IWteamiSIeTaFaMIMa TDK DAILY EVENING TEI.EGItAFlI. rOTIiADF.LPniA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1801. Owning Sttanm OmCE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. fTae Inn ctrrr Oner, or Eianricir Carta Tm Waal, eat eae Cantor, ana Mailed ta SuMortbert MItllwOH7"'""IOL,'ai FU Awmrai OaaDoiiAa rrrrr c.t rot Two atonnie.lovexleMyla advance kriMaieasrdeT. MnitiMmli tr.ee.rtM l Ola aeaal rut. A littoral ArrMwrauat made tor utaaaea laxjeTUose, Ha noMee Mit be taken ef Anonytaone CommanlealloiiS. th.v la laiwuM for le.cruwi nviat be anthem atad by Ui mum and aMre.a of Uh witter aot neces.atily for Bsts-eUJ.e.. bat a. a auarrditea for hl n.Kl faitll. We firiT naaenake a IMu r.ect4 CoouauulceOoat. To Alertt(aeTej. 9wtmt la Ibe troal tnprraM la the ClrrnLHon f Tnr. atvaaoae Ti ". conirMIni nt to an to pri At aa awlv hViar, wa uiaently renue.t that advertisement, mar ae aajeid In a. eooa ea 10 o'clock, li poeelblc.to avcaro aeeaa aa aevrawa ill mi at our tuuu-un. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2S, 1801. CKN. PIIIIJP It. NHERIDAMU AHdV In another part of our paper to-d iy will be found an account of a bloody bnttln, fought near Charlestown, Vlrgiala, on Rundjy la at. The Oth, 8th, and 19th, and Tokdert's Cavalry Corpawere enjaged with Early's llolicl", Ml bravely held their ground. Ilere arc lour torp iTarmte mentioned, but they do no' make tip a decent army, because none of them are fulL While we were In church, or enjoy ing social convene with our family and Iriontln, tfceee brave men were standing as a living Wall of fire between Pennsylvania and the "ruthless destroyer of towns when rescue. Is at band." Is It not Imperative upon us all to march out an army to their asslntanco as soon as possible f Let us do It, then, before Uio oUi Of Septem ber. Tins IIobbiblx Wab Debt." It will be paid if we are successful repudiated If Dot. How can we pay It ? In ten years time after the close of the war, by seizing and sell ing all land in the fertile South to which a TUd title cannot be given, now shall we pay the interest? By an Increased revenue from Imports and exports, and by a slight internal revenue tax. How shall wo end the war, obtain an honorable peace, secure the Wr debt, reconstruct the Union, and be happy, bequeathing untold blessings upon our chil dren f By volunteering mon to strengthen pur armies, overw helm our enemies, and re establish the national power. How shall we avoid a draft f There is but ono way All Our qnotas before the 6th of September. A K FINANCE HEEIFUfU rOKREcriO. Is It necessary to keep four or five hundred Able-bodied soldiers at a single military hos pital t What service can require so many men at inch a post? Guard -duty merely can be performed by a company of one bun- yuxed, And that is about all the occasion there kSa for an active force at any military In flrmary. At one hospital In the suburbs there Are several hundred soldier, fit for ,..BCUseJ service and who ought to be In the A eld, where tLcy Are needed. They are of no use where they are. They a re allowed, too, the largest liberty to no and come. The most of their time Is spent in the city in dlnlpa tion that rapidly disqualifies thorn for the business for which they enlisted. They go to taverns, get drunk, become boisterous and profane, engage in quarrels and fights, nnd seriously disturb the public peace. In this kind of frolic they not only Injure themselves physically and morally, but they waste, their money. A month's pay is squandered In a 'eight's carousal. This is all wrong, not only in view of the Interest of the soldier, who Is demoralized by such a life, but alo an regards the Government, which paj-s for the support of a man who is able to perform military service, but who, ai soon as he is re covered from the wounds or sickness Incurred in the line of his duty, is allowed a freedom of action in the indulgence of his passions and appetites, which not only destroys bis health, but debauches hlra to an extent that , entirely unfits him for the duty of the camp. Soldiers, we presume, are sent to hospitals to be restored, if possible, to a condition that w'li enable them to return to active service in the field. But if we judge from what we see, ' we should infer that the act of putting an in Fallded private into a hospital is equivalent to keeping him out of the army aUogthor, and piaelng him permanently on the pension list. This should not be the effect of that generous and humune provision which the Government makes for Its disabled .soldiers. The nation ueeds every muu i Who (is able to do battle for its life in . front of the enemy. But unless our observe , tiori is very much at fault, it wotdd Hcem that tlie military hospitals are so managed as to pr?vent a msiority of the soldiers who onec enter them from ever Ix'lng restored to their reeiments In the field. We know, f course, that numbers are returned to duty from time to 1 t;nae ;but it is In spite of the loose hnblts they are avowed to contract and the. excesses into which they are allowed to rim during their connec tion with the hopifK Crowds of llieiu are itoity permitted to j to the city on pa , ut nil tioiirs, and many of tbciu return In a b t--lly a'Me oflntoxleittlon. On a certain street in t.'i Twenty-fourth Ward, utoni; which the nvn is from Hud to the lue-iiil.il. they Hr? continuously iiiov iuic t. all u' of the day ami uiM; ami it is ti'ttirlous In tlinl. neimhborlunid 'bill tt" Umgiuige they use is so lewd Mid Mai p.l'fuoiis as to shuck ti e CTI of a!! il" lit vU1ciit upon Urf liltf "I the thi.r-'Mitjiil'urV. lu short, the eoiuliti-t of miiny nf the enin i-(M-eii! who ate sunereil Ui lf tc tli" b"--pi'als and k at is .'rin ls iiu'-.i i nf w'uch thert 1- vcr,, uiiinlii r mil li . '.i-ak th(. ( liMV. ltp; cli.ivgc nf the Mfi-pl:.tl at.d their lum.itcs institule mi l i.-nJor t a better systeui ol disciplin.