The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 23, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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rillLADELrill A, Tl KMUY, AUGUST an, 1801.
1 111
jL h ,u aw a
Attack on the Fifth Corps.
Enemy's Loss Over 2000.
Etc., Kto nr-to.. i;io
Sxcliil to Tim r.'iilnir Ilrapli.
Washington, August 2-i.--He m.vl-boat is
just in, bringing news from tho ttimair Army
opto Monday at fl o'clock A. M. We It.rKl. up
to that time, our fortified po-ition on the Wei Ion
Ou Sunday, A. 1'. Hill nude nn a-sati't on our
left, hel l by Ihe .till and part of the !th Corps.
The enemy attempted to carry tho worka by
aaaanlt.and moved steadily up in three columns,
put of them reaching our work-, but a terri ole
tire from our batteries decided them to retrot,
and few or none escaped to the woods from
which they had come.
Their dead and wounded were left ou the field
in heaps, and we captured about 8)H prisoners,
,,some of whom report that General Hill
', knocked otl his horse by a piece of shell, and it ns
.tried to the rear mortally wounded.
fi We captured sovcral stands of colors.
V Tl. la t.Alt... ...1 ... I. a ........ Oil 'A
while ours will not exceed 300.
X O .11 A. T T I 12 A' J O 1'
HmII to The tltcnlnir Tl'itnili.
Wahiiiso ton, August 23. I)irce.tulvres are at
hand from the Shenandoah Valley, which state
that no engagement has occurred.
kirniihiDg, however, is lively near Charlc-.
Two Hundred Rebel Soldiers Coma
into our Lines Under Fire.
I.oumtiili:, August 22. On the lith Instant .
in front of Atlanta, the loth. Corps charged the
Rebel works, and, at the same time, Carlln's line
engaged tho enemy l:i skirmishing. The Uebel
soldiers in the ritlo-pits were called upon to come
nt, when about 200 of thetn leip.'d from the pita
and crime Into our lines, amid the lire of the
remaining ltebela. Carlinthon advanced a strong
body, and, after a skirmish, to k possession of
the rifle-pits, and now holds them. They a-e
within three htimlrc 1 yards of Ihe enemy's works.
Bpectnl lo Tl.e Kvrnluir Teleirrnaati,
I) tin mono:, August 23. Passengers from H ir
jfcr's Terry, and elsewhere on tho Uppar Poto
mac, represent things as being in a cheerful cot.
dition there, but heavy fik-hting is anticipate i.
No feara are entenaino l of the result. No Rebels
bavoyet crossed the I' t ouiae.
C.tmo, August 22. The ateamor Wriei;
svued by tho Memphis and St. Lyuia Packet
Company, was burnod to the water'a edge at t
o'clock thia morning, while transferring her
cargo of naval stores to the naval despatch boat
Volunteer, at Mound City. The lire waa caused
by the ignition of a barrel of naptha, which was
being hoisted. The Carrfcr was valued at
f 00,000, on which there was an insurance of
20,000. She is a t-ti loss. Tho cargo was a
valuable one. No lives were lost. One mm was
seriously bitrne 1, but ho will recover.
t.rno or nt
1'ni-SKi.iN, Ky., Aug-fst 22. Two gnotillas,
O. Bloom imd W 3. M. fdassju, were oxeeatod
hire on Saturday, in lotalialon for the murder
of Union cill.cns by gu rillaa.
Loi, August 22. On the lsth lust., in
Meade lount.v, a deUcbtucut of the 3 jth Ken
tucky cunie on a tqua 1 of guerillas, and killed
Flunk K ing and Bureh, tw ) notorious robbers.
, Spwlal Destiatt bes to Kvenln TeU-Rraph.
WAsirsc iov, August 03.
I'Hj.iiPiit r iiiv NoltlierM.
On SaturJay tha r.iyii'.-is'.er denuril, "hy onl,r
of the rra:tli.nt cf tli ' iv'nl stnU-n" in ide reijii-
itiotis upon the Trcuiiirj f'ir ,.r)O0,0 aj for the
'payment of tro .i s. A 'ling secretary llarring
tuuatonee approved the rM.uisitions, and or
dered thorn paij.and tUe money is t)-diy in
prweaa of distiibuion ajioig the ar.ny pay.
Biastera for Immediate ue. Whatever la uejes.
, earj of the iimount is to be I'.rst applied In pav.
Biunt of tho-o soldiers whj-o tJiiu oi'bervicj has
expired, and who are ready tj bo must. ied out
iiul'i K('nl Tfwtmti.
The late inovenicntt; on ea 1; siJo of tho Jamea
show how warily (ji?nei-1 i.runt is watching bin
adversary, and thu poitim iiy with which ho
holds to him. The latent nun.i-avie to tiio left,
when 'Warren's C'o:ps was thrown ncrosa tho
Weldou ltallroad, is designed for the double
purpose of Interrupting that Important line of
communication, and calling uway a portion of
ihe Rebel force from the north aide ot the Jamea.
Loe displays all his skill in counter-mano uvrca
to foil the purposes of Grant ; and tho operations
f these great antagonist-resemble prnclsoly a
gigantic game of chtee. htratogy is for the pro
ceutihe order of the day ; it is felt that the relu
tive proportions of the contending forces will not
utborure on our part hazardous operations in
volviug a great lots of lifo; but if any cntrv can
be found In tho of the enemy's buckler,
General Grunt will la w ith his lauce.
The ftrHl't.
Those who fancy thut tho Administration will
be budged from tho duty of enforcing the draft
by its supposed political elfeet may at once dis
miss the notioti. The draft will positively be
made, as the salvation of tho country demunds
that it should be. General Ciraut i- awaiting its
fruits to make a sure thing of Blehuiond. The
determination on this score is irrevocable; and
Mr. Lincoln declares that If his re-election ia to
be baulked by mcaua of thia meusurc, he will at
leant have the satisfaction of going down with the
color (lying.
Kount; Juutir Iteci Iviiitf thvlr Itrnprls.
iiotiioti. August 23. Thirteen deserters from
the 1st New Hampshire Cavulry, who escaied
while that regiment whs embarking on Suuuay,
have betii rrmt4 and sent to Fort Wtirrou in
J.'o;ip, Twenty pthcr ate a: 111 at lurge.
The War in the Shennndoih Valley.
Sixth, Eighth and Nineteenth
Corps Engatfod.
r.f., if.,
i.i4, r.t.
:., r.u"., r."
))a: i ; mom!, August 2.3. The following is pub
lished in ihe .i,rrii'n of tbl- morning .
Hmuth's Fmtiiv, Va., August 22. A brisk
eniragcment took place yesterday aboir two m'.lc9
beyond t'barlestown, between the Army of
Western Virginia aud the llebcl force now in
the Shen.mdoali valley. The battle vommenecd
at S o'clock A. M. by a heavy column of Itebel
infantry and cavalry attempting to pitree our
extensive fruit near Summit I'oint. After a
h.irii but decisive struggle, our .-kirmishers were
compelled to give way.
The 1st l)i hioii (tieneral Wilson) of '
Torbct's Cuvalry Corps were engaged on our
right, aud suil'erel heavily, (,'oneral Mackin
tosh's Brigade of that division lost nearly ."00
men; but only one ollieer a .seriously injured.
Acting Adjutant Lloyd, of the 22d Wisconsin
Cavalry, anil three other o'll.'ers, were slightly
wounilcd, but hae not yet loft their cotnminils.
The movement had evidently for in object tho
possession of M irtiusburg, for at the same tlino
that the attack wns ma le nl Summit Toint,
another fal-c movement was made against our
extreme lett ; then the attacking column slow ly
inoved down towards our right, und then sud
denly a new body of troops Appeared iti front of
onr right tho 0!h Corps and a short but deter
mined battle took place.
Tha Oth, Sth. and 10th Corps fi rmed In line of
battle from right to left, as I hae wri'teu them
down. The Oth Corps bore the brunt of the
engagement, and tho 2d lbvis'"H lost hea. lly
some .100 men wounded, And fr:ni t'O to 70 killo I
and missing.
Tho loss of the enemy was fuliy a beaty.
Among tho ntiieors wo'inded in this corp- aro
the following :
I.ieut. Col. Oeorge 11. Cham'e.rl till, !t V:.
l.ieut.-Col. A. V. Halo, 'i'li Veniion;.
Major d. W. Darnell, Oth Vermont.
Captain 1). 1. I'.ibgai. Otb Vermont.
Caiitain Lewis lle lenbach, ( o. ll.oistl'a.
