ii. THE TiAlXT EVENING TELEGRAPII. -PniLAPELrnlA, MONTUY, AUGUST 22 18GL a MTttaurooit mfim. crncE No. 108 sTthird street. M sj ,. rim PaaOoffT. Biasrraait TiIrMf 10 the wrier. Baa" te a.ibeeir FSTTY ," ""- ' ' . -7.1.1 .rtJ at tha weal rstel. A UMnl Kl MM fcC , To) ftnwH" kmMittitn of Aaoajrtnoas OofiiroanleetlitiS Ft " , SrKofi naiu.1 be lathame-aled Te Adartlr. I,. M an treat. Ssoroasa la tha CtrraUtlon of Tiie T7.77. Tiii.i'rH,eiilMif as I o te press t ea aV ar antently twinest that advertnamante may kTbuvMi ki as eea W o olo. , II feasible, lu locai Sua kit tewrtl l & f WtfMUhHU. MOIsTJAT, AUGUST 22, 1964. We hare again to rge the people to be Ast IIokeht Prf.ridbnt. Mr. Lincoln Is active in raising Toluntcers. Obajct and portei M'd, oon turitay laat: "c s -Only glre Obatt and Siikiimaw more men, 8I.BM15 stud la need of reinforcement. f ;mbrowk , deftat ,a Noromrr Da One hundred thousand good men put Into the i wanU gbant to eucoerJ at all liarards, Held now can operate all winter and certainly because such succcm will end the war. Send end the war. General Setmoub says thatdawn your men, then, a rapidly an possible, we can eaelly crush the Rebellion If we wlty.,,, j MRX, ANTIon. Lleutenant-Onncral U. only make one more determined eflort to in, GhAM says that lThe had now one hun atrengthen our armies. The draft, It eemV1" dred thousand fresh men bo could end the cannot be postponed. The resident has Vmo?,,h' ""'vanla nd New i ' York can fumHi that number or men alone the power to extend the llrae for recruiting, " fcy bf ;B(.ptcmbrr) witi10t serious eren 1 he would do so. If we desire to save w(jt.trnH ut t0 our internal Interests. the eood name of our clly and prevent the oc- ' ' - " TTT" . . w ' . Excal.itvT IM-atoDtCAl.s. Wo have received currence of the draft, we must rIo ,Kut inftom j0iin j. Kiwnur, No. 403 Chcmiut street, five thousand mm before the 5th proximo. h ncat package, contoinln; the London Wtutratcd This can bo done In our city, but we mu.-V,' Uhtrati 7mm, WA, llarjr', lWKly, A . . , ,Frmk LfHt't . Illu$trfct Xetntpaitrr, Scientific exert ourselves manfully to accomplish the ' nr ,,. I. K. W A Ii K A v" i: rv, THE XVATl NITWH. Oenerai Ob AST has tried a new and Im portant experiment at Petersburg. General JTahbus! Corps has been thrown forward tu the left of our line ao suddenly as to have taken the enoray entirely by surprise, agd we laTO fcaln4 very substantial victory, the ftults Of which are not wholly understood Hvm the nrlef despatches at hand. Tho Wel- don Ballroad will be so completely broken up 13 to be of no further use to the Rebels during the war ; and as It la the main artery of supply to the ItabeU at Richmond, we think an lrre- parabl damage has been Indicted to Lse Mow thai will staler him not a little. General Gbakt la trying once more to fcrce Lxk to deliver ft pitched battle. This the wily Rebel leader will arold ; but we cannot kelp thinking that crisis must soon arise Which will compel him to come out and fight. The labor of months has enabled Qxatt to make himself and his army scaure U to position and supply on the south banks of the James and Appomatox rivers; and his works are so formidable that they can bo de ended by ft few brave hearts, while one large portion of the army advances against Rich mond, and another portion flanks the Rebel position at Petersburg. Grant haa now the advantage of interior lines of operation, and Rhea he divides or extends his army Lex BHst do Ukewise, only to a greater extent ; bence his Inability to attack Bib.yet and IlAJfOOCK at Deep Bottom, and flght Wah- Best successfully about Reams' Station, south of Petersburg. Wabrkh can hold his present position for ft week, both the Weldon and Danville toads wDl be destroyed, and our cavalry can move through North Carolina without fear of cevere molestation, and do great injury to other roads which are used much to supply the armies of both Lee and Hood. These movements are the precursors of a vigorous fall campaign, which will be the most notable of any since our war began, and we opine must end the war. General Siiekidak has alien back to Hall- town, about ten miles south of Harper's Ferry, where his army is prepared to meet the ad vancing Rebel army under Eari.t. It Is re ported that an engagement took plat e at Cedar reek on Thursday last, In which the Rebels were worsted, and we captured about seven feat. It Is announced that over two hundred i-'r.l,i,iitBtit.ni In khiJ. thousand men have been mustered into the United States service since tho rresldnnt " ksuedhls hist call. This Is good news, and. "Amerirnn, ad .Vire Gaz He. All aro llrst-rata KOt'AL,It'lltt-K iovil'AXY. Ttrport To tl Y-ir Inn. ti.p nmvirtnntt rif knottier annunl liivei-tiifa- should encourage us to make renewed efforts ll(lon Qf tUe nfrHlts 0f ti,c Koyal Insurance Com- to fill our quotas. ' , ' panyhmiug now taken place, the directors pro- ceeu to lav I'Olore 4UC Hmtruuuiuma luv mnuiu IfJlASB'S IRKAt'IIEBT. Most of the London papers which are un friendly to this Government have special cor respondents In the South. These correspond- Ill . enta are generally seicctea lor weir library ability and Intelligence not, however, with a, view to represent affairs here as they actually nrUL hut to oervcrt the truth, and make the muar tha better reason. It Is obvi vlously the purpose or tho Drltlh journalists who are In sympathy w ith the Rebellion, to Impress and Influence popular sentiment on the other side of the water In favor of the South; and in order to effect this eud, they do not hesitate to pay tutcntea writers to give ft false report of cut rent events, and to perpetually enun ciate opinions prejudicial to tho national cause. Even the London Time, which should disdain to prostitute Its columns In publishing lies in the interest of the Rebels, has been con spicuously engaged In this unworthy business ever since the war began and aitnougn now and then the stress of incontrovertible facts forces