-, the whole Wi'.Uir will probably be reported to the War Dep.tr ment bv those citizens who are now to grievously annoyed. FAJtBAQVT'a CoKFIBENCE IS HIS AJII L1TV TO PA88 TH FOHTS AT THE tNTRANCK OF Mouii. BAY. On the eve of the pahege o the Uoblle forts, it wa .uggeated to AduiirAl . Fakbagvt by the officer w hone duty it was to look to Buch mattert, that whlnky might be er benenelal in caw the men became ex- 't bauated from long-continued fighting in the coiutna- conflict. The Admiral said that he bad bo oAectlon to Its being used if there was ny snlx--(t,mt that he had never found It accessary In an, nii ftctionS( anJ that ne Intended to give tlus riven a cup of hot coffee I tlUjUl, uu w -o!VE T BMrAIF,sI' tfnW the bay at 8 o tUKit, the aual hour. By 8 o'clock the parage of the (oru was an : ccomulisUed lack cabbaout BgMawith- . !.... s . -I . . t - ctll auij cjaviuaub vaucp, pwn luuaia. It ka to strengthen the hands of such noble bercx-t a Our cmei Aomniu tuni air. ijincolm now calls for men. To serre under such leaders as a volunteer should be the goul of every true American's career. Bo enlist at once aad re tbe city tVoin draft. No TwronTUT.xt. We loara that ordon from the War Department dlrr-ct thnt all pro wort mmhal have everything In redlnM to begin thf draft Immediately after the expira tion of the fifty days' notice already given by the President, and direct thnt enrolment lint be cloned and forwarded to the rrovost Mr-nhnl-OeneraVB Department on the 1st of Stsp teroVr, with correction" to thnt date, so that proper quotas may be atoned. It U evident that the Government need and ftiunt have more men Immediately, This i gaod newa for men of patriotism and moral courage, for It Indicate a at tiled determlnutle-n to rniih the IMrellloo. Ht once. aoJilA's nil.im. It seems a little hard, we admit, that under a political system In which the doctrine of representation Is fundamental, anybody should be subject to laws which they have no direct voice In making. This Is particularly oppres sive, too, when the laws unilcrtnko to appro priate one's personal and real estate for the support of the Government. Miss Il Aitrtii T II i:T,some years ago, told the Legislature and other authorities of Massachusetts that she had been protesting against "eomclllng women to submit to taxation without representation,'' and that sho meant to keep on protesting until the question Is brought liefore thn courts and settled by solemn adjudication. IlAnitiF.T we take It for granted, Is one of the "hard minded'' specimens of her sex, who Imagines that she has certain "inherent and unalien able rlKhts'' which are denied by the laws or the usage of society, and which it Is the reli gious duty of her wronged and oppressed sis terhood to assert and Insist upon until they are recognlrcd and conceded. Miss nAp.nitfT thinks that it Is not quite enough to bo told that she ought to pay for the benefits and blessings she enjoys through the civil institutions and agencies which are main tained for the protection of each and the general social advantage of all. She fan cies that to be governed, though never so well, la an lmpcrleet or questionable felicity, with out tho privilege to say who shall govern and bow he shall govern. And lu vindication of this idea she appeals, with great apparent ecarnestness and faith, to tho fact that our devolution sprang out of the principle that acta of Parliament do not rightfully bind those who have no baud In their enactment. It must be confessed that both precept and precedent In this matter are, seemingly, on Habuiki'b side ; that the theory of our re publicanism, in proclaiming that no one should be taxed who la not represented in the taxing body, is not fully and faithfully carried out In cur own practice; and that if tho women of tho laud, young and old, marriod and unmarried, were to continue thoroughly and resolutely In passing this instance of political Inconsistency before tho jury of public feeling and conscience, wc might flud that; in the maxim upon which we protested against British jurisdiction, and resisted its exercise over us, we had but " taught bloody " Instructions, which return to plague the " Inventors." But Is it true that the women are not rep resented In our Government ? If they are not, indeed, admitted to the polls, and have no direct suffrage In the election of those who make and administer the laws, can it be said that they do not actaally and effectually par ticipate in the legislation and administrative policy and action of the State ' A renowned ruler of ancient Greece once said that his child governed the people over whom he pre sided, because his sou governed bis mother, and she governed blm. In the same way we Ix-lievc that the women 01 America exert a greater control In our politics than they or the men are aware ol. And if every mother, wife, sister, or sweet heart can Influence tho voters, may they not lie said to vote In effect, though they do not personally put in the ballots? This sort of reasoning may not satisfy such doughty champions of abstract political rights as ML-s Hint, who would not be cheated out of ber natural sovereignty by having the shadow of a franchlso sub stituted for the substance; but wc would like to know w hat our w omen would gain by being allowed to do directly what they can make a man do for them? Is it not more comfortable to sit at home on election day, remote from the dense crowd, the coarse pro fanity, the riilllan violence, ami drunken con tention, of a (Milling booth, it ml have a vole cast by proxy, than to east it directly, sub ject to all the brutalities and perils of an American election ground? Women govern us now, if we did but know it, to a very great extent ; and if they do not govern us more than' they do already, it is their own fault. We would advise all the Miss lUi;i;n.r IIi'Nrs who are ambitious of having their names ou the assessor's list, and being allowed to vote, to get married as speedily us possible, ami Iheu to use what arts and witchcraft, they may in controlling the political opinions and actions of their husbands. Tin y can do much In this way if they et ubmit It earnestly; and we fancy It would, lor the ladles.be a great deal mure agreeable mode of exercising the right of sullrage, than being obliged to tight one's way lo the (stols through a iiih-s of drunken rowdies and excited i. li1 ii-nl .irs!'u. VViiAf Uoll.n Hani; liniA l' At- ; I.A.NTA? titllllflll SlKl'l Mi'l'tlttK wrlU'N tobl.s. inotlicr in (tliiu, "tliiit t iriici'iil Stom-:- man ciulil lime IhIsi'Ii AiiiIi r-tiiivlllo. Mil- li'tlX' vilif, ali'l Miti'oii, l.i'i.iii. It lie liail " la'fll Vclllliil I lit mlt'llHT 1iIIHi1m ol "CHMlll'l. Tll'ia woiiM linn l.vl' tctl fllt'Tll tlU.l"!llll I'llit.ll lli-.HIfl llll'l IHlllI llHVf o lnilal.'il Atliiiit'i .I- i'i linn' i.'ii'lu'.'il il tiiiii'iml'li'." II'tv ''ri' v. Ii .t m li'tr lin n inlkfl't liavc Uont.' lur ilu ir t oiiiiiiy, iniii immi It in our .oer to tint two l')-k'.iil.