The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 22, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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rillLADELrillA, MONDAY, AUGUST -22, 1S(H.
1 ltL
J- O
Fiurlitintf lit Mn i- Inlnii-t.
Alarm of the re o pic.
l'o-sition of A.HiirM INov.
Ktc, J3to., JKto.
Kprclnl to The F.konlHeT Tdifrmti.
WlSUlM TOV, AtlgtlSt 'J'.'. Tll-5 V "A-lcllg'oU
Star has tho following: II lOEttsrowv, Ac?'tst
19, I M General Averill moved from Martins
bnrj jcstcrday evening, leaving a company of
cavalry In jios.sefs'on of the place, ami this m Til
ing established bin headquarters at Sheplurds
towu. Ilia fern go train passed through hero one
hour ago, with forago fir his comm in J tit Mint
placo, and It is reported here that he has boon
ordered to Harper's Ferry.
The Rebels are said to have made their appear
ance to-day between Winchester and Martins
bur,, but not iu any considerable force.
It baa been positively ascertained that Early
has been reinforced by two divisions of l.ouu
atreet's Corps, unJ deserters state other
troops are ou their way from Lee's army to
Join him.
Tho turmcrs living along tho river are again
Tanning oil' their stock, and a long string of
hones, belonging to pi I vat e parties, wera drircit
'through hire this morning boforo daylight,
towards FcnnsylvanH.
A large quantity of Government propir'y,
Which was stored in tho tnurkei-hoitse in this
place, was t iken out this nftern'on an 1 sent to
tho warehouses i.t the, to be placed upon
trains if fjuud necessary to remove thc-n b r
Tho tone of the I! obel press fur the pu.-twi.;!;
or two has canned much alarm ia re -isylv.mia
and Western Maryland, an 1 another invasion on
S large scale Is anticipate'!.
The excitement of Iho lest two duys l as not
subiddtd in the lent, and anxious crowds of
titlzens line the streets, eager to hear the litest
news from tha valley. Many of them spout a
sleepless i.Ii;ht iu older to leave at a moment's
notice. Most of the stores are closed and mer
chants have tho best portion of their jjools
packed op for removal.
Nothing is known here of Sheridan's where
abouts. lathii.
10 o'clock T. M. 1 bid aftemoou slt.ty-ii-.e
Rebel skirmish :rs entered Martins!, ug add
drove out tho stnull company of cavalry left ther;
by Gcnerul Avci 11. Skinnishioj is taid to b:
going ou this side of tho town.
Keiiigocs are iiiriving in largo numuirs .yam
and it iu believed by liiom that the uioia body o
the Rebels arc moving down tow ards Wasuinfjtjn.
Tho mail gictiiuor IHctut'ir has arrived IVo.n
City r.u'uf.
The 2d Corps is reported to have successfully
recrosfid the James liver ou fc'iiurday night,
thereby mytiiying tho Rebels u good deal.
fintnt fins Ine'ine.l to keep the enemy la a
glorious state of uticcrruinty as to his purposo.
The Oth Corps tuaiutuiti their hold on tho
"Weldon Railroad, and have thrown up such
works as make their position iuapivgnabl".
They most effectually destroyed the railroad
tome miles on lirst s rilJng the road, bnt It is
now thought that, having secured a forti'ied posi
tere, we shall occupy the ground permanently.
The line held by the ."-th Corps now forms our
extreme lt-ft, the Oth Corps having swung around
and formed a junction with the .0th Carps.
The Rebels seem to foel decidedly uneasy in
view of our lodgment upon the important Wel
don road, and have made various futile csg ays to
eject us from the aniioyiug position. Yu.;tord.iy
morning heavy tiring was heard fro n that direc
tion, the results of which arc Lot known.
The work on the Dut -h Cap Canal still pro
gresses satisfactorily.
The Vhtatur brought up twenty-six Rebel
officers, three captains und twetity-threc lieu
tenants, taken prisoners lately. Nine hundred
sick uuJ wonnded arrived hero in hosnitd
Steamers on Saturday nijbt.
. . a i. Atl.litlounl ll.-iieiU.
AVasuisoio.n, August 22. To-day's CI,rmiLk
bus two editorials, one of which udvocut'ts a fair
coruptuautiou for tho Sou hern slaves no: al
ready emancipated.
The other goes against nn armistice ou any
terms, except In case tho .South shall lay down
their aim s. limb of iheso cdito:.iU are peculiar,
sd roav indicate to soinocxiont the opinion 0ftlie
Adniiniatratlon. The Cmmicle h.s a spxial
letter dated Sheridun's Head jUariers, Huuday,
August 21, which U interest I n-.r, and ;jivos in my
particnlnrs of lights and, ia which the
Union ibices ucreal.'.ays vic oriotii.
The allair at Front was a cotoikto
Vnlon siiccoss. Wo cupi tired nearly live hmi
flicd prisoner?, and killed nnd wounded as many
wore. Tho Rebels attempted to cro-s therier,
and were mowed down and dtiveu back. O ir
Iofs was very trilling.
In one of tho charges mado by our cavalry,
Atljutatit Lucius Cutrow, of the 7th Michigan,
was killed, nnd Lieutenant Granger, uld-de-camp
on the atari' of Custer, was taken
J'r io licit rcpoit that (.'encval 'airord was
killed during ttio e'lu'agetnent.
' The liodies of Captain C. 11. Strickland, of tho
battalion of Louisiana Slmrpshooteis, and a
lirutennnt-eolouel, wiiinc inline I was unable
to learn, were feoind on the Held.
. As It was, Center held the Cap until our army
Wa iu a position to teptl any oteuive movement
On Vcdnexltiy morning Custer retired ld
ccnunai.d in the direction of Jkrryvllle, bivotiek
ivg in the vicinity of that place on Wednesday
nlgbt, and the m xt day ioiluwed in the rear of
the infantry column moving up the valley tow
ards Harper's Furry.
Funny ut Uuiuck' l.mullun Kel.rl Gene
ral MulU r Itironlnuk M ii'Kiinlu, Ac.
t Caiuo, August '."'I. The liulhtin niys that
bout lrom below are obliged to pabs Gaines'
laiudlug by night with all their lights out. At
the last accounts the Rebel force there was under
the command of Captain l'ratt, with two 12
pounders, misUted by Ucinu's llrigado of Mar
Diuduke's DivUiun,
rionml W- II..- 1 .... ..... ....
. -vw.H, ,. miKi, iu euuiniaou or kick waiKcr
Foriiu ss Mcunon, August 21. Tji mail
tto: n cr '. '.:itnr, fro'u City I'oitit, arrivod at i
T. M. to-day, bringing a fv:w more Rebel pr
o crs. Heavy cannonading comuienced at 10
o'clock, on SaturJay night on our extreme left,
iti front of the I'.h Corps, whi' h contiti ted until
t o'clock this morning, when it ceased.
Hi'avy musketry firing continued, however,
mull the mall boat loft, at 10 A. M.
Tha tlgliting is described as being of tho in st
spiriteJ chaiaciir, an I as orion'J Ijy an
atta-k from th.; enoiny for the express pa-pe
of driving our tnjops from the Weldon Railroad,
bnt up to tho l.uosi account J thoy had filled to
ac ompl'sh their le-sign, and tho oth Corps, rein
tiuecd, still main' line 1 and no doti' t was ex
prescl of tli' ir ability to maintain their hold t.n
the r ad us lont- a- they desired t) do su.
NHur of trmi n( lulinnni1l.
iNtiusii'oi.-s, Atigu-t 21. come .!ay ag)
Governor Morton received a I. tier from ttr; V. st,
stating that largo quantities of arms v.ere being
(.hipped to disloyal parties iu Indiana. Ou the
17th, I boxes were received RildrO'Scd J. 1. Far
sons, from II. II. Do II & C)., priu'.oi-', of this
Lost night, twenty-two becs O tao ime
address were roeciv.-d a-:d dray;d to Uodd's
otlicc. A mlliirry guaij was luimediciciy
placed around tlie building, who tcok possession,
iu d, upon eami'ition, the boxes were found to
contain revolvers of the best quality, and fixed
ammunition. J. J. Farsons and Charles I!,
chinson, Dodd's partners, and Win. Harrison,
Grand Secretary ol the ous of Liberty, were
arrested, and placed undr 5uarl at the soldier's
The two firmer were released on talcing the
oath of allegiance. This evening a bo-ik cont lin
ing a list of the Sons of Liberty was found in
Dodd's safo, Including t'io Secretary and Auditor
of the State, Attorney-General, nud J.J. B'ng
bun, editor of tha Siutiiwl, and the namos of
100 Rebel prisoners and third d.-free members.
H. H. J)od 1 is the Grind Commander of ti.e
Order of tho s,)ni of l iberty In Indians.