that paper to do Justlea to our army and Its leaders, as woll as the Administration, the burden of Its comments and reflections on the course of affairs here Is only censure or derision of tho Federal authorities and their mPAfltlTPH. The reacon for all tills, of course, Is English Jealousy of the United States, and a desire to see the Union destroyed, rear or a rival nation has proved stronger than a regard for great moral and political principles to wlucu Great Britain has always professed to be pre eminently devoted. Rather than sec slavery abolished In this country, and the cluima and functions of Constitutional authority main tained here against rebellious subjects, "John Bull" would enlist his sympathies, or at least his active aid, on the side of human bondage and treason, for the sake of seeing the destine Uon of a great Republic which has divided with him the emp're of the seas, and threatens to reduce blm in the scale of commercial and industrial power. This is altogether characteristic. England never yet sacrificed the ends and alms of a peddling cupidity and love of sclr-aggrandw alid crtieluMon wMth It affords, i . . ' , hm MiAMcic. In tho' Fire Branch un lntroatic of business hits bcea malir.ed, not only larger tlmn Mio average- ammmt oi the, past years of the Company s existence, out oxocuuuig in muouui mmvi one jear tiiUiiirto. , . , i '1 lie premiums in uk jtm .V.Vi :41(8 3a. Hd., being u advance of 1 10,:, i 1. 3l.ovt tlx preceding year. 1 lie report fui 1 kiD gave the Increase for each year tot tn years, commencing with tlio year 1HMI. The liirgast advance In these successive periods was 3o,W9 On. 2d. The annual progress of the company si uce that dute is shown by the following Inures : , JVWtfum...' , the precciltni int. R. d. is. d. fwV......2M.977 V) 11 34,063 12 8 lHf......'i.'!i,''i .19 11 .....2H,4'M 0 0 .... n,n iu iH;'i ...:,0iiJiMJ ,16 11 iHKiJ.....4:ilJ,ht ,3 2 4(1.1177 7 3 Tbdi pieniiums have thus been enhanced In four years by. U3,353 los. lid., the largest amonol of liucreas having been obtained in the last jear.i .. 1 ... . , I , , I . i DUTT. The test provliled hy the amount of duty paid in Rmvrnnimt fnrnLtlies. as heretofore, eorres- ponding evidence'' of the progress of the Hoyal InsuranoiSCoinpBoy The in'-rcaue. by the pay ments made tor the j e ir lb03, is lar larger than at any former period TUe aiiiount of fluty paid by the cortpiiny in lH2was 75,OB-2 in 0 ;, tlo.i ,,1803. HU.9U6 6 3 , s ruses; w. it. ciioirt. MAHONIO IIAI.L., Bo. 719 OHESSTJT Stret. WINDOW H H A. I 13 H. CUItTAINH, ')8aunO NEITWjU. OM (lateramMit Anl UUie Hr .1 Orvnt a Bim-kT-M, OolMInll hn 1 ! Dl A Ri' '. arh AB1 I AUCTION SALES. KOOMS. No. S'-'t AfCTIO.H aiAiiKar Mm strca a oo a iTE- a co a Mason BAm.ni OAMNEt 0'4AS ruKo PIVf)S. j. r. vi i.i, STtnth ul UliMaut tlrMU. AMUSEMENTS. Ttl ACKfVR ill F.NAJIUXM' kt HSTH llol LOW . H AHI.. I.O''r K. H . I 1 1 ". ' . I T 1 ut Ia M.,ri,li t , At clv(l,.i li .. "l "'! n'ii-..l !,. r n pr-rTl. k-lil I. Hint ti(l rimiiii Ul, kt..i l-.d ..ic ; rriui nni fr..i , r.M Ann nnn. ,nwi; i , Ill II.KlhlWNUM:. KTA' llINO I II S CIIII'U M Af tit ,lr At 10 of red . H'in-I'liff t'rc.s, llonrrt C-'lllnr M,l,ln. aiinarlKg 81i.ll .. tllioil tMit, l.ct'crli ); IMioh, ' MHVUWiKHIi ,vi orr,1 im". am r kmh - no; ki tt aii UL.fiVi ItK, rt.MII l'"' ""1, AM At (.,,., BllifU'liil miJI I . ,r. ; K,, k l- i!h:n aiil Whtf. uni'l) i'( ,ilVw "' ; . ; , Ml-. t nr. . '..". I. H.I "'I rhimiw,.: Hn.ti i i -tr.. ,' A.,',""'..r;1: , j J,...i.n.d W.M.-I.: : "". ri? l,J,..-k.,lni; iruli-.vUHif.i I... In ,ot -ui'.Mi f"l clluiS roiinlrs c ftr "' BUSINESS ITEMS. Ir. J f'.ipM-tornnt.- Vll wtt have tiih tudi4 M- Holm fw AHTIIMA, IlBONCUTW. wnooriNO coucih, COUOIIS AND COIJS, COSiiUatl'llOS, n.EURisr, CROUP, iinAitsnxi.s. nOVKICSCHF.KNUT STKEKTTHP. 1 RF.. f LKOAlU(IKOVKK Mnor IIIM I VKNIMli. I'A'H AOI:lINAI:V Al l II.VTION Hi irrcit niuiuiUc, muiDKl, uiiloiulnnc, pclftnaiif .trnift, Al AIlIN,.fll THK. WfNIl KfUI. I.AVr. 7.itu,.na. rfnl nriotlt) Aid l.-i,t,fu' illu.f"ii. tl. UWNll tOl M A1N OK I'dl OI!l l H A l S M,, h t Mnnsifi-r hftl. Irnml. rri-d, ml i LnnLlrRhl . v vn. frr-m Hnrn.im'l Mli.ilim. tifl. ork i vhi rv It . hi. ti prlui lt.nl fHliir of Attmrt.wn for tir.n:il of I'ui Uioi-tii 1 1 . for tt.r pur (.' r.r n.l.lli g HI II. I. AM1 III'.K M4(lSil I' t NT 1 li.M OKf. Tt Ij.li eiiilni-nlly Biirri..!ul i rtf I. . 1 f mlirn !f't I" 0 AI.AKI'IS "111 I" piontil THia fcF.SIS, litli U N win! Mnvnillcnt f.. ,...fiT l,v K. S. Hin'lln' il Slr,-i : Kli'.''int IToiorti.-., Wonai"rfiir K.llri-I.. Hnprl, (tuniMi; Marlllnn Irinl t'.MMAtli.n, irftt'S Chorupf , 1'eanUi ul Miiit, r&nun, B..n, A c , II, hult r,4ii -t,l (it in t"' of In. ... '1 . p cn.t f-f 'liorftrfTi In i.mc n( " ! ev Ulviice. I'I;ICK- Ot AI'MISSUN. rinn flrrlf ft 1-ar'iuatU' m "" I nn,,!; ( lirli "! tpnl, O-'-lirntra Sfi.1 " "'"". Hit of Iho I run! !ii.i.i-Ih i i nij u.f rcjoricd in Orcheatra 8.nl. honira flirir fnr .iiiriirlnii ratn. I OMiKcpen hi 7 o'c.d.W. 1'trl' in,;,:.cti conim',ncP at H, l-e. isi iv. WANTS. AM) C.VV AI.HV . i . I: c A nUM.I.KV AM) (.'.VlAI.Ill 1IU1K-.1.C A,. 1,1AM (Ml.mmMIK-(lrH"l.'" Ol l'irx, I'll' I i,n.n;ll (l' ). A.KMi.t !" n rM altn!l f..r il Anil try na-l iwtrt " h" i,tr.'t."l l.j M r MiHiT'ili.-T-d. 'i' ''!' o nm.-kct. ftf a "n an. ,',vlin t,:ni'ii',,l In 'in u i.t II ii t i.l I, i.rnifr I . I, Muni ., i t nil.iici.,,1 la Hit u.iiul ifniraiiw oi Ili.lii'.itWB Irf fi.n- Ih hit c-. HUd , f II -rn. In l,f rt M ".f.1 li. lie i'ii"', -.i ." . ! Ill WI 1,1.1AM ITNN HOTI'.l., MA11KH1 S'.ii'l w, V.Il,Ui n'l M.,tli In, ! Ii i rJ'M- i.l I i.l, .i.-l lM,r(M n. Cron.aii QuiUrinaktr-(.riifiii L . S. A M1LITARYN0TICES. A'l TI.NTH)M 199th REQIMFNT 1' K SKSVliVAMA V OI. U N 1 1'. K, R, ( il.iN !, A. A. I .KOI II. Wit. fltrn.o HOt'NTV. I'.i-f.-n iiV,1pk (o OhlM fi'f i O-Nl'i YKAll V in l.l I,, I. hi Iti'i .plriidiil rcKiiitil t. 1 Ml Vitl t.r I II li lt.l lilt, flic (.en Hi- H "!! llllj JIlU, .rel. I I jc.ii'l' Iv.