J lent. Charles C. .Money, Co. C, 2d Verm out.
Liout. J. N. l'riee, Co. A, 01st l'a.
Onr right drove the enemy fir over a mile, und
then loll buck to their old line, holding It till 10
o'clock, when the entire army retired towards
Halltown, where they now lie in lluc-of b.ittlo,
on the tirst rango of hills in the immediate
vicinity of that plaeo.
The Kb. Corps, General Crook, were only par
tially engaged and lost hut a few men. The left,
consisting of the W.i Corps, Knnry,
were not cijagcd, a-, their line rested on Lorry
vllle fike.
Tito ontire line extended fro.n llerryville pike,
on the left to Sini'.htlel 1 pike on the right, and
occupied a commanding liu 1 of country ruu.'.'ng
bef veeu these two roads, situated, some t'.vo miles
from Cbarlostown.
The cavalry corps, after tbooiicuy bad shifted
hi front Irotuo ir loft to right, relired dowu tho
llerryville pike, and passing through Charles,
town, bivouekjd in the licl ls '.j the rk'ht c' tho
tor. n.
All last nigUt. troops were pissing through
f burlesrownin thcUirc-tion of II illtowii, au 1 tho
s 'Hie by uooiiliglit ivus an otreoely Inspiring
ot.e. 1 he ravalry were left in front of t;hirlos-tn-ivn,
and their pi:kots rolievol the iafantry
beforo dajli-;iit.
At sunrise ' forward" wis sjundl, nil the
ent're corps move 1 forward aud took up the
position abandoned by the " h and Cth Corps.
At 0 o'clock, an I rode a way, m ronti. for the
Ferry, a sharp and continuous skirmishing tiro
broke out, and It listed nn'il " o'clock, whort it
suddenly slackened, and before 1 loft Halltowu
had entirely coa-. :d.
Tho cavalry have, or ler- to 'ts havorto push
through to Martiusburg, and tb infantry are
busy pitching Impromptu camps aldng tho lino of
battle, awaiting the result.
Kumora are atloat that the l'.ebols are crossing
the Potoma-; ut M triltisbtug .vl h what truth I
cannot say. Certain it is, hoover, that tho
llebels have possession of th it town, whatever
may bo their ultimate intetitlov.
Largo numbers of loyal dttz-ns are h -re, en
deavoring to reach pla os o.' s.ifoty further,
fearing u tot il abjii lounient o. '.bo alloy.
.Ni:wYoiik, ugu-t 2.I. Ihe steamer f7it',;a
hat arrived, with Liverpool dates to the Lth
Tim I'nlti J -tavs steamer AV n-Mr,;c au l an
other Aineri.'uii steuiier pi : i Deal on the Uch,
bound wi stwurd.
ii neral Gram's ki. acJ a ' ity near l'etors
lmr,r has .'auke'l a decline in t ie lielwl loun, and
Iuiit -Ameriean news isanx: )'is;v waited for.
Moie d.-pei.itc rioting h iso . irred at Belfast,
A rni-si.m decree Ins be?n issued, partially
reducing tho l.nvc-; t.ape.o'c i o:ing.
The dceieiis'1 of specie iu ii II ink of Franco
during tlie w:is ovi-r i.ihui.ihki francs.
Owing to the pro es's ni t ie American an J
Mtiglisb Ambassadors, the TuikUh Govcrnmcat
permit, the coiitinminco of i,n. i .'liious contro
versy in I'rotostunt books.
The VVwkw of Saturday f.ivors the withdrawal
of the liritish tuiops from (' in ida, their prcsonee
being uu clement of danger, us provoking inva
sion whenever tho Americans havt a grievance
against Muglaiid.
In the Crown prosecution for shipping seamen
on the pirate (Umpia, the prisoners were found
guilty und b.mnd over for judgment.
Lit Kiti'doi., August 13. Flour is fid. cheaper.
Wla at usier. Corn tinner, lieef steady. Fork
dull. Fnrou (:d. lower, butter steadv. Laid
(inn. Tallow dull. IhI IiiIcIIIi-oiicp.
Liviitfooi, Saturday livening. Cotton The
sales to tlu.v amounted to 12,o0t) bales, iueludiug
CO to (peculators imd for export. The niarkut
is liviiHT und prices hut e an lulvaneing tendency.
litcHdstitilh ami 1'iovisioiis are itmctivc., suturday Lveiiiug. Consols closed
at ti'.i!(h',ii for money.
A Minn as Stocks. Illinois Central 4,13
per cent discouut ; F.tle ltallroad 4(K 12.
tsmi-i iNu. Ariived from l'hiliuleiphia, Our
mil, ut Antwerp.
I'roi.i Mexico.
Caiho, August 22. Advices from J!o.ico
received viu New Orleans', state that Loblado has
abandoned the cause of Juarez and gone to
Havana. He was compelled to pay a line of
:hjm to save his life.
'Mh itntl Tabncco.
C.tiiio, August 22 Eighty seven bales of cot
ton, and twenty-seven hhds. of tobacco, have
been received hero from Hickman, Kentucky, for
New York.
'I lie 4'ii.nlrlnut stiver.
N.tsuvii Li:, August 22. The river is eight feot
Qn Harpelh ilioali, and still rising.
Nlti-.'lnl to Tli l:rnlHir Tplp;rnih.
W tsn:Korov, Au:;t.s: 2:1. Il!' h:oonl j..tre;r
of Saturday ;ay tint a t.?ay Ca'on force is
moving overland from 1'e usiuola t I .iVile.
l-rangrr M'lltHii rivo llnmlrp.l Ynr.l-.of
lort lorann I.nnl 0pritiliins ttrulnvt
Mohllo Ihe In Ion frr AIihii ln(
Knell NKlr l a liny, t'.tr,
T"K iam) kiii rs or w:.n;s iivi;
HVNinirn turn"!- v nt mohoas.
D mi on n Is: t n, Aigrs 1.'. Tho land dry
of General Granger are w.tbiu fn e b i'i Ire i yaids
of Fort .Morgan.
The gntiboa's an 1 mortar batter'ts and siege
guns are ready to begin the bomrnrdmentati jo on
as orders are given.
l'ottr Morn; N 0's:s. i.:vs:t i. rioii r.
The rum ''. ni.-n.. was ordered to uppr.'ti'h
Fort Morgan and tire line it, which w is done
without causing any act of ho-lihty ou the put of
tb fort. It ia supposed the Rebels their
reasoi s for holding out in this su'len, silent, no'i
cuiih.ititv mante r. It nicy be that they have
ci Main thinits to accomplish oelore sumn leriii-,
and a little time is precious to them just at this
juncture of aOairs. lie this as It may, ci:r uaval
and military authorities aro exerting themselves
in a most commendable way for tho fuliiliiieat of
their mission, and tho Kebels cannot dilav the
final result very long. Fort Morgan has not to
full, and nur troops will take possession of
Mobil'!. These are events which will niot c.r
tainly transpire.
vxi Tir.tirN i .t i mm:: r.
Fasscngers who left Mobile on Wednesday last
reiiresent the people there as iu a fearful state of
excitement. Ihe Hebe! Malar-General Maury
was in command ot tlie deiemes of Mobile, and
was pressing evety malo inhabitant into his ser
vice, without regard to age or color. He is en
tirely dependent on soldiers obtained in this
manner to make anything like rcsistaii 'e to 0'ir
arms, being left without any veterjn regular
force. In other words, he Is mostly depeii. lent
on the militia, or citien reserve soldiers of the
State, to resist tho proi'ress of our arms in that
direction. Ho might as well have men of slniv.
Many of the people are npp ised to the Reb'd
Authorities, and are most anxious that our forces
should take possession.
intnr. iv von: to:.
There is very little tr ido or business o: any
kind in Mobile. W hat little there is djing ism
groceries and produce brought from the interior,
l orn Is the principal crop that is being raised,
and a great deal of this is made into whisky and
mid ns groceries. Many o:' tho co'Mu nros.! in
Mobile have boeu trausmogi iiled into whisky dis
tilleries, where corn is manufactured into a
liquid state, and made to act ;is a gre it prom itor
ol Southern Kebo! courage. This' is oneway of
keeping npcoiirnge and business at the same ti"nie.
Mobile iius siitl'ered severely from i;res since
the Rebellion, many of its nnist prominent and
beautiful buildings having been destroyed, among
thcni the Court lions.'.
The people who had resi. mces on the bay have
all removed to Mobile since the apnea rliitee of
our fleet.