Dcrvat of lohnstoii nnd Wnixlwnril-Thn
I. alter It tileil-(JimtIII in I,cnliiK (li, .1 c.
Kvnsvii.i k, Angtist 20. G. n T. ls Ho cy ai.l
Hnghes havo just arrived uith their coi:irn:tus.
They attacked lohnst et's contntaitd in aad about
Moigantield, completely routing them, and cip
turing nineteen prisoners, an ', retook all (in
Government property.
OiAitKsvij j.E, Ang.nt 2!. Major Tyler, .j:)l
Kentucky, attacked Adam Johnson near Friito
ton this momitig and t outed him, killing four and
wounding nix.
A party of the via Illitiois, under Carttiin
Turubnll, were'1 ed and bully cut np yes
terday, below Fort Potieljji:, by a portion of
Woedw.ird's command. Car.viu Turn':all mi 1
eight men wi re killed.
Cj.ABKSM.Lr, August 20. Wcodwirl di; 1 at
Ho kinsvllle yester J.iy. JFs com.n ind k-s scps Johnson is imported .it M iditonvillc, i;tX)
stii.ti,'. Ho is eriJeutly making for the
( .Iver. There Is Tiino fee! Of titer
on the sboals, and rising slow'.
Oik- l)tlK Ittt.'-i- Ni'Wi.
The Rebel Rara Officers at New
fio., ric. r.:c i:t-., vie, r.te., r.te.
Sv.vt Youk, Aug i,; 21. Tim steamer
II. Sr,n,l,r, ironi Na.v Ork'iyj i 1 dates to tho
1 lib, b as unircd.
The Mob Ic papers of tha 7tlt notice tho ar
rival oi the Rebel gutiho.u, with the loss
of only ono mn.uud tLj r. wof the gunboat
The Mobile I?'iv advices ns Now Crlean are to
4 A. M. ou tho II. h. AJ niral F.uragut had Ffo
pared tor action, i.nd I'sucd or lers to at'v k Fort
Morgan a1 8 o'clock th it morning. It would
receive a pruvk us shelling and co-operatlva
iiioveiin uts would be made by tho land for:e.
Aialuto hur ou the night ot" the 11th it wta
t iteJ tja' Admiral Ktrragu' doniaidel an uu
con.iiti jual . in finder.
'1'h.i Maorof Mobile h. 1 .rdered tuo coa
cmuiiaruiiv. of the .'hy, and urged definseto
the last point on tho part oi elm
The cail'it :d oilic rs of t j ) Itcbe! rams '.An
ii. tv:c nnd s,:ma armed 'at eiv Oilcans on the
1 it L instatit.
Cotton at New Ovin wa- sf 'ady. Middling,
Ij.v, Sttgarand Mol isj, ilriit. I 'isias-s ;nerally
dull. Qol l, 2';o.
A i"ksi;urg letter of the I'Hh states tltr.t the
stiutucr - l; , iV, No. 2, an 1 M. .'!. Ch-xtt, obt 'do
ing clearances lrom the Custom Honso, and sanc
tioned by General tilonum, n cnt up the Yaoo
river to obtain loads of cotton from within the
Rebel tin. s v. hi h h.. 1 b'.;u ctvhasad by private
I'niou jiuriioi. Tho Rebel r- n:ral A.Hras had
glveu poinlss.t! tor the n.i i- . -ion. The spoon.
Intors t."k tho bouts bey., id tha prescribed
limits and they nerc ciip'trj I. Tlicso steamers
sre now used by the Rubols as transports on tho
Ya.oo, rivor to our deirimca:.
Further Details of Operations
in Mobile Bay.
Ill 4-Kl IIK'tll Oi lOl'l Ifl"-tll
All tlir 4uilntlitn-H nnd lfoiita in slnt.r
t'uvo l-fttr) ed by KnbflM -titrrncnt
t'oiitlilmi l ltvlui ln l ort Murarno Iu n
lVw lnn Ufiioral tirmitfer lremrlut
tu Mrrnrti Hie t ort.
Moiiilk Lay, August 9. This has been an
otker bin-y ami exciting dav in this vicinity.
Eu'Uts crowd upon each other with such rupiditv
that the chronicler tiudi" time merely to note tho
more Important as they occur. It was designed
by General Granger, iuconiuuitlon wi'h Admirul
i airagut, to commence operationgatoiioeagaiu-t
Fort Morgan, the remaining Rebel nroughold ut
the entrance to the bay, and by far the suougcxt
of the thrco.
Ol'll l.VKll lOUOtg 1'UtCAUl; TO IXIItSI roar
At a very early hour Iu tho morning, move
ments were on loot voutouiplatiug the tiunsfer of
tiie land i to Mobllo
l'oiut, in the rear of Foit Morgan. This work ut
once uttraetel the notice of the Rebels In
Moritun, as wus apparent by their hasty and
inwdi'iutie rKrt tu vittiu t4i wajt up
Or finally tin- work was turronnded by .1 mass
of wanhoiines, shops, quarters, hospiuis, and
other buildings, giving the pltir-e the uppearance
ol a I'tt'c city. All these were cOusU'tted to the
torch aud were ipnckly in tlsmcs. Tuc cniitioat
(i1', which was Injured in the fight of Fri.lav,
and was lying at the loit, was also destroyed tiy
tiro. Temporary works had bsien thrown up bi
lbo Rebels nt various points, extending 10 a mho
In the rear of the fort, designed to repel land
Thc-e were destroyed, and evcrythlrg about
them .it ad fimhusilblc committc I to the rl itn. s.
Iii. e.d, the whole point ba.'k of the t nt
iceuied a -heet of fin-. In the i.i'd-t of this
general contliutration, General Gnng'-r dct -irk. d
P ortion of hi" troops at l'ilot Town, between
four and five miles back of the fort ou the po ut,
Thcso immediately Advanced in liti,,1 witli siilr
mish'rs wnll throw "n out in t'rot.t, to a poiut uliout
one mile from the fort, and halted.
lic'ween the fnvit of onr position (bus out lined
an l the fort, the ti'ii'wr has beon eutirelv cleared
away Iiv the !! be! ; every I ullding ie-Movi(I,
and every o' sf uclnm b. hiul which we might
find shelter t orn the tiro tif the, Kobe!
sharps),. Hirer has been removed. The deb.irka
t;on of our troops na ciiveir.l nt I'ilot Town bv
tho monitor 7.., ..'.i.c and HYim. Vie , and
I'acilita'ed ) the Inunches of tho entire licet.
Illi: Sll'lii: INAI llt HATl tl.
Artillery mid cngineorsh'ive been sent over this
m irmng, an 1 satg'- rat' ons wMI . oiiitiieii. e at
once, liuring the debarkation of our tro ins this
tuornlrg the m'.nitor liutl.attn, the ciptrre t
gunboats .s ..maud 'V'-.v, and nearly nil the
g itiboats of Fai ragut' lle. t, kept up a iig ro ;s
Shi lling of Ihu to. !.
At bnt the fottdisdln'd to replv to the fur'ous
shelling, an J the Impress! in begau to prea.l that
the !., 1 k had been abaudoned. llut when tho
monitor MnH"it'nr advanced ivithin close raogo
tho fort opened upon iicr. II ill' a doen shots 111
all were fired durlntr the aiTair from the lort. Our
gunnery was excellent, nearly every shut taking
ttlert in the Keliel works. After the investment
of the lort was completed by the I.iu lacJ n.r. al
for cf, and they had been treated to a taste of
onr metal, Admiral l anagut and General
Grander sent iu a oint note, lod.'ig the stir
render of the fort, as follows :
rur. nEM.Ni i on ntr st prtitxtn 11 or dut
won., w,
I'si 1 in Sr.vTi s Ft v'-sitie II win on a, M 11,11 1:
Ra, August 'J, ISiil. Sir t To prevent tho -.11 i
ticc of human life, we demand the un. uti lit: jii il
urrendi r 01 Kurt Morgan.
1). (J. Fahhao' t, Hear Admiral.
; i:nov G111N10 it, Maior-tien. I', s, A.
Ti Friiradi. r-Gcucral rage, Coaiorin liiig Fi rt
t 11 k ntnnr hi i i,v.
To which the following r n'y.was returned :
llLAimvARiitits, lour Moiiuvv, August t,
1SHL Rcar-Admiral II. G. Farr.vjut U.S. N". ;
Major-General Gordon Granger, I .S.A. ,:s:
1 am prepared to sacrifice lite, an I will only s ir
render when I have no menu-of det'en-c.
1 do not understand that while being couiiuu
nicatcd with under r!ag of truce the 'cue
should be towed within range of 111 v guns,
liespeettiilly. c, R. L. Faoi:,
Brigadicr-UeneralCominuu litig, C.
A ITW MOK1 S'tri t.s.