-., ANT) W1I.I. HI' I'.MIl IMMF.MATFl.Y $100. kii'mii d l)5 In inching III X run r fl i r., r, n. jy r I- null, iiicAUtTTArrr.n, No. Cll CHESNUT STREET. be- AsItAl u? lilt f.K'.ll'IK B ORMI1. ( (II lln and A.'1-latil ijimi'trtK-l. '. ft TF.N VOl.VM'EliltS WANTKD IMMR- JUUiy f"f II, r, yciir.. a1"!! I lib,'. II....II, lnj(.i rum.'iit ll'.nnlv. o iin'.i to hate uic m il' e o: iniir. f'-f.O AI', 1 Ivr, S ibitliiiti i wimtril, for M b tlif li'-'' -r rrlc wlU hoti.d. . i. II Wr.Ns, Ko.tlfiS NltKNHIMrv.!, BiiliJl lioom lo. I. d fl'r. ' II si QQDEY and PETERSON for SEPTEMBEB. H c,.!f, riTOHKB'B, .im.,- BR H04 Olll SNUT Strtxt. IDS T I T I' T K V ANT F. V.- AM Al II i. Ul8l... 1'" A.M. Ir w ii n 1'i.tir.'., ailS-St '. fUJI.MMH W.cl. A(.KF.S F.NVl'.LOrE MANUFACTOP. aoi-.e s rart.i; stoki., . aw cui.s.sir x- T i - it Shots !n an Increase of 12,973 7 2 Arnrnp th IntMili'tits which have tended to the aiivantumrMof"ti Koyal within the last few Biontlis. niay be reckonid it action witb respect to the k9?ea insiained by tlio explosion of the J.ffty Meiih, .whieh, although only cotmUtent m iih' tlie iri iieral teaor of tho conduct of tlio coin- p.tny and ultimately proved to be no more than it hat Lad boon itoso in former times by theoldust nil must DMivertimllv bonoraoiv amouii its con- ti-miormies, yet attracted attention tind public lBvoeoy iiHiinincBiwiing praiivn.B!i. ' The puUlU-JUion, nuder iarluuucntary sanction nf ih italanec. alieets of insurance companies, has proved aupiber source ot advantage 10 uus estanllshnieht.' The analysis of tlii'se accountj, whloli has Leon completed apparently by an ac coniplitilicd Jumd, places the lloyal Insarance Couipanv in the highest position, both as a fire and lfc cstunlishtaunt, and exhibits its compa rative f '0 mlrietiof with respoet to all the other ct'TntanXtseawblifhednntfcrtlioartof 7th and 8th Vict., tn an equally favorable light, whether Its aei'iiitiulutet!' 'capital, its pn inlnms, or the ratio of 'Its expenditure ho mode tho subject of inoolBj".'''' '. It Is ftrrthor pleasing duty for the dlrcc'ors to tnttitliiit tint result of the year, as represented by h .profit accruing during the period, pre sents a pret iscly jarnllel rusult to thut of tho amount of the premiums received. As the latest totafor ri.'cnre una iu largi-oi. rum. u. i'iwjj.m or any rtiunwary C'invialult, alttsU Us usiTuJi'!. quickly tail off, dually cur. d by its dJai.Uirotlc, hooIUI jh, anil npfcturaiit pwr. Aitltma II altravi cuicii. It ovori'omfi tlif ija.ni.ntic coiitriKlloaitliealrveMOli, ant tiy proitucin frc k poctoritlon at olio rmaovei all dimogltjr of br athl;ig. BiDileilis rn.1U yitlds to tli Kxpaoloraut. Ii uUdos tholntlmaintionljlihAliiil9UirotiKh tho ulnd tulios, products tr o FxpsctoraUoa, and suppresses at otic th rough and pun. C0Rivm)itf FoTthl Insidious and fatal ctlnuaso lio remsd on firth lias cr lcri found so rtroctual. It nl ducj the liiilammnti'.n, rrllvca th sousli and pal ii, anil removes tli Ulitlcultj of brcallilnit, and produces an eav upactoratka.iihorf'i. all Imiathig and ol.strut ting mi ters are rcmu skI 1'rum tlio luni. Whoi.pint Cuiiu?, l promi.tlrelleted tijr Uili Knp.ctu raut. It altortens Hie duration of Uic disease on-:i If, an I graatljr mlt:r'Mi th sii:rcrln,'s uf the patLsnt. In all I'li'ani.ai t CV.iip'.atntl, In ( roup, I'l'iirlt, u. it wlU lie f'.'inS to be pTuuipt, sale, pleasant, ad rcl!iile. Al! of lr. J t ,sr A Se's raailtyVvt'cia' are iir-oar nulat Nv.'.'t" C'l-vuvt .li' tt. m,.&a h'kn MHl'tn. nf F.uveloirits on tiand. Mtre makf s Knvlope of iiu sire- u. older. Mai.ec has MilUotis of Keaini of 'jIo, Letter, and Cup r w' e ''eu'pUei City and d uutiy Sloiekeeptxs at Mr 1fl7i trsniiUetiirc s miiny new stile- i.l Knvelnpm ami i Ai'tr, Wholesale and jUeta.ll. at No. UI6 CIIKSM1 MAIirt;, S, Illl. Cl.'fl. I ' nr.i.i, M AI.LK, .V.. 1118 tllK'NI T HI Itt.KT, M.MtMK, No m CHFS.NfT S.TKPI T. f H A LAKtlb Bt rii V OF I.KAH I KSCI t. 03T IIA1. ailOT-U E A M S T i: It S WANTED. l ai r Oi pi i:VATR'a Orn' r. 1h-it n Wiiits'ii'.v, tL. ii.v,.T,tw. II f'.. Allrimt IS lKtU. Vntd. at ore. fl K. m;MliKI (.'; '"''' wii,.iu vii mi'iKii TV.4MHTKKS each can!.' i( drlv- ti.fr wl;S slnnte lino, and niaiia;;UiB ill Bsnta teeme. To sneli who aro cnmpeteiii 10 pennrin the dntr. t ,,, moftihwlll thirty-fl. (. i dollar., will, mi raU'.n pet day, and Iwisptiitl phth aue.1 cai atfaDrinnce wn.- -gus, lllrluiliuit Ilia beat Ni n citterlfiiciil as Waai.a Masters will roeelve siirk jutlon., tipoa brumlim to this polut rtitit fle (1 "'A .pKto' t'ait'aln r nAS.H TOMPKIMt. A. Q.M..I B.a..oVnrolTlir-6tCoaiaudliHuc.,Wa.i tuiton.U.C AIKS. JOSF.rit III FT V DI'.hlKr.N 1U il 1 fr tm l,i.r rrieii.u tli.tt al,e has rcniot ett fruni lio. 447 tilKHrtl T HlrcvttoNo.llS.t il 1:1 II binet. I. H. Ht'CKF.R, BrttailleT-Ocncrat and ChM (juartermater. jl Devotof Wal.mtia. rllASK k III. r TY n NI' W lil.A.Mv iitJiinn and htatlonetT. Ho. W 8. KOI litll Btreet. Opened To .y. $;7()(K), "F.NUINK. AKNOI.irS WHITING FLUID 1 1 and CcpvInK ink, direct ffnrrY.H h Wan). C'Jk and Slntl n rj Htore, K I 'll I1T1I Mtr.ct. ON THE l!l.OCKAIr,-lil ISir K I Kl Altec," was cai'lneed an Int olco of the tvcrld'a I a i Prie Cap I'apur, a pc-rtion of ! h is fur ho'c at t.iiiiri n ... Hew lllMi B, i.k and Htatiimcry 8u.ro, ft:an. AND OTHER SUMS TO lxia'ion Mortaime ofoiti property, at t Ite pe, cent, for a teru. olyjnra. Cjw(,w tll7-Bt N". ' Kliv KM Sirect. rt HOUSK WANTED IN GF.RMANTOWN JfcxerChcsnutltlll.-roroirt r..r ss,t 1 . i,' ii(.s, wltu Iwtallon asnt prlc-e, li'ix 731, Post oilice, tliU..delplua. "llf'-" plTV l'OINTi Va.i AtiKUst , lstJI. RUEbTITO ITS I 6UBSTITTFTE3 1 1 Htnt-T'ITUTKM ! 