Momi r. ) :ie! is.
Four of Ihe principal Mobile rilo.s v.lut'.'i ered
to tako our fleet in. Ihey manifest the moit
friendly spirit, and aro reauy to do everything in
their power to iissistour fortes. They are headed
by Mr. Robert Moore, an old aud, wo under
stand, un tt complished pilot nf that so itiou.
These men bavo all boon suil'erers by the Rebel
lion, und they are anxi .us to see the auth"ri:y cf
tho I'nited htates restored once mors.
Il:e eommander o: the fort will no! suircn F r
until tke lost bri k is swept away.
the Mi:-N sick or iui; nrnEi.: :os.
I his is not, however, the feeling of the ru:'i in
Fort Morgan. However much tho ottVcra may
deslro to be distinguished in tho way of uecominr
perfect bricks in Fort Morgan, tin's kiad of am
bition has long since lett tho mou, and their
greatest desire now is to see tho Star and Stripes
in,ain waving over its rightful possession". 1 be
ii. en in Fort Morgan hail from nil so' tions of the
South. They uro heartily sick of tko Rebolli maud
its irglorious, hoartloss leaders, and uro anxious
to '01111: to terms and take tho catb ofa.'lci'i.irtee
lu the L'ni.ed states.
HOW REi IliOTs Ar.E ritrv.SKI).
A youth, fourteen years of ago, who visited
Fort Gaines just proviouato tho attack of our
loree", to seo sonio fiieiids there, was nroosscl
into the Hotel service, ir.d found iher j when ;ur
forces tKik po sesslmi. Ho belonged to the in
terior of Alabama. The youngster se :ic.. d mu' h
pleased at being under the folds of the Amoi ic n
tin g once more, and said if ho could help it 1:0
would never be found oactling iu;:iiust it c.iiii.
Tho little fellow seems to have been inspire 1
with a spirit of gonuine patriotism from sciug
the brilliant coudurt of our forces in a, t. );..
The graudoar of the scene mu.-thave Lcea
exciting and Inspiring, to behold a fleet of vessels
passing a chain of fortifications, strongly garri
soned and fortiiiJd will: the Implements of ilea h
ui.d destruction, and btcktd by a Meet whose
Rtienjthwns tho pride and boa't of the enemy,
and manned, too, by desperate men. To encoun
ter all this, und suoees fully over'omo it, Is A
work lLat mnst crown our navy aaJ the ,u'li:il
old Farragut with imticrishable glory, hut Ibis
is only a chapter in tlie life of this brivo mau,
and his life ia composed of many ch ip'ers tfiat
are lutim it dy coniiictcJ with tho glory of his
country. Such a man is just tha 0110 to take
Mobile ; and the work is as good as accompllsh'-d
when he has commenced it, tor he takes
buckwiirda, .V. 1. Jit mid.
Unsuccessful Attempts of the
Inemy to Retake It.
Foiuitist M0N1101:, Aug'ist 22 ihe mail
steamer 1 'uulirbilt arrived at tiii- por a ' .10
this aflerno in, from 1 iiy Foint.
She brings intclligono that th) enemy 1: ive
been iiiuking a desperato effort to ro ake tkn
Weldon road, but havo so far been rjsnc.'O'sful.
Our forces now hold tho road tincly, ai:d l a 0
secured a position from v!i;ct it is l.elie. cd t!
enemy cannot drive them. The en 'icy made
three dosporato charges 0.; our lines yesterday,
and were repulsed each time with very bev y
loss to them.
Our loss was light, and it Is reported that we
raptured oOO prisoners.
IlEAUat'AHTEHg FllTU Akmv Cones, Six
Mile House, August 20. Our position to-duv is
uuchuiiged. To-night tiuds our forces whore'last
night found them, with this addition that iu the
interval tlie earthworks they threw np have been
strengthened und new ones added. A renewal of
yesterday's assaults bus been momentarily ex
pected. Our skirmish lines have Jealously
watched every Indication of intended attack.
Our line of buttle bus been iu readiness lo
spring to arms and lien e conflict. Our batteries
have waited the signal to hurl shot and shell
npon the enemy's advancing column. Hut the
enemy has not, thus fur, seeu lit to renew his
uttacks. The punishment he received yesterday
may have taught him a lesson.
As the case stands, these two facta are evident :
It is fatal, or the next thingr to it, to the enemy to
lose the use of the railroad across which our
battle line now extends, und to drive us from our
position and recover this road his evorv resource
and energy will doubtless be called into action.
On our side it is of the utmost iuiportiiuce to muin
tuiii our position, aud to this end our men will
light, I am HvtL-litd, as long us there is hope and
a nuin left.
The next and perhaps most important act in
the treat war drama in trout of I'etorshurg
promises, therefore, to be performed here. The
ground is chosen, the preliminary flourish of
trumpets baa been sounded, a great buttle is im
uilneut, und a gieat victory or great defeat awaits
our anus.
ill DAY'S t'lOUTINO.
The fight of yesterdav afternoon, commencing
id i o'clock ana Inartiug till dark, was mure deei-
iveio h.irarti r ai ! in r.' 1 r, ',! ; n .1 b"ef 'c at
in ri si;',' (ban fits suppose 1. It -p irt' ol
our loss.-s i'roni captures and tic number 01' our
wounded incited in many arprehens ai of r
voise mul dl-a-ter, fr-'in whi h it w iti 1 'o
dl'tl lilt to rec
The closing of tlie .oi'c-i w is ,1 arid: 'i , an I
pronounce. 1 ,i d-t'e -ent 'I In It"'" I 9 .101
And w. rinded hoi on tha Held t'd I ot :fin'.'
punislim ' : a loss ia this reg-ird three limes 1 l a;
tfcim Moitt imp nt-i'it ,i: J Jo isnc of
the lii.t tha' at the close, of the ciafst v" li i;
the g"ittn i h c occupied at U coii.m -ik en.-i..
u nt
. ' 1 iM:
vhj very angular in formation, unue-al i;,'j'tin'a
ilivisio 1 was on ti e 11 f , an 1 1 ;- r il 4v"':-' tics
an I !r.h mi Ihe cast sije 01 the )ad. A ross
Ihe tr.i !. , .rec ' oloucl Ho'liuau's brig.; ; ne !
'icneval 1 r.i'. foi l's ii.isioi;, with 1 0.0 ie)
B:-i cg's triiM.le, if i at lei' ,1, . ision, b; ri'-h;,
t 111por.11 l!y as-icieil to irvsf'rvl's .'on ma id.
iui "in- right v w the "th e Tps. It wa a -v
an. I djt 1 in r.i"l .:,in'lict.
f 1 1: 11 10 v: ;'.': '. i:i,rv 1 a o it ; s . 1 1
'I bis ' ir ba-rarely bvelv'-d '. more darin
atteinp: at Cinking one s s ie. e-sful a: tho
e. ,T mien 'cnent and ft 1 'h a s;r.t oge re ers er st -i-ing
as that 111 nle by I he enemy on our right,
Ge'ieral Hr.iJg deployed th i'tb livl'ina' a
kirini'hesrs. The enemy's sKeinish'T-, f illowed
I. y two hn- o' battle, suildi nly dashed luovr.
w h" luing 'iiimberrt iipnn tb"i 1. 'lhroi:.-h muk
strange ov. r-ight the skinni-h lioc as noi prop
erly simp iricd.
1 h" F'th Indi'ina gave way, an I the nib W.'..
cousin was sen! to Its support. Oar line be; wa
in a -k;rt of pines with '.1 eornf eld in the t'r ait
.in-l rear. D ishing ..vt thii first field, tlie cn'onv
pu-1 e l through "iir lino a:i 1 aw-pt roa-.'.J the
p ar of Colonel Wbeela k's brlgi I". Colonel
Wheel-) k's tr) )pe, who were ' chin 1 lire is; ..orks
tte'y ,,(,) 1 ,.,v, ), soing 11 fo'-ce of Rc'.els In
their rear, at once changed front by taking to tin
oilier side of their hreau works.
A murderously repulsing volley was piir:od
Into the enemy, at which Thov movoil 10 tlie r-g'ut,
taking in their tva 'k nearly .ill ot tho ,; ": a:id
loith New Y rk rcgimcttts, the ""tii l'eniis I
v.iinii Rei'imetit and 1st and '.'1 l'ennsylv nil 1
Hi serve Vetetun regiments, tho Ids', two rc-i-niiuts
constituting t. oloncl Hartshorn's Urmid,',
the 1IJ Brigade of General Ciawfi rd's Div.slo ..