Oa the refusal to surrender a few more shells
were pitched lino the lort, when the licet with
drew to await the erection of bat'ovies by the
Inn I forces, which work is being prosecuted wi'h
the utmost vigor. The Rebels are reported by
deserters to bo six hundred strong within the
f )it, und to bc'provisioucd for sIk months. Their
reply to our demand to surrender indiciivs a
determination to hold out to the last, llut after
one or two d.'.ys' vigorous shelling it is not
unlikely they will change their mind.
It is represented that when our Hoot passed
into tuo harbor the tremendous tiie w o gave them
utterly demoralized their gunners, who c ull not
be kept nt their nieces. '1 his accounts for thoir
light return lite on that o.'casiou, nnd iiiiyue
couut for the inii.nitieant replies they gavo us
ibis morning. If o, they certainly w ill no: have
tho courage to hold out many days, even should
we be unable to breach the work.
pri; cv.nkoat "mohcav."
The Rebel gunboat Morijun did not es ape to
sea, as previously reported, but nntr.agod to
escape in the contusion of the eng-gement up
the b iv to Mobile. Sheis 1101V the ottiy t'tui'mt
tiie Rebels have loit in the b.iy.
TotirttO 1 it vi T.
Whin tho iir t monitor oti'tli.! r.v'uor
'be Rebels c-siiyeJ her Immodintj destruct oil,
and brought d jwn from Mobile a ciyir-sh tjied
to. eoo boat that had lien prepared iu rcadii ess
tor .-'ach a service. W hile mooring her fit t'u
lon er bay her boiler cxplod :d, killing one in in,
. j.ildiiig another so bully that Ins lite Is despaired
0:', at) J raking olf t!.e leg of her caoUiu.
This was the entire crew. The cm': isnrw
punk In Navy Cove, which is in onr poascsion.
Wl en our licet ran into the harbor elVovts -,v 're
oeing l.iude tirai-o and repair th ! vessel, but
thyw,re frtistr ncd by oi.r .idvont. I urtagut
will doubtlenB Koi: nficr the pri wiKn h; a-ti
an opportunity.
IOVR 1'IIIE STE.'.MF.Hs AT Kdlttl.t.
Two pilots, cruising iu the buv yesterday, re
port that there are four clydo built iron sMatu
trs, with a capacity of live hundred bales of cotton
each, now at Mobllo. They were in tho lower
b-.y, loaded, roa ly tivin out w':e.i oar tic
came in. They ii.iiiid'.ueiy ml bak 10 Moot)-,
and havo prooubly discharged thou cargoes cro
this tittie.
rur, tort z.aines S' r.i'.rNru.r..
The foil owing ar ) the terms for ttio Etir.vnJer
of For! j .lines, as agreed upon let wen the. vic
tors und the vmoiiislicd. On .Sunday eveuirj.
Geiiirnl Oranper had an in'e.vievz wi.h Adai'.a.
I arrtuat, on tho rligship :' f.-ri', ia rolatiot; to
Colonel Anderson's pnpisition to sttrrenlerl'.'rt
(i.iincs. The result of the interview wa-. t!.: t'l
luwing rply to tho Rebel propositi on
I'snruSrATrsFi csh'p 'IUuti mn," Mo .''
Tiny, August 7, 1S04. .Sir: In iicc irdance v.ith
the proposal made in your letter of this morning
for ilia surrender of lort Gaines, I nave to siy
that, alter communicating with Geucr il Gr. 'Igor,
Iu command 01' our forces on TJaitphoi Island,
the only oners we can make aro .
1'irot. The unconditional su.-road-r of yourself
and the garrison of Fort Gaines, witii aii :!. :
public property within its li nit.
SecouJ. Iho treatment winch is ii conf. r:ui:y
with the custom of the most civi.i. : I u itiens
t jw ards prisoners of war.
Thir l. 1'rivato property, wish thacs- tpti.eio.'
arms, will be respected.
MtTbtB communication will be handed you by
1 lei t Captain 1'. Drayton, and C .iloucl M 'yer, of
the F tilted States Army, who fully u id t t uil
the views of General Granger and r.iesc'f.
Very respectfully, your obedient sji v. u:',
1). . FARinorr,
tiOKIlON GHAXOltn, Mo or-tiOtl. 1 . t5. A.
Colonel C. 1). Anderson, comnian Jut-' t rt
The above was sent oil' to the fort nt a 1 to
hour in the evening. Soon afterwards tin
bearers ri turned to the (ligship, bringing vitb
them Colonel Anderson and a st ill ouie -r, wticp,
alter a protracted interview with thee imiua::.liug
oilictrs, the terms were a-sentci to iu t e: fill
ing terms :
J be above conditions nnd terms of surrender
arc Agreed to by the undi rsi-'nod, and the (""le
mony of turning over tliei prisoii 'r.s of war, l ort
Gaines, and all the public property appertaining
thereto, Intact, and In the same condition it is
now, will take place at s o clock A. M. to-morrow,
August the Sth. O. I). Amu ro.n,
C( lonel 2lst Alabama Regiment, coimuandiiig
Foi t Gaines.
WHiiessed r. Drayton, Fleet Captain; Allien
J. Mey(r,Coloiicl(t.nd.Signal Otticer, United Mates
Mobile Bay orretiotiileni'e.
SI llllEMHtll Of FORT VollOAN lli:MAMiEIl.
Dai i iilN Islakii, August 11. A demand fur
the sui render of Fort Morgan was iiiude on the
tnh lnMant, to which the commanding otllcer of
the fort responded that ho had six months'
rations and ammunition for a siege during that
period, and that he would not surrender while
thite supplies held out.
The nrmy has cut olf all commuuicatioa be
twein Fort Morgan und tho mailt laud, and
combined uavul und military attack will result
In the (lest ruction or capitulation of the foit.
This attack may be made this morning.
A laud movement will probably be made finite
(peedily towards Mobile, proceeding up the toads
ou the left side of the bay.
The channel is unobstructed to Dog river, aud
light draft gunboats tan steam up to that point.
Colonel Greer, of the 77th Illinois, commands
the land forces investing Fort Morgan There
ai no obstructions between his siege guns and
Fort Morvun. all the ouibulldjuiri Laviiiu been
i riti-eno c.M'u ttt n at ronr oaivi .
Colonel C. 1). Anderson, 21st Alabama.
x i i..r l '. II. ,lohnon, 'Jlst Alubcni i.
M a iorV. K. Jtrown, V. V. S. A., lexis.
Assi-tant Siirgcm M. Y. Da U e, - t A :
bnnia. Mobile.
Ad'iitsut Geortte Vedcncr. :'lst Ma., M ' ic.
Lieutenant II. 1'. Unker, I'. A.C. S.
Captain C. h. Sherman, I'. A. C. s.
Cap ain .1. L. Culpepper, South Carolina.
( npt. F. V. Smith, list Ala., Sumter co., Ai l.
('apt. I'. illiains, Jr., 1'. Ilisrn C adets, iobile.
( apt M. Crenhw, lVllmni Cadets, Mob k.
apt. .1. I . D'Contier, I', Cadet-, M ibilc.
Cai t. .1. Frtiest Miicrc, C. s. Ma. aics.
( apt. A. s. Carrinitton, 21st All., Mo'dle.
Cap'. II. )'. spnbli.ig. '-'l-t Alah.ioii, Mooile.
Lieut. A. Nor hiop, J 1st Alabama, vfoi.
I i. ut. M. Mclnnis, JNt Alibaina, Moi,:.-.
I lent .1. R. Y I'cndtill, C. S. Marines.
I lent. John F. Toulmin, -1st Alib imi.
Lieut. .'. L, Dove, Culpepper llultery. w. ('.
Lieut. It. 1,. Hnper. 1'elham railcui, Mobile.
I.'i at.'iianl W m. S. 11 1 Iwr, -1st Alabama.
1 lent. i). c. i irnihs, .'Is' A a'cinn, Mo' i'c.
1 ieut. A. A. l'oi'lnict, 'lt Al i , Mar. r.go n.
I a nt. .1. I'oeltnetz, Jl't All., M.ttni.-.) ainlv.
I ion' M. F. Mac.irtnev, 21 st Ala., Motitle.
Lieut. 1'. N. Macartney, 21st Ala., Mobile.
Lieut. ,1. 1. Rapier, C i'nfe ler.ito s'.a!cs Marines.
J.i.'Mi.T . .1. liMius, 1st bat. Al .. in t.. Marlon.
I t. V. .1. Anderson, 1st bit. Ai. ar:., Mobile.
I hut' I. M. liaitlc, 1st but. Ala. art., Mo die.
I ieui. ( has. w. situs, I o khan s batw rv, N . i ).
Lieut, (i. II. Dantzler, Jlst AWiimi, M ibiic.
Lieut. .1 M. Minis, "gist Ala., Montgomery.
Lieut. M m. DrniiTCV, Jlst Alabitna, Mo'cl".
l icit, lb MiCullongh, '.'1st Ma' am i, M i'mIc.
