAILROAT) DESTROYED TOR TEN MILES. ASiiiM.ros, Augu-t ;!. Au'iie-vic iul'.irna tin received hero, shows that (ieuoral K il; a'.riek has returned from his rai l on tl.e i.ne of :h; Macon Railroad withoct ony scri m- 1 jss, but l e has had a falitruine and hard tii .e. lie br mlit in one piece of artillery and ae.tr.'.y prisoner. lie eff-'-'tunily destroyed the roaj for t-vo miles, nnd l.i.'urcd the track tor ten mile- in various pl.vta. The official ncwe from Atl..:.ti i h-i c:'u". LATE NAVAL VICTORY FARRAQDT'S OFFICIAL REPORT. WAkUiv-OTis, August ; . The l" liov n,' was re -cive J at the Navy D-pni-ti--"t tl.is m.irning "i'LAf.sHir 'HartioI!,' Vent Onli' Block ading SijuaJiou, Mobile Bay, AuhM.U i-, ivi;i. Sir ; I have the honor to innrm the Dep irtincnt thut Fort 1'owell was cvivMialed on th3 nij-M t of the Oth in-t. The Hcle-la blew up nm 'b of the fort, but we ti )k all of the guns an J those of the bct utirtlity. "We took some covered barges also from l'ort 1'owell and Cedar I'oiut, which do ns good ser vice as a workshop. "The TlC' t Engineer and Fleet Paymaster eamo In tho SUK-hlulv with iron, kc. Cor the repairs of our vessels. "On the afternoon of On ilthtlie 'i.himtr went down and shelled Fort Onincs, and on tlx: morn ing of the 7th 1 received a communication from Colonel Anderson, commanding the fort, oflering to surrendor to the fleet, and n-king for the best conditions. "I immediately sent for General Granger, ami in the evening ha.l Colonel Ander-on and Maior Browne on )oard, and the abetment was signed by all parties. "At 7 A. M., Augnst f, Uect-f'ai tain Drayton on the part of the navy, and Colonel M.3yer on tho part ot" the army, proceeded to the fort to carry out tlie stipulations ot'the agreement, and at !M i the fort surrendered, and thenars am! Stripes were hoisted on the staff amid the cl.cerj o'.' the fleet. ' Enclosed herew iih are copies of the leticr of Colonel Anderson, and the reply of General Granger and myse'f, marked respectively No". 1 and 2. "Very respectfully, "Your obedient sen ant, "C. G. Tmi-. r, "KeAr A.lmiral Comd'g W. O. B. Squadron. " "To Hon. 0:oeon Weii rc, tr'ec'y of Navy." PK.Htl.V4M I.ES.ISI.ATtKC lUkiusn n ,, August iJ. Sekmb. Mr. Clyuier presented a uemorial tVom the men of tbe;i i:h Ilegiincnt rcaiisylvnnia Volunteers, eitioas of Berks eonnty, stating that tiiey had been enlisted under agreement to bo discharged m December ncf, and are now told that they will bo kcit in service until August, lWki. A message was received from Oovcrnor Car tin, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, in quiring v.Uy .-ertain olficers o: Tonnsylvaaia Ar tillerv were not commissioned. The Obvcrnor answered tho mwry, and ga .e a lengthy explana tion of the circumstances 'Oui.ened with tha crjaniat'OD ot'the rci'imcnt. Mr. 'lymer moved to r-nr.t tbc message ii. the liccord. Mr. Lowry rawed t3 e.mend V referring tfco matter to a .otnmittee of llireo. A discussion ensued between Messrs. tlyn.er and Lowry, tlie former aa-eriing that it would be an insnlt lo the Exemtlve not 10 lay his mcss-y foro the p -oiilo, a prhilege wh:ch was aoally acceded lot.i-3 poorest petitioner upon ine mere renin st of a s mator. Mr. Loivry contended t'.n.t an investigation vsonld sho-v whe.her t-overnor urtin was eensurablc. He aiso intimated tiiat tho Gcvornor had ex hibited a dpos.li m n.orc than once to hriag tho State in colliMou with ihe Secretary o: ar r.nd the General G jvarninent. Mr. Iljpkius oif rci the IDllOwii.g r.:v.eca- mtnt : iuiieJ, Tuat Covemor Cnrtm ia entitled to ;he cratltude 01' tbc whole people for his nollo efforts in behal:" of the trave n.en mentioned In his message. The resolndya was a.-rcel to .'yes, 2" ; ncos Thofe voting in fie negatlvo being Mcrs. f.owry. tarrell, and Keni.ey. Mr. Hopkins moved to amend by recuiring :lu Cimmittee to report t'y iO o clock A.M., to-inoiroA-. Not agreed to ayes, 11 1 noes, 10. 'fan mes;a '0 was t!ici referred to a c on mittee cf thne, as desire 1 hy Mr. Lo-rvry,the v:tc nomij aye, 1 1 hoi a, .). it -,, -mi. A new 8'iD:)Iemi nt to '.be m.liti'. law, as iutro laced by Mr. Watsau, wis considered in Committee of the YV.iole. The lollowing sectiens were passe ! l'iist. Antaori.'.n.rtliO'.overr.ir to aprocto iia master fo: the State miliil;.. Second. That Jtt eers of l.i'ieeu -eintoi.ts sl.r.il be selected troui YJluutejfj v.ho tii.vo t. ,u .u the aerviee. Third. That nothinff in rili'.ia li.vs 'huil be .oas'rucd to rt;ii.:'. th clicrivn. ji' s:vcial tn'li- ta.-y organiaiioiis :n 1 nil.; e 'phia, or to '-.ff tli' ' immissiuna 'A iheir cnic-'rs. l'mith. l'rjp -iis a line oi live do.. art :or not .ttP'ndi:ig drill or 'jiniric soi'.e orjan! c 1 eoiil'l.l'17. l'iitli. lriviHl"L" i ne ot liiohunlre l do'.l.'.rs on any Distii t Ai'orjcy -.fh i ref'.ses to prK cnte dcliu'.neut Assess .s. S Mil. lnipo i:nt p.r.in'un' at, y :otu. Kurt, i cn iiali d men who reius j to apiv ir. Mr. Harg.-r of'.Oied a :.:h sej.jn. os'.n.r.ii:i. i'loin i-"re Imlt a'! ai 'u who hrv; been d-Mtie or h.i.e t" "i iiisli 1 substitutes :'jr lu-. u iCwa U s v. I e. No: n ;ree '. to. hoventii. Assu-ir 'vie, n.'l- . IJ p:nor:u their duty -'ial! liuc l iiv: iion.lre.l d.i.'.u. l-ii.bt'!. Aji;i"inuaen: oi non e.o i n.iiti .ii on: -is ho i. i ic lio-ii ordain run? I) I'i'.a t'J-y nioj'.lc- I, end p;' ;;:;.' v.:'. Vi ii -i-n 1 1 ril w!o lutV se'e s'-f vi rt. Ninth. He-inlrin-j-vii cersatid so; licrs' i'voliiu leer -ompauics ti unii'nni tio.1 solves tmlcr t'.v ".iiy-i'ive dollars penalty. Mr. Hopkins moved to strike out th a so etlon, because it was not ligiit to repair.-nu n ti uiii forio th- uijelvc- wii n acting l'r sttw defense. The House tvluscd to strike out the section. Tenth, lielutive to tho disilpliuc of coiupiiiiet, without commissioned officers. M r. liarger oilered a new section, that the Governor have power to apiioint one person versed in lnw to expound the Militia liiw. Lost. Mr. Burger offered a new section, exempting from draft tliosc who have furnished substitutes lor the I'nltcd States draft. Agreed to. The bill then passed. Adjourned. A Tonrhlua; Tribute. Onliftnani i-ays : "Many visitors to Terc La Chuise must have noticed an upretendinn funeral monument bearing the following inscrintiou "Mes cljcrs amia, quand ,ic mourrul ; riiinte. un smile au eimitierc ; J aime son 1'euitlnge eplore, La eileur cn est douce et chcre, Kt son ombre sera lejtere A la tombe ou je dormirui" "These verses were written by Alfred de Mus sel, and iu this tomb be reposes. A houtli Ameri can poet, Colonel Hilarlo Actsubi, while at l'aris, in November last, rend the above appeal, and made a vow to bring from the Kio de la l'.am a willow to place liei-ide that which the poet had rtiiunted 01 his friends. "Thib promise bus just been fulfilled. Onar rivinc at liuenna Ayres, Colonel Ascasubi sent to the banks of the I'arana for a weeping w illow, which was caretully tended at iluonoe Ayrca till the l-'th of May last, when it left La I'lata with the ( olouel on board the SaiiUomt. It was afier waxdn tranipped to the aieamer Uuyimte, and treated as a venerated relic by the ollicer, crew, and paaaerigera. Alter crossing the Atlantic, the willow was brought to l'uris, and planted on Kaiurday lust, benidc the tomb of til, author of 'lColla' antl'Leahuita.'" FOURTH EDITION. GRANT AND SHERIDAN. WARREH'B POSITION IMPREGNABLE. DESPERATE ASSAULTS OF THE REDELS. They Lose 1800 Prisoners. ANOTHEB BATTLE REPORTED AT CHARLESTOWN. 