It was evidently the Intention of tho cticmj t.)
push along ot.r crttre line in this flanking
man.'-uvr. :" but tlie coo'ness and gallantry of
Colonel V bceloak an 1 his men, ai led by Gene
ral Whilo'a Divisei!: .if tlie p'ti 1 Jip-, whiih t3-
II. 1t ed with like stea l lies and bravery, sent th"
Ribels back to their ctartinc pla ). Ti.ey
charged on the enemv, r.iptiirlng ,t fia u'.ir of
prisoners and .1'.le-Ha.
Ai.nM. rri: 1st: . Ksniiti. 1 iuwm h .
Meantime the 1 attic was r.ig-ing lieroely along
other portions of our line, and, as" I have stated,
was continued '.HI dark, aud loriiiiuating in onr
holding our original uro'ind. Crawford lull three 1 ar.o't e-e.ipes
two fr Jin being killed by Rebel l one
from capitiro. To repel thn tl.snii movement, a il
in re.irgauilug his lines, ho f '.irlo--ly e-posed
himself to the enemy's bullets a-i 1 )y.H.
Minie ball gr.uel the trout of his by'.r. ca rving
away a button of his coat.
i uur of li s stiitf Imd their horses sko' un !er
them ' aptai'i M nitelth, Assistant Adaaant
Gi neral; Captain M jvrilield, I llot le,
and Li' Clark, the fast named iu addi
tion being wounded ii.the arm. At one li.a;
General Crawford, whiie attended by a single
orderly, found himself confronted by two Heb-I?,
who demauiled h's snrrender. Seeing three of
our soldiers, he called out to them, ""Oioot ttio-o
raseulsl'' upot. whi'li his a'teaaptcd cjpto.'-.
dropped their o-v;i pieces, and were brought in
li e I" S.'ssJlVVAMtA nui 'lit' 1 s
tut of tlie 1st and .d Vcioran I'er'.van.i
Reserve Reginienis mention! as an itied, f vo
officers subseepi 'titly ea"aped, Capfcin ltnci:iian
and l ieutenant Dwyer. Soaioof the Bucktaile
als-) escaiH-d, and in iiddlliia brought in aiiont
forty prisoners n ith them. Au '.in'ortuu n.' iir
eunittanee connei "C'l with uur captured regi
ments is ihe fact tha' :o o! them were armed
with the fjponc r repealing r.'tle, the ;:js-essl, o
of which by the enemy is greatly to bo regretted.
S'tl F 01 1 terns MIS-iIV .
Three ottleers 01 ' oloncl I yle's suitl,. oniiuan i
ing 1st Brii le, l Divigicr, are missln". and
suppose 1 to bo prisoners. Their names aro
Captain 1 'otter, Assistant Ailiiitint-f enci il ;
Captain Trull, Assistant Ins; 'c: or-G .ner il, and
l ieutenant llosi a. '.'th Msis'sadic setts Regouent.
Ca-jtuin MjC-ielian, Assistant
of General Cutler, is also inlawing, sapiiose.'.
to have been capturid.
This is doubtless l apt ii:: Cars well M.'t.'lel'in,
of l'a., a relative of Geaernl Me .'lc. Inn. tp: iln
Arthur Md lellan .'s al j :u tie servk ; as t: Si it!
jrNi:nL .osni 1; tvYT ..ur i:u,
Among the c.ipturjd I regret 1 3 mcntlia B.lg ;
ilier-'Jeturul Joseph lLuea, wb n-ai nade I the
1st Brigade of General Ayrea' I'i-'is'j-i. Jtwiii
lie remer.ibered that ho is a r,cw brig li j:, h.ving
been promoieJ for gallantry in -1; j H il.leniii'i,
where ho was wounded. Tho loss of sueli u
capable an! gallant otb. er is deeply to bo la
ticnted. Ho was at first Mr or ted '. 6'ui'Ied, but
it has sia ;o beer. as. Oitalne:, 1 jsl'.ively t!.al this
report is untrue. a)ta:h Davis, of bis sti'V,
taken prisoner at tho "'ine time. -snera'. H lyes'
Brigade, coi.niosed njai'.ilv of regular regluients.
fought spleTidi'lly.
The New Fngland 1 eusalo Medici'. Code
la Boston has rc;oivol ! i,. :l:s of l -.OOO within
tho pas;t year, uni t 17,000 w ithin niuo years.
20,000 i: which go to tlie frj; j. h.-lu'-shlr f-:r. 1.
AMI NK-IKtllfl.
GiiovEit's New tbiEr.s . r Sti.i er li.ttui::.
III li. :tid-' ji' Ala I tin will neve: irr-'vi-car's.-ai'1. It
1 .)va Dure jiaiui'flr 111,'v :lia;i ;s hen il-.' . ij.;-;- 1. '1
fountilnfif ?olori 'lvit'.'iH I'no'ki k a Ictim." ells
all 'jvliol'lers wil'iO" U'it i.a .e'h'L jn-. tf! ' 11 1
sn 1 1I not 'i li'1 '.'ss.iry tu ' .hi. iciv. 1 .' pils I. a C.'ll Sf ' 1.
meet s .1 ttie 1 tit : i it. lleirc c '. v;:..ii. u
aimiUI.'H"!' 'tis nun.-.s.. rii-r; ,n' II... Ve-y I hs ll . .Mr.
IS 1 nn- - h nll'iiiail ai cere ,-, c l'-.r a-'.. . ii'ni . , ,i. I .ii-1 . .
a nl -ne w liu 'ias c la; a t Vir. nstou tin. ..' t o
nnet ii.'pulnr aid su:e:.s ail iU''' ). .i.r-f -ie a" i' i'i
t'ultl I x;
State or Tiir.f.Mavr.rr.u To r' t. Six A. M.,
71 A. NoOU, SO. Ono I . M., Wind, U . . N.
BtiiNrv's "s'lTtiiesi'oe m i:'. i ! e r.i. iiicg
abont ilfty additional re -rn: -..-jr so.-n ;::
the several onipinl 'a or;::i'ig In till-. :'.; a
regimen', of sa.irpsho': e:s to e a" i.hj'1 t
ieneral Blrnev'a c niimand. lb) oil! 'Crsof ibis
regiment, so i:r at appoiii'" I, ; .tr'i-:t of i fjrej
.1. W. M wte, l.'eu'oe. i:u t aUnol J. V. I y:r 1:1,
(J urlermaster I'd. I . I'otilk. C :apa 1..' V, Cip
talii A. AV. Hcchmat), tt r .'it :1 In I mi a-tcr, has
been ni'istereJ into the s or i ;. ' o. It, '. i 'ain
"sylvcster lionnatio.; ; Co. 1 , Captain :. billy:
I'un.pany K, nntain If i.v'iins. 1 v. I', ip' .in
M. -I. 1 ooktuii! Co G, 1 iivtAMi A. J. .1 1 js,
are all beiug recrulte ! iu cur ity, an 1 are t'dbc ;
t iM. 'o. 1) Is bei.i.r roei ulted In; and
Co. II, Captain Ji. Ilroubs, Is betnc: ri';.l in
Del iwaio count;'.
The other tworiinip.ini w are b iin ,'r.ii-:.i hy !';..
lleuteiiani-colonel, in tin- wet ei n por; of tie
State., and aro tu ar! y full. I'liose who nilis'. in
the live companies "raised In this city, an I arc
credited tu I'hiladelpliiJ, receive their IrmivypMsU
down, lrom a caniuiilteo of citions who have
determined to advance the money for that pur
pose. The regiment, which will be one of the
finest that has lett the State for some time, will
be tilled before the draft takes place.
meeting of the Board of Guardians, hold yester
day, a communication was received fro 11 the
Medicul Board, statiug that they hud held a spe
cial convention for the consideratloi of tho reso
lution passed by the former Board In regard to
foundlings. They referred the subject lo n spe
cial committee, consisting of tho Ch ilrmau of
their Bourd, and obstetricians of the House, who
reported that in consideration of the present
inferior hygienic condition of tho Children s Asy.
luin, they leeonuneud that a building bo erected
entirely dintiuct from the Almshouse proper, und
removed from the malarious inlluetice of the
river, and that the building be made large enough
to accommodate the Nursory Department also.
ty this course (hey think that the minimum mor
tality of the Children's and Nursery Department
will'be fully attained.
MiKDiuiot s Aas.tvLT. Ilcnry Farkaius, Wm.