- in tlie fliiltl from thi city alone Wore tlie Oth of RcDtomber, If we work si-liluoiiHly. The only wheel we rshoultl not jmt n "Iii nlilcr to is the ilrhi'ting wliwl. AsoTitr.it Eittvi: boi.ini.ii Cum .Colo nel OE"I:i.E II. C'I'O-M AN, lllllrtr-liustlT, ol this tity, ban juut received inloriuation of the death of his son, 1st Lieutenant Iki iieki. k E. CitO'-MAN, 17th V. P. lni'aiitry, attached to General Waiihkn'i Corp. He wa killed In the engagement on the Weldon Rullroud on the Kith instant, by a bullet through the he.td. He was twice hit. the day previous., notbing but bis watch sjved his Hie, a It wai found to have been Indented by a nuiiet. in. wu a brave toldkr Dd a good offer. SlNClLAk ColNi.IDINl F. Oi. the 6th 01' August, 1801, Admiral Fakii n.i r tun by the forts in Mobile Lay aud yalurd Fort Gaines with the greatest naval victory of modern bUtory. On the oth ot fit ptcniber it is said that the city of rblladelpbla 111 succeosluily run tbe gauntlet of the draft, and her forte w ill be gain of honor aud glory Indeed. She will share them with FAititAOUT, tin AM', SujtitMAN, ttt,d all of our bittYC lwX ;p. 1 TnK MKAMrV AT CAPE IM.A.HO. f'f 1'"r a Thf hrrin TMmyS: I Cam. Island, N. J., August l!t, id-it. j fn The season at this favorite wateriim ' place oeiicd late this y esr, caused In some degree by the raid Into Marylnml and IVrinf rhanlfi, but a eoodly number of visiters have since been here. Probably there were more here on Sunday Inst than at any other period during the summer. The il.ten'e heat of the preceding fortnight drove all out of Philadelphia who could get away, and though this summer at Cure May has been the warmest I nown there for tuclvo ycurs, yet whnt ts called warm weather at ( ape Mny would he con-iiiercd very romfortalile In Philadelphia. I Inc. e 'nown winter cletliintf worn at Caps May on d..) s when the thermeiiutnr Mas over ninety decrees In l'hilalelpliia. The bathing ground has been duly honored this year. It i certainly a very anitrmted and pit tuiuntnic sjiertiiclo to sec to iimny huutlri di in the surf at onte enjoying themselves, (me thing is noticeable this Tear lii li has not been so amnion on previous seasons, iinuiciy, tuo huge uiunhcr of letnalo swimmers. Many of tlie voting Kills excel in this useful and healthful c.tfiusc. Our swimming sports have not been without gootlcflct'l in this diiei tion. Iist night wo b:id tho plotisurc of listening to Colonel Jaiiien, of Illinois, who mails two ex cellent speeches from tho plaof the United States Hotel. Among the auditors eie a party ol volunteers from Delaware, who have recently rccnlistcd. They favored the visitors at tho stand w ith a number of patriotic songs in tho roni bc of the evening. They came on an excar- sion paity ami relumed this morning, leaving a good name behind them for tho propriety of their I coiitluet. Yours, etc., X.. Y. n.ptlcnii I ou trie eiisorstii of the The following characteristic letter occurs in tho last volume of the "Napoleon Correspondence :" "M. Ponchc I read in the Jum nnl nV r Empire of the t'th Instant that at tho end of a comedy, tiy Colin d'llurlovillo, this note occurs: Fi rn an.l.erroiltcl I lie printing ami ar.I, pursuant t.i the rt-c;.l-n ol lu, KKeaMenejr, Uio Mlnlstur ol Ot-nertil l'l.tii c- Hui.itor. bitted, sth of tlu, month. Ilvo der of In, KiorUancv. P. t.AdARIII', Chief til the Dlrulon ol thi Llrt.r of tin fieis. "1 am astonished at these new forms, which tl.e law only could authorize. If It were propor to establish a censorship, it could not bo estab lished without my permission. When my w ill is that the censorship shall not exist, I have a right to le surprised at seeing in my empire forms which may be good at Vienna and Utrlin. If these be the result of an old nsugo, send me a report on it. 1 have a long time calculated the means of re-establishing the social cdilicc, and now I am obliged to watch over the mainte nance ot public liberty. I do not mean that the French should become serfs. In France all that is not prohibited is permitted; and nothing can be prohibited except by the laws and the tri bunals, or by measures of high police, whore pub lic morals and public order aro concerned. I repeat, I will not hove a censorship; becansa evcrv btsiksellcr answers for the work he puts Inlo'circtiittlion ; because I have, no wish to be responsible for the nonsense that may ho printed ; and because I will not allow a niero clerk to tyrannize over mind and mutilate genius. " NAl'OI.KON." FE0M THE LOWES MISSISSIPPI. Hutkner In ('smuanil nt Altsanndrln Taj lor linai Chtarire f I'olk'a tl'orpt nl Allnnla Btsbel Conscription 4 itltitn Nnlra, Ac, Ac. Caiiio, August 22. Tae steamer Wi Ilamh, from New Orleans on tho lUth, arrived at this lort tliiB morning. She brought WO hales of cot ton to Memphis. A large force of Ilcbcl cavalry are reported to Imi concentrating ut Jackson, Mies. The New Orleans IMIa has Aloxaudrlu advices of the 7th. Kir by Smith was there, l'uckncr commands Dick Taylor's troops. Taylor is at Atlanta, in command of I'olk's old Corps. The Itcbels were sci.ing the property of everybody suspected of being favorable to tho Union. A uumbcr of wealthy planters were living on rations, in consequence of their houses having been destroyed. The Itcbels aro conscripting with great severity, and both conscripts and refugees swear that they will capture and hold Dick Taylor's children, as hostages for the security of their families. Tho lirlta says the army-worm is devastating whole plantations of cotton. Sales of 201 b iles arc reported, holdors asking higher prices. The receipts amount to CoO bales. The stock of pro visions and merchandise is limited, S'id there is no tlitpositiou to operate. riMi.ti (-i:m:h.i. a- j. isiiiiii m arhy. We have ii. formation direct from Oeueral Sic it It's Army, which completely refutes tho stoiy of a light between him and Forrest's troops, Him tln.t he was compelled to rctiro in the direc