1 t Knrollrtl ( lll.i us I Knnillt'il ( itlzens t t WD PARTUS DKHIHOLSOf VOLl'STKI BIMU, At Inf' m.ed llint the f'nn or H. II. .KWKPIl V C,0. t liarc tsiM it tlit Tt09ras No. 4L"J WALNUT bTHKKT, I aely ocnipltr? I y lh . ITIr.NS- OI.UN . K.EI! hl'BS m bTC. C t'MI ITKK, Vthrell.e wills, rlnnwlto fiirnlih Af."KNH, TR- , TtaS", or M h.tlUMH, a isiil.mitut' i f.T K" K'll.M.I' ( ITIl.S . and f ill pi) '" aiii."l(lu'es tlie biihr.l he. paid. Hni, .tit.) In wan'. l 'r.tliinn -r. and will ilial liU-ial.y l:h liroi cn. la.i.x at S. II. .lOSKl'II V- OO. I K'X'1-J JKN XII WA 11 1 t I ONE MORE EFrOP.T TO AVOID THE IMPENDING CRISIS!! Ar. a.ljraniid ni ling of illiMia 111 be held on Momluy ICvt nlnai Invt. At S O i ock, A'l TlUC SCIiOOL-llOUHK, COlttiKK CK TwKMlU'll AND fOATES 8TRtfcT9. 1 he F.iTiitive lon unite will rrpirt the pnres na4e In seriiMim u.i n ui 'I m-.my. The In arty c.-o r0,.n ot even Kni...lort t:itli ! Iioemary tn ai-c .mWlsh ia nucli-dcured i.l.ji.li.l IIHI t the 'l"'.l without a dralt. Slonev I. ire.illv nndi t. Mil.wripii. us will be MfUvaJ b H e Committee. t Hi School house, fiomH u. 9 oclaofc . evei.t Attiiliif ,and i.y . r. '. TtfRKHIIilKK,. t'luUrmao, illO.MA-t Wool', Tr.a.urer. Kn .'': Wo 4 Htreat, ,Ti v U Si-'itoii, No. "t Minor sircet, J.'t. Ii.iAi i"il, Nii.il.' K. Hecenn street. nnr titr'es. UNION LEAGUE jJ J o. '.'A S. I Ol l.r il htre-'t. f, rn r Prtor ftF Kseslita. Aakur- t)' Atii. Auaimi Uuiimi.m.v ment to the requirements of honesty and jua,, VZKfoA JW tlce, much less the trranrl motivea of universal happen tlwt tlia largest profit which ft hits ever lalltu lO .I1C Utrccttira tu lA:t:uril uas iiivb-tiov vu civilization and philanthropy. Her diplomacy has been long marked In Europe and emf where by this contracted and degraded si flshness, and the character of her peoplo and her statesmen was never more felicitously described than when she was called "a natlW of bhopkeepers." UauDllv for us. wo can afford to do without hundred prisoners. General Avebixl has England's good-will and countenance In this Tacuated Martlnsburg, and he crossed tho dreadful trial of our civil Institutions and, Potomao at Sheppardntowa on Saturday, national Integrity. It would have been morfi . , , : . aant honorable, and we believe that the final. Issuo IVom Cumberland he will operate to prevent for tn advance of tha Kebela aoutU of the river. manlretted ft warm snd sincere, If not acv General Kkm.ky Is concenttating his forces gjotai bearing la lhvor of the National about Bomney, and wtll oppose any advance Government In this deplorable struggle. But' trf tha enemy Into West Virginia. It wUl be she has taken a different view of her Interest, . , , . ag WcU as her obligations In that respect ; and Meaerai BMitiD p,u wa , ghouid be left-coldly and severely lef flgbt the Rebels constantly In the Shenandoah toen,oy berenftcr the conoiueiices of ber Valley, ana, IT possiDie, cut, on tuuu- n i tiocuon, . r ihroiirfi tho traDSOfthe Blue Ridge. It Is undeniable that her neutrality has litis plan Of operations has been suggested been little else than an Ul-disgulsod compli, . . , .. city with our enemies. Sho has given them and pressed, by no less a personage than covertly very sultaDtlal id General IlAi.LicciE,but until Shebibas came and com(brti in dollg thi 8he has manages! to us we never had a general witneitner genius, Q be technically right, while she bas beea brains, or courage enough to prosecute It. practlcul'.y wrong. She has kepi within (he Geueial Sdeiudan Is not afraid to light with lfer of liit.mKtional law In her dialings hh , . . us. but she hus grosflv violated Ite spirit. It volunteers, and he will render a good account MDUtatlon now. and (himself. Ifhfl (seven a good General, Early ber pt,ace and prosperity hereafter, If she hut) wUl never go back to IliebmoDd wltn an I been more frank and honest, mm analn. The oi.lulona of our previous We venture to predict that, however this commander, in the Shenandoah valley to tho -Wll c"fll t may eventuate, Eriglund has ...... . . .i . ij . . not ghined the eonfldenee and friendship of contrary, we say iu..t .k . j.uis .ur u.-.u . certn!uIv tol.urrea gntatbaUleandagreat Union vktory, U our the d(.pp nd laHtinrr enmity of the whole urw are properly handled I Torth. Iter weak and hesllatin" polit-y has.liH' General Wbkri.kh, with a IleUd cavalry gustcd both Motions. She has not done enough, - t, i.w,lw.Mrtni.la'ren- or not done It in a manuertoeiW.ge VmtUurn ' , . . I gratltmle and attachment; while a like du et.see,ananasoeeup.eui..e wwu v. - - .. . f to.Aw.t tWur.is the ne.Hlf of the kind, which Is situated ou (he Chattanooga and loyaj htl4tHli uu, nm(. .r 0l oitt c h:iti Till and Ki'oaviJJe Railroad, and Is nearly two hundred contemptible. In the meanwhile we e:m e(Wi- .! from his original starting poiaS Maeon. sole our-elves w 1th the roflrrlton thai 1 1 a "Tiint lit la.! miil:es all ili'ii-' Vfti. Georgia. We think lie tdioiild not be alhmcd , s lotfibackto (Jeorgi again, iind we do not I A Tm i -Max ami Pai kioi. (irueral ; be'levo ho wiil, as the gallant Ku.l-ai .m K Is Tm as SKYMnrn.v h tliirrd to nudca a Spt'CCIl al t. lla'.UI'V'VlH', V :u, IU It I'mrT u,,;, t- , iijg of Rebels, roiupnaetl f lin-train ftiiard, three itivaii.ls a lew hit" Ii m -h. and uUuil one lmmlixd "iiaK. d liltli uv,n now tells us, after three luoutln. HiijoniTi in tlif .South, thut the Rebels aro almost exhausted, aivl we have only to make one more ellbrt to 1111' up our army with good fyhtliuj wn to ensure, our final success. Then wo shall havo an honorable peace. Who will not enliwt to glln such a blessing for posterity ? " Listen TO Genekal Sherman. Major- '1 The TaHaAassee has made good her escape, Ceucrul William T. SnEituAS gives it. as aUU now no doubt far on her way to Ber- his opinion that a general dralt or con,crip. T . . mi. n, Uon may yet be necessary to crush tha Rebelt .mud.. Our gunboats will hardly be ablo to q apparent apatby of the '.overhaul her now, as she Is said to be a Northern people. General Sherman U o .1,1a rt. tn ttf. tttinmiiiepit- ll.M fliyorntle poNitlon of ynnr onii u oori ouslyu'uui In m)at measure, to tUe fact tUot the lno of the last year have amounted to a less perotntaire c f the aniomit of the total pre minoit' tSan torany like period during