1 1 Mt v.v ;niiiioimlUiu' II'!lfl TAr., II., fitr., l:ir.. Fir., TAr., T.te, HlMN'Iftl to Thf Fivrnlna Teleg-mrh. Wabiiinimon, August 21. The Star says The mail steamer t:hark)U- I'a.ul'.rbilt reports that when -he left City Toiut yeiterday nioruiiig, ttcniral Watren va still warmly engaged with the cr. niy, who is trying to dislodge him from his otiitioii on the Weldon road. His po-i'ion has now been so nncji -trenthoned as to be deemed well lihth impregnable. Information was receicd at City Point on Sunday at 10 A. M., that tho enemy ha.l been shelling Warren's line- since .'I A. M., and had driven In bis pickots. Iu the evening informa tion was received that between 3 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock 1'. M. the enemy made two distinct and despeiato assaults, in which socmingly their whole force was thrown upon our line, but they were each time repulsed with lc-s. Our lines were held sue vssfnlly at nil points, and we captured some 1300 prisoners. Three Itcbel battle-llagswere also taken during the day. Tho enemy also lost severely in killed and wounded. Warren intimates thnt the enemy left more dead In front of hi' works than we lost altogether in killed, wounded, and prisoners in the fight on the llith. Notwithstanding the continued skirmishing and lighting that has boen going on since Warren mado his doscontupon the Woldou road, onr men have extended the work of destruction upon the railroad, and it has been most effectually crip pled. In Friday's attack on Warren, tho enemy in their desjierntc charge succeeded in temporarily tlanklng the brigade of regulars of General Ayres' Ii Ision, and captured sonic nine hundred ire not' tho fourteen hundred comprising tho brigade. The enemy aNo lost heavily in prisoners in Friday's lighting. The Ilageritown correspondent of the .vf'ir writes, under date of Augu-t -l, that a detach ment of the 3d Virginia Union cavalry entered Martinsburg yesterday afternoon about 1 o'elo k, and drove out tho Rebels. At the la-cat accounts the pia e was still held by our cavalrymen. TJiere is considerable skirmishing going on be tween tho two armies, and a general engagement may take place at any moment. Sheridan has his forces w ell in hand, and no fears need be en tertained as to the result in case a tight oceurs. When the plan of the campaign is developed it will be f.juud that Sheridan is acting in intelligent co-operation with Grant. Averill holds the river fordt, and is keeping a watchful eye on the move ments of Itebel raiding parties. The excitement here has somewhat subsided. Iu obedience to an order from Ocnevals Averill and Couch, the telegraphic operator at this place has shut down on ail de (patches relative to mili tary affairs. All newspaper correspondents must liava their despatches approved by one of the above-named oilicers. 10 o'clock F. M. Heavy nnd covtinuorts can non adfng has boen heard here all t.':e afternoon, from the dirictioti of Charlestown. No doubt n, severe engagement t:ok place here to-iUy. AltMY OF POTOMAC. Particulars ot Sunday's Fight. CAPTURE OF 400 PRISONERS. llBAnai.AiWl.R9 AHMY O? ll! Pr.OHt.C, Aiibtistil, F.vcning. ilns morning the eociuy ma le a vigorous attack on thi OtU Corns, on tha lefto.' the Weldon ltailroid, at the sunn: pl.ica .vheri) they vcre partially en cesnt'til ou Friday; bnt to-day they met with a d'll'ircut reception. Oar iino was formed nbont the same as it w.is on that day. The 1st IKvi.-ion Tias ot the e: tre mo left, conncctim; M'lth Iho cavalry, which covered the r.vlrj:td towards Rcun's Station. The 2d DivM ju was n iKt. Lutler'i -ith; Divi sion aJiots tho railroal, and th 3d .Crawford's) I)ivliou on tho right; Yonnc, with the !Hh Cor?, which onnteled trie r'f'.it of (he new line with the left of tlie i,j one, near the .b;n:.il ui l'hinli road. Datini Saturday, our nun had sirongtlisne.1 Hit breastworks wlilet tiiey had tcmi.nriirily crei.t' d, bc-ides tbr wim; up o'hers in wie'jK. J arly this moraine; ,ery b.'iivy mvp lad'nif was opo:n:i'. by tho on ?my f.om th-i.- worl.s I'nrlhci' liwn ! m.'irJs I'jt i.ab :r.;, and our iU'is replied very brleily, n-j'tb r t.ir y, h'l.vcvcr, loin ' tlieothc- any yuif. nlar da::ace. About i A. M. 11 sm-'.l r'or. ; if 'he cn ot" vc: ii seen moving as if to ituhe an aniui. ou the : :l; C jrjM, but a lo v, dl V.re to 1 ,!:e-.ls sunt i':e:.i c it o:' sii;lit rather iht ;r than they n lvn'.l. Sli..rtl7 iificr, a sir cic l::ma em.ri:ol from the '.vouH on the l :.'t 01 tiic r t!!roa J, and, i" v-r -in.- in line, charged oi. w'-it th l.clicve.l to be por l ;ft I'nn'i, lint whi-'li 1 roved to (lie lee. f ( oiei il Ayivs ii"nt line. i :ii t aivaiicd In :mo :n i ''' m t... nii:i,t eon:':den"e. evi lontly tliinliiii.; 'he ir bef ire them w.is an . oh'j bT. v!.".t wa llic'r surprise on disco; eiing a -c on, I line behiad, anl e iter.' ling to tiio kit of the iir :t, from wiili h a row of bayonets glistened, with a battery on the left and another on tho rijjlit, pouring a cross fire into their ranks, almost every discharge causing lnrge vacancies In their lines. As soon aa they discovered the critical position in which they were placed, the entire command made Figns to indicate their willingness to stir, rcuder, aud the order to ceaee firing passed along the breastworks, but as soon as they discovered this a largo portion of them broke and started for the woods, the remainder coining in and surren dering themselves. The butteries sent several messengers after the retreating party, many of whom embraced mother eurth Instead of reaching their lines, and still remain where they fell; our guns covering tho entire field, and preventing the bodies from being carried away. The troops who made the attack consisted of Hoke'a Division aud liuslirod Johnson's Division of HlU'a Corps', being principally Boulh Caro linians und Ml-iitbippinns. Among the prisoners are one colonel, three licuteuunt-coloutls, and thirty-seven captains and lieutenants. Lieutenant-Colonel 0. B.Thomas, of the l.Vb Mississippi, ia wounded in the arm ; Colonel E. C. Council, Kith M isslwippl, wounded iu the leg, which was amputated ; Captain T. W. r'arncll, 121b Mississippi, was wounded in the thigh; Ijciitciiant Jacobs, Sblb North Carolina, wounded In the arm aud side badly ; Lieutenant N. C. Htlucrs, Cih Georgia, leg amputated i Lieutenant N. I.. Mxll, Tth south t'irollna Battalion, wounded In the abdomen aud olb w. The ni.mbcr of men taken Is about 1', tasidea abont 2-i w oun led, who are In the hospital. (enc.riil Hogood c ommanded the assaulting eilumn, and shot Captain Daly, of General Cutler's atari", who was en leavoring to get pos aesslon of a KelH ting. Cnptain Daly is wounded In the side severely. G'l.eri! Jbi;.)'nl wa- vvn to f.'.K from bis horc, nnd Is khcir.:i d to be killed. His body lies between the lim.a, and is covered by tho Ihnrpshos f jrs n un Isith sides, o thnt neither ran g"t )o-s"s :i m of it. 'Ihe pris mors a'o re port him killed. The troops which mot tho assault wcrotlie ? d Division, an 1 iurt of tl.e lJt. en. Cull sr wa slightly wouiidc I in the fa o During the action C .Ionel Da 'hesne, .'oilman 1 ing the .'d Brigade, -'1 I'lvi-lon, was kl". '. I. Diir loss in liiilcl and wounded numbers about IV), while nearly 100 were taken prisoners on the skirmi-h line. 1 le y were prln-iptlly of the Vfth I'tr.n-ylvania. The Hcliel lo-s is beilcvcd to be at least l':vo or -ix bun lred killed. ml wound .'