tion of Memphis. The letter is dated at Oxford, on (lie l-lli, and says that the only ciigagouint tl a had taken place whs between a portion of his cuvaliy and part of Forrest's troops. The cm my ivus driven through Oxford, and pursued lit'ccn miles further during which flight a num ber of ltebels were killed and three caissons cap tiiicd. Forrest's troops were scattered through the ceuiitiy and hard to find, (icnerul Smith's df-tinatiou was unknown to uny one except him self, nntl it would be improper to stato the mini ber of men with bint. The Court of Inquiry rcre .ly convened to Inquire into the cituuci of the unsuccessful nt tenipt tu reduce l'eWiraburg on the 10th July, lian temporarily suspended its sessions, (icneriil lltui ccx lt, tlio rrveidunt, and General Miles, Bmemlfcr of tho Court, being cngaec'l in important opera tions upon the north aido of tho James. The enly tcotiinuny yet titen is tli.it of OcikthIs Miadf ami liiirnsido. dnrrleHl. 111 M S- - Hlti ri lT. on the wom In.iioil, hv ft. llr. lli.li.iion, Mr. lilt II A HI) II. lii:WH aud tlfn MAK1 HIIU'I 1 r, Iniih oi t hi. t ity. I.K.WIH llllllKIIHIIN. In Mny.liv the Iter. Hninuel liar, of the K.Nlnrel Al t.'lmri.-h, i ftl It.trltie Mtreet. alult a l'ovttilli,.lilllN LI'IWIH to INAhl.l, llllllliltStiN. Tilt Ml'MKN-MroTT.-Oll the l.'lll lli-l.ol, he tlm Kr. Tluuins II. Allen, Mr. .H1IIN III..NK1 J HOtll'SIIN In Mi- JiaKIIIA A.NN Ml'OTl'. A Ml KK1 MON. - Ilia relative an 1 Irionil. ol' the lainltv nro ri-Mi trtillv mvit.'d to arlend the liinerHl or AI.KK l-.ll r. AIJtl.li'lHilN. sou oi the late Tliooui. H. and Hitr riel H. Allruoit, tro.ii the resMtneeol his arandinoilii.r, Mrs. i'ls iiotiit. In Hmliloiiltel'i, oi. 'lLhiir.'tin aitenejon, .'.'Mil III-!.. Ht 'I o'l'lw -a.. Dlevd. hl.i K. mi the '.i.th itistatil, alter a lliit'Tln Illness, )1r. .1. I.KW1H titer. . in IlieiUil year ol His ixi. 'Ihi. rt'tiiliies Hint Iim'IhI. oi , ... fnnttiy nlsi'lhe t'au.mt. ship I'lre CoinPHllt' , are resin ettulli iniile.l lo afleO'l II ,. funeral. IP'in the resilience ol hi-i iiioIIiim-I'I-Isw, No. "nil N. 1 1 1. Ill xtrei t. ou A e.liiesil.it al leriioou, at J o'clock, 'lo p:i:i ,eil lo Odd I ellotr's (Vniol.-n. IM'nl HAH. AlU'U't j.'il, I'lil, l -i'l II I H VI III II SI A, iiiiiiul ilaii.hi.i oftieorre it . and Camilla 1''. I'ar piliar. hi eil In o ii-niitli.- anil seven .la.i I I II -I I II.- I'll the ilt liislalit. at .li-nl inlnmi. llr .K11IN M. I t.llNsl.l.l! i.l Ihlsi'il.t. in ll'i' out .l-ai .il Pis ma . 'Iiert-:u ives ami irlt-tiil- oi (lie taniiii a.-i. tin lie. t tu Hltel'il li's I'lllieutl . irofll the r. -u'ell 'e 1.1 lii-.-!-'er. Mis., A.i . Iw iioii. No. :4i Mit'sliall st, c ct. .ui e.liie.'tai H.t.'l . . mil. al .1 o'clta-s. J .IX. it ,.! i r1 ,i i rviiciii; the -'IJ: Il Ill-tun! . al Furs ti -a s.,..; iu-s, I I.l. I'.njli'.r ,ii lh.- lite J rau.'is .1, ran'. ""'I ti .'l"i oi s,.,iiiii''l M. -..i. lh,. i"la'is-.s al'il n eii'ls "I the trti.clf ht lilt ile( l a. I.-II.1 ti e II 111', at, til M. Ann's I liHI'-l'. I.!ll. I sire I, ,..'t l..il.,i.ii u ...liies.i,, . tit,. .'4 ii j ii - lam ll'-.i.l.l'l f. K ill' ". .Inly -."Itli lf, .ii l lie lutlle ..I l'..i l'l'ii. i,llii...er..ent .1 A VI I - II. II' A .I. ITT rl'ii'ei i i:. Ivi. hop's 1'.. oust K aim, li.:'. c , uiul .i e.iv , ...i. .i llie laic .Ii in.- ll- a'Hi, o. Hi's . ui . in i .-nu the t'l !u-t ut, t.A I it a HIM: 1101'., aired , i i '.ins '1 lie rciat iM. anil lrl' iiits o I the lauitll are respectfully lui ited to attend tho foubrul trotu the lesidenee oi her I niece. Hester Hoe, Hione ilouae li.oe ou Weilnea.lay I biu-niciii:, al 2 o'clock. lo proceed to Muchpeiat) Ceuit- i' ttry. I toli.SE On Katurday, tlisiiDihof August, fr'R VNR, ! liii.iit s.in ot l raucia r . unu lite lute -nuna Ltoiison jinne, MYKI1M On the ev. iiliic oi the lst Inst, JoiKl'it II Uli'i.l).iii ot V. Harold and Keti.s.-ca M. Myer., in the ith i ear ol hi. aae. -1111.1.1-:. -Ou tlie 2jd iuslant. M,. AN S JI. SA ')1.LL, Aiie ut Johu II. Havllli . tu tlie lulyi-arol lur awe '1 he relai.ve. and irlends of the tonill . are resi ectinllv InvilcU lo atteu.1 the lunerul, iroiu the resilience oi her Lrot'yvr lU-iaw . lli.odot W. niintli, So. isll U har i.n sirciT. ou Tliiirs'iai uiornini.', ytu lusiaut, at it) .deck, l b j.riaeed to I'hilattelplilo C.iiiilerv. c ai:tkin. OI.IEKTAL I'ETEESIYE BOAP. Tli uw.vlie. pcr!i:ily ft tw,.p I i.v.; mAl' vt f t..u;e uiAteriulif, and li in dnll us b M k-d '. .'.utitlrvtii cubHRtl uuiilM.1 in Finuivjui'4 atiuii. M tt- ci'.ii . will. LHj U.lfUs ! Ub'T, ct'i be hi-.hiJ wau u ihrni u s'tlcT kiif tiaatile lu lit t'lllf d SUl' n. 1 h vret pti'itJdrtt ot our iRrej?i ap l..( .o-tti tU ct.itriai brtunleii ioa-uni;rw, li.i net; knew Ii- iv to lU.tr .0 tuOd -JJ,tJ Dik lluilAtK-ntuf "lir l' UT-iVt Snip, iil h they put nu it; uiftrkct , iui x At iU'tu 'emcaii tn UTipfim ipttd J altri to it 11 thi Ir hpir.iut urticlo tin uu jiut r utftucu ttfjuirii) 1 tlie u:Hkri y; lit cii.j viiiniiu let rlv'. VAN HAG EN & McK GONE, au,'J-l.'l I'lllLALiULfUIA. I. W A I. It A. V 13 IV, 8 , y.r8.1 TO W. H. t AkP.Vf , MAHONIU IIAI.I., Ho. Tlfl OEEflinjT Street. WINDOW HHA11UH, OintTAINH. K')i71T0 riElTlVO-l. BUSINESS ITEMS. 1 I li It 1 K ' H C1IILI.KI IKON SALT. 8TIL1. ri.lMNO lORtMK l XEVr, Who it It'sO 1AT 8 tlXA, Vf UT.N YOf I't T VOCK I lS'llIK OS HIM UK AIM T THAU." To Pavltl Kvans, of tin Firm of Evann A W.tttin: Sin:-Von pt'ldlely srtrt1 In a Isle new.porarte'e, thai Otl wo'tlil drill any l.tLLlK'S SA1 K uot In one la ISc cit nl rtill'idiili.liia In tro hmirt, Imiodlnx the hnfe.atthe HitnK of Northern Liberties, An. Wo li.ve f'tlrlv met Ton on your own srotind. ami gave you ihreo l.oors iiiKleitd of too hour, (the time jon aikoS), without resr.iie. Itnt roll sat In a aUll later arUele, yon will tiletlirti $110 iKHlntt' fllnO I tint THI lll drill anil open mnia otlierol LII.I.IKS SAH'.S In tt-roa hours. Now, oi yon have not tonhdonre to put Kt ans .tt Wot Hon's Mt-reanll e S,ra aalimt I.il'le'i at a Pint Proof, nor l.vani d W st.on'a le,t llua. Hule arainst I.lllu ' til a llurular Froof, and a, yon havi- not c.oillneni s in lour ai.iTitv to fion one of i.illl!'n Snfrt at the Hank of frortliem I'll'F rtn In ihree lour,, hut still asaert ll.al Jon e.111 open other oi lullhe', Hhh In (hue hoiiri, and otri-r to itlrdiF Stoon atithul nmt that f-HXo tint jon will I litis iiut'ii l.iiiiei Hmi at lli Ursl Nallou.il lUiik. ( bun- tor, the frfrst N nl ml IUnk nt WDliniuiinort, aikI (-thcru; now, ti nt mr ronh rfu1 tnlrnt In drillinff ohtiU-tl Iron -.ti nil n it to "hid tn a iMifficl" or "wmitwl on lwrt Ir," wr puintfKi1 tr Airiineo villi fitliprol Hit' aliovi- Hmki fan yon may clfct ) to ullutv you to ot-frntr nrM'iiUieir mfe. Tlu lolli whig to lc tin t'TJHi nr.il riiiiItlttiH Tin- wf:- KnrU puit shall put Iti'o tlm Imiiil or Iho raahli r 9 IfnK. Tho iir..icr to put tin mfiity in tl.o (!' and Ick It on hli roii.biuuihiii. ou an- tnoporatf on the fp i-n. lht lr a, propimt'l In ; onr ( hallene t' thr Corn f.'m,m,( Itnnt lu nil rttnit. 