I H ut. II. F. Allman, Jlst Alaba-o i, Mo'i lo.
Licit. I 'avid Goods, l.oekii irt's b ttt rv.
I. nut. M. Ilurke.2lst Alabama, Mobil'-.
I.ietit. R. B ildw :n, 21st Alabama, Mobile.
Lieut. W. 11. Andrews, 2lst Alub'ima, M iblle,
Lieu' John M., 21st Alabama. Mobile,
Lieut. T. T. Herbert, 21st Alabama, Mobile,
l he nr.Ki ssi s or mohii ft.
A li.iniv movement may circumvent the di iln
of formication intended to comuiim 1 tie- ni
pioi dies to Mobile, coimncnciug above Hog
and ext. uding to aud in the re ir of the . I'y.
A . 1 . Ih iol.l.
Richmond Tapers of Friday.
Our Gunboats Fire on the City.
Tjill-! i"v r iVotn .Vtliltitii.
i Italian llKGiry ' in li.
till.'4.eii-rtl t'ri.nkllii liitr.laier
Iu t'hl.-f t'oiitumiMl, Ap,
F, 0 '. Ik A'. .. ( on... i .-,.1. '.-ll.
The must important news irotn Mobile is tha
General Frank Gardner his asm 'tied tho chief
command of Iho District of the Gulf. G.-ucral
(intdtu r was born in New York, aid appointed
to West I'oint from Iowa. 11c made a ga'lant
defense of Fort Iluddou, bnt finally was uhliguel
to surrender it. Ho mmalued a prl-ouer In ttio
enemy'-, bauds until ho was exchanged, on tho
lib instant, ut Charlestou, whither lie had been
sent, with liity odd other oiliucrs, to be subjected
to the lire of our, In retaliation far our ex
posing a similar number of Yaul.ce oilleots iu the
city ol Charleston.
MoniLi:, August IT. Majer-CL-ncri! Frank
Gardner assumed command ol the District of tho
Guli'to-elay. Tho people are plonsed with him.
TROOl'S I VNllTD AT M )Nn'0r
Vest, rday evening the eueuiy lani'.ed at Mon
Irose in tho latin thes. Our cavalry lired on tlietn
tin I killed and wounded several. The cucmv
retired-Ia't night.
nn-. x-RisoNi:ns.
Major Carroll, agent of exchange, Mturned
from the Federal licet alter sending ott' letters
nnd packages to tho Dauphin Island priiuners.
Hopes aro entcrtuiued of their early exchange.
xovr.itr.NTs or ntn
A force of the enemy from FoniacoIa, esti
mated at two thnn-iind, crowed the I'erdido river
yesterday, advancing towards Mobile h i. All
(Uiet iu tho bay.
T'u: inn r Mouii.c cnosst-Ti iiv tut lrni i'. vL
OS Til!'. ItAirilltitS WITU'M'T ll' S. IT, KTi.-.
. -ut Jit t.eAii.ui!. i.'e.i..i.ui ,.:-, ' li b:.
Two Yankee monitors and live gupho.i's havo
crossed the bar at Mobile, nnd opened tire on our
batteries, without result. So lou as they fail to
pass our obstruction' , Mobil is in n j (linger of
being shelled.
Oi-ritlout o( MM-riiiHit'N vBlr 1 lie tirnlit i'nt Si.ittli ol
iralm .ii Kumiinv ii)rrrl sfm".
uieuln In .Wil!lil, (-.
Ftom'.hc i(.7ijicKi l.j'Miu.i , ,l:e, i' :.'.
An.ANTA, Ga., August M. The part of the
enemy's cavalry that passed through De 'i-.tur
last evening, nfter reaching L abb's Mills, re
turned at night. It is supposed ti bo only a
A uot her party which moved s.' ' a-; us
from Owl enck chun-h struck the AtU'iui au 1
Vest I'oint Railroad at l'.ilrbnr :, burned the
depot and tore up the tra -l. .'n sever il plates,
They then withdrew time miles and went hit)
camp. Tho force is viriously i-'el i ated a; from
two thousand to live thouvinJ. "1 h-. tra -k has
since hi en repaired ; but trains are not ulloed
to lun, in conscipieiii''.- of tho pr o iiii-. of the
I'mimiiil quirt prcvalle 1 y 'st.-rday raid : )-d.-.
along the lines, 'ihe enemy'. art:ll-ry is rt
markably .piict, whi -li Is ?en.-r:lly nt'ribtilc 1 1
a se ir -ity 01 umtnuuMioti.caus 1 ' y t'io i'tterr op
tion of his comniuni cations. f: to-' shells we.-e
thrown Into the ci:y last ugh'.. onset tira to a
ftanie house on Reach Tr.o street. I s-n ill.
siti.oNn nit-cn- i-1
A it vi v, Aintust 17. The- icijiuy's ...'Via ,
retired lrom tho vicinity of Auburn, a p n ion
crossing the river ncii i 'ar'pbsllt Jtt. irim.-;
nr- I'inniiig its usu t!.
The enemy is busily ongied l' oa tha
north side of the Cha t- bo", in- , r n. ical.y al.n.g
the l'owder Su:iigaiid C.iiiipl...lioit roads, in tuo
jcinity of Siveetwater.
Kveiyihing is rcnun kahly cave: .u o-.,g!he font.
Tho enemy opened tiro ut in tho city from
another pun, supposed to bo a si .iy-four-pounder,
planted o:i the M i.lci'.a road. A slov
liro was kept up nil night, re mlling in the kiiloig
of one person.
It is item-rally hell v.-d that the Veit-rn and
Atlanta road was cut at A. kw irth by i' p jrlio i o:'
our cavah-y on thellih. Nows I1..111 ihat
t -r is anxiously looked for.
MiitioivN, Mii-s., Angast 17. Forrest still
maintains his position near A liuviie. I'lnire
has Lien no for .'.aid deinuu-tratiou of the eiieiuv
r.-poited. The Yankees arc committing nuny
outrages on the people, peui'Ctiblc ctlions being
killed. Governor Clarke has c ilied every able
bodied man to assist in driving the enemy back.
Buirl. captit.ks oi- VJttOS rai tints.
r t4it tht ilcAjiUHj "'" e. ii'.tutl VK
llv private letter from headquarters at Atlanta
we iesun Ihe asrecablc fact that of the numerous
Y'liukeo raiders sent against the duleiciit
Getag-a ruilroads in the latter part nf last month,
we hud captured and secured 2:iu0. On the 4th
inslaut ovif Ho0 had been received at Anderson-
ville. , , , , ,
The Fame letter speaks most cheeringly of the
sitiaitiou at Atlanta, and says there is no doub:
of General Hood's ubility to hold it.
1' I X NS1 1 A Si I A 1HG IN t, AT V It E.
ILutRisiu ro, Augut 22.
Hoi be. The House nu t at 10 o'clock, and pro
ceeded to the consideration of an act authorizing
the State Trcai-uror to pay ccrtuin warrants issued
by the Auditor General lor the payment ol cer
tain milltarv claims, and legalizing claims here
lotoix nettled by the Hoard or Military Claims.
Alter considerable dieuiou tho bill passed.
Mrs. ReUcca Dolknsp, of l'otei borough, N.
1L, completed her oua huuureth j car on the 29tlt
ultimo. Phc has been blind tor ths past sixteen
yeura, hut her Iicalth is good aad nor memory
A member ofBuiusido's staff states tint the
General has not been relieved, but is on a twenty
days' leave of abience. It U extremely doubt
ful, however, If such Is the fact, that he will
return to bis late command Iu the Army of the
I'div-en: m Un expUaUcu Vf Ibat f wioci,
AMt-Nr.iif r.irr.
Onovrn's Nkw CHiiaMLT Tn v rnK
Th. -ui , a It un butwl, Th lo a S aiiialn
of .irl -.-rler. .1 .ilr. -sell o-.rri s'l filiil.-.i a"r,
n -leim- !-"n ir..p.Tiv n'rfiihfA Lame-d Ous
m. n In i- 'I'lif f'f 1 1 .s tint tinintalii i. truly si-nl. ;,J,
s nn ll rio.Mii "n en s i c.rv. runn t fa J r e
nt .in. nl .ut' rctt tu the eibitatlon.
PTATK Or TnV.HMOMFTFn To-tat. Six A. M ,
7J. Norm, s.',A. (me r. M., 2. Wind, S. W.
Aiioi t tiik Dhut. All persons exempt froiu
iability to n. Hilary scrv Ice under the laws of tho
I'nlted States should repair without d lay to tho
oflircsnf the Frovost Marshals of Ihe respective dis.