.J. The f illowmg is a 111 of tho olYiecr- in the 1th Corps lin'pilal only a few of whom were wonnde.U)-laj-: 1 h ut. .1. I'.Uio't, otli I. S. Batter;-, In the foot. I lnt. It. Catlin,.'it!i I;. S. liatirry, in tlie foot. dpt. Ct,n. llvait, 7lh Wisconsin, leg. I.itnt. K. Hcdgcsheiiner, 7th Maryiand, knec. I.itnt. S. H. Heed. 1st Maryland, arm. Mi-nt. Kolit. Nieiey, 1st Maryland, shoulder, t aut. It. 11. Hall, 10th L .H., bend. I.ieuU J. F. Huntington, 1 HMi Nl-w York, l a. k. i.kunniint K. Williams, .ith New York, thigh. Fit utenaut C. A. Conner, 7th Maiyland. hip. I.ieutciiaut .lames l'ay, Sth Maryland, breast, t'uptain II. II. Cbainhcrlulii, lilh N. Y., arm. Lieut. W. ("aider, i'lirnell I.egl m, stiu-stroke. l.lcut. .1. Vi ie, 7th Maryland, sick, l.icut. A. .1. l'urnell, I'urnell Cav., snn-stroke. Captain A. Murray, sth Maryland, jaundiic. Capt.W.Stoneheakcr, I'urnell Lcgion,diarrhiea. I.ieutcnnnt J. Heed, do., sun-stroke, l.le.uttnaiit 1-. G. Kccd, 1st Maryland, arm. l ieutenant Neely, do., face. I.itnt. A. Conner, 7th Maryland, abdomen. I.ieutennnt .1. 1'lynn. hth Iu liana, thorax, l.icut. A. I. Reynolds, 1st Maryland, dead. Cniit. P. S. Newberry, l Jih U. H., dead, l.icut. It. Miller, 1 ith N. Y. Artillery, dead. I.ient. F. K. Crosman, 7tli V. H., dead. Col. K. A. Bowernian, Ith Maryland, arm. I.ient. Mills. 4th Maryland, leg. Lieutenant Holers, I'urnoll Legion, shoulder. urg. Alliert Sehunck, I'ith N. Y., abdomen. Major R. W. ltard,rith New Y'ork, knee. Lieut. Catlin, Battery 1), 5th U. S., both legs. We took five seta of colon ; the .Id Delaware taking two, and tho 7'th New York one set. Three of them arc entirely new, while the others are much dilapidated. In tho fight on Friday our loss in prisoners is believed to be larger than heretofore reported. The 90th Pennsylvania was more than half taken, as was tho ease in fact with all the brigade Tho 101th New York lost every officer on the field, and can muster comparatively but few for duty. Had these tioops held the.irposition.orchanged frout, as seme did, they could nearly all have saved themselves, and given the enemy a sound thrashing; but, being told they were flanked, started ic r the rear and fell into the arms of the Betels. Colonel Wheelock, with the 2d Brigade, 3J Division, changed bis front towaid-; the rear, and forming in line of battle, with skirmishers thrown out, advanced to see where the enemy were, and reached our second line without losing a man of those who remained by him, while all who left nnd ran were captured This brigade brought in with them over sixty prisoners nnd a stand of colors, besides retaking many of onr own men who were being taliiu. away. Arcusi 22 Mon.lui. N-) further lighting has taken place since yesterday morning. Tho skir. mishing has been very brisk on the left, and during the night a good deal o: artillery was heard. At 6 o'clock this evening ull is tulct ".vi'liin sonnd of h-'adimarters. But another cngagumei.t may tako place at any moment, as the enemy will not give up their hones of regaining the pos session of the railroad, until they see the impciisi. biliiy of com-uiuniathig their purpose. Oar lines have been, greatly streujtl: )!!.'i! wirh In t'vcniy-four honrs, and should the cnoaiy atta :k us, they will fare even worse than they did yesterday. M KMN-..NKHAI. HAMMOMl' I Wasiunohvs, August Fx-S ar-Voa-''.:r.c-ral Hammond, in a published curd, says that Le learns from the remarks of .fudge Advocate Holt on the proceedings of the Conrt Martial in his case, and from the order of tho FresMcut ap pended, thut he has beeu dismissed the army and prohibited from over holding otlieo under the United State-'. He says he has no idea that Le will losoouo friend by this action of the Administration, but his good name Is valuable to him, not omy n I regards those whj know him, but these whs do not. So soon, theretore, a ho Is fi'.ro.Ihe J, with a c.jpy of the findings and sentence of the Cnurt, ho will present to tho public a brief kiBtory of tho facts leading to hU arrest and trial, and a revioiv of tho record In his cuo, and tome commentaries on the report of the Judge Alvocato-Ocncra!, with which he will be content, and submit to tho judgment of the world us to liotv far l.e has been guilty of the otl'oiises charged, and ho'.r far he has been the victim of conspiracy, false swearing nnd a malignant a' use of otllcial po-ver. Markrla by Teloif rnih. EAi.iiMonr. August V.I Hour firm. Wheat ,''ivJ "iiii rn . diair inn Imi'len -y ; aale of iii1 Lii-hels H. irh'vn I'inie it e'-'"-'!' lio.-n linn: m litto, St7(i 1 ss; nilxe I very ti-il y ..I f l'7.. .lHI. illk i tl 1 1 ' St ti: ,:; I's."'. i ll Q '' lies III. I l 'i e. N.iw VoitK, Ajgist io. riour has a .Waned in ". '.it,, , i. lO.i' Ki "i . hi tn-4ir.il mi inr si ni.;iii ii'!"7.'. foriViin- j I:' ''o nU 'i.'i lor .niihera : Wieou ad Vl".'.. 4 lu' .' eir. ll" Oij.lnjd l.iKh. at H Jtm.-1. 17 fur 'It '.i.o s-rlnj : e, '.'Iio ids i.,r MM w 'liik .' I'lill, i S-. 4110' ;M? i. r W .si 'i n ei om 1 advanea I l'e.i."iina; bales of :; ;.MllilV;... at Al ' I'Tft. It.'ef.l,,li i'-oh In ivyi' f io-'.-.'i.i n s: Il ! i-Si h.i advftn.'i e t unit ; v.itlt sa.n a. rl l. I'.i .'ijipt- ..I I i'lor "neO hliis. Ni:w Y -.HK, Au'tust 21. SiO-ks are dull. ChU i.ivistui It . k lai.in.i, 11 1 -a : t tlinhiTiund p'.-li'lTi'd, '-h',; I"..,. !. ' r. i .ii. 1 -ii . 1 i li-an Hum .-rn. s7 ; e,w Yni k I ei.trjl. 1 ;i; ii. -il:n-. I -41, ; Httdin Kiot, I'.i'i Krie, 1 ) 1 : one i ear i . rleo a' H.'i; 'I re iin v 7 3T'li. 1 IU; Kive i '..e. ni i'" i '-.us. ll.' '4 It. dUt'.-rott, lu ' ; Ce. ) lis, I".si ; ' ,.!..'; . I'liii; Cu.N' i.n i. Amongst tho many places where mi cvenlm,' can he spent with edifying plca-iirc,iione c 'cl the Northeni Military Hall, .Vi:! X. Third sireet, aud Kensington H ill, at tl.e intcr.-eeiion oi tn-rmantown road nnd Second street. A splendid orchestra is enraged at each, and a programme of compositions of eunerior morit nightly performed. Iho oxeellent order and decorum preserved is an additional reason to justify a visit. . 1 V-F.NSINT.TON II ALL. THIS rOl'CLAU J piaoe of Mnteltaliimi nt, Son. Iir-T told i'lHHiKlill AS 'loWM Aniin. all'l lllll K. KK.l'UNIl Mtrect (. sliil.lll.ed flyinri l'u kf Ml. John l.lp.i, liai lienn enlarieil pud lenoveled, and now possesses at'taetlona linetoalled by am oilier tutabllsliun in ol tho k.nd ill tl.e i ll) . A lame and eilli lent Oruheatia, under the direction of I'rol. 1'. I.ose, has Ih.i'11 fiia ie.1, ninl a ol.oice proi-i'auiiiifl of Vocal and liialrouicnial Aliulu wlU l,u produio l eneli evening, free ol eueme to the andlance. '1'tic I niieert Itooin is lume. airy, and commodious, itie leliesl.nii.nlfl iiuerlor, and the atteielsnu pollle and aiTounnodRlliis. in'i lm MEMtk llull.MJMl, I'lopioui'. 1ST GATHEIUNG OK THE CLAN'S. Nl liniSII HAMKS. Tin-H AKNUA1. liAMliS nl Ihe v l.l.m m I lt.1 II, ol l'l.llsdelpliia. w. Ill.li iel"liialed at W.l.-HIMi-lOX fcfci'l IIKAT, on MOMlAY.aepteuiloatl.fl Ml., w,l. taialeavti Thiiti-eitlli uud t ailowuili alieois, in o'i, In, US,, l,i'4 aud 4 o i look. ).kfrion Tn tell, Mi rents. , 'lukeu tan he I ad lioui tleore Mi ('leiileui, No. ...3 Cli-aii.it biikIi John li.Hdli, o. 10 io -Mani'i an.'