11 fu ut M'M-a-Mnit fi the money In Ihn-o hmr It i to he nry, II no! it'- nif'Tio ii to ho fnr, nod ; uti are, in tm ol ti-tll-iirc to ar the da:niiK' t loito if the a.fr ; ami arc-1 hi? allowt'l tiro if t!io Ihi hhrl diilit you can luoxiire to opr tuie itli. '1 i.p etmiiifi'tn .Von sliHllflrhlnrrnOKf with tlieSevonth Htimi:tl r.Hk. rhilm'eli'hiti. lo luiinh .lu lr nair tor n- to f .itrAlu v-poii, fchfiihl yi'ti MH-crcd to upon I,ilHe, and rtn h piiv t plttlKi-as nhove, Hiid 11 wo do not open ti.elr hiifi', uiii'lr ly Kwiii- A H atson nt rout of M Kt, In l ivo hnur.t, vvhboiit poM'dt'i'. and w ill. U" inert' noin' fiati m-Uic to ovn l.fihe'ii, tho mofii'V to In- yinrn, and I lie ihironf.o tn the nalV lob- made yoodhytis. It m do anc tot'd, thn moiir to bo onr As Touih' hho tt plnie P.van- Ar Wtin'a h(t Hank Hull., ci.uttuu tl'. aifitliiMt l.llUo'a. coition fc-v'JO, oil Ciual tiTius at. n VurLiaf proof, we nor offer von ono-huU t:iore lim(- than wo nik (nhould jou ftticuued at nil Shall ,i t -,, ,t it eeertn-VI(( i MS M.I .IHIil I K. Ayitf (.. il Boolll 8K BJIfH Utrel. T CH AMBERSBURG. VICTOItY ! VICTORY t 12VA.ISH -V WATHON'H SALAMANDER BAILS. KKA1 'IHK I'OI.l.OM'INC. Cl.KTIl'ICATr.S : On AMTtMtiurno. Alii.'Utt lv;i, 4.11 , i n.r : 'I his in to Inform yon that thf ftufe pur el.nstd ol yvv fotuv loo fclnri wfn enh). --l Ii tlie rTrea. lire vluch consiiineU nir store dnniif the Kuhtl ina-u ot the :aiii of .1 nl v Ja-at. We are hp ic any (hat afur rt had tnkea our nfo ho in the niiiii. v hen- it hud h.tu hr iioilod ol thit odnv and npi iii'd il, m found out' Iwoli- nnd pupera In an i'ri:l!eiit eniiilitiaXi. v wou.d ifeniiiitit nil ynir Httf-'t, to nil pertjoiin vim wi-h a v.. t ftrtk'Ni. ours iroi, Mil. I, I. K, I1AMH.10V & CO. CllAMH!..;..i:UiJ, Allgtlht Vt lbhl. liri rt mi m : I witJi nh fcsiii'0 Inform oit that on fiien Ini' in v tare, mirrliiuiod Inm vull bniuo thue hint f. oil .SHliirdaj, cnoiiiiR lat,.iiist to wt-ol.h fiir the bnrninj of om tou ii hv the KiWh. 1 l"tiuii mv iKiokn tNl imperii in ir.iirh ixtttr eonditiou than I exported; on oeulnff the hook n nnd DuinTr. loiind ihrin d riwt. MvbbIp vis pott d to utvn hrnl, on iu count of the tjnnnllty ol ull and olhirtM'nihiiktlhle inatiorl had fu my reil.u. Iwriijou in ivnuiia ui t he i air thnt wa in mv aniu ditinu the tire, that you ina how well it wa- prenerved. I Ui hoon w unt mv hie rep uired.or m new one m cm hniit'C. i r lefipfvtfuJt.v joins., 1.. IK IA STKU. i Cham m iiMirr..., AuUbt 15, lS'tl. 1 .(,. AT ,'tir , HVi,i' iU Mi l mi u :- In tho drendOd flrf wlilrli destroyed my store in A the urenur porth.u ot this low n, wii ett waaiume h the Rehuht, ou tlx- Ulthol July l:A, I badoneol oiir ! fr.-simii(' KhIi m. itiirehnsed fro.n von some time ainee. v hii h r.inti.ini il mt htokn. nan lM. Ar A(t( T UUdoruollilI thavioieii' col Uio ianien, nnd lulling noinu tuu fe(. and reiualnlPK In tho henlod ruins lor a pcrled of eenleeu da.i.it w its rf rove red rrom ne uurnini innrta ana oneutM, I Jiau' lhi arnUtlL-nljOli tolinlorni V"U that iU iontenl wen irenei(d la ao oeellcnt condition, and as tills U OTi of thr many Inalanct w herein jionr hniet imve lolly mi'ta tied the H'Od (iial!itea ;itirliii d to them, 1 fccUt an ats'jeeiihlajdutN to ii'udi r iiKii ol Hi lin t. l;eM''Ct'fli!l.N-.oiirn, -I. I.. O'UKRT. Mci. .'i'uh.- d- M'tit'n : n , 4,i m i ; Mi s This la to lnlr-rm yon thai tlio Haft' w Mirel imrd fiona j on homi tlrao a .'ti a nuhjeeied to l! e lire h tnmttl i.tu-oihce diniinr lha lteb. l irnaaiou on U't li'il. oi .inly InM We an Inu'lo tn my that tha nio Hf-'tl ih t oi trt lit o well, and i-red our papom irom it nnlnhncd iv-ijr reritt.tiiillyt Kl.SM'.I'Va; MM.. Mcie Sales r.ftlie .ame E',.'il niinilty lur anie at I'. VAN'S V WATSON'S SAL AM ANKER SAFE. STORE, .,,-.. j No. I H H. I Ot. Itlll Hlne!. l ine ttuailiiy I iiniiipnunra. lieai . I . i is ,t l:i. ma.., Aici iitul 'I cut1, siiroc'., IU. a I "I leetivcl a 1 .T-1. ..ipitatl.'ii i.i ( I arl' s lleuta'. . k. 'ip.rl(e..,a...k. Ala.lact I "II- ,iiot, (Ween k al. Al ll.'.u .V Co.. loll .' I' Auil ullicr hi'iior liraii'l- ol ( t.iciiiie'.-s. I . tl. HliHiiiau A Co., Manuiactniara i.i Sew anil ! tel-' ao a C.nilet tc.i.s, vm..! I'ii.-:. Cliocolalo Carsuicla.Ciciii.i.. l.a M.-leite I'ar la, evu'iiatt-lv f!a- crcl II. aaietl, l.-i'lan A1iii"ii.ls, Ac ,,1- N...illfi CIltMlllI atel,ln a.a round. Klasa k dt I'lHIioa. STICK A l. S MASON HAMLIN S CABINET ITECl Cil.'l OBOABS. PTANei. J. 1.01'Ul, BTnib aadCLaaaut iiraaia. pREEIDENTIAL 0AMPAI6H. FLAOH, IAKNEE8 isKD TRASSFARENCIES. wiia f. eciiEiuiaX Ho. 49 S. THIRD BTIlIET, Atova Cteaaat, FfakhtdOakla. MAMFACIlliE OF FLAGF, JAKNERS, TRAKSPARXNC1BS, AND LANTERXS. laHIUal CtKMldi dull tl at with Laateioa. tadaa, Baoaart, and Flacf, at reaaeaahka rat. a. )a-3a 0 I L STOCKS nocoiiT ash soi.rt OM C.'ilMIMilOS. Ky OiOltlil. J. BOYD, Ilr.ik.r, tii.im yo.ltH.TIIIBUHirei.t. u. C NEW 7-30 LOAN. ra Hubsf rlpil.mi rcceivad, aud tho otn lurnltu.d.I...t .IKtiai.c..,hyci.ouuij Hun I. or, m.'v-v4 tviits.imiiVe'U'.vit AMUSEMENTS. t nlVHifflCH PUN UT STRKET THK .Till'.. VI LSOiSAHO (1HOVKI! M Mttiaor Tills l.M.SINU. The Tat roaaaNo, aiaiicd, i)niciniimlc, upsctaeaiaf "'AI.Anitllf. OB THK WONhKRI Ht. t.AVP. TIIKI.IVIN1I I Ol STAIN Ol C'OI.OUI.I WATI 'ls, All His hew and Mnlllcenl Set ni ry. I letitnt .Millie, t .,thiriolo pnu.-isl at sn i-iiial o-t el i.-"U. Tie tst ff clisraeU-rn I, one o' rcat everilenre . I-HIIT'.S OK ARMISSWN. Pro, CIlTleot 1-aniuotle r cert,. I nnil (Tnle " 'i C." Iintrn Hi t " . Hn of U. I retii licr.i-, only are rt -e. tea a, Orclmilta S' l.l. ho extra el.iei-e .