the eleven preceding vears;.. Tlio present year, IrtGt, liow everiOtt the contrary, shows, so tar as it has paihOd, a far moro uutavorauiu esperiotteo, um claims of the Jast seven months being very eon ci.lnriA.lv Aliovo the avcrueo amount fr a like periorf Of timet 'The balmier, to the credit of profit and loss), on aouountof British and foreign insu ami ivr flio y cuf, is j.h,i io n. .m., mm Amerkiiu accptiht XLVJOU 7. lid. NORTH AMERICAN lIllASClt. The fliK'tttatiotis In the exchaneo betwoen this couuiry atid mi-rtca, referred to In the last re port, Davinfr recently oecurae aiitt miuo nuirut, stttldeu, ttnd excewive than at that time, the Di rectors feel astmred that the siuirenoincrs win concur In the propriety of laying aside the profit Ot rtits limncti lortiie yoar, io oturainnu miuo anmo wSv as the amount of its profit tor the pre csdmgyvaT.' -' ' XtKE KBANCH. The piogiess of tho life branch, ns thowa by thnaew bueiness tritut-aetcd in tins la.t yen", is most p:oiiil'-in(,' as rnHpects its future prosp cts of ilfcvelojment; Tho advances made, year by year, In tlitj auxumt uf new inniirauces cileeted, t.hut cleiitlv tJie iiini.itlou in which the com ) any is beid. The following is a statement for thy Jjist five Vettrs : ,. , r 5. ip l.l.l.icil vn r" . llil oua s iich, JV.. prfiuiunu, tll.HKli 0 5 10,079 17 10 Ki.C-7 IS 0 2,;m i;t 2 2 LOUS 12 K tripi tul Kasiuxil lllt rcue'; iuuit-.tit.-ii t.jr ... i.ww,. , uit tii.4cd, as the sum assured fur that period j .f K Fitoitiht-aiily attunlly exceeds hall a miiliou I ISAd ;.... tHot.470 11 111 ISfiO.... 41C.21I 16 2 lh6I...V.t.-.'..' fi-'l.lOl 17 0 WU,,,.. 701,127 li'i 3 IMs rapid (trowth, amounting to J per cent, on ttitt f um asstittd, and ttpwar.ls of 80 per teat, An tUe piciuium received, in tlio cotin-e of tit a ye.'ivs, may justly be considered bs larger than any whieil could have uvea reasonably ex i piti d. Tho hiJf-vcar of 1HM. however, fur out- atrips the ratiotif iiiereuteindie.tied by ihe titrurei .iui of llw lit . Tho rhte of tnt.rtulily, likewise, still prc?ents l.ijihlv favorable friituros.ai.d argueiwuil for the rei-alth) be shown by the ininitiennial Ime iU g.ition, whtCb ts'to tako place wheu the present jeup I fonelntled. i lit' Jilo av-llVBUCC Li:utluto till Liii , -.ii'-.t m i ctiiii if JtSO,02,"i 17". ail., aditc l M the liie lands j in Iho ' e;tr, in I Hi'."., heiiia an amount eirual to titTt r Vent, on the net premiums received ilur.tifi tin. t tit.ic. .To thin mm must be uildeil the in- i ciivte'iue in 'lic balnneo to tin' en rtl'. of the aui'iuty ami eujiiwnient littnls, nuking a furthur nliiouot i f jC'Ju.fcu (is. 7d. The ill'e and annuity lui.tls aie therefore augmented by the large s-iini ol Us"i,0j2 l'-.;UI. in the limit nf a single vfacw ; udlii MiMK Tt um:h, Cluii ni.ttt. OH AMBERSBURG, VK TORY ! VICTOKV! I0K KVA.INH t WATHON'S 3ALAMANDEE SAFES. T UK rOLLOWINO CKKTIVICATrS : (:tt.xuKiitBi r.o, Aiidtist U, tmrl. titr: r.rt,ifl 'ral in Osiri.aMi.: Tills Is M Unirm yon that the Ssfo var cha.cd ot j'tiu sotne Inn sin t' wiis snl.ttli-a tut iagica'. Hit vl.irfi gow.u:uI t ur swrc divrlufc- tl.a KcM Iuraiioa i.rthr Wtk ol,ial.v last. We are btviiv to ity Kiat after we tad taken oar saie trom tlie nniis.'wl.eri. it L.nl luid (or a.eil,Kl ol t art? da;, and opt-nt-d it. t tV,and uur Ixnias and papeis la an oki client roiidil,ia. t iti-u'd rernmnn nit renr Raffs to all pti'S.iu aiio iiii a fot.,1 arlicM. Vi.urs truly, . . MILI.I'.II, HAMILTON' A (1. ClIAMBMt'lll lli;, AllfUat l.'i, ltlH. iff I'M. f. ' ,1 H'l' rn : I ;lnt!.k 'i . a I itith pleasure Infi.nn von that on open ing tnv hofo, urcliHseii llt.in yi.u some tine inrp, t.n hatiiniaj n eums lat, un two wtoki. aller tint buruinii of our low n h tl.c lti oels, I lonnd mv Ikk,Ws aud pup, is In niiitli better ei.ndill..B tliail I eiper-ted: on ,ning tlio lHi.k and papers toun.l Hum perfeel. My sate was ex p..ii.d to fcreut hi at, ou .wct-niit of tin- niiaiitlty of oils and otluT oonititiatlbtt- matlor I had Io niy collar. I wrlia you on null.- oi tho atr that was in my ante iltirlnt the tiro, li.at v,.u mat sit' how woll It was nr. served. 1 will soon want u) a.e reritiri d. i.r n netv one in exehanf . ui; it .pitllulli jotiiK, 1.. U. Kl .sti:i:. CiiAMio.mr.i Rii, Alii.:nst IS.lU. MtHri. jT"jii HVirjt.se . t;i tr, i.i vi. .i :-In tho dri uilflil fire widen destroyed Die st re ai.fi the i'riMtter pnrtl.'ii ot th'.s town, whica wasdone hv tho Ktl'o.s, on the author July last, 1 bud one ot your tire-proof hufvn, purchased from ymi some time einre, which lontaniid my u.mks, papers, o Atler uinlerni the violonru of U.e iamos, and falliiiu aomo tea feet, aud remelnlualn the heated rnlns lor a period of eeventeen date, it wns reeoveieu fl-osu the burning niasa and opcneiU I hate the f ratiBcatlou ! Ilnlorm yu that Its conleius were pie.eived in an exoelient coiiiiuion, anil as this Is one of the mailt meliinros herein )our Bales have tally susia nee the .amI qi itilti-a atiilnnted to tl.eui.lfeelil an autre: le unit h. r.i d.r evidtme of the laet. l:esi tclfull.t yours. I.. OWai.l'.T. t'HtlU..KSBLU( AllgUSl 1-1,14.4. 4.1-m: i' tc,.-. :-Tliis is to hifornijoit that the Sate we ,iiril.aed f'f.u ton some time air,. a ni,)ec:ed tn the ,ir.. .,.!,.. .,,. m,n mirnflim ritittnir the Keoel int aaioa on theinil, it ul v last Wo aie ha i, p to i,aj tl.at tl.a aate etooitthe test oi tie (ire it til, and we reentered our papers IMS It i' iliniirttl i" re-pectlulu', KI.XM.II1 S MM,. Mote Hu.cs l tie .ante s.oil 'HialltJ fir a. it KVAN'S fc WATSON S ttAI.AMAMVF.lt S.VFE STOKF., ,.M No. 1 I. I "01' III It fltr-e:. DI.ANK IJOOKS OF I'.VKRY I)F..SCRir 1) tionontiand.Drmnilf to order, at a i" til anvaaft . n o;! prit-tie. at Oh AHI. A HIT Mr hew Itlank HooV. aim xin'lonere Sto.e, No.3.b.H;i!Tll Slrtsit. MANY OF THE OLD VAMKTIES OF Letier, Cap, and Note Pior. much etipertor to U.mo ol later manufacture, can he had nt CIIAttK Al HI I Tl S, New Blank Hook ami Knuinner 9'oro. So. H B. riil'KUl Ktrect, f '01.11 TENS AN1 I'KNCILS TO HUlT AM. J ircretici, and warranted 'or one year, can be kVi ' tii.vii: a- iii i rv Hew Blank llx.k and Mtatl nry .sum, No .'