! trlets, and see that their names are omitted from
the e'irolmeiit. The War Department desires
! the correction of the lists, and this Is th - pro -r
, and i ll' ctual nn thod. 1 here will bo 1.0 J. :.iv;
and every exempted pu'son left oil' the catalog iu
diminishes the ipiota of tha district. 'I1.:
following pei-ons are exetnptel by liw.-All
alius; under twen'y or over f rt
tive years of age; persous who have luicn e n
plou d two years in the military or uaal se. v. e
of tin- Flitted States, and been h tl ir,i"L' dis
charge d; H-r-ois In the military or s -.-vn e
whenever it draft shall be made; a'so all h n-e
iii' Spable from plivsicl (ir ni-nul dis ualiiie.i
lions. Citl. en-, me mliers of Ciium-ll or of wvd
iiimmltt'es, ill render an linportint service to
their l'i llow-citiens and ncigbti'irs, by cnlliuir on
the I'rovos; Marshal ol their distilct, to scrutiioze
his lists, and indicate the enrolled pms-ios w io
lire law tliiiy e.xctupt. In this way several thou
sand can be subirie t.-d lrom tlioiuota.
Ihe ptowf-ion of the eiir ilniciit law In relation
totho.ewlio have eutcr-'d tin) naval service, as
recently amended, is as follows :
"All ir.eii. hi ll,,- na-sl .rr, Ic- of II, i ti:l'nl S; itr,
wl'-itisi. rut-r.-.l -ii. li .. r- l -e .lii'-ltirf H i. i-rri'-nt Rrt- i-
II. r, .inrf w li.i i.Hve ii.. I li.-ri'toierc I u if .!u., .1 I'll..
fin .a.-.l n.crf.lli-a i.. Ih- t iwn, nar.l, .llitr:tt, v.' Suio
In wl.ii li lli.-y lii.ii r. ."
Thousands of persons from this ci'v ban en
listed lor one year or longer in the uavy of tuo
I ni'cd States sims the Uriug upon Fort Suiuwrj
and if the rule ns nbovo given is applied to audi
cases, it is cert a ii bat a large part of these sailors
will have to b- ere.lite.l ou the quota of this city.
Villi propor attention to this sii'ijer.t on the part
of tho commissi tiers, and proper pains by ex
empts and eiticiiS to get the lists cleared of the
names of persons not liuole to service, and a
vlgurousctlbrt to plai jsiibstittuesandropruseuta
live id runs in the service, ihe draft, it uot ol)
viuted entirely, wdl he greatly mitigated iu se
verity. Tint Tw TNiY-Timtn ri.efKSYT,VANt Rent
mi:st. The term of service of the 23d Regiment
Feniisylvania Volunteers expires on the 23d lust.,
within a few days after which lime Ihoy will leave
lor home. At a meeting of liienien held at the
I'erscvcraiK-e Hose house on Saturd ly eveuing,
Hie following committee wero appointed to make
the necessary arrangements fortlieir reception :
T. McCIUhkcy, Moyanienlng Hosa; B. F. Fark,
AV'a.-liingtun; J. ilrady, Delaware Engine j
IV. J. Uiduer, I'erseveranco' Hoo ; J. 1". Todd,
Shltller Ho-e ; J. Gibbonoy, Western Hose; T. J,
Dugiiey, Assistance F.ngine, and J. .Shoun, ludo
pinileiice liiiginc. This ComiiiittcQ will hold a
melting this evening. David M. Lyle, Chioi
J '.ngiiicer, was chosen Chief Marshal ot the pro-
Cai k May. The season at this favorite resort
is now at its height. Thousands of our lirst eiti-.
zens are now onjoying the invigorating atmo
sphere from old ocean, ami everything is as merry
as a "marriage bell." The last and commodious
Rtcunier M ir.imllan, Cupluui K. A. Ryther, leaves
Arch stiect a hart every Tuesdiiy, lliursilay, and
Saturday; nnd owing id tho courteous a'ieutioo
of the geutieinanly ugonl, Mr. Joseph A. Stewart,
oilers unusual litcilitics lor families visiting this
far-lamed watering pin e. We commeu't the
stemm r Mniihntlan and its gentlemanly captain
und agent to the consideration of pleasure seekers.
Royai. Inmuias'ce Company's RitronT. Tto
annual report of the Royal Insurance Company
for li3 shows a very fivoiablo coudlttoa of
affairs in the life as well ns the fire department.
The life and iiuuuity funds hee b:en iucreiiej
half a mtillun oi dollars in the last year, and the
lire pienilums have in four jears beou enuuuc -d
nlitlloiuoro lurgely, the grea.eit in re vse being
during the last twelve mom. is. Iho i'Loctoes
report tho largest profits ever attained. I ho par
ticulms are set foith in the printed report, whioli
appears in anotlur column, and is well wortiiy
the attention of those insuring.
Dewy Lviilcny. This mornltij 'ames Collins,
a young waiter, employe I ut the Gir r,l House,
Was before Alderiusn Welding, charged with the
larceny of fl'KjO. Mr. John God.'roy, one of the
boarders nt the Girard, handed a SlO J'lnote to
Collins, and instructed him to go and gat it
changed. The latter took the money, but forgot
to return. It was suspected that Collins would
go to Mew York, and parlies were at once des
patched to the Kensington depot. The thief
could not be found. As the search was about
lien v i;ivi ri up in vain, he ili-cowred sioa'OiI
away iu or.u of the bugguu turns. Ho was
u.rc'tco, und lii0 of tho mo.iey was fiunl ia bis
potvcsriuii. II J was eoinuiitieU for trial.
lhnvv Fin n. Captain George U. Jameson, of
tho schooner Sophia It. Jameson, from Ner
Urleaiis, under coasting license, has boon liuod
tf'iOO und costs, under a suit oruuglit by tho
Roi r 1 of Health fur a violation "f tho 1st section
of the Act of A-srmbly, approve I A,.r!l 2, ISM,
and the ith section of an Act p use 1 in 1811,
whic h requires all vessels pissing the Luiretti
to report to the Hoard of Health physician at tint
point for examination, in ordi r to ascori'siiu
whether any routngiotm disuses arc oa board.
CommiitivU. Mary Ann lie-liu n-ai commit
ted this morning by AlJeiiu.ui Carter to aaaW T
the larceny of tiL M.iry lives in a house of
iiiealiouable repute in Front street, and au i-nli-vidnal
from the eo n.try, who vNil-d piac.i a'
Vai vS b. lieit.i'io'.i, f aiti I l-iinf vli II e : i 1 to iho
tune' of tfj'il nh. n lie took bis dip irt ire lit thu
tiiorning, after bavin,; stayed over night.
Tun Firrv-KKitiiit Fk.vnsm vai.ia Voriv
n;i;i,s. 'ihe ve'erans nt the "th I'ctiasylvanbt
volunt. eri, who laacli.x-i st.i'i.mvl --.t Ci-r.p ?.id
wtili ib-i for mine tinnMii ile a reLi pirnlot).
dav preiiaraiory to tnki-ig iheir dep iriaro tor tiie
Siiudi. The regimen' reiuni.-d eboiir two miuths
since ou furlough, having rceulisteu.
S;m li iois. This iii'.nif iig J-iuiM Tlii.tipson
I was committed to answer Iho larceny o.'a bug of
eclton. He was arrested by one of tl.c. Hirhor
roluo ou Del.iwiie Av.-nite, b -1 o v Aiaiond
Mieet, with the n.ooerty Li his p iss.?s-!on. H)
could give no s;iii fic'iiry reason as to how ho
ciiine to obtaiu it.
rHAisFwoimiv. Messrs. Ciilloei: . Dtu'.her,
C. M'. Davis, Tobias, Fv.T'ii..n. Wmobretinor, J.
Carey Lcn, Jesstip K. Co., and lloiutt'in, have con
u nted to ndviiuce nil the city bounties to the sol
ilicrs ns toon ns innsieivd iu in Ilirnc.y's Sharp
shooters. Tho Ward bounties are ulso paid im
mediately. Faymv.nt or RoiNTY. This morning war
rants were Issued ior the payment of tho city
bounty to' twenty-two men to be credited on tho
next draft. Of this number twelve received the
S Km bounty nud ten the S2o0 liounty, the former
being voliiuieers and the latter substitutes.
Aivii'RNT. At 8 o'clock this mornlngThoraas
Mi Reynolds, au operative at Robbins" Rolling
Mill, in Reach street, above Warren, KightcontU
nrd, bad his arm seriously lacerated hy being
caught in the belting. He was takcu to St.
Jctcph's Hospital.
Hi no HtMsi lf. By the police and fire alarm
telegraph we are Informed that, at 10 o'clock
thib morning, a mini named John Mastcrsnn, (ii
yeurs of aiti-, living in a court In Tenth street,
below Montgomery, hung himself. No purlieu
lurs of the tuuse of the rush act are glveu.
Rf.sioni.d. Lieutcnuiit John J. Thomas, Com
pany B, 118th (Corn Exchange) IUglmeut, whe
was severely wounded al Ihe buttle of tho Wilder
nets, has returned to this city, having tendered
his resignation.