-r m runny hi. 1 a ir t pen nl 7 u'etts'ti. Is.Tf. rnmiif i co-rmeti'' el s, pteilse'i, " rj'Illil rilll.AinJl.l'lUA SUNDAY-ECnOOL BOOK STORE .1. CI. OAl.HK.t'FiH V CO., No. 118 S.IOUUIU STKLtT, humkh nr tpt nir.rRr.AM. wit-iti. in- Ir-irfliii'iinn h JAln M. liart I.I . I). 7.'. t-rnM. TrvilJ-ftil (MitJipr nr ;m rtrtt, am' fli Trnnrr o! mi wimrr, Whi mt litis too vtlro'no oh.ni'' In fjy uue litr trt liome. a .far it rar. intakt .school, p., mi-- Ha m i I. .11 1 (t in it rrtiiolT (1 - io"t' dJrn.mi lt u .( 6-vk f r so lll,Hlt-C.H.lat i '! I (T lllftl J". fa : t T I -4 fl I'lll ll-hvd. It ( ii!lf tMHiiK' Hen' ai.41 i'i d 'nnuiinntirtpfii. It (tH OF UOy. It A I.. O. K. M'c- til-. I K ill A.MI SMADl. II y.. AnntN 11iit took U'l tm- nnre Ivrinci .1 rlivi'i ftf lh HnlitmU. H' 1,(1. 1 V1.R1.L A( O fll.l'. Hyk.h.O.l.. M)n ut. AMI. 11AJ.L. 1tt Ml-:M - h"lini.i: IN thi Akmv. Aiirlv Iffitl R WTlIIMl lor tii(- "nt iHiiiv rv in.-i iimti II in lrm the ftllt si l-n Ol Minn kt 11 and ell' tied inurU iuiirt .i lit it uia-jny its jr l; Ai'p--trunrr in i ; ml fOim. .ii Kit v ami ii is rKn:MR. ; t-u, An -.-v(ii'.nt . .! .or iHiyi. ri:ttuiiKK8; A Rfcijrj i to Ji i.nv (' cents. WIMSIK MAl.ONF. 4r.rtnt.. RAItul N T 8 TKMn It .M'i; 1 AT I : In 'Uif : c nis per vnluinn. The piim it r the TrnippriW Til."tott.f InU-fct RnMMh Hofioil HooVi ronitntitiv on I and. au'.i' i ur.'t. QODEY and PE1ERS0N for EEPTEMBEE. riTUH J J i rt, o. SOS CII1RNLT Hrreat. 0-:it T V.A I j 1 1 v-aaii f-itrltl r)TL'llt 11' a IM'TlI'C h ra uien. Toetn. Hannihii.'.. J- lathout'p, I ypn hi HiueH. iri' ludiiiH I-iiihiing rhysitiKinnntia, 1 urtritltn ol tit nf'tHt I.ee. I rnLI :. Thoinaa. I ootor. Ilnlieork. Kutle Mel'lKT.'-on, Napier, with Rlaek Hnk,r lleenaii Itrown low. Iir. TTnif. Martin I. other , KriiiiiiH l orninir. 1. K. Hiirii.r.dmrLrl1. Mnrrli.iti-.. In Nl A' I lU HKIl Kl M - lir.K rHl:i;N(l.(Kil('Al. .IiH'IINAL. V0 renti h first povt, or a mr. Newnmon have it. mw i.mi t;i.i., S :tnfl IlKOAtiW AY, New urk; J. I.. CAIT1N. No. 7 8. i j,M I II Hireel, l'hihtdeiphia. au.-j -i Afil'.H'S l'.NV.I.0rK MANl' T ACTOR Y llAlll.K'H I'AI'l lt 8TUItl No. .1111 Cltl.SNl 1' Hlrifl. Mnee Ima Mlll'onaof r.nveloiio. on hantl. Mi,,... m.l.i.. t-'.nvi-looes nl unv ale to order. Miuof Ims Mllllouaor Keuina of Note, l etter, ami Call I'iiht on hnml rtlauee aueiilloa t'ltyana uonoiry nimfKeepar at tnir r1rea, MiiLee mnniirdelnre. many new ,l.!es r.f F.nvi-lopri. ami niMier. Wholesale ami ItcUII. at No. :1G I'HKSNt I H'r.st. M At.r i:. ?,o. ;nH t;;ir.si. t -1 i i nr.i. i . MAtllJ:, No. .UK HK-NI r HI 1(1 I 1 , lio.l V So :.li; I lll'HNI T M ltl l T. llA 1AU1.L Hl t'l'I.V OK I.K.Mt M:.t ll. OK 11AM). au-"-it A 1 tt.S. jl I ii.nu her triendj th.tl al.e l.:is ri mm ctl iroiu Ko. IH7 t IIUSNI T Hin-.ttoNo. as.s.itu it i it ntreet. f- ASK A Itl VTY'S M'.W ltl.AXK HOOKS ' atitl Slatltliery, Ku. h. 101 Hill Mtreet, Opcnod To- llMl". ( 1 KNl'IXH ai tlCopyln AKNOI.D'S WUITINO lLUll) ; Ink, Uireet from London al t llitni. IV .1' ri.n Nt Itliuik Hook anil ."Hill m r Hlora, Ho. H. 1 tn Itlll Him I. tUV. lli.OCK ADl'.-lt I'NNKK "riUN .. A'.ice." was eaoinreil an Involec ol tlie WotM'fl I'ti.r 1'rli t up Taper, a portion oi w rti.-ii is lor sa-e at CIlAtti; 4 Ut I IVH Kt w P.lhlik B. ok anil (stationery Rlore, So. 'si, lot itm bin.it. lll.ANK MOOK8 Ol'' KVKUY DESCKIP- J tlon on l:anl, or made to onler, at a anisll atiiaoco oi. (oil irlcoit at CHAM. A- 111 I T S cw Itlank Itook anu stntlonerv Htore, No.nb.rdlllllt allrcat. A 1 ANY Of THE VAKIETIK8 OP il I Letter, Cup, anil Nolo I'tper, tuiieli aui crior to tl.f.at of litti r uiatiiilacttire, can nu rail nt CIIAHF. lt-'TVS, New lllnnV tliV( anil Hiailonary Hi.iro. No. '.V M. 1 OUI.lll Ktreet. (i tOI.I) l'KNSANO PENCILS TO KL'IT ALL preilirt'iiix i., and warrant".! lor out itr, can uo ta.l nt .- i ii isr i l 1'PI 'u New Wank Hook ami mail m -rr n.iro, No .:J Is. t-'H IITH Htreet. Oh l'l.H CENT CAN BE EAYl.lt UY ri.'K- m.Y' CliilS iasins t our Klnlionery at . it aisr IIHFTV'8 How Wank IHsik ami Mallonerv M'"e, No.'.' K. I'OLKTll nu-i' t. Uli'.0iu AMERICAN BANK-NOTE EEPOETER, THE ONLY HANK NOTE UEI'ORTER IN VHILADl.I.PHIA. rUltl I.SIII D M T.LKLV. Tlie only one eoiitalntiK: yi:OTATIiJS-i of Bauk Vnbw In FOtli Ct riKB.vIr : Illll.Al'KI.nilA, llALHilOllH, Nl:tV ORK, CIMINMATl. 1 tic only oi a lili'h coDtaiiia t'.ic NATIONAL JiANKS an fiift ua crganlxil (i.nulal 11.1). Tha onlv one vlilch contulm the tiENF.tiAL MS- COl -NT In EIGHTEEN CITIES, VIZ : I'nit.ADFi.riiiA, WASIllNtilON, IUHJUhS'l I II, I'flTM.l U(i, ( IIIOAIKt. HI III ll t:, mi.Tiiun.i', ( i li.M.I A.N1', Ai.HANV, TROT, HT. I.OIIIS. liAVK.Sfl'ItT, ni.w troiia, CINCINNATI, W ILMlSlifON, ST. I-AIX, l.ol'InVII.I.K, Jlli-W Al KLi:. The only una w hlcU g ct the oarlleat Infoi uaCJil of NKW COt'.N'iEKlT.lT N0TL8, liOIMIiN'ITC MAKKiais, STOCK TAIIUIN, AM' 1'1-SJAMTAL MIW.H. Iht fi. i'.ltici. of tho AMERICAN BANK-KOTE REPORTER, K0T1J I' IN AM IAI, ANI TtltKIRM'HIC, Alti: UNKOA AI.LD. M KhCktl'MONS (I'l'.K ANNI M), IX ADVANCi:. Wictly 'l I Scml .Montlity t'i Ituiilfcly H. Ol t it 1, N... HIS f. Tll!l;l 8l1ll:l.l',(t'.irilMoirl. AOI'I.'KHS, C'OIII'.N. ai It liu fLiii.ih'ntirt. JT.VALIDS AND CON fALESCENTS. INYAt.il R AS1 (OSVAI.Ef:UITS. Iu alida and ConvaU'.oeuta, tin alida and Com ale acuta, Kapeolally FEMALKB IS DELICATE HEALTH, FEMALES IK HELII'ATE HEALTH, 1X.MALE8 IV IiEU'.'ATE 1111ALTH, Will f nd our Wllluiidoiir Will tud cur California Wlnei. California Wlnaa, Canforul Wiuaa, C'allfonila WU.ea, Cal.A n.ia Winei, Caliiorula Wlon, .ciiUarly vaJuahlaiii ad catea df languor aud trtatfrot traii( oi airtuitl . Ak Ak Aik Aik A.k Aak Aak A.k Aik Aa Ask Ak Ak Ask A.k lira. JdcCaUntid, i.ehharl, Jackian, (ol'U.e Wuaaylvania Cnlviniiy), H.rlrr. Henna, (Invea, Ilartthoraa Ultima la. Winiama, Hartley, Na dhaid, WU.0B, Tu.dal, Vluul, Fi.B.ley, obl, Kuoit, Maytnd, Turner, and ctlatr laadinv phj.iciana, wtutt U.ty think of tha Dfcedi cliialvlrlne.ol CalUornia Wuteal Ti..e irentfcuwn pra- acrlLaonr brai.di.and aaaure at ol tt.a btn.nu pauau'j raxtrve irota tktur uaa I CAUFOIMA WliJX ACESCT, fcX lu) Mo. 12 C. FIETB iimt. ahova Cbaaaat. EDIOrNAL COD LIVER OIL JOHN O. BAKtCR & CO.. JSu. 716 M ARK ET MBStT, art r( r(ceilntliiilr auppliua In .a irou the fiil.nia. The luperUirity of their OIL lu avrry retct, haa eaiutd U i It a rc ulaiku and ak Uyeud any utl.cr louud la tl.e ruaiket. TonialntaiBlt, thy are doterminad win). ply annrllcle tliaumay bc entirely rilled ou for Iro.kueai aud iiurity, JtSV UjMuvuU1! vl i'lViviivi) vi X'Mtf Sv" ISI I4U AL'CTtON SALES. III ACKI.YS At (.HON IttxiMS, No. S-' alAJiKLT Sir-Hi WANT8. TKN VCI UN I l;l.KS WAN VI II IMMK- i Hileiy f r tht. e .nri. l-i"l nit ,1 evo, 1 .