.S.roL llTIl Street. OH 1''R CENT CAN BE SAVED BY ri R iU casiiij jaurStatioueryat S..IIA(Sr. OL lltC t l a Sew Itlank Book and .stationery fch.re. , in.lm Ho. 'JJ S. l lltiKTH Mtrect. AMEBIC AN BANK-NOTE EEPOSTER. TIIE ONLY HANK NOTE UErORTEU IN rilll.ADF.T.PHTA. rrjiiLism.D wi'.iJJi.v. T: onl) ore containing Qt OTATIOSS of Pack Njtes m rent crrii:8, vii : T ILl.IK'B ' C 111 I. I.K I 11 ION HTIU. 1 J I.I.I Ml rent un: t I.,. Is lilve PAT 8 i-Lj:a, nin:N VOi Y'.-t vii it in m iii. ain r 'iH-iif' S , I ' i.m:m . to iw.i i: ,' that JO 'I ' I'l'.intifK.nii" a.:.'i: .l.ei'i d 'M a l-tie i.t.ttbi':.; m a.: i.l. II; .s sai I. n his track Vl.h a very iiavyfor.:e of eavaliy at 'l two llht batteries ot' "lHHery. This ad m neaalll ill! hut. Iiflt ilamif'o ti lietiePal SliKKAJA.v thHf ortieer being as watehfnl In the fwr s fit the lioat. Ho has bren prepared ' for Wueellb at every exposed point, except ' at Cleveland, which was supposed to be so far away as to be out of the reach of the Rebels ntlrriv. We shall have (treat news from Atlanta In a very short time. nnrnwt. jV i t IK'I.IM:. On Ihe litll il.si 'ill. I Rev. .1. II. Kt.iiiirn Vr. AI.KXAM'l-.lt Is. ltktUaa.1 Mrs. -Jl Nl'iaV'A M. BtlLINii. hulli til t'al i !....; KArllD'AMik-lls I'" lH!l i""!"''. Dr. .MHN M HiX I" Miss MA III A ANNA l' lie N Mil., of Sernn t .n nv liev. Father W hilly, at M. Ineeui do Pauls tJhiif ii, M-rnnt"n. Luenic ei.miiy. I'a. OI'll l.rM-tsK.ITtN. On Saturday, Aamiat JOili, liv the Kev. tleruiMsa ktokitm, t.'liupum t:mt"d Htuten Annv. Mr. JOHN W. Ol ll.Lr.M, lain nf thoTwonly. s.-siitti Peemstlvanla Voluottiors, of Philadelphia, to Allsa bj.litWSU AX-N OSUUOH ,vlCusuvliuckea,Pa ' ' .''V,:' iid. pfil'LTOS At Tape Island, on the afternoon ol the llnh histanl, MAUt K1.1ZAUKTH onlyih.UeUlerol Wm. 0. ani Mary E. Ituulluu, anede molltlis. hT.HNSI.KR. On the jlst Instant, at the reshlenee of hie ttfuther-ta-lawt 'hoa. F. Manvpt unv. Jen!tiuiown, :n" t' inery county, a., .sum a. ciu.sci.r.n,uiuw tTKIearoi ma ,,.,H-i- th, Ii. ymith. I.i AVAWTED, 300 Tfamsters, EK WUeelMiiKhts, CO illBcltssmltris, antl SO Cttvrlopfo Ttlmnici'l. Vt'li'. will receire Hi? hljliest rates of Ovn-araatant l-ajr rations, and med c.tl at'in lunce. T,nirortlkn furiilsLeJ k.- ai'i'lug at No. 1 I'ENNSVLYANIA AVENUE, tVAMIIHUTOH, D. C. K. J. STRANG, t'ap'aiu, A. Q. II. JAMES M. KELLY, aul'.-im (iaarterrtaetor's Anont. FOR SALE AND TO LET. PHILADELPHIA. Id view of the call of U,e President for Ova huaSreel inottaand men, we prui'oac to raleo a 11 E GIM E N T PIIII.AI'KI.PIIIA, ItAL'l lilOltl., m-:w voitK. CIMJIIINAT1. Ti e only one wlilch coulsins the NATIONAL JJANKS as fast as organized (ijflUlal Usl). The only one v tilth contains the (IEM.BAL I'I8- t'OVNT In EIGHTEEN CITIES, VIZ : iHit.Aiir.i.riii.v, W AHHINtiTON, III it'll KH'I Y'.U, I'11'IMIHKU, t'HICAflO, I.l nrt,t'l', IIAI.TIMOIIK, I LKVKI.A3l, A1.HA-MV, TROT, HT. lAII'IS, HAVKNrnHT, KV OkK, C'INCINMATI, WILMIMJIOK, hT. PAI'Ii, ioiiikvili v., MILWAl'KhK. The only one wld'-ti gives tlif earliest lafortnalion ol KEW COl'NTEBIT.IT SOTbK, HOMI SIIC MAKKf.TS, STOCK Ttlll-ES, AI.Ii 1'iXASt.i vi. jir.tv.s. The I'at'llllies of U.e AHEEICAN BANK-NOTE BEPOUTER, 110111 HN'AKCIAL AM1 TlPi.MJltAfniC, AKC VKCQ(:AIP.D. Sl'llnCltlfltONS (l'Klt AM M), IN AUV-kM't:. Wukly $3 ISsjtul ilon'hly $9 Monthly SI. 01 l it It. K .. I OS R. THIltO STl;r.tT, (ililrdfoor). AM l:t.SH, a k at.U-lui CdllKN, taat ateamer. We can only be thankful patriotic and earnest in his work that, our that has left our eoast, and will not be glow movements and poor efforts to raise men likely to mum thUt season. The Indian war U extending. We appre- b4 a jrreat deal of trouble on the frontier; tot Generals BLpi, Cvwrig, and Ewiko are pushing troops forward rapidly, and we trust will subdue the savages before the aeaaoa Is Irritate and aner him. His genius shows, bim suet ens, and he could grasp It, but thy people unwittingly tie his hand. i Pesnsvlvasiajis AhovpeI See ' four fcvorit bods Hascock at Newmarket biRr mv at T)eeD Bottoorj, GBEfio and Speaii. at SeTen Tines, and Ave hill at Cumberland, i .ended. - The report that General 8ui.ijr had I struggling with the Kebel hosts. Their noble keen defeated on the Upper Missouri la not Credited. He bad advanced tax Into the enemy's country, but Ids force la considerable, lad he has ample supplies for three uonthi Campaign. victories show how terribly in earnest, yhey are, and how they could command ana use effectively twice as many brave men as they now have oader them. Do not lot them fall In vain. Bend dowu an army during the tret two weeks. I .I,-! nut' I I'l, '.,.' -1 :t.i ii ,:i tt.'" l''"'i ', '" ip. nit! - !'..! ' N. ill. .''I I llii'i'i.'-. '' rrl' t t,iM 'i t"i'i' o" n .'.r"'u..l. ami ;a. '.',' ii ..'(-.i.l I,, tit. i i. ,i I " '"it" ?" jsk. ..,i ,,, i,... ... It.it vol' a :.: .' :H1 '.al -r i'., -'',:. i't it'll iil.-n :,.ie i,l,i.'..' lll.l.lf. s .sai I s ft tnr.e -i-tnt. -,.v. II . '. i.r. I."' ...nll"i,',; I" nut fvansA j. t .'l, s .M! lillll e -slur a a',.-. .." ' -. I , . f. .-.iia A- IV.1I-..IS !:' Ilar.a Seta aw hi, a in .v'- t 1 it oi, ai .1 as 'iat. 'tn' ' ' " !''' i" i v.i'iv a:-i!iif In .,i' n !" nt l.llil s Millet at tl " Kii'l: ot I Ji.illi. in r.ilii-i I'.- I'l 'I',''''' t""r . hm stilt as.ert '.'in. ye. ! run "I ' ll tli. r ol l.illii 's Sn!"s !n Ihiie Im.'M'S. end ""'-r to pf. dio $10.11 aiia'nsl s-io tiuii joi! will iu,t. tir'ii l.lliies half ill He Pirsl -Vatiolial llaiit, ''li ter, the Hrt ttitllonal Bank at w illljutsp.Hrt, and ' others: now, thut vour itoiiir 'n,' islont hi drltilntfulillleil i Iron shall nut ho "Lid in a husliel'' or "tinsted on (lesnrt air,' we ntotH.se to arrsutie with either ol the above Kinks (.is yon may fleet) to allow you to oi-srate upoutkeu; eaie. The lollosilin to be the terms an.te,l"lili. isi i he Iri an: Km'!, pirt . snail t ut into the hands o, the eaahler ilisie. The i .i"hier to -it ti e n, ney in Ihe saio and :-k It on his con. a nation. V..u are lootrate ou the 1 sale pre.