"j:w Mi sic We have received a copy of a
new uiitionnl song, entitled '-The Slavry Flag of
Mbcrtv," and composed by John llillyir, lsq.,
of l cw Yoik. It contains a hue chorus, und is a
compusitiou of couniUciahle tneiit.
Accii.mal Duowmnu. A verdict of acci
dental drownlug wus rendered by Coroner
Taylor In thecae or th boy, George 8hrock,
i - .. .. . , .. I t ..I. . '- I. arl
who kui urowucu Ufc W1UW"5U.
I Wharf,
h-VUiWctvu, on i'fl'iej.
II til ii TO Anmi:u. A fins', hesring before
Aldirmnn Welding Iu the ease, of Frederick
Kchr.rrschuen, charged with Mtimsj Cre to some
hay under the shed ut the fsj. of street
whutf, resulted in tiie man being held to answer
the charge of misdemeanor i-t s-:tting f rc to the
bay w ith Intent to lefraud the Insurance com
pniiy. The tu ts of the csso are an follov .
Sehraysi bin n bought h ty at II linsport, N. J.,
and clli red it for sine to the Uo-.orutuen. It
was ttiSS'i ted, and all eou JomMtl bt:' a' outone
btiudrcil and Ih-ity ba'ts, and thcs the '.overn-no-nt
pnreha'od. The rjt of tha hay w is per
mitted to r. mini under tho "Lei used tiv tho
G ivernnicnt. except a small portion of it, wli-vh
w as seut to the bay marker. I hi b v unde-r 'be
slicd was Insured iu the Security Fire Fns-rran -e
Corrpnuy of New Y'ork for jinX). He repre
sented that there were sixty tons of V , w , 'h ' 10
per ton. Alter tho lire, the defendant put iu a
claim tor UPy-twototis at S2i p- r ton.
A n itnes t.-tl led that he s. the defen
going up Delaware ttvi-Hiie, Lvre-ii M irke. .tu J
Archstreit-, a' alsiut fifteen minutes -if or it on
the evi miig m the lire, and the watchmen at tin
bHyhed testilieU that Scln iyschoi n was un I r
the shed t ii minut-s dpi. mi the lire broke out,
about tilteen minutes after '.. Ih) di-teiiduit
vehemently nsn-rl- d that he lelt fl ir New York iu
tin- (i o'clock t: it in ; but this was disro.'e'd.
1 broiigb the cxeriionsot l iro-M irsh il LUekh nn
llic cue was brought to its present tcrtui'iation.
Roiiiiino a Soinntii. A man named Miehicl
Mi lG o'v n h is been arrested 0.1 the charge of
robbing a sol Her of his and li Iu green
backs. The soldier had been to the R -freshmtnt
Saloon on Fiidav night, nn-1 at the corner of
Front und Mary streets was met by throe m-o,
two of whom held him while the third rt! d li t
pockets ns above staled. Two of ths rasculx made!
their o-onpe, but McKeo-vn ws se,cun-d. lie was
committed lor trial by Aideruia.i LuL-,.
FRioiiTi.t L A( ciiuix r. A hey n.imed Michul
Wclh, living at No. ') Hayd'H.k street, fell
from the roof of the liouso v;hroc stories In
beightL on Saturday, whllo endeavoring to
sceur.-bis kite, winch hud he.-nn- ennngled in
the branches or a ii to. I he little fellow's thin a
was fiightiully iractureil. iU was taken to tho
Fmvs. On Saturday evening a t're was dis
covered at the manufactory of Messrs. Whitney
Sons, Sixteenth and Callowliill streets. Hat
little dnmnge was done.
The root of a two-story fran-.d Lcnte, in the
p ar of No. 12 Raker S'rcet, w is destroyed by lire
Kili r.ii. On Saturday altcrnoon at iy nfttned
Thomns Ffber, live years of age, was run overly
a cart ut Shippcu street wharf, und'ly
Nrw Aiiiifi.A.xt r. On Wednesday the West
ern Hose Ccmpany w ill boue a new anibnlnnt'C,
which bus just been built for them.
Fon t ii. An a'tcinpt to blow op'n tiio fire
proof of Mr. J. C. Cress m. No. Cl.'t S. rr.ittt
btrcct, ou Saturday mor-iiug, r-jv ;d un-ti :ccssfal.
Wk have hy l au the largest stock and best
assortment of Clothing in Fhiludelphln, com
prising all desiiuble nvlcs of goods, froia
medium pin olo ouper iue. Fiery one can be
nceun-.te'y lilted nt once from our stock, what
ever be hu size or proportions, in garments equal
n nil respects to nui k m..ilo lo me isuru, al. mm h
iiicr in,;. For ihohc who prefer, we have
aiso it complete a iottinctit of piee goods, which
will be mane up to measure tu a ityln so.ptused
by none. lli murr & Co.,
Tower IT ai.l, No olf) Market street.
Dn. CovvroN, No. lot? Vino street.
Inv.ti.tii Ciiuiis enabli: a persoa t rectine ia
bed In nny podtloti. Bold wh-slosa'e or mtull at
W. Henry Fiuten's, thu ina-infa. turer, No. UuS
Chesuut stieet.
Orri'.ii ur Tim Kvimss r- i rcnvi'ir, I
The 6tock Ma kot is dull this morning, but
prices aro stead) . In R dlroa i shares there Is
very little doing. Kediug sold at Gi'fiS,
which is a decline; and L siig 1-land at 40. 71i
was bid for Fonnsylvania Railroad, 17 fur Lit .le
Schuylkill. 62 for Miuuuili, 21 for N rth reun
sylvauia, .U for l'hll idelphia end K.-io, -tl J for
Catuwlsa preferred, aud 22 1 for CJ iimon. Gov
ernment bunds continue In demand, and priest
have agaiu advsrcetl, with .sales of o20s.a 111
7-30sat loifitliol, tlsof liil a: H)si(Wl0S, aud
There is less activity in Coal Oil sh ires, bnt
prices uro steady, with sales of O. game Od at H ;
Rock Oil at SI; Philadelphia and Oil Crook 21 s
Densmore 12i!(" 124, nud MuCllutock 0i.
Rank shares coiiiinu.i tnni ; 16 .'4 w cs bid for
North America; lDH for l'hi aJelphin; HOJ tor
Farmers' and Mechanics' ; .V5 fur C immcici d;
284 for Meihuuici'; 47 for Giiurd, und 271 for
Manufacturers' and Mechanics'.
City Fas-ens'tr Railroads are juist nt ihoat for
mer rutes; Tenth and Eleventh sold nt ott; 72J
was bid for Second nnd Third -, and o!; for Cues
nut and Walnut.
The Money Market continues easy ; loans are
plenty on cull, at 0 per cunt, per ftniiti u; bust
psper Isseliing at from 7("0 ptr cent
Gold is very dull, and tboreis litile orcoihing
doing in the way of sain opcniug atS is'i 1 foil oir
and sold at '.!' i at 1 1 o'clock, 2 0 j at 12, and 2 j7 a;
half-past 12.
Tbe New Y'ork 'J'rilmu this nor .vug says -.
"The attempt of 11 cbqiio, to utrol
financial opinion iu New York, to (jjisoade Mr.
l'essendcn to give them "a hop" 1.1 tiie lo ni of
cheap six ') rent, h uls bus siguul y .', atid
they have beeu ta ight that beaides "go al moral
character" the .s- eretarv p li.nnei d
wisdom equal to tue position he holds. No long
gnhl-t'caritig bonds are to be sold, .ndlh i Ti :a
sury will depend upon sales of 7"-'l(;s i-.u I taxes
maiidv. This noheuiu to cmbunasj aud 0-tog
the Treasury policy was one ol rie m .-uiicl tver
made upon tbe department, .'.'id -.11' . lie ro
pe iled upon -Mr. Fcwwideu, wiu 1 ul only cotn-jiit-IiciHlid
and l'otle I h."
Hioriad oy claiaisoii . Co.. KrAoi.. .x,i. 1 JS 4. finrd nt,
nitvoitK ifivitois.
in h itir.ii. u. it.... -.s ti.ui-. i;-v i-iAi-. t... i-
lumk ! 1 " . - " "---" ' ; 1
l.'.o.nCiirou "ll V' " l i onn 'lo ... 1;,
IJU-h 1 t'r l'i 01 'ti.i;i. ' . -' 1.. i
-b Lul .-rl oil :.'. Ml ' .'1 I'.s. al . I,
loo all ill li XI '' .
l'i ti ciliiiun Cos:... l'i
1 1 0 Un )'
1MI li iln '2
Jul 111 Al' ' tin "I'.jk ....