-tfiltov i.fni nt li'-itnt;. e' no i-rs iota." til t ,h I i oi t-r S e. '.'SI ; .... rirft S. It '.lot'. . rt 'it" I. lot t. ti i 1'i- l:. r -i i r;.. w. ; h.. r-a-l. w . e n t t ss. Ko.ll.. H. HISM If Mr. . t. aul? ?i L-.in K'.. I", ,! e.-. A KTII.I.r.l-' AM) UAVAI.KY lli.ii.Mi.t . fMit. A'-ii 1 I.' I T lVf4s f I i; i, r 'i 1 1 hi a ( r j. r- in'' Op-it, j i r ti . v ill (. -fr- ni.ti.! . I... Hi' A.tlii-n nn-i ( ii' i 'in I ft .! I V M.f Ttlrr.ii,nr-J. In i l P l rt. (.all ii .. i, v, -f ii t-rt a. ir. nii-ininT tm ftJltlnltl t- If .imI-p- 1.(1 to the II ll.M ! crnm' nt IIiiTfi If Ir .'''IItiU I' V- u""1 lnsvii-ir, rat tll VII I I M I I NN HOil L, SUlihM twen Hcttlli :i: tl Ni tu stn- t. I. (Ttli f M ( ( I. IT I li"',K" II. t-iwvuau Q itJtcniist. r-it V. h. A It OI!MP. H' ?( T Hit '.c 4 .ttl i'ii mil AwciiniT ',- T K A M S T K U .S W AMKD. (nu. i QfR- n'iT r'i 0-' . 1M'.T t W -in -'.-, Worn .!., t t . An; If. 1-M. V'dntJNl, at m-p. livr. UL'MiKl-.h to lK TTi'M AN.' ( 1 t ) 1 F. WH'I Kltft " n h fi,Mf " fluif. If it.- whh Finrln l.!'. arid mnt.ae:iiip H rneh U" . To siioh who are ri DireUn lo p-rP no tin-ant., mo pj per RHmib tll he thirty fit di IIhm, hh on- I aivon ptH o7i nnu iinnni nn n grs, km mums "1 ; atti.s.ins w i i n mm, Mi n c ti len.i .1 as nu Mnvtor will rfopeunn pf!i(n, iijon orii'-iiHH in tbi ynui wint rtc t- I Teanisier-. Aitdyto Ri.tnl , CIIAH..II TOVriiTMS. . Q.M..U. 8. A-.i-orwof ol TVV .NTV-hKCNIaiKt U btrroti, TV h tiu-lofi.D.C. Tl. II. r t I K I K, r.rfuadh r 'ifntral andChh i unnjtrrM a ler, fti.lli.U Jn-i'olol Wa lm-gtoii. HOVM-: M'ANTH) IN OtKMANTOWX lortl'H"t 11 til. To rent f' i a eai , oi t" pun rii;.j.:olpiil(. C 11 Y ltIIST, Vn., A.iK"t 7, lMi I. f Ik -ot ee Ri ! K-lTltot A'.A.' sl it.i A mi i' Vvvinxi:i. :mm Ti'iiiiilt'N, rut Wht flti lluVitaJ, IK) tlncKnittliM. mid Hit Cfli'i'luue Trliumcr. Wli lll rareite . hl'.ait raU.oi Ga l-nnml ral loni", anil nurti. it atie tai,ce. lrauiportutioii (uriil.liiJ by anpl.Tluu t No. fi n.NNSM.VANIA Wl.Nl'F., WAtiireuTOM, D. C. K. J. STltAM., t'ap'aiti, A. i. at. JAMKS M. KKI.I.Y, atiir-lnt Kaarteraa-t r A-eni. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR RALE A PKOPUKTY, t'OV-ft i.lalnlwr;4 acre of iitouiiil, loiatod In the l-l J. l mil. hetwean t.rav's; I'nrrv llrljiie and t'niteit Htmes Arennl. Iiavint.' a trout ol ationt lMiO u-et up in tlie yiula ilelphia, A llnilnulon anil Haltltnora, and bra' Petrr Tatitiitior Itallroail, extetiUinit back, to Inn-water murk tip. n lha Hclmjlkill river, .iith a ilvor ttont of sotoral hni.Jrtd feet. Tlieie are throe leo llou.ea upon !neiro- I.etty.at..! a portion oi tlie uptatid la now ti.t-it tor :tKrliul ilrul nurposi-a. 'I lure eao he no liellrr lKalion in Ilia etlr lor piAilf works or prt. ate realtleoi-oa. r or iDxtber ini'.nuaiii.ii, appiv to f Jl. II. e.1 i lil.inb, No. 4l,i I KANKI.IM htriHt. FOR SALE. THAT Sl'LENDIDrtk 01- I'AKM and Country 8oat, lute tl.e e'Mfa of Dr. J . Vomiii. a. tlio imntili ot ( litati r, Kelntatra cui.s. rontainluc ll"M Acn of I.AN!. In a hlith ilaee of eulttvas tlcu, loaeth.-r with tlie larne Munalon iionae, itoi rteu.es, llriipoilea, r'atra Iloii.e, Haul Riol rllur ontlMiiMliKi. Tbi' uiwna KM eli.i.lt-e and hi aiillfully lud out, Willi eh,.icc I rult Trees, Slirnt-bery, hlatimr.r, Founlnlna. Ac , Ar. MprluK water is nitroinuru into nu tne noi.i-i'n. I'lilMUus. The niiiifuu'mfiiia arc nn the tuoat ovten alio aealo, with all tlio iiioli-m convi nletu'es. Tlie nttiia- llon la a dtlUhthil r.n.. Tlie nnrchaaor. If he ninirea, r. 'i.ld rei a lai.e iorti..n ot iu innn kt diiuu.ii,' puipo.ui. 1'i.r luriter Informal I n apply to , yai, it. a r.ii.-iLi.iai., allW-tlntllSw No. t'.'i rilAMil.l.S Slmot. FOItSAI.r.. S .O.fiOO M OH I II IN UOOIJ iillolne., laruemul .mall, on temia lo anil pitrcha-ora, nilir Willi or will ( til Incumbrance, for eaaU am1 g'sjd trnJe. Innnn-i' ot, Irom 10 to 1'.' o'olnek A. al.. 111UK. M. l'l.OM 51 A"t, Hv. 1 B. 1 l-'l UlU Biroot. TO RENT. II AN'IISOMI'. STOIiF, WITH i pluleclass i ji.josia, aud dwelling. no. . IXK- N 1 11 BUl'I'I. ji-.'l-lt CIT I'OIt CAl'Ji MAY. Tll bXAtNt ll AM) COMMOHK'l8 RTF.AT11.K MANHATTAN," C A T T A I N E. A. It YI1IK R, Or the Cat Mny I.lito.la now mal.lm her regular tilpa to CAIT: it At, leni Ilk Altcil Bin at ttliai f, ei ery Tuea.lay, Ttmiadny, and Batiintay at nine o'clock; retarnlnn tiUl leaio Caplayciery Mortrtay. Wetluoaday, and Frlilay at tail-past alght o'clock, louelilui nt New Caatlt Going and rtlnrnln(.'. Vara t'-'f"; can last hlra included. CMalren half rrlooj carriage lilro lm-.li .1. Hervanla I'M: cnrrlr.ge Lire etia. l'rilitM at ton rate.. No freight racclvad aitui a o'clock, an. lu al casea tuiitt ba fropald, JyJl-tf JOSKP1I A. 8TF.WABT, Atot. JAMKS S. Ill It D.'ll' AC11 1 .11 Ol'TIl I'. TIAN'O, No.'--HI Vtl'.f.STH Strott, lnl'. epnice. uu.'i luf XTOTICE OV (O-rAHTM.l'.Sltrr. ME A havei thia itnv feinted a Co-Pai-ncraliii'. under the Uiiuardnamt oi AKUIiKAS IIAh'l r:L A CO.. mid mil ri uiaiua the tin ,iiu -a ei C;iii-o t'rlatitu anJ .'Stauiiiiictoriiia iritie.ral.ato'ir fill I Work, near lloliui'sbura. attorcMo. !.Hl llll'Kt'll AI M. I. ... aMittr.in ti.' ii i i i., CIitAIN It. WAIIUIMITON. ,ll)Ni:lTI IIAUll.l.. 11111 .ADI'LI'lilA, Alliitlst 1, 1 4. aii'.'-'-Sk I lOOrEK'S ALE VAl I.Tf, . I'.. t:(Ui.M li II 1 UIllll and CUKSSCT ntreels, CMrEit CN1I1 l siiAll.r 1 1 i.1 .i.lii ii .ire...... I'KM.siTAN S OI L! BI'ANIl. TIlE COOIF.S'I AM) lU'.ST Al KS I N Till: Ctrl'. OI.XI JIKA.'.l'll.s,, 11 mr.s), in no, n nismr.s, CAI.II (1IINIA M CATAWIIA WINKS AMI i lilt AM HKS. ! N'il.lHIl, IRISH, SCOT I'll. ASIIAMKIIH.'AS AI.E.S AMI IlltOWN I"I T. TM. r.s,ralvil old aland h.iiin heert rdiot al. d aa.l tl.rouKlUy rclittad, t. till one of tlio llnoat sl.a k. ol Ale. and ol.otoe l.'.ji .