.ll l.e..rire r.anlnrr. 8 Kmhlh sireet. hemw I a yonk ronit: W illlaui I an eror, nr., J". i.'S K. tmhih tnel: iian.el Meliilsre. Jor.-a al'.'v. tel.. v. hocoiol atreet : James i.ra Aani. L' Ull'ard street . below r-Moenlli : l"aiilvl M. llro a, I uuihji.l alri i'l. In lnw Hi .ti-'lilh ( W llllsui 8lloUj(ra, liiUflaienni-and Willow alreet ; P. II. .lol.in.'ii, N . Ml Pas-yunk n ad; Jalne. Nelson, III ril-' '..l.is , HMI. n V.iu.ir airieia; John Hide. No. Pol K. d ' oad tr. 1 1 i CI.Kl wnilsiu llool'i N". li'-t' l.ilswortli ali.ell te...iid ('l..elta,ll, Mll'iliil Nuilll,, No. I.'i" t"- seiond 'aett Ili lKirl llaiinll.'ii. W lalar alrisl, lieiinaiilov. ii i Anllioi.y Jluln. Miiliiv. i,iieriiiuiit..n,i.r trjia am ol the uicui. ken ol J... I'luh or I'.iininiiti'O. I. lteis received lor tin llur up toTllf-dty, Anvil at II. ok a cel. Iirati d llra.a and airlnir Hand In., he. n en. Itsi'id lor llieoieai-loii. 'Ihe u.emlitia will nicel lu tl.fl Inl. Kisimon Moii.liiy,H.il.'nilo r ... at I 's i'l' I'y order ..ll'ie t'lil.1'. I'l NCAN W HUUl 1 ',M "re'in v. WILLIAM HMllH.l'Kaauler. aa. U'i3-H fT BT. JOSEPR'a COLLEGE AND SELECT SCHOOL, WII.MNO'S ALLEY, TT1CUF.D TO BT. JOKEI'U S C TIITIK II. Trti fourteenth nmit l-n nt t Institution will I ... IIIIHIIIV S.nt.niWP .r. Isll. AlM'll -ftttam fer tlll'slll (0 he mJ.I ' tV T'lllege b(wwn ins honrs ol AielliA.M. au'.M -tul)i-2'v F. A L. LADNF.Il'R MILITARY HALL, No. : K. TIIIRIl "IrW. p..r...rl'Niai HI' iIihHI llniwn M.ie'tro, 1" r- niieil st tins pnu.'r nt ti -Tt, . t'.e I'.r' "Kir of s I .. iful Orehestro, ana cv.!rvrvn.i!! ih'i;.-.' n. lotions ol r 'ii- music nr.j j va to tli .n..ln. i: rfra:n:t.Aiio. .in-;:i-i;t w r a vr II, II K A L T II, AXO Bf Al TV. KM rln ftilrnlrliiK : II' o "i' In il'0'. ti-'h; II t" M ft M'tAinim twma-r, t aOIitR. In ti liour I I' lo rinvo . hoii tii rrl'B'U i 1 1 i.,T r (o m t t am-'TiiH ; II with h-'h-lHm ..).! lo w. : 1 1 a puifbic ;fi-ii! wht i t- iVi : . h ' If n" 'tic-fti -err sn-1 n, Wir?iiti,r tti4 a 1-irikf tn'ttr.; If to I'i1 K lit' ft ..' ll Im At nti g 1 ! r..(; Hi 1 L' ! KrtTi wiOi , r-V i JiitiM"; it vii Ml if t '.iei T.tiH'1 h ir-nt,rf ; ll errr rn Mlit ' 1 "'Uil.l -rf, Tfckf I1J eVlv.i , JO'l W .h J i il'ii". Thn, Ti.avlriif If Ath, Wfc.l, en H ft it, Von J irec v ft.f ry "Mlj. ?U r .irf fu! pTuil tit l'r,Wi:,UAM Vol N.'9 v by "ry n' NiM hy I'.-h ii-ri n"r:i. .nl (. tf ntt. i..i f Si-, V.CKKT DIsrAB! SVCnKT PISEAKS ! B A m a ii t r s v s mi rt HAM Mil IAS H .H TI Ter. M"-T Cairo ' Kim.j 1 Kur. Vl ! ro.ill, r ,ir.. J.r LONfiiiiiinKs. ol.F.r.T, "lll'nrnr.s, , foMtaiD no Minernl. no ll-vbam, ii., Mi ra.iry. Onl ten i'ill. m be I iKen to el' " a . ma. I'ores In frm two to four Jnj,a:i'l f -ent m' tn t-entv f..nr iK.nm." I'r. inr. -I ly a mi :n'.'rt i iha noirili of r.nn vlv.lnlii, ".ne ot' l ei ii".l fioiii.nl lio.'tori -na t'tienu-ia ol the pre o.ot .la . Mi loinl pr, o 1 1', .etc l:. v en m -r. " a ti w s. 1 i l Mi ne ho I a e ilf-iiiin I of aviiii n -T' a. .r sr .'i imii' he. n aora'allti lt.ll;.ol t'ioa,y.- .Mr,ury,.it ern e try tlm Pent l,y m.iil tn a elani rnW.i I'rl. e, male loo Jiiv, t'. F uiaie, t T. MOiiBI iii.oi.ii: i ni.ooi::i i.i.-iDi::i Tl.rfLK1, ( HOI' I.A, fit ET!". 'OIlFH, SPi Tt, H S 1. 1 m II B1I1IILIS OH VtM ItKAl, lllHi:.ll'.S ,tc, AO. POOT AND HKIlll .lUII H Is oiTeri'tl Hie imhlle, as a iolilve eare. PYPHII.lt OH VI NKIll AI, limKAht:, llieHIA- lilTA.NS Iti'OT ANI. Ili:il!l ll lfK, il rhe ni. p. torn, eerlnln , anl t llfilual reini ily ever jir.n r.beil: ll re.irhea ami erti'l tHtMi tverv ri.rli.-le. of tlie v-nr.rJ iio; m o ti attlie e.n.: la fh..r.itili an-! loTi.-aiient. r .kethenof this jiurlfTii if remedy ami he h. a'e i. uml do not trroiiimit to j "iir oilirilj that lor w inch jou luay rt tut ill a:n.r ,l'3' no mot ii.opAm: Alttiou! ti vo!l mnv lie po to.iin. erl ni-.m ,.li,t'.e AM A Jtll'ASH ItiiiiTaiid IIKHIIJI irl'.S ill r. nio fv. rj vo-iIlc oi inipnrltle rri'Ui the yettim, as wa as all the bud inVctnufMorciill JT.HAI.I.S! FRMAblWI In anany iilleelior.. wltn wl.l-li nniier of leinales miller, the IMH1T AN II UKKH .H'li KS taOHt haiulry adapteil. In I i vrateil I t'-rn. In l.uror-ho a. In bt .irini On n. 1 'ai Inn ..rile; IVoui'j, lo-luUlj , ail I lor ull toLlpMOlil luilili 111 lo lh Ifl, Bentbv eurais. Prtettl at'ttle, orfitw'tlM ItrlJ, f. AM HI I A H W AVU In, In cne. of Pjihilia, in.l In cmaie. Hon w'th the He t ai.'l llerh .lloee.. l ull ill-e tlo-if. I'rl. e ?J . rut-. The e!lli'n t of ll.t 'o reine.liaii alia.' aeltnr.ivl. ilceit Ir rhv.lclani. anil palienlii. 'Itiey itro ii.ct hi Ihn t'nl'e.l 5tatea llovpiialf, llu.t re.toihitf r.tanli tu li..myol oiu br.o e ohlo'i I rviM Hi.' il.i'Mtti -re "Pnn''- vn.r mi: niiuiixins pit or tub HAMAIllTAN'S HKllHIllKH "I'on )!" : r ii.. F"i r V i "HM -., ( M.iCli. iei-', Mil , I tti. ;o, I'M. I "T tiave reat aatlifa. li.in in a atnK ll at I Inooineo ' Ttie .-.'.(oil; i.'.ti y.-oilo t' lor Venereal His". ml in CI looat f ti.tomaty forma ; III it 1 h.lio n- (I lii-aii Miiih nul ti nt, ileretion, and Dr. ferl.-, not lift' o f, uml t.itnl ii-MioihI li my nlielri.ai.inn r ia't!y aud eire( .ally. Kniiw iiiir ti eir eoirnio-iii.oi. 1 ha. the full- -I e untiiton -e Id their file ii y, and a n.r ai mj uat of llicu cxlDa9, 1 r r iu.Uiolid them stroclr. "Ai.Knr.n o. iiiwth", "AnslVar.t-Pairni-on jlh N w ork Vol-.' Til It tie rai.lfri.tood lh it lUc-ii -ni.eClea tre ai rorom in. oiled, and 'nil fo.tti'ti .nr the dl-tuqea fr vld' k tin v are nrued. .oiiIIit fl r. IT'IUM, JCo. -''' P. 1 Ii .HI II hiruet. MMnll .V CO., Jv'-n-lii5'n . '.'U It ACi: Pin nt. RAILROAD LINES. DllH.ADKI.rillA, tVlLVfiNCTON, AND J. BaLIIMOIIB UAII.ItOAK. cn wii; ok iii iT.t. On -lll.l after .VIiSUAY, AJClHt I li'l, ranenpiT trams leave l'hlla'lelilil for l.u.tim ,re at I'M ' Kpr-s. .Mtndaya .lcr.t'.i)),f-M A. 1I..IJ .. ij'.ui ,io,l l i;lo I'. M. :h. st.ir at rj Jj, 11 IJ A. -M I'M, i JO, I 30, CO) and 11(0 r. si. IVIImii L't .n nf 4-.10 (MnCiv en-pt'ir, S'O.', J 1-15 A. 31.. i hi ".ji , i-.i-i o in :;n an i i rn ) e. m. ye v Cusile a, s-or, . m. a:oi S ' i'. i. lloverusoi 1 M. meM'-All'... . Mll'ord .11 lit A.M. Hullt'iiiry ni s i :i V. M. I I1A1NM If It imtl.M.I I I ''IT I.eavo llill.nio.e at bMO. t -W A.M. iijx.r' w), tie, i-Jl: ami in .' i 1'. l. Wllniln "t ui nt 1 is, o i.-., .1 A. Si' ,U'il,l,l'sj, l'"'-i' 0 7 ni.d 'J lo r. ll. Ha'inh irv nt i-r. A JI. Vieord ,il'.' i:. I'. M. HoM'ra' i; :.i. A.M., .ma H' r. AI. X. IV l',.ll. al H VI . H . 1 1 1 .."ii P. it. ie a-.ir a. ; 10, J'lOA. At., 1 'JO, Hi,i l- 1 (0, 7 V, 0 1 r. u. l.eivp n ill'more f.)rSlI. l'.irj"na:nt. riicdlite sta :cn l HI i. 1'. M. Leave I'Aii'-jioro i'or Dov-ir and lu'..:n&' .J its aall:ns -I I'M P M. TR4.IN" Toil B ULTIMO I, h. T.nnf hester .11 i. 41 A. II . i'M IV J ll IV, X . M. I.eaio WJn..nt"U l i .ij, 'j i't A. St.. )'i0 mil 11 !0 1'. !. I n i.- l lr.Ci i, wltj I'aiserjg r Car a.U.b..,iiuTpin aa Inllos : J.e.v e Wllmlnitoii :Vr PerTlllai.ai;it. rrre .l:cp::es at 7 le r. II PI NIIAYS -OetT at 4 10 A. M.. 10' ''. P.M., irerara l. Ji'InTiin. to llaltimore. Fr,m i'ld'aJ.-l, iila to Wln:le,r.on t 4.0 A. M., 10 30, and 11 I'. M. 1 rom Wllxiili'ton to riiilaa- llli: t 1 1 A. V. IE''. 7 00 T. M. Oc' u: l'1 r. M . ir..m lia:ilnor.2 t i riiiu itii a.. 14 it '. hkiN VY , S .per l,i i.iu. ,.t. TSHILADKLl'llIA AND TRKNTiN AND JL CAMI'tN AKI) A Ml HOY It AILltJAU c'OMl'AMKS. M.i 1 It K On m ,1 liter AlilNDAY. .lan tary 4, Kl, the Tri ns for New Yorli. le,oi:iK' K,-n-l'lo:i ile.ol. I'i.iuoclpliii. a IS A. SI. (Nilit). an 1 . an4 tho trains . vin Neiv York al S A l. 