.i --i I- . .1. 1' 1 i:rk. '."i
limai i". ua 4 x1
)',.; .ft ci MO i
HltsT IlOl.
timil.llji, hi.... . e..!.;, i'-h t oc k... t-;
l.'.'l U.i I"- 1 .' I '. 1 4 -11. t" U't
flii0TT.H.h-t!IM Ut '' ' ' U,
tun c, s, in !" no ; ..i-'i t Ul4
isni.10 1:0. .1 vre-orir. : S h I -l-lirbtJ v S.. HI
'! I'llJ IX, UllW Ii l'll ml -I. It ni'". 1 HI '-'..I'M
a 1. v .In he, ni sli M'.rrls e'n if . ,14ft
f'ssO remm h0 sli U la-ltat' It. It.. ii7.-4
lilltl Jtiirrls Ull liils.. .11 ; I'.l-ll 'lo U:0US
$HKO mi e-.III .'li.isn .to.... ... ii?.,
Iiki iti II'. 1 'i" si. I.iiiur Islam,.. S'l
7 h K ir Mee Ilk.. Ul1, -.'1 h Mil A III h , Ml
loan Mbiiui A Mcuh. .VSuh M-.'lliituta .... '''.'
ItKishN.Y. M...W JIS fSHIsh do bW 11''
i,.4j h Oiti..e Oil.... -V iAIali Sutile Del... hit
MuLltuvaUil ''
Efuorttd bv Ciaiksuii Co., Broa.-rs, No. Ul . Third ,
r f.rstCatl, a unt L'.ill,
T'nli.s KlunHi. IsSl.lut off.....lih. , lild .. aak-a
ltudlim lt.lln..l "" ; ,':
le ..,.i. V,,I,I l:.u '"'I I '" '"JOS
N Y.rk Ceiiu-al itllruad lsn'-i lild
Krlo l.i.iii.iaa....
llaili-lu UmUoad.
(InKt .............
Ii Mitel
....111 bid 111 aaita
i:l) bd .. ealea
...k'sO't bid .. aalea
J'ud. Heavy.
Quotntious of the principal Coal aud Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ;
2I.J Jut . Hi' Ask.
rniinn Cost I" l"S Pannsylvanlal'st.. ..
RKte hv, ; l'r, OU... :'.
M...Mnl.Cnal..-.'l "'"Ti , ,'i i '
(j lit. (Mai.... i'. b'?::'""?. U i
"'' 1; i( I'niou I'otrtilouiu. . '
''float. I 1', organic Oil l-tq 1','
l . ... 1-4 i raiikliii Oil ?
aol.u.. S .. Ilowea Kdila Oil.. IV l'i
, ti'J fi; Irslnic Oil 1
l i-cdar Haul
I Hilton fual.
Ainbrlciin K"l.
i.un. .ti.,i,
.... a Unit... isiaI...
l,iraeu .,i,....'n.. ... .. - 7. . .i. V of '
Kma illnlai; 13 1j ky.lnu Zlao.... SV. i
1-l.lla. and llualoa. .. ! IHn.iuore Ii'. 1-4
Vi. dan Mlion',' J HalzellOU t J
Vat.iuelU atiuuu. .. 4 Jlallt.ouliv ' . i
(otnutlliut V I lt.a.ruoU
'?!::,ll'.- iii;f....v.:.:: H
lav Cooki. Co. inula Government Bvurltls, 4w.,to
aooato-dai-.sjifouowa!- (,nf
o.a.ti.ifi yn
n ft T K-lu Not ,. UH ' li"
ri?,n.i. . im. t.i.-ii . N. w jitf mi
O'iMJiwuiaaiar a Votteavra ... a U4
wifoM, . v wy
T0i riAvr-4 N. Vo.JO 8. Third strMLqanU m fcl-
lrJ.' 't
Amertcn -,J lVes Mvna. V1 'm, ,
IHt. .1 HutrS lli- cl Met- s JO
Anwlran Silver V and Vs.... IT '' S do '
IMbim aii'l Hair rini 1 -J it, , do itA
eni,h 4,iar'.j- l ei do ., d ,
Pwii (, nC Ciirreney V A's. l b Sis.
K V r t J.nfe.. 1-10 Far. . -o
Moidat, August 22. There Is mncb toactlvltj
in all departments.
Quercitron Earl 1 In demand and held witli
much firmness, at ol f ton.
Seeds.-Tlure u le Cioverseed In tlwj
market, and It ranges from f 14(416 W 64 lb.
Timothy commands f, y bush., aad I'laxsecJ
is held at $3 60.
The Flour Market iunehane4,aod the stoekf
on hand are very light, am) are held with much
firmness. For stvpraent there were but a fowj
hundred bbls. taLca, at tl-50(4l2 for old stock
nnd extra family, and a small lot of extra at fll.
Totbelrado sales are only In a small way, at
89 73 for suporfiae, up to 512 70 for fancy brands.
There is but little Ryo Flour in the inarkot, aud
it is firm at J10 .'A Notking doing In Crn Jleal.
Wheat comes In slowly, and It Is firm st last
quotations. 3o0 bttshelsold Fennsj-vyaaU red.
in si ore, were sold at 2 57 i oOO bushels new.
red at tr'2'00; 12X) bushels new Delaware at
$2-70, at! t. The Miigeofwhlte Is from ff2 SO
to :t. Thi-re is but Fttle Rye In market, and ft
commands 1-85. There is a go d demand for
Corn ut 1-70 for yellow, and 1 OisWl'W foe
mixed Westorn. Ca's are held with more firm
ness, with wiles ot new at 93 c.mts, and old at M
ccntsfo 91. f?alos of MOO bush-.-H Bancy Halt oa
terms not maJe put lie or reported. ......
Whisky Is Urn, and holders dem.vid, an ad-"
van.e. ales of EdtllloJ at l f3l ; FeeusylvanUt
aiidOhioattl-N2,nowholdatSl-85. 1 : vl i-
l'IIII.Alrl.rUIA CATTLE M tltHllT. ,
I Monday, August ii. There is a tiriner feollna; f
Iu the market this week, aud prices of go id cattla '
ro rather better. Extra P.:un-y tv.ittia and'
Western Steers are stlllasj at from IBeSliLle A J
fow choice sold at 17e.; fair to goont IFgjUiJci f
sud eonuuon at 10(f lGc. lb., as to taality
About 100 head heavy Cattlo sold w go la Baltl- J
more, at 71(i'4c. W lb. gross. ? m - .- T
1 The following ore the particulars of the salQs-;
; 120 Money & Smith, Western, lk 16 J..'
i Ro P. Haibawnv, Chester co., li''rlrt. 1 -r- ' 'I
'21 F..fl. McFilien, Western, lti(a 17. ' .-c ,
0 Oust. Shaiuberg, Western, 12'c 15.J.. ' '
20 Owen Smith. Western, lACTli''. f-V -J
32 Thomas Lamb, Ohio, HI, g.o.s--
St) Martin, Fuller Co., Western and Chester '
co 16(al6L , . '.'
61 W. L bmnn & Co., Chester co., 14ifi 1(5.
. 20 Jones Medusa, Western, 12(n;M.
; st a. iveuueiiv. cnesu-r co., uum.
.1t! ll. C. Baldwin, Chotcr eo., HJilC.
22 S. Kirk, Chester oo., lof I'd. ...
I i J. Cochran, Chester co., l t(.7 11.
40 A. Reidenbnugb, Chester co lOelj. :u .
i 18 J. Merrick, Chester co.. 12orli. , .
40 ll ltrui I Chitr ft 1'll.iu: .,fJ ' t
oil Chandler lie Co., Chester co., HCodO.1, ft -"r - J
I ai h. Liarlington, Chester co., 1 lt.' id.
H-gs i-ontiuue scirce and high, aVmt IDOtts
Lead sold at the ddleretit yards ut pti m sauglng
from 411 op to SIO'-OO the 100 loJ., oat, rj to'
quality. ' 1 j ,i .! :i ,
Sheep The receipts continue large, and the)
inatkct is very dull. About 9000 head arrivotls
this week at the Avenue Drove Yard, and sold
nt ironi fifn 7c. M' lb., gross, for common to fair, '
and 74c ' lb. fit good quality. 1 1 ' r ,
Cows are without chancre. About 139 head
arrived nnd sold at from fr.WIO for prlngoT,l
and Jt'lk' up to f CO for cow and calf if head, a .
to i.uality. Ol.tiean cows are selling at from ftl'1
(n lk if' head.
a.i i . '.,. t.. .1
CLBAKK1) T1U9 MUKMTI3. h f tl. ItaT, I'eiuli., rartreaa Moiirha, UodKaf
l ire, kii .
nil.- slKatlan. Had.tnaln. Olaee llav, J ri.tiaikrv Csv
Hdii luirl'vali r, 'rfecci0, Misilne, Wauaaiaacliur A; Alaa
lll'ld. . . . r
B.-hr v. arr. II, M atalis, l ull nivcr,Cutiitr,8tisliuc
A WiHInnen. . ,
Silir .i .;. .In m., Jamcton, Srw Bulfaril, Bl.ikiiloaY
i;rarT. o. . ,
s-i r c"r, Mutijan, Saipm. w ,hle, Calitwull Csa
$ebrit. il. WiiiUlfD, .Suuiiton, t-ruiluaot-c, Uu r
AHItlVKTl TllleJ WCrteTIifla.