-rs lutlieelly.tlie proprietor luiile. thn pi:l c to Kt.' him li call, coniiileut a. ho I. of ll'elr itf -ponal. oitM-lin fJNrrED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS. rOfcTAGE STAMTS l'Olt SALE. A DlrsCOCli'T OF 10 I'EI! CTJIT. ON ALL HI nu OF .M AM) CrWAKOH. At the Frtiiclpjl 141 for tlie aak- of lull rnal It. venue Miampi, V. .i ClltsiN1 T siircet, au aillO K.i 1(3 S. FIFTH 8lt(l.Prila'UI.IJa. V II Ji NEW 1-A.X ItlJ'Ia HliVlSNUli ST A Ml LAW. Coi.tea of the New Tm Bill and Kevanue Stama Law, r sale wh'ilanile and retail j and HuveniM Ktamp, oi all tleacrtenou. coiiatautly u liauU, at lha ioUowli ra eaw di-cnini ;- ...,A . .,i... n oroert oi i"" v i3"' ""' lulMhrea " " .. " ixxi, idnr " " At the Itincli al Depot for :he Rale of Inie.-unl Revenue SiM.Vo.-l". CII1HCT Street, and Nc l'U .1 FIFTH niett. Full tUacuhalnu if tke Stamp l aw in ( ainnlilel lorul. ) I A I O N IJ W. rraon i a i'.i Iilaniord-or other IT. :ioc in i lo di.r- of in r caiiinj eu LEWIS LADSldTJS & CO., Iiai.onellvlerniil Ji welors ISO. M)4 CIIESNUT Htveet, W will f.vstU k;.eatcaat. fiio. uJi-aS KM HAKlllaH'B vHckisjia axb VkiaiL CL.OK E8TAKI.IBHMICNT, a. X. eur.tr bECOSD and CUES sn Birecla, Tal ai a. 4i l SCI T( Till. F ATI-NT- EtVALIl'lNO TIFJBrY-DAT C'OCRg. A very tt. .Table ankle for Ckunhte, Itcula, Banka. ZTS;""tnH of rrve c.olp few. 1lo. k.H HEFAI1ILMJ ANl WAl.lt lNlaJ. 112-1 J l. .(.ck 1 rluiuwua'a of every vliacilpllon. TM. A.GRAY.N. E. fOHNKR OF SI XT II AY at i i.l MINIlK HUrttlM, UUJ i-itasiava. a., till, 8U' r,ani i.obii iicmi.. ....y I HOSt IS WANT 01' MO.NtY l-Aisk.. Ail I. -'4jnV1 V-aUltVuUJ MILITARY NOTICES. w oo vnti itot'ivrv. !! ft '.I" 1.IH w pi. r n . i rr.,;r :?. ui t c iM.isn a iti U. 8. At'.iiv. 0' Ma. im Oir-m. I 11 I I.I .NTII W.MiU. I H A a c m. u h e e i li'.'i."l M Mi.-lHl,' Of fir I.. I'.rt.ml otnl Ho. 'm O i ! n Pi, . l 1'RoMUiM H ?. M. BIEKINBINE, ainoia rr U''n antiita. Ii. HI MOfc. :io. -.'tn li 11! M . 's . MI A l: ; r II 0 0 T P. P. s . fi All., Ii I 'IE lKAI I. ami rnh ! lit a I .-r; '.I '.ie t:te !lt 4. Ai tli' i le 1 1.( '.' 'e t. isr.it in ' State U j -m.ite'it M '"!( M"tKI , M'TV-MMH 11 VN8YI.VAMA VC'tU NTI.:R. 1. nrrniM s I 'U mi fir f .at.Mile in t t cUf. THK jtM:iti:l noi STir.s Oivt n I'er one.Two.orThr-e . ei.r.' Mjk . ( .11 nt one. , itl f0. ...I fill 8 V I hueel, tiuw niAt It, ll ou w ant to tnl ll. .tjf'K .i. vf. jt'tr. f T r aifil to i ft) rtr-.it..tiy 'iltt: CI I V AM' Alti roilHTT lino c.lialcl-. o. lh m.i.tering of any -van to hi ft lui III M.fH K ItrtCM.. t ti. W . I'AV IK, .If'h. 1 TOItlAS. ( ,lM.tV. Kl 1 LMAN. I.. R. V s,KI!i;l.NNH( I I Alii, I II Ai l . I. .11 SSI'P, A. I.. HUNAI . (. Kiaraniitte. a ;-t r fi st rtsTin iEs ami voi.it n t i e ks . H e rocon oiflPil i.ur l-i.-inl. w ho mav ! In search at a HI. Mil M .. St IIMIH Tl to a;. ply nt tl.e I II T.MsF.D VOl.f.M'l l.lt ASH isl'llriTI ITTK " '"i i.viil:i:Sl.K I fc HM'lsy., N...II 11 A F.NTIt rtlwM, sti ..i d l :oor. I n i.e wh.. i '-!' t be .'..in ' I'.l.l li. .11. ' . ITrt si ( iil.l tnt .i, so' alui'n a f.-o- Ii .i.rs' aie Alie-i., ett i ni. e, ei- -Iti y ran .e iei otin.Mi.,t(sf tie to i . Tt e si.hititiite. o,,fio,.d l.a and i iraha idn. If fi UNION LEAGUE 4 PHILADELPHIA. In I'm of Ik. t-.il ii 11 nnaarid lin e, we i-.-. Proallaut for in luwitr.4 '. ral a IM.G IMENT ihiih: Movriu!. OOLONEX HORATIO 0. 8I0KEL ll.nte of tlie Pennayla; Itoacrve,) itvd ake tiie cswniuan4. Allorticera Ce.trln: rt-intated to all . : to ta li ;.a lu litis oraatil'atlua ara COL. HORATIO 0. SIOKEL, aiG-u Isllttt AI.I.AOF. SMIfEl'. 'i'vi2aOi":rii AVA-ito. ?:.- IIOUKTY. All IHentlta aceiedliud tn Tw-:rtli Ward will recelra tha iVilU-ti llK Il.."litllH ' aiuOClTV lilil'MV. : till II V F.ll S 51 1 . N T MM N I V . x. wai.u i;ni i Y l lA'll'A IO LM'.KV ONB L'KM-IHIN A R t:KllT. Tlie Coinmillea to pay tl.e W ild illtrnitnllce at Itounly wiB oa In P. & L. LAPNFR'S MILITARY HALL, No. : i N . 1 1 1 1 HI) ST BEET, . Kvi ry ''' i"''1 'r iioi' I" tilled. K inlis. Kill receive the n .ttrt Honnty aa aooa aa tana- '"kiipo'iVbiI citl.ena who iiirntsli aithsilttHaa will noalr n.e Wanl lloiii.lt. CIIAS. M. WAttNEB, l'rtsitleau t. It. l.Ni.U .i Ir -aauter. 'IIIOMAS It. CONsi:t,l., Kecivtaiy. a-iat fit hl, l-hih IIEAIXU'AHTEKS PROVOST MAB- shal.rtiat Aiatriel. fa... to. . TIIIKII Htraat, iiladeiphia.Aiim'H ii. I'm. i in.iire prompt n'piica w.n .yniiun. umv,i..nwy .Uli.e' ti ei-nnci leu o on i."- i ...iwi,. ..,b,., s.s. . noti. Mahlliilin lo Urall, Cnrilita nod Aceonnta of maa Inriiisiitd, (iliciia are reitia-Meu o IR..I- upi'iicawuH is tin- I'rotoal llai slialol Hie !' .niirea.lo ial llitlrii t far audi Hil .riiialton, aud not lo lha Pn.Toat .Mai.lial-Oauatal at W asliilli;! 'li. lie uiJer ol lie- tr"iosf Bfar.ha1-0en -rat. WILLIAM K I.KIIMAK, ,,12.11 caplaia and I'ro. oat Alaialiat. EOVNTY l'olt MARINES. WANTED l .i.rllic I. ailed Sin a Jllarlne I orps, able-lioaiesf aueat !lo iveifoini Itie .Itit ictr- '.(a aoloa-r at i"ir Navy arla, .ami on board t nil. it ftl ale. aiiipr-of-war on forabja aiaie.nb. .... wt.'rcoliipeu.alion lliat tl-e ari.iy. lillll'i: lilMlllCli DOLI.AtlS OOV ERNantSI" UOl fcf ; a'.o, ALL TUK lAli'AL bOLNTIKS (MU4 ttle.n enllttiiieal. alailu.M rec. nelM eMooey. I cr a. I ttuilcr imn.i'iati a ai. ly at Ilia IteorttlUni rtendc.i ona, No.;;ll h.l HUNT Htreet, bebn Spruee Htreet, "'"nJ:i,'V'"'V..;.u.0AWI.KV. tl . it Mis r and lie. riiltuif odtcer. ptTlLOUOHS FU3L0UGH8. OCcen ai.c aoni era :a'.Ungtha cltyoo furlounha. aeastdua f-l W O 11 I S , an otiii a MILITAKV EQUIPMENTS, aiil isvi'ikd to T" txikxaiva HAKCFACIUIIIXO KSTABLISHatWr I OEOHO K SIMONS A BHD. SANSOM STREET HALL, 1 A30M Street, above 8 lata. PRESENTATION SWORDS SiaJe to triKr att e Aorteit notice, which forrtctmeaaaa niw-a ftr.e challtnxe c ,mr!tton, no other bouae la the ect.itry c. mVlnlna the MASUFAcTl'llINil JEvntLM i wiiH mi: , FkACTlCAL HWOKO UAXJUL las T .K 1 U H A JI O 1 N O B . X Kl'MOVAL. JAMlil-t C. I- INN. tlii k a,. HOWELL A DKOTHLItS). Una Heuioved ireio No. iU to No. C2b CIIESNLT Btrctt, Ifrrut ly ) U'' L Wi" 10 hU CB,h"M" auA tht U"J "J",acnt 01 Dtooi-atims and V.U Papers Generally. hy Hvtn? hi. r",-UI11 "" h ui tn, tt rroot. be liopia to cuuliuuo l. receive the tlboral p.if ik' 0. Ihe utlhllC. Ci'Ui x in it . isliora are ri ipcciru'ly Invited to eiaraln the vainly ouhaiia. Iy' U