'Hid T'.IO P. M., will heieolit-r i.e run i x lii-lveiv for tr.a I nlte.l hus-a M:ui ui:d Nevv or mid Wa-dih'Meu l'iifiiners,.iiia will nut tuke ill ajr lei out aov n.i. hfilwi-r. hiitv.ii'11 Saul Jitlefl. I H' in A. M. and I.' .Milnllil Lines f.'ora Sew Vorll ti V4'Hsiiiiirto,i, ainl tli.) 11 &n A. M. and & P. af. Lines froin Washlnuloii lo Jiiew York, will .'onlinua ai li nri,s n:. tfirry .a-.i'i ers to and I'rotn fie .nliiriiiedlaloataUui aad llsllliiioro. 11 mil n jton. Lin New rk. AJil(A.i..MtTS HPHVEKN PHILADLLPIUA AND Nl'.W Y'llcK. I.lnei leave Plilla lo'phia, irmo Kf nsinin Dc t, a; ll l.iA.M ,1011. and i, l.i 1'. Al.,and I'.' .MI mliln ,ht, and irora w iiinni .siieet wnari ivia caiu.i.'n;, ai ti a::usa ill.. 1.'. M..4 and',1' .. tor Hew I oik. Andli'ivi'S New Vol k, from fo it o.' Co'. r,an.t si.-ot-t 111 7 A. M. 1 IA. M . U ,M .4 and 1 P. JI . and al 12 raM- liilit, nud I'.uai loote-l' i:.uctiy a.re.t .11 tl A. M., audi P. M. 1 M. A. AT M Kit. Juj-lf .1' lit. IililLAHKI I'llLV AM) llAl.TlM' 'UK CEN 1 ICA I. II ill ItOAl), OI'I N TO 0r'JUlJ-ii'iilS AIIItANIiliMIM. On i .1 ait. r )iD VY, April I,18,1, oic trains wUl leiv at loil.iws i.i:ak i:.Y5Ti AKr). invvr. wr.srw u:n. I A MUSS. Clvlor I W esl lirove Alnndale , Kt-nnell I tisuil a t'o:d. . fonior.l W.!..t.ll':lioD. riill.i.l. Ipiiia... We.t ( lies!':! .. i i rinvs. '. P iilad. loin a. . 2 Wei i he-ler. I 4 1 ll W. '. Jieijiios.. '. .'ell i.il ..7 i!.i .7 IJ .'S-'HI . s-l.'i ..i a 4 17 I'oiiGord. iil 4 11 .. l 1 1, I .'.""1 Konnett .'i 1. 1 A .oud iii..., ii'.'.. '.I'li.i or 0 10 ll-lor 1 . Ill .lil'll'l .t 'il II I I .M 7 0 .l'l.ei 7 ra?-eil'er 11. I'll ill Pllll ol I n, si roia Fiv'hle, n I. laid Marl.t s'r jt I I THIIM V KII'AT an I JlAlihl.T Slrnta, Most 1'hll l. k iiats I si.-.v-. I'.'i, eii jer Railvv ay Ciua -' 1 as .; a r to uo J o iin li e iiip'T. raseiiaers so droller, nitiioet rli.n ' of ''.ill. jal 11 I'.N I Y W ioii. s .. -in ,rA '. CALIOI n.MLUO.Vl) C )M PANY. II' 'U- i.l 1. Isiil from IValnt't foroef IVIurfat ! A.M., tl ind 4 P. t., ftt'!(tl't I "J si . to inriiiiiK, I'-iie Sa!"ia at 1 A. U.,e'isi A. l.,lTul' .11. H 11.1.1 .Hi- e.i li nv. -i.;.lv to MiiHT JV 1111 1.4. A-.it, Second fuvercd 1'ici almve WAI.M'T stnet, H. Mil AlVAItt: Avi niie. isl tl J. VAN IlRNSSKLALl:. K. .crlntena. lit. SHIPPING. PffK STEAM WF.KKLY TO I.IVKR im'(",it tonrliinu nt tm-eitoKiii. Cork lUrintr, iia wi ll Known Muntiifia ol tlit) l.ivirio., N w T-iik, jtud I'Jiiliult-li'i.iA buumalaj l uuipiiity u iulcudU tti fet ttH''iS h : CITY OK ItAl.TlMOHK.SriturJty, Auiiil27. K I NA SuttirtlHV, Hfitfinii" KlilMH ltd, hiitnitUv, H.-i-t- mlKT Ift. Amtou'it titieceiiUH Sutui't-ltt--, at noon, from Tier No MnUltiv. ATBI op PAtM5ArB. Payal'le in (.old, or Hi. ennlvali'iit In Currency : 1 lint t nlilu SSii lKi Mlis'riik'e ftkl-nO I irsl t iilnii to l.oinlon ss Isl Meerai;t' to l.oiiiloli,., .il mi I iral I'nliiii to Paris... .'.l) rll.-ei.it,' lo Paris K...I I'lrstC'iihiii lolii,iiihnii.'!ieOO Hloi'mue tti lliiinhiirL'.. 7 10 I'Hnseniii'i'k lire ulso lorwiirdod to llnvre, lliuiauu, hot ter, luiu, AatiM'i'ii, A-e .ut equally I. .w rules. I me.- In in l.l.ontMil or lnei'iislown : first Cabin, t7.i, .'i, Ills',. Hieeruin. from i,Ivi'-iihI and iiu'eintown. iA. 1 hole si Iio ivl.h tn acud lor tlalr l'rleiiUk caa buy tlekvts liere et tiie-e rates. lui fuitl.m uiloi u Jtlon apple t tlie Cnmpaay's offltct. JOI1M Cl. IjAI.k, Ai nt, Ko. Ill WAI.Nt T Bireet, I'lilladelphlll. tfTU rOS'fON AND riULADKLPHIA E.L Bteuuislilp Line, lulllnir frotd each port on KaiTkTTaYs, iniuflr.t v. hurt uisne MNK isireei.piiila dilpli a, und l.r.i.if Uliuif, lloston. 1 roin arsl whaif el. eve 1'INK Kill, l . c li Saiurdsv, Auaat i7. Issl4. Hie ieiu.oliip8AoN, JUitbtws, will sail liom 11.1 la d. Ipl.ia t.ir Iti.Btoa.oa tSetin.li.y,AU!uat ff.et lo cloi-k A . M ; auu the atmiiiihip NOKM AN, Uakur,liouiBiisioalor Plillad. lpliia. on same day, el 4 P. if. iliese new and .aoaiMidial u.aniatilps fonn s regular line, sullii'S from eaeh port pnnetiially oa Halnnlasa. IiiNurani i-a eriicted at one ball tUe premium luuviiid oa Ssle 1 1'm.el-. rr Inn. laken at fair rates. Hinppers are reiiue.i.sl lo send Blip Receipts and 11111 Ladluu wiib their iood. Kor 1 ifliglil of t'aaaua (hftiliis fine aceommodiitloiil) apply to llKNitV WIN Mi nc A 'O., ;.i tl K. te.' 6. IiLLAW AlUi Avenua. RAILROAD LINES. V)iV nAlLROAD LINE N OH I H. 1 rnii.i'Fi fin to miooKi m, TiiKoii'ii i" mi: iioi.ns. rARr. . r.ct iitoN tkhf ri i.i.'ii ron tmpfk ntT". m nl rr Mo MIA Y, Aumut 1, )M4. Irnlns "111 r.yxt IVit oi' 1NK. Street, I'lillS'lelpliiA, eery mornlnv At H A. M. l annUV'i l'tl). n,r e l.v tie (.''im1ii iml A UiTille anil Jurimn uml lielantre llay llilr .. In P.rt Monmouth, ami by the cnmmiMlinua iteanier Je Hnt, tof' tltei AO'intie a'ret, llrooklv n ; re inriimc, leave Al l.tnlie btreet wlmrl vfir ilajr I Miuilaj I xeuttl;t al 11 A l. i raw It M !h rftvivf NW V'.fli ? 'filer! HOI to ari'lv rr pati.tffo I thlj hit", tli tai of v, .a... r in.' rriuile4 lo Ihn ( annlen Ana Amhoy monoimir Hie In.t'. k orivilee ot r.,rrj mi,' p.m-ii.ts .tml i.,..il he. fwf' ll the .-.III'' oi P-illAilelieii.-i and w orli. t' .M-tf . r. i.llll I II IH. o. ioral S iperlnt. hdent, IHIILADLLI'IIIA, t.l.HMAM'OWN, AM) J .Nor.liisioHN h Mi.tvr ii. i imi: r mii.k. On an after MOMiAY, May ! , i ntil 'urther I ill i.i.rt ia n . ' " L.o! T l!ilelihl I'., T, 'l. I '.I., 1 A. JL; I,. 3 10, j 4 :, .1,7, m, '1,111,11, j;r.v. ' ' --. i'....:....n ,:.'7 ..-:..... i.ln.r . 12 A. M., i.ij. a. 4. ;. :,. CO1. .7. l'i. il an I U P. M. The " .il.hmri, and li e i rind ' '. tr..l.. rji lo n t t-ip ea Iho Ci'rn.a'ii 'n ilian , IIK.iSlT III1.T. fM'.HOt. le.ire riiil.id. iphia, , i.lo.U A.M.I .'. ,..", ""le" M'he'.'.i.it M'.lt. -SC. 11 ) A . M. ; 1' A 110, . en, t, a, in, an 1 l l il p. M. ...,., . on (ONimioioi ki.u vr v-i'iui-iows'. T.ei l"iiiM.hla. I.S'JS, 11 '.ij . M., I ,'j. 3, 4 , 'j, t,,H'.i:. and II 4 r. M. ... . ,,, ,,. I ft. V.rr aio-va, t ". T1.'' 'J ' tl A M. ; J't, t! I ', an.l .i P. V. t Vhe , .tranme.'-ll! (lip at W V 1. Hoi, Vanajonk, And r.'tjtl,', hen i'ly. I oil VA VA i PK. T..ive pi.iia.Miii:a.,s-:iS, 11 io A M . 1'.'. .1, 4,- .Vj k . ..'.imi Ilk l ll . l'ea.e m.ira... mil, o ;..', a :', :i i A.M., IS, 7, I 1( '' " " 11. K. wn H. i." 'ni m irlenlenl. nil .. p. t, NIMH id -II i:l'.5 S re.U. "VOIVrH LI NNS', LVAMA It A1LRHAO. 1 lor ll-.nil.EMKM, l'OYl.MroWN, KION. MA! )I ClirSli, MAI.tlON, Mt M.sl Allllt, Jlid ll.LMM'-rolir. HI'MMF.R AllHAN:D:r:ir. AIU1I I 1'l.S AL '. It M On ar.a after MuSti Y,.liin. 14, s.a, l'a-encer Train Will 'e -theN-w Iieti..f, rll'Kli Street, i.linie 1 herop ,,n .i-eet, philad-iiilea, lUiljr (iu:idayi . -.'.cpledj, aa iiio 7 AM. iF.xr-c..) f"r tletMehira, AT- n:owil, M.n.ih liniik, Wllk".i..irr i, WIliarniort. 'i 1 A . V . ' A 'e.iriiminlall in) for r, y':. 1- n. M l.'. A. M. ' A ou lii.'-laihin) !'t l'e;t a.Ynn. 3 r. 11. . a -, on.nio.laoon 1 lor lloeoee n. .'14.'. P. M. ip.ijiT....! i.ir lietlileni 11: , l.auon, Ac. 4 l'i r. m. oi.nl) '' Iojie-!in. 3 r P. M . ' Ac ommod..tKni for He'iih nam, Allenlow n, and Man. ti I'hiuih. ut, 1. M. 1 Ac .luiiio.l.'.lioni for i.tieaie. 