-Ue Iv as proitosed In your thalleuee io the Corn Esthitlike li.tnk In all rsieeis. Ii yu utt s'ses sion in U.e money In t'irto hun It I to I "'". II not the monev is to he ours, and yon are, la . eve of lall . . . j...,..,.,Ail .u,Vi sh,i tuirelulit Hue aniica will be given of the funeral. ' ,i.,.i , j ,i.. ut suil dtilla I'ju can erowuieto KKVftR On Saturday tlie'Wih Insisnt, Mrt. MARY tp.rute with. . . A. KKlsiiB, wlieoi lue late Aaron Keyaer, lu tueMtli eBili'ien Yon slu.ll first arreBite with the BevenUi yesl oth. sstie,. , , .... ., I Nationul Hank, Philadtll'lna, h. mrnish ihur safe w ns I.. The rt'litiltes and Mends of the fainllv are respectfully oiierai nnon, should yn saeeecd to ojwn Lillie s, and earn puny po-uKe viv . ."""-' , , - tlmlr sale, mad by tvans Watson at a cost of l ;W, in s aae.- Invltitd t attend -the funeral, iroin her Into rosideuoe, Mo. Ull H, Front slrtitit. ou Tuesday the i,i lu.Uiut, at ) o'lirck. tutenlleht at Olenwood Cemetery. 1AH'l'.U-On tue'JDth, JOSKi'U P. .MAltVEL, aged WheTcltlve au'l frl.-oila of ti e lainily, flood Samari tan Lodn, I. t. of O. r'.are resolully Invlteu to attend the fuuiral. trom the reeiamee ol -Mis. Ililcy, uortheust corn. r of (treoiid and Catharine directs, on Tuidy ananosok. al.K o'vivek. To urocotd lu 1'lilla.leli.l.ia CeMie.lert'. . fc . . Hll AsIK -An tnefXh instant, ol disease eontraeted In Ike army tMlora Peter bura, Va.JoilN hiiani-.,i i-iiiiu iteH.tuvuk mini C uipany i s i.. rf...,r. -iuu,.i. v.. uniMtn in tna ai a vear oi Die sue. I be coalit es and Urieuds ol the lau Ky art, repceifullv Invited S" attend fle tunerel. trom the resiuenee ot hie unele. Vlnoent Aleoixr, No. 1W Haos street, ou iueaduy a.lernoua, late Jd Instant, at 1 o'clock. KHEAKrV-'ludderily, on the lth Instant, after a short tlmn, HtistfU L , dasihtor ol ilari,aiclua K. and the lata 'Hie'ro'latlves and 'friends ot the family are Invited to attend the fsuieral fniui her dl"ther's resldonoe. Warn a atreal west of 'luuly-lourtU street, on l'ur.ila,'. Aunust Yl'l at 1 o'cloek P- U. Punerai services at the f irst U.i,U fhuseh, Wtgal PhlladolilUia, To procetld to Lutr Jlerloa IMplkti t'tiurtia. V, tLHH. On th Jthh IrsUnt, ITORACB Af.BIIf. la faat aon of Julia aud Jueepltuu WtilaS, t4 I uuiDtlia aud I days. . .. k... i,h..,,i tmivd. r. and w th no more noise nun vou make to open LllUe a, tho moiie M li jours, and iho ttstaaa to the ssfc to uiade good y us. If w do suc ceed, the money to be ours. k.i n..,t As y.,u.lcellne le place Bvans X Watsoa s host Bank Rale, eosiintr :, analnst LUile s, costing ouo.,u.iI terms as a lluriar prool, we now oiler you one-ha ( ui.'re t'me than e aa (sh. uld you tuctwd at all. fh.il v. hatey-iiracteey i M.C. SAbl.l-K. Aussss. So. 'Jl Souih ShVtxrH Street. JNVALIDS AND CONVALCSOENTS. INYAr.iJiH ASI CONYAI.B'ICr.iiTS. Invalids and Convaleaoeiita, ruvaUua aud ContitlesceiiU, Eaprclallj rr.M.vi.r.8 is dkmcati-. hkalth, irMAi.r.s if Dttit ATi: iii.ai.tu, i kmai.es in nr.i.iuAi'i; iikai.th, VtU. 1'ii'lonr Wlllflndonr Will flmt oar laJU.inla Wince. California Wlnee, A'elier.rnla Wirij., t'aJli'ornla Wines, t'allf.irnta W!n.-, t.alli'orala Wiaea, li uia-.ly vah'Alilein all cases of lawuoraud Efeatpraa. tra'i-Mi ofarent'h. A k A. k Ask Ask As Ask Ask A-k Ask Ak A.k A-X Ask Ask Ask I'rs. klcOlelh od, I '.tioliard, Jackson, (oftl.e Pci sj ianl4 l.'nlvcnKj), llerin-, lierens, Cmvcs, Hurt-home Stlitnols, Wiaiums, llitrtley, Neldlurd, WlUon, Tindal, Vlual, Fondej, Kotile, Knorr, Mnyland, Turner, and oUier leading phjslclana, what they tldnk of the nse tt clnalvlrtBestsfCaUfornia Wines I TUse Konlleuten pro scribe onr brands, and sssiirous ot" tlie bvnefttt pailsnia ttttive iKnt tlir use t CAJJF01N1A WISE Ai.ENCT. JsfC-lta Ko. ii B. FU TH itrest, kix.ve f.uesaut. JEIIOINAL COD LIV EH OIL Jtjrirsi Kj i-v c it cs; ITo. Tl MA1IKET BTBBET, are arw rwcWIns rhoir sui.plies fresh irom tl ft, Lst.es. The superiority of their t'lL iu avery resict, has K.ilnert f r It a ret uuiku and salt, beytwl any t),r fbnad iu the a.ftrk't. . To maintain it, they arc datcrmiaul Unr.i Hy aiiortl'.-at ,.atnay be entirely reins! ou for ui-bmn aad piuity. fee testirucnuls el Psoteitcrs oi'Mcdica: Ccllttee. au1 1 f FOK BAI.K. $50,000 WORTH IN C1001) r -t n.ie lacu. s'1,1 npiall. on timia tn suit rurcuaaera, eiu..r wlUi or win, nt tnmninraiKH'.for cash and rd uatie Inqutrr w in loto llssmck A. at., THOel. it. PLOW Jl AS. ho. 8. lOl'BTH Suect- Jf TO RENT. 11 ANPSOM K RTOKR, W ITH El tileie platt windows, and dwelling. Ko. -'!: H. fct.U VTi.tH Slrset. 11 "" EDUCATIONAL. TjROAP M'KKKT ACAllKMY FOK DOYS, It Ko. XII B. Itl'tlMi Hreet. F. ItOTII. A M , l'rln-e.pnl.-lniliea risunied MONDAY, (oi'leuiher 0, lull. Jsew Cataloturs now rea.ly ami may he h.t'l al Messrt. tai.foio s, tinder s . ntntrntai noui ; n,iti. us-'i.. ,w and C'hcemtt eusits, uTtd at Ihe Prlunfai Ito ktoics, AC. aul''-fmwtit I AMK8 8 lllHD.TKAtnr.KOl TIIK PIANO, ) o. I'JOSIXTKKM'H aireet, below epruce. aurt lin' 10-40 O0171,0113 BUE lbt SEPTEMBER, 5-20 C0UP0NS DU lbt NOVEMBER, BOUGHT AT BEST l'BICE. i:xLj co. a.t'-l'H nrricE assistant treasurer d. s. l'liiltwle-lpbtn. AUKiixt 20. f nut. Cot'iponiofll.e'.iitCWnlleslSt.'ites Bouits maiurlu; Ihe 1st of September, and thoe ol U.e i-W I tlfd Stau t Itcnds matuilng t, e 1 ! of Sot ember next, tern ot paio oa frtseotailon at this omce. ABOHIBALD McINTYRE, liM-Ct AtiblBIAM' ThKAHL'BI.K t. W. JO DISTRICT COMMITTEES. W( hav a uua.ttr .f V0I.L"XTK1!ItS read.t to iua-1-r I'OR ONE M'-R AND TKKK1' Vl'.AliS. Can Ma!a Positive Arrangement'. CALL r.AllI.Y. V I ..M .a N it M ITO II L. I . I ., u Ko. v s. Tuiuu him r.r. TWELVE SIOJTTHS. OOLONEL HORATIO Q. SIOKEL (I.ate of tlie rcnn.iylvania Reserves,) Has roii'oiilisl le take the ceiumaad. All ofllcere duslrlnit to tike pa' In this o.