Bergcr, aud R. Potter were before Alderman
Welding lost evening, charged with having com
mitted au assuult und battery on Aaron B. Largo,
Innkeeper at the Madison House. The defend
arts, it is alleged, refused to pay for some drinks,
ui.d being renionsuaUid with, beat Mr. Lurge
upon the head with buwis and plates. Farkulus
was committed In default of tVloOO bail, und the
others in default of frtsoo bail, to answer at Court.
Militaiiy HosriTALS. The whole number of
patients in the United Htates Military Hospitals
in this department ia 10,477. During last week
there were Admitted 3o7L
A-stst tv Vn'-'nio -i:t or Titr. F:nr. Pi r if
vi t I' d "e-ales fro n Ihe virions 'tc e imi a
eIcs avsemblc! at tbe Hall of the Fire Aso :ii
ti oi, Fitth an 1 North street", last evening, and
p'.ved on 'I' ltiinition the following gentlemen to
be to' e l for as Assista-it llnjinoers of lkj 1 ire
Dcpirtiuent on th of s'eptemb:r next. On;
can li Into fr an ca ii liv.-ion will tu elect )d
1 rsr otvis'os.
I. M 1 i.s'.er, M oy imeosing H ue Cimp.ary.
A nnuel II. i re is,;, ( oln nnia Hose sine iiiv.
'ieiir.ef w v i-.sin.'.n, siiiu'er llo-o ( inipo.y.
It ol ett H. Warren, llopo lloso Compiuy.
f linos M, ItoberN, Colomtiia Mugine' 'onir ic'.
Hleli ird, i-ond Intent Hose I om:-uy.
"i 111. T. H.i. el. Iloic lli;ine Coiupany.
sr. osp tin"siov.
George llener, Morbanie I ngine C, tap -.ny.
A'lilr"-'. W. Wti.gbt, In lepend'n "C llos; 1 .
Tlioiens S Itoliinson, Vigilant Kaginai 0
fi '.irg" w. Doaticy, W. stern I nglne Oonipanv.
AViu. F. l a,;',, hirt, ll tnil-ln llaud ll ig '
, 11: Ml Hv SDN.
.lames A la. in, De.alur Ktiginc Couipa i) .
bi:;ies M. m::h, Fu.on lltigino C 11 ipauy.
Daniel illi.ims, Franklin J.ngiu ', -.;n'. i.
Jos. Wiser, Dtfsitur lltigiao Compatic.
IO tllll Il'.VfsIOV.
Ieolt Gonaver. I r.rikl n l.'ngiiie, of Or.i.j.n
town. il ;ii! y Wot.ierstnin, 1 .ermiiv.o 1. lj .-,
iei rge . J'ox, Cola.ribia Fngiae, ol ' r
liiauto'vi. .lames I . M libi,, 1. ashingVm Fngiu.-, 01' i..:r
tiianto vn.
lKmi itn n irry, Motint Airy llnglne Cjm.miiy.
llttinilt in scott, Kings 'ssing 11 iglne.
M n n iNiusr. Tin: following decision 1 y tbo
C'lnniiissioiier of Internal Revenue w ill great:
rdieve collect irb .111 1 mereluiits, in r'K-.t to
merchandise reu iired to be warehoused under
the hue Internal Revenue Act:
'On ni or IsTtntNM. Hiivr.Nvn, WistiiNo.
io, nauat22, l-ii'l. In order to avoid nnnocce
sary delay und trouble ar, thia time, rollee'ora
may, up m the parties giiii thetu tne re iiire I
bond, permit them to store Bieir merchandise in
their warehouses, without waiting for this otliee
to approve the bund.
iiieutlv. ".losri'ii ,1. Li.w is, Comnilssioiier.''
The 'Commissioner also decides tint receipt
for the delivery of any property are chargeable
with a stamp duty of two cents", and this applies
to all dray receipts and all receipts issued or
received by si camboa's, railroads, or ox press com
panies. Bills of ladiim or receipts for any goods,
wares, or merchandise, to ' e transferred from any
port or place 111 the I nited Stutes, and to tu
delivered at any port or place iu tho 1 nited
states, lire su'oect to the sump duty of two
Im'ortT'.N ' Wool. Si r. An important woal
suit is about to bo hel l ill Cleveland, Ohio. The
allege. 1 farts arc that II. C. Davis, the pla'ntlfi'iu
Die .-ni', a wool d' .tier of Philadelphia, contracted
to par lia-e a considerable amount of wool from
I). F. Bayard, of Nt irk inty, Ohio. After the
eontia iicn made, the prf'e of wo'd ad
va; e.', an l lt.oon ponn Is of woo!, Iir '.udj I iu
the e(,ntia -i, were sold ir llayar.l to anothir
p. rson a, a prlcj above that tor which It was
contracted by l)a is. But wool advauce d still
further, and then Bayard, instead of delivering
to ei'bcr tho llrst or se on l buyers, sold the wool
to siill a.'ioth ;r per-sin at still higher rites. Cn
Ie. uniug these facts, Davis conimeneod proceed
in 4s in the ' 'nited Stales Court for the No.'thcrn
District of Ohi ), and Deputy FidtcJ -i-atcs Mar
shal siianionsrcplevlncd the wool whi'c In transit
to the 1 1st purchasers. It was taken to Alliance
by tho Deputy Marshal, and t hipped to ( love
la'i 1. About an hour after Siiunious let': with
his pri.e, auoth.'f suit of replevin came In from
flic setouil purchaser, but it was I u late. The
ipieKion of what constitutes a bargain In selling
wool will probably be settled by this action.
lMcourvN? ro Mi 1 rrriis. ll.uU re e.ji or
d 1 plica to r-jeeipt given to theo.vnor or eousiguee
lor property to bo shipped over or oil any railroad
must be stumped itlt a two-cent stamp. In ut'
ciisea shijipors must send stamped receipts or
ni'ist pay for the stamp if I' Id furnished by the
agint. Receipts taken for pircporty del'.vere 1 to
owner or consignee must bi st impc I with a Cwo
eeiit stamp. The penalty for omit.iag the stump,
or not can colling the suae, is tto hundred F liars
f ir ea?h and every oll'cnse.
Tut Si emi-.iiy Ar.oxc T ir St wrvr.KT!.r. Dh
l.ii.uirr' 1 H'.i's. The stcimor twtn-ra Ikokir
has of Uto be unio a part and parcel of Fulrinount
Park, a-: no person visits the latter place without
iiidjlging in tho 1 -.auy bonen;s presento'l by the
former. Tho t!fiwnu o" , a neat, safe, and
com-noJioits steamer, plys between Falrnoum
Park and the Falls. 1 i,o trip occupies 0110 hour
and twenty minutes, and aib.r Is rftrang)ra and
others visiting our city an opportunity to row
the beamiful s-enery along the river Srhriylkili.
h is really to bo regretted that more au 'h t. por
tuniti"a tor enioyaieut and recreai'on arc not
presented to that portion of tho community who,
on ar 'uui.t of business or pem ury meat's, .iir.ot
leave tlie eliy fur any longth of time.
Di;.v'.sli)0.i i' r.v.. t olunelD trJel i.'hipnu,
Hi Maine Ai'ti'.l :ry,ar:i :d :: tbi' ci'y cr. 5 ilur
duy last, in iha steamer lj Mt,Au, voii'Hiel in
-.hecheH. He was taken to Turner' a I ane ilcs, w here lie died I.l the evet'lng.
Co onel J. V. Gould, c'etU Ma''.i Iiel
ment, arrived at tbo sitae time, and '.a" "a! en
to tbo ottlccrs' h isn't il, at ("'aniac's wo-.ils, ih
his leg iiii'.piitntod", where he dtod on Vaalay
.Major 11. I . 1 a'.tja, .abb. Mc.sja.'ir.s fts R'pi
aieut, :ila arrived "fi Sntor lay, - i'h his left leg
I'lip it'ited uiv.v.e tli" Ivice. He Is del lg well ut
l unitr', I ane Host ital.
I'mox 11 1." ::r. A tnioii ro-'ugeo from
Hiel,Miot:il, Va , nau'.e I M,s. I.nertla livid, with
fjur E.i'.ill "hill :)', It now a: the I'n'ji: Re
fresi,"ieiit Saloon, in s' .ar .l; of hit !:nsr-.n3, wh ;
h.i! liecn preis.'J Into tl.e Kolw.' r::ny lr. '.est
Noveinoci , and who sntis n.tictit'.y deserted and
erit.'r'd th? I'tiion lines. I 1 1 ha month of April
Mis. Ro.ld li ft her home wi ll ciilMr",!, aad
by fuigiiiii' niardies reached our I'nes near
Petersburg.' From that plaeo she hud t this
ci'y. She is a Vnior lady, and herhcsbr,ad !
also 1 Cuion man. Sice i v, ,th n.: funds, and
is (i' Siroiis lliat her husband M ty kn ) 01' l:er
whi reabou'3.