21 P. II. l.V ciif-inioihill.iii) tor rt WaehiiKton. riiA.VH 1 oil pflLAUi:l.P 'H. I e..TP.HMeVin at 1 ;,0 A. M .11 .n A.M . .1 id -H7 P. M. Ii .vlfHoT n at li tn A. it., j tltt. M.,..nd J T. At. I..ii,vl.ik ,it A.M. furl Was! iiiRtou r.i ll-W .M. .-ml 1 P. M. ON M NIIM", rtiiialelphn for Hetiileln m :il !l A.M. rhllailelph.il l r Ii-yieitown at I I'. V. 1i..ye-! mil for l'lol..'l'lna nt T'CI A M. lli thlelii'iii l""r I'hl ioii lphi.1 it 4 P. M. llllhiian lla y.i" Kxpreaa will 1 all 1' r an 1 c. Ilf.r t.n lue .It li e depot. OrJT? lui.S I It Ii '. C . 11 J H. I HI 111) r.l.L.11 Ci.liio, ap in. E A I) I N O K A 1 L 11 O A D . t.lik'AT Till VK tl-'B ltoM piin.Mii:i.':n to tub iNrit:nrt I'l'NSS-YLVAMA.TIII: fHI't IMI.' . '. o l:llANN.c'l MIIKIil.ANO, ASH WIOMlS'i VAI I.LV, Xorti:, Ni'iirnwr.nr, wdtiil can ada. PASSlSCKIt 1 1! MVS Va r t',t fri.ip.i.ys liepil, at Tl. lit 1 F.I vrll and ' A f.I. . W H 1 1 .1. .-treell. I'l.ilailtllhln. r.l Ihe toll 'Wing hums ........ n si"riiisi, ..mi.. Al 11 A. BJ . f' r r.eade e, l.e'm'i n, Kol.r.ita, 1.111a f'oliinibls llarrlt'inrt-, Pol tsilll. Pin' . -rove, T.nn nm,. Himlinry. lV,linioisviri Klinlra, Ki el 'itir, Nl..i ra I .ins, III ilal". A nei.l' wr. .1 i mil. .ire, i ma n, i"i&, ..ui.iiii:. Cll.italH -.hnrrf, llj.'ers'own. A '. 1 lie trl:i rontie ts .t nr. M'l isii wen r. 'ti r nttsviv- ria ltailro td trams ir A In niown, aV.:.. fie lieiidnni and iin n',ij Itallro.w l i i:p).ral.i, I. l', and ' ln;i.' a. and I h the 1.' I'HlioliV ill yl ram for I lar-Wmla', .V POHr I'l.lNTCiN wah I'.tlanf.sa lisilrn.id trs'n" lorn llVes'iarre, iv llii jtu-p-Tt. I.o Haven, l.lmira, ,ie.; ai iisnuns- lll'llil with ' N'orlliern tVotral. um'erl.nd Vatlov," anl "fehuvlkill and Huswin'ianna trains f t N irti ad-berland,Vduni'ii-,rt.YorTi.('l'Builierliiirs,Poi.'TOV,ic jil ir ii.ioii.v r .i rn.-n I.ei- es PI Und. It 'iia ai a 1KI P. JI. f .r Readier, Pott. villi, pln-erove, !larnbenr, .., onneetli-.i: at Harris. Iiiik wltn l'eiiri-1 Iv.inla t'e iirvl rraiii for Pitt-' nr. e., N.irtliern . (Btrol I'.allroai'. ira it for Mi..'jiii'y. .so- nnni. berisn.l. Kluira. k-.,and a: I' rt . 1 icon with f itawla'- Kiilroaduinfor Mlltjn, Willl.nrij. rt. tlu.lra, liuiialo, Ac. I'.r.Ain n.i .jt "Msioit i i.'.-s. Leave Kesdiec at .; A. !.. atoitpitu .u all way a- i ions, arm inn In I'lill.i'e'lli'ila a, ice I A . M. iteinrniiu. je.u . s i-iaiauMi1 :na a. w i . -a. ; .-rri-. m Hc.idms : S-.siP. M. Train-, for Phll.ldvlp'i! Have llarr -rmrc at A. l . an l Pottsvll.'e at U'lr. A, Al , arrival,; In rtiliadelpli it 1 . 0 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Hnrrisoa-K at i I'. M., I'ottsvllleat i-.kil'. M., ..nivitii! In I'l.lla.lele'ii.i at 7 P. M. M.lrhrt trains, svlt'i a ii isse-if.'r ear atl he.l.b av I'lilladi'lnhla t I P. H , l .r ite.vlii,K nd all ay st.ul ..is; leave Reading at l'i, llom, and lowniu,,tuwaat UX.P. Jal. for Philadelphia an 1 all way ttiitl nm. All the aliove iralna run Jailv, Su nl,.i stf pled. Hiinday train le ivaPott-Allie at J-JVA. M.,.id Diil dli.!ila.it J If. P M. f'HKSI'I'.H VALLEY HAIlTtOAB. P.usen -er for Ij'miiiintiown and liiternifclU'e pilii'a take tlie nl'iA. !d. and '. (si I. M. train Irora 1 lined lpliia, reiiirnaig Iroui Howii.tikitoB a at tsO A. JI., anil li l'i DoOII. ;i:w ioek t.vi';tL'59 i op. riTT'-Duna and tub wist. Leaves New York it 7 P. M pa'slnc R1lnrat 1.' raM Biiti.t, a id connettluu ut llairii'i'irK wlih I'eumyli aaia biillrn'oi Rvlii's, liains for I'.llshlirir. lteinriiliiu atsiirevg tra.n ieia Ua. risbnrRon -rrivai of the Peiins.lvaala lixpie-a .'nun P.ltsbu- a'. limA.aT., pa-siiv II adi'iii at 8 A. M.. nJ aril-.l.'iH- at Stw Vr ftt 14'jP. M. Sleeiiii.al i'lrs aeceinnany these trains l.r.nili, beioeva jersey U.y uui i'.l'.ioark, witboul (Oianite. H Mailt. -arm tor New Y'irk ;er.v Harritourj t S A.M, audi P.M. Maultrahisw.- Uariklivg k-.l .Nc.vi.ii at A.M. and li Al. ist'lll Yl.KU.I. VAT.TBT It AlIU'l 4.T1. Tr'.us ve rottsiiilo ai 7 I.'i A. -M. aad iieai P. M., re turn! ir-ini Tnsearer... ut fi ill A. M. .ll.d 4 .Ll P. M. ae'it'i'tkllt. n sroil I'.illMM ' AM ItilATI. 1 rains leave Auiiurtl at I l'i A.AI. f'T Pl l.'TOve and Tlatrl.borir, an 1 at 1 id ai d 7 10 P. M I T P'n-f: ,vonly r-iuroi:. lr,a)l irri.ourn at '. M '. M., a,ad utal Piua t r A a: 8 11 A. hi., an J I and P. d. TIIKIVH, Tb-nnuh flra.-las tlek.-ts ua-1 e-r'crJlt 'Iclletr to all tlie principal points in Hie N rih and West And v'unioll. The lollo s ti.rf 11 -' t- ira oliialn ."de v.i'.y at the ottl. of H rtHAIifOUD, treasurer. Si l.i c. ui Men s"re-t Phllade pi la.erol' t. A. Melllt, ieLeral .u; trlntsu dent, Head.nn COMMI TATTOV TICKETS. A35 perce.it. dircvun:, betv.cea any p-.-ints desired, fcr 'auiUel and ntira. siii.FAai: Tifxr.r?. i loe.d f.ir itsS) iniies, be.lv. en J ,ie'nt, : llo 35 cavh, l.ir famiaes aad tirm-. k:a sov ti':h i.t. I'or Cree, sis, nino.or:t'l7e tuo'il.'.s, hi he'der only, 10 all oo.nts, a; redu.' 'd rales. ci.i'itiiiMr.s R 'tidln,' in tlio line ol ilie road will br .'nrnlslied wllH cards, eniltlibg i.'ieu.aelves id :in to titkvis atlialf KXCJl'llSIYN Tl. Kr.TS Fran PnlSailelpl'iA to ptl.n Ipal staikns, i'-i.l for Hatnr. dftv. rntolav. a:.d it :..l'.y. t reducd fare, lo U li.it onli al ih Ticket onii:, at J 11UI1EKN I II andOAJULOWlllLl directs. I Ill'.ii.Iir. ii.K-.d of all de-,-rlpiions inrv. arded lo an 'ie io.'fl points, froui -.lie c'ooipaay a bew i'reis'.: depot, IMIUAD sad WILLOW islre.'ls. l lirl iltT TT-AIKS Ti avephllad.lrhladaily at A. M., I P. M.,and 0 P. JI f. r Keadlre, Lebanon, llarrlsbjr,', lit.av.Ue, lert c'U. ton, nU p.. in'.a beyond. Clou tlie Philadelphia P. st Oflrsj f r all nlieei -n , road alio ns nrnnenes at o -a. s: ., ana lor vie p.i.iiipau tstiens only ut i 1j P. M. AY EST CUKSTKK AND 1'UILArELPHIA ItAll.UOAli. VI Ml III 1. 4'TIIN'I AlillAsol Vl-eT. On and after I IIII'A., Ami! 1, 1S04, lm .'rilB wllllravo ns le Iio' s l.eavs PhlUdi'Tpnla I--, m the Hi ;wt, ,. roe r of) Illltrv l'lt:r and M AKKK.T St !-,8 A. at , it oi A. J1..J'.: I'. M .. 4 IP f. M.. S'li P. M. I lillad l lil l'.oi eh an .4 in m I i.HTKI NTH and M All K 11 atfSt lo TU.IM l I ii:-.' and IAUIvti4T .Str.-.-l I.iav. W. v' f le ( .', 'r.tr ;!te D-lsil on F.a-t A ll'KGT Slr.el.S'iO . .v.,7-4 .A. M, 11 A. si ,. I'. M..4 I.P. At 'I he oafs i.l the le.ii.Ji .plna I'm-, verier I. a. may foinpany 'Muk.-t iir-'. i) e ill toi.i-,. LVssei.4rs tl and from t::e Pbilaalelphi Ileiuv. UN si SI' 1,1 C. Leave P dladflp'.la a: s A A. U. uu . i ' P. M. 1 e.ive 11 .-si . 1, ;si. r .il s A M. a,.'. I " r. V. 1 -an-1. avlui; Pint nle'i 'aa al H V.. ind 4-.50 P.M., and I1e-t..'li 'lert J'4 . A. M. ...l'i 4 I'. 1'. M.,eo .ooel ,i h l. an. i on tin. 1' d.ad -ite, .a-l Ha il.aoro I antral Itu.lr.ei I f.r ONO.rl Hid Lit ni' ill.-.' poi..l. j4-ll UliNia 11 U'H '. i.ne:. I s ip..r;.''el. lit. AV KST JKHKY r.AIH;nD LINES. i ..mini ti itie cb Mi'NDAi, Jn.M 1 . Is' I, frout M.la.l8..u,1Vliari'. i oh C in. May. Al'i and Id A JI. and 4 HI P.M. Krr n.ilim una llrldtelon. at K A. un.l 4 P. M. I'or l.laHlioro, at o,!l, and lo A. M., und 4 uud 4' HI P. M . Fur W&idimry, Gloucester, ., at audi! A. M.,li JI., a.,dla.,dSP.M,iiiyiN0 TtANS IEANE riilieMay at li and 11 4'. A. JL, and .110 P. M. Millvllle al 7'40 A.M.. nd I'.'.'i andb 00 P. M. Mili-to t ti A. 11., and 1 li' P. M. Ill IduetoB 1 b 16A.M., liU'P.M. lilussl-oro al 710 and tear. A M..'