-janlatloa ara ' re-i'i'Sl'idtocallon COL. HORATIO Q SIOKEL, Ko. I'JOO WALLAOtC BTUEET. si IIOl'NTY r OK M AltlM'.S. -for the failed Hraies klarlne Corps, at Vto tribiiii the tlutiLs or a soldier at ou and on board t'uittd States slaps-of-t tl HEAliyi'AItri'KS PROVOST MAlt-Bshal.l'l-M I'htl'Ot. P .No. l 8. THIK1 Street, H I hilallelplll'l, Allilisl II. l-t. , To Insure prompt replies to all questions on ordtnarj anh'erts oonnocii'd with tlio Enrolment, lra I, Kxrnnp non. I lal lll Us Io lr.tll. Creillls and Accoiinie of lots furnished. t'ltUcnr arc reipusleil to mako appll iktlnn to the Provost Marshal ol the C'.liurrasloiiiU District fur sack Inlorinatlon, aud uol to tho Provost Marsbal-Oounel at '''"'ltv orderof the Provost Marshal-O'in -ral. , ' WILLIAM K LKIIMAK, a:,V.-tf Captain ana Provost Marshal. liOl'NTY FOR MARINES. WANTK . srss-ooeisu ins our Naty fan. war oa lofoujm muli.trts. . Hotter oomptn.atlmt than the army .,.., IIOl TV; also, AU Till! UtCAX IJOUiilllii paid Upon enllstmeut. Marlnet H.wive rrtse Money. tor aU furiher inioriuatloa ai'plj at tha Rcoruluaf Itendeavons, . Ko. Mil S. HIOtT Street, betow Buae StraeA, betwoealiielwursotDandao'elotk. ,,., O. t. U't.AW LKr, cf Major and Kucrultnn U'tleer. pURLOTJOHS FURLOUGH Be Ofllcora ar.d ecadlen vis I Ho tha clt J on fluloogtn, naaajag t-l W tl I H , ii oinra MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, a t.NVtTar to thi axTvaHa MAirtjrCT0O BSTABUSHtIT Off UlSOltiniW.HIM ONH UIVOs BANSOM STREET HALL, SANMOat Street, abova PRESENTATION 8WORD8 Made toordcvatlsBtssto'Ucs),wtitoifoi rtshnaeeaaS si nsaenifloenoe ehallenae comiUtloa, no oUier bouse la DM trnmtr. canbiniaa MASiL'PAfJTtJliltftl JEWK1 WITH TUE PKArTH At KWOUD MAKEB. ft CI 1 VOTICE Ol' CO.PARTN ERSII II'.- WE IN have Ib i tin.' r..rmed a Co-earnerslui . inidi r the U.to aid oain. ol AMUP.A IIAliTKI. CO.. and wll. ci iita.ua the otisir,. -s ol Calioo Pilnrln sat atawtiaotorinf h, mineral. ?t. tut Pilot Works, mar lluli.iesuur;,. sine... ,ttm-itcuAi.i.r.t. AiI(ltf.,K I'l' S I N If. WAKItlNt.'ION. JOSU'U IIAK.I.I.. PmiantMi-wt, A.ii-'i t 1.11- 2 I lOOIT-lfM AI.K VACl.TS. S. K. ( liKNI Il II lllll'Il nnil CHI SM f ai roots. . CSHBB IMIT1 I HTa-IKS I 'Kl.r.tllf PH "I l l-E. I'llMSIiKSOLUI'ISI1, . . rt.r i nmrsr ash liEHT AI.Bt in ' '" UENN Bl F.AM ENGINE AND BOILER I Works -NKAKIl: A- l.KVV. Practical and TbeoreUoat fcnclneera. Machliiisis. Ilollor-aiakera, lluv kiiuil a t oiin.'ers, liavltilf (sir tunny tears heenln sm-cessnilopera-Uon. ami nten st luslvel.v ci.ganod tn liulldlnrt and re- ln Marine aim iiivcr i.ok os, inau ..s, p. -"' -' Hi" lets. Water Tanks. Propellers, c. Ac, respeotmilr fl oiler their services to tho nuuue as ouini uiiiy prwna s. eoiitrnot lor K.i'Iiks ol nil s'.r.os, Marine. Ul tor, and B tvnati t l avititr si is oi pain fi u.s. - - i.aivil tn cifs u'.eoruirs with quit k tkv.noU.-li. KV,rr. 1. ru.ti.su ..i ptitBrn-matlr. . mule at the shortoet i.;l. til.I) ltllASIH, vtlNF.e, tilVS, Wll C A 1.1 Pol' N I A A H D CaTAWJtA W WliiaMI.S, nc'iesl si U" l"e a, fi e 'mi- , ,kb liiulini. and spoii.Kwtitoi.s for all wot k dotio at t eiahl!sh'".enl Ire.; ... t l mi:", and work suaraittoed. i l. itMcili..rs hato auipio wi,art-uook room tt rsv pali of h. t. whore t!,ey e.tn lie la parted aaielv, and are) prT.vi led vith shells, hkclis. lulls, o., Ac. for raisl I tl. Wbltuiatu sfc I'sa,, atanuiaclurereot ew and Helklona ConfecUom, Almond paste, Choielate Caramels, t'rsams La Mode de Parle, exiuilrely flavored, r.essied Jordan Almonds, ko., tt. Ho. Ilia fnasuat itrs, below fourth. WAJN'AMAEsCR fc BROWN, gDMUND A. EOUDEB k 00., COMMISSION MHCUANT8, ANT H1F AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTRKET WHARF, pull k ma. aiiwrnD A. aorrra. aa. Hiaai.0 gi.ttv, ataruaa t. aorpaa a-tf ASH lltMHKH,KN';I.IHIl.IiriSII, A BCOl t 11. AN 1 1 AM ttltlf A S Al. tS ANII UIUIWN Hl'iCr. This eolehrated old stand rutvll'lf neeu reuot teu ... tlf .roiiehlyMtltied.tvlUi one of tlie anaitst.icas.it Al-s and "ioiae l,',n.,rs in tlio .-it j. tho proprloior int It.'s the tub lc to i!h hiw a cat!, conildout .is he is oi their up- i" - mWtlm . -,T, ,i,,r,il.T,.lli BTl'lHI'U Tl BlAtRAil " ivaavfi.-is ' ss MANHATTAN," C ATT A IN E. A. EYT1IF.B, Of Ike Cape ltay line, Is aow uisll.K her reenlar trips to CAPE MAI, stavlna ABCH Street Wharf, every Tueeday, Thursday, and Saturday at nine oi-iutiai retu.ui.., have t ape Slay every Monday. Wednesday, autl Prlday at half-past el-U o'clock, lonshlnf at New Casile k'otaf and returnini;. laro S'.'OO; carrla hlia imludt.il. ChuVlren half prtee( carrlaife hire Incli.dcsl. Scrtaau l iO' oarrlasc aiie extra. Ireigl t at low rates. Ko reiatst loceaesl aitiSo lc,aad lu all lasce nt b prepaid. jyM-M JOSlirn A. STtWAttT, AtenU TrAR CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, PAY, aud all description of clalnii atam.t tlie Viilted Stales l. ov rumeiit a.ljuste I audcullecle l. Plll.l. UUJiaY We have a lull list of prmes now payable, aaa the suosHi can he collected at once. Ar iily or write to U"IU"K l.tOltt.El BA'.t. A; IIH.II HLII. Army nnti N.iw Ciaiiu A, nis, taV.u- "'! WAl.Mi "1 Mtrtot. i heavy and Hahl st tli.hu. a5-ll JACOB C. KEtriE, .inns. it. ,r.t i . Bl.ACll and 1'AJJilKa atresia. CHEAT Q&NXRAL CL0TUL'J UQVS. TJRIDESBnKQ MACHINE 0R3, OFFICE, rs'o- 5 N. FRONT h 111 A i PHILADELPHIA. re are prrrared to nU ordon to any axteat fat our tvsuV knowa atAcursiiiT roB cottoh akd woolek l, mcodlr all rectat Improvensnts bj Car la, 8ptla, ,nweWnvu't'ta attcnUon of nanctBrri to eareataav Ihe works. . . . Ts-ssrira 1TS1 jaii-tr ai,r itr.ty u . - 13 N 11 H I M O N H. X-NITED STATES NATIONAL WAG05 AKD 00A0H WORKS, Office, Ko. 531 NKW MARKET Btreyaste And Factory, oorasr of BECOyB AKD CCatBEBL IS STREETS, ruiLADBa "foi'AKrS! DBATS, WHEELB ARROWS. ,t rlMlifcM WIItl.LS, adapted to Army.Boad, tutM pi.uiaUon puiposes. AU work warranted. .... avOrdtrs womptlyattoBdod U. lat-v 1UX IAR0E3I AND BESI S. E. COH IS EH BIXIB VSI HARKEI 8X8-