Cj; 11 -M tnai i: . llhl- nior.. ag a general
eou.t nuirtia! cotivened ii this c'.y by c jinnaud
of M ijor-Ce.'icra! rO'uh. A tit: tuber ;' ull'jers
are 10 bo tiled, and i. will be the most Import-in',
court ever koid in '.his city. Tile court '; .011.-po-i
J as follows
Colonel W. W. i! . Dtrls, lo.tli 1 'D.i-.lvirla.
Colonel l'eter Si le--, ""7th Pennsylvania.
Lieut. -Colonel I.. 1 . Lou id, IIO1I1 rem syi ania.
Lieut.-' 'olonel 1 'harlos ll.vr.ig, iti; M : v J " cv.
M.ijor Arthur Deering, "'-' i Maine.
Caiitain A. Barnli.., 2d Ohio.
Caotain C. I . Colgun, JSth Ponniylvai:'...
Captain Charles 1'. 1 .'larkc, Judge AT o -aw.
Du.ti e 01 A Wi r l.-ro' .v C: r: 1.1.. Tliis
mumiug Mr. Sxunol Shall' r, f h yeirs
Chief t lerk in the oil! 'o of tha City Treasurer,
died ot the Black Bear Hotel, whero he bjarde.l.
He was found dead in his room, mid is sttppased
to bate died lrom hemorrhage of the lungs.
Ho was in tho City Treasurer's otliee for oer ten
Pints Clvh or rii'LAnrxvui v. A apeeial
meeting of this organlattioti lias been called for
tomorrow (Wednesday, 21tli) afternoon, at
luilf-j at 3 o'clock, In Select Council Clumber.
A full attendance is re.iicstcd, as liusiueis of
(:n at importance to the uowspuper poles ton
will lie triiiisucted.
Tur. Ai.MKiioi HE. The present number of in
miitis in the Slock ley Almshouse is 2i00, which
is the same number ua at the same time
lust yeur. During the last two weeksihere were
admitted, NI ; births, 0; deaths, 17; discharge I,
1) ; eloped, 22.
Coiohkii RtoiMiNTs. The 5,itli Ilegluicnt
(Colored) was completed on Saturduy. This is
the eighth regiment w hich has been tilled in this
city uuder tlie auspices of tho Supervisory Com
mittee. Recruiting is still going on 'juitc briskly.
Paid Oct. During tho past two weeks
rje, ib'.-l.t bus been paid out by the Commissioners
bnvitig charge of the disbursements of the city
funds for the benefit of the families of volun
teers. Foil l our Di t.AtvAur.. Tho flth Massachu
setts, which arrived here last night, will leave
to Uuy for l ort Deluwuie. The regiment was
eiitciinhud ut tho Union and Cooper -Shop
ltECiii niNo. This morning fifty-six recruits
were paid the City bounty. Forty-eight of them
who enlisted as volunteers received 400 each,
and eight who went as substitutes were paid
2o0 each.
Tin; Twi HtoiNr.NT. Ihls regi
ment, whose term of service enpires In a very io
days, will have a grand reetptiou on the occasion
of us rct'irn to this city. At a, of ;U(1
Committee, held last cveuing, the following route
of pr ji e-sior, w as adopted .
I'p 1 hir l to South stre-t, up Soulli ti Twen
tieth, tip rwcntleth to Callowh.ll, ilow 11 Callow
h il to Sixleeiitb, doAn Siit'ciuli toCiiesaut,
down hesnut 1 0 F'fth, np Fifth to Vine, up Vine
to Ninth, dowa Ninth to It ie, down Ki 0 to
N Uncial Guard' Hal), where the reg'mcnt will
be dismissed.
The following 1. nnpau'es will participate In the
reception : Delaware Hngino, Perseverance Hose,
Assist ince llnglne, WashiDgtou Hose, Hope F.n
gine, Western Hose, Independent Fnglne, Moyu Hose, and sniffer Hoe.
Ihe i-onipaniea will 'c divided into two divi
sions, the li r st. four companies to constitute the
irst dn Ision, and the letter comp"ntes the
second dis ision. The lino w ill be formed 0:1 tho
north side of a-hington atenue, the rigiit rest
ing on Filth sfrect. Tl.e f.rst division w'll ix'
cipy the space tn-tween Fourth and Fifth st rivets,
and the second division tho space betwoen Tnlril
and Fourth afreets. The .'.Id U giineut will form
on Third street, north of Washington, and will
come Into line betweea tho first and second divi
sions. The ambulances of the lire companies In
tending to participate Mill tollow iu ttg rear of the
returning regiment,
David M. L.tlc. Chief F.ugiueer, hn bflou
chosen I bi''f Marshal 01 the procession.
I)i.LioTr. F.m: 1 son. This evcuiug tho
National Cnion party v ill elect delegates to tho
City Convention, to noniluata candidates for
City and County otllrors; also, detegatea to a
Senatorial Convention in the Third Senatorial
District, and delegates to the various Represenui
titc und Ward Conventions, I j nomfnatfl
ilatea for ineiu'icra of the State I'Tislature, C,(y
Councils, aud t urd otti 'ers. Tho polls will bo
open from 0 to ii I'. M. "
J im:. About half-past three o'clo.k (his
morning 11 tire occurred at a bakehouse, iu II no
street, 1'ifthteetith War !. The film est or'gaated
from tho oven.
Ai.stci: Ihon CoKr vNt . Aug 1st 21, 18 U.
To the President of the Alsace Iron Co.npnuy,
Philadelphia. Dear sir: I have to report with
regard to the mine this week, that the work ia In
successful operation. There have been delivered
In Reading about one hundred tons of ore, w hich
will bo forwarded by canal to tho farnacos a",
Spring Mill in the course of this week. Tho
teams are daily hauling to Reading about twelve
tons por day. To bundled te ns have now beju
sold at from live to six dollars per ton, but I am
of opinion that the price may be considerably
advanced at the next sale. The cpaality of tlie
ore is such that tlie demand for it will insure the
sale of any amount that can bo mined. The drift
is cettlDg along us fast as it c in be worked, and
the nppouruuees for ore getting more iavorablc as
it adian 'es, and will cut the vein now being
worked about seventy feet in the hill.
Yours, Ac. Ronr.ur II. Hoiitnr,
sn'rintcn lent at the Mine.
Dn. ( out ios-,N'). ioi7 V'tu trcet.
Text ami Cii trn-eti able a person ro re tine In
b-'d iu any pol:ion. soM wholesale or retail at
W. Henry Pawn's, the niatiafaitnrer, No. Flos
Cbesnut street.
Or.'.'!' oi' lnit K 1 ;ra Ti 1 nctui'tl, '
'Iresdny, Angvit g'l. V
There is rather more aetivlt; In the Stojk Mar
ket this morning, and prices arc steady. Gov
ernment b"iids continue in go id demand at a
further advance, with lurce sales of ,i-20s ut 1U4
(112I; 7-iOs at 10:'(.; 101' J, mti ds of mi at 108
In Riilroa 1 shares (lure is r.c'. much doing,
but prices aro linn. Pennsylvania R illroad sol I
at TO, which is an advance; Rj.allng at 075;
MInehill, (12; North Pennsylvania, .'il; aud
Catuwissa preferred at 4U(i2, which ia a alight
advance. 22 1 was hid for Cuta Atiss cotmnon ;
30 for Philadelphia a: d Krio; 19 for Long Island;
and 4T for Little Schuylkill.
There is very little doing ia City Passenger
Railroals. spruce, and Piuc aold at -i0;'2iwat
bid for Arch street ; iO for Tenth and Lloventh ;
und 72 for Second and Third.
There id more doing iu Ceil Oil shares, and
prices havo an upward tendojc, with sojes
of Dulell at bij(il0, whiela is an advance;
McCllutock ut (i j Pensiiiore at I2.J ; Fgberr at
.14 ; and Organic at Foe.
Bank shares aro firm at about firmer rates.