."i i, .". On, aud TSOP.M. Woodliur. ut 7,7'IU uudB'OI A. .M.,und i !si, 3 iii, i i, atidur.'l'.'M. TIIF. WFRT ,7 Kit SKY F.XPHr.siS COMPAWY', Olllce, Ku. &WALKI T Silreel, w 111 full lor uud deliver Pit KHiaeunil ulttud lo ll Hie usual braiu lieaol r.sprosa bn. lines, iaai'irai-oeei taki-nby U A M. line only, And liiust be sent lo the olllie the evenim.' previous. PerUha ble arncleh liy tins line uiu-l be sent tielore i'a A. M. A pli'iul u eaai-nner ui'i ominuilei each train, ni ' J. VAN liKMssKI.AKlt.supeiliitenileut. in'i VIULADELPHIA AND iqc; 4 JoO'l. lilt IE ItAILIlOAD. lC50-i. This sn at line truirai Die Morilu rn and NoriiiWest coillitks el Puiusvlvalilu to the city id F.rle on Lake Krlo. II has been leased by the I'KNNiil l.V AM A It.ULKOAD COMPANY, and under then' ii.iaptces la beta- rapidly opi ned UiroiUilioiU It. enliie Inmui. It le bow lu use for I'aisenuer and ireluhl btielneii froia llaiTbum to Kiuporluui. (id inlli s),oii tbe Lusti-m lllvl. sioii. and trow btiattiukl to brie (7s aides), uu lb VI mtcra UU It ion. IIMi: OF PASSU KdLR TI1.1IKS AT l'llil AUKU'ltli. fall Trslii leuvei ksai A. JI. jLxpros. Tnna leave Uiem p. M. Cars run tlirouuli u n inn l iiiasi.i: b.lh ways on tbev trains belweea l'liiladelpluauud Lock liaiii,adolii'ev'a lialtiniorfl and Istck Haven. Fle'iint gusiliuj Oars on the Express TralB both ways. For Inloruiattou reapeetliiK Passenger business, apply t tbe 8. K. corner ol KLl.VK.NTll and MAltktl Hlruela. And lor Freajlit blisineas id the Colnpiuiy s Aki.Is : h. II. Klnesien, Jr.,toiiif el.Vltt.Vl 11 aud MAJAUtT SlreeAs, I'blla.lulphiu. J . W. lteinolds, liri. al.M. Dcl'U,4it,i'iit,JI.II.C.B.,BBltlBior. ii. iionsTon. Oenertl Frsljrlit As'ent, I'bllud. h.iil. I.KsVIH L. Iioupr, Gtettra! Ticket Arenl, Pbiiadelpliia j.mf.i'H Ii. pon, JM-lf atiBcraJMauaaier.Wlu.aaispt RAILROAD LINES. lj4. 1 Aldt ANUKMIM8 OF 10M lOlM. M-'.W ItlllK I.ISIP. IOI Ha 1 he am 'en and Amhoe and Philadelphia and Trtwlon Its Dread C nnan ' Mn- fjvm riuln'lelpl.la to Mew lerfc and Way I'la. - a rE"M WAtKUI PTRt tT WIIARP, W.llles fl A Mi,, a, 4i. - rri. At 'I A M., via amS. n"Knd Anilny, C. find A.Ae eomiiio.lntton SS'2S At s A. ii , in i aiudan and Jersi j i ttj, M irunis K tjiri All'.' M . la Tamil :i and Auiioy.lJ and A. A' c-nn- ""iSi,,m , Ai'.'P.M. ia ' M'lid'in ar-.i Ainhoy, u. anlA.l, s- pr. l Al 1 I'. M., ,i ie iri'len ant Amti.iy.Ai' onilnmliiii n i I reir'hl a ol Pa.seliii'trl A l i. P. M .. .. 1 1 ' "a .. 1 ti a i1 lin'ioy , eoi..m.,lat on . I r'liCit i ni Pa iil'T lit t'lal-11' ket ?iH'l ii- .1.. A t i ', I. M ., i mi . i ii.l' n and Ainlioy An oininoU- II ,ii (' rer',t ir.J I'..".. IV '), !-t ' ,'" Tli Let.... id I l l s .1 I sot 11 1-7 ;n 1 A) t-n 1 HI I or linn h . 1,,'ok. i:,to,Mi, luihltlioni, llenlJsro, 1'aoon. I at iii r:-. ill. , i leminirlon, At , I. M. I ' r I.AriCi. r' ,Me mi l Int. riili .liate H'ulton. ot ' P. M. I "r ii unit, ll ill., i... .-insane, rotnhor.oit, and meeiae tuv ii. At ; A.M., .' an I ,'i I'. M. lor ire ill a: ; A. M. and P.M. !' r I'ah ira, It -e. ; ei, Ii. ianro. lli vrrli', tl iriiliirlOB, rii'rcic lo i I ii. ". e, at il A. M.. I'.' M., 1. e ,0,.s, , n.l ii I'. . . 1 ,i, I i an 1 , 1'. M. .liiua rnu duo I itneufli I I., I r. n' . . I or I'.n ly-a, ll.,.vion, nlan-o, Bnverly, ami nur:in' t ii ai 7 r. -M. Ho i. . he it I -neon, f r Hris'ol. tlmlti atnn, lie-eirj, Torr.'sJ il . in, I l i "ie- it t..iA. M. and J o I'. M. I IN,."- 1 1'isit KENHIS..ION M.I'Or YVIli l.-.v.' a l ilo- s At 4 A. v., n. . la K-1-..l'itrton and Ken Y'ork, n in. ' i lid's . York .Mud 3'3 At 11 10 A. si ., s a Ktns.utrtou and .larsi.v City IA- pro' JiA At r i't P. M , i. K l'.s.::A:ou Olid J"rej- in.;i;t- .-e 3'K) Al 'i'l-'i I'. M.. - la r.e .ilwron and .lurscy til'y, Walon.'lo'.l ,:ld ork livpri'BS -1'0) Sn id .. .i' 'S I iy- j i 4 A. M. and I". I'. .M. I'liaro roll , no I'ne nt 4 A. d. 'MVl en M imltiy.. 1 I'or Water '..ip, Ptr lu-iiu'i-u, ter:mion. vrtll'.-'.Mrt, Monirn.e.l.r. at l.end, .I.ul h :iiimk, A'li'iiio'.i it, I le'l. lo in in. It--1 . 1.ler... K no i. llinli.'rlville. Kienikni,-!..!!, A .,at T'l-i A. .M fM. line enir li Willi tin tiali, leanns I'llioa l..r Man. hi h ,'! at ' o P M. I"er I on 'iii 'iie and .n-.erini dlato alntlon nt 'i P. M. K' r II.-M -i. T.. li'o,:, .t :.,at ; l..aiid 11 l. A. .11., a.idi P. M. I ir It -'ii ' -a. T i onv. w:.l'iotnlniT. Tlrlili s' r,', ami I r ink- r l it " A. !., .i, o 1.'., and sp. M. Tl.l 11 A. M. I.ino runs'.' Ilrl-t I. .... l-e-Ko,- N. York, rn I Way T.'ne leni ln-; h -iiOntirl. li. pi t, i ike ' . . a. oa ' iurt "Ire- t. atsive W olnn'. I. iii a:i hour h" ire .tensjiore. T:ie I 'ar run Intott.o lienor, and on arrival oi e i- 'i 'rain ma fr hb the Hepot. I nl v p'iniids of n.e'i-iRe jtiljr allowed f-neh P1.-ent;er. I'm.i iir, are f r,,1 ii .l-d fi iin t 'kliiir iinytl.tn as hruvase , h it Hi",-" oi ; i p ii"l. All l.:ii'.:.. or lifiy po-.n 1 . I I ..' pit 1 f .r etra. fi i 'i'iuii my liratt tlielr re.pon'l- ' bililv 'or haeiiiiie l i O-IC II .11 ir Iter noniid, and u HI not be) llal'le lor aa a-.cn.i.t t,.'j'.u'l I l'I, fl.ospt by specUl ca- tTA. t. . 4 i.r.itia- c II 'aval' r.-press will enllfor find de'tv r h.i iae atthe H"i)..l. Ordv-t' h" l"t t NoilWU.NUT ati. ei. wit. II. UATMCl:, A.ent. An.'ii-l ajWI. i.islh littj.v irr.iv oim l'ort pini.Aiii:t.piirA Wl.l, l.KAVIC Krom foot of ourtl.nid moot at li M. sad 1 P. M.,vla. Jer-ey f'liy an.ll '.linden ; .u 7 and III A. M.,li 1'. .M., aud li ' N'k'iit) ia ' r'ey i 'I-., (1nd KenOrinton. Krnni foot .1 n ir l.iv street, .it ti A. M. and '.' P. M., Via 4. intii j and i '.irr.l' n. rroni I'lerNo. 1 Sor'h Jllver, At 12 M., 4 and 8 P. it. 1 r lltt a. id i j.-'-vi.S' .'i via .uniioy ana vaiu.ien. lllElfjlIT LINKS 1 OU NEW YORK X ail iio- si it. mi .-a t'ie Catnden and Aauls aad tie '1'n.' llailjr. i.la. AST eon- in' rtr.ifK.n lir.si'ATcH. Th CiBideil in i Ainlsiy ItAllroild ard Transport!! o.iiians s i reiio i..iie. stre. i wl,rf, oa sni aft-': r New York will lenvo Waltutt January H, dall tHuniUj s ex cepuc i it 4 o'el h k r. si. lletiuninu, the ' i t Line - vlU leave Ki w York at 1 nd 4 I . .1. Ire.'iht ittus'. be d.ll.ercd bt'ore 3,' P.M. to bo for- wrde.t the sue.o lay. I rei.ht f.r Tn-Hon. rrineeton, amnion, .now nrins- ssii k, und .t:i '. jff.s en ''ie Camden and Amboy Railroad; ...... ..n , l. II..I. I.l... . Iia. tu a,-,, nn.l S-I..fnlnjtnll IhaNetW Jer.ev, i' e r-'lio!d"s'.id JunleshnrK, nil the H-irlinntoa and M oir.t llo'lv i: ailroa reeelvisl nnd forwarded op t A 1." . .i .-In. k I'. JI. -oni L pok.o;os ,,r Mount llolij receivea iiptiSoel,.;k P. M. . . ... , I nr.' Willi 'he I. ' i l .iller llallroi.,1. 1 he e.v J"r y ll'it r iad eo'.me.'ta al F.l as.'t'i Willi the Xew .t-irsevi in r.i I lt,,rr.;i' a:i. .it Nvtvark viitu tin Morril and 1..S-S li.nlri.ul. ai ti lueni.ir in.inL:. De 'tlvinc the Biaras nioi n im bers. shipp. rs :td .O'l-liiiets, limit In every tnstneco bsl 1 sent n I'.'i .' l' 11 ! '.I I .tl r".lt."ril,' reeeti'v ton nei;i,rii. IncT' ise.l i.i.'ll 'I-a 'evilly been made lor the transporta tion ot 1.11 K n i 0'K. or.i rs are iiivind to try this route. When il vlo.lt ! i rnlsiie.lln .inaiitnlia ol 1 wo uak Illal.S ir ra re, : wl! be delivered ut Hie f.a.t ol l ortletn slreol, a.ar th i lire, e lards, or at Pier lsn. 1 ISortli lover. ;i I le sloei it. may d, s siiatc at me tune oi ine ain uient. 11A1.TK1I l Itl.l.llAN, Fn lKht le. nt. ."v ."-3. 