I:r v K.-rntd. fvi, J jt :mii htw Vork, svlla aall
to Ki n A iiruthrr.
sera- Hi itM-th, t Inenln. 4 iyn from Providonea,' WIUS
ni i, a i, iioricr B. .
f ctir .1. M. 1 .anama, Caia, 7 do) from Boat oe, wuk lasj
In I'., i
scl.r risinuanoeS, Parrn, 4 lui from hustou, with teel
laC -al S-lni: Ice anil Co: Co.
Mi-i.r .Miiiiiter, VYooitu.J dais from Horn York, la lak
limt to r.ipuln. '
hchr ll. i. wtiltdeu. aimpaoa, 4 dajra from PraviOcocav
In ball ul lo Soele.Cildwill A Co.
1 4 l l.'ryouitn, potts, flannlbals. Flaibeaits, Typical
itu'.u., ii.c.uuinx Kmliiiag ruRioeiKiiuaia, Vortrutta of
(iiiicrulfl Ill ant, Thomas, Kostar, llaacoek, BuHra
Mel hui.un, Vai.ier, w.tb Bla-:k llswk.i Uvaaan, hrowit-, or. tnifi .saanin luuivt, ura.tus I nrnmg, r. aw
tbn-iii-r, lirar,..) I-. Menu. etc., in Kl-I EMUER Sl'M
IIKI' 1'llliKNOl.OUK Al. JOt'UNAL. -i0 oenU by Urat
liiet, or .' ytar. Newsmen huv It. KOWLRH .k WDI.I.S,
Si, .mi IIIO AUWAV, Naw York; J. L. CAC1.JI, No.ttA S.
TIM K strn'i, l-hlladeiphia. au.".' -t
a-3-' ter Hallway Ounpsny. . ' .j
1-ifiiAt'r.irHlA, Aiur'lat W.Tsrti.
Th. third Instalmant t f flva Antlara on aach aliara of tha
e'ock ol tin-I il.ou f aa.aniitr Hailwby lotueany will bai
.'no mid jiavahleat tt.a entca or Uia Oaiupany, its)
W Al M f Kiri'vl, on ttcptr ruber ttA.
lly on'al ol tll Bo .rS 01 ilirectvrs. . 4
a. II. KFMM13, 1
nuvt-l'it' ' Tmaaainr. ,
S5 AbO rilr. AI-MIMISTHVl'IOnli
The Wat clilf4ns of tr.e sariooa wards t thaeiqr oa
fhe iiltJpnia. a-.vuii-ad at auh plw. iu aaid n-iictle
eiul.aird byu a ntl.csr Of eaa ia .K.nal LiU'Ol Ward
A alm, om Toa.tAy Kvanlnf, .,ini..t lit, 1-1. at
b u el. uk, pursuant to thi r-Jic-t uovari.inK iho ts.n-.ional
I uion p ir-y, fcr .ncti ca-es xci.tu ana prorlilad, tu nloot
one JvdKit a.a.l two Inapoetora tor each al"u.iia
d'viiooii of said wan-M, to coneue't tiia priiuarf aleuai
on 'i he. day evening, Ausn.t 2.1, tia-wiM-u ihe hours of.
six umt eight o'. !'.;. Alio, to plane Iu niiuiiiatioa
eiiiieiai'ii tor asiivuts tea Cltr (.'un-a-iion to o.nul
aat. umnliilaiHa tor v;ity aad oounry omoarai aito, deto
i.Mti'ii ui l ,.iivr.sikii:vl e'-mvynt.eii : also, umimi tl .tie
ot cainililiuus tor j. I'fato. to a Minaiortal Couvauliaal
In tUr T'unl Kraa'orlal dl.trli t. and cl-uatos lo I!m)
varli. K.rr.a-ni.iilvrt and W ant Cnnreteiotia lo rneiuV
i a1-1 i ii.ndats r-.r tcnitn-rsof ttie htste Lnal.iaiirii,ijuw
c.'itnji s. and W ar.toniraa. The inenoKs, laot W'.pa. unit
ci nxiitioni. lieiati oirn'i mo .iiall oe 'iria iu cotiliiruilty
wlin tt.p rules rfoinr-iitts ibo Nailena' t'ljliiii party.
li.i cider ol 111 Nat.oca: I niont'it-Ooiauiiiueoi'8niia
JAMEt l nEUBORS, riosldcnt.'
John .1. I si.
I SocraUilo. .
II' SKY 11. llA.IL. '"'.-,
anOI v
tuilto. a; p., ;it"d ny Oia H iiinls I'uud 1'otiv.eiU m
ot tin- se-eral (I it Is Tthe pnrpiMe ol' reL-ruluni; for that
Li i. est of e fl. tent Wards, ta ani-lpation of Us eu. tin
lrn-. oupie..'d l'i- Ihe liitportaui-a ul the aubjcet.a, -u-
11 uil t'i.Jtuw-inUane lo ualto .llh Ihe-m ia aa unorl lo illi
tin- e.t.'H iiiutab. utitaliiliia volrulerrocruaa.
Tn do 'hU 1 1 to..' tut Ou. or aouiiiiber au r.-iii'r.i ttia
mo.t au oet and vitpiroua avertlon. and luo Ciiia"leel
p u'al to ihr puirt-'ll'' Jt'd public -.philfd tu a d iho u bjr
Hu t Inltucnea and bv coutribulinaa ut tho naona-iary
dm an. to !n-luui'-nlii e.ii'i to ino.'c cflcioa by .ita.te
eoiiin.unlties. The C jiiimlttoo bavo apnolnled a iilllelout
ni aanur oi rocriilonltoulenanu in various uuartt-ri ol the
rltt ami all reeruita obliUutd wUI lie dutrtSuted prorata
uii. nt ihr V arils, and. or course, wdl bcueul Beat larKelj
Uioi.1' U.a an. uio.i S' llclont.
llv united and oi.nilunod effort ths committee nape. If
ecu i. uvoidtlmdrari aliogctlier, at least to ceducc it la
inilvniacanl pr,ionioua.
ll. Hl.oia iiuinlM-r rwiulred to free the city from the
drall waa, ea Ilia lit or Auxuit, about aiiia tliouaaod.
1 rout tl.ii,'i.T ir tu be deducted those who have bean
rfcrula d aliicethat date ; and such credit as Ilia eity set
be entail d lo.ln.ui iier.ona eiiliatlua; tu the navy iroia ihe
cliv, aud vlio have uut bevn uieditad to ua: alao, fi-ooa
). ii fen. cell. out In the naxv tro in the ISlulf at larsu, and
uot cr.illitd to any iiartkuUr Uutntt, ot Hblck th oitj
v III have her pinporlli rl. ... .
Kilurts are twins maile to aaoertalD theMeredlts. The
couiDltirealsn eapeot toidnalu raerulu Iroia veteran
re-rnlialluii, now Uie Bouthefil Statea ajow oeouplod b
our loreea. anil from ntlier quartara. 'i aay de But auean it
bup..ib:c, Uivretuie, by proper eurtloaa, tu nil Ihe oite'g
"""Simh-jt Is ncoanan-, and ean only b otitalae-4 by thST
voluntury anbacrlpooDa of cluaena. Sucb aubrcrlpuooa
ll.a be ntnt to tho aiiama.e. iu auy mfuioer. ol'the ooui
mitU'o, a-, below sivi-ii, or to the headitaurtors of the coal
luilliU, . It:' S. 1- Ol'KTH Sin at.
No. 2oI (ii(ni;u Alter.
H o. (f-Si ( H f. H VVT Strttt.
A. 11. KUAMI IHUtta.
Mn. M3 lil A Uk KT SUraet.
JOSUl'A Hl-KltiXd,
No. ls 8. KOt'Ktll aAraeC
Wal. M. 11ILKK,
No. Itsa.HFTII StMee,
s'.2-U Mo.liiya.ailxiiiattjMt.
OUIcIhI llrawtUKaor Uie kUelUr etl
Lutiairot at'-udtcay.
41, 10, 22, 8, 1, 4'J, t2. 18, 4d, 67, ST, 67, b(J, 23.
k xiaa Cuiaa BW Anut Tl. irtjt.
83, 7, 12, 20, .So, (Id, 47, 1, 4S, 65. 24, 30, 21, '
CuxeJar.MAdbya4dfe.aM.Sj h r -
.. , -fi r. :C r. : . 4ymt't