133 was bid for ih!lnd)lpnia;2S4 lor M:eh mica';
81 for Western ; 27 for Manufa ' titrers' and Me
chanict'j 3.1.J for Consolidation; and 40 for Com
monweaith. There is no change to notice In the Money
Market. Loans are plenty ou call t 0 per
cent, per annum ; best pap;r is selling at from
7t 'J per cent.
Oold is rather better, but tho market con
tinues dull, and tbo aales are In a email way
only opening at 2V!J ; advance 1 and "old nt 2o7
at 11 o'clock; 2"7i nt 12; un! 2-17'' at half
past 12.
A despatch from Washingtoa Fui9 morning
says it Is reported that tho Secretary of tha
1 reu-ury contemplates a ne v loan, the terms of
whl' h have not been Jc.iJed. Ou in. uicy at tho
Department it is ascerta.'iie 1 thit there is uo
truth in the statement.
Tho subscriptions to the ):o .v ! )::n on Satur
day amounted to f"!:,0", aed t the 10-IOs
over half a million. Thti suits . rinior-syestorday,
reported at the Treasury Pepa-ttacnt, amounted
to nearly one million dollars.
"SVo call attention to the Report of R. E. Hoban,
Superintendent of the mines of the A' sac; Iron
Company, publisbel in another column.
Our daies iiom New Orleans are to the 14th
Instant. The J'i -niHnv has the fell owing report
in relation to cotton
"Tho market continue- a a .und t:'l, with
too great a d.llircii ;e between Ijtiyers and sellers
lo admit of any bu-itiess. At nin'ti :i, fife bales
sound repacked sold ut s I -3 if , twelve do. MiJ
dling ut ifl'l'1, uud four do. .strive M.ddliug at
1-..4.J. These llgiircs are mnsideratily bel tv the
views of holders ; but It is s ud piireu ises 11. igliti
h ive been made to u limited extent at 1I0,.
1' l i for ordinary, M iot" 1-47 for good ordm irv,
jil'4Ni I'.iu lor "low Middling, an! '. o-ii I 0 "
lor Middling. 1 lie aecounis iront the neig ib ir
itig purithes"! with regard 10 the iiij iry to tbo
glow ing crop by the anny-u orm, a'O of the most
dlseomaglng chara 'ter."
Tho New Y'ork Tribmu this morning says :
"Governmoiit Sticks slioiv another advance,
Coupons of lsnl selling at lool, .",.20 Coupons at
ill J, and Certificates at (o. The anticipation of
inteicst has given satisfaction to all holders of
bonds for investment, and stimulated new pur
chases by careful people. A few self-olected
friends of the Government regret that Mr. Fes
senden did not aceuuiulato tjfidO.ooO.iniO of gold in
tho Bub-Treasuries to give conlidencc in the
prompt payment of the Interest due in November,
modestly insinuating that It is a poor paymaster
who pnjs in advance. People who anticipate
their payments have ever been favorites with the
merchants in New York, and Mr. Fessenden bus
made no mistukc Iu distributing his hoard of
gold to its prospective owners, it would have
been almost criminal to hoard tho custom duties
until November, causing another advauce iu
gold, and untold losses upon the community.
Speculative storks are loner, and uro offered
freely ut sellers' option,"
Quot.ttoni of field t the PhitsdvliibiA Quid il&ctiAn.
Ku. 34 8. Third street, t unJ nuu.v :
fiA.M ''; WM S-7'4
U A. 41 I IMA
Quotations of the principal Coal aud Coal Oil
stocks at I o'clock to-day :
JliJ Ail: Hit A'k.
Rtorv farm 4' KeystoDc Oil 1 .
lult'en Com! ln'V IU1. VwiansoDH I'i
Moulilsln Cil. "Jj 1'lltiilil'it'iilouuj.. .. a.
(.re. n llt.Coul.... 6
New Ci'i'ek 1 'i
Kcciler luin Cost. 1
C'llnU'ii Cal
American kaolui.. H
IV11I1 Mllilns b ai
(.li.ij Mlnli
Ktn Mining li
I'lal.. anil llu.uio. ..
7 Organ lo OH
ll I raiiklln OH
IS Hew.. K4IO Oil.. I . ..
J living OJ i t
4 Po.. Knu Oil.... ..
H't Uullvrt ul '.si
II K.v.t'in. Zlc. ... JI '-",
IS i)fii.iiiure 1".",
,l J.l.-IIOil In
g .MclllieillO' 7
amno.n .iiin'is-.. 7 'iiii.ltil
aC!t ir";.::::::: .. Aii,i.,UiUr.i7 j it;
(ill ewk :ovleum ..
r. ii (iiiLUiMU a".
u.,,1.- snail. Oil.
IS V .t.oil a M
ilH Iillfoi'k Oil...
I'nry OU
AtOiKia) OU,.. a.
.. S'4 lf"S" lalaml. ....... ,, 1
t.i.wtull I'i
i I'mllo 1 ,
pmt.Anr.ij-in Tortn ixmiANOB s atis, atj. v,
eporud by Ctoi-K'Hi Oo., Brokers, lie. Ill 8. TaW tV
.tot) uhlllo'ie Oil
:si)-ti if"....
Ml) ill if i .. .
AMth da....
UKlrli On.
"iih ilu
11 .
t '
II i
1 il
t' llxie Island...
land... 1,
xfi.ii tmon re(.
vn' sti re ou (
'" ! st
iwian a., u -
700 v, R, eii Oil....... ,', i
son tii e ut r, vl
400 sli Alsace lrDu..iw, j
8 llrlii.l Oil.. ..., ut
I X) sb Te i r (Vitro ... , :
V sh B. lln LLgltli
I"lli iln
0"h iti
tuo ah Corn I'lunt....
Vnh ,t,i
Sisiin in
Hi" sfl Or,ai,,. (,i ,.
l'Si h firci.t.r ml.
' !' Mam. Khae .
: n .m ,,rtlii on.....
'.'tin li do
vfli)ti ft"-n "fi.
) .h Ifnsniire,
f)h IVrry 'ill
.01 ill M'nry fann.W
000 tli AloCUiitaek .UD
, 'mT doar!.
t. Ill -i
...Ml .
.A. Ills) .
101 sh U.-ueli Oil .
SlisiO ao ..
SJl-g.-.l . H ,tn
SCOO dn...
I')stl JO
l it) a d
l'l.h do
vo.h Mc'dn'
' "h dn
til 1" i) I'eim.i
t'.':iP,a. rt.,
.NO do
Nilnil. Can
j'si si. ns, . iil4
I' lHn 1)11 ., ,
S lh eenna KM Jt'
' ,h Spnic I I'lnc. W
S n Mln.lilll m
4 lh N .rth e n ... M
II. .. M
SlKiX) C.un. J, A if'
ins 4
KH.'J N ra
Jtn ah Dr. tl.imit.
UiOali lti'inl.ll. K..haO k7
i'i") all d.i KiM.i:; s
lial.h art o '17',
J'J .fi Ppiiii tfin So '
yiatiCatawu.eer.. . 41 if
10) su
ao. ...,..m a ,
PltK' OF AlOCKg IS SBV TOftK. "1
llcrortcd hy t laik a i;o.,Bm). re, So. lai . TtilrJ
KfH'k t.flllld ft iro.ui.
u.. . ...-- .iv, ....... Ull......,..
))' mi
HI . tale
- taaiea
, VJ'Si !
r AC. .
t'ge, .alaai
lie', aales
lit ale
.. eax
Kpiullnc Itannia.l
tllinoia C niral it Ulr.ja. ....'nia
Sen V'.ik CYnu-tU lujjad..
t'.rln Hiillrnad
tlarlt ni Kuilruail
t'nitid ruatvs i-.'ix
, a:
....!? tin!
,...111',' bill
'i7 bM
...IU , bid
..Very Ueay.
iar Cooki: A Co. unoto Gnernmeat BecurttiM, .,!
soon to-day, as fellows .
P. P. (ta. ISH1
tt 8 7 tl-lli S. Ie
Certinratoa of Iml tit..ln"as, Kew.
Onartenuaeler a yjU'.-Iiors
b-W lkinda
Ins i
New Hcvrn-ttilf tli-s reaijr for delivery, on e'ibscrlntlim
1' o AugliatStlt. : , , ,
Tho following are tlie re.'cluts of F our&o j
f.'rain at this pirt to-day : Flour, 2'))7 bb'at.