1 " la van' avenue, I iii,a.."ipiim. -. ' K'l. II. KAYM'INIl, Prnutlit Ail. nt, jni tf I'.or H 1 North Itlver, k'e.v Ve.-k. lStJ-1. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC It VIl.KOAIl. e'-tMi-.. Al'HANllli.lir.VT. 1S04. THitOI'l'UIN TWO IIOIiltSHI l-oir ir..is Jally to Atlantic CJtty. On and a;:er JI.NjAi, July 1, train leave Vine 'Irvet l . I'ry as loil .a - : Mull, 7-:kl 4 M. Krek lit, wt'h r ,sse-.;er 'sr a'taehed. !)-l". A. M . F.xpress I'aroBh In- onrs'.'i 'S3 P. M. Atlal.lic AicmiLl .datl .. IT P. JI. , Jut.. 'tic il A;? entrt) lotion,. "i' iO P M. R .Tt'ItNTN.I LlLkv iiS ATLANTIC, Ai-rornntod'! jit AlJaulK.) i 4 A. M. Kxpreas, 7'iwi A. M. I relelit, U-,',0 A.M. Mail, 4 41 P, M. J jixtion Aj oinai'.iiat or,-?3 A. JI. 1 urel i Ailainl. , 'i Uonnd TrlpTk-kala ((roo.tu: for ihe day arl trH on wiii' b tliey we Issued), J yd. KYTilk HJ.'lDONHF.LI) TKAIN'S, Ia-. n Vine sir- tt 11.1 M. and 1 Wl V. M. Liuve lladdMfl. Id 1 l'i P. JI. and i kli P. Al. IN Si'Sll VYS, , Mall fain f-r '.tlsntic leoivs !ne struct "-HO A. M. ' Leans AlUi.lle 4-4 i'. JI. yso-tf JOHN O. IIKYANT, Aui'Tll. lRil. r K N N -SYLVANIA THK lillKAl' IHikTll.i: T'tAI K Isl'OKT KOI'TI. It 1IIK WKST, N'Oil ir.VKT, AMU SOI 1I1W KST. T iiniin-iiis and It eiiies for the ssio, .peedy, and com forlaiiie I' .liisport ie u..f paMiin.rs, unsurpw.s:d oy auv I .i.l.' in i'io o in'r . Trains i'sv- Hi , pot ..t LU EN IU and MARKEl r- ietlB f.oio-. b MailTriiB t 7-iC A. M. Fas: Lineal II 2 I.M. Ti r. n-li l'.-,re is a- ....l't-,:0 P. M PnrSesbnrK Train, IS'. . 1 , ii 10 Oil A. M l'aike.',arT.-i:a, Is. 2. a' 10! P. 34 ll.1rnsl.ur4 Ai isuodilioa t I i p. M. L.u. easier !' rain al 4'dUP.Jf I'a..ll A cO'iilic LCI r (Ul. es W .s'. PlillaJel- ohu) at C'WP. M. Tbronab PAssengeta iij -be 1 a'it Line reuoh A'toona 10 ripper, 'wh 'ie vi lll'ie t' .nnd e' lient acroinraodailons fo tlie lihat At tli L-itaa lieuve, and in the n-orulng ui; take eu:i.r iie PYlad.lplr.aor lljlnmoro Kxpress, oaeh 0 which makes con ieetl'ns at I'll tsburs lor all nolQts. A dayiuat new la liius allot lei cl" ill eutlre luio aad it: in isiiitt 'nt seeder. llie Tiiro'ip'i Lxorasa T-ain run daily; U 1410111. train daily. ss -'p'. -1 ni.Viva. 1 O't PirT"illl'lfl AND THK WEST. T'.ie Ma'l 'Irut i, Ka-t 1.1110, And 'it.roiitrli Fxproiseon Be. t at Pi-.. sin Hi; with br Kiitti tr.uns on ul. .ilvcririiiK rod. front Ibat noli. I. N ;rli 1 1 tli ) Lasos, It est to ihe Mlasi slppl ind ALs.'uurl Kiers. and i nilh and Honthuest to : ti itnts avesstbl! 'i. rsi'ra.i-!. Throtnth Tickets to Clove lanJ, 11 ttroif , 'liiai; 1, st .'anl, 1 'ilniulius, Indianapolis sit. J,.iis, L'iuveutv.irt'i, K iusas, Wiieelinir. Daylon.Cin sin. . an, 1. ois, llie, 'al.-o, and ail oilier principal poiiiLi aad ija-'i" eltet ii-'il ilir'tnuli. IMUIAS V PKAN' lllt 111 IIOAH. 1 'te Throtmh Kapress. le iviat ai lii-iW p. af ., eonnflet'f ui iiiairsiije inifr.e tloa tvitb a iraui ou this road 10 lll:i:rsvll. lri.liara, . FIlKNslil'HU IND CHP.lsOV nRINf'II ItATIKOAP 1 lie T'iroiifc-b Kiiiress Train, leaving ul lll'ilOP. JL.con Beets at c'ress'in. al ),r4b 1 JI., .villi train on the rua ii,r I iieusl, nr, A train aiva leaves (.'reason lor LbenabiLr 1 at 8 iP. ,'j,, u,vgH,t,,,, HIM sen RflAIi. The Mall Traia at 7'i . A. IL.attd Through Kspreas 10 .'In P. JL, connect at Alt' oua will, truius lor ll'iUnbAys biiru ul 7 V, r. I. inil A. M I IIIONK AMI .'I.KAItl It'.l tl HBANfll RAII.ROAU Y'lu Tlironeti lispr lis Train, l.-aviii at le ill) l". M., con ne-ts .11 l.vrotH' with a train f.r -iaiuiy ItiiUtc and I'liillips li.irst. and hy iialJ ifii.ts 1 aile llallroad lor l'ort JUUlil Allots'. ore, llid .."ii. l Tie. Ml HI I.N lllON AND IlIlO AD TOP HAII.ROAD. 1'be 1'hroi'R'i I's .iress Train, leuvinv at 10 iio P. kl..c ntei, at lii.uiias ton wi'.j auain for HoiniHeU audlllovd. kCIKlilitiiN '..'LSrSAr. AUU PHILADELPHIA ANI :;i'ir. p..in.!toiist. F .r a-i'ihriry, Wnlixnspirt, I iwk II. en, Kim'.r. Re cile:.ter, llellalo. a -.d t-iaar 1 Falls, t.asaeiiue.s laams Lb Jf atl l','a .1 at ii t. .11., Mil the Ti nnurh lApresa u I'l'.ioP Yl., dallv -,, p' Mtndiy.)-o illreilly ilirowiri wiih-m' ,e,n-d cf o..rs 6a.v.-c.L4i l'luJileiol la ad Wii llamsport. I'..r 1 Oi'i.ll 'ik' i' r.i.. anl. FTTYSIH'itO. the tr!n 1. 1 le .- it s A. J. i l l '.' ij P. JL, o-iiiiocl al Cojtiaitw s. ltl- trsiti" ott t'i" Neithern 1 ntrai hVuirotul. uiaiii::ii 1.111 vii.i.r.Y hailuiiad. ire 11 .ni 1 .an 1: ', ii 1 . Jl., ull, I thinner, lis, res I It i P. 'I., ",' in" i o liarrist.uia Mitb .rias for (.urUs.c Oiifti 'berslntr.', an 1 llaet.i ,.,s. l Al Nf.-lll' II t llltANi:.! nAII.KUSll. 'Iii t tram- liaviii- 1 i'.i A. JI. ai d ill I'- H.. conn. ' Jin- li:;i4ri .... '1 '.vita In ti, li'is load U1IYay.1e.ba. an I - .1 ln "I I. '. lis'.' -ts silis. 1 or llir'.iior 1 l.ori.ia'Ioii J,i.,rs at the Pu..,iwer 6tatict b. F. cola ro. I. Llii I'M 11 .11 J Jl.lhKl.l tslroets. J.OIK-4 I 'l l 1'KK, TIcUl A.ent. fdOMi'i 1 ,im I'H'M.I'S, For 1, .,.,, or I. ir mllis. at eiv I raica, f.r tti ' I'tliiMio 'aiio.i -f persons liliiiaolit ul to-.i B,vr lot-aiAHl b or i,ei.r the line 01 the 1-0.1,1. i:nl TON' 1ICKFT1, ForM irlns between any two p. mils, at nbont two cent per mile. These li.-l.ets are iiileliiled lr the us 01 faiail. tritv. lini.' itt'iinenily, and aie 01 ureal advaiitasie to.Hii'ua, B.akiU),' oci'usioual trios. KOIIOOL TK KPT.sl. lor one or three months, for tbe ueoi scholars attillr ciiool 111 the cltv. WKRTF.UV EMIliliATION. An EBlUrart AeeolouitHiution tialti Uitvts Jo. 137 noc lieet nully (Hundiiva excepted I al 4 o 1 lock P. JL jtirterll c.iuf.iilul.le m ale of navel to luiollies (rrdns Ws. 1 0111-I111I1 llie usual rate of fare. I'altlculur attolilloB ( aid to buiyiixe, lid lueli clucks lire n.veB, aud bn loi-wai'l.d by the aauc train with puincujcls. r 01 11111 luioiiiinMon. si-i'.s ... FltASv'tll FI NK.I EmiltTiint Aptent, No. 1..7 In "J Is ouiiet AllX'V'H inr;. ili;K. 1 ill lis) M. An agent of this rallable Kvpre-s 1 onipi.ny will p tlnoi.sh eni h tniln lieiote reaeliliik' II e depot, and take 1 . In cks and deliver bakviiiie to unj part of lh city. Ma Kline vi ill be culled lor pioinplli whi n orders are iert at tl I'a.sM-niiei l.i'pol,F.lv..iTkaud Muiki'l streets. The-lrv. inn miblic arc assured that it it e.ei're.V rv.i'O'iii.ii. ' 1 FIIF.IliliTK. Iiv this rout frelslits of all dcsi ilptions eB ot to winded to and irotu ny pelnls on the luilroa-ls of ut Keulockv, liiilijinii, Illinois. 11'lsconsin. lots-a.or Jlissou l.v ik Ini'ad din il.or lo uny puliu on the uaiiall wte of tl.e West, by st. uiiieri from I'ltl-buig. Hie rules 04 ll'uinlil to and from io pouil In J we Iiv lla Pi DlisyluiiiuCeulrl llallroad nre al all limes 1 lavoral.le as or cbarited by other lla Imad I oinpanle Merchants and shipper MtlBaling the ti uBsporlalloa ibeli ir. ifl.t loiln. L'ompuiiy caa roi witbooulldcucii, "Vor ireivKi'i'iraet. or shipping dirocUoa, M.ply to adores ti e Auenls ol tl.e 1'olripuiiy j . 11. K1NI.-.TON, Jr., philuikliliKt. 1). A. til FVYAKT, Plltsbuig. Lllt'li C'O :io!lXAlorlloui,oT No. I 8. WIUU atr.ei. New Ys.;k. ,..,,,., t,r., m.,M , YA'il.l.lAM IIIIOIVN, hio. sa Nollh stresil, JjaJllulo J,', a , v ...11. -r . 'Mniral lttdlwav. r -""" ' II. H. IIOI BTO uenra. ri-oini'i . t. .n...i.ii,"i-a. LK11 114 L. Ilolil'l'. 1 O.mrul Ticket ai'. iit. Plnla.1. Iphl rfl FNDCII I.KwIS, tit uiJ iu ilii'.eiid4Uit, Alioeaut, 1'a I I i