Wheat, 7S0O bush. ; Corn, 1800 bush. Oats, 5to4
buah. ,
Ihe following are the receipts of Coal Oil at
thia port to-day ; Crude, 3 W bbla. : Hedn:(J, 51(1
The following comparative statement shows
the average condition off the leading hni of tlJ
l'hiladelphia Banks for the past aud u'cviou
week: ' s i .
l ttirt.. irtk. ' -
Capital in,.li0,tvl tll.jnl.lii', In-.. ' fit univsim LCt.lot -ig.s lue... 4s,"
Mni'cip ;l.:a,a;.l ,1.t),..'lti l),..i.. t
l.caal tender... IJ.twi),i)t!i Vi.VilA-a l,.i JJ.rjaJ
IK'ikhiIi 3K,s.".,ti;4 .v,s:ijvsi in,.., l.'.siJ
Clrculatlnn .... K.'JH..' tf.Wi ill Inc.. ' 7,-ifi
The Importa at New York for tho' weefc
nrc ;
Alls. 20. Aaj.11. tii.-.O.
Dry Goods l,0!i3,A't7 l,.W:!,B2 t a.301,l:)
General Merchan. l,74ti,a()4 2,i20,:HD 2,24 i,21ij
Total 2,S21(J41 4.1')4,o75 4,60,09$
The foregiing includes l!)l,Ut3 in woij
4,o48 Iu lea ; 12,4(12 in sugar : IO,.r.) in ma-las-es;
S.G7I in coffee; )fl.l.),71! in CoUjnt
lll!l,729 In iron :T3:),K70 in hides. ,
Up to and Including the 1 1 th of August, the)
following amounts of the several descriptions ol
Government notes b ive been destroyed ; Vu!.'e f
States notes, demand, llfty-ntne aud half mil-
lions; I'nited 8taiea notes, new loans, twenty-
two and u half millions; postal currcucv.slx miU"
llors j fractional currency, one million ; one year
five per cent, notes, two hundred and tifty-six
thousand ; two jears' live per cent, notes, iwa
buiidied and sixty thousand ; two yeart' live per
cent, cniitons, seventy-one millions; three yeirsf
compound interest notes, three mil bona. It iff
snid tho Government intends that the issuoi of
the National Banks shall take the place of tills
currency. ... .
The annexed table exhibits the receipts and
shipments of Hour and grain at Chicago dunng;
theweek euding August 13, In tho years IStlJ
I11IU inrti
JtVt'a. ,
lftta. isiu.
Flour, bbls.. 11,173 11,033
Vtieut,busli.l21.VJ 2.04,138
17 MS
, lo,7t
5!V,M" 3Sl,:j"(,
14',),2SO 31o,V)8
ft.tViis 28.HH)
10,0j7 2,120
Oil Wt,t Aoain Fiowino Sover!
weeks auo the well on tlie property of the Irwin
Petroleum Oil Company stopped llowiug, In cou
sei luencaof au overtlow of wator from aa a Ijoining
property On tho ISth InstanUhoSaperinumdenJ
of the Company Botitiadi'atteaT I'resiicnt, Mr.
Whitney, of this city, that tho weil was ugnia
1 aai ii .
Tctsi) iv, .u3ust 23. Quercitron Bark couie
forward slowly, and ou arrival la taken at H'.l
per ton.
Provisions are flnter. We notice sales of Mess
Tork at 1 12, Hamt in salt at 18j., do. In pickle at
20c., and Shoulders In (alt at 14c. Lard Is firm at
The Flour Market is rather cpatet, the abscnoa
of supplies seeming to restrict operations. Tha
demand for shipraont has fallen olf, and only 634
buirels were taken at ftl-j0(lel2 for extra family,
and frl2'o0 for fancy lots. The retailers and
bakeis purchase within the range of from S07S
to vll tor superfine, Ull'oO(.V12'50 for extra
family, and ut higher figures for fancy lots.
Corn Men! and Hye Flour are scarce and qoior.
Tin re Is a good demand for Wheat, although
the stock is light and receipts small. The salen"
comprise 8j0) bush, old Pennsylvania red at
s2'5i5 ; primo new Western red at J2 63)2-67,
and (southern red at l'00j white is worth froa
a-S'ip ;i ; a sale of 3000 bush. Kentucky is re
ported at :. Hye meets with a steady inquiry
at 1-K3. There is very tittle Corn coiniug ia,
uud for tellow there is a good demaud at I'"0.
Outa have again al ancelj with sales of new
Pennsj Iiuuiaand Delaware at Ole., und aoaieolil
at !)Sc.( 1. No sal jscf Earlcyor Malt have conn
undir our notice.
Whisky Holders are firm In their dem tr. 1 j
sales of .ti) bbls. Ohio nro reported at 1 8-5.
. .
CI.F.tltKD llflsl MOBMNO.
Si Iir tt'. II Tiers, Hellman, be i'U 'lt, O. . 8'etnu A ',.,
S. hr Hi Hi nrv. L ise, An amlrla, I'. Wi tt-tur, Jr.
R. Iir I'. M. 1'i.i ver, I re.:, Wareham, !. t". Hftik'y O.
B. l.r 'J'i ado W lll'l.sliili'.n. ICiililrji l. II. A. Ada ia.
Alt'.tlVEI) THIS MClRNtait.
llarni.i' .n.l'ii rtirlls, is.h.i.i'r. tt Ouya lrjrn Ne' V a,
lu lianaat i IVoikman x i'-
tsel r siar., 7 da. a f.a ni It st.n, with mtsc
riiiw, li ,v I'nllma.
ascfn iaia. llaiKl'aa.'; d'iys iVoia lloatou, wuti uila' .o
(TmUI-Ii .t ''i'll.s.
Bidir I'.. W . Iiau , Bi'iii a, lj dais from t-ortroaa tu ir;r,
tn l.i.ll.i -l to ain.iln.
M -In liia. Itl.-vke. s a.iya frtu l'oi llaud, wilh kt'llliin. o
Isaac IIiiiikIi it l a. ....
Sehr W in. I.uper, R i'ilmon, fretn No .'port, In baflm. 'a
Iir.i. M. Vamo. llunlgo, iroui Silaiu, In ball-si to
Y. liuBior,,lr.,Ji(:ii. , ,
c, hr i hi. ili rruk, Alentttomery, from Itlujtiani, la
n. ur liimaiiiia lti!n.',lHirfi", from New liaveu,ln bat.
lust lo W. II. aohna.
!iUr Auiericaii i..ak'lr, Baiuacy, from tvrtresa Kouroe,
111 Uulluat tu 'tiler A I'll.
s.lir Mnuuri?, AlcLaao, ftom DigUton, in bslUut to
.sdir J . Clnrk,8i aill.frem Boaton.ln ballast to captain.
ISilirJuiui-s liinnaiiau, CaiUitiau, iroiu lxia, ni
halla.l Ie cuvlain.
Xchr S. UtiiFr.Jr.,Bubliiioa,Sduy fitowBoaten, wllo
Ii e to Cudl Sprint? lee and Onal Co.
Sd.r fi-auware, loniicr, 1 day troul Smyru, W11U
o.ils to Jaiuea Hairatt. . ,
HchrKaiiUi Viable. Jeff'roB,l dar Holt Hew Castle,
Did . with vlnut I" JaniM Barrett. v .
Sleatner M.uilior, Jnnea, 4 boura lrom new xora,
W"l"nt?D.?';ir;."hun.CJi boar, from Kew York,
with otdse to W.Ai. Baud 0 ,
IlViiriiuoi for Vblladelphla, Willi liuo, rartlieuware, and
siilt iiiUh eul ou me H'iar durlaa tho uaatoily aalei
on Krida.' nlhl, la auuk, and Ihe oitaln and row are at
''itu'rln" 'th' "ire teamore, ten alilna and barqwe,
and about furty is boonera put inui the Itiaakwaiur tur a
l...rlior. and aro iww piapatana to leave, Willi the wlul
tuna the aouth.
aoiua, Ac, Aabok Moxaiuitt I
I.ntsr njvtcei from lilp Jamea Hmltli, befhr
on tho Btioun, atule tbat her upper deck au atari! y
nadu. tuoaitug, aud lbs wreckors had eouiiueuotd alia
piiia tier.
MvamaUip Norman, Baker, heaoe, at Boaton )eatenUy.
Stttlrlal llrawlutjra vf U (aiielb Dolss;ej
Lutury ot koutinay.
il, 17, 4, io, 02, ao, oia. oi, bii, It, a, is, 27, is.
txiC'l.iSSill Autual'M, 1WH.
7, 20, ID, 04, 16, 2, 23, li, 3a, It, 47, )